Programs & Examples On #Simpleadapter

SimpleAdapter is a basic Android adapter which can be used to map static data to views in a xml layout.

Show ProgressDialog Android

Declare your progress dialog:

ProgressDialog progress;

When you're ready to start the progress dialog:

progress =, "dialog title",
    "dialog message", true);

and to make it go away when you're done:


Here's a little thread example for you:

// Note: declare ProgressDialog progress as a field in your class.

progress =, "dialog title",
  "dialog message", true);

new Thread(new Runnable() {
  public void run()
    // do the thing that takes a long time

    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
      public void run()

Android app unable to start activity componentinfo

Your null pointer exception seems to be on this line:

String url = intent.getExtras().getString("userurl");

because intent.getExtras() returns null when the intent doesn't have any extras.

You have to realize that this piece of code:

Intent Main = new Intent(this, ToClass.class);
Main.putExtra("userurl", url);

doesn't start the activity you wrote in, it will attempt to start an activity called ToClass and if that doesn't exist, your app crashes.

Also, there is no such thing as "android.intent.action.start" so the manifest should look more like:

<activity android:name=".start" android:label="@string/app_name">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<activity android:name= ".Main">

I hope this fixes some of the issues you are encountering but I strongly suggest you check out some "getting started" tutorials for android development and build up from there.

How to dynamically remove items from ListView on a button click?

This worked for me. Hope it helps someone. :)

SimpleAdapter adapter = (SimpleAdapter) getListAdapter();

update listview dynamically with adapter

If you create your own adapter, there is one notable abstract function:

public void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) {

You can use the given observers to notify the system to update:

private ArrayList<DataSetObserver> observers = new ArrayList<DataSetObserver>();

public void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) {
public void notifyDataSetChanged(){
    for (DataSetObserver observer: observers) {

Though aren't you glad there are things like the SimpleAdapter and ArrayAdapter and you don't have to do all that?

Is there a 'foreach' function in Python 3?

If you're just looking for a more concise syntax you can put the for loop on one line:

array = ['a', 'b']
for value in array: print(value)

Just separate additional statements with a semicolon.

array = ['a', 'b']
for value in array: print(value); print('hello')

This may not conform to your local style guide, but it could make sense to do it like this when you're playing around in the console.

Split comma separated column data into additional columns

If the number of fields in the CSV is constant then you could do something like this:

select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]
from (
    select regexp_split_to_array('a,b,c,d', ',')
) as dt(a)

For example:

=> select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4] from (select regexp_split_to_array('a,b,c,d', ',')) as dt(a);
 a | a | a | a 
 a | b | c | d
(1 row)

If the number of fields in the CSV is not constant then you could get the maximum number of fields with something like this:

select max(array_length(regexp_split_to_array(csv, ','), 1))
from your_table

and then build the appropriate a[1], a[2], ..., a[M] column list for your query. So if the above gave you a max of 6, you'd use this:

select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]
from (
    select regexp_split_to_array(csv, ',')
    from your_table
) as dt(a)

You could combine those two queries into a function if you wanted.

For example, give this data (that's a NULL in the last row):

=> select * from csvs;

(4 rows)

=> select max(array_length(regexp_split_to_array(csv, ','), 1)) from csvs;
(1 row)

=> select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6] from (select regexp_split_to_array(csv, ',') from csvs) as dt(a);
 a | a | a | a | a | a 
 1 | 2 | 3 |   |   | 
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |   | 
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
   |   |   |   |   | 
(4 rows)

Since your delimiter is a simple fixed string, you could also use string_to_array instead of regexp_split_to_array:

select ...
from (
    select string_to_array(csv, ',')
    from csvs
) as dt(a);

Thanks to Michael for the reminder about this function.

You really should redesign your database schema to avoid the CSV column if at all possible. You should be using an array column or a separate table instead.

How to change FontSize By JavaScript?

<span id="span">HOI</span>
   var span = document.getElementById("span");
   console.log(span); = "25px";
   span.innerHTML = "String";

You have two errors in your code:

  1. document.getElementById - This retrieves the element with an Id that is "span", you did not specify an id on the span-element.

  2. Capitals in Javascript - Also you forgot the capital of Size.

Converting Stream to String and back...what are we missing?

I want to serialize objects to strings, and back.

Different from the other answers, but the most straightforward way to do exactly that for most object types is XmlSerializer:

        Subject subject = new Subject();
        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Subject));
        using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream())
            serializer.Serialize(stream, subject);
            // do something with stream
            Subject subject2 = (Subject)serializer.Deserialize(stream);
            // do something with subject2

All your public properties of supported types will be serialized. Even some collection structures are supported, and will tunnel down to sub-object properties. You can control how the serialization works with attributes on your properties.

This does not work with all object types, some data types are not supported for serialization, but overall it is pretty powerful, and you don't have to worry about encoding.

How to load specific image from assets with Swift

You cannot load images directly with @2x or @3x, system selects appropriate image automatically, just specify the name using UIImage:

UIImage(named: "green-square-Retina")

TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

Clearly you're passing in d.keys() to your shuffle function. Probably this was written with python2.x (when d.keys() returned a list). With python3.x, d.keys() returns a dict_keys object which behaves a lot more like a set than a list. As such, it can't be indexed.

The solution is to pass list(d.keys()) (or simply list(d)) to shuffle.

What is the difference between Nexus and Maven?

Whatever I understood from my learning and what I think it is is here. I am Quoting some part from a book i learnt this things. Nexus Repository Manager and Nexus Repository Manager OSS started as a repository manager supporting the Maven repository format. While it supports many other repository formats now, the Maven repository format is still the most common and well supported format for build and provisioning tools running on the JVM and beyond. This chapter shows example configurations for using the repository manager with Apache Maven and a number of other tools. The setups take advantage of merging many repositories and exposing them via a repository group. Setting this up is documented in the chapter in addition to the configuration used by specific tools.


How to perform a fade animation on Activity transition?

you can also add animation in your activity, in onCreate method like below becasue overridePendingTransition is not working with some mobile, or it depends on device settings...

View view = findViewById(;
Animation mLoadAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getApplicationContext(), android.R.anim.fade_in);

SQL Server date format yyyymmdd

DECLARE @v DATE= '3/15/2013'


you can convert any date format or date time format to YYYYMMDD with no delimiters

Oracle row count of table by count(*) vs NUM_ROWS from DBA_TABLES

According to the documentation NUM_ROWS is the "Number of rows in the table", so I can see how this might be confusing. There, however, is a major difference between these two methods.

This query selects the number of rows in MY_TABLE from a system view. This is data that Oracle has previously collected and stored.

select num_rows from all_tables where table_name = 'MY_TABLE'

This query counts the current number of rows in MY_TABLE

select count(*) from my_table

By definition they are difference pieces of data. There are two additional pieces of information you need about NUM_ROWS.

  1. In the documentation there's an asterisk by the column name, which leads to this note:

    Columns marked with an asterisk (*) are populated only if you collect statistics on the table with the ANALYZE statement or the DBMS_STATS package.

    This means that unless you have gathered statistics on the table then this column will not have any data.

  2. Statistics gathered in 11g+ with the default estimate_percent, or with a 100% estimate, will return an accurate number for that point in time. But statistics gathered before 11g, or with a custom estimate_percent less than 100%, uses dynamic sampling and may be incorrect. If you gather 99.999% a single row may be missed, which in turn means that the answer you get is incorrect.

If your table is never updated then it is certainly possible to use ALL_TABLES.NUM_ROWS to find out the number of rows in a table. However, and it's a big however, if any process inserts or deletes rows from your table it will be at best a good approximation and depending on whether your database gathers statistics automatically could be horribly wrong.

Generally speaking, it is always better to actually count the number of rows in the table rather then relying on the system tables.

How to give a pandas/matplotlib bar graph custom colors

I found the easiest way is to use the colormap parameter in .plot() with one of the preset color gradients:

df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, colormap='Paired')

enter image description here

You can find a large list of preset colormaps here.


Does 'position: absolute' conflict with Flexbox?

In my case, the issue was that I had another element in the center of the div with a conflicting z-index.

.wrapper {_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  width: 320px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  border: 1px dashed gray;_x000D_
  height: 40px_x000D_
.parent {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: center;_x000D_
  top: 20px;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  /* This z-index override is needed to display on top of the other_x000D_
     div. Or, just swap the order of the HTML tags. */_x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
.child {_x000D_
  background: green;_x000D_
.conflicting {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  left: 120px;_x000D_
  height: 40px;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="parent">_x000D_
    <div class="child">_x000D_
  <div class="conflicting">_x000D_

How can I copy columns from one sheet to another with VBA in Excel?

If you have merged cells,

Sub OneCell()
    Sheets("Sheet2").range("B1:B3").value = Sheets("Sheet1").range("A1:A3").value
End Sub

that doesn't copy cells as they are, where previous code does copy exactly as they look like (merged).

How do I hide an element when printing a web page?

The best thing to do is to create a "print-only" version of the page.

Oh, wait... this isn't 1999 anymore. Use a print CSS with "display: none".

Drop columns whose name contains a specific string from pandas DataFrame

Question states 'I want to drop all the columns whose name contains the word "Test".'

test_columns = [col for col in df if 'Test' in col]
df.drop(columns=test_columns, inplace=True)

How to make a view with rounded corners?

You can use an androidx.cardview.widget.CardView like so:






<shape xmlns:android=""

    <solid android:color="#f6eef1" />

        android:color="#000000" />

        android:top="5dp" />

    <corners android:radius="5dp" />


and inside you layout




Best way to encode Degree Celsius symbol into web page?

Using sup on the letter "o" and a capital "C"


Should work in all browsers and IE6+

Redirect all output to file in Bash


foo >> output.txt 2>&1

appends to the output.txt file, without replacing the content.

String MinLength and MaxLength validation don't work ( mvc)

They do now, with latest version of MVC (and jquery validate packages). mvc51-release-notes#Unobtrusive

Thanks to this answer for pointing it out!


You cannot include non-aggregated columns in your result set which are not grouped. If a train has only one destination, then just add the destination column to your group by clause, otherwise you need to rethink your query.


SELECT t.Train, t.Dest, r.MaxTime
      SELECT Train, MAX(Time) as MaxTime
      FROM TrainTable
      GROUP BY Train
) r
INNER JOIN TrainTable t
ON t.Train = r.Train AND t.Time = r.MaxTime

Validating email addresses using jQuery and regex

This is my solution:

function isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress) {
    var pattern = new RegExp(/^[+a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/i);
    // alert( pattern.test(emailAddress) );
    return pattern.test(emailAddress);

Found that RegExp over here:

PostgreSQL: How to make "case-insensitive" query

You can use ILIKE. i.e.

SELECT id FROM groups where name ILIKE 'administrator'

How to display a Yes/No dialog box on Android?

Asking a Person whether he wants to call or not Dialog..

import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class Firstclass extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {    

        ImageView imageViewCall = (ImageView) findViewById(;

        imageViewCall.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v){
                } catch (Exception e){

    public void showDialog(final String phone) throws Exception {
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Firstclass.this);

        builder.setMessage("Ring: " + phone);       

        builder.setPositiveButton("Ring", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which){

                Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);// (Intent.ACTION_CALL);                 
                callIntent.setData(Uri.parse("tel:" + phone));


        builder.setNegativeButton("Abort", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){   
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which){
        });        ;

Docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock

I`m using the official jenkins docker image ( but I think this solution is applicable to most use cases where we want to run Docker inside a Docker container.

