Programs & Examples On #Rpgle

RPGLE is a high-level programming language (HLL) for business applications for programs running in the Integrated Language Environment (ILE). IBM is the creator of RPGLE. Use this tag for all questions about RPG IV and free format RPG. Use the RPG tag for questions about older versions of RPG and non-IBM variants of the language.

How do I find the data directory for a SQL Server instance?

You can find default Data and Log locations for the current SQL Server instance by using the following T-SQL:

DECLARE @defaultDataLocation nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @defaultLogLocation nvarchar(4000)

EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread
    @defaultDataLocation OUTPUT

EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread
    @defaultLogLocation OUTPUT

SELECT @defaultDataLocation AS 'Default Data Location',
       @defaultLogLocation AS 'Default Log Location'

ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536

Assume file is already created in the predefined directory with name "table.txt"

  • 1) change the ownership for file :

    sudo chown username:username table.txt
  • 2) change the mode of the file

    sudo chmod 777 table.txt

Now, try it should work!

How do I execute a string containing Python code in Python?

As the others mentioned, it's "exec" ..

but, in case your code contains variables, you can use "global" to access it, also to prevent the compiler to raise the following error:

NameError: name 'p_variable' is not defined

exec('p_variable = [1,2,3,4]')
global p_variable

BATCH file asks for file or folder

Actually xcopy does not ask you if the original file exists, but if you want to put it in a new folder named Shapes.atc, or in the folder Support (which is what you want.

To prevent xcopy from asking this, just tell him the destination folder, so there's no ambiguity:

xcopy /s/y "J:\Old path\Shapes.atc" "C:\Documents and Settings\his name\Support"

If you want to change the filename in destination just use copy (which is more adapted than xcopy when copying files):

copy /y "J:\Old path\Shapes.atc" "C:\Documents and Settings\his name\Support\Shapes-new.atc

How can I use grep to find a word inside a folder?

Similar to the answer posted by @eLRuLL, a easier way to specify a search that respects word boundaries is to use the -w option:

grep -wnr "yourString" .

Add a pipe separator after items in an unordered list unless that item is the last on a line

Use :after pseudo selector. Look


ul li { float: left; }
ul li:after { content: "|"; padding: 0 .5em; }


jQuery solution:


    <ul id="animals">


div { width: 300px; }
ul li { float: left; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 0 .5em; }
ul li:last-child { border: 0; }


var maxWidth = 300, // Your div max-width
    totalWidth = 0;
$('#animals li').each(function(){
    var currentWidth = $(this).outerWidth(),
        nextWidth = $(this).next().outerWidth();
    totalWidth += currentWidth;
    if ( (totalWidth + nextWidth) > maxWidth ) {
        $(this).css('border', 'none');
        totalWidth = 0;

Take a look here. I also added a few more animals.

How to view transaction logs in SQL Server 2008

You could use the undocumented

DBCC LOG(databasename, typeofoutput)

where typeofoutput:

0: Return only the minimum of information for each operation -- the operation, its context and the transaction ID. (Default)
1: As 0, but also retrieve any flags and the log record length.
2: As 1, but also retrieve the object name, index name, page ID and slot ID.
3: Full informational dump of each operation.
4: As 3 but includes a hex dump of the current transaction log row.

For example, DBCC LOG(database, 1)

You could also try fn_dblog.

For rolling back a transaction using the transaction log I would take a look at Stack Overflow post Rollback transaction using transaction log.

How can I avoid running ActiveRecord callbacks?

Not the cleanest way, but you could wrap the callback code in a condition that checks the Rails environment.

if Rails.env == 'production'

How do I select an entire row which has the largest ID in the table?

You can not give order by because order by does a "full scan" on a table.

The following query is better:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM table);

Python: Convert timedelta to int in a dataframe

Timedelta objects have read-only instance attributes .days, .seconds, and .microseconds.

How to parse string into date?

CONVERT(DateTime, ExpireDate, 121) AS ExpireDate

will do what is needed, result:

2012-04-24 00:00:00.000

How to make graphics with transparent background in R using ggplot2?

Just to improve YCR's answer:

1) I added black lines on x and y axis. Otherwise they are made transparent too.

2) I added a transparent theme to the legend key. Otherwise, you will get a fill there, which won't be very esthetic.

Finally, note that all those work only with pdf and png formats. jpeg fails to produce transparent graphs.

MyTheme_transparent <- theme(
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"), # bg of the panel
    plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA), # bg of the plot
    panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # get rid of major grid
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # get rid of minor grid
    legend.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"), # get rid of legend bg = element_rect(fill = "transparent"), # get rid of legend panel bg
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA), # get rid of key legend fill, and of the surrounding
    axis.line = element_line(colour = "black") # adding a black line for x and y axis

Format XML string to print friendly XML string

Use XmlTextWriter...

public static string PrintXML(string xml)
    string result = "";

    MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream();
    XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(mStream, Encoding.Unicode);
    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

        // Load the XmlDocument with the XML.

        writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

        // Write the XML into a formatting XmlTextWriter

        // Have to rewind the MemoryStream in order to read
        // its contents.
        mStream.Position = 0;

        // Read MemoryStream contents into a StreamReader.
        StreamReader sReader = new StreamReader(mStream);

        // Extract the text from the StreamReader.
        string formattedXml = sReader.ReadToEnd();

        result = formattedXml;
    catch (XmlException)
        // Handle the exception


    return result;

Add a summary row with totals

This is the more powerful grouping / rollup syntax you'll want to use in SQL Server 2008+. Always useful to specify the version you're using so we don't have to guess.

  [Type] = COALESCE([Type], 'Total'), 
  [Total Sales] = SUM([Total Sales])
FROM dbo.Before

Craig Freedman wrote a great blog post introducing GROUPING SETS.

Nginx serves .php files as downloads, instead of executing them

My solution was to add

    location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files $uri =404;
    fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
    fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
    include fastcgi_params;

to my custom configuration file, for example etc/nginx/sites-available/

Adding to /etc/nginx/sites-available/default didn't work for me.

React onClick and preventDefault() link refresh/redirect?

In a context like this

function ActionLink() {
  function handleClick(e) {
    console.log('The link was clicked.');

  return (
    <a href="#" onClick={handleClick}>
      Click me

As you can see, you have to call preventDefault() explicitly. I think that this docs, could be helpful.

How can I make the computer beep in C#?

You can also use the relatively unused:


Documentation for this sounds is available in

How to download dependencies in gradle

You should try this one :

task getDeps(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.runtime
    into 'runtime/'

I was was looking for it some time ago when working on a project in which we had to download all dependencies into current working directory at some point in our provisioning script. I guess you're trying to achieve something similar.

WAMP Cannot access on local network 403 Forbidden

I got this answer from here. and its works for me

Require local

Change to

Require all granted
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all

Match the path of a URL, minus the filename extension

There's no need to use a regular expression to dissect a URL. PHP has built-in functions for this, pathinfo() and parse_url().

In Excel how to get the left 5 characters of each cell in a specified column and put them into a new column

I find, if the data is imported, you may need to use the trim command on top of it, to get your details. =LEFT(TRIM(B2),8) In my case, I was using it to find a IP range. with mask, so response is: 10.3.44 Kind of handy.

How can one print a size_t variable portably using the printf family?

std::size_t s = 1024;
std::cout << s; // or any other kind of stream like stringstream!

How to change the application launcher icon on Flutter?

Setting the launcher icons like a native developer

I was having some trouble using and understanding the flutter_launcher_icons package. This answer is how you would do it if you were creating an app for Android or iOS natively. It is pretty fast and easy once you have done it a few times.


Android launcher icons have both a foreground and a background layer.

enter image description here

(image adapted from Android documentation)

The easiest way to create launcher icons for Android is to use the Asset Studio that is available right in Android Studio. You don't even have to leave your Flutter project. (VS Code users, you might consider using Android Studio just for this step. It's really very convenient and it doesn't hurt to be familiar with another IDE.)

Right click on the android folder in the project outline. Go to New > Image Asset. (Try right clicking the android/app folder if you don't see Image Asset as an option. Also see the comments below for more suggestions.) Now you can select an image to create your launcher icon from.

Note: I usually use a 1024x1024 pixel image but you should certainly use nothing smaller that 512x512. If you are using Gimp or Inkscape, you should have two layers, one for the foreground and one for the background. The foreground image should have transparent areas for the background layer to show through.

enter image description here

(lion clipart from here)

This will replace the current launcher icons. You can find the generated icons in the mipmap folders:

If you would prefer to create the launcher icons manually, see this answer for help.

Finally, make sure that the launcher icon name in the AndroidManifest is the same as what you called it above (ic_launcher by default):

application android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"

Run the app in the emulator to confirm that the launcher icon was created successfully.


I always used to individually resize my iOS icons by hand, but if you have a Mac, there is a free app in the Mac App Store called Icon Set Creator. You give it an image (of at least 1024x1024 pixels) and it will spit out all the sizes that you need (plus the Contents.json file). Thanks to this answer for the suggestion.

iOS icons should not have any transparency. See more guidelines here.

After you have created the icon set, start Xcode (assuming you have a Mac) and use it to open the ios folder in your Flutter project. Then go to Runner > Assets.xcassets and delete the AppIcon item.

enter image description here

After that right-click and choose Import.... Choose the icon set that you just created.

That's it. Confirm that the icon was created by running the app in the simulator.

If you don't have a Mac...

You can still create all of the images by hand. In your Flutter project go to ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset.

The image sizes that you need are the multiplied sizes in the filename. For example, [email protected] would be 29 times 3, that is, 87 pixels square. You either need to keep the same icon names or edit the JSON file.

How to list records with date from the last 10 days?

My understanding from my testing (and the PostgreSQL dox) is that the quotes need to be done differently from the other answers, and should also include "day" like this:

  FROM Table 
  WHERE date > current_date - interval '10 day';

Demonstrated here (you should be able to run this on any Postgres db):

SELECT DISTINCT current_date, 
                current_date - interval '10' day, 
                current_date - interval '10 days' 
  FROM pg_language;


2013-03-01  2013-03-01 00:00:00 2013-02-19 00:00:00

Constructor of an abstract class in C#

You are absolutely correct. We cannot instantiate an abstract class because abstract methods don't have any body i.e. implementation is not possible for abstract methods. But there may be some scenarios where you want to initialize some variables of base class. You can do that by using base keyword as suggested by @Rodrick. In such cases, we need to use constructors in our abstract class.

How can I view a git log of just one user's commits?

cat | git log --author="authorName" > author_commits_details.txt

This gives your commits in text format.

jQuery: Handle fallback for failed AJAX Request

You will need to either use the lower level $.ajax call, or the ajaxError function. Here it is with the $.ajax method:

function update() {
    type: 'GET',
    dataType: 'json',
    url: url,
    timeout: 5000,
    success: function(data, textStatus ){
       alert('request successful');
    fail: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
       alert('request failed');

EDIT I added a timeout to the $.ajax call and set it to five seconds.

Differences between INDEX, PRIMARY, UNIQUE, FULLTEXT in MySQL?

I feel like this has been well covered, maybe except for the following:

  • Simple KEY / INDEX (or otherwise called SECONDARY INDEX) do increase performance if selectivity is sufficient. On this matter, the usual recommendation is that if the amount of records in the result set on which an index is applied exceeds 20% of the total amount of records of the parent table, then the index will be ineffective. In practice each architecture will differ but, the idea is still correct.

  • Secondary Indexes (and that is very specific to mysql) should not be seen as completely separate and different objects from the primary key. In fact, both should be used jointly and, once this information known, provide an additional tool to the mysql DBA: in Mysql, indexes embed the primary key. It leads to significant performance improvements, specifically when cleverly building implicit covering indexes such as described there.

  • If you feel like your data should be UNIQUE, use a unique index. You may think it's optional (for instance, working it out at application level) and that a normal index will do, but it actually represents a guarantee for Mysql that each row is unique, which incidentally provides a performance benefit.

