Programs & Examples On #Pyuno

PyUno is the official Python interface to the OpenOffice component model, UNO.

flutter corner radius with transparent background

Use transparent background color for the modalbottomsheet and give separate color for box decoration

      backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
      context: context, builder: (context) {
    return Container(

      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        color: Colors.white,
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
            topLeft:Radius.circular(40) ,
            topRight: Radius.circular(40)
      padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 20,horizontal: 60),
      child: Settings_Form(),

Passing string parameter in JavaScript function

The question has been answered, but for your future coding reference you might like to consider this.

In your HTML, add the name as an attribute to the button and remove the onclick reference.

<button id="button" data-name="Mathew" type="button">click</button>

In your JavaScript, grab the button using its ID, assign the function to the button's click event, and use the function to display the button's data-name attribute.

var button = document.getElementById('button');

button.onclick = myfunction;

function myfunction() {
  var name = this.getAttribute('data-name');


Capitalize only first character of string and leave others alone? (Rails)

Most of these answers edit the string in place, when you are just formatting for view output you may not want to be changing the underlying string so you can use tap after a dup to get an edited copy

'test'.dup.tap { |string| string[0] = string[0].upcase }

Get first letter of a string from column

Cast the dtype of the col to str and you can perform vectorised slicing calling str:

In [29]:
df['new_col'] = df['First'].astype(str).str[0]

   First  Second new_col
0    123     234       1
1     22    4353       2
2     32     355       3
3    453     453       4
4     45     345       4
5    453     453       4
6     56      56       5

if you need to you can cast the dtype back again calling astype(int) on the column

Write bytes to file

You convert the hex string to a byte array.

public static byte[] StringToByteArray(string hex) {
return Enumerable.Range(0, hex.Length)
                 .Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
                 .Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(x, 2), 16))

Credit: Jared Par

And then use WriteAllBytes to write to the file system.

How to show another window from mainwindow in QT

  1. Implement a slot in your QMainWindow where you will open your new Window,
  2. Place a widget on your QMainWindow,
  3. Connect a signal from this widget to a slot from the QMainWindow (for example: if the widget is a QPushButton connect the signal click() to the QMainWindow custom slot you have created).

Code example:


// ...
include "newwindow.h"
// ...
public slots:
   void openNewWindow();
// ...
   NewWindow *mMyNewWindow;
// ...


// ...
      // ...
      connect(mMyButton, SIGNAL(click()), this, SLOT(openNewWindow()));
      // ...
// ...
void MainWindow::openNewWindow()
   mMyNewWindow = new NewWindow(); // Be sure to destroy your window somewhere
   // ...

This is an example on how display a custom new window. There are a lot of ways to do this.

CSS 100% height with padding/margin

Another solution: You can use percentage units for margins as well as sizes. For example:

.fullWidthPlusMargin {
    width: 98%;
    margin: 1%;

The main issue here is that the margins will increase/decrease slightly with the size of the parent element. Presumably the functionality you would prefer is for the margins to stay constant and the child element to grow/shrink to fill changes in spacing. So, depending on how tight you need your display to be, that could be problematic. (I'd also go for a smaller margin, like 0.3%).

apc vs eaccelerator vs xcache

Even both eacceleator and xcache perform quite well during moderate loads, APC maintains its stability under serious request intensity. If we're talking about a few hundred requests/sec here, you'll not feel the difference. But if you're trying to respond more, definetely stick with APC. Especially if your application has overly dynamic characteristics which will likely cause locking issues under such loads. may help.

I am getting an "Invalid Host header" message when connecting to webpack-dev-server remotely

I just experienced this issue while using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2), so I will also share this solution.

My objective was to render the output from webpack both at wsl:3000 and localhost:3000, thereby creating an alternate local endpoint.

As you might expect, this initially caused the "Invalid Host header" error to arise. Nothing seemed to help until I added the devServer config option shown below.

module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    proxy: [
        context: ['http://wsl:3000'],
        target: 'http://localhost:3000',

This fixed the "bug" without introducing any security risks.

Reference: webpack DevServer docs

Difference between /res and /assets directories

Assets provide a way to include arbitrary files like text, xml, fonts, music, and video in your application. If you try to include these files as "resources", Android will process them into its resource system and you will not be able to get the raw data. If you want to access data untouched, Assets are one way to do it.

Returning multiple values from a C++ function

If your function returns a value via reference, the compiler cannot store it in a register when calling other functions because, theoretically, the first function can save the address of the variable passed to it in a globally accessible variable, and any subsecuently called functions may change it, so the compiler will have (1) save the value from registers back to memory before calling other functions and (2) re-read it when it is needed from the memory again after any of such calls.

If you return by reference, optimization of your program will suffer

How to link home brew python version and set it as default

brew switch to python3 by default, so if you want to still set python2 as default bin python, running:

brew unlink python && brew link python2 --force

How do I speed up the gwt compiler?

You can add one option to your build for production:

-localWorkers 8 – Where 8 is the number of concurrent threads that calculate permutations. All you have to do is to adjust this number to the number that is more convenient to you. See GWT compilation performance (thanks to Dennis Ich comment).

If you are compiling to the testing environment, you can also use:

-draftCompile which enables faster, but less-optimized compilations

-optimize 0 which does not optimize your code (9 is the max optimization value)

Another thing that more than doubled the build and hosted mode performance was the use of an SSD disk (now hostedmode works like a charm). It's not an cheap solution, but depending on how much you use GWT and the cost of your time, it may worth it!

Hope this helps you!

How to print out all the elements of a List in Java?

Or you could simply use the Apache Commons utilities:

List<MyObject> myObjects = ...

Remove first 4 characters of a string with PHP

You can use this by php function with substr function

function removeChar($value) {
    $value2 = substr($value, 4); 
    return $value2;

echo removeChar("Dummy Text. Sample Text.");

You get this result: " y Text. Sample Text. "

Difference between RegisterStartupScript and RegisterClientScriptBlock?

Here's an old discussion thread where I listed the main differences and the conditions in which you should use each of these methods. I think you may find it useful to go through the discussion.

To explain the differences as relevant to your posted example:

a. When you use RegisterStartupScript, it will render your script after all the elements in the page (right before the form's end tag). This enables the script to call or reference page elements without the possibility of it not finding them in the Page's DOM.

Here is the rendered source of the page when you invoke the RegisterStartupScript method:

<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1"><title></title></head>
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="StartupScript.aspx" id="form1">
            <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="someViewstategibberish" />
        <div> <span id="lblDisplayDate">Label</span>
            <br />
            <input type="submit" name="btnPostback" value="Register Startup Script" id="btnPostback" />
            <br />
            <input type="submit" name="btnPostBack2" value="Register" id="btnPostBack2" />
            <input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="someViewstategibberish" />
        <!-- Note this part -->
        <script language='javascript'>
            var lbl = document.getElementById('lblDisplayDate');
   = 'red';
    <!-- Note this part -->

b. When you use RegisterClientScriptBlock, the script is rendered right after the Viewstate tag, but before any of the page elements. Since this is a direct script (not a function that can be called, it will immediately be executed by the browser. But the browser does not find the label in the Page's DOM at this stage and hence you should receive an "Object not found" error.

Here is the rendered source of the page when you invoke the RegisterClientScriptBlock method:

<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1"><title></title></head>
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="StartupScript.aspx" id="form1">
            <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="someViewstategibberish" />
        <script language='javascript'>
            var lbl = document.getElementById('lblDisplayDate');
            // Error is thrown in the next line because lbl is null.
   = 'green';

Therefore, to summarize, you should call the latter method if you intend to render a function definition. You can then render the call to that function using the former method (or add a client side attribute).

Edit after comments:

For instance, the following function would work:

protected void btnPostBack2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
  System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); 
  sb.Append("<script language='javascript'>function ChangeColor() {"); 
  sb.Append("var lbl = document.getElementById('lblDisplayDate');"); 

  //Render the function definition. 
  if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("JSScriptBlock")) 
    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "JSScriptBlock", sb.ToString()); 

  //Render the function invocation. 
  string funcCall = "<script language='javascript'>ChangeColor();</script>"; 

  if (!ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("JSScript"))
    ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "JSScript", funcCall); 

Output single character in C

char variable = 'x';  // the variable is a char whose value is lowercase x

printf("<%c>", variable); // print it with angle brackets around the character

How to control font sizes in pgf/tikz graphics in latex?

    \tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\fontsize{30}{30}\selectfont]

Efficiently sorting a numpy array in descending order?

i suggest using this ...

np.arange(start_index, end_index, intervals)[::-1]

for example:

np.arange(10, 20, 0.5)
np.arange(10, 20, 0.5)[::-1]

Then your resault:

[ 19.5,  19. ,  18.5,  18. ,  17.5,  17. ,  16.5,  16. ,  15.5,
    15. ,  14.5,  14. ,  13.5,  13. ,  12.5,  12. ,  11.5,  11. ,
    10.5,  10. ]

Java: Get month Integer from Date

Date mDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
mDate.getMonth() + 1

The returned value starts from 0, so you should add one to the result.

jQuery append() vs appendChild()

I know this is an old and answered question and I'm not looking for votes I just want to add an extra little thing that I think might help newcomers.

yes appendChild is a DOM method and append is JQuery method but practically the key difference is that appendChild takes a node as a parameter by that I mean if you want to add an empty paragraph to the DOM you need to create that p element first

var p = document.createElement('p')

then you can add it to the DOM whereas JQuery append creates that node for you and adds it to the DOM right away whether it's a text element or an html element or a combination!

$('p').append('<span> I have been appended </span>');

How can I inspect the file system of a failed `docker build`?

Docker caches the entire filesystem state after each successful RUN line.

Knowing that:

  • to examine the latest state before your failing RUN command, comment it out in the Dockerfile (as well as any and all subsequent RUN commands), then run docker build and docker run again.
  • to examine the state after the failing RUN command, simply add || true to it to force it to succeed; then proceed like above (keep any and all subsequent RUN commands commented out, run docker build and docker run)

Tada, no need to mess with Docker internals or layer IDs, and as a bonus Docker automatically minimizes the amount of work that needs to be re-done.

How to write LaTeX in IPython Notebook?

I am using Jupyter Notebooks. I had to write


to get a LaTex font.

How to define multiple CSS attributes in jQuery?

Best way is to use variable.

var style1 = {
   'font-size' : '10px',
   'width' : '30px',
   'height' : '10px'

'App not Installed' Error on Android

I ran into this when I had a bug with my custom build tool that would use ADT with a certificate intended for iOS (It certainly wasn't my first guess, since there doesn't seem to be anything special about the Android certificates other than only you should have one, they are just RSA-1024 certs, even self-signed is ok, at least for non-marketplace installs).

What are sessions? How do they work?

Because HTTP is stateless, in order to associate a request to any other request, you need a way to store user data between HTTP requests.

Cookies or URL parameters ( for ex. like ) are both suitable ways to transport data between 2 or more request. However they are not good in case you don't want that data to be readable/editable on client side.

The solution is to store that data server side, give it an "id", and let the client only know (and pass back at every http request) that id. There you go, sessions implemented. Or you can use the client as a convenient remote storage, but you would encrypt the data and keep the secret server-side.

Of course there are other aspects to consider, like you don't want people to hijack other's sessions, you want sessions to not last forever but to expire, and so on.

In your specific example, the user id (could be username or another unique ID in your user database) is stored in the session data, server-side, after successful identification. Then for every HTTP request you get from the client, the session id (given by the client) will point you to the correct session data (stored by the server) that contains the authenticated user id - that way your code will know what user it is talking to.

imagecreatefromjpeg and similar functions are not working in PHP

You must enable the library GD2.

Find your (proper) php.ini file

Find the line: ;extension=php_gd2.dll and remove the semicolon in the front.

The line should look like this:


Then restart apache and you should be good to go.

What is default list styling (CSS)?

