Programs & Examples On #Purge

How do I purge a linux mail box with huge number of emails?

alternative way:

mail -N
d *

-N Inhibits the initial display of message headers when reading mail or editing a mail folder.
d * delete all mails

Purge Kafka Topic

kafka don't have direct method for purge/clean-up topic (Queues), but can do this via deleting that topic and recreate it.

first of make sure file has and if not add delete.topic.enable=true

then, Delete topic bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic myTopic

then create it again.

bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic myTopic --partitions 10 --replication-factor 2

Getting file size in Python?

You may use os.stat() function, which is a wrapper of system call stat():

import os

def getSize(filename):
    st = os.stat(filename)
    return st.st_size

How to parse JSON in Java

You need to use JsonNode and ObjectMapper class from the jackson library to fetch the nodes of your Json tree.Add the below dependency in your pom.xml to get an access to the Jackson classes.

<!-- -->

You shall give a try on the below code, this would work :

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

Class JsonNodeExtractor{

public void convertToJson(){

String filepath = "c:\\data.json";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode node =  mapper.readTree(filepath);

// create a JsonNode for every root or subroot element in the Json String
JsonNode pageInfoRoot = node.path("pageInfo");

// Fetching elements under 'pageInfo'
String pageName =  pageInfoRoot.path("pageName").asText();
String pagePic = pageInfoRoot.path("pagePic").asText();

// Now fetching elements under posts
JsonNode  postsNode = node.path("posts");
String post_id = postsNode .path("post_id").asText();
String nameOfPersonWhoPosted = postsNode 


How to change the length of a column in a SQL Server table via T-SQL

So, let's say you have this table:


And you want to change Col1 to VARCHAR(20). What you need to do is this:


That'll work without problems since the length of the column got bigger. If you wanted to change it to VARCHAR(5), then you'll first gonna need to make sure that there are not values with more chars on your column, otherwise that ALTER TABLE will fail.

Difference between Constructor and ngOnInit

Like a lot of other languages, you can initialize variables at the class level, the constructor, or a method. It is up to the developer to decide what is best in their particular case. But below are a list of best practices when it comes to deciding.

Class level variables

Usually, you will declare all your variables here that will be used in the rest of you component. You can initialize them if the value doesn't depend on anything else, or use const keyword to create constants if they will not change.

export class TestClass{
    let varA: string = "hello";


Normally it's best practice to not do anything in the constructor and just use it for classes that will be injected. Most of the time your constructor should look like this:

   constructor(private http: Http, private customService: CustomService) {}

this will automatically create the class level variables, so you will have access to customService.myMethod() without having to do it manually.


NgOnit is a lifecycle hook provided by the Angular 2 framework. Your component must implement OnInit in order to use it. This lifecycle hook gets called after the constructor is called and all the variables are initialized. The bulk of your initialization should go here. You will have the certainty that Angular has initialized your component correctly and you can start doing any logic you need in OnInit versus doing things when your component hasn't finished loading properly.

Here is an image detailing the order of what gets called:

enter image description here


If you are using Angular 2 framework and need to interact with certain lifecycle events, use the methods provided by the framework for this to avoid problems.

Java FileReader encoding issue

For another as Latin languages for example Cyrillic you can use something like this:

FileReader fr = new FileReader("src/text.txt", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

and be sure that your .txt file is saved with UTF-8 (but not as default ANSI) format. Cheers!

Android Push Notifications: Icon not displaying in notification, white square shown instead

Finally I've got the solution for this issue.

This issue occurs only when the app is not at all running. (neither in the background nor in the foreground). When the app runs on either foreground or background the notification icon is displayed properly.(not the white square)

So what we've to set is the same configuration for notification icon in Backend APIs as that of Frontend.

In the frontend we've used React Native and for push notification we've used react-native-fcm npm package.

FCM.on("notification", notif => {
       body: notif.fcm.body,
       title: notif.fcm.title,
       big_text: notif.fcm.body,
       priority: "high",
       large_icon: "notification_icon", // notification icon
       icon: "notification_icon",
       show_in_foreground: true,
       color: '#8bc34b',
       vibrate: 300,
       lights: true,
       status: notif.status

We've used fcm-push npm package using Node.js as a backend for push notification and set the payload structure as follows.

  to: '/topics/user', // required
  data: {
    message: 'test message',
    title: 'test title'
  notification: {
    title: 'test title',
    body: 'test message',
    icon : 'notification_icon', // same name as mentioned in the front end
    color : '#8bc34b',
    click_action : "BROADCAST"

What it basically searches for the notification_icon image stored locally in our Android system.

When using .net MVC RadioButtonFor(), how do you group so only one selection can be made?

In my case, I had a collection of radio buttons that needed to be in a group. I just included a 'Selected' property in the model. Then, in the loop to output the radiobuttons just do...

@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => Model.Selected, Model.Categories[i].Title)

This way, the name is the same for all radio buttons. When the form is posted, the 'Selected' property is equal to the category title (or id or whatever) and this can be used to update the binding on the relevant radiobutton, like this...

model.Categories.Find(m => m.Title.Equals(model.Selected)).Selected = true;

May not be the best way, but it does work.

What does "-ne" mean in bash?

"not equal" So in this case, $RESULT is tested to not be equal to zero.

However, the test is done numerically, not alphabetically:

n1 -ne n2     True if the integers n1 and n2 are not algebraically equal.

compared to:

s1 != s2      True if the strings s1 and s2 are not identical.

Catching multiple exception types in one catch block

Besides fall-through, it's also possible to step over by using goto. It's very useful if you want to see the world burn.


class A_Error extends Exception {}
class B_Error extends Exception {}
class C_Error extends Exception {}

try {
    throw new A_Error();
catch (A_Error $e) { goto abc; }
catch (B_Error $e) { goto abc; }
catch (C_Error $e) {
    echo "Gotta Catch 'Em All\n";

AngularJS: ng-show / ng-hide not working with `{{ }}` interpolation

The reference should not contain the braces:

<p ng-hide="">I could be shown, or I could be hidden</p>
<p ng-show="">I could be shown, or I could be hidden</p>

Angular expressions need to be within the curly-brace bindings, where as Angular directives do not.

See also Understanding Angular Templates.

git clone from another directory

cd /d c:\
git clone C:\folder1 folder2

From the documentation for git clone:

For local repositories, also supported by git natively, the following syntaxes may be used:



These two syntaxes are mostly equivalent, except the former implies --local option.

Writing to a file in a for loop

It's preferable to use context managers to close the files automatically

with open("new.txt", "r"), open('xyz.txt', 'w') as textfile, myfile:
    for line in textfile:
        var1, var2 = line.split(",");

Merging dataframes on index with pandas

You should be able to use join, which joins on the index as default. Given your desired result, you must use outer as the join type.

>>> df1.join(df2, how='outer')
            V1  V2
A 1/1/2012  12  15
  2/1/2012  14 NaN
  3/1/2012 NaN  21
B 1/1/2012  15  24
  2/1/2012   8   9
C 1/1/2012  17 NaN
  2/1/2012   9 NaN
D 1/1/2012 NaN   7
  2/1/2012 NaN  16

Signature: _.join(other, on=None, how='left', lsuffix='', rsuffix='', sort=False) Docstring: Join columns with other DataFrame either on index or on a key column. Efficiently Join multiple DataFrame objects by index at once by passing a list.

Is there a "between" function in C#?

What about

somenumber == Math.Max(0,Math.Min(10,somenumber));

returns true when somenumber is 5. returns false when somenumber is 11.

Test if number is odd or even

Try this one with #Input field

    //checking even and odd
    echo '<form action="" method="post">';
    echo "<input type='text' name='num'>\n";
    echo "<button type='submit' name='submit'>Check</button>\n";
    echo "</form>";

    $num = 0;
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
      if (empty($_POST["num"])) {
        $numErr = "<span style ='color: red;'>Number is required.</span>";
        echo $numErr;
      } else {
          $num = $_POST["num"];

    $even = ($num % 2 == 0);
    $odd = ($num % 2 != 0);
    if ($num > 0){
            echo "Number is even.";
        } else {
            echo "Number is odd.";
    } else {
        echo "Not a number.";

How to unblock with mysqladmin flush hosts

mysqladmin is not a SQL statement. It's a little helper utility program you'll find on your MySQL server... and "flush-hosts" is one of the things it can do. ("status" and "shutdown" are a couple of other things that come to mind).

You type that command from a shell prompt.

Alternately, from your query browser (such as phpMyAdmin), the SQL statement you're looking for is simply this:


XSLT getting last element

You need to put the last() indexing on the nodelist result, rather than as part of the selection criteria. Try:


The executable gets signed with invalid entitlements in Xcode

If the other good answers listed here aren't working for you, try opening Keychain Access and removing all 'iPhone Developer...' certificates other than the primary one you're using for code signing. I found that I had several revoked certificates, and certificates from my other teammates that needed to be deleted.

Android Studio Gradle Configuration with name 'default' not found

For me it turned out to be an relative symbolic link (to the referenced project) that couldn't be used by grade. (I was referencing a library). Thats a pretty edgy edge-case but maybe it helps someone in the future.

I solved it by putting a absolute symbolic link.

Before ln -s ../library after ln -s /the/full/path/to/the/library

How do I read the first line of a file using cat?

cat alone may not be possible, but if you don't want to use head this works:

 cat <file> | awk 'NR == 1'

Is it possible to indent JavaScript code in Notepad++?

JSTool is the best for stability.


  1. Select menu Plugins>Plugin Manager>Show Plugin Manager
  2. Check to JSTool checkbox > Install > Restart Notepad++
  3. Open js file > Plugins > JSTool > JSFormat


Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' while attempting to grant privileges. How do I grant privileges?

I had the same problem, i.e. all privileges granted for root:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'root'@'localhost'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Grants for root@localhost: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*[blabla]' WITH GRANT OPTION

...but still not allowed to create a table:

 create table t3(id int, txt varchar(50), primary key(id));
ERROR 1142 (42000): CREATE command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 't3'

Well, it was cause by an annoying user error, i.e. I didn't select a database. After issuing USE dbname it worked fine.

Why do we need middleware for async flow in Redux?

Abramov's goal - and everyone's ideally - is simply to encapsulate complexity (and async calls) in the place where it's most appropriate.

Where's the best place to do that in the standard Redux dataflow? How about:

  • Reducers? No way. They should be pure functions with no side-effects. Updating the store is serious, complicated business. Don't contaminate it.
  • Dumb View Components? Definitely No. They have one concern: presentation and user-interaction, and should be as simple as possible.
  • Container Components? Possible, but sub-optimal. It makes sense in that the container is a place where we encapsulate some view related complexity and interact with the store, but:
    • Containers do need to be more complex than dumb components, but it's still a single responsibility: providing bindings between view and state/store. Your async logic is a whole separate concern from that.
    • By placing it in a container, you'd be locking your async logic into a single context, for a single view/route. Bad idea. Ideally it's all reusable, and totally decoupled.
  • Some other Service Module? Bad idea: you'd need to inject access to the store, which is a maintainability/testability nightmare. Better to go with the grain of Redux and access the store only using the APIs/models provided.
  • Actions and the Middlewares that interpret them? Why not?! For starters, it's the only major option we have left. :-) More logically, the action system is decoupled execution logic that you can use from anywhere. It's got access to the store and can dispatch more actions. It has a single responsibility which is to organize the flow of control and data around the application, and most async fits right into that.
    • What about the Action Creators? Why not just do async in there, instead of in the actions themselves, and in Middleware?
      • First and most important, the creators don't have access to the store, as middleware does. That means you can't dispatch new contingent actions, can't read from the store to compose your async, etc.
      • So, keep complexity in a place that's complex of necessity, and keep everything else simple. The creators can then be simple, relatively pure functions that are easy to test.

