Programs & Examples On #Prop

The prop() function was added in jQuery 1.6 library. It returns a property for the first element of the matched set.

.prop() vs .attr()

1) A property is in the DOM; an attribute is in the HTML that is parsed into the DOM.

2) $( elem ).attr( "checked" ) (1.6.1+) "checked" (String) Will change with checkbox state

3) $( elem ).attr( "checked" ) (pre-1.6) true (Boolean) Changed with checkbox state

  • Mostly we want to use for DOM object rather then custom attribute like data-img, data-xyz.

  • Also some of difference when accessing checkbox value and href with attr() and prop() as thing change with DOM output with prop() as full link from origin and Boolean value for checkbox (pre-1.6)

  • We can only access DOM elements with prop other then it gives undefined

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<!doctype html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
  <title>prop demo</title>_x000D_
    p {_x000D_
      margin: 20px 0 0;_x000D_
    b {_x000D_
      color: blue;_x000D_
  <input id="check1" type="checkbox" checked="checked">_x000D_
  <label for="check1">Check me</label>_x000D_
    $("input").change(function() {_x000D_
      var $input = $(this);_x000D_
        ".attr( \"checked\" ): <b>" + $input.attr("checked") + "</b><br>" +_x000D_
        ".prop( \"checked\" ): <b>" + $input.prop("checked") + "</b><br>" +_x000D_
        ".is( \":checked\" ): <b>" + $":checked")) + "</b>";_x000D_

How to start/stop/restart a thread in Java?

You can start a thread like:

    Thread thread=new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        //Do you task
                    }catch (Exception ex){

To stop a Thread:

   thread.join();//it will kill you thread

   //if you want to know whether your thread is alive or dead you can use
System.out.println("Thread is "+thread.isAlive());

Its advisable to create a new thread rather than restarting it.

HTTP get with headers using RestTemplate

Take a look at the JavaDoc for RestTemplate.

There is the corresponding getForObject methods that are the HTTP GET equivalents of postForObject, but they doesn't appear to fulfil your requirements of "GET with headers", as there is no way to specify headers on any of the calls.

Looking at the JavaDoc, no method that is HTTP GET specific allows you to also provide header information. There are alternatives though, one of which you have found and are using. The exchange methods allow you to provide an HttpEntity object representing the details of the request (including headers). The execute methods allow you to specify a RequestCallback from which you can add the headers upon its invocation.

Pandas get the most frequent values of a column

Not Obvious, But Fast

f, u = pd.factorize(
counts = np.bincount(f)
u[counts == counts.max()]

array(['alex', 'helen'], dtype=object)

How to get the user input in Java?

You can get user input using BufferedReader.

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String accStr;  

System.out.println("Enter your Account number: ");
accStr = br.readLine();

It will store a String value in accStr so you have to parse it to an int using Integer.parseInt.

int accInt = Integer.parseInt(accStr);

Deprecated meaning?

Deprecated in general means "don't use it".
A deprecated function may or may not work, but it is not guaranteed to work.

Empty brackets '[]' appearing when using .where

Stuarts' answer is correct, but if you are not sure if you are saving the titles in lowercase, you can also make a case insensitive search

There are a lot of answered questions in Stack Overflow with more data on this:

Example 1

Example 2

Setting PHP tmp dir - PHP upload not working

I struggled with this issue for a long time... My solution was to modify the php.ini file, in the folder that contained the php script. This was important, as modifying the php.ini at the root did not resolve the problem (I have a php.ini in each folder for granular control). The relevant entries in my php.ini looked like this.... (the output_buffering is not likely needed for this issue)

output_buffering = On 
upload_max_filesize = 20M 
post_max_size = 21M

Simple UDP example to send and receive data from same socket

I'll try to keep this short, I've done this a few months ago for a game I was trying to build, it does a UDP "Client-Server" connection that acts like TCP, you can send (message) (message + object) using this. I've done some testing with it and it works just fine, feel free to modify it if needed.

Docker official registry (Docker Hub) URL

The registry path for official images (without a slash in the name) is library/<image>. Try this instead:

docker pull

How to restart Activity in Android

The solution for your question is:

public static void restartActivity(Activity act){
    Intent intent=new Intent();
    intent.setClass(act, act.getClass());

You need to cast to activity context to start new activity and as well as to finish the current activity.

Hope this helpful..and works for me.

Cycles in family tree software

Your family tree should use directed relations. This way you won't have a cycle.

How do I drop table variables in SQL-Server? Should I even do this?

if somebody else comes across this... and you really need to drop it like while in a loop, you can just delete all from the table variable:

DELETE FROM @tableVariableName

Detect end of ScrollView

Most of answers works beside a fact, that when u scroll to the bottom, listener is triggered several times, which in my case is undesirable. To avoid this behavior I've added flag scrollPositionChanged that checks if scroll position even changed before calling method once again.

public class EndDetectingScrollView extends ScrollView {
    private boolean scrollPositionChanged = true;

    private ScrollEndingListener scrollEndingListener;

    public interface ScrollEndingListener {
        void onScrolledToEnd();

    protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
        super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);

        View view = this.getChildAt(this.getChildCount() - 1);
        int diff = (view.getBottom() - (this.getHeight() + this.getScrollY()));
        if (diff <= 0) {
            if (scrollPositionChanged) {
                scrollPositionChanged = false;
                if (scrollEndingListener != null) {
        } else {
            scrollPositionChanged = true;

    public void setScrollEndingListener(ScrollEndingListener scrollEndingListener) {
        this.scrollEndingListener = scrollEndingListener;

Then just set listener

scrollView.setScrollEndingListener(new EndDetectingScrollView.ScrollEndingListener() {
    public void onScrolledToEnd() {
        //do your stuff here    

You may do the same thing if u do in like


but you have to provide flag from class your adding this listener.

How to start IIS Express Manually

Once you have IIS Express installed (the easiest way is through Microsoft Web Platform Installer), you will find the executable file in %PROGRAMFILES%\IIS Express (%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\IIS Express on x64 architectures) and its called iisexpress.exe.

To see all the possible command-line options, just run:

iisexpress /?

and the program detailed help will show up.

If executed without parameters, all the sites defined in the configuration file and marked to run at startup will be launched. An icon in the system tray will show which sites are running.

There are a couple of useful options once you have some sites created in the configuration file (found in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config): the /site and /siteId.

With the first one, you can launch a specific site by name:

iisexpress /site:SiteName

And with the latter, you can launch by specifying the ID:

iisexpress /siteId:SiteId

With this, if IISExpress is launched from the command-line, a list of all the requests made to the server will be shown, which can be quite useful when debugging.

Finally, a site can be launched by specifying the full directory path. IIS Express will create a virtual configuration file and launch the site (remember to quote the path if it contains spaces):

iisexpress /path:FullSitePath

This covers the basic IISExpress usage from the command line.

CSS media query to target iPad and iPad only?

/*working only in ipad portrait device*/
@media only screen and (width: 768px) and (height: 1024px) and (orientation:portrait) {
    background: red !important;
/*working only in ipad landscape device*/
@media all and (width: 1024px) and (height: 768px) and (orientation:landscape){
    background: green !important;

In the media query of specific devices, please use '!important' keyword to override the default CSS. Otherwise that does not change your webpage view on that particular devices.

Python: Total sum of a list of numbers with the for loop

for s in range(0,len(x)):
print sum   

PHP Configuration: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings

I happened to have to set up Apache & PHP on two laptops recently. After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, I noticed in phpinfo's output that (for whatever reason: not paying attention during PHP install, bad installer) Apache expected php.ini to be somewhere where it wasn't.

Two choices:

  1. put it where Apache thinks it should be or
  2. point Apache at the true location of your php.ini

... and restart Apache. Timezone settings should be recognized at that point.

Bootstrap button drop-down inside responsive table not visible because of scroll

Inside bootstrap.css search the next code:

.fixed-table-body {
  overflow-x: auto;
  overflow-y: auto;
  height: 100%;

...and update with this:

.fixed-table-body {
  overflow-x: visible;
  overflow-y: visible;
  height: 100%;

PHP multidimensional array search by value

If question i.e.

$a = [
       "_id" => "5a96933414d48831a41901f2",
       "discount_amount" => 3.29,
       "discount_id" => "5a92656a14d488570c2c44a2",
       "_id" => "5a9790fd14d48879cf16a9e8",
       "discount_amount" => 4.53,
       "discount_id" => "5a9265b914d488548513b122",
       "_id" => "5a98083614d488191304b6c3",
       "discount_amount" => 15.24,
       "discount_id" => "5a92806a14d48858ff5c2ec3",
       "_id" => "5a982a4914d48824721eafe3",
       "discount_amount" => 45.74,
       "discount_id" => "5a928ce414d488609e73b443",
       "_id" => "5a982a4914d48824721eafe55",
       "discount_amount" => 10.26,
       "discount_id" => "5a928ce414d488609e73b443",


function searchForId($id, $array) {
   foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
       if ($val['discount_id'] === $id) {
           $dia +=$val['discount_amount'];
    if($dia != '') {
        echo $dia;
   return null;

Rails raw SQL example

You can do this:

sql = "Select * from ... your sql query here"
records_array = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql)

records_array would then be the result of your sql query in an array which you can iterate through.

Angular cookies

It is also beneficial to store data into sessionStorage

// Save data to sessionStorage
sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value');

// Get saved data from sessionStorage
var data = sessionStorage.getItem('key');

// Remove saved data from sessionStorage

// Remove all saved data from sessionStorage

for details

UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32

  • UTF-8 is variable 1 to 4 bytes.

  • UTF-16 is variable 2 or 4 bytes.

  • UTF-32 is fixed 4 bytes.

Note: UTF-8 can take 1 to 6 bytes with latest convention:

How to solve Notice: Undefined index: id in C:\xampp\htdocs\invmgt\manufactured_goods\change.php on line 21

if you are getting id from url try

$id = (isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : '');

if getting from form you need to use POST method cause your form has method="post"

 $id = (isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : '');

For php notices use isset() or empty() to check values exist or not or initialize variable first with blank or a value

$id= '';

Why don’t my SVG images scale using the CSS "width" property?

I had to figure it out myself but some svgs your need to match the viewBox & width+height in.

E.g. if it already has width="x" height="y" then =>

add <svg ... viewBox="0 0 [width] [height]">

and the opposite.

After that it will scale with <svg ... style="width: xxx; height: yyy;">

entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker. while adding related objects to entity in Entity Framework 4.1

In this case, it turns out the error is very clear: Entity Framework cannot track an entity using multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker or typically, multiple instances of DbContext. The solutions are: use one instance of DbContext; access all needed entities through a single repository (depending on one instance of DbContext); or turning off tracking for all entities accessed via a repository other than the one throwing this particular exception.

When following an inversion of control pattern in .Net Core Web API, I frequently find that I have controllers with dependencies such as:

private readonly IMyEntityRepository myEntityRepo; // depends on MyDbContext
private readonly IFooRepository fooRepo; // depends on MyDbContext
private readonly IBarRepository barRepo; // depends on MyDbContext
public MyController(
    IMyEntityRepository myEntityRepo, 
    IFooRepository fooRepo, 
    IBarRepository barRepo)
    this.fooRepo = fooRepo;
    this.barRepo = barRepo;
    this.myEntityRepo = myEntityRepo;

and usage like

myEntity.Foo = await this.fooRepository.GetFoos().SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == model.FooId);
if (model.BarId.HasValue)
    myEntity.Foo.Bar = await this.barRepository.GetBars().SingleOrDefaultAsync(b => b.Id == model.BarId.Value);

await this.myEntityRepo.UpdateAsync(myEntity); // this throws an error!

Since all three repositories depend on different DbContext instances per request, I have two options to avoid the problem and maintain separate repositories: change the injection of the DbContext to create a new instance only once per call:

// services.AddTransient<DbContext, MyDbContext>(); <- one instance per ctor. bad
services.AddScoped<DbContext, MyDbContext>(); // <- one instance per call. good!

or, if the child entity is being used in a read-only manner, turning off tracking on that instance:

myEntity.Foo.Bar = await this.barRepo.GetBars().AsNoTracking().SingleOrDefault(b => b.Id == model.BarId);

How do I check if a string contains a specific word?

In PHP, the best way to verify if a string contains a certain substring, is to use a simple helper function like this:

function contains($haystack, $needle, $caseSensitive = false) {
    return $caseSensitive ?
            (strpos($haystack, $needle) === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE):
            (stripos($haystack, $needle) === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE);


  • strpos finds the position of the first occurrence of a case-sensitive substring in a string.
  • stripos finds the position of the first occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string.
  • myFunction($haystack, $needle) === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE ensures that myFunction always returns a boolean and fixes unexpected behavior when the index of the substring is 0.
  • $caseSensitive ? A : B selects either strpos or stripos to do the work, depending on the value of $caseSensitive.


var_dump(contains('bare','are'));            // Outputs: bool(true)
var_dump(contains('stare', 'are'));          // Outputs: bool(true)
var_dump(contains('stare', 'Are'));          // Outputs: bool(true)
var_dump(contains('stare', 'Are', true));    // Outputs: bool(false)
var_dump(contains('hair', 'are'));           // Outputs: bool(false)
var_dump(contains('aren\'t', 'are'));        // Outputs: bool(true)
var_dump(contains('Aren\'t', 'are'));        // Outputs: bool(true)
var_dump(contains('Aren\'t', 'are', true));  // Outputs: bool(false)
var_dump(contains('aren\'t', 'Are'));        // Outputs: bool(true)
var_dump(contains('aren\'t', 'Are', true));  // Outputs: bool(false)
var_dump(contains('broad', 'are'));          // Outputs: bool(false)
var_dump(contains('border', 'are'));         // Outputs: bool(false)

Break out of a While...Wend loop

The best way is to use an And clause in your While statement

Dim count as Integer
count =0
While True And count <= 10

How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project?

