Programs & Examples On #Root node

Spring Data JPA map the native query result to Non-Entity POJO

I think the easiest way to do that is to use so called projection. It can map query results to interfaces. Using SqlResultSetMapping is inconvienient and makes your code ugly :).

An example right from spring data JPA source code:

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Integer> {

   @Query(value = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM SD_User WHERE id = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
   NameOnly findByNativeQuery(Integer id);

   public static interface NameOnly {

     String getFirstname();

     String getLastname();


You can also use this method to get a list of projections.

Check out this spring data JPA docs entry for more info about projections.

Note 1:

Remember to have your User entity defined as normal - the fields from projected interface must match fields in this entity. Otherwise field mapping might be broken (getFirstname() might return value of last name et cetera).

Note 2:

If you use SELECT table.column ... notation always define aliases matching names from entity. For example this code won't work properly (projection will return nulls for each getter):

@Query(value = "SELECT user.firstname, user.lastname FROM SD_User user WHERE id = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
NameOnly findByNativeQuery(Integer id);

But this works fine:

@Query(value = "SELECT user.firstname AS firstname, user.lastname AS lastname FROM SD_User user WHERE id = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
NameOnly findByNativeQuery(Integer id);

In case of more complex queries I'd rather use JdbcTemplate with custom repository instead.

windows batch file rename

I am assuming you know the length of the part before the _ and after the underscore, as well as the extension. If you don't it might be more complex than a simple substring.

cd C:\path\to\the\files
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.jpg') do (
set p=%a:~0,3%
set q=%a:~4,4%
set b=%p_%q.jpg
ren %a %b

I just came up with this script, and I did not test it. Check out this and that for more info.

IF you want to assume you don't know the positions of the _ and the lengths and the extension, I think you could do something with for loops to check the index of the _, then the last index of the ., wrap it in a goto thing and make it work. If you're willing to go through that trouble, I'd suggest you use WindowsPowerShell (or Cygwin) at least (for your own sake) or install a more advanced scripting language (think Python/Perl) you'll get more support either way.

How to remove focus from single editText

check this question and the selected answer: Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup It's ugly but it works, and as far as I know there's no better solution.

How to sum up elements of a C++ vector?

C++0x only:

vector<int> v; // and fill with data
int sum {}; // or = 0 ... :)
for (int n : v) sum += n;

This is similar to the BOOST_FOREACH mentioned elsewhere and has the same benefit of clarity in more complex situations, compared to stateful functors used with accumulate or for_each.

How to serialize Joda DateTime with Jackson JSON processor?

The easy solution

I have encountered similar problem and my solution is much clear than above.

I simply used the pattern in @JsonFormat annotation

Basically my class has a DateTime field, so I put an annotation around the getter:

@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
public DateTime getDate() {
    return date;

I serialize the class with ObjectMapper

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.registerModule(new JodaModule());
    ObjectWriter ow = mapper.writer();
    try {
        String logStr = ow.writeValueAsString(log);;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.warn("JSON mapping exception", e);

We use Jackson 2.5.4

How to get records randomly from the oracle database?

To randomly select 20 rows I think you'd be better off selecting the lot of them randomly ordered and selecting the first 20 of that set.

Something like:

Select *
  from (select *
          from table
         order by dbms_random.value) -- you can also use DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM
 where rownum < 21;

Best used for small tables to avoid selecting large chunks of data only to discard most of it.

What is the Gradle artifact dependency graph command?

Ah, since I had no dependencies in my master project, "gradle dependencies" only lists those and not subproject dependencies so the correct command ended up being

 gradle :<subproject>:dependencies

so for me this was

 gradle :master:dependencies

Looping each row in datagridview

I used the solution below to export all datagrid values to a text file, rather than using the column names you can use the column index instead.

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in xxxCsvDG.Rows)
    File.AppendAllText(csvLocation, row.Cells[0].Value + "," + row.Cells[1].Value + "," + row.Cells[2].Value + "," + row.Cells[3].Value + Environment.NewLine);

How can I turn a DataTable to a CSV?

Try to put ; instead of ,

Hope it helps

Twitter Bootstrap carousel different height images cause bouncing arrows

You can use this lines in the css file:

ul[rn-carousel] {
 > li {
 position: relative;
 margin-left: -100%;

 &:first-child {
   margin-left: 0;

How to retrieve form values from HTTPPOST, dictionary or?

Simply, you can use FormCollection like:

public ActionResult SubmitAction(FormCollection collection)
     // Get Post Params Here
 string var1 = collection["var1"];

You can also use a class, that is mapped with Form values, and mvc engine automagically fills it:

//Defined in another file
class MyForm
  public string var1 { get; set; }

public ActionResult SubmitAction(MyForm form)
  string var1 = form1.Var1;

Filter Linq EXCEPT on properties

public static class ExceptByProperty
    public static List<T> ExceptBYProperty<T, TProperty>(this List<T> list, List<T> list2, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> propertyLambda)
        Type type = typeof(T);

        MemberExpression member = propertyLambda.Body as MemberExpression;

        if (member == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "Expression '{0}' refers to a method, not a property.",

        PropertyInfo propInfo = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
        if (propInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "Expression '{0}' refers to a field, not a property.",

        if (type != propInfo.ReflectedType &&
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "Expresion '{0}' refers to a property that is not from type {1}.",
        Func<T, TProperty> func = propertyLambda.Compile();
        var ids = list2.Select<T, TProperty>(x => func(x)).ToArray();
        return list.Where(i => !ids.Contains(((TProperty)propInfo.GetValue(i, null)))).ToList();

public class testClass
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

For Test this:

        List<testClass> a = new List<testClass>();
        List<testClass> b = new List<testClass>();
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 1 });
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 2 });
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 3 });
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 4 });
        a.Add(new testClass() { ID = 5 });

        b.Add(new testClass() { ID = 3 });
        b.Add(new testClass() { ID = 5 });
        a.Select<testClass, int>(x => x.ID);

        var items = a.ExceptBYProperty(b, u => u.ID);

Remote desktop connection protocol error 0x112f

If anyone comes to this thread and has this issue when you remote to a VMware VM with windows 10 1903, disabling 3d in the graphics card worked for me.

How to insert special characters into a database?

Are you escaping? Try the mysql_real_escape_string() function and it will handle the special characters.

conflicting types error when compiling c program using gcc

You have to declare your functions before main()

(or declare the function prototypes before main())

As it is, the compiler sees my_print (my_string); in main() as a function declaration.

Move your functions above main() in the file, or put:

void my_print (char *);
void my_print2 (char *);

Above main() in the file.

How to set a variable inside a loop for /F

You probably want SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION. See for details.

Basically: Normal %variables% are expanded right aftercmd.exe reads the command. In your case the "command" is the whole

for /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %FileName%') do (
    set z=%%a
    echo %z%
    echo %%a

loop. At that point z has no value yet, so echo %z% turns into echo. Then the loop is executed and z is set, but its value isn't used anymore.

SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION enables an additional syntax, !variable!. This also expands variables but it only does so right before each (sub-)command is executed.

for /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %FileName%') do (
    set z=%%a
    echo !z!
    echo %%a

This gives you the current value of z each time the echo runs.

Select max value of each group

select * from (select * from table order by value desc limit 999999999) v group by

How can I display just a portion of an image in HTML/CSS?

Another alternative is the following, although not the cleanest as it assumes the image to be the only element in a container, such as in this case:

<header class="siteHeader">
  <img src="img" class="siteLogo" />

You can then use the container as a mask with the desired size, and surround the image with a negative margin to move it into the right position:

    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    overflow: hidden;

.siteHeader .siteLogo{
    margin: -100px;

Demo can be seen in this JSFiddle.

Only seems to work in IE>9, and probably all significant versions of all other browsers.

Function not defined javascript

important: in this kind of error you should look for simple mistakes in most cases

besides syntax error, I should say once I had same problem and it was because of bad name I have chosen for function. I have never searched for the reason but I remember that I copied another function and change it to use. I add "1" after the name to changed the function name and I got this error.


Any mature enough SQL database should be able to execute that just as effectively as the equivalent JOIN. Use whatever is more readable to you.

Error "gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory" while compiling Nachos source code

If you are facing this issue in Mac-OSX terminal with python, try updating the versions of the packages you are using. So, go to your files in python and where you specified the packages, update them to the latest versions available on the internet.

‘ant’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

even with the environment variables set, I found that ant -version does not work in scripts. Try call ant -version

Why declare unicode by string in python?

That doesn't set the format of the string; it sets the format of the file. Even with that header, "hello" is a byte string, not a Unicode string. To make it Unicode, you're going to have to use u"hello" everywhere. The header is just a hint of what format to use when reading the .py file.

Showing empty view when ListView is empty

It should be like this:

<TextView android:id="@android:id/empty"
    android:text="No Results" />

Note the id attribute.

How to set selected value of jquery select2?

Also as I tried, when use ajax in select2, the programmatic control methods for set new values in select2 does not work for me! Now I write these code for resolve the problem:

    .empty() //empty select
    .append($("<option/>") //add option tag in select
        .val("20") //set value for option to post it
        .text("nabi")) //set a text for show in select
    .val("20") //select option of select2
    .trigger("change"); //apply to select2

You can test complete sample code in here link:
In this sample code there is a ajax select2 and you can set new value with a button.

$("#btn").click(function() {_x000D_
    .empty() //empty select_x000D_
    .append($("<option/>") //add option tag in select_x000D_
      .val("20") //set value for option to post it_x000D_
      .text("nabi")) //set a text for show in select_x000D_
    .val("20") //select option of select2_x000D_
    .trigger("change"); //apply to select2_x000D_
  ajax: {_x000D_
    url: "",_x000D_
    dataType: 'json',_x000D_
    delay: 250,_x000D_
    data: function(params) {_x000D_
      return {_x000D_
        q: params.term, // search term_x000D_
        page: params.page_x000D_
    processResults: function(data, params) {_x000D_
      // parse the results into the format expected by Select2_x000D_
      // since we are using custom formatting functions we do not need to_x000D_
      // alter the remote JSON data, except to indicate that infinite_x000D_
      // scrolling can be used_x000D_ = || 1;_x000D_
      return {_x000D_
        results: data.items,_x000D_
        pagination: {_x000D_
          more: ( * 30) < data.total_count_x000D_
    cache: true_x000D_
  escapeMarkup: function(markup) {_x000D_
    return markup;_x000D_
  }, // let our custom formatter work_x000D_
  minimumInputLength: 1,_x000D_
  templateResult: formatRepo, // omitted for brevity, see the source of this page_x000D_
  templateSelection: formatRepoSelection // omitted for brevity, see the source of this page_x000D_
function formatRepo(repo) {_x000D_
  if (repo.loading) return repo.text;_x000D_
  var markup = "<div class='select2-result-repository clearfix'>" +_x000D_
    "<div class='select2-result-repository__avatar'><img src='" + repo.owner.avatar_url + "' /></div>" +_x000D_
    "<div class='select2-result-repository__meta'>" +_x000D_
    "<div class='select2-result-repository__title'>" + repo.full_name + "</div>";_x000D_
  if (repo.description) {_x000D_
    markup += "<div class='select2-result-repository__description'>" + repo.description + "</div>";_x000D_
  markup += "<div class='select2-result-repository__statistics'>" +_x000D_
    "<div class='select2-result-repository__forks'><i class='fa fa-flash'></i> " + repo.forks_count + " Forks</div>" +_x000D_
    "<div class='select2-result-repository__stargazers'><i class='fa fa-star'></i> " + repo.stargazers_count + " Stars</div>" +_x000D_
    "<div class='select2-result-repository__watchers'><i class='fa fa-eye'></i> " + repo.watchers_count + " Watchers</div>" +_x000D_
    "</div>" +_x000D_
  return markup;_x000D_
function formatRepoSelection(repo) {_x000D_
  return repo.full_name || repo.text;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">_x000D_
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">_x000D_
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">_x000D_
<select id="sel" multiple="multiple" class="col-xs-5">_x000D_
<button id="btn">Set Default</button>

Visual Studio Code - is there a Compare feature like that plugin for Notepad ++?

right click on first file and select

enter image description here

then right click on second file and select

enter image description here


how to compare files in vscode

How to round up a number in Javascript?