Pandas: rolling mean by time interval

I just had the same question but with irregularly spaced datapoints. Resample is not really an option here. So I created my own function. Maybe it will be useful for others too:

from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np

def rolling_mean(data, window, min_periods=1, center=False):
    ''' Function that computes a rolling mean

    data : DataFrame or Series
           If a DataFrame is passed, the rolling_mean is computed for all columns.
    window : int or string
             If int is passed, window is the number of observations used for calculating 
             the statistic, as defined by the function pd.rolling_mean()
             If a string is passed, it must be a frequency string, e.g. '90S'. This is
             internally converted into a DateOffset object, representing the window size.
    min_periods : int
                  Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value.

    Series or DataFrame, if more than one column    
    def f(x):
        '''Function to apply that actually computes the rolling mean'''
        if center == False:
            dslice = col[x-pd.datetools.to_offset(window).delta+timedelta(0,0,1):x]
                # adding a microsecond because when slicing with labels start and endpoint
                # are inclusive
            dslice = col[x-pd.datetools.to_offset(window).delta/2+timedelta(0,0,1):
        if dslice.size < min_periods:
            return np.nan
            return dslice.mean()

    data = DataFrame(data.copy())
    dfout = DataFrame()
    if isinstance(window, int):
        dfout = pd.rolling_mean(data, window, min_periods=min_periods, center=center)
    elif isinstance(window, basestring):
        idx = Series(data.index.to_pydatetime(), index=data.index)
        for colname, col in data.iterkv():
            result = idx.apply(f)
   = colname
            dfout = dfout.join(result, how='outer')
    if dfout.columns.size == 1:
        dfout = dfout.ix[:,0]
    return dfout

# Example
idx = [datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 0),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 1),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 1, 30),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 2),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 4),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 5),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 5, 10),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 6),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 8),
       datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 9)]
idx = pd.Index(idx)
vals = np.arange(len(idx)).astype(float)
s = Series(vals, index=idx)
rm = rolling_mean(s, window='2min')

How do I pipe a subprocess call to a text file?

If you want to write the output to a file you can use the stdout-argument of

It takes None, subprocess.PIPE, a file object or a file descriptor. The first is the default, stdout is inherited from the parent (your script). The second allows you to pipe from one command/process to another. The third and fourth are what you want, to have the output written to a file.

You need to open a file with something like open and pass the object or file descriptor integer to call:

f = open("blah.txt", "w")["/home/myuser/", "/tmp/ad_xml",  "/tmp/video_xml"], stdout=f)

I'm guessing any valid file-like object would work, like a socket (gasp :)), but I've never tried.

As marcog mentions in the comments you might want to redirect stderr as well, you can redirect this to the same location as stdout with stderr=subprocess.STDOUT. Any of the above mentioned values works as well, you can redirect to different places.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function base_url() in C:\wamp\www\Test-CI\application\views\layout.php on line 5

just add

$autoload['helper'] = array('url');

in autoload.php in your config file

How do I unset an element in an array in javascript?

Don't use delete as it won't remove an element from an array it will only set it as undefined, which will then not be reflected correctly in the length of the array.

If you know the key you should use splice i.e.

myArray.splice(key, 1);

For someone in Steven's position you can try something like this:

for (var key in myArray) {
    if (key == 'bar') {
        myArray.splice(key, 1);


for (var key in myArray) {
    if (myArray[key] == 'bar') {
        myArray.splice(key, 1);

What is the difference between Step Into and Step Over in a debugger

Consider the following code with your current instruction pointer (the line that will be executed next, indicated by ->) at the f(x) line in g(), having been called by the g(2) line in main():

public class testprog {
    static void f (int x) {
        System.out.println ("num is " + (x+0)); // <- STEP INTO

    static void g (int x) {
->      f(x); //
        f(1); // <----------------------------------- STEP OVER

    public static void main (String args[]) {
        g(3); // <----------------------------------- STEP OUT OF

If you were to step into at that point, you will move to the println() line in f(), stepping into the function call.

If you were to step over at that point, you will move to the f(1) line in g(), stepping over the function call.

Another useful feature of debuggers is the step out of or step return. In that case, a step return will basically run you through the current function until you go back up one level. In other words, it will step through f(x) and f(1), then back out to the calling function to end up at g(3) in main().

Use index in pandas to plot data

Try this,

monthly_mean.plot(y='A', use_index=True)

Spring JPA selecting specific columns

I don't like the syntax particularly (it looks a little bit hacky...) but this is the most elegant solution I was able to find (it uses a custom JPQL query in the JPA repository class):

@Query("select new, d.filename) from Document d where d.filterCol = ?1")
List<Document> findDocumentsForListing(String filterValue);

Then of course, you just have to provide a constructor for Document that accepts docId & filename as constructor args.

List all the files and folders in a Directory with PHP recursive function

This is a little modification of majicks answer.
I just changed the array structure returned by the function.


array() => {
    [0] => "test/test.txt"


array() => {
    'test/test.txt' => "test.txt"

 * @param string $dir
 * @param bool   $recursive
 * @param string $basedir
 * @return array
function getFileListAsArray(string $dir, bool $recursive = true, string $basedir = ''): array {
    if ($dir == '') {
        return array();
    } else {
        $results = array();
        $subresults = array();
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        $dir = dirname($dir);
    } // so a files path can be sent
    if ($basedir == '') {
        $basedir = realpath($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

    $files = scandir($dir);
    foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
        if (($value != '.') && ($value != '..')) {
            $path = realpath($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
            if (is_dir($path)) { // do not combine with the next line or..
                if ($recursive) { // ..non-recursive list will include subdirs
                    $subdirresults = self::getFileListAsArray($path, $recursive, $basedir);
                    $results = array_merge($results, $subdirresults);
            } else { // strip basedir and add to subarray to separate file list
                $subresults[str_replace($basedir, '', $path)] = $value;
    // merge the subarray to give the list of files then subdirectory files
    if (count($subresults) > 0) {
        $results = array_merge($subresults, $results);
    return $results;

Might help for those having the exact same expected results like me.

Get specific line from text file using just shell script

Easy with perl! If you want to get line 1, 3 and 5 from a file, say /etc/passwd:

perl -e 'while(<>){if(++$l~~[1,3,5]){print}}' < /etc/passwd

How to apply multiple transforms in CSS?

Transform Rotate and Translate in single line css:-How?

    transform : rotate(270deg) translate(-50%, 0);    _x000D_
    -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg) translate(-50%, -50%);    _x000D_
    -moz-transform: rotate(270deg) translate(-50%, -50%);    _x000D_
    -ms-transform: rotate(270deg) translate(-50%, -50%);    _x000D_
    -o-transform: rotate(270deg) translate(-50%, -50%); _x000D_
<div class="className">_x000D_
  <span style="font-size:50px">A</span>_x000D_

How to update a git clone --mirror?

Regarding commits, refs, branches and "et cetera", Magnus answer just works (git remote update).

But unfortunately there is no way to clone / mirror / update the hooks, as I wanted...

I have found this very interesting thread about cloning/mirroring the hooks:

I learned:

  • The hooks are not considered part of the repository contents.

  • There is more data, like the .git/description folder, which does not get cloned, just as the hooks.

  • The default hooks that appear in the hooks dir comes from the TEMPLATE_DIR

  • There is this interesting template feature on git.

So, I may either ignore this "clone the hooks thing", or go for a rsync strategy, given the purposes of my mirror (backup + source for other clones, only).

Well... I will just forget about hooks cloning, and stick to the git remote update way.

  • Sehe has just pointed out that not only "hooks" aren't managed by the clone / update process, but also stashes, rerere, etc... So, for a strict backup, rsync or equivalent would really be the way to go. As this is not really necessary in my case (I can afford not having hooks, stashes, and so on), like I said, I will stick to the remote update.

Thanks! Improved a bit of my own "git-fu"... :-)

How to check String in response body with mockMvc

Here is an example how to parse JSON response and even how to send a request with a bean in JSON form:

  protected MockMvc mvc;

  private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper()
    .configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false)
    .configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
    .registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());

  public static String requestBody(Object request) {
    try {
      return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(request);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

  public static <T> T parseResponse(MvcResult result, Class<T> responseClass) {
    try {
      String contentAsString = result.getResponse().getContentAsString();
      return MAPPER.readValue(contentAsString, responseClass);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

  public void testUpdate() {
    Book book = new Book();
    MvcResult requestResult = mvc.perform(post("")
    UpdateBookResponse updateBookResponse = parseResponse(requestResult, UpdateBookResponse.class);
    assertEquals("1984", updateBookResponse.getTitle());
    assertEquals("Orwell", updateBookResponse.getAuthor());

As you can see here the Book is a request DTO and the UpdateBookResponse is a response object parsed from JSON. You may want to change the Jackson's ObjectMapper configuration.

Batch script: how to check for admin rights

>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"&&(
 echo admin...

Check if a radio button is checked jquery

try this

if($('input:radio:checked').length > 0){
// go on with script

How can I access getSupportFragmentManager() in a fragment?

((AppCompatActivity) getActivity()).getSupportFragmentManager()

Remove file extension from a file name string

This implementation should work.

string file = "abc.txt";
string fileNoExtension = file.Replace(".txt", "");

Get button click inside UITableViewCell

Swift 2.2

You need to add target for that button.

myButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ClassName.FunctionName(_:), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)

FunctionName: connected // for example

And of course you need to set tag of that button since you are using it.

myButton.tag = indexPath.row

You can achieve this by subclassing UITableViewCell. Use it in interface builder, drop a button on that cell, connect it via outlet and there you go.

To get the tag in the connected function:

func connected(sender: UIButton) {
    let buttonTag = sender.tag
    // Do any additional setup

How to require a controller in an angularjs directive

There is a good stackoverflow answer here by Mark Rajcok:

AngularJS directive controllers requiring parent directive controllers?

with a link to this very clear jsFiddle:

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <div screen>
        <div component>
            <div widget>
                <button ng-click="widgetIt()">Woo Hoo</button>


var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[])

.directive('screen', function() {
    return {
        scope: true,
        controller: function() {
            this.doSomethingScreeny = function() {

.directive('component', function() {
    return {
        scope: true,
        require: '^screen',
        controller: function($scope) {
            this.componentFunction = function() {
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, screenCtrl) {
            scope.screenCtrl = screenCtrl

.directive('widget', function() {
    return {
        scope: true,
        require: "^component",
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, componentCtrl) {
            scope.widgetIt = function() {

//myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {});
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});

function MyCtrl($scope) {
    $ = 'Superhero';

How to fetch JSON file in Angular 2

In Angular 5

you can just say


This will give you Observable<Example>

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered

I'm having same problem. I try to install office 2010 64bit on windows 7 64 bit and then install 2007 Office System Driver : Data Connectivity Components.

after that, visual studio 2008 can opens a connection to an MS-Access 2007 database file.

