Programs & Examples On #Pyglet

Pyglet is a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python which provides interface to the platform's OpenGL library.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen()

For me the following command did the trick

sudo apt install php-mbstring

How to input matrix (2D list) in Python?

a = []
b = []

m=input("enter no of rows: ")
n=input("enter no of coloumns: ")

for i in range(n):
     a = []
     for j in range(m):

Input : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Output : [ ['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6'], ['7', '8', '9'] ]

How to set up java logging using a properties file? (java.util.logging)

Logger log = Logger.getLogger("myApp");
log.setLevel(Level.ALL);"initializing - trying to load configuration file ...");

//Properties preferences = new Properties();
try {
    //FileInputStream configFile = new //FileInputStream("/path/to/");
    InputStream configFile = myApp.class.getResourceAsStream("");
} catch (IOException ex)
    System.out.println("WARNING: Could not open configuration file");
    System.out.println("WARNING: Logging not configured (console output only)");
}"starting myApp");

this is working..:) you have to pass InputStream in readConfiguration().

PHP str_replace replace spaces with underscores

Try this instead:

$journalName = str_replace(' ', '_', $journalName);

to remove white space

Create an array or List of all dates between two dates

list = list.Where(s => s.startDate >= Input_startDate && s.endDate <= Input_endDate);


android - how to convert int to string and place it in a EditText?

Try using String.format() :

ed = (EditText) findViewById (; 
int x = 10; 

How to tell bash that the line continues on the next line

The character is a backslash \

From the bash manual:

The backslash character ‘\’ may be used to remove any special meaning for the next character read and for line continuation.

What are the special dollar sign shell variables?

Take care with some of the examples; $0 may include some leading path as well as the name of the program. Eg save this two line script as ./ and the execute it.


echo "parameter 0 --> $0" ; exit 0


parameter 0 --> ./

This is on a current (year 2016) version of Bash, via Slackware 14.2

How can I clear console

// #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500     // windows >= 2000 
#include <windows.h> 
#include <iostream>

using namespace std; 

void pos(short C, short R)
    COORD xy ;
    xy.X = C ;
    xy.Y = R ;
    GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), xy);
void cls( )
    for(int j=0;j<100;j++)
    cout << string(100, ' ');

int main( void )
    // write somthing and wait 
    for(int j=0;j<100;j++)
    cout << string(10, 'a');
    cout << "\n\npress any key to cls... ";

    // clean the screen

    return 0;

Ways to eliminate switch in code

I think the best way is to use a good Map. Using a dictionary you can map almost any input to some other value/object/function.

your code would look something(psuedo) like this:

void InitMap(){
    Map[key1] = Object/Action;
    Map[key2] = Object/Action;

Object/Action DoStuff(Object key){
    return Map[key];

Execute a stored procedure in another stored procedure in SQL server

Your sp_test: Return fullname


IF (OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[sp_test]', 'P') IS NOT NULL)
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].sp_test;

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].sp_test 
@name VARCHAR(20),
@last_name VARCHAR(30),
@full_name VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT

SET @full_name = @name + @last_name;


In your sp_main

DECLARE @my_name VARCHAR(20);
DECLARE @my_last_name VARCHAR(30);
DECLARE @my_full_name VARCHAR(50);

EXEC sp_test @my_name, @my_last_name, @my_full_name OUTPUT;

How to get the home directory in Python?

I know this is an old thread, but I recently needed this for a large scale project (Python 3.8). It had to work on any mainstream OS, so therefore I went with the solution @Max wrote in the comments.


import os

Output Windows:

PS C:\Python> & C:/Python38/python.exe c:/Python/

Output Linux (Ubuntu):

rxxx@xx:/mnt/c/Python$ python3

I also tested it on Python 2.7.17 and that works too.

C compile error: "Variable-sized object may not be initialized"

This gives error:

int len;
char str[len]="";

This also gives error:

int len=5;
char str[len]="";

But this works fine:

int len=5;
char str[len]; //so the problem lies with assignment not declaration

You need to put value in the following way:

str[1]='b'; //like that; and not like str="ab";

Connecting client to server using

You need to make sure that you add forward slash before your link to

<script src="/"></script>

Then in the view/controller just do:

var socket = io.connect()

That should solve your problem.

Adding new line of data to TextBox

Because you haven't specified what front end (GUI technology) you're using it would be hard to make a specific recommendation. In WPF you could create a listbox and for each new line of chat add a new listboxitem to the end of the collection. This link provides some suggestions as to how you may achieve the same result in a winforms environment.

Angular - Use pipes in services and components

Other answers don't work in angular 5?

I got an error because DatePipe is not a provider, so it cannot be injected. One solution is to put it as a provider in your app module but my preferred solution was to instantiate it.

Instantiate it where needed:

I looked at DatePipe's source code to see how it got the locale:

I wanted to use it within a pipe, so my example is within another pipe:

    import { Pipe, PipeTransform, Inject, LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
    import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';

        name: 'when',
    export class WhenPipe implements PipeTransform {
        static today = new Date((new Date).toDateString().split(' ').slice(1).join(' '));
        datePipe: DatePipe;

        constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID) private locale: string) {
            this.datePipe = new DatePipe(locale);
        transform(value: string | Date): string {
            if (typeof(value) === 'string')
                value = new Date(value);

            return this.datePipe.transform(value, value < ? 'MMM d': 'shortTime')

The key here is importing Inject, and LOCALE_ID from angular's core, and then injecting that so you can give it to the DatePipe to instantiate it properly.

Make DatePipe a provider

In your app module you could also add DatePipe to your providers array like this:

    import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';

        providers: [

Now you can just have it injected in your constructor where needed (like in cexbrayat's answer).


Either solution worked, I don't know which one angular would consider most "correct" but I chose to instantiate it manually since angular didn't provide datepipe as a provider itself.

How to delete a stash created with git stash create?

It also works

git stash drop <index>


git stash drop 5

How can I get the IP address from NIC in Python?

A simple approach which returns a string with ip-addresses for the interfaces is:

from subprocess import check_output

ips = check_output(['hostname', '--all-ip-addresses'])

for more info see hostname.

Why is Java's SimpleDateFormat not thread-safe?

DateTimeFormatter in Java 8 is immutable and thread-safe alternative to SimpleDateFormat.

php delete a single file in directory

Unlink can safely remove a single file; just make sure the file you are removing it actually a file and not a directory ('.' or '..')

if (is_file($filepath))

Linq code to select one item

FirstOrDefault or SingleOrDefault might be useful, depending on your scenario, and whether you want to handle there being zero or more than one matches:

FirstOrDefault: Returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.

SingleOrDefault: Returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence

I don't know how this works in a linq 'from' query but in lambda syntax it looks like this:

var item1 = Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 123);
var item2 = Items.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == 123);

ssl.SSLError: tlsv1 alert protocol version

None of the accepted answers pointed me in the right direction, and this is still the question that comes up when searching the topic, so here's my (partially) successful saga.

Background: I run a Python script on a Beaglebone Black that polls the cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex using the python-poloniex library. It suddenly stopped working with the TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION error.

Turns out that OpenSSL was fine, and trying to force a v1.2 connection was a huge wild goose chase - the library will use the latest version as necessary. The weak link in the chain was actually Python, which only defined ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, and therefore started supporting TLS v1.2, since version 3.4.

Meanwhile, the version of Debian on the Beaglebone considers Python 3.3 the latest. The workaround I used was to install Python 3.5 from source (3.4 might have eventually worked too, but after hours of trial and error I'm done):

sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev
sudo tar xzf Python-3.5.4.tgz
cd Python-3.5.4
sudo make altinstall

Maybe not all those packages are strictly necessary, but installing them all at once saves a bunch of retries. The altinstall prevents the install from clobbering existing python binaries, installing as python3.5 instead, though that does mean you have to re-install additional libraries. The ./configure took a good five or ten minutes. The make took a couple of hours.

Now this still didn't work until I finally ran

sudo -H pip3.5 install requests[security]

Which also installs pyOpenSSL, cryptography and idna. I suspect pyOpenSSL was the key, so maybe pip3.5 install -U pyopenssl would have been sufficient but I've spent far too long on this already to make sure.

So in summary, if you get TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION error in Python, it's probably because you can't support TLS v1.2. To add support, you need at least the following:

  • OpenSSL 1.0.1
  • Python 3.4
  • requests[security]

This has got me past TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, and now I get to battle with SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO instead.

Turns out this is back to the original issue of Python selecting the wrong SSL version. This can be confirmed by using this trick to mount a requests session with ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2. Without it, SSLv23 is used and the SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO error appears. With it, the request succeeds.

The final battle was to force TLSv1_2 to be picked when the request is made deep within a third party library. Both this method and this method ought to have done the trick, but neither made any difference. My final solution is horrible, but effective. I edited /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/urllib3/util/ and changed

def resolve_ssl_version(candidate):
    like resolve_cert_reqs
    if candidate is None:
        return PROTOCOL_SSLv23

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate


def resolve_ssl_version(candidate):
    like resolve_cert_reqs
    if candidate is None:
        return ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2

    if isinstance(candidate, str):
        res = getattr(ssl, candidate, None)
        if res is None:
            res = getattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_' + candidate)
        return res

    return candidate

and voila, my script can finally contact the server again.

ReSharper "Cannot resolve symbol" even when project builds

I ended up needing to request Resharper to clear its cache along with doing it manually through Windows File Explorer. This finally resolved the issue for me.

  1. (As reported in many of the solutions here) RESHARPER > Options... > Environment > General > Clear Caches.
  2. Close Visual Studio.
  3. Go to this path in File Explorer for Resharper 10 in Visual Studio 2015: %localappdata%\JetBrains\Transient\ReSharperPlatformVs14
  4. Delete all subfolders and their contents within that folder.
  5. Restart Visual Studio, reload your Solution and wait for Resharper to initialize itself for the Solution.

How to add AUTO_INCREMENT to an existing column?

I managed to do this with the following code:

ALTER TABLE `table_name`

This is the only way I could make a column auto increment.

INT(11) shows that the maximum int length is 11, you can skip it if you want.

Can I call a function of a shell script from another shell script?

Refactor your script like this:

function func1 {
   printf "fun=%s,book=%s\n" "${fun}" "${book}"

function func2 {
   printf "fun2=%s,book2=%s\n" "${fun2}" "${book2}"

And then call these functions from script like this:

source ./
func1 love horror
func2 ball mystery



Best way in to force https for an entire site?

What you need to do is :

1) Add a key inside of web.config, depending upon the production or stage server like below

<add key="HttpsServer" value="stage"/>
<add key="HttpsServer" value="prod"/>

2) Inside your Global.asax file add below method.

void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    //if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HttpsServer"].ToString() == "prod")
    if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HttpsServer"].ToString() == "stage")
        if (!HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection)
            if (!Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority).Contains("www"))
                    Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority).Replace("http://", "https://www."), true);
                    Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority).Replace("http://", "https://"), true);

Sorting options elements alphabetically using jQuery

Here's my improved version of Pointy's solution:

function sortSelectOptions(selector, skip_first) {
    var options = (skip_first) ? $(selector + ' option:not(:first)') : $(selector + ' option');
    var arr =, o) { return { t: $(o).text(), v: o.value, s: $(o).prop('selected') }; }).get();
    arr.sort(function(o1, o2) {
      var t1 = o1.t.toLowerCase(), t2 = o2.t.toLowerCase();
      return t1 > t2 ? 1 : t1 < t2 ? -1 : 0;
    options.each(function(i, o) {
        o.value = arr[i].v;
        if (arr[i].s) {
            $(o).attr('selected', 'selected').prop('selected', true);
        } else {
            $(o).prop('selected', false);

The function has the skip_first parameter, which is useful when you want to keep the first option on top, e.g. when it's "choose below:".

It also keeps track of the previously selected option.

Example usage:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

  sortSelectOptions('#select-id', true);


Running Java Program from Command Line Linux

(This is the KISS answer.)

Let's say you have several .java files in the current directory:

$ ls -1 *.java

Let's say each of them have a main() method (so they are programs, not libs), then to compile them do:

javac *.java -d .

