Programs & Examples On #Robocopy

ROBOCOPY.exe - "Robust File Copy" is a Windows command line file & directory replication utility published by Microsoft.

How can I copy network files using Robocopy?

You should be able to use Windows "UNC" paths with robocopy. For example:

robocopy \\myServer\myFolder\myFile.txt \\myOtherServer\myOtherFolder

Robocopy has the ability to recover from certain types of network hiccups automatically.

What is Robocopy's "restartable" option?

Restartable mode (/Z) has to do with a partially-copied file. With this option, should the copy be interrupted while any particular file is partially copied, the next execution of robocopy can pick up where it left off rather than re-copying the entire file.

That option could be useful when copying very large files over a potentially unstable connection.

Backup mode (/B) has to do with how robocopy reads files from the source system. It allows the copying of files on which you might otherwise get an access denied error on either the file itself or while trying to copy the file's attributes/permissions. You do need to be running in an Administrator context or otherwise have backup rights to use this flag.

How to exclude subdirectories in the destination while using /mir /xd switch in robocopy

The way you can exclude a destination directory while using the /mir is by making sure the destination directory also exists on the source. I went into my source drive and created blank directories with the same name as on the destination, and then added that directory name to the /xd. It successfully mirrored everything while excluding the directory on the source, thereby leaving the directory on the destination intact.

How to copy a directory structure but only include certain files (using windows batch files)

To do this with drag and drop use winzip there's a dir structure preserve option. Simply create a new .zip at the directory level which will be your root and drag files in.

Use Robocopy to copy only changed files?

To answer all your questions:

Can I use ROBOCOPY for this?

Yes, RC should fit your requirements (simplicity, only copy what needed)

What exactly does it mean to exclude?

It will exclude copying - RC calls it skipping

Would the /XO option copy only newer files, not files of the same age?

Yes, RC will only copy newer files. Files of the same age will be skipped.

(the correct command would be robocopy C:\SourceFolder D:\DestinationFolder ABC.dll /XO)

Maybe in your case using the /MIR option could be useful. In general RC is rather targeted at directories and directory trees than single files.

How do I force Robocopy to overwrite files?

This is really weird, why nobody is mentioning the /IM switch ?! I've been using it for a long time in backup jobs. But I tried googling just now and I couldn't land on a single web page that says anything about it even on MS website !!! Also found so many user posts complaining about the same issue!!

Anyway.. to use Robocopy to overwrite EVERYTHING what ever size or time in source or distination you must include these three switches in your command (/IS /IT /IM)

/IS :: Include Same files. (Includes same size files)
/IT :: Include Tweaked files. (Includes same files with different Attributes)
/IM :: Include Modified files (Includes same files with different times).

This is the exact command I use to transfer few TeraBytes of mostly 1GB+ files (ISOs - Disk Images - 4K Videos):

robocopy B:\Source D:\Destination /E /J /COPYALL /MT:1 /DCOPY:DATE /IS /IT /IM /X /V /NP /LOG:A:\ROBOCOPY.LOG

I did a small test for you .. and here is the result:

               Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
    Dirs :      1028      1028         0         0         0       169
   Files :      8053      8053         0         0         0         1
   Bytes : 649.666 g 649.666 g         0         0         0   1.707 g
   Times :   2:46:53   0:41:43                       0:00:00   0:41:44

   Speed :           278653398 Bytes/sec.
   Speed :           15944.675 MegaBytes/min.
   Ended : Friday, August 21, 2020 7:34:33 AM

Dest, Disk: WD Gold 6TB (Compare the write speed with my result)

Even with those "Extras", that's for reporting only because of the "/X" switch. As you can see nothing was Skipped and Total number and size of all files are equal to the Copied. Sometimes It will show small number of skipped files when I abuse it and cancel it multiple times during operation but even with that the values in the first 2 columns are always Equal. I also confirmed that once before by running a PowerShell script that scans all files in destination and generate a report of all time-stamps.

Some performance tips from my history with it and so many tests & troubles!:

. Despite of what most users online advise to use maximum threads "/MT:128" like it's a general trick to get the best performance ... PLEASE DON'T USE "/MT:128" WITH VERY LARGE FILES ... that's a big mistake and it will decrease your drive performance dramatically after several runs .. it will create very high fragmentation or even cause the files system to fail in some cases and you end up spending valuable time trying to recover a RAW partition and all that nonsense. And above all that, It will perform 4-6 times slower!!

For very large files:

  1. Use Only "One" thread "/MT:1" | Impact: BIG
  2. Must use "/J" to disable buffering. | Impact: High
  3. Use "/NP" with "/LOG:file" and Don't output to the console by "/TEE" | Impact: Medium.
  4. Put the "/LOG:file" on a separate drive from the source or destination | Impact: Low.

For regular big files:

  1. Use multi threads, I would not exceed "/MT:4" | Impact: BIG
  2. IF destination disk has low Cache specs use "/J" to disable buffering | Impact: High
  3. & 4 same as above.

For thousands of tiny files:

  1. Go nuts :) with Multi threads, at first I would start with 16 and multibly by 2 while monitoring the disk performance. Once it starts dropping I'll fall back to the prevouse value and stik with it | Impact: BIG
  2. Don't use "/J" | Impact: High
  3. Use "/NP" with "/LOG:file" and Don't output to the console by "/TEE" | Impact: HIGH.
  4. Put the "/LOG:file" on a separate drive from the source or destination | Impact: HIGH.

How to copy directories with spaces in the name

There's no need to add space before closing quote if path doesn't contain trailing backslash, so following command should work:

robocopy "C:\Source Path" "C:\Destination Path" /option1 /option2...

But, following will not work:

robocopy "C:\Source Path\" "C:\Destination Path\" /option1 /option2...

This is due to the escaping issue that is described here:

The \ escape can cause problems with quoted directory paths that contain a trailing backslash because the closing quote " at the end of the line will be escaped \".

Copy files without overwrite

I just want to clarify something from my own testing.

@Hydrargyrum wrote:

  • /XN excludes existing files newer than the copy in the source directory. Robocopy normally overwrites those.
  • /XO excludes existing files older than the copy in the source directory. Robocopy normally overwrites those.

This is actually backwards. XN does "eXclude Newer" files but it excludes files that are newer than the copy in the destination directory. XO does "eXclude Older", but it excludes files that are older than the copy in the destination directory.

Of course do your own testing as always.

How can I make robocopy silent in the command line except for progress?

If you want no output at all this is the most simple way:

robocopy src dest > nul

If you still need some information and only want to strip parts of the output, use the parameters from R.Koene's answer.

Embed Google Map code in HTML with marker

The element that you posted looks like it's just copy-pasted from the Google Maps embed feature.

If you'd like to drop markers for the locations that you have, you'll need to write some JavaScript to do so. I'm learning how to do this as well.

Check out the following:

It has several examples and code samples that can be easily re-used and adapted to fit your current problem.

Joining three tables using MySQL

FROM user u
JOIN user_clockits uc ON u.user_id=uc.user_id
JOIN clockits cl ON cl.clockits_id=uc.clockits_id
WHERE user_id = 158

Why call git branch --unset-upstream to fixup?

Actually torek told you already how to use the tools much better than I would be able to do. However, in this case I think it is important to point out something peculiar if you follow the guidelines at Namely, you will have multiple github repositories in your setup. First of all the one with all the source code for your website in say the directory $WEBSITE, and then the one with only the static generated files residing in $WEBSITE/_deploy. The funny thing of the setup is that there is a .gitignore file in the $WEBSITE directory so that this setup actually works.

Enough introduction. In this case the error might also come from the repository in _deploy.

cd _deploy

git branch -a
* master

In .git/config you will normally need to find something like this:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
    url = [email protected]:yourname/
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master

But in your case the branch master does not have a remote.

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
    url = [email protected]:yourname/
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Which you can solve by:

cd _deploy
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master

So, everything is as torek told you, but it might be important to point out that this very well might concern the _deploy directory rather than the root of your website.

PS: It might be worth to use a shell such as zsh with a git plugin to not be bitten by this thing in the future. It will immediately show that _deploy concerns a different repository.

Checking password match while typing

Probably invalid syntax in your onChange event, I avoid using like this (within the html) as I think it is messy and it is hard enough keeping JavaScript tidy at the best of times.

I would rather register the event on the document ready event in javascript. You will also definitely want to use keyup event too if you want the validation as the user is typing:

$(document).ready(function () {

Here is a working example

Personally I would prefer to do the check when either password field changes, that way if they re-type the original password then you still get the same validation check:

$(document).ready(function () {
   $("#txtNewPassword, #txtConfirmPassword").keyup(checkPasswordMatch);

Here is a working example

how to dynamically add options to an existing select in vanilla javascript

This tutorial shows exactly what you need to do: Add options to an HTML select box with javascript


 daySelect = document.getElementById('daySelect');
 daySelect.options[daySelect.options.length] = new Option('Text 1', 'Value1');

jQuery - selecting elements from inside a element

You can use find option to select an element inside another. For example, to find an element with id txtName in a particular div, you can use like

var name = $('#div1').find('#txtName').val();

Network tools that simulate slow network connection

On Linux, see netem: the kernel already contains support for traffic shaping, and can simulate high latency, low bandwidth, packet losses, and all sort of other adverse conditions, even on a loopback device (so you don't need a real, physical network to test across).

Array as session variable

session_start();          //php part
$student_name=$_POST['student_name']; //student_name form field name
$student_city=$_POST['city_id'];   //city_id form field name

<table class="table">     //html part

     <?php for($i = 0 ; $i < count($_SESSION['student']) ; $i++) {
     echo '<td>'.$_SESSION['student'][$i].'</td>';
     }  ?>

C# Listbox Item Double Click Event

For Winforms

private void listBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        int index = this.listBox1.IndexFromPoint(e.Location);
        if (index != System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.NoMatches)


public Form()
    listBox1.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(listBox1_DoubleClick);

that should also, prevent for the event firing if you select an item then click on a blank area.

Beginner question: returning a boolean value from a function in Python

Have your tried using the 'return' keyword?

def rps():
    return True

How to open .SQLite files

SQLite is database engine, .sqlite or .db should be a database. If you don't need to program anything, you can use a GUI like sqlitebrowser or anything like that to view the database contents.

There is also spatialite,

How can I show data using a modal when clicking a table row (using bootstrap)?

One thing you can do is get rid of all those onclick attributes and do it the right way with bootstrap. You don't need to open them manually; you can specify the trigger and even subscribe to events before the modal opens so that you can do your operations and populate data in it.

I am just going to show as a static example which you can accommodate in your real world.

On each of your <tr>'s add a data attribute for id (i.e. data-id) with the corresponding id value and specify a data-target, which is a selector you specify, so that when clicked, bootstrap will select that element as modal dialog and show it. And then you need to add another attribute data-toggle=modal to make this a trigger for modal.

  <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="1" data-target="#orderModal">
  <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="2" data-target="#orderModal">
  <tr data-toggle="modal" data-id="3" data-target="#orderModal">

And now in the javascript just set up the modal just once and event listen to its events so you can do your work.

        keyboard: true,
        backdrop: "static",

    }).on('show', function(){ //subscribe to show method
          var getIdFromRow = $('tr').data('id'); //get the id from tr
        //make your ajax call populate items or what even you need
        $(this).find('#orderDetails').html($('<b> Order Id selected: ' + getIdFromRow  + '</b>'))


Do not use inline click attributes any more. Use event bindings instead with vanilla js or using jquery.

Alternative ways here:

Demo2 or Demo3

Asynchronous file upload (AJAX file upload) using jsp and javascript

I don't believe AJAX can handle file uploads but this can be achieved with libraries that leverage flash. Another advantage of the flash implementation is the ability to do multiple files at once (like gmail).

SWFUpload is a good start :

jQuery and some of the other libraries have plugins that leverage SWFUpload. On my last project we used SWFUpload and Java without a problem.

Also helpful and worth looking into is Apache's FileUpload :

What is the difference between a Shared Project and a Class Library in Visual Studio 2015?

I found some more information from this blog.

  • In a Class Library, when code is compiled, assemblies (dlls) are generated for each library. But with Shared Project it will not contain any header information so when you have a Shared Project reference it will be compiled as part of the parent application. There will not be separate dlls created.
  • In class library you are only allowed to write C# code while shared project can have any thing like C# code files, XAML files or JavaScript files etc.

How to test if parameters exist in rails

In addition to previous answers: has_key? and has_value? have shorter alternatives in form of key? and value?. Ruby team also suggests using shorter alternatives, but for readability some might still prefer longer versions of these methods.

Therefore in your case it would be something like

if params.key?(:one) && params.key?(:two)
  ... do something ...
elsif params.key?(:one)
  ... do something ...

NB! .key? will just check if the key exists and ignores the whatever possible value. For ex:

2.3.3 :016 > a = {first: 1, second: nil, third: ''}
  => {:first=>1, :second=>nil, :third=>""}
2.3.3 :017 > puts "#{a.key?(:first)}, #{a.key?(:second)}, #{a.key?(:third), #{a.key?(:fourth)}}"
true, true, true, false

Comparing chars in Java

If you know all your 21 characters in advance you can write them all as one String and then check it like this:

char wanted = 'x';
String candidates = "abcdefghij...";
boolean hit = candidates.indexOf(wanted) >= 0;

I think this is the shortest way.