For maven projects add following dependancy :

<!-- -->


For gradle projects:

dependencies {
providedCompile group: 'javax.servlet', name: 'javax.servlet-api', version: '3.0.1'

or download javax.servlet.jar and add to your project.

How to initialise a string from NSData in Swift

This is the implemented code needed:

in Swift 3.0:

var dataString = String(data: fooData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)

or just

var dataString = String(data: fooData, encoding: .utf8)

Older swift version:

in Swift 2.0:

import Foundation

var dataString = String(data: fooData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)

in Swift 1.0:

var dataString = NSString(data: fooData, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)

Can a variable number of arguments be passed to a function?

def f(dic):
    if 'a' in dic:
        print dic['a'],
    else: print 'None',

    if 'b' in dic:
        print dic['b'],
    else: print 'None',

    if 'c' in dic:
        print dic['c'],
    else: print 'None',

the above code will output

None None None
20 None 30
20 red 30

This is as good as passing variable arguments by means of a dictionary

Why does using an Underscore character in a LIKE filter give me all the results?

Underscore is a wildcard for something. for example 'A_%' will look for all match that Start whit 'A' and have minimum 1 extra character after that

How to make ng-repeat filter out duplicate results

Or you can write your own filter using lodash.

app.filter('unique', function() {
    return function (arr, field) {
        return _.uniq(arr, function(a) { return a[field]; });

Converting a string to a date in JavaScript

ISO 8601-esque datestrings, as excellent as the standard is, are still not widely supported.

This is a great resource to figure out which datestring format you should use:

Yes, that means that your datestring could be as simple as as opposed to

"2014/10/13 23:57:52" instead of "2014-10-13 23:57:52"

Controlling execution order of unit tests in Visual Studio

I'll not address the order of tests, sorry. Others already did it. Also, if you know about "ordered tests" - well, this is MS VS's response to the problem. I know that those ordered-tests are no fun. But they thought it will be "it" and there's really nothing more in MSTest about that.

I write about one of your assumptions:

as there is no way to tear down the static class.

Unless your static class represents some process-wide external state external to your code (like ie. the state of an unmanaged native DLL library thats P/Invoked by the rest of your code), your assumption that there is no way is not true.

If your static class refers to this, then sorry, you are perfectly right, the rest of this anwer is irrelevant. Still, as you didn't say that, I assume your code is "managed".

Think and check the AppDomain thingy. Rarely it is needed, but this is exactly the case when you'd probably like to use them.

You can create a new AppDomain, and instantiate the test there, and run the test method there. Static data used by managed code will isolated there and upon completion, you will be able to unload the AppDomain and all the data, statics included, will evaporate. Then, next test would initialize another appdomain, and so on.

This will work unless you have external state that you must track. AppDomains only isolate the managed memory. Any native DLL will still be load per-process and their state will be shared by all AppDomains.

Also, creating/tearing down the appdomains will, well, slow down the tests. Also, you may have problems with assembly resolution in the child appdomain, but they are solvable with reasonable amount of reusable code.

Also, you may have small problems with passing test data to - and back from - the child AppDomain. Objects passed will either have to be serializable in some way, or be MarshalByRef or etc. Talking cross-domain is almost like IPC.

However, take care here, it will be 100% managed talking. If you take some extra care and add a little work to the AppDomain setup, you will be able to even pass delegates and run them in the target domain. Then, instead of making some hairy cross-domain setup, you can wrap your tests with to something like:

void testmethod()
    TestAppDomainHelper.Run( () =>
        // your test code

or even

void testmethod()
    // your test code

if your test framework supports creating such wrappers/extensions. After some initial research and work, using them is almost trivial.

Reading multiple Scanner inputs

If every input asks the same question, you should use a for loop and an array of inputs:

Scanner dd = new Scanner(;
int[] vars = new int[3];

for(int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
  System.out.println("Enter next var: ");
  vars[i] = dd.nextInt();

Or as Chip suggested, you can parse the input from one line:

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int[] vars = new int[3];

System.out.println("Enter "+vars.length+" vars: ");
for(int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++)
  vars[i] = in.nextInt();

You were on the right track, and what you did works. This is just a nicer and more flexible way of doing things.

How can I mock requests and the response?

Here is what worked for me:

import mock
@mock.patch('requests.get', mock.Mock(side_effect = lambda k:{'aurl': 'a response', 'burl' : 'b response'}.get(k, 'unhandled request %s'%k)))

How to Update/Drop a Hive Partition?

Alter table table_name drop partition (partition_name);

Adding an item to an associative array

I think you want $data[$category] = $question;

Or in case you want an array that maps categories to array of questions:

$data = array();
foreach($file_data as $value) {
    list($category, $question) = explode('|', $value, 2);

    if(!isset($data[$category])) {
        $data[$category] = array();
    $data[$category][] = $question;

Facebook API: Get fans of / people who like a page

According to the Facebook documentation it's not possible to get all the fans of a page:

Although you can't get a list of all the fans of a Facebook Page, you can find out whether a specific person has liked a Page.

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?

There is now a beta available of Google Maps KML Importing Utility.

It is part of the Google Maps Android API Utility Library. As documented it allows loading KML files from streams

KmlLayer layer = new KmlLayer(getMap(), kmlInputStream, getApplicationContext());

or local resources

KmlLayer layer = new KmlLayer(getMap(), R.raw.kmlFile, getApplicationContext());

After you have created a KmlLayer, call addLayerToMap() to add the imported data onto the map.


Partly cherry-picking a commit with Git

Use git format-patch to slice out the part of the commit you care about and git am to apply it to another branch

git format-patch <sha> -- path/to/file
git checkout other-branch
git am *.patch

How to redirect to action from JavaScript method?

Maybe better to make an anchor with DeleteJob url instead of button?

<a href="<%=Url.Action("DeleteJob", "YourController", new {selectedObject="someObject"})%>" onclick="return DeleteJob()">Löschen</a>

and use your javascript you wrote already:

function DeleteJob() {

        if (confirm("Do you really want to delete selected job/s?"))
            return true;
            return false;

So if function return true - you will be redirected. If function return false - you still stay on the page.

Recursive Fibonacci

I think that all that solutions are inefficient. They require a lot of recursive calls to get the result.

unsigned fib(unsigned n) {
    if(n == 0) return 0;
    if(n == 1) return 1;
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

This code requires 14 calls to get result for fib(5), 177 for fin(10) and 2.7kk for fib(30).

You should better use this approach or if you want to use recursion try this:

unsigned fib(unsigned n, unsigned prev1 = 0, unsigned prev2 = 1, int depth = 2)     
    if(n == 0) return 0;
    if(n == 1) return 1;
    if(depth < n) return fib(n, prev2, prev1+prev2, depth+1);
    return prev1+prev2;

This function requires n recursive calls to calculate Fibonacci number for n. You can still use it by calling fib(10) because all other parameters have default values.

WPF Timer Like C# Timer

The usual WPF timer is the DispatcherTimer, which is not a control but used in code. It basically works the same way like the WinForms timer:

System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer dispatcherTimer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
dispatcherTimer.Tick += dispatcherTimer_Tick;
dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0,0,1);

private void dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
  // code goes here

More on the DispatcherTimer can be found here

Alert handling in Selenium WebDriver (selenium 2) with Java

        //Handle the alert pop-up using seithTO alert statement
        Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();

        //Print alert is present
        System.out.println("Alert is present");

        //get the message which is present on pop-up
        String message = alert.getText();

        //print the pop-up message

        //Click on OK button on pop-up
    catch (NoAlertPresentException e) 
        //if alert is not present print message
        System.out.println("alert is not present");

How to plot an array in python?

if you give a 2D array to the plot function of matplotlib it will assume the columns to be lines:

If x and/or y is 2-dimensional, then the corresponding columns will be plotted.

In your case your shape is not accepted (100, 1, 1, 8000). As so you can using numpy squeeze to solve the problem quickly:

np.squeez doc: Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of an array.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = np.random.randint(3, 7, (10, 1, 1, 80))
newdata = np.squeeze(data) # Shape is now: (10, 80)
plt.plot(newdata) # plotting by columns

But notice that 100 sets of 80 000 points is a lot of data for matplotlib. I would recommend that you look for an alternative. The result of the code example (run in Jupyter) is:

Jupyter matplotlib plot

Converting double to integer in Java

Double perValue = 96.57;
int roundVal= (int) Math.round(perValue);

Solved my purpose.

What is the proper way to re-throw an exception in C#?

I found that if the exception is thrown in the same method that it is caught, the stack trace is not preserved, for what it's worth.

void testExceptionHandling()
        throw new ArithmeticException("illegal expression");
    catch (Exception ex)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("finally called.");

HTTP Basic Authentication - what's the expected web browser experience?

If there are no credentials provided in the request headers, the following is the minimum response required for IE to prompt the user for credentials and resubmit the request.

Response.StatusCode = (Int32)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
Response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic");

Git commit date

The show command may be what you want. Try

git show -s --format=%ci <commit>

Other formats for the date string are available as well. Check the manual page for details.

SAP Crystal Reports runtime for .Net 4.0 (64-bit)

I have found a variety of runtimes including Visual Studio(VS) versions are available at

Toggle button using two image on different state

AkashG's solution don't work for me. When I set up check.xml to background it's just stratched in vertical direction. To solve this problem you should set up check.xml to "android:button" property:

    android:button="@drawable/check"   //check.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <selector xmlns:android="">
    <!-- When selected, use grey -->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/selected_image"
          android:state_checked="true" />
    <!-- When not selected, use white-->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/unselected_image"

Date validation with ASP.NET validator

I think the following is the easiest way to do it.

<asp:TextBox ID="DateControl" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RangeValidator ID ="rvDate" runat ="server" ControlToValidate="DateControl" ErrorMessage="Invalid Date" Type="Date" MinimumValue="01/01/1900" MaximumValue="01/01/2100" Display="Dynamic"></asp:RangeValidator>

How to convert all elements in an array to integer in JavaScript?

You need to loop through and parse/convert the elements in your array, like this:

var result_string = 'a,b,c,d|1,2,3,4',
    result = result_string.split("|"),
    alpha = result[0],
    count = result[1],
    count_array = count.split(",");
for(var i=0; i<count_array.length;i++) count_array[i] = +count_array[i];
//now count_array contains numbers

You can test it out here. If the +, is throwing, think of it as:

for(var i=0; i<count_array.length;i++) count_array[i] = parseInt(count_array[i], 10);

Add a property to a JavaScript object using a variable as the name?

If you have object, you can make array of keys, than map through, and create new object from previous object keys, and values.

.map(el =>{
 const obj = {};

How do I load an url in iframe with Jquery

$("#button").click(function () { 
    $("#frame").attr("src", "");


 <div id="mydiv">
     <iframe id="frame" src="" width="100%" height="300">
 <button id="button">Load</button>

How do I remove blue "selected" outline on buttons?

You can remove this by adding !important to your outline.

 outline: none !important;

Counting the number of option tags in a select tag in jQuery

The W3C solution:

var len = document.getElementById("input1").length;

show dbs gives "Not Authorized to execute command" error

one more, after you create user by following cmd-1, please assign read/write/root role to the user by cmd-2. then restart mongodb by cmd "mongod --auth".

The benefit of assign role to the user is you can do read/write operation by mongo shell or python/java and so on, otherwise you will meet "pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: not authorized" when you try to read/write your db.


use admin
  user: "newUsername",
  pwd: "password",
  roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]


db.grantRolesToUser('newUsername',[{ role: "root", db: "admin" }])

How do I hide an element when printing a web page?

The best practice is to use a style sheet specifically for printing, and and set its media attribute to print.

In it, show/hide the elements that you want to be printed on paper.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print" />

How to get domain URL and application name?

Take a look at the documentation for HttpServletRequest.
In order to build the URL in your example you will need to use:

  • getScheme()
  • getServerName()
  • getServerPort()
  • getContextPath()

Here is a method that will return your example:

public static String getURLWithContextPath(HttpServletRequest request) {
   return request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + request.getContextPath();

How to draw an empty plot?

The following does not plot anything in the plot and it will remain empty.

plot(NULL, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), ylab="y label", xlab="x lablel")

This is useful when you want to add lines or dots afterwards within a for loop or something similar. Just remember to change the xlim and ylim values based on the data you want to plot.

As a side note: This can also be used for Boxplot, Violin plots and swarm plots. for those remember to add add = TRUE to their plotting function and also specify at = to specify on which number you want to plot them (default is x axis unless you have set horz = TRUE in these functions.

jQuery: serialize() form and other parameters

You can also use serializeArray function to do the same.

JavaScript string newline character?

yes use \n, unless you are generating html code, in which you want to use <br />

Python: create dictionary using dict() with integer keys?

