Programs & Examples On #Sigqueue

How to check the gradle version in Android Studio?

I know this is really old and most of the folks have already answered it right. Here are at least two ways you can find out the gradle version (not the gradle plugin version) by selecting one of the following on project tab on left:

  1. Android > Gradle Scripts > (Gradle Version) > distributionURL
  2. Project > .gradle > x.y.z <--- this is your gradle version

Mercurial — revert back to old version and continue from there

I just encountered a case of needing to revert just one file to previous revision, right after I had done commit and push. Shorthand syntax for specifying these revisions isn't covered by the other answers, so here's command to do that

hg revert path/to/file -r-2

That -2 will revert to the version before last commit, using -1 would just revert current uncommitted changes.

Add (insert) a column between two columns in a data.frame

df <- data.frame(a=c(1,2), b=c(3,4), c=c(5,6))
df %>%
  mutate(d= a/2) %>%
  select(a, b, d, c)


  a b   d c
1 1 3 0.5 5
2 2 4 1.0 6

I suggest to use dplyr::select after dplyr::mutate. It has many helpers to select/de-select subset of columns.

In the context of this question the order by which you select will be reflected in the output data.frame.

SQL Server Operating system error 5: "5(Access is denied.)"

SQL Server database engine service account must have permissions to read/write in the new folder.

Check out this

To fix, I did the following:

Added the Administrators Group to the file security permissions with full control for the Data file (S:) and the Log File (T:).

Attached the database and it works fine.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Colouring plot by factor in R

There are two ways that I know of to color plot points by factor and then also have a corresponding legend automatically generated. I'll give examples of both:

  1. Using ggplot2 (generally easier)
  2. Using R's built in plotting functionality in combination with the colorRampPallete function (trickier, but many people prefer/need R's built-in plotting facilities)

For both examples, I will use the ggplot2 diamonds dataset. We'll be using the numeric columns diamond$carat and diamond$price, and the factor/categorical column diamond$color. You can load the dataset with the following code if you have ggplot2 installed:


Using ggplot2 and qplot

It's a one liner. Key item here is to give qplot the factor you want to color by as the color argument. qplot will make a legend for you by default.

  x = carat,
  y = price,
  data = diamonds,
  color = diamonds$color # color by factor color (I know, confusing)

Your output should look like this: qplot output colored by factor "diamond$color"

Using R's built in plot functionality

Using R's built in plot functionality to get a plot colored by a factor and an associated legend is a 4-step process, and it's a little more technical than using ggplot2.

First, we will make a colorRampPallete function. colorRampPallete() returns a new function that will generate a list of colors. In the snippet below, calling color_pallet_function(5) would return a list of 5 colors on a scale from red to orange to blue:

color_pallete_function <- colorRampPalette(
  colors = c("red", "orange", "blue"),
  space = "Lab" # Option used when colors do not represent a quantitative scale

Second, we need to make a list of colors, with exactly one color per diamond color. This is the mapping we will use both to assign colors to individual plot points, and to create our legend.

num_colors <- nlevels(diamonds$color)
diamond_color_colors <- color_pallet_function(num_colors)

Third, we create our plot. This is done just like any other plot you've likely done, except we refer to the list of colors we made as our col argument. As long as we always use this same list, our mapping between colors and diamond$colors will be consistent across our R script.

  x = diamonds$carat,
  y = diamonds$price,
  xlab = "Carat",
  ylab = "Price",
  pch = 20, # solid dots increase the readability of this data plot
  col = diamond_color_colors[diamonds$color]

Fourth and finally, we add our legend so that someone reading our graph can clearly see the mapping between the plot point colors and the actual diamond colors.

  x ="topleft",
  legend = paste("Color", levels(diamonds$color)), # for readability of legend
  col = diamond_color_colors,
  pch = 19, # same as pch=20, just smaller
  cex = .7 # scale the legend to look attractively sized

Your output should look like this: standard R plot output colored by factor "diamond$color"

Nifty, right?

Best way to check if object exists in Entity Framework?

I had some trouble with this - my EntityKey consists of three properties (PK with 3 columns) and I didn't want to check each of the columns because that would be ugly. I thought about a solution that works all time with all entities.

Another reason for this is I don't like to catch UpdateExceptions every time.

A little bit of Reflection is needed to get the values of the key properties.

The code is implemented as an extension to simplify the usage as:


Have a look:

public static bool EntityExists<T>(this ObjectContext context, T entity)
        where T : EntityObject
        object value;
        var entityKeyValues = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();
        var objectSet = context.CreateObjectSet<T>().EntitySet;
        foreach (var member in objectSet.ElementType.KeyMembers)
            var info = entity.GetType().GetProperty(member.Name);
            var tempValue = info.GetValue(entity, null);
            var pair = new KeyValuePair<string, object>(member.Name, tempValue);
        var key = new EntityKey(objectSet.EntityContainer.Name + "." + objectSet.Name, entityKeyValues);
        if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out value))
            return value != null;
        return false;

What is ANSI format?

Just in case your PC is not a "Western" PC and you don't know which code page is used, you can have a look at this page: National Language Support (NLS) API Reference

[Microsoft removed this reference, take it form web-archive National Language Support (NLS) API Reference

Or you can query your registry:

C:\>reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage /f ACP

    ACP    REG_SZ    1252

End of search: 1 match(es) found.


Run multiple python scripts concurrently

With Bash:

python &
python &

That's the entire script. It will run the two Python scripts at the same time.

Python could do the same thing itself but it would take a lot more typing and is a bad choice for the problem at hand.

I think it's possible though that you are taking the wrong approach to solving your problem, and I'd like to hear what you're getting at.

Unity Scripts edited in Visual studio don't provide autocomplete

There is no auto-completion because the script says "Miscellaneous Files" instead of the of the name of the Project. Take a look at the image below that came from the video in your question:

enter image description here

The "Miscellaneous Files" message can happen for many reasons:

  1. It can happen when you open your Unity C# file from another folder instead of opening it from Unity Editor.

  2. This can also happen because Unity crashed while Visual Studio is still open therefore corrupting some files.

  3. It can happen because Unity was closed then re-opened but is no longer connected to Visual Studio. When Visual Studio is opened you get "Miscellaneous Files" and no auto-completion.

  4. This can happen when Visual Studio Tools for unity is not installed.

  5. When you create a script from Unity then quickly open it before Unity finish processing it or before the round icon animation stuff finish animating.

Most of the times, restarting Unity and Visual Studio should fix this.

I can't tell which one is causing the problem but I will cover the most likely solution to fix this.

Fix Part 1:

  1. Download and Install Visual Studio Tools for unity from this link. Do this while Unity and Visual Studio are both closed.

  2. From Unity Editor, go to Edit ? Preferences... ? External Tools. On the External Script Editor drop down menu, change that to Visual Studio 2015.

    enter image description here

Fix Part 2:

If newly created C# files are coming up as Miscellaneous then follow the instruction below:

  1. From Visual Studio, go to Tools ? Options... ? Tools for Unity ? Miscellaneous. Under Show connectivity icon, set it to true then restart Visual Studio.

    enter image description here

  2. When you re-start, connection icon should now be available in Visual Studio. Click it then choose the Unity instance to connect to. The red 'x' icon should now turn into a brown checkmark icon. Now, when you create a new C# file in Unity, it should open without saying Miscellaneous.

    enter image description here

Fix Part 3:

Still not fixed?

Re-import project then open C# Project.

  1. Close Visual Studio.

  2. From Unity, re-import project by going to Assets ? Reimport All.

    enter image description here

  3. Now, open the project in Visual Studio by going to Assets ? Open C# Project. This will reload the project and fix possible solution file problems.

    enter image description here

Fix Part 4:

Still not fixed?

Fix each C# file individually.

  1. Click on Show All Files icon.

    enter image description here

  2. Select the script that doesn't do auto-complete then right-click and select Include In Project.

    enter image description here

Fix Part 5:

Not fixed yet?

Credit goes to chrisvarnz for this particular solution which seems to have worked for multiple people.

  1. Close Visual Studio

  2. Go your project directory and delete all the generated Visual Studio files.

    These are the files extensions to delete:

    • .csproj
    • .user
    • .sln


    Let's say that the name of your Project is called Target_Shoot, these are what the files to delete should look like:

    • Target_Shoot.csproj
    • Target_Shoot.Editor.csproj
    • Target_Shoot.Editor.csproj.user
    • Target_Shoot.Player.csproj
    • Target_Shoot.Player.csproj.user
    • Target_Shoot.sln

    Do not delete anything else.

  3. Double click on the script again from Unity which should generate new Visual Studio file then open Visual Studio. This may solve your problem.

Fix Part 6:

If not working, check if you are having this error:

The "GetReferenceNearestTargetFrameworkTask" task was not found

  1. Install Nuget PackageManager from here.

  2. Restart Visual Visual.

See this answer for more information.

How to generate JAXB classes from XSD?

I hope this helps!

print memory address of Python variable

According to the manual, in CPython id() is the actual memory address of the variable. If you want it in hex format, call hex() on it.

x = 5
print hex(id(x))

this will print the memory address of x.

Split comma-separated input box values into array in jquery, and loop through it

var array = searchTerms.split(",");

for (var i in array){

MySQL "Or" Condition

try this

    AND date='$Date_Today'
    OR date='$Date_Yesterday', '$Date_TwoDaysAgo', '$Date_ThreeDaysAgo', '$Date_FourDaysAgo', '$Date_FiveDaysAgo', '$Date_SixDaysAgo', '$Date_SevenDaysAgo'"     

my be like this

 OR date='$Date_Yesterday' oR '$Date_TwoDaysAgo'.........

Excel formula to reference 'CELL TO THE LEFT'

You could use a VBA script that changes the conditional formatting of a selection (you might have to adjust the condition & formatting accordingly):

For Each i In Selection
i.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlLess, Formula1:="=" & i.Offset(0, -1).Address
With i.FormatConditions(1).Font
    .Bold = True
End With
Next i

CSS white space at bottom of page despite having both min-height and height tag

The problem is how 100% height is being calculated. Two ways to deal with this.

Add 20px to the body padding-bottom

body {
    padding-bottom: 20px;

or add a transparent border to body

body {
    border: 1px solid transparent;

Both worked for me in firebug

In defense of this answer

Below are some comments regarding the correctness of my answer to this question. These kinds of discussions are exactly why stackoverflow is so great. Many different people have different opinions on how best to solve the problem. I've learned some incredible coding style that I would not have thought of myself. And I've been told that readers have learned something from my style from time to time. Social coding has really encouraged me to be a better programmer.

Social coding can, at times, be disturbing. I hate it when I spend 30 minutes flushing out an answer with a jsfiddle and detailed explanation only to submit and find 10 other answers all saying the same thing in less detail. And the author accepts someone else's answer. How frustrating! I think that this has happend to my fellow contributors–in particular thirtydot.

Thirtydot's answer is completely legit. The p around the script is the culprit in this problem. Remove it and the space goes away. It also is a good answer to this question.

But why? Shouldn't the p tag's height, padding and margin be calculated into the height of the body?

And it is! If you remove the padding-bottom style that I've suggested and then set the body's background to black, you will see that the body's height includes this extra p space accurately (you see the strip at the bottom turn to black). But the gradient fails to include it when finding where to start. This is the real problem.

The two solutions that I've offered are ways to tell the browser to calculate the gradient properly. In fact, the padding-bottom could just be 1px. The value isn't important, but the setting is. It makes the browser take a look at where the body ends. Setting the border will have the same effect.

In my opinion, a padding setting of 20px looks the best for this page and that is why I answered it this way. It is addressing the problem of where the gradient starts.

Now, if I were building this page. I would have avoided wrapping the script in a p tag. But I must assume that author of the page either can't change it or has a good reason for putting it in there. I don't know what that script does. Will it write something that needs a p tag? Again, I would avoid this practice and it is fine to question its presence, but also I accept that there are cases where it must be there.

My hope in writing this "defense" is that the people who marked down this answer might consider that decision. My answer is thought out, purposeful, and relevant. The author thought so. However, in this social environment, I respect that you disagree and have a right to degrade my answer. I just hope that your choice is motivated by disagreement with my answer and not that author chose mine over yours.

PDO's query vs execute

No, they're not the same. Aside from the escaping on the client-side that it provides, a prepared statement is compiled on the server-side once, and then can be passed different parameters at each execution. Which means you can do:

$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo = ?");
$results = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$results = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

They generally will give you a performance improvement, although not noticeable on a small scale. Read more on prepared statements (MySQL version).

Phone number validation Android

I got best solution for international phone number validation and selecting country code below library is justified me Best library for all custom UI and functionality CountryCodePickerProject

ASP.NET MVC - passing parameters to the controller

Your routing needs to be set up along the lines of {controller}/{action}/{firstItem}. If you left the routing as the default {controller}/{action}/{id} in your global.asax.cs file, then you will need to pass in id.

    new { controller = "Inventory", action = "ListAll", firstItem = "" }

... or something close to that.

Using helpers in model: how do I include helper dependencies?

I wouldn't recommend any of these methods. Instead, put it within its own namespace.