Facebook Open Graph Error - Inferred Property

You need a space after the final set of quote marks

<meta property="og:url" content=""/>

Should be..likes this one

<meta property="og:url" content="" />

how to set default culture info for entire c# application

If you use a Language Resource file to set the labels in your application you need to set the its value:

CultureInfo customCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
Languages.Culture = customCulture;

RESTful Authentication

The 'very insightful' article mentioned by @skrebel ( ) discusses a convoluted but really broken method of authentication.

You may try to visit the page (which is supposed to be viewable only to authenticated user) without any login credentials.

(Sorry I can't comment on the answer.)

I would say REST and authentication simply do not mix. REST means stateless but 'authenticated' is a state. You cannot have them both at the same layer. If you are a RESTful advocate and frown upon states, then you have to go with HTTPS (i.e. leave the security issue to another layer).

Android ListView Selector Color

TO ADD: @Christopher's answer does not work on API 7/8 (as per @Jonny's correct comment) IF you are using colours, instead of drawables. (In my testing, using drawables as per Christopher works fine)

Here is the FIX for 2.3 and below when using colours:

As per @Charles Harley, there is a bug in 2.3 and below where filling the list item with a colour causes the colour to flow out over the whole list. His fix is to define a shape drawable containing the colour you want, and to use that instead of the colour.

I suggest looking at this link if you want to just use a colour as selector, and are targeting Android 2 (or at least allow for Android 2).

How to use OpenCV SimpleBlobDetector

Python: Reads image blob.jpg and performs blob detection with different parameters.


# Standard imports
import cv2
import numpy as np;

# Read image
im = cv2.imread("blob.jpg")

# Setup SimpleBlobDetector parameters.
params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params()

# Change thresholds
params.minThreshold = 10
params.maxThreshold = 200

# Filter by Area.
params.filterByArea = True
params.minArea = 1500

# Filter by Circularity
params.filterByCircularity = True
params.minCircularity = 0.1

# Filter by Convexity
params.filterByConvexity = True
params.minConvexity = 0.87

# Filter by Inertia
params.filterByInertia = True
params.minInertiaRatio = 0.01

# Create a detector with the parameters
detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector(params)

# Detect blobs.
keypoints = detector.detect(im)

# Draw detected blobs as red circles.
# the size of the circle corresponds to the size of blob

im_with_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(im, keypoints, np.array([]), (0,0,255), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS)

# Show blobs
cv2.imshow("Keypoints", im_with_keypoints)

C++: Reads image blob.jpg and performs blob detection with different parameters.

#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Read image
#if CV_MAJOR_VERSION < 3   // If you are using OpenCV 2
    Mat im = imread("blob.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
    Mat im = imread("blob.jpg", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

    // Setup SimpleBlobDetector parameters.
    SimpleBlobDetector::Params params;

    // Change thresholds
    params.minThreshold = 10;
    params.maxThreshold = 200;

    // Filter by Area.
    params.filterByArea = true;
    params.minArea = 1500;

    // Filter by Circularity
    params.filterByCircularity = true;
    params.minCircularity = 0.1;

    // Filter by Convexity
    params.filterByConvexity = true;
    params.minConvexity = 0.87;

    // Filter by Inertia
    params.filterByInertia = true;
    params.minInertiaRatio = 0.01;

    // Storage for blobs
    std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;

#if CV_MAJOR_VERSION < 3   // If you are using OpenCV 2

    // Set up detector with params
    SimpleBlobDetector detector(params);

    // Detect blobs
    detector.detect(im, keypoints);

    // Set up detector with params
    Ptr<SimpleBlobDetector> detector = SimpleBlobDetector::create(params);

    // Detect blobs
    detector->detect(im, keypoints);

    // Draw detected blobs as red circles.
    // DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS flag ensures
    // the size of the circle corresponds to the size of blob

    Mat im_with_keypoints;
    drawKeypoints(im, keypoints, im_with_keypoints, Scalar(0, 0, 255), DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);

    // Show blobs
    imshow("keypoints", im_with_keypoints);

The answer has been copied from this tutorial I wrote at explaining various parameters of SimpleBlobDetector. You can find additional details about the parameters in the tutorial.

How do you get a directory listing sorted by creation date in python?

Here's a one-liner:

import os
import time
from pprint import pprint

pprint([(x[0], time.ctime(x[1].st_ctime)) for x in sorted([(fn, os.stat(fn)) for fn in os.listdir(".")], key = lambda x: x[1].st_ctime)])

This calls os.listdir() to get a list of the filenames, then calls os.stat() for each one to get the creation time, then sorts against the creation time.

Note that this method only calls os.stat() once for each file, which will be more efficient than calling it for each comparison in a sort. Invalid Keystore format

go to build clean the project then rebuild your project it worked for me.

How to find out line-endings in a text file?

You can use xxd to show a hex dump of the file, and hunt through for "0d0a" or "0a" chars.

You can use cat -v <filename> as @warriorpostman suggests.

Does "\d" in regex mean a digit?

This is just a guess, but I think your editor actually matches every single digit — 1 2 3 — but only odd matches are highlighted, to distinguish it from the case when the whole 123 string is matched.

Most regex consoles highlight contiguous matches with different colors, but due to the plugin settings, terminal limitations or for some other reason, only every other group might be highlighted in your case.

What's a good, free serial port monitor for reverse-engineering?

Oops, can't comment yet (!) but re: Nick and logic analyser, beware: RS232 signal levels not typically Logic Analyser compatible unless you get/make a special serial probe. A 'proper' RS232/Serial port can use +/-12v swings (on all signals) and sometimes more. A laptop sometimes uses 0-5v swings (and often won't work with real serial interfaces) so could work with a vbasic 'ttl-level' LA interface.

Splitting String and put it on int array

Let's consider that you have input as "1,2,3,4".

That means the length of the input is 7. So now you write the size = 7/2 = 3.5. But as size is an int, it will be rounded off to 3. In short, you are losing 1 value.

If you rewrite the code as below it should work:

String input;
int length, count, size;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
input =;
length = input.length();

String strarray[] = input.split(",");
int intarray[] = new int[strarray.length];

for (count = 0; count < intarray.length ; count++) {
    intarray[count] = Integer.parseInt(strarray[count]);

for (int s : intarray) {

How to change the style of the title attribute inside an anchor tag?

CSS can't change the tooltip appearance. It is browser/OS-dependent. If you want something different you'll have to use Javascript to generate markup when you hover over the element instead of the default tooltip.

Links in <select> dropdown options

... or if you want / need to keep your option 'value' as it was, just add a new attribute:

<select id="my_selection">
<option value="x" href="/link/to/somewhere">value 1</option>
<option value="y" href="/link/to/somewhere/else">value 2</option>

document.getElementById('my_selection').onchange = function() {
    window.location.href = this.children[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('href');

git rebase merge conflict

Note: with Git 2.14.x/2.15 (Q3 2017), the git rebase message in case of conflicts will be clearer.

See commit 5fdacc1 (16 Jul 2017) by William Duclot (williamdclt).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 076eeec, 11 Aug 2017)

rebase: make resolve message clearer for inexperienced users


When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git rebase --skip" instead.
To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase --abort"


Resolve all conflicts manually, 
mark them as resolved with git add/rm <conflicted_files>
then run "git rebase --continue".

You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".')

The git UI can be improved by addressing the error messages to those they help: inexperienced and casual git users.
To this intent, it is helpful to make sure the terms used in those messages can be understood by this segment of users, and that they guide them to resolve the problem.

In particular, failure to apply a patch during a git rebase is a common problem that can be very destabilizing for the inexperienced user.
It is important to lead them toward the resolution of the conflict (which is a 3-steps process, thus complex) and reassure them that they can escape a situation they can't handle with "--abort".
This commit answer those two points by detailing the resolution process and by avoiding cryptic git linguo.

Adding elements to a C# array

Since arrays implement IEnumerable<T> you can use Concat:

string[] strArr = { "foo", "bar" };
strArr = strArr.Concat(new string[] { "something", "new" });

Or what would be more appropriate would be to use a collection type that supports inline manipulation.

Get human readable version of file size?

How about a simple 2 liner:

def humanizeFileSize(filesize):
    p = int(math.floor(math.log(filesize, 2)/10))
    return "%.3f%s" % (filesize/math.pow(1024,p), ['B','KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB','PiB','EiB','ZiB','YiB'][p])

Here is how it works under the hood:

  1. Calculates log2(filesize)
  2. Divides it by 10 to get the closest unit. (eg if size is 5000 bytes, the closest unit is Kb, so the answer should be X KiB)
  3. Returns file_size/value_of_closest_unit along with unit.

It however doesn't work if filesize is 0 or negative (because log is undefined for 0 and -ve numbers). You can add extra checks for them:

def humanizeFileSize(filesize):
    filesize = abs(filesize)
    if (filesize==0):
        return "0 Bytes"
    p = int(math.floor(math.log(filesize, 2)/10))
    return "%0.2f %s" % (filesize/math.pow(1024,p), ['Bytes','KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB','PiB','EiB','ZiB','YiB'][p])


>>> humanizeFileSize(538244835492574234)
'478.06 PiB'
>>> humanizeFileSize(-924372537)
'881.55 MiB'
>>> humanizeFileSize(0)
'0 Bytes'

NOTE - There is a difference between Kb and KiB. KB means 1000 bytes, whereas KiB means 1024 bytes. KB,MB,GB are all multiples of 1000, whereas KiB, MiB, GiB etc are all multiples of 1024. More about it here

How to jump to a particular line in a huge text file?

If you're dealing with a text file & based on linux system, you could use the linux commands.
For me, this worked well!

import commands

def read_line(path, line=1):
    return commands.getoutput('head -%s %s | tail -1' % (line, path))

line_to_jump = 141978
read_line("path_to_large_text_file", line_to_jump)

How do I implement charts in Bootstrap?

Github did this using the HTML canvas element.

This specification defines the 2D Context for the HTML canvas element. The 2D Context provides objects, methods, and properties to draw and manipulate graphics on a canvas drawing surface.

If you use a browser inspector, you see inside every list element a div with a canvas element.

<div class="participation-graph">
   <canvas class="bars" data-color-all="#F5F5F5" data-color-owner="#F5F5F5" data-source="/mxcl/homebrew/graphs/owner_participation" height="80" width="640"></canvas>

With CSS (z-index, position...) you can put that canvas in the background of a li element or table, in your case.

Do a search about jquery pluggins that fit your requirement.

Hope this pointers help you to achieve that.

Angular2 dynamic change CSS property

1) Using inline styles

<div [style.color]="myDynamicColor">

2) Use multiple CSS classes mapping to what you want and switch classes like:

 /* CSS */
 .theme { /* any shared styles */ } { color: blue; } { color: red; }

 /* Template */
 <div class="theme" [ngClass]="{blue: isBlue, red: isRed}">
 <div class="theme" []="isBlue">

Code samples from:

More info on ngClass directive :

How do you import an Eclipse project into Android Studio now?

In addition to the answer by Scott Barta above, you may still have import problems if there are references to Eclipse workspace library files, with e.g.


being a common one.

In this case the import will halt until you provide a reference (and if you've cloned from a git repo, it probably won't be there) and even pointing to your own install (e.g. something like /android-sdk-macosx/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/appcompat-v7) won't be recognised and will halt the import, leaving you in no-man's land.

To get around this, look for refs in the or .classpath files that came in from the Eclipse project and remove/comment them out, e.g.

<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/android-support-v7-appcompat"/>

That will get you past the import stage and you can then add these refs in your build.gradle (Module:app) as indicated in the Android tutorial, like below:

dependencies {
    compile ''

Fix height of a table row in HTML Table

This works, as long as you remove the height attribute from the table.

<table id="content" border="0px" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px">
  <tr><td height='9px' bgcolor="#990000">Upper</td></tr>
  <tr><td height='100px' bgcolor="#990099">Lower</td></tr>

ActiveXObject is not defined and can't find variable: ActiveXObject

ActiveXObject is non-standard and only supported by Internet Explorer on Windows.

There is no native cross browser way to write to the file system without using plugins, even the draft File API gives read only access.

If you want to work cross platform, then you need to look at such things as signed Java applets (keeping in mind that that will only work on platforms for which the Java runtime is available).

How to get the current loop index when using Iterator?

What kind of collection? If it's an implementation of the List interface then you could just use it.nextIndex() - 1.

Read next word in java

You can just use Scanner to read word by word, reads the next word

try {
  Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(filename));

  while (s.hasNext()) {
    System.out.println("word:" +;
} catch (IOException e) {
  System.out.println("Error accessing input file!");

Month name as a string

"MMMM" is definitely NOT the right solution (even if it works for many languages), use "LLLL" pattern with SimpleDateFormat

The support for 'L' as ICU-compatible extension for stand-alone month names was added to Android platform on Jun. 2010.

Even if in English there is no difference between the encoding by 'MMMM' and 'LLLL', your should think about other languages, too.