How to execute a * .PY file from a * .IPYNB file on the Jupyter notebook?

the below lines would also work


Using BufferedReader to read Text File

You can assign the result of br.readLine() to a variable and use that both for processing and for checking, like so:

String line = br.readLine();
while (line != null) { // You might also want to check for empty?
    line = br.readLine();


if not exists (select * from sysobjects where name='cars' and xtype='U')
    create table cars (
        Name varchar(64) not null

The above will create a table called cars if the table does not already exist.

Difference between SurfaceView and View?

One of the main differences between surfaceview and view is that to refresh the screen for a normal view we have to call invalidate method from the same thread where the view is defined. But even if we call invalidate, the refreshing does not happen immediately. It occurs only after the next arrival of the VSYNC signal. VSYNC signal is a kernel generated signal which happens every 16.6 ms or this is also known as 60 frame per second. So if we want more control over the refreshing of the screen (for example for very fast moving animation), we should not use normal view class.

On the other hand in case of surfaceview, we can refresh the screen as fast as we want and we can do it from a background thread. So refreshing of the surfaceview really does not depend upon VSYNC, and this is very useful if we want to do high speed animation. I have few training videos and example application which explain all these things nicely. Please have a look at the following training videos.

CMake not able to find OpenSSL library

Just for fun ill post an alternative working answer for the OP's question:

cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl/ -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/

How to add text to an existing div with jquery

$(function () {_x000D_
  $('#Add').click(function () {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
 <div id="Content">_x000D_
    <button id="Add">Add<button>_x000D_

Iterating through map in template

As Herman pointed out, you can get the index and element from each iteration.

{{range $index, $element := .}}{{$index}}
{{range $element}}{{.Value}}

Working example:

package main

import (

type EntetiesClass struct {
    Name string
    Value int32

// In the template, we use rangeStruct to turn our struct values
// into a slice we can iterate over
var htmlTemplate = `{{range $index, $element := .}}{{$index}}
{{range $element}}{{.Value}}

func main() {
    data := map[string][]EntetiesClass{
        "Yoga": {{"Yoga", 15}, {"Yoga", 51}},
        "Pilates": {{"Pilates", 3}, {"Pilates", 6}, {"Pilates", 9}},

    t := template.New("t")
    t, err := t.Parse(htmlTemplate)
    if err != nil {

    err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, data)
    if err != nil {






How can I write data attributes using Angular?

About access

<ol class="viewer-nav">
    <li *ngFor="let section of sections" 
        {{ section.text }}


get_data(event) {

Is it possible to disable scrolling on a ViewPager

A simple solution is to create your own subclass of ViewPager that has a private boolean flag, isPagingEnabled. Then override the onTouchEvent and onInterceptTouchEvent methods. If isPagingEnabled equals true invoke the super method, otherwise return.

public class CustomViewPager extends ViewPager {

    private boolean isPagingEnabled = true;

    public CustomViewPager(Context context) {

    public CustomViewPager(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        return this.isPagingEnabled && super.onTouchEvent(event);

    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        return this.isPagingEnabled && super.onInterceptTouchEvent(event);

    public void setPagingEnabled(boolean b) {
        this.isPagingEnabled = b;

Then in your Layout.XML file replace any <> tags with <com.yourpackage.CustomViewPager> tags.

This code was adapted from this blog post.

How to redirect to action from JavaScript method?

I wish that I could just comment on yojimbo87's answer to post this, but I don't have enough reputation to comment yet. It was pointed out that this relative path only works from the root:

        window.location.href = "/{controller}/{action}/{params}";

Just wanted to confirm that you can use @Url.Content to provide the absolute path:

function DeleteJob() {
    if (confirm("Do you really want to delete selected job/s?"))
        window.location.href = '@Url.Content("~/{controller}/{action}/{params}")';
        return false;

Solution to "subquery returns more than 1 row" error

You can use in():

select * 
from table
where id in (multiple row query)

or use a join:

select distinct t.* 
from source_of_id_table s
join table t on = s.t_id
where <conditions for source_of_id_table>

The join is never a worse choice for performance, and depending on the exact situation and the database you're using, can give much better performance.

How to show Error & Warning Message Box in .NET/ How to Customize MessageBox

  "your message",
  "window title", 
  MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk //For Info Asterisk
  MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation //For triangle Warning 

"Uncaught Error: [$injector:unpr]" with angular after deployment

I had the same problem but the issue was a different one, I was trying to create a service and pass $scope to it as a parameter.
That's another way to get this error as the documentation of that link says:

Attempting to inject a scope object into anything that's not a controller or a directive, for example a service, will also throw an Unknown provider: $scopeProvider <- $scope error. This might happen if one mistakenly registers a controller as a service, ex.:

angular.module('myModule', [])
       .service('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
        // This controller throws an unknown provider error because
        // a scope object cannot be injected into a service.

Running multiple commands with xargs

This seems to be the safest version.

tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$@"; command2 "$@";' ''

(-0 can be removed and the tr replaced with a redirect (or the file can be replaced with a null separated file instead). It is mainly in there since I mainly use xargs with find with -print0 output) (This might also be relevant on xargs versions without the -0 extension)

It is safe, since args will pass the parameters to the shell as an array when executing it. The shell (at least bash) would then pass them as an unaltered array to the other processes when all are obtained using ["$@"][1]

If you use ...| xargs -r0 -I{} bash -c 'f="{}"; command "$f";' '', the assignment will fail if the string contains double quotes. This is true for every variant using -i or -I. (Due to it being replaced into a string, you can always inject commands by inserting unexpected characters (like quotes, backticks or dollar signs) into the input data)

If the commands can only take one parameter at a time:

tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 -n1 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$@"; command2 "$@";' ''

Or with somewhat less processes:

tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 /bin/bash -c 'for f in "$@"; do command1 "$f"; command2 "$f"; done;' ''

If you have GNU xargs or another with the -P extension and you want to run 32 processes in parallel, each with not more than 10 parameters for each command:

tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 -n10 -P32 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$@"; command2 "$@";' ''

This should be robust against any special characters in the input. (If the input is null separated.) The tr version will get some invalid input if some of the lines contain newlines, but that is unavoidable with a newline separated file.

The blank first parameter for bash -c is due to this: (From the bash man page) (Thanks @clacke)

-c   If the -c option is present, then  commands  are  read  from  the  first  non-option  argument  com-
     mand_string.   If there are arguments after the command_string, the first argument is assigned to $0
     and any remaining arguments are assigned to the positional parameters.  The assignment  to  $0  sets
     the name of the shell, which is used in warning and error messages.

Abstract Class vs Interface in C++

interface were primarily made popular by Java.
Below are the nature of interface and its C++ equivalents:

  1. interface can contain only body-less abstract methods; C++ equivalent is pure virtual methods, though they can/cannot have body
  2. interface can contain only static final data members; C++ equivalent is static const data members which are compile time constants
  3. Multiple interface can be implemented by a Java class, this facility is needed because a Java class can inherit only 1 class; C++ supports multiple inheritance straight away with help of virtual keyword when needed

Because of point 3 interface concept was never formally introduced in C++. Still one can have a flexibility to do that.

Besides this you can refer Bjarne's FAQ on this topic.

Get DateTime.Now with milliseconds precision

public long millis() {
  return (long.MaxValue + DateTime.Now.ToBinary()) / 10000;

If you want microseconds, just change 10000 to 10, and if you want the 10th of micro, delete / 10000.

Python IndentationError: unexpected indent

Simply copy your script and put under """ your entire code """ ...

specify this line in a variable.. like,

a = """ your entire code """
print a.replace('    ','    ') # first 4 spaces tab second four space from space bar

print a.replace('here please press tab button it will insert some space"," here simply press space bar four times")
# here we replacing tab space by four char space as per pep 8 style guide..

now execute this code, in sublime using ctrl+b, now it will print indented code in console. that's it

WorksheetFunction.CountA - not working post upgrade to Office 2010

It may be obvious but, by stating the Range and not including which workbook or worksheet then it may be trying to CountA() on a different sheet entirely. I find to fully address these things saves a lot of headaches.

C++ cout hex values?

There are different kinds of flags & masks you can use as well. Please refer for more information.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int num = 255;
    cout.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);
    cout << "Hex: " << num << endl;

    cout << "Original format: " << num << endl;

    return 0;

Array of char* should end at '\0' or "\0"?

Well, technically '\0' is a character while "\0" is a string, so if you're checking for the null termination character the former is correct. However, as Chris Lutz points out in his answer, your comparison won't work in it's current form.

What should I do when 'svn cleanup' fails?

I had the exact same problem. I couldn't commit, and cleanup would fail.

Using a command-line client I was able to see an error message indicating that it was failing to move a file from .svn/props to .svn/prop-base.

I looked at the specific file and found that it was marked read-only. After removing the read-only attribute I was able to cleanup the folder and the commit my changes.

get current date from [NSDate date] but set the time to 10:00 am

I just set the timezone with Matthias Bauch answer And it worked for me. else it was adding 18:30 min more.

let cal: NSCalendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
cal.timeZone = NSTimeZone(forSecondsFromGMT: 0)
let newDate: NSDate = cal.dateBySettingHour(1, minute: 0, second: 0, ofDate: NSDate(), options: NSCalendarOptions())!

How to get the instance id from within an ec2 instance?

See the EC2 documentation on the subject.


wget -q -O -

If you need programmatic access to the instance ID from within a script,

die() { status=$1; shift; echo "FATAL: $*"; exit $status; }
EC2_INSTANCE_ID="`wget -q -O - || die \"wget instance-id has failed: $?\"`"

Here is an example of a more advanced use (retrieve instance ID as well as availability zone and region, etc.):

EC2_INSTANCE_ID="`wget -q -O - || die \"wget instance-id has failed: $?\"`"
test -n "$EC2_INSTANCE_ID" || die 'cannot obtain instance-id'
EC2_AVAIL_ZONE="`wget -q -O - || die \"wget availability-zone has failed: $?\"`"
test -n "$EC2_AVAIL_ZONE" || die 'cannot obtain availability-zone'
EC2_REGION="`echo \"$EC2_AVAIL_ZONE\" | sed -e 's:\([0-9][0-9]*\)[a-z]*\$:\\1:'`"

You may also use curl instead of wget, depending on what is installed on your platform.

Using MySQL with Entity Framework

You would need a mapping provider for MySQL. That is an extra thing the Entity Framework needs to make the magic happen. This blog talks about other mapping providers besides the one Microsoft is supplying. I haven't found any mentionings of MySQL.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init()

For Ubuntu

Install Curl extension for PHP & restart apache server.

sudo apt-get install php5-curl
sudo service apache2 restart

For Windows

Problem arises because of not including the lib_curl.dll to PHP. also load following extension if not working,so those extension in php.ini or remove comment if already exist in php.ini file then remove comment.


Now restart apache server. If you get an error "Unable to Load php_curl.dll", copy SSLEAY32.PHP, libEAY32.dll (OpenSSL) Libraries to the System32 folder.

Sort arrays of primitive types in descending order

Below is my solution, you can adapt it to your needs.

How does it work? It takes an array of integers as arguments. After that it will create a new array which will contain the same values as the array from the arguments. The reason of doing this is to leave the original array intact.

Once the new array contains the copied data, we sort it by swapping the values until the condition if(newArr[i] < newArr[i+1]) evaluates to false. That means the array is sorted in descending order.