This will generate as many subfolders as "packages" the .java files are associated to. In my case all java files where inside under the same package name packageName, so only one folder was generated with that name, so to execute each of them:

java -cp . packageName.javaFileName1
java -cp . packageName.javaFileName2

CSS3 animate border color

If you need the transition to run infinitely, try the below example:

#box {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background-color: gray;_x000D_
  border: 5px solid black;_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
#box:hover {_x000D_
  border-color: red;_x000D_
  animation-name: flash_border;_x000D_
  animation-duration: 2s;_x000D_
  animation-timing-function: linear;_x000D_
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-name: flash_border;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-duration: 2s;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;_x000D_
  -moz-animation-name: flash_border;_x000D_
  -moz-animation-duration: 2s;_x000D_
  -moz-animation-timing-function: linear;_x000D_
  -moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite;_x000D_
@keyframes flash_border {_x000D_
  0% {_x000D_
    border-color: red;_x000D_
  50% {_x000D_
    border-color: black;_x000D_
  100% {_x000D_
    border-color: red;_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes flash_border {_x000D_
  0% {_x000D_
    border-color: red;_x000D_
  50% {_x000D_
    border-color: black;_x000D_
  100% {_x000D_
    border-color: red;_x000D_
@-moz-keyframes flash_border {_x000D_
  0% {_x000D_
    border-color: red;_x000D_
  50% {_x000D_
    border-color: black;_x000D_
  100% {_x000D_
    border-color: red;_x000D_
<div id="box">roll over me</div>

Swift extract regex matches

Swift 4 without NSString.

extension String {
    func matches(regex: String) -> [String] {
        guard let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: regex, options: [.caseInsensitive]) else { return [] }
        let matches  = regex.matches(in: self, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, self.count))
        return { match in
            return String(self[Range(match.range, in: self)!])

Is there a list of Pytz Timezones?

Don't create your own list - pytz has a built-in set:

import pytz
>>> {'Europe/Vienna', 'America/New_York', 'America/Argentina/Salta',..}

You can then apply a timezone:

import datetime
tz = pytz.timezone('Pacific/Johnston')
ct =
>>> ct.isoformat()

Or if you already have a datetime object that is TZ aware (not naive):

# This timestamp is in UTC
my_ct =

# Now convert it to another timezone
new_ct = my_ct.astimezone(tz)
>>> new_ct.isoformat()

jQuery add class .active on menu

window.location.href will give you the current url (as shown in the browser address). After parsing it and retrieving the relevant part you would compare it with each link href and assign the active class to the corresponding link.

pass JSON to HTTP POST Request

I think the following should work:

// fire request
    url: url,
    method: "POST",
    json: requestData
}, ...

In this case, the Content-type: application/json header is automatically added.

String contains - ignore case

If you won't go with regex:


Difference between & and && in Java?

& is bitwise AND operator comparing bits of each operand.
For example,

int a = 4;
int b = 7;
System.out.println(a & b); // prints 4
//meaning in an 32 bit system
// 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100
// 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000111
// ===================================
// 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100

&& is logical AND operator comparing boolean values of operands only. It takes two operands indicating a boolean value and makes a lazy evaluation on them.

How to add 10 minutes to my (String) time?

I would use Joda Time, parse the time as a LocalTime, and then use

time = time.plusMinutes(10);

Short but complete program to demonstrate this:

import org.joda.time.*;
import org.joda.time.format.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm");
        LocalTime time = formatter.parseLocalTime("14:10");
        time = time.plusMinutes(10);

Note that I would definitely use Joda Time instead of java.util.Date/Calendar if you possibly can - it's a much nicer API.

Convert form data to JavaScript object with jQuery

If you want to convert a form to a javascript object, then the easiest solution (at this time) is to use jQuery's each and serializeArray function-methods.

$.fn.serializeObject = function() {

  var form = {};
  $.each($(this).serializeArray(), function (i, field) {
    form[] = field.value || "";

  return form;

Plugin hosted on GitHub:

Can be installed with Bower:
bower install git://

HTTP Status 404 - The requested resource (/) is not available

Copy the ROOT (Default) Web App into Eclipse.

Eclipse forgets to copy the default apps (ROOT, examples, etc.) when it creates a Tomcat folder inside the Eclipse workspace.

  • Go to C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.27\webapps, R-click on the ROOT folder and copy it.
  • Then go to your Eclipse workspace, go to the .metadata folder, and search for "wtpwebapps". You should find something like your-eclipse-workspace.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps (or .../tmp1/wtpwebapps if you already had another server registered in Eclipse).
  • Go to the wtpwebapps folder, right-click, and paste ROOT (say "yes" if asked if you want to merge/replace folders/files).
  • Then reload localhost:8080 to see the Tomcat welcome page.

Add JavaScript object to JavaScript object

// Merge object2 into object1, recursively

$.extend( true, object1, object2 );

// Merge object2 into object1

$.extend( object1, object2 );

X11/Xlib.h not found in Ubuntu

A quick search using...

apt search Xlib.h

Turns up the package libx11-dev but you shouldn't need this for pure OpenGL programming. What tutorial are you using?

You can add Xlib.h to your system by running the following...

sudo apt install libx11-dev

Retrieve column names from java.sql.ResultSet

import java.sql.*;

public class JdbcGetColumnNames {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Connection con = null;
        Statement st = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;

        try {
            con = DriverManager.getConnection(
                    "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/komal", "root", "root");

            st = con.createStatement();

            String sql = "select * from person";
            rs = st.executeQuery(sql);
            ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();

            int rowCount = metaData.getColumnCount();

            System.out.println("Table Name : " + metaData.getTableName(2));
            System.out.println("Field  \tDataType");

            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
                System.out.print(metaData.getColumnName(i + 1) + "  \t");
                System.out.println(metaData.getColumnTypeName(i + 1));
        } catch (Exception e) {

Table Name : person Field DataType id VARCHAR cname VARCHAR dob DATE

Avoid line break between html elements

If the <i> tag isn't displayed as a block and causing the probelm then this should work:

<td style="white-space:nowrap;"><i class="flag-bfh-ES"></i>&nbsp;+34&nbsp;666&nbsp;66&nbsp;66&nbsp;66</td>

Remove IE10's "clear field" X button on certain inputs?

I found it's better to set the width and height to 0px. Otherwise, IE10 ignores the padding defined on the field -- padding-right -- which was intended to keep the text from typing over the 'X' icon that I overlayed on the input field. I'm guessing that IE10 is internally applying the padding-right of the input to the ::--ms-clear pseudo element, and hiding the pseudo element does not restore the padding-right value to the input.

This worked better for me:

.someinput::-ms-clear {
  width : 0;
  height: 0;

Error: Address already in use while binding socket with address but the port number is shown free by `netstat`

For AF_UNIX you can use call unlink (path); after close() socket in "server" app

How can I align text directly beneath an image?

You can use HTML5 <figcaption>:

  <img src="img.jpg" alt="my img"/>
  <figcaption> Your text </figcaption>

Working example.

What is the difference between max-device-width and max-width for mobile web?

If you are making a cross-platform app (eg. using phonegap/cordova) then,

Don't use device-width or device-height. Rather use width or height in CSS media queries because Android device will give problems in device-width or device-height. For iOS it works fine. Only android devices doesn't support device-width/device-height.

Javascript: how to validate dates in format MM-DD-YYYY?

You can simplify it somewhat by changing the first two lines of the function to this:

var matches = this.match(/^([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})$/);

Or, just change the parameter to the RegExp constructor to be


iPhone UIView Animation Best Practice

I have been using the latter for a lot of nice lightweight animations. You can use it crossfade two views, or fade one in in front of another, or fade it out. You can shoot a view over another like a banner, you can make a view stretch or shrink... I'm getting a lot of mileage out of beginAnimation/commitAnimations.

Don't think that all you can do is:

[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView:myview cache:YES];

Here is a sample:

[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; {
    [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];
    [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];
    [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self];
    if (movingViewIn) {
// after the animation is over, call afterAnimationProceedWithGame
//  to start the game
        [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(afterAnimationProceedWithGame)];

//      [UIView setAnimationRepeatCount:5.0]; // don't forget you can repeat an animation
//      [UIView setAnimationDelay:0.50];
//      [UIView setAnimationRepeatAutoreverses:YES];

        gameView.alpha = 1.0;
        topGameView.alpha = 1.0;
        viewrect1.origin.y = selfrect.size.height - (viewrect1.size.height);
        viewrect2.origin.y = -20;

        topGameView.alpha = 1.0;
    else {
    // call putBackStatusBar after animation to restore the state after this animation
        [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(putBackStatusBar)];
        gameView.alpha = 0.0;
        topGameView.alpha = 0.0;
    [gameView setFrame:viewrect1];
    [topGameView setFrame:viewrect2];

} [UIView commitAnimations];

As you can see, you can play with alpha, frames, and even sizes of a view. Play around. You may be surprised with its capabilities.

Laravel Pagination links not including other GET parameters


The view must contain something like:

{!! $myItems->appends(Input::except('page'))->render() !!}

How to create a <style> tag with Javascript?

I'm assuming that you're wanting to insert a style tag versus a link tag (referencing an external CSS), so that's what the following example does:

  <title>Example Page</title>
   This is styled dynamically via JavaScript.
 <script type="text/javascript">
   var styleNode = document.createElement('style');
   styleNode.type = "text/css";
   // browser detection (based on prototype.js)
   if(!!(window.attachEvent && !window.opera)) {
        styleNode.styleSheet.cssText = 'span { color: rgb(255, 0, 0); }';
   } else {
        var styleText = document.createTextNode('span { color: rgb(255, 0, 0); } ');

Also, I noticed in your question that you are using innerHTML. This is actually a non-standard way of inserting data into a page. The best practice is to create a text node and append it to another element node.

With respect to your final question, you're going to hear some people say that your work should work across all of the browsers. It all depends on your audience. If no one in your audience is using Chrome, then don't sweat it; however, if you're looking to reach the biggest audience possible, then it's best to support all major A-grade browsers

How to get the last N records in mongodb?

If I understand your question, you need to sort in ascending order.

Assuming you have some id or date field called "x" you would do ...


The 1 will sort ascending (oldest to newest) and -1 will sort descending (newest to oldest.)

If you use the auto created _id field it has a date embedded in it ... so you can use that to order by ...{_id:1});

That will return back all your documents sorted from oldest to newest.

Natural Order

You can also use a Natural Order mentioned above ...{$natural:1});

Again, using 1 or -1 depending on the order you want.

Use .limit()

Lastly, it's good practice to add a limit when doing this sort of wide open query so you could do either ...{_id:1}).limit(50);


Set today's date as default date in jQuery UI datepicker

Its very simple you just add this script,

$("#mydate").datepicker({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd"}).datepicker("setDate", new Date());

Here, setDate set today date & dateFormat define which format you want set or show.

Hope its simple script work..

Programmatically Creating UILabel

In Swift -

var label:UILabel = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 70, 20)) = CGPointMake(50, 70)
label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
label.text = "message"
label.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()

Can't bind to 'formControl' since it isn't a known property of 'input' - Angular2 Material Autocomplete issue

Start by adding a regular matInput to your template. Let's assume you're using the formControl directive from ReactiveFormsModule to track the value of the input.

Reactive forms provide a model-driven approach to handling form inputs whose values change over time. This guide shows you how to create and update a simple form control, progress to using multiple controls in a group, validate form values, and implement more advanced forms.

import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from "@angular/forms"; //this to use ngModule


imports: [

JQuery Find #ID, RemoveClass and AddClass


jQuery addClass API reference

Use jquery click to handle anchor onClick()

<div class = "solTitle"> <a href = "#"  id = "solution0" onClick = "openSolution();">Solution0 </a></div> <br>

<div class= "solTitle"> <a href = "#"  id = "solution1" onClick = "openSolution();">Solution1 </a></div> <br>

    $('.solTitle a').click(function(e) {
        alert('here in');
         var divId = 'summary' +$(this).attr('id');

        document.getElementById(divId).className = ''; /* or $('#'+divid).removeAttr('class'); */


I changed few things:

  1. remove the onclick attr and bind click event inside the document.ready
  2. changed solTitle to be an ID to a CLASS: id cant be repeated

How to access a dictionary key value present inside a list?

If you know which dict in the list has the key you're looking for, then you already have the solution (as presented by Matt and Ignacio). However, if you don't know which dict has this key, then you could do this:

def getValueOf(k, L):
    for d in L:
        if k in d:
            return d[k]

animating addClass/removeClass with jQuery

Although, the question is fairly old, I'm adding info not present in other answers.

