Programs & Examples On #Product key

What is the difference between encrypting and signing in asymmetric encryption?

There are two distinct but closely related problems in establishing a secure communication

  1. Encrypt data so that only authorized persons can decrypt and read it.
  2. Verify the identity/authentication of sender.

Both of these problems can be elegantly solved using public key cryptography.

I. Encryption and decryption of data

Alice wants to send a message to Bob which no one should be able to read.

  • Alice encrypts the message with Bob's public key and sends it over.
  • Bob receives the message and decrypts it using his private Key.

Note that if A wants to send a message to B, A needs to use the Public key of B (which is publicly available to anyone) and neither public nor private key of A comes into picture here.

So if you want to send a message to me you should know and use my public key which I provide to you and only I will be able to decrypt the message since I am the only one who has access to the corresponding private key.

II. Verify the identity of sender (Authentication)

Alice wants to send a message to Bob again. The problem of encrypting the data is solved using the above method.

But what if I am sitting between Alice and Bob, introducing myself as 'Alice' to Bob and sending my own message to Bob instead of forwarding the one sent by Alice. Even though I can not decrypt and read the original message sent by Alice(that requires access to Bob's private key) I am hijacking the entire conversation between them.

Is there a way Bob can confirm that the messages he is receiving are actually sent by Alice?

  • Alice signs the message with her private key and sends it over. (In practice, what is signed is a hash of the message, e.g. SHA-256 or SHA-512.)
  • Bob receives it and verifies it using Alice's public key. Since Alice's public key successfully verified the message, Bob can conclude that the message has been signed by Alice.

python list in sql query as parameter

The SQL you want is

select name from studens where id in (1, 5, 8)

If you want to construct this from the python you could use

l = [1, 5, 8]
sql_query = 'select name from studens where id in (' + ','.join(map(str, l)) + ')'

The map function will transform the list into a list of strings that can be glued together by commas using the str.join method.


l = [1, 5, 8]
sql_query = 'select name from studens where id in (' + ','.join((str(n) for n in l)) + ')'

if you prefer generator expressions to the map function.

UPDATE: S. Lott mentions in the comments that the Python SQLite bindings don't support sequences. In that case, you might want

select name from studens where id = 1 or id = 5 or id = 8

Generated by

sql_query = 'select name from studens where ' + ' or '.join(('id = ' + str(n) for n in l))

gridview data export to excel in

Instead of doing all these.. cant you use a simpler approach as shown below.

            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strFileName);
            Response.ContentType = "application/excel";
            System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();
            HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

You can get the entire walkthrough here

Get the value of bootstrap Datetimepicker in JavaScript

This is working for me using this Bootsrap Datetimepiker, it returns the value as it is shown in the datepicker input, e.g. 2019-04-11

$('#myDateTimePicker').on('click,focusout', function (){
    var myDate = $("#myDateTimePicker").val();

Saving a Numpy array as an image

Addendum to @ideasman42's answer:

def saveAsPNG(array, filename):
    import struct
    if any([len(row) != len(array[0]) for row in array]):
        raise ValueError, "Array should have elements of equal size"

                                #First row becomes top row of image.
    flat = []; map(flat.extend, reversed(array))
                                 #Big-endian, unsigned 32-byte integer.
    buf = b''.join([struct.pack('>I', ((0xffFFff & i32)<<8)|(i32>>24) )
                    for i32 in flat])   #Rotate from ARGB to RGBA.

    data = write_png(buf, len(array[0]), len(array))
    f = open(filename, 'wb')

So you can do:

saveAsPNG([[0xffFF0000, 0xffFFFF00],
           [0xff00aa77, 0xff333333]], 'test_grid.png')

Producing test_grid.png:

Grid of red, yellow, dark-aqua, grey

(Transparency also works, by reducing the high byte from 0xff.)

How to fix 'android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException'?

Here's a simple solution using OkHttp, Future, ExecutorService and Callable:

final OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient();
final ExecutorService executor = newFixedThreadPool(3);

final Request request = new Request.Builder().url("").build();

Response response = executor.submit(new Callable<Response>() {
   public Response call() throws IOException {
      return httpClient.newCall(request).execute();

Populating a ComboBox using C#

If you simply want to add it without creating a new class try this:

// WPF
<ComboBox Name="language" Loaded="language_Loaded" /> 

// C# code
private void language_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    List<String> language= new List<string>();
    this.chartReviewComboxBox.ItemsSource = language;

I suggest an xml file with all your languages that you will support that way you do not have to be dependent on c# I would definitly create a class for languge like the above programmer suggest.

How to run test methods in specific order in JUnit4?

What you want is perfectly reasonable when test cases are being run as a suite.

Unfortunately no time to give a complete solution right now, but have a look at class:


Which allows you to call test cases (from any test class) in a specific order.

These might be used to create functional, integration or system tests.

This leaves your unit tests as they are without specific order (as recommended), whether you run them like that or not, and then re-use the tests as part of a bigger picture.

We re-use/inherit the same code for unit, integration and system tests, sometimes data driven, sometimes commit driven, and sometimes run as a suite.

'const string' vs. 'static readonly string' in C#


public const string MyStr;

is a compile time constant (you can use it as the default parameter for a method parameter for example), and it will not be obfuscated if you use such technology

static readonly

public static readonly string MyStr;

is runtime constant. It means that it is evaluated when the application is launched and not before. This is why it can't be used as the default parameter for a method (compilation error) for example. The value stored in it can be obfuscated.

Pandas: how to change all the values of a column?

As @DSM points out, you can do this more directly using the vectorised string methods:


Or using extract (assuming there is only one set of digits of length 4 somewhere in each string):


An alternative slightly more flexible way, might be to use apply (or equivalently map) to do this:

df['Date'] = df['Date'].apply(lambda x: int(str(x)[-4:]))
             #  converts the last 4 characters of the string to an integer

The lambda function, is taking the input from the Date and converting it to a year.
You could (and perhaps should) write this more verbosely as:

def convert_to_year(date_in_some_format):
    date_as_string = str(date_in_some_format)  # cast to string
    year_as_string = date_in_some_format[-4:] # last four characters
    return int(year_as_string)

df['Date'] = df['Date'].apply(convert_to_year)

Perhaps 'Year' is a better name for this column...

Saving data to a file in C#

Look into the XMLSerializer class.

If you want to save the state of objects and be able to recreate them easily at another time, serialization is your best bet.

Serialize it so you are returned the fully-formed XML. Write this to a file using the StreamWriter class.

Later, you can read in the contents of your file, and pass it to the serializer class along with an instance of the object you want to populate, and the serializer will take care of deserializing as well.

Here's a code snippet taken from Microsoft Support:

using System;

public class clsPerson
  public  string FirstName;
  public  string MI;
  public  string LastName;

class class1
   static void Main(string[] args)
      clsPerson p=new clsPerson();
      p.FirstName = "Jeff";
      p.MI = "A";
      p.LastName = "Price";
      System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer x = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(p.GetType());

      // at this step, instead of passing Console.Out, you can pass in a 
      // Streamwriter to write the contents to a file of your choosing.
      x.Serialize(Console.Out, p);


How to delete a file after checking whether it exists

  if (System.IO.File.Exists(@"C:\Users\Public\DeleteTest\test.txt"))
        // Use a try block to catch IOExceptions, to 
        // handle the case of the file already being 
        // opened by another process. 
        catch (System.IO.IOException e)

Why should C++ programmers minimize use of 'new'?

new allocates objects on the heap. Otherwise, objects are allocated on the stack. Look up the difference between the two.

Where do I put image files, css, js, etc. in Codeigniter?

I have a setup like this:

  • application
  • system
  • assets
    • js
    • imgs
    • css

I then have a helper function that simply returns the full path to this depending on my setup, something similar to:


function asset_url(){
   return base_url().'assets/';

I will usually keep common routines similar to this in the same file and autoload it with codeigniter's autoload configuration.

Note: autoload URL helper for base_url() access.


$autoload['helper'] = array('url','utility');

You will then have access to asset_url() throughout your code.

How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?

The following plugin-structure utilizes the jQuery-data()-method to provide a public interface to internal plugin-methods/-settings (while preserving jQuery-chainability):

(function($, window, undefined) { 
  const defaults = {
    elementId   : null,
    shape       : "square",
    color       : "aqua",
    borderWidth : "10px",
    borderColor : "DarkGray"

  $.fn.myPlugin = function(options) {
    // settings, e.g.:  
    var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);

    // private methods, e.g.:
    var setBorder = function(color, width) {        
      settings.borderColor = color;
      settings.borderWidth = width;          

    var drawShape = function() {         
      $('#' + settings.elementId).attr('class', settings.shape + " " + "center"); 
      $('#' + settings.elementId).css({
        'background-color': settings.color,
        'border': settings.borderWidth + ' solid ' + settings.borderColor      
      $('#' + settings.elementId).html(settings.color + " " + settings.shape);            

    return this.each(function() { // jQuery chainability     
      // set stuff on ini, e.g.:
      settings.elementId = $(this).attr('id'); 

      // gives us stuff like: 
      //    $("#...").data('myPlugin').myPublicPluginMethod();
      var myPlugin = {
        element: $(this),
        // access private plugin methods, e.g.: 
        setBorder: function(color, width) {        
          setBorder(color, width);
          return this.element; // To ensure jQuery chainability 
        // access plugin settings, e.g.: 
        color: function() {
          return settings.color;
        // access setting "shape" 
        shape: function() {
          return settings.shape;
        // inspect settings 
        inspectSettings: function() {
          msg = "inspecting settings for element '" + settings.elementId + "':";   
          msg += "\n--- shape: '" + settings.shape + "'";
          msg += "\n--- color: '" + settings.color + "'";
          msg += "\n--- border: '" + settings.borderWidth + ' solid ' + settings.borderColor + "'";
          return msg;
        // do stuff on element, e.g.:  
        change: function(shape, color) {        
          settings.shape = shape;
          settings.color = color;
          return this.element; // To ensure jQuery chainability 
      $(this).data("myPlugin", myPlugin);
    }); // return this.each 
  }; // myPlugin

Now you can call internal plugin-methods to access or modify plugin data or the relevant element using this syntax:


As long as you return the current element (this) from inside your implementation of myPublicPluginMethod() jQuery-chainability will be preserved - so the following works:

$("#...").data('myPlugin').myPublicPluginMethod().css("color", "red").html("...."); 

Here are some examples (for details checkout this fiddle):

// initialize plugin on elements, e.g.:
$("#shape1").myPlugin({shape: 'square', color: 'blue', borderColor: 'SteelBlue'});
$("#shape2").myPlugin({shape: 'rectangle', color: 'red', borderColor: '#ff4d4d'});
$("#shape3").myPlugin({shape: 'circle', color: 'green', borderColor: 'LimeGreen'});

// calling plugin methods to read element specific plugin settings:

// calling plugin methods to modify elements, e.g.:
// (OMG! And they are chainable too!) 
$("#shape1").data('myPlugin').change("circle", "green").fadeOut(2000).fadeIn(2000);      
$("#shape1").data('myPlugin').setBorder('LimeGreen', '30px');

$("#shape2").data('myPlugin').change("rectangle", "red"); 
$("#shape2").data('myPlugin').setBorder('#ff4d4d', '40px').css({
  'width': '350px',
  'font-size': '2em' 

$("#shape3").data('myPlugin').change("square", "blue").fadeOut(2000).fadeIn(2000);   
$("#shape3").data('myPlugin').setBorder('SteelBlue', '30px');

// etc. ...     

Java - How to convert type collection into ArrayList?

Try this code

Convert ArrayList to Collection

  ArrayList<User> usersArrayList = new ArrayList<User>();

  Collection<User> userCollection = new HashSet<User>(usersArrayList);

Convert Collection to ArrayList

  Collection<User> userCollection = new HashSet<User>(usersArrayList);

  List<User> userList = new ArrayList<User>(userCollection );

Store mysql query output into a shell variable

To read the data line-by-line into a Bash array you can do this:

while read -a row
    echo "..${row[0]}..${row[1]}..${row[2]}.."
done < <(echo "SELECT A, B, C FROM table_a" | mysql database -u $user -p $password)

Or into individual variables:

while read a b c
    echo "..${a}..${b}..${c}.."
done < <(echo "SELECT A, B, C FROM table_a" | mysql database -u $user -p $password)

Best data type for storing currency values in a MySQL database

super late entry but GAAP is a good rule of thumb..

If your application needs to handle money values up to a trillion then this should work: 13,2 If you need to comply with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) then use: 13,4

Usually you should sum your money values at 13,4 before rounding of the output to 13,2.

Source: Best datatype to store monetary value in MySQL

phpMyAdmin - The MySQL Extension is Missing

You need to put the full path in the php ini when loading the mysql dll, i.e :-


Then you don't need to move them to the windows folder.

