Programs & Examples On #S7graphview

Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java

Here's yet another solution, using the XOM library, that competes with my dom4j answer. (This is part of my quest to find a good dom4j replacement where XOM was suggested as one option.)

First read the XML fragment into a nu.xom.Document:

String newNode = "<node>value</node>"; // Convert this to XML
Document newNodeDocument = new Builder().build(newNode, "");

Then, get the Document and the Node under which the fragment is added. Again, for testing purposes I'll create the Document from a string:

Document originalDoc = new Builder().build("<root><given></given></root>", "");
Element givenNode = originalDoc.getRootElement().getFirstChildElement("given");

Now, adding the child node is simple, and similar as with dom4j (except that XOM doesn't let you add the original root element which already belongs to newNodeDocument):


Outputting the document yields the correct result XML (and is remarkably easy with XOM: just print the string returned by originalDoc.toXML()):

<?xml version="1.0"?>

(If you wanted to format the XML nicely (with indentations and linefeeds), use a Serializer; thanks to Peter Štibraný for pointing this out.)

So, admittedly this isn't very different from the dom4j solution. :) However, XOM may be a little nicer to work with, because the API is better documented, and because of its design philosophy that there's one canonical way for doing each thing.

Appendix: Again, here's how to convert between org.w3c.dom.Document and nu.xom.Document. Use the helper methods in XOM's DOMConverter class:

// w3c -> xom
Document xomDoc = DOMConverter.convert(w3cDoc);

// xom -> w3c
org.w3c.dom.Document w3cDoc = DOMConverter.convert(xomDoc, domImplementation);  
// You can get a DOMImplementation instance e.g. from DOMImplementationRegistry

composer laravel create project

My few cents. The forward-slash in the package name (laravel*/*laravel) is matter. If you put back-slash you will get package not found stability error.

How can I bold the fonts of a specific row or cell in an Excel worksheet with C#?

Your question is a little the part that you indicate you want to bold in Excel is a DataGridView in the import from word method. Do you maybe want to bold the first row in the excel document?

using xl = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

xl.Range rng = (xl.Range)xlWorkSheet.Rows[0];
rng.Font.Bold = true;

Simple as that!


Images can't contain alpha channels or transparencies

You can simply create a new Photoshop document and set its default background to White instead of Transparent. Then, copy and paste your image to the newly created document and save it.

CSS: center element within a <div> element

mine would like magic.

html, body {
 height: 100%;

  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: flex;
  -ms-flex-align: center;
  -ms-flex-pack: center;
  -webkit-box-align: center;
  align-items: center;
  -webkit-box-pack: center;
  justify-content: center;

<div class="flex-container">

Using Mysql in the command line in osx - command not found?

for me the following commands worked:

$ brew install mysql

$ brew services start mysql

Installing PHP Zip Extension

For php 7.3 on ubuntu 16.04

sudo apt-get install php7.3-zip

How to pass arguments to Shell Script through docker run

Another option...

To make this works

docker run -d --rm $IMG_NAME "bash:command1&&command2&&command3"

in dockerfile




printf "==>[] %s\n" "entry_point_param is $entrypoint_params"

PARAM1=$(echo $entrypoint_params | cut -d':' -f1) # output is 1 must be 'bash' it     will be tested    
PARAM2=$(echo $entrypoint_params | cut -d':' -f2) # the real command separated by     &&

printf "==>[] %s\n" "PARAM1=$PARAM1"
printf "==>[] %s\n" "PARAM2=$PARAM2"

if [ "$PARAM1" = "bash" ];
    printf "==>[] %s\n" "about to running $PARAM2 command"
    echo $PARAM2 | tr '&&' '\n' | while read cmd; do

Which characters need to be escaped when using Bash?

Characters that need escaping are different in Bourne or POSIX shell than Bash. Generally (very) Bash is a superset of those shells, so anything you escape in shell should be escaped in Bash.

A nice general rule would be "if in doubt, escape it". But escaping some characters gives them a special meaning, like \n. These are listed in the man bash pages under Quoting and echo.

Other than that, escape any character that is not alphanumeric, it is safer. I don't know of a single definitive list.

The man pages list them all somewhere, but not in one place. Learn the language, that is the way to be sure.

One that has caught me out is !. This is a special character (history expansion) in Bash (and csh) but not in Korn shell. Even echo "Hello world!" gives problems. Using single-quotes, as usual, removes the special meaning.

How to get the current user in ASP.NET MVC

For what it's worth, in ASP.NET MVC 3 you can just use User which returns the user for the current request.

How to turn NaN from parseInt into 0 for an empty string?

Why not override the function? In that case you can always be sure it returns 0 in case of NaN:

(function(original) {
    parseInt = function() {
        return original.apply(window, arguments) || 0;

Now, anywhere in your code:

parseInt('') === 0

More Pythonic Way to Run a Process X Times


for _ in range(50):
    print "Some thing"

if you don't need i. If you use Python < 3 and you want to repeat the loop a lot of times, use xrange as there is no need to generate the whole list beforehand.

How can I get the name of an html page in Javascript?

Try this

location.pathname.substring(location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

location.pathname gives the part (domain not included) of the page URL. To get only the filename you have to extract it using the substring method.

How to test if a string is JSON or not?

This code is JSON.parse(1234) or JSON.parse(0) or JSON.parse(false) or JSON.parse(null) all will return true.

function isJson(str) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
        return false;
    return true;

So I rewrote code in this way:

function isJson(item) {
    item = typeof item !== "string"
        ? JSON.stringify(item)
        : item;

    try {
        item = JSON.parse(item);
    } catch (e) {
        return false;

    if (typeof item === "object" && item !== null) {
        return true;

    return false;

Testing result:

isJson test result

Checking version of angular-cli that's installed?

Simply run the following command :

ng v

Java enum - why use toString instead of name

A practical example when name() and toString() make sense to be different is a pattern where single-valued enum is used to define a singleton. It looks surprisingly at first but makes a lot of sense:

enum SingletonComponent {

    /* ...behavior... */

    String toString() {
      return "SingletonComponent"; // better than default "INSTANCE"

In such case:

SingletonComponent myComponent = SingletonComponent.INSTANCE;
assertThat("INSTANCE"); // blah
assertThat(myComponent.toString()).isEqualTo("SingletonComponent"); // better

Python, how to check if a result set is empty?

I had a similar problem when I needed to make multiple sql queries. The problem was that some queries did not return the result and I wanted to print that result. And there was a mistake. As already written, there are several solutions.

if cursor.description is None:
    # No recordset for INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, etc
    # Recordset for SELECT

As well as:

exist = cursor.fetchone()
if exist is None:
  ... # does not exist
  ... # exists

One of the solutions is:

The try and except block lets you handle the error/exceptions. The finally block lets you execute code, regardless of the result of the try and except blocks. So the presented problem can be solved by using it.

s = """ set current query acceleration = enable;
        set current GET_ACCEL_ARCHIVE = yes;

query_sqls = [i.strip() + ";" for i in filter(None, s.split(';'))]
for sql in query_sqls:
    print(f"Executing SQL statements ====> {sql} <=====")
    print(f"SQL ====> {sql} <===== was executed successfully")
        print("\n****************** RESULT ***********************")
        for result in cursor.fetchall():
        print("****************** END RESULT ***********************\n")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"SQL: ====> {sql} <==== doesn't have output!\n")
        # print(str(e))


Executing SQL statements ====> set current query acceleration = enable; <=====
SQL: ====> set current query acceleration = enable; <==== doesn't have output!

Executing SQL statements ====> set current GET_ACCEL_ARCHIVE = yes; <=====
SQL: ====> set current GET_ACCEL_ARCHIVE = yes; <==== doesn't have output!

Executing SQL statements ====> SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME; <=====

****************** RESULT ***********************

       ----------   DATA   ----------

****************** END RESULT ***********************

The example above only presents a simple use as an idea that could help with your solution. Of course, you should also pay attention to other errors, such as the correctness of the query, etc.

OnClick vs OnClientClick for an asp:CheckBox?

You can do the tag like this:

<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="ckRouteNow" Text="Send Now" OnClick="checkchanged(this)" />

The .checked property in the called JavaScript will be correct...the current state of the checkbox:

  function checkchanged(obj) {

How do I pass multiple parameters in Objective-C?

Objective-C doesn't have named parameters, so everything on the left side of a colon is part of the method name. For example,

getBusStops: forTime:

is the name of the method. The name is broken up so it can be more descriptive. You could simply name your method

getBusStops: :

but that doesn't tell you much about the second parameter.

How to use SQL Select statement with IF EXISTS sub query?

You can also use ISNULL and a select statement to get this result


Viewing contents of a .jar file

What I use personally is JD-GUI. It is a free 'decompiler', as it allows you to see the source code, classes, and objects in the classes, as well as see the file structure in a tree menu to the left. However, it does not allow you to modify the classes directly.

JD-GUI's website:

How do I use the CONCAT function in SQL Server 2008 R2?

Just for completeness - in SQL 2008 you would use the plus + operator to perform string concatenation.

Take a look at the MSDN reference with sample code. Starting with SQL 2012, you may wish to use the new CONCAT function.

A cycle was detected in the build path of project xxx - Build Path Problem

Eclipse had a bug which reported more cycles than necessary. This has been fixed with the 2019-12 release. See

How to run a makefile in Windows?

You can install GNU make with chocolatey, a well-maintained package manager, which will add make to the global path and runs on all CLIs (powershell, git bash, cmd, etc…) saving you a ton of time in both maintenance and initial setup to get make running.

  1. Install the chocolatey package manager for Windows
    compatible to Windows 7+ / Windows Server 2003+

  2. Run choco install make

I am not affiliated with choco, but I highly recommend it, so far it has never let me down and I do have a talent for breaking software unintentionally.

How to Get a Layout Inflater Given a Context?

You can use the static from() method from the LayoutInflater class:

 LayoutInflater li = LayoutInflater.from(context);

Difference between JSON.stringify and JSON.parse

They are the inverse of each other. JSON.stringify() serializes a JS object into a JSON string, whereas JSON.parse() will deserialize a JSON string into a JS object.

Skip a submodule during a Maven build

there is now (from 1.1.1 version) a 'skip' flag in pit.

So you can do things like :


in your module, and pit will skip

[INFO] --- pitest-maven:1.1.3:mutationCoverage (default-cli) @ module-selenium --- [INFO] Skipping project

Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String

Looks like niether is faster or slower

    public static void main(String arguments[]) {

        //Build a long string
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for(int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
            sb.append("a really, really long string");
        String str = sb.toString();
        for (int testscount = 0; testscount < 10; testscount ++) {

            //Test 1
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for(int c = 0; c < 10000000; c++) {
                for (int i = 0, n = str.length(); i < n; i++) {
                    char chr = str.charAt(i);
                    doSomethingWithChar(chr);//To trick JIT optimistaion

            System.out.println("1: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

            //Test 2
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
            for(int c = 0; c < 10000000; c++) {
                for (int i = 0, n = chars.length; i < n; i++) {
                    char chr = chars[i];
                    doSomethingWithChar(chr);//To trick JIT optimistaion
            System.out.println("2: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));


    public static void doSomethingWithChar(char chr) {
        int newInt = chr << 2;

For long strings I'll chose the first one. Why copy around long strings? Documentations says:

public char[] toCharArray() Converts this string to a new character array.

Returns: a newly allocated character array whose length is the length of this string and whose contents are initialized to contain the character sequence represented by this string.

//Edit 1

I've changed the test to trick JIT optimisation.

//Edit 2

Repeat test 10 times to let JVM warm up.

//Edit 3


First of all str.toCharArray(); copies entire string in memory. It can be memory consuming for long strings. Method String.charAt( ) looks up char in char array inside String class checking index before. It looks like for short enough Strings first method (i.e. chatAt method) is a bit slower due to this index check. But if the String is long enough, copying whole char array gets slower, and the first method is faster. The longer the string is, the slower toCharArray performs. Try to change limit in for(int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) loop to see it. If we let JVM warm up code runs faster, but proportions are the same.

After all it's just micro-optimisation.

Angularjs $http.get().then and binding to a list

$http methods return a promise, which can't be iterated, so you have to attach the results to the scope variable through the callbacks:

$scope.documents = [];
$http.get('/Documents/DocumentsList/' + caseId)
  .then(function(result) {
    $scope.documents =;

Now, since this defines the documents variable only after the results are fetched, you need to initialise the documents variable on scope beforehand: $scope.documents = []. Otherwise, your ng-repeat will choke.

This way, ng-repeat will first return an empty list, because documents array is empty at first, but as soon as results are received, ng-repeat will run again because the `documents``have changed in the success callback.

Also, you might want to alter you ng-repeat expression to:

<li ng-repeat="document in documents" ng-class="IsFiltered(document.Filtered)">

because if your DisplayDocuments() function is making a call to the server, than this call will be executed many times over, due to the $digest cycles.

How to create python bytes object from long hex string?

Try the binascii module

from binascii import unhexlify
b = unhexlify(myhexstr)

Count the cells with same color in google spreadsheet

here is a working version :

function countbackgrounds() {
 var book = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
 var range_input = book.getRange("B3:B4");
 var range_output = book.getRange("B6");
 var cell_colors = range_input.getBackgroundColors();
 var color = "#58FA58";
 var count = 0;

 for( var i in cell_colors ){
  if( cell_colors[i][0] == color ){ ++count }

How to split a string with any whitespace chars as delimiters

Apache Commons Lang has a method to split a string with whitespace characters as delimiters:

StringUtils.split("abc def")

This might be easier to use than a regex pattern.

Add comma to numbers every three digits

You can also look at the jquery FormatCurrency plugin (of which I am the author); it has support for multiple locales as well, but may have the overhead of the currency support that you don't need.

$(this).formatCurrency({ symbol: '', roundToDecimalPlace: 0 });

Show empty string when date field is 1/1/1900

An alternate solution that covers both min (1/1/1900) and max (6/6/2079) dates:

ISNULL(NULLIF(NULLIF(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CreatedDate, 120), '1900-01-01'), '2079-06-06'), '').

Whatever solution you use, you should do a conversion of your date (or datetime) field to a specific format to bulletproof against different default server configurations.


What are the "spec.ts" files generated by Angular CLI for?

.spec.ts file is used for unit testing of your application.

If you don't to get it generated just use --spec=false while creating new Component. Like this

ng generate component --spec=false mycomponentName

How to import spring-config.xml of one project into spring-config.xml of another project?