The OP expects two things:
A. to round up to the higher tenths, and
B. to show a zero in the hundredths place (a typical need with currency).

Meeting both requirement would seem to necessitate a separate method for each of the above. Here's an approach that builds on suryakiran's suggested answer:

//Arguments: number to round, number of decimal places.

function roundPrice(rnum, rlength) {
    var newnumber = Math.ceil(rnum * Math.pow(10, rlength-1)) / Math.pow(10, rlength-1);
    var toTenths = newnumber.toFixed(rlength);
    return toTenths;

alert(roundPrice(678.91011,2)); // returns 679.00
alert(roundPrice(876.54321,2)); // returns 876.60

Important note: this solution produces a very different result with negative and exponential numbers.

For the sake of comparison between this answer and two that are very similar, see the following 2 approaches. The first simply rounds to the nearest hundredth per usual, and the second simply rounds up to the nearest hundredth (larger).

function roundNumber(rnum, rlength) { 
    var newnumber = Math.round(rnum * Math.pow(10, rlength)) / Math.pow(10, rlength);
    return newnumber;

alert(roundNumber(678.91011,2)); // returns 678.91

function ceilNumber(rnum, rlength) { 
    var newnumber = Math.ceil(rnum * Math.pow(10, rlength)) / Math.pow(10, rlength);
    return newnumber;

alert(ceilNumber(678.91011,2)); // returns 678.92

How to add MVC5 to Visual Studio 2013?

You can look into Windows installed folder from here of your pc path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET

View of Opened file where showing installed MVC 3, MVC 4

enter image description here

Best way to pass parameters to jQuery's .load()

In the first case, the data are passed to the script via GET, in the second via POST.

I don't think there are limits to the data size, but the completition of the remote call will of course take longer with great amount of data.

Iterator Loop vs index loop

Iterators make your code more generic.
Every standard library container provides an iterator hence if you change your container class in future the loop wont be affected.

How to insert double and float values to sqlite?

actually I think your code is just fine.. you can save those values as strings (TEXT) just like you did.. (if you want to)

and you probably get the error for the System.currentTimeMillis() that might be too big for INTEGER

How do I set the default schema for a user in MySQL

There is no default database for user. There is default database for current session.

You can get it using DATABASE() function -


And you can set it using USE statement -

USE database1;

You should set it manually - USE db_name, or in the connection string.

Why doesn't JUnit provide assertNotEquals methods?

Modulo API consistency, why JUnit didn't provide assertNotEquals() is the same reason why JUnit never provided methods like

  • assertStringMatchesTheRegex(regex, str) vs. assertStringDoesntMatchTheRegex(regex, str)
  • assertStringBeginsWith(prefix, str) vs. assertStringDoesntBeginWith(prefix, str)

i.e. there's no end to providing a specific assertion methods for the kinds of things you might want in your assertion logic!

Far better to provide composable test primitives like equalTo(...), is(...), not(...), regex(...) and let the programmer piece those together instead for more readability and sanity.

android.os.FileUriExposedException: file:///storage/emulated/0/test.txt exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()

If your targetSdkVersion >= 24, then we have to use FileProvider class to give access to the particular file or folder to make them accessible for other apps. We create our own class inheriting FileProvider in order to make sure our FileProvider doesn't conflict with FileProviders declared in imported dependencies as described here.

Steps to replace file:// URI with content:// URI:

  • Add a FileProvider <provider> tag in AndroidManifest.xml under <application> tag. Specify a unique authority for the android:authorities attribute to avoid conflicts, imported dependencies might specify ${applicationId}.provider and other commonly used authorities.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
                android:resource="@xml/provider_paths" />
  • Then create a provider_paths.xml file in res/xml folder. A folder may be needed to be created if it doesn't exist yet. The content of the file is shown below. It describes that we would like to share access to the External Storage at root folder (path=".") with the name external_files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <external-path name="external_files" path="."/>
  • The final step is to change the line of code below in

     Uri photoURI = Uri.fromFile(createImageFile());


     Uri photoURI = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, context.getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + ".provider", createImageFile());
  • Edit: If you're using an intent to make the system open your file, you may need to add the following line of code:


Please refer to the full code and solution that have been explained here.

Java 8 List<V> into Map<K, V>

If your key is NOT guaranteed to be unique for all elements in the list, you should convert it to a Map<String, List<Choice>> instead of a Map<String, Choice>

Map<String, List<Choice>> result =;

TNS Protocol adapter error while starting Oracle SQL*Plus

Make sure your oracle services are running automatically. Just press Win+R. Type services.msc in textbox then press O to find oracle services. Oracle services as shown in pic

In your PC name might be like OracleserviceXYZ. Right click on highlighted services. In this dialogue box select automatically and click on start

Transaction isolation levels relation with locks on table

I want to understand the lock each transaction isolation takes on the table

For example, you have 3 concurrent processes A, B and C. A starts a transaction, writes data and commit/rollback (depending on results). B just executes a SELECT statement to read data. C reads and updates data. All these process work on the same table T.

  • READ UNCOMMITTED - no lock on the table. You can read data in the table while writing on it. This means A writes data (uncommitted) and B can read this uncommitted data and use it (for any purpose). If A executes a rollback, B still has read the data and used it. This is the fastest but most insecure way to work with data since can lead to data holes in not physically related tables (yes, two tables can be logically but not physically related in real-world apps =\).
  • READ COMMITTED - lock on committed data. You can read the data that was only committed. This means A writes data and B can't read the data saved by A until A executes a commit. The problem here is that C can update data that was read and used on B and B client won't have the updated data.
  • REPEATABLE READ - lock on a block of SQL(which is selected by using select query). This means B reads the data under some condition i.e. WHERE aField > 10 AND aField < 20, A inserts data where aField value is between 10 and 20, then B reads the data again and get a different result.
  • SERIALIZABLE - lock on a full table(on which Select query is fired). This means, B reads the data and no other transaction can modify the data on the table. This is the most secure but slowest way to work with data. Also, since a simple read operation locks the table, this can lead to heavy problems on production: imagine that T table is an Invoice table, user X wants to know the invoices of the day and user Y wants to create a new invoice, so while X executes the read of the invoices, Y can't add a new invoice (and when it's about money, people get really mad, especially the bosses).

I want to understand where we define these isolation levels: only at JDBC/hibernate level or in DB also

Using JDBC, you define it using Connection#setTransactionIsolation.

Using Hibernate:

<property name="hibernate.connection.isolation">2</property>



Hibernate configuration is taken from here (sorry, it's in Spanish).

By the way, you can set the isolation level on RDBMS as well:

and on and on...

GET URL parameter in PHP

The accepted answer is good. But if you have a scenario like this:

You can treat the named anchor as a query string like this:

Then, access it like this:

$Url = $_GET['state']."#".$_GET['city'];

Get query string parameters url values with jQuery / Javascript (querystring)

I wrote a little function where you only have to parse the name of the query parameter. So if you have: ?Project=12&Mode=200&date=2013-05-27 and you want the 'Mode' parameter you only have to parse the 'Mode' name into the function:

function getParameterByName( name ){
    var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)", 
  regex = new RegExp( regexS ),
  results = regex.exec( );
  if( results == null ){
    return "";
  } else{
    return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));

// example caller:
var result =  getParameterByName('Mode');

Load a WPF BitmapImage from a System.Drawing.Bitmap

I work at an imaging vendor and wrote an adapter for WPF to our image format which is similar to a System.Drawing.Bitmap.

I wrote this KB to explain it to our customers:

And there is code there that does it. You need to replace AtalaImage with Bitmap and do the equivalent thing that we are doing -- it should be pretty straightforward.

Bypass popup blocker on when JQuery event.preventDefault() is set

Try using an a link element and click it with javascriipt

<a id="SimulateOpenLink" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>

and the script

function openURL(url) {
    document.getElementById("SimulateOpenLink").href = url

Use it like this

//do stuff
var id = 123123141;
openURL("/api/user/" + id + "/print") //this open webpage bypassing pop-up blocker
openURL("") //Another link

How to use jQuery in chrome extension?

Apart from the solutions already mentioned, you can also download jquery.min.js locally and then use it -

For downloading -

wget ""

manifest.json -

"content_scripts": [
    "js": ["/path/to/jquery.min.js", ...]

in html -

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>

Reference -

Checking letter case (Upper/Lower) within a string in Java

A loop like this one:

else if (!(Character.isLowerCase(ch)))
                for (int i=1; i<password.length(); i++)
                   ch = password.charAt(i);

                    if (!Character.isLowerCase(ch))
                        System.out.println("Invalid password - Must have a Lower Case character.");
                        password = "";
                     // end if
                } //end for

Has an obvious logical flaw: You enter it if the first character is not lowercase, then test if the second character is not lower case. At that point you throw an error.

Instead, you should do something like this (not full code, just an example):

boolean hasLower = false, hasUpper = false, hasNumber = false, hasSpecial = false; // etc - all the rules
for ( ii = 0; ii < password.length(); ii++ ) {
  ch = password.charAt(ii);
  // check each rule in turn, with code like this:
  if Character.isLowerCase(ch) hasLower = true;
  if Character.isUpperCase(ch) hasUpper = true;
  // ... etc for all the tests you want to do

if(hasLower && hasUpper && ...) {
  // password is good
else {
  // password is bad

Of course the code snippet you provided, besides the faulty logic, did not have code to test for the other conditions that your "help" option printed out. As was pointed out in one of the other answers, you could consider using regular expressions to help you speed up the process of finding each of these things. For example,

hasNumber  : use regex pattern "\d+" for "find at least one digit"
hasSpecial : use regex pattern "[!@#$%^&*]+" for "find at least one of these characters"

In code:

hasNumber  = password.matches(".*\\d.*");  // "a digit with anything before or after"
hasSpecial = password.matches(".*[!@#$%^&*].*");
hasNoNOT   = !password.matches(".*NOT.*");
hasNoAND   = !password.matches(".*AND.*");

It is possible to combine these things in clever ways - but especially when you are a novice regex user, it is much better to be a little bit "slow and tedious", and get code that works first time (plus you will be able to figure out what you did six months from now).

Python division

Specifying a float by placing a '.' after the number will also cause it to default to float.

>>> 1 / 2

>>> 1. / 2.

How can I find the method that called the current method?