Timestamp Difference In Hours for PostgreSQL

postgresql get seconds difference between timestamps

    (extract (epoch from (
        '2012-01-01 18:25:00'::timestamp - '2012-01-01 18:25:02'::timestamp

which prints:


Because the timestamps are two seconds apart. Take the number and divide by 60 to get minutes, divide by 60 again to get hours.

How to fix date format in ASP .NET BoundField (DataFormatString)? 

In The above link you will find the answer

**C or c**

    Displays numeric values in currency format. You can specify the number of decimal places.

Format: {0:C}
123.456 -> $123.46

**D or d**

    Displays integer values in decimal format. You can specify the number of digits. (Although the type is referred to as "decimal", the numbers are formatted as integers.)
        Format: {0:D}
    1234 -> 1234
    Format: {0:D6}
    1234 -> 001234

    **E or e**
    Displays numeric values in scientific (exponential) format. You can specify the number of decimal places.
    Format: {0:E}
    1052.0329112756 -> 1.052033E+003
    Format: {0:E2}
    -1052.0329112756 -> -1.05e+003

**F or f**
Displays numeric values in fixed format. You can specify the number of decimal places.
Format: {0:F}
1234.567 -> 1234.57
Format: {0:F3}
1234.567 -> 1234.567

**G or g**
Displays numeric values in general format (the most compact of either fixed-point or scientific notation). You can specify the number of significant digits.
Format: {0:G}
-123.456 -> -123.456
Format: {0:G2}
-123.456 -> -120

F or f
Displays numeric values in fixed format. You can specify the number of decimal places.
Format: {0:F}
1234.567 -> 1234.57
Format: {0:F3}
1234.567 -> 1234.567

G or g
Displays numeric values in general format (the most compact of either fixed-point or scientific notation). You can specify the number of significant digits.
Format: {0:G}
-123.456 -> -123.456
Format: {0:G2}
-123.456 -> -120

N or n
Displays numeric values in number format (including group separators and optional negative sign). You can specify the number of decimal places.
Format: {0:N}
1234.567 -> 1,234.57
Format: {0:N4}
1234.567 -> 1,234.5670

P or p
Displays numeric values in percent format. You can specify the number of decimal places.
Format: {0:P}
1 -> 100.00%
Format: {0:P1}
.5 -> 50.0%

R or r
Displays Single, Double, or BigInteger values in round-trip format.
Format: {0:R}
123456789.12345678 -> 123456789.12345678

X or x
Displays integer values in hexadecimal format. You can specify the number of digits.
Format: {0:X}
255 -> FF
Format: {0:x4}
255 -> 00ff

Htaccess: add/remove trailing slash from URL

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
## hide .html extension
# To externally redirect /dir/foo.html to /dir/foo
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\s([^.]+).html
RewriteRule ^ %1 [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\s([^.]+)/\s
RewriteRule ^ %1 [R=301,L]

## To internally redirect /dir/foo to /dir/foo.html
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.html -f
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.html [L]

<Files ~"^.*\.([Hh][Tt][Aa])">
order allow,deny
deny from all
satisfy all

This removes html code or php if you supplement it. Allows you to add trailing slash and it come up as well as the url without the trailing slash all bypassing the 404 code. Plus a little added security.

How to import a csv file into MySQL workbench?

I guess you're missing the ENCLOSED BY clause

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/to/your/csv/file/model.csv'

And specify the csv file full path

Load Data Infile - MySQL documentation

Is it possible to create a temporary table in a View and drop it after select?

Not possible but if you try CTE, this would be the code:

ALTER VIEW [dbo].[VW_PuntosDeControlDeExpediente]
    WITH TEMP (RefLocal, IdPuntoControl, Descripcion) 
            , PV.IdPuntoControl
            , PV.Descripcion
        FROM [dbo].[PuntosDeControl] AS PV
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Vertidos] AS VR ON VR.IdVertido = PV.IdVertido
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[ExpedientesMF] AS MF ON MF.IdExpedienteMF = VR.IdExpedienteMF
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Expedientes] AS EX ON EX.IdExpediente = MF.IdExpediente
        ,    [IdPuntoControl] = ( SELECT MAX(IdPuntoControl) FROM TEMP WHERE [RefLocal] = Q1.[RefLocal] AND [Descripcion] = Q1.[Descripcion] )
        , Q1.[Descripcion]
    GROUP BY Q1.[RefLocal], Q1.[Descripcion]

Android custom Row Item for ListView

create resource layout file list_item.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
        android:text="dynamic text"

and initialise adaptor like this

adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.list_item,,data_array);

How to compare 2 files fast using .NET?

The slowest possible method is to compare two files byte by byte. The fastest I've been able to come up with is a similar comparison, but instead of one byte at a time, you would use an array of bytes sized to Int64, and then compare the resulting numbers.

Here's what I came up with:

    const int BYTES_TO_READ = sizeof(Int64);

    static bool FilesAreEqual(FileInfo first, FileInfo second)
        if (first.Length != second.Length)
            return false;

        if (string.Equals(first.FullName, second.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return true;

        int iterations = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)first.Length / BYTES_TO_READ);

        using (FileStream fs1 = first.OpenRead())
        using (FileStream fs2 = second.OpenRead())
            byte[] one = new byte[BYTES_TO_READ];
            byte[] two = new byte[BYTES_TO_READ];

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                 fs1.Read(one, 0, BYTES_TO_READ);
                 fs2.Read(two, 0, BYTES_TO_READ);

                if (BitConverter.ToInt64(one,0) != BitConverter.ToInt64(two,0))
                    return false;

        return true;

In my testing, I was able to see this outperform a straightforward ReadByte() scenario by almost 3:1. Averaged over 1000 runs, I got this method at 1063ms, and the method below (straightforward byte by byte comparison) at 3031ms. Hashing always came back sub-second at around an average of 865ms. This testing was with an ~100MB video file.

Here's the ReadByte and hashing methods I used, for comparison purposes:

    static bool FilesAreEqual_OneByte(FileInfo first, FileInfo second)
        if (first.Length != second.Length)
            return false;

        if (string.Equals(first.FullName, second.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            return true;

        using (FileStream fs1 = first.OpenRead())
        using (FileStream fs2 = second.OpenRead())
            for (int i = 0; i < first.Length; i++)
                if (fs1.ReadByte() != fs2.ReadByte())
                    return false;

        return true;

    static bool FilesAreEqual_Hash(FileInfo first, FileInfo second)
        byte[] firstHash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(first.OpenRead());
        byte[] secondHash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(second.OpenRead());

        for (int i=0; i<firstHash.Length; i++)
            if (firstHash[i] != secondHash[i])
                return false;
        return true;

Check if all checkboxes are selected

Part 1 of your question:

var allChecked = true;
$("").each(function(index, element){
    allChecked = false;
    return false;


The answer ( above is probably better.

Convert a list of objects to an array of one of the object's properties

I am fairly sure that Linq can do this.... but MyList does not have a select method on it (which is what I would have used).

Yes, LINQ can do this. It's simply:

MyList.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();

Most likely the issue is that you either don't have a reference to System.Core, or you are missing an using directive for System.Linq.

Creating a List of Lists in C#

you should not use Nested List in List.


is not legal, even if T were a defined type.

How to convert a List<String> into a comma separated string without iterating List explicitly

One Liner (pure Java)

list.toString().replace(", ", ",").replaceAll("[\\[.\\]]", "");

event Action<> vs event EventHandler<>

If you follow the standard event pattern, then you can add an extension method to make the checking of event firing safer/easier. (i.e. the following code adds an extension method called SafeFire() which does the null check, as well as (obviously) copying the event into a separate variable to be safe from the usual null race-condition that can affect events.)

(Although I am in kind of two minds whether you should be using extension methods on null objects...)

public static class EventFirer
    public static void SafeFire<TEventArgs>(this EventHandler<TEventArgs> theEvent, object obj, TEventArgs theEventArgs)
        where TEventArgs : EventArgs
        if (theEvent != null)
            theEvent(obj, theEventArgs);

class MyEventArgs : EventArgs
    // Blah, blah, blah...

class UseSafeEventFirer
    event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> MyEvent;

    void DemoSafeFire()
        MyEvent.SafeFire(this, new MyEventArgs());

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var x = new UseSafeEventFirer();



        x.MyEvent += delegate { Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); };
        Console.WriteLine("Not null:");

Factorial in numpy and scipy

SciPy has the function scipy.special.factorial (formerly scipy.misc.factorial)

>>> import math
>>> import scipy.special
>>> math.factorial(6)
>>> scipy.special.factorial(6)

javascript create empty array of a given size

You can use both javascript methods repeat() and split() together.

" ".repeat(10).split(" ")

This code will create an array that has 10 item and each item is empty string.

const items = " ".repeat(10).split(" ")

document.getElementById("context").innerHTML =, index) => index)

console.log("items: ", items)
<pre id="context">


What does the "undefined reference to varName" in C mean?

You're getting a linker error, so your extern is working (the compiler compiled a.c without a problem), but when it went to link the object files together at the end it couldn't resolve your extern -- void doSomething(int); wasn't actually found anywhere. Did you mess up the extern? Make sure there's actually a doSomething defined in b.c that takes an int and returns void, and make sure you remembered to include b.c in your file list (i.e. you're doing something like gcc a.c b.c, not just gcc a.c)

Error when deploying an artifact in Nexus

This can also happen if you have a naming policy around version, prohibiting the version# you are trying to deploy. In my case I was trying to upload a version (to release repo) 2.0.1 but later found out that our nexus configuration doesn't allow anything other than whole number for releases.

I tried later with version 2 and deployed it successfully.

The error message definitely dosen't help:

Return code is: 400, ReasonPhrase: Repository does not allow updating assets: maven-releases-xxx. -> [Help 1]

A better message could have been version 2.0.1 violates naming policy

Why would you use String.Equals over ==?

Both methods do the same functionally - they compare values.
As is written on MSDN:

But if one of your string instances is null, these methods are working differently:

string x = null;
string y = "qq";
if (x == y) // returns false

if (x.Equals(y)) // returns System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - because x is null !!!

Is SMTP based on TCP or UDP?

In theory SMTP can be handled by either TCP, UDP, or some 3rd party protocol.

As defined in RFC 821, RFC 2821, and RFC 5321:

SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel.

In addition, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has allocated port 25 for both TCP and UDP for use by SMTP.

In practice however, most if not all organizations and applications only choose to implement the TCP protocol. For example, in Microsoft's port listing port 25 is only listed for TCP and not UDP.

The big difference between TCP and UDP that makes TCP ideal here is that TCP checks to make sure that every packet is received and re-sends them if they are not whereas UDP will simply send packets and not check for receipt. This makes UDP ideal for things like streaming video where every single packet isn't as important as keeping a continuous flow of packets from the server to the client.

Considering SMTP, it makes more sense to use TCP over UDP. SMTP is a mail transport protocol, and in mail every single packet is important. If you lose several packets in the middle of the message the recipient might not even receive the message and if they do they might be missing key information. This makes TCP more appropriate because it ensures that every packet is delivered.

Failed to resolve:

you forgot to add add alpha1 in module area

compile ''

use maven repository in project area that's it

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

How would you make a comma-separated string from a list of strings?

my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
my_string = ','.join(my_list)

This won't work if the list contains integers

And if the list contains non-string types (such as integers, floats, bools, None) then do:

my_string = ','.join(map(str, my_list)) 

Autoplay audio files on an iPad with HTML5

It seems to me that the answer to this question is (at least now) clearly documented on the Safari HTML5 docs:

User Control of Downloads Over Cellular Networks

In Safari on iOS (for all devices, including iPad), where the user may be on a cellular network and be charged per data unit, preload and autoplay are disabled. No data is loaded until the user initiates it. This means the JavaScript play() and load() methods are also inactive until the user initiates playback, unless the play() or load() method is triggered by user action. In other words, a user-initiated Play button works, but an onLoad="play()" event does not.

This plays the movie: <input type="button" value="Play" onClick="">

This does nothing on iOS: <body onLoad="">

jQuery get values of checked checkboxes into array

I refactored your code a bit and believe I came with the solution for which you were looking. Basically instead of setting searchIDs to be the result of the .map() I just pushed the values into an array.


  var searchIDs = [];

  $("#find-table input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){


I created a fiddle with the code running.