  • You can only use FULLTEXT (or otherwise called SEARCH INDEX) with Innodb (In MySQL 5.6.4 and up) and Myisam Engines

  • You can only use FULLTEXT on CHAR, VARCHAR and TEXT column types

  • FULLTEXT index involves a LOT more than just creating an index. There's a bunch of system tables created, a completely separate caching system and some specific rules and optimizations applied. See and

Complex JSON nesting of objects and arrays

I successfully solved my problem. Here is my code:

The complex JSON object:

                "strength":"10 mg Tab",
                "dose":"1 tab",
                "refills":"Refill 3"
                "strength":"0.4 mg Sublingual Tab",
                "dose":"1 tab",
                "sig":"q15min PRN",
                "refills":"Refill 1"
                "name":"warfarin sodium",
                "strength":"3 mg Tab",
                "dose":"1 tab",
                "refills":"Refill 3"
                "name":"metoprolol tartrate",
                "strength":"25 mg Tab",
                "dose":"1 tab",
                "refills":"Refill 3"
                "strength":"40 mg Tab",
                "dose":"1 tab",
                "refills":"Refill 3"
                "name":"potassium chloride ER",
                "strength":"10 mEq Tab",
                "dose":"1 tab",
                "refills":"Refill 3"
        "name":"Arterial Blood Gas",
        "location":"Main Hospital Lab"      
        "location":"Primary Care Clinic"    
        "time":"3 Weeks",
        "location":"Primary Care Clinic"    
        "time":"1 Year",
        "location":"Primary Care Clinic"    
        "name":"Cardiac Enzymes",
        "location":"Primary Care Clinic"    
        "time":"1 Year",
        "location":"Primary Care Clinic"    
        "time":"1 Year",
        "location":"Main Hospital Lab"  
        "name":"Electrolyte Panel",
        "time":"1 Year",
        "location":"Primary Care Clinic"    
        "time":"1 Year",
        "location":"Main Hospital Lab"  
        "time":"3 Weeks",
        "location":"Primary Care Clinic"    
        "time":"3 Weeks",
        "location":"Coumadin Clinic"    
        "time":"1 Year",
        "location":"Primary Care Clinic"    
        "name":"Chest X-Ray",
        "location":"Main Hospital Radiology"    
        "name":"Chest X-Ray",
        "location":"Main Hospital Radiology"    
        "name":"Chest X-Ray",
        "location":"Main Hospital Radiology"    

The jQuery code to grab the data and display it on my webpage:

$(document).ready(function() {
var items = [];

$.getJSON('labOrders.json', function(json) {
  $.each(json.medications, function(index, orders) {
    $.each(this, function() {
        $.each(this, function() {
            items.push('<div class="row">'"\t"+this.strength+"\t"+this.dose+"\t"+this.route+"\t"+this.sig+"\t"+this.pillCount+"\t"+this.refills+'</div>'+"\n");

  $('<div>', {



Responsive design with media query : screen size?

Responsive Web design (RWD) is a Web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience

When you design your responsive website you should consider the size of the screen and not the device type. The media queries helps you do that.

If you want to style your site per device, you can use the user agent value, but this is not recommended since you'll have to work hard to maintain your code for new devices, new browsers, browsers versions etc while when using the screen size, all of this does not matter.

You can see some standard resolutions in this link.

BUT, in my opinion, you should first design your website layout, and only then adjust it with media queries to fit possible screen sizes.

Why? As I said before, the screen resolutions variety is big and if you'll design a mobile version that is targeted to 320px your site won't be optimized to 350px screens or 400px screens.


  1. When designing a responsive page, open it in your desktop browser and change the width of the browser to see how the width of the screen affects your layout and style.
  2. Use percentage instead of pixels, it will make your work easier.


I have a table with 5 columns. The data looks good when the screen size is bigger than 600px so I add a breakpoint at 600px and hides 1 less important column when the screen size is smaller. Devices with big screens such as desktops and tablets will display all the data, while mobile phones with small screens will display part of the data.

State of mind

Not directly related to the question but important aspect in responsive design. Responsive design also relate to the fact that the user have a different state of mind when using a mobile phone or a desktop. For example, when you open your bank's site in the evening and check your stocks you want as much data on the screen. When you open the same page in the your lunch break your probably want to see few important details and not all the graphs of last year.

how to insert date and time in oracle?

You can use

insert into table_name
(TO_DATE('2003/05/03 21:02:44', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'));

Hope it helps.

Difference between matches() and find() in Java Regex

matches return true if the whole string matches the given pattern. find tries to find a substring that matches the pattern.

Bash command line and input limit

Ok, Denizens. So I have accepted the command line length limits as gospel for quite some time. So, what to do with one's assumptions? Naturally- check them.

I have a Fedora 22 machine at my disposal (meaning: Linux with bash4). I have created a directory with 500,000 inodes (files) in it each of 18 characters long. The command line length is 9,500,000 characters. Created thus:

seq 1 500000 | while read digit; do
    touch $(printf "abigfilename%06d\n" $digit);

And we note:

$ getconf ARG_MAX

Note however I can do this:

$ echo * > /dev/null

But this fails:

$ /bin/echo * > /dev/null
bash: /bin/echo: Argument list too long

I can run a for loop:

$ for f in *; do :; done

which is another shell builtin.

Careful reading of the documentation for ARG_MAX states, Maximum length of argument to the exec functions. This means: Without calling exec, there is no ARG_MAX limitation. So it would explain why shell builtins are not restricted by ARG_MAX.

And indeed, I can ls my directory if my argument list is 109948 files long, or about 2,089,000 characters (give or take). Once I add one more 18-character filename file, though, then I get an Argument list too long error. So ARG_MAX is working as advertised: the exec is failing with more than ARG_MAX characters on the argument list- including, it should be noted, the environment data.

How to use relative paths without including the context root name?

This could be done simpler:

<base href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/"/>

All URL will be formed without unnecessary domain:port but with application context.

open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

In my case it was permissions issue. The catch is that on device with Android 4.0.4 I got access to file without any error or exception. And on device with Android 5.1 it failed with ACCESS exception (open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)). Handled it with adding follow permission to manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

So I guess that it's the difference between permissions management in OS versions that causes to failures.

Clicking a button within a form causes page refresh

Add action to your form.

<form action="#">

Aligning two divs side-by-side

It's also possible to to do this without the wrapper - div#main. You can center the #page-wrap using the margin: 0 auto; method and then use the left:-n; method to position the #sidebar and adding the width of #page-wrap.

body { background: black; }
#sidebar    {
    position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
    width: 200px;
    height: 400px;
    background: red;
    margin-left: -230px;

#page-wrap  {
    width: 60px;
    background: #fff;
    height: 400px;
    margin: 0 auto;

However, the sidebar would disappear beyond the browser viewport if the window was smaller than the content.

Nick's second answer is best though, because it's also more maintainable as you don't have to adjust #sidebar if you want to resize #page-wrap.

Pass props to parent component in React.js

It appears there's a simple answer. Consider this:

var Child = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    <a onClick={this.props.onClick.bind(null, this)}>Click me</a>

var Parent = React.createClass({
  onClick: function(component, event) {
    component.props // #=> {Object...}
  render: function() {
    <Child onClick={this.onClick} />

The key is calling bind(null, this) on the this.props.onClick event, passed from the parent. Now, the onClick function accepts arguments component, AND event. I think that's the best of all worlds.

UPDATE: 9/1/2015

This was a bad idea: letting child implementation details leak in to the parent was never a good path. See Sebastien Lorber's answer.

why does DateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") give me dd-MM-yyyy?

Pass CultureInfo.InvariantCulture as the second parameter of DateTime, it will return the string as what you want, even a very special format:

DateTime.Now.ToString("dd|MM|yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

will return: 28|02|2014

Apache giving 403 forbidden errors

You can try disabling selinux and try once again using the following command

setenforce 0

Selecting with complex criteria from pandas.DataFrame

And remember to use parenthesis!

Keep in mind that & operator takes a precedence over operators such as > or < etc. That is why

4 < 5 & 6 > 4

evaluates to False. Therefore if you're using pd.loc, you need to put brackets around your logical statements, otherwise you get an error. That's why do:

df.loc[(df['A'] > 10) & (df['B'] < 15)]

instead of

df.loc[df['A'] > 10 & df['B'] < 15]

which would result in

TypeError: cannot compare a dtyped [float64] array with a scalar of type [bool]

Android set height and width of Custom view programmatically

If you know the exact size of the view, just use setLayoutParams():

graphView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(width, height));

Or in Kotlin:

graphView.layoutParams = LayoutParams(width, height)

However, if you need a more flexible approach you can override onMeasure() to measure the view more precisely depending on the space available and layout constraints (wrap_content, match_parent, or a fixed size). You can find more details about onMeasure() in the android docs.

Rendering a template variable as HTML

You can render a template in your code like so:

from django.template import Context, Template
t = Template('This is your <span>{{ message }}</span>.')

c = Context({'message': 'Your message'})
html = t.render(c)

See the Django docs for further information.

How do I write a Windows batch script to copy the newest file from a directory?

@Chris Noe

Note that the space in front of the & becomes part of the previous command. That has bitten me with SET, which happily puts trailing blanks into the value.

To get around the trailing-space being added to an environment variable, wrap the set command in parens.

E.g. FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR "*.*" /B /O:D') DO (SET NewestFile=%%I)

Can you style an html radio button to look like a checkbox?

This is my solution using only CSS (Jsfiddle:

enter image description here

div.options > label > input {_x000D_
 visibility: hidden;_x000D_
div.options > label {_x000D_
 display: block;_x000D_
 margin: 0 0 0 -10px;_x000D_
 padding: 0 0 20px 0;  _x000D_
 height: 20px;_x000D_
 width: 150px;_x000D_
div.options > label > img {_x000D_
 display: inline-block;_x000D_
 padding: 0px;_x000D_
 background: none;_x000D_
div.options > label > input:checked +img {  _x000D_
 background: url(;_x000D_
 background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
 background-position:center center;_x000D_
 background-size:30px 30px;_x000D_
<div class="options">_x000D_
 <label title="item1">_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="foo" value="0" /> _x000D_
  Item 1_x000D_
  <img />_x000D_
 <label title="item2">_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="foo" value="1" />_x000D_
  Item 2_x000D_
  <img />_x000D_
 </label>   _x000D_
 <label title="item3">_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="foo" value="2" />_x000D_
  Item 3_x000D_
  <img />_x000D_

Terminating a Java Program

  1. System.exit() is a method that causes JVM to exit.
  2. return just returns the control to calling function.
  3. return 8 will return control and value 8 to calling method.

How to search for rows containing a substring?

Info on MySQL's full text search. This is restricted to MyISAM tables, so may not be suitable if you wantto use a different table type.

Even if WHERE textcolumn LIKE "%SUBSTRING%" is going to be slow, I think it is probably better to let the Database handle it rather than have PHP handle it. If it is possible to restrict searches by some other criteria (date range, user, etc) then you may find the substring search is OK (ish).

If you are searching for whole words, you could pull out all the individual words into a separate table and use that to restrict the substring search. (So when searching for "my search string" you look for the the longest word "search" only do the substring search on records containing the word "search")

SSRS expression to format two decimal places does not show zeros

Actually, I needed the following...get rid of the decimals without rounding so "12.23" needs to show as "12". In SSRS, do not format the number as a percent. Leave the formatting as default (no formatting applied) then in the expression do the following: =Fix(Fields!PctAmt.Value*100))

Multiply the number by 100 then apply the FIX function in SSRS which returns only the integer portion of a number.

How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP?

To create an XMLdocument in PHP you should instance a DOMDocument class, create child nodes and append these nodes in the correct branch of the document tree.

For reference you can read

Now we will take a quick tour of the code below.

  • at line 2 we create an empty xml document (just specify xml version (1.0) and encoding (utf8))
  • now we need to populate the xml tree:
    • We have to create an xmlnode (line 5)
    • and we have to append this in the correct position. We are creating the root so we append this directly to the domdocument.
    • Note create element append the element to the node and return the node inserted, we save this reference to append the track nodes to the root node (incidentally called xml).

These are the basics, you can create and append a node in just a line (13th, for example), you can do a lot of other things with the dom api. It is up to you.

    /* create a dom document with encoding utf8 */
    $domtree = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');

    /* create the root element of the xml tree */
    $xmlRoot = $domtree->createElement("xml");
    /* append it to the document created */
    $xmlRoot = $domtree->appendChild($xmlRoot);

    $currentTrack = $domtree->createElement("track");
    $currentTrack = $xmlRoot->appendChild($currentTrack);

    /* you should enclose the following two lines in a cicle */
    $currentTrack->appendChild($domtree->createElement('title','title of song1.mp3'));

    $currentTrack->appendChild($domtree->createElement('title','title of song2.mp3'));

    /* get the xml printed */
    echo $domtree->saveXML();

Edit: Just one other hint: The main advantage of using an xmldocument (the dom document one or the simplexml one) instead of printing the xml,is that the xmltree is searchable with xpath query

Free c# QR-Code generator

You can look at Open Source QR Code Library or messagingtoolkit-qrcode. I have not used either of them so I can not speak of their ease to use.

Problems using Maven and SSL behind proxy

The answer above is a good working solution, but here's how to do it if you want to use the SSL repo:

  • Use a browser (I used IE) to go to
    • Click on lock icon and choose "View Certificate"
    • Go to the "Details" tab and choose "Save to File"
    • Choose type "Base 64 X.509 (.CER)" and save it somewhere
  • Now open a command prompt and type (use your own paths):

    keytool -import -file C:\temp\mavenCert.cer -keystore C:\temp\mavenKeystore

  • Now you can run the command again with the parameter\temp\mavenKeystore

  • Under linux use absolute path

    otherwise this will happen

  • Like this:

    mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false\temp\mavenKeystore


You can use the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable so you don't have to worry about it again. See more info on the MAVEN_OPTS variable here:

Smart way to truncate long strings

I like using .slice() The first argument is the starting index and the second is the ending index. Everything in between is what you get back.

var long = "hello there! Good day to ya."
// hello there! Good day to ya.

var short  = long.slice(0, 5)
// hello

How do you dynamically allocate a matrix?

Try boost::multi_array

#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>

int main(){
    int rows;
    int cols;
    boost::multi_array<int, 2> arr(boost::extents[rows][cols] ;

How to create a jQuery function (a new jQuery method or plugin)?

Yes, methods you apply to elements selected using jquery, are called jquery plugins and there is a good amount of info on authoring within the jquery docs.

Its worth noting that jquery is just javascript, so there is nothing special about a "jquery method".

scp via java

-: Refining Fernando's answer a little, if you use Maven for dependency management :-



Add this dependency in your project. Latest version can be found here.

