Programs & Examples On #Robotium

Robotium is an Android test automation framework that has full support for native and hybrid applications. Robotium makes it easy to write powerful and robust automatic black-box UI tests for Android applications. With the support of Robotium, test case developers can write function, system and user acceptance test scenarios, spanning multiple Android activities.

How to programmatically clear application data

Check this code to:

protected void onDestroy() {
// closing Entire Application
    Editor editor = getSharedPreferences("clear_cache", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit();

public static void trimCache(Context context) {
    try {
        File dir = context.getCacheDir();
        if (dir != null && dir.isDirectory()) {

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO: handle exception

public static boolean deleteDir(File dir) {
    if (dir != null && dir.isDirectory()) {
        String[] children = dir.list();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            boolean success = deleteDir(new File(dir, children[i]));
            if (!success) {
                return false;

    // <uses-permission
    // android:name="android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE"></uses-permission>
    // The directory is now empty so delete it

    return dir.delete();

How to use MapView in android using google map V2?

I created dummy sample for Google Maps v2 Android with Kotlin and AndroidX

You can find complete project here: github-link


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

val position = LatLng(-33.920455, 18.466941)

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    with(mapView) {
        // Initialise the MapView
        // Set the map ready callback to receive the GoogleMap object

private fun setMapLocation(map : GoogleMap) {
    with(map) {
        moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(position, 13f))
        mapType = GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL
        setOnMapClickListener {
            Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Clicked on map", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

override fun onResume() {

override fun onPause() {

override fun onDestroy() {

override fun onLowMemory() {


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
      xmlns:tools="" package="com.murgupluoglu.googlemap">

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

            android:value="API_KEY_HERE" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



Does PHP have threading?

Here is an example of what Wilco suggested:

$cmd = 'nohup nice -n 10 /usr/bin/php -c /path/to/php.ini -f /path/to/php/file.php action=generate var1_id=23 var2_id=35 gen_id=535 > /path/to/log/file.log & echo $!';
$pid = shell_exec($cmd);

Basically this executes the PHP script at the command line, but immediately returns the PID and then runs in the background. (The echo $! ensures nothing else is returned other than the PID.) This allows your PHP script to continue or quit if you want. When I have used this, I have redirected the user to another page, where every 5 to 60 seconds an AJAX call is made to check if the report is still running. (I have a table to store the gen_id and the user it's related to.) The check script runs the following:

exec('ps ' . $pid , $processState);
if (count($processState) < 2) {
     // less than 2 rows in the ps, therefore report is complete

There is a short post on this technique here:

How to get multiline input from user

In Python 3.x the raw_input() of Python 2.x has been replaced by input() function. However in both the cases you cannot input multi-line strings, for that purpose you would need to get input from the user line by line and then .join() them using \n, or you can also take various lines and concatenate them using + operator separated by \n

To get multi-line input from the user you can go like:

no_of_lines = 5
lines = ""
for i in xrange(no_of_lines):



lines = []
while True:
    line = input()
    if line:
text = '\n'.join(lines)

How to make a background 20% transparent on Android

Now Android Studio 3.3 and later version provide an inbuilt feature to change an Alpha value of the color,

Just click on a color in Android studio editor and provide Alpha value in percentage.

For more information see below image

enter image description here

How to open CSV file in R when R says "no such file or directory"?

In my case this very problem was raised by wrong spelling, lower case 'c:' instead of upper case 'C:' in the path. I corrected spelling and problem vanished.

How to check if a variable is empty in python?

Yes, bool. It's not exactly the same -- '0' is True, but None, False, [], 0, 0.0, and "" are all False.

bool is used implicitly when you evaluate an object in a condition like an if or while statement, conditional expression, or with a boolean operator.

If you wanted to handle strings containing numbers as PHP does, you could do something like:

def empty(value):
        value = float(value)
    except ValueError:
    return bool(value)

Attach the Java Source Code

The option provided by"praveenak" can also be applied to any other jar files with source file provided. For example, for JavaFx, we right click jfxrt.jar, select "Properties" and enter jdk1.8.0_05/ for "Path" under External location.

SQL Server 100% CPU Utilization - One database shows high CPU usage than others

You can see some reports in SSMS:

Right-click the instance name / reports / standard / top sessions

You can see top CPU consuming sessions. This may shed some light on what SQL processes are using resources. There are a few other CPU related reports if you look around. I was going to point to some more DMVs but if you've looked into that already I'll skip it.

You can use sp_BlitzCache to find the top CPU consuming queries. You can also sort by IO and other things as well. This is using DMV info which accumulates between restarts.

This article looks promising.

Some stackoverflow goodness from Mr. Ozar.

edit: A little more advice... A query running for 'only' 5 seconds can be a problem. It could be using all your cores and really running 8 cores times 5 seconds - 40 seconds of 'virtual' time. I like to use some DMVs to see how many executions have happened for that code to see what that 5 seconds adds up to.

How to download a file using a Java REST service and a data stream

Refer this:

@RequestMapping(value="download", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public void getDownload(HttpServletResponse response) {

// Get your file stream from wherever.
InputStream myStream = someClass.returnFile();

// Set the content type and attachment header.
response.addHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=myfilename.txt");

// Copy the stream to the response's output stream.
IOUtils.copy(myStream, response.getOutputStream());

Details at:

Char array to hex string C++

Code snippet above provides incorrect byte order in string, so I fixed it a bit.

char const hex[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A',   'B','C','D','E','F'};

std::string byte_2_str(char* bytes, int size) {
  std::string str;
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    const char ch = bytes[i];
    str.append(&hex[(ch  & 0xF0) >> 4], 1);
    str.append(&hex[ch & 0xF], 1);
  return str;

Extract names of objects from list

Making a small tweak to the inside function and using lapply on an index instead of the actual list itself gets this doing what you want

x <- c("yes", "no", "maybe", "no", "no", "yes")
y <- c("red", "blue", "green", "green", "orange")
list.xy <- list(x=x, y=y)

WORD.C <- function(WORDS){

  L2 <- lapply(WORDS, function(x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  # Takes a dataframe and the text you want to display
  FUN <- function(X, text){
    wordcloud(X[, 1], X[, 2], min.freq=1)
    mtext(text, 3, padj=-4.5, col="red")  #what I'm trying that isn't working

  # Now creates the sequence 1,...,length(L2)
  # Loops over that and then create an anonymous function
  # to send in the information you want to use.
  lapply(seq_along(L2), function(i){FUN(L2[[i]], names(L2)[i])})

  # Since you asked about loops
  # you could use i in seq_along(L2) 
  # instead of 1:length(L2) if you wanted to
  #for(i in 1:length(L2)){
  #  FUN(L2[[i]], names(L2)[i])


Firebase (FCM) how to get token

Instead of this:

    // [START refresh_token]
    public void onTokenRefresh() {
//        Get updated InstanceID token.
//        String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
//        Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + refreshedToken);
//        TODO: Implement this method to send any registration to your app's servers.
//        sendRegistrationToServer(refreshedToken);
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, RegistrationIntentService.class);
    // [END refresh_token]

Do this:

    // [START refresh_token]
    public void onTokenRefresh() {
        // Get updated InstanceID token.
        String refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
//        Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + refreshedToken);

        // Implement this method to send token to your app's server

    // [END refresh_token]

And one more thing:

You need to call sendRegistrationToServer() method which will update token on server, if you are sending push notifications from server.


New Firebase token is generated (onTokenRefresh() is called) when:

  • The app deletes Instance ID
  • The app is restored on a new device
  • The user uninstalls/reinstall the app
  • The user clears app data.

How do I remove objects from a JavaScript associative array?

There is an elegant way in the Airbnb Style Guide to do this (ECMAScript 7):

const myObject = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3
const { a, ...noA } = myObject;
console.log(noA); // => { b: 2, c: 3 }


Creating a class object in c++

Example example;

Here example is an object on the stack.

Example* example=new Example();

This could be broken into:

Example* example;
example=new Example();

Here the first statement creates a variable example which is a "pointer to Example". When the constructor is called, memory is allocated for it on the heap (dynamic allocation). It is the programmer's responsibility to free this memory when it is no longer needed. (C++ does not have garbage collection like java).

Evaluate expression given as a string

The eval() function evaluates an expression, but "5+5" is a string, not an expression. Use parse() with text=<string> to change the string into an expression:

> eval(parse(text="5+5"))
[1] 10
> class("5+5")
[1] "character"
> class(parse(text="5+5"))
[1] "expression"

Calling eval() invokes many behaviours, some are not immediately obvious:

> class(eval(parse(text="5+5")))
[1] "numeric"
> class(eval(parse(text="gray")))
[1] "function"
> class(eval(parse(text="blue")))
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'blue' not found

See also tryCatch.

Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist

I'v tried all of these solutions but the one that has worked for me is:

  1. run react-native upgrade
  2. open xcode
  3. run the application in xCode
  4. works fine!

process.env.NODE_ENV is undefined

It is due to OS

In your package.json, make sure to have your scripts(Where app.js is your main js file to be executed & NODE_ENV is declared in a .env file).Eg:

"scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js",
    "dev": "nodemon server.js",
    "prod": "NODE_ENV=production & nodemon app.js"

For windows

Also set up your .env file variable having NODE_ENV=development

If your .env file is in a folder for eg.config folder make sure to specify in app.js(your main js file)

const dotenv = require('dotenv'); dotenv.config({ path: './config/config.env' });

fe_sendauth: no password supplied

Do not use passwords. Use peer authentication instead:


SQL multiple column ordering

Multiple column ordering depends on both column's corresponding values: Here is my table example where are two columns named with Alphabets and Numbers and the values in these two columns are asc and desc orders.

enter image description here

Now I perform Order By in these two columns by executing below command:

enter image description here

Now again I insert new values in these two columns, where Alphabet value in ASC order:

enter image description here

and the columns in Example table look like this. Now again perform the same operation:

enter image description here

You can see the values in the first column are in desc order but second column is not in ASC order.

How to change language settings in R

Change your current regional format to a different regional format in region settings on time&language settings in Windows by clicking on your time/date in lower right corner > adjust time/date > Region > change regional format to UK or US

add elements to object array

You can't. However, you can replace the array with a new one which contains the extra element.

But it is easier and gives better performance to use an List<T> (uses interface IList) for this. List<T> does not resize the array every time you add an item - instead it doubles it when needed.


class Student
    IList<Subject> subjects = new List<Subject>();

class Subject
    string Name;
    string referenceBook;

Now you can say:

someStudent.subjects.Add(new Subject());

How many bits or bytes are there in a character?

There are 8 bits in a byte (normally speaking in Windows).

However, if you are dealing with characters, it will depend on the charset/encoding. Unicode character can be 2 or 4 bytes, so that would be 16 or 32 bits, whereas Windows-1252 sometimes incorrectly called ANSI is only 1 bytes so 8 bits.

In Asian version of Windows and some others, the entire system runs in double-byte, so a character is 16 bits.


Per Matteo's comment, all contemporary versions of Windows use 16-bits internally per character.

Use of var keyword in C#

I don't understand why people start debates like this. It really serves no purpose than to start flame wars at then end of which nothing is gained. Now if the C# team was trying to phase out one style in favor of the other, I can see the reason to argue over the merits of each style. But since both are going to remain in the language, why not use the one you prefer and let everybody do the same. It's like the use of everybody's favorite ternary operator: some like it and some don't. At the end of the day, it makes no difference to the compiler.

This is like arguing with your siblings over which is your favorite parent: it doesn't matter unless they are divorcing!

Android : Fill Spinner From Java Code Programmatically

// you need to have a list of data that you want the spinner to display
List<String> spinnerArray =  new ArrayList<String>();

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(
    this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, spinnerArray);

Spinner sItems = (Spinner) findViewById(;

also to find out what is selected you could do something like this

String selected = sItems.getSelectedItem().toString();
if (selected.equals("what ever the option was")) {

Clicking the back button twice to exit an activity

Just thought I would share how I did it in the end, I just added in my activity:

private boolean doubleBackToExitPressedOnce = false;

protected void onResume() {
    // .... other stuff in my onResume ....
    this.doubleBackToExitPressedOnce = false;

public void onBackPressed() {
    if (doubleBackToExitPressedOnce) {
    this.doubleBackToExitPressedOnce = true;
    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.exit_press_back_twice_message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

And it just works exactly as I want. Including the reset of the state whenever the activity is resumed.

How to get the list of all database users

Whenever you 'see' something in the GUI (SSMS) and you're like "that's what I need", you can always run Sql Profiler to fish for the query that was used.

Run Sql Profiler. Attach it to your database of course.

Then right click in the GUI (in SSMS) and click "Refresh".
And then go see what Profiler "catches".

I got the below when I was in MyDatabase / Security / Users and clicked "refresh" on the "Users".

Again, I didn't come up with the WHERE clause and the LEFT OUTER JOIN, it was a part of the SSMS query. And this query is something that somebody at Microsoft has written (you know, the peeps who know the product inside and out, aka, the experts), so they are familiar with all the weird "flags" in the database.

But the SSMS/GUI -> Sql Profiler tricks works in many scenarios.