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

See also: Which C I/O library should be used in C++ code?

struct Item
   std::string     artist;
   std::string     c;
   integer         price;  // in cents (as floating point is not acurate)
   std::string     Genre;
   integer         disc;
   integer         sale;
   integer         tax;

std::cout << "Sales Report for September 15, 2010\n"
          << "Artist  Title   Price   Genre   Disc    Sale    Tax Cash\n";
FOREACH(Item loop,data)
          , loop.artist
          , loop.title
          , loop.price / 100.0
          , loop.Genre
          , loop.disc , "%"
          , / 100.0
          , / 100.0);

   // or

    std::cout << std::setw(8) << loop.artist
              << std::setw(8) << loop.title
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << loop.price / 100.0
              << std::setw(8) << loop.Genre
              << std::setw(7) << loop.disc << std::setw(1) << "%"
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << / 100.0
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << / 100.0
              << "\n";

    // or

    std::cout << boost::format("%8s%8s%8.2f%7s%1s%8.2f%8.2f\n")
              % loop.artist
              % loop.title
              % loop.price / 100.0
              % loop.Genre
              % loop.disc % "%"
              % / 100.0
              % / 100.0;

Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j

You can implement this using Java 8 lambdas.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.event.Level;

public class LevelLogger {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LevelLogger.class);
    private static final Map<Level, LoggingFunction> map;

    static {
        map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put(Level.TRACE, (o) -> LOGGER.trace(o));
        map.put(Level.DEBUG, (o) -> LOGGER.debug(o));
        map.put(Level.INFO, (o) ->;
        map.put(Level.WARN, (o) -> LOGGER.warn(o));
        map.put(Level.ERROR, (o) -> LOGGER.error(o));

    public static void log(Level level, String s) {

    private interface LoggingFunction {
        public void log(String arg);

I want to get the type of a variable at runtime

If by the type of a variable you mean the runtime class of the object that the variable points to, then you can get this through the class reference that all objects have.

val name = "sam";
name: java.lang.String = sam
res0: java.lang.Class[_] = class java.lang.String

If you however mean the type that the variable was declared as, then you cannot get that. Eg, if you say

val name: Object = "sam"

then you will still get a String back from the above code.

Good Hash Function for Strings

Here's a simple hash function that I use for a hash table I built. Its basically for taking a text file and stores every word in an index which represents the alphabetical order.

int generatehashkey(const char *name)
        int x = tolower(name[0])- 97;
        if (x < 0 || x > 25)
           x = 26;
        return x;

What this basically does is words are hashed according to their first letter. So, word starting with 'a' would get a hash key of 0, 'b' would get 1 and so on and 'z' would be 25. Numbers and symbols would have a hash key of 26. THere is an advantage this provides; You can calculate easily and quickly where a given word would be indexed in the hash table since its all in an alphabetical order, something like this: Code can be found here:

Giving the following text as input: Atticus said to Jem one day, “I’d rather you shot at tin cans in the backyard, but I know you’ll go after birds. Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it. “Your father’s right,” she said. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing except make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corn cribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.

This would be the output:

0 --> a a about asked and a Atticus a a all after at Atticus
1 --> but but blue birds. but backyard
2 --> cribs corn can cans
3 --> do don’t don’t don’t do don’t do day
4 --> eat enjoy. except ever
5 --> for for father’s
6 --> gardens go
7 --> hearts heard hit
8 --> it’s in it. I it I it’s if I in
9 --> jays Jem
10 --> kill kill know
11 --> 
12 --> mockingbird. music make Maudie Miss mockingbird.”
13 --> nest
14 --> out one one only one
15 --> people’s
16 --> 17 --> right remember rather
18 --> sin sing said. she something sin say sin Shoot shot said
19 --> to That’s their thing they They to thing to time the That to the the tin to
20 --> us. up us
21 --> 
22 --> why was was want
23 --> 
24 --> you you you’ll you
25 --> 
26 --> “Mockingbirds ” “Your ‘em “I’d

How do I increase the cell width of the Jupyter/ipython notebook in my browser?

What I do usually after new installation is to modify the main css file where all visual styles are stored. I use Miniconda but location is similar with others C:\Miniconda3\Lib\site-packages\notebook\static\style\style.min.css

With some screens these resolutions are different and more than 1. To be on the safe side I change all to 98% so if I disconnect from my external screens on my laptop I still have 98% screen width.

Then just replace 1140px with 98% of the screen width.

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
  .container {
    width: 1140px;

enter image description here

After editing

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
  .container {
    width: 98%;

enter image description here Save and restart your notebook


Recently had to wider Jupyter cells on an environment it is installed, which led me to come back here and remind myself.

If you need to do it in virtual env you installed jupyter on. You can find the css file in this subdir


SQL Server 2005 How Create a Unique Constraint?

In the management studio diagram choose the table, right click to add new column if desired, right-click on the column and choose "Check Constraints", there you can add one.

How do I sort a Set to a List in Java?

Always safe to use either Comparator or Comparable interface to provide sorting implementation (if the object is not a String or Wrapper classes for primitive data types) . As an example for a comparator implementation to sort employees based on name

    List<Employees> empList = new LinkedList<Employees>(EmpSet);

    class EmployeeComparator implements Comparator<Employee> {

            public int compare(Employee e1, Employee e2) {
                return e1.getName().compareTo(e2.getName());


   Collections.sort(empList , new EmployeeComparator ());

Comparator is useful when you need to have different sorting algorithm on same object (Say emp name, emp salary, etc). Single mode sorting can be implemented by using Comparable interface in to the required object.

Apache won't run in xampp

In my case, it was something else. One day earlier I tried to install wordpress using bitnam of xampp, but I was not successfull. When I saw the error log, there was an error :

httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 560 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Could not open configuration file C:/xampp/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-prefix.conf: The system cannot find the path specified.

I opened the httpd.conf and found this line:

Include "C:/xampp/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"

I just commented it with #,

Now it's running fine. :)

Adding default parameter value with type hint in Python

Your second way is correct.

def foo(opts: dict = {}):


this outputs

{'opts': <class 'dict'>}

It's true that's it's not listed in PEP 484, but type hints are an application of function annotations, which are documented in PEP 3107. The syntax section makes it clear that keyword arguments works with function annotations in this way.

I strongly advise against using mutable keyword arguments. More information here.

Using a custom typeface in Android

I use DataBinding for this (with Kotlin).

Set up BindingAdapter:


import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.databinding.BindingAdapter
import java.util.*

object BindingAdapters {

    @BindingAdapter("typeface", "typefaceStyle")
    fun setTypeface(v: TextView, tf: Typeface?, style: Int?) {
        v.setTypeface(tf ?: Typeface.DEFAULT, style ?: Typeface.NORMAL)



<layout xmlns:android=""


        <import type="" />

            type="" />


        android:text="I'm formatted text"
        app:typefaceStyle="@{Typeface.ITALIC}" />



override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

        binding = FragmentCustomView.bind(view)
        binding.typeface = // some code to get user selected typeface


Now, if the user selects a new typeface you can just update the binding value and all your TextViews that you've set app:typeface will get updated.

Min width in window resizing

You can set min-width property of CSS for body tag. Since this property is not supported by IE6, you can write like:

   min-width:1000px;        /* Suppose you want minimum width of 1000px */
   width: auto !important;  /* Firefox will set width as auto */
   width:1000px;            /* As IE6 ignores !important it will set width as 1000px; */


   min-width:1000px; // Suppose you want minimum width of 1000px
   _width: expression( document.body.clientWidth > 1000 ? "1000px" : "auto" ); /* sets max-width for IE6 */

How to sort by column in descending order in Spark SQL?

In the case of Java:

If we use DataFrames, while applying joins (here Inner join), we can sort (in ASC) after selecting distinct elements in each DF as:

Dataset<Row> d1 = e_data.distinct().join(s_data.distinct(), "e_id").orderBy("salary");

where e_id is the column on which join is applied while sorted by salary in ASC.

Also, we can use Spark SQL as:

SQLContext sqlCtx = spark.sqlContext();
sqlCtx.sql("select * from global_temp.salary order by salary desc").show();


  • spark  -> SparkSession
  • salary -> GlobalTemp View.

How to compare two NSDates: Which is more recent?

I have tried it hope it works for you

NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];      
int unitFlags =NSDayCalendarUnit;      
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];     
NSDate *myDate; //= [[NSDate alloc] init];     
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"dd-MM-yyyy"];   
myDate = [dateFormatter dateFromString:self.strPrevioisDate];     
NSDateComponents *comps = [gregorian components:unitFlags fromDate:myDate toDate:[NSDate date] options:0];   
NSInteger day=[comps day];

How to find first element of array matching a boolean condition in JavaScript?

A less elegant way that will throw all the right error messages (based on Array.prototype.filter) but will stop iterating on the first result is

function findFirst(arr, test, context) {
    var Result = function (v, i) {this.value = v; this.index = i;};
    try {, function (v, i, a) {
            if (test(v, i, a)) throw new Result(v, i);
        }, context);
    } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof Result) return e;
        throw e;

Then examples are

findFirst([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3], function (e) {return e > 1 && e % 2;});
// Result {value: 3, index: 5}
findFirst([0, 1, 2, 3], 0);               // bad function param
// TypeError: number is not a function
findFirst(0, function () {return true;}); // bad arr param
// undefined
findFirst([1], function (e) {return 0;}); // no match
// undefined

It works by ending filter by using throw.

Hide/Show components in react native

Actually, in iOS development by react-native when I use display: 'none' or something like below:

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  disappearImage: {
    width: 0,
    height: 0

The iOS doesn't load anything else of the Image component like onLoad or etc, so I decided to use something like below:

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  disappearImage: {
    width: 1,
    height: 1,
    position: 'absolute',
    top: -9000,
    opacity: 0

How to read existing text files without defining path

You need to decide which directory you want the file to be relative to. Once you have done that, you construct the full path like this:

string fullPathToFile = Path.Combine(dir, fileName);

If you don't supply the base directory dir then you will be at the total mercy of whatever happens to the working directory of your process. That is something that can be out of your control. For example, shortcuts to your application may specify it. Using file dialogs can change it.

For a console application it is reasonable to use relative files directly because console applications are designed so that the working directory is a critical input and is a well-defined part of the execution environment. However, for a GUI app that is not the case which is why I recommend you explicitly convert your relative file name to a full absolute path using some well-defined base directory.

Now, since you have a console application, it is reasonable for you to use a relative path, provided that the expectation is that the files in question will be located in the working directory. But it would be very common for that not to be the case. Normally the working directory is used to specify where the user's input and output files are to be stored. It does not typically point to the location where the program's files are.

One final option is that you don't attempt to deploy these program files as external text files. Perhaps a better option is to link them to the executable as resources. That way they are bound up with the executable and you can completely side-step this issue.

Can I give the col-md-1.5 in bootstrap?

This is not Bootstrap Standard to give col-md-1.5 and you can not edit bootstrap.min.css because is not right way. you can create like this Invalid hostname for server: local

Connect your mobile with different wifi connection with different service provider. I don't know the exact issue but i could not connect to server with a specific service provider but it work when i connected to other service provider. So try it!

how does work?

// We can apply `slice` from  `Array.prototype`:[]); //-> []

// Since `slice` is available on an array's prototype chain,
'slice' in []; //-> true
[].slice === Array.prototype.slice; //-> true

// … we can just invoke it directly:
[].slice(); //-> []

// `arguments` has no `slice` method
'slice' in arguments; //-> false

// … but we can apply it the same way:; //-> […]

// In fact, though `slice` belongs to `Array.prototype`,
// it can operate on any array-like object:{0: 1, length: 1}); //-> [1]

How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android

You can simply play a setted ringtone with this:

Uri notification = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION);
Ringtone r = RingtoneManager.getRingtone(getApplicationContext(), notification);;

Check if a column contains text using SQL

Try LIKE construction, e.g. (assuming StudentId is of type Char, VarChar etc.)

  select * 
    from Students
   where StudentId like '%' || TEXT || '%' -- <- TEXT - text to contain

Serializing and submitting a form with jQuery and PHP

You can add extra data with form data

use serializeArray and add the additional data:

var data = $('#myForm').serializeArray();
    data.push({name: 'tienn2t', value: 'love'});
      type: "POST",
      url: "your url.php",
      data: data,
      dataType: "json",
      success: function(data) {
          //var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data); if the dataType is not     specified as json uncomment this
        // do what ever you want with the server response
    error: function() {
        alert('error handing here');

Check if an element contains a class in JavaScript?

I created these functions for my website, I use only vanilla javascript, maybe it will help someone. First I created a function to get any HTML element:

//return an HTML element by ID, class or tag name
    var getElement = function(selector) {
        var elements = [];
        if(selector[0] == '#') {
            elements.push(document.getElementById(selector.substring(1, selector.length)));
        } else if(selector[0] == '.') {
            elements = document.getElementsByClassName(selector.substring(1, selector.length));
        } else {
            elements = document.getElementsByTagName(selector);
        return elements;

Then the function that recieve the class to remove and the selector of the element:

var hasClass = function(selector, _class) {
        var elements = getElement(selector);
        var contains = false;
        for (let index = 0; index < elements.length; index++) {
            const curElement = elements[index];
            if(curElement.classList.contains(_class)) {
                contains = true;
        return contains;

Now you can use it like this:

hasClass('body', 'gray')
hasClass('#like', 'green')
hasClass('.button', 'active')

Hope it will help.