Java code:

public void scpUpload(String source, String destination) {
    Scp scp = new Scp();
    scp.setTodir(username + ":" + password + "@" + host + ":" + destination);
    scp.setProject(new Project());

Non-Static method cannot be referenced from a static context with methods and variables

You should place Scanner input = new Scanner (; into the main method rather than creating the input object outside.

What's the best way to break from nested loops in JavaScript?

Just like Perl,

    for (var i in set1) {
        for (var j in set2) {
            for (var k in set3) {
                break loop2;  // breaks out of loop3 and loop2

as defined in EMCA-262 section 12.12. [MDN Docs]

Unlike C, these labels can only be used for continue and break, as Javascript does not have goto.

How to display errors on laravel 4?

Further to @cw24's answer  •  as of Laravel 5.4 you would instead have the following amendment in public/index.php

try {
    $response = $kernel->handle(
        $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()
} catch(\Exception $e) {
    echo "<pre>";
    echo $e;
    echo "</pre>";

And in my case, I had forgotten to fire up MySQL.
Which, by the way, is usually mysql.server start in Terminal

Count the number of occurrences of a string in a VARCHAR field?

In SQL SERVER, this is the answer

Declare @t table(TITLE VARCHAR(100), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(100))

INSERT INTO @t SELECT 'test1', 'value blah blah value' 
INSERT INTO @t SELECT 'test2','value test' 
INSERT INTO @t SELECT 'test3','test test test' 
INSERT INTO @t SELECT 'test4','valuevaluevaluevaluevalue' 




TITLE   DESCRIPTION               Count
test1   value blah blah value        2
test2   value test                   1
test3   test test test               0
test4   valuevaluevaluevaluevalue    5

I don't have MySQL install, but goggled to find the Equivalent of LEN is LENGTH while REPLACE is same.

So the equivalent query in MySql should be

FROM <yourTable>

Please let me know if it worked for you in MySql also.

Android Material: Status bar color won't change

The status bar is a system window owned by the operating system. On pre-5.0 Android devices, applications do not have permission to alter its color, so this is not something that the AppCompat library can support for older platform versions. The best AppCompat can do is provide support for coloring the ActionBar and other common UI widgets within the application.

How to display HTML in TextView?

Whenever you write custom text view basic HTML set text feature will be get vanished form some of the devices.

So we need to do following addtional steps make is work

public class CustomTextView extends TextView {

    public CustomTextView(..) {
        // other instructions

Property 'value' does not exist on type EventTarget in TypeScript

The way I do it is the following (better than type assertion imho):

onFieldUpdate(event: { target: HTMLInputElement }) {

This assumes you are only interested in the target property, which is the most common case. If you need to access the other properties of event, a more comprehensive solution involves using the & type intersection operator:

event: Event & { target: HTMLInputElement }

This is a Vue.js version but the concept applies to all frameworks. Obviously you can go more specific and instead of using a general HTMLInputElement you can use e.g. HTMLTextAreaElement for textareas.

CSS3 transform: rotate; in IE9

I also had problems with transformations in IE9, I used -ms-transform: rotate(10deg) and it didn't work. Tried everything I could, but the problem was in browser mode, to make transformations work, you need to set compatibility mode to "Standard IE9".

How do I set proxy for chrome in python webdriver?

from selenium import webdriver


chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_options.add_argument('--proxy-server=%s' % PROXY)

chrome = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)

Comparing a variable with a string python not working when redirecting from bash script

When you read() the file, you may get a newline character '\n' in your string. Try either

if UserInput.strip() == 'List contents': 


if 'List contents' in UserInput: 

Also note that your second file open could also use with:

with open('/Users/.../USER_INPUT.txt', 'w+') as UserInputFile:     if UserInput.strip() == 'List contents': # or if s in f:         UserInputFile.write("ls")     else:         print "Didn't work" 

ImageView in android XML layout with layout_height="wrap_content" has padding top & bottom

I had a simular issue and resolved it using android:adjustViewBounds="true" on the ImageView.

    android:src="@drawable/banner_portrait" />

What is the purpose of a self executing function in javascript?

Given your simple question: "In javascript, when would you want to use this:..."

I like @ken_browning and @sean_holding's answers, but here's another use-case that I don't see mentioned:

let red_tree = new Node(10);

(async function () {
    for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        await red_tree.insert(i);

console.log('----->red_tree.printInOrder():', red_tree.printInOrder());

where Node.insert is some asynchronous action.

I can't just call await without the async keyword at the declaration of my function, and i don't need a named function for later use, but need to await that insert call or i need some other richer features (who knows?).

Flask Download a File

You need to make sure that the value you pass to the directory argument is an absolute path, corrected for the current location of your application.

The best way to do this is to configure UPLOAD_FOLDER as a relative path (no leading slash), then make it absolute by prepending current_app.root_path:

@app.route('/uploads/<path:filename>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def download(filename):
    uploads = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'])
    return send_from_directory(directory=uploads, filename=filename)

It is important to reiterate that UPLOAD_FOLDER must be relative for this to work, e.g. not start with a /.

A relative path could work but relies too much on the current working directory being set to the place where your Flask code lives. This may not always be the case.

how to remove new lines and returns from php string?

Replace a string :

$str = str_replace("\n", '', $str);

u using also like, (%n, %t, All Special characters, numbers, char,. etc)

which means any thing u can replace in a string.

How to retrieve the LoaderException property?

  // load the assembly or type
catch (Exception ex)
  if (ex is System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException)
    var typeLoadException = ex as ReflectionTypeLoadException;
    var loaderExceptions  = typeLoadException.LoaderExceptions;

JPA Hibernate One-to-One relationship

I think you still need the primary key property in the OtherInfo class.

public class OtherInfo {
    public int id;

    public Person person;

    rest of attributes ...

Also, you may need to add the @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation to the other side of the mapping. I know that Hibernate uses this by default. But then I haven't used JPA annotations, which seem to require you to specify how the association wokrs.

printf() prints whole array

But still, the memory address for each letter in this address is different.

Memory address is different but as its array of characters they are sequential. When you pass address of first element and use %s, printf will print all characters starting from given address until it finds '\0'.

MySQL query finding values in a comma separated string

You can achieve this by following function.

Run following query to create function.

CREATE FUNCTION `TOTAL_OCCURANCE`(`commastring` TEXT, `findme`     VARCHAR(255)) RETURNS int(11)
-- SANI: First param is for comma separated string and 2nd for string to find.
return ROUND (   
        - LENGTH( REPLACE ( commastring, findme, "") ) 
    ) / LENGTH(findme)        

And call this function like this

msyql> select TOTAL_OCCURANCE('A,B,C,A,D,X,B,AB', 'A');

Remove empty array elements

The most voted answer is wrong or at least not completely true as the OP is talking about blank strings only. Here's a thorough explanation:

What does empty mean?

First of all, we must agree on what empty means. Do you mean to filter out:

  1. the empty strings only ("")?
  2. the strictly false values? ($element === false)
  3. the falsey values? (i.e. 0, 0.0, "", "0", NULL, array()...)
  4. the equivalent of PHP's empty() function?

How do you filter out the values

To filter out empty strings only:

$filtered = array_diff($originalArray, array(""));

To only filter out strictly false values, you must use a callback function:

$filtered = array_diff($originalArray, 'myCallback');
function myCallback($var) {
    return $var === false;

The callback is also useful for any combination in which you want to filter out the "falsey" values, except some. (For example, filter every null and false, etc, leaving only 0):

$filtered = array_filter($originalArray, 'myCallback');
function myCallback($var) {
    return ($var === 0 || $var === '0');

Third and fourth case are (for our purposes at last) equivalent, and for that all you have to use is the default:

$filtered = array_filter($originalArray);

How to add image that is on my computer to a site in css or html?

This worked for my purposes. Pretty basic and simple, but it did what I needed (which was to get a personal photo of mine onto the internet so I could use its URL).

  1. Go to and open any image that you wish to embed in your website.

  2. Tap the Share Icon and then choose "Get Link" to generate a shareable link for that image.

  3. Go to, paste that link and it will instantly generate the embed code for that picture.

  4. Open your website template, paste the generated code and save. The image will now serve directly from your Google Photos account.

Check this video tutorial out if you have trouble.

How to implement oauth2 server in ASP.NET MVC 5 and WEB API 2

I also struggled finding articles on how to just generate the token part. I never found one and wrote my own. So if it helps:

The things to do are:

  • Create a new web application
  • Install the following NuGet packages:
    • Microsoft.Owin
    • Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
    • Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth
    • Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin
  • Add a OWIN startup class

Then create a HTML and a JavaScript (index.js) file with these contents:

var loginData = 'grant_type=password&[email protected]&password=test123';

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4 && xmlhttp.status === 200) {
}"POST", "/token", true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>

The OWIN startup class should have this content:

using System;
using System.Security.Claims;
using Microsoft.Owin;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth;
using OAuth20;
using Owin;

[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(Startup))]

namespace OAuth20
    public class Startup
        public static OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions OAuthOptions { get; private set; }

        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions()
                TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/token"),
                Provider = new OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider()
                    OnValidateClientAuthentication = async (context) =>
                    OnGrantResourceOwnerCredentials = async (context) =>
                        if (context.UserName == "[email protected]" && context.Password == "test123")
                            ClaimsIdentity oAuthIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType);
                AllowInsecureHttp = true,
                AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(1)


Run your project. The token should be displayed in the pop-up.

Want to move a particular div to right

This will do the job:

<div style="position:absolute; right:0;">Hello world</div>

Running EXE with parameters

ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(string.Concat(cPath, "\\", "HHTCtrlp.exe"));
startInfo.Arguments =cParams;
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; 

PHP 5 disable strict standards error

Do you want to disable error reporting, or just prevent the user from seeing it? It’s usually a good idea to log errors, even on a production site.

# in your PHP code:
ini_set('display_errors', '0');     # don't show any errors...
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);  # ...but do log them

They will be logged to your standard system log, or use the error_log directive to specify exactly where you want errors to go.

error: src refspec master does not match any

For a new repository, the method works for me:

  1. Remote the files related with git
    rm -rf .git

  2. Do the commit again
    git add . && git commit -m "your commit"

  3. Add the git URL and try to push again
    git remote add origin <your git URL>

  4. And then try to push again
    git push -u origin master -f

  5. Success!

Since it's a new repository, so it doesn't matter for me to remove the git and add it again.

Angular EXCEPTION: No provider for Http

Just include the following libraries:

import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import { YourHttpTestService } from '../services/httpTestService';

and include the http class in providers section, as follows:

  selector: '...',
  templateUrl: './test.html',
  providers: [YourHttpTestService]

How to install mysql-connector via pip

For Windows

pip install mysql-connector

For Ubuntu /Linux

sudo apt-get install python3-pymysql

'cout' was not declared in this scope

Put the following code before int main():

using namespace std;

And you will be able to use cout.

For example:

using namespace std;
int main(){
    char t = 'f';
    char *t1;
    char **t2;
    return 0;

Now take a moment and read up on what cout is and what is going on here:

Further, while its quick to do and it works, this is not exactly a good advice to simply add using namespace std; at the top of your code. For detailed correct approach, please read the answers to this related SO question.

Using curl POST with variables defined in bash script functions

A few years late but this might help someone if you are using eval or backtick substitution:


Using sed to strip quotes from beginning and end of response

$(curl --silent -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://${target_host}/runs/get-work -d ${postDataJson} | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//')

Delegation: EventEmitter or Observable in Angular

you can use BehaviourSubject as described above or there is one more way:

you can handle EventEmitter like this: first add a selector

import {Component, Output, EventEmitter} from 'angular2/core';

// other properties left out for brevity
selector: 'app-nav-component', //declaring selector
  <div class="nav-item" (click)="selectedNavItem(1)"></div>

 export class Navigation {

@Output() navchange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter();

selectedNavItem(item: number) {
    console.log('selected nav item ' + item);


Now you can handle this event like let us suppose observer.component.html is the view of Observer component

<app-nav-component (navchange)="recieveIdFromNav($event)"></app-nav-component>

then in the ObservingComponent.ts

export class ObservingComponent {

 //method to recieve the value from nav component

 public recieveIdFromNav(id: number) {
   console.log('here is the id sent from nav component ', id);

 } cannot open shared object file.

I have copied all library files from installer media databases/stage/ext/lib to $ORACLE_HOME/lib and it resolved the issue.

Gradle, Android and the ANDROID_HOME SDK location

Copy the to root folder and run again.

How do DATETIME values work in SQLite?

Store it in a field of type long. See Date.getTime() and new Date(long)

How can I split a JavaScript string by white space or comma?

you can use regex in order to catch any length of white space, and this would be like:

var text = "hoi how     are          you";
var arr = text.split(/\s+/);

console.log(arr) // will result : ["hoi", "how", "are", "you"]

console.log(arr[2]) // will result : "are" 

How to create a Multidimensional ArrayList in Java?