'Server[@Name=' + quotename(CAST(
       AS sysname),'''') + ']' + '/Database[@Name=' + quotename(db_name(),'''') + ']' + '/User[@Name=' + quotename(,'''') + ']' AS [Urn],
u.create_date AS [CreateDate],
u.principal_id AS [ID],
CAST(CASE dp.state WHEN N'G' THEN 1 WHEN 'W' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS [HasDBAccess]
sys.database_principals AS u
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_permissions AS dp ON dp.grantee_principal_id = u.principal_id and dp.type = 'CO'
(u.type in ('U', 'S', 'G', 'C', 'K' ,'E', 'X'))
[Name] ASC

Cannot execute RUN mkdir in a Dockerfile

You can also simply use

WORKDIR /var/www/app

It will automatically create the folders if they don't exist.

Then switch back to the directory you need to be in.

SQL: Combine Select count(*) from multiple tables

you could name all fields and add an outer select on those fields:

SELECT A, B, C FROM ( your initial query here ) TableAlias

That should do the trick.

Using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject to deserialize Json to a C# POCO class

Along the lines of the accepted answer, if you have a JSON text sample you can plug it in to this converter, select your options and generate the C# code.

If you don't know the type at runtime, this topic looks like it would fit.

dynamically deserialize json into any object passed in. c#

How do I create a chart with multiple series using different X values for each series?

You need to use the Scatter chart type instead of Line. That will allow you to define separate X values for each series.

Why can I not push_back a unique_ptr into a vector?

You need to move the unique_ptr:


unique_ptr guarantees that a single unique_ptr container has ownership of the held pointer. This means that you can't make copies of a unique_ptr (because then two unique_ptrs would have ownership), so you can only move it.

Note, however, that your current use of unique_ptr is incorrect. You cannot use it to manage a pointer to a local variable. The lifetime of a local variable is managed automatically: local variables are destroyed when the block ends (e.g., when the function returns, in this case). You need to dynamically allocate the object:

std::unique_ptr<int> ptr(new int(1));

In C++14 we have an even better way to do so:


Error "File google-services.json is missing from module root folder. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it"

That Problem is because:- The folder or file you pasted to your product downloaded from the firebase console is not named as google-services.json. so now click it then right mouse click in all the options open refractor and rename it to google-services.json. because this worked for me

How to configure Eclipse build path to use Maven dependencies?

I did not found the maven or configure menus but found the following button that solved my problem:

enter image description here

How to solve a timeout error in Laravel 5

In Laravel:

Add set_time_limit(0) line on top of query.


$users = App\User::all();

It helps you in different large queries but you should need to improve query optimise.

The activity must be exported or contain an intent-filter

I changed the Select Run/Debug Configuration from my MainActivity to App and it started working. Select App configuration snapshot:

enter image description here

Set width of a "Position: fixed" div relative to parent div

There is an easy solution for this.

I have used a fixed position for parent div and a max-width for the contents.

You don't need to think about too much about other containers because fixed position only relative to the browser window.

            background: red;_x000D_
        .fixed .content{_x000D_
            max-width: 500px;_x000D_
            margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
            text-align: center;_x000D_
            padding: 20px 0;_x000D_
<div class="fixed">_x000D_
  <div class="content">_x000D_
     This is my content_x000D_

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?

Try this it's working for me

RequestOptions requestOptions = new RequestOptions();

Calling a class function inside of __init__

Call the function in this way:


You also need to define your parse_file() function like this:

def parse_file(self):

The parse_file method has to be bound to an object upon calling it (because it's not a static method). This is done by calling the function on an instance of the object, in your case the instance is self. in javascript

yo can extend your JS with a select method like this = function(closure){
    for(var n = 0; n < this.length; n++) {
            return this[n];

    return null;

now you can use this:

var x = [1,2,3,4];

var a = {
    return v == 2;


or for objects in a array

var x = [{id: 1, a: true},
    {id: 2, a: true},
    {id: 3, a: true},
    {id: 4, a: true}];

var a = {
    return = 2;


Create Word Document using PHP in Linux

Following on Ivan Krechetov's answer, here is a function that does mail merge (actually just simple text replace) for docx and odt, without the need for an extra library.

function mailMerge($templateFile, $newFile, $row)
  if (!copy($templateFile, $newFile))  // make a duplicate so we dont overwrite the template
    return false; // could not duplicate template
  $zip = new ZipArchive();
  if ($zip->open($newFile, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS) !== TRUE)
    return false; // probably not a docx file
  $file = substr($templateFile, -4) == '.odt' ? 'content.xml' : 'word/document.xml';
  $data = $zip->getFromName($file);
  foreach ($row as $key => $value)
    $data = str_replace($key, $value, $data);
  $zip->addFromString($file, $data);
  return true;

This will replace [Person Name] with Mina and [Person Last Name] with Mooo:

$replacements = array('[Person Name]' => 'Mina', '[Person Last Name]' => 'Mooo');
$newFile = tempnam_sfx(sys_get_temp_dir(), '.dat');
$templateName = 'personinfo.docx';
if (mailMerge($templateName, $newFile, $replacements))
  header('Content-type: application/msword');
  header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $templateName);
  header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
  header('Content-Length: '. filesize($file));

Beware that this function can corrupt the document if the string to replace is too general. Try to use verbose replacement strings like [Person Name].

Decimal or numeric values in regular expression validation

A simple regex to match a numeric input and optional 2 digits decimal.


You can modify the {0,2} to match your decimal preference {min, max}

Snippet for validation:

const source = document.getElementById('source');
source.addEventListener('input', allowOnlyNumberAndDecimals);

function allowOnlyNumberAndDecimals(e) {
  let str =
  const regExp = /^\d*(\.)?(\d{0,2})?$/

  status = regExp.test(str) ? 'valid' : 'invalid'

  console.log(status + ' : ' + source.value)
<input type="text" id="source" />

Executing command line programs from within python

This whole setup seems a little unstable to me.

Talk to the ffmpegx folks about having a GUI front-end over a command-line backend. It doesn't seem to bother them.

Indeed, I submit that a GUI (or web) front-end over a command-line backend is actually more stable, since you have a very, very clean interface between GUI and command. The command can evolve at a different pace from the web, as long as the command-line options are compatible, you have no possibility of breakage.

Installing Java 7 on Ubuntu

Oracle as well as modern versions of Ubuntu have moved to newer versions of Java. The default for Ubuntu 20.04 is OpenJDK 11 which is good enough for most purposes.

If you really need it for running legacy programs, OpenJDK 8 is also available for Ubuntu 20.04 from the official repositories.

If you really need exactly Java 7, the best bet as of 2020 is to download a Zulu distribution. The easiest to install if you have root privileges is the .DEB version, otherwise download the .ZIP one.

Using Razor within JavaScript

You're trying to jam a square peg in a round hole.

Razor was intended as an HTML-generating template language. You may very well get it to generate JavaScript code, but it wasn't designed for that.

For instance: What if Model.Title contains an apostrophe? That would break your JavaScript code, and Razor won't escape it correctly by default.

It would probably be more appropriate to use a String generator in a helper function. There will likely be fewer unintended consequences of that approach.

How do I sort a dictionary by value?

As of Python 3.6 the built-in dict will be ordered

Good news, so the OP's original use case of mapping pairs retrieved from a database with unique string ids as keys and numeric values as values into a built-in Python v3.6+ dict, should now respect the insert order.

If say the resulting two column table expressions from a database query like:

SELECT a_key, a_value FROM a_table ORDER BY a_value;

would be stored in two Python tuples, k_seq and v_seq (aligned by numerical index and with the same length of course), then:

k_seq = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
v_seq = (0, 1, 42)
ordered_map = dict(zip(k_seq, v_seq))

Allow to output later as:

for k, v in ordered_map.items():
    print(k, v)

yielding in this case (for the new Python 3.6+ built-in dict!):

foo 0
bar 1
baz 42

in the same ordering per value of v.

Where in the Python 3.5 install on my machine it currently yields:

bar 1
foo 0
baz 42


As proposed in 2012 by Raymond Hettinger (cf. mail on python-dev with subject "More compact dictionaries with faster iteration") and now (in 2016) announced in a mail by Victor Stinner to python-dev with subject "Python 3.6 dict becomes compact and gets a private version; and keywords become ordered" due to the fix/implementation of issue 27350 "Compact and ordered dict" in Python 3.6 we will now be able, to use a built-in dict to maintain insert order!!

Hopefully this will lead to a thin layer OrderedDict implementation as a first step. As @JimFasarakis-Hilliard indicated, some see use cases for the OrderedDict type also in the future. I think the Python community at large will carefully inspect, if this will stand the test of time, and what the next steps will be.

Time to rethink our coding habits to not miss the possibilities opened by stable ordering of:

  • Keyword arguments and
  • (intermediate) dict storage

The first because it eases dispatch in the implementation of functions and methods in some cases.

The second as it encourages to more easily use dicts as intermediate storage in processing pipelines.

Raymond Hettinger kindly provided documentation explaining "The Tech Behind Python 3.6 Dictionaries" - from his San Francisco Python Meetup Group presentation 2016-DEC-08.

And maybe quite some Stack Overflow high decorated question and answer pages will receive variants of this information and many high quality answers will require a per version update too.

Caveat Emptor (but also see below update 2017-12-15):

As @ajcr rightfully notes: "The order-preserving aspect of this new implementation is considered an implementation detail and should not be relied upon." (from the whatsnew36) not nit picking, but the citation was cut a bit pessimistic ;-). It continues as " (this may change in the future, but it is desired to have this new dict implementation in the language for a few releases before changing the language spec to mandate order-preserving semantics for all current and future Python implementations; this also helps preserve backwards-compatibility with older versions of the language where random iteration order is still in effect, e.g. Python 3.5)."

So as in some human languages (e.g. German), usage shapes the language, and the will now has been declared ... in whatsnew36.

Update 2017-12-15:

In a mail to the python-dev list, Guido van Rossum declared:

Make it so. "Dict keeps insertion order" is the ruling. Thanks!

So, the version 3.6 CPython side-effect of dict insertion ordering is now becoming part of the language spec (and not anymore only an implementation detail). That mail thread also surfaced some distinguishing design goals for collections.OrderedDict as reminded by Raymond Hettinger during discussion.

show all tags in git log

git log --no-walk --tags --pretty="%h %d %s" --decorate=full

This version will print the commit message as well:

 $ git log --no-walk --tags --pretty="%h %d %s" --decorate=full
3713f3f  (tag: refs/tags/1.0.0, tag: refs/tags/0.6.0, refs/remotes/origin/master, refs/heads/master) SP-144/ISP-177: Updating the package.json with 0.6.0 version and the
00a3762  (tag: refs/tags/0.5.0) ISP-144/ISP-205: Update logger to save files with optional port number if defined/passed: Version 0.5.0
d8db998  (tag: refs/tags/0.4.2) ISP-141/ISP-184/ISP-187: Fixing the bug when loading the app with Gulp and Grunt for 0.4.2
3652484  (tag: refs/tags/0.4.1) ISP-141/ISP-184: Missing the package.json and updates with the 0.4.1 version
c55eee7  (tag: refs/tags/0.4.0) ISP-141/ISP-184/ISP-187: Updating the file with the latest 1.3.0 version.
6963d0b  (tag: refs/tags/0.3.0) ISP-141/ISP-184: Add support for custom serializers: README update
4afdbbe  (tag: refs/tags/0.2.0) ISP-141/ISP-143/ISP-144: Fixing a bug with the creation of the logs
e1513f1  (tag: refs/tags/0.1.0) ISP-141/ISP-143: Betterr refactoring of the Loggers, no dependencies, self-configuration for missing settings.

setContentView(R.layout.main); error

Using NetBeans 7.0:

If you fix imports before has been generated for your project (before building it the first time) it will add the line:

import android.R;

which will override the local that you are trying to reference.

Deleting that line resolved the errors for me.

Ansible - read inventory hosts and variables to group_vars/all file

If you want to refer one host define under /etc/ansible/host in a task or role, the bellow link might help:

jQuery text() and newlines

It's the year 2015. The correct answer to this question at this point is to use CSS white-space: pre-line or white-space: pre-wrap. Clean and elegant. The lowest version of IE that supports the pair is 8.

P.S. Until CSS3 become common you'd probably need to manually trim off initial and/or trailing white-spaces.

Pandas DataFrame Groupby two columns and get counts

Inserting data into a pandas dataframe and providing column name.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([['A','C','A','B','C','A','B','B','A','A'], ['ONE','TWO','ONE','ONE','ONE','TWO','ONE','TWO','ONE','THREE']]).T
df.columns = [['Alphabet','Words']]
print(df)   #printing dataframe.

This is our printed data:

enter image description here

For making a group of dataframe in pandas and counter,
You need to provide one more column which counts the grouping, let's call that column as, "COUNTER" in dataframe.

Like this:

df['COUNTER'] =1       #initially, set that counter to 1.
group_data = df.groupby(['Alphabet','Words'])['COUNTER'].sum() #sum function


enter image description here

How to use SQL Order By statement to sort results case insensitive?


Edit: If you need to specify ASC or DESC, add this after NOCASE like




Change Volley timeout duration

Just to contribute with my approach. As already answered, RetryPolicy is the way to go. But if you need a policy different the than default for all your requests, you can set it in a base Request class, so you don't need to set the policy for all the instances of your requests.

Something like this:

public class BaseRequest<T> extends Request<T> {

    public BaseRequest(int method, String url, Response.ErrorListener listener) {
        super(method, url, listener);

In my case I have a GsonRequest which extends from this BaseRequest, so I don't run the risk of forgetting to set the policy for an specific request and you can still override it if some specific request requires to.

__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'user'

I got the same error.