For a thorough explanation check my blog post here.

public static int[] sortDescending(int[] array)
    int[] newArr = new int[array.length];

    for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
        newArr[i] = array[i];

    boolean flag = true;
    int tempValue;

        flag = false;

        for(int i = 0; i < newArr.length - 1; i++) 
            if(newArr[i] < newArr[i+1])
                tempValue = newArr[i];
                newArr[i] = newArr[i+1];
                newArr[i+1] = tempValue;
                flag = true;

    return newArr;

Split a large pandas dataframe

Be aware that np.array_split(df, 3) splits the dataframe into 3 sub-dataframes, while the split_dataframe function defined in @elixir's answer, when called as split_dataframe(df, chunk_size=3), splits the dataframe every chunk_size rows.


With np.array_split:

df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], columns=['TEST'])
df_split = np.array_split(df, 3) get 3 sub-dataframes:

df_split[0] # 1, 2, 3, 4
df_split[1] # 5, 6, 7, 8
df_split[2] # 9, 10, 11

With split_dataframe:

df_split2 = split_dataframe(df, chunk_size=3) get 4 sub-dataframes:

df_split2[0] # 1, 2, 3
df_split2[1] # 4, 5, 6
df_split2[2] # 7, 8, 9
df_split2[3] # 10, 11

Hope I'm right, and that this is useful.

Storing Images in PostgreSQL

In the database, there are two options:

  • bytea. Stores the data in a column, exported as part of a backup. Uses standard database functions to save and retrieve. Recommended for your needs.
  • blobs. Stores the data externally, not normally exported as part of a backup. Requires special database functions to save and retrieve.

I've used bytea columns with great success in the past storing 10+gb of images with thousands of rows. PG's TOAST functionality pretty much negates any advantage that blobs have. You'll need to include metadata columns in either case for filename, content-type, dimensions, etc.

Twitter Bootstrap 3, vertically center content

You can use display:inline-block instead of float and vertical-align:middle with this CSS:

.col-lg-4, .col-lg-8 {

The demo

Insert php variable in a href

Try using printf function or the concatination operator

Dynamically add child components in React

You need to pass your components as children, like this:

var App = require('./App.js');
var SampleComponent = require('./SampleComponent.js');
        <SampleComponent name="SomeName"/> 

And then append them in the component's body:

var App = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
                <h1>App main component! </h1>

You don't need to manually manipulate HTML code, React will do that for you. If you want to add some child components, you just need to change props or state it depends. For example:

var App = React.createClass({

    getInitialState: function(){
        return [
            {id:1,name:"Some Name"}

    addChild: function() {
        // State change will cause component re-render
            {id:2,name:"Another Name"}

    render: function() {
        return (
                <h1>App main component! </h1>
                <button onClick={this.addChild}>Add component</button>
           => (
                        <SampleComponent key={} name={}/>


Linear regression with matplotlib / numpy

This code:

from scipy.stats import linregress

linregress(x,y) #x and y are arrays or lists.

gives out a list with the following:

slope : float
slope of the regression line
intercept : float
intercept of the regression line
r-value : float
correlation coefficient
p-value : float
two-sided p-value for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is that the slope is zero
stderr : float
Standard error of the estimate


Can Windows' built-in ZIP compression be scripted?

Here'a my attempt to summarize built-in capabilities windows for compression and uncompression - How can I compress (/ zip ) and uncompress (/ unzip ) files and folders with batch file without using any external tools?

with a few given solutions that should work on almost every windows machine.

As regards to the shell.application and WSH I preferred the jscript as it allows a hybrid batch/jscript file (with .bat extension) that not require temp files.I've put unzip and zip capabilities in one file plus a few more features.

JSON response parsing in Javascript to get key/value pair

Try the JSON Parser by Douglas Crockford at github. You can then simply create a JSON object out of your String variable as shown below:

var JSONText = '{"c":{"a":[{"name":"cable - black","value":2},{"name":"case","value":2}]},"o":{"v":[{"name":"over the ear headphones - white/purple","value":1}]},"l":{"e":[{"name":"lens cleaner","value":1}]},"h":{"d":[{"name":"hdmi cable","value":1},{"name":"hdtv essentials (hdtv cable setup)","value":1},{"name":"hd dvd \u0026 blue-ray disc lens cleaner","value":1}]}'

var JSONObject = JSON.parse(JSONText);
var c = JSONObject["c"];
var o = JSONObject["o"];

How to calculate the median of an array?

Try sorting the array first. Then after it's sorted, if the array has an even amount of elements the mean of the middle two is the median, if it has a odd number, the middle element is the median.

dropping a global temporary table

-- First Truncate temporary table

-- Then Drop temporary table
SQL> DROP TABLE test_temp1;

I need to know how to get my program to output the word i typed in and also the new rearranged word using a 2D array

  1. What exactly doesn't work?
  2. Why are you using a 2d array?
  3. If you must use a 2d array:

    int numOfPairs = 10;  String[][] array = new String[numOfPairs][2]; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){     for(int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++){         array[i] = new String[2];         array[i][0] = "original word";         array[i][1] = "rearranged word";     }    } 

Does this give you a hint?

CSS transition fade on hover

I recommend you to use an unordered list for your image gallery.

You should use my code unless you want the image to gain instantly 50% opacity after you hover out. You will have a smoother transition.

#photos li {
    opacity: .5;
    transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -moz-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -webkit-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -o-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;

#photos li:hover {
    opacity: 1;

Change x axes scale in matplotlib

Try using matplotlib.pyplot.ticklabel_format:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0))

This applies scientific notation (i.e. a x 10^b) to your x-axis tickmarks

Get all child elements

Yes, you can achieve it by find_elements_by_css_selector("*") or find_elements_by_xpath(".//*").

However, this doesn't sound like a valid use case to find all children of an element. It is an expensive operation to get all direct/indirect children. Please further explain what you are trying to do. There should be a better way.

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

header = driver.find_element_by_id("header")

# start from your target element, here for example, "header"
all_children_by_css = header.find_elements_by_css_selector("*")
all_children_by_xpath = header.find_elements_by_xpath(".//*")

print 'len(all_children_by_css): ' + str(len(all_children_by_css))
print 'len(all_children_by_xpath): ' + str(len(all_children_by_xpath))

How to screenshot website in JavaScript client-side / how Google did it? (no need to access HDD)

I needed to snapshot a div on the page (for a webapp I wrote) that is protected by JWT's and makes very heavy use of Angular.

I had no luck with any of the above methods.

I ended up taking the outerHTML of the div I needed, cleaning it up a little (*) and then sending it to the server where I run wkhtmltopdf against it.

This is working very well for me.

(*) various input devices in my pages didn't render as checked or have their text values when viewed in the pdf... So I run a little bit of jQuery on the html before I send it up for rendering. ex: for text input items -- I copy their .val()'s into 'value' attributes, which then can be seen by wkhtmlpdf

Check if an element is a child of a parent

Vanilla 1-liner for IE8+:

parent !== child && parent.contains(child);

Here, how it works:

function contains(parent, child) {_x000D_
  return parent !== child && parent.contains(child);_x000D_
var parentEl = document.querySelector('#parent'),_x000D_
    childEl = document.querySelector('#child')_x000D_
if (contains(parentEl, childEl)) {_x000D_
  document.querySelector('#result').innerText = 'I confirm, that child is within parent el';_x000D_
if (!contains(childEl, parentEl)) {_x000D_
  document.querySelector('#result').innerText += ' and parent is not within child';_x000D_
<div id="parent">_x000D_
        <td><span id="child"></span></td>_x000D_
<div id="result"></div>

Find a pair of elements from an array whose sum equals a given number

My Solution - Java - Without duplicates

    public static void printAllPairSum(int[] a, int x){
    System.out.printf("printAllPairSum(%s,%d)\n", Arrays.toString(a),x);
    int length = a.length;
    Map<Integer,Integer> reverseMapOfArray = new HashMap<>(length,1.0f);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        reverseMapOfArray.put(a[i], i);

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        Integer j = reverseMapOfArray.get(x - a[i]);
        if(j!=null && i<j){
            System.out.printf("a[%d] + a[%d] = %d + %d = %d\n",i,j,a[i],a[j],x);

Why do we use Base64?

Base64 instead of escaping special characters

I'll give you a very different but real example: I write javascript code to be run in a browser. HTML tags have ID values, but there are constraints on what characters are valid in an ID.

But I want my ID to losslessly refer to files in my file system. Files in reality can have all manner of weird and wonderful characters in them from exclamation marks, accented characters, tilde, even emoji! I cannot do this:

<div id="/path/to/my_strangely_named_file!@().jpg">
    <img src="!@().jpg">
    Here's a pic I took in Moscow.

Suppose I want to run some code like this:


I think this code will fail when executed.

With Base64 I can refer to something complicated without worrying about which language allows what special characters and which need escaping:


Unlike using an MD5 or some other hashing function, you can reverse the encoding to find out what exactly the data was that actually useful.

I wish I knew about Base64 years ago. I would have avoided tearing my hair out with ‘encodeURIComponent’ and str.replace(‘\n’,’\\n’)

SSH transfer of text:

If you're trying to pass complex data over ssh (e.g. a dotfile so you can get your shell personalizations), good luck doing it without Base 64. This is how you would do it with base 64 (I know you can use SCP, but that would take multiple commands - which complicates key bindings for sshing into a server):

Can someone give an example of cosine similarity, in a very simple, graphical way?

Here are two very short texts to compare:

  1. Julie loves me more than Linda loves me

  2. Jane likes me more than Julie loves me

We want to know how similar these texts are, purely in terms of word counts (and ignoring word order). We begin by making a list of the words from both texts:

me Julie loves Linda than more likes Jane

Now we count the number of times each of these words appears in each text:

   me   2   2
 Jane   0   1
Julie   1   1
Linda   1   0
likes   0   1
loves   2   1
 more   1   1
 than   1   1

We are not interested in the words themselves though. We are interested only in those two vertical vectors of counts. For instance, there are two instances of 'me' in each text. We are going to decide how close these two texts are to each other by calculating one function of those two vectors, namely the cosine of the angle between them.

The two vectors are, again:

a: [2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1]

b: [2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

The cosine of the angle between them is about 0.822.

These vectors are 8-dimensional. A virtue of using cosine similarity is clearly that it converts a question that is beyond human ability to visualise to one that can be. In this case you can think of this as the angle of about 35 degrees which is some 'distance' from zero or perfect agreement.

WebSocket connection failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400

I solved this by changing transports from 'websocket' to 'polling'

   var socket = io.connect('', {
      transports: ['polling']

How to build x86 and/or x64 on Windows from command line with CMAKE?



// x86

// x64

How to show and update echo on same line

Well I did not read correctly the man echo page for this.

echo had 2 options that could do this if I added a 3rd escape character.

The 2 options are -n and -e.

-n will not output the trailing newline. So that saves me from going to a new line each time I echo something.

-e will allow me to interpret backslash escape symbols.

Guess what escape symbol I want to use for this: \r. Yes, carriage return would send me back to the start and it will visually look like I am updating on the same line.

So the echo line would look like this:

echo -ne "Movie $movies - $dir ADDED!"\\r

I had to escape the escape symbol so Bash would not kill it. that is why you see 2 \ symbols in there.

As mentioned by William, printf can also do similar (and even more extensive) tasks like this.

Copying a HashMap in Java

Since the OP has mentioned he does not have access to the base class inside of which exists a HashMap - I am afraid there are very few options available.

