Programs & Examples On #Selenium rc

Selenium Remote Control - Answer to UI level functional test Web automation

Clicking at coordinates without identifying element

Action chains can be a little finicky. You could also achieve this by executing javascript.

self.driver.execute_script('el = document.elementFromPoint(440, 120);;')

Page scroll up or down in Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) using java

You should add a scroll to the page to select all elements using Selenium.executeScript("window.scrollBy(0,450)", "").

If you have a large list, add the scroll several times through the execution. Note the scroll only go to a certain point in the page for example (0,450).

Xpath for href element

Below works fine.


If you've tried certain ones and they haven't worked, then let us know, otherwise something simple like this should work.

How to press/click the button using Selenium if the button does not have the Id?

use the text and value attributes instead of the id


similarly for Next.

how to delete default values in text field using selenium?

And was the code helpful? Because the code you are writing should do the thing:


If it does not help, then try this:

WebElement toClear = driver.findElement("locator");
toClear.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "a");

maybe you will have to do some convert of the Keys.CONTROL + "a" to CharSequence, but the first approach should do the magic

Java: Add elements to arraylist with FOR loop where element name has increasing number

Thomas's solution is good enough for this matter.

If you want to use loop to access these three Answers, you first need to put there three into an array-like data structure ---- kind of like a principle. So loop is used for operating on an array-like data structure, not just simply to simplify typing task. And you cannot use FOR loop by simply just giving increasing-number-names to the elements.

Closing WebSocket correctly (HTML5, Javascript)

Very simple, you close it :)

var myWebSocket = new WebSocket("ws://"); 
myWebSocket.send("Hello Web Sockets!"); 

Did you check also the following site And check the introduction article of Opera

How to checkout in Git by date?

In my case the -n 1 option doesn't work. On Windows I've found that the following sequence of commands works fine:

git rev-list -1 --before="2012-01-15 12:00" master

This returns the appropriate commit's SHA for the given date, and then:

git checkout SHA

How to get access to HTTP header information in Spring MVC REST controller?

My solution in Header parameters with example is user="test" is:

@RequestMapping(value = "/restURL")
  public String serveRest(@RequestBody String body, @RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers){


HttpClient.GetAsync(...) never returns when using await/async

I'm going to put this in here more for completeness than direct relevance to the OP. I spent nearly a day debugging an HttpClient request, wondering why I was never getting back a response.

Finally found that I had forgotten to await the async call further down the call stack.

Feels about as good as missing a semicolon.

How do I use CSS with a ruby on rails application?

Use the rails style sheet tag to link your main.css like this

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "main" %>

Go to


Once inside the assets.rb add the following code snippet just below the Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'

Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( main.css )

Restart your server.

JQuery Calculate Day Difference in 2 date textboxes

  var days=0;
  function myfunc(){
      var start= $("#firstDate").datepicker("getDate");
      var end= $("#secondDate").datepicker("getDate");
      days = (end- start) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

Selenium WebDriver and DropDown Boxes

Just wrap your WebElement into Select Object as shown below

Select dropdown = new Select(driver.findElement("identifier")));

Once this is done you can select the required value in 3 ways. Consider an HTML file like this

<select id = "designation">
<option value = "MD">MD</option>
<option value = "prog"> Programmer </option>
<option value = "CEO"> CEO </option>

Now to identify dropdown do

Select dropdown = new Select(driver.findElement("designation")));

To select its option say 'Programmer' you can do

dropdown.selectByVisibleText("Programmer ");





Happy Coding :)

org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.List, at table: College, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(students)]

Though I am new to hibernate but with little research (trial and error we can say) I found out that it is due to inconsistency in annotating the methods/fileds.

when you are annotating @ID on variable make sure all other annotations are also done on variable only and when you are annotating it on getter method same make sure you are annotating all other getter methods only and not their respective variables.

Calculate the display width of a string in Java

I personally was searching for something to let me compute the multiline string area, so I could determine if given area is big enough to print the string - with preserving specific font.

private static Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
private Font font;
private LineBreakMeasurer lineBreakMeasurer;
private int start, end;

public PixelLengthCheck(Font font) {
    this.font = font;

public boolean tryIfStringFits(String textToMeasure, Dimension areaToFit) {
    AttributedString attributedString = new AttributedString(textToMeasure, hash);
    attributedString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, font);
    AttributedCharacterIterator attributedCharacterIterator =
    start = attributedCharacterIterator.getBeginIndex();
    end = attributedCharacterIterator.getEndIndex();

    lineBreakMeasurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(attributedCharacterIterator,
            new FontRenderContext(null, false, false));

    float width = (float) areaToFit.width;
    float height = 0;

    while (lineBreakMeasurer.getPosition() < end) {
        TextLayout textLayout = lineBreakMeasurer.nextLayout(width);
        height += textLayout.getAscent();
        height += textLayout.getDescent() + textLayout.getLeading();

    boolean res = height <= areaToFit.getHeight();

    return res;

Why should text files end with a newline?

There's also a practical programming issue with files lacking newlines at the end: The read Bash built-in (I don't know about other read implementations) doesn't work as expected:

printf $'foo\nbar' | while read line
    echo $line

This prints only foo! The reason is that when read encounters the last line, it writes the contents to $line but returns exit code 1 because it reached EOF. This breaks the while loop, so we never reach the echo $line part. If you want to handle this situation, you have to do the following:

while read line || [ -n "${line-}" ]
    echo $line
done < <(printf $'foo\nbar')

That is, do the echo if the read failed because of a non-empty line at end of file. Naturally, in this case there will be one extra newline in the output which was not in the input.

Bubble Sort Homework

def bubbleSort(a): def swap(x, y): temp = a[x] a[x] = a[y] a[y] = temp #outer loop for j in range(len(a)): #slicing to the center, inner loop, python style for i in range(j, len(a) - j):
#find the min index and swap if a[i] < a[j]: swap(j, i) #find the max index and swap if a[i] > a[len(a) - j - 1]: swap(len(a) - j - 1, i) return a

Round integers to the nearest 10

I wanted to do the same thing, but with 5 instead of 10, and came up with a simple function. Hope it's useful:

def roundToFive(num):
    remaining = num % 5
    if remaining in range(0, 3):
        return num - remaining
    return num + (5 - remaining)

How to query GROUP BY Month in a Year

For Oracle:

select EXTRACT(month from DATE_CREATED), sum(Num_of_Pictures)
from pictures_table
group by EXTRACT(month from DATE_CREATED);

Switch focus between editor and integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code

A little late to the game but I configured mine as the following in the keybindings.json:

    "key": "ctrl+`",
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus",
    "when": "editorTextFocus"
    "key": "ctrl+`",
    "command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup",
    "when": "terminalFocus"
    "key": "alt+`",
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal"

I wanted separate keys for opening/closing terminal and switching focus back and forth between the windows.

How to check how many letters are in a string in java?

If you are counting letters, the above solution will fail for some unicode symbols. For example for these 5 characters sample.length() will return 6 instead of 5:

String sample = "\u760c\u0444\u03b3\u03b5\ud800\udf45"; // ???e

The codePointCount function was introduced in Java 1.5 and I understand gives better results for glyphs etc

sample.codePointCount(0, sample.length()) // returns 5

Using multiple property files (via PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer) in multiple projects/modules

You can have multiple <context:property-placeholder /> elements instead of explicitly declaring multiple PropertiesPlaceholderConfigurer beans.

What Regex would capture everything from ' mark to the end of a line?

The appropriate regex would be the ' char followed by any number of any chars [including zero chars] ending with an end of string/line token:


And if you wanted to capture everything after the ' char but not include it in the output, you would use:


This basically says give me all characters that follow the ' char until the end of the line.

Edit: It has been noted that $ is implicit when using .* and therefore not strictly required, therefore the pattern:


is technically correct, however it is clearer to be specific and avoid confusion for later code maintenance, hence my use of the $. It is my belief that it is always better to declare explicit behaviour than rely on implicit behaviour in situations where clarity could be questioned.

What is your single most favorite command-line trick using Bash?

Curly-Brace Expansion:

Really comes in handy when running a ./configure with a lot of options:

./configure --{prefix=/usr,mandir=/usr/man,{,sh}libdir=/usr/lib64,\

This is quite literally my configure settings for ffmpeg. Without the braces it's 409 characters.

Or, even better:

echo "I can count to a thousand!" ...{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}...

Better way to revert to a previous SVN revision of a file?

Reverse merge is exactly what you want (see luapyad's answer). Just apply the merge to the erroneously-commited file instead of the entire directory.

At runtime, find all classes in a Java application that extend a base class

Thanks all who answered this question.

It seems this is indeed a tough nut to crack. I ended up giving up and creating a static array and getter in my baseclass.

public abstract class Animal{
    private static Animal[] animals= null;
    public static Animal[] getAnimals(){
        if (animals==null){
            animals = new Animal[]{
                new Dog(),
                new Cat(),
                new Lion()
        return animals;

It seems that Java just isn't set up for self-discoverability the way C# is. I suppose the problem is that since a Java app is just a collection of .class files out in a directory / jar file somewhere, the runtime doesn't know about a class until it's referenced. At that time the loader loads it -- what I'm trying to do is discover it before I reference it which is not possible without going out to the file system and looking.

I always like code that can discover itself instead of me having to tell it about itself, but alas this works too.

Thanks again!

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'mydatabasename'

Open the sql file and comment out the line that tries to create the existing database and remove USE mydatabasename and try again.

Conditional replacement of values in a data.frame

Try data.table's := operator :

DT =
DT[b==0, est := (a-5)/2.533]

It's fast and short. See these linked questions for more information on := :

Why has data.table defined :=

When should I use the := operator in data.table

How do you remove columns from a data.frame

R self reference

Converting BitmapImage to Bitmap and vice versa

This converts from System.Drawing.Bitmap to BitmapImage:

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
YOURBITMAP.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
image.StreamSource = ms;

Why is it common to put CSRF prevention tokens in cookies?

A good reason, which you have sort of touched on, is that once the CSRF cookie has been received, it is then available for use throughout the application in client script for use in both regular forms and AJAX POSTs. This will make sense in a JavaScript heavy application such as one employed by AngularJS (using AngularJS doesn't require that the application will be a single page app, so it would be useful where state needs to flow between different page requests where the CSRF value cannot normally persist in the browser).

Consider the following scenarios and processes in a typical application for some pros and cons of each approach you describe. These are based on the Synchronizer Token Pattern.

Request Body Approach

  1. User successfully logs in.
  2. Server issues auth cookie.
  3. User clicks to navigate to a form.
  4. If not yet generated for this session, server generates CSRF token, stores it against the user session and outputs it to a hidden field.
  5. User submits form.
  6. Server checks hidden field matches session stored token.


  • Simple to implement.
  • Works with AJAX.
  • Works with forms.
  • Cookie can actually be HTTP Only.


  • All forms must output the hidden field in HTML.
  • Any AJAX POSTs must also include the value.
  • The page must know in advance that it requires the CSRF token so it can include it in the page content so all pages must contain the token value somewhere, which could make it time consuming to implement for a large site.

Custom HTTP Header (downstream)

  1. User successfully logs in.
  2. Server issues auth cookie.
  3. User clicks to navigate to a form.
  4. Page loads in browser, then an AJAX request is made to retrieve the CSRF token.
  5. Server generates CSRF token (if not already generated for session), stores it against the user session and outputs it to a header.
  6. User submits form (token is sent via hidden field).
  7. Server checks hidden field matches session stored token.



  • Doesn't work without an AJAX request to get the header value.
  • All forms must have the value added to its HTML dynamically.
  • Any AJAX POSTs must also include the value.
  • The page must make an AJAX request first to get the CSRF token, so it will mean an extra round trip each time.
  • Might as well have simply output the token to the page which would save the extra request.

Custom HTTP Header (upstream)

  1. User successfully logs in.
  2. Server issues auth cookie.
  3. User clicks to navigate to a form.
  4. If not yet generated for this session, server generates CSRF token, stores it against the user session and outputs it in the page content somewhere.
  5. User submits form via AJAX (token is sent via header).
  6. Server checks custom header matches session stored token.



  • Doesn't work with forms.
  • All AJAX POSTs must include the header.

Custom HTTP Header (upstream & downstream)

  1. User successfully logs in.
  2. Server issues auth cookie.
  3. User clicks to navigate to a form.
  4. Page loads in browser, then an AJAX request is made to retrieve the CSRF token.
  5. Server generates CSRF token (if not already generated for session), stores it against the user session and outputs it to a header.
  6. User submits form via AJAX (token is sent via header) .
  7. Server checks custom header matches session stored token.



  • Doesn't work with forms.
  • All AJAX POSTs must also include the value.
  • The page must make an AJAX request first to get the CRSF token, so it will mean an extra round trip each time.


  1. User successfully logs in.
  2. Server issues auth cookie.
  3. User clicks to navigate to a form.
  4. Server generates CSRF token, stores it against the user session and outputs it to a cookie.
  5. User submits form via AJAX or via HTML form.
  6. Server checks custom header (or hidden form field) matches session stored token.
  7. Cookie is available in browser for use in additional AJAX and form requests without additional requests to server to retrieve the CSRF token.


  • Simple to implement.
  • Works with AJAX.
  • Works with forms.
  • Doesn't necessarily require an AJAX request to get the cookie value. Any HTTP request can retrieve it and it can be appended to all forms/AJAX requests via JavaScript.
  • Once the CSRF token has been retrieved, as it is stored in a cookie the value can be reused without additional requests.