E.g. this is what you get, if you use Calendar.getDisplayName or the "MMMM" pattern for January with the Russian Locale:

?????? (which is correct for a complete date string: "10 ??????, 2014")

but in case of a stand-alone month name you would expect:


The right solution is:

 SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "LLLL", Locale.getDefault() );
 dateFormat.format( date );

If you are interested in where all the translations come from - here is the reference to gregorian calendar translations (other calendars linked on top of the page).

android EditText - finished typing event

A different approach ... here is an example: If the user has a delay of 600-1000ms when is typing you may consider he's stopped.

 myEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {_x000D_
            private String s;_x000D_
            private long after;_x000D_
   private Thread t;_x000D_
            private Runnable runnable_EditTextWatcher = new Runnable() {_x000D_
                public void run() {_x000D_
                    while (true) {_x000D_
                        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - after) > 600)_x000D_
                            Log.d("Debug_EditTEXT_watcher", "(System.currentTimeMillis()-after)>600 ->  " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - after) + " > " + s);_x000D_
                            // Do your stuff_x000D_
                            t = null;_x000D_
            public void onTextChanged(CharSequence ss, int start, int before, int count) {_x000D_
                s = ss.toString();_x000D_
            public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {_x000D_
            public void afterTextChanged(Editable ss) {_x000D_
                after = System.currentTimeMillis();_x000D_
                if (t == null)_x000D_
                    t = new Thread(runnable_EditTextWatcher);_x000D_

What is the difference between a URI, a URL and a URN?

URIs came about from the need to identify resources on the Web, and other Internet resources such as electronic mailboxes in a uniform and coherent way. So, one can introduce a new type of widget: URIs to identify widget resources or use tel: URIs to have web links cause telephone calls to be made when invoked.

Some URIs provide information to locate a resource (such as a DNS host name and a path on that machine), while some are used as pure resource names. The URL is reserved for identifiers that are resource locators, including 'http' URLs such as, which identifies the web page at the given path on the host. Another example is 'mailto' URLs, such as mailto:[email protected], which identifies the mailbox at the given address.

URNs are URIs that are used as pure resource names rather than locators. For example, the URI: mid:[email protected] is a URN that identifies the email message containing it in its 'Message-Id' field. The URI serves to distinguish that message from any other email message. But it does not itself provide the message's address in any store.

Blur or dim background when Android PopupWindow active

I've found a solution for this

Create a custom transparent dialog and inside that dialog open the popup window:

dialog = new Dialog(context,;
emptyDialog = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.empty, null);

/* blur background*/
WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = dialog.getWindow().getAttributes();  
dialog.setOnShowListener(new OnShowListener()
    public void onShow(DialogInterface dialogIx)
    {; //open the PopupWindow here

xml for the dialog(R.layout.empty):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
     android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_width="match_parent"
     style="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" />

now you want to dismiss the dialog when Popup window dismisses. so

mQuickAction.setOnDismissListener(new OnDismissListener()
    public void onDismiss()
            dialog.dismiss(); // dismiss the empty dialog when the PopupWindow closes
            dialog = null;

Note: I've used NewQuickAction plugin for creating PopupWindow here. It can also be done on native Popup Windows

How to declare and add items to an array in Python?

{} represents an empty dictionary, not an array/list. For lists or arrays, you need [].

To initialize an empty list do this:

my_list = []


my_list = list()

To add elements to the list, use append


To extend the list to include the elements from another list use extend

--> [12,1,2,3,4]

To remove an element from a list use remove


Dictionaries represent a collection of key/value pairs also known as an associative array or a map.

To initialize an empty dictionary use {} or dict()

Dictionaries have keys and values

my_dict = {'key':'value', 'another_key' : 0}

To extend a dictionary with the contents of another dictionary you may use the update method

my_dict.update({'third_key' : 1})

To remove a value from a dictionary

del my_dict['key']

Partly cherry-picking a commit with Git

Building on Mike Monkiewicz answer you can also specify a single or more files to checkout from the supplied sha1/branch.

git checkout -p bc66559 -- path/to/ 

This will allow you to interactively pick the changes you want to have applied to your current version of the file.

Serialize Property as Xml Attribute in Element

Kind of, use the XmlAttribute instead of XmlElement, but it won't look like what you want. It will look like the following:

<SomeModel SomeStringElementName="testData"> 

The only way I can think of to achieve what you want (natively) would be to have properties pointing to objects named SomeStringElementName and SomeInfoElementName where the class contained a single getter named "value". You could take this one step further and use DataContractSerializer so that the wrapper classes can be private. XmlSerializer won't read private properties.

// TODO: make the class generic so that an int or string can be used.
public class SerializationClass
    public SerializationClass(string value)
        this.Value = value;

    public string Value { get; }

public class SomeModel                     
    public string SomeString { get; set; }                     

    public int SomeInfo { get; set; }  

    public SerializationClass SomeStringElementName
        get { return new SerializationClass(this.SomeString); }

How do I clear the content of a div using JavaScript?

You can do it the DOM way as well:

var div = document.getElementById('cart_item');

Always show vertical scrollbar in <select>

I guess you cant, this maybe a limitation or not included in the IE browser. I have tried your jsfiddle with IE6-8 and all of it doesn't show the scrollbar and not sure with IE9. While in FF and chrome the scrollbar is shown. I also want to see how to do it in IE if possible.

If you really want to show the scrollbar, you can add a fake scrollbar. If you are familiar with some of the js library which use in RIA. Like in jquery/dojo some of the select is editable, because it is a combination of textbox + select or it can also be a textbox + div.

As an example, see it here a JavaScript that make select like editable.

How to upgrade safely php version in wamp server

WAMP server generally provide addond for different php/mysql versions. However you mentioned you have downloaded latest wamp server. As of now, latest Wamp server v2.5 provide PHP version 5.5.12

So you need to upgrade it manually as follow:

  1. Download binaries on
  2. Extract all files in a new folder : C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.27/
  3. Copy the wampserver.conf from another php folder (like php/php5.5.12/) to the new folder
  4. Rename php.ini-development file to phpForApache.ini
  5. Done ! Restart WampServer (>Right Mouseclick on trayicon >Exit)

Although not asked, I'd recommend to vagrant/puppet or docker for local development. Check for details. It has slight learning curve but it will give you much better control of different versions of every tool.

HTTP response code for POST when resource already exists

Another potential treatment is using PATCH after all. A PATCH is defined as something that changes the internal state and is not restricted to appending.

PATCH would solve the problem by allowing you to update already existing items. See: RFC 5789: PATCH

plot with custom text for x axis points

This worked for me. Each month on X axis

str_month_list = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']

How to prevent vim from creating (and leaving) temporary files?

I made a plugin called "noswapsuck" that only enables the swapfile when the buffer contains unsaved changes. Once changes have been saved, the swapfile is cleared. Hence, swapfiles which contain the same content as the file on disk will be removed.

Get it here: noswapsuck.vim

It has been working well for me, but I have never publicised it before, so I would welcome feedback.


  • The only swapfiles that remain on your disk will be important swapfiles that actually differ from the file!


  • If the buffer has a swapfile, it will not be detected when the file is first opened. It will only be detected when swapfile is enabled, which is when you start to edit the buffer. That is annoyingly late, and will interrupt you. (Solved: We now check for a pre-existing swapfile when a buffer is opened, by temporarily turning the swapfile option on again.)

  • If you are working in an environment where you want to minimise disk-writes (e.g. low power, or files mounted over a network, or editing a huge file) then it is not ideal to keep removing and re-creating the swap file on every save and edit. In such situations, you can do:

    :let g:NoSwapSuck_CloseSwapfileOnWrite = 0

    which will keep the swapfile after a write, but will still remove it when the buffer loses focus.

By the way, I have another little plugin :DiffAgainstFileOnDisk which can be pretty useful after hitting (r)ecover, to check if the buffer you recovered is newer or older than the existing file, or identical to it.

how to make UITextView height dynamic according to text length?

Better yet swift 4 add as an extension:

extension UITextView {
    func resizeForHeight(){
        self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
        self.isScrollEnabled = false

Why does sudo change the PATH?

This is an annoying function a feature of sudo on many distributions.

To work around this "problem" on ubuntu I do the following in my ~/.bashrc

alias sudo='sudo env PATH=$PATH'

Note the above will work for commands that don't reset the $PATH themselves. However `su' resets it's $PATH so you must use -p to tell it not to. I.E.:

sudo su -p

start/play embedded (iframe) youtube-video on click of an image

Html Code:-

<a href="#" id="playerID">Play</a>
<iframe src="" class="embed-responsive-item" data-play="0" id="VdoID" ></iframe>

Jquery Code:-

    var videoURL = $('#VdoID').attr('src'),
    dataplay = $('#VdoID').attr('data-play');

    //for check autoplay
    //if not set autoplay=1
    if(dataplay == 0 ){
        var videoURL = $('#VdoID').attr('src');
        videoURL = videoURL.replace("?autoplay=1", "");



Thats It!

Display a view from another controller in ASP.NET MVC

Yes its possible. Return a RedirectToAction() method like this:

return RedirectToAction("ActionOrViewName", "ControllerName");

Rounded corner for textview in android

create an xml gradient.xml file under drawable folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle"  >
            <corners android:radius="50dip" />
            <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="#667162" />
            <gradient android:angle="-90" android:startColor="#ffffff" android:endColor="#ffffff" />

then add this to your TextView


Dynamic variable names in Bash

Wow, most of the syntax is horrible! Here is one solution with some simpler syntax if you need to indirectly reference arrays:


foo_1=(fff ddd) ;
foo_2=(ggg ccc) ;

for i in 1 2 ;
    eval mine=( \${foo_$i[@]} ) ;
    echo ${mine[@]}" " ;
done ;

For simpler use cases I recommend the syntax described in the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.

Mongoose: Find, modify, save

I wanted to add something very important. I use JohnnyHK method a lot but I noticed sometimes the changes didn't persist to the database. When I used .markModified it worked.

User.findOne({username: oldUsername}, function (err, user) {
   user.username = newUser.username;
   user.password = newUser.password;
   user.rights = newUser.rights;

   user.markModified(rights) (err) {
    if(err) {

tell mongoose about the change with doc.markModified('pathToYourDate') before saving.

Recover unsaved SQL query scripts

Go to SSMS >> Tools >> Options >> Environment >> AutoRecover

There are two different settings:

1) Save AutoRecover Information Every Minutes

This option will save the SQL Query file at certain interval. Set this option to minimum value possible to avoid loss. If you have set this value to 5, in the worst possible case, you can lose last 5 minutes of the work.

2) Keep AutoRecover Information for Days

This option will preserve the AutoRecovery information for specified days. Though, I suggest in case of accident open SQL Server Management Studio right away and recover your file. Do not procrastinate this important task for future dates.

Make a nav bar stick


.headercss {
    width: 100%;
    height: 320px;
    background-color: #000000;
    position: fixed;

Attribute position: fixed will keep it stuck, while other content will be scrollable. Don't forget to set width:100% to make it fill fully to the right.


How can I pass an argument to a PowerShell script?

You can use also the $args variable (that's like position parameters):

$step = $args[0]

$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application

if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
  $iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + $step

Then it can be called like:

powershell.exe -file itunersforward.ps1 15

"git rebase origin" vs."git rebase origin/master"

Here's a better option:

git remote set-head -a origin

From the documentation:

With -a, the remote is queried to determine its HEAD, then $GIT_DIR/remotes//HEAD is set to the same branch. e.g., if the remote HEAD is pointed at next, "git remote set-head origin -a" will set $GIT_DIR/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD to refs/remotes/origin/next. This will only work if refs/remotes/origin/next already exists; if not it must be fetched first.

This has actually been around quite a while (since v1.6.3); not sure how I missed it!

how to empty recyclebin through command prompt?

I know I'm a little late to the party, but I thought I might contribute my subjectively more graceful solution.

I was looking for a script that would empty the Recycle Bin with an API call, rather than crudely deleting all files and folders from the filesystem. Having failed in my attempts to RecycleBinObject.InvokeVerb("Empty Recycle &Bin") (which apparently only works in XP or older), I stumbled upon discussions of using a function embedded in shell32.dll called SHEmptyRecycleBin() from a compiled language. I thought, hey, I can do that in PowerShell and wrap it in a batch script hybrid.

Save this with a .bat extension and run it to empty your Recycle Bin. Run it with a /y switch to skip the confirmation.

<# : batch portion (begins PowerShell multi-line comment block)
:: empty.bat --

@echo off & setlocal

if /i "%~1"=="/y" goto empty

choice /n /m "Are you sure you want to empty the Recycle Bin? [y/n] "
if not errorlevel 2 goto empty
goto :EOF

powershell -noprofile "iex (${%~f0} | out-string)" && (
    echo Recycle Bin successfully emptied.
goto :EOF

: end batch / begin PowerShell chimera #>
Add-Type shell32 @'
    public static extern int SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr hwnd, string pszRootPath,
        int dwFlags);
'@ -Namespace System


$res = [shell32]::SHEmptyRecycleBin([IntPtr]::Zero, $null, $dwFlags)

if ($res) { "Error 0x{0:x8}: {1}" -f $res,`
    (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception($res)).Message }
exit $res

Here's a more complex version which first invokes SHQueryRecycleBin() to determine whether the bin is already empty prior to invoking SHEmptyRecycleBin(). For this one, I got rid of the choice confirmation and /y switch.