One (painfully slow and resource intensive) way of performing a deep copy of an object in Java is to abuse the 'Serializable' interface which many classes either intentionally - or unintentionally extend - and then utilise this to serialise your class to ByteStream. Upon de-serialisation you will have a deep copy of the object in question.

A guide for this can be found here:

How to display HTML tags as plain text

As many others have said, htmlentities() will do the trick... but it will look like shit.

Wrap it up with a <pre> tag and you'll preserve your indentation.

echo '<pre>';
echo htmlspecialchars($YOUR_HTML);
echo '</pre>';

CORS: Cannot use wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin when credentials flag is true

(Edit) The previously recomended add-on is not available any longer, you may try this other one

For development purposes in Chrome, installing this add on will get rid of that specific error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' 
from origin 'http://localhost:8080' has been blocked by CORS policy: The value of the 
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' 
when the request's credentials mode is 'include'. The credentials mode of requests 
initiated by the XMLHttpRequest is controlled by the withCredentials attribute.

After installing, make sure you add your url pattern to the Intercepted URLs by clicking on the AddOn's (CORS, green or red) icon and filling the appropriate textbox. An example URL pattern to add here that will work with http://localhost:8080 would be: *://*

Remove the newline character in a list read from a file

You can use the strip() function to remove trailing (and leading) whitespace; passing it an argument will let you specify which whitespace:

for i in range(len(lists)):

It looks like you can just simplify the whole block though, since if your file stores one ID per line grades is just lists with newlines stripped:


lists = files.readlines()
grades = []

for i in range(len(lists)):


grades = [x.strip() for x in files.readlines()]

(the above is a list comprehension)

Finally, you can loop over a list directly, instead of using an index:


for i in range(len(grades)):
    # do something with grades[i]


for thisGrade in grades:
    # do something with thisGrade

Detect and exclude outliers in Pandas data frame

Since I haven't seen an answer that deal with numerical and non-numerical attributes, here is a complement answer.

You might want to drop the outliers only on numerical attributes (categorical variables can hardly be outliers).

Function definition

I have extended @tanemaki's suggestion to handle data when non-numeric attributes are also present:

from scipy import stats

def drop_numerical_outliers(df, z_thresh=3):
    # Constrains will contain `True` or `False` depending on if it is a value below the threshold.
    constrains = df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]) \
        .apply(lambda x: np.abs(stats.zscore(x)) < z_thresh, reduce=False) \
    # Drop (inplace) values set to be rejected
    df.drop(df.index[~constrains], inplace=True)




Imagine a dataset df with some values about houses: alley, land contour, sale price, ... E.g: Data Documentation

First, you want to visualise the data on a scatter graph (with z-score Thresh=3):

# Plot data before dropping those greater than z-score 3. 
# The scatterAreaVsPrice function's definition has been removed for readability's sake.

Before - Gr Liv Area Versus SalePrice

# Drop the outliers on every attributes

# Plot the result. All outliers were dropped. Note that the red points are not
# the same outliers from the first plot, but the new computed outliers based on the new data-frame.

After - Gr Liv Area Versus SalePrice

Hibernate: ids for this class must be manually assigned before calling save()

your id attribute is not set. this MAY be due to the fact that the DB field is not set to auto increment? what DB are you using? MySQL? is your field set to AUTO INCREMENT?

pip install from git repo branch

Using pip with git+ to clone a repository can be extremely slow (test with for example, it will take a few minutes). The fastest thing I've found, which works with GitHub and BitBucket, is:

pip install

which becomes for Django master:

pip install

for Django stable/1.7.x:

pip install

With BitBucket it's about the same predictable pattern:

pip install

Here, the master branch is generally named default. This will make your requirements.txt installing much faster.

Some other answers mention variations required when placing the package to be installed into your requirements.txt. Note that with this archive syntax, the leading -e and trailing #egg=blah-blah are not required, and you can just simply paste the URL, so your requirements.txt looks like:

Creating a Zoom Effect on an image on hover using CSS?

.item:hover img 
 -moz-transform: scale(1.3);
 -webkit-transform: scale(1.3);
 transform: scale(1.3);

this way you can zoom any image with simple animation. If you need a complete tutorial here is a official tutorial:

Label axes on Seaborn Barplot

You can also set the title of your chart by adding the title parameter as follows

ax.set(xlabel='common xlabel', ylabel='common ylabel', title='some title')

What are the differences between Mustache.js and Handlebars.js?

One more subtle difference is the treatment of falsy values in {{#property}}...{{/property}} blocks. Most mustache implementations will just obey JS falsiness here, not rendering the block if property is '' or '0'.

Handlebars will render the block for '' and 0, but not other falsy values. This can cause some trouble when migrating templates.

How to use jQuery Plugin with Angular 4?

Try using - declare let $ :any;

or import * as $ from 'jquery/dist/jquery.min.js'; provide exact path of the lib

trim left characters in sql server?

To remove the left-most word, you'll need to use either RIGHT or SUBSTRING. Assuming you know how many characters are involved, that would look either of the following:

SELECT RIGHT('Hello World', 5)
SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello World', 6, 100)

If you don't know how many characters that first word has, you'll need to find out using CHARINDEX, then substitute that value back into SUBSTRING:

SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello World', CHARINDEX(' ', 'Hello World') + 1, 100)

This finds the position of the first space, then takes the remaining characters to the right.

Field 'id' doesn't have a default value?

There are 2 solutions mentioned below:

Solution 1

MySQL is most likely in STRICT SQL mode. Try to execute SQL query SET GLOBAL sql_mode='' or edit your my.cnf / my.ini to make sure you aren't setting STRICT_ALL_TABLES and/or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES.

Solution 2

If Solution-1 is not working then try Solution-2 as given in below steps:

  1. Run MySQL Administrator tool as Administrator.
  2. Then go to Startup Variable.
  3. Then go to the Advance tab.
  4. find SQL Mode and remove the STRICT_ALL_TABLES and/or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES and then Click on Apply Changes.
  5. Restart MySQL Server.
  6. Done.

Note: I have tested these solutions in MySQL Server 5.7

Use jQuery to hide a DIV when the user clicks outside of it

Toggle for regular and touch devices

I read some answers here a while back and created some code I use for div's that function as popup bubbles.


    if($('#popupBubble').css('display') === 'block'){
        $(document).bind('mousedown touchstart', function(e){
            if($('#openPopupBubble').is( || $('#openPopupBubble').find('*').is({
            else if(!$('#popupBubble').find('*').is({

You can also make this more abstract using classes and select the correct popup bubble based on the button that triggered the click event.

$('body').on('click', '.openPopupBubble', function(){

    if($(this).next('.popupBubble').css('display') === 'block'){
        $(document).bind('mousedown touchstart', function(e){
            if($(this).is( || $(this).find('*').is({
            else if(!$(this).next('.popupBubble').find('*').is({

How to negate the whole regex?

Assuming you only want to disallow strings that match the regex completely (i.e., mmbla is okay, but mm isn't), this is what you want:


(?!(?:m{2}|t)$) is a negative lookahead; it says "starting from the current position, the next few characters are not mm or t, followed by the end of the string." The start anchor (^) at the beginning ensures that the lookahead is applied at the beginning of the string. If that succeeds, the .* goes ahead and consumes the string.

FYI, if you're using Java's matches() method, you don't really need the the ^ and the final $, but they don't do any harm. The $ inside the lookahead is required, though.

C# Return Different Types?

You can have the return type to be a superclass of the three classes (either defined by you or just use object). Then you can return any one of those objects, but you will need to cast it back to the correct type when getting the result. Like:

public object GetAnything()
     Hello hello = new Hello();
     Computer computer = new Computer();
     Radio radio = new Radio();

     return radio; or return computer; or return hello //should be possible?!      


Hello hello = (Hello)getAnything(); 

How to "select distinct" across multiple data frame columns in pandas?

I've tried different solutions. First was:

a_df=np.unique(df[['col1','col2']], axis=0)

and it works well for not object data Another way to do this and to avoid error (for object columns type) is to apply drop_duplicates()


You can also use SQL to do this, but it worked very slow in my case:

from pandasql import sqldf
q="""SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2 FROM df;"""
pysqldf = lambda q: sqldf(q, globals())
a_df = pysqldf(q)

How to safely open/close files in python 2.4

Here is example given which so how to use open and "python close

from sys import argv
print "filename %r" %(filename)
print "Change the file name"
print "New file name %r" %(file_again)

It's necessary to how many times you opened file have to close that times.

Sending emails through SMTP with PHPMailer

As far as I can see everything is right with your code. Your error is:

SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.

Which means that the credentials you've sending are rejected by the SMTP server. Make sure the host, port, username and password are good.

If you want to use STARTTLS, try adding:

$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';

If you want to use SMTPS (SSL), try adding:

$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';

Keep in mind that:

  • Some SMTP servers can forbid connections from "outsiders".
  • Some SMTP servers don't support SSL (or TLS) connections.

Maybe this example can help (GMail secure SMTP).


How to git-svn clone the last n revisions from a Subversion repository?

You've already discovered the simplest way to specify a shallow clone in Git-SVN, by specifying the SVN revision number that you want to start your clone at ( -r$REV:HEAD).

For example: git svn clone -s -r1450:HEAD some/svn/repo

Git's data structure is based on pointers in a directed acyclic graph (DAG), which makes it trivial to walk back n commits. But in SVN ( and therefore in Git-SVN) you will have to find the revision number yourself.

How to check if a string contains only numbers?

Use IsNumeric Function :


If you want to validate a phone number you should use a regular expression, for example:

^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{3})$

How to rotate the background image in the container?


.reverse {
  transform: rotate(180deg);

.rotate {
  animation-duration: .5s;
  animation-iteration-count: 1;
  animation-name: yoyo;
  animation-timing-function: linear;

@keyframes yoyo {
  from { transform: rotate(  0deg); }
  to   { transform: rotate(360deg); }


$(buttonElement).click(function () {

  return false

$(buttonElement).hover(function () {
}, function() {

PS: I've found this somewhere else but don't remember the source

making a paragraph in html contain a text from a file

Javascript will do the trick here.

function load() {
    var file = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://remote.tld/random.txt", true);
    file.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if (file.readyState === 4) {  // Makes sure the document is ready to parse
        if (file.status === 200) {  // Makes sure it's found the file
          text = file.responseText;
          document.getElementById("div1").innerHTML = text;

window.onLoad = load();

size of uint8, uint16 and uint32?

It's quite unclear how you are computing the size ("the size in debug mode"?").

Use printf():

printf("the size of c is %u\n", (unsigned int) sizeof c);

Normally you'd print a size_t value (which is the type sizeof returns) with %zu, but if you're using a pre-C99 compiler like Visual Studio that won't work.

You need to find the typedef statements in your code that define the custom names like uint8 and so on; those are not standard so nobody here can know how they're defined in your code.

New C code should use <stdint.h> which gives you uint8_t and so on.

SMTPAuthenticationError when sending mail using gmail and python

I have just sent an email with gmail through Python. Try to use smtplib.SMTP_SSL to make the connection. Also, you may try to change the gmail domain and port.

So, you may get a chance with:

server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465)
server.login(gmail_user, password)
server.sendmail(gmail_user, TO, BODY)

As a plus, you could check the email builtin module. In this way, you can improve the readability of you your code and handle emails headers easily.

How to set up Spark on Windows?

