Programs & Examples On #Sequence

A sequence is an ordered list of objects (or events). Like a set, it contains members (also called elements or terms), and the number of terms (possibly infinite) is called the length of the sequence. Unlike a set, order matters, and exactly the same elements can appear multiple times at different positions in the sequence. In a relational database, a sequence is an object that is used to generate unique numbers for a primary key.

How to create an Oracle sequence starting with max value from a table?

You can't use a subselect inside a CREATE SEQUENCE statement. You'll have to select the value beforehand.

Change the name of a key in dictionary

This will lowercase all your dict keys. Even if you have nested dict or lists. You can do something similar to apply other transformations.

def lowercase_keys(obj):
  if isinstance(obj, dict):
    obj = {key.lower(): value for key, value in obj.items()}
    for key, value in obj.items():         
      if isinstance(value, list):
        for idx, item in enumerate(value):
          value[idx] = lowercase_keys(item)
      obj[key] = lowercase_keys(value)
  return obj 
json_str = {"FOO": "BAR", "BAR": 123, "EMB_LIST": [{"FOO": "bar", "Bar": 123}, {"FOO": "bar", "Bar": 123}], "EMB_DICT": {"FOO": "BAR", "BAR": 123, "EMB_LIST": [{"FOO": "bar", "Bar": 123}, {"FOO": "bar", "Bar": 123}]}}


Out[0]: {'foo': 'BAR',
 'bar': 123,
 'emb_list': [{'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 123}, {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 123}],
 'emb_dict': {'foo': 'BAR',
  'bar': 123,
  'emb_list': [{'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 123}, {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 123}]}}

Oracle SQL: Use sequence in insert with Select Statement

Assuming that you want to group the data before you generate the key with the sequence, it sounds like you want something like

SELECT MY_SEQ.nextval,
  FROM (SELECT '2010' year,
               '12' month,
               'ALL' make,
               'ALL' model,
               sum(AVG_MSRP*COUNT)/sum(COUNT) avg_msrp,
               sum(cnt) cnt
         WHERE YEAR = '2010' 
           AND MONTH = '12'
           AND MAKE != 'ALL' 

How can I get all sequences in an Oracle database?

select sequence_owner, sequence_name from dba_sequences;

DBA_SEQUENCES -- all sequences that exist 
ALL_SEQUENCES  -- all sequences that you have permission to see 
USER_SEQUENCES  -- all sequences that you own

Note that since you are, by definition, the owner of all the sequences returned from USER_SEQUENCES, there is no SEQUENCE_OWNER column in USER_SEQUENCES.

get next sequence value from database using hibernate

To get the new id, all you have to do is flush the entity manager. See getNext() method below:

@SequenceGenerator(name = "sequence", sequenceName = "mySequence")
public class SequenceFetcher
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "sequence")
    private long id;

    public long getId() {
        return id;

    public static long getNext(EntityManager em) {
        SequenceFetcher sf = new SequenceFetcher();
        return sf.getId();

How do I reset a sequence in Oracle?

Stored procedure that worked for me

create or replace
procedure reset_sequence( p_seq_name in varchar2, tablename in varchar2 )
    l_val number;
    maxvalueid number;
    execute immediate 'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
    execute immediate 'select max(id) from ' || tablename INTO maxvalueid;
    execute immediate 'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by -' || l_val || ' minvalue 0';
    execute immediate 'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
    execute immediate 'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by '|| maxvalueid ||' minvalue 0';  
    execute immediate 'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_val;
    execute immediate 'alter sequence ' || p_seq_name || ' increment by 1 minvalue 0';

How to use the stored procedure:

execute reset_sequence('company_sequence','company');

How to reset sequence in postgres and fill id column with new data?

Inspired by the other answers here, I created an SQL function to do a sequence migration. The function moves a primary key sequence to a new contiguous sequence starting with any value (>= 1) either inside or outside the existing sequence range.

I explain here how I used this function in a migration of two databases with the same schema but different values into one database.

First, the function (which prints the generated SQL commands so that it is clear what is actually happening):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION migrate_pkey_sequence
  ( arg_table      text
  , arg_column     text
  , arg_sequence   text
  , arg_next_value bigint  -- Must be >= 1
  result int;
  curr_value bigint = arg_next_value - 1;
  update_column1 text := format
    ( 'UPDATE %I SET %I = nextval(%L) + %s'
    , arg_table
    , arg_column
    , arg_sequence
    , curr_value
  alter_sequence text := format
    , arg_sequence
    , arg_next_value
  update_column2 text := format
    , arg_table
    , arg_column
  select_max_column text := format
    ( 'SELECT coalesce(max(%I), %s) + 1 AS nextval FROM %I'
    , arg_column
    , curr_value
    , arg_table
  -- Print the SQL command before executing it.
  RAISE INFO '%', update_column1;
  EXECUTE update_column1;
  RAISE INFO '%', alter_sequence;
  EXECUTE alter_sequence;
  RAISE INFO '%', update_column2;
  EXECUTE update_column2;
  EXECUTE select_max_column INTO result;
  RETURN result;
END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The function migrate_pkey_sequence takes the following arguments:

  1. arg_table: table name (e.g. 'example')
  2. arg_column: primary key column name (e.g. 'id')
  3. arg_sequence: sequence name (e.g. 'example_id_seq')
  4. arg_next_value: next value for the column after migration

It performs the following operations:

  1. Move the primary key values to a free range. I assume that nextval('example_id_seq') follows max(id) and that the sequence starts with 1. This also handles the case where arg_next_value > max(id).
  2. Move the primary key values to the contiguous range starting with arg_next_value. The order of key values are preserved but holes in the range are not preserved.
  3. Print the next value that would follow in the sequence. This is useful if you want to migrate the columns of another table and merge with this one.

To demonstrate, we use a sequence and table defined as follows (e.g. using psql):

# CREATE SEQUENCE example_id_seq
  CACHE 1;
# CREATE TABLE example
  ( id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('example_id_seq'::regclass)

Then, we insert some values (starting, for example, at 3):

-- id: 3, 4, 5

Finally, we migrate the values to start with 1.

# SELECT migrate_pkey_sequence('example', 'id', 'example_id_seq', 1);
INFO:  00000: UPDATE example SET id = nextval('example_id_seq') + 0
INFO:  00000: ALTER SEQUENCE example_id_seq RESTART WITH 1
INFO:  00000: UPDATE example SET id = DEFAULT
(1 row)

The result:

# SELECT * FROM example;
(3 rows)

Generate a sequence of numbers in Python

Every number from 1,2,5,6,9,10... is divisible by 4 with remainder 1 or 2.

>>> ','.join(str(i) for i in xrange(100) if i % 4 in (1,2))

PostgreSQL next value of the sequences?


Since PostgreSQL 8.2, that's possible with a single round-trip to the database:

INSERT INTO tbl(filename)
VALUES ('my_filename')

tbl_id would typically be a serial or IDENTITY (Postgres 10 or later) column. More in the manual.

Explicitly fetch value

If filename needs to include tbl_id (redundantly), you can still use a single query.

Use lastval() or the more specific currval():

INSERT INTO tbl (filename)
VALUES ('my_filename' || currval('tbl_tbl_id_seq')   -- or lastval()


If multiple sequences may be advanced in the process (even by way of triggers or other side effects) the sure way is to use currval('tbl_tbl_id_seq').

Name of sequence

The string literal 'tbl_tbl_id_seq' in my example is supposed to be the actual name of the sequence and is cast to regclass, which raises an exception if no sequence of that name can be found in the current search_path.

tbl_tbl_id_seq is the automatically generated default for a table tbl with a serial column tbl_id. But there are no guarantees. A column default can fetch values from any sequence if so defined. And if the default name is taken when creating the table, Postgres picks the next free name according to a simple algorithm.

If you don't know the name of the sequence for a serial column, use the dedicated function pg_get_serial_sequence(). Can be done on the fly:

INSERT INTO tbl (filename)
VALUES ('my_filename' || currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('tbl', 'tbl_id'))

db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle

How do I create a sequence in MySQL?

SEQUENCES like it works on firebird:

-- =======================================================


-- =======================================================
-- Creates a sequence sSeqName and set its initial value.
-- =======================================================


CREATE PROCEDURE CreateSequence( sSeqName VARCHAR(32), iSeqValue BIGINT )  
    VALUES (sSeqName   , iSeqValue  );  
  END IF;  
END :)  

-- CALL CreateSequence( 'MySequence', 0 );  

-- =======================================================================
-- Increments the sequence value of sSeqName by iIncrement and returns it.
-- If iIncrement is zero, returns the current value of sSeqName.
-- =======================================================================


CREATE FUNCTION GetSequenceVal( sSeqName VARCHAR(32), iIncrement INTEGER )  
RETURNS BIGINT  -- iIncrement can be negative  

  WHERE  ( NM_SEQUENCE = sSeqName )  
  INTO   @iSeqValue;  

  IF ( iIncrement <> 0 ) THEN  
    SET @iSeqValue = @iSeqValue + iIncrement;  

    WHERE  ( NM_SEQUENCE = sSeqName );  

  RETURN @iSeqValue;
END :)  

-- SELECT GetSequenceVal('MySequence', 1);  -- Adds 1 to MySequence value and returns it.

-- ===================================================================

How to retrieve the current value of an oracle sequence without increment it?

My original reply was factually incorrect and I'm glad it was removed. The code below will work under the following conditions a) you know that nobody else modified the sequence b) the sequence was modified by your session. In my case, I encountered a similar issue where I was calling a procedure which modified a value and I'm confident the assumption is true.

SELECT mysequence.CURRVAL INTO v_myvariable FROM DUAL;

Sadly, if you didn't modify the sequence in your session, I believe others are correct in stating that the NEXTVAL is the only way to go.

Sequence Permission in Oracle

Just another bit. in some case i found no result on all_tab_privs! i found it indeed on dba_tab_privs. I think so that this last table is better to check for any grant available on an object (in case of impact analysis). The statement becomes:

    select * from dba_tab_privs where table_name = 'sequence_name';

Fixing the order of facets in ggplot

Here's a solution that keeps things within a dplyr pipe chain. You sort the data in advance, and then using mutate_at to convert to a factor. I've modified the data slightly to show how this solution can be applied generally, given data that can be sensibly sorted:

# the data
temp <- data.frame(type=rep(c("T", "F", "P"), 4),
                    size=rep(c("50%", "100%", "200%", "150%"), each=3), # cannot sort this
                    size_num = rep(c(.5, 1, 2, 1.5), each=3), # can sort this
                    amount=c(48.4, 48.1, 46.8, 
                             25.9, 26.0, 24.9,
                             20.8, 21.5, 16.5,
                             21.1, 21.4, 20.1))

temp %>% 
  arrange(size_num) %>% # sort
  mutate_at(vars(size), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>% # convert to factor

  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)

You can apply this solution to arrange the bars within facets, too, though you can only choose a single, preferred order:

    temp %>% 
  arrange(size_num) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(size), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>%
  arrange(desc(amount)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(type), funs(factor(., levels=unique(.)))) %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)

  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(x = type, y=amount, fill=type), 
           position="dodge", stat="identity") + 
  facet_grid(~ size)

can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

In this line:

fund = fund * (1 + 0.01 * growthRates) + depositPerYear

growthRates is a sequence ([3,4,5,0,3]). You can't multiply that sequence by a float (0.1). It looks like what you wanted to put there was i.

Incidentally, i is not a great name for that variable. Consider something more descriptive, like growthRate or rate.

How does the JPA @SequenceGenerator annotation work

Now, back to your questions:

Q1. Does this sequence generator make use of the database's increasing numeric value generating capability or generates the number on its own?

By using the GenerationType.SEQUENCE strategy on the @GeneratedValue annotation, the JPA provider will try to use a database sequence object of the underlying database that supports this feature (e.g., Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MariaDB).

If you are using MySQL, which doesn't support database sequence objects, then Hibernate is going to fall back to using the GenerationType.TABLE instead, which is undesirable since the TABLE generation performs badly.

So, don't use the GenerationType.SEQUENCE strategy with MySQL.

Q2. If JPA uses a database auto-increment feature, then will it work with datastores that don't have auto-increment feature?

I assume you are talking about the GenerationType.IDENTITY when you say database auto-increment feature.

To use an AUTO_INCREMENT or IDENTITY column, you need to use the GenerationType.IDENTITYstrategy on the @GeneratedValue annotation.

Q3. If JPA generates numeric value on its own, then how does the JPA implementation know which value to generate next? Does it consult with the database first to see what value was stored last in order to generate the value (last + 1)?

The only time when the JPA provider generates values on its own is when you are using the sequence-based optimizers, like:

These optimizers are meat to reduce the number of database sequence calls, so they multiply the number of identifier values that can be generated using a single database sequence call.

To avoid conflicts between Hibernate identifier optimizers and other 3rd-party clients, you should use pooled or pooled-lo instead of hi/lo. Even if you are using a legacy application that was designed to use hi/lo, you can migrate to the pooled or pooled-lo optimizers.

Q4. Please also shed some light on sequenceName and allocationSize properties of @SequenceGenerator annotation.

The sequenceName attribute defines the database sequence object to be used to generate the identifier values. IT's the object you created using the CREATE SEQUENCE DDL statement.

So, if you provide this mapping:

    strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE,
    generator = "seq_post"
    name = "seq_post"
private Long id;

Hibernate is going to use the seq_post database object to generate the identifier values:

SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence')

The allocationSize defines the identifier value multiplier, and if you provide a value that's greater than 1, then Hibernate is going to use the pooled optimizer, to reduce the number of database sequence calls.

So, if you provide this mapping:

    strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE,
    generator = "seq_post"
    name = "seq_post",
    allocationSize = 5
private Long id;

Then, when you persist 5 entities:

for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
        new Post().setTitle(
                "High-Performance Java Persistence, Part %d",

Only 2 database sequence calls will be executed, instead of 5:

SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence')
SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence')
INSERT INTO post (title, id)
VALUES ('High-Performance Java Persistence, Part 1', 1)
INSERT INTO post (title, id)
VALUES ('High-Performance Java Persistence, Part 2', 2)
INSERT INTO post (title, id)
VALUES ('High-Performance Java Persistence, Part 3', 3)
INSERT INTO post (title, id)
VALUES ('High-Performance Java Persistence, Part 4', 4)
INSERT INTO post (title, id)
VALUES ('High-Performance Java Persistence, Part 5', 5)

How can I get the concatenation of two lists in Python without modifying either one?

you could always create a new list which is a result of adding two lists.

>>> k = [1,2,3] + [4,7,9]
>>> k
[1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9]

Lists are mutable sequences so I guess it makes sense to modify the original lists by extend or append.

Best way to reset an Oracle sequence to the next value in an existing column?

These two procedures let me reset the sequence and reset the sequence based on data in a table (apologies for the coding conventions used by this client):

   l_num   NUMBER;
   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select ' || p_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_num;

   -- Added check for 0 to avoid "ORA-04002: INCREMENT must be a non-zero integer"
   IF (p_val - l_num - 1) != 0
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter sequence ' || p_name || ' increment by ' || (p_val - l_num - 1) || ' minvalue 0';
   END IF;

   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select ' || p_name || '.nextval from dual' INTO l_num;

   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter sequence ' || p_name || ' increment by 1 ';

   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Sequence ' || p_name || ' is now at ' || p_val);

   nextnum   NUMBER;
   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT MAX(' || col_name || ') + 1 AS n FROM ' || table_name INTO nextnum;

   SET_SEQ_TO(seq_name, nextnum);

Hibernate JPA Sequence (non-Id)

Hibernate definitely supports this. From the docs:

"Generated properties are properties which have their values generated by the database. Typically, Hibernate applications needed to refresh objects which contain any properties for which the database was generating values. Marking properties as generated, however, lets the application delegate this responsibility to Hibernate. Essentially, whenever Hibernate issues an SQL INSERT or UPDATE for an entity which has defined generated properties, it immediately issues a select afterwards to retrieve the generated values."

For properties generated on insert only, your property mapping (.hbm.xml) would look like:

<property name="foo" generated="insert"/>

For properties generated on insert and update your property mapping (.hbm.xml) would look like:

<property name="foo" generated="always"/>

Unfortunately, I don't know JPA, so I don't know if this feature is exposed via JPA (I suspect possibly not)

Alternatively, you should be able to exclude the property from inserts and updates, and then "manually" call session.refresh( obj ); after you have inserted/updated it to load the generated value from the database.

This is how you would exclude the property from being used in insert and update statements:

<property name="foo" update="false" insert="false"/>

Again, I don't know if JPA exposes these Hibernate features, but Hibernate does support them.

GIT vs. Perforce- Two VCS will enter... one will leave

I have been using Perforce for a long time and recently I also started to use GIT. Here is my "objective" opinion:

Perforce features:

  1. GUI tools seem to be more feature rich (e.g. Time lapse view, Revision graph)
  2. Speed when syncing to head revision (no overhead of transferring whole history)
  3. Eclipse/Visual Studio Integration is really nice
  4. You can develop multiple features in one branch per Changelist (I am still not 100% sure if this is an advantage over GIT)
  5. You can "spy" what other developers are doing - what kind of files they have checked out.

GIT features:

  1. I got impressions that GIT command line is much simpler than Perforce (init/clone, add, commit. No configuration of complex Workspaces)
  2. Speed when accessing project history after a checkout (comes at a cost of copying whole history when syncing)
  3. Offline mode (developers will not complain that unreachable P4 server will prohibit them from coding)
  4. Creating a new branches is much faster
  5. The "main" GIT server does not need plenty of TBytes of storage, because each developer can have it's own local sandbox
  6. GIT is OpenSource - no Licensing fees
  7. If your Company is contributing also to OpenSource projects then sharing patches is way much easier with GIT

Overall for OpenSource/Distributed projects I would always recommend GIT, because it is more like a P2P application and everyone can participate in development. For example, I remember that when I was doing remote development with Perforce I was syncing 4GB Projects over 1Mbps link once in a week. Alot of time was simply wasted because of that. Also we needed set up VPN to do that.