Here is the annotation based example:

public class MainApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

CSS image overlay with color and transparency

JSFiddle Demo


<div class="image-holder">
    <img src="" />


.image-holder {
    position: relative;
.image-holder:after {
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 10;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    background: blue;
    opacity: 0.1;
.image-holder:hover:after {
    opacity: 0;

How to format a DateTime in PowerShell

If you got here to use this in cmd.exe (in a batch file):

powershell -Command (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')

Using LINQ to find item in a List but get "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source"

The error you receive is from another method than the one you show here. It's a method that takes a parameter with the name "source". In your Visual Studio Options dialog, disable "Just my code", disable "Step over properties and operators" and enable "Enable .NET Framework source stepping". Make sure the .NET symbols can be found. Then the debugger will break inside the .NET method if it isn't your own. then check the stacktrace to find which value is passed that's null, but shouldn't.

What you should look for is a value that becomes null and prevent that. From looking at your code, it may be the itemsal.Add line that breaks.


Since you seem to have trouble with debugging in general and LINQ especially, let's try to help you out step by step (also note the expanded first section above if you still want to try it the classic way, I wasn't complete the first time around):

  • Narrow down the possible error scenarios by splitting your code;
  • Replace locations that can end up null with something deliberately not null;
  • If all fails, rewrite your LINQ statement as loop and go through it step by step.

Step 1

First make the code a bit more readable by splitting it in manageable pieces:

// in your using-section, add this:
using Roundsman.BAL;

// keep this in your normal location
var nCounts = from sale in sal
              select new
                  SaleID = sale.OrderID,
                  LineItem = GetLineItem(sale.LineItems)

foreach (var item in nCounts)
    foreach (var itmss in item.LineItem)

// add this as method somewhere
WeeklyStockList CreateWeeklyStockList(LineItem lineItem)
    string name = itmss.Item.Name.ToString();  // isn't Name already a string?
    string code = itmss.Item.Code.ToString();  // isn't Code already a string?
    string description = itmss.Item.Description.ToString();  // isn't Description already a string?
    int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(itmss.Item.Quantity); // wouldn't (int) or "as int" be enough?

    return new WeeklyStockList(
                 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

// also add this as a method
LineItem GetLineItem(IEnumerable<LineItem> lineItems)
    // add a null-check
    if(lineItems == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("lineItems", "Argument cannot be null!");

    // your original code
    from sli in lineItems
    group sli by sli.Item into ItemGroup
    select new
        Item = ItemGroup.Key,
        Weeks = ItemGroup.Select(s => s.Week)

The code above is from the top of my head, of course, because I cannot know what type of classes you have and thus cannot test the code before posting. Nevertheless, if you edit it until it is correct (if it isn't so out of the box), then you already stand a large chance the actual error becomes a lot clearer. If not, you should at the very least see a different stacktrace this time (which we still eagerly await!).

Step 2

The next step is to meticulously replace each part that can result in a null reference exception. By that I mean that you replace this:

select new
    SaleID = sale.OrderID,
    LineItem = GetLineItem(sale.LineItems)

with something like this:

select new
    SaleID = 123,
    LineItem = GetLineItem(new LineItem(/*ctor params for empty lineitem here*/))

This will create rubbish output, but will narrow the problem down even further to your potential offending line. Do the same as above for other places in the LINQ statements that can end up null (just about everything).

Step 3

This step you'll have to do yourself. But if LINQ fails and gives you such headaches and such unreadable or hard-to-debug code, consider what would happen with the next problem you encounter? And what if it fails on a live environment and you have to solve it under time pressure=

The moral: it's always good to learn new techniques, but sometimes it's even better to grab back to something that's clear and understandable. Nothing against LINQ, I love it, but in this particular case, let it rest, fix it with a simple loop and revisit it in half a year or so.


Actually, nothing to conclude. I went a bit further then I'd normally go with the long-extended answer. I just hope it helps you tackling the problem better and gives you some tools understand how you can narrow down hard-to-debug situations, even without advanced debugging techniques (which we haven't discussed).

String.contains in Java

I will answer your question using a math analogy:

In this instance, the number 0 will represent no value. If you pick a random number, say 15, how many times can 0 be subtracted from 15? Infinite times because 0 has no value, thus you are taking nothing out of 15. Do you have difficulty accepting that 15 - 0 = 15 instead of ERROR? So if we switch this analogy back to Java coding, the String "" represents no value. Pick a random string, say "hello world", how many times can "" be subtracted from "hello world"?

How to place a file on classpath in Eclipse?

Just to add. If you right-click on an eclipse project and select Properties, select the Java Build Path link on the left. Then select the Source Tab. You'll see a list of all the java source folders. You can even add your own. By default the {project}/src folder is the classpath folder.

What is the difference between a symbolic link and a hard link?

Soft Link:

soft or symbolic is more of a short cut to the original file....if you delete the original the shortcut fails and if you only delete the short cut nothing happens to the original.

Soft link Syntax: ln -s Pathof_Target_file link

Output : link -> ./Target_file

Proof: readlink link Also in ls -l link output you will see the first letter in lrwxrwxrwx as l which is indication that the file is a soft link.

Deleting the link: unlink link

Note: If you wish, your softlink can work even after moving it somewhere else from the current dir. Make sure you give absolute path and not relative path while creating a soft link. i.e.(starting from /root/user/Target_file and not ./Target_file)

Hard Link:

Hard link is more of a mirror copy or multiple paths to the same file. Do something to file1 and it appears in file 2. Deleting one still keeps the other ok.

The inode(or file) is only deleted when all the (hard)links or all the paths to the (same file)inode has been deleted.

Once a hard link has been made the link has the inode of the original file. Deleting renaming or moving the original file will not affect the hard link as it links to the underlying inode. Any changes to the data on the inode is reflected in all files that refer to that inode.

Hard Link syntax: ln Target_file link

Output: A file with name link will be created with the same inode number as of Targetfile.

Proof: ls -i link Target_file (check their inodes)

Deleting the link: rm -f link (Delete the link just like a normal file)

Note: Symbolic links can span file systems as they are simply the name of another file. Whereas hard links are only valid within the same File System.

Symbolic links have some features hard links are missing:

  • Hard link point to the file content. while Soft link points to the file name.
  • while size of hard link is the size of the content while soft link is having the file name size.
  • Hard links share the same inode. Soft links do not.
  • Hard links can't cross file systems. Soft links do.
  • you know immediately where a symbolic link points to while with hard links, you need to explore the whole file system to find files sharing the same inode.

    # find / -inum 517333

  • hard-links cannot point to directories.

The hard links have two limitations:

  • The directories cannot be hard linked. Linux does not permit this to maintain the acyclic tree structure of directories.
  • A hard link cannot be created across filesystems. Both the files must be on the same filesystems, because different filesystems have different independent inode tables (two files on different filesystems, but with same inode number will be different).

How to find Control in TemplateField of GridView?

You can use this code to find HyperLink in GridView. Use of e.Row.Cells[0].Controls[0] to find First position of control in GridView.

protected void AspGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
  if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
        DataRowView v = (DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem;           

        if (e.Row.Cells.Count > 0 && e.Row.Cells[0] != null && e.Row.Cells[0].Controls.Count > 0)
            HyperLink link = e.Row.Cells[0].Controls[0] as HyperLink;
            if (link != null)
                    link.Text = "Edit";


How to Split Image Into Multiple Pieces in Python

Edit: I believe this answer missed the intent to cut an image into rectangles in columns and rows. This answer cuts only into rows. It looks like other answers cut in columns and rows.

Simpler than all these is to use a wheel someone else invented :) It may be more involved to set up, but then it's a snap to use.

These instructions are for Windows 7; they may need to be adapted for other OSs.

Get and install pip from here.

Download the install archive, and extract it to your root Python installation directory. Open a console and type (if I recall correctly):

python install

Then get and install the image_slicer module via pip, by entering the following command at the console:

python -m pip install image_slicer

Copy the image you want to slice into the Python root directory, open a python shell (not the "command line"), and enter these commands:

import image_slicer
image_slicer.slice('huge_test_image.png', 14)

The beauty of this module is that it

  1. Is installed in python
  2. Can invoke an image split with two lines of code
  3. Accepts any even number as an image slice parameter (e.g. 14 in this example)
  4. Takes that parameter and automagically splits the given image into so many slices, and auto-saves the resultant numbered tiles in the same directory, and finally
  5. Has a function to stitch the image tiles back together (which I haven't yet tested); files apparently must be named after the convention which you will see in the split files after testing the image_slicer.slice function.

$this->session->set_flashdata() and then $this->session->flashdata() doesn't work in codeigniter

flash message after redirect will available in controller not in view. to show in view get in controller's action and pass it view

Comparing a variable with a string python not working when redirecting from bash script

When you read() the file, you may get a newline character '\n' in your string. Try either

if UserInput.strip() == 'List contents': 


if 'List contents' in UserInput: 

Also note that your second file open could also use with:

with open('/Users/.../USER_INPUT.txt', 'w+') as UserInputFile:     if UserInput.strip() == 'List contents': # or if s in f:         UserInputFile.write("ls")     else:         print "Didn't work" 

What does the Java assert keyword do, and when should it be used?

A real world example, from a Stack-class (from Assertion in Java Articles)

public int pop() {
   // precondition
   assert !isEmpty() : "Stack is empty";
   return stack[--num];

Double Iteration in List Comprehension

Order of iterators may seem counter-intuitive.

Take for example: [str(x) for i in range(3) for x in foo(i)]

Let's decompose it:

def foo(i):
    return i, i + 0.5

    for i in range(3)
        for x in foo(i)

# is same as
for i in range(3):
    for x in foo(i):
        yield str(x)

Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android

Mixing some of the suggestions above, and was able to get a good solution:

Custom ScrollView:

package com.scrollable.view;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.widget.ScrollView;

public class VScroll extends ScrollView {

    public VScroll(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public VScroll(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public VScroll(Context context) {

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        return false;

Custom HorizontalScrollView:

package com.scrollable.view;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.widget.HorizontalScrollView;

public class HScroll extends HorizontalScrollView {

    public HScroll(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public HScroll(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public HScroll(Context context) {

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        return false;

the ScrollableImageActivity:

package com.scrollable.view;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.widget.HorizontalScrollView;
import android.widget.ScrollView;

public class ScrollableImageActivity extends Activity {

    private float mx, my;
    private float curX, curY;

    private ScrollView vScroll;
    private HorizontalScrollView hScroll;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        vScroll = (ScrollView) findViewById(;
        hScroll = (HorizontalScrollView) findViewById(;


    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        float curX, curY;

        switch (event.getAction()) {

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                mx = event.getX();
                my = event.getY();
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                curX = event.getX();
                curY = event.getY();
                vScroll.scrollBy((int) (mx - curX), (int) (my - curY));
                hScroll.scrollBy((int) (mx - curX), (int) (my - curY));
                mx = curX;
                my = curY;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                curX = event.getX();
                curY = event.getY();
                vScroll.scrollBy((int) (mx - curX), (int) (my - curY));
                hScroll.scrollBy((int) (mx - curX), (int) (my - curY));

        return true;


the layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
    <com.scrollable.view.VScroll android:layout_height="fill_parent"
        android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:id="@+id/vScroll">
        <com.scrollable.view.HScroll android:id="@+id/hScroll"
            android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent">
            <ImageView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:src="@drawable/bg"></ImageView>


Directory.GetFiles: how to get only filename, not full path?

Use this to obtain only the filename.


differences between using wmode="transparent", "opaque", or "window" for an embedded object on a webpage

There's a pretty good write up in the Adobe KB's on 'wmode' and other attributes with regards to their effect on presentation and performance.

Python find elements in one list that are not in the other

If the number of occurences should be taken into account you probably need to use something like collections.Counter:

list_1=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
list_2=["a", "f", "c", "m"] 
from collections import Counter
cnt1 = Counter(list_1)
cnt2 = Counter(list_2)
final = [key for key, counts in cnt2.items() if cnt1.get(key, 0) != counts]

>>> final
['f', 'm']

As promised this can also handle differing number of occurences as "difference":

list_1=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", 'a']
cnt1 = Counter(list_1)
cnt2 = Counter(list_2)
final = [key for key, counts in cnt2.items() if cnt1.get(key, 0) != counts]

>>> final
['a', 'f', 'm']

How do I view events fired on an element in Chrome DevTools?

For jQuery (at least version 1.11.2) the following procedure worked for me.

  1. Right click on the element and open 'Chrome Developer Tools'
  2. Type $._data(($0), 'events'); in the 'Console'
  3. Expand the attached objects and double click the handler: value.
  4. This shows the source code of the attached function, search for part of that using the 'Search' tab.

And it's time to stop re-inventing the wheel and start using vanilla JS events ... :)


how to make a specific text on TextView BOLD

wtsang02 answer is the best way to go about it, since, Html.fromHtml("") is now deprecated. Here I'm just going to enhance it a little bit for whoever is having problem in dynamically making the first word bold, no matter whats the size of the sentence.

First lets create a method to get the first word:

 private String getFirstWord(String input){

    for(int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++){

        if(input.charAt(i) == ' '){

            return input.substring(0, i);

    return input;

Now let's say you have a long string like this:

String sentence = "[email protected] want's to be your friend!"

And you want your sentence to be like [email protected] want's to be your friend! All you have to do is- get the firstWord and get the lenght of it to make the firstWord bold, something like this:

String myFirstWord = getFirstWord(sentence);
int start = 0; // bold will start at index 0
int end = myFirstWord.length(); // and will finish at whatever the length of your first word

Now just follow wtsang02 's steps, like this:

SpannableStringBuilder fancySentence = new SpannableStringBuilder(sentence);
fancySentence.setSpan(new, start, end, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

And that's it! Now you should be able to bold a word with any size from long/short sentence. Hope it will help someone, happy coding :)

CSS rotation cross browser with jquery.animate()

this is my solution:

var matrixRegex = /(?:matrix\(|\s*,\s*)([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[e][-+]?[0-9]+)?)/gi;

var getMatches = function(string, regex) {
    regex || (regex = matrixRegex);
    var matches = [];
    var match;
    while (match = regex.exec(string)) {
    return matches;

$.cssHooks['rotation'] = {
    get: function(elem) {
        var $elem = $(elem);
        var matrix = getMatches($elem.css('transform'));
        if (matrix.length != 6) {
            return 0;
        return Math.atan2(parseFloat(matrix[1]), parseFloat(matrix[0])) * (180/Math.PI);
    set: function(elem, val){
        var $elem = $(elem);
        var deg = parseFloat(val);
        if (!isNaN(deg)) {
            $elem.css({ transform: 'rotate(' + deg + 'deg)' });
$.cssNumber.rotation = true;
$.fx.step.rotation = function(fx) {
    $.cssHooks.rotation.set(fx.elem, + fx.unit);

then you can use it in the default animate fkt:

//rotate to 90 deg cw
$('selector').animate({ rotation: 90 });

//rotate to -90 deg ccw
$('selector').animate({ rotation: -90 });

//rotate 90 deg cw from current rotation
$('selector').animate({ rotation: '+=90' });

//rotate 90 deg ccw from current rotation
$('selector').animate({ rotation: '-=90' });

What are good grep tools for Windows?