The OP is using stop() to stop the current animation as soon as the event completes. However, using the right mix of parameters with the function should help. eg. stop(true,true) or stop(true,false) as this affects the queued animations well.

The following link illustrates a demo that shows the different parameters available with stop() and how they differ from finish().

Although the OP had no issues using JqueryUI, this is for other users who may come across similar scenarios but cannot use JqueryUI/need to support IE7 and 8 too.

How can I get System variable value in Java?

There are a few details of interest when getting system/environment properties.

First, System.getenv(String) was introduced way-back-when, then deprecated. The deprecation (foolishly, IHMO) continued all the way into JSE 1.4.

It got re-introduced in JSE 5.

Those are set using the Environment Variables panel in Windows. Changes to the variables may not get picked up until your current VM is shutdown, and the CMD.exe instance is exited.

In contrast to the environment properties, Java also has Java system properties, accessible through System.getProperties(). These variables can be initialized when the VM is started using a series -Dname=value command line arguments. For example, the values for the properties maxInMemory and pagingDirectory are set in the command below:

C:\> java.exe -DmaxInMemory=100M -DpagingDirectory=c:\temp -jar myApp.jar

These properties can be modified at runtime, barring security policy restrictions.

How to convert datetime to timestamp using C#/.NET (ignoring current timezone)

I'm not exactly sure what it is that you want. Do you want a TimeStamp? Then you can do something simple like:

TimeStamp ts = TimeStamp.FromTicks(value.ToUniversalTime().Ticks);

Since you named a variable epoch, do you want the Unix time equivalent of your date?

DateTime unixStart = DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1), DateTimeKind.Utc);
long epoch = (long)Math.Floor((value.ToUniversalTime() - unixStart).TotalSeconds);

How can I open multiple files using "with open" in Python?

From Python 3.10 there is a new feature of Parenthesized context managers, which permits syntax like:

with (
    open("a", "w") as a,
    open("b", "w") as b

Rebasing remote branches in Git

It comes down to whether the feature is used by one person or if others are working off of it.

You can force the push after the rebase if it's just you:

git push origin feature -f

However, if others are working on it, you should merge and not rebase off of master.

git merge master
git push origin feature

This will ensure that you have a common history with the people you are collaborating with.

On a different level, you should not be doing back-merges. What you are doing is polluting your feature branch's history with other commits that don't belong to the feature, making subsequent work with that branch more difficult - rebasing or not.

This is my article on the subject called branch per feature.

Hope this helps.

Why boolean in Java takes only true or false? Why not 1 or 0 also?

Because the people who created Java wanted boolean to mean unambiguously true or false, not 1 or 0.

There's no consensus among languages about how 1 and 0 convert to booleans. C uses any nonzero value to mean true and 0 to mean false, but some UNIX shells do the opposite. Using ints weakens type-checking, because the compiler can't guard against cases where the int value passed in isn't something that should be used in a boolean context.

time data does not match format

To compare date time, you can try this. Datetime format can be changed

from datetime import datetime

>>> a = datetime.strptime("10/12/2013", "%m/%d/%Y")
>>> b = datetime.strptime("10/15/2013", "%m/%d/%Y")
>>> a>b

Does java.util.List.isEmpty() check if the list itself is null?

No java.util.List.isEmpty() doesn't check if a list is null.

If you are using Spring framework you can use the CollectionUtils class to check if a list is empty or not. It also takes care of the null references. Following is the code snippet from Spring framework's CollectionUtils class.

public static boolean isEmpty(Collection<?> collection) {
    return (collection == null || collection.isEmpty());

Even if you are not using Spring, you can go on and tweak this code to add in your AppUtil class.

How do I rotate a picture in WinForms

This is an old thread, and there are several other threads about C# WinForms image rotation, but now that I've come up with my solution I figure this is as good a place to post it as any.

  /// <summary>
  /// Method to rotate an Image object. The result can be one of three cases:
  /// - upsizeOk = true: output image will be larger than the input, and no clipping occurs 
  /// - upsizeOk = false & clipOk = true: output same size as input, clipping occurs
  /// - upsizeOk = false & clipOk = false: output same size as input, image reduced, no clipping
  /// A background color must be specified, and this color will fill the edges that are not 
  /// occupied by the rotated image. If color = transparent the output image will be 32-bit, 
  /// otherwise the output image will be 24-bit.
  /// Note that this method always returns a new Bitmap object, even if rotation is zero - in 
  /// which case the returned object is a clone of the input object. 
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="inputImage">input Image object, is not modified</param>
  /// <param name="angleDegrees">angle of rotation, in degrees</param>
  /// <param name="upsizeOk">see comments above</param>
  /// <param name="clipOk">see comments above, not used if upsizeOk = true</param>
  /// <param name="backgroundColor">color to fill exposed parts of the background</param>
  /// <returns>new Bitmap object, may be larger than input image</returns>
  public static Bitmap RotateImage(Image inputImage, float angleDegrees, bool upsizeOk, 
                                   bool clipOk, Color backgroundColor)
     // Test for zero rotation and return a clone of the input image
     if (angleDegrees == 0f)
        return (Bitmap)inputImage.Clone();

     // Set up old and new image dimensions, assuming upsizing not wanted and clipping OK
     int oldWidth = inputImage.Width;
     int oldHeight = inputImage.Height;
     int newWidth = oldWidth;
     int newHeight = oldHeight;
     float scaleFactor = 1f;

     // If upsizing wanted or clipping not OK calculate the size of the resulting bitmap
     if (upsizeOk || !clipOk)
        double angleRadians = angleDegrees * Math.PI / 180d;

        double cos = Math.Abs(Math.Cos(angleRadians));
        double sin = Math.Abs(Math.Sin(angleRadians));
        newWidth = (int)Math.Round(oldWidth * cos + oldHeight * sin);
        newHeight = (int)Math.Round(oldWidth * sin + oldHeight * cos);

     // If upsizing not wanted and clipping not OK need a scaling factor
     if (!upsizeOk && !clipOk)
        scaleFactor = Math.Min((float)oldWidth / newWidth, (float)oldHeight / newHeight);
        newWidth = oldWidth;
        newHeight = oldHeight;

     // Create the new bitmap object. If background color is transparent it must be 32-bit, 
     //  otherwise 24-bit is good enough.
     Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight, backgroundColor == Color.Transparent ? 
                                      PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb : PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
     newBitmap.SetResolution(inputImage.HorizontalResolution, inputImage.VerticalResolution);

     // Create the Graphics object that does the work
     using (Graphics graphicsObject = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap))
        graphicsObject.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
        graphicsObject.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
        graphicsObject.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

        // Fill in the specified background color if necessary
        if (backgroundColor != Color.Transparent)

        // Set up the built-in transformation matrix to do the rotation and maybe scaling
        graphicsObject.TranslateTransform(newWidth / 2f, newHeight / 2f);

        if (scaleFactor != 1f)
           graphicsObject.ScaleTransform(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

        graphicsObject.TranslateTransform(-oldWidth / 2f, -oldHeight / 2f);

        // Draw the result 
        graphicsObject.DrawImage(inputImage, 0, 0);

     return newBitmap;

This is the result of many sources of inspiration, here at StackOverflow and elsewhere. Naveen's answer on this thread was especially helpful.

jQuery count number of divs with a certain class?

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <style type="text/css">
            .test {
                background: #ff4040;
                color: #fff;
                display: block;
                font-size: 15px;
        <div class="test"> one </div>
        <div class="test"> two </div>
        <div class="test"> three </div>
        <div class="test"> four </div>
        <div class="test"> five </div>
        <div class="test"> six </div>
        <div class="test"> seven </div>
        <div class="test"> eight </div>
        <div class="test"> nine </div>
        <div class="test"> ten </div>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            //get total length by class
            var numItems = $('.test').length;
            //get last three count
            var numItems3=numItems-3;         

            var i = 0;


Style the first <td> column of a table differently

If you've to support IE7, a more compatible solution is:

/* only the cells with no cell before (aka the first one) */
td {
    padding-left: 20px;
/* only the cells with at least one cell before (aka all except the first one) */
td + td {
    padding-left: 0;

Also works fine with li; general sibling selector ~ may be more suitable with mixed elements like a heading h1 followed by paragraphs AND a subheading and then again other paragraphs.

GetType used in PowerShell, difference between variables

Select-Object returns a custom PSObject with just the properties specified. Even with a single property, you don't get the ACTUAL variable; it is wrapped inside the PSObject.

Instead, do:

Get-Date | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DayOfWeek

That will get you the same result as:


The difference is that if Get-Date returns multiple objects, the pipeline way works better than the parenthetical way as (Get-ChildItem), for example, is an array of items. This has changed in PowerShell v3 and (Get-ChildItem).FullPath works as expected and returns an array of just the full paths.

Tree implementation in Java (root, parents and children)

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Node<T> {
    private List<Node<T>> children = new ArrayList<Node<T>>();
    private Node<T> parent = null;
    private T data = null;

    public Node(T data) { = data;

    public Node(T data, Node<T> parent) { = data;
        this.parent = parent;

    public List<Node<T>> getChildren() {
        return children;

    public void setParent(Node<T> parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

    public void addChild(T data) {
        Node<T> child = new Node<T>(data);

    public void addChild(Node<T> child) {

    public T getData() {

    public void setData(T data) { = data;

    public boolean isRoot() {
        return (this.parent == null);

    public boolean isLeaf() {
        return this.children.size == 0;

    public void removeParent() {
        this.parent = null;


import java.util.List;

Node<String> parentNode = new Node<String>("Parent"); 
Node<String> childNode1 = new Node<String>("Child 1", parentNode);
Node<String> childNode2 = new Node<String>("Child 2");     


Node<String> grandchildNode = new Node<String>("Grandchild of parentNode. Child of childNode1", childNode1); 
List<Node<String>> childrenNodes = parentNode.getChildren();

How to find the kafka version in linux

Simple way on macOS e.g. installed via homebrew

$ ls -l $(which kafka-topics)
/usr/local/bin/kafka-topics -> ../Cellar/kafka/

Is there a short contains function for lists?

I came up with this one liner recently for getting True if a list contains any number of occurrences of an item, or False if it contains no occurrences or nothing at all. Using next(...) gives this a default return value (False) and means it should run significantly faster than running the whole list comprehension.

list_does_contain = next((True for item in list_to_test if item == test_item), False)

How to install JDBC driver in Eclipse web project without facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundexception

The only solution worked for me is putting the .jar file under WEB-INF/lib . Hope this will help.

Send data from activity to fragment in Android

Basic Idea of using Fragments (F) is to create reusable self sustaining UI components in android applications. These Fragments are contained in activities and there are common(best) way of creating communication path ways from A -> F and F-A, It is a must to Communicate between F-F through a Activity because then only the Fragments become decoupled and self sustaining.

So passing data from A -> F is going to be the same as explained by ??s???? K. In addition to that answer, After creation of the Fragments inside an Activity, we can also pass data to the fragments calling methods in Fragments.

For example:

    ArticleFragment articleFrag = (ArticleFragment)

php $_GET and undefined index

Another option would be to suppress the PHP undefined index notice with the @ symbol in front of the GET variable like so:

$s = @$_GET['s'];

This will disable the notice. It is better to check if the variable has been set and act accordingly.

But this also works.

Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n

May I present my recursive Python solution to this problem?

def choose_iter(elements, length):
    for i in xrange(len(elements)):
        if length == 1:
            yield (elements[i],)
            for next in choose_iter(elements[i+1:len(elements)], length-1):
                yield (elements[i],) + next
def choose(l, k):
    return list(choose_iter(l, k))

Example usage:

>>> len(list(choose_iter("abcdefgh",3)))

I like it for its simplicity.

Android Studio was unable to find a valid Jvm (Related to MAC OS)

I resolved this issue by changing the JVM version in the Info.plist file to 1.7*

send checkbox value in PHP form


$name = $_POST['name']; 
$email_address = $_POST['email']; 
$message = $_POST['tel']; 


$name = $_POST['name']; 
$email_address = $_POST['email']; 
$message = $_POST['tel'];
if (isset($_POST['newsletter'])) {
  $checkBoxValue = "yes";
} else {
  $checkBoxValue = "no";

then replace this line of code:

$email_body = "You have received a new message. ".
    " Here are the details:\n Name: $name \n Email: $email_address \n Tel \n $message\n Newsletter \n $newsletter"


$email_body = "You have received a new message. ".
    " Here are the details:\n Name: $name \n Email: $email_address \n Tel \n $message\n Newsletter \n $newsletter";

How is a JavaScript hash map implemented?