If you have a small company and P4 server will be always up then I would say that Perforce is also a very good option.

c++ array assignment of multiple values

There is a difference between initialization and assignment. What you want to do is not initialization, but assignment. But such assignment to array is not possible in C++.

Here is what you can do:

#include <algorithm>

int array [] = {1,3,34,5,6};
int newarr [] = {34,2,4,5,6};
std::copy(newarr, newarr + 5, array);

However, in C++0x, you can do this:

std::vector<int> array = {1,3,34,5,6};
array = {34,2,4,5,6};

Of course, if you choose to use std::vector instead of raw array.

SVG gradient using CSS

Building on top of what Finesse wrote, here is a simpler way to target the svg and change it's gradient.

This is what you need to do:

  1. Assign classes to each color stop defined in the gradient element.
  2. Target the css and change the stop-color for each of those stops using plain classes.
  3. Win!

Some benefits of using classes instead of :nth-child is that it'll not be affected if you reorder your stops. Also, it makes the intent of each class clear - you'll be left wondering whether you needed a blue color on the first child or the second one.

I've tested it on all Chrome, Firefox and IE11:

.main-stop {_x000D_
  stop-color: red;_x000D_
.alt-stop {_x000D_
  stop-color: green;_x000D_
<svg class="green" width="100" height="50" version="1.1" xmlns="">_x000D_
  <linearGradient id="gradient">_x000D_
    <stop class="main-stop" offset="0%" />_x000D_
    <stop class="alt-stop" offset="100%" />_x000D_
  <rect width="100" height="50" fill="url(#gradient)" />_x000D_

See an editable example here:,css,output

How to create a Jar file in Netbeans

Please do right click on the project and go to properties. Then go to Build and Packaging. You can see the JAR file location that is produced by defualt setting of netbean in the dist directory.

Parsing XML with namespace in Python via 'ElementTree'

I've been using similar code to this and have found it's always worth reading the documentation... as usual!

findall() will only find elements which are direct children of the current tag. So, not really ALL.

It might be worth your while trying to get your code working with the following, especially if you're dealing with big and complex xml files so that that sub-sub-elements (etc.) are also included. If you know yourself where elements are in your xml, then I suppose it'll be fine! Just thought this was worth remembering.


ref: "Element.findall() finds only elements with a tag which are direct children of the current element. Element.find() finds the first child with a particular tag, and Element.text accesses the element’s text content. Element.get() accesses the element’s attributes:"

Understanding the Linux oom-killer's logs

Memory management in Linux is a bit tricky to understand, and I can't say I fully understand it yet, but I'll try to share a little bit of my experience and knowledge.

Short answer to your question: Yes there are other stuff included than whats in the list.

What's being shown in your list is applications run in userspace. The kernel uses memory for itself and modules, on top of that it also has a lower limit of free memory that you can't go under. When you've reached that level it will try to free up resources, and when it can't do that anymore, you end up with an OOM problem.

From the last line of your list you can read that the kernel reports a total-vm usage of: 1498536kB (1,5GB), where the total-vm includes both your physical RAM and swap space. You stated you don't have any swap but the kernel seems to think otherwise since your swap space is reported to be full (Total swap = 524284kB, Free swap = 0kB) and it reports a total vmem size of 1,5GB.

Another thing that can complicate things further is memory fragmentation. You can hit the OOM killer when the kernel tries to allocate lets say 4096kB of continous memory, but there are no free ones availible.

Now that alone probably won't help you solve the actual problem. I don't know if it's normal for your program to require that amount of memory, but I would recommend to try a static code analyzer like cppcheck to check for memory leaks or file descriptor leaks. You could also try to run it through Valgrind to get a bit more information out about memory usage.

Could not connect to React Native development server on Android

This is applicable to Android 9.0+ according to the Network Security Configuration. Well, so after trying all possible solutions I found on the web, I decided to investigate the native Android logcat manually. Even after adding android:usesCleartextTraffic="true", I found this in the logcat:

06-25 02:32:34.561 32001 32001 E unknown:ReactNative: Caused by: CLEARTEXT communication to not permitted by network security policy

So, I tried to inspect my react-native app's source. I found that in debug variant, there is already a network-security-config which is defined by react-native guys, that conflicts with the main variant.

There's an easy solution to this. Go to <app-src>/android/app/src/debug/res/xml/react_native_config.xml Add a new line with your own IP address in the like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
    <domain includeSubdomains="false">localhost</domain>
    <domain includeSubdomains="false"></domain>
    <domain includeSubdomains="false"></domain>
    ***<domain includeSubdomains="false"></domain>***

As my computer's local IP (check from ifconfig for linux) is, I added the above line in ***

Then, you need to clean and rebuild for Android!

cd <app-src>/android
./gradlew clean
cd <app-src>
react-native run-android

I hope this works for you.

TypeError: 'float' object not iterable



int and float are not iterable

Switch statement: must default be the last case?

It's valid, but rather nasty. I would suggest it's generally bad to allow fall-throughs as it can lead to some very messy spaghetti code.

It's almost certainly better to break these cases up into several switch statements or smaller functions.

[edit] @Tristopia: Your example:

Example from UCS-2 to UTF-8 conversion 

r is the destination array, 
wc is the input wchar_t  

    /* Note: code falls through cases! */ 
    case 3: r[2] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc >>= 6; wc |= 0x800; 
    case 2: r[1] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc >>= 6; wc |= 0x0c0; 
    case 1: r[0] = wc;

would be clearer as to it's intention (I think) if it were written like this:

if( utf8_length >= 1 )
    r[0] = wc;

    if( utf8_length >= 2 )
        r[1] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc >>= 6; wc |= 0x0c0; 

        if( utf8_length == 3 )
            r[2] = 0x80 | (wc & 0x3f); wc >>= 6; wc |= 0x800; 

[edit2] @Tristopia: Your second example is probably the cleanest example of a good use for follow-through:

for(i=0; s[i]; i++)
    case '"': 
    case '\'': 
    case '\\': 
        d[dlen++] = '\\'; 
        /* fall through */ 
        d[dlen++] = s[i]; 

..but personally I would split the comment recognition into it's own function:

bool isComment(char charInQuestion)
    bool charIsComment = false;
    case '"': 
    case '\'': 
    case '\\': 
        charIsComment = true; 
        charIsComment = false; 
    return charIsComment;

for(i=0; s[i]; i++)
    if( isComment(s[i]) )
        d[dlen++] = '\\'; 
    d[dlen++] = s[i]; 

Is it possible to log all HTTP request headers with Apache?

In my case easiest way to get browser headers was to use php. It appends headers to file and prints them to test page.

$fp = fopen('m:/temp/requests.txt', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $time  "\n");
echo "$time.<br>";
foreach (getallheaders() as $name => $value) {
    $cur_hd = "$name: $value\n";
    fwrite($fp, $cur_hd);
    echo "$cur_hd.<br>";
fwrite($fp, "***\n");

Compare data of two Excel Columns A & B, and show data of Column A that do not exist in B

Put this in C2 and copy down

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,$B$2:$B$65535,1,FALSE)),"not in B","")

Then if the value in A isn't in B the cell in column C will say "not in B".

how to save and read array of array in NSUserdefaults in swift?

Here is:

var array : [String] = ["One", "Two", "Three"]
let userDefault = UserDefaults.standard
// set
userDefault.set(array, forKey: "array")
// retrieve 
if let fetchArray = userDefault.array(forKey: "array") as? [String] {
    // code 

Create two-dimensional arrays and access sub-arrays in Ruby

rows, cols = x,y  # your values
grid = { }

As for accessing elements, this article is pretty good for step by step way to encapsulate an array in the way you want:

How to ruby array

Check whether a string contains a substring

Another possibility is to use regular expressions which is what Perl is famous for:

if ($mystring =~ /s1\.domain\.com/) {
   print qq("$mystring" contains ""\n);

The backslashes are needed because a . can match any character. You can get around this by using the \Q and \E operators.

my $substring = "";
    if ($mystring =~ /\Q$substring\E/) {
   print qq("$mystring" contains "$substring"\n);

Or, you can do as eugene y stated and use the index function. Just a word of warning: Index returns a -1 when it can't find a match instead of an undef or 0.

Thus, this is an error:

my $substring = "";
if (not index($mystring, $substr)) {
    print qq("$mystring" doesn't contains "$substring"\n";

This will be wrong if is at the beginning of your string. I've personally been burned on this more than once.

How to round double to nearest whole number and then convert to a float?

For what is worth:

the closest integer to any given input as shown in the following table can be calculated using Math.ceil or Math.floor depending of the distance between the input and the next integer

| input | output |
|     1 |      0 |
|     2 |      0 |
|     3 |      5 |
|     4 |      5 |
|     5 |      5 |
|     6 |      5 |
|     7 |      5 |
|     8 |     10 |
|     9 |     10 |

private int roundClosest(final int i, final int k) {
    int deic = (i % k);
    if (deic <= (k / 2.0)) {
        return (int) (Math.floor(i / (double) k) * k);
    } else {
        return (int) (Math.ceil(i / (double) k) * k);

Is System.nanoTime() completely useless?

The Java 5 documentation also recommends using this method for the same purpose.

This method can only be used to measure elapsed time and is not related to any other notion of system or wall-clock time.

Java 5 API Doc

use Lodash to sort array of object by value

This method orderBy does not change the input array, you have to assign the result to your array :

var chars = this.state.characters;

chars = _.orderBy(chars, ['name'],['asc']); // Use Lodash to sort array by 'name'

 this.setState({characters: chars})

Eclipse Optimize Imports to Include Static Imports

From Content assist for static imports

To get content assist proposals for static members configure your list of favorite static members on the Opens the Favorites preference page Java > Editor > Content Assist > Favorites preference page.
For example, if you have added java.util.Arrays.* or org.junit.Assert.* to this list, then all static methods of this type matching the completion prefix will be added to the proposals list.

Open Window » Preferences » Java » Editor » Content Assist » Favorites

enter image description here

How can I lock a file using java (if possible)

Use this for unix if you are transferring using winscp or ftp:

public static void isFileReady(File entry) throws Exception {
        long realFileSize = entry.length();
        long currentFileSize = 0;
        do {
            try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(entry);) {
                currentFileSize = 0;
                while (fis.available() > 0) {
                    byte[] b = new byte[1024];
                    int nResult =;
                    currentFileSize += nResult;
                    if (nResult == -1)
            } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("currentFileSize=" + currentFileSize + ", realFileSize=" + realFileSize);
        } while (currentFileSize != realFileSize);

Understanding colors on Android (six characters)

Android Material Design

These are the conversions for setting the text color opacity levels.

  • 100%: FF
  • 87%: DE
  • 70%: B3
  • 54%: 8A
  • 50%: 80
  • 38%: 61
  • 12%: 1F

Dark text on light backgrounds

enter image description here

  • Primary text: DE000000
  • Secondary text: 8A000000
  • Disabled text, hint text, and icons: 61000000
  • Dividers: 1F000000

White text on dark backgrounds

enter image description here

  • Primary text: FFFFFFFF
  • Secondary text: B3FFFFFF
  • Disabled text, hint text, and icons: 80FFFFFF
  • Dividers: 1FFFFFFF

See also

  • Look up any percentage here.

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 190)

You have two records in your json file, and json.loads() is not able to decode more than one. You need to do it record by record.

See Python json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data

OR you need to reformat your json to contain an array:

    "foo" : [
       {"name": "XYZ", "address": "54.7168,94.0215", "country_of_residence": "PQR", "countries": "LMN;PQRST", "date": "28-AUG-2008", "type": null},
       {"name": "OLMS", "address": null, "country_of_residence": null, "countries": "Not identified;No", "date": "23-FEB-2017", "type": null}

would be acceptable again. But there cannot be several top level objects.

Fastest way to check if a string matches a regexp in ruby?

What I am wondering is if there is any strange way to make this check even faster, maybe exploiting some strange method in Regexp or some weird construct.

Regexp engines vary in how they implement searches, but, in general, anchor your patterns for speed, and avoid greedy matches, especially when searching long strings.

The best thing to do, until you're familiar with how a particular engine works, is to do benchmarks and add/remove anchors, try limiting searches, use wildcards vs. explicit matches, etc.

The Fruity gem is very useful for quickly benchmarking things, because it's smart. Ruby's built-in Benchmark code is also useful, though you can write tests that fool you by not being careful.

I've used both in many answers here on Stack Overflow, so you can search through my answers and will see lots of little tricks and results to give you ideas of how to write faster code.

The biggest thing to remember is, it's bad to prematurely optimize your code before you know where the slowdowns occur.

Plotting in a non-blocking way with Matplotlib

A lot of these answers are super inflated and from what I can find, the answer isn't all that difficult to understand.

You can use plt.ion() if you want, but I found using plt.draw() just as effective

For my specific project I'm plotting images, but you can use plot() or scatter() or whatever instead of figimage(), it doesn't matter.



fig = plt.figure()

If you're using an actual figure.
I used @krs013, and @Default Picture's answers to figure this out
Hopefully this saves someone from having launch every single figure on a separate thread, or from having to read these novels just to figure this out

Standard concise way to copy a file in Java?

I would avoid the use of a mega api like apache commons. This is a simplistic operation and its built into the JDK in the new NIO package. It was kind of already linked to in a previous answer, but the key method in the NIO api are the new functions "transferTo" and "transferFrom".,%20long,%20java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel)

One of the linked articles shows a great way on how to integrate this function into your code, using the transferFrom:

public static void copyFile(File sourceFile, File destFile) throws IOException {
    if(!destFile.exists()) {

    FileChannel source = null;
    FileChannel destination = null;

    try {
        source = new FileInputStream(sourceFile).getChannel();
        destination = new FileOutputStream(destFile).getChannel();
        destination.transferFrom(source, 0, source.size());
    finally {
        if(source != null) {
        if(destination != null) {

Learning NIO can be a little tricky, so you might want to just trust in this mechanic before going off and trying to learn NIO overnight. From personal experience it can be a very hard thing to learn if you don't have the experience and were introduced to IO via the streams.

Counter in foreach loop in C#

It depends what you mean by "it". The iterator knows what index it's reached, yes - in the case of a List<T> or an array. But there's no general index within IEnumerator<T>. Whether it's iterating over an indexed collection or not is up to the implementation. Plenty of collections don't support direct indexing.

(In fact, foreach doesn't always use an iterator at all. If the compile-time type of the collection is an array, the compiler will iterate over it using array[0], array[1] etc. Likewise the collection can have a method called GetEnumerator() which returns a type with the appropriate members, but without any implementation of IEnumerable/IEnumerator in sight.)

Options for maintaining an index:

  • Use a for loop
  • Use a separate variable
  • Use a projection which projects each item to an index/value pair, e.g.

     foreach (var x in list.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }))
         // Use x.value and x.index in here
  • Use my SmartEnumerable class which is a little bit like the previous option

All but the first of these options will work whether or not the collection is naturally indexed.

Differences between C++ string == and compare()?

std::string::compare() returns an int:

  • equal to zero if s and t are equal,
  • less than zero if s is less than t,
  • greater than zero if s is greater than t.

If you want your first code snippet to be equivalent to the second one, it should actually read:

if (! {
    // 's' and 't' are equal.

The equality operator only tests for equality (hence its name) and returns a bool.

To elaborate on the use cases, compare() can be useful if you're interested in how the two strings relate to one another (less or greater) when they happen to be different. PlasmaHH rightfully mentions trees, and it could also be, say, a string insertion algorithm that aims to keep the container sorted, a dichotomic search algorithm for the aforementioned container, and so on.

EDIT: As Steve Jessop points out in the comments, compare() is most useful for quick sort and binary search algorithms. Natural sorts and dichotomic searches can be implemented with only std::less.

WPF chart controls

Free tools supporting panning / zooming:

Free tools without built in pan / zoom support:

Paid tools with built in pan / zoom support:

Full Disclosure: I have been heavily involved in development of Visiblox, hence I know that library in much more detail than the others.

How to reenable event.preventDefault?

You would have to unbind the event and either rebind to a separate event that does not preventDefault or just call the default event yourself later in the method after unbinding. There is no magical event.cancelled=false;

As requested

 $('form').submit( function(ev){


         //later you decide you want to submit


How can I clear console

For pure C++

You can't. C++ doesn't even have the concept of a console.

The program could be printing to a printer, outputting straight to a file, or being redirected to the input of another program for all it cares. Even if you could clear the console in C++, it would make those cases significantly messier.

See this entry in the comp.lang.c++ FAQ:


If it still makes sense to clear the console in your program, and you are interested in operating system specific solutions, those do exist.

For Windows (as in your tag), check out this link:

Edit: This answer previously mentioned using system("cls");, because Microsoft said to do that. However it has been pointed out in the comments that this is not a safe thing to do. I have removed the link to the Microsoft article because of this problem.

Libraries (somewhat portable)

ncurses is a library that supports console manipulation:

Multi column forms with fieldsets

I disagree that .form-group should be within .col-*-n elements. In my experience, all the appropriate padding happens automatically when you use .form-group like .row within a form.

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
        <label for="user_login">Username</label>
        <input class="form-control" id="user_login" name="user[login]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />

Check out this demo.

Altering the demo slightly by adding .form-horizontal to the form tag changes some of that padding.

<form action="#" method="post" class="form-horizontal">

Check out this demo.

