Programs & Examples On #Real time

A task is real-time when the timeliness of the activities' completion is a functional requirement and correctness condition, rather than merely a performance metric. A real-time system is one where some (though perhaps not all) of the tasks are real-time tasks. DO NOT USE THIS TAG if all you mean is 'real-world'.

How do I plot in real-time in a while loop using matplotlib?

I know this question is old, but there's now a package available called drawnow on GitHub as "python-drawnow". This provides an interface similar to MATLAB's drawnow -- you can easily update a figure.

An example for your use case:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from drawnow import drawnow

def make_fig():
    plt.scatter(x, y)  # I think you meant this

plt.ion()  # enable interactivity
fig = plt.figure()  # make a figure

x = list()
y = list()

for i in range(1000):
    temp_y = np.random.random()
    y.append(temp_y)  # or any arbitrary update to your figure's data
    i += 1

python-drawnow is a thin wrapper around plt.draw but provides the ability to confirm (or debug) after figure display.

Differences between hard real-time, soft real-time, and firm real-time?

To define "soft real-time," it is easiest to compare it with "hard real-time." Below we will see that the term "firm real-time" constitutes a misunderstanding about "soft real-time."

Speaking casually, most people implicitly have an informal mental model that considers information or an event as being "real-time"

• if, or to the extent that, it is manifest to them with a delay (latency) that can be related to its perceived currency

• i.e., in a time frame that the information or event has acceptably satisfactory value to them.

There are numerous different ad hoc definitions of "hard real-time," but in that mental model, hard real-time is represented by the "if" term. Specifically, assuming that real-time actions (such as tasks) have completion deadlines, acceptably satisfactory value of the event that all tasks complete is limited to the special case that all tasks meet their deadlines.

Hard real-time systems make the very strong assumptions that everything about the application and system and environment is static and known a' priori—e.g., which tasks, that they are periodic, their arrival times, their periods, their deadlines, that they won’t have resource conflicts, and overall the time evolution of the system. In an aircraft flight control system or automotive braking system and many other cases those assumptions can usually be satisfied so that all the deadlines will be met.

This mental model is deliberately and very usefully general enough to encompass both hard and soft real-time--soft is accommodated by the "to the extent that" phrase. For example, suppose that the task completions event has suboptimal but acceptable value if

  • no more than 10% of the tasks miss their deadlines
  • or no task is more than 20% tardy
  • or the average tardiness of all tasks is no more than 15%
  • or the maximum tardiness among all tasks is less than 10%

These are all common examples of soft real-time cases in a great many applications.

Consider the single-task application of picking your child up after school. That probably does not have an actual deadline, instead there is some value to you and your child based on when that event takes place. Too early wastes resources (such as your time) and too late has some negative value because your child might be left alone and potentially in harm's way (or at least inconvenienced).

Unlike the static hard real-time special case, soft real-time makes only the minimum necessary application-specific assumptions about the tasks and system, and uncertainties are expected. To pick up your child, you have to drive to the school, and the time to do that is dynamic depending on weather, traffic conditions, etc. You might be tempted to over-provision your system (i.e., allow what you hope is the worst case driving time) but again this is wasting resources (your time, and occupying the family vehicle, possibly denying use by other family members).

That example may not seem to be costly in terms of wasted resources, but consider other examples. All military combat systems are soft real-time. For example, consider performing an aircraft attack on a hostile ground vehicle using a missile guided with updates to it as the target maneuvers. The maximum satisfaction for completing the course update tasks is achieved by a direct destructive strike on the target. But an attempt to over-provision resources to make certain of this outcome is usually far too expensive and may even be impossible. In this case, you may be less but sufficiently satisfied if the missile strikes close enough to the target to disable it.

Obviously combat scenarios have a great many possible dynamic uncertainties that must be accommodated by the resource management. Soft real-time systems are also very common in many civilian systems, such as industrial automation, although obviously military ones are the most dangerous and urgent ones to achieve acceptably satisfactory value in.

The keystone of real-time systems is "predictability." The hard real-time case is interested in only one special case of predictability--i.e., that the tasks will all meet their deadlines and the maximum possible value will be achieved by that event. That special case is named "deterministic."

There is a spectrum of predictability. Deterministic (determinism) is one end-point (maximum predictability) on the predictability spectrum; the other end-point is minimum predictability (maximum non-determinism). The spectrum's metric and end-points have to be interpreted in terms of a chosen predictability model; everything between those two end-points is degrees of unpredictability (= degrees of non-determinism).

Most real-time systems (namely, soft ones) have non-deterministic predictability, for example, of the tasks' completions times and hence the values gained from those events.

In general (in theory), predictability, and hence acceptably satisfactory value, can be made as close to the deterministic end-point as necessary--but at a price which may be physically impossible or excessively expensive (as in combat or perhaps even in picking up your child from school).

Soft real-time requires an application-specific choice of a probability model (not the common frequentist model) and hence predictability model for reasoning about event latencies and resulting values.

Referring back to the above list of events that provide acceptable value, now we can add non-deterministic cases, such as

  • the probability that no task will miss its deadline by more than 5% is greater than 0.87. (Note the number of scheduling criteria expressed in there.)

In a missile defense application, given the fact that in combat the offense always has the advantage over the defense, which of these two real-time computing scenarios would you prefer:

  • because the perfect destruction of all the hostile missiles is very unlikely or impossible, assign your defensive resources to maximize the probability that as many of the most threatening (e.g., based on their targets) hostile missiles will be successfully intercepted (close interception counts because it can move the hostile missile off-course);

  • complain that this is not a real-time computing problem because it is dynamic instead of static, and traditional real-time concepts and techniques do not apply, and it sounds more difficult than static hard real-time, so you are not interested in it.

Despite the various misunderstandings about soft real-time in the real-time computing community, soft real-time is very general and powerful, albeit potentially complex compared with hard real-time. Soft real-time systems as summarized here have a lengthy successful history of use outside the real-time computing community.

To directly answer the OP question:

A hard real-time system can provide deterministic guarantees—most commonly that all tasks will meet their deadlines, interrupt or system call response time will always be less than x, etc.—IF AND ONLY IF very strong assumptions are made and are correct that everything that matters is static and known a' priori (in general, such guarantees for hard real-time systems are an open research problem except for rather simple cases)

A soft real-time system does not make deterministic guarantees, it is intended to provide the best possible analytically specified and accomplished probabilistic timeliness and predictability of timeliness that are feasible under the current dynamic circumstances, according to application-specific criteria.

Obviously hard real-time is a simple special case of soft real-time. Obviously soft real-time's analytical non-deterministic assurances can be very complex to provide, but are mandatory in the most common real-time cases (including the most dangerous safety-critical ones such as combat) since most real-time cases are dynamic not static.

"Firm real-time" is an ill-defined special case of "soft real-time." There is no need for this term if the term "soft real-time" is understood and used properly.

I have a more detailed much more precise discussion of real-time, hard real-time, soft real-time, predictability, determinism, and related topics on my web site

SignalR - Sending a message to a specific user using (IUserIdProvider) *NEW 2.0.0*

Old thread, but just came across this in a sample:

            .AddAzureSignalR(options =>
            options.ClaimsProvider = context => new[]
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, context.Request.Query["username"])

Eclipse C++: Symbol 'std' could not be resolved

For MinGW this worked for me:

  • Right click project, select Properties
  • Go to C/C++ General - Paths and Symbols - Includes - GNU C++ - Include directories
  • Select Add...
  • Select Variables...
  • Select MINGW_HOME and click OK
  • Click Apply and OK

You should now see several MinGW paths in Includes in your project explorer.
The errors may not disappear instantly, you may need to refresh/build your project.

If you are using Cygwin, there could be an equivalent variable present.

How to join (merge) data frames (inner, outer, left, right)

There is the data.table approach for an inner join, which is very time and memory efficient (and necessary for some larger data.frames):


dt1 <- data.table(df1, key = "CustomerId") 
dt2 <- data.table(df2, key = "CustomerId")

joined.dt1.dt.2 <- dt1[dt2]

merge also works on data.tables (as it is generic and calls

merge(dt1, dt2)

data.table documented on stackoverflow:
How to do a data.table merge operation
Translating SQL joins on foreign keys to R data.table syntax
Efficient alternatives to merge for larger data.frames R
How to do a basic left outer join with data.table in R?

Yet another option is the join function found in the plyr package


join(df1, df2,
     type = "inner")

#   CustomerId Product   State
# 1          2 Toaster Alabama
# 2          4   Radio Alabama
# 3          6   Radio    Ohio

Options for type: inner, left, right, full.

From ?join: Unlike merge, [join] preserves the order of x no matter what join type is used.

Detecting real time window size changes in Angular 4

This is an example of service which I use.

You can get the screen width by subscribing to screenWidth$, or via screenWidth$.value.

The same is for mediaBreakpoint$ ( or mediaBreakpoint$.value)

import {
} from '@angular/core';
import {
} from 'rxjs';
import {
} from 'rxjs/operators';

export class ResponsiveService implements OnDestroy {
  private _unsubscriber$: Subject<any> = new Subject();
  public screenWidth$: BehaviorSubject<number> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
  public mediaBreakpoint$: BehaviorSubject<string> = new BehaviorSubject(null);

  constructor() {

  init() {
    fromEvent(window, 'resize')
      ).subscribe((evt: any) => {

  ngOnDestroy() {

  private _setScreenWidth(width: number): void {

  private _setMediaBreakpoint(width: number): void {
    if (width < 576) {
    } else if (width >= 576 && width < 768) {
    } else if (width >= 768 && width < 992) {
    } else if (width >= 992 && width < 1200) {
    } else if (width >= 1200 && width < 1600) {
    } else {


Hope this helps someone

Referencing a string in a string array resource with xml

Maybe this would help:

String[] some_array = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.your_string_array)

So you get the array-list as a String[] and then choose any i, some_array[i].

How can we generate getters and setters in Visual Studio?

By generate, do you mean auto-generate? If that's not what you mean:

Visual Studio 2008 has the easiest implementation for this:

public PropertyType PropertyName { get; set; }

In the background this creates an implied instance variable to which your property is stored and retrieved.

However if you want to put in more logic in your Properties, you will have to have an instance variable for it:

private PropertyType _property;

public PropertyType PropertyName
        //logic here 
        return _property;
        //logic here
        _property = value;

Previous versions of Visual Studio always used this longhand method as well.

MVC - Set selected value of SelectList

Further to @Womp answer, it's worth noting that the "Where" Can be dropped, and the predicate can be put into the "First" call directly, like this:

list.First(x => x.Value == "selectedValue").Selected = true;

Convert string to Python class object?

I've looked at how django handles this

django.utils.module_loading has this

def import_string(dotted_path):
    Import a dotted module path and return the attribute/class designated by the
    last name in the path. Raise ImportError if the import failed.
        module_path, class_name = dotted_path.rsplit('.', 1)
    except ValueError:
        msg = "%s doesn't look like a module path" % dotted_path
        six.reraise(ImportError, ImportError(msg), sys.exc_info()[2])

    module = import_module(module_path)

        return getattr(module, class_name)
    except AttributeError:
        msg = 'Module "%s" does not define a "%s" attribute/class' % (
            module_path, class_name)
        six.reraise(ImportError, ImportError(msg), sys.exc_info()[2])

You can use it like import_string("")

Assign a login to a user created without login (SQL Server)

Create a login for the user

Drop and re-create the user, WITH the login you created.

There are other topics discussing how to replicate the permissions of your user. I recommend that you take the opportunity to define those permissions in a Role and call sp_addrolemember to add the user to the Role.

What does 'git remote add upstream' help achieve?

Let's take an example: You want to contribute to django, so you fork its repository. In the while you work on your feature, there is much work done on the original repo by other people. So the code you forked is not the most up to date. setting a remote upstream and fetching it time to time makes sure your forked repo is in sync with the original repo.

Concatenating variables and strings in React

You're almost correct, just misplaced a few quotes. Wrapping the whole thing in regular quotes will literally give you the string #demo + {} - you need to indicate which are variables and which are string literals. Since anything inside {} is an inline JSX expression, you can do:

href={"#demo" +}

This will use the string literal #demo and concatenate it to the value of This can then be applied to all strings. Consider this:

var text = "world";

And this:

{"Hello " + text + " Andrew"}

This will yield:

Hello world Andrew 

You can also use ES6 string interpolation/template literals with ` (backticks) and ${expr} (interpolated expression), which is closer to what you seem to be trying to do:


This will basically substitute the value of, concatenating it to #demo. It is equivalent to doing: "#demo" +

Setting mime type for excel document

I was setting MIME type from .NET code as below -

File(generatedFileName, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")

My application generates excel using OpenXML SDK. This MIME type worked -


How should I read a file line-by-line in Python?

There is exactly one reason why the following is preferred:

with open('filename.txt') as fp:
    for line in fp:
        print line

We are all spoiled by CPython's relatively deterministic reference-counting scheme for garbage collection. Other, hypothetical implementations of Python will not necessarily close the file "quickly enough" without the with block if they use some other scheme to reclaim memory.