How to install JDK 11 under Ubuntu?

sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk

after this, try

java -version

to make sure java version is 1.11.x, if found old one or different, check below command to see the available jdks,

sudo update-java-alternatives --list

you should see something like below,

java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64 1111 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64

java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 1081 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64

you can see java 1.11 available from above list, use below command to set java 11 to default,

sudo update-alternatives --config java

for above command, you will get something like below and also, will ask for an option to set,

There are 3 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

Selection Path Priority Status

0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java 1111 auto mode

1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java 1111 manual mode

*2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java 1081 manual mode

3 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_211/bin/java 0 manual mode

Press to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

you can select desired selection number, my case it's 0

for javac,

sudo update-alternatives --config javac

will result something like below,

There are 3 choices for the alternative javac (providing /usr/bin/javac).

Selection Path Priority Status

0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac 1111 auto mode

1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac 1111 manual mode

*2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac 1081 manual mode
3 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_211/bin/javac 0 manual mode

Press to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

in my case, it's 0 again

after above steps, try

java -version

it will display something like below,

openjdk version "11.0.4" 2019-07-16

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3, mixed > mode, sharing)

Conditionally change img src based on model data

For angular 4 I have used

<img [src]="data.pic ? data.pic : 'assets/images/no-image.png' " alt="Image" title="Image">

It works for me , I hope it may use to other's also for Angular 4-5. :)

Detecting EOF in C

while(scanf("%d %d",a,b)!=EOF)

//do .....

Drawing rotated text on a HTML5 canvas

While this is sort of a follow up to the previous answer, it adds a little (hopefully).

Mainly what I want to clarify is that usually we think of drawing things like draw a rectangle at 10, 3.

So if we think about that like this: move origin to 10, 3, then draw rectangle at 0, 0. Then all we have to do is add a rotate in between.

Another big point is the alignment of the text. It's easiest to draw the text at 0, 0, so using the correct alignment can allow us to do that without measuring the text width.

We should still move the text by an amount to get it centered vertically, and unfortunately canvas does not have great line height support, so that's a guess and check thing ( correct me if there is something better ).

I've created 3 examples that provide a point and a text with 3 alignments, to show what the actual point on the screen is where the font will go.

enter image description here

var font, lineHeight, x, y;

x = 100;
y = 100;
font = 20;
lineHeight = 15; // this is guess and check as far as I know
this.context.font = font + 'px Arial';

// Right Aligned;
this.context.translate(x, y);
this.context.rotate(-Math.PI / 4);

this.context.textAlign = 'right';
this.context.fillText('right', 0, lineHeight / 2);


this.context.fillStyle = 'red';
this.context.fillRect(x, y, 2, 2);

// Center
this.context.fillStyle = 'black';
x = 150;
y = 100;;
this.context.translate(x, y);
this.context.rotate(-Math.PI / 4);

this.context.textAlign = 'center';
this.context.fillText('center', 0, lineHeight / 2);


this.context.fillStyle = 'red';
this.context.fillRect(x, y, 2, 2);

// Left
this.context.fillStyle = 'black';
x = 200;
y = 100;;
this.context.translate(x, y);
this.context.rotate(-Math.PI / 4);

this.context.textAlign = 'left';
this.context.fillText('left', 0, lineHeight / 2);


this.context.fillStyle = 'red';
this.context.fillRect(x, y, 2, 2);

The line this.context.fillText('right', 0, lineHeight / 2); is basically 0, 0, except we move slightly for the text to be centered near the point

How do I install the OpenSSL libraries on Ubuntu?

  1. Go to the official website and download the source code for the version you need

  2. Then unzip the update package and execute the following command

    ./config --prefix=/usr/local/ssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl  -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/ssl/lib shared

Because the default is to generate only static libraries, if you want dynamic libraries, add the "shared" option

  1. make && make install

How to check for a valid URL in Java?

My favorite approach, without external libraries:

try {
    URI uri = new URI(name);

    // perform checks for scheme, authority, host, etc., based on your requirements

    if ("mailto".equals(uri.getScheme()) {/*Code*/}
    if (uri.getHost() == null) {/*Code*/}

} catch (URISyntaxException e) {

Send a file via HTTP POST with C#

You need to write your file to the request stream:

using (var reqStream = req.GetRequestStream()) 
    reqStream.Write( ... ) // write the bytes of the file

PHP add elements to multidimensional array with array_push

I know the topic is old, but I just fell on it after a google search so... here is another solution:

$array_merged = array_merge($array_going_first, $array_going_second);

This one seems pretty clean to me, it works just fine!

Resource from src/main/resources not found after building with maven

You can replace the src/main/resources/ directly by classpath:

So for your example you will replace this line:

new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("src/main/resources/config.txt")));

By this line:

new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("classpath:config.txt")));

Android: how to convert whole ImageView to Bitmap?

This is a working code

Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(imageView.getDrawingCache());

Best way to unselect a <select> in jQuery?

$("option:selected").attr("selected", false);

Is it possible to have a multi-line comments in R?

Put the following into your ~/.Rprofile file:

exclude <-  function(blah) {
    "excluded block"

Now, you can exclude blocks like follows:



Python Selenium Chrome Webdriver

You need to specify the path where your chromedriver is located.

  1. Download chromedriver for your desired platform from here.

  2. Place chromedriver on your system path, or where your code is.

  3. If not using a system path, link your chromedriver.exe (For non-Windows users, it's just called chromedriver):

    browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r"C:\path\to\chromedriver.exe")

    (Set executable_path to the location where your chromedriver is located.)

    If you've placed chromedriver on your System Path, you can shortcut by just doing the following:

    browser = webdriver.Chrome()

  4. If you're running on a Unix-based operating system, you may need to update the permissions of chromedriver after downloading it in order to make it executable:

    chmod +x chromedriver

  5. That's all. If you're still experiencing issues, more info can be found on this other StackOverflow article: Can't use chrome driver for Selenium

initialize a numpy array

You do want to avoid explicit loops as much as possible when doing array computing, as that reduces the speed gain from that form of computing. There are multiple ways to initialize a numpy array. If you want it filled with zeros, do as katrielalex said:

big_array = numpy.zeros((10,4))

EDIT: What sort of sequence is it you're making? You should check out the different numpy functions that create arrays, like numpy.linspace(start, stop, size) (equally spaced number), or numpy.arange(start, stop, inc). Where possible, these functions will make arrays substantially faster than doing the same work in explicit loops

printf not printing on console

Apparently this is a known bug of Eclipse. This bug is resolved with the resolution of WONT-FIX. I have no idea why though. here is the link: Eclipse C Console Bug.

How to create a file in a directory in java?

Create New File in Specified Path


public class CreateNewFile {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            File file = new File("d:/sampleFile.txt");
                System.out.println("File creation successfull");
                System.out.println("Error while creating File, file already exists in specified path");
        catch(IOException io) {


Program Output:

File creation successfull

symfony 2 No route found for "GET /"

Using symfony 2.3 with php 5.5 and using the built in server with

app/console server:run

which should output something like:

Server running on
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

then go to

this should give you the default, which you can also find the default route by viewing src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php

How do I get an apk file from an Android device?

No root is required:

This code will get 3rd party packages path with the name so you can easily identify your APK

adb shell pm list packages -f -3

the output will be


now pull that package using below code:

adb pull /data/app/XX.XX.XX.apk

if you executed above cmd in C:>\ , then you will find that package there.

Configure active profile in SpringBoot via Maven

I would like to run an automation test in different environments.
So I add this to command maven command:

spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments=""

Here is the link where I found the solution: [1]

How to fix "Incorrect string value" errors?

In my case, Incorrect string value: '\xCC\x88'..., the problem was that an o-umlaut was in its decomposed state. This question-and-answer helped me understand the difference between and ö. In PHP, the fix for me was to use PHP's Normalizer library. E.g., Normalizer::normalize('o¨', Normalizer::FORM_C).

VMWare Player vs VMWare Workstation

One main reason we went with Workstation over Player at my job is because we need to run VMs that use a physical disk as their hard drive instead of a virtual disk. Workstation supports using physical disks while Player does not.

Is an anchor tag without the href attribute safe?

It is OK, but at the same time can cause some browsers to become slow.

My advice is use <a href="#"></a>

If you're using JQuery remember to also use:

    // Click code here...

Distinct in Linq based on only one field of the table

data.Select(x=>x.Name).Distinct().Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x });

Java Pass Method as Parameter

Last time I checked, Java is not capable of natively doing what you want; you have to use 'work-arounds' to get around such limitations. As far as I see it, interfaces ARE an alternative, but not a good alternative. Perhaps whoever told you that was meaning something like this:

public interface ComponentMethod {
  public abstract void PerfromMethod(Container c);

public class ChangeColor implements ComponentMethod {
  public void PerfromMethod(Container c) {
    // do color change stuff

public class ChangeSize implements ComponentMethod {
  public void PerfromMethod(Container c) {
    // do color change stuff

public void setAllComponents(Component[] myComponentArray, ComponentMethod myMethod) {
    for (Component leaf : myComponentArray) {
        if (leaf instanceof Container) { //recursive call if Container
            Container node = (Container) leaf;
            setAllComponents(node.getComponents(), myMethod);
        } //end if node
    } //end looping through components

Which you'd then invoke with:

setAllComponents(this.getComponents(), new ChangeColor());
setAllComponents(this.getComponents(), new ChangeSize());

Making button go full-width?

Why not use the Bootstrap predefined class input-block-level that does the job?

<a href="#" class="btn input-block-level">Full-Width Button</a> <!-- BS2 -->
<a href="#" class="btn form-control">Full-Width Button</a> <!-- BS3 -->

<!-- And let's join both for BS# :) -->
<a href="#" class="btn input-block-level form-control">Full-Width Button</a>

Learn more here in the Control Sizing^ section.

This application has no explicit mapping for /error

I was facing the same problem, using gradle and it got solved on adding following dependencies-


earlier I was missing the last one causing the same error.

Pretty printing JSON from Jackson 2.2's ObjectMapper

If you'd like to turn this on by default for ALL ObjectMapper instances in a process, here's a little hack that will set the default value of INDENT_OUTPUT to true:

val indentOutput = SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT
val defaultStateField = indentOutput.getClass.getDeclaredField("_defaultState")
defaultStateField.set(indentOutput, true)

How to open existing project in Eclipse

Try File > New > Project... > Android Project From Existing Code. Don't copy your project from pc into workspace, copy it elsewhere and let the eclipse copy it into workspace by menu commands above and checking copy in existing workspace.

No content to map due to end-of-input jackson parser

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.Feature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

StatusResponses loginValidator = null;

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.configure(Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE, true);

try {
    String res = result.getResponseAsString();//{"status":"true","msg":"success"}
    loginValidator = objectMapper.readValue(res, StatusResponses.class);//replaced result.getResponseAsString() with res
} catch (Exception e) {

Don't know how it worked and why it worked? :( but it worked

Initialize a Map containing arrays

Per Mozilla's Map documentation, you can initialize as follows:

private _gridOptions:Map<string, Array<string>> = 
    new Map([
        ["1", ["test"]],
        ["2", ["test2"]]

OS X Bash, 'watch' command

Use the Nix package manager!

Install Nix, and then do nix-env -iA and it should be available for use after the completing the install instructions (including sourcing . "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/" in your shell).

pycharm running way slow

In my case, it was very slow and i needed to change inspections settings, i tried everything, the only thing that worked was going from 2018.2 version to 2016.2, sometimes is better to be some updates behind...

What does the fpermissive flag do?

A common case for simply setting -fpermissive and not sweating it exists: the thoroughly-tested and working third-party library that won't compile on newer compiler versions without -fpermissive. These libraries exist, and are very likely not the application developer's problem to solve, nor in the developer's schedule budget to do it.

Set -fpermissive and move on in that case.

Avoid duplicates in INSERT INTO SELECT query in SQL Server

From SQL Server you can set a Unique key index on the table for (Columns that needs to be unique)

From sql server right click on the table design select Indexes/Keys

Select column(s) that will be not duplicate , then type Unique Key

Set Text property of asp:label in Javascript PROPER way

This one Works for me with asp label control.

 function changeEmaillbl() {

         if (document.getElementById('<%=rbAgency.ClientID%>').checked = true) {
             document.getElementById('<%=lblUsername.ClientID%>').innerHTML = 'Accredited No.:';

Using GitLab token to clone without authentication

The gitlab has a lot of tokens:

  • Private token
  • Personal Access Token
  • CI/CD running token

I tested only the Personal Access Token using GitLab Community Edition 10.1.2, the example:

git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${Personal Access Tokens}

git clone https://oauth2:${Personal Access Tokens}

or using username and password:

git clone https://${username}:${password}

or by input your password:

git clone https://${username}

But the private token seems can not work.

Remove "Using default security password" on Spring Boot

In a Spring Boot 2 application you can either exclude the service configuration from autoconfiguration:

or if you just want to hide the message in the logs you can simply change the log level:

Further information can be found here:

Simple jQuery, PHP and JSONP example?