UnxUtils is the one I use, works perfectly for me...

How to change DatePicker dialog color for Android 5.0

You don't have create theme just write it in your dialog creation object

DatePickerDialog datePicker = new DatePickerDialog(getActivity(), AlertDialog.THEME_HOLO_LIGHT,this, mYear, mMonth, mDay);

follow this it will give you all type date picker style it's really work

How to add a "open git-bash here..." context menu to the windows explorer?

You can install git for windows or Github for windows , both give you the choice while installing to add this feature to your windows explorer. You can find it here:

Github for Windows

Git for Windows

ldap query for group members

The query should be:

(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=Distribution Groups,OU=Mybusiness,DC=mydomain.local,DC=com))

You missed & and ()

How do I avoid the specification of the username and password at every git push?

You have to setup a SSH private key, you can review this page, how to do the setup on Mac, if you are on linux the guide should be almost the same, on Windows you would need tool like MSYS.

QString to char* conversion

Your string may contain non Latin1 characters, which leads to undefined data. It depends of what you mean by "it deosn't seem to work".

How Do I Get the Query Builder to Output Its Raw SQL Query as a String?

You can listen to the 'illuminate.query' event. Before the query add the following event listener:

Event::listen('illuminate.query', function($query, $params, $time, $conn) 
    dd(array($query, $params, $time, $conn));


This will print out something like:

array(4) {
  string(21) "select * from "users""
  array(0) {
  string(4) "0.94"
  string(6) "sqlite"

How to use cookies in Python Requests

Summary (@Freek Wiekmeijer, @gtalarico) other's answer:

Logic of Login

  • Many resource(pages, api) need authentication, then can access, otherwise 405 Not Allowed
  • Common authentication=grant access method are:
    • cookie
    • auth header
      • Basic xxx
      • Authorization xxx

How use cookie in requests to auth

  1. first get/generate cookie
  2. send cookie for following request
  • manual set cookie in headers
  • auto process cookie by requests's
    • session to auto manage cookies
    • response.cookies to manually set cookies

use requests's session auto manage cookies

curSession = requests.Session() 
# all cookies received will be stored in the session object

payload={'username': "yourName",'password': "yourPassword"}, data=payload)
# internally return your expected cookies, can use for following auth

# internally use previously generated cookies, can access the resources


manually control requests's response.cookies

payload={'username': "yourName",'password': "yourPassword"}
resp1 =, data=payload)

# manually pass previously returned cookies into following request
resp2 = requests.get(secondUrl, cookies= resp1.cookies)

resp3 = requests.get(thirdUrl, cookies= resp2.cookies)

can't load package: package .: no buildable Go source files

Make sure you are using that command in the Go project source folder (like /Users/7yan00/Golang/src/myProject).

One alternative (similar to this bug) is to use the -d option (see go get command)

go get -d

The -d flag instructs get to stop after downloading the packages; that is, it instructs get not to install the packages.

See if that helps in your case.

But more generally, as described in this thread:

go get is for package(s), not for repositories.

so if you want a specific package, say, go.text/encoding, then use

go get

if you want all packages in that repository, use ... to signify that:

go get

EF Migrations: Rollback last applied migration?

In EntityFrameworkCore:

Update-Database 20161012160749_AddedOrderToCourse

where 20161012160749_AddedOrderToCourse is a name of migration you want to rollback to.

positional argument follows keyword argument

The grammar of the language specifies that positional arguments appear before keyword or starred arguments in calls:

argument_list        ::=  positional_arguments ["," starred_and_keywords]
                            ["," keywords_arguments]
                          | starred_and_keywords ["," keywords_arguments]
                          | keywords_arguments

Specifically, a keyword argument looks like this: tag='insider trading!' while a positional argument looks like this: ..., exchange, .... The problem lies in that you appear to have copy/pasted the parameter list, and left some of the default values in place, which makes them look like keyword arguments rather than positional ones. This is fine, except that you then go back to using positional arguments, which is a syntax error.

Also, when an argument has a default value, such as price=None, that means you don't have to provide it. If you don't provide it, it will use the default value instead.

To resolve this error, convert your later positional arguments into keyword arguments, or, if they have default values and you don't need to use them, simply don't specify them at all:

order_id = kite.order_place(self, exchange, tradingsymbol,
    transaction_type, quantity)

# Fully positional:
order_id = kite.order_place(self, exchange, tradingsymbol, transaction_type, quantity, price, product, order_type, validity, disclosed_quantity, trigger_price, squareoff_value, stoploss_value, trailing_stoploss, variety, tag)

# Some positional, some keyword (all keywords at end):

order_id = kite.order_place(self, exchange, tradingsymbol,
    transaction_type, quantity, tag='insider trading!')

How do I apply a style to all children of an element

As commented by David Thomas, descendants of those child elements will (likely) inherit most of the styles assigned to those child elements.

You need to wrap your .myTestClass inside an element and apply the styles to descendants by adding .wrapper * descendant selector. Then, add .myTestClass > * child selector to apply the style to the elements children, not its grand children. For example like this:

JSFiddle - DEMO

.wrapper * {_x000D_
    color: blue;_x000D_
    margin: 0 100px; /* Only for demo */_x000D_
.myTestClass > * {_x000D_
    margin: 0 20px;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
    <div class="myTestClass">Text 0_x000D_
        <div>Text 1</div>_x000D_
        <span>Text 1</span>_x000D_
        <div>Text 1_x000D_
            <p>Text 2</p>_x000D_
            <div>Text 2</div>_x000D_
        <p>Text 1</p>_x000D_
    <div>Text 0</div>_x000D_

Image resolution for new iPhone 6 and 6+, @3x support added?

I have tested by making a sample project and all simulators seem to use @3x images , this is confusing.

Create different versions of an image in your asset catalog such that the image itself tells you what version it is:

enter image description here

Now run the app on each simulator in turn. You will see that the 3x image is used only on the iPhone 6 Plus.

The same thing is true if the images are drawn from the app bundle using their names (e.g. one.png, [email protected], and [email protected]) by calling imageNamed: and assigning into an image view.

(However, there's a difference if you assign the image to an image view in Interface Builder - the 2x version is ignored on double-resolution devices. This is presumably a bug, apparently a bug in pathForResource:ofType:.)

How can I get an int from stdio in C?

I'm not fully sure that this is what you're looking for, but if your question is how to read an integer using <stdio.h>, then the proper syntax is

int myInt;
scanf("%d", &myInt);

You'll need to do a lot of error-handling to ensure that this works correctly, of course, but this should be a good start. In particular, you'll need to handle the cases where

  1. The stdin file is closed or broken, so you get nothing at all.
  2. The user enters something invalid.

To check for this, you can capture the return code from scanf like this:

int result = scanf("%d", &myInt);

If stdin encounters an error while reading, result will be EOF, and you can check for errors like this:

int myInt;
int result = scanf("%d", &myInt);

if (result == EOF) {
    /* ... you're not going to get any input ... */

If, on the other hand, the user enters something invalid, like a garbage text string, then you need to read characters out of stdin until you consume all the offending input. You can do this as follows, using the fact that scanf returns 0 if nothing was read:

int myInt;
int result = scanf("%d", &myInt);

if (result == EOF) {
    /* ... you're not going to get any input ... */
if (result == 0) {
    while (fgetc(stdin) != '\n') // Read until a newline is found

Hope this helps!

EDIT: In response to the more detailed question, here's a more appropriate answer. :-)

The problem with this code is that when you write

printf("got the number: %d", scanf("%d", &x));

This is printing the return code from scanf, which is EOF on a stream error, 0 if nothing was read, and 1 otherwise. This means that, in particular, if you enter an integer, this will always print 1 because you're printing the status code from scanf, not the number you read.

To fix this, change this to

int x;
scanf("%d", &x);
/* ... error checking as above ... */
printf("got the number: %d", x);

Hope this helps!

Mockito. Verify method arguments

Many of the above answers confused me but I suspect it may be due to older versions of Mockito. This answer is accomplished using

  • Java 11
  • Mockito 3.1.0
  • SpringBoot 2.2.7.RELEASE
  • JUnit5

Using ArgumentCaptor I have done it this way:

MyClientService myClientService;
MyService myService;

void myTest() {

  ArgumentCaptor<String> captorParam1 = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
  ArgumentCaptor<String> captorParam2 = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);

  Mockito.when(myClientService.doSomething(captorParam1.capture(), captorParam2.capture(), ArgumentMatchers.anyString()))

  assertDoesNotThrow(() -> myService.process(data));

  assertEquals("param1", captorParam1.getValue());
  assertEquals("param2", captorParam2.getValue());

  verify(myClientService, times(1))
    .doSomething(anyString(), anyString(), anyString());

Installing SQL Server 2012 - Error: Prior Visual Studio 2010 instances requiring update

I had this issue too, after following this guide, it was simply 1 additional patch that was required to get past the

Rule "Prior Visual Studio 2010 instances requiring update." failed.

Was to locate this file, and patch my machine


Simply do a file search on the installation media for SQL Server 2012, in my case it was in \redist\VisualStudioShell (whereas in the guide it's listed as being in a different location).

Then hit 're-run'.

Failed State

How to integrate sourcetree for gitlab

There does not seem to be a way to set up a GitLab account within SourceTree, but if you just clone a remote repo it will use your SSH key correctly.

Edit: After SourceTree 3.0 it is possible to add various non-Atlassian git accounts, including GitLab.

Syntax for async arrow function

Async Arrow function syntax with parameters

const myFunction = async (a, b, c) => {
   // Code here

Linq to SQL .Sum() without group ... into

you can:


To hit the db only once do:

var itemsInCart = (from o in db.OrderLineItems
                  where o.OrderId == currentOrder.OrderId
                  select new { o.OrderLineItemId, ..., ..., o.WishListItem.Price}
var sum = itemsCart.Select(c=>c.Price).Sum();

The extra round-trip saved is worth it :)

Meaning of end='' in the statement print("\t",end='')?

The default value of end is \n meaning that after the print statement it will print a new line. So simply stated end is what you want to be printed after the print statement has been executed

Eg: - print ("hello",end=" +") will print hello +

Sending HTML mail using a shell script

First you need to compose the message. The bare minimum is composed of these two headers:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html

... and the appropriate message body:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

<p>Hello, world!</p>


Once you have it, you can pass the appropriate information to the mail command:

body = '...'

echo $body | mail \
-a "From: [email protected]" \
-a "MIME-Version: 1.0" \
-a "Content-Type: text/html" \
-s "This is the subject" \
[email protected]

This is an oversimplified example, since you also need to take care of charsets, encodings, maximum line length... But this is basically the idea.

Alternatively, you can write your script in Perl or PHP rather than plain shell.


A shell script is basically a text file with Unix line endings that starts with a line called shebang that tells the shell what interpreter it must pass the file to, follow some commands in the language the interpreter understands and has execution permission (in Unix that's a file attribute). E.g., let's say you save the following as hello-world:


echo Hello, world!

Then you assign execution permission:

chmod +x hello-world

And you can finally run it:


Whatever, this is kind of unrelated to the original question. You should get familiar with basic shell scripting before doing advanced tasks with it. Here you are a couple of links about bash, a popular shell:

Convert string to decimal, keeping fractions

The value is the same even though the printed representation is not what you expect:

decimal d = (decimal )1200.00;
Console.WriteLine(Decimal.Parse("1200") == d); //True

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in

Sorry.Though it is a bit late but hope it would help others as well . Always use the stdClass object.e.g

 $getvidids = $ci->db->query("SELECT * FROM videogroupids WHERE videogroupid='$videogroup'   AND used='0' LIMIT 10");

foreach($getvidids->result() as $key=>$myids)

  $vidid[$key] = $myids->videoid;  // better methodology to retrieve and store multiple records in arrays in loop

Global Variable in app.js accessible in routes?

To declare a global variable you need do use global object. Like global.yourVariableName. But it is not a true way. To share variables between modules try to use injection style like


module.exports = function(injectedVariable) {
    return {
        somePublicMethod: function() {
        anotherPublicMethod: function() {


var someModule = require('./someModule')(someSharedVariable);

Or you may use surrogate object to do that. Like hub.


var hub = require('hub');

module.somePublicMethod = function() {
    // We can use hub.db here

module.anotherPublicMethod = function() {


var hub = require('hub');
hub.db = dbConnection;
var someModule = require('./someModule');

Running two projects at once in Visual Studio

Max has the best solution for when you always want to start both projects, but you can also right click a project and choose menu Debug ? Start New Instance.

This is an option when you only occasionally need to start the second project or when you need to delay the start of the second project (maybe the server needs to get up and running before the client tries to connect, or something).

Passing variables, creating instances, self, The mechanics and usage of classes: need explanation

So here is a simple example of how to use classes: Suppose you are a finance institute. You want your customer's accounts to be managed by a computer. So you need to model those accounts. That is where classes come in. Working with classes is called object oriented programming. With classes you model real world objects in your computer. So, what do we need to model a simple bank account? We need a variable that saves the balance and one that saves the customers name. Additionally, some methods to in- and decrease the balance. That could look like:

class bankaccount():
    def __init__(self, name, money): = name = money

    def earn_money(self, amount): += amount

    def withdraw_money(self, amount): -= amount

    def show_balance(self):

Now you have an abstract model of a simple account and its mechanism. The def __init__(self, name, money) is the classes' constructor. It builds up the object in memory. If you now want to open a new account you have to make an instance of your class. In order to do that, you have to call the constructor and pass the needed parameters. In Python a constructor is called by the classes's name:

spidermans_account = bankaccount("SpiderMan", 1000)

If Spiderman wants to buy M.J. a new ring he has to withdraw some money. He would call the withdraw method on his account:


If he wants to see the balance he calls:


The whole thing about classes is to model objects, their attributes and mechanisms. To create an object, instantiate it like in the example. Values are passed to classes with getter and setter methods like `earn_money()´. Those methods access your objects variables. If you want your class to store another object you have to define a variable for that object in the constructor.