In such an implementation, you might get a "too many files open" error from the OS if your code opens files faster than the garbage collector calls finalizers on orphaned file handles. The usual workaround is to trigger the GC immediately, but this is a nasty hack and it has to be done by every function that could encounter the error, including those in libraries. What a nightmare.

Or you could just use the with block.

Bonus Question

(Stop reading now if are only interested in the objective aspects of the question.)

Why isn't that included in the iterator protocol for file objects?

This is a subjective question about API design, so I have a subjective answer in two parts.

On a gut level, this feels wrong, because it makes iterator protocol do two separate things—iterate over lines and close the file handle—and it's often a bad idea to make a simple-looking function do two actions. In this case, it feels especially bad because iterators relate in a quasi-functional, value-based way to the contents of a file, but managing file handles is a completely separate task. Squashing both, invisibly, into one action, is surprising to humans who read the code and makes it more difficult to reason about program behavior.

Other languages have essentially come to the same conclusion. Haskell briefly flirted with so-called "lazy IO" which allows you to iterate over a file and have it automatically closed when you get to the end of the stream, but it's almost universally discouraged to use lazy IO in Haskell these days, and Haskell users have mostly moved to more explicit resource management like Conduit which behaves more like the with block in Python.

On a technical level, there are some things you may want to do with a file handle in Python which would not work as well if iteration closed the file handle. For example, suppose I need to iterate over the file twice:

with open('filename.txt') as fp:
    for line in fp:
    for line in fp:

While this is a less common use case, consider the fact that I might have just added the three lines of code at the bottom to an existing code base which originally had the top three lines. If iteration closed the file, I wouldn't be able to do that. So keeping iteration and resource management separate makes it easier to compose chunks of code into a larger, working Python program.

Composability is one of the most important usability features of a language or API.

What are sessions? How do they work?

HTTP is stateless connection protocol, that is, the server cannot differentiate between different connections of different users.

Hence comes cookie, once a client connects first time to a server, the server generates a new session id, which later will be sent to the client as cookie value. And from now on, this session id will identify that client connection, because within each HTTP request it will see the appropriate session id inside cookies.

Now for each session id, the server keeps some data structure, which enables him to store data specific to user, this data structure you can abstractly call session.

How does OAuth 2 protect against things like replay attacks using the Security Token?

OAuth is a protocol with which a 3-party app can access your data stored in another website without your account and password. For a more official definition, refer to the Wiki or specification.

Here is a use case demo:

  1. I login to LinkedIn and want to connect some friends who are in my Gmail contacts. LinkedIn supports this. It will request a secure resource (my gmail contact list) from gmail. So I click this button:
    Add Connection

  2. A web page pops up, and it shows the Gmail login page, when I enter my account and password:
    Add Connection

  3. Gmail then shows a consent page where I click "Accept": Add Connection

  4. Now LinkedIn can access my contacts in Gmail: Add Connection

Below is a flowchart of the example above:

Add Connection

Step 1: LinkedIn requests a token from Gmail's Authorization Server.

Step 2: The Gmail authorization server authenticates the resource owner and shows the user the consent page. (the user needs to login to Gmail if they are not already logged-in)

Step 3: User grants the request for LinkedIn to access the Gmail data.

Step 4: the Gmail authorization server responds back with an access token.

Step 5: LinkedIn calls the Gmail API with this access token.

Step 6: The Gmail resource server returns your contacts if the access token is valid. (The token will be verified by the Gmail resource server)

You can get more from details about OAuth here.

How can I read command line parameters from an R script?

If you need to specify options with flags, (like -h, --help, --number=42, etc) you can use the R package optparse (inspired from Python):

At least this how I understand your question, because I found this post when looking for an equivalent of the bash getopt, or perl Getopt, or python argparse and optparse.

Get the _id of inserted document in Mongo database in NodeJS

You could use async functions to get _id field automatically without manipulating data object:

async function save() {
  const data = {
    name: "John"

  await db.collection('users').insertOne(data)

  return data

Returns data:

  _id: '5dbff150b407cc129ab571ca',
  name: 'John'

Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView?

Here is an easy way to do so using HTMLBuilder

    myTextView.setText(new HtmlBuilder().
                    append("Some bold text ").
                    append("Some italic text").


Some bold text Some italic text

JavaScript displaying a float to 2 decimal places

You could do it with the toFixed function, but it's buggy in IE. If you want a reliable solution, look at my answer here.

Spring cron expression for every after 30 minutes

If someone is using @Sceduled this might work for you.

@Scheduled(cron = "${name-of-the-cron:0 0/30 * * * ?}")

This worked for me.

input checkbox true or checked or yes

Only checked and checked="checked" are valid. Your other options depend on error recovery in browsers.

checked="yes" and checked="true" are particularly bad as they imply that checked="no" and checked="false" will set the default state to be unchecked … which they will not.

Inheritance with base class constructor with parameters

I could be wrong, but I believe since you are inheriting from foo, you have to call a base constructor. Since you explicitly defined the foo constructor to require (int, int) now you need to pass that up the chain.

public bar(int a, int b) : base(a, b)
     c = a * b;

This will initialize foo's variables first and then you can use them in bar. Also, to avoid confusion I would recommend not naming parameters the exact same as the instance variables. Try p_a or something instead, so you won't accidentally be handling the wrong variable.

CSS vertical alignment of inline/inline-block elements

Give vertical-align:top; in a & span. Like this:

a, span{

Check this

Change link color of the current page with CSS

You do not need jQuery just to do this! All you need is a tiny and very light vanilla Javascript and a css class (as in all the answers above) :

  • First define a CSS class in your stylesheet called current.

  • Second add the following pure JavaScript either in your existing JavaScript file or in a separate js script file (but add script tage link to it in the head of the pages) or event just add it in a script tag just before the closing body tag, it will still work in all these cases.

    function highlightCurrent() {
         const curPage = document.URL;
         const links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
         for (let link of links) {
           if (link.href == curPage) {

       document.onreadystatechange = () => {
         if (document.readyState === 'complete') {

The 'href' attribute of current link should be the absolute path as given by document.URL (console.log it to make sure it is the same)

Are nested try/except blocks in Python a good programming practice?

According to the documentation, it is better to handle multiple exceptions through tuples or like this:

import sys

    f = open('myfile.txt')
    s = f.readline()
    i = int(s.strip())
except IOError as e:
    print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
except ValueError:
    print "Could not convert data to an integer."
    print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]

In git how is fetch different than pull and how is merge different than rebase?

fetch vs pull

fetch will download any changes from the remote* branch, updating your repository data, but leaving your local* branch unchanged.

pull will perform a fetch and additionally merge the changes into your local branch.

What's the difference? pull updates you local branch with changes from the pulled branch. A fetch does not advance your local branch.

merge vs rebase

Given the following history:

          C---D---E local
    A---B---F---G remote

merge joins two development histories together. It does this by replaying the changes that occurred on your local branch after it diverged on top of the remote branch, and record the result in a new commit. This operation preserves the ancestry of each commit.

The effect of a merge will be:

          C---D---E local
         /         \
    A---B---F---G---H remote

rebase will take commits that exist in your local branch and re-apply them on top of the remote branch. This operation re-writes the ancestors of your local commits.

The effect of a rebase will be:

                  C'--D'--E' local
    A---B---F---G remote

What's the difference? A merge does not change the ancestry of commits. A rebase rewrites the ancestry of your local commits.

* This explanation assumes that the current branch is a local branch, and that the branch specified as the argument to fetch, pull, merge, or rebase is a remote branch. This is the usual case. pull, for example, will download any changes from the specified branch, update your repository and merge the changes into the current branch.

How to prevent scientific notation in R?

Try format function:

> xx = 100000000000
> xx
[1] 1e+11
> format(xx, scientific=F)
[1] "100000000000"

How to prevent scrollbar from repositioning web page?

The solutions posted using calc(100vw - 100%) are on the right track, but there is a problem with this: You'll forever have a margin to the left the size of the scrollbar, even if you resize the window so that the content fills up the entire viewport.

If you try to get around this with a media query you'll have an awkward snapping moment because the margin won't progressively get smaller as you resize the window.

Here's a solution that gets around that and AFAIK has no drawbacks:

Instead of using margin: auto to center your content, use this:

body {
margin-left: calc(50vw - 500px);

Replace 500px with half the max-width of your content (so in this example the content max-width is 1000px). The content will now stay centered and the margin will progressively decrease all the way until the content fills the viewport.

In order to stop the margin from going negative when the viewport is smaller than the max-width just add a media query like so:

@media screen and (max-width:1000px) {
    body {
        margin-left: 0;

Et voilà!

Adding close button in div to close the box

it's easy with the id of the div container : (I didn't put the close button inside the <a> because that's does work properly on all browser.

<div id="myDiv">
<button class="close" onclick="document.getElementById('myDiv').style.display='none'" >Close</button>
<a class="fragment" href="">
    <img src ="" alt="some description"/> 
    <h3>the title will go here</h3>
        <h4> </h4>
    <p class="text">
        this is a short description yada yada peanuts etc this is a short description yada yada peanuts etc this is a short description yada yada peanuts etc this is a short description yada yada peanuts etcthis is a short description yada yada peanuts etc 

Checking for duplicate strings in JavaScript array

You could take a Set and filter the values who are alreday seen.

var array = ["q", "w", "w", "e", "i", "u", "r"],_x000D_
    seen = array.filter((s => v => s.has(v) || !s.add(v))(new Set));_x000D_

HTML - Display image after selecting filename

You can achieve this with the following code:

$("input").change(function(e) {

    for (var i = 0; i < e.originalEvent.srcElement.files.length; i++) {

        var file = e.originalEvent.srcElement.files[i];

        var img = document.createElement("img");
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onloadend = function() {
             img.src = reader.result;


Does the Java &= operator apply & or &&?

i came across a similar situation using booleans where I wanted to avoid calling b() if a was already false.

This worked for me:

a &= a && b()

Bootstrap 4 navbar color

You can just use "!important" to get your custom color

.navbar {
 background-color: yourcolor !important;

How to grep for two words existing on the same line?

you could use awk. like this...

cat <yourFile> | awk '/word1/ && /word2/'

Order is not important. So if you have a file and...

a file named , file1 contains:

word1 is in this file as well as word2
word2 is in this file as well as word1
word4 is in this file as well as word1
word5 is in this file as well as word2


/tmp$ cat file1| awk '/word1/ && /word2/'

will result in,

word1 is in this file as well as word2
word2 is in this file as well as word1

yes, awk is slower.

Sql query to insert datetime in SQL Server

Management studio creates scripts like:

insert table1 (foodate) values(CAST(N'2012-06-18 10:34:09.000' AS DateTime))

Can I open a dropdownlist using jQuery

I tried using mrperfect's answer and i had a couple glitches. With a couple small changes, I was able to get it to work for me. I just changed it so that it would only do it once. Once you exit dropdown, it would go back to the regular method of dropdowns.

function down() {
    var pos = $(this).offset(); // remember position
    $(this).css("position", "absolute");
    $(this).offset(pos);   // reset position
    $(this).attr("size", "15"); // open dropdown
    $(this).unbind("focus", down);
function up() {
    $(this).css("position", "static");
    $(this).attr("size", "1");  // close dropdown
    $(this).unbind("change", up);
function openDropdown(elementId) {
    $('#' + elementId).focus(down).blur(up).focus();

c# razor url parameter from view


worked with ROUTE PARAM.


did not work with ROUTE PARAM.

Python main call within class

Well, first, you need to actually define a function before you can run it (and it doesn't need to be called main). For instance:

class Example(object):
    def run(self):
        print "Hello, world!"

if __name__ == '__main__':

You don't need to use a class, though - if all you want to do is run some code, just put it inside a function and call the function, or just put it in the if block:

def main():
    print "Hello, world!"

if __name__ == '__main__':


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "Hello, world!"

How to send data with angularjs $http.delete() request?

Please Try to pass parameters in httpoptions, you can follow function below

deleteAction(url, data) {
    const authToken = sessionStorage.getItem('authtoken');
    const options = {
      headers: new HttpHeaders({
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + authToken,
      body: data,
    return this.client.delete(url, options);

save a pandas.Series histogram plot to file

You can use ax.figure.savefig():

import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series([0, 1])
ax = s.plot.hist()

This has no practical benefit over ax.get_figure().savefig() as suggested in Philip Cloud's answer, so you can pick the option you find the most aesthetically pleasing. In fact, get_figure() simply returns self.figure:

# Source from snippet linked above
def get_figure(self):
    """Return the `.Figure` instance the artist belongs to."""
    return self.figure

MySQL: Error Code: 1118 Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB

I had the issue when importing SQL-dumps (from MySQL 8) to MariaDB on MacOS (with Brew).

Start by editing your my.cnf.
If you use Brew, it's usually store at /usr/local/etc/:

pico /usr/local/etc/my.cnf

Add this to the config:

innodb_log_file_size = 1024M
innodb_strict_mode = 0

Then restart MariaDB:

brew services restart mariadb

Please notice that this in a workaround and not a fix since turning of strict mode in not fixing the problem, but since it's my local environment and not a production environment i'm ok with that.