When in doubt, inspect in Chrome or use Firebug in Firefox to figure out things like padding and margins. Using .row within the form fails in edsioufi's fiddle because .row uses negative left and right margins thereby drawing the horizontal bounds of the divs classed .row beyond the bounds of the containing fieldsets.

HTTP Status 500 - org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException

In Tomcat a .java and .class file will be created for every jsp files with in the application and the same can be found from the path below, Apache-Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\'ApplicationName'\org\apache\jsp\

In your case the jsp name is error.jsp so the path should be something like below Apache-Tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\'ApplicationName'\org\apache\jsp\ in line no 124 you are trying to access a null object which results in null pointer exception.

How to run bootRun with spring profile via gradle task

my way:



in build.gradle add VM options

bootRun {
   jvmArgs = ["-Dspring.output.ansi.enabled=ALWAYS",""+profile]

this will override application option

Can't use method return value in write context

The alternative way to check if an array is empty could be:


It works for me without that error

Can curl make a connection to any TCP ports, not just HTTP/HTTPS?

Of course:


Port 80 and 443 are just default port numbers.

python NameError: name 'file' is not defined

To solve this error, it is enough to add from google.colab import files in your code!

How to define dimens.xml for every different screen size in android?

You can put dimens.xml in

1) values

2) values-hdpi

3) values-xhdpi

4) values-xxhdpi

And give different sizes in dimens.xml within corresponding folders according to densities.

Populating a data frame in R in a loop

It is often preferable to avoid loops and use vectorized functions. If that is not possible there are two approaches:

  1. Preallocate your data.frame. This is not recommended because indexing is slow for data.frames.
  2. Use another data structure in the loop and transform into a data.frame afterwards. A list is very useful here.

Example to illustrate the general approach:

mylist <- list() #create an empty list

for (i in 1:5) {
  vec <- numeric(5) #preallocate a numeric vector
  for (j in 1:5) { #fill the vector
    vec[j] <- i^j 
  mylist[[i]] <- vec #put all vectors in the list
df <-"rbind",mylist) #combine all vectors into a matrix

In this example it is not necessary to use a list, you could preallocate a matrix. However, if you do not know how many iterations your loop will need, you should use a list.

Finally here is a vectorized alternative to the example loop:

outer(1:5,1:5,function(i,j) i^j)

As you see it's simpler and also more efficient.

Form Validation With Bootstrap (jQuery)

Check this library, it's completable with booth bootstrap 3 and bootstrap 4


    <div class="form-group">
        <input class="form-control" data-validator="required|min:4|max:10">


$(document).on('blur', '[data-validator]', function () {
    new Validator($(this));

What is an 'undeclared identifier' error and how do I fix it?

Most of the time, if you are very sure you imported the library in question, Visual Studio will guide you with IntelliSense.

Here is what worked for me:

Make sure that #include "stdafx.h" is declared first, that is, at the top of all of your includes.

Correct way to focus an element in Selenium WebDriver using Java

You can use JS as below:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

Should I use window.navigate or document.location in JavaScript?

window.location will affect to your browser target. document.location will only affect to your browser and frame/iframe.

JavaScript Number Split into individual digits

To just split an integer into its individual digits in the same order, Regular Expression is what I used and prefer since it prevents the chance of loosing the identity of the numbers even after they have been converted into string.

The following line of code convert the integer into a string, uses regex to match any individual digit inside the string and return an array of those, after which that array is mapped to be converted back to numbers.

const digitize = n => String(n).match(/\d/g).map(Number);

Where does R store packages?

You do not want the '='

Use .libPaths("C:/R/library") in you file

And make sure you have correct " symbol (Shift-2)

ToList().ForEach in Linq

          emp.Departments.ToList().ForEach(u=>u.SomeProperty = null);

How to convert a std::string to const char* or char*?

If you just want to pass a std::string to a function that needs const char* you can use

std::string str;
const char * c = str.c_str();

If you want to get a writable copy, like char *, you can do that with this:

std::string str;
char * writable = new char[str.size() + 1];
std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), writable);
writable[str.size()] = '\0'; // don't forget the terminating 0

// don't forget to free the string after finished using it
delete[] writable;

Edit: Notice that the above is not exception safe. If anything between the new call and the delete call throws, you will leak memory, as nothing will call delete for you automatically. There are two immediate ways to solve this.


boost::scoped_array will delete the memory for you upon going out of scope:

std::string str;
boost::scoped_array<char> writable(new char[str.size() + 1]);
std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), writable.get());
writable[str.size()] = '\0'; // don't forget the terminating 0

// get the char* using writable.get()

// memory is automatically freed if the smart pointer goes 
// out of scope


This is the standard way (does not require any external library). You use std::vector, which completely manages the memory for you.

std::string str;
std::vector<char> writable(str.begin(), str.end());

// get the char* using &writable[0] or &*writable.begin()

How to type a new line character in SQL Server Management Studio

You can prepare the text in notepad, and paste it into SSMS. SSMS will not display the newlines, but they are there, as you can verify with a select:

select *
from YourTable
where Col1 like '%' + char(10) + '%'

Warning: Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly

I have another way to do this if you're using Nuget to manage your dependencies. I've discovered that sometimes VS and Nuget don't match up and Nuget is unable to recognize that your projects are out of sync. The packages.config will say one thing but the path shown in References - Properties will indicate something else.

If you're willing to update your dependencies, do the following:

  1. From Solution Explorer, right click the Project and click 'Manage Nuget Packages'

  2. Select 'Installed packages' tab in left pane Record your installed packages You may want to copy your packages.config to your desktop first if you have a lot, so you can cross check it with Google to see what Nuget pkgs are installed

  3. Uninstall your packages. Its OK, we're going to add them right back.

  4. Immediately install the packages you need. What Nuget will do is not only get you the latest version, but will alter your references, and also add the binding redirects for you.

  5. Do this for all of your projects.

  6. At the solution level, do a Clean and Rebuild.

You may want to start with the lower projects and work your way to the higher level ones, and rebuild each project as you go along.

If you don't want to update your dependencies, then you can use the package manager console, and use the syntax Update-Package -ProjectName [yourProjectName] [packageName] -Version [versionNumber]

how to generate web service out of wsdl

There isn't a magic bullet solution for what you're looking for, unfortunately. Here's what you can do:

  • create an Interface class using this command in the Visual Studio Command Prompt window:

    wsdl.exe yourFile.wsdl /l:CS /serverInterface
    Use VB or CS for your language of choice. This will create a new .cs or .vb file.

  • Create a new .NET Web Service project. Import Existing File into your project - the file that was created in the step above.

  • In your .asmx.cs file in Code-View, modify your class as such:


 public class MyWebService : System.Web.Services.WebService, IMyWsdlInterface
     public string GetSomeString()
         //you'll have to write your own business logic 
         return "Hello SOAP World";

What is “2's Complement”?

Like most explanations I've seen, the ones above are clear about how to work with 2's complement, but don't really explain what they are mathematically. I'll try to do that, for integers at least, and I'll cover some background that's probably familiar first.

Recall how it works for decimal:
is a way of writing
  2 × 103 + 3 × 102 + 4 × 101 + 5 × 100.

In the same way, binary is a way of writing numbers using just 0 and 1 following the same general idea, but replacing those 10s above with 2s. Then in binary,
is a way of writing
  1 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 1 × 21 + 1 × 20
and if you work it out, that turns out to equal 15 (base 10). That's because it is
  8+4+2+1 = 15.

This is all well and good for positive numbers. It even works for negative numbers if you're willing to just stick a minus sign in front of them, as humans do with decimal numbers. That can even be done in computers, sort of, but I haven't seen such a computer since the early 1970's. I'll leave the reasons for a different discussion.

For computers it turns out to be more efficient to use a complement representation for negative numbers. And here's something that is often overlooked. Complement notations involve some kind of reversal of the digits of the number, even the implied zeroes that come before a normal positive number. That's awkward, because the question arises: all of them? That could be an infinite number of digits to be considered.

Fortunately, computers don't represent infinities. Numbers are constrained to a particular length (or width, if you prefer). So let's return to positive binary numbers, but with a particular size. I'll use 8 digits ("bits") for these examples. So our binary number would really be
  0 × 27 + 0 × 26 + 0 × 25 + 0 × 24 + 1 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 1 × 21 + 1 × 20

To form the 2's complement negative, we first complement all the (binary) digits to form
and add 1 to form
but how are we to understand that to mean -15?

The answer is that we change the meaning of the high-order bit (the leftmost one). This bit will be a 1 for all negative numbers. The change will be to change the sign of its contribution to the value of the number it appears in. So now our 11110001 is understood to represent
  -1 × 27 + 1 × 26 + 1 × 25 + 1 × 24 + 0 × 23 + 0 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20
Notice that "-" in front of that expression? It means that the sign bit carries the weight -27, that is -128 (base 10). All the other positions retain the same weight they had in unsigned binary numbers.

Working out our -15, it is
  -128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 1
Try it on your calculator. it's -15.

Of the three main ways that I've seen negative numbers represented in computers, 2's complement wins hands down for convenience in general use. It has an oddity, though. Since it's binary, there have to be an even number of possible bit combinations. Each positive number can be paired with its negative, but there's only one zero. Negating a zero gets you zero. So there's one more combination, the number with 1 in the sign bit and 0 everywhere else. The corresponding positive number would not fit in the number of bits being used.

What's even more odd about this number is that if you try to form its positive by complementing and adding one, you get the same negative number back. It seems natural that zero would do this, but this is unexpected and not at all the behavior we're used to because computers aside, we generally think of an unlimited supply of digits, not this fixed-length arithmetic.

This is like the tip of an iceberg of oddities. There's more lying in wait below the surface, but that's enough for this discussion. You could probably find more if you research "overflow" for fixed-point arithmetic. If you really want to get into it, you might also research "modular arithmetic".

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

If you have java8, and you can use the G1 Garbage Collector, then run your application with:

 -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication

This tells the G1 to find similar Strings and keep only one of them in memory, and the others are only a pointer to that String in memory.

This is useful when you have a lot of repeated strings. This solution may or not work and depends on each application.

More info on:

The correct way to read a data file into an array

Just reading the file into an array, one line per element, is trivial:

open my $handle, '<', $path_to_file;
chomp(my @lines = <$handle>);
close $handle;

Now the lines of the file are in the array @lines.

If you want to make sure there is error handling for open and close, do something like this (in the snipped below, we open the file in UTF-8 mode, too):

my $handle;
unless (open $handle, "<:encoding(utf8)", $path_to_file) {
   print STDERR "Could not open file '$path_to_file': $!\n";
   # we return 'undefined', we could also 'die' or 'croak'
   return undef
chomp(my @lines = <$handle>);
unless (close $handle) {
   # what does it mean if close yields an error and you are just reading?
   print STDERR "Don't care error while closing '$path_to_file': $!\n";

How to start Fragment from an Activity

You Can Start Activity and attach RecipientsFragment on it , but you cant start Fragment

Round float to x decimals?

I coded a function (used in Django project for DecimalField) but it can be used in Python project :

This code :

  • Manage integers digits to avoid too high number
  • Manage decimals digits to avoid too low number
  • Manage signed and unsigned numbers

Code with tests :

def convert_decimal_to_right(value, max_digits, decimal_places, signed=True):

    integer_digits = max_digits - decimal_places
    max_value = float((10**integer_digits)-float(float(1)/float((10**decimal_places))))

    if signed:
        min_value = max_value*-1
        min_value = 0

    if value > max_value:
        value = max_value

    if value < min_value:
        value = min_value

    return round(value, decimal_places)

value = 12.12345
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2)
# nb : 12.12

value = 12.126
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2)
# nb : 12.13

value = 1234.123
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2)
# nb : 99.99

value = -1234.123
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2)
# nb : -99.99

value = -1234.123
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2, signed = False)
# nb : 0

value = 12.123
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 8, 4)
# nb : 12.123

How to overwrite styling in Twitter Bootstrap

All these tips will work, but a simpler way might be to include your stylesheet after the Bootstrap styles.

If you include your css (site-specific.css) after Bootstrap's (bootstrap.css), you can override rules by redefining them.

For example, if this is how you include CSS in your <head>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/site-specific.css" />

You can simply move the sidebar to the right by writing (in your site-specific.css file):

.sidebar {
    float: right;

Forgive the lack of HAML and SASS, I do not know them well enough to write tutorials in them.

Uppercase first letter of variable

To do this, you don't really even need Javascript if you're going to use

$('#test').css('text-transform', 'capitalize');

Why not do this as CSS like

#test,h1,h2,h3 { text-transform: capitalize; }

or do it as a class and apply that class to wherever you need it

.ucwords { text-transform: capitalize; }

How to get the html of a div on another page with jQuery ajax?

If you are looking for content from different domain this will do the trick:

    url:'' +
        success: function(data){

Reset push notification settings for app

I have wondered about this in the past and came to the conclusion that it was not actually a valid test case for my code. I don't think your application code can actually tell the difference between somebody declining notifications the first time or later disabling it from the iPhone notification settings. It is true that the user experience is different but that is hidden inside the call to registerForRemoteNotificationTypes.

Calling unregisterForRemoteNotifications does not completely remove the application from the notifications settings - though it does remove the contents of the settings for that application. So this still will not cause the dialog to be presented a second time to the user the next time the app runs (at least not on v3.1.3 that I am currently testing with). But as I say above you probably should not be worrying about that.

How to delete a module in Android Studio

In android-studio version 2. just go

Right Click on Project-->Open Module Option-->Click Your Module --> click sign done then press ok button.

How can I pretty-print JSON in a shell script?

It is not too simple with a native way with the jq tools.

For example:

cat xxx | jq .

Broken references in Virtualenvs

I had a broken virtual env due to a Homebrew reinstall of python (thereby broken symlinks) and also a few "sudo pip install"s I had done earlier. Weizhong's tips were very helpful in fixing the issues without having to reinstall packages. I also had to do the following for the mixed permissions problem.

sudo chown -R my_username lib/python2.7/site-packages

How to see local history changes in Visual Studio Code?

I think there is no out-of-the-box support for that in VS Code.

You can install a plugin to give you similar functionality. Eg.:

Or the more famous:

Some details may need to be configured: The VS Code search gets confused sometimes because of additional folders created by this type of plugins. You can configure it to ignore such folders or change their locations (adding such folders to your .gitignore file also solves this problem).

What is the most efficient way to check if a value exists in a NumPy array?

Fascinating. I needed to improve the speed of a series of loops that must perform matching index determination in this same way. So I decided to time all the solutions here, along with some riff's.

Here are my speed tests for Python 2.7.10:

import timeit
timeit.timeit('N.any(N.in1d(sids, val))', setup = 'import numpy as N; val = 20010401020091; sids = N.array([20010401010101+x for x in range(1000)])')


timeit.timeit('val in sids', setup = 'import numpy as N; val = 20010401020091; sids = [20010401010101+x for x in range(1000)]')


timeit.timeit('N.in1d(sids, val)', setup = 'import numpy as N; val = 20010401020091; sids = N.array([20010401010101+x for x in range(1000)])')


timeit.timeit('N.any(val == sids)', setup = 'import numpy as N; val = 20010401020091; sids = N.array([20010401010101+x for x in range(1000)])')


timeit.timeit('val in sids', setup = 'import numpy as N; val = 20010401020091; sids = N.array([20010401010101+x for x in range(1000)])')


timeit.timeit('val == sids', setup = 'import numpy as N; val = 20010401020091; sids = N.array([20010401010101+x for x in range(1000)])')


timeit.timeit('val in sids', setup = 'import numpy as N; val = 20010401020091; sids = set([20010401010101+x for x in range(1000)])')


timeit.timeit('val in sids', setup = 'import numpy as N; val = 20010401020091; sids = dict(zip([20010401010101+x for x in range(1000)],[True,]*1000))')


Very surprising! Orders of magnitude difference!

To summarize, if you just want to know whether something's in a 1D list or not:

  • 19s N.any(N.in1d(numpy array))
  • 15s x in (list)
  • 8s N.any(x == numpy array)
  • 6s x in (numpy array)
  • .1s x in (set or a dictionary)

If you want to know where something is in the list as well (order is important):

  • 12s N.in1d(x, numpy array)
  • 2s x == (numpy array)

Static variables in C++

Static variable in a header file:

say 'common.h' has

static int zzz;

This variable 'zzz' has internal linkage (This same variable can not be accessed in other translation units). Each translation unit which includes 'common.h' has it's own unique object of name 'zzz'.

Static variable in a class:

Static variable in a class is not a part of the subobject of the class. There is only one copy of a static data member shared by all the objects of the class.

$9.4.2/6 - "Static data members of a class in namespace scope have external linkage (3.5).A local class shall not have static data members."

So let's say 'myclass.h' has

struct myclass{
   static int zzz;        // this is only a declaration

and myclass.cpp has

#include "myclass.h"

int myclass::zzz = 0           // this is a definition, 
                               // should be done once and only once

and "hisclass.cpp" has

#include "myclass.h"

void f(){myclass::zzz = 2;}    // myclass::zzz is always the same in any 
                               // translation unit

and "ourclass.cpp" has

#include "myclass.h"
void g(){myclass::zzz = 2;}    // myclass::zzz is always the same in any 
                               // translation unit

So, class static members are not limited to only 2 translation units. They need to be defined only once in any one of the translation units.

Note: usage of 'static' to declare file scope variable is deprecated and unnamed namespace is a superior alternate

How can I write a heredoc to a file in Bash script?

For future people who may have this issue the following format worked:

(cat <<- _EOF_
        LogFile /var/log/clamd.log
        LogTime yes
        DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
        LocalSocket /tmp/clamd.socket
        SelfCheck 1020
        ScanPDF yes
) > /etc/clamd.conf

WebRTC vs Websockets: If WebRTC can do Video, Audio, and Data, why do I need Websockets?

