Programs & Examples On #Resource editor

Splitting string with pipe character ("|")

split takes regex as a parameter.| has special meaning in regex.. use \\| instead of | to escape it.

Calculating the sum of two variables in a batch script

According to this helpful list of operators [an operator can be thought of as a mathematical expression] found here, you can tell the batch compiler that you are manipulating variables instead of fixed numbers by using the += operator instead of the + operator.

Hope I Helped!

numpy division with RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars

You can't solve it. Simply answer1.sum()==0, and you can't perform a division by zero.

This happens because answer1 is the exponential of 2 very large, negative numbers, so that the result is rounded to zero.

nan is returned in this case because of the division by zero.

Now to solve your problem you could:

  • go for a library for high-precision mathematics, like mpmath. But that's less fun.
  • as an alternative to a bigger weapon, do some math manipulation, as detailed below.
  • go for a tailored scipy/numpy function that does exactly what you want! Check out @Warren Weckesser answer.

Here I explain how to do some math manipulation that helps on this problem. We have that for the numerator:

exp(-x)+exp(-y) = exp(log(exp(-x)+exp(-y)))
                = exp(log(exp(-x)*[1+exp(-y+x)]))
                = exp(log(exp(-x) + log(1+exp(-y+x)))
                = exp(-x + log(1+exp(-y+x)))

where above x=3* 1089 and y=3* 1093. Now, the argument of this exponential is

-x + log(1+exp(-y+x)) = -x + 6.1441934777474324e-06

For the denominator you could proceed similarly but obtain that log(1+exp(-z+k)) is already rounded to 0, so that the argument of the exponential function at the denominator is simply rounded to -z=-3000. You then have that your result is

exp(-x + log(1+exp(-y+x)))/exp(-z) = exp(-x+z+log(1+exp(-y+x)) 
                                   = exp(-266.99999385580668)

which is already extremely close to the result that you would get if you were to keep only the 2 leading terms (i.e. the first number 1089 in the numerator and the first number 1000 at the denominator):


For the sake of it, let's see how close we are from the solution of Wolfram alpha (link):

Log[(exp[-3*1089]+exp[-3*1093])/([exp[-3*1000]+exp[-3*4443])] -> -266.999993855806522267194565420933791813296828742310997510523

The difference between this number and the exponent above is +1.7053025658242404e-13, so the approximation we made at the denominator was fine.

The final result is

'exp(-266.99999385580668) = 1.1050349147204485e-116

From wolfram alpha is (link)

1.105034914720621496.. × 10^-116 # Wolfram alpha.

and again, it is safe to use numpy here too.

Get the ID of a drawable in ImageView

A simple solution might be to just store the drawable id in a temporary variable. I'm not sure how practical this would be for your situation but it's definitely a quick fix.

How do I clone a github project to run locally?

git clone git://

Python Prime number checker

Your problem is that the loop continues to run even thought you've "made up your mind" already. You should add the line break after a=a+1

Remove the last character in a string in T-SQL?

This is quite late, but interestingly never mentioned yet.

select stuff(x,len(x),1,'')


take a string x
go to its last character
remove one character
add nothing

Move / Copy File Operations in Java

Here's how to do this with java.nio operations:

public static void copyFile(File sourceFile, File destFile) throws IOException {
    if(!destFile.exists()) {

    FileChannel source = null;
    FileChannel destination = null;
    try {
        source = new FileInputStream(sourceFile).getChannel();
        destination = new FileOutputStream(destFile).getChannel();

        // previous code: destination.transferFrom(source, 0, source.size());
        // to avoid infinite loops, should be:
        long count = 0;
        long size = source.size();              
        while((count += destination.transferFrom(source, count, size-count))<size);
    finally {
        if(source != null) {
        if(destination != null) {

How can I get a uitableViewCell by indexPath?


let indexpath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
if let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? <UITableViewCell or CustomCell> {
    cell.backgroundColor =

What is the simplest way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file in .NET 1.1?

If you need to write line by line from string builder

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("New Line!");

using (var sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\MyDir\MyNewTextFile.txt", true))

If you need to write all text as single line from string builder

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("New Text line!");

using (var sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\MyDir\MyNewTextFile.txt", true))

Where are my postgres *.conf files?

If you have just installed it, it is possible that locate doesn't help. In that case, the service should be running and you can run

ps aux  | grep 'postgres *-D'

to see where the postgresql-master is loading the config files from.

In Python, is there an elegant way to print a list in a custom format without explicit looping?

In python 3s print function:

lst = [1, 2, 3]
print('My list:', *lst, sep='\n- ')


My list:
- 1
- 2
- 3

Con: The sep must be a string, so you can't modify it based on which element you're printing. And you need a kind of header to do this (above it was 'My list:').

Pro: You don't have to join() a list into a string object, which might be advantageous for larger lists. And the whole thing is quite concise and readable.

make image( not background img) in div repeat?

You have use to repeat-y as style="background-repeat:repeat-y;width: 200px;" instead of style="repeat-y".

Try this inside the image tag or you can use the below css for the div

    background-repeat: repeat-y;
    background-image: url("/image/layout/lotus-dreapta.png");

BeautifulSoup getting href

You can use find_all in the following way to find every a element that has an href attribute, and print each one:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

html = '''<a href="some_url">next</a>
<span class="class"><a href="another_url">later</a></span>'''

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
    print "Found the URL:", a['href']

The output would be:

Found the URL: some_url
Found the URL: another_url

Note that if you're using an older version of BeautifulSoup (before version 4) the name of this method is findAll. In version 4, BeautifulSoup's method names were changed to be PEP 8 compliant, so you should use find_all instead.

If you want all tags with an href, you can omit the name parameter:

href_tags = soup.find_all(href=True)

How to avoid "cannot load such file -- utils/popen" from homebrew on OSX

To restore your Homebrew setup try this:

cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library && git stash && git clean -d -f && git reset --hard && git pull

Running JAR file on Windows 10

How do I run an executable JAR file? If you have a jar file called Example.jar, follow these rules:

Open a notepad.exe.
Write : java -jar Example.jar.
Save it with the extension .bat.
Copy it to the directory which has the .jar file.
Double click it to run your .jar file.

How to generate the JPA entity Metamodel?

It would be awesome if someone also knows the steps for setting this up in Eclipse (I assume it's as simple as setting up an annotation processor, but you never know)

Yes it is. Here are the implementations and instructions for the various JPA 2.0 implementations:





The latest Hibernate implementation is available at:

An older Hibernate implementation is at:

Show image using file_get_contents

You can use readfile and output the image headers which you can get from getimagesize like this:

$remoteImage = "";
$imginfo = getimagesize($remoteImage);
header("Content-type: {$imginfo['mime']}");

The reason you should use readfile here is that it outputs the file directly to the output buffer where as file_get_contents will read the file into memory which is unnecessary in this content and potentially intensive for large files.

Entity Framework - Include Multiple Levels of Properties

I figured out a simplest way. You don't need to install package ThenInclude.EF or you don't need to use ThenInclude for all nested navigation properties. Just do like as shown below, EF will take care rest for you. example:

var thenInclude = context.One.Include(x => x.Twoes.Threes.Fours.Fives.Sixes)
.Include(x=> x.Other)

Convert iterator to pointer?

Vector is a template class and it is not safe to convert the contents of a class to a pointer : You cannot inherit the vector class to add this new functionality. and changing the function parameter is actually a better idea. Jst create another vector of int vector temp_foo (foo.begin[X],foo.end()); and pass this vector to you functions

Pass C# ASP.NET array to Javascript array

Prepare an array (in my case it is 2d array):

        // prepare a 2d array in c#
        ArrayList header = new ArrayList { "Task Name", "Hours"};
        ArrayList data1 = new ArrayList {"Work", 2};
        ArrayList data2 = new ArrayList { "Eat", 2 };
        ArrayList data3 = new ArrayList { "Sleep", 2 };
        ArrayList data = new ArrayList {header, data1, data2, data3};
        // convert it in json
        string dataStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, Formatting.None);
        // store it in viewdata/ viewbag
        ViewBag.Data = new HtmlString(dataStr);   

Parse it in the view.

    var data = JSON.parse('@ViewBag.Data');

In your case you can directly use variable name instead of ViewBag.Data.

Linq: GroupBy, Sum and Count

sometimes you need to select some fields by FirstOrDefault() or singleOrDefault() you can use the below query:

List<ResultLine> result = Lines
    .GroupBy(l => l.ProductCode)
    .Select(cl => new Models.ResultLine
                ProductName =>x.Name).FirstOrDefault(),
                Quantity = cl.Count().ToString(),
                Price = cl.Sum(c => c.Price).ToString(),

.net Core 2.0 - Package was restored using .NetFramework 4.6.1 instead of target framework .netCore 2.0. The package may not be fully compatible

For me, I had ~6 different Nuget packages to update and when I selected Microsoft.AspNetCore.All first, I got the referenced error.

I started at the bottom and updated others first (EF Core, EF Design Tools, etc), then when the only one that was left was Microsoft.AspNetCore.All it worked fine.

How do I URl encode something in Node.js?

Note that URI encoding is good for the query part, it's not good for the domain. The domain gets encoded using punycode. You need a library like URI.js to convert between a URI and IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifier).

This is correct if you plan on using the string later as a query string:

> encodeURIComponent("http://examplé.org/rosé?rosé=rosé")

If you don't want ASCII characters like /, : and ? to be escaped, use encodeURI instead:

> encodeURI("http://examplé.org/rosé?rosé=rosé")

However, for other use-cases, you might need uri-js instead:

> var URI = require("uri-js");
> URI.serialize(URI.parse("http://examplé.org/rosé?rosé=rosé"))

php timeout - set_time_limit(0); - don't work

I usually use set_time_limit(30) within the main loop (so each loop iteration is limited to 30 seconds rather than the whole script).

I do this in multiple database update scripts, which routinely take several minutes to complete but less than a second for each iteration - keeping the 30 second limit means the script won't get stuck in an infinite loop if I am stupid enough to create one.

I must admit that my choice of 30 seconds for the limit is somewhat arbitrary - my scripts could actually get away with 2 seconds instead, but I feel more comfortable with 30 seconds given the actual application - of course you could use whatever value you feel is suitable.

Hope this helps!

Why is there no multiple inheritance in Java, but implementing multiple interfaces is allowed?

Consider a scenario where Test1, Test2 and Test3 are three classes. The Test3 class inherits Test2 and Test1 classes. If Test1 and Test2 classes have same method and you call it from child class object, there will be ambiguity to call method of Test1 or Test2 class but there is no such ambiguity for interface as in interface no implementation is there.

Deleting a pointer in C++

1 & 2

myVar = 8; //not dynamically allocated. Can't call delete on it.
myPointer = new int; //dynamically allocated, can call delete on it.

The first variable was allocated on the stack. You can call delete only on memory you allocated dynamically (on the heap) using the new operator.


  myPointer = NULL;
  delete myPointer;

The above did nothing at all. You didn't free anything, as the pointer pointed at NULL.

The following shouldn't be done:

myPointer = new int;
myPointer = NULL; //leaked memory, no pointer to above int
delete myPointer; //no point at all

You pointed it at NULL, leaving behind leaked memory (the new int you allocated). You should free the memory you were pointing at. There is no way to access that allocated new int anymore, hence memory leak.

The correct way:

myPointer = new int;
delete myPointer; //freed memory
myPointer = NULL; //pointed dangling ptr to NULL

The better way:

If you're using C++, do not use raw pointers. Use smart pointers instead which can handle these things for you with little overhead. C++11 comes with several.

Renaming a branch in GitHub

Here is what worked for me:

  1. Create the new branch first:

    git push github newname :refs/heads/newname
  2. On the GitHub site, go to settings and change the Default branch to newname

  3. Delete the oldname

    git push github --delete oldname

How to convert a string to lower case in Bash?

For a standard shell (without bashisms) using only builtins:


lc(){ #usage: lc "SOME STRING" -> "some string"
    while ([ $i -lt ${#1} ]) do
        case $uppers in
    echo "${OUTPUT}"

And for upper case:

uc(){ #usage: uc "some string" -> "SOME STRING"
    while ([ $i -lt ${#1} ]) do
        case $lowers in
    echo "${OUTPUT}"

How to check if there exists a process with a given pid in Python?

I'd say use the PID for whatever purpose you're obtaining it and handle the errors gracefully. Otherwise, it's a classic race (the PID may be valid when you check it's valid, but go away an instant later)

Where can I download mysql jdbc jar from?

Go to and with in the dropdown select "Platform Independent" then it will show you the options to download tar.gz file or zip file.

Download zip file and extract it, with in that you will find mysql-connector-XXX.jar file

If you are using maven then you can add the dependency from the link

Select the version you want to use and add the dependency in your pom.xml file

How to Generate Unique ID in Java (Integer)?

It's easy if you are somewhat constrained.

If you have one thread, you just use uniqueID++; Be sure to store the current uniqueID when you exit.

If you have multiple threads, a common synchronized generateUniqueID method works (Implemented the same as above).

The problem is when you have many CPUs--either in a cluster or some distributed setup like a peer-to-peer game.

In that case, you can generally combine two parts to form a single number. For instance, each process that generates a unique ID can have it's own 2-byte ID number assigned and then combine it with a uniqueID++. Something like:

return (myID << 16) & uniqueID++

It can be tricky distributing the "myID" portion, but there are some ways. You can just grab one out of a centralized database, request a unique ID from a centralized server, ...

If you had a Long instead of an Int, one of the common tricks is to take the device id (UUID) of ETH0, that's guaranteed to be unique to a server--then just add on a serial number.

mysql -> insert into tbl (select from another table) and some default values

INSERT INTO def (field_1, field_2, field3) 
('$field_1', (SELECT id_user from user_table where name = 'jhon'), '$field3')

error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

The best and exhaustive answer to this issue is given here:

For most of cases it's enough to find the suitable .whl package for your required python dependency and install it with pip.

In the last case you'll have to install microsoft compiler and install your package from source code.

Generating random strings with T-SQL

Here's one I came up with today (because I didn't like any of the existing answers enough).