/// <summary>
/// Returns the call that occurred just before the "GetCallingMethod".
/// </summary>
public static string GetCallingMethod()
   return GetCallingMethod("GetCallingMethod");

/// <summary>
/// Returns the call that occurred just before the the method specified.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MethodAfter">The named method to see what happened just before it was called. (case sensitive)</param>
/// <returns>The method name.</returns>
public static string GetCallingMethod(string MethodAfter)
   string str = "";
      StackTrace st = new StackTrace();
      StackFrame[] frames = st.GetFrames();
      for (int i = 0; i < st.FrameCount - 1; i++)
         if (frames[i].GetMethod().Name.Equals(MethodAfter))
            if (!frames[i + 1].GetMethod().Name.Equals(MethodAfter)) // ignores overloaded methods.
               str = frames[i + 1].GetMethod().ReflectedType.FullName + "." + frames[i + 1].GetMethod().Name;
   catch (Exception) { ; }
   return str;

HTTP authentication logout via PHP

The simple answer is that you can't reliably log out of http-authentication.

The long answer:
Http-auth (like the rest of the HTTP spec) is meant to be stateless. So being "logged in" or "logged out" isn't really a concept that makes sense. The better way to see it is to ask, for each HTTP request (and remember a page load is usually multiple requests), "are you allowed to do what you're requesting?". The server sees each request as new and unrelated to any previous requests.

Browsers have chosen to remember the credentials you tell them on the first 401, and re-send them without the user's explicit permission on subsequent requests. This is an attempt at giving the user the "logged in/logged out" model they expect, but it's purely a kludge. It's the browser that's simulating this persistence of state. The web server is completely unaware of it.

So "logging out", in the context of http-auth is purely a simulation provided by the browser, and so outside the authority of the server.

Yes, there are kludges. But they break RESTful-ness (if that's of value to you) and they are unreliable.

If you absolutely require a logged-in/logged-out model for your site authentication, the best bet is a tracking cookie, with the persistence of state stored on the server in some manner (mysql, sqlite, flatfile, etc). This will require all requests to be evaluated, for instance, with PHP.

fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'

Make sure branch "master" exists! It's not just a name apparently.

I got this error after creating a blank bare repo, pushing a branch named "dev" to it, and trying to use git log in the bare repo. Interestingly, git branch knows that dev is the only branch existing (so I think this is a git bug).

Solution: I repeated the procedure, this time having renamed "dev" to "master" on the working repo before pushing to the bare repo. Success!

HTML-encoding lost when attribute read from input field

Good answer. Note that if the value to encode is undefined or null with jQuery 1.4.2 you might get errors such as:

jQuery("<div/>").text(value).html is not a function


Uncaught TypeError: Object has no method 'html'

The solution is to modify the function to check for an actual value:

function htmlEncode(value){ 
    if (value) {
        return jQuery('<div/>').text(value).html(); 
    } else {
        return '';

How do I POST form data with UTF-8 encoding by using curl?

You CAN use UTF-8 in the POST request, all you need is to specify the charset in your request.

You should use this request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" --data-ascii "content=derinhält&date=asdf"

'No JUnit tests found' in Eclipse

Right Click on Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > select classpath -> add Library -> Junit -> select junit version -> finish -> applay

How to Edit a row in the datatable

You can find that row with

DataRow row = table.Select("Product_id=2").FirstOrDefault();

and update it

row["Product_name"] = "cde";

HTML CSS How to stop a table cell from expanding

No javascript, just CSS. Works fine!

   .no-break-out {
      /* These are technically the same, but use both */
      overflow-wrap: break-word;
      word-wrap: break-word;

      -ms-word-break: break-all;
      /* This is the dangerous one in WebKit, as it breaks things wherever */
      word-break: break-all;
      /* Instead use this non-standard one: */
      word-break: break-word;

      /* Adds a hyphen where the word breaks, if supported (No Blink) */
      -ms-hyphens: auto;
      -moz-hyphens: auto;
      -webkit-hyphens: auto;
      hyphens: auto;


How can I loop through enum values for display in radio buttons?

Two options:

for (let item in MotifIntervention) {
    if (isNaN(Number(item))) {


Object.keys(MotifIntervention).filter(key => !isNaN(Number(MotifIntervention[key])));

(code in playground)


String enums look different than regular ones, for example:

enum MyEnum {
    A = "a",
    B = "b",
    C = "c"

Compiles into:

var MyEnum;
(function (MyEnum) {
    MyEnum["A"] = "a";
    MyEnum["B"] = "b";
    MyEnum["C"] = "c";
})(MyEnum || (MyEnum = {}));

Which just gives you this object:

    A: "a",
    B: "b",
    C: "c"

You can get all the keys (["A", "B", "C"]) like this:


And the values (["a", "b", "c"]):

Object.keys(MyEnum).map(key => MyEnum[key])

Or using Object.values():


How can I scroll a div to be visible in ReactJS?

I assume that you have some sort of List component and some sort of Item component. The way I did it in one project was to let the item know if it was active or not; the item would ask the list to scroll it into view if necessary. Consider the following pseudocode:

class List extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>{}</div>;

  renderItem(item) {
    return <Item key={} item={item}
                 active={ === this.props.activeId}
                 scrollIntoView={this.scrollElementIntoViewIfNeeded} />

  scrollElementIntoViewIfNeeded(domNode) {
    var containerDomNode = React.findDOMNode(this);
    // Determine if `domNode` fully fits inside `containerDomNode`.
    // If not, set the container's scrollTop appropriately.

class Item extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>something...</div>;

  componentDidMount() {

  componentDidUpdate() {

  ensureVisible() {
    if ( {

A better solution is probably to make the list responsible for scrolling the item into view (without the item being aware that it's even in a list). To do so, you could add a ref attribute to a certain item and find it with that:

class List extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>{}</div>;

  renderItem(item) {
    var active = === this.props.activeId;
    var props = {
      item: item,
      active: active
    if (active) {
      props.ref = "activeItem";
    return <Item {...props} />

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    // only scroll into view if the active item changed last render
    if (this.props.activeId !== prevProps.activeId) {

  ensureActiveItemVisible() {
    var itemComponent = this.refs.activeItem;
    if (itemComponent) {
      var domNode = React.findDOMNode(itemComponent);

  scrollElementIntoViewIfNeeded(domNode) {
    var containerDomNode = React.findDOMNode(this);
    // Determine if `domNode` fully fits inside `containerDomNode`.
    // If not, set the container's scrollTop appropriately.

If you don't want to do the math to determine if the item is visible inside the list node, you could use the DOM method scrollIntoView() or the Webkit-specific scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, which has a polyfill available so you can use it in non-Webkit browsers.

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/LICENSE'

I have read all the answers related to getting this message in Android Studio:

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/LICENSE'

but in this case excluding classes is no neccessary, we only need to exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES', this can be done inside the /app/build.gradle:

    packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES'


System.Security.SecurityException when writing to Event Log

I try almost everything in here to solve this problem... I share here the answer that help me:

Another way to resolve the issue :

  • in IIS console, go to application pool managing your site, and note the identity running it (usually Network Service)
  • make sure this identity can read KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog (rigth-click, authorisations)
  • now change the identity of this application pool to Local System, apply, and switch back to Network Service

Credentials will be reloaded and EventLog reacheable

in , thanks Michael Freidgeim

Get the current date in java.sql.Date format

A java.util.Date is not a java.sql.Date. It's the other way around. A java.sql.Date is a java.util.Date.

You'll need to convert it to a java.sql.Date by using the constructor that takes a long that a java.util.Date can supply.

java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());

How to replace a character by a newline in Vim

\r can do the work here for you.

How to return a 200 HTTP Status Code from ASP.NET MVC 3 controller

You can simply set the status code of the response to 200 like the following

public ActionResult SomeMethod(parameters...)
   //others code here
   Response.StatusCode = 200;
   return YourObject;  

Why do we usually use || over |? What is the difference?

1).(expression1 | expression2), | operator will evaluate expression2 irrespective of whether the result of expression1 is true or false.


class Or 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        boolean b=true;

        if (b | test());

    static boolean test()
        System.out.println("No short circuit!");
        return false;

2).(expression1 || expression2), || operator will not evaluate expression2 if expression1 is true.


class Or 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        boolean b=true;

        if (b || test())
            System.out.println("short circuit!");

    static boolean test()
        System.out.println("No short circuit!");
        return false;

Is <img> element block level or inline level?

It's true, they are both - or more precisely, they are "inline block" elements. This means that they flow inline like text, but also have a width and height like block elements.

How to make EditText not editable through XML in Android?

Just use android:enabled="false". This will also give an appearance to the EditText which will make it look not editable.

Formatting a float to 2 decimal places

string outString= number.ToString("####0.00");

What are naming conventions for MongoDB?


  • camelCase
  • append DB on the end of name
  • make singular (collections are plural)

MongoDB states a nice example:

To select a database to use, in the mongo shell, issue the use <db> statement, as in the following example:

use myDB
use myNewDB

Content from:


  • Lowercase names: avoids case sensitivity issues, MongoDB collection names are case sensitive.

  • Plural: more obvious to label a collection of something as the plural, e.g. "files" rather than "file"

  • >No word separators: Avoids issues where different people (incorrectly) separate words (username <-> user_name, first_name <->
    firstname). This one is up for debate according to a few people
    around here but provided the argument is isolated to collection names I don't think it should be ;) If you find yourself improving the
    readability of your collection name by adding underscores or
    camelCasing your collection name is probably too long or should use
    periods as appropriate which is the standard for collection

  • Dot notation for higher detail collections: Gives some indication to how collections are related. For example you can be reasonably sure you could delete "users.pagevisits" if you deleted "users", provided the people that designed the schema did a good job.

Content from:

For collections I'm following these suggested patterns until I find official MongoDB documentation.

Has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check

For anyone looking at this and had no result with adding the Access-Control-Allow-Origin try also adding the Access-Control-Allow-Headers. May safe somebody from a headache.

Create a pointer to two-dimensional array


The declaration

static uint8_t l_matrix[10][20];

has set aside storage for 10 rows of 20 unit8_t locations, i.e. 200 uint8_t sized locations, with each element being found by calculating 20 x row + column.

So doesn't

uint8_t (*matrix_ptr)[20] = l_matrix;

give you what you need and point to the column zero element of the first row of the array?

Edit: Thinking about this a bit further, isn't an array name, by definition, a pointer? That is, the name of an array is a synonym for the location of the first element, i.e. l_matrix[0][0]?

Edit2: As mentioned by others, the comment space is a bit too small for further discussion. Anyway:

typedef uint8_t array_of_20_uint8_t[20];
array_of_20_uint8_t *matrix_ptr = l_matrix;

does not provide any allocation of storage for the array in question.

As mentioned above, and as defined by the standard, the statement:

static uint8_t l_matrix[10][20];

has set aside 200 sequential locations of type uint8_t.

Referring to l_matrix using statements of the form:

(*l_matrix + (20 * rowno) + colno)

will give you the contents of the colno'th element found in row rowno.

All pointer manipulations automatically take into account the size of the object pointed to. - K&R Section 5.4, p.103

This is also the case if any padding or byte alignment shifting is involved in the storage of the object at hand. The compiler will automatically adjust for these. By definition of the C ANSI standard.



git - Server host key not cached

In Windows 7 or 10, the trick that worked for me is deleting the GIT_SSH system variable. It was set before to use Plink, and now was replaced by Putty. This was causing Plink.exe error

There was also an old installation of Git (32-bit version) and updating to Git(e.g. Git-2.20.1-64-bit.exe) since the PC was 64-bit OS.

