Programs & Examples On #Registerstartupscript

`RegisterStartupScript` is a function of the `ScriptManager` in ASP.NET AJAX.

RegisterStartupScript from code behind not working when Update Panel is used

You need to use ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript for Ajax.

protected void ButtonPP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {     if (radioBtnACO.SelectedIndex < 0)     {         string csname1 = "PopupScript";          var cstext1 = new StringBuilder();         cstext1.Append("alert('Please Select Criteria!')");          ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), csname1,             cstext1.ToString(), true);     } } 

Calling Javascript function from server side

This works for me. Hope it will work for you too.

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "isActive", "Test();", true);

I have edited the html page which you have provided. The updated page is as below

    <html xmlns="">
    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
        <title>My Page</title>
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function Test() {
                alert("Hello Test!!!!");
                $('#ButtonRow').css("display", "block");
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
                    <asp:RadioButtonList ID="SearchCategory" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
            <tr id="ButtonRow" style="display: none">
                    <asp:Button ID="MyButton" runat="server" Text="Click Here" OnClick="MyButton_Click" />

    <script type="text/javascript">

        $("#<%=SearchCategory.ClientID%> input").change(function () {

How to Check byte array empty or not?

Now we could also use:

if (Attachment != null  && Attachment.Any())

Any() is often easier to understand in a glance for the developer than checking Length() > 0. Also has very little difference with processing speed.

How to open a page in a new window or tab from code-behind

Target= "_blank"

This does it in html, give it a try in C#

How to open new browser window on button click event?

Or write to the response stream:


How to find Control in TemplateField of GridView?

Try this:

foreach(GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows) {
    if(row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
        HyperLink myHyperLink = row.FindControl("myHyperLinkID") as HyperLink;

If you are handling RowDataBound event, it's like this:

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
    if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
        HyperLink myHyperLink = e.Row.FindControl("myHyperLinkID") as HyperLink;

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript code not working - why?

I came across a similar issue. However this issue was caused because of the way i designed the pages to bring the requests in. I placed all of my .js files as the last thing to be applied to the page, therefore they are at the end of my document. The .js files have all my functions include. The script manager seems that to be able to call this function it needs the js file already present with the function being called at the time of load. Hope this helps anyone else.

XmlDocument - load from string?

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

Where str is your XML string. See the MSDN article for more info.

Can't get ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript in WebControl nested in UpdatePanel to work

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),script,  true );

The "true" param value at the end of the ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript will add a JavaScript tag inside your page:

<script language='javascript' defer='defer'>your script</script >

If the value will be "false" it will inject only the script witout the --script-- tag.

Difference between RegisterStartupScript and RegisterClientScriptBlock?

Here's an old discussion thread where I listed the main differences and the conditions in which you should use each of these methods. I think you may find it useful to go through the discussion.

To explain the differences as relevant to your posted example:

a. When you use RegisterStartupScript, it will render your script after all the elements in the page (right before the form's end tag). This enables the script to call or reference page elements without the possibility of it not finding them in the Page's DOM.

Here is the rendered source of the page when you invoke the RegisterStartupScript method:

<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1"><title></title></head>
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="StartupScript.aspx" id="form1">
            <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="someViewstategibberish" />
        <div> <span id="lblDisplayDate">Label</span>
            <br />
            <input type="submit" name="btnPostback" value="Register Startup Script" id="btnPostback" />
            <br />
            <input type="submit" name="btnPostBack2" value="Register" id="btnPostBack2" />
            <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="someViewstategibberish" />
        <!-- Note this part -->
        <script language='javascript'>
            var lbl = document.getElementById('lblDisplayDate');
   = 'red';
    <!-- Note this part -->

b. When you use RegisterClientScriptBlock, the script is rendered right after the Viewstate tag, but before any of the page elements. Since this is a direct script (not a function that can be called, it will immediately be executed by the browser. But the browser does not find the label in the Page's DOM at this stage and hence you should receive an "Object not found" error.

Here is the rendered source of the page when you invoke the RegisterClientScriptBlock method:

<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1"><title></title></head>
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="StartupScript.aspx" id="form1">
            <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="someViewstategibberish" />
        <script language='javascript'>
            var lbl = document.getElementById('lblDisplayDate');
            // Error is thrown in the next line because lbl is null.
   = 'green';

Therefore, to summarize, you should call the latter method if you intend to render a function definition. You can then render the call to that function using the former method (or add a client side attribute).

Edit after comments:

For instance, the following function would work:

protected void btnPostBack2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
  System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); 
  sb.Append("<script language='javascript'>function ChangeColor() {"); 
  sb.Append("var lbl = document.getElementById('lblDisplayDate');"); 

  //Render the function definition. 
  if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("JSScriptBlock")) 
    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "JSScriptBlock", sb.ToString()); 

  //Render the function invocation. 
  string funcCall = "<script language='javascript'>ChangeColor();</script>"; 

  if (!ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("JSScript"))
    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "JSScript", funcCall); 

How do I add to the Windows PATH variable using setx? Having weird problems

This vbscript/batch hybrid "append_sys_path.vbs" is not intuitive but works perfectly:

If CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("%ComSpec% /C ""NET FILE""", 0, True) <> 0 Then
    CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute WScript.FullName, """" & WScript.ScriptFullName & """", , "runas", 5
End If
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Cmd = Shell.Exec("%ComSpec% /C ""REG QUERY ""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"" /v Path | FINDSTR /I /C:""REG_SZ"" /C:""REG_EXPAND_SZ""""").StdOut.ReadAll
Cmd = """" & Trim(Replace(Mid(Cmd, InStr(1, Cmd, "_SZ", VBTextCompare) + 3), vbCrLf, ""))
If Right(Cmd, 1) <> ";" Then Cmd = Cmd & ";"
Cmd = "%ComSpec% /C ""REG ADD ""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"" /v Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d " & Replace(Cmd & "%SystemDrive%\Python27;%SystemDrive%\Python27\Scripts"" /f""", "%", """%""")
Shell.Run Cmd, 0, True

Advantages of this approach:

1) It doesn't truncate the system path environment at 1024 characters.
2) It doesn't concatenate the system and user path environment.
3) It's automatically run as administrator.
4) Preserve the percentages in the system path environment.
5) Supports spaces, parentheses and special characters.
6) Works on Windows 7 and above.

How to resolve this System.IO.FileNotFoundException

I hate to point out the obvious, but System.IO.FileNotFoundException means the program did not find the file you specified. So what you need to do is check what file your code is looking for in production.

To see what file your program is looking for in production (look at the FileName property of the exception), try these techniques:

Then look at the file system on the machine and see if the file exists. Most likely the case is that it doesn't exist.

Call a Class From another class

Simply create an instance of Class2 and call the desired method.

Suggested reading:

How to find files modified in last x minutes (find -mmin does not work as expected)

This may work for you. I used it for cleaning folders during deployments for deleting old deployment files.

clean_anyfolder() {
    local temp2="$1/**"; //PATH
    temp3=( $(ls -d $temp2 -t | grep "`date | awk '{print $2" "$3}'`") )
    while [ $j -lt ${#temp3[@]} ]
            echo "to be removed ${temp3[$j]}"
            delete_file_or_folder ${temp3[$j]} 0 //DELETE HERE
        j=`expr $j + 1`

Why GDB jumps unpredictably between lines and prints variables as "<value optimized out>"?

Typically, boolean values that are used in branches immediately after they're calculated like this are never actually stored in variables. Instead, the compiler just branches directly off the condition codes that were set from the preceding comparison. For example,

int a = SomeFunction();
bool result = --a >= 0; // use subtraction as example computation
if ( result ) 

Usually compiles to something like:

call .SomeFunction  ; calls to SomeFunction(), which stores its return value in eax
sub eax, 1 ; subtract 1 from eax and store in eax, set S (sign) flag if result is negative
jl ELSEBLOCK ; GOTO label "ELSEBLOCK" if S flag is set
call .foo ; this is the "if" black, call foo()
j FINISH ; GOTO FINISH; skip over the "else" block
ELSEBLOCK: ; label this location to the assembler
call .bar
FINISH: ; both paths end up here
ret ; return

Notice how the "bool" is never actually stored anywhere.

How to listen to route changes in react router v4?

withRouter, history.listen, and useEffect (React Hooks) works quite nicely together:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'

const Component = ({ history }) => {
    useEffect(() => history.listen(() => {
        // do something on route change
        // for my example, close a drawer
    }), [])


export default withRouter(Component)

The listener callback will fire any time a route is changed, and the return for history.listen is a shutdown handler that plays nicely with useEffect.

Convert char to int in C and C++

Presumably you want this conversion for using functions from the C standard library.

In that case, do (C++ syntax)

typedef unsigned char UChar;

char myCppFunc( char c )
    return char( someCFunc( UChar( c ) ) );

The expression UChar( c ) converts to unsigned char in order to get rid of negative values, which, except for EOF, are not supported by the C functions.

Then the result of that expression is used as actual argument for an int formal argument. Where you get automatic promotion to int. You can alternatively write that last step explicitly, like int( UChar( c ) ), but personally I find that too verbose.

Cheers & hth.,

Bi-directional Map in Java?

There is no bidirectional map in the Java Standard API. Either you can maintain two maps yourself or use the BidiMap from Apache Collections.

Facebook Architecture

Facebook is using LAMP structure. Facebook’s back-end services are written in a variety of different programming languages including C++, Java, Python, and Erlang and they are used according to requirement. With LAMP Facebook uses some technologies ,to support large number of requests, like

  1. Memcache - It is a memory caching system that is used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites (like Facebook) by caching data and objects in RAM to reduce reading time. Memcache is Facebook’s primary form of caching and helps alleviate the database load. Having a caching system allows Facebook to be as fast as it is at recalling your data.

  2. Thrift (protocol) - It is a lightweight remote procedure call framework for scalable cross-language services development. Thrift supports C++, PHP, Python, Perl, Java, Ruby, Erlang, and others.

  3. Cassandra (database) - It is a database management system designed to handle large amounts of data spread out across many servers.

  4. HipHop for PHP - It is a source code transformer for PHP script code and was created to save server resources. HipHop transforms PHP source code into optimized C++. After doing this, it uses g++ to compile it to machine code.

If we go into more detail, then answer to this question go longer. We can understand more from following posts:

  1. How Does Facebook Work?
  2. Data Management, Facebook-style
  3. Facebook database design?
  4. Facebook wall's database structure
  5. Facebook "like" data structure

Difference between r+ and w+ in fopen()

r = read mode only
r+ = read/write mode
w = write mode only
w+ = read/write mode, if the file already exists override it (empty it)

So yes, if the file already exists w+ will erase the file and give you an empty file.

Powershell send-mailmessage - email to multiple recipients

To define an array of strings it is more comfortable to use $var = @('User1 ', 'User2 ').

$servername = hostname
$smtpserver = 'localhost'
$emailTo = @('username1 <[email protected]>', 'username2<[email protected]>')
$emailFrom = 'SomeServer <[email protected]>'
Send-MailMessage -To $emailTo -Subject 'Low available memory' -Body 'Warning' -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $emailFrom

Rename a file in C#

In my case, I want the name of the renamed file to be unique, so I add a date-time stamp to the name. This way, the filename of the 'old' log is always unique:

if (File.Exists(clogfile))
    Int64 fileSizeInBytes = new FileInfo(clogfile).Length;
    if (fileSizeInBytes > 5000000)
        string path = Path.GetFullPath(clogfile);
        string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(clogfile);
        System.IO.File.Move(clogfile, Path.Combine(path, string.Format("{0}{1}.log", filename, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"))));

Count table rows


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tablename`

Difference between "move" and "li" in MIPS assembly language

The move instruction copies a value from one register to another. The li instruction loads a specific numeric value into that register.

For the specific case of zero, you can use either the constant zero or the zero register to get that:

move $s0, $zero
li   $s0, 0

There's no register that generates a value other than zero, though, so you'd have to use li if you wanted some other number, like:

li $s0, 12345678

How can I install pip on Windows?

Update March 2015

Python 2.7.9 and later (on the Python 2 series), and Python 3.4 and later include pip by default, so you may have pip already.

If you don't, run this one line command on your prompt (which may require administrator access):

python -c "exec('try: from urllib2 import urlopen \nexcept: from urllib.request import urlopen');f=urlopen('').read();exec(f)"

It will install pip. If Setuptools is not already installed, will install it for you too.

As mentioned in comments, the above command will download code from the Pip source code repository at GitHub, and dynamically run it at your environment. So be noticed that this is a shortcut of the steps download, inspect and run, all with a single command using Python itself. If you trust Pip, proceed without doubt.

Be sure that your Windows environment variable PATH includes Python's folders (for Python 2.7.x default install: C:\Python27 and C:\Python27\Scripts, for Python 3.3x: C:\Python33 and C:\Python33\Scripts, and so on).

Why is exception.printStackTrace() considered bad practice?

Throwable.printStackTrace() writes the stack trace to System.err PrintStream. The System.err stream and the underlying standard "error" output stream of the JVM process can be redirected by

  • invoking System.setErr() which changes the destination pointed to by System.err.
  • or by redirecting the process' error output stream. The error output stream may be redirected to a file/device
    • whose contents may be ignored by personnel,
    • the file/device may not be capable of log rotation, inferring that a process restart is required to close the open file/device handle, before archiving the existing contents of the file/device.
    • or the file/device actually discards all data written to it, as is the case of /dev/null.

Inferring from the above, invoking Throwable.printStackTrace() constitutes valid (not good/great) exception handling behavior, only

  • if you do not have System.err being reassigned throughout the duration of the application's lifetime,
  • and if you do not require log rotation while the application is running,
  • and if accepted/designed logging practice of the application is to write to System.err (and the JVM's standard error output stream).

In most cases, the above conditions are not satisfied. One may not be aware of other code running in the JVM, and one cannot predict the size of the log file or the runtime duration of the process, and a well designed logging practice would revolve around writing "machine-parseable" log files (a preferable but optional feature in a logger) in a known destination, to aid in support.

Finally, one ought to remember that the output of Throwable.printStackTrace() would definitely get interleaved with other content written to System.err (and possibly even System.out if both are redirected to the same file/device). This is an annoyance (for single-threaded apps) that one must deal with, for the data around exceptions is not easily parseable in such an event. Worse, it is highly likely that a multi-threaded application will produce very confusing logs as Throwable.printStackTrace() is not thread-safe.