The guide by Ani Menon (thx!) almost worked for me on windows 10, i just had to get a newer winutils.exe off that git (currently hadoop-2.8.1):

Java: splitting the filename into a base and extension

Maybe you could use String#split

To answer your comment:

I'm not sure if there can be more than one . in a filename, but whatever, even if there are more dots you can use the split. Consider e.g. that:

String input = "";

String[] result = input.split(".");

This will return an array containing:

{ "boo", "and", "foo" }

So you will know that the last index in the array is the extension and all others are the base.

Ansible - Use default if a variable is not defined

The question is quite old, but what about:

- hosts: 'localhost'
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ ( a | default({})).get('nested', {}).get('var','bar') }}"

It looks less cumbersome to me...

Format Date/Time in XAML in Silverlight

For me this worked:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Date , StringFormat=g}" Width="130"/>

If want to show seconds also using G instead of g :

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Date , StringFormat=G}" Width="130"/>

Also if want for changing date type to another like Persian , using Language :

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Date , StringFormat=G}" Width="130" Language="fa-IR"/>

Regex to Match Symbols: !$%^&*()_+|~-=`{}[]:";'<>?,./




This creates a character class removing the word characters, space characters, and adding back the underscore character (as underscore is a "word" character). All that is left is the special characters. Capital letters represent the negation of their lowercase counterparts.

\W will select all non "word" characters equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
\S will select all non "whitespace" characters equivalent to [ \t\n\r\f\v]
_ will select "_" because we negate it when using the \W and need to add it back in

How do I tokenize a string in C++?

If you're using C++ ranges - the full ranges-v3 library, not the limited functionality accepted into C++20 - you could do it this way:

auto results = str | ranges::views::tokenize(" ",1);

... and this is lazily-evaluated, i.e. O(1) time and space. You can alternatively set a vector to this range:

auto results = str | ranges::views::tokenize(" ",1) | to<std::vector>();

this will take O(m) space and O(n) time if str has n characters making up m words.

See also the library's own tokenization example, here.

How to convert List to Json in Java

Use GSON library for that. Here is the sample code

List<String> foo = new ArrayList<String>();

String json = new Gson().toJson(foo );

Here is the maven dependency for Gson

    <!--  Gson: Java to Json conversion -->

Or you can directly download jar from here and put it in your class path

To send Json to client you can use spring or in simple servlet add this code

response.getWriter().write(json); - <customErrors mode="Off"/> error when trying to access working webpage

You should only have one <system.web> in your Web.Config Configuration File.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <customErrors mode="Off"/>
    <compilation debug="true"/>
    <authentication mode="None"/>

Remove part of string in Java

Kotlin Solution

If you are removing a specific string from the end, use removeSuffix (Documentation)

var text = "one(two"
text = text.removeSuffix("(two") // "one"

If the suffix does not exist in the string, it just returns the original

var text = "one(three"
text = text.removeSuffix("(two") // "one(three"

If you want to remove after a character, use

// Each results in "one"

text = text.replaceAfter("(", "").dropLast(1) // You should check char is present before `dropLast`
// or
text = text.removeRange(text.indexOf("("), text.length)
// or
text = text.replaceRange(text.indexOf("("), text.length, "")

You can also check out removePrefix, removeRange, removeSurrounding, and replaceAfterLast which are similar

The Full List is here: (Documentation)

Possible to iterate backwards through a foreach?

Sometimes you don't have the luxury of indexing, or perhaps you want to reverse the results of a Linq query, or maybe you don't want to modify the source collection, if any of these are true, Linq can help you.

A Linq extension method using anonymous types with Linq Select to provide a sorting key for Linq OrderByDescending;

    public static IEnumerable<T> Invert<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
        var transform = source.Select(
            (o, i) => new
                Index = i,
                Object = o

        return transform.OrderByDescending(o => o.Index)
                        .Select(o => o.Object);


    var eable = new[]{ "a", "b", "c" };

    foreach(var o in eable.Invert())

    // "c", "b", "a"

It is named "Invert" because it is synonymous with "Reverse" and enables disambiguation with the List Reverse implementation.

It is possible to reverse certain ranges of a collection too, since Int32.MinValue and Int32.MaxValue are out of the range of any kind of collection index, we can leverage them for the ordering process; if an element index is below the given range, it is assigned Int32.MaxValue so that its order doesn't change when using OrderByDescending, similarly, elements at an index greater than the given range, will be assigned Int32.MinValue, so that they appear to the end of the ordering process. All elements within the given range are assigned their normal index and are reversed accordingly.

    public static IEnumerable<T> Invert<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int index, int count)
        var transform = source.Select(
            (o, i) => new
                Index = i < index ? Int32.MaxValue : i >= index + count ? Int32.MinValue : i,
                Object = o

        return transform.OrderByDescending(o => o.Index)
                        .Select(o => o.Object);


    var eable = new[]{ "a", "b", "c", "d" };

    foreach(var o in eable.Invert(1, 2))

    // "a", "c", "b", "d"

I'm not sure of the performance hits of these Linq implementations versus using a temporary List to wrap a collection for reversing.

At time of writing, I was not aware of Linq's own Reverse implementation, still, it was fun working this out.

Scrolling to element using webdriver?


driver.execute_script("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", driver.find_element_by_css_selector(.your_css_selector))

This one always works for me for any type of selectors. There is also the Actions class, but for this case, it is not so reliable.

Notepad++ Setting for Disabling Auto-open Previous Files

Ok, I had a problem with Notepad++ not remembering that I had chosen not the "Remember Current Session". I tried hacking the config file, but that didn't work. Then I found out that there is a secret config file in your C:\Users\myuseraccount\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ directory (Windows 7 x64). Mine was empty, meaning who know where the config was really coming from, but I copied over the file with the one in C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++ and now everything works just like you would expect it to.

Load a HTML page within another HTML page

If you are looking for a popup in the page, that is not a new browser window, then I would take a look at the various "LightBox" implementations in Javascript.

Could not find a base address that matches scheme https for the endpoint with binding WebHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are [http]

You would need to enable https binding on server side. IISExpress in this case. Select Properties on website project in solution explorer (not double click). In the properties pane then you need to enable SSL.

How to use regex with find command?

Simple way - you can specify .* in the beginning because find matches the whole path.

$ find . -regextype egrep -regex '.*[a-f0-9\-]{36}\.jpg$'

find version

$ find --version
find (GNU findutils) 4.6.0
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by Eric B. Decker, James Youngman, and Kevin Dalley.
Features enabled: D_TYPE O_NOFOLLOW(enabled) LEAF_OPTIMISATION 

How to define optional methods in Swift protocol?

Since there are some answers about how to use optional modifier and @objc attribute to define optional requirement protocol, I will give a sample about how to use protocol extensions define optional protocol.

Below code is Swift 3.*.

/// Protocol has empty default implementation of the following methods making them optional to implement:
/// `cancel()`
protocol Cancelable {

    /// default implementation is empty.
    func cancel()

extension Cancelable {

    func cancel() {}

class Plane: Cancelable {
  //Since cancel() have default implementation, that is optional to class Plane

let plane = Plane()
// Print out *United Airlines can't cancelable*

Please notice protocol extension methods can't invoked by Objective-C code, and worse is Swift team won't fix it.

Error :- java runtime environment JRE or java development kit must be available in order to run eclipse

This problem is because of the fact that eclipse is not able to find Java ,

Check the java directory cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines///Contents/Home/jre/bin

If thats not present down JDK from

Once JDK is installed change eclipse.ini file

On Mac: Right click on Eclipse icon and click "Show package Content"

Navigate to eclipse>Contents>Eclipse>eclipse.ini

Open the file and replace the java path after "-vm" with this


Is it possible to append Series to rows of DataFrame without making a list first?

DataFrame.append does not modify the DataFrame in place. You need to do df = df.append(...) if you want to reassign it back to the original variable.

Eclipse copy/paste entire line keyboard shortcut

I am using Windows 7. To disable that all I did is to Right click on the Windows desktop and select "Graphics Properties" ->Options. Then selected "Off" at the left side on the resulting screen. This disabled all hotkey combination. I think there is no way to disable only some them, its all or none. Anyway I didn't need them. So now crtl+Alt+Up and Crtl+Alt+down works for me in Eclipse and my screen stays same :) I think similar option also exist in other versions of Windows. Have fun :)

How do DATETIME values work in SQLite?

SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values:

TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS"). REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar. INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Applications can chose to store dates and times in any of these formats and freely convert between formats using the built-in date and time functions.

Having said that, I would use INTEGER and store seconds since Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).

How to invoke a Linux shell command from Java

exec does not execute a command in your shell


Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"csh","-c","cat /home/narek/pk.txt"});


EDIT:: I don't have csh on my system so I used bash instead. The following worked for me

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"bash","-c","ls /home/XXX"});

Add a space (" ") after an element using :after

There can be a problem with "\00a0" in pseudo-elements because it takes the text-decoration of its defining element, so that, for example, if the defining element is underlined, then the white space of the pseudo-element is also underlined.

The easiest way to deal with this is to define the opacity of the pseudo-element to be zero, eg:

  content: "_";
  opacity: 0;

Pretty printing XML with javascript

You can get pretty formatted xml with xml-beautify

var prettyXmlText = new XmlBeautify().beautify(xmlText, 
                    {indent: "  ",useSelfClosingElement: true});

indent:indent pattern like white spaces

useSelfClosingElement: true=>use self-closing element when empty element.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><example version="2.0">
  <head><title>Original aTitle</title></head>
  <body info="none" ></body>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<example version="2.0">
    <title>Original aTitle</title>
  <body info="none" />

VBA - Select columns using numbers?

You can specify addresses as "R1C2" instead of "B2". Under File -> Options -> Formuals -> Workingg with Formulas there is a toggle R1C1 reference style. which can be set, as illustrated below.

enter image description here

Change content of div - jQuery

Try $('#score_here').html=total;

How to get the public IP address of a user in C#

On MVC 5 you can use this:

string cIpAddress = Request.UserHostAddress; //Gets the client ip address


string cIpAddress = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; //Gets the client ip address

What is a stored procedure?

In a DBMS, a stored procedure is a set of SQL statements with an assigned name that's stored in the database in compiled form so that it can be shared by a number of programs.

The use of a stored procedure can be helpful in

  1. Providing a controlled access to data (end users can only enter or change data, but can't write procedures)

  2. Ensuring data integrity (data would be entered in a consistent manner) and

  3. Improves productivity (the statements of a stored procedure need to be written only once)

The multi-part identifier could not be bound

I was having the same error from JDBC. Checked everything and my query was fine. Turned out, in where clause I have an argument:

where s.some_column = ?

And the value of the argument I was passing in was null. This also gives the same error which is misleading because when you search the internet you end up that something is wrong with the query structure but it's not in my case. Just thought someone may face the same issue

How to automatically generate a stacktrace when my program crashes

For Linux and I believe Mac OS X, if you're using gcc, or any compiler that uses glibc, you can use the backtrace() functions in execinfo.h to print a stacktrace and exit gracefully when you get a segmentation fault. Documentation can be found in the libc manual.