Anyway the Putty/Plink was not even used by Git since in the Git installation it was default to use Open SSH.

How to shut down the computer from C#

For Windows 10, I needed to add /f option in order to shutdown the pc without any question and wait time.

//This did not work for me
Process.Start("shutdown", "/s /t 0");

//But this worked
Process.Start("shutdown", "/s /f /t 0");

Best way to determine user's locale within browser

On Chrome and Firefox 32+, navigator.languages contains an array of locales in order of user preference, and is more accurate than navigator.language, however to make it backwards-compatible (Tested Chrome / IE / Firefox / Safari), then use this:

function getLang()
 if (navigator.languages != undefined) 
 return navigator.languages[0]; 
 return navigator.language;

Absolute vs relative URLs

See this:

foo://username:[email protected]:8042/over/there/index.dtb;type=animal?name=ferret#nose
\ /   \________________/\_________/ \__/            \___/ \_/ \_________/ \_________/ \__/
 |           |               |       |                |    |       |           |       |
 |       userinfo         hostname  port              |    |       parameter query  fragment
 |    \_______________________________/ \_____________|____|____________/
scheme                |                               | |  |
 |                authority                           |path|
 |                                                    |    |
 |            path                       interpretable as filename
 |   ___________|____________                              |
/ \ /                        \                             |
urn:example:animal:ferret:nose               interpretable as extension

An absolute URL includes the parts before the "path" part - in other words, it includes the scheme (the http in http://foo/bar/baz) and the hostname (the foo in http://foo/bar/baz) (and optionally port, userinfo and port).

Relative URLs start with a path.

Absolute URLs are, well, absolute: the location of the resource can be resolved looking only at the URL itself. A relative URL is in a sense incomplete: to resolve it, you need the scheme and hostname, and these are typically taken from the current context. For example, in a web page at


you could put a link like so

<a href="pages/page1">click me</a>

In the href attribute of the link, a relative URLs used, and if it is clicked, it has to be resolved in order to follow it. In this case, the current context is


so the schema, hostname, and leading path of these are taken and prepended to pages/page1, yielding


If the link would have been:

<a href="/pages/page1">click me</a>

(note the / appearing at the start of the URL) then it would have been resolved as


because the leading / indicates the root of the host.

In a webapplication, I would advise to use relative URLs for all resources that belong to your app. That way, if you change the location of the pages, everything will continue to work. Any external resources (could be pages completely outside your application, but also static content that you deliver through a content delivery network) should always be pointed to using absolute URLs: if you don't there simply is no way to locate them, because they reside on a different server.

How do you automatically set text box to Uppercase?

<script type="text/javascript">
    function upperCaseF(a){
        a.value = a.value.toUpperCase();
    }, 1);

<input type="text" required="" name="partno" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter a Part No*" onkeydown="upperCaseF(this)">

Trying to make bootstrap modal wider

If you need this solution for only few types of modals just use style="width:90%" attribute.


div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" style="width:90%"

note: this will change only this particular modal

How to round up value C# to the nearest integer?

It is simple. So follow this code.

decimal d = 10.5;
int roundNumber = (int)Math.Floor(d + 0.5);

Result is 11

Docker remove <none> TAG images

docker rmi -f $(docker images -a|awk 'NR > 1 && $2 == "" {print $3}')

How can strip whitespaces in PHP's variable?

Any possible option is to use custom file wrapper for simulating variables as files. You can achieve it by using this:

1) First of all, register your wrapper (only once in file, use it like session_start()):

stream_wrapper_register('var', VarWrapper);

2) Then define your wrapper class (it is really fast written, not completely correct, but it works):

class VarWrapper {
  protected $pos = 0;
  protected $content;
  public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path) {
    $varname = substr($path, 6);
    global $$varname;
    $this->content = $$varname;
    return true;
  public function stream_read($count) {
    $s = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $count);
    $this->pos += $count;
    return $s;
  public function stream_stat() {
    $f = fopen(__file__, 'rb');
    $a = fstat($f);
    if (isset($a[7])) $a[7] = strlen($this->content);
    return $a;

3) Then use any file function with your wrapper on var:// protocol (you can use it for include, require etc. too):

global $__myVar;
$__myVar = 'Enter tags here';
$data = php_strip_whitespace('var://__myVar');

Note: Don't forget to have your variable in global scope (like global $__myVar)

How can I schedule a job to run a SQL query daily?

Here's a sample code:

Exec sp_add_schedule
    @schedule_name = N'SchedulName' 
    @freq_type = 1
    @active_start_time = 08300


This worked for me but only after forcing the specific verbs to be handled by the default handler.

    <add path="*" verb="OPTIONS" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>
    <add path="*" verb="TRACE" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>
    <add path="*" verb="HEAD" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>

You still use the same configuration as you have above, but also force the verbs to be handled with the default handler and validated. Source:

An easy way to test is just to deny GET and see if your site loads.

SQL RANK() over PARTITION on joined tables


How to call Oracle MD5 hash function?

@user755806 I do not believe that your question was answered. I took your code but used the 'foo' example string, added a lower function and also found the length of the hash returned. In sqlplus or Oracle's sql developer Java database client you can use this to call the md5sum of a value. The column formats clean up the presentation.

column hash_key format a34;
column hash_key_len format 999999;
select dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5(
          input => UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw('foo')) as hash_key,
          input => UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw('foo'))) as hash_key_len
 from dual;

The result set

HASH_KEY                           HASH_KEY_LEN
---------------------------------- ------------
acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8             32

is the same value that is returned from a Linux md5sum command.

echo -n foo | md5sum
acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8  -
  1. Yes you can call or execute the sql statement directly in sqlplus or sql developer. I tested the sql statement in both clients against 11g.
  2. You can use any C, C#, Java or other programming language that can send a statement to the database. It is the database on the other end of the call that needs to be able to understand the sql statement. In the case of 11 g, the code will work.
  3. @tbone provides an excellent warning about the deprecation of the dbms_obfuscation_toolkit. However, that does not mean your code is unusable in 12c. It will work but you will want to eventually switch to dbms_crypto package. dbms_crypto is not available in my version of 11g.

How can I create an editable dropdownlist in HTML?

A combobox is unfortunately something that was left out of the HTML specifications.

The only way to manage it, rather unfortunately, is to roll your own or use a pre-built one. This one looks quite simple. I use this one for an open-source app although unfortunately you have to pay for commercial usage.

Find all files in a directory with extension .txt in Python

This code makes my life simpler.

import os
fnames = ([file for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir)
    for file in files
    if file.endswith('.txt') #or file.endswith('.png') or file.endswith('.pdf')
for fname in fnames: print(fname)

Use of "this" keyword in C++

Yes, it is not required and is usually omitted. It might be required for accessing variables after they have been overridden in the scope though:

Person::Person() {
    int age;
    this->age = 1;

Also, this:

Person::Person(int _age) {
    age = _age;

It is pretty bad style; if you need an initializer with the same name use this notation:

Person::Person(int age) : age(age) {}

More info here:

How do I sort an observable collection?

I would like to Add to NeilW's answer. To incorporate a method that resembles the orderby. Add this method as an extension:

public static void Sort<T>(this ObservableCollection<T> collection, Func<T,T> keySelector) where T : IComparable
    List<T> sorted = collection.OrderBy(keySelector).ToList();
    for (int i = 0; i < sorted.Count(); i++)
        collection.Move(collection.IndexOf(sorted[i]), i);

And use like:

myCollection = new ObservableCollection<MyObject>();

//Sorts in place, on a specific Func<T,T>
myCollection.Sort(x => x.ID);

Determining the last row in a single column

An update of Mogsdad's solution:

    var Avals = ss.getRange("A1:A").getValues();
    var Alast = Avals.filter(function(r){return r[0].length>0});

Is "&#160;" a replacement of "&nbsp;"?

  • &nbsp; is the character entity reference (meant to be easily parseable by humans).
  • &#160; is the numeric entity reference (meant to be easily parseable by machines).

They are the same except for the fact that the latter does not need another lookup table to find its actual value. The lookup table is called a DTD, by the way.

You can read more about character entity references in the offical W3C documents.

How to select an element with 2 classes

You can chain class selectors without a space between them:

.a.b {
     color: #666;

Note that, if it matters to you, IE6 treats .a.b as .b, so in that browser both div.a.b and div.b will have gray text. See this answer for a comparison between proper browsers and IE6.

How long is the SHA256 hash?

Encoding options for SHA256's 256 bits:

  1. Base64: 6 bits per char = CHAR(44) including padding character
  2. Hex: 4 bits per char = CHAR(64)
  3. Binary: 8 bits per byte = BINARY(32)

How to convert a String to Bytearray

You don't need underscore, just use built-in map:

var string = 'Hello World!';_x000D_
document.write(string.split('').map(function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(); }));

'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

I had a similar issue recently while working on recursion and nested lists. I declared:


instead of


Note the comma after the number 3

Why do I need 'b' to encode a string with Base64?

base64 encoding takes 8-bit binary byte data and encodes it uses only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /* so it can be transmitted over channels that do not preserve all 8-bits of data, such as email.

Hence, it wants a string of 8-bit bytes. You create those in Python 3 with the b'' syntax.

If you remove the b, it becomes a string. A string is a sequence of Unicode characters. base64 has no idea what to do with Unicode data, it's not 8-bit. It's not really any bits, in fact. :-)

In your second example:

>>> encoded = base64.b64encode('data to be encoded')

All the characters fit neatly into the ASCII character set, and base64 encoding is therefore actually a bit pointless. You can convert it to ascii instead, with

>>> encoded = 'data to be encoded'.encode('ascii')

Or simpler:

>>> encoded = b'data to be encoded'

Which would be the same thing in this case.

* Most base64 flavours may also include a = at the end as padding. In addition, some base64 variants may use characters other than + and /. See the Variants summary table at Wikipedia for an overview.

JavaScript Infinitely Looping slideshow with delays?

Perhps this is what you are looking for.

var pos = 0;
window.onload = function start() {
    setTimeout(slide, 3000);
function slide() {
   pos -= 600;
   if (pos === -2400)
     pos = 0;
   document.getElementById('container').style.marginLeft= pos + "px";
   setTimeout(slide, 3000);

Hibernate Criteria for Dates

try this,

    String dateStr = "17-April-2011 19:20:23.707000000 ";
    Date dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse(dateStr);
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");  

    String newDate = format.format(dateForm);  

    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date fromDate = format.parse(newDate);
    today.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
    Date toDate= new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").parse(format.format(today.getTime()));

    Criteria crit = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Model.class);
    crit.add("dateFieldName", fromDate));
    crit.add(Restrictions.le("dateFieldName", toDate));
    return crit.list();

Android - save/restore fragment state

You can get current Fragment from fragmentManager. And if there are non of them in fragment manager you can create Fragment_1

public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {

    public static Fragment_1 fragment_1;
    public static Fragment_2 fragment_2;
    public static Fragment_3 fragment_3;
    public static FragmentManager fragmentManager;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle arg0) {

        fragment_1 = (Fragment_1) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("fragment1");

        fragment_2  =(Fragment_2) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("fragment2");

        fragment_3 = (Fragment_3) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("fragment3");

        if(fragment_1==null && fragment_2==null && fragment_3==null){           
            fragment_1 = new Fragment_1();          
            fragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment_1, "fragment1").commit();



also you can use setRetainInstance to true what it will do it ignore onDestroy() method in fragment and your application going to back ground and os kill your application to allocate more memory you will need to save all data you need in onSaveInstanceState bundle

public class Fragment_1 extends Fragment {

    private EditText title;
    private Button go_next;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        setRetainInstance(true); //Will ignore onDestroy Method (Nested Fragments no need this if parent have it)

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
            Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);

    //Here you can restore saved data in onSaveInstanceState Bundle
    private void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState){
            String SomeText = savedInstanceState.getString("title");            

    //Here you Save your data
    public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
        outState.putString("title", "Some Text");


Get combobox value in Java swing

If the string is empty, comboBox.getSelectedItem().toString() will give a NullPointerException. So better to typecast by (String).

