Programs & Examples On #Rapidshare

What is the difference between Cloud, Grid and Cluster?

Cloud: is simply an aggregate of computing power. You can think of the entire "cloud" as single server, for your purposes. It's conceptually much like an old school mainframe where you could submit your jobs to and have it return the result, except that nowadays the concept is applied more widely. (I.e. not just raw computing, also entire services, or storage ...)

Grid: a grid is simply many computers which together might solve a given problem/crunch data. The fundamental difference between a grid and a cluster is that in a grid each node is relatively independent of others; problems are solved in a divide and conquer fashion.

Cluster: conceptually it is essentially smashing up many machines to make a really big & powerful one. This is a much more difficult architecture than cloud or grid to get right because you have to orchestrate all nodes to work together, and provide consistency of things such as cache, memory, and not to mention clocks. Of course clouds have much the same problem, but unlike clusters clouds are not conceptually one big machine, so the entire architecture doesn't have to treat it as such. You can for instance not allocate the full capacity of your data center to a single request, whereas that is kind of the point of a cluster: to be able to throw 100% of the oomph at a single problem.

Best way to use PHP to encrypt and decrypt passwords?

One thing you should be very aware of when dealing with encryption:

Trying to be clever and inventing your own thing usually will leave you with something insecure.

You'd probably be best off using one of the cryptography extensions that come with PHP.

How to get a substring of text?

If you have your text in your_text variable, you can use:


how do I change text in a label with swift?

Swift uses the same cocoa-touch API. You can call all the same methods, but they will use Swift's syntax. In this example you can do something like this:

self.simpleLabel.text = "message"

Note the setText method isn't available. Setting the label's text with = will automatically call the setter in swift.

MySQL Alter Table Add Field Before or After a field already present

$query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "posts_to_bookmark` 
          ADD COLUMN `ping_status` INT(1) NOT NULL 

I believe you need to have ADD COLUMN and use AFTER, not BEFORE.

In case you want to place column at the beginning of a table, use the FIRST statement:

$query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $table_prefix . "posts_to_bookmark`
          ADD COLUMN `ping_status` INT(1) NOT NULL 

Express-js can't GET my static files, why?

Try http://localhost:3001/default.css.

To have /styles in your request URL, use:

app.use("/styles", express.static(__dirname + '/styles'));

Look at the examples on this page:

//Serve static content for the app from the "public" directory in the application directory.

    // GET /style.css etc
    app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

// Mount the middleware at "/static" to serve static content only when their request path is prefixed with "/static".

    // GET /static/style.css etc.
    app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

The simplest way to resize an UIImage?

I've discovered that it's difficult to find an answer that you can use out-of-the box in your Swift 3 project. The main problem of other answers that they don't honor the alpha-channel of the image. Here is the technique that I'm using in my projects.

extension UIImage {

    func scaledToFit(toSize newSize: CGSize) -> UIImage {
        if (size.width < newSize.width && size.height < newSize.height) {
            return copy() as! UIImage

        let widthScale = newSize.width / size.width
        let heightScale = newSize.height / size.height

        let scaleFactor = widthScale < heightScale ? widthScale : heightScale
        let scaledSize = CGSize(width: size.width * scaleFactor, height: size.height * scaleFactor)

        return self.scaled(toSize: scaledSize, in: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: scaledSize.width, height: scaledSize.height))

    func scaled(toSize newSize: CGSize, in rect: CGRect) -> UIImage {
        if UIScreen.main.scale == 2.0 {
            UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, !hasAlphaChannel, 2.0)
        else {

        draw(in: rect)
        let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

        return newImage ?? UIImage()

    var hasAlphaChannel: Bool {
        guard let alpha = cgImage?.alphaInfo else {
            return false
        return alpha == CGImageAlphaInfo.first ||
            alpha == CGImageAlphaInfo.last ||
            alpha == CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedFirst ||
            alpha == CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedLast

Example of usage:

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let size = CGSize(width: 14.0, height: 14.0)
    if let image = UIImage(named: "barbell")?.scaledToFit(toSize: size) {
        let imageView = UIImageView(image: image) = CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100)

This code is a rewrite of Apple's extension with added support for images with and without alpha channel.

As a further reading I recommend checking this article for different image resizing techniques. Current approach offers decent performance, it operates high-level APIs and easy to understand. I recommend sticking to it unless you find that image resizing is a bottleneck in your performance.

Can a Byte[] Array be written to a file in C#?

Try BinaryReader:

/// <summary>
/// Convert the Binary AnyFile to Byte[] format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static byte[] ConvertANYFileToBytes(HttpPostedFileBase image)
    byte[] imageBytes = null;
    BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(image.InputStream);
    imageBytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)image.ContentLength);
    return imageBytes;

How to download image from url

Depending whether or not you know the image format, here are ways you can do it :

Download Image to a file, knowing the image format

using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) 
   webClient.DownloadFile("", "image.png") ; 

Download Image to a file without knowing the image format

You can use Image.FromStream to load any kind of usual bitmaps (jpg, png, bmp, gif, ... ), it will detect automaticaly the file type and you don't even need to check the url extension (which is not a very good practice). E.g:

using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) 
    byte [] data = webClient.DownloadData("");

   using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(data)) 
       using (var yourImage = Image.FromStream(mem)) 
          // If you want it as Png
           yourImage.Save("path_to_your_file.png", ImageFormat.Png) ; 

          // If you want it as Jpeg
           yourImage.Save("path_to_your_file.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg) ; 


Note : ArgumentException may be thrown by Image.FromStream if the downloaded content is not a known image type.

Check this reference on MSDN to find all format available. Here are reference to WebClient and Bitmap.

How to map and remove nil values in Ruby

Try using reduce or inject.

[1, 2, 3].reduce([]) { |memo, i|
  if i % 2 == 0
    memo << i


I agree with the accepted answer that we shouldn't map and compact, but not for the same reasons.

I feel deep inside that map then compact is equivalent to select then map. Consider: map is a one-to-one function. If you are mapping from some set of values, and you map, then you want one value in the output set for each value in the input set. If you are having to select before-hand, then you probably don't want a map on the set. If you are having to select afterwards (or compact) then you probably don't want a map on the set. In either case you are iterating twice over the entire set, when a reduce only needs to go once.

Also, in English, you are trying to "reduce a set of integers into a set of even integers".

How can I create a marquee effect?

With a small change of the markup, here's my approach (I've just inserted a span inside the paragraph):

.marquee {
  width: 450px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  overflow: hidden;
  box-sizing: border-box;

.marquee span {
  display: inline-block;
  width: max-content;

  padding-left: 100%;
  /* show the marquee just outside the paragraph */
  will-change: transform;
  animation: marquee 15s linear infinite;

.marquee span:hover {
  animation-play-state: paused

@keyframes marquee {
  0% { transform: translate(0, 0); }
  100% { transform: translate(-100%, 0); }

/* Respect user preferences about animations */

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  .marquee span {
    animation-iteration-count: 1;
    animation-duration: 0.01; 
    /* instead of animation: none, so an animationend event is 
     * still available, if previously attached.
    width: auto;
    padding-left: 0;
<p class="marquee">
       When I had journeyed half of our life's way, I found myself
       within a shadowed forest, for I had lost the path that 
       does not stray. – (Dante Alighieri, <i>Divine Comedy</i>. 

No hardcoded values — dependent on paragraph width — have been inserted.

The animation applies the CSS3 transform property (use prefixes where needed) so it performs well.

If you need to insert a delay just once at the beginning then also set an animation-delay. If you need instead to insert a small delay at every loop then try to play with an higher padding-left (e.g. 150%)

How can I make an "are you sure" prompt in a Windows batchfile?

Open terminal. Type the following

chmod 700

Paste this inside


echo -n 'Are you sure? [Y/n] '
read yn

if [ "$yn" = "n" ]; then
    exit 1

exit 0

Close and type this in terminal.

alias sure='~/sure&&'

Now, if you type sure before typing the command it will give you an are you sure prompt before continuing the command.

Hope this is helpful!

SSRS Conditional Formatting Switch or IIF

To dynamically change the color of a text box goto properties, goto font/Color and set the following expression

=SWITCH(Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "Low", "Green",
Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "Moderate", "Blue",
Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "Medium", "Yellow",
Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "High", "Orange",
Fields!CurrentRiskLevel.Value = "Very High", "Red"

Same way for tolerance

=SWITCH(Fields!Tolerance.Value = "Low", "Red",
Fields!Tolerance.Value = "Moderate", "Orange",
Fields!Tolerance.Value = "Medium", "Yellow",
Fields!Tolerance.Value = "High", "Blue",
Fields!Tolerance.Value = "Very High", "Green")

How to make `setInterval` behave more in sync, or how to use `setTimeout` instead?

The best way to deal with audio timing is with the Web Audio Api, it has a separate clock that is accurate regardless of what is happening in the main thread. There is a great explanation, examples, etc from Chris Wilson here:

Have a look around this site for more Web Audio API, it was developed to do exactly what you are after.

Decorators with parameters?

Great answers above. This one also illustrates @wraps, which takes the doc string and function name from the original function and applies it to the new wrapped version:

from functools import wraps

def decorator_func_with_args(arg1, arg2):
    def decorator(f):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            print("Before orginal function with decorator args:", arg1, arg2)
            result = f(*args, **kwargs)
            print("Ran after the orginal function")
            return result
        return wrapper
    return decorator

@decorator_func_with_args("foo", "bar")
def hello(name):
    """A function which prints a greeting to the name provided.
    print('hello ', name)
    return 42

print("Starting script..")
x = hello('Bob')
print("The value of x is:", x)
print("The wrapped functions docstring is:", hello.__doc__)
print("The wrapped functions name is:", hello.__name__)


Starting script..
Before orginal function with decorator args: foo bar
hello  Bob
Ran after the orginal function
The value of x is: 42
The wrapped functions docstring is: A function which prints a greeting to the name provided.
The wrapped functions name is: hello

How can I store HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> inside a list?

First you need to define the List as :

List<Map<String, ArrayList<String>>> list = new ArrayList<>();

To add the Map to the List , use add(E e) method :


iOS 8 removed "minimal-ui" viewport property, are there other "soft fullscreen" solutions?

Since there is no programmatic way to mimic minimal-ui, we have come up with a different workaround, using calc() and known iOS address bar height to our advantage:

The following demo page (also available on gist, more technical details there) will prompt user to scroll, which then triggers a soft-fullscreen (hide address bar/menu), where header and content fills the new viewport.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Scroll Test</title>

        html, body {
            height: 100%;

        html {
            background-color: red;

        body {
            background-color: blue;
            margin: 0;

        div.header {
            width: 100%;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: green;
            overflow: hidden;

        div.content {
            height: 100%;
            height: calc(100% - 40px);
            width: 100%;
            background-color: purple;
            overflow: hidden;

        div.cover {
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            z-index: 100;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            overflow: hidden;
            background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
            color: #fff;
            display: none;

        @media screen and (width: 320px) {
            html {
                height: calc(100% + 72px);

            div.cover {
                display: block;
        var timeout;

        window.addEventListener('scroll', function(ev) {

            if (timeout) {

            timeout = setTimeout(function() {

                if (window.scrollY > 0) {
                    var cover = document.querySelector('div.cover');
           = 'none';

            }, 200);


    <div class="header">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="cover">
        <p>scroll to soft fullscreen</p>


What are good ways to prevent SQL injection?

My answer is quite easy:

Use Entity Framework for communication between C# and your SQL database. That will make parameterized SQL strings that isn't vulnerable to SQL injection.

As a bonus, it's very easy to work with as well.

Convert row names into first column

dplyr::as_data_frame(df, rownames = "your_row_name") will give you even simpler result.

MySQL SELECT query string matching


SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE '%Bob Smith%';


select count(*)
from rearp.customers c
where  LIKE '%Bob smith.8%';

select count will just query (totals)

C will link the db.table to the names row you need this to index

LIKE should be obvs

8 will call all references in DB 8 or less (not really needed but i like neatness)

CSS Background Image Not Displaying

According to your CSS file path, I will suppose it is at the same directory with your HTML page, you have to change the url as follows:

body { background: url(img/debut_dark.png) repeat 0 0; }

How to Compare two strings using a if in a stored procedure in sql server 2008?

Two things:

  1. Only need one (1) equals sign to evaluate
  2. You need to specify a length on the VARCHAR - the default is a single character.


    SET @temp = 'm'

IF @temp = 'm'
  SELECT 'yes'
  SELECT 'no'

VARCHAR(10) means the VARCHAR will accommodate up to 10 characters. More examples of the behavior -

    SET @temp = 'm'

IF @temp = 'm'
  SELECT 'yes'
  SELECT 'no'

...will return "yes"

    SET @temp = 'mtest'

IF @temp = 'm'
  SELECT 'yes'
  SELECT 'no'

...will return "no".

How can I make a weak protocol reference in 'pure' Swift (without @objc)

Supplemental Answer

I was always confused about whether delegates should be weak or not. Recently I've learned more about delegates and when to use weak references, so let me add some supplemental points here for the sake of future viewers.

  • The purpose of using the weak keyword is to avoid strong reference cycles (retain cycles). Strong reference cycles happen when two class instances have strong references to each other. Their reference counts never go to zero so they never get deallocated.

  • You only need to use weak if the delegate is a class. Swift structs and enums are value types (their values are copied when a new instance is made), not reference types, so they don't make strong reference cycles.