  • All forms must have the value added to its HTML dynamically.
  • Any AJAX POSTs must also include the value.
  • The cookie will be submitted for every request (i.e. all GETs for images, CSS, JS, etc, that are not involved in the CSRF process) increasing request size.
  • Cookie cannot be HTTP Only.

So the cookie approach is fairly dynamic offering an easy way to retrieve the cookie value (any HTTP request) and to use it (JS can add the value to any form automatically and it can be employed in AJAX requests either as a header or as a form value). Once the CSRF token has been received for the session, there is no need to regenerate it as an attacker employing a CSRF exploit has no method of retrieving this token. If a malicious user tries to read the user's CSRF token in any of the above methods then this will be prevented by the Same Origin Policy. If a malicious user tries to retrieve the CSRF token server side (e.g. via curl) then this token will not be associated to the same user account as the victim's auth session cookie will be missing from the request (it would be the attacker's - therefore it won't be associated server side with the victim's session).

As well as the Synchronizer Token Pattern there is also the Double Submit Cookie CSRF prevention method, which of course uses cookies to store a type of CSRF token. This is easier to implement as it does not require any server side state for the CSRF token. The CSRF token in fact could be the standard authentication cookie when using this method, and this value is submitted via cookies as usual with the request, but the value is also repeated in either a hidden field or header, of which an attacker cannot replicate as they cannot read the value in the first place. It would be recommended to choose another cookie however, other than the authentication cookie so that the authentication cookie can be secured by being marked HttpOnly. So this is another common reason why you'd find CSRF prevention using a cookie based method.

Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3

Okay...So here is what solved my problem...

in App Delegate File:

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "DarkSkyAPI.h"
//#import "Credentials.h"

I had imported Credentials.h already in the DarkSkyAPI.m file in my project. Commenting out the extra import made the error go away!

Some things to mention and maybe help anyone in the future. @umairqureshi_6's answer did help me along the process, but did not solve it. He led to where I was able to dig out the info. I kept seeing AppDelegate and DarkSkyAPI files showing up in the error log and the information it was pulling from Credentials file was causing the error. I knew it had to be in one of these 3 files, so I immediately checked imports, because I remembered hearing that the .h carries all the imports from its .m file. Boom!

Pythonic way to print list items

OP's question is: does something like following exists, if not then why

print(p) for p in myList # doesn't work, OP's intuition

answer is, it does exist which is:

[p for p in myList] #works perfectly

Basically, use [] for list comprehension and get rid of print to avoiding printing None. To see why print prints None see this

What does "The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library was not found" mean?

I had the same problem when tom?at could not find the class. Try to view other log files. Sometimes No class def found error appears in different log files:

  • tomcat8-stdout
  • tomcat8-stderr
  • localhost

How to change already compiled .class file without decompile?

I added some codes and save .class file.

What you see in JD EClipse Decompiler is decompiled representation of byte code in the .class file. Even though you change the text it won't affect the byte code.

Rounding to two decimal places in Python 2.7?

Rounding up to the next 0.05, I would do this way:

def roundup(x):
    return round(int(math.ceil(x / 0.05)) * 0.05,2)

Hide element by class in pure Javascript

<script type="text/javascript">




<script type="text/javascript">



Comment shortcut Android Studio

For Line Comment: Ctrl + /

For Block Comment: Ctrl + Shift + /

bash export command

change from bash to sh scripting, make my script work.


Compression/Decompression string with C#

With the advent of .NET 4.0 (and higher) with the Stream.CopyTo() methods, I thought I would post an updated approach.

I also think the below version is useful as a clear example of a self-contained class for compressing regular strings to Base64 encoded strings, and vice versa:

public static class StringCompression
    /// <summary>
    /// Compresses a string and returns a deflate compressed, Base64 encoded string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="uncompressedString">String to compress</param>
    public static string Compress(string uncompressedString)
        byte[] compressedBytes;

        using (var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uncompressedString)))
            using (var compressedStream = new MemoryStream())
                // setting the leaveOpen parameter to true to ensure that compressedStream will not be closed when compressorStream is disposed
                // this allows compressorStream to close and flush its buffers to compressedStream and guarantees that compressedStream.ToArray() can be called afterward
                // although MSDN documentation states that ToArray() can be called on a closed MemoryStream, I don't want to rely on that very odd behavior should it ever change
                using (var compressorStream = new DeflateStream(compressedStream, CompressionLevel.Fastest, true))

                // call compressedStream.ToArray() after the enclosing DeflateStream has closed and flushed its buffer to compressedStream
                compressedBytes = compressedStream.ToArray();

        return Convert.ToBase64String(compressedBytes);

    /// <summary>
    /// Decompresses a deflate compressed, Base64 encoded string and returns an uncompressed string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="compressedString">String to decompress.</param>
    public static string Decompress(string compressedString)
        byte[] decompressedBytes;

        var compressedStream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(compressedString));

        using (var decompressorStream = new DeflateStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
            using (var decompressedStream = new MemoryStream())

                decompressedBytes = decompressedStream.ToArray();

        return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedBytes);

Here’s another approach using the extension methods technique to extend the String class to add string compression and decompression. You can drop the class below into an existing project and then use thusly:

var uncompressedString = "Hello World!";
var compressedString = uncompressedString.Compress();


var decompressedString = compressedString.Decompress();

To wit:

public static class Extensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Compresses a string and returns a deflate compressed, Base64 encoded string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="uncompressedString">String to compress</param>
    public static string Compress(this string uncompressedString)
        byte[] compressedBytes;

        using (var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uncompressedString)))
            using (var compressedStream = new MemoryStream())
                // setting the leaveOpen parameter to true to ensure that compressedStream will not be closed when compressorStream is disposed
                // this allows compressorStream to close and flush its buffers to compressedStream and guarantees that compressedStream.ToArray() can be called afterward
                // although MSDN documentation states that ToArray() can be called on a closed MemoryStream, I don't want to rely on that very odd behavior should it ever change
                using (var compressorStream = new DeflateStream(compressedStream, CompressionLevel.Fastest, true))

                // call compressedStream.ToArray() after the enclosing DeflateStream has closed and flushed its buffer to compressedStream
                compressedBytes = compressedStream.ToArray();

        return Convert.ToBase64String(compressedBytes);

    /// <summary>
    /// Decompresses a deflate compressed, Base64 encoded string and returns an uncompressed string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="compressedString">String to decompress.</param>
    public static string Decompress(this string compressedString)
        byte[] decompressedBytes;

        var compressedStream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(compressedString));

        using (var decompressorStream = new DeflateStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
            using (var decompressedStream = new MemoryStream())

                decompressedBytes = decompressedStream.ToArray();

        return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedBytes);

How to center horizontal table-cell

Sometimes you have things other than text inside a table cell that you'd like to be horizontally centered. In order to do this, first set up some css...

    div.centered {
        margin: auto;
        width: 100%;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;

Then declare a div with class="centered" inside each table cell you want centered.

    <div class="centered">
        Anything: text, controls, etc... will be horizontally centered.

How to echo xml file in php

To display the html/xml "as is" (i.e. all entities and elements), simply escape the characters <, &, and enclose the result with <pre>:

$XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

$XML = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $XML);
$XML = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $XML);
echo '<pre>' . $XML . '</pre>';


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Tested on Chrome 45

Adding an arbitrary line to a matplotlib plot in ipython notebook

Using vlines:

import numpy as np
x = arange(1, 101)
y = 20 + 3 * x + np.random.normal(0, 60, 100)
p =  plot(x, y, "o")

The basic call signatures are:

vlines(x, ymin, ymax)
hlines(y, xmin, xmax)

add new element in laravel collection object

As mentioned above if you wish to as a new element your queried collection you can use:

    $items = DB::select(DB::raw('SELECT * FROM items WHERE = '.$id.'  ;'));
    foreach($items as $item){
        $product = DB::select(DB::raw(' select * from product
               where product_id = '. $id.';' ));

        // or 
        // $items->put('products', $product);

but if you wish to add new element to each queried element you need to do like:

    $items = DB::select(DB::raw('SELECT * FROM items WHERE = '.$id.'  ;'));
    foreach($items as $item){
           $product = DB::select(DB::raw(' select * from product
                 where product_id = '. $id.';' ));

          $item->add_whatever_element_you_want = $product;

add_whatever_element_you_want can be whatever you wish that your element is named (like product for example).

How to exit a 'git status' list in a terminal?

Type 'q' and it will do the job.

Whenever you are at the terminal and have a similar predicament keep in mind also to try and type 'quit', 'exit' as well as the abort key combination 'Ctrl + C'.

What are the rules for JavaScript's automatic semicolon insertion (ASI)?

I could not understand those 3 rules in the specs too well -- hope to have something that is more plain English -- but here is what I gathered from JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition, David Flanagan, O'Reilly, 2011:


JavaScript does not treat every line break as a semicolon: it usually treats line breaks as semicolons only if it can’t parse the code without the semicolons.

Another quote: for the code

var a
3 console.log(a)

JavaScript does not treat the second line break as a semicolon because it can continue parsing the longer statement a = 3;


two exceptions to the general rule that JavaScript interprets line breaks as semicolons when it cannot parse the second line as a continuation of the statement on the first line. The first exception involves the return, break, and continue statements

... If a line break appears after any of these words ... JavaScript will always interpret that line break as a semicolon.

... The second exception involves the ++ and -- operators ... If you want to use either of these operators as postfix operators, they must appear on the same line as the expression they apply to. Otherwise, the line break will be treated as a semicolon, and the ++ or -- will be parsed as a prefix operator applied to the code that follows. Consider this code, for example:


It is parsed as x; ++y;, not as x++; y

So I think to simplify it, that means:

In general, JavaScript will treat it as continuation of code as long as it makes sense -- except 2 cases: (1) after some keywords like return, break, continue, and (2) if it sees ++ or -- on a new line, then it will add the ; at the end of the previous line.

The part about "treat it as continuation of code as long as it makes sense" makes it feel like regular expression's greedy matching.

With the above said, that means for return with a line break, the JavaScript interpreter will insert a ;

(quoted again: If a line break appears after any of these words [such as return] ... JavaScript will always interpret that line break as a semicolon)

and due to this reason, the classic example of

  foo: 1

will not work as expected, because the JavaScript interpreter will treat it as:

return;   // returning nothing
  foo: 1

There has to be no line-break immediately after the return:

return { 
  foo: 1

for it to work properly. And you may insert a ; yourself if you were to follow the rule of using a ; after any statement:

return { 
  foo: 1

How do you change the launcher logo of an app in Android Studio?

To quickly create a new set of icons and change the launcher icon in Android Studio, you can:

  1. Use this tool: to upload your preferred image or icon (your source file). The tool then automatically creates a set of icons in all the different resolutions for the ic_launcher.png.

  2. Download the zip-file created by the tool, extract everything (which will create a folder structure for all the different resolutions) and then replace all the icons inside your project res folder: <AndroidStudioProjectPath>\app\src\main\res

Calling the base class constructor from the derived class constructor

The constructor of PetStore will call a constructor of Farm; there's no way you can prevent it. If you do nothing (as you've done), it will call the default constructor (Farm()); if you need to pass arguments, you'll have to specify the base class in the initializer list:

    : Farm( neededArgument )
    , idF( 0 )

(Similarly, the constructor of PetStore will call the constructor of nameF. The constructor of a class always calls the constructors of all of its base classes and all of its members.)

Convert InputStream to BufferedReader

BufferedReader can't wrap an InputStream directly. It wraps another Reader. In this case you'd want to do something like:

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));

How to align an indented line in a span that wraps into multiple lines?

You want multiple lines of text indented on the left. Try the following:

CSS: {
    margin-left: 10px;
} {
    color: #b1b1b1;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-style: italic;


<div class="info"><span class="info">blah blah <br/> blah blah</span></div>

Java SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match

You can also try to set a HostnameVerifier as described here. This worked for me to avoid this error.

// Do not do this in production!!!
HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER;

DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();

SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
SSLSocketFactory socketFactory = SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory();
socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier((X509HostnameVerifier) hostnameVerifier);
registry.register(new Scheme("https", socketFactory, 443));
SingleClientConnManager mgr = new SingleClientConnManager(client.getParams(), registry);
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(mgr, client.getParams());

// Set verifier     

// Example send http request
final String url = "";  
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);

Open an html page in default browser with VBA?