What would you think of this for 3D ArrayList - can be used similarly to arrays - see the comments in the code:

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

     * ArrayList3D simulates a 3 dimensional array,<br>
     * e.g: myValue = arrayList3D.get(x, y, z) is the same as: <br>
     *      myValue = array[x][y][z] <br>
     * and<br>
     *      arrayList3D.set(x, y, z, myValue) is the same as:<br> 
     *      array[x][y][z] = myValue; <br>
     * but keeps its full ArrayList functionality, thus its
     * benefits of ArrayLists over arrays.<br>
     * <br>
     * @param <T> data type
    public class ArrayList3D <T> {

        private final List<List<List<T>>> arrayList3D;

        public ArrayList3D() {
            arrayList3D = newArrayDim1();

                                             * Get value of the given array element.<br>
                                             * E.g: get(2, 5, 3);<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      nyValue = array[2][5][3];<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is out of range 
                                             *   (index < 0 || index >= size())<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param dim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             * @return value of the given array element (of type T)
        public T get(int dim1, int dim2, int dim3) {
            List<List<T>>       ar2 = arrayList3D.get(dim1);
            List<T>             ar3 = ar2.get(dim2);
            return ar3.get(dim3);

                                             * Set value of the given array.<br>
                                             * E.g: set(2, 5, 3, "my value");<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      array[2][5][3]="my value";<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is out of range 
                                             *   (index < 0 || index >= size())<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param dim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             * @param value value to assign to the given array
                                             * <br>
        public void set(int dim1, int dim2, int dim3, T value) {
            arrayList3D.get(dim1).get(dim2).set(dim3, value);

                                             * Set value of the given array element.<br>
                                             * E.g: set(2, 5, 3, "my value");<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      array[2][5][3]="my value";<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is less then 0
                                             *   (index < 0)<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param indexDim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param indexDim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             *        If you set indexDim1 or indexDim2 to value higher
                                             *        then the current max index,
                                             *        the method will add entries for the
                                             *        difference. The added lists will be empty.
                                             * @param indexDim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             *        If you set indexDim3 to value higher
                                             *        then the current max index,
                                             *        the method will add entries for the
                                             *        difference and fill in the values
                                             *        of param. 'value'.
                                             * @param value value to assign to the given array index

        public void setOrAddValue(int indexDim1, 
                                  int indexDim2,
                                  int indexDim3, 
                                  T value) {

            List<T> ar3 = setOrAddDim3(indexDim1, indexDim2);

            int max = ar3.size();

            if (indexDim3 < 0)
                indexDim3 = 0;
            if (indexDim3 < max)
                ar3.set(indexDim3, value);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim3; ix++ ) {

        private List<List<List<T>>> newArrayDim1() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<T>> ar2 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<List<T>>> ar1 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar1;

        private List<List<T>> newArrayDim2() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<T>> ar2 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar2;

        private List<T> newArrayDim3() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar3;

        private List<List<T>> setOrAddDim2(int indexDim1) {

            List<List<T>> ar2 = null;

            int max = arrayList3D.size();
            if (indexDim1 < 0)
                indexDim1 = 0;
            if (indexDim1 < max)
                return arrayList3D.get(indexDim1);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim1; ix++ ) {
                ar2 = newArrayDim2();
            return ar2;


        private List<T> setOrAddDim3(int indexDim1, int indexDim2) {

            List<List<T>> ar2 = setOrAddDim2(indexDim1);
            List<T>       ar3 = null;

            int max = ar2.size();
            if (indexDim2 < 0)
                indexDim2 = 0;
            if (indexDim2 < max)
                return ar2.get(indexDim2);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim2; ix++ ) {
                ar3 = newArrayDim3();
            return ar3;

        public List<List<List<T>>> getArrayList3D() {
            return arrayList3D;


And here is a test code:

        ArrayList3D<Integer> ar = new ArrayList3D<>();

        int max = 3;
        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < max; i1++) {
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < max; i2++) {
                for (int i3 = 0; i3 < max; i3++) {
                    ar.setOrAddValue(i1, i2, i3, (i3 + 1) + (i2*max) + (i1*max*max));
                    int x = ar.get(i1, i2, i3);
                    System.out.println(" - " + i1 + ", " + i2 + ", " + i3 + " = " + x);

Result output:

  • 0, 0, 0 = 1
  • 0, 0, 1 = 2
  • 0, 0, 2 = 3
  • 0, 1, 0 = 4
  • 0, 1, 1 = 5
  • 0, 1, 2 = 6
  • 0, 2, 0 = 7
  • 0, 2, 1 = 8
  • 0, 2, 2 = 9
  • 1, 0, 0 = 10
  • 1, 0, 1 = 11
  • 1, 0, 2 = 12
  • 1, 1, 0 = 13
  • 1, 1, 1 = 14
  • 1, 1, 2 = 15
  • 1, 2, 0 = 16
  • 1, 2, 1 = 17
  • 1, 2, 2 = 18
  • 2, 0, 0 = 19
  • 2, 0, 1 = 20
  • 2, 0, 2 = 21
  • 2, 1, 0 = 22
  • 2, 1, 1 = 23
  • 2, 1, 2 = 24
  • 2, 2, 0 = 25
  • 2, 2, 1 = 26
  • 2, 2, 2 = 27

Compare string with all values in list

If you only want to know if any item of d is contained in paid[j], as you literally say:

if any(x in paid[j] for x in d): ...

If you also want to know which items of d are contained in paid[j]:

contained = [x for x in d if x in paid[j]]

contained will be an empty list if no items of d are contained in paid[j].

There are other solutions yet if what you want is yet another alternative, e.g., get the first item of d contained in paid[j] (and None if no item is so contained):

firstone = next((x for x in d if x in paid[j]), None)

BTW, since in a comment you mention sentences and words, maybe you don't necessarily want a string check (which is what all of my examples are doing), because they can't consider word boundaries -- e.g., each example will say that 'cat' is in 'obfuscate' (because, 'obfuscate' contains 'cat' as a substring). To allow checks on word boundaries, rather than simple substring checks, you might productively use regular expressions... but I suggest you open a separate question on that, if that's what you require -- all of the code snippets in this answer, depending on your exact requirements, will work equally well if you change the predicate x in paid[j] into some more sophisticated predicate such as[j]) for an appropriate RE object somere. (Python 2.6 or better -- slight differences in 2.5 and earlier).

If your intention is something else again, such as getting one or all of the indices in d of the items satisfying your constrain, there are easy solutions for those different problems, too... but, if what you actually require is so far away from what you said, I'd better stop guessing and hope you clarify;-).

How to create a collapsing tree table in html/css/js?

jquery is your friend here.

If you want to make your own, here is some high level guidance:

Display all of your data as <ul /> elements with the inner data as nested <ul />, and then use the jquery:

$('.ulClass').click(function(){ $(this).children().toggle(); });

I believe that is correct. Something like that.


Here is a complete example.

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <li><span class="Collapsable">item 1</span><ul>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 1</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 2</span><ul>
            <li><span class="Collapsable">item 1</span></li>
            <li><span class="Collapsable">item 2</span></li>
            <li><span class="Collapsable">item 3</span></li>
            <li><span class="Collapsable">item 4</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 3</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 4</span><ul>
            <li><span class="Collapsable">item 1</span></li>
            <li><span class="Collapsable">item 2</span></li>
            <li><span class="Collapsable">item 3</span></li>
            <li><span class="Collapsable">item 4</span></li>
    <li><span class="Collapsable">item 2</span><ul>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 1</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 2</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 3</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 4</span></li>
    <li><span class="Collapsable">item 3</span><ul>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 1</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 2</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 3</span></li>
        <li><span class="Collapsable">item 4</span></li>
    <li><span class="Collapsable">item 4</span></li>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(".Collapsable").click(function () {




Appending values to dictionary in Python

If you want to append to the lists of each key inside a dictionary, you can append new values to them using + operator (tested in Python 3.7):

mydict = {'a':[], 'b':[]}
mydict['a'] += [1,3]
mydict['b'] += [4,6]
mydict['a'] += [2,8]

and the output:

{'a': [], 'b': []}
{'a': [1, 3], 'b': [4, 6]}
{'a': [1, 3, 2, 8], 'b': [4, 6]}

mydict['a'].extend([1,3]) will do the job same as + without creating a new list (efficient way).

WP -- Get posts by category?

Check here :

Note: The category parameter needs to be the ID of the category, and not the category name.

Node.js - use of module.exports as a constructor

This question doesn't really have anything to do with how require() works. Basically, whatever you set module.exports to in your module will be returned from the require() call for it.

This would be equivalent to:

var square = function(width) {
  return {
    area: function() {
      return width * width;

There is no need for the new keyword when calling square. You aren't returning the function instance itself from square, you are returning a new object at the end. Therefore, you can simply call this function directly.

For more intricate arguments around new, check this out: Is JavaScript's "new" keyword considered harmful?

Twitter - share button, but with image

Look into twitter cards.

The trick is not in the button but rather the page you are sharing. Twitter Cards pull the image from the meta tags similar to facebook sharing.


<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@site_username">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Top 10 Things Ever">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="Up than 200 characters.">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@creator_username">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="">
<meta name="twitter:domain" content="">

Use of #pragma in C

This is a preprocessor directive that can be used to turn on or off certain features.

It is of two types #pragma startup, #pragma exit and #pragma warn.

#pragma startup allows us to specify functions called upon program startup.

#pragma exit allows us to specify functions called upon program exit.

#pragma warn tells the computer to suppress any warning or not.

Many other #pragma styles can be used to control the compiler.

Replace CRLF using powershell

You have not specified the version, I'm assuming you are using Powershell v3.

Try this:

$path = "C:\Users\abc\Desktop\File\abc.txt"
(Get-Content $path -Raw).Replace("`r`n","`n") | Set-Content $path -Force

Editor's note: As mike z points out in the comments, Set-Content appends a trailing CRLF, which is undesired. Verify with: 'hi' > t.txt; (Get-Content -Raw t.txt).Replace("`r`n","`n") | Set-Content t.txt; (Get-Content -Raw t.txt).EndsWith("`r`n"), which yields $True.

Note this loads the whole file in memory, so you might want a different solution if you want to process huge files.


This might work for v2 (sorry nowhere to test):

$in = "C:\Users\abc\Desktop\File\abc.txt"
$out = "C:\Users\abc\Desktop\File\abc-out.txt"
(Get-Content $in) -join "`n" > $out

Editor's note: Note that this solution (now) writes to a different file and is therefore not equivalent to the (still flawed) v3 solution. (A different file is targeted to avoid the pitfall Ansgar Wiechers points out in the comments: using > truncates the target file before execution begins). More importantly, though: this solution too appends a trailing CRLF, which may be undesired. Verify with 'hi' > t.txt; (Get-Content t.txt) -join "`n" > t.NEW.txt; [io.file]::ReadAllText((Convert-Path t.NEW.txt)).endswith("`r`n"), which yields $True.

Same reservation about being loaded to memory though.

Create multiple threads and wait all of them to complete

I've made a very simple extension method to wait for all threads of a collection:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

namespace Extensions
    public static class ThreadExtension
        public static void WaitAll(this IEnumerable<Thread> threads)
                foreach(Thread thread in threads)
                { thread.Join(); }

Then you simply call:

List<Thread> threads=new List<Thread>();
// Add your threads to this collection

How to convert String to long in Java?

In case you are using the Map with out generic, then you need to convert the value into String and then try to convert to Long. Below is sample code

    Map map = new HashMap();

    map.put("name", "John");
    map.put("time", "9648512236521");
    map.put("age", "25");

    long time = Long.valueOf((String)map.get("time")).longValue() ;
    int age = Integer.valueOf((String)  map.get("aget")).intValue();

How can I use String substring in Swift 4? 'substring(to:)' is deprecated: Please use String slicing subscript with a 'partial range from' operator

Creating SubString (prefix and suffix) from String using Swift 4:

let str : String = "ilike"
for i in 0...str.count {
    let index = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: i) // String.Index
    let prefix = str[..<index] // String.SubSequence
    let suffix = str[index...] // String.SubSequence
    print("prefix \(prefix), suffix : \(suffix)")


prefix , suffix : ilike
prefix i, suffix : like
prefix il, suffix : ike
prefix ili, suffix : ke
prefix ilik, suffix : e
prefix ilike, suffix : 

If you want to generate a substring between 2 indices , use :

let substring1 = string[startIndex...endIndex] // including endIndex
let subString2 = string[startIndex..<endIndex] // excluding endIndex

How to check the input is an integer or not in Java?

You can use try-catch block to check for integer value

for eg:

User inputs in form of string

   int num=Integer.parseInt("Some String Input");
catch(NumberFormatException e)
  //If number is not integer,you wil get exception and exception message will be printed

How do I comment out a block of tags in XML?

You can use that style of comment across multiple lines (which exists also in HTML)

    <band height="20">
         I am a multi-line XML comment
            <reportElement x="180" y="0" width="200" height="20"/>
            <text><![CDATA[Hello World!]]></text>

IE9 jQuery AJAX with CORS returns "Access is denied"

Try to use jquery-transport-xdr jQuery plugin for CORS requests in IE8/9.

How to convert int to char with leading zeros?

This work for me in MYSQL:

FUNCTION leadingZero(format VARCHAR(255), num VARCHAR(255))
  RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET utf8
  return CONCAT(SUBSTRING(format,1,LENGTH(format)-LENGTH(num)),num);

For example:

leadingZero('000',999); returns '999'
leadingZero('0000',999); returns '0999'
leadingZero('xxxx',999); returns 'x999'

Hope this will help. Best regards

How to generate Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram of a database using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?

From Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio, find your database and expand the node (click on the + sign beside your database). The first item from that expanded tree is Database Diagrams. Right-click on that and you'll see various tasks including creating a new database diagram. If you've never created one before, it'll ask if you want to install the components for creating diagrams. Click yes then proceed.

how to select first N rows from a table in T-SQL?

select top(@count) * from users

If @count is a constant, you can drop the parentheses:

select top 42 * from users

(the latter works on SQL Server 2000 too, while the former requires at least 2005)

Synchronously waiting for an async operation, and why does Wait() freeze the program here

With small custom synchronization context, sync function can wait for completion of async function, without creating deadlock. Here is small example for WinForms app.

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub

    ' waiting inside Sync method for finishing async method
    Public Sub SyncMethod()
        Dim sc As New SC
    End Sub

    Public Async Function AsyncMethod() As Task(Of Boolean)
        Await Task.Delay(1000)
        Return True
    End Function

End Class

Public Class SC
    Inherits SynchronizationContext

    Dim OldContext As SynchronizationContext
    Dim ContextThread As Thread

    Sub New()
        OldContext = SynchronizationContext.Current
        ContextThread = Thread.CurrentThread
    End Sub

    Dim DataAcquired As New Object
    Dim WorkWaitingCount As Long = 0
    Dim ExtProc As SendOrPostCallback
    Dim ExtProcArg As Object

    Public Overrides Sub Post(d As SendOrPostCallback, state As Object)
        ExtProc = d
        ExtProcArg = state
    End Sub

    Dim ThreadSleep As Long = 0

    Private Sub AwakeThread()
        If Interlocked.Read(ThreadSleep) > 0 Then ContextThread.Resume()
    End Sub

    Public Sub WaitForTask(Tsk As Task)
        Dim aw = Tsk.GetAwaiter

        If aw.IsCompleted Then Exit Sub

        While Interlocked.Read(WorkWaitingCount) > 0 Or aw.IsCompleted = False
            If Interlocked.Read(WorkWaitingCount) = 0 Then
                Dim Proc = ExtProc
                Dim ProcArg = ExtProcArg
            End If
        End While

    End Sub

     Public Sub Release()
     End Sub

End Class

How to comment multiple lines with space or indent

  • You can customize every short cut operation according to your habbit.

Just go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard > Find the action you want to set key board short-cut and change according to keyboard habbit.

Convert a python dict to a string and back

If you care about the speed use ujson (UltraJSON), which has the same API as json:

import ujson
ujson.dumps([{"key": "value"}, 81, True])
# '[{"key":"value"},81,true]'
ujson.loads("""[{"key": "value"}, 81, true]""")
# [{u'key': u'value'}, 81, True]

How to check if field is null or empty in MySQL?

Try using nullif:

SELECT ifnull(nullif(field1,''),'empty') AS field1
  FROM tablename;

Change onclick action with a Javascript function

var Foo = function(){
    document.getElementById( "a" ).setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript: Boo();" );

var Boo = function(){

Setting a system environment variable from a Windows batch file?

For XP, I used a (free/donateware) tool called "RAPIDEE" (Rapid Environment Editor), but SETX is definitely sufficient for Win 7 (I did not know about this before).

Dynamically Add C# Properties at Runtime

Thanks @Clint for the great answer:

Just wanted to highlight how easy it was to solve this using the Expando Object:

    var dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary<string, Object>;
    foreach (var property in properties) {

Add CSS to <head> with JavaScript?

If you don't want to rely on a javascript library, you can use document.write() to spit out the required css, wrapped in style tags, straight into the document head:

  <script type="text/javascript">
    document.write("<style>body { background-color:#000 }</style>");
  # other stuff..

This way you avoid firing an extra HTTP request.

There are other solutions that have been suggested / added / removed, but I don't see any point in overcomplicating something that already works fine cross-browser. Good luck!

MySQL - Select the last inserted row easiest way

You can use ORDER BY ID DESC, but it's WAY faster if you go that way:

SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE ID = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM bugs WHERE user = 'me')

In case that you have a huge table, it could make a significant difference.


You can even set a variable in case you need it more than once (or if you think it is easier to read).

SELECT @bug_id := MAX(ID) FROM bugs WHERE user = 'me';
SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE ID = @bug_id;

JavaScript: Check if mouse button down?

If you're working within a complex page with existing mouse event handlers, I'd recommend handling the event on capture (instead of bubble). To do this, just set the 3rd parameter of addEventListener to true.

Additionally, you may want to check for event.which to ensure you're handling actual user interaction and not mouse events, e.g. elem.dispatchEvent(new Event('mousedown')).

var isMouseDown = false;

document.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) { 
    if ( event.which ) isMouseDown = true;
}, true);

document.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) { 
    if ( event.which ) isMouseDown = false;
}, true);

Add the handler to document (or window) instead of document.body is important b/c it ensures that mouseup events outside of the window are still recorded.

How to specify a multi-line shell variable?

Use read with a heredoc as shown below:

read -d '' sql << EOF
select c1, c2 from foo
where c1='something'

echo "$sql"

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?

The IntelliJ debugger has a very handy feature called "Evaluate Expression", that is by far better than eclipses pendant. It has full code-completion and i concider it to be generally "more useful".

How do I move a table into a schema in T-SQL

ALTER SCHEMA TargetSchema 
    TRANSFER SourceSchema.TableName;

If you want to move all tables into a new schema, you can use the undocumented (and to be deprecated at some point, but unlikely!) sp_MSforeachtable stored procedure:

exec sp_MSforeachtable "ALTER SCHEMA TargetSchema TRANSFER ?"


SQL 2008: How do I change db schema to dbo

React Native: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH

I'll answer my own questions and sponfeed my fellow linux users:

1- To point JAVA_HOME to the JRE included with Android Studio first locate the Android Studio installation folder, then find the /jre directory. That directory's full path is what you need to set JAVA_PATH to (thanks to @TentenPonce for his answer). On linux, you can set JAVA_HOME by adding this line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile files:

export JAVA_HOME=<Your Android Studio path here>/jre

This file (one or the other) is the same as the one you added ANDROID_HOME to if you were following the React Native Getting Started for Linux. Both are hidden by default and can be found in your home directory. After adding the line you need to reload the terminal so that it can pick up the new environment variable. So type:

source $HOME/.bash_profile


source $HOME/.bashrc

and now you can run react-native run-android in that same terminal. Another option is to restart the OS. Other terminals might work differently.

NOTE: for the project to actually run, you need to start an Android emulator in advance, or have a real device connected. The easiest way is to open an already existing Android Studio project and launch the emulator from there, then close Android Studio.

2- Since what react-native run-android appears to do is just this:

cd android && ./gradlew installDebug

You can actually open the nested android project with Android Studio and run it manually. JS changes can be reloaded if you enable live reload in the emulator. Type CTRL + M (CMD + M on MacOS) and select the "Enable live reload" option in the menu that appears (Kudos to @BKO for his answer)

Python/Django: log to console under runserver, log to file under Apache

You can configure logging in your file.

One example:

    # will output to your console
        level = logging.DEBUG,
        format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
    # will output to logging file
        level = logging.DEBUG,
        format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
        filename = '/my_log_file.log',
        filemode = 'a'

However that's dependent upon setting DEBUG, and maybe you don't want to have to worry about how it's set up. See this answer on How can I tell whether my Django application is running on development server or not? for a better way of writing that conditional. Edit: the example above is from a Django 1.1 project, logging configuration in Django has changed somewhat since that version.

setOnItemClickListener on custom ListView

If in the listener you get the root layout of the item (say itemLayout), and you gave some id's to the textviews, you can then get them with something like itemLayout.findViewById(

The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded

You need to make the changes in the binding configuration (in the app.config file) on the SERVER and the CLIENT, or it will not take effect.

            <binding maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647 " max...=... />

Maximum request length exceeded.

I don't think it's been mentioned here, but to get this working, I had to supply both of these values in the web.config:

In system.web

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1048576" executionTimeout="3600" />

And in system.webServer

        <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" />

IMPORTANT : Both of these values must match. In this case, my max upload is 1024 megabytes.

maxRequestLength has 1048576 KILOBYTES, and maxAllowedContentLength has 1073741824 BYTES.

I know it's obvious, but it's easy to overlook.

Alternative to google finance api

I followed the top answer and started looking at yahoo finance. Their API can be accessed a number of different ways, but I found a nice reference for getting stock info as a CSV here:

Using that I wrote this script. I'm not really a ruby guy but this might help you hack something together. I haven't come up with variable names for all the fields yahoo offers yet, so you can fill those in if you need them.

Here's the usage


AllData = loadStockInfo(TICKERS_SP500, allParameters())

SpecificData = loadStockInfo("GOOG,CIK", "ask,dps")

loadStockInfo returns a hash, such that SpecificData["GOOG"]["name"] is "Google Inc."

Finally, the actual code to run that...

require 'net/http'

# Jack Franzen & Garin Bedian
# Based on

$parametersData = Hash[[

    ["symbol", ["s", "Symbol"]],
    ["ask", ["a", "Ask"]],
    ["divYield", ["y", "Dividend Yield"]],
    ["bid", ["b", "Bid"]],
    ["dps", ["d", "Dividend per Share"]],
    #["noname", ["b2", "Ask (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["r1", "Dividend Pay Date"]],
    #["noname", ["b3", "Bid (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["q", "Ex-Dividend Date"]],
    #["noname", ["p", "Previous Close"]],
    #["noname", ["o", "Open"]],
    #["noname", ["c1", "Change"]],
    #["noname", ["d1", "Last Trade Date"]],
    #["noname", ["c", "Change &amp; Percent Change"]],
    #["noname", ["d2", "Trade Date"]],
    #["noname", ["c6", "Change (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["t1", "Last Trade Time"]],
    #["noname", ["k2", "Change Percent (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["p2", "Change in Percent"]],
    #["noname", ["c8", "After Hours Change (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["m5", "Change From 200 Day Moving Average"]],
    #["noname", ["c3", "Commission"]],
    #["noname", ["m6", "Percent Change From 200 Day Moving Average"]],
    #["noname", ["g", "Day’s Low"]],
    #["noname", ["m7", "Change From 50 Day Moving Average"]],
    #["noname", ["h", "Day’s High"]],
    #["noname", ["m8", "Percent Change From 50 Day Moving Average"]],
    #["noname", ["k1", "Last Trade (Realtime) With Time"]],
    #["noname", ["m3", "50 Day Moving Average"]],
    #["noname", ["l", "Last Trade (With Time)"]],
    #["noname", ["m4", "200 Day Moving Average"]],
    #["noname", ["l1", "Last Trade (Price Only)"]],
    #["noname", ["t8", "1 yr Target Price"]],
    #["noname", ["w1", "Day’s Value Change"]],
    #["noname", ["g1", "Holdings Gain Percent"]],
    #["noname", ["w4", "Day’s Value Change (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["g3", "Annualized Gain"]],
    #["noname", ["p1", "Price Paid"]],
    #["noname", ["g4", "Holdings Gain"]],
    #["noname", ["m", "Day’s Range"]],
    #["noname", ["g5", "Holdings Gain Percent (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["m2", "Day’s Range (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["g6", "Holdings Gain (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["k", "52 Week High"]],
    #["noname", ["v", "More Info"]],
    #["noname", ["j", "52 week Low"]],
    #["noname", ["j1", "Market Capitalization"]],
    #["noname", ["j5", "Change From 52 Week Low"]],
    #["noname", ["j3", "Market Cap (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["k4", "Change From 52 week High"]],
    #["noname", ["f6", "Float Shares"]],
    #["noname", ["j6", "Percent Change From 52 week Low"]],
    ["name", ["n", "Company Name"]],
    #["noname", ["k5", "Percent Change From 52 week High"]],
    #["noname", ["n4", "Notes"]],
    #["noname", ["w", "52 week Range"]],
    #["noname", ["s1", "Shares Owned"]],
    #["noname", ["x", "Stock Exchange"]],
    #["noname", ["j2", "Shares Outstanding"]],
    #["noname", ["v", "Volume"]],
    #["noname", ["a5", "Ask Size"]],
    #["noname", ["b6", "Bid Size"]],
    #["noname", ["k3", "Last Trade Size"]],
    #["noname", ["t7", "Ticker Trend"]],
    #["noname", ["a2", "Average Daily Volume"]],
    #["noname", ["t6", "Trade Links"]],
    #["noname", ["i5", "Order Book (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["l2", "High Limit"]],
    #["noname", ["e", "Earnings per Share"]],
    #["noname", ["l3", "Low Limit"]],
    #["noname", ["e7", "EPS Estimate Current Year"]],
    #["noname", ["v1", "Holdings Value"]],
    #["noname", ["e8", "EPS Estimate Next Year"]],
    #["noname", ["v7", "Holdings Value (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["e9", "EPS Estimate Next Quarter"]],
    #["noname", ["s6", "evenue"]],
    #["noname", ["b4", "Book Value"]],
    #["noname", ["j4", "EBITDA"]],
    #["noname", ["p5", "Price / Sales"]],
    #["noname", ["p6", "Price / Book"]],
    #["noname", ["r", "P/E Ratio"]],
    #["noname", ["r2", "P/E Ratio (Realtime)"]],
    #["noname", ["r5", "PEG Ratio"]],
    #["noname", ["r6", "Price / EPS Estimate Current Year"]],
    #["noname", ["r7", "Price / EPS Estimate Next Year"]],
    #["noname", ["s7", "Short Ratio"]


def replaceCommas(data)
    s = ""
    inQuote = false
    data.split("").each do |a|
        if a=='"'
            inQuote = !inQuote
            s += '"'
        elsif !inQuote && a == ","
            s += "#"
            s += a
    return s

def allParameters()
    s = ""
    $parametersData.keys.each do |i|
        s  = s + i + ","
    return s

def prepareParameters(parametersText)
    pt = parametersText.split(",")
    if !pt.include? 'symbol'; pt.push("symbol"); end;
    if !pt.include? 'name'; pt.push("name"); end;
    p = []
    pt.each do |i|
        p.push([i, $parametersData[i][0]])
    return p

def prepareURL(tickers, parameters)
    urlParameters = ""
    parameters.each do |i|
        urlParameters += i[1]
    s = ""
    s = s + "s=" + tickers + "&"
    s = s + "f=" + urlParameters
    return URI(s)

def loadStockInfo(tickers, parametersRaw)
    parameters = prepareParameters(parametersRaw)
    url = prepareURL(tickers, parameters)
    data = Net::HTTP.get(url)
    data = replaceCommas(data)
    h = CSVtoObject(data, parameters)
    logStockObjects(h, true)