There is no synchronization mechanism to synchronize the writing of the stack trace to System.err when multiple threads invoke Throwable.printStackTrace() at the same time. Resolving this actually requires your code to synchronize on the monitor associated with System.err (and also System.out, if the destination file/device is the same), and that is rather heavy price to pay for log file sanity. To take an example, the ConsoleHandler and StreamHandler classes are responsible for appending log records to console, in the logging facility provided by java.util.logging; the actual operation of publishing log records is synchronized - every thread that attempts to publish a log record must also acquire the lock on the monitor associated with the StreamHandler instance. If you wish to have the same guarantee of having non-interleaved log records using System.out/System.err, you must ensure the same - the messages are published to these streams in a serializable manner.

Considering all of the above, and the very restricted scenarios in which Throwable.printStackTrace() is actually useful, it often turns out that invoking it is a bad practice.

Extending the argument in the one of the previous paragraphs, it is also a poor choice to use Throwable.printStackTrace in conjunction with a logger that writes to the console. This is in part, due to the reason that the logger would synchronize on a different monitor, while your application would (possibly, if you don't want interleaved log records) synchronize on a different monitor. The argument also holds good when you use two different loggers that write to the same destination, in your application.

Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays

*********** PARSE THE RESULT TO JSON OBJECT: JSON.prase(result.arrayOfObjects) ***********

I came to this page after I faced this issue. So, my issue was that the server is sending array of objects in the form of string. It is something like this:

when I printed result on console after getting from server it is string:

'arrayOfObject': '[
                  {'id': '123', 'designation': 'developer'},
                  {'id': '422', 'designation': 'lead'}

So, I have to convert this string to JSON after getting it from server. Use method for parsing the result string that you receive from server:


Show a div with Fancybox

padde's solution is right, but risen up another problem i.e.

As said by Adam (the questioner) that it is showing empty popup. Here is the complete and working solution

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="screen" />

<a href="#divForm" id="btnForm">Load Form</a>

<div id="divForm" style="display:none">
    <form action="tbd">
        File: <input type="file" /><br /><br />
        <input type="submit" />

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
        'onStart': function() { $("#divForm").css("display","block"); },            
        'onClosed': function() { $("#divForm").css("display","none"); }


Get first and last date of current month with JavaScript or jQuery

I fixed it with Datejs

This is alerting the first day:

var fd =;
var firstday = fd.toString("MM/dd/yyyy");

This is for the last day:

var ld =;
var lastday = ld.toString("MM/dd/yyyy");

Why do we have to normalize the input for an artificial neural network?

Hidden layers are used in accordance with the complexity of our data. If we have input data which is linearly separable then we need not to use hidden layer e.g. OR gate but if we have a non linearly seperable data then we need to use hidden layer for example ExOR logical gate. Number of nodes taken at any layer depends upon the degree of cross validation of our output.

How can I remove Nan from list Python/NumPy

Another way to do it would include using filter like this:

countries = list(filter(lambda x: str(x) != 'nan', countries))

How do I test a website using XAMPP?

The webpages on an online server reside in a location which looks somewhat like this:

Since xampp is Offline, it sets up a local server whose address is like this http://localhost/

Basically, xampp sets up a server (apache and others) in your system. And all the files such as index.php, somethingelse.php, etc., reside in the xampp\htdocs\ folder.

The browser locates the server in localhost and will search through the above folder for any resources available in there.

So create any number of folders inside the "xampp\htdocs\" each folder thus forming a website (as you build it).

Sometimes apache won't even start. This is due to the clashing of ports with some applications. Some of them I commonly encounter is Skype. See to that it is killed completely and restart apache

How to use WebRequest to POST some data and read response?


// Create a request using a URL that can receive a post. 
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (" ");
// Set the Method property of the request to POST.
request.Method = "POST";
// Create POST data and convert it to a byte array.
string postData = "This is a test that posts this string to a Web server.";
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (postData);
// Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
// Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
// Get the request stream.
Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
// Write the data to the request stream.
dataStream.Write (byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
// Close the Stream object.
dataStream.Close ();
// Get the response.
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
// Display the status.
Console.WriteLine (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription);
// Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream ();
// Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (dataStream);
// Read the content.
string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd ();
// Display the content.
Console.WriteLine (responseFromServer);
// Clean up the streams.
reader.Close ();
dataStream.Close ();
response.Close ();

Take into account that the information must be sent in the format key1=value1&key2=value2

How to find the size of a table in SQL?

I know that in SQL 2012 (may work in other versions) you can do the following:

  1. Right click on the database name in the Object Explorer.
  2. Select Reports > Standard Reports > Disk Usage by Top Tables.

That will give you a list of the top 1000 tables and then you can order it by data size etc.

Get top first record from duplicate records having no unique identity

YOur best bet is to fix the datbase design and add the identioty column to the table. Why do you havea table without one in the first place? Especially one with duplicate records! Clearly the database itself needs redesigning.

And why do you have to have this in a view, why isn't your solution with the temp table a valid solution? Views are not usually a really good thing to do to a perfectly nice database.

Sublime Text 2 keyboard shortcut to open file in specified browser (e.g. Chrome)

There seem to be a lot of solutions for Windows here but this is the simplest:

Tools -> Build System -> New Build System, type in the above, save as Browser.sublime-build:

    "cmd": "explorer $file"

Then go back to your HTML file. Tools -> Build System -> Browser. Then press CTRL-B and the file will be opened in whatever browser is your system default browser.

How can I get the selected VALUE out of a QCombobox?

I confirm the easiest way is to do this:

uiAnalyseAssets::AnalyseAssets(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)


void mainFunction::yourFunction( int index )
 int value = ui.comboBox->currentText();

ojdbc14.jar vs. ojdbc6.jar

I have same problem!

Found following in oracle site link text

As mentioned above, the 11.1 drivers by default convert SQL DATE to Timestamp when reading from the database. This always was the right thing to do and the change in 9i was a mistake. The 11.1 drivers have reverted to the correct behavior. Even if you didn't set V8Compatible in your application you shouldn't see any difference in behavior in most cases. You may notice a difference if you use getObject to read a DATE column. The result will be a Timestamp rather than a Date. Since Timestamp is a subclass of Date this generally isn't a problem. Where you might notice a difference is if you relied on the conversion from DATE to Date to truncate the time component or if you do toString on the value. Otherwise the change should be transparent.

If for some reason your app is very sensitive to this change and you simply must have the 9i-10g behavior, there is a connection property you can set. Set mapDateToTimestamp to false and the driver will revert to the default 9i-10g behavior and map DATE to Date.

Single huge .css file vs. multiple smaller specific .css files?

I've created a systematic approach to CSS development. This way I can utilize a standard that never changes. First I started with the 960 grid system. Then I created single lines of css for basic layouts, margins, padding, fonts and sizes. I then string them together as needed. This allows me to keep a consistent layout across all of my projects and utilize the same css files over and over. Because they are not specific. Here's an example: ----div class="c12 bg0 m10 p5 white fl"/div--- This means that the container is 12 columns across, utilizes bg0 has margins of 10px padding of 5 the text is white and it floats left. I could easily change this by removing or adding a new - What I call a "light" style- Instead of creating a single class with all these attributes; I simply combine the single styles as I code the page. This allows me to create any combination of styles and does not limit my creativity or cause me to create a massive number of styles that are similar. Your style sheets become a lot more manageable, minimized and allow you to re-use it over and over. This method I have found to be fantastic for rapid design. I also no longer design first in PSD but in the browser which also saves time. In addition because I have also created a naming system for my backgrounds and page design attributes I simply change out my image file when creating a new project.(bg0 = body background according to my naming system) That means that if I previously had a white background with one project simply changing it to black simply means that on the next project bg0 will be a black background or another image..... I have not found anything wrong with this method yet and it seems to work very well.

Using Excel VBA to run SQL query

Below is code that I currently use to pull data from a MS SQL Server 2008 into VBA. You need to make sure you have the proper ADODB reference [VBA Editor->Tools->References] and make sure you have Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library checked, which is the second from the bottom row that is checked (I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows 7; you might have a slightly different ActiveX version, but it will still begin with Microsoft ActiveX):

References required for SQL

Sub Module for Connecting to MS SQL with Remote Host & Username/Password

Sub Download_Standard_BOM()
'Initializes variables
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim ConnectionString As String
Dim StrQuery As String

'Setup the connection string for accessing MS SQL database
   'Make sure to change:
       '1: PASSWORD
       '2: USERNAME
       '4: DATABASE
    ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=PASSWORD;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=USERNAME;Data Source=REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;Initial Catalog=DATABASE"

    'Opens connection to the database
    cnn.Open ConnectionString
    'Timeout error in seconds for executing the entire query; this will run for 15 minutes before VBA timesout, but your database might timeout before this value
    cnn.CommandTimeout = 900

    'This is your actual MS SQL query that you need to run; you should check this query first using a more robust SQL editor (such as HeidiSQL) to ensure your query is valid
    StrQuery = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM tbl_table"

    'Performs the actual query
    rst.Open StrQuery, cnn
    'Dumps all the results from the StrQuery into cell A2 of the first sheet in the active workbook
    Sheets(1).Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rst
End Sub

Is nested function a good approach when required by only one function?

Function In function python

def Greater(a,b):
    if a>b:
        return a
    return b

def Greater_new(a,b,c,d):
    return Greater(Greater(a,b),Greater(c,d))

print("Greater Number is :-",Greater_new(212,33,11,999))

Why would someone use WHERE 1=1 AND <conditions> in a SQL clause?

Here is a use case... however I am not too concerned with the technicalities of why I should or not use 1 = 1. I am writing a function, using pyodbc to retrieve some data from SQL Server. I was looking for a way to force a filler after the where keyword in my code. This was a great suggestion indeed:

if _where == '': _where = '1=1'
cur.execute(f'select {predicate} from {table_name} where {_where}')

The reason is because I could not implement the keyword 'where' together inside the _where clause variable. So, I think using any dummy condition that evaluates to true would do as a filler.

Using IF ELSE in Oracle

IF is a PL/SQL construct. If you are executing a query, you are using SQL not PL/SQL.

In SQL, you can use a CASE statement in the query itself

                (CASE WHEN b.salesman = 'VIKKIE'
                      THEN 'ICKY'
                      ELSE b.salesman
                NVL(a.manufacturer,'Not Set') Manufacturer
  FROM inv_items a, 
       arv_sales b
 WHERE = '100'
   AND =
   AND A.ITEM_KEY = b.item_key   
   AND a.item LIKE 'BX%'
   AND b.salesman in ('01','15')
   AND trans_date BETWEEN to_date('010113','mmddrr')
                      and to_date('011713','mmddrr')
ORDER BY a.item

Since you aren't doing any aggregation, you don't want a GROUP BY in your query. Are you really sure that you need the DISTINCT? People often throw that in haphazardly or add it when they are missing a join condition rather than considering whether it is really necessary to do the extra work to identify and remove duplicates.

RegEx to extract all matches from string using RegExp.exec

Use this...

var all_matches = your_string.match(re);

It will return an array of all matches...That would work just fine.... But remember it won't take groups in account..It will just return the full matches...

Changing default startup directory for command prompt in Windows 7

My default dir was system32 when starting CMD. I then created a batch file in that directory to change dir to the one I was after.

This caused me to always call that bat when starting CMD every time. So I made a reg file & put this inside:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]
"Autorun"="cd C:\\Users\\Me\\SomeFolder"

After saving it, I opened the file, clicked ok to merge with registry, and since then every time I open CMD, I get my dir

Unable to load Private Key. (PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:648:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY)

> I have a .key file which is PEM formatted private key file.
> ...
> Here's some asn1parse of the .key file...

That it appears OK with asn1parse leads me to believe its not PEM encoded.

Is there anything more I can try?

Because it appears to be ASN.1, try:

$ openssl rsa -in server.key -inform DER -modulus -noout

Notice the -inform DER to switch between encodings.

Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger

Based on the stacktrace, an intuit class needs a saml jar on the classpath.

A saml class org.opensaml.xml.XMLConfigurator needs on it's turn log4j, which is inside the WAR but cannot find it.

One explanation for this is that the class XMLConfigurator that needs log4j was found not inside the WAR but on a downstream classloader. could a saml jar be missing from the WAR?

The class XMLConfigurator that needs log4j cannot find it at the level of the classloader that loaded it, and the log4j version on the WAR is not visible on that particular classloader.

In order to troubleshoot this, a way is to add this before the oauth call:

System.out.println("all versions of log4j Logger: " + getClass().getClassLoader().getResources("org/apache/log4j/Logger.class") );

System.out.println("all versions of XMLConfigurator: " + getClass().getClassLoader().getResources("org/opensaml/xml/XMLConfigurator.class") );

System.out.println("all versions of XMLConfigurator visible from the classloader of the OAuthAuthorizer class: " + OAuthAuthorizer.class.getClassLoader().getResources("org/opensaml/xml/XMLConfigurator.class") );

System.out.println("all versions of log4j visible from the classloader of the OAuthAuthorizer class: " + OAuthAuthorizer.class.getClassloader().getResources("org/apache/log4j/Logger.class") );

Also if you are using Java 7, have a look at jHades, it's a tool I made to help troubleshooting these type of problems.

In order to see what is going on, could you post the results of the classpath queries above, for which container is this happening, tomcat, jetty? It would be better to put the full stacktrace with all the caused by's in pastebin, just in case.

Getting full JS autocompletion under Sublime Text

Ternjs is a new alternative for getting JS autocompletion.

Sublime Plugin

The most well-maintained Tern plugin for Sublime Text is called 'tern_for_sublime'

There is also an older plugin called 'TernJS'. It is unmaintained and contains several performance related bugs, that cause Sublime Text to crash, so avoid that.

Maven2: Best practice for Enterprise Project (EAR file)

This is a good example of the maven-ear-plugin part.

You can also check the maven archetypes that are available as an example. If you just runt mvn archetype:generate you'll get a list of available archetypes. One of them is


RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime

make sure has USE_TZ = True

In your python file:

from django.utils import timezone # use its value in model field

Python string to unicode

Decode it with the unicode-escape codec:

>>> a="Hello\u2026"
>>> a.decode('unicode-escape')
>>> print _

This is because for a non-unicode string the \u2026 is not recognised but is instead treated as a literal series of characters (to put it more clearly, 'Hello\\u2026'). You need to decode the escapes, and the unicode-escape codec can do that for you.