If you want a more robust solution with ShellExecute that will open ANY file, folder or URL using the default OS associated program to do so, here is a function taken from

'************ Code Start **********
' This code was originally written by Dev Ashish.
' It is not to be altered or distributed,
' except as part of an application.
' You are free to use it in any application,
' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged.
' Code Courtesy of
' Dev Ashish
Private Declare Function apiShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _
    Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
    (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
    ByVal lpOperation As String, _
    ByVal lpFile As String, _
    ByVal lpParameters As String, _
    ByVal lpDirectory As String, _
    ByVal nShowCmd As Long) _
    As Long

'***App Window Constants***
Public Const WIN_NORMAL = 1         'Open Normal
Public Const WIN_MAX = 3            'Open Maximized
Public Const WIN_MIN = 2            'Open Minimized

'***Error Codes***
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 32&
Private Const ERROR_NO_ASSOC = 31&
Private Const ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM = 0&
Private Const ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2&
Private Const ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3&
Private Const ERROR_BAD_FORMAT = 11&

'***************Usage Examples***********************
'Open a folder:     ?fHandleFile("C:\TEMP\",WIN_NORMAL)
'Call Email app:    ?fHandleFile("mailto:[email protected]",WIN_NORMAL)
'Open URL:          ?fHandleFile("", WIN_NORMAL)
'Handle Unknown extensions (call Open With Dialog):
'                   ?fHandleFile("C:\TEMP\TestThis",Win_Normal)
'Start Access instance:
'                   ?fHandleFile("I:\mdbs\CodeNStuff.mdb", Win_NORMAL)

Function fHandleFile(stFile As String, lShowHow As Long)
Dim lRet As Long, varTaskID As Variant
Dim stRet As String
    'First try ShellExecute
    lRet = apiShellExecute(hWndAccessApp, vbNullString, _
            stFile, vbNullString, vbNullString, lShowHow)

    If lRet > ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        stRet = vbNullString
        lRet = -1
        Select Case lRet
            Case ERROR_NO_ASSOC:
                'Try the OpenWith dialog
                varTaskID = Shell("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL " _
                        & stFile, WIN_NORMAL)
                lRet = (varTaskID <> 0)
            Case ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM:
                stRet = "Error: Out of Memory/Resources. Couldn't Execute!"
            Case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
                stRet = "Error: File not found.  Couldn't Execute!"
            Case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND:
                stRet = "Error: Path not found. Couldn't Execute!"
            Case ERROR_BAD_FORMAT:
                stRet = "Error:  Bad File Format. Couldn't Execute!"
            Case Else:
        End Select
    End If
    fHandleFile = lRet & _
                IIf(stRet = "", vbNullString, ", " & stRet)
End Function
'************ Code End **********

Just put this into a separate module and call fHandleFile() with the right parameters.

WebView and HTML5 <video>

On honeycomb use hardwareaccelerated=true and pluginstate.on_demand seems to work

How do I collapse sections of code in Visual Studio Code for Windows?

Note: these shortcuts only work as expected if you edit your keybindings.json

I wasn't happy with the default shortcuts, I wanted them to work as follow:

  • Fold: Ctrl + Alt + ]
  • Fold recursively: Ctrl + ? Shift + Alt + ]
  • Fold all: Ctrl + k then Ctrl + ]
  • Unfold: Ctrl + Alt + [
  • Unfold recursively: Ctrl + ? Shift + Alt + [
  • Unfold all: Ctrl + k then Ctrl + [

To set it up:

  • Open Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON) (Ctrl + ? Shift + p)
  • Add the following snippet to that file

    Already have custom keybindings for fold/unfold? Then you'd need to replace them.

        "key": "ctrl+alt+]",
        "command": "editor.fold",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled"
        "key": "ctrl+alt+[",
        "command": "editor.unfold",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled"
        "key": "ctrl+shift+alt+]",
        "command": "editor.foldRecursively",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled"
        "key": "ctrl+shift+alt+[",
        "command": "editor.unfoldRecursively",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled"
        "key": "ctrl+k ctrl+[",
        "command": "editor.unfoldAll",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled"
        "key": "ctrl+k ctrl+]",
        "command": "editor.foldAll",
        "when": "editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled"

Using variables inside strings

In C# 6 you can use string interpolation:

string name = "John";
string result = $"Hello {name}";

The syntax highlighting for this in Visual Studio makes it highly readable and all of the tokens are checked.

Does VBA contain a comment block syntax?

prefix the comment with a single-quote. there is no need for an "end" tag.

'this is a comment

Extend to multiple lines using the line-continuation character, _:

'this is a multi-line _

This is an option in the toolbar to select a line(s) of code and comment/uncomment:

enter image description here

How to pass arguments and redirect stdin from a file to program run in gdb?

Pass the arguments to the run command from within gdb.

$ gdb ./a.out
(gdb) r < t
Starting program: /dir/a.out < t

source command not found in sh shell

I faced this error while i was trying to call source command from #Jenkins execute shell.

source profile.txt or source

Replacement for source command is to use,

. ./profile.txt or . ./

Note: There is a space between the two dots(.)

How to avoid the "Circular view path" exception with Spring MVC test

try adding compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf") dependency to your gradle file.Thymeleaf helps mapping views.

Batch - If, ElseIf, Else

@echo off
title Test

echo Select a language. (de/en)
set /p language=

IF /i "%language%"=="de" goto languageDE
IF /i "%language%"=="en" goto languageEN

echo Not found.
goto commonexit

echo German
goto commonexit

echo English
goto commonexit


The point is that batch simply continues through instructions, line by line until it reaches a goto, exit or end-of-file. It has no concept of sections to control flow.

Hence, entering de would jump to :languagede then simply continue executing instructions until the file ends, showing de then en then not found.

How do I alias commands in git?

For me (I'm using mac with terminal) only worked when I added on .bash_profile and opened another tab to load the change:

alias gst="git status"
alias gd="git diff"
alias gl="git log"
alias gco="git commit"
alias gck="git checkout"
alias gl="git pull"
alias gpom="git pull origin master"
alias gp="git push"
alias gb="git branch"

How to check if file already exists in the folder

Dim SourcePath As String = "c:\SomeFolder\SomeFileYouWantToCopy.txt" 'This is just an example string and could be anything, it maps to fileToCopy in your code.
Dim SaveDirectory As string = "c:\DestinationFolder"

Dim Filename As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(SourcePath) 'get the filename of the original file without the directory on it
Dim SavePath As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(SaveDirectory, Filename) 'combines the saveDirectory and the filename to get a fully qualified path.

If System.IO.File.Exists(SavePath) Then
   'The file exists
    'the file doesn't exist
End If

VLook-Up Match first 3 characters of one column with another column


submitting a GET form with query string params and hidden params disappear

What you can do is using a simple foreach on the table containing the GET information. For example in php :

foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
    echo("<input type='hidden' name='$key' value='$value'/>");

How to parse a String containing XML in Java and retrieve the value of the root node?

You could also use tools provided by the base JRE:

String msg = "<message>HELLO!</message>";
DocumentBuilder newDocumentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
Document parse = newDocumentBuilder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getBytes()));

Select the top N values by group

I prefer @Ista solution, cause needs no extra package and is simple.
A modification of the data.table solution also solve my problem, and is more general.
My data.frame is

> str(df)
'data.frame':   579 obs. of  11 variables:
 $ trees     : num  2000 5000 1000 2000 1000 1000 2000 5000 5000 1000 ...
 $ interDepth: num  2 3 5 2 3 4 4 2 3 5 ...
 $ minObs    : num  6 4 1 4 10 6 10 10 6 6 ...
 $ shrinkage : num  0.01 0.001 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.005 0.005 0.001     ...
 $ G1        : num  0 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 ...
 $ qx        : num  0.44 0.43 0.419 0.439 0.43 ...
 $ efet      : num  43.1 40.6 39.9 39.2 38.6 ...
 $ prec      : num  0.606 0.593 0.587 0.582 0.574 0.578 0.576 0.579 0.588 0.585 ...
 $ sens      : num  0.575 0.57 0.573 0.575 0.587 0.574 0.576 0.566 0.542 0.545 ...
 $ acu       : num  0.631 0.645 0.647 0.648 0.655 0.647 0.619 0.611 0.591 0.594 ...

The data.table solution needs order on i to do the job:

> require(data.table)
> dt1 <- data.table(df)
> dt2 = dt1[order(-efet, G1, G2), head(.SD, 3), by = .(G1, G2)]
> dt2
    G1    G2 trees interDepth minObs shrinkage        qx   efet  prec  sens   acu
 1:  0 FALSE  2000          2      6     0.010 0.4395953 43.066 0.606 0.575 0.631
 2:  0 FALSE  2000          5      1     0.005 0.4294718 37.554 0.583 0.548 0.607
 3:  0 FALSE  5000          2      6     0.005 0.4395753 36.981 0.575 0.559 0.616
 4:  2 FALSE  5000          3      4     0.001 0.4296346 40.624 0.593 0.570 0.645
 5:  2 FALSE  1000          5      1     0.010 0.4186802 39.915 0.587 0.573 0.647
 6:  2 FALSE  2000          2      4     0.005 0.4390503 39.164 0.582 0.575 0.648
 7:  8 FALSE  2000          4     10     0.001 0.4511349 38.240 0.576 0.576 0.619
 8:  8 FALSE  5000          2     10     0.005 0.4469665 38.064 0.579 0.566 0.611
 9:  8 FALSE  5000          3      6     0.005 0.4426952 37.888 0.588 0.542 0.591
10:  2  TRUE  5000          3      4     0.001 0.3812878 21.057 0.510 0.479 0.615
11:  2  TRUE  2000          3     10     0.005 0.3790536 20.127 0.507 0.470 0.608
12:  2  TRUE  1000          5      4     0.001 0.3690911 18.981 0.500 0.475 0.611
13:  8  TRUE  5000          6     10     0.010 0.2865042 16.870 0.497 0.435 0.635
14:  0  TRUE  2000          6      4     0.010 0.3192862  9.779 0.460 0.433 0.621  

By some reason, it does not order the way pointed (probably because ordering by the groups). So, another ordering is done.

> dt2[order(G1, G2)]
    G1    G2 trees interDepth minObs shrinkage        qx   efet  prec  sens   acu
 1:  0 FALSE  2000          2      6     0.010 0.4395953 43.066 0.606 0.575 0.631
 2:  0 FALSE  2000          5      1     0.005 0.4294718 37.554 0.583 0.548 0.607
 3:  0 FALSE  5000          2      6     0.005 0.4395753 36.981 0.575 0.559 0.616
 4:  0  TRUE  2000          6      4     0.010 0.3192862  9.779 0.460 0.433 0.621
 5:  2 FALSE  5000          3      4     0.001 0.4296346 40.624 0.593 0.570 0.645
 6:  2 FALSE  1000          5      1     0.010 0.4186802 39.915 0.587 0.573 0.647
 7:  2 FALSE  2000          2      4     0.005 0.4390503 39.164 0.582 0.575 0.648
 8:  2  TRUE  5000          3      4     0.001 0.3812878 21.057 0.510 0.479 0.615
 9:  2  TRUE  2000          3     10     0.005 0.3790536 20.127 0.507 0.470 0.608
10:  2  TRUE  1000          5      4     0.001 0.3690911 18.981 0.500 0.475 0.611
11:  8 FALSE  2000          4     10     0.001 0.4511349 38.240 0.576 0.576 0.619
12:  8 FALSE  5000          2     10     0.005 0.4469665 38.064 0.579 0.566 0.611
13:  8 FALSE  5000          3      6     0.005 0.4426952 37.888 0.588 0.542 0.591
14:  8  TRUE  5000          6     10     0.010 0.2865042 16.870 0.497 0.435 0.635

Update span tag value with JQuery

Tag ids must be unique. You are updating the span with ID 'ItemCostSpan' of which there are two. Give the span a class and get it using find.

    $("legend").each(function() {
        var SoftwareItem = $(this).text();
        itemCost = GetItemCost(SoftwareItem);
        $("input:checked").each(function() {               
            var Component = $(this).next("label").text();
            itemCost += GetItemCost(Component);
        $(this).find(".ItemCostSpan").text("Item Cost = $ " + itemCost);

MySQL select one column DISTINCT, with corresponding other columns

As pointed out by fyrye, the accepted answer pertains to older versions of MySQL in which ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY had not yet been introduced. With MySQL 8.0.17 (used in this example), unless you disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY you would get the following error message:

mysql> SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM table_name GROUP BY firstName;

ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

One way to work around this not mentioned by fyrye, but described in, is to apply the ANY_VALUE() function to the columns which are not in the GROUP BY clause (id and lastName in this example):

mysql> SELECT ANY_VALUE(id) as id, firstName, ANY_VALUE(lastName) as lastName FROM table_name GROUP BY firstName;
| id | firstName | lastName |
|  1 | John      | Doe      |
|  2 | Bugs      | Bunny    |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

As written in the aforementioned docs,

In this case, MySQL ignores the nondeterminism of address values within each name group and accepts the query. This may be useful if you simply do not care which value of a nonaggregated column is chosen for each group. ANY_VALUE() is not an aggregate function, unlike functions such as SUM() or COUNT(). It simply acts to suppress the test for nondeterminism.

This view is not constrained vertically. At runtime it will jump to the left unless you add a vertical constraint

Follow these steps:
Right click on designing part > Constraint Layout > Infer Constraints

Java - how do I write a file to a specified directory


File file = new File("Z:\\results\\results.txt");

You need to double the backslashes in Windows because the backslash character itself is an escape in Java literal strings.

For POSIX system such as Linux, just use the default file path without doubling the forward slash. this is because forward slash is not a escape character in Java.

File file = new File("/home/userName/Documents/results.txt");

reCAPTCHA ERROR: Invalid domain for site key

In case someone has a similar issue. My resolution was to delete the key that was not working and got a new key for my domain. And this now works with all my sub-domains as well without having to explicitly specify them in the recaptcha admin area.