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

I faced the same Maven connection timeout issue and resolved by disabling/whitelisting the anti-virus & firewall setting.

The issue got resolved immediately:


Get textarea text with javascript or Jquery

To get the value from a textarea with an id you just have to do



If you are having more than one element with the same id in the document then the HTML is invalid.

MySQL select rows where left join is null

FROM table1 
LEFT JOIN table2 ON = table2.user_one
WHERE table2.user_one is NULL

VBA Excel sort range by specific column

Or this:

Range("A2", Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Address).Sort Key1:=[b3], _
    Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes

Remove quotes from a character vector in R

Here is one combining noquote and paste:

noquote(paste("Argument is of length zero",sQuote("!"),"and",dQuote("double")))

#[1] Argument is of length zero ‘!’ and “double”

How to Disable landscape mode in Android?

Just add this attribute in your activity tag.


Python Decimals format

Just use Python's standard string formatting methods:

>>> "{0:.2}".format(1.234232)
>>> "{0:.3}".format(1.234232)

If you are using a Python version under 2.6, use

>>> "%f" % 1.32423
>>> "%.2f" % 1.32423
>>> "%d" % 1.32423

Git: How to remove file from index without deleting files from any repository

Had the very same issue this week when I accidentally committed, then tried to remove a build file from a shared repository, and this:

has worked fine for me and not mentioned so far.

git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>

To remove the file you're interested in from version control, then use all your other commands as normal.

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <file>

If you ever wanted to put it back in.

Edit: please see comments from Chris Johnsen and KPM, this only works locally and the file remains under version control for other users if they don't also do it. The accepted answer gives more complete/correct methods for dealing with this. Also some notes from the link if using this method:

Obviously there’s quite a few caveats that come into play with this. If you git add the file directly, it will be added to the index. Merging a commit with this flag on will cause the merge to fail gracefully so you can handle it manually.

How to put attributes via XElement

Add XAttribute in the constructor of the XElement, like

new XElement("Conn", new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text));

You can also add multiple attributes or elements via the constructor

new XElement("Conn", new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text), new XAttribute("Database", combobox2.Text));

or you can use the Add-Method of the XElement to add attributes

XElement element = new XElement("Conn");
XAttribute attribute = new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text);

How to find which git branch I am on when my disk is mounted on other server

You can look at the HEAD pointer (stored in .git/HEAD) to see the sha1 of the currently checked-out commit, or it will be of the format ref: refs/heads/foo for example if you have a local ref foo checked out.

EDIT: If you'd like to do this from a shell, git symbolic-ref HEAD will give you the same information.

access key and value of object using *ngFor

Thanks for the pipe but i had to make some changes before i could use it in angular 2 RC5. Changed the Pipe import line and also added type of any to the keys array initialization.

 import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core';

 @Pipe({name: 'keys'})
 export class KeysPipe implements PipeTransform {
 transform(value) {
   let keys:any = [];
   for (let key in value) {
      keys.push( {key: key, value: value[key]} );
     return keys;

How to call a PHP file from HTML or Javascript

How to make a button call PHP?

I don't care if the page reloads or displays the results immediately;


Note: If you don't want to refresh the page see "Ok... but how do I Use Ajax anyway?" below.

I just want to have a button on my website make a PHP file run.

That can be done with a form with a single button:

<form action="">
  <input type="submit" value="my button"/>

That's it.

Pretty much. Also note that there are cases where ajax is really the way to go.

That depends on what you want. In general terms you only need ajax when you want to avoid realoading the page. Still you have said that you don't care about that.

Why I cannot call PHP directly from JavaScript?

If I can write the code inside HTML just fine, why can't I just reference the file for it in there or make a simple call for it in Javascript?

Because the PHP code is not in the HTML just fine. That's an illusion created by the way most server side scripting languages works (including PHP, JSP, and ASP). That code only exists on the server, and it is no reachable form the client (the browser) without a remote call of some sort.

You can see evidence of this if you ask your browser to show the source code of the page. There you will not see the PHP code, that is because the PHP code is not send to the client, therefore it cannot be executed from the client. That's why you need to do a remote call to be able to have the client trigger the execution of PHP code.

If you don't use a form (as shown above) you can do that remote call from JavaScript with a little thing called Ajax. You may also want to consider if what you want to do in PHP can be done directly in JavaScript.

How to call another PHP file?

Use a form to do the call. You can have it to direct the user to a particlar file:

<form action="myphpfile.php">
  <input type="submit" value="click on me!">

The user will end up in the page myphpfile.php. To make it work for the current page, set action to an empty string (which is what I did in the example I gave you early).

I just want to link it to a PHP file that will create the permanent blog post on the server so that when I reload the page, the post is still there.

You want to make an operation on the server, you should make your form have the fields you need (even if type="hidden" and use POST):

<form action="" method="POST">
  <input type="text" value="default value, you can edit it" name="myfield">
  <input type="submit" value = "post">

What do I need to know about it to call a PHP file that will create a text file on a button press?

see: How to write into a file in PHP.

How do you recieve the data from the POST in the server?

I'm glad you ask... Since you are a newb begginer, I'll give you a little template you can follow:

    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST')
        //Ok we got a POST, probably from a FORM, read from $_POST.
        var_dump($_PSOT); //Use this to see what info we got!
       //You could assume you got a GET
       var_dump($_GET); //Use this to see what info we got!
 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <html lang="en">
     <meta char-set="utf-8">
     <title>Page title</title>
     <form action="" method="POST">
       <input type="text" value="default value, you can edit it" name="myfield">
       <input type="submit" value = "post">

Note: you can remove var_dump, it is just for debugging purposes.

How do I...

I know the next stage, you will be asking how to:

  1. how to pass variables form a PHP file to another?
  2. how to remember the user / make a login?
  3. how to avoid that anoying message the appears when you reload the page?

There is a single answer for that: Sessions.

I'll give a more extensive template for Post-Redirect-Get

    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST')
        //Do stuff...
        //Write results to session
        $_SESSION['stuff'] = $something;
        //You can store stuff such as the user ID, so you can remeember him.
        header('Location: ', true, 303);
        //The redirection will cause the browser to request with GET
        //The results of the operation are in the session variable
        //It has empty location because we are redirecting to the same page
        //Otherwise use `header('Location: anotherpage.php', true, 303);`
        //You could assume you got a GET
        var_dump($_GET); //Use this to see what info we got!
        //Get stuff from session
        if (array_key_exists('stuff', $_SESSION))
           $something = $_SESSION['stuff'];
           //we got stuff
           //later use present the results of the operation to the user.
        //clear stuff from session:
        //set headers
        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
        //This header is telling the browser what are we sending.
        //And it says we are sending HTML in UTF-8 encoding
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta char-set="utf-8">
    <title>Page title</title>
    <?php if (isset($something)){ echo '<span>'.$something.'</span>'}?>;
    <form action="" method="POST">
      <input type="text" value="default value, you can edit it" name="myfield">
      <input type="submit" value = "post">

Please look at for any function call you don't recognize. Also - if you don't have already - get a good tutorial on HTML5.

Also, use UTF-8 because UTF-8!


I'm making a simple blog site for myself and I've got the code for the site and the javascript that can take the post I write in a textarea and display it immediately.

If are you using a CMS (Codepress, Joomla, Drupal... etc)? That make put some contraints on how you got to do things.

Also, if you are using a framework, you should look at their documentation or ask at their forum/mailing list/discussion page/contact or try to ask the authors.

Ok... but how do I Use Ajax anyway?

Well... Ajax is made easy by some JavaScript libraries. Since you are a begginer, I'll recomend jQuery.

So, let's send something to the server via Ajax with jQuery, I'll use $.post instead of $.ajax for this example.

    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST')
        header('Location: ', true, 303);
        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta char-set="utf-8">
    <title>Page title</title>
        function ajaxmagic()
            $.post(                             //call the server
                "test.php",                     //At this url
                    field: "value",
                    name: "John"
                }                               //And send this data to it
            ).done(                             //And when it's done
                    $('#fromAjax').html(data);  //Update here with the response
    <input type="button" value = "use ajax", onclick="ajaxmagic()">
    <span id="fromAjax"></span>

The above code will send a POST request to the page test.php.

Note: You can mix sessions with ajax and stuff if you want.

How do I...

  1. How do I connect to the database?
  2. How do I prevent SQL injection?
  3. Why shouldn't I use Mysql_* functions?

... for these or any other, please make another questions. That's too much for this one.

How can I make my match non greedy in vim?

Plugin eregex.vim handles Perl-style non-greedy operators *? and +?

How to test if a double is zero?

Numeric primitives in class scope are initialized to zero when not explicitly initialized.

Numeric primitives in local scope (variables in methods) must be explicitly initialized.

If you are only worried about division by zero exceptions, checking that your double is not exactly zero works great.

if(value != 0)
    //divide by value is safe when value is not exactly zero.

Otherwise when checking if a floating point value like double or float is 0, an error threshold is used to detect if the value is near 0, but not quite 0.

public boolean isZero(double value, double threshold){
    return value >= -threshold && value <= threshold;

Rolling or sliding window iterator?

>>> n, m = 6, 3
>>> k = n - m+1
>>> print ('{}\n'*(k)).format(*[range(i, i+m) for i in xrange(k)])
[0, 1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
[2, 3, 4]
[3, 4, 5]

int to string in MySQL

You can do this:

select t2.*
from t1
join t2 on t2.url = '' + CAST( AS VARCHAR(10)) + '/more' 
where > 9000

Pay attention to CAST( AS VARCHAR(10)).

What is the purpose of a self executing function in javascript?

Self invoked function in javascript:

A self-invoking expression is invoked (started) automatically, without being called. A self-invoking expression is invoked right after its created. This is basically used for avoiding naming conflict as well as for achieving encapsulation. The variables or declared objects are not accessible outside this function. For avoiding the problems of minimization(filename.min) always use self executed function.

How to call a method with a separate thread in Java?

Another quicker option to call things (like DialogBoxes and MessageBoxes and creating separate threads for not-thread safe methods) would be to use the Lamba Expression

  new Thread(() -> {
                      "code here"

Java8: HashMap<X, Y> to HashMap<X, Z> using Stream / Map-Reduce / Collector

A generic solution like so

public static <X, Y, Z> Map<X, Z> transform(Map<X, Y> input,
        Function<Y, Z> function) {
    return input
                    Collectors.toMap((entry) -> entry.getKey(),
                            (entry) -> function.apply(entry.getValue())));


Map<String, String> input = new HashMap<String, String>();
input.put("string1", "42");
input.put("string2", "41");
Map<String, Integer> output = transform(input,
            (val) -> Integer.parseInt(val));

How to play a notification sound on websites?

I wrote a clean functional method of playing sounds:

sounds = {
    test : new Audio('/assets/sounds/test.mp3')

sound_volume = 0.1;

function playSound(sound) {
    sounds[sound].volume = sound_volume;
function stopSound(sound) {
function setVolume(sound, volume) {
    sounds[sound].volume = volume;
    sound_volume = volume;

Oracle row count of table by count(*) vs NUM_ROWS from DBA_TABLES

According to the documentation NUM_ROWS is the "Number of rows in the table", so I can see how this might be confusing. There, however, is a major difference between these two methods.

This query selects the number of rows in MY_TABLE from a system view. This is data that Oracle has previously collected and stored.

select num_rows from all_tables where table_name = 'MY_TABLE'

This query counts the current number of rows in MY_TABLE

select count(*) from my_table

By definition they are difference pieces of data. There are two additional pieces of information you need about NUM_ROWS.

  1. In the documentation there's an asterisk by the column name, which leads to this note:

    Columns marked with an asterisk (*) are populated only if you collect statistics on the table with the ANALYZE statement or the DBMS_STATS package.

    This means that unless you have gathered statistics on the table then this column will not have any data.

  2. Statistics gathered in 11g+ with the default estimate_percent, or with a 100% estimate, will return an accurate number for that point in time. But statistics gathered before 11g, or with a custom estimate_percent less than 100%, uses dynamic sampling and may be incorrect. If you gather 99.999% a single row may be missed, which in turn means that the answer you get is incorrect.

If your table is never updated then it is certainly possible to use ALL_TABLES.NUM_ROWS to find out the number of rows in a table. However, and it's a big however, if any process inserts or deletes rows from your table it will be at best a good approximation and depending on whether your database gathers statistics automatically could be horribly wrong.

Generally speaking, it is always better to actually count the number of rows in the table rather then relying on the system tables.