Note that you can get unicode to recognise it in the same way by specifying the codec argument:

>>> unicode(a, 'unicode-escape')

But the a.decode() way is nicer.

REST response code for invalid data

If the request could not be correctly parsed (including the request entity/body) the appropriate response is 400 Bad Request [1].

RFC 4918 states that 422 Unprocessable Entity is applicable when the request entity is syntactically well-formed, but semantically erroneous. So if the request entity is garbled (like a bad email format) use 400; but if it just doesn't make sense (like use 422.

If the issue is that, as stated in the question, user name/email already exists, you could use 409 Conflict [2] with a description of the conflict, and a hint about how to fix it (in this case, "pick a different user name/email"). However in the spec as written, 403 Forbidden [3] can also be used in this case, arguments about HTTP Authorization notwithstanding.

412 Precondition Failed [4] is used when a precondition request header (e.g. If-Match) that was supplied by the client evaluates to false. That is, the client requested something and supplied preconditions, knowing full well that those preconditions might fail. 412 should never be sprung on the client out of the blue, and shouldn't be related to the request entity per se.

Android sample bluetooth code to send a simple string via bluetooth

I made the following code so that even beginners can understand. Just copy the code and read comments. Note that message to be send is declared as a global variable which you can change just before sending the message. General changes can be done in Handler function.

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.Toast;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

public class multiplayerConnect extends AppCompatActivity {

public static final int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT=1;
ListView lv_paired_devices;
Set<BluetoothDevice> set_pairedDevices;
ArrayAdapter adapter_paired_devices;
BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter;
public static final UUID MY_UUID = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
public static final int MESSAGE_READ=0;
public static final int MESSAGE_WRITE=1;
public static final int CONNECTING=2;
public static final int CONNECTED=3;
public static final int NO_SOCKET_FOUND=4;

String bluetooth_message="00";

Handler mHandler=new Handler()
    public void handleMessage(Message msg_type) {

        switch (msg_type.what){
            case MESSAGE_READ:

                byte[] readbuf=(byte[])msg_type.obj;
                String string_recieved=new String(readbuf);

                //do some task based on recieved string

            case MESSAGE_WRITE:

                    ConnectedThread connectedThread=new ConnectedThread((BluetoothSocket)msg_type.obj);


            case CONNECTED:

            case CONNECTING:

            case NO_SOCKET_FOUND:
                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"No socket found",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {


public void start_accepting_connection()
    //call this on button click as suited by you

    AcceptThread acceptThread = new AcceptThread();
public void initialize_clicks()
    lv_paired_devices.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id)
            Object[] objects = set_pairedDevices.toArray();
            BluetoothDevice device = (BluetoothDevice) objects[position];

            ConnectThread connectThread = new ConnectThread(device);

            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"device choosen "+device.getName(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void initialize_layout()
    lv_paired_devices = (ListView)findViewById(;
    adapter_paired_devices = new ArrayAdapter(getApplicationContext(),R.layout.support_simple_spinner_dropdown_item);

public void initialize_bluetooth()
    bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
    if (bluetoothAdapter == null) {
        // Device doesn't support Bluetooth
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Your Device doesn't support bluetooth. you can play as Single player",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    //Add these permisions before
//        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
//        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
//        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
//        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

    if (!bluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {
        Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
        startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT);

    else {
        set_pairedDevices = bluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices();

        if (set_pairedDevices.size() > 0) {

            for (BluetoothDevice device : set_pairedDevices) {
                String deviceName = device.getName();
                String deviceHardwareAddress = device.getAddress(); // MAC address

                adapter_paired_devices.add(device.getName() + "\n" + device.getAddress());

public class AcceptThread extends Thread
    private final BluetoothServerSocket serverSocket;

    public AcceptThread() {
        BluetoothServerSocket tmp = null;
        try {
            // MY_UUID is the app's UUID string, also used by the client code
            tmp = bluetoothAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord("NAME",MY_UUID);
        } catch (IOException e) { }
        serverSocket = tmp;

    public void run() {
        BluetoothSocket socket = null;
        // Keep listening until exception occurs or a socket is returned
        while (true) {
            try {
                socket = serverSocket.accept();
            } catch (IOException e) {

            // If a connection was accepted
            if (socket != null)
                // Do work to manage the connection (in a separate thread)

private class ConnectThread extends Thread {
    private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
    private final BluetoothDevice mmDevice;

    public ConnectThread(BluetoothDevice device) {
        // Use a temporary object that is later assigned to mmSocket,
        // because mmSocket is final
        BluetoothSocket tmp = null;
        mmDevice = device;

        // Get a BluetoothSocket to connect with the given BluetoothDevice
        try {
            // MY_UUID is the app's UUID string, also used by the server code
            tmp = device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(MY_UUID);
        } catch (IOException e) { }
        mmSocket = tmp;

    public void run() {
        // Cancel discovery because it will slow down the connection

        try {
            // Connect the device through the socket. This will block
            // until it succeeds or throws an exception

        } catch (IOException connectException) {
            // Unable to connect; close the socket and get out
            try {
            } catch (IOException closeException) { }

        // Do work to manage the connection (in a separate thread)
//            bluetooth_message = "Initial message"
//            mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_WRITE,mmSocket).sendToTarget();

    /** Will cancel an in-progress connection, and close the socket */
    public void cancel() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) { }
private class ConnectedThread extends Thread {

    private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
    private final InputStream mmInStream;
    private final OutputStream mmOutStream;

    public ConnectedThread(BluetoothSocket socket) {
        mmSocket = socket;
        InputStream tmpIn = null;
        OutputStream tmpOut = null;

        // Get the input and output streams, using temp objects because
        // member streams are final
        try {
            tmpIn = socket.getInputStream();
            tmpOut = socket.getOutputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) { }

        mmInStream = tmpIn;
        mmOutStream = tmpOut;

    public void run() {
        byte[] buffer = new byte[2];  // buffer store for the stream
        int bytes; // bytes returned from read()

        // Keep listening to the InputStream until an exception occurs
        while (true) {
            try {
                // Read from the InputStream
                bytes =;
                // Send the obtained bytes to the UI activity
                mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_READ, bytes, -1, buffer).sendToTarget();

            } catch (IOException e) {

    /* Call this from the main activity to send data to the remote device */
    public void write(byte[] bytes) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) { }

    /* Call this from the main activity to shutdown the connection */
    public void cancel() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) { }


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:text="Challenge player"/>


        android:text="Make sure Device is paired"/>


How do I fix twitter-bootstrap on IE?

If you are using responsive layout, try including this js on your code:

Oracle "SQL Error: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1"

I had a similar error on my side when I was using JDBC in Java code.

According to this website (the second awnser) it suggest that you are trying to execute the query with a missing parameter.

For instance :

exec SomeStoredProcedureThatReturnsASite( :L_kSite );

You are trying to execute the query without the last parameter.

Maybe in SQLPlus it doesn't have the same requirements, so it might have been a luck that it worked there.

Remove all of x axis labels in ggplot

You have to set to element_blank() in theme() elements you need to remove

ggplot(data = diamonds, mapping = aes(x = clarity)) + geom_bar(aes(fill = cut))+

height style property doesn't work in div elements

Set positioning to absolute. That will solve the problem immediately, but might cause some problems in layout later. You can always figure out a way around them ;)



Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded

you can change the encryption of the password like this.

ALTER USER 'yourusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'youpassword';

Formatting doubles for output in C#

The answer to this is simple and can be found on MSDN

Remember that a floating-point number can only approximate a decimal number, and that the precision of a floating-point number determines how accurately that number approximates a decimal number. By default, a Double value contains 15 decimal digits of precision, although a maximum of 17 digits is maintained internally.

In your example, the value of i is 6.89999999999999946709 which has the number 9 for all positions between the 3rd and the 16th digit (remember to count the integer part in the digits). When converting to string, the framework rounds the number to the 15th digit.

i     = 6.89999999999999 946709
digit =           111111 111122
        1 23456789012345 678901

Xcode 6 Bug: Unknown class in Interface Builder file

You need to check the box "Inherit Module From Target" Checkbox

enter image description here

Change output format for MySQL command line results to CSV

mysqldump utility can help you, basically with --tab option it's a wrapped for SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement.


mysqldump -u root -p --tab=/tmp world Country --fields-enclosed-by='"' --fields-terminated-by="," --lines-terminated-by="\n" --no-create-info

This will create csv formatted file /tmp/Country.txt

What does it mean by command cd /d %~dp0 in Windows

Let's dissect it. There are three parts:

  1. cd -- This is change directory command.
  2. /d -- This switch makes cd change both drive and directory at once. Without it you would have to do cd %~d0 & cd %~p0. (%~d0 Changs active drive, cd %~p0 change the directory).
  3. %~dp0 -- This can be dissected further into three parts:
    1. %0 -- This represents zeroth parameter of your batch script. It expands into the name of the batch file itself.
    2. %~0 -- The ~ there strips double quotes (") around the expanded argument.
    3. %dp0 -- The d and p there are modifiers of the expansion. The d forces addition of a drive letter and the p adds full path.

All libraries must use the exact same version specification

My problem is similar to yours. Here exist an error!

compile ''

All libraries must use the exact same version specification (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes). Found versions 25.3.0, 24.0.0. Examples include '' and ''

Seeing this Examples include '' and ''

the just add these codes in dependencies, make sure that versions are same.

compile ''
compile ''

Android dex gives a BufferOverflowException when building

For the ones facing issue with IntelliJ IDEA 13, uninstall Build Tools 19.

Child with max-height: 100% overflows parent

Containers will already generally wrap their content nicely. It often doesn't work as well the other way around: children don't fill their ancestors nicely. So, set your width/height values on the inner-most element rather than the outer-most element, and let the outer elements wrap their contents.

.container {
    background: blue;
    padding: 10px;

img {
    display: block;
    max-height: 200px;
    max-width: 200px;

What does 'Unsupported major.minor version 52.0' mean, and how do I fix it?

Your code was compiled with Java 8.

Either compile your code with an older JDK (compliance level) or run it on a Java 8 JRE.

Hope this helps...

Broken references in Virtualenvs

It appears the proper way to resolve this issue is to run

 pip install --upgrade virtualenv

after you have upgraded python with Homebrew.

This should be a general procedure for any formula that installs something like python, which has it's own package management system. When you install brew install python, you install python and pip and easy_install and virtualenv and so on. So, if those tools can be self-updated, it's best to try to do so before looking to Homebrew as the source of problems.

Why does sudo change the PATH?

Er, it's not really a test if you don't add something to your path:

bill@bill-desktop:~$ ls -l /opt/pkg/bin
total 12
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   28 2009-01-22 18:58 foo
bill@bill-desktop:~$ which foo
bill@bill-desktop:~$ sudo su
root@bill-desktop:/home/bill# which foo

Android-java- How to sort a list of objects by a certain value within the object

It's very easy for Kotlin!

listToBeSorted.sortBy { it.distance }

How to read and write INI file with Python3?

Here's a complete read, update and write example.

Input file, test.ini

string_val = hello
bool_val = false
int_val = 11
pi_val = 3.14

Working code.

    from configparser import ConfigParser
except ImportError:
    from ConfigParser import ConfigParser  # ver. < 3.0

# instantiate
config = ConfigParser()

# parse existing file'test.ini')

# read values from a section
string_val = config.get('section_a', 'string_val')
bool_val = config.getboolean('section_a', 'bool_val')
int_val = config.getint('section_a', 'int_val')
float_val = config.getfloat('section_a', 'pi_val')

# update existing value
config.set('section_a', 'string_val', 'world')

# add a new section and some values
config.set('section_b', 'meal_val', 'spam')
config.set('section_b', 'not_found_val', '404')

# save to a file
with open('test_update.ini', 'w') as configfile:

Output file, test_update.ini

string_val = world
bool_val = false
int_val = 11
pi_val = 3.14

meal_val = spam
not_found_val = 404

The original input file remains untouched.

No suitable records were found verify your bundle identifier is correct

I got the error when uploading a React Native Expo bundle to Apple App Store Connect using Transporter. The problem was that I had transferred the app from my personal account to our company account but forgot to sign into our company account in Transporter.

Click the profile icon in the top right corner and sign in to the correct account that you are using in your bundle.

enter image description here

How do I determine the current operating system with Node.js

This Works fine for me

var osvar = process.platform;

if (osvar == 'darwin') {
    console.log("you are on a mac os");
}else if(osvar == 'win32'){
    console.log("you are on a windows os")
    console.log("unknown os")

functional way to iterate over range (ES6/7)

Here's an approach using generators:

function* square(n) {
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) yield i*i;

Then you can write


Another idea is:

[...Array(5)].map((_, i) => i*i)

Array(5) creates an unfilled five-element array. That's how Array works when given a single argument. We use the spread operator to create an array with five undefined elements. That we can then map. See

Alternatively, we could write

Array.from(Array(5)).map((_, i) => i*i)

or, we could take advantage of the second argument to Array#from to skip the map and write

Array.from(Array(5), (_, i) => i*i)

A horrible hack which I saw recently, which I do not recommend you use, is

[...1e4+''].map((_, i) => i*i)

Get Client Machine Name in PHP

What's this "other information"? An IP address?

In PHP, you use $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to get the IP address of the remote client, then you can use gethostbyaddr() to try and conver that IP into a hostname - but not all IPs have a reverse mapping configured.

How do you share constants in NodeJS modules?

I recommend doing it with webpack (assumes you're using webpack).

Defining constants is as simple as setting the webpack config file:

var webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new webpack.DefinePlugin({
            'APP_ENV': '"dev"',
            'process.env': {
                'NODE_ENV': '"development"'

This way you define them outside your source, and they will be available in all your files.

UITableview: How to Disable Selection for Some Rows but Not Others

For swift 4.0 This will do the trick. It will disable the Cell in didSelectRowAtIndexPath method but keep the subviews clickable.

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> IndexPath? {
         if (indexPath.row == clickableIndex ) { 
            return indexPath
            return nil

What is the difference between "screen" and "only screen" in media queries?

The following is from Adobe docs.

The media queries specification also provides the keyword only, which is intended to hide media queries from older browsers. Like not, the keyword must come at the beginning of the declaration. For example:

media="only screen and (min-width: 401px) and (max-width: 600px)"

Browsers that don't recognize media queries expect a comma-separated list of media types, and the specification says they should truncate each value immediately before the first nonalphanumeric character that isn't a hyphen. So, an old browser should interpret the preceding example as this:


Because there is no such media type as only, the stylesheet is ignored. Similarly, an old browser should interpret

media="screen and (min-width: 401px) and (max-width: 600px)"



In other words, it should apply the style rules to all screen devices, even though it doesn't know what the media queries mean.