How do you specify table padding in CSS? ( table, not cell padding )

The easiest/best supported method is to use <table cellspacing="10">

The css way: border-spacing (not supported by IE I don't think)

    <!-- works in firefox, opera, safari, chrome -->_x000D_
    <style type="text/css">_x000D_
    table.foobar {_x000D_
     border: solid black 1px;_x000D_
     border-spacing: 10px;_x000D_
    table.foobar td {_x000D_
     border: solid black 1px;_x000D_
    <table class="foobar" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">_x000D_

Edit: if you just want to pad the cell content, and not space them you can simply use

<table cellpadding="10">


td {
    padding: 10px;

Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property

I'll add another case where I was getting the same error but just being a dummy. I had added [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact: true}" without yet adding routerLinkActive="active".

My incorrect code was

<a class="nav-link active" routerLink="/dashboard" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact: true}">

when it should have been

<a class="nav-link active" routerLink="/dashboard" routerLinkActive="active" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact: true}">

Without having routerLinkActive, you can't have routerLinkActiveOptions.

Difference between angle bracket < > and double quotes " " while including header files in C++?

When you use angle brackets, the compiler searches for the file in the include path list. When you use double quotes, it first searches the current directory (i.e. the directory where the module being compiled is) and only then it'll search the include path list.

So, by convention, you use the angle brackets for standard includes and the double quotes for everything else. This ensures that in the (not recommended) case in which you have a local header with the same name as a standard header, the right one will be chosen in each case.

How to select label for="XYZ" in CSS?

If the label immediately follows a specified input element:

input#example + label { ... }
input:checked + label { ... }

Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript

This works for me:

function isTouchDevice(){
    return true == ("ontouchstart" in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch);

What is the JavaScript version of sleep()?

If you're using jQuery, someone actually created a "delay" plugin that's nothing more than a wrapper for setTimeout:

// Delay Plugin for jQuery
// -
// - © 2008 Evan Byrne

jQuery.fn.delay = function(time,func){

    return this;

You can then just use it in a row of function calls as expected:


What's the difference between window.location= and window.location.replace()?


use location.href or better use window.location.href;

However if you read this you will gain undeniable proof.

The truth is it's fine to use but why do things that are questionable. You should take the higher road and just do it the way that it probably should be done.

location = "#/mypath/otherside"
var sections = location.split('/')

This code is perfectly correct syntax-wise, logic wise, type-wise you know the only thing wrong with it?

it has location instead of location.href

what about this

var mystring = location = "#/some/spa/route"

what is the value of mystring? does anyone really know without doing some test. No one knows what exactly will happen here. Hell I just wrote this and I don't even know what it does. location is an object but I am assigning a string will it pass the string or pass the location object. Lets say there is some answer to how this should be implemented. Can you guarantee all browsers will do the same thing?

This i can pretty much guess all browsers will handle the same.

var mystring = location.href = "#/some/spa/route"

What about if you place this into typescript will it break because the type compiler will say this is suppose to be an object?

This conversation is so much deeper than just the location object however. What this conversion is about what kind of programmer you want to be?

If you take this short-cut, yea it might be okay today, ye it might be okay tomorrow, hell it might be okay forever, but you sir are now a bad programmer. It won't be okay for you and it will fail you.

There will be more objects. There will be new syntax.

You might define a getter that takes only a string but returns an object and the worst part is you will think you are doing something correct, you might think you are brilliant for this clever method because people here have shamefully led you astray.

var = {first:"John":last:"Doe"}
console.log( // "John Doe"

With getters and setters this code would actually work, but just because it can be done doesn't mean it's 'WISE' to do so.

Most people who are programming love to program and love to get better. Over the last few years I have gotten quite good and learn a lot. The most important thing I know now especially when you write Libraries is consistency and predictability.

Do the things that you can consistently do.

+"2" <-- this right here parses the string to a number. should you use it? or should you use parseInt("2")?

what about var num =+"2"?

From what you have learn, from the minds of stackoverflow i am not too hopefully.

If you start following these 2 words consistent and predictable. You will know the right answer to a ton of questions on stackoverflow.

Let me show you how this pays off. Normally I place ; on every line of javascript i write. I know it's more expressive. I know it's more clear. I have followed my rules. One day i decided not to. Why? Because so many people are telling me that it is not needed anymore and JavaScript can do without it. So what i decided to do this. Now because I have become sure of my self as a programmer (as you should enjoy the fruit of mastering a language) i wrote something very simple and i didn't check it. I erased one comma and I didn't think I needed to re-test for such a simple thing as removing one comma.

I wrote something similar to this in es6 and babel

var a = "hello world"
(async function(){
  //do work

This code fail and took forever to figure out. For some reason what it saw was

var a = "hello world"(async function(){})()

hidden deep within the source code it was telling me "hello world" is not a function.

For more fun node doesn't show the source maps of transpiled code.

Wasted so much stupid time. I was presenting to someone as well about how ES6 is brilliant and then I had to start debugging and demonstrate how headache free and better ES6 is. Not convincing is it.

I hope this answered your question. This being an old question it's more for the future generation, people who are still learning.

Question when people say it doesn't matter either way works. Chances are a wiser more experienced person will tell you other wise.

what if someone overwrite the location object. They will do a shim for older browsers. It will get some new feature that needs to be shimmed and your 3 year old code will fail.

My last note to ponder upon.

Writing clean, clear purposeful code does something for your code that can't be answer with right or wrong. What it does is it make your code an enabler.

You can use more things plugins, Libraries with out fear of interruption between the codes.

for the record. use


How to start and stop/pause setInterval?

You can't stop a timer function mid-execution. You can only catch it after it completes and prevent it from triggering again.

VBA Excel 2-Dimensional Arrays

Here's A generic VBA Array To Range function that writes an array to the sheet in a single 'hit' to the sheet. This is much faster than writing the data into the sheet one cell at a time in loops for the rows and columns... However, there's some housekeeping to do, as you must specify the size of the target range correctly.

This 'housekeeping' looks like a lot of work and it's probably rather slow: but this is 'last mile' code to write to the sheet, and everything is faster than writing to the worksheet. Or at least, so much faster that it's effectively instantaneous, compared with a read or write to the worksheet, even in VBA, and you should do everything you possibly can in code before you hit the sheet.

A major component of this is error-trapping that I used to see turning up everywhere . I hate repetitive coding: I've coded it all here, and - hopefully - you'll never have to write it again.

A VBA 'Array to Range' function

Public Sub ArrayToRange(rngTarget As Excel.Range, InputArray As Variant)
' Write an array to an Excel range in a single 'hit' to the sheet
' InputArray must be a 2-Dimensional structure of the form Variant(Rows, Columns)

' The target range is resized automatically to the dimensions of the array, with
' the top left cell used as the start point.

' This subroutine saves repetitive coding for a common VBA and Excel task.

' If you think you won't need the code that works around common errors (long strings
' and objects in the array, etc) then feel free to comment them out.

On Error Resume Next

' Author: Nigel Heffernan
' HTTP://
' This code is in te public domain: take care to mark it clearly, and segregate
' it from proprietary code if you intend to assert intellectual property rights
' or impose commercial confidentiality restrictions on that proprietary code

Dim rngOutput As Excel.Range

Dim iRowCount   As Long
Dim iColCount   As Long
Dim iRow        As Long
Dim iCol        As Long
Dim arrTemp     As Variant
Dim iDimensions As Integer

Dim iRowOffset  As Long
Dim iColOffset  As Long
Dim iStart      As Long

Application.EnableEvents = False
If rngTarget.Cells.Count > 1 Then
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True

If IsEmpty(InputArray) Then
    Exit Sub
End If

If TypeName(InputArray) = "Range" Then
    InputArray = InputArray.Value
End If

' Is it actually an array? IsArray is sadly broken so...
If Not InStr(TypeName(InputArray), "(") Then
    rngTarget.Cells(1, 1).Value2 = InputArray
    Exit Sub
End If

iDimensions = ArrayDimensions(InputArray)

If iDimensions < 1 Then

    rngTarget.Value = CStr(InputArray)

ElseIf iDimensions = 1 Then

    iRowCount = UBound(InputArray) - LBound(InputArray)
    iStart = LBound(InputArray)
    iColCount = 1

    If iRowCount > (655354 - rngTarget.Row) Then
        iRowCount = 655354 + iStart - rngTarget.Row
        ReDim Preserve InputArray(iStart To iRowCount)
    End If

    iRowCount = UBound(InputArray) - LBound(InputArray)
    iColCount = 1

    ' It's a vector. Yes, I asked for a 2-Dimensional array. But I'm feeling generous.
    ' By convention, a vector is presented in Excel as an arry of 1 to n rows and 1 column.
    ReDim arrTemp(LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1), 1 To 1)
    For iRow = LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1)
        arrTemp(iRow, 1) = InputArray(iRow)

    With rngTarget.Worksheet
        Set rngOutput = .Range(rngTarget.Cells(1, 1), rngTarget.Cells(iRowCount + 1, iColCount))
        rngOutput.Value2 = arrTemp
        Set rngTarget = rngOutput
    End With

    Erase arrTemp

ElseIf iDimensions = 2 Then

    iRowCount = UBound(InputArray, 1) - LBound(InputArray, 1)
    iColCount = UBound(InputArray, 2) - LBound(InputArray, 2)

    iStart = LBound(InputArray, 1)

    If iRowCount > (65534 - rngTarget.Row) Then
        iRowCount = 65534 - rngTarget.Row
        InputArray = ArrayTranspose(InputArray)
        ReDim Preserve InputArray(LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1), iStart To iRowCount)
        InputArray = ArrayTranspose(InputArray)
    End If

    iStart = LBound(InputArray, 2)
    If iColCount > (254 - rngTarget.Column) Then
        ReDim Preserve InputArray(LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1), iStart To iColCount)
    End If

    With rngTarget.Worksheet

        Set rngOutput = .Range(rngTarget.Cells(1, 1), rngTarget.Cells(iRowCount + 1, iColCount + 1))

        Application.EnableEvents = False
        rngOutput.Value2 = InputArray
        Application.EnableEvents = True

        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            For iRow = LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1)
                For iCol = LBound(InputArray, 2) To UBound(InputArray, 2)
                    If IsNumeric(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
                        ' no action
                        InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
                        InputArray(iRow, iCol) = Trim(InputArray(iRow, iCol))
                    End If
                Next iCol
            Next iRow
            rngOutput.Formula = InputArray
        End If 'err<>0

        If Err <> 0 Then
            For iRow = LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1)
                For iCol = LBound(InputArray, 2) To UBound(InputArray, 2)
                    If IsNumeric(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
                        ' no action
                        If Left(InputArray(iRow, iCol), 1) = "=" Then
                            InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "'" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
                        End If
                        If Left(InputArray(iRow, iCol), 1) = "+" Then
                            InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "'" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
                        End If
                        If Left(InputArray(iRow, iCol), 1) = "*" Then
                            InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "'" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
                        End If
                    End If
                Next iCol
            Next iRow
            rngOutput.Value2 = InputArray
        End If 'err<>0

        If Err <> 0 Then
            For iRow = LBound(InputArray, 1) To UBound(InputArray, 1)
                For iCol = LBound(InputArray, 2) To UBound(InputArray, 2)

                    If IsObject(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
                        InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "[OBJECT] " & TypeName(InputArray(iRow, iCol))
                    ElseIf IsArray(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
                        InputArray(iRow, iCol) = Split(InputArray(iRow, iCol), ",")
                    ElseIf IsNumeric(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) Then
                        ' no action
                        InputArray(iRow, iCol) = "" & InputArray(iRow, iCol)
                        If Len(InputArray(iRow, iCol)) > 255 Then
                            ' Block-write operations fail on strings exceeding 255 chars. You *have*
                            ' to go back and check, and write this masterpiece one cell at a time...
                            InputArray(iRow, iCol) = Left(Trim(InputArray(iRow, iCol)), 255)
                        End If
                    End If
                Next iCol
            Next iRow
            rngOutput.Text = InputArray
        End If 'err<>0

        If Err <> 0 Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
            iRowOffset = LBound(InputArray, 1) - 1
            iColOffset = LBound(InputArray, 2) - 1
            For iRow = 1 To iRowCount
                If iRow Mod 100 = 0 Then
                    Application.StatusBar = "Filling range... " & CInt(100# * iRow / iRowCount) & "%"
                End If
                For iCol = 1 To iColCount
                    rngOutput.Cells(iRow, iCol) = InputArray(iRow + iRowOffset, iCol + iColOffset)
                Next iCol
            Next iRow
            Application.StatusBar = False
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True

        End If 'err<>0

        Set rngTarget = rngOutput   ' resizes the range This is useful, *most* of the time

    End With

End If

End Sub

You will need the source for ArrayDimensions:

This API declaration is required in the module header:

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
                   (Destination As Any, _
                    Source As Any, _
                    ByVal Length As Long)

...And here's the function itself:

Private Function ArrayDimensions(arr As Variant) As Integer
  ' will return:
  ' -1 if not an array
  ' 0  if an un-dimmed array
  ' 1  or more indicating the number of dimensions of a dimmed array

  ' Retrieved from Chris Rae's VBA Code Archive -
  ' Code written by Chris Rae, 25/5/00

  ' Originally published by R. B. Smissaert.
  ' Additional credits to Bob Phillips, Rick Rothstein, and Thomas Eyde on VB2TheMax

  Dim ptr As Long
  Dim vType As Integer

  Const VT_BYREF = &H4000&

  'get the real VarType of the argument
  'this is similar to VarType(), but returns also the VT_BYREF bit
  CopyMemory vType, arr, 2

  'exit if not an array
  If (vType And vbArray) = 0 Then
    ArrayDimensions = -1
    Exit Function
  End If

  'get the address of the SAFEARRAY descriptor
  'this is stored in the second half of the
  'Variant parameter that has received the array
  CopyMemory ptr, ByVal VarPtr(arr) + 8, 4

  'see whether the routine was passed a Variant
  'that contains an array, rather than directly an array
  'in the former case ptr already points to the SA structure.
  'Thanks to Monte Hansen for this fix

  If (vType And VT_BYREF) Then
    ' ptr is a pointer to a pointer
    CopyMemory ptr, ByVal ptr, 4
  End If

  'get the address of the SAFEARRAY structure
  'this is stored in the descriptor

  'get the first word of the SAFEARRAY structure
  'which holds the number of dimensions
  '...but first check that saAddr is non-zero, otherwise
  'this routine bombs when the array is uninitialized

  If ptr Then
    CopyMemory ArrayDimensions, ByVal ptr, 2
  End If

End Function

Also: I would advise you to keep that declaration private. If you must make it a public Sub in another module, insert the Option Private Module statement in the module header. You really don't want your users calling any function with CopyMemoryoperations and pointer arithmetic.