Simple jQuery, PHP and JSONP example is below:

window.onload = function(){_x000D_
  cache: false,_x000D_
  url: "",_x000D_
  dataType: 'jsonp',_x000D_
  type: 'GET',_x000D_
  success: function(data){_x000D_
   console.log('data', data)_x000D_
  error: function(data){_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

How can I shuffle the lines of a text file on the Unix command line or in a shell script?

If you have Scala installed, here's a one-liner to shuffle the input:

ls -1 | scala -e 'for (l <- util.Random.shuffle(io.Source.stdin.getLines.toList)) println(l)'

Is there a decent wait function in C++?

the equivalent to the batch program would be

int main()
    std::cout<<"Hello, World!\n";
    return 0;

The additional line does exactly what PAUSE does, waits for a single character input

Creating an abstract class in Objective-C

The answer to the question is scattered around in the comments under the already given answers. So, I am just summarising and simplifying here.

Option1: Protocols

If you want to create an abstract class with no implementation use 'Protocols'. The classes inheriting a protocol are obliged to implement the methods in the protocol.

@protocol ProtocolName
// list of methods and properties

Option2: Template Method Pattern

If you want to create an abstract class with partial implementation like "Template Method Pattern" then this is the solution. Objective-C - Template methods pattern?

div hover background-color change?

div hover background color change

Try like this:


library not found for -lPods

I had an old libPod.a file specified (probably caused by me changing targets).

Project Settings -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries

Usually, cocoapods would only include one library, such as libPods-target.a or libPods.a. I solved it by removing the duplicate.

How to take input in an array + PYTHON?

You want this - enter N and then take N number of elements.I am considering your input case is just like this

2 3 6 6 5

have this in this way in python 3.x (for python 2.x use raw_input() instead if input())

Python 3

n = int(input())
arr = input()   # takes the whole line of n numbers
l = list(map(int,arr.split(' '))) # split those numbers with space( becomes ['2','3','6','6','5']) and then map every element into int (becomes [2,3,6,6,5])

Python 2

n = int(raw_input())
arr = raw_input()   # takes the whole line of n numbers
l = list(map(int,arr.split(' '))) # split those numbers with space( becomes ['2','3','6','6','5']) and then map every element into int (becomes [2,3,6,6,5])

sort dict by value python

You could created sorted list from Values and rebuild the dictionary:

myDictionary={"two":"2", "one":"1", "five":"5", "1four":"4"}



for sortedKey in sortedList:
    for key, value in myDictionary.items():
        if value==sortedKey:

Output: newDictionary={'one': '1', 'two': '2', '1four': '4', 'five': '5'}

Find a string by searching all tables in SQL Server Management Studio 2008

A bit late, but you can easily find a string with this query

@search_string  VARCHAR(100),
@table_name     SYSNAME,
@table_id       INT,
@column_name    SYSNAME,
@sql_string     VARCHAR(2000)

SET @search_string = 'StringtoSearch'

DECLARE tables_cur CURSOR FOR SELECT +'.'+ [name], object_id FROM sys.objects so INNER JOIN sys.schemas ss ON so.schema_id = ss.schema_id WHERE  type = 'U'

OPEN tables_cur

FETCH NEXT FROM tables_cur INTO @table_name, @table_id

    DECLARE columns_cur CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = @table_id 
        AND system_type_id IN (167, 175, 231, 239)

    OPEN columns_cur

    FETCH NEXT FROM columns_cur INTO @column_name
        WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
            SET @sql_string = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ' + @table_name + ' WHERE [' + @column_name + '] 
            LIKE ''%' + @search_string + '%'') PRINT ''' + @table_name + ', ' + @column_name + ''''


        FETCH NEXT FROM columns_cur INTO @column_name

    CLOSE columns_cur

DEALLOCATE columns_cur

FETCH NEXT FROM tables_cur INTO @table_name, @table_id

CLOSE tables_cur
DEALLOCATE tables_cur

How to include external Python code to use in other files?

I would like to emphasize an answer that was in the comments that is working well for me. As mikey has said, this will work if you want to have variables in the included file in scope in the caller of 'include', just insert it as normal python. It works like an include statement in PHP. Works in Python 3.8.5. Happy coding!

Alternative #1

import textwrap 
from pathlib import Path

Alternative #2

with open('') as f: exec(

How do I create a user account for basic authentication?

Unfortunatelly, for IIS installed on Windows 7/8 machines, there is no option to create users only for IIS authentification. For Windows Server there is that option where you can add users from IIS Manager UI. These users have roles only on IIS, but not for the rest of the system. In this article it shows how you add users, but it is incorrect stating that is also appliable to standard OS, it only applies to server versions.

Reading file using fscanf() in C

In your code:

while(fscanf(fp,"%s %c",item,&status) == 1)  

why 1 and not 2? The scanf functions return the number of objects read.

How to convert date in to yyyy-MM-dd Format?

A date-time object is supposed to store the information about the date, time, timezone etc., not about the formatting. You can format a date-time object into a String with the pattern of your choice using date-time formatting API.

  • The date-time formatting API for the modern date-time types is in the package, java.time.format e.g. java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder etc.
  • The date-time formatting API for the legacy date-time types is in the package, java.text e.g. java.text.SimpleDateFormat, java.text.DateFormat etc.

Demo using modern API:

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Locale;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(2012, Month.DECEMBER, 1).atStartOfDay(),

        // Default format returned by Date#toString

        // Custom format
        DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.ENGLISH);
        String formattedDate = dtf.format(zdt);



Learn about the modern date-time API from Trail: Date Time.

Demo using legacy API:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
        calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2012);
        calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 11);
        calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        Date date = calendar.getTime();

        // Default format returned by Date#toString

        // Custom format
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.ENGLISH);
        String formattedDate = sdf.format(date);


Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT 2012

Some more important points:

  1. The java.util.Date object is not a real date-time object like the modern date-time types; rather, it represents the milliseconds from the Epoch of January 1, 1970. When you print an object of java.util.Date, its toString method returns the date-time calculated from this milliseconds value. Since java.util.Date does not have timezone information, it applies the timezone of your JVM and displays the same. If you need to print the date-time in a different timezone, you will need to set the timezone to SimpleDateFomrat and obtain the formatted string from it.
  2. The date-time API of java.util and their formatting API, SimpleDateFormat are outdated and error-prone. It is recommended to stop using them completely and switch to the modern date-time API.

How large should my recv buffer be when calling recv in the socket library

16kb is about right; if you're using gigabit ethernet, each packet could be 9kb in size.

Read Post Data submitted to ASP.Net Form

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["username"])) { ... }

username is the name of the input on the submitting page. The password can be obtained the same way. If its not null or empty, it exists, then log in the user (I don't recall the exact steps for ASP.NET Membership, assuming that's what you're using).

DNS problem, nslookup works, ping doesn't

I had this problem occasionally when using a multi-label name ie test.internal

The solution for me was to stop/start the dnscache on my windows 7 machine. Open a console as administrator and type

net stop dnscache
net start dnscache

then sigh and look for a way to get a Mac as your principal desktop.

How to fix "Root element is missing." when doing a Visual Studio (VS) Build?

In my case.I was getting missing element error pointing to NuGet.Config file. At that time it was looking some thing like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

then I just added configuration tag that actually wraps entire xml. Now working fine for me

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

MySQL SELECT AS combine two columns into one

In case of NULL columns it is better to use IF clause like this which combine the two functions of : CONCAT and COALESCE and uses special chars between the columns in result like space or '_'

SELECT FirstName , LastName , 
IF(FirstName IS NULL AND LastName IS NULL, NULL,' _ ',CONCAT(COALESCE(FirstName ,''), COALESCE(LastName ,''))) 
AS Contact_Phone FROM   TABLE1

convert pfx format to p12

.p12 and .pfx are both PKCS #12 files. Am I missing something?

Have you tried renaming the exported .pfx file to have a .p12 extension?

Command line .cmd/.bat script, how to get directory of running script

Raymond Chen has a few ideas:

Quoted here in full because MSDN archives tend to be somewhat unreliable:

The easy way is to use the %CD% pseudo-variable. It expands to the current working directory.

.. do stuff ..
chdir /d %OLDDIR% &rem restore current directory

(Of course, directory save/restore could more easily have been done with pushd/popd, but that's not the point here.)

The %CD% trick is handy even from the command line. For example, I often find myself in a directory where there's a file that I want to operate on but... oh, I need to chdir to some other directory in order to perform that operation.

set _=%CD%\curfile.txt
cd ... some other directory ...
somecommand args %_% args

(I like to use %_% as my scratch environment variable.)

Type SET /? to see the other pseudo-variables provided by the command processor.

Also the comments in the article are well worth scanning for example this one (via the WayBack Machine, since comments are gone from older articles):

This covers the use of %~dp0:

If you want to know where the batch file lives: %~dp0

%0 is the name of the batch file. ~dp gives you the drive and path of the specified argument.

How to quickly clear a JavaScript Object?

You can try this. Function below sets all values of object's properties to undefined. Works as well with nested objects.

var clearObjectValues = (objToClear) => {
    Object.keys(objToClear).forEach((param) => {
        if ( (objToClear[param]).toString() === "[object Object]" ) {
        } else {
            objToClear[param] = undefined;
    return objToClear;

Application Loader stuck at "Authenticating with the iTunes store" when uploading an iOS app

Found the solution:

I was uploading the build, Every activity went well except “Authenticating with the iTunes store”.

I disconnected my LAN cable and Connected my MAC with my mobile hotspot. and authentication problem was solved. If you have a limited internet plan then as soon as you pass authentication stage, again connect your LAN so that it will upload the app from you LAN cable's internet connection.

In c, in bool, true == 1 and false == 0?

More accurately anything that is not 0 is true.

So 1 is true, but so is 2, 3 ... etc.

Youtube - downloading a playlist - youtube-dl

Your link is not a playlist.

A proper playlist URL looks like this:

Your URL is just the first video OF a certain playlist. It contains instead of

Pick the playlist by clicking on the title of the playlist on the right side in the list of videos and use this URL.

Preventing SQL injection in Node.js

The node-mysql library automatically performs escaping when used as you are already doing. See

Simplest way to do a recursive self-join?

The Quassnoi query with a change for large table. Parents with more childs then 10: Formating as str(5) the row_number()

WITH    q AS 
        SELECT  m.*, CAST(str(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY m.ordernum),5) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN AS bc
        FROM    #t m
        WHERE   ParentID =0
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  m.*,  q.bc + '.' + str(ROW_NUMBER()  OVER (PARTITION BY m.ParentID ORDER BY m.ordernum),5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN
        FROM    #t m
        JOIN    q
        ON      m.parentID = q.DBID
FROM    q

XAMPP: Couldn't start Apache (Windows 10)

I found that running apache_start in gave me the exact error and on which line it was.

My error was that I left a space in between localhost: and the port.

How exactly do you configure httpOnlyCookies in ASP.NET?

If you're using ASP.NET 2.0 or greater, you can turn it on in the Web.config file. In the <system.web> section, add the following line:

<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true"/>

How do I create a batch file timer to execute / call another batch throughout the day

Below is a batch file that will wait for 1 minute, check the day, and then perform an action. It uses PING.EXE, but requires no files that aren't included with Windows.


ECHO Waiting for 1 minute...
  PING -n 60>nul
  IF %DATE:~0,3%==Mon CALL SomeOtherFile.cmd
  IF %DATE:~0,3%==Tue CALL SomeOtherFile.cmd
  IF %DATE:~0,3%==Wed CALL SomeOtherFile.cmd
  IF %DATE:~0,3%==Thu CALL WootSomeOtherFile.cmd
  IF %DATE:~0,3%==Fri CALL SomeOtherFile.cmd
  IF %DATE:~0,3%==Sat ECHO Saturday...nothing to do.
  IF %DATE:~0,3%==Sun ECHO Sunday...nothing to do.

It could be improved upon in many ways, but it might get you started.

Can a Windows batch file determine its own file name?

Bear in mind that 0 is a special case of parameter numbers inside a batch file, where 0 means this file as given on the command line.

So if the file is myfile.bat, you could call it in several ways as follows, each of which would give you a different output from the %0 or %~0 usage:






All of the above are legal calls if you call it from the correct relative place to the directory in which it exists. %~0 strips the quotes from the last example, whereas %0 does not.

Because these all give different results, %0 and %~0 are very unlikely to be what you actually want to use.

Here's a batch file to illustrate:

@echo Full path and filename: %~f0
@echo Drive: %~d0
@echo Path: %~p0
@echo Drive and path: %~dp0
@echo Filename without extension: %~n0
@echo Filename with    extension: %~nx0
@echo Extension: %~x0
@echo Filename as given on command line: %0
@echo Filename as given on command line minus quotes: %~0
@REM Build from parts
@SET drv=%~d0
@SET pth=%~p0
@SET fpath=%~dp0
@SET fname=%~n0
@SET ext=%~x0
@echo Simply Constructed name: %fpath%%fname%%ext%
@echo Fully  Constructed name: %drv%%pth%%fname%%ext%

Get length of array?