  • weak references are always optional (otherwise you would used unowned) and always use var (not let) so that the optional can be set to nil when it is deallocated.

  • A parent class should naturally have a strong reference to its child classes and thus not use the weak keyword. When a child wants a reference to its parent, though, it should make it a weak reference by using the weak keyword.

  • weak should be used when you want a reference to a class that you don't own, not just for a child referencing its parent. When two non-hierarchical classes need to reference each other, choose one to be weak. The one you choose depends on the situation. See the answers to this question for more on this.

  • As a general rule, delegates should be marked as weak because most delegates are referencing classes that they do not own. This is definitely true when a child is using a delegate to communicate with a parent. Using a weak reference for the delegate is what the documentation recommends. (But see this, too.)

  • Protocols can be used for both reference types (classes) and value types (structs, enums). So in the likely case that you need to make a delegate weak, you have to make it an object-only protocol. The way to do that is to add AnyObject to the protocol's inheritance list. (In the past you did this using the class keyword, but AnyObject is preferred now.)

    protocol MyClassDelegate: AnyObject {
        // ...
    class SomeClass {
        weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?

Further Study

Reading the following articles is what helped me to understand this much better. They also discuss related issues like the unowned keyword and the strong reference cycles that happen with closures.


CSS selector last row from main table

Your tables should have as immediate children just tbody and thead elements, with the rows within*. So, amend the HTML to be:

<table border="1" width="100%" id="test">
      <table border="1" width="100%">
            <td>table 2</td>
    <tr><td>table 1</td></tr>
    <tr><td>table 1</td></tr>
    <tr><td>table 1</td></tr>

Then amend your selector slightly to this:

#test > tbody > tr:last-child { background:#ff0000; }

See it in action here. That makes use of the child selector, which:

...separates two selectors and matches only those elements matched by the second selector that are direct children of elements matched by the first.

So, you are targeting only direct children of tbody elements that are themselves direct children of your #test table.

Alternative solution

The above is the neatest solution, as you don't need to over-ride any styles. The alternative would be to stick with your current set-up, and over-ride the background style for the inner table, like this:

#test tr:last-child { background:#ff0000; }
#test table tr:last-child { background:transparent; }

* It's not mandatory but most (all?) browsers will add these in, so it's best to make it explicit. As @BoltClock states in the comments:'s now set in stone in HTML5, so for a browser to be compliant it basically must behave this way.

How to solve Notice: Undefined index: id in C:\xampp\htdocs\invmgt\manufactured_goods\change.php on line 21

Simply add this

$id = ''; 
if( isset( $_GET['id'])) {
    $id = $_GET['id']; 

How can I parse / create a date time stamp formatted with fractional seconds UTC timezone (ISO 8601, RFC 3339) in Swift?

If you want to use the ISO8601DateFormatter() with a date from a Rails 4+ JSON feed (and don't need millis of course), you need to set a few options on the formatter for it to work right otherwise the the date(from: string) function will return nil. Here's what I'm using:

extension Date {
    init(dateString:String) {
        self = dateString)!

    static let iso8601Formatter: ISO8601DateFormatter = {
        let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
        formatter.formatOptions = [.withFullDate,
        return formatter

Here's the result of using the options verses not in a playground screenshot:

enter image description here

How to Lock/Unlock screen programmatically?

The androidmanifest.xml and policies.xml files on the sample page are invisible in my browser due to it trying to format the XML files as HTML. I'm only posting this for reference for the convenience of others, this is sourced from the sample page.

Thanks all for this helpful question!


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" />

    <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
        <activity android:name=".LockScreenActivity"
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

        <receiver android:name=".MyAdmin"
            <meta-data android:name=""
                       android:resource="@xml/policies" />
                <action android:name="" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<device-admin xmlns:android="">
        <limit-password />
        <watch-login />
        <reset-password />
        <force-lock />
        <wipe-data />

Is there a jQuery unfocus method?

So you can do this


try it and give feedback

Android Respond To URL in Intent

I did it! Using <intent-filter>. Put the following into your manifest file:

  <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
  <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
  <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
  <data android:host="" android:scheme="http" />

This works perfectly!

In LaTeX, how can one add a header/footer in the document class Letter?

This code works to insert both header and footer on the first page with header center aligned and footer left aligned

  % for the first page

  5$^{th}$  IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering - ICRAIE 2020 (IEEE Record\#51050) %EDIT HERE

  {\footnotesize XXX-1-7281-8867-6/20/\$31.00~\copyright~2020 IEEE\hfill} % EDIT HERE



\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
\newcommand{\ma}[1]{\mbox{\boldmath$#1$}} ```

HTTP response code for POST when resource already exists

I think for REST, you just have to make a decision on the behavior for that particular system in which case, I think the "right" answer would be one of a couple answers given here. If you want the request to stop and behave as if the client made a mistake that it needs to fix before continuing, then use 409. If the conflict really isn't that important and want to keep the request going, then respond by redirecting the client to the entity that was found. I think proper REST APIs should be redirecting (or at least providing the location header) to the GET endpoint for that resource following a POST anyway, so this behavior would give a consistent experience.

EDIT: It's also worth noting that you should consider a PUT since you're providing the ID. Then the behavior is simple: "I don't care what's there right now, put this thing there." Meaning, if nothing is there, it'll be created; if something is there it'll be replaced. I think a POST is more appropriate when the server manages that ID. Separating the two concepts basically tells you how to deal with it (i.e. PUT is idempotent so it should always work so long as the payload validates, POST always creates, so if there is a collision of IDs, then a 409 would describe that conflict).


This xsl:stylesheet can use a specified list of column headers and will ensure that the rows will be ordered correctly.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:csv="csv:csv">
    <xsl:output method="text" encoding="utf-8" />
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*" />

    <xsl:variable name="delimiter" select="','" />


    <xsl:template match="/property-manager/properties">
        <!-- Output the CSV header -->
        <xsl:for-each select="document('')/*/csv:columns/*">
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>
                <xsl:if test="position() != last()">
                    <xsl:value-of select="$delimiter"/>

        <!-- Output rows for each matched property -->
        <xsl:apply-templates select="property" />

    <xsl:template match="property">
        <xsl:variable name="property" select="." />

        <!-- Loop through the columns in order -->
        <xsl:for-each select="document('')/*/csv:columns/*">
            <!-- Extract the column name and value -->
            <xsl:variable name="column" select="." />
            <xsl:variable name="value" select="$property/*[name() = $column]" />

            <!-- Quote the value if required -->
                <xsl:when test="contains($value, '&quot;')">
                    <xsl:variable name="x" select="replace($value, '&quot;',  '&quot;&quot;')"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="concat('&quot;', $x, '&quot;')"/>
                <xsl:when test="contains($value, $delimiter)">
                    <xsl:value-of select="concat('&quot;', $value, '&quot;')"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="$value"/>

            <!-- Add the delimiter unless we are the last expression -->
            <xsl:if test="position() != last()">
                <xsl:value-of select="$delimiter"/>

        <!-- Add a newline at the end of the record -->


Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support

Its bit late but here is how I get it done in AndroidStudio !

Right click on app to goto properties Right click on app to goto properties

Go to Dependencies and click on '+' sign and choose library dependency Go to Dependencies and click on '+' sign and choose library dependency Choose appcompat-v7 Choose appcompat-v7

How to get datas from List<Object> (Java)?

System.out.println("Element "+i+list.get(0));}

Should be

System.out.println("Element "+i+list.get(i));}

To use the JSF tags, you give the dataList value attribute a reference to your list of elements, and the var attribute is a local name for each element of that list in turn. Inside the dataList, you use properties of the object (getters) to output the information about that individual object:

<t:dataList id="myDataList" value="#{houseControlList}" var="element" rows="3" >
<t:outputText id="houseId" value="#{element.houseId}"/>

Find out a Git branch creator

List remote Git branches by author sorted by committer date:

git for-each-ref --format='%(committerdate) %09 %(authorname) %09 %(refname)' --sort=committerdate

vi/vim editor, copy a block (not usual action)

I found the below command much more convenient. If you want to copy lines from 6 to 12 and paste from the current cursor position.

:6,12 co .

If you want to copy lines from 6 to 12 and paste from 100th line.



while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) - how many loops are being performed?

For the first one: your program will go through the loop once for every row in the result set returned by the query. You can know in advance how many results there are by using mysql_num_rows().

For the second one: this time you are only using one row of the result set and you are doing something for each of the columns. That's what the foreach language construct does: it goes through the body of the loop for each entry in the array $row. The number of times the program will go through the loop is knowable in advance: it will go through once for every column in the result set (which presumably you know, but if you need to determine it you can use count($row)).

Remove all special characters with RegExp

str.replace(/\s|[0-9_]|\W|[#$%^&*()]/g, "") I did sth like this. But there is some people who did it much easier like str.replace(/\W_/g,"");

jQuery rotate/transform

Simply remove the line that rotates it one degree at a time and calls the script forever.

// Animate rotation with a recursive call
setTimeout(function() { rotate(++degree); },65);

Then pass the desired value into the function... in this example 45 for 45 degrees.

$(function() {

    var $elie = $("#bkgimg");

        function rotate(degree) {
      // For webkit browsers: e.g. Chrome
           $elie.css({ WebkitTransform: 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)'});
      // For Mozilla browser: e.g. Firefox
           $elie.css({ '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)'});


Change .css() to .animate() in order to animate the rotation with jQuery. We also need to add a duration for the animation, 5000 for 5 seconds. And updating your original function to remove some redundancy and support more browsers...

$(function() {

    var $elie = $("#bkgimg");

        function rotate(degree) {
                        '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        '-ms-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        '-o-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        'transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        'zoom': 1
            }, 5000);

EDIT: The standard jQuery CSS animation code above is not working because apparently, jQuery .animate() does not yet support the CSS3 transforms.

This jQuery plugin is supposed to animate the rotation:

Git Commit Messages: 50/72 Formatting

Separation of presentation and data drives my commit messages here.

Your commit message should not be hard-wrapped at any character count and instead line breaks should be used to separate thoughts, paragraphs, etc. as part of the data, not the presentation. In this case, the "data" is the message you are trying to get across and the "presentation" is how the user sees that.

I use a single summary line at the top and I try to keep it short but I don't limit myself to an arbitrary number. It would be far better if Git actually provided a way to store summary messages as a separate entity from the message but since it doesn't I have to hack one in and I use the first line break as the delimiter (luckily, many tools support this means of breaking apart the data).

For the message itself newlines indicate something meaningful in the data. A single newline indicates a start/break in a list and a double newline indicates a new thought/idea.

This is a summary line, try to keep it short and end with a line break.
This is a thought, perhaps an explanation of what I have done in human readable format.  It may be complex and long consisting of several sentences that describe my work in essay format.  It is not up to me to decide now (at author time) how the user is going to consume this data.

Two line breaks separate these two thoughts.  The user may be reading this on a phone or a wide screen monitor.  Have you ever tried to read 72 character wrapped text on a device that only displays 60 characters across?  It is a truly painful experience.  Also, the opening sentence of this paragraph (assuming essay style format) should be an intro into the paragraph so if a tool chooses it may want to not auto-wrap and let you just see the start of each paragraph.  Again, it is up to the presentation tool not me (a random author at some point in history) to try to force my particular formatting down everyone else's throat.

Just as an example, here is a list of points:
* Point 1.
* Point 2.
* Point 3.

Here's what it looks like in a viewer that soft wraps the text.

This is a summary line, try to keep it short and end with a line break.

This is a thought, perhaps an explanation of what I have done in human readable format. It may be complex and long consisting of several sentences that describe my work in essay format. It is not up to me to decide now (at author time) how the user is going to consume this data.

Two line breaks separate these two thoughts. The user may be reading this on a phone or a wide screen monitor. Have you ever tried to read 72 character wrapped text on a device that only displays 60 characters across? It is a truly painful experience. Also, the opening sentence of this paragraph (assuming essay style format) should be an intro into the paragraph so if a tool chooses it may want to not auto-wrap and let you just see the start of each paragraph. Again, it is up to the presentation tool not me (a random author at some point in history) to try to force my particular formatting down everyone else's throat.

Just as an example, here is a list of points:
* Point 1.
* Point 2.
* Point 3.

My suspicion is that the author of Git commit message recommendation you linked has never written software that will be consumed by a wide array of end-users on different devices before (i.e., a website) since at this point in the evolution of software/computing it is well known that storing your data with hard-coded presentation information is a bad idea as far as user experience goes.

SQL Server - inner join when updating

SET R.status = '0' 
FROM dbo.ProductReviews AS R
INNER JOIN dbo.products AS P 
       ON = 
WHERE = '17190' 
  AND P.shopkeeper = '89137';

Setting Column width in Apache POI

Unfortunately there is only the function setColumnWidth(int columnIndex, int width) from class Sheet; in which width is a number of characters in the standard font (first font in the workbook) if your fonts are changing you cannot use it. There is explained how to calculate the width in function of a font size. The formula is:

width = Truncate([{NumOfVisibleChar} * {MaxDigitWidth} + {5PixelPadding}] / {MaxDigitWidth}*256) / 256

You can always use autoSizeColumn(int column, boolean useMergedCells) after inputting the data in your Sheet.

How can I set a cookie in react?

By default, when you fetch your URL, React native sets the cookie.