Issue in installing php7.2-mcrypt

I followed below steps to install mcrypt for PHP7.2 using PECL.

  1. Install PECL

apt-get install php-pecl

  1. Before installing MCRYPT you must install libmcrypt

apt-get install libmcrypt-dev libreadline-dev

  1. Install MCRYPT 1.0.1 using PECL

pecl install mcrypt-1.0.1

  1. After the successful installation

You should add "" to php.ini

Please comment below if you need any assistance. :-)


According to reference many (all) mcrypt functions have been DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.1.0. Relying on this function is highly discouraged.

Use Font Awesome Icon in Placeholder

You can't add an icon and text because you can't apply a different font to part of a placeholder, however, if you are satisfied with just an icon then it can work. The FontAwesome icons are just characters with a custom font (you can look at the FontAwesome Cheatsheet for the escaped Unicode character in the content rule. In the less source code it's found in variables.less The challenge would be to swap the fonts when the input is not empty. Combine it with jQuery like this.

<form role="form">
  <div class="form-group">
    <input type="text" class="form-control empty" id="iconified" placeholder="&#xF002;"/>

With this CSS:

input.empty {
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    text-decoration: inherit;

And this (simple) jQuery

$('#iconified').on('keyup', function() {
    var input = $(this);
    if(input.val().length === 0) {
    } else {

The transition between fonts will not be smooth, however.

C# Encoding a text string with line breaks

Try this :

string myStr = ...
myStr = myStr.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine)

Using Selenium Web Driver to retrieve value of a HTML input

You can do like this :

webelement time=driver.findElement("input_name")).getAttribute("value");

this will give you the time displaying on the webpage.

Bootstrap 4 multiselect dropdown

Because the bootstrap-select is a bootstrap component and therefore you need to include it in your code as you did for your V3

NOTE: this component only works in since version 1.13.0

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select class="selectpicker" multiple data-live-search="true">_x000D_

Configuring diff tool with .gitconfig

Adding one of the blocks below works for me to use KDiff3 for my Windows and Linux development environments. It makes for a nice consistent cross-platform diff and merge tool.


[difftool "kdiff3"]
    path = /usr/bin/kdiff3
    trustExitCode = false
    prompt = false
    tool = kdiff3
[mergetool "kdiff3"]
    path = /usr/bin/kdiff3
    trustExitCode = false
    keepBackup = false
    tool = kdiff3


[difftool "kdiff3"]
    path = C:/Progra~1/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe
    trustExitCode = false
    prompt = false
    tool = kdiff3
[mergetool "kdiff3"]
    path = C:/Progra~1/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe
    trustExitCode = false
    keepBackup = false
    tool = kdiff3

How do I set the proxy to be used by the JVM

Set the property to true. You can set it, for example, through the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environmental variable. In Ubuntu, you can, for example, add the following line to .bashrc:


Issue with Task Scheduler launching a task

Check whether you are scheduling a task to trigger an executable (.exe) or a batch (.bat) file. If you have scheduled any other file to open (for example a .txt or .docx file), the file not open.

Cannot create Maven Project in eclipse

In my case following solution worked.

  1. Delete RELEASE directory & file in your local Maven repository under directory .m2/../maven-archetype-quickstart.
  2. Create Maven project in Eclipse or STS (Spring Tool Suite). It will automatically download quickstart archetype & work as expected.

I hope this may help someone.

How to write to file in Ruby?

The Ruby File class will give you the ins and outs of ::new and ::open but its parent, the IO class, gets into the depth of #read and #write.

How to detect scroll direction

I managed to figure it out in the end, so if anyone is looking for the answer:

 $('#elem').bind('DOMMouseScroll', function(e){
     if(e.originalEvent.detail > 0) {
         //scroll down
     }else {
         //scroll up

     //prevent page fom scrolling
     return false;

 //IE, Opera, Safari
 $('#elem').bind('mousewheel', function(e){
     if(e.originalEvent.wheelDelta < 0) {
         //scroll down
     }else {
         //scroll up

     //prevent page fom scrolling
     return false;

Text Editor For Linux (Besides Vi)?

Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor is quite good. It has syntax highlighting, block selection mode, terminal/console, sessions, window splitting both horizontal and vertical etc.

Fastest way to download a GitHub project

When you are on a project page, you can press the 'Download ZIP' button which is located under the "Clone or Download" drop down:

enter image description here

This allows you to download the most recent version of the code as a zip archive.

If you aren't seeing that button, it is likely because you aren't on the main project page. To get there, click on the left-most tab labeled "<> Code".

Object Required Error in excel VBA

In order to set the value of integer variable we simply assign the value to it. eg g1val = 0 where as set keyword is used to assign value to object.

Sub test()

Dim g1val, g2val As Integer

  g1val = 0
  g2val = 0

    For i = 3 To 18

     If g1val > Cells(33, i).Value Then
        g1val = g1val
       g1val = Cells(33, i).Value
     End If

    Next i

    For j = 32 To 57
        If g2val > Cells(31, j).Value Then
           g2val = g2val
          g2val = Cells(31, j).Value
        End If
    Next j

End Sub

Oracle comparing timestamp with date

You can truncate the date

FROM Table1
WHERE trunc(field1) = to_Date('2012-01-01','YYY-MM-DD')

Look at the SQL Fiddle for more examples.

What is the most compatible way to install python modules on a Mac?

For MacPython installations, I found an effective solution to fixing the problem with setuptools (easy_install) in this blog post:

One handy tip includes finding out which version of python is active in the terminal:

which python

How to get row from R data.frame


where r is the row you're interested in. Try this, for example:

#Add your data
x <- structure(list(A = c(5,    3.5, 3.25, 4.25,  1.5 ), 
                    B = c(4.25, 4,   4,    4.5,   4.5 ),
                    C = c(4.5,  2.5, 4,    2.25,  3   )
               .Names    = c("A", "B", "C"),
               class     = "data.frame",
               row.names = c(NA, -5L)

#The vector your result should match
y<-c(A=5, B=4.25, C=4.5)

#Test that the items in the row match the vector you wanted

This page (from this useful site) has good information on indexing like this.

In jQuery, what's the best way of formatting a number to 2 decimal places?

If you're doing this to several fields, or doing it quite often, then perhaps a plugin is the answer.
Here's the beginnings of a jQuery plugin that formats the value of a field to two decimal places.
It is triggered by the onchange event of the field. You may want something different.

<script type="text/javascript">

    // mini jQuery plugin that formats to two decimal places
    (function($) {
        $.fn.currencyFormat = function() {
            this.each( function( i ) {
                $(this).change( function( e ){
                    if( isNaN( parseFloat( this.value ) ) ) return;
                    this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);
            return this; //for chaining
    })( jQuery );

    // apply the currencyFormat behaviour to elements with 'currency' as their class
    $( function() {

<input type="text" name="one" class="currency"><br>
<input type="text" name="two" class="currency">

Update Git submodule to latest commit on origin

@Jason is correct in a way but not entirely.


Update the registered submodules, i.e. clone missing submodules and checkout the commit specified in the index of the containing repository. This will make the submodules HEAD be detached unless --rebase or --merge is specified or the key submodule.$name.update is set to rebase or merge.

So, git submodule update does checkout, but it is to the commit in the index of the containing repository. It does not yet know of the new commit upstream at all. So go to your submodule, get the commit you want and commit the updated submodule state in the main repository and then do the git submodule update.

jQuery ajax post file field

I tried this code to accept files using Ajax and on submit file gets store using my php file. Code modified slightly to work. (Uploaded Files: PDF,JPG)

function verify1() {
        type: 'POST',
        data: new FormData($("#infoForm1")[0]),
        processData: false, 
        contentType: false, 
        success: function(returnval) {

Just print the file details and check. You will get Output. If error let me know.

How to remove array element in mongodb?

You can simply use $pull to remove a sub-document. The $pull operator removes from an existing array all instances of a value or values that match a specified condition.

    _id: parentDocumentId
  }, {
    $pull: {
      subDocument: {
        _id: SubDocumentId

This will find your parent document against given ID and then will remove the element from subDocument which matched the given criteria.

Read more about pull here.

Temporary tables in stored procedures

According SQL Server 2008 Books You can create local and global temporary tables. Local temporary tables are visible only in the current session, and global temporary tables are visible to all sessions.



If a local temporary table is created in a stored procedure or application that can be executed at the same time by several users, the Database Engine must be able to distinguish the tables created by the different users. The Database Engine does this by internally appending a numeric suffix to each local temporary table name.

Then there occurs no problem.

Unable to install pyodbc on Linux

I faced with same issue. For python3.6.8 and ubuntu 16.04 none of above did not help me.

sudo apt-get install python3.6-dev

This solved my problem.

Error:(23, 17) Failed to resolve: junit:junit:4.12

Mostly this issue will come when ever you update your SDK, at the time of project creation Gradle build fails. If you add the maven and jcenter repositories to your build.gradle(Module:app) your problem will solved.

repositories {
    maven { url '' }
    jcenter { url "" }

These are the two line you have to add after

apply plugin: '' 

This is how your code look like after adding those two lines

apply plugin: ''

 repositories {
        maven { url '' }
        jcenter { url "" }

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.1"

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.okedroid.myapplication"
        minSdkVersion 17
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

How do I convert a string to a double in Python?

>>> x = "2342.34"
>>> float(x)

There you go. Use float (which behaves like and has the same precision as a C,C++, or Java double).

Revert to Eclipse default settings

you need to do the process for all individual languages you work on...

enter image description here

How to sort a list/tuple of lists/tuples by the element at a given index?

I just want to add to Stephen's answer if you want to sort the array from high to low, another way other than in the comments above is just to add this to the line:

reverse = True

and the result will be as follows:

data.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)

Why does background-color have no effect on this DIV?

Change it to:

<div style="background-color:black; overflow:hidden;" onmouseover="this.bgColor='white'">
<div style="float:left">hello</div>
<div style="float:right">world</div>

Basically the outer div only contains floats. Floats are removed from the normal flow. As such the outer div really contains nothing and thus has no height. It really is black but you just can't see it.

The overflow:hidden property basically makes the outer div enclose the floats. The other way to do this is:

<div style="background-color:black" onmouseover="this.bgColor='white'">
<div style="float:left">hello</div>
<div style="float:right">world</div>
<div style="clear:both></div>

Oh and just for completeness, you should really prefer classes to direct CSS styles.