Add IIS 7 AppPool Identities as SQL Server Logons

In my case the problem was that I started to create an MVC Alloy sample project from scratch in using Visual Studio/Episerver extension and it worked fine when executed using local Visual studio iis express. However by default it points the sql database to LocalDB and when I deployed the site to local IIS it started giving errors some of the initial errors I resolved by: 1.adding the local site url binding to C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts 2. Then by editing the application.config found the file location by right clicking on IIS express in botton right corner of the screen when running site using Visual studio and added binding there for local iis url. 3. Finally I was stuck with "unable to access database errors" for which I created a blank new DB in Sql express and changed connection string in web config to point to my new DB and then in package manager console (using Visual Studio) executed Episerver DB commands like - 1. initialize-epidatabase 2. update-epidatabase 3. Convert-EPiDatabaseToUtc

How to make a transparent HTML button?

**add the icon top button like this **

 align-items: center;_x000D_
 position: absolute;_x000D_
 width: 30px;_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
     background-color: Transparent;_x000D_
    border: none;_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
 position: absolute;_x000D_
 padding: 0px;_x000D_
 left: 0;_x000D_
width: 25px;_x000D_
  height: 35px;_x000D_
<button id="copy_btn">_x000D_
                        <img class="icon_copy" src="./assest/copy.svg" alt="Copy Text">_x000D_

Can I set enum start value in Java?

The ordinal() function returns the relative position of the identifier in the enum. You can use this to obtain automatic indexing with an offset, as with a C-style enum.


public class TestEnum {
    enum ids {

        public final int value = 100 + ordinal();

    public static void main(String arg[]) {
        System.out.println("OPEN:  " + ids.OPEN.value);
        System.out.println("CLOSE: " + ids.CLOSE.value);
        System.out.println("OTHER: " + ids.OTHER.value);

Gives the output:

OPEN:  100
CLOSE: 101
OTHER: 102

Edit: just realized this is very similar to ggrandes' answer, but I will leave it here because it is very clean and about as close as you can get to a C style enum.

Changing the Status Bar Color for specific ViewControllers using Swift in iOS8

Everything is much easier in Swift 3.0 Xcode 8

Using the code below in App Delegate file, after

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

insert this:

UINavigationBar.appearance().barStyle = .black

UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = UIColor(red: 230, green: 32, blue: 31, alpha: 1.0)

fitting data with numpy

Note that you can use the Polynomial class directly to do the fitting and return a Polynomial instance.

from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial

p =, y, 4)

p uses scaled and shifted x values for numerical stability. If you need the usual form of the coefficients, you will need to follow with

pnormal = p.convert(domain=(-1, 1))

What does the 'standalone' directive mean in XML?

The intent of the standalone=yes declaration is to guarantee that the information inside the document can be faithfully retrieved based only on the internal DTD, i.e. the document can "stand alone" with no external references. Validating a standalone document ensures that non-validating processors will have all of the information available to correctly parse the document.

The standalone declaration serves no purpose if a document has no external DTD, and the internal DTD has no parameter entity references, as these documents are already implicitly standalone.

The following are the actual effects of using standalone=yes.

  • Forces processors to throw an error when parsing documents with an external DTD or parameter entity references, if the document contains references to entities not declared in the internal DTD (with the exception of replacement text of parameter entities as non-validating processors are not required to parse this); amp, lt, gt, apos, and quot are the only exceptions

  • When parsing a document not declared as standalone, a non-validating processor is free to stop parsing the internal DTD as soon as it encounters a parameter entity reference. Declaring a document as standalone forces non-validating processors to parse markup declarations in the internal DTD even after they ignore one or more parameter entity references.

  • Forces validating processors to throw an error if any of the following are found in the document, and their respective declarations are in the external DTD or in parameter entity replacement text:

    • attributes with default values, if they do not have their value explicitly provided
    • entity references (other than amp, lt, gt, apos, and quot)
    • attributes with tokenized types, if the value of the attribute would be modified by normalization
    • elements with element content, if any white space occurs in their content

A non-validating processor might consider retrieving the external DTD and expanding all parameter entity references for documents that are not standalone, even though it is under no obligation to do so, i.e. setting standalone=yes could theoretically improve performance for non-validating processors (spoiler alert: it probably won't make a difference).

The other answers here are either incomplete or incorrect, the main misconception is that

The standalone declaration is a way of telling the parser to ignore any markup declarations in the DTD. The DTD is thereafter used for validation only.

standalone="yes" means that the XML processor must use the DTD for validation only.

Quite the opposite, declaring a document as standalone will actually force a non-validating processor to parse internal declarations it must normally ignore (i.e. those after an ignored parameter entity reference). Non-validating processors must still use the info in the internal DTD to provide default attribute values and normalize tokenized attributes, as this is independent of validation.

Difference between <context:annotation-config> and <context:component-scan>

<context:component-scan /> implicitly enables <context:annotation-config/>

try with <context:component-scan base-package="..." annotation-config="false"/> , in your configuration @Service, @Repository, @Component works fine, but @Autowired,@Resource and @Inject doesn't work.

This means AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor will not be enabled and Spring container will not process the Autowiring annotations.

How to redirect page after click on Ok button on sweet alert?

If anyone needs help, this code is working!

          title: 'Request Delivered',
          text: 'You can continue with your search.',
          type: 'success'
        }).then(function() {
            window.location.href = "index2.php";

UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory'

The MySQL dependency should be like the following syntax in the pom.xml file.


Make sure the syntax, groupId, artifactId, Version has included in the dependancy.

How can I completely uninstall nodejs, npm and node in Ubuntu

Those who installed node.js via the package manager can just run:

sudo apt-get purge nodejs

Optionally if you have installed it by adding the official NodeSource repository as stated in Installing Node.js via package manager, do:

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list

If you want to clean up npm cache as well:

rm -rf ~/.npm

It is bad practice to try to remove things manually, as it can mess up the package manager, and the operating system itself. This answer is completely safe to follow

How to return multiple objects from a Java method?

I followed a similar approach than the described in the other answers with a few tweaks based on the requirement I had, basically I created the following classes(Just in case, everything is Java):

public class Pair<L, R> {
    final L left;
    final R right;

    public Pair(L left, R right) {
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;

    public <T> T get(Class<T> param) {
        return (T) (param == this.left.getClass() ? this.left : this.right);

    public static <L, R> Pair<L, R> of(L left, R right) {
        return new Pair<L, R>(left, right);

Then, my requirement was simple, in the repository Class that reaches the DB, for the Get Methods than retrieve data from the DB, I need to check if it failed or succeed, then, if succeed, I needed to play with the returning list, if failed, stop the execution and notify the error.

So, for example, my methods are like this:

public Pair<ResultMessage, List<Customer>> getCustomers() {
    List<Customer> list = new ArrayList<Customer>();
    try {
    * Do some work to get the list of Customers from the DB
    * */
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        return Pair.of(
                       new ResultMessage(e.getErrorCode(), e.getMessage()), // Left 
                       null);  // Right
    return Pair.of(
                   new ResultMessage(0, "SUCCESS"), // Left 
                   list); // Right

Where ResultMessage is just a class with two fields (code/message) and Customer is any class with a bunch of fields that comes from the DB.

Then, to check the result I just do this:

void doSomething(){
    Pair<ResultMessage, List<Customer>> customerResult = _repository.getCustomers();
    if (customerResult.get(ResultMessage.class).getCode() == 0) {
        List<Customer> listOfCustomers = customerResult.get(List.class);
        System.out.println("do SOMETHING with the list ;) ");
    }else {
        System.out.println("Raised Error... do nothing!");

How do I measure execution time of a command on the Windows command line?

As long as it doesn't last longer than 24hours...

@echo off

set starttime=%TIME%
set startcsec=%STARTTIME:~9,2%
set startsecs=%STARTTIME:~6,2%
set startmins=%STARTTIME:~3,2%
set starthour=%STARTTIME:~0,2%
set /a starttime=(%starthour%*60*60*100)+(%startmins%*60*100)+(%startsecs%*100)+(%startcsec%)

ping localhost 

set endtime=%time%
set endcsec=%endTIME:~9,2%
set endsecs=%endTIME:~6,2%
set endmins=%endTIME:~3,2%
set endhour=%endTIME:~0,2%
if %endhour% LSS %starthour% set /a endhour+=24
set /a endtime=(%endhour%*60*60*100)+(%endmins%*60*100)+(%endsecs%*100)+(%endcsec%)

set /a timetaken= ( %endtime% - %starttime% )
set /a timetakens= %timetaken% / 100
set timetaken=%timetakens%.%timetaken:~-2%

echo Took: %timetaken% sec.

How do I create a WPF Rounded Corner container?

If you're trying to put a button in a rounded-rectangle border, you should check out msdn's example. I found this by googling for images of the problem (instead of text). Their bulky outer rectangle is (thankfully) easy to remove.

Note that you will have to redefine the button's behavior (since you've changed the ControlTemplate). That is, you will need to define the button's behavior when clicked using a Trigger tag (Property="IsPressed" Value="true") in the ControlTemplate.Triggers tag. Hope this saves someone else the time I lost :)

How to test if a double is an integer

if ((variable == Math.floor(variable)) && !Double.isInfinite(variable)) {
    // integer type

This checks if the rounded-down value of the double is the same as the double.

Your variable could have an int or double value and Math.floor(variable) always has an int value, so if your variable is equal to Math.floor(variable) then it must have an int value.

This also doesn't work if the value of the variable is infinite or negative infinite hence adding 'as long as the variable isn't inifinite' to the condition.

Git: force user and password prompt

Addition to third answer: If you're using non-english Windows, you can find "Credentials Manager" through "Control panel" > "User Accounts" > "Credentials Manager" Icon of Credentials Manager

How to set HTTP headers (for cache-control)?

As I wrote is best to use the file .htaccess. However beware of the time you leave the contents in the cache.


<FilesMatch "\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public"

Where: 604800 = 7 days

PS: This can be used to reset any header

Push git commits & tags simultaneously


Git GUI has a PUSH button - pardon the pun, and the dialog box it opens has a checkbox for tags.

I pushed a branch from the command line, without tags, and then tried again pushing the branch using the --follow-tags option descibed above. The option is described as following annotated tags. My tags were simple tags.

I'd fixed something, tagged the commit with the fix in, (so colleagues can cherry pick the fix,) then changed the software version number and tagged the release I created (so colleagues can clone that release).

Git returned saying everything was up-to-date. It did not send the tags! Perhaps because the tags weren't annotated. Perhaps because there was nothing new on the branch.

When I did a similar push with Git GUI, the tags were sent.

Tags sent with Git GUI

For the time being, I am going to be pushing my changes to my remotes with Git GUI and not with the command line and --follow-tags.

How to read GET data from a URL using JavaScript?

try this way

var url_string = window.location;
var url = new URL(url_string);
var name = url.searchParams.get("name");
var tvid = url.searchParams.get("id");

How to get back to the latest commit after checking out a previous commit?

Have a look at the graphical GUI ... gitk it shows all commits. Sometimes it is easier to work graphical ... ^^

How to make fixed header table inside scrollable div?

How about doing something like this? I've made it from scratch...

What I've done is used 2 tables, one for header, which will be static always, and the other table renders cells, which I've wrapped using a div element with a fixed height, and to enable scroll, am using overflow-y: auto;

Also make sure you use table-layout: fixed; with fixed width td elements so that your table doesn't break when a string without white space is used, so inorder to break that string am using word-wrap: break-word;


.wrap {
    width: 352px;

.wrap table {
    width: 300px;
    table-layout: fixed;

table tr td {
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #eee;
    width: 100px;
    word-wrap: break-word;

table.head tr td {
    background: #eee;

.inner_table {
    height: 100px;
    overflow-y: auto;

<div class="wrap">
    <table class="head">
            <td>Head 1</td>
            <td>Head 1</td>
            <td>Head 1</td>
    <div class="inner_table">
            <td>Body 1</td>
            <td>Body 1</td>
            <td>Body 1</td>
        <!-- Some more tr's -->

After installing with pip, "jupyter: command not found"

If you installed Jupyter notebook for Python 2 using 'pip' instead of 'pip3' it might work to run:

ipython notebook

How can I check MySQL engine type for a specific table?

Bit of a tweak to Jocker's response (I would post as a comment, but I don't have enough karma yet):

  FROM information_schema.TABLES

This excludes MySQL views from the list, which don't have an engine.

Spring schemaLocation fails when there is no internet connection

I would like to add some additional aspect of this discussion. In windows OS I have observed that when a jar file containing schema is stored in a directory whose path contains a space character, for instance like in the following example

"c:\Program Files\myApp\spring-beans-4.0.2.RELEASE.jar"

then specifying schema location URL in the following way is not sufficient when you are developing some standalone application that should work also offline

 xsi:schemaLocation=" org/springframework/beans/factory/xml/spring-beans-2.0.xsd"

I have learned that result of such schema location URL resolution is a file which has a path like the following


When I started my application from some other directory which didn't contain space character on its path then schema location resolution worked fine. Maybe somebody faced similar problems? Nevertheless I discoverd that classpath protocol works fine in my case

 xsi:schemaLocation=" classpath:org/springframework/beans/factory/xml/spring-beans-2.0.xsd"

Is it possible to simulate key press events programmatically?

just use CustomEvent,options){
     var event=new CustomEvent(type);
     for(var p in options){

4 ex want to simulate ctrl+z

     if(ev.ctrlKey && ev.keyCode === 90) console.log(ev); // or do smth

How to create a box when mouse over text in pure CSS?