Unfortunately, IE 6–8 failed to implement the specification correctly.

Instead of applying the styles to all screen devices, it ignores the style sheet altogether.

In spite of this behavior, it's still recommended to prefix media queries with only if you want to hide the styles from other, less common browsers.

So, using

media="only screen and (min-width: 401px)"


media="screen and (min-width: 401px)"

will have the same effect in IE6-8: both will prevent those styles from being used. They will, however, still be downloaded.

Also, in browsers that support CSS3 media queries, both versions will load the styles if the viewport width is larger than 401px and the media type is screen.

I'm not entirely sure which browsers that don't support CSS3 media queries would need the only version

media="only screen and (min-width: 401px)" 

as opposed to

media="screen and (min-width: 401px)"

to make sure it is not interpreted as


It would be a good test for someone with access to a device lab.

How to use the TextWatcher class in Android?

The TextWatcher interface has 3 callbacks methods which are all called in the following order when a change occurred to the text:

beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after)
  • Called before the changes have been applied to the text.
    The s parameter is the text before any change is applied.
    The start parameter is the position of the beginning of the changed part in the text.
    The count parameter is the length of the changed part in the s sequence since the start position.
    And the after parameter is the length of the new sequence which will replace the part of the s sequence from start to start+count.
    You must not change the text in the TextView from this method (by using myTextView.setText(String newText)).
onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count)`
  • Similar to the beforeTextChanged method but called after the text changes.
    The s parameter is the text after changes have been applied.
    The start parameter is the same as in the beforeTextChanged method.
    The count parameter is the after parameter in the beforeTextChanged method.
    And the before parameter is the count parameter in the beforeTextChanged method.
    You must not change the text in the TextView from this method (by using myTextView.setText(String newText)).
afterTextChanged(Editable s)
  • You can change the text in the TextView from this method.
    /!\ Warning: When you change the text in the TextView, the TextWatcher will be triggered again, starting an infinite loop. You should then add like a boolean _ignore property which prevent the infinite loop.
new TextWatcher() {
        boolean _ignore = false; // indicates if the change was made by the TextWatcher itself.

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
            if (_ignore)

            _ignore = true; // prevent infinite loop
            // Change your text here.
            // myTextView.setText(myNewText);
            _ignore = false; // release, so the TextWatcher start to listen again.

        // Other methods...


enter image description here

A ready to use class: TextViewListener

Personally, I made my custom text listener, which gives me the 4 parts in separate strings, which is, for me, much more intuitive to use.

   * Text view listener which splits the update text event in four parts:
   * <ul>
   *     <li>The text placed <b>before</b> the updated part.</li>
   *     <li>The <b>old</b> text in the updated part.</li>
   *     <li>The <b>new</b> text in the updated part.</li>
   *     <li>The text placed <b>after</b> the updated part.</li>
   * </ul>
   * Created by Jeremy B.
  public abstract class TextViewListener implements TextWatcher {
     * Unchanged sequence which is placed before the updated sequence.
    private String _before;
     * Updated sequence before the update.
    private String _old;
     * Updated sequence after the update.
    private String _new;
     * Unchanged sequence which is placed after the updated sequence.
    private String _after;
     * Indicates when changes are made from within the listener, should be omitted.
    private boolean _ignore = false;
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence sequence, int start, int count, int after) {
        _before = sequence.subSequence(0,start).toString();
        _old = sequence.subSequence(start, start+count).toString();
        _after = sequence.subSequence(start+count, sequence.length()).toString();
    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence sequence, int start, int before, int count) {
        _new = sequence.subSequence(start, start+count).toString();
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable sequence) {
        if (_ignore)
        onTextChanged(_before, _old, _new, _after);
     * Triggered method when the text in the text view has changed.
     * <br/>
     * You can apply changes to the text view from this method
     * with the condition to call {@link #startUpdates()} before any update,
     * and to call {@link #endUpdates()} after them.
     * @param before Unchanged part of the text placed before the updated part.
     * @param old Old updated part of the text.
     * @param aNew New updated part of the text?
     * @param after Unchanged part of the text placed after the updated part.
    protected abstract void onTextChanged(String before, String old, String aNew, String after);
     * Call this method when you start to update the text view, so it stops listening to it and then prevent an infinite loop.
     * @see #endUpdates()
    protected void startUpdates(){
        _ignore = true;
     * Call this method when you finished to update the text view in order to restart to listen to it.
     * @see #startUpdates()
    protected void endUpdates(){
        _ignore = false;


myEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextViewListener() {
        protected void onTextChanged(String before, String old, String aNew, String after) {
           // intuitive use of parameters
           String completeOldText = before + old + after;
           String completeNewText = before + aNew + after;
           // update TextView
            startUpdates(); // to prevent infinite loop.

convert string into array of integers

Just for fun I thought I'd throw a forEach(f()) solution in too.

var a=[];
"14 2".split(" ").forEach(function(e){a.push(parseInt(e,10))});

// a = [14,2]

React Hooks useState() with Object

I leave you a utility function to inmutably update objects

 * Inmutable update object
 * @param  {Object} oldObject     Object to update
 * @param  {Object} updatedValues Object with new values
 * @return {Object}               New Object with updated values
export const updateObject = (oldObject, updatedValues) => {
  return {

So you can use it like this

const MyComponent = props => {

  const [orderForm, setOrderForm] = useState({
    specialities: {
      elementType: "select",
      elementConfig: {
        options: [],
        label: "Specialities"
      touched: false

// I want to update the options list, to fill a select element

  // ---------- Update with fetched elements ---------- //

  const updateSpecialitiesData = data => {
    // Inmutably update elementConfig object. i.e label field is not modified
    const updatedOptions = updateObject(
        options: data
    // Inmutably update the relevant element.
    const updatedFormElement = updateObject(orderForm[formElementKey], {
      touched: true,
      elementConfig: updatedOptions
    // Inmutably update the relevant element in the state.
    const orderFormUpdated = updateObject(orderForm, {
      [formElementKey]: updatedFormElement

  useEffect(() => {
      // some code to fetch data
  }, [updateSpecialitiesData]);

// More component code

If not you have more utilities here :

Django Cookies, how can I set them?

Using Django's session framework should cover most scenarios, but Django also now provide direct cookie manipulation methods on the request and response objects (so you don't need a helper function).

Setting a cookie:

def view(request):
  response = HttpResponse('blah')
  response.set_cookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value')

Retrieving a cookie:

def view(request):
  value = request.COOKIES.get('cookie_name')
  if value is None:
    # Cookie is not set

  # OR

    value = request.COOKIES['cookie_name']
  except KeyError:
    # Cookie is not set

Read next word in java

You already get the next line in this line of your code:

 String line = sc.nextLine();  

To get the words of a line, I would recommend to use:

String[] words = line.split(" ");

How to get std::vector pointer to the raw data?

&something gives you the address of the std::vector object, not the address of the data it holds. &something.begin() gives you the address of the iterator returned by begin() (as the compiler warns, this is not technically allowed because something.begin() is an rvalue expression, so its address cannot be taken).

Assuming the container has at least one element in it, you need to get the address of the initial element of the container, which you can get via

  • &something[0] or &something.front() (the address of the element at index 0), or

  • &*something.begin() (the address of the element pointed to by the iterator returned by begin()).

In C++11, a new member function was added to std::vector: data(). This member function returns the address of the initial element in the container, just like &something.front(). The advantage of this member function is that it is okay to call it even if the container is empty.

Java, How to get number of messages in a topic in apache kafka

I had this same question and this is how I am doing it, from a KafkaConsumer, in Kotlin:

val messageCount = consumer.listTopics().entries.filter { it.key == topicName }
    .map { { topicInfo -> TopicPartition(topicInfo.topic(), topicInfo.partition()) }
    }.map { consumer.endOffsets(it).values.sum() - consumer.beginningOffsets(it).values.sum()}

Very rough code, as I just got this to work, but basically you want to subtract the topic's beginning offset from the ending offset and this will be the current message count for the topic.

You can't just rely on the end offset because of other configurations (cleanup policy, retention-ms, etc.) that may end up causing the deletion old messages from your topic. Offsets only "move" forward, so it is the beggining offset that will move forward closer to the end offset (or eventually to the same value, if the topic contains no message right now).

Basically the end offset represents the overall number of messages that went through that topic, and the difference between the two represent the number of messages that the topic contains right now.

What's the fastest way to read a text file line-by-line?

To find the fastest way to read a file line by line you will have to do some benchmarking. I have done some small tests on my computer but you cannot expect that my results apply to your environment.

Using StreamReader.ReadLine

This is basically your method. For some reason you set the buffer size to the smallest possible value (128). Increasing this will in general increase performance. The default size is 1,024 and other good choices are 512 (the sector size in Windows) or 4,096 (the cluster size in NTFS). You will have to run a benchmark to determine an optimal buffer size. A bigger buffer is - if not faster - at least not slower than a smaller buffer.

const Int32 BufferSize = 128;
using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
  using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8, true, BufferSize)) {
    String line;
    while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
      // Process line

The FileStream constructor allows you to specify FileOptions. For example, if you are reading a large file sequentially from beginning to end, you may benefit from FileOptions.SequentialScan. Again, benchmarking is the best thing you can do.

Using File.ReadLines

This is very much like your own solution except that it is implemented using a StreamReader with a fixed buffer size of 1,024. On my computer this results in slightly better performance compared to your code with the buffer size of 128. However, you can get the same performance increase by using a larger buffer size. This method is implemented using an iterator block and does not consume memory for all lines.

var lines = File.ReadLines(fileName);
foreach (var line in lines)
  // Process line

Using File.ReadAllLines

This is very much like the previous method except that this method grows a list of strings used to create the returned array of lines so the memory requirements are higher. However, it returns String[] and not an IEnumerable<String> allowing you to randomly access the lines.

var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i += 1) {
  var line = lines[i];
  // Process line

Using String.Split

This method is considerably slower, at least on big files (tested on a 511 KB file), probably due to how String.Split is implemented. It also allocates an array for all the lines increasing the memory required compared to your solution.

using (var streamReader = File.OpenText(fileName)) {
  var lines = streamReader.ReadToEnd().Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
  foreach (var line in lines)
    // Process line

My suggestion is to use File.ReadLines because it is clean and efficient. If you require special sharing options (for example you use FileShare.ReadWrite), you can use your own code but you should increase the buffer size.

Java generating Strings with placeholders

You won't need a library; if you are using a recent version of Java, have a look at String.format:

String.format("Hello %s!", "world");

Create an Array of Arraylists

I find this easier to use...

static ArrayList<Individual> group[];
void initializeGroup(int size)
 group=new ArrayList[size];
 for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
  group[i]=new ArrayList<Individual>();

My C# application is returning 0xE0434352 to Windows Task Scheduler but it is not crashing

In case it helps others, I got this error when the service the task was running at didn't have write permission to the executable location. It was attempting to write a log file there.

Jquery assiging class to th in a table

You had thead in your selector, but there is no thead in your table. Also you had your selectors backwards. As you mentioned above, you wanted to be adding the tr class to the th, not vice-versa (although your comment seems to contradict what you wrote up above).

$('tr th').each(function(index){     if($('tr td').eq(index).attr('class') != ''){         // get the class of the td         var tdClass = $('tr td').eq(index).attr('class');         // add it to this th         $(this).addClass(tdClass );     } }); 


Regular expression to match a dot

In your regex you need to escape the dot "\." or use it inside a character class "[.]", as it is a meta-character in regex, which matches any character.

Also, you need \w+ instead of \w to match one or more word characters.

Now, if you want the test.this content, then split is not what you need. split will split your string around the test.this. For example:

>>> re.split(r"\b\w+\.\w+@", s)
['blah blah blah ', ' blah blah']

You can use re.findall:

>>> re.findall(r'\w+[.]\w+(?=@)', s)   # look ahead
>>> re.findall(r'(\w+[.]\w+)@', s)     # capture group

Sqlite in chrome

Chrome supports WebDatabase API (which is powered by sqlite), but looks like W3C stopped its development.

Adding headers when using httpClient.GetAsync

Sometimes, you only need this code.

 httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("token", token);

Gson: Directly convert String to JsonObject (no POJO)

Try to use getAsJsonObject() instead of a straight cast used in the accepted answer:

JsonObject o = new JsonParser().parse("{\"a\": \"A\"}").getAsJsonObject();

Can I target all <H> tags with a single selector?

The new :is() CSS pseudo-class can do it in one selector:

:is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) {
  color: red;

TypeError: can't pickle _thread.lock objects

I had the same problem with Pool() in Python 3.6.3.

Error received: TypeError: can't pickle _thread.RLock objects

Let's say we want to add some number num_to_add to each element of some list num_list in parallel. The code is schematically like this:

class DataGenerator:
    def __init__(self, num_list, num_to_add)
        self.num_list = num_list # e.g. [4,2,5,7]
        self.num_to_add = num_to_add # e.g. 1 

    def run(self):
        new_num_list = Manager().list()

        pool = Pool(processes=50)
        results = [pool.apply_async(run_parallel, (num, new_num_list)) 
                      for num in num_list]
        roots = [r.get() for r in results]

    def run_parallel(self, num, shared_new_num_list):
        new_num = num + self.num_to_add # uses class parameter

The problem here is that self in function run_parallel() can't be pickled as it is a class instance. Moving this parallelized function run_parallel() out of the class helped. But it's not the best solution as this function probably needs to use class parameters like self.num_to_add and then you have to pass it as an argument.


def run_parallel(num, shared_new_num_list, to_add): # to_add is passed as an argument
    new_num = num + to_add

class DataGenerator:
    def __init__(self, num_list, num_to_add)
        self.num_list = num_list # e.g. [4,2,5,7]
        self.num_to_add = num_to_add # e.g. 1

    def run(self):
        new_num_list = Manager().list()

        pool = Pool(processes=50)
        results = [pool.apply_async(run_parallel, (num, new_num_list, self.num_to_add)) # num_to_add is passed as an argument
                      for num in num_list]
        roots = [r.get() for r in results]

Other suggestions above didn't help me.

What does "opt" mean (as in the "opt" directory)? Is it an abbreviation?