Should you try this class Map:

var myMap = new Map();_x000D_
// setting the values_x000D_
myMap.set("1", 'value1');_x000D_
myMap.set("2", 'value2');_x000D_
myMap.set("3", 'value3');_x000D_
myMap.size; // 3_x000D_
// getting the values_x000D_
myMap.get("1");    // "value associated with "value1"_x000D_
myMap.get("2");       // "value associated with "value1"_x000D_
myMap.get("3");      // "value associated with "value3"

Notice: key and value can be any type.

How to obtain the number of CPUs/cores in Linux from the command line?

Here's the way I use for counting the number of physical cores that are online on Linux:

lscpu --online --parse=Core,Socket | grep --invert-match '^#' | sort --unique | wc --lines

or in short:

lscpu -b -p=Core,Socket | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | wc -l

Example (1 socket):

> lscpu
CPU(s):                28
Thread(s) per core:    2
Core(s) per socket:    14
Socket(s):             1
> lscpu -b -p=Core,Socket | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | wc -l

Example (2 sockets):

> lscpu
CPU(s):                56
Thread(s) per core:    2
Core(s) per socket:    14
Socket(s):             2
> lscpu -b -p=Core,Socket | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | wc -l

Example (4 sockets):

> lscpu
CPU(s):                64
Thread(s) per core:    2
Core(s) per socket:    8
Socket(s):             4
> lscpu -b -p=Core,Socket | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | wc -l

awk - concatenate two string variable and assign to a third

Just use var = var1 var2 and it will automatically concatenate the vars var1 and var2:

awk '{new_var=$1$2; print new_var}' file

You can put an space in between with:

awk '{new_var=$1" "$2; print new_var}' file

Which in fact is the same as using FS, because it defaults to the space:

awk '{new_var=$1 FS $2; print new_var}' file


$ cat file
hello how are you
i am fine
$ awk '{new_var=$1$2; print new_var}' file
$ awk '{new_var=$1 FS $2; print new_var}' file
hello how
i am

You can play around with it in ideone:

Open a workbook using FileDialog and manipulate it in Excel VBA

Thankyou Frank.i got the idea. Here is the working code.

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

  Dim directory As String, fileName As String, sheet As Worksheet, total As Integer
  Dim fd As Office.FileDialog

  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

  With fd
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    .Title = "Please select the file."
    .Filters.Add "Excel 2003", "*.xls?"

    If .Show = True Then
      fileName = Dir(.SelectedItems(1))

    End If
  End With

  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Application.DisplayAlerts = False

  Workbooks.Open (fileName)

  For Each sheet In Workbooks(fileName).Worksheets
    total = Workbooks("import-sheets.xlsm").Worksheets.Count
    Workbooks(fileName).Worksheets(sheet.Name).Copy _
  Next sheet


  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Updating a java map entry

You just use the method

public Object put(Object key, Object value)

if the key was already present in the Map then the previous value is returned.

Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL?

From my experiences, if you want a date field in which insertion happens only once and you don't want to have any update or any other action on that particular field, go with date time.

For example, consider a user table with a REGISTRATION DATE field. In that user table, if you want to know the last logged in time of a particular user, go with a field of timestamp type so that the field gets updated.

If you are creating the table from phpMyAdmin the default setting will update the timestamp field when a row update happens. If your timestamp filed is not updating with row update, you can use the following query to make a timestamp field get auto updated.

ALTER TABLE your_table

c++ custom compare function for std::sort()

Look here:

It says:

template< class RandomIt, class Compare >
void sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last, Compare comp );
  • comp - comparison function which returns ?true if the first argument is less than the second. The signature of the comparison function should be equivalent to the following: bool cmp(const Type1 &a, const Type2 &b);

Also, here's an example of how you can use std::sort using a custom C++14 polymorphic lambda:

std::sort(std::begin(container), std::end(container),
          [] (const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) {
    return lhs.first < rhs.first;

Laravel Soft Delete posts

Here is the details from

When soft deleting a model, it is not actually removed from your database. Instead, a deleted_at timestamp is set on the record. To enable soft deletes for a model, specify the softDelete property on the model:

class User extends Eloquent {

    protected $softDelete = true;


To add a deleted_at column to your table, you may use the softDeletes method from a migration:


Now, when you call the delete method on the model, the deleted_at column will be set to the current timestamp. When querying a model that uses soft deletes, the "deleted" models will not be included in query results.

How do I access Configuration in any class in ASP.NET Core?

Using the Options pattern in ASP.NET Core is the way to go. I just want to add, if you need to access the options within your startup.cs, I recommend to do it this way:


public class CosmosDbOptions
    public string ConnectionString { get; set; }


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // This is how you can access the Connection String:
    var connectionString = Configuration.GetSection(nameof(CosmosDbOptions))[nameof(CosmosDbOptions.ConnectionString)];

JQuery Error: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close'

i have same problem, i open several dialog my problem was what the content should be removed to prevent the form data stay with same data, then the dialog is created these paramters

var dialog = $("#dummy-1");

    dialog.html('<div style="position:absolute; top:15px; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; text-align:center;"><img align="middle" src="cargando.gif"></div>');
        title:'Ventana de Confirmacion',
        resizable: false,
        position: { my: "center center", at: "center center", of: window },
                text: "Eliminar",
                click: function() {
                text: "Cerrar",
                click: function() {
        close: function(event, ui)

and the dialog is passed as a parameter to the function to do action:

    function functionCall(dialogFormulario,var1,var2)
    //same action 


Here it is necessary only to use .dialog("close") and no .dialog("destroy") because the dialog will call its function close: and the element will not exist

ASP.NET Core - Swashbuckle not creating swagger.json file

I had a silly issue, I had a capital v in the AddSwaggerGen method and a lowercase v in c.SwaggerEndpoint.

It appears to be case sensitive.

Finding the length of an integer in C

int returnIntLength(int value){
    int counter = 0;
    if(value < 0)
        value = -value;
    else if(value == 0)
        return 1;

    while(value > 0){
        value /= 10;

    return counter;

I think this method is well suited for this task:

value and answers:

  • -50 -> 3 //it will count - as one character as well if you dont want to count minus then remove counter++ from 5th line.

  • 566666 -> 6

  • 0 -> 1

  • 505 -> 3

What is an .axd file?

An AXD file is a file used by ASP.NET applications for handling embedded resource requests. It contains instructions for retrieving embedded resources, such as images, JavaScript (.JS) files, and.CSS files. AXD files are used for injecting resources into the client-side webpage and access them on the server in a standard way.

Specifing width of a flexbox flex item: width or basis?

The bottom statement is equivalent to:

.half {
   flex-grow: 0;
   flex-shrink: 0;
   flex-basis: 50%;

Which, in this case, would be equivalent as the box is not allowed to flex and therefore retains the initial width set by flex-basis.

Flex-basis defines the default size of an element before the remaining space is distributed so if the element were allowed to flex (grow/shrink) it may not be 50% of the width of the page.

I've found that I regularly return to for help regarding flexbox :)

Perl read line by line

In bash foo is the name of the variable, and $ is an operator which means 'get the value of'.

In perl $foo is the name of the variable.

Extract the filename from a path

$file = Get-Item -Path "c:/foo/foobar.txt"

Works with both relative an absolute paths

How to set <Text> text to upper case in react native

React Native .toUpperCase() function works fine in a string but if you used the numbers or other non-string data types, it doesn't work. The error will have occurred.

Below Two are string properties:



Initialize empty vector in structure - c++

Like this:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct user
    std::string username;
    std::vector<unsigned char> userpassword;

int main()
    user r;   // r.username is "" and r.userpassword is empty
    // ...

Function stoi not declared

In comments under another answer, you indicated you are using a dodgy version of g++ under MS Windows.

In this case, -std=c++11 as suggested by the top answer would still not fix the problem.

Please see the following thread which does discuss your situation: std::stoi doesn't exist in g++ 4.6.1 on MinGW

Fitting iframe inside a div

I think I may have a better solution for having a fully responsive iframe (a vimeo video in my case) embed on your site. Nest the iframe in a div. Give them the following styles:

div {
    width: 100%;
    height: 0;
    padding-bottom: 56%; /* Change this till it fits the dimensions of your video */
    position: relative;

div iframe {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    display: block;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

Just did it now for a client, and it seems to be working:

How to pass parameters on onChange of html select

Another approach wich can be handy in some situations, is passing the value of the selected <option /> directly to the function like this:

function myFunction(chosen) {_x000D_
<select onChange="myFunction(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">_x000D_
  <option value="1">Text 1</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">Text 2</option>_x000D_

Read next word in java

Using Scanners, you will end up spawning a lot of objects for every line. You will generate a decent amount of garbage for the GC with large files. Also, it is nearly three times slower than using split().

On the other hand, If you split by space (line.split(" ")), the code will fail if you try to read a file with a different whitespace delimiter. If split() expects you to write a regular expression, and it does matching anyway, use split("\\s") instead, that matches a "bit" more whitespace than just a space character.

P.S.: Sorry, I don't have right to comment on already given answers.

What does `return` keyword mean inside `forEach` function?

The return exits the current function, but the iterations keeps on, so you get the "next" item that skips the if and alerts the 4...

If you need to stop the looping, you should just use a plain for loop like so:

$('button').click(function () {
   var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
   for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
     var n = arr[i]; 
     if (n == 3) {

You can read more about js break & continue here:

Check if a number is a perfect square

The idea is to run a loop from i = 1 to floor(sqrt(n)) then check if squaring it makes n.

bool isPerfectSquare(int n) 
    for (int i = 1; i * i <= n; i++) { 

        // If (i * i = n) 
        if ((n % i == 0) && (n / i == i)) { 
            return true; 
    return false; 

How do I use jQuery to redirect?

You forgot the HTTP part:

window.location.href = "";

How to use subList()

You could use streams in Java 8. To always get 10 entries at the most, you could do:;;

Constructor overloading in Java - best practice

While there are no "official guidelines" I follow the principle of KISS and DRY. Make the overloaded constructors as simple as possible, and the simplest way is that they only call this(...). That way you only need to check and handle the parameters once and only once.

public class Simple {

    public Simple() {

    public Simple(Resource r) {
        this(r, null);

    public Simple(Resource r1, Resource r2) {
        // Guard statements, initialize resources or throw exceptions if
        // the resources are wrong
        if (r1 == null) {
            r1 = new Resource();
        if (r2 == null) {
            r2 = new Resource();

        // do whatever with resources


From a unit testing standpoint, it'll become easy to test the class since you can put in the resources into it. If the class has many resources (or collaborators as some OO-geeks call it), consider one of these two things:

Make a parameter class

public class SimpleParams {
    Resource r1;
    Resource r2;
    // Imagine there are setters and getters here but I'm too lazy 
    // to write it out. you can make it the parameter class 
    // "immutable" if you don't have setters and only set the 
    // resources through the SimpleParams constructor

The constructor in Simple only either needs to split the SimpleParams parameter:

public Simple(SimpleParams params) {
    this(params.getR1(), params.getR2());

…or make SimpleParams an attribute:

public Simple(Resource r1, Resource r2) {
    this(new SimpleParams(r1, r2));

public Simple(SimpleParams params) {
    this.params = params;

Make a factory class

Make a factory class that initializes the resources for you, which is favorable if initializing the resources is a bit difficult:

public interface ResourceFactory {
    public Resource createR1();
    public Resource createR2();

The constructor is then done in the same manner as with the parameter class:

public Simple(ResourceFactory factory) {
    this(factory.createR1(), factory.createR2());

Make a combination of both

Yeah... you can mix and match both ways depending on what is easier for you at the time. Parameter classes and simple factory classes are pretty much the same thing considering the Simple class that they're used the same way.

how to get rid of notification circle in right side of the screen?

This stuff comes from ES file explorer

Just go into this app > settings

Then there is an option that says logging floating window, you just need to disable that and you will get rid of this infernal bubble for good

Best approach to remove time part of datetime in SQL Server

For me the code below is always a winner:


Set an empty DateTime variable

If you set the date to

DateTime dNewDate = new DateTime();

The value is set to {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}

How to generate UL Li list from string array using jquery?

