Programs & Examples On #Search server

PG::ConnectionBad - could not connect to server: Connection refused

I stopped the rails server, ran rake db:migrate and started my rails s.

How do I create and store md5 passwords in mysql

I'm not amazing at PHP, but I think this is what you do:

$password = md5($password)

and $password would be the $_POST['password'] or whatever

Call two functions from same onclick

Just to offer some variety, the comma operator can be used too but some might say "noooooo!", but it works:

<input type="button" onclick="one(), two(), three(), four()"/>

Count work days between two dates

For workdays, Monday to Friday, you can do it with a single SELECT, like this:

SET @StartDate = '2008/10/01'
SET @EndDate = '2008/10/31'

   (DATEDIFF(dd, @StartDate, @EndDate) + 1)
  -(DATEDIFF(wk, @StartDate, @EndDate) * 2)
  -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @StartDate) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
  -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @EndDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

If you want to include holidays, you have to work it out a bit...

How to detect DataGridView CheckBox event change?

It's all about editing the cell, the problem that is the cell didn't edited actually, so you need to save The changes of the cell or the row to get the event when you click the check box so you can use this function:


with this you can use it even with a different event.

How to pick element inside iframe using document.getElementById

You need to make sure the frame is fully loaded the best way to do it is to use onload:

<iframe id="nesgt" src="" onload="custom()"></iframe>

function custom(){

this function will run automatically when the iframe is fully loaded.

it could be done with setTimeout but we can't get the exact time of the frame load.

hope this helps someone.

Jquery how to find an Object by attribute in an Array

If your array is actually a set of JQuery objects, what about simply using the .filter() method ?


Twitter Bootstrap carousel different height images cause bouncing arrows

Try this (I'm using SASS):

.carousel {
  max-height: 700px;
  overflow: hidden;

  .item img {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;

You can wrap the .carousel into a .container if you wish.

How to display Woocommerce product price by ID number on a custom page?

If you have the product's ID you can use that to create a product object:

$_product = wc_get_product( $product_id );

Then from the object you can run any of WooCommerce's product methods.


Please review the Codex article on how to write your own shortcode.

Integrating the WooCommerce product data might look something like this:

function so_30165014_price_shortcode_callback( $atts ) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
        'id' => null,
    ), $atts, 'bartag' );

    $html = '';

    if( intval( $atts['id'] ) > 0 && function_exists( 'wc_get_product' ) ){
         $_product = wc_get_product( $atts['id'] );
         $html = "price = " . $_product->get_price();
    return $html;
add_shortcode( 'woocommerce_price', 'so_30165014_price_shortcode_callback' );

Your shortcode would then look like [woocommerce_price id="99"]

Getting request URL in a servlet

The getRequestURL() omits the port when it is 80 while the scheme is http, or when it is 443 while the scheme is https.

So, just use getRequestURL() if all you want is obtaining the entire URL. This does however not include the GET query string. You may want to construct it as follows then:

StringBuffer requestURL = request.getRequestURL();
if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
String completeURL = requestURL.toString();

difference between System.out.println() and System.err.println()

Those commands use different output streams. By default both messages will be printed on console but it's possible for example to redirect one or both of these to a file.

java MyApp 2>errors.txt

This will redirect System.err to errors.txt file.

How do I spool to a CSV formatted file using SQLPLUS?

I have once written a little SQL*Plus script that uses dbms_sql and dbms_output to create a csv (actually an ssv). You can find it on my githup repository.

How can I delete a service in Windows?

If they are .NET created services you can use the installutil.exe with the /u switch its in the .net framework folder like C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727

Concept of void pointer in C programming

In C, a void * can be converted to a pointer to an object of a different type without an explicit cast:

void abc(void *a, int b)
    int *test = a;
    /* ... */

This doesn't help with writing your function in a more generic way, though.

You can't dereference a void * with converting it to a different pointer type as dereferencing a pointer is obtaining the value of the pointed-to object. A naked void is not a valid type so derefencing a void * is not possible.

Pointer arithmetic is about changing pointer values by multiples of the sizeof the pointed-to objects. Again, because void is not a true type, sizeof(void) has no meaning so pointer arithmetic is not valid on void *. (Some implementations allow it, using the equivalent pointer arithmetic for char *.)

With jQuery, how do I capitalize the first letter of a text field while the user is still editing that field?

I used the code of @Spajus and wrote a more extended jQuery plugin.

I wrote these four jQuery functions:

  • upperFirstAll() to capitalize ALL words in an inputfield
  • upperFirst() to capitalize only the FIRST word
  • upperCase() to convert the hole text to upper case
  • lowerCase() to convert the hole text to lower case

You can use and chain them like any other jQuery function:

My complete jQuery plugin:

(function ($) {

    // With every keystroke capitalize first letter of ALL words in the text
    upperFirstAll: function() {
        $(this).keyup(function(event) {
            var box =;
            var txt = $(this).val();
            var start = box.selectionStart;
            var end = box.selectionEnd;

            function(c) {
                return c.toUpperCase();
            box.setSelectionRange(start, end);
        return this;

    // With every keystroke capitalize first letter of the FIRST word in the text
    upperFirst: function() {
        $(this).keyup(function(event) {
            var box =;
            var txt = $(this).val();
            var start = box.selectionStart;
            var end = box.selectionEnd;

            function(c) {
                return c.toUpperCase();
            box.setSelectionRange(start, end);
        return this;

    // Converts with every keystroke the hole text to lowercase
    lowerCase: function() {
        $(this).keyup(function(event) {
            var box =;
            var txt = $(this).val();
            var start = box.selectionStart;
            var end = box.selectionEnd;

            box.setSelectionRange(start, end);
        return this;

    // Converts with every keystroke the hole text to uppercase
    upperCase: function() {
        $(this).keyup(function(event) {
            var box =;
            var txt = $(this).val();
            var start = box.selectionStart;
            var end = box.selectionEnd;

            box.setSelectionRange(start, end);
        return this;


Groetjes :)

Get current URL/URI without some of $_GET variables

So, you may use


to get an Absolute webroot url, and strip the http[s]://

jQuery: Can I call delay() between addClass() and such?

jQuery's CSS manipulation isn't queued, but you can make it executed inside the 'fx' queue by doing:

$('#div').delay(1000).queue('fx', function() { $(this).removeClass('error'); });

Quite same thing as calling setTimeout but uses jQuery's queue mecanism instead.

How to host material icons offline?

I have tried to compile everything that needs to be done for self-hosting icons in my answer. You need to follow these 4 simple steps.

  1. Open the iconfont folder of the materialize repository


  2. Download these three icons files ->

    MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2 - format('woff2')

    MaterialIcons-Regular.woff - format('woff')

    MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf - format('truetype');

    Note- After Download you can rename it to whatever you like.

  3. Now, go to your CSS and add this code

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Material Icons';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: url(MaterialIcons-Regular.eot); /* For IE6-8 */
  src: local('Material Icons'),
       url(MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2) format('woff2'),
       url(MaterialIcons-Regular.woff) format('woff'),
       url(MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf) format('truetype');

.material-icons {
  font-family: 'Material Icons';
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
  font-size: 24px;  /* Preferred icon size */
  display: inline-block;
  line-height: 1;
  text-transform: none;
  letter-spacing: normal;
  word-wrap: normal;
  white-space: nowrap;
  direction: ltr;

  /* Support for all WebKit browsers. */
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  /* Support for Safari and Chrome. */
  text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;

  /* Support for Firefox. */
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

  /* Support for IE. */
  font-feature-settings: 'liga';

Note : The address provided in src:url(...) should be with respect to the 'CSS File' and not the index.html file. For example it can be src : url(../myicons/MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2)

  1. You are ready to use now and here is how it can be done in HTML

<i class="material-icons">face</i>

Click here to see all the icons that can be used.

version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ...)

GCC 4.9 introduces a newer C++ ABI version than your system libstdc++ has, so you need to tell the loader to use this newer version of the library by adding that path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you straight off where the libstdc++ so for your GCC 4.9 installation is located, as this depends on how you configured GCC. So you need something in the style of:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/lib/gcc-4.9.0/lib:/home/user/lib/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Note the actual path may be different (there might be some subdirectory hidden under there, like `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0´ or similar).

SQL: IF clause within WHERE clause

You want the CASE statement

WHERE OrderNumber LIKE
CASE WHEN IsNumeric(@OrderNumber)=1 THEN @OrderNumber ELSE '%' + @OrderNumber END

Git, fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

In our case, the problem was a clone that wrote a .git/config file which contained a url entry that was a read only access method. Changing the url from the :// method to the @ method fixed the problem.

Running git remote -v illuminated the issue some.

Mac OS X and multiple Java versions

As found on this website So Let’s begin by installing jEnv

  1. Run this in the terminal

    brew install
  2. Add jEnv to the bash profile

    if which jenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(jenv init -)"; fi
  3. When you first install jEnv will not have any JDK associated with it.

    For example, I just installed JDK 8 but jEnv does not know about it. To check Java versions on jEnv

    At the moment it only found Java version(jre) on the system. The * shows the version currently selected. Unlike rvm and rbenv, jEnv cannot install JDK for you. You need to install JDK manually from Oracle website.

  4. Install JDK 6 from Apple website. This will install Java in /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/. The reason we are installing Java 6 from Apple website is that SUN did not come up with JDK 6 for MAC, so Apple created/modified its own deployment version.

  5. Similarly install JDK7 and JDK8.

  6. Add JDKs to jEnv.

    JDK 6:

    JDK 7:

    JDK 8:

  7. Check the java versions installed using jenv

  8. So now we have 3 versions of Java on our system. To set a default version use the command

    jenv local <jenv version>

    Ex – I wanted Jdk 1.6 to start IntelliJ

    jenv local oracle64-
  9. check the java version

    java -version

That’s it. We now have multiple versions of java and we can switch between them easily. jEnv also has some other features, such as wrappers for Gradle, Ant, Maven, etc, and the ability to set JVM options globally or locally. Check out the documentation for more information.

Referencing another schema in Mongoose

Addendum: No one mentioned "Populate" --- it is very much worth your time and money looking at Mongooses Populate Method : Also explains cross documents referencing

What is the => assignment in C# in a property signature

For the following statement shared by Alex Booker in their answer

When the compiler encounters an expression-bodied property member, it essentially converts it to a getter like this:

Please see the following screenshot, it shows how this statement (using SharpLab link)

public string APIBasePath => Configuration.ToolsAPIBasePath;

converts to

public string APIBasePath
        return Configuration.ToolsAPIBasePath;

Screenshot: enter image description here

How to automatically generate unique id in SQL like UID12345678?

The only viable solution in my opinion is to use

  • an ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) column to get SQL Server to handle the automatic increment of your numeric value
  • a computed, persisted column to convert that numeric value to the value you need

So try this:

CREATE TABLE dbo.tblUsers
   UserID AS 'UID' + RIGHT('00000000' + CAST(ID AS VARCHAR(8)), 8) PERSISTED,
   .... your other columns here....

Now, every time you insert a row into tblUsers without specifying values for ID or UserID:

INSERT INTO dbo.tblUsersCol1, Col2, ..., ColN)
VALUES (Val1, Val2, ....., ValN)

then SQL Server will automatically and safely increase your ID value, and UserID will contain values like UID00000001, UID00000002,...... and so on - automatically, safely, reliably, no duplicates.

Update: the column UserID is computed - but it still OF COURSE has a data type, as a quick peek into the Object Explorer reveals:

enter image description here

Including external HTML file to another HTML file

Another way is to use the object tag. This works on Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

<object data="html/stuff_to_include.html"> 
    Your browser doesn’t support the object tag. 

more info at

Setting dynamic scope variables in AngularJs - scope.<some_string>

If you were trying to do what I imagine you were trying to do, then you only have to treat scope like a regular JS object.

This is what I use for an API success response for JSON data array...


    $scope.subjects = [];

    $.each(data, function(i,subject){
        //Store array of data types

        //Split data in to arrays
        $scope[] =;

Now {{subjects}} will return an array of data subject names, and in my example there would be a scope attribute for {{jobs}}, {{customers}}, {{staff}}, etc. from $, $scope.customers, $scope.staff

How to disable mouse scroll wheel scaling with Google Maps API

Use that piece of code, that will give you all the color and zooming control of google map. (scaleControl: false and scrollwheel: false will prevent the mousewheel from zoom up or down)

function initMap() {_x000D_
            // Styles a map in night mode._x000D_
            var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {_x000D_
                center: {lat: 23.684994, lng: 90.356331},_x000D_
                zoom: 8,_x000D_
                scaleControl: false,_x000D_
                scrollwheel: false,_x000D_
              styles: [_x000D_
                {elementType: 'geometry', stylers: [{color: 'F1F2EC'}]},_x000D_
                {elementType: 'labels.text.stroke', stylers: [{color: '877F74'}]},_x000D_
                {elementType: 'labels.text.fill', stylers: [{color: '877F74'}]},_x000D_
                  featureType: 'administrative.locality',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'labels.text.fill',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#d59563'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'poi',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'labels.text.fill',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#d59563'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'poi.park',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'geometry',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#263c3f'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'poi.park',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'labels.text.fill',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#f77c2b'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'road',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'geometry',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: 'F5DAA6'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'road',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'geometry.stroke',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#212a37'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'road',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'labels.text.fill',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#f77c2b'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'road.highway',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'geometry',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#746855'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'road.highway',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'geometry.stroke',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: 'F5DAA6'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'road.highway',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'labels.text.fill',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: 'F5DAA6'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'transit',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'geometry',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#2f3948'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'transit.station',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'labels.text.fill',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#f77c2b3'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'water',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'geometry',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#0676b6'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'water',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'labels.text.fill',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#515c6d'}]_x000D_
                  featureType: 'water',_x000D_
                  elementType: 'labels.text.stroke',_x000D_
                  stylers: [{color: '#17263c'}]_x000D_
             var marker = new google.maps.Marker({_x000D_
              position: {lat: 23.684994, lng: 90.356331},_x000D_
              map: map,_x000D_
              title: 'BANGLADESH'_x000D_

Insertion sort vs Bubble Sort Algorithms

Though both the sorts are O(N^2).The hidden constants are much smaller in Insertion sort.Hidden constants refer to the actual number of primitive operations carried out.

