Programs & Examples On #Schema.yml

The purpose of schema files is to allow you to manage your model definitions directly from a YAML file rather then editing php code.

Cleanest way to build an SQL string in Java

Why do you want to generate all the sql by hand? Have you looked at an ORM like Hibernate Depending on your project it will probably do at least 95% of what you need, do it in a cleaner way then raw SQL, and if you need to get the last bit of performance you can create the SQL queries that need to be hand tuned.

Floating Div Over An Image

Change your positioning a bit:

.container {
    border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
.tag {
    float: left;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    background-color: green;

jsFiddle example

You need to set relative positioning on the container and then absolute on the inner tag div. The inner tag's absolute positioning will be with respect to the outer relatively positioned div. You don't even need the z-index rule on the tag div.

Modifying location.hash without page scrolling

Step 1: You need to defuse the node ID, until the hash has been set. This is done by removing the ID off the node while the hash is being set, and then adding it back on.

hash = hash.replace( /^#/, '' );
var node = $( '#' + hash );
if ( node.length ) {
  node.attr( 'id', '' );
document.location.hash = hash;
if ( node.length ) {
  node.attr( 'id', hash );

Step 2: Some browsers will trigger the scroll based on where the ID'd node was last seen so you need to help them a little. You need to add an extra div to the top of the viewport, set its ID to the hash, and then roll everything back:

hash = hash.replace( /^#/, '' );
var fx, node = $( '#' + hash );
if ( node.length ) {
  node.attr( 'id', '' );
  fx = $( '<div></div>' )
              top: $(document).scrollTop() + 'px'
          .attr( 'id', hash )
          .appendTo( document.body );
document.location.hash = hash;
if ( node.length ) {
  node.attr( 'id', hash );

Step 3: Wrap it in a plugin and use that instead of writing to location.hash...

How to cut a string after a specific character in unix

Using sed:

$ [email protected]:/home/some/directory/file
$ echo $var | sed 's/.*://'

How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object

Simplest way to order a list is to use OrderBy

 List<Order> objListOrder = 
    source.OrderBy(order => order.OrderDate).ToList();

If you want to order by multiple columns like following SQL Query.

ORDER BY OrderDate, OrderId

To achieve this you can use ThenBy like following.

  List<Order> objListOrder = 
    source.OrderBy(order => order.OrderDate).ThenBy(order => order.OrderId).ToList();

Linux command to check if a shell script is running or not

The solutions above are great for interactive use, where you can eyeball the result and weed out false positives that way.

False positives can occur if the executable itself happens to match, or any arguments that are not script names match - the likelihood is greater with scripts that have no filename extensions.

Here's a more robust solution for scripting, using a shell function:

getscript() {
  pgrep -lf ".[ /]$1( |\$)"

Example use:

# List instance(s) of script "" that are running.
getscript ""  # -> (e.g.): 96112 bash /Users/jdoe/

# Use in a test:
if getscript "" >/dev/null; then
  echo RUNNING
  • Matching is case-sensitive (on macOS, you could add -i to the pgrep call to make it case-insensitive; on Linux, that is not an option.)
  • The getscript function also works with full or partial paths that include the filename component; partial paths must not start with / and each component specified must be complete. The "fuller" the path specified, the lower the risk of false positives. Caveat: path matching will only work if the script was invoked with a path - this is generally true for scripts in the $PATH that are invoked directly.
  • Even this function cannot rule out all false positives, as paths can have embedded spaces, yet neither ps nor pgrep reflect the original quoting applied to the command line. All the function guarantees is that any match is not the first token (which is the interpreter), and that it occurs as a separate word, optionally preceded by a path.
  • Another approach to minimizing the risk of false positives could be to match the executable name (i.e., interpreter, such as bash) as well - assuming it is known; e.g.
# List instance(s) of a running *bash* script.
getbashscript() {
  pgrep -lf "(^|/)bash( | .*/)$1( |\$)"

If you're willing to make further assumptions - such as script-interpreter paths never containing embedded spaces - the regexes could be made more restrictive and thus further reduce the risk of false positives.

Bash script error [: !=: unary operator expected


if [ "$1" != -v ]; then

Otherwise, when $1 is completely empty, your test becomes:

[ != -v ]

instead of

[ "" != -v ]

...and != is not a unary operator (that is, one capable of taking only a single argument).

Can jQuery get all CSS styles associated with an element?

Two years late, but I have the solution you're looking for. Not intending to take credit form the original author, here's a plugin which I found works exceptionally well for what you need, but gets all possible styles in all browsers, even IE.

Warning: This code generates a lot of output, and should be used sparingly. It not only copies all standard CSS properties, but also all vendor CSS properties for that browser.


 * getStyleObject Plugin for jQuery JavaScript Library
 * From:

    $.fn.getStyleObject = function(){
        var dom = this.get(0);
        var style;
        var returns = {};
            var camelize = function(a,b){
                return b.toUpperCase();
            style = window.getComputedStyle(dom, null);
            for(var i = 0, l = style.length; i < l; i++){
                var prop = style[i];
                var camel = prop.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, camelize);
                var val = style.getPropertyValue(prop);
                returns[camel] = val;
            return returns;
        if(style = dom.currentStyle){
            for(var prop in style){
                returns[prop] = style[prop];
            return returns;
        return this.css();

Basic usage is pretty simple, but he's written a function for that as well:

$.fn.copyCSS = function(source){
  var styles = $(source).getStyleObject();

Hope that helps.

Target elements with multiple classes, within one rule

.border-blue.background { ... } is for one item with multiple classes.
.border-blue, .background { ... } is for multiple items each with their own class.
.border-blue .background { ... } is for one item where '.background' is the child of '.border-blue'.

See Chris' answer for a more thorough explanation.

File upload progress bar with jQuery

I've done this with jQuery only:

  xhr: function() {
    var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();

    xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) {
      if (evt.lengthComputable) {
        var percentComplete = evt.loaded /;
        percentComplete = parseInt(percentComplete * 100);

        if (percentComplete === 100) {


    }, false);

    return xhr;
  url: posturlfile,
  type: "POST",
  data: JSON.stringify(fileuploaddata),
  contentType: "application/json",
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(result) {

Sending and Parsing JSON Objects in Android

Although there are already excellent answers are provided by users such as encouraging use of GSON etc. I would like to suggest use of org.json. It includes most of GSON functionalities. It also allows you to pass json string as an argument to it's JSONObject and it will take care of rest e.g:

JSONObject json = new JSONObject("some random json string");

This functionality make it my personal favorite.

How do I create a view controller file after creating a new view controller?

To add new ViewController once you have have an existing ViewController, follow below step:

  1. Click on background of Main.storyboard.

  2. Search and select ViewController from object library at the utility window.

  3. Drag and drop it in background to create a new ViewController.

SQL Server AS statement aliased column within WHERE statement

SQL Server is tuned to apply the filters before it applies aliases (because that usually produces faster results). You could do a nested select statement. Example:

    SELECT Lat AS Latitude FROM poi_table
) A
WHERE Latitude < 500

I realize this may not be what you are looking for, because it makes your queries much more wordy. A more succinct approach would be to make a view that wraps your underlying table:

SELECT Lat AS Latitude FROM poi_table

Then you could say:

SELECT Latitude FROM vPoi_Table WHERE Latitude < 500

Select 50 items from list at random to write to file

Say your list has 100 elements and you want to pick 50 of them in a random way. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Import the libraries
  2. Create the seed for random number generator, I have put it at 2
  3. Prepare a list of numbers from which to pick up in a random way
  4. Make the random choices from the numbers list


from random import seed
from random import choice

numbers = [i for i in range(100)]


for _ in range(50):
    selection = choice(numbers)

How to loop through elements of forms with JavaScript?

<form id="yourFormName" >
<input type="text" value="" id="val1">
<input type="text" value="" id="val2">
<input type="text" value="" id="val3">
<button type="button" onclick="yourFunction()"> Check </button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function yourFunction()
  var elements = document.querySelectorAll("#yourFormName input[type=text]")
  for (var i = 0; i<elements.length; i++ )
    var check = document.getElementById(elements[i].id).value);
    // write your logic here

How to install both Python 2.x and Python 3.x in Windows

I have encountered that problem myself and I made my launchers in a .bat so you could choose the version you want to launch.

The only problem is your .py must be in the python folder, but anyway here is the code:

For Python2

@echo off
title Python2 Launcher by KinDa
echo Type the exact version of Python you use (eg. 23, 24, 25, 26)
set/p version=
echo Type the file you want to launch without .py (eg. hello world, calculator)
set/p launch=
path = %PATH%;C:\Python%version%
cd C:\Python%version%

For Python3

@echo off
title Python3 Launcher by KinDa
echo Type the exact version of Python you use (eg. 31, 32, 33, 34)
set/p version=
echo Type the file you want to launch without .py (eg. hello world, calculator)
set/p launch=
set path = %PATH%:C:\Python%version%
cd C:\Python%version%

Save them as .bat and follow the instructions inside.

where to place CASE WHEN column IS NULL in this query

Not able to understand your actual problem but your case statement is incorrect


Angular 4: InvalidPipeArgument: '[object Object]' for pipe 'AsyncPipe'

In your MoviesService you should import FirebaseListObservable in order to define return type FirebaseListObservable<any[]>

import { AngularFireDatabase, FirebaseListObservable } from 'angularfire2/database';

then get() method should like this-

get (): FirebaseListObservable<any[]>{
        return this.db.list('/movies');

this get() method will return FirebaseListObervable of movies list

In your MoviesComponent should look like this

export class MoviesComponent implements OnInit {
  movies: any[];

  constructor(private moviesDb: MoviesService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.moviesDb.get().subscribe((snaps) => {
       this.movies = snaps;

Then you can easily iterate through movies without async pipe as movies[] data is not observable type, your html should be this

  li(*ngFor='let movie of movies')
    {{ movie.title }}

if you declear movies as a

movies: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;

then you should simply call

movies: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;
ngOnInit() {
    this.movies = this.moviesDb.get();

and your html should be this

  li(*ngFor='let movie of movies | async')
    {{ movie.title }}

How to edit default dark theme for Visual Studio Code?

I came here to find a way to edit the theme, but could not find it on my Mac. After a deep dive, finally I found the install place:


All extensions in there!

read.csv warning 'EOF within quoted string' prevents complete reading of file

You need to disable quoting.

cit <- read.csv("citations.CSV", quote = "", 
                 row.names = NULL, 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## 'data.frame':    112543 obs. of  13 variables:
##  $ row.names    : chr  "10.2307/675394" "10.2307/30007362" "10.2307/4254931" "10.2307/20537934" ...
##  $ id           : chr  "10.2307/675394\t" "10.2307/30007362\t" "10.2307/4254931\t" "10.2307/20537934\t" ...
##  $ doi          : chr  "Archaeological Inference and Inductive Confirmation\t" "Sound and Sense in Cath Almaine\t" "Oak Galls Preserved by the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79_ and Their Probable Use\t" "The Arts Four Thousand Years Ago\t" ...
##  $ title        : chr  "Bruce D. Smith\t" "Tomás Ó Cathasaigh\t" "Hiram G. Larew\t" "\t" ...
##  $ author       : chr  "American Anthropologist\t" "Ériu\t" "Economic Botany\t" "The Illustrated Magazine of Art\t" ...
##  $ journaltitle : chr  "79\t" "54\t" "41\t" "1\t" ...
##  $ volume       : chr  "3\t" "\t" "1\t" "3\t" ...
##  $ issue        : chr  "1977-09-01T00:00:00Z\t" "2004-01-01T00:00:00Z\t" "1987-01-01T00:00:00Z\t" "1853-01-01T00:00:00Z\t" ...
##  $ pubdate      : chr  "pp. 598-617\t" "pp. 41-47\t" "pp. 33-40\t" "pp. 171-172\t" ...
##  $ pagerange    : chr  "American Anthropological Association\tWiley\t" "Royal Irish Academy\t" "New York Botanical Garden Press\tSpringer\t" "\t" ...
##  $ publisher    : chr  "fla\t" "fla\t" "fla\t" "fla\t" ...
##  $ type         : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...