Django REST Framework: adding additional field to ModelSerializer

class Demo(models.Model):
    def property_name(self):

If you want to use the same property name:

class DemoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    property_name = serializers.ReadOnlyField()
    class Meta:
        model = Product
        fields = '__all__' # or you can choose your own fields

If you want to use different property name, just change this:

new_property_name = serializers.ReadOnlyField(source='property_name')

jQuery .ajax() POST Request throws 405 (Method Not Allowed) on RESTful WCF

This Worked for me

In Web.config add below script

  <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" >
    <remove name="WebDAVModule"/>
  <handlers accessPolicy="Read, Execute, Script">
    <remove name="WebDAV" />
    <remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" />
    <remove name="OPTIONSVerbHandler" />
    <remove name="TRACEVerbHandler" />

    <add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" path="*."
         preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />

Also in RouteConfig.cs


settings.AutoRedirectMode = RedirectMode.Permanent;


settings.AutoRedirectMode = RedirectMode.Off;

Hope it helps you or some one :)

Removing multiple files from a Git repo that have already been deleted from disk

If those are the only changes, you can simply do

git commit -a

to commit all changes. That will include deleted files.

How to pass command line arguments to a shell alias?

You cannot in ksh, but you can in csh.

alias mkcd 'mkdir \!^; cd \!^1'

In ksh, function is the way to go. But if you really really wanted to use alias:

alias mkcd='_(){ mkdir $1; cd $1; }; _'

Selecting all text in HTML text input when clicked

input autofocus, with onfocus event:

<INPUT onfocus="" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="thing" autofocus>

This lets you open a form with the desired element selected. It works by using autofocus to hit the input, which then sends itself an onfocus event, which in turn selects the text.

C++ for each, pulling from vector elements

For next examples assumed that you use C++11. Example with ranged-based for loops:

for (auto &attack : m_attack) // access by reference to avoid copying
    if (attack->m_num == input)

You should use const auto &attack depending on the behavior of makeDamage().

You can use std::for_each from standard library + lambdas:

std::for_each(m_attack.begin(), m_attack.end(),
        [](Attack * attack)
            if (attack->m_num == input)

If you are uncomfortable using std::for_each, you can loop over m_attack using iterators:

for (auto attack = m_attack.begin(); attack != m_attack.end(); ++attack)
    if (attack->m_num == input)

Use m_attack.cbegin() and m_attack.cend() to get const iterators.

Understanding the order() function

To sort a 1D vector or a single column of data, just call the sort function and pass in your sequence.

On the other hand, the order function is necessary to sort data two-dimensional data--i.e., multiple columns of data collected in a matrix or dataframe.

Stadium Home Week Qtr Away Off Def Result       Kicker Dist
751     Out  PHI   14   4  NYG PHI NYG   Good      D.Akers   50
491     Out   KC    9   1  OAK OAK  KC   Good S.Janikowski   32
702     Out  OAK   15   4  CLE CLE OAK   Good     P.Dawson   37
571     Out   NE    1   2  OAK OAK  NE Missed S.Janikowski   43
654     Out  NYG   11   2  PHI NYG PHI   Good      J.Feely   26
307     Out  DEN   14   2  BAL DEN BAL   Good       J.Elam   48
492     Out   KC   13   3  DEN  KC DEN   Good      L.Tynes   34
691     Out  NYJ   17   3  BUF NYJ BUF   Good     M.Nugent   25
164     Out  CHI   13   2   GB CHI  GB   Good      R.Gould   25
80      Out  BAL    1   2  IND IND BAL   Good M.Vanderjagt   20

Here is an excerpt of data for field goal attempts in the 2008 NFL season, a dataframe i've called 'fg'. suppose that these 10 data points represent all of the field goals attempted in 2008; further suppose you want to know the the distance of the longest field goal attempted that year, who kicked it, and whether it was good or not; you also want to know the second-longest, as well as the third-longest, etc.; and finally you want the shortest field goal attempt.

Well, you could just do this:

sort(fg$Dist, decreasing=T)

which returns: 50 48 43 37 34 32 26 25 25 20

That is correct, but not very useful--it does tell us the distance of the longest field goal attempt, the second-longest, well as the shortest; however, but that's all we know--eg, we don't know who the kicker was, whether the attempt was successful, etc. Of course, we need the entire dataframe sorted on the "Dist" column (put another way, we want to sort all of the data rows on the single attribute Dist. that would look like this:

Stadium Home Week Qtr Away Off Def Result       Kicker Dist
751     Out  PHI   14   4  NYG PHI NYG   Good      D.Akers   50
307     Out  DEN   14   2  BAL DEN BAL   Good       J.Elam   48
571     Out   NE    1   2  OAK OAK  NE Missed S.Janikowski   43
702     Out  OAK   15   4  CLE CLE OAK   Good     P.Dawson   37
492     Out   KC   13   3  DEN  KC DEN   Good      L.Tynes   34
491     Out   KC    9   1  OAK OAK  KC   Good S.Janikowski   32
654     Out  NYG   11   2  PHI NYG PHI   Good      J.Feely   26
691     Out  NYJ   17   3  BUF NYJ BUF   Good     M.Nugent   25
164     Out  CHI   13   2   GB CHI  GB   Good      R.Gould   25
80      Out  BAL    1   2  IND IND BAL   Good M.Vanderjagt   20

This is what order does. It is 'sort' for two-dimensional data; put another way, it returns a 1D integer index comprised of the row numbers such that sorting the rows according to that vector, would give you a correct row-oriented sort on the column, Dist

Here's how it works. Above, sort was used to sort the Dist column; to sort the entire dataframe on the Dist column, we use 'order' exactly the same way as 'sort' is used above:

ndx = order(fg$Dist, decreasing=T)

(i usually bind the array returned from 'order' to the variable 'ndx', which stands for 'index', because i am going to use it as an index array to sort.)

that was step 1, here's step 2:

'ndx', what is returned by 'sort' is then used as an index array to re-order the dataframe, 'fg':

fg_sorted = fg[ndx,]

fg_sorted is the re-ordered dataframe immediately above.

In sum, 'sort' is used to create an index array (which specifies the sort order of the column you want sorted), which then is used as an index array to re-order the dataframe (or matrix).

Console errors. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

The supplied host is not resolving for me (custom DNS or self configured host?) so I can only hazard to guess.

But as you are requesting the resources over SSL it is likely the certificate is invalid. Either it is self-signed and has not been added to your browser/OS exceptions or it is otherwise invalid.

Try the URI directly in the same browser and inspect the certificate.

Edit: this is in no way related to jQuery, JavaScript or CSS directly.

Can I use an HTML input type "date" to collect only a year?

I try with this, no modifications on the css.

$(function() {_x000D_
    changeYear: true,_x000D_
    showButtonPanel: true,_x000D_
    dateFormat: 'yy',_x000D_
    onClose: function(dateText, inst) {_x000D_
      var year = $("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-year :selected").val();_x000D_
      $(this).datepicker('setDate', new Date(year, 1));_x000D_
  $("#datepicker").focus(function() {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Date: <input type="text" id="datepicker" /></p>

Example code jsfiddle

How to convert char to integer in C?

In the old days, when we could assume that most computers used ASCII, we would just do

int i = c[0] - '0';

But in these days of Unicode, it's not a good idea. It was never a good idea if your code had to run on a non-ASCII computer.

Edit: Although it looks hackish, evidently it is guaranteed by the standard to work. Thanks @Earwicker.

How to have Android Service communicate with Activity

Using a Messenger is another simple way to communicate between a Service and an Activity.

In the Activity, create a Handler with a corresponding Messenger. This will handle messages from your Service.

class ResponseHandler extends Handler {
    @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "message from service",
Messenger messenger = new Messenger(new ResponseHandler());

The Messenger can be passed to the service by attaching it to a Message:

Message message = Message.obtain(null, MyService.ADD_RESPONSE_HANDLER);
message.replyTo = messenger;
try {
catch (RemoteException e) {

A full example can be found in the API demos: MessengerService and MessengerServiceActivity. Refer to the full example for how MyService works.

KERNELBASE.dll Exception 0xe0434352 offset 0x000000000000a49d

0xe0434352 is the SEH code for a CLR exception. If you don't understand what that means, stop and read A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling. So your process is not handling a CLR exception. Don't shoot the messenger, KERNELBASE.DLL is just the unfortunate victim. The perpetrator is MyApp.exe.

There should be a minidump of the crash in DrWatson folders with a full stack, it will contain everything you need to root cause the issue.

I suggest you wire up, in your myapp.exe code, AppDomain.UnhandledException and Application.ThreadException, as appropriate.

A default document is not configured for the requested URL, and directory browsing is not enabled on the server

Following applies to IIS 7

The error is trying to tell you that one of two things is not working properly:

  • There is no default page (e.g., index.html, default.aspx) for your site. This could mean that the Default Document "feature" is entirely disabled, or just misconfigured.
  • Directory browsing isn't enabled. That is, if you're not serving a default page for your site, maybe you intend to let users navigate the directory contents of your site via http (like a remote "windows explorer").

See the following link for instructions on how to diagnose and fix the above issues.

If neither of these issues is the problem, another thing to check is to make sure that the application pool configured for your website (under IIS Manager, select your website, and click "Basic Settings" on the far right) is configured with the same .Net framework version (in IIS Manager, under "Application Pools") as the targetFramework configured in your web.config, e.g.:

    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.0" />

I'm not sure why this would generate such a seemingly unrelated error message, but it did for me.

How do I install and use the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit in my .NET 3.5 web applications?

It's really simple, just download the latest toolkit from Codeplex and add the extracted AjaxControlToolkit.dll to your toolbox in Visual Studio by right clicking the toolbox and selecting 'choose items'. You will then have the controls in your Visual STudio toolbox and using them is just a matter of dragging and dropping them onto your form, of course don't forget to add a asp:ScriptManager to every page that uses controls from the toolkit, or optionally include it in your master page only and your content pages will inherit the script manager.

get the value of "onclick" with jQuery?

mkoryak is correct.

But, if events are bound to that DOM node using more modern methods (not using onclick), then this method will fail.

If that is what you really want, check out this question, and its accepted answer.


I read your question again.
I'd like to tell you this: don't use onclick, onkeypress and the likes to bind events.

Using better methods like addEventListener() will enable you to:

  1. Add more than one event handler to a particular event
  2. remove some listeners selectively

Instead of actually using addEventListener(), you could use jQuery wrappers like $('selector').click().

Cheers again!

file path Windows format to java format

Just check

in MacOS

File directory = new File("/Users/sivo03/eclipse-workspace/For4DC/AutomationReportBackup/"+dir);
File directoryApache = new File("/Users/sivo03/Automation/apache-tomcat-9.0.22/webapps/AutomationReport/"+dir); 

and same we use in windows

File directory = new File("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Jenkins\\workspace\\BrokenLinkCheckerALL\\AutomationReportBackup\\"+dir);
File directoryApache = new File("C:\\Users\\Admin\\Downloads\\Automation\\apache-tomcat-9.0.26\\webapps\\AutomationReports\\"+dir);

use double backslash instead of single frontslash

so no need any converter tool just use find and replace

"C:\Documents and Settings\Manoj\Desktop" to "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Manoj\\Desktop"

MySQL and GROUP_CONCAT() maximum length

The correct parameter to set the maximum length is:

SET @@group_concat_max_len = value_numeric;

value_numeric must be > 1024; by default the group_concat_max_len value is 1024.

ios app maximum memory budget

You should watch session 147 from the WWDC 2010 Session videos. It is "Advanced Performance Optimization on iPhone OS, part 2".
There is a lot of good advice on memory optimizations.

Some of the tips are:

  • Use nested NSAutoReleasePools to make sure your memory usage does not spike.
  • Use CGImageSource when creating thumbnails from large images.
  • Respond to low memory warnings.

lexers vs parsers

When is lexing enough, when do you need EBNF?

EBNF really doesn't add much to the power of grammars. It's just a convenience / shortcut notation / "syntactic sugar" over the standard Chomsky's Normal Form (CNF) grammar rules. For example, the EBNF alternative:

S --> A | B

you can achieve in CNF by just listing each alternative production separately:

S --> A      // `S` can be `A`,
S --> B      // or it can be `B`.

The optional element from EBNF:

S --> X?

you can achieve in CNF by using a nullable production, that is, the one which can be replaced by an empty string (denoted by just empty production here; others use epsilon or lambda or crossed circle):

S --> B       // `S` can be `B`,
B --> X       // and `B` can be just `X`,
B -->         // or it can be empty.

A production in a form like the last one B above is called "erasure", because it can erase whatever it stands for in other productions (product an empty string instead of something else).

Zero-or-more repetiton from EBNF:

S --> A*

you can obtan by using recursive production, that is, one which embeds itself somewhere in it. It can be done in two ways. First one is left recursion (which usually should be avoided, because Top-Down Recursive Descent parsers cannot parse it):

S --> S A    // `S` is just itself ended with `A` (which can be done many times),
S -->        // or it can begin with empty-string, which stops the recursion.

Knowing that it generates just an empty string (ultimately) followed by zero or more As, the same string (but not the same language!) can be expressed using right-recursion:

S --> A S    // `S` can be `A` followed by itself (which can be done many times),
S -->        // or it can be just empty-string end, which stops the recursion.

And when it comes to + for one-or-more repetition from EBNF:

S --> A+

it can be done by factoring out one A and using * as before:

S --> A A*

which you can express in CNF as such (I use right recursion here; try to figure out the other one yourself as an exercise):

S --> A S   // `S` can be one `A` followed by `S` (which stands for more `A`s),
S --> A     // or it could be just one single `A`.

Knowing that, you can now probably recognize a grammar for a regular expression (that is, regular grammar) as one which can be expressed in a single EBNF production consisting only from terminal symbols. More generally, you can recognize regular grammars when you see productions similar to these:

A -->        // Empty (nullable) production (AKA erasure).
B --> x      // Single terminal symbol.
C --> y D    // Simple state change from `C` to `D` when seeing input `y`.
E --> F z    // Simple state change from `E` to `F` when seeing input `z`.
G --> G u    // Left recursion.
H --> v H    // Right recursion.