<# : batch portion (begins PowerShell multi-line comment block)
:: empty.bat --

@echo off & setlocal
powershell -noprofile "iex (${%~f0} | out-string)"
goto :EOF

: end batch / begin PowerShell chimera #>
Add-Type @'

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace shell32 {
    public struct SHQUERYRBINFO {
        public Int32 cbSize; public UInt64 i64Size; public UInt64 i64NumItems;

    public static class dll {
        public static extern int SHQueryRecycleBin(string pszRootPath,
            out SHQUERYRBINFO pSHQueryRBInfo);

        public static extern int SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr hwnd, string pszRootPath,
            int dwFlags);

$rb = new-object shell32.SHQUERYRBINFO

# for Win 10 / PowerShell v5
try { $rb.cbSize = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($rb) }
# for Win 7 / PowerShell v2
catch { $rb.cbSize = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($rb.GetType()) }

[void][shell32.dll]::SHQueryRecycleBin($null, [ref]$rb)
"Current size of Recycle Bin: {0:N0} bytes" -f $rb.i64Size
"Recycle Bin contains {0:N0} item{1}." -f $rb.i64NumItems, ("s" * ($rb.i64NumItems -ne 1))

if (-not $rb.i64NumItems) { exit 0 }

$dwFlags = @{
    "SHERB_NOSOUND" = 0x4
$res = [shell32.dll]::SHEmptyRecycleBin([IntPtr]::Zero, $null, $flags)

if ($res) { 
    write-host -f yellow ("Error 0x{0:x8}: {1}" -f $res,`
        (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception($res)).Message)
} else {
    write-host "Recycle Bin successfully emptied." -f green
exit $res

ASP.NET MVC Conditional validation

There's a much better way to add conditional validation rules in MVC3; have your model inherit IValidatableObject and implement the Validate method:

public class Person : IValidatableObject
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public bool IsSenior { get; set; }
    public Senior Senior { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) 
        if (IsSenior && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Senior.Description)) 
            yield return new ValidationResult("Description must be supplied.");

Read more at Introducing ASP.NET MVC 3 (Preview 1).

Should I use `import os.path` or `import os`?

Interestingly enough, importing os.path will import all of os. try the following in the interactive prompt:

import os.path

The result will be the same as if you just imported os. This is because os.path will refer to a different module based on which operating system you have, so python will import os to determine which module to load for path.


With some modules, saying import foo will not expose, so I guess it really depends the design of the specific module.

In general, just importing the explicit modules you need should be marginally faster. On my machine:

import os.path: 7.54285810068e-06 seconds

import os: 9.21904878972e-06 seconds

These times are close enough to be fairly negligible. Your program may need to use other modules from os either now or at a later time, so usually it makes sense just to sacrifice the two microseconds and use import os to avoid this error at a later time. I usually side with just importing os as a whole, but can see why some would prefer import os.path to technically be more efficient and convey to readers of the code that that is the only part of the os module that will need to be used. It essentially boils down to a style question in my mind.

SQL INSERT INTO from multiple tables

Here is an short extension for 3 or more tables to the answer of D Stanley:

INSERT INTO other_table (name, age, sex, city, id, number, nationality)
SELECT name, age, sex, city,, number, n.nationality
FROM table_1 p
INNER JOIN table_2 a ON =
INNER JOIN table_3 b ON =
INNER JOIN table_n x ON =

Schedule automatic daily upload with FileZilla

FileZilla does not have any command line arguments (nor any other way) that allow an automatic transfer.

Some references:

Though you can use any other client that allows automation.

You have not specified, what protocol you are using. FTP or SFTP? You will definitely be able to use WinSCP, as it supports all protocols that FileZilla does (and more).

Combine WinSCP scripting capabilities with Windows Scheduler:

A typical WinSCP script for upload (with SFTP) looks like:

open sftp://user:[email protected]/ -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 xxxxxxxxxxx...="
put c:\mypdfs\*.pdf /home/user/

With FTP, just replace the sftp:// with the ftp:// and remove the -hostkey="..." switch.

Similarly for download: How to schedule an automatic FTP download on Windows?

WinSCP can even generate a script from an imported FileZilla session.

For details, see the guide to FileZilla automation.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Another option, if you are using SFTP, is the psftp.exe client from PuTTY suite.

How to resize an image with OpenCV2.0 and Python2.6

Here's a function to upscale or downscale an image by desired width or height while maintaining aspect ratio

# Resizes a image and maintains aspect ratio
def maintain_aspect_ratio_resize(image, width=None, height=None, inter=cv2.INTER_AREA):
    # Grab the image size and initialize dimensions
    dim = None
    (h, w) = image.shape[:2]

    # Return original image if no need to resize
    if width is None and height is None:
        return image

    # We are resizing height if width is none
    if width is None:
        # Calculate the ratio of the height and construct the dimensions
        r = height / float(h)
        dim = (int(w * r), height)
    # We are resizing width if height is none
        # Calculate the ratio of the width and construct the dimensions
        r = width / float(w)
        dim = (width, int(h * r))

    # Return the resized image
    return cv2.resize(image, dim, interpolation=inter)


import cv2

image = cv2.imread('1.png')
cv2.imshow('width_100', maintain_aspect_ratio_resize(image, width=100))
cv2.imshow('width_300', maintain_aspect_ratio_resize(image, width=300))

Using this example image

enter image description here

Simply downscale to width=100 (left) or upscale to width=300 (right)

enter image description here enter image description here

Unable to use Intellij with a generated sources folder

Solved it by removing the "Excluded" in the module setting (right click on project, "Open module settings"). enter image description here

Typescript empty object for a typed variable


Here are two worthy caveats from the comments.

Either you want user to be of type User | {} or Partial<User>, or you need to redefine the User type to allow an empty object. Right now, the compiler is correctly telling you that user is not a User. – jcalz

I don't think this should be considered a proper answer because it creates an inconsistent instance of the type, undermining the whole purpose of TypeScript. In this example, the property Username is left undefined, while the type annotation is saying it can't be undefined. – Ian Liu Rodrigues


One of the design goals of TypeScript is to "strike a balance between correctness and productivity." If it will be productive for you to do this, use Type Assertions to create empty objects for typed variables.

type User = {
    Username: string;
    Email: string;

const user01 = {} as User;
const user02 = <User>{};

user01.Email = "[email protected]";

Here is a working example for you.

Here are type assertions working with suggestion.

CSS Margin: 0 is not setting to 0

It seems that nobody actually read your question and looked at your source code. Here's the answer you all have been waiting for:

#header_content p {
    margin-top: 0;


How can I copy a file from a remote server to using Putty in Windows?

One of the putty tools is pscp.exe; it will allow you to copy files from your remote host.

Laravel 5.2 Missing required parameters for [Route: user.profile] [URI: user/{nickname}/profile]

My Solution in laravel 5.2

{{ Form::open(['route' => ['votes.submit', $video->id],  'method' => 'POST']) }}
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></span> Votar
{{ Form::close() }}

My Routes File (under middleware)

Route::post('votar/{id}', [
    'as' => 'votes.submit',
    'uses' => 'VotesController@submit'

Route::delete('votar/{id}', [
    'as' => 'votes.destroy',
    'uses' => 'VotesController@destroy'

Remove first Item of the array (like popping from stack)


$scope.remove = function(item) { 
    $, 1);     

Made changes to .. now it will remove from the top

How do I get hour and minutes from NSDate?

If you were to use the C library then this could be done:

time_t t;
struct tm * timeinfo;

time (&t);
timeinfo = localtime (&t);

NSLog(@"Hour: %d Minutes: %d", timeinfo->tm_hour, timeinfo->tm_min);

And using Swift:

var t = time_t()
let x = localtime(&t)

println("Hour: \(x.memory.tm_hour) Minutes: \(x.memory.tm_min)")

For further guidance see:

Open a PDF using VBA in Excel

If it's a matter of just opening PDF to send some keys to it then why not try this

Sub Sample()
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "C:\MyFile.pdf"
End Sub

I am assuming that you have some pdf reader installed.

Polling the keyboard (detect a keypress) in python

Ok, since my attempt to post my solution in a comment failed, here's what I was trying to say. I could do exactly what I wanted from native Python (on Windows, not anywhere else though) with the following code:

import msvcrt 

def kbfunc(): 
   x = msvcrt.kbhit()
   if x: 
      ret = ord(msvcrt.getch()) 
      ret = 0 
   return ret

How to lose margin/padding in UITextView?

For me (iOS 11 & Xcode 9.4.1) what worked magically was setting up textView.font property to UIFont.preferred(forTextStyle:UIFontTextStyle) style and also the first answer as mentioned by @Fattie. But the @Fattie answer did not work till I set the textView.font property else UITextView keeps behaving erratically.

change type of input field with jQuery

This works for me.

$('#password').replaceWith($('#password').clone().attr('type', 'text'));

Changing Jenkins build number

By using environmental variables:


catch specific HTTP error in python

Tims answer seems to me as misleading. Especially when urllib2 does not return expected code. For example this Error will be fatal (believe or not - it is not uncommon one when downloading urls):

AttributeError: 'URLError' object has no attribute 'code'

Fast, but maybe not the best solution would be code using nested try/except block:

import urllib2
    urllib2.urlopen("some url")
except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
        if err.code == 404:
            # Handle the error

More information to the topic of nested try/except blocks Are nested try/except blocks in python a good programming practice?

Convert List<String> to List<Integer> directly

No, there is no way (that I know of), of doing that in Java.

Basically you'll have to transform each entry from String to Integer.

What you're looking for could be achieved in a more functional language, where you could pass a transformation function and apply it to every element of the list... but such is not possible (it would still apply to every element in the list).


You can, however use a Function from Google Guava ( to simulate a more functional approach, if that is what you're looking for.

If you're worried about iterating over the list twice, then instead of split use a Tokenizer and transform each integer token to Integer before adding to the list.

How to force a line break on a Javascript concatenated string?

document.getElementById("address_box").value = 
(title + "\n" + address + "\n" + address2 + "\n" + address3 + "\n" + address4);

Why binary_crossentropy and categorical_crossentropy give different performances for the same problem?

It's really interesting case. Actually in your setup the following statement is true:

binary_crossentropy = len(class_id_index) * categorical_crossentropy

This means that up to a constant multiplication factor your losses are equivalent. The weird behaviour that you are observing during a training phase might be an example of a following phenomenon:

  1. At the beginning the most frequent class is dominating the loss - so network is learning to predict mostly this class for every example.
  2. After it learnt the most frequent pattern it starts discriminating among less frequent classes. But when you are using adam - the learning rate has a much smaller value than it had at the beginning of training (it's because of the nature of this optimizer). It makes training slower and prevents your network from e.g. leaving a poor local minimum less possible.

That's why this constant factor might help in case of binary_crossentropy. After many epochs - the learning rate value is greater than in categorical_crossentropy case. I usually restart training (and learning phase) a few times when I notice such behaviour or/and adjusting a class weights using the following pattern:

class_weight = 1 / class_frequency

This makes loss from a less frequent classes balancing the influence of a dominant class loss at the beginning of a training and in a further part of an optimization process.


Actually - I checked that even though in case of maths:

binary_crossentropy = len(class_id_index) * categorical_crossentropy

should hold - in case of keras it's not true, because keras is automatically normalizing all outputs to sum up to 1. This is the actual reason behind this weird behaviour as in case of multiclassification such normalization harms a training.

Command-line Unix ASCII-based charting / plotting tool

Here is my patch for eplot that adds a -T option for terminal output:

--- eplot       2008-07-09 16:50:04.000000000 -0400
+++ eplot+      2017-02-02 13:20:23.551353793 -0500
@@ -172,7 +172,10 @@
                                        com=com+"set terminal postscript color;\n"

-                               # ---- Specify a custom output file
+                               when /^-T$|^--terminal$/
+                                       com=com+"set terminal dumb;\n"
+                                # ---- Specify a custom output file
                                when /^-o$|^--output$/


Using this you can run it as eplot -T to get ASCII-graphics result instead of a gnuplot window.

Running ASP.Net on a Linux based server

You might want to consider this guide that helps Windows developers port their code to Mono/Linux:

Guide: Porting ASP.NET Applications - Mono

Count rows with not empty value

You can define a custom function using Apps Script (Tools > Script editor) called for example numNonEmptyRows :

function numNonEmptyRows(range) {
  if (range && range.constructor === Array) {
    return{return a.join('')}).filter(Boolean).length
  else {
    return range ? 1 : 0;

And then use it in a cell like this =numNonEmptyRows(A23:C25) to count the number of non empty rows in the range A23:C25;

HTML img scaling

I think the best solution is resize the images via script or locally and upload them again. Remember, you're forcing your viewers to download larger files than they need

What are some good Python ORM solutions?

We use Elixir alongside SQLAlchemy and have liked it so far. Elixir puts a layer on top of SQLAlchemy that makes it look more like the "ActiveRecord pattern" counter parts.