When insertion sort has better running time?

  1. Array is nearly sorted-notice that insertion sort does fewer operations in this case, than bubble sort.
  2. Array is of relatively small size: insertion sort you move elements around, to put the current element.This is only better than bubble sort if the number of elements is few.

Notice that insertion sort is not always better than bubble sort.To get the best of both worlds, you can use insertion sort if array is of small size, and probably merge sort(or quicksort) for larger arrays.

Eclipse+Maven src/main/java not visible in src folder in Package Explorer

If none of the answers worked for you. You might be in the wrong "Window". I was in "Package explorer" and switching to "Project Explorer" showed me the folders.

pgadmin4 : postgresql application server could not be contacted.

if you are using Mac OS X here is a fix: Open terminal and run this command

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log restart

and for other OS just restart your Postgresql server, it will solve

Then start pgAdmin4, it will start as normal

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Load resources from relative path using local html in uiwebview

I simply do this:

    UIWebView *webView = [[[UIWebView alloc] init] autorelease];

    NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"index" withExtension:@"html"];
    NSURLRequest* request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
    [webView loadRequest:request];

Where "index.html" relatively references images, CSS, javascript, etc.

How can I convert a string to boolean in JavaScript?

Wood-eye be careful. After seeing the consequences after applying the top answer with 500+ upvotes, I feel obligated to post something that is actually useful:

Let's start with the shortest, but very strict way:

var str = "true";
var mybool = JSON.parse(str);

And end with a proper, more tolerant way:

var parseBool = function(str) 
    // console.log(typeof str);
    // strict: JSON.parse(str)
    if(str == null)
        return false;
    if (typeof str === 'boolean')
        return (str === true);
    if(typeof str === 'string')
        if(str == "")
            return false;
        str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
        if(str.toLowerCase() == 'true' || str.toLowerCase() == 'yes')
            return true;
        str = str.replace(/,/g, '.');
        str = str.replace(/^\s*\-\s*/g, '-');
    // var isNum = string.match(/^[0-9]+$/) != null;
    // var isNum = /^\d+$/.test(str);
        return (parseFloat(str) != 0);
    return false;


var array_1 = new Array(true, 1, "1",-1, "-1", " - 1", "true", "TrUe", "  true  ", "  TrUe", 1/0, "1.5", "1,5", 1.5, 5, -3, -0.1, 0.1, " - 0.1", Infinity, "Infinity", -Infinity, "-Infinity"," - Infinity", " yEs");

var array_2 = new Array(null, "", false, "false", "   false   ", " f alse", "FaLsE", 0, "00", "1/0", 0.0, "0.0", "0,0", "100a", "1 00", " 0 ", 0.0, "0.0", -0.0, "-0.0", " -1a ", "abc");

for(var i =0; i < array_1.length;++i){ console.log("array_1["+i+"] ("+array_1[i]+"): " + parseBool(array_1[i]));}

for(var i =0; i < array_2.length;++i){ console.log("array_2["+i+"] ("+array_2[i]+"): " + parseBool(array_2[i]));}

for(var i =0; i < array_1.length;++i){ console.log(parseBool(array_1[i]));}
for(var i =0; i < array_2.length;++i){ console.log(parseBool(array_2[i]));}

Pandas - 'Series' object has no attribute 'colNames' when using apply()

When you use df.apply(), each row of your DataFrame will be passed to your lambda function as a pandas Series. The frame's columns will then be the index of the series and you can access values using series[label].

So this should work:

df['D'] = (df.apply(lambda x: myfunc(x[colNames[0]], x[colNames[1]]), axis=1)) 

How do I check if a list is empty?

The pythonic way to do it is from the PEP 8 style guide (where Yes means “recommended” and No means “not recommended”):

For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty sequences are false.

Yes: if not seq:
     if seq:

No:  if len(seq):
     if not len(seq):

How to append text to a text file in C++?

You need to specify the append open mode like

#include <fstream>

int main() {  
  std::ofstream outfile;"test.txt", std::ios_base::app); // append instead of overwrite
  outfile << "Data"; 
  return 0;

Best way to call a JSON WebService from a .NET Console

Although the existing answers are valid approaches , they are antiquated . HttpClient is a modern interface for working with RESTful web services . Check the examples section of the page in the link , it has a very straightforward use case for an asynchronous HTTP GET .

using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
    return await client.GetStringAsync(""); //uri

How to SSH into Docker?

I guess it is possible. You just need to install a SSH server in each container and expose a port on the host. The main annoyance would be maintaining/remembering the mapping of port to container.

However, I have to question why you'd want to do this. SSH'ng into containers should be rare enough that it's not a hassle to ssh to the host then use docker exec to get into the container.

WinSCP: Permission denied. Error code: 3 Error message from server: Permission denied

You possibly do not have create permissions to the folder. So WinSCP fails to create a temporary file for the transfer.

You have two options:

Pandas Merging 101

This post will go through the following topics:

  • Merging with index under different conditions
    • options for index-based joins: merge, join, concat
    • merging on indexes
    • merging on index of one, column of other
  • effectively using named indexes to simplify merging syntax


Index-based joins


There are a few options, some simpler than others depending on the use case.

  1. DataFrame.merge with left_index and right_index (or left_on and right_on using names indexes)
    • supports inner/left/right/full
    • can only join two at a time
    • supports column-column, index-column, index-index joins
  2. DataFrame.join (join on index)
    • supports inner/left (default)/right/full
    • can join multiple DataFrames at a time
    • supports index-index joins
  3. pd.concat (joins on index)
    • supports inner/full (default)
    • can join multiple DataFrames at a time
    • supports index-index joins

Index to index joins

Setup & Basics

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

np.random.seed([3, 14])
left = pd.DataFrame(data={'value': np.random.randn(4)}, 
                    index=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])    
right = pd.DataFrame(data={'value': np.random.randn(4)},  
                     index=['B', 'D', 'E', 'F']) = = 'idxkey'

A      -0.602923
B      -0.402655
C       0.302329
D      -0.524349

B       0.543843
D       0.013135
E      -0.326498
F       1.385076

Typically, an inner join on index would look like this:

left.merge(right, left_index=True, right_index=True)

         value_x   value_y
B      -0.402655  0.543843
D      -0.524349  0.013135

Other joins follow similar syntax.

Notable Alternatives

  1. DataFrame.join defaults to joins on the index. DataFrame.join does a LEFT OUTER JOIN by default, so how='inner' is necessary here.

     left.join(right, how='inner', lsuffix='_x', rsuffix='_y')
              value_x   value_y
     B      -0.402655  0.543843
     D      -0.524349  0.013135

    Note that I needed to specify the lsuffix and rsuffix arguments since join would otherwise error out:

     ValueError: columns overlap but no suffix specified: Index(['value'], dtype='object')

    Since the column names are the same. This would not be a problem if they were differently named.

     left.rename(columns={'value':'leftvalue'}).join(right, how='inner')
             leftvalue     value
     B       -0.402655  0.543843
     D       -0.524349  0.013135
  2. pd.concat joins on the index and can join two or more DataFrames at once. It does a full outer join by default, so how='inner' is required here..

     pd.concat([left, right], axis=1, sort=False, join='inner')
                value     value
     B      -0.402655  0.543843
     D      -0.524349  0.013135

    For more information on concat, see this post.

Index to Column joins

To perform an inner join using index of left, column of right, you will use DataFrame.merge a combination of left_index=True and right_on=....

right2 = right.reset_index().rename({'idxkey' : 'colkey'}, axis=1)
  colkey     value
0      B  0.543843
1      D  0.013135
2      E -0.326498
3      F  1.385076

left.merge(right2, left_index=True, right_on='colkey')

    value_x colkey   value_y
0 -0.402655      B  0.543843
1 -0.524349      D  0.013135

Other joins follow a similar structure. Note that only merge can perform index to column joins. You can join on multiple columns, provided the number of index levels on the left equals the number of columns on the right.

join and concat are not capable of mixed merges. You will need to set the index as a pre-step using DataFrame.set_index.

Effectively using Named Index [pandas >= 0.23]

If your index is named, then from pandas >= 0.23, DataFrame.merge allows you to specify the index name to on (or left_on and right_on as necessary).

left.merge(right, on='idxkey')

         value_x   value_y
B      -0.402655  0.543843
D      -0.524349  0.013135

For the previous example of merging with the index of left, column of right, you can use left_on with the index name of left:

left.merge(right2, left_on='idxkey', right_on='colkey')

    value_x colkey   value_y
0 -0.402655      B  0.543843
1 -0.524349      D  0.013135

Continue Reading

Jump to other topics in Pandas Merging 101 to continue learning:

* you are here

Best way to generate xml?

ElementTree is a good module for reading xml and writing too e.g.

from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring

root = Element('root')
child = SubElement(root, "child")
child.text = "I am a child"



<root><child>I am a child</child></root>

See this tutorial for more details and how to pretty print.

Alternatively if your XML is simple, do not underestimate the power of string formatting :)

xmlTemplate = """<root>

data = {'name':'anurag', 'address':'Pune, india'}
print xmlTemplate%data


        <address>Pune, india</address>

You can use string.Template or some template engine too, for complex formatting.

Spring Boot @autowired does not work, classes in different package

For this kind of issue, I ended up in putting @Service annotation on the newly created service class then the autowire was picked up. So, try to check those classes which are not getting autowired, if they need the corresponding required annotations(like @Controller, @Service, etc.) applied to them and then try to build the project again.

Java: set timeout on a certain block of code?

I created a very simple solution without using any frameworks or APIs. This looks more elegant and understandable. The class is called TimeoutBlock.

public class TimeoutBlock {

 private final long timeoutMilliSeconds;
    private long timeoutInteval=100;

    public TimeoutBlock(long timeoutMilliSeconds){

    public void addBlock(Runnable runnable) throws Throwable{
        long collectIntervals=0;
        Thread timeoutWorker=new Thread(runnable);
                throw new Exception("<<<<<<<<<<****>>>>>>>>>>> Timeout Block Execution Time Exceeded In "+timeoutMilliSeconds+" Milli Seconds. Thread Block Terminated.");

        System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<####>>>>>>>>>>> Timeout Block Executed Within "+collectIntervals+" Milli Seconds.");

     * @return the timeoutInteval
    public long getTimeoutInteval() {
        return timeoutInteval;

     * @param timeoutInteval the timeoutInteval to set
    public void setTimeoutInteval(long timeoutInteval) {
        this.timeoutInteval = timeoutInteval;

example :

try {
        TimeoutBlock timeoutBlock = new TimeoutBlock(10 * 60 * 1000);//set timeout in milliseconds
        Runnable block=new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                //TO DO write block of code to execute

        timeoutBlock.addBlock(block);// execute the runnable block 

    } catch (Throwable e) {
        //catch the exception here . Which is block didn't execute within the time limit

This was so much useful for me when i had to connect to a FTP account. Then download and upload stuff. sometimes FTP connection hangs or totally breaks. This caused whole system to go down. and i needed a way to detect it and prevent it from happening . So i created this and used it. Works pretty well.

jQuery disable/enable submit button

Please see the below code to enable or disable Submit button

If Name and City fields has value then only Submit button will be enabled.

  $(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
    $(':input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true);_x000D_
    $('#Name').keyup(function() {_x000D_
    $('#City').keyup(function() {_x000D_
function ToggleButton() {_x000D_
  if (($('#Name').val() != '') && ($('#City').val() != '')) {_x000D_
    $(':input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', false);_x000D_
    return true;_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    $(':input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true);_x000D_
    return false;_x000D_
} </script>
<form method="post">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-4">_x000D_
      <h2>Getting started</h2>_x000D_
        <label class="control-label text-danger">Name</label>_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="Name" name="Name" class="form-control" />_x000D_
        <label class="control-label">Address</label>_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="Address" name="Address" class="form-control" />_x000D_
        <label class="control-label text-danger">City</label>_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="City" name="City" class="form-control" />_x000D_
        <label class="control-label">Pin</label>_x000D_
        <input type="text" id="Pin" name="Pin" class="form-control" />_x000D_
        <input type="submit" value="send" class="btn btn-success" />_x000D_

Unable to copy a file from obj\Debug to bin\Debug

The real problem isn't the error you're getting; it's that the application isn't cleaning up after itself.

It's either holding on to references, not freeing resources, or something else that's causing the process to not end when it's being told to close. Fix up that issue and this problem will resolve itself. We can't really help you with that unless you post your code (and at this point, if you need help with that, you should start a new question).