That is, using only empty strings, terminal symbols, simple non-terminals for substitutions and state changes, and using recursion only to achieve repetition (iteration, which is just linear recursion - the one which doesn't branch tree-like). Nothing more advanced above these, then you're sure it's a regular syntax and you can go with just lexer for that.

But when your syntax uses recursion in a non-trivial way, to produce tree-like, self-similar, nested structures, like the following one:

S --> a S b    // `S` can be itself "parenthesized" by `a` and `b` on both sides.
S -->          // or it could be (ultimately) empty, which ends recursion.

then you can easily see that this cannot be done with regular expression, because you cannot resolve it into one single EBNF production in any way; you'll end up with substituting for S indefinitely, which will always add another as and bs on both sides. Lexers (more specifically: Finite State Automata used by lexers) cannot count to arbitrary number (they are finite, remember?), so they don't know how many as were there to match them evenly with so many bs. Grammars like this are called context-free grammars (at the very least), and they require a parser.

Context-free grammars are well-known to parse, so they are widely used for describing programming languages' syntax. But there's more. Sometimes a more general grammar is needed -- when you have more things to count at the same time, independently. For example, when you want to describe a language where one can use round parentheses and square braces interleaved, but they have to be paired up correctly with each other (braces with braces, round with round). This kind of grammar is called context-sensitive. You can recognize it by that it has more than one symbol on the left (before the arrow). For example:

A R B --> A S B

You can think of these additional symbols on the left as a "context" for applying the rule. There could be some preconditions, postconditions etc. For example, the above rule will substitute R into S, but only when it's in between A and B, leaving those A and B themselves unchanged. This kind of syntax is really hard to parse, because it needs a full-blown Turing machine. It's a whole another story, so I'll end here.

Correct use of transactions in SQL Server

At the beginning of stored procedure one should put SET XACT_ABORT ON to instruct Sql Server to automatically rollback transaction in case of error. If ommited or set to OFF one needs to test @@ERROR after each statement or use TRY ... CATCH rollback block.

Non greedy (reluctant) regex matching in sed?

echo "/home/one/two/three/myfile.txt" | sed 's|\(.*\)/.*|\1|'

don bother, i got it on another forum :)

How to handle query parameters in angular 2

The simple way to do that in Angular 7+ is to:

Define a path in your ?-routing.module.ts

{ path: '/yourpage', component: component-name }

Import the ActivateRoute and Router module in your component and inject them in the constructor

contructor(private route: ActivateRoute, private router: Router){ ... }

Subscribe the ActivateRoute to the ngOnInit

ngOnInit() {

    this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
      // {page: '2' }

Provide it to a link:

<a [routerLink]="['/yourpage']" [queryParams]="{ page: 2 }">2</a>

Using "If cell contains" in VBA excel

This does the same, enhanced with CONTAINS:

Function SingleCellExtract(LookupValue As String, LookupRange As Range, ColumnNumber As Integer, Char As String)
Dim I As Long
Dim xRet As String
For I = 1 To LookupRange.Columns(1).Cells.Count
     If InStr(1, LookupRange.Cells(I, 1), LookupValue) > 0 Then
        If xRet = "" Then
            xRet = LookupRange.Cells(I, ColumnNumber) & Char
            xRet = xRet & "" & LookupRange.Cells(I, ColumnNumber) & Char
        End If
    End If
SingleCellExtract = Left(xRet, Len(xRet) - 1)
End Function

How should I escape commas and speech marks in CSV files so they work in Excel?

Below are the rules if you believe it's random. A utility function can be created on the basis of these rules.

  1. If the value contains a comma, newline or double quote, then the String value should be returned enclosed in double quotes.

  2. Any double quote characters in the value should be escaped with another double quote.

  3. If the value does not contain a comma, newline or double quote, then the String value should be returned unchanged.

How to get the currently logged in user's user id in Django?

I wrote this in an ajax view, but it is a more expansive answer giving the list of currently logged in and logged out users.

The is_authenticated attribute always returns True for my users, which I suppose is expected since it only checks for AnonymousUsers, but that proves useless if you were to say develop a chat app where you need logged in users displayed.

This checks for expired sessions and then figures out which user they belong to based on the decoded _auth_user_id attribute:

def ajax_find_logged_in_users(request, client_url):
    Figure out which users are authenticated in the system or not.
    Is a logical way to check if a user has an expired session (i.e. they are not logged in)
    :param request:
    :param client_url:
    # query non-expired sessions
    sessions = Session.objects.filter(
    user_id_list = []
    # build list of user ids from query
    for session in sessions:
        data = session.get_decoded()
        # if the user is authenticated
        if data.get('_auth_user_id'):

    # gather the logged in people from the list of pks
    logged_in_users = CustomUser.objects.filter(id__in=user_id_list)
    list_of_logged_in_users = [{ user.get_name()} for user in logged_in_users]

    # Query all logged in staff users based on id list
    all_staff_users = CustomUser.objects.filter(is_resident=False, is_active=True, is_superuser=False)
    logged_out_users = list()
    # for some reason exclude() would not work correctly, so I did this the long way.
    for user in all_staff_users:
        if user not in logged_in_users:
    list_of_logged_out_users = [{ user.get_name()} for user in logged_out_users]

    # return the ajax response
    data = {
        'logged_in_users': list_of_logged_in_users,
        'logged_out_users': list_of_logged_out_users,

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data))

browser.msie error after update to jQuery 1.9.1

Since $.browser is deprecated, here is an alternative solution:

 * Returns the version of Internet Explorer or a -1
 * (indicating the use of another browser).
function getInternetExplorerVersion()
    var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure.

    if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer')
        var ua = navigator.userAgent;
        var re  = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
        if (re.exec(ua) != null)
            rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );

    return rv;

function checkVersion()
    var msg = "You're not using Internet Explorer.";
    var ver = getInternetExplorerVersion();

    if ( ver > -1 )
        if ( ver >= 8.0 ) 
            msg = "You're using a recent copy of Internet Explorer."
            msg = "You should upgrade your copy of Internet Explorer.";

    alert( msg );


However, the reason that its deprecated is because jQuery wants you to use feature detection instead.

An example:

$("p").html("This frame uses the W3C box model: <span>" + + "</span>");

And last but not least, the most reliable way to check IE versions:

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// A short snippet for detecting versions of IE in JavaScript
// without resorting to user-agent sniffing
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// If you're not in IE (or IE version is less than 5) then:
//     ie === undefined
// If you're in IE (>=5) then you can determine which version:
//     ie === 7; // IE7
// Thus, to detect IE:
//     if (ie) {}
// And to detect the version:
//     ie === 6 // IE6
//     ie > 7 // IE8, IE9 ...
//     ie < 9 // Anything less than IE9
// ----------------------------------------------------------

// UPDATE: Now using Live NodeList idea from @jdalton

var ie = (function(){

    var undef,
        v = 3,
        div = document.createElement('div'),
        all = div.getElementsByTagName('i');

    while (
        div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i></i><![endif]-->',

    return v > 4 ? v : undef;


Whether a variable is undefined

You can just check the variable directly. If not defined it will return a falsy value.

var string = "?z=z";
if (page_name) { string += "&page_name=" + page_name; }
if (table_name) { string += "&table_name=" + table_name; }
if (optionResult) { string += "&optionResult=" + optionResult; }

SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined

I understand that the answer was useful however for some reason it does not work for me however I have moved the situation with the following code and it is perfect


$codigoarticulo = $_POST['codigoarticulo'];
$nombrearticulo = $_POST['nombrearticulo'];
$seccion        = $_POST['seccion'];
$precio         = $_POST['precio'];
$fecha          = $_POST['fecha'];
$importado      = $_POST['importado'];
$paisdeorigen   = $_POST['paisdeorigen'];
try {

  $server = 'mysql: host=localhost; dbname=usuarios';
  $user   = 'root';
  $pass   = '';
  $base   = new PDO($server, $user, $pass);


  $base->query("SET character_set_results = 'utf8',
                     character_set_client = 'utf8',
                     character_set_connection = 'utf8',
                     character_set_database = 'utf8',
                     character_set_server = 'utf8'");

  $base->exec("SET character_set_results = 'utf8',
                     character_set_client = 'utf8',
                     character_set_connection = 'utf8',
                     character_set_database = 'utf8',
                     character_set_server = 'utf8'");

  $sql = "
  INSERT INTO productos
  (:c_art, :n_art, :sec, :pre, :fecha_art, :import, :p_orig)";
// SE ejecuta la consulta ben prepare
  $result = $base->prepare($sql);
//  se pasan por parametros aqui
  $result->bindParam(':c_art', $codigoarticulo);
  $result->bindParam(':n_art', $nombrearticulo);
  $result->bindParam(':sec', $seccion);
  $result->bindParam(':pre', $precio);
  $result->bindParam(':fecha_art', $fecha);
  $result->bindParam(':import', $importado);
  $result->bindParam(':p_orig', $paisdeorigen);
  echo 'Articulo agregado';
} catch (Exception $e) {

  echo 'Error';
  echo $e->getMessage();
} finally {



jquery: change the URL address without redirecting?

This is achieved through URL rewriting, not through URL obfuscating, which can't be done.

Another way to do this, as has been mentioned is by changing the hashtag, with

window.location.hash = "/2131/"

how to show confirmation alert with three buttons 'Yes' 'No' and 'Cancel' as it shows in MS Word

This cannot be done with the native javascript dialog box, but a lot of javascript libraries include more flexible dialogs. You can use something like jQuery UI's dialog box for this.

See also these very similar questions:

Here's an example, as demonstrated in this jsFiddle:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/normalize.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/result-light.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
    <a class="checked" href="">Click here</a>
    <script type="text/javascript">

        $(function() {
            $('.checked').click(function(e) {
                var dialog = $('<p>Are you sure?</p>').dialog({
                    buttons: {
                        "Yes": function() {alert('you chose yes');},
                        "No":  function() {alert('you chose no');},
                        "Cancel":  function() {
                            alert('you chose cancel');


Simple PowerShell LastWriteTime compare

(Get-Item $source).LastWriteTime is my preferred way to do it.

How can I calculate the time between 2 Dates in typescript

This is how it should be done in typescript:

(new Date()).valueOf() - (new Date("2013-02-20T12:01:04.753Z")).valueOf()

Better readability:

      var eventStartTime = new Date(event.startTime);
      var eventEndTime = new Date(event.endTime);
      var duration = eventEndTime.valueOf() - eventStartTime.valueOf();

Making an asynchronous task in Flask

I would use Celery to handle the asynchronous task for you. You'll need to install a broker to serve as your task queue (RabbitMQ and Redis are recommended).

from flask import Flask
from celery import Celery

broker_url = 'amqp://guest@localhost'          # Broker URL for RabbitMQ task queue

app = Flask(__name__)    
celery = Celery(, broker=broker_url)
celery.config_from_object('celeryconfig')      # Your celery configurations in a

def some_long_task(self, x, y):
    # Do some long task

@app.route('/render/<id>', methods=['POST'])
def render_script(id=None):
    data = json.loads(
    text_list = data.get('text_list')
    final_file = audio_class.render_audio(data=text_list)
    some_long_task.delay(x, y)                 # Call your async task and pass whatever necessary variables
    return Response(

Run your Flask app, and start another process to run your celery worker.

$ celery worker -A app.celery --loglevel=debug

I would also refer to Miguel Gringberg's write up for a more in depth guide to using Celery with Flask.

What does "@" mean in Windows batch scripts

In batch file:

1 @echo off(solo)=>output nothing enter image description here

2 echo off(solo)=> the “echo off” shows in the command line

enter image description here

3 echo off(then echo something) => enter image description here

4 @echo off(then echo something)=> enter image description here

See, echo off(solo), means no output in the command line, but itself shows; @echo off(solo), means no output in the command line, neither itself;

Difference between IISRESET and IIS Stop-Start command

The following was tested for IIS 8.5 and Windows 8.1.

As of IIS 7, Windows recommends restarting IIS via net stop/start. Via the command prompt (as Administrator):

> net stop WAS
> net start W3SVC

net stop WAS will stop W3SVC as well. Then when starting, net start W3SVC will start WAS as a dependency.

how to read a long multiline string line by line in python

What about using .splitlines()?

for line in textData.splitlines():
    lineResult = libLAPFF.parseLine(line)

Can media queries resize based on a div element instead of the screen?

For mine I did it by setting the div's max width, hence for small widget won't get affected and the large widget is resized due to the max-width style.

  // assuming your widget class is "widget"
  .widget {
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token

This is not only a 'newbie' scenario. I just ran across this compiler message (GCC 5.4) when refactoring a class to remove some constructor parameters. I forgot to update both the declaration and definition, and the compiler spit out this unintuitive error.

The bottom line seems to be this: If the compiler can't match the definition's signature to the declaration's signature it thinks the definition is not a constructor and then doesn't know how to parse the code and displays this error. Which is also what happened for the OP: std::string is not the same type as string so the declaration's signature differed from the definition's and this message was spit out.

As a side note, it would be nice if the compiler looked for almost-matching constructor signatures and upon finding one suggested that the parameters didn't match rather than giving this message.

If a folder does not exist, create it

Derived/combined from multiple answers, implementing it for me was as easy as this:

public void Init()
    String platypusDir = @"C:\platypus";

private void CreateDirectoryIfDoesNotExist(string dirName)

$_POST not working. "Notice: Undefined index: username..."

first of all,

be sure that there is a post

if(isset($_POST['username'])) { 
    // check if the username has been set

second, and most importantly, sanitize the data, meaning that

$query = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='".$_POST['username']."'";

is deadly dangerous, instead use

$query = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username'])."'";

and please research the subject sql injection

Angular ForEach in Angular4/Typescript?

arrayData.forEach((key : any, val: any) => {
                        key['index'] = val + 1;

                        arrayData2.forEach((keys : any, vals :any) => {
                            if (key.group_id == {
                                key.group_name = keys.group_name;

Cross-Origin Request Blocked

@Egidius, when creating an XMLHttpRequest, you should use

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest({mozSystem: true});

What is mozSystem?

mozSystem Boolean: Setting this flag to true allows making cross-site connections without requiring the server to opt-in using CORS. Requires setting mozAnon: true, i.e. this can't be combined with sending cookies or other user credentials. This only works in privileged (reviewed) apps; it does not work on arbitrary webpages loaded in Firefox.