I used to set this CSS to remove the reset :

ul { 
   list-style-type: disc; 
   list-style-position: inside; 
ol { 
   list-style-type: decimal; 
   list-style-position: inside; 
ul ul, ol ul { 
   list-style-type: circle; 
   list-style-position: inside; 
   margin-left: 15px; 
ol ol, ul ol { 
   list-style-type: lower-latin; 
   list-style-position: inside; 
   margin-left: 15px; 

EDIT : with a specific class of course...

Converting a Uniform Distribution to a Normal Distribution

Here is a javascript implementation using the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation.

 * Returns member of set with a given mean and standard deviation
 * mean: mean
 * standard deviation: std_dev 
function createMemberInNormalDistribution(mean,std_dev){
    return mean + (gaussRandom()*std_dev);

 * Returns random number in normal distribution centering on 0.
 * ~95% of numbers returned should fall between -2 and 2
 * ie within two standard deviations
function gaussRandom() {
    var u = 2*Math.random()-1;
    var v = 2*Math.random()-1;
    var r = u*u + v*v;
    /*if outside interval [0,1] start over*/
    if(r == 0 || r >= 1) return gaussRandom();

    var c = Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(r)/r);
    return u*c;

    /* todo: optimize this algorithm by caching (v*c) 
     * and returning next time gaussRandom() is called.
     * left out for simplicity */

How to limit the number of dropzone.js files uploaded?

I'd like to point out. maybe this just happens to me, HOWEVER, when I use this.removeAllFiles() in dropzone, it fires the event COMPLETE and this blows, what I did was check if the fileData was empty or not so I could actually submit the form.

Export a graph to .eps file with R

If you are using ggplot2 to generate a figure, then a ggsave(file="name.eps") will also work.

The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client

You should "ignore" all the x86/x64 talk here for starters and instead try the ODP.NET Managed Driver (if you are using .Net v4+):

Oracle Managed vs Unmanaged Driver

Avoid all the "unmanaged" what DLL what architecture issues! :D (about time Oracle).

The NuGet package (also works for 11g):

enter image description here

The old / manual method:

For info on how to convert to using the managed libraries:

  • First, here is a great code comparison of managed vs unmanaged:
  • Ensure you have downloaded the ODP.NET, Managed Driver Xcopy version only
  • From the downloaded zip file, copy and paste into your project directory:
    • Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll
    • Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll
  • Add a reference to Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll
  • Ensure your exe is released (added to Application Folder in VS2010) with both dlls

"Could not find or load main class" Error while running java program using cmd prompt

What's your CLASSPATH value?

It may look like this:


I guess your value does not contain this .;.

So, ADD IT .
When you done , restart CMD

That may works.

For example the file is in path: D:\myjavatest\org\yz\test and its package is: org.yz.test.

Now, you're in path D:\myjavatest\ on the CMD line.
Type this to compile it:

javac org/yz/test/

Then, type this to run it:

java org.yz.test.HelloWorld

You may get what you want.

How to get just the responsive grid from Bootstrap 3?

It's been a while since this question was asked, but maybe now you can forego Bootstrap altogether and use CSS Grid! (it's simpler, neater, more flexible and faster). See this cool article: Stop using Bootstrap — create a practical CSS Grid template for your component based UI

Specify an SSH key for git push for a given domain

I am using Git Bash on Win7. The following worked for me.

Create a config file at ~/.ssh/config or c:/users/[your_user_name]/.ssh/config. In the file enter:

     IdentityFile [absolute_path_to_your_.ssh]\id_rsa

I guess the host has to be a URL and not just a "name" or ref for your host. For example,

     IdentityFile c:/users/[user_name]/.ssh/id_rsa

The path can also be written in /c/users/[user_name]/.... format

The solution provided by Giordano Scalzo is great too.

The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace

if the project is not a big ,

1- change the name of folder project

2- make a new project with the same project (before renaming)

3- add existing files from the old project to the new project (totally same , same folders , same names , ...)

4- open the the new project file (as xml ) and the old project

5- copy the new project file (xml content ) and paste it in the old project file

6- delete the old project

7- rename the old folder project to old name

Create a user with all privileges in Oracle

My issue was, i am unable to create a view with my "scott" user in oracle 11g edition. So here is my solution for this

Error in my case

SQL>create view v1 as select * from books where id=10;

insufficient privileges.


1)open your cmd and change your directory to where you install your oracle database. in my case i was downloaded in E drive so my location is E:\app\B_Amar\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN> after reaching in the position you have to type sqlplus sys as sysdba

E:\app\B_Amar\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>sqlplus sys as sysdba

2) Enter password: here you have to type that password that you give at the time of installation of oracle software.

3) Here in this step if you want create a new user then you can create otherwise give all the privileges to existing user.

for creating new user

SQL> create user abc identified by xyz;

here abc is user and xyz is password.

giving all the privileges to abc user

SQL> grant all privileges to abc;

 grant succeeded. 

if you are seen this message then all the privileges are giving to the abc user.

4) Now exit from cmd, go to your SQL PLUS and connect to the user i.e enter your username & password.Now you can happily create view.

In My case

in cmd E:\app\B_Amar\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN>sqlplus sys as sysdba

SQL> grant all privileges to SCOTT;

grant succeeded.

Now I can create views.

Getting value GET OR POST variable using JavaScript?

When i had the issue i saved the value into a hidden input:

in html body:

    if (isset($_POST['Id'])){
      $fid= $_POST['Id']; 

... then put the hidden input on the page and write the value $fid with php echo

    <input type=hidden id ="fid" name=fid value="<?php echo $fid ?>">

then in $(document).ready( function () {

    var postId=document.getElementById("fid").value;

so i got my hidden url parameter in php an js.

How to sort an array in descending order in Ruby

Simple Solution from ascending to descending and vice versa is:


str = ['ravi', 'aravind', 'joker', 'poker']
asc_string = str.sort # => ["aravind", "joker", "poker", "ravi"]
asc_string.reverse # => ["ravi", "poker", "joker", "aravind"]


digit = [234,45,1,5,78,45,34,9]
asc_digit = digit.sort # => [1, 5, 9, 34, 45, 45, 78, 234]
asc_digit.reverse # => [234, 78, 45, 45, 34, 9, 5, 1]

Get Filename Without Extension in Python

If I had to do this with a regex, I'd do it like this:

s = re.sub(r'\.jpg$', '', s)

Double array initialization in Java

If you can accept Double Objects than this post is helpful: Initialization of an ArrayList in one line

List<Double> y = Arrays.asList(null, 1.0, 2.0);
Double x = y.get(1);

how to break the _.each function in underscore.js


_.find would be better as it breaks out of the loop when the element is found:

var searchArr = [{id:1,text:"foo"},{id:2,text:"bar"}];
var count = 0;
var filteredEl = _.find(searchArr,function(arrEl){ 
              count = count +1;
              if( === 1 ){
                  return arrEl;

//since we are searching the first element in the array, the count will be one
//output: filteredEl : {id:1,text:"foo"} , count: 1

** Old **

If you want to conditionally break out of a loop, use _.filter api instead of _.each. Here is a code snippet

var searchArr = [{id:1,text:"foo"},{id:2,text:"bar"}];
var filteredEl = _.filter(searchArr,function(arrEl){ 
                  if( === 1 ){
                      return arrEl;
//output: {id:1,text:"foo"}

Validate phone number with JavaScript


The ? character signifies that the preceding group should be matched zero or one times. The group (-|\s) will match either a - or a | character.

Create directories using make file

This would do it - assuming a Unix-like environment.

MKDIR_P = mkdir -p

.PHONY: directories

all: directories program

directories: ${OUT_DIR}

        ${MKDIR_P} ${OUT_DIR}

This would have to be run in the top-level directory - or the definition of ${OUT_DIR} would have to be correct relative to where it is run. Of course, if you follow the edicts of Peter Miller's "Recursive Make Considered Harmful" paper, then you'll be running make in the top-level directory anyway.

I'm playing with this (RMCH) at the moment. It needed a bit of adaptation to the suite of software that I am using as a test ground. The suite has a dozen separate programs built with source spread across 15 directories, some of it shared. But with a bit of care, it can be done. OTOH, it might not be appropriate for a newbie.

As noted in the comments, listing the 'mkdir' command as the action for 'directories' is wrong. As also noted in the comments, there are other ways to fix the 'do not know how to make output/debug' error that results. One is to remove the dependency on the the 'directories' line. This works because 'mkdir -p' does not generate errors if all the directories it is asked to create already exist. The other is the mechanism shown, which will only attempt to create the directory if it does not exist. The 'as amended' version is what I had in mind last night - but both techniques work (and both have problems if output/debug exists but is a file rather than a directory).

Select element based on multiple classes

You can use these solutions :

CSS rules applies to all tags that have following two classes :

.left.ui-class-selector {
    /*style here*/

CSS rules applies to all tags that have <li> with following two classes :

li.left.ui-class-selector {
   /*style here*/

jQuery solution :

$("li.left.ui-class-selector").css("color", "red");

Javascript solution :

document.querySelector("li.left.ui-class-selector").style.color = "red";

ImportError: No module named - Python

This is if you are building a package and you are finding error in imports. I learnt it the hard way.The answer isn't to add the package to python path or to do it programatically (what if your module gets installed and your command adds it again?) thats a bad way.

The right thing to do is: 1) Use virtualenv pyvenv-3.4 or something similar 2) Activate the development mode - $python develop

Determine if 2 lists have the same elements, regardless of order?

You can simply check whether the multisets with the elements of x and y are equal:

import collections
collections.Counter(x) == collections.Counter(y)

This requires the elements to be hashable; runtime will be in O(n), where n is the size of the lists.

If the elements are also unique, you can also convert to sets (same asymptotic runtime, may be a little bit faster in practice):

set(x) == set(y)

If the elements are not hashable, but sortable, another alternative (runtime in O(n log n)) is

sorted(x) == sorted(y)

If the elements are neither hashable nor sortable you can use the following helper function. Note that it will be quite slow (O(n²)) and should generally not be used outside of the esoteric case of unhashable and unsortable elements.

def equal_ignore_order(a, b):
    """ Use only when elements are neither hashable nor sortable! """
    unmatched = list(b)
    for element in a:
        except ValueError:
            return False
    return not unmatched

Regex pattern including all special characters

If you only rely on ASCII characters, you can rely on using the hex ranges on the ASCII table. Here is a regex that will grab all special characters in the range of 33-47, 58-64, 91-96, 123-126


However you can think of special characters as not normal characters. If we take that approach, you can simply do this


Hower this will not catch _ ^ and probably others.

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element. Expected elements are (none)

When you generate a JAXB model from an XML Schema, global elements that correspond to named complex types will have that metadata captured as an @XmlElementDecl annotation on a create method in the ObjectFactory class. Since you are creating the JAXBContext on just the DocumentType class this metadata isn't being processed. If you generated your JAXB model from an XML Schema then you should create the JAXBContext on the generated package name or ObjectFactory class to ensure all the necessary metadata is processed.

Example solution:

JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(my.generatedschema.dir.ObjectFactory.class);
DocumentType documentType = ((JAXBElement<DocumentType>) jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(inputStream)).getValue();

Conditional step/stage in Jenkins pipeline

According to other answers I am adding the parallel stages scenario:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('some parallel stage') {
            parallel {
                stage('parallel stage 1') {
                    when {
                      expression { ENV == "something" }
                    steps {
                        echo 'something'
                stage('parallel stage 2') {
                    steps {
                        echo 'something'

What is the difference between JOIN and JOIN FETCH when using JPA and Hibernate


When using JOIN against an entity associations, JPA will generate a JOIN between the parent entity and the child entity tables in the generated SQL statement.

So, taking your example, when executing this JPQL query:

FROM Employee emp
JOIN emp.department dep

Hibernate is going to generate the following SQL statement:

SELECT emp.*
FROM employee emp
JOIN department dep ON emp.department_id =

Note that the SQL SELECT clause contains only the employee table columns, and not the department ones. To fetch the department table columns, we need to use JOIN FETCH instead of JOIN.