Insert Update trigger how to determine if insert or update

Many of these suggestions do not take into account if you run a delete statement that deletes nothing.
Say you try to delete where an ID equals some value that does not exist in the table.
Your trigger still gets called but there is nothing in the Deleted or Inserted tables.

Use this to be safe:

--Determine if this is an INSERT,UPDATE, or DELETE Action or a "failed delete".
DECLARE @Action as char(1);
                         AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM DELETED)
                        THEN 'U'  -- Set Action to Updated.
                        WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INSERTED)
                        THEN 'I'  -- Set Action to Insert.
                        WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM DELETED)
                        THEN 'D'  -- Set Action to Deleted.
                        ELSE NULL -- Skip. It may have been a "failed delete".   

Special thanks to @KenDog and @Net_Prog for their answers.
I built this from their scripts.

Date vs DateTime

The Date type is just an alias of the DateTime type used by VB.NET (like int becomes Integer). Both of these types have a Date property that returns you the object with the time part set to 00:00:00.

how to iterate through dictionary in a dictionary in django template?

This answer didn't work for me, but I found the answer myself. No one, however, has posted my question. I'm too lazy to ask it and then answer it, so will just put it here.

This is for the following query:

data = Leaderboard.objects.filter(

In template:

{% for dictionary in data %}
  {% for key, value in dictionary.items %}
    <p>{{ key }} : {{ value }}</p>
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

MySQL - Operand should contain 1 column(s)

In my case, the problem was that I sorrounded my columns selection with parenthesis by mistake:

SELECT (p.column1, p.colum2, p.column3) FROM table1 p where p.column1 = 1;

And has to be:

SELECT p.column1, p.colum2, p.column3 FROM table1 p where p.column1 = 1;

Sounds silly, but it was causing this error and it took some time to figure it out.

Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T> / IQueryable<T>

Convert List to IEnumerable or Iquerable, add using System.LINQ.Dynamic namespace, then u can mention the property names in comma seperated string to OrderBy Method which comes by default from System.LINQ.Dynamic.

Creating a Pandas DataFrame from a Numpy array: How do I specify the index column and column headers?

It's not so short, but maybe can help you.

Creating Array

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

data = np.array([['col1', 'col2'], [4.8, 2.8], [7.0, 1.2]])

>>> data
array([['col1', 'col2'],
       ['4.8', '2.8'],
       ['7.0', '1.2']], dtype='<U4')

Creating data frame

df = pd.DataFrame(i for i in data).transpose()
df.drop(0, axis=1, inplace=True)
df.columns = data[0]

>>> df
  col1 col2
0  4.8  7.0
1  2.8  1.2

Failed to resolve:

As @Sourabh already pointed out, you can check in the Google Maven link what are the packages that Google has listed out.

If you, like me, are prompted with a similar message to this Failed to resolve:, it could be that you got there after upgrading the targetSdkVersion or compileSdkVersion.

What is basically happening is that the package is not being found, as the message correctly says. If you upgraded the SDK, check the Google Maven, to check what are the available versions of the package for the new SDK version that you want to upgrade to.

I had these dependencies (on version 27):

implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''

And I had to change the SDK version and the rest of the package number:

implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''

Now the packages are found and downloaded. Since the only available package for the 28 version of the SDK is 28.0.0 at the moment of writing this.

Iterate through a C++ Vector using a 'for' loop

Using the auto operator really makes it easy to use as one does not have to worry about the data type and the size of the vector or any other data structure

Iterating vector using auto and for loop

vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4,5}

for(auto itr : vec)
    cout << itr << " ";


1 2 3 4 5

You can also use this method to iterate sets and list. Using auto automatically detects the data type used in the template and lets you use it. So, even if we had a vector of string or char the same syntax will work just fine

How to validate IP address in Python?

The IPy module (a module designed for dealing with IP addresses) will throw a ValueError exception for invalid addresses.

>>> from IPy import IP
>>> IP('')
>>> IP('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: '': single byte must be 0 <= byte < 256
>>> IP('foobar')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid literal for long() with base 10: 'foobar'

However, like Dustin's answer, it will accept things like "4" and "192.168" since, as mentioned, these are valid representations of IP addresses.

If you're using Python 3.3 or later, it now includes the ipaddress module:

>>> import ipaddress
>>> ipaddress.ip_address('')
>>> ipaddress.ip_address('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.3/", line 54, in ip_address
ValueError: '' does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address
>>> ipaddress.ip_address('foobar')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.3/", line 54, in ip_address
ValueError: 'foobar' does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address

For Python 2, you can get the same functionality using ipaddress if you install python-ipaddress:

pip install ipaddress

This module is compatible with Python 2 and provides a very similar API to that of the ipaddress module included in the Python Standard Library since Python 3.3. More details here. In Python 2 you will need to explicitly convert the IP address string to unicode: ipaddress.ip_address(u'').

Check orientation on Android phone

Here is code snippet demo how to get screen orientation was recommend by hackbod and Martijn:

? Trigger when change Orientation:

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
        int nCurrentOrientation = _getScreenOrientation();

? Get current orientation as hackbod recommend:

private int _getScreenOrientation(){    
    return getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;

?There are alternative solution for get current screen orientation ? follow Martijn solution:

private int _getScreenOrientation(){
        Display display = ((WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
        return display.getOrientation();

?Note: I was try both implement ? & ?, but on RealDevice (NexusOne SDK 2.3) Orientation it returns the wrong orientation.

?So i recommend to used solution ? to get Screen orientation which have more advantage: clearly, simple and work like a charm.

?Check carefully return of orientation to ensure correct as our expected (May be have limited depend on physical devices specification)

Hope it help,

How do I get the full url of the page I am on in C#

If you need the port number also, you can use



string url = Request.Url.Authority + HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl.ToString();

if (Request.ServerVariables["HTTPS"] == "on")
    url = "https://" + url;
    url = "http://" + url;

XML Error: There are multiple root elements

You need to enclose your <parent> elements in a surrounding element as XML Documents can have only one root node:

<parents> <!-- I've added this tag -->
</parents> <!-- I've added this tag -->

As you're receiving this markup from somewhere else, rather than generating it yourself, you may have to do this yourself by treating the response as a string and wrapping it with appropriate tags, prior to attempting to parse it as XML.

So, you've a couple of choices:

  1. Get the provider of the web service to return you actual XML that has one root node
  2. Pre-process the XML, as I've suggested above, to add a root node
  3. Pre-process the XML to split it into multiple chunks (i.e. one for each <parent> node) and process each as a distinct XML Document

Enabling the OpenSSL in XAMPP

Yes, you must open php.ini and remove the semicolon to:


If you don't have that line, check that you have the file (In my PC is on D:\xampp\php\ext) and add this to php.ini in the "Dynamic Extensions" section:


Things have changed for PHP > 7. This is what i had to do for PHP 7.2.

Step: 1: Uncomment extension=openssl

Step: 2: Uncomment extension_dir = "ext"

Step: 3: Restart xampp.


Explanation: ( From php.ini )

If you wish to have an extension loaded automatically, use the following syntax:


Note : The syntax used in previous PHP versions (extension=<ext>.so and extension='php_<ext>.dll) is supported for legacy reasons and may be deprecated in a future PHP major version. So, when it is possible, please move to the new (extension=<ext>) syntax.

Special Note: Be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.

Initializing array of structures

It's a designated initializer, introduced with the C99 standard; it allows you to initialize specific members of a struct or union object by name. my_data is obviously a typedef for a struct type that has a member name of type char * or char [N].

In Python, what does dict.pop(a,b) mean?

So many questions here. I see at least two, maybe three:

  • What does pop(a,b) do?/Why are there a second argument?
  • What is *args being used for?

The first question is trivially answered in the Python Standard Library reference:

pop(key[, default])

If key is in the dictionary, remove it and return its value, else return default. If default is not given and key is not in the dictionary, a KeyError is raised.

The second question is covered in the Python Language Reference:

If the form “*identifier” is present, it is initialized to a tuple receiving any excess positional parameters, defaulting to the empty tuple. If the form “**identifier” is present, it is initialized to a new dictionary receiving any excess keyword arguments, defaulting to a new empty dictionary.

In other words, the pop function takes at least two arguments. The first two get assigned the names self and key; and the rest are stuffed into a tuple called args.

What's happening on the next line when *args is passed along in the call to is the inverse of this - the tuple *args is expanded to of positional parameters which get passed along. This is explained in the Python Language Reference:

If the syntax *expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to a sequence. Elements from this sequence are treated as if they were additional positional arguments

In short, a.pop() wants to be flexible and accept any number of positional parameters, so that it can pass this unknown number of positional parameters on to

This gives you flexibility; data happens to be a dict right now, and so takes either one or two parameters; but if you changed data to be a type which took 19 parameters for a call to you wouldn't have to change class a at all. You'd still have to change any code that called a.pop() to pass the required 19 parameters though.

How to make PopUp window in java

Hmm it has been a little while but from what I remember...
If you want a custom window you can just make a new frame and make it show up just like you would with the main window. Java also has a great dialog library that you can check out here:

How to Make Dialogs

That may be able to give you the functionality you are looking for with a whole lot less effort.

Object[] possibilities = {"ham", "spam", "yam"};
String s = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                    "Complete the sentence:\n"
                    + "\"Green eggs and...\"",
                    "Customized Dialog",

//If a string was returned, say so.
if ((s != null) && (s.length() > 0)) {
    setLabel("Green eggs and... " + s + "!");

//If you're here, the return value was null/empty.
setLabel("Come on, finish the sentence!");

If you do not care to limit the user's choices, you can either use a form of the showInputDialog method that takes fewer arguments or specify null for the array of objects. In the Java look and feel, substituting null for possibilities results in a dialog that has a text field and looks like this:

How to convert a DataTable to a string in C#?

If you have a single column in datatable than it's simple to change datatable to string.

DataTable results = MyMethod.GetResults();
if(results != null && results.Rows.Count > 0)  // Check datatable is null or not
  List<string> lstring = new List<string>();
  foreach(DataRow dataRow in dt.Rows)
  string mainresult = string.Join(",", lstring.ToArray()); // You can Use comma(,) or anything which you want. who connect the two string. You may leave space also.
Console.WriteLine (mainresult);

How to use View.OnTouchListener instead of onClick

The event when user releases his finger is MotionEvent.ACTION_UP. I'm not aware if there are any guidelines which prohibit using View.OnTouchListener instead of onClick(), most probably it depends of situation.

Here's a sample code:

imageButton.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){

            // Do what you want
            return true;
        return false;

create a white rgba / CSS3

The code you have is a white with low opacity.

If something white with a low opacity is above something black, you end up with a lighter shade of gray. Above red? Lighter red, etc. That is how opacity works.

Here is a simple demo.

If you want it to look 'more white', make it less opaque:

background:rgba(255,255,255, 0.9);


Get and Set Screen Resolution

in Winforms, there is a Screen class you can use to get data about screen dimensions and color depth for all displays connected to the computer. Here's the docs page:

CHANGING the screen resolution is trickier. There is a Resolution third party class that wraps the native code you'd otherwise hook into. Use its CResolution nested class to set the screen resolution to a new height and width; but understand that doing this will only work for height/width combinations the display actually supports (800x600, 1024x768, etc, not 817x435).

How to delete from select in MySQL?

SELECT (sub)queries return result sets. So you need to use IN, not = in your WHERE clause.

Additionally, as shown in this answer you cannot modify the same table from a subquery within the same query. However, you can either SELECT then DELETE in separate queries, or nest another subquery and alias the inner subquery result (looks rather hacky, though):

        SELECT id FROM posts GROUP BY id HAVING ( COUNT(id) > 1 )
    ) AS p

Or use joins as suggested by Mchl.

"Invalid JSON primitive" in Ajax processing


data : JSON.stringify(obj)

in the above situation would have worked I believe.

Note: You should add json2.js library all browsers don't support that JSON object (IE7-) Difference between json.js and json2.js

How to find Current open Cursors in Oracle

Here's how to find open cursors that have been parsed. You need to be logged in as a user with access to v$open_cursor and v$session.


SELECT s.machine, oc.user_name, oc.sql_text, count(1) 
FROM v$open_cursor oc, v$session s
WHERE oc.sid = s.sid
GROUP BY user_name, sql_text, machine
ORDER BY count(1) DESC

If gives you part of the SQL text so it can be useful for identifying leaky applications. If a cursor has not been parsed, then it does not appear here. Note that Oralce will sometimes keep things open longer than you do.

Reshape an array in NumPy

a = np.arange(18).reshape(9,2)
b = a.reshape(3,3,2).swapaxes(0,2)

# a: 
array([[ 0,  1],
       [ 2,  3],
       [ 4,  5],
       [ 6,  7],
       [ 8,  9],
       [10, 11],
       [12, 13],
       [14, 15],
       [16, 17]])

# b:
array([[[ 0,  6, 12],
        [ 2,  8, 14],
        [ 4, 10, 16]],

       [[ 1,  7, 13],
        [ 3,  9, 15],
        [ 5, 11, 17]]])

Iterate through <select> options

can also Use parameterized each with index and the element.