Webrtc is a part of peer to peer connection. We all know that before creating peer to peer connection, it requires handshaking process to establish peer to peer connection. And websockets play the role of handshaking process.

Python: Figure out local timezone

Try dateutil, which has a tzlocal type that does what you need.

How to save username and password with Mercurial?

You can make an auth section in your .hgrc or Mercurial.ini file, like so:

bb.prefix =
bb.username = foo
bb.password = foo_passwd

The ‘bb’ part is an arbitrary identifier and is used to match prefix with username and password - handy for managing different username/password combos with different sites (prefix)

You can also only specify the user name, then you will just have to type your password when you push.

I would also recommend to take a look at the keyring extension. Because it stores the password in your system’s key ring instead of a plain text file, it is more secure. It is bundled with TortoiseHg on Windows, and there is currently a discussion about distributing it as a bundled extension on all platforms.

PHP - Insert date into mysql


$date = "2012-08-06";

How to extract IP Address in Spring MVC Controller get call?

In my case, I was using Nginx in front of my application with the following configuration:

location / {
     proxy_pass        http://localhost:8080/;
     proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
     proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
     proxy_set_header  Host $http_host;
     add_header Content-Security-Policy 'upgrade-insecure-requests';

so in my application I get the real user ip like so:

String clientIP = request.getHeader("X-Real-IP");

How to use glob() to find files recursively?

I needed a solution for python 2.x that works fast on large directories.
I endet up with this:

import subprocess
foundfiles= subprocess.check_output("ls src/*.c src/**/*.c", shell=True)
for foundfile in foundfiles.splitlines():
    print foundfile

Note that you might need some exception handling in case ls doesn't find any matching file.

'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. (System.Data)

Note: I am running SQL 2016 Developer 64bit, Office 2016 64bit.

I had the same issue and solved it by downloading the following:

  1. Download and install this:

  2. Whatever file you are trying to access/import, make sure you select it as a Office 2010 file (even though it might be a Office 2016 file).

It works.


javascript password generator

This is my function for generating a 8-character crypto-random password:

function generatePassword() {
    var buf = new Uint8Array(6);
    return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buf));

What it does: Retrieves 6 crypto-random 8-bit integers and encodes them with Base64.

Since the result is in the Base64 character set the generated password may consist of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, + and /.

Android: install .apk programmatically

I solved the problem. I made mistake in setData(Uri) and setType(String).

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/download/" + "app.apk")), "application/");

That is correct now, my auto-update is working. Thanks for help. =)

Edit 20.7.2016:

After a long time, I had to use this way of updating again in another project. I encountered a number of problems with old solution. A lot of things have changed in that time, so I had to do this with a different approach. Here is the code:

    //get destination to update file and set Uri
    //TODO: First I wanted to store my update .apk file on internal storage for my app but apparently android does not allow you to open and install
    //aplication with existing package from there. So for me, alternative solution is Download directory in external storage. If there is better
    //solution, please inform us in comment
    String destination = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS) + "/";
    String fileName = "AppName.apk";
    destination += fileName;
    final Uri uri = Uri.parse("file://" + destination);

    //Delete update file if exists
    File file = new File(destination);
    if (file.exists())
    //file.delete() - test this, I think sometimes it doesnt work

    //get url of app on server
    String url = Main.this.getString(R.string.update_app_url);

    //set downloadmanager
    DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(Uri.parse(url));

    //set destination

    // get download service and enqueue file
    final DownloadManager manager = (DownloadManager) getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
    final long downloadId = manager.enqueue(request);

    //set BroadcastReceiver to install app when .apk is downloaded
    BroadcastReceiver onComplete = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context ctxt, Intent intent) {
            Intent install = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

    //register receiver for when .apk download is compete
    registerReceiver(onComplete, new IntentFilter(DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE));

How to make clang compile to llvm IR

If you have multiple source files, you probably actually want to use link-time-optimization to output one bitcode file for the entire program. The other answers given will cause you to end up with a bitcode file for every source file.

Instead, you want to compile with link-time-optimization

clang -flto -c program1.c -o program1.o
clang -flto -c program2.c -o program2.o

and for the final linking step, add the argument -Wl,-plugin-opt=also-emit-llvm

clang -flto -Wl,-plugin-opt=also-emit-llvm program1.o program2.o -o program

This gives you both a compiled program and the bitcode corresponding to it (program.bc). You can then modify program.bc in any way you like, and recompile the modified program at any time by doing

clang program.bc -o program

although be aware that you need to include any necessary linker flags (for external libraries, etc) at this step again.

Note that you need to be using the gold linker for this to work. If you want to force clang to use a specific linker, create a symlink to that linker named "ld" in a special directory called "fakebin" somewhere on your computer, and add the option


to any linking steps above.

How can I disable a specific LI element inside a UL?

If you still want to show the item but make it not clickable and look disabled with CSS:


.disabled {
    pointer-events:none; //This makes it not clickable
    opacity:0.6;         //This grays it out to look disabled


<li class="disabled">Disabled List Item</li>

Also, if you are using BootStrap, they already have a class called disabled for this purpose. See this example.

As @LV98 pointed out, users could change this on the client side and submit a selection you weren't expecting. You will want to validate at the server as well.

Calculate rolling / moving average in C++

If your needs are simple, you might just try using an exponential moving average.

Put simply, you make an accumulator variable, and as your code looks at each sample, the code updates the accumulator with the new value. You pick a constant "alpha" that is between 0 and 1, and compute this:

accumulator = (alpha * new_value) + (1.0 - alpha) * accumulator

You just need to find a value of "alpha" where the effect of a given sample only lasts for about 1000 samples.

Hmm, I'm not actually sure this is suitable for you, now that I've put it here. The problem is that 1000 is a pretty long window for an exponential moving average; I'm not sure there is an alpha that would spread the average over the last 1000 numbers, without underflow in the floating point calculation. But if you wanted a smaller average, like 30 numbers or so, this is a very easy and fast way to do it.

No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?

I did the following change and it worked for me.Hope it helps someone.enter image description here

What is attr_accessor in Ruby?

I am new to ruby and had to just deal with understanding the following weirdness. Might help out someone else in the future. In the end it is as was mentioned above, where 2 functions (def myvar, def myvar=) both get implicitly for accessing @myvar, but these methods can be overridden by local declarations.

class Foo
  attr_accessor 'myvar'
  def initialize
    @myvar = "A"
    myvar = "B"
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # B - myvar declared above overrides myvar method

  def test
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # A - coming from myvar accessor

    myvar = "C" # local myvar overrides accessor
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # C

    send "myvar=", "E" # not running "myvar =", but instead calls setter for @myvar
    puts @myvar # E
    puts myvar # C

Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero

String.Format must start with zero index "{0}" like this:

Aboutme.Text = String.Format("{0}", reader.GetString(0));

PHP - Debugging Curl

Here is an even simplier way, by writing directly to php error output

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_STDERR, fopen('php://stderr', 'w'));

How to get all count of mongoose model?

The reason your code doesn't work is because the count function is asynchronous, it doesn't synchronously return a value.

Here's an example of usage:

userModel.count({}, function( err, count){
    console.log( "Number of users:", count );

How to perform .Max() on a property of all objects in a collection and return the object with maximum value

And why don't you try with this ??? :

var itemsMax = items.Where(x => x.Height == items.Max(y => y.Height));

OR more optimise :

var itemMaxHeight = items.Max(y => y.Height);
var itemsMax = items.Where(x => x.Height == itemMaxHeight);

mmm ?

Array.push() if does not exist?

Use a js library like underscore.js for these reasons exactly. Use: union: Computes the union of the passed-in arrays: the list of unique items, in order, that are present in one or more of the arrays.

_.union([1, 2, 3], [101, 2, 1, 10], [2, 1]);
=> [1, 2, 3, 101, 10]

setting the id attribute of an input element dynamically in IE: alternative for setAttribute method

The documentation says:

When you need to set attributes that are also mapped to a JavaScript dot-property (such as href, style, src or event-handlers), favour that mapping instead.

So, just change id, value assignment and you should be done.

Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss in Python

Just be careful when dividing by 60: division between integers returns an integer -> 12/60 = 0 unless you import division from future. The following is copy and pasted from Python 2.6.2:

IDLE 2.6.2      
>>> 12/60
>>> from __future__ import division
>>> 12/60

How to pass command line arguments to a rake task

The ways to pass argument are correct in above answer. However to run rake task with arguments, there is a small technicality involved in newer version of rails

It will work with rake "namespace:taskname['argument1']"

Note the Inverted quotes in running the task from command line.

PHP, getting variable from another php-file

You can, but the variable in your last include will overwrite the variable in your first one:


$var = 'test';


$var = 'tester';


include 'myfile.php';
echo $var;

include 'mysecondfile.php';
echo $var;




I suggest using different variable names.

CSS grid wrapping

Here's my attempt. Excuse the fluff, I was feeling extra creative.

My method is a parent div with fixed dimensions. The rest is just fitting the content inside that div accordingly.

This will rescale the images regardless of the aspect ratio. There will be no hard cropping either.

body {_x000D_
    background: #131418;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
.my-image-parent {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    width: 300px;_x000D_
    height: 300px;_x000D_
    line-height: 300px; /* Should match your div height */_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    font-size: 0;_x000D_
/* Start demonstration background fluff */_x000D_
    .bg1 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg2 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg3 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg4 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg5 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg6 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg7 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg8 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg9 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg10 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg11 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg12 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg13 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg14 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg15 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg16 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg17 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg18 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg19 {background: url(;}_x000D_
    .bg20 {background: url(;}_x000D_
/* end demonstration background fluff */_x000D_
.my-image {_x000D_
    width: auto;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
    background-size: contain;_x000D_
    background-position: center;_x000D_
    background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg1"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg2"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg3"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg4"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg5"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg6"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg7"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg8"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg9"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg10"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg11"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg12"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg13"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg14"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg15"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg16"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg17"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg18"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg19"></div>_x000D_
<div class="my-image-parent">_x000D_
    <div class="my-image bg20"></div>_x000D_

Can I delete a git commit but keep the changes?

In my case, I already pushed to the repo. Ouch!

You can revert a specific commit while keeping the changes in your local files by doing:

git revert -n <sha>

This way I was able to keep the changes which I needed and undid a commit which had already been pushed.

Retrieve filename from file descriptor in C

In Windows, with GetFileInformationByHandleEx, passing FileNameInfo, you can retrieve the file name.

MySQL: @variable vs. variable. What's the difference?

In principle, I use UserDefinedVariables (prepended with @) within Stored Procedures. This makes life easier, especially when I need these variables in two or more Stored Procedures. Just when I need a variable only within ONE Stored Procedure, than I use a System Variable (without prepended @).

@Xybo: I don't understand why using @variables in StoredProcedures should be risky. Could you please explain "scope" and "boundaries" a little bit easier (for me as a newbe)?

Add text to Existing PDF using Python

Example for [Python 2.7]:

from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
import StringIO
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter

packet = StringIO.StringIO()
# create a new PDF with Reportlab
can = canvas.Canvas(packet, pagesize=letter)
can.drawString(10, 100, "Hello world")

#move to the beginning of the StringIO buffer
new_pdf = PdfFileReader(packet)
# read your existing PDF
existing_pdf = PdfFileReader(file("original.pdf", "rb"))
output = PdfFileWriter()
# add the "watermark" (which is the new pdf) on the existing page
page = existing_pdf.getPage(0)
# finally, write "output" to a real file
outputStream = file("destination.pdf", "wb")

Example for Python 3.x:

from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
import io
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter

packet = io.BytesIO()
# create a new PDF with Reportlab
can = canvas.Canvas(packet, pagesize=letter)
can.drawString(10, 100, "Hello world")

#move to the beginning of the StringIO buffer
new_pdf = PdfFileReader(packet)
# read your existing PDF
existing_pdf = PdfFileReader(open("original.pdf", "rb"))
output = PdfFileWriter()
# add the "watermark" (which is the new pdf) on the existing page
page = existing_pdf.getPage(0)
# finally, write "output" to a real file
outputStream = open("destination.pdf", "wb")

Python Infinity - Any caveats?

Python's implementation follows the IEEE-754 standard pretty well, which you can use as a guidance, but it relies on the underlying system it was compiled on, so platform differences may occur. Recently¹, a fix has been applied that allows "infinity" as well as "inf", but that's of minor importance here.

The following sections equally well apply to any language that implements IEEE floating point arithmetic correctly, it is not specific to just Python.

Comparison for inequality

When dealing with infinity and greater-than > or less-than < operators, the following counts:

  • any number including +inf is higher than -inf
  • any number including -inf is lower than +inf
  • +inf is neither higher nor lower than +inf
  • -inf is neither higher nor lower than -inf
  • any comparison involving NaN is false (inf is neither higher, nor lower than NaN)

Comparison for equality

When compared for equality, +inf and +inf are equal, as are -inf and -inf. This is a much debated issue and may sound controversial to you, but it's in the IEEE standard and Python behaves just like that.

Of course, +inf is unequal to -inf and everything, including NaN itself, is unequal to NaN.

Calculations with infinity

Most calculations with infinity will yield infinity, unless both operands are infinity, when the operation division or modulo, or with multiplication with zero, there are some special rules to keep in mind:

  • when multiplied by zero, for which the result is undefined, it yields NaN
  • when dividing any number (except infinity itself) by infinity, which yields 0.0 or -0.0².
  • when dividing (including modulo) positive or negative infinity by positive or negative infinity, the result is undefined, so NaN.
  • when subtracting, the results may be surprising, but follow common math sense:
    • when doing inf - inf, the result is undefined: NaN;
    • when doing inf - -inf, the result is inf;
    • when doing -inf - inf, the result is -inf;
    • when doing -inf - -inf, the result is undefined: NaN.
  • when adding, it can be similarly surprising too:
    • when doing inf + inf, the result is inf;
    • when doing inf + -inf, the result is undefined: NaN;
    • when doing -inf + inf, the result is undefined: NaN;
    • when doing -inf + -inf, the result is -inf.
  • using math.pow, pow or ** is tricky, as it doesn't behave as it should. It throws an overflow exception when the result with two real numbers is too high to fit a double precision float (it should return infinity), but when the input is inf or -inf, it behaves correctly and returns either inf or 0.0. When the second argument is NaN, it returns NaN, unless the first argument is 1.0. There are more issues, not all covered in the docs.
  • math.exp suffers the same issues as math.pow. A solution to fix this for overflow is to use code similar to this:

        res = math.exp(420000)
    except OverflowError:
        res = float('inf')


Note 1: as an additional caveat, that as defined by the IEEE standard, if your calculation result under-or overflows, the result will not be an under- or overflow error, but positive or negative infinity: 1e308 * 10.0 yields inf.

Note 2: because any calculation with NaN returns NaN and any comparison to NaN, including NaN itself is false, you should use the math.isnan function to determine if a number is indeed NaN.

Note 3: though Python supports writing float('-NaN'), the sign is ignored, because there exists no sign on NaN internally. If you divide -inf / +inf, the result is NaN, not -NaN (there is no such thing).

Note 4: be careful to rely on any of the above, as Python relies on the C or Java library it was compiled for and not all underlying systems implement all this behavior correctly. If you want to be sure, test for infinity prior to doing your calculations.

¹) Recently means since version 3.2.
²) Floating points support positive and negative zero, so: x / float('inf') keeps its sign and -1 / float('inf') yields -0.0, 1 / float(-inf) yields -0.0, 1 / float('inf') yields 0.0 and -1/ float(-inf) yields 0.0. In addition, 0.0 == -0.0 is true, you have to manually check the sign if you don't want it to be true.

What are the rules for calling the superclass constructor?

Base class constructors are automatically called for you if they have no argument. If you want to call a superclass constructor with an argument, you must use the subclass's constructor initialization list. Unlike Java, C++ supports multiple inheritance (for better or worse), so the base class must be referred to by name, rather than "super()".

class SuperClass

        SuperClass(int foo)
            // do something with foo

class SubClass : public SuperClass

        SubClass(int foo, int bar)
        : SuperClass(foo)    // Call the superclass constructor in the subclass' initialization list.
            // do something with bar

More info on the constructor's initialization list here and here.

What do the different readystates in XMLHttpRequest mean, and how can I use them?

kieron's answer contains w3schools ref. to which nobody rely , bobince's answer gives link , which actually tells native implementation of IE ,

so here is the original documentation quoted to rightly understand what readystate represents :

The XMLHttpRequest object can be in several states. The readyState attribute must return the current state, which must be one of the following values:

UNSENT (numeric value 0)
The object has been constructed.

OPENED (numeric value 1)
The open() method has been successfully invoked. During this state request headers can be set using setRequestHeader() and the request can be made using the send() method.

HEADERS_RECEIVED (numeric value 2)
All redirects (if any) have been followed and all HTTP headers of the final response have been received. Several response members of the object are now available.

LOADING (numeric value 3)
The response entity body is being received.

DONE (numeric value 4)
The data transfer has been completed or something went wrong during the transfer (e.g. infinite redirects).

Please Read here : W3C Explaination Of ReadyState

Generic XSLT Search and Replace template

Here's one way in XSLT 2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="">   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">     <xsl:copy>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>     </xsl:copy>   </xsl:template>   <xsl:template match="text()">     <xsl:value-of select="translate(.,'&quot;','''')"/>   </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

Doing it in XSLT1 is a little more problematic as it's hard to get a literal containing a single apostrophe, so you have to resort to a variable:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">     <xsl:copy>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>     </xsl:copy>   </xsl:template>   <xsl:variable name="apos">'</xsl:variable>   <xsl:template match="text()">     <xsl:value-of select="translate(.,'&quot;',$apos)"/>   </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

Laravel migration table field's type change

First composer requires doctrine/dbal, then:


How can I exclude $(this) from a jQuery selector?

