Programs & Examples On #Security identifier

A Security Identifier is a unique alpha-numeric String assigned by an authentication agent and is used to identify a user or a group of users.

How to install Python MySQLdb module using pip?

Go to pycharm then go to default setting --> pip (double click) -- pymsqldb..-- > install --after installing use in a program like this

import pymysql as MySQLdb

# Open database connection
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","root","root","test" )

# prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = db.cursor()

# execute SQL query using execute() method.
cursor.execute("show tables")

# Fetch a single row using fetchone() method.
data = cursor.fetchall()
print (data)

# disconnect from server

Git: cannot checkout branch - error: pathspec '...' did not match any file(s) known to git

I had the same issue.. I thought I had branch named foo when I try to:

git checkout foo

I was getting:

error: pathspec 'foo' did not match any file(s) known to git.

Then I tried the full branch name:

git checkout feature/foo

then worked for me.

What is the difference between ELF files and bin files?

A bin file is just the bits and bytes that go into the rom or a particular address from which you will run the program. You can take this data and load it directly as is, you need to know what the base address is though as that is normally not in there.

An elf file contains the bin information but it is surrounded by lots of other information, possible debug info, symbols, can distinguish code from data within the binary. Allows for more than one chunk of binary data (when you dump one of these to a bin you get one big bin file with fill data to pad it to the next block). Tells you how much binary you have and how much bss data is there that wants to be initialised to zeros (gnu tools have problems creating bin files correctly).

The elf file format is a standard, arm publishes its enhancements/variations on the standard. I recommend everyone writes an elf parsing program to understand what is in there, dont bother with a library, it is quite simple to just use the information and structures in the spec. Helps to overcome gnu problems in general creating .bin files as well as debugging linker scripts and other things that can help to mess up your bin or elf output.

Why does .json() return a promise?

This difference is due to the behavior of Promises more than fetch() specifically.

When a .then() callback returns an additional Promise, the next .then() callback in the chain is essentially bound to that Promise, receiving its resolve or reject fulfillment and value.

The 2nd snippet could also have been written as:

iterator.then(response =>
    response.json().then(post => document.write(post.title))

In both this form and yours, the value of post is provided by the Promise returned from response.json().

When you return a plain Object, though, .then() considers that a successful result and resolves itself immediately, similar to:

iterator.then(response =>
      data: response.json(),
      status: response.status
    .then(post => document.write(

post in this case is simply the Object you created, which holds a Promise in its data property. The wait for that promise to be fulfilled is still incomplete.

Evenly space multiple views within a container view

Most of these solutions depend on there being an odd number of items so that you can take the middle item and center it. What if you have an even number of items that you still want to be evenly distributed? Here's a more general solution. This category will evenly distribute any number of items along either the vertical or horizontal axis.

Example usage to vertically distribute 4 labels within their superview:

[self.view addConstraints:
     [NSLayoutConstraint constraintsForEvenDistributionOfItems:@[label1, label2, label3, label4]


@interface NSLayoutConstraint (EvenDistribution)

 * Returns constraints that will cause a set of views to be evenly distributed horizontally
 * or vertically relative to the center of another item. This is used to maintain an even
 * distribution of subviews even when the superview is resized.
+ (NSArray *) constraintsForEvenDistributionOfItems:(NSArray *)views



@implementation NSLayoutConstraint (EvenDistribution)

+(NSArray *)constraintsForEvenDistributionOfItems:(NSArray *)views
                           relativeToCenterOfItem:(id)toView vertically:(BOOL)vertically
    NSMutableArray *constraints = [NSMutableArray new];
    NSLayoutAttribute attr = vertically ? NSLayoutAttributeCenterY : NSLayoutAttributeCenterX;

    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [views count]; i++) {
        id view = views[i];
        CGFloat multiplier = (2*i + 2) / (CGFloat)([views count] + 1);
        NSLayoutConstraint *constraint = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:view
        [constraints addObject:constraint];

    return constraints;


HTML img tag: title attribute vs. alt attribute?

In my opinion should the alt text always describe what is visible in the picture, for the case that the image is not displayed.

alt = text [CS] For user agents that cannot display images, forms, or applets, this attribute specifies alternate text. The language of the alternate text is specified by the lang attribute.

How to pass parameters to the DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand method?

Simplified version for Oracle. If you don't want to create OracleParameter

var sql = "Update [User] SET FirstName = :p0 WHERE Id = :p1";
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, firstName, id);

oracle diff: how to compare two tables?

You can try using set operations: MINUS and INTERSECT

See here for more details:
O'Reilly - Mastering Oracle SQL - Chapter 7 - Set Operations

Extract data from XML Clob using SQL from Oracle Database


SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(testclob), '/DCResponse/ContextData/Field[@key="Decision"]') 
FROM traptabclob;

Here is a sqlfiddle demo

Can "list_display" in a Django ModelAdmin display attributes of ForeignKey fields?

Please note that adding the get_author function would slow the list_display in the admin, because showing each person would make a SQL query.

To avoid this, you need to modify get_queryset method in PersonAdmin, for example:

def get_queryset(self, request):
    return super(PersonAdmin,self).get_queryset(request).select_related('book')

Before: 73 queries in 36.02ms (67 duplicated queries in admin)

After: 6 queries in 10.81ms

Difference between [routerLink] and routerLink

You'll see this in all the directives:

When you use brackets, it means you're passing a bindable property (a variable).

  <a [routerLink]="routerLinkVariable"></a>

So this variable (routerLinkVariable) could be defined inside your class and it should have a value like below:

export class myComponent {

    public routerLinkVariable = "/home"; // the value of the variable is string!

But with variables, you have the opportunity to make it dynamic right?

export class myComponent {

    public routerLinkVariable = "/home"; // the value of the variable is string!


        this.routerLinkVariable = '/about';

Where as without brackets you're passing string only and you can't change it, it's hard coded and it'll be like that throughout your app.

<a routerLink="/home"></a>


The other speciality about using brackets specifically for routerLink is that you can pass dynamic parameters to the link you're navigating to:

So adding a new variable

export class myComponent {
        private dynamicParameter = '129';
        public routerLinkVariable = "/home"; 

Updating the [routerLink]

  <a [routerLink]="[routerLinkVariable,dynamicParameter]"></a>

When you want to click on this link, it would become:

  <a href="/home/129"></a>

Read url to string in few lines of java code

Java 11+:

URI uri = URI.create("");
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(uri).build();
String content = HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString()).body();

Writing a dictionary to a text file?

For list comprehension lovers, this will write all the key : value pairs in new lines in dog.txt

my_dict = {'foo': [1,2], 'bar':[3,4]}

# create list of strings
list_of_strings = [ f'{key} : {my_dict[key]}' for key in my_dict ]

# write string one by one adding newline
with open('dog.txt', 'w') as my_file:
    [ my_file.write(f'{st}\n') for st in list_of_strings ]

Enable UTF-8 encoding for JavaScript

I too had this issue, I would copy the whole piece of code and put in Notepad, before pasting in Notepad, make sure you save the file type as ALL files and save the doc as utf-8 format. then you can paste your code and run, It should work. ?????? obiviously means unreadable characters.

How to convert a pandas DataFrame subset of columns AND rows into a numpy array?

Perhaps something like this for the first problem, you can simply access the columns by their names:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4,5), columns = list('abcde'))
>>> df[df['c']>.5][['b','e']]
          b         e
1  0.071146  0.132145
2  0.495152  0.420219

For the second problem:

>>> df[df['c']>.5][['b','e']].values
array([[ 0.07114556,  0.13214495],
       [ 0.49515157,  0.42021946]])

Print PHP Call Stack


Iterate through 2 dimensional array

Just invert the indexes' order like this:

for (int j = 0; j<array[0].length; j++){
     for (int i = 0; i<array.length; i++){

because all rows has same amount of columns you can use this condition j < array[0].lengt in first for condition due to the fact you are iterating over a matrix

Sending a notification from a service in Android

This type of Notification is deprecated as seen from documents:

public Notification(int icon, java.lang.CharSequence tickerText, long when) { /* compiled code */ }

public Notification(android.os.Parcel parcel) { /* compiled code */ }

public void setLatestEventInfo(android.content.Context context, java.lang.CharSequence contentTitle, java.lang.CharSequence contentText, contentIntent) { /* compiled code */ }

Better way
You can send a notification like this:

// prepare intent which is triggered if the
// notification is selected

Intent intent = new Intent(this, NotificationReceiver.class);
PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, 0);

// build notification
// the addAction re-use the same intent to keep the example short
Notification n  = new Notification.Builder(this)
        .setContentTitle("New mail from " + "[email protected]")
        .addAction(R.drawable.icon, "Call", pIntent)
        .addAction(R.drawable.icon, "More", pIntent)
        .addAction(R.drawable.icon, "And more", pIntent).build();

NotificationManager notificationManager = 
  (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

notificationManager.notify(0, n); 

Best way
Code above needs minimum API level 11 (Android 3.0).
If your minimum API level is lower than 11, you should you use support library's NotificationCompat class like this.

So if your minimum target API level is 4+ (Android 1.6+) use this:

    NotificationCompat.Builder builder =
            new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
                    .setContentTitle("My Notification Title")
                    .setContentText("Something interesting happened");
    int NOTIFICATION_ID = 12345;

    Intent targetIntent = new Intent(this, MyFavoriteActivity.class);
    PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, targetIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
    NotificationManager nManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

How do I properly set the Datetimeindex for a Pandas datetime object in a dataframe?

You are not creating datetime index properly,

format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
df['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'] + ' ' + df['time'], format=format)
df = df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df['Datetime']))

Renaming Columns in an SQL SELECT Statement

you have to rename each column

SELECT col1 as MyCol1,
       col2 as MyCol2,
 FROM `foobar`

open existing java project in eclipse

Simple, you just open klik file -> import -> General -> existing project into workspace -> browse file in your directory.

(I'am used Eclipse Mars)

How to increase dbms_output buffer?

You can Enable DBMS_OUTPUT and set the buffer size. The buffer size can be between 1 and 1,000,000.

dbms_output.enable(buffer_size IN INTEGER DEFAULT 20000);
exec dbms_output.enable(1000000);

Check this


As per the comment posted by Frank and Mat, you can also enable it with Null

exec dbms_output.enable(NULL);

buffer_size : Upper limit, in bytes, the amount of buffered information. Setting buffer_size to NULL specifies that there should be no limit. The maximum size is 1,000,000, and the minimum is 2,000 when the user specifies buffer_size (NOT NULL).

Delimiters in MySQL

The DELIMITER statement changes the standard delimiter which is semicolon ( ;) to another. The delimiter is changed from the semicolon( ;) to double-slashes //.

Why do we have to change the delimiter?

Because we want to pass the stored procedure, custom functions etc. to the server as a whole rather than letting mysql tool to interpret each statement at a time.

What's the difference between Git Revert, Checkout and Reset?

These three commands have entirely different purposes. They are not even remotely similar.

git revert

This command creates a new commit that undoes the changes from a previous commit. This command adds new history to the project (it doesn't modify existing history).

git checkout

This command checks-out content from the repository and puts it in your work tree. It can also have other effects, depending on how the command was invoked. For instance, it can also change which branch you are currently working on. This command doesn't make any changes to the history.

git reset

This command is a little more complicated. It actually does a couple of different things depending on how it is invoked. It modifies the index (the so-called "staging area"). Or it changes which commit a branch head is currently pointing at. This command may alter existing history (by changing the commit that a branch references).