To see cookies and make sure that you can use the package. I used to be very satisfied with it.

Of course, Fetch does this when it does

credentials: "include",// or "some-origin"

Well, but how to use it

--- after installation this package ----

to get cookies:

import Cookie from 'react-native-cookie';

Cookie.get('url').then((cookie) => {

to set cookies:

Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies', 'value  of cookies');

only this

But if you want a few, you can do it

1- as nested:

Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 1', 'value  of cookies 1')
        .then(() => {
            Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 2', 'value  of cookies 2')
            .then(() => {

2- as back together

Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 1', 'value  of cookies 1');
Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 2', 'value  of cookies 2');
Cookie.set('url', 'name of cookies 3', 'value  of cookies 3');

Now, if you want to make sure the cookies are set up, you can get it again to make sure.

Cookie.get('url').then((cookie) => {

C char array initialization

Edit: OP (or an editor) silently changed some of the single quotes in the original question to double quotes at some point after I provided this answer.

Your code will result in compiler errors. Your first code fragment:

char buf[10] ; buf = ''

is doubly illegal. First, in C, there is no such thing as an empty char. You can use double quotes to designate an empty string, as with:

char* buf = ""; 

That will give you a pointer to a NUL string, i.e., a single-character string with only the NUL character in it. But you cannot use single quotes with nothing inside them--that is undefined. If you need to designate the NUL character, you have to specify it:

char buf = '\0';

The backslash is necessary to disambiguate from character '0'.

char buf = 0;

accomplishes the same thing, but the former is a tad less ambiguous to read, I think.

Secondly, you cannot initialize arrays after they have been defined.

char buf[10];

declares and defines the array. The array identifier buf is now an address in memory, and you cannot change where buf points through assignment. So

buf =     // anything on RHS

is illegal. Your second and third code fragments are illegal for this reason.

To initialize an array, you have to do it at the time of definition:

char buf [10] = ' ';

will give you a 10-character array with the first char being the space '\040' and the rest being NUL, i.e., '\0'. When an array is declared and defined with an initializer, the array elements (if any) past the ones with specified initial values are automatically padded with 0. There will not be any "random content".

If you declare and define the array but don't initialize it, as in the following:

char buf [10];

you will have random content in all the elements.

How to add external library in IntelliJ IDEA?

Intellij IDEA 15: File->Project Structure...->Project Settings->Libraries

Send mail via Gmail with PowerShell V2's Send-MailMessage

I'm not sure you can change port numbers with Send-MailMessage since Gmail works on port 587. Anyway, here's how to send email through Gmail with .NET SmtpClient:

$smtpClient = New-Object
$smtpClient.Host = ''
$smtpClient.Port = 587
$smtpClient.EnableSsl = $true
$smtpClient.Credentials = [Net.NetworkCredential](Get-Credential GmailUserID)
$smtpClient.Send('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'test subject', 'test message')

Boxplot show the value of mean

You can also use a function within stat_summary to calculate the mean and the hjust argument to place the text, you need a additional function but no additional data frame:

fun_mean <- function(x){

ggplot(PlantGrowth,aes(x=group,y=weight)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill=group)) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point",colour="darkred", size=3) +
stat_summary( = fun_mean, geom="text", vjust=-0.7)

enter image description here

Setting up PostgreSQL ODBC on Windows

Please note that you must install the driver for the version of your software client(MS access) not the version of the OS. that's mean that if your MS Access is a 32-bits version,you must install a 32-bit odbc driver. regards

SSL "Peer Not Authenticated" error with HttpClient 4.1

This is thrown when

... the peer was not able to identify itself (for example; no certificate, the particular cipher suite being used does not support authentication, or no peer authentication was established during SSL handshaking) this exception is thrown.

Probably the cause of this exception (where is the stacktrace) will show you why this exception is thrown. Most likely the default keystore shipped with Java does not contain (and trust) the root certificate of the TTP that is being used.

The answer is to retrieve the root certificate (e.g. from your browsers SSL connection), import it into the cacerts file and trust it using keytool which is shipped by the Java JDK. Otherwise you will have to assign another trust store programmatically.

How to go from one page to another page using javascript?

The correct solution that i get is

        <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
                  function clickedButton()

                window.location = 'new url'


      <form name="login_form" method="post">
            <input type="button" value="Login" onClick="clickedButton()"/>

Here the new url is given inside the single quote.

NSAttributedString add text alignment

Swift 4 answer:

// Define paragraph style - you got to pass it along to NSAttributedString constructor
let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyle.alignment = .center

// Define attributed string attributes
let attributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle]

let attributedString = NSAttributedString(string:"Test", attributes: attributes)

How to document Python code using Doxygen

This is documented on the doxygen website, but to summarize here:

You can use doxygen to document your Python code. You can either use the Python documentation string syntax:

"""@package docstring
Documentation for this module.

More details.

def func():
    """Documentation for a function.

    More details.

In which case the comments will be extracted by doxygen, but you won't be able to use any of the special doxygen commands.

Or you can (similar to C-style languages under doxygen) double up the comment marker (#) on the first line before the member:

## @package pyexample
#  Documentation for this module.
#  More details.

## Documentation for a function.
#  More details.
def func():

In that case, you can use the special doxygen commands. There's no particular Python output mode, but you can apparently improve the results by setting OPTMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA to YES.

Honestly, I'm a little surprised at the difference - it seems like once doxygen can detect the comments in ## blocks or """ blocks, most of the work would be done and you'd be able to use the special commands in either case. Maybe they expect people using """ to adhere to more Pythonic documentation practices and that would interfere with the special doxygen commands?

How to check if the key pressed was an arrow key in Java KeyListener?

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
    if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) {
            //Right arrow key code
    } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ) {
            //Left arrow key code
    } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP ) {
            //Up arrow key code
    } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ) {
            //Down arrow key code


The KeyEvent codes are all a part of the API:

How do I get a file name from a full path with PHP?

There are several ways to get the file name and extension. You can use the following one which is easy to use.

$url = '';
$file = file_get_contents($url); // To get file
$name = basename($url); // To get file name
$ext = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // To get extension
$name2 =pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_FILENAME); // File name without extension

Adding a stylesheet to (using Visual Studio 2010)

Add your style here:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Site.master.cs" Inherits="BSC.SiteMaster" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
<head runat="server">
    <link href="~/Styles/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="~/Styles/NewStyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="HeadContent" runat="server">

Then in the page:

<asp:Table CssClass=NewStyleExampleClass runat="server" >

Table row and column number in jQuery

Get COLUMN INDEX on click:


Get ROW INDEX on click:


C# "must declare a body because it is not marked abstract, extern, or partial"

You DO NOT have to provide a body for getters and setters IF you'd like the automated compiler to provide a basic implementation.

This DOES however require you to make sure you're using the v3.5 compiler by updating your web.config to something like

   <compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs" type="Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider,System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" warningLevel="4">
    <providerOption name="CompilerVersion" value="v3.5"/>
    <providerOption name="WarnAsError" value="false"/>

What's a .sh file?

If you open your second link in a browser you'll see the source code:

# Script to download individual .nc files from the ORNL
# Daymet server at:


# For ranges use {start..end}
# for individul vaules, use: 1 2 3 4 
for year in {2002..2003}
   for tile in {1159..1160}
        do wget --limit-rate=3m${year}/${tile}_${year}/ -O ${tile}_${year}
        # An example using curl instead of wget
    #do curl --limit-rate 3M -o ${tile}_${year}${year}/${tile}_${year}/

So it's a bash script. Got Linux?

In any case, the script is nothing but a series of HTTP retrievals. Both wget and curl are available for most operating systems and almost all language have HTTP libraries so it's fairly trivial to rewrite in any other technology. There're also some Windows ports of bash itself (git includes one). Last but not least, Windows 10 now has native support for Linux binaries.

Using Pip to install packages to Anaconda Environment

if you're using windows OS open Anaconda Prompt and type activate yourenvname

And if you're using mac or Linux OS open Terminal and type source activate yourenvname

yourenvname here is your desired environment in which you want to install pip package

after typing above command you must see that your environment name is changed from base to your typed environment yourenvname in console output (which means you're now in your desired environment context)

Then all you need to do is normal pip install command e.g pip install yourpackage

By doing so, the pip package will be installed in your Conda environment

How to send a POST request with BODY in swift

If anyone wondering how to proceed with models and stuff, see below

        var itemArr: [Dictionary<String, String>] = []
        for model in models {
              let object = ["param1": model.param1,
                            "param2": model.param2]
              itemArr.append(object as! [String : String])

        let param = ["field1": someValue,
                     "field2": someValue,
                     "field3": itemArr] as [String : Any]

        let url: URLConvertible = "http://------"

        Alamofire.request(url, method: .post, parameters: param, encoding: JSONEncoding.default)
            .responseJSON { response in
                self.isLoading = false
                switch response.result {
                case .success:
                case .failure:

What does "restore purchases" in In-App purchases mean?

You typically restore purchases with this code:

[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];

It will reinvoke -paymentQueue:updatedTransactions on the observer(s) for the purchased items. This is useful for users who reinstall the app after deletion or install it on a different device.

Not all types of In-App purchases can be restored.

How do you use global variables or constant values in Ruby?

One thing you need to realize is in Ruby everything is an object. Given that, if you don't define your methods within Module or Class, Ruby will put it within the Object class. So, your code will be local to the Object scope.

A typical approach on Object Oriented Programming is encapsulate all logic within a class:

class Point
  attr_accessor :x, :y

  # If we don't specify coordinates, we start at 0.
  def initialize(x = 0, y = 0)
    # Notice that `@` indicates instance variables.
    @x = x
    @y = y

  # Here we override the `+' operator.
  def +(point) + point.x, self.y + point.y)

  # Here we draw the point.
  def draw(offset = nil)
    if offset.nil?
      new_point = self
      new_point = self + offset 

  def draw_absolute
    puts "x: #{self.x}, y: #{self.y}"

first_point =, 200)
second_point =, 4)


Hope this clarifies a bit.

Get restaurants near my location

Is this what you are looking for?,-123.137784&radius=500&sensor=false&key=*PlacesAPIKey*&types=restaurant

types is optional

HTTP 404 when accessing .svc file in IIS

There are 2 .net framework version are given under the features in add role/ features in server 2012

a. 3.5

b. 4.5

Depending up on used framework you can enable HTTP-Activation under WCF services. :)

How to remove first and last character of a string?

StringUtils's removeStart and removeEnd method help to remove string from start and end of a string.

In this case we could also use combination of this two method

String string = "[wdsd34svdf]";
System.out.println(StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.removeEnd(string, "]"), "["));

Call method when home button pressed

The HOME button cannot be intercepted by applications. This is a by-design behavior in Android. The reason is to prevent malicious apps from gaining control over your phone (If the user cannot press back or home, he might never be able to exit the app). The Home button is considered the user's "safe zone" and will always launch the user's configured home app.

The only exception to the above is any app configured as home replacement. Which means it has the following declared in its AndroidManifest.xml for the relevant activity:

   <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

When pressing the home button, the current home app's activity's onNewIntent will be called.

Understanding the grid classes ( col-sm-# and col-lg-# ) in Bootstrap 3

Here you have a very good tutorial, that explains, how to use the new grid classes in Bootstrap 3.

It also covers mixins etc.

How to use order by with union all in sql?

            SELECT * FROM TABLE_A 
            UNION ALL 
            SELECT * FROM TABLE_B
        ) dum
-- ORDER BY .....

but if you want to have all records from Table_A on the top of the result list, the you can add user define value which you can use for ordering,

            SELECT *, 1 sortby FROM TABLE_A 
            UNION ALL 
            SELECT *, 2 sortby FROM TABLE_B
        ) dum
ORDER   BY sortby 

Delete last commit in bitbucket

As others have said, usually you want to use hg backout or git revert. However, sometimes you really want to get rid of a commit.

First, you'll want to go to your repository's settings. Click on the Strip commits link.

Strip commits link in bitbucket settings

Enter the changeset ID for the changeset you want to destroy, and click Preview strip. That will let you see what kind of damage you're about to do before you do it. Then just click Confirm and your commit is no longer history. Make sure you tell all your collaborators what you've done, so they don't accidentally push the offending commit back. invalid stream header: 7371007E

If you are sending multiple objects, it's often simplest to put them some kind of holder/collection like an Object[] or List. It saves you having to explicitly check for end of stream and takes care of transmitting explicitly how many objects are in the stream.

EDIT: Now that I formatted the code, I see you already have the messages in an array. Simply write the array to the object stream, and read the array on the server side.

Your "server read method" is only reading one object. If it is called multiple times, you will get an error since it is trying to open several object streams from the same input stream. This will not work, since all objects were written to the same object stream on the client side, so you have to mirror this arrangement on the server side. That is, use one object input stream and read multiple objects from that.

(The error you get is because the objectOutputStream writes a header, which is expected by objectIutputStream. As you are not writing multiple streams, but simply multiple objects, then the next objectInputStream created on the socket input fails to find a second header, and throws an exception.)

To fix it, create the objectInputStream when you accept the socket connection. Pass this objectInputStream to your server read method and read Object from that.

Delete certain lines in a txt file via a batch file

If you have perl installed, then perl -i -n -e"print unless m{(ERROR|REFERENCE)}" should do the trick.

Make the current commit the only (initial) commit in a Git repository?