On my view I was overriding get_form_kwargs() like this:

class UserAccountView(FormView):
    form_class = UserAccountForm
    success_url = '/'
    template_name = 'user_account/user-account.html'

def get_form_kwargs(self):
    kwargs = super(UserAccountView, self).get_form_kwargs()
    kwargs.update({'user': self.request.user})
    return kwargs

But on my form I failed to override the init() method. Once I did it. Problem solved

class UserAccountForm(forms.Form):
    first_name = forms.CharField(label='Your first name', max_length=30)
    last_name = forms.CharField(label='Your last name', max_length=30)
    email = forms.EmailField(max_length=75)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        user = kwargs.pop('user')
        super(UserAccountForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.Button.setOnClickListener(android.view.View$OnClickListener)' on a null object reference

Check out this solution. It worked for me..... Check the id of the button for which the error is may be the same in any one of the other page in your app. If yes, then change the id of them and then the app runs perfectly.

I was having two same button id's in two different XML codes....I changed the id. Now it runs perfectly!! Hope it works

How do you change the size of figures drawn with matplotlib?

Please try a simple code as following:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3]
plt.plot(x, x)

You need to set the figure size before you plot.

Format the date using Ruby on Rails

Here's my go at answering this,

so first you will need to convert the timestamp to an actual Ruby Date/Time. If you receive it just as a string or int from facebook, you will need to do something like this:

my_date =

OK, so now assuming you already have your date object...

to_formatted_s is a handy Ruby function that turns dates into formatted strings.

Here are some examples of its usage:

time =                     # => Thu Jan 18 06:10:17 CST 2007    

time.to_formatted_s(:time)          # => "06:10"
time.to_s(:time)                    # => "06:10"    

time.to_formatted_s(:db)            # => "2007-01-18 06:10:17"
time.to_formatted_s(:number)        # => "20070118061017"
time.to_formatted_s(:short)         # => "18 Jan 06:10"
time.to_formatted_s(:long)          # => "January 18, 2007 06:10"
time.to_formatted_s(:long_ordinal)  # => "January 18th, 2007 06:10"
time.to_formatted_s(:rfc822)        # => "Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:10:17 -0600"

As you can see: :db, :number, :short ... are custom date formats.

To add your own custom format, you can create this file: config/initializers/time_formats.rb and add your own formats there, for example here's one:

Date::DATE_FORMATS[:month_day_comma_year] = "%B %e, %Y" # January 28, 2015

Where :month_day_comma_year is your format's name (you can change this to anything you want), and where %B %e, %Y is unix date format.

Here's a quick cheatsheet on unix date syntax, so you can quickly setup your custom format:


  %a - The abbreviated weekday name (``Sun'')
  %A - The  full  weekday  name (``Sunday'')
  %b - The abbreviated month name (``Jan'')
  %B - The  full  month  name (``January'')
  %c - The preferred local date and time representation
  %d - Day of the month (01..31)
  %e - Day of the month without leading 0 (1..31) 
  %g - Year in YY (00-99)
  %H - Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)
  %I - Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (01..12)
  %j - Day of the year (001..366)
  %m - Month of the year (01..12)
  %M - Minute of the hour (00..59)
  %p - Meridian indicator (``AM''  or  ``PM'')
  %S - Second of the minute (00..60)
  %U - Week  number  of the current year,
          starting with the first Sunday as the first
          day of the first week (00..53)
  %W - Week  number  of the current year,
          starting with the first Monday as the first
          day of the first week (00..53)
  %w - Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6)
  %x - Preferred representation for the date alone, no time
  %X - Preferred representation for the time alone, no date
  %y - Year without a century (00..99)
  %Y - Year with century
  %Z - Time zone name
  %% - Literal ``%'' character    

   t =
   t.strftime("Printed on %m/%d/%Y")   #=> "Printed on 04/09/2003"
   t.strftime("at %I:%M%p")            #=> "at 08:56AM"

Hope this helped you. I've also made a github gist of this little guide, in case anyone prefers.

rewrite a folder name using .htaccess

mod_rewrite can only rewrite/redirect requested URIs. So you would need to request /apple/… to get it rewritten to a corresponding /folder1/….

Try this:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^apple/(.*) folder1/$1

This rule will rewrite every request that starts with the URI path /apple/… internally to /folder1/….

Edit    As you are actually looking for the other way round:

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /folder1/
RewriteRule ^folder1/(.*) /apple/$1 [L,R=301]

This rule is designed to work together with the other rule above. Requests of /folder1/… will be redirected externally to /apple/… and requests of /apple/… will then be rewritten internally back to /folder1/….

How to use pip with Python 3.x alongside Python 2.x

This worked for me on OS X: (I say this because sometimes is a pain that mac has "its own" version of every open source tool, and you cannot remove it because "its improvements" make it unique for other apple stuff to work, and if you remove it things start falling appart)

I followed the steps provided by @Lennart Regebro to get pip for python 3, nevertheless pip for python 2 was still first on the path, so... what I did is to create a symbolic link to python 3 inside /usr/bin (in deed I did the same to have my 2 pythons running in peace):

ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin/pip /usr/bin/pip3

Notice that I added a 3 at the end, so basically what you have to do is to use pip3 instead of just pip.

The post is old but I hope this helps someone someday. this should theoretically work for any LINUX system.

What is a singleton in C#?

another way to implement singleton in c#, i personally prefer this way because you can access the instance of the singeton class as a property instead of a method.

public class Singleton
        private static Singleton instance;

        private Singleton() { }

        public static Singleton Instance
                if (instance == null)
                    instance = new Singleton();
                return instance;

        //instance methods

but well, as far as i know both ways are considered 'right' so it's just a thing of personal flavor.

How to reload current page without losing any form data?

I modified K3N's code to work for my purpose, and I added some comments to help others figure out how sessionStorage works.

    // Run on page load
    window.onload = function() {

        // If sessionStorage is storing default values (ex. name), exit the function and do not restore data
        if (sessionStorage.getItem('name') == "name") {

        // If values are not blank, restore them to the fields
        var name = sessionStorage.getItem('name');
        if (name !== null) $('#inputName').val(name);

        var email = sessionStorage.getItem('email');
        if (email !== null) $('#inputEmail').val(email);

        var subject= sessionStorage.getItem('subject');
        if (subject!== null) $('#inputSubject').val(subject);

        var message= sessionStorage.getItem('message');
        if (message!== null) $('#inputMessage').val(message);

    // Before refreshing the page, save the form data to sessionStorage
    window.onbeforeunload = function() {
        sessionStorage.setItem("name", $('#inputName').val());
        sessionStorage.setItem("email", $('#inputEmail').val());
        sessionStorage.setItem("subject", $('#inputSubject').val());
        sessionStorage.setItem("message", $('#inputMessage').val());

MySQL - How to increase varchar size of an existing column in a database without breaking existing data?

I'd like explain the different alter table syntaxes - See the MySQL documentation

For adding/removing defaults on a column:

ALTER TABLE table_name

For renaming a column, changing it's data type and optionally changing the column order:

ALTER TABLE table_name
CHANGE [COLUMN] old_col_name new_col_name column_definition
[FIRST|AFTER col_name]

For changing a column's data type and optionally changing the column order:

ALTER TABLE table_name
MODIFY [COLUMN] col_name column_definition
[FIRST | AFTER col_name]

In Java, how to find if first character in a string is upper case without regex

Don't forget to check whether the string is empty or null. If we forget checking null or empty then we would get NullPointerException or StringIndexOutOfBoundException if a given String is null or empty.

public class StartWithUpperCase{

        public static void main(String[] args){

            String str1 = ""; //StringIndexOfBoundException if 
                              //empty checking not handled
            String str2 = null; //NullPointerException if 
                                //null checking is not handled.
            String str3 = "Starts with upper case";
            String str4 = "starts with lower case";

            System.out.println(startWithUpperCase(str1)); //false
            System.out.println(startWithUpperCase(str2)); //false
            System.out.println(startWithUpperCase(str3)); //true
            System.out.println(startWithUpperCase(str4)); //false


        public static boolean startWithUpperCase(String givenString){

            if(null == givenString || givenString.isEmpty() ) return false;
            else return (Character.isUpperCase( givenString.codePointAt(0) ) );


Dealing with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" error

resolved this for me as well; however, I noticed that the servlet restart times were much worse, so while it was better in production, it was kind of a drag in development.

Usage of \b and \r in C

I have experimented many of the backslash escape characters. \n which is a new line feed can be put anywhere to bring the effect. One important thing to remember while using this character is that the operating system of the machine we are using might affect the output. As an example, I have printed a bunch of escape character and displayed the result as follow to proof that the OS will affect the output.


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
    printf("Hello World!");
    printf("Goodbye \a");
    printf("Hi \b");
    printf("What? \t");
    return 0;

Should CSS always preceed Javascript?

Personally, I would not place too much emphasis on such "folk wisdom." What may have been true in the past might well not be true now. I would assume that all of the operations relating to a web-page's interpretation and rendering are fully asynchronous ("fetching" something and "acting upon it" are two entirely different things that might be being handled by different threads, etc.), and in any case entirely beyond your control or your concern.

I'd put CSS references in the "head" portion of the document, along with any references to external scripts. (Some scripts may demand to be placed in the body, and if so, oblige them.)

Beyond that ... if you observe that "this seems to be faster/slower than that, on this/that browser," treat this observation as an interesting but irrelevant curiosity and don't let it influence your design decisions. Too many things change too fast. (Anyone want to lay any bets on how many minutes it will be before the Firefox team comes out with yet another interim-release of their product? Yup, me neither.)

Performing Inserts and Updates with Dapper

Instead of using any 3rd party library for query operations, I would rather suggest writing queries on your own. Because using any other 3rd party packages would take away the main advantage of using dapper i.e. flexibility to write queries.

Now, there is a problem with writing Insert or Update query for the entire object. For this, one can simply create helpers like below:


 public static string InsertQueryBuilder(IEnumerable < string > fields) {

  StringBuilder columns = new StringBuilder();
  StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder();

  foreach(string columnName in fields) {
   columns.Append($ "{columnName}, ");
   values.Append($ "@{columnName}, ");

  string insertQuery = $ "({ columns.ToString().TrimEnd(',', ' ')}) VALUES ({ values.ToString().TrimEnd(',', ' ')}) ";

  return insertQuery;

Now, by simply passing the name of the columns to insert, the whole query will be created automatically, like below:

List < string > columns = new List < string > {
//QueryBuilder is the class having the InsertQueryBuilder()
string insertQueryValues = QueryBuilderUtil.InsertQueryBuilder(columns);

string insertQuery = $ "INSERT INTO UserDetails {insertQueryValues} RETURNING UserId";

Guid insertedId = await _connection.ExecuteScalarAsync < Guid > (insertQuery, userObj);

You can also modify the function to return the entire INSERT statement by passing the TableName parameter.

Make sure that the Class property names match with the field names in the database. Then only you can pass the entire obj (like userObj in our case) and values will be mapped automatically.

In the same way, you can have the helper function for UPDATE query as well:

  public static string UpdateQueryBuilder(List < string > fields) {
   StringBuilder updateQueryBuilder = new StringBuilder();

   foreach(string columnName in fields) {
    updateQueryBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}=@{0}, ", columnName);
   return updateQueryBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd(',', ' ');

And use it like:

List < string > columns = new List < string > {
//QueryBuilder is the class having the UpdateQueryBuilder()
string updateQueryValues = QueryBuilderUtil.UpdateQueryBuilder(columns);

string updateQuery =  $"UPDATE UserDetails SET {updateQueryValues} WHERE UserId=@UserId";

await _connection.ExecuteAsync(updateQuery, userObj);

Though in these helper functions also, you need to pass the name of the fields you want to insert or update but at least you have full control over the query and can also include different WHERE clauses as and when required.

Through this helper functions, you will save the following lines of code:

For Insert Query:

 $ "INSERT INTO UserDetails (UserName,City) VALUES (@UserName,@City) RETURNING UserId";

For Update Query:

$"UPDATE UserDetails SET UserName=@UserName, City=@City WHERE UserId=@UserId";

There seems to be a difference of few lines of code, but when it comes to performing insert or update operation with a table having more than 10 fields, one can feel the difference.

You can use the nameof operator to pass the field name in the function to avoid typos

Instead of:

List < string > columns = new List < string > {

You can write:

List < string > columns = new List < string > {

How to pass multiple parameters to a get method in ASP.NET Core

You also can use this:

// GET api/user/firstname/lastname/address
public string GetQuery(string id, string firstName, string lastName, string address)
    return $"{firstName}:{lastName}:{address}";

Note: Please refer to metalheart's and metalheart and Mark Hughes for a possibly better approach.

How to create an integer-for-loop in Ruby?

Try Below Simple Ruby Magics :)

(1..x).each { |n| puts n }
x.times { |n| puts n }
1.upto(x) { |n| print n }

splitting a string based on tab in the file

Python has support for CSV files in the eponymous csv module. It is relatively misnamed since it support much more that just comma separated values.

If you need to go beyond basic word splitting you should take a look. Say, for example, because you are in need to deal with quoted values...

Dropdownlist width in IE

Creating your own drop down list is more of a pain than it's worth. You can use some JavaScript to make the IE drop down work.

It uses a bit of the YUI library and a special extension for fixing IE select boxes.