How do I set the selected item in a comboBox to match my string using C#?

Assuming that your combobox isn't databound you would need to find the object's index in the "items" collection on your form and then set the "selectedindex" property to the appropriate index.

comboBox1.SelectedIndex = comboBox1.Items.IndexOf("test1");

Keep in mind that the IndexOf function may throw an argumentexception if the item isn't found.

What is this date format? 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z

You can use the following example.

    String date = "2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z";

    String inputPattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'";

    String outputPattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";

    LocalDateTime inputDate = null;
    String outputDate = null;

    DateTimeFormatter inputFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(inputPattern, Locale.ENGLISH);
    DateTimeFormatter outputFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(outputPattern, Locale.ENGLISH);

    inputDate = LocalDateTime.parse(date, inputFormatter);
    outputDate = outputFormatter.format(inputDate);

    System.out.println("inputDate: " + inputDate);
    System.out.println("outputDate: " + outputDate);

Does Visual Studio Code have box select/multi-line edit?

The shortcuts I use in Visual Studio for multiline (aka box) select are Shift + Alt + up/down/left/right

To create this in Visual Studio Code you can add these keybindings to the keybindings.json file (menu FilePreferencesKeyboard shortcuts).

{ "key": "shift+alt+down", "command": "editor.action.insertCursorBelow",
                                 "when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "shift+alt+up", "command": "editor.action.insertCursorAbove",
                                 "when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "shift+alt+right", "command": "cursorRightSelect",
                                     "when": "editorTextFocus" },
{ "key": "shift+alt+left", "command": "cursorLeftSelect",
                                     "when": "editorTextFocus" }

Why the switch statement cannot be applied on strings?


constexpr hash function:

constexpr unsigned int hash(const char *s, int off = 0) {                        
    return !s[off] ? 5381 : (hash(s, off+1)*33) ^ s[off];                           

switch( hash(str) ){
case hash("one") : // do something
case hash("two") : // do something

How to get JSON Key and Value?

$.each(result, function(key, value) {
  console.log(key+ ':' + value);

Creating and playing a sound in swift

For Swift 3:

extension SystemSoundID {
    static func playFileNamed(_ fileName: String, withExtenstion fileExtension: String) {
        var sound: SystemSoundID = 0
        if let soundURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: fileName, withExtension: fileExtension) {
            AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundURL as CFURL, &sound)

Dynamically converting java object of Object class to a given class when class name is known

You don't have to convert the object to a MyClass object because it already is. Wnat you really want to do is to cast it, but since the class name is not known at compile time, you can't do that, since you can't declare a variable of that class. My guess is that you want/need something like "duck typing", i.e. you don't know the class name but you know the method name at compile time. Interfaces, as proposed by Gregory, are your best bet to do that.

How to add a local repo and treat it as a remote repo

You have your arguments to the remote add command reversed:

git remote add <NAME> <PATH>


git remote add bak /home/sas/dev/apps/smx/repo/bak/ontologybackend/.git

See git remote --help for more information.

Is Java's assertEquals method reliable?

assertEquals uses the equals method for comparison. There is a different assert, assertSame, which uses the == operator.

To understand why == shouldn't be used with strings you need to understand what == does: it does an identity check. That is, a == b checks to see if a and b refer to the same object. It is built into the language, and its behavior cannot be changed by different classes. The equals method, on the other hand, can be overridden by classes. While its default behavior (in the Object class) is to do an identity check using the == operator, many classes, including String, override it to instead do an "equivalence" check. In the case of String, instead of checking if a and b refer to the same object, a.equals(b) checks to see if the objects they refer to are both strings that contain exactly the same characters.

Analogy time: imagine that each String object is a piece of paper with something written on it. Let's say I have two pieces of paper with "Foo" written on them, and another with "Bar" written on it. If I take the first two pieces of paper and use == to compare them it will return false because it's essentially asking "are these the same piece of paper?". It doesn't need to even look at what's written on the paper. The fact that I'm giving it two pieces of paper (rather than the same one twice) means it will return false. If I use equals, however, the equals method will read the two pieces of paper and see that they say the same thing ("Foo"), and so it'll return true.

The bit that gets confusing with Strings is that the Java has a concept of "interning" Strings, and this is (effectively) automatically performed on any string literals in your code. This means that if you have two equivalent string literals in your code (even if they're in different classes) they'll actually both refer to the same String object. This makes the == operator return true more often than one might expect.

Rails.env vs RAILS_ENV

According to the docs, #Rails.env wraps RAILS_ENV:

    # File vendor/rails/railties/lib/initializer.rb, line 55
     def env
       @_env ||=

But, look at specifically how it's wrapped, using ActiveSupport::StringInquirer:

Wrapping a string in this class gives you a prettier way to test for equality. The value returned by Rails.env is wrapped in a StringInquirer object so instead of calling this:

Rails.env == "production"

you can call this:


So they aren't exactly equivalent, but they're fairly close. I haven't used Rails much yet, but I'd say #Rails.env is certainly the more visually attractive option due to using StringInquirer.

Check if image exists on server using JavaScript?

You can refer this link for check if a image file exists with JavaScript.


    var image = new Image();
    var url_image = './ImageFolder/' + variable + '.jpg';
    image.src = url_image;
    if (image.width == 0) {
       return `<img src='./ImageFolder/defaultImage.jpg'>`;
    } else {
       return `<img src='./ImageFolder/`+variable+`.jpg'`;
    } } ```

Increase max execution time for php

PHP file (for example, my_lengthy_script.php)

ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); //300 seconds = 5 minutes

.htaccess file

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value max_execution_time 300

More configuration options

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value post_max_size 5M
php_value upload_max_filesize 5M
php_value memory_limit 128M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 1200

If wordpress, set this in the config.php file,

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');

If drupal, sites/default/settings.php

ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');

If you are using other frameworks,

ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');

You can increase memory as gigabyte.

ini_set('memory_limit', '3G'); // 3 Gigabytes

259200 means:-

( 259200/(60x60 minutes) ) / 24 hours ===> 3 Days

More details on my blog

How to reload the current state?

I found this to be the shortest working way to refresh with ui-router:

$state.go($state.current, {}, {reload: true}); //second parameter is for $stateParams

Update for newer versions:


Which is an alias for:

$state.transitionTo($state.current, $stateParams, { 
  reload: true, inherit: false, notify: true


Why can't I push to this bare repository?

This related question's answer provided the solution for me... it was just a dumb mistake:

Remember to commit first!

If you have not yet committed to your local repo, there is nothing to push, but the Git error message you get back doesn't help you too much.

wampserver doesn't go green - stays orange

the cause could be a variety of reasons. It might not show up in the log files. I had the case where the log showed Apache started, then all threads shut down, and absolutely no explanation why. Here's a tip for solving this problem everybody seems to have missed. The log file should show the full command line used to start apache, something like:

httpd -d C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9

Do this: open a cmd window, cd to the apache bin directory, and run the command manually:

c:\> cd C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin
C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin> httpd -d C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9

It blurted out the error stright away; problem solved in 5 minutes:

AH00526: Syntax error on line 609 of C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9/conf/httpd.conf:
CustomLog takes two or three arguments, a file name, a custom log format string or format name, and an optional "env=" or "expr=" clause (see docs)

this happened due to a syntax error I put in 'httpd.conf' while trying to make my wampserver multi-homed. But why didn't the apache people write this in the log file?

How can I add (simple) tracing in C#?

DotNetCoders has a starter article on it: They talk about how to set up the switches in the configuration file and how to write the code, but it is pretty old (2002).

There's another article on CodeProject: A Treatise on Using Debug and Trace classes, including Exception Handling, but it's the same age.

CodeGuru has another article on custom TraceListeners: Implementing a Custom TraceListener

python how to "negate" value : if true return false, if false return true

Use the not boolean operator:

nyval = not myval

not returns a boolean value (True or False):

>>> not 1
>>> not 0

If you must have an integer, cast it back:

nyval = int(not myval)

However, the python bool type is a subclass of int, so this may not be needed:

>>> int(not 0)
>>> int(not 1)
>>> not 0 == 1
>>> not 1 == 0

Can I use CASE statement in a JOIN condition?

Took DonkeyKong's example.

The issue is I needed to use a declared variable. This allows for stating your left and right-hand side of what you need to compare. This is for supporting an SSRS report where different fields must be linked based on the selection by the user.

The initial case sets the field choice based on the selection and then I can set the field I need to match on for the join.

A second case statement could be added for the right-hand side if the variable is needed to choose from different fields

LEFT OUTER JOIN Dashboard_Group_Level_Matching ON
         when @Level  = 'lvl1' then  cw.Lvl1
         when @Level  = 'lvl2' then  cw.Lvl2
         when @Level  = 'lvl3' then  cw.Lvl3
    = Dashboard_Group_Level_Matching.Dashboard_Level_Name

The role of #ifdef and #ifndef

The code looks strange because the printf are not in any function blocks.

AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'createLBPHFaceRecognizer'

if you are using python3.x and opencv==4.1.0 then use following commands First of all

python -m pip install --user opencv-contrib-python

after that use this in the python script


Switching from zsh to bash on OSX, and back again?

You can just use exec to replace your current shell with a new shell:

Switch to bash:

exec bash

Switch to zsh:

exec zsh

This won't affect new terminal windows or anything, but it's convenient.

Pass form data to another page with php

The best way to accomplish that is to use POST which is a method of Hypertext Transfer Protocol



<form action="site2.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="name">
Email: <input type="text" name="email">
<input type="submit">




 Hello <?php echo $_POST["name"]; ?>!<br>
 Your mail is <?php echo $_POST["mail"]; ?>.



Hello "name" !

Your email is "[email protected]" .

When should I use a struct rather than a class in C#?

A class is a reference type. When an object of the class is created, the variable to which the object is assigned holds only a reference to that memory. When the object reference is assigned to a new variable, the new variable refers to the original object. Changes made through one variable are reflected in the other variable because they both refer to the same data. A struct is a value type. When a struct is created, the variable to which the struct is assigned holds the struct's actual data. When the struct is assigned to a new variable, it is copied. The new variable and the original variable therefore contain two separate copies of the same data. Changes made to one copy do not affect the other copy. In general, classes are used to model more complex behavior, or data that is intended to be modified after a class object is created. Structs are best suited for small data structures that contain primarily data that is not intended to be modified after the struct is created.

Classes and Structs (C# Programming Guide)

How to use git merge --squash?

For Git

Create a new feature

via Terminal/Shell:

git checkout origin/feature/<featurename>
git merge --squash origin/feature/<featurename>

This doesnt commit it, allows you to review it first.

Then commit, and finish feature from this new branch, and delete/ignore the old one (the one you did dev on).

docker: executable file not found in $PATH

This was the first result on google when I pasted my error message, and it's because my arguments were out of order.

The container name has to be after all of the arguments.


docker run <container_name> -v $(pwd):/src -it


docker run -v $(pwd):/src -it <container_name>

Blue and Purple Default links, how to remove?