Deleting the .git folder may cause problems in your git repository. If you want to delete all your commit history but keep the code in its current state, it is very safe to do it as in the following:

  1. Checkout

    git checkout --orphan latest_branch

  2. Add all the files

    git add -A

  3. Commit the changes

    git commit -am "commit message"

  4. Delete the branch

    git branch -D master

  5. Rename the current branch to master

    git branch -m master

  6. Finally, force update your repository

    git push -f origin master

PS: this will not keep your old commit history around

What is the difference between buffer and cache memory in Linux?

"Buffers" represent how much portion of RAM is dedicated to cache disk blocks. "Cached" is similar like "Buffers", only this time it caches pages from file reading.

quote from:

"dd/mm/yyyy" date format in excel through vba

I got it

Cells(1, 1).Value = StartDate
Cells(1, 1).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"

Basically, I need to set the cell format, instead of setting the date.

How to ISO 8601 format a Date with Timezone Offset in JavaScript?

Here are the functions I used for this end:

function localToGMTStingTime(localTime = null) {
    var date = localTime ? new Date(localTime) : new Date();
    return new Date(date.getTime() + (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)).toISOString();

function GMTToLocalStingTime(GMTTime = null) {
    var date = GMTTime ? new Date(GMTTime) : new Date();;
    return new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)).toISOString();

Assign keyboard shortcut to run procedure

F5 is a standard shortcut to run a macro in VBA editor. I don't think you can add a shortcut key in editor itself. If you want to run the macro from excel, you can assign a shortcut from there.

In excel press alt+F8 to open macro dialog box. select the macro for which you want to assign shortcut key and click options. there you can assign a shortcut to the macro.

How can I check out a GitHub pull request with git?

Create a local branch

git checkout -b local-branch-name

Pull the remote PR

git pull [email protected]:your-repo-ssh.git remote-branch-name

Convert List into Comma-Separated String

you can make use of google-collections.jar which has a utility class called Joiner

 String commaSepString=Joiner.on(",").join(lst);


you can use StringUtils class which has function called join.To make use of StringUtils class,you need to use common-lang3.jar

String commaSepString=StringUtils.join(lst, ',');

for reference, refer this link

How to run Gradle from the command line on Mac bash

Also, if you don't have the gradlew file in your current directory:

You can install gradle with homebrew with the following command:

$ brew install gradle

As mentioned in this answer. Then, you are not going to need to include it in your path (homebrew will take care of that) and you can just run (from any directory):

$ gradle test 

How do I make a textbox that only accepts numbers?

you can simply prevent adding non-numerical chars by this simple code

 if (long.TryParse(TextBox.Text,out long isparsable))
          // your code to handle numbers
            TextBox.Text="Only Numbers Allowed";

How can I get the current page name in WordPress?

My approach to get the slug name of the page:

$slug = basename(get_permalink());

Moving from one activity to another Activity in Android

You can do

Intent i = new Intent(classname.this , targetclass.class);

Remove trailing comma from comma-separated string

Or something like this:

private static String myRemComa(String input) { 
        String[] exploded = input.split(",");
        boolean start = true;
        for(String str : exploded) {

         if (str.length()>0) {
             if (start) {
                 input = str;
                    start = false;
                } else {
                    input = input + "," + str;

        return input;

How to chain scope queries with OR instead of AND?

If you're looking to provide a scope (instead of explicitly working on the whole dataset) here's what you should do with Rails 5:

scope :john_or_smith, -> { where(name: "John").or(where(lastname: "Smith")) }


def self.john_or_smith
  where(name: "John").or(where(lastname: "Smith"))

Conda activate not working?

Have you tried with Anaconda command prompt or, cmd it works for me. Giving no error and activation is not working in PowerShell may be some path issue.

How to zero pad a sequence of integers in bash so that all have the same width?

I pad output with more digits (zeros) than I need then use tail to only use the number of digits I am looking for. Notice that you have to use '6' in tail to get the last five digits :)

for i in $(seq 1 10)
RESULT=$(echo 00000$i | tail -c 6)
echo $RESULT

Unable to read repository at

Check if you are able to connect to eclipse market place url ( from browser. If its working then the issue is because of proxy server using in your network. We have to update eclipse with proxy server details used in our network.

Go to :- Windows-> Preference -> General -> Network Connections.

enter image description here

And edit HTTP ,with proxy details.

enter image description here

Click OK


TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while plot showing

The error "only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars" is raised when the function expects a single value but you pass an array instead.

If you look at the call signature of, you'll see that it accepts a single value, not an array. In general, if you want to apply a function that accepts a single element to every element in an array, you can use np.vectorize:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f(x):
f2 = np.vectorize(f)
x = np.arange(1, 15.1, 0.1)
plt.plot(x, f2(x))

You can skip the definition of f(x) and just pass to the vectorize function: f2 = np.vectorize(

Note that np.vectorize is just a convenience function and basically a for loop. That will be inefficient over large arrays. Whenever you have the possibility, use truly vectorized functions or methods (like astype(int) as @FFT suggests).

C# Clear all items in ListView

Don't bother with Clear(). Just do this: ListView.DataSource = null; ListView.DataBind();

The key is the databind(); Works everytime for me.

Linking to an external URL in Javadoc?

Taken from the javadoc spec

@see <a href="URL#value">label</a> : Adds a link as defined by URL#value. The URL#value is a relative or absolute URL. The Javadoc tool distinguishes this from other cases by looking for a less-than symbol (<) as the first character.

For example : @see <a href="">Google</a>

Open Facebook page from Android app?

In Facebook version (3002850) fb://profile/ and fb://page/ no longer work. I decompiled the Facebook app and found that you can use fb://facewebmodal/f?href=[YOUR_FACEBOOK_PAGE]. Here is the method I have been using in production:

 * <p>Intent to open the official Facebook app. If the Facebook app is not installed then the
 * default web browser will be used.</p>
 * <p>Example usage:</p>
 * {@code newFacebookIntent(ctx.getPackageManager(), "");}
 * @param pm
 *     The {@link PackageManager}. You can find this class through {@link
 *     Context#getPackageManager()}.
 * @param url
 *     The full URL to the Facebook page or profile.
 * @return An intent that will open the Facebook page/profile.
public static Intent newFacebookIntent(PackageManager pm, String url) {
  Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
  try {
    ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0);
    if (applicationInfo.enabled) {
      uri = Uri.parse("fb://facewebmodal/f?href=" + url);
  } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException ignored) {
  return new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);

Convert array of indices to 1-hot encoded numpy array

In case you are using keras, there is a built in utility for that:

from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical   

categorical_labels = to_categorical(int_labels, num_classes=3)

And it does pretty much the same as @YXD's answer (see source-code).

How to set a Fragment tag by code?

You can also get all fragments like this:

For v4 fragmets

List<Fragment> allFragments = getSupportFragmentManager().getFragments();

For app.fragment

List<Fragment> allFragments = getFragmentManager().getFragments();

Execute and get the output of a shell command in node.js

You can use the util library that comes with nodejs to get a promise from the exec command and can use that output as you need. Use restructuring to store the stdout and stderr in variables.

const util = require('util');
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec);

async function lsExample() {
  const {
  } = await exec('ls');
  console.log('stdout:', stdout);
  console.error('stderr:', stderr);

Android Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x636f7d89 (code=1). How can it be tracked down?

Today I faced Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x8 in tid 18161 issue and I struggle half day to solve this.

I tried many things clearing cache and deleting .gradle file and all.

Finally I disable Instant Run and now I am not getting this issue again. Now my application is working after enabling instant run also. It may be the instant run problem, Try with disabling and enabling instant run

From this answer:

Go to Android Studio Settings or Preferences (for MAC) -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Instant Run.

Then deselect the "Enable Instant Run" checkbox at the top.

PHP: Inserting Values from the Form into MySQL

Try this:


$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'pwd', 'yr db name');
        echo $mysqli->connect_error;


<head><title>Inserting data in database table </title>
<form action="control_table.php" method="post">
<table border="1" background="red" align="center">
<td>Login Name</td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtname" /></td>
<td><input type="text" name="txtpwd" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="txtbutton" value="SUBMIT" /></td>
<?php include 'config.php'; ?>
            $name = $_POST['txtname'];
            $pwd = $_POST['txtpwd'];
            $mysqli->query("insert into users(name,pwd) values('$name', '$pwd')");
        { echo mysqli_error(); }
        echo "Successfully Inserted <br />";
        echo "<a href='show.php'>View Result</a>";



Evenly space multiple views within a container view


Based on suggestions in the comments section of my original answer, especially @Rivera's helpful suggestions, I've simplified my original answer.

I'm using gifs to illustrate just how simple this is. I hope you find the gifs helpful. Just in case you have a problem with gifs, I've included the old answer below with plain screen shots.


1) Add your buttons or labels. I'm using 3 buttons.

2) Add a center x constraint from each button to the superview:

enter image description here

3) Add a constraint from each button to the bottom layout constraint:

enter image description here

4) Adjust the constraint added in #3 above as follows:

a) select the constraint, b) remove the constant (set to 0), c) change the multiplier as follows: take the number of buttons + 1, and starting at the top, set the multiplier as buttonCountPlus1:1, and then buttonCountPlus1:2, and finally buttonCountPlus1:3. (I explain where I got this formula from in the old answer below, if you're interested).

enter image description here

5) Here's a demo running!

enter image description here

Note: If your buttons have larger heights then you will need to compensate for this in the constant value since the constraint is from the bottom of the button.

Old Answer

Despite what Apple's docs and Erica Sadun's excellent book (Auto Layout Demystified) say, it is possible to evenly space views without spacers. This is very simple to do in IB and in code for any number of elements you wish to space evenly. All you need is a math formula called the "section formula". It's simpler to do than it is to explain. I'll do my best by demonstrating it in IB, but it's just as easy to do in code.

In the example in question, you would

1) start by setting each label to have a center constraint. This is very simple to do. Just control drag from each label to the bottom.

2) Hold down shift, since you might as well add the other constraint we're going to use, namely, the "bottom space to bottom layout guide".

3) Select the "bottom space to bottom layout guide", and "center horizontally in container". Do this for all 3 labels.

Hold down shift to add these two constraints for each label

Basically, if we take the label whose coordinate we wish to determine and divide it by the total number of labels plus 1, then we have a number we can add to IB to get the dynamic location. I'm simplifying the formula, but you could use it for setting horizontal spacing or both vertical and horizontal at the same time. It's super powerful!

Here are our multipliers.

Label1 = 1/4 = .25,

Label2 = 2/4 = .5,

Label3 = 3/4 = .75

(Edit: @Rivera commented that you can simply use the ratios directly in the multiplier field, and xCode with do the math!)

4) So, let's select Label1 and select the bottom constraint. Like this: enter image description here

5) Select the "Second Item" in the Attributes Inspector.

6) From the drop down select "Reverse first and second item".

7) Zero out the constant and the wC hAny value. (You could add an offset here if you needed it).

8) This is the critical part: In the multiplier field add our first multiplier 0.25.

9) While you're at it set the top "First item" to "CenterY" since we want to center it to the label's y center. Here's how all that should look.

enter image description here

10) Repeat this process for each label and plug in the relevant multiplier: 0.5 for Label2, and 0.75 for Label3. Here's the final product in all orientations with all compact devices! Super simple. I've been looking at a lot of solutions involving reams of code, and spacers. This is far and away the best solution I've seen on the issue.

Update: @kraftydevil adds that Bottom layout guide only appear in storyboards, not in xibs. Use 'Bottom Space to Container' in xibs. Good catch!

enter image description here

How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP

A newer version example is here.

Below is a copy of the original code:

 * ====================================================================
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more
 * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
 * <>.
package org.apache.http.examples.entity.mime;


import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

 * Example how to use multipart/form encoded POST request.
public class ClientMultipartFormPost {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        if (args.length != 1)  {
            System.out.println("File path not given");
        CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
        try {
            HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://localhost:8080" +

            FileBody bin = new FileBody(new File(args[0]));
            StringBody comment = new StringBody("A binary file of some kind", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);

            HttpEntity reqEntity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create()
                    .addPart("bin", bin)
                    .addPart("comment", comment)


            System.out.println("executing request " + httppost.getRequestLine());
            CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
            try {
                HttpEntity resEntity = response.getEntity();
                if (resEntity != null) {
                    System.out.println("Response content length: " + resEntity.getContentLength());
            } finally {
        } finally {


Django: Calling .update() on a single model instance retrieved by .get()?

Here's a mixin that you can mix into any model class which gives each instance an update method:

class UpdateMixin(object):
    def update(self, **kwargs):
        if self._state.adding:
            raise self.DoesNotExist
        for field, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, field, value)

The self._state.adding check checks to see if the model is saved to the database, and if not, raises an error.

(Note: This update method is for when you want to update a model and you know the instance is already saved to the database, directly answering the original question. The built-in update_or_create method featured in Platinum Azure's answer already covers the other use-case.)

You would use it like this (after mixing this into your user model):

user = request.user

Besides having a nicer API, another advantage to this approach is that it calls the pre_save and post_save hooks, while still avoiding atomicity issues if another process is updating the same model.

Subclipse svn:ignore

One more thing... If you already ignored those files through Eclipse (with Team -> Ignored resources) you have to undo these settings so the files are controlled by Subclipse again and "Add to svn:ignore" option reappears

Could not execute menu item (internal error)[Exception] - When changing PHP version from 5.3.1 to 5.2.9

The problem was the MySQL56 service was running and it has occupied the port of WAMP MySQL.After MySQL56 service stopped the WAMP server started successfully.