You can also do it by toggling between display: block on hover and display:none without hover to produce the effect.

JQuery style display value

Well, for one thing your epression can be simplified:


since there should only be one element for any given ID and the ID selector will be much faster than the attribute id selector you're using.

If you just want to return the display value or something, use css():


If you want to search for elements that have display none, that's a lot harder to do reliably. This is a rough example that won't be 100%:

$("[style*='display: none']")

but if you just want to find things that are hidden, use this:


How to pass in a react component into another react component to transclude the first component's content?

Late to the game, but here's a powerful HOC pattern for overriding a component by providing it as a prop. It's simple and elegant.

Suppose MyComponent renders a fictional A component but you want to allow for a custom override of A, in this example B, which wraps A in a <div>...</div> and also appends "!" to the text prop:

import A from 'fictional-tooltip';

const MyComponent = props => (
  <props.A text="World">Hello</props.A>
MyComponent.defaultProps = { A };

const B = props => (
  <div><A {...props} text={props.text + '!'}></div>

ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent A={B}/>);

Align Bootstrap Navigation to Center

Try this css

.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after, .container:before, .container:after, .container-fluid:before, .container-fluid:after, .row:before, .row:after, .form-horizontal .form-group:before, .form-horizontal .form-group:after, .btn-toolbar:before, .btn-toolbar:after, .btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:before, .btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:after, .nav:before, .nav:after, .navbar:before, .navbar:after, .navbar-header:before, .navbar-header:after, .navbar-collapse:before, .navbar-collapse:after, .pager:before, .pager:after, .panel-body:before, .panel-body:after, .modal-footer:before, .modal-footer:after {
    content: " ";
    display: table-cell;

ul.nav {
    float: none;
    margin-bottom: 0;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-top: 0;
    width: 240px;

Restore a deleted file in the Visual Studio Code Recycle Bin

I accidentally discarded changes in the Source Control in VS Code, I just needed to reopen this file and press Ctrl-Z few times, glad that VS Code saves your changes like that.

javax vs java package

I think it's a historical thing - if a package is introduced as an addition to an existing JRE, it comes in as javax. If it's first introduced as part of a JRE (like NIO was, I believe) then it comes in as java. Not sure why the new date and time API will end up as javax following this logic though... unless it will also be available separately as a library to work with earlier versions (which would be useful). Note from many years later: it actually ended up being in java after all.

I believe there are restrictions on the java package - I think classloaders are set up to only allow classes within java.* to be loaded from rt.jar or something similar. (There's certainly a check in ClassLoader.preDefineClass.)

EDIT: While an official explanation (the search orbfish suggested didn't yield one in the first page or so) is no doubt about "core" vs "extension", I still suspect that in many cases the decision for any particular package has an historical reason behind it too. Is java.beans really that "core" to Java, for example?

How to round 0.745 to 0.75 using BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP?

This will maybe give you a hint on what went wrong.

import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BigDecimal bdTest = new BigDecimal(0.745);
        BigDecimal bdTest1 = new BigDecimal("0.745");
        bdTest = bdTest.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        bdTest1 = bdTest1.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        System.out.println("bdTest:" + bdTest); // prints "bdTest:0.74"
        System.out.println("bdTest1:" + bdTest1); // prints "bdTest:0.75"

The problem is, that your input (a double x=0.745;) can not represent 0.745 exactly. It actually saves a value slightly lower. For BigDecimals, this is already below 0.745, so it rounds down...

Try not to use the BigDecimal(double/float) constructors.

What MIME type should I use for CSV?

You should use "text/csv" according to RFC 4180.

Android Studio Image Asset Launcher Icon Background Color

I Just put my view background (color code) as ClipArt og Image background, and it looks like transparent or no background where both have the same color as background.

Facebook Open Graph not clearing cache

One thing to add, the url is case sensitive. Note that:

is different in the linter's eyes then

Be sure to use the exact site url that was entered in the developer settings for the app. The linter will return the properties otherwise but will not refresh the cache.

event Action<> vs event EventHandler<>

The advantage of a wordier approach comes when your code is inside a 300,000 line project.

Using the action, as you have, there is no way to tell me what bool, int, and Blah are. If your action passed an object that defined the parameters then ok.

Using an EventHandler that wanted an EventArgs and if you would complete your DiagnosticsArgs example with getters for the properties that commented their purpose then you application would be more understandable. Also, please comment or fully name the arguments in the DiagnosticsArgs constructor.

how to convert JSONArray to List of Object using camel-jackson

 It has been answered in
 * put string into file jsonFileArr.json
 * [{"username":"Hello","email":"[email protected]","credits"
 * :"100","twitter_username":""},
 * {"username":"Goodbye","email":"[email protected]"
 * ,"credits":"0","twitter_username":""},
 * {"username":"mlsilva","email":"[email protected]"
 * ,"credits":"524","twitter_username":""},
 * {"username":"fsouza","email":"[email protected]"
 * ,"credits":"1052","twitter_username":""}]

public class TestaGsonLista {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
 try {
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
    JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonParser().parse(br).getAsJsonArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
        JsonElement str = jsonArray.get(i);
        Usuario obj = gson.fromJson(str, Usuario.class);
        //use the add method from the list and returns it.
 } catch (IOException e) {

Pandas get topmost n records within each group

Since 0.14.1, you can now do nlargest and nsmallest on a groupby object:

In [23]: df.groupby('id')['value'].nlargest(2)
1   2    3
    1    2
2   6    4
    5    3
3   7    1
4   8    1
dtype: int64

There's a slight weirdness that you get the original index in there as well, but this might be really useful depending on what your original index was.

If you're not interested in it, you can do .reset_index(level=1, drop=True) to get rid of it altogether.

(Note: From 0.17.1 you'll be able to do this on a DataFrameGroupBy too but for now it only works with Series and SeriesGroupBy.)

How to negate specific word in regex?

Just thought of something else that could be done. It's very different from my first answer, as it doesn't use regular expressions, so I decided to make a second answer post.

Use your language of choice's split() method equivalent on the string with the word to negate as the argument for what to split on. An example using Python:

>>> text = 'barbarasdbarbar 1234egb ar bar32 sdfbaraadf'
>>> text.split('bar')
['', '', 'asd', '', ' 1234egb ar ', '32 sdf', 'aadf']

The nice thing about doing it this way, in Python at least (I don't remember if the functionality would be the same in, say, Visual Basic or Java), is that it lets you know indirectly when "bar" was repeated in the string due to the fact that the empty strings between "bar"s are included in the list of results (though the empty string at the beginning is due to there being a "bar" at the beginning of the string). If you don't want that, you can simply remove the empty strings from the list.

git push rejected: error: failed to push some refs

git push -f if you have permission, but that will screw up anyone else who pulls from that repo, so be careful.

If that is denied, and you have access to the server, as canzar says below, you can allow this on the server with

git config receive.denyNonFastForwards false

What is 'Currying'?

If you understand partial you're halfway there. The idea of partial is to preapply arguments to a function and give back a new function that wants only the remaining arguments. When this new function is called it includes the preloaded arguments along with whatever arguments were supplied to it.

In Clojure + is a function but to make things starkly clear:

(defn add [a b] (+ a b))

You may be aware that the inc function simply adds 1 to whatever number it's passed.

(inc 7) # => 8

Let's build it ourselves using partial:

(def inc (partial add 1))

Here we return another function that has 1 loaded into the first argument of add. As add takes two arguments the new inc function wants only the b argument -- not 2 arguments as before since 1 has already been partially applied. Thus partial is a tool from which to create new functions with default values presupplied. That is why in a functional language functions often order arguments from general to specific. This makes it easier to reuse such functions from which to construct other functions.

Now imagine if the language were smart enough to understand introspectively that add wanted two arguments. When we passed it one argument, rather than balking, what if the function partially applied the argument we passed it on our behalf understanding that we probably meant to provide the other argument later? We could then define inc without explicitly using partial.

(def inc (add 1)) #partial is implied

This is the way some languages behave. It is exceptionally useful when one wishes to compose functions into larger transformations. This would lead one to transducers.

Adding iOS UITableView HeaderView (not section header)

You can do it pretty easy in Interface Builder. Just create a view with a table and drop another view onto the table. This will become the table header view. Add your labels and image to that view. See the pic below for the view hierarchy. View Hierarchy in Interface Builder

Encoding an image file with base64

I'm not sure I understand your question. I assume you are doing something along the lines of:

import base64

with open("yourfile.ext", "rb") as image_file:
    encoded_string = base64.b64encode(

You have to open the file first of course, and read its contents - you cannot simply pass the path to the encode function.

Edit: Ok, here is an update after you have edited your original question.

First of all, remember to use raw strings (prefix the string with 'r') when using path delimiters on Windows, to prevent accidentally hitting an escape character. Second, PIL's either accepts a filename, or a file-like (that is, the object has to provide read, seek and tell methods).

That being said, you can use cStringIO to create such an object from a memory buffer:

import cStringIO
import PIL.Image

# assume data contains your decoded image
file_like = cStringIO.StringIO(data)

img =

how to select first N rows from a table in T-SQL?

select top(@count) * from users

If @count is a constant, you can drop the parentheses:

select top 42 * from users

(the latter works on SQL Server 2000 too, while the former requires at least 2005)

Twig: in_array or similar possible within if statement?

Just to clear some things up here. The answer that was accepted does not do the same as PHP in_array.

To do the same as PHP in_array use following expression:

{% if myVar in myArray %}

If you want to negate this you should use this:

{% if myVar not in myArray %}

How to access model hasMany Relation with where condition?

I have fixed the similar issue by passing associative array as the first argument inside Builder::with method.

Imagine you want to include child relations by some dynamic parameters but don't want to filter parent results.


public function child ()
    return $this->hasMany(ChildModel::class);

Then, in other place, when your logic is placed you can do something like filtering relation by HasMany class. For example (very similar to my case):

$search = 'Some search string';
$result = Model::query()->with(
        'child' => function (HasMany $query) use ($search) {
            $query->where('name', 'like', "%{$search}%");

Then you will filter all the child results but parent models will not filter. Thank you for attention.

How do I check if a string is unicode or ascii?

In Python 3, all strings are sequences of Unicode characters. There is a bytes type that holds raw bytes.

In Python 2, a string may be of type str or of type unicode. You can tell which using code something like this:

def whatisthis(s):
    if isinstance(s, str):
        print "ordinary string"
    elif isinstance(s, unicode):
        print "unicode string"
        print "not a string"

This does not distinguish "Unicode or ASCII"; it only distinguishes Python types. A Unicode string may consist of purely characters in the ASCII range, and a bytestring may contain ASCII, encoded Unicode, or even non-textual data.

Adding a parameter to the URL with JavaScript

The regular expressions, so slow, thus:

var SetParamUrl = function(_k, _v) {// replace and add new parameters

    let arrParams = !== '' ? decodeURIComponent('&').map(_v => _v.split('=')) : Array();
    let index = arrParams.findIndex((_v) => _v[0] === _k); 
    index = index !== -1 ? index : arrParams.length;
    _v === null ? arrParams = arrParams.filter((_v, _i) => _i != index) : arrParams[index] = [_k, _v];
    let _search = encodeURIComponent( => _v.join('=')).join('&'));

    let newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname + (arrParams.length > 0 ? '?' +  _search : ''); 

    // window.location = newurl; //reload 

    if (history.pushState) { // without reload  
        window.history.pushState({path:newurl}, null, newurl);


var GetParamUrl = function(_k) {// get parameter by key

    let sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(,
        sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&').map(_v => _v.split('='));
    let _result = sURLVariables.find(_v => _v[0] === _k);
    return _result[1];



        SetParamUrl('cat', "strData");//
        SetParamUrl('sotr', "strDataSort");//
        SetParamUrl('cat', "strDataTwo");//
        //remove param
        SetParamUrl('cat', null);//

Call to undefined function oci_connect()

Download from Instant Client for Microsoft Windows (x64) and extract the files below to "c:\oracle": This will create the following folder "C:\Oracle\instantclient_12_1".

Finally, add the "C:\Oracle\instantclient_12_1" folder to the PATH enviroment variable, placing it on the leftmost place.

Then Restart your server.

Property 'value' does not exist on type 'Readonly<{}>'

According to the official ReactJs documentation, you need to pass argument in the default format witch is:

P = {} // default for your props
S = {} // default for yout state

interface Component<P = {}, S = {}> extends ComponentLifecycle<P, S> { }

Or to define your own type like below: (just an exp)

interface IProps {
    clients: Readonly<IClientModel[]>;

    onSubmit: (data: IClientModel) => void;

interface IState {
   clients: Readonly<IClientModel[]>;
   loading: boolean;

class ClientsPage extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
  // ...

typescript and react whats react component P S mean

how to statically type react components with typescript

using javascript to detect whether the url exists before display in iframe

Use a XHR and see if it responds you a 404 or not.

var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '', true);
request.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if (request.readyState === 4){
        if (request.status === 404) {  
            alert("Oh no, it does not exist!");

But notice that it will only work on the same origin. For another host, you will have to use a server-side language to do that, which you will have to figure it out by yourself.