The recommended way for using Docker inside a Docker container, is to use the Docker deamon of the host system. Good article regarding that:

The secret to handle the permission issue, which this question is about, is to add permissions for the user of the container inside the container, not the host system. Only root user has permissions to do that by default, so

docker exec -it -u root <container-name> bash
usermod -a -G docker <username>

will do it. Remember to restart the container.

I guess the simpliest way to achive this is to create a customised Dockerfile:

# Official jenkins image
FROM jenkins/jenkins:lts
# Swith to root to be able to install Docker and modify permissions
USER root
RUN apt-get update
# Install docker
RUN curl -sSL | sh
# Add jenkins user to docker group
RUN usermod -a -G docker jenkins
# Switch back to default user
USER jenkins

# Bild the image:
# sudo docker build -t yourusername/imagename .
# Run the image and mount with the followin bind mount option:
# sudo docker run --name imagename -d -p8080:8080 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock yourusername/imagename

How to amend older Git commit?

You could can use git rebase to rewrite the commit history. This can be potentially destructive to your changes, so use with care.

First commit your "amend" change as a normal commit. Then do an interactive rebase starting on the parent of your oldest commit

git rebase -i 47175e84c2cb7e47520f7dde824718eae3624550^

This will fire up your editor with all commits. Reorder them so your "amend" commit comes below the one you want to amend. Then replace the first word on the line with the "amend" commit with s which will combine (s quash) it with the commit before. Save and exit your editor and follow the instructions.

How to shrink/purge ibdata1 file in MySQL

Adding to John P's answer,

For a linux system, steps 1-6 can be accomplished with these commands:

  1. mysqldump -u [username] -p[root_password] [database_name] > dumpfilename.sql
  2. mysqladmin -u [username] -p[root_password] drop [database_name]
  3. sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
  4. sudo rm /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
    sudo rm /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*
  5. sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start
  6. mysqladmin -u [username] -p[root_password] create [database_name]
  7. mysql -u [username] -p[root_password] [database_name] < dumpfilename.sql

Warning: these instructions will cause you to lose other databases if you have other databases on this mysql instance. Make sure that steps 1,2 and 6,7 are modified to cover all databases you wish to keep.

What is difference between arm64 and armhf?

armhf stands for "arm hard float", and is the name given to a debian port for arm processors (armv7+) that have hardware floating point support.

On the beaglebone black, for example:

:~$ dpkg --print-architecture

Although other commands (such as uname -a or arch) will just show armv7l

:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 
processor       : 0
model name      : ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)
BogoMIPS        : 995.32
Features        : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 tls

The vfpv3 listed under Features is what refers to the floating point support.

Incidentally, armhf, if your processor supports it, basically supersedes Raspbian, which if I understand correctly was mainly a rebuild of armhf with work arounds to deal with the lack of floating point support on the original raspberry pi's. Nowdays, of course, there's a whole ecosystem build up around Raspbian, so they're probably not going to abandon it. However, this is partly why the beaglebone runs straight debian, and that's ok even if you're used to Raspbian, unless you want some of the special included non-free software such as Mathematica.

How to avoid "ConcurrentModificationException" while removing elements from `ArrayList` while iterating it?

You can use the iterator remove() function to remove the object from underlying collection object. But in this case you can remove the same object and not any other object from the list.

from here

How to select date without time in SQL

You can try this one too.


Java logical operator short-circuiting

In plain terms, short-circuiting means stopping evaluation once you know that the answer can no longer change. For example, if you are evaluating a chain of logical ANDs and you discover a FALSE in the middle of that chain, you know the result is going to be false, no matter what are the values of the rest of the expressions in the chain. Same goes for a chain of ORs: once you discover a TRUE, you know the answer right away, and so you can skip evaluating the rest of the expressions.

You indicate to Java that you want short-circuiting by using && instead of & and || instead of |. The first set in your post is short-circuiting.

Note that this is more than an attempt at saving a few CPU cycles: in expressions like this

if (mystring != null && mystring.indexOf('+') > 0) {

short-circuiting means a difference between correct operation and a crash (in the case where mystring is null).

byte array to pdf

Usually this happens if something is wrong with the byte array.

File.WriteAllBytes("filename.PDF", Byte[]);

This creates a new file, writes the specified byte array to the file, and then closes the file. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.

Asynchronous implementation of this is also available.

public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteAllBytesAsync 
(string path, byte[] bytes, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = null);

Quicksort: Choosing the pivot

Quick sort's complexity varies greatly with the selection of pivot value. for example if you always choose first element as an pivot, algorithm's complexity becomes as worst as O(n^2). here is an smart method to choose pivot element- 1. choose the first, mid, last element of the array. 2. compare these three numbers and find the number which is greater than one and smaller than other i.e. median. 3. make this element as pivot element.

choosing the pivot by this method splits the array in nearly two half and hence the complexity reduces to O(nlog(n)).

Enter key in textarea

My scenario is when the user strikes the enter key while typing in textarea i have to include a line break.I achieved this using the below code......Hope it may helps somebody......

function CheckLength()
    var keyCode = event.keyCode
    if (keyCode == 13)
        document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_id_txt_Suggestions').value = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_id_txt_Suggestions').value + "\n<br>";

How to loop through a directory recursively to delete files with certain extensions

For bash (since version 4.0):

shopt -s globstar nullglob dotglob
echo **/*".ext"

That's all.
The trailing extension ".ext" there to select files (or dirs) with that extension.

Option globstar activates the ** (search recursivelly).
Option nullglob removes an * when it matches no file/dir.
Option dotglob includes files that start wit a dot (hidden files).

Beware that before bash 4.3, **/ also traverses symbolic links to directories which is not desirable.

C multi-line macro: do/while(0) vs scope block

Andrey Tarasevich provides the following explanation:

  1. On Google Groups
  2. On

[Minor changes to formatting made. Parenthetical annotations added in square brackets []].

The whole idea of using 'do/while' version is to make a macro which will expand into a regular statement, not into a compound statement. This is done in order to make the use of function-style macros uniform with the use of ordinary functions in all contexts.

Consider the following code sketch:

if (<condition>)

where foo and bar are ordinary functions. Now imagine that you'd like to replace function foo with a macro of the above nature [named CALL_FUNCS]:

if (<condition>)

Now, if your macro is defined in accordance with the second approach (just { and }) the code will no longer compile, because the 'true' branch of if is now represented by a compound statement. And when you put a ; after this compound statement, you finished the whole if statement, thus orphaning the else branch (hence the compilation error).

One way to correct this problem is to remember not to put ; after macro "invocations":

if (<condition>)

This will compile and work as expected, but this is not uniform. The more elegant solution is to make sure that macro expand into a regular statement, not into a compound one. One way to achieve that is to define the macro as follows:

#define CALL_FUNCS(x) \
do { \
  func1(x); \
  func2(x); \
  func3(x); \
} while (0)

Now this code:

if (<condition>)

will compile without any problems.

However, note the small but important difference between my definition of CALL_FUNCS and the first version in your message. I didn't put a ; after } while (0). Putting a ; at the end of that definition would immediately defeat the entire point of using 'do/while' and make that macro pretty much equivalent to the compound-statement version.

I don't know why the author of the code you quoted in your original message put this ; after while (0). In this form both variants are equivalent. The whole idea behind using 'do/while' version is not to include this final ; into the macro (for the reasons that I explained above).

LINQ to SQL - Left Outer Join with multiple join conditions

It seems to me there is value in considering some rewrites to your SQL code before attempting to translate it.

Personally, I'd write such a query as a union (although I'd avoid nulls entirely!):

SELECT f.value
  FROM period as p JOIN facts AS f ON = f.periodid
WHERE p.companyid = 100
      AND f.otherid = 17
  FROM period as p
WHERE p.companyid = 100
                      SELECT * 
                        FROM facts AS f
                       WHERE = f.periodid
                             AND f.otherid = 17

So I guess I agree with the spirit of @MAbraham1's answer (though their code seems to be unrelated to the question).

However, it seems the query is expressly designed to produce a single column result comprising duplicate rows -- indeed duplicate nulls! It's hard not to come to the conclusion that this approach is flawed.

Semi-transparent color layer over background-image?

Try this. Works for me.

.background {
    background-image: url(images/images.jpg);
    display: block;
    position: relative;

.background::after {
    content: "";
    background: rgba(45, 88, 35, 0.7);
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    z-index: 1;

.background > * {
    z-index: 10;

Indent List in HTML and CSS

li {
  padding-left: 30px;
<p>Some text to show left edge of container.<p>
  <li>List item</li>
_x000D_ The above will add 30px of space between the bullet or number and your text.

li {
  margin-left: 30px;
<p>Some text to show left edge of container.<p>
  <li>List item</li>
_x000D_ The above will add 30px of space between the bullet or number and the left edge of the container.

How to set default values in Go structs

One problem with option 1 in answer from Victor Zamanian is that if the type isn't exported then users of your package can't declare it as the type for function parameters etc. One way around this would be to export an interface instead of the struct e.g.

package candidate
// Exporting interface instead of struct
type Candidate interface {}
// Struct is not exported
type candidate struct {
    Name string
    Votes uint32 // Defaults to 0
// We are forced to call the constructor to get an instance of candidate
func New(name string) Candidate {
    return candidate{name, 0}  // enforce the default value here

Which lets us declare function parameter types using the exported Candidate interface. The only disadvantage I can see from this solution is that all our methods need to be declared in the interface definition, but you could argue that that is good practice anyway.

finding the type of an element using jQuery

You can use .prop() with tagName as the name of the property that you want to get:


Regex - Does not contain certain Characters

Here you go:


This will test for string that has no < and no >

If you want to test for a string that may have < and >, but must also have something other you should use just

[^<>] (or ^.*[^<>].*$)

Where [<>] means any of < or > and [^<>] means any that is not of < or >.

And of course the mandatory link.

Find out if string ends with another string in C++

In my opinion simplest, C++ solution is:

bool endsWith(const string& s, const string& suffix)
    return s.rfind(suffix) == std::abs(s.size()-suffix.size());

Warning: If the match fails, this will search the entire string backwards before giving up, and thus potentially waste a lot of cycles.

Oracle SQL - DATE greater than statement

You need to convert the string to date using the to_date() function

SELECT * FROM OrderArchive
WHERE OrderDate <= to_date('31-Dec-2014','DD-MON-YYYY');


SELECT * FROM OrderArchive
WHERE OrderDate <= to_date('31 Dec 2014','DD MON YYYY');


SELECT * FROM OrderArchive
WHERE OrderDate <= to_date('2014-12-31','yyyy-MM-dd');

This will work only if OrderDate is stored in Date format. If it is Varchar you should apply to_date() func on that column also like

 SELECT * FROM OrderArchive
    WHERE to_date(OrderDate,'yyyy-Mm-dd') <= to_date('2014-12-31','yyyy-MM-dd');

Remove ALL white spaces from text

Now you can use "replaceAll":

console.log(' a b    c d e   f g   '.replaceAll(' ',''));

will print:


But not working in every possible browser:

Span inside anchor or anchor inside span or doesn't matter?

It depends on what the span is for. If it refers to the text of the link, and not the fact that it is a link, choose #1. If the span refers to the link as a whole, then choose #2. Unless you explain what the span represents, there's not much more of an answer than that. They're both inline elements, can be syntactically nested in any order.

Spring Boot and how to configure connection details to MongoDB?