You will need to include the following and wrap your <select> elements in a <span class="select-box">

Put these before the body tag of your page:

<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script src="ie-select-width-fix.js" type="text/javascript">
// for each select box you want to affect, apply this:
var s1 = new YAHOO.Hack.FixIESelectWidth( 's1' ); // s1 is the ID of the select box you want to affect

Post acceptance edit:

You can also do this without the YUI library and Hack control. All you really need to do is put an onmouseover="'auto'" onmouseout="'100px'" (or whatever you want) on the select element. The YUI control gives it that nice animation but it's not necessary. This task can also be accomplished with jquery and other libraries (although, I haven't found explicit documentation for this)

-- amendment to the edit:
IE has a problem with the onmouseout for select controls (it doesn't consider mouseover on options being a mouseover on the select). This makes using a mouseout very tricky. The first solution is the best I've found so far.

Android simple alert dialog

You can easily make your own 'AlertView' and use it everywhere.

alertView("You really want this?");

Implement it once:

private void alertView( String message ) {
 AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
 dialog.setTitle( "Hello" )
//     .setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
//      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialoginterface, int i) {
//          dialoginterface.cancel();   
//          }})
      .setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialoginterface, int i) {   

Can I set an opacity only to the background image of a div?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div style=" background-color: #00000088"> Hi there </div>
<!-- #00 would be r, 00 would be g, 00 would be b, 88 would be a. -->

including 4 sets of numbers would make it rgba, not cmyk, but either way would work (rgba= 00000088, cmyk= 0%, 0%, 0%, 50%)

Fastest Convert from Collection to List<T>

What version of the framework? With 3.5 you could presumably use:

List<ManagementObject> managementList = managementObjects.Cast<ManagementObject>().ToList();

(edited to remove simpler version; I checked and ManagementObjectCollection only implements the non-generic IEnumerable form)

nodemon command is not recognized in terminal for node js server

You need to install it globally

npm install -g nodemon
# or if using yarn
yarn global add nodemon

And then it will be available on the path (I see now that you have tried this and it didn't work, your path may be messed up)

If you want to use the locally installed version, rather than installing globally then you can create a script in your package.json

"scripts": {
    "serve": "nodemon server.js"

and then use

npm run serve

optionally if using yarn

# without adding serve in package.json
yarn run nodemon server.js
# with serve script in package.json
yarn run serve

npm will then look in your local node_modules folder before looking for the command in your global modules

What is the easiest way to ignore a JPA field during persistence?

Apparently, using Hibernate5Module, the @Transient will not be serialize if using ObjectMapper. Removing will make it work.

import javax.persistence.Transient;

import org.junit.Test;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class TransientFieldTest {

    public void Print_Json() throws JsonProcessingException {

        ObjectMapper objectEntityMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        //objectEntityMapper.registerModule(new Hibernate5Module());
        objectEntityMapper.setSerializationInclusion(Include.NON_NULL);"object: {}", objectEntityMapper.writeValueAsString( //


    private static class SampleTransient {

        private String id;

        private String transientField;

        private String nullField;


How to unzip a file using the command line?

Thanks Rich, I will take note of that. So here is the script for my own solution. It requires no third party unzip tools.

Include the script below at the start of the batch file to create the function, and then to call the function, the command is... cscript /B j_unzip.vbs

Here is the script to add to the top...

REM Changing working folder back to current directory for Vista & 7 compatibility
CD %~dp0
REM Folder changed

REM This script upzip's files...

    > j_unzip.vbs ECHO '
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO ' UnZip a file script
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO '
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO ' It's a mess, I know!!!
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO '
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO ' Dim ArgObj, var1, var2
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO If (Wscript.Arguments.Count ^> 0) Then
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO. var1 = ArgObj(0)
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO Else
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO. var1 = ""
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO End if
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO If var1 = "" then
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO. strFileZIP = ""
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO Else
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO. strFileZIP = var1
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO End if
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO 'The location of the zip file.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO REM Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO REM CurDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%%cd%%")
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO Dim sCurPath
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO sCurPath = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetAbsolutePathName(".")
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO strZipFile = sCurPath ^& "\" ^& strFileZIP
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO 'The folder the contents should be extracted to.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO outFolder = sCurPath ^& "\"
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO. WScript.Echo ( "Extracting file " ^& strFileZIP)
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO Set objShell = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" )
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO Set objSource = objShell.NameSpace(strZipFile).Items()
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO Set objTarget = objShell.NameSpace(outFolder)
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO intOptions = 256
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO objTarget.CopyHere objSource, intOptions
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO.
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO. WScript.Echo ( "Extracted." )
    >> j_unzip.vbs ECHO.

Excel - programm cells to change colour based on another cell

Use conditional formatting.

You can enter a condition using any cell you like and a format to apply if the formula is true.

design a stack such that getMinimum( ) should be O(1)

public interface IMinStack<T extends Comparable<T>> {
  public void push(T val);
  public T pop();
  public T minValue();
  public int size();

import java.util.Stack;

public class MinStack<T extends Comparable<T>> implements IMinStack<T> {
  private Stack<T> stack = new Stack<T>();
  private Stack<T> minStack = new Stack<T>();

  public void push(T val) {
    if (minStack.isEmpty() || val.compareTo(minStack.peek()) < 0)

  public T pop() {
    T val = stack.pop();
    if ((false == minStack.isEmpty())
            && val.compareTo(minStack.peek()) == 0)
    return val;

  public T minValue() {
    return minStack.peek();

  public int size() {
    return stack.size();

What's the difference between Perl's backticks, system, and exec?

What's the difference between Perl's backticks (`), system, and exec?

exec -> exec "command"; ,
system -> system("command"); and 
backticks -> print `command`;


exec executes a command and never resumes the Perl script. It's to a script like a return statement is to a function.

If the command is not found, exec returns false. It never returns true, because if the command is found, it never returns at all. There is also no point in returning STDOUT, STDERR or exit status of the command. You can find documentation about it in perlfunc, because it is a function.


print "Need to start exec command";
my $data2 = exec('ls');
print "Now END exec command";
print "Hello $data2\n\n";

In above code, there are three print statements, but due to exec leaving the script, only the first print statement is executed. Also, the exec command output is not being assigned to any variable.

Here, only you're only getting the output of the first print statement and of executing the ls command on standard out.


system executes a command and your Perl script is resumed after the command has finished. The return value is the exit status of the command. You can find documentation about it in perlfunc.


print "Need to start system command";
my $data2 = system('ls');
print "Now END system command";
print "Hello $data2\n\n";

In above code, there are three print statements. As the script is resumed after the system command, all three print statements are executed.

Also, the result of running system is assigned to data2, but the assigned value is 0 (the exit code from ls).

Here, you're getting the output of the first print statement, then that of the ls command, followed by the outputs of the final two print statements on standard out.

backticks (`)

Like system, enclosing a command in backticks executes that command and your Perl script is resumed after the command has finished. In contrast to system, the return value is STDOUT of the command. qx// is equivalent to backticks. You can find documentation about it in perlop, because unlike system and exec, it is an operator.


print "Need to start backticks command";
my $data2 = `ls`;
print "Now END system command";
print "Hello $data2\n\n";

In above code, there are three print statements and all three are being executed. The output of ls is not going to standard out directly, but assigned to the variable data2 and then printed by the final print statement.

Sorting arrays in NumPy by column

You can sort on multiple columns as per Steve Tjoa's method by using a stable sort like mergesort and sorting the indices from the least significant to the most significant columns:

a = a[a[:,2].argsort()] # First sort doesn't need to be stable.
a = a[a[:,1].argsort(kind='mergesort')]
a = a[a[:,0].argsort(kind='mergesort')]

This sorts by column 0, then 1, then 2.

Oracle comparing timestamp with date

to_date format worked for me. Please consider the date formats: MON-, MM, ., -.

t.start_date >= to_date('14.11.2016 04:01:39', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
t.start_date <=to_date('14.11.2016 04:10:07', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

Javascript callback when IFRAME is finished loading?

First up, going by the function name xssRequest it sounds like you're trying cross site request - which if that's right, you're not going to be able to read the contents of the iframe.

On the other hand, if the iframe's URL is on your domain you can access the body, but I've found that if I use a timeout to remove the iframe the callback works fine:

// possibly excessive use of jQuery - but I've got a live working example in production
$('#myUniqueID').load(function () {
  if (typeof callback == 'function') {
    callback($('body', this.contentWindow.document).html());
  setTimeout(function () {$('#frameId').remove();}, 50);

List files committed for a revision

From remote repo:

svn log -v -r 42 --stop-on-copy --non-interactive --no-auth-cache --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD http://repourl/projectname/

Protect image download

As we know there is no proper method to avoid image theft. But we can reduce it for some extent. We can avoid those people who are not geek in computers to download the image as well as your code. Here are some JQuery tricks we should include in our site to reduce image theft

  • Disable right click
  • Disable Ctrl+ combination (ex Ctrl+s,Ctrl+u) [Better to disable Ctrl key ]

But user can also download the web page using developer tools in Firefox. We don't have solution for this because this will be on the client side and is provided by the user's browser.

You can find the code for all the above listed on stack overflow

Install NuGet via PowerShell script

This also seems to do it. PS Example:

Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force

PHP code to get selected text of a combo box

I agree with Ajeesh, but there are simpler ways to do this...

if ($maker == "2") { }


if ($maker == 2) { }

  • Why am I not returning a "Toyota" value? Because the "Toyota" choice in the Selection Box would have already returned "2", which, would indicate that the selected Manufacturer in the Selection Box would be Toyota.

  • How would the user know if the value is equal to the Toyota selection in the Selection Box? In between my example code's brackets, you would put $maker = "Toyota" then echo $maker, or create a new string, like so: $maketwo = "Toyota" then you can echo $makertwo (I much prefer creating a new string, rather than overwriting $maker's original value.)

  • If the user selects "Nissan", will the example code take care of that as well..? Yes, and no. While "Toyota" would return value "2", "Nissan" would instead return value "3". The current set value that the example code is looking for is "2", which means that if the user selects "Nissan", which represents value "3", then presses "Search", the example code would not be executed. You can easily change the code to check for value "3", or value "1", which represents "--Any--".

  • What if the user clicks "Search" while the Selection Box is set to "Select Manufacturer"? How can I prevent them from doing so? To prevent them from proceeding any further, change the set value of the example code to "0", and in between the brackets, you may place your code, then after that, add return;, which terminates all execution of any further code within the function / statement.

Table columns, setting both min and max width with css

Tables work differently; sometimes counter-intuitively.

The solution is to use width on the table cells instead of max-width.

Although it may sound like in that case the cells won't shrink below the given width, they will actually.
with no restrictions on c, if you give the table a width of 70px, the widths of a, b and c will come out as 16, 42 and 12 pixels, respectively.
With a table width of 400 pixels, they behave like you say you expect in your grid above.
Only when you try to give the table too small a size (smaller than a.min+b.min+the content of C) will it fail: then the table itself will be wider than specified.

I made a snippet based on your fiddle, in which I removed all the borders and paddings and border-spacing, so you can measure the widths more accurately.

table {_x000D_
  width: 70px;_x000D_
table, tbody, tr, td {_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
  border: 0;_x000D_
  border-spacing: 0;_x000D_
.a, .c {_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
.b {_x000D_
  background-color: #F77;_x000D_
.a {_x000D_
  min-width: 10px;_x000D_
  width: 20px;_x000D_
  max-width: 20px;_x000D_
.b {_x000D_
  min-width: 40px;_x000D_
  width: 45px;_x000D_
  max-width: 45px;_x000D_
.c {}
    <td class="a">A</td>_x000D_
    <td class="b">B</td>_x000D_
    <td class="c">C</td>_x000D_

How to replace NaN values by Zeroes in a column of a Pandas Dataframe?

There are two options available primarily; in case of imputation or filling of missing values NaN / np.nan with only numerical replacements (across column(s):

df['Amount'].fillna(value=None, method= ,axis=1,) is sufficient:

From the Documentation:

value : scalar, dict, Series, or DataFrame Value to use to fill holes (e.g. 0), alternately a dict/Series/DataFrame of values specifying which value to use for each index (for a Series) or column (for a DataFrame). (values not in the dict/Series/DataFrame will not be filled). This value cannot be a list.

Which means 'strings' or 'constants' are no longer permissable to be imputed.

For more specialized imputations use SimpleImputer():

from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
si = SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', missing_values=np.nan, fill_value='Replacement_Value')
df[['Col-1', 'Col-2']] = si.fit_transform(X=df[['C-1', 'C-2']])

How to check model string property for null in a razor view

Try this first, you may be passing a Null Model:

@if (Model != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ImageName))
    <label for="Image">Change picture</label>
    <label for="Image">Add picture</label>

Otherise, you can make it even neater with some ternary fun! - but that will still error if your model is Null.

<label for="Image">@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ImageName) ? "Add" : "Change") picture</label>

What does "SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'" mean in Python?

Unfortunately, the old xkcd comic isn't completely up to date anymore.

Since Python 3.0 you have to write:

print("Hello, World!")

And someone has still to write that antigravity library :(

HTML text-overflow ellipsis detection

elem.offsetWdith VS ele.scrollWidth This work for me!

$(function() {
  $('.endtext').each(function(index, elem) {
    if(elem.offsetWidth !== elem.scrollWidth){
      $(this).css({color: '#FF0000'})

How do you pass a function as a parameter in C?

It's not really a function, but it is an localised piece of code. Of course it doesn't pass the code just the result. It won't work if passed to an event dispatcher to be run at a later time (as the result is calculated now and not when the event occurs). But it does localise your code into one place if that is all you are trying to do.