Path.Combine absolute with relative path strings

Be careful with Backslashes, don't forget them (neither use twice:)

string relativePath = "..\\bling.txt";
string baseDirectory = "C:\\blah\\";
//string relativePath = "\\..\\bling.txt";
//string baseDirectory = "C:\\blah";
string absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(baseDirectory + relativePath);

C# : Out of Memory exception

As .Net progresses, so does their ability to add new 32-bit configurations that trips everyone up it seems.

If you are on .Net Framework 4.7.2 do the following:

Go to Project Properties


Uncheck 'prefer 32-bit'


Passing data to components in vue.js

I access main properties using $root.

Vue.component("example", { 
    template: `<div>$root.message</div>`

Returning JSON from PHP to JavaScript?

Here are a couple of things missing in the previous answers:

  1. Set header in your PHP:

    header('Content-type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($array);
  2. json_encode() can return a JavaScript array instead of JavaScript object, see:
    Returning JSON from a PHP Script
    This could be important to know in some cases as arrays and objects are not the same.

How to get the HTML for a DOM element in javascript

var x = $('#container').get(0).outerHTML;

Setting up Gradle for api 26 (Android)

Appears to be resolved by Android Studio 3.0 Canary 4 and Gradle 3.0.0-alpha4.

Use of contains in Java ArrayList<String>

Yes, that should work for Strings, but if you are worried about duplicates use a Set. This collection prevents duplicates without you having to do anything. A HashSet is OK to use, but it is unordered so if you want to preserve insertion order you use a LinkedHashSet.

Windows command prompt log to a file

First method

For Windows 7 and above users, Windows PowerShell give you this option. Users with windows version less than 7 can download PowerShell online and install it.


  1. type PowerShell in search area and click on "Windows PowerShell"

  2. If you have a .bat (batch) file go to step 3 OR copy your commands to a file and save it with .bat extension (e.g. file.bat)

  3. run the .bat file with following command

    PS (location)> <path to bat file>/file.bat | Tee-Object -file log.txt

This will generate a log.txt file with all command prompt output in it. Advantage is that you can also the output on command prompt.

Second method

You can use file redirection (>, >>) as suggest by Bali C above.

I will recommend first method if you have lots of commands to run or a script to run. I will recommend last method if there is only few commands to run.

How to construct a WebSocket URI relative to the page URI?

In typescript:

export class WebsocketUtils {

    public static websocketUrlByPath(path) {
        return this.websocketProtocolByLocation() +
            window.location.hostname +
            this.websocketPortWithColonByLocation() +
            window.location.pathname +

    private static websocketProtocolByLocation() {
        return window.location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss://" : "ws://";

    private static websocketPortWithColonByLocation() {
        const defaultPort = window.location.protocol === "https:" ? "443" : "80";
        if (window.location.port !== defaultPort) {
            return ":" + window.location.port;
        } else {
            return "";



Should have subtitle controller already set Mediaplayer error Android

A developer recently added subtitle support to VideoView.

When the MediaPlayer starts playing a music (or other source), it checks if there is a SubtitleController and shows this message if it's not set. It doesn't seem to care about if the source you want to play is a music or video. Not sure why he did that.

Short answer: Don't care about this "Exception".

Edit :

Still present in Lollipop,

If MediaPlayer is only used to play audio files and you really want to remove these errors in the logcat, the code bellow set an empty SubtitleController to the MediaPlayer.

It should not be used in production environment and may have some side effects.

static MediaPlayer getMediaPlayer(Context context){

    MediaPlayer mediaplayer = new MediaPlayer();

    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
        return mediaplayer;

    try {
        Class<?> cMediaTimeProvider = Class.forName( "" );
        Class<?> cSubtitleController = Class.forName( "" );
        Class<?> iSubtitleControllerAnchor = Class.forName( "$Anchor" );
        Class<?> iSubtitleControllerListener = Class.forName( "$Listener" );

        Constructor constructor = cSubtitleController.getConstructor(new Class[]{Context.class, cMediaTimeProvider, iSubtitleControllerListener});

        Object subtitleInstance = constructor.newInstance(context, null, null);

        Field f = cSubtitleController.getDeclaredField("mHandler");

        try {
            f.set(subtitleInstance, new Handler());
        catch (IllegalAccessException e) {return mediaplayer;}
        finally {

        Method setsubtitleanchor = mediaplayer.getClass().getMethod("setSubtitleAnchor", cSubtitleController, iSubtitleControllerAnchor);

        setsubtitleanchor.invoke(mediaplayer, subtitleInstance, null);
        //Log.e("", "subtitle is setted :p");
    } catch (Exception e) {}

    return mediaplayer;

This code is trying to do the following from the hidden API

SubtitleController sc = new SubtitleController(context, null, null);
sc.mHandler = new Handler();
mediaplayer.setSubtitleAnchor(sc, null)

Color theme for VS Code integrated terminal

Add workbench.colorCustomizations to user settings

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {

Check for some presets.

PHP: Show yes/no confirmation dialog

What I usually do is create a delete page that shows a confirmation form if the request method is "GET" and deletes the data if the method was "POST" and the user chose the "Yes" option.

Then, in the page with the delete link, I add an onclick function (or just use the jQuery confirm plugin) that uses AJAX to post to the link, bypassing the confirmation page.

Here's the idea in pseudo code:


    if ($_POST['confirm'] == 'Yes') {
        delete_record($_REQUEST['id']); // From GET or POST variables

<form action="delete.php" method="post">
    Are you sure?
    <input type="submit" name="confirm" value="Yes">
    <input type="submit" name="confirm" value="No">

    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="referer" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; ?>">

Page with delete link:

    function confirmDelete(link) {
        if (confirm("Are you sure?")) {
            doAjax(link.href, "POST"); // doAjax needs to send the "confirm" field
        return false;

<a href="delete.php?id=1234" onclick="return confirmDelete(this);">Delete record</a>

Drop all data in a pandas dataframe

If your goal is to drop the dataframe, then you need to pass all columns. For me: the best way is to pass a list comprehension to the columns kwarg. This will then work regardless of the different columns in a df.

import pandas as pd

web_stats = {'Day': [1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 6],
             'Visitors': [43, 43, 34, 23, 43, 23],
             'Bounce_Rate': [3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 5]}
df = pd.DataFrame(web_stats)

df.drop(columns=[i for i in check_df.columns])

WCFTestClient The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'

I had the same error today, after deploying our service calling an external service to the staging environment in azure. Local the service called the external service without errors, but after deployment it didn't.

In the end it turned out to be that the external service has a IP validation. The new environment in Azure has another IP and it was rejected.

So if you ever get this error calling external services

It might be an IP restriction.

vagrant login as root by default

vagrant destroy
vagrant up

Please add this to vagrant file:

config.ssh.username = 'vagrant'
config.ssh.password = 'vagrant'
config.ssh.insert_key = 'true'

How to check if a string "StartsWith" another string?

Here is a minor improvement to CMS's solution:

    String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) {
        return !this.indexOf(str);

"Hello World!".startsWith("He"); // true

 var data = "Hello world";
 var input = 'He';
 data.startsWith(input); // true

Checking whether the function already exists in case a future browser implements it in native code or if it is implemented by another library. For example, the Prototype Library implements this function already.

Using ! is slightly faster and more concise than === 0 though not as readable.

Binding select element to object in Angular

You can get selected value also with help of click() by passing the selected value through the function

<md-select placeholder="Select Categorie"  
    name="Select Categorie" >
  <md-option *ngFor="let list of categ" [value]="list.value" (click)="sub_cat(list.category_id)" >
    {{ list.category }}

Python convert set to string and vice versa

Try like this,

>>> s = set([1,2,3])
>>> s = list(s)
>>> s
[1, 2, 3]

>>> str = ', '.join(str(e) for e in s)
>>> str = 'set(%s)' % str
>>> str
'set(1, 2, 3)'

How to export data to an excel file using PHPExcel

If you've copied this directly, then:

->setCellValue('B2', Ackermann') 

should be

->setCellValue('B2', 'Ackermann') 

In answer to your question:

Get the data that you want from limesurvey, and use setCellValue() to store those data values in the cells where you want to store it.

The Quadratic.php example file in /Tests might help as a starting point: it takes data from an input form and sets it to cells in an Excel workbook.


An extremely simplistic example:

// Create your database query
$query = "SELECT * FROM myDataTable";  

// Execute the database query
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

// Instantiate a new PHPExcel object
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); 
// Set the active Excel worksheet to sheet 0
// Initialise the Excel row number
$rowCount = 1; 
// Iterate through each result from the SQL query in turn
// We fetch each database result row into $row in turn
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 
    // Set cell An to the "name" column from the database (assuming you have a column called name)
    //    where n is the Excel row number (ie cell A1 in the first row)
    $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('A'.$rowCount, $row['name']); 
    // Set cell Bn to the "age" column from the database (assuming you have a column called age)
    //    where n is the Excel row number (ie cell A1 in the first row)
    $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('B'.$rowCount, $row['age']); 
    // Increment the Excel row counter

// Instantiate a Writer to create an OfficeOpenXML Excel .xlsx file
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($objPHPExcel); 
// Write the Excel file to filename some_excel_file.xlsx in the current directory


Using your existing code as the basis

// Instantiate a new PHPExcel object 
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();  
// Set the active Excel worksheet to sheet 0 
// Initialise the Excel row number 
$rowCount = 1;  

//start of printing column names as names of MySQL fields  
$column = 'A';
for ($i = 1; $i < mysql_num_fields($result); $i++)  
    $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($column.$rowCount, mysql_field_name($result,$i));
//end of adding column names  

//start while loop to get data  
$rowCount = 2;  
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))  
    $column = 'A';
    for($j=1; $j<mysql_num_fields($result);$j++)  
            $value = NULL;  
        elseif ($row[$j] != "")  
            $value = strip_tags($row[$j]);  
            $value = "";  

        $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($column.$rowCount, $value);

// Redirect output to a client’s web browser (Excel5) 
header('Content-Type: application/'); 
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="Limesurvey_Results.xls"'); 
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); 
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5'); 

Facebook login "given URL not allowed by application configuration"

I was getting this problem while using a tunnel because I:

  1. had the tunnel url:port set in the FB app settings
  2. but was accessing the local server by pointing my browser to "http://localhost:3000"

once i started punching the tunnel url:port into the browser, i was good to go.

i'm using Rails and Facebooker, but might help others just the same.

unable to dequeue a cell with identifier Cell - must register a nib or a class for the identifier or connect a prototype cell in a storyboard

Just drag a cell (as you did for TableViewController) and add in to it just by releasing the cell on TableViewController. Click on the cell and.Go to its attributes inspector and set its identifier as "Cell".Hope it works.

Don't forget you want Identifier on the Attributes Inspector.

(NOT the "Restoration ID" on the "Identity Inspector" !)

How to convert entire dataframe to numeric while preserving decimals?

You might need to do some checking. You cannot safely convert factors directly to numeric. as.character must be applied first. Otherwise, the factors will be converted to their numeric storage values. I would check each column with is.factor then coerce to numeric as necessary.

df1[] <- lapply(df1, function(x) {
    if(is.factor(x)) as.numeric(as.character(x)) else x
sapply(df1, class)
#         a         b 
# "numeric" "numeric" 

How to add to an NSDictionary

By setting you'd use setValue:(id)value forKey:(id)key method of NSMutableDictionary object:

NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dict setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:5] forKey:@"age"];

Or in modern Objective-C:

NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
dict[@"age"] = @5;

The difference between mutable and "normal" is, well, mutability. I.e. you can alter the contents of NSMutableDictionary (and NSMutableArray) while you can't do that with "normal" NSDictionary and NSArray

Python: Find index of minimum item in list of floats

I would use:

val, idx = min((val, idx) for (idx, val) in enumerate(my_list))

Then val will be the minimum value and idx will be its index.

How can I do string interpolation in JavaScript?

Custom flexible interpolation:

var sourceElm = document.querySelector('input')_x000D_
// interpolation callback_x000D_
const onInterpolate = s => `<mark>${s}</mark>`_x000D_
// listen to "input" event_x000D_
sourceElm.addEventListener('input', parseInput) _x000D_
// parse on window load_x000D_
parseInput() _x000D_
// input element parser_x000D_
function parseInput(){_x000D_
  var html = interpolate(sourceElm.value, undefined, onInterpolate)_x000D_
  sourceElm.nextElementSibling.innerHTML = html;_x000D_
// the actual interpolation _x000D_
function interpolate(str, interpolator = ["{{", "}}"], cb){_x000D_
  // split by "start" pattern_x000D_
  return str.split(interpolator[0]).map((s1, i) => {_x000D_
    // first item can be safely ignored_x000D_
   if( i == 0 ) return s1;_x000D_
    // for each splited part, split again by "end" pattern _x000D_
    const s2 = s1.split(interpolator[1]);_x000D_
    // is there's no "closing" match to this part, rebuild it_x000D_
    if( s1 == s2[0]) return interpolator[0] + s2[0]_x000D_
    // if this split's result as multiple items' array, it means the first item is between the patterns_x000D_
    if( s2.length > 1 ){_x000D_
        s2[0] = s2[0] _x000D_
          ? cb(s2[0]) // replace the array item with whatever_x000D_
          : interpolator.join('') // nothing was between the interpolation pattern_x000D_
    return s2.join('') // merge splited array (part2)_x000D_
  }).join('') // merge everything _x000D_
input{ _x000D_
  padding:5px; _x000D_
  width: 100%; _x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 20px;_x000D_
  font: 14px Arial;_x000D_
<input value="Everything between {{}} is {{processed}}" />_x000D_

Angular ui-grid dynamically calculate height of the grid

A simpler approach is set use css combined with setting the minRowsToShow and virtualizationThreshold value dynamically.