This one generates a temp table of random strings, is based off of newid(), but also supports a custom character set (so more than just 0-9 & A-F), custom length (up to 255, limit is hard-coded, but can be changed), and a custom number of random records.

Here's the source code (hopefully the comments help):

 * First, we're going to define the random parameters for this
 * snippet. Changing these variables will alter the entire
 * outcome of this script. Try not to break everything.
 * @var {int}       count    The number of random values to generate.
 * @var {int}       length   The length of each random value.
 * @var {char(62)}  charset  The characters that may appear within a random value.

-- Define the parameters
declare @count int = 10
declare @length int = 60
declare @charset char(62) = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'

 * We're going to define our random table to be twice the maximum
 * length (255 * 2 = 510). It's twice because we will be using
 * the newid() method, which produces hex guids. More later.

-- Create the random table
declare @random table (
    value nvarchar(510)

 * We'll use two characters from newid() to make one character in
 * the random value. Each newid() provides us 32 hex characters,
 * so we'll have to make multiple calls depending on length.

-- Determine how many "newid()" calls we'll need per random value
declare @iterations int = ceiling(@length * 2 / 32.0)

 * Before we start making multiple calls to "newid", we need to
 * start with an initial value. Since we know that we need at
 * least one call, we will go ahead and satisfy the count.

-- Iterate up to the count
declare @i int = 0 while @i < @count begin set @i = @i + 1

    -- Insert a new set of 32 hex characters for each record, limiting to @length * 2
    insert into @random
        select substring(replace(newid(), '-', ''), 1, @length * 2)


-- Now fill the remaining the remaining length using a series of update clauses
set @i = 0 while @i < @iterations begin set @i = @i + 1

    -- Append to the original value, limit @length * 2
    update @random
        set value = substring(value + replace(newid(), '-', ''), 1, @length * 2)


 * Now that we have our base random values, we can convert them
 * into the final random values. We'll do this by taking two
 * hex characters, and mapping then to one charset value.

-- Convert the base random values to charset random values
set @i = 0 while @i < @length begin set @i = @i + 1

     * Explaining what's actually going on here is a bit complex. I'll
     * do my best to break it down step by step. Hopefully you'll be
     * able to follow along. If not, then wise up and come back.

    -- Perform the update
    update @random
        set value =

             * Everything we're doing here is in a loop. The @i variable marks
             * what character of the final result we're assigning. We will
             * start off by taking everything we've already done first.

            -- Take the part of the string up to the current index
            substring(value, 1, @i - 1) +

             * Now we're going to convert the two hex values after the index,
             * and convert them to a single charset value. We can do this
             * with a bit of math and conversions, so function away!

            -- Replace the current two hex values with one charset value
            substring(@charset, convert(int, convert(varbinary(1), substring(value, @i, 2), 2)) * (len(@charset) - 1) / 255 + 1, 1) +
    --  (1) -------------------------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----------------------------------------
    --  (2) ---------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^11111111111111111111111^^^^-------------------------------------
    --  (3) --------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222^------------------------------------
    --  (4) --------------------333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333---^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--------
    --  (5) --------------------333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333^^^4444444444444444444444444--------
    --  (6) --------------------5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555^^^^----
    --  (7) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666^^^^

             * (1) - Determine the two hex characters that we'll be converting (ex: 0F, AB, 3C, etc.)
             * (2) - Convert those two hex characters to a a proper hexadecimal (ex: 0x0F, 0xAB, 0x3C, etc.)
             * (3) - Convert the hexadecimals to integers (ex: 15, 171, 60)
             * (4) - Determine the conversion ratio between the length of @charset and the range of hexadecimals (255)
             * (5) - Multiply the integer from (3) with the conversion ratio from (4) to get a value between 0 and (len(@charset) - 1)
             * (6) - Add 1 to the offset from (5) to get a value between 1 and len(@charset), since strings start at 1 in SQL
             * (7) - Use the offset from (6) and grab a single character from @subset

             * All that is left is to add in everything we have left to do.
             * We will eventually process the entire string, but we will
             * take things one step at a time. Round and round we go!

            -- Append everything we have left to do
            substring(value, 2 + @i, len(value))


-- Select the results
select value
from @random

It's not a stored procedure, but it wouldn't be that hard to turn it into one. It's also not horrendously slow (it took me ~0.3 seconds to generate 1,000 results of length 60, which is more than I'll ever personally need), which was one of my initial concerns from all of the string mutation I'm doing.

The main takeaway here is that I'm not trying to create my own random number generator, and my character set isn't limited. I'm simply using the random generator that SQL has (I know there's rand(), but that's not great for table results). Hopefully this approach marries the two kinds of answers here, from overly simple (i.e. just newid()) and overly complex (i.e. custom random number algorithm).

It's also short (minus the comments), and easy to understand (at least for me), which is always a plus in my book.

However, this method cannot be seeded, so it's going to be truly random each time, and you won't be able to replicate the same set of data with any means of reliability. The OP didn't list that as a requirement, but I know that some people look for that sort of thing.

I know I'm late to the party here, but hopefully someone will find this useful.

How to access /storage/emulated/0/

In my case, /storage/emulated/0/ corresponds to my device's root path. For example, when i take a photo with my phone's default camera application, the images are saved automatically /store/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/mypicname.jpeg

For example, suppose that you want to store your pictures in /Pictures directory, namely in Pictures directory which exist in root directory. So you use the below code.

File storageDir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory( Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES );

If you want to save the images in DCIM or Downloads directory, give the below arguments to the Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory() method shown above.


Then specify your image name :

String imageFileName = "JPEG_" + timeStamp + "_";

Then create the file object as shown below. You specify the suffix as the 2nd argument.

File image = File.createTempFile(
            imageFileName,  // prefix
            ".jpg",         // suffix
            storageDir      // directory

What is the optimal way to compare dates in Microsoft SQL server?

Here is an example:

I've an Order table with a DateTime field called OrderDate. I want to retrieve all orders where the order date is equals to 01/01/2006. there are next ways to do it:

1) WHERE DateDiff(dd, OrderDate, '01/01/2006') = 0
2) WHERE Convert(varchar(20), OrderDate, 101) = '01/01/2006'
3) WHERE Year(OrderDate) = 2006 AND Month(OrderDate) = 1 and Day(OrderDate)=1
4) WHERE OrderDate LIKE '01/01/2006%'
5) WHERE OrderDate >= '01/01/2006'  AND OrderDate < '01/02/2006'

Is found here

Change the location of the ~ directory in a Windows install of Git Bash

I don't understand, why you don't want to set the $HOME environment variable since that solves exactly what you're asking for.

cd ~ doesn't mean change to the root directory, but change to the user's home directory, which is set by the $HOME environment variable.

Quick'n'dirty solution

Edit C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc\profile and set $HOME variable to whatever you want (add it if it's not there). A good place could be for example right after a condition commented by # Set up USER's home directory. It must be in the MinGW format, for example:


Save it, open Git Bash and execute cd ~. You should be in a directory /c/my/custom/home now.

Everything that accesses the user's profile should go into this directory instead of your Windows' profile on a network drive.

Note: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc\profile is shared by all users, so if the machine is used by multiple users, it's a good idea to set the $HOME dynamically:


Cleaner solution

Set the environment variable HOME in Windows to whatever directory you want. In this case, you have to set it in Windows path format (with backslashes, e.g. c:\my\custom\home), Git Bash will load it and convert it to its format.

If you want to change the home directory for all users on your machine, set it as a system environment variable, where you can use for example %USERNAME% variable so every user will have his own home directory, for example:


If you want to change the home directory just for yourself, set it as a user environment variable, so other users won't be affected. In this case, you can simply hard-code the whole path:


exclude @Component from @ComponentScan

The configuration seem alright, except that you should use excludeFilters instead of excludes:

@Configuration @EnableSpringConfigured
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.example"}, excludeFilters={
  @ComponentScan.Filter(type=FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, value=Foo.class)})
public class MySpringConfiguration {}

Significance of ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL);

Using ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); is sufficient to decouple the C and C++ streams. You can find a discussion of this in Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales, by Langer and Kreft. They note that how this works is implementation-defined.

The cin.tie(NULL) call seems to be requesting a decoupling between the activities on cin and cout. I can't explain why using this with the other optimization should cause a crash. As noted, the link you supplied is bad, so no speculation here.

Check if string contains only digits

it checks valid number integers or float or double not a string

regex that i used

simple regex

 1. ^[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*$

advance regex

 2. ^-?[\d.]+(?:e-?\d+)?$    

eg:only numbers

var str='1232323';
var reg=/^[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*$/;


it allows




it does not allow




advance regex


int or float or exponent all types of number in string






How to copy to clipboard in Vim?

In case you don't want to use any graphical interface for vim and you prefer to just stick with terminal emulator there may be a much simpler approach to this problem. Instead of using yank or anything like this, first take a look at documentation of terminal you use. I've been struggling with the same issue (trying to use +clipboard and xclip and so on) and in the end it turned out that in my terminal emulator it's enough to just press shift and select any text you want to copy. That's it. Quite simple and no need for messing with configuration. (I use urxvt by the way).

How to check whether a pandas DataFrame is empty?

To see if a dataframe is empty, I argue that one should test for the length of a dataframe's columns index:

if len(df.columns) == 0: 1


According to the Pandas Reference API, there is a distinction between:

  • an empty dataframe with 0 rows and 0 columns
  • an empty dataframe with rows containing NaN hence at least 1 column

Arguably, they are not the same. The other answers are imprecise in that df.empty, len(df), or len(df.index) make no distinction and return index is 0 and empty is True in both cases.


Example 1: An empty dataframe with 0 rows and 0 columns

In [1]: import pandas as pd
        df1 = pd.DataFrame()
Out[1]: Empty DataFrame
        Columns: []
        Index: []

In [2]: len(df1.index)  # or len(df1)
Out[2]: 0

In [3]: df1.empty
Out[3]: True

Example 2: A dataframe which is emptied to 0 rows but still retains n columns

In [4]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({'AA' : [1, 2, 3], 'BB' : [11, 22, 33]})
Out[4]:    AA  BB
        0   1  11
        1   2  22
        2   3  33

In [5]: df2 = df2[df2['AA'] == 5]
Out[5]: Empty DataFrame
        Columns: [AA, BB]
        Index: []

In [6]: len(df2.index)  # or len(df2)
Out[6]: 0

In [7]: df2.empty
Out[7]: True

Now, building on the previous examples, in which the index is 0 and empty is True. When reading the length of the columns index for the first loaded dataframe df1, it returns 0 columns to prove that it is indeed empty.

In [8]: len(df1.columns)
Out[8]: 0

In [9]: len(df2.columns)
Out[9]: 2

Critically, while the second dataframe df2 contains no data, it is not completely empty because it returns the amount of empty columns that persist.

Why it matters

Let's add a new column to these dataframes to understand the implications:

# As expected, the empty column displays 1 series
In [10]: df1['CC'] = [111, 222, 333]
Out[10]:    CC
         0 111
         1 222
         2 333
In [11]: len(df1.columns)
Out[11]: 1

# Note the persisting series with rows containing `NaN` values in df2
In [12]: df2['CC'] = [111, 222, 333]
Out[12]:    AA  BB   CC
         0 NaN NaN  111
         1 NaN NaN  222
         2 NaN NaN  333
In [13]: len(df2.columns)
Out[13]: 3

It is evident that the original columns in df2 have re-surfaced. Therefore, it is prudent to instead read the length of the columns index with len(pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.columns) to see if a dataframe is empty.

Practical solution

# New dataframe df
In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'AA' : [1, 2, 3], 'BB' : [11, 22, 33]})
Out[1]:    AA  BB
        0   1  11
        1   2  22
        2   3  33

# This data manipulation approach results in an empty df
# because of a subset of values that are not available (`NaN`)
In [2]: df = df[df['AA'] == 5]
Out[2]: Empty DataFrame
        Columns: [AA, BB]
        Index: []

# NOTE: the df is empty, BUT the columns are persistent
In [3]: len(df.columns)
Out[3]: 2

# And accordingly, the other answers on this page
In [4]: len(df.index)  # or len(df)
Out[4]: 0

In [5]: df.empty
Out[5]: True
# SOLUTION: conditionally check for empty columns
In [6]: if len(df.columns) != 0:  # <--- here
            # Do something, e.g. 
            # drop any columns containing rows with `NaN`
            # to make the df really empty
            df = df.dropna(how='all', axis=1)
Out[6]: Empty DataFrame
        Columns: []
        Index: []

# Testing shows it is indeed empty now
In [7]: len(df.columns)
Out[7]: 0

Adding a new data series works as expected without the re-surfacing of empty columns (factually, without any series that were containing rows with only NaN):

In [8]: df['CC'] = [111, 222, 333]
Out[8]:    CC
         0 111
         1 222
         2 333
In [9]: len(df.columns)
Out[9]: 1

Change image size with JavaScript

//  This one has print statement so you can see the result at every stage if     you would like.  They are not needed

function crop(image, width, height)
    image.width = width;
    image.height = height;
    //print ("in function", image, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
    return image;

var image = new SimpleImage("name of your image here");
//print ("original", image, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
print ("final", image, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

Convert file: Uri to File in Android

@CommonsWare explained all things quite well. And we really should use the solution he proposed.

By the way, only information we could rely on when querying ContentResolver is a file's name and size as mentioned here: Retrieving File Information | Android developers

As you could see there is an interface OpenableColumns that contains only two fields: DISPLAY_NAME and SIZE.