Yes, but not with that version of the constructor. You can do this:

>>> dict([(1, 2), (3, 4)])
{1: 2, 3: 4}

There are several different ways to make a dict. As documented, "providing keyword arguments [...] only works for keys that are valid Python identifiers."

How to use LocalBroadcastManager?

I'd rather like to answer comprehensively.

  1. LocalbroadcastManager included in android 3.0 and above so you have to use support library v4 for early releases. see instructions here

  2. Create a broadcast receiver:

    private BroadcastReceiver onNotice= new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            // intent can contain anydata
            Log.d("sohail","onReceive called");
            tv.setText("Broadcast received !");
  3. Register your receiver in onResume of activity like:

    protected void onResume() {
            IntentFilter iff= new IntentFilter(MyIntentService.ACTION);
            LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(onNotice, iff);
    //MyIntentService.ACTION is just a public static string defined in MyIntentService.
  4. unRegister receiver in onPause:

    protected void onPause() {
  5. Now whenever a localbroadcast is sent from applications' activity or service, onReceive of onNotice will be called :).

Edit: You can read complete tutorial here LocalBroadcastManager: Intra application message passing

How to set time delay in javascript

If you need refresh, this is another posibility:

setTimeout(function () { 
}, 1000);

Change Oracle port from port 8080

From this blog post:

XE: Changing the default http port

Oracle XE uses the embedded http listener that comes with the XML DB (XDB) to serve http requests. The default port for HTTP access is 8080.


Update 8080 port to which port(9090 for example) you like

SQL> -- set http port
SQL> begin
 2    dbms_xdb.sethttpport('9090');
 3  end;
 4  /

After changing the port, when we start Oracle it will go on port 8080, we should type manually new port(9090) in the address bar to run Oracle XE.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined

I had the same problem ("Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined")

I tried every solution I could find and noting helped. But then I've spotted that my DIV had two IDs.

So, I removed second ID and it worked.

I just wish somebody told me to check my IDs earlier))

Masking password input from the console : Java

Console console = System.console();
String username = console.readLine("Username: ");
char[] password = console.readPassword("Password: ");

How do I make a simple crawler in PHP?

Its worth remembering that when crawling external links (I do appreciate the OP relates to a users own page) you should be aware of robots.txt. I have found the following which will hopefully help

Initialize a byte array to a certain value, other than the default null?

If you need to initialise a small array you can use:

byte[] smallArray = new byte[] { 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 };

If you have a larger array, then you could use:

byte[] bitBiggerArray Enumerable.Repeat(0x20, 7000).ToArray();

Which is simple, and easy for the next guy/girl to read. And will be fast enough 99.9% of the time. (Normally will be the BestOption™)

However if you really really need super speed, calling out to the optimized memset method, using P/invoke, is for you: (Here wrapped up in a nice to use class)

public static class Superfast
              EntryPoint = "memset",
              CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl,
              SetLastError = false)]
    private static extern IntPtr MemSet(IntPtr dest, int c, int count);

    //If you need super speed, calling out to M$ memset optimized method using P/invoke
    public static byte[] InitByteArray(byte fillWith, int size)
        byte[] arrayBytes = new byte[size];
        GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(arrayBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
        MemSet(gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), fillWith, arrayBytes.Length);
        return arrayBytes;


byte[] oneofManyBigArrays =  Superfast.InitByteArray(0x20,700000);

YAML: Do I need quotes for strings in YAML?

I had this concern when working on a Rails application with Docker.

My most preferred approach is to generally not use quotes. This includes not using quotes for:

  • variables like ${RAILS_ENV}
  • values separated by a colon (:) like postgres-log:/var/log/postgresql
  • other strings values

I, however, use double-quotes for integer values that need to be converted to strings like:

  • docker-compose version like version: "3.8"
  • port numbers like "8080:8080"

However, for special cases like booleans, floats, integers, and other cases, where using double-quotes for the entry values could be interpreted as strings, please do not use double-quotes.

Here's a sample docker-compose.yml file to explain this concept:

version: "3"

    image: traefik:v2.2.1
      - --api.insecure=true # Don't do that in production
      - --providers.docker=true
      - --providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false
      - --entrypoints.web.address=:80
      - "80:80"
      - "8080:8080"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

That's all.

I hope this helps

Checking if form has been submitted - PHP


if(isset($_POST['submit'])) // name of your submit button

How to write super-fast file-streaming code in C#?

The first thing I would recommend is to take measurements. Where are you losing your time? Is it in the read, or the write?

Over 100,000 accesses (sum the times): How much time is spent allocating the buffer array? How much time is spent opening the file for read (is it the same file every time?) How much time is spent in read and write operations?

If you aren't doing any type of transformation on the file, do you need a BinaryWriter, or can you use a filestream for writes? (try it, do you get identical output? does it save time?)

Clear input fields on form submit

You can clear out their values by just setting value to an empty string:

var1.value = '';
var2.value = '';

Group list by values

len = max(key for (item, key) in list)
newlist = [[] for i in range(len+1)]
for item,key in list:

You can do it in a single list comprehension, perhaps more elegant but O(n**2):

[[item for (item,key) in list if key==i] for i in range(max(key for (item,key) in list)+1)]

Compare DATETIME and DATE ignoring time portion

Though I upvoted the answer marked as correct. I wanted to touch on a few things for anyone stumbling upon this.

In general, if you're filtering specifically on Date values alone. Microsoft recommends using the language neutral format of ymd or y-m-d.

Note that the form '2007-02-12' is considered language-neutral only for the data types DATE, DATETIME2, and DATETIMEOFFSET.

To do a date comparison using the aforementioned approach is simple. Consider the following, contrived example.

--112 is ISO format 'YYYYMMDD'
declare @filterDate char(8) = CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)

    CONVERT(char(8), OrderDate, 112) = @filterDate

In a perfect world, performing any manipulation to the filtered column should be avoided because this can prevent SQL Server from using indexes efficiently. That said, if the data you're storing is only ever concerned with the date and not time, consider storing as DATETIME with midnight as the time. Because:

When SQL Server converts the literal to the filtered column’s type, it assumes midnight when a time part isn’t indicated. If you want such a filter to return all rows from the specified date, you need to ensure that you store all values with midnight as the time.

Thus, assuming you are only concerned with date, and store your data as such. The above query can be simplified to:

--112 is ISO format 'YYYYMMDD'
declare @filterDate char(8) = CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)

    OrderDate = @filterDate

How to add percent sign to NSString

iOS 9.2.1, Xcode 7.2.1, ARC enabled

You can always append the '%' by itself without any other format specifiers in the string you are appending, like so...

int test = 10;

NSString *stringTest = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", test];
stringTest = [stringTest stringByAppendingString:@"%"];
NSLog(@"%@", stringTest);

For iOS7.0+

To expand the answer to other characters that might cause you conflict you may choose to use:

- (NSString *)stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:(NSCharacterSet *)allowedCharacters

Written out step by step it looks like this:

int test = 10;

NSString *stringTest = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", test];
stringTest = [[stringTest stringByAppendingString:@"%"] 
             [NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]];
stringTest = [stringTest stringByRemovingPercentEncoding];

NSLog(@"percent value of test: %@", stringTest);

Or short hand:

NSLog(@"percent value of test: %@", [[[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", test] 
stringByAppendingString:@"%"] stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:
[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]] stringByRemovingPercentEncoding]);

Thanks to all the original contributors. Hope this helps. Cheers!

PHP shell_exec() vs exec()

A couple of distinctions that weren't touched on here:

  • With exec(), you can pass an optional param variable which will receive an array of output lines. In some cases this might save time, especially if the output of the commands is already tabular.


exec('ls', $out);
// Look an array

$out = shell_exec('ls');
// Look -- a string with newlines in it

Conversely, if the output of the command is xml or json, then having each line as part of an array is not what you want, as you'll need to post-process the input into some other form, so in that case use shell_exec.

It's also worth pointing out that shell_exec is an alias for the backtic operator, for those used to *nix.

$out = `ls`;

exec also supports an additional parameter that will provide the return code from the executed command:

exec('ls', $out, $status);
if (0 === $status) {
} else {
    echo "Command failed with status: $status";

As noted in the shell_exec manual page, when you actually require a return code from the command being executed, you have no choice but to use exec.

Which HTML elements can receive focus?

There isn't a definite list, it's up to the browser. The only standard we have is DOM Level 2 HTML, according to which the only elements that have a focus() method are HTMLInputElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement and HTMLAnchorElement. This notably omits HTMLButtonElement and HTMLAreaElement.

Today's browsers define focus() on HTMLElement, but an element won't actually take focus unless it's one of:

  • HTMLAnchorElement/HTMLAreaElement with an href
  • HTMLInputElement/HTMLSelectElement/HTMLTextAreaElement/HTMLButtonElement but not with disabled (IE actually gives you an error if you try), and file uploads have unusual behaviour for security reasons
  • HTMLIFrameElement (though focusing it doesn't do anything useful). Other embedding elements also, maybe, I haven't tested them all.
  • Any element with a tabindex

There are likely to be other subtle exceptions and additions to this behaviour depending on browser.

Kotlin Error : Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:1.0.7

After fixing the build.gradle version, It started working 4.0.0 to 3.5.0

Dynamically Dimensioning A VBA Array?

You need to use a constant.

CONST NumberOfZombies = 20000
Dim Zombies(NumberOfZombies) As Zombies

or if you want to use a variable you have to do it this way:

Dim NumberOfZombies As Integer
NumberOfZombies = 20000

Dim Zombies() As Zombies

ReDim Zombies(NumberOfZombies)

Add views in UIStackView programmatically

Instead of coding all the constrains you could use a subclass that handles .intrinsicContentSize of UIView class in a simpler way. This solution improves also Interface Builder a little in a way to support with "intrinsicWidth" and "intrinsicHeight" of views. While you could extend UIView's and have those properties available on all UIViews in IB its cleaner to subclass.

// IntrinsicView.h
@import UIKit

@interface IntrinsicView : UIView
@property IBInspectable CGSize intrinsic;
// IntrinsicView.m
#import "IntrinsicView.h"

@implementation IntrinsicView {
    CGSize _intrinsic;
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
    _intrinsic = frame.size;
    if ( !(self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) ) return nil;
    // your stuff here..
    return self;
-(CGSize)intrinsicContentSize {
    return _intrinsic;
-(void)prepareForInterfaceBuilder {
    self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x, self.frame.origin.y, _intrinsic.width,_intrinsic.height);

Which means you can just allocate those IntrinsicView's and the self.frame.size is taken as intrinsicContentSize. That way it does not disturb the normal layout and you dont need to set constraint relations that don't even apply in full with UIStackViews

#import "IntrinsicView.h"

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    UIStackView *column = [[UIStackView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
    column.spacing = 2;
    column.alignment = UIStackViewAlignmentFill;
    column.axis = UILayoutConstraintAxisVertical; //Up-Down
    column.distribution = UIStackViewDistributionFillEqually;
    for (int row=0; row<5; row++) {
        //..frame:(CGRect) defines here proportions and
        //relation to axis of StackView
        IntrinsicView *intrinsicView = [[IntrinsicView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 30.0, 30.0)];
        [column addArrangedSubview:intrinsicView];
    [self.view addSubview:column];

now you can go crazy with UIStackView's enter image description here

or in swift + encoding, decoding, IB support, Objective-C support

@IBDesignable @objc class IntrinsicView : UIView {
    @IBInspectable var intrinsic : CGSize
    @objc override init(frame: CGRect) {
        intrinsic = frame.size
        super.init(frame: frame)
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        intrinsic = coder.decodeCGSize(forKey: "intrinsic")
        super.init(coder: coder)
    override func encode(with coder: NSCoder) {
        coder.encode(intrinsic, forKey: "intrinsic")
        super.encode(with: coder)
    override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
        return intrinsic
    override func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
        frame = CGRect(x: self.frame.origin.x, y: self.frame.origin.y, width: intrinsic.width, height: intrinsic.height)

How can I remove the search bar and footer added by the jQuery DataTables plugin?

If you only want to hide the search form for example because you have column input filters or may be because you already have a CMS search form able to return results from the table then all you have to do is inspect the form and get its id - (at the time of writing this, it looks as such[tableid]-table_filter.dataTables_filter). Then simply do [tableid]-table_filter.dataTables_filter{display:none;} retaining all other features of datatables.

Can I run Keras model on gpu?

2.0 Compatible Answer: While above mentioned answer explain in detail on how to use GPU on Keras Model, I want to explain how it can be done for Tensorflow Version 2.0.

To know how many GPUs are available, we can use the below code:

print("Num GPUs Available: ", len(tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')))

To find out which devices your operations and tensors are assigned to, put tf.debugging.set_log_device_placement(True) as the first statement of your program.

Enabling device placement logging causes any Tensor allocations or operations to be printed. For example, running the below code:


# Create some tensors
a = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])
b = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]])
c = tf.matmul(a, b)


gives the Output shown below:

Executing op MatMul in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 tf.Tensor( [[22. 28.] [49. 64.]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)

For more information, refer this link

Converting String Array to an Integer Array

You could read the entire input line from scanner, then split the line by , then you have a String[], parse each number into int[] with index one to one matching...(assuming valid input and no NumberFormatExceptions) like

String line = scanner.nextLine();
String[] numberStrs = line.split(",");
int[] numbers = new int[numberStrs.length];
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)
   // Note that this is assuming valid input
   // If you want to check then add a try/catch 
   // and another index for the numbers if to continue adding the others (see below)
   numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);

As YoYo's answer suggests, the above can be achieved more concisely in Java 8:

int[] numbers =",")).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray();  

To handle invalid input

You will need to consider what you want need to do in this case, do you want to know that there was bad input at that element or just skip it.