Using these commands

If a commit has been made somewhere in the project's history, and you later decide that the commit is wrong and should not have been done, then git revert is the tool for the job. It will undo the changes introduced by the bad commit, recording the "undo" in the history.

If you have modified a file in your working tree, but haven't committed the change, then you can use git checkout to checkout a fresh-from-repository copy of the file.

If you have made a commit, but haven't shared it with anyone else and you decide you don't want it, then you can use git reset to rewrite the history so that it looks as though you never made that commit.

These are just some of the possible usage scenarios. There are other commands that can be useful in some situations, and the above three commands have other uses as well.

How to get the function name from within that function?

Any constructor exposes a property name, which is the function name. You access the constructor via an instance (using new) or a prototype:

function Person() {
  console.log(; //Person

var p = new Person();
console.log(; //Person

console.log(;  //Person

in_array multiple values

Going off of @Rok Kralj answer (best IMO) to check if any of needles exist in the haystack, you can use (bool) instead of !! which sometimes can be confusing during code review.

function in_array_any($needles, $haystack) {
   return (bool)array_intersect($needles, $haystack);

echo in_array_any( array(3,9), array(5,8,3,1,2) ); // true, since 3 is present
echo in_array_any( array(4,9), array(5,8,3,1,2) ); // false, neither 4 nor 9 is present

Convert string to datetime

var unixTimeZero = Date.parse('01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT');
var javaScriptRelease = Date.parse('04 Dec 1995 00:12:00 GMT');

// expected output: 0

// expected output: 818035920000

How can I sort an ArrayList of Strings in Java?

Take a look at the Collections.sort(List<T> list).

You can simply remove the first element, sort the list and then add it back again.

How to correctly get image from 'Resources' folder in NetBeans

Thanks, Valter Henrique, with your tip i managed to realise, that i simply entered incorrect path to this image. In one of my tries i use

    String pathToImageSortBy = "resources/testDataIcons/filling.png";
    ImageIcon SortByIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(pathToImageSortBy));

But correct way was use name of my project in path to resource

String pathToImageSortBy = "nameOfProject/resources/testDataIcons/filling.png";
ImageIcon SortByIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(pathToImageSortBy));

ASP.Net MVC How to pass data from view to controller

<form action="myController/myAction" method="POST">
 <input type="text" name="valueINeed" />
 <input type="submit" value="View Report" />


public ActionResult myAction(string valueINeed)

How to crop an image using C#?

If you're using AForge.NET:

using(var croppedBitmap = new Crop(new Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10)).Apply(bitmap))
    // ...

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

The simplest way to do this is to add the .config file in the deployment section on your unit test.

To do so, open the .testrunconfig file from your Solution Items. In the Deployment section, add the output .config files from your project's build directory (presumably bin\Debug).

Anything listed in the deployment section will be copied into the test project's working folder before the tests are run, so your config-dependent code will run fine.

Edit: I forgot to add, this will not work in all situations, so you may need to include a startup script that renames the output .config to match the unit test's name.

How do I center floated elements?

Centering floats is easy. Just use the style for container:

.pagination{ display: table; margin: 0 auto; }

change the margin for floating elements:

.pagination a{ margin: 0 2px; }


.pagination a{ margin-left: 3px; }
.pagination a.first{ margin-left: 0; } 

and leave the rest as it is.

It's the best solution for me to display things like menus or pagination.


  • cross-browser for any elements (blocks, list-items etc.)

  • simplicity


  • it works only when all floating elements are in one line (which is usually ok for menus but not for galleries).

@arnaud576875 Using inline-block elements will work great (cross-browser) in this case as pagination contains just anchors (inline), no list-items or divs:


  • works for multiline items.


  • gaps between inline-block elements - it works the same way as a space between words. It may cause some troubles calculating the width of the container and styling margins. Gaps width isn't constant but it's browser specific (4-5px). To get rid of this gaps I would add to arnaud576875 code (not fully tested):

    .pagination{ word-spacing: -1em; }

    .pagination a{ word-spacing: .1em; }

  • it won't work in IE6/7 on block and list-items elements

Why are C++ inline functions in the header?

The definition of an inline function doesn't have to be in a header file but, because of the one definition rule (ODR) for inline functions, an identical definition for the function must exist in every translation unit that uses it.

The easiest way to achieve this is by putting the definition in a header file.

If you want to put the definition of a function in a single source file then you shouldn't declare it inline. A function not declared inline does not mean that the compiler cannot inline the function.

Whether you should declare a function inline or not is usually a choice that you should make based on which version of the one definition rules it makes most sense for you to follow; adding inline and then being restricted by the subsequent constraints makes little sense.

jQuery append() and remove() element

You can call a reset function before appending. Something like this:

    function resetNewReviewBoardForm() {
    $("#members").empty(); //this one what worked in my case

How do I get current date/time on the Windows command line in a suitable format for usage in a file/folder name?

I use this (again not region independent (UK))

set bklog=%date:~6,4%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~0,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%

Waiting until two async blocks are executed before starting another block

Another GCD alternative is a barrier:

dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);

dispatch_async(queue, ^{ 
    NSLog(@"start one!\n");  
    NSLog(@"end one!\n");

dispatch_async(queue, ^{  
    NSLog(@"start two!\n");  
    NSLog(@"end two!\n"); 

dispatch_barrier_async(queue, ^{  
    NSLog(@"Hi, I'm the final block!\n");  

Just create a concurrent queue, dispatch your two blocks, and then dispatch the final block with barrier, which will make it wait for the other two to finish.

"Comparison method violates its general contract!"

If compareParents(s1, s2) == -1 then compareParents(s2, s1) == 1 is expected. With your code it's not always true.

Specifically if s1.getParent() == s2 && s2.getParent() == s1. It's just one of the possible problems.

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json' or one of its dependencies. Manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

I had the same error message and, like you mentioned, it was due to different versions of the Newtonsoft.Json.dll being referenced.

Some projects in my MVC solution used the NuGet package for version 4 of that dll.

I then added a NuGet package (for Salesforce in my case) that brought Newtonsoft.Json version 6 with it as a dependency to one of the projects. That was what triggered the problem for me.

To clean things up, I used the Updates section in the NuGet Package Manager for the solution (off Tools menu or solution right-click) to update the Json.Net package throughout the solution so it was the same version for all projects.

After that I just checked the App Config files to ensure any binding redirect lines were going to my chosen version as below.

<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Selecting one row from MySQL using mysql_* API

What you should get as output with this code is:

Array ()

... this is exactly how you get just one row, you don't need a while loop. Are you sure you're printing the right variable?

Cannot attach the file *.mdf as database

Ran into the similar problem not exactly the same, A case of Database already existed the issue was solved by following code.

<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=.;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnet-EjournalParsing-20180925054839.mdf;Initial Catalog=aspnet-EjournalParsing-20180925054839;Integrated Security=True"_x000D_
      providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Javascript Audio Play on click

While several answers are similar, I still had an issue - the user would click the button several times, playing the audio over itself (either it was clicked by accident or they were just 'playing'....)

An easy fix:

var music = new Audio();
function playMusic(file) {
    music = new Audio(file);;

Setting up the audio on load allowed 'music' to be paused every time the function is called - effectively stopping the 'noise' even if they user clicks the button several times (and there is also no need to turn off the button, though for user experience it may be something you want to do).

Selenium Webdriver submit() vs click()

Neither submit() nor click() is good enough. However, it works fine if you follow it with an ENTER key:

search_form = driver.find_element_by_id(elem_id)
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

Tested on Mac 10.11, python 2.7.9, Selenium 2.53.5. This runs in parallel, meaning returns after entering the ENTER key, doesn't wait for page to load.

How to get config parameters in Symfony2 Twig Templates

On newer versions of Symfony2 (using a parameters.yml instead of parameters.ini), you can store objects or arrays instead of key-value pairs, so you can manage your globals this way:

config.yml (edited only once):

# app/config/config.yml
    project: %project%


# app/config/parameters.yml
  version:    1.1.42

And then in a twig file, you can use {{ project.version }} or {{ }}.

Note: I personally dislike adding things to app, just because that's the Symfony's variable and I don't know what will be stored there in the future.

Access Control Origin Header error using Axios in React Web throwing error in Chrome

I'll have a go at this complicated subject.

What is origin?

The origin itself is the name of a host (scheme, hostname, and port) i.g. or could be a locally opened file file:// etc.. It is where something (i.g. a web page) originated from. When you open your web browser and go to, the origin of the web page that is displayed to you is You can see this in Chrome Dev Tools under Security:

enter image description here

The same applies for if you open a local HTML file via your file explorer (which is not served via a server):

enter image description here

What has this got to do with CORS issues?

When you open your browser and go to, that website will have the origin of This website will most likely only fetch images, icons, js files and do API calls towards, basically it is calling the same server as it was served from. It is doing calls to the same origin.

If you open your web browser and open a local HTML file and in that html file there is javascript which wants to do a request to google for example, you get the following error:

enter image description here

The same-origin policy tells the browser to block cross-origin requests. In this instance origin null is trying to do a request to (a cross-origin request). The browser will not allow this because of the CORS Policy which is set and that policy is that cross-origin requests is not allowed.

Same applies for if my page was served from a server on localhost:

enter image description here

Localhost server example

If we host our own localhost API server running on localhost:3000 with the following code:

const express = require('express')
const app = express()

app.get('/hello', function (req, res) {
    // res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    res.send('Hello World');
app.listen(3000, () => {

And open a HTML file (that does a request to the localhost:3000 server) directory from the file explorer the following error will happen:

enter image description here

Since the web page was not served from the localhost server on localhost:3000 and via the file explorer the origin is not the same as the server API origin, hence a cross-origin request is being attempted. The browser is stopping this attempt due to CORS Policy.

But if we uncomment the commented line:

const express = require('express')
const app = express()

app.get('/hello', function (req, res) {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    res.send('Hello World');
app.listen(3000, () => {

And now try again:

enter image description here

It works, because the server which sends the HTTP response included now a header stating that it is ok for cross-origin requests to happen to the server, this means the browser will let it happen, hence no error.

How to fix things

  1. Serve the page from the same origin as where the requests you are making reside (same host).
  2. Allow the server to receive cross-origin requests by explicitly stating it in the response headers.
  3. Don't use a browser. Use cURL for example, it doesn't care about CORS Policies like browsers do and will get you what you want.

Example flow

Following is taken from:

Remember, the same-origin policy tells the browser to block cross-origin requests. When you want to get a public resource from a different origin, the resource-providing server needs to tell the browser "This origin where the request is coming from can access my resource". The browser remembers that and allows cross-origin resource sharing.

  • Step 1: client (browser) request When the browser is making a cross-origin request, the browser adds an Origin header with the current origin (scheme, host, and port).

  • Step 2: server response On the server side, when a server sees this header, and wants to allow access, it needs to add an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the response specifying the requesting origin (or * to allow any origin.)

  • Step 3: browser receives response When the browser sees this response with an appropriate Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, the browser allows the response data to be shared with the client site.