Changes to your Manifest

On your manifest, do not forget to include this line on your permissions:

"permissions": {
       "systemXHR" : {},

How to find the UpgradeCode and ProductCode of an installed application in Windows 7

If you don't have the msi and you need the upgrade code, rather than the product code then the answer is here: How can I find the upgrade code for an installed application in C#?

Html.fromHtml deprecated in Android N

If you are lucky enough to develop on Kotlin, just create an extension function:

fun String.toSpanned(): Spanned {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
        return Html.fromHtml(this, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY)
    } else {
        return Html.fromHtml(this)

And then it's so sweet to use it everywhere:

yourTextView.text = anyString.toSpanned()

"starting Tomcat server 7 at localhost has encountered a prob"

Hey i got the solution recently... Just copy the "ROOT" folder FROM C:\Program Files\ Apache Software Foundation\ Tomcat 7.0\ webapps \ TO your_Workspace\ .metadata\ .plugins\ org.eclipse.wst.server.core\ tmp0 \wtpwebapps\ and over write it when asked..

This is needed because eclipse forgets to copy that root folder to its workspace.. Just right click on Apache tomcat 7.0 in servers tab and observe that in location will be workspace metadata by default example:"location:[workspace metadata]". Therefore it will find the root folder which has the welcome page in it and the 404 page not found error will be displayed. Thankyou ..

Multiple conditions in if statement shell script

You are trying to compare strings inside an arithmetic command (((...))). Use [[ instead.

if [[ $username == "$username1" && $password == "$password1" ]] ||
   [[ $username == "$username2" && $password == "$password2" ]]; then

Note that I've reduced this to two separate tests joined by ||, with the && moved inside the tests. This is because the shell operators && and || have equal precedence and are simply evaluated from left to right. As a result, it's not generally true that a && b || c && d is equivalent to the intended ( a && b ) || ( c && d ).

How to use doxygen to create UML class diagrams from C++ source

Quote from this post (it's written by the author of doxygen himself) :

run doxygen -g and change the following options of the generated Doxyfile:

    EXTRACT_ALL            = YES
    HAVE_DOT               = YES
    UML_LOOK               = YES

run doxygen again

Use "ENTER" key on softkeyboard instead of clicking button

Most updated way to achieve this is:

Add this to your EditText in XML:


Then in your Activity/Fragment:

EditText.setOnEditorActionListener { _, actionId, _ ->
    if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH) {
        // Do what you want here
        return@setOnEditorActionListener true
    return@setOnEditorActionListener false

Add string in a certain position in Python

I think the above answers are fine, but I would explain that there are some unexpected-but-good side effects to them...

def insert(string_s, insert_s, pos_i=0):
    return string_s[:pos_i] + insert_s + string_s[pos_i:]

If the index pos_i is very small (too negative), the insert string gets prepended. If too long, the insert string gets appended. If pos_i is between -len(string_s) and +len(string_s) - 1, the insert string gets inserted into the correct place.

Push to GitHub without a password using ssh-key

Additionally for gists, it seems you must leave out the username

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:<Project code>

Print Html template in Angular 2 (ng-print in Angular 2)

Use the library ngx-print.


yarn add ngx-print
npm install ngx-print --save

Change your module:

import {NgxPrintModule} from 'ngx-print';
imports: [


<div id="print-section">
  // print content
<button ngxPrint printSectionId="print-section">Print</button>

More details

Best practice for REST token-based authentication with JAX-RS and Jersey

How token-based authentication works

In token-based authentication, the client exchanges hard credentials (such as username and password) for a piece of data called token. For each request, instead of sending the hard credentials, the client will send the token to the server to perform authentication and then authorization.

In a few words, an authentication scheme based on tokens follow these steps:

  1. The client sends their credentials (username and password) to the server.
  2. The server authenticates the credentials and, if they are valid, generate a token for the user.
  3. The server stores the previously generated token in some storage along with the user identifier and an expiration date.
  4. The server sends the generated token to the client.
  5. The client sends the token to the server in each request.
  6. The server, in each request, extracts the token from the incoming request. With the token, the server looks up the user details to perform authentication.
    • If the token is valid, the server accepts the request.
    • If the token is invalid, the server refuses the request.
  7. Once the authentication has been performed, the server performs authorization.
  8. The server can provide an endpoint to refresh tokens.

Note: The step 3 is not required if the server has issued a signed token (such as JWT, which allows you to perform stateless authentication).

What you can do with JAX-RS 2.0 (Jersey, RESTEasy and Apache CXF)

This solution uses only the JAX-RS 2.0 API, avoiding any vendor specific solution. So, it should work with JAX-RS 2.0 implementations, such as Jersey, RESTEasy and Apache CXF.

It is worthwhile to mention that if you are using token-based authentication, you are not relying on the standard Java EE web application security mechanisms offered by the servlet container and configurable via application's web.xml descriptor. It's a custom authentication.

Authenticating a user with their username and password and issuing a token

Create a JAX-RS resource method which receives and validates the credentials (username and password) and issue a token for the user:

public class AuthenticationEndpoint {

    public Response authenticateUser(@FormParam("username") String username, 
                                     @FormParam("password") String password) {

        try {

            // Authenticate the user using the credentials provided
            authenticate(username, password);

            // Issue a token for the user
            String token = issueToken(username);

            // Return the token on the response
            return Response.ok(token).build();

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).build();

    private void authenticate(String username, String password) throws Exception {
        // Authenticate against a database, LDAP, file or whatever
        // Throw an Exception if the credentials are invalid

    private String issueToken(String username) {
        // Issue a token (can be a random String persisted to a database or a JWT token)
        // The issued token must be associated to a user
        // Return the issued token

If any exceptions are thrown when validating the credentials, a response with the status 403 (Forbidden) will be returned.

If the credentials are successfully validated, a response with the status 200 (OK) will be returned and the issued token will be sent to the client in the response payload. The client must send the token to the server in every request.

When consuming application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the client must to send the credentials in the following format in the request payload:


Instead of form params, it's possible to wrap the username and the password into a class:

public class Credentials implements Serializable {

    private String username;
    private String password;

    // Getters and setters omitted

And then consume it as JSON:

public Response authenticateUser(Credentials credentials) {

    String username = credentials.getUsername();
    String password = credentials.getPassword();

    // Authenticate the user, issue a token and return a response

Using this approach, the client must to send the credentials in the following format in the payload of the request:

  "username": "admin",
  "password": "123456"

Extracting the token from the request and validating it

The client should send the token in the standard HTTP Authorization header of the request. For example:

Authorization: Bearer <token-goes-here>

The name of the standard HTTP header is unfortunate because it carries authentication information, not authorization. However, it's the standard HTTP header for sending credentials to the server.

JAX-RS provides @NameBinding, a meta-annotation used to create other annotations to bind filters and interceptors to resource classes and methods. Define a @Secured annotation as following:

@Target({TYPE, METHOD})
public @interface Secured { }

The above defined name-binding annotation will be used to decorate a filter class, which implements ContainerRequestFilter, allowing you to intercept the request before it be handled by a resource method. The ContainerRequestContext can be used to access the HTTP request headers and then extract the token:

public class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {

    private static final String REALM = "example";
    private static final String AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME = "Bearer";

    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {

        // Get the Authorization header from the request
        String authorizationHeader =

        // Validate the Authorization header
        if (!isTokenBasedAuthentication(authorizationHeader)) {

        // Extract the token from the Authorization header
        String token = authorizationHeader

        try {

            // Validate the token

        } catch (Exception e) {

    private boolean isTokenBasedAuthentication(String authorizationHeader) {

        // Check if the Authorization header is valid
        // It must not be null and must be prefixed with "Bearer" plus a whitespace
        // The authentication scheme comparison must be case-insensitive
        return authorizationHeader != null && authorizationHeader.toLowerCase()
                    .startsWith(AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME.toLowerCase() + " ");

    private void abortWithUnauthorized(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {

        // Abort the filter chain with a 401 status code response
        // The WWW-Authenticate header is sent along with the response
                                AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME + " realm=\"" + REALM + "\"")

    private void validateToken(String token) throws Exception {
        // Check if the token was issued by the server and if it's not expired
        // Throw an Exception if the token is invalid

If any problems happen during the token validation, a response with the status 401 (Unauthorized) will be returned. Otherwise the request will proceed to a resource method.

Securing your REST endpoints

To bind the authentication filter to resource methods or resource classes, annotate them with the @Secured annotation created above. For the methods and/or classes that are annotated, the filter will be executed. It means that such endpoints will only be reached if the request is performed with a valid token.

If some methods or classes do not need authentication, simply do not annotate them:

public class ExampleResource {

    public Response myUnsecuredMethod(@PathParam("id") Long id) {
        // This method is not annotated with @Secured
        // The authentication filter won't be executed before invoking this method

    public Response mySecuredMethod(@PathParam("id") Long id) {
        // This method is annotated with @Secured
        // The authentication filter will be executed before invoking this method
        // The HTTP request must be performed with a valid token

In the example shown above, the filter will be executed only for the mySecuredMethod(Long) method because it's annotated with @Secured.

Identifying the current user

It's very likely that you will need to know the user who is performing the request agains your REST API. The following approaches can be used to achieve it:

Overriding the security context of the current request

Within your ContainerRequestFilter.filter(ContainerRequestContext) method, a new SecurityContext instance can be set for the current request. Then override the SecurityContext.getUserPrincipal(), returning a Principal instance:

final SecurityContext currentSecurityContext = requestContext.getSecurityContext();
requestContext.setSecurityContext(new SecurityContext() {

        public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
            return () -> username;

    public boolean isUserInRole(String role) {
        return true;

    public boolean isSecure() {
        return currentSecurityContext.isSecure();

    public String getAuthenticationScheme() {

Use the token to look up the user identifier (username), which will be the Principal's name.

Inject the SecurityContext in any JAX-RS resource class:

SecurityContext securityContext;

The same can be done in a JAX-RS resource method:

public Response myMethod(@PathParam("id") Long id, 
                         @Context SecurityContext securityContext) {

And then get the Principal:

Principal principal = securityContext.getUserPrincipal();
String username = principal.getName();

Using CDI (Context and Dependency Injection)

If, for some reason, you don't want to override the SecurityContext, you can use CDI (Context and Dependency Injection), which provides useful features such as events and producers.

Create a CDI qualifier:

public @interface AuthenticatedUser { }

In your AuthenticationFilter created above, inject an Event annotated with @AuthenticatedUser:

Event<String> userAuthenticatedEvent;

If the authentication succeeds, fire the event passing the username as parameter (remember, the token is issued for a user and the token will be used to look up the user identifier):;

It's very likely that there's a class that represents a user in your application. Let's call this class User.

Create a CDI bean to handle the authentication event, find a User instance with the correspondent username and assign it to the authenticatedUser producer field:

public class AuthenticatedUserProducer {

    private User authenticatedUser;

    public void handleAuthenticationEvent(@Observes @AuthenticatedUser String username) {
        this.authenticatedUser = findUser(username);

    private User findUser(String username) {
        // Hit the the database or a service to find a user by its username and return it
        // Return the User instance

The authenticatedUser field produces a User instance that can be injected into container managed beans, such as JAX-RS services, CDI beans, servlets and EJBs. Use the following piece of code to inject a User instance (in fact, it's a CDI proxy):

User authenticatedUser;

Note that the CDI @Produces annotation is different from the JAX-RS @Produces annotation:

Be sure you use the CDI @Produces annotation in your AuthenticatedUserProducer bean.

The key here is the bean annotated with @RequestScoped, allowing you to share data between filters and your beans. If you don't wan't to use events, you can modify the filter to store the authenticated user in a request scoped bean and then read it from your JAX-RS resource classes.

Compared to the approach that overrides the SecurityContext, the CDI approach allows you to get the authenticated user from beans other than JAX-RS resources and providers.

Supporting role-based authorization

Please refer to my other answer for details on how to support role-based authorization.

Issuing tokens

A token can be:

  • Opaque: Reveals no details other than the value itself (like a random string)
  • Self-contained: Contains details about the token itself (like JWT).

See details below:

Random string as token

A token can be issued by generating a random string and persisting it to a database along with the user identifier and an expiration date. A good example of how to generate a random string in Java can be seen here. You also could use:

Random random = new SecureRandom();
String token = new BigInteger(130, random).toString(32);

JWT (JSON Web Token)

JWT (JSON Web Token) is a standard method for representing claims securely between two parties and is defined by the RFC 7519.

It's a self-contained token and it enables you to store details in claims. These claims are stored in the token payload which is a JSON encoded as Base64. Here are some claims registered in the RFC 7519 and what they mean (read the full RFC for further details):

  • iss: Principal that issued the token.
  • sub: Principal that is the subject of the JWT.
  • exp: Expiration date for the token.
  • nbf: Time on which the token will start to be accepted for processing.
  • iat: Time on which the token was issued.
  • jti: Unique identifier for the token.

Be aware that you must not store sensitive data, such as passwords, in the token.

The payload can be read by the client and the integrity of the token can be easily checked by verifying its signature on the server. The signature is what prevents the token from being tampered with.

You won't need to persist JWT tokens if you don't need to track them. Althought, by persisting the tokens, you will have the possibility of invalidating and revoking the access of them. To keep the track of JWT tokens, instead of persisting the whole token on the server, you could persist the token identifier (jti claim) along with some other details such as the user you issued the token for, the expiration date, etc.

When persisting tokens, always consider removing the old ones in order to prevent your database from growing indefinitely.

Using JWT

There are a few Java libraries to issue and validate JWT tokens such as:

To find some other great resources to work with JWT, have a look at

Handling token revocation with JWT

If you want to revoke tokens, you must keep the track of them. You don't need to store the whole token on server side, store only the token identifier (that must be unique) and some metadata if you need. For the token identifier you could use UUID.

The jti claim should be used to store the token identifier on the token. When validating the token, ensure that it has not been revoked by checking the value of the jti claim against the token identifiers you have on server side.

For security purposes, revoke all the tokens for a user when they change their password.

Additional information

  • It doesn't matter which type of authentication you decide to use. Always do it on the top of a HTTPS connection to prevent the man-in-the-middle attack.
  • Take a look at this question from Information Security for more information about tokens.
  • In this article you will find some useful information about token-based authentication.

Anaconda Installed but Cannot Launch Navigator

For people from Brazil

There is a security software called Warsaw (used for home banking) that must be uninstalled! After you can install it back again.

After thousand times trying, installing, uninstalling, cleanning-up the regedit that finally solved the problem.