If you don't need to know about invalid input but just want to continue parsing the array you could do the following:

int index = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)
        numbers[index] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
        //Do nothing or you could print error if you want
// Now there will be a number of 'invalid' elements 
// at the end which will need to be trimmed
numbers = Arrays.copyOf(numbers, index);

The reason we should trim the resulting array is that the invalid elements at the end of the int[] will be represented by a 0, these need to be removed in order to differentiate between a valid input value of 0.

Results in

Input: "2,5,6,bad,10"
Output: [2,3,6,10]

If you need to know about invalid input later you could do the following:

Integer[] numbers = new Integer[numberStrs.length];
for(int i = 0;i < numberStrs.length;i++)        
        numbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(numberStrs[i]);
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)   
        numbers[i] = null;

In this case bad input (not a valid integer) the element will be null.

Results in

Input: "2,5,6,bad,10"
Output: [2,3,6,null,10]

You could potentially improve performance by not catching the exception (see this question for more on this) and use a different method to check for valid integers.

Custom Listview Adapter with filter Android

you can find custom list adapter class with filterable using text change in edit text...

create custom list adapter class with implementation of Filterable:

private class CustomListAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable{

    private LayoutInflater inflater;
    private ViewHolder holder;
    private ItemFilter mFilter = new ItemFilter();

    public CustomListAdapter(List<YourCustomData> newlist) {
        filteredData = newlist;

    public int getCount() {
        return filteredData.size();

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return null;

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return position;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

        holder = new ViewHolder();

            inflater = (LayoutInflater)getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

        if(convertView == null){
            convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row_listview_item, null);

            holder.mTextView = (TextView)convertView.findViewById(;

            holder = (ViewHolder)convertView.getTag();


        return convertView;

    public Filter getFilter() {
        return mFilter;


class ViewHolder{
    TextView mTextView;

private class ItemFilter extends Filter {
    protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {

        String filterString = constraint.toString().toLowerCase();

        FilterResults results = new FilterResults();

        final List<YourCustomData> list = YourObject.getYourDataList();

        int count = list.size();
        final ArrayList<YourCustomData> nlist = new ArrayList<YourCustomData>(count);

        String filterableString ;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            filterableString = ""+list.get(i).getYourText();
            if (filterableString.toLowerCase().contains(filterString)) {
                YourCustomData mYourCustomData = list.get(i);

        results.values = nlist;
        results.count = nlist.size();

        return results;

    protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {
        filteredData = (ArrayList<YourCustomData>) results.values;


mEditTextSearch.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

Rails 4 LIKE query - ActiveRecord adds quotes

ActiveRecord is clever enough to know that the parameter referred to by the ? is a string, and so it encloses it in single quotes. You could as one post suggests use Ruby string interpolation to pad the string with the required % symbols. However, this might expose you to SQL-injection (which is bad). I would suggest you use the SQL CONCAT() function to prepare the string like so:

"name LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%') OR postal_code LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%')", search, search)

Java: how do I get a class literal from a generic type?

Well as we all know that it gets erased. But it can be known under some circumstances where the type is explicitly mentioned in the class hierarchy:

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public abstract class CaptureType<T> {
     * {@link java.lang.reflect.Type} object of the corresponding generic type. This method is useful to obtain every kind of information (including annotations) of the generic type.
     * @return Type object. null if type could not be obtained (This happens in case of generic type whose information cant be obtained using Reflection). Please refer documentation of {@link com.types.CaptureType}
    public Type getTypeParam() {
        Class<?> bottom = getClass();
        Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type> reifyMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        for (; ; ) {
            Type genericSuper = bottom.getGenericSuperclass();
            if (!(genericSuper instanceof Class)) {
                ParameterizedType generic = (ParameterizedType) genericSuper;
                Class<?> actualClaz = (Class<?>) generic.getRawType();
                TypeVariable<? extends Class<?>>[] typeParameters = actualClaz.getTypeParameters();
                Type[] reified = generic.getActualTypeArguments();
                assert (typeParameters.length != 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
                    reifyMap.put(typeParameters[i], reified[i]);

            if (bottom.getSuperclass().equals(CaptureType.class)) {
                bottom = bottom.getSuperclass();
            bottom = bottom.getSuperclass();

        TypeVariable<?> var = bottom.getTypeParameters()[0];
        while (true) {
            Type type = reifyMap.get(var);
            if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
                var = (TypeVariable<?>) type;
            } else {
                return type;

     * Returns the raw type of the generic type.
     * <p>For example in case of {@code CaptureType<String>}, it would return {@code Class<String>}</p>
     * For more comprehensive examples, go through javadocs of {@link com.types.CaptureType}
     * @return Class object
     * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException If the type information cant be obtained. Refer documentation of {@link com.types.CaptureType}
     * @see com.types.CaptureType
    public Class<T> getRawType() {
        Type typeParam = getTypeParam();
        if (typeParam != null)
            return getClass(typeParam);
        else throw new RuntimeException("Could not obtain type information");

     * Gets the {@link java.lang.Class} object of the argument type.
     * <p>If the type is an {@link java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType}, then it returns its {@link java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType#getRawType()}</p>
     * @param type The type
     * @param <A>  type of class object expected
     * @return The Class<A> object of the type
     * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException If the type is a {@link java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable}. In such cases, it is impossible to obtain the Class object
    public static <A> Class<A> getClass(Type type) {
        if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
            Type componentType = ((GenericArrayType) type).getGenericComponentType();
            Class<?> componentClass = getClass(componentType);
            if (componentClass != null) {
                return (Class<A>) Array.newInstance(componentClass, 0).getClass();
            } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown class: " + type.getClass());
        } else if (type instanceof Class) {
            Class claz = (Class) type;
            return claz;
        } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            return getClass(((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType());
        } else if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The type signature is erased. The type class cant be known by using reflection");
        } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown class: " + type.getClass());

     * This method is the preferred method of usage in case of complex generic types.
     * <p>It returns {@link com.types.TypeADT} object which contains nested information of the type parameters</p>
     * @return TypeADT object
     * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException If the type information cant be obtained. Refer documentation of {@link com.types.CaptureType}
    public TypeADT getParamADT() {
        return recursiveADT(getTypeParam());

    private TypeADT recursiveADT(Type type) {
        if (type instanceof Class) {
            return new TypeADT((Class<?>) type, null);
        } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            ArrayList<TypeADT> generic = new ArrayList<>();
            ParameterizedType type1 = (ParameterizedType) type;
            return new TypeADT((Class<?>) type1.getRawType(),
           -> recursiveADT(x)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


public class TypeADT {
    private final Class<?> reify;
    private final List<TypeADT> parametrized;

    TypeADT(Class<?> reify, List<TypeADT> parametrized) {
        this.reify = reify;
        this.parametrized = parametrized;

    public Class<?> getRawType() {
        return reify;

    public List<TypeADT> getParameters() {
        return parametrized;

And now you can do things like:

static void test1() {
        CaptureType<String> t1 = new CaptureType<String>() {
        equals(t1.getRawType(), String.class);

    static void test2() {
        CaptureType<List<String>> t1 = new CaptureType<List<String>>() {
        equals(t1.getRawType(), List.class);
        equals(t1.getParamADT().getParameters().get(0).getRawType(), String.class);

    private static void test3() {
            CaptureType<List<List<String>>> t1 = new CaptureType<List<List<String>>>() {
            equals(t1.getParamADT().getRawType(), List.class);
        equals(t1.getParamADT().getParameters().get(0).getRawType(), List.class);

    static class Test4 extends CaptureType<List<String>> {

    static void test4() {
        Test4 test4 = new Test4();
        equals(test4.getParamADT().getRawType(), List.class);

    static class PreTest5<S> extends CaptureType<Integer> {

    static class Test5 extends PreTest5<Integer> {

    static void test5() {
        Test5 test5 = new Test5();
        equals(test5.getTypeParam(), Integer.class);

    static class PreTest6<S> extends CaptureType<S> {

    static class Test6 extends PreTest6<Integer> {

    static void test6() {
        Test6 test6 = new Test6();
        equals(test6.getTypeParam(), Integer.class);

    class X<T> extends CaptureType<T> {

    class Y<A, B> extends X<B> {

    class Z<Q> extends Y<Q, Map<Integer, List<List<List<Integer>>>>> {

    void test7(){
        Z<String> z = new Z<>();
        TypeADT param = z.getParamADT();
        equals(param.getRawType(), Map.class);
        List<TypeADT> parameters = param.getParameters();
        equals(parameters.get(0).getRawType(), Integer.class);
        equals(parameters.get(1).getRawType(), List.class);
        equals(parameters.get(1).getParameters().get(0).getRawType(), List.class);
        equals(parameters.get(1).getParameters().get(0).getParameters().get(0).getRawType(), List.class);
        equals(parameters.get(1).getParameters().get(0).getParameters().get(0).getParameters().get(0).getRawType(), Integer.class);

    static void test8() throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
        CaptureType<int[]> type = new CaptureType<int[]>() {
        equals(type.getRawType(), int[].class);

    static void test9(){
        CaptureType<String[]> type = new CaptureType<String[]>() {
        equals(type.getRawType(), String[].class);

    static class SomeClass<T> extends CaptureType<T>{}
    static void test10(){
        SomeClass<String> claz = new SomeClass<>();
            throw new RuntimeException("Shouldnt come here");
        }catch (RuntimeException ex){


    static void equals(Object a, Object b) {
        if (!a.equals(b)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Test failed. " + a + " != " + b);

More info here. But again, it is almost impossible to retrieve for:

class SomeClass<T> extends CaptureType<T>{}
SomeClass<String> claz = new SomeClass<>();

where it gets erased.

Return JSON for ResponseEntity<String>

@RequestMapping(value = "so", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody String so() {
    return "This is a String";

Change a Git remote HEAD to point to something besides master

There was almost the same question on GitHub a year ago.

The idea was to rename the master branch:

git branch -m master development
git branch -m published master
git push -f origin master 

Making master have what you want people to use, and do all other work in branches.

(a "git-symbolic-ref HEAD refs/head/published" would not be propagated to the remote repo)

This is similar to "How do I delete origin/master in Git".

As said in this thread: (emphasis mine)

"git clone" creates only a single local branch.
To do that, it looks at the HEAD ref of the remote repo, and creates a local branch with the same name as the remote branch referenced by it.

So to wrap that up, you have repo A and clone it:

  • HEAD references refs/heads/master and that exists
    -> you get a local branch called master, starting from origin/master

  • HEAD references refs/heads/anotherBranch and that exists
    -> you get a local branch called anotherBranch, starting from origin/anotherBranch

  • HEAD references refs/heads/master and that doesn't exist
    -> "git clone" complains

Not sure if there's any way to directly modify the HEAD ref in a repo.

(which is the all point of your question, I know ;) )

Maybe the only way would be a "publication for the poor", where you:

 $ git-symbolic-ref HEAD refs/head/published
 $ git-update-server-info
 $ rsync -az .git/* server:/local_path_to/git/myRepo.git/

But that would involve write access to the server, which is not always possible.

As I explain in "Git: Correct way to change Active Branch in a bare repository?", git remote set-head wouldn't change anything on the remote repo.

It would only change the remote tracking branch stored locally in your local repo, in remotes/<name>/HEAD.

With Git 2.29 (Q4 2020), "git remote set-head(man)" that failed still said something that hints the operation went through, which was misleading.

See commit 5a07c6c (17 Sep 2020) by Christian Schlack (cschlack).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 39149df, 22 Sep 2020)

remote: don't show success message when set-head fails

Signed-off-by: Christian Schlack

Suppress the message 'origin/HEAD set to master' in case of an error.

$ git remote set-head origin -a
error: Not a valid ref: refs/remotes/origin/master
origin/HEAD set to master

How can I make an image transparent on Android?


ImageView image = (ImageView) findViewById(;
image.setAlpha(150); // Value: [0-255]. Where 0 is fully transparent
                     // and 255 is fully opaque. Set the value according
                     // to your choice, and you can also use seekbar to
                     // maintain the transparency.

jQuery, simple polling example

Here's a helpful article on long polling (long-held HTTP request) using jQuery. A code snippet derived from this article:

(function poll() {
    setTimeout(function() {
            url: "/server/api/function",
            type: "GET",
            success: function(data) {
            dataType: "json",
            complete: poll,
            timeout: 2000
    }, 5000);

This will make the next request only after the ajax request has completed.

A variation on the above that will execute immediately the first time it is called before honouring the wait/timeout interval.

(function poll() {
        url: "/server/api/function",
        type: "GET",
        success: function(data) {
        dataType: "json",
        complete: setTimeout(function() {poll()}, 5000),
        timeout: 2000

What does the @Valid annotation indicate in Spring?

I think I know where your question is headed. And since this question is the one that pop ups in google's search main results, I can give a plain answer on what the @Valid annotation does.