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  def clean_input
    self.input = Helpers.sanitize(self.input, :tags => %w(b i u))

  module Helpers
    extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper

Creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image

function getExtension($str) 

          $i = strrpos($str,".");
         if (!$i) { return ""; } 

         $l = strlen($str) - $i;
         $ext = substr($str,$i+1,$l);
         return $ext;

$valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp","jpeg","PNG","JPG","JPEG","GIF","BMP");
if(isset($_POST) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
        $name = $_FILES['photoimg']['name'];
        $size = $_FILES['photoimg']['size'];

                 $ext = getExtension($name);
                        $actual_image_name = time().substr(str_replace(" ", "_", $txt), 5).".".$ext;
                        $tmp = $_FILES['photoimg']['tmp_name'];
                        if(move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$actual_image_name))

                            mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (uid, profile_image) VALUES ('$session_id' , '$actual_image_name')");

                                echo "<img src='uploads/".$actual_image_name."'  class='preview'>";
                            echo "Fail upload folder with read access.";
                    echo "Image file size max 1 MB";                    
                    echo "Invalid file format..";   

            echo "Please select image..!";


How to install beautiful soup 4 with python 2.7 on windows

I feel most people have pip installed already with Python. On Windows, one way to check for pip is to open Command Prompt and typing in:

python -m pip

If you get Usage and Commands instructions then you have it installed. If python was not found though, then it needs to be added to the path. Alternatively you can run the same command from within the installation directory of python.

If all is good, then this command will install BeautifulSoup easily:

python -m pip install BeautifulSoup4


Installing very very beautiful soup

N' now I see I need to upgrade my pip, which I just did :)

Getting datarow values into a string?

Your rows object holds an Item attribute where you can find the values for each of your columns. You can not expect the columns to concatenate themselves when you do a .ToString() on the row. You should access each column from the row separately, use a for or a foreach to walk the array of columns.

Here, take a look at the class:

Ionic 2: Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator (running in emulator)

In case anyone stumbles with this problem again, the accepted solution did work for older versions of ionic and app scripts, I had used it many times in the past, but last week, after I updated some stuff, it got broken again, and this fix wasn't working anymore as this was already solved on the current version of app-scripts, most of the info is referred on this post but I'll make it short here:

First make sure you have this versions on your system

cli packages: (xxxx\npm\node_modules)

@ionic/cli-utils  : 1.19.2
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.20.0

global packages:

cordova (Cordova CLI) : not installed

local packages:

@ionic/app-scripts : 3.1.9
Cordova Platforms  : android 7.0.0
Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.9.2


Node : v10.1.0
npm  : 5.6.0

An this on your package.json

"@angular/cli": "^6.0.3", "@ionic/app-scripts": "^3.1.9", "typescript": "~2.4.2"

Now remove your platform with ionic cordova platform rm what-ever Then DELETE the node_modules and plugins folder and MAKE SURE the platform was deleted inside the platforms folder.

Finally, run

npm install ionic cordova platform add what-ever ionic cordova run

And everything should be working again

jQuery 'each' loop with JSON array

Brief code but full-featured

The following is a hybrid jQuery solution that formats each data "record" into an HTML element and uses the data's properties as HTML attribute values.

The jquery each runs the inner loop; I needed the regular JavaScript for on the outer loop to be able to grab the property name (instead of value) for display as the heading. According to taste it can be modified for slightly different behaviour.

This is only 5 main lines of code but wrapped onto multiple lines for display:

$.get("data.php", function(data){

    for (var propTitle in data) {


            $(data[propTitle]).each(function(iRec, oRec) {

                    .attr('id', 'T'+oRec.textId)


Produces the output

(Note: I modified the JSON data text values by prepending a number to ensure I was displaying the proper records in the proper sequence - while "debugging")

<div class="heading">
<div id="T123" class="Greeting">
<div id="T514" class="Question">
    1What's up?
<div id="T122" class="Order">
    1Come over here
<div class="heading">
<div id="T1255" class="Greeting">
<div id="T6564" class="Question">
    2What's up?
<div id="T0192" class="Order">
    2Come over here
<div class="heading">
<div id="T5213" class="Greeting">
<div id="T9758" class="Question">
    3What's up?
<div id="T7655" class="Order">
    3Come over here
<div id="contentHere"></div>

Apply a style sheet

.heading { font-size: 24px; text-decoration:underline }
.Greeting { color: green; }
.Question { color: blue; }
.Order { color: red; }

to get a "beautiful" looking set of data

alt text

More Info
The JSON data was used in the following way:

for each category (key name the array is held under):

  • the key name is used as the section heading (e.g. justIn)

for each object held inside an array:

  • 'text' becomes the content of a div
  • 'textType' becomes the class of the div (hooked into a style sheet)
  • 'textId' becomes the id of the div
  • e.g. <div id="T122" class="Order">Come over here</div>

Getting Image from API in Angular 4/5+?

There is no need to use angular http, you can get with js native functions

// you will ned this function to fetch the image blob._x000D_
async function getImage(url, fileName) {_x000D_
     // on the first then you will return blob from response_x000D_
    return await fetch(url).then(r => r.blob())_x000D_
    .then((blob) => { // on the second, you just create a file from that blob, getting the type and name that intend to inform_x000D_
        return new File([blob], fileName+'.'+   blob.type.split('/')[1]) ;_x000D_
// example url_x000D_
var url = '';_x000D_
// calling the function_x000D_
getImage(url, 'your-name-image').then(function(file) {_x000D_
    // with file reader you will transform the file in a data url file;_x000D_
    var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
    reader.onloadend = () => {_x000D_
    // just putting the data url to img element_x000D_
        document.querySelector('#image').src = reader.result ;_x000D_
<img src="" id="image"/>

How do I import modules or install extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1+?

How to download and install if you have SUSE. As an example I am downloading the tablefunc module so I can use crosstab. I have PostgreSQL 9.6.1.

right-click desktop, terminal, type:

sudo zypper in postgreql-contrib

Enter credentials, continue by typing:


Run query (I ran mine from pgAdminIII):


You should now have the crosstab function.

I did not have to restart.

Is there a way to make mv create the directory to be moved to if it doesn't exist?

rsync command can do the trick only if the last directory in the destination path doesn't exist, e.g. for the destination path of ~/bar/baz/ if bar exists but baz doesn't, then the following command can be used:

rsync -av --remove-source-files foo.c ~/bar/baz/

-a, --archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
-v, --verbose               increase verbosity
--remove-source-files   sender removes synchronized files (non-dir)

In this case baz directory will be created if it doesn't exist. But if both bar and baz don't exist rsync will fail:

sending incremental file list
rsync: mkdir "/root/bar/baz" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(657) [Receiver=3.1.2]

So basically it should be safe to use rsync -av --remove-source-files as an alias for mv.

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2:java (default-cli)

I had the same problem but after deleting the old plugin for org.codehaus.mojo it worked.

I use this


PostgreSQL psql terminal command

psql --pset=format=FORMAT

Great for executing queries from command line, e.g.

psql --pset=format=unaligned -c "select bandanavalue from bandana where bandanakey = 'atlassian.confluence.settings';"

How do I debug "Error: spawn ENOENT" on node.js?

Ensure module to be executed is installed or full path to command if it's not a node module

How to add a progress bar to a shell script?


function progress_bar() {
    [[ -z $1 ]] && input=0 || input=${1}
   for i in `seq 1 10`; do
        if [ $i -le $input ] ;then
            bar="$bar  "
    #pct=$((200*$input/$total % 2 + 100*$input/$total))
    echo -ne "Progress : [ ${bar} ] (${pct}%) \r"    
    sleep 1
    if [ $input -eq 10 ] ;then
        echo -ne '\n'


could create a function that draws this on a scale say 1-10 for the number of bars :

progress_bar 1
echo "doing something ..."
progress_bar 2
echo "doing something ..."
progress_bar 3
echo "doing something ..."
progress_bar 8
echo "doing something ..."
progress_bar 10

plot with custom text for x axis points

This worked for me. Each month on X axis

str_month_list = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']

iPhone: Setting Navigation Bar Title

For all your Swift-ers out there, this worked perfectly for me. It's notably one of the shorter ways to accomplish setting the title, as well:

override public func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
  if segue.identifier == "presentLineItem" {
    print("Setting Title")
    var vc = segue.destinationViewController as! LineItemsTableViewController
    vc.navigationItem.title = "Line Item"

Kotlin - Property initialization using "by lazy" vs. "lateinit"

In addition to all of the great answers, there is a concept called lazy loading:

Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed.

Using it properly, you can reduce the loading time of your application. And Kotlin way of it's implementation is by lazy() which loads the needed value to your variable whenever it's needed.

But lateinit is used when you are sure a variable won't be null or empty and will be initialized before you use it -e.g. in onResume() method for android- and so you don't want to declare it as a nullable type.

Why do I keep getting Delete 'cr' [prettier/prettier]?

I upgraded to "prettier": "^2.2.0" and error went away

Efficiently finding the last line in a text file

Not the straight forward way, but probably much faster than a simple Python implementation:

line = subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-1', filename])

How can I get a first element from a sorted list?

Using Java 8 streams, you can turn your list into a stream and get the first item in a list using the .findFirst() method.

List<String> stringsList = Arrays.asList("zordon", "alpha", "tommy");
Optional<String> optional =;
optional.get(); // "zordon"

The .findFirst() method will return an Optional that may or may not contain a string value (it may not contain a value if the stringsList is empty).

Then to unwrap the item from the Optional use the .get() method.

Angular.js programmatically setting a form field to dirty

Small additional note to @rmag's answer. If you have empty but required fields that you want to make dirty use this:

$scope.myForm.username.$setViewValue($scope.myForm.username.$viewValue !== undefined 
    ? $scope.myForm.username.$viewValue : '');

Getting Database connection in pure JPA setup

Hibernate uses a ConnectionProvider internally to obtain connections. From the hibernate javadoc:

The ConnectionProvider interface is not intended to be exposed to the application. Instead it is used internally by Hibernate to obtain connections.

The more elegant way of solving this would be to create a database connection pool yourself and hand connections to hibernate and your legacy tool from there.

How do I disable directory browsing?

To complete @GauravKachhadiya's answer :

IndexIgnore *.jpg

means "hide only .jpg extension files from indexing.

IndexIgnore directive uses wildcard expression to match against directories and files.

  • a star character , it matches any charactes in a string ,eg : foo or foo.extension, in the following example, we are going to turn off the directory listing, no files or dirs will appear in the index :

    IndexIgnore *

Or if you want to hide spacific files , in the directory listing, then we can use

IndexIgnore *.php

*.php => matches a string that starts with any char and ends with .php

The example above hides all files that end with .php

ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError when creating new user

For those using CanCan. People might be experiencing this if they use CanCan with Rails 4+. Try AntonTrapps's rather clean workaround solution here until CanCan gets updated:

In the ApplicationController:

before_filter do
  resource = controller_name.singularize.to_sym
  method = "#{resource}_params"
  params[resource] &&= send(method) if respond_to?(method, true)

and in the resource controller (for example NoteController):

def note_params
  params.require(:note).permit(:what, :ever)


Here's a continuation project for CanCan called CanCanCan, which looks promising:


Print page numbers on pages when printing html

This javascript will add absolute positioned div's with pagenumbers on the right bottom corner and works in all browsers.

A4 height = 297mm = 1123px(96dpi)

        <style type="text/css">
            @page {
              size: A4;
              margin: 0; 

            body {
              margin: 0;
        <script type="text/javascript">
          window.onload = addPageNumbers;

          function addPageNumbers() {
            var totalPages = Math.ceil(document.body.scrollHeight / 1123);  //842px A4 pageheight for 72dpi, 1123px A4 pageheight for 96dpi, 
            for (var i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
              var pageNumberDiv = document.createElement("div");
              var pageNumber = document.createTextNode("Page " + i + " of " + totalPages);
     = "absolute";
     = "calc((" + i + " * (297mm - 0.5px)) - 40px)"; //297mm A4 pageheight; 0,5px unknown needed necessary correction value; additional wanted 40px margin from bottom(own element height included)
     = "16px";
              document.body.insertBefore(pageNumberDiv, document.getElementById("content"));
     = "calc(100% - (" + pageNumberDiv.offsetWidth + "px + 20px))";
        <div id="content">
            Lorem ipsum....

Comparing strings, c++

.compare() returns an integer, which is a measure of the difference between the two strings.

  • A return value of 0 indicates that the two strings compare as equal.
  • A positive value means that the compared string is longer, or the first non-matching character is greater.
  • A negative value means that the compared string is shorter, or the first non-matching character is lower.

operator== simply returns a boolean, indicating whether the strings are equal or not.

If you don't need the extra detail, you may as well just use ==.

100% width background image with an 'auto' height

Just use a two color background image:

<div style="width:100%; background:url('images/bkgmid.png');
       background-size: cover;">

How to use Google fonts in React.js?

you should see this tutorial:

import WebFont from 'webfontloader';

  google: {
    families: ['Titillium Web:300,400,700', 'sans-serif']

I just tried this method and I can say that it works very well ;)

C# event with custom arguments

I might be late in the game, but how about:

public event Action<MyEvent> EventTriggered = delegate { }; 

private void Trigger(MyEvent e) 

Setting the event to an anonymous delegate avoids for me to check to see if the event isn't null.