What does <T> denote in C#

It is a generic type parameter, see Generics documentation.

T is not a reserved keyword. T, or any given name, means a type parameter. Check the following method (just as a simple example).

T GetDefault<T>()
    return default(T);

Note that the return type is T. With this method you can get the default value of any type by calling the method as:

GetDefault<int>(); // 0
GetDefault<string>(); // null
GetDefault<DateTime>(); // 01/01/0001 00:00:00
GetDefault<TimeSpan>(); // 00:00:00

.NET uses generics in collections, ... example:

List<int> integerList = new List<int>();

This way you will have a list that only accepts integers, because the class is instancited with the type T, in this case int, and the method that add elements is written as:

public class List<T> : ...
    public void Add(T item);

Some more information about generics.

You can limit the scope of the type T.

The following example only allows you to invoke the method with types that are classes:

void Foo<T>(T item) where T: class

The following example only allows you to invoke the method with types that are Circle or inherit from it.

void Foo<T>(T item) where T: Circle

And there is new() that says you can create an instance of T if it has a parameterless constructor. In the following example T will be treated as Circle, you get intellisense...

void Foo<T>(T item) where T: Circle, new()
    T newCircle = new T();

As T is a type parameter, you can get the object Type from it. With the Type you can use reflection...

void Foo<T>(T item) where T: class
    Type type = typeof(T);

As a more complex example, check the signature of ToDictionary or any other Linq method.

public static Dictionary<TKey, TSource> ToDictionary<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector);

There isn't a T, however there is TKey and TSource. It is recommended that you always name type parameters with the prefix T as shown above.

You could name TSomethingFoo if you want to.

Running Command Line in Java


Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -jar map.jar time.rel test.txt debug");

Consider the following if you run into any further problems, but I'm guessing that the above will work for you:

Problems with Runtime.exec()

Singletons vs. Application Context in Android?

I had the same problem: Singleton or make a subclass android.os.Application?

First I tried with the Singleton but my app at some point makes a call to the browser

Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(""));

and the problem is that, if the handset doesn't have enough memory, most of your classes (even Singletons) are cleaned to get some memory so, when returning from the browser to my app, it crashed everytime.

Solution: put needed data inside a subclass of Application class.

Why use 'git rm' to remove a file instead of 'rm'?

When using git rm, the removal will part of your next commit. So if you want to push the change you should use git rm

Eclipse internal error while initializing Java tooling

Close all open projects and exit Eclipse. Now you can open Eclipse without getting the error. Start opening your projects one by one to find which one causes the problem. This is most likely because you deleted a Device profile inside the AVD manager.

Or you can start working on a new workspace, (i.e. change your workspace), then try to import your project from the old workspace

What encoding/code page is cmd.exe using?

In Java I used encoding "IBM850" to write the file. That solved the problem.

php var_dump() vs print_r()

var_dump() will show you the type of the thing as well as what's in it.

So you'll get => (string)"var" Example is here.

print_r() will just output the content.

Would output => "var" Example is here.

CodeIgniter: Load controller within controller

Just use




Disable password authentication for SSH

I followed these steps (for Mac).

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config change

#ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
#PasswordAuthentication yes


ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no

Now generate the RSA key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

(For me an RSA key worked. A DSA key did not work.)

A private key will be generated in ~/.ssh/id_rsa along with ~/.ssh/ (public key).

Now move to the .ssh folder: cd ~/.ssh

Enter rm -rf authorized_keys (sometimes multiple keys lead to an error).

Enter vi authorized_keys

Enter :wq to save this empty file

Enter cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Restart the SSH:

sudo launchctl stop com.openssh.sshd
sudo launchctl start com.openssh.sshd

How can I draw vertical text with CSS cross-browser?

I've had problems trying to do it in pure CSS - depending on the font it can look a bit rubbish. As an alternative you can use SVG/VML to do it. There are libraries that help make it cross browser with ease e.g. Raphael and ExtJS. In ExtJS4 the code looks like this:

    var drawComp = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', {
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(), //or whatever..
        height: 100, width: 100 //ditto..
    var text = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', {
        type: "text",
        text: "The text to draw",
        rotate: {
            x: 0, y: 0, degrees: 270
        x: -50, y: 10 //or whatever to fit (you could calculate these)..

This will work in IE6+ and all modern browsers, however, unfortunately I think you need at least FF3.0.

Failed to authenticate on SMTP server error using gmail

I had the same problem and I've already tried everything and nothing seemed to work until I just changed the 'host' value in config.php to:

 'host' => env(''),

When I changed that it worked nicely, somehow it was using the default host "" and ignoring the .env variable I was setting.

After making some test I realize that if I placed the env variable in this order it would worked as it shoulded:






Set drawable size programmatically

Use the post method to achieve the desired effect:

{your view}.post(new Runnable()
        public void run()
            Drawable image = context.getResources().getDrawable({drawable image resource id});
            image.setBounds(0, 0, {width amount in pixels}, {height amount in pixels});
            {your view}.setCompoundDrawables(image, null, null, null);

Compare two objects in Java with possible null values

Compare two string using equals(-,-) and equalsIgnoreCase(-,-) method of Apache Commons StringUtils class.

StringUtils.equals(-, -) :

StringUtils.equals(null, null)   = true
StringUtils.equals(null, "abc")  = false
StringUtils.equals("abc", null)  = false
StringUtils.equals("abc", "abc") = true
StringUtils.equals("abc", "ABC") = false

StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(-, -) :

StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(null, null)   = true
StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(null, "abc")  = false
StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("xyz", null)  = false
StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("xyz", "xyz") = true
StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("xyz", "XYZ") = true

Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java

Any data type which is lower than "int" (except Boolean) is implicitly converts to "int".

In your case:

short a = 2;
short b = 3;
short c = a + b;

The result of (a+b) is implicitly converted to an int. And now you are assigning it to "short".So that you are getting the error.

short,byte,char --for all these we will get same error.

Monad in plain English? (For the OOP programmer with no FP background)

A monad is a data type that encapsulates a value, and to which, essentially, two operations can be applied:

  • return x creates a value of the monad type that encapsulates x
  • m >>= f (read it as "the bind operator") applies the function f to the value in the monad m

That's what a monad is. There are a few more technicalities, but basically those two operations define a monad. The real question is, "What a monad does?", and that depends on the monad — lists are monads, Maybes are monads, IO operations are monads. All that it means when we say those things are monads is that they have the monad interface of return and >>=.

What is the $$hashKey added to my JSON.stringify result

Update : From Angular v1.5, track by $index is now the standard syntax instead of using link as it gave me a ng-repeat dupes error.

I ran into this for a nested ng-repeat and the below worked.

    <tr ng-repeat="row in data track by $index">
    <td ng-repeat="field in headers track by $index">{{row[field.caption] }}</td>

How to create a toggle button in Bootstrap

If you don't mind changing your HTML, you can use the data-toggle attribute on <button>s. See the Single toggle section of the button examples:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="button">
    Single toggle

Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Http.WebHost after published to Azure web site

I had the same problem in my Application.

System.web.http.webhost not found.

You just need to copy the system.web.http.webhost file from your main project which you run in Visual Studio and paste it into your published project bin directory.

After this it may show the same error but the directory name is changed it may be system.web.http. Follow same procedure as above. It will work after all the files are uploaded. This due to the nuget package in Visual Studio they download from the internet but on server it not able to download it.

You can find this file in your project bin directory.

How to convert a full date to a short date in javascript?

You could do this pretty easily with my date-shortcode package:

const dateShortcode = require('date-shortcode')

var startDate = 'Monday, January 9, 2010'
dateShortcode.parse('{M/D/YYYY}', startDate)
//=> '1/9/2010'

sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory on cited drive

This error is usually caused by running a command from a directory that no longer exist.

Try changing your directory and re-run the command.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type

I also experienced such error when by accident put two @JsonProperty("some_value") identical lines on different properties inside the class

How can I create database tables from XSD files?

XML Schemas describe hierarchial data models and may not map well to a relational data model. Mapping XSD's to database tables is very similar mapping objects to database tables, in fact you could use a framework like Castor that does both, it allows you to take a XML schema and generate classes, database tables, and data access code. I suppose there are now many tools that do the same thing, but there will be a learning curve and the default mappings will most like not be what you want, so you have to spend time customizing whatever tool you use.

XSLT might be the fastest way to generate exactly the code that you want. If it is a small schema hardcoding it might be faster than evaluating and learing a bunch of new technologies.

Can't start Tomcat as Windows Service

The simplest answer that worked for me was the one mentioned by Prashant, and edited by Bluish.

Go to Start > Configure Tomcat > Startup > Mode = Java Shutdown > Mode = Java

Unfortunately I had(and possibly others) to do this in a different way, I went to the tomcat bin directory and ran the "tomcat7w" application, which is how I changed the configuration.

There I was able to change the startup mode and shutdown mode to Java. Like this:

Step1) Locate tomcat7w:

general location => %TomCatHomeDIR%/bin In my case tomcat was in the xampp folder so my address was:


tomcat7w file location screenshot

Step2) Launch tomcat7w && change the Mode in the Startup and Shutdown tabs

tomcat7w startup tab screenshot

Note >This based on version 7.0.22 that comes standard with XAMPP.

How to find the minimum value of a column in R?

If you need minimal value for particular column


Note: R considers NA both the minimum and maximum value so if you have NA's in your column, they return: NA. To remedy, use:

min(data[,2], na.rm=T)

GCC fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory

Mac OS X

I had this problem too (encountered through Macports compilers). Previous versions of Xcode would let you install command line tools through xcode/Preferences, but xcode5 doesn't give a command line tools option in the GUI, that so I assumed it was automatically included now. Try running this command:

xcode-select --install


(as per this answer)

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev

Alpine Linux

(as per this comment)

apk add libc-dev

How do you iterate through every file/directory recursively in standard C++?

You don't. The C++ standard has no concept of directories. It is up to the implementation to turn a string into a file handle. The contents of that string and what it maps to is OS dependent. Keep in mind that C++ can be used to write that OS, so it gets used at a level where asking how to iterate through a directory is not yet defined (because you are writing the directory management code).

Look at your OS API documentation for how to do this. If you need to be portable, you will have to have a bunch of #ifdefs for various OSes.

MySQL 'create schema' and 'create database' - Is there any difference

Database is a collection of schemas and schema is a collection of tables. But in MySQL they use it the same way.

Kubernetes service external ip pending

It looks like you are using a custom Kubernetes Cluster (using minikube, kubeadm or the like). In this case, there is no LoadBalancer integrated (unlike AWS or Google Cloud). With this default setup, you can only use NodePort or an Ingress Controller.

With the Ingress Controller you can setup a domain name which maps to your pod; you don't need to give your Service the LoadBalancer type if you use an Ingress Controller.

html table span entire width?

Just FYI:

html should be table & width:100%. span should be margin: auto;

Why do we need boxing and unboxing in C#?

Boxing is the conversion of a value to a reference type with the data at some offset in an object on the heap.

As for what boxing actually does. Here are some examples

Mono C++

void* mono_object_unbox (MonoObject *obj)
MONO_EXTERNAL_ONLY_GC_UNSAFE (void*, mono_object_unbox_internal (obj));

    t result;       \
    result = expr;      \
    return result;

static inline gpointer
mono_object_unbox_internal (MonoObject *obj)
    /* add assert for valuetypes? */
    g_assert (m_class_is_valuetype (mono_object_class (obj)));
    return mono_object_get_data (obj);

static inline gpointer
mono_object_get_data (MonoObject *o)
    return (guint8*)o + MONO_ABI_SIZEOF (MonoObject);

#define MONO_ABI_SIZEOF(type) (MONO_STRUCT_SIZE (type))
#define MONO_STRUCT_SIZE(struct) MONO_SIZEOF_ ## struct
#define MONO_SIZEOF_MonoObject (2 * MONO_SIZEOF_gpointer)

typedef struct {
    MonoVTable *vtable;
    MonoThreadsSync *synchronisation;
} MonoObject;

Unboxing an object in Mono is a process of casting a pointer at an offset of 2 gpointers in the object (e.g. 16 bytes). A gpointer is a void*. This makes sense when looking at the definition of MonoObject as it's clearly just a header for the data.