You need to override the color:

a { color:red } /* Globally */

/* Each state */

a:visited { text-decoration: none; color:red; }
a:hover { text-decoration: none; color:blue; }
a:focus { text-decoration: none; color:yellow; }
a:hover, a:active { text-decoration: none; color:black }

Simple timeout in java

Nowadays you can use

try {
    String s = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> br.readLine())
                                .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
    System.out.println("Time out has occurred");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
    // Handle

TCP: can two different sockets share a port?

A connected socket is assigned to a new (dedicated) port

That's a common intuition, but it's incorrect. A connected socket is not assigned to a new/dedicated port. The only actual constraint that the TCP stack must satisfy is that the tuple of (local_address, local_port, remote_address, remote_port) must be unique for each socket connection. Thus the server can have many TCP sockets using the same local port, as long as each of the sockets on the port is connected to a different remote location.

See the "Socket Pair" paragraph at:

Why use a ReentrantLock if one can use synchronized(this)?

I think the wait/notify/notifyAll methods don't belong on the Object class as it pollutes all objects with methods that are rarely used. They make much more sense on a dedicated Lock class. So from this point of view, perhaps it's better to use a tool that is explicitly designed for the job at hand - ie ReentrantLock.

How can I force gradle to redownload dependencies?

For those who are wondering where to run gradle commands:

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Click on Terminal(You will find it in the base of Android Studio)
  3. The command tool will open
  4. Type your command gradlew build --refresh-dependencies

Convert a binary NodeJS Buffer to JavaScript ArrayBuffer

1. A Buffer is just a view for looking into an ArrayBuffer.

A Buffer, in fact, is a FastBuffer, which extends (inherits from) Uint8Array, which is an octet-unit view (“partial accessor”) of the actual memory, an ArrayBuffer.

  /lib/buffer.js#L65-L73 Node.js 9.4.0
class FastBuffer extends Uint8Array {
  constructor(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
    super(arg1, arg2, arg3);
FastBuffer.prototype.constructor = Buffer;
internalBuffer.FastBuffer = FastBuffer;

Buffer.prototype = FastBuffer.prototype;

2. The size of an ArrayBuffer and the size of its view may vary.

Reason #1: Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]]).

With Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]]), you can create a Buffer with specifying its underlying ArrayBuffer and the view's position and size.

const test_buffer = Buffer.from(new ArrayBuffer(50), 40, 10);; // 50; the size of the memory.; // 10; the size of the view.

Reason #2: FastBuffer's memory allocation.

It allocates the memory in two different ways depending on the size.

  • If the size is less than the half of the size of a memory pool and is not 0 (“small”): it makes use of a memory pool to prepare the required memory.
  • Else: it creates a dedicated ArrayBuffer that exactly fits the required memory.
  /lib/buffer.js#L306-L320 Node.js 9.4.0
function allocate(size) {
  if (size <= 0) {
    return new FastBuffer();
  if (size < (Buffer.poolSize >>> 1)) {
    if (size > (poolSize - poolOffset))
    var b = new FastBuffer(allocPool, poolOffset, size);
    poolOffset += size;
    return b;
  } else {
    return createUnsafeBuffer(size);
  /lib/buffer.js#L98-L100 Node.js 9.4.0
function createUnsafeBuffer(size) {
  return new FastBuffer(createUnsafeArrayBuffer(size));

What do you mean by a “memory pool?”

A memory pool is a fixed-size pre-allocated memory block for keeping small-size memory chunks for Buffers. Using it keeps the small-size memory chunks tightly together, so prevents fragmentation caused by separate management (allocation and deallocation) of small-size memory chunks.

In this case, the memory pools are ArrayBuffers whose size is 8 KiB by default, which is specified in Buffer.poolSize. When it is to provide a small-size memory chunk for a Buffer, it checks if the last memory pool has enough available memory to handle this; if so, it creates a Buffer that “views” the given partial chunk of the memory pool, otherwise, it creates a new memory pool and so on.

You can access the underlying ArrayBuffer of a Buffer. The Buffer's buffer property (that is, inherited from Uint8Array) holds it. A “small” Buffer's buffer property is an ArrayBuffer that represents the entire memory pool. So in this case, the ArrayBuffer and the Buffer varies in size.

const zero_sized_buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0);
const small_buffer = Buffer.from([0xC0, 0xFF, 0xEE]);
const big_buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(Buffer.poolSize >>> 1);

// A `Buffer`'s `length` property holds the size, in octets, of the view.
// An `ArrayBuffer`'s `byteLength` property holds the size, in octets, of its data.; /// 0; the view's size.; /// 0; the memory..'s size.; /// 8192; a memory pool's size.; /// 3; the view's size.; /// 8192; the memory pool's size.; /// 8192; a memory pool's size.; /// 4096; the view's size.; /// 4096; the memory's size.; /// 8192; a memory pool's size.

3. So we need to extract the memory it “views.”

An ArrayBuffer is fixed in size, so we need to extract it out by making a copy of the part. To do this, we use Buffer's byteOffset property and length property, which are inherited from Uint8Array, and the ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice method, which makes a copy of a part of an ArrayBuffer. The slice()-ing method herein was inspired by @ZachB.

const test_buffer = Buffer.from(new ArrayBuffer(10));
const zero_sized_buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0);
const small_buffer = Buffer.from([0xC0, 0xFF, 0xEE]);
const big_buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(Buffer.poolSize >>> 1);

function extract_arraybuffer(buf)
    // You may use the `byteLength` property instead of the `length` one.
    return buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.length);

// A copy -
const test_arraybuffer = extract_arraybuffer(test_buffer); // of the memory.
const zero_sized_arraybuffer = extract_arraybuffer(zero_sized_buffer); // of the... void.
const small_arraybuffer = extract_arraybuffer(small_buffer); // of the part of the memory.
const big_arraybuffer = extract_arraybuffer(big_buffer); // of the memory.; // 10; // 0; // 3; // 4096

4. Performance improvement

If you're to use the results as read-only, or it is okay to modify the input Buffers' contents, you can avoid unnecessary memory copying.

const test_buffer = Buffer.from(new ArrayBuffer(10));
const zero_sized_buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0);
const small_buffer = Buffer.from([0xC0, 0xFF, 0xEE]);
const big_buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(Buffer.poolSize >>> 1);

function obtain_arraybuffer(buf)
    if(buf.length === buf.buffer.byteLength)
        return buf.buffer;
    } // else:
    // You may use the `byteLength` property instead of the `length` one.
    return buf.subarray(0, buf.length);

// Its underlying `ArrayBuffer`.
const test_arraybuffer = obtain_arraybuffer(test_buffer);
// Just a zero-sized `ArrayBuffer`.
const zero_sized_arraybuffer = obtain_arraybuffer(zero_sized_buffer);
// A copy of the part of the memory.
const small_arraybuffer = obtain_arraybuffer(small_buffer);
// Its underlying `ArrayBuffer`.
const big_arraybuffer = obtain_arraybuffer(big_buffer);; // 10; // 0; // 3; // 4096

How can I use Google's Roboto font on a website?

it's easy

every folder of those you downloaded has a different kind of roboto font, means they are different fonts

example: "roboto_regular_macroman"

to use any of them:

1- extract the folder of the font you want to use

2- upload it near the css file

3- now include it in the css file

example for including the font which called "roboto_regular_macroman":

@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('roboto_regular_macroman/Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot');
src: url('roboto_regular_macroman/Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
     url('roboto_regular_macroman/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
     url('roboto_regular_macroman/Roboto-Regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
     url('roboto_regular_macroman/Roboto-Regular-webfont.svg#RobotoRegular') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

watch for the path of the files, here i uploaded the folder called "roboto_regular_macroman" in the same folder where the css is

then you can now simply use the font by typing font-family: 'Roboto';

How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data?

If you need to work with DTOs rather than entities directly then you should retrieve the existing Customer instance and map the updated fields from the DTO to that.

Customer entity = //load from DB
//map fields from DTO to entity

Sort Array of object by object field in Angular 6

Not tested but should work

 products.sort((a,b)=>a.title.rendered > b.title.rendered)

How to ignore the first line of data when processing CSV data?

For me the easiest way to go is to use range.

import csv

with open('files/filename.csv') as I:
    reader = csv.reader(I)
    fulllist = list(reader)

# Starting with data skipping header
for item in range(1, len(fulllist)): 
    # Print each row using "item" as the index value
    print (fulllist[item])  

How can I style an Android Switch?

You can customize material styles by setting different color properties. For example custom application theme

<style name="CustomAppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
    <item name="android:textColorPrimaryDisableOnly">#00838f</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">#e91e63</item>

Custom switch theme

<style name="MySwitch" parent="@style/Widget.AppCompat.CompoundButton.Switch">
    <item name="android:textColorPrimaryDisableOnly">#b71c1c</item>
    <item name="android:colorControlActivated">#1b5e20</item>
    <item name="android:colorForeground">#f57f17</item>
    <item name="android:textAppearance">@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat</item>

You can customize switch track and switch thumb like below image by defining xml drawables. For more information

custom switch track and thumb

Why I can't access remote Jupyter Notebook server?

if you are using Conda environment, you should set up config file again. And file location will be something like this. I did not setup config file after I created env in Conda and that was my connection problem.


Is it possible to program iPhone in C++

Short answer, yes, sort of. You can use Objective-C++, which you can read about at Apple Developer Connection.

If you know C++ already, learning Objective-C would be pretty simple, if you decided to give that a try. More info on that topic is at the ADC as well.

Set variable in jinja

{{ }} tells the template to print the value, this won't work in expressions like you're trying to do. Instead, use the {% set %} template tag and then assign the value the same way you would in normal python code.

{% set testing = 'it worked' %}
{% set another = testing %}
{{ another }}


it worked

postgres: upgrade a user to be a superuser?


You can read more at the Documentation

Converting an OpenCV Image to Black and White

Step-by-step answer similar to the one you refer to, using the new cv2 Python bindings:

1. Read a grayscale image

import cv2
im_gray = cv2.imread('grayscale_image.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

2. Convert grayscale image to binary

(thresh, im_bw) = cv2.threshold(im_gray, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

which determines the threshold automatically from the image using Otsu's method, or if you already know the threshold you can use:

thresh = 127
im_bw = cv2.threshold(im_gray, thresh, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]

3. Save to disk

cv2.imwrite('bw_image.png', im_bw)

Convert Enumeration to a Set/List

When using guava (See doc) there is Iterators.forEnumeration. Given an Enumeration x you can do the following:

to get a immutable Set:


to get a immutable List:


to get a hashSet:


How to fix 'Notice: Undefined index:' in PHP form action


Check your enctype in the form before submitting

Android translate animation - permanently move View to new position using AnimationListener

This is what worked for me perfectly:-

// slide the view from its current position to below itself
public void slideUp(final View view, final View llDomestic){

    ObjectAnimator animation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "translationY",0f);


// slide the view from below itself to the current position
public void slideDown(View view,View llDomestic){
    ObjectAnimator animation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "translationY",   0f);

llDomestic : The view which you want to hide. view: The view which you want to move down or up.

How to reset postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?

Reset all sequence from public

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "reset_sequence" (tablename text) RETURNS "pg_catalog"."void" AS 
  EXECUTE 'SELECT setval( ''' 
  || tablename  
  || '_id_seq'', ' 
  || '(SELECT id + 1 FROM "' 
  || tablename  
  || '" ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1), false)';  
$body$  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

select sequence_name, reset_sequence(split_part(sequence_name, '_id_seq',1)) from information_schema.sequences
        where sequence_schema='public';

ImportError: No module named apiclient.discovery

This can also happen if the interpreter on your IDE is pointing to the wrong virtual environment. In VSCODE I've set it manually to the correct interpreter and my problem was solved.