#parse csv
def printCodes(substring, length)

    a = data.index(substring)
    b = data.byteslice(a, 10)
    puts "printing codes of string: "
    puts b
    puts b.split('').map(&:ord).to_s

def CSVtoObject(data, parameters)
    rawData = []
    lineBreaks = data.split(10.chr)
    lineBreaks.each_index do |i|

    #puts "Found " + rawData.length.to_s + " Stocks"
    #puts "   w/ " + rawData[0].length.to_s + " Fields"

    h ="MainHash")
    rawData.each_index do |i|
        o ="StockObject"+i.to_s)
        #puts "parsing object" + rawData[i][0]
        rawData[i].each_index do |n|
            #puts "parsing parameter" + n.to_s + " " +parameters[n][0]
            o[ parameters[n][0] ] = rawData[i][n].gsub!(/^\"|\"?$/, '')
        h[o["symbol"]] = o;
    return h

def logStockObjects(h, concise)
    h.keys.each do |i|
        if concise
            puts "(" + h[i]["symbol"] + ")\t\t" + h[i]["name"]
            puts ""
            puts h[i]["name"]
            h[i].keys.each do |p|
                puts "    " + $parametersData[p][1] + " : " + h[i][p].to_s

sendmail: how to configure sendmail on ubuntu?

I got the top answer working (can't reply yet) after one small edit

This did not work for me:

FEATURE('authinfo','hash /etc/mail/auth/client-info')dnl

The first single quote for each string should be changed to a backtick (`) like this:

FEATURE(`authinfo',`hash /etc/mail/auth/client-info')dnl

After the change I run:

sudo sendmailconfig

And I'm in business :)

How to globally replace a forward slash in a JavaScript string?

Use a regex literal with the g modifier, and escape the forward slash with a backslash so it doesn't clash with the delimiters.

var str = 'some // slashes', replacement = '';
var replaced = str.replace(/\//g, replacement);

In MS DOS copying several files to one file

copy /b file1 + file2 + file3 newfile

Each source file must be added to the copy command with a +, and the last filename listed will be where the concatenated data is copied to.

How to code a modulo (%) operator in C/C++/Obj-C that handles negative numbers

I have just noticed that Bjarne Stroustrup labels % as the remainder operator, not the modulo operator.

I would bet that this is its formal name in the ANSI C & C++ specifications, and that abuse of terminology has crept in. Does anyone know this for a fact?

But if this is the case then C's fmodf() function (and probably others) are very misleading. they should be labelled fremf(), etc

argparse module How to add option without any argument?

To create an option that needs no value, set the action [docs] of it to 'store_const', 'store_true' or 'store_false'.


parser.add_argument('-s', '--simulate', action='store_true')

How to unlock a file from someone else in Team Foundation Server

Team Foundation Sidekicks worked fine for me.

The file didn't unlock so I did a undo on pending changes and after that I could delete the file.

How to convert interface{} to string?

To expand on what Peter said: Since you are looking to go from interface{} to string, type assertion will lead to headaches since you need to account for multiple incoming types. You'll have to assert each type possible and verify it is that type before using it.

Using fmt.Sprintf ( automatically handles the interface conversion. Since you know your desired output type is always a string, Sprintf will handle whatever type is behind the interface without a bunch of extra code on your behalf.

How can I generate random number in specific range in Android?

Random r = new Random();
int i1 = r.nextInt(80 - 65) + 65;

This gives a random integer between 65 (inclusive) and 80 (exclusive), one of 65,66,...,78,79.

Android - Pulling SQlite database android device

If you are on Android 4.0 or above, and you are on a mac, then here is a ruby script that will save your app contents to the desktop. I would imagine this would also work in Ubuntu, though I didn't test it.

puts "enter your package name"
package_name = gets.chomp
puts "press the 'Back up my data' button on your device"
`adb backup -f ~/Desktop/data.ab -noapk #{package_name}`
puts "press enter once once the 'Backup finished' toast has appeared"
puts "extracting..."
`dd if=data.ab bs=1 skip=24 | openssl zlib -d | tar -xvf -`

to run -> ruby your_ruby_file_name.rb

This script is "happy path" only, so please make sure your device is connected and that adb has been added to your profile.

Create a new database with MySQL Workbench

In MySQL Work bench 6.0 CE.

  1. You launch MySQL Workbench.
  2. From Menu Bar click on Database and then select "Connect to Database"
  3. It by default showing you default settings other wise you choose you host name, user name and password. and click to ok.
  4. As in above define that you should click write on existing database but if you don't have existing new database then you may choose the option from the icon menu that is provided on below the menu bar. Now keep the name as you want and enjoy ....

Regular expression \p{L} and \p{N}

\p{L} matches a single code point in the category "letter".
\p{N} matches any kind of numeric character in any script.


If you're going to work with regular expressions a lot, I'd suggest bookmarking that site, it's very useful.

Best practice to validate null and empty collection in Java

When you use spring then you can use

boolean isNullOrEmpty = org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(obj);

where obj is any [map,collection,array,aything...]

otherwise: the code is:

public static boolean isEmpty(Object[] array) {
    return (array == null || array.length == 0);

public static boolean isEmpty(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null) {
        return true;

    if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
        return Array.getLength(obj) == 0;
    if (obj instanceof CharSequence) {
        return ((CharSequence) obj).length() == 0;
    if (obj instanceof Collection) {
        return ((Collection) obj).isEmpty();
    if (obj instanceof Map) {
        return ((Map) obj).isEmpty();

    // else
    return false;

for String best is:

boolean isNullOrEmpty = (str==null || str.trim().isEmpty());

Create the perfect JPA entity

The JPA 2.0 Specification states that:

  • The entity class must have a no-arg constructor. It may have other constructors as well. The no-arg constructor must be public or protected.
  • The entity class must a be top-level class. An enum or interface must not be designated as an entity.
  • The entity class must not be final. No methods or persistent instance variables of the entity class may be final.
  • If an entity instance is to be passed by value as a detached object (e.g., through a remote interface), the entity class must implement the Serializable interface.
  • Both abstract and concrete classes can be entities. Entities may extend non-entity classes as well as entity classes, and non-entity classes may extend entity classes.

The specification contains no requirements about the implementation of equals and hashCode methods for entities, only for primary key classes and map keys as far as I know.

ImproperlyConfigured: You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings

If you are using the local server, run Django shell using python shell. It will take you to the Django python environment and you are good to go.

How can I convert string date to NSDate?

Swift: iOS
if we have string, convert it to NSDate,

var dataString = profileValue["dob"] as String
var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy"

// convert string into date
let dateValue:NSDate? = dateFormatter.dateFromString(dataString)

if you have and date picker parse date like this

// to avoid any nil value
if let isDate = dateValue { = isDate

How does Trello access the user's clipboard?

Daniel LeCheminant's code didn't work for me after converting it from CoffeeScript to JavaScript (js2coffee). It kept bombing out on the _.defer() line.

I assumed this was something to do with jQuery deferreds, so I changed it to $.Deferred() and it's working now. I tested it in Internet Explorer 11, Firefox 35, and Chrome 39 with jQuery 2.1.1. The usage is the same as described in Daniel's post.

var TrelloClipboard;

TrelloClipboard = new ((function () {
    function _Class() {
        this.value = "";
        $(document).keydown((function (_this) {
            return function (e) {
                var _ref, _ref1;
                if (!_this.value || !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
                if ($("input:visible,textarea:visible")) {
                if (typeof window.getSelection === "function" ? (_ref = window.getSelection()) != null ? _ref.toString() : void 0 : void 0) {
                if ((_ref1 = document.selection) != null ? _ref1.createRange().text : void 0) {
                return $.Deferred(function () {
                    var $clipboardContainer;
                    $clipboardContainer = $("#clipboard-container");
                    return $("<textarea id='clipboard'></textarea>").val(_this.value).appendTo($clipboardContainer).focus().select();

        $(document).keyup(function (e) {
            if ($("#clipboard")) {
                return $("#clipboard-container").empty().hide();

    _Class.prototype.set = function (value) {
        this.value = value;

    return _Class;


CSS3 100vh not constant in mobile browser

Unfortunately this is intentional…

This is a well know issue (at least in safari mobile), which is intentional, as it prevents other problems. Benjamin Poulain replied to a webkit bug:

This is completely intentional. It took quite a bit of work on our part to achieve this effect. :)

The base problem is this: the visible area changes dynamically as you scroll. If we update the CSS viewport height accordingly, we need to update the layout during the scroll. Not only that looks like shit, but doing that at 60 FPS is practically impossible in most pages (60 FPS is the baseline framerate on iOS).

It is hard to show you the “looks like shit” part, but imagine as you scroll, the contents moves and what you want on screen is continuously shifting.

Dynamically updating the height was not working, we had a few choices: drop viewport units on iOS, match the document size like before iOS 8, use the small view size, use the large view size.

From the data we had, using the larger view size was the best compromise. Most website using viewport units were looking great most of the time.

Nicolas Hoizey has researched this quite a bit:

No fix planned

At this point, there is not much you can do except refrain from using viewport height on mobile devices. Chrome changed to this as well in 2016:

How to track down access violation "at address 00000000"

You start looking near that code that you know ran, and you stop looking when you reach the code you know didn't run.

What you're looking for is probably some place where your program calls a function through a function pointer, but that pointer is null.

It's also possible you have stack corruption. You might have overwritten a function's return address with zero, and the exception occurs at the end of the function. Check for possible buffer overflows, and if you are calling any DLL functions, make sure you used the right calling convention and parameter count.

This isn't an ordinary case of using a null pointer, like an unassigned object reference or PChar. In those cases, you'll have a non-zero "at address x" value. Since the instruction occurred at address zero, you know the CPU's instruction pointer was not pointing at any valid instruction. That's why the debugger can't show you which line of code caused the problem — there is no line of code. You need to find it by finding the code that lead up to the place where the CPU jumped to the invalid address.

The call stack might still be intact, which should at least get you pretty close to your goal. If you have stack corruption, though, you might not be able to trust the call stack.

Browser/HTML Force download of image from src="data:image/jpeg;base64..."

you can use the download attribute on an a tag ...

<a href="..." download="filename.jpg"></a>

see more:

Change priorityQueue to max priorityqueue

Change PriorityQueue to MAX PriorityQueue Method 1 : Queue pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Collections.reverseOrder()); Method 2 : Queue pq1 = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> b - a); Let's look at few Examples:

public class Example1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(222, 555, 666, 333, 111, 888, 777, 444);
        Queue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
        System.out.println("Priority Queue => " + pq);
        System.out.println("Max element in the list => " + pq.peek());
        // another way
        Queue<Integer> pq1 = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> b - a);
        System.out.println("Priority Queue => " + pq1);
        System.out.println("Max element in the list => " + pq1.peek());
        /* OUTPUT
          Priority Queue => [888, 444, 777, 333, 111, 555, 666, 222]
          Max element in the list => 888
           Priority Queue => [888, 444, 777, 333, 111, 555, 666, 222]
           Max element in the list => 888



Let's take a famous interview Problem : Kth Largest Element in an Array using PriorityQueue

public class KthLargestElement_1{
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(222, 555, 666, 333, 111, 888, 777, 444);
        int k = 3;
        Queue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
        System.out.println("Priority Queue => " + pq);
        System.out.println("Max element in the list => " + pq.peek());
        while (--k > 0) {
        } // while
        System.out.println("Third largest => " + pq.peek());
 Priority Queue => [888, 444, 777, 333, 111, 555, 666, 222]
Max element in the list => 888
Third largest => 666


Another way :

public class KthLargestElement_2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(222, 555, 666, 333, 111, 888, 777, 444);
        int k = 3;

        Queue<Integer> pq1 = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> b - a);
        System.out.println("Priority Queue => " + pq1);
        System.out.println("Max element in the list => " + pq1.peek());
        while (--k > 0) {
        } // while
        System.out.println("Third largest => " + pq1.peek());
          Priority Queue => [888, 444, 777, 333, 111, 555, 666, 222] 
          Max element in the list => 888 
          Third largest => 666


As we can see, both are giving the same result.