So, compared to JOIN, the JOIN FETCH allows you to project the joining table columns in the SELECT clause of the generated SQL statement.

So, in your example, when executing this JPQL query:

FROM Employee emp
JOIN FETCH emp.department dep

Hibernate is going to generate the following SQL statement:

SELECT emp.*, dept.*
FROM employee emp
JOIN department dep ON emp.department_id =

Note that, this time, the department table columns are selected as well, not just the ones associated with the entity listed in the FROM JPQL clause.

Also, JOIN FETCH is a great way to address the LazyInitializationException when using Hibernate as you can initialize entity associations using the FetchType.LAZY fetching strategy along with the main entity you are fetching.

Reverse Y-Axis in PyPlot

There is a new API that makes this even simpler.




Check if element at position [x] exists in the list

if(list.ElementAtOrDefault(2) != null)
   // logic

ElementAtOrDefault() is part of the System.Linq namespace.

Although you have a List, so you can use list.Count > 2.

What is a NoReverseMatch error, and how do I fix it?

The NoReverseMatch error is saying that Django cannot find a matching url pattern for the url you've provided in any of your installed app's urls.

The NoReverseMatch exception is raised by django.core.urlresolvers when a matching URL in your URLconf cannot be identified based on the parameters supplied.

To start debugging it, you need to start by disecting the error message given to you.

  • NoReverseMatch at /my_url/

    This is the url that is currently being rendered, it is this url that your application is currently trying to access but it contains a url that cannot be matched

  • Reverse for 'my_url_name'

    This is the name of the url that it cannot find

  • with arguments '()' and

    These are the non-keyword arguments its providing to the url

  • keyword arguments '{}' not found.

    These are the keyword arguments its providing to the url

  • n pattern(s) tried: []

    These are the patterns that it was able to find in your files that it tried to match against

Start by locating the code in your source relevant to the url that is currently being rendered - the url, the view, and any templates involved. In most cases, this will be the part of the code you're currently developing.

Once you've done this, read through the code in the order that django would be following until you reach the line of code that is trying to construct a url for your my_url_name. Again, this is probably in a place you've recently changed.

Now that you've discovered where the error is occuring, use the other parts of the error message to work out the issue.

The url name

  • Are there any typos?
  • Have you provided the url you're trying to access the given name?
  • If you have set app_name in the app's (e.g. app_name = 'my_app') or if you included the app with a namespace (e.g. include('myapp.urls', namespace='myapp'), then you need to include the namespace when reversing, e.g. {% url 'myapp:my_url_name' %} or reverse('myapp:my_url_name').

Arguments and Keyword Arguments

The arguments and keyword arguments are used to match against any capture groups that are present within the given url which can be identified by the surrounding () brackets in the url pattern.

Assuming the url you're matching requires additional arguments, take a look in the error message and first take a look if the value for the given arguments look to be correct.

If they aren't correct:

  • The value is missing or an empty string

    This generally means that the value you're passing in doesn't contain the value you expect it to be. Take a look where you assign the value for it, set breakpoints, and you'll need to figure out why this value doesn't get passed through correctly.

  • The keyword argument has a typo

    Correct this either in the url pattern, or in the url you're constructing.

If they are correct:

  • Debug the regex

    You can use a website such as regexr to quickly test whether your pattern matches the url you think you're creating, Copy the url pattern into the regex field at the top, and then use the text area to include any urls that you think it should match against.

    Common Mistakes:

    • Matching against the . wild card character or any other regex characters

      Remember to escape the specific characters with a \ prefix

    • Only matching against lower/upper case characters

      Try using either a-Z or \w instead of a-z or A-Z

  • Check that pattern you're matching is included within the patterns tried

    If it isn't here then its possible that you have forgotten to include your app within the INSTALLED_APPS setting (or the ordering of the apps within INSTALLED_APPS may need looking at)

Django Version

In Django 1.10, the ability to reverse a url by its python path was removed. The named path should be used instead.

If you're still unable to track down the problem, then feel free to ask a new question that includes what you've tried, what you've researched (You can link to this question), and then include the relevant code to the issue - the url that you're matching, any relevant url patterns, the part of the error message that shows what django tried to match, and possibly the INSTALLED_APPS setting if applicable.

omp parallel vs. omp parallel for

These are equivalent.

#pragma omp parallel spawns a group of threads, while #pragma omp for divides loop iterations between the spawned threads. You can do both things at once with the fused #pragma omp parallel for directive.

Eclipse add Tomcat 7 blank server name

In Eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3) on Ubuntu 17.04 with Tomcat 8.0 the problem persists. What helped me was the combination of deleting the prefs files:

rm ~/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs    
rm ~/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs

and linking to catalina.policy (somewhat differently than how @michael-brooks suggested for his configuration):

sudo ln -s /var/lib/tomcat8/policy/catalina.policy conf/catalina.policy

How do I tokenize a string sentence in NLTK?

As @PavelAnossov answered, the canonical answer, use the word_tokenize function in nltk:

from nltk import word_tokenize
sent = "This is my text, this is a nice way to input text."

If your sentence is truly simple enough:

Using the string.punctuation set, remove punctuation then split using the whitespace delimiter:

import string
x = "This is my text, this is a nice way to input text."
y = "".join([i for i in x if not in string.punctuation]).split(" ")
print y

MySQL: ignore errors when importing?

Use the --force (-f) flag on your mysql import. Rather than stopping on the offending statement, MySQL will continue and just log the errors to the console.

For example:

mysql -u userName -p -f -D dbName < script.sql

space between divs - display table-cell

Well, the above does work, here is my solution that requires a little less markup and is more flexible.

.cells {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  padding: 1px;_x000D_
.cells>.content {_x000D_
  background: #EEE;_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  padding: 3px;_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
<div id="div1" class="cells"><div class="content">My Cell 1</div></div>_x000D_
<div id="div2" class="cells"><div class="content">My Cell 2</div></div>

How to permanently add a private key with ssh-add on Ubuntu?

Just add the keychain, as referenced in Ubuntu Quick Tips


Instead of constantly starting up ssh-agent and ssh-add, it is possible to use keychain to manage your ssh keys. To install keychain, you can just click here, or use Synaptic to do the job or apt-get from the command line.

Command line

Another way to install the file is to open the terminal (Application->Accessories->Terminal) and type:

sudo apt-get install keychain

Edit File

You then should add the following lines to your ${HOME}/.bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc:

keychain id_rsa id_dsa
. ~/.keychain/`uname -n`-sh

How can I String.Format a TimeSpan object with a custom format in .NET?

Here is my version. It shows only as much as necessary, handles pluralization, negatives, and I tried to make it lightweight.

Output Examples

0 seconds
1.404 seconds
1 hour, 14.4 seconds
14 hours, 57 minutes, 22.473 seconds
1 day, 14 hours, 57 minutes, 22.475 seconds


public static class TimeSpanExtensions
    public static string ToReadableString(this TimeSpan timeSpan)
        int days = (int)(timeSpan.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
        long subDayTicks = timeSpan.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerDay;

        bool isNegative = false;
        if (timeSpan.Ticks < 0L)
            isNegative = true;
            days = -days;
            subDayTicks = -subDayTicks;

        int hours = (int)((subDayTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerHour) % 24L);
        int minutes = (int)((subDayTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute) % 60L);
        int seconds = (int)((subDayTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) % 60L);
        int subSecondTicks = (int)(subDayTicks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
        double fractionalSeconds = (double)subSecondTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;

        var parts = new List<string>(4);

        if (days > 0)
            parts.Add(string.Format("{0} day{1}", days, days == 1 ? null : "s"));
        if (hours > 0)
            parts.Add(string.Format("{0} hour{1}", hours, hours == 1 ? null : "s"));
        if (minutes > 0)
            parts.Add(string.Format("{0} minute{1}", minutes, minutes == 1 ? null : "s"));
        if (fractionalSeconds.Equals(0D))
            switch (seconds)
                case 0:
                    // Only write "0 seconds" if we haven't written anything at all.
                    if (parts.Count == 0)
                        parts.Add("0 seconds");

                case 1:
                    parts.Add("1 second");

                    parts.Add(seconds + " seconds");
            parts.Add(string.Format("{0}{1:.###} seconds", seconds, fractionalSeconds));

        string resultString = string.Join(", ", parts);
        return isNegative ? "(negative) " + resultString : resultString;

Keyboard shortcut to change font size in Eclipse?

Take a look at this project:

It has some other features, but most importantly, it has Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- to change the font size, it's awesome.

How to get main div container to align to centre?

The basic principle of centering a page is to have a body CSS and main_container CSS. It should look something like this:

body {
     margin: 0;
     padding: 0;
     text-align: center;
#main_container {
     margin: 0 auto;
     text-align: left;

reading from stdin in c++

You have not defined the variable input_line.

Add this:

string input_line;

And add this include.

#include <string>

Here is the full example. I also removed the semi-colon after the while loop, and you should have getline inside the while to properly detect the end of the stream.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    for (std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line);) {
        std::cout << line << std::endl;
    return 0;

Is it acceptable and safe to run pip install under sudo?

Your original problem is that pip cannot write the logs to the folder.

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Users/markwalker/Library/Logs/pip.log'

You need to cd into a folder in which the process invoked can write like /tmp so a cd /tmp and re invoking the command will probably work but is not what you want.

BUT actually for this particular case (you not wanting to use sudo for installing python packages) and no need for global package installs you can use the --user flag like this :

pip install --user <packagename>

and it will work just fine.

I assume you have a one user python python installation and do not want to bother with reading about virtualenv (which is not very userfriendly) or pipenv.

As some people in the comments section have pointed out the next approach is not a very good idea unless you do not know what to do and got stuck:

Another approach for global packages like in your case you want to do something like :

chown -R $USER /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/

or more generally

chown -R $USER <path to your global pip packages>

Force unmount of NFS-mounted directory

If the NFS server disappeared and you can't get it back online, one trick that I use is to add an alias to the interface with the IP of the NFS server (in this example,


The command for that is something roughly like:

ifconfig eth0:fakenfs netmask

Where is the IP of the NFS server that went away. You should then be able to ping the address, and you should also be able to unmount the filesystem (use unmount -f). You should then destroy the aliased interface so you no longer route traffic to the old NFS server to yourself with:

ifconfig eth0:fakenfs down

FreeBSD and similar operating systems

The command would be something like:

ifconfig em0 alias netmask

And then to remove it:

ifconfig em0 delete

man ifconfig(8) for more!

No internet on Android emulator - why and how to fix?

If you run into this problem and are working with a non-Windows/Mac OS (Ubuntu in my case), try starting the emulator by itself in Android SDK and AVD Manager then running your application.

jQuery trigger file input

I managed with a simple $(...).click(); with JQuery 1.6.1

How to get root access on Android emulator?

Here is the list of commands you have to run while the emulator is running, I test this solution for an avd on Android 2.2 :

adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock03 /system  
adb push su /system/xbin/su  
adb shell chmod 06755 /system  
adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su

It assumes that the su binary is located in the working directory. You can find su and superuser here : You need to run these commands each time you launch the emulator. You can write a script that launch the emulator and root it.

SVN Repository on Google Drive or DropBox

I would try fossil scm and the Chisel hosting service

simple, self contained and easily interchangeable with git should you desire in future

Checking during array iteration, if the current element is the last element

$arr = array(1, 'a', 3, 4 => 1, 'b' => 1);
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
    echo "{$key} = {$val}" . (end(array_keys($arr))===$key ? '' : ', ');
// output: 0 = 1, 1 = a, 2 = 3, 4 = 1, b = 1

How can I backup a remote SQL Server database to a local drive?

In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio you can right-click on the database you wish to backup and click Tasks -> Generate Scripts.