More links

Here is another good answer, more detailed as to what is happening:

What exactly should be set in PYTHONPATH?

Here is what I learned: PYTHONPATH is a directory to add to the Python import search path "sys.path", which is made up of current dir. CWD, PYTHONPATH, standard and shared library, and customer library. For example:

% python3 -c "import sys;print(sys.path)"
'/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', 
'/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']

where the first path '' denotes the current dir., the 2nd path is via

%export PYTHONPATH=/home/username/Documents/DjangoTutorial/mySite 

which can be added to ~/.bashrc to make it permanent, and the rest are Python standard and dynamic shared library plus third-party library such as django.

As said not to mess with PYTHONHOME, even setting it to '' or 'None' will cause python3 shell to stop working:

% export PYTHONHOME=''
% python3
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

Current thread 0x00007f18a44ff740 (most recent call first):
Aborted (core dumped)

Note that if you start a Python script, the CWD will be the script's directory. For example:

username@bud:~/Documents/DjangoTutorial% python3 mySite/ runserver
==== Printing sys.path ====
/home/username/Documents/DjangoTutorial/mySite # CWD is where resides

You can also append a path to sys.path at run-time: Suppose you have a file in ~/Documents/Python directory:

username@bud:~/Documents/DjangoTutorial% python3 
>>> sys.path.append("/home/username/Documents")
>>> print(sys.path)
['', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', 
'/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages', 
>>> from Python import Fibonacci as fibo

or via

% PYTHONPATH=/home/username/Documents:$PYTHONPATH
% python3
>>> print(sys.path)
'/home/username/Documents', '/home/username/Documents/DjangoTutorial/mySite', 
'/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', 
'/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']
>>> from Python import Fibonacci as fibo

Handling multiple IDs in jQuery

Yes, #id selectors combined with a multiple selector (comma) is perfectly valid in both jQuery and CSS.

However, for your example, since <script> comes before the elements, you need a document.ready handler, so it waits until the elements are in the DOM to go looking for them, like this:

  $(function() {

<div id="segement1"></div>
<div id="segement2"></div>
<div id="segement3"></div>

Carriage Return\Line feed in Java

Don't know who looks at your file, but if you open it in wordpad instead of notepad, the linebreaks will show correct. In case you're using a special file extension, associate it with wordpad and you're done with it. Or use any other more advanced text editor.

C++ Compare char array with string

your thinking about this program below

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main ()
char str[][5] = { "R2D2" , "C3PO" , "R2A6" };
int n;
puts ("Looking for R2 astromech droids...");
for (n=0 ; n<3 ; n++)
if (strncmp (str[n],"R2xx",2) == 0)
  printf ("found %s\n",str[n]);
return 0;
//Looking for R2 astromech droids...
//found R2D2
//found R2A6

when you should be thinking about inputting something into an array & then use strcmp functions like the program above ... check out a modified program below

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
int Students=2;
int Projects=3, Avg2=0, Sum2=0, SumT2=0, AvgT2=0, i=0, j=0;
int Grades[Students][Projects];

for(int j=0; j<=Projects-1; j++){
  for(int i=0; i<=Students; i++) {
 cout <<"Please give grade of student "<< j <<"in project "<< i  <<  ":";
  cin >> Grades[j][i];

  Sum2 = Sum2 + Grades[i][j];
     Avg2 = Sum2/Students;
SumT2 = SumT2 + Avg2;
AvgT2 = SumT2/Projects;
cout << "avg is  : " << AvgT2 << " and sum : " << SumT2 << ":";
return 0;

change to string except it only reads 1 input and throws the rest out maybe need two for loops and two pointers

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
char name[100];
//string userInput[26];
int i=0, n=0, m=0;
cout<<"your name? ";
cout<<"Hello "<<name<< endl;

char *ptr=name;
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
cout<<i<<" "<<ptr[i]<<" "<<(int)ptr[i]<<endl;
int length = 0;
while(name[length] != '\0')
                    for(n=0; n<4; n++)
                            if (strncmp(ptr, "snit", 4) == 0)
            cout << "you found the snitch "    <<        ptr[i];
cout<<name <<"is"<<length<<"chars long";

Find the line number where a specific word appears with "grep"

You can call tail +[line number] [file] and pipe it to grep -n which shows the line number:

tail +[line number] [file] | grep -n /regex/

The only problem with this method is the line numbers reported by grep -n will be [line number] - 1 less than the actual line number in [file].

After installing SQL Server 2014 Express can't find local db

I downloaded a different installer "SQL Server 2014 Express with Advanced Services" and found Instance Features in it. Thanks for Alberto Solano's answer, it was really helpful.

My first installer was "SQL Server 2014 Express". It installed only SQL Management Studio and tools without Instance features. After installation "SQL Server 2014 Express with Advanced Services" my LocalDB is now alive!!!

SQL Server : trigger how to read value for Insert, Update, Delete

Here is the syntax to create a trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name
ON { table | view }
    { { FOR | AFTER | INSTEAD OF } { [ INSERT ] [ , ] [ UPDATE ] [ , ] [ DELETE ] }
        [ WITH APPEND ]
        [ { IF UPDATE ( column )
            [ { AND | OR } UPDATE ( column ) ]
                [ ...n ]
        | IF ( COLUMNS_UPDATED ( ) { bitwise_operator } updated_bitmask )
                { comparison_operator } column_bitmask [ ...n ]
        } ]
        sql_statement [ ...n ]

If you want to use On Update you only can do it with the IF UPDATE ( column ) section. That's not possible to do what you are asking.

How to auto adjust the <div> height according to content in it?

Just write:

min-height: xxx;
overflow: hidden;

then div will automatically take the height of the content.

Javascript - object key->value

 var days = {};
days["monday"] = true;
days["tuesday"] = true;
days["wednesday"] = false;
days["thursday"] = true;
days["friday"] = false;
days["saturday"] = true;
days["sunday"] = false;
var userfalse=0,usertrue=0;
for(value in days)

Chart.js - Formatting Y axis

I had the same problem, I think in Chart.js 2.x.x the approach is slightly different like below.

ticks: {
    callback: function(label, index, labels) {
        return label/1000+'k';

More in details

var options = {
    scales: {
        yAxes: [
                ticks: {
                    callback: function(label, index, labels) {
                        return label/1000+'k';
                scaleLabel: {
                    display: true,
                    labelString: '1k = 1000'

Custom Card Shape Flutter SDK

You can also customize the card theme globally with ThemeData.cardTheme:

  title: 'savvy',
  theme: ThemeData(
    cardTheme: CardTheme(
      shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(
    // ...

"Cannot update paths and switch to branch at the same time"

You can get this error in the context of, e.g. a Travis build that, by default, checks code out with git clone --depth=50 --branch=master. To the best of my knowledge, you can control --depth via .travis.yml but not the --branch. Since that results in only a single branch being tracked by the remote, you need to independently update the remote to track the desired remote's refs.


$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

The fix:

$ git remote set-branches --add origin branch-1
$ git remote set-branches --add origin branch-2
$ git fetch


$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

MySQL/Writing file error (Errcode 28)

Run the following code:

du -sh /var/log/mysql

Perhaps mysql binary logs filled the memory, If so, follow the removal of old logs and restart the server. Also add in my.cnf:

expire_logs_days = 3

jQuery vs document.querySelectorAll

I think the true answer is that jQuery was developed long before querySelector/querySelectorAll became available in all major browsers.

Initial release of jQuery was in 2006. In fact, even jQuery was not the first which implemented CSS selectors.

IE was the last browser to implement querySelector/querySelectorAll. Its 8th version was released in 2009.

So now, DOM elements selectors is not the strongest point of jQuery anymore. However, it still has a lot of goodies up its sleeve, like shortcuts to change element's css and html content, animations, events binding, ajax.

How to rebase local branch onto remote master

Note: If you have broad knowledge already about rebase then use below one liner for fast rebase. Solution: Assuming you are on your working branch and you are the only person working on it.

git fetch && git rebase origin/master

Resolve any conflicts, test your code, commit and push new changes to remote branch.

                            ~:   For noobs   :~

The following steps might help anyone who are new to git rebase and wanted to do it without hassle

Step 1: Assuming that there are no commits and changes to be made on YourBranch at this point. We are visiting YourBranch.

git checkout YourBranch
git pull --rebase

What happened? Pulls all changes made by other developers working on your branch and rebases your changes on top of it.

Step 2: Resolve any conflicts that presents.

Step 3:

git checkout master
git pull --rebase

What happened? Pulls all the latest changes from remote master and rebases local master on remote master. I always keep remote master clean and release ready! And, prefer only to work on master or branches locally. I recommend in doing this until you gets a hand on git changes or commits. Note: This step is not needed if you are not maintaining local master, instead you can do a fetch and rebase remote master directly on local branch directly. As I mentioned in single step in the start.

Step 4: Resolve any conflicts that presents.

Step 5:

git checkout YourBranch
git rebase master

What happened? Rebase on master happens

Step 6: Resolve any conflicts, if there are conflicts. Use git rebase --continue to continue rebase after adding the resolved conflicts. At any time you can use git rebase --abort to abort the rebase.

Step 7:

git push --force-with-lease 

What happened? Pushing changes to your remote YourBranch. --force-with-lease will make sure whether there are any other incoming changes for YourBranch from other developers while you rebasing. This is super useful rather than force push. In case any incoming changes then fetch them to update your local YourBranch before pushing changes.

Why do I need to push changes? To rewrite the commit message in remote YourBranch after proper rebase or If there are any conflicts resolved? Then you need to push the changes you resolved in local repo to the remote repo of YourBranch

Yahoooo...! You are succesfully done with rebasing.

You might also be looking into doing:

git checkout master
git merge YourBranch

When and Why? Merge your branch into master if done with changes by you and other co-developers. Which makes YourBranch up-to-date with master when you wanted to work on same branch later.

                            ~:   (?o 3 o)? rebase   :~

Android ListView with Checkbox and all clickable

Set the listview adapter to "simple_list_item_multiple_choice"

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter;

List<String> values; // put values in this

//Put in listview
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<UserProfile>(

In C#, what's the difference between \n and \r\n?

Basically comes down to Windows standard: \r\n and Unix based systems using: \n

Visual Studio 2010 shortcut to find classes and methods?

Visual Studio 2010 has the "Navigate To" command, which might be what you are looking for. The default keyboard shortcut is CTRL + ,. Here is an overview of some of the options for navigating in Visual Studio 2010.

One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found. Are you missing references to Microsoft.CSharp.dll and System.Core.dll?

Make sure that your project is targeting the .NET framework 4.0. Visual Studio 2010 supports .NET 3.5 framework target also, but .NET 3.5 does not support the dynamic keyword.

You can adjust the framework version in the project properties. See for more info.

Printing HashMap In Java

I did it using String map (if you're working with String Map).

for (Object obj : dados.entrySet()) {
    Map.Entry<String, String> entry = (Map.Entry) obj;
    System.out.print("Key: " + entry.getKey());
    System.out.println(", Value: " + entry.getValue());

How to add a margin to a table row <tr>

You might try to use CSS transforms for indenting a whole tr:

tr.indent {
   -webkit-transform: translate(20px,0);
   -moz-transform: translate(20px,0);

I think this is a valid solution. Seems to work fine in Firefox 16, Chrome 23 and Safari 6 on my OSX.