I'll present 3 scenarios on how I've used @Valid


public class Employee{
private String name;
@NotNull(message="cannot be null")
@Size(min=1, message="cannot be blank")
private String lastName;
 //Getters and Setters for both fields.


<form:form action="processForm" modelAttribute="employee">
 <form:input type="text" path="name"/>
 <form:input type="text" path="lastName"/>
<form:errors path="lastName"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

Controller for scenario 1:

        public String processFormData(@Valid @ModelAttribute("employee") Employee employee){
        return "employee-confirmation-page";

In this scenario, after submitting your form with an empty lastName field, you'll get an error page since you're applying validation rules but you're not handling it whatsoever.

Example of said error: Exception page

Controller for scenario 2:

    public String processFormData(@Valid @ModelAttribute("employee") Employee employee,
BindingResult bindingResult){
                return bindingResult.hasErrors() ? "employee-form" : "employee-confirmation-page";

In this scenario, you're passing all the results from that validation to the bindingResult, so it's up to you to decide what to do with the validation results of that form.

Controller for scenario 3:

    public String processFormData(@Valid @ModelAttribute("employee") Employee employee){
                return "employee-confirmation-page";
public Map<String, String> invalidFormProcessor(MethodArgumentNotValidException ex){
  //Your mapping of the errors...etc

In this scenario you're still not handling the errors like in the first scenario, but you pass that to another method that will take care of the exception that @Valid triggers when processing the form model. Check this see what to do with the mapping and all that.

To sum up: @Valid on its own with do nothing more that trigger the validation of validation JSR 303 annotated fields (@NotNull, @Email, @Size, etc...), you still need to specify a strategy of what to do with the results of said validation.

Hope I was able to clear something for people that might stumble with this.

Adding days to $Date in PHP

You can also use the following format

strtotime("-3 days", time());
strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($date));

You can stack changes this way:

strtotime("+1 day", strtotime("+1 year", strtotime($date)));

Note the difference between this approach and the one in other answers: instead of concatenating the values +1 day and <timestamp>, you can just pass in the timestamp as the second parameter of strtotime.

How to change facet labels?

I feel like I should add my answer to this because it took me quite long to make this work:

This answer is for you if:

  • you do not want to edit your original data
  • if you need expressions (bquote) in your labels and
  • if you want the flexibility of a separate labelling name-vector

I basically put the labels in a named vector so labels would not get confused or switched. The labeller expression could probably be simpler, but this at least works (improvements are very welcome). Note the ` (back quotes) to protect the facet-factor.

n <- 10
x <- seq(0, 300, length.out = n)

# I have my data in a "long" format
my_data <- data.frame(
  Type = as.factor(c(rep('dl/l', n), rep('alpha', n))),
  T = c(x, x),
  Value = c(x*0.1, sqrt(x))

# the label names as a named vector
type_names <- c(
  `nonsense` = "this is just here because it looks good",
  `dl/l` = Linear~Expansion~~Delta*L/L[Ref]~"="~"[%]", # bquote expression
  `alpha` = Linear~Expansion~Coefficient~~alpha~"="~"[1/K]"

ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data = my_data, mapping = aes(T, Value)) + 
  facet_wrap(. ~ Type, scales="free_y", 
             labeller = label_bquote(.(as.expression(
               eval(parse(text = paste0('type_names', '$`', Type, '`')))
               )))) +
  labs(x="Temperature [K]", y="", colour = "") +
  theme(legend.position = 'none')

enter image description here

SQL query for today's date minus two months

Would something like this work for you?


Get time in milliseconds using C#

Using Stopwatch class we can achieve it from System.Diagnostics.

Stopwatch stopwatch  = new Stopwatch();

element not interactable exception in selenium web automation

Try setting an implicit wait of maybe 10 seconds.

gmail.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Or set an explicit wait. An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. In your case, it is the visibility of the password input field. (Thanks to ainlolcat's comment)

WebDriver gmail= new ChromeDriver();
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(gmail, 10);
WebElement element = wait.until(

Explanation: The reason selenium can't find the element is because the id of the password input field is initially Passwd-hidden. After you click on the "Next" button, Google first verifies the email address entered and then shows the password input field (by changing the id from Passwd-hidden to Passwd). So, when the password field is still hidden (i.e. Google is still verifying the email id), your webdriver starts searching for the password input field with id Passwd which is still hidden. And hence, an exception is thrown.

Difference between two dates in MySQL

Get the date difference in days using DATEDIFF

SELECT DATEDIFF('2010-10-08 18:23:13', '2010-09-21 21:40:36') AS days;
| days |
|   17 |


Refer the below link MySql difference between two timestamps in days?

Debugging in Maven?

If you don't want to be IDE dependent and want to work directly with the command line, you can use 'jdb' (Java Debugger)

As mentioned by Samuel with small modification (set suspend=y instead of suspend=n, y means yes which suspends the program and not run it so you that can set breakpoints to debug it, if suspend=n means it may run the program to completion before you can even debug it)

On the directory which contains your pom.xml, execute:

mvn exec:exec -Dexec.executable="java" -Dexec.args="-classpath %classpath -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=1044"

Then, open up a new terminal and execute:

jdb -attach 1044

You can then use jdb to debug your program!=)

Sources: Java jdb remote debugging command line tool

Bash script to cd to directory with spaces in pathname

The very simple way of doing this is-

 $ cd My\ Folder

In bash, run DIR command and in the results you would see that the folder or path names having space between them has been written in the results like this -

My\ Folder
New\ Folder

How to get last inserted id?

After this:

INSERT INTO aspnet_GameProfiles(UserId, GameId) OUTPUT INSERTED.ID VALUES(@UserId, @GameId)

Execute this

int id = (int)command.ExecuteScalar;

It will work

What is JavaScript garbage collection?

Reference types do not store the object directly into the variable to which it is assigned, so the object variable in the example below, doesn’t actually contain the object instance. Instead, it holds a pointer (or reference) to the location in memory, where the object exists.

var object = new Object();

if you assign one reference typed variable to another, each variable gets a copy of the pointer, and both still reference to the same object in memory.

var object1 = new Object();
var object2 = object1;

Two variables pointing to one object

JavaScript is a garbage-collected language, so you don’t really need to worry about memory allocations when you use reference types. However, it’s best to dereference objects that you no longer need so that the garbage collector can free up that memory. The best way to do this is to set the object variable to null.

var object1 = new Object();
// do something
object1 = null; // dereference

Dereferencing objects is especially important in very large applications that use millions of objects.

from The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript - NICHOLAS C. ZAKAS

Python in Xcode 4+?

This Technical Note TN2328 from Apple Developer Library helped me a lot about Changes To Embedding Python Using Xcode 5.0.

Change Select List Option background colour on hover

Select / Option elements are rendered by the OS, not HTML. You cannot change the style for these elements.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer

You have downloaded Jersey 2 (which RI of JAX-RS 2). The tutorial you're referring to uses Jersey 1. Download Jersey 1.17.1 from (here), should be sufficient for you.

Jersey 1 uses com.sun.jersey, and Jersey 2 uses org.glassfish.jersey hence the exception.

Also note that also init-param starting with com.sun.jersey won't be recognized by Jersey 2.


Registering Resources and Providers in Jersey 2 contains additional info on how to register classes/instances in Jersey 2.

How To Create Table with Identity Column

[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

of course since you're creating the table in SQL Server Management Studio you could use the table designer to set the Identity Specification.

enter image description here

Convert string to binary then back again using PHP

A string is just a sequence of bytes, hence it's actually binary data in PHP. What exactly are you trying to do?


If you want to store binary data in your database, the problem most often is the column definition in your database. PHP does not differentiate between binary data and strings, but databases do. In MySQL for example you should store binary data in BINARY, VARBINARY or BLOB columns.

Another option would be to base64_encode your PHP string and store it in some VARCHAR or TEXT column in the database. But be aware that the string's length will increase when base64_encode is used.

What is a "thread" (really)?

Processes are like two people using two different computers, who use the network to share data when necessary. Threads are like two people using the same computer, who don't have to share data explicitly but must carefully take turns.

Conceptually, threads are just multiple worker bees buzzing around in the same address space. Each thread has its own stack, its own program counter, etc., but all threads in a process share the same memory. Imagine two programs running at the same time, but they both can access the same objects.

Contrast this with processes. Processes each have their own address space, meaning a pointer in one process cannot be used to refer to an object in another (unless you use shared memory).

I guess the key things to understand are:

  • Both processes and threads can "run at the same time".
  • Processes do not share memory (by default), but threads share all of their memory with other threads in the same process.
  • Each thread in a process has its own stack and its own instruction pointer.

LINQ orderby on date field in descending order

This statement will definitely help you:

env = env.OrderByDescending(c => c.ReportDate).ToList();

How to make a background 20% transparent on Android

You can try to do something like:


Here you can set the opacity between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (completely opaque). The 51 is exactly the 20% you want.

How to align checkboxes and their labels consistently cross-browsers

This works well for me:

fieldset {_x000D_
fieldset ol, fieldset ul {_x000D_
fieldset li {_x000D_
label {_x000D_
fieldset.checkboxes li {_x000D_
fieldset.checkboxes label {_x000D_
  margin:0 0 0 1em;_x000D_
fieldset.checkboxes input {_x000D_
  <fieldset class="checkboxes">_x000D_
        <input type="checkbox" name="happy" value="yep" id="happy" />_x000D_
        <label for="happy">Happy?</label>_x000D_
        <input type="checkbox" name="hungry" value="yep" id="hungry" />_x000D_
        <label for="hungry">Hungry?</label>_x000D_

How to use regex in file find

Just little elaboration of regex for search a directory and file

Find a directroy with name like book

find . -name "*book*" -type d

Find a file with name like book word

find . -name "*book*" -type f

How to get parameter on Angular2 route in Angular way?

Update: Sep 2019

As a few people have mentioned, the parameters in paramMap should be accessed using the common MapAPI:

To get a snapshot of the params, when you don't care that they may change:

this.bankName = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('bank');

To subscribe and be alerted to changes in the parameter values (typically as a result of the router's navigation)

this.route.paramMap.subscribe( paramMap => {
    this.bankName = paramMap.get('bank');

Update: Aug 2017

Since Angular 4, params have been deprecated in favor of the new interface paramMap. The code for the problem above should work if you simply substitute one for the other.

Original Answer

If you inject ActivatedRoute in your component, you'll be able to extract the route parameters

    import {ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';
    constructor(private route:ActivatedRoute){}
        // 'bank' is the name of the route parameter
        this.bankName = this.route.snapshot.params['bank'];

If you expect users to navigate from bank to bank directly, without navigating to another component first, you ought to access the parameter through an observable:

        this.route.params.subscribe( params =>
            this.bankName = params['bank'];

For the docs, including the differences between the two check out this link and search for "activatedroute"

jQuery AJAX single file upload

A. Grab file data from the file field

The first thing to do is bind a function to the change event on your file field and a function for grabbing the file data:

// Variable to store your files
var files;

// Add events
$('input[type=file]').on('change', prepareUpload);

// Grab the files and set them to our variable
function prepareUpload(event)
  files =;

This saves the file data to a file variable for later use.

B. Handle the file upload on submit

When the form is submitted you need to handle the file upload in its own AJAX request. Add the following binding and function:

$('form').on('submit', uploadFiles);

// Catch the form submit and upload the files
function uploadFiles(event)
  event.stopPropagation(); // Stop stuff happening
    event.preventDefault(); // Totally stop stuff happening


// Create a formdata object and add the files
var data = new FormData();
$.each(files, function(key, value)
    data.append(key, value);

    url: 'submit.php?files',
    type: 'POST',
    data: data,
    cache: false,
    dataType: 'json',
    processData: false, // Don't process the files
    contentType: false, // Set content type to false as jQuery will tell the server its a query string request
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
        if(typeof data.error === 'undefined')
            // Success so call function to process the form
            submitForm(event, data);
            // Handle errors here
            console.log('ERRORS: ' + data.error);
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
        // Handle errors here
        console.log('ERRORS: ' + textStatus);

What this function does is create a new formData object and appends each file to it. It then passes that data as a request to the server. 2 attributes need to be set to false:

  • processData - Because jQuery will convert the files arrays into strings and the server can't pick it up.
  • contentType - Set this to false because jQuery defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and doesn't send the files. Also setting it to multipart/form-data doesn't seem to work either.

C. Upload the files

Quick and dirty php script to upload the files and pass back some info:

<?php // You need to add server side validation and better error handling here

$data = array();

$error = false;
$files = array();

$uploaddir = './uploads/';
foreach($_FILES as $file)
    if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploaddir .basename($file['name'])))
        $files[] = $uploaddir .$file['name'];
        $error = true;
$data = ($error) ? array('error' => 'There was an error uploading your files') : array('files' => $files);
    $data = array('success' => 'Form was submitted', 'formData' => $_POST);

echo json_encode($data);


IMP: Don't use this, write your own.