I think is because of this kind of lines (check "Thorn" and "Minus")

[1] "10.2307/3642839,10.2307/3642839\t,\"Thorn\" and \"Minus\" in Hieroglyphic Luvian Orthography\t,H. Craig Melchert\t,Anatolian Studies\t,38\t,\t,1988-01-01T00:00:00Z\t,pp. 29-42\t,British Institute at Ankara\t,fla\t,\t,"

Java output formatting for Strings

To answer your updated question you can do

String[] lines = ("Name =              Bob\n" +
        "Age =               27\n" +
        "Occupation =        Student\n" +
        "Status =            Single").split("\n");

for (String line : lines) {
    String[] parts = line.split(" = +");
    System.out.printf("%-19s %s%n", parts[0] + " =", parts[1]);


Name =              Bob
Age =               27
Occupation =        Student
Status =            Single

Best way to read a large file into a byte array in C#?

I would recommend trying the Response.TransferFile() method then a Response.Flush() and Response.End() for serving your large files.

Java random number with given length

To generate a 6-digit number:

Use Random and nextInt as follows:

Random rnd = new Random();
int n = 100000 + rnd.nextInt(900000);

Note that n will never be 7 digits (1000000) since nextInt(900000) can at most return 899999.

So how do I randomize the last 5 chars that can be either A-Z or 0-9?

Here's a simple solution:

// Generate random id, for example 283952-V8M32
char[] chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".toCharArray();
Random rnd = new Random();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((100000 + rnd.nextInt(900000)) + "-");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

return sb.toString();

How to timeout a thread

Great answer by BalusC's:

but Just to add that the timeout itself does not interrupt the thread itself. even if you are checking with while(!Thread.interrupted()) in your task. if you want to make sure thread is stopped you should also make sure future.cancel() is invoked when timeout exception is catch.

package com.stackoverflow.q2275443; 

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class Test { 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
        Future<String> future = executor.submit(new Task());

        try { 
            System.out.println(future.get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
            //Without the below cancel the thread will continue to live 
            // even though the timeout exception thrown.


class Task implements Callable<String> {
    public String call() throws Exception {
          System.out.println("Im still running baby!!");

Flask - Calling python function on button OnClick event

It sounds like you want to use this web application as a remote control for your robot, and a core issue is that you won't want a page reload every time you perform an action, in which case, the last link you posted answers your problem.

I think you may be misunderstanding a few things about Flask. For one, you can't nest multiple functions in a single route. You're not making a set of functions available for a particular route, you're defining the one specific thing the server will do when that route is called.

With that in mind, you would be able to solve your problem with a page reload by changing your to look more like this:

from flask import Flask, render_template, Response, request, redirect, url_for
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return render_template('index.html')

@app.route("/forward/", methods=['POST'])
def move_forward():
    #Moving forward code
    forward_message = "Moving Forward..."
    return render_template('index.html', forward_message=forward_message);

Then in your html, use this:

<form action="/forward/" method="post">
    <button name="forwardBtn" type="submit">Forward</button>

...To execute your moving forward code. And include this:

{{ forward_message }} 

... where you want the moving forward message to appear on your template.

This will cause your page to reload, which is inevitable without using AJAX and Javascript.

Read a file one line at a time in node.js?

While you should probably use the readline module as the top answer suggests, readline appears to be oriented toward command line interfaces rather than line reading. It's also a little bit more opaque regarding buffering. (Anyone who needs a streaming line oriented reader probably will want to tweak buffer sizes). The readline module is ~1000 lines while this, with stats and tests, is 34.

const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
class LineReader extends EventEmitter{
    constructor(f, delim='\n'){
        this.totalChars = 0;
        this.totalLines = 0;
        this.leftover = '';

        f.on('data', (chunk)=>{
            this.totalChars += chunk.length;
            let lines = chunk.split(delim);
            if (lines.length === 1){
                this.leftover += chunk;
            lines[0] = this.leftover + lines[0];
            this.leftover = lines[lines.length-1];
            if (this.leftover) lines.pop();
            this.totalLines += lines.length;
            for (let l of lines) this.onLine(l);
        // f.on('error', ()=>{});
        f.on('end', ()=>{console.log('chars', this.totalChars, 'lines', this.totalLines)});
        this.emit('line', l);
//Command line test
const f = require('fs').createReadStream(process.argv[2], 'utf8');
const delim = process.argv[3];
const lineReader = new LineReader(f, delim);
lineReader.on('line', (line)=> console.log(line));

Here's an even shorter version, without the stats, at 19 lines:

class LineReader extends require('events').EventEmitter{
    constructor(f, delim='\n'){
        this.leftover = '';
        f.on('data', (chunk)=>{
            let lines = chunk.split(delim);
            if (lines.length === 1){
                this.leftover += chunk;
            lines[0] = this.leftover + lines[0];
            this.leftover = lines[lines.length-1];
            if (this.leftover) 
            for (let l of lines)
                this.emit('line', l);

How do I set Tomcat Manager Application User Name and Password for NetBeans?

Well if you are using Netbeans in Linux, then you should look for the tomcat-user.xml in


(its called Catalina Base and is often hidden) instead of the Apache installation directory.

open tomcat-user.xml inside that folder, uncomment the user and roles and add/replace the following line.

    <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,admin,admin-gui,manager,manager-gui"/>

restart the server . That's all

Normalization in DOM parsing with java - how does it work?

The rest of the sentence is:

where only structure (e.g., elements, comments, processing instructions, CDATA sections, and entity references) separates Text nodes, i.e., there are neither adjacent Text nodes nor empty Text nodes.

This basically means that the following XML element


could be represented like this in a denormalized node:

Element foo
    Text node: ""
    Text node: "Hello "
    Text node: "wor"
    Text node: "ld"

When normalized, the node will look like this

Element foo
    Text node: "Hello world"

And the same goes for attributes: <foo bar="Hello world"/>, comments, etc.

Jenkins/Hudson - accessing the current build number?

As per Jenkins Documentation,


is used. This number is identify how many times jenkins run this build process $BUILD_NUMBER is general syntax for it.

Real escape string and PDO

PDO offers an alternative designed to replace mysql_escape_string() with the PDO::quote() method.

Here is an excerpt from the PHP website:

    $conn = new PDO('sqlite:/home/lynn/music.sql3');

    /* Simple string */
    $string = 'Nice';
    print "Unquoted string: $string\n";
    print "Quoted string: " . $conn->quote($string) . "\n";

The above code will output:

Unquoted string: Nice
Quoted string: 'Nice'

Modifying list while iterating

Never alter the container you're looping on, because iterators on that container are not going to be informed of your alterations and, as you've noticed, that's quite likely to produce a very different loop and/or an incorrect one. In normal cases, looping on a copy of the container helps, but in your case it's clear that you don't want that, as the container will be empty after 50 legs of the loop and if you then try popping again you'll get an exception.

What's anything BUT clear is, what behavior are you trying to achieve, if any?! Maybe you can express your desires with a while...?

i = 0
while i < len(some_list):
    print i,                         
    print some_list.pop(0),                  
    print some_list.pop(0)

What is the best way to determine a session variable is null or empty in C#?

To follow on from what others have said. I tend to have two layers:

The core layer. This is within a DLL that is added to nearly all web app projects. In this I have a SessionVars class which does the grunt work for Session state getters/setters. It contains code like the following:

public class SessionVar
    static HttpSessionState Session
            if (HttpContext.Current == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("No Http Context, No Session to Get!");

            return HttpContext.Current.Session;

    public static T Get<T>(string key)
        if (Session[key] == null)
            return default(T);
            return (T)Session[key];

    public static void Set<T>(string key, T value)
        Session[key] = value;

Note the generics for getting any type.

I then also add Getters/Setters for specific types, especially string since I often prefer to work with string.Empty rather than null for variables presented to Users.


public static string GetString(string key)
    string s = Get<string>(key);
    return s == null ? string.Empty : s;

public static void SetString(string key, string value)
    Set<string>(key, value);

And so on...

I then create wrappers to abstract that away and bring it up to the application model. For example, if we have customer details:

public class CustomerInfo
    public string Name
            return SessionVar.GetString("CustomerInfo_Name");
            SessionVar.SetString("CustomerInfo_Name", value);

You get the idea right? :)

NOTE: Just had a thought when adding a comment to the accepted answer. Always ensure objects are serializable when storing them in Session when using a state server. It can be all too easy to try and save an object using the generics when on web farm and it go boom. I deploy on a web farm at work so added checks to my code in the core layer to see if the object is serializable, another benefit of encapsulating the Session Getters and Setters :)

Matplotlib - global legend and title aside subplots

Global title: In newer releases of matplotlib one can use Figure.suptitle() method of Figure:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.suptitle("Title centered above all subplots", fontsize=14)

Alternatively (based on @Steven C. Howell's comment below (thank you!)), use the matplotlib.pyplot.suptitle() function:

 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 # plot stuff
 # ...
 plt.suptitle("Title centered above all subplots", fontsize=14)

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming

Try this.. very easy to understand & implementation...

You can download sample code directly here

- (void)simpleJsonParsingPostMetod

#warning set webservice url and parse POST method in JSON
    //-- Temp Initialized variables
    NSString *first_name;
    NSString *image_name;
    NSData *imageData;

    //-- Convert string into URL
    NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@""];
    NSMutableURLRequest *request =[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init];
    [request setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlString]];
    [request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];

    NSString *boundary = @"14737809831466499882746641449";
    NSString *contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"multipart/form-data; boundary=%@",boundary];
    [request addValue:contentType forHTTPHeaderField: @"Content-Type"];

    //-- Append data into posr url using following method
    NSMutableData *body = [NSMutableData data];

    //-- For Sending text

        //-- "firstname" is keyword form service
        //-- "first_name" is the text which we have to send
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@\r\n",boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%@\"\r\n\r\n",@"firstname"] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",first_name] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

    //-- For sending image into service if needed (send image as imagedata)

        //-- "image_name" is file name of the image (we can set custom name)
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@\r\n",boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition:form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"%@\"\r\n",image_name] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:[@"Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    [body appendData:[NSData dataWithData:imageData]];
    [body appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@--\r\n",boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

    //-- Sending data into server through URL
    [request setHTTPBody:body];

    //-- Getting response form server
    NSData *responseData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:nil error:nil];

    //-- JSON Parsing with response data
    NSDictionary *result = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:responseData options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:nil];
    NSLog(@"Result = %@",result);

center MessageBox in parent form

I have changed a little bit previous answer and compose WPF version of the MessageBoxEx. This code works for me great. Feel free to notify about issues of the code.