I find this comes in handy when using MVVM, like when using ICommand.CanExecute Method.

Creating files and directories via Python

    import os
    os.mkdir('directory name') #### this command for creating directory
    os.mknod('file name') #### this for creating files
    os.system('touch filename') ###this is another method for creating file by using unix commands in os modules 

How do I append a node to an existing XML file in java

You can parse the existing XML file into DOM and append new elements to the DOM. Very similar to what you did with creating brand new XML. I am assuming you do not have to worry about duplicate server. If you do have to worry about that, you will have to go through the elements in the DOM to check for duplicates.

DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

/* parse existing file to DOM */
Document document = documentBuilder.parse(new File("exisgint/xml/file"));

Element root = document.getDocumentElement();

for (Server newServer : Collection<Server> bunchOfNewServers){
  Element server = Document.createElement("server");
  /* create and setup the server node...*/


/* use whatever method to output DOM to XML (for example, using transformer like you did).*/

How does strcmp() work?

Here is my version, written for small microcontroller applications, MISRA-C compliant. The main aim with this code was to write readable code, instead of the one-line goo found in most compiler libs.

int8_t strcmp (const uint8_t* s1, const uint8_t* s2)
  while ( (*s1 != '\0') && (*s1 == *s2) )

  return (int8_t)( (int16_t)*s1 - (int16_t)*s2 );

Note: the code assumes 16 bit int type.

Custom UITableViewCell from nib in Swift

For fix the "Overriding method... has incompatible type..." error I've changed the function declaration to

override func tableView(tableView: (UITableView!), 
                        cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: (NSIndexPath!)) 
    -> UITableViewCell {...}

(was -> UITableViewCell! -- with exclamation mark at the end)

Stop form from submitting , Using Jquery

A different approach could be

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function CheckData() {
    //you may want to check something here and based on that wanna return true and false from the         function.
     return true;//will cause form to postback to server.
      return false;//will cause form Not to postback to server
    @using (Html.BeginForm("SaveEmployee", "Employees", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "EmployeeDetailsForm" }))
    <input type="submit" value= "Save Employee" onclick="return CheckData();"/>

MySQL combine two columns and add into a new column

Create the column:

ALTER TABLE yourtable ADD COLUMN combined VARCHAR(50);

Update the current values:

UPDATE yourtable SET combined = CONCAT(zipcode, ' - ', city, ', ', state);

Update all future values automatically:

CREATE TRIGGER insert_trigger
SET new.combined = CONCAT(new.zipcode, ' - ',, ', ', new.state);

CREATE TRIGGER update_trigger
SET new.combined = CONCAT(new.zipcode, ' - ',, ', ', new.state);

How do I embed a mp4 movie into my html?

You should look into Video For Everyone:

Video for Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3 & 4 and an increasing number of other browsers.

The video is played by the browser itself. It loads quickly and doesn’t threaten to crash your browser.

In other browsers that do not support , it falls back to QuickTime.

If QuickTime is not installed, Adobe Flash is used. You can host locally or embed any Flash file, such as a YouTube video.

The only downside, is that you have to have 2/3 versions of the same video stored, but you can serve to every existing device/browser that supports video (i.e.: the iPhone).

<video width="640" height="360" poster="__POSTER__.jpg" controls="controls">
    <source src="__VIDEO__.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
    <source src="__VIDEO__.webm" type="video/webm" />
    <source src="__VIDEO__.ogv" type="video/ogg" /><!--[if gt IE 6]>
    <object width="640" height="375" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"><!
    [endif]--><!--[if !IE]><!-->
    <object width="640" height="375" type="video/quicktime" data="__VIDEO__.mp4"><!--<![endif]-->
    <param name="src" value="__VIDEO__.mp4" />
    <param name="autoplay" value="false" />
    <param name="showlogo" value="false" />
    <object width="640" height="380" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
        <param name="movie" value="__FLASH__.swf?image=__POSTER__.jpg&amp;file=__VIDEO__.mp4" />
        <img src="__POSTER__.jpg" width="640" height="360" />
            <strong>No video playback capabilities detected.</strong>
            Why not try to download the file instead?<br />
            <a href="__VIDEO__.mp4">MPEG4 / H.264 “.mp4” (Windows / Mac)</a> |
            <a href="__VIDEO__.ogv">Ogg Theora &amp; Vorbis “.ogv” (Linux)</a>
    </object><!--[if gt IE 6]><!-->

There is an updated version that is a bit more readable:

<!-- "Video For Everybody" v0.4.1 by Kroc Camen of Camen Design <>
     =================================================================================================================== -->
<!-- first try HTML5 playback: if serving as XML, expand `controls` to `controls="controls"` and autoplay likewise       -->
<!-- warning: playback does not work on iPad/iPhone if you include the poster attribute! fixed in iOS4.0                 -->
<video width="640" height="360" controls preload="none">
    <!-- MP4 must be first for iPad! -->
    <source src="__VIDEO__.MP4" type="video/mp4" /><!-- WebKit video    -->
    <source src="__VIDEO__.webm" type="video/webm" /><!-- Chrome / Newest versions of Firefox and Opera -->
    <source src="__VIDEO__.OGV" type="video/ogg" /><!-- Firefox / Opera -->
    <!-- fallback to Flash: -->
    <object width="640" height="384" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="__FLASH__.SWF">
        <!-- Firefox uses the `data` attribute above, IE/Safari uses the param below -->
        <param name="movie" value="__FLASH__.SWF" />
        <param name="flashvars" value="image=__POSTER__.JPG&amp;file=__VIDEO__.MP4" />
        <!-- fallback image. note the title field below, put the title of the video there -->
        <img src="__VIDEO__.JPG" width="640" height="360" alt="__TITLE__"
             title="No video playback capabilities, please download the video below" />
<!-- you *must* offer a download link as they may be able to play the file locally. customise this bit all you want -->
<p> <strong>Download Video:</strong>
    Closed Format:  <a href="__VIDEO__.MP4">"MP4"</a>
    Open Format:    <a href="__VIDEO__.OGV">"OGG"</a>

StringBuilder vs String concatenation in toString() in Java

Can I point out that if you're going to iterate over a collection and use StringBuilder, you may want to check out Apache Commons Lang and StringUtils.join() (in different flavours) ?

Regardless of performance, it'll save you having to create StringBuilders and for loops for what seems like the millionth time.

What is the equivalent of Select Case in Access SQL?

You can use IIF for a similar result.

Note that you can nest the IIF statements to handle multiple cases. There is an example here:

SELECT IIf([Combinaison] = "Mike", 12, IIf([Combinaison] = "Steve", 13)) As Answer 
FROM MyTable;

Importing .py files in Google Colab

A easy way is

  1. type in from google.colab import files uploaded = files.upload()
  2. copy the code
  3. paste in colab cell

What is difference between sleep() method and yield() method of multi threading?

Yield(): method will stop the currently executing thread and give a chance to another thread of same priority which are waiting in queue. If thier is no thread then current thread will continue to execute. CPU will never be in ideal state.

Sleep(): method will stop the thread for particular time (time will be given in milisecond). If this is single thread which is running then CPU will be in ideal state at that period of time.

Both are static menthod.

Regex remove all special characters except numbers?

Use the global flag:

var name = name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, "");

If you don't want to remove numbers, add it to the class:

var name = name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, "");

What is the use of a cursor in SQL Server?

cursor are used because in sub query we can fetch record row by row so we use cursor to fetch records

Example of cursor:

DECLARE @eName varchar(50), @job varchar(50)

DECLARE MynewCursor CURSOR -- Declare cursor name

Select eName, job FROM emp where deptno =10

OPEN MynewCursor -- open the cursor

INTO @eName, @job

PRINT @eName + ' ' + @job -- print the name



INTO @ename, @job

PRINT @eName +' ' + @job -- print the name


CLOSE MynewCursor



ROHIT                           PRG  
jayesh                          PRG
Rocky                           prg
Rocky                           prg

increase the java heap size permanently?

For Windows users, you can add a system environment variable named _JAVA_OPTIONS, and set the heap size values there. The JVM should be able to grab the virtual machine options from _JAVA_OPTIONS.

Load image from resources area of project in C#

You can also save the bmp in a var like this:

var bmp = Resources.ImageName;

hope it helps!

IIS_IUSRS and IUSR permissions in IIS8

When I added IIS_IUSRS permission to site folder - resources, like js and css, still were unaccessible (error 401, forbidden). However, when I added IUSR - it became ok. So for sure "you CANNOT remove the permissions for IUSR without worrying", dear @Travis G@

Getting one value from a tuple


Single elements of a tuple a can be accessed -in an indexed array-like fashion-

via a[0], a[1], ... depending on the number of elements in the tuple.


If your tuple is a=(3,"a")

  • a[0] yields 3,
  • a[1] yields "a"

Concrete answer to question

def tup():
  return (3, "hello")

tup() returns a 2-tuple.

In order to "solve"

i = 5 + tup()  # I want to add just the three

you select the 3 by

tup()[0|    #first element

so in total

i = 5 + tup()[0]


Go with namedtuple that allows you to access tuple elements by name (and by index). Details at

>>> import collections
>>> MyTuple=collections.namedtuple("MyTuple", "mynumber, mystring")
>>> m = MyTuple(3, "hello")
>>> m[0]
>>> m.mynumber
>>> m[1]
>>> m.mystring

Jquery Smooth Scroll To DIV - Using ID value from Link

Here is my solution:

<!-- jquery smooth scroll to id's -->   
$(function() {
  $('a[href*=\\#]:not([href=\\#])').click(function() {
    if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
      var target = $(this.hash);
      target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');
      if (target.length) {
          scrollTop: target.offset().top
        }, 500);
        return false;

With just this snippet you can use an unlimited number of hash-links and corresponding ids without having to execute a new script for each.

I already explained how it works in another thread here: (or here's a direct link to my blog post)

For clarifications, let me know. Hope it helps!

ByRef argument type mismatch in Excel VBA

I changed a few things to work with Option Explicit, and the code ran fine against a cell containing "abc.123", which returned "abc.12,". There were no compile errors.

Option Explicit ' This is new

Public Function ProcessString(input_string As String) As String
    ' The temp string used throughout the function
    Dim temp_string As String
    Dim i As Integer ' This is new
    Dim return_string As String ' This is new
    For i = 1 To Len(input_string)
        temp_string = Mid(input_string, i, 1)
        If temp_string Like "[A-Z, a-z, 0-9, :, -]" Then
            return_string = return_string & temp_string
        End If
    Next i
    return_string = Mid(return_string, 1, (Len(return_string) - 1))
    ProcessString = return_string & ", "
End Function

I'll suggest you post more of your relevant code (that calls this function). You've stated that last_name is a String, but it appears that may not be the case. Step through your code line by line and ensure that this is actually the case.

How do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio?

create table myTable 
    Column1 int not null,
    Column2 int not null

    ADD  PRIMARY KEY (Column1,Column2)

Remove final character from string


st =  "abcdefghij"
st = st[:-1]

There is also another way that shows how it is done with steps:

list1 = "abcdefghij"
list2 = list(list1)
list3 = list2[:-1]

This is also a way with user input:

list1 = input ("Enter :")
list2 = list(list1)
list3 = list2[:-1]

To make it take away the last word in a list:

list1 = input("Enter :")
list2 = list1.split()
list3 = list2[:-1]

java: use StringBuilder to insert at the beginning

As an alternative solution you can use a LIFO structure (like a stack) to store all the strings and when you are done just take them all out and put them into the StringBuilder. It naturally reverses the order of the items (strings) placed in it.

Stack<String> textStack = new Stack<String>();
// push the strings to the stack
while(!isReadingTextDone()) {
    String text = readText();
// pop the strings and add to the text builder
String builder = new StringBuilder(); 
while (!textStack.empty()) {
// get the final string
String finalText =  builder.toString();

WampServer orange icon

After removing the innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=4M from my.ini and killing that process that used the port that Mysql wanted I managed it to go.

Suggested fix: 1) The quick solution: Comment the line innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=4M in the service's 'my.ini' file, 2) exclude the option from the 5.7.4 default config file or 3) un-unknow the variable to mysql ;)


Use number 1, remove the whole line. Save to my.ini. Kill the process if you have one running (look at them with resmon.exe and kill them with command taskkill /pid pid-of-process /f), then start wampmysql and your icon should turn green.

Regards SB

Update Eclipse with Android development tools v. 23

You need to uninstall the old version and install 23

uninstall: Help > about Eclipse SDK > Installation Details select Android related packages to uninstall

And then install V23.

.htaccess mod_rewrite - how to exclude directory from rewrite rule

If you want to remove a particular directory from the rule (meaning, you want to remove the directory foo) ,you can use :

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/foo/$
RewriteRule !index\.php$ /index.php [L]

The rewriteRule above will rewrite all requestes to /index.php excluding requests for /foo/ .

To exclude all existent directries, you will need to use the following condition above your rule :

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

the following rule

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule !index\.php$ /index.php [L]

rewrites everything (except directries) to /index.php .

Stop Visual Studio from launching a new browser window when starting debug?