How to solve this java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream?

If you are receiving this error in a WebSphere container, then make sure you set your Apps class loading policy correctly. I had to change mine from the default to 'parent last' and also ‘Single class loader for application’ for the WAR policy. This is because in my case the commons-io*.jar was packaged with in the application, so it had to be loaded first.

Android Saving created bitmap to directory on sd card

You can also try this.

File file = new File(strDirectoy,imgname);
OutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 85, fOut);

How do I close an Android alertdialog

try using


instead of using


Replacing instances of a character in a string

names = ["Joey Tribbiani", "Monica Geller", "Chandler Bing", "Phoebe Buffay"]

usernames = []

for i in names:
    if " " in i:
        i = i.replace(" ", "_")

Output: Joey_Tribbiani Monica_Geller Chandler_Bing Phoebe_Buffay

What's the difference between ".equals" and "=="?

public static void main(String[] args){
        String s1 = new String("hello");
        String s2 = new String("hello");

        System.out.println(s1 == s2);


        String s3 = "hello";
        String s4 = "hello";

        System.out.println(s3 == s4);

Here in this code u can campare the both '==' and '.equals'

here .equals is used to compare the reference objects and '==' is used to compare state of objects..

Time part of a DateTime Field in SQL

This will return the time-Only

For SQL Server:

SELECT convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 108)


getDate() is giving current date and time.
108 is formatting/giving us the required portion i.e time in this case.
varchar(8) gives us the number of characters from that portion.
If you wrote varchar(7) there, it will give you 00:00:0
If you wrote varchar(6) there, it will give you 00:00:
If you wrote varchar(15) there, it will still give you 00:00:00 because it is giving output of just time portion. SQLFiddle Demo

For MySQL:


SQLFiddle Demo

How do I install Java on Mac OSX allowing version switching?

Another alternative is using SDKMAN! See

First install SDKMAN: and then...

  1. Install Oracle JDK 8 with: sdk install java 8.0.181-oracle
  2. Install OpenJDK 11 with: sdk install java 11.0.0-open

To switch:

  • Switch to JDK 8 with sdk use java 8.0.181-oracle
  • Switch to JDK 11 with sdk use java 11.0.0-open

To set a default:

  • Default to JDK 8 with sdk default java 8.0.181-oracle
  • Default to JDK 11 with sdk default java 11.0.0-open

How do I detect what .NET Framework versions and service packs are installed?

I was needing to find out just which version of .NET framework I had on my computer, and all I did was go to the control panel and select the "Uninstall a Program" option. After that, I sorted the programs by name, and found Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile.

Unable to load AWS credentials from the / file on the classpath

Example java code:

        //get from: -> Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) -> Generate key if not exists
        String accessKey;
        String secretKey;
        Regions region = Regions.AP_SOUTH_1; //get from "" > your function > ARN at top right
        AWSLambda awsLambda = AWSLambdaClientBuilder.standard()
                .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)))

        List<FunctionConfiguration> functionList= awsLambda.listFunctions().getFunctions();
        for (FunctionConfiguration functConfig : functionList) {

How do I apply a diff patch on Windows?

A BusyBox port for Windows has both a diff and patch command, but they only support unified format.

Why would Oracle.ManagedDataAccess not work when Oracle.DataAccess does?

Try to add the path to tnsnames.ora to the config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <version number="">
        <setting name="TNS_ADMIN" value="C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\" />

Adding input elements dynamically to form

Try this JQuery code to dynamically include form, field, and delete/remove behavior:

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
    var max_fields = 10;_x000D_
    var wrapper = $(".container1");_x000D_
    var add_button = $(".add_form_field");_x000D_
    var x = 1;_x000D_
    $(add_button).click(function(e) {_x000D_
        if (x < max_fields) {_x000D_
            $(wrapper).append('<div><input type="text" name="mytext[]"/><a href="#" class="delete">Delete</a></div>'); //add input box_x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
            alert('You Reached the limits')_x000D_
    $(wrapper).on("click", ".delete", function(e) {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="container1">_x000D_
    <button class="add_form_field">Add New Field &nbsp; _x000D_
      <span style="font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;">+ </span>_x000D_
    <div><input type="text" name="mytext[]"></div>_x000D_

Refer Demo Here

Tracking changes in Windows registry

When using a VM, I use these steps to inspect changes to the registry:

  1. Using 7-Zip, open the vdi/vhd/vmdk file and extract the folder C:\Windows\System32\config
  2. Run OfflineRegistryView to convert the registry to plaintext
    • Set the 'Config Folder' to the folder you extracted
    • Set the 'Base Key' to HKLM\SYSTEM or HKLM\SOFTWARE
    • Set the 'Subkey Depth' to 'Unlimited'
    • Press the 'Go' button

Now use your favourite diff program to compare the 'before' and 'after' snapshots.

How to create a sleep/delay in nodejs that is Blocking?

It's pretty trivial to implement with native addon, so someone did that:

How to generate JAXB classes from XSD?

1) You can use standard java utility xjc - ([your java home dir]\bin\xjc.exe). But you need to create .bat (or .sh) script for using it.

e.g. generate.bat:

[your java home dir]\bin\xjc.exe %1 %2 %3

e.g. test-scheme.xsd:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema version="1.0"
    <xs:element name="employee" type="PersonInfoType"/>

    <xs:complexType name="PersonInfoType">
            <xs:element name="firstname" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:string"/>

Run .bat file with parameters: generate.bat test-scheme.xsd -d [your src dir]

For more info use this documentation -

and this -

2) JAXB (xjc utility) is installed together with JDK6 by default.

Reading CSV files using C#

I recommend CsvHelper from Nuget.

PS: Regarding other more upvoted answers, I'm sorry but adding a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic is:

  • Ugly
  • Not cross-platform, because it's not available in .NETCore/.NET5 (and Mono never had very good support of Visual Basic, so it may be buggy).

How to use ScrollView in Android?

A ScrollView is a special type of FrameLayout in that it allows users to scroll through a list of views that occupy more space than the physical display.I just add some attributes .

<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
     android:scrollbars = "vertical"
        <!-- Add here which you want -->


How do I trim whitespace?

For leading and trailing whitespace:

s = '   foo    \t   '
print s.strip() # prints "foo"

Otherwise, a regular expression works:

import re
pat = re.compile(r'\s+')
s = '  \t  foo   \t   bar \t  '
print pat.sub('', s) # prints "foobar"

How can I unstage my files again after making a local commit?

git reset --soft is just for that: it is like git reset --hard, but doesn't touch the files.

Embed ruby within URL : Middleman Blog

<%= link_to "" + article_url(article, :text => article.title), :class => "btn btn-primary" do %>   <i class="fa fa-facebook">     Facebook Share    </i> <%end%> 

I am assuming that current_article_url is

Export result set on Dbeaver to CSV

You don't need to use the clipboard, you can export directly the whole resultset (not just what you see) to a file :

  1. Execute your query
  2. Right click any anywhere in the results
  3. click "Export resultset..." to open the export wizard
  4. Choose the format you want (CSV according to your question)
  5. Review the settings in the next panes when clicking "Next".
  6. Set the folder where the file will be created, and "Finish"

The export runs in the background, a popup will appear when it's done.

In newer versions of DBeaver you can just :

  1. right click the SQL of the query you want to export
  2. Execute > Export from query
  3. Choose the format you want (CSV according to your question)
  4. Review the settings in the next panes when clicking "Next".
  5. Set the folder where the file will be created, and "Finish"

The export runs in the background, a popup will appear when it's done.

Compared to the previous way of doing exports, this saves you step 1 (executing the query) which can be handy with time/resource intensive queries.

jQuery: Can I call delay() between addClass() and such?

Try this:

function removeClassDelayed(jqObj, c, to) {    
    setTimeout(function() { jqObj.removeClass(c); }, to);
removeClassDelayed($("#div"), "error", 1000);

What is the largest TCP/IP network port number allowable for IPv4?

Valid numbers for ports are: 0 to 2^16-1 = 0 to 65535
That is because a port number is 16 bit length.

However ports are divided into:
Well-known ports: 0 to 1023 (used for system services e.g. HTTP, FTP, SSH, DHCP ...)
Registered/user ports: 1024 to 49151 (you can use it for your server, but be careful some famous applications: like Microsoft SQL Server database management system (MSSQL) server or Apache Derby Network Server are already taking from this range i.e. it is not recommended to assign the port of MSSQL to your server otherwise if MSSQL is running then your server most probably will not run because of port conflict )
Dynamic/private ports: 49152 to 65535. (not used for the servers rather the clients e.g. in NATing service)

In programming you can use any numbers 0 to 65535 for your server, however you should stick to the ranges mentioned above, otherwise some system services or some applications will not run because of port conflict.
Check the list of most ports here:

How to deal with ModalDialog using selenium webdriver?

I have tried it, it works for you.

String mainWinHander = webDriver.getWindowHandle();

// code for clicking button to open new window is ommited

//Now the window opened. So here reture the handle with size = 2
Set<String> handles = webDriver.getWindowHandles();

for(String handle : handles)
        // Here will block for ever. No exception and timeout!
        WebDriver popup = webDriver.switchTo().window(handle);
        // do something with popup

PHP sessions default timeout

You can change it in you php-configuration on your webserver. Search in php.ini for

session.gc_maxlifetime() The value is set in Seconds.

Favicon dimensions?

16x16 pixels, *.ico format.

Error: No default engine was specified and no extension was provided

You can use express-error-handler to use static html pages for error handling and to avoid defining a view handler.

The error was probably caused by a 404, maybe a missing favicon (apparent if you had included the previous console message). The 'view handler' of 'html' doesn't seem to be valid in 4.x express.

Regardless of the cause, you can avoid defining a (valid) view handler as long as you modify additional elements of your configuration.

Your options are to fix this problem are:

  • Define a valid view handler as in other answers
  • Use send() instead of render to return the content directly

Using render without a filepath automatically invokes a view handler as with the following two lines from your configuration:

res.render('404', { url: req.url });



Make sure you install express-error-handler with:

npm install --save express-error-handler

Then import it in your app.js

var ErrorHandler = require('express-error-handler');

Then change your error handling to use:

// define below all other routes
var errorHandler = ErrorHandler({
  static: {
    '404': 'error.html' // put this file in your Public folder
    '500': 'error.html' // ditto

// any unresolved requests will 404
app.use(function(req,res,next) {
  var err = new Error('Not Found');


Can a CSV file have a comment?

If you need something like:

  ¦ A                              ¦ B
1 ¦ #My comment, something else    ¦
2 ¦ 1                              ¦ 2

Your CSV may contain the following lines:

"#My comment, something else"

Pay close attention at the 'quotes' in the first line.

When converting your text to columns using the Excel wizard, remember checking the 'Treat consecutive delimiters as one', setting it to use 'quotes' as delimiter.

Thus, Excel will split the text at the commas, keeping the 'comment' line as a single column value (and it will remove the quotes).

Convert datetime to Unix timestamp and convert it back in python

solution is

import time
import datetime
d =,1,5)

unixtime = time.mktime(d.timetuple())

How to give a Blob uploaded as FormData a file name?