Import error: No module name urllib2

Python 3:

import urllib.request

wp = urllib.request.urlopen("")
pw =

Python 2:

import urllib
import sys

wp = urllib.urlopen("")
for line in wp:

While I have tested both the Codes in respective versions.

How to get the selected date value while using Bootstrap Datepicker?


How is the 'use strict' statement interpreted in Node.js?

"use strict";

Basically it enables the strict mode.

Strict Mode is a feature that allows you to place a program, or a function, in a "strict" operating context. In strict operating context, the method form binds this to the objects as before. The function form binds this to undefined, not the global set objects.

As per your comments you are telling some differences will be there. But it's your assumption. The Node.js code is nothing but your JavaScript code. All Node.js code are interpreted by the V8 JavaScript engine. The V8 JavaScript Engine is an open source JavaScript engine developed by Google for Chrome web browser.

So, there will be no major difference how "use strict"; is interpreted by the Chrome browser and Node.js.

Please read what is strict mode in JavaScript.

For more information:

  1. Strict mode
  2. ECMAScript 5 Strict mode support in browsers
  3. Strict mode is coming to town
  4. Compatibility table for strict mode
  5. Stack Overflow questions: what does 'use strict' do in JavaScript & what is the reasoning behind it

ECMAScript 6:

ECMAScript 6 Code & strict mode. Following is brief from the specification:

10.2.1 Strict Mode Code

An ECMAScript Script syntactic unit may be processed using either unrestricted or strict mode syntax and semantics. Code is interpreted as strict mode code in the following situations:

  • Global code is strict mode code if it begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive (see 14.1.1).
  • Module code is always strict mode code.
  • All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code.
  • Eval code is strict mode code if it begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive or if the call to eval is a direct eval (see that is contained in strict mode code.
  • Function code is strict mode code if the associated FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, GeneratorDeclaration, GeneratorExpression, MethodDefinition, or ArrowFunction is contained in strict mode code or if the code that produces the value of the function’s [[ECMAScriptCode]] internal slot begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive.
  • Function code that is supplied as the arguments to the built-in Function and Generator constructors is strict mode code if the last argument is a String that when processed is a FunctionBody that begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive.

Additionally if you are lost on what features are supported by your current version of Node.js, this can help you (leverages from the same data as kangax).

JavaFX How to set scene background image

In addition to @Elltz answer, we can use both fill and image for background:

            new Background(
                    Collections.singletonList(new BackgroundFill(
                            new CornerRadii(500), 
                            new Insets(10))),
                    Collections.singletonList(new BackgroundImage(
                            new Image("image/logo.png", 100, 100, false, true),


                new Background(
                        Collections.singletonList(new BackgroundFill(
                                new CornerRadii(0),
                                new Insets(0))),
                        Collections.singletonList(new BackgroundImage(
                                new Image("file:clouds.jpg", 100, 100, false, true),
                                new BackgroundSize(1.0, 1.0, true, true, false, false)

(different last argument) to make the image full-window size.

Using routes in Express-js

So, after I created my question, I got this related list on the right with a similar issue: Organize routes in Node.js.

The answer in that post linked to the Express repo on GitHub and suggests to look at the 'route-separation' example.

This helped me change my code, and I now have it working. - Thanks for your comments.

My implementation ended up looking like this;

I require my routes in the app.js:

var express = require('express')
  , site = require('./site')
  , wiki = require('./wiki');

And I add my routes like this:

app.get('/', site.index);
app.get('/wiki/:id/edit', wiki.edit);

I have two files called wiki.js and site.js in the root of my app, containing this:

exports.edit = function(req, res) {

    var wiki_entry =;

    res.render('wiki/edit', {
        title: 'Editing Wiki',
        wiki: wiki_entry

Group by with multiple columns using lambda

var query = source.GroupBy(x => new { x.Column1, x.Column2 });

How to use sed to remove all double quotes within a file

Additional comment. Yes this works:

    sed 's/\"//g' infile.txt  > outfile.txt

(however with batch gnu sed, will just print to screen)

In batch scripting (GNU SED), this was needed:

    sed 's/\x22//g' infile.txt  > outfile.txt

Hibernate: in production?

  • Typically enterprise applications in large organizations run with reduced privileges.

  • Database username may not have DDL privilege for adding columns which requires.

JQuery How to extract value from href tag?

Here's a method that works by transforming the querystring into JSON...

var link = $('a').attr('href');

if (link.indexOf("?") != -1) {
    var query = link.split("?")[1];

    eval("query = {" + query.replace(/&/ig, "\",").replace(/=/ig, ":\"") + "\"};");

    if (
        alert('No page parameter');

} else {
    alert('No querystring');

I'd go with a library like the others suggest though... =)

check if jquery has been loaded, then load it if false

Even though you may have a head appending it may not work in all browsers. This was the only method I found to work consistently.

<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
  document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=""><\/script>');        

AngularJS : Clear $watch

If you have too much watchers and you need to clear all of them, you can push them into an array and destroy every $watch in a loop.

var watchers = [];
watchers.push( $scope.$watch('watch-xxx', function(newVal){
   //do something

for(var i = 0; i < watchers.length; ++i){
    if(typeof watchers[i] === 'function'){

watchers = [];

Cause of No suitable driver found for

"no suitable driver" usually means that the syntax for the connection URL is incorrect.

CAML query with nested ANDs and ORs for multiple fields

Since you are not allowed to put more than two conditions in one condition group (And | Or) you have to create an extra nested group (MSDN). The expression A AND B AND C looks like this:


Your SQL like sample translated to CAML (hopefully with matching XML tags ;) ):

                <FieldRef Name='FirstName' />
                <Value Type='Text'>John</Value>
                    <FieldRef Name='LastName' />
                    <Value Type='Text'>John</Value>
                    <FieldRef Name='Profile' />
                    <Value Type='Text'>John</Value>
                    <FieldRef Name='FirstName' />
                    <Value Type='Text'>Doe</Value>
                        <FieldRef Name='LastName' />
                        <Value Type='Text'>Doe</Value>
                        <FieldRef Name='Profile' />
                        <Value Type='Text'>Doe</Value>
                    <FieldRef Name='FirstName' />
                    <Value Type='Text'>123</Value>
                        <FieldRef Name='LastName' />
                        <Value Type='Text'>123</Value>
                        <FieldRef Name='Profile' />
                        <Value Type='Text'>123</Value>

Change background color on mouseover and remove it after mouseout

Try this , its working and simple


    <div class="forum">


$(document).ready(function() {
    var colorOrig=$(".forum").css('background-color');
    function() {
        //mouse over
        $(this).css('background', '#ff0')
    }, function() {
        //mouse out
        $(this).css('background', colorOrig)

css ?


live demo

Is there a way to create and run javascript in Chrome?

You need an HTML page to load a JS file.

Websocket connections with Postman

You can use the tool APIC available here This tool allows you to test websocket which use either StompJS or native Websocket. More info here at

CMake error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (project): No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found

None of the solutions here solves my problem - only when I install Windows Update for universal C runtime.

Now CMake is working and no more link hangs from Visual Studio.

Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows

What is the difference between NULL, '\0' and 0?

(void*) 0 is NULL, and '\0' represents the end of a string.

How do I get a file extension in PHP?

1) If you are using (PHP 5 >= 5.3.6) you can use SplFileInfo::getExtension — Gets the file extension

Example code


$info = new SplFileInfo('test.png');

$info = new SplFileInfo('test.tar.gz');


This will output

string(3) "png"
string(2) "gz"

2) Another way of getting the extension if you are using (PHP 4 >= 4.0.3, PHP 5) is pathinfo

Example code


$ext = pathinfo('test.png', PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

$ext = pathinfo('test.tar.gz', PATHINFO_EXTENSION);


This will output

string(3) "png"
string(2) "gz"

// EDIT: removed a bracket

Service Temporarily Unavailable Magento?

You can do this thing:

Go to http://localhost/magento/downloader url. Here I am running the magento store on my localhost. Now you can login to magento connect manager and uninstall the extension which you installed previously.

Hope this works !!!!!


vim line numbers - how to have them on by default?

To change the default setting to display line numbers in vi/vim:

vi ~/.vimrc

then add the following line to the file:

set number

Either we can source ~/.vimrc or save and quit by :wq, now future vi/vim sessions will have numbering :)

how to write procedure to insert data in to the table in phpmyadmin?

Try this-

CREATE PROCEDURE simpleproc (IN name varchar(50),IN user_name varchar(50),IN branch varchar(50))
    insert into student (name,user_name,branch) values (name ,user_name,branch);

Make browser window blink in task Bar

You may want to try window.focus() - but it may be annoying if the screen switches around

How to redirect to another page using AngularJS?

In AngularJS you can redirect your form (on submit) to other page by using window.location.href=''; like below:

    if (email=='undefined') {
      this.Utils.showToast('Invalid Email');
    } else {
      var origin = 'Dubai';, origin).then(data => { 
      window.location.href = "";      

Simply try this:

window.location.href = ""; 

Add horizontal scrollbar to html table

I couldn't get any of the above solutions to work. However, I found a hack:

body {_x000D_
  background-color: #ccc;_x000D_
.container {_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  background-color: white;_x000D_
table {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
/* try removing the "hack" below to see how the table overflows the .body */_x000D_
.hack1 {_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
  table-layout: fixed;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
.hack2 {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
  overflow-x: auto;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="hack1">_x000D_
    <div class="hack2">_x000D_
          <td>table or other arbitrary content</td>_x000D_
          <td>that will cause your page to stretch</td>_x000D_

How to get the system uptime in Windows?

I use this little PowerShell snippet:

function Get-SystemUptime {
    $operatingSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem
    "$((Get-Date) - ([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($operatingSystem.LastBootUpTime)))"

which then yields something like the following:

PS> Get-SystemUptime

how to set default main class in java?

Assuming your my.jar has a class1 and class2 with a main defined in each, you can just call java like this:

java my.jar class1

java my.jar class2

If you need to specify other options to java just make sure they are before the my.jar

java -classpath my.jar class1

How can I introduce multiple conditions in LIKE operator?

Oracle 10g has functions that allow the use of POSIX-compliant regular expressions in SQL:


See the Oracle Database SQL Reference for syntax details on this functions.

Take a look at Regular expressions in Perl with examples.

Code :

    select * from tbl where regexp_like(col, '^(ABC|XYZ|PQR)');

SQL Server stored procedure parameters

@TaskName varchar(50),
-- SP Logic

Procedure Calling

DECLARE @return_value nvarchar(50)

EXEC  @return_value = GetTaskEvents
        @TaskName = 'TaskName',
        @Id =2  

SELECT  'Return Value' = @return_value

Polymorphism vs Overriding vs Overloading

Polymorphism is the ability for an object to appear in multiple forms. This involves using inheritance and virtual functions to build a family of objects which can be interchanged. The base class contains the prototypes of the virtual functions, possibly unimplemented or with default implementations as the application dictates, and the various derived classes each implements them differently to affect different behaviors.