#include <stdio.h>

int IncMultInt(int a, int b)
    return a * b;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    int a = 5;
    int b = 7;

    printf("%d * %d = %d\n", a, b, IncMultInt(a, b));

    b = 9;

    // Create some local code with it's own local variable
    printf("%d * %d = %d\n", a, b,  ( { int _a = a+1; _a * b; } ) );

    return 0;

Convert text into number in MySQL query

You can use CAST() to convert from string to int. e.g. SELECT CAST('123' AS INTEGER);

Extracting specific columns in numpy array

Assuming you want to get columns 1 and 9 with that code snippet, it should be:

extractedData = data[:,[1,9]]

How to reload the current route with the angular 2 router

This worked for me:

let url = `departments/${}/employees`;

this.router.navigated = false;

Pandas - replacing column values

Yes, you are using it incorrectly, Series.replace() is not inplace operation by default, it returns the replaced dataframe/series, you need to assign it back to your dataFrame/Series for its effect to occur. Or if you need to do it inplace, you need to specify the inplace keyword argument as True Example -

data['sex'].replace(0, 'Female',inplace=True)
data['sex'].replace(1, 'Male',inplace=True)

Also, you can combine the above into a single replace function call by using list for both to_replace argument as well as value argument , Example -


Example/Demo -

In [10]: data = pd.DataFrame([[1,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,1]], columns=["sex", "split"])

In [11]: data['sex'].replace([0,1],['Female','Male'],inplace=True)

In [12]: data
      sex  split
0    Male      0
1  Female      1
2    Male      0
3  Female      1

You can also use a dictionary, Example -

In [15]: data = pd.DataFrame([[1,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,1]], columns=["sex", "split"])

In [16]: data['sex'].replace({0:'Female',1:'Male'},inplace=True)

In [17]: data
      sex  split
0    Male      0
1  Female      1
2    Male      0
3  Female      1

How to style the parent element when hovering a child element?

Another, simpler approach (to an old question)..
would be to place elements as siblings and use:

Adjacent Sibling Selector (+) or General Sibling Selector (~)

<div id="parent">
  <!-- control should come before the target... think "cascading" ! -->
  <button id="control">Hover Me!</button>
  <div id="target">I'm hovered too!</div>
#parent {
  position: relative;
  height: 100px;

/* Move button control to bottom. */
#control {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;

#control:hover ~ #target {
  background: red;

enter image description here

Demo Fiddle here.

Asynchronous method call in Python?

You can use concurrent.futures (added in Python 3.2).

import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def long_computation(duration):
    for x in range(0, duration):
    return duration * 2

print('Use polling')
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
    future = executor.submit(long_computation, 5)
    while not future.done():


print('Use callback')
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
future = executor.submit(long_computation, 5)
future.add_done_callback(lambda f: print(f.result()))

print('waiting for callback')

executor.shutdown(False)  # non-blocking

print('shutdown invoked')

How do I pipe or redirect the output of curl -v?

This simple example shows how to capture curl output, and use it in a bash script

function main
  \curl -vs ''  2>&1
  # note: add -o /tmp/ignore.png if you want to ignore binary output, by saving it to a file. 

# capture output of curl to a variable

# search output for something using grep.
echo "$OUT" | grep 302 
echo "$OUT" | grep title 

Node.js global variables

You can use global like so:

global._ = require('underscore')

To show error message without alert box in Java Script

I m agree with @ReNjITh.R answer but If you want to display error message just beside textbox. Just like below

enter image description here

<script type="text/javascript">
    function validate() 
           document.getElementById('errfn').innerHTML="this is invalid name";
    <form name="myform">
         <input type=text id=fname name=fname onblur="validate()" /><span id="errfn"></span>
        <br> <br>
         <input type=text id=lname name=lname onblur="validate()"/><br>
         <input type=button value=check /> 

Apache error: _default_ virtualhost overlap on port 443

On a vanilla Apache2 install in CentOS, when you install mod_ssl it will automatically add a configuration file in:


This configuration file contains a default virtual host definition for port 443, named default:443. If you also have your own virtual host definition for 443 (i.e. in httpd.conf) then you will have a confict. Since the conf.d files are included first, they will win over yours.

To solve the conflict you can either remove the virtual host definition from conf.d/ssl.conf or update it to your own settings.

Kotlin's List missing "add", "remove", Map missing "put", etc?

Agree with all above answers of using MutableList but you can also add/remove from List and get a new list as below.

val newListWithElement = existingList + listOf(element)
val newListMinusElement = existingList - listOf(element)


val newListWithElement =
val newListMinusElement = existingList.minus(element)

Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords?

Edit: Coming back to this answer after a year of security research, I realize it makes the rather unfortunate implication that you would ever actually compare plaintext passwords. Please don't. Use a secure one-way hash with a salt and a reasonable number of iterations. Consider using a library: this stuff is hard to get right!

Original answer: What about the fact that String.equals() uses short-circuit evaluation, and is therefore vulnerable to a timing attack? It may be unlikely, but you could theoretically time the password comparison in order to determine the correct sequence of characters.

public boolean equals(Object anObject) {
    if (this == anObject) {
        return true;
    if (anObject instanceof String) {
        String anotherString = (String)anObject;
        int n = value.length;
        // Quits here if Strings are different lengths.
        if (n == anotherString.value.length) {
            char v1[] = value;
            char v2[] = anotherString.value;
            int i = 0;
            // Quits here at first different character.
            while (n-- != 0) {
                if (v1[i] != v2[i])
                    return false;
            return true;
    return false;

Some more resources on timing attacks:

Find duplicates and delete all in notepad++

If it is possible to change the sequence of the lines you could do:

  1. sort line with Edit -> Line Operations -> Sort Lines Lexicographically ascending
  2. do a Find / Replace:
    • Find What: ^(.*\r?\n)\1+
    • Replace with: (Nothing, leave empty)
    • Check Regular Expression in the lower left
    • Click Replace All

How it works: The sorting puts the duplicates behind each other. The find matches a line ^(.*\r?\n) and captures the line in \1 then it continues and tries to find \1 one or more times (+) behind the first match. Such a block of duplicates (if it exists) is replaced with nothing.

The \r?\n should deal nicely with Windows and Unix lineendings.

What's the difference between Git Revert, Checkout and Reset?

  • git revert is used to undo a previous commit. In git, you can't alter or erase an earlier commit. (Actually you can, but it can cause problems.) So instead of editing the earlier commit, revert introduces a new commit that reverses an earlier one.
  • git reset is used to undo changes in your working directory that haven't been comitted yet.
  • git checkout is used to copy a file from some other commit to your current working tree. It doesn't automatically commit the file.

CSS – why doesn’t percentage height work?

Another option is to add style to div

<div style="position: absolute; height:somePercentage%; overflow:auto(or other overflow value)">
 //to be scrolled 

And it means that an element is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor.

Oracle PL/SQL - How to create a simple array variable?

You could just declare a DBMS_SQL.VARCHAR2_TABLE to hold an in-memory variable length array indexed by a BINARY_INTEGER:

   name_array dbms_sql.varchar2_table;
   name_array(1) := 'Tim';
   name_array(2) := 'Daisy';
   name_array(3) := 'Mike';
   name_array(4) := 'Marsha';
   FOR i IN name_array.FIRST .. name_array.LAST
      -- Do something

You could use an associative array (used to be called PL/SQL tables) as they are an in-memory array.

   TYPE employee_arraytype IS TABLE OF employee%ROWTYPE
   employee_array employee_arraytype;
     BULK COLLECT INTO employee_array
     FROM employee
    WHERE department = 10;
   FOR i IN employee_array.FIRST .. employee_array.LAST
      -- Do something

The associative array can hold any make up of record types.

Hope it helps, Ollie.

How do I add a submodule to a sub-directory?

For those of you who share my weird fondness of manually editing config files, adding (or modifying) the following would also do the trick.

.git/config (personal config)

[submodule "cookbooks/apt"]
    url =

.gitmodules (committed shared config)

[submodule "cookbooks/apt"]
    path = cookbooks/apt
    url =

See this as well - difference between .gitmodules and specifying submodules in .git/config?

HTML not loading CSS file

Well I too had the exactly same question. And everything was okay with my CSS link. Why html was not loading the CSS file was due to its position (as in my case).

Well I had my custom CSS defined in the wrong place and that is why the webpage was not accessing it. Then I started to test and place the CSS link to different place and voila it worked for me.

I had read somewhere that we should place custom CSS right after Bootstrap CSS so I did but then it was not loading it. So I changed the position and it worked.

Hope this helps.


Capturing count from an SQL query

You'll get converting errors with:

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name";
Int32 count = (Int32) cmd.ExecuteScalar();

Use instead:

string stm = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name WHERE id="+id+";";
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(stm, conn);
Int32 count = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
if(count > 0){
    found = true; 
} else {
    found = false; 

How to implement Rate It feature in Android App

I'm using this easy solution. You can just add this library with gradle:

compile 'com.github.fernandodev.easyratingdialog:easyratingdialog:+'

How to set label size in Bootstrap

In Bootstrap 3 they do not have separate classes for different styles of labels.

However, you can customize bootstrap classes that way. In your css file

.lb-sm {
  font-size: 12px;

.lb-md {
  font-size: 16px;

.lb-lg {
  font-size: 20px;

Alternatively, you can use header tags to change the sizes. For example, here is a medium sized label and a small-sized label

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<h3>Example heading <span class="label label-default">New</span></h3>_x000D_
<h6>Example heading <span class="label label-default">New</span></h6>

They might add size classes for labels in future Bootstrap versions.

How to send a GET request from PHP?

Guzzle is a very well known library which makes it extremely easy to do all sorts of HTTP calls. See Install with composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle and run composer install. Now code below is enough for a http get call.

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get('');

echo $response->getStatusCode();
echo $response->getBody();

Setting up a git remote origin

For anyone who comes here, as I did, looking for the syntax to change origin to a different location you can find that documentation here: Using git remote add to do this will result in "fatal: remote origin already exists."

Nutshell: git remote set-url origin

(The marked answer is correct, I'm just hoping to help anyone as lost as I was... haha)

How do I get the Date & Time (VBS)

Here's various date and time information you can pull in vbscript running under Windows Script Host (WSH):

Now   = 2/29/2016 1:02:03 PM
Date  = 2/29/2016
Time  = 1:02:03 PM
Timer = 78826.31     ' seconds since midnight

FormatDateTime(Now)                = 2/29/2016 1:02:03 PM
FormatDateTime(Now, vbGeneralDate) = 2/29/2016 1:02:03 PM
FormatDateTime(Now, vbLongDate)    = Monday, February 29, 2016
FormatDateTime(Now, vbShortDate)   = 2/29/2016
FormatDateTime(Now, vbLongTime)    = 1:02:03 PM
FormatDateTime(Now, vbShortTime)   = 13:02

Year(Now)   = 2016
Month(Now)  = 2
Day(Now)    = 29
Hour(Now)   = 13
Minute(Now) = 2
Second(Now) = 3

Year(Date)   = 2016
Month(Date)  = 2
Day(Date)    = 29

Hour(Time)   = 13
Minute(Time) = 2
Second(Time) = 3

Function LPad (str, pad, length)
    LPad = String(length - Len(str), pad) & str
End Function

LPad(Month(Date), "0", 2)    = 02
LPad(Day(Date), "0", 2)      = 29
LPad(Hour(Time), "0", 2)     = 13
LPad(Minute(Time), "0", 2)   = 02
LPad(Second(Time), "0", 2)   = 03

Weekday(Now)                     = 2
WeekdayName(Weekday(Now), True)  = Mon
WeekdayName(Weekday(Now), False) = Monday
WeekdayName(Weekday(Now))        = Monday

MonthName(Month(Now), True)  = Feb
MonthName(Month(Now), False) = February
MonthName(Month(Now))        = February

Set os = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_OperatingSystem=@")
os.LocalDateTime = 20131204215346.562000-300
Left(os.LocalDateTime, 4)    = 2013 ' year
Mid(os.LocalDateTime, 5, 2)  = 12   ' month
Mid(os.LocalDateTime, 7, 2)  = 04   ' day
Mid(os.LocalDateTime, 9, 2)  = 21   ' hour
Mid(os.LocalDateTime, 11, 2) = 53   ' minute
Mid(os.LocalDateTime, 13, 2) = 46   ' second

Dim wmi : Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
Set timeZones = wmi.ExecQuery("SELECT Bias, Caption FROM Win32_TimeZone")
For Each tz In timeZones
    tz.Bias    = -300
    tz.Caption = (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


Singleton with Arguments in Java

I think this is a common problem. Separating the "initialization" of the singleton from the "get" of the singleton might work (this example uses a variation of double checked locking).

public class MySingleton {

    private static volatile MySingleton INSTANCE;

    public static void initialize(
            final SomeDependency someDependency) {

        MySingleton result = INSTANCE;

        if (result != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The singleton has already "
                    + "been initialized.");

        synchronized (MySingleton.class) {
            result = INSTANCE;

            if (result == null) {
                INSTANCE = result = new MySingleton(someDependency);

    public static MySingleton get() {
        MySingleton  result = INSTANCE;

        if (result == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The singleton has not been "
                    + "initialized. You must call initialize(...) before "
                    + "calling get()");

       return result;


Font size relative to the user's screen resolution?

You might try this tool:

I haven't used this second tool, but it seems similar:

How to get parameters from a URL string?

A much more secure answer that I'm surprised is not mentioned here yet:


So in the case of the question you can use this to get an email value from the URL get parameters:

$email = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'email', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL );

For other types of variables, you would want to choose a different/appropriate filter such as FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING.