For VS 15.7.1 Tools ? Options ? Projects and Solutions ? Web Projects ? uncheck Stop debugger when browser window is closed.

Spark difference between reduceByKey vs groupByKey vs aggregateByKey vs combineByKey

While both reducebykey and groupbykey will produce the same answer, the reduceByKey example works much better on a large dataset. That's because Spark knows it can combine output with a common key on each partition before shuffling the data.

On the other hand, when calling groupByKey - all the key-value pairs are shuffled around. This is a lot of unnessary data to being transferred over the network.

for more detailed check this below link

Windows batch command(s) to read first line from text file

Note, the batch file approaches will be limited to the line limit for the DOS command processor - see What is the command line length limit?.

So if trying to process a file that has any lines more that 8192 characters the script will just skip them as the value can't be held.

"column not allowed here" error in INSERT statement


the above mentioned code is not correct because your first parameter POSTCODE is of type VARCHAR(10). you should have used ' '.


How to close an iframe within iframe itself

Use this to remove iframe from parent within iframe itself


It works with same origin only(not allowed with cross origin)

Getting attributes of Enum's value

For some programmer humor, a one liner as a joke:

public static string GetDescription(this Enum value) => value.GetType().GetMember(value.ToString()).First().GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>() is DescriptionAttribute attribute ? attribute.Description : string.Empty;

In a more readable form:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

public static class EnumExtensions
    // get description from enum:

    public static string GetDescription(this Enum value)
        return value.GetType().
            GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>() is DescriptionAttribute attribute
            ? attribute.Description
            : throw new Exception($"Enum member '{value.GetType()}.{value}' doesn't have a [DescriptionAttribute]!");

    // get enum from description:

    public static T GetEnum<T>(this string description) where T : Enum
        foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in typeof(T).GetFields())
            if (fieldInfo.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>() is DescriptionAttribute attribute && attribute.Description == description)
                return (T)fieldInfo.GetRawConstantValue();

        throw new Exception($"Enum '{typeof(T)}' doesn't have a member with a [DescriptionAttribute('{description}')]!");

How to float a div over Google Maps?

#floating-panel {
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  left: 25%;
  z-index: 5;
  background-color: #fff;
  padding: 5px;
  border: 1px solid #999;
  text-align: center;
  font-family: 'Roboto','sans-serif';
  line-height: 30px;
  padding-left: 10px;

Just need to move the map below this box. Work to me.

From Google

Change the spacing of tick marks on the axis of a plot?

And if you don't want R to add decimals or zeros, you can stop it from drawing the x axis or the y axis or both using ...axt. Then, you can add your own ticks and labels:

plot(x, y, xaxt="n")
plot(x, y, yaxt="n")
axis(1 or 2, at=c(1, 5, 10), labels=c("First", "Second", "Third"))

How to debug when Kubernetes nodes are in 'Not Ready' state

I was having similar issue because of a different reason:


cord@node1:~$ kubectl get nodes
node1   Ready      master   17h     v1.13.5
node2   Ready      <none>   17h     v1.13.5
node3   NotReady   <none>   9m48s   v1.13.5

cord@node1:~$ kubectl describe node node3
Name:               node3
  Type             Status  LastHeartbeatTime                 LastTransitionTime                Reason                       Message
  ----             ------  -----------------                 ------------------                ------                       -------
  Ready            False   Thu, 18 Apr 2019 01:15:46 -0400   Thu, 18 Apr 2019 01:03:48 -0400   KubeletNotReady              runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:docker: network plugin is not ready: cni config uninitialized
  Hostname:    node3

cord@node3:~$ journalctl -u kubelet

Apr 18 01:24:50 node3 kubelet[54132]: W0418 01:24:50.649047   54132 cni.go:149] Error loading CNI config list file /etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conflist: error parsing configuration list: no 'plugins' key
Apr 18 01:24:50 node3 kubelet[54132]: W0418 01:24:50.649086   54132 cni.go:203] Unable to update cni config: No valid networks found in /etc/cni/net.d
Apr 18 01:24:50 node3 kubelet[54132]: E0418 01:24:50.649402   54132 kubelet.go:2192] Container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:docker: network plugin is not ready: cni config uninitialized
Apr 18 01:24:55 node3 kubelet[54132]: W0418 01:24:55.650816   54132 cni.go:149] Error loading CNI config list file /etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conflist: error parsing configuration list: no 'plugins' key
Apr 18 01:24:55 node3 kubelet[54132]: W0418 01:24:55.650845   54132 cni.go:203] Unable to update cni config: No valid networks found in /etc/cni/net.d
Apr 18 01:24:55 node3 kubelet[54132]: E0418 01:24:55.651056   54132 kubelet.go:2192] Container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:docker: network plugin is not ready: cni config uninitialized
Apr 18 01:24:57 node3 kubelet[54132]: I0418 01:24:57.248519   54132 setters.go:72] Using node IP: ""


My file: 10-calico.conflist was incorrect. Verified it from a different node and from sample file in the same directory "calico.conflist.template".


Changing the file, "10-calico.conflist" and restarting the service using "systemctl restart kubelet", resolved my issue:

node1   Ready    master   18h   v1.13.5
node2   Ready    <none>   18h   v1.13.5
node3   Ready    <none>   48m   v1.13.5

What is the strict aliasing rule?

A typical situation where you encounter strict aliasing problems is when overlaying a struct (like a device/network msg) onto a buffer of the word size of your system (like a pointer to uint32_ts or uint16_ts). When you overlay a struct onto such a buffer, or a buffer onto such a struct through pointer casting you can easily violate strict aliasing rules.

So in this kind of setup, if I want to send a message to something I'd have to have two incompatible pointers pointing to the same chunk of memory. I might then naively code something like this:

typedef struct Msg
    unsigned int a;
    unsigned int b;
} Msg;

void SendWord(uint32_t);

int main(void)
    // Get a 32-bit buffer from the system
    uint32_t* buff = malloc(sizeof(Msg));
    // Alias that buffer through message
    Msg* msg = (Msg*)(buff);
    // Send a bunch of messages    
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        msg->a = i;
        msg->b = i+1;

The strict aliasing rule makes this setup illegal: dereferencing a pointer that aliases an object that is not of a compatible type or one of the other types allowed by C 2011 6.5 paragraph 71 is undefined behavior. Unfortunately, you can still code this way, maybe get some warnings, have it compile fine, only to have weird unexpected behavior when you run the code.

(GCC appears somewhat inconsistent in its ability to give aliasing warnings, sometimes giving us a friendly warning and sometimes not.)

To see why this behavior is undefined, we have to think about what the strict aliasing rule buys the compiler. Basically, with this rule, it doesn't have to think about inserting instructions to refresh the contents of buff every run of the loop. Instead, when optimizing, with some annoyingly unenforced assumptions about aliasing, it can omit those instructions, load buff[0] and buff[1] into CPU registers once before the loop is run, and speed up the body of the loop. Before strict aliasing was introduced, the compiler had to live in a state of paranoia that the contents of buff could change by any preceding memory stores. So to get an extra performance edge, and assuming most people don't type-pun pointers, the strict aliasing rule was introduced.

Keep in mind, if you think the example is contrived, this might even happen if you're passing a buffer to another function doing the sending for you, if instead you have.

void SendMessage(uint32_t* buff, size_t size32)
    for (int i = 0; i < size32; ++i) 

And rewrote our earlier loop to take advantage of this convenient function

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    msg->a = i;
    msg->b = i+1;
    SendMessage(buff, 2);

The compiler may or may not be able to or smart enough to try to inline SendMessage and it may or may not decide to load or not load buff again. If SendMessage is part of another API that's compiled separately, it probably has instructions to load buff's contents. Then again, maybe you're in C++ and this is some templated header only implementation that the compiler thinks it can inline. Or maybe it's just something you wrote in your .c file for your own convenience. Anyway undefined behavior might still ensue. Even when we know some of what's happening under the hood, it's still a violation of the rule so no well defined behavior is guaranteed. So just by wrapping in a function that takes our word delimited buffer doesn't necessarily help.

So how do I get around this?

  • Use a union. Most compilers support this without complaining about strict aliasing. This is allowed in C99 and explicitly allowed in C11.

      union {
          Msg msg;
          unsigned int asBuffer[sizeof(Msg)/sizeof(unsigned int)];
  • You can disable strict aliasing in your compiler (f[no-]strict-aliasing in gcc))

  • You can use char* for aliasing instead of your system's word. The rules allow an exception for char* (including signed char and unsigned char). It's always assumed that char* aliases other types. However this won't work the other way: there's no assumption that your struct aliases a buffer of chars.

Beginner beware

This is only one potential minefield when overlaying two types onto each other. You should also learn about endianness, word alignment, and how to deal with alignment issues through packing structs correctly.


1 The types that C 2011 6.5 7 allows an lvalue to access are:

  • a type compatible with the effective type of the object,
  • a qualified version of a type compatible with the effective type of the object,
  • a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to the effective type of the object,
  • a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to a qualified version of the effective type of the object,
  • an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its members (including, recursively, a member of a subaggregate or contained union), or
  • a character type.

How do I Geocode 20 addresses without receiving an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT response?


Forgot to say that this solution is in pure js, the only thing you need is a browser that supports promises

For those who still needs to accomplish such, I've written my own solution that combines promises with timeouts.


    class: Geolocalizer
        - Handles location triangulation and calculations.
        -- Returns various prototypes to fetch position from strings or coords or dragons or whatever.

var Geolocalizer = function () {
    this.queue          = [];     // queue handler..
    this.resolved       = [];
    this.geolocalizer = new google.maps.Geocoder();  

Geolocalizer.prototype = {
        @fn: Localize
        @scope: resolve single or multiple queued requests.
        @params: <array> needles
        @returns: <deferred> object
    Localize: function ( needles ) {
        var that = this;
        // Enqueue the needles.
        for ( var i = 0; i < needles.length; i++ ) {
        // return a promise and resolve it after every element have been fetched (either with success or failure), then reset the queue.
        return new Promise (
            function (resolve, reject) {
                  that.queue    = [];
                  that.resolved = [];

        @fn: resolveQueueElements
        @scope: resolve queue elements.
        @returns: <deferred> object (promise)

    resolveQueueElements: function (callback) {
        var that = this;
        return new Promise(
            function(resolve, reject) {
                // Loop the queue and resolve each element.
                // Prevent QUERY_LIMIT by delaying actions by one second.
                (function loopWithDelay(such, queue, i){
                    console.log("Attempting the resolution of " +queue[i-1]);
                        such.find(queue[i-1], function(res){
                        if (--i) {
                    }, 1000);
                })(that, that.queue, that.queue.length);

                // Check every second if the queue has been cleared.
                var it = setInterval(function(){
                    if (that.queue.length == that.resolved.length) {
                }, 1000);

        @fn: find
        @scope: resolve an address from string
        @params: <string> s, <fn> Callback
    find: function (s, callback) {
            "address": s
        }, function(res, status){
           if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
               var r = {
                   originalString:  s,
                   lat: res[0],
                   lng: res[0].geometry.location.lng()
            else {
                console.log("could not locate " + s);

Please note that it's just a part of a bigger library I wrote to handle google maps stuff, hence comments may be confusing.

Usage is quite simple, the approach, however, is slightly different: instead of looping and resolving one address at a time, you will need to pass an array of addresses to the class and it will handle the search by itself, returning a promise which, when resolved, returns an array containing all the resolved (and unresolved) address.


var myAmazingGeo = new Geolocalizer();
var locations = ["Italy","California","Dragons are thugs...","China","Georgia"];

Console output:

Attempting the resolution of Georgia
Attempting the resolution of China
Attempting the resolution of Dragons are thugs...
Attempting the resolution of California
could not locate Dragons are thugs...
Attempting the resolution of Italy

Object returned:

enter image description here

The whole magic happens here:

(function loopWithDelay(such, queue, i){
                    console.log("Attempting the resolution of " +queue[i-1]);
                        such.find(queue[i-1], function(res){
                        if (--i) {
                }, 750);
            })(that, that.queue, that.queue.length);

Basically, it loops every item with a delay of 750 milliseconds between each of them, hence every 750 milliseconds an address is controlled.

I've made some further testings and I've found out that even at 700 milliseconds I was sometimes getting the QUERY_LIMIT error, while with 750 I haven't had any issue at all.

In any case, feel free to edit the 750 above if you feel you are safe by handling a lower delay.