Please note: I use GeneralObjects.MainWindowInstance at ctor to initialize class with my main window, but actually I use it for any window due to some kind of cache for last parent window. Therefore you can simple remove out everything from ctor.

public class MessageBoxEx
    private static HwndSource source_ = null;
    private static HwndSourceHook hook_ = null;

    static MessageBoxEx()
            // create cached 

            hook_ = new HwndSourceHook(HwndSourceHook);
            if (null == source_ ||
                null == hook_)
                source_ = null;
                hook_ = null;


    private static void createHwndSource_(Window owner)
        source_ = (HwndSource)PresentationSource.FromVisual(owner);

    public static void Initialize_(Window owner = null)
            if (null != owner)
                if(source_.RootVisual != owner)

            if (null == source_ ||
                null == hook_)
                source_ = null;
                hook_ = null;

        if (null != source_ &&
            null != hook_)


    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button, icon);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult, System.Windows.MessageBoxOptions options)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult, options);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult);

    public static MessageBoxResult Show(Window owner, string messageBoxText, string caption, MessageBoxButton button, MessageBoxImage icon, MessageBoxResult defaultResult, System.Windows.MessageBoxOptions options)
        return System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(owner, messageBoxText, caption, button, icon, defaultResult, options);

    private enum WM : int
        WM_ACTIVATE = 0x0006

    private static IntPtr HwndSourceHook(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)

        if ((int)WM.WM_ACTIVATE == msg &&
            source_.Handle == hwnd &&
            0 == (int)wParam)

                // remove hook at once after moved message box window.
        return IntPtr.Zero;

    private static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, ref Rectangle lpRect);

    private static extern int MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);

    private static void CenterWindow(IntPtr hChildWnd)
        System.Drawing.Rectangle recChild = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);

        bool success = GetWindowRect(hChildWnd, ref recChild);

        int width = recChild.Width - recChild.X;
        int height = recChild.Height - recChild.Y;

        System.Drawing.Rectangle recParent = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
        success = GetWindowRect(source_.Handle, ref recParent);

        System.Drawing.Point ptCenter = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
        ptCenter.X = recParent.X + ((recParent.Width - recParent.X) / 2);
        ptCenter.Y = recParent.Y + ((recParent.Height - recParent.Y) / 2);

        System.Drawing.Point ptStart = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
        ptStart.X = (ptCenter.X - (width / 2));
        ptStart.Y = (ptCenter.Y - (height / 2));

        // I have commented this code because of I have 2 monitors
        // so If application located at 1st monitor
        // message box can appear at second one.

        ptStart.X = (ptStart.X < 0) ? 0 : ptStart.X;
        ptStart.Y = (ptStart.Y < 0) ? 0 : ptStart.Y;

        int result = MoveWindow(hChildWnd, ptStart.X, ptStart.Y, width,
                                height, false);



`ui-router` $stateParams vs. $state.params

EDIT: This answer is correct for version 0.2.10. As @Alexander Vasilyev pointed out it doesn't work in version 0.2.14.

Another reason to use $state.params is when you need to extract query parameters like this:

$stateProvider.state('a', {
  url: 'path/:id/:anotherParam/?yetAnotherParam',
  controller: 'ACtrl',

module.controller('ACtrl', function($stateParams, $state) {
  $state.params; // has id, anotherParam, and yetAnotherParam
  $stateParams;  // has id and anotherParam

Pdf.js: rendering a pdf file using a base64 file source instead of url

According to the examples base64 encoding is directly supported, although I've not tested it myself. Take your base64 string (derived from a file or loaded with any other method, POST/GET, websockets etc), turn it to a binary with atob, and then parse this to getDocument on the PDFJS API likePDFJS.getDocument({data: base64PdfData}); Codetoffel answer does work just fine for me though.

How does the vim "write with sudo" trick work?


Due to problems with interactive calls (, I am using this for neovim, based on Dr Beco's answer:

cnoremap w!! execute 'silent! write !SUDO_ASKPASS=`which ssh-askpass` sudo tee % >/dev/null' <bar> edit!

This will open a dialog using ssh-askpass asking for the sudo password.

Pythonic way of checking if a condition holds for any element of a list


if any(t < 0 for t in x):
    # do something

Also, if you're going to use "True in ...", make it a generator expression so it doesn't take O(n) memory:

if True in (t < 0 for t in x):

How to include the reference of DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll on Mono2.10?

I found that when mixed with PCL libraries the above problem presented itself, and whilst it is true that the WindowsBase library contains System.IO.Packaging I was using the OpenXMLSDK-MOT library which itself provides it's own copy of the physical System.IO.Packaging library. The reference that was missing for me could be found as follows in the csharp project

<Reference Include="System.IO.Packaging, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

I downgraded my version of the XMLSDK to 2.6 which then seemed to fix this problem up for me. But you can see there is a physical assembly System.IO.Packaging.dll

How do I set the background color of Excel cells using VBA?

Do a quick 'record macro' to see the color number associated with the color you're looking for (yellow highlight is 65535). Then erase the code and put

Sub Name()
Selection.Interior.Color = 65535 '(your number may be different depending on the above)
End Sub

If Else in LINQ

This might work...

from p in db.products
    select new
        Owner = (p.price > 0 ?
            from q in db.Users select q.Name :
            from r in db.ExternalUsers select r.Name)

Import PEM into Java Key Store

Although this question is pretty old and it has already a-lot answers, I think it is worth to provide an alternative. Using native java classes makes it very verbose to just use pem files and almost forces you wanting to convert the pem files into p12 or jks files as using p12 or jks files are much easier. I want to give anyone who wants an alternative for the already provided answers.

GitHub - SSLContext Kickstart

var keyManager = PemUtils.loadIdentityMaterial("certificate-chain.pem", "private-key.pem");
var trustManager = PemUtils.loadTrustMaterial("some-trusted-certificate.pem");

var sslFactory = SSLFactory.builder()

var sslContext = sslFactory.getSslContext();

I need to provide some disclaimer here, I am the library maintainer

Refresh or force redraw the fragment

I am using remove and replace both for refreshing content of Fragment like

final FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

AngularJS - Building a dynamic table based on a json

TGrid is another option that people don't usually find in a google search. If the other grids you find don't suit your needs, you can give it a try, its free

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax;

Try this:

Use back-ticks for NAME

CREATE TABLE `teachers` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `addr` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `phone` int(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

How do you specifically order ggplot2 x axis instead of alphabetical order?

It is a little difficult to answer your specific question without a full, reproducible example. However something like this should work:

#Turn your 'treatment' column into a character vector
data$Treatment <- as.character(data$Treatment)
#Then turn it back into a factor with the levels in the correct order
data$Treatment <- factor(data$Treatment, levels=unique(data$Treatment))

In this example, the order of the factor will be the same as in the data.csv file.

If you prefer a different order, you can order them by hand:

data$Treatment <- factor(data$Treatment, levels=c("Y", "X", "Z"))

However this is dangerous if you have a lot of levels: if you get any of them wrong, that will cause problems.

Convert String to java.util.Date


While in 2010, java.util.Date was the class we all used (toghether with DateFormat and Calendar), those classes were always poorly designed and are now long outdated. Today one would use java.time, the modern Java date and time API.

        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("d-MMM-yyyy,HH:mm:ss");

        String dateTimeStringFromSqlite = "29-Apr-2010,13:00:14";
        LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(dateTimeStringFromSqlite, formatter);
        System.out.println("output here: " + dateTime);

Output is:

output here: 2010-04-29T13:00:14

What went wrong in your code?

The combination of uppercase HH and aaa in your format pattern strings does not make much sense since HH is for hour of day, rendering the AM/PM marker from aaa superfluous. It should not do any harm, though, and I have been unable to reproduce the exact results you reported. In any case, your comment is to the point no matter if one uses the old-fashioned SimpleDateFormat or the modern DateTimeFormatter:

'aaa' should not be used, if you use 'aaa' then specify 'hh'

Lowercase hh is for hour within AM or PM, from 01 through 12, so would require an AM/PM marker.

Other tips

  • In your database, since I understand that SQLite hasn’t got a built-in datetime type, use the standard ISO 8601 format and store time in UTC, for example 2010-04-29T07:30:14Z (the modern Instant class parses and formats such strings as its default, that is, without any explicit formatter).
  • Don’t use an offset such as GMT+05:30 for time zone. Prefer a real time zone, for example Asia/Colombo, Asia/Kolkata or America/New_York.
  • If you wanted to use the outdated DateFormat, its parse method returns a Date, so you don’t need the cast in Date lNextDate = (Date)lFormatter.parse(lNextDate);.

Question: Can I use java.time on Android?

Yes, java.time works nicely on older and newer Android devices. It just requires at least Java 6.

  • In Java 8 and later and on newer Android devices (from API level 26) the modern API comes built-in.
  • In Java 6 and 7 get the ThreeTen Backport, the backport of the modern classes (ThreeTen for JSR 310; see the links at the bottom).
  • On (older) Android use the Android edition of ThreeTen Backport. It’s called ThreeTenABP. And make sure you import the date and time classes from org.threeten.bp with subpackages.


What is the max size of VARCHAR2 in PL/SQL and SQL?

If you use UTF-8 encoding then one character can takes a various number of bytes (2 - 4). For PL/SQL the varchar2 limit is 32767 bytes, not characters. See how I increase a PL/SQL varchar2 variable of the 4000 character size:

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> l
  1  declare
  2    l_var varchar2(30000);
  3  begin
  4    l_var := rpad('A', 4000);
  5    dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  6    l_var := l_var || rpad('B', 10000);
  7    dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  8* end;
SQL> /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

But you can't insert into your table the value of such variable:

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  create table ttt (
  2    col1 varchar2(2000 char)
  3* )
SQL> /

Table created.

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  declare
  2    l_var varchar2(30000);
  3  begin
  4      l_var := rpad('A', 4000);
  5      dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  6      l_var := l_var || rpad('B', 10000);
  7      dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  8      insert into ttt values (l_var);
  9* end;
SQL> /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-06512: at line 8

As a solution, you can try to split this variable's value into several parts (SUBSTR) and store them separately.

How can I check if a string only contains letters in Python?

Actually, we're now in globalized world of 21st century and people no longer communicate using ASCII only so when anwering question about "is it letters only" you need to take into account letters from non-ASCII alphabets as well. Python has a pretty cool unicodedata library which among other things allows categorization of Unicode characters:





The categories and their abbreviations are defined in the Unicode standard. From here you can quite easily you can come up with a function like this:

def only_letters(s):
    for c in s:
        cat = unicodedata.category(c)
        if cat not in ('Ll','Lu','Lo'):
            return False
    return True

And then:



As you can see the whitelisted categories can be quite easily controlled by the tuple inside the function. See this article for a more detailed discussion.

$(document).on("click"... not working?

if this code does not work even under document ready, most probable you assigned a return false; somewhere in your js file to that button, if it is button try to change it to a ,span, anchor or div and test if it is working.

$(document).on("click","#test-element",function() {
        alert("click bound to document listening for #test-element");

SQL state [99999]; error code [17004]; Invalid column type: 1111 With Spring SimpleJdbcCall

I had this problem, and turns out the problem was that I had used

new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)

instead of

new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)

Select From all tables - MySQL

Improve to @inno answer

delimiter //

CREATE PROCEDURE get_product()
   DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE COLUMN_NAME IN ('Product');
   OPEN cur1;

   read_loop: LOOP
       FETCH cur1 INTO i;
       SELECT i; -- printing table name
       SET @s = CONCAT('select * from ', i, ' where Product like %XYZ%'); 
       PREPARE stmt1 FROM @s;
       EXECUTE stmt1;

   END LOOP read_loop;

   CLOSE cur1;

delimiter ;

call get_product();

Set the space between Elements in Row Flutter


start - Place the children as close to the start of the main axis as possible.

enter image description here

end - Place the children as close to the end of the main axis as possible.

enter image description here

center - Place the children as close to the middle of the main axis as possible.

enter image description here

spaceBetween - Place the free space evenly between the children.

enter image description here

spaceAround - Place the free space evenly between the children as well as half of that space before and after the first and last child.

enter image description here

spaceEvenly - Place the free space evenly between the children as well as before and after the first and last child.

enter image description here


  child: Row(
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
        children: <Widget>[

Converting a String to DateTime

try this

DateTime myDate = DateTime.Parse(dateString);

a better way would be this:

DateTime myDate;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out myDate))
    // handle parse failure

How do I test for an empty JavaScript object?