// this will also work

$('#selectIntegrationConf option').each(function(index,element){

How to detect if a string contains at least a number?

  1. You could use CLR based UDFs or do a CONTAINS query using all the digits on the search column.

How to select first parent DIV using jQuery?

two of the best options are



and of course you can find the class attr by



Sending mail from Python using SMTP

Also if you want to do smtp auth with TLS as opposed to SSL then you just have to change the port (use 587) and do smtp.starttls(). This worked for me:

smtp.connect('YOUR.MAIL.SERVER', 587)

Send inline image in email

You need to add the LinkedResource into an AlternateView

AlternateView alternateView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString("<h3>Client: " + data.client_id + " Has Sent You A Screenshot</h3>" +
                @"<img src=""cid:{0}"" />", null, "text/html");

How can I add shadow to the widget in flutter?

A Container can take a BoxDecoration (going off of the code you had originally posted) which takes a boxShadow:

decoration: BoxDecoration(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
    boxShadow: [
            color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.5),
            spreadRadius: 5,
            blurRadius: 7,
            offset: Offset(0, 3), // changes position of shadow

Async always WaitingForActivation

The reason is your result assigned to the returning Task which represents continuation of your method, and you have a different Task in your method which is running, if you directly assign Task like this you will get your expected results:

var task = Task.Run(() =>
            for (int i = 10; i < 432543543; i++)
                // just for a long job
                double d3 = Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(i, 5) - Math.Pow(i, 2)) / Math.Sin(i * 8));
           return "Foo Completed.";


        while (task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
            Console.WriteLine("Thread ID: {0}, Status: {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId,task.Status);


        Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", task.Result);

The output:

enter image description here

Consider this for better explanation: You have a Foo method,let's say it Task A, and you have a Task in it,let's say it Task B, Now the running task, is Task B, your Task A awaiting for Task B result.And you assing your result variable to your returning Task which is Task A, because Task B doesn't return a Task, it returns a string. Consider this:

If you define your result like this:

Task result = Foo(5);

You won't get any error.But if you define it like this:

string result = Foo(5);

You will get:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task' to 'string'

But if you add an await keyword:

string result = await Foo(5);

Again you won't get any error.Because it will wait the result (string) and assign it to your result variable.So for the last thing consider this, if you add two task into your Foo Method:

private static async Task<string> Foo(int seconds)
    await Task.Run(() =>
            for (int i = 0; i < seconds; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Thread ID: {0}, second {1}.", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, i);

            // in here don't return anything

   return await Task.Run(() =>
            for (int i = 0; i < seconds; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Thread ID: {0}, second {1}.", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, i);

            return "Foo Completed.";

And if you run the application, you will get the same results.(WaitingForActivation) Because now, your Task A is waiting those two tasks.

How do I join two SQLite tables in my Android application?

You need rawQuery method.


private final String MY_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM table_a a INNER JOIN table_b b ON WHERE b.property_id=?";

db.rawQuery(MY_QUERY, new String[]{String.valueOf(propertyId)});

Use ? bindings instead of putting values into raw sql query.

PHP: How to handle <![CDATA[ with SimpleXMLElement?

This did the trick for me:

echo trim($entry->title);

Transparent color of Bootstrap-3 Navbar

The class is .navbar-default. You need to create a class on your custom css .navbar-default.And follow the css code. Also if you don’t want box-shadow on your menu, you can put on the same class.

 .navbar-default {
      background-color:transparent !important;

enter image description here

To change font navbar color, the class is to change – .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a see the code bellow:

  .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a {

ref :

Use -notlike to filter out multiple strings in PowerShell

don't use -notLike, -notMatch with Regular-Expression works in one line:

Get-MailBoxPermission -id newsletter | ? {$_.User -NotMatch "NT-AUTORIT.*|.*-Admins|.*Administrators|.*Manage.*"}

How to deserialize a list using GSON or another JSON library in Java?

I recomend this one-liner

List<Video> videos = Arrays.asList(new Gson().fromJson(json, Video[].class));

Warning: the list of videos, returned by Arrays.asList is immutable - you can't insert new values. If you need to modify it, wrap in new ArrayList<>(...).


  1. Method Arrays#asList
  2. Constructor Gson
  3. Method Gson#fromJson (source json may be of type JsonElement, Reader, or String)
  4. Interface List
  5. JLS - Arrays
  6. JLS - Generic Interfaces

How to increase request timeout in IIS?

I know the question was about ASP but maybe somebody will find this answer helpful.

If you have a server behind the IIS 7.5 (e.g. Tomcat). In my case I have a server farm with Tomcat server configured. In such case you can change the timeout using the IIS Manager:

  • go to Server Farms -> {Server Name} -> Proxy
  • change the value in the Time-out entry box
  • click Apply (top-right corner)

or you can change it in the cofig file:

  • open %WinDir%\System32\Inetsrv\Config\applicationHost.config
  • adjust the server webFarm configuration to be similar to the following


<webFarm name="${SERVER_NAME}" enabled="true"> 
  <server address="${SERVER_ADDRESS}" enabled="true">
    <applicationRequestRouting httpPort="${SERVER_PORT}" />
    <protocol timeout="${TIME}" />

The ${TIME} is in HH:mm:ss format (so if you want to set it to 90 seconds then put there 00:01:30)

In case of Tomcat (and probably other servlet containers) you have to remember to change the timeout in the %TOMCAT_DIR%\conf\server.xml (just search for connectionTimeout attribute in Connector tag, and remember that it is specified in milliseconds)

How to get all checked checkboxes

A simple for loop which tests the checked property and appends the checked ones to a separate array. From there, you can process the array of checkboxesChecked further if needed.

// Pass the checkbox name to the function
function getCheckedBoxes(chkboxName) {
  var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName(chkboxName);
  var checkboxesChecked = [];
  // loop over them all
  for (var i=0; i<checkboxes.length; i++) {
     // And stick the checked ones onto an array...
     if (checkboxes[i].checked) {
  // Return the array if it is non-empty, or null
  return checkboxesChecked.length > 0 ? checkboxesChecked : null;

// Call as
var checkedBoxes = getCheckedBoxes("mycheckboxes");

Difference between margin and padding?

The simplest defenition is ; padding is a space given inside the border of the container element and margin is given outside. For a element which is not a container, padding may not make much sense, but margin defenitly will help to arrange it.

How to execute a function when page has fully loaded?

In modern browsers with modern javascript (>= 2015) you can add type="module" to your script tag, and everything inside that script will execute after whole page loads. e.g:

<script type="module">
  alert("runs after") // Whole page loads before this line execute
  alert("runs before")

also older browsers will understand nomodule attribute. Something like this:

<script nomodule>
  alert("tuns after")

For more information you can visit

Google Map API v3 — set bounds and center

Got everything sorted - see the last few lines for code - (bounds.extend(myLatLng); map.fitBounds(bounds);)

function initialize() {
  var myOptions = {
    zoom: 10,
    center: new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0),
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  var map = new google.maps.Map(
  setMarkers(map, beaches);

var beaches = [
  ['Bondi Beach', -33.890542, 151.274856, 4],
  ['Coogee Beach', -33.923036, 161.259052, 5],
  ['Cronulla Beach', -36.028249, 153.157507, 3],
  ['Manly Beach', -31.80010128657071, 151.38747820854187, 2],
  ['Maroubra Beach', -33.950198, 151.159302, 1]

function setMarkers(map, locations) {
  var image = new google.maps.MarkerImage('images/beachflag.png',
    new google.maps.Size(20, 32),
    new google.maps.Point(0,0),
    new google.maps.Point(0, 32));
  var shadow = new google.maps.MarkerImage('images/beachflag_shadow.png',
    new google.maps.Size(37, 32),
    new google.maps.Point(0,0),
    new google.maps.Point(0, 32));
  var shape = {
    coord: [1, 1, 1, 20, 18, 20, 18 , 1],
    type: 'poly'
  var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
  for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
    var beach = locations[i];
    var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(beach[1], beach[2]);
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: myLatLng,
      map: map,
      shadow: shadow,
      icon: image,
      shape: shape,
      title: beach[0],
      zIndex: beach[3]

ERROR: Error 1005: Can't create table (errno: 121)

I searched quickly for you, and it brought me here. I quote:

You will get this message if you're trying to add a constraint with a name that's already used somewhere else

To check constraints use the following SQL query:

    constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
AND table_schema = DATABASE()

Look for more information there, or try to see where the error occurs. Looks like a problem with a foreign key to me.

Ubuntu, how do you remove all Python 3 but not 2

Removing Python 3 was the worst thing I did since I recently moved to the world of Linux. It removed Firefox, my launcher and, as I read while trying to fix my problem, it may also remove your desktop and terminal! Finally fixed after a long daytime nightmare. Just don't remove Python 3. Keep it there!

If that happens to you, here is the fix:

Java random number with given length

Generate a number in the range from 100000 to 999999.

// pseudo code
int n = 100000 + random_float() * 900000;

For more details see the documentation for Random

TextView - setting the text size programmatically doesn't seem to work

Currently, setTextSize(float size) method will work well so we don't need to use another method for change text size source code

 * Set the default text size to the given value, interpreted as "scaled
 * pixel" units.  This size is adjusted based on the current density and
 * user font size preference.
 * <p>Note: if this TextView has the auto-size feature enabled than this function is no-op.
 * @param size The scaled pixel size.
 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_textSize
public void setTextSize(float size) {
    setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, size);

Example using

textView.setTextSize(20); // set your text size = 20sp

Java: Clear the console

A way to get this can be print multiple end of lines ("\n") and simulate the clear screen. At the end clear, at most in the unix shell, not removes the previous content, only moves it up and if you make scroll down can see the previous content.

Here is a sample code:

for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) System.out.println();

php $_POST array empty upon form submission

Here's another possible cause -- my form was submitting to without the WWW. and I had set up an automatic redirect to add the "WWW." The $_POST array was getting emptied in the process. So to fix it all I had to do was submit to

How do I print debug messages in the Google Chrome JavaScript Console?

Or use this function:

function log(message){
    if (typeof console == "object") {

HTML.ActionLink method

I think that Joseph flipped controller and action. First comes the action then the controller. This is somewhat strange, but the way the signature looks.

Just to clarify things, this is the version that works (adaption of Joseph's example):

    "Login",  // <-- ActionMethod
    "Item",   // <-- Controller Name
    new { id = article.ArticleID }, // <-- Route arguments.
    null  // <-- htmlArguments .. which are none

An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll

I think your EmpID column is string and you forget to use ' ' in your value.

Because when you write EmpID=" + id.Text, your command looks like EmpID = 12345 instead of EmpID = '12345'

Change your SqlCommand to

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT EmpName FROM Employee WHERE EmpID='" + id.Text +"'", con);

Or as a better way you can (and should) always use parameterized queries. This kind of string concatenations are open for SQL Injection attacks.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT EmpName FROM Employee WHERE EmpID = @id", con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id.Text);

I think your EmpID column keeps your employee id's, so it's type should some numerical type instead of character.

How do I replace whitespaces with underscore?

Surprisingly this library not mentioned yet

python package named python-slugify, which does a pretty good job of slugifying:

pip install python-slugify

Works like this:

from slugify import slugify

txt = "This is a test ---"
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEquals(r, "this-is-a-test")

txt = "This -- is a ## test ---"
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEquals(r, "this-is-a-test")

txt = 'C\'est déjà l\'été.'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEquals(r, "cest-deja-lete")

txt = 'Nín hao. Wo shì zhong guó rén'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEquals(r, "nin-hao-wo-shi-zhong-guo-ren")

txt = '?????????'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEquals(r, "kompiuter")

txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEquals(r, "jaja-lol-mememeoo-a") 

How do I use 'git reset --hard HEAD' to revert to a previous commit?

WARNING: git clean -f will remove untracked files, meaning they're gone for good since they aren't stored in the repository. Make sure you really want to remove all untracked files before doing this.

Try this and see git clean -f.

git reset --hard will not remove untracked files, where as git-clean will remove any files from the tracked root directory that are not under Git tracking.

Alternatively, as @Paul Betts said, you can do this (beware though - that removes all ignored files too)

  • git clean -df
  • git clean -xdf CAUTION! This will also delete ignored files

Stack array using pop() and push()

Stack Implementation in Java

  class stack
  {  private int top;
     private int[] element;
      {element=new int[10];
      void push(int item)


      void pop()
      void display()

      public static void main(String args[])
        stack s1=new stack();



Top=0 Element=10 Top=1 Element=20 Top=2 Element=30 Top=1 Element=20

Mockito, JUnit and Spring

You don't really need the MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); if you're using mockito 1.9 ( or newer ) - all you need is this:

private MyTestObject testObject;

private MyDependentObject mockedObject;

The @InjectMocks annotation will inject all your mocks to the MyTestObject object.