Compilating answers here and there, here's a complete set of arr tools to get the work done:

Function getArraySize(arr As Variant)
' returns array size for a n dimention array
' usage result(k) = size of the k-th dimension

Dim ndims As Long
Dim arrsize() As Variant
ndims = getDimensions(arr)
ReDim arrsize(ndims - 1)
For i = 1 To ndims
    arrsize(i - 1) = getDimSize(arr, i)
Next i
getArraySize = arrsize
End Function

Function getDimSize(arr As Variant, dimension As Integer)
' returns size for the given dimension number
    getDimSize = UBound(arr, dimension) - LBound(arr, dimension) + 1
End Function

Function getDimensions(arr As Variant) As Long
' returns number of dimension in an array (ex. sheet range = 2 dimensions)
    On Error GoTo Err
    Dim i As Long
    Dim tmp As Long
    i = 0
    Do While True
        i = i + 1
        tmp = UBound(arr, i)
    getDimensions = i - 1
End Function

jQuery UI autocomplete with JSON

I understand that its been answered already. but I hope this will help someone in future and saves so much time and pain.

complete code is below: This one I did for a textbox to make it Autocomplete in CiviCRM. Hope it helps someone

CRM.$( 'input[id^=custom_78]' ).autocomplete({
            autoFill: true,
            select: function (event, ui) {
                    var label = ui.item.label;
                    var value = ui.item.value;
                    // Update subject field to add book year and book product
                    var book_year_value = CRM.$('select[id^=custom_77]  option:selected').text().replace('Book Year ','');
                    //book_year_value.replace('Book Year ','');
                    var subject_value = book_year_value + '/' + ui.item.label;
                    CRM.$( 'input[name=product_select_id]' ).val(ui.item.value);
                    return false;
            source: function(request, response) {
                    url: productUrl,
                        data: {
                                        'subCategory' : cj('select[id^=custom_77]').val(),
                                        's': request.term,
                    beforeSend: function( xhr ) {
                        xhr.overrideMimeType( "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined" );

                    success: function(result){
                                result = jQuery.parseJSON( result);
                                response(CRM.$.map(result, function (val,key) {
                                                         return {
                                                                 label: val,
                                                                 value: key
                .done(function( data ) {
                    if ( console && console.log ) {
                     // console.log( "Sample of dataas:", data.slice( 0, 100 ) );

PHP code on how I'm returning data to this jquery ajax call in autocomplete:

 * This class contains all product related functions that are called using AJAX (jQuery)
class CRM_Civicrmactivitiesproductlink_Page_AJAX {
  static function getProductList() {
        $name   = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 's', $_GET );
    $name   = CRM_Utils_Type::escape( $name, 'String' );
    $limit  = '10';

        $strSearch = "description LIKE '%$name%'";

        $subCategory   = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'subCategory', $_GET );
    $subCategory   = CRM_Utils_Type::escape( $subCategory, 'String' );

        if (!empty($subCategory))
                $strSearch .= " AND sub_category = ".$subCategory;

        $query = "SELECT id , description as data FROM abc_books WHERE $strSearch";
        $resultArray = array();
        $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery( $query );
        while ( $dao->fetch( ) ) {
            $resultArray[$dao->id] = $dao->data;//creating the array to send id as key and data as value
        echo json_encode($resultArray);

Page redirect after certain time PHP

You can use this javascript code to redirect after a specific time. Hope it will work.

setRedirectTime(function () 
   window.location.href= ''; // the redirect URL will be here

},10000); // 10 seconds

pod install -bash: pod: command not found

I had the same problem, running Mountain Lion with Ruby 2 installed and used instead of system ruby.

Previously I added PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH to my ~/.bash_profile as a way to make sure stuff installed by homebrew, including Ruby 2, took precedence over system-installed binaries.

Anyway, in this case I noticed that cocoapods would install their 'pod' binary not in /usr/local/bin but rather in /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.0.0-p247/bin/

So to my .bash_profile I added PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.0.0-p247/bin/ and now cocoapods is working like a charm.

Updating a dataframe column in spark

importing col, when from pyspark.sql.functions and updating fifth column to integer(0,1,2) based on the string(string a, string b, string c) into a new DataFrame.

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when 

data_frame_temp = data_frame.withColumn("col_5",when(col("col_5") == "string a", 0).when(col("col_5") == "string b", 1).otherwise(2))

How to reload the current state?

Silly workaround that always works.


curl_exec() always returns false

Error checking and handling is the programmer's friend. Check the return values of the initializing and executing cURL functions. curl_error() and curl_errno() will contain further information in case of failure:

try {
    $ch = curl_init();

    // Check if initialization had gone wrong*    
    if ($ch === false) {
        throw new Exception('failed to initialize');

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt(/* ... */);

    $content = curl_exec($ch);

    // Check the return value of curl_exec(), too
    if ($content === false) {
        throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));

    /* Process $content here */

    // Close curl handle
} catch(Exception $e) {

        'Curl failed with error #%d: %s',
        $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()),


* The curl_init() manual states:

Returns a cURL handle on success, FALSE on errors.

I've observed the function to return FALSE when you're using its $url parameter and the domain could not be resolved. If the parameter is unused, the function might never return FALSE. Always check it anyways, though, since the manual doesn't clearly state what "errors" actually are.

Send private messages to friends

No, this isn't possible. In order for you to send messages of any kind to a Facebook user, you need that user's permission to do so.

If someone logs into your site with Facebook Connect, they are explicitly agreeing to share their Facebook data with your site, and you will then be able to send that person a message through the normal channels. You would also be able to fetch their friend list. However, you can not send messages to the friends.

How do I compute the intersection point of two lines?

Here is a solution using the Shapely library. Shapely is often used for GIS work, but is built to be useful for computational geometry. I changed your inputs from lists to tuples.


# Given these endpoints
#line 1
A = (X, Y)
B = (X, Y)

#line 2
C = (X, Y)
D = (X, Y)

# Compute this:
point_of_intersection = (X, Y)


import shapely
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point

line1 = LineString([A, B])
line2 = LineString([C, D])

int_pt = line1.intersection(line2)
point_of_intersection = int_pt.x, int_pt.y


How to enable CORS in ASP.NET Core

Got this working with .Net Core 3.1 as follows

1.Make sure you place the UseCors code between app.UseRouting(); and app.UseAuthentication();




        app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => {

2.Then place this code in the ConfigureServices method

services.AddCors(options =>
                builder => builder.WithOrigins("http://localhost:4200", "")

3.And above the base controller I placed this

public class BaseController : ControllerBase

Now all my controllers will inherit from the BaseController and will have CORS enabled

Git: can't undo local changes (error: path ... is unmerged)

git checkout foo/bar.txt

did you tried that? (without a HEAD keyword)

I usually revert my changes this way.

Dynamically create Bootstrap alerts box through JavaScript

I found that AlertifyJS is a better alternative and have a Bootstrap theme.

alertify.alert('Alert Title', 'Alert Message!', function(){ alertify.success('Ok'); });

Also have a 4 components: Alert, Confirm, Prompt and Notifier.

Exmaple: JSFiddle

How to get the day name from a selected date?


at the place of Eval("date"),you can use any date...get name of day

How to set up a squid Proxy with basic username and password authentication?

Here's what I had to do to setup basic auth on Ubuntu 14.04 (didn't find a guide anywhere else)

Basic squid conf

/etc/squid3/squid.conf instead of the super bloated default config file

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid3/basic_ncsa_auth /etc/squid3/passwords
auth_param basic realm proxy
acl authenticated proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow authenticated

# Choose the port you want. Below we set it to default 3128.
http_port 3128

Please note the basic_ncsa_auth program instead of the old ncsa_auth

squid 2.x

For squid 2.x you need to edit /etc/squid/squid.conf file and place:

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/digest_pw_auth /etc/squid/passwords
auth_param basic realm proxy
acl authenticated proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow authenticated

Setting up a user

sudo htpasswd -c /etc/squid3/passwords username_you_like

and enter a password twice for the chosen username then

sudo service squid3 restart

squid 2.x

sudo htpasswd -c /etc/squid/passwords username_you_like

and enter a password twice for the chosen username then

sudo service squid restart

htdigest vs htpasswd

For the many people that asked me: the 2 tools produce different file formats:

  • htdigest stores the password in plain text.
  • htpasswd stores the password hashed (various hashing algos are available)

Despite this difference in format basic_ncsa_auth will still be able to parse a password file generated with htdigest. Hence you can alternatively use:

sudo htdigest -c /etc/squid3/passwords realm_you_like username_you_like

Beware that this approach is empirical, undocumented and may not be supported by future versions of Squid.

On Ubuntu 14.04 htdigest and htpasswd are both available in the [apache2-utils][1] package.


Similar as above applies, but file paths are different.

Install squid

brew install squid

Start squid service

brew services start squid

Squid config file is stored at /usr/local/etc/squid.conf.

Comment or remove following line:

http_access allow localnet

Then similar to linux config (but with updated paths) add this:

auth_param basic program /usr/local/Cellar/squid/4.8/libexec/basic_ncsa_auth /usr/local/etc/squid_passwords
auth_param basic realm proxy
acl authenticated proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow authenticated

Note that path to basic_ncsa_auth may be different since it depends on installed version when using brew, you can verify this with ls /usr/local/Cellar/squid/. Also note that you should add the above just bellow the following section:


Now generate yourself a user:password basic auth credential (note: htpasswd and htdigest are also both available on MacOS)

htpasswd -c /usr/local/etc/squid_passwords username_you_like

Restart the squid service

brew services restart squid

What is the difference between ArrayList.clear() and ArrayList.removeAll()?

Clear is faster because it does not loop over elements to delete. This method can assume that ALL elements can be deleted.

Remove all does not necessarily mean delete all elements in the list, only those provided as parameters SHOULD be delete. Hence, more effort is required to keep those which should not be deleted.


By 'loop', I mean it does not have to check whether the element should be kept or not. It can set the reference to null without searching through the provided lists of elements to delete.

Clear IS faster than deleteall.

What does the "static" modifier after "import" mean?

The import allows the java programmer to access classes of a package without package qualification.

The static import feature allows to access the static members of a class without the class qualification.

The import provides accessibility to classes and interface whereas static import provides accessibility to static members of the class.

Example :

With import

import java.lang.System.*;    
class StaticImportExample{  
    public static void main(String args[]){  



With static import

import static java.lang.System.*;    
class StaticImportExample{  
  public static void main(String args[]){  

   out.println("Hello");//Now no need of System.out  


See also : What is static import in Java 5

How to split a comma separated string and process in a loop using JavaScript

My two cents, adding trim to remove the initial whitespaces left in sAc's answer.

var str = 'Hello, World, etc';
var str_array = str.split(',');

for(var i = 0; i < str_array.length; i++) {
   // Trim the excess whitespace.
   str_array[i] = str_array[i].replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
   // Add additional code here, such as:


After getting several upvotes on this answer, I wanted to revisit this. If you want to split on comma, and perform a trim operation, you can do it in one method call without any explicit loops due to the fact that split will also take a regular expression as an argument:

'Hello, cruel , world!'.split(/\s*,\s*/);
//-> ["Hello", "cruel", "world!"]

This solution, however, will not trim the beginning of the first item and the end of the last item which is typically not an issue.

And so to answer the question in regards to process in a loop, if your target browsers support ES5 array extras such as the map or forEach methods, then you could just simply do the following:

myStringWithCommas.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach(function(myString) {

iOS: Convert UTC NSDate to local Timezone

NSTimeInterval seconds; // assume this exists
NSDate* ts_utc = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:seconds];

NSDateFormatter* df_utc = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[df_utc setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"UTC"]];
[df_utc setDateFormat:@"yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz"];

NSDateFormatter* df_local = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[df_local setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"EST"]];
[df_local setDateFormat:@"yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz"];

NSString* ts_utc_string = [df_utc stringFromDate:ts_utc];
NSString* ts_local_string = [df_local stringFromDate:ts_utc];

// you can also use NSDateFormatter dateFromString to go the opposite way

Table of formatting string parameters:

If performance is a priority, you may want to consider using strftime

How to delete duplicates on a MySQL table?