    <script type="text/javascript" >
        function aa()
            var YourArray = ['United States', 'Canada', 'Argentina', 'Armenia'];
            var ObjUl = $('<ul></ul>');
            for (i = 0; i < YourArray.length; i++)
                var Objli = $('<li></li>');
                var Obja = $('<a></a>');

                ObjUl.attr("role", "menuitem");

                Obja.attr("tabindex", "-1");


<body onload="aa()">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <div class="DivSai" >


Struct Constructor in C++?

As the other answers mention, a struct is basically treated as a class in C++. This allows you to have a constructor which can be used to initialise the struct with default values. Below, the constructor takes sz and b as arguments, and initializes the other variables to some default values.

struct blocknode
    unsigned int bsize;
    bool free;
    unsigned char *bptr;
    blocknode *next;
    blocknode *prev;

    blocknode(unsigned int sz, unsigned char *b, bool f = true,
              blocknode *p = 0, blocknode *n = 0) :
              bsize(sz), free(f), bptr(b), prev(p), next(n) {}


unsigned char *bptr = new unsigned char[1024];
blocknode *fblock = new blocknode(1024, btpr);

Semaphore vs. Monitors - what's the difference?

When a semaphore is used to guard a critical region, there is no direct relationship between the semaphore and the data being protected. This is part of the reason why semaphores may be dispersed around the code, and why it is easy to forget to call wait or notify, in which case the result will be, respectively, to violate mutual exclusion or to lock the resource permanently.

In contrast, niehter of these bad things can happen with a monitor. A monitor is tired directly to the data (it encapsulates the data) and, because the monitor operations are atomic actions, it is impossible to write code that can access the data without calling the entry protocol. The exit protocol is called automatically when the monitor operation is completed.

A monitor has a built-in mechanism for condition synchronisation in the form of condition variable before proceeding. If the condition is not satisfied, the process has to wait until it is notified of a change in the condition. When a process is waiting for condition synchronisation, the monitor implementation takes care of the mutual exclusion issue, and allows another process to gain access to the monitor.

Taken from The Open University M362 Unit 3 "Interacting process" course material.

How to use matplotlib tight layout with Figure?

Just call fig.tight_layout() as you normally would. (pyplot is just a convenience wrapper. In most cases, you only use it to quickly generate figure and axes objects and then call their methods directly.)

There shouldn't be a difference between the QtAgg backend and the default backend (or if there is, it's a bug).


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#-- In your case, you'd do something more like:
# from matplotlib.figure import Figure
# fig = Figure()
#-- ...but we want to use it interactive for a quick example, so 
#--    we'll do it this way
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)

for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=1):
    ax.set_title('Test Axes {}'.format(i))
    ax.set_xlabel('X axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y axis')

Before Tight Layout

enter image description here

After Tight Layout

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)

for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=1):
    ax.set_title('Test Axes {}'.format(i))
    ax.set_xlabel('X axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y axis')


enter image description here

Setting the Vim background colors

Using set bg=dark with a white background can produce nearly unreadable text in some syntax highlighting schemes. Instead, you can change the overall colorscheme to something that looks good in your terminal. The colorscheme file should set the background attribute for you appropriately. Also, for more information see:

:h color

jQuery.each - Getting li elements inside an ul

$(function() {
    $('.phrase .items').each(function(i, items_list){
        var myText = "";

        $(items_list).find('li').each(function(j, li){



Oracle Add 1 hour in SQL

select sysdate + 1/24 from dual;

sysdate is a function without arguments which returns DATE type
+ 1/24 adds 1 hour to a date

select to_char(to_date('2014-10-15 03:30:00 pm', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS pm') + 1/24, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS pm') from dual;

Android device chooser - My device seems offline

I can't say for sure but after hours of random disconnections from my device (especially when trying to debug anything), I switched to a USB port that is NOT USB3.0 and that seem to solve the issue.

Python Sets vs Lists

I would recommend a Set implementation where the use case is limit to referencing or search for existence and Tuple implementation where the use case requires you to perform iteration. A list is a low-level implementation and requires significant memory overhead.

(13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream:[nginx]

Another reason could be; you are accessing your application through nginx using proxy but you did not add gunicorn.sock file for proxy with gunicorn.

You need to add a proxy file path in nginx configuration.

location / {
        include proxy_params;
        proxy_pass http://unix:/home/username/myproject/gunicorn.sock;

Here is a nice tutorial with step by step implementation of this

Note: if you did not created anyname.sock file you have to create if first, either use above or any other method or tutorial to create it.

Updating property value in properties file without deleting other values

Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.load(...); // FileInputStream 
prop.setProperty("key", "value");; // FileOutputStream 

How to convert "0" and "1" to false and true

If you want the conversion to always succeed, probably the best way to convert the string would be to consider "1" as true and anything else as false (as Kevin does). If you wanted the conversion to fail if anything other than "1" or "0" is returned, then the following would suffice (you could put it in a helper method):

if (returnValue == "1")
    return true;
else if (returnValue == "0")
    return false;
    throw new FormatException("The string is not a recognized as a valid boolean value.");

How to execute Python scripts in Windows?

Can you execute python.exe from any map? If you do not, chek if you have proper values for python.exe in PATH enviroment

Are you in same directory than Check this by issuing command -> edit and check if you can open this file


In that case you can not. (python arg means that you call python.exe whit some parameters which python assume that is filename of script you want to run)

You can create bat file whit lines in your path map and run .bat file

In one of Path maps create Edit file and put line

python C:\Somedir\

You can now run from anywere, becuase you do not need to put .bat extention when running bat files

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined

$.browser was removed from jQuery starting with version 1.9. It is now available as a plugin. It's generally recommended to avoid browser detection, which is why it was removed.


Your query translates to

SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='1' or id='2' or id='3' or id='4';

It will only return the results that match it.

One way of solving it avoiding the complexity would be, chaning the datatype to SET. Then you could use, FIND_IN_SET


What is a Java String's default initial value?

The answer is - it depends.

Is the variable an instance variable / class variable ? See this for more details.

The list of default values can be found here.

transform object to array with lodash

For me, this worked:, d => _.fromPairs([d]));

It turns

{"a":"b", "c":"d", "e":"f"} 


[{"a":"b"}, {"c":"d"}, {"e":"f"}]

How to disable Paste (Ctrl+V) with jQuery?

I have tested the issue on chrome browser and it is working for me.Below is a solution for preventing the paste code in your textbox and also prevent the right click.

   $(".element-container").find('input[type="text"]').live("contextmenu paste", function (e) {


Insert a background image in CSS (Twitter Bootstrap)

Adding background image on html, body or a wrapper element to achieve background image will cause problems with padding. Check this ticket on github. ShaunR's comment and also one of the creators response to this. The given solution in created ticket doesn't solve the problem, but it at least gets things going if you aren't using responsive features.

Assuming that you are using container without responsive features, and have a width of 960px, and want to achieve 10px padding, you set:

.container {
   min-width: 940px;
   padding: 10px;

How to check if a stored procedure exists before creating it

I apparently don't have the reputation required to vote or comment, but I just wanted to say that Geoff's answer using EXEC (sp_executesql might be better) is definitely the way to go. Dropping and then re-creating the stored procedure gets the job done in the end, but there is a moment in time where the stored procedure doesn't exist at all, and that can be very bad, especially if this is something that will be run repeatedly. I was having all sorts of problems with my application because a background thread was doing an IF EXISTS DROP...CREATE at the same time another thread was trying to use the stored procedure.

Adding elements to an xml file in C#

I've used XDocument.Root.Add to add elements. Root returns XElement which has an Add function for additional XElements

Ubuntu: OpenJDK 8 - Unable to locate package

UPDATE: installation without root privileges below

I advise you to not install packages manually on ubuntu system if there is already a (semi-official) repository able to solve your problem. Further, use Oracle JDK for development, just to avoid (very sporadic) compatibility issues (i've tried many years ago, it's surely better now).

Add the webupd8 repo to your system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update

Install your preferred version of jdk (versions from java-6 to java-9 available):

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

You can also install multiple version of jdk, mixing openjdk and oracle versions. Then you can use the command update-java-alternatives to switch between installed version:

# list available jdk
update-java-alternatives --list

# use jdk7
sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-7-oracle

# use jdk8
sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-8-oracle


If you get add-apt-repository: command not found be sure to have software-properties-common installed:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

If you're using an older version Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

JDK installation without root privileges

If you haven't administrator rights on your target machine your simplest bet is to use sdkman to install the zulu certified openjdk:

curl -s "" | bash
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
sdk install java

NOTE: sdkman allow to install also the official Oracle JDK, although it's not a the default option. View available versions with:

sdk ls java

Install the chosen version with:

sdk install java <version>

For example:

sdk install java 9.0.1-oracle

Glossary of commands

  • sudo <command> [command_arguments]: execute a command with the superuser privilege.

  • add-apt-repository <PPA_id>: Ubuntu (just like every Debian derivatives and generally speaking every Linux distribution) has a main repository of packages that handle things like package dependencies and updating. In Ubuntu is possible to extend the main repository using a PPA (Personal Package Archive) that usually contains packages not available in the system (just like oracle jdk) or updated versions of available ones (example: LibreOffice 5 in LTS is available only through this PPA).

  • apt-get [install|update|upgrade|purge|...]: it's "the" command-line package handler used to manipulate the state of every repository on the system (installing / updating / upgrading can be viewed as an alteration of the repository current state).

In our case: with the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java we inform the system that the next repository update must retrieve packages information also from webupd8 repo.

With sudo apt-get update we actually update the system repository (all this operations requires superuser privileges, so we prepend sudo to the commands).

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

  • update-java-alternatives (a specific java version of update-alternatives): in Ubuntu several packages provides the same functionality (browse the internet, compile mails, edit a text file or provides java/javac executables...). To allows the system to choose the user favourites tool given a specific task a mechanism using symlinks under /etc/alternatives/ is used. Try to update the jdk as indicated above (switch between java 7 and java 8) and view how change the output of this command:

    ls -l /etc/alternatives/java*

In our case: sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-8-oracle update symlinks under /etc/alternatives to point to java-8-oracle executables.


  • man <command>: start using man to read a really well written and detailed help on (almost) every shell command and its options (every command i mention in this little answer has a man page, try man update-java-alternatives).

  • apt-cache search <search_key>: query the APT cache to search for a package related with the search_key provided (can be the package name or some word in package description).

  • apt-cache show <package>: provides APT information for a specific package (package version, installed or not, description).

How do I capture SIGINT in Python?

And as a context manager:

import signal

class GracefulInterruptHandler(object):

    def __init__(self, sig=signal.SIGINT):
        self.sig = sig

    def __enter__(self):

        self.interrupted = False
        self.released = False

        self.original_handler = signal.getsignal(self.sig)

        def handler(signum, frame):
            self.interrupted = True

        signal.signal(self.sig, handler)

        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):

    def release(self):

        if self.released:
            return False

        signal.signal(self.sig, self.original_handler)

        self.released = True

        return True

To use:

with GracefulInterruptHandler() as h:
    for i in xrange(1000):
        print "..."
        if h.interrupted:
            print "interrupted!"

Nested handlers:

with GracefulInterruptHandler() as h1:
    while True:
        print "(1)..."
        with GracefulInterruptHandler() as h2:
            while True:
                print "\t(2)..."
                if h2.interrupted:
                    print "\t(2) interrupted!"
        if h1.interrupted:
            print "(1) interrupted!"

From here:

Fragment MyFragment not attached to Activity

Their are quite trick solution for this and leak of fragment from activity.

So in case of getResource or anything one which is depending on activity context accessing from Fragment it is always check activity status and fragments status as follows

 Activity activity = getActivity(); 
    if(activity != null && isAdded())

//Or any other depends on activity context to be live like dailog


ERROR Android emulator gets killed

To summarize the above:

  1. Install and reinstall HAXM 7.5.6 (only available version) under 'Android SDK' settings. Try downloading it manually, even other versions (they don't work with Android SDK), installing it from the Android/Sdk folder, etc. sc query intelhaxm in cmd should show if it is running correctly.
  2. Virtualization is enabled in your BIOS and has been tested
  3. Made sure the PATH variables are correct (ANDROID_HOME / ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) but NOT (ANDROID_SDK_HOME) to the folder in your settings per Here. Otherwise, you will see EVENTS on the Android Studio splash screen.
  4. Try unchecking / rechecking Launch in a tool window in Emulator settings (and even Enable Device Frame in AVD settings)
  5. Try rebuilding in several different combinations of android, different phones, etc (but with same levels and packages ... 30 for example)
  6. Try Rebooting in several different configurations
  7. Make sure all SDK Tools are up-to-date, and even try a fresh install of Android Studio. However, tried removing all of them, and adding them back.
  8. Check your space, try to have 25GB maybe or more free
  9. Check for Virtual Box, Antivirus Software, etc.
  10. Open Android Studio with Administrator privileges


A) Run the emulator with everything unplugged, then plug back in your monitor! (Odd I know)... OR Better yet...
B) Create a New Hardware Profile, which will enable you to change Graphics: Automatic to Software.