I suppose this answer does more than exactly what the question asks for - getting the raw data from the URL parameter. But this is a one-line shortcut that is the same result as this:

$email = $_GET['email'];
$email = filter_var( $email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL );

Might as well get into the habit of grabbing variables this way.

How to use paths in tsconfig.json?

This can be set up on your tsconfig.json file, as it is a TS feature.

You can do like this:

"compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": "src", // This must be specified if "paths" is.
        "paths": {
            "@app/*": ["app/*"],
            "@config/*": ["app/_config/*"],
            "@environment/*": ["environments/*"],
            "@shared/*": ["app/_shared/*"],
            "@helpers/*": ["helpers/*"]

Have in mind that the path where you want to refer to, it takes your baseUrl as the base of the route you are pointing to and it's mandatory as described on the doc.

The character '@' is not mandatory.

After you set it up on that way, you can easily use it like this:

import { Yo } from '@config/index';

the only thing you might notice is that the intellisense does not work in the current latest version, so I would suggest to follow an index convention for importing/exporting files.

Why did my Git repo enter a detached HEAD state?

When you checkout to a commit git checkout <commit-hash> or to a remote branch your HEAD will get detached and try to create a new commit on it.

Commits that are not reachable by any branch or tag will be garbage collected and removed from the repository after 30 days.

Another way to solve this is by creating a new branch for the newly created commit and checkout to it. git checkout -b <branch-name> <commit-hash>

This article illustrates how you can get to detached HEAD state.

How to expand textarea width to 100% of parent (or how to expand any HTML element to 100% of parent width)?

You need to define width of the div containing the textarea and when you declare textarea, you can then set .main > textarea to have width: inherit.

Note: .main > textarea means a <textarea> inside of an element with class="main".

Here is the working solution


<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="left">left</div>
  <div class="main">
    <textarea name="" cols="" rows=""></textarea>

The CSS:

.wrapper {
  display: table;
  width: 100%;

.left {
  width: 20%;
  background: #cccccc;
  display: table-cell;

.main {
  width: 80%;
  background: gray;
  display: inline;

.main > textarea {
  width: inherit;

How to use icons and symbols from "Font Awesome" on Native Android Application

One of the libraries that I use for Font Awesome is this:


The documentation is easy to understand.

First, add the needed dependencies in the build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.beardedhen:androidbootstrap:1.2.3'

Secondly, you can add this in your XML:


but make sure you add this in your root layout if you want to use above code example:



Cross join does not combine the rows, if you have 100 rows in each table with 1 to 1 match, you get 10.000 results, Innerjoin will only return 100 rows in the same situation.

These 2 examples will return the same result:

Cross join

select * from table1 cross join table2 where = table2.fk_id

Inner join

select * from table1 join table2 on = table2.fk_id

Use the last method

How to embed a YouTube channel into a webpage

I quickly did this for anyone else coming onto this page:

<object width="425" height="344">
<param name="movie" value=""</param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param>
<embed src=""
  width="425" height="344">

See the jsFiddle.

Is it possible to insert HTML content in XML document?

Just put the html tags with there content and add the xmlns attribute with quotes after the equals and in between the quotes is

Sorting options elements alphabetically using jQuery

Accepted answer is not the best in all cases because sometimes you want to perserve classes of options and different arguments (for example data-foo).

My solution is:

var sel = $('#select_id');
var selected = sel.val(); // cache selected value, before reordering
var opts_list = sel.find('option');
opts_list.sort(function(a, b) { return $(a).text() > $(b).text() ? 1 : -1; });
sel.val(selected); // set cached selected value

//For ie11 or those who get a blank options, replace html('') empty()

Warning: #1265 Data truncated for column 'pdd' at row 1

As the message error says, you need to Increase the length of your column to fit the length of the data you are trying to insert (0000-00-00)


Following your comment, I run a test table:

mysql> create table testDate(id int(2) not null auto_increment, pdd date default null, primary key(id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)


mysql> insert into testDate values(1,'0000-00-00');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)


So, aparently you want to insert a NULL value to pdd field as your comment states ? You can do that in 2 ways like this:

Method 1:

mysql> insert into testDate values(2,'');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.06 sec)

Method 2:

mysql> insert into testDate values(3,NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)


You failed to change the default value of pdd field. Here is the syntax how to do it (in my case, I set it to NULL in the start, now I will change it to NOT NULL)

mysql> alter table testDate modify pdd date not null;
Query OK, 3 rows affected, 1 warning (0.60 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1

Remove or uninstall library previously added : cocoapods

The unwanted side effects of simple folder delete or installing over existing installation have been removed by a script written by Kyle Fuller - deintegrate and here is the proper workflow:

  1. Install clean:

    $ sudo gem install cocoapods-clean
  2. Run deintegrate in the folder of the project:

    $ pod deintegrate
  3. Clean (this tool is no longer available):

    $ pod clean
  4. Modify your podfile (delete the lines with the pods you don't want to use anymore) and run:

    $ pod install


error: passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers

The objects in the std::set are stored as const StudentT. So when you try to call getId() with the const object the compiler detects a problem, mainly you're calling a non-const member function on const object which is not allowed because non-const member functions make NO PROMISE not to modify the object; so the compiler is going to make a safe assumption that getId() might attempt to modify the object but at the same time, it also notices that the object is const; so any attempt to modify the const object should be an error. Hence compiler generates an error message.

The solution is simple: make the functions const as:

int getId() const {
    return id;
string getName() const {
    return name;

This is necessary because now you can call getId() and getName() on const objects as:

void f(const StudentT & s)
     cout << s.getId();   //now okay, but error with your versions
     cout << s.getName(); //now okay, but error with your versions

As a sidenote, you should implement operator< as :

inline bool operator< (const StudentT & s1, const StudentT & s2)
    return  s1.getId() < s2.getId();

Note parameters are now const reference.

C++ - struct vs. class

You could prove to yourself that there is no other difference by trying to define a function in a struct. I remember even my college professor who was teaching about structs and classes in C++ was surprised to learn this (after being corrected by a student). I believe it, though. It was kind of amusing. The professor kept saying what the differences were and the student kept saying "actually you can do that in a struct too". Finally the prof. asked "OK, what is the difference" and the student informed him that the only difference was the default accessibility of members.

A quick Google search suggests that POD stands for "Plain Old Data".

Getting a random value from a JavaScript array

~~ is much faster than Math.Floor(), so when it comes to performance optimization while producing output using UI elements, ~~ wins the game. MORE INFO

var rand = myArray[~~(Math.random() * myArray.length)];

But if you know that the array is going to have millions of elements than you might want to reconsider between Bitwise Operator and Math.Floor(), as bitwise operator behave weirdly with large numbers. See below example explained with the output. MORE INFO(deadlink)

var number = Math.floor(14444323231.2); // => 14444323231
var number = 14444323231.2 | 0; // => 1559421343

What's the difference between next() and nextLine() methods from Scanner class?

next() can read the input only till the space. It can't read two words separated by a space. Also, next() places the cursor in the same line after reading the input.

nextLine() reads input including space between the words (that is, it reads till the end of line \n). Once the input is read, nextLine() positions the cursor in the next line.

For reading the entire line you can use nextLine().

Overlapping elements in CSS

Use CSS grid and set all the grid items to be in the same cell.

.layered {
  display: grid;

.layered > * {
  grid-column-start: 1;
  grid-row-start: 1;

Adding the layered class to an element causes all it's children to be layered on top of each other.

if the layers are not the same size you can set the justify-items and align-items properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment respectively.



.layered {
  display: grid;

  /* Set horizontal alignment of items in, case they have a different width. */
  /* justify-items: start | end | center | stretch (default); */
  justify-items: start;

  /* Set vertical alignment of items, in case they have a different height. */
  /* align-items: start | end | center | stretch (default); */
  align-items: start;

.layered > * {
  grid-column-start: 1;
  grid-row-start: 1;

/* for demonstration purposes only */
.layered > * {
  outline: 1px solid red;
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)
<div class="layered">
  <img src="" />
      Third layer
      Third layer continued
      Third layer continued
      Third layer continued

How to set portrait and landscape media queries in css?

It can also be as simple as this.

@media (orientation: landscape) {


What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

One use case of git fetch is that the following will tell you any changes in the remote branch since your last pull... so you can check before doing an actual pull, which could change files in your current branch and working copy.

git fetch
git diff ...origin

See: regarding double- and triple-dot syntax in the diff command

Creating C formatted strings (not printing them) gives the following example to print to stderr. You can modify it to use your log function instead:

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdarg.h>

 eprintf (const char *template, ...)
   va_list ap;
   extern char *program_invocation_short_name;

   fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", program_invocation_short_name);
   va_start (ap, template);
   vfprintf (stderr, template, ap);
   va_end (ap);

Instead of vfprintf you will need to use vsprintf where you need to provide an adequate buffer to print into.

C#/Linq: Apply a mapping function to each element in an IEnumerable?

You can just use the Select() extension method:

IEnumerable<int> integers = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
IEnumerable<string> strings = integers.Select(i => i.ToString());

Or in LINQ syntax:

IEnumerable<int> integers = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

var strings = from i in integers
              select i.ToString();

Java: String - add character n-times

How I did it:

final int numberOfSpaces = 22;
final char[] spaceArray = new char[numberOfSpaces];
Arrays.fill(spaces, ' ');

Now add it to your StringBuilder


or String

final String spaces = String.valueOf(spaceArray);

How can I create keystore from an existing certificate (abc.crt) and abc.key files?

You must use OpenSSL and keytool.

OpenSSL for CER & PVK file > P12

openssl pkcs12 -export -name servercert -in selfsignedcert.crt -inkey serverprivatekey.key -out myp12keystore.p12

Keytool for p12 > JKS

keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore mykeystore.jks -srckeystore myp12keystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias servercert

Force index use in Oracle

There could be many reasons for Index not being used. Even after you specify hints, there are chances Oracle optimizer thinks otherwise and decide not to use Index. You need to go through the EXPLAIN PLAN part and see what is the cost of the statement with INDEX and without INDEX.

Assuming the Oracle uses CBO. Most often, if the optimizer thinks the cost is high with INDEX, even though you specify it in hints, the optimizer will ignore and continue for full table scan. Your first action should be checking DBA_INDEXES to know when the statistics are LAST_ANALYZED. If not analyzed, you can set table, index for analyze.

                                 , INDNAME=>IndexName);

For table.

                                 , TABNAME=>TableName);

In extreme cases, you can try setting up the statistics on your own.

How to write LaTeX in IPython Notebook?

This came up in a search I was just doing, found a better solution with some more searching, IPython notebooks now have a %%latex magic that makes the whole cell Latex without the $$ wrapper for each line.

Refer notebook tour for Rich Display System

How to simplify a null-safe compareTo() implementation?

You can extract method:

public int cmp(String txt, String otherTxt)
    if ( txt == null )
        return otjerTxt == null ? 0 : 1;

    if ( otherTxt == null )
          return 1;

    return txt.compareToIgnoreCase(otherTxt);

public int compareTo(Metadata other) {
   int result = cmp( name,; 
   if ( result != 0 )  return result;
   return cmp( value, other.value); 


Sum of two input value by jquery

if in multiple class you want to change additional operation in perticular class that show in below example

var like= $(this).text();
$(this).text(+like + +1);

Is there a way to collapse all code blocks in Eclipse?

Shortcuts that worked for me in Versions Oxygen.2 Release (PHP/WINDOWS 7) were

  1. Collapse all code blocks: CTRL + SHIFT + NUMPAD_DIVIDE
  2. Expand all code blocks : CTRL + NUMPAD_MULTIPLY

How to set UITextField height?

You can use frame property of textfield to change frame Like-Textfield.frame=CGRECTMake(x axis,y axis,width,height)

How to simulate "Press any key to continue?"

If you're using Visual Studio 2012 or older, use the getch() function, if you are using Visual Studio 2013 or newer, use _getch(). You will have to use #include <conio.h>. Example:

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>

int main()
   std::cout << "Press any key to continue. . .\n";
   _getch(); //Or getch()

passing JSON data to a Spring MVC controller

You can stringify the JSON Object with JSON.stringify(jsonObject) and receive it on controller as String.

In the Controller, you can use the javax.json to convert and manipulate this.

Download and add the .jar to the project libs and import the JsonObject.

To create an json object, you can use

JsonObjectBuilder job = Json.createObjectBuilder();
job.add("header1", foo1);
job.add("header2", foo2);
JsonObject json =;

To read it from String, you can use

JsonReader jr = Json.createReader(new StringReader(jsonString));
JsonObject json = jsonReader.readObject();

Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called


  • Kotlin 1.2.70
  • checked in minSdkVersion 19
  • Android studio 3.1.4


module - camera, location, ....