Converting array to list in Java

Given Array:

    int[] givenArray = {2,2,3,3,4,5};

Converting integer array to Integer List

One way: boxed() -> returns the IntStream

    List<Integer> givenIntArray1 =

Second Way: map each element of the stream to Integer and then collect

NOTE: Using mapToObj you can covert each int element into string stream, char stream etc by casing i to (char)i

    List<Integer> givenIntArray2 =

Converting One array Type to Another Type Example:

List<Character> givenIntArray2 =

Add / remove input field dynamically with jQuery

you can do it as follow:

 $("#addButton").click(function () {

            alert("Only 10 textboxes allow");
            return false;

    var newTextBoxDiv = $(document.createElement('div'))
         .attr("id", 'TextBoxDiv' + counter);

    newTextBoxDiv.after().html('<label>Textbox #'+ counter + ' : </label>' +
          '<input type="text" name="textbox' + counter + 
          '" id="textbox' + counter + '" value="" >');



     $("#removeButton").click(function () {
          alert("No more textbox to remove");
          return false;


        $("#TextBoxDiv" + counter).remove();


refer live demo

Decoding JSON String in Java

This is the best and easiest code:

public class test
    public static void main(String str[])
        String jsonString = "{\"stat\": { \"sdr\": \"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\", \"rcv\": \"aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff\", \"time\": \"UTC in millis\", \"type\": 1, \"subt\": 1, \"argv\": [{\"type\": 1, \"val\":\"stackoverflow\"}]}}";
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString);
        JSONObject newJSON = jsonObject.getJSONObject("stat");
        jsonObject = new JSONObject(newJSON.toString());

The library definition of the json files are given here. And it is not same libraries as posted here, i.e. posted by you. What you had posted was simple json library I have used this library.

You can download the zip. And then create a package in your project with org.json as name. and paste all the downloaded codes there, and have fun.

I feel this to be the best and the most easiest JSON Decoding.

Create a date from day month and year with T-SQL

If you don't want to keep strings out of it, this works as well (Put it into a function):

DECLARE @Day int, @Month int, @Year int
SELECT @Day = 1, @Month = 2, @Year = 2008

SELECT DateAdd(dd, @Day-1, DateAdd(mm, @Month -1, DateAdd(yy, @Year - 2000, '20000101')))

Verify a certificate chain using openssl verify

If you only want to verify that issuer of UserCert.pem is actually Intermediate.pem do the following (example uses: OpenSSL 1.1.1):

openssl verify -no-CAfile -no-CApath -partial_chain -trusted Intermediate.pem UserCert.pem

and you will get:

UserCert.pem: OK


UserCert.pem: verification failed

NodeJS accessing file with relative path

You can use the path module to join the path of the directory in which helper1.js lives to the relative path of foobar.json. This will give you the absolute path to foobar.json.

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var jsonPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'config', 'dev', 'foobar.json');
var jsonString = fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf8');

This should work on Linux, OSX, and Windows assuming a UTF8 encoding.

login failed for user 'sa'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452) in sql 2008

  1. First make sure sa is enabled
  2. Change the authontication mode to mixed mode (Window and SQL authentication)
  3. Stop your SQL Server
  4. Restart your SQL Server

git replacing LF with CRLF

I don't know much about git on Windows, but...

Appears to me that git is converting the return format to match that of the running platform (Windows). CRLF is the default return format in Windows, while LF is the default return format for most other OSes.

Chances are, the return format will be adjusted properly when the code is moved to another system. I also reckon git is smart enough to keep binary files intact rather than trying to convert LFs to CRLFs in, say, JPEGs.

In summary, you probably don't need to fret too much over this conversion. However, if you go to archive your project as a tarball, fellow coders would probably appreciate having LF line terminators rather than CRLF. Depending on how much you care (and depending on you not using Notepad), you might want to set git to use LF returns if you can :)

Appendix: CR is ASCII code 13, LF is ASCII code 10. Thus, CRLF is two bytes, while LF is one.

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest

Here's an updated example that is using NSURLConnection +sendAsynchronousRequest: (10.7+, iOS 5+), The "Post" request remains the same as with the accepted answer and is omitted here for the sake of clarity:

NSURL *apiURL = [NSURL URLWithString:
    [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", @"someRequest"]];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:apiURL]; // this is using GET, for POST examples see the other answers here on this page
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request
                                   queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
                       completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError) {
     if(data.length) {
         NSString *responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
         if(responseString && responseString.length) {
             NSLog(@"%@", responseString);

__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'user'

LivingRoom.objects.create() calls LivingRoom.__init__() - as you might have noticed if you had read the traceback - passing it the same arguments. To make a long story short, a Django models.Model subclass's initializer is best left alone, or should accept *args and **kwargs matching the model's meta fields. The correct way to provide default values for fields is in the field constructor using the default keyword as explained in the FineManual.

How to format DateTime columns in DataGridView?

Published by Microsoft in Standard Date and Time Format Strings:

dataGrid.Columns[2].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"; // Short date

That should format the date according to the person's location settings.

This is part of Microsoft's larger collection of Formatting Types in .NET.

Binary numbers in Python

Below is a re-write of a previously posted function:

def addBinary(a, b): # Example: a = '11' + b =' 100' returns as '111'.    
    for ch in a: assert ch in {'0','1'}, 'bad digit: ' + ch    
    for ch in b: assert ch in {'0','1'}, 'bad digit: ' + ch    
    sumx = int(a, 2) + int(b, 2)    
    return bin(sumx)[2:]

PHPExcel set border and format for all sheets in spreadsheet

for ($s=65; $s<=90; $s++) {
    //echo chr($s);

Simulating Slow Internet Connection

For Linux, the following list of papers might be useful:

Personally, whilst Dummynet is good, I find NetEm to be the most versatile for my use-cases; I'm usually interested in the effect of delays, rather than bandwidth (i.e. WiFi connection issues), and it's super-easy to emulate random packet loss/corruption, etc. It's also very accessible, and free (unlike the hardware-based Linktropy).

On a side-note, for Windows, Clumsy is awesome. I would also like to add that (regarding websites) browser throttling is not an accurate method for emulating real-life network issues (I think "TKK" commented on a few of the reasons why above).

Hope this helps someone!

How do I loop through children objects in javascript?

In ECS6, one may use Array.from():

const listItems = document.querySelector('ul').children;
const listArray = Array.from(listItems);
listArray.forEach((item) => {console.log(item)});

Count the number of items in my array list

The only thing I would add to Mark Peters solution is that you don't need to iterate over the ArrayList - you should be able to use the addAll(Collection) method on the Set. You only need to iterate over the entire list to do the summations.

Writing outputs to log file and console

I find it very useful to append both stdout and stderr to a log file. I was glad to see a solution by alfonx with exec > >(tee -a), because I was wondering how to accomplish this using exec. I came across a creative solution using here-doc syntax and .:

I discovered that in zsh, the here-doc solution can be modified using the "multios" construct to copy output to both stdout/stderr and the log file:

# 8 is an arbitrary number;
# multiple redirects for the same file descriptor 
# triggers "multios"
. 8<<\EOF /dev/fd/8 2>&2 >&1 2>>$LOG >>$LOG
# some commands
date >&2
set -x
echo hi
echo bye
echo not logged

It is not as readable as the exec solution but it has the advantage of allowing you to log just part of the script. Of course, if you omit the EOF then the whole script is executed with logging. I'm not sure how zsh implements multios, but it may have less overhead than tee. Unfortunately it seems that one cannot use multios with exec.

How to rollback a specific migration?

rake db:migrate:down VERSION=your_migrations's_version_number_here

The version is the numerical prefix on the migration's file name

How to find version:

Your migration files are stored in your rails_root/db/migrate directory. Find appropriate file up to which you want to rollback and copy the prefix number.

for example

file name: 20140208031131_create_roles.rb then the version is 20140208031131

CALL command vs. START with /WAIT option

There is a useful difference between call and start /wait when calling regsvr32.exe /s for example, also referenced by Gary in in his answer to how-do-i-get-the-application-exit-code-from-a-windows-command-line

call regsvr32.exe /s broken.dll
echo %errorlevel%

will always return 0 but

start /wait regsvr32.exe /s broken.dll
echo %errorlevel%

will return the error level from regsvr32.exe

SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81

Referring to @dylanvanw answer. You might still out of luck. I found that you might have a different path that you have installed Python. In my case, I have to move Chromedriver.exe from the cache path (C:\Users\Poom.wdm\drivers\chromedriver\win32\84.0.4147.30) to C:\Python38 then it work!

Normalize data in pandas

You can use apply for this, and it's a bit neater:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,4)* 4 + 3)

          0         1         2         3
0  9.497381  0.552974  0.887313 -1.291874
1  6.461631 -6.206155  9.979247 -0.044828
2  4.276156  2.002518  8.848432 -5.240563
3  1.710331  1.463783  7.535078 -1.399565

df.apply(lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)))

          0         1         2         3
0  0.515087  0.133967 -0.651699  0.135175
1  0.125241 -0.689446  0.348301  0.375188
2 -0.155414  0.310554  0.223925 -0.624812
3 -0.484913  0.244924  0.079473  0.114448

Also, it works nicely with groupby, if you select the relevant columns:

df['grp'] = ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B']

          0         1         2         3 grp
0  9.497381  0.552974  0.887313 -1.291874   A
1  6.461631 -6.206155  9.979247 -0.044828   A
2  4.276156  2.002518  8.848432 -5.240563   B
3  1.710331  1.463783  7.535078 -1.399565   B

df.groupby(['grp'])[[0,1,2,3]].apply(lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)))

     0    1    2    3
0  0.5  0.5 -0.5 -0.5
1 -0.5 -0.5  0.5  0.5
2  0.5  0.5  0.5 -0.5
3 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5  0.5

How to find an object in an ArrayList by property

Here is a solution using Guava

private User findUserByName(List<User> userList, final String name) {
    Optional<User> userOptional =
            FluentIterable.from(userList).firstMatch(new Predicate<User>() {
                public boolean apply(@Nullable User input) {
                    return input.getName().equals(name);
    return userOptional.isPresent() ? userOptional.get() : null; // return user if found otherwise return null if user name don't exist in user list

jQuery .each() index?

$('#list option').each(function(index){
  //do stuff

logs the index :)

a more detailed example is below.

function run_each() {_x000D_
  var $results = $(".results");_x000D_
  $results.append("==================== START 1st each ====================");_x000D_
  console.log("==================== START 1st each ====================");_x000D_
  $('#my_select option').each(function(index, value) {_x000D_
    // log the index_x000D_
    $results.append("index: " + index);_x000D_
    console.log("index: " + index);_x000D_
    // logs the element_x000D_
    // $results.append(value);  this would actually remove the element_x000D_
    // logs element property_x000D_
    // logs element property_x000D_
    // jquery_x000D_
    // BEGIN just to see what would happen if nesting an .each within an .each_x000D_
    $('p').each(function(index) {_x000D_
      $results.append("==================== nested each");_x000D_
      $results.append("nested each index: " + index);_x000D_
    // END just to see what would happen if nesting an .each within an .each_x000D_
  $results.append("==================== START 2nd each ====================");_x000D_
  console.log("==================== START 2nd each ====================");_x000D_
  $('ul li').each(function(index, value) {_x000D_
    // log the index_x000D_
    $results.append("index: " + index);_x000D_
    // logs the element_x000D_
    // $results.append(value); this would actually remove the element_x000D_
    // logs element property_x000D_
    // logs element property_x000D_
    // jquery_x000D_
$(document).on("click", ".clicker", function() {_x000D_
.results {_x000D_
  background: #000;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
  color: lime;_x000D_
  font-family: arial;_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.three {_x000D_
  width: 33.3%;_x000D_
.one {_x000D_
  background: yellow;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
.two {_x000D_
  background: pink;_x000D_
.three {_x000D_
  background: darkgray;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="one">_x000D_
    <select id="my_select">_x000D_
  <div class="two">_x000D_
    <ul id="my_list">_x000D_
  <div class="three">_x000D_
<button class="clicker">run_each()</button>_x000D_
<div class="results">_x000D_

How to install mcrypt extension in xampp

The recent versions of XAMPP for Windows runs PHP 7.x which are NOT compatible with mbcrypt. If you have a package like Laravel that requires mbcrypt, you will need to install an older version of XAMPP. OR, you can run XAMPP with multiple versions of PHP by downloading a PHP package from, installing it in your XAMPP folder, and configuring php.ini and httpd.conf to use the correct version of PHP for your site.

JSON Naming Convention (snake_case, camelCase or PascalCase)

I think that there isn't a official naming convention to JSON, but you can follow some industry leaders to see how it is working.

Google, which is one of the biggest IT company of the world, has a JSON style guide:

Taking advantage, you can find other styles guide, which Google defines, here:

How to create a SQL Server function to "join" multiple rows from a subquery into a single delimited field?

In a single SQL query, without using the FOR XML clause.
A Common Table Expression is used to recursively concatenate the results.