Android Studio: Drawable Folder: How to put Images for Multiple dpi?

simply copy and paste the image into res>drawable and it ask you destination folder which you want to pate resolution image for more help please look for Android Studio drawable folders

href overrides ng-click in Angular.js

You should probably just use a button tag if you don't need a uri.

jquery - How to determine if a div changes its height or any css attribute?

First, There is no such css-changes event out of the box, but you can create one by your own, as onchange is for :input elements only. not for css changes.

There are two ways to track css changes.

  1. Examine the DOM element for css changes every x time(500 milliseconds in the example).
  2. Trigger an event when you change the element css.
  3. Use the DOMAttrModified mutation event. But it's deprecated, so I'll skip on it.

First way:

var $element = $("#elementId");
var lastHeight = $("#elementId").css('height');
function checkForChanges()
    if ($element.css('height') != lastHeight)
        lastHeight = $element.css('height'); 

    setTimeout(checkForChanges, 500);

Second way:

$('#mainContent').bind('heightChange', function(){

$("#btnSample1").click(function() {
    $("#mainContent").css('height', '400px');
    $("#mainContent").trigger('heightChange'); //<====

If you control the css changes, the second option is a lot more elegant and efficient way of doing it.


  • bind: Description: Attach a handler to an event for the elements.
  • trigger: Description: Execute all handlers and behaviors attached to the matched elements for the given event type.

WebView and HTML5 <video>

I used html5webview to solve this problem.Download and put it into your project then you can code just like this.

private HTML5WebView mWebView;
String url = "SOMEURL";
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mWebView = new HTML5WebView(this);
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
    } else {
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

To make the video rotatable, put android:configChanges="orientation" code into your Activity for example (Androidmanifest.xml)

<activity android:name=".ui.HTML5Activity" android:configChanges="orientation"/>

and override the onConfigurationChanged method.

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {

Java - creating a new thread

You need to do two things:

  • Start the thread
  • Wait for the thread to finish (die) before proceeding



If you don't start() it, nothing will happen - creating a Thread doesn't execute it.

If you don't join) it, your main thread may finish and exit and the whole program exit before the other thread has been scheduled to execute. It's indeterminate whether it runs or not if you don't join it. The new thread may usually run, but may sometimes not run. Better to be certain.

How do I move focus to next input with jQuery?

You can do something like this:

$("input").change(function() {
  var inputs = $(this).closest('form').find(':input');
  inputs.eq( inputs.index(this)+ 1 ).focus();

The other answers posted here may not work for you since they depend on the next input being the very next sibling element, which often isn't the case. This approach goes up to the form and searches for the next input type element.

Change type of varchar field to integer: "cannot be cast automatically to type integer"

I got the same problem. Than I realized I had a default string value for the column I was trying to alter. Removing the default value made the error go away :)

How to add hours to current time in python

Import datetime and timedelta:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> str( + timedelta(hours=9))[11:19]

But the better way is:

>>> ( + timedelta(hours=9)).strftime('%H:%M:%S')

You can refer strptime and strftime behavior to better understand how python processes dates and time field

Difference between Groovy Binary and Source release?

A source release will be compiled on your own machine while a binary release must match your operating system.

source releases are more common on linux systems because linux systems can dramatically vary in cpu, installed library versions, kernelversions and nearly every linux system has a compiler installed.

binary releases are common on ms-windows systems. most windows machines do not have a compiler installed.

How do I set a VB.Net ComboBox default value

If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
    ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0    
End If

Digital Certificate: How to import .cer file in to .truststore file using?

# Copy the certificate into the directory Java_home\Jre\Lib\Security
# Change your directory to Java_home\Jre\Lib\Security>
# Import the certificate to a trust store.

keytool -import -alias ca -file somecert.cer -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit [Return]

Trust this certificate: [Yes]

changeit is the default truststore password

HTML: Select multiple as dropdown

You probably need to some plugin like Jquery multiselect dropdown. Here is a demo.

Also you need to close your option tags like this:

<select name="test" multiple>


jQuery vs document.querySelectorAll

Here's a comparison if I want to apply the same attribute, e.g. hide all elements of class "my-class". This is one reason to use jQuery.




var cls = document.querySelectorAll('.my-class');
for (var i = 0; i < cls.length; i++) {
    cls[i].style.display = 'none';

With jQuery already so popular, they should have made document.querySelector() behave just like $(). Instead, document.querySelector() only selects the first matching element which makes it only halfway useful.

jQuery make global variable

set the variable on window:

window.a_href = a_href;

Eclipse - Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

Eclipse Juno, Indigo and Kepler when using the bundled maven version(m2e), are not suppressing the message SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". This behaviour is present from the m2e version and onwards.

Although, this is indicated as an error your logs will be saved normally. The highlighted error will still be present until there is a fix of this bug. More about this in the m2e support site.

The current available solution is to use an external maven version rather than the bundled version of Eclipse. You can find about this solution and more details regarding this bug in the question below which i believe describes the same problem you are facing.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". error

How many files can I put in a directory?

For what it's worth, I just created a directory on an ext4 file system with 1,000,000 files in it, then randomly accessed those files through a web server. I didn't notice any premium on accessing those over (say) only having 10 files there.

This is radically different from my experience doing this on ntfs a few years back.

How can I strip all punctuation from a string in JavaScript using regex?

/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]/g should match all punctuation but keep the spaces. So you can use .replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ") to replace extra spaces if you need to do so. You can test the regex in

.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]/g,"").replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ")

Update: Will only work if the input is ANSI English.

Compile to a stand-alone executable (.exe) in Visual Studio

I don't think it is possible to do what the questioner asks which is to avoid dll hell by merging all the project files into one .exe.

The framework issue is a red herring. The problem that occurs is that when you have multiple projects depending on one library it is a PITA to keep the libraries in sync. Each time the library changes, all the .exes that depend on it and are not updated will die horribly.

Telling people to learn C as one response did is arrogant and ignorant.

"You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified aggregate function"

I had a similar problem in a MS-Access query, and I solved it by changing my equivalent fName to an "Expression" (as opposed to "Group By" or "Sum"). So long as all of my fields were "Expression", the Access query builder did not require any Group By clause at the end.enter image description here

Executing a shell script from a PHP script

Without really knowing the complexity of the setup, I like the sudo route. First, you must configure sudo to permit your webserver to sudo run the given command as root. Then, you need to have the script that the webserver shell_exec's(testscript) run the command with sudo.

For A Debian box with Apache and sudo:

  1. Configure sudo:

    • As root, run the following to edit a new/dedicated configuration file for sudo:

      visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/Webserver

      (or whatever you want to call your file in /etc/sudoers.d/)

    • Add the following to the file:

      www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: <executable_file_path>

      where <executable_file_path> is the command that you need to be able to run as root with the full path in its name(say /bin/chown for the chown executable). If the executable will be run with the same arguments every time, you can add its arguments right after the executable file's name to further restrict its use.

      For example, say we always want to copy the same file in the /root/ directory, we would write the following:

      www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/cp /root/test1 /root/test2
  2. Modify the script(testscript):

    Edit your script such that sudo appears before the command that requires root privileges(say sudo /bin/chown ... or sudo /bin/cp /root/test1 /root/test2). Make sure that the arguments specified in the sudo configuration file exactly match the arguments used with the executable in this file. So, for our example above, we would have the following in the script:

    sudo /bin/cp /root/test1 /root/test2

If you are still getting permission denied, the script file and it's parent directories' permissions may not allow the webserver to execute the script itself. Thus, you need to move the script to a more appropriate directory and/or change the script and parent directory's permissions to allow execution by www-data(user or group), which is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Keep in mind:

When configuring sudo, the objective is to permit the command in it's most restricted form. For example, instead of permitting the general use of the cp command, you only allow the cp command if the arguments are, say, /root/test1 /root/test2. This means that cp's arguments(and cp's functionality cannot be altered).

Date validation with ASP.NET validator

I believe that the dates have to be specified in the current culture of the application. You might want to experiment with setting CultureInvariantValues to true and see if that solves your problem. Otherwise you may need to change the DateTimeFormat for the current culture (or the culture itself) to get what you want.

Facebook OAuth "The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domain"

Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.

I had this issue today, I find the Facebook documentation and SDK disrespectful and arogant towards other developers to say the least.

Besides having the "app domains" in two different locations without much information (3 if you add a "web" platform), you also need to go to app products / facebook login / settings and add your redirect URL under Valid OAuth Redirect URIs

The error says NOTHING about the oauth settings.

Color picker utility (color pipette) in Ubuntu

I recommend GPick:

sudo apt-get install gpick

Applications -> Graphics -> GPick

It has many more features than gcolor2 but is still extremely simple to use: click on one of the hex swatches, move your mouse around the screen over the colours you want to pick, then press the Space bar to add to your swatch list.

If that doesn't work, another way is to click-and-drag from the centre of the hexagon and release your mouse over the pixel that you want to sample. Then immediately hit Space to copy that color into the next swatch in rotation.

It also has a traditional colour picker (like gcolor2) in the bottom right-hand corner of the window to allow you to pick individual colours with magnification.

Letsencrypt add domain to existing certificate

I was able to setup a SSL certificated for a domain AND multiple subdomains by using using --cert-name combined with --expand options.

See official certbot-auto documentation at


certbot-auto certonly --cert-name \
--renew-by-default -a webroot -n --expand \
--webroot-path=/usr/share/nginx/html \
-d \
-d \
-d \
-d \

How to Bootstrap navbar static to fixed on scroll?

If you handle the code like this:

<div class="scroll"> 
<div class="menu">home | services | contact</div>

And css:

.scroll {
.menu {
.menu-padding {
  // no  style here anymore 

Then the annoying scroll is gone.

The compleet code and fiddle is not originally made by me, I got it from an earlier answer in this topic. The change in the code is made by me

Fabian #Web-Stars


How to find foreign key dependencies in SQL Server?

USE information_schema;

WHERE (table_name = *tablename*) AND NOT (REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME IS NULL)

Looping over elements in jQuery

jQuery has an excellent function for looping through a set of elements: .each()

        //access to form element via $(this)

Converting string to title case

Here is an implementation, character by character. Should work with "(One Two Three)"

public static string ToInitcap(this string str)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
        return str;
    char[] charArray = new char[str.Length];
    bool newWord = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i)
        Char currentChar = str[i];
        if (Char.IsLetter(currentChar))
            if (newWord)
                newWord = false;
                currentChar = Char.ToUpper(currentChar);
                currentChar = Char.ToLower(currentChar);
        else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
            newWord = true;
        charArray[i] = currentChar;
    return new string(charArray);

How to create a string with format?

I think this could help you:

let timeNow = time(nil)
let aStr = String(format: "%@%x", "timeNow in hex: ", timeNow)

Example result:

timeNow in hex: 5cdc9c8d

What is a correct MIME type for .docx, .pptx, etc.?

Just look at MDN Web Docs.

Here is a list of MIME types, associated by type of documents, ordered by their common extensions:

Common MIME types

#1025 - Error on rename of './database/#sql-2e0f_1254ba7' to './database/table' (errno: 150)

If you are trying to delete a column which is a FOREIGN KEY, you must find the correct name which is not the column name. Eg: If I am trying to delete the server field in the Alarms table which is a foreign key to the servers table.

  1. SHOW CREATE TABLE alarm; Look for the CONSTRAINT `server_id_refs_id_34554433` FORIEGN KEY (`server_id`) REFERENCES `server` (`id`) line.
  2. ALTER TABLE `alarm` DROP FOREIGN KEY `server_id_refs_id_34554433`;
  3. ALTER TABLE `alarm` DROP `server_id`

This will delete the foreign key server from the Alarms table.

Javascript : natural sort of alphanumerical strings

To compare values you can use a comparing method-

function naturalSorter(as, bs){
    var a, b, a1, b1, i= 0, n, L,
    if(as=== bs) return 0;
    a= as.toLowerCase().match(rx);
    b= bs.toLowerCase().match(rx);
    L= a.length;
        if(!b[i]) return 1;
        a1= a[i],
        b1= b[i++];
        if(a1!== b1){
            n= a1-b1;
            if(!isNaN(n)) return n;
            return a1>b1? 1:-1;
    return b[i]? -1:0;

But for speed in sorting an array, rig the array before sorting, so you only have to do lower case conversions and the regular expression once instead of in every step through the sort.

function naturalSort(ar, index){
    var L= ar.length, i, who, next, 
    isi= typeof index== 'number', 
    rx=  /(\.\d+)|(\d+(\.\d+)?)|([^\d.]+)|(\.(\D+|$))/g;
    function nSort(aa, bb){
        var a= aa[0], b= bb[0], a1, b1, i= 0, n, L= a.length;
            if(!b[i]) return 1;
            a1= a[i];
            b1= b[i++];
            if(a1!== b1){
                n= a1-b1;
                if(!isNaN(n)) return n;
                return a1>b1? 1: -1;
        return b[i]!= undefined? -1: 0;
    for(i= 0; i<L; i++){
        who= ar[i];
        next= isi? ar[i][index] || '': who;
        ar[i]= [String(next).toLowerCase().match(rx), who];
    for(i= 0; i<L; i++){
        ar[i]= ar[i][1];

Checking if a variable is an integer

There's var.is_a? Class (in your case: var.is_a? Integer); that might fit the bill. Or there's Integer(var), where it'll throw an exception if it can't parse it.