That name looks derived from an object URL GUID. Do the following to get the object URL that the name was derived from.

var URL = self.URL || self.webkitURL || self;
var object_url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

object_url will be formatted as blob:{origin}{GUID} in Google Chrome and moz-filedata:{GUID} in Firefox. An origin is the protocol+host+non-standard port for the protocol. For example, blob: or blob:http://[::1]:123/15111656-e46c-411d-a697-a09d23ec9a99. You probably want to extract the GUID and strip any dashes.

Angular is automatically adding 'ng-invalid' class on 'required' fields

Thanks to this post, I use this style to remove the red border that appears automatically with bootstrap when a required field is displayed, but user didn't have a chance to input anything already: {
    -webkit-box-shadow: none;
    -ms-box-shadow: none;

Setting background color for a JFrame

I had trouble with changing the JFrame background as well and the above responses did not solve it entirely. I am using Eclipse. Adding a layout fixed the issue.

public class SampleProgram extends JFrame {
    public SampleProgram() {
        getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());//specify a layout manager

Python check if list items are integers?

Try this:

mynewlist = [s for s in mylist if s.isdigit()]

From the docs:


Return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character, false otherwise.

For 8-bit strings, this method is locale-dependent.

As noted in the comments, isdigit() returning True does not necessarily indicate that the string can be parsed as an int via the int() function, and it returning False does not necessarily indicate that it cannot be. Nevertheless, the approach above should work in your case.

Using 24 hour time in bootstrap timepicker

Use capitals letter for hours HH = 24 hour format an hh = 12 hour format

   format : 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm'_x000D_

Ruby: Easiest Way to Filter Hash Keys?

This is a one line to solve the complete original question: { |k,_| k[/choice/]}.values.join('\t')

But most the solutions above are solving a case where you need to know the keys ahead of time, using slice or simple regexp.

Here is another approach that works for simple and more complex use cases, that is swappable at runtime

data = {}
matcher = ->(key,value) { COMPLEX LOGIC HERE }

Now not only this allows for more complex logic on matching the keys or the values, but it is also easier to test, and you can swap the matching logic at runtime.

Ex to solve the original issue:

def some_method(hash, matcher)'\t')

params = { :irrelevant => "A String",
           :choice1 => "Oh look, another one",
           :choice2 => "Even more strings",
           :choice3 => "But wait",
           :irrelevant2 => "The last string" }

some_method(params, ->(k,_) { k[/choice/]}) # => "Oh look, another one\\tEven more strings\\tBut wait"
some_method(params, ->(_,v) { v[/string/]}) # => "Even more strings\\tThe last string"

Loop through list with both content and index

enumerate is what you want:

for i, s in enumerate(S):
    print s, i

Command for restarting all running docker containers?

To start multiple containers with the only particular container id's $ docker restart contianer-id1 container-id2 container-id3 ...

remote rejected master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)

I got the same error and looked into activity. Where I found that I had two package lock files which was causing the error.

Apply function to each column in a data frame observing each columns existing data type

building on @ltamar's answer:
Use summary and munge the output into something useful!


df %>% 
  summary %>% 
  data.frame %>%
  select(-Var1) %>%
  separate(data=.,col=Freq,into = c('metric','value'),sep = ':') %>%
  rename(column_name=Var2) %>%
         metric = trimws(metric,'both') 
  ) %>%  
  filter(! -> metrics

It's not pretty and it is certainly not fast but it gets the job done!

Why my $.ajax showing "preflight is invalid redirect error"?

My problem was caused by the exact opposite of @ehacinom. My Laravel generated API didn't like the trailing '/' on POST requests. Worked fine on localhost but didn't work when uploaded to server.

Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called

If for some reason you have extended a custom Activity located in some external library that do not call the super you will need to manually call the Fragment super.onRequestPermissionsResult yourself in your Activity onRequestPermissionsResult.

YourActivity extends SomeActivityNotCallingSuperOnRequestPermissionsResult{
Fragment requestingFragment;//the fragment requesting the permission
    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
            requestingFragment.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

Python coding standards/best practices

I follow the Python Idioms and Efficiency guidelines, by Rob Knight. I think they are exactly the same as PEP 8, but are more synthetic and based on examples.

If you are using wxPython you might also want to check Style Guide for wxPython code, by Chris Barker, as well.

Prevent form redirect OR refresh on submit?

It looks like you're missing a return false.

How can I loop over entries in JSON?

Try this :

import urllib, urllib2, json
url = ''
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('User-Agent','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)')
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
json_object = json.load(response)
#print json_object['results']
if json_object['team'] == []:
    print 'No Data!'
    for rows in json_object['team']:
        print 'Team ID:' + rows['team_id']
        print 'Team Name:' + rows['team_name']
        print 'Team URL:' + rows['team_icon_url']

C++ IDE for Macs

Another (albeit non-free) option is to install VMware Fusion or Parallels Desktop on the Mac and run Windows with Visual Studio in a VM.

This works really pretty well. The downsides are:

  • it'll cost money for the virtual machine software and Windows (the school may have some academic licensing that may help here)
  • the Mac needs to be an x86 Mac with a fair bit of memory

The upside is that you and the student don't need to hassle with differences in the IDE that may not be accounted for in your instruction materials.

Using union and order by clause in mysql

A union query can only have one master ORDER BY clause, IIRC. To get this, in each query making up the greater UNION query, add a field that will be the one field you sort by for the UNION's ORDER BY.

For instance, you might have something like

SELECT field1, field2, '1' AS union_sort
UNION SELECT field1, field2, '2' AS union_sort
UNION SELECT field1, field2, '3' AS union_sort
ORDER BY union_sort

That union_sort field can be anything you may want to sort by. In this example, it just happens to put results from the first table first, second table second, etc.

How can I list all foreign keys referencing a given table in SQL Server?

You should also mind the references to other objects.

If the table was highly referenced by other tables than it’s probably also highly referenced by other objects such as views, stored procedures, functions and more.

I’d really recommend GUI tool such as ‘view dependencies’ dialog in SSMS or free tool like ApexSQL Search for this because searching for dependencies in other objects can be error prone if you want to do it only with SQL.

If SQL is the only option you could try doing it like this.

select as [Object_Name], C.text as [Object_Definition]
from sys.syscomments C
inner join sys.all_objects O ON = O.object_id
where C.text like '%table_name%'

What is the way of declaring an array in JavaScript?

If you are creating an array whose main feature is it's length, rather than the value of each index, defining an array as var a=Array(length); is appropriate.


String.prototype.repeat= function(n){
    n= n || 1;
    return Array(n+1).join(this);

How to calculate the sum of all columns of a 2D numpy array (efficiently)

Then NumPy sum function takes an optional axis argument that specifies along which axis you would like the sum performed:

>>> a = numpy.arange(12).reshape(4,3)
>>> a.sum(0)
array([18, 22, 26])

Or, equivalently:

>>> numpy.sum(a, 0)
array([18, 22, 26])

How can I disable mod_security in .htaccess file?

When the above solution doesn’t work try this:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
  SecRuleEngine Off
  SecFilterInheritance Off
  SecFilterEngine Off
  SecFilterScanPOST Off
  SecRuleRemoveById 300015 3000016 3000017

how to use getSharedPreferences in android

First get the instance of SharedPreferences using

SharedPreferences userDetails = context.getSharedPreferences("userdetails", MODE_PRIVATE);

Now to save the values in the SharedPreferences

Editor edit = userDetails.edit();
edit.putString("username", username.getText().toString().trim());
edit.putString("password", password.getText().toString().trim());

Above lines will write username and password to preference

Now to to retrieve saved values from preference, you can follow below lines of code

String userName = userDetails.getString("username", "");
String password = userDetails.getString("password", "");


Getting Access Denied when calling the PutObject operation with bucket-level permission

Similar to one post above, (except I was using admin credentials) to get S3 uploads to work with large 50M file.

Initially my error was:

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the CreateMultipartUpload operation: Access Denied

I switched the multipart_threshold to be above the 50M

aws configure set default.s3.multipart_threshold 64MB

and I got:

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied

I checked bucket public access settings and all was allowed. So I found that public access can be blocked on account level for all S3 buckets:

S3 can block public ACL on account level

Is there a foreach in MATLAB? If so, how does it behave if the underlying data changes?

If you are trying to loop over a cell array and apply something to each element in the cell, check out cellfun. There's also arrayfun, bsxfun, and structfun which may simplify your program.

What does $_ mean in PowerShell?

$_ is a variable created by the system usually inside block expressions that are referenced by cmdlets that are used with pipe such as Where-Object and ForEach-Object.

But it can be used also in other types of expressions, for example with Select-Object combined with expression properties. Get-ChildItem | Select-Object @{Name="Name";Expression={$_.Name}}. In this case the $_ represents the item being piped but multiple expressions can exist.

It can also be referenced by custom parameter validation, where a script block is used to validate a value. In this case the $_ represents the parameter value as received from the invocation.

The closest analogy to c# and java is the lamda expression. If you break down powershell to basics then everything is a script block including a script file a, functions and cmdlets. You can define your own parameters but in some occasions one is created by the system for you that represents the input item to process/evaluate. In those situations the automatic variable is $_.

Insert auto increment primary key to existing table

The easiest and quickest I find is this

ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable 
ADD UNIQUE INDEX mycolumnname_UNIQUE (mycolumname ASC);

python xlrd unsupported format, or corrupt file.

This will happen to some files while also open in Excel.

scp copy directory to another server with private key auth

Covert .ppk to id_rsa using tool PuttyGen, ( and

scp -C -i ./id_rsa -r /var/www/* [email protected]:/var/www

it should work !

What do 'lazy' and 'greedy' mean in the context of regular expressions?

Greedy Quantifiers are like the IRS/ATO

If it’s there, they’ll take it all.

The IRS matches with this regex: .*


This will match everything!

See here for an example: Greedy-example

Non-greedy quantifiers - they take as little as they can

If I ask for a tax refund, the IRS sudden becomes non-greedy, and they use this quantifier:

(.{2,5}?)([0-9]*) against this input: $50,000

The first group is non-needy and only matches $5 – so I get a $5 refund against the $50,000 input. They're non-greedy. They take as little as possible.

See here: Non-greedy-example.

Why bother?

It becomes important if you are trying to match certain parts of an expression. Sometimes you don't want to match everything.

Hopefully that analogy will help you remember!

How can I convert an HTML element to a canvas element?

Take a look at this tutorial on MDN: (archived)

Alternate Link (2019) :

It uses a temporary SVG image to include the HTML content as a "foreign element", then renders said SVG image into a canvas element. There are significant restrictions on what you can include in an SVG image in this way, however. (See the "Security" section for details.)

Detecting IE11 using CSS Capability/Feature Detection

Perhaps Layout Engine v0.7.0 is a good solution for your situation. It uses browser feature detection and can detect not only IE11 and IE10, but also IE9, IE8, and IE7. It also detects other popular browsers, including some mobile browsers. It adds a class to the html tag, is easy to use, and it's performed well under some fairly deep testing.

Flash CS4 refuses to let go

Use a grep analog to find the strings oldnamespace and Jenine inside the files in your whole project folder. Then you'd know what step to do next.

How to add a new project to Github using VS Code

Well, It's quite easy.