-- rank locations by incrementing lexicographical order
WITH RankedLocations AS (
        PARTITION BY VehicleID 
        ORDER BY City
    ) Rank
-- concatenate locations using a recursive query
-- (Common Table Expression)
Concatenations AS (
  -- for each vehicle, select the first location
    CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX), City) Cities,
    Rank = 1

  -- then incrementally concatenate with the next location
  -- this will return intermediate concatenations that will be 
  -- filtered out later on

    (c.Cities + ', ' + l.City) Cities,
    Concatenations c -- this is a recursion!
    INNER JOIN RankedLocations l ON
        l.VehicleID = c.VehicleID 
        AND l.Rank = c.Rank + 1
-- rank concatenation results by decrementing length 
-- (rank 1 will always be for the longest concatenation)
RankedConcatenations AS (
        PARTITION BY VehicleID 
        ORDER BY Rank DESC
    ) Rank
-- main query
  Vehicles v
  INNER JOIN RankedConcatenations c ON 
    c.VehicleID = v.VehicleID 
    AND c.Rank = 1

Dynamically load a JavaScript file

Keep it nice, short, simple, and maintainable! :]

// 3rd party plugins / script (don't forget the full path is necessary)
var FULL_PATH = '', s =
    FULL_PATH + 'plugins/script.js'      // Script example
    FULL_PATH + 'plugins/jquery.1.2.js', // jQuery Library 
    FULL_PATH + 'plugins/crypto-js/hmac-sha1.js',      // CryptoJS
    FULL_PATH + 'plugins/crypto-js/enc-base64-min.js'  // CryptoJS

function load(url)
    var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);
    ajax.onreadystatechange = function ()
        var script = ajax.response || ajax.responseText;
        if (ajax.readyState === 4)
                case 200:
                    eval.apply( window, [script] );
                    console.log("library loaded: ", url);
                    console.log("ERROR: library not loaded: ", url);

 // initialize a single load 

// initialize a full load of scripts
if (s.length > 0)
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)

This code is simply a short functional example that could require additional feature functionality for full support on any (or given) platform.

How to delete a workspace in Eclipse?

Just delete the whole directory. This will delete all the projects but also the Eclipse cache and settings for the workspace. These are kept in the .metadata folder of an Eclipse workspace. Note that you can configure Eclipse to use project folders that are outside the workspace folder as well, so you may want to verify the location of each of the projects.

You can remove the workspace from the suggested workspaces by going into the General/Startup and Shutdown/Workspaces section of the preferences (via Preferences > General > Startup & Shudown > Workspaces > [Remove] ). Note that this does not remove the files itself. For old versions of Eclipse you will need to edit the org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs file in the configuration/.settings directory under your installation directory (or in ~/.eclipse on Unix, IIRC).

Pandas Split Dataframe into two Dataframes at a specific row

I generally use array split because it's easier simple syntax and scales better with more than 2 partitions.

import numpy as np
partitions = 2
dfs = np.array_split(df, partitions)

np.split(df, [100,200,300], axis=0] wants explicit index numbers which may or may not be desirable.

Regular expression field validation in jQuery

I believe this does it:

It's got built-in patterns for stuff like URLs and e-mail addresses, and I think you can have it use your own as well.

openCV video saving in python

I wasn't having codec issues or dimension issues as the answers above. Instead, my issue was because my output frames were in greyscale.

I had to create a VideoWriter with the parameter isColor=False

out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path,

In the API Docs, it wrongly says that the flag is currently supported on Windows only. I have tested on Ubuntu 20.04, with opencv-python==, and it finally writes out to file correctly.

Asking the user for input until they give a valid response

One more solution for using input validation using a customized ValidationError and a (optional) range validation for integer inputs:

class ValidationError(ValueError): 
    """Special validation error - its message is supposed to be printed"""

def RangeValidator(text,num,r):
    """Generic validator - raises 'text' as ValidationError if 'num' not in range 'r'."""
    if num in r:
        return num
    raise ValidationError(text)

def ValidCol(c): 
    """Specialized column validator providing text and range."""
    return RangeValidator("Columns must be in the range of 0 to 3 (inclusive)", 
                          c, range(4))

def ValidRow(r): 
    """Specialized row validator providing text and range."""
    return RangeValidator("Rows must be in the range of 5 to 15(exclusive)",
                          r, range(5,15))


def GetInt(text, validator=None):
    """Aks user for integer input until a valid integer is given. If provided, 
    a 'validator' function takes the integer and either raises a 
    ValidationError to be printed or returns the valid number. 
    Non integers display a simple error message."""
    while True:
        n = input(text)
            n = int(n)

            return n if validator is None else validator(n)

        except ValueError as ve:
            # prints ValidationErrors directly - else generic message:
            if isinstance(ve, ValidationError):
                print("Invalid input: ", n)

column = GetInt("Pleased enter column: ", ValidCol)
row = GetInt("Pleased enter row: ", ValidRow)
print( row, column)


Pleased enter column: 22
Columns must be in the range of 0 to 3 (inclusive)
Pleased enter column: -2
Columns must be in the range of 0 to 3 (inclusive)
Pleased enter column: 2
Pleased enter row: a
Invalid input:  a
Pleased enter row: 72
Rows must be in the range of 5 to 15(exclusive)
Pleased enter row: 9  

9, 2

How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript

I fixed my problem by using encodeURIComponent() instead of escape().

This might be the fix for you if the problem happens when sending your string in a URL.

Try this with the phrase ("hi & % ‘")

escape() returns


Notice the %u2018 isn't very url friendly and can break the rest of the query string.

encodeURI() returns


Notice the ampersand is still there.

encodeURIComponent() returns


Finally, all of our characters are properly encoded.

Escape a string for a sed replace pattern

echo '1.2+3*[4]|5' | sed -r 's#([().+$*\[\]|])#\\&#g;s#\|#\\|#g'

I want to vertical-align text in select box

This has now been fixed in Firefox Nightly and will be in the next firefox build.

Please see this bug for more information

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource - Resteasy

Seems your resource POSTmethod won't get hit as @peeskillet mention. Most probably your ~POST~ request won't work, because it may not be a simple request. The only simple requests are GET, HEAD or POST and request headers are simple(The only simple headers are Accept, Accept-Language, Content-Language, Content-Type= application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, text/plain).

Since in you already add Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers to your Response, you can add new OPTIONS method to your resource class.

@Path("{path : .*}")
public Response options() {
    return Response.ok("")
            .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
            .header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "origin, content-type, accept, authorization")
            .header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD")
            .header("Access-Control-Max-Age", "2000")

navbar color in Twitter Bootstrap

I actually just overwrite anything I want to change in the site.css, you should load the site.css after bootstrap so it will overwrite the classes. What I have done now is just made my own classes with my own little bootstrap theme. Little things like this

.navbar-nav li a{
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 15px;
    margin-top: 9px;
.navbar-nav li a:hover{

    background-color: #18678E;
    height: 61px;

I also changed the likes of the validations errors the same way.

How to exit a 'git status' list in a terminal?

Crt + c works for Windows! user1852392

Splitting a table cell into two columns in HTML

You have two options.

  1. Use an extra column in the header, and use <colspan> in your header to stretch a cell for two or more columns.
  2. Insert a <table> with 2 columns inside the td you want extra columns in.

How do I get data from a table?

use Json & jQuery. It's way easier than oldschool javascript

function savedata1() { 

var obj = $('#myTable tbody tr').map(function() {
var $row = $(this);
var t1 = $row.find(':nth-child(1)').text();
var t2 = $row.find(':nth-child(2)').text();
var t3 = $row.find(':nth-child(3)').text();
return {
    td_1: $row.find(':nth-child(1)').text(),
    td_2: $row.find(':nth-child(2)').text(),
    td_3: $row.find(':nth-child(3)').text()

Java program to get the current date without timestamp

I think this will work. Use Calendar to manipulate time fields (reset them to zero), then get the Date from the Calendar.

Calendar c = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
c.clear( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY );
c.clear( Calendar.MINUTE );
c.clear( Calendar.SECOND );
c.clear( Calendar.MILLISECOND );
Date today = c.getTime();

Or do the opposite. Put the date you want to compare to in a calendar and compare calendar dates

Date compareToDate;  // assume this is set before going in.
Calendar today = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
Calendar compareTo = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
compareTo.setTime( compareToDate );
if( today.get( Calendar.YEAR ) == compareTo.get( Calendar.YEAR ) &&
    today.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR  ) == compareTo.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR  ) ) {
  // They are the same day!

How to append multiple items in one line in Python

You could also:

newlist += mylist[i:i+22]

How to commit changes to a new branch

If you haven't committed changes

If your changes are compatible with the other branch

This is the case from the question because the OP wants to commit to a new branch and also applies if your changes are compatible with the target branch without triggering an overwrite.

As in the accepted answer by John Brodie, you can simply checkout the new branch and commit the work:

git checkout -b branch_name
git add <files>
git commit -m "message"

If your changes are incompatible with the other branch

If you get the error:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches

Then you can stash your work, create a new branch, then pop your stash changes, and resolve the conflicts:

git stash
git checkout -b branch_name
git stash pop

It will be as if you had made those changes after creating the new branch. Then you can commit as usual:

git add <files>
git commit -m "message"

If you have committed changes

If you want to keep the commits in the original branch

See the answer by Carl Norum with cherry-picking, which is the right tool in this case:

git checkout <target name>
git cherry-pick <original branch>

If you don't want to keep the commits in the original branch

See the answer by joeytwiddle on this potential duplicate. Follow any of the above steps as appropriate, then roll back the original branch:

git branch -f <original branch> <earlier commit id>

If you have pushed your changes to a shared remote like GitHub, you should not attempt this roll-back unless you know what you are doing.

EC2 instance has no public DNS

First of all, there can be two reasons for this:

  1. You have created your own VPC and forgot to enable Public DNS.

To solve this :

i) Go to AWS VPC console and select the VPC you have created.

ii) Then click on Actions and then enable DNS Resolution.

  1. You have not enabled public ip-assign option in EC2 configuration.

Here you cannot change the setting; so create an ami image and then recreate the instance from that.

Cannot resolve symbol HttpGet,HttpClient,HttpResponce in Android Studio

Please remove all jar files of Http from libs folder and add below dependencies in gradle file :

compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5'
compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.3'


How to forcefully set IE's Compatibility Mode off from the server-side?

For Node/Express developers you can use middleware and set this via server.

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  res.setHeader('X-UA-Compatible', 'IE=edge');

Taskkill /f doesn't kill a process

I faced the same issue where I started a node app in port 3000 and it didn't close correctly and the process kept running even after restart.

None of the taskkill or powershell commands running in Administrator mode worked for me.

I used MS Process Expoler > Properties > Image > Current directory (which was supposed to be the my project directory).

Finally, I had to reboot in SafeMode and rename the project folder and restart. The Node processes which were consuming port 3000 killed itself.

How to join three table by laravel eloquent model

With Eloquent its very easy to retrieve relational data. Checkout the following example with your scenario in Laravel 5.

We have three models:

1) Article (belongs to user and category)

2) Category (has many articles)

3) User (has many articles)

1) Article.php


namespace App\Models;
 use Eloquent;

class Article extends Eloquent{

    protected $table = 'articles';

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\User');

    public function category()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Category');


2) Category.php


namespace App\Models;

use Eloquent;

class Category extends Eloquent
    protected $table = "categories";

    public function articles()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Article');


3) User.php


namespace App\Models;
use Eloquent;

class User extends Eloquent
    protected $table = 'users';

    public function articles()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Article');


You need to understand your database relation and setup in models. User has many articles. Category has many articles. Articles belong to user and category. Once you setup the relationships in Laravel, it becomes easy to retrieve the related information.

For example, if you want to retrieve an article by using the user and category, you would need to write:

$article = \App\Models\Article::with(['user','category'])->first();

and you can use this like so:

//retrieve user name 

//retrieve category name 

In another case, you might need to retrieve all the articles within a category, or retrieve all of a specific user`s articles. You can write it like this:

$categories = \App\Models\Category::with('articles')->get();

$users = \App\Models\Category::with('users')->get();

You can learn more at

jQuery: Uncheck other checkbox on one checked

$('.cw2').change(function () {
    if ($('input.cw2').filter(':checked').length >= 1) {
        $('input.cw2').not(this).prop('checked', false);

$('td, input').prop(function (){
    $(this).css({ 'background-color': '#DFD8D1' });

Does height and width not apply to span?

As per comment from @Paul, If display: block is specified, span stops to be an inline element and an element after it appears on next line.

I came here to find solution to my span height problem and I got a solution of my own

Adding overflow:hidden; and keeing it inline will solve the problem just tested in IE8 Quirks mode

How do I disable a jquery-ui draggable?

Seems like no one looked at the original documentation. May be there was no it at that time))

Initialize a draggable with the disabled option specified.

$( ".selector" ).draggable({ disabled: true });

Get or set the disabled option, after init.

var disabled = $( ".selector" ).draggable( "option", "disabled" );
$( ".selector" ).draggable( "option", "disabled", true );

Attributes / member variables in interfaces?

Something important has been said by Tom:

if you use the has-a concept, you avoid the issue.

Indeed, if instead of using extends and implements you define two attributes, one of type rectangle, one of type JLabel in your Tile class, then you can define a Rectangle to be either an interface or a class.

Furthermore, I would normally encourage the use of interfaces in connection with has-a, but I guess it would be an overkill in your situation. However, you are the only one that can decide on this point (tradeoff flexibility/over-engineering).

how to update spyder on anaconda

Use this conda install spyder=4.0.0 This will not mess up your anaconda dependencies.