This pops open a wizard where you can set the following in order to perform a decent backup of your database, even on a remote server:

  • Select the database you wish to backup and hit next,
  • In the options it presents to you:
    1. In 2010: under the Table/View Options, change 'Script Data' and 'Script Indexes' to True and hit next,
    2. In 2012: under 'General', change 'Types of data to script' from 'Schema only' to 'Schema and data'
    3. In 2014: the option to script the data is now "hidden" in step "Set Scripting Options", you have to click the "Advanced" and set "Types of data to script" to "Schema and data" value
  • In the next four windows, hit 'select all' and then next,
  • Choose to script to a new query window

Once it's done its thing, you'll have a backup script ready in front of you. Create a new local (or remote) database, and change the first 'USE' statement in the script to use your new database. Save the script in a safe place, and go ahead and run it against your new empty database. This should create you a (nearly) duplicate local database you can then backup as you like.

If you have full access to the remote database, you can choose to check 'script all objects' in the wizard's first window and then change the 'Script Database' option to True on the next window. Watch out though, you'll need to perform a full search & replace of the database name in the script to a new database which in this case you won't have to create before running the script. This should create a more accurate duplicate but is sometimes not available due to permissions restrictions.

Get webpage contents with Python?

The best way to do this these day is to use the 'requests' library:

import requests
response = requests.get('')
print (response.status_code)
print (response.content)

Set IDENTITY_INSERT ON is not working

The relevant part of the error message is

...when a column list is used...

You are not using a column list, you are using SELECT *. Use a column list instead:

SET IDENTITY_INSERT [MyDB].[dbo].[Equipment] ON 

INSERT INTO [MyDB].[dbo].[Equipment] (Col1, Col2, ...)
SELECT Col1, Col2, ... FROM [MyDBQA].[dbo].[Equipment] 

SET IDENTITY_INSERT [MyDB].[dbo].[Equipment] OFF 

Any difference between await Promise.all() and multiple await?

First difference - Fail Fast

I agree with @zzzzBov's answer, but the "fail fast" advantage of Promise.all is not the only difference. Some users in the comments have asked why using Promise.all is worth it when it's only faster in the negative scenario (when some task fails). And I ask, why not? If I have two independent async parallel tasks and the first one takes a very long time to resolve but the second is rejected in a very short time, why leave the user to wait for the longer call to finish to receive an error message? In real-life applications we must consider the negative scenario. But OK - in this first difference you can decide which alternative to use: Promise.all vs. multiple await.

Second difference - Error Handling

But when considering error handling, YOU MUST use Promise.all. It is not possible to correctly handle errors of async parallel tasks triggered with multiple awaits. In the negative scenario you will always end with UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning and PromiseRejectionHandledWarning, regardless of where you use try/ catch. That is why Promise.all was designed. Of course someone could say that we can suppress those errors using process.on('unhandledRejection', err => {}) and process.on('rejectionHandled', err => {}) but this is not good practice. I've found many examples on the internet that do not consider error handling for two or more independent async parallel tasks at all, or consider it but in the wrong way - just using try/ catch and hoping it will catch errors. It's almost impossible to find good practice in this.


TL;DR: Never use multiple await for two or more independent async parallel tasks, because you will not be able to handle errors correctly. Always use Promise.all() for this use case.

Async/ await is not a replacement for Promises, it's just a pretty way to use promises. Async code is written in "sync style" and we can avoid multiple thens in promises.

Some people say that when using Promise.all() we can't handle task errors separately, and that we can only handle the error from the first rejected promise (separate handling can be useful e.g. for logging). This is not a problem - see "Addition" heading at the bottom of this answer.


Consider this async task...

const task = function(taskNum, seconds, negativeScenario) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(_ => {
      if (negativeScenario)
        reject(new Error('Task ' + taskNum + ' failed!'));
        resolve('Task ' + taskNum + ' succeed!');
    }, seconds * 1000)

When you run tasks in the positive scenario there is no difference between Promise.all and multiple awaits. Both examples end with Task 1 succeed! Task 2 succeed! after 5 seconds.

// Promise.all alternative
const run = async function() {
  // tasks run immediate in parallel and wait for both results
  let [r1, r2] = await Promise.all([
    task(1, 5, false),
    task(2, 5, false)
  console.log(r1 + ' ' + r2);
// at 5th sec: Task 1 succeed! Task 2 succeed!
// multiple await alternative
const run = async function() {
  // tasks run immediate in parallel
  let t1 = task(1, 5, false);
  let t2 = task(2, 5, false);
  // wait for both results
  let r1 = await t1;
  let r2 = await t2;
  console.log(r1 + ' ' + r2);
// at 5th sec: Task 1 succeed! Task 2 succeed!

However, when the first task takes 10 seconds and succeeds, and the second task takes 5 seconds but fails, there are differences in the errors issued.

// Promise.all alternative
const run = async function() {
  let [r1, r2] = await Promise.all([
      task(1, 10, false),
      task(2, 5, true)
  console.log(r1 + ' ' + r2);
// at 5th sec: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Task 2 failed!
// multiple await alternative
const run = async function() {
  let t1 = task(1, 10, false);
  let t2 = task(2, 5, true);
  let r1 = await t1;
  let r2 = await t2;
  console.log(r1 + ' ' + r2);
// at 5th sec: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Task 2 failed!
// at 10th sec: PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously (rejection id: 1)
// at 10th sec: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Task 2 failed!

We should already notice here that we are doing something wrong when using multiple awaits in parallel. Let's try handling the errors:

// Promise.all alternative
const run = async function() {
  let [r1, r2] = await Promise.all([
    task(1, 10, false),
    task(2, 5, true)
  console.log(r1 + ' ' + r2);
run().catch(err => { console.log('Caught error', err); });
// at 5th sec: Caught error Error: Task 2 failed!

As you can see, to successfully handle errors, we need to add just one catch to the run function and add code with catch logic into the callback. We do not need to handle errors inside the run function because async functions do this automatically - promise rejection of the task function causes rejection of the run function.

To avoid a callback we can use "sync style" (async/ await + try/ catch)
try { await run(); } catch(err) { }
but in this example it's not possible, because we can't use await in the main thread - it can only be used in async functions (because nobody wants to block main thread). To test if handling works in "sync style" we can call the run function from another async function or use an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression: MDN):

(async function() { 
  try { 
    await run(); 
  } catch(err) { 
    console.log('Caught error', err); 

This is the only correct way to run two or more async parallel tasks and handle errors. You should avoid the examples below.

Bad Examples

// multiple await alternative
const run = async function() {
  let t1 = task(1, 10, false);
  let t2 = task(2, 5, true);
  let r1 = await t1;
  let r2 = await t2;
  console.log(r1 + ' ' + r2);

We can try to handle errors in the code above in several ways...

try { run(); } catch(err) { console.log('Caught error', err); };
// at 5th sec: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Task 2 failed!
// at 10th sec: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Task 2 failed!
// at 10th sec: PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled 

... nothing got caught because it handles sync code but run is async.

run().catch(err => { console.log('Caught error', err); });
// at 5th sec: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Task 2 failed!
// at 10th sec: Caught error Error: Task 2 failed!
// at 10th sec: PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously (rejection id: 1)

... huh? We see firstly that the error for task 2 was not handled and later that it was caught. Misleading and still full of errors in console, it's still unusable this way.

(async function() { try { await run(); } catch(err) { console.log('Caught error', err); }; })();
// at 5th sec: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Task 2 failed!
// at 10th sec: Caught error Error: Task 2 failed!
// at 10th sec: PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously (rejection id: 1)

... the same as above. User @Qwerty in his deleted answer asked about this strange behavior where an error seems to be caught but are also unhandled. We catch error the because run() is rejected on the line with the await keyword and can be caught using try/ catch when calling run(). We also get an unhandled error because we are calling an async task function synchronously (without the await keyword), and this task runs and fails outside the run() function.
It is similar to when we are not able to handle errors by try/ catch when calling some sync function which calls setTimeout:

function test() {
  setTimeout(function() { 
    }, 0);
try { 
} catch(e) { 
  /* this will never catch error */ 

Another poor example:

const run = async function() {
  try {
    let t1 = task(1, 10, false);
    let t2 = task(2, 5, true);
    let r1 = await t1;
    let r2 = await t2;
  catch (err) {
    return new Error(err);
  console.log(r1 + ' ' + r2);
run().catch(err => { console.log('Caught error', err); });
// at 5th sec: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Task 2 failed!
// at 10th sec: PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously (rejection id: 1)

... "only" two errors (3rd one is missing) but nothing is caught.

Addition (handling separate task errors and also first-fail error)

const run = async function() {
  let [r1, r2] = await Promise.all([
    task(1, 10, true).catch(err => { console.log('Task 1 failed!'); throw err; }),
    task(2, 5, true).catch(err => { console.log('Task 2 failed!'); throw err; })
  console.log(r1 + ' ' + r2);
run().catch(err => { console.log('Run failed (does not matter which task)!'); });
// at 5th sec: Task 2 failed!
// at 5th sec: Run failed (does not matter which task)!
// at 10th sec: Task 1 failed!

... note that in this example I rejected both tasks to better demonstrate what happens (throw err is used to fire final error).

How do you create a dictionary in Java?

You'll want a Map<String, String>. Classes that implement the Map interface include (but are not limited to):

Each is designed/optimized for certain situations (go to their respective docs for more info). HashMap is probably the most common; the go-to default.

For example (using a HashMap):

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("dog", "type of animal");
type of animal

How to replace values at specific indexes of a python list?

You can solve it using dictionary

to_modify = [5,4,3,2,1,0]
indexes = [0,1,3,5]
replacements = [0,0,0,0]

dic = {}
for i in range(len(indexes)):

for index, item in enumerate(to_modify):
    for i in indexes:

The output will be

{0: 0, 1: 0, 3: 0, 5: 0}
[0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0]

How do I create test and train samples from one dataframe with pandas?

scikit learn's train_test_split is a good one - it will split both numpy arrays as dataframes.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2)

CSS rounded corners in IE8 worked for me great (, but with one issue:

You should write absolute path to It hasn't worked for me when I used relative path.

Loading a properties file from Java package

I managed to solve this issue with this call

Properties props = PropertiesUtil.loadProperties("");

Extra, you have to put your file in /src/main/resources

How to hide iOS status bar


1- In info.plist set below property

enter image description here

2- Paste below code to Root controller , To

 private var isStatusBarHidden = true {
        didSet {

    override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
        return isStatusBarHidden

You can call isStatusBarHidden = true and isStatusBarHidden = false where you want to hide/show status bar

how to add values to an array of objects dynamically in javascript?

You have to instantiate the object first. The simplest way is:

var lab =["1","2","3"];
var val = [42,55,51,22];
var data = [];
for(var i=0; i<4; i++)  {
    data.push({label: lab[i], value: val[i]});

Or an other, less concise way, but closer to your original code:

for(var i=0; i<4; i++)  {
   data[i] = {};              // creates a new object
   data[i].label = lab[i];
   data[i].value = val[i];    

array() will not create a new array (unless you defined that function). Either Array() or new Array() or just [].

I recommend to read the MDN JavaScript Guide.

What does 'foo' really mean?

foo = File or Object. It is used in place of an object variable or file name.

Accessing SQL Database in Excel-VBA

I've added the Initial Catalog to your connection string. I've also abandonded the ADODB.Command syntax in favor of simply creating my own SQL statement and open the recordset on that variable.

Hope this helps.

Sub GetDataFromADO()
    'Declare variables'
        Set objMyConn = New ADODB.Connection
        Set objMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
        Dim strSQL As String

    'Open Connection'
        objMyConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;User ID=abc;Password=abc;"

    'Set and Excecute SQL Command'
        strSQL = "select * from myTable"

    'Open Recordset'
        Set objMyRecordset.ActiveConnection = objMyConn
        objMyRecordset.Open strSQL            

    'Copy Data to Excel'
        ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CopyFromRecordset (objMyRecordset)

End Sub

Add new item in existing array in

Why not try out using the Stringbuilder class. It has methods such as .insert and .append. You can read more about it here:

How can I convert a .jar to an .exe?