In my case I was need to retrieve EXIF information about a JPEG image and rotate it if needed before sending to a server. To do that I copied a file content into a temporary file using ContentResolver and openInputStream()

Common elements comparison between 2 lists

I compared each of method that each answer mentioned. At this moment I use python 3.6.3 for this implementation. This is the code that I have used:

import time
import random
from decimal import Decimal

def method1():
    common_elements = [x for x in li1_temp if x in li2_temp]

def method2():
    common_elements = (x for x in li1_temp if x in li2_temp)

def method3():
    common_elements = set(li1_temp) & set(li2_temp)

def method4():
    common_elements = set(li1_temp).intersection(li2_temp)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    li1 = []
    li2 = []
    for i in range(100000):
        li1.append(random.randint(0, 10000))
        li2.append(random.randint(0, 10000))

    li1_temp = list(set(li1))
    li2_temp = list(set(li2))

    methods = [method1, method2, method3, method4]
    for m in methods:
        start = time.perf_counter()
        end = time.perf_counter()
        print(Decimal((end - start)))

If you run this code you can see that if you use list or generator(if you iterate over generator, not just use it. I did this when I forced generator to print length of it), you get nearly same performance. But if you use set you get much better performance. Also if you use intersection method you will get a little bit better performance. the result of each method in my computer is listed bellow:

  1. method1: 0.8150673999999999974619413478649221360683441
  2. method2: 0.8329545000000001531148541289439890533685684
  3. method3: 0.0016547000000000089414697868051007390022277
  4. method4: 0.0010262999999999244948867271887138485908508

multiprocessing.Pool: When to use apply, apply_async or map?

Back in the old days of Python, to call a function with arbitrary arguments, you would use apply:


apply still exists in Python2.7 though not in Python3, and is generally not used anymore. Nowadays,


is preferred. The multiprocessing.Pool modules tries to provide a similar interface.

Pool.apply is like Python apply, except that the function call is performed in a separate process. Pool.apply blocks until the function is completed.

Pool.apply_async is also like Python's built-in apply, except that the call returns immediately instead of waiting for the result. An AsyncResult object is returned. You call its get() method to retrieve the result of the function call. The get() method blocks until the function is completed. Thus, pool.apply(func, args, kwargs) is equivalent to pool.apply_async(func, args, kwargs).get().

In contrast to Pool.apply, the Pool.apply_async method also has a callback which, if supplied, is called when the function is complete. This can be used instead of calling get().

For example:

import multiprocessing as mp
import time

def foo_pool(x):
    return x*x

result_list = []
def log_result(result):
    # This is called whenever foo_pool(i) returns a result.
    # result_list is modified only by the main process, not the pool workers.

def apply_async_with_callback():
    pool = mp.Pool()
    for i in range(10):
        pool.apply_async(foo_pool, args = (i, ), callback = log_result)

if __name__ == '__main__':

may yield a result such as

[1, 0, 4, 9, 25, 16, 49, 36, 81, 64]

Notice, unlike, the order of the results may not correspond to the order in which the pool.apply_async calls were made.

So, if you need to run a function in a separate process, but want the current process to block until that function returns, use Pool.apply. Like Pool.apply, blocks until the complete result is returned.

If you want the Pool of worker processes to perform many function calls asynchronously, use Pool.apply_async. The order of the results is not guaranteed to be the same as the order of the calls to Pool.apply_async.

Notice also that you could call a number of different functions with Pool.apply_async (not all calls need to use the same function).

In contrast, applies the same function to many arguments. However, unlike Pool.apply_async, the results are returned in an order corresponding to the order of the arguments.

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

First Login to your server and check the PHP version which is installed on your server.

And then run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install php7.2-curl

sudo service apache2 restart

Replace the PHP version ( php7.2 ), with your PHP version.

What is the difference between XML and XSD?

Take an example


and design an xsd for that:

<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" 
  <xs:element name="root">
        <xs:element name="parent">
              <xs:element name="child_one" type="xs:string" />
              <xs:element name="child_two" type="xs:int" />

What isn't possible with XSD: would like to write it first as the list is very small
1) You can't validate a node/attribute using the value of another node/attribute.
2) This is a restriction : An element defined in XSD file must be defined with only one datatype. [in the above example, for <child_two> appearing in another <parent> node, datatype cannot be defined other than int.
3) You can't ignore the validation of elements and attributes, ie, if an element/attribute appears in XML, it must be well-defined in the corresponding XSD. Though usage of <xsd:any> allows it, but it has got its own rules. Abiding which leads to the validation error. I had tried for a similar approach, and certainly wasn't successful, here is the Q&A

what are possible with XSD:
1) You can test the proper hierarchy of the XML nodes. [xsd defines which child should come under which parent, etc, abiding which will be counted as error, in above example, child_two cannot be the immediate child of root, but it is the child of "parent" tag which is in-turn a child of "root" node, there is a hierarchy..]
2) You can define Data type of the values of the nodes. [in above example child_two cannot have any-other data than number]
3) You can also define custom data_types, [example, for node <month>, the possible data can be one of the 12 months.. so you need to define all the 12 months in a new data type writing all the 12 month names as enumeration values .. validation shows error if the input XML contains any-other value than these 12 values .. ]
4) You can put the restriction on the occurrence of the elements, using minOccurs and maxOccurs, the default values are 1 and 1.

.. and many more ...

How can I add an item to a ListBox in C# and WinForms?

If you are adding integers, as you say in your question, this will add 50 (from 1 to 50):

for (int x = 1; x <= 50; x++)

You do not need to set DisplayMember and ValueMember unless you are adding objects that have specific properties that you want to display to the user. In your example:

listbox1.Items.Add(new { clan = "Foo", sifOsoba = 1234 });

jQuery selector for inputs with square brackets in the name attribute

If the selector is contained within a variable, the code below may be helpful:

selector_name = $this.attr('name');
//selector_name = users[0][first:name]

escaped_selector_name = selector_name.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\])/g,'\\$1');
//escaped_selector_name = users\\[0\\]\\[first\\:name\\]

In this case we prefix all special characters with double backslash.

What does OpenCV's cvWaitKey( ) function do?

cvWaitKey(x) / cv::waitKey(x) does two things:

  1. It waits for x milliseconds for a key press on a OpenCV window (i.e. created from cv::imshow()). Note that it does not listen on stdin for console input. If a key was pressed during that time, it returns the key's ASCII code. Otherwise, it returns -1. (If x is zero, it waits indefinitely for the key press.)
  2. It handles any windowing events, such as creating windows with cv::namedWindow(), or showing images with cv::imshow().

A common mistake for opencv newcomers is to call cv::imshow() in a loop through video frames, without following up each draw with cv::waitKey(30). In this case, nothing appears on screen, because highgui is never given time to process the draw requests from cv::imshow().

Stacked Tabs in Bootstrap 3

To get left and right tabs (now also with sideways) support for Bootstrap 3, bootstrap-vertical-tabs component can be used.

Display MessageBox in ASP

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

function myFunction()


Copy Paste this in an HTML file and run in any browser , this should show an alert using javascript.

Javascript: how to validate dates in format MM-DD-YYYY?

Expanding on "Short and Fast" above by @Adam Leggett, as cases like "02/30/2020" return true when it should be false. I really dig the bitmap though...

For a MM/DD/YYYY date format validation:

const dateValid = (date) => {
  const isLeapYear = (yearNum) => {
    return ((yearNum % 100 === 0) ? (yearNum % 400 === 0) : (yearNum % 4 === 0))?
  const match = date.match(/^(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d{4})$/) || [];
  const month = (match[1] | 0) - 1;
  const day = match[2] | 0;
  const year = match[3] | 0;

const dateEval=!( month < 0 ||                     // Before January
      month > 11 ||                    // After December
      day < 1 ||                     // Before the 1st of the month
      day - 30 > (2773 >> month & 1) ||
      month === 1 && day - 28 > isLeapYear(year) 
      // Day is 28 or 29, month is 02, year is leap year ==> true

return `\nDate: ${date}\n\n     
  Valid Date?: ${dateEval}\n

console.log(dateValid('02/28/2020')) // true
console.log(dateValid('02/29/2020')) // true
console.log(dateValid('02/30/2020')) // false
console.log(dateValid('01/31/2020')) // true
console.log(dateValid('01/31/2000')) // true
console.log(dateValid('04/31/2020')) // false
console.log(dateValid('04/31/2000')) // false
console.log(dateValid('04/30/2020')) // true
console.log(dateValid('01/32/2020')) // false
console.log(dateValid('02/28/2021')) // true
console.log(dateValid('02/29/2021')) // false
console.log(dateValid('02/30/2021')) // false
console.log(dateValid('02/28/2000')) // true
console.log(dateValid('02/29/2000')) // true
console.log(dateValid('02/30/2000')) // false
console.log(dateValid('02/28/2001')) // true
console.log(dateValid('02/29/2001')) // false
console.log(dateValid('02/30/2001')) // false

For a MM-DD-YYYY date format validation: Replace \/ in the pattern for match by -.

AngularJS: Can't I set a variable value on ng-click?

If you are using latest versions of Angular (2/5/6) :

In your component.ts

prefs = false;

   this.prefs = true;

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework?

Something to be careful about when designing a RESTful API is the conflation of GET and POST, as if they were the same thing. It's easy to make this mistake with Django's function-based views and CherryPy's default dispatcher, although both frameworks now provide a way around this problem (class-based views and MethodDispatcher, respectively).

HTTP-verbs are very important in REST, and unless you're very careful about this, you'll end up falling into a REST anti-pattern.

Some frameworks that get it right are, Flask and Bottle. When combined with the mimerender library (full disclosure: I wrote it), they allow you to write nice RESTful webservices:

import web
import json
from mimerender import mimerender

render_xml = lambda message: '<message>%s</message>'%message
render_json = lambda **args: json.dumps(args)
render_html = lambda message: '<html><body>%s</body></html>'%message
render_txt = lambda message: message

urls = (
    '/(.*)', 'greet'
app = web.application(urls, globals())

class greet:
        default = 'html',
        html = render_html,
        xml  = render_xml,
        json = render_json,
        txt  = render_txt
    def GET(self, name):
        if not name: 
            name = 'world'
        return {'message': 'Hello, ' + name + '!'}

if __name__ == "__main__":

The service's logic is implemented only once, and the correct representation selection (Accept header) + dispatch to the proper render function (or template) is done in a tidy, transparent way.

$ curl localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/html" localhost:8080/x
<html><body>Hello, x!</body></html>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/xml" localhost:8080/x
<message>Hello, x!</message>

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:8080/x
{'message':'Hello, x!'}

$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain" localhost:8080/x
Hello, x!

Update (April 2012): added information about Django's class-based views, CherryPy's MethodDispatcher and Flask and Bottle frameworks. Neither existed back when the question was asked.

Spring Boot: Is it possible to use external files in arbitrary directories with a fat jar?

I managed to load an file in external path while using -jar option.

The key was PropertiesLauncher.

To use PropertiesLauncher, pom.xml file must be changed like this:

            <configuration>  <!-- added -->
                <layout>ZIP</layout> <!-- to use PropertiesLaunchar -->

For this, I referenced the following StackOverflow question: spring boot properties launcher unable to use . BTW, In Spring Boot Maven Plugin document(, there is no mention that specifying ZIP triggers that PropertiesLauncher is used. (Perhaps in another document?)

After the jar file had been built, I could see that the PropertiesLauncher is used by inspecting Main-Class property in META-INF/MENIFEST.MF in the jar.

Now, I can run the jar as follows(in Windows):

java -Dloader.path=file:///C:/My/External/Dir,MyApp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -jar MyApp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Note that the application jar file is included in loader.path.

Now an file in C:\My\External\Dir\config is loaded.

As a bonus, any file (for example, static html file) in that directory can also be accessed by the jar since it's in the loader path.

As for the non-jar (expanded) version mentioned in UPDATE 2, maybe there was a classpath order problem.

How to find out what type of a Mat object is with Mat::type() in OpenCV

In OpenCV header "types_c.h" there are a set of defines which generate these, the format is CV_bits{U|S|F}C<number_of_channels>
So for example CV_8UC3 means 8 bit unsigned chars, 3 colour channels - each of these names map onto an arbitrary integer with the macros in that file.

Edit: See "types_c.h" for example:

#define CV_8UC3 CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U,3)
#define CV_MAKETYPE(depth,cn) (CV_MAT_DEPTH(depth) + (((cn)-1) << CV_CN_SHIFT))

depth = CV_8U = 0
cn = 3

(((cn)-1) << CV_CN_SHIFT) = (3-1) << 3 = 2<<3 = 16

So CV_8UC3 = 16 but you aren't supposed to use this number, just check type() == CV_8UC3 if you need to know what type an internal OpenCV array is.
Remember OpenCV will convert the jpeg into BGR (or grey scale if you pass '0' to imread) - so it doesn't tell you anything about the original file.

size of struct in C

Aligning to 6 bytes is not weird, because it is aligning to addresses multiple to 4.

So basically you have 34 bytes in your structure and the next structure should be placed on the address, that is multiple to 4. The closest value after 34 is 36. And this padding area counts into the size of the structure.

How to specify the port an ASP.NET Core application is hosted on?

I fixed the port issue in Net core 3.1 by using the following

In the Program.cs

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
        .ConfigureWebHost(x => x.UseUrls("https://localhost:4000", "http://localhost:4001"))
        .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder => { webBuilder.UseStartup<Startup>(); });

You can access the application using



DirectX SDK (June 2010) Installation Problems: Error Code S1023

Here is the official answer from Microsoft:

Summary if you'd rather not click through:

  1. Remove the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package version 10.0.40219 (Service Pack 1) from the system (both x86 and x64 if applicable). This can be easily done via a command-line with administrator rights:

    MsiExec.exe /passive /X{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}

    MsiExec.exe /passive /X{1D8E6291-B0D5-35EC-8441-6616F567A0F7}

  2. Install the DirectX SDK (June 2010)

  3. Reinstall the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package version 10.0.40219 (Service Pack 1). On an x64 system, you should install both the x86 and x64 versions of the C++ REDIST. Be sure to install the most current version available, which at this point is the KB2565063 with a security fix.

Windows SDK: The Windows SDK 7.1 has exactly the same issue as noted in KB 2717426.

How to dynamically remove items from ListView on a button click?

 List<String> entries;
 private ArrayAdapter<String> categoryAdapter;
 //Your list of entries {Example: <"category1","category2","category3">}
 entries =  new ArrayList<String>();
 categoryAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(ViewBeaconsActivity.this,
                                   android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, entries);
 //Remove that specific category from the list
 //Notify the adapter that your dataset has changed.