D. Handle the form submit

The success method of the upload function passes the data sent back from the server to the submit function. You can then pass that to the server as part of your post:

function submitForm(event, data)
  // Create a jQuery object from the form
$form = $(;

// Serialize the form data
var formData = $form.serialize();

// You should sterilise the file names
$.each(data.files, function(key, value)
    formData = formData + '&filenames[]=' + value;

    url: 'submit.php',
    type: 'POST',
    data: formData,
    cache: false,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
        if(typeof data.error === 'undefined')
            // Success so call function to process the form
            console.log('SUCCESS: ' + data.success);
            // Handle errors here
            console.log('ERRORS: ' + data.error);
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
        // Handle errors here
        console.log('ERRORS: ' + textStatus);
    complete: function()

Final note

This script is an example only, you'll need to handle both server and client side validation and some way to notify users that the file upload is happening. I made a project for it on Github if you want to see it working.

Referenced From

How can I multiply and divide using only bit shifting and adding?

it is basically multiplying and dividing with the base power 2

shift left = x * 2 ^ y

shift right = x / 2 ^ y

shl eax,2 = 2 * 2 ^ 2 = 8

shr eax,3 = 2 / 2 ^ 3 = 1/4

Force IE10 to run in IE10 Compatibility View?

See here:


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE10">

I just tried it and it showed IE10 compatibility mode in the debug window.

What is a reasonable length limit on person "Name" fields?

Note that many cultures have 'second surnames' often called family names. For example, if you are dealing with Spanish people, they will appreciate having a family name separated from their 'surname'.

Best bet is to define a data type for the name components, use those for a data type for the surname and tweak depending on locale.

How to update fields in a model without creating a new record in django?

If you get a model instance from the database, then calling the save method will always update that instance. For example:

t = TemperatureData.objects.get(id=1)
t.value = 999  # change field # this will update only

If your goal is prevent any INSERTs, then you can override the save method, test if the primary key exists and raise an exception. See the following for more detail:

How to create two columns on a web page?

i recommend to look this article

see 4. Place the columns side by side special

To make the two columns (#main and #sidebar) display side by side we float them, one to the left and the other to the right. We also specify the widths of the columns.

    #main {
    #sidebar {

Note that the sum of the widths should be equal to the width given to #wrap in Step 3.

Android Studio is slow (how to speed up)?

Please add in setting.gradle (root folder)


Change tab bar tint color on iOS 7

In "Attributes Inspector" of your Tab Bar Controller within Interface Builder make sure your Bottom Bar is set to Opaque Tab Bar:

Choose Opaque

Now goto your AppDelegate.m file. Find:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

And then add this code between the curly braces to change the colors of both the tab bar buttons and the tab bar background:

///----------------SET TAB BAR COLOR------------------------//

//--------------FOR TAB BAR BUTTON COLOR---------------//
[[UITabBar appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor greenColor]];

//-------------FOR TAB BAR BACKGROUND COLOR------------//
[[UITabBar appearance] setBarTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];

How to convert NSDate into unix timestamp iphone sdk?

As per @kexik's suggestion using the UNIX time function as below :

  time_t result = time(NULL);
  NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"The current Unix epoch time is %d",(int)result]);

.As per my experience - don't use timeIntervalSince1970 , it gives epoch timestamp - number of seconds you are behind GMT.

There used to be a bug with [[NSDate date]timeIntervalSince1970] , it used to add/subtract time based on the timezone of the phone but it seems to be resolved now.

"undefined" function declared in another file?

You can try one of the following:

Method 1:

  • Assume that your project name is MyProject
  • Go to your path, run go build
  • It will create an executable file as your project name ("MyProject")
  • Then run the executable using ./MyProject

You can do both steps at once by typing go build && ./MyProject. Go files of the package main are compiled to an executable.

Method 2:

  • Just run go run *.go. It won't create any executable but it runs.

CSS: Fix row height

You can also try this, if this is what you need:

<style type="text/css">
   table td div {height:20px;overflow-y:hidden;}
   table td.col1 div {width:100px;}
   table td.col2 div {width:300px;}

    <tr><td class="col1"><div>test</div></td></tr>
    <tr><td class="col2"><div>test</div></td></tr>

Showing alert in angularjs when user leaves a page

As you've discovered above, you can use a combination of window.onbeforeunload and $locationChangeStart to message the user. In addition, you can utilize ngForm.$dirty to only message the user when they have made changes.

I've written an angularjs directive that you can apply to any form that will automatically watch for changes and message the user if they reload the page or navigate away. @see

Hopefully you find this directive useful!

PHP convert date format dd/mm/yyyy => yyyy-mm-dd

I can see great answers, so there's no need to repeat here, so I'd like to offer some advice:

I would recommend using a Unix Timestamp integer instead of a human-readable date format to handle time internally, then use PHP's date() function to convert the timestamp value into a human-readable date format for user display. Here's a crude example of how it should be done:

// Get unix timestamp in seconds
$current_time = date();

// Or if you need millisecond precision

// Get unix timestamp in milliseconds
$current_time = microtime(true);

Then use $current_time as needed in your app (store, add or subtract, etc), then when you need to display the date value it to your users, you can use date() to specify your desired date format:

// Display a human-readable date format
echo date('d-m-Y', $current_time);

This way you'll avoid much headache dealing with date formats, conversions and timezones, as your dates will be in a standardized format (Unix Timestamp) that is compact, timezone-independent (always in UTC) and widely supported in programming languages and databases.

What does %s mean in a python format string?

Andrew's answer is good.

And just to help you out a bit more, here's how you use multiple formatting in one string

"Hello %s, my name is %s" % ('john', 'mike') # Hello john, my name is mike".

If you are using ints instead of string, use %d instead of %s.

"My name is %s and i'm %d" % ('john', 12) #My name is john and i'm 12

How to get the error message from the error code returned by GetLastError()?

Since c++11, you can use the standard library instead of FormatMessage:

#include <system_error>

std::string GetLastErrorAsString(){
    DWORD errorMessageID = ::GetLastError();
    if (errorMessageID == 0) {
        return std::string(); //No error message has been recorded
    } else {
        return std::system_category().message(errorMessageID);

Touch move getting stuck Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove

I had this problem and all I had to do is return true from touchend and the warning went away.

'No JUnit tests found' in Eclipse

Sometimes, it occurs when you add Junit Library in Module path. So, Delete it there and add in Class path.

How to check the Angular version?

ng --version command returns the details of the version of Angular CLI installed

What characters are forbidden in Windows and Linux directory names?

For Windows you can check it using PowerShell

$PathInvalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidPathChars() #36 chars

To display UTF-8 codes you can convert

$enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$PathInvalidChars | foreach { $enc.GetBytes($_) }

$FileNameInvalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() #41 chars

$FileOnlyInvalidChars = @(':', '*', '?', '\', '/') #5 chars - as a difference

Android: upgrading DB version and adding new table

@jkschneider's answer is right. However there is a better approach.

Write the needed changes in an sql file for each update as described in the link




ALTER TABLE books RENAME TO book_information;


ALTER TABLE book_information ADD COLUMN calculated_pages_times_rating INTEGER;
UPDATE book_information SET calculated_pages_times_rating = (book_pages * book_rating) ;

These .sql files will be executed in onUpgrade() method according to the version of the database.

public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 4;

    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "database.db";
    private static final String TAG = DatabaseHelper.class.getName();

    private static DatabaseHelper mInstance = null;
    private final Context context;

    private DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
        this.context = context;

    public static synchronized DatabaseHelper getInstance(Context ctx) {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            mInstance = new DatabaseHelper(ctx.getApplicationContext());
        return mInstance;

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        // The rest of your create scripts go here.


    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Updating table from " + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion);
        // You will not need to modify this unless you need to do some android specific things.
        // When upgrading the database, all you need to do is add a file to the assets folder and name it:
        // from_1_to_2.sql with the version that you are upgrading to as the last version.
        try {
            for (int i = oldVersion; i < newVersion; ++i) {
                String migrationName = String.format("from_%d_to_%d.sql", i, (i + 1));
                Log.d(TAG, "Looking for migration file: " + migrationName);
                readAndExecuteSQLScript(db, context, migrationName);
        } catch (Exception exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Exception running upgrade script:", exception);


    public void onDowngrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {


    private void readAndExecuteSQLScript(SQLiteDatabase db, Context ctx, String fileName) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) {
            Log.d(TAG, "SQL script file name is empty");

        Log.d(TAG, "Script found. Executing...");
        AssetManager assetManager = ctx.getAssets();
        BufferedReader reader = null;

        try {
            InputStream is =;
            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
            reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
            executeSQLScript(db, reader);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "IOException:", e);
        } finally {
            if (reader != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "IOException:", e);


    private void executeSQLScript(SQLiteDatabase db, BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
        String line;
        StringBuilder statement = new StringBuilder();
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            if (line.endsWith(";")) {
                statement = new StringBuilder();

An example project is provided in the same link also :

How to present UIAlertController when not in a view controller?

@agilityvision's answer translated to Swift4/iOS11. I haven't used localized strings, but you can change that easily:

import UIKit

/** An alert controller that can be called without a view controller.
 Creates a blank view controller and presents itself over that
class AlertPlusViewController: UIAlertController {

    private var alertWindow: UIWindow?

    override func viewDidLoad() {

    override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
        self.alertWindow?.isHidden = true
        alertWindow = nil

    func show() {
        self.showAnimated(animated: true)

    func showAnimated(animated _: Bool) {

        let blankViewController = UIViewController()
        blankViewController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear

        let window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
        window.rootViewController = blankViewController
        window.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
        window.windowLevel = UIWindowLevelAlert + 1
        self.alertWindow = window

        blankViewController.present(self, animated: true, completion: nil)

    func presentOkayAlertWithTitle(title: String?, message: String?) {

        let alertController = AlertPlusViewController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
        let okayAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .default, handler: nil)

    func presentOkayAlertWithError(error: NSError?) {
        let title = "Error"
        let message = error?.localizedDescription
        presentOkayAlertWithTitle(title: title, message: message)

ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

I was just creating the database link incorrectly.

Simple fix for me was to simply change 'SID' to SERVICE_NAME






resolved my issue.

How to convert DateTime to/from specific string format (both ways, e.g. given Format is "yyyyMMdd")?

Use DateTime.TryParseExact() if you want to match against a specific date format

   string format = "yyyyMMdd"; 
    DateTime dateTime;
    DateTime.TryParseExact(dateString, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                             DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime);

moment.js, how to get day of week number

You can get this in 2 way using moment and also using Javascript

const date = moment("2015-07-02"); // Thursday Feb 2015_x000D_
const usingMoment_1 =;_x000D_
const usingMoment_2 = date.isoWeekday();_x000D_
console.log('usingMoment: ==> ',usingMoment_1);_x000D_
console.log('usingMoment: date.isoWeekday() ==> ',usingMoment_2);_x000D_
const usingJS= new Date("2015-07-02").getDay();_x000D_
console.log('usingJavaSript: new Date("2015-07-02").getDay() ===> ',usingJS);
<script src=""></script>

Why does this CSS margin-top style not work?

Try using display: inline-block; on the inner div.

#outer {
    margin:50px auto 0 auto;
#inner {
    margin:50px 50px 50px 50px;

dbms_lob.getlength() vs. length() to find blob size in oracle

length and dbms_lob.getlength return the number of characters when applied to a CLOB (Character LOB). When applied to a BLOB (Binary LOB), dbms_lob.getlength will return the number of bytes, which may differ from the number of characters in a multi-byte character set.

As the documentation doesn't specify what happens when you apply length on a BLOB, I would advise against using it in that case. If you want the number of bytes in a BLOB, use dbms_lob.getlength.

How to set the text color of TextView in code?

In order to set color of a TextView, TextView.setTextColor(R.color.YOURCOLOR) is not enough!

It has to be used like this –

TextView myText = (TextView) findViewById(;




DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block?

If you get this while in interactive shell and need a quick fix, do this:

from django.db import connection

originally seen in this answer

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on

This is not the recommended way to solve this error but you can suppress it quickly, it will do the job . I prefer this for prototypes or demos . add

CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false

in Form1() constructor .

How do I list all the files in a directory and subdirectories in reverse chronological order?

ls -lR is to display all files, directories and sub directories of the current directory ls -lR | more is used to show all the files in a flow.

Directory-tree listing in Python

Here is a one line Pythonic version:

import os
dir = 'given_directory_name'
filenames = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),dir,i) for i in os.listdir(dir)]

This code lists the full path of all files and directories in the given directory name.

cor shows only NA or 1 for correlations - Why?

The 1s are because everything is perfectly correlated with itself, and the NAs are because there are NAs in your variables.

You will have to specify how you want R to compute the correlation when there are missing values, because the default is to only compute a coefficient with complete information.

You can change this behavior with the use argument to cor, see ?cor for details.

Pandas concat: ValueError: Shape of passed values is blah, indices imply blah2

I had a similar problem (join worked, but concat failed).

Check for duplicate index values in df1 and s1, (e.g. df1.index.is_unique)

Removing duplicate index values (e.g., df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)) or one of the methods here should resolve it.

C++ - How to append a char to char*?

Remove those char * ret declarations inside if blocks which hide outer ret. Therefor you have memory leak and on the other hand un-allocated memory for ret.

To compare a c-style string you should use strcmp(array,"") not array!="". Your final code should looks like below:

char* appendCharToCharArray(char* array, char a)
    size_t len = strlen(array);

    char* ret = new char[len+2];

    strcpy(ret, array);    
    ret[len] = a;
    ret[len+1] = '\0';

    return ret;

Note that, you must handle the allocated memory of returned ret somewhere by delete[] it.