PostgreSQL: Drop PostgreSQL database through command line

This worked for me:

select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity where datname='YourDatabase';

for postgresql earlier than 9.2 replace pid with procpid

DROP DATABASE "YourDatabase";

In Bootstrap 3,How to change the distance between rows in vertical?


Bootstrap 4 has spacing utilities to handle this

.mt-0 {
  margin-top: 0 !important;



If you are using SASS, this is what I normally do.

$margins: (xs: 0.5rem, sm: 1rem, md: 1.5rem, lg: 2rem, xl: 2.5rem);

@each $name, $value in $margins {
  .margin-top-#{$name} {
    margin-top: $value;

  .margin-bottom-#{$name} {
    margin-bottom: $value;

so you can later use margin-top-xs for example

How to Edit a row in the datatable

You can find that row with

DataRow row = table.Select("Product_id=2").FirstOrDefault();

and update it

row["Product_name"] = "cde";

AngularJS: How to run additional code after AngularJS has rendered a template?

You can also create a directive that runs your code in the link function.

See that stackoverflow reply.

Node.js version on the command line? (not the REPL)

Repl Command to find the Nodejs Version


Understanding __get__ and __set__ and Python descriptors

Before going into the details of descriptors it may be important to know how attribute lookup in Python works. This assumes that the class has no metaclass and that it uses the default implementation of __getattribute__ (both can be used to "customize" the behavior).

The best illustration of attribute lookup (in Python 3.x or for new-style classes in Python 2.x) in this case is from Understanding Python metaclasses (ionel's codelog). The image uses : as substitute for "non-customizable attribute lookup".

This represents the lookup of an attribute foobar on an instance of Class:

enter image description here

Two conditions are important here:

  • If the class of instance has an entry for the attribute name and it has __get__ and __set__.
  • If the instance has no entry for the attribute name but the class has one and it has __get__.

That's where descriptors come into it:

  • Data descriptors which have both __get__ and __set__.
  • Non-data descriptors which only have __get__.

In both cases the returned value goes through __get__ called with the instance as first argument and the class as second argument.

The lookup is even more complicated for class attribute lookup (see for example Class attribute lookup (in the above mentioned blog)).

Let's move to your specific questions:

Why do I need the descriptor class?

In most cases you don't need to write descriptor classes! However you're probably a very regular end user. For example functions. Functions are descriptors, that's how functions can be used as methods with self implicitly passed as first argument.

def test_function(self):
    return self

class TestClass(object):
    def test_method(self):

If you look up test_method on an instance you'll get back a "bound method":

>>> instance = TestClass()
>>> instance.test_method
<bound method TestClass.test_method of <__main__.TestClass object at ...>>

Similarly you could also bind a function by invoking its __get__ method manually (not really recommended, just for illustrative purposes):

>>> test_function.__get__(instance, TestClass)
<bound method test_function of <__main__.TestClass object at ...>>

You can even call this "self-bound method":

>>> test_function.__get__(instance, TestClass)()
<__main__.TestClass at ...>

Note that I did not provide any arguments and the function did return the instance I had bound!

Functions are Non-data descriptors!

Some built-in examples of a data-descriptor would be property. Neglecting getter, setter, and deleter the property descriptor is (from Descriptor HowTo Guide "Properties"):

class Property(object):
    def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None):
        self.fget = fget
        self.fset = fset
        self.fdel = fdel
        if doc is None and fget is not None:
            doc = fget.__doc__
        self.__doc__ = doc

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
        if obj is None:
            return self
        if self.fget is None:
            raise AttributeError("unreadable attribute")
        return self.fget(obj)

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        if self.fset is None:
            raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
        self.fset(obj, value)

    def __delete__(self, obj):
        if self.fdel is None:
            raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute")

Since it's a data descriptor it's invoked whenever you look up the "name" of the property and it simply delegates to the functions decorated with @property, @name.setter, and @name.deleter (if present).

There are several other descriptors in the standard library, for example staticmethod, classmethod.

The point of descriptors is easy (although you rarely need them): Abstract common code for attribute access. property is an abstraction for instance variable access, function provides an abstraction for methods, staticmethod provides an abstraction for methods that don't need instance access and classmethod provides an abstraction for methods that need class access rather than instance access (this is a bit simplified).

Another example would be a class property.

One fun example (using __set_name__ from Python 3.6) could also be a property that only allows a specific type:

class TypedProperty(object):
    __slots__ = ('_name', '_type')
    def __init__(self, typ):
        self._type = typ

    def __get__(self, instance, klass=None):
        if instance is None:
            return self
        return instance.__dict__[self._name]

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if not isinstance(value, self._type):
            raise TypeError(f"Expected class {self._type}, got {type(value)}")
        instance.__dict__[self._name] = value

    def __delete__(self, instance):
        del instance.__dict__[self._name]

    def __set_name__(self, klass, name):
        self._name = name

Then you can use the descriptor in a class:

class Test(object):
    int_prop = TypedProperty(int)

And playing a bit with it:

>>> t = Test()
>>> t.int_prop = 10
>>> t.int_prop

>>> t.int_prop = 20.0
TypeError: Expected class <class 'int'>, got <class 'float'>

Or a "lazy property":

class LazyProperty(object):
    __slots__ = ('_fget', '_name')
    def __init__(self, fget):
        self._fget = fget

    def __get__(self, instance, klass=None):
        if instance is None:
            return self
            return instance.__dict__[self._name]
        except KeyError:
            value = self._fget(instance)
            instance.__dict__[self._name] = value
            return value

    def __set_name__(self, klass, name):
        self._name = name

class Test(object):
    def lazy(self):
        return 10

>>> t = Test()
>>> t.lazy
>>> t.lazy

These are cases where moving the logic into a common descriptor might make sense, however one could also solve them (but maybe with repeating some code) with other means.

What is instance and owner here? (in __get__). What is the purpose of these parameters?

It depends on how you look up the attribute. If you look up the attribute on an instance then:

  • the second argument is the instance on which you look up the attribute
  • the third argument is the class of the instance

In case you look up the attribute on the class (assuming the descriptor is defined on the class):

  • the second argument is None
  • the third argument is the class where you look up the attribute

So basically the third argument is necessary if you want to customize the behavior when you do class-level look-up (because the instance is None).

How would I call/use this example?

Your example is basically a property that only allows values that can be converted to float and that is shared between all instances of the class (and on the class - although one can only use "read" access on the class otherwise you would replace the descriptor instance):

>>> t1 = Temperature()
>>> t2 = Temperature()

>>> t1.celsius = 20   # setting it on one instance
>>> t2.celsius        # looking it up on another instance

>>> Temperature.celsius  # looking it up on the class

That's why descriptors generally use the second argument (instance) to store the value to avoid sharing it. However in some cases sharing a value between instances might be desired (although I cannot think of a scenario at this moment). However it makes practically no sense for a celsius property on a temperature class... except maybe as purely academic exercise.

How to set custom JsonSerializerSettings for Json.NET in ASP.NET Web API?

Answer is adding this 2 lines of code to Global.asax.cs Application_Start method

var json = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = 

Reference: Handling Circular Object References

CSS hexadecimal RGBA?

Chrome 52+ supports alpha hex:

background: #56ff0077;

How to use global variable in node.js?

Global variables can be used in Node when used wisely.

Declaration of global variables in Node:

a = 10;
GLOBAL.a = 10;
global.a = 10;

All of the above commands the same actions with different syntaxes.

Use global variables when they are not about to be changed

Here an example of something that can happen when using global variables:

// app.js
a = 10; // no var or let or const means global

// users.js
app.get("/users", (req, res, next) => {
   res.send(a); // 10;

// permissions.js
app.get("/permissions", (req, res, next) => {
   a = 11; // notice that there is no previous declaration of a in the permissions.js, means we looking for the global instance of a.
   res.send(a); // 11;


Run users route first and receive 10;

Then run permissions route and receive 11;

Then run again the users route and receive 11 as well instead of 10;

Global variables can be overtaken!

Now think about using express and assignin res object as global.. And you end up with async error become corrupt and server is shuts down.

When to use global vars?

As I said - when var is not about to be changed. Anyways it's more recommended that you will be using the process.env object from the config file.

How to get client IP address in Laravel 5+

Looking at the Laravel API:


Internally, it uses the getClientIps method from the Symfony Request Object:

public function getClientIps()
    $clientIps = array();
    $ip = $this->server->get('REMOTE_ADDR');
    if (!$this->isFromTrustedProxy()) {
        return array($ip);
    if (self::$trustedHeaders[self::HEADER_FORWARDED] && $this->headers->has(self::$trustedHeaders[self::HEADER_FORWARDED])) {
        $forwardedHeader = $this->headers->get(self::$trustedHeaders[self::HEADER_FORWARDED]);
        preg_match_all('{(for)=("?\[?)([a-z0-9\.:_\-/]*)}', $forwardedHeader, $matches);
        $clientIps = $matches[3];
    } elseif (self::$trustedHeaders[self::HEADER_CLIENT_IP] && $this->headers->has(self::$trustedHeaders[self::HEADER_CLIENT_IP])) {
        $clientIps = array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->headers->get(self::$trustedHeaders[self::HEADER_CLIENT_IP])));
    $clientIps[] = $ip; // Complete the IP chain with the IP the request actually came from
    $ip = $clientIps[0]; // Fallback to this when the client IP falls into the range of trusted proxies
    foreach ($clientIps as $key => $clientIp) {
        // Remove port (unfortunately, it does happen)
        if (preg_match('{((?:\d+\.){3}\d+)\:\d+}', $clientIp, $match)) {
            $clientIps[$key] = $clientIp = $match[1];
        if (IpUtils::checkIp($clientIp, self::$trustedProxies)) {
    // Now the IP chain contains only untrusted proxies and the client IP
    return $clientIps ? array_reverse($clientIps) : array($ip);

How can I compile and run c# program without using visual studio?

If you have .NET v4 installed (so if you have a newer windows or if you apply the windows updates)

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe somefile.cs


C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe nomefile.sln


C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe nomefile.csproj

It's highly probable that if you have .NET installed, the %FrameworkDir% variable is set, so:

%FrameworkDir%\v4.0.30319\csc.exe ...

%FrameworkDir%\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe ...

How to change Screen buffer size in Windows Command Prompt from batch script

I was just searching for an answer to this exact question, come to find out the command itself adjusts the buffer!

mode con:cols=140 lines=70

The lines=70 part actually adjusts the Height in the 'Screen Buffer Size' setting, NOT the Height in the 'Window Size' setting.

Easily proven by running the command with a setting for 'lines=2500' (or whatever buffer you want) and then check the 'Properties' of the window, you'll see that indeed the buffer is now set to 2500.

My batch script ends up looking like this:

@echo off
cmd "mode con:cols=140 lines=2500"

How to round double to nearest whole number and then convert to a float?

float b = (float)Math.ceil(a); or float b = (float)Math.round(a);

Depending on whether you meant "round to the nearest whole number" (round) or "round up" (ceil).

Beware of loss of precision in converting a double to a float, but that shouldn't be an issue here.

How to save traceback / sys.exc_info() values in a variable?

Use traceback.extract_stack() if you want convenient access to module and function names and line numbers.

Use ''.join(traceback.format_stack()) if you just want a string that looks like the traceback.print_stack() output.

Notice that even with ''.join() you will get a multi-line string, since the elements of format_stack() contain \n. See output below.

Remember to import traceback.

Here's the output from traceback.extract_stack(). Formatting added for readability.

>>> traceback.extract_stack()
   ('<string>', 1, '<module>', None),
   ('C:\\Python\\lib\\idlelib\\', 126, 'main', 'ret = method(*args, **kwargs)'),
   ('C:\\Python\\lib\\idlelib\\', 353, 'runcode', 'exec(code, self.locals)'),
   ('<pyshell#1>', 1, '<module>', None)

Here's the output from ''.join(traceback.format_stack()). Formatting added for readability.