How do I get the RootViewController from a pushed controller?

How about asking the UIApplication singleton for its keyWindow, and from that UIWindow ask for the root view controller (its rootViewController property):

UIViewController root = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController];

Simple PHP Pagination script

Some of the tutorials I found that are easy to understand are:

It makes way more sense to break up your list into page-sized chunks, and only query your database one chunk at a time. This drastically reduces server processing time and page load time, as well as gives your user smaller pieces of info to digest, so he doesn't choke on whatever crap you're trying to feed him. The act of doing this is called pagination.

A basic pagination routine seems long and scary at first, but once you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and look at each piece of the script individually, you will find it's actually pretty easy stuff

The script:

// find out how many rows are in the table 
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM numbers";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR);
$r = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$numrows = $r[0];

// number of rows to show per page
$rowsperpage = 10;
// find out total pages
$totalpages = ceil($numrows / $rowsperpage);

// get the current page or set a default
if (isset($_GET['currentpage']) && is_numeric($_GET['currentpage'])) {
   // cast var as int
   $currentpage = (int) $_GET['currentpage'];
} else {
   // default page num
   $currentpage = 1;
} // end if

// if current page is greater than total pages...
if ($currentpage > $totalpages) {
   // set current page to last page
   $currentpage = $totalpages;
} // end if
// if current page is less than first page...
if ($currentpage < 1) {
   // set current page to first page
   $currentpage = 1;
} // end if

// the offset of the list, based on current page 
$offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage;

// get the info from the db 
$sql = "SELECT id, number FROM numbers LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR);

// while there are rows to be fetched...
while ($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   // echo data
   echo $list['id'] . " : " . $list['number'] . "<br />";
} // end while

/******  build the pagination links ******/
// range of num links to show
$range = 3;

// if not on page 1, don't show back links
if ($currentpage > 1) {
   // show << link to go back to page 1
   echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=1'><<</a> ";
   // get previous page num
   $prevpage = $currentpage - 1;
   // show < link to go back to 1 page
   echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$prevpage'><</a> ";
} // end if 

// loop to show links to range of pages around current page
for ($x = ($currentpage - $range); $x < (($currentpage + $range) + 1); $x++) {
   // if it's a valid page number...
   if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $totalpages)) {
      // if we're on current page...
      if ($x == $currentpage) {
         // 'highlight' it but don't make a link
         echo " [<b>$x</b>] ";
      // if not current page...
      } else {
         // make it a link
         echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$x'>$x</a> ";
      } // end else
   } // end if 
} // end for

// if not on last page, show forward and last page links        
if ($currentpage != $totalpages) {
   // get next page
   $nextpage = $currentpage + 1;
    // echo forward link for next page 
   echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$nextpage'>></a> ";
   // echo forward link for lastpage
   echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?currentpage=$totalpages'>>></a> ";
} // end if
/****** end build pagination links ******/

This tutorial is intended for developers who wish to give their users the ability to step through a large number of database rows in manageable chunks instead of the whole lot in one go.

Python logging: use milliseconds in time format

A simple expansion that doesn't require the datetime module and isn't handicapped like some other solutions is to use simple string replacement like so:

import logging
import time

class MyFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
        ct = self.converter(record.created)
        if datefmt:
            if "%F" in datefmt:
                msec = "%03d" % record.msecs
                datefmt = datefmt.replace("%F", msec)
            s = time.strftime(datefmt, ct)
            t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ct)
            s = "%s,%03d" % (t, record.msecs)
        return s

This way a date format can be written however you want, even allowing for region differences, by using %F for milliseconds. For example:

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

sh = logging.StreamHandler()

fm = MyFormatter(fmt='%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s-%(message)s',datefmt='%H:%M:%S.%F')
sh.setFormatter(fm)"Foo, Bar, Baz")
# 03:26:33.757-INFO-Foo, Bar, Baz

Getting the button into the top right corner inside the div box

#button {
    line-height: 12px;
    width: 18px;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-family: tahoma;
    margin-top: 1px;
    margin-right: 2px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;

Visual Studio Code open tab in new window

On Windows and Linux, press Ctrl+K, then release the keys and press O (the letter O, not Zero).

On macOS, press command+K, then O (without holding command).

This will open the active file tab in a new window/instance.

How to check if object has been disposed in C#

A good way is to derive from TcpClient and override the Disposing(bool) method:

class MyClient : TcpClient {
    public bool IsDead { get; set; }
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
        IsDead = true;

Which won't work if the other code created the instance. Then you'll have to do something desperate like using Reflection to get the value of the private m_CleanedUp member. Or catch the exception.

Frankly, none is this is likely to come to a very good end. You really did want to write to the TCP port. But you won't, that buggy code you can't control is now in control of your code. You've increased the impact of the bug. Talking to the owner of that code and working something out is by far the best solution.

EDIT: A reflection example:

using System.Reflection;
public static bool SocketIsDisposed(Socket s)
   BindingFlags bfIsDisposed = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetProperty;
   // Retrieve a FieldInfo instance corresponding to the field
   PropertyInfo field = s.GetType().GetProperty("CleanedUp", bfIsDisposed);
   // Retrieve the value of the field, and cast as necessary
   return (bool)field.GetValue(s, null);

git checkout all the files

  • If you are in base directory location of your tracked files then git checkout . will works otherwise it won't work

C# Set collection?

I use a wrapper around a Dictionary<T, object>, storing nulls in the values. This gives O(1) add, lookup and remove on the keys, and to all intents and purposes acts like a set.

How do I vertically align text in a paragraph?

So personally I'm not sure of the best-method way, but one thing I have found works well for vertical alignment is using Flex, as you can justify it's content!

Let's say you have the following HTML and CSS:

.paragraph { 
      font-weight: light;
      color: gray;
      min-height: 6rem;
      background: lightblue;
<h1 class="heading"> Nice to meet you! </h1>
<p class="paragraph"> This is a paragraph </p>

We end up with a paragraph that isn't vertically centered, now if we use a Flex Column and apply the min height + BG to that we get the following:

.myflexbox {
    min-height: 6rem;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;
    background: lightblue;

.paragraph { 
      font-weight: light;
      color: gray;
<h1 class="heading"> Nice to meet you! </h1>
<div class="myflexbox">
    <p class="paragraph"> This is a paragraph </p>

However, in some situations you can't just wrap the P tag in a div so easily, well using Flexbox on the P tag is perfectly fine even if it's not the nicest practice.

.myflexparagraph {
    min-height: 6rem;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;
    background: lightblue;

.paragraph { 
      font-weight: light;
      color: gray;
<h1 class="heading"> Nice to meet you! </h1>
<p class="paragraph myflexparagraph"> This is a paragraph </p>

I have no clue if this is good or bad but if this helps only one person somewhere that's still one more then naught!

How can I return camelCase JSON serialized by JSON.NET from ASP.NET MVC controller methods?

Below is an action method that returns a json string (cameCase) by serializing an array of objects.

public string GetSerializedCourseVms()
        var courses = new[]
            new CourseVm{Number = "CREA101", Name = "Care of Magical Creatures", Instructor ="Rubeus Hagrid"},
            new CourseVm{Number = "DARK502", Name = "Defence against dark arts", Instructor ="Severus Snape"},
            new CourseVm{Number = "TRAN201", Name = "Transfiguration", Instructor ="Minerva McGonal"}
        var camelCaseFormatter = new JsonSerializerSettings();
        camelCaseFormatter.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
        return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(courses, camelCaseFormatter);

Note the JsonSerializerSettings instance passed as the second parameter. That's what makes the camelCase happen.

Pushing an existing Git repository to SVN

I needed this as well, and with the help of Bombe's answer + some fiddling around, I got it working. Here's the recipe:

Import Git -> Subversion

1. cd /path/to/git/localrepo
2. svn mkdir --parents protocol:///path/to/repo/PROJECT/trunk -m "Importing git repo"
3. git svn init protocol:///path/to/repo/PROJECT -s
4. git svn fetch
5. git rebase origin/trunk
5.1.  git status
5.2.  git add (conflicted-files)
5.3.  git rebase --continue
5.4.  (repeat 5.1.)
6. git svn dcommit

After #3 you'll get a cryptic message like this:

Using higher level of URL: protocol:///path/to/repo/PROJECT => protocol:///path/to/repo

Just ignore that.

When you run #5, you might get conflicts. Resolve these by adding files with state "unmerged" and resuming rebase. Eventually, you'll be done; then sync back to the SVN repository, using dcommit. That's all.

Keeping repositories in sync

You can now synchronise from SVN to Git, using the following commands:

git svn fetch
git rebase trunk

And to synchronise from Git to SVN, use:

git svn dcommit

Final note

You might want to try this out on a local copy, before applying to a live repository. You can make a copy of your Git repository to a temporary place; simply use cp -r, as all data is in the repository itself. You can then set up a file-based testing repository, using:

svnadmin create /home/name/tmp/test-repo

And check a working copy out, using:

svn co file:///home/name/tmp/test-repo svn-working-copy

That'll allow you to play around with things before making any lasting changes.

Addendum: If you mess up git svn init

If you accidentally run git svn init with the wrong URL, and you weren't smart enough to take a backup of your work (don't ask ...), you can't just run the same command again. You can however undo the changes by issuing:

rm -rf .git/svn
edit .git/config

And remove the section [svn-remote "svn"] section.

You can then run git svn init anew.

Combine or merge JSON on node.js without jQuery

A better approach from the correct solution here in order to not alter target:

function extend(){
  let sources = [], 0), result = {};
  sources.forEach(function (source) {
    for (let prop in source) {
      result[prop] = source[prop];
  return result;

What is tail recursion?

Using regular recursion, each recursive call pushes another entry onto the call stack. When the recursion is completed, the app then has to pop each entry off all the way back down.

With tail recursion, depending on language the compiler may be able to collapse the stack down to one entry, so you save stack space...A large recursive query can actually cause a stack overflow.

Basically Tail recursions are able to be optimized into iteration.

WorksheetFunction.CountA - not working post upgrade to Office 2010

It seems there is a change in how Application.COUNTA works in VB7 vs VB6. I tried the following in both versions of VB.

   ReDim allData(0 To 1, 0 To 15)
   Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(allData)

In VB6 this returns 0.

Inn VB7 it returns 32

Looks like VB7 doesn't consider COUNTA to be COUNTA anymore.

MySQL command line client for Windows

You can also download MySql workbench (31Mo) which includes mysql.exe and mysqldump.exe.

I successfully tested this when i had to run Perl scripts using DBD:MySql module to run SQL statements against a distant MySql db.

Java Programming: call an exe from Java and passing parameters

Below works for me if your exe depend on some dll or certain dependency then you need to set directory path. As mention below exePath mean folder where exe placed along with it's references files.

Exe application creating any temporaray file so it will create in folder mention in


ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(arguments);
processBuilder.redirectOutput(Redirect.PIPE); File(exePath));
process = processBuilder.start();
int waitFlag = process.waitFor();// Wait to finish application execution.
if (waitFlag == 0) {
 int returnVal = process.exitValue();


WPF What is the correct way of using SVG files as icons in WPF

Windows 10 build 15063 "Creators Update" natively supports SVG images (though with some gotchas) to UWP/UAP applications targeting Windows 10.

If your application is a WPF app rather than a UWP/UAP, you can still use this API (after jumping through quite a number of hoops): Windows 10 build 17763 "October 2018 Update" introduced the concept of XAML islands (as a "preview" technology but I believe allowed in the app store; in all cases, with Windows 10 build 18362 "May 2019 Update" XAML islands are no longer a preview feature and are fully supported) allowing you to use UWP APIs and controls in your WPF applications.

You need to first add the references to the WinRT APIs, and to use certain Windows 10 APIs that interact with user data or the system (e.g. loading images from disk in a Windows 10 UWP webview or using the toast notification API to show toasts), you also need to associate your WPF application with a package identity, as shown here (immensely easier in Visual Studio 2019). This shouldn't be necessary to use the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.SvgImageSource class, though.