LogisticRegression: Unknown label type: 'continuous' using sklearn in python

You are passing floats to a classifier which expects categorical values as the target vector. If you convert it to int it will be accepted as input (although it will be questionable if that's the right way to do it).

It would be better to convert your training scores by using scikit's labelEncoder function.

The same is true for your DecisionTree and KNeighbors qualifier.

from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn import utils

lab_enc = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
encoded = lab_enc.fit_transform(trainingScores)
>>> array([1, 3, 2, 0], dtype=int64)

>>> continuous

>>> multiclass

>>> multiclass

Adding a css class to select using @Html.DropDownList()

You Can do it using jQuery


here, Select is- html tag, Form-control is- class name

 @Html.DropDownList("SupplierId", "Select Supplier")

and here, SupplierId is ViewBagList, Select Supplier is - Display Name

How to read a large file line by line?

Best way to read large file, line by line is to use python enumerate function

with open(file_name, "rU") as read_file:
    for i, row in enumerate(read_file, 1):
        #do something
        #i in line of that line
        #row containts all data of that line

Set today's date as default date in jQuery UI datepicker

This one work for me , first you bind datepicker to text-box and in next line set (today as default date) the date to it


$("#date").datepicker("setDate", new Date());

How to combine multiple conditions to subset a data-frame using "OR"?

Just for the sake of completeness, we can use the operators [ and [[:

df <- data.frame(v1 = runif(10), v2 = letters[1:10])

Several options

df[df[1] < 0.5 | df[2] == "g", ] 
df[df[[1]] < 0.5 | df[[2]] == "g", ] 
df[df["v1"] < 0.5 | df["v2"] == "g", ]

df$name is equivalent to df[["name", exact = FALSE]]

Using dplyr:

filter(df, v1 < 0.5 | v2 == "g")

Using sqldf:

sqldf('SELECT *
      FROM df 
      WHERE v1 < 0.5 OR v2 = "g"')

Output for the above options:

          v1 v2
1 0.26550866  a
2 0.37212390  b
3 0.20168193  e
4 0.94467527  g
5 0.06178627  j

How to normalize a histogram in MATLAB?


The area for each individual bar is height*width. Since MATLAB will choose equidistant points for the bars, so the width is:

delta_x = x(2) - x(1)

Now if we sum up all the individual bars the total area will come out as


So the correctly scaled plot is obtained by

bar(x, f/sum(f)/(x(2)-x(1)))

How to send HTML-formatted email?

This works for me

msg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;

and then you can use html in your body

msg.Body = "<em>It's great to use HTML in mail!!</em>"

SVN change username

You could ask your colleague to create a patch, which will collapse all the changes that have been made into a single file that you can apply to your own check out. This will update all of your files appropriately and then you can revert the changes on his side and check yours in.

How to merge specific files from Git branches

When content is in from branch2 that is no longer applies to branch1, it requires picking some changes and leaving others. For full control do an interactive merge using the --patch switch:

$ git checkout --patch branch2

The interactive mode section in the man page for git-add(1) explains the keys that are to be used:

y - stage this hunk
n - do not stage this hunk
q - quit; do not stage this hunk nor any of the remaining ones
a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file
d - do not stage this hunk nor any of the later hunks in the file
g - select a hunk to go to
/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex
j - leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk
J - leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk
k - leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk
K - leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk
s - split the current hunk into smaller hunks
e - manually edit the current hunk
? - print help

The split command is particularly useful.

Entity Framework Query for inner join

from s in db.Services
join sa in db.ServiceAssignments on s.Id equals sa.ServiceId
where sa.LocationId == 1
select s

Where db is your DbContext. Generated query will look like (sample for EF6):

SELECT [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id]
       -- other fields from Services table
FROM [dbo].[Services] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[ServiceAssignments] AS [Extent2]
    ON [Extent1].[Id] = [Extent2].[ServiceId]
WHERE [Extent2].[LocationId] = 1

How To Get The Current Year Using Vba


Year(): Returns the year portion of the date argument.
Date: Current date only.

Explanation of both of these functions from here.

How Can I Truncate A String In jQuery?

From: jQuery text truncation (read more style)

Try this:

var title = "This is your title";

var shortText = jQuery.trim(title).substring(0, 10)
    .split(" ").slice(0, -1).join(" ") + "...";

And you can also use a plugin:

As a extension of String

String.prototype.trimToLength = function(m) {
  return (this.length > m) 
    ? jQuery.trim(this).substring(0, m).split(" ").slice(0, -1).join(" ") + "..."
    : this;

Use as

"This is your title".trimToLength(10);

how to check if a datareader is null or empty

if (myReader.HasRows) //The key Word is **.HasRows**


    ltlAdditional.Text = "Contains data";




    ltlAdditional.Text = "Is null Or Empty";


Declaration of Methods should be Compatible with Parent Methods in PHP

I faced this problem while trying to extend an existing class from GitHub. I'm gonna try to explain myself, first writing the class as I though it should be, and then the class as it is now.

What I though

namespace mycompany\CutreApi;

use mycompany\CutreApi\ClassOfVendor;

class CutreApi extends \vendor\AwesomeApi\AwesomeApi
   public function whatever(): ClassOfVendor
        return new ClassOfVendor();

What I've finally done

namespace mycompany\CutreApi;

use \vendor\AwesomeApi\ClassOfVendor;

class CutreApi extends \vendor\AwesomeApi\AwesomeApi
   public function whatever(): ClassOfVendor
        return new \mycompany\CutreApi\ClassOfVendor();

So seems that this errror raises also when you're using a method that return a namespaced class, and you try to return the same class but with other namespace. Fortunately I have found this solution, but I do not fully understand the benefit of this feature in php 7.2, for me it is normal to rewrite existing class methods as you need them, including the redefinition of input parameters and / or even behavior of the method.

One downside of the previous aproach, is that IDE's could not recognise the new methods implemented in \mycompany\CutreApi\ClassOfVendor(). So, for now, I will go with this implementation.

Currently done

namespace mycompany\CutreApi;

use mycompany\CutreApi\ClassOfVendor;

class CutreApi extends \vendor\AwesomeApi\AwesomeApi
   public function getWhatever(): ClassOfVendor
        return new ClassOfVendor();

So, instead of trying to use "whatever" method, I wrote a new one called "getWhatever". In fact both of them are doing the same, just returning a class, but with diferents namespaces as I've described before.

Hope this can help someone.

What is the difference between varchar and varchar2 in Oracle?

Currently, they are the same. but previously

  1. Somewhere on the net, I read that,

VARCHAR is reserved by Oracle to support distinction between NULL and empty string in future, as ANSI standard prescribes.

VARCHAR2 does not distinguish between a NULL and empty string, and never will.

  1. Also,

Emp_name varchar(10) - if you enter value less than 10 digits then remaining space cannot be deleted. it used total of 10 spaces.

Emp_name varchar2(10) - if you enter value less than 10 digits then remaining space is automatically deleted

Install MySQL on Ubuntu without a password prompt

sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password your_password'
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password your_password'
sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server

For specific versions, such as mysql-server-5.6, you'll need to specify the version in like this:

sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server-5.6 mysql-server/root_password password your_password'
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server-5.6 mysql-server/root_password_again password your_password'
sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server-5.6

For mysql-community-server, the keys are slightly different:

sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/root-pass password your_password'
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/re-root-pass password your_password'
sudo apt-get -y install mysql-community-server

Replace your_password with the desired root password. (it seems your_password can also be left blank for a blank root password.)

If your shell doesn't support here-strings (zsh, ksh93 and bash support them), use:

echo ... | sudo debconf-set-selections 

Parse JSON with R

The jsonlite package is easy to use and tries to convert json into data frames.



# url with some information about project in Andalussia
url <- ''

# read url and convert to data.frame
document <- fromJSON(txt=url)

How do you load custom UITableViewCells from Xib files?

Check this - - really convenient way using a tiny class that ends up one line in controller implementation:

-(UITableViewCell*)tableView:(UITableView*) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*) indexPath
    return [TCItemCell cellForTableView:tableView

enter image description here

forward declaration of a struct in C?

Try this

#include <stdio.h>

struct context;

struct funcptrs{
  void (*func0)(struct context *ctx);
  void (*func1)(void);

struct context{
    struct funcptrs fps;

void func1 (void) { printf( "1\n" ); }
void func0 (struct context *ctx) { printf( "0\n" ); }

void getContext(struct context *con){
    con->fps.func0 = func0;  
    con->fps.func1 = func1;  

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
 struct context c;
   c.fps.func0 = func0;
   c.fps.func1 = func1;
   return 0;

Escape a string in SQL Server so that it is safe to use in LIKE expression

Had a similar problem (using NHibernate, so the ESCAPE keyword would have been very difficult) and solved it using the bracket characters. So your sample would become

WHERE ... LIKE '%aa[%]bb%'

If you need proof:

create table test (field nvarchar(100))
insert test values ('abcdef%hijklm')
insert test values ('abcdefghijklm')
select * from test where field like 'abcdef[%]hijklm'

MySQL: View with Subquery in the FROM Clause Limitation

Couldn't your query just be written as:

SELECT as UserName from Message m1, User u1 
  WHERE u1.uid = m1.UserFromID GROUP BY HAVING count(m1.UserFromId)>3

That should also help with the known speed issues with subqueries in MySQL

How to grep for contents after pattern?

Modern BASH has support for regular expressions:

while read -r line; do
  if [[ $line =~ ^potato:\ ([0-9]+) ]]; then
    echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"

C++ error: undefined reference to 'clock_gettime' and 'clock_settime'

Since glibc version 2.17, the library linking -lrt is no longer required.

The clock_* are now part of the main C library. You can see the change history of glibc 2.17 where this change was done explains the reason for this change:

+* The `clock_*' suite of functions (declared in <time.h>) is now available
+  directly in the main C library.  Previously it was necessary to link with
+  -lrt to use these functions.  This change has the effect that a
+  single-threaded program that uses a function such as `clock_gettime' (and
+  is not linked with -lrt) will no longer implicitly load the pthreads
+  library at runtime and so will not suffer the overheads associated with
+  multi-thread support in other code such as the C++ runtime library.

If you decide to upgrade glibc, then you can check the compatibility tracker of glibc if you are concerned whether there would be any issues using the newer glibc.

To check the glibc version installed on the system, run the command:

ldd --version

(Of course, if you are using old glibc (<2.17) then you will still need -lrt.)

How to push a new folder (containing other folders and files) to an existing git repo?

You can directly go to Web IDE and upload your folder there.


  1. Go to Web IDE(Mostly located below the clone option).
  2. Create new directory at your path
  3. Upload your files and folders

In some cases you may not be able to directly upload entire folder containing folders, In such cases, you will have to create directory structure yourself.

How might I force a floating DIV to match the height of another floating DIV?

You should wrap them in a div with no float.

<div style="float:none;background:#FDD017;" class="clearfix">
    <div id="response" style="float:left; width:65%;">Response with two lines</div>
    <div id="note" style="float:left; width:35%;">single line note</div>

I also use the clearfix patch on here

Persist javascript variables across pages?

You can persist values using HTML5 storage, Flash Storage, or Gears. The dojo storage library provides a nice wrapper for this.

Can I access constants in from templates in Django?

Both IanSR and bchhun suggested overriding TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in the settings. Be aware that this setting has a default that can cause some screwy things if you override it without re-setting the defaults. The defaults have also changed in recent versions of Django.


TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ("django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth",

How to wait for a JavaScript Promise to resolve before resuming function?

Another option is to use Promise.all to wait for an array of promises to resolve and then act on those.

Code below shows how to wait for all the promises to resolve and then deal with the results once they are all ready (as that seemed to be the objective of the question); Also for illustrative purposes, it shows output during execution (end finishes before middle).

function append_output(suffix, value) {

function kickOff() {
  let start = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    append_output("now", "start")
  let middle = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      append_output("now", " middle")
      resolve(" middle")
    }, 1000)
  let end = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    append_output("now", " end")
    resolve(" end")

  Promise.all([start, middle, end]).then(results => {
      result => append_output("later", result))

<script src=""></script>
Updated during execution: <div id="output_now"></div>
Updated after all have completed: <div id="output_later"></div>

Is there a command to list all Unix group names?

To list all local groups which have users assigned to them, use this command:

cut -d: -f1 /etc/group | sort

For more info- > Unix groups, Cut command, sort command

Getting each individual digit from a whole integer

Don't reinvent the wheel. C has sprintf for a reason. Since your variable is called score, I'm guessing this is for a game where you're planning to use the individual digits of the score to display the numeral glyphs as images. In this case, sprintf has convenient format modifiers that will let you zero-pad, space-pad, etc. the score to a fixed width, which you may want to use.

Android Color Picker

I know the question is old, but if someone is looking for a great new android color picker that use material design I have forked an great project from github and made a simple-to-use android color picker dialog.