You can use the not function rather than the :not selector:

$(".content a").not(this).hide("slow")

How can I pass a class member function as a callback?

This is a simple question but the answer is surprisingly complex. The short answer is you can do what you're trying to do with std::bind1st or boost::bind. The longer answer is below.

The compiler is correct to suggest you use &CLoggersInfra::RedundencyManagerCallBack. First, if RedundencyManagerCallBack is a member function, the function itself doesn't belong to any particular instance of the class CLoggersInfra. It belongs to the class itself. If you've ever called a static class function before, you may have noticed you use the same SomeClass::SomeMemberFunction syntax. Since the function itself is 'static' in the sense that it belongs to the class rather than a particular instance, you use the same syntax. The '&' is necessary because technically speaking you don't pass functions directly -- functions are not real objects in C++. Instead you're technically passing the memory address for the function, that is, a pointer to where the function's instructions begin in memory. The consequence is the same though, you're effectively 'passing a function' as a parameter.

But that's only half the problem in this instance. As I said, RedundencyManagerCallBack the function doesn't 'belong' to any particular instance. But it sounds like you want to pass it as a callback with a particular instance in mind. To understand how to do this you need to understand what member functions really are: regular not-defined-in-any-class functions with an extra hidden parameter.

For example:

class A {
    A() : data(0) {}
    void foo(int addToData) { this->data += addToData; }

    int data;


A an_a_object;;
A::foo(&an_a_object, 5); // This is the same as the line above!
std::cout <<; // Prints 10!

How many parameters does A::foo take? Normally we would say 1. But under the hood, foo really takes 2. Looking at A::foo's definition, it needs a specific instance of A in order for the 'this' pointer to be meaningful (the compiler needs to know what 'this' is). The way you usually specify what you want 'this' to be is through the syntax MyObject.MyMemberFunction(). But this is just syntactic sugar for passing the address of MyObject as the first parameter to MyMemberFunction. Similarly, when we declare member functions inside class definitions we don't put 'this' in the parameter list, but this is just a gift from the language designers to save typing. Instead you have to specify that a member function is static to opt out of it automatically getting the extra 'this' parameter. If the C++ compiler translated the above example to C code (the original C++ compiler actually worked that way), it would probably write something like this:

struct A {
    int data;

void a_init(A* to_init)
    to_init->data = 0;

void a_foo(A* this, int addToData)
    this->data += addToData;


A an_a_object;
a_init(0); // Before constructor call was implicit
a_foo(&an_a_object, 5); // Used to be;

Returning to your example, there is now an obvious problem. 'Init' wants a pointer to a function that takes one parameter. But &CLoggersInfra::RedundencyManagerCallBack is a pointer to a function that takes two parameters, it's normal parameter and the secret 'this' parameter. That's why you're still getting a compiler error (as a side note: If you've ever used Python, this kind of confusion is why a 'self' parameter is required for all member functions).

The verbose way to handle this is to create a special object that holds a pointer to the instance you want and has a member function called something like 'run' or 'execute' (or overloads the '()' operator) that takes the parameters for the member function, and simply calls the member function with those parameters on the stored instance. But this would require you to change 'Init' to take your special object rather than a raw function pointer, and it sounds like Init is someone else's code. And making a special class for every time this problem comes up will lead to code bloat.

So now, finally, the good solution, boost::bind and boost::function, the documentation for each you can find here:

boost::bind docs, boost::function docs

boost::bind will let you take a function, and a parameter to that function, and make a new function where that parameter is 'locked' in place. So if I have a function that adds two integers, I can use boost::bind to make a new function where one of the parameters is locked to say 5. This new function will only take one integer parameter, and will always add 5 specifically to it. Using this technique, you can 'lock in' the hidden 'this' parameter to be a particular class instance, and generate a new function that only takes one parameter, just like you want (note that the hidden parameter is always the first parameter, and the normal parameters come in order after it). Look at the boost::bind docs for examples, they even specifically discuss using it for member functions. Technically there is a standard function called [std::bind1st][3] that you could use as well, but boost::bind is more general.

Of course, there's just one more catch. boost::bind will make a nice boost::function for you, but this is still technically not a raw function pointer like Init probably wants. Thankfully, boost provides a way to convert boost::function's to raw pointers, as documented on StackOverflow here. How it implements this is beyond the scope of this answer, though it's interesting too.

Don't worry if this seems ludicrously hard -- your question intersects several of C++'s darker corners, and boost::bind is incredibly useful once you learn it.

C++11 update: Instead of boost::bind you can now use a lambda function that captures 'this'. This is basically having the compiler generate the same thing for you.

How do you completely remove the button border in wpf?

Try this

<Button BorderThickness="0"  
    Style="{StaticResource {x:Static ToolBar.ButtonStyleKey}}" >...

Switch android x86 screen resolution

I'd like to clarify one small gotcha here. You must use CustomVideoMode1 before CustomVideoMode2, etc. VirtualBox recognizes these modes in order starting from 1 and if you skip a number, it will not recognize anything at or beyond the number you skipped. This caught me by surprise.

jQuery - disable selected options

pls try this,

$('#select_id option[value="'+value+'"]').attr("disabled", true);

What's the difference between "Request Payload" vs "Form Data" as seen in Chrome dev tools Network tab

The Request Payload - or to be more precise: payload body of a HTTP Request - is the data normally send by a POST or PUT Request. It's the part after the headers and the CRLF of a HTTP Request.

A request with Content-Type: application/json may look like this:

POST /some-path HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{ "foo" : "bar", "name" : "John" }

If you submit this per AJAX the browser simply shows you what it is submitting as payload body. That’s all it can do because it has no idea where the data is coming from.

If you submit a HTML-Form with method="POST" and Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded or Content-Type: multipart/form-data your request may look like this:

POST /some-path HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


In this case the form-data is the request payload. Here the Browser knows more: it knows that bar is the value of the input-field foo of the submitted form. And that’s what it is showing to you.

So, they differ in the Content-Type but not in the way data is submitted. In both cases the data is in the message-body. And Chrome distinguishes how the data is presented to you in the Developer Tools.

Hiding elements in responsive layout?

In boostrap 4.1 (run snippet because I copied whole table code from Bootstrap documentation):

.fixed_headers {_x000D_
  width: 750px;_x000D_
  table-layout: fixed;_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
.fixed_headers th {_x000D_
  text-decoration: underline;_x000D_
.fixed_headers th,_x000D_
.fixed_headers td {_x000D_
  padding: 5px;_x000D_
  text-align: left;_x000D_
.fixed_headers td:nth-child(1),_x000D_
.fixed_headers th:nth-child(1) {_x000D_
  min-width: 200px;_x000D_
.fixed_headers td:nth-child(2),_x000D_
.fixed_headers th:nth-child(2) {_x000D_
  min-width: 200px;_x000D_
.fixed_headers td:nth-child(3),_x000D_
.fixed_headers th:nth-child(3) {_x000D_
  width: 350px;_x000D_
.fixed_headers thead {_x000D_
  background-color: #333;_x000D_
  color: #FDFDFD;_x000D_
.fixed_headers thead tr {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.fixed_headers tbody {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 300px;_x000D_
.fixed_headers tbody tr:nth-child(even) {_x000D_
  background-color: #DDD;_x000D_
.old_ie_wrapper {_x000D_
  height: 300px;_x000D_
  width: 750px;_x000D_
  overflow-x: hidden;_x000D_
  overflow-y: auto;_x000D_
.old_ie_wrapper tbody {_x000D_
  height: auto;_x000D_
<table class="fixed_headers">_x000D_
      <th>Screen Size</th>_x000D_
      <td>Hidden on all</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-none</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Hidden only on xs</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-none .d-sm-block</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Hidden only on sm</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-sm-none .d-md-block</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Hidden only on md</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-md-none .d-lg-block</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Hidden only on lg</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-lg-none .d-xl-block</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Hidden only on xl</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-xl-none</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Visible on all</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-block</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Visible only on xs</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-block .d-sm-none</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Visible only on sm</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-none .d-sm-block .d-md-none</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Visible only on md</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-none .d-md-block .d-lg-none</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Visible only on lg</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-none .d-lg-block .d-xl-none</code></td>_x000D_
      <td>Visible only on xl</td>_x000D_
      <td><code class="highlighter-rouge">.d-none .d-xl-block</code></td>_x000D_

How to handle query parameters in angular 2

RouteParams are now deprecated , So here is how to do it in the new router.

this.router.navigate(['/login'],{ queryParams: { token:'1234'}})

And then in the login component you can take the parameter,

constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) {}
ngOnInit() {
    // Capture the token  if available
    this.sessionId = this.route.queryParams['token']


Here is the documentation

How to pass a value from Vue data to href?

You need to use v-bind: or its alias :. For example,

<a v-bind:href="'/job/'+">


<a :href="'/job/' +">

Python: Remove division decimal

You could probably do like below

# p and q are the numbers to be divided
if p//q==p/q:

Storing Images in PostgreSQL

Try this. I've use the Large Object Binary (LOB) format for storing generated PDF documents, some of which were 10+ MB in size, in a database and it worked wonderfully.

How do I check if a property exists on a dynamic anonymous type in c#?

Using reflection, this is the function i use :

public static bool doesPropertyExist(dynamic obj, string property)
    return ((Type)obj.GetType()).GetProperties().Where(p => p.Name.Equals(property)).Any();


if (doesPropertyExist(myDynamicObject, "myProperty")){
    // ...

Eclipse memory settings when getting "Java Heap Space" and "Out of Memory"

-xms is the start memory (at the VM start), -xmx is the maximum memory for the VM

  • eclipse.ini : the memory for the VM running eclipse
  • jre setting : the memory for java programs run from eclipse
  • : the memory for your tomcat server

sql: check if entry in table A exists in table B

This also works

FROM tableB

Why do I get a SyntaxError for a Unicode escape in my file path?

This usually happens in Python 3. One of the common reasons would be that while specifying your file path you need "\\" instead of "\". As in:

filePath = "C:\\User\\Desktop\\myFile"

For Python 2, just using "\" would work.

uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token U JSON

Just incase u didnt understand

e.g is that lets say i have a JSON STRING ..NOT YET A JSON OBJECT OR ARRAY.

so if in javascript u parse the string as

var body={
  "id": 1,
  "deleted_at": null,
  "open_order": {
    "id": 16,
    "status": "open"}

var jsonBody=JSON.parse(body)//PASS THE BODY FIRST THEN LATER USE THE jsonBody to get the open_order

var OpenOrder=jsonBody.open_order;

Great answers above

How to check if a URL exists or returns 404 with Java?

Use HttpUrlConnection by calling openConnection() on your URL object.

getResponseCode() will give you the HTTP response once you've read from the connection.


   URL u = new URL(""); 
   HttpURLConnection huc = (HttpURLConnection)u.openConnection(); 
   huc.connect() ; 
   OutputStream os = huc.getOutputStream(); 
   int code = huc.getResponseCode(); 

(not tested)

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (running jar file, not web app)


  1. Download log4j.jar file
  2. Add the log4j.jar file to build path
  3. Call logger by:

    private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log 
        = Logger.getLogger(<class-where-this-is-used>.class);
  4. if log4j properties does not exist, create new file file new file in bin directory:


Sample file

log4j.rootLogger=debug, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%t %-5p %c{2} - %m%n 

SQL Server ON DELETE Trigger

INSERTED and DELETED are virtual tables. They need to be used in a FROM clause.

CREATE TRIGGER sampleTrigger
    ON database1.dbo.table1
               FROM database2.dbo.table2
               WHERE id IN (SELECT FROM deleted)
               AND bar = 4)

How to sort a HashMap in Java

have you considered using a LinkedHashMap<>()..?

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<Object, Object> handler = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>();
    handler.put("item", "Value");
    handler.put(2, "Movies");
    handler.put("isAlive", true);

    for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entrY : handler.entrySet())
        System.out.println(entrY.getKey() + ">>" + entrY.getValue());

    List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entries = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>();
    Collections.sort(entries, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() {
        public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> a,
                Map.Entry<String, Integer> b) {
            return a.getValue().compareTo(b.getValue());

results into an organized linked object.


check the sorting part picked from here..

Java 8 Distinct by property

In my case I needed to control what was the previous element. I then created a stateful Predicate where I controled if the previous element was different from the current element, in that case I kept it.

public List<Log> fetchLogById(Long id) {
    return this.findLogById(id).stream()
        .filter(new LogPredicate())

public class LogPredicate implements Predicate<Log> {

    private Log previous;

    public boolean test(Log atual) {
        boolean isDifferent = previouws == null || verifyIfDifferentLog(current, previous);

        if (isDifferent) {
            previous = current;
        return isDifferent;

    private boolean verifyIfDifferentLog(Log current, Log previous) {
        return !current.getId().equals(previous.getId());


How to insert Records in Database using C# language?

Use a parameterized query to prevent Sql injections (secutity problem)

Use the using statement so the connection will be closed and resources will be disposed.

using(var connection = new SqlConnection("connectionString"))
    var sql = "INSERT INTO Main(FirstName, SecondName) VALUES(@FirstName, @SecondName)";
    using(var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", txFirstName.Text);
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SecondName", txSecondName.Text);


Disable Drag and Drop on HTML elements?

Question is old, but it's never too late to answer.

$(document).ready(function() {
  //prevent drag and drop
  const yourInput = document.getElementById('inputid');
  yourInput.ondrop = e => e.preventDefault();

  //prevent paste
  const Input = document.getElementById('inputid');
  Input.onpaste = e => e.preventDefault();

How to get the file name from a full path using JavaScript?

What platform does the path come from? Windows paths are different from POSIX paths are different from Mac OS 9 paths are different from RISC OS paths are different...

If it's a web app where the filename can come from different platforms there is no one solution. However a reasonable stab is to use both '\' (Windows) and '/' (Linux/Unix/Mac and also an alternative on Windows) as path separators. Here's a non-RegExp version for extra fun:

var leafname= pathname.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop();

Sorting A ListView By Column

My solution is a class to sort listView items when you click on column header.

You can specify the type of each column.

listView.ListViewItemSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter();
listView.ListViewItemSorter.ColumnsTypeComparer.Add(0, DateTime);
listView.ListViewItemSorter.ColumnsTypeComparer.Add(1, int);

That's it !

The C# class :

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using EDV;

namespace System.Windows.Forms
    /// <summary>
    /// Cette classe est une implémentation de l'interface 'IComparer' pour le tri des items de ListView. Adapté de
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Intégré par EDVariables.</remarks>
    public class ListViewColumnSorter : IComparer
        /// <summary>
        /// Spécifie la colonne à trier
        /// </summary>
        private int ColumnToSort;
        /// <summary>
        /// Spécifie l'ordre de tri (en d'autres termes 'Croissant').
        /// </summary>
        private SortOrder OrderOfSort;
        /// <summary>
        /// Objet de comparaison ne respectant pas les majuscules et minuscules
        /// </summary>
        private CaseInsensitiveComparer ObjectCompare;

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructeur de classe.  Initialise la colonne sur '0' et aucun tri
        /// </summary>
        public ListViewColumnSorter()
            : this(0, SortOrder.None) { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructeur de classe.  Initializes various elements
        /// <param name="columnToSort">Spécifie la colonne à trier</param>
        /// <param name="orderOfSort">Spécifie l'ordre de tri</param>
        /// </summary>
        public ListViewColumnSorter(int columnToSort, SortOrder orderOfSort)
            // Initialise la colonne
            ColumnToSort = columnToSort;

            // Initialise l'ordre de tri
            OrderOfSort = orderOfSort;

            // Initialise l'objet CaseInsensitiveComparer
            ObjectCompare = new CaseInsensitiveComparer();

            // Dictionnaire de comparateurs
            ColumnsComparer = new Dictionary<int, IComparer>();
            ColumnsTypeComparer = new Dictionary<int, Type>();


        /// <summary>
        /// Cette méthode est héritée de l'interface IComparer.  Il compare les deux objets passés en effectuant une comparaison 
        ///qui ne tient pas compte des majuscules et des minuscules.
        /// <br/>Si le comparateur n'existe pas dans ColumnsComparer, CaseInsensitiveComparer est utilisé.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">Premier objet à comparer</param>
        /// <param name="x">Deuxième objet à comparer</param>
        /// <returns>Le résultat de la comparaison. "0" si équivalent, négatif si 'x' est inférieur à 'y' 
        ///et positif si 'x' est supérieur à 'y'</returns>
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            int compareResult;
            ListViewItem listviewX, listviewY;

            // Envoit les objets à comparer aux objets ListViewItem
            listviewX = (ListViewItem)x;
            listviewY = (ListViewItem)y;

            if (listviewX.SubItems.Count < ColumnToSort + 1 || listviewY.SubItems.Count < ColumnToSort + 1)
                return 0;

            IComparer objectComparer = null;
            Type comparableType = null;
            if (ColumnsComparer == null || !ColumnsComparer.TryGetValue(ColumnToSort, out objectComparer))
                if (ColumnsTypeComparer == null || !ColumnsTypeComparer.TryGetValue(ColumnToSort, out comparableType))
                    objectComparer = ObjectCompare;

            // Compare les deux éléments
            if (comparableType != null) {
                //Conversion du type
                object valueX = listviewX.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text;
                object valueY = listviewY.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text;
                if (!edvTools.TryParse(ref valueX, comparableType) || !edvTools.TryParse(ref valueY, comparableType))
                    return 0;
                compareResult = (valueX as IComparable).CompareTo(valueY);
                compareResult = objectComparer.Compare(listviewX.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text, listviewY.SubItems[ColumnToSort].Text);