Open your local project.

enter image description here

Add a file (If you don't have anything to add yet)

enter image description here

Click on Publish on Github

enter image description here

Choose as you wish

enter image description here

Choose the files you want to include in firt commit.
Note: If you don't select a file or folder it will added to .gitignore file

enter image description here

You are good to go. it is published.

P.S. If this was you first time. A prompt will ask for for your Github Credentials fill those and you are good to go. It is published.

How to remove non-alphanumeric characters?

For unicode characters, it is :

preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:][:space:]]/u", '', $string);

How do I get the current date in JavaScript?

Try This and you can adjust date formate accordingly:

var today = new Date();
    var dd = today.getDate();
    var mm = today.getMonth() + 1;
    var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
    if (dd < 10) {
        dd = '0' + dd;
    if (mm < 10) {
        mm = '0' + mm;
 var myDate= dd + '-' + mm + '-' + yyyy;

Git fast forward VS no fast forward merge

The --no-ff option is useful when you want to have a clear notion of your feature branch. So even if in the meantime no commits were made, FF is possible - you still want sometimes to have each commit in the mainline correspond to one feature. So you treat a feature branch with a bunch of commits as a single unit, and merge them as a single unit. It is clear from your history when you do feature branch merging with --no-ff.

If you do not care about such thing - you could probably get away with FF whenever it is possible. Thus you will have more svn-like feeling of workflow.

For example, the author of this article thinks that --no-ff option should be default and his reasoning is close to that I outlined above:

Consider the situation where a series of minor commits on the "feature" branch collectively make up one new feature: If you just do "git merge feature_branch" without --no-ff, "it is impossible to see from the Git history which of the commit objects together have implemented a feature—you would have to manually read all the log messages. Reverting a whole feature (i.e. a group of commits), is a true headache [if --no-ff is not used], whereas it is easily done if the --no-ff flag was used [because it's just one commit]."

Graphic showing how --no-ff groups together all commits from feature branch into one commit on master branch

The view didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead

if qs.count()==1:
        print('cart id exists')
        if ....

        return render(request,"carts/home.html",{})

Such type of code will also return you the same error this is because of the intents as the return statement should be for else not for if statement.

above code can be changed to

if qs.count()==1:
        print('cart id exists')
        if ....


return render(request,"carts/home.html",{})

This may solve such issues

How to permanently export a variable in Linux?

add the line to your .bashrc or .profile. The variables set in $HOME/.profile are active for the current user, the ones in /etc/profile are global. The .bashrc is pulled on each bash session start.

How to create a file with a given size in Linux?

dd if=/dev/zero of=my_file.txt count=12345

Write and read a list from file

If you don't need it to be human-readable/editable, the easiest solution is to just use pickle.

To write:

with open(the_filename, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(my_list, f)

To read:

with open(the_filename, 'rb') as f:
    my_list = pickle.load(f)

If you do need them to be human-readable, we need more information.

If my_list is guaranteed to be a list of strings with no embedded newlines, just write them one per line:

with open(the_filename, 'w') as f:
    for s in my_list:
        f.write(s + '\n')

with open(the_filename, 'r') as f:
    my_list = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f]

If they're Unicode strings rather than byte strings, you'll want to encode them. (Or, worse, if they're byte strings, but not necessarily in the same encoding as your system default.)

If they might have newlines, or non-printable characters, etc., you can use escaping or quoting. Python has a variety of different kinds of escaping built into the stdlib.

Let's use unicode-escape here to solve both of the above problems at once:

with open(the_filename, 'w') as f:
    for s in my_list:
        f.write((s + u'\n').encode('unicode-escape'))

with open(the_filename, 'r') as f:
    my_list = [line.decode('unicode-escape').rstrip(u'\n') for line in f]

You can also use the 3.x-style solution in 2.x, with either the codecs module or the io module:*

import io

with, 'w', encoding='unicode-escape') as f:
    f.writelines(line + u'\n' for line in my_list)

with open(the_filename, 'r') as f:
    my_list = [line.rstrip(u'\n') for line in f]

* TOOWTDI, so which is the one obvious way? It depends… For the short version: if you need to work with Python versions before 2.6, use codecs; if not, use io.

Restore a deleted file in the Visual Studio Code Recycle Bin

who still facing the problem on linux and didnt find it on trash try this solution

find / -name "delete_file_name"

Javascript format date / time

You can do that:

function formatAMPM(date) { // This is to display 12 hour format like you asked
  var hours = date.getHours();
  var minutes = date.getMinutes();
  var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
  hours = hours % 12;
  hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
  minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes;
  var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm;
  return strTime;

var myDate = new Date();
var displayDate = myDate.getMonth()+ '/' +myDate.getDate()+ '/' +myDate.getFullYear()+ ' ' +formatAMPM(myDate);


How do I hide certain files from the sidebar in Visual Studio Code?

You can configure patterns to hide files and folders from the explorer and searches.

  1. Open VS User Settings (Main menu: File > Preferences > Settings). This will open the setting screen.
  2. Search for files:exclude in the search at the top.
  3. Configure the User Setting with new glob patterns as needed. In this case add this pattern node_modules/ then click OK. The pattern syntax is powerful. You can find pattern matching details under the Search Across Files topic.

When you are done it should look something like this: enter image description here

If you want to directly edit the settings file: For example to hide a top level node_modules folder in your workspace:

"files.exclude": {
    "node_modules/": true

To hide all files that start with ._ such as ._.DS_Store files found on OSX:

"files.exclude": {
    "**/._*": true

You also have the ability to change Workspace Settings (Main menu: File > Preferences > Workspace Settings). Workspace settings will create a .vscode/settings.json file in your current workspace and will only be applied to that workspace. User Settings will be applied globally to any instance of VS Code you open, but they won't override Workspace Settings if present. Read more on customizing User and Workspace Settings.

Converting Python dict to kwargs?

Use the double-star (aka double-splat?) operator:


is equivalent to


Apache: Restrict access to specific source IP inside virtual host

In Apache 2.4, the authorization configuration syntax has changed, and the Order, Deny or Allow directives should no longer be used.

The new way to do this would be:

<VirtualHost *:8080>
    <Location />
        Require ip

Further examples using the new syntax can be found in the Apache documentation: Upgrading to 2.4 from 2.2

File URL "Not allowed to load local resource" in the Internet Browser

Follow the below steps,

  1. npm install -g http-server, install the http-server in angular project.
  2. Go to file location which needs to be accessed and open cmd prompt, use cmd http-server ./
  3. Access any of the paths with port number in browser(ex: in your angular application use the path "" Worked fine for me

Insert data into hive table

You can insert new data into table by two ways.

  1. Load the data of a file into table using load command.

  2. You can insert new data into table by using select query.

    INSERT INTO table tablename1 select columnlist FROM secondtable;

How to do a subquery in LINQ?

Here's a version of the SQL that returns the correct records:

select distinct u.* 
from Users u, CompanyRolesToUsers c
where u.Id = c.UserId        --join just specified here, perfectly fine
and u.firstname like '%amy%'
and c.CompanyRoleId in (2,3,4)

Also, note that (2,3,4) is a list selected from a checkbox list by the web app user, and I forgot to mention that I just hardcoded that for simplicity. Really it's an array of CompanyRoleId values, so it could be (1) or (2,5) or (1,2,3,4,6,7,99).

Also the other thing that I should specify more clearly, is that the PredicateExtensions are used to dynamically add predicate clauses to the Where for the query, depending on which form fields the web app user has filled in. So the tricky part for me is how to transform the working query into a LINQ Expression that I can attach to the dynamic list of expressions.

I'll give some of the sample LINQ queries a shot and see if I can integrate them with our code, and then get post my results. Thanks!


How to empty/destroy a session in rails?

To clear only certain parameters, you can use:

[:param1, :param2, :param3].each { |k| session.delete(k) }

Can I pass an argument to a VBScript (vbs file launched with cscript)?

You can also use named arguments which are optional and can be given in any order.

Set namedArguments = WScript.Arguments.Named

Here's a little helper function:

Function GetNamedArgument(ByVal argumentName, ByVal defaultValue)
  If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists(argumentName) Then
    GetNamedArgument = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item(argumentName) 
    GetNamedArgument = defaultValue
  End If
End Function

Example VBS:

testArg = GetNamedArgument("testArg", "-unknown-")
wscript.Echo now &": "& testArg

Example Usage:

test.vbs /testArg:123

How do I get the find command to print out the file size with the file name?

I struggled with this on Mac OS X where the find command doesn't support -printf.

A solution that I found, that admittedly relies on the 'group' for all files being 'staff' was...

ls -l -R | sed 's/\(.*\)staff *\([0-9]*\)..............\(.*\)/\2 \3/'

This splits the ls long output into three tokens

  1. the stuff before the text 'staff'
  2. the file size
  3. the file name

And then outputs tokens 2 and 3, i.e. output is number of bytes and then filename

8071 sections.php
54681 services.php
37961 style.css
13260 thumb.php
70951 workshops.php

Match everything except for specified strings

I had the same question, the solutions proposed were almost working but they had some issue. In the end the regex I used is:


I tested it in Javascript and .NET.

.* should't be placed inside the negative lookahead like this: ^(?!.*red|green|blue) or it would make the first element behave different from the rest (i.e. "anotherred" wouldn't be matched while "anothergreen" would)

Python: How to check a string for substrings from a list?

Try this test:

any(substring in string for substring in substring_list)

It will return True if any of the substrings in substring_list is contained in string.

Note that there is a Python analogue of Marc Gravell's answer in the linked question:

from itertools import imap
any(imap(string.__contains__, substring_list)) 

In Python 3, you can use map directly instead:

any(map(string.__contains__, substring_list))

Probably the above version using a generator expression is more clear though.

How to find a min/max with Ruby

In addition to the provided answers, if you want to convert Enumerable#max into a max method that can call a variable number or arguments, like in some other programming languages, you could write:

def max(*values)


max(7, 1234, 9, -78, 156)
=> 1234

This abuses the properties of the splat operator to create an array object containing all the arguments provided, or an empty array object if no arguments were provided. In the latter case, the method will return nil, since calling Enumerable#max on an empty array object returns nil.

If you want to define this method on the Math module, this should do the trick:

module Math
 def self.max(*values)

Note that Enumerable.max is, at least, two times slower compared to the ternary operator (?:). See Dave Morse's answer for a simpler and faster method.

Detect click outside React component

If you want to use a tiny component (466 Byte gzipped) that already exists for this functionality then you can check out this library react-outclick.

The good thing about the library is that it also lets you detect clicks outside of a component and inside of another. It also supports detecting other types of events.

How to install mongoDB on windows?

It's not like WAMP. You need to start mongoDB database with a command after directory has been created C:/database_mongo

mongod --dbpath=C:/database_mongo/

you can then connect to mongodb using commands.

spacing between form fields

A simple &nbsp; between input fields would do the job easily...

How can I adjust DIV width to contents

You could try using float:left; or display:inline-block;.

Both of these will change the element's behaviour from defaulting to 100% width to defaulting to the natural width of its contents.

However, note that they'll also both have an impact on the layout of the surrounding elements as well. I would suggest that inline-block will have less of an impact though, so probably best to try that first.