In stylesheet:

.ui-grid, .ui-grid-viewport {
    height: auto !important;

In code, call the below function every time you change your data in gridOptions. maxRowToShow is the value you pre-defined, for my use case, I set it to 25.


    //if data length is smaller, we shrink. otherwise we can do pagination.
    $scope.gridOptions.minRowsToShow = Math.min($, $scope.maxRowToShow);
    $scope.gridOptions.virtualizationThreshold = $scope.gridOptions.minRowsToShow ;

How to send email attachments?

Here is the modified version from Oli for python 3

import smtplib
from pathlib import Path
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate
from email import encoders

def send_mail(send_from, send_to, subject, message, files=[],
              server="localhost", port=587, username='', password='',
    """Compose and send email with provided info and attachments.

        send_from (str): from name
        send_to (list[str]): to name(s)
        subject (str): message title
        message (str): message body
        files (list[str]): list of file paths to be attached to email
        server (str): mail server host name
        port (int): port number
        username (str): server auth username
        password (str): server auth password
        use_tls (bool): use TLS mode
    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    msg['From'] = send_from
    msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(send_to)
    msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
    msg['Subject'] = subject


    for path in files:
        part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream")
        with open(path, 'rb') as file:
                        'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(Path(path).name))

    smtp = smtplib.SMTP(server, port)
    if use_tls:
    smtp.login(username, password)
    smtp.sendmail(send_from, send_to, msg.as_string())

How do I put a border around an Android textview?

I was just looking at a similar answer-- it's able to be done with a Stroke and the following override:

public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {

Paint strokePaint = new Paint();
strokePaint.setARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);

Paint textPaint = new Paint();
textPaint.setARGB(255, 255, 255, 255);

canvas.drawText("Some Text", 100, 100, strokePaint);
canvas.drawText("Some Text", 100, 100, textPaint);

super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow); 

How can you zip or unzip from the script using ONLY Windows' built-in capabilities?

I have a problem with all these solutions.

They're not exactly the same, and they all create files that have a slight size difference compared to the RMB --> send to --> compressed (zipped) folder when made from the same source folder. The closest size-difference I have had is 300 KB difference (script > manual), made with:

powershell Compress-Archive -Path C:\sourceFolder -CompressionLevel Fastest -DestinationPath C:\

(Notice the -CompressionLevel. There are three possible values: Fastest, NoCompression & Optimal, (Default: Optimal))

I wanted to make a .bat file that should automatically compress a WordPress plugin folder I'm working on, into a .zip archive, so I can upload it into the WordPress site and test the plugin.

But for some reason it doesn't work with any of these automatic compressions, but it does work with the manual RMB compression, witch I find really strange.

And the script-generated .zip files actually break the WordPress plugins to the point where they can't be activated, and they can also not be deleted from inside WordPress. I have to SSH into the "back side" of the server and delete the uploaded plugin files themselves, manually. While the manually RMB-generated files work normally.

How can I convert a zero-terminated byte array to string?

Though not extremely performant, the only readable solution is:

  // Split by separator and pick the first one.
  // This has all the characters till null, excluding null itself.
  retByteArray := bytes.Split(byteArray[:], []byte{0}) [0]

  // OR

  // If you want a true C-like string, including the null character
  retByteArray := bytes.SplitAfter(byteArray[:], []byte{0}) [0]

A full example to have a C-style byte array:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var byteArray = [6]byte{97,98,0,100,0,99}

    cStyleString := bytes.SplitAfter(byteArray[:], []byte{0}) [0]

A full example to have a Go style string excluding the nulls:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var byteArray = [6]byte{97, 98, 0, 100, 0, 99}

    goStyleString := string(bytes.Split(byteArray[:], []byte{0}) [0])

This allocates a slice of slice of bytes. So keep an eye on performance if it is used heavily or repeatedly.

AutoComplete TextBox Control

There are two ways to accomplish this textbox effect:

enter image description here

Either using the graphic user interface (GUI); or with code

Using the Graphic User Interface:
Go to: "Properties" Tab; then set the following properties:

enter image description here

However; the best way is to create this by code. See example below.

AutoCompleteStringCollection sourceName = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();

foreach (string name in listNames)

txtName.AutoCompleteCustomSource = sourceName;
txtName.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
txtName.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;

C# send a simple SSH command

I used SSH.Net in a project a while ago and was very happy with it. It also comes with a good documentation with lots of samples on how to use it.

The original package website can be still found here, including the documentation (which currently isn't available on GitHub).

For your case the code would be something like this.

using (var client = new SshClient("hostnameOrIp", "username", "password"))
    client.RunCommand("etc/init.d/networking restart");

UPDATE and REPLACE part of a string

replace for persian word

UPDATE dbo.TblNews
SET keyWords = REPLACE(keyWords, '-', N'?')

help: dbo.TblNews -- table name

keyWords -- fild name

How can I create an observable with a delay

It's little late to answer ... but just in case may be someone return to this question looking for an answer

'delay' is property(function) of an Observable

fakeObservable = Observable.create(obs => {[1, 2, 3]);

This worked for me ...

Why does my sorting loop seem to append an element where it shouldn't?

To begin with, your problem is that you use the method `compareTo() which is case sensitive. That means that the Capital letters are sorted apart from the lower case. The reason is that it translated in Unicode where the capital letters are presented with numbers which are less than the presented number of lower case. Thus you should use `compareToIgnoreCase()` as many also mentioned in previous posts.

This is my full example approach of how you can do it effecively

After you create an object of the Comparator you can pass it in this version of `sort()` which defined in java.util.Arrays.

static<T>void sort(T[]array,Comparator<?super T>comp)

take a close look at super. This makes sure that the array which is passed into is combatible with the type of comparator.

The magic part of this way is that you can easily sort the array of strings in Reverse order you can easily do by:

return strB.compareToIgnoreCase(strA);

import java.util.Comparator;

    public class IgnoreCaseComp implements Comparator<String> {

        public int compare(String strA, String strB) {
            return strA.compareToIgnoreCase(strB);


  import java.util.Arrays;

    public class IgnoreCaseSort {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String strs[] = {" Hello ", " This ", "is ", "Sorting ", "Example"};
            System.out.print("Initial order: ");

            for (String s : strs) {
                System.out.print(s + " ");


            IgnoreCaseComp icc = new IgnoreCaseComp();

            Arrays.sort(strs, icc);

            System.out.print("Case-insesitive sorted order:  ");
            for (String s : strs) {
                System.out.print(s + " ");



            System.out.print("Default, case-sensitive sorted order: ");
            for (String s : strs) {
                System.out.print(s + " ");



    Initial order:  Hello   This  is  Sorting  Example 

    Case-insesitive sorted order:   Hello   This  Example is  Sorting  

    Default, case-sensitive sorted order:  Hello   This  Example Sorting  is  

    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

Alternative Choice

The method compareToIgnoreCase(), although it works well with many occasions(just like compare string in english),it will wont work well with all languages and locations. This automatically makes it an unfit choice for use. To make sure that it will be suppoorted everywhere you should use compare() from java.text.Collator.

You can find a collator for your location by calling the method getInstance(). After that you should set this Collator's strength property. This can be done with the setStrength() method together with Collator.PRIMARY as parameter. With this alternative choise the IgnocaseComp can be written just like below. This version of code will generate the same output independently of the location

import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.Comparator;

//this comparator uses one Collator to determine 
//the right sort usage with no sensitive type 
//of the 2 given strings
public class IgnoreCaseComp implements Comparator<String> {

    Collator col;

    IgnoreCaseComp() {
        //default locale
        col = Collator.getInstance();

        //this will consider only PRIMARY difference ("a" vs "b")

    public int compare(String strA, String strB) {
        return, strB);


Parse DateTime string in JavaScript

I'v been used following code in IE. (IE8 compatible)

var dString = "2013.2.4";
var myDate = new Date( dString.replace(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/,"$2/$3/$1") );
alert( "my date:"+ myDate );

How to get file URL using Storage facade in laravel 5?

this work for me in 2020 at laravel 7

        $image_resize = Image::make($image->getRealPath());
        $image_resize->save(Storage::disk('episodes')->path('') . $imgname);

so you can use it like this

echo Storage::disk('public')->path('');

Flexbox not giving equal width to elements

To create elements with equal width using Flex, you should set to your's child (flex elements):

flex-basis: 25%;
flex-grow: 0;

It will give to all elements in row 25% width. They will not grow and go one by one.

Specifying width and height as percentages without skewing photo proportions in HTML

Note: it is invalid to provide percentages directly as <img> width or height attribute unless you're using HTML 4.01 (see current spec, obsolete spec and this answer for more details). That being said, browsers will often tolerate such behaviour to support backwards-compatibility.

Those percentage widths in your 2nd example are actually applying to the container your <img> is in, and not the image's actual size. Say you have the following markup:

<div style="width: 1000px; height: 600px;">
    <img src="#" width="50%" height="50%">

Your resulting image will be 500px wide and 300px tall.

jQuery Resize

If you're trying to reduce an image to 50% of its width, you can do it with a snippet of jQuery:

$( "img" ).each( function() {
    var $img = $( this );
    $img.width( $img.width() * .5 );

Just make sure you take off any height/width = 50% attributes first.

Extension exists but uuid_generate_v4 fails

The extension is available but not installed in this database.


How to echo xml file in php

The best solution is to add to your apache .htaccess file the following line after RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^sitemap\.xml$ sitemap.php [L]

and then simply having a file sitemap.php in your root folder that would be normally accessible via, the default URL where all search engines will firstly search.

The file sitemap.php shall start with

//Saturday, 11 January 2020 @kevin

header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';



it works :)

org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot find class

i dont know whether it is relevant to your issue, i got similar issue which i got solved by

1) In eclipse right click server and clean

if it still didnt work

2) export the project and delete the project create the project with same name and import the project and add the project to server and run.

Get the new record primary key ID from MySQL insert query?

You will receive these parameters on your query result:

    "fieldCount": 0,
    "affectedRows": 1,
    "insertId": 66,
    "serverStatus": 2,
    "warningCount": 1,
    "message": "",
    "protocol41": true,
    "changedRows": 0

The insertId is exactly what you need.


Running an outside program (executable) in Python?

Is that trying to execute C:\Documents with arguments of "and", "Settings/flow_model/flow.exe"?

Also, you might consider

MySQL - UPDATE query with LIMIT

If you want to update multiple rows using limit in MySQL you can use this construct:

UPDATE table_name SET name='test'
    SELECT id FROM (
        SELECT id FROM table_name 
        ORDER BY id ASC  
        LIMIT 0, 10
    ) tmp

WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity rails

If I remember correctly, you have to add the following code to your form, to get rid of this problem:

<%= token_tag(nil) %>

Don't forget the parameter.

HTML table sort

Flexbox-based tables can easily be sorted by using flexbox property "order".

Here's an example:

function sortTable() {_x000D_
  let table = document.querySelector("#table")_x000D_
  let children = [...table.children]_x000D_
  let sortedArr = => e.innerText).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));_x000D_
  children.forEach(child => {_x000D_ = sortedArr.indexOf(child.innerText)_x000D_
document.querySelector("#sort").addEventListener("click", sortTable)
#table {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column_x000D_
<div id="table">_x000D_
<button id="sort"> sort </button>


The sortTable function extracts the data of the table into an array, which is then sorted in alphabetic order. After that we loop through the table items and assign the CSS property order equal to index of an item's data in our sorted array.

How to install a plugin in Jenkins manually

If you use Docker, you should read this file:

Example of a parent Dockerfile:

FROM jenkins
COPY plugins.txt /plugins.txt
RUN /usr/local/bin/ /plugins.txt



Shell script to copy files from one location to another location and rename add the current date to every file

You could use a script like the below. You would just need to change the date options to match the format you wanted.


for i in `ls -l /directroy`
cp $i /newDirectory/$i.`date +%m%d%Y`

Reading local text file into a JavaScript array

Using Node.js

sync mode:

var fs = require("fs");
var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt");
var textByLine = text.split("\n")

async mode:

var fs = require("fs");
fs.readFile("./mytext.txt", function(text){
    var textByLine = text.split("\n")


As of at least Node 6, readFileSync returns a Buffer, so it must first be converted to a string in order for split to work:

var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt").toString('utf-8');


var text = fs.readFileSync("./mytext.txt", "utf-8");

Using multiple parameters in URL in express

app.get('/fruit/:fruitName/:fruitColor', function(req, res) {
    var data = {
        "fruit": {
            "apple": req.params.fruitName,
            "color": req.params.fruitColor


If that doesn't work, try using console.log(req.params) to see what it is giving you.

How can I create a text box for a note in markdown?

Here's a simple latex-based example.