Just to quote Boot Docs:

You can set property to change the url, or alternatively specify a host/port. For example, you might declare the following in your

All available options for prefix are fields of MongoProperties:

private String host;

private int port = DBPort.PORT;

private String uri = "mongodb://localhost/test";

private String database;

private String gridFsDatabase;

private String username;

private char[] password;

Executors.newCachedThreadPool() versus Executors.newFixedThreadPool()

Just to complete the other answers, I would like to quote Effective Java, 2nd Edition, by Joshua Bloch, chapter 10, Item 68 :

"Choosing the executor service for a particular application can be tricky. If you’re writing a small program, or a lightly loaded server, using CachedThreadPool is generally a good choice, as it demands no configuration and generally “does the right thing.” But a cached thread pool is not a good choice for a heavily loaded production server!

In a cached thread pool, submitted tasks are not queued but immediately handed off to a thread for execution. If no threads are available, a new one is created. If a server is so heavily loaded that all of its CPUs are fully utilized, and more tasks arrive, more threads will be created, which will only make matters worse.

Therefore, in a heavily loaded production server, you are much better off using Executors.newFixedThreadPool, which gives you a pool with a fixed number of threads, or using the ThreadPoolExecutor class directly, for maximum control."

Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object getactivity()

Caused by: com.resources.student_list.DSLL$DNode

Your DSLL class appears to have a DNode static inner class, and DNode is not Serializable.

Getting Spring Application Context

Note that by storing any state from the current ApplicationContext, or the ApplicationContext itself in a static variable - for example using the singleton pattern - you will make your tests unstable and unpredictable if you're using Spring-test. This is because Spring-test caches and reuses application contexts in the same JVM. For example:

  1. Test A run and it is annotated with @ContextConfiguration({"classpath:foo.xml"}).
  2. Test B run and it is annotated with @ContextConfiguration({"classpath:foo.xml", "classpath:bar.xml})
  3. Test C run and it is annotated with @ContextConfiguration({"classpath:foo.xml"})

When Test A runs, an ApplicationContext is created, and any beans implemeting ApplicationContextAware or autowiring ApplicationContext might write to the static variable.

When Test B runs the same thing happens, and the static variable now points to Test B's ApplicationContext

When Test C runs, no beans are created as the TestContext (and herein the ApplicationContext) from Test A is resused. Now you got a static variable pointing to another ApplicationContext than the one currently holding the beans for your test.

is it possible to get the MAC address for machine using nmap

Just the standard scan will return the MAC.

nmap -sS target

How do I find which program is using port 80 in Windows?

Right click on "Command prompt" or "PowerShell", in menu click "Run as Administrator" (on Windows XP you can just run it as usual).

As Rick Vanover mentions in See what process is using a TCP port in Windows Server 2008

The following command will show what network traffic is in use at the port level:

Netstat -a -n -o


Netstat -a -n -o >%USERPROFILE%\ports.txt

(to open the port and process list in a text editor, where you can search for information you want)


with the PIDs listed in the netstat output, you can follow up with the Windows Task Manager (taskmgr.exe) or run a script with a specific PID that is using a port from the previous step. You can then use the "tasklist" command with the specific PID that corresponds to a port in question.


tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq 1348"

How to create a dotted <hr/> tag?

You can do:

<hr style="border-bottom: dotted 1px #000" />

How do I send email with JavaScript without opening the mail client?

There needs to be some type of backend framework to send the email. This can be done via PHP/ASP.NET, or with the local mail client. If you want the user to see nothing, the best way is to tap into those by an AJAX call to a separate send_email file.

Is there a way to take the first 1000 rows of a Spark Dataframe?

The method you are looking for is .limit.

Returns a new Dataset by taking the first n rows. The difference between this function and head is that head returns an array while limit returns a new Dataset.

Example usage:


Move to another EditText when Soft Keyboard Next is clicked on Android

If you want to use a multiline EditText with imeOptions, try:


Remove directory from remote repository after adding them to .gitignore

As per my Answer here: How to remove a directory from git repository?

To remove folder/directory only from git repository and not from the local try 3 simple steps.

Steps to remove directory

git rm -r --cached FolderName
git commit -m "Removed folder from repository"
git push origin master

Steps to ignore that folder in next commits

To ignore that folder from next commits make one file in root named .gitignore and put that folders name into it. You can put as many as you want

.gitignore file will be look like this


remove directory

How can I solve ORA-00911: invalid character error?

I encountered the same thing lately. it was just due to spaces when copying a script from a document to sql developer. I had to remove the spaces and the script ran.

transparent navigation bar ios

Set the background property of your navigationBar, e.g.

navigationController?.navigationBar.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 0.5)

(You may have to change that a bit if you don't have a navigation controller, but that should give you an idea of what to do.)

Also make sure that the view below actually extends under the bar.

$_POST Array from html form

<input name='id[]' type='checkbox' value='".$shopnumb."\'>
<input name='id[]' type='checkbox' value='".$shopnumb."\'>
<input name='id[]' type='checkbox' value='".$shopnumb."\'>

$id = implode(',',$_POST['id']);
echo $id

you cannot echo an array because it will just print out Array. If you wanna print out an array use print_r.


Changing the width of Bootstrap popover

With the help of what @EML has described above regarding popover on modal windows and also the code shown by @2called-chaos, this is how I solved the problem.

I have a icon on the modal which when clicked should the popup


<i title="" class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" rel="popover" data-title="Several Lines" data-content="A - First line<br />B - Second line - Long line <br />C - Third Line - Long Long Long Line"></i>

My Script

        placement: 'bottom',
        html: 'true',
        container: '#name-of-modal-window .modal-body'
    }).on("", function () { $(this).data("bs.popover").tip().css("max-width", "600px"); });

Can two Java methods have same name with different return types?

Even if it is an old thread, maybe some is interested.

If it is an option to you to use the same method inside the same class and archive different return types, use generics: Oracle Lesson Generics

Simple example for generic value holder class:

class GenericValue<T> {
  private T myValue;

  public GenericValue(T myValue) { this.myValue = myValue; }

  public T getVal() { return myValue; }

And use it like this:

public class ExampleGenericValue {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GenericValue<Integer> intVal = new GenericValue<Integer>(10);
    GenericValue<String> strVal = new GenericValue<String>("go on ...");

    System.out.format("I: %d\nS: %s\n", intVal.getVal(), strVal.getVal());

... will result in the following output:

I: 10
S: go on ...

Java - No enclosing instance of type Foo is accessible

Well... so many good answers but i wanna to add more on it. A brief look on Inner class in Java- Java allows us to define a class within another class and Being able to nest classes in this way has certain advantages:

  1. It can hide(It increases encapsulation) the class from other classes - especially relevant if the class is only being used by the class it is contained within. In this case there is no need for the outside world to know about it.

  2. It can make code more maintainable as the classes are logically grouped together around where they are needed.

  3. The inner class has access to the instance variables and methods of its containing class.

We have mainly three types of Inner Classes

  1. Local inner
  2. Static Inner Class
  3. Anonymous Inner Class

Some of the important points to be remember

  • We need class object to access the Local Inner Class in which it exist.
  • Static Inner Class get directly accessed same as like any other static method of the same class in which it is exists.
  • Anonymous Inner Class are not visible to out side world as well as to the other methods or classes of the same class(in which it is exist) and it is used on the point where it is declared.

Let`s try to see the above concepts practically_

public class MyInnerClass {

public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException {
    // direct access to inner class method
    new MyInnerClass.StaticInnerClass().staticInnerClassMethod();

    // static inner class reference object
    StaticInnerClass staticInnerclass = new StaticInnerClass();

    // access local inner class
    LocalInnerClass localInnerClass = new MyInnerClass().new LocalInnerClass();

     * Pay attention to the opening curly braces and the fact that there's a
     * semicolon at the very end, once the anonymous class is created:
     AnonymousClass anonymousClass = new AnonymousClass() {
         // your code goes here...


// static inner class
static class StaticInnerClass {
    public void staticInnerClassMethod() {
        System.out.println("Hay... from Static Inner class!");

// local inner class
class LocalInnerClass {
    public void localInnerClassMethod() {
        System.out.println("Hay... from local Inner class!");


I hope this will helps to everyone. Please refer for more

commons httpclient - Adding query string parameters to GET/POST request

I am using httpclient 4.4.

For solr query I used the following way and it worked.

NameValuePair nv2 = new BasicNameValuePair("fq","(active:true) AND (category:Fruit OR category1:Vegetable)");
NameValuePair nv3 = new BasicNameValuePair("wt","json");
NameValuePair nv4 = new BasicNameValuePair("start","0");
NameValuePair nv5 = new BasicNameValuePair("rows","10");

HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url);
URI uri = new URIBuilder(request.getURI()).addParameters(nvPairList).build();

HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);    
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) {


BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                             new InputStreamReader((response.getEntity().getContent())));

String output;
System.out.println("Output  .... ");
String respStr = "";
while ((output = br.readLine()) != null) {
    respStr = respStr + output;

How do you launch the JavaScript debugger in Google Chrome?

Windows and Linux:

Ctrl + Shift + I keys to open Developer Tools

Ctrl + Shift + J to open Developer Tools and bring focus to the Console.

Ctrl + Shift + C to toggle Inspect Element mode.


? + ? + I keys to open Developer Tools

? + ? + J to open Developer Tools and bring focus to the Console.

? + ? + C to toggle Inspect Element mode.


Other shortcuts

How to get just the parent directory name of a specific file

Use below,

File file = new File("file/path");
String parentPath = file.getAbsoluteFile().getParent();

How to evaluate http response codes from bash/shell script?

To add to @DennisWilliamson comment above:

@VaibhavBajpai: Try this: response=$(curl --write-out \n%{http_code} --silent --output - servername) - the last line in the result will be the response code

You can then parse the response code from the response using something like the following, where X can signify a regex to mark the end of the response (using a json example here)

code=$(echo ${response##$X})

See Substring Removal:

How do I prevent Conda from activating the base environment by default?

If you want to keep your bashrc simple, you can remove all the conda init generated clutter, and keep only a single line:

. "/Users/geoff/anaconda2/etc/profile.d/"

See Recommended change to enable conda in your shell.

This will make the conda command available without activating the base environment.

If you want to use your bashrc on other systems where conda is not installed in the same path, you can keep the if/fi lines as well to avoid error messages, i.e.:

if [ -f "/Users/geoff/anaconda2/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
    . "/Users/geoff/anaconda2/etc/profile.d/"

Javascript window.print() in chrome, closing new window or tab instead of cancelling print leaves javascript blocked in parent window

i've mandained some similar page (classic asp...)

my approach was to use Q promise directly on the popup.

For example my problem was that the popup i wanted to print close itself too fast ... and the print previw was empty, i solved this way :

Caller :

var popup ="index.asp","popupwindow","width=800,height=500,left=200,top=5,scrollbars,toolbar=0,resizable");

Popup (at the end of the page):

<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/q.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    Q(window.print()).then(function () {window.close();});

I think that your "parent lock" could be solved in a similar way

i would try :

var w = whatever;
  // fill your popup
).then(function () {
}).then(function () {

that makes "the print" and "the close" async... so the parent will be immediately "unlocked"

Possible to restore a backup of SQL Server 2014 on SQL Server 2012?

Sure it's possible... use Export Wizard in source option use SQL SERVER NATIVE CLIENT 11, later your source server ex.\SQLEXPRESS next step select your new destination server ex.\SQL2014

Just be sure to be using correct instance and connect each other

Just pay attention in Stored procs must be recompiled

Select rows where column is null

I'm not sure if this answers your question, but using the IS NULL construct, you can test whether any given scalar expression is NULL:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE first_name IS NULL

On MS SQL Server, the ISNULL() function returns the first argument if it's not NULL, otherwise it returns the second. You can effectively use this to make sure a query always yields a value instead of NULL, e.g.:

SELECT ISNULL(column1, 'No value found') FROM mytable WHERE column2 = 23

Other DBMSes have similar functionality available.