SSL certificate rejected trying to access GitHub over HTTPS behind firewall

A very simple solution: replace https:// with git://

Use git://the.repository instead of https://the.repository and will work.

I've had this problem on Windows with TortoiseGit and this solved it.

Integrating Dropzone.js into existing HTML form with other fields

The "dropzone.js" is the most common library for uploading images. If you want to have the "dropzone.js" as just part of your form, you should do the following steps:

1) for the client side:


    <form action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
        <input type="text" id ="Username" name ="Username" />
        <div class="dropzone" id="my-dropzone" name="mainFileUploader">
            <div class="fallback">
                <input name="file" type="file" multiple />
        <button type="submit" id="submit-all"> upload </button>


        Dropzone.options.myDropzone = {
            url: "/Account/Create",
            autoProcessQueue: false,
            uploadMultiple: true,
            parallelUploads: 100,
            maxFiles: 100,
            acceptedFiles: "image/*",

            init: function () {

                var submitButton = document.querySelector("#submit-all");
                var wrapperThis = this;

                submitButton.addEventListener("click", function () {

                this.on("addedfile", function (file) {

                    // Create the remove button
                    var removeButton = Dropzone.createElement("<button class='btn btn-lg dark'>Remove File</button>");

                    // Listen to the click event
                    removeButton.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
                        // Make sure the button click doesn't submit the form:

                        // Remove the file preview.
                        // If you want to the delete the file on the server as well,
                        // you can do the AJAX request here.

                    // Add the button to the file preview element.

                this.on('sendingmultiple', function (data, xhr, formData) {
                    formData.append("Username", $("#Username").val());

2) for the server side:


    public ActionResult Create()
        var postedUsername = Request.Form["Username"].ToString();
        foreach (var imageFile in Request.Files)


        return Json(new { status = true, Message = "Account created." });

How to change a nullable column to not nullable in a Rails migration?

In Rails 4, this is a better (DRYer) solution:

change_column_null :my_models, :date_column, false

To ensure no records exist with NULL values in that column, you can pass a fourth parameter, which is the default value to use for records with NULL values:

change_column_null :my_models, :date_column, false,

Mixing C# & VB In The Same Project

In our scenario, its a single VB.NET project (Windows Desktop application) in a single solution. However we wanted to take advantage of C# features like signed/unsigned integers and XML literals and string features in VB.NET. So depending on the features, at runtime we build the code file, compile using respective Rosalyn compiler (VB/CS) into DLL and dynamically load into current assembly. Of course we had to work on delinking, unloading, reloading, naming etc of the dynamic DLLs and the memory management were we largely used dynamic GUID for naming to avoid conflict. It works fine where app user may connect to any DB from our desktop app, write SQL query, convert the connection to LINQ connection and write LINQ queries too which all requires dynamic building of source code, compiling into DLL and attaching to current assembly.

TCP: can two different sockets share a port?

A server socket listens on a single port. All established client connections on that server are associated with that same listening port on the server side of the connection. An established connection is uniquely identified by the combination of client-side and server-side IP/Port pairs. Multiple connections on the same server can share the same server-side IP/Port pair as long as they are associated with different client-side IP/Port pairs, and the server would be able to handle as many clients as available system resources allow it to.

On the client-side, it is common practice for new outbound connections to use a random client-side port, in which case it is possible to run out of available ports if you make a lot of connections in a short amount of time.

Merging 2 branches together in GIT

If you want to merge changes in SubBranch to MainBranch

  1. you should be on MainBranch git checkout MainBranch
  2. then run merge command git merge SubBranch

CSS selector for "foo that contains bar"?

Is there any way you could programatically apply a class to the object?

<object class="hasparams">

then do


Mod in Java produces negative numbers

Since Java 8 you can use the Math.floorMod() method:

Math.floorMod(-1, 2); //== 1

Note: If the modulo-value (here 2) is negative, all output values will be negative too. :)


eclipse won't start - no java virtual machine was found

In my case the problem was that the path was enclosed in quotation marks ("):

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin"

Removing them fixed the problem:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin

How to convert date format to milliseconds?


this is for set milliseconds in date

long milli = date.getTime();

This is for get time in milliseconds.

Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT

RestSharp JSON Parameter Posting

You don't have to serialize the body yourself. Just do

request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
request.AddJsonBody(new { A = "foo", B = "bar" }); // Anonymous type object is converted to Json body

If you just want POST params instead (which would still map to your model and is a lot more efficient since there's no serialization to JSON) do this:

request.AddParameter("A", "foo");
request.AddParameter("B", "bar");

Simulate limited bandwidth from within Chrome?

I'd recommend Charles Proxy - you can choose to slowdown individual sites, also has a whole bunch of HTTP inspection tools.


As of June 2014, Chrome now has the ability to do this natively in DevTools - you'll need Chrome 38 though.

The option is accessible from the Network tab via a drop down at the end of the toolbar.

AngularJS Folder Structure

I'm on my third angularjs app and the folder structure has improved every time so far. I keep mine simple right now.

index.html (or .php)
  /partials (views)

I find that good for single apps. I haven't really had a project yet where I'd need multiple.

Disable developer mode extensions pop up in Chrome

I found something that will load user-packed extensions and works beautifully:

You'll still have to pack it in details for the problem extension, but after that you can turn off developer mode and load the packed CRX through this. You don't have to deal with signing it or anything.

Note: I'm not from their team, I've just been looking for an elegant solution for this for years.

How to skip over an element in .map()?

To extrapolate on Felix Kling's comment, you can use .filter() like this:

var sources = (img) {
  if(img.src.split('.').pop() === "json") { // if extension is .json
    return null; // skip
  } else {
    return img.src;

That will remove falsey values from the array that is returned by .map()

You could simplify it further like this:

var sources = (img) {
  if(img.src.split('.').pop() !== "json") { // if extension is .json
    return img.src;

Or even as a one-liner using an arrow function, object destructuring and the && operator:

var sources ={ src }) => src.split('.').pop() !== "json" && src).filter(Boolean);

Specifying java version in maven - differences between properties and compiler plugin

Consider the alternative:


It should be the same thing of maven.compiler.source/ but the above solution works for me, otherwise the second one gets the parent specification (I have a matrioska of .pom)

Is there a way to use shell_exec without waiting for the command to complete?

On Windows 2003, to call another script without waiting, I used this:

$commandString = "start /b c:\\php\\php.EXE C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\\\phpforktest.php --passmsg=$testmsg"; 
pclose(popen($commandString, 'r'));

This only works AFTER giving changing permissions on cmd.exe - add Read and Execute for IUSR_YOURMACHINE (I also set write to Deny).

Onclick javascript to make browser go back to previous page?

Shortest Yet!

<button onclick="history.go(-1);">Go back</button>

I prefer the .go(-number) method as then, for 1 or many 'backs' there's only 1 method to use/remember/update/search for, etc.

Also, using a tag for a back button seems more appropriate than tags with names and types...

How do you get the currently selected <option> in a <select> via JavaScript?

The .selectedIndex of the select object has an index; you can use that to index into the .options array.

Get the current time in C

You can use this function to get current local time. if you want gmt then use the gmtime function instead of localtime. cheers

time_t my_time;
struct tm * timeinfo; 
time (&my_time);
timeinfo = localtime (&my_time);

npm - how to show the latest version of a package

If you're looking for the current and the latest versions of all your installed packages, you can also use:

npm outdated

Excel CSV. file with more than 1,048,576 rows of data

You can use PowerPivot to work with files of up to 2GB, which will be enough for your needs.

Executing Javascript code "on the spot" in Chrome?

You can use bookmarklets if you want run bigger scripts in more convenient way and run them automatically by one click.

How to rotate the background image in the container?

Very easy method, you rotate one way, and the contents the other. Requires a square though

    background : url('someImage.jpg');
    transform: rotate(-30deg);
#element:hover >*{
    transform: rotate(30deg);

How to reset or change the passphrase for a GitHub SSH key?

In short there's no way to recover the passphrase for a pair of SSH keys. Why? Because it was intended this way in the first place for security reasons. The answers the other people gave you are all correct ways to CHANGE the password of your keys, not to recover them. So if you've forgotten your passphrase, the best you can do is create a new pair of SSH keys. Here's how to generate SSH keys and add it to your GitHub account.

Tomcat Server Error - Port 8080 already in use


You can use the troubleshooting tips below.

Troubleshooting Tip #1

  1. Exit Eclipse

  2. Open a web browser and visit, http://localhost:8080

  3. If you see a "Tomcat" web page then that means Tomcat is running as a Windows service. To stop Tomcat running as a Windows services, open your Windows Control Panel. Find the service "Apache Tomcat" and stop it.

  4. If you don't see a "Tomcat" web page, then stop the appropriate process displayed.

-- Troubleshooting Tip #2 - GUI Option

Steps to free port which is already used to run Tomcat server in Eclipse

  1. On MS Windows, select Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools >Resource Monitor

  2. Expand the Network Tab

  3. Move to the section for Listening Ports

  4. Look in the Port column and scroll to find entry for port 8080

  5. Select the given process and delete/kill the process

  6. Return back to Eclipse and start the Tomcat Server, it should start up now.

Troubleshooting Tip #3 - Command-Line Option

Steps to free port which is already used to run Tomcat server in Eclipse

For example , suppose 8080 port is used , we need to make free 8080 to run tomcat

Step 1: (open the CMD command)

C:\Users\username>netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:8080


Now , we can see that LISTENING port is 3116 for 8080 ,

We need to kill 3116 now

Step 2:

C:\Users\username>taskkill /F /PID 3116

Step 3: Return back to Eclipse and start the Tomcat Server, it should start up now.



Step 0: Exit Eclipse

Step 1: Open a terminal window

Step 2: Enter the following command to find the process id

lsof -i :8080 This will give output of the application that is running on port 8080

Step 3: Enter the following command to kill the process

kill $(lsof -t -i :8080)

Step 4: Return back to Eclipse and start the Tomcat Server, it should start up now.

printf, wprintf, %s, %S, %ls, char* and wchar*: Errors not announced by a compiler warning?

Answer A

None of the answers above pointed out why you might not see some of your prints. This is also because here you are dealing with streams (I didn't know this) and stream has something called orientation. Let me cite something from this source:

Narrow and wide orientation

A newly opened stream has no orientation. The first call to any I/O function establishes the orientation.

A wide I/O function makes the stream wide-oriented, a narrow I/O function makes the stream narrow-oriented. Once set, the orientation can only be changed with freopen.

Narrow I/O functions cannot be called on a wide-oriented stream; wide I/O functions cannot be called on a narrow-oriented stream. Wide I/O functions convert between wide and multibyte characters as if by calling mbrtowc and wcrtomb. Unlike the multibyte character strings that are valid in a program, multibyte character sequences in the file may contain embedded nulls and do not have to begin or end in the initial shift state.

So once you use printf() your orientation becomes narrow and from this point on you can't get anything out of wprintf() and you realy don't. Unless you use freeopen() which is intended to be used on files.

Answer B

As it turns out you can use freeopen() like this:

freopen(NULL, "w", stdout);             

To make stream "not defined" again. Try this example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>

int main(void)
    // We set locale which is the same as the enviromental variable "LANG=en_US.UTF-8".
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");

    // We define array of wide characters. We indicate this on both sides of equal sign
    // with "wchar_t" on the left and "L" on the right.
    wchar_t y[100] = L"€? ???a??p???? e? a??? est??\n";

    // We print header in ASCII characters
    wprintf(L"content-type:text/html; charset:utf-8\n\n");

    // A newly opened stream has no orientation. The first call to any I/O function
    // establishes the orientation: a wide I/O function makes the stream wide-oriented,
    // a narrow I/O function makes the stream narrow-oriented. Once set, we must respect
    // this, so for the time being we are stuck with either printf() or wprintf().

    wprintf(L"%S\n", y);    // Conversion specifier %S is not standardized (!)
    wprintf(L"%ls\n", y);   // Conversion specifier %s with length modifier %l is 
                            // standardized (!)

    // At this point curent orientation of the stream is wide and this is why folowing
    // narrow function won't print anything! Whether we should use wprintf() or printf()
    // is primarily a question of how we want output to be encoded.

    printf("1\n");          // Print narrow string of characters with a narrow function
    printf("%s\n", "2");    // Print narrow string of characters with a narrow function
    printf("%ls\n",L"3");   // Print wide string of characters with a narrow function

    // Now we reset the stream to no orientation.
    freopen(NULL, "w", stdout);

    printf("4\n");          // Print narrow string of characters with a narrow function
    printf("%s\n", "5");    // Print narrow string of characters with a narrow function
    printf("%ls\n",L"6");   // Print wide string of characters with a narrow function

    return 0;

Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie?

I am operating in cross-domain scenario. During login remote server is returning Set-Cookie header along with Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true.

The next ajax call to remote server should use this cookie.

CORS's Access-Control-Allow-Credentials is there to allow cross-domain logging. Check for examples.

For me it seems like a bug in JQuery (or at least feature-to-be in next version).


  1. Cookies are not set automatically from AJAX response (citation:


  2. You cannot get value of the cookie from response to set it manually (

    I'm confused..

    There should exist a way to ask jquery.ajax() to set XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials = "true" parameter.

ANSWER: You should use xhrFields param of

The example in the documentation is:

   url: a_cross_domain_url,
   xhrFields: {
      withCredentials: true

It's important as well that server answers correctly to this request. Copying here great comments from @Frédéric and @Pebbl:

Important note: when responding to a credentialed request, server must specify a domain, and cannot use wild carding. The above example would fail if the header was wildcarded as: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

So when the request is:

Origin: http://foo.example
Cookie: pageAccess=2

Server should respond with:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://foo.example
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true


Otherwise payload won't be returned to script. See:

Getting command-line password input in Python

15.7. getpass — Portable password input

from getpass import getpass
passwd = getpass("password: ")

You can read more here

Flask raises TemplateNotFound error even though template file exists

I think Flask uses the directory templates by default. So your code should be like this

suppose this is your

from flask import Flask,render_template


def home():
    return render_template('home.html')

def about():
    return render_template('about.html')

if __name__=="__main__":

And you work space structure like


also you have create two html files with name of home.html and about.html and put those files in templates folder.

reducing number of plot ticks

When a log scale is used the number of major ticks can be fixed with the following command

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



The value set to numticks determines the number of axis ticks to be displayed.

Credits to @bgamari's post for introducing the locator_params() function, but the nticks parameter throws an error when a log scale is used.