Open a URL without using a browser from a batch file

Try winhttpjs.bat. It uses a winhttp request object that should be faster than
Msxml2.XMLHTTP as there isn't any DOM parsing of the response. It is capable to do requests with body and all HTTP methods.

call winhttpjs.bat -saveTo c:\something.html

Android sqlite how to check if a record exists

because of possible data leaks best solution via cursor:

 Cursor cursor = null;
    try {
          cursor =  .... some query (raw or not your choice)
          return cursor.moveToNext();
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {

1) From API KITKAT u can use resources try()

try (cursor = ...some query)

2) if u query against VARCHAR TYPE use '...' eg. COLUMN_NAME='string_to_search'

3) dont use moveToFirst() is used when you need to start iterating from beggining

4) avoid getCount() is expensive - it iterates over many records to count them. It doesn't return a stored variable. There may be some caching on a second call, but the first call doesn't know the answer until it is counted.

PHP case-insensitive in_array function

you can use preg_grep():

$a= array(

print_r( preg_grep( "/ONe/i" , $a ) );

malloc an array of struct pointers

There's a lot of typedef going on here. Personally I'm against "hiding the asterisk", i.e. typedef:ing pointer types into something that doesn't look like a pointer. In C, pointers are quite important and really affect the code, there's a lot of difference between foo and foo *.

Many of the answers are also confused about this, I think.

Your allocation of an array of Chess values, which are pointers to values of type chess (again, a very confusing nomenclature that I really can't recommend) should be like this:

Chess *array = malloc(n * sizeof *array);

Then, you need to initialize the actual instances, by looping:

for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
  array[i] = NULL;

This assumes you don't want to allocate any memory for the instances, you just want an array of pointers with all pointers initially pointing at nothing.

If you wanted to allocate space, the simplest form would be:

for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
  array[i] = malloc(sizeof *array[i]);

See how the sizeof usage is 100% consistent, and never starts to mention explicit types. Use the type information inherent in your variables, and let the compiler worry about which type is which. Don't repeat yourself.

Of course, the above does a needlessly large amount of calls to malloc(); depending on usage patterns it might be possible to do all of the above with just one call to malloc(), after computing the total size needed. Then you'd still need to go through and initialize the array[i] pointers to point into the large block, of course.

Passing an array to a query using a WHERE clause

As Flavius Stef's answer, you can use intval() to make sure all id are int values:

$ids = join(',', array_map('intval', $galleries));  
$sql = "SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE id IN ($ids)";

Javascript code for showing yesterday's date and todays date

Yesterday Date can be calculated as:-

let now = new Date();
    var defaultDate = now - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1;
    defaultDate = new Date(defaultDate);

Why do we use Base64?

Base64 instead of escaping special characters

I'll give you a very different but real example: I write javascript code to be run in a browser. HTML tags have ID values, but there are constraints on what characters are valid in an ID.

But I want my ID to losslessly refer to files in my file system. Files in reality can have all manner of weird and wonderful characters in them from exclamation marks, accented characters, tilde, even emoji! I cannot do this:

<div id="/path/to/my_strangely_named_file!@().jpg">
    <img src="!@().jpg">
    Here's a pic I took in Moscow.

Suppose I want to run some code like this:


I think this code will fail when executed.

With Base64 I can refer to something complicated without worrying about which language allows what special characters and which need escaping:


Unlike using an MD5 or some other hashing function, you can reverse the encoding to find out what exactly the data was that actually useful.

I wish I knew about Base64 years ago. I would have avoided tearing my hair out with ‘encodeURIComponent’ and str.replace(‘\n’,’\\n’)

SSH transfer of text:

If you're trying to pass complex data over ssh (e.g. a dotfile so you can get your shell personalizations), good luck doing it without Base 64. This is how you would do it with base 64 (I know you can use SCP, but that would take multiple commands - which complicates key bindings for sshing into a server):

Relative path in HTML

The relative pathing is based on the document level of the client side i.e. the URL level of the document as seen in the browser.

If the URL of your website is: then starting at the root level starts above the "mywebsite" folder path.

MIPS: Integer Multiplication and Division

To multiply, use mult for signed multiplication and multu for unsigned multiplication. Note that the result of the multiplication of two 32-bit numbers yields a 64-number. If you want the result back in $v0 that means that you assume the result will fit in 32 bits.

The 32 most significant bits will be held in the HI special register (accessible by mfhi instruction) and the 32 least significant bits will be held in the LO special register (accessible by the mflo instruction):


li $a0, 5
li $a1, 3
mult $a0, $a1
mfhi $a2 # 32 most significant bits of multiplication to $a2
mflo $v0 # 32 least significant bits of multiplication to $v0

To divide, use div for signed division and divu for unsigned division. In this case, the HI special register will hold the remainder and the LO special register will hold the quotient of the division.


div $a0, $a1
mfhi $a2 # remainder to $a2
mflo $v0 # quotient to $v0

How to fix "set SameSite cookie to none" warning?

If you are experiencing the OP's problem where your cookies have been set using JavaScript - for example:

document.cookie = "my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value; expires=Thu, 11 Jun 2070 11:11:11 UTC; path=/";

you could instead use:

document.cookie = "my_cookie_name=my_cookie_value; expires=Thu, 11 Jun 2070 11:11:11 UTC; path=/; SameSite=None; Secure";

It worked for me. More info here.

.map() a Javascript ES6 Map?

You should just use Spread operator:

var myMap = new Map([["thing1", 1], ["thing2", 2], ["thing3", 3]]);_x000D_
var newArr = [...myMap].map(value => value[1] + 1);_x000D_
console.log(newArr); //[2, 3, 4]_x000D_
var newArr2 = [for(value of myMap) value = value[1] + 1];_x000D_
console.log(newArr2); //[2, 3, 4]

Java - Writing strings to a CSV file

I see you already have a answer but here is another answer, maybe even faster A simple class to pass in a List of objects and retrieve either a csv or excel or password protected zip csv or excel.

SpreadSheetExporter spreadSheetExporter = new SpreadSheetExporter(List<Object>, "Filename");
File fileCSV = spreadSheetExporter.getCSV();

How to query a MS-Access Table from MS-Excel (2010) using VBA

The Provider piece must be Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 if your target database is ACCDB format. Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 only works for the older MDB format.

You shouldn't even need Access installed if you're running 32 bit Windows. Jet 4 is included as part of the operating system. If you're using 64 bit Windows, Jet 4 is not included, but you still wouldn't need Access itself installed. You can install the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable. Make sure to download the matching version (AccessDatabaseEngine.exe for 32 bit Windows, or AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe for 64 bit).

You can avoid the issue about which ADO version reference by using late binding, which doesn't require any reference.

Dim conn As Object
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Then assign your ConnectionString property to the conn object. Here is a quick example which runs from a code module in Excel 2003 and displays a message box with the row count for MyTable. It uses late binding for the ADO connection and recordset objects, so doesn't require setting a reference.

Public Sub foo()
    Dim cn As Object
    Dim rs As Object
    Dim strSql As String
    Dim strConnection As String
    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
        "Data Source=C:\Access\webforums\whiteboard2003.mdb"
    strSql = "SELECT Count(*) FROM MyTable;"
    cn.Open strConnection
    Set rs = cn.Execute(strSql)
    MsgBox rs.fields(0) & " rows in MyTable"
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set cn = Nothing
End Sub

If this answer doesn't resolve the problem, edit your question to show us the full connection string you're trying to use and the exact error message you get in response for that connection string.

How do I view the SQL generated by the Entity Framework?

I am doing integration test, and needed this to debug the generated SQL statement in Entity Framework Core 2.1, so I use DebugLoggerProvider or ConsoleLoggerProvider like so:

public async Task MyAwesomeTest
        //setup log to debug sql queries
        var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
        loggerFactory.AddProvider(new DebugLoggerProvider());
        loggerFactory.AddProvider(new ConsoleLoggerProvider(new ConsoleLoggerSettings()));

        var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DbContext>();
            .UseSqlServer("my connection string") //"Server=.;Initial Catalog=TestDb;Integrated Security=True"

        var dbContext = new DbContext(builder.Options);


Here is a sample output from Visual Studio console:

Sample SQL statement output

Algorithm to randomly generate an aesthetically-pleasing color palette

function fnGetRandomColour(iDarkLuma, iLightLuma) 
  for (var i=0;i<20;i++)
    var sColour = ('ffffff' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF).toString(16)).substr(-6);

    var rgb = parseInt(sColour, 16);   // convert rrggbb to decimal
    var r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff;  // extract red
    var g = (rgb >>  8) & 0xff;  // extract green
    var b = (rgb >>  0) & 0xff;  // extract blue

    var iLuma = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; // per ITU-R BT.709

    if (iLuma > iDarkLuma && iLuma < iLightLuma) return sColour;
  return sColour;

For pastel, pass in higher luma dark/light integers - ie fnGetRandomColour(120, 250)

Credits: all credits to

JSLint says "missing radix parameter"

To avoid this warning, instead of using:

parseInt("999", 10);

You may replace it by:


Note that parseInt and Number have different behaviors, but in some cases, one can replace the other.

Formula to convert date to number

If you change the format of the cells to General then this will show the date value of a cell as behind the scenes Excel saves a date as the number of days since 01/01/1900

Screenprint 1

Screenprint 2

If your date is text and you need to convert it then DATEVALUE will do this:

Datevalue function

ERROR! MySQL manager or server PID file could not be found! QNAP

Nothing of this worked for me. I tried everything and nothing worked.

I just did :

brew unlink mysql && brew install mariadb

My concern was if I would lost all the data, but luckily everything was there.

Hope it works for somebody else

Get all mysql selected rows into an array

while($result=mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
    // here you want to fetch all 
    // records from table like this. 
    // then you should get the array 
    // from all rows into one array 

Python's most efficient way to choose longest string in list?

def LongestEntry(lstName):
  totalEntries = len(lstName)
  currentEntry = 0
  longestLength = 0
  while currentEntry < totalEntries:
    thisEntry = len(str(lstName[currentEntry]))
    if int(thisEntry) > int(longestLength):
      longestLength = thisEntry
      longestEntry = currentEntry
    currentEntry += 1
  return longestLength

Check if an excel cell exists on another worksheet in a column - and return the contents of a different column

You can use following formulas.

For Excel 2007 or later:


For Excel 2003:

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D3,List!A:A, 0)), "No Match", VLOOKUP(D3,List!A:C,3,FALSE))

Note, that

  • I'm using List!A:C in VLOOKUP and returns value from column ? 3
  • I'm using 4th argument for VLOOKUP equals to FALSE, in that case VLOOKUP will only find an exact match, and the values in the first column of List!A:C do not need to be sorted (opposite to case when you're using TRUE).

(grep) Regex to match non-ASCII characters?

You could also to check this page: Unicode Regular Expressions, as it contains some useful Unicode characters classes, like:

\p{Control}: an ASCII 0x00..0x1F or Latin-1 0x80..0x9F control character.

Dark color scheme for Eclipse

I have finally found exactly what I have been looking for, i.e. a dark theme for PyDev (although I still feel like Eclipse is missing out on this).

How to open generated pdf using jspdf in new window

This works for me!!!

When you specify window features, it will open in a new window

Just like :,"_blank","top=100,left=200,width=1000,height=500");

Padding characters in printf

Here's another one:

$ { echo JBoss DOWN; echo GlassFish UP; } | while read PROC STATUS; do echo -n "$PROC "; printf "%$((48-${#PROC}))s " | tr ' ' -; echo " [$STATUS]"; done
JBoss -------------------------------------------- [DOWN]
GlassFish ---------------------------------------- [UP]

file_get_contents behind a proxy?

Use stream_context_set_default function. It is much easier to use as you can directly use file_get_contents or similar functions without passing any additional parameters

This blog post explains how to use it. Here is the code from that page.

// Edit the four values below
$PROXY_HOST = ""; // Proxy server address
$PROXY_PORT = "1234";    // Proxy server port
$PROXY_USER = "LOGIN";    // Username
$PROXY_PASS = "PASSWORD";   // Password
// Username and Password are required only if your proxy server needs basic authentication

$auth = base64_encode("$PROXY_USER:$PROXY_PASS");
  'http' => array(
   'proxy' => "tcp://$PROXY_HOST:$PROXY_PORT",
   'request_fulluri' => true,
   'header' => "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $auth"
   // Remove the 'header' option if proxy authentication is not required

$url = "";

print_r( get_headers($url) );

echo file_get_contents($url);

Counting the number of occurences of characters in a string

I think what you are looking for is this:

public class Ques2 {

 * @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    String input = br.readLine().toLowerCase();
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    char currentCharacter;
    int count;

    for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
        currentCharacter = input.charAt(i);
        count = 1;
        while (i < input.length() - 1 && input.charAt(i + 1) == currentCharacter) {

    System.out.println("" + result);


SELECT with LIMIT in Codeigniter

Try this...

function nationList($limit=null, $start=null) {
    if ($this->session->userdata('language') == "it") {
        $this->db->select(', nation.name_it as name');

    if ($this->session->userdata('language') == "en") {
        $this->db->select(', nation.name_en as name');

    $this->db->order_by("name", "asc");

    if ($limit != '' && $start != '') {
       $this->db->limit($limit, $start);
    $query  = $this->db->get();

    $nation = array();
    foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
        array_push($nation, $row);

    return $nation;     

Better way to sort array in descending order

Sure, You can customize the sort.

You need to give the Sort() a delegate to a comparison method which it will use to sort.