  1. Check if hasSystemFeature (if module exist in phone)
  2. Check if user has access to module
  3. Send permissions request (ask user to allow module usage)


  1. Work with Activities and Fragments
  2. Has only one result response
  3. Can check several modules in one request


class PermissionType(val manifest_permission: String, val packageManager: String) {
    object Defined {
        val camera = PermissionType(Manifest.permission.CAMERA, PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA)
        val currentLocation = PermissionType(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, PackageManager.FEATURE_LOCATION_GPS)

class  Permission {

    enum class PermissionResult {

    interface ManagerDelegate {
        fun permissionManagerDelegate(result: Array<Pair<String, PermissionResult>>)

    class Manager internal constructor(private val delegate: ManagerDelegate?) {

        private var context: Context? = null
        private var fragment: Fragment? = null
        private var activity: AppCompatActivity? = null
        private var permissionTypes: Array<PermissionType> = arrayOf()
        private val REQUEST_CODE = 999
        private val semaphore = Semaphore(1, true)
        private var result: Array<Pair<String, PermissionResult>> = arrayOf()

        constructor(permissionType: PermissionType, delegate: ManagerDelegate?): this(delegate) {
            permissionTypes = arrayOf(permissionType)

        constructor(permissionTypes: Array<PermissionType>, delegate: ManagerDelegate?): this(delegate) {
            this.permissionTypes = permissionTypes

        init {
            when (delegate) {
                is Fragment -> {
                    this.fragment = delegate
                    this.context = delegate.context

                is AppCompatActivity -> {
                    this.activity = delegate
                    this.context = delegate

        private fun hasSystemFeature(permissionType: PermissionType) : Boolean {
            return context?.packageManager?.hasSystemFeature(permissionType.packageManager) ?: false

        private fun hasAccess(permissionType: PermissionType) : Boolean {
            return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) true else {
                context?.checkSelfPermission(permissionType.manifest_permission) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED

        private fun sendRequest(permissionTypes: Array<String>) {

            if (fragment != null) {
                fragment?.requestPermissions(permissionTypes, REQUEST_CODE)

            if (activity != null){
                ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity!!, permissionTypes, REQUEST_CODE)

        fun check() {

            AsyncTask.execute {
                var permissionsForSendingRequest: Array<String> = arrayOf()
                this.result = arrayOf()

                for (it in permissionTypes) {
                    if (!hasSystemFeature(it)) {
                        result += Pair(it.manifest_permission, PermissionResult.NO_SYSTEM_FEATURE)

                    if (hasAccess(it)) {
                        result += Pair(it.manifest_permission, PermissionResult.ACCESS_ALLOWED)
                    } else {
                        permissionsForSendingRequest += it.manifest_permission

                if (permissionsForSendingRequest.isNotEmpty()) {
                } else {

        fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<out String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
            when (requestCode) {
                REQUEST_CODE -> {
                    if (grantResults.isEmpty()) {
                    for ((i,permission) in permissions.withIndex()) {
                        for (item in this.permissionTypes) {
                            if (permission == item.manifest_permission && i < grantResults.size) {
                                result += if (grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                                    Pair(item.manifest_permission, PermissionResult.ACCESS_ALLOWED)
                                } else {
                                    Pair(item.manifest_permission, PermissionResult.ACCESS_DENIED)

Usage in Activity (in fragment the same)

class BaseActivity : AppCompatActivity(), Permission.ManagerDelegate {

    private lateinit var permissionManager: Permission.Manager

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        permissionManager = Permission.Manager(arrayOf(, PermissionType.Defined.currentLocation), this)

    override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<out String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults)
        permissionManager.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults)

    override fun permissionManagerDelegate(result: Array<Pair<String, Permission.PermissionResult>>) {
        result.forEach {
            println("!!! ${it.first} ${it.second}")
//            when (it.second) {
//                Permission.PermissionResult.NO_SYSTEM_FEATURE -> {
//                }
//                Permission.PermissionResult.ACCESS_DENIED  -> {
//                }
//                Permission.PermissionResult.ACCESS_ALLOWED -> {
//                }
//            }

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel after long inactivity in ASP.Net app

You could try this registry hack:


If it works, just keep increasing the KeepAliveTime. It is currently set for 2 minutes.

Save and retrieve image (binary) from SQL Server using Entity Framework 6

Convert the image to a byte[] and store that in the database.

Add this column to your model:

public byte[] Content { get; set; }

Then convert your image to a byte array and store that like you would any other data:

public byte[] ImageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image imageIn)
    using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
        imageIn.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);

        return ms.ToArray();

public Image ByteArrayToImage(byte[] byteArrayIn)
     using(var ms = new MemoryStream(byteArrayIn))
         var returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);

         return returnImage;

Source: Fastest way to convert Image to Byte array

var image = new ImageEntity()
   Content = ImageToByteArray(image)


When you want to get the image back, get the byte array from the database and use the ByteArrayToImage and do what you wish with the Image

This stops working when the byte[] gets to big. It will work for files under 100Mb

How to concat string + i?

Try the following:

for i = 1:4
    result = strcat('f',int2str(i));

If you use this for naming several files that your code generates, you are able to concatenate more parts to the name. For example, with the extension at the end and address at the beginning:

filename = strcat('c:\...\name',int2str(i),'.png'); 

jQuery - hashchange event

What about using a different way instead of the hash event and listen to popstate like.

window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event)
    if(window.location.hash) {
            var hash = window.location.hash;

This method works fine in most browsers i have tried so far.


100 characters.

This is the var (variable) in varchar: you only store what you enter (and an extra 2 bytes to store length upto 65535)

If it was char(200) then you'd always store 200 characters, padded with 100 spaces

See the docs: "The CHAR and VARCHAR Types"

"Are you missing an assembly reference?" compile error - Visual Studio

If none of the solutions above worked, try this 10-second fix.

Navigate to the startup project in solution explorer. Right click, properties > Application > Target framework. Change the target framework to anything else. Press Yes for the confirmation dialog. Give the changes a few seconds to take effect, then switch the framework back to what it was before.

The error will hopefully go away for you like it did for me!

How to set or change the default Java (JDK) version on OS X?

TOO EASY SOLUTION: What a headache - this was a quick easy solution that worked for me.

Mac OS Sierra Version 10.12.13

  1. Use the shortcut keys: CMD+SHIFT+G - type in "/Library/"

  2. Find the JAVA folder

  3. Right Click Java Folder = Move to Trash (Password Required)

  4. Install: Java SE Development Kit 8 jdk-8u131-macosx-x64.dmg | Download Javascript SDK

  5. Make sure the new JAVA folder appears in /LIBRARY/
  6. Install Eclipse | Install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
  7. Boom Done

How to delete Certain Characters in a excel 2010 cell

Another option: =MID(A1,2,LEN(A1)-2)

Or this (for fun): =RIGHT(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-1),LEN(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-1))-1)

Is a Java hashmap search really O(1)?

It depends on the algorithm you choose to avoid collisions. If your implementation uses separate chaining then the worst case scenario happens where every data element is hashed to the same value (poor choice of the hash function for example). In that case, data lookup is no different from a linear search on a linked list i.e. O(n). However, the probability of that happening is negligible and lookups best and average cases remain constant i.e. O(1).

from jquery $.ajax to angular $http

You may use this :

Download "angular-post-fix": "^0.1.0"

Then add 'httpPostFix' to your dependencies while declaring the angular module.

Ref :

Given final block not properly padded

This can also be a issue when you enter wrong password for your sign key.

Count unique values using pandas groupby

I think you can use SeriesGroupBy.nunique:

print (df.groupby('param')['group'].nunique())
a    2
b    1
Name: group, dtype: int64

Another solution with unique, then create new df by DataFrame.from_records, reshape to Series by stack and last value_counts:

a = df[df.param.notnull()].groupby('group')['param'].unique()
print (pd.DataFrame.from_records(a.values.tolist()).stack().value_counts())
a    2
b    1
dtype: int64

How to check if an element exists in the xml using xpath?



Convert Unix timestamp to a date string

awk 'BEGIN { print strftime("%c", 1271603087); }'

Disable XML validation in Eclipse

You have two options:

  1. Configure Workspace Settings (disable the validation for the current workspace): Go to Window > Preferences > Validation and uncheck the manual and build for: XML Schema Validator, XML Validator

  2. Check enable project specific settings (disable the validation for this project): Right-click on the project, select Properties > Validation and uncheck the manual and build for: XML Schema Validator, XML Validator

Right-click on the project and select Validate to make the errors disappear.

RichTextBox (WPF) does not have string property "Text"

"Extended WPF Toolkit" now provides a richtextbox with the Text property.

You can get or set the text in different formats (XAML, RTF and plaintext).

Here is the link: Extended WPF Toolkit RichTextBox

Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. when email is in a variable

(I'm using SwiftMailer in PHP)

I was getting an error like that when I was accidentally sending a string for $email

$email = "[email protected] <Some One>";

When what I meant to be sending was

$email = Array("[email protected]"=>"Some One");

I was accidentally running it through a stringify function that I was using for logging, so once I started sending the array again, the error went away.

Jquery/Ajax call with timer

If you want to set something on a timer, you can use JavaScript's setTimeout or setInterval methods:

setTimeout ( expression, timeout );
setInterval ( expression, interval );

Where expression is a function and timeout and interval are integers in milliseconds. setTimeout runs the timer once and runs the expression once whereas setInterval will run the expression every time the interval passes.

So in your case it would work something like this:

setInterval(function() {
    //call $.ajax here
}, 5000); //5 seconds

As far as the Ajax goes, see jQuery's ajax() method. If you run an interval, there is nothing stopping you from calling the same ajax() from other places in your code.

If what you want is for an interval to run every 30 seconds until a user initiates a form submission...and then create a new interval after that, that is also possible:

setInterval() returns an integer which is the ID of the interval.

var id = setInterval(function() {
    //call $.ajax here
}, 30000); // 30 seconds

If you store that ID in a variable, you can then call clearInterval(id) which will stop the progression.

Then you can reinstantiate the setInterval() call after you've completed your ajax form submission.

How to delete mysql database through shell command

[root@host]# mysqladmin -u root -p drop [DB]

Enter password:******

Multiple line comment in Python

#Single line


multi-line comment

Set a default parameter value for a JavaScript function

function read_file(file, delete_after) {
    delete_after = delete_after || "my default here";
    //rest of code

This assigns to delete_after the value of delete_after if it is not a falsey value otherwise it assigns the string "my default here". For more detail, check out Doug Crockford's survey of the language and check out the section on Operators.

This approach does not work if you want to pass in a falsey value i.e. false, null, undefined, 0 or "". If you require falsey values to be passed in you would need to use the method in Tom Ritter's answer.

When dealing with a number of parameters to a function, it is often useful to allow the consumer to pass the parameter arguments in an object and then merge these values with an object that contains the default values for the function

function read_file(values) {
    values = merge({ 
        delete_after : "my default here"
    }, values || {});

    // rest of code

// simple implementation based on $.extend() from jQuery
function merge() {
    var obj, name, copy,
        target = arguments[0] || {},
        i = 1,
        length = arguments.length;

    for (; i < length; i++) {
        if ((obj = arguments[i]) != null) {
            for (name in obj) {
                copy = obj[name];

                if (target === copy) {
                else if (copy !== undefined) {
                    target[name] = copy;

    return target;

to use

// will use the default delete_after value
read_file({ file: "my file" }); 

// will override default delete_after value
read_file({ file: "my file", delete_after: "my value" }); 

To switch from vertical split to horizontal split fast in Vim

Ctrl-w followed by H, J, K or L (capital) will move the current window to the far left, bottom, top or right respectively like normal cursor navigation.

The lower case equivalents move focus instead of moving the window.

How to allow user to pick the image with Swift?

Try this one it's easy.. to Pic a Image using UIImagePickerControllerDelegate

    @objc func masterAction(_ sender: UIButton)
        if UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(.savedPhotosAlbum){
            print("Button capture")

            imagePicker.delegate = self
            imagePicker.sourceType = .savedPhotosAlbum;
            imagePicker.allowsEditing = false

            self.present(imagePicker, animated: true, completion: nil)

        print("hello i'm touch \(sender.tag)")

    func imagePickerControllerDidCancel(_ picker:
        UIImagePickerController) {
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

    func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) {
        if let chosenImage = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as? UIImage {
            print("Get Image \(chosenImage)")
            ImageList.insert(chosenImage, at: 0)
            ArrayList.insert("", at: 0)
        } else{
            print("Something went wrong")

        self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

Which port we can use to run IIS other than 80?

Well you can disable skype to use port 80. Click tools --> Options --> Advanced --> Connection and uncheck the appropriate checkbox. Skype Screenshot

Bootstrap 3 Navbar with Logo

 <div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="navbar-header" >
               <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
                   <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
                   <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                   <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                   <span class="icon-bar"></span>

                <a class="navbar-brand" href="Default.aspx"> <span> <img alt="Logo" src="Images/shopify-bag.png"height="35" width="40"/></span> Shopping GO</a>
            <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
                <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"></ul>

//Don't forgot to add bootstrap in head of your code.

rsync - mkstemp failed: Permission denied (13)

Yet still another way to get this symptom: I was rsync'ing from a remote machine over ssh to a Linux box with an NTFS-3G (FUSE) filesystem. Originally the filesystem was mounted at boot time and thus owned by root, and I was getting this error message when I did an rsync push from the remote machine. Then, as the user to which the rsync is pushed, I did:

$ sudo umount /shared
$ mount /shared

and the error messages went away.

Android getActivity() is undefined

This is because you're using getActivity() inside an inner class. Try using:


instead, though there's really no need for the getActivity() part. In your case, SherlockFragmentActivity .this should suffice.

How can I change the Bootstrap default font family using font from Google?

I know this is a late answer but you could manually change the 7 font declarations in the latest version of Bootstrap:

html {
  font-family: sans-serif;

body {
  font-family: sans-serif;

pre, code, kbd, samp {
  font-family: monospace;

input, button, select, optgroup, textarea {
  font-family: inherit;

.tooltip {
  font-family: sans-serif;

.popover {
  font-family: sans-serif;

.text-monospace {
  font-family: monospace;

Good luck.

How does the class_weight parameter in scikit-learn work?