Best one-liner solution I could find (updated):

isEmpty = obj => !Object.values(obj).filter(e => typeof e !== 'undefined').length;

console.log(isEmpty({}))                                        // true
console.log(isEmpty({a: undefined, b: undefined}))              // true
console.log(isEmpty({a: undefined, b: void 1024, c: void 0}))   // true

console.log(isEmpty({a: [undefined, undefined]}))               // false
console.log(isEmpty({a: 1}))                                    // false
console.log(isEmpty({a: ''}))                                   // false
console.log(isEmpty({a: null, b: undefined}))                   // false

How do I use sudo to redirect output to a location I don't have permission to write to?

Your command does not work because the redirection is performed by your shell which does not have the permission to write to /root/test.out. The redirection of the output is not performed by sudo.

There are multiple solutions:

  • Run a shell with sudo and give the command to it by using the -c option:

    sudo sh -c 'ls -hal /root/ > /root/test.out'
  • Create a script with your commands and run that script with sudo:

    ls -hal /root/ > /root/test.out

    Run sudo See Steve Bennett's answer if you don't want to create a temporary file.

  • Launch a shell with sudo -s then run your commands:

    [nobody@so]$ sudo -s
    [root@so]# ls -hal /root/ > /root/test.out
    [root@so]# ^D
  • Use sudo tee (if you have to escape a lot when using the -c option):

    sudo ls -hal /root/ | sudo tee /root/test.out > /dev/null

    The redirect to /dev/null is needed to stop tee from outputting to the screen. To append instead of overwriting the output file (>>), use tee -a or tee --append (the last one is specific to GNU coreutils).

Thanks go to Jd, Adam J. Forster and Johnathan for the second, third and fourth solutions. Address already in use: JVM_Bind <null>:80

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\conf

Your Port ID in Server.xml File in Source folder is 8080. change the Port Number to 8081...etc

Where does flask look for image files?

Is the image file ayrton_senna_movie_wallpaper_by_bashgfx-d4cm6x6.jpg in your static directory? If you move it to your static directory and update your HTML as such:

<img src="/static/ayrton_senna_movie_wallpaper_by_bashgfx-d4cm6x6.jpg">

It should work.

Also, it is worth noting, there is a better way to structure this.

File structure:

from flask import Flask, render_template, url_for
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/index', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def lionel(): 
    return render_template('index.html')

if __name__ == '__main__':



    <h1>Hi Lionel Messi</h1>

  <img src="{{url_for('static', filename='ayrton_senna_movie_wallpaper_by_bashgfx-d4cm6x6.jpg')}}" />



Doing it this way ensures that you are not hard-coding a URL path for your static assets.

jQuery - replace all instances of a character in a string

'some+multi+word+string'.replace(/\+/g, ' ');

'g' = "global"


Android Studio Checkout Github Error "CreateProcess=2" (Windows)

If you have downloaded Github Desktop Client 1.0.9 then the path for git.exe will be


How to reload page every 5 seconds?

 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL=">

If it has to be in the script use setTimeout like:

}, 5000);

SELECT * FROM multiple tables. MySQL

What you do here is called a JOIN (although you do it implicitly because you select from multiple tables). This means, if you didn't put any conditions in your WHERE clause, you had all combinations of those tables. Only with your condition you restrict your join to those rows where the drink id matches.

But there are still X multiple rows in the result for every drink, if there are X photos with this particular drinks_id. Your statement doesn't restrict which photo(s) you want to have!

If you only want one row per drink, you have to tell SQL what you want to do if there are multiple rows with a particular drinks_id. For this you need grouping and an aggregate function. You tell SQL which entries you want to group together (for example all equal drinks_ids) and in the SELECT, you have to tell which of the distinct entries for each grouped result row should be taken. For numbers, this can be average, minimum, maximum (to name some).

In your case, I can't see the sense to query the photos for drinks if you only want one row. You probably thought you could have an array of photos in your result for each drink, but SQL can't do this. If you only want any photo and you don't care which you'll get, just group by the drinks_id (in order to get only one row per drink):

SELECT name, price, photo
FROM drinks, drinks_photos
WHERE = drinks_id 
GROUP BY drinks_id

name     price   photo
fanta    5       ./images/fanta-1.jpg
dew      4       ./images/dew-1.jpg

In MySQL, we also have GROUP_CONCAT, if you want the file names to be concatenated to one single string:

SELECT name, price, GROUP_CONCAT(photo, ',')
FROM drinks, drinks_photos
WHERE = drinks_id 
GROUP BY drinks_id

name     price   photo
fanta    5       ./images/fanta-1.jpg,./images/fanta-2.jpg,./images/fanta-3.jpg
dew      4       ./images/dew-1.jpg,./images/dew-2.jpg

However, this can get dangerous if you have , within the field values, since most likely you want to split this again on the client side. It is also not a standard SQL aggregate function.

Making a PowerShell POST request if a body param starts with '@'

Use Invoke-RestMethod to consume REST-APIs. Save the JSON to a string and use that as the body, ex:

$JSON = @'
 "username":"[email protected]",

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"

If you use Powershell 3, I know there have been some issues with Invoke-RestMethod, but you should be able to use Invoke-WebRequest as a replacement:

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"

If you don't want to write your own JSON every time, you can use a hashtable and use PowerShell to convert it to JSON before posting it. Ex.

$JSON = @{
    "@type" = "login"
    "username" = "[email protected]"
    "password" = "yyy"
} | ConvertTo-Json

Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

The computed columns make the problem. Do not use SELECT *. You must specify each fields after SELECT except computed fields

How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient?

This link explains the requirement you have step by step. If You are not really concerned which certificate you can proceed with the process in below link.

Note You might want to double check what you are doing since, this is a unsafe operation.

Python equivalent of a given wget command

Here's the code adopted from the torchvision library:

import urllib

def download_url(url, root, filename=None):
    """Download a file from a url and place it in root.
        url (str): URL to download file from
        root (str): Directory to place downloaded file in
        filename (str, optional): Name to save the file under. If None, use the basename of the URL

    root = os.path.expanduser(root)
    if not filename:
        filename = os.path.basename(url)
    fpath = os.path.join(root, filename)

    os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)

        print('Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + fpath)
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fpath)
    except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError) as e:
        if url[:5] == 'https':
            url = url.replace('https:', 'http:')
            print('Failed download. Trying https -> http instead.'
                    ' Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + fpath)
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, fpath)

If you are ok to take dependency on torchvision library then you also also simply do:

from torchvision.datasets.utils import download_url
download_url('', '~/my_folder`)

Ignore fields from Java object dynamically while sending as JSON from Spring MVC

Add @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) (forces Jackson to serialize null values) to the class as well as @JsonIgnore to the password field.

You could of course set @JsonIgnore on createdBy and updatedBy as well if you always want to ignore then and not just in this specific case.


In the event that you do not want to add the annotation to the POJO itself, a great option is Jackson's Mixin Annotations. Check out the documentation

Can I redirect the stdout in python into some sort of string buffer?

Just to add to Ned's answer above: you can use this to redirect output to any object that implements a write(str) method.

This can be used to good effect to "catch" stdout output in a GUI application.

Here's a silly example in PyQt:

import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui

class OutputWindow(QtGui.QPlainTextEdit):
    def write(self, txt):

app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
out = OutputWindow()
print "hello world !"

How to use placeholder as default value in select2 framework

    minimumResultsForSearch: -1,
    placeholder: 'SelectRelatives'}).on('select2-opening', function() {                                                                       $(this).closest('li').find('input').attr('placeholder','Select Relative');                            

How to set Spring profile from system variable?

My solution is to set the environment variable as So that all applications running in that machine will refer the variable and start the application. The order in which spring loads a properties as follows
system properties
environment variable

Find control by name from Windows Forms controls

You can use:


Where f is your form variable. That gives you the control with name name.

jQuery - Getting the text value of a table cell in the same row as a clicked element

so you can use parent() to reach to the parent tr and then use find to gather the td with class two

var Something = $(this).parent().find(".two").html();


var Something = $(this).parent().parent().find(".two").html();

use as much as parent() what ever the depth of the clicked object according to the tr row

hope this works...

How do I escape spaces in path for scp copy in Linux?

I had huge difficulty getting this to work for a shell variable containing a filename with whitespace. For some reason using:

file="foo bar/baz"
scp [email protected]:"'$file'"

as in @Adrian's answer seems to fail.

Turns out that what works best is using a parameter expansion to prepend backslashes to the whitespace as follows:

file="foo bar/baz"
file=${file// /\\ }
scp [email protected]:"$file"

In Java, how do I get the difference in seconds between 2 dates?

If you're using Joda (which may be coming as jsr 310 in JDK 7, separate open source api until then) then there is a Seconds class with a secondsBetween method.

Here's the javadoc link:,%20org.joda.time.ReadableInstant)

Vue.js toggle class on click

This answer relevant for Vue.js version 2

  class="initial " 
  v-bind:class="{ active: isActive }"
  <span class="wkday">M</span>

The rest of the answer by Douglas is still applicable (setting up the new Vue instance with isActive: false, etc).

Relevant docs: and

Property getters and setters

Update: Swift 4

In the below class setter and getter is applied to variable sideLength

class Triangle: {
    var sideLength: Double = 0.0

    init(sideLength: Double, name: String) { //initializer method
        self.sideLength = sideLength
        super.init(name: name)
        numberOfSides = 3

    var perimeter: Double {
        get { // getter
            return 3.0 * sideLength
        set(newValue) { //setter
            sideLength = newValue / 4.0

Creating object

var triangle = Triangle(sideLength: 3.9, name: "a triangle")


print(triangle.perimeter) // invoking getter


triangle.perimeter = 9.9 // invoking setter

Read file from aws s3 bucket using node fs

If you are looking to avoid the callbacks you can take advantage of the sdk .promise() function like this:

const s3 = new AWS.S3();
const params = {Bucket: 'myBucket', Key: 'myKey.csv'}
const response = await s3.getObject(params).promise() // await the promise
const fileContent = getObjectResult.Body.toString('utf-8'); // can also do 'base64' here if desired

I'm sure the other ways mentioned here have their advantages but this works great for me. Sourced from this thread (see the last response from AWS):

Error when trying to access XAMPP from a network

This answer is for XAMPP on Ubuntu.

The manual for installation and download is on (site official)

After to start XAMPP simply call this command:

sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

You should now see something like this on your screen:

Starting XAMPP 1.8.1...
LAMPP: Starting Apache...
LAMPP: Starting MySQL...
LAMPP started.

If you have this

Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.8.1...                                                             
XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.                                          
XAMPP: Another MySQL daemon is already running.                                               
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...                                                                    
XAMPP for Linux started

. The solution is

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

And the restast with sudo //opt/lampp/lampp restart

You to fix most of the security weaknesses simply call the following command:

/opt/lampp/lampp security

After the change this file

sudo kate //opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf

Find and replace on

# New XAMPP security concept
<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampp|security|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))">
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from ::1 
    Allow from all
    #   fc00::/7 \
    #   fe80::/10

    ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var

VBA: How to delete filtered rows in Excel?