Launch4j works on both Windows and Linux/Mac. But if you're running Linux/Mac, there is a way to embed your jar into a shell script that performs the autolaunch for you, so you have only one runnable file:

MYSELF=`which "$0" 2>/dev/null`
[ $? -gt  0 -a -f "$0" ] && MYSELF="./$0"
# Parse options to determine which ones are for Java and which ones are for the Program
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
    case $1 in
        -Xm*) JAVA_OPT="$JAVA_OPT $1" ;;
        -D*)  JAVA_OPT="$JAVA_OPT $1" ;;
        *)    PROG_OPT="$PROG_OPT $1" ;;
exec java $JAVA_OPT -jar $MYSELF $PROG_OPT

Then you create your runnable file from your jar:

$ cat myrunnablejar.jar > myrunnable
$ chmod +x myrunnable

It works the same way launch4j works: because a jar has a zip format, which header is located at the end of the file. You can have any header you want (either binary executable or, like here, shell script) and run java -jar <myexe>, as <myexe> is a valid zip/jar file.

How to access full source of old commit in BitBucket?

Just in case anyone is in my boat where none of these answers worked exactly, here's what I did.

Perhaps our in house Bitbucket server is set up a little differently than most, but here's the URL that I'd normally go to just to view the files in the master branch:


If I select a different branch than master from the drop down menu, I get this:


So I tried doing this and it worked:


Now I can browse the whole repo as it was at the time of that commit.

Load local javascript file in chrome for testing?

Here's what I did by creating 2 files in the /sandbox directory:

  • First file: sandbox.js
  • Second file: index.html

const name = 'Karl'_x000D_
console.log('This is the name: ' + name)
    <script type = "text/javascript" src = "file:///Users/karl/Downloads/sandbox/sandbox.js"></script>_x000D_

You can then use Chrome or any browser to inspect and debug/console your code!

Center content vertically on Vuetify

In Vuetify 2.x, v-layout and v-flex are replaced by v-row and v-col respectively. To center the content both vertically and horizontally, we have to instruct the v-row component to do it:

<v-container fill-height>
    <v-row justify="center" align="center">
        <v-col cols="12" sm="4">
            Centered both vertically and horizontally
  • align="center" will center the content vertically inside the row
  • justify="center" will center the content horizontally inside the row
  • fill-height will center the whole content compared to the page.

How to install mscomct2.ocx file from .cab file (Excel User Form and VBA)

You're correct that this is really painful to hand out to others, but if you have to, this is how you do it.

  1. Just extract the .ocx file from the .cab file (it is similar to a zip)
  2. Copy to the system folder (c:\windows\sysWOW64 for 64 bit systems and c:\windows\system32 for 32 bit)
  3. Use regsvr32 through the command prompt to register the file (e.g. "regsvr32 c:\windows\sysWOW64\mscomct2.ocx")


Get Selected value of a Combobox

A simpler way to get the selected value from a ComboBox control is:

Private Sub myComboBox_Change()
  msgbox "You selected: " + myComboBox.SelText
End Sub

MySQL: Insert record if not exists in table

MySQL provides a very cute solution :

REPLACE INTO `table` VALUES (5, 'John', 'Doe', SHA1('password'));

Very easy to use since you have declared a unique primary key (here with value 5).

Remove empty elements from an array in Javascript

You can use filter with index and in operator

let a = [1,,2,,,3];
let b = a.filter((x,i)=> i in a);


jQuery set radio button

Using .filter() also works, and is flexible for id, value, name:

$('input[name="cols"]').filter("[value='Site']").attr('checked', true);

(seen on this blog)

How do I copy a hash in Ruby?

Hash can create a new hash from an existing hash:

irb(main):009:0> h1 = {1 => 2}
=> {1=>2}
irb(main):010:0> h2 = Hash[h1]
=> {1=>2}
irb(main):011:0> h1.object_id
=> 2150233660
irb(main):012:0> h2.object_id
=> 2150205060

Recreate the default website in IIS

You can try to restore your previous state by doing the following:

  1. Go to IIS Manager
  2. Right-click on your Local Computer.
  3. Point to All Tasks
  4. Point to Backup/Restore Configuration
  5. Select the configuration you want to restore
  6. Wait untill configuration applies

jquery - is not a function error

It works on my case:

import * as JQuery from "jquery";
const $ = JQuery.default;

Best practice for using assert?

An Assert is to check -
1. the valid condition,
2. the valid statement,
3. true logic;
of source code. Instead of failing the whole project it gives an alarm that something is not appropriate in your source file.

In example 1, since variable 'str' is not null. So no any assert or exception get raised.

Example 1:


str = 'hello Python!'
strNull = 'string is Null'

if __debug__:
    if not str: raise AssertionError(strNull)
print str

if __debug__:
    print 'FileName '.ljust(30,'.'),(__name__)
    print 'FilePath '.ljust(30,'.'),(__file__)


hello Python!
FileName ..................... hello
FilePath ..................... C:/Python\

In example 2, var 'str' is null. So we are saving the user from going ahead of faulty program by assert statement.

Example 2:


str = ''
strNull = 'NULL String'

if __debug__:
    if not str: raise AssertionError(strNull)
print str

if __debug__:
    print 'FileName '.ljust(30,'.'),(__name__)
    print 'FilePath '.ljust(30,'.'),(__file__)


AssertionError: NULL String

The moment we don't want debug and realized the assertion issue in the source code. Disable the optimization flag

python -O
nothing will get print

Maximum length of the textual representation of an IPv6 address?

On Linux, see constant INET6_ADDRSTRLEN (include <arpa/inet.h>, see man inet_ntop). On my system (header "in.h"):


The last character is for terminating NULL, as I belive, so the max length is 45, as other answers.

Switch statement for greater-than/less-than

In my case (color-coding a percentage, nothing performance-critical), I quickly wrote this:

function findColor(progress) {
    const thresholds = [30, 60];
    const colors = ["#90B451", "#F9A92F", "#90B451"];

    return colors.find((col, index) => {
        return index >= thresholds.length || progress < thresholds[index];

How to terminate a Python script

A simple way to terminate a Python script early is to use the built-in quit() function. There is no need to import any library, and it is efficient and simple.


#do stuff
if this == that:

View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause

Looks to me as MySQL 3.6 gives the following error while MySQL 3.7 no longer errors out. I am yet to find anything in the documentation regarding this fix.

How to set width of a p:column in a p:dataTable in PrimeFaces 3.0?

Addition to @BalusC 's answer. You also need to set width of headers. In my case, below css can only apply to my table's column width.

.myTable td:nth-child(1),.myTable th:nth-child(1) {
   width: 20px;

Scala Doubles, and Precision

Recently, I faced similar problem and I solved it using following approach

def round(value: Either[Double, Float], places: Int) = {
  if (places < 0) 0
  else {
    val factor = Math.pow(10, places)
    value match {
      case Left(d) => (Math.round(d * factor) / factor)
      case Right(f) => (Math.round(f * factor) / factor)

def round(value: Double): Double = round(Left(value), 0)
def round(value: Double, places: Int): Double = round(Left(value), places)
def round(value: Float): Double = round(Right(value), 0)
def round(value: Float, places: Int): Double = round(Right(value), places)

I used this SO issue. I have couple of overloaded functions for both Float\Double and implicit\explicit options. Note that, you need to explicitly mention the return type in case of overloaded functions.

keyword not supported data source

I was getting the same problem.
but this code works good try it.

<add name="MyCon" connectionString="Server=****;initial catalog=PortalDb;user id=**;password=**;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Python: Remove division decimal

>>> int(2.0)

You will get the answer as 2

Python: Random numbers into a list

import random

n=int(input("Enter number of elements:"))

for j in range(n):

print('Randomised list is: ',a)

How do I point Crystal Reports at a new database

Choose Database | Set Datasource Location... Select the database node (yellow-ish cylinder) of the current connection, then select the database node of the desired connection (you may need to authenticate), then click Update.

You will need to do this for the 'Subreports' nodes as well.

FYI, you can also do individual tables by selecting each individually, then choosing Update.

Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found

i was having same problem with this error. It turn out my Kenel.php is having a wrong syntax when i try to comply with wrong php8 syntax

The line should be

protected $commands = [

instead of

protected array $commands = [

Using local makefile for CLion instead of CMake

While this is one of the most voted feature requests, there is one plugin available, by Victor Kropp, that adds support to makefiles:

Makefile support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA


You can install directly from the official repository:

Settings > Plugins > search for makefile > Search in repositories > Install > Restart


There are at least three different ways to run:

  1. Right click on a makefile and select Run
  2. Have the makefile open in the editor, put the cursor over one target (anywhere on the line), hit alt + enter, then select make target
  3. Hit ctrl/cmd + shift + F10 on a target (although this one didn't work for me on a mac).

It opens a pane named Run target with the output.

How to see the actual Oracle SQL statement that is being executed

-- i use something like this, with concepts and some code stolen from asktom.
-- suggestions for improvements are welcome

sess AS
AND sess.SID = si.SID

) rollback_remaining,

PIECE < 30
FROM sess si;

Adding Text to DataGridView Row Header

datagridview1.Rows[0].HeaderCell.Value = "Your text";

It works.

Why does C++ compilation take so long?

C++ is compiled into machine code. So you have the pre-processor, the compiler, the optimizer, and finally the assembler, all of which have to run.

Java and C# are compiled into byte-code/IL, and the Java virtual machine/.NET Framework execute (or JIT compile into machine code) prior to execution.

Python is an interpreted language that is also compiled into byte-code.

I'm sure there are other reasons for this as well, but in general, not having to compile to native machine language saves time.

Quick Way to Implement Dictionary in C

I am surprised no one mentioned hsearch/hcreate set of libraries which although is not available on windows, but is mandated by POSIX, and therefore available in Linux / GNU systems.

The link has a simple and complete basic example that very well explains its usage.

It even has thread safe variant, is easy to use and very performant.

How can I fix assembly version conflicts with JSON.NET after updating NuGet package references in a new ASP.NET MVC 5 project?

I found to delete this section from the project file fix the problem.

<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json">

Determine the path of the executing BASH script

For the relative path (i.e. the direct equivalent of Windows' %~dp0):

MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`"
echo "$MY_PATH"

For the absolute, normalized path:

MY_PATH="`dirname \"$0\"`"              # relative
MY_PATH="`( cd \"$MY_PATH\" && pwd )`"  # absolutized and normalized
if [ -z "$MY_PATH" ] ; then
  # error; for some reason, the path is not accessible
  # to the script (e.g. permissions re-evaled after suid)
  exit 1  # fail
echo "$MY_PATH"

VideoView Full screen in android application

I had to make my VideoView sit in a RelativeLayout in order to make the chosen answer work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

    <VideoView android:id="@+id/videoViewRelative"


As given here: Android - How to stretch video to fill VideoView area Toggling between screen sizes would be as simple as changing the layout parameters as given in the chosen answer.

javascript: using a condition in switch case

You've way overcomplicated that. Write it with if statements instead like this:

if(liCount == 0)
else if(liCount<=5)
else if(liCount<=10)


Or, if ChaosPandion is trying to optimize as much as possible:

setLayoutState(liCount == 0 ? 'start' :
               liCount <= 5 ? 'upload1Row' :
               liCount <= 10 ? 'upload2Rows' :


What is the difference between And and AndAlso in VB.NET?

Also see Stack Overflow question: Should I always use the AndAlso and OrElse operators?.

Also: A comment for those who mentioned using And if the right side of the expression has a side-effect you need:

If the right side has a side effect you need, just move it to the left side rather than using "And". You only really need "And" if both sides have side effects. And if you have that many side effects going on you're probably doing something else wrong. In general, you really should prefer AndAlso.