Using an anonymous method:

Array.Sort<int>( array,
delegate(int a, int b)
    return b - a; //Normal compare is a-b

Read more about it:

Sorting arrays
MSDN - Array.Sort Method (T[], Comparison)

Checking for directory and file write permissions in .NET

Deny takes precedence over Allow. Local rules take precedence over inherited rules. I have seen many solutions (including some answers shown here), but none of them takes into account whether rules are inherited or not. Therefore I suggest the following approach that considers rule inheritance (neatly wrapped into a class):

public class CurrentUserSecurity
    WindowsIdentity _currentUser;
    WindowsPrincipal _currentPrincipal;

    public CurrentUserSecurity()
        _currentUser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
        _currentPrincipal = new WindowsPrincipal(_currentUser);

    public bool HasAccess(DirectoryInfo directory, FileSystemRights right)
        // Get the collection of authorization rules that apply to the directory.
        AuthorizationRuleCollection acl = directory.GetAccessControl()
            .GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
        return HasFileOrDirectoryAccess(right, acl);

    public bool HasAccess(FileInfo file, FileSystemRights right)
        // Get the collection of authorization rules that apply to the file.
        AuthorizationRuleCollection acl = file.GetAccessControl()
            .GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
        return HasFileOrDirectoryAccess(right, acl);

    private bool HasFileOrDirectoryAccess(FileSystemRights right,
                                          AuthorizationRuleCollection acl)
        bool allow = false;
        bool inheritedAllow = false;
        bool inheritedDeny = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < acl.Count; i++) {
            var currentRule = (FileSystemAccessRule)acl[i];
            // If the current rule applies to the current user.
            if (_currentUser.User.Equals(currentRule.IdentityReference) ||
                                (SecurityIdentifier)currentRule.IdentityReference)) {

                if (currentRule.AccessControlType.Equals(AccessControlType.Deny)) {
                    if ((currentRule.FileSystemRights & right) == right) {
                        if (currentRule.IsInherited) {
                            inheritedDeny = true;
                        } else { // Non inherited "deny" takes overall precedence.
                            return false;
                } else if (currentRule.AccessControlType
                                                  .Equals(AccessControlType.Allow)) {
                    if ((currentRule.FileSystemRights & right) == right) {
                        if (currentRule.IsInherited) {
                            inheritedAllow = true;
                        } else {
                            allow = true;

        if (allow) { // Non inherited "allow" takes precedence over inherited rules.
            return true;
        return inheritedAllow && !inheritedDeny;

However, I made the experience that this does not always work on remote computers as you will not always have the right to query the file access rights there. The solution in that case is to try; possibly even by just trying to create a temporary file, if you need to know the access right before working with the "real" files.

Why do I get "Procedure expects parameter '@statement' of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'." when I try to use sp_executesql?

The solution is to put an N in front of both the type and the SQL string to indicate it is a double-byte character string:

SET @SQL = N'SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.tables' 
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL

TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, and LONGTEXT maximum storage sizes

Expansion of the same answer

  1. This SO post outlines in detail the overheads and storage mechanisms.
  2. As noted from point (1), A VARCHAR should always be used instead of TINYTEXT. However, when using VARCHAR, the max rowsize should not exceeed 65535 bytes.
  3. As outlined here, max 3 bytes for utf-8.


  1. So the worst case assumptions (3 bytes per utf-8 char) to best case (1 byte per utf-8 char)
  2. Assuming the english language has an average of 4.5 letters per word
  3. x is the number of bytes allocated


      Type | A= worst case (x/3) | B = best case (x) | words estimate (A/4.5) - (B/4.5)
  TINYTEXT |              85     | 255               | 18 - 56
      TEXT |          21,845     | 65,535            | 4,854.44 - 14,563.33  
MEDIUMTEXT |       5,592,415     | 16,777,215        | 1,242,758.8 - 3,728,270
  LONGTEXT |   1,431,655,765     | 4,294,967,295     | 318,145,725.5 - 954,437,176.6

Please refer to Chris V's answer as well :

Pass Method as Parameter using C#

If you want to pass Method as parameter, use:

using System;

public void Method1()

public void CallingMethod(Action method)
    method();   // This will call the method that has been passed as parameter

public void CalledMethod()
    Console.WriteLine("This method is called by passing parameter");

"Warning: iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture" even with build config set

Quite a painful problem for me too. Just spent about an hour trying to build and re-build - no joy. In the end I had to do this:

  1. Upgrade the base SDK to the latest ( in my case iOS 5 )
  2. Restart xCode
  3. Clean & Build
  4. It worked!

I guess it's a bunch of jargon about arm6 , arm7 as it looked like my project was valid for both, at least the settings seemed to say so ) , my guess is this is a cynical way to bamboozle us with the technicalities, which we don't understand, so we just take the easy option and target the latest iOS ( good for Apple with more people being up-to-date ) ....

git ahead/behind info between master and branch?

First of all to see how many revisions you are behind locally, you should do a git fetch to make sure you have the latest info from your remote.

The default output of git status tells you how many revisions you are ahead or behind, but usually I find this too verbose:

$ git status
# On branch master
# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 2 and 1 different commit each, respectively.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

I prefer git status -sb:

$ git status -sb
## master...origin/master [ahead 2, behind 1]

In fact I alias this to simply git s, and this is the main command I use for checking status.

To see the diff in the "ahead revisions" of master, I can exclude the "behind revisions" from origin/master:

git diff master..origin/master^

To see the diff in the "behind revisions" of origin/master, I can exclude the "ahead revisions" from master:

git diff origin/master..master^^

If there are 5 revisions ahead or behind it might be easier to write like this:

git diff master..origin/master~5
git diff origin/master..master~5


To see the ahead/behind revisions, the branch must be configured to track another branch. For me this is the default behavior when I clone a remote repository, and after I push a branch with git push -u remotename branchname. My version is, but it's been working like this as long as I remember.

As of version 1.8, you can set the tracking branch like this:

git branch --track test-branch

As of version 1.7, the syntax was different:

git branch --set-upstream test-branch

how to display employee names starting with a and then b in sql

To get employee names starting with A or B listed in order...

select employee_name 
from employees
where employee_name LIKE 'A%' OR employee_name LIKE 'B%'
order by employee_name

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server you could use

where employee_name  LIKE '[A-B]%'
order by employee_name

This is not standard SQL though it just gets translated to the following which is.

WHERE  employee_name >= 'A'
       AND employee_name < 'C' 

For all variants you would need to consider whether you want to include accented variants such as Á and test whether the queries above do what you want with these on your RDBMS and collation options.

Code-first vs Model/Database-first

Code-first appears to be the rising star. I had a quick look at Ruby on Rails, and their standard is code-first, with database migrations.

If you are building an MVC3 application, I believe Code first has the following advantages:

  • Easy attribute decoration - You can decorate fields with validation, require, etc.. attributes, it's quite awkward with EF modelling
  • No weird modelling errors - EF modelling often has weird errors, such as when you try to rename an association property, it needs to match the underlying meta-data - very inflexible.
  • Not awkward to merge - When using code version control tools such as mercurial, merging .edmx files is a pain. You're a programmer used to C#, and there you are merging a .edmx. Not so with code-first.
  • Contrast back to Code first and you have complete control without all the hidden complexities and unknowns to deal with.
  • I recommend you use the Package Manager command line tool, don't even use the graphical tools to add a new controller to scaffold views.
  • DB-Migrations - Then you can also Enable-Migrations. This is so powerful. You make changes to your model in code, and then the framework can keep track of schema changes, so you can seamlessly deploy upgrades, with schema versions automatically upgraded (and downgraded if required). (Not sure, but this probably does work with model-first too)


The question also asks for a comparison of code-first to EDMX model/db-first. Code-first can be used for both of these approaches too:

Java default constructor

Neither of them. If you define it, it's not the default.

The default constructor is the no-argument constructor automatically generated unless you define another constructor. Any uninitialised fields will be set to their default values. For your example, it would look like this assuming that the types are String, int and int, and that the class itself is public:

public Module()
  super(); = null;
  this.credits = 0;
  this.hours = 0;

This is exactly the same as

public Module()

And exactly the same as having no constructors at all. However, if you define at least one constructor, the default constructor is not generated.

Reference: Java Language Specification

If a class contains no constructor declarations, then a default constructor with no formal parameters and no throws clause is implicitly declared.


Technically it is not the constructor (default or otherwise) that default-initialises the fields. However, I am leaving it the answer because

  • the question got the defaults wrong, and
  • the constructor has exactly the same effect whether they are included or not.

How to do case insensitive string comparison?

If you know you're dealing with ascii text then you can just use a uppercase/lowercase character offset comparison.

Just make sure the string your "perfect" string (the one you want to match against) is lowercase:

const CHARS_IN_BETWEEN = 32;
const LAST_UPPERCASE_CHAR = 90; // Z
function strMatchesIgnoreCase(lowercaseMatch, value) {
    let i = 0, matches = lowercaseMatch.length === value.length;
    while (matches && i < lowercaseMatch.length) {
        const a = lowercaseMatch.charCodeAt(i);
        const A = a - CHARS_IN_BETWEEN;
        const b = value.charCodeAt(i);
        matches = a === b // lowerA === b
            || A === b // upperA == b
            || a === B // lowerA == ~b
            || A === B; // upperA == ~b
    return matches;

How to run eclipse in clean mode? what happens if we do so?

  • click on short cut
  • right click -> properties
  • add -clean in target clause and then start.

it will take much time then normal start and it will fresh up all resources.

Show a popup/message box from a Windows batch file

Msg * "insert your message here"

works fine, just save as a .bat file in notepad or make sure the format is set to "all files"

Animate background image change with jQuery

building on XGreen's approach above, with a few tweaks you can have an animated looping background. See here for example:


var images = Array("",
var currimg = 0;

function loadimg(){

   $('#background').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500,function(){

        //finished animating, minifade out and fade new back in           
        $('#background').animate({ opacity: 0.7 }, 100,function(){


            if(currimg > images.length-1){



            var newimage = images[currimg];

            //swap out bg src                
            $('#background').css("background-image", "url("+newimage+")"); 

            //animate fully back in
            $('#background').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 400,function(){

                //set timer for next






Set size of HTML page and browser window

<head >
<style type="text/css">
margin:auto; position:relative;
 <div id="maincontainer ">

How to use switch statement inside a React component?

This is another approach.

render() {
   return {this[`renderStep${this.state.step}`]()}

renderStep0() { return 'step 0' }
renderStep1() { return 'step 1' }

Subprocess changing directory

If you need to change directory, run a command and get the std output as well:

import os
import logging as log
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT

def cmd_std_output(cd_dir_path, cmd):
    cmd_to_list = cmd.split(" ")
        if cd_dir_path:
        output = check_output(cmd_to_list, stderr=STDOUT).decode()
        return output
    except CalledProcessError as e:
        log.error('e: {}'.format(e))
def get_last_commit_cc_cluster():
    cd_dir_path = "/repos/cc_manager/cc_cluster"
    cmd = "git log --name-status HEAD^..HEAD --date=iso"
    result = cmd_std_output(cd_dir_path, cmd)
    return result

log.debug("Output: {}".format(get_last_commit_cc_cluster()))

Output: "commit 3b3daaaaaaaa2bb0fc4f1953af149fa3921e\nAuthor: user1<[email protected]>\nDate:   2020-04-23 09:58:49 +0200\n\n

How to convert hashmap to JSON object in Java

You can use:

new JSONObject(map);

Caution: This will only work for a Map<String, String>!

Other functions you can get from its documentation

What does numpy.random.seed(0) do?

I have used this very often in neural networks. It is well known that when we start training a neural network we randomly initialise the weights. The model is trained on these weights on a particular dataset. After number of epochs you get trained set of weights.

Now suppose you want to again train from scratch or you want to pass the model to others to reproduce your results, the weights will be again initialised to a random numbers which mostly will be different from earlier ones. The obtained trained weights after same number of epochs ( keeping same data and other parameters ) as earlier one will differ. The problem is your model is no more reproducible that is every time you train your model from scratch it provides you different sets of weights. This is because the model is being initialized by different random numbers every time.

What if every time you start training from scratch the model is initialised to the same set of random initialise weights? In this case your model could become reproducible. This is achieved by numpy.random.seed(0). By mentioning seed() to a particular number, you are hanging on to same set of random numbers always.

Bootstrap Responsive Text Size

Well, my solution is sort of hack, but it works and I am using it.

1vw = 1% of viewport width

1vh = 1% of viewport height

1vmin = 1vw or 1vh, whichever is smaller

1vmax = 1vw or 1vh, whichever is larger

h1 {
  font-size: 5.9vw;
h2 {
  font-size: 3.0vh;
p {
  font-size: 2vmin;

Python For loop get index

Use the enumerate() function to generate the index along with the elements of the sequence you are looping over:

for index, w in enumerate(loopme):
    print "CURRENT WORD IS", w, "AT CHARACTER", index 

Newline in JLabel

You can do

JLabel l = new JLabel("<html><p>Hello World! blah blah blah</p></html>", SwingConstants.CENTER);

and it will automatically wrap it where appropriate.