This is the project: Android Color Picker

Android Color Picker dialog

enter image description here


Adding the library to your project

The aar artifact is available at the jcenter repository. Declare the repository and the dependency in your build.gradle.


repositories {


dependencies {
    compile 'com.pes.materialcolorpicker:library:1.0.2'

Use the library

Create a color picker dialog object

final ColorPicker cp = new ColorPicker(MainActivity.this, defaultColorR, defaultColorG, defaultColorB);

defaultColorR, defaultColorG, defaultColorB are 3 integer ( value 0-255) for the initialization of the color picker with your custom color value. If you don't want to start with a color set them to 0 or use only the first argument

Then show the dialog (when & where you want) and save the selected color

/* Show color picker dialog */;

/* On Click listener for the dialog, when the user select the color */
Button okColor = (Button)cp.findViewById(;

okColor.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        /* You can get single channel (value 0-255) */
        selectedColorR = cp.getRed();
        selectedColorG = cp.getGreen();
        selectedColorB = cp.getBlue();
        /* Or the android RGB Color (see the android Color class reference) */
        selectedColorRGB = cp.getColor();


That's all :)

How to align flexbox columns left and right?

There are different ways but simplest would be to use the space-between see the example at the end

#container {    
    border: solid 1px #000;
    display: flex;    
    flex-direction: row;
    justify-content: space-between;
    padding: 10px;
    height: 50px;

.item {
    width: 20%;
    border: solid 1px #000;
    text-align: center;

see the example

How to compare only Date without Time in DateTime types in Linq to SQL with Entity Framework?

        int o1 = date1.IndexOf("-");
        int o2 = date1.IndexOf("-",o1 + 1);
        string str11 = date1.Substring(0,o1);
        string str12 = date1.Substring(o1 + 1, o2 - o1 - 1);
        string str13 = date1.Substring(o2 + 1);

        int o21 = date2.IndexOf("-");
        int o22 = date2.IndexOf("-", o1 + 1);
        string str21 = date2.Substring(0, o1);
        string str22 = date2.Substring(o1 + 1, o2 - o1 - 1);
        string str23 = date2.Substring(o2 + 1);

        if (Convert.ToInt32(str11) > Convert.ToInt32(str21))
        else if (Convert.ToInt32(str12) > Convert.ToInt32(str22))
        else if (Convert.ToInt32(str12) == Convert.ToInt32(str22) && Convert.ToInt32(str13) > Convert.ToInt32(str23))

How do I import/include MATLAB functions?

You have to set the path. See here.

Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. when email is in a variable

I have faced the same problem and I have fixed. Please make sure some things as written bellow :

   Mail::send('emails.auth.activate', array('link'=> URL::route('account-activate', $code),'username'=>$user->username),function($message) use ($user) {
                        $message->to($user->email , $user->username)->subject('Active your account !');


This should be your emails.activation

    Hello {{ $username }} , <br> <br> <br>

    We have created your account ! Awesome ! Please activate by clicking the   following link <br> <br> <br>
   ----- <br>
      {{ $link }} <br> <br> <br>

The answer to your why you can't call $email variable into your mail sending function. You need to call $user variable then you can write your desired variable as $user->variable

Thank You :)

How to set a default value for an existing column

Like Yuck's answer with a check to allow the script to be ran more than once without error. (less code/custom strings than using information_schema.columns)

IF object_id('DF_SomeName', 'D') IS NULL BEGIN
    Print 'Creating Constraint DF_SomeName'

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

I would recommend separating out all of the foreign-key constraints from your CREATE TABLE statements. Create all the tables first without FK constraints, and then create all the FK constraints once you have created the tables.

You can add an FK constraint to a table using SQL like the following:

  FOREIGN KEY (m_p_unique_id) REFERENCES library (m_p_unique_id);

In particular, your formats and library tables both have foreign-key constraints on one another. The two CREATE TABLE statements to create these two tables can never run successfully, as each will only work when the other table has already been created.

Separating out the constraint creation allows you to create tables with FK constraints on one another. Also, if you have an error with a constraint, only that constraint fails to be created. At present, because you have errors in the constraints in your CREATE TABLE statements, then entire table creation fails and you get various knock-on errors because FK constraints may depend on these tables that failed to create.

How to call a function after delay in Kotlin?

You can use Schedule

inline fun Timer.schedule(
    delay: Long, 
    crossinline action: TimerTask.() -> Unit
): TimerTask (source)

example (thanks @Nguyen Minh Binh - found it here:

import java.util.Timer
import kotlin.concurrent.schedule

Timer("SettingUp", false).schedule(500) { 

Make a simple fade in animation in Swift?

Swift 5

Other answers are correct, but in my case I need to handle other properties also (alpha, animate, completion). Because of this, I modified a bit to expose these parameters as below:

extension UIView {
    /// Helper function to update view's alpha with animation
    /// - Parameter alpha: View's alpha
    /// - Parameter animate: Indicate alpha changing with animation or not
    /// - Parameter duration: Indicate time for animation
    /// - Parameter completion: Completion block after alpha changing is finished
    func set(alpha: CGFloat, animate: Bool, duration: TimeInterval = 0.3, completion: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil) {
        let animation = { (view: UIView) in
            view.alpha = alpha
        if animate {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {
            }, completion: { finished in
        } else {

Jersey Exception : SEVERE: A message body reader for Java class

To make it work you only need two things. Check if you are missing:

  1. First of all, you need @XmlRootElement annotation for your object class/entity.
  2. You need to add dependency for jersey-json if you are missing.For your reference I added this dependency into my pom.xml.


How to wait until an element exists?

Here's a pure Javascript function which allows you to wait for anything. Set the interval longer to take less CPU resource.

 * @brief Wait for something to be ready before triggering a timeout
 * @param {callback} isready Function which returns true when the thing we're waiting for has happened
 * @param {callback} success Function to call when the thing is ready
 * @param {callback} error Function to call if we time out before the event becomes ready
 * @param {int} count Number of times to retry the timeout (default 300 or 6s)
 * @param {int} interval Number of milliseconds to wait between attempts (default 20ms)
function waitUntil(isready, success, error, count, interval){
    if (count === undefined) {
        count = 300;
    if (interval === undefined) {
        interval = 20;
    if (isready()) {
    // The call back isn't ready. We need to wait for it
        if (!count) {
            // We have run out of retries
            if (error !== undefined) {
        } else {
            // Try again
            waitUntil(isready, success, error, count -1, interval);
    }, interval);

To call this, for example in jQuery, use something like:

    return $('#myelement').length > 0;
}, function(){
    alert("myelement now exists");
}, function(){
    alert("I'm bored. I give up.");

Select records from today, this week, this month php mysql

I think using NOW() function is incorrect for getting time difference. Because by NOW() function every time your are calculating the past 24 hours. You must use CURDATE() instead.

    function your_function($time, $your_date) {
    if ($time == 'today') {
        $timeSQL = ' Date($your_date)= CURDATE()';
    if ($time == 'week') {
        $timeSQL = ' YEARWEEK($your_date)= YEARWEEK(CURDATE())';
    if ($time == 'month') {
        $timeSQL = ' Year($your_date)=Year(CURDATE()) AND Month(`your_date`)= Month(CURDATE())';

    $Sql = "SELECT * FROM jokes WHERE ".$timeSQL
    return $Result = $this->db->query($Sql)->result_array();

Android: How do I get string from resources using its name?

Not from activities only:

    public static String getStringByIdName(Context context, String idName) {
        Resources res = context.getResources();
        return res.getString(res.getIdentifier(idName, "string", context.getPackageName()));

Set focus and cursor to end of text input field / string w. Jquery

You can do this using Input.setSelectionRange, part of the Range API for interacting with text selections and the text cursor:

var searchInput = $('#Search');

// Multiply by 2 to ensure the cursor always ends up at the end;
// Opera sometimes sees a carriage return as 2 characters.
var strLength = searchInput.val().length * 2;

searchInput[0].setSelectionRange(strLength, strLength);

Demo: Fiddle

Writing a list to a file with Python

Let avg be the list, then:

In [29]: a = n.array((avg))
In [31]: a.tofile('avgpoints.dat',sep='\n',dtype = '%f')

You can use %e or %s depending on your requirement.

Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

The following works for me at a command prompt

cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/
for f in *.mobileprovision; do echo $f; openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in $f | grep -A1 application-identifier; done

Finding out which signing keys are used by a particular profile is harder to do with a shell one-liner. Basically you need to do:

openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in your-mobileprovision-filename

then cut-and-paste each block of base64 data after the DeveloperCertificates entry into its own file. You can then use:

openssl asn1parse -inform PEM -in file-with-base64

to dump each certificate. The line after the second commonName in the output will be the key name e.g. "iPhone Developer: Joe Bloggs (ABCD1234X)".

Get text of label with jquery

No solution here worked for me. Instead I added a class to the label and was able to select it that way.

<asp:Label ID="Label1" CssClass="myLabel1Class" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>


And, as mentioned by others, make sure you have your jquery loaded.

Error: Specified cast is not valid. (SqlManagerUI)

There are some funnies restoring old databases into SQL 2008 via the guy; have you tried doing it via TSQL ?

Use Master
FROM DISK = 'C:\YourBackUpFile.bak'
WITH MOVE 'YourMDFLogicalName' TO 'D:\Data\YourMDFFile.mdf',--check and adjust path
MOVE 'YourLDFLogicalName' TO 'D:\Data\YourLDFFile.ldf' 

Calling Python in PHP

There's also a PHP extension: Pip - Python in PHP, which I've never tried but had it bookmarked for just such an occasion

Swap two items in List<T>

List<T> has a Reverse() method, however it only reverses the order of two (or more) consecutive items.

your_list.Reverse(index, 2);

Where the second parameter 2 indicates we are reversing the order of 2 items, starting with the item at the given index.


Use awk to find average of a column

Try this:

ls -l  | awk -F : '{sum+=$5} END {print "AVG=",sum/NR}'

NR is an AWK builtin variable to count the no. of records

How to detect if a browser is Chrome using jQuery?

Although it is not Jquery , I use jquery myself but for browser detection I have used the script on this page a few times. It detects all major browsers, and then some. The work is pretty much all done for you.

How to highlight cell if value duplicate in same column for google spreadsheet?

Try this:

  1. Select the whole column
  2. Click Format
  3. Click Conditional formatting
  4. Click Add another rule (or edit the existing/default one)
  5. Set Format cells if to: Custom formula is
  6. Set value to: =countif(A:A,A1)>1 (or change A to your chosen column)
  7. Set the formatting style.
  8. Ensure the range applies to your column (e.g., A1:A100).
  9. Click Done

Anything written in the A1:A100 cells will be checked, and if there is a duplicate (occurs more than once) then it'll be coloured.

For locales using comma (,) as a decimal separator, the argument separator is most likely a semi-colon (;). That is, try: =countif(A:A;A1)>1, instead.

For multiple columns, use countifs.

Connection refused on docker container

In Windows, you also normally need to run command line as administrator.

As standard-user:

docker build -t myimage -f Dockerfile .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  106.8MB
Step 1/1 : FROM
Get dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:45540->[::1]:53: read: 
>>>connection refused

But as an administrator.

docker build -t myimage -f Dockerfile .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  106.8MB
Step 1/1 : FROM
3.0: Pulling from dotnet/core/runtime
68ced04f60ab: Pull complete                                                                                             e936bd534ffb: Pull complete                                                                                             caf64655bcbb: Pull complete                                                                                             d1927dbcbcab: Pull complete                                                                                             Digest: sha256:e0c67764f530a9cad29a09816614c0129af8fe3bd550eeb4e44cdaddf8f5aa40
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> f059cd71a22a
Successfully built f059cd71a22a
Successfully tagged myimage:latest

Force IE9 to emulate IE8. Possible?

The 1st element as in no hard returns. A hard return I guess = an empty node/element in the DOM which becomes the 1st element disabling the doc compatability meta tag.

How to add 10 minutes to my (String) time?

Use Calendar.add(int field,int amount) method.

Get all inherited classes of an abstract class

This is such a common problem, especially in GUI applications, that I'm surprised there isn't a BCL class to do this out of the box. Here's how I do it.

public static class ReflectiveEnumerator
    static ReflectiveEnumerator() { }

    public static IEnumerable<T> GetEnumerableOfType<T>(params object[] constructorArgs) where T : class, IComparable<T>
        List<T> objects = new List<T>();
        foreach (Type type in 
            .Where(myType => myType.IsClass && !myType.IsAbstract && myType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(T))))
            objects.Add((T)Activator.CreateInstance(type, constructorArgs));
        return objects;

A few notes:

  • Don't worry about the "cost" of this operation - you're only going to be doing it once (hopefully) and even then it's not as slow as you'd think.
  • You need to use Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(T)) because your base class might be in a different assembly.
  • You need to use the criteria type.IsClass and !type.IsAbstract because it'll throw an exception if you try to instantiate an interface or abstract class.
  • I like forcing the enumerated classes to implement IComparable so that they can be sorted.
  • Your child classes must have identical constructor signatures, otherwise it'll throw an exception. This typically isn't a problem for me.

Getting current device language in iOS?

Obviously, the solutions relying, for example, on

[[NSLocale preferredLanguages] objectAtIndex:0]

usually work fine and return the current device language.

But it could be misleading in some cases :

If the app in which you want to get this value has already changed the language, for example with this kind of code :

NSString *lg = @"en"; // or anything like @"en", @"fr", etc.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] 
    setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:lg, nil]  

In this case, [NSLocale preferredLanguages] actually returns the preferred language set (and used) in this particular app, not the current device language !

And... in this case the only way to properly get the actual current device language (and not that previously set in the app), is to firstly clear the key @"appleLanguages" in NSUserDefaults, like this :

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]removeObjectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];

Then, [NSLocale preferredLanguages] now returns the correct value.

Hope this help.