Here's an example program that installs a SIGSEGV handler and prints a stacktrace to stderr when it segfaults. The baz() function here causes the segfault that triggers the handler:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void handler(int sig) {
  void *array[10];
  size_t size;

  // get void*'s for all entries on the stack
  size = backtrace(array, 10);

  // print out all the frames to stderr
  fprintf(stderr, "Error: signal %d:\n", sig);
  backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, STDERR_FILENO);

void baz() {
 int *foo = (int*)-1; // make a bad pointer
  printf("%d\n", *foo);       // causes segfault

void bar() { baz(); }
void foo() { bar(); }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  signal(SIGSEGV, handler);   // install our handler
  foo(); // this will call foo, bar, and baz.  baz segfaults.

Compiling with -g -rdynamic gets you symbol info in your output, which glibc can use to make a nice stacktrace:

$ gcc -g -rdynamic ./test.c -o test

Executing this gets you this output:

$ ./test
Error: signal 11:

This shows the load module, offset, and function that each frame in the stack came from. Here you can see the signal handler on top of the stack, and the libc functions before main in addition to main, foo, bar, and baz.

validate natural input number with ngpattern

This is working

<form name="myform" ng-submit="create()">
    <input type="number"
    <span  ng-show="myform.price_field.$error.pattern">Not valid number!</span>
    <input type="submit" class="btn">

JPQL SELECT between date statement

Try this query (replace t.eventsDate with e.eventsDate):

SELECT e FROM Events e WHERE e.eventsDate BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate

Android Shared preferences for creating one time activity (example)

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
editor.putInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), newHighScore);

Javascript: how to validate dates in format MM-DD-YYYY?

You can simplify it somewhat by changing the first two lines of the function to this:

var matches = this.match(/^([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})$/);

Or, just change the parameter to the RegExp constructor to be


Get div to take up 100% body height, minus fixed-height header and footer

Trying to calculate the header and footer is bad :( A design should be simple, self explanatory. Plain easy. Calculations are just...not easy. Not easy for human and a bit hard on machines.

What you're looking for is a subset of the Holy Grail design.

Here's an implementation using the flex display. It includes side bars in addition to the footer and header. Enjoy:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html style="height: 100%">
    <meta charset=utf-8 />
    <title>Holy Grail</title>
    <!-- Reset browser defaults -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css">
  <body style="display: flex; height: 100%; flex-direction: column">
    <!-- No need for 'flex-direction: row' because it's the default value -->
    <div style="display: flex; flex: 1">
      <div style="flex: 1; overflow: auto">
        CONTENT - START<br/>
        for (var i=0 ; i<1000 ; ++i) {
          document.write(" Very long content!");
        <br/>CONTENT - END

receiver type *** for instance message is a forward declaration

Check if you imported the header files of classes that are throwing this error.

AWS S3 CLI - Could not connect to the endpoint URL

  1. Check the .aws directory under home directory. Windows: C:\Users<home-name>.aws Linux: ~/.aws

  2. Under this directory, you will find the config as well as credentials file. It will have the information from the aws configure that you may have run before. IF not, then

  3. Run aws configure Enter the access key - secret key - enter secret key region - (ap-southeast-1 or us-east-1 or any other regions) format - (json or leave it blank, it will pick up default values you may simply hit enter)

  4. From the Step 2, you should see the config file, open it, it should have the region. Please ensure there is region specified.

  5. You may now run the following command to list the buckets aws s3 ls It should work fine.

Mocking member variables of a class using Mockito

I had the same issue where a private value was not set because Mockito does not call super constructors. Here is how I augment mocking with reflection.

First, I created a TestUtils class that contains many helpful utils including these reflection methods. Reflection access is a bit wonky to implement each time. I created these methods to test code on projects that, for one reason or another, had no mocking package and I was not invited to include it.

public class TestUtils {
    // get a static class value
    public static Object reflectValue(Class<?> classToReflect, String fieldNameValueToFetch) {
        try {
            Field reflectField  = reflectField(classToReflect, fieldNameValueToFetch);
            Object reflectValue = reflectField.get(classToReflect);
            return reflectValue;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Failed to reflect "+fieldNameValueToFetch);
        return null;
    // get an instance value
    public static Object reflectValue(Object objToReflect, String fieldNameValueToFetch) {
        try {
            Field reflectField  = reflectField(objToReflect.getClass(), fieldNameValueToFetch);
            Object reflectValue = reflectField.get(objToReflect);
            return reflectValue;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Failed to reflect "+fieldNameValueToFetch);
        return null;
    // find a field in the class tree
    public static Field reflectField(Class<?> classToReflect, String fieldNameValueToFetch) {
        try {
            Field reflectField = null;
            Class<?> classForReflect = classToReflect;
            do {
                try {
                    reflectField = classForReflect.getDeclaredField(fieldNameValueToFetch);
                } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
                    classForReflect = classForReflect.getSuperclass();
            } while (reflectField==null || classForReflect==null);
            return reflectField;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Failed to reflect "+fieldNameValueToFetch +" from "+ classToReflect);
        return null;
    // set a value with no setter
    public static void refectSetValue(Object objToReflect, String fieldNameToSet, Object valueToSet) {
        try {
            Field reflectField  = reflectField(objToReflect.getClass(), fieldNameToSet);
            reflectField.set(objToReflect, valueToSet);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Failed to reflectively set "+ fieldNameToSet +"="+ valueToSet);


Then I can test the class with a private variable like this. This is useful for mocking deep in class trees that you have no control as well.

public void testWithRectiveMock() throws Exception {
    // mock the base class using Mockito
    ClassToMock mock = Mockito.mock(ClassToMock.class);
    TestUtils.refectSetValue(mock, "privateVariable", "newValue");
    // and this does not prevent normal mocking
    // ... then do your asserts

I modified my code from my actual project here, in page. There could be a compile issue or two. I think you get the general idea. Feel free to grab the code and use it if you find it useful.

mysql: see all open connections to a given database?

The command is


Unfortunately, it has no narrowing parameters. If you need them you can do it from the command line:

mysqladmin processlist | grep database-name

How-to turn off all SSL checks for postman for a specific site

enter image description here

click here in settings, one pop up window will get open. There we have switcher to make SSL verification certificate (Off)

Limit length of characters in a regular expression?

Is there a way to limit a regex to 100 characters WITH regex?

Your example suggests that you'd like to grab a number from inside the regex and then use this number to place a maximum length on another part that is matched later in the regex. This usually isn't possible in a single pass. Your best bet is to have two separate regular expressions:

  • one to match the maximum length you'd like to use
  • one which uses the previously extracted value to verify that its own match does not exceed the specified length

If you just want to limit the number of characters matched by an expression, most regular expressions support bounds by using braces. For instance,


will match (US) phone numbers: exactly three digits, then a hyphen, then exactly three digits, then another hyphen, then exactly four digits.

Likewise, you can set upper or lower limits:


means "at least 5, but not more than 10 digits".

Update: The OP clarified that he's trying to limit the value, not the length. My new answer is don't use regular expressions for that. Extract the value, then compare it against the maximum you extracted from the size parameter. It's much less error-prone.

get all keys set in memcached


To get list of keys in Bash, follow the these steps.

First, define the following wrapper function to make it simple to use (copy and paste into shell):

function memcmd() {
  exec {memcache}<>/dev/tcp/localhost/11211
  printf "%s\n%s\n" "$*" quit >&${memcache}
  cat <&${memcache}

Memcached 1.4.31 and above

You can use lru_crawler metadump all command to dump (most of) the metadata for (all of) the items in the cache.

As opposed to cachedump, it does not cause severe performance problems and has no limits on the amount of keys that can be dumped.

Example command by using the previously defined function:

memcmd lru_crawler metadump all

See: ReleaseNotes1431.

Memcached 1.4.30 and below

Get list of slabs by using items statistics command, e.g.:

memcmd stats items

For each slub class, you can get list of items by specifying slub id along with limit number (0 - unlimited):

memcmd stats cachedump 1 0
memcmd stats cachedump 2 0
memcmd stats cachedump 3 0
memcmd stats cachedump 4 0

Note: You need to do this for each memcached server.

To list all the keys from all stubs, here is the one-liner (per one server):

for id in $(memcmd stats items | grep -o ":[0-9]\+:" | tr -d : | sort -nu); do
    memcmd stats cachedump $id 0

Note: The above command could cause severe performance problems while accessing the items, so it's not advised to run on live.


stats cachedump only dumps the HOT_LRU (IIRC?), which is managed by a background thread as activity happens. This means under a new enough version which the 2Q algo enabled, you'll get snapshot views of what's in just one of the LRU's.

If you want to view everything, lru_crawler metadump 1 (or lru_crawler metadump all) is the new mostly-officially-supported method that will asynchronously dump as many keys as you want. you'll get them out of order but it hits all LRU's, and unless you're deleting/replacing items multiple runs should yield the same results.

Source: GH-405.


Round to 5 (or other number) in Python

Next multiple of 5

Consider 51 needs to be converted to 55:

code here

mark = 51;
r = 100 - mark;
a = r%5;
new_mark = mark + a;

How to access the first property of a Javascript object?

No. An object literal, as defined by MDC is:

a list of zero or more pairs of property names and associated values of an object, enclosed in curly braces ({}).

Therefore an object literal is not an array, and you can only access the properties using their explicit name or a for loop using the in keyword.

Are nested try/except blocks in Python a good programming practice?

Your first example is perfectly fine. Even the official Python documentation recommends this style known as EAFP.

Personally, I prefer to avoid nesting when it's not necessary:

def __getattribute__(self, item):
        return object.__getattribute__(item)
    except AttributeError:
        pass  # Fallback to dict
        return self.dict[item]
    except KeyError:
        raise AttributeError("The object doesn't have such attribute") from None

PS. has_key() has been deprecated for a long time in Python 2. Use item in self.dict instead.

How to return multiple values in one column (T-SQL)?

You can either loop through the rows with a cursor and append to a field in a temp table, or you could use the COALESCE function to concatenate the fields.

AWS Lambda import module error in python

If you are uploading a zip file. Make sure that you are zipping the contents of the directory and not the directory itself.

How can I import Swift code to Objective-C?

Search for "Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name" in the Build Settings of the target you're trying to build (let's say it's MyApp-Swift.h), and import the value of this setting (#import "MyApp-Swift.h") in the source file where you're trying to access your Swift APIs.

The default value for this field is $(SWIFT_MODULE_NAME)-Swift.h. You can see it if you double-click in the value field of the "Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name" setting.

Also, if you have dashes in your module name (let's say it's My-App), then in the $(SWIFT_MODULE_NAME) all dashes will be replaced with underscores. So then you'll have to add #import "My_App-Swift.h".

Check if passed argument is file or directory in Bash

That should work. I am not sure why it's failing. You're quoting your variables properly. What happens if you use this script with double [[ ]]?

if [[ -d $PASSED ]]; then
    echo "$PASSED is a directory"
elif [[ -f $PASSED ]]; then
    echo "$PASSED is a file"
    echo "$PASSED is not valid"
    exit 1

Double square brackets is a bash extension to [ ]. It doesn't require variables to be quoted, not even if they contain spaces.

Also worth trying: -e to test if a path exists without testing what type of file it is.

load external URL into modal jquery ui dialog

var page = "";

var $dialog = $('<div></div>')
               .html('<iframe style="border: 0px; " src="' + page + '" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>')
                   autoOpen: false,
                   modal: true,
                   height: 625,
                   width: 500,
                   title: "Some title"

Use this inside a function. This is great if you really want to load an external URL as an IFRAME. Also make sure that in you custom jqueryUI you have the dialog.