What does "-ne" mean in bash?

This is one of those things that can be difficult to search for if you don't already know where to look.

[ is actually a command, not part of the bash shell syntax as you might expect. It happens to be a Bash built-in command, so it's documented in the Bash manual.

There's also an external command that does the same thing; on many systems, it's provided by the GNU Coreutils package.

[ is equivalent to the test command, except that [ requires ] as its last argument, and test does not.

Assuming the bash documentation is installed on your system, if you type info bash and search for 'test' or '[' (the apostrophes are part of the search), you'll find the documentation for the [ command, also known as the test command. If you use man bash instead of info bash, search for ^ *test (the word test at the beginning of a line, following some number of spaces).

Following the reference to "Bash Conditional Expressions" will lead you to the description of -ne, which is the numeric inequality operator ("ne" stands for "not equal). By contrast, != is the string inequality operator.

You can also find bash documentation on the web.

The official definition of the test command is the POSIX standard (to which the bash implementation should conform reasonably well, perhaps with some extensions).

Install Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 7

Fake IE10 to install Visual Studio 2013

Visual Studio 2013 requires Internet Explorer 10. If you try to install it on Windows 7 with IE8 you get the following error This version of Visual Studio requires Internet Explorer 10”. The value that the VS 2013 installer checks is svcVersion in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorerkey on 32-bit Windows and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer on 64-bit Windows. Any value >= makes the installer happy.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer]

Utilizing multi core for tar+gzip/bzip compression/decompression

You can use the shortcut -I for tar's --use-compress-program switch, and invoke pbzip2 for bzip2 compression on multiple cores:

tar -I pbzip2 -cf OUTPUT_FILE.tar.bz2 DIRECTORY_TO_COMPRESS/

Jquery $(this) Child Selector Traversing--> Tree Traversal --> Children

Getting "Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed?" when installing lxml through pip

I got the same error for python 32 bit. After install 64bit, the problem was fixed.

How to set Spring profile from system variable?

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE is the environment variable to override/pick Spring profile

how do I get the bullet points of a <ul> to center with the text?

Add list-style-position: inside to the ul element. (example)

The default value for the list-style-position property is outside.

ul {_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    list-style-position: inside;_x000D_

Another option (which yields slightly different results) would be to center the entire ul element:

.parent {_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
.parent > ul {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
<div class="parent">_x000D_

Xcode 4: create IPA file instead of .xcarchive

For Xcode 4.6 (and Xcode 5) archives

  • In Organizer, right-click an archive, select Show in Finder
  • In Finder, right-click an archive, select Show Package Contents
  • Open the folder Products > Applications
  • The application is there
  • Drag the application into iTunes Apps folder

    enter image description here

  • Right-click on the application in iTunes Apps, select Show in Finder

  • The .ipa is there!

How to customize the back button on ActionBar

I did the below code onCreate() and worked with me


Sort arrays of primitive types in descending order

I think it would be best not to re-invent the wheel and use Arrays.sort().

Yes, I saw the "descending" part. The sorting is the hard part, and you want to benefit from the simplicity and speed of Java's library code. Once that's done, you simply reverse the array, which is a relatively cheap O(n) operation. Here's some code I found to do this in as little as 4 lines:

for (int left=0, right=b.length-1; left<right; left++, right--) {
    // exchange the first and last
    int temp = b[left]; b[left]  = b[right]; b[right] = temp;

HTML -- two tables side by side

With CSS: table {float:left;}? ?

:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar?

I was having trouble with mobile touchscreen button styling. This will fix your hover-stick / active button problems.

body, html {
  width: 600px;
p {
  font-size: 20px;

button {
  border: none;
  width: 200px;
  height: 60px;
  border-radius: 30px;
  background: #00aeff;
  font-size: 20px;

button:active {
  background: black;
  color: white;

.delayed {
  transition: all 0.2s;
  transition-delay: 300ms;

.delayed:active {
  transition: none;
<h1>Sticky styles for better touch screen buttons!</h1>

<button>Normal button</button>

<button class="delayed"><a href=""/>Delayed style</a></button>

<p>The CSS :active psuedo style is displayed between the time when a user touches down (when finger contacts screen) on a element to the time when the touch up (when finger leaves the screen) occures.   With a typical touch-screen tap interaction, the time of which the :active psuedo style is displayed can be very small resulting in the :active state not showing or being missed by the user entirely.  This can cause issues with users not undertanding if their button presses have actually reigstered or not.</p>

<p>Having the the :active styling stick around for a few hundred more milliseconds after touch up would would improve user understanding when they have interacted with a button.</p>

MS SQL compare dates?

The simple one line solution is

datediff(dd,'2010-12-31 15:13:48.593','2010-12-31 00:00:00.000')=0

datediff(dd,'2010-12-31 15:13:48.593','2010-12-31 00:00:00.000')<=1

datediff(dd,'2010-12-31 15:13:48.593','2010-12-31 00:00:00.000')>=1

You can try various option with this other than "dd"

How do I clear all options in a dropdown box?

This can be used to clear options:

function clearDropDown(){_x000D_
  var select = document.getElementById("DropList"),_x000D_
      length = select.options.length;_x000D_
<select id="DropList" >_x000D_
<button onclick="clearDropDown()">clear list</button>

How to allow only a number (digits and decimal point) to be typed in an input?

I had a similar problem and update the input[type="number"] example on angular docs for works with decimals precision and I'm using this approach to solve it.

PS: A quick reminder is that the browsers supports the characters 'e' and 'E' in the input[type="number"], because that the keypress event is required.

angular.module('numfmt-error-module', [])
.directive('numbersOnly', function() {
  return {
    require: 'ngModel',
    scope: {
      precision: '@'
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, modelCtrl) {
      var currencyDigitPrecision = scope.precision;

      var currencyDigitLengthIsInvalid = function(inputValue) {
        return countDecimalLength(inputValue) > currencyDigitPrecision;

      var parseNumber = function(inputValue) {
        if (!inputValue) return null;
        var precisionNumber = Math.round(inputValue.toString() * 100) % 100;

        if (!!currencyDigitPrecision && currencyDigitLengthIsInvalid(inputValue)) {
          inputValue = inputValue.toFixed(currencyDigitPrecision);
          modelCtrl.$viewValue = inputValue;
        return inputValue;

      var countDecimalLength = function (number) { 
         var str = '' + number;
         var index = str.indexOf('.');
         if (index >= 0) {
           return str.length - index - 1;
         } else {
           return 0;

      element.on('keypress', function(evt) {
        var charCode, isACommaEventKeycode, isADotEventKeycode, isANumberEventKeycode;
        charCode = String.fromCharCode(evt.which || event.keyCode);
        isANumberEventKeycode = '0123456789'.indexOf(charCode) !== -1;
        isACommaEventKeycode = charCode === ',';
        isADotEventKeycode = charCode === '.';

        var forceRenderComponent = false;

        if (modelCtrl.$viewValue != null && !!currencyDigitPrecision) {
          forceRenderComponent = currencyDigitLengthIsInvalid(modelCtrl.$viewValue);

        var isAnAcceptedCase = isANumberEventKeycode || isACommaEventKeycode || isADotEventKeycode;

        if (!isAnAcceptedCase) {

        if (forceRenderComponent) {

        return isAnAcceptedCase;

      modelCtrl.$render = function(inputValue) {
        return element.val(parseNumber(inputValue));

      modelCtrl.$parsers.push(function(inputValue) {

        if (!inputValue) {
          return inputValue;

        var transformedInput;
        modelCtrl.$setValidity('number', true);
        transformedInput = parseNumber(inputValue);

        if (transformedInput !== inputValue) {

          modelCtrl.$viewValue = transformedInput;
        return transformedInput;

And in your html you can use this approach

  step="0.10" />

Here is the plunker with this snippet

Regex for allowing alphanumeric,-,_ and space

Try this regex:


Set up Python simpleHTTPserver on Windows

From Stack Overflow question What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer":

The following works for me:

python -m http.server [<portNo>]

Because I am using Python 3 the module SimpleHTTPServer has been replaced by http.server, at least in Windows.

Entity Framework throws exception - Invalid object name 'dbo.BaseCs'

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.BaseCs'

This error means that EF is translating your LINQ into a sql statement that uses an object (most likely a table) named dbo.BaseCs, which does not exist in the database.

Check your database and verify whether that table exists, or that you should be using a different table name. Also, if you could post a link to the tutorial you are following, it would help to follow along with what you are doing.

docker unauthorized: authentication required - upon push with successful login

in your configuration file ~/.docker/config.json add

        "auths": {
             "": {
                        "auth": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                        "email": "[email protected]"

where XXXXX is base64 encoding of your username:password (the : is included) of

in my case i had the same error with a pull. the problem (under windows) was provoked by double docker running process, so a kill them all and restart one service and it works .

How do you fix a MySQL "Incorrect key file" error when you can't repair the table?

Apply proper charset and collation to database, table and columns/fields.

I creates database and table structure using sql queries from one server to another. it creates database structure as follows:

  1. database with charset of "utf8", collation of "utf8_general_ci"
  2. tables with charset of "utf8" and collation of "utf8_bin".
  3. table columns / fields have charset "utf8" and collation of "utf8_bin".

I change collation of table and column to utf8_general_ci, and it resolves the error.

Having Django serve downloadable files


"Abstraction to offload file uploads to web-server (e.g. Apache with mod_xsendfile) once Django has checked permissions etc."

Authentication failed for

I had a same issue recently (visual studio 2017 & Windows 10), and solved it using the following method:

Control Panel --> Credential Manager --> Manage Windows Credentials --> Choose the entry of the git repository, and Edit the user and password.


How can I find the location of origin/master in git, and how do I change it?

sometimes there's a difference between the local cached version of origin master (origin/master) and the true origin master.

If you run git remote update this will resynch origin master with origin/master

see the accepted answer to this question

Differences between git pull origin master & git pull origin/master

Difference between save and saveAndFlush in Spring data jpa

Depending on the hibernate flush mode that you are using (AUTO is the default) save may or may not write your changes to the DB straight away. When you call saveAndFlush you are enforcing the synchronization of your model state with the DB.

If you use flush mode AUTO and you are using your application to first save and then select the data again, you will not see a difference in bahvior between save() and saveAndFlush() because the select triggers a flush first. See the documention.

How do I configure Notepad++ to use spaces instead of tabs?

In my Notepad++ 7.2.2, the Preferences section it's a bit different.

The option is located at: Settings / Preferences / Language / Replace by space as in the Screenshot.

Screenshot of the windows with preferences

How do you add a JToken to an JObject?

Just adding .First to your bananaToken should do it:
foodJsonObj["food"]["fruit"]["orange"].Parent.AddAfterSelf(bananaToken .First);
.First basically moves past the { to make it a JProperty instead of a JToken.

@Brian Rogers, Thanks I forgot the .Parent. Edited

mongo - couldn't connect to server

If all the above solution does not work: go to service (start>search>services) and start mongodb service. Then, in a cmd prompt, after going to bin, type :/>mongo

Converting byte array to string in javascript

The simplest solution I've found is:

var text = atob(byteArray);

What is tail call optimization?

Probably the best high level description I have found for tail calls, recursive tail calls and tail call optimization is the blog post

"What the heck is: A tail call"

by Dan Sugalski. On tail call optimization he writes:

Consider, for a moment, this simple function:

sub foo (int a) {
  a += 15;
  return bar(a);

So, what can you, or rather your language compiler, do? Well, what it can do is turn code of the form return somefunc(); into the low-level sequence pop stack frame; goto somefunc();. In our example, that means before we call bar, foo cleans itself up and then, rather than calling bar as a subroutine, we do a low-level goto operation to the start of bar. Foo's already cleaned itself out of the stack, so when bar starts it looks like whoever called foo has really called bar, and when bar returns its value, it returns it directly to whoever called foo, rather than returning it to foo which would then return it to its caller.