Use SpecialCells to delete only the rows that are visible after autofiltering:

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$I$" & lines).SpecialCells _

If you have a header row in your range that you don't want to delete, add an offset to the range to exclude it:

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$I$" & lines).Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells _

How can one print a size_t variable portably using the printf family?

For those talking about doing this in C++ which doesn't necessarily support the C99 extensions, then I heartily recommend boost::format. This makes the size_t type size question moot:

std::cout << boost::format("Sizeof(Var) is %d\n") % sizeof(Var);

Since you don't need size specifiers in boost::format, you can just worry about how you want to display the value.

DIV :after - add content after DIV

Position your <div> absolutely at the bottom and don't forget to give div.A a position: relative -

    .A {
        position: relative;
        margin: 40px 0;
        height: 40px;
        width: 200px;
        background: #eee;

    .A:after {
        content: " ";
        display: block;
        background: #c00;
        height: 29px;
        width: 100%;

        position: absolute;
        bottom: -29px;

A non well formed numeric value encountered

You need to set the time zone using date_default_timezone_set().

Is there a CSS selector for elements containing certain text?

If you don't create the DOM yourself (e.g. in a userscript) you can do the following with pure JS:

for ( td of document.querySelectorAll('td') ) {_x000D_
  console.debug("text:", td, td.innerText)_x000D_
  td.setAttribute('text', td.innerText)_x000D_
for ( td of document.querySelectorAll('td[text="male"]') )_x000D_
  console.debug("male:", td, td.innerText)

Console output

text: <td> Peter
text: <td> male
text: <td> 34
text: <td> Susanne
text: <td> female
text: <td> 12
male: <td text="male"> male

Get user profile picture by Id

You can use following urls to obtain different sizes of profile images. Please make sure to add Facebook id to url.

Large size photo{facebookId}/picture?type=large

Medium size photo{facebookId}/picture?type=normal

Small size photo{facebookId}/picture?type=small

Square photo{facebookId}/picture?type=square

What does random.sample() method in python do?

random.sample(population, k)

It is used for randomly sampling a sample of length 'k' from a population. returns a 'k' length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence or set

it returns a new list and leaves the original population unchanged and the resulting list is in selection order so that all sub-slices will also be valid random samples

I am putting up an example in which I am splitting a dataset randomly. It is basically a function in which you pass x_train(population) as an argument and return indices of 60% of the data as D_test.

import random

def randomly_select_70_percent_of_data_from_1_to_length(x_train):
    return random.sample(range(0, len(x_train)), int(0.6*len(x_train)))

How to change the Push and Pop animations in a navigation based app

Just use:

ViewController *viewController = [[ViewController alloc] init];

UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:viewController];
navController.navigationBarHidden = YES;

[self presentViewController:navController animated:YES completion: nil];
[viewController release];
[navController release];

Is returning out of a switch statement considered a better practice than using break?

Neither, because both are quite verbose for a very simple task. You can just do:

let result = ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[opt] ?? 'Default'    // opt can be 1, 2, 3 or anything (default)

This, of course, also works with strings, a mix of both or without a default case:

let result = ({
  'first': 'One',
  'second': 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[opt]                // opt can be 'first', 'second' or 3


It works by creating an object where the options/cases are the keys and the results are the values. By putting the option into the brackets you access the value of the key that matches the expression via the bracket notation.

This returns undefined if the expression inside the brackets is not a valid key. We can detect this undefined-case by using the nullish coalescing operator ?? and return a default value.


console.log('Using a valid case:', ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[1] ?? 'Default')

console.log('Using an invalid case/defaulting:', ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[7] ?? 'Default')
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important;top: 0;}

Ping all addresses in network, windows

Provided the windows box is in the same subnet:

for /L %a in (1,1,254) do start ping 192.168.0.%a

This will complete in less than 15 seconds and

arp -a 

will return any alive host.

Fastest native way I know of in Windows.

CodeIgniter Active Record - Get number of returned rows

$this->db->select('count(id) as rows');
$query = $this->db->get();
foreach($query->result() as $r)
   return $r->rows;

Check if a process is running or not on Windows with Python

Would you be happy with your Python command running another program to get the info?

If so, I'd suggest you have a look at PsList and all its options. For example, The following would tell you about any running iTunes process

PsList itunes

If you can work out how to interpret the results, this should hopefully get you going.


When I'm not running iTunes, I get the following:

pslist v1.29 - Sysinternals PsList
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Mark Russinovich

Process information for CLARESPC:

Name                Pid Pri Thd  Hnd   Priv        CPU Time    Elapsed Time
iTunesHelper       3784   8  10  229   3164     0:00:00.046     3:41:05.053

With itunes running, I get this one extra line:

iTunes              928   8  24  813 106168     0:00:08.734     0:02:08.672

However, the following command prints out info only about the iTunes program itself, i.e. with the -e argument:

pslist -e itunes

How to control the width of select tag?

USE style="max-width:90%;"

<select name=countries  style="max-width:90%;">
 <option value=af>Afghanistan</option>
 <option value=ax>Åland Islands</option>
 <option value=gs>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>


Python 3 Float Decimal Points/Precision

The simple way to do this is by using the round buit-in.

round(2.6463636263,2) would be displayed as 2.65.

DB query builder toArray() laravel 4

Please note, the option presented below is apparently no longer supported as of Laravel 5.4 (thanks @Alex).

In Laravel 5.3 and below, there is a method to set the fetch mode for select queries.

In this case, it might be more efficient to do:

$result = DB::table('user')->where('name',=,'Jhon')->get();

That way, you won't waste time creating objects and then converting them back into arrays.

Where can I find the API KEY for Firebase Cloud Messaging?

You can find API KEY from the google-services.json file

Convert Iterable to Stream using Java 8 JDK

So as another answer mentioned Guava has support for this by using:;

I want to highlight that the implementation does something slightly different than other answers suggested. If the Iterable is of type Collection they cast it.

public static <T> Stream<T> stream(Iterable<T> iterable) {
  return (iterable instanceof Collection)
    ? ((Collection<T>) iterable).stream()
    :, false);

public static <T> Stream<T> stream(Iterator<T> iterator) {
    Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, 0),

Available text color classes in Bootstrap

The text at the navigation bar is normally colored by using one of the two following css classes in the bootstrap.css file.

Firstly, in case of using a default navigation bar (the gray one), the .navbar-default class will be used and the text is colored as dark gray.

.navbar-default .navbar-text {
  color: #777;

The other is in case of using an inverse navigation bar (the black one), the text is colored as gray60.

.navbar-inverse .navbar-text {
  color: #999;

So, you can change its color as you wish. However, I would recommend you to use a separate css file to change it.

NOTE: you could also use the customizer provided by Twitter Bootstrap, in the Navbar section.

Compiler warning - suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value

Be explicit - then the compiler won't warn that you perhaps made a mistake.

while ( (list = list->next) != NULL )


while ( (list = list->next) )

Some day you'll be glad the compiler told you, people do make that mistake ;)

"dd/mm/yyyy" date format in excel through vba

I got it

Cells(1, 1).Value = StartDate
Cells(1, 1).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"

Basically, I need to set the cell format, instead of setting the date.

How to display special characters in PHP

So I try htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() which outputs <p>Résumé<p> and the browser renders <p>Résumé<p>.

If you've got it working where it displays Résumé with <p></p> tags around it, then just don't convert the paragraph, only your string. Then the paragraph will be rendered as HTML and your string will be displayed within.

Reading specific columns from a text file in python

for x in lines:
    result.append(x.split(' ')[1])

You can do the same using a list comprehension

print([x.split(' ')[1] for x in open(file).readlines()])

Docs on split()

string.split(s[, sep[, maxsplit]])

Return a list of the words of the string s. If the optional second argument sep is absent or None, the words are separated by arbitrary strings of whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, return, formfeed). If the second argument sep is present and not None, it specifies a string to be used as the word separator. The returned list will then have one more item than the number of non-overlapping occurrences of the separator in the string.

So, you can omit the space I used and do just x.split() but this will also remove tabs and newlines, be aware of that.

How to set margin with jquery?

Set it with a px value. Changing the code like below should work

el.css('marginLeft', mrg + 'px');

Populate data table from data reader

You can load a DataTable directly from a data reader using the Load() method that accepts an IDataReader.

var dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
var dataTable = new DataTable();

JavaScript adding decimal numbers issue

Use toFixed to convert it to a string with some decimal places shaved off, and then convert it back to a number.

+(0.1 + 0.2).toFixed(12) // 0.3

It looks like IE's toFixed has some weird behavior, so if you need to support IE something like this might be better:

Math.round((0.1 + 0.2) * 1e12) / 1e12

How to set radio button selected value using jquery

  <input type="radio" name="RBLExperienceApplicable" class="radio" value="1" checked > 
 //       For Example it is checked
 <input type="radio" name="RBLExperienceApplicable" class="radio" value="0" >

<input type="radio" name="RBLExperienceApplicable2" class="radio" value="1" > 
<input type="radio" name="RBLExperienceApplicable2" class="radio" value="0" >

      $( "input[type='radio']" ).change(function() //on change radio buttons

   if($('input[name=RBLExperienceApplicable]:checked').val() != '') //Testing value

$('input[name=RBLExperienceApplicable]:checked').val('Your value Without Quotes');

    }); Demo

enter image description here

using CASE in the WHERE clause

You don't have to use CASE...WHEN, you could use an OR condition, like this:

  AND (id>=800 OR success=1) 
  AND YEAR(timestamp)=2011

this means that if id<800, success has to be 1 for the condition to be evaluated as true. Otherwise, it will be true anyway.

It is less common, however you could still use CASE WHEN, like this:

  AND CASE WHEN id<800 THEN success=1 ELSE TRUE END 
  AND YEAR(timestamp)=2011

this means: return success=1 (which can be TRUE or FALSE) in case id<800, or always return TRUE otherwise.

Bootstrap - Removing padding or margin when screen size is smaller

.container-fluid {
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-left: auto;

What is the function __construct used for?

A constructor allows you to initialize an object's properties upon creation of the object.

If you create a __construct() function, PHP will automatically call this function when you create an object from a class.

Python loop to run for certain amount of seconds

Simply You can do it

import time
delay=60*15    ###for 15 minutes delay 
while True:
      ##bla bla
      ###bla bla
     if time.time()>close_time

How to break a while loop from an if condition inside the while loop?

The break keyword does exactly that. Here is a contrived example:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  int i = 0;
  while (i++ < 10) {
    if (i == 5) break;
  System.out.println(i); //prints 5

If you were actually using nested loops, you would be able to use labels.

Placing Unicode character in CSS content value

Why don't you just save/serve the CSS file as UTF-8?

nav a:hover:after {
    content: "?";

If that's not good enough, and you want to keep it all-ASCII:

nav a:hover:after {
    content: "\2193";

The general format for a Unicode character inside a string is \000000 to \FFFFFF – a backslash followed by six hexadecimal digits. You can leave out leading 0 digits when the Unicode character is the last character in the string or when you add a space after the Unicode character. See the spec below for full details.

Relevant part of the CSS2 spec:

Third, backslash escapes allow authors to refer to characters they cannot easily put in a document. In this case, the backslash is followed by at most six hexadecimal digits (0..9A..F), which stand for the ISO 10646 ([ISO10646]) character with that number, which must not be zero. (It is undefined in CSS 2.1 what happens if a style sheet does contain a character with Unicode codepoint zero.) If a character in the range [0-9a-fA-F] follows the hexadecimal number, the end of the number needs to be made clear. There are two ways to do that:

  1. with a space (or other white space character): "\26 B" ("&B"). In this case, user agents should treat a "CR/LF" pair (U+000D/U+000A) as a single white space character.
  2. by providing exactly 6 hexadecimal digits: "\000026B" ("&B")

In fact, these two methods may be combined. Only one white space character is ignored after a hexadecimal escape. Note that this means that a "real" space after the escape sequence must be doubled.