Find all controls in WPF Window by type

Here is yet another, compact version, with the generics syntax:

    public static IEnumerable<T> FindLogicalChildren<T>(DependencyObject obj) where T : DependencyObject
        if (obj != null) {
            if (obj is T)
                yield return obj as T;

            foreach (DependencyObject child in LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren(obj).OfType<DependencyObject>()) 
                foreach (T c in FindLogicalChildren<T>(child)) 
                    yield return c;

jQuery OR Selector?

Finally I've found hack how to do it:

div:not(:not(.classA,.classB)) > span

(selects div with class classA OR classB with direct child span)

How to convert std::string to lower case?

Here's a macro technique if you want something simple:

#define STRTOLOWER(x) std::transform (x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), ::tolower)
#define STRTOUPPER(x) std::transform (x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), ::toupper)
#define STRTOUCFIRST(x) std::transform (x.begin(), x.begin()+1, x.begin(),  ::toupper); std::transform (x.begin()+1, x.end(),   x.begin()+1,::tolower)

However, note that @AndreasSpindler's comment on this answer still is an important consideration, however, if you're working on something that isn't just ASCII characters.

Remove "Using default security password" on Spring Boot

In a Spring Boot 2 application you can either exclude the service configuration from autoconfiguration:

or if you just want to hide the message in the logs you can simply change the log level:

Further information can be found here:

Django DoesNotExist

Nice way to handle not found error in Django.

from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

def get_data(request):
    obj = get_object_or_404(Model, pk=1)

trying to animate a constraint in swift

It's very important to point out that view.layoutIfNeeded() applies to the view subviews only.

Therefore to animate the view constraint, it is important to call it on the view-to-animate superview as follows:

    topConstraint.constant = heightShift

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {

        // request layout on the *superview*

An example for a simple layout as follows:

class MyClass {

    /// Container view
    let container = UIView()
        /// View attached to container
        let view = UIView()

    /// Top constraint to animate
    var topConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint()

    /// Create the UI hierarchy and constraints
    func createUI() {

        // Create the top constraint
        topConstraint = view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.topAnchor, constant: 0)

        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

        // Activate constaint(s)

    /// Update view constraint with animation
    func updateConstraint(heightShift: CGFloat) {
        topConstraint.constant = heightShift

        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {

            // request layout on the *superview*

Find a value anywhere in a database

I optimized Allain Lalonde answer ( Numeric values are still supported. Should be roughly 4-5 times faster (1:03 vs 4:30), tested on a desktop with a 7GB database.

IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.SearchAllTables', 'P') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.SearchAllTables;

CREATE PROC SearchAllTables 
    @SearchStr nvarchar(100)

-- Copyright © 2002 Narayana Vyas Kondreddi. All rights reserved.
-- Purpose: To search all columns of all tables for a given search string
-- Written by: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi
-- Site:
-- Customized and modified: 2014-01-21
-- Tested on: SQL Server 2008 R2

DECLARE @Results TABLE(ColumnName nvarchar(370), ColumnValue nvarchar(3630))


DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(256)
DECLARE @ColumnName nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @DataType nvarchar(128)

DECLARE @SearchStr2 nvarchar(110)
DECLARE @SearchDecimal decimal(38,19)
DECLARE @Query nvarchar(4000)
SET @SearchStr2 = QUOTENAME('%' + @SearchStr + '%', '''')
SET @SearchDecimal = CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(@SearchStr) = 1 THEN CONVERT(decimal(38,19), @SearchStr) ELSE NULL END
PRINT '@SearchStr2: ' + @SearchStr2
PRINT '@SearchDecimal: ' + CAST(@SearchDecimal AS nvarchar)

SET @TableName = ''
    SET @ColumnName = ''
    SET @TableName = 
                        QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME)
                         ), 'IsMSShipped'
                           ) = 0

    WHILE (@TableName IS NOT NULL) AND (@ColumnName IS NOT NULL)
        SET @ColumnName =
            WHERE       TABLE_SCHEMA    = PARSENAME(@TableName, 2)
                AND TABLE_NAME  = PARSENAME(@TableName, 1)
                AND DATA_TYPE IN ('char', 'varchar', 'nchar', 'nvarchar',
                                  'int', 'bigint', 'tinyint', 'numeric', 'decimal')
                AND QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) > @ColumnName
        SET @DataType =
            SELECT DATA_TYPE
            WHERE       TABLE_SCHEMA    = PARSENAME(@TableName, 2)
                AND TABLE_NAME  = PARSENAME(@TableName, 1)
                AND QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) = @ColumnName
        PRINT @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ' (' + @DataType + ')'

        IF @ColumnName IS NOT NULL
            IF @DataType IN ('int', 'bigint', 'tinyint', 'numeric', 'decimal')
                IF @SearchDecimal IS NOT NULL
                    SET @Query = 'SELECT ''' + @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ''', LEFT(CAST(' + @ColumnName + ' AS nvarchar(110)), 3630) ' +
                                 'FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                                 ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' = ' + CAST(@SearchDecimal AS nvarchar)
                    PRINT '    ' + @Query
                    INSERT INTO @Results
                    EXEC (@Query)
                SET @Query = 'SELECT ''' + @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ''', LEFT(' + @ColumnName + ', 3630) ' +
                             'FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                             ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' LIKE ' + @SearchStr2
                PRINT '    ' + @Query
                INSERT INTO @Results
                EXEC (@Query)

SELECT ColumnName, ColumnValue FROM @Results

Get connection status on client

@robertklep's answer to check socket.connected is correct except for reconnect event, As the document said it is "Fired upon a successful reconnection." but when you check socket.connected then it is false.

Not sure it is a bug or intentional.

Variable is accessed within inner class. Needs to be declared final

    public class ConfigureActivity extends Activity {

        EditText etOne;
        EditText etTwo;
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            Button btnConfigure = findViewById(;   
            btnConfigure.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(View v) {

    public  void configure(){
            String one = etOne.getText().toString();
            String two = etTwo.getText().toString();

How to solve WAMP and Skype conflict on Windows 7?

I think it is better to change default port of Skype.

Open skype. Go to Tools, Options, Connections, change the port.

Python Flask, how to set content type

Usually you don’t have to create the Response object yourself because make_response() will take care of that for you.

from flask import Flask, make_response                                      
app = Flask(__name__)                                                       

def index():                                                                
    bar = '<body>foo</body>'                                                
    response = make_response(bar)                                           
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'            
    return response

One more thing, it seems that no one mentioned the after_this_request, I want to say something:


Executes a function after this request. This is useful to modify response objects. The function is passed the response object and has to return the same or a new one.

so we can do it with after_this_request, the code should look like this:

from flask import Flask, after_this_request
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    def add_header(response):
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'
        return response
    return '<body>foobar</body>'

Android 5.0 - Add header/footer to a RecyclerView

Very simple to solve!!

I don't like an idea of having logic inside adapter as a different view type because every time it checks for the view type before returning the view. Below solution avoids extra checks.

Just add LinearLayout (vertical) header view + recyclerview + footer view inside

Check this out:






Add this line of code for smooth scrolling

RecyclerView v = (RecyclerView) findViewById(...);

This will lose all RV performance and RV will try to lay out all view holders regardless of the layout_height of RV

Recommended using for the small size list like Nav drawer or settings etc.

Debugging WebSocket in Google Chrome

I'm just posting this since Chrome changes alot, and none of the answers were quite up to date.

  1. Open dev tools
  2. REFRESH YOUR PAGE (so that the WS connection is captured by the network tab)
  3. Click your request
  4. Click the "Frames" sub-tab
  5. You should see somthing like this:

enter image description here

Business logic in MVC

Business rules go in the model.

Say you were displaying emails for a mailing list. The user clicks the "delete" button next to one of the emails, the controller notifies the model to delete entry N, then notifies the view the model has changed.

Perhaps the admin's email should never be removed from the list. That's a business rule, that knowledge belongs in the model. The view may ultimately represent this rule somehow -- perhaps the model exposes an "IsDeletable" property which is a function of the business rule, so that the delete button in the view is disabled for certain entries - but the rule itself isn't contained in the view.

The model is ultimately gatekeeper for your data. You should be able to test your business logic without touching the UI at all.

C# try catch continue execution

Why cant you use the finally block?


try {

} catch (Exception e) {


} finally { 



EDIT after question amended:

You can do:

int? returnFromFunction2 = null;
    try {
        returnFromFunction2 = function2();
        return returnFromFunction2.value;
        } catch (Exception e) {


        } finally { 

        if (returnFromFunction2.HasValue) { // do something with value }



Oracle PL/SQL - Are NO_DATA_FOUND Exceptions bad for stored procedure performance?

May be beating a dead horse here, but I bench-marked the cursor for loop, and that performed about as well as the no_data_found method:

  otherVar  number;
  for i in 1 .. 5000 loop
       for foo_rec in (select NEEDED_FIELD from t where cond = 0) loop
         otherVar := foo_rec.NEEDED_FIELD;
       end loop;
       otherVar := 0;
   end loop;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:02.18

toBe(true) vs toBeTruthy() vs toBeTrue()

As you read through the examples below, just keep in mind this difference

true === true // true
"string" === true // false
1 === true // false
{} === true // false


Boolean("string") === true // true
Boolean(1) === true // true
Boolean({}) === true // true

1. expect(statement).toBe(true)

Assertion passes when the statement passed to expect() evaluates to true

expect(true).toBe(true) // pass
expect("123" === "123").toBe(true) // pass

In all other cases cases it would fail

expect("string").toBe(true) // fail
expect(1).toBe(true); // fail
expect({}).toBe(true) // fail

Even though all of these statements would evaluate to true when doing Boolean():

So you can think of it as 'strict' comparison

2. expect(statement).toBeTrue()

This one does exactly the same type of comparison as .toBe(true), but was introduced in Jasmine recently in version 3.5.0 on Sep 20, 2019

3. expect(statement).toBeTruthy()

toBeTruthy on the other hand, evaluates the output of the statement into boolean first and then does comparison

expect(false).toBeTruthy() // fail
expect(null).toBeTruthy() // fail
expect(undefined).toBeTruthy() // fail
expect(NaN).toBeTruthy() // fail
expect("").toBeTruthy() // fail
expect(0).toBeTruthy() // fail

And IN ALL OTHER CASES it would pass, for example

expect("string").toBeTruthy() // pass
expect(1).toBeTruthy() // pass
expect({}).toBeTruthy() // pass

Text-decoration: none not working

Add this statement on your header tag:

  text-decoration: none!important;
  cursor: pointer;

How can I shuffle the lines of a text file on the Unix command line or in a shell script?

In windows You may try this batch file to help you to shuffle your data.txt, The usage of the batch code is

C:\> type list.txt | shuffle.bat > maclist_temp.txt

After issuing this command, maclist_temp.txt will contain a randomized list of lines.

Hope this helps.

HighCharts Hide Series Name from the Legend

Looks like HighChart 2.2.0 has resolved this issue. I tried it here with the same code you have, and the first series is hidden now. Could you try it with HighChart 2.2.0?

assigning column names to a pandas series

You can create a dict and pass this as the data param to the dataframe constructor:

In [235]:

df = pd.DataFrame({'Gene':s.index, 'count':s.values})
   Gene  count
0  Ezh2      2
1  Hmgb      7
2  Irf1      1

Alternatively you can create a df from the series, you need to call reset_index as the index will be used and then rename the columns:

In [237]:

df = pd.DataFrame(s).reset_index()
df.columns = ['Gene', 'count']
   Gene  count
0  Ezh2      2
1  Hmgb      7
2  Irf1      1

How to use a calculated column to calculate another column in the same view

If you want to refer to calculated column on the "same query level" then you could use CROSS APPLY(Oracle 12c):

--Sample data:
CREATE TABLE tab(ColumnA NUMBER(10,2),ColumnB NUMBER(10,2),ColumnC NUMBER(10,2));

INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (2, 10, 2);
INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (3, 15, 6);
INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (7, 14, 3);


  sub.calccolumn1 / ColumnC AS calccolumn2
FROM tab t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT t.ColumnA + t.ColumnB AS calccolumn1 FROM dual) sub;

DBFiddle Demo

Please note that expression from CROSS APPLY/OUTER APPLY is available in other clauses too:

  sub.calccolumn1 / ColumnC AS calccolumn2
FROM tab t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT t.ColumnA + t.ColumnB AS calccolumn1 FROM dual) sub
WHERE sub.calccolumn1 = 12;
-- GROUP BY ...
-- ORDER BY ...;

This approach allows to avoid wrapping entire query with outerquery or copy/paste same expression in multiple places(with complex one it could be hard to maintain).

Related article: The SQL Language’s Most Missing Feature

Hidden Features of Java

Not so hidden, but interesting.

You can have a "Hello, world" without main method ( it throws NoSuchMethodError thought )

Originally posted by RusselW on Strangest language feature

public class WithoutMain {
    static {
        System.out.println("Look ma, no main!!");

$ java WithoutMain
Look ma, no main!!

initialize a numpy array


Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with zeros.



Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with ones.



Return a new array of given shape and type, without initializing entries.

However, the mentality in which we construct an array by appending elements to a list is not much used in numpy, because it's less efficient (numpy datatypes are much closer to the underlying C arrays). Instead, you should preallocate the array to the size that you need it to be, and then fill in the rows. You can use numpy.append if you must, though.

When are static variables initialized?

From See Java Static Variable Methods:

  • It is a variable which belongs to the class and not to object(instance)
  • Static variables are initialized only once , at the start of the execution. These variables will be initialized first, before the initialization of any instance variables
  • A single copy to be shared by all instances of the class
  • A static variable can be accessed directly by the class name and doesn’t need any object.

Instance and class (static) variables are automatically initialized to standard default values if you fail to purposely initialize them. Although local variables are not automatically initialized, you cannot compile a program that fails to either initialize a local variable or assign a value to that local variable before it is used.

What the compiler actually does is to internally produce a single class initialization routine that combines all the static variable initializers and all of the static initializer blocks of code, in the order that they appear in the class declaration. This single initialization procedure is run automatically, one time only, when the class is first loaded.

In case of inner classes, they can not have static fields

An inner class is a nested class that is not explicitly or implicitly declared static.


Inner classes may not declare static initializers (§8.7) or member interfaces...