If you want to know whether a column can be null (i.e., is defined to be nullable), without querying for actual data, you should look into information_schema.

Push Notifications in Android Platform

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the new version of GCM. FCM is a cross-platform messaging solution that allows you to send messages securely and for free. Inherits GCM's central infrastructure to deliver messages reliably on Android, iOS, Web (javascript), Unity and C ++.

As of April 10, 2018, Google has disapproved of GCM. The GCM server and client APIs are deprecated and will be removed on April 11, 2019. Google recommends migrating GCM applications to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), which inherits the reliable and scalable GCM infrastructure.


Where can I download the jar for org.apache.http package?

Download servlet-api.jar That has all the files below:



'ls' in CMD on Windows is not recognized

enter image description here


Make a dir c:\command

Second Make a ll.bat



Third Add to Path C:/commands enter image description here

how to redirect to external url from c# controller

Use the Controller's Redirect() method.

public ActionResult YourAction()
    // ...
    return Redirect("");


You can't directly perform a server side redirect from an ajax response. You could, however, return a JsonResult with the new url and perform the redirect with javascript.

public ActionResult YourAction()
    // ...
    return Json(new {url = ""});

$.post("@Url.Action("YourAction")", function(data) {
    window.location = data.url;

How can I compare two time strings in the format HH:MM:SS?

Date object in js support comparison, set them same date for compare hh:mm:ss :

new Date ('1/1/1999 ' + '10:20:45') > new Date ('1/1/1999 ' + '5:10:10') 
> true

Checking password match while typing

The onkeyup event does "work" as you intend:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function checkPasswordMatch() {
    var password = $("#txtNewPassword").val();
    var confirmPassword = $("#txtConfirmPassword").val();

    if (password != confirmPassword)
        $("#divCheckPasswordMatch").html("Passwords do not match!");
        $("#divCheckPasswordMatch").html("Passwords match.");

<div class="td">
    <input type="password" id="txtNewPassword" />
<div class="td">
    <input type="password" id="txtConfirmPassword" onkeyup="checkPasswordMatch();" />
    <div class="registrationFormAlert" id="divCheckPasswordMatch">


Get checkbox values using checkbox name using jquery

I would like to add that if you're trying to get all of the check-boxes with that name that have been selected, you would want to use the following syntax:

$("[name='bla[]']:checked").each(function () {
    // do stuff

Make sure there is not a space between the closing ] and :checked

Counting inversions in an array

Note that the answer by Geoffrey Irving is wrong.

The number of inversions in an array is half the total distance elements must be moved in order to sort the array. Therefore, it can be computed by sorting the array, maintaining the resulting permutation p[i], and then computing the sum of abs(p[i]-i)/2. This takes O(n log n) time, which is optimal.

An alternative method is given at This method is equivalent to the sum of max(0, p[i]-i), which is equal to the sum of abs(p[i]-i])/2 since the total distance elements move left is equal to the total distance elements move to the right.

Take the sequence { 3, 2, 1 } as an example. There are three inversions: (3, 2), (3, 1), (2, 1), so the inversion number is 3. However, according to the quoted method the answer would have been 2.

Angular cli generate a service and include the provider in one step

Angular 6+ Singleton Services

The recommended approach for a singleton service for Angular 6 and beyond is :

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class UserService {

In fact the CLI --module switch doesn't even exist any more for registering a service at the app level because it doesn't need to modify app.module.ts anymore.

This will create the above code, without needing to specify a module.

ng g s services/user

So if you don't want your service to be a singleton you must remove the providedIn code yourself - and then add it manually to providers for a component or lazy loaded module. Doesn't look like there is currently a switch to not generate the providedIn: 'root' part so you need to manually remove it.

Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml?

It's not a solution but a hint for those using Spring:

I tried to use org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean with setting persistenceXmlLocation but with this I had to provide the <class> elements (even if the persistenceXmlLocation just pointed to META-INF/persistence.xml).

When not using persistenceXmlLocation I could omit these <class> elements.

Where does Oracle SQL Developer store connections?

With SQLDeveloper v19.1.0 on Windows, I found this as a JSON file in

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\system<versionNumber>\o.jdeveloper.db.connection

The file name is connections.json

Is there a pure CSS way to make an input transparent?

I like to do this

    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    border: none;
    outline: none;

Setting the outline property to none stops the browser from highlighting the box when the cursor enters

Difference between if () { } and if () : endif;

There is no technical difference between the two syntaxes. The alternative syntax is not new; it was supported at least as far back as PHP 4, and perhaps even earlier.

You might prefer the alternative form because it explicitly states which control structure is ending: endwhile, for example, can only terminate a while block, whereas if you encounter a brace, it could be closing anything.

You might prefer the traditional syntax, though, if you use an editor that has special support for braces in other C-like syntaxes. Vim, for example, supports several keystrokes for navigating to matching braces and to the starts and ends of brace-delimited blocks. The alternative syntax would break that editor feature.

no such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError)

I also had this issue. My solution is remove file Gemfile.lock, and install gems again: bundle install

Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit

This error can also be caused by a javascript line like this one: = 20px;

Notice that the value is not a string.

Why can't I initialize non-const static member or static array in class?

This seems a relict from the old days of simple linkers. You can use static variables in static methods as workaround:

// header.hxx
#include <vector>

class Class {
    static std::vector<int> & replacement_for_initialized_static_non_const_variable() {
        static std::vector<int> Static {42, 0, 1900, 1998};
        return Static;

int compilation_unit_a();


// compilation_unit_a.cxx
#include "header.hxx"

int compilation_unit_a() {  
    return Class::replacement_for_initialized_static_non_const_variable()[1]++;


// main.cxx
#include "header.hxx"

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    << compilation_unit_a()
    << Class::replacement_for_initialized_static_non_const_variable()[1]++
    << compilation_unit_a()
    << Class::replacement_for_initialized_static_non_const_variable()[1]++
    << std::endl;


g++ -std=gnu++0x -save-temps=obj -c compilation_unit_a.cxx 
g++ -std=gnu++0x -o main main.cxx compilation_unit_a.o



The fact that this works (consistently, even if the class definition is included in different compilation units), shows that the linker today (gcc 4.9.2) is actually smart enough.

Funny: Prints 0123 on arm and 3210 on x86.

How to put space character into a string name in XML?

You want to it display like "-4, 5, -5, 6, -6," (two spaces),you can add the following code to string.xml

<string name="spelatonertext3"> "-4,&#160;&#160;5,&#160;-5,&#160;&#160;6,&#160;&#160;-6,"</string>

  is display one space.

JavaScript by reference vs. by value

Javascript always passes by value. However, if you pass an object to a function, the "value" is really a reference to that object, so the function can modify that object's properties but not cause the variable outside the function to point to some other object.

An example:

function changeParam(x, y, z) {
  x = 3;
  y = "new string";
  z["key2"] = "new";
  z["key3"] = "newer";

  z = {"new" : "object"};

var a = 1,
    b = "something",
    c = {"key1" : "whatever", "key2" : "original value"};

changeParam(a, b, c);

// at this point a is still 1
// b is still "something"
// c still points to the same object but its properties have been updated
// so it is now {"key1" : "whatever", "key2" : "new", "key3" : "newer"}
// c definitely doesn't point to the new object created as the last line
// of the function with z = ...

Change language of Visual Studio 2017 RC

For having a language at Visual Studio Ui , basically the language package of that language must be installed during the installation.

You can not select a language in options -> environment -> international settings that didn't installed.

If the language that you want to select in above path is not appearing than you have to modify your visual studio by re-executing installer and selecting Language Packages tab and check your language that you want to have.

enter image description here

And than at Visual Studio toolbar just click Tools --> Options --> Environment --> International Settings and than select your language from dropdown list.

Validating Phone Numbers Using Javascript

Try this I It's working.

<input type="text" name="mobile" pattern="[1-9]{1}[0-9]{9}" title="Enter 10 digit mobile number" placeholder="Mobile number" required>_x000D_

Can we have multiple "WITH AS" in single sql - Oracle SQL

Yes you can...

     SET2 AS (SELECT * FROM SET1)        -- SET1 accessed
SELECT * FROM SET2;                      -- SET2 projected

10/29/2013 10:43:26 AM

Follow the order in which it should be initialized in Common Table Expressions

How to allow users to check for the latest app version from inside the app?

Here's how to find the current and latest available versions:

       try {
            String curVersion = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0).versionName;
            String newVersion = curVersion;
            newVersion = Jsoup.connect("" + getPackageName() + "&hl=en")
                    .userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WindowsNT 5.1; en-US; rv1.8.1.6) Gecko/20070725 Firefox/")
                    .select("div.hAyfc:nth-child(4) .IQ1z0d .htlgb")
            Log.d("Curr Version" , curVersion);
            Log.d("New Version" , newVersion);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

How do I execute cmd commands through a batch file?

So, make an actual batch file: open up notepad, type the commands you want to run, and save as a .bat file. Then double click the .bat file to run it.

Try something like this for a start:

cd c:\Program files\IIS Express
start iisexpress /path:"C:\FormsAdmin.Site" /port:8088 /clr:v2.0
start http://localhost:8088/default.aspx

show/hide html table columns using css

One line of code using jQuery:


// If your table has header(th), use this:

Source: Hide a Table Column with a Single line of jQuery code

How to autosize a textarea using Prototype?

Here is a solution with JQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var $abc = $("#abc");
    $abc.css("height", $abc.attr("scrollHeight"));

abc is a teaxtarea.

Verify ImageMagick installation

To test only the IMagick PHP extension (not the full ImageMagick suite), save the following as a PHP file (testImagick.php) and then run it from console: php testImagick.php

$image = new Imagick();
$image->newImage(1, 1, new ImagickPixel('#ffffff'));
$pngData = $image->getImagesBlob();
echo strpos($pngData, "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n") === 0 ? 'Ok' : 'Failed';
echo "\n";


Compile error: package javax.servlet does not exist

This is what solved the problem for me:


Send and receive messages through NSNotificationCenter in Objective-C?

@implementation TestClass

- (void) dealloc
    // If you don't remove yourself as an observer, the Notification Center
    // will continue to try and send notification objects to the deallocated
    // object.
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
    [super dealloc];

- (id) init
    self = [super init];
    if (!self) return nil;

    // Add this instance of TestClass as an observer of the TestNotification.
    // We tell the notification center to inform us of "TestNotification"
    // notifications using the receiveTestNotification: selector. By
    // specifying object:nil, we tell the notification center that we are not
    // interested in who posted the notification. If you provided an actual
    // object rather than nil, the notification center will only notify you
    // when the notification was posted by that particular object.

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

    return self;

- (void) receiveTestNotification:(NSNotification *) notification
    // [notification name] should always be @"TestNotification"
    // unless you use this method for observation of other notifications
    // as well.

    if ([[notification name] isEqualToString:@"TestNotification"])
        NSLog (@"Successfully received the test notification!");


... somewhere else in another class ...

- (void) someMethod

    // All instances of TestClass will be notified
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] 


Execute script after specific delay using JavaScript

You can also use window.setInterval() to run some code repeatedly at a regular interval.

Installation failed with message Invalid File

follow some steps:

Clean Project
Rebuild Project
Invalidate Caches / Restart

Now run your project. Hope it will work.

It's work for me.

How to install PostgreSQL's pg gem on Ubuntu?

Another option is to use Homebrew which works on Linux and macOS to install just the supporting libraries:

brew install libpq


brew link libpq --force

(the --force option is required because it conflicts with the postgres formula.)

How to export all collections in MongoDB?