Why you don't use std::string? it has .append method to append a character at the end of a string:

std::string str;

// or
str += x;

Convert timestamp long to normal date format

Not sure if JSF provides a built-in functionality, but you could use java.sql.Date's constructor to convert to a date object:

Then you should be able to use higher level features provided by Java SE, Java EE to display and format the extracted date. You could instantiate a java.util.Calendar and explicitly set the time:

EDIT: The JSF components should not take care of the conversion. Your data access layer (persistence layer) should take care of this. In other words, your JSF components should not handle the long typed attributes but only a Date or Calendar typed attributes.

Replace Line Breaks in a String C#

If you want to replace only the newlines:

var input = @"sdfhlu \r\n sdkuidfs\r\ndfgdgfd";
var match = @"[\\ ]+";
var replaceWith = " ";
Console.WriteLine("input: " + input);
var x = Regex.Replace(input.Replace(@"\n", replaceWith).Replace(@"\r", replaceWith), match, replaceWith);
Console.WriteLine("output: " + x);

If you want to replace newlines, tabs and white spaces:

var input = @"sdfhlusdkuidfs\r\ndfgdgfd";
var match = @"[\\s]+";
var replaceWith = "";
Console.WriteLine("input: " + input);
var x = Regex.Replace(input, match, replaceWith);
Console.WriteLine("output: " + x);

Remove HTML tags from a String

You might want to replace <br/> and </p> tags with newlines before stripping the HTML to prevent it becoming an illegible mess as Tim suggests.

The only way I can think of removing HTML tags but leaving non-HTML between angle brackets would be check against a list of HTML tags. Something along these lines...


Then HTML-decode special characters such as &amp;. The result should not be considered to be sanitized.

Running SSH Agent when starting Git Bash on Windows

I wrote a script and created a git repository, which solves this issue here: .

The readme contains instructions on how to set the script up, so that each time you open a new window/tab the private key is added to ssh-agent automatically, and you don't have to worry about this, if you're working with remote git repositories.

Is there a program to decompile Delphi?

I don't think there are any machine code decompilers that produce Pascal code. Most "Delphi decompilers" parse form and RTTI data, but do not actually decompile the machine code. I can only recommend using something like DeDe (or similar software) to extract symbol information in combination with a C decompiler, then translate the decompiled C code to Delphi (there are many source code converters out there).

Converting a char to ASCII?

A char is an integral type. When you write

char ch = 'A';

you're setting the value of ch to whatever number your compiler uses to represent the character 'A'. That's usually the ASCII code for 'A' these days, but that's not required. You're almost certainly using a system that uses ASCII.

Like any numeric type, you can initialize it with an ordinary number:

char ch = 13;

If you want do do arithmetic on a char value, just do it: ch = ch + 1; etc.

However, in order to display the value you have to get around the assumption in the iostreams library that you want to display char values as characters rather than numbers. There are a couple of ways to do that.

std::cout << +ch << '\n';
std::cout << int(ch) << '\n'

How to convert int to char with leading zeros?

Try this: select right('00000' + cast(Your_Field as varchar(5)), 5)

It will get the result in 5 digits, ex: 00001,...., 01234

How to count number of unique values of a field in a tab-delimited text file?

This script outputs the number of unique values in each column of a given file. It assumes that first line of given file is header line. There is no need for defining number of fields. Simply save the script in a bash file (.sh) and provide the tab delimited file as a parameter to this script.



awk '
    for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++)
    for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++) 
    for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++){
        for (item in arr[fname[fi]])
' $1

Execution Example:

bash> ./ <path to tab-delimited file>

Output Example

isRef    A_15      C_42     G_24     T_18
isCar    YEA_10    NO_40    NA_50
isTv     FALSE_33  TRUE_66

Convert string to boolean in C#

You must use some of the C # conversion systems:

string to boolean: True to true

string str = "True";
bool mybool = System.Convert.ToBoolean(str);

boolean to string: true to True

bool mybool = true;
string str = System.Convert.ToString(mybool);


string str = mybool.ToString();

bool.Parse expects one parameter which in this case is str, even .

Convert.ToBoolean expects one parameter.

bool.TryParse expects two parameters, one entry (str) and one out (result).

If TryParse is true, then the conversion was correct, otherwise an error occurred

string str = "True";
bool MyBool = bool.Parse(str);


string str = "True";
if(bool.TryParse(str, out bool result))
   //Correct conversion
     //Incorrect, an error has occurred

Press any key to continue

I've created a little Powershell function to emulate MSDOS pause. This handles whether running Powershell ISE or non ISE. (ReadKey does not work in powershell ISE). When running Powershell ISE, this function opens a Windows MessageBox. This can sometimes be confusing, because the MessageBox does not always come to the forefront. Anyway, here it goes:

Usage: pause "Press any key to continue"

Function definition:

Function pause ($message)
    # Check if running Powershell ISE
    if ($psISE)
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        Write-Host "$message" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $x = $host.ui.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

How can I hide the Adobe Reader toolbar when displaying a PDF in the .NET WebBrowser control?

It appears the default setting for Adobe Reader X is for the toolbars not to be shown by default unless they are explicitly turned on by the user. And even when I turn them back on during a session, they don't show up automatically next time. As such, I suspect you have a preference set contrary to the default.

The state you desire, with the top and left toolbars not shown, is called "Read Mode". If you right-click on the document itself, and then click "Page Display Preferences" in the context menu that is shown, you'll be presented with the Adobe Reader Preferences dialog. (This is the same dialog you can access by opening the Adobe Reader application, and selecting "Preferences" from the "Edit" menu.) In the list shown in the left-hand column of the Preferences dialog, select "Internet". Finally, on the right, ensure that you have the "Display in Read Mode by default" box checked:

   Adobe Reader Preferences dialog

You can also turn off the toolbars temporarily by clicking the button at the right of the top toolbar that depicts arrows pointing to opposing corners:

   Adobe Reader Read Mode toolbar button

Finally, if you have "Display in Read Mode by default" turned off, but want to instruct the page you're loading not to display the toolbars (i.e., override the user's current preferences), you can append the following to the URL:


So, for example, the following code will disable both the top toolbar (called "toolbar") and the left-hand toolbar (called "navpane"). However, if the user knows the keyboard combination (F8, and perhaps other methods as well), they will still be able to turn them back on.

string url = @"";

You can read more about the parameters that are available for customizing the way PDF files open here on Adobe's developer website.

Use Toast inside Fragment

You can get the current activity with getActivity()

Toast.makeText(getActivity(),"Toast your message" ,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

How to request Location Permission at runtime

This code work for me. I also handled case "Never Ask Me"

In AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

In build.gradle (Module: app)

dependencies {
    implementation ""

This is CurrentLocationManager.kt

import android.Manifest
import android.content.Context
import android.content.IntentSender
import android.location.Location
import android.location.LocationListener
import android.location.LocationManager
import android.os.Bundle
import android.os.CountDownTimer
import android.util.Log
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference

object CurrentLocationManager : LocationListener {


    fun checkLocationPermission(activity: Activity) {
        if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(
            ) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
        ) {
        } else {
            Thread(Runnable {
                // Moves the current Thread into the background

     * be used in HomeActivity.
    const val REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS = 55
     * The number of millis in the future from the call to start().
     * until the countdown is done and onFinish() is called.
     * It is also the interval along the way to receive onTick(long) callbacks.
    private const val TWENTY_SECS: Long = 20000
     * Timer to get location from history when requestLocationUpdates don't return result.
    private var mCountDownTimer: CountDownTimer? = null
     * WeakReference of current activity.
    private var mWeakReferenceActivity: WeakReference<Activity>? = null
     * user's location.
    var currentLocation: Location? = null

    fun requestLocationUpdates(activity: Activity) {
        if (mWeakReferenceActivity == null) {
            mWeakReferenceActivity = WeakReference(activity)
        } else {
            mWeakReferenceActivity = WeakReference(activity)
        //create location request:
        val mLocationRequest = LocationRequest()
        // Which your app prefers to receive location updates. Note that the location updates may be
        // faster than this rate, or slower than this rate, or there may be no updates at all
        // (if the device has no connectivity)
        mLocationRequest.interval = 20000
        //This method sets the fastest rate in milliseconds at which your app can handle location updates.
        // You need to set this rate because other apps also affect the rate at which updates are sent
        mLocationRequest.fastestInterval = 10000
        mLocationRequest.priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY

        //Get Current Location Settings
        val builder = LocationSettingsRequest.Builder().addLocationRequest(mLocationRequest)
        //Next check whether the current location settings are satisfied
        val client = LocationServices.getSettingsClient(activity)
        val task = client.checkLocationSettings(
        //Prompt the User to Change Location Settings
        task.addOnSuccessListener(activity) {
            Log.d("CurrentLocationManager", "OnSuccessListener")
            // All location settings are satisfied. The client can initialize location requests here.
            // If it's failed, the result after user updated setting is sent to onActivityResult of HomeActivity.
            val activity1 = mWeakReferenceActivity?.get()
            if (activity1 != null) {

        task.addOnFailureListener(activity) { e ->
            Log.d("CurrentLocationManager", "addOnFailureListener")
            val statusCode = (e as ApiException).statusCode
            when (statusCode) {
                CommonStatusCodes.RESOLUTION_REQUIRED ->
                    // Location settings are not satisfied, but this can be fixed
                    // by showing the user a dialog.
                    try {
                        val activity1 = mWeakReferenceActivity?.get()
                        if (activity1 != null) {
                            // Show the dialog by calling startResolutionForResult(),
                            // and check the result in onActivityResult().
                            val resolvable = e as ResolvableApiException
                                activity1, REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS
                    } catch (sendEx: IntentSender.SendIntentException) {
                        // Ignore the error.

                LocationSettingsStatusCodes.SETTINGS_CHANGE_UNAVAILABLE -> {
                    // Location settings are not satisfied. However, we have no way
                    // to fix the settings so we won't show the dialog.

    fun startRequestLocationUpdate(appContext: Context) {
        val mLocationManager = appContext.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
        if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(
            ) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
        ) {
            if (mLocationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER)) {
                    LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 10000, 0f, this
            } else {
                    LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 10000, 0f, this

        /*Timer to call getLastKnownLocation() when requestLocationUpdates don 't return result*/

    override fun onLocationChanged(location: Location?) {
        if (location != null) {
            currentLocation = location

    override fun onStatusChanged(provider: String, status: Int, extras: Bundle) {


    override fun onProviderEnabled(provider: String) {


    override fun onProviderDisabled(provider: String) {


     * Init CountDownTimer to to get location from history when requestLocationUpdates don't return result.
    private fun countDownUpdateLocation() {
        mCountDownTimer = object : CountDownTimer(TWENTY_SECS, TWENTY_SECS) {
            override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long) {}

            override fun onFinish() {
                if (mWeakReferenceActivity != null) {
                    val activity = mWeakReferenceActivity?.get()
                    if (activity != null && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(
                        ) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
                    ) {
                        val location = (activity.applicationContext
                            .getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager)
                    } else {
                } else {
                    mCountDownTimer = null

     * The method must be called in onDestroy() of activity to
     * removeUpdateLocation and cancel CountDownTimer.
    fun stopRequestLocationUpdates() {
        val activity = mWeakReferenceActivity?.get()
        if (activity != null) {
            /*if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(activity,
                    Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {*/
                .getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager).removeUpdates(this)
        mCountDownTimer = null

In MainActivity.kt

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

override fun onDestroy() {

    override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<out String>, grantResults: IntArray) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults)
        if (requestCode == CurrentLocationManager.REQUEST_CODE_ACCESS_LOCATION) {
            if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
                val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                builder.setMessage("We need permission to use your location for the purpose of finding friends near you.")
                    .setTitle("Device Location Required")
                    .setPositiveButton("OK") { _, _ ->
                        if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(
                        ) {
                            //only deny
                        } else {
                            //never ask again
                            val intent = Intent(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS)
                            val uri = Uri.fromParts("package", packageName, null)
                   = uri
                            startActivityForResult(intent, CurrentLocationManager.REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS)
                    .setNegativeButton("Ask Me Later") { _, _ ->

                // Create the AlertDialog object and return it
                val dialog = builder.create()
            } else if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

    //Forward Login result to the CallBackManager in OnActivityResult()
    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        when (requestCode) {
            //case 1. After you allow the app access device location, Another dialog will be displayed to request you to turn on device location
            //case 2. Or You chosen Never Ask Again, you open device Setting and enable location permission
            CurrentLocationManager.REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS -> when (resultCode) {
                RESULT_OK -> {
                    Log.d("REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS", "RESULT_OK")
                    //case 1. You choose OK
                RESULT_CANCELED -> {
                    Log.d("REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS", "RESULT_CANCELED")
                    //case 1. You choose NO THANKS

                    //case 2. In device Setting screen: user can enable or not enable location permission,
                    // so when user back to this activity, we should re-call checkLocationPermission()
                else -> {
                    //do nothing
            else -> {
                super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)

What is the difference between parseInt() and Number()?