How to change the date format from MM/DD/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD in PL/SQL?

Basically , Data in a Date column in Oracle can be stored in any user defined format or kept as default. It all depends on NLS parameter.

Current format can be seen by : SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL;

If you try to insert a record and insert statement is NOT in THIS format then it will give : ORA-01843 : not a valid month error. So first change the database date format before insert statements ( I am assuming you have bulk load of insert statements) and then execute insert script.

Format can be changed by : ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format = 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss';

Also You can Change NLS settings from SQL Developer GUI , (Tools > preference> database > NLS)


Determine file creation date in Java

in java1.7+ You can use this code to get file`s create time !

private static LocalDateTime getCreateTime(File file) throws IOException {
        Path path = Paths.get(file.getPath());
        BasicFileAttributeView basicfile = Files.getFileAttributeView(path, BasicFileAttributeView.class, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS);
        BasicFileAttributes attr = basicfile.readAttributes();
        long date = attr.creationTime().toMillis();
        Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(date);
        return LocalDateTime.ofInstant(instant, ZoneId.systemDefault());

Clean up a fork and restart it from the upstream

The simplest solution would be (using 'upstream' as the remote name referencing the original repo forked):

git remote add upstream /url/to/original/repo
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git reset --hard upstream/master  
git push origin master --force 

(Similar to this GitHub page, section "What should I do if I’m in a bad situation?")

Be aware that you can lose changes done on the master branch (both locally, because of the reset --hard, and on the remote side, because of the push --force).

An alternative would be, if you want to preserve your commits on master, to replay those commits on top of the current upstream/master.
Replace the reset part by a git rebase upstream/master. You will then still need to force push.
See also "What should I do if I’m in a bad situation?"

A more complete solution, backing up your current work (just in case) is detailed in "Cleanup git master branch and move some commit to new branch".

See also "Pull new updates from original GitHub repository into forked GitHub repository" for illustrating what "upstream" is.


Note: recent GitHub repos do protect the master branch against push --force.
So you will have to un-protect master first (see picture below), and then re-protect it after force-pushing).

enter image description here

Note: on GitHub specifically, there is now (February 2019) a shortcut to delete forked repos for pull requests that have been merged upstream.

Why should we include ttf, eot, woff, svg,... in a font-face

WOFF 2.0, based on the Brotli compression algorithm and other improvements over WOFF 1.0 giving more than 30 % reduction in file size, is supported in Chrome, Opera, and Firefox. has an example on how to use it.

Basically you add a src url to the woff2 file and specify the woff2 format. It is important to have this before the woff-format: the browser will use the first format that it supports.

What is the difference between == and equals() in Java?

Here is a general thumb of rule for the difference between relational operator == and the method .equals().

object1 == object2 compares if the objects referenced by object1 and object2 refer to the same memory location in Heap.

object1.equals(object2) compares the values of object1 and object2 regardless of where they are located in memory.

This can be demonstrated well using String

Scenario 1

 public class Conditionals {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
       String str1 = "Hello";
       String str2 = new String("Hello");
       System.out.println("is str1 == str2 ? " + (str1 == str2 ));
       System.out.println("is str1.equals(str2) ? " + (str1.equals(str2 )));


The result is
      is str1 == str2 ? false
      is str1.equals(str2) ? true 

Scenario 2

public class Conditionals {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
       String str1 = "Hello";
       String str2 = "Hello";
       System.out.println("is str1 == str2 ? " + (str1 == str2 ));
       System.out.println("is str1.equals(str2) ? " + (str1.equals(str2 )));


The result is 
  is str1 == str2 ? true
  is str1.equals(str2) ? true

This string comparison could be used as a basis for comparing other types of object.

For instance if I have a Person class, I need to define the criteria base on which I will compare two persons. Let's say this person class has instance variables of height and weight.

So creating person objects person1 and person2 and for comparing these two using the .equals() I need to override the equals method of the person class to define based on which instance variables(heigh or weight) the comparison will be.

However, the == operator will still return results based on the memory location of the two objects(person1 and person2).

For ease of generalizing this person object comparison, I have created the following test class. Experimenting on these concepts will reveal tons of facts.

package com.tadtab.CS5044;

public class Person {

private double height;
private double weight;

public double getHeight() {
    return height;

public void setHeight(double height) {
    this.height = height;

public double getWeight() {
    return weight;

public void setWeight(double weight) {
    this.weight = weight;

public int hashCode() {
    final int prime = 31;
    int result = 1;
    long temp;
    temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(height);
    result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
    return result;

 * This method uses the height as a means of comparing person objects.
 * NOTE: weight is not part of the comparison criteria
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj)
        return true;
    if (obj == null)
        return false;
    if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
        return false;
    Person other = (Person) obj;
    if (Double.doubleToLongBits(height) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.height))
        return false;
    return true;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Person person1 = new Person();
    Person person2 = new Person();
    Person person3 = new Person();
    person3 = person2;
    Person person4 = new Person();
    Person person5 = new Person();
    System.out.println("is person1 == person2 ? " + (person1 == person2)); // false;
    System.out.println("is person2 == person3 ? " + (person2 == person3)); // true 
    //this is because perosn3 and person to refer to the one person object in memory. They are aliases;
    System.out.println("is person2.equals(person3) ? " + (person2.equals(person3))); // true;
    System.out.println("is person2.equals(person4) ? " + (person2.equals(person4))); // true;
    // even if the person2 and person5 have the same weight, they are not equal.
    // it is because their height is different
    System.out.println("is person2.equals(person4) ? " + (person2.equals(person5))); // false;


Result of this class execution is:

is person1 == person2 ? false
is person2 == person3 ? true
is person2.equals(person3) ? true
is person2.equals(person4) ? true
is person2.equals(person4) ? false

How to use new PasswordEncoder from Spring Security

If you haven't actually registered any users with your existing format then you would be best to switch to using the BCrypt password encoder instead.

It's a lot less hassle, as you don't have to worry about salt at all - the details are completely encapsulated within the encoder. Using BCrypt is stronger than using a plain hash algorithm and it's also a standard which is compatible with applications using other languages.

There's really no reason to choose any of the other options for a new application.

Check if a PHP cookie exists and if not set its value


You can't according to the PHP manual:

Once the cookies have been set, they can be accessed on the next page load with the $_COOKIE or $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS arrays.

This is because cookies are sent in response headers to the browser and the browser must then send them back with the next request. This is why they are only available on the second page load.

Work around

But you can work around it by also setting $_COOKIE when you call setcookie():

if(!isset($_COOKIE['lg'])) {
    setcookie('lg', 'ro');
    $_COOKIE['lg'] = 'ro';
echo $_COOKIE['lg'];

How to post query parameters with Axios?

axios signature for post is[, data[, config]]). So you want to send params object within the third argument:

.post(`/mails/users/sendVerificationMail`, null, { params: {
.then(response => response.status)
.catch(err => console.warn(err));

This will POST an empty body with the two query params:

POST http://localhost:8000/api/mails/users/sendVerificationMail?

Difference between string and StringBuilder in C#

Also the complexity of concatenations of String is O(N2), while for StringBuffer it is O(N).

So there might be performance problem where we use concatenations in loops as a lot of new objects are created each time.

Is <div style="width: ;height: ;background: "> CSS?

For example :

<div style="height:100px; width:100px; background:#000000"></div>


you give css to div of height and width having 100px and background as black.

PS : try to avoid inline-css you can make external CSS and import in your html file.

you can refer here for CSS

hope this helps.

Convert tabs to spaces in Notepad++

In version 5.8.7:

Menu Settings -> Preferences... -> Language Menu/Tab Settings -> Tab Settings (you may select the very language to replace tabs to spaces. It's cool!) -> Uncheck Use default value and check Replace by space.

Screenshot of the Preferences dialog

How to pass a type as a method parameter in Java

You can pass an instance of java.lang.Class that represents the type, i.e.

private void foo(Class cls)

Difference between objectForKey and valueForKey?

I'll try to provide a comprehensive answer here. Much of the points appear in other answers, but I found each answer incomplete, and some incorrect.

First and foremost, objectForKey: is an NSDictionary method, while valueForKey: is a KVC protocol method required of any KVC complaint class - including NSDictionary.

Furthermore, as @dreamlax wrote, documentation hints that NSDictionary implements its valueForKey: method USING its objectForKey: implementation. In other words - [NSDictionary valueForKey:] calls on [NSDictionary objectForKey:].

This implies, that valueForKey: can never be faster than objectForKey: (on the same input key) although thorough testing I've done imply about 5% to 15% difference, over billions of random access to a huge NSDictionary. In normal situations - the difference is negligible.

Next: KVC protocol only works with NSString * keys, hence valueForKey: will only accept an NSString * (or subclass) as key, whilst NSDictionary can work with other kinds of objects as keys - so that the "lower level" objectForKey: accepts any copy-able (NSCopying protocol compliant) object as key.

Last, NSDictionary's implementation of valueForKey: deviates from the standard behavior defined in KVC's documentation, and will NOT emit a NSUnknownKeyException for a key it can't find - unless this is a "special" key - one that begins with '@' - which usually means an "aggregation" function key (e.g. @"@sum, @"@avg"). Instead, it will simply return a nil when a key is not found in the NSDictionary - behaving the same as objectForKey:

Following is some test code to demonstrate and prove my notes.

- (void) dictionaryAccess {
    NSLog(@"Value for Z:%@", [@{@"X":@(10), @"Y":@(20)} valueForKey:@"Z"]); // prints "Value for Z:(null)"

    uint32_t testItemsCount = 1000000;
    // create huge dictionary of numbers
    NSMutableDictionary *d = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:testItemsCount];
    for (long i=0; i<testItemsCount; ++i) {
        // make new random key value pair:
        NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"K_%u",arc4random_uniform(testItemsCount)];
        NSNumber *value = @(arc4random_uniform(testItemsCount));
        [d setObject:value forKey:key];
    // create huge set of random keys for testing.
    NSMutableArray *keys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:testItemsCount];
    for (long i=0; i<testItemsCount; ++i) {
        NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"K_%u",arc4random_uniform(testItemsCount)];
        [keys addObject:key];

    NSDictionary *dict = [d copy];
    NSTimeInterval vtotal = 0.0, ototal = 0.0;

    NSDate *start;
    NSTimeInterval elapsed;

    for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {

        start = [NSDate date];
        for (NSString *key in keys) {
            id value = [dict valueForKey:key];
        elapsed = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
        NSLog (@"reading %lu values off dictionary via valueForKey took: %10.4f seconds", keys.count, elapsed);

        start = [NSDate date];
        for (NSString *key in keys) {
            id obj = [dict objectForKey:key];
        elapsed = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
        NSLog (@"reading %lu objects off dictionary via objectForKey took: %10.4f seconds", keys.count, elapsed);

    NSString *slower = (vtotal > ototal) ? @"valueForKey" : @"objectForKey";
    NSString *faster = (vtotal > ototal) ? @"objectForKey" : @"valueForKey";
    NSLog (@"%@ takes %3.1f percent longer then %@", slower, 100.0 * ABS(vtotal-ototal) / MAX(ototal,vtotal), faster);

Java generics - get class?

Short answer: You can't.

Long answer:

Due to the way generics is implemented in Java, the generic type T is not kept at runtime. Still, you can use a private data member:

public class Foo<T> 
    private Class<T> type;

    public Foo(Class<T> type) { this.type = type; } 

Usage example:

Foo<Integer> test = new Foo<Integer>(Integer.class);

How to get key names from JSON using jq

To print keys on one line as csv:

echo '{"b":"2","a":"1"}' | jq -r 'keys | [ .[] | tostring ] | @csv'



For csv completeness ... to print values on one line as csv:

echo '{"b":"2","a":"1"}' | jq -rS . | jq -r '. | [ .[] | tostring ] | @csv'



What is the difference between UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1?

  • ASCII: 7 bits. 128 code points.

  • ISO-8859-1: 8 bits. 256 code points.

  • UTF-8: 8-32 bits (1-4 bytes). 1,112,064 code points.

Both ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 are backwards compatible with ASCII, but UTF-8 is not backwards compatible with ISO-8859-1:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

c = chr(0xa9)



Rails - passing parameters in link_to

link_to "+ Service", controller_action_path(:account_id =>

If it is still not working check the path:

$ rake routes

how to convert string into time format and add two hours

Being a fan of the Joda Time library, here's how you can do it that way using a Joda DateTime:

import org.joda.time.format.*;
import org.joda.time.*;


String dateString = "2009-04-17 10:41:33";

// parse the string
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
DateTime dateTime = formatter.parseDateTime(dateString);

// add two hours
dateTime = dateTime.plusHours(2); // easier than mucking about with Calendar and constants


If you still need to use java.util.Date objects before/after this conversion, the Joda DateTime API provides some easy toDate() and toCalendar() methods for easy translation.

The Joda API provides so much more in the way of convenience over the Java Date/Calendar API.

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Delete Temp files by run > %temp%

And Open VS2015 by run as admin,

it works for me.