Inner classes may not declare static members, unless they are constant variables...

See JLS 8.1.3 Inner Classes and Enclosing Instances

final fields in Java can be initialized separately from their declaration place this is however can not be applicable to static final fields. See the example below.

final class Demo
    private final int x;
    private static final int z;  //must be initialized here.

        z = 10;  //It can be initialized here.

    public Demo(int x)
        this.x=x;  //This is possible.
        //z=15; compiler-error - can not assign a value to a final variable z

This is because there is just one copy of the static variables associated with the type, rather than one associated with each instance of the type as with instance variables and if we try to initialize z of type static final within the constructor, it will attempt to reinitialize the static final type field z because the constructor is run on each instantiation of the class that must not occur to static final fields.

RESTful Authentication

I doubt whether the people enthusiastically shouting "HTTP Authentication" ever tried making a browser-based application (instead of a machine-to-machine web service) with REST (no offense intended - I just don't think they ever faced the complications).

Problems I found with using HTTP Authentication on RESTful services that produce HTML pages to be viewed in a browser are:

  • user typically gets an ugly browser-made login box, which is very user-unfriendly. you cannot add password retrieval, help boxes, etcetera.
  • logging out or logging in under a different name is a problem - browsers will keep sending authentication information to the site until you close the window
  • timeouts are difficult

A very insightful article that tackles these point by point is here, but this results in a lot of browser-specific javascript hackery, workarounds for workarounds, et cetera. As such, it is also not forward-compatible so will require constant maintenance as new browsers are released. I do not consider that clean and clear design, plus I feel it is a lot of extra work and headache just so that I can enthusiastically show my REST-badge to my friends.

I believe cookies are the solution. But wait, cookies are evil, aren't they? No, they're not, the way cookies are often used is evil. A cookie itself is just a piece of client-side information, just like the HTTP authentication info that the browser would keep track of while you browse. And this piece of client-side information is sent to the server at every request, again just like the HTTP Authentication info would be. Conceptually, the only difference is that the content of this piece of client-side state can be determined by the server as part of its response.

By making sessions a RESTful resource with just the following rules:

  • A session maps a key to a user id (and possibly a last-action-timestamp for timeouts)
  • If a session exists, then that means that the key is valid.
  • Login means POSTing to /sessions, a new key is set as a cookie
  • Logout means DELETEing /sessions/{key} (with the overloaded POST, remember, we're a browser, and HTML 5 is a long way to go yet)
  • Authentication is done by sending the key as a cookie at every request and checking whether the session exists and is valid

The only difference to HTTP Authentication, now, is that the authentication key is generated by the server and sent to the client who keeps sending it back, instead of the client computing it from the entered credentials.

converter42 adds that when using https (which we should), it is important that the cookie will have its secure flag set so that authentication info is never sent over a non-secure connection. Great point, hadn't seen it myself.

I feel that this is a sufficient solution that works fine, but I must admit that I'm not enough of a security expert to identify potential holes in this scheme - all I know is that hundreds of non-RESTful web applications use essentially the same login protocol ($_SESSION in PHP, HttpSession in Java EE, etc.). The cookie header contents are simply used to address a server-side resource, just like an accept-language might be used to access translation resources, etcetera. I feel that it is the same, but maybe others don't? What do you think, guys?


If someone wants to read my solution for SQLite in Cordova, I got this generic js method thanks to @david answer above.

function    addOrUpdateRecords(tableName, values, callback) {
get_columnNames(tableName, function (data) {
    var columnNames = data;
    myDb.transaction(function (transaction) {
        var query_update = "";
        var query_insert = "";
        var update_string = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET ";
        var insert_string = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " SELECT ";
        myDb.transaction(function (transaction) {
            // Data from the array [[data1, ... datan],[()],[()]...]:
            $.each(values, function (index1, value1) {
                var sel_str = "";
                var upd_str = "";
                var remoteid = "";
                $.each(value1, function (index2, value2) {
                    if (index2 == 0) remoteid = value2;
                    upd_str = upd_str + columnNames[index2] + "='" + value2 + "', ";
                    sel_str = sel_str + "'" + value2 + "', ";
                sel_str = sel_str.substr(0, sel_str.length - 2);
                sel_str = sel_str + " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT changes() AS change FROM "+tableName+" WHERE change <> 0);";
                upd_str = upd_str.substr(0, upd_str.length - 2);
                upd_str = upd_str + " WHERE remoteid = '" + remoteid + "';";                    
                query_update = update_string + upd_str;
                query_insert = insert_string + sel_str;  
                // Start transaction:
        }, function (error) {
            callback("Error: " + error);
        }, function () {

So, first pick up the column names with this function:

function get_columnNames(tableName, callback) {
myDb.transaction(function (transaction) {
    var query_exec = "SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name ='" + tableName + "'";
    transaction.executeSql(query_exec, [], function (tx, results) {
        var columnParts = results.rows.item(0).sql.replace(/^[^\(]+\(([^\)]+)\)/g, '$1').split(','); ///// RegEx
        var columnNames = [];
        for (i in columnParts) {
            if (typeof columnParts[i] === 'string')
                columnNames.push(columnParts[i].split(" ")[0]);

Then build the transactions programmatically.

"Values" is an array you should build before and it represents the rows you want to insert or update into the table.

"remoteid" is the id I used as a reference, since I'm syncing with my remote server.

For the use of the SQLite Cordova plugin, please refer to the official link

How can I define an array of objects?

 var xxxx : { [key:number]: MyType };

Import Certificate to Trusted Root but not to Personal [Command Line]

There is a fairly simple answer with powershell.

Import-PfxCertificate -Password $secure_pw  -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -FilePath certs.pfx

The trick is making a "secure" password...

$plaintext_pw = 'PASSWORD';
$secure_pw = ConvertTo-SecureString $plaintext_pw -AsPlainText -Force; 
Import-PfxCertificate -Password $secure_pw  -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -FilePath certs.pfx;

PowerShell equivalent to grep -f

I find out a possible method by "filter" and "alias" of PowerShell, when you want use grep in pipeline output(grep file should be similar):

first define a filter:

filter Filter-Object ([string]$pattern)
    Out-String -InputObject $_ -Stream | Select-String -Pattern "$pattern"

then define alias:

New-Alias -Name grep -Value Filter-Object

final, put the former filter and alias in your profile:

$Home[My ]Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

Restart your PS, you can use it:

alias | grep 'grep'


relevent Reference

  1. alias: Set-Aliasenter link description here New-Aliasenter link description here

  2. Filter(Special function)enter link description here

  3. Profiles(just like .bashrc for bash):enter link description here

  4. out-string(this is the key)enter link description here:in PowerShell Output is object-basedenter link description here,so the key is convert object to string and grep the string.

  5. Select-Stringenter link description here:Finds text in strings and files

Remove shadow below actionbar

For Android 5.0, if you want to set it directly into a style use:

<item name="android:elevation">0dp</item>

and for Support library compatibility use:

<item name="elevation">0dp</item>

Example of style for a AppCompat light theme:

<style name="Theme.MyApp.ActionBar" parent="@style/Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionBar.Solid.Inverse">
    <!-- remove shadow below action bar -->
    <!-- <item name="android:elevation">0dp</item> -->
    <!-- Support library compatibility -->
    <item name="elevation">0dp</item>

Then apply this custom ActionBar style to you app theme:

<style name="Theme.MyApp" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
    <item name="actionBarStyle">@style/Theme.MyApp.ActionBar</item>

For pre 5.0 Android, add this too to your app theme:

<!-- Remove shadow below action bar Android < 5.0 -->
<item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>

Detect when browser receives file download

Greetings, I know that the topic is old but I leave a solution that I saw elsewhere and it worked:

 *  download file, show modal
 * @param uri link
 * @param name file name
function downloadURI(uri, name) {
// <------------------------------------------       Do someting (show loading)
        .then(resp => resp.blob())
        .then(blob => {
            const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
            const a = document.createElement('a');
   = 'none';
            a.href = url;
            // the filename you want
   = name;
            // <----------------------------------------  Detect here (hide loading)
            alert('File detected'));
        .catch(() => alert('An error sorry'));

You can use it:

downloadURI("", "");

JavaScript module pattern with example

I would really recommend anyone entering this subject to read Addy Osmani's free book:

"Learning JavaScript Design Patterns".

This book helped me out immensely when I was starting into writing more maintainable JavaScript and I still use it as a reference. Have a look at his different module pattern implementations, he explains them really well.

Why is Visual Studio 2013 very slow?

Visual Studio Community Edition was slow switching between files or opening new files. Everything else (for example, menu items) was otherwise normal.

I tried all the suggestions in the previous answers first and none worked. I then noticed it was occurring only on an ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application, so I added a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application, and this was fast.

After much trial and error, I discovered the difference was packages.config - If I put the Microsoft references at the top of the file this made everything snappy again.

Enter image description here

Move the Microsoft* entries to the top.

Enter image description here

It appears you don’t need to move them all - moving say <package id="Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure" has an noticeable effect on my machine.

As an aside

  • Removing all contents of the file makes it another notch faster too*
  • Excluding packages.config from Visual Studio does not fix the issue
  • A friend using Visual Studio 2013 Premium noticed no difference in either of these cases (both were fast)


It appears missing or incomplete NuGet packages locally are the cause. I opened the Package manager and got a warning 'Some NuGet packages are missing from this solution' and choose to Restore them and this sped things up. However I don’t like this as in my repository I only add the actual items required for compilation as I don’t want to bloat my repository, so in the end I just removed the packages.config.

This solution may not suit your needs as I prefer to use NuGet to fetch the packages, not handle updates to packages, so this will break this if you use it for that purpose.

How to get id from URL in codeigniter?

$product_id = $this->input->get('id', TRUE);
echo $product_id;

Getting data from Yahoo Finance

To your first question, you can't really do any query through YQL to get data for all companies. It's more oriented towards obtaining data for a smaller query. (I.e., it's not going to give you a full data dump of the whole Yahoo! Finance database.)

To your second question, here's how you can get started exploring the Yahoo! Finance tables in YQL:

  1. Start at the YQL Console
  2. In the upper left corner, make sure Show Community Tables is checked
  3. Type finance in the search field
  4. You'll see all the Yahoo Finance tables (about 15)

Then you can try some example queries like the following:

select * from where symbol in ("YHOO","AAPL","GOOG","MSFT")

Update 2016-04-04: Here's a current screenshot showing the location of the Show Community Tables checkbox which must be clicked to see these finance tables: enter image description here

How to clear the entire array?

i fell into a case where clearing the entire array failed with dim/redim :

having 2 module-wide arrays, Private inside a userform,

One array is dynamic and uses a class module, the other is fixed and has a special type.

Option Explicit

Private Type Perso_Type
   Nom As String
   PV As Single 'Long 'max 1
   Mana As Single 'Long
   Classe1 As String
   XP1 As Single
   Classe2 As String
   XP2 As Single
   Classe3 As String
   XP3 As Single
   Classe4 As String
   XP4 As Single
   Buff(1 To 10) As IPicture 'Disp
   BuffType(1 To 10) As String
   Dances(1 To 10) As IPicture 'Disp
   DancesType(1 To 10) As String
End Type

Private Data_Perso(1 To 9, 1 To 8) As Perso_Type

Dim ImgArray() As New ClsImage 'ClsImage is a Class module

And i have a sub declared as public to clear those arrays (and associated run-time created controls) from inside and outside the userform like this :

Public Sub EraseControlsCreatedAtRunTime()
Dim i As Long
On Error Resume Next
With Me.Controls 'removing all on run-time created controls of the Userform :
    For i = .Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 
        .Remove i
    Next i
End With
Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0

Erase ImgArray, Data_Perso
'ReDim ImgArray() As ClsImage ' i tried this, no error but wouldn't work correctly
'ReDim Data_Perso(1 To 9, 1 To 8) As Perso_Type 'without the erase not working, with erase this line is not needed.
End Sub

note : this last sub was first called from outside (other form and class module) with Call FormName.SubName but had to replace it with Application.Run FormName.SubName , less errors, don't ask why...

Access item in a list of lists

This code will print each individual number:

for myList in [[10,13,17],[3,5,1],[13,11,12]]:
    for item in myList:

Or for your specific use case:

((50 - List1[0][0]) + List1[0][1]) - List1[0][2]

How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery

$.fn.rightclick = function(func){
        if(event.button == 2) {
            var oncontextmenu = document.oncontextmenu;
            document.oncontextmenu = function(){return false;};
            setTimeout(function(){document.oncontextmenu = oncontextmenu;},300);
            return false;


make an html svg object also a clickable link

Would like to take credit for this but I found a solution here:

add the following to the css for the anchor:

a.svg {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block; 
a.svg:after {
  content: ""; 
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;

<a href="#" class="svg">
  <object data="random.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
    <img src="random.jpg" />

Link works on the svg and on the fallback.

Have Excel formulas that return 0, make the result blank

I noticed this issue recently and it is frustrating that excel changes a blank string into a 0. I do not think that a formula should solve this issue because adding more logic to a complex formula may be cumbersome and might even end up breaking the original formula. I have two non formula options below.

If you want to keep the formulas in the cells and have them return 0 instead of "" use the following Click Path:

  1. File
  2. Options
  3. Advanced

Scroll to "Display options for this worksheet:"

  1. Deselect "Show a zero in cells that have zero value"

I also want to give a simple manual solution if you want to change a value (as opposed to a formula) from 0 to a blank string. This solution is better than Find and Replace because it will not replace a number like 101 with 11.

  1. Select all of your data
  2. On the data tab, click the filter logo

The Filter Logo itself

  1. Click on the pick list of the column with the undesired 0(s) to select only rows with the value "0" (Make sure to only clear the contents of cells containing contents with the exact value 0!)

enter image description here

  1. Select the data (which is only 0s), right click and select clear contents

The other data will remain if you used the filter properly and the back button is always there if something goes wrong. I understand option 2 is very manual and "unelegant" but it does successfully convert a 0 into a blank string and it may relieve a frustrated individual who does not want to use an if statement.