If you have this issue: Failed: can't create session: could not connect to server: connection() : auth error: sasl conversation error: unable to authenticate using mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-1": (AuthenticationFailed) Authentication failed.

then add --authenticationDatabase admin


mongodump -h --authenticationDatabase admin -u dbAdmin -p dbPassword -d dbName -o path/to/folder

C#: How to make pressing enter in a text box trigger a button, yet still allow shortcuts such as "Ctrl+A" to get through?

You do not need any client side code if doing this is ASP.NET. The example below is a boostrap input box with a search button with an fontawesome icon.

You will see that in place of using a regular < div > tag with a class of "input-group" I have used a asp:Panel. The DefaultButton property set to the id of my button, does the trick.

In example below, after typing something in the input textbox, you just hit enter and that will result in a submit.

<asp:Panel DefaultButton="btnblogsearch" runat="server" CssClass="input-group blogsearch">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtSearchWords" CssClass="form-control" runat="server" Width="100%" Placeholder="Search for..."></asp:TextBox>
<span class="input-group-btn">
    <asp:LinkButton ID="btnblogsearch" runat="server" CssClass="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></asp:LinkButton>

Detect merged cells in VBA Excel with MergeArea

While working with selected cells as shown by @tbur can be useful, it's also not the only option available.

You can use Range() like so:

If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If


If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C1").MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If

Alternately, you can use Cells():

If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).MergeCells Then
  Do something
  Do something else
End If

How do I specify a password to 'psql' non-interactively?

An alternative to using the PGPASSWORD environment variable is to use the conninfo string according to the documentation:

An alternative way to specify connection parameters is in a conninfo string or a URI, which is used instead of a database name. This mechanism give you very wide control over the connection.

$ psql "host=<server> port=5432 dbname=<db> user=<user> password=<password>"


How to access nested elements of json object using getJSONArray method

I would also try it this way

1) Create the Java Beans from the JSON schema

2) Use JSON parser libraries to avoid any sort of exception

3) Cast the parse result to the Java object that was created from the initial JSON schema.

Below is an example JSON Schema"

  "USD" : {"15m" : 478.68, "last" : 478.68, "buy" : 478.55, "sell" : 478.68,  "symbol" : "$"},
  "JPY" : {"15m" : 51033.99, "last" : 51033.99, "buy" : 51020.13, "sell" : 51033.99,  "symbol" : "¥"},


public class Container { 

    private JPY JPY;

    private USD USD;

    public JPY getJPY ()
        return JPY;

    public void setJPY (JPY JPY)
        this.JPY = JPY;

    public USD getUSD ()
        return USD;

    public void setUSD (USD USD)
        this.USD = USD;

    public String toString()
        return "ClassPojo [JPY = "+JPY+", USD = "+USD+"]";

public class JPY
    private double  fifitenM;

    private String symbol;

    private double last;

    private double sell;

    private double buy;

    public double getFifitenM ()
        return fifitenM;

    public void setFifitenM (double fifitenM)
        this.fifitenM = fifitenM;

    public String getSymbol ()
        return symbol;

    public void setSymbol (String symbol)
        this.symbol = symbol;

    public double getLast ()
        return last;

    public void setLast (double last)
        this.last = last;

    public double getSell ()
        return sell;

    public void setSell (double sell)
        this.sell = sell;

    public double getBuy ()
        return buy;

    public void setBuy (double buy)
    { = buy;

    public String toString()
        return "ClassPojo [15m = "+fifitenM+", symbol = "+symbol+", last = "+last+", sell = "+sell+", buy = "+buy+"]";

public class USD
    private double fifitenM;

    private String symbol;

    private double last;

    private double sell;

    private double buy;

    public double getFifitenM ()
        return fifitenM;

    public void setFifitenM (double fifitenM)
        this.fifitenM = fifitenM;

    public String getSymbol ()
        return symbol;

    public void setSymbol (String symbol)
        this.symbol = symbol;

    public double getLast ()
        return last;

    public void setLast (double last)
        this.last = last;

    public double getSell ()
        return sell;

    public void setSell (double sell)
        this.sell = sell;

    public double getBuy ()
        return buy;

    public void setBuy (double buy)
    { = buy;

    public String toString()
        return "ClassPojo [15m = "+fifitenM+", symbol = "+symbol+", last = "+last+", sell = "+sell+", buy = "+buy+"]";

public class MainMethd
    public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException, FileNotFoundException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
        Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader("C:\\Users\\Documents\\file.json"));
        String res = obj.toString();
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        Container container = new Container();
        container = gson.fromJson(res, Container.class);
        System.out.println("Sell Price : " + container.getUSD().getSymbol()+""+ container.getUSD().getSell());
        System.out.println("Buy Price : " + container.getUSD().getSymbol()+""+ container.getUSD().getBuy());


Output from the main method is:

ClassPojo [15m = 478.68, symbol = $, last = 478.68, sell = 478.68, buy = 478.55]

Sell Price : $478.68

Buy Price : $478.55

Hope this helps.

Running Facebook application on localhost

Forward is a great tool for helping with development of facebook apps locally, it supports SSL so the cert thing isn't a problem.

DISCLAIMER: I'm one of the devs

How to export the Html Tables data into PDF using Jspdf

Just follow these steps i can assure pdf file will be generated


    <title>Exporting table data to pdf Example</title>

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jspdf.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/from_html.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/split_text_to_size.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/standard_fonts_metrics.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/cell.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/FileSaver.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {

            $("#exportpdf").click(function() {
                var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'ledger');
                // source can be HTML-formatted string, or a reference
                // to an actual DOM element from which the text will be scraped.
                source = $('#yourTableIdName')[0];

                // we support special element handlers. Register them with jQuery-style 
                // ID selector for either ID or node name. ("#iAmID", "div", "span" etc.)
                // There is no support for any other type of selectors 
                // (class, of compound) at this time.
                specialElementHandlers = {
                    // element with id of "bypass" - jQuery style selector
                    '#bypassme' : function(element, renderer) {
                        // true = "handled elsewhere, bypass text extraction"
                        return true
                margins = {
                    top : 80,
                    bottom : 60,
                    left : 60,
                    width : 522
                // all coords and widths are in jsPDF instance's declared units
                // 'inches' in this case
                pdf.fromHTML(source, // HTML string or DOM elem ref.
                margins.left, // x coord
      , { // y coord
                    'width' : margins.width, // max width of content on PDF
                    'elementHandlers' : specialElementHandlers

                function(dispose) {
                    // dispose: object with X, Y of the last line add to the PDF 
                    //          this allow the insertion of new lines after html
                }, margins);

    <div id="yourTableIdName">
        <table style="width: 1020px;font-size: 12px;" border="1">
                <tr align="left">


                <tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">

        <input type="button" id="exportpdf" value="Download PDF">




Html file output: html output

Pdf file output: pdf output

Error:Unable to locate adb within SDK in Android Studio

Finally after several hours of investigation I think I have another solution for everyone having issues with AVD Manager "Unable to locate adb".

I know we have the setting for the SDK in File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Android SDK. This it seems is not enough! It appears that Android Studio (at least the new version 4) does not give projects a default SDK, despite the above setting.

So, you also (for each project) need to go to File -> Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Project, and select the Project SDK, which is set to [No SDK] by default.

If there's nothing in the drop-down box, then select New, select Android SDK, and navigate to your Android SDK location (normally C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk on Windows). You will then be able to select the Android API xx Platform. You now should not get this annoying adb error.


Angular IE Caching issue for $http

Duplicating my answer in another thread.

For Angular 2 and newer, the easiest way to add no-cache headers by overriding RequestOptions:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BaseRequestOptions, Headers } from '@angular/http';

export class CustomRequestOptions extends BaseRequestOptions {
    headers = new Headers({
        'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
        'Pragma': 'no-cache',
        'Expires': 'Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT'

And reference it in your module:

    providers: [
        { provide: RequestOptions, useClass: CustomRequestOptions }

Download and open PDF file using Ajax

I don't really think that any of the past answers spotted out the problem of the original poster. They all presume a GET request while the poster was trying to POST data and get a download in response.

In the course of searching for any better answer we found this jQuery Plugin for Requesting Ajax-like File Downloads.

In its "heart" it creates a "temporary" HTML form containing the given data as input fields. This form is appended to the document and posted to the desired URL. Right after that the form is removed again:

jQuery('<form action="'+ url +'" method="'+ (method||'post') +'">'+inputs+'</form>')

Update Mayur's answer looks pretty promising and very simple in comparison to the jQuery plug-in I referred to.

How do I kill an Activity when the Back button is pressed?

add this to your activity

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
    if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK))
    return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

How to convert string to float?

Unfortunately, there is no way to do this easily. Every solution has its drawbacks.

  1. Use atof() or strtof() directly: this is what most people will tell you to do and it will work most of the time. However, if the program sets a locale or it uses a library that sets the locale (for instance, a graphics library that displays localised menus) and the user has their locale set to a language where the decimal separator is not . (such as fr_FR where the separator is ,) these functions will stop parsing at the . and you will stil get 4.0.

  2. Use atof() or strtof() but change the locale; it's a matter of calling setlocale(LC_ALL|~LC_NUMERIC, ""); before any call to atof() or the likes. The problem with setlocale is that it will be global to the process and you might interfer with the rest of the program. Note that you might query the current locale with setlocale() and restore it after you're done.

  3. Write your own float parsing routine. This might be quite quick if you do not need advanced features such as exponent parsing or hexadecimal floats.

Also, note that the value 4.08 cannot be represented exactly as a float; the actual value you will get is 4.0799999237060546875.

Restart node upon changing a file

You can also try nodemon

To Install Nodemon

npm install -g nodemon

To use Nodemon

Normally we start node program like:

node server.js

But here you have to do like:

nodemon server.js

Is there a Max function in SQL Server that takes two values like Math.Max in .NET?

The other answers are good, but if you have to worry about having NULL values, you may want this variant:

SELECT o.OrderId, 
   CASE WHEN ISNULL(o.NegotiatedPrice, o.SuggestedPrice) > ISNULL(o.SuggestedPrice, o.NegotiatedPrice)
        THEN ISNULL(o.NegotiatedPrice, o.SuggestedPrice)
        ELSE ISNULL(o.SuggestedPrice, o.NegotiatedPrice)
FROM Order o

How to make g++ search for header files in a specific directory?

it's simple, use the "-B" option to add .h files' dir to search path.

E.g. g++ -B /header_file.h your.cpp -o bin/your_command

React-router: How to manually invoke Link?

React Router 4 includes a withRouter HOC that gives you access to the history object via this.props:

import React, {Component} from 'react'
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom'

class Foo extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.goHome = this.goHome.bind(this)

  goHome() {

  render() {
    <div className="foo">
      <button onClick={this.goHome} />

export default withRouter(Foo)

Swift add icon/image in UITextField

Why don't you go for the easiest approach. For most cases you want to add icons like font awesome... Just use font awesome library and it would be as easy to add an icon to an text field as this:

myTextField.setLeftViewFAIcon(icon: .FAPlus, leftViewMode: .always, textColor: .red, backgroundColor: .clear, size: nil)

You would need to install first this swift library:

Customize Bootstrap checkboxes

You have to use Bootstrap version 4 with the custom-* classes to get this style:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-/Y6pD6FV/Vv2HJnA6t+vslU6fwYXjCFtcEpHbNJ0lyAFsXTsjBbfaDjzALeQsN6M" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<!-- example code of the bootstrap website -->_x000D_
<label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">_x000D_
  <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input">_x000D_
  <span class="custom-control-indicator"></span>_x000D_
  <span class="custom-control-description">Check this custom checkbox</span>_x000D_
<!-- your code with the custom classes of version 4 -->_x000D_
<div class="checkbox">_x000D_
  <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">_x000D_
    <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="rememberMe" name="rememberme" class="custom-control-input">_x000D_
    <span class="custom-control-indicator"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="custom-control-description">Remember me</span>_x000D_


Custom checkbox style on Bootstrap version 3?
Bootstrap version 3 doesn't have custom checkbox styles, but you can use your own. In this case: How to style a checkbox using CSS?