Build .NET Core console application to output an EXE

The following will produce, in the output directory,

  • all the package references
  • the output assembly
  • the bootstrapping exe

But it does not contain all .NET Core runtime assemblies.


  <BootStrapFiles Include="$(Temp)hostpolicy.dll;$(Temp)$(ProjectName).exe;$(Temp)hostfxr.dll;"/>

<Target Name="GenerateNetcoreExe"
        Condition="'$(IsNestedBuild)' != 'true'">
  <RemoveDir Directories="$(Temp)" />
    Command="dotnet build $(ProjectPath) -r win-x64 /p:CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies=false;IsNestedBuild=true --output $(Temp)" >
    <Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="OutputOfExec" />


I wrapped it up in a sample here:

How to read a config file using python

A convenient solution in your case would be to include the configs in a yaml file named **your_config_name.yml** which would look like this:

path1: "D:\test1\first"
path2: "D:\test2\second"
path3: "D:\test2\third"

In your python code you can then load the config params into a dictionary by doing this:

import yaml
with open('your_config_name.yml') as stream:
    config = yaml.safe_load(stream)

You then access e.g. path1 like this from your dictionary config:


To import yaml you first have to install the package as such: pip install pyyaml into your chosen virtual environment.

How to grab substring before a specified character jQuery or JavaScript

var streetaddress= addy.substr(0, addy.indexOf(',')); 

While it's not the best place for definitive information on what each method does (mozilla developer network is better for that) is good for introducing you to syntax. (Access is denied)

Here's a gotcha that I just discovered - perhaps it might help someone else. If using windows the classes folder must not have encryption enabled! Tomcat doesn't seem to like that. Right click on the classes folder, select "Properties" and then click the "Advanced..." button. Make sure the "Encrypt contents to secure data" checkbox is cleared. Restart Tomcat.

It worked for me so here's hoping it helps someone else, too. How can I remove an item from a dropdownlist?


ListItem removeItem= myDropDown.Items.FindByValue("TextToFind");

Replace "TextToFind" with the item you want to remove.

How to use sys.exit() in Python

In tandem with what Pedro Fontez said a few replies up, you seemed to never call the sys module initially, nor did you manage to stick the required () at the end of sys.exit:


import sys

and when finished:


How to convert View Model into JSON object in ASP.NET MVC?

<htmltag id=’elementId’ data-ZZZZ’=’@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model))’ />


I did below and it works like charm.

<input id="hdnElement" class="hdnElement" type="hidden" value='@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model))'>

How do I get list of methods in a Python class?

Say you want to know all methods associated with list class Just Type The following

 print (dir(list))

Above will give you all methods of list class

Maven fails to find local artifact

When this happened to me, it was because I'd blindly copied my settings.xml from a template and it still had the blank <localRepository/> element. This means that there's no local repository used when resolving dependencies (though your installed artifacts do still get put in the default location). When I'd replaced that with <localRepository>${user.home}\.m2\repository</localRepository> it started working.

For *nix, that would be <localRepository>${user.home}/.m2/repository</localRepository>, I suppose.

Entity Framework Refresh context?

I've made my own head hurt over nothing! The Answer was very simple- I just went back to the basics...

some_Entities   e2 = new some_Entities(); //your entity.

add this line below after you update/delete - you're re-loading your entity-no fancy system methods.

e2 = new some_Entities(); //reset.

How to send characters in PuTTY serial communication only when pressing enter?

The settings you need are "Local echo" and "Line editing" under the "Terminal" category on the left.

To get the characters to display on the screen as you enter them, set "Local echo" to "Force on".

To get the terminal to not send the command until you press Enter, set "Local line editing" to "Force on".

PuTTY Line discipline options


From the PuTTY User Manual (Found by clicking on the "Help" button in PuTTY):

4.3.8 ‘Local echo’

With local echo disabled, characters you type into the PuTTY window are not echoed in the window by PuTTY. They are simply sent to the server. (The server might choose to echo them back to you; this can't be controlled from the PuTTY control panel.)

Some types of session need local echo, and many do not. In its default mode, PuTTY will automatically attempt to deduce whether or not local echo is appropriate for the session you are working in. If you find it has made the wrong decision, you can use this configuration option to override its choice: you can force local echo to be turned on, or force it to be turned off, instead of relying on the automatic detection.

4.3.9 ‘Local line editing’ Normally, every character you type into the PuTTY window is sent immediately to the server the moment you type it.

If you enable local line editing, this changes. PuTTY will let you edit a whole line at a time locally, and the line will only be sent to the server when you press Return. If you make a mistake, you can use the Backspace key to correct it before you press Return, and the server will never see the mistake.

Since it is hard to edit a line locally without being able to see it, local line editing is mostly used in conjunction with local echo (section 4.3.8). This makes it ideal for use in raw mode or when connecting to MUDs or talkers. (Although some more advanced MUDs do occasionally turn local line editing on and turn local echo off, in order to accept a password from the user.)

Some types of session need local line editing, and many do not. In its default mode, PuTTY will automatically attempt to deduce whether or not local line editing is appropriate for the session you are working in. If you find it has made the wrong decision, you can use this configuration option to override its choice: you can force local line editing to be turned on, or force it to be turned off, instead of relying on the automatic detection.

Putty sometimes makes wrong choices when "Auto" is enabled for these options because it tries to detect the connection configuration. Applied to serial line, this is a bit trickier to do.

Better/Faster to Loop through set or list?

For simplicity's sake: newList = list(set(oldList))

But there are better options out there if you'd like to get speed/ordering/optimization instead:

Best way to compare 2 XML documents in Java

I'm using Altova DiffDog which has options to compare XML files structurally (ignoring string data).

This means that (if checking the 'ignore text' option):

<foo a="xxx" b="xxx">xxx</foo>


<foo b="yyy" a="yyy">yyy</foo> 

are equal in the sense that they have structural equality. This is handy if you have example files that differ in data, but not structure!

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space in Maven

For those new to Maven (like me) here is the whole config that goes in the build section of your pom. Cheers.


An implementation of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in C# is an open-source C# mathematics library with FFT algorithms.

Python TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

I got the same error when using % as a percent character in my format string. The solution to this is to double up the %%.

How to change an input button image using CSS?

You can use the <button> tag. For a submit, simply add type="submit". Then use a background image when you want the button to appear as a graphic.

Like so:

<button type="submit" style="border: 0; background: transparent">
    <img src="/images/Btn.PNG" width="90" height="50" alt="submit" />

More info:

Javascript split regex question

or just use for date strings 2015-05-20 or 2015.05.20


How to change the JDK for a Jenkins job?

Here is my experience with Jenkins version 1.636: as long as I have only one "Install automatically" JDK configured in Jenkins JDK section, I don't see "JDK" dropdown in Job=>Configure section, but as soon as I added second JDK in Jenkins config, JDK dropdown appeared in Job=>Configure section with 3 options [(System), JDK1, JDK2]

What does "select count(1) from table_name" on any database tables mean?

Here is a link that will help answer your questions. In short:

count(*) is the correct way to write it and count(1) is OPTIMIZED TO BE count(*) internally -- since

a) count the rows where 1 is not null is less efficient than
b) count the rows

Import Excel Spreadsheet Data to an EXISTING sql table?

If you would like a software tool to do this, you might like to check out this step-by-step guide:

"How to Validate and Import Excel spreadsheet to SQL Server database"

How to POST a FORM from HTML to ASPX page

Remove runat="server" parts of data posting/posted .aspx page.

Disabling enter key for form

I checked all the above solutions, they don't work. The only possible solution is to catch 'onkeydown' event for each input of the form. You need to attach disableAllInputs to onload of the page or via jquery ready()

 * Prevents default behavior of pushing enter button. This method doesn't work,
 * if bind it to the 'onkeydown' of the document|form, or to the 'onkeypress' of
 * the input. So method should be attached directly to the input 'onkeydown'
function preventEnterKey(e) {
    // W3C (Chrome|FF) || IE
    e = e || window.event;
    var keycode = e.which || e.keyCode;
    if (keycode == 13) { // Key code of enter button
        // Cancel default action
        if (e.preventDefault) { // W3C
        } else { // IE
            e.returnValue = false;
        // Cancel visible action
        if (e.stopPropagation) { // W3C
        } else { // IE
            e.cancelBubble = true;
        // We don't need anything else
        return false;
/* Disable enter key for all inputs of the document */
function disableAllInputs() {
    try {
        var els = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
        if (els) {
            for ( var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
                els[i].onkeydown = preventEnterKey;
    } catch (e) {

Servlet Mapping using web.xml

It allows servlets to have multiple servlet mappings:


It allows filters to be mapped on the particular servlet:


Your proposal would support neither of them. Note that the web.xml is read and parsed only once during application's startup, not on every HTTP request as you seem to think.

Since Servlet 3.0, there's the @WebServlet annotation which minimizes this boilerplate:

public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {

See also:

JavaScript function in href vs. onclick

The top answer is a very bad practice, one should never ever link to an empty hash as it can create problems down the road.

Best is to bind an event handler to the element as numerous other people have stated, however, <a href="javascript:doStuff();">do stuff</a> works perfectly in every modern browser, and I use it extensively when rendering templates to avoid having to rebind for each instance. In some cases, this approach offers better performance. YMMV

Another interesting tid-bit....

onclick & href have different behaviors when calling javascript directly.

onclick will pass this context correctly, whereas href won't, or in other words <a href="javascript:doStuff(this)">no context</a> won't work, whereas <a onclick="javascript:doStuff(this)">no context</a> will.

Yes, I omitted the href. While that doesn't follow the spec, it will work in all browsers, although, ideally it should include a href="javascript:void(0);" for good measure

Function to calculate R2 (R-squared) in R

You need a little statistical knowledge to see this. R squared between two vectors is just the square of their correlation. So you can define you function as:

rsq <- function (x, y) cor(x, y) ^ 2

Sandipan's answer will return you exactly the same result (see the following proof), but as it stands it appears more readable (due to the evident $r.squared).

Let's do the statistics

Basically we fit a linear regression of y over x, and compute the ratio of regression sum of squares to total sum of squares.

lemma 1: a regression y ~ x is equivalent to y - mean(y) ~ x - mean(x)

lemma 1

lemma 2: beta = cov(x, y) / var(x)

lemma 2

lemma 3: R.square = cor(x, y) ^ 2

lemma 3


R squared between two arbitrary vectors x and y (of the same length) is just a goodness measure of their linear relationship. Think twice!! R squared between x + a and y + b are identical for any constant shift a and b. So it is a weak or even useless measure on "goodness of prediction". Use MSE or RMSE instead:

I agree with 42-'s comment:

The R squared is reported by summary functions associated with regression functions. But only when such an estimate is statistically justified.

R squared can be a (but not the best) measure of "goodness of fit". But there is no justification that it can measure the goodness of out-of-sample prediction. If you split your data into training and testing parts and fit a regression model on the training one, you can get a valid R squared value on training part, but you can't legitimately compute an R squared on the test part. Some people did this, but I don't agree with it.

Here is very extreme example:

preds <- 1:4/4
actual <- 1:4

The R squared between those two vectors is 1. Yes of course, one is just a linear rescaling of the other so they have a perfect linear relationship. But, do you really think that the preds is a good prediction on actual??