To box a value in C++ you could do something like:

#include <iostream>
#define Object void*

template<class T> Object box(T j){
  return new T(j);

template<class T> T unbox(Object j){
  T temp = *(T*)j;
  delete j;
  return temp;

int main() {
  int j=2;
  Object o = box(j);
  int k = unbox<int>(o);
  std::cout << k;

Get table name by constraint name

SELECT owner, table_name
  FROM dba_constraints
 WHERE constraint_name = <<your constraint name>>

will give you the name of the table. If you don't have access to the DBA_CONSTRAINTS view, ALL_CONSTRAINTS or USER_CONSTRAINTS should work as well.

Spring not autowiring in unit tests with JUnit

Add something like this to your root unit test class:

@RunWith( SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class )

This will use the XML in your default path. If you need to specify a non-default path then you can supply a locations property to the ContextConfiguration annotation.

CSS: image link, change on hover

 <a href="" class="twitterbird" title="Twitter link"></a>

use a class for the link itself and forget the div

.twitterbird {
 margin-bottom: 10px;
 width: 160px;
 background:transparent url('twitterbird.png') center top no-repeat;

.twitterbird:hover {
   background-image: url('twitterbird_hover.png');

Fragment onResume() & onPause() is not called on backstack

Based on the answer of @Gor I wrote similar in Kotlin. Place this code in onCreate() of an activity. It works for one fragment visible. If you have ViewPager with fragments, it will call ViewPager's fragment, not a previous one.

supportFragmentManager.addOnBackStackChangedListener {

After reading I understood that it would be better in many situations to attach new fragments with replace, not add. So a need in onResume in some cases will disappear.

Any free WPF themes?

We use the Assergs Application Framework themes:

They have a nice office look and feel to it :)

Best way to combine two or more byte arrays in C#

The memorystream class does this job pretty nicely for me. I couldn't get the buffer class to run as fast as memorystream.

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

Angularjs error Unknown provider

Make sure you are loading those modules ( and myApp.directives) as dependencies of your main app module, like this:

angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.directives', '']);


forward declaration of a struct in C?

A struct (without a typedef) often needs to (or should) be with the keyword struct when used.

struct A;                      // forward declaration
void function( struct A *a );  // using the 'incomplete' type only as pointer

If you typedef your struct you can leave out the struct keyword.

typedef struct A A;          // forward declaration *and* typedef
void function( A *a );

Note that it is legal to reuse the struct name

Try changing the forward declaration to this in your code:

typedef struct context context;

It might be more readable to do add a suffix to indicate struct name and type name:

typedef struct context_s context_t;

Where can I find a list of Mac virtual key codes?

Here's some prebuilt Objective-C dictionaries if anyone wants to type ansi characters:

NSDictionary *lowerCaseCodes = @{
                                @"Q" : @(12),
                                @"W" : @(13),
                                @"E" : @(14),
                                @"R" : @(15),
                                @"T" : @(17),
                                @"Y" : @(16),
                                @"U" : @(32),
                                @"I" : @(34),
                                @"O" : @(31),
                                @"P" : @(35),
                                @"A" : @(0),
                                @"S" : @(1),
                                @"D" : @(2),
                                @"F" : @(3),
                                @"G" : @(5),
                                @"H" : @(4),
                                @"J" : @(38),
                                @"K" : @(40),
                                @"L" : @(37),
                                @"Z" : @(6),
                                @"X" : @(7),
                                @"C" : @(8),
                                @"V" : @(9),
                                @"B" : @(11),
                                @"N" : @(45),
                                @"M" : @(46),
                                @"0" : @(29),
                                @"1" : @(18),
                                @"2" : @(19),
                                @"3" : @(20),
                                @"4" : @(21),
                                @"5" : @(23),
                                @"6" : @(22),
                                @"7" : @(26),
                                @"8" : @(28),
                                @"9" : @(25),
                                @" " : @(49),
                                @"." : @(47),
                                @"," : @(43),
                                @"/" : @(44),
                                @";" : @(41),
                                @"'" : @(39),
                                @"[" : @(33),
                                @"]" : @(30),
                                @"\\" : @(42),
                                @"-" : @(27),
                                @"=" : @(24)

NSDictionary *shiftCodes = @{ // used in conjunction with the shift key
                                @"<" : @(43),
                                @">" : @(47),
                                @"?" : @(44),
                                @":" : @(41),
                                @"\"" : @(39),
                                @"{" : @(33),
                                @"}" : @(30),
                                @"|" : @(42),
                                @")" : @(29),
                                @"!" : @(18),
                                @"@" : @(19),
                                @"#" : @(20),
                                @"$" : @(21),
                                @"%" : @(23),
                                @"^" : @(22),
                                @"&" : @(26),
                                @"*" : @(28),
                                @"(" : @(25),
                                @"_" : @(27),
                                @"+" : @(24)

Font size relative to the user's screen resolution?

function getFontsByScreenWidth(actuallFontSize, maxScreenWidth){
     return (actualFontSize / maxScreenWidth) * window.innerWidth;

// Example:
fontSize = 18;
maxScreenWidth = 1080;
fontSize = getFontsByScreenWidth(fontSize, maxScreenWidth)


I hope this will help. I am using this formula for my Phase game.

Why is HttpClient BaseAddress not working?

Reference Resolution is described by RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. And that is exactly how it supposed to work. To preserve base URI path you need to add slash at the end of the base URI and remove slash at the beginning of relative URI.

If base URI contains non-empty path, merge procedure discards it's last part (after last /). Relevant section:

5.2.3. Merge Paths

The pseudocode above refers to a "merge" routine for merging a relative-path reference with the path of the base URI. This is accomplished as follows:

  • If the base URI has a defined authority component and an empty path, then return a string consisting of "/" concatenated with the reference's path; otherwise

  • return a string consisting of the reference's path component appended to all but the last segment of the base URI's path (i.e., excluding any characters after the right-most "/" in the base URI path, or excluding the entire base URI path if it does not contain any "/" characters).

If relative URI starts with a slash, it is called a absolute-path relative URI. In this case merge procedure ignore all base URI path. For more information check 5.2.2. Transform References section.

Bootstrap Modal before form Submit

So if I get it right, on click of a button, you want to open up a modal that lists the values entered by the users followed by submitting it.

For this, you first change your input type="submit" to input type="button" and add data-toggle="modal" data-target="#confirm-submit" so that the modal gets triggered when you click on it:

<input type="button" name="btn" value="Submit" id="submitBtn" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#confirm-submit" class="btn btn-default" />

Next, the modal dialog:

<div class="modal fade" id="confirm-submit" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-header">
                Confirm Submit
            <div class="modal-body">
                Are you sure you want to submit the following details?

                <!-- We display the details entered by the user here -->
                <table class="table">
                        <th>Last Name</th>
                        <td id="lname"></td>
                        <th>First Name</th>
                        <td id="fname"></td>


            <div class="modal-footer">
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
                <a href="#" id="submit" class="btn btn-success success">Submit</a>

Lastly, a little bit of jQuery:

$('#submitBtn').click(function() {
     /* when the button in the form, display the entered values in the modal */

     /* when the submit button in the modal is clicked, submit the form */

You haven't specified what the function validateForm() does, but based on this you should restrict your form from being submitted. Or you can run that function on the form's button #submitBtn click and then load the modal after the validations have been checked.


Get Cell Value from Excel Sheet with Apache Poi

May be by:-

    for(Row row : sheet) {          
        for(Cell cell : row) {              


For specific type of cell you can try:

switch (cell.getCellType()) {
    cellValue = cell.getStringCellValue();

    cellValue = cell.getCellFormula();

    if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) {
        cellValue = cell.getDateCellValue().toString();
    } else {
        cellValue = Double.toString(cell.getNumericCellValue());

    cellValue = "";

    cellValue = Boolean.toString(cell.getBooleanCellValue());


How does Zalgo text work?

Zalgo text works because of combining characters. These are special characters that allow to modify character that comes before.

enter image description here


y + ̆ = y̆ which actually is

y + &#x0306; = y&#x0306;

Since you can stack them one atop the other you can produce the following:


which actually is:


The same goes for putting stuff underneath:


that in fact is:


In Unicode, the main block of combining diacritics for European languages and the International Phonetic Alphabet is U+0300–U+036F.

More about it here

To produce a list of combining diacritical marks you can use the following script (since links keep on dying)

for(var i=768; i<879; i++){console.log(new DOMParser().parseFromString("&#"+i+";", "text/html").documentElement.textContent +"  "+"&#"+i+";");}

Also check em out

Mͣͭͣ̾ Vͣͥͭ͛ͤͮͥͨͥͧ̾

React - clearing an input value after form submit

You are having a controlled component where input value is determined by So once you submit you have to clear your state which will clear your input automatically.

onHandleSubmit(e) {
    const city =;
      city: ''

Why is synchronized block better than synchronized method?

Although not usually a concern, from a security perspective, it is better to use synchronized on a private object, rather than putting it on a method.

Putting it on the method means you are using the lock of the object itself to provide thread safety. With this kind of mechanism, it is possible for a malicious user of your code to also obtain the lock on your object, and hold it forever, effectively blocking other threads. A non-malicious user can effectively do the same thing inadvertently.

If you use the lock of a private data member, you can prevent this, since it is impossible for a malicious user to obtain the lock on your private object.

private final Object lockObject = new Object();

public void getCount() {
    synchronized( lockObject ) {

This technique is mentioned in Bloch's Effective Java (2nd Ed), Item #70

How do I use method overloading in Python?

I think the word you're looking for is "overloading". There isn't any method overloading in Python. You can however use default arguments, as follows.

def stackoverflow(self, i=None):
    if i != None:
        print 'second method', i
        print 'first method'

When you pass it an argument, it will follow the logic of the first condition and execute the first print statement. When you pass it no arguments, it will go into the else condition and execute the second print statement.

When should we use intern method of String on String literals

By using heap object reference if we want to get corresponding string constant pool object reference, then we should go for intern()

String s1 = new String("Rakesh");
String s2 = s1.intern();
String s3 = "Rakesh";

System.out.println(s1 == s2); // false
System.out.println(s2 == s3); // true

Pictorial View enter image description here

Step 1: Object with data 'Rakesh' get created in heap and string constant pool. Also s1 is always pointing to heap object.

Step 2: By using heap object reference s1, we are trying to get corresponding string constant pool object referenc s2, using intern()

Step 3: Intentionally creating a object with data 'Rakesh' in string constant pool, referenced by name s3

As "==" operator meant for reference comparison.

Getting false for s1==s2

Getting true for s2==s3

Hope this help!!

How to paste yanked text into the Vim command line

If you have two values yanked into two different registers (for example register a and register b) then you can simply set a variable c and do the operation on it.

For example, :set c = str2float(@a) + str2float(@b) and then you can paste the content of c anywhere.

For example whilst in INSERT mode, CTRL + R then type = to enter into the expression register and just type c after equal sign and hit ENTER. Done you should now have the total of a and b registers.

All these can be recorded in a macro and repeated over!

The str2float function is used if you are working with floats, if you don't, you will get integers instead.

I am not sure if this is idiomatic but it worked for my case where I needed to add 2 numbers in a row and repeat it for 500 more lines.

Make xargs handle filenames that contain spaces

find . -name 'Lemon*.mp3' -print0 | xargs -­0 -i mplayer '{}' 

This helped in my case to delete different files with spaces. It should work too with mplayer. The necessary trick is the quotes. (Tested on Linux Xubuntu 14.04.)

How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data?

Simple JPA update..

Customer customer = em.find(id, Customer.class); //Consider em as JPA EntityManager

Using Selenium Web Driver to retrieve value of a HTML input


Eventhough if you don't see the "value" attribute in html dom, you will get the field value displayed on the GUI.

Add single element to array in numpy

This command,

numpy.append(a, a[0])

does not alter a array. However, it returns a new modified array. So, if a modification is required, then the following must be used.

a = numpy.append(a, a[0])

How can I show a hidden div when a select option is selected?

you can use the following common function.

     <select class="form-control" 
             name="Extension for area validity sought for" 
             onchange="CommonShowHide('txtc1opt2', this, 'States')"
         <option value="All India">All India</option>
         <option value="States">States</option>

     <input type="text" 
            name="Extension for area validity sought for details" 

    function CommonShowHide(ElementId, element, value) {
             .display = element.value == value ? 'block' : 'none';

What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Comet?

Tieme put a lot of effort into his excellent answer, but I think the core of the OP's question is how these technologies relate to PHP rather than how each technology works.

PHP is the most used language in web development besides the obvious client side HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Yet PHP has 2 major issues when it comes to real-time applications:

  1. PHP started as a very basic CGI. PHP has progressed very far since its early stage, but it happened in small steps. PHP already had many millions of users by the time it became the embed-able and flexible C library that it is today, most of whom were dependent on its earlier model of execution, so it hasn't yet made a solid attempt to escape the CGI model internally. Even the command line interface invokes the PHP library ( on Linux, php5ts.dll on Windows, etc) as if it still a CGI processing a GET/POST request. It still executes code as if it just has to build a "page" and then end its life cycle. As a result, it has very little support for multi-thread or event-driven programming (within PHP userspace), making it currently unpractical for real-time, multi-user applications.