First off, it might not be good to just go by recall alone. You can simply achieve a recall of 100% by classifying everything as the positive class. I usually suggest using AUC for selecting parameters, and then finding a threshold for the operating point (say a given precision level) that you are interested in.

For how class_weight works: It penalizes mistakes in samples of class[i] with class_weight[i] instead of 1. So higher class-weight means you want to put more emphasis on a class. From what you say it seems class 0 is 19 times more frequent than class 1. So you should increase the class_weight of class 1 relative to class 0, say {0:.1, 1:.9}. If the class_weight doesn't sum to 1, it will basically change the regularization parameter.

For how class_weight="auto" works, you can have a look at this discussion. In the dev version you can use class_weight="balanced", which is easier to understand: it basically means replicating the smaller class until you have as many samples as in the larger one, but in an implicit way.

Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode

I will try to explain it shortly.

First, you may notice that now you should use ConstraintLayout as requested by google (see androix library).

In your android studio projet, you can provide screen-specific layouts by creating additional res/layout/ directories. One for each screen configuration that requires a different layout.

This means you have to use the directory qualifier in both cases :

  • Android device support
  • Android landscape or portrait mode

As a result, here is an exemple :

res/layout/main_activity.xml                # For handsets
res/layout-land/main_activity.xml           # For handsets in landscape
res/layout-sw600dp/main_activity.xml        # For 7” tablets
res/layout-sw600dp-land/main_activity.xml   # For 7” tablets in landscape

You can also use qualifier with res ressources files using dimens.xml.

res/values/dimens.xml                # For handsets
res/values-land/dimens.xml           # For handsets in landscape
res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml        # For 7” tablets


    <dimen name="grid_view_item_height">70dp</dimen>


    <dimen name="grid_view_item_height">150dp</dimen>





Source :

How do you configure HttpOnly cookies in tomcat / java webapps?

also it should be noted that turning on HttpOnly will break applets that require stateful access back to the jvm.

the Applet http requests will not use the jsessionid cookie and may get assigned to a different tomcat.

A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type 'SubSonic.Schema .DatabaseColumn'.

It seems that there are circular references in your object hierarchy which is not supported by the JSON serializer. Do you need all the columns? You could pick up only the properties you need in the view:

return Json(new 
    PropertyINeed1 = data.PropertyINeed1,
    PropertyINeed2 = data.PropertyINeed2

This will make your JSON object lighter and easier to understand. If you have many properties, AutoMapper could be used to automatically map between DTO objects and View objects.

Error: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed

Xerces-based tools will emit the following error

The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

when an XML declaration is encountered anywhere other than at the top of an XML file.

This is a valid diagnostic message; other XML parsers should issue a similar error message in this situation.

To correct the problem, check the following possibilities:

  1. Some blank space or other visible content exists before the <?xml ?> declaration.

    Resolution: remove blank space or any other visible content before the XML declaration.

  2. Some invisible content exists before the <?xml ?> declaration. Most commonly this is a Byte Order Mark (BOM).

    Resolution: Remove the BOM using techniques such as those suggested by the W3C page on the BOM in HTML.

  3. A stray <?xml ?> declaration exists within the XML content. This can happen when XML files are combined programmatically or via cut-and-paste. There can only be one <?xml ?> declaration in an XML file, and it can only be at the top.

    Resolution: Search for <?xml in a case-insensitive manner, and remove all but the top XML declaration from the file.

How to check if pytorch is using the GPU?

This is going to work :

In [1]: import torch

In [2]: torch.cuda.current_device()
Out[2]: 0

In [3]: torch.cuda.device(0)
Out[3]: <torch.cuda.device at 0x7efce0b03be0>

In [4]: torch.cuda.device_count()
Out[4]: 1

In [5]: torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)
Out[5]: 'GeForce GTX 950M'

In [6]: torch.cuda.is_available()
Out[6]: True

This tells me the GPU GeForce GTX 950M is being used by PyTorch.

how to convert object into string in php

There is an object serialization module, with the serialize function you can serialize any object.

How to know Hive and Hadoop versions from command prompt?

On HDInsight I tried the hive --version, but it did not recognize the option or mention it in the help.

D:\Users\admin1>%hive_home%/bin/hive --version
Unrecognized option: --version
usage: hive
 -d,--define <key=value>          Variable subsitution to apply to hive
                                  commands. e.g. -d A=B or --define A=B
    --database <databasename>     Specify the database to use
 -e <quoted-query-string>         SQL from command line
 -f <filename>                    SQL from files
 -H,--help                        Print help information
 -h <hostname>                    connecting to Hive Server on remote host
    --hiveconf <property=value>   Use value for given property
    --hivevar <key=value>         Variable subsitution to apply to hive
                                  commands. e.g. --hivevar A=B
 -i <filename>                    Initialization SQL file
 -p <port>                        connecting to Hive Server on port number
 -S,--silent                      Silent mode in interactive shell
 -v,--verbose                     Verbose mode (echo executed SQL to the

However when you login to the head node and start the hive console it prints out some helpful configuration information from which the version can be read:

Logging initialized using configuration in file:/C:/apps/dist/hive-
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/apps/dist/hadoop-
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/apps/dist/hbase-!/org/slf4
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
hive> quit;

From this I would say I have Hive version 0.13 deployed, which is consistent with this list of versions

MySQL limit from descending order

Let's say we have a table with a column time and you want the last 5 entries, but you want them returned to you in asc order, not desc, this is how you do it:

select * from ( select * from `table` order by `time` desc limit 5 ) t order by `time` asc

Rebase array keys after unsetting elements

Or you can make your own function that passes the array by reference.

function array_unset($unsets, &$array) {
  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    foreach ($unsets as $unset) {
      if ($value == $unset) {
  $array = array_values($array);

So then all you have to do is...

$unsets = array(1,2);
array_unset($unsets, $array);

... and now your $array is without the values you placed in $unsets and the keys are reset

What are alternatives to document.write?

Try to use getElementById() or getElementsByName() to access a specific element and then to use innerHTML property:

        <div id="myDiv1"></div>
        <div id="myDiv2"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var myDiv1 = document.getElementById("myDiv1");
        var myDiv2 = document.getElementById("myDiv2");

        myDiv1.innerHTML = "<b>Content of 1st DIV</b>";
        myDiv2.innerHTML = "<i>Content of second DIV element</i>";

Why declare unicode by string in python?

As others have said, # coding: specifies the encoding the source file is saved in. Here are some examples to illustrate this:

A file saved on disk as cp437 (my console encoding), but no encoding declared

b = 'über'
u = u'über'
print b,repr(b)
print u,repr(u)


  File "C:\", line 1
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\x81' in file C:\ on line 1, but no
encoding declared; see for details

Output of file with # coding: cp437 added:

über '\x81ber'
über u'\xfcber'

At first, Python didn't know the encoding and complained about the non-ASCII character. Once it knew the encoding, the byte string got the bytes that were actually on disk. For the Unicode string, Python read \x81, knew that in cp437 that was a ü, and decoded it into the Unicode codepoint for ü which is U+00FC. When the byte string was printed, Python sent the hex value 81 to the console directly. When the Unicode string was printed, Python correctly detected my console encoding as cp437 and translated Unicode ü to the cp437 value for ü.

Here's what happens with a file declared and saved in UTF-8:

++ber '\xc3\xbcber'
über u'\xfcber'

In UTF-8, ü is encoded as the hex bytes C3 BC, so the byte string contains those bytes, but the Unicode string is identical to the first example. Python read the two bytes and decoded it correctly. Python printed the byte string incorrectly, because it sent the two UTF-8 bytes representing ü directly to my cp437 console.

Here the file is declared cp437, but saved in UTF-8:

++ber '\xc3\xbcber'
++ber u'\u251c\u255dber'

The byte string still got the bytes on disk (UTF-8 hex bytes C3 BC), but interpreted them as two cp437 characters instead of a single UTF-8-encoded character. Those two characters where translated to Unicode code points, and everything prints incorrectly.

Angular 4/5/6 Global Variables

I use environment for that. It works automatically and you don't have to create new injectable service and most usefull for me, don't need to import via constructor.

1) Create environment variable in your environment.ts

export const environment = {
    // runtime variables
    isContentLoading: false,
    isDeployNeeded: false

2) Import environment.ts in *.ts file and create public variable (i.e. "env") to be able to use in html template

import { environment } from 'environments/environment';

export class TestComponent {
    env = environment;

3) Use it in template...

<app-spinner *ngIf='env.isContentLoading'></app-spinner>

in *.ts ...

env.isContentLoading = false 

(or just environment.isContentLoading in case you don't need it for template)

You can create your own set of globals within environment.ts like so:

export const globals = {
    isContentLoading: false,
    isDeployNeeded: false

and import directly these variables (y)

Python Pylab scatter plot error bars (the error on each point is unique)

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> a = [1,3,5,7]
>>> b = [11,-2,4,19]
>>> plt.pyplot.scatter(a,b)
>>> plt.scatter(a,b)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x00000000057E2CF8>
>>> c = [1,3,2,1]
>>> plt.errorbar(a,b,yerr=c, linestyle="None")
<Container object of 3 artists>

where a is your x data b is your y data c is your y error if any

note that c is the error in each direction already

Should I use "camel case" or underscores in python?

Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability. mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style

Check out its already been answered, click here

Calculate the center point of multiple latitude/longitude coordinate pairs

As an appreciation for this thread, here is my little contribution with the implementation in Ruby, hoping that I will save someone a few minutes from their precious time:

def self.find_center(locations)

 number_of_locations = locations.length

 return locations.first if number_of_locations == 1

 x = y = z = 0.0
 locations.each do |station|
   latitude = station.latitude * Math::PI / 180
   longitude = station.longitude * Math::PI / 180

   x += Math.cos(latitude) * Math.cos(longitude)
   y += Math.cos(latitude) * Math.sin(longitude)
   z += Math.sin(latitude)

 x = x/number_of_locations
 y = y/number_of_locations
 z = z/number_of_locations

 central_longitude =  Math.atan2(y, x)
 central_square_root = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
 central_latitude = Math.atan2(z, central_square_root)

 [latitude: central_latitude * 180 / Math::PI, 
 longitude: central_longitude * 180 / Math::PI]

Passing command line arguments from Maven as properties in pom.xml

I used the properties plugin to solve this.

Properties are defined in the pom, and written out to a file, where they can then be accessed from your Java code.

In my case it is test code that needs to access this properties file, so in the pom the properties file is written to maven's testOutputDirectory:


Use outputDirectory if you want properties to be accessible by your app code:


For those looking for a fuller example (it took me a bit of fiddling to get this working as I didn't understand how naming of properties tags affects ability to retrieve them elsewhere in the pom file), my pom looks as follows:





And on the command line:

mvn clean test -Dapp.env=LOCAL -Dapp.domain=localhost -Dapp.port=9901

So these properties can be accessed from the Java code: inputStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("");
 java.util.Properties properties = new Properties();
 appPort = properties.getProperty("app.port");
 appDomain = properties.getProperty("app.domain");

handle textview link click in my android app

This answer extends Jonathan S's excellent solution:

You can use the following method to extract links from the text:

private static ArrayList<String> getLinksFromText(String text) {
        ArrayList links = new ArrayList();

        String regex = "\(?\b((http|https)://www[.])[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_()|!:,.;]*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_()|]";
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
        Matcher m = p.matcher(text);
        while (m.find()) {
            String urlStr =;
            if (urlStr.startsWith("(") && urlStr.endsWith(")")) {
                urlStr = urlStr.substring(1, urlStr.length() - 1);
        return links;

This can be used to remove one of the parameters in the clickify() method:

public static void clickify(TextView view,
                                final ClickSpan.OnClickListener listener) {

        CharSequence text = view.getText();
        String string = text.toString();

        ArrayList<String> linksInText = getLinksFromText(string);
        if (linksInText.isEmpty()){

        String clickableText = linksInText.get(0);
        ClickSpan span = new ClickSpan(listener,clickableText);

        int start = string.indexOf(clickableText);
        int end = start + clickableText.length();
        if (start == -1) return;

        if (text instanceof Spannable) {
            ((Spannable) text).setSpan(span, start, end, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        } else {
            SpannableString s = SpannableString.valueOf(text);
            s.setSpan(span, start, end, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

        MovementMethod m = view.getMovementMethod();
        if ((m == null) || !(m instanceof LinkMovementMethod)) {

A few changes to the ClickSpan:

public static class ClickSpan extends ClickableSpan {

        private String mClickableText;
        private OnClickListener mListener;

        public ClickSpan(OnClickListener listener, String clickableText) {
            mListener = listener;
            mClickableText = clickableText;

        public void onClick(View widget) {
            if (mListener != null) mListener.onClick(mClickableText);

        public interface OnClickListener {
            void onClick(String clickableText);

Now you can simply set the text on the TextView and then add a listener to it:

TextViewUtils.clickify(textWithLink,new TextUtils.ClickSpan.OnClickListener(){

public void onClick(String clickableText){


Best way to "push" into C# array

I don't understand what you are doing with the for loop. You are merely iterating over every element and assigning to the first element you encounter. If you're trying to push to a list go with the above answer that states there is no such thing as pushing to a list. That really is getting the data structures mixed up. Javascript might not be setting the best example, because a javascript list is really also a queue and a stack at the same time.

Get index of current item in a PowerShell loop

For those coming here from Google like I did, later versions of Powershell have a $foreach automatic variable. You can find the "current" object with $foreach.Current

link_to method and click event in Rails

just use

=link_to "link", "javascript:function()"