If the number is outside the range allowed by Unicode (e.g., "\110000" is above the maximum 10FFFF allowed in current Unicode), the UA may replace the escape with the "replacement character" (U+FFFD). If the character is to be displayed, the UA should show a visible symbol, such as a "missing character" glyph (cf. 15.2, point 5).

  • Note: Backslash escapes are always considered to be part of an identifier or a string (i.e., "\7B" is not punctuation, even though "{" is, and "\32" is allowed at the start of a class name, even though "2" is not).
    The identifier "te\st" is exactly the same identifier as "test".

Comprehensive list: Unicode Character 'DOWNWARDS ARROW' (U+2193).

Update some specific field of an entity in android Room

If you need to update user information for a specific user ID "x",

  1. you need to create a dbManager class that will initialise the database in its constructor and acts as a mediator between your viewModel and DAO, and also .
  2. The ViewModel will initialize an instance of dbManager to access the database. The code should look like this:

        class User{
        String userId;
        String username;
        Interface UserDao{
        void updateUser(User user)
        Class DbManager{
        //AppDatabase gets the static object o roomDatabase.
        AppDatabase appDatabase;
        UserDao userDao;
        public DbManager(Application application ){
        appDatabase = AppDatabase.getInstance(application);
        //getUserDao is and abstract method of type UserDao declared in AppDatabase //class
        userDao = appDatabase.getUserDao();
        public void updateUser(User user, boolean isUpdate){
        new InsertUpdateUserAsyncTask(userDao,isUpdate).execute(user);
        public static class InsertUpdateUserAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<User, Void, Void> {
         private UserDao userDAO;
         private boolean isInsert;
         public InsertUpdateBrandAsyncTask(BrandDAO userDAO, boolean isInsert) {
           this. userDAO = userDAO;
           this.isInsert = isInsert;
         protected Void doInBackground(User... users) {
           if (isInsert)
        //for update
        //try {
        //  Thread.sleep(1000);
        //} catch (InterruptedException e) {
        //  e.printStackTrace();
           return null;
         Class UserViewModel{
         DbManager dbManager;
         public UserViewModel(Application application){
         dbmanager = new DbMnager(application);
         public void updateUser(User user, boolean isUpdate){
    Now in your activity or fragment initialise your UserViewModel like this:
    UserViewModel userViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(UserViewModel.class);

    Then just update your user item this way, suppose your userId is 1122 and userName is "xyz" which has to be changed to "zyx".

    Get an userItem of id 1122 User object

User user = new user();
 if(user.getUserId() == 1122){

This is a raw code, hope it helps you.

Happy coding

How do I fix PyDev "Undefined variable from import" errors?

Right click in the project explorer on whichever module is giving errors. Go to PyDev->Remove Error Markers.

What is the difference between statically typed and dynamically typed languages?

Sweet and simple definitions, but fitting the need: Statically typed languages binds the type to a variable for its entire scope (Seg: SCALA) Dynamically typed languages bind the type to the actual value referenced by a variable.

How do I open a URL from C++?

I was having the exact same problem in Windows.

I noticed that in OP's gist, he uses string("open ") in line 21, however, by using it one comes across this error:

'open' is not recognized as an internal or external command

After researching, I have found that open is MacOS the default command to open things. It is different on Windows or Linux.

Linux: xdg-open <URL>

Windows: start <URL>

For those of you that are using Windows, as I am, you can use the following:

std::string op = std::string("start ").append(url);

How do I find if a string starts with another string in Ruby?

Since there are several methods presented here, I wanted to figure out which one was fastest. Using Ruby 1.9.3p362:

irb(main):001:0> require 'benchmark'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> Benchmark.realtime { 1.upto(10000000) { "foobar"[/\Afoo/] }}
=> 12.477248
irb(main):003:0> Benchmark.realtime { 1.upto(10000000) { "foobar" =~ /\Afoo/ }}
=> 9.593959
irb(main):004:0> Benchmark.realtime { 1.upto(10000000) { "foobar"["foo"] }}
=> 9.086909
irb(main):005:0> Benchmark.realtime { 1.upto(10000000) { "foobar".start_with?("foo") }}
=> 6.973697

So it looks like start_with? ist the fastest of the bunch.

Updated results with Ruby 2.2.2p95 and a newer machine:

require 'benchmark' do |x|'regex[]')    { 10000000.times { "foobar"[/\Afoo/] }}'regex')      { 10000000.times { "foobar" =~ /\Afoo/ }}'[]')         { 10000000.times { "foobar"["foo"] }}'start_with') { 10000000.times { "foobar".start_with?("foo") }}

            user       system     total       real
regex[]     4.020000   0.000000   4.020000 (  4.024469)
regex       3.160000   0.000000   3.160000 (  3.159543)
[]          2.930000   0.000000   2.930000 (  2.931889)
start_with  2.010000   0.000000   2.010000 (  2.008162)

How to tag docker image with docker-compose

It seems the docs/tool have been updated and you can now add the image tag to your script. This was successful for me.


version: '2'
      context: ../..
      dockerfile: app/Docker/Dockerfile.release

right align an image using CSS HTML

My workaround for this issue was to set display: inline to the image element. With this, your image and text will be aligned to the right if you set text-align: right from a parent container.

Git diff against a stash

See the most recent stash:

git stash show -p

See an arbitrary stash:

git stash show -p stash@{1}

From the git stash manpages:

By default, the command shows the diffstat, but it will accept any format known to git diff (e.g., git stash show -p stash@{1} to view the second most recent stash in patch form).

SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

You don't need order by in your sub query. Move it out into the main query, and include the column you want to order by in the subquery.

however, your query is just returning a count, so I don't see the point of the order by.

What is VanillaJS?

The plain and simple answer is yes, VanillaJS === JavaScript, as prescribed by Dr B. Eich.

HTTP Error 404.3-Not Found in IIS 7.5

You should install IIS sub components from

Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off

Internet Information Services has subsection World Wide Web Services / Application Development Features

There you must check ASP.NET (.NET Extensibility, ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters will be selected automatically). Double check that specific versions are checked. Under Windows Server 2012 R2, these options are split into 4 & 4.5.

Run from cmd:

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir

Finally check in IIS manager, that your application uses application pool with .NET framework version v4.0.

Also, look at this answer.


You could try the FLOOR function like this:

SELECT FLOOR(columnName), moreColumns, etc 
FROM myTable 
WHERE ... 

You could also try the FORMAT function, provided you know the decimal places can be omitted:

SELECT FORMAT(columnName,0), moreColumns, etc 
FROM myTable 
WHERE ... 

You could combine the two functions

SELECT FORMAT(FLOOR(columnName),0), moreColumns, etc 
FROM myTable 
WHERE ... 

How to view method information in Android Studio?

Many of the other answers are all well but if you want an informational tooltip instead of a fullblown window then do this: after enabling it using @Ahmad's answer then click on the little pin on the upper right corner: enter image description here

After this the method information will appear on a tooltip like almost every other mainstream IDE.

Detect and exclude outliers in Pandas data frame

Use boolean indexing as you would do in numpy.array

df = pd.DataFrame({'Data':np.random.normal(size=200)})
# example dataset of normally distributed data. 

df[np.abs(df.Data-df.Data.mean()) <= (3*df.Data.std())]
# keep only the ones that are within +3 to -3 standard deviations in the column 'Data'.

df[~(np.abs(df.Data-df.Data.mean()) > (3*df.Data.std()))]
# or if you prefer the other way around

For a series it is similar:

S = pd.Series(np.random.normal(size=200))
S[~((S-S.mean()).abs() > 3*S.std())]

Create 3D array using Python

If you insist on everything initializing as empty, you need an extra set of brackets on the inside ([[]] instead of [], since this is "a list containing 1 empty list to be duplicated" as opposed to "a list containing nothing to duplicate"):


jQuery scrollTop() doesn't seem to work in Safari or Chrome (Windows)

This appears to be working in FF and WebKit; IE not tested so far.


python for increment inner loop

for a in range(1):

    for b in range(3):
        a = b*2

As per your question, you want to iterate the outer loop with help of the inner loop.

  1. In outer loop, we are iterating the inner loop 1 time.
  2. In the inner loop, we are iterating the 3 digits which are in the multiple of 2, starting from 0.


How to pass parameters to the DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand method?

For entity Framework Core 2.0 or above, the correct way to do this is:

var firstName = "John";
var id = 12;
ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"Update [User] SET FirstName = {firstName} WHERE Id = {id}";

Note that Entity Framework will produce the two parameters for you, so you are protected from Sql Injection.

Also note that it is NOT:

var firstName = "John";
var id = 12;
var sql = $"Update [User] SET FirstName = {firstName} WHERE Id = {id}";

because this does NOT protect you from Sql Injection, and no parameters are produced.

See this for more.

Switching the order of block elements with CSS

Hows this for low tech...

put the ad at the top and bottom and use media queries to display:none as appropriate.

If the ad wasn't too big, it wouldn't add too much size to the download, you could even customise where the ad sent you for iPhone/pc.

INNER JOIN vs LEFT JOIN performance in SQL Server

From my comparisons, I find that they have the exact same execution plan. There're three scenarios:

  1. If and when they return the same results, they have the same speed. However, we must keep in mind that they are not the same queries, and that LEFT JOIN will possibly return more results (when some ON conditions aren't met) --- this is why it's usually slower.

  2. When the main table (first non-const one in the execution plan) has a restrictive condition (WHERE id = ?) and the corresponding ON condition is on a NULL value, the "right" table is not joined --- this is when LEFT JOIN is faster.

  3. As discussed in Point 1, usually INNER JOIN is more restrictive and returns fewer results and is therefore faster.

Both use (the same) indices.

php - How do I fix this illegal offset type error

check $xml->entry[$i] exists and is an object before trying to get a property of it

 if(isset($xml->entry[$i]) && is_object($xml->entry[$i])){
   $source = $xml->entry[$i]->source;          
   $s[$source] += 1;

or $source might not be a legal array offset but an array, object, resource or possibly null

GIT fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree

I had same issue and I solved it by "pod setup" after installing cocoapods.

Expand and collapse with angular js

Here a simple and easy solution on Angular JS using ng-repeat that might help.

var app = angular.module('myapp', []);_x000D_
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {_x000D_
  $scope.arr= [_x000D_
    $scope.collapseIt = function(id){_x000D_
      $scope.collapseId = ($scope.collapseId==id)?-1:id;_x000D_
/* Put your css in here */_x000D_
li {_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html ng-app="myapp">_x000D_
    <meta charset="utf-8" />_x000D_
    <title>AngularJS Simple Collapse</title>_x000D_
    <script data-require="[email protected]" src="" data-semver="1.5.11"></script>_x000D_
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">_x000D_
  <li ng-repeat='ret in arr track by $index'>_x000D_
    <div ng-click="collapseIt($index)">{{}}</div>_x000D_
    <div ng-if="collapseId==$index">_x000D_

This should fulfill your requirements. Here is a working code.

Plunkr Link


How can I write data attributes using Angular?

About access

<ol class="viewer-nav">
    <li *ngFor="let section of sections" 
        {{ section.text }}


get_data(event) {

Get height and width of a layout programmatically

I think you are getting Height and Width in OnCreate() method that's why you getting always 0 values because at that time your view still not created.