And on tail recursion:

Tail recursion happens if a function, as its last operation, returns the result of calling itself. Tail recursion is easier to deal with because rather than having to jump to the beginning of some random function somewhere, you just do a goto back to the beginning of yourself, which is a darned simple thing to do.

So that this:

sub foo (int a, int b) {
  if (b == 1) {
    return a;
  } else {
    return foo(a*a + a, b - 1);

gets quietly turned into:

sub foo (int a, int b) {
    if (b == 1) {
      return a;
    } else {
      a = a*a + a;
      b = b - 1;
      goto label;

What I like about this description is how succinct and easy it is to grasp for those coming from an imperative language background (C, C++, Java)

standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "no such file or directory" - Docker

I found a particular edge case where I was using the tini init in an alpine container, but since I was not using the statically linked version, and Alpine uses musl libc rather than GNU LibC library installed by default, it was crashing with the very same error message.

Had I understood this and also taken time to read the documentation properly, I would have found Tini Static, which upon changing to, resolved my problem.

What do the result codes in SVN mean?

There is also an 'E' status

E = File existed before update

This can happen if you have manually created a folder that would have been created by performing an update.

Rails how to run rake task

If you aren't sure how to run a rake task, first find out first what tasks you have and it will also list the commands to run the tasks.

Run rake --tasks on the terminal.

It will list the tasks like the following:

rake gobble:dev:prime             
rake gobble:dev:reset_number_of_kits                                    
rake gobble:dev:scrub_prod_data

You can then run your task with: rake gobble:dev:prime as listed.

remove attribute display:none; so the item will be visible

If you are planning to hide show some span based on click event which is initially hidden with style="display:none" then .toggle() is best option to go with.


Reasons : Each time you don't need to check whether the style is already there or not. .toggle() will take care of that automatically and hide/show span based on current state.

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="button" value="Toggle" onclick="$('#hiddenSpan').toggle();"/>_x000D_
<span id="hiddenSpan" style="display:none">Just toggle me</span>

Get yesterday's date in bash on Linux, DST-safe

I think this should work, irrespective of how often and when you run it ...

date -d "yesterday 13:00" '+%Y-%m-%d'

JNI converting jstring to char *

Thanks Jason Rogers's answer first.

In Android && cpp should be this:

const char *nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(javaString, nullptr);

// use your string

env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(javaString, nativeString);

Can fix this errors:

1.error: base operand of '->' has non-pointer type 'JNIEnv {aka _JNIEnv}'

2.error: no matching function for call to '_JNIEnv::GetStringUTFChars(JNIEnv*&, _jstring*&, bool)'

3.error: no matching function for call to '_JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars(JNIEnv*&, _jstring*&, char const*&)'

4.add "env->DeleteLocalRef(nativeString);" at end.

Find document with array that contains a specific value

As favouriteFoods is a simple array of strings, you can just query that field directly:

PersonModel.find({ favouriteFoods: "sushi" }, ...); // favouriteFoods contains "sushi"

But I'd also recommend making the string array explicit in your schema:

person = {
    name : String,
    favouriteFoods : [String]

The relevant documentation can be found here:

Convert a double to a QString

Use QString's number method (docs are here):

double valueAsDouble = 1.2;
QString valueAsString = QString::number(valueAsDouble);

How do I change the data type for a column in MySQL?

ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY columnname INTEGER;

This will change the datatype of given column

Depending on how many columns you wish to modify it might be best to generate a script, or use some kind of mysql client GUI

Beginner Python: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute

You need to pass the values of the dict into the Bike constructor before using like that. Or, see the namedtuple -- seems more in line with what you're trying to do.

SQL Server 2008 Connection Error "No process is on the other end of the pipe"

This problem was caused for me by this error which appeared just prior in the application error log.

"A read operation on a large object failed while sending data to the client. A common cause for this is if the application is running in READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level. This connection will be terminated."

I was storing PDFs in a SQL table and when attempting to SELECT from that table it spit out that error, which resulted in the error mentioned in your question.

The solution was to delete the columns that had large amounts of text, in my case Base64 encoded files.

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

I had same error and the mistake was that I had added list and dictionary into the same list (object) and when I used to iterate over the list of dictionaries and use to hit a list (type) object then I used to get this error.

Its was a code error and made sure that I only added dictionary objects to that list and list typed object into the list, this solved my issue as well.

SQL Group By with an Order By

You can get around this limit with the deprecated syntax: ORDER BY 1 DESC

This syntax is not deprecated at all, it's E121-03 from SQL99.

How to import existing Android project into Eclipse?

  1. File ? Import ? General ? Existing Projects into Workspace ? Next
  2. Select root directory: /path/to/project
  3. Projects ? Select All
  4. Uncheck Copy projects into workspace and Add project to working sets
  5. Finish

React ignores 'for' attribute of the label element

For React you must use it's per-define keywords to define html attributes.

class -> className

is used and

for -> htmlFor

is used, as react is case sensitive make sure you must follow small and capital as required.

Check if table exists and if it doesn't exist, create it in SQL Server 2008

Try the following statement to check for existence of a table in the database:

If not exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'tablename')

You may create the table inside the if block.

Append text to file from command line without using io redirection

If you just want to tack something on by hand, then the sed answer will work for you. If instead the text is in file(s) (say file1.txt and file2.txt):

Using Perl:

perl -e 'open(OUT, ">>", "outfile.txt"); print OUT while (<>);' file*.txt

N.B. while the >> may look like an indication of redirection, it is just the file open mode, in this case "append".

How to limit the maximum value of a numeric field in a Django model?

There are two ways to do this. One is to use form validation to never let any number over 50 be entered by a user. Form validation docs.

If there is no user involved in the process, or you're not using a form to enter data, then you'll have to override the model's save method to throw an exception or limit the data going into the field.

Plotting 4 curves in a single plot, with 3 y-axes

I know of plotyy that allows you to have two y-axes, but no "plotyyy"!

Perhaps you can normalize the y values to have the same scale (min/max normalization, zscore standardization, etc..), then you can just easily plot them using normal plot, hold sequence.

Here's an example:

%# random data
y = [randn(20,1)*1 + 0 , randn(20,1)*5 + 10 , randn(20,1)*0.3 + 50];

%# plotyy
plotyy(x,y(:,1), x,y(:,3))

%# orginial
subplot(221), plot(x,y(:,1), x,y(:,2), x,y(:,3))
title('original'), legend({'y1' 'y2' 'y3'})

%# normalize: (y-min)/(max-min) ==> [0,1]
yy = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@minus,y,min(y)), 1./range(y));
subplot(222), plot(x,yy(:,1), x,yy(:,2), x,yy(:,3))

%# standarize: (y - mean) / std ==> N(0,1)
yy = zscore(y);
subplot(223), plot(x,yy(:,1), x,yy(:,2), x,yy(:,3))

%# softmax normalization with logistic sigmoid ==> [0,1]
yy = 1 ./ ( 1 + exp( -zscore(y) ) );
subplot(224), plot(x,yy(:,1), x,yy(:,2), x,yy(:,3))

plotyy normalization

How to increment a datetime by one day?

This was a straightforward solution for me:

from datetime import timedelta, datetime

today ="%Y-%m-%d")
tomorrow = + timedelta(1)

In Bash, how do I add a string after each line in a file?

I prefer using awk. If there is only one column, use $0, else replace it with the last column.

One way,

awk '{print $0, "string to append after each line"}' file > new_file

or this,

awk '$0=$0"string to append after each line"' file > new_file

Fastest way to add an Item to an Array

Not very clean but it works :)

Dim arr As Integer() = {1, 2, 3}
Dim newItem As Integer = 4

arr = arr.Concat({newItem}).ToArray

Difference between and e.currentTarget

I like visual answers.

enter image description here

When you click #btn, two event handlers get called and they output what you see in the picture.

Demo here:

What is the difference between <p> and <div>?

It might be better to see the standard designed by Here is the address:

A "DIV" tag can wrap "P" tag whereas, a "P" tag can not wrap "DIV" tag-so far I know this difference. There may be more other differences.

Find the maximum value in a list of tuples in Python

Use max():

Using itemgetter():

In [53]: lis=[(101, 153), (255, 827), (361, 961)]

In [81]: from operator import itemgetter

In [82]: max(lis,key=itemgetter(1))[0]    #faster solution
Out[82]: 361

using lambda:

In [54]: max(lis,key=lambda item:item[1])
Out[54]: (361, 961)

In [55]: max(lis,key=lambda item:item[1])[0]
Out[55]: 361

timeit comparison:

In [30]: %timeit max(lis,key=itemgetter(1))
1000 loops, best of 3: 232 us per loop

In [31]: %timeit max(lis,key=lambda item:item[1])
1000 loops, best of 3: 556 us per loop

how to redirect to external url from c# controller

Use the Controller's Redirect() method.

public ActionResult YourAction()
    // ...
    return Redirect("");


You can't directly perform a server side redirect from an ajax response. You could, however, return a JsonResult with the new url and perform the redirect with javascript.

public ActionResult YourAction()
    // ...
    return Json(new {url = ""});

$.post("@Url.Action("YourAction")", function(data) {
    window.location = data.url;

C error: Expected expression before int

{ } -->

defines scope, so if(a==1) { int b = 10; } says, you are defining int b, for {}- this scope. For

  int b =10;

there is no scope. And you will not be able to use b anywhere.

How can I execute PHP code from the command line?

If you're going to do PHP in the command line, I recommend you install phpsh, a decent PHP shell. It's a lot more fun.

Anyway, the php command offers two switches to execute code from the command line:

-r <code>        Run PHP <code> without using script tags <?..?>
-R <code>        Run PHP <code> for every input line

You can use php's -r switch as such:

php -r 'echo function_exists("foo") ? "yes" : "no";'

The above PHP command above should output no and returns 0 as you can see:

>>> php -r 'echo function_exists("foo") ? "yes" : "no";'
>>> echo $? # print the return value of the previous command

Another funny switch is php -a:

-a               Run as interactive shell

It's sort of lame compared to phpsh, but if you don't want to install the awesome interactive shell for PHP made by Facebook to get tab completion, history, and so on, then use -a as such:

>>> php -a
Interactive shell

php > echo function_exists("foo") ? "yes" : "no";
php >

If it doesn't work on your box like on my boxes (tested on Ubuntu and Arch Linux), then probably your PHP setup is fuzzy or broken. If you run this command:

php -i | grep 'API'

You should see:

Server API => Command Line Interface

If you don't, this means that maybe another command will provides the CLI SAPI. Try php-cli; maybe it's a package or a command available in your OS.

If you do see that your php command uses the CLI (command-line interface) SAPI (Server API), then run php -h | grep code to find out which crazy switch - as this hasn't changed for year- allows to run code in your version/setup.

Another couple of examples, just to make sure it works on my boxes:

>>> php -r 'echo function_exists("sg_load") ? "yes" : "no";'
>>> php -r 'echo function_exists("print_r") ? "yes" : "no";'

Also, note that it is possible that an extension is loaded in the CLI and not in the CGI or Apache SAPI. It is likely that several PHP SAPIs use different php.ini files, e.g., /etc/php/cli/php.ini vs. /etc/php/cgi/php.ini vs. /etc/php/apache/php.ini on a Gentoo Linux box. Find out which ini file is used with php -i | grep ini.

how to remove empty strings from list, then remove duplicate values from a list

Amiram Korach solution is indeed tidy. Here's an alternative for the sake of versatility.

var count = dtList.Count;
// Perform a reverse tracking.
for (var i = count - 1; i > -1; i--)
    if (dtList[i]==string.Empty) dtList.RemoveAt(i);
// Keep only the unique list items.
dtList = dtList.Distinct().ToList();

Most common C# bitwise operations on enums

C++ syntax, assuming bit 0 is LSB, assuming flags is unsigned long:

Check if Set:

flags & (1UL << (bit to test# - 1))

Check if not set:

invert test !(flag & (...))


flag |= (1UL << (bit to set# - 1))


flag &= ~(1UL << (bit to clear# - 1))


flag ^= (1UL << (bit to set# - 1))

Connect to Amazon EC2 file directory using Filezilla and SFTP

the most simple and straight forward is to create a FTP login. Here is a little and easy to understand tutorial site on stackoverflow itself, how to set things up in 2min... Setting up FTP on Amazon Cloud Server

How to wait for async method to complete?

just put Wait() to wait until task completed


Where are static methods and static variables stored in Java?