Hope this helps someone in the near future ;) MVC ModelState.Clear

Generally, when you find yourself fighting against a framework standard practices, it is time to reconsider your approach. In this case, the behavior of ModelState. For instance, when you don't want model state after a POST, consider a redirect to the get.

public ActionResult Edit(MyCmsPage page, string submitButton)
    if (ModelState.IsValid) {
        return RedirectToAction("GenerateSeoTitle",new { page.Id });
    return View(page);

public ActionResult GenerateSeoTitle(int id) {
     var page = SomeRepository.Find(id);
     return View("Edit",page);

EDITED to answer culture comment:

Here is what I use to handle a multi-cultural MVC application. First the route handler subclasses:

public class SingleCultureMvcRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler {
    protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
        var culture = requestContext.RouteData.Values["culture"].ToString();
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(culture))
            culture = "en";
        var ci = new CultureInfo(culture);
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(ci.Name);
        return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);

public class MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler
    protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
        var culture = requestContext.RouteData.Values["culture"].ToString();
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(culture))
            culture = "en";
        var ci = new CultureInfo(culture);
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(ci.Name);
        return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);

public class CultureConstraint : IRouteConstraint
    private string[] _values;
    public CultureConstraint(params string[] values)
        this._values = values;

    public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext,Route route,string parameterName,
                        RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)

        // Get the value called "parameterName" from the 
        // RouteValueDictionary called "value"
        string value = values[parameterName].ToString();
        // Return true is the list of allowed values contains 
        // this value.
        return _values.Contains(value);



public enum Culture
    es = 2,
    en = 1

And here is how I wire up the routes. After creating the routes, I prepend my subagent (,, etc) then the culture code. If all you need is the culture, simply remove the subagent from the route handlers and routes.

    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)


        /* Dynamically generated robots.txt */
            "Robots.txt", "robots.txt",
            new { controller = "Robots", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

             "Sitemap", // Route name
             "{subagent}/sitemap.xml", // URL with parameters
             new { subagent = "aq", controller = "Default", action = "Sitemap"},  new[] { "aq3.Controllers" } // Parameter defaults

             "Rss Feed", // Route name
             "{subagent}/rss", // URL with parameters
             new { subagent = "aq", controller = "Default", action = "RSS"},  new[] { "aq3.Controllers" } // Parameter defaults

        /* remap wordpress tags to mvc blog posts */
            "Tag", "tag/{title}",
            new { subagent = "aq", controller = "Default", action = "ThreeOhOne", id = UrlParameter.Optional},  new[] { "aq3.Controllers" }
        ).RouteHandler = new MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler(); ;

            "Custom Errors", "Error/{*errorType}",
            new { controller = "Error", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional},  new[] { "aq3.Controllers" }

        /* dynamic images not loaded from content folder */
            "Stock Images",
            new { subagent = "aq", controller = "Image", action = "Show", id = UrlParameter.Optional, culture = "en"},  new[] { "aq3.Controllers" }

        /* localized routes follow */
            "Localized Images",
            new { subagent = "aq", controller = "Image", action = "Show", id = UrlParameter.Optional},  new[] { "aq3.Controllers" }
        ).RouteHandler = new MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler();

            "Blog Posts",
            new { subagent = "aq", controller = "Blog", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional},  new[] { "aq3.Controllers" }
        ).RouteHandler = new MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler();

            "Office Posts",
            new { subagent = "aq", controller = "Offices", action = "Address", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] { "aq3.Controllers" }
        ).RouteHandler = new MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler();

             "Default", // Route name
             "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
             new { subagent = "aq", controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] { "aq3.Controllers" } // Parameter defaults
        ).RouteHandler = new MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler();

        foreach (System.Web.Routing.Route r in routes)
            if (r.RouteHandler is MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler)
                r.Url = "{subagent}/{culture}/" + r.Url;
                //Adding default culture 
                if (r.Defaults == null)
                    r.Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary();
                r.Defaults.Add("culture", Culture.en.ToString());

                //Adding constraint for culture param
                if (r.Constraints == null)
                    r.Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary();
                r.Constraints.Add("culture", new CultureConstraint(Culture.en.ToString(),;


Add values to app.config and retrieve them

I hope this works:

System.Configuration.Configuration config= ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

config.AppSettings.Settings["Yourkey"].Value = "YourValue";

How do I put an image into my picturebox using ImageLocation?

if you provide a bad path or a broken link, if the compiler cannot find the image, the picture box would display an X icon on its body.

PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            Image = Image.FromFile(@"c:\Images\test.jpg"),
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage


PictureBox picture = new PictureBox
            Name = "pictureBox",
            Size = new Size(100, 50),
            Location = new Point(14, 17),
            ImageLocation = @"c:\Images\test.jpg",
            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage

i'm not sure where you put images in your folder structure but you can find the path as bellow

 picture.ImageLocation = Path.Combine(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "Resources\Images\1.jpg");

ImportError: cannot import name NUMPY_MKL

I'm not sure if this is a good solution but it removed the error. I commented out the line:

from numpy._distributor_init import NUMPY_MKL 

and it worked. Not sure if this will cause other features to break though

Use dynamic variable names in `dplyr`

After a lot of trial and error, I found the pattern UQ(rlang::sym("some string here"))) really useful for working with strings and dplyr verbs. It seems to work in a lot of surprising situations.

Here's an example with mutate. We want to create a function that adds together two columns, where you pass the function both column names as strings. We can use this pattern, together with the assignment operator :=, to do this.

## Take column `name1`, add it to column `name2`, and call the result `new_name`
mutate_values <- function(new_name, name1, name2){
  mtcars %>% 
    mutate(UQ(rlang::sym(new_name)) :=  UQ(rlang::sym(name1)) +  UQ(rlang::sym(name2)))
mutate_values('test', 'mpg', 'cyl')

The pattern works with other dplyr functions as well. Here's filter:

## filter a column by a value 
filter_values <- function(name, value){
  mtcars %>% 
    filter(UQ(rlang::sym(name)) != value)
filter_values('gear', 4)

Or arrange:

## transform a variable and then sort by it 
arrange_values <- function(name, transform){
  mtcars %>% 
    arrange(UQ(rlang::sym(name)) %>%  UQ(rlang::sym(transform)))
arrange_values('mpg', 'sin')

For select, you don't need to use the pattern. Instead you can use !!:

## select a column 
select_name <- function(name){
  mtcars %>% 

How to get current route

Use this

import { Router, NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router';

constructor(private router: Router) { => event instanceof NavigationEnd)
        .subscribe(event => {

And in main.ts import

import 'rxjs/add/operator/filter';


Modern way

import {filter} from 'rxjs/operators';
    filter(event => event instanceof NavigationEnd)
    .subscribe(event => {

Converting from Integer, to BigInteger

The method you want is BigInteger#valueOf(long val).


BigInteger bi = BigInteger.valueOf(myInteger.intValue());

Making a String first is unnecessary and undesired.

How to use a App.config file in WPF applications?

You have to reference System.Configuration via explorer (not only append using System.Configuration). Then you can write:

string xmlDataDirectory = 

Tested with VS2010 (thanks to Hope this helps.

How can I switch to a tag/branch in hg?

Once you have cloned the repo, you have everything: you can then hg up branchname or hg up tagname to update your working copy.

UP: hg up is a shortcut of hg update, which also has hg checkout alias for people with git habits.

How to check if keras tensorflow backend is GPU or CPU version?

According to the documentation.

If you are running on the TensorFlow or CNTK backends, your code will automatically run on GPU if any available GPU is detected.

You can check what all devices are used by tensorflow by -

from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

Also as suggested in this answer

import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))

This will print whether your tensorflow is using a CPU or a GPU backend. If you are running this command in jupyter notebook, check out the console from where you have launched the notebook.

If you are sceptic whether you have installed the tensorflow gpu version or not. You can install the gpu version via pip.

pip install tensorflow-gpu

In git how is fetch different than pull and how is merge different than rebase?

Fetch vs Pull

Git fetch just updates your repo data, but a git pull will basically perform a fetch and then merge the branch pulled

What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

Merge vs Rebase

from Atlassian SourceTree Blog, Merge or Rebase:

Merging brings two lines of development together while preserving the ancestry of each commit history.

In contrast, rebasing unifies the lines of development by re-writing changes from the source branch so that they appear as children of the destination branch – effectively pretending that those commits were written on top of the destination branch all along.

Also, check out Learn Git Branching, which is a nice game that has just been posted to HackerNews (link to post) and teaches a lot of branching and merging tricks. I believe it will be very helpful in this matter.

Can I run Keras model on gpu?

Sure. I suppose that you have already installed TensorFlow for GPU.

You need to add the following block after importing keras. I am working on a machine which have 56 core cpu, and a gpu.

import keras
import tensorflow as tf

config = tf.ConfigProto( device_count = {'GPU': 1 , 'CPU': 56} ) 
sess = tf.Session(config=config) 

Of course, this usage enforces my machines maximum limits. You can decrease cpu and gpu consumption values.

Select records from NOW() -1 Day

when search field is timestamp and you want find records from 0 hours yesterday and 0 hour today use construction

MY_DATE_TIME_FIELD between makedate(year(now()), date_format(now(),'%j')-1) and makedate(year(now()), date_format(now(),'%j'))  


 now() - interval 1 day

Enable IIS7 gzip

I only needed to add the feature in windows features as Charlie mentioned.For people who cannot find it on window 10 or server 2012+ find it as below. I struggled a bit

Windows 10

enter image description here

windows server 2012 R2

enter image description here

window server 2016

enter image description here

Get file content from URL?

Use file_get_contents in combination with json_decode and echo.

find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem bundler (>= 0.a) (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

I downgraded ruby from 2.5.x to 2.4.x in my particular case.

Remove space above and below <p> tag HTML

I don't why you would put a<p>element there. But another way of removing spaces in between the paragraphs is by declaring only one paragraph

   <p><li>HI THERE</li>

Enable binary mode while restoring a Database from an SQL dump

Your File should be only .sql extension, (.zip, .gz .rar) etc will not support. example: dump.sql

Setting POST variable without using form

Yes, simply set it to another value:

$_POST['text'] = 'another value';

This will override the previous value corresponding to text key of the array. The $_POST is superglobal associative array and you can change the values like a normal PHP array.

Caution: This change is only visible within the same PHP execution scope. Once the execution is complete and the page has loaded, the $_POST array is cleared. A new form submission will generate a new $_POST array.

If you want to persist the value across form submissions, you will need to put it in the form as an input tag's value attribute or retrieve it from a data store.

Select 2 columns in one and combine them

Yes, just like you did:

select something + somethingElse as onlyOneColumn from someTable

If you queried the database, you would have gotten the right answer.

What happens is you ask for an expression. A very simple expression is just a column name, a more complicated expression can have formulas etc in it.

JRE 1.7 - java version - returns: java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

For Java 8 on a *nix OS, go to <jdk root>/jre/lib (for me, /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/jre/lib). From this directory, execute:

../../bin/unpack200 rt.pack rt.jar
../../bin/unpack200 jsse.pack jsse.rar
../../bin/unpack200 charsets.pack charsets.jar

To prevent version problems in case you have another JRE installed, use the same unpack200 that ships with the JRE you are fixing – that is, from the command line, use ../../bin/unpack200 (for me, this expands to /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/unpack200), not just unpack200.

How to define two angular apps / modules in one page?

Only one AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped per HTML document. The first ngApp found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an application. To run multiple applications in an HTML document you must manually bootstrap them using angular.bootstrap instead. AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other. --

See also

Android - Handle "Enter" in an EditText

A dependable way to respond to an <enter> in an EditText is with a TextWatcher, a LocalBroadcastManager, and a BroadcastReceiver. You need to add the v4 support library to use the LocalBroadcastManager. I use the tutorial at 7.3 "Local broadcast events with LocalBroadcastManager" because of its complete concise code Example. In onTextChanged before is the index of the end of the change before the change>;minus start. When in the TextWatcher the UI thread is busy updating editText's editable, so we send an Intent to wake up the BroadcastReceiver when the UI thread is done updating editText.

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.text.Editable;
//in onCreate:
editText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
  public void onTextChanged
  (CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
    //check if exactly one char was added and it was an <enter>
    if (before==0 && count==1 && s.charAt(start)=='\n') {
    Intent intent=new Intent("enter")
    Integer startInteger=new Integer(start);
    intent.putExtra("Start", startInteger.toString()); // Add data
//in the BroadcastReceiver's onReceive:
int start=Integer.parseInt(intent.getStringExtra("Start"));
editText.getText().replace(start, start+1,""); //remove the <enter>
//respond to the <enter> here

Mysql - delete from multiple tables with one query

Normally you can't DELETE from multiple tables at once, unless you'll use JOINs as shown in other answers.

However if all yours tables starts with certain name, then this query will generate query which would do that task:


then pipe it (in shell) into mysql command for execution.

For example it'll generate something like:

DELETE FROM table1 WHERE user_id=123;
DELETE FROM table2 WHERE user_id=123;
DELETE FROM table3 WHERE user_id=123;

More shell oriented example would be:

echo "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'table%'" | mysql | tail -n +2 | xargs -L1 -I% echo "DELETE FROM % WHERE user_id=123;" | mysql -v

If you want to use only MySQL for that, you can think of more advanced query, such as this:

PREPARE drop_statement FROM 'DELETE FROM @tables';
EXECUTE drop_statement USING @TABLES;
DEALLOCATE PREPARE drop_statement;

The above example is based on: MySQL – Delete/Drop all tables with specific prefix.

How to use PHP string in mySQL LIKE query?

DO it like

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE the_number LIKE '$yourPHPVAR%'");

Do not forget the % at the end

Embed a PowerPoint presentation into HTML

Google Docs can serve up PowerPoint (and PDF) documents in it's document viewer. You don't have to sign up for Google Docs, just upload it to your website, and call it from your page:

<iframe src="//" style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Are PHP short tags acceptable to use?