Try to get height and width on some button click or else..

How can I delete (not disable) ActiveX add-ons in Internet Explorer (7 and 8 Beta 2)?

Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features, search for the Add-ons you would like to uninstall and click on particular one to uninstall.

Yes, I tried uninstalling from IE, Tools -> Manage Add-ons and then click "More Information" link at the bottom, however the "Remove" button was disabled. This didn't work.

Above mentioned solution for uninstalling from "Programs and Features" works.

Sum up a column from a specific row down

You all seem to love complication. Just click on column(to select entire column), press and hold CTRL and click on cells that you want to exclude(C1 to C5 in you case). Now you have selected entire column C (right to the end of sheet) without starting cells. All you have to do now is to rightclick and "Define Name" for your selection(ex. asdf ). In formula you use SUM(asdf). And now you're done. Good luck

Allways find the easyest way ;)

Why can't I use background image and color together?

Actually there is a way you can use a background color with a background image. In this case, the background part will be filled with that specified color instead of a white/transparent one.

In order to achieve that, you need to set the background property like this:

.bg-image-with-color {
    background: url("example.png") no-repeat, #ff0000;

Note the comma and the color code after no-repeat; this sets the background color you wish.

I discovered this in this YouTube video, however I'm not affiliated with that channel or video in any means.

Mod in Java produces negative numbers

Since Java 8 you can use the Math.floorMod() method:

Math.floorMod(-1, 2); //== 1

Note: If the modulo-value (here 2) is negative, all output values will be negative too. :)


Powershell: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument "xxx"

I had this issue after converting my Write-Host cmdlets to Write-Information and I was missing quotes and parens around the parameters. The cmdlet signatures are evidently not the same.

Write-Host this is a good idea $here
Write-Information this is a good idea $here <=BAD

This is the cmdlet signature that corrected after spending 20-30 minutes digging down the function stack...

Write-Information ("this is a good idea $here") <=GOOD

React.js create loop through Array

In CurrentGame component you need to change initial state because you are trying use loop for participants but this property is undefined that's why you get error.,

getInitialState: function(){
    return {
       data: {
          participants: [] 

also, as player in .map is Object you should get properties from it {
   return <li key={player.championId}>{player.summonerName}</li>
   // -------------------^^^^^^^^^^^---------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


File to import not found or unreadable: compass

In short, if you've installed the gem the run:

compass compile

in your rails root dir

How to get current time in python and break up into year, month, day, hour, minute?

By unpacking timetuple of datetime object, you should get what you want:

from datetime import datetime

n =
t = n.timetuple()
y, m, d, h, min, sec, wd, yd, i = t

How to store decimal values in SQL Server?

DECIMAL(18,0) will allow 0 digits after the decimal point.

Use something like DECIMAL(18,4) instead that should do just fine!

That gives you a total of 18 digits, 4 of which after the decimal point (and 14 before the decimal point).

How to format numbers by prepending 0 to single-digit numbers?

        <script src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">

            function allowOnlyTwoPositiveDigts(e){

                var test = /^[\-]?[0-9]{1,2}?$/
                return test.test(this.value+String.fromCharCode(e.which))

        <input id="test" type="text" />

Modifying a query string without reloading the page

Then the history API is exactly what you are looking for. If you wish to support legacy browsers as well, then look for a library that falls back on manipulating the URL's hash tag if the browser doesn't provide the history API.

What is the use of "using namespace std"?

When you make a call to using namespace <some_namespace>; all symbols in that namespace will become visible without adding the namespace prefix. A symbol may be for instance a function, class or a variable.

E.g. if you add using namespace std; you can write just cout instead of std::cout when calling the operator cout defined in the namespace std.

This is somewhat dangerous because namespaces are meant to be used to avoid name collisions and by writing using namespace you spare some code, but loose this advantage. A better alternative is to use just specific symbols thus making them visible without the namespace prefix. Eg:

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

int main() {
  cout << "Hello world!";
  return 0;

how to fetch array keys with jQuery?

I use something like this function I created...

Object.getKeys = function(obj, add) {
    if(obj === undefined || obj === null) {
        return undefined;
    var keys = [];
    if(add !== undefined) {
        keys = jQuery.merge(keys, add);
    for(key in obj) {
        if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    return keys;

I think you could set obj to self or something better in the first test. It seems sometimes I'm checking if it's empty too so I did it that way. Also I don't think {} is Object.* or at least there's a problem finding the function getKeys on the Object that way. Maybe you're suppose to put prototype first, but that seems to cause a conflict with GreenSock etc.

Matplotlib (pyplot) savefig outputs blank image should come after plt.savefig()

Explanation: clears the whole thing, so anything afterwards will happen on a new empty figure

Plotting with C#

FWIW, you probably want to look at F# instead of C# in the context of technical computing because F# is specifically designed for that purpose. However, I developed my own commercial plotting library because I was not satisfied with anything freely available on .NET.

How to create image slideshow in html?

Instead of writing the code from the scratch you can use jquery plug in. Such plug in can provide many configuration option as well.

Here is the one I most liked.

Variables not showing while debugging in Eclipse

Most often you would have imported multiple eclipse projects and you have switched between Git Branch. And then, you build and import incorrect project where debugger is not expected to come!

If reset eclipse Perspective doesn't worked. Then do following things :

  1. Delete eclipse project from disk.

  2. Clean and Build the eclipse project (In my case I used ANT tool).
    Note: Verify whether your are building the project in which the debugger is expected to come. The correct project name to be built can be found by hovering over a file where debug point is set.

  3. Import that eclipse project again.

  4. Also, Verify whether correct JDK is being selected at Preferences -> Installed JREs

Bash tool to get nth line from a file

You may also used sed print and quit:

sed -n '10{p;q;}' file   # print line 10

How to detect input type=file "change" for the same file?

Inspiring from @braitsch I have used the following in my AngularJS2 input-file-component

<input id="file" onclick="onClick($event) onchange="onChange($event)" type="file" accept="*/*" />

export class InputFile {


    fileChange = new EventEmitter();

    onClick(event) {''
        let files  =;
            this.file = files[0];
        else { this.file = null}

Here the onClick(event) rescued me :-)

How to change ReactJS styles dynamically?

Ok, finally found the solution.

Probably due to lack of experience with ReactJS and web development...

    var Task = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
      var percentage = this.props.children + '%';
        <div className="ui-progressbar-value ui-widget-header ui-corner-left" style={{width : percentage}}/>

I created the percentage variable outside in the render function.

Python 3.4.0 with MySQL database

There is a Ubuntu solution available either through the Ubuntu Software Center or through the Synaptic Package Manager. This will connect Python version 3.4.0 to MySQL. Download "python3-mysql.connector" version 1.1.6-1.

Note that the connection syntax does not use "MySQLdb". Instead read: Connecting to MySQL Using Connector/Python

Find size of an array in Perl

As numerous answers pointed out, the first and third way are the correct methods to get the array size, and the second way is not.

Here I expand on these answers with some usage examples.

@array_name evaluates to the length of the array = the size of the array = the number of elements in the array, when used in a scalar context.

Below are some examples of a scalar context, such as @array_name by itself inside if or unless, of in arithmetic comparisons such as == or !=.

All of these examples will work if you change @array_name to scalar(@array_name). This would make the code more explicit, but also longer and slightly less readable. Therefore, more idiomatic usage omitting scalar() is preferred here.

my @a = (undef, q{}, 0, 1);

# All of these test whether 'array' has four elements:
print q{array has four elements} if @a == 4;
print q{array has four elements} unless @a != 4;
@a == 4 and print q{array has four elements};
!(@a != 4) and print q{array has four elements};

# All of the above print:
# array has four elements

# All of these test whether array is not empty:
print q{array is not empty} if @a;
print q{array is not empty} unless !@a;
@a and print q{array is not empty};
!(!@a) and print q{array is not empty};

# All of the above print:
# array is not empty

How to copy a collection from one database to another in MongoDB

I would abuse the connect function in mongo cli mongo doc. so that means you can start one or more connection. if you want to copy customer collection from test to test2 in same server. first you start mongo shell

use test
var db2 = connect('localhost:27017/test2')

do a normal find and copy the first 20 record to test2.

db.customer.find().limit(20).forEach(function(p) { db2.customer.insert(p); });

or filter by some criteria

db.customer.find({"active": 1}).forEach(function(p) { db2.customer.insert(p); });

just change the localhost to IP or hostname to connect to remote server. I use this to copy test data to a test database for testing.

Trigger change event <select> using jquery

Another working solution for those who were blocked with jQuery trigger handler, that dosent fire on native events will be like below (100% working) :

var sortBySelect = document.querySelector("select.your-class"); 
sortBySelect.value = "new value"; 
sortBySelect.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));

Ubuntu apt-get unable to fetch packages

Ran into issues like, while running sudo apt-get install python3-env on Ubuntu WSL:

Err:1 xenial-security/universe amd64 python3.5-venv amd64 3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.9 
404  Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1360:8001::23 80]


sudo apt-get update

fixed those issues.

CSS3 transitions inside jQuery .css()

Step 1) Remove the semi-colon, it's an object you're creating...

    left       : c,
    transition : 'opacity 1s ease-in-out';


    left       : c,
    transition : 'opacity 1s ease-in-out'

Step 2) Vendor-prefixes... no browsers use transition since it's the standard and this is an experimental feature even in the latest browsers:

    left             : c,
    WebkitTransition : 'opacity 1s ease-in-out',
    MozTransition    : 'opacity 1s ease-in-out',
    MsTransition     : 'opacity 1s ease-in-out',
    OTransition      : 'opacity 1s ease-in-out',
    transition       : 'opacity 1s ease-in-out'

Here is a demo:

Step 3) Better vendor-prefixes... Instead of adding tons of unnecessary CSS to elements (that will just be ignored by the browser) you can use jQuery to decide what vendor-prefix to use:

$('a').on('click', function () {
    var myTransition = ($.browser.webkit)  ? '-webkit-transition' :
                       ($.browser.mozilla) ? '-moz-transition' : 
                       ($.browser.msie)    ? '-ms-transition' :
                       ($.browser.opera)   ? '-o-transition' : 'transition',
        myCSSObj     = { opacity : 1 };

    myCSSObj[myTransition] = 'opacity 1s ease-in-out';

Here is a demo:

Also note that if you specify in your transition declaration that the property to animate is opacity, setting a left property won't be animated.

Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

Need to set "on" server parameter "log_bin_trust_function_creators" on server side. This one you can easily find on left side blade if it is azure maria db.

Signed versus Unsigned Integers

Just a few points for completeness:

  • this answer is discussing only integer representations. There may be other answers for floating point;

  • the representation of a negative number can vary. The most common (by far - it's nearly universal today) in use today is two's complement. Other representations include one's complement (quite rare) and signed magnitude (vanishingly rare - probably only used on museum pieces) which is simply using the high bit as a sign indicator with the remain bits representing the absolute value of the number.

  • When using two's complement, the variable can represent a larger range (by one) of negative numbers than positive numbers. This is because zero is included in the 'positive' numbers (since the sign bit is not set for zero), but not the negative numbers. This means that the absolute value of the smallest negative number cannot be represented.

  • when using one's complement or signed magnitude you can have zero represented as either a positive or negative number (which is one of a couple of reasons these representations aren't typically used).