Get resultset from oracle stored procedure

FYI as of Oracle 12c, you can do this:

    OPEN cur FOR SELECT object_id,object_name from all_objects where rownum < n;

EXEC testproc(3);

OBJECT_ID OBJECT_NAME                                                                                                                     
---------- ------------
100 ORA$BASE                                                                                                                        
116 DUAL                                                                                                                            

This was supposed to get closer to other databases, and ease migrations. But it's not perfect to me, for instance SQL developer won't display it nicely as a normal SELECT.

I prefer the output of pipeline functions, but they need more boilerplate to code.

more info:

Summarizing multiple columns with dplyr?

All the examples are great, but I figure I'd add one more to show how working in a "tidy" format simplifies things. Right now the data frame is in "wide" format meaning the variables "a" through "d" are represented in columns. To get to a "tidy" (or long) format, you can use gather() from the tidyr package which shifts the variables in columns "a" through "d" into rows. Then you use the group_by() and summarize() functions to get the mean of each group. If you want to present the data in a wide format, just tack on an additional call to the spread() function.


# Create reproducible df
df <- tibble(a   = sample(1:5, 10, replace=T), 
             b   = sample(1:5, 10, replace=T), 
             c   = sample(1:5, 10, replace=T), 
             d   = sample(1:5, 10, replace=T), 
             grp = sample(1:3, 10, replace=T))

# Convert to tidy format using gather
df %>%
    gather(key = variable, value = value, a:d) %>%
    group_by(grp, variable) %>%
    summarize(mean = mean(value)) %>%
    spread(variable, mean)
#> Source: local data frame [3 x 5]
#> Groups: grp [3]
#>     grp        a     b        c        d
#> * <int>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     1 3.000000   3.5 3.250000 3.250000
#> 2     2 1.666667   4.0 4.666667 2.666667
#> 3     3 3.333333   3.0 2.333333 2.333333

Write Array to Excel Range

Thanks for the pointers guys - the Value vs Value2 argument got me a different set of search results which helped me realise what the answer is. Incidentally, the Value property is a parametrized property, which must be accessed through an accessor in C#. These are called get_Value and set_Value, and take an optional enum value. If anyone's interested, this explains it nicely.

It's possible to make the assignment via the Value2 property however, which is preferable as the interop documentation recommends against the use use of the get_Value and set_Value methods, for reasons beyond my understanding.

The key seems to be the dimension of the array of objects. For the call to work the array must be declared as two-dimensional, even if you're only assigning one-dimensional data.

I declared my data array as an object[NumberofRows,1] and the assignment call worked.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/Authenticator, whats wrong?

When I had this problem, I had included the mail-api.jar in my maven pom file. That's the API specification only. The fix is to replace this:

<!-- DO NOT USE - it's just the API, not an implementation -->

with the reference implementation of that api:


I know it has sun in the package name, but that's the latest version. I learned this from

In JavaScript can I make a "click" event fire programmatically for a file input element?

You can do this as per answer from Open File Dialog box on <a> tag

<input type="file" id="upload" name="upload" style="visibility: hidden; width: 1px;     height: 1px" multiple />
<a href="" onclick="document.getElementById('upload').click(); return false">Upload</a>

How to search for an element in a golang slice

As other guys commented before you can write your own procedure with anonymous function to solve this issue.

I used two ways to solve it:

func Find(slice interface{}, f func(value interface{}) bool) int {
    s := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
    if s.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
        for index := 0; index < s.Len(); index++ {
            if f(s.Index(index).Interface()) {
                return index
    return -1

Uses example:

type UserInfo struct {
    UserId          int

func main() {
    var (
        destinationList []UserInfo
        userId      int = 123
    destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo { 
        UserId          : 23,
    destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo { 
        UserId          : 12,
    idx := Find(destinationList, func(value interface{}) bool {
        return value.(UserInfo).UserId == userId
    if idx < 0 {
        fmt.Println("not found")
    } else {

Second method with less computational cost:

func Search(length int, f func(index int) bool) int {
    for index := 0; index < length; index++ {
        if f(index) {
            return index
    return -1

Uses example:

type UserInfo struct {
    UserId          int

func main() {
    var (
        destinationList []UserInfo
        userId      int = 123
    destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo { 
        UserId          : 23,
    destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo { 
        UserId          : 123,
    idx := Search(len(destinationList), func(index int) bool {
        return destinationList[index].UserId == userId
    if  idx < 0 {
        fmt.Println("not found")
    } else {

How to delete object?

It sounds like you need to create a wrapper around an instance you can invalidate:

public class Ref<T> where T : class
    private T instance;
    public Ref(T instance)
        this.instance = instance;

    public static implicit operator Ref<T>(T inner)
        return new Ref<T>(inner);

    public void Delete()
        this.instance = null;

    public T Instance
        get { return this.instance; }

and you can use it like:

Ref<Car> carRef = new Car();
var car = carRef.Instance;     //car is null

Be aware however that if any code saves the inner value in a variable, this will not be invalidated by calling Delete.

How to convert string to char array in C++?

Simplest way I can think of doing it is:

string temp = "cat";
char tab2[1024];
strcpy(tab2, temp.c_str());

For safety, you might prefer:

string temp = "cat";
char tab2[1024];
strncpy(tab2, temp.c_str(), sizeof(tab2));
tab2[sizeof(tab2) - 1] = 0;

or could be in this fashion:

string temp = "cat";
char * tab2 = new char [temp.length()+1];
strcpy (tab2, temp.c_str());

Add swipe to delete UITableViewCell

As of Xcode 6.1.1, there are some tiny changes to Dash's answer.

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, canEditRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Bool {
        return true

    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, commitEditingStyle editingStyle: UITableViewCellEditingStyle, forRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
        if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyle.Delete) {
            // handle delete (by removing the data from your array and updating the tableview)

javascript clear field value input


<input name="name" id="name" type="text" value="Name" onfocus="clearField(this);" onblur="fillField(this);"/>


function clearField(input) {
  if(input.value=="Name") { //Only clear if value is "Name"
    input.value = "";
function fillField(input) {
    if(input.value=="") {
        input.value = "Name";

Base64 PNG data to HTML5 canvas

By the looks of it you need to actually pass drawImage an image object like so

var canvas = document.getElementById("c");_x000D_
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");_x000D_
var image = new Image();_x000D_
image.onload = function() {_x000D_
  ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);_x000D_
<canvas id="c"></canvas>

I've tried it in chrome and it works fine.

int to unsigned int conversion

Edit: As has been noted in the other answers, the standard actually guarantees that "the resulting value is the least unsigned integer congruent to the source integer (modulo 2n where n is the number of bits used to represent the unsigned type)". So even if your platform did not store signed ints as two's complement, the behavior would be the same.

Apparently your signed integer -62 is stored in two's complement (Wikipedia) on your platform:

62 as a 32-bit integer written in binary is

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1110

To compute the two's complement (for storing -62), first invert all the bits

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0001

then add one

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0010

And if you interpret this as an unsigned 32-bit integer (as your computer will do if you cast it), you'll end up with 4294967234 :-)

What is the difference between <p> and <div>?

The only difference between the two elements is semantics. Both elements, by default, have the CSS rule display: block (hence block-level) applied to them; nothing more (except somewhat extra margin in some instances). However, as aforementioned, they both different greatly in terms of semantics.

The <p> element, as its name somewhat implies, is for paragraphs. Thus, <p> should be used when you want to create blocks of paragraph text.

The <div> element, however, has little to no meaning semantically and therefore can be used as a generic block-level element — most commonly, people use it within layouts because it is meaningless semantically and can be used for generally anything you might require a block-level element for.

Link for more detail

How can I make all images of different height and width the same via CSS?

Based on Andi Wilkinson's answer (the second one), I improved a little, make sure the center of the image is shown (like the accepted answer did):


<div class="crop">
   <img src="img.png">


  height: 150px;
  width: 200px;
  overflow: hidden;
.crop img{
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); /* Ch <36, Saf 5.1+, iOS < 9.2, An =<4.4.4 */
  -ms-transform: translateY(-50%); /* IE 9 */
  transform: translateY(-50%); /* IE 10, Fx 16+, Op 12.1+ */

Try-Catch-End Try in VBScript doesn't seem to work

Try Catch exists via workaround in VBScript:

Class CFunc1
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        WScript.Echo "Starting"
        Dim i : i = 65535 ^ 65535 
        MsgBox "Should not see this"
    End Sub

    Private Sub CatchErr
        If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub
        Select Case Err.Number
            Case 6 WScript.Echo "Overflow handled!" 
            Case Else WScript.Echo "Unhandled error " & Err.Number & " occurred."
        End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        WScript.Echo "Exiting" 
    End Sub 
End Class

Dim Func1 : Set Func1 = New CFunc1 : Set Func1 = Nothing

PHP array: count or sizeof?

I would use count() if they are the same, as in my experience it is more common, and therefore will cause less developers reading your code to say "sizeof(), what is that?" and having to consult the documentation.

I think it means sizeof() does not work like it does in C (calculating the size of a datatype). It probably made this mention explicitly because PHP is written in C, and provides a lot of identically named wrappers for C functions (strlen(), printf(), etc)

How to output a comma delimited list in jinja python template?

You want your if check to be:

{% if not loop.last %}
{% endif %}

Note that you can also shorten the code by using If Expression:

{{ ", " if not loop.last else "" }}

ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

I had the same problem so to resolve this problem I first reconfigure my listener using netca after that I deleted my old database which was ORCL by using dbca and then i created the new database again using dbca

how to fetch data from database in Hibernate

I know that it is very late to answer the question, but it may help someone like me who spent lots off time to fetch data using hql

So the thing is you just have to write a query

Query query = session.createQuery("from Employee");

it will give you all the data list but to fetch data from this you have to write this line.

List<Employee> fetchedData = query.list();

As simple as it looks.

How to connect to remote Oracle DB with PL/SQL Developer?

I would recommend creating a TNSNAMES.ORA file. From your Oracle Client install directory, navigate to NETWORK\ADMIN. You may already have a file called TNSNAMES.ORA, if so edit it, else create it using your favorite text editor.

Next, simply add an entry like this:

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

You can change MYDB to whatever you like, this is the identifier that applications will will use to find the database using the info from TNSNAMES.

Finally, login with MYDB as your database in PL/SQL Developer. It should automatically find the connection string in the TNSNAMES.ORA.

If that does not work, hit Help->About then click the icon with an "i" in it in the upper-lefthand corner. The fourth tab is the "TNS Names" tab, check it to confirm that it is loading the proper TNSNAMES.ORA file. If it is not, you may have multiple Oracle installations on your computer, and you will need to find the one that is in use.

UIButton: how to center an image and a text using imageEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets?

Assuming that you want both text and image to be centered horizontally, image above text: Center the text from interface builder and add a top inset (making room for the image). (leave the left inset to 0). Use interface builder to choose image - it's actual position will be set from code, so don't worry that things will not look ok in IB. Unlike other answers above, this actually works on all currently supported ios versions (5,6 and 7).

In code, just discard the ImageView of the button (by setting the button's image to null) after grabbing the image (this will also automatically center the text, wrapped if necessary). Then instantiate your own ImageView with the same frame size and image and position it in the middle.

This way you can still choose the image from interface builder (though it will not be aligned in IB as in simulator, but then again, other solutions are not compatible across all supported ios versions)

What is Hive: Return Code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask

I faced the same issue because I didn't have permission to query the database I was trying to.

In the case you don't have permission to query the table/database, besides the Return Code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask error, you will see that in Cloudera Manager is not even registering your query.

javascript setTimeout() not working



You're calling startTimer() and feed it's result (which is undefined) as an argument to setTimeout().

How to save MySQL query output to excel or .txt file?

You can write following codes to achieve this task:

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... 
INTO OUTFILE 'textfile.csv'

It export the result to CSV and then export it to excel sheet.

Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n

All said and and done here comes the O'caml code for that. Algorithm is evident from the code..

let combi n lst =
    let rec comb l c =
        if( List.length c = n) then [c] else
        match l with
        [] -> []
        | (h::t) -> (combi t (h::c))@(combi t c)
        combi lst []

Filtering Table rows using Jquery

Adding one more approach :

value = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
$("#product-search-result tr").filter(function () {
$(this).toggle($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1)

Math operations from string

The asker commented:

I figure that if I understand a problem well enough to write a program that can figure it out, I don't need to do the work manually.

If he's writing a math expression solver as a learning exercise, using eval() isn't going to help. Plus it's terrible design.

You might consider making a calculator using Reverse Polish Notation instead of standard math notation. It simplifies the parsing considerably. It would still be a good exercise

Combination of async function + await + setTimeout

Your sleep function does not work because setTimeout does not (yet?) return a promise that could be awaited. You will need to promisify it manually:

function timeout(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function sleep(fn, ...args) {
    await timeout(3000);
    return fn(...args);

Btw, to slow down your loop you probably don't want to use a sleep function that takes a callback and defers it like this. I recommend:

while (goOn) {
  // other code
  var [parents] = await Promise.all([
  // other code

which lets the computation of parents take at least 5 seconds.

ReactJS map through Object

Do you get an error when you try to map through the object keys, or does it throw something else.

Also note when you want to map through the keys you make sure to refer to the object keys correctly. Just like this:

{ Object.keys(subjects).map((item, i) => (
   <li className="travelcompany-input" key={i}>
     <span className="input-label">key: {i} Name: {subjects[item]}</span>

You need to use {subjects[item]} instead of {subjects[i]} because it refers to the keys of the object. If you look for subjects[i] you will get undefined.

Update MySQL using HTML Form and PHP

Use mysqli instead of mysql, and you need to pass the database name or schema:


$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);


$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $myDBname);

Impersonate tag in Web.Config

Put the identity element before the authentication element

In practice, what are the main uses for the new "yield from" syntax in Python 3.3?

This code defines a function fixed_sum_digits returning a generator enumerating all six digits numbers such that the sum of digits is 20.

def iter_fun(sum, deepness, myString, Total):
    if deepness == 0:
        if sum == Total:
            yield myString
        for i in range(min(10, Total - sum + 1)):
            yield from iter_fun(sum + i,deepness - 1,myString + str(i),Total)

def fixed_sum_digits(digits, Tot):
    return iter_fun(0,digits,"",Tot) 

Try to write it without yield from. If you find an effective way to do it let me know.

I think that for cases like this one: visiting trees, yield from makes the code simpler and cleaner.