Note that PHP does have extensions to provide event loops (such as libevent) and threads (such as pthreads) in PHP userspace, but very, very, few of the applications use these.

  1. PHP still has significant issues with garbage collection. Although these issues have been consistently improving (likely its greatest step to end the life cycle as described above), even the best attempts at creating long-running PHP applications require being restarted on a regular basis. This also makes it unpractical for real-time applications.

PHP 7 will be a great step to fix these issues as well, and seems very promising as a platform for real-time applications.

How to create a DateTime equal to 15 minutes ago?

from datetime import timedelta - datetime.timedelta(0, 900)

Actually 900 is in seconds. Which is equal to 15 minutes. `15*60 = 900`

Check if MySQL table exists or not

Updated mysqli version:

if ($result = $mysqli->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$table."'")) {
    if($result->num_rows == 1) {
        echo "Table exists";
else {
    echo "Table does not exist";

Original mysql version:

if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$table."'"))==1) 
    echo "Table exists";
else echo "Table does not exist";

Referenced from the PHP docs.

Javascript - Replace html using innerHTML

You should chain the replace() together instead of assigning the result and replacing again.

var strMessage1 = document.getElementById("element1") ;
strMessage1.innerHTML = strMessage1.innerHTML
                        .replace(/aaaaaa./g,'<a href=\"')


How to print the current time in a Batch-File?

we can easily print the current time and date using echo and system variables as below.

echo %DATE% %TIME%

output example: 13-Sep-19 15:53:05.62

Concatenate multiple files but include filename as section headers

If the files all have the same name or can be matched by find, you can do (e.g.):

find . -name | xargs tail -n +1

to find, show the path of and cat each file.

OkHttp Post Body as JSON

You can create your own JSONObject then toString().

Remember run it in the background thread like doInBackground in AsyncTask.

OkHttp version > 4:

// create your json here
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
    jsonObject.put("KEY1", "VALUE1");
    jsonObject.put("KEY2", "VALUE2");
} catch (JSONException e) {

val client = OkHttpClient()
val mediaType = "application/json; charset=utf-8".toMediaType()
val body = jsonObject.toString().toRequestBody(mediaType)
val request: Request = Request.Builder()

var response: Response? = null
try {
    response = client.newCall(request).execute()
    val resStr = response.body!!.string()
} catch (e: IOException) {

OkHttp version 3:

// create your json here
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
    jsonObject.put("KEY1", "VALUE1");
    jsonObject.put("KEY2", "VALUE2");
} catch (JSONException e) {

  OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
  MediaType JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
  // put your json here
  RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, jsonObject.toString());
  Request request = new Request.Builder()

  Response response = null;
  try {
      response = client.newCall(request).execute();
      String resStr = response.body().string();
  } catch (IOException e) {

Python string.replace regular expression

You are looking for the re.sub function.

import re
s = "Example String"
replaced = re.sub('[ES]', 'a', s)
print replaced 

will print axample atring

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1698] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

MySQL makes a difference between "localhost" and "".

It might be possible that 'root'@'localhost' is not allowed because there is an entry in the user table that will only allow root login from

This could also explain why some application on your server can connect to the database and some not because there are different ways of connecting to the database. And you currently do not allow it through "localhost".

Does a foreign key automatically create an index?

I notice that Entity Framework 6.1 pointed at MSSQL does automatically add indexes on foreign keys.

Resolve build errors due to circular dependency amongst classes

The simple example presented on Wikipedia worked for me. (you can read the complete description at )

File '''a.h''':

#ifndef A_H
#define A_H

class B;    //forward declaration

class A {
    B* b;
#endif //A_H

File '''b.h''':

#ifndef B_H
#define B_H

class A;    //forward declaration

class B {
    A* a;
#endif //B_H

File '''main.cpp''':

#include "a.h"
#include "b.h"

int main() {
    A a;
    B b;
    a.b = &b;
    b.a = &a;

How to create custom view programmatically in swift having controls text field, button etc

view = MyCustomView(frame: CGRectZero)

In this line you are trying to set empty rect for your custom view. That's why you cant see your view in simulator.

How to add a border to a widget in Flutter?

As stated in the documentation, flutter prefer composition over parameters. Most of the time what you're looking for is not a property, but instead a wrapper (and sometimes a few helpers/"builder")

For borders what you want is DecoratedBox, which has a decoration property that defines borders ; but also background images or shadows.

Alternatively like @Aziza said, you can use Container. Which is the combination of DecoratedBox, SizedBox and a few other useful widgets.

How to save SELECT sql query results in an array in C#


In this example i use a List instead an array.

    SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM Categories;",connection);

    SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();
    List<string> str = new List<string>();
    int i=0;
    while (reader.Read())
        str.Add( reader.GetValue(i).ToString() );
catch (Exception)

How to get C# Enum description from value?

You can't easily do this in a generic way: you can only convert an integer to a specific type of enum. As Nicholas has shown, this is a trivial cast if you only care about one kind of enum, but if you want to write a generic method that can handle different kinds of enums, things get a bit more complicated. You want a method along the lines of:

public static string GetEnumDescription<TEnum>(int value)
  return GetEnumDescription((Enum)((TEnum)value));  // error!

but this results in a compiler error that "int can't be converted to TEnum" (and if you work around this, that "TEnum can't be converted to Enum"). So you need to fool the compiler by inserting casts to object:

public static string GetEnumDescription<TEnum>(int value)
  return GetEnumDescription((Enum)(object)((TEnum)(object)value));  // ugly, but works

You can now call this to get a description for whatever type of enum is at hand:


Bootstrap Navbar toggle button not working


You need the jQuery and Boostrap Javascript files included in your HTML page for the toggle to work. (Make sure you include jQuery before Bootstrap.)

       // stylesheets here
       <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> 
      //your html code here

      // js scripts here
      // note jquery tag has to go before boostrap
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>

Event on a disabled input

suggestion here looks like a good candidate for this question as well

Performing click event on a disabled element? Javascript jQuery

jQuery('input#submit').click(function(e) {
    if ( something ) {        
        return false;

How can I return pivot table output in MySQL?

For MySQL you can directly put conditions in SUM() function and it will be evaluated as Boolean 0 or 1 and thus you can have your count based on your criteria without using IF/CASE statements

    SUM(action = 'EMAIL')AS Email,
    SUM(action = 'PRINT' AND pagecount = 1)AS Print1Pages,
    SUM(action = 'PRINT' AND pagecount = 2)AS Print2Pages,
    SUM(action = 'PRINT' AND pagecount = 3)AS Print3Pages
GROUP BY company_name


Remove a CLASS for all child elements

This should work:

//Find all `li`s with class `active`, children of `ul`s, children of `table-filters`

How to create an HTTPS server in Node.js?

You can use also archive this with the Fastify framework:

const { readFileSync } = require('fs')
const Fastify = require('fastify')

const fastify = Fastify({
  https: {
    key: readFileSync('./test/asset/server.key'),
    cert: readFileSync('./test/asset/server.cert')
  logger: { level: 'debug' }


(and run openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.cert to create the files if you need to write tests)

JavaScript, get date of the next day

You can use:

var tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(new Date().getDate()+1);

For example, since there are 30 days in April, the following code will output May 1:

var day = new Date('Apr 30, 2000');
console.log(day); // Apr 30 2000

var nextDay = new Date(day);
nextDay.setDate(day.getDate() + 1);
console.log(nextDay); // May 01 2000    

See fiddle.

What is the difference between @Inject and @Autowired in Spring Framework? Which one to use under what condition?

The key difference(noticed when reading the Spring Docs) between @Autowired and @Inject is that, @Autowired has the 'required' attribute while the @Inject has no 'required' attribute.

How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?

int[] x = new int[enter the size of array here];


int[] x = new int[10];


int[] x = {enter the elements of array here];


int[] x = {10, 65, 40, 5, 48, 31};

How to check a string for a special character?

Everyone else's method doesn't account for whitespaces. Obviously nobody really considers a whitespace a special character.

Use this method to detect special characters not including whitespaces:

import re

def detect_special_characer(pass_string): 
  regex= re.compile('[@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:]') 
  if( == None): 
    res = False
    res = True

Is there a Max function in SQL Server that takes two values like Math.Max in .NET?

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnMax] (@p1 INT, @p2 INT)

    DECLARE @Result INT

    SET @p2 = COALESCE(@p2, @p1)

        @Result = (
                    CASE WHEN @p1 > @p2 THEN @p1
                         ELSE @p2

    RETURN @Result


Divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, % operators

All answers are probably not that what the interviewer liked to hear:

My answer:

"I would never do that, who will me pay for such silly things. Nobody will have an advantage on that, its not faster, its only silly. Prozessor designers have to know that, but this must then work for all numbers, not only for division by 3"

SSL certificate rejected trying to access GitHub over HTTPS behind firewall

I had the same issue. Certificate import or command to unset ssl verification didn't work. It turn out to be expired password for network proxy. There was entry of proxy config. in the .gitconfig file present in my windows user profile. I just removed the whole entry and it started working again.

How do you put an image file in a json object?

To upload files directly to Mongo DB you can make use of Grid FS. Although I will suggest you to upload the file anywhere in file system and put the image's url in the JSON object for every entry and then when you call the data for specific object you can call for the image using URL.

Tell me which backend technology are you using? I can give more suggestions based on that.

ASP.NET MVC 4 Custom Authorize Attribute with Permission Codes (without roles)

Maybe this is useful to anyone in the future, I have implemented a custom Authorize Attribute like this:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class ClaimAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
    private readonly string _claim;

    public ClaimAuthorizeAttribute(string Claim)
        _claim = Claim;

    public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
        var user = context.HttpContext.User;
        if(user.Identity.IsAuthenticated && user.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Name, _claim))

        context.Result = new ForbidResult();

How do I kill a process using Vb.NET or C#?

You'll want to use the System.Diagnostics.Process.Kill method. You can obtain the process you want using System.Diagnostics.Proccess.GetProcessesByName.

Examples have already been posted here, but I found that the non-.exe version worked better, so something like:

foreach ( Process p in System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("winword") )
        p.WaitForExit(); // possibly with a timeout
    catch ( Win32Exception winException )
        // process was terminating or can't be terminated - deal with it
    catch ( InvalidOperationException invalidException )
        // process has already exited - might be able to let this one go

You probably don't have to deal with NotSupportedException, which suggests that the process is remote.

Send value of submit button when form gets posted

You could use something like this to give your button a value:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
  $aSubmitVal = array_keys($_POST['submit'])[0];
  echo 'The button value is: ' . $aSubmitVal;
<form action="/" method="post">
  <input id="someId" type="submit" name="submit[SomeValue]" value="Button name">

This will give you the string "SomeValue" as a result

How to pad a string to a fixed length with spaces in Python?

You can use the ljust method on strings.

>>> name = 'John'
>>> name.ljust(15)
'John           '

Note that if the name is longer than 15 characters, ljust won't truncate it. If you want to end up with exactly 15 characters, you can slice the resulting string:

>>> name.ljust(15)[:15]

@ variables in Ruby on Rails

@ variables are instance variables, without are local variables.


Finding absolute value of a number without using Math.abs()

Here is a one-line solution that will return the absolute value of a number:

abs_number = (num < 0) ? -num : num;

How to pass List<String> in post method using Spring MVC?

You are using wrong JSON. In this case you should use JSON that looks like this:

["orange", "apple"]

If you have to accept JSON in that form :


You'll have to create wrapper object:

public class FruitWrapper{

    List<String> fruits;


and then your controller method should look like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/saveFruits", method = RequestMethod.POST, 
    consumes = "application/json")
public ResultObject saveFruits(@RequestBody FruitWrapper fruits){

Checking whether the pip is installed?

If you are on a linux machine running Python 2 you can run this commands:

1st make sure python 2 is installed:

python2 --version

2nd check to see if pip is installed:

pip --version

If you are running Python 3 you can run this command:

1st make sure python 3 is installed:

python3 --version

2nd check to see if pip3 is installed:

pip3 --version

If you do not have pip installed you can run these commands to install pip (it is recommended you install pip for Python 2 and Python 3):

Install pip for Python 2:

sudo apt install python-pip

Then verify if it is installed correctly:

pip --version

Install pip for Python 3:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Then verify if it is installed correctly:

pip3 --version

For more info see:

UPDATE I would like to mention a few things. When working with Django I learned that my Linux install requires me to use python 2.7, so switching my default python version for the python and pip command alias's to python 3 with alias python=python3 is not recommended. Therefore I use the python3 and pip3 commands when installing software like Django 3.0, which works better with Python 3. And I keep their alias's pointed towards whatever Python 3 version I want like so alias python3=python3.8.

Keep In Mind When you are going to use your package in the future you will want to use the pip or pip3 command depending on which one you used to initially install the package. So for example if I wanted to change my change my Django package version I would use the pip3 command and not pip like so, pip3 install Django==3.0.11.

Notice When running checking the packages version for python: $ python -m django --version and python3: $ python3 -m django --version, two different versions of django will show because I installed django v3.0.11 with pip3 and django v1.11.29 with pip.