Getting list of parameter names inside python function

Well we don't actually need inspect here.

>>> func = lambda x, y: (x, y)
>>> func.__code__.co_argcount
>>> func.__code__.co_varnames
('x', 'y')
>>> def func2(x,y=3):
...  print(func2.__code__.co_varnames)
...  pass # Other things
>>> func2(3,3)
('x', 'y')
>>> func2.__defaults__

For Python 2.5 and older, use func_code instead of __code__, and func_defaults instead of __defaults__.

How to create a JPA query with LEFT OUTER JOIN

Normally the ON clause comes from the mapping's join columns, but the JPA 2.1 draft allows for additional conditions in a new ON clause.


How to move div vertically down using CSS

A standard width space for a standard 16px font is 4px.


How to override equals method in Java

public boolean equals(Object that){
  if(this == that) return true;//if both of them points the same address in memory

  if(!(that instanceof People)) return false; // if "that" is not a People or a childclass

  People thatPeople = (People)that; // than we can cast it to People safely

  return && this.age == thatPeople.age;// if they have the same name and same age, then the 2 objects are equal unless they're pointing to different memory adresses

How to output (to a log) a multi-level array in a format that is human-readable?

This will help you

echo '<pre>';

$output = print_r($array,1);

echo '</pre>';


using echo '<pre>'; is useless, but var_export($var); will do the thing which you are expecting.

How to combine class and ID in CSS selector?

There are differences between #header .callout and #header.callout in css.

Here is the "plain English" of #header .callout:
Select all elements with the class name callout that are descendants of the element with an ID of header.

And #header.callout means:
Select the element which has an ID of header and also a class name of callout.

You can read more here css tricks

Programmatically getting the MAC of an Android device

Taken from the Android sources here. This is the actual code that shows your MAC ADDRESS in the system's settings app.

private void refreshWifiInfo() {
    WifiInfo wifiInfo = mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo();

    Preference wifiMacAddressPref = findPreference(KEY_MAC_ADDRESS);
    String macAddress = wifiInfo == null ? null : wifiInfo.getMacAddress();
    wifiMacAddressPref.setSummary(!TextUtils.isEmpty(macAddress) ? macAddress
            : getActivity().getString(R.string.status_unavailable));

    Preference wifiIpAddressPref = findPreference(KEY_CURRENT_IP_ADDRESS);
    String ipAddress = Utils.getWifiIpAddresses(getActivity());
    wifiIpAddressPref.setSummary(ipAddress == null ?
            getActivity().getString(R.string.status_unavailable) : ipAddress);

Is it possible to use argsort in descending order?

You can use the flip commands numpy.flipud() or numpy.fliplr() to get the indexes in descending order after sorting using the argsort command. Thats what I usually do.

Deprecated Java HttpClient - How hard can it be?

Relevant imports:

import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;


HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();

EDIT (after Jules' suggestion):

As the build() method returns a CloseableHttpClient which is-a AutoClosable, you can place the declaration in a try-with-resources statement (Java 7+):

try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {

    // use httpClient (no need to close it explicitly)

} catch (IOException e) {

    // handle


Why does C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture run faster than hand-written assembly?

As a generic answer, not specifically directed at this task: In many cases, you can significantly speed up any program by making improvements at a high level. Like calculating data once instead of multiple times, avoiding unnecessary work completely, using caches in the best way, and so on. These things are much easier to do in a high level language.

Writing assembler code, it is possible to improve on what an optimising compiler does, but it is hard work. And once it's done, your code is much harder to modify, so it is much more difficult to add algorithmic improvements. Sometimes the processor has functionality that you cannot use from a high level language, inline assembly is often useful in these cases and still lets you use a high level language.

In the Euler problems, most of the time you succeed by building something, finding why it is slow, building something better, finding why it is slow, and so on and so on. That is very, very hard using assembler. A better algorithm at half the possible speed will usually beat a worse algorithm at full speed, and getting the full speed in assembler isn't trivial.

use jQuery to get values of selected checkboxes

var SlectedList = new Array();
$("input.yorcheckboxclass:checked").each(function() {

Combine two integer arrays

Yes but it is not quite that easy. Create a third array that is the size of the two arrays combined and loop through each original array and move the items over. Also look into System.arraycopy().

ASP.NET document.getElementById('<%=Control.ClientID%>'); returns null

Is Button1 visible? I mean, from the server side. Make sure Button1.Visible is true.

Controls that aren't Visible won't be rendered in HTML, so although they are assigned a ClientID, they don't actually exist on the client side.

Changing file permission in Python

os.chmod(path, 0444) is the Python command for changing file permissions in Python 2.x. For a combined Python 2 and Python 3 solution, change 0444 to 0o444.

You could always use Python to call the chmod command using subprocess. I think this will only work on Linux though.

import subprocess['chmod', '0444', 'path'])

Node.js getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

I think http makes request on port 80, even though I mentioned the complete host url in options object. When I run the server application which has the API, on port 80, which I was running previously on port 3000, it worked. Note that to run an application on port 80 you will need root privilege.

Error with the request: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN localhost:3000:80

Here is a complete code snippet

var http=require('http');

var options = {
  host: 'localhost',
  path: '/iso/country/Japan',

var callback = function(response) {
  var str = '';

  //another chunk of data has been recieved, so append it to `str`
  response.on('data', function (chunk) {
    str += chunk;

  //the whole response has been recieved, so we just print it out here
  response.on('end', function () {

var request=http.request(options, callback);

request.on('error', function(err) {
        // handle errors with the request itself
        console.error('Error with the request:', err.message);        


How to find all combinations of coins when given some dollar value

I looked into this once a long time ago, and you can read my little write-up on it. Here’s the Mathematica source.

By using generating functions, you can get a closed-form constant-time solution to the problem. Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik’s Concrete Mathematics is the book for this, and contains a fairly extensive discussion of the problem. Essentially you define a polynomial where the nth coefficient is the number of ways of making change for n dollars.

Pages 4-5 of the writeup show how you can use Mathematica (or any other convenient computer algebra system) to compute the answer for 10^10^6 dollars in a couple seconds in three lines of code.

(And this was long enough ago that that’s a couple of seconds on a 75Mhz Pentium...)

How can I set selected option selected in vue.js 2?

Handling the errors

You are binding properties to nothing. :required in

<select class="form-control" v-model="selected" :required @change="changeLocation">

and :selected in

<option :selected>Choose Province</option>

If you set the code like so, your errors should be gone:

  <select class="form-control" v-model="selected" :required @change="changeLocation">
    <option>Choose Province</option>
    <option v-for="option in options" v-bind:value="" >{{ }}</option>

Getting the select tags to have a default value

  1. you would now need to have a data property called selected so that v-model works. So,

      data () {
        return {
          selected: "Choose Province"
  2. If that seems like too much work, you can also do it like:

      <select class="form-control" :required="true" @change="changeLocation">
       <option :selected="true">Choose Province</option>
       <option v-for="option in options" v-bind:value="" >{{ }}</option>

When to use which method?

  1. You can use the v-model approach if your default value depends on some data property.

  2. You can go for the second method if your default selected value happens to be the first option.

  3. You can also handle it programmatically by doing so:

    <select class="form-control" :required="true">
       v-for="option in options" 
       :selected="option == '<the default value you want>'"
      >{{ option }}</option>

Using $window or $location to Redirect in AngularJS

You have to put:

<html ng-app="urlApp" ng-controller="urlCtrl">

This way the angular function can access into "window" object

Installing R with Homebrew

homebrew/science was deprecated So, you should use the following command.

brew tap brewsci/science

Transfer data between iOS and Android via Bluetooth?

Maybe a bit delayed, but technologies have evolved since so there is certainly new info around which draws fresh light on the matter...

As iOS has yet to open up an API for WiFi Direct and Multipeer Connectivity is iOS only, I believe the best way to approach this is to use BLE, which is supported by both platforms (some better than others).

On iOS a device can act both as a BLE Central and BLE Peripheral at the same time, on Android the situation is more complex as not all devices support the BLE Peripheral state. Also the Android BLE stack is very unstable (to date).

If your use case is feature driven, I would suggest to look at Frameworks and Libraries that can achieve cross platform communication for you, without you needing to build it up from scratch.

For example: or google nearby

Disclaimer: I work for Uepaa, developing for Android and iOS.

If statement in aspx page

Normally you'd just stick the code in Page_Load in your .aspx page's code-behind.

if (someVar) {
    Item1.Visible = true;
    Item2.Visible = false;
} else {
    Item1.Visible = false;
    Item2.Visible = true;

This assumes you've got Item1 and Item2 laid out on the page already.

How to access a dictionary key value present inside a list?

Index the list then the dict.

print L[1]['d']

@Cacheable key on multiple method arguments

After some limited testing with Spring 3.2, it seems one can use a SpEL list: {..., ..., ...}. This can also include null values. Spring passes the list as the key to the actual cache implementation. When using Ehcache, such will at some point invoke List#hashCode(), which takes all its items into account. (I am not sure if Ehcache only relies on the hash code.)

I use this for a shared cache, in which I include the method name in the key as well, which the Spring default key generator does not include. This way I can easily wipe the (single) cache, without (too much...) risking matching keys for different methods. Like:

  key="{ #root.methodName, #isbn?.id, #checkWarehouse }")
public Book findBook(ISBN isbn, boolean checkWarehouse) 

  key="{ #root.methodName, #asin, #checkWarehouse }")
public Book findBookByAmazonId(String asin, boolean checkWarehouse)

Of course, if many methods need this and you're always using all parameters for your key, then one can also define a custom key generator that includes the class and method name:

<cache:annotation-driven mode="..." key-generator="cacheKeyGenerator" />
<bean id="cacheKeyGenerator" class="net.example.cache.CacheKeyGenerator" />


public class CacheKeyGenerator 
  implements org.springframework.cache.interceptor.KeyGenerator {

    public Object generate(final Object target, final Method method, 
      final Object... params) {

        final List<Object> key = new ArrayList<>();

        for (final Object o : params) {
        return key;

Kill a Process by Looking up the Port being used by it from a .BAT

Thank you all, just to add that some process wont close unless the /F force switch is also send with TaskKill. Also with /T switch, all secondary threads of the process will be closed.

C:\>FOR /F "tokens=5 delims= " %P IN ('netstat -a -n -o ^|
 findstr :2002') DO TaskKill.exe /PID %P /T /F

For services it will be necessary to get the name of the service and execute:

sc stop ServiceName

Easiest way to read/write a file's content in Python

Slow, ugly, platform-specific... but one-liner ;-)

import subprocess

contents = subprocess.Popen('cat %s' % filename, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

How to 'foreach' a column in a DataTable using C#?

Something like this:

 DataTable dt = new DataTable();

 // For each row, print the values of each column.
    foreach(DataRow row in dt .Rows)
        foreach(DataColumn column in dt .Columns)

Regular expression for excluding special characters

I would just white list the characters.


Building a black list is equally simple with regex but you might need to add much more characters - there are a lot of Chinese symbols in unicode ... ;)


The expression [^(many characters here)] just matches any character that is not listed.

React JS - Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

I had the same problem. The solution was to change the useState initial state value from string to array. In App.js, previous useState was

const [favoriteFilms, setFavoriteFilms] = useState('');

I changed it to

const [favoriteFilms, setFavoriteFilms] = useState([]);

and the component that uses those values stopped throwing error with .map function.