It is an abbreviation for 'optional' , used for optional software in some distros.


I am developing an app to version 2.2, API version would in the 8th ... had the same error and the error told me it was to google maps API, all we did was change my ADV for my project API 2.2 and also for the API.

This worked for me and found the library API needed.

PHPExcel auto size column width

In case somebody was looking for this.

The resolution below also works on PHPSpreadsheet, their new version of PHPExcel.

// assuming $spreadsheet is instance of PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet
// assuming $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
foreach(range('A',$worksheet->getHighestColumn()) as $column) {

Note: getHighestColumn() can be replaced with getHighestDataColumn() or the last actual column.

What these methods do:

getHighestColumn($row = null) - Get highest worksheet column.

getHighestDataColumn($row = null) - Get highest worksheet column that contains data.

getHighestRow($column = null) - Get highest worksheet row

getHighestDataRow($column = null) - Get highest worksheet row that contains data.

How to manually install an artifact in Maven 2?

You need to indicate the groupId, the artifactId and the version for your artifact:

mvn install:install-file \
  -DgroupId=javax.transaction \
  -DartifactId=jta \
  -Dpackaging=jar \
  -Dversion=1.0.1B \
  -Dfile=jta-1.0.1B.jar \

How do I parse JSON into an int?

It depends on the property type that you are parsing.

If the json property is a number (e.g. 5) you can cast to Long directly, so you could do:

(long) jsonObj.get("id") // with id = 5, cast `5` to long 

After getting the long,you could cast again to int, resulting in:

(int) (long) jsonObj.get("id")

If the json property is a number with quotes (e.g. "5"), is is considered a string, and you need to do something similar to Integer.parseInt() or Long.parseLong();

Integer.parseInt(jsonObj.get("id")) // with id = "5", convert "5" to Long

The only issue is, if you sometimes receive id's a string or as a number (you cant predict your client's format or it does it interchangeably), you might get an exception, especially if you use parseInt/Long on a null json object.

If not using Java Generics, the best way to deal with these runtime exceptions that I use is:

if(jsonObj.get("id") == null) {
   // do something here

int id;
    id = Integer.parseInt(jsonObj.get("id").toString());
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
  // handle here

You could also remove that first if and add the exception to the catch. Hope this helps.

Device not detected in Eclipse when connected with USB cable

ok this is an old thread -
but I spent nearly two days and did not get anywhere
Here is what solved my problem
I had USB debugging enabled ( finding developer options itself was a pain - I think the 7 times tap from google is childish and just plain stupid - rant over )

However HTC syn manager , eclipse ADT and windows computer management were all unable to identify my device

My problem was my phone was set to ONLY USB Charge - this was the problem In 'USB Computer connection' >> Choose the option USB Storage Once you do this - PC will install drivers and your device will get detected by Eclipse as well as in 'Computer Management' under ''Android USB devices '

Now I still dont know a way to access ''USB Computer connection' but at that time I did get the option to change and t worked

For those ( like me earlier ) who dont know how to identify if 'Computer Management' shows their device look for 'Android USB devices ' If its present - then your device is being detected by your PC

Hope this helps some others

Creating an empty Pandas DataFrame, then filling it?

Here's a couple of suggestions:

Use date_range for the index:

import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

todays_date =
index = pd.date_range(todays_date-datetime.timedelta(10), periods=10, freq='D')

columns = ['A','B', 'C']

Note: we could create an empty DataFrame (with NaNs) simply by writing:

df_ = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns)
df_ = df_.fillna(0) # with 0s rather than NaNs

To do these type of calculations for the data, use a numpy array:

data = np.array([np.arange(10)]*3).T

Hence we can create the DataFrame:

In [10]: df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns)

In [11]: df
            A  B  C
2012-11-29  0  0  0
2012-11-30  1  1  1
2012-12-01  2  2  2
2012-12-02  3  3  3
2012-12-03  4  4  4
2012-12-04  5  5  5
2012-12-05  6  6  6
2012-12-06  7  7  7
2012-12-07  8  8  8
2012-12-08  9  9  9

ReactJS - Does render get called any time "setState" is called?

Even though it's stated in many of the other answers here, the component should either:

  • implement shouldComponentUpdate to render only when state or properties change

  • switch to extending a PureComponent, which already implements a shouldComponentUpdate method internally for shallow comparisons.

Here's an example that uses shouldComponentUpdate, which works only for this simple use case and demonstration purposes. When this is used, the component no longer re-renders itself on each click, and is rendered when first displayed, and after it's been clicked once.

var TimeInChild = React.createClass({_x000D_
    render: function() {_x000D_
        var t = new Date().getTime();_x000D_
        return (_x000D_
            <p>Time in child:{t}</p>_x000D_
var Main = React.createClass({_x000D_
    onTest: function() {_x000D_
    shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) {_x000D_
      if (this.state == null)_x000D_
        return true;_x000D_
      if (this.state.test == nextState.test)_x000D_
        return false;_x000D_
      return true;_x000D_
    render: function() {_x000D_
        var currentTime = new Date().getTime();_x000D_
        return (_x000D_
            <div onClick={this.onTest}>_x000D_
            <p>Time in main:{currentTime}</p>_x000D_
            <p>Click me to update time</p>_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<Main/>, document.body);
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

how to display a javascript var in html body

Use document.write().

  <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
    var number = 123;_x000D_
      the value for number is:_x000D_
      <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_

Pass in an enum as a method parameter

If you want to pass in the value to use, you have to use the enum type you declared and directly use the supplied value:

public string CreateFile(string id, string name, string description,
              /* --> */  SupportedPermissions supportedPermissions)
    file = new File
        Name = name,
        Id = id,
        Description = description,
        SupportedPermissions = supportedPermissions // <---

    return file.Id;

If you instead want to use a fixed value, you don't need any parameter at all. Instead, directly use the enum value. The syntax is similar to a static member of a class:

public string CreateFile(string id, string name, string description) // <---
    file = new File
        Name = name,
        Id = id,
        Description = description,
        SupportedPermissions = SupportedPermissions.basic // <---

    return file.Id;

How to select data from 30 days?

For those who could not get DATEADD to work, try this instead: ( NOW( ) - INTERVAL 1 MONTH )

How to pass multiple arguments in processStartInfo?

For makecert, your startInfo.FileName should be the complete path of makecert (or just makecert.exe if it's in standard path) then the Arguments would be -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer now I'm bit unfamiliar with how certificate store works, but perhaps you'll need to set startInfo.WorkingDirectory if you're referring the .cer files outside the certificate store

HttpGet with HTTPS : SSLPeerUnverifiedException

Using HttpClient 3.x, you need to do this:

Protocol easyHttps = new Protocol("https", new EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443);
Protocol.registerProtocol("https", easyHttps);

An implementation of EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory can be found here.

How do I get the APK of an installed app without root access?

List PackageManager.getInstalledApplications() will give you a list of the installed applications, and ApplicationInfo.sourceDir is the path to the .apk file.

// in oncreate
   PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); 
   for (ApplicationInfo app : pm.getInstalledApplications(0)) {
 Log.d("PackageList", "package: " + app.packageName + ", sourceDir: " + app.sourceDir);

//output is something like
D/PackageList(5010): package: com.example.xmlparse, sourceDir: /data/app   /com.example.xmlparse-2.apk
D/PackageList(5010): package:, sourceDir: /data/app/
D/PackageList(5010): package: com.facebook.katana, sourceDir: /data/app/com.facebook.katana-1.apk
D/PackageList(5010): package: com.facebook.samples.profilepicture, sourceDir: /data/app/com.facebook.samples.profilepicture-1.apk
D/PackageList(5010): package: com.facebook.samples.sessionlogin, sourceDir: /data/app/com.facebook.samples.sessionlogin-1.apk
D/PackageList(5010): package: com.fitworld, sourceDir: /data/app/com.fitworld-2.apk
D/PackageList(5010): package:, sourceDir: /data/app/
D/PackageList(5010): package:, sourceDir: /system/app/FmmDM.apk
D/PackageList(5010): package: com.fmm.ds, sourceDir: /system/app/FmmDS.apk

Run a Docker image as a container

Here is an example to run a webdev service in Docker. The image's name is morrisjobke/webdav. You can pull it from Docker Hub.

After you run these images, you can then access the WebDAV instance at http://localhost:8888/webdav. Internally the folder /var/webdav is used as the WebDAV root.

You can run this container in the following way:

$ docker run -d -e USERNAME=test -e PASSWORD=test -p 8888:80 morrisjobke/webdav

Converting Swagger specification JSON to HTML documentation

Give a look at this link :

  1. Download phar file
  2. Install Composer
  3. Make composer.json
  4. Clone swagger-php/library
  5. Clone swagger-ui/library
  6. Make Resource and Model php classes for the API
  7. Execute the PHP file to generate the json
  8. Give path of json in api-doc.json
  9. Give path of api-doc.json in index.php inside swagger-ui dist folder

If you need another help please feel free to ask.

How can I copy data from one column to another in the same table?

This will update all the rows in that columns if safe mode is not enabled.

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;

If safe mode is enabled then you will need to use a where clause. I use primary key as greater than 0 basically all will be updated

UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA where table.column>0;

Replace Both Double and Single Quotes in Javascript String

You don't escape quotes in regular expressions

this.Vals.replace(/["']/g, "")

How to make the HTML link activated by clicking on the <li>?

jqyery this is another version with jquery a little less shorter. assuming that the <a> element is inside de <li> element


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:failed resolution of :Lorg/apache/http/ProtocolVersion

To run org.apache.http.legacy perfectely in Android 9.0 Pie create an xml file res/xml/network_security_config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
        <certificates src="system" />

And add 2 tags tag in your AndroidManifest.xml

android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" android:name="org.apache.http.legacy"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <application android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config">

Also add useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' in your app build gradle

android {
compileSdkVersion 28
defaultConfig {
    applicationId "your application id"
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 28
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"
    testInstrumentationRunner ""
    useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'

How to remove unused imports in Intellij IDEA on commit?

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio:

Android optimize imports

Go to Settings > Editor > General >Auto Import and check the Optimize imports on the fly checkbox.

How can I scale an entire web page with CSS?

I have the following code that scales the entire page through CSS properties. The important thing is to set to the inverse of the zoom to avoid horizontal scrolling. You must also set transform-origin to top left to keep the top left of the document at the top left of the window.

        var zoom = 1;
        var width = 100;

        function bigger() {
            zoom = zoom + 0.1;
            width = 100 / zoom;
   = "left top";
   = "scale(" + zoom + ")";
   = width + "%";
        function smaller() {
            zoom = zoom - 0.1;
            width = 100 / zoom;
   = "left top";
   = "scale(" + zoom + ")";
   = width + "%";

SQL, How to convert VARCHAR to bigint?

I think your code is right. If you run the following code it converts the string '60' which is treated as varchar and it returns integer 60, if there is integer containing string in second it works.

select CONVERT(bigint,'60') as seconds 

and it returns


Unable to read data from the transport connection : An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

Had a similar problem and was getting the following errors depending on what app I used and if we bypassed the firewall / load balancer or not:

HTTPS handshake to [blah] (for #136) failed. System.IO.IOException Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host


ReadResponse() failed: The server did not return a complete response for this request. Server returned 0 bytes.

The problem turned out to be that the SSL Server Certificate got missed and wasn't installed on a couple servers.

Specific Time Range Query in SQL Server

I'm assuming you want all three of those as part of the selection criteria. You'll need a few statements in your where but they will be similar to the link your question contained.

  FROM MyTable
  WHERE [dateColumn] > '3/1/2009' AND [dateColumn] <= DATEADD(day,1,'3/31/2009') 
        --make it inclusive for a datetime type
    AND DATEPART(hh,[dateColumn]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hh,[dateColumn]) <= 22 
        -- gets the hour of the day from the datetime
    AND DATEPART(dw,[dateColumn]) >= 3 AND DATEPART(dw,[dateColumn]) <= 5 
        -- gets the day of the week from the datetime

Hope this helps.

JSON library for C#

To answer your first question, Microsoft does ship a DataContractJsonSerializer: see msdn How to: Serialize and Deserialize JSON Data

How do I implement charts in Bootstrap?

Definitely late to the party; anyway, for those interested, picking up on Lan's mention of HTML5 canvas, you can use gRaphaël Charting which has a MIT License (instead of HighCharts dual license). It's not Bootstrap-specific either, so it's more of a general suggestion.

I have to admit that HighCharts demos seem very pretty, and I have to warn that gRaphaël is quite hard to understand before becoming proficient with it. Anyway you can easily add nice features to your gRaphaël charts (say, tooltips or zooming effects), so it may be worth the effort.

Make selected block of text uppercase

I'm using the change-case extension and it works fine. I defined the shortcuts:

  "key": "ctrl+shift+u", 
  "command": "extension.changeCase.upper", 
  "when": "editorTextFocus" 
  "key": "ctrl+u",
  "command": "extension.changeCase.lower", 
  "when": "editorTextFocus" 

How to copy marked text in notepad++

Try this instead:

First, fix the line ending problem: (Notepad++ doesn't allow multi-line regular expressions)

Search [Extended Mode]: \r\n> (Or your own system's line endings)

Replace: >


Search [Regex Mode]: <option[^>]+value="([^"]+)"[^>]*>.*

(if you want all occurences of value rather than just the options, simple remove the leading option)

Replace: \1

Explanation of the second regular expression:

<option[^>]+     Find a < followed by "option" followed by 
                 at least one character which is not a >

value="          Find the string value="

([^"]+)          Find one or more characters which are not a " and save them
                 to group \1

"[^>]*>.*        Find a " followed by zero or more non-'>' characters
                 followed by a > followed by zero or more characters.

Yes, it's parsing HTML with a regex -- these warnings apply -- check the output carefully.

Pure JavaScript: a function like jQuery's isNumeric()

var str = 'test343',
    isNumeric = /^[-+]?(\d+|\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)$/;


Center a position:fixed element

I just use something like this:

.c-dialogbox {
    --width:  56rem;
    --height: 32rem;

    position: fixed;

    width:  var(--width);
    height: var(--height);
    left:   calc( ( 100% - var(--width) ) / 2 );
    right:  calc( ( 100% - var(--width) ) / 2 );
    top:    calc( ( 100% - var(--height) ) / 2 );
    bottom: calc( ( 100% - var(--height) ) / 2 );

It centers the dialog box both horizontally and vertically for me, and I can use different width and height to fit different screen resolutions to make it responsive, with media queries.