Usage (if you're on UWP or you've followed the directions above and added XAML island support under WPF) is as simple as setting the Source for an <Image /> to the path to the SVG. That is equivalent to using SvgImageSource, as follows:

        <SvgImageSource UriSource="Assets/svg/icon.svg" />

However, SVG images loaded in this way (via XAML) may load jagged/aliased. One workaround is to specify a RasterizePixelHeight or RasterizePixelWidth value that is double+ your actual height/width:

<SvgImageSource RasterizePixelHeight="300" RasterizePixelWidth="300" UriSource="Assets/svg/icon.svg" /> <!-- presuming actual height or width is under 150 -->

This can be worked around dynamically by creating a new SvgImageSource in the ImageOpened event for the base image:

var svgSource = new SvgImageSource(new Uri("ms-appx://" + Icon));
PrayerIcon.ImageOpened += (s, e) =>
    var newSource = new SvgImageSource(svgSource.UriSource);
    newSource.RasterizePixelHeight = PrayerIcon.DesiredSize.Height * 2;
    newSource.RasterizePixelWidth = PrayerIcon.DesiredSize.Width * 2;
    PrayerIcon2.Source = newSource;
PrayerIcon.Source = svgSource;

The aliasing may be hard to see on non high-dpi screens, but here's an attempt to illustrate it.

This is the result of the code above: an Image that uses the initial SvgImageSource, and a second Image below it that uses the SvgImageSource created in the ImageOpened event:

enter image description here

This is a blown up view of the top image:

enter image description here

Whereas this is a blown-up view of the bottom (antialiased, correct) image:

enter image description here

(you'll need to open the images in a new tab and view at full size to appreciate the difference)

JSON ValueError: Expecting property name: line 1 column 2 (char 1)

used ast, example

In [15]: a = "[{'start_city': '1', 'end_city': 'aaa', 'number': 1},\
...:      {'start_city': '2', 'end_city': 'bbb', 'number': 1},\
...:      {'start_city': '3', 'end_city': 'ccc', 'number': 1}]"
In [16]: import ast
In [17]: ast.literal_eval(a)
[{'end_city': 'aaa', 'number': 1, 'start_city': '1'},
 {'end_city': 'bbb', 'number': 1, 'start_city': '2'},
 {'end_city': 'ccc', 'number': 1, 'start_city': '3'}]

How to trigger a file download when clicking an HTML button or JavaScript

download attribute do it

 <a class="btn btn-success btn-sm" href="/file_path/file.type" download>
     <span>download </span>&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-download"></i>

Angular redirect to login page

Please, do not override Router Outlet! It's a nightmare with latest router release (3.0 beta).

Instead use the interfaces CanActivate and CanDeactivate and set the class as canActivate / canDeactivate in your route definition.

Like that:

{ path: '', component: Component, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },


export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {

    constructor(protected router: Router, protected authService: AuthService)


    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> | boolean {

        if (state.url !== '/login' && !this.authService.isAuthenticated()) {
            return false;

        return true;

See also:!#can-activate-guard


There's no need for "else" in this case:

IF EXISTS(SELECT *  FROM  table1  WHERE Name='John' ) return 1
return 0

Best way to randomize an array with .NET

The following implementation uses the Fisher-Yates algorithm AKA the Knuth Shuffle. It runs in O(n) time and shuffles in place, so is better performing than the 'sort by random' technique, although it is more lines of code. See here for some comparative performance measurements. I have used System.Random, which is fine for non-cryptographic purposes.*

static class RandomExtensions
    public static void Shuffle<T> (this Random rng, T[] array)
        int n = array.Length;
        while (n > 1) 
            int k = rng.Next(n--);
            T temp = array[n];
            array[n] = array[k];
            array[k] = temp;


var array = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
var rng = new Random();
rng.Shuffle(array); // different order from first call to Shuffle

* For longer arrays, in order to make the (extremely large) number of permutations equally probable it would be necessary to run a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) through many iterations for each swap to produce enough entropy. For a 500-element array only a very small fraction of the possible 500! permutations will be possible to obtain using a PRNG. Nevertheless, the Fisher-Yates algorithm is unbiased and therefore the shuffle will be as good as the RNG you use.

How to stop VMware port error of 443 on XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.1

Here is the solution step-by-step:

  1. Open up httpd-ssl.conf in path2xampp\apache\conf\extra
  2. Look for the line Listen 443
  3. Change port number to anything you want. I use 4430. ex. Listen 4430.
  4. Replace every 443 string in that file with 4430.
  5. Save the file.

How to import a module given its name as string?

The below piece worked for me:

>>>import imp; 
>>>fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module("/home/test_module"); 
>>>test_module = imp.load_module("test_module", fp, pathname, description);
>>>print test_module.print_hello();

if you want to import in shell-script:

python -c '<above entire code in one line>'

How to extract the first two characters of a string in shell scripting?

Is this what your after?

my $string = 'USCAGoleta9311734.5021-120.1287855805';

my $first_two_chars = substr $string, 0, 2;

ref: substr

How to convert a String to CharSequence?

Attempting to provide some (possible) context for OP's question by posting my own trouble. I'm working in Scala, but the error messages I'm getting all reference Java types, and the error message reads a lot like the compiler complaining that CharSequence is not a String. I confirmed in the source code that String implements the CharSequence interface, but the error message draws attention to the difference between String and CharSequence while hiding the real source of the trouble:

scala> cols
res8: Iterable[String] = List(Item, a, b)

scala> val header = String.join(",", cols)
<console>:13: error: overloaded method value join with alternatives:
  (x$1: CharSequence,x$2: java.lang.Iterable[_ <: CharSequence])String <and>
  (x$1: CharSequence,x$2: CharSequence*)String
 cannot be applied to (String, Iterable[String])
       val header = String.join(",", cols)

I was able to fix this problem with the realization that the problem wasn't String / CharSequence, but rather a mismatch between java.lang.Iterable and Scala's built-in Iterable.

scala> val header = String.join(",", coll: _*)
header: String = Item,a,b

My particular problem can also be solved via the answers at Scala: join an iterable of strings

In summary, OP and others who come across similar problems should parse the error messages very closely and see what other type conversions might be involved.

File 'app/hero.ts' is not a module error in the console, where to store interfaces files in directory structure with angular2?

In my case I was accusing that the '*service.ts' is not a module.

To solve it I just added the service within providers in the module.

Calculating percentile of dataset column

You can also use the hmisc package that will give you the following percentiles:

0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9 , 0.95

Just use the describe(table_ages)

Splitting a Java String by the pipe symbol using split("|")

the split() method takes a regular expression as an argument

How to correct "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable" in recursive function?

What is a when you call Ancestors('A',a)? If a['A'] is None, or if a['A'][0] is None, you'd receive that exception.

Android: How to open a specific folder via Intent and show its content in a file browser?

Today, you should be representing a folder using its content: URI as obtained from the Storage Access Framework, and opening it should be as simple as:

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);

Alas, the Files app currently contains a bug that causes it to crash when you try this using the external storage provider. Folders from third party providers however can be displayed in this way.

Delete rows with blank values in one particular column

An easy approach would be making all the blank cells NA and only keeping complete cases. You might also look for na.omit examples. It is a widely discussed topic.


CONVERT Image url to Base64

Here's the Typescript version of Abubakar Ahmad's answer

function imageTo64(
  url: string, 
  callback: (path64: string | ArrayBuffer) => void
): void {
  const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
  xhr.responseType = 'blob';

  xhr.onload = (): void => {
    const reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onloadend = (): void => callback(reader.result);

Change Volley timeout duration


 stringRequest.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(

"Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" on external JAR

For me the problem was that I had set the wrong compiler compliance level (1.8 instead of 1.7).

This answer solved it:

In the Project SDK section, when you add an Android SDK you should provide the Java SDK and all my Android SDKs uses Java 8 as SDK so it create the class files with the wrong version even if the Project level is 1.7 (i don't know why, i supposed that everything was choosed by Project level). Now i changed the SDK (the java version "1.x.0" part.)

Why does using from __future__ import print_function breaks Python2-style print?

First of all, from __future__ import print_function needs to be the first line of code in your script (aside from some exceptions mentioned below). Second of all, as other answers have said, you have to use print as a function now. That's the whole point of from __future__ import print_function; to bring the print function from Python 3 into Python 2.6+.

from __future__ import print_function

import sys, os, time

for x in range(0,10):
    print(x, sep=' ', end='')  # No need for sep here, but okay :)

__future__ statements need to be near the top of the file because they change fundamental things about the language, and so the compiler needs to know about them from the beginning. From the documentation:

A future statement is recognized and treated specially at compile time: Changes to the semantics of core constructs are often implemented by generating different code. It may even be the case that a new feature introduces new incompatible syntax (such as a new reserved word), in which case the compiler may need to parse the module differently. Such decisions cannot be pushed off until runtime.

The documentation also mentions that the only things that can precede a __future__ statement are the module docstring, comments, blank lines, and other future statements.

Recover sa password

best answer written by Dmitri Korotkevitch:

Speaking of the installation, SQL Server 2008 allows you to set authentication mode (Windows or SQL Server) during the installation process. You will be forced to choose the strong password for sa user in the case if you choose sql server authentication mode during setup.

If you install SQL Server with Windows Authentication mode and want to change it, you need to do 2 different things:

  1. Go to SQL Server Properties/Security tab and change the mode to SQL Server authentication mode

  2. Go to security/logins, open SA login properties

a. Uncheck "Enforce password policy" and "Enforce password expiration" check box there if you decide to use weak password

b. Assign password to SA user

c. Open "Status" tab and enable login.

I don't need to mention that every action from above would violate security best practices that recommend to use windows authentication mode, have sa login disabled and use strong passwords especially for sa login.

Jenkins Pipeline Wipe Out Workspace

You can use deleteDir() as the last step of the pipeline Jenkinsfile (assuming you didn't change the working directory).

How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

$(element).on("click mousedown mouseup focus blur keydown change",function(e){

That will get you a lot (but not all) of the information on if an event is fired... other than manually coding it like this, I can't think of any other way to do that.

How do I get first element rather than using [0] in jQuery?

You can try like this:

How to save data file into .RData?

There are three ways to save objects from your R session:

Saving all objects in your R session:

The save.image() function will save all objects currently in your R session:


These objects can then be loaded back into a new R session using the load() function:


Saving some objects in your R session:

If you want to save some, but not all objects, you can use the save() function:

save(city, country, file="1.RData")

Again, these can be reloaded into another R session using the load() function:


Saving a single object

If you want to save a single object you can use the saveRDS() function:

saveRDS(city, file="city.rds")
saveRDS(country, file="country.rds") 

You can load these into your R session using the readRDS() function, but you will need to assign the result into a the desired variable:

city <- readRDS("city.rds")
country <- readRDS("country.rds")

But this also means you can give these objects new variable names if needed (i.e. if those variables already exist in your new R session but contain different objects):

city_list <- readRDS("city.rds")
country_vector <- readRDS("country.rds")

MongoDB: How to query for records where field is null or not set?

If you want to ONLY count the documents with sent_at defined with a value of null (don't count the documents with sent_at not set):

db.emails.count({sent_at: { $type: 10 }})

Local dependency in package.json

There is great yalc that helps to manage local packages. It helped me with local lib that I later deploy. Just pack project with .yalc directory (with or without /node_modules). So just do:

npm install -g yalc  

in directory lib/$ yalc publish 

in project:

project/$ yalc add lib

project/$ npm install 

that's it.

When You want to update stuff:

lib/$ yalc push   //this will updated all projects that use your "lib"

project/$ npm install 

Pack and deploy with Docker

tar -czvf <compresedFile> <directories and files...>
tar -czvf app.tar .yalc/ build/ src/ package.json package-lock.json

Note: Remember to add .yalc directory.


FROM node:lts-alpine3.9

ADD app.tar /app

RUN npm install

CMD [ "node", "src/index.js" ]

Uncaught SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode

This means that you must declare strict mode by writing "use strict" at the beginning of the file or the function to use block-scope declarations.


function test(){
    "use strict";
    let a = 1;

Saving an image in OpenCV

I suggest you run OpenCV sanity check

Its a serie of small executables located in the bin directory of opencv.

It will check if your camera is ok

Count(*) vs Count(1) - SQL Server

If you run the following in SQL Server, you'll notice that COUNT(1) is evaluated as COUNT(*) anyway. So it appears that there is no difference, and also that COUNT(*) is the expression most native to the query optimizer:


FROM <table>


Create PDF with Java

I prefer outputting my data into XML (using Castor, XStream or JAXB), then transforming it using a XSLT stylesheet into XSL-FO and render that with Apache FOP into PDF. Worked so far for 10-page reports and 400-page manuals. I found this more flexible and stylable than generating PDFs in code using iText.

How to change the value of attribute in appSettings section with Web.config transformation

If you want to make transformation your app setting from web config file to web.Release.config,you have to do the following steps. Let your web.config app setting file is this-

     <add key ="K1" value="Debendra Dash"/>

Now here is the web.Release.config for the transformation.

    <add key="K1" value="value dynamicly from Realease"

This will transform the value of K1 to the new value in realese Mode.

How to create timer in angular2

Set Timer and auto call service after certain time
// Initialize from ngInit
ngOnInit(): void {this.getNotifications();}

getNotifications() {
    setInterval(() => {this.getNewNotifications();
    }, 60000);  // 60000 milliseconds interval 
getNewNotifications() {
        data => { // call back },
        error => { },