>>> ''.join(traceback.format_stack())
'  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>\n
   File "C:\\Python\\lib\\idlelib\\", line 126, in main\n
       ret = method(*args, **kwargs)\n
   File "C:\\Python\\lib\\idlelib\\", line 353, in runcode\n
       exec(code, self.locals)\n  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>\n'

How can I hide a checkbox in html?

Elements that are not being rendered (be it through visibility: hidden, display: none, opacity: 0.0, whatever) will not indicate focus. The browser will not draw a focus border around nothing.

If you want the text to be focusable, that's completely doable. You can wrap the whole thing in an element that can receive focus (for example, a hyperlink), or allow another tag to have focus using the tabindex property:

<label tabindex="0" class="checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox" value="valueofcheckbox" style="display:none" checked="checked" />Option Text


In this case, the <label> tag above is actually receiving focus and everything within it will have a focus border when it's in focus.

I do question what your goal is. If you're using a hidden checkbox to internally track some sort of state, you might be better off using a <input type="hidden" /> tag instead.

How to convert XML to java.util.Map and vice versa

Underscore-java library can convert Map to xml. I am the maintainer of the project. Live example

Code example:

import com.github.underscore.lodash.U;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
    map.put("name", "chris");
    map.put("island", "faranga");


    //  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    //  <root>
    //    <name>chris</name>
    //    <island>faranga</island>
    //  </root>

    // and back:
    map = U.fromXmlMap("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><root>"
        + "    <name>chris</name>"
        + "    <island>faranga</island>"
        + "  </root>");
    // {name=chris, island=faranga}

How to update a git clone --mirror?

See here: Git doesn't clone all branches on subsequent clones?

If you really want this by pulling branches instead of push --mirror, you can have a look here:

"fetch --all" in a git bare repository doesn't synchronize local branches to the remote ones

This answer provides detailed steps on how to achieve that relatively easily:

How do I lock the orientation to portrait mode in a iPhone Web Application?

Inspired from @Grumdrig's answer, and because some of the used instructions would not work, I suggest the following script if needed by someone else:

    $(document).ready(function () {

      function reorient(e) {
        var orientation = window.screen.orientation.type;
        $("body > div").css("-webkit-transform", (orientation == 'landscape-primary' || orientation == 'landscape-secondary') ? "rotate(-90deg)" : "");
      window.setTimeout(reorient, 0);

adb remount permission denied, but able to access super user in shell -- android

emulator -writable-system

For people using an Emulator: Another possibility is that you need to start the emulator with -writable-system. That was the only thing that worked for me when using the standard emulator packaged with android studio with a 4.1 image. Check here:

How to get the request parameters in Symfony 2?

For symfony 4 users:

$query = $request->query->get('query');

How to create a static library with g++?

Create a .o file:

g++ -c header.cpp

add this file to a library, creating library if necessary:

ar rvs header.a header.o

use library:

g++ main.cpp header.a

How to combine two lists in R

We can use append

append(l1, l2)

It also has arguments to insert element at a particular location.

What's the difference between "&nbsp;" and " "?

Not an answer as much as examples...

Example #1:

<div style="width:45px; height:45px; border: solid thin red; overflow: visible">

Example #2:

<div style="width:45px; height:45px; border: solid thin red; overflow: visible">
    Hello There

And link to the fiddle.

How can I symlink a file in Linux?

To the original question:

'ln -s '+basebuild+'/IpDome-kernel/kernel /home/build/sandbox/gen2/basebuild/IpDome-kernel/kernal'

This will indeed create a symbolic link (-s) from the file/directory:


to your new link


Here's a few ways to help you remember:

First, there's the man page for ln. You can access this via searching "man ln" in google, or just open a terminal window and type man ln and you'll get the same information. The man page clearly states:

ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME (1st form)

If having to search or read through a man page every time isn't for you, maybe you'll have an easier time remembering that all nix commands work the same way:

cp /file/that/exists /location/for/new/file
mv /file/that/exists /location/its/moving/to
ln /file/that/exists /the/new/link

cp copies a file that currently exists (the first argument) to a new file (the second argument).
mv moves a file that currently exists (the first argument) to a new place (the second argument)

Likewise ln links a file that currently exists (the first argument) to a new link (the second argument)*

The final option I would like to suggest is you can create your own man pages that are easy to read and easy (for you) to find/remember. Just make a simple shell script that gives you the hint you need. For example?:

In your .bash_aliases file you can place something like:

commandsfx() {
    echo "Symlink:  ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink"
    echo "Copy:     cp /file/to/copy /destination/to/send/copy"

alias 'cmds'=commandsfx

Then when you need it, from the command line just type cmds and you'll get back the proper syntax in a way you can quickly read and understand it. You can make these functions as advanced as you'd like to get what what information you need, it's up to you. You could even make them interactive so you just have to follow the prompts.. something like:

makesymlink() {
    echo "Symlink name:"
    read sym
    echo "File to link to:"
    read fil
    ln -s $fil $sym

alias 'symlink'=makesymlink

* - well obviously they can all take different parameters and do different things and can work on files as well as directories... but the premise is the same
? - examples using the bash shell

The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character

As Alex Filipovici mentioned the issue was a wrong encoding. The file I read in was UTF-8-BOM and threw the above error on Convert.FromBase64String(). Changing to UTF-8 did work without problems.

How to delete last character from a string using jQuery?

@skajfes and @GolezTrol provided the best methods to use. Personally, I prefer using "slice()". It's less code, and you don't have to know how long a string is. Just use:

// @param begin  Required. The index where 
//               to begin the extraction. 
//               1st character is at index 0
// @param end    Optional. Where to end the
//               extraction. If omitted, 
//               slice() selects all 
//               characters from the begin 
//               position to the end of 
//               the string.
var str = '123-4';
alert(str.slice(0, -1));

Convert String to Type in C#

use following LoadType method to use System.Reflection to load all registered(GAC) and referenced assemblies and check for typeName

public Type[] LoadType(string typeName)
    return LoadType(typeName, true);

public Type[] LoadType(string typeName, bool referenced)
    return LoadType(typeName, referenced, true);

private Type[] LoadType(string typeName, bool referenced, bool gac)
    //check for problematic work
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName) || !referenced && !gac)
        return new Type[] { };

    Assembly currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

    List<string> assemblyFullnames = new List<string>();
    List<Type> types = new List<Type>();

    if (referenced)
    {            //Check refrenced assemblies
        foreach (AssemblyName assemblyName in currentAssembly.GetReferencedAssemblies())
            //Load method resolve refrenced loaded assembly
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName.FullName);

            //Check if type is exists in assembly
            var type = assembly.GetType(typeName, false, true);

            if (type != null && !assemblyFullnames.Contains(assembly.FullName))

    if (gac)
        //GAC files
        string gacPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows) + "\\assembly";
        var files = GetGlobalAssemblyCacheFiles(gacPath);
        foreach (string file in files)
                //reflection only
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(file);

                //Check if type is exists in assembly
                var type = assembly.GetType(typeName, false, true);

                if (type != null && !assemblyFullnames.Contains(assembly.FullName))
                //your custom handling

    return types.ToArray();

public static string[] GetGlobalAssemblyCacheFiles(string path)
    List<string> files = new List<string>();

    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);

    foreach (FileInfo fi in di.GetFiles("*.dll"))

    foreach (DirectoryInfo diChild in di.GetDirectories())
        var files2 = GetGlobalAssemblyCacheFiles(diChild.FullName);

    return files.ToArray();

Get value from text area

use the val() method:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var j = $("textarea");
    if (j.val().length > 0) {

The "backspace" escape character '\b': unexpected behavior?

Use a single backspace after each character printf("hello wor\bl\bd\n");

Close/kill the session when the browser or tab is closed

I do it like this:

$(window).bind('unload', function () {
    if(event.clientY < 0) {  
        alert('Thank you for using this app.');
        endSession(); // here you can do what you want ...
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
    //If a string is returned, you automatically ask the 
    //user if he wants to logout or not...
    //return ''; //'beforeunload event'; 
    if (event.clientY < 0) {
        alert('Thank you for using this service.');

How to round up the result of integer division?

You'll want to do floating point division, and then use the ceiling function, to round up the value to the next integer.

How can I install packages using pip according to the requirements.txt file from a local directory?

This works for everyone:

pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

How to parse an RSS feed using JavaScript?

For anyone else reading this (in 2019 onwards) unfortunately most JS RSS reading implementations don't now work. Firstly Google API has shut down so this is no longer an option and because of the CORS security policy you generally cannot now request RSS feeds cross-domains.

Using the example on (2015) I get the following:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'MYSITE' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

This is correct and is a security precaution by the end website but does now mean that the answers above are unlikely to work.

My workaround will probably be to parse the RSS feed through PHP and allow the javascript to access my PHP rather than trying to access the end-destination feed itself.

Forcing a postback

By using Server.Transfer("YourCurrentPage.aspx"); we can easily acheive this and it is better than Response.Redirect(); coz Server.Transfer() will save you the round trip.

What do I use on linux to make a python program executable

Putting these lines at the starting of the code will tell your operating systems to look up the binary program needed for the execution of the python script i.e it is the python interpreter.

So it depends on your operating system where it keeps the python interpreter. As I have Ubuntu as operating system it keeps the python interpreter in /usr/bin/python so I have to write this line at the starting of my python script;


After completing and saving your code

  1. Start your command terminal

  2. Make sure the script lies in your present working directory

  3. Type chmod +x

  4. Now you can start the script by clicking the script. An alert box will appear; press "Run" or "Run in Terminal" in the alert box; or, at the terminal prompt, type ./

Combine a list of data frames into one data frame by row




dflist <- vector(length=10,mode="list")
for(i in 1:100)
  dflist[[i]] <- data.frame(a=runif(n=260),b=runif(n=260),

mb <- microbenchmark(



R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

> packageVersion("plyr")
[1] ‘1.8.4’
> packageVersion("dplyr")
[1] ‘0.5.0’
> packageVersion("data.table")
[1] ‘1.9.6’

UPDATE: Rerun 31-Jan-2018. Ran on the same computer. New versions of packages. Added seed for seed lovers.

enter image description here


dflist <- vector(length=10,mode="list")
for(i in 1:100)
  dflist[[i]] <- data.frame(a=runif(n=260),b=runif(n=260),

mb <- microbenchmark(


R version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

> packageVersion("plyr")
[1] ‘1.8.4’
> packageVersion("dplyr")
[1] ‘0.7.2’
> packageVersion("data.table")
[1] ‘1.10.4’

UPDATE: Rerun 06-Aug-2019.

enter image description here


dflist <- vector(length=10,mode="list")
for(i in 1:100)
  dflist[[i]] <- data.frame(a=runif(n=260),b=runif(n=260),

mb <- microbenchmark(


R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


>> packageVersion("plyr")
[1] ‘1.8.4’
>> packageVersion("dplyr")
[1] ‘0.8.3’
>> packageVersion("data.table")
[1] ‘1.12.2’
>> packageVersion("purrr")
[1] ‘0.3.2’

Convert Promise to Observable

You can also use a Subject and trigger its next() function from promise. See sample below:

Add code like below ( I used service )

class UserService {_x000D_
  private createUserSubject: Subject < any > ;_x000D_
  createUserWithEmailAndPassword() {_x000D_
    if (this.createUserSubject) {_x000D_
      return this.createUserSubject;_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      this.createUserSubject = new Subject < any > ();_x000D_
        .then(function(firebaseUser) {_x000D_
          // do something to update your UI component_x000D_
          // pass user object to UI component_x000D_
        .catch(function(error) {_x000D_
          // Handle Errors here._x000D_
          var errorCode = error.code;_x000D_
          var errorMessage = error.message;_x000D_
          // ..._x000D_

Create User From Component like below

class UserComponent {_x000D_
  constructor(private userService: UserService) {_x000D_
    this.userService.createUserWithEmailAndPassword().subscribe(user => console.log(user), error => console.log(error);_x000D_

How to convert decimal to hexadecimal in JavaScript

I haven't found a clear answer, without checks if it is negative or positive, that uses two's complement (negative numbers included). For that, I show my solution to one byte:

((0xFF + number +1) & 0x0FF).toString(16);

You can use this instruction to any number bytes, only you add FF in respective places. For example, to two bytes:

((0xFFFF + number +1) & 0x0FFFF).toString(16);

If you want cast an array integer to string hexadecimal:

s = "";
for(var i = 0; i < arrayNumber.length; ++i) {
    s += ((0xFF + arrayNumber[i] +1) & 0x0FF).toString(16);

Selenium using Java - The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.gecko.driver system property

Every Driver service in selenium calls the similar code(following is the firefox specific code) while creating the driver object

 protected File findDefaultExecutable() {
      return findExecutable(
        "geckodriver", GECKO_DRIVER_EXE_PROPERTY,

now for the driver that you want to use, you have to set the system property with the value of path to the driver executable.

for firefox GECKO_DRIVER_EXE_PROPERTY = "webdriver.gecko.driver" and this can be set before creating the driver object as below

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "./libs/geckodriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

vbscript output to console

You only need to force cscript instead wscript. I always use this template. The function ForceConsole() will execute your vbs into cscript, also you have nice alias to print and scan text.