Not an option if you still need to provide support for browsers where CSS custom properties or calc() are not supported (check on caniuse.)

How to write multiple line string using Bash with variables?

Below mechanism helps in redirecting multiple lines to file. Keep complete string under " so that we can redirect values of the variable.

echo "line 1, ${kernel}
line 2," > a.txt
echo 'line 2, ${kernel}
line 2,' > b.txt

Content of a.txt is

line 1, 2.6.39
line 2,

Content of b.txt is

line 2, ${kernel}
line 2,

How do I restart my C# WinForm Application?

I wanted the new application start up after the old one shuts down.

Using process.WaitForExit() to wait for your own process to shutdown makes no sense. It will always time out.

So, my approach is to use Application.Exit() then wait, but allow events to be processed, for a period of time. Then start a new application with the same arguments as the old.

static void restartApp() {
    string commandLineArgs = getCommandLineArgs();
    string exePath = Application.ExecutablePath;
    try {
        wait_allowingEvents( 1000 );
    } catch( ArgumentException ex ) {
    Process.Start( exePath, commandLineArgs );

static string getCommandLineArgs() {
    Queue<string> args = new Queue<string>( Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() );
    args.Dequeue(); // args[0] is always exe path/filename
    return string.Join( " ", args.ToArray() );

static void wait_allowingEvents( int durationMS ) {
    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
    do {
    } while( start.Subtract( DateTime.Now ).TotalMilliseconds > durationMS );

Help with packages in java - import does not work

You got a bunch of good answers, so I'll just throw out a suggestion. If you are going to be working on this project for more than 2 days, download eclipse or netbeans and build your project in there.

If you are not normally a java programmer, then the help it will give you will be invaluable.

It's not worth the 1/2 hour download/install if you are only spending 2 hours on it.

Both have hotkeys/menu items to "Fix imports", with this you should never have to worry about imports again.

How do I download a file using VBA (without Internet Explorer)

Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" _
(ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long

Sub Example()
    DownloadFile$ = "someFile.ext" 'here the name with extension
    URL$ = "http://some.web.address/" & DownloadFile 'Here is the web address
    LocalFilename$ = "C:\Some\Path" & DownloadFile !OR! CurrentProject.Path & "\" & DownloadFile 'here the drive and download directory
    MsgBox "Download Status : " & URLDownloadToFile(0, URL, LocalFilename, 0, 0) = 0
End Sub


I found the above when looking for downloading from FTP with username and address in URL. Users supply information and then make the calls.

This was helpful because our organization has Kaspersky AV which blocks active FTP.exe, but not web connections. We were unable to develop in house with ftp.exe and this was our solution. Hope this helps other looking for info!

How to change the color of an svg element?

Actually, there is a quite more flexible solution to this problem: writing a Web Component which will patch SVG as text in runtime. Also published in gist with a link to JSFiddle

filter: invert(42%) sepia(93%) saturate(1352%) hue-rotate(87deg) brightness(119%) contrast(119%);


  <title>SVG with color</title>

    (function () {
      const createSvg = (color = '#ff9933') => `
          <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="76px" height="22px" viewBox="-0.5 -0.5 76 22">
                <ellipse cx="5" cy="10" rx="5" ry="5" fill="#ff9933" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/>
                <ellipse cx="70" cy="10" rx="5" ry="5" fill="#ff9933" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/>
                <path d="M 9.47 12.24 L 17.24 16.12 Q 25 20 30 13 L 32.5 9.5 Q 35 6 40 9 L 42.5 10.5 Q 45 12 50 6 L 52.5 3 Q 55 0 60.73 3.23 L 66.46 6.46" fill="none" stroke="#ff9933" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/>

      function SvgWithColor() {
        const div = Reflect.construct(HTMLElement, [], SvgWithColor);
        const color = div.hasAttribute('color') ? div.getAttribute('color') : 'cyan';
        div.innerHTML = createSvg(color);
        return div;

      SvgWithColor.prototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
      customElements.define('svg-with-color', SvgWithColor);

      document.body.innerHTML += `<svg-with-color




How to add external fonts to android application

You can use the custom TextView for whole app with custom font here is an example for that

public class MyTextView extends TextView {

   Typeface normalTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(), Constants.FONT_REGULAR);
   Typeface boldTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(),  Constants.FONT_BOLD);

   public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
       super(context, attrs, defStyle);

   public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
       super(context, attrs);

   public MyTextView(Context context) {

   public void setTypeface(Typeface tf, int style) {
       if (style == Typeface.BOLD) {
           super.setTypeface(boldTypeface/*, -1*/);
       } else {
           super.setTypeface(normalTypeface/*, -1*/);

Communication between tabs or windows

There's a tiny open-source component to sync/communicate between tabs/windows of the same origin (disclaimer - I'm one of the contributors!) based around localStorage.

TabUtils.BroadcastMessageToAllTabs("eventName", eventDataString);

TabUtils.OnBroadcastMessage("eventName", function (eventDataString) {

TabUtils.CallOnce("lockname", function () {
    alert("I run only once across multiple tabs");

P.S. I took the liberty to recommend it here since most of the "lock/mutex/sync" components fail on websocket connections when events happen almost simultaneously

Angular 2.0 and Modal Dialog

Here's a pretty decent example of how you can use the Bootstrap modal within an Angular2 app on GitHub.

The gist of it is that you can wrap the bootstrap html and jquery initialization in a component. I've created a reusable modal component that allows you to trigger an open using a template variable.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" (click)="">Open me!</button>

<modal #modal>
    <modal-header [show-close]="true">
        <h4 class="modal-title">I'm a modal!</h4>
        Hello World!
    <modal-footer [show-default-buttons]="true"></modal-footer>

You just need to install the npm package and register the modal module in your app module:

import { Ng2Bs3ModalModule } from 'ng2-bs3-modal/ng2-bs3-modal';

    imports: [Ng2Bs3ModalModule]
export class MyAppModule {}

ASP.NET MVC How to pass JSON object from View to Controller as Parameter

You say "I am not using a forms to manipulate the data." But you are doing a POST. Therefore, you are, in fact, using a form, even if it's empty.

$.ajax's dataType tells jQuery what type the server will return, not what you are passing. POST can only pass a form. jQuery will convert data to key/value pairs and pass it as a query string. From the docs:

Data to be sent to the server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string. It's appended to the url for GET-requests. See processData option to prevent this automatic processing. Object must be Key/Value pairs. If value is an Array, jQuery serializes multiple values with same key i.e. {foo:["bar1", "bar2"]} becomes '&foo=bar1&foo=bar2'.


  1. You aren't passing JSON to the server. You're passing JSON to jQuery.
  2. Model binding happens in the same way it happens in any other case.

Ruby value of a hash key?

This question seems to be ambiguous.

I'll try with my interpretation of the request.

def do_something(data)
   puts "Found! #{data}"

a = { 'x' => 'test', 'y' => 'foo', 'z' => 'bar' }
a.each { |key,value| do_something(value) if key == 'x' }

This will loop over all the key,value pairs and do something only if the key is 'x'.

How to change Tkinter Button state from disabled to normal?

I think a quick way to change the options of a widget is using the configure method.

In your case, it would look like this:


Return a value if no rows are found in Microsoft tSQL

I liked James Jenkins reply with the ISNULL check, but I think he meant IFNULL. ISNULL does not have a second parameter like his syntax, but IFNULL has the second parameter after the expression being checked to substitute if a NULL is found.

How to execute IN() SQL queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate effectively?

Refer to here

write query with named parameter, use simple ListPreparedStatementSetter with all parameters in sequence. Just add below snippet to convert the query in traditional form based to available parameters,

ParsedSql parsedSql = NamedParameterUtils.parseSqlStatement(namedSql);

List<Integer> parameters = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (A a : paramBeans)

MapSqlParameterSource parameterSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameterSource.addValue("placeholder1", parameters);
// create SQL with ?'s
String sql = NamedParameterUtils.substituteNamedParameters(parsedSql, parameterSource);     
return sql;

HttpClient does not exist in .net 4.0: what can I do?

Referring to the answers above, I am only adding this to help clarify things. It is possible to use HttpClient from .Net 4.0, and you have to install the package from here

However, the text is very confusion and contradicts itself.

This package is not supported in Visual Studio 2010, and is only required for projects targeting .NET Framework 4.5, Windows 8, or Windows Phone 8.1 when consuming a library that uses this package.

But underneath it states that these are the supported platforms.

Supported Platforms:

  • .NET Framework 4

  • Windows 8

  • Windows Phone 8.1

  • Windows Phone Silverlight 7.5

  • Silverlight 4

  • Portable Class Libraries

Ignore what it ways about targeting .Net 4.5. This is wrong. The package is all about using HttpClient in .Net 4.0. However, you may need to use VS2012 or higher. Not sure if it works in VS2010, but that may be worth testing.

How does autowiring work in Spring?

Spring dependency inject help you to remove coupling from your classes. Instead of creating object like this:

UserService userService = new UserServiceImpl();

You will be using this after introducing DI:

private UserService userService;

For achieving this you need to create a bean of your service in your ServiceConfiguration file. After that you need to import that ServiceConfiguration class to your WebApplicationConfiguration class so that you can autowire that bean into your Controller like this:

public class AccController {

    private UserService userService;

You can find a java configuration based POC here example.

Typescript: Type X is missing the following properties from type Y length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more. [2740]

I got the same error message on GraphQL mutation input object then I found the problem, Actually in my case mutation expecting an object array as input but I'm trying to insert a single object as input. For example:

First try

const mutationName = await apolloClient.mutate<insert_mutation, insert_mutationVariables>({
      mutation: MUTATION,
      variables: {
        objects: {id: 1, name: "John Doe"},

Corrected mutation call as an array

const mutationName = await apolloClient.mutate<insert_mutation, insert_mutationVariables>({
      mutation: MUTATION,
      variables: {
        objects: [{id: 1, name: "John Doe"}],

Sometimes simple mistakes like this can cause the problems. Hope this'll help someone.

How can I create a keystore?

This tutorial:

was very helpful for me the first time I had to create a keystore. It is simple but the instructions on are a little too brief.

The part I was unsure about was where to save and what name to give the keystore file.

I seems it doesn't matter where you put it just be sure to keep it safe and keep a number of backups. I just put it in my app directory

Name the file "something.keystore" where something can be whatever you want. I used app_name.keystore, where app_name was the name of my app.

The next part was what to name the alias. Again it doesn't seem to matter so again I just used the app_name again. Keep the passwords the same as you used before. Fill out the rest of the fields and you are done.

Git copy changes from one branch to another

This is 2 step process

  • git checkout BranchB ( destination branch is BranchB, so we need the head on this branch)
  • git merge BranchA (it will merge BranchB with BranchA. Here you have merged code in branch B)

If you want to push your branch code to remote repo then do

  • git push origin master (it will push your BranchB code to remote repo)

Using multiple delimiters in awk

Perl one-liner:

perl -F'/[\/=]/' -lane 'print "$F[2]\t$F[4]\t$F[7]"' file

These command-line options are used:

  • -n loop around every line of the input file, put the line in the $_ variable, do not automatically print every line

  • -l removes newlines before processing, and adds them back in afterwards

  • -a autosplit mode – perl will automatically split input lines into the @F array. Defaults to splitting on whitespace

  • -F autosplit modifier, in this example splits on either / or =

  • -e execute the perl code

Perl is closely related to awk, however, the @F autosplit array starts at index $F[0] while awk fields start with $1.

Android set bitmap to Imageview

    //decode base64 string to image
    imageBytes = Base64.decode(encodedImage, Base64.DEFAULT);
    Bitmap decodedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.length);

  //setImageBitmap is imp

How to remove all numbers from string?

Use Predefined Character Ranges

echo $words= preg_replace('/[[:digit:]]/','', $words);

Connection failed: SQLState: '01000' SQL Server Error: 10061

I had the same error which was coming and dont need to worry about this error, just restart the server and restart the SQL services. This issue comes when there is low disk space issue and system will go into hung state and then the sql services will stop automatically.

jquery fill dropdown with json data

In most of the companies they required a common functionality for multiple dropdownlist for all the pages. Just call the functions or pass your (DropDownID,JsonData,KeyValue,textValue)




        var data = [{"stateid" : "1","statename" : "Mumbai"},
                    {"stateid" : "2","statename" : "Panjab"},
                    {"stateid" : "3","statename" : "Pune"},
                     {"stateid" : "4","statename" : "Nagpur"},
                     {"stateid" : "5","statename" : "kanpur"}];

        var Did=document.getElementById("DLState");

        function GetData(Did,data,valkey,textkey){
          var str= "";
          for (var i = 0; i <data.length ; i++){


            str+= "<option value='" + data[i][valkey] + "'>" + data[i][textkey] + "</option>";

        };    </script>

  <select id="DLState">

How to generate a range of numbers between two numbers?

Here is a generic and relatively fast solution that outputs integers from 1 to @n. It works with any positive integer of @n (very large numbers will cause arithmetic overflow) without needing to add or remove table joins. It doesn't require the use of system tables nor do you to change max recursions.

declare @n int = 10000 

;with d as (select * from (values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) x (d)),
n as ( 
    select d x from d where d > 0 and d <= @n
    union all
    select x * 10 + d from n, d where x * 10 + d <= @n
select x from n 

You can add an order by clause to sort the numbers.

Minimum and maximum value of z-index?

It depends on the browser (although the latest version of all browsers should max out at 2147483638), as does the browser's reaction when the maximum is exceeded.