Change the default base url for axios

  1. Create .env.development, .env.production files if not exists and add there your API endpoint, for example: VUE_APP_API_ENDPOINT =''
  2. In main.js file, add this line after imports: axios.defaults.baseURL = process.env.VUE_APP_API_ENDPOINT

And that's it. Axios default base Url is replaced with build mode specific API endpoint. If you need specific baseURL for specific request, do it like this:

this.$axios({ url: 'items', baseURL: '' })

jQuery UI " $("#datepicker").datepicker is not a function"

Have you tried using $("#<%= txtDateElementId.ClientID %>").datepicker(); instead of $("#txtDateElementId").datepicker(); when selecting an element by ID using JQuery.

How do I copy items from list to list without foreach?

Here another method but it is little worse compare to other.

List<int> i=original.Take(original.count).ToList();

How to find the maximum value in an array?

Iterate over the Array. First initialize the maximum value to the first element of the array and then for each element optimize it if the element under consideration is greater.

Wait until boolean value changes it state

This is not my prefered way to do this, cause of massive CPU consumption.

If that is actually your working code, then just keep it like that. Checking a boolean once a second causes NO measurable CPU load. None whatsoever.

The real problem is that the thread that checks the value may not see a change that has happened for an arbitrarily long time due to caching. To ensure that the value is always synchronized between threads, you need to put the volatile keyword in the variable definition, i.e.

private volatile boolean value;

Note that putting the access in a synchronized block, such as when using the notification-based solution described in other answers, will have the same effect.

How to get Enum Value from index in Java?

Try this


Mobile website "WhatsApp" button to send message to a specific number

Format to send a WhatsApp message to a specific number (updated Nov 2018)

<a href=""></a>


whatsappphonenumber is a full phone number in international format

urlencodedtext is the URL-encoded pre-filled message.


  1. Create a link with a pre-filled message that will automatically appear in the text field of a chat, to be sent to a specific number

    Send I am interested in your car for sale to +001-(555)1234567

    Note :


    Don't use:

  2. Create a link with just a pre-filled message that will automatically appear in the text field of a chat, number will be chosen by the user

    Send I am enquiring about the apartment listing

    After clicking on the link, user will be shown a list of contacts they can send the pre-filled message to.

For more information, see


P.S : Older format (before updation) for reference

<a href=""></a>

What are OLTP and OLAP. What is the difference between them?

OLTP: It stands for OnLine Transaction Processing and is used for managing current day to day data information.
OLAP: It stands for OnLine Analytical Processing and is used to maintain the past history of data and mainly used for data analysis, it can also be referred to as warehouse.

HTTP 400 (bad request) for logical error, not malformed request syntax

In my case:

I am getting 400 bad request because I set content-type wrongly. I changed content type then able to get response successfully.

Before (Issue):

ClientResponse response = Client.create().resource(requestUrl).queryParam("noOfDates", String.valueOf(limit))
                .header(SecurityConstants.AUTHORIZATION, formatedToken).
header("Content-Type", "\"application/json\"").get(ClientResponse.class);

After (Fixed):

ClientResponse response = Client.create().resource(requestUrl).queryParam("noOfDates", String.valueOf(limit))
                .header(SecurityConstants.AUTHORIZATION, formatedToken).
header("Content-Type", "\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"").get(ClientResponse.class);

Python - How to sort a list of lists by the fourth element in each list?

Use sorted() with a key as follows -

>>> unsorted_list = [['a','b','c','5','d'],['e','f','g','3','h'],['i','j','k','4','m']]
>>> sorted(unsorted_list, key = lambda x: int(x[3]))
[['e', 'f', 'g', '3', 'h'], ['i', 'j', 'k', '4', 'm'], ['a', 'b', 'c', '5', 'd']]

The lambda returns the fourth element of each of the inner lists and the sorted function uses that to sort those list. This assumes that int(elem) will not fail for the list.

Or use itemgetter (As Ashwini's comment pointed out, this method would not work if you have string representations of the numbers, since they are bound to fail somewhere for 2+ digit numbers)

>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> sorted(unsorted_list, key = itemgetter(3))
[['e', 'f', 'g', '3', 'h'], ['i', 'j', 'k', '4', 'm'], ['a', 'b', 'c', '5', 'd']]

How to copy data from one HDFS to another HDFS?

Try dtIngest, it's developed on top of Apache Apex platform. This tool copies data from different sources like HDFS, shared drive, NFS, FTP, Kafka to different destinations. Copying data from remote HDFS cluster to local HDFS cluster is supported by dtIngest. dtIngest runs yarn jobs to copy data in parallel fashion, so it's very fast. It takes care of failure handling, recovery etc. and supports polling directories periodically to do continious copy.

Usage: dtingest [OPTION]... SOURCEURL... DESTINATIONURL example: dtingest hdfs://nn1:8020/source hdfs://nn2:8020/dest

How to hide/show div tags using JavaScript?

try yo write document.getElementById('id').style.visibility="hidden";

changing kafka retention period during runtime

The following is the right way to alter topic config as of Kafka

bin/ --zookeeper <zk_host> --alter --entity-type topics --entity-name test_topic --add-config

Topic config alter operations have been deprecated for bin/

WARNING: Altering topic configuration from this script has been deprecated and may be removed in future releases.
     Going forward, please use for this functionality`

bind/unbind service example (android)

You can try using this code:

protected ServiceConnection mServerConn = new ServiceConnection() {
    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onServiceConnected");

    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onServiceDisconnected");

public void start() {
    // mContext is defined upper in code, I think it is not necessary to explain what is it 
    mContext.bindService(intent, mServerConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

public void stop() {
    mContext.stopService(new Intent(mContext, ServiceRemote.class));

Execute a shell script in current shell with sudo permission

I'm not sure if this breaks any rules but

sudo bash

seems to work for me.

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'mydatabasename'

Create database which gave error as Unknown database, Login to mysql shell:

sudo mysql -u root -p
create database db_name;

Now try restoring database using .sql file, -p flag will ask for a sql user's password once command is executed.

sudo mysql -u root -p db_name < db_name.sql

Run PowerShell scripts on remote PC

After further investigating on PSExec tool, I think I got the answer. I need to add -i option to tell PSExec to launch process on remote in interactive mode:

PSExec \\RPC001 -i -u myID -p myPWD PowerShell C:\script\StartPS.ps1 par1 par2

Without -i, powershell.exe is running on the remote in waiting mode. Interesting point is that if I run a simple bat (without PS in bat), it works fine. Maybe this is something special for PS case? Welcome comments and explanations.

equals vs Arrays.equals in Java

array1.equals(array2) is the same as array1 == array2, i.e. is it the same array. As @alf points out it's not what most people expect.

Arrays.equals(array1, array2) compares the contents of the arrays.

Similarly array.toString() may not be very useful and you need to use Arrays.toString(array).

Cannot hide status bar in iOS7

I'm not sure why you "can't login to the Apple Developer Forums", but (without violating the NDA) you can also hide your statusBar through Xcode. It's a general setting on your application target. enter image description here

What's the C# equivalent to the With statement in VB?

Not really, you have to assign a variable. So

    var bar = Stuff.Elements.Foo;
    bar.Name = "Bob Dylan";
    bar.Age = 68;
    bar.Location = "On Tour";
    bar.IsCool = True;

Or in C# 3.0:

    var bar = Stuff.Elements.Foo
        Name = "Bob Dylan",
        Age = 68,
        Location = "On Tour",
        IsCool = True

Prevent overwriting a file using cmd if exist

As in the answer of Escobar Ceaser, I suggest to use quotes arround the whole path. It's the common way to wrap the whole path in "", not only separate directory names within the path.

I had a similar issue that it didn't work for me. But it was no option to use "" within the path for separate directory names because the path contained environment variables, which theirself cover more than one directory hierarchies. The conclusion was that I missed the space between the closing " and the (

The correct version, with the space before the bracket, would be

If NOT exist "C:\Documents and Settings\John\Start Menu\Programs\Software Folder" (
 start "\\filer\repo\lab\software\myapp\setup.exe"

Map with Key as String and Value as List in Groovy

Joseph forgot to add the value in his example with withDefault. Here is the code I ended up using:

Map map = [:].withDefault { key -> return [] }
listOfObjects.each { map.get(it.myKey).add(it.myValue) }

Iterating through a range of dates in Python

import datetime

def daterange(start, stop, step_days=1):
    current = start
    step = datetime.timedelta(step_days)
    if step_days > 0:
        while current < stop:
            yield current
            current += step
    elif step_days < 0:
        while current > stop:
            yield current
            current += step
        raise ValueError("daterange() step_days argument must not be zero")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from pprint import pprint as pp
    lo =, 12, 27)
    hi =, 1, 5)
    pp(list(daterange(lo, hi)))
    pp(list(daterange(hi, lo, -1)))
    pp(list(daterange(lo, hi, 7)))
    pp(list(daterange(hi, lo, -7))) 
    assert not list(daterange(lo, hi, -1))
    assert not list(daterange(hi, lo))
    assert not list(daterange(lo, hi, -7))
    assert not list(daterange(hi, lo, 7)) 

How do I combine 2 javascript variables into a string

ES6 introduce template strings for concatenation. Template Strings use back-ticks (``) rather than the single or double quotes we're used to with regular strings. A template string could thus be written as follows:

// Simple string substitution
let name = "Brendan";
console.log(`Yo, ${name}!`);

// => "Yo, Brendan!"

var a = 10;
var b = 10;
console.log(`JavaScript first appeared ${a+b} years ago. Crazy!`);

//=> JavaScript first appeared 20 years ago. Crazy!

Which Protocols are used for PING?

The usual command line ping tool uses ICMP Echo, but it's true that other protocols can also be used, and they're useful in debugging different kinds of network problems.

I can remember at least arping (for testing ARP requests) and tcping (which tries to establish a TCP connection and immediately closes it, it can be used to check if traffic reaches a certain port on a host) off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are others aswell.

Setting button text via javascript

The value of a button element isn't the displayed text, contrary to what happens to input elements of type button.

You can do this :

 b.appendChild(document.createTextNode('test value'));


Access to the path denied error in C#

You do not have permissions to access the file. Please be sure whether you can access the file in that drive.

string route= @"E:\Sample.text";
FileStream fs = new FileStream(route, FileMode.Create);

You have to provide the file name to create. Please try this, now you can create.

Calculate a Running Total in SQL Server

Using join Another variation is to use join. Now the query could look like:

    SELECT, a.value, SUM(b.Value)FROM   RunTotalTestData a,
    RunTotalTestData b
    WHERE <=
    GROUP BY, a.value 

for more you can visite this link

How to execute a command prompt command from python

Why do you want to call cmd.exe ? cmd.exe is a command line (shell). If you want to change directory, use os.chdir("C:\\"). Try not to call external commands if Python can provide it. In fact, most operating system commands are provide through the os module (and sys). I suggest you take a look at os module documentation to see the various methods available.

jQuery multiple conditions within if statement

A more general approach:

if ( ($("body").hasClass("homepage") || $("body").hasClass("contact")) && (theLanguage == 'en-gb') )   {

       // Do something


What is the correct Performance Counter to get CPU and Memory Usage of a Process?

Pelo Hyper-V:

private PerformanceCounter theMemCounter = new PerformanceCounter(
    "Hyper-v Dynamic Memory VM",
    "Physical Memory",

In Python, how do you convert a `datetime` object to seconds?

from the python docs:


Return the total number of seconds contained in the duration. Equivalent to

(td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6

computed with true division enabled.

Note that for very large time intervals (greater than 270 years on most platforms) this method will lose microsecond accuracy.

This functionality is new in version 2.7.

Python: TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

str(c) returns a new string representation of c, and does not mutate c itself.

c = str(c) 

is probably what you are looking for