I read this page after looking for information on the topic, and I feel that one major issue has not been mentioned: laziness vs. consistency. The "real" tags for PHP are <?php and ?>. Why? I don't really care. Why would you want to use something else when those are clearly for PHP? <% and %> mean ASP to me, and <script ..... means Javascript (in most cases). So for consistency, fast learning, portability, and simplicity, why not stick to the standard?

On the other hand I agree that short tags in templates (and ONLY in templates) seem useful, but the problem is that we've just spent so much time discussing it here, that it would likely take a very long time to have actually wasted that much time typing the extra three characters of "php"!!

While having many options is nice, it's not at all logical and it can cause problems. Imagine if every programming language allowed 4 or more types of tags: Javascript could be <JS or < script .... or <% or <? JS.... would that be helpful? In the case of PHP the parsing order tends to be in favor of allowing these things, but the language is in many other ways not flexible: it throws notices or errors upon the slightest inconsistency, yet short tags are used often. And when short tags are used on a server that doesn't support them, it can take a very long time to figure out what is wrong since no error is given in some cases.

Finally, I don't think that short tags are the problem here: there are only two logical types of PHP code blocks-- 1) regular PHP code, 2) template echoes. For the former, I firmly believe that only <?php and ?> should be allowed just to keep everything consistent and portable. For the latter, the <?=$var?> method is ugly. Why must it be like this? Why not add something much more logical? <?php $var ?> That would not do anything (and only in the most remote possibilities could it conflict with something), and that could easily replace the awkward <?= syntax. Or if that's a problem, perhaps they could use <?php=$var?> instead and not worry about inconsistencies.

At the point where there are 4 options for open and close tags and the random addition of a special "echo" tag, PHP may as well have a "custom open/close tags" flag in php.ini or .htaccess. That way designers can choose the one they like best. But for obvious reasons that's overkill. So why allow 4+ options?

Powershell Active Directory - Limiting my get-aduser search to a specific OU [and sub OUs]

If I understand you correctly, you need to use -SearchBase:

Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=Accounts,OU=RootOU,DC=ChildDomain,DC=RootDomain,DC=com" -Filter *

Note that Get-ADUser defaults to using

 -SearchScope Subtree

so you don't need to specify it. It's this that gives you all sub-OUs (and sub-sub-OUs, etc.).

Why is my JavaScript function sometimes "not defined"?

If you're changing the prototype of the built-in 'function' object it's possible you're running into a browser bug or race condition by modifying a fundamental built-in object.

Test it in multiple browsers to find out.

Python `if x is not None` or `if not x is None`?

Both Google and Python's style guide is the best practice:

if x is not None:
    # Do something about x

Using not x can cause unwanted results.

See below:

>>> x = 1
>>> not x
>>> x = [1]
>>> not x
>>> x = 0
>>> not x
>>> x = [0]         # You don't want to fall in this one.
>>> not x

You may be interested to see what literals are evaluated to True or False in Python:

Edit for comment below:

I just did some more testing. not x is None doesn't negate x first and then compared to None. In fact, it seems the is operator has a higher precedence when used that way:

>>> x
>>> not x is None
>>> not (x is None)
>>> (not x) is None

Therefore, not x is None is just, in my honest opinion, best avoided.

More edit:

I just did more testing and can confirm that bukzor's comment is correct. (At least, I wasn't able to prove it otherwise.)

This means if x is not None has the exact result as if not x is None. I stand corrected. Thanks bukzor.

However, my answer still stands: Use the conventional if x is not None. :]

ImproperlyConfigured: You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings

From The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right:

If you’ve used Python before, you may be wondering why we’re running python shell instead of just python. Both commands will start the interactive interpreter, but the shell command has one key difference: before starting the interpreter, it tells Django which settings file to use.

Use Case: Many parts of Django, including the template system, rely on your settings, and you won’t be able to use them unless the framework knows which settings to use.

If you’re curious, here’s how it works behind the scenes. Django looks for an environment variable called DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, which should be set to the import path of your For example, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE might be set to 'mysite.settings', assuming mysite is on your Python path.

When you run python shell, the command takes care of setting DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE for you.**

variable is not declared it may be inaccessible due to its protection level

I had a similar issue to this. I solved it by making all the projects within my solution target the same .NET Framework 4 Client Profile and then rebuilding the entire solution.

How and when to use ‘async’ and ‘await’

is using them equal to spawning background threads to perform long duration logic?

This article MDSN:Asynchronous Programming with async and await (C#) explains it explicitly:

The async and await keywords don't cause additional threads to be created. Async methods don't require multithreading because an async method doesn't run on its own thread. The method runs on the current synchronization context and uses time on the thread only when the method is active.

jQuery AJAX form data serialize using PHP

I just had the same problem: You have to unserialize the data on the php side.

Add to the beginning of your php file (Attention this short version would replace all other post variables):

parse_str($_POST["data"], $_POST);

How do you uninstall all dependencies listed in package.json (NPM)?

Tip for Windows users: Run this PowerShell command from within node_modules parent directory:

ls .\node_modules | % {npm uninstall $_}

How to convert an NSString into an NSNumber

What about C's standard atoi?

int num = atoi([scannedNumber cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);

Do you think there are any caveats?

Tool to Unminify / Decompress JavaScript

If you have a Mac and TextMate - An easy alternative for formatting Javascript is:

  1. Open the file with Textmate.
  2. Click on > Bundles > JavaScript > Reformat Document
  3. Crack open a beer.

How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?

What you did is basically extending jQuery.fn.messagePlugin object by new method. Which is useful but not in your case.

You have to do is using this technique

function methodA(args){ this // refers to object... }
function saySomething(message){ this.html(message);  to first function }

jQuery.fn.messagePlugin = function(opts) {
  if(opts=='saySomething'), arguments[0]); // arguments is an array of passed parameters
  return this.each(function(){


But you can accomplish what you want I mean there is a way to do $("#mydiv").messagePlugin().saySomething("hello"); My friend he started writing about lugins and how to extend them with your chainf of functionalities here is the link to his blog

Java Date - Insert into database

You should be using java.sql.Timestamp instead of java.util.Date. Also using a PreparedStatement will save you worrying about the formatting.

How to create a string with format?

First read Official documentation for Swift language.

Answer should be



1) Any floating point value by default double

 var myVal = 5.2 // its double by default;

-> If you want to display floating point value then you need to explicitly define such like a

     var myVal:Float = 5.2 // now its float value;

This is far more clear.

Bootstrap 4 multiselect dropdown

Because the bootstrap-select is a bootstrap component and therefore you need to include it in your code as you did for your V3

NOTE: this component only works in since version 1.13.0

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select class="selectpicker" multiple data-live-search="true">_x000D_

T-SQL query to show table definition?

       , IS_NULLABLE

How to add a TextView to LinearLayout in Android

In Kotlin you can add Textview as follows.

 val textView = TextView(activity).apply {
            layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
            ).apply {
                setMargins(0, 20, 0, 0)
                setPadding(10, 10, 0, 10)
            text = "SOME TEXT"
            setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this@MainActivity, R.color.colorPrimary))
            setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this@MainActivity, R.color.colorPrimaryDark))
            textSize = 16.0f
            typeface = Typeface.defaultFromStyle(Typeface.BOLD)

Running a command as Administrator using PowerShell?

A number of the answers here are close, but a little more work than needed.

Create a shortcut to your script and configure it to "Run as Administrator":

  • Create the shortcut.
  • Right-click shortcut and open Properties...
  • Edit Target from <script-path> to powershell <script-path>
  • Click Advanced... and enable Run as administrator

Two versions of python on linux. how to make 2.7 the default

All OS comes with a default version of python and it resides in /usr/bin. All scripts that come with the OS (e.g. yum) point this version of python residing in /usr/bin. When you want to install a new version of python you do not want to break the existing scripts which may not work with new version of python.

The right way of doing this is to install the python as an alternate version.

tar xf Python-2.7.3.tar.bz2
cd Python-2.7.3
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/
make && make altinstall

Now by doing this the existing scripts like yum still work with /usr/bin/python. and your default python version would be the one installed in /usr/local/bin. i.e. when you type python you would get 2.7.3

This happens because. $PATH variable has /usr/local/bin before usr/bin.


If python2.7 still does not take effect as the default python version you would need to do

export PATH="/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"

How do I correctly clean up a Python object?

Here is a minimal working skeleton:

class SkeletonFixture:

    def __init__(self):

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

    def method(self):

with SkeletonFixture() as fixture:

Important: return self

If you're like me, and overlook the return self part (of Clint Miller's correct answer), you will be staring at this nonsense:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tests/", line 17, in <module>                                                                                                                                                          
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'method'

Hope it helps the next person.

Creating lowpass filter in SciPy - understanding methods and units

A few comments:

  • The Nyquist frequency is half the sampling rate.
  • You are working with regularly sampled data, so you want a digital filter, not an analog filter. This means you should not use analog=True in the call to butter, and you should use scipy.signal.freqz (not freqs) to generate the frequency response.
  • One goal of those short utility functions is to allow you to leave all your frequencies expressed in Hz. You shouldn't have to convert to rad/sec. As long as you express your frequencies with consistent units, the scaling in the utility functions takes care of the normalization for you.

Here's my modified version of your script, followed by the plot that it generates.

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, freqz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
    return b, a

def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

# Filter requirements.
order = 6
fs = 30.0       # sample rate, Hz
cutoff = 3.667  # desired cutoff frequency of the filter, Hz

# Get the filter coefficients so we can check its frequency response.
b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order)

# Plot the frequency response.
w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=8000)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(0.5*fs*w/np.pi, np.abs(h), 'b')
plt.plot(cutoff, 0.5*np.sqrt(2), 'ko')
plt.axvline(cutoff, color='k')
plt.xlim(0, 0.5*fs)
plt.title("Lowpass Filter Frequency Response")
plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')

# Demonstrate the use of the filter.
# First make some data to be filtered.
T = 5.0         # seconds
n = int(T * fs) # total number of samples
t = np.linspace(0, T, n, endpoint=False)
# "Noisy" data.  We want to recover the 1.2 Hz signal from this.
data = np.sin(1.2*2*np.pi*t) + 1.5*np.cos(9*2*np.pi*t) + 0.5*np.sin(12.0*2*np.pi*t)

# Filter the data, and plot both the original and filtered signals.
y = butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order)

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(t, data, 'b-', label='data')
plt.plot(t, y, 'g-', linewidth=2, label='filtered data')
plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')


lowpass example

Swing JLabel text change on the running application

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Test extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JLabel label;
    private JTextField field;
    public Test()
        super("The title");
        setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 90));
        ((JPanel) getContentPane()).setBorder(new EmptyBorder(13, 13, 13, 13) );
        setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        JButton btn = new JButton("Change");
        label = new JLabel("flag");
        field = new JTextField(5);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new Test();

jQueryUI modal dialog does not show close button (x)

I had this problem and was able to resolve it with the declaration below.

$.fn.bootstrapBtn = $.fn.button.noConflict();

MySQL - How to increase varchar size of an existing column in a database without breaking existing data?

For me worked this one:

ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY fieldname VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL;

java calling a method from another class

You're very close. What you need to remember is when you're calling a method from another class you need to tell the compiler where to find that method.

So, instead of simply calling addWord("someWord"), you will need to initialise an instance of the WordList class (e.g. WordList list = new WordList();), and then call the method using that (i.e. list.addWord("someWord");.

However, your code at the moment will still throw an error there, because that would be trying to call a non-static method from a static one. So, you could either make addWord() static, or change the methods in the Words class so that they're not static.

My bad with the above paragraph - however you might want to reconsider ProcessInput() being a static method - does it really need to be?

How to make a vertical line in HTML

Rotate a <hr> 90 degrees:

<hr style="width:100px; transform:rotate(90deg);">

How to fix "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized"

The connection string is not in AppSettings.

What you're looking for is in:


Delete duplicate records from a SQL table without a primary key

If you don't want to create a new primary key you can use the TOP command in SQL Server:

declare @ID int
while EXISTS(select count(*) from Employee group by EmpId having count(*)> 1)
    select top 1 @ID = EmpId
    from Employee 
    group by EmpId
    having count(*) > 1

    DELETE TOP(1) FROM Employee WHERE EmpId = @ID

Django values_list vs values

The best place to understand the difference is at the official documentation on values / values_list. It has many useful examples and explains it very clearly. The django docs are very user freindly.

Here's a short snippet to keep SO reviewers happy:


Returns a QuerySet that returns dictionaries, rather than model instances, when used as an iterable.

And read the section which follows it:


This is similar to values() except that instead of returning dictionaries, it returns tuples when iterated over.

How to create a shared library with cmake?

This minimal CMakeLists.txt file compiles a simple shared library:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

project (test)

add_library(test SHARED src/test.cpp)

However, I have no experience copying files to a different destination with CMake. The file command with the COPY/INSTALL signature looks like it might be useful.

Are parameters in strings.xml possible?

There is many ways to use it and i recomend you to see this documentation about String Format.