How to change port for jenkins window service when 8080 is being used

You should follow 2 steps:

  1. This step can be followed by running the cmd in the specific folder location where there will be .war file. This step helpful as Jenkins needs some disk space to perform builds and keep archives.

    set JENKINS_HOME=c:\folder\Jenkins
  2. This step will be helpful to change the port number, and works can be performed accordingly.

    java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=8585

Calling C++ class methods via a function pointer

I came here to learn how to create a function pointer (not a method pointer) from a method but none of the answers here provide a solution. Here is what I came up with:

template <class T> struct MethodHelper;
template <class C, class Ret, class... Args> struct MethodHelper<Ret (C::*)(Args...)> {
    using T = Ret (C::*)(Args...);
    template <T m> static Ret call(C* object, Args... args) {
        return (object->*m)(args...);

#define METHOD_FP(m) MethodHelper<decltype(m)>::call<m>

So for your example you would now do:

Dog dog;
using BarkFunction = void (*)(Dog*);
BarkFunction bark = METHOD_FP(&Dog::bark);
(*bark)(&dog); // or simply bark(&dog)

Using C++17, there is an even better solution:

template <auto m> struct MethodHelper;
template <class C, class Ret, class... Args, Ret (C::*m)(Args...)> struct MethodHelper<m> {
    static Ret call(C* object, Args... args) {
        return (object->*m)(args...);

which can be used directly without the macro:

Dog dog;
using BarkFunction = void (*)(Dog*);
BarkFunction bark = MethodHelper<&Dog::bark>::call;
(*bark)(&dog); // or simply bark(&dog)

For methods with modifiers like const you might need some more specializations like:

template <class C, class Ret, class... Args, Ret (C::*m)(Args...) const> struct MethodHelper<m> {
    static Ret call(const C* object, Args... args) {
        return (object->*m)(args...);

Attach event to dynamic elements in javascript

var __ = function(){
    this.context  = [];
    var self = this;
    this.selector = function( _elem, _sel ){
        return _elem.querySelectorAll( _sel );
          this.on = function( _event, _element, _function ){
              this.context = self.selector( document, _element );
              document.addEventListener( _event, function(e){
                  var elem =;
                  while ( elem != null ) {
                      if( "#" == _element || self.isClass( elem, _element ) || self.elemEqal( elem ) ){
                          _function( e, elem );
                      elem = elem.parentElement;
              }, false );

     this.isClass = function( _elem, _class ){
        var names = _elem.className.trim().split(" ");
        for( = 0; < names.length; ){
            names[] = "."+names[];
        return names.indexOf( _class ) != -1 ? true : false;

    this.elemEqal = function( _elem ){
        var flg = false;
        for( = 0; < this.context.length; ){
            if( this.context[] === _elem && !flg ){
                flg = true;
        return flg;


    function _( _sel_string ){
        var new_selc = new __( _sel_string );
        return new_selc;

Now you can register event like,

_( document ).on( "click", "#brnPrepend", function( _event, _element ){
      console.log( _event );
      console.log( _element );
      // Todo


Browser Support

chrome - 4.0, Edge - 9.0, Firefox - 3.5 Safari - 3.2, Opera - 10.0 and above

Get form data in ReactJS

More clear example with es6 destructing

class Form extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            login: null,
            password: null,
            email: null

    onChange(e) {

    onSubmit(e) {
        let login = this.state.login;
        let password = this.state.password;
        // etc

    render() {
        return (
            <form onSubmit={this.onSubmit.bind(this)}>
                <input type="text" name="login" onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)} />
                <input type="password" name="password" onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)} />
                <input type="email" name="email" onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)} />
                <button type="submit">Sign Up</button>

How to use [DllImport("")] in C#?

You can't declare an extern local method inside of a method, or any other method with an attribute. Move your DLL import into the class:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class WindowHandling
    public static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr point);

    public void ActivateTargetApplication(string processName, List<string> barcodesList)
        Process p = Process.Start("notepad++.exe");
        IntPtr h = p.MainWindowHandle;
        IntPtr processFoundWindow = p.MainWindowHandle;

Error: Specified cast is not valid. (SqlManagerUI)

Sometimes it happens because of the version change like store 2012 db on 2008, so how to check it?


if it gives error like:

Msg 3241, Level 16, State 13, Line 2 The media family on device 'd:\alibaba.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family. Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

Check it further:


BackupName is "* INCOMPLETE *", Position is "1", other fields are "NULL".

Means either your backup is corrupt or taken from newer version.

Dialog throwing "Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” with getApplication() as context

I had to send my context through a constructor on a custom adapter displayed in a fragment and had this issue with getApplicationContext(). I solved it with:

this.getActivity().getWindow().getContext() in the fragments' onCreate callback.

Is using 'var' to declare variables optional?

The var keyword in Javascript is there for a purpose.

If you declare a variable without the var keyword, like this:

myVar = 100;

It becomes a global variable that can be accessed from any part of your script. If you did not do it intentionally or are not aware of it, it can cause you pain if you re-use the variable name at another place in your javascript.

If you declare the variable with the var keyword, like this:

var myVar = 100;

It is local to the scope ({] - braces, function, file, depending on where you placed it).

This a safer way to treat variables. So unless you are doing it on purpose try to declare variable with the var keyword and not without.

Get table column names in MySQL?

this worked for me..

$sql = "desc MyTableName";
$result = @mysql_query($sql);
while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    echo $row[0]."<br>";

Is there an opposite of include? for Ruby Arrays?

Try this, it's pure Ruby so there's no need to add any peripheral frameworks

if @players.include?( == false do 

I was struggling with a similar logic for a few days, and after checking several forums and Q&A boards to little avail it turns out the solution was actually pretty simple.

Extract first and last row of a dataframe in pandas

I think you can try add parameter axis=1 to concat, because output of df.iloc[0,:] and df.iloc[-1,:] are Series and transpose by T:

print df.iloc[0,:]
a    1
b    a
Name: 0, dtype: object

print df.iloc[-1,:]
a    4
b    d
Name: 3, dtype: object

print pd.concat([df.iloc[0,:], df.iloc[-1,:]], axis=1)
   0  3
a  1  4
b  a  d

print pd.concat([df.iloc[0,:], df.iloc[-1,:]], axis=1).T
   a  b
0  1  a
3  4  d

How to install and run Typescript locally in npm?

You need to tell npm that "tsc" exists as a local project package (via the "scripts" property in your package.json) and then run it via npm run tsc. To do that (at least on Mac) I had to add the path for the actual compiler within the package, like this

  "name": "foo"
  "scripts": {
    "tsc": "./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc"
  "dependencies": {
    "typescript": "^2.3.3",
    "typings": "^2.1.1"

After that you can run any TypeScript command like npm run tsc -- --init (the arguments come after the first --).

onCreateOptionsMenu inside Fragments

try this,

public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
    inflater.inflate(, menu);

Finally, in onCreateView method, add this line to make the options appear in your Toolbar


The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions

You do not need to use ORDER BY in inner query after WHERE clause because you have already used it in ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY VRDATE DESC).

        item.description as item_description, as party_name, 
    FROM StockMain 
    INNER JOIN StockDetail 
        ON StockMain.stid = StockDetail.stid 
    INNER JOIN party 
        ON party.party_id = stockmain.party_id 
    INNER JOIN item 
        ON item.item_id = stockdetail.item_id 
    WHERE stockmain.etype='purchase' 
) AS MyDerivedTable
    MyDerivedTable.RowNum BETWEEN 1 and 5 

Git: See my last commit

You can run

 git show --source

it shows the author, Date, the commit's message and the diff --git for all changed files in latest commit.

Installing SQL Server 2012 - Error: Prior Visual Studio 2010 instances requiring update

I wanted to install SQL server 2014 and same story happened. I had installed both VS2010 and VS2015 before. I tried all solutions where provided nothing worked.At last If you have new versions of VS like VS2015 or VS2017, uninstall VS2010 (if you really don't need it ).

If you want to have VS2010 on your system, install SQL server first and then install VS2010.When SQL server is installing it uses an instance of VS2010, if you have installed VS2010 before and that is an old version this error happens.

What is the correct way to do a CSS Wrapper?

Centering content has so many avenues that it can't really be explored in a single answer. If you would like to explore them, CSS Zen Garden is an enjoyable-if-old resource exploring the many, many ways to layout content in a way even old browsers will tolerate.

The correct way, if you don't have any mitigating requirements, is to just apply margin: auto to the sides, and a width. If your page has no content that needs to go outside those margins, just apply it to the body:

body {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 15px auto;
  width: 500px;

So here we've got a 500px wide set of content centered at all* sizes. The padding 0 is to deal with some browsers that like to apply some default padding and throw us off a bit. In the example I do wrap the content in an article tag to be nice to Screen Readers, Pocket, etc so for example the blind can jump past the nav you likely have (which should be in nav) and straight to the content.

I say all* because below 500px this will mess up - we're not being Responsive. To get Responsive, you could just use Bootstrap etc, but building it yourself you use a Media Query like:

body {
  padding: 0;

  margin: 15px;
  @media (min-width: 500px) {
    margin: 15px auto;
    width: 500px;

Note that this is SCSS/SASS syntax - if you're using plain CSS, it's inverted:

body {
  padding: 0;  
  margin: 15px;

@media (min-width: 500px) {
  body {
    margin: 15px auto;
    width: 500px;

It's common however to want to center just one chunk of a page, so let's apply this to only the article tag in a final example.

body {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

nav {
  width: 100%;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  padding: 15px;

article {
  margin: 15px;
  @media (min-width: 500px) {
    margin: 15px auto;
    width: 500px;

Note that this final example also uses CSS Flexbox in the nav, which is also one of the newer ways you could center things. So, that's fun.

But, there are special circumstances where you need to use other approaches to center content, and each of those is probably worth its own question (many of them already asked and answered here on this site).

Common sources of unterminated string literal

Maybe it's because you have a line break in your PHP code. If you need line breaks in your alert window message, include it as an escaped syntax at the end of each line in your PHP code. I usually do it the following way:

$message = 'line 1.\\n';
$message .= 'line 2.';

Why do I have to define LD_LIBRARY_PATH with an export every time I run my application?

Did you 'export' in your .bashrc?

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"/path/to/library"

Splitting a string into separate variables

Try this:

$Object = 'FirstPart SecondPart' | ConvertFrom-String -PropertyNames Val1, Val2

Which @NotNull Java annotation should I use?

According to the Java 7 features list JSR-308 type annotations are deferred to Java 8. JSR-305 annotations are not even mentioned.

There is a bit of info on the state of JSR-305 in an appendix of the latest JSR-308 draft. This includes the observation that JSR-305 annotations seem to be abandoned. The JSR-305 page also shows it as "inactive".

In the mean time, the pragmatic answer is to use the annotation types that are supported by the most widely used tools ... and be prepared to change them if the situation changes.

In fact, JSR-308 does not define any annotation types/classes, and it looks like they think it is out of scope. (And they are right, given the existence of JSR-305).

However, if JSR-308 really looks like making it into Java 8, it wouldn't surprise me if interest in JSR-305 revived. AFAIK, the JSR-305 team hasn't formally abandoned their work. They have just been quiet for 2+ years.

It is interesting that Bill Pugh (the tech lead for JSR-305) is one of the guy behind FindBugs.

What IDE to use for Python?


Spreadsheet version

spreadsheet screenshot

Alternatively, in plain text: (also available as a a screenshot)

                         Bracket Matching -.  .- Line Numbering
                          Smart Indent -.  |  |  .- UML Editing / Viewing
         Source Control Integration -.  |  |  |  |  .- Code Folding
                    Error Markup -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Code Templates
  Integrated Python Debugging -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Unit Testing
    Multi-Language Support -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- GUI Designer (Qt, Eric, etc)
   Auto Code Completion -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Integrated DB Support
     Commercial/Free -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  .- Refactoring
   Cross Platform -.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     
Atom              |Y |F |Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |*many plugins
Editra            |Y |F |Y |Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
Emacs             |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Eric Ide          |Y |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |
Geany             |Y |F |Y*|Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |*very limited
Gedit             |Y |F |Y¹|Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y²|  |  |  |  |¹with plugin; ²sort of
Idle              |Y |F |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
IntelliJ          |Y |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |
JEdit             |Y |F |  |Y |  |  |  |  |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
KDevelop          |Y |F |Y*|Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |*no type inference
Komodo            |Y |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |
NetBeans*         |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y |*pre-v7.0
Notepad++         |W |F |Y |Y |  |Y*|Y*|Y*|Y |Y |  |Y |Y*|  |  |  |  |*with plugin
Pfaide            |W |C |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |
PIDA              |LW|F |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |VIM based
PTVS              |W |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y*|  |Y |*WPF bsed
PyCharm           |Y |CF|Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |*JavaScript
PyDev (Eclipse)   |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
PyScripter        |W |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
PythonWin         |W |F |Y |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |Y |  |  |  |  |  |
SciTE             |Y |F¹|  |Y |  |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |¹Mac version is
ScriptDev         |W |C |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |    commercial
Spyder            |Y |F |Y |  |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Sublime Text      |Y |CF|Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y*|  |  |  |extensible w/Python,
TextMate          |M |F |  |Y |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |    *PythonTestRunner
UliPad            |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Vim               |Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |
Visual Studio     |W |CF|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |? |Y |? |? |Y |? |Y |
Visual Studio Code|Y |F |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |? |Y |? |? |? |? |Y |uses plugins
WingIde           |Y |C |Y |Y*|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |Y |  |  |  |*support for C
Zeus              |W |C |  |  |  |  |Y |Y |Y |Y |  |Y |Y |  |  |  |  |
   Cross Platform -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     
     Commercial/Free -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Refactoring
   Auto Code Completion -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Integrated DB Support
    Multi-Language Support -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- GUI Designer (Qt, Eric, etc)
  Integrated Python Debugging -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Unit Testing
                    Error Markup -'  |  |  |  |  |  |  '- Code Templates
         Source Control Integration -'  |  |  |  |  '- Code Folding
                          Smart Indent -'  |  |  '- UML Editing / Viewing
                         Bracket Matching -'  '- Line Numbering

Acronyms used:

 L  - Linux
 W  - Windows
 M  - Mac
 C  - Commercial
 F  - Free
 CF - Commercial with Free limited edition
 ?  - To be confirmed

I don't mention basics like syntax highlighting as I expect these by default.

This is a just dry list reflecting your feedback and comments, I am not advocating any of these tools. I will keep updating this list as you keep posting your answers.

PS. Can you help me to add features of the above editors to the list (like auto-complete, debugging, etc.)?

We have a comprehensive wiki page for this question

Submit edits to the spreadsheet

How to install SignTool.exe for Windows 10

It's 2019 now :) For anyone wondering, here's where you'll find it:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit


enter image description here

Edit: Still in the same place in 2020.

Visual Studio Code includePath

In your user settings add:


When & why to use delegates?

Delegates are extremely useful when wanting to declare a block of code that you want to pass around. For example when using a generic retry mechanism.


function Retry(Delegate func, int numberOfTimes)
    catch { if(numberOfTimes blabla) func.Invoke(); etc. etc. }

Or when you want to do late evaluation of code blocks, like a function where you have some Transform action, and want to have a BeforeTransform and an AfterTransform action that you can evaluate within your Transform function, without having to know whether the BeginTransform is filled, or what it has to transform.