No visible cause for "Unexpected token ILLEGAL"

I changed all space areas to &nbsp, just like that and it worked without problem.

val.replace(" ", "&nbsp");

I hope it helps someone.

Modify table: How to change 'Allow Nulls' attribute from not null to allow null

This is the approach to do this: -

  1. Check whether the table or column exists or not.
  2. If yes, then alter the column. e.g:-
            TABLE_CATALOG = 'DBName' AND 
            TABLE_SCHEMA = 'SchemaName' AND
            TABLE_NAME = 'TableName' AND
            COLUMN_NAME = 'ColumnName')
    ALTER TABLE DBName.SchemaName.TableName ALTER COLUMN ColumnName [data type] NULL

If you don't have any schema then delete the schema line because you don't need to give the default schema.

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

For large lists, we can do it the iter-way:

product_iter_object = itertools.imap(operator.mul, [1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5]) gives each of the element in the output list.

The output would be the length of the shorter of the two input lists.

Link a .css on another folder

I think what you want to do is

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="font/font-face/my-font-face.css">

Get loop counter/index using for…of syntax in JavaScript

for…in iterates over property names, not values, and does so in an unspecified order (yes, even after ES6). You shouldn’t use it to iterate over arrays. For them, there’s ES5’s forEach method that passes both the value and the index to the function you give it:

var myArray = [123, 15, 187, 32];

myArray.forEach(function (value, i) {
    console.log('%d: %s', i, value);

// Outputs:
// 0: 123
// 1: 15
// 2: 187
// 3: 32

Or ES6’s Array.prototype.entries, which now has support across current browser versions:

for (const [i, value] of myArray.entries()) {
    console.log('%d: %s', i, value);

For iterables in general (where you would use a for…of loop rather than a for…in), there’s nothing built-in, however:

function* enumerate(iterable) {
    let i = 0;

    for (const x of iterable) {
        yield [i, x];

for (const [i, obj] of enumerate(myArray)) {
    console.log(i, obj);


If you actually did mean for…in – enumerating properties – you would need an additional counter. Object.keys(obj).forEach could work, but it only includes own properties; for…in includes enumerable properties anywhere on the prototype chain.

Angular get object from array by Id

CASE - 1

Using array.filter() We can get an array of objects which will match with our condition.
see the working example.

var questions = [
      {id: 1, question: "Do you feel a connection to a higher source and have a sense of comfort knowing that you are part of something greater than yourself?", category: "Spiritual", subs: []},
      {id: 2, question: "Do you feel you are free of unhealthy behavior that impacts your overall well-being?", category: "Habits", subs: []},
      {id: 3, question: "1 Do you feel you have healthy and fulfilling relationships?", category: "Relationships", subs: []},
      {id: 3, question: "2 Do you feel you have healthy and fulfilling relationships?", category: "Relationships", subs: []},
      {id: 3, question: "3 Do you feel you have healthy and fulfilling relationships?", category: "Relationships", subs: []},
      {id: 4, question: "Do you feel you have a sense of purpose and that you have a positive outlook about yourself and life?", category: "Emotional Well-being", subs: []},
      {id: 5, question: "Do you feel you have a healthy diet and that you are fueling your body for optimal health? ", category: "Eating Habits ", subs: []},
      {id: 6, question: "Do you feel that you get enough rest and that your stress level is healthy?", category: "Relaxation ", subs: []},
      {id: 7, question: "Do you feel you get enough physical activity for optimal health?", category: "Exercise ", subs: []},
      {id: 8, question: "Do you feel you practice self-care and go to the doctor regularly?", category: "Medical Maintenance", subs: []},
      {id: 9, question: "Do you feel satisfied with your income and economic stability?", category: "Financial", subs: []},
      {id: 10, question: "1 Do you feel you do fun things and laugh enough in your life?", category: "Play", subs: []},
      {id: 10, question: "2 Do you feel you do fun things and laugh enough in your life?", category: "Play", subs: []},
      {id: 11, question: "Do you feel you have a healthy sense of balance in this area of your life?", category: "Work-life Balance", subs: []},
      {id: 12, question: "Do you feel a sense of peace and contentment  in your home? ", category: "Home Environment", subs: []},
      {id: 13, question: "Do you feel that you are challenged and growing as a person?", category: "Intellectual Wellbeing", subs: []},
      {id: 14, question: "Do you feel content with what you see when you look in the mirror?", category: "Self-image", subs: []},
      {id: 15, question: "Do you feel engaged at work and a sense of fulfillment with your job?", category: "Work Satisfaction", subs: []}

function filter(){
  var filter_id = document.getElementById("filter").value;
  var filter_array = questions.filter(x => == filter_id);
button {
  background: #0095ff;
  color: white;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 3px;
  padding: 8px;
  cursor: pointer;

input {
  padding: 8px;
  <label for="filter"></label>
  <input id="filter" type="number" name="filter" placeholder="Enter id which you want to filter">
  <button onclick="filter()">Filter</button>

CASE - 2

Using array.find() we can get first matched item and break the iteration.

var questions = [
      {id: 1, question: "Do you feel a connection to a higher source and have a sense of comfort knowing that you are part of something greater than yourself?", category: "Spiritual", subs: []},
      {id: 2, question: "Do you feel you are free of unhealthy behavior that impacts your overall well-being?", category: "Habits", subs: []},
      {id: 3, question: "1 Do you feel you have healthy and fulfilling relationships?", category: "Relationships", subs: []},
      {id: 3, question: "2 Do you feel you have healthy and fulfilling relationships?", category: "Relationships", subs: []},
      {id: 3, question: "3 Do you feel you have healthy and fulfilling relationships?", category: "Relationships", subs: []},
      {id: 4, question: "Do you feel you have a sense of purpose and that you have a positive outlook about yourself and life?", category: "Emotional Well-being", subs: []},
      {id: 5, question: "Do you feel you have a healthy diet and that you are fueling your body for optimal health? ", category: "Eating Habits ", subs: []},
      {id: 6, question: "Do you feel that you get enough rest and that your stress level is healthy?", category: "Relaxation ", subs: []},
      {id: 7, question: "Do you feel you get enough physical activity for optimal health?", category: "Exercise ", subs: []},
      {id: 8, question: "Do you feel you practice self-care and go to the doctor regularly?", category: "Medical Maintenance", subs: []},
      {id: 9, question: "Do you feel satisfied with your income and economic stability?", category: "Financial", subs: []},
      {id: 10, question: "1 Do you feel you do fun things and laugh enough in your life?", category: "Play", subs: []},
      {id: 10, question: "2 Do you feel you do fun things and laugh enough in your life?", category: "Play", subs: []},
      {id: 11, question: "Do you feel you have a healthy sense of balance in this area of your life?", category: "Work-life Balance", subs: []},
      {id: 12, question: "Do you feel a sense of peace and contentment  in your home? ", category: "Home Environment", subs: []},
      {id: 13, question: "Do you feel that you are challenged and growing as a person?", category: "Intellectual Wellbeing", subs: []},
      {id: 14, question: "Do you feel content with what you see when you look in the mirror?", category: "Self-image", subs: []},
      {id: 15, question: "Do you feel engaged at work and a sense of fulfillment with your job?", category: "Work Satisfaction", subs: []}

function find(){
  var find_id = document.getElementById("find").value;
  var find_object = questions.find(x => == find_id);
button {
  background: #0095ff;
  color: white;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 3px;
  padding: 8px;
  cursor: pointer;

input {
  padding: 8px;
  width: 200px;
  <label for="find"></label>
  <input id="find" type="number" name="find" placeholder="Enter id which you want to find">
  <button onclick="find()">Find</button>

Change UITableView height dynamically

There isn't a system feature to change the height of the table based upon the contents of the tableview. Having said that, it is possible to programmatically change the height of the tableview based upon the contents, specifically based upon the contentSize of the tableview (which is easier than manually calculating the height yourself). A few of the particulars vary depending upon whether you're using the new autolayout that's part of iOS 6, or not.

But assuming you're configuring your table view's underlying model in viewDidLoad, if you want to then adjust the height of the tableview, you can do this in viewDidAppear:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];

    [self adjustHeightOfTableview];

Likewise, if you ever perform a reloadData (or otherwise add or remove rows) for a tableview, you'd want to make sure that you also manually call adjustHeightOfTableView there, too, e.g.:

- (IBAction)onPressButton:(id)sender
    [self buildModel];
    [self.tableView reloadData];

    [self adjustHeightOfTableview];

So the question is what should our adjustHeightOfTableview do. Unfortunately, this is a function of whether you use the iOS 6 autolayout or not. You can determine if you have autolayout turned on by opening your storyboard or NIB and go to the "File Inspector" (e.g. press option+command+1 or click on that first tab on the panel on the right):

enter image description here

Let's assume for a second that autolayout was off. In that case, it's quite simple and adjustHeightOfTableview would just adjust the frame of the tableview:

- (void)adjustHeightOfTableview
    CGFloat height = self.tableView.contentSize.height;
    CGFloat maxHeight = self.tableView.superview.frame.size.height - self.tableView.frame.origin.y;

    // if the height of the content is greater than the maxHeight of
    // total space on the screen, limit the height to the size of the
    // superview.

    if (height > maxHeight)
        height = maxHeight;

    // now set the frame accordingly

    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{
        CGRect frame = self.tableView.frame;
        frame.size.height = height;
        self.tableView.frame = frame;

        // if you have other controls that should be resized/moved to accommodate
        // the resized tableview, do that here, too

If your autolayout was on, though, adjustHeightOfTableview would adjust a height constraint for your tableview:

- (void)adjustHeightOfTableview
    CGFloat height = self.tableView.contentSize.height;
    CGFloat maxHeight = self.tableView.superview.frame.size.height - self.tableView.frame.origin.y;

    // if the height of the content is greater than the maxHeight of
    // total space on the screen, limit the height to the size of the
    // superview.

    if (height > maxHeight)
        height = maxHeight;

    // now set the height constraint accordingly

    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{
        self.tableViewHeightConstraint.constant = height;
        [self.view setNeedsUpdateConstraints];

For this latter constraint-based solution to work with autolayout, we must take care of a few things first:

  1. Make sure your tableview has a height constraint by clicking on the center button in the group of buttons here and then choose to add the height constraint:

    add height constraint

  2. Then add an IBOutlet for that constraint:

    add IBOutlet

  3. Make sure you adjust other constraints so they don't conflict if you adjust the size tableview programmatically. In my example, the tableview had a trailing space constraint that locked it to the bottom of the screen, so I had to adjust that constraint so that rather than being locked at a particular size, it could be greater or equal to a value, and with a lower priority, so that the height and top of the tableview would rule the day:

    adjust other constraints

    What you do here with other constraints will depend entirely upon what other controls you have on your screen below the tableview. As always, dealing with constraints is a little awkward, but it definitely works, though the specifics in your situation depend entirely upon what else you have on the scene. But hopefully you get the idea. Bottom line, with autolayout, make sure to adjust your other constraints (if any) to be flexible to account for the changing tableview height.

As you can see, it's much easier to programmatically adjust the height of a tableview if you're not using autolayout, but in case you are, I present both alternatives.

100% width background image with an 'auto' height

Try this

html { 
  background: url(image.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; 
  -webkit-background-size: cover;
     -moz-background-size: cover;
       -o-background-size: cover;
          background-size: cover;

Simplified version

html {
  background: url(image.jpg) center center / cover no-repeat fixed;

How to change DatePicker dialog color for Android 5.0

<style name="AppThemeDatePicker" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/select2</item>
    <item name="android:colorAccent">@color/select2</item>
    <item name="android:datePickerStyle">@style/MyDatePickerStyle</item>

<style name="MyDatePickerStyle" parent="@android:style/Widget.Material.Light.DatePicker">
    <item name="android:headerBackground">@color/select2</item>

How to group subarrays by a column value?

You can try the following:

$group = array();

foreach ( $array as $value ) {
    $group[$value['id']][] = $value;



  96 => 
      0 => 
          'id' => int 96
          'shipping_no' => string '212755-1' (length=8)
          'part_no' => string 'reterty' (length=7)
          'description' => string 'tyrfyt' (length=6)
          'packaging_type' => string 'PC' (length=2)
      1 => 
          'id' => int 96
          'shipping_no' => string '212755-1' (length=8)
          'part_no' => string 'dftgtryh' (length=8)
          'description' => string 'dfhgfyh' (length=7)
          'packaging_type' => string 'PC' (length=2)
  97 => 
      0 => 
          'id' => int 97
          'shipping_no' => string '212755-2' (length=8)
          'part_no' => string 'ZeoDark' (length=7)
          'description' => string 's%c%s%c%s' (length=9)
          'packaging_type' => string 'PC' (length=2)

How does "make" app know default target to build if no target is specified?

By default, it begins by processing the first target that does not begin with a . aka the default goal; to do that, it may have to process other targets - specifically, ones the first target depends on.

The GNU Make Manual covers all this stuff, and is a surprisingly easy and informative read.

How to parse XML and count instances of a particular node attribute?

There are many options out there. cElementTree looks excellent if speed and memory usage are an issue. It has very little overhead compared to simply reading in the file using readlines.