I personally learned something exploring this (very dry) excel issue today and I am personally using these methods moving forward. A quick macro of option 2 could be a good option if this is a frequent task for an intermediate excel user.

ignoring any 'bin' directory on a git project

Before version 1.8.2, ** didn't have any special meaning in the .gitignore. As of 1.8.2 git supports ** to mean zero or more sub-directories (see release notes).

The way to ignore all directories called bin anywhere below the current level in a directory tree is with a .gitignore file with the pattern:


In the man page, there an example of ignoring a directory called foo using an analogous pattern.

Edit: If you already have any bin folders in your git index which you no longer wish to track then you need to remove them explicitly. Git won't stop tracking paths that are already being tracked just because they now match a new .gitignore pattern. Execute a folder remove (rm) from index only (--cached) recursivelly (-r). Command line example for root bin folder:

git rm -r --cached bin

Cloning a private Github repo

1) try running command with username and password in below format

git clone https://your_username:[email protected]/username/reponame.git

now problem as others have mentioned here is when we have special character in our password. In Javascript use below code to convert password with special characters to UTF-8 encoding.


now use this generated password instead of one with special characters and run command.

Hope this solve issue. Invalid Keystore format

You may corrupt the file during copy/transfer.

Are you using maven? If you are copying keystore file with "filter=true", you may corrupt the file.

Please check the file size.

how to run a winform from console application?

Its totally depends upon your choice, that how you are implementing.
a. Attached process , ex: input on form and print on console
b. Independent process, ex: start a timer, don't close even if console exit.

for a,

Application.Run(new Form1());
//or -------------
Form1 f = new Form1();

for b, Use thread, or task anything, How to open win form independently?

Inserting created_at data with Laravel

You can manually set this using Laravel, just remember to add 'created_at' to your $fillable array:

protected $fillable = ['name', 'created_at']; 

What CSS selector can be used to select the first div within another div

The MOST CORRECT answer to your question is...

#content > div:first-of-type { /* css */ }

This will apply the CSS to the first div that is a direct child of #content (which may or may not be the first child element of #content)

Another option:

#content > div:nth-of-type(1) { /* css */ }

Adding Git-Bash to the new Windows Terminal

That's how I've added mine in profiles json table,

    "guid": "{00000000-0000-0000-ba54-000000000002}",
    "name": "Git",
    "commandline": "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash.exe --login",
    "icon": "%PROGRAMFILES%/Git/mingw64/share/git/git-for-windows.ico",
    "startingDirectory": "%USERPROFILE%",
    "hidden": false

Button text toggle in jquery

You can use text method:

   $(".pushme").click(function () {
      $(this).text(function(i, text){
          return text === "PUSH ME" ? "DON'T PUSH ME" : "PUSH ME";

Why em instead of px?

It's of use for everything that has to scale according to the font size.

It's especially useful on browsers which implement zoom by scaling the font size. So if you size all your elements using em they scale accordingly.

Valid to use <a> (anchor tag) without href attribute?

Yes, it is valid to use the anchor tag without a href attribute.

If the a element has no href attribute, then the element represents a placeholder for where a link might otherwise have been placed, if it had been relevant, consisting of just the element's contents.

Yes, you can use class and other attributes, but you can not use target, download, rel, hreflang, and type.

The target, download, rel, hreflang, and type attributes must be omitted if the href attribute is not present.

As for the "Should I?" part, see the first citation: "where a link might otherwise have been placed if it had been relevant". So I would ask "If I had no JavaScript, would I use this tag as a link?". If the answer is yes, then yes, you should use <a> without href. If no, then I would still use it, because productivity is more important for me than edge case semantics, but this is just my personal opinion.

Additionally, you should watch out for different behaviour and styling (e.g. no underline, no pointer cursor, not a :link).

Source: W3C HTML5 Recommendation

Tensorflow set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES within jupyter

You can do it faster without any imports just by using magics:


Notice that all env variable are strings, so no need to use ". You can verify that env-variable is set up by running: %env <name_of_var>. Or check all of them with %env.

Finding element's position relative to the document

document-offset (3rd-party script) is interesting and it seems to leverage approaches from the other answers here.


var offset = require('document-offset')
var target = document.getElementById('target')
// => {top: 69, left: 108} 

Implementing a Custom Error page on an ASP.Net website

<customErrors defaultRedirect="~/404.aspx" mode="On">
    <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/404.aspx"/>

Code above is only for "Page Not Found Error-404" if file extension is known(.html,.aspx etc)

Beside it you also have set Customer Errors for extension not known or not correct as

.aspwx or .vivaldo. You have to add httperrors settings in web.config

<httpErrors  errorMode="Custom"> 
       <error statusCode="404" prefixLanguageFilePath="" path="/404.aspx"         responseMode="Redirect" />
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/>

it must be inside the <system.webServer> </system.webServer>

Bootstrap: how do I change the width of the container?

Add these piece of CSS in your css styling. Its better to add this after the bootstrap css file is added in order to overwrite the same.

html, body {
 height: 100%;
 max-width: 100%;
 overflow-x: hidden;

Image Greyscale with CSS & re-color on mouse-over?

You can use a sprite which has both version—the colored and the monochrome—stored into it.

What does `unsigned` in MySQL mean and when to use it?

MySQL says:

All integer types can have an optional (nonstandard) attribute UNSIGNED. Unsigned type can be used to permit only nonnegative numbers in a column or when you need a larger upper numeric range for the column. For example, if an INT column is UNSIGNED, the size of the column's range is the same but its endpoints shift from -2147483648 and 2147483647 up to 0 and 4294967295.

When do I use it ?

Ask yourself this question: Will this field ever contain a negative value?
If the answer is no, then you want an UNSIGNED data type.

A common mistake is to use a primary key that is an auto-increment INT starting at zero, yet the type is SIGNED, in that case you’ll never touch any of the negative numbers and you are reducing the range of possible id's to half.

How to put data containing double-quotes in string variable?

You can escape (this is how this principle is called) the double quotes by prefixing them with another double quote. You can put them in a string as follows:

Dim MyVar as string = "some text ""hello"" "

This will give the MyVar variable a value of some text "hello".

How to load image files with webpack file-loader

Alternatively you can write the same like

    test: /\.(svg|png|jpg|jpeg|gif)$/,
    include: 'path of input image directory',
    use: {
        loader: 'file-loader',
        options: {
            name: '[path][name].[ext]',
            outputPath: 'path of output image directory'

and then use simple import

import varName from 'relative path';

and in jsx write like <img src={varName} ..../>

.... are for other image attributes

error running apache after xampp install

Try those methods, it should work:

  • quit/exit Skype (make sure it's not running) because it reserves localhost:80
  • disable Anti-virus (Try first to disable skype and running again, if it didn't work do this step)
  • Right click on xampp control panel and run as administrator

Spark - SELECT WHERE or filtering?

According to spark documentation "where() is an alias for filter()"

filter(condition) Filters rows using the given condition. where() is an alias for filter().

Parameters: condition – a Column of types.BooleanType or a string of SQL expression.

>>> df.filter(df.age > 3).collect()
[Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
>>> df.where(df.age == 2).collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')]

>>> df.filter("age > 3").collect()
[Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]
>>> df.where("age = 2").collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice')]

Should I use Vagrant or Docker for creating an isolated environment?

With Vagrant now you can have Docker as a provider. Docker provider can be used instead of VirtualBox or VMware.

Please note that you can also use Docker for provisioning with Vagrant. This is very different than using Docker as a provider.

This means you can replace Chef or Puppet with Docker. You can use combinations like Docker as provider (VM) with Chef as provisioner. Or you can use VirtualBox as provider and Docker as provisioner.

twig: IF with multiple conditions

If I recall correctly Twig doesn't support || and && operators, but requires or and and to be used respectively. I'd also use parentheses to denote the two statements more clearly although this isn't technically a requirement.

{%if ( fields | length > 0 ) or ( trans_fields | length > 0 ) %}


Expressions can be used in {% blocks %} and ${ expressions }.

Operator    Description
==          Does the left expression equal the right expression?
+           Convert both arguments into a number and add them.
-           Convert both arguments into a number and substract them.
*           Convert both arguments into a number and multiply them.
/           Convert both arguments into a number and divide them.
%           Convert both arguments into a number and calculate the rest of the integer division.
~           Convert both arguments into a string and concatenate them.
or          True if the left or the right expression is true.
and         True if the left and the right expression is true.
not         Negate the expression.

For more complex operations, it may be best to wrap individual expressions in parentheses to avoid confusion:

{% if (foo and bar) or (fizz and (foo + bar == 3)) %}

Add items to comboBox in WPF

Its better to build ObservableCollection and take advantage of it

public ObservableCollection<string> list = new ObservableCollection<string>();
this.cbx.ItemsSource = list;

cbx is comobobox name

Also Read : Difference between List, ObservableCollection and INotifyPropertyChanged

How to change color of SVG image using CSS (jQuery SVG image replacement)?

for :hover event animations we can left the styles inside svg file, like a

<svg xmlns="">
  rect {
    transition: 550ms ease-in-out;
    transform-origin:125px 125px;
  rect:hover {
  <rect x='50' y='50' width='150' height='150'/>

check this on svgshare

how to hide the content of the div in css

What about opacity

#mybox:hover {
    opacity: 0;

setTimeout or setInterval?

I find the setTimeout method easier to use if you want to cancel the timeout:

function myTimeoutFunction() {
   if (stillrunning) {
      setTimeout(myTimeoutFunction, 1000);


Also, if something would go wrong in the function it will just stop repeating at the first time error, instead of repeating the error every second.

What to do with "Unexpected indent" in python?

All You need to do is remove spaces or tab spaces from the start of following codes

from django.contrib import admin

# Register your models here.
from .models import Myapp

Is it a bad practice to use an if-statement without curly braces?

I prefer putting a curly brace. But sometimes, ternary operator helps.

In stead of :

int x = 0;
if (condition) {
    x = 30;
} else {
    x = 10;

One should simply do : int x = condition ? 30 : 20;

Also imagine a case :

if (condition)
    x = 30;
else if (condition1)
    x = 10;
else if (condition2)
    x = 20;

It would be much better if you put the curly brace in.

Dots in URL causes 404 with ASP.NET mvc and IIS

Would it be possible to change your URL structure?
For what I was working on I tried a route for

url: "Download/{fileName}"

but it failed with anything that had a . in it.

I switched the route to

        name: "Download",
        url:  "{fileName}/Download",
        defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Download", }

Now I can put in localhost:xxxxx/File1.doc/Download and it works fine.

My helpers in the view also picked up on it

     @Html.ActionLink("click here", "Download", new { fileName = "File1.doc"})

that makes a link to the localhost:xxxxx/File1.doc/Download format as well.

Maybe you could put an unneeded word like "/view" or action on the end of your route so your property can end with a trailing / something like /mike.smith/view

Styling Form with Label above Inputs

I know this is an old one with an accepted answer, and that answer works great.. IF you are not styling the background and floating the final inputs left. If you are, then the form background will not include the floated input fields.

To avoid this make the divs with the smaller input fields inline-block rather than float left.


<div style="display:inline-block;margin-right:20px;">
    <label for="name">Name</label>
    <input id="name" type="text" value="" name="name">

Rather than:

<div style="float:left;margin-right:20px;">
    <label for="name">Name</label>
    <input id="name" type="text" value="" name="name">

Pass a local file in to URL in Java

have a look here for the full syntax: for unix-like systems it will be as @Alex said file:///your/file/here whereas for Windows systems would be file:///c|/path/to/file

Laravel 5.1 - Checking a Database Connection

You can also run this:

php artisan migrate:status

It makes a db connection connection to get migrations from migrations table. It'll throw an exception if the connection fails.

How to make VS Code to treat other file extensions as certain language?

Following the steps on worked well for me:

To extend an existing colorizer, you would create a simple package.json in a new folder under .vscode/extensions and provide the extensionDependencies attribute specifying the customization you want to add to. In the example below, an extension .mmd is added to the markdown colorizer. Note that not only must the extensionDependency name match the customization but also the language id must match the language id of the colorizer you are extending.

    "name": "MyMarkdown",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "engines": {
        "vscode": "0.10.x"
    "publisher": "none",
    "extensionDependencies": [
    "contributes": {
        "languages": [{
            "id": "markdown",
            "aliases": ["mmd"],
            "extensions": [".mmd"]

How Many Seconds Between Two Dates?

In bash:

bc <<< "$(date --date='1 week ago' +%s) - \
    $(date --date='Sun,  29 Feb 2004 16:21:42 -0800' +%s)"

It does require having bc and gnu date installed.

How to check if my string is equal to null?

I'd do something like this:

( myString != null && myString.length() > 0 )
    ? doSomething() : System.out.println("Non valid String");
  • Testing for null checks whether myString contains an instance of String.
  • length() returns the length and is equivalent to equals("").
  • Checking if myString is null first will avoid a NullPointerException.

Error: No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'

I have solved the issue using below code in my DBContext

public partial class Q4Sandbox : DbContext
        public Q4Sandbox()
            : base("name=Q4Sandbox")

        public virtual DbSet Employees { get; set; }

        protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
           var instance = System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices.Instance;

Thanks to a SO member.

How to refer to relative paths of resources when working with a code repository

Try to use a filename relative to the current files path. Example for './my_file':

fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'my_file')

In Python 3.4+ you can also use pathlib:

fn = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'my_file'

How do I ignore files in a directory in Git?

The first one. Those file paths are relative from where your .gitignore file is.

HTML/CSS font color vs span style

1st preference external style sheet.

<span class="myClass">test</span>



2nd preference inline style

<span style="color:red">test</span>

<font> as mentioned is deprecated.

Animate scroll to ID on page load

$(jQuery.browser.webkit ? "body": "html").animate({ scrollTop: $('#title1').offset().top }, 1000);


Value does not fall within the expected range

I had from a totaly different reason the same notice "Value does not fall within the expected range" from the Visual studio 2008 while trying to use the: Tools -> Windows Embedded Silverlight Tools -> Update Silverlight For Windows Embedded Project.