In real world or project we have requirement in advance and needs to create variable and methods inside the class , On the basis of requirement we needs to decide whether we needs to create

  1. Local ( create n access within block or method constructor)
  2. Static,
  3. Instance Variable( every object has its own copy of it),

=>2. Static Keyword we will used with variable which going to same for particular class throughout for all objects, e.g in selenium : we decalre webDriver as static=> so we do not need to create webdriver again and again for every test case= Static Webdriver driver(but parallel execution it will cause problem but thats another case); then, Real world scenario=>If India is class then, flag, money would be same every indian so we might take as static. Anatoher example: utility method we always declare as static b'cos it will be used in different test cases. Static stored in CMA( PreGen space)=PreGen (Fixed memory)changed to Metaspace after Java8 as now its growing dynamically

Fastest way to write huge data in text file Java

You might try removing the BufferedWriter and just using the FileWriter directly. On a modern system there's a good chance you're just writing to the drive's cache memory anyway.

It takes me in the range of 4-5 seconds to write 175MB (4 million strings) -- this is on a dual-core 2.4GHz Dell running Windows XP with an 80GB, 7200-RPM Hitachi disk.

Can you isolate how much of the time is record retrieval and how much is file writing?

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class FileWritingPerfTest {

private static final int ITERATIONS = 5;
private static final double MEG = (Math.pow(1024, 2));
private static final int RECORD_COUNT = 4000000;
private static final String RECORD = "Help I am trapped in a fortune cookie factory\n";
private static final int RECSIZE = RECORD.getBytes().length;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    List<String> records = new ArrayList<String>(RECORD_COUNT);
    int size = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < RECORD_COUNT; i++) {
        size += RECSIZE;
    System.out.println(records.size() + " 'records'");
    System.out.println(size / MEG + " MB");
    for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
        System.out.println("\nIteration " + i);
        writeBuffered(records, 8192);
        writeBuffered(records, (int) MEG);
        writeBuffered(records, 4 * (int) MEG);

private static void writeRaw(List<String> records) throws IOException {
    File file = File.createTempFile("foo", ".txt");
    try {
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file);
        System.out.print("Writing raw... ");
        write(records, writer);
    } finally {
        // comment this out if you want to inspect the files afterward

private static void writeBuffered(List<String> records, int bufSize) throws IOException {
    File file = File.createTempFile("foo", ".txt");
    try {
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file);
        BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer, bufSize);
        System.out.print("Writing buffered (buffer size: " + bufSize + ")... ");
        write(records, bufferedWriter);
    } finally {
        // comment this out if you want to inspect the files afterward

private static void write(List<String> records, Writer writer) throws IOException {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (String record: records) {
    // writer.flush(); // close() should take care of this
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println((end - start) / 1000f + " seconds");

Getting query parameters from react-router hash fragment

With stringquery Package:

import qs from "stringquery";

const obj = qs("?status=APPROVED&page=1limit=20");  
// > { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }

With query-string Package:

import qs from "query-string";
const obj = qs.parse(;
console.log(obj.param); // { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" } 

No Package:

const convertToObject = (url) => {
  const arr = url.slice(1).split(/&|=/); // remove the "?", "&" and "="
  let params = {};

  for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2){
    const key = arr[i], value = arr[i + 1];
    params[key] = value ; // build the object = { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }
  return params;

const uri =; // "?status=APPROVED&page=1&limit=20"

const obj = convertToObject(uri);

console.log(obj); // { limit: "10", page:"1", status:"APPROVED" }

// obj.status
// obj.limit

Hope that helps :)

Happy coding!

What's the most elegant way to cap a number to a segment?

A simple way would be to use

Math.max(min, Math.min(number, max));

and you can obviously define a function that wraps this:

function clamp(number, min, max) {
  return Math.max(min, Math.min(number, max));

Originally this answer also added the function above to the global Math object, but that's a relic from a bygone era so it has been removed (thanks @Aurelio for the suggestion)

JavaScript variable assignments from tuples

A frozen array behaves identically to a python tuple:

const tuple = Object.freeze(["Bob", 24]);
let [name, age]; = tuple
console.debug(name); // "Bob"
console.debug(age); // 24

Be fancy and define a class

class Tuple extends Array { 
  constructor(...items) { 

let tuple = new Tuple("Jim", 35);
let [name, age] = tuple;
console.debug(name); // Jim
console.debug(age); // 35
tuple = ["Bob", 24]; // no effect 
console.debug(name); // Jim
console.debug(age); // 25

Works today in all the latest browsers.

Where should I put the CSS and Javascript code in an HTML webpage?

Regarding <link /> and <style />, you don't have a choice, they must be in the <head /> section (see one and two).

Regarding <script /> it can appear both in <head /> and <body /> (see three), usually it is best practice to put them in the <head /> since they are not really "content" (where "content" is what the user sees on screen), they are more something which "works on" the "content".

W3C's HTML4 specification FTW!

How to detect if numpy is installed

You can try importing them and then handle the ImportError if the module doesn't exist.

    import numpy
except ImportError:
    print "numpy is not installed"

How to set Oracle's Java as the default Java in Ubuntu?

to set Oracle's Java SE Development Kit as the system default Java just download the latest Java SE Development Kit from here then create a directory somewhere you like in your file system for example /usr/java now extract the files you just downloaded in that directory:

$ sudo tar xvzf jdk-8u5-linux-i586.tar.gz -C /usr/java

now to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable:

$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/java 20000
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/javac 20000

make sure the Oracle's java is set as default java by:

$ update-alternatives --config java

you get something like this:

There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                           Priority   Status
* 0            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java                  20000     auto mode
  1            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java                  20000     manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java   1061      manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

pay attention to the asterisk before the numbers on the left and if the correct one is not set choose the correct one by typing the number of it and pressing enter. now test your java:

$ java -version

if you get something like the following, you are good to go:

java version "1.8.0_05"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_05-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 25.5-b02, mixed mode)

also note that you might need root permission or be in sudoers group to be able to do this. I've tested this solution on both ubuntu 12.04 and Debian wheezy and it works in both of them.

How to check for an active Internet connection on iOS or macOS?

see Introducing Network.framework: A modern alternative to Sockets we should get rid of Reachability at some point.

select count(*) from table of mysql in php

If you only need the value:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) from Students;");
echo mysql_result($result, 0);

How to get docker-compose to always re-create containers from fresh images?

You can pass --force-recreate to docker compose up, which should use fresh containers.

I think the reasoning behind reusing containers is to preserve any changes during development. Note that Compose does something similar with volumes, which will also persist between container recreation (a recreated container will attach to its predecessor's volumes). This can be helpful, for example, if you have a Redis container used as a cache and you don't want to lose the cache each time you make a small change. At other times it's just confusing.

I don't believe there is any way you can force this from the Compose file.

Arguably it does clash with immutable infrastructure principles. The counter-argument is probably that you don't use Compose in production (yet). Also, I'm not sure I agree that immutable infra is the basic idea of Docker, although it's certainly a good use case/selling point.

Import SQL dump into PostgreSQL database

I tried many different solutions for restoring my postgres backup. I ran into permission denied problems on MacOS, no solutions seemed to work.

Here's how I got it to work:

Postgres comes with Pgadmin4. If you use macOS you can press CMD+SPACE and type pgadmin4 to run it. This will open up a browser tab in chrome.

If you run into errors getting pgadmin4 to work, try killall pgAdmin4 in your terminal, then try again.

Steps to getting pgadmin4 + backup/restore

1. Create the backup

Do this by rightclicking the database -> "backup"

enter image description here

2. Give the file a name.

Like test12345. Click backup. This creates a binary file dump, it's not in a .sql format

enter image description here

3. See where it downloaded

There should be a popup at the bottomright of your screen. Click the "more details" page to see where your backup downloaded to

enter image description here

4. Find the location of downloaded file

In this case, it's /users/vincenttang

enter image description here

5. Restore the backup from pgadmin

Assuming you did steps 1 to 4 correctly, you'll have a restore binary file. There might come a time your coworker wants to use your restore file on their local machine. Have said person go to pgadmin and restore

Do this by rightclicking the database -> "restore"

enter image description here

6. Select file finder

Make sure to select the file location manually, DO NOT drag and drop a file onto the uploader fields in pgadmin. Because you will run into error permissions. Instead, find the file you just created:

enter image description here

7. Find said file

You might have to change the filter at bottomright to "All files". Find the file thereafter, from step 4. Now hit the bottomright "Select" button to confirm

enter image description here

8. Restore said file

You'll see this page again, with the location of the file selected. Go ahead and restore it

enter image description here

9. Success

If all is good, the bottom right should popup an indicator showing a successful restore. You can navigate over to your tables to see if the data has been restored propery on each table.

10. If it wasn't successful:

Should step 9 fail, try deleting your old public schema on your database. Go to "Query Tool"

enter image description here

Execute this code block:


enter image description here

Now try steps 5 to 9 again, it should work out


This is how I had to backup/restore my backup on Postgres, when I had error permission issues and could not log in as a superuser. Or set credentials for read/write using chmod for folders. This workflow works for a binary file dump default of "Custom" from pgadmin. I assume .sql is the same way, but I have not yet tested that

Stateless vs Stateful

I had the same doubt about stateful v/s stateless class design and did some research. Just completed and my findings has been posted in my blog

  • Entity classes needs to be stateful
  • The helper / worker classes should not be stateful.

IP to Location using Javascript

Either one of the following links should take care of this:

Those links have tutorials for getting a users location through Javascript. However, they do so through an API to an external data service. If you have an extremely high traffic site, you might want to hosting the data yourself (or getting a premium api service). To host everything yourself, you will have to host a database with IP Geolocation and use ajax to feed the users location into Javascript. If this is the approach you want to take, you can get a free database of IP information below:

Please note that this method entails having to periodically update the database to stay accurate in tracing ips to locations.

How to execute the start script with Nodemon

To avoid a global install, add Nodemon as a dependency, then...


"scripts": {
    "start": "node ./bin/www",
    "start-dev": "./node_modules/nodemon/bin/nodemon.js ./bin/www"

Where is the kibana error log? Is there a kibana error log?

It seems that you need to pass a flag "-l, --log-file"

Usage: kibana [options]

Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch.


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -e, --elasticsearch <uri>  Elasticsearch instance
    -c, --config <path>        Path to the config file
    -p, --port <port>          The port to bind to
    -q, --quiet                Turns off logging
    -H, --host <host>          The host to bind to
    -l, --log-file <path>      The file to log to
    --plugins <path>           Path to scan for plugins

If you use the init script to run as a service, maybe you will need to customize it.

Getting the filenames of all files in a folder

Here's how to look in the documentation.

First, you're dealing with IO, so look in the package.

There are two classes that look interesting: FileFilter and FileNameFilter. When I clicked on the first, it showed me that there was a a listFiles() method in the File class. And the documentation for that method says:

Returns an array of abstract pathnames denoting the files in the directory denoted by this abstract pathname.

Scrolling up in the File JavaDoc, I see the constructors. And that's really all I need to be able to create a File instance and call listFiles() on it. Scrolling still further, I can see some information about how files are named in different operating systems.

convert a JavaScript string variable to decimal/money

I made a little helper function to do this and catch all malformed data

function convertToPounds(str) { 
    var n = Number.parseFloat(str);
    if(!str || isNaN(n) || n < 0) return 0;
    return n.toFixed(2);

Demo is here