            // Calcule la valeur correcte d'après la comparaison d'objets
            if (OrderOfSort == SortOrder.Ascending) {
                // Le tri croissant est sélectionné, renvoie des résultats normaux de comparaison
                return compareResult;
            else if (OrderOfSort == SortOrder.Descending) {
                // Le tri décroissant est sélectionné, renvoie des résultats négatifs de comparaison
                return (-compareResult);
            else {
                // Renvoie '0' pour indiquer qu'ils sont égaux
                return 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Obtient ou définit le numéro de la colonne à laquelle appliquer l'opération de tri (par défaut sur '0').
        /// </summary>
        public int SortColumn
                ColumnToSort = value;
                return ColumnToSort;

        /// <summary>
        /// Obtient ou définit l'ordre de tri à appliquer (par exemple, 'croissant' ou 'décroissant').
        /// </summary>
        public SortOrder Order
                OrderOfSort = value;
                return OrderOfSort;

        /// <summary>
        /// Dictionnaire de comparateurs par colonne.
        /// <br/>Pendant le tri, si le comparateur n'existe pas dans ColumnsComparer, CaseInsensitiveComparer est utilisé.
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary<int, IComparer> ColumnsComparer { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Dictionnaire de comparateurs par colonne.
        /// <br/>Pendant le tri, si le comparateur n'existe pas dans ColumnsTypeComparer, CaseInsensitiveComparer est utilisé.
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary<int, Type> ColumnsTypeComparer { get; set; }

Initializing a ListView :

    <var>Visual.WIN.ctrlListView.OnShown</var>  : 
    eventSender.SmallImageList = edvWinForm.ImageList16;
    eventSender.ListViewItemSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter();
    var col = eventSender.Columns.Add("Répertoire");
    col.Width = 160;
    col.ImageKey = "Domain";
    col = eventSender.Columns.Add("Fichier");
    col.Width = 180;
    col.ImageKey = "File";
    col = eventSender.Columns.Add("Date");
    col.Width = 120;
    col.ImageKey = "DateTime";
    eventSender.ListViewItemSorter.ColumnsTypeComparer.Add(col.Index, DateTime);
    col = eventSender.Columns.Add("Position");
    col.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
    col.Width = 80;
    col.ImageKey = "Num";
    eventSender.ListViewItemSorter.ColumnsTypeComparer.Add(col.Index, Int32);

Fill a ListView :

<var>Visual.WIN.cmdSearch.OnClick</var>  : 
//non récursif et sans fonction
    ..ctrlListView:Sorting = SortOrder.None;
    var group = ..ctrlListView:Groups.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString()
                , Path.Combine(..cboDir:Text, ..ctrlPattern1:Text) + " contenant " + ..ctrlSearch1:Text);
    var perf =  Environment.TickCount;

    var files = new DirectoryInfo(..cboDir:Text).GetFiles(..ctrlPattern1:Text)
    var search = ..ctrlSearch1:Text;
    var ignoreCase = ..Search.IgnoreCase;
    //var result = new StringBuilder();
    var dirLength : int = ..cboDir:Text.Length;
    var position : int;
    var added : int = 0;
    for(var i : int = 0; i &lt; files.Length; i++){
        var file = files[i];
        if(search == ""
        || (position = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName).IndexOf(String(search)
                            , StringComparison(ignoreCase ? StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase : StringComparison.InvariantCulture))) &gt; =0) {

        //  result.AppendLine(file.FullName.Substring(dirLength) + "\tPos : " + pkvFile.Value);
            var item = ..ctrlListView:Items.Add(file.FullName.Substring(dirLength));
            item.SubItems.Add(position.ToString("# ### ##0"));
            item.Group = group;
    group.Header += " : " + added + "/" + files.Length + " fichier(s)"
                + "  en " + (Environment.TickCount - perf).ToString("# ##0 msec");

On ListView column click :

<var>Visual.WIN.ctrlListView.OnColumnClick</var>  : 
// Déterminer si la colonne sélectionnée est déjà la colonne triée.
var sorter = eventSender.ListViewItemSorter;
if ( eventArgs.Column == sorter .SortColumn )
    // Inverser le sens de tri en cours pour cette colonne.
    if (sorter.Order == SortOrder.Ascending)
        sorter.Order = SortOrder.Descending;
        sorter.Order = SortOrder.Ascending;
    // Définir le numéro de colonne à trier ; par défaut sur croissant.
    sorter.SortColumn = eventArgs.Column;
    sorter.Order = SortOrder.Ascending;

// Procéder au tri avec les nouvelles options.

Function edvTools.TryParse used above

class edvTools {
    /// <summary>
    /// Tente la conversion d'une valeur suivant un type EDVType
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pValue">Référence de la valeur à convertir</param>
    /// <param name="pType">Type EDV en sortie</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool TryParse(ref object pValue, System.Type pType)
        int lIParsed;
        double lDParsed;
        string lsValue;
        if (pValue == null) return false;
        if (pType.Equals(typeof(bool))) {
            bool lBParsed;
            if (pValue is bool) return true;
            if (double.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lDParsed)) {
                pValue = lDParsed != 0D;
                return true;
            if (bool.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lBParsed)) {
                pValue = lBParsed;
                return true;
                return false;
        if (pType.Equals(typeof(Double))) {
            if (pValue is Double) return true;
            if (double.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lDParsed)
                || double.TryParse(pValue.ToString().Replace(NumberDecimalSeparatorNOT, NumberDecimalSeparator), out lDParsed)) {
                pValue = lDParsed;
                return true;
                return false;
        if (pType.Equals(typeof(int))) {
            if (pValue is int) return true;
            if (Int32.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lIParsed)) {
                pValue = lIParsed;
                return true;
            else if (double.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lDParsed)) {
                pValue = (int)lDParsed;
                return true;
                return false;
        if (pType.Equals(typeof(Byte))) {
            if (pValue is byte) return true;
            byte lByte;
            if (Byte.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lByte)) {
                pValue = lByte;
                return true;
            else if (double.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lDParsed)) {
                pValue = (byte)lDParsed;
                return true;
                return false;
        if (pType.Equals(typeof(long))) {
            long lLParsed;
            if (pValue is long) return true;
            if (long.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lLParsed)) {
                pValue = lLParsed;
                return true;
            else if (double.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lDParsed)) {
                pValue = (long)lDParsed;
                return true;
                return false;
        if (pType.Equals(typeof(Single))) {
            if (pValue is float) return true;
            Single lSParsed;
            if (Single.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lSParsed)
                || Single.TryParse(pValue.ToString().Replace(NumberDecimalSeparatorNOT, NumberDecimalSeparator), out lSParsed)) {
                pValue = lSParsed;
                return true;
                return false;
        if (pType.Equals(typeof(DateTime))) {
            if (pValue is DateTime) return true;
            DateTime lDTParsed;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(pValue.ToString(), out lDTParsed)) {
                pValue = lDTParsed;
                return true;
            else if (pValue.ToString().Contains("UTC")) //Date venant de JScript
                if (_MonthsUTC == null) InitMonthsUTC();
                string[] lDateParts = pValue.ToString().Split(' ');
                lDTParsed = new DateTime(int.Parse(lDateParts[5]), _MonthsUTC[lDateParts[1]], int.Parse(lDateParts[2]));
                lDateParts = lDateParts[3].ToString().Split(':');
                pValue = lDTParsed.AddSeconds(int.Parse(lDateParts[0]) * 3600 + int.Parse(lDateParts[1]) * 60 + int.Parse(lDateParts[2]));
                return true;
                return false;

        if (pType.Equals(typeof(Array))) {
            if (pValue is System.Collections.ICollection || pValue is System.Collections.ArrayList)
                return true;
            return pValue is System.Data.DataTable
                || pValue is string && (pValue as string).StartsWith("<");
        if (pType.Equals(typeof(DataTable))) {
            return pValue is System.Data.DataTable
                || pValue is string && (pValue as string).StartsWith("<");

        if (pType.Equals(typeof(System.Drawing.Bitmap))) {
            return pValue is System.Drawing.Image || pValue is byte[];

        if (pType.Equals(typeof(System.Drawing.Image))) {
            return pValue is System.Drawing.Image || pValue is byte[];

        if (pType.Equals(typeof(System.Drawing.Color))) {
            if (pValue is System.Drawing.Color) return true;
            if (pValue is System.Drawing.KnownColor) {
                pValue = System.Drawing.Color.FromKnownColor((System.Drawing.KnownColor)pValue);
                return true;

            int lARGB;
            if (!int.TryParse(lsValue = pValue.ToString(), out lARGB)) {
                if (lsValue.StartsWith("Color [A=", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) {
                    foreach (string lsARGB in lsValue.Substring("Color [".Length, lsValue.Length - "Color []".Length).Split(','))
                        switch (lsARGB.TrimStart().Substring(0, 1)) {
                            case "A":
                                lARGB = int.Parse(lsARGB.Substring(2)) * 0x1000000;
                            case "R":
                                lARGB += int.Parse(lsARGB.TrimStart().Substring(2)) * 0x10000;
                            case "G":
                                lARGB += int.Parse(lsARGB.TrimStart().Substring(2)) * 0x100;
                            case "B":
                                lARGB += int.Parse(lsARGB.TrimStart().Substring(2));
                    pValue = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(lARGB);
                    return true;
                if (lsValue.StartsWith("Color [", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) {
                    pValue = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(lsValue.Substring("Color [".Length, lsValue.Length - "Color []".Length));
                    return true;
                return false;
            pValue = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(lARGB);
            return true;
        if (pType.IsEnum) {
            try {
                if (pValue == null) return false;
                if (pValue is int || pValue is byte || pValue is ulong || pValue is long || pValue is double)
                    pValue = Enum.ToObject(pType, pValue);
                    pValue = Enum.Parse(pType, pValue.ToString());
            catch {
                return false;
        return true;

How can I get the console logs from the iOS Simulator?

No NSLog or print content will write to system.log, which can be open by Select Simulator -> Debug -> Open System log on Xcode 11.

I figure out a way, write logs into a file and open the xx.log with the logs will present in lively.

I use CocoaLumberjack achieve this.


Add DDFileLogger DDOSLogger and print logs path. config() should be called when App lunch.

static func config() {
    #if DEBUG
    DDLog.add(DDOSLogger.sharedInstance) // Uses os_log
    let fileLogger: DDFileLogger = DDFileLogger() // File Logger
    fileLogger.rollingFrequency = 60 * 60 * 24 // 24 hours
    fileLogger.logFileManager.maximumNumberOfLogFiles = 7
    DDLogInfo("DEBUG LOG PATH: " + (fileLogger.currentLogFileInfo?.filePath ?? ""))


Replace print or NSLog with DDLogXXX.


$ tail -f {path of log}

Here, message will present in lively.

One thing more. If there is no any message log out, make sure Environment Variables -> OS_ACTIVITY_MODE ISNOT disable.

How to read user input into a variable in Bash?

Try this


read -p "Enter a word: " word
echo "You entered $word"

How can I select the record with the 2nd highest salary in database Oracle?

I would suggest following two ways to implement this in Oracle.

  1. Using Sub-query:
select distinct SALARY   
from EMPLOYEE e1  
where 1=(select count(DISTINCT e2.SALARY) from EMPLOYEE e2 where         

This is very simple query to get required output. However, this query is quite slow as each salary in inner query is compared with all distinct salaries.

  1. Using DENSE_RANK():
select distinct SALARY   
    select e1.*, DENSE_RANK () OVER (order by SALARY desc) as RN 
    from EMPLOYEE e
  ) E
 where E.RN=2;

This is very efficient query. It works well with DENSE_RANK() which assigns consecutive ranks unlike RANK() which assigns next rank depending on row number which is like olympic medaling.

Difference between RANK() and DENSE_RANK():

Changing CSS Values with Javascript

Ok, it sounds like you want to change the global CSS so which will effictively change all elements of a peticular style at once. I've recently learned how to do this myself from a Shawn Olson tutorial. You can directly reference his code here.

Here is the summary:

You can retrieve the stylesheets via document.styleSheets. This will actually return an array of all the stylesheets in your page, but you can tell which one you are on via the document.styleSheets[styleIndex].href property. Once you have found the stylesheet you want to edit, you need to get the array of rules. This is called "rules" in IE and "cssRules" in most other browsers. The way to tell what CSSRule you are on is by the selectorText property. The working code looks something like this:

var cssRuleCode = document.all ? 'rules' : 'cssRules'; //account for IE and FF
var rule = document.styleSheets[styleIndex][cssRuleCode][ruleIndex];
var selector = rule.selectorText;  //maybe '#tId'
var value = rule.value;            //both selectorText and value are settable.

Let me know how this works for ya, and please comment if you see any errors.

Assign output to variable in Bash

Same with something more complex...getting the ec2 instance region from within the instance.

INSTANCE_REGION=$(curl -s '' | python -c "import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)['region']")


delete all record from table in mysql

It’s because you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column.

The quick fix is to add SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES=0; before your query :



close the safe update mode. Edit -> Preferences -> SQL Editor -> SQL Editor remove Forbid UPDATE and DELETE statements without a WHERE clause (safe updates) .

BTW you can use TRUNCATE TABLE tablename; to delete all the records .

jQuery - find child with a specific class

I'm not sure if I understand your question properly, but it shouldn't matter if this div is a child of some other div. You can simply get text from all divs with class bgHeaderH2 by using following code:


How to merge many PDF files into a single one?

You can also use Ghostscript to merge different PDFs. You can even use it to merge a mix of PDFs, PostScript (PS) and EPS into one single output PDF file:

gs \
  -o merged.pdf \
  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
  -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress \
   input_1.pdf \
   input_2.pdf \
   input_3.eps \ \

However, I agree with other answers: for your use case of merging PDF file types only, pdftk may be the best (and certainly fastest) option.

If processing time is not the main concern, but if the main concern is file size (or a fine-grained control over certain features of the output file), then the Ghostscript way certainly offers more power to you. To highlight a few of the differences:

  • Ghostscript can 'consolidate' the fonts of the input files which leads to a smaller file size of the output. It also can re-sample images, or scale all pages to a different size, or achieve a controlled color conversion from RGB to CMYK (or vice versa) should you need this (but that will require more CLI options than outlined in above command).
  • pdftk will just concatenate each file, and will not convert any colors. If each of your 16 input PDFs contains 5 subsetted fonts, the resulting output will contain 80 subsetted fonts. The resulting PDF's size is (nearly exactly) the sum of the input file bytes.

CSS to prevent child element from inheriting parent styles

Can't you style the forms themselves? Then, style the divs accordingly.

    /* styles */

You can always overrule inherited styles by making it important:

    /* styles */ !important

How to disable mouse scroll wheel scaling with Google Maps API

I do it with this simple examps




.map {
    width: 100%; 
.map iframe {
    width: 100%;
    display: block;
    pointer-events: none;
    position: relative; /* IE needs a position other than static */
.map iframe.clicked {
    pointer-events: auto;

Or use the gmap options

function init() { 
    var mapOptions = {  
        scrollwheel: false, 

Is it possible to convert char[] to char* in C?

Well, I'm not sure to understand your question...

In C, Char[] and Char* are the same thing.

Edit : thanks for this interesting link.

How Spring Security Filter Chain works

The Spring security filter chain is a very complex and flexible engine.

Key filters in the chain are (in the order)

  • SecurityContextPersistenceFilter (restores Authentication from JSESSIONID)
  • UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter (performs authentication)
  • ExceptionTranslationFilter (catch security exceptions from FilterSecurityInterceptor)
  • FilterSecurityInterceptor (may throw authentication and authorization exceptions)

Looking at the current stable release 4.2.1 documentation, section 13.3 Filter Ordering you could see the whole filter chain's filter organization:

13.3 Filter Ordering

The order that filters are defined in the chain is very important. Irrespective of which filters you are actually using, the order should be as follows:

  1. ChannelProcessingFilter, because it might need to redirect to a different protocol

  2. SecurityContextPersistenceFilter, so a SecurityContext can be set up in the SecurityContextHolder at the beginning of a web request, and any changes to the SecurityContext can be copied to the HttpSession when the web request ends (ready for use with the next web request)

  3. ConcurrentSessionFilter, because it uses the SecurityContextHolder functionality and needs to update the SessionRegistry to reflect ongoing requests from the principal

  4. Authentication processing mechanisms - UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter, CasAuthenticationFilter, BasicAuthenticationFilter etc - so that the SecurityContextHolder can be modified to contain a valid Authentication request token

  5. The SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter, if you are using it to install a Spring Security aware HttpServletRequestWrapper into your servlet container

  6. The JaasApiIntegrationFilter, if a JaasAuthenticationToken is in the SecurityContextHolder this will process the FilterChain as the Subject in the JaasAuthenticationToken

  7. RememberMeAuthenticationFilter, so that if no earlier authentication processing mechanism updated the SecurityContextHolder, and the request presents a cookie that enables remember-me services to take place, a suitable remembered Authentication object will be put there

  8. AnonymousAuthenticationFilter, so that if no earlier authentication processing mechanism updated the SecurityContextHolder, an anonymous Authentication object will be put there

  9. ExceptionTranslationFilter, to catch any Spring Security exceptions so that either an HTTP error response can be returned or an appropriate AuthenticationEntryPoint can be launched

  10. FilterSecurityInterceptor, to protect web URIs and raise exceptions when access is denied

Now, I'll try to go on by your questions one by one:

I'm confused how these filters are used. Is it that for the spring provided form-login, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is only used for /login, and latter filters are not? Does the form-login namespace element auto-configure these filters? Does every request (authenticated or not) reach FilterSecurityInterceptor for non-login url?

Once you are configuring a <security-http> section, for each one you must at least provide one authentication mechanism. This must be one of the filters which match group 4 in the 13.3 Filter Ordering section from the Spring Security documentation I've just referenced.