After spending many ohurs I found out that the problem was that there wasn't a resource file and the update tool looks for the .RC file

Therefor the solution is to add to the resource folder a .RC file and than it works perfectly. I hope it will help someone out there

Limit the size of a file upload (html input element)

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {

        var uploadField = document.getElementById("file");

        uploadField.onchange = function () {
            if (this.files[0].size > 300000) {
                this.value = "";
                    title: 'File is larger than 300 KB !!',
                    text: 'Please Select a file smaller than 300 KB',
                    type: 'error',
                    timer: 4000,
                    onOpen: () => {
                        timerInterval = setInterval(() => {
                                .textContent = swal.getTimerLeft()
                        }, 100)
                    onClose: () => {

                }).then((result) => {
                    if (
                        // Read more about handling dismissals
                        result.dismiss === swal.DismissReason.timer

                    ) {

                        console.log('I was closed by the timer')



javascript change background color on click

You can set the background color of an object using CSS.

You can also use JavaScript to attach click handlers to objects and they can change the style of an object using = 'value';. In the example below I've attached it in the HTML to a button but the handler could equally have been added to the body element or defined entirely in JavaScript.

body {_x000D_
  background-color: blue;_x000D_
<button onclick=" = 'green';">Green</button>

"ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column" when inserting 3

NUMBER (precision, scale) means precision number of total digits, of which scale digits are right of the decimal point.

NUMBER(2,2) in other words means a number with 2 digits, both of which are decimals. You may mean to use NUMBER(4,2) to get 4 digits, of which 2 are decimals. Currently you can just insert values with a zero integer part.

More info at the Oracle docs.

Load local images in React.js

You have diferent ways to achieve this, here is an example:

import myimage from './...' // wherever is it.

in your img tag just put this into src:

<img src={myimage}...>

You can also check official docs here:

How to compile C programming in Windows 7?

MinGW uses a fairly old version of GCC (3.4.5, I believe), and hasn't been updated in a while. If you're already comfortable with the GCC toolset and just looking to get your feet wet in Windows programming, this may be a good option for you. There are lots of great IDEs available that use this compiler.

Edit: Apparently I was wrong; that's what I get for talking about something I know very little about. Tauran points out that there is a project that aims to provide the MinGW toolkit with the current version of GCC. You can download it from their website.

However, I'm not sure that I can recommend it for serious Windows development. If you're not a idealistic fanboy who can't stomach the notion of ever using Microsoft software, I highly recommend investigating Visual Studio, which comes bundled with Microsoft's C/C++ compiler. The Express version (which includes the same compiler as all the paid-for editions) is absolutely free for download. In addition to the compiler, Visual Studio also provides a world-class IDE that makes developing Windows-specific applications much easier. Yes, detractors will ramble on about the fact that it's not fully standards-compliant, but such is the world of writing Windows applications. They're never going to be truly portable once you include windows.h, so most of the idealistic dedication just ends up being a waste of time.

How to declare string constants in JavaScript?

Standard freeze function of built-in Object can be used to freeze an object containing constants.

var obj = {
    constant_1 : 'value_1'
obj.constant_1 = 'value_2';   //Silently does nothing
obj.constant_2 = 'value_3';   //Silently does nothing

In strict mode, setting values on immutable object throws TypeError. For more details, see

Shortcut for echo "<pre>";print_r($myarray);echo "</pre>";

I would go for closing the php tag and then output the <pre></pre> as html, so PHP doesn't have to process it before echoing it:




That should also be faster (not notable for this short piece) in general. Using can be used as shortcode for PHP code.

URLEncoder not able to translate space character

USE MyUrlEncode.URLencoding(String url , String enc) to handle the problem

    public class MyUrlEncode {
    static BitSet dontNeedEncoding = null;
    static final int caseDiff = ('a' - 'A');
    static {
        dontNeedEncoding = new BitSet(256);
        int i;
        for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) {
        for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) {
        for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) {
    public static String char2Unicode(char c) {
        if(dontNeedEncoding.get(c)) {
            return String.valueOf(c);
        StringBuffer resultBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        char ch = Character.forDigit((c >> 4) & 0xF, 16);
            if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {
            ch -= caseDiff;
            ch = Character.forDigit(c & 0xF, 16);
            if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {
            ch -= caseDiff;
        return resultBuffer.toString();
    private static String URLEncoding(String url,String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        if(!dontNeedEncoding.get('/')) {
        if(!dontNeedEncoding.get(':')) {
        byte [] buff = url.getBytes(enc);
        for (int i = 0; i < buff.length; i++) {
        return stringBuffer.toString();
    private static String URIEncoding(String uri , String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { //?????????
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        if(dontNeedEncoding.get('/')) {
        if(dontNeedEncoding.get(':')) {
        byte [] buff = uri.getBytes(enc);
        for (int i = 0; i < buff.length; i++) {
        return stringBuffer.toString();

    public static String URLencoding(String url , String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        int index = url.indexOf('?');
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        if(index == -1) {
            result.append(URLEncoding(url, enc));
        }else {
            result.append(URLEncoding(url.substring(0 , index),enc));
        return result.toString();


How to use pagination on HTML tables?

With Reference to Anusree answer above and with respect,I am tweeking the code little bit to make sure it works in most of the cases.

  1. Created a reusable function paginate('#myTableId') which can be called any number times for any table.
  2. Adding code inside ajaxComplete function to make sure paging is called once table using jquery is completely loaded. We use paging mostly for ajax based tables.
  3. Remove Pagination div and rebind on every pagination call
  4. Configuring Number of rows per page


$(document).ready(function () {
    $(document).ajaxComplete(function () {
        function paginate(tableName,RecordsPerPage) {
            $(tableName).after('<div id="nav"></div>');
            var rowsShown = RecordsPerPage;
            var rowsTotal = $(tableName + ' tbody tr').length;
            var numPages = rowsTotal / rowsShown;
            for (i = 0; i < numPages; i++) {
                var pageNum = i + 1;
                $('#nav').append('<a href="#" rel="' + i + '">' + pageNum + '</a> ');
            $(tableName + ' tbody tr').hide();
            $(tableName + ' tbody tr').slice(0, rowsShown).show();
            $('#nav a:first').addClass('active');
            $('#nav a').bind('click', function () {

                $('#nav a').removeClass('active');
                var currPage = $(this).attr('rel');
                var startItem = currPage * rowsShown;
                var endItem = startItem + rowsShown;
                $(tableName + ' tbody tr').css('opacity', '0.0').hide().slice(startItem, endItem).
                    css('display', 'table-row').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 300);

How to load local html file into UIWebView

EDIT 2016-05-27 - loadRequest exposes "a universal Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability." Make sure you own every single asset that you load. If you load a bad script, it can load anything it wants.

If you need relative links to work locally, use this:

NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"my" withExtension:@"html"];
[webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url]];

The bundle will search all subdirectories of the project to find my.html. (the directory structure gets flattened at build time)

If my.html has the tag <img src="some.png">, the webView will load some.png from your project.

Angular ui-grid dynamically calculate height of the grid

tony's approach does work for me but when do a console.log, the function getTableHeight get called too many time(sort, menu click...)

I modify it so the height is recalculated only when i add/remove rows. Note: tableData is the array of rows

$scope.getTableHeight = function() {
   var rowHeight = 30; // your row height
   var headerHeight = 30; // your header height
   return {
      height: ($ * rowHeight + headerHeight) + "px"

$scope.$watchCollection('tableData', function (newValue, oldValue) {


<div id="grid1" ui-grid="gridData" class="grid" ui-grid-auto-resize"></div>

Passing parameters to a Bash function

There are two typical ways of declaring a function. I prefer the second approach.

function function_name {


function_name () {

To call a function with arguments:

function_name "$arg1" "$arg2"

The function refers to passed arguments by their position (not by name), that is $1, $2, and so forth. $0 is the name of the script itself.


function_name () {
   echo "Parameter #1 is $1"

Also, you need to call your function after it is declared.

#!/usr/bin/env sh

foo 1  # this will fail because foo has not been declared yet.

foo() {
    echo "Parameter #1 is $1"

foo 2 # this will work.


./ line 2: foo: command not found
Parameter #1 is 2

Reference: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.

How do I display image in Alert/confirm box in Javascript?

I created a function that might help. All it does is imitate the alert but put an image instead of text.

function alertImage(imgsrc) {
    'position': 'absolute',
    'top': '0',
    'left': '50%',
    '-webkit-transform': 'translate(-50%, 0)'
    opacity: 0
}, 0)
    opacity: 1,
    top: "10px"
}, 250)
$('.d').append('An embedded page on this page says')
$('.d').append('<br><img src="' + imgsrc + '">')
  '-webkit-transform': 'translate(-100%, -100%)',
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="d"><button onclick="$('.d').html('')" class="b">OK</button></div>
font-size: 17px;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  display: none;

SQL Server - SELECT FROM stored procedure

For the sake of simplicity and to make it re-runnable, I have used a system StoredProcedure "sp_readerrorlog" to get data:

-----USING Table Variable
   LogDate DATETIME,
   ProcessInfo NVARCHAR(MAX),
INSERT INTO @tblVar Exec sp_readerrorlog
SELECT LogDate as DateOccured, ProcessInfo as pInfo, [Text] as Message FROM @tblVar

-----(OR): Using Temp Table
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') IS NOT NULL  DROP TABLE #temp;
   LogDate DATETIME,
   ProcessInfo NVARCHAR(55),
INSERT INTO #temp EXEC sp_readerrorlog

How to install mscomct2.ocx file from .cab file (Excel User Form and VBA)

You're correct that this is really painful to hand out to others, but if you have to, this is how you do it.

  1. Just extract the .ocx file from the .cab file (it is similar to a zip)
  2. Copy to the system folder (c:\windows\sysWOW64 for 64 bit systems and c:\windows\system32 for 32 bit)
  3. Use regsvr32 through the command prompt to register the file (e.g. "regsvr32 c:\windows\sysWOW64\mscomct2.ocx")


Android: How to enable/disable option menu item on button click?

A more modern answer for an old question:


private var myMenuIconEnabled by Delegates.observable(true) { _, old, new ->
    if (new != old) invalidateOptionsMenu()

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    findViewById<Button>( { myMenuIconEnabled = false }

override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu?): Boolean {
    menuInflater.inflate(, menu)
    return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu)

override fun onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
    menu.findItem( = myMenuIconEnabled
    return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=""
    android:title="My title"
    app:showAsAction="always" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:color="?enabledMenuIconColor" android:state_enabled="true" />
<item android:color="?disabledMenuIconColor" />


    <attr name="enabledMenuIconColor" format="reference|color"/>
    <attr name="disabledMenuIconColor" format="reference|color"/>

styles.xml or themes.xml

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="disabledMenuIconColor">@color/white_30_alpha</item>
    <item name="enabledMenuIconColor">@android:color/white</item>

What does a bitwise shift (left or right) do and what is it used for?

Here is an example:


void main()
    int rm, vivek;
    printf("Enter any numbers\t(E.g., 1, 2, 5");
    scanf("%d", &rm); // rm = 5(0101) << 2 (two step add zero's), so the value is 10100
    printf("This left shift value%d=%d", rm, rm<<4);
    printf("This right shift value%d=%d", rm, rm>>2);

How to fix Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence

I happened to run into this problem because of an Ant build.

That Ant build took files and applied filterchain expandproperties to it. During this file filtering, my Windows machine's implicit default non-UTF-8 character encoding was used to generate the filtered files - therefore characters outside of its character set could not be mapped correctly.

One solution was to provide Ant with an explicit environment variable for UTF-8. In Cygwin, before launching Ant: export ANT_OPTS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8".

What is "origin" in Git?

remote(repository url alias) ? origin(upstream alias) ? master(branch alias);

  • remote, level same as working directory, index, repository,

  • origin, local repository branch map to remote repository branch

Inserting an item in a Tuple

Since tuples are immutable, this will result in a new tuple. Just place it back where you got the old one.

sometuple + (someitem,)

Spring AMQP + RabbitMQ 3.3.5 ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN

I am sure what Artem Bilan has explained here might be one of the reasons for this error:

Caused by: com.rabbitmq.client.AuthenticationFailureException: 
ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN. 
For details see the

but the solution for me was that I logged in to rabbitMQ admin page (http://localhost:15672/#/users) with the default user name and password which is guest/guest then added a new user and for that new user I enabled the permission to access it from virtual host and then used the new user name and password instead of default guest and that cleared the error.

enter image description here

Flask - Calling python function on button OnClick event

Easiest solution

<button type="button" onclick="window.location.href='{{ url_for( 'move_forward') }}';">Forward</button>

Get a list of checked checkboxes in a div using jQuery


will give you an array of the elements themselves. If you just specifically need the names:

$("#checkboxes").children("input:checked").map(function() {

What is MATLAB good for? Why is it so used by universities? When is it better than Python?

Hold everything. When's the last time you programed your calculator to play tetris? Did you actually think you could write anything you want in those 128k of RAM? Likely not. MATLAB is not for programming unless you're dealing with huge matrices. It's the graphing calculator you whip out when you've got Megabytes to Gigabytes of data to crunch and/or plot. Learn just basic stuff, but also don't kill yourself trying to make Python be a graphing calculator.

You'll quickly get a feel for when you want to crunch, plot or explore in MATLAB and when you want to have all that Python offers. Lots of engineers turn to pre and post processing in Python or Perl. Occasionally even just calling out to MATLAB for the hard bits.

They are such completely different tools that you should learn their basic strengths first without trying to replace one with the other. Granted for saving money I'd either use Octave or skimp on ease and learn to work with sparse matrices in Perl or Python.

make a phone call click on a button

Also good to check is telephony supported on device

private boolean isTelephonyEnabled(){
TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
return tm != null && tm.getSimState()==TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY

Node.js, can't open files. Error: ENOENT, stat './path/to/file'

Here the code to use your app.js

input specifies file name'/'+input);

PHP - Get bool to echo false when false

No, since the other option is modifying the Zend engine, and one would be hard-pressed to call that a "better way".