    - \usepackage[most]{tcolorbox}
    - \definecolor{light-yellow}{rgb}{1, 0.95, 0.7}
    - \newtcolorbox{myquote}{colback=light-yellow,grow to right by=-10mm,grow to left by=-10mm, boxrule=0pt,boxsep=0pt,breakable}
    - \newcommand{\todo}[1]{\begin{myquote} \textbf{TODO:} \emph{#1} \end{myquote}}

blah blah



which results in: enter image description here

Unfortunately because this is latex, you can no-longer include markdown inside the TODO box (which is not a huge problem, usually), and it won't work when converting to formats other than PDF (e.g. html).

How to preserve request url with nginx proxy_pass

To perfectly forward without chopping the absoluteURI of the request and the Host in the header:

server {
    listen 35005;

    location / {
        rewrite            ^(.*)$   "://$http_host$uri$is_args$args";
        rewrite            ^(.*)$   "http$uri$is_args$args" break;
        proxy_set_header   Host     $host;


Found here:

Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource

I managed to allow all my requisite sites with this header:

header("Content-Security-Policy: default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' data:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'");                    

PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name

As mentioned in the error, the official manual and the comments:


public function TSStatus($host, $queryPort)


public function __construct($host, $queryPort)

Windows service with timer

First approach with Windows Service is not easy..

A long time ago, I wrote a C# service.

This is the logic of the Service class (tested, works fine):

namespace MyServiceApp
    public class MyService : ServiceBase
        private System.Timers.Timer timer;

        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
            this.timer = new System.Timers.Timer(30000D);  // 30000 milliseconds = 30 seconds
            this.timer.AutoReset = true;
            this.timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(this.timer_Elapsed);

        protected override void OnStop()
            this.timer = null;

        private void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            MyServiceApp.ServiceWork.Main(); // my separate static method for do work

        public MyService()
            this.ServiceName = "MyService";

        // service entry point
        static void Main()
            System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.Run(new MyService());

I recommend you write your real service work in a separate static method (why not, in a console application...just add reference to it), to simplify debugging and clean service code.

Make sure the interval is enough, and write in log ONLY in OnStart and OnStop overrides.

Hope this helps!

How to auto-remove trailing whitespace in Eclipse?

There is a really easy way to do this with sed, the Unix command line tool. You could probably create a macro in Eclipse to run this:

sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' <filename>

DLL References in Visual C++

The additional include directories are relative to the project dir. This is normally the dir where your project file, *.vcproj, is located. I guess that in your case you have to add just "include" to your include and library directories.

If you want to be sure what your project dir is, you can check the value of the $(ProjectDir) macro. To do that go to "C/C++ -> Additional Include Directories", press the "..." button and in the pop-up dialog press "Macros>>".

List<Map<String, String>> vs List<? extends Map<String, String>>

You cannot assign expressions with types such as List<NavigableMap<String,String>> to the first.

(If you want to know why you can't assign List<String> to List<Object> see a zillion other questions on SO.)

python-How to set global variables in Flask?


global index_add_counter

You are not defining, just declaring so it's like saying there is a global index_add_counter variable elsewhere, and not create a global called index_add_counter. As you name don't exists, Python is telling you it can not import that name. So you need to simply remove the global keyword and initialize your variable:

index_add_counter = 0

Now you can import it with:

from app import index_add_counter

The construction:

global index_add_counter

is used inside modules' definitions to force the interpreter to look for that name in the modules' scope, not in the definition one:

index_add_counter = 0
def test():
  global index_add_counter # means: in this scope, use the global name

Httpd returning 503 Service Unavailable with mod_proxy for Tomcat 8

On CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804, we were able to make this work by editing /etc/selinux/config and changing the setting of SELINUX like so:


How to declare variable and use it in the same Oracle SQL script?

Just want to add Matas' answer. Maybe it's obvious, but I've searched for a long time to figure out that the variable is accessible only inside the BEGIN-END construction, so if you need to use it in some code later, you need to put this code inside the BEGIN-END block.

Note that these blocks can be nested:

    SELECT PK INTO x FROM table1 WHERE col1 = 'test';

        SELECT PK INTO y FROM table2 WHERE col2 = x;

        INSERT INTO table2 (col1, col2)
        SELECT y,'text'
        FROM dual
        WHERE exists(SELECT * FROM table2);


Setting multiple attributes for an element at once with JavaScript

If you wanted a framework-esq syntax (Note: IE 8+ support only), you could extend the Element prototype and add your own setAttributes function:

Element.prototype.setAttributes = function (attrs) {
    for (var idx in attrs) {
        if ((idx === 'styles' || idx === 'style') && typeof attrs[idx] === 'object') {
            for (var prop in attrs[idx]){[prop] = attrs[idx][prop];}
        } else if (idx === 'html') {
            this.innerHTML = attrs[idx];
        } else {
            this.setAttribute(idx, attrs[idx]);

This lets you use syntax like this:

var d = document.createElement('div');

Try it:

If you don't like extending a host object (some are opposed) or need to support IE7-, just use it as a function

Note that setAttribute will not work for style in IE, or event handlers (you shouldn't anyway). The code above handles style, but not events.


How do you obtain a Drawable object from a resource id in android package?

best way is


OR this for Drawable left and something like that for right etc.

int imgResource = R.drawable.left_img;
button.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(imgResource, 0, 0, 0);


getResources().getDrawable() is now deprecated

Count number of columns in a table row

It's a bad idea to count the td elements to get the number of columns in your table, because td elements can span multiple columns with colspan.

Here's a simple solution using jquery:

var length = 0;_x000D_
 var colspan = $(this).attr("colspan");_x000D_
  if(typeof colspan !== "undefined" && colspan > 0){_x000D_
   length += parseInt(colspan);_x000D_
        length += 1;_x000D_
$("div").html("number of columns: "+length);
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <td colspan="2">double</td>_x000D_

For a plain Javascript solution, see Emilio's answer.

Get a DataTable Columns DataType

What you want to use is this property:


The DataType property will set to one of the following:


DataColumn.DataType Property MSDN Reference

CSS Classes & SubClasses

Your problem seems to be a missing space between your two classes in the CSS:


Should be

.area1 .item

How to resolve "git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)" error on TortoiseGit?

git-bash reports fatal: Unable to create <Path to git repo>/.git/index.lock: File exists.

Deleting index.lock makes the error go away.

How to add a jar in External Libraries in android studio

Create "libs" folder in app directory copy your jar file in libs folder right click on your jar file in Android Studio and Add As library... Then open build.gradle and add this:

dependencies {
    implementation files('libs/your jar file.jar')

Animate change of view background color on Android

Depending on how your view gets its background color and how you get your target color there are several different ways to do this.

The first two uses the Android Property Animation framework.

Use a Object Animator if:

  • Your view have its background color defined as a argb value in a xml file.
  • Your view have previously had its color set by view.setBackgroundColor()
  • Your view have its background color defined in a drawable that DOES NOT defines any extra properties like stroke or corner radiuses.
  • Your view have its background color defined in a drawable and you want to remove any extra properties like stroke or corner radiuses, keep in mind that the removal of the extra properties will not animated.

The object animator works by calling view.setBackgroundColor which replaces the defined drawable unless is it an instance of a ColorDrawable, which it rarely is. This means that any extra background properties from a drawable like stroke or corners will be removed.

Use a Value Animator if:

  • Your view have its background color defined in a drawable that also sets properties like the stroke or corner radiuses AND you want to change it to a new color that is decided while running.

Use a Transition drawable if:

  • Your view should switch between two drawable that have been defined before deployment.

I have had some performance issues with Transition drawables that runs while I am opening a DrawerLayout that I haven't been able to solve, so if you encounter any unexpected stuttering you might have run into the same bug as I have.

You will have to modify the Value Animator example if you want to use a StateLists drawable or a LayerLists drawable, otherwise it will crash on the final GradientDrawable background = (GradientDrawable) view.getBackground(); line.

Object Animator:

View definition:


Create and use a ObjectAnimator like this.

final ObjectAnimator backgroundColorAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofObject(view,
                                                                       new ArgbEvaluator(),

You can also load the animation definition from a xml using a AnimatorInflater like XMight does in Android objectAnimator animate backgroundColor of Layout

Value Animator:

View definition:


Drawable definition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
    <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/>
    <corners android:radius="3dp"/>


Create and use a ValueAnimator like this:

final ValueAnimator valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofObject(new ArgbEvaluator(),

final GradientDrawable background = (GradientDrawable) view.getBackground();
currentAnimation.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {

    public void onAnimationUpdate(final ValueAnimator animator) {
        background.setColor((Integer) animator.getAnimatedValue());


Transition drawable:

View definition:


Drawable definition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<transition xmlns:android="">
            <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/>
            <corners android:radius="3dp"/>

            <solid android:color="#78c5f9"/>
            <corners android:radius="3dp"/>

Use the TransitionDrawable like this:

final TransitionDrawable background = (TransitionDrawable) view.getBackground();

You can reverse the animations by calling .reverse() on the animation instance.

There are some other ways to do animations but these three is probably the most common. I generally use a ValueAnimator.

how to pass command line arguments to main method dynamically

We can pass string value to main method as argument without using commandline argument concept in java through Netbean

 package MainClass;
 import java.util.Scanner;
 public class CmdLineArgDemo {

 Scanner readData = new Scanner(;   
 System.out.println("Enter any string :");
 String str = readData.nextLine();
 String [] str1 = str.split(" ");
 // System.out.println(str1.length);

   public static void main(String [] args){
      for(int i = 0 ; i<args.length;i++) {
        System.out.print(args[i]+" ");


Enter any string : 
Coders invent Digital World 
Coders invent Digital World

Centering controls within a form in .NET (Winforms)?

It involves eyeballing it (well I suppose you could get out a calculator and calculate) but just insert said control on the form and then remove any anchoring (anchor = None).

Simulating Slow Internet Connection

If you're running windows, fiddler is a great tool. It has a setting to simulate modem speed, and for someone who wants more control has a plugin to add latency to each request.

I prefer using a tool like this to putting latency code in my application as it is a much more realistic simulation, as well as not making me design or code the actual bits. The best code is code I don't have to write.

ADDED: This article at Pavel Donchev's blog on Software Technologies shows how to create custom simulated speeds: Limiting your Internet connection speed with Fiddler.

Changing user agent on urllib2.urlopen

there are two properties of urllib.URLopener() namely:
addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Python-urllib/1.17'), ('Accept', '*/*')] and
version = 'Python-urllib/1.17'.
To fool the website you need to changes both of these values to an accepted User-Agent. for e.g.
Chrome browser : 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.149 Safari/537.36'
Google bot : 'Googlebot/2.1'
like this

import urllib
page_extractor.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Googlebot/2.1'), ('Accept', '*/*')]  
page_extractor.version = 'Googlebot/2.1'
page_extractor.retrieve(<url>, <file_path>)

changing just one property does not work because the website marks it as a suspicious request.

Use CASE statement to check if column exists in table - SQL Server

Final answer was a combination of two of the above (I've upvoted both to show my appreciation!):

select case 
   when exists (
      SELECT 1 
      FROM Sys.columns c 
      WHERE c.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID('dbo.Tags') 
         AND = 'ModifiedByUserId'
   then 1 
   else 0 

Format string to a 3 digit number

You can also do : string.Format("{0:D3}, 3);

Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER

Another way:

a xls(x) file is just a collection of *.xml files stored in a *.zip container. unzip the file "app.xml" in the folder docProps.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
-<Properties xmlns:vt="" xmlns="">
<Application>Microsoft Excel</Application>
  -<vt:vector baseType="variant" size="2">
  -<vt:vector baseType="lpstr" size="4">

The file is a german file (Arbeitsblätter = worksheets). The table names (Tabelle3 etc) are in the correct order. You just need to read these tags;)


Remove "whitespace" between div element

Add line-height: 0px; to your parent div


Adding System.Web.Script reference in class library

You need to add a reference to System.Web.Extensions.dll in project for System.Web.Script.Serialization error.

Storing Python dictionaries

My use case was to save multiple JSON objects to a file and marty's answer helped me somewhat. But to serve my use case, the answer was not complete as it would overwrite the old data every time a new entry was saved.

To save multiple entries in a file, one must check for the old content (i.e., read before write). A typical file holding JSON data will either have a list or an object as root. So I considered that my JSON file always has a list of objects and every time I add data to it, I simply load the list first, append my new data in it, and dump it back to a writable-only instance of file (w):

def saveJson(url,sc): # This function writes the two values to the file
    newdata = {'url':url,'sc':sc}
    json_path = "db/file.json"

    old_list= []
    with open(json_path) as myfile:  # Read the contents first
        old_list = json.load(myfile)

    with open(json_path,"w") as myfile:  # Overwrite the whole content
        json.dump(old_list, myfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

    return "success"

The new JSON file will look something like this:

        "sc": "a11",
        "url": ""
        "sc": "a12",
        "url": ""
        "sc": "a13",
        "url": ""

NOTE: It is essential to have a file named file.json with [] as initial data for this approach to work

PS: not related to original question, but this approach could also be further improved by first checking if our entry already exists (based on one or multiple keys) and only then append and save the data.

Div with horizontal scrolling only

For horizontal scroll, keep these two properties in mind:

white-space: nowrap;

See working link : click me


<div class="scroll">You can use the overflow property when you want to have better   control of the layout. The default value is visible.You can use the overflow property when you want     to have better control of the layout. The default value is visible.</div>


white-space: nowrap;

adding classpath in linux

Paths under linux are separated by colons (:), not semi-colons (;), as theatrus correctly used it in his example. I believe Java respects this convention.