Its a good idea to stay away from parseInt and use Number and Math.round unless you need hex or octal. Both can use strings. Why stay away from it?

parseInt(0.001, 10)

parseInt(-0.0000000001, 10)

parseInt(0.0000000001, 10)

parseInt(4000000000000000000000, 10)

It completly butchers really large or really small numbers. Oddly enough it works normally if these inputs are a string.

parseInt("-0.0000000001", 10)

parseInt("0.0000000001", 10)

parseInt("4000000000000000000000", 10)

Instead of risking hard to find bugs with this and the other gotchas people mentioned, I would just avoid parseInt unless you need to parse something other than base 10. Number, Math.round, Math.foor, and .toFixed(0) can all do the same things parseInt can be used for without having these types of bugs.

If you really want or need to use parseInt for some of it's other qualities, never use it to convert floats to ints.

How does an SSL certificate chain bundle work?

You need to use the openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -in server.crt -CAfile ...


returning a Void object

Java 8 has introduced a new class, Optional<T>, that can be used in such cases. To use it, you'd modify your code slightly as follows:

interface B<E>{ Optional<E> method(); }

class A implements B<Void>{

    public Optional<Void> method(){
        // do something
        return Optional.empty();

This allows you to ensure that you always get a non-null return value from your method, even when there isn't anything to return. That's especially powerful when used in conjunction with tools that detect when null can or can't be returned, e.g. the Eclipse @NonNull and @Nullable annotations.

fail to change placeholder color with Bootstrap 3

There was an issue posted here about this:

The issue was solved by this commit:

The solution therefore is to override it back to #999 and not white as suggested (and also overriding all bootstraps styles, not just for webkit-styles):

.form-control::-moz-placeholder {
  color: #999;
.form-control:-ms-input-placeholder {
  color: #999;
.form-control::-webkit-input-placeholder {
  color: #999;

Refreshing all the pivot tables in my excel workbook with a macro

ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll refreshes everything, not only the pivot tables but also the ODBC queries. I have a couple of VBA queries that refer to Data connections and using this option crashes as the command runs the Data connections without the detail supplied from the VBA

I recommend the option if you only want the pivots refreshed

Sub RefreshPivotTables()     
  Dim pivotTable As PivotTable     
  For Each pivotTable In ActiveSheet.PivotTables         
End Sub 

How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging)

Here is a method I used and worked for me

public static String toSql(Session session, Criteria criteria){
    String sql="";
    Object[] parameters = null;
        CriteriaImpl c = (CriteriaImpl) criteria;
        SessionImpl s = (SessionImpl)c.getSession();
        SessionFactoryImplementor factory = (SessionFactoryImplementor)s.getSessionFactory();
        String[] implementors = factory.getImplementors( c.getEntityOrClassName() );
        CriteriaLoader loader = new CriteriaLoader((OuterJoinLoadable)factory.getEntityPersister(implementors[0]), factory, c, implementors[0], s.getEnabledFilters());
        Field f = OuterJoinLoader.class.getDeclaredField("sql");
        sql = (String)f.get(loader);
        Field fp = CriteriaLoader.class.getDeclaredField("traslator");
        CriteriaQueryTranslator translator = (CriteriaQueryTranslator) fp.get(loader);
        parameters = translator.getQueryParameters().getPositionalParameterValues();
    catch(Exception e){
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (sql !=null){
        int fromPosition = sql.indexOf(" from ");
        sql = "SELECT * "+ sql.substring(fromPosition);

        if (parameters!=null && parameters.length>0){
            for (Object val : parameters) {
                String value="%";
                if(val instanceof Boolean){
                    value = ((Boolean)val)?"1":"0";
                }else if (val instanceof String){
                    value = "'"+val+"'";
                sql = sql.replaceFirst("\\?", value);
    return sql.replaceAll("left outer join", "\nleft outer join").replace(" and ", "\nand ").replace(" on ", "\non ");

Matplotlib scatter plot legend

if you are using matplotlib version 3.1.1 or above, you can try:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

x = [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9]
y = [0, 0, 5, 8, 8, 8]
classes = ['A', 'B', 'C']
values = [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2]
colours = ListedColormap(['r','b','g'])
scatter = plt.scatter(x, y,c=values, cmap=colours)
plt.legend(handles=scatter.legend_elements()[0], labels=classes)


Using variables inside strings

Use the following methods

1: Method one

var count = 123;
var message = $"Rows count is: {count}";

2: Method two

var count = 123;
var message = "Rows count is:" + count;

3: Method three

var count = 123;
var message = string.Format("Rows count is:{0}", count);

4: Method four

var count = 123;
var message = @"Rows
                is:{0}" + count;

5: Method five

var count = 123;
var message = $@"Rows 
                 is: {count}";

Why do Twitter Bootstrap tables always have 100% width?

<table style="width: auto;" ... works fine. Tested in Chrome 38 , IE 11 and Firefox 34.

jsfiddle :

The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) in wamp server

There are possible solutions here:,64808,254785#msg-254785 and here:,23138,254786#msg-254786

All of these are config settings. In my case I have two computers with everything in XAMPP synced. On the other computer phpMyAdmin did start normally. So the problem in my case seemed to be with the specific computer, not the config files. Stopping firewall didn't help.

Finally, more or less by accident, I bumped into the file:


Doubleclicking that file miraculously gave me back PhpMyAdmin. Posted here in case anyone might be helped by this too.

Override default Spring-Boot settings in Junit Test


So what I did was to have the standard src/main/resources/ and also a src/test/resources/ where i override some settings for ALL my tests.

Whole Story

I ran into the same problem and was not using profiles either so far. It seemed to be bothersome to have to do it now and remember declaring the profile -- which can be easily forgotten.

The trick is, to leverage that a profile specific application-<profile>.properties overrides settings in the general profile. See

How to check if a text field is empty or not in swift

Swift 4.2

You can use a general function for your every textField just add the following function in your base controller

// White space validation.
func checkTextFieldIsNotEmpty(text:String) -> Bool
    if (text.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty)
        return false

        return true

Serializing and submitting a form with jQuery and PHP

Two End Registration or Users Automatically Registered to "Shouttoday" by ajax when they Complete Registration by form submission.

var deffered = $.ajax({
     data: $('form').serialize()

            var form;
            $('form').submit( function(event) {
                var formId = $(this).attr("id");
                    form = this;

How do you get the cursor position in a textarea?

Here's a cross browser function I have in my standard library:

function getCursorPos(input) {
    if ("selectionStart" in input && document.activeElement == input) {
        return {
            start: input.selectionStart,
            end: input.selectionEnd
    else if (input.createTextRange) {
        var sel = document.selection.createRange();
        if (sel.parentElement() === input) {
            var rng = input.createTextRange();
            for (var len = 0;
                     rng.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", rng) > 0;
                     rng.moveEnd("character", -1)) {
            rng.setEndPoint("StartToStart", input.createTextRange());
            for (var pos = { start: 0, end: len };
                     rng.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", rng) > 0;
                     rng.moveEnd("character", -1)) {
            return pos;
    return -1;

Use it in your code like this:

var cursorPosition = getCursorPos($('#myTextarea')[0])

Here's its complementary function:

function setCursorPos(input, start, end) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) end = start;
    if ("selectionStart" in input) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            input.selectionStart = start;
            input.selectionEnd = end;
        }, 1);
    else if (input.createTextRange) {
        var rng = input.createTextRange();
        rng.moveStart("character", start);
        rng.moveEnd("character", end - start);;

Get child Node of another Node, given node name

//xn=list of parent nodes......                
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
    foreach (XmlNode child in xn.ChildNodes) 
        if (child.Name.Equals("name")) 
            name = child.InnerText; 
        if (child.Name.Equals("age"))
            age = child.InnerText; 

Identifying Exception Type in a handler Catch Block

Alternative Solution

Instead halting a debug session to add some throw-away statements to then recompile and restart, why not just use the debugger to answer that question immediately when a breakpoint is hit?

That can be done by opening up the Immediate Window of the debugger and typing a GetType off of the exception and hitting Enter. The immediate window also allows one to interrogate variables as needed.

See VS Docs: Immediate Window

For example I needed to know what the exception was and just extracted the Name property of GetType as such without having to recompile:

enter image description here

Random alpha-numeric string in JavaScript?

Random Key Generator

keyLength argument is the character length you want for the key

function keyGen(keyLength) {
    var i, key = "", characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";

    var charactersLength = characters.length;

    for (i = 0; i < keyLength; i++) {
        key += characters.substr(Math.floor((Math.random() * charactersLength) + 1), 1);

    return key;


SQL Server 2008: TOP 10 and distinct together

  FROM MyDatabase
  Where EXISTS 
     Select Distinct[A] FROM MyDatabase

How to find a string inside a entire database?

In oracle you can use the following sql command to generate the sql commands you need:

     "select * "
     " from "||table_name||
     " where "||column_name||" like '%123abcd%' ;" as sql_command
from user_tab_columns
where data_type='VARCHAR2';

Can't fix Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 even after fixing compatibility

I agree with chrylis: you believe you changed your project's compliance settings but probably you didnt.

Right click on your project and:

  • Java / Build Path : Go to Libraries tab and ensure yourself that you are really using jre6
  • Java / Compiler : Ensure yourself that you have selected 1.6 compliance

By the way you can "tell" eclipse that jre8 is 1.6 compliance clicking on Window/Preferences/Java/Installed JREs/Execution Environment and selecting in the left panel, Execution Environments, JavaSE-1.6 and in the Compatible JRE's panel, jre8

How do I find the authoritative name-server for a domain name?

Unfortunately, most of these tools only return the NS record as provided by the actual name server itself. To be more accurate in determining which name servers are actually responsible for a domain, you'd have to either use "whois" and check the domains listed there OR use "dig [domain] NS @[root name server]" and run that recursively until you get the name server listings...

I wish there were a simple command line that you could run to get THAT result dependably and in a consistent format, not just the result that is given from the name server itself. The purpose of this for me is to be able to query about 330 domain names that I manage so I can determine exactly which name server each domain is pointing to (as per their registrar settings).

Anyone know of a command using "dig" or "host" or something else on *nix?

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent

This solution can help :

public class FragmentItem extends Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment
    View rootView;
    TextView textView;

    public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if (rootView != null) 
            ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)rootView.Parent;
        } else {
            rootView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.FragmentItem, container, false);
            textView = rootView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textViewDisplay);            
        return rootView;

How can I add a custom HTTP header to ajax request with js or jQuery?

Here's an example using XHR2:

function xhrToSend(){
    // Attempt to creat the XHR2 object
    var xhr;
        xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    }catch (e){
            xhr = new XDomainRequest();
        } catch (e){
                xhr = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
            }catch (e){
                    xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
                }catch (e){
                    statusField('\nYour browser is not' + 
                        ' compatible with XHR2');                           
    }'POST', 'startStopResume.aspx', true);
    xhr.setRequestHeader("chunk", numberOfBLObsSent + 1);
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function (e) {
        if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {

Hope that helps.

If you create your object, you can use the setRequestHeader function to assign a name, and a value before you send the request.

"CAUTION: provisional headers are shown" in Chrome debugger

My situation is cross-origin related.
Situation: Browser sends OPTIONS request before sending the real request like GET or POST. Backend developer forgets to deal with the OPTIONS request, letting it go through the service code, making the processing time too long. Longer than the timeout setting I wrote in the axios initialization, which is 5000 milliseconds. Therefore, the real request couldn't be sent, and then I encountered the provisional headers are shown problem.
Solution: When it comes to OPTIONS request, backend api just return result, it makes the request faster and the real request can be sent before timeout.

Automatically running a batch file as an administrator

On Windows 7:

  1. Create a shortcut to that batch file

  2. Right click on that shortcut file and choose Properties

  3. Click the Advanced button to find a checkbox for running as administrator

Check the screenshot below


How to serialize an object to XML without getting xmlns="..."?

If you want to get rid of the extra xmlns:xsi="" and xmlns:xsd="", but still keep your own namespace xmlns="", you use the same code as above except for this simple change:

//  Add lib namespace with empty prefix  
ns.Add("", "");   

What is the C++ function to raise a number to a power?

While pow( base, exp ) is a great suggestion, be aware that it typically works in floating-point.

This may or may not be what you want: on some systems a simple loop multiplying on an accumulator will be faster for integer types.

And for square specifically, you might as well just multiply the numbers together yourself, floating-point or integer; it's not really a decrease in readability (IMHO) and you avoid the performance overhead of a function call.

C# switch statement limitations - why?


"The switch statement does a constant time branch regardless of how many cases you have."

Since the language allows the string type to be used in a switch statement I presume the compiler is unable to generate code for a constant time branch implementation for this type and needs to generate an if-then style.

@mweerden - Ah I see. Thanks.

I do not have a lot of experience in C# and .NET but it seems the language designers do not allow static access to the type system except in narrow circumstances. The typeof keyword returns an object so this is accessible at run-time only.


in case anyone using Drupal 8 face this issue with mysql 8, I fixed that by overriding the default configuration by adding this piece of code.

enter image description here


jquery data selector

I want to warn you that $('a[data-attribute=true]') doesn't work, as per Ashley's reply, if you attached data to a DOM element via the data() function.

It works as you'd expect if you added an actual data-attr in your HTML, but jQuery stores the data in memory, so the results you'd get from $('a[data-attribute=true]') would not be correct.

You'll need to use the data plugin, use Dmitri's filter solution, or do a $.each over all the elements and check .data() iteratively

Extracting numbers from vectors of strings

Update Since extract_numeric is deprecated, we can use parse_number from readr package.


Here is another option with extract_numeric

#[1] 20  1