These custom styles are only available since version 4.

What's the fastest algorithm for sorting a linked list?

Mergesort is the best you can do here.

C++ getters/setters coding style

Avoid public variables, except for classes that are essentially C-style structs. It's just not a good practice to get into.

Once you've defined the class interface, you might never be able to change it (other than adding to it), because people will build on it and rely on it. Making a variable public means that you need to have that variable, and you need to make sure it has what the user needs.

Now, if you use a getter, you're promising to supply some information, which is currently kept in that variable. If the situation changes, and you'd rather not maintain that variable all the time, you can change the access. If the requirements change (and I've seen some pretty odd requirements changes), and you mostly need the name that's in this variable but sometimes the one in that variable, you can just change the getter. If you made the variable public, you'd be stuck with it.

This won't always happen, but I find it a lot easier just to write a quick getter than to analyze the situation to see if I'd regret making the variable public (and risk being wrong later).

Making member variables private is a good habit to get into. Any shop that has code standards is probably going to forbid making the occasional member variable public, and any shop with code reviews is likely to criticize you for it.

Whenever it really doesn't matter for ease of writing, get into the safer habit.

Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse

Well I feel silly, but my problem was that I was in the Debug perspective and they do not show up in that perspective. Switched back to the Java perspective and viola.

design a stack such that getMinimum( ) should be O(1)

Here is my Code which runs with O(1). The previous code which I posted had problem when the minimum element gets popped. I modified my code. This one uses another Stack that maintains minimum element present in stack above the current pushed element.

 class StackDemo
    int[] stk = new int[100];
    int top;
    public StackDemo()
        top = -1;
    public void Push(int value)
        if (top == 100)
            Console.WriteLine("Stack Overflow");
            stk[++top] = value;
    public bool IsEmpty()
        if (top == -1)
            return true;
            return false;
    public int Pop()
        if (IsEmpty())
            Console.WriteLine("Stack Underflow");
            return 0;
            return stk[top--];
    public void Display()
        for (int i = top; i >= 0; i--)
class MinStack : StackDemo
    int top;
    int[] stack = new int[100];
    StackDemo s1; int min;
    public MinStack()
        top = -1;
        s1 = new StackDemo();
    public void PushElement(int value)
        if (top == 100)
            Console.WriteLine("Stack Overflow");
        if (top == -1)
            stack[++top] = value;
            stack[++top] = value;   
            //  stack[++top]=value;
            int ele = PopElement();
            stack[++top] = ele;
            int a = MininmumElement(min, value);
              stack[++top] = min;

                stack[++top] = value;
                stack[++top] = a;

    public int PopElement()

        if (top == -1)
            return 1000;
            min = stack[top--];
            return stack[top--];

    public int PopfromStack()
        if (top == -1)
            return 1000;
            return PopElement();
    public int MininmumElement(int a,int b)
        if (a > b)
            return b;
            return a;
    public int StackTop()
        return stack[top];
    public void DisplayMinStack()
        for (int i = top; i >= 0; i--)
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        MinStack ms = new MinStack();
        Console.WriteLine("Min Stack");
        Console.WriteLine("Minimum Element:"+ms.StackTop());

        Console.WriteLine("Min Stack");
        Console.WriteLine("Minimum Element:" + ms.StackTop());

Sorted collection in Java

The problem with PriorityQueue is that it's backed up by an simple array, and the logic that gets the elements in order is done by the "queue[2*n+1] and queue[2*(n+1)]" thingie. It works great if you just pull from head, but makes it useless if you are trying to call the .toArray on it at some point.

I go around this problem by using, but I supply a custom Comparator for the values, wrapped in an Ordering, that never returns 0.

ex. for Double:

private static final Ordering<Double> NoEqualOrder = Ordering.from(new Comparator<Double>() {

    public int compare(Double d1, Double d2)
        if (d1 < d2) {
            return -1;
        else {
            return 1;

This way I get the values in order when I call .toArray(), and also have duplicates.

Check if a value is in an array or not with Excel VBA

Use Match() function in excel VBA to check whether the value exists in an array.

Sub test()
    Dim x As Long

    vars1 = Array("Abc", "Xyz", "Examples")
    vars2 = Array("Def", "IJK", "MNO")

    If IsNumeric(Application.Match(Range("A1").Value, vars1, 0)) Then
        x = 1
    ElseIf IsNumeric(Application.Match(Range("A1").Value, vars2, 0)) Then
        x = 1
    End If

    MsgBox x
End Sub

git: fatal: Could not read from remote repository

I've got this error after changing computers. I'm using SourceTree with Bitbucket.

So I had to add the SSH key generated by SourceTree, on the new computer, in Bitbucket Settings > Security > SSH keys, while connected to my Bitbucket account on the web.

What is the best way to delete a value from an array in Perl?

splice will remove array element(s) by index. Use grep, as in your example, to search and remove.

Class not registered Error

In 64 bit windows machines the COM components need to register itself in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID (64 bit component) OR HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID (32 bit component) . If your application is a 32 bit application running on 64-bit machine the COM library would typically look for the GUID under Wow64 node and if your application is a 64 bit application, the COM library would try to load from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID. Make sure you are targeting the correct platform and ensure you have installed the correct version of library(32/64 bit).

How to get File Created Date and Modified Date

File.GetLastWriteTime Method

Returns the date and time the specified file or directory was last written to.

string path = @"c:\Temp\MyTest.txt";
DateTime dt = File.GetLastWriteTime(path);

For create time File.GetCreationTime Method

DateTime fileCreatedDate = File.GetCreationTime(@"C:\Example\MyTest.txt");
Console.WriteLine("file created: " + fileCreatedDate);

What is the canonical way to trim a string in Ruby without creating a new string?

@title = tokens[Title].strip! || tokens[Title]

It's entirely possible i'm not understanding the topic, but wouldn't this do what you need?

" success ".strip! || "rescue" #=> "success"
"failure".strip! || "rescue" #=> "rescue"

Automatic date update in a cell when another cell's value changes (as calculated by a formula)

You could fill the dependend cell (D2) by a User Defined Function (VBA Macro Function) that takes the value of the C2-Cell as input parameter, returning the current date as ouput.

Having C2 as input parameter for the UDF in D2 tells Excel that it needs to reevaluate D2 everytime C2 changes (that is if auto-calculation of formulas is turned on for the workbook).


Here is some code:

For the UDF:

    Public Function UDF_Date(ByVal data) As Date

        UDF_Date = Now()

    End Function

As Formula in D2:


You will have to give the D2-Cell a Date-Time Format, or it will show a numeric representation of the date-value.

And you can expand the formula over the desired range by draging it if you keep the C2 reference in the D2-formula relative.

Note: This still might not be the ideal solution because every time Excel recalculates the workbook the date in D2 will be reset to the current value. To make D2 only reflect the last time C2 was changed there would have to be some kind of tracking of the past value(s) of C2. This could for example be implemented in the UDF by providing also the address alonside the value of the input parameter, storing the input parameters in a hidden sheet, and comparing them with the previous values everytime the UDF gets called.


Here is a sample implementation of an UDF that tracks the changes of the cell values and returns the date-time when the last changes was detected. When using it, please be aware that:

  • The usage of the UDF is the same as described above.

  • The UDF works only for single cell input ranges.

  • The cell values are tracked by storing the last value of cell and the date-time when the change was detected in the document properties of the workbook. If the formula is used over large datasets the size of the file might increase considerably as for every cell that is tracked by the formula the storage requirements increase (last value of cell + date of last change.) Also, maybe Excel is not capable of handling very large amounts of document properties and the code might brake at a certain point.

  • If the name of a worksheet is changed all the tracking information of the therein contained cells is lost.

  • The code might brake for cell-values for which conversion to string is non-deterministic.

  • The code below is not tested and should be regarded only as proof of concept. Use it at your own risk.

    Public Function UDF_Date(ByVal inData As Range) As Date
        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim dProps As DocumentProperties
        Dim pValue As DocumentProperty
        Dim pDate As DocumentProperty
        Dim sName As String
        Dim sNameDate As String
        Dim bDate As Boolean
        Dim bValue As Boolean
        Dim bChanged As Boolean
        bDate = True
        bValue = True
        bChanged = False
        Dim sVal As String
        Dim dDate As Date
        sName = inData.Address & "_" & inData.Worksheet.Name
        sNameDate = sName & "_dat"
        sVal = CStr(inData.Value)
        dDate = Now()
        Set wb = inData.Worksheet.Parent
        Set dProps = wb.CustomDocumentProperties
    On Error Resume Next
        Set pValue = dProps.Item(sName)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            bValue = False
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
        If Not bValue Then
            bChanged = True
            Set pValue = dProps.Add(sName, False, msoPropertyTypeString, sVal)
            bChanged = pValue.Value <> sVal
            If bChanged Then
                pValue.Value = sVal
            End If
        End If
    On Error Resume Next
        Set pDate = dProps.Item(sNameDate)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            bDate = False
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
        If Not bDate Then
            Set pDate = dProps.Add(sNameDate, False, msoPropertyTypeDate, dDate)
        End If
        If bChanged Then
            pDate.Value = dDate
            dDate = pDate.Value
        End If
        UDF_Date = dDate
     End Function

Make the insertion of the date conditional upon the range.

This has an advantage of not changing the dates unless the content of the cell is changed, and it is in the range C2:C2, even if the sheet is closed and saved, it doesn't recalculate unless the adjacent cell changes.

Adapted from this tip and @Paul S answer

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
 Dim R1 As Range
 Dim R2 As Range
 Dim InRange As Boolean
    Set R1 = Range(Target.Address)
    Set R2 = Range("C2:C20")
    Set InterSectRange = Application.Intersect(R1, R2)

  InRange = Not InterSectRange Is Nothing
     Set InterSectRange = Nothing
   If InRange = True Then
     R1.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now()
   End If
     Set R1 = Nothing
     Set R2 = Nothing
 End Sub

Add text to textarea - Jquery

Just append() the text nodes:


Is there Unicode glyph Symbol to represent "Search"

Displayed correct at Chrome OS - screenshots from this system.

tibetan astrological sign sgra gcan -char rtags U+0F17 ? U+0F17

telephone recorder (U+2315) ? U+2315

lepcha letter gla (U+1C04) ? U+1C04

Request header field Access-Control-Allow-Headers is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

If anyone experiences this problem with an express server, add the following middleware

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");

ES6 modules in the browser: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import

Unfortunately, modules aren't supported by many browsers right now.

This feature is only just beginning to be implemented in browsers natively at this time. It is implemented in many transpilers, such as TypeScript and Babel, and bundlers such as Rollup and Webpack.

Found on MDN

javascript create array from for loop

You need to push i

var yearStart = 2000;
var yearEnd = 2040;

var arr = [];

for (var i = yearStart; i < yearEnd+1; i++) {

Then, your resulting array will be:

arr = [2000, 2001, 2003, ... 2039, 2040]

Hope this helps

Detect page change on DataTable

Try using delegate instead of live as here:

$('#link-wrapper').delegate('a', 'click', function() {
  // do something ..