And of course when creating event handlers. You don't want to evaluate the code now, but only when needed, so you register a delegate that can be invoked when the event occurs.

how to overwrite css style

You can add your styles in the required page after the external style sheet so they'll cascade and overwrite the first set of rules.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="allpages.css">
.flex-control-thumbs li {
  width: auto;
  float: none;

How to declare global variables in Android?

On activity result is called before on resume. So move you login check to on resume and your second login can be blocked once the secomd activity has returned a positive result. On resume is called every time so there is not worries of it not being called the first time.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin Multiple Origin Domains?

The answer seems to be to use the header more than once. That is, rather than sending

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://domain1.example, http://domain2.example, http://domain3.example


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://domain1.example
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://domain2.example
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://domain3.example

On Apache, you can do this in an httpd.conf <VirtualHost> section or .htaccess file using mod_headers and this syntax:

Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "http://domain1.example"
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "http://domain2.example"
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "http://domain3.example"

The trick is to use add rather than append as the first argument.

How to make for loops in Java increase by increments other than 1

for(j = 0; j<=90; j = j+3)


j+3 will not assign the new value to j, add j=j+3 will assign the new value to j and the loop will move up by 3.

j++ is like saying j = j+1, so in that case your assigning the new value to j just like the one above.

List rows after specific date

Simply put:

dob > '1/21/2012'

Where 1/21/2012 is the date and you want all data, including that date.

dob BETWEEN '1/21/2012' AND '2/22/2012'

Use a between if you're selecting time between two dates

How to handle ETIMEDOUT error?

In case if you are using node js, then this could be the possible solution

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const server = app.listen(8080);
server.keepAliveTimeout = 61 * 1000;

Two-way SSL clarification

Both certificates should exist prior to the connection. They're usually created by Certification Authorities (not necessarily the same). (There are alternative cases where verification can be done differently, but some verification will need to be made.)

The server certificate should be created by a CA that the client trusts (and following the naming conventions defined in RFC 6125).

The client certificate should be created by a CA that the server trusts.

It's up to each party to choose what it trusts.

There are online CA tools that will allow you to apply for a certificate within your browser and get it installed there once the CA has issued it. They need not be on the server that requests client-certificate authentication.

The certificate distribution and trust management is the role of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), implemented via the CAs. The SSL/TLS client and servers and then merely users of that PKI.

When the client connects to a server that requests client-certificate authentication, the server sends a list of CAs it's willing to accept as part of the client-certificate request. The client is then able to send its client certificate, if it wishes to and a suitable one is available.

The main advantages of client-certificate authentication are:

  • The private information (the private key) is never sent to the server. The client doesn't let its secret out at all during the authentication.
  • A server that doesn't know a user with that certificate can still authenticate that user, provided it trusts the CA that issued the certificate (and that the certificate is valid). This is very similar to the way passports are used: you may have never met a person showing you a passport, but because you trust the issuing authority, you're able to link the identity to the person.

You may be interested in Advantages of client certificates for client authentication? (on Security.SE).

read string from .resx file in C#

This example is from the MSDN page on ResourceManager.GetString():

// Create a resource manager to retrieve resources.
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("items", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());

// Retrieve the value of the string resource named "welcome".
// The resource manager will retrieve the value of the  
// localized resource using the caller's current culture setting.
String str = rm.GetString("welcome");

submitting a form when a checkbox is checked

Use JavaScript by adding an onChange attribute to your input tags

<input onChange="this.form.submit()" ... />

Tokenizing strings in C

strtok can be very dangerous. It is not thread safe. Its intended use is to be called over and over in a loop, passing in the output from the previous call. The strtok function has an internal variable that stores the state of the strtok call. This state is not unique to each thread - it is global. If any other code uses strtok in another thread, you get problems. Not the kind of problems you want to track down either!

I'd recommend looking for a regex implementation, or using sscanf to pull apart the string.

Try this:

char strprint[256];
char text[256];
strcpy(text, "My string to test");
while ( sscanf( text, "%s %s", strprint, text) > 0 ) {
   printf("token: %s\n", strprint);

Note: The 'text' string is destroyed as it's separated. This may not be the preferred behaviour =)

bash: Bad Substitution

I had the same problem. Make sure your script didnt have


at the top of your script. Instead, you should add


Change User Agent in UIWebView

Very simple in Swift. Just place the following into your App Delegate.

UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: ["UserAgent" : "Custom Agent"])

If you want to append to the existing agent string then:

let userAgent = UIWebView().stringByEvaluatingJavaScript(from: "navigator.userAgent")! + " Custom Agent"
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: ["UserAgent" : userAgent])

Note: You may will need to uninstall and reinstall the App to avoid appending to the existing agent string.

Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?

if use JPA I recommend change to lowercase schema, table and column names, you can use next intructions for help you:

    pg_catalog.pg_stat_all_tables psat,
    pg_catalog.pg_attribute pa
    psat.relid = pa.attrelid

change schema name:


change table names:


change column names:


How to close activity and go back to previous activity in android

I believe your second activity is probably not linked to your main activity as a child activity. Check your AndroidManifest.xml file and see if the <activity> entry for your child activity includes a android:parentActivityName attribute. It should look something like this:

<?xml ...?>

Search text in stored procedure in SQL Server

I created a procedure to search text in procedures/functions, tables, views, or jobs. The first parameter @search is the search criterion, @target the search target, i.e., procedures, tables, etc. If not specified, search all. @db is to specify the database to search, default to your current database. Here is my query in dynamic SQL.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_find_objects]
    @search VARCHAR(255),
    @target VARCHAR(255) = NULL,
    @db VARCHAR(35) = NULL



IF @db <> '' SET @USEDB = 'USE ' + @db

IF @target IS NULL SET @target = ''


DECLARE @search VARCHAR(128) 
DECLARE @target VARCHAR(128)

SET @search = ''%' + @search + '%''
SET @target = ''' + @target + '''

IF @target LIKE ''%Procedure%'' BEGIN
    SELECT As ''Stored Procedures''
    WHERE c.text LIKE @search
        AND o.xtype IN (''P'',''FN'')

ELSE IF @target LIKE ''%View%'' BEGIN
    SELECT As ''Views''
    WHERE c.text LIKE @search
        AND o.xtype = ''V''

/* Table - search table name only, need to add column name */
ELSE IF @target LIKE ''%Table%'' BEGIN
    SELECT AS ''TableName''
    FROM sys.columns c 
    JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id
    WHERE LIKE @search
    ORDER BY TableName

ELSE IF @target LIKE ''%Job%'' BEGIN
    SELECT  j.job_id,
    FROM    [msdb].dbo.sysjobs j
    JOIN    [msdb].dbo.sysjobsteps js
        ON  js.job_id = j.job_id 
    JOIN    master.dbo.sysservers s
        ON  s.srvid = j.originating_server_id
    WHERE   js.command LIKE @search

    SELECT As ''Stored Procedures''
    WHERE c.text LIKE @search
        AND o.xtype IN (''P'',''FN'')

    SELECT As ''Views''
    WHERE c.text LIKE @search
        AND o.xtype = ''V''

    SELECT AS ''Tables''
    FROM sys.columns c 
    JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id
    WHERE LIKE @search
    ORDER BY Tables

    SELECT AS ''Jobs''
    FROM    [msdb].dbo.sysjobs j
    JOIN    [msdb].dbo.sysjobsteps js
        ON  js.job_id = j.job_id 
    JOIN    master.dbo.sysservers s
        ON  s.srvid = j.originating_server_id
    WHERE   js.command LIKE @search

EXECUTE sp_executesql @TSQL

Update: If you renamed a procedure, it only updates sysobjects but not syscomments, which keeps the old name and therefore that procedure will not be included in the search result unless you drop and recreate the procedure.

Merge two objects with ES6

You can use Object.assign() to merge them into a new object:

const response = {_x000D_
  lat: -51.3303,_x000D_
  lng: 0.39440_x000D_
const item = {_x000D_
  id: 'qwenhee-9763ae-lenfya',_x000D_
  address: '14-22 Elder St, London, E1 6BT, UK'_x000D_
const newItem = Object.assign({}, item, { location: response });_x000D_
console.log(newItem );

You can also use object spread, which is a Stage 4 proposal for ECMAScript:

const response = {_x000D_
  lat: -51.3303,_x000D_
  lng: 0.39440_x000D_
const item = {_x000D_
  id: 'qwenhee-9763ae-lenfya',_x000D_
  address: '14-22 Elder St, London, E1 6BT, UK'_x000D_
const newItem = { ...item, location: response }; // or { ...response } if you want to clone response as well_x000D_
console.log(newItem );

Dump Mongo Collection into JSON format

If you want to dump all collections, run this command:

mongodump -d {DB_NAME}   -o /tmp 

It will generate all collections data in json and bson extensions into /tmp/{DB_NAME} directory

break/exit script

Reverse your if-else construction:

if(n >= 500) {
  # do stuff
# no need for else

"You have mail" message in terminal, os X

I was also having this issue of "You have mail" coming up every time I started Terminal.

What I discovered is this.

Something I'd installed (not entirely sure what, but possibly a script or something associated with an Alfred Workflow [at a guess]) made a change to the OS X system to start presenting Terminal bash notifications. Prior to that, it appears Wordpress had attempted to use the Local Mail system to send a message. The message bounced, due to it having an invalid Recipient address. The bounced message then ended up in the local system mail inbox. So Terminal (bash) was then notifying me that "You have mail".

You can access the mail by simply using the command


This launches you into Mail, and it will right away show you a list of messages that are stored there. If you want to see the content of the first message, use


This will show you the content of the first message, in full. You'll need to scroll down through the message to view it all, by hitting the down-arrow key.

If you want to jump to the end of the message, use the


If you want to abort viewing the message, use


To view the next message in the queue use


... assuming there's more than one message.

NOTE: You need to use these commands at the mail ? command prompt. They won't work whilst you are in the process of viewing a message. Hitting n whilst viewing a message will just cause an error message related to regular expressions. So, if in the midst of viewing a message, hit q to quit from that, or hit spacebar to jump to the end of the message, and then at the ? prompt, hit n.

Viewing the content of the messages in this way may help you identify what attempted to send the message(s).

You can also view a specific message by just inputting its number at the ? prompt. 3, for instance, will show you the content of the third message (if there are that many in there).


Use the d command (at the ? command prompt )

d [message number]

To delete each message when you are done looking at them. For example, d 2 will delete message number 2. Or you can delete a list of messages, such as d 1 2 5 7. Or you can delete a range of messages with (for example), d 3-10. You can find the message numbers in the list of messages mail shows you.

To delete all the messages, from the mail prompt (?) use the command d *.

As per a comment on this post, you will need to use q to quit mail, which also saves any changes.

If you'd like to see the mail all in one output, use this command at the bash prompt (i.e. not from within mail, but from your regular command prompt):

cat /var/mail/<username>

And, if you wish to delete the emails all in one hit, use this command

sudo rm /var/mail/<username>

In my particular case, there were a number of messages. It looks like the one was a returned message that bounced. It was sent by a local Wordpress installation. It was a notification for when user "Admin" (me) changed its password. Two additional messages where there. Both seemed to be to the same incident.

What I don't know, and can't answer for you either, is WHY I only recently started seeing this mail notification each time I open Terminal. The mails were generated a couple of months ago, and yet I only noticed this "you have mail" appearing in the last few weeks. I suspect it's the result of something a workflow I installed in Alfred, and that workflow using Terminal bash to provide notifications... or something along those lines.

Simply deleting the messages

If you have no interest in determining the source of the messages, and just wish to get rid of them, it may be easier to do so without using the mail command (which can be somewhat fiddly). As pointed out by a few other people, you can use this command instead:

sudo rm /var/mail/YOURUSERNAME

What are all the uses of an underscore in Scala?

Besides the usages that JAiro mentioned, I like this one:

def getConnectionProps = {
    ( Config.getHost, Config.getPort, Config.getSommElse, Config.getSommElsePartTwo )

If someone needs all connection properties, he can do:

val ( host, port, sommEsle, someElsePartTwo ) = getConnectionProps

If you need just a host and a port, you can do:

val ( host, port, _, _ ) = getConnectionProps

Best data type to store money values in MySQL

Indeed this relies on the programmer's preferences. I personally use: numeric(15,4) to conform to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

What is the time complexity of indexing, inserting and removing from common data structures?

Keep in mind that unless you're writing your own data structure (e.g. linked list in C), it can depend dramatically on the implementation of data structures in your language/framework of choice. As an example, take a look at the benchmarks of Apple's CFArray over at Ridiculous Fish. In this case, the data type, a CFArray from Apple's CoreFoundation framework, actually changes data structures depending on how many objects are actually in the array - changing from linear time to constant time at around 30,000 objects.

This is actually one of the beautiful things about object-oriented programming - you don't need to know how it works, just that it works, and the 'how it works' can change depending on requirements.

Prevent cell numbers from incrementing in a formula in Excel

Highlight "B1" and press F4. This will lock the cell.

Now you can drag it around and it will not change. The principle is simple. It adds a dollar sign before both coordinates. A dollar sign in front of a coordinate will lock it when you copy the formula around. You can have partially locked coordinates and fully locked coordinates.

'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse

It's 2020 -

Project>Right Click>Java Compiler>Compiler Compliance Level> Change this to 1.8 [or latest level]

enter image description here

How to declare a local variable in Razor?

I think the variable should be in the same block:

@{bool isUserConnected = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CreatorFullName);
    if (isUserConnected)
    { // meaning that the viewing user has not been saved
            <div> click to join us </div>
            <a id="login" href="javascript:void(0);" style="display: inline; ">join</a>

How to use select/option/NgFor on an array of objects in Angular2

I don't know what things were like in the alpha, but I'm using beta 12 right now and this works fine. If you have an array of objects, create a select like this:

<select [(ngModel)]="simpleValue"> // value is a string or number
    <option *ngFor="let obj of objArray" [value]="obj.value">{{}}</option>

If you want to match on the actual object, I'd do it like this:

<select [(ngModel)]="objValue"> // value is an object
    <option *ngFor="let obj of objArray" [ngValue]="obj">{{}}</option>

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS] when I tried to update my application

It might mean the application is already installed for another user on your device. Users share applications. I don't know why they do but they do. So if one user updates an application is updated for the other user also. If you uninstall on one, it doesn't remove the app from the system on the other.