But, if you need only one variable, you'll need to use %[type] where [type] could be any Flag (see Flag types inside site above). (i.e. "My name is %s" or to set my name UPPERCASE, use this "My name is %S")

<string name="welcome_messages">Hello, %1$S! You have %2$d new message(s) and your quote is %3$.2f%%.</string>

Hello, ANDROID! You have 1 new message(s) and your quote is 80,50%.

How do you change the size of figures drawn with matplotlib?

Please try a simple code as following:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3]
plt.plot(x, x)

You need to set the figure size before you plot.

How to count instances of character in SQL Column

Maybe something like this...

    LEN(REPLACE(ColumnName, 'N', '')) as NumberOfYs

How to use enums in C++

Rather than using a bunch of if-statements, enums lend themselves well to switch statements

I use some enum/switch combinations in the level builder I am building for my game.

EDIT: Another thing, I see you want syntax similar to;

if(day == Days.Saturday)

You can do this in C++:

if(day == Days::Saturday)

Here is a very simple example:


enum eAppState


#include "EnumAppState.h"
eAppState state = eAppState::STARTUP;
    //Do stuff
case EDIT:
    //Do stuff
    //Do stuff
    //Do stuff
    //Do stuff

Get SSID when WIFI is connected

This is a follow up to the answer given by @EricWoodruff.

You could use netInfo's getExtraInfo() to get wifi SSID.

if (WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION.equals (action)) {
    NetworkInfo netInfo = intent.getParcelableExtra (WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO);
    if (ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI == netInfo.getType ()) {
        String ssid = info.getExtraInfo()
        Log.d(TAG, "WiFi SSID: " + ssid)

If you are not using BroadcastReceiver check this answer to get SSID using Context

This is tested on Android Oreo 8.1.0

Jquery get form field value

You can get any input field value by $('input[fieldAttribute=value]').val()

here is an example

displayValue = () => {_x000D_
  // you can get the value by name attribute like this_x000D_
  console.log('value of firstname : ' + $('input[name=firstName]').val());_x000D_
  // if there is the id as lastname_x000D_
  console.log('value of lastname by id : ' + $('#lastName').val());_x000D_
  // get value of carType from placeholder  _x000D_
  console.log('value of carType from placeholder ' + $('input[placeholder=carType]').val());_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="formdiv">_x000D_
    <form name="inpForm">_x000D_
        <input type="text" name="firstName" placeholder='first name'/>_x000D_
        <input type="text" name="lastName" id='lastName' placeholder='last name'/>_x000D_
        <input type="text" placeholder="carType" />_x000D_
        <input type="button" value="display value" onclick='displayValue()'/>_x000D_

Transpose list of lists

Three options to choose from:

1. Map with Zip

solution1 = map(list, zip(*l))

2. List Comprehension

solution2 = [list(i) for i in zip(*l)]

3. For Loop Appending

solution3 = []
for i in zip(*l):

And to view the results:


# [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9]

Exploring Docker container's file system

another trick is to use the atomic tool to do something like:

mkdir -p /path/to/mnt && atomic mount IMAGE /path/to/mnt

The Docker image will be mounted to /path/to/mnt for you to inspect it.

What does @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) mean in CSS?

It's limiting the styles defined there to the screen (e.g. not print or some other media) and is further limiting the scope to viewports which are 1024px or less in width.

jQuery scroll to element

I wrote a general purpose function that scrolls to either a jQuery object, a CSS selector, or a numeric value.

Example usage:

// scroll to "#target-element":

// scroll to 80 pixels above first element with class ".invalid":
$.scrollTo(".invalid", -80);

// scroll a container with id "#my-container" to 300 pixels from its top:
$.scrollTo(300, 0, "slow", "#my-container");

The function's code:

* Scrolls the container to the target position minus the offset
* @param target    - the destination to scroll to, can be a jQuery object
*                    jQuery selector, or numeric position
* @param offset    - the offset in pixels from the target position, e.g.
*                    pass -80 to scroll to 80 pixels above the target
* @param speed     - the scroll speed in milliseconds, or one of the
*                    strings "fast" or "slow". default: 500
* @param container - a jQuery object or selector for the container to
*                    be scrolled. default: "html, body"
jQuery.scrollTo = function (target, offset, speed, container) {

    if (isNaN(target)) {

        if (!(target instanceof jQuery))
            target = $(target);

        target = parseInt(target.offset().top);

    container = container || "html, body";
    if (!(container instanceof jQuery))
        container = $(container);

    speed = speed || 500;
    offset = offset || 0;

        scrollTop: target + offset
    }, speed);

Android JSONObject - How can I loop through a flat JSON object to get each key and value

Use the keys() iterator to iterate over all the properties, and call get() for each.

Iterator<String> iter = json.keys();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
    String key =;
    try {
        Object value = json.get(key);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        // Something went wrong!

Svn switch from trunk to branch

You don't need to --relocate since the branch is within the same repository URL. Just do:

svn switch

iPhone/iPad browser simulator?

XCode does come with a simulator for the iPad and iPhone.

You can also use Safari on OS X to debug websites on your iOS device.

Using getResources() in non-activity class

There is one more way without creating a object also. Check the reference. Thanks for @cristian. Below I add the steps which mentioned in the above reference. For me I don't like to create a object for that and access. So I tried to access the getResources() without creating a object. I found this post. So I thought to add it as a answer.

Follow the steps to access getResources() in a non activity class without passing a context through the object.

  • Create a subclass of Application, for instance public class App extends Application {. Refer the code next to the steps.
  • Set the android:name attribute of your <application> tag in the AndroidManifest.xml to point to your new class, e.g. android:name=".App"
  • In the onCreate() method of your app instance, save your context (e.g. this) to a static field named app and create a static method that returns this field, e.g. getContext().
  • Now you can use: App.getContext() whenever you want to get a context, and then we can use App.getContext().getResources() to get values from the resources.

This is how it should look:

public class App extends Application{

    private static Context mContext;

    public void onCreate() {
        mContext = this;

    public static Context getContext(){
        return mContext;

How do I use boolean variables in Perl?

The most complete, concise definition of false I've come across is:

Anything that stringifies to the empty string or the string 0 is false. Everything else is true.

Therefore, the following values are false:

  • The empty string
  • Numerical value zero
  • An undefined value
  • An object with an overloaded boolean operator that evaluates one of the above.
  • A magical variable that evaluates to one of the above on fetch.

Keep in mind that an empty list literal evaluates to an undefined value in scalar context, so it evaluates to something false.

A note on "true zeroes"

While numbers that stringify to 0 are false, strings that numify to zero aren't necessarily. The only false strings are 0 and the empty string. Any other string, even if it numifies to zero, is true.

The following are strings that are true as a boolean and zero as a number:

  • Without a warning:
    • "0.0"
    • "0E0"
    • "00"
    • "+0"
    • "-0"
    • " 0"
    • "0\n"
    • ".0"
    • "0."
    • "0 but true"
    • "\t00"
    • "\n0e1"
    • "+0.e-9"
  • With a warning:
    • Any string for which Scalar::Util::looks_like_number returns false. (e.g. "abc")

How to run .NET Core console app from the command line

If it's a framework-dependent application (the default), you run it by dotnet yourapp.dll.

If it's a self-contained application, you run it using yourapp.exe on Windows and ./yourapp on Unix.

For more information about the differences between the two app types, see the .NET Core Application Deployment article on .Net Docs.

Spring Boot - How to get the running port

Just so others who have configured their apps like mine benefit from what I went through...

None of the above solutions worked for me because I have a ./config directory just under my project base with 2 files:

In I have: = dev  # set my default profile to 'dev'

In I have:

server_host = localhost
server_port = 8080

This is so when I run my fat jar from the CLI the *.properties files will be read from the ./config dir and all is good.

Well, it turns out that these properties files completely override the webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT setting in @SpringBootTest in my Spock specs. No matter what I tried, even with webEnvironment set to RANDOM_PORT Spring would always startup the embedded Tomcat container on port 8080 (or whatever value I'd set in my ./config/*.properties files).

The ONLY way I was able to overcome this was by adding an explicit properties = "server_port=0" to the @SpringBootTest annotation in my Spock integration specs:

@SpringBootTest (webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT, properties = "server_port=0")

Then, and only then did Spring finally start to spin up Tomcat on a random port. IMHO this is a Spring testing framework bug, but I'm sure they'll have their own opinion on this.

Hope this helped someone.

Export result set on Dbeaver to CSV

The problem was the box "open new connection" that was checked. So I couldn't use my temporary table.

How to enable directory listing in apache web server

This one solved my issue which is SELinux setting:

chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /home/*

Remove Unnamed columns in pandas dataframe

df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')]

In [162]: df
   colA  ColB  colC  colD  colE  colF  colG
0    44    45    26    26    40    26    46
1    47    16    38    47    48    22    37
2    19    28    36    18    40    18    46
3    50    14    12    33    12    44    23
4    39    47    16    42    33    48    38

if the first column in the CSV file has index values, then you can do this instead:

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0)

What's the default password of mariadb on fedora?

If your DB is installed properly and typed the wrong password, the error thrown will be:

ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

The following error indicates you DB hasn't been started/installed completely. Your command is not able to locate and talk with your DB instance.

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2 "No such file or directory")

Good practice would be to change your password after a fresh install

$ sudo service mysql stop
$ mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
$ sudo service mysql start
$ sudo mysql -u root

MariaDB [(none)]> use mysql;
MariaDB [mysql]> update user set password=PASSWORD("snafu8") where User='root';
MariaDB [mysql]> flush privileges;
MariaDB [mysql]> exit;

$ sudo service mysql restart


mysqladmin -u root password 'enter password here'

Build Error - missing required architecture i386 in file

This happens when you add a framework to your project and unintentionally copy the framework into your project directory.

The fix is to check your project directory (where you store your project on disk) for any iphone SDK *.Framework files and delete them.

Project will build fine afterwards.

How to limit the number of dropzone.js files uploaded?

I thought that the most intuitive single file upload process was to replace the previous file upon a new entry.

    url: '/cart?upload-engraving=true',
    maxFiles: 1,
    maxfilesexceeded: function(file) {

Using jQuery To Get Size of Viewport

Please note that CSS3 viewport units (vh,vw) wouldn't play well on iOS When you scroll the page, viewport size is somehow recalculated and your size of element which uses viewport units also increases. So, actually some javascript is required.

Can I set background image and opacity in the same property?

In your CSS add...

 filter: opacity(50%);

In JavaScript use...'opacity(50%)';

NB: Add vendor prefixes as required but Chromium should be fine without.

Using form input to access camera and immediately upload photos using web app

It's really easy to do this, simply send the file via an XHR request inside of the file input's onchange handler.

<input id="myFileInput" type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera">

var myInput = document.getElementById('myFileInput');

function sendPic() {
    var file = myInput.files[0];

    // Send file here either by adding it to a `FormData` object 
    // and sending that via XHR, or by simply passing the file into 
    // the `send` method of an XHR instance.

myInput.addEventListener('change', sendPic, false);

Python equivalent of a given wget command

easy as py:

class Downloder():
    def download_manager(self, url, destination='Files/DownloderApp/', try_number="10", time_out="60"):
        #threading.Thread(target=self._wget_dl, args=(url, destination, try_number, time_out, log_file)).start()
        if self._wget_dl(url, destination, try_number, time_out, log_file) == 0:
            return True
            return False

    def _wget_dl(self,url, destination, try_number, time_out):
        import subprocess
        command=["wget", "-c", "-P", destination, "-t", try_number, "-T", time_out , url]
        except Exception as e:
        #if download_state==0 => successfull download
        return download_state

Loop through each cell in a range of cells when given a Range object

I'm resurrecting the dead here, but because a range can be defined as "A:A", using a for each loop ends up with a potential infinite loop. The solution, as far as I know, is to use the Do Until loop.

Do Until Selection.Value = ""
  Rem Do things here...

Convert json data to a html table

You can use simple jQuery jPut plugin


var json = [{"name": "name1","email":"[email protected]"},{"name": "name2","link":"[email protected]"}];
//while running this code the template will be appended in your div with json data
    //ajax_url:"youfile.json",  if you want to call from a json file


<table jput="t_template">
 <tbody jput="tbody_template">

 <tbody id="tbody">

The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched

Inaccessible logs: Security

A new event source needs to have a unique name across all logs including Security (which needs admin privilege when it's being read).

So your app will need admin privilege to create a source. But that's probably an overkill.

I wrote this powershell script to create the event source at will. Save it as *.ps1 and run it with any privilege and it will elevate itself.


If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
    $arguments = "& '" + $myinvocation.mycommand.definition + "'"
    Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments


$source = "My Service Event Source";
$logname = "Application";

if ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($source) -eq $false) {
    [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource($source, $logname);
    Write-Host $source -f white -nonewline; Write-Host " successfully added." -f green;
    Write-Host $source -f white -nonewline; Write-Host " already exists.";


Write-Host -NoNewLine 'Press any key to continue...';
$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');

Converting a PDF to PNG

To convert pdf to image files use following commands:

For PNG gs -sDEVICE=png16m -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r300 -o a.png a.pdf

For JPG gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r300 -o a.jpg a.pdf

If you have multiple pages add to name %03d gs -o a%03d.jpg a.pdf

What each option means:

  • sDEVICE={jpeg,pngalpha,png16m...} - filetype
  • -o - output file (%stdout to stdout)
  • -dTextAlphaBits=4 - font antialiasing.
  • -r300 - 300 dpi

Angular2 Material Dialog css, dialog size

This worked for me:

dialogRef.updateSize("300px", "300px");

Why Is Subtracting These Two Times (in 1927) Giving A Strange Result?