Reading data from DataGridView in C#

Code Example : Reading data from DataGridView and storing it in an array

int[,] n = new int[3, 19];
for (int i = 0; i < (StartDataView.Rows.Count - 1); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < StartDataView.Columns.Count; j++)
        if(this.StartDataView.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString() != string.Empty)
                n[i, j] = int.Parse(this.StartDataView.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString());
            catch (Exception Ee)
            { //get exception of "null"

Which is the preferred way to concatenate a string in Python?

If you are concatenating a lot of values, then neither. Appending a list is expensive. You can use StringIO for that. Especially if you are building it up over a lot of operations.

from cStringIO import StringIO
# python3:  from io import StringIO

buf = StringIO()


# 'foofoofoo'

If you already have a complete list returned to you from some other operation, then just use the ''.join(aList)

From the python FAQ: What is the most efficient way to concatenate many strings together?

str and bytes objects are immutable, therefore concatenating many strings together is inefficient as each concatenation creates a new object. In the general case, the total runtime cost is quadratic in the total string length.

To accumulate many str objects, the recommended idiom is to place them into a list and call str.join() at the end:

chunks = []
for s in my_strings:
result = ''.join(chunks)

(another reasonably efficient idiom is to use io.StringIO)

To accumulate many bytes objects, the recommended idiom is to extend a bytearray object using in-place concatenation (the += operator):

result = bytearray()
for b in my_bytes_objects:
    result += b

Edit: I was silly and had the results pasted backwards, making it look like appending to a list was faster than cStringIO. I have also added tests for bytearray/str concat, as well as a second round of tests using a larger list with larger strings. (python 2.7.3)

ipython test example for large lists of strings

    from cStringIO import StringIO
    from io import StringIO

source = ['foo']*1000

%%timeit buf = StringIO()
for i in source:
final = buf.getvalue()
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 1.27 ms per loop

%%timeit out = []
for i in source:
final = ''.join(out)
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 9.89 ms per loop

%%timeit out = bytearray()
for i in source:
    out += i
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 98.5 µs per loop

%%timeit out = ""
for i in source:
    out += i
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 161 µs per loop

## Repeat the tests with a larger list, containing
## strings that are bigger than the small string caching 
## done by the Python
source = ['foo']*1000

# cStringIO
# 10 loops, best of 3: 19.2 ms per loop

# list append and join
# 100 loops, best of 3: 144 ms per loop

# bytearray() +=
# 100 loops, best of 3: 3.8 ms per loop

# str() +=
# 100 loops, best of 3: 5.11 ms per loop

How do I add an element to array in reducer of React native redux?

Two different options to add item to an array without mutation

case ADD_ITEM :
    return { 
        arr: [...state.arr, action.newItem]


case ADD_ITEM :
    return { 
        arr: state.arr.concat(action.newItem)

Python basics printing 1 to 100

I would guess it makes an infinite loop bc you skip the number 100. If you set the critera to be less than 101 it should do the trick :)

def gukan(count):
    while count<100:

Using group by and having clause

1.Get supplier numbers and names for suppliers of parts supplied to at least two different projects.


I am not slear about your second question

Hello World in Python

print("Hello, World!")

You are probably using Python 3.0, where print is now a function (hence the parenthesis) instead of a statement.

WPF button click in C# code

// sample C#
public void populateButtons()
    int xPos;
    int yPos;

    Random ranNum = new Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
        Button foo = new Button();
        Style buttonStyle = Window.Resources["CurvedButton"] as Style;

        int sizeValue = ranNum.Next(50);

        foo.Width = sizeValue;
        foo.Height = sizeValue;
        foo.Name = "button" + i;

        xPos = ranNum.Next(300);
        yPos = ranNum.Next(200);

        foo.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
        foo.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
        foo.Margin = new Thickness(xPos, yPos, 0, 0);

        foo.Style = buttonStyle;

        foo.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(buttonClick);

private void buttonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  //do something or...
  Button clicked = (Button) sender;
  MessageBox.Show("Button's name is: " + clicked.Name);

How to pass data from Javascript to PHP and vice versa?

Using cookies is a easy way. You can use jquery and a pluging as jquery.cookie or create your own. Using Jquery + jquery.cookie, by example

   var php_value = '<?php echo $php_variable; ?>';

   var infobar_active = $.cookie('php_value');
   var infobar_alert  = any_process(infobar_active);

    //set a cookie to readit via php
   $.cookie('infobar_alerta', infobar_alerta );



    var js_value = code to read a cookie


I've found this usefull Server-Side and Hybrid Frameworks:

I've been using Ashley's RSJS Script to update values in HTML without any problem for a long time until I met JQuery (ajax, load, etc.)

How can I trigger an onchange event manually?

MDN suggests that there's a much cleaner way of doing this in modern browsers:

// Assuming we're listening for e.g. a 'change' event on `element`

// Create a new 'change' event
var event = new Event('change');

// Dispatch it.

SQL Server "AFTER INSERT" trigger doesn't see the just-inserted row

Here's my modified version of Bill's code:

CREATE TRIGGER mytrigger ON sometable
  INSERT INTO sometable SELECT * FROM inserted WHERE ISNUMERIC(somefield) = 1 FROM inserted;
  INSERT INTO sometableRejects SELECT * FROM inserted WHERE ISNUMERIC(somefield) = 0 FROM inserted;

This lets the insert always succeed, and any bogus records get thrown into your sometableRejects where you can handle them later. It's important to make your rejects table use nvarchar fields for everything - not ints, tinyints, etc - because if they're getting rejected, it's because the data isn't what you expected it to be.

This also solves the multiple-record insert problem, which will cause Bill's trigger to fail. If you insert ten records simultaneously (like if you do a select-insert-into) and just one of them is bogus, Bill's trigger would have flagged all of them as bad. This handles any number of good and bad records.

I used this trick on a data warehousing project where the inserting application had no idea whether the business logic was any good, and we did the business logic in triggers instead. Truly nasty for performance, but if you can't let the insert fail, it does work.

jQuery Refresh/Reload Page if Ajax Success after time

var val = $.parseJSON(data);
if(val.success == true)
 setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, 5000);

} has not been called yet

As a newbie, I faced the same 'problem'.

In newbie terms : when you call plot(), the graph window gets the focus and you cannot enter further commands into R. That is when you conclude that you must close the graph window to return to R. However, some commands, like identify(), act on open/active graph windows. When identify() cannot find an open/active graph window, it gives this error message.

However, you can simply click on the R window without closing the graph window. Then you can type more commands at the R prompt, like identify() etc.

How do I request a file but not save it with Wget?

Use q flag for quiet mode, and tell wget to output to stdout with O- (uppercase o) and redirect to /dev/null to discard the output:

wget -qO- $url &> /dev/null

> redirects application output (to a file). if > is preceded by ampersand, shell redirects all outputs (error and normal) to the file right of >. If you don't specify ampersand, then only normal output is redirected.

./app &>  file # redirect error and standard output to file
./app >   file # redirect standard output to file
./app 2>  file # redirect error output to file

if file is /dev/null then all is discarded.

This works as well, and simpler:

wget -O/dev/null -q $url

Dealing with nginx 400 "The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port" error

Here is an example to config HTTP and HTTPS in same config block with ipv6 support. The config is tested in Ubuntu Server and NGINX/1.4.6 but this should work with all servers.

server {
    # support http and ipv6
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

    # support https and ipv6
    listen 443 default_server ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ipv6only=on default_server ssl;

    # path to web directory
    root /path/to/;
    index index.html index.htm;

    # domain or subdomain

    # ssl certificate
    ssl_certificate /path/to/certs/example_com-bundle.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /path/to/certs/example_com.key;

    ssl_session_timeout 5m;

    ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
    ssl_ciphers "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5 or HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!3DES";
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

Don't include ssl on which may cause 400 error. The config above should work for

Hope this helps!

Set EditText cursor color

For me I modified both the AppTheme and a value colors.xml

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorControlNormal">@color/yellow</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/yellow</item>

Here is the colors.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="yellow">#B7EC2A</color>

I took out the android:textCursorDrawable attribute to @null that I placed inside the editText style. When I tried using this, the colors would not change.

get keys of json-object in JavaScript

The working code

var jsonData = [{person:"me", age :"30"},{person:"you",age:"25"}];_x000D_
for(var obj in jsonData){_x000D_
    for(var prop in jsonData[obj]){_x000D_
           alert(prop + ':' + jsonData[obj][prop]);_x000D_

Datatype for storing ip address in SQL Server

sys.dm_exec_connections uses varchar(48) after SQL Server 2005 SP1. Sounds good enough for me especially if you want to use it compare to your value.

Realistically, you won't see IPv6 as mainstream for a while yet, so I'd prefer the 4 tinyint route. Saying that, I'm using varchar(48) because I have to use sys.dm_exec_connections...

Otherwise. Mark Redman's answer mentions a previous SO debate question.

Align labels in form next to input

I know this is an old thread but an easier solution would be to embed an input within the label like so:

<label>Label one: <input id="input1" type="text"></label>

Delete files older than 15 days using PowerShell

#----- Define parameters -----#
#----- Get current date ----#
$Now = Get-Date
$Days = "15" #----- define amount of days ----#
$Targetfolder = "C:\Logs" #----- define folder where files are located ----#
$Extension = "*.log" #----- define extension ----#
$Lastwrite = $Now.AddDays(-$Days)

#----- Get files based on lastwrite filter and specified folder ---#
$Files = Get-Children $Targetfolder -include $Extension -Recurse | where {$_.LastwriteTime -le "$Lastwrite"}

foreach ($File in $Files)
    if ($File -ne $Null)
        write-host "Deleting File $File" backgroundcolor "DarkRed"
        Remove-item $File.Fullname | out-null
        write-host "No more files to delete" -forgroundcolor "Green"

How to check type of files without extensions in python?

Only works for Linux but Using the "sh" python module you can simply call any shell command

pip install sh

import sh


Output: /root/file: ASCII text

Execute JavaScript code stored as a string

The eval function will evaluate a string that is passed to it.

But the use of eval can be dangerous, so use with caution.

Edit: annakata has a good point -- Not only is eval dangerous, it is slow. This is because the code to be evaluated must be parsed on the spot, so that will take some computing resources.

How do I show a console output/window in a forms application?

//From your application set the Console to write to your RichTextkBox 
Console.SetOut(new RichTextBoxWriter(yourRichTextBox));

//To ensure that your RichTextBox object is scrolled down when its text is 
//changed add this event:
private void yourRichTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    yourRichTextBox.SelectionStart = yourRichTextBox.Text.Length;

public delegate void StringArgReturningVoidDelegate(string text);
public class RichTextBoxWriter : TextWriter
    private readonly RichTextBox _richTextBox;
    public RichTextBoxWriter(RichTextBox richTexttbox)
        _richTextBox = richTexttbox;

    public override void Write(char value)

    public override void Write(string value)

    public override void WriteLine(char value)
        SetText(value + Environment.NewLine);

    public override void WriteLine(string value)
        SetText(value + Environment.NewLine);

    public override Encoding Encoding => Encoding.ASCII;

    //Write to your UI object in thread safe way:
    private void SetText(string text)
        // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the  
        // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.  
        // If these threads are different, it returns true.  
        if (_richTextBox.InvokeRequired)
            var d = new StringArgReturningVoidDelegate(SetText);
            _richTextBox.Invoke(d, text);
            _richTextBox.Text += text;

How to plot a 2D FFT in Matlab?

Assuming that I is your input image and F is its Fourier Transform (i.e. F = fft2(I))

You can use this code:

F = fftshift(F); % Center FFT

F = abs(F); % Get the magnitude
F = log(F+1); % Use log, for perceptual scaling, and +1 since log(0) is undefined
F = mat2gray(F); % Use mat2gray to scale the image between 0 and 1

imshow(F,[]); % Display the result

Changing the space between each item in Bootstrap navbar

As of Bootstrap 4, you can use the spacing utilities.