 Set oWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 vbsInterpreter = "cscript.exe"

 Call ForceConsole()

 Function printf(txt)
    WScript.StdOut.WriteLine txt
 End Function

 Function printl(txt)
    WScript.StdOut.Write txt
 End Function

 Function scanf()
    scanf = LCase(WScript.StdIn.ReadLine)
 End Function

 Function wait(n)
    WScript.Sleep Int(n * 1000)
 End Function

 Function ForceConsole()
    If InStr(LCase(WScript.FullName), vbsInterpreter) = 0 Then
        oWSH.Run vbsInterpreter & " //NoLogo " & Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34)
    End If
 End Function

 Function cls()
    For i = 1 To 50
        printf ""
 End Function

 printf " _____ _ _           _____         _    _____         _     _   "
 printf "|  _  |_| |_ ___ ___|     |_ _ _ _| |  |   __|___ ___|_|___| |_ "
 printf "|     | | '_| . |   |   --| | | | . |  |__   |  _|  _| | . |  _|"
 printf "|__|__|_|_,_|___|_|_|_____|_____|___|  |_____|___|_| |_|  _|_|  "
 printf "                                                       |_|     v1.0"
 printl " Enter your name:"
 MyVar = scanf
 printf "Your name is: " & MyVar

.Net: How do I find the .NET version?

There is an easier way to get the exact version .NET version installed on your machine from a cmd prompt. Just follow the following instructions;

Open the command prompt (i.e Windows + R ? type “cmd”) and type the following command, all on one line: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\FrameWork, and then navigating to the directory with the latest version number.

Refer to

How to add a custom CA Root certificate to the CA Store used by pip in Windows?

Open Anaconda Navigator.

Go to File\Preferences.

Enable SSL verification Disable (not recommended)

or Enable and indicate SSL certificate path(Optional)

Update a package to a specific version:

Select Install on Top-Right

Select package click on tick

Mark for update

Mark for specific version installation

Click Apply

Postgres error on insert - ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00

This kind of error can also happen when using COPY and having an escaped string containing NULL values(00) such as:


If you use COPY without specifying the format 'CSV' postgres by default will assume format 'text'. This has a different interaction with backlashes, see text format.

If you're using COPY or a file_fdw make sure to specify format 'CSV' to avoid this kind of errors.

What is the "-->" operator in C/C++?

Actually, x is post-decrementing and with that condition is being checked. It's not -->, it's (x--) > 0

Note: value of x is changed after the condition is checked, because it post-decrementing. Some similar cases can also occur, for example:

-->    x-->0
++>    x++>0
-->=   x-->=0
++>=   x++>=0

Check whether a variable is a string in Ruby

foo.instance_of? String


foo.kind_of? String 

if you you only care if it is derrived from String somewhere up its inheritance chain

How to save an image to localStorage and display it on the next page?

You could serialize the image into a Data URI. There's a tutorial in this blog post. That will produce a string you can store in local storage. Then on the next page, use the data uri as the source of the image.

How can I create a table with borders in Android?

The stroke doubles up on the middel sections, I used this layer list drawable:

<layer-list xmlns:android="" >

 <item android:top="0dp" android:left="0dp" android:bottom="0dp" android:right="0dp">

     <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle">
       <solid android:color="@color/grey" />

<item android:top="1dp" android:left="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" android:right="1dp">

    <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle">
      <solid android:color="@color/lightgrey" />

background:none vs background:transparent what is the difference?

To complement the other answers: if you want to reset all background properties to their initial value (which includes background-color: transparent and background-image: none) without explicitly specifying any value such as transparent or none, you can do so by writing:

background: initial;

Vue equivalent of setTimeout?

There's no need for bind(this) when you are using arrow functions:

  setTimeout( ()=> {
    // some code
   }, 500)

What is context in _.each(list, iterator, [context])?

context is where this refers to in your iterator function. For example:

var person = {};
person.friends = {
  name1: true,
  name2: false,
  name3: true,
  name4: true

_.each(['name4', 'name2'], function(name){
  // this refers to the friends property of the person object
}, person.friends);

How do I temporarily disable triggers in PostgreSQL?

For disable trigger

ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE TRIGGER trigger_name

For enable trigger

ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE TRIGGER trigger_name

What is the difference between NULL, '\0' and 0?

(void*) 0 is NULL, and '\0' represents the end of a string.

Get query from java.sql.PreparedStatement

You can add log4jdbc to your project. This adds logging of sql commands as they execute + a lot of other information.

Mapping object to dictionary and vice versa

Reflection can take you from an object to a dictionary by iterating over the properties.

To go the other way, you'll have to use a dynamic ExpandoObject (which, in fact, already inherits from IDictionary, and so has done this for you) in C#, unless you can infer the type from the collection of entries in the dictionary somehow.

So, if you're in .NET 4.0 land, use an ExpandoObject, otherwise you've got a lot of work to do...

Escaping quotes and double quotes

Escaping parameters like that is usually source of frustration and feels a lot like a time wasted. I see you're on v2 so I would suggest using a technique that Joel "Jaykul" Bennet blogged about a while ago.

Long story short: you just wrap your string with @' ... '@ :

Start-Process \\server\toto.exe @'
-batch=B -param="sort1;parmtxt='Security ID=1234'"

(Mind that I assumed which quotes are needed, and which things you were attempting to escape.) If you want to work with the output, you may want to add the -NoNewWindow switch.

BTW: this was so important issue that since v3 you can use --% to stop the PowerShell parser from doing anything with your parameters:

\\server\toto.exe --% -batch=b -param="sort1;paramtxt='Security ID=1234'"

... should work fine there (with the same assumption).

/exclude in xcopy just for a file type

The /EXCLUDE: argument expects a file containing a list of excluded files.

So create a file called excludedfileslist.txt containing:


Then a command like this:

xcopy /r /d /i /s /y /exclude:excludedfileslist.txt C:\dev\apan C:\web\apan

Alternatively you could use Robocopy, but would require installing / copying a robocopy.exe to the machines.


An anonymous comment edit which simply stated "This Solution exclude also css file!"

This is true creating a excludedfileslist.txt file contain just:


(note no backslash on the end)

Will also exclude all of the following:

  • file1.cs
  • file2.css
  • dir1.cs\file3.txt
  • dir2\anyfile.cs.something.txt

Sometimes people don't read or understand the XCOPY command's help, here is an item I would like to highlight:

Using /exclude

  • List each string in a separate line in each file. If any of the listed strings match any part of the absolute path of the file to be copied, that file is then excluded from the copying process. For example, if you specify the string "\Obj\", you exclude all files underneath the Obj directory. If you specify the string ".obj", you exclude all files with the .obj extension.

As the example states it excludes "all files with the .obj extension" but it doesn't state that it also excludes files or directories named file1.obj.tmp or dir.obj.output\example2.txt.

There is a way around .css files being excluded also, change the excludedfileslist.txt file to contain just:


(note the backslash on the end).

Here is a complete test sequence for your reference:


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

C:\test1>md src
C:\test1>md dst
C:\test1>md src\dir1
C:\test1>md src\dir2.cs
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\file1.cs
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\file2.css
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\dir1\file3.txt
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\dir1\file4.cs.txt
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\dir2.cs\file5.txt

C:\test1>xcopy /r /i /s /y .\src .\dst
5 File(s) copied

C:\test1>echo .cs > excludedfileslist.txt
C:\test1>xcopy /r /i /s /y /exclude:excludedfileslist.txt .\src .\dst
1 File(s) copied

C:\test1>echo .cs\ > excludedfileslist.txt
C:\test1>xcopy /r /i /s /y /exclude:excludedfileslist.txt .\src .\dst
3 File(s) copied

This test was completed on a Windows 7 command line and retested on Windows 10 "10.0.14393".

Note that the last example does exclude .\src\dir2.cs\file5.txt which may or may not be unexpected for you.

How do I add 1 day to an NSDate?

update for swift 5

let nextDate = fromDate.addingTimeInterval(60*60*24)

How to search in array of object in mongodb

Use $elemMatch to find the array of particular object

db.users.findOne({"_id": id},{awards: {$elemMatch: {award:'Turing Award', year:1977}}})

UICollectionView cell selection and cell reuse

Anil was on the right track (his solution looks like it should work, I developed this solution independently of his). I still used the prepareForReuse: method to set the cell's selected to FALSE, then in the cellForItemAtIndexPath I check to see if the cell's index is in `collectionView.indexPathsForSelectedItems', if so, highlight it.

In the custom cell:

-(void)prepareForReuse {
    self.selected = FALSE;

In cellForItemAtIndexPath: to handle highlighting and dehighlighting reuse cells:

if ([collectionView.indexPathsForSelectedItems containsObject:indexPath]) {
    [collectionView selectItemAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:FALSE scrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionNone];
    // Select Cell
else {
    // Set cell to non-highlight

And then handle cell highlighting and dehighlighting in the didDeselectItemAtIndexPath: and didSelectItemAtIndexPath:

This works like a charm for me.

filename and line number of Python script

In Python 3 you can use a variation on:

def Deb(msg = None):
  print(f"Debug {sys._getframe().f_back.f_lineno}: {msg if msg is not None else ''}")

In code, you can then use:

Deb("Some useful information")

To produce:

123: Some useful information

Where the 123 and 124 are the lines that the calls are made from.

Bootstrap: Use .pull-right without having to hardcode a negative margin-top

just put #login-box before <h2>Welcome</h2> will be ok.

<div class='container'>
    <div class='hero-unit'>
        <div id='login-box' class='pull-right control-group'>
            <div class='clearfix'>
                <input type='text' placeholder='Username' />
            <div class='clearfix'>
                <input type='password' placeholder='Password' />
            <button type='button' class='btn btn-primary'>Log in</button>

        <p>Please log in</p>


here is jsfiddle

Converting string to date in mongodb

You can use the javascript in the second link provided by Ravi Khakhkhar or you are going to have to perform some string manipulation to convert your orginal string (as some of the special characters in your original format aren't being recognised as valid delimeters) but once you do that, you can use "new"

training:PRIMARY> Date()
Fri Jun 08 2012 13:53:03 GMT+0100 (IST)
training:PRIMARY> new Date()

training:PRIMARY> var start = new Date("21/May/2012:16:35:33 -0400")        => doesn't work
training:PRIMARY> start

training:PRIMARY> var start = new Date("21 May 2012:16:35:33 -0400")        => doesn't work    
training:PRIMARY> start

training:PRIMARY> var start = new Date("21 May 2012 16:35:33 -0400")        => works
training:PRIMARY> start

Here's some links that you may find useful (regarding modification of the data within the mongo shell) -

How to echo JSON in PHP

if you want to encode or decode an array from or to JSON you can use these functions

$myJSONString = json_encode($myArray);
$myArray = json_decode($myString);

json_encode will result in a JSON string, built from an (multi-dimensional) array. json_decode will result in an Array, built from a well formed JSON string

with json_decode you can take the results from the API and only output what you want, for example:

echo $myArray['payload']['ign'];

Find the most frequent number in a NumPy array

If you're willing to use SciPy:

>>> from scipy.stats import mode
>>> mode([1,2,3,1,2,1,1,1,3,2,2,1])
(array([ 1.]), array([ 6.]))
>>> most_frequent = mode([1,2,3,1,2,1,1,1,3,2,2,1])[0][0]
>>> most_frequent