As others said, it's a time change in 1927 in Shanghai.

It was 23:54:07 in Shanghai, in the local standard time, but then after 5 minutes and 52 seconds, it turned to the next day at 00:00:00, and then local standard time changed back to 23:54:08. So, that's why the difference between the two times is 343 seconds, not 1 second, as you would have expected.

The time can also mess up in other places like the US. The US has Daylight Saving Time. When the Daylight Saving Time starts the time goes forward 1 hour. But after a while, the Daylight Saving Time ends, and it goes backward 1 hour back to the standard time zone. So sometimes when comparing times in the US the difference is about 3600 seconds not 1 second.

But there is something different about these two-time changes. The latter changes continuously and the former was just a change. It didn't change back or change again by the same amount.

It's better to use UTC unless if needed to use non-UTC time like in display.

How is AngularJS different from jQuery

They work at different levels.

The simplest way to view the difference, from a beginner perspective is that jQuery is essentially an abstract of JavaScript, so the way we design a page for JavaScript is pretty much how we will do it for jQuery. Start with the DOM then build a behavior layer on top of that. Not so with Angular.Js. The process really begins from the ground up, so the end result is the desired view.

With jQuery you do dom-manipulations, with Angular.Js you create whole web-applications.

jQuery was built to abstract away the various browser idiosyncracies, and work with the DOM without having to add IE6 checks and so on. Over time, it developed a nice, robust API which allowed us to do a lot of things, but at its core, it is meant for dealing with the DOM, finding elements, changing UI, and so on. Think of it as working directly with nuts and bolts.

Angular.Js was built as a layer on top of jQuery, to add MVC concepts to front end engineering. Instead of giving you APIs to work with DOM, Angular.Js gives you data-binding, templating, custom components (similar to jQuery UI, but declarative instead of triggering through JS) and a whole lot more. Think of it as working at a higher level, with components that you can hook together, instead of directly at the nuts and bolts level.

Additionally, Angular.Js gives you structures and concepts that apply to various projects, like Controllers, Services, and Directives. jQuery itself can be used in multiple (gazillion) ways to do the same thing. Thankfully, that is way less with Angular.Js, which makes it easier to get into and out of projects. It offers a sane way for multiple people to contribute to the same project, without having to relearn a system from scratch.

A short comparison can be this-


  • Can be easily used by those who have proper knowledge on CSS selectors
  • It is a library used for DOM Manipulations
  • Has nothing to do with models
  • Easily manipulate the contents of a webpage
  • Apply styles to make UI more attractive
  • Easy DOM traversal
  • Effects and animation
  • Simple to make AJAX calls and
  • Utilities usability
  • don't have a two-way binding feature
  • becomes complex and difficult to maintain when the size of a project increases
  • Sometimes you have to write more code to achieve the same functionality as in Angular.Js


  • It is an MVVM Framework
  • Used for creating SPA (Single Page Applications)
  • It has key features like routing, directives, two-way data binding, models, dependency injection, unit tests etc
  • is modular
  • Maintainable, when project size increases
  • is Fast
  • Two-Way data binding REST friendly MVC-based Pattern
  • Deep Linking
  • Templating
  • Build-in form Validation
  • Dependency Injection
  • Localization
  • Full Testing Environment
  • Server Communication

And much more

enter image description here

Think this helps.

More can be found-

Angular.js directive dynamic templateURL

Thanks to @pgregory, I could resolve my problem using this directive for inline editing

.directive("superEdit", function($compile){
        link: function(scope, element, attrs){
            var colName = attrs["superEdit"];

            scope.getContentUrl = function() {
                if (colName == 'Something') {
                    return 'app/correction/templates/lov-edit.html';
                }else {
                    return 'app/correction/templates/simple-edit.html';

            var template = '<div ng-include="getContentUrl()"></div>';

            var linkFn = $compile(template);
            var content = linkFn(scope);

ReactJS: Warning: setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition

From react docs Passing arguments to event handlers

<button onClick={(e) => this.deleteRow(id, e)}>Delete Row</button>
<button onClick={this.deleteRow.bind(this, id)}>Delete Row</button>

How to install npm peer dependencies automatically?

Install yarn an then run

yarn global add install-peerdeps

Apply CSS rules if browser is IE

A fast approach is to use the following according to ie that you want to focus (check the comments), inside your css files (where margin-top, set whatever css attribute you like):

margin-top: 10px\9; /*It will apply to all ie from 8 and below */
*margin-top: 10px; /*It will apply to ie 7 and below */
_margin-top: 10px; /*It will apply to ie 6 and below*/

A better approach would be to check user agent or a conditional if, in order to avoid the loading of unnecessary CSS in other browsers.

ArrayList filter

As you didn't give us very much information, I'm assuming the language you're writing the code in is C#. First of all: Prefer System.Collections.Generic.List over an ArrayList. Secondly: One way would be to loop through every item in the list and check whether it contains "How". Another way would be to use LINQ. Here's a quick example that filters out every item which doesn't contain "How":

var list = new List<string>();
list.AddRange(new string[] {
    "How are you?",
    "How you doing?",
    "Mike", });

foreach (string str in list.Where(s => s.Contains("How")))

How to play videos in android from assets folder or raw folder?

VideoView myVideo = (VideoView) rootView.findViewById(;

//Set video name (no extension)
String myVideoName = "my_video";

//Set app package
String myAppPackage = "com.myapp";

//Get video URI from raw directory
Uri myVideoUri = Uri.parse("android.resource://"+myAppPackage+"/raw/"+myVideoName);

//Set the video URI

//Play the video

How to remove a class from elements in pure JavaScript?

elements is an array of DOM objects. You should do something like this

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

ie: enumerate the elements collection, and for each element inside the collection call the remove method

Test if element is present using Selenium WebDriver?

To find a particular Element is present or not, we have to use findElements() method instead of findElement()..

int i=driver.findElements(By.xpath(".......")).size();
System.out.println("Element is not present");
System.out.println("Element is present");

this is worked for me.. suggest me if i am wrong..

How do I convert a list into a string with spaces in Python?

Why don't you add a space in the items of the list itself, like :
list = ["how ", "are ", "you "]

Check if a user has scrolled to the bottom

You can try the following code,

    var ele = document.getElementById('dashboard-scroll');
    if(ele.scrollHeight - ele.scrollTop === ele.clientHeight){
       console.log('at the bottom of the scroll');

How to remove MySQL root password

I have also been through this problem,

First i tried setting my password of root to blank using command :

SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('');

But don't be happy , PHPMYADMIN uses not localhost , i know you would say both are same but that is not the case , use the command mentioned underneath and you are done.

SET PASSWORD FOR [email protected]=PASSWORD('');

Just replace localhost with and you are done .

What does "use strict" do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it?

Small examples to compare:

Non-strict mode:

for (i of [1,2,3]) console.log(i)_x000D_
// output:_x000D_
// 1_x000D_
// 2_x000D_
// 3

Strict mode:

'use strict';_x000D_
for (i of [1,2,3]) console.log(i)_x000D_
// output:_x000D_
// Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined

Non-strict mode:

String.prototype.test = function () {_x000D_
  console.log(typeof this === 'string');_x000D_
// output_x000D_
// false

String.prototype.test = function () {_x000D_
  'use strict';_x000D_
  console.log(typeof this === 'string');_x000D_
// output_x000D_
// true

NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key must be present in Info.plist to use camera roll


1. Open info.plist

enter image description here

2. Click this button to add a new key

enter image description here

3. Scroll down to find Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description

enter image description here

4. Select it, then add your description on the right

enter image description here

Removing duplicate rows from table in Oracle

From Ask Tom

delete from t
 where rowid IN ( select rid
                    from (select rowid rid, 
                                 row_number() over (partition by 
                         companyid, agentid, class , status, terminationdate
                                   order by rowid) rn
                            from t)
                   where rn <> 1);

(fixed the missing parenthesis)

Using context in a fragment

You can use getActivity(), which returns the activity associated with a fragment.
The activity is a context (since Activity extends Context).

javascript create array from for loop

even shorter if you can lose the yearStart value:

var yearStart = 2000;
var yearEnd = 2040;

var arr = [];

while(yearStart < yearEnd+1){

UPDATE: If you can use the ES6 syntax you can do it the way proposed here:

let yearStart = 2000;
let yearEnd = 2040;
let years = Array(yearEnd-yearStart+1)
    .map(() => yearStart++);

How to prevent custom views from losing state across screen orientation changes

Here is another variant that uses a mix of the two above methods. Combining the speed and correctness of Parcelable with the simplicity of a Bundle:

public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    // The vars you want to save - in this instance a string and a boolean
    String someString = "something";
    boolean someBoolean = true;
    State state = new State(super.onSaveInstanceState(), someString, someBoolean);
    bundle.putParcelable(State.STATE, state);
    return bundle;

public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
    if (state instanceof Bundle) {
        Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state;
        State customViewState = (State) bundle.getParcelable(State.STATE);
        // The vars you saved - do whatever you want with them
        String someString = customViewState.getText();
        boolean someBoolean = customViewState.isSomethingShowing());
    // Stops a bug with the wrong state being passed to the super

protected static class State extends BaseSavedState {
    protected static final String STATE = "YourCustomView.STATE";

    private final String someText;
    private final boolean somethingShowing;

    public State(Parcelable superState, String someText, boolean somethingShowing) {
        this.someText = someText;
        this.somethingShowing = somethingShowing;

    public String getText(){
        return this.someText;

    public boolean isSomethingShowing(){
        return this.somethingShowing;

ImportError: No module named google.protobuf

The reason for this would be mostly due to the evil command pip install google. I was facing a similar issue for google-cloud, but the same steps are true for protobuf as well. Both of our issues deal with a namespace conflict over the 'google' namespace.

If you executed the pip install google command like I did then you are in the correct place. The google package is actually not owned by Google which can be confirmed by the command pip show google which outputs:

 Name: google
 Version: 1.9.3
 Summary: Python bindings to the Google search engine.
 Author: Mario Vilas
 Author-email: [email protected]
 License: UNKNOWN
 Location: <Path where this package is installed>
 Requires: beautifulsoup4

Because of this package, the google namespace is reserved and coincidentally google-cloud also expects namespace google > cloud and it results in a namespace collision for these two packages.

See in below screenshot namespace of google-protobuf as google > protobuf

google-cloud namespace screenshot google > cloud > datastore

Solution :- Unofficial google package need to be uninstalled which can be done by using pip uninstall google after this you can reinstall google-cloud using pip install google-cloud or protobuf using pip install protobuf

FootNotes :- Assuming you have installed the unofficial google package by mistake and you don't actually need it along with google-cloud package. If you need both unofficial google and google-cloud above solution won't work.

Furthermore, the unofficial 'google' package installs with it 'soupsieve' and 'beautifulsoup4'. You may want to also uninstall those packages.

Let me know if this solves your particular issue.

Multiple line comment in Python

Try this

This is a multiline
comment. I can type here whatever I want.

Python does have a multiline string/comment syntax in the sense that unless used as docstrings, multiline strings generate no bytecode -- just like #-prepended comments. In effect, it acts exactly like a comment.

On the other hand, if you say this behavior must be documented in the official docs to be a true comment syntax, then yes, you would be right to say it is not guaranteed as part of the language specification.

In any case your editor should also be able to easily comment-out a selected region (by placing a # in front of each line individually). If not, switch to an editor that does.

Programming in Python without certain text editing features can be a painful experience. Finding the right editor (and knowing how to use it) can make a big difference in how the Python programming experience is perceived.

Not only should the editor be able to comment-out selected regions, it should also be able to shift blocks of code to the left and right easily, and should automatically place the cursor at the current indentation level when you press Enter. Code folding can also be useful.

Building and running app via Gradle and Android Studio is slower than via Eclipse

In our specific case, the problem was due to having the retrolambda plugin, which forced all projects and subprojects to recompile everytime we tried to launch our application, even if no code had been altered in our core modules.

Removing retrolamba fixed it for us. Hope it helps someone.

How does jQuery work when there are multiple elements with the same ID value?

If you have multiple elements with same id or same name, just assign same class to those multiple elements and access them by index & perform your required operation.

        <span id="a" class="demo">1</span>
        <span id="a" class="demo">2</span>


$($(".demo")[0]).val("First span");
$($(".demo")[1]).val("Second span");

How can I add NSAppTransportSecurity to my info.plist file?

XCODE 8, Swift 3: You need to add a row: **

"App transport Security Setting"

** in the info.plist inside information Property list.

php create object without class

you can always use new stdClass(). Example code:

   $object = new stdClass();
   $object->property = 'Here we go';


   object(stdClass)#2 (1) {
      string(10) "Here we go"

Also as of PHP 5.4 you can get same output with:

$object = (object) ['property' => 'Here we go'];