This is the minimum valid security:http element which can be configured:

<security:http authentication-manager-ref="mainAuthenticationManager" 
    <security:intercept-url pattern="/sectest/zone1/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"/>

Just doing it, these filters are configured in the filter chain proxy:

        "1": "",
        "2": "",
        "3": "",
        "4": "",
        "5": "",
        "6": "",
        "7": "",
        "8": "",
        "9": "",
        "10": ""

Note: I get them by creating a simple RestController which @Autowires the FilterChainProxy and returns it's contents:

    private FilterChainProxy filterChainProxy;

    public @ResponseBody Map<Integer, Map<Integer, String>> getSecurityFilterChainProxy(){
        return this.getSecurityFilterChainProxy();

    public Map<Integer, Map<Integer, String>> getSecurityFilterChainProxy(){
        Map<Integer, Map<Integer, String>> filterChains= new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, String>>();
        int i = 1;
        for(SecurityFilterChain secfc :  this.filterChainProxy.getFilterChains()){
            //filters.put(i++, secfc.getClass().getName());
            Map<Integer, String> filters = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
            int j = 1;
            for(Filter filter : secfc.getFilters()){
                filters.put(j++, filter.getClass().getName());
            filterChains.put(i++, filters);
        return filterChains;

Here we could see that just by declaring the <security:http> element with one minimum configuration, all the default filters are included, but none of them is of a Authentication type (4th group in 13.3 Filter Ordering section). So it actually means that just by declaring the security:http element, the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter, the ExceptionTranslationFilter and the FilterSecurityInterceptor are auto-configured.

In fact, one authentication processing mechanism should be configured, and even security namespace beans processing claims for that, throwing an error during startup, but it can be bypassed adding an entry-point-ref attribute in <http:security>

If I add a basic <form-login> to the configuration, this way:

<security:http authentication-manager-ref="mainAuthenticationManager">
    <security:intercept-url pattern="/sectest/zone1/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"/>
    <security:form-login />

Now, the filterChain will be like this:

        "1": "",
        "2": "",
        "3": "",
        "4": "",
        "5": "",
        "6": "",
        "7": "",
        "8": "",
        "9": "",
        "10": "",
        "11": "",
        "12": ""

Now, this two filters and are created and configured in the FilterChainProxy.

So, now, the questions:

Is it that for the spring provided form-login, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is only used for /login, and latter filters are not?

Yes, it is used to try to complete a login processing mechanism in case the request matches the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter url. This url can be configured or even changed it's behaviour to match every request.

You could too have more than one Authentication processing mechanisms configured in the same FilterchainProxy (such as HttpBasic, CAS, etc).

Does the form-login namespace element auto-configure these filters?

No, the form-login element configures the UsernamePasswordAUthenticationFilter, and in case you don't provide a login-page url, it also configures the, which ends in a simple autogenerated login page.

The other filters are auto-configured by default just by creating a <security:http> element with no security:"none" attribute.

Does every request (authenticated or not) reach FilterSecurityInterceptor for non-login url?

Every request should reach it, as it is the element which takes care of whether the request has the rights to reach the requested url. But some of the filters processed before might stop the filter chain processing just not calling FilterChain.doFilter(request, response);. For example, a CSRF filter might stop the filter chain processing if the request has not the csrf parameter.

What if I want to secure my REST API with JWT-token, which is retrieved from login? I must configure two namespace configuration http tags, rights? Other one for /login with UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter, and another one for REST url's, with custom JwtAuthenticationFilter.

No, you are not forced to do this way. You could declare both UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter and the JwtAuthenticationFilter in the same http element, but it depends on the concrete behaviour of each of this filters. Both approaches are possible, and which one to choose finnally depends on own preferences.

Does configuring two http elements create two springSecurityFitlerChains?

Yes, that's true

Is UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter turned off by default, until I declare form-login?

Yes, you could see it in the filters raised in each one of the configs I posted

How do I replace SecurityContextPersistenceFilter with one, which will obtain Authentication from existing JWT-token rather than JSESSIONID?

You could avoid SecurityContextPersistenceFilter, just configuring session strategy in <http:element>. Just configure like this:

<security:http create-session="stateless" >

Or, In this case you could overwrite it with another filter, this way inside the <security:http> element:

<security:http ...>  
   <security:custom-filter ref="myCustomFilter" position="SECURITY_CONTEXT_FILTER"/>    
<beans:bean id="myCustomFilter" class="" />


One question about "You could too have more than one Authentication processing mechanisms configured in the same FilterchainProxy". Will the latter overwrite the authentication performed by first one, if declaring multiple (Spring implementation) authentication filters? How this relates to having multiple authentication providers?

This finally depends on the implementation of each filter itself, but it's true the fact that the latter authentication filters at least are able to overwrite any prior authentication eventually made by preceding filters.

But this won't necesarily happen. I have some production cases in secured REST services where I use a kind of authorization token which can be provided both as a Http header or inside the request body. So I configure two filters which recover that token, in one case from the Http Header and the other from the request body of the own rest request. It's true the fact that if one http request provides that authentication token both as Http header and inside the request body, both filters will try to execute the authentication mechanism delegating it to the manager, but it could be easily avoided simply checking if the request is already authenticated just at the begining of the doFilter() method of each filter.

Having more than one authentication filter is related to having more than one authentication providers, but don't force it. In the case I exposed before, I have two authentication filter but I only have one authentication provider, as both of the filters create the same type of Authentication object so in both cases the authentication manager delegates it to the same provider.

And opposite to this, I too have a scenario where I publish just one UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter but the user credentials both can be contained in DB or LDAP, so I have two UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken supporting providers, and the AuthenticationManager delegates any authentication attempt from the filter to the providers secuentially to validate the credentials.

So, I think it's clear that neither the amount of authentication filters determine the amount of authentication providers nor the amount of provider determine the amount of filters.

Also, documentation states SecurityContextPersistenceFilter is responsible of cleaning the SecurityContext, which is important due thread pooling. If I omit it or provide custom implementation, I have to implement the cleaning manually, right? Are there more similar gotcha's when customizing the chain?

I did not look carefully into this filter before, but after your last question I've been checking it's implementation, and as usually in Spring, nearly everything could be configured, extended or overwrited.

The SecurityContextPersistenceFilter delegates in a SecurityContextRepository implementation the search for the SecurityContext. By default, a HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository is used, but this could be changed using one of the constructors of the filter. So it may be better to write an SecurityContextRepository which fits your needs and just configure it in the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter, trusting in it's proved behaviour rather than start making all from scratch.

mysqldump & gzip commands to properly create a compressed file of a MySQL database using crontab

First the mysqldump command is executed and the output generated is redirected using the pipe. The pipe is sending the standard output into the gzip command as standard input. Following the filename.gz, is the output redirection operator (>) which is going to continue redirecting the data until the last filename, which is where the data will be saved.

For example, this command will dump the database and run it through gzip and the data will finally land in three.gz

mysqldump -u user -pupasswd my-database | gzip > one.gz > two.gz > three.gz

$> ls -l
-rw-r--r--  1 uname  grp     0 Mar  9 00:37 one.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 uname  grp  1246 Mar  9 00:37 three.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 uname  grp     0 Mar  9 00:37 two.gz

My original answer is an example of redirecting the database dump to many compressed files (without double compressing). (Since I scanned the question and seriously missed - sorry about that)

This is an example of recompressing files:

mysqldump -u user -pupasswd my-database | gzip -c > one.gz; gzip -c one.gz > two.gz; gzip -c two.gz > three.gz

$> ls -l
-rw-r--r--  1 uname  grp  1246 Mar  9 00:44 one.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 uname  grp  1306 Mar  9 00:44 three.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 uname  grp  1276 Mar  9 00:44 two.gz

This is a good resource explaining I/O redirection:

Tar a directory, but don't store full absolute paths in the archive

Found tar -cvf site1-$seqNumber.tar -C /var/www/ site1 as more friendlier solution than tar -cvf site1-$seqNumber.tar -C /var/www/site1 . (notice the . in the second solution) for the following reasons

  • Tar file name can be insignificant as the original folder is now an archive entry
  • Tar file name being insignificant to the content can now be used for other purposes like sequence numbers, periodical backup etc.

Replace Both Double and Single Quotes in Javascript String

You don't escape quotes in regular expressions

this.Vals.replace(/["']/g, "")

How do I run a shell script without using "sh" or "bash" commands?

Add . (current directory) to your PATH variable.
You can do this by editing your .profile file.
put following line in your .profile file

Just make sure to add Shebang (#!/bin/bash) line at the starting of your script and make the script executable(using chmod +x <File Name>).

Update a column in MySQL

If you want to update data you should use UPDATE command instead of INSERT

Simple way to convert datarow array to datatable

DataTable Assetdaterow =
        from s in dtResourceTable.AsEnumerable()
        where s.Field<DateTime>("Date") == Convert.ToDateTime(AssetDate)
        select s

div background color, to change onhover

You can just put the anchor around the div.

<a class="big-link"><div>this is a div</div></a>

and then

a.big-link {
background-color: 888;
a.big-link:hover {
 background-color: f88;

Use css gradient over background image

Ok, I solved it by adding the url for the background image at the end of the line.

Here's my working code:

.css {_x000D_
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), color-stop(59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), color-stop(100%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65))), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
<div class="css"></div>

How to write string literals in python without having to escape them?

There is no such thing. It looks like you want something like "here documents" in Perl and the shells, but Python doesn't have that.

Using raw strings or multiline strings only means that there are fewer things to worry about. If you use a raw string then you still have to work around a terminal "\" and with any string solution you'll have to worry about the closing ", ', ''' or """ if it is included in your data.

That is, there's no way to have the string

 '   ''' """  " \

properly stored in any Python string literal without internal escaping of some sort.

How to add element in Python to the end of list using list.insert?

list.insert with any index >= len(of_the_list) places the value at the end of list. It behaves like append

Python 3.7.4
>>>lst.insert(len(lst), 101)
[10, 20, 30, 101]
>>>lst.insert(len(lst)+50, 202)
[10, 20, 30, 101, 202]

Time complexity, append O(1), insert O(n)

How to reload .bash_profile from the command line?

. ~/.bash_profile

Just make sure you don't have any dependencies on the current state in there.

What is

Unfortunately the URL now just redirects to Bing.

You can see what it used to render via

To quote:

Each XML Web Service needs a unique namespace in order for client applications to distinguish it from other services on the Web. By default, ASP.Net Web Services use for this purpose. While this suitable for XML Web Services under development, published services should use a unique, permanent namespace.

Your XML Web Service should be identified by a namespace that you control. For example, you can use your company's Internet domain name as part of the namespace. Although many namespaces look like URLs, they need not point to actual resources on the Web.

For XML Web Services creating[sic] using ASP.NET, the default namespace can be changed using the WebService attribute's Namespace property. The WebService attribute is applied to the class that contains the XML Web Service methods. Below is a code example that sets the namespace to "":


public class MyWebService {
   // implementation

Visual Basic.NET

<WebService(Namespace:="")> Public Class MyWebService
    ' implementation
End Class

Visual J#.NET

/**@attribute WebService(Namespace="")*/
public class MyWebService {
    // implementation

It's also worth reading section 'A 1.3 Generating URIs' at:

Python 3 string.join() equivalent?

There are method join for string objects:


getColor(int id) deprecated on Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23)


ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.my_color)


You will need to use ContextCompat.getColor(), which is part of the Support V4 Library (it will work for all the previous APIs).

ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.my_color)

If you don't already use the Support Library, you will need to add the following line to the dependencies array inside your app build.gradle (note: it's optional if you already use the appcompat (V7) library):

compile '' # or any version above

If you care about themes, the documentation specifies that:

Starting in M, the returned color will be styled for the specified Context's theme

How do you connect to a MySQL database using Oracle SQL Developer?

In fact you should do both :

  1. Add driver

  2. Add Oracle SQL developper connector

    • In Oracle SQL Developper > Help > Check for updates > Next
    • Check All > Next
    • Filter on "mysql"
    • Check All > Finish
  3. Next time you will add a connection, MySQL new tab is available !

Model Binding to a List MVC 4

A clean solution could be create a generic class to handle the list, so you don't need to create a different class each time you need it.

public class ListModel<T>
    public List<T> Items { get; set; }

    public ListModel(List<T> list) {
        Items = list;

and when you return the View you just need to simply do:

List<customClass> ListOfCustomClass = new List<customClass>();
//Do as needed...
return View(new ListModel<customClass>(ListOfCustomClass));

then define the list in the model:

@model ListModel<customClass>

and ready to go:

@foreach(var element in Model.Items) {
  //do as needed...

Where can I find the error logs of nginx, using FastCGI and Django?

Run this command, to check error logs:

tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log

overlay a smaller image on a larger image python OpenCv

Here it is:

def put4ChannelImageOn4ChannelImage(back, fore, x, y):
    rows, cols, channels = fore.shape    
    trans_indices = fore[...,3] != 0 # Where not transparent
    overlay_copy = back[y:y+rows, x:x+cols] 
    overlay_copy[trans_indices] = fore[trans_indices]
    back[y:y+rows, x:x+cols] = overlay_copy

background = np.zeros((1000, 1000, 4), np.uint8)
background[:] = (127, 127, 127, 1)
overlay = cv2.imread('imagee.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
put4ChannelImageOn4ChannelImage(background, overlay, 5, 5)

Can't find SDK folder inside Android studio path, and SDK manager not opening

If SDK folder is present in system, one can find in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Android

If Android/SDK folder is not found Once done with downloading and installing Android Studio, you need to launch studio. On launching Android studio for the first time, we get option to download further more components, in that we have SDK. On downloading components one can find SDK under Appdata (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Android)

Best method to download image from url in Android

I recommend using the altex-image-downloader library, which makes it easy to download images:

AltexImageDownloader.writeToDisk(context, Imageurl, "IMAGES");

Add dependency in app build gradle:

implementation 'com.artjimlop:altex-image-downloader:0.0.4'

Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie?

I am operating in cross-domain scenario. During login remote server is returning Set-Cookie header along with Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true.

The next ajax call to remote server should use this cookie.

CORS's Access-Control-Allow-Credentials is there to allow cross-domain logging. Check for examples.

For me it seems like a bug in JQuery (or at least feature-to-be in next version).


  1. Cookies are not set automatically from AJAX response (citation:


  2. You cannot get value of the cookie from response to set it manually (

    I'm confused..

    There should exist a way to ask jquery.ajax() to set XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials = "true" parameter.

ANSWER: You should use xhrFields param of

The example in the documentation is:

   url: a_cross_domain_url,
   xhrFields: {
      withCredentials: true

It's important as well that server answers correctly to this request. Copying here great comments from @Frédéric and @Pebbl:

Important note: when responding to a credentialed request, server must specify a domain, and cannot use wild carding. The above example would fail if the header was wildcarded as: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

So when the request is:

Origin: http://foo.example
Cookie: pageAccess=2

Server should respond with:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://foo.example
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true


Otherwise payload won't be returned to script. See:

HTML5 Canvas and Anti-aliasing

It's now 2018, and we finally have cheap ways to do something around it...

Indeed, since the 2d context API now has a filter property, and that this filter property can accept SVGFilters, we can build an SVGFilter that will keep only fully opaque pixels from our drawings, and thus eliminate the default anti-aliasing.

So it won't deactivate antialiasing per se, but provides a cheap way both in term of implementation and of performances to remove all semi-transparent pixels while drawing.

I am not really a specialist of SVGFilters, so there might be a better way of doing it, but for the example, I'll use a <feComponentTransfer> node to grab only fully opaque pixels.

var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');_x000D_
ctx.fillStyle = '#ABEDBE';_x000D_
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';_x000D_
ctx.font = '14px sans-serif';_x000D_
ctx.textAlign = 'center';_x000D_
// first without filter_x000D_
ctx.fillText('no filter', 60, 20);_x000D_
// then with filter_x000D_
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 120, 0);_x000D_
ctx.filter = 'url(#remove-alpha)';_x000D_
// and do the same ops_x000D_
ctx.fillText('no alpha', 60, 20);_x000D_
// to remove the filter_x000D_
ctx.filter = 'none';_x000D_
function drawArc() {_x000D_
  ctx.arc(60, 80, 50, 0, Math.PI * 2);_x000D_
function drawTriangle() {_x000D_
  ctx.moveTo(60, 150);_x000D_
  ctx.lineTo(110, 230);_x000D_
  ctx.lineTo(10, 230);_x000D_
// unrelated_x000D_
// simply to show a zoomed-in version_x000D_
var zCtx = zoomed.getContext('2d');_x000D_
zCtx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;_x000D_
canvas.onmousemove = function drawToZoommed(e) {_x000D_
  var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft,_x000D_
    y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop,_x000D_
    w = this.width,_x000D_
    h = this.height;_x000D_
  zCtx.drawImage(this, x-w/6,y-h/6,w, h, 0,0,w*3, h*3);_x000D_
<svg width="0" height="0" style="position:absolute;z-index:-1;">_x000D_
    <filter id="remove-alpha" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">_x000D_
        <feFuncA type="discrete" tableValues="0 1"></feFuncA>_x000D_
<canvas id="canvas" width="250" height="250" ></canvas>_x000D_
<canvas id="zoomed" width="250" height="250" ></canvas>

And for the ones that don't like to append an <svg> element in their DOM, you can also save it as an external svg file and set the filter property to path/to/svg_file.svg#remove-alpha.

Git - How to fix "corrupted" interactive rebase?