Alternatively to what andy suggested, you may use the following form (which sets CLASSPATH for the duration of the command):

CLASSPATH=".:../somejar.jar:../mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar" java -Xmx500m ...

whichever is more convenient to you.

pgadmin4 : postgresql application server could not be contacted.

If none of the methods help try checking your system and user environments PATH and PYTHONPATH variables.

I was getting this error due to my PATH variable was pointing to different Python installation (which comes from ArcGIS Desktop).

After removing path to my Python installation from PATH variable and completely removing PYTHONPATH variable, I got it working!

Keep in mind that python command will not be available from command line if you remove it from PATH.

How to configure multi-module Maven + Sonar + JaCoCo to give merged coverage report?

As Sonars sonar.jacoco.reportPath, sonar.jacoco.itReportPath and sonar.jacoco.reportPaths have all been deprecated, you should use sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths now. This also has some impact if you want to configure a multi module maven project with Sonar and Jacoco.

As @Lonzak pointed out, since Sonar 0.7.7, you can use Sonars report aggragation goal. Just put in you parent pom the following dependency:


As current versions of the jacoco-maven-plugin are compatible with the xml-reports, this will create for every module in it's own target folder a site/jacoco-aggregate folder containing a jacoco.xml file.

To let Sonar combine all the modules, use following command:

mvn -Dsonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths=full-path-to-module1/target/site/jacoco-aggregate/jacoco.xml,module2...,module3... clean verify sonar:sonar

To keep my answer short and precise, I did not mention the maven-surefire-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin dependencies. You can just add them without any other configuration:


Securely storing passwords for use in python script

Know the master key yourself. Don't hard code it.

Use py-bcrypt (bcrypt), powerful hashing technique to generate a password yourself.

Basically you can do this (an idea...)

import bcrypt
from getpass import getpass
master_secret_key = getpass('tell me the master secret key you are going to use')
salt = bcrypt.gensalt()
combo_password = raw_password + salt + master_secret_key
hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(combo_password, salt)

save salt and hashed password somewhere so whenever you need to use the password, you are reading the encrypted password, and test against the raw password you are entering again.

This is basically how login should work these days.

python re.split() to split by spaces, commas, and periods, but not in cases like 1,000 or 1.50

Use a negative lookahead and a negative lookbehind:

> s = "one two 3.4 5,6 seven.eight nine,ten"
> parts = re.split('\s|(?<!\d)[,.](?!\d)', s)
['one', 'two', '3.4', '5,6', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten']

In other words, you always split by \s (whitespace), and only split by commas and periods if they are not followed (?!\d) or preceded (?<!\d) by a digit.


EDIT: As per @verdesmarald comment, you may want to use the following instead:

> s = "one two 3.4 5,6 seven.eight nine,ten,1.2,a,5"
> print re.split('\s|(?<!\d)[,.]|[,.](?!\d)', s)
['one', 'two', '3.4', '5,6', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', '1.2', 'a', '5']

This will split "1.2,a,5" into ["1.2", "a", "5"].


Difference between Parameters.Add(string, object) and Parameters.AddWithValue

Without explicitly providing the type as in command.Parameters.Add("@ID", SqlDbType.Int);, it will try to implicitly convert the input to what it is expecting.

The downside of this, is that the implicit conversion may not be the most optimal of conversions and may cause a performance hit.

There is a discussion about this very topic here:

Running a Python script from PHP

I recommend using passthru and handling the output buffer directly:

passthru('/usr/bin/python2.7 /srv/http/assets/py/ arg1 arg2');
$output = ob_get_clean(); 

How do I change the select box arrow

You can skip the container or background image with pure css arrow:

select {

  /* make arrow and background */

    linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, blue 50%),
    linear-gradient(135deg, blue 50%, transparent 50%),
    linear-gradient(to right, skyblue, skyblue);
    calc(100% - 21px) calc(1em + 2px),
    calc(100% - 16px) calc(1em + 2px),
    100% 0;
    5px 5px,
    5px 5px,
    2.5em 2.5em;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

  /* styling and reset */

  border: thin solid blue;
  font: 300 1em/100% "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
  line-height: 1.5em;
  padding: 0.5em 3.5em 0.5em 1em;

  /* reset */

  border-radius: 0;
  margin: 0;      
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;

Sample here

Docker error cannot delete docker container, conflict: unable to remove repository reference

If you have multiples docker containers launched, use this

$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

It will remove all the current dockers listed in the "ps -aq" command.

Source : aaam on

CSS: Auto resize div to fit container width

You can overflow:hidden to your #content. Write like this:


Check this

Undefined function mysql_connect()

Well, this is your chance! It looks like PDO is ready; use that instead.

Try checking to see if the PHP MySQL extension module is being loaded:


If it's not there, add the following to the php.ini file:


How to use HTML Agility pack

    public string HtmlAgi(string url, string key)

        var Webget = new HtmlWeb();
        var doc = Webget.Load(url);
        HtmlNode ourNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//meta[@name='{0}']", key));

        if (ourNode != null)

                return ourNode.GetAttributeValue("content", "");

            return "not fount";


How can I add an image file into json object?

public class UploadToServer extends Activity {

TextView messageText;
Button uploadButton;
int serverResponseCode = 0;
ProgressDialog dialog = null;

String upLoadServerUri = null;

/********** File Path *************/
final String uploadFilePath = "/mnt/sdcard/";
final String uploadFileName = "Quotes.jpg";

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    uploadButton = (Button) findViewById(;
    messageText = (TextView) findViewById(;

    messageText.setText("Uploading file path :- '/mnt/sdcard/"
            + uploadFileName + "'");

    /************* Php script path ****************/
    upLoadServerUri = "";

    uploadButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

            dialog =, "",
                    "Uploading file...", true);

            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            messageText.setText("uploading started.....");

                    uploadFile(uploadFilePath + "" + uploadFileName);


public int uploadFile(String sourceFileUri) {

    String fileName = sourceFileUri;

    HttpURLConnection connection = null;
    DataOutputStream dos = null;
    String lineEnd = "\r\n";
    String twoHyphens = "--";
    String boundary = "*****";
    int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
    byte[] buffer;
    int maxBufferSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
    File sourceFile = new File(sourceFileUri);

    if (!sourceFile.isFile()) {


        Log.e("uploadFile", "Source File not exist :" + uploadFilePath + ""
                + uploadFileName);

        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                messageText.setText("Source File not exist :"
                        + uploadFilePath + "" + uploadFileName);

        return 0;

    } else {
        try {

            // open a URL connection to the Servlet
            FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(
            URL url = new URL(upLoadServerUri);

            // Open a HTTP connection to the URL
            connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            connection.setDoInput(true); // Allow Inputs
            connection.setDoOutput(true); // Allow Outputs
            connection.setUseCaches(false); // Don't use a Cached Copy
            connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
            connection.setRequestProperty("ENCTYPE", "multipart/form-data");
                    "multipart/form-data;boundary=" + boundary);
            connection.setRequestProperty("uploaded_file", fileName);

            dos = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());

            dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
            // dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploaded_file\";filename=\""
            // + fileName + "\"" + lineEnd);
            dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: post-data; name=uploadedfile;filename="
                    + URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8") + lineEnd);


            // create a buffer of maximum size
            bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();

            bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
            buffer = new byte[bufferSize];

            // read file and write it into form...
            bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);

            while (bytesRead > 0) {

                dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
                bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
                bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
                bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);


            // send multipart form data necesssary after file data...
            dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);

            // Responses from the server (code and message)
            int serverResponseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
            String serverResponseMessage = connection.getResponseMessage();

            Log.i("uploadFile", "HTTP Response is : "
                    + serverResponseMessage + ": " + serverResponseCode);

            if (serverResponseCode == 200) {

                runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

                        String msg = "File Upload Completed.\n\n See uploaded file here : \n\n"
                                + ""
                                + uploadFileName;

                                "File Upload Complete.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

            // close the streams //

        } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {


            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                            .setText("MalformedURLException Exception : check script url.");
                            "MalformedURLException", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

            Log.e("Upload file to server", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch (Exception e) {


            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    messageText.setText("Got Exception : see logcat ");
                            "Got Exception : see logcat ",
            Log.e("Upload file to server Exception",
                    "Exception : " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return serverResponseCode;

    } // End else block


$target_path  = "./Upload/";
$target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']);
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "The file ".  basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']).
" has been uploaded";
} else{
 echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";

how do I make a single legend for many subplots with matplotlib?

To build on top of @gboffi's and Ben Usman's answer:

In a situation where one has different lines in different subplots with the same color and label, one can do something along the lines of

labels_handles = {
  label: handle for ax in fig.axes for handle, label in zip(*ax.get_legend_handles_labels())

  loc="upper center",
  bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0),

How do I force Robocopy to overwrite files?

This is really weird, why nobody is mentioning the /IM switch ?! I've been using it for a long time in backup jobs. But I tried googling just now and I couldn't land on a single web page that says anything about it even on MS website !!! Also found so many user posts complaining about the same issue!!

Anyway.. to use Robocopy to overwrite EVERYTHING what ever size or time in source or distination you must include these three switches in your command (/IS /IT /IM)

/IS :: Include Same files. (Includes same size files)
/IT :: Include Tweaked files. (Includes same files with different Attributes)
/IM :: Include Modified files (Includes same files with different times).

This is the exact command I use to transfer few TeraBytes of mostly 1GB+ files (ISOs - Disk Images - 4K Videos):

robocopy B:\Source D:\Destination /E /J /COPYALL /MT:1 /DCOPY:DATE /IS /IT /IM /X /V /NP /LOG:A:\ROBOCOPY.LOG

I did a small test for you .. and here is the result:

               Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
    Dirs :      1028      1028         0         0         0       169
   Files :      8053      8053         0         0         0         1
   Bytes : 649.666 g 649.666 g         0         0         0   1.707 g
   Times :   2:46:53   0:41:43                       0:00:00   0:41:44

   Speed :           278653398 Bytes/sec.
   Speed :           15944.675 MegaBytes/min.
   Ended : Friday, August 21, 2020 7:34:33 AM

Dest, Disk: WD Gold 6TB (Compare the write speed with my result)

Even with those "Extras", that's for reporting only because of the "/X" switch. As you can see nothing was Skipped and Total number and size of all files are equal to the Copied. Sometimes It will show small number of skipped files when I abuse it and cancel it multiple times during operation but even with that the values in the first 2 columns are always Equal. I also confirmed that once before by running a PowerShell script that scans all files in destination and generate a report of all time-stamps.

Some performance tips from my history with it and so many tests & troubles!:

. Despite of what most users online advise to use maximum threads "/MT:128" like it's a general trick to get the best performance ... PLEASE DON'T USE "/MT:128" WITH VERY LARGE FILES ... that's a big mistake and it will decrease your drive performance dramatically after several runs .. it will create very high fragmentation or even cause the files system to fail in some cases and you end up spending valuable time trying to recover a RAW partition and all that nonsense. And above all that, It will perform 4-6 times slower!!

For very large files:

  1. Use Only "One" thread "/MT:1" | Impact: BIG
  2. Must use "/J" to disable buffering. | Impact: High
  3. Use "/NP" with "/LOG:file" and Don't output to the console by "/TEE" | Impact: Medium.
  4. Put the "/LOG:file" on a separate drive from the source or destination | Impact: Low.

For regular big files:

  1. Use multi threads, I would not exceed "/MT:4" | Impact: BIG
  2. IF destination disk has low Cache specs use "/J" to disable buffering | Impact: High
  3. & 4 same as above.

For thousands of tiny files:

  1. Go nuts :) with Multi threads, at first I would start with 16 and multibly by 2 while monitoring the disk performance. Once it starts dropping I'll fall back to the prevouse value and stik with it | Impact: BIG
  2. Don't use "/J" | Impact: High
  3. Use "/NP" with "/LOG:file" and Don't output to the console by "/TEE" | Impact: HIGH.
  4. Put the "/LOG:file" on a separate drive from the source or destination | Impact: HIGH.

How to negate code in "if" statement block in JavaScript -JQuery like 'if not then..'

Try negation operator ! before $(this):

if (!$(this).parent().next().is('ul')){

When to use margin vs padding in CSS

Here is some HTML that demonstrates how padding and margin affect clickability, and background filling. An object receives clicks to its padding, but clicks on an objects margin'd area go to its parent.

$(".outer").click(function(e) {_x000D_
$(".inner").click(function(e) {_x000D_
.outer {_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
.inner {_x000D_
  margin: 10px;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  background: blue;_x000D_
  border: solid white 1px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div class="outer">_x000D_
  <div class="inner" style="position:relative; height:0px; width:0px">_x000D_

How to disable Home and other system buttons in Android?

I too was searching for this for sometime, and finally was able to do it as I needed, ie Navigation Bar is inaccessible, status bar is inaccessible, even if you long press power button, neither the power menu nor navigation buttons are shown. Thanks to @Assaf Gamliel , his answer took me to the right path. I followed this tutorial with some slight modifications. While specifying Type, I specified WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR instead of WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_PHONE, else our "overlay" won't hide the system bars. You can play around with the Flags, Height, Width etc so that it'll behave as you want it to.