Deleting duplicate rows in MySQL in-place, (Assuming you have a timestamp col to sort by) walkthrough:

Create the table and insert some rows:

create table penguins(foo int, bar varchar(15), baz datetime);
insert into penguins values(1, 'skipper', now());
insert into penguins values(1, 'skipper', now());
insert into penguins values(3, 'kowalski', now());
insert into penguins values(3, 'kowalski', now());
insert into penguins values(3, 'kowalski', now());
insert into penguins values(4, 'rico', now());
select * from penguins;
    | foo  | bar      | baz                 |
    |    1 | skipper  | 2014-08-25 14:21:54 |
    |    1 | skipper  | 2014-08-25 14:21:59 |
    |    3 | kowalski | 2014-08-25 14:22:09 |
    |    3 | kowalski | 2014-08-25 14:22:13 |
    |    3 | kowalski | 2014-08-25 14:22:15 |
    |    4 | rico     | 2014-08-25 14:22:22 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Remove the duplicates in place:

delete a
    from penguins a
    left join(
    select max(baz) maxtimestamp, foo, bar
    from penguins
    group by foo, bar) b
    on a.baz = maxtimestamp and = and =
    where b.maxtimestamp IS NULL;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)
select * from penguins;
| foo  | bar      | baz                 |
|    1 | skipper  | 2014-08-25 14:21:59 |
|    3 | kowalski | 2014-08-25 14:22:15 |
|    4 | rico     | 2014-08-25 14:22:22 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You're done, duplicate rows are removed, last one by timestamp is kept.

For those of you without a timestamp or unique column.

You don't have a timestamp or a unique index column to sort by? You're living in a state of degeneracy. You'll have to do additional steps to delete duplicate rows.

create the penguins table and add some rows

create table penguins(foo int, bar varchar(15)); 
insert into penguins values(1, 'skipper'); 
insert into penguins values(1, 'skipper'); 
insert into penguins values(3, 'kowalski'); 
insert into penguins values(3, 'kowalski'); 
insert into penguins values(3, 'kowalski'); 
insert into penguins values(4, 'rico'); 
select * from penguins; 
    # +------+----------+ 
    # | foo  | bar      | 
    # +------+----------+ 
    # |    1 | skipper  | 
    # |    1 | skipper  | 
    # |    3 | kowalski | 
    # |    3 | kowalski | 
    # |    3 | kowalski | 
    # |    4 | rico     | 
    # +------+----------+ 

make a clone of the first table and copy into it.

drop table if exists penguins_copy; 
create table penguins_copy as ( SELECT foo, bar FROM penguins );  

#add an autoincrementing primary key: 
ALTER TABLE penguins_copy ADD moo int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY first; 

select * from penguins_copy; 
    # +-----+------+----------+ 
    # | moo | foo  | bar      | 
    # +-----+------+----------+ 
    # |   1 |    1 | skipper  | 
    # |   2 |    1 | skipper  | 
    # |   3 |    3 | kowalski | 
    # |   4 |    3 | kowalski | 
    # |   5 |    3 | kowalski | 
    # |   6 |    4 | rico     | 
    # +-----+------+----------+ 

The max aggregate operates upon the new moo index:

delete a from penguins_copy a left join( 
    select max(moo) myindex, foo, bar 
    from penguins_copy 
    group by foo, bar) b 
    on a.moo = b.myindex and = and = 
    where b.myindex IS NULL; 

#drop the extra column on the copied table 
alter table penguins_copy drop moo; 
select * from penguins_copy; 

#drop the first table and put the copy table back: 
drop table penguins; 
create table penguins select * from penguins_copy; 

observe and cleanup

drop table penguins_copy; 
select * from penguins;
| foo  | bar      | 
|    1 | skipper  | 
|    3 | kowalski | 
|    4 | rico     | 
    Elapsed: 1458.359 milliseconds 

What's that big SQL delete statement doing?

Table penguins with alias 'a' is left joined on a subset of table penguins called alias 'b'. The right hand table 'b' which is a subset finds the max timestamp [ or max moo ] grouped by columns foo and bar. This is matched to left hand table 'a'. (foo,bar,baz) on left has every row in the table. The right hand subset 'b' has a (maxtimestamp,foo,bar) which is matched to left only on the one that IS the max.

Every row that is not that max has value maxtimestamp of NULL. Filter down on those NULL rows and you have a set of all rows grouped by foo and bar that isn't the latest timestamp baz. Delete those ones.

Make a backup of the table before you run this.

Prevent this problem from ever happening again on this table:

If you got this to work, and it put out your "duplicate row" fire. Great. Now define a new composite unique key on your table (on those two columns) to prevent more duplicates from being added in the first place.

Like a good immune system, the bad rows shouldn't even be allowed in to the table at the time of insert. Later on all those programs adding duplicates will broadcast their protest, and when you fix them, this issue never comes up again.

Use querystring variables in MVC controller

Here is what I came up with. I was having major problems with this and believe I am in MVC 6 now but this may be helpful to someone even myself in the future..

//The issue was that Reqest.Form Request.Querystring and Request not working in MVC the solution is to use Context.Request.Form and also making sure the form has been submitted otherwise null reference or context issue bug will show up.

     if(Context.Request.ContentLength != null)
         String StartDate = Context.Request.Form["StartMonth"].ToString();
         String EndMonth = Context.Request.Form["EndMonth"].ToString();
        // Vendor


Datatables: Cannot read property 'mData' of undefined

I had this same problem using DOM data in a Rails view created via the scaffold generator. By default the view omits <th> elements for the last three columns (which contain links to show, hide, and destroy records). I found that if I added in titles for those columns in a <th> element within the <thead> that it fixed the problem.

I can't say if this is the same problem you're having since I can't see your html. If it is not the same problem, you can use the chrome debugger to figure out which column it is erroring out on by clicking on the error in the console (which will take you to the code it is failing on), then adding a conditional breakpoint (at col==undefined). When it stops you can check the variable i to see which column it is currently on which can help you figure out what is different about that column from the others. Hope that helps!

debugging mData error

Find intersection of two nested lists?

flat list can be made through reduce easily.

All you need to use initializer - third argument in the reduce function.

   lambda result, _list: result.append(
     ) or result, 

Above code works for both python2 and python3, but you need to import reduce module as from functools import reduce. Refer below link for details.

How to change font of UIButton with Swift

For Swift 3.0:

button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16)

where "boldSystemFont" and "16" can be replaced with your custom font and size.

Understanding .get() method in Python

If d is a dictionary, then d.get(k, v) means, give me the value of k in d, unless k isn't there, in which case give me v. It's being used here to get the current count of the character, which should start at 0 if the character hasn't been encountered before.

Set style for TextView programmatically

We can use TextViewCompact.setTextAppearance(textView,

Android doc for reference.

Could not load the Tomcat server configuration

You can install tomcat7 in ~/tomcat7 instead of /usr/share/tomcat7.

  1. Close Eclipse.
  2. Delete org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs and org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs in {workspace-directory}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings.
  3. Launch Eclipse.
  4. Go to Window->Show View->Other... and choose the Servers.
  5. Select Tomcat v7.0 Server from the server type and press Next.
  6. Enter /home/user/tomcat7 (not /usr/share/tomcat7) into the "Tomcat installation directory" and press Download.
  7. Wait a few minutes and press Finish.

tomcat7 worked correctly with Eclipse 4.4 on my Ubuntu 15.04 in this way.

MySQL: update a field only if condition is met

Another variation:

SET field = IF ( {condition}, {new value}, field )
WHERE id = 123

This will update the field with {new value} only if {condition} is met

Add custom buttons on Slick Carousel

If you're using Bootstrap 3, you can use the Glyphicons.

.slick-prev:before, .slick-next:before {
    font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings", "slick", sans-serif;
    font-size: 40px;

.slick-prev:before { content: "\e257"; }
.slick-next:before { content: "\e258"; }

Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences

Please use these two methods for store data in ArrayList in kotlin

fun setDataInArrayList(list: ArrayList<ShopReisterRequest>, key: String, context: Context) {
    val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
    val editor = prefs.edit()
    val gson = Gson()
    val json = gson.toJson(list)
    editor.putString(key, json)

fun getDataInArrayList(key: String, context: Context): ArrayList<ShopReisterRequest> {
    val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
    val gson = Gson()
    val json = prefs.getString(key, null)
    val type = object : TypeToken<ArrayList<ShopReisterRequest>>() {

    return gson.fromJson<ArrayList<ShopReisterRequest>>(json, type)

How to create a JSON object

Usually, you would do something like this:

$post_data = json_encode(array('item' => $post_data));

But, as it seems you want the output to be with "{}", you better make sure to force json_encode() to encode as object, by passing the JSON_FORCE_OBJECT constant.

$post_data = json_encode(array('item' => $post_data), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);

"{}" brackets specify an object and "[]" are used for arrays according to JSON specification.

Create Local SQL Server database

After installation you need to connect to Server Name : localhost to start using the local instance of SQL Server.

Once you are connected to the local instance, right click on Databases and create a new database.

How to handle notification when app in background in Firebase

In general

There are two types of messages in FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging):

  • Display Messages: These messages trigger the onMessageReceived() callback only when your app is in foreground

  • Data Messages: Theses messages trigger the onMessageReceived() callback even if your app is in foreground/background/killed

Data Messages example:

  "to": "/path", 
      "my_custom_key": "my_custom_value", 
      "my_custom_key2": true 

Display Messages example:

     "notification": {
            "title" : "title",
            "body"  : "body text",
            "icon"  : "ic_notification",
            "click_action" : "OPEN_ACTIVITY_1"

Android side can handle notifications like:

public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {

      @Override public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage){
           Map<String, String> data = remoteMessage.getData();
           String myCustomKey = data.get("my_custom_key");



More details about FCM you can find here : Set up a Firebase Cloud Messaging client app on Android

JUnit 5: How to assert an exception is thrown?

They've changed it in JUnit 5 (expected: InvalidArgumentException, actual: invoked method) and code looks like this one:

public void wrongInput() {
    Throwable exception = assertThrows(InvalidArgumentException.class,
            ()->{objectName.yourMethod("WRONG");} );

Reading binary file and looping over each byte

After trying all the above and using the answer from @Aaron Hall, I was getting memory errors for a ~90 Mb file on a computer running Window 10, 8 Gb RAM and Python 3.5 32-bit. I was recommended by a colleague to use numpy instead and it works wonders.

By far, the fastest to read an entire binary file (that I have tested) is:

import numpy as np

file = "binary_file.bin"
data = np.fromfile(file, 'u1')


Multitudes faster than any other methods so far. Hope it helps someone!

Serializing list to JSON

If using Python 2.5, you may need to import simplejson:

    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json

Best way to find the intersection of multiple sets?

Jean-François Fabre set.intesection(*list_of_sets) answer is definetly the most Pyhtonic and is rightly the accepted answer.

For those that want to use reduce, the following will also work:

reduce(set.intersection, list_of_sets)

How can I stop Chrome from going into debug mode?

If you were unfamiliar with the tools, it was likely that at some point while in the debugger you toggled a setting that was causing the debugger to stop the application.

I suggest you "Disable all break points":

Enter image description here


How to install a python library manually

Here is the official FAQ on installing Python Modules:

There are some tips which might help you.

Run-time error '1004' - Method 'Range' of object'_Global' failed

When you reference Range like that it's called an unqualified reference because you don't specifically say which sheet the range is on. Unqualified references are handled by the "_Global" object that determines which object you're referring to and that depends on where your code is.

If you're in a standard module, unqualified Range will refer to Activesheet. If you're in a sheet's class module, unqualified Range will refer to that sheet.

inputTemplateContent is a variable that contains a reference to a range, probably a named range. If you look at the RefersTo property of that named range, it likely points to a sheet other than the Activesheet at the time the code executes.

The best way to fix this is to avoid unqualified Range references by specifying the sheet. Like

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Template")
    .Range(inputTemplateHeader).Value = NO_ENTRY
    .Range(inputTemplateContent).Value = NO_ENTRY
End With

Adjust the workbook and worksheet references to fit your particular situation.

WAMP Cannot access on local network 403 Forbidden

For Apache 2.4.9

in addition, look at the httpd-vhosts.conf file in C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\extra

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
ServerAlias localhost
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www
<Directory "C:/wamp/www/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Require local

Change to:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
ServerAlias localhost
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www
<Directory "C:/wamp/www/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Require all granted

changing from "Require local" to "Require all granted" solved the error 403 in my local network

How to sign an android apk file

Don't worry...! Follow these below steps and you will get your signed .apk file. I was also worry about that, but these step get ride me off from the frustration. Steps to sign your application:

  1. Export the unsigned package:

Right click on the project in Eclipse -> Android Tools -> Export Unsigned Application Package (like here we export our GoogleDriveApp.apk to Desktop)

Sign the application using your keystore and the jarsigner tool (follow below steps):

Open cmd-->change directory where your "jarsigner.exe" exist (like here in my system it exist at "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin"

Now enter belwo command in cmd:

jarsigner -verbose -keystore c:\users\android\debug.keystore c:\users\pir fahim\Desktops\GoogleDriveApp.apk my_keystore_alias

It will ask you to provide your password: Enter Passphrase for keystore: It will sign your apk.To verify that the signing is successful you can run:

jarsigner -verify c:\users\pir fahim\Desktops\GoogleDriveApp.apk

It should come back with: jar verified.

Method 2

If you are using eclipse with ADT, then it is simple to compiled, signed, aligned, and ready the file for distribution.what you have to do just follow this steps.