Add for instance px-2 in the classes of the nav-item to increase the padding.

How to bind Dataset to DataGridView in windows application

use like this :-

gridview1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; <-- Use index or your table name which you want to bind

I hope it helps!!

When is the @JsonProperty property used and what is it used for?

In addition to all the answers above, don't forget the part of the documentation that says

Marker annotation that can be used to define a non-static method as a "setter" or "getter" for a logical property (depending on its signature), or non-static object field to be used (serialized, deserialized) as a logical property.

If you have a non-static method in your class that is not a conventional getter or setter then you can make it act like a getter and setter by using the annotation on it. See the example below

public class Testing {
    private Integer id;
    private String username;

    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(Integer id) { = id;

    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

    public void setUsername(String username) {
        this.username = username;

    public String getIdAndUsername() {
        return id + "." + username; 

    public String concatenateIdAndUsername() {
        return id + "." + username; 

When the above object is serialized, then response will contain

  • username from getUsername()
  • id from getId()
  • idAndUsername from getIdAndUsername*

Since the method getIdAndUsername starts with get then it's treated as normal getter hence, why you could annotate such with @JsonIgnore.

If you have noticed the concatenateIdAndUsername is not returned and that's because it name does not start with get and if you wish the result of that method to be included in the response then you can use @JsonProperty("...") and it would be treated as normal getter/setter as mentioned in the above highlighted documentation.

Modify XML existing content in C#

Well, If you want to update a node in XML, the XmlDocument is fine - you needn't use XmlTextWriter.

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;
XmlNode myNode = root.SelectSingleNode("descendant::books");
myNode.Value = "blabla";

What is the difference between a data flow diagram and a flow chart?

A Data Flow Diagram is functional relationship which includes input values and output values and internal data stored.

A Flow Chart is a process relationship which includes input and output values.

How to create a unique index on a NULL column?

The calculated column trick is widely known as a "nullbuster"; my notes credit Steve Kass:

pk int identity(1,1) primary key,
X  int NULL,
nullbuster as (case when X is null then pk else 0 end),
CONSTRAINT dupNulls_uqX UNIQUE (X,nullbuster)

Converting string to numeric

As csgillespie said. stringsAsFactors is default on TRUE, which converts any text to a factor. So even after deleting the text, you still have a factor in your dataframe.

Now regarding the conversion, there's a more optimal way to do so. So I put it here as a reference :

> x <- factor(sample(4:8,10,replace=T))
> x
 [1] 6 4 8 6 7 6 8 5 8 4
Levels: 4 5 6 7 8
> as.numeric(levels(x))[x]
 [1] 6 4 8 6 7 6 8 5 8 4

To show it works.

The timings :

> x <- factor(sample(4:8,500000,replace=T))
> system.time(as.numeric(as.character(x)))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.11    0.00    0.11 
> system.time(as.numeric(levels(x))[x])
   user  system elapsed 
      0       0       0 

It's a big improvement, but not always a bottleneck. It gets important however if you have a big dataframe and a lot of columns to convert.

What is the !! (not not) operator in JavaScript?

This question has been answered quite thoroughly, but I'd like to add an answer that I hope is as simplified as possible, making the meaning of !! as simple to grasp as can be.

Because javascript has what are called "truthy" and "falsey" values, there are expressions that when evaluated in other expressions will result in a true or false condition, even though the value or expression being examined is not actually true or false.

For instance:

if (document.getElementById('myElement')) {
    // code block

If that element does in fact exist, the expression will evaluate as true, and the code block will be executed.


if (document.getElementById('myElement') == true) {
    // code block

...will NOT result in a true condition, and the code block will not be executed, even if the element does exist.

Why? Because document.getElementById() is a "truthy" expression that will evaluate as true in this if() statement, but it is not an actual boolean value of true.

The double "not" in this case is quite simple. It is simply two nots back to back.

The first one simply "inverts" the truthy or falsey value, resulting in an actual boolean type, and then the second one "inverts" it back again to it's original state, but now in an actual boolean value. That way you have consistency:

if (!!document.getElementById('myElement')) {}


if (!!document.getElementById('myElement') == true) {}

will BOTH return true, as expected.

Java Synchronized list

synchronized(list) {
    for (Object o : list) {}

Git Remote: Error: fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Unab

Changing the ssh exectuable from builtin to nativ under settings/version control/git did the trick for me.

How to access the ith column of a NumPy multidimensional array?

And if you want to access more than one column at a time you could do:

>>> test = np.arange(9).reshape((3,3))
>>> test
array([[0, 1, 2],
       [3, 4, 5],
       [6, 7, 8]])
>>> test[:,[0,2]]
array([[0, 2],
       [3, 5],
       [6, 8]])

Javascript Cookie with no expiration date

Nope. That can't be done. The best 'way' of doing that is just making the expiration date be like 2100.

UTF-8 in Windows 7 CMD

This question has been already answered in Unicode characters in Windows command line - how?

You missed one step -> you need to use Lucida console fonts in addition to executing chcp 65001 from cmd console.

How to apply a patch generated with git format-patch?

First you should take a note about difference between git am and git apply

When you are using git am you usually wanna to apply many patches. Thus should use:

git am *.patch

or just:

git am

Git will find patches automatically and apply them in order ;-)

Here you can find how to generate such patches

Telegram Bot - how to get a group chat id?

As of March 2020, simply:

  • Invite @RawDataBot to your group.

Upon joining it will output a JSON file where your chat id will be located at

"message": {
    "chat": {
        "id": -210987654,
        "title": ...,
        "type": "group",

Be sure to kick @RawDataBot from your group afterwards.

Error: "Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !" using PHP's simplexml_load_string

I solved this using

$content = utf8_encode(file_get_contents(''));
$xml = simplexml_load_string($content);

c# razor url parameter from view

If you're doing the check inside the View, put the value in the ViewBag.

In your controller:

ViewBag["parameterName"] = Request["parameterName"];

It's worth noting that the Request and Response properties are exposed by the Controller class. They have the same semantics as HttpRequest and HttpResponse.

How display only years in input Bootstrap Datepicker?

For bootstrap datetimepicker, assign decade value as follow:

    format: "yyyy",
    startView: 'decade',
    minView: 'decade',
    viewSelect: 'decade',
    autoclose: true,

Android appcompat v7:23

As seen in the revision column of the Android SDK Manager, the latest published version of the Support Library is 22.2.1. You'll have to wait until 23.0.0 is published.

Edit: API 23 is already published. So u can use 23.0.0

ReactJs: What should the PropTypes be for this.props.children?


import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

class MenuItem extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <a href={this.props.href}>{this.props.children}</a>

MenuItem.defaultProps = {
    href: "/",
    children: "Main page"

MenuItem.propTypes = {
    href: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    children: PropTypes.string.isRequired

export default MenuItem;

Picture: Shows you error in console if the expected type is different

Picture: Shows you error in console if the expected type is different

Best way to convert IList or IEnumerable to Array

In case you don't have Linq, I solved it the following way:

    private T[] GetArray<T>(IList<T> iList) where T: new()
        var result = new T[iList.Count];

        iList.CopyTo(result, 0);

        return result;

Hope it helps

Java Generate Random Number Between Two Given Values

Like this,

Random random = new Random();
int randomNumber = random.nextInt(upperBound - lowerBound) + lowerBound;

How can I present a file for download from an MVC controller?

Return a FileResult or FileStreamResult from your action, depending on whether the file exists or you create it on the fly.

public ActionResult GetPdf(string filename)
    return File(filename, "application/pdf", Server.UrlEncode(filename));

What is default color for text in textview?

I know it is old but according to my own theme editor with default light theme, default

textPrimaryColor = #000000


textColorPrimaryDark = #757575

Return list of items in list greater than some value

Since your desired output is sorted, you also need to sort it:

>>> j=[4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 3, 7, 5]
>>> sorted(x for x in j if x >= 5)
[5, 5, 6, 7, 7]

How to use MySQLdb with Python and Django in OSX 10.6?

Adding to other answers, the following helped me finish the installation mysql-python:

virtualenv, mysql-python, pip: anyone know how?

On Ubuntu...

apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
apt-get install python-dev
pip install mysql-python

Don't forget to add 'sudo' to the beginning of commands if you don't have the proper permissions.

Exclude subpackages from Spring autowiring?

One thing that seems to work for me is this:

@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {SomeTypeInYourPackage.class}, resourcePattern = "*.class")

Or in XML:

<context:component-scan base-package="com.example" resource-pattern="*.class"/>

This overrides the default resourcePattern which is "**/*.class".

This would seem like the most type-safe way to ONLY include your base package since that resourcePattern would always be the same and relative to your base package.

How to do a "Save As" in vba code, saving my current Excel workbook with datestamp?

I successfully use the following method in one file,

But come up with exactly the same error again... Only the last line come up with error

Newpath = Mid(ThisWorkbook.FullName, 1, _
 Len(ThisWorkbook.FullName) - Len(ThisWorkbook.Name)) & "\" & "ABC - " & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy") & ".xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs (Newpath)

Change button background color using swift language

Swift 3

Color With RGB

btnLogin.backgroundColor = UIColor.init(colorLiteralRed: (100/255), green: (150/255), blue: (200/255), alpha: 1)

Using Native color

btnLogin.backgroundColor = UIColor.darkGray

Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 in my app

I just encountered this problem.

Reverting from the "Preview Channel" versions of the SDK tools and build tools to the latest stable version fixed it.

Extract number from string with Oracle function

You can use regular expressions for extracting the number from string. Lets check it. Suppose this is the string mixing text and numbers 'stack12345overflow569'. This one should work:

select regexp_replace('stack12345overflow569', '[[:alpha:]]|_') as numbers from dual;

which will return "12345569".

also you can use this one:

select regexp_replace('stack12345overflow569', '[^0-9]', '') as numbers,
       regexp_replace('Stack12345OverFlow569', '[^a-z and ^A-Z]', '') as characters
from dual

which will return "12345569" for numbers and "StackOverFlow" for characters.

Should you commit .gitignore into the Git repos?

You typically do commit .gitignore. In fact, I personally go as far as making sure my index is always clean when I'm not working on something. (git status should show nothing.)

There are cases where you want to ignore stuff that really isn't project specific. For example, your text editor may create automatic *~ backup files, or another example would be the .DS_Store files created by OS X.

I'd say, if others are complaining about those rules cluttering up your .gitignore, leave them out and instead put them in a global excludes file.

By default this file resides in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore (defaults to ~/.config/git/ignore), but this location can be changed by setting the core.excludesfile option. For example:

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

Simply create and edit the global excludesfile to your heart's content; it'll apply to every git repository you work on on that machine.

How to enable explicit_defaults_for_timestamp?

On Windows you can run server with option key, no need to change ini files.

"C:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe" --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=1

Java check to see if a variable has been initialized

Instance variables or fields, along with static variables, are assigned default values based on the variable type:

  • int: 0
  • char: \u0000 or 0
  • double: 0.0
  • boolean: false
  • reference: null

Just want to clarify that local variables (ie. declared in block, eg. method, for loop, while loop, try-catch, etc.) are not initialized to default values and must be explicitly initialized.

"End of script output before headers" error in Apache

Internal error is due to a HIDDEN character at end of shebang line !! ie line #!/usr/bin/perl

By adding - or -w at end moves the character away from "perl" allowing the path to the perl processor to be found and script to execute.

HIDDEN character is created by the editor used to create the script