The relevant metrics can be found in the table below, copied from the cElementTree website:

library                         time    space
xml.dom.minidom (Python 2.1)    6.3 s   80000K
gnosis.objectify                2.0 s   22000k
xml.dom.minidom (Python 2.4)    1.4 s   53000k
ElementTree 1.2                 1.6 s   14500k  
ElementTree 1.2.4/1.3           1.1 s   14500k  
cDomlette (C extension)         0.540 s 20500k
PyRXPU (C extension)            0.175 s 10850k
libxml2 (C extension)           0.098 s 16000k
readlines (read as utf-8)       0.093 s 8850k
cElementTree (C extension)  --> 0.047 s 4900K <--
readlines (read as ascii)       0.032 s 5050k   

As pointed out by @jfs, cElementTree comes bundled with Python:

  • Python 2: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree.
  • Python 3: from xml.etree import ElementTree (the accelerated C version is used automatically).

Symfony 2 EntityManager injection in service

For modern reference, in Symfony 2.4+, you cannot name the arguments for the Constructor Injection method anymore. According to the documentation You would pass in:

        class:  Test\CommonBundle\Services\UserService
        arguments: [ "@doctrine.orm.entity_manager" ]

And then they would be available in the order they were listed via the arguments (if there are more than 1).

public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager) {
    $this->em = $entityManager;

How to calculate percentage when old value is ZERO

You can add 1 to each example New = 5; old = 0;

(1+new) - (old+1) / (old +1) 5/ 1 * 100 ==> 500%

Is a DIV inside a TD a bad idea?

A table-cell can legitimately contain block-level elements so it's not, inherently, a faux-pas. Browser implentation, of course, leaves this a speculative-theoretical position. It may cause layout problems and bugs.

Though as tables were used for layout -and sometimes still are- I imagine that most browsers will render the content properly. Even IE.

Run a script in Dockerfile

In addition to the answers above:

If you created/edited your .sh script file in Windows, make sure it was saved with line ending in Unix format. By default many editors in Windows will convert Unix line endings to Windows format and Linux will not recognize shebang (#!/bin/sh) at the beginning of the file. So Linux will produce the error message like if there is no shebang.


  • If you use Notepad++, you need to click "Edit/EOL Conversion/UNIX (LF)"
  • If you use Visual Studio, I would suggest installing "End Of Line" plugin. Then you can make line endings visible by pressing Ctrl-R, Ctrl-W. And to set Linux style endings you can press Ctrl-R, Ctrl-L. For Windows style, press Ctrl-R, Ctrl-C.

How to set iPhone UIView z index?

[parentView bringSubviewToFront:view] ;

Query to list number of records in each table in a database

        SELECT ( Schema_name(A.schema_id) + '.' + A.NAME ) AS TableName,
 Sum(B.rows)AS RecordCount 
    FROM   sys.objects A INNER JOIN sys.partitions B 
    ON A.object_id = B.object_id WHERE  A.type = 'U' 
        GROUP  BY A.schema_id,A.NAME ;



How to make a transparent border using CSS?

You can also use border-style: double with background-clip: padding-box, without the use of any extra (pseudo-)elements. It's probably the most compact solution, but not as flexible as the others.

For example:

<div class="circle">Some text goes here...</div>

    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    padding: 50px;
    border-radius: 200px;
    border: double 15px rgba(255,255,255,0.7);
    background: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);
    background-clip: padding-box;


If you look closely you can see that the edge between the border and the background is not perfect. This seems to be an issue in current browsers. But it's not that noticeable when the border is small.

Vue 2 - Mutating props vue-warn

According to the VueJs 2.0, you should not mutate a prop inside the component. They are only mutated by their parents. Therefore, you should define variables in data with different names and keep them updated by watching actual props. In case the list prop is changed by a parent, you can parse it and assign it to mutableList. Here is a complete solution.

Vue.component('task', {
    template: ´<ul>
                  <li v-for="item in mutableList">
    props: ['list'],
    data: function () {
        return {
            mutableList = JSON.parse(this.list);
        list: function(){
            this.mutableList = JSON.parse(this.list);

It uses mutableList to render your template, thus you keep your list prop safe in the component.

How do I set the visibility of a text box in SSRS using an expression?

Twood, Visibility expression is the expressions you write on how you want the "visibility" to behave. So, if you would want to hide or show the textbox, you want to write this:


This means, if the dataset is 0, you want to hide the textbox.

Can't fix Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 even after fixing compatibility

I agree with chrylis: you believe you changed your project's compliance settings but probably you didnt.

Right click on your project and:

  • Java / Build Path : Go to Libraries tab and ensure yourself that you are really using jre6
  • Java / Compiler : Ensure yourself that you have selected 1.6 compliance

By the way you can "tell" eclipse that jre8 is 1.6 compliance clicking on Window/Preferences/Java/Installed JREs/Execution Environment and selecting in the left panel, Execution Environments, JavaSE-1.6 and in the Compatible JRE's panel, jre8

How to resolve this JNI error when trying to run LWJGL "Hello World"?

A CLASSPATH entry is either a directory at the head of a package hierarchy of .class files, or a .jar file. If you're expecting ./lib to include all the .jar files in that directory, it won't. You have to name them explicitly.

Repeat a task with a time delay?

For people using Kotlin, inazaruk's answer will not work, the IDE will require the variable to be initialized, so instead of using the postDelayed inside the Runnable, we'll use it in an separate method.

  • Initialize your Runnable like this :

    private var myRunnable = Runnable {
        //Do some work
        //Magic happens here ?
        runDelayedHandler(1000)   }
  • Initialize your runDelayedHandler method like this :

     private fun runDelayedHandler(timeToWait : Long) {
        if (!keepRunning) {
            //Stop your handler
            //Do something here, this acts like onHandlerStop
        else {
            //Keep it running
            handler.postDelayed(myRunnable, timeToWait)
  • As you can see, this approach will make you able to control the lifetime of the task, keeping track of keepRunning and changing it during the lifetime of the application will do the job for you.

Source file 'Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs' could not be found

This rings a bell. I came across a similar problem in the past,

  • if you expand Properties folder of the project can you see 'AssemblyInfo.cs' if not that is where the problem is. An assembly info file consists of all of the build options for the project, including version, company name, GUID, compilers options....etc

You can generate an assemblyInfo.cs by right clicking the project and chosing properties. In the application tab fill in the details and press save, this will generate the assemblyInfo.cs file for you. If you build your project after that, it should work.

Cheers, Tarun

Update 2016-07-08:

For Visual Studio 2010 through the most recent version (2015 at time of writing), LandedGently's comment still applies:

After you select project Properties and the Application tab as @Tarun mentioned, there is a button "Assembly Information..." which opens another dialog. You need to at least fill in the Title here. VS will add the GUID and versions, but if the title is empty, it will not create the AssemblyInfo.cs file.

In Spring MVC, how can I set the mime type header when using @ResponseBody

My version of reality. Loading a HTML file and streaming to the browser.

public class UIController {

    @RequestMapping(value="index", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces = "text/html")
    public @ResponseBody String GetBootupFile() throws IOException  {
        Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("MainPage.html");
        String fileContents = FileUtils.readFileToString(resource.getFile());
        return fileContents;

How do I vertically align something inside a span tag?

this works for me (Keltex said the same)

.foo {
height: 50px;
.foo span{
vertical-align: middle; 

<span class="foo"> <span>middle!</span></span>

How to find lines containing a string in linux


first line text
wanted text
other text

the command

$ grep -n "wanted text" /tmp/myfile | awk -F  ":" '{print $1}'

What does %>% function mean in R?

%>% is similar to pipe in Unix. For example, in

a <- combined_data_set %>% group_by(Outlet_Identifier) %>% tally()

the output of combined_data_set will go into group_by and its output will go into tally, then the final output is assigned to a.

This gives you handy and easy way to use functions in series without creating variables and storing intermediate values.

How to change the cursor into a hand when a user hovers over a list item?

    color: black;
    cursor: pointer;
    color: blue;
<div class="para">

In the above HTML code [:hover] is used to indicate that the following style must be applied only on hovering or keeping the mouse cursor on it.

There are several types of cursors available in CSS:

View the below code for types of cursor:

.alias {cursor: alias;}
.all-scroll {cursor: all-scroll;}
.auto {cursor: auto;}
.cell {cursor: cell;}
.context-menu {cursor: context-menu;}
.col-resize {cursor: col-resize;}
.copy {cursor: copy;}
.crosshair {cursor: crosshair;}
.default {cursor: default;}
.e-resize {cursor: e-resize;}
.ew-resize {cursor: ew-resize;}
.grab {cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: grab;}
.grabbing {cursor: -webkit-grabbing; cursor: grabbing;}
.help {cursor: help;}
.move {cursor: move;}
.n-resize {cursor: n-resize;}
.ne-resize {cursor: ne-resize;}
.nesw-resize {cursor: nesw-resize;}
.ns-resize {cursor: ns-resize;}
.nw-resize {cursor: nw-resize;}
.nwse-resize {cursor: nwse-resize;}
.no-drop {cursor: no-drop;}
.none {cursor: none;}
.not-allowed {cursor: not-allowed;}
.pointer {cursor: pointer;}
.progress {cursor: progress;}
.row-resize {cursor: row-resize;}
.s-resize {cursor: s-resize;}
.se-resize {cursor: se-resize;}
.sw-resize {cursor: sw-resize;}
.text {cursor: text;}
.url {cursor: url(myBall.cur),auto;}
.w-resize {cursor: w-resize;}
.wait {cursor: wait;}
.zoom-in {cursor: zoom-in;}
.zoom-out {cursor: zoom-out;}

Click the below link for viewing how the cursor property acts:

How to modify WooCommerce cart, checkout pages (main theme portion)

I used the page-checkout.php template to change the header for my cart page. I renamed it to page-cart.php in my /wp-content/themes/childtheme/woocommerce/. This gives you more control over the wrapping html, header and footer.

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)

If to summ up what people say here, json_decode/encode seems faster than serialize/unserialize BUT If you do var_dump the type of the serialized object is changed. If for some reason you want to keep the type, go with serialize!

(try for example stdClass vs array)


Array cache:
array (size=2)
  'a' => string '1' (length=1)
  'b' => int 2
Object cache:
  public 'field1' => int 123
This cache:
  protected 'view' => 

json encode/decode

Array cache:
  public 'a' => string '1' (length=1)
  public 'b' => int 2
Object cache:
  public 'field1' => int 123
This cache:

As you can see the json_encode/decode converts all to stdClass, which is not that good, object info lost... So decide based on needs, especially if it is not only arrays...

Where is SQLite database stored on disk?

There is no "standard place" for a sqlite database. The file's location is specified to the library, and may be in your home directory, in the invoking program's folder, or any other place.

If it helps, sqlite databases are, by convention, named with a .db file extension.

MVC controller : get JSON object from HTTP body?

you can get the json string as a param of your ActionResult and afterwards serialize it using JSON.Net

HERE an example is being shown

in order to receive it in the serialized form as a param of the controller action you must either write a custom model binder or a Action filter (OnActionExecuting) so that the json string is serialized into the model of your liking and is available inside the controller body for use.

HERE is an implementation using the dynamic object

CSS center display inline block?

Try this. I added text-align: center to body and display:inline-block to wrap, and then removed your display: table

body {
    background: #bbb;
    text-align: center;

.wrap {
    background: #aaa;
    margin: 0 auto;
    display: inline-block;
    overflow: hidden;

What is the official name for a credit card's 3 digit code?

You can't find a consistent reference because it seems to go by at least six different names!

  • Card Security Code
  • Card Verification Value (CVV or CV2)
  • Card Verification Value Code (CVVC)
  • Card Verification Code (CVC)
  • Verification Code (V-Code or V Code)
  • Card Code Verification (CCV)

Contains method for a slice

You can use the reflect package to iterate over an interface whose concrete type is a slice:

func HasElem(s interface{}, elem interface{}) bool {
    arrV := reflect.ValueOf(s)

    if arrV.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
        for i := 0; i < arrV.Len(); i++ {

            // XXX - panics if slice element points to an unexported struct field
            // see
            if arrV.Index(i).Interface() == elem {
                return true

    return false

Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal

I'm adding this answer because it solved a related problem that I was having with the same error message.

Problem: I had installed cygwin under Windows and was getting this error: Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal

Resolution: It turns out that I had not installed the openssh client program and utilities. Because of that cygwin was using the Windows implementation of ssh, not the cygwin version. The solution was to install the openssh cygwin package.

Check if textbox has empty value

Use the following to check if text box is empty or have more than 1 white spaces

var name = jQuery.trim($("#ContactUsName").val());

if ((name.length == 0))
    Your code 
    Your code

Better way to call javascript function in a tag

Some advantages to the second option:

  1. You can use this inside onclick to reference the anchor itself (doing the same in option 1 will give you window instead).

  2. You can set the href to a non-JS compatible URL to support older browsers (or those that have JS disabled); browsers that support JavaScript will execute the function instead (to stay on the page you have to use onclick="return someFunction();" and return false from inside the function or onclick="return someFunction(); return false;" to prevent default action).

  3. I've seen weird stuff happen when using href="javascript:someFunction()" and the function returns a value; the whole page would get replaced by just that value.


Inline code:

  1. Runs in document scope as opposed to code defined inside <script> tags which runs in window scope; therefore, symbols may be resolved based on an element's name or id attribute, causing the unintended effect of attempting to treat an element as a function.

  2. Is harder to reuse; delicate copy-paste is required to move it from one project to another.

  3. Adds weight to your pages, whereas external code files can be cached by the browser.