In my case after testing all this options and still having issues i tried sudo git rebase --abort and it did the whole thing

PHP: trying to create a new line with "\n"

If you want a new line character to be inserted into a plain text stream then you could use the OS independent global PHP_EOL

echo "foo";
echo PHP_EOL ;
echo "bar";

In HTML terms you would see a newline between foo and bar if you looked at the source code of the page.

ergo, it is useful if you are outputting say, a loop of values for a select box and you value having html source code which is "prettier" or easier to read for yourself later. e.g.

foreach( $dogs as $dog )
echo "<option>$dog</option>" . PHP_EOL ;

Copy a git repo without history

Use the following command:

git clone --depth <depth> -b <branch> <repo_url>


  • depth is the amount of commits you want to include. i.e. if you just want the latest commit use git clone --depth 1
  • branch is the name of the remote branch that you want to clone from. i.e. if you want the last 3 commits from master branch use git clone --depth 3 -b master
  • repo_url is the url of your repository

Storing Images in DB - Yea or Nay?

The only reason we store images in our tables is because each table (or set of tables per range of work) is temporary and dropped at the end of the workflow. If there was any sort of long term storage we'd definitely opt for storing file paths.

It should also be noted that we work with a client/server application internally so there's no web interface to worry about.

Entity framework left join

For 2 and more left joins (left joining creatorUser and initiatorUser )

IQueryable<CreateRequestModel> queryResult = from r in authContext.Requests
                                             join candidateUser in authContext.AuthUsers
                                             on r.CandidateId equals candidateUser.Id
                                             join creatorUser in authContext.AuthUsers
                                             on r.CreatorId equals creatorUser.Id into gj
                                             from x in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                             join initiatorUser in authContext.AuthUsers
                                             on r.InitiatorId equals initiatorUser.Id into init
                                             from x1 in init.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                             where candidateUser.UserName.Equals(candidateUsername)
                                             select new CreateRequestModel
                                                 UserName = candidateUser.UserName,
                                                 CreatorId = (x == null ? String.Empty : x.UserName),
                                                 InitiatorId = (x1 == null ? String.Empty : x1.UserName),
                                                 CandidateId = candidateUser.UserName

Current time in microseconds in java

You could maybe create a component that determines the offset between System.nanoTime() and System.currentTimeMillis() and effectively get nanoseconds since epoch.

public class TimerImpl implements Timer {

    private final long offset;

    private static long calculateOffset() {
        final long nano = System.nanoTime();
        final long nanoFromMilli = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1_000_000;
        return nanoFromMilli - nano;

    public TimerImpl() {
        final int count = 500;
        BigDecimal offsetSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            offsetSum = offsetSum.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(calculateOffset()));
        offset = (offsetSum.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(count))).longValue();

    public long nowNano() {
        return offset + System.nanoTime();

    public long nowMicro() {
        return (offset + System.nanoTime()) / 1000;

    public long nowMilli() {
        return System.currentTimeMillis();

Following test produces fairly good results on my machine.

    final Timer timer = new TimerImpl();
    while (true) {

The difference seems to oscillate in range of +-3ms. I guess one could tweak the offset calculation a bit more.


How can I center an image in Bootstrap?

Three ways to align img in the center of its parent.

  1. img is an inline element, text-center aligns inline elements in the center of its container should the container be a block element.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col text-center">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid">_x000D_

  1. mx-auto centers block elements. In order to so, change display of the img from inline to block with d-block class.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid d-block mx-auto">_x000D_

  1. Use d-flex and justify-content-center on its parent.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="container mt-5">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col d-flex justify-content-center">_x000D_
      <img src="" alt="" class="img-fluid">_x000D_

Python - How to cut a string in Python?

string = ''
cut_string = string.split('&')
new_string = cut_string[0]

Modifying location.hash without page scrolling

Here's my solution for history-enabled tabs:

    var tabContainer = $(".tabs"),
        tabsContent = tabContainer.find(".tabsection").hide(),
        tabNav = $(".tab-nav"), tabs = tabNav.find("a").on("click", function (e) {
                var href = this.href.split("#")[1]; //mydiv
                var target = "#" + href; //#myDiv
                tabs.each(function() {
                    $(this)[0].className = ""; //reset class names
                var $target = $(target).show();
                if ($target.length === 0) {
                    console.log("Could not find associated tab content for " + target);
                // TODO: You could add smooth scroll to element
                document.location.hash = target;
                $target.attr("id", href);
                return false;

And to show the last-selected tab:

var currentHashURL = document.location.hash;
        if (currentHashURL != "") { //a tab was set in hash earlier
            // show selected
        else { //default to show first tab
        // Now set the tab to active
        tabs.filter("[href*='" + currentHashURL + "']").addClass("active");

Note the *= on the filter call. This is a jQuery-specific thing, and without it, your history-enabled tabs will fail.

Truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()

This excellent answer explains very well what is happening and provides a solution. I would like to add another solution that might be suitable in similar cases: using the query method:

result = result.query("(var > 0.25) or (var < -0.25)")

See also

(Some tests with a dataframe I'm currently working with suggest that this method is a bit slower than using the bitwise operators on series of booleans: 2 ms vs. 870 µs)

A piece of warning: At least one situation where this is not straightforward is when column names happen to be python expressions. I had columns named WT_38hph_IP_2, WT_38hph_input_2 and log2(WT_38hph_IP_2/WT_38hph_input_2) and wanted to perform the following query: "(log2(WT_38hph_IP_2/WT_38hph_input_2) > 1) and (WT_38hph_IP_2 > 20)"

I obtained the following exception cascade:

  • KeyError: 'log2'
  • UndefinedVariableError: name 'log2' is not defined
  • ValueError: "log2" is not a supported function

I guess this happened because the query parser was trying to make something from the first two columns instead of identifying the expression with the name of the third column.

A possible workaround is proposed here.

Scatter plots in Pandas/Pyplot: How to plot by category

With plt.scatter, I can only think of one: to use a proxy artist:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(10,1,30).reshape(10,3), index = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', freq = 'M', periods = 10), columns = ('one', 'two', 'three'))
df['key1'] = (4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,8)
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
x=ax1.scatter(df['one'], df['two'], marker = 'o', c = df['key1'], alpha = 0.8)

circles=[Line2D(range(1), range(1), color='w', marker='o', markersize=10, markerfacecolor=item) for item in ccm((array([4,6,8])-4.0)/4)]
leg = plt.legend(circles, ['4','6','8'], loc = "center left", bbox_to_anchor = (1, 0.5), numpoints = 1)

And the result is:

enter image description here

How do I use a regex in a shell script?

the problem is you're trying to use regex features not supported by grep. namely, your \d won't work. use this instead:

echo "$1" | grep -qE "${REGEX_DATE}"
echo $?

you need the -E flag to get ERE in order to use {#} style.

Java: String - add character n-times

public String appendNewStringToExisting(String exisitingString, String newString, int number) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(exisitingString);
    for(int iDx = 0; iDx < number; iDx++){
    return builder.toString();

How do I make a PHP form that submits to self?

Try this

<form method="post" id="reg" name="reg" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>"

Works well :)

Oracle SELECT TOP 10 records

You'll need to put your current query in subquery as below :


Oracle applies rownum to the result after it has been returned.
You need to filter the result after it has been returned, so a subquery is required. You can also use RANK() function to get Top-N results.

For performance try using NOT EXISTS in place of NOT IN. See this for more.

Gradle - Move a folder from ABC to XYZ

Your task declaration is incorrectly combining the Copy task type and project.copy method, resulting in a task that has nothing to copy and thus never runs. Besides, Copy isn't the right choice for renaming a directory. There is no Gradle API for renaming, but a bit of Groovy code (leveraging Java's File API) will do. Assuming Project1 is the project directory:

task renABCToXYZ {     doLast {         file("ABC").renameTo(file("XYZ"))     } } 

Looking at the bigger picture, it's probably better to add the renaming logic (i.e. the doLast task action) to the task that produces ABC.

How do I find out if first character of a string is a number?

regular expression starts with number->'^[0-9]' 
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile('^[0-9]');
 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(String);



How do I display a wordpress page content?

@Sydney Try putting wp_reset_query() before you call the loop. This will display the content of your page.

    wp_reset_query(); // necessary to reset query
    while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    endwhile; // End of the loop.

EDIT: Try this if you have some other loops that you previously ran. Place wp_reset_query(); where you find it most suitable, but before you call this loop.

Change name of folder when cloning from GitHub?

Here is one more answer from @Marged in comments

  1. Create a folder with the name you want
  2. Run the command below from the folder you created

    git clone <path to your online repo> .

Inserting NOW() into Database with CodeIgniter's Active Record

According to the source code of codeigniter, the function set is defined as:

public function set($key, $value = '', $escape = TRUE)
    $key = $this->_object_to_array($key);

    if ( ! is_array($key))
        $key = array($key => $value);

    foreach ($key as $k => $v)
        if ($escape === FALSE)
            $this->ar_set[$this->_protect_identifiers($k)] = $v;
            $this->ar_set[$this->_protect_identifiers($k, FALSE, TRUE)] = $this->escape($v);

    return $this;

Apparently, if $key is an array, codeigniter will simply ignore the second parameter $value, but the third parameter $escape will still work throughout the iteration of $key, so in this situation, the following codes work (using the chain method):

    'name' => $name ,
    'email' => $email,
    'time' => 'NOW()'), '', FALSE)->insert('mytable');

However, this will unescape all the data, so you can break your data into two parts:

    'name' => $name ,
    'email' => $email))->set(array('time' => 'NOW()'), '', FALSE)->insert('mytable');

How to get index of an item in java.util.Set

After creating Set just convert it to List and get by index from List:

Set<String> stringsSet = new HashSet<>();

List<String> stringsList = new ArrayList<>(stringsSet);
stringsList.get(0); // "string1";
stringsList.get(1); // "string2";

what is <meta charset="utf-8">?

That meta tag basically specifies which character set a website is written with.

Here is a definition of UTF-8:

UTF-8 (U from Universal Character Set + Transformation Format—8-bit) is a character encoding capable of encoding all possible characters (called code points) in Unicode. The encoding is variable-length and uses 8-bit code units.

Reading a List from properties file and load with spring annotation @Value

Using Spring EL:

private List<String> myList;

Assuming your properties file is loaded correctly with the following:


What is the difference between `let` and `var` in swift?

var value can be change, after initialize. But let value is not be change, when it is intilize once.

In case of var

  function variable() {
     var number = 5, number = 6;
     console.log(number); // return console value is 6

In case of let

   function abc() {
      let number = 5, number = 6;
      console.log(number); // TypeError: redeclaration of let number

Predict() - Maybe I'm not understanding it

instead of newdata you are using newdate in your predict code, verify once. and just use Coupon$estimate <- predict(model, Coupon) It will work.

"insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

In my case it was that the C: drive was out of space. Ensure that you have enough space available.

VBA error 1004 - select method of range class failed

assylias and Head of Catering have already given your the reason why the error is occurring.

Now regarding what you are doing, from what I understand, you don't need to use Select at all

I guess you are doing this from VBA PowerPoint? If yes, then your code be rewritten as

Dim sourceXL As Object, sourceBook As Object
Dim sourceSheet As Object, sourceSheetSum As Object
Dim lRow As Long
Dim measName As Variant, partName As Variant
Dim filepath As String

filepath = CStr(FileDialog)

'~~> Establish an EXCEL application object
On Error Resume Next
Set sourceXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")

'~~> If not found then create new instance
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Set sourceXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Set sourceBook = sourceXL.Workbooks.Open(filepath)
Set sourceSheet = sourceBook.Sheets("Measurements")
Set sourceSheetSum = sourceBook.Sheets("Analysis Summary")

lRow = sourceSheetSum.Range("C" & sourceSheetSum.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
measName = sourceSheetSum.Range("C3:C" & lRow)

lRow = sourceSheetSum.Range("D" & sourceSheetSum.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
partName = sourceSheetSum.Range("D3:D" & lRow)

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)

This problem may occur because your MySQL server is not installed and running. To do that start command prompt as admin and enter command:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld" --install

If you get "service successfully installed" message then you need to start the MySQL service. To do that: go to Services window (Task Manager -> Services -> Open Services) Search for MySQL and Start it from the top navigation bar. Then if try to open mysql.exe it will work.

How to read Excel cell having Date with Apache POI?

If you know the cell number, then i would recommend using getDateCellValue() method Here's an example for the same that worked for me - java.util.Date date = row.getCell().getDateCellValue(); System.out.println(date);


If you want to know which is more effective, you should try looking at the estimated query plans, or the actual query plans after execution. It'll tell you the costs of the queries (I find CPU and IO cost to be interesting). I wouldn't be surprised much if there's little to no difference, but you never know. I've seen certain queries use multiple cores on our database server, while a rewritten version of that same query would only use one core (needless to say, the query that used all 4 cores was a good 3 times faster). Never really quite put my finger on why that is, but if you're working with large result sets, such differences can occur without your knowing about it.

Android "Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views."

When using AsyncTask Update the UI in onPostExecute method

    protected void onPostExecute(String s) {
   // Update UI here


PHP code to get selected text of a combo box

Put whatever you want to send to PHP in the value attribute.

  <select id="cmbMake" name="Make" >
     <option value="">Select Manufacturer</option>
     <option value="--Any--">--Any--</option>
     <option value="Toyota">Toyota</option>
     <option value="Nissan">Nissan</option>

You can also omit the value attribute. It defaults to using the text.

If you don't want to change the HTML, you can put an array in your PHP to translate the values:

$makes = array(2 => 'Toyota',
               3 => 'Nissan');

$maker = $makes[$_POST['Make']];

How to escape braces (curly brackets) in a format string in .NET

My objective:

I needed to assign the value "{CR}{LF}" to a string variable delimiter.

Code c#:

string delimiter= "{{CR}}{{LF}}";

Note: To escape special characters normally you have to use . For opening curly bracket {, use one extra like {{. For closing curly bracket }, use one extra }}.

How do I set path while saving a cookie value in JavaScript?

For access cookie in whole app (use path=/):

function createCookie(name,value,days) {
    if (days) {
        var date = new Date();
        var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
    else var expires = "";
    document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; 


If you set path=/,
Now the cookie is available for whole application/domain. If you not specify the path then current cookie is save just for the current page you can't access it on another page(s).

For more info read- (Domain and path part)

If you use cookies in jquery by plugin jquery-cookie:

$.cookie('name', 'value', { expires: 7, path: '/' });
$.cookie('name', 'value', { path: '/' });

Verify a certificate chain using openssl verify

From verify documentation:

If a certificate is found which is its own issuer it is assumed to be the root CA.

In other words, root CA needs to self signed for verify to work. This is why your second command didn't work. Try this instead:

openssl verify -CAfile RootCert.pem -untrusted Intermediate.pem UserCert.pem

It will verify your entire chain in a single command.

POST: sending a post request in a url itself

You can post data to a url with JavaScript & Jquery something like that:

$.post("", {
    json_string: JSON.stringify({name:"John", phone number:"+410000000"})

Common sources of unterminated string literal

Scan the code that comes before the line# mentioned by error message. Whatever is unterminated has resulted in something downstream, (the blamed line#), to be flagged.

How to remove all non-alpha numeric characters from a string in MySQL?

None of these answers worked for me. I had to create my own function called alphanum which stripped the chars for me:

  DECLARE ret CHAR(255) DEFAULT ''; 
    SET len = CHAR_LENGTH( str ); 
        SET c = MID( str, i, 1 ); 
        IF c REGEXP '[[:alnum:]]' THEN 
          SET ret=CONCAT(ret,c); 
        END IF; 
        SET i = i + 1; 
    UNTIL i > len END REPEAT; 
    SET ret='';
  RETURN ret; 
END | 

Now I can do:

select 'This works finally!', alphanum('This works finally!');

and I get:

| This works finally! | alphanum('This works finally!') |
| This works finally! | Thisworksfinally                |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Get the current fragment object

@Hammer response worked for me, im using to control a floating action button

final FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(;
    fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(final View view) {
   currentFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
            if (currentFragment instanceof PerfilFragment) {
                PerfilEdit(view, fab);

How to give a delay in loop execution using Qt

C++11 has some portable timer stuff. Check out sleep_for.

Simple way to understand Encapsulation and Abstraction

An example using C#

//abstraction - exposing only the relevant behavior
public interface IMakeFire
     void LightFire();

//encapsulation - hiding things that the rest of the world doesn't need to see
public class Caveman: IMakeFire
     //exposed information  
     public string Name {get;set;}

     // exposed but unchangeable information
     public byte Age {get; private set;}

     //internal i.e hidden object detail. This can be changed freely, the outside world
     // doesn't know about it
     private bool CanMakeFire()
         return Age >7;

     //implementation of a relevant feature
     public void LightFire()
        if (!CanMakeFire())
           throw new UnableToLightFireException("Too young");
        //light the fire


     private GatherWood() {};
     private GetFireStone();

public class PersonWithMatch:IMakeFire

Any caveman can make a fire, because it implements the IMakeFire 'feature'. Having a group of fire makers (List) this means that both Caveman and PersonWithMatch are valid choises.

This means that

  //this method (and class) isn't coupled to a Caveman or a PersonWithMatch
  // it can work with ANY object implementing IMakeFire
  public void FireStarter(IMakeFire starter)

So you can have lots of implementors with plenty of details (properties) and behavior(methods), but in this scenario what matters is their ability to make fire. This is abstraction.

Since making a fire requires some steps (GetWood etc), these are hidden from the view as they are an internal concern of the class. The caveman has many other public behaviors which can be called by the outside world. But some details will be always hidden because are related to internal working. They're private and exist only for the object, they are never exposed. This is encapsulation

Save image from url with curl PHP

If you want to download an image from https:

$output_filename = 'output.png';
$host = "https://.../source.png"; // <-- Source image url (FIX THIS)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $host);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // <-- don't forget this
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); // <-- and this
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$fp = fopen($output_filename, 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $result);