In reply to wordsforthewise

Thanks for your comments 1, 2 and your answer of details.

You probably misunderstood the procedure. Given two vectors x and y, we first fit a regression line y ~ x then compute regression sum of squares and total sum of squares. It looks like you skip this regression step and go straight to the sum of square computation. That is false, since the partition of sum of squares does not hold and you can't compute R squared in a consistent way.

As you demonstrated, this is just one way for computing R squared:

preds <- c(1, 2, 3)
actual <- c(2, 2, 4)
rss <- sum((preds - actual) ^ 2)  ## residual sum of squares
tss <- sum((actual - mean(actual)) ^ 2)  ## total sum of squares
rsq <- 1 - rss/tss
#[1] 0.25

But there is another:

regss <- sum((preds - mean(preds)) ^ 2) ## regression sum of squares
regss / tss
#[1] 0.75

Also, your formula can give a negative value (the proper value should be 1 as mentioned above in the Warning section).

preds <- 1:4 / 4
actual <- 1:4
rss <- sum((preds - actual) ^ 2)  ## residual sum of squares
tss <- sum((actual - mean(actual)) ^ 2)  ## total sum of squares
rsq <- 1 - rss/tss
#[1] -2.375

Final remark

I had never expected that this answer could eventually be so long when I posted my initial answer 2 years ago. However, given the high views of this thread, I feel obliged to add more statistical details and discussions. I don't want to mislead people that just because they can compute an R squared so easily, they can use R squared everywhere.

How to delete last character in a string in C#?

build it with string.Join instead:

var parameters = sl.SelProds.Select(x=>"productID="+x.prodID).ToArray();
paramstr = string.Join("&", parameters);

string.Join takes a seperator ("&") and and array of strings (parameters), and inserts the seperator between each element of the array.

What does character set and collation mean exactly?

A character encoding is a way to encode characters so that they fit in memory. That is, if the charset is ISO-8859-15, the euro symbol, €, will be encoded as 0xa4, and in UTF-8, it will be 0xe282ac.

The collation is how to compare characters, in latin9, there are letters as e é è ê f, if sorted by their binary representation, it will go e f é ê è but if the collation is set to, for example, French, you'll have them in the order you thought they would be, which is all of e é è ê are equal, and then f.

Python - abs vs fabs

abs() : Returns the absolute value as per the argument i.e. if argument is int then it returns int, if argument is float it returns float. Also it works on complex variable also i.e. abs(a+bj) also works and returns absolute value i.e.math.sqrt(((a)**2)+((b)**2)

math.fabs() : It only works on the integer or float values. Always returns the absolute float value no matter what is the argument type(except for the complex numbers).

Reason to Pass a Pointer by Reference in C++?

50% of C++ programmers like to set their pointers to null after a delete:

template<typename T>    
void moronic_delete(T*& p)
    delete p;
    p = nullptr;

Without the reference, you would only be changing a local copy of the pointer, not affecting the caller.

How to write a foreach in SQL Server?

I came up with a very effective, (I think) readable way to do this.

    1. create a temp table and put the records you want to iterate in there
    2. use WHILE @@ROWCOUNT <> 0 to do the iterating
    3. to get one row at a time do, SELECT TOP 1 <fieldnames>
        b. save the unique ID for that row in a variable
    4. Do Stuff, then delete the row from the temp table based on the ID saved at step 3b.

Here's the code. Sorry, its using my variable names instead of the ones in the question.

            declare @tempPFRunStops TABLE (ProformaRunStopsID int,ProformaRunMasterID int, CompanyLocationID int, StopSequence int );    

        INSERT @tempPFRunStops (ProformaRunStopsID,ProformaRunMasterID, CompanyLocationID, StopSequence) 
        SELECT ProformaRunStopsID, ProformaRunMasterID, CompanyLocationID, StopSequence from ProformaRunStops 
        WHERE ProformaRunMasterID IN ( SELECT ProformaRunMasterID FROM ProformaRunMaster WHERE ProformaId = 15 )

    -- SELECT * FROM @tempPFRunStops

    WHILE @@ROWCOUNT <> 0  -- << I dont know how this works
            SELECT TOP 1 * FROM @tempPFRunStops
            -- I could have put the unique ID into a variable here
            SELECT 'Ha'  -- Do Stuff
            DELETE @tempPFRunStops WHERE ProformaRunStopsID = (SELECT TOP 1 ProformaRunStopsID FROM @tempPFRunStops)

How to copy and paste worksheets between Excel workbooks?

You could do something with APIs.

Private Const SW_SHOW = 5
Private Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _
(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long

Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindow Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long

Function FindWindowPartialX(ByVal Title As String) As Long
    Dim hWndThis As Long
    hWndThis = FindWindow(vbNullString, vbNullString)
    While hWndThis
        Dim sTitle As String, sClass As String
        sTitle = Space$(255)
        sTitle = Left$(sTitle, GetWindowText(hWndThis, sTitle, Len(sTitle)))
        sClass = Space$(255)
        sClass = Left$(sClass, GetClassName(hWndThis, sClass, Len(sClass)))
        If InStr(sTitle, Title) > 0 Then
            FindWindowPartialX = hWndThis
            Exit Function
        End If
        hWndThis = GetWindow(hWndThis, GW_HWNDNEXT)
End Function

Sub CopySheet()
Dim objXL As Excel.Application

' A suitable portion of the window title such as file name '
WinHandle = FindWindowPartialX("LTD.xls")

ShowWindow WinHandle, SW_SHOW

Set objXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")


End Sub

What is the difference between MacVim and regular Vim?

unfortunately, with "mvim -v", ALT plus arrow windows still does not work. I have not found any way to enable it :-(

How to set base url for rest in spring boot?

For spring boot framework version 2.0.4.RELEASE+. Add this line to


Can I delete data from the iOS DeviceSupport directory?

The ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport folder is basically only needed to symbolicate crash logs.

You could completely purge the entire folder. Of course the next time you connect one of your devices, Xcode would redownload the symbol data from the device.

I clean out that folder once a year or so by deleting folders for versions of iOS I no longer support or expect to ever have to symbolicate a crash log for.

How do include paths work in Visual Studio?

If you are only trying to change the include paths for a project and not for all solutions then in Visual Studio 2008 do this: Right-click on the name of the project in the Solution Navigator. From the popup menu select Properties. In the property pages dialog select Configuration Properties->C/C++/General. Click in the text box next to the "Additional Include Files" label and browse for the appropriate directory. Select OK.

What annoys me is that some of the answers to the original question asked do not apply to the version of Visual Studio that was mentioned.

Regular expression to match a dot

"In the default mode, Dot (.) matches any character except a newline. If the DOTALL flag has been specified, this matches any character including a newline." (python Doc)

So, if you want to evaluate dot literaly, I think you should put it in square brackets:

>>> p = re.compile(r'\b(\w+[.]\w+)')
>>> resp ="blah blah blah [email protected] blah blah")

What's the difference between & and && in MATLAB?

A good rule of thumb when constructing arguments for use in conditional statements (IF, WHILE, etc.) is to always use the &&/|| forms, unless there's a very good reason not to. There are two reasons...

  1. As others have mentioned, the short-circuiting behavior of &&/|| is similar to most C-like languages. That similarity / familiarity is generally considered a point in its favor.
  2. Using the && or || forms forces you to write the full code for deciding your intent for vector arguments. When a = [1 0 0 1] and b = [0 1 0 1], is a&b true or false? I can't remember the rules for MATLAB's &, can you? Most people can't. On the other hand, if you use && or ||, you're FORCED to write the code "in full" to resolve the condition.

Doing this, rather than relying on MATLAB's resolution of vectors in & and |, leads to code that's a little bit more verbose, but a LOT safer and easier to maintain.

MySQL & Java - Get id of the last inserted value (JDBC)

Alternatively you can do:

Statement stmt = db.prepareStatement(query, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
numero = stmt.executeUpdate();

ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
if ({

But use Sean Bright's answer instead for your scenario.

Getting value from appsettings.json in .net core

In the constructor of Startup class, you can access appsettings.json and many other settings using the injected IConfiguration object:

Startup.cs Constructor

    public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
        Configuration = configuration;

        //here you go
        var myvalue = Configuration["Grandfather:Father:Child"];


public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

Contents of appsettings.json

  "Grandfather": {
    "Father": {
      "Child": "myvalue"

Sorting Python list based on the length of the string

Write a function lensort to sort a list of strings based on length.

def lensort(a):
    n = len(a)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(i+1,n):
            if len(a[i]) > len(a[j]):
                temp = a[i]
                a[i] = a[j]
                a[j] = temp
    return a
print lensort(["hello","bye","good"])

Error: Unfortunately you can't have non-Gradle Java modules and > Android-Gradle modules in one project

Press Ctrl-Alt-S > Uncheck "Android Support" plugin

(I wish I could tell you exactly why this works, but I can't. If you want to develop for Android, try using Android Studio, which is also made by Jetbrains.)

Adding null values to arraylist

You can add nulls to the ArrayList, and you will have to check for nulls in the loop:

for(Item i : itemList) {
   if (i != null) {


itemsList.size(); would take the null into account.

 List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 list.add (5);
 System.out.println (list.size());
 for (Integer value : list) {
   if (value == null)
       System.out.println ("null value");
       System.out.println (value);

Output :

null value

Easiest way to copy a single file from host to Vagrant guest?

Try this.. vagrant ubuntu 14.04 This worked for me.

scp -r -P 2222 vagrant@localhost:/home .

How to register multiple implementations of the same interface in Asp.Net Core?

I have run into the same problem and I worked with a simple extension to allow Named services. You can find it here:

It allows you to add as many (named) services as you want like this:

 var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
 serviceCollection.Add(typeof(IMyService), typeof(MyServiceA), "A", ServiceLifetime.Transient);
 serviceCollection.Add(typeof(IMyService), typeof(MyServiceB), "B", ServiceLifetime.Transient);

 var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

 var myServiceA = serviceProvider.GetService<IMyService>("A");
 var myServiceB = serviceProvider.GetService<IMyService>("B");

The library also allows you to easy implement a "factory pattern" like this:

    public void FactoryPatternTest()
        var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
        serviceCollection.Add(typeof(IMyService), typeof(MyServiceA), MyEnum.A.GetName(), ServiceLifetime.Transient);
        serviceCollection.Add(typeof(IMyService), typeof(MyServiceB), MyEnum.B.GetName(), ServiceLifetime.Transient);

        serviceCollection.AddTransient<IMyServiceFactoryPatternResolver, MyServiceFactoryPatternResolver>();

        var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

        var factoryPatternResolver = serviceProvider.GetService<IMyServiceFactoryPatternResolver>();

        var myServiceA = factoryPatternResolver.Resolve(MyEnum.A);

        var myServiceB = factoryPatternResolver.Resolve(MyEnum.B);

    public interface IMyServiceFactoryPatternResolver : IFactoryPatternResolver<IMyService, MyEnum>

    public class MyServiceFactoryPatternResolver : FactoryPatternResolver<IMyService, MyEnum>, IMyServiceFactoryPatternResolver
        public MyServiceFactoryPatternResolver(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        : base(serviceProvider)

    public enum MyEnum
        A = 1,
        B = 2

Hope it helps