  • File > Export.
  • Export android application
  • Browse-->select your project
  • Next-->Next

These steps will compiled, signed and zip aligned your project and now you are ready to distribute your project or upload at Google Play store.

Regular expression to check if password is "8 characters including 1 uppercase letter, 1 special character, alphanumeric characters"

The answer is to not use a regular expression. This is sets and counting.

Regular expressions are about order.

In your life as a programmer you will asked to do many things that do not make sense. Learn to dig a level deeper. Learn when the question is wrong.

The question (if it mentioned regular expressions) is wrong.

Pseudocode (been switching between too many languages, of late):

if s.length < 8:
    return False
nUpper = nLower = nAlphanum = nSpecial = 0
for c in s:
    if isUpper(c):
    if isLower(c):
    if isAlphanumeric(c):
    if isSpecial(c):
return (0 < nUpper) and (0 < nAlphanum) and (0 < nSpecial)

Bet you read and understood the above code almost instantly. Bet you took much longer with the regex, and are less certain it is correct. Extending the regex is risky. Extended the immediate above, much less so.

Note also the question is imprecisely phrased. Is the character set ASCII or Unicode, or ?? My guess from reading the question is that at least one lowercase character is assumed. So I think the assumed last rule should be:

return (0 < nUpper) and (0 < nLower) and (0 < nAlphanum) and (0 < nSpecial)

(Changing hats to security-focused, this is a really annoying/not useful rule.)

Learning to know when the question is wrong is massively more important than clever answers. A clever answer to the wrong question is almost always wrong.

Grant Select on a view not base table when base table is in a different database

I tried this in one of my databases.

To get it to work, the user had to be added to the database housing the actual data. No rights were needed, just access.

Have you considered keeping the view in the database it references? Re usability and all if its benefits could follow.

Open a new tab in the background?

Here is a complete example for navigating valid URL on a new tab with focused.


<div class="panel">
    Enter Url: 
    <input type="text" id="txturl" name="txturl" size="30" class="weburl" />
    <input type="button" id="btnopen"  value="Open Url in New Tab" onclick="openURL();"/>


.panel input{
  border:1px solid #333;


function isValidURL(url) {
    var RegExp = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/;

    if (RegExp.test(url)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

function openURL() {
    var url = document.getElementById("txturl").value.trim();
    if (isValidURL(url)) {
        var myWindow =, '_blank');
        document.getElementById("txturl").value = '';
    } else {
        alert("Please enter valid URL..!");
        return false;

I have also created a bin with the solution on

What is the best way to compare floats for almost-equality in Python?

The common wisdom that floating-point numbers cannot be compared for equality is inaccurate. Floating-point numbers are no different from integers: If you evaluate "a == b", you will get true if they are identical numbers and false otherwise (with the understanding that two NaNs are of course not identical numbers).

The actual problem is this: If I have done some calculations and am not sure the two numbers I have to compare are exactly correct, then what? This problem is the same for floating-point as it is for integers. If you evaluate the integer expression "7/3*3", it will not compare equal to "7*3/3".

So suppose we asked "How do I compare integers for equality?" in such a situation. There is no single answer; what you should do depends on the specific situation, notably what sort of errors you have and what you want to achieve.

Here are some possible choices.

If you want to get a "true" result if the mathematically exact numbers would be equal, then you might try to use the properties of the calculations you perform to prove that you get the same errors in the two numbers. If that is feasible, and you compare two numbers that result from expressions that would give equal numbers if computed exactly, then you will get "true" from the comparison. Another approach is that you might analyze the properties of the calculations and prove that the error never exceeds a certain amount, perhaps an absolute amount or an amount relative to one of the inputs or one of the outputs. In that case, you can ask whether the two calculated numbers differ by at most that amount, and return "true" if they are within the interval. If you cannot prove an error bound, you might guess and hope for the best. One way of guessing is to evaluate many random samples and see what sort of distribution you get in the results.

Of course, since we only set the requirement that you get "true" if the mathematically exact results are equal, we left open the possibility that you get "true" even if they are unequal. (In fact, we can satisfy the requirement by always returning "true". This makes the calculation simple but is generally undesirable, so I will discuss improving the situation below.)

If you want to get a "false" result if the mathematically exact numbers would be unequal, you need to prove that your evaluation of the numbers yields different numbers if the mathematically exact numbers would be unequal. This may be impossible for practical purposes in many common situations. So let us consider an alternative.

A useful requirement might be that we get a "false" result if the mathematically exact numbers differ by more than a certain amount. For example, perhaps we are going to calculate where a ball thrown in a computer game traveled, and we want to know whether it struck a bat. In this case, we certainly want to get "true" if the ball strikes the bat, and we want to get "false" if the ball is far from the bat, and we can accept an incorrect "true" answer if the ball in a mathematically exact simulation missed the bat but is within a millimeter of hitting the bat. In that case, we need to prove (or guess/estimate) that our calculation of the ball's position and the bat's position have a combined error of at most one millimeter (for all positions of interest). This would allow us to always return "false" if the ball and bat are more than a millimeter apart, to return "true" if they touch, and to return "true" if they are close enough to be acceptable.

So, how you decide what to return when comparing floating-point numbers depends very much on your specific situation.

As to how you go about proving error bounds for calculations, that can be a complicated subject. Any floating-point implementation using the IEEE 754 standard in round-to-nearest mode returns the floating-point number nearest to the exact result for any basic operation (notably multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, square root). (In case of tie, round so the low bit is even.) (Be particularly careful about square root and division; your language implementation might use methods that do not conform to IEEE 754 for those.) Because of this requirement, we know the error in a single result is at most 1/2 of the value of the least significant bit. (If it were more, the rounding would have gone to a different number that is within 1/2 the value.)

Going on from there gets substantially more complicated; the next step is performing an operation where one of the inputs already has some error. For simple expressions, these errors can be followed through the calculations to reach a bound on the final error. In practice, this is only done in a few situations, such as working on a high-quality mathematics library. And, of course, you need precise control over exactly which operations are performed. High-level languages often give the compiler a lot of slack, so you might not know in which order operations are performed.

There is much more that could be (and is) written about this topic, but I have to stop there. In summary, the answer is: There is no library routine for this comparison because there is no single solution that fits most needs that is worth putting into a library routine. (If comparing with a relative or absolute error interval suffices for you, you can do it simply without a library routine.)

How to get the width and height of an android.widget.ImageView?

my friend by this u are not getting height of image stored in db.but you are getting view height.for getting height of image u have to create bitmap from db,s image.and than u can fetch height and width of imageview

Adding delay between execution of two following lines

You can use gcd to do this without having to create another method

double delayInSeconds = 2.0;
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
  NSLog(@"Do some work");

You should still ask yourself "do I really need to add a delay" as it can often complicate code and cause race conditions

How to make HTTP Post request with JSON body in Swift

Try this,

// prepare json data
let json: [String: Any] = ["title": "ABC",
                           "dict": ["1":"First", "2":"Second"]]

let jsonData = try? json)

// create post request
let url = URL(string: "")!
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "POST"

// insert json data to the request
request.httpBody = jsonData

let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
    guard let data = data, error == nil else {
        print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "No data")
    let responseJSON = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
    if let responseJSON = responseJSON as? [String: Any] {


or try a convenient way Alamofire

How do I find the length of an array?

While this is an old question, it's worth updating the answer to C++17. In the standard library there is now the templated function std::size(), which returns the number of elements in both a std container or a C-style array. For example:

#include <iterator>

uint32_t data[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};
auto dataSize = std::size(data);
// dataSize == 4

How to describe "object" arguments in jsdoc?

There's a new @config tag for these cases. They link to the preceding @param.

/** My function does X and Y.
    @params {object} parameters An object containing the parameters
    @config {integer} setting1 A required setting.
    @config {string} [setting2] An optional setting.
    @params {MyClass~FuncCallback} callback The callback function
function(parameters, callback) {
    // ...

 * This callback is displayed as part of the MyClass class.
 * @callback MyClass~FuncCallback
 * @param {number} responseCode
 * @param {string} responseMessage

How to insert 1000 rows at a time

I create a student table with three column id, student,age. show you this example

declare @id int 
select @id = 1
while @id >=1 and @id <= 1000
    insert into student values(@id, 'jack' + convert(varchar(5), @id), 12)
    select @id = @id + 1

this is the result about the example enter image description here

How to get current available GPUs in tensorflow?

In TensorFlow 2.0, you can use tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU'):

import tensorflow as tf
gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')
for gpu in gpus:
    print("Name:",, "  Type:", gpu.device_type)

If you have two GPUs installed, it outputs this:

Name: /physical_device:GPU:0   Type: GPU
Name: /physical_device:GPU:1   Type: GPU

From 2.1, you can drop experimental:

gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')


How do I rotate text in css?

You can use like this...

<div id="rot">hello</div>

   -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); 
   -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);    

Have a look at this fiddle:

How to change maven logging level to display only warning and errors?

Go to in ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf/logging/ and set the following properties:


And beware: warn, not warning

How to return a boolean method in java?

You're allowed to have more than one return statement, so it's legal to write

if (some_condition) {
  return true;
return false;

It's also unnecessary to compare boolean values to true or false, so you can write

if (verifyPwd())  {
  // do_task

Edit: Sometimes you can't return early because there's more work to be done. In that case you can declare a boolean variable and set it appropriately inside the conditional blocks.

boolean success = true;

if (some_condition) {
  // Handle the condition.
  success = false;
} else if (some_other_condition) {
  // Handle the other condition.
  success = false;
if (another_condition) {
  // Handle the third condition.

// Do some more critical things.

return success;

Masking password input from the console : Java

You would use the Console class

char[] password = console.readPassword("Enter password");  
Arrays.fill(password, ' ');

By executing readPassword echoing is disabled. Also after the password is validated it is best to overwrite any values in the array.

If you run this from an ide it will fail, please see this explanation for a thorough answer: Explained

Convert .cer certificate to .jks

Just to be sure that this is really the "conversion" you need, please note that jks files are keystores, a file format used to store more than one certificate and allows you to retrieve them programmatically using the Java security API, it's not a one-to-one conversion between equivalent formats.

So, if you just want to import that certificate in a new ad-hoc keystore you can do it with Keystore Explorer, a graphical tool. You'll be able to modify the keystore and the certificates contained therein like you would have done with the java terminal utilities like keytool (but in a more accessible way).

SmartGit Installation and Usage on Ubuntu

What it correct way of installing SmartGit on Ubuntu? Thus I can have normal icon

In smartgit/bin folder, there's a shell script waiting for you: It does just that.

How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP?

Use this class (

This is a PHP class for MAC address manipulation on top of Unix, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems. it was primarily written to help with spoofing for wireless security audits.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". error

I had the same problem in writing the Kafka producer program using java. This error is coming due to the wrong slf4j library. use below slf4j-simple maven dependency that will fix your problem.


Set the space between Elements in Row Flutter

I believe the original post was about removing the space between the buttons in a row, not adding space.

The trick is that the minimum space between the buttons was due to padding built into the buttons as part of the material design specification.

So, don't use buttons! But a GestureDetector instead. This widget type give the onClick / onTap functionality but without the styling.

See this post for an example.

How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions

I believe that Mayras XML-approach can come in neat. However it is possible to make it more accurate, with one view only by setting the weightSum. I would not call this a hack anymore but in my opinion the most straightforward approach:

<LinearLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent"
    <ImageView android:layout_height="fill_parent"

Like this you can use any weight, 0.6 for instance (and centering) is the weight I like to use for buttons.

How to put labels over geom_bar for each bar in R with ggplot2

Try this:

ggplot(data=dat, aes(x=Types, y=Number, fill=sample)) + 
     geom_bar(position = 'dodge', stat='identity') +
     geom_text(aes(label=Number), position=position_dodge(width=0.9), vjust=-0.25)

ggplot output

Adding a legend to PyPlot in Matplotlib in the simplest manner possible

Add a label= to each of your plot() calls, and then call legend(loc='upper left').

Consider this sample (tested with Python 3.8.0):

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)
y1 = np.sin(x)
y2 = np.cos(x)

plt.plot(x, y1, "-b", label="sine")
plt.plot(x, y2, "-r", label="cosine")
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
plt.ylim(-1.5, 2.0)

enter image description here Slightly modified from this tutorial:

Skip over a value in the range function in python

In addition to the Python 2 approach here are the equivalents for Python 3:

# Create a range that does not contain 50
for i in [x for x in range(100) if x != 50]:

# Create 2 ranges [0,49] and [51, 100]
from itertools import chain
concatenated = chain(range(50), range(51, 100))
for i in concatenated:

# Create a iterator and skip 50
xr = iter(range(100))
for i in xr:
    if i == 49:

# Simply continue in the loop if the number is 50
for i in range(100):
    if i == 50:

Ranges are lists in Python 2 and iterators in Python 3.

How do you set autocommit in an SQL Server session?

Autocommit is SQL Server's default transaction management mode. (SQL 2000 onwards)

Ref: Autocommit Transactions