Slack clean all messages (~8K) in a channel

Option 1 You can set a Slack channel to automatically delete messages after 1 day, but it's a little hidden. First, you have to go to your Slack Workspace Settings, Message Retention & Deletion, and check "Let workspace members override these settings". After that, in the Slack client you can open a channel, click the gear, and click "Edit message retention..."

Option 2 The slack-cleaner command line tool that others have mentioned.

Option 3 Below is a little Python script that I use to clear Private channels. Can be a good starting point if you want more programmatic control of deletion. Unfortunately Slack has no bulk-delete API, and they rate-limit the individual delete to 50 per minute, so it unavoidably takes a long time.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Requirement: pip install slackclient
import multiprocessing.dummy, ctypes, time, traceback, datetime
from slackclient import SlackClient
legacy_token = raw_input("Enter token of an admin user. Get it from >> ")
slack_client = SlackClient(legacy_token)

name_to_id = dict()
res = slack_client.api_call(
  "groups.list", # groups are private channels, conversations are public channels. Different API.
print ("Private channels:")
for c in res['groups']:
    name_to_id[c['name']] = c['id']

channel = raw_input("Enter channel name to clear >> ").strip("#")
channel_id = name_to_id[channel]

pool=multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(4) #slack rate-limits the API, so not much benefit to more threads.
count = multiprocessing.dummy.Value(ctypes.c_int,0)
def _delete_message(message):
        success = False
        while not success:
            res= slack_client.api_call(
            success = res['ok']
            if not success:
                if res.get('error')=='ratelimited':
#                    print res
                    raise Exception("got error: %s"%(str(res.get('error'))))
        count.value += 1
        if count.value % 50==0:

retries = 3
hours_in_past = int(raw_input("How many hours in the past should messages be kept? Enter 0 to delete them all. >> "))
latest_timestamp = ((datetime.datetime.utcnow()-datetime.timedelta(hours=hours_in_past)) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()
print("deleting messages...")
while retries > 0:
    res = slack_client.api_call(
      latest=latest_timestamp,)#important to do paging. Otherwise Slack returns a lot of already-deleted messages.
    if res['messages']:
        latest_timestamp = min(float(m['ts']) for m in res['messages'])
    print datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(latest_timestamp)).strftime("%r %d-%b-%Y"), res['messages'])
    if not res["has_more"]: #Slack API seems to lie about this sometimes
        print ("No data. Sleeping...")
        retries -= 1


Note, that script will need modification to list & clear public channels. The API methods for those are channels.* instead of groups.*

How to set width of mat-table column in angular?

As i have implemented, and it is working fine. you just need to add column width using matColumnDef="description"

for example :

<mat-table #table [dataSource]="dataSource" matSortDisableClear>
    <ng-container matColumnDef="productId">
        <mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>product ID</mat-header-cell>
        <mat-cell *matCellDef="let product">{{}}</mat-cell>
    <ng-container matColumnDef="productName">
        <mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Name</mat-header-cell>
        <mat-cell *matCellDef="let product">{{}}</mat-cell>
    <ng-container matColumnDef="actions">
        <mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Actions</mat-header-cell>
        <mat-cell *matCellDef="let product">
            <button (click)="view(product)">
    <mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns"></mat-header-row>
    <mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns"></mat-row>

here matColumnDef is productId, productName and action

now we apply width by matColumnDef


.mat-column-productId {
    flex: 0 0 10%;
.mat-column-productName {
    flex: 0 0 50%;

and remaining width is equally allocated to other columns

jquery animate .css

You could opt for a pure CSS solution:

#hfont1 {
    transition: color 1s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: color 1s ease-in-out; /* FF 4 */
    -webkit-transition: color 1s ease-in-out; /* Safari & Chrome */
    -o-transition: color 1s ease-in-out; /* Opera */

How to write a file with C in Linux?

First of all, the code you wrote isn't portable, even if you get it to work. Why use OS-specific functions when there is a perfectly platform-independent way of doing it? Here's a version that uses just a single header file and is portable to any platform that implements the C standard library.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE* sourceFile;
    FILE* destFile;
    char buf[50];
    int numBytes;

        printf("Usage: fcopy source destination\n");
        return 1;

    sourceFile = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    destFile = fopen(argv[2], "wb");

        printf("Could not open source file\n");
        return 2;
        printf("Could not open destination file\n");
        return 3;

    while(numBytes=fread(buf, 1, 50, sourceFile))
        fwrite(buf, 1, numBytes, destFile);


    return 0;

EDIT: The glibc reference has this to say:

In general, you should stick with using streams rather than file descriptors, unless there is some specific operation you want to do that can only be done on a file descriptor. If you are a beginning programmer and aren't sure what functions to use, we suggest that you concentrate on the formatted input functions (see Formatted Input) and formatted output functions (see Formatted Output).

If you are concerned about portability of your programs to systems other than GNU, you should also be aware that file descriptors are not as portable as streams. You can expect any system running ISO C to support streams, but non-GNU systems may not support file descriptors at all, or may only implement a subset of the GNU functions that operate on file descriptors. Most of the file descriptor functions in the GNU library are included in the POSIX.1 standard, however.

Convert HTML5 into standalone Android App

You could use PhoneGap.

This has the benefit of being a cross-platform solution. Be warned though that you may need to pay subscription fees. The simplest solution is to just embed a WebView as detailed in @Enigma's answer.

Hide Twitter Bootstrap nav collapse on click

I checked in menu is opened by checking 'in' class and then run the code.

$('.navbar-collapse a').on('click', function(){
    if ( $( '.navbar-collapse' ).hasClass('in') ) {

works perfectly.

How can I get the source code of a Python function?

to summarize :

import inspect
print( "".join(inspect.getsourcelines(foo)[0]))

How to do the Recursive SELECT query in MySQL?

The accepted answer by @Meherzad only works if the data is in a particular order. It happens to work with the data from the OP question. In my case, I had to modify it to work with my data.

Note This only works when every record's "id" (col1 in the question) has a value GREATER THAN that record's "parent id" (col3 in the question). This is often the case, because normally the parent will need to be created first. However if your application allows changes to the hierarchy, where an item may be re-parented somewhere else, then you cannot rely on this.

This is my query in case it helps someone; note it does not work with the given question because the data does not follow the required structure described above.

select t.col1, t.col2, @pv := t.col3 col3
from (select * from table1 order by col1 desc) t
join (select @pv := 1) tmp
where t.col1 = @pv

The difference is that table1 is being ordered by col1 so that the parent will be after it (since the parent's col1 value is lower than the child's).

In log4j, does checking isDebugEnabled before logging improve performance?

Like @erickson it depends. If I recall, isDebugEnabled is already build in the debug() method of Log4j.
As long as you're not doing some expensive computations in your debug statements, like loop on objects, perform computations and concatenate strings, you're fine in my opinion.

StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for(Object o : myHugeCollection){

would be better as

if (log.isDebugEnabled(){
  StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
  for(Object o : myHugeCollection){

AngularJS Folder Structure

I'm on my third angularjs app and the folder structure has improved every time so far. I keep mine simple right now.

index.html (or .php)
  /partials (views)

I find that good for single apps. I haven't really had a project yet where I'd need multiple.

What does 'useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy' do in the .NET 4 config?

Here's an explanation I wrote recently to help with the void of information on this attribute.,guid,ecc34c3c-be44-4422-86b7-900900e451f9.aspx (Internet Archive Wayback Machine link)

To quote the most relevant bits:

[Installing .NET] v4 is “non-impactful”. It should not change the behavior of existing components when installed.

The useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy attribute basically lets you say, “I have some dependencies on the legacy shim APIs. Please make them work the way they used to with respect to the chosen runtime.”

Why don’t we make this the default behavior? You might argue that this behavior is more compatible, and makes porting code from previous versions much easier. If you’ll recall, this can’t be the default behavior because it would make installation of v4 impactful, which can break existing apps installed on your machine.

The full post explains this in more detail. At RTM, the MSDN docs on this should be better.

How to make parent wait for all child processes to finish?

Use waitpid() like this:

pid_t childPid;  // the child process that the execution will soon run inside of. 
childPid = fork();

if(childPid == 0)  // fork succeeded 
   // Do something   

else if(childPid < 0)  // fork failed 
   // log the error

else  // Main (parent) process after fork succeeds 
    int returnStatus;    
    waitpid(childPid, &returnStatus, 0);  // Parent process waits here for child to terminate.

    if (returnStatus == 0)  // Verify child process terminated without error.  
       printf("The child process terminated normally.");    

    if (returnStatus == 1)      
       printf("The child process terminated with an error!.");    

How to cin Space in c++?

Try this all four way to take input with space :)


using namespace std;

void dinput(char *a)
    for(int i=0;; i++)
        cin >> noskipws >> a[i];

void input(char *a)
    //cout<<"\nInput string: ";

    for(int i=0;; i++)



int main()
    char a[20];

    cout<<"\n1st method\n";

    cout<<"\n2nd method\n";

    cout<<"\n3rd method\n";

    cout<<"\n4th method\n";

    return 0;

How do I clear the previous text field value after submitting the form with out refreshing the entire page?

.val() or .value is IMHO the best solution because it's useful with Ajax. And .reset() only works after page reload and APIs using Ajax never refresh pages unless it's triggered by a different script.

Update statement with inner join on Oracle

That syntax isn't valid in Oracle. You can do this:

UPDATE table1 SET table1.value = (SELECT table2.CODE
                                  FROM table2 
                                  WHERE table1.value = table2.DESC)
WHERE table1.UPDATETYPE='blah'
            FROM table2 
            WHERE table1.value = table2.DESC);

Or you might be able to do this:

(SELECT table1.value as OLD, table2.CODE as NEW
 FROM table1
 INNER JOIN table2
 ON table1.value = table2.DESC
 WHERE table1.UPDATETYPE='blah'
) t

It depends if the inline view is considered updateable by Oracle ( To be updatable for the second statement depends on some rules listed here ).

Convert ASCII TO UTF-8 Encoding

"ASCII is a subset of UTF-8, so..." - so UTF-8 is a set? :)

In other words: any string build with code points from x00 to x7F has indistinguishable representations (byte sequences) in ASCII and UTF-8. Converting such string is pointless.

Javascript: getFullyear() is not a function

Try this...

 var start = new Date(document.getElementById('Stardate').value);
 var y = start.getFullYear();

Razor View Engine : An expression tree may not contain a dynamic operation

Before using (strongly type html helper into view) this line

@Html.TextBoxFor(p => p.Product.Name)

You should include your model into you page for making strongly type view.

@model SampleModel

How to convert a Java object (bean) to key-value pairs (and vice versa)?

If you really really want performance you can go the code generation route.

You can do this on your on by doing your own reflection and building a mixin AspectJ ITD.

Or you can use Spring Roo and make a Spring Roo Addon. Your Roo addon will do something similar to the above but will be available to everyone who uses Spring Roo and you don't have to use Runtime Annotations.

I have done both. People crap on Spring Roo but it really is the most comprehensive code generation for Java.

Convert integer into byte array (Java)

use this function it works for me

public byte[] toByteArray(int value) {
    return new byte[] {
            (byte)(value >> 24),
            (byte)(value >> 16),
            (byte)(value >> 8),

it translates the int into a byte value

How to export/import PuTTy sessions list?

If You want to import settings on PuTTY Portable You can use the putty.reg file.

Just put it to this path [path_to_Your_portable_apps]PuTTYPortable\Data\settings\putty.reg. Program will import it

How to fix error ::Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0::

It might help to see what the actual connection string is. Add to Global.asax:

throw new Exception(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mcn"].ConnectionString);

If the actual connection string is $(ReplacableToken_mcn-Web.config Connection String_0), that would explain the problem.

Passing an Array as Arguments, not an Array, in PHP

Also note that if you want to apply an instance method to an array, you need to pass the function as:

call_user_func_array(array($instance, "MethodName"), $myArgs);

How to convert string to boolean in typescript Angular 4

You can use that:

let s: string = "true";
let b: boolean = Boolean(s);

How to style the parent element when hovering a child element?

A simple jquery solution for those who don't need a pure css solution:

    $(".letter").hover(function() {_x000D_
.hovered {_x000D_
  background-color: lightblue;_x000D_
.letter {_x000D_
  margin: 20px;_x000D_
  background: lightgray;_x000D_
.letter:hover {_x000D_
  background: grey;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="word">_x000D_
  <div class="letter">T</div>_x000D_
  <div class="letter">E</div>_x000D_
  <div class="letter">S</div>_x000D_
  <div class="letter">T</div>_x000D_

Serializing enums with Jackson

Finally I found solution myself.

I had to annotate enum with @JsonSerialize(using = OrderTypeSerializer.class) and implement custom serializer:

public class OrderTypeSerializer extends JsonSerializer<OrderType> {

  public void serialize(OrderType value, JsonGenerator generator,
            SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
            JsonProcessingException {


Find closing HTML tag in Sublime Text

Try Emmet plug-in command Go To Matching Pair:

Shortcut (Mac): Shift + Control + T

Shortcut (PC): Control + Alt + J

The program can’t start because MSVCR71.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program

Agreed with jcadcell comments, but had to use JDK 1.8 because my eclipse need that. So I just copied the MSVCR71.DLL from jdk1.6 and pasted into jdk1.8 in both the folder jdk1.8.0_121\bin and jdk1.8.0_121\jre\bin

and it Worked .... Wow... Thanks :)