Data-frame Object has no Attribute

Quick fix: Change how excel converts imported files. Go to 'File', then 'Options', then 'Advanced'. Scroll down and uncheck 'Use system seperators'. Also change 'Decimal separator' to '.' and 'Thousands separator' to ',' . Then simply 're-save' your file in the CSV (Comma delimited) format. The root cause is usually associated with how the csv file is created. Trust that helps. Point is, why use extra code if not necessary? Cross-platform understanding and integration is key in engineering/development.

Access IP Camera in Python OpenCV

As mentioned above by @Gustavo GeoDrones you can find your Cam URL using

Go to the website, click on the model of your camera and a "Cam Video URL Generator" will appear. Insert your IP, username, etc. and click on "generate".

Cam URL for my Canon VB-H45 is (of course with my specific username, password and IP):


The final code:

cap = cv2.VideoCapture('http://username:password@IP/-wvhttp-01-/video.cgi')

Simpler way to check if variable is not equal to multiple string values?

You can make use of in_array() in PHP.

$os = array("uk", "us"); // You can set multiple check conditions here
if (in_array("uk", $os)) //Founds a match !
    echo "Got you"; 

Sorting arrays in NumPy by column

import numpy as np
y=np.argsort(a[:,2],kind='mergesort')# a[:,2]=[19,14,9,4]

Desired output is [[6,5,4,3,2],[11,10,9,8,7],[16,15,14,13,12],[21,20,19,18,17]]

note that argsort(numArray) returns the indices of an numArray as it was supposed to be arranged in a sorted manner.


z=np.argsort(x) #[1,3,0] are the **indices of the predicted sorted array**
print(x[z]) #boolean indexing which sorts the array on basis of indices saved in z

answer would be [1,5,8]

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2

You need to decode data from input string into unicode, before using it, to avoid encoding problems.

field.text = data.decode("utf8")

Load More Posts Ajax Button in WordPress

If I'm not using any category then how can I use this code? Actually, I want to use this code for custom post type.

SQL LEFT JOIN Subquery Alias

You didn't select post_id in the subquery. You have to select it in the subquery like this:

SELECT wp_woocommerce_order_items.order_id As No_Commande
FROM  wp_woocommerce_order_items
        SELECT meta_value As Prenom, post_id  -- <----- this
        FROM wp_postmeta
        WHERE meta_key = '_shipping_first_name'
    ) AS a
ON wp_woocommerce_order_items.order_id = a.post_id
WHERE  wp_woocommerce_order_items.order_id =2198 

How to temporarily exit Vim and go back

You can also do that by :sus to fall into shell and back by fg.

Counter increment in Bash loop not working

This is a simple example

for i in {1..5}
   echo $COUNTER;
   //echo "Welcome $i times"

SQL Server NOLOCK and joins

I was pretty sure that you need to specify the NOLOCK for each JOIN in the query. But my experience was limited to SQL Server 2005.

When I looked up MSDN just to confirm, I couldn't find anything definite. The below statements do seem to make me think, that for 2008, your two statements above are equivalent though for 2005 it is not the case:

[SQL Server 2008 R2]

All lock hints are propagated to all the tables and views that are accessed by the query plan, including tables and views referenced in a view. Also, SQL Server performs the corresponding lock consistency checks.

[SQL Server 2005]

In SQL Server 2005, all lock hints are propagated to all the tables and views that are referenced in a view. Also, SQL Server performs the corresponding lock consistency checks.

Additionally, point to note - and this applies to both 2005 and 2008:

The table hints are ignored if the table is not accessed by the query plan. This may be caused by the optimizer choosing not to access the table at all, or because an indexed view is accessed instead. In the latter case, accessing an indexed view can be prevented by using the OPTION (EXPAND VIEWS) query hint.

How to fix error ::Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0::

For anyone who may stumble across this thread while trying to fix this same error that results by running Enable-Migrations, chances are none of the solutions above will help you (I tried them all).

I encountered this same issue in Web API 2 after running this in PM console:

Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigrations -ConnectionString IdentityConnection -ConnectionProviderName System.Data.SqlClient -Force

I fixed it by changing it to actually use the ApplicationDbContext created in IdentityModels.

Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName ApplicationDbContext -EnableAutomaticMigrations -Force

The interesting thing is not only does this reference the same exact connection string, but the constructor includes code that 4castle said was a potential fix (i.e., the throwIfV1Schema: false suggestion.

Note that the -Force parameter is only being used because the Configuration.cs file already exists.

Inserting into Oracle and retrieving the generated sequence ID

Doing it as a stored procedure does have lot of advantages. You can get the sequence that is inserted into the table using syntax insert into table_name values returning.


some_seq_val  number;
lv_seq        number;
some_seq_val := your_seq.nextval;
insert into your_tab (col1, col2, col3) 
values (some_seq_val, val2, val3) returning some_seq_val into lv_seq;

dbms_output.put_line('The inserted sequence is: '||to_char(lv_seq));

Or just return some_seq_val. In case you are not making use of SEQUENCE, and arriving the sequence on some calculation, you can make use of returning into effectively.


The authenticity token is a random value generated in your view to prove a request is submitted from a form on your site, not somewhere else. This protects against CSRF attacks:

Check to see who that client/IP is, it looks like they are using your site without loading your views.

If you need to debug further, this question is a good place to start: Understanding the Rails Authenticity Token

Edited to explain: It means they are calling the action to process your form submit without ever rendering your form on your website. This could be malicious (say posting spam comments) or it could indicate a customer trying to use your web service API directly. You're the only one who can answer that by the nature of your product and analyzing your requests.

How do I make a semi transparent background?

     background: url('
     b7d1f5a0690f?ixlib=rb-enter code here0.3.5&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&s=cf4d0c234ecaecd14f51a2343cc89b6c&dpr=1&auto=format&fit=crop&w=376&h=564&q=60&cs=tinysrgb') no-repeat;
     border-top:25px solid orange;
     border-left:120px solid orange;
     border-bottom:25px solid orange;
     border-right:10px solid orange;

enter image description here

MVC3 DropDownListFor - a simple example?

     @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.SelectedValue,Your List,"ID","Values")

Here Value is that object of model where you want to save your Selected Value

Iterating over a 2 dimensional python list

same way you did the fill in, but reverse the indexes:

>>> for j in range(columns):
...     for i in range(rows):
...        print mylist[i][j],
0,0 1,0 2,0 0,1 1,1 2,1

How can I parse String to Int in an Angular expression?

Not really great but a funny hack: You can -- instead of +

{{num_str -- 1 }}

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app>_x000D_

Remove plot axis values

you can also put labels inside plot:

plot(spline(sub$day, sub$counts), type ='l', labels = FALSE)

you'll get a warning. i think this is because labels is actually a parameter that's being passed down to a subroutine that plot runs (axes?). the warning will pop up because it wasn't directly a parameter of the plot function.

Connect to external server by using phpMyAdmin

To set up an external DB and still use your local DB, you need to edit the file:

On Ubuntu: sudo gedit /etc/phpmyadmin/

The file is roughly set up like this:

if (!empty($dbname)) {

    //Your local db setup


What you need to do is duplicate the "your local db setup" by copying and pasting it outside of the IF statement I've shown in the code below, and change the host to you external IP. Mine for example is:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';

You can leave the defaults (unless you know you need to change them)

Save and refresh your PHPMYADMIN login page and a new dropdown should appear. You should be good to go.

EDIT: if you want to give the server a name to select at login page, rather than having just the IP address to select, add this to the server setup:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = 'Name to show when selecting your server'; 

It's good if you have multiple server configs.

Android OnClickListener - identify a button

use setTag();

like this:

public void onClick(View v) {     
    int tag = (Integer) v.getTag();     
    switch (tag) {     
    case 1:     
        System.out.println("button1 click");     
    case 2:     
        System.out.println("button2 click");     

TypeError("'bool' object is not iterable",) when trying to return a Boolean

Look at the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\", line 821, in _cast
    out = iter(out)
TypeError: 'bool' object is not iterable

Your code isn't iterating the value, but the code receiving it is.

The solution is: return an iterable. I suggest that you either convert the bool to a string (str(False)) or enclose it in a tuple ((False,)).

Always read the traceback: it's correct, and it's helpful.

Retrieving a List from a in Java 8

String joined = 
                Stream.of(isRead?"read":"", isFlagged?"flagged":"", isActionRequired?"action":"", isHide?"hide":"")
                      .filter(s -> s != null && !s.isEmpty())

How does strtok() split the string into tokens in C?

strtok doesn't change the parameter itself (str). It stores that pointer (in a local static variable). It can then change what that parameter points to in subsequent calls without having the parameter passed back. (And it can advance that pointer it has kept however it needs to perform its operations.)

From the POSIX strtok page:

This function uses static storage to keep track of the current string position between calls.

There is a thread-safe variant (strtok_r) that doesn't do this type of magic.

Styling Google Maps InfoWindow

Use the InfoBox plugin from the Google Maps Utility Library. It makes styling/managing map pop-ups much easier.

Note that you'll need to make sure it loads after the google maps API:

<script src="" async defer></script>
<script src="/js/infobox_packed.js" async defer></script>

Hashing with SHA1 Algorithm in C#

This is what I went with. For those of you who want to optimize, check out

    public static string Hash(string stringToHash)
        using (var sha1 = new SHA1Managed())
            return BitConverter.ToString(sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToHash)));

IntelliJ Organize Imports

Just move your mouse over the missing view and hit keys on windows ALT + ENTER

Database development mistakes made by application developers

  • Dismissing an ORM like Hibernate out of hand, for reasons like "it's too magical" or "not on my database".
  • Relying too heavily on an ORM like Hibernate and trying to shoehorn it in where it isn't appropriate.

Plot size and resolution with R markdown, knitr, pandoc, beamer

I think that is a frequently asked question about the behavior of figures in beamer slides produced from Pandoc and markdown. The real problem is, R Markdown produces PNG images by default (from knitr), and it is hard to get the size of PNG images correct in LaTeX by default (I do not know why). It is fairly easy, however, to get the size of PDF images correct. One solution is to reset the default graphical device to PDF in your first chunk:

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = 'pdf')

Then all the images will be written as PDF files, and LaTeX will be happy.

Your second problem is you are mixing up the HTML units with LaTeX units in out.width / out.height. LaTeX and HTML are very different technologies. You should not expect \maxwidth to work in HTML, or 200px in LaTeX. Especially when you want to convert Markdown to LaTeX, you'd better not set out.width / out.height (use fig.width / fig.height and let LaTeX use the original size).

How to set the JSTL variable value in javascript?

You can save the whole jstl object as a Javascript object by converting the whole object to json. It is possible by Jackson in java.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

public class JsonUtil{
   public static String toJsonString(Object obj){
      ObjectMapper objectMapper = ...; // jackson object mapper
      return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(obj);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<taglib xmlns="" 


      <function-signature>java.lang.String toJsonString(java.lang.Object)</function-signature>





<%@ taglib prefix="uf" uri="http://www.your.url/util-functions" %> 

   var myJavaScriptObject = JSON.parse('${uf:toJsonString(myJstlObject)}');

How to return data from promise

I also don't like using a function to handle a property which has been resolved again and again in every controller and service. Seem I'm not alone :D

Don't tried to get result with a promise as a variable, of course no way. But I found and use a solution below to access to the result as a property.

Firstly, write result to a property of your service:

    var theParentIdResult = null;
    var factoryReturn = {  
        theParentId: theParentIdResult,
        addSiteParentId : addSiteParentId
    return factoryReturn;
    function addSiteParentId(nodeId) {   
         var theParentId = 'a';
         var parentId = relationsManagerResource.GetParentId(nodeId)
                 factoryReturn.theParentIdResult =;
                 console.log(theParentId);  // #1

Now, we just need to ensure that method addSiteParentId always be resolved before we accessed to property theParentId. We can achieve this by using some ways.

  • Use resolve in router method:

    resolve: {
        parentId: function (your_factory) {

then in controller and other services used in your router, just call your_factory.theParentId to get your property. Referce here for more information:

  • Use run method of app to resolve your service. (your_factory) { your_factory.addSiteParentId(); })
  • Inject it in the first controller or services of the controller. In the controller we can call all required init services. Then all remain controllers as children of main controller can be accessed to this property normally as you want.

Chose your ways depend on your context depend on scope of your variable and reading frequency of your variable.

In JavaScript can I make a "click" event fire programmatically for a file input element?

You cannot do that in all browsers, supposedly IE does allow it, but Mozilla and Opera do not.

When you compose a message in GMail, the 'attach files' feature is implemented one way for IE and any browser that supports this, and then implemented another way for Firefox and those browsers that do not.

I don't know why you cannot do it, but one thing that is a security risk, and which you are not allowed to do in any browser, is programmatically set the file name on the HTML File element.

ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import

you may need upgrade pip, it works for me

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -U numpy

Avoid duplicates in INSERT INTO SELECT query in SQL Server

A little off topic, but if you want to migrate the data to a new table, and the possible duplicates are in the original table, and the column possibly duplicated is not an id, a GROUP BY will do:


Creating multiple objects with different names in a loop to store in an array list

You can use this code...

public class Main {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        String[] names = {"First", "Second", "Third"};//You Can Add More Names
        double[] amount = {20.0, 30.0, 40.0};//You Can Add More Amount
        List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<Customer>();
        int i = 0;
        while (i < names.length) {
            customers.add(new Customer(names[i], amount[i]));

Flatten List in LINQ

With query syntax:

var values =
from inner in outer
from value in inner
select value;