If you really wanted to, you could use an array:

$boolarray = Array(false => 'false', true => 'true');
echo $boolarray[false];

Sum rows in data.frame or matrix

The rowSums function (as Greg mentions) will do what you want, but you are mixing subsetting techniques in your answer, do not use "$" when using "[]", your code should look something more like:

data$new <- rowSums( data[,43:167] )

If you want to use a function other than sum, then look at ?apply for applying general functions accross rows or columns.

Breaking/exit nested for in

I've experimented with typing "exit for" a few times and noticed it worked and VB didn't yell at me. It's an option I guess but it just looked bad.

I think the best option is similar to that shared by Tobias. Just put your code in a function and have it return when you want to break out of your loops. Looks cleaner too.

For Each item In itemlist
    For Each item1 In itemlist1
        If item1 = item Then
            Return item1
        End If

Does it matter what extension is used for SQLite database files?

In distributable software, I dont want my customers mucking about in the database by themselves. The program reads and writes it all by itself. The only reason for a user to touch the DB file is to take a backup copy. Therefore I have named it whatever_records.db

The simple .db extension tells the user that it is a binary data file and that's all they have to know. Calling it .sqlite invites the interested user to open it up and mess something up!

Totally depends on your usage scenario I suppose.

Authenticate Jenkins CI for Github private repository

Another option is to use GitHub personal access tokens:

  • Go to
  • Add repo scope
  • In Jenkins, add a GitHub source
  • Use Repository HTTPS URL
  • Add the HTTPS URL of the git repo (not the SSH one, eg.
  • Add credential
    • Kind: Username with Password
    • Username: the GitHub username
    • Password: the personal access token you created on GitHub
    • ID: something like github-token-for-my-username

I tested this on Jenkins ver. 2.222.1 and Jenkins GitHub plugin 1.29.5 with a private GitHub repo.

Creating files in C++

Do this with a file stream. When a std::ofstream is closed, the file is created. I personally like the following code, because the OP only asks to create a file, not to write in it:

#include <fstream>

int main()
    std::ofstream file { "Hello.txt" };
    // Hello.txt has been created here

The temporary variable file is destroyed right after its creation, so the stream is closed and thus the file is created.

How to create a JPA query with LEFT OUTER JOIN

If you have entities A and B without any relation between them and there is strictly 0 or 1 B for each A, you could do:

select a, (select b from B b where b.joinProperty = a.joinProperty) from A a

This would give you an Object[]{a,b} for a single result or List<Object[]{a,b}> for multiple results.

Bulk insert with SQLAlchemy ORM

SQLAlchemy introduced that in version 1.0.0:

Bulk operations - SQLAlchemy docs

With these operations, you can now do bulk inserts or updates!

For instance, you can do:

s = Session()
objects = [

Here, a bulk insert will be made.

Find element in List<> that contains a value

You can use the Where to filter and Select to get the desired value.

MyList.Where(i=> == yourName).Select(j=>j.value);

Easiest way to use SVG in Android?

Android Studio supports SVG from 1.4 onwards

Here is a video on how to import.

$http get parameters does not work

The 2nd parameter in the get call is a config object. You want something like this:

    .get('accept.php', {
        params: {
            source: link,
            category_id: category
     .success(function (data,status) {
          $scope.info_show = data

See the Arguments section of$http for more detail

How should I unit test multithreaded code?

Look, there's no easy way to do this. I'm working on a project that is inherently multithreaded. Events come in from the operating system and I have to process them concurrently.

The simplest way to deal with testing complex, multithreaded application code is this: If it's too complex to test, you're doing it wrong. If you have a single instance that has multiple threads acting upon it, and you can't test situations where these threads step all over each other, then your design needs to be redone. It's both as simple and as complex as this.

There are many ways to program for multithreading that avoids threads running through instances at the same time. The simplest is to make all your objects immutable. Of course, that's not usually possible. So you have to identify those places in your design where threads interact with the same instance and reduce the number of those places. By doing this, you isolate a few classes where multithreading actually occurs, reducing the overall complexity of testing your system.

But you have to realize that even by doing this, you still can't test every situation where two threads step on each other. To do that, you'd have to run two threads concurrently in the same test, then control exactly what lines they are executing at any given moment. The best you can do is simulate this situation. But this might require you to code specifically for testing, and that's at best a half step towards a true solution.

Probably the best way to test code for threading issues is through static analysis of the code. If your threaded code doesn't follow a finite set of thread safe patterns, then you might have a problem. I believe Code Analysis in VS does contain some knowledge of threading, but probably not much.

Look, as things stand currently (and probably will stand for a good time to come), the best way to test multithreaded apps is to reduce the complexity of threaded code as much as possible. Minimize areas where threads interact, test as best as possible, and use code analysis to identify danger areas.

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

Using styles.xml (value)

Very Easy solution , change colorPrimary as your choice and it will change color of button text of alert box.

<style name="MyAlertDialogStyle" parent="android:Theme.Material.Dialog.Alert">

        <!-- Used for the buttons -->
        <item name="colorAccent">@android:color/white</item>
        <!-- Used for the title and text -->
        <item name="android:textColorPrimary">@color/black</item>

        <!-- Used for the background -->
        <item name="android:background">#ffffff</item>
        <item name="android:colorPrimary">@color/white</item>
        <item name="android:colorAccent">@color/white</item>
        <item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@anim/bottom_left_enter</item>

Alternative (Using Java)

            public boolean onJsAlert(WebView view, String url, String message, final JsResult result) {

                AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(view.getContext(),

                        .setTitle("Royal Frolics")
                        .setPositiveButton("OK", (dialog1, which) -> {
                            //do nothing

                Objects.requireNonNull(dialog.getWindow()).getAttributes().windowAnimations =;
                return true;


How do you automatically set text box to Uppercase?

As nobody suggested it:

If you want to use the CSS solution with lowercase placeholders, you just have to style the placeholders separately. Split the 2 placeholder styles for IE compatibility.

input {_x000D_
    text-transform: uppercase;_x000D_
input:-ms-input-placeholder {_x000D_
    text-transform: none;_x000D_
input::placeholder {_x000D_
    text-transform: none;_x000D_
The below input has lowercase characters, but all typed characters are CSS-uppercased :<br/>_x000D_
<input type="text" placeholder="ex : ABC" />

Uppercase first letter of variable

just wanted to add a pure javascript solution ( no JQuery )

function capitalize(str) {_x000D_
  strVal = '';_x000D_
  str = str.split(' ');_x000D_
  for (var chr = 0; chr < str.length; chr++) {_x000D_
    strVal += str[chr].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str[chr].substring(1, str[chr].length) + ' '_x000D_
  return strVal_x000D_
console.log(capitalize('hello world'));

Sort Dictionary by keys

This is an elegant alternative to sorting the dictionary itself:

As of Swift 4 & 5

let sortedKeys = myDict.keys.sorted()

for key in sortedKeys {
   // Ordered iteration over the dictionary
   let val = myDict[key]

crudrepository findBy method signature with multiple in operators?

The following signature will do:

List<Email> findByEmailIdInAndPincodeIn(List<String> emails, List<String> pinCodes);

Spring Data JPA supports a large number of keywords to build a query. IN and AND are among them.

Redis command to get all available keys?

If you are using Laravel Framework then you can simply use this:

$allKeyList = Redis::KEYS("*");


In Core PHP:

$redis = new Redis();

$redis->connect('hostname', 6379);

$allKeyList = $redis->keys('*');


How to host google web fonts on my own server?

You can download source fonts from

After that use font-ranger tool to split your large Unicode font into multiple subsets (e.g. latin, cyrillic). You should do the following with the tool:

  • Generate subsets for each language you support
  • Use unicode-range subsetting for saving bandwidth
  • Remove bloat from your fonts and optimize them for web
  • Convert your fonts to a compressed woff2 format
  • Provide .woff fallback for older browsers
  • Customize font loading and rendering
  • Generate CSS file with @font-face rules
  • Self-host web fonts or use them locally


P.S. You can also automate this using Node.js API

Load More Posts Ajax Button in WordPress

UPDATE 24.04.2016.

I've created tutorial on my page about implementing this on Twenty Sixteen theme, so feel free to check it out :)


I've tested this on Twenty Fifteen and it's working, so it should be working for you.

In index.php (assuming that you want to show the posts on the main page, but this should work even if you put it in a page template) I put:

    <div id="ajax-posts" class="row">
            $postsPerPage = 3;
            $args = array(
                    'post_type' => 'post',
                    'posts_per_page' => $postsPerPage,
                    'cat' => 8

            $loop = new WP_Query($args);

            while ($loop->have_posts()) : $loop->the_post();

         <div class="small-12 large-4 columns">
                <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
                <p><?php the_content(); ?></p>

    <div id="more_posts">Load More</div>

This will output 3 posts from category 8 (I had posts in that category, so I used it, you can use whatever you want to). You can even query the category you're in with

$cat_id = get_query_var('cat');

This will give you the category id to use in your query. You could put this in your loader (load more div), and pull with jQuery like

<div id="more_posts" data-category="<?php echo $cat_id; ?>">>Load More</div>

And pull the category with

var cat = $('#more_posts').data('category');

But for now, you can leave this out.

Next in functions.php I added

wp_localize_script( 'twentyfifteen-script', 'ajax_posts', array(
    'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
    'noposts' => __('No older posts found', 'twentyfifteen'),

Right after the existing wp_localize_script. This will load WordPress own admin-ajax.php so that we can use it when we call it in our ajax call.

At the end of the functions.php file I added the function that will load your posts:

function more_post_ajax(){

    $ppp = (isset($_POST["ppp"])) ? $_POST["ppp"] : 3;
    $page = (isset($_POST['pageNumber'])) ? $_POST['pageNumber'] : 0;

    header("Content-Type: text/html");

    $args = array(
        'suppress_filters' => true,
        'post_type' => 'post',
        'posts_per_page' => $ppp,
        'cat' => 8,
        'paged'    => $page,

    $loop = new WP_Query($args);

    $out = '';

    if ($loop -> have_posts()) :  while ($loop -> have_posts()) : $loop -> the_post();
        $out .= '<div class="small-12 large-4 columns">


add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_more_post_ajax', 'more_post_ajax');
add_action('wp_ajax_more_post_ajax', 'more_post_ajax');

Here I've added paged key in the array, so that the loop can keep track on what page you are when you load your posts.

If you've added your category in the loader, you'd add:

$cat = (isset($_POST['cat'])) ? $_POST['cat'] : '';

And instead of 8, you'd put $cat. This will be in the $_POST array, and you'll be able to use it in ajax.

Last part is the ajax itself. In functions.js I put inside the $(document).ready(); enviroment

var ppp = 3; // Post per page
var cat = 8;
var pageNumber = 1;

function load_posts(){
    var str = '&cat=' + cat + '&pageNumber=' + pageNumber + '&ppp=' + ppp + '&action=more_post_ajax';
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "html",
        url: ajax_posts.ajaxurl,
        data: str,
        success: function(data){
            var $data = $(data);
            } else{
        error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            $loader.html(jqXHR + " :: " + textStatus + " :: " + errorThrown);

    return false;

$("#more_posts").on("click",function(){ // When btn is pressed.
    $("#more_posts").attr("disabled",true); // Disable the button, temp.

Saved it, tested it, and it works :)

Images as proof (don't mind the shoddy styling, it was done quickly). Also post content is gibberish xD

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


For 'infinite load' instead on click event on the button (just make it invisible, with visibility: hidden;) you can try with

$(window).on('scroll', function () {
    if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()  >= $(document).height() - 100) {

This should run the load_posts() function when you're 100px from the bottom of the page. In the case of the tutorial on my site you can add a check to see if the posts are loading (to prevent firing of the ajax twice), and you can fire it when the scroll reaches the top of the footer

$(window).on('scroll', function(){
    if($('body').scrollTop()+$(window).height() > $('footer').offset().top){
        if(!($loader.hasClass('post_loading_loader') || $loader.hasClass('post_no_more_posts'))){

Now the only drawback in these cases is that you could never scroll to the value of $(document).height() - 100 or $('footer').offset().top for some reason. If that should happen, just increase the number where the scroll goes to.

You can easily check it by putting console.logs in your code and see in the inspector what they throw out

$(window).on('scroll', function () {
    console.log($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height());
    console.log($(document).height() - 100);
    if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()  >= $(document).height() - 100) {

And just adjust accordingly ;)

Hope this helps :) If you have any questions just ask.

return SQL table as JSON in python

enter image description here

from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import String

Base = declarative_base()
metadata = Base.metadata

class UserTable(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'UserTable'

    Id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
    Name = Column("Name", String(100))

class UserTableDTO:
    def __init__(self, ob):
        self.Id = ob.Id
        self.Name = ob.Name
rows = dbsession.query(Table).all()

json_string = [json.loads(json.dumps(UserTableDTO(ob).__dict__, default=lambda x: str(x)))for ob in rows]

Prevent overwriting a file using cmd if exist

As in the answer of Escobar Ceaser, I suggest to use quotes arround the whole path. It's the common way to wrap the whole path in "", not only separate directory names within the path.

I had a similar issue that it didn't work for me. But it was no option to use "" within the path for separate directory names because the path contained environment variables, which theirself cover more than one directory hierarchies. The conclusion was that I missed the space between the closing " and the (

The correct version, with the space before the bracket, would be

If NOT exist "C:\Documents and Settings\John\Start Menu\Programs\Software Folder" (
 start "\\filer\repo\lab\software\myapp\setup.exe"

Is Python strongly typed?

It's already been answered a few times, but Python is a strongly typed language:

>>> x = 3
>>> y = '4'
>>> print(x+y)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

The following in JavaScript:

var x = 3    
var y = '4'
alert(x + y) //Produces "34"

That's the difference between weak typing and strong typing. Weak types automatically try to convert from one type to another, depending on context (e.g. Perl). Strong types never convert implicitly.

Your confusion lies in a misunderstanding of how Python binds values to names (commonly referred to as variables).

In Python, names have no types, so you can do things like:

bob = 1
bob = "bob"
bob = "An Ex-Parrot!"

And names can be bound to anything:

>>> def spam():
...     print("Spam, spam, spam, spam")
>>> spam_on_eggs = spam
>>> spam_on_eggs()
Spam, spam, spam, spam

For further reading:

and the slightly related but more advanced: