Programs & Examples On #Processors

Relates to issues dealing with multiple processors. This tag is vague so please accompany it with more specific tags.

Everytime I run gulp anything, I get a assertion error. - Task function must be specified

The problem is that you are using gulp 4 and the syntax in gulfile.js is of gulp 3. So either downgrade your gulp to 3.x.x or make use of gulp 4 syntaxes.

Syntax Gulp 3:

gulp.task('default', ['sass'], function() {....} );

Syntax Gulp 4:

gulp.task('default', gulp.series(sass), function() {....} );

You can read more about gulp and gulp tasks on:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error processing condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.JndiDataSourceAutoConfiguration

I had the same its because of version incompatibility check for version or remove version if using spring boot

Differences between arm64 and aarch64

AArch64 is the 64-bit state introduced in the Armv8-A architecture ( The 32-bit state which is backwards compatible with Armv7-A and previous 32-bit Arm architectures is referred to as AArch32. Therefore the GNU triplet for the 64-bit ISA is aarch64. The Linux kernel community chose to call their port of the kernel to this architecture arm64 rather than aarch64, so that's where some of the arm64 usage comes from.

As far as I know the Apple backend for aarch64 was called arm64 whereas the LLVM community-developed backend was called aarch64 (as it is the canonical name for the 64-bit ISA) and later the two were merged and the backend now is called aarch64.

So AArch64 and ARM64 refer to the same thing.

No tests found for given includes Error, when running Parameterized Unit test in Android Studio

I am using JUnit 4, and what worked for me is changing the IntelliJ settings for 'Gradle -> Run Tests Using' from 'Gradle (default)' to 'IntelliJ IDEA'.

enter image description here

Source of my fix:

Intel's HAXM equivalent for AMD on Windows OS


If you have an AMD processor in your computer you need the following setup requirements to be in place: AMD Processor - Recommended: AMD® Ryzen™ processors Android Studio 3.2 Beta or higher - download via Android Studio Preview page Android Emulator v27.3.8+ - download via Android Studio SDK Manager x86 Android Virtual Device (AVD) - Create AVD Windows 10 with April 2018 Update Enable via Windows Features: "Windows Hypervisor Platform"

Replacing a 32-bit loop counter with 64-bit introduces crazy performance deviations with _mm_popcnt_u64 on Intel CPUs

I coded up an equivalent C program to experiment, and I can confirm this strange behaviour. What's more, gcc believes the 64-bit integer (which should probably be a size_t anyway...) to be better, as using uint_fast32_t causes gcc to use a 64-bit uint.

I did a bit of mucking around with the assembly:
Simply take the 32-bit version, replace all 32-bit instructions/registers with the 64-bit version in the inner popcount-loop of the program. Observation: the code is just as fast as the 32-bit version!

This is obviously a hack, as the size of the variable isn't really 64 bit, as other parts of the program still use the 32-bit version, but as long as the inner popcount-loop dominates performance, this is a good start.

I then copied the inner loop code from the 32-bit version of the program, hacked it up to be 64 bit, fiddled with the registers to make it a replacement for the inner loop of the 64-bit version. This code also runs as fast as the 32-bit version.

My conclusion is that this is bad instruction scheduling by the compiler, not actual speed/latency advantage of 32-bit instructions.

(Caveat: I hacked up assembly, could have broken something without noticing. I don't think so.)

#ifdef replacement in the Swift language

Yes you can do it.

In Swift you can still use the "#if/#else/#endif" preprocessor macros (although more constrained), as per Apple docs. Here's an example:

    let a = 2
    let a = 3

Now, you must set the "DEBUG" symbol elsewhere, though. Set it in the "Swift Compiler - Custom Flags" section, "Other Swift Flags" line. You add the DEBUG symbol with the -D DEBUG entry.

As usual, you can set a different value when in Debug or when in Release.

I tested it in real code and it works; it doesn't seem to be recognized in a playground though.

You can read my original post here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: -DDEBUG=1 doesn't work. Only -D DEBUG works. Seems compiler is ignoring a flag with a specific value.

Find Number of CPUs and Cores per CPU using Command Prompt

You can also enter msinfo32 into the command line.

It will bring up all your system information. Then, in the find box, just enter processor and it will show you your cores and logical processors for each CPU. I found this way to be easiest.

Spring Boot: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

I am using gradle, met seem issue when I have a commandLineRunner consumes kafka topics and a health check endpoint for receiving incoming hooks. I spent 12 hours to figure out, finally found that I used mybatis-spring-boot-starter with spring-boot-starter-web, and they have some conflicts. Latter I directly introduced mybatis-spring, mybatis and spring-jdbc rather than the mybatis-spring-boot-starter, and the program worked well.

hope this helps

Jboss server error : Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."jbpm-console.war"

I had a similar issue, my error was:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer from [Module "deployment.RESTful_Services_CRUD.war:main" from Service Module Loader]

I use jboss and glassfish so I changed the web.xml to the following:


Instead of:


Hope this work for you.

403 Forbidden error when making an ajax Post request in Django framework

With SSL/https and with CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = False, I still don't have csrftoken in the cookie, either using the getCookie(name) function proposed in django Doc or the jquery.cookie.js proposed by fivef.

Wtower summary is perfect and I thought it would work after removing CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY from but it does'nt in https!

Why csrftoken is not visible in document.cookie???

Instead of getting

"django_language=fr; csrftoken=rDrGI5cp98MnooPIsygWIF76vuYTkDIt"

I get only


WHY? Like SSL/https removes X-CSRFToken from headers I thought it was due to the proxy header params of Nginx but apparently not... Any idea?

Unlike django doc Notes, it seems impossible to work with csrf_token in cookies with https. The only way to pass csrftoken is through the DOM by using {% csrf_token %} in html and get it in jQuery by using

var csrftoken = $('input[name="csrfmiddlewaretoken"]').val();

It is then possible to pass it to ajax either by header (xhr.setRequestHeader), either by params.

Django: ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty

To throw another potential solution into the mix, I had a settings folder as well as a in my project dir. (I was switching back from environment-based settings files to one file. I have since reconsidered.)

Python was getting confused about whether I wanted to import project/ or project/settings/ I removed the settings dir and everything now works fine.

Portable way to check if directory exists [Windows/Linux, C]

Since I found that the above approved answer lacks some clarity and the op provides an incorrect solution that he/she will use. I therefore hope that the below example will help others. The solution is more or less portable as well.

 * Checks to see if a directory exists. Note: This method only checks the
 * existence of the full path AND if path leaf is a dir.
 * @return  >0 if dir exists AND is a dir,
 *           0 if dir does not exist OR exists but not a dir,
 *          <0 if an error occurred (errno is also set)
int dirExists(const char* const path)
    struct stat info;

    int statRC = stat( path, &info );
    if( statRC != 0 )
        if (errno == ENOENT)  { return 0; } // something along the path does not exist
        if (errno == ENOTDIR) { return 0; } // something in path prefix is not a dir
        return -1;

    return ( info.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) ? 1 : 0;

How to disable Django's CSRF validation?

If you want disable it in Global, you can write a custom middleware, like this

from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin

class DisableCsrfCheck(MiddlewareMixin):

    def process_request(self, req):
        attr = '_dont_enforce_csrf_checks'
        if not getattr(req, attr, False):
            setattr(req, attr, True)

then add this class youappname.middlewarefilename.DisableCsrfCheck to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES lists, before django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware

How to get the sign, mantissa and exponent of a floating point number

See this IEEE_754_types.h header for the union types to extract: float, double and long double, (endianness handled). Here is an extract:

** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
**  Single Precision (float)  --  Standard IEEE 754 Floating-point Specification

# define IEEE_754_FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS (23)
# define IEEE_754_FLOAT_SIGN_BITS     (1)


# if (IS_BIG_ENDIAN == 1)
    typedef union {
        float value;
        struct {
            __int8_t   sign     : IEEE_754_FLOAT_SIGN_BITS;
            __int8_t   exponent : IEEE_754_FLOAT_EXPONENT_BITS;
            __uint32_t mantissa : IEEE_754_FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS;
    } IEEE_754_float;
# else
    typedef union {
        float value;
        struct {
            __uint32_t mantissa : IEEE_754_FLOAT_MANTISSA_BITS;
            __int8_t   exponent : IEEE_754_FLOAT_EXPONENT_BITS;
            __int8_t   sign     : IEEE_754_FLOAT_SIGN_BITS;
    } IEEE_754_float;
# endif

And see dtoa_base.c for a demonstration of how to convert a double value to string form.

Furthermore, check out section - Floating-Point Type Memory Layout of the C/CPP Reference Book, it explains super well and in simple terms the memory representation/layout of all the floating-point types and how to decode them (w/ illustrations) following the actually IEEE 754 Floating-Point specification.

It also has links to really really good ressources that explain even deeper.

Calculating Waiting Time and Turnaround Time in (non-preemptive) FCFS queue

wt = tt - cpu tm.
Tt = cpu tm + wt.

Where wt is a waiting time and tt is turnaround time. Cpu time is also called burst time.

configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables

I had already installed the command line tools in xcode but I mine still errored out on:

line 3619: /usr/bin/gcc-4.2: No such file or directory

When I entered which gcc it returned


When I entered gcc -v I got a bunch of stuff then

gcc version 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.11.00)

So I created a symlink:

cd /usr/bin
sudo ln -s gcc gcc-4.2

And it worked!

(the config.log file is located in the directory that make is trying to build something in)

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name

you need to add jar file in your build path..


or any version of that..!!!!

ADDED : also make sure you have commons-pool-1.1.jar too in your build path.

ADDED: sorry saw complete list of jar late... may be version clashes might be there.. better check out..!!! just an assumption.

inject bean reference into a Quartz job in Spring?

Same problem has been resolved in LINK:

I could found other option from post on the Spring forum that you can pass a reference to the Spring application context via the SchedulerFactoryBean. Like the example shown below:

<bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
<propertyy name="triggers">
        <ref bean="simpleTrigger"/>
    <property name="applicationContextSchedulerContextKey">

Then using below code in your job class you can get the applicationContext and get whatever bean you want.

appCtx = (ApplicationContext)context.getScheduler().getContext().get("applicationContextSchedulerContextKey");

Hope it helps. You can get more information from Mark Mclaren'sBlog

How do I find the CPU and RAM usage using PowerShell?

To export the output to file on a continuous basis (here every five seconds) and save to a CSV file with the Unix date as the filename:

while ($true) {
     [int]$date = get-date -Uformat %s
     $exportlocation = New-Item -type file -path "c:\$date.csv"
     Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" | % {$_} | Out-File $exportlocation
     start-sleep -s 5

Execution time of C program

CLOCKS_PER_SEC is a constant which is declared in <time.h>. To get the CPU time used by a task within a C application, use:

clock_t begin = clock();

/* here, do your time-consuming job */

clock_t end = clock();
double time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

Note that this returns the time as a floating point type. This can be more precise than a second (e.g. you measure 4.52 seconds). Precision depends on the architecture; on modern systems you easily get 10ms or lower, but on older Windows machines (from the Win98 era) it was closer to 60ms.

clock() is standard C; it works "everywhere". There are system-specific functions, such as getrusage() on Unix-like systems.

Java's System.currentTimeMillis() does not measure the same thing. It is a "wall clock": it can help you measure how much time it took for the program to execute, but it does not tell you how much CPU time was used. On a multitasking systems (i.e. all of them), these can be widely different.

Could not resolve Spring property placeholder

the following property must be added in the file

processResources {
    filesMatching("**/*.properties") {

Additionally, if working with Intellij, the project must be re-imported.

What is a stack pointer used for in microprocessors?

The Stack is an area of memory for keeping temporary data. Stack is used by the CALL instruction to keep the return address for procedures The return RET instruction gets this value from the stack and returns to that offset. The same thing happens when an INT instruction calls an interrupt. It stores in the Stack the flag register, code segment and offset. The IRET instruction is used to return from interrupt call.

The Stack is a Last In First Out (LIFO) memory. Data is placed onto the Stack with a PUSH instruction and removed with a POP instruction. The Stack memory is maintained by two registers: the Stack Pointer (SP) and the Stack Segment (SS) register. When a word of data is PUSHED onto the stack the the High order 8-bit Byte is placed in location SP-1 and the Low 8-bit Byte is placed in location SP-2. The SP is then decremented by 2. The SP addds to the (SS x 10H) register, to form the physical stack memory address. The reverse sequence occurs when data is POPPED from the Stack. When a word of data is POPPED from the stack the the High order 8-bit Byte is obtained in location SP-1 and the Low 8-bit Byte is obtained in location SP-2. The SP is then incremented by 2.

Java Refuses to Start - Could not reserve enough space for object heap

Steps to be execute .... to resolve the Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Step 1: Reduce the memory what earlier you used.. java -Xms128m -Xmx512m -cp simple.jar

step 2: Remove the RAM some time from the mother board and plug it and restart * may it will release the blocking heap area memory.. java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -cp simple.jar

Hope it will work well now... :-)

Cast to generic type in C#

The following seems to work as well, and it's a little bit shorter than the other answers:

T result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(otherTypeObject, typeof(T));

Measuring Query Performance : "Execution Plan Query Cost" vs "Time Taken"

I understand it’s an old question – however I would like to add an example where cost is same but one query is better than the other.

As you observed in the question, % shown in execution plan is not the only yardstick for determining best query. In the following example, I have two queries doing the same task. Execution Plan shows both are equally good (50% each). Now I executed the queries with SET STATISTICS IO ON which shows clear differences.

In the following example, the query 1 uses seek whereas Query 2 uses scan on the table LWManifestOrderLineItems. When we actually checks the execution time however it is find that Query 2 works better.

Also read When is a Seek not a Seek? by Paul White





FROM LWManifestOrderLineItems LW
INNER JOIN ManifestContainers MC
    ON MC.Manifest = LW.Manifest
GROUP BY LW.Manifest,LW.OrderID

SELECT LW.Manifest,LW.OrderID,COUNT( LineItemID) LineCount
FROM LWManifestOrderLineItems LW
WHERE LW.Manifest IN (SELECT Manifest FROM ManifestContainers)
GROUP BY LW.Manifest,LW.OrderID

Statistics IO

enter image description here

Execution Plan

enter image description here

How do I monitor the computer's CPU, memory, and disk usage in Java?

Have a look at this very detailled article:

To get the percentage of CPU used, all you need is some simple maths:

MBeanServerConnection mbsc = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();

OperatingSystemMXBean osMBean = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(
mbsc, ManagementFactory.OPERATING_SYSTEM_MXBEAN_NAME, OperatingSystemMXBean.class);

long nanoBefore = System.nanoTime();
long cpuBefore = osMBean.getProcessCpuTime();

// Call an expensive task, or sleep if you are monitoring a remote process

long cpuAfter = osMBean.getProcessCpuTime();
long nanoAfter = System.nanoTime();

long percent;
if (nanoAfter > nanoBefore)
 percent = ((cpuAfter-cpuBefore)*100L)/
else percent = 0;

System.out.println("Cpu usage: "+percent+"%");

Note: You must import and not

Example of AES using Crypto++

Official document of Crypto++ AES is a good start. And from my archive, a basic implementation of AES is as follows:

Please refer here with more explanation, I recommend you first understand the algorithm and then try to understand each line step by step.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "modes.h"
#include "aes.h"
#include "filters.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    //Key and IV setup
    //AES encryption uses a secret key of a variable length (128-bit, 196-bit or 256-   
    //bit). This key is secretly exchanged between two parties before communication   
    //begins. DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH= 16 bytes
    CryptoPP::byte key[ CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH ], iv[ CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE ];
    memset( key, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH );
    memset( iv, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE );

    // String and Sink setup
    std::string plaintext = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide...";
    std::string ciphertext;
    std::string decryptedtext;

    // Dump Plain Text
    std::cout << "Plain Text (" << plaintext.size() << " bytes)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << plaintext;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Create Cipher Text
    CryptoPP::AES::Encryption aesEncryption(key, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
    CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption cbcEncryption( aesEncryption, iv );

    CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfEncryptor(cbcEncryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( ciphertext ) );
    stfEncryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( plaintext.c_str() ), plaintext.length() );

    // Dump Cipher Text
    std::cout << "Cipher Text (" << ciphertext.size() << " bytes)" << std::endl;

    for( int i = 0; i < ciphertext.size(); i++ ) {

        std::cout << "0x" << std::hex << (0xFF & static_cast<CryptoPP::byte>(ciphertext[i])) << " ";

    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Decrypt
    CryptoPP::AES::Decryption aesDecryption(key, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
    CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption cbcDecryption( aesDecryption, iv );

    CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( decryptedtext ) );
    stfDecryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( ciphertext.c_str() ), ciphertext.size() );

    // Dump Decrypted Text
    std::cout << "Decrypted Text: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << decryptedtext;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;

For installation details :

sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libcrypto++-doc libcrypto++-utils

Get JSF managed bean by name in any Servlet related class

I had same requirement.

I have used the below way to get it.

I had session scoped bean.

class ManagedBean {

I have used the below code in my servlet doPost() method.

ManagedBean mb = (ManagedBean) request.getSession().getAttribute("mb");

it solved my problem.

This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services (via Bazaar)

I've been trying to run an Android Google Maps v2 under an emulator, and I found many ways to do that, but none of them worked for me. I have always this warning in the Logcat Google Play services out of date. Requires 3025100 but found 2010110 and when I want to update Google Play services on the emulator nothing happened. The problem was that the APK was not compatible with the version of the library in my Android SDK.

I installed these files "", "" on my emulator and my app Google Maps v2 worked fine. None of the other steps regarding /system/app were required.

Difference between variable declaration syntaxes in Javascript (including global variables)?

Bassed on the excellent answer of T.J. Crowder: (Off-topic: Avoid cluttering window)

This is an example of his idea:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="init.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      MYLIBRARY.init(["firstValue", 2, "thirdValue"]);
    <script src="script.js"></script>

    <h1>Hello !</h1>

init.js (Based on this answer)

var MYLIBRARY = MYLIBRARY || (function(){
    var _args = {}; // private

    return {
        init : function(Args) {
            _args = Args;
            // some other initialising
        helloWorld : function(i) {
            return _args[i];


// Here you can use the values defined in the html as if it were a global variable
var a = "Hello World " + MYLIBRARY.helloWorld(2);


Here's the plnkr. Hope it help !

calculate the mean for each column of a matrix in R

For diversity: Another way is to converts a vector function to one that works with data frames by using plyr::colwise()

m <- data.frame(matrix(sample(100, 20, replace = TRUE), ncol = 4))


#   X1   X2   X3   X4
# 1 47 64.4 44.8 67.8

Block direct access to a file over http but allow php script access

If you have access to you httpd.conf file (in ubuntu it is in the /etc/apache2 directory), you should add the same lines that you would to the .htaccess file in the specific directory. That is (for example):

<Directory /var/www/>
AllowOverride None
order deny,allow
Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks

Do this for every directory that you want to control the information, and you will have one file in one spot to manage all access. It the example above, I did it for the root directory, /var/www.

This option may not be available with outsourced hosting, especially shared hosting. But it is a better option than adding many .htaccess files.

Number of times a particular character appears in a string

try that :

declare @t nvarchar(max)
set @t='aaaa'

select len(@t)-len(replace(@t,'a',''))

Sorting a set of values

From a comment:

I want to sort each set.

That's easy. For any set s (or anything else iterable), sorted(s) returns a list of the elements of s in sorted order:

>>> s = set(['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '10.277200999', '0.030810999', '0.018384000', '4.918560000'])
>>> sorted(s)
['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '0.018384000', '0.030810999', '10.277200999', '4.918560000']

Note that sorted is giving you a list, not a set. That's because the whole point of a set, both in mathematics and in almost every programming language,* is that it's not ordered: the sets {1, 2} and {2, 1} are the same set.

You probably don't really want to sort those elements as strings, but as numbers (so 4.918560000 will come before 10.277200999 rather than after).

The best solution is most likely to store the numbers as numbers rather than strings in the first place. But if not, you just need to use a key function:

>>> sorted(s, key=float)
['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '0.018384000', '0.030810999', '4.918560000', '10.277200999']

For more information, see the Sorting HOWTO in the official docs.

* See the comments for exceptions.

8080 port already taken issue when trying to redeploy project from Spring Tool Suite IDE

In Spring Boot Application (Using Spring Starter Project) We Have Update Port in Server.xml using Tomcat server and Add this port in insrc/main/resources) the code is server.port=8085

And update Maven Project then run application

How can I overwrite file contents with new content in PHP?

Use file_put_contents()

file_put_contents('file.txt', 'bar');
echo file_get_contents('file.txt'); // bar
file_put_contents('file.txt', 'foo');
echo file_get_contents('file.txt'); // foo

Alternatively, if you're stuck with fopen() you can use the w or w+ modes:

'w' Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.

'w+' Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.

What is the reason behind "non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context"?

The method you are trying to call is an instance-level method; you do not have an instance.

static methods belong to the class, non-static methods belong to instances of the class.

Reduce size of legend area in barplot

The cex parameter will do that for you.

a <- c(3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2 )
barplot(a, beside = T,
        col = 1:6, space = c(0, 2))
       legend = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), 
       fill = 1:6, ncol = 2,
       cex = 0.75)

The plot

JQuery get data from JSON array

You need to iterate both the groups and the items. $.each() takes a collection as first parameter and tries to point to a string. Both groups and items are arrays.

Verbose version:

$.getJSON(url, function (data) {

    // Iterate the groups first.
    $.each(, function (index, value) {

        // Get the items
        var items = this.items; // Here 'this' points to a 'group' in 'groups'

        // Iterate through items.
        $.each(items, function () {
            console.log(this.text); // Here 'this' points to an 'item' in 'items'

Or more simply:

$.getJSON(url, function (data) {
    $.each(, function (index, value) {
        $.each(this.items, function () {

In the JSON you specified, the last one would be:

$.getJSON(url, function (data) {
    // Get the 'items' from the first group.
    var items =[0].items;

    // Find the last index and the last item.
    var lastIndex = items.length - 1;
    var lastItem = items[lastIndex];

    console.log("User: " + lastItem.user.firstName + " " + lastItem.user.lastName);
    console.log("Date: " + lastItem.createdAt);
    console.log("Text: " + lastItem.text);

This would give you:

User: Damir P.
Date: 1314168377
Text: ajd da vidimo hocu li znati ponoviti

How can I print the contents of a hash in Perl?

I append one space for every element of the hash to see it well:

print map {$_ . " "} %h, "\n";

Upload artifacts to Nexus, without Maven

You can use curl instead.


curl -u username:password --upload-file filename.tgz $REPO_URL/content/repositories/$repoId/$groupId/$artefact/$version/$artifact-$version.tgz

How to change background color of cell in table using java script

<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding= "20">
    <td id="id1" ></td>

Put id for cell and then change background of the cell.

How to view changes made to files on a certain revision in Subversion

With this command you will see all changes in the repository path/to/repo that were committed in revision <revision>:

svn diff -c <revision> path/to/repo

The -c indicates that you would like to look at a changeset, but there are many other ways you can look at diffs and changesets. For example, if you would like to know which files were changed (but not how), you can issue

svn log -v -r <revision>

Or, if you would like to show at the changes between two revisions (and not just for one commit):

svn diff -r <revA>:<revB> path/to/repo

How do you get the currently selected <option> in a <select> via JavaScript?

This will do it for you:

var yourSelect = document.getElementById( "your-select-id" );
alert( yourSelect.options[ yourSelect.selectedIndex ].value )

check if a key exists in a bucket in s3 using boto3

For boto3, ObjectSummary can be used to check if an object exists.

Contains the summary of an object stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. This object doesn't contain contain the object's full metadata or any of its contents

import boto3
from botocore.errorfactory import ClientError
def path_exists(path, bucket_name):
    """Check to see if an object exists on S3"""
    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
        s3.ObjectSummary(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=path).load()
    except ClientError as e:
        if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404":
            return False
            raise e
    return True


In ObjectSummary.load

Calls s3.Client.head_object to update the attributes of the ObjectSummary resource.

This shows that you can use ObjectSummary instead of Object if you are planning on not using get(). The load() function does not retrieve the object it only obtains the summary.

java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset

If you reset the result set to the top, using rs.absolute(1) you won't get exhaused result set.

while ( {

You can also use rs.first() instead of rs.absolute(1), it does the same.

Should I use Vagrant or Docker for creating an isolated environment?

Disclaimer: I wrote Vagrant! But because I wrote Vagrant, I spend most of my time living in the DevOps world which includes software like Docker. I work with a lot of companies using Vagrant and many use Docker, and I see how the two interplay.

Before I talk too much, a direct answer: in your specific scenario (yourself working alone, working on Linux, using Docker in production), you can stick with Docker alone and simplify things. In many other scenarios (I discuss further), it isn't so easy.

It isn't correct to directly compare Vagrant to Docker. In some scenarios, they do overlap, and in the vast majority, they don't. Actually, the more apt comparison would be Vagrant versus something like Boot2Docker (minimal OS that can run Docker). Vagrant is a level above Docker in terms of abstractions, so it isn't a fair comparison in most cases.

Vagrant launches things to run apps/services for the purpose of development. This can be on VirtualBox, VMware. It can be remote like AWS, OpenStack. Within those, if you use containers, Vagrant doesn't care, and embraces that: it can automatically install, pull down, build, and run Docker containers, for example. With Vagrant 1.6, Vagrant has docker-based development environments, and supports using Docker with the same workflow as Vagrant across Linux, Mac, and Windows. Vagrant doesn't try to replace Docker here, it embraces Docker practices.

Docker specifically runs Docker containers. If you're comparing directly to Vagrant: it is specifically a more specific (can only run Docker containers), less flexible (requires Linux or Linux host somewhere) solution. Of course if you're talking about production or CI, there is no comparison to Vagrant! Vagrant doesn't live in these environments, and so Docker should be used.

If your organization runs only Docker containers for all their projects and only has developers running on Linux, then okay, Docker could definitely work for you!

Otherwise, I don't see a benefit to attempting to use Docker alone, since you lose a lot of what Vagrant has to offer, which have real business/productivity benefits:

  • Vagrant can launch VirtualBox, VMware, AWS, OpenStack, etc. machines. It doesn't matter what you need, Vagrant can launch it. If you are using Docker, Vagrant can install Docker on any of these so you can use them for that purpose.

  • Vagrant is a single workflow for all your projects. Or to put another way, it is just one thing people have to learn to run a project whether it is in a Docker container or not. If, for example, in the future, a competitor arises to compete directly with Docker, Vagrant will be able to run that too.

  • Vagrant works on Windows (back to XP), Mac (back to 10.5), and Linux (back to kernel 2.6). In all three cases, the workflow is the same. If you use Docker, Vagrant can launch a machine (VM or remote) that can run Docker on all three of these systems.

  • Vagrant knows how to configure some advanced or non-trivial things like networking and syncing folders. For example: Vagrant knows how to attach a static IP to a machine or forward ports, and the configuration is the same no matter what system you use (VirtualBox, VMware, etc.) For synced folders, Vagrant provides multiple mechanisms to get your local files over to the remote machine (VirtualBox shared folders, NFS, rsync, Samba [plugin], etc.). If you're using Docker, even Docker with a VM without Vagrant, you would have to manually do this or they would have to reinvent Vagrant in this case.

  • Vagrant 1.6 has first-class support for docker-based development environments. This will not launch a virtual machine on Linux, and will automatically launch a virtual machine on Mac and Windows. The end result is that working with Docker is uniform across all platforms, while Vagrant still handles the tedious details of things such as networking, synced folders, etc.

To address specific counter arguments that I've heard in favor of using Docker instead of Vagrant:

  • "It is less moving parts" - Yes, it can be, if you use Docker exclusively for every project. Even then, it is sacrificing flexibility for Docker lock-in. If you ever decide to not use Docker for any project, past, present, or future, then you'll have more moving parts. If you had used Vagrant, you have that one moving part that supports the rest.

  • "It is faster!" - Once you have the host that can run Linux containers, Docker is definitely faster at running a container than any virtual machine would be to launch. But launching a virtual machine (or remote machine) is a one-time cost. Over the course of the day, most Vagrant users never actually destroy their VM. It is a strange optimization for development environments. In production, where Docker really shines, I understand the need to quickly spin up/down containers.

I hope now its clear to see that it is very difficult, and I believe not correct, to compare Docker to Vagrant. For dev environments, Vagrant is more abstract, more general. Docker (and the various ways you can make it behave like Vagrant) is a specific use case of Vagrant, ignoring everything else Vagrant has to offer.

In conclusion: in highly specific use cases, Docker is certainly a possible replacement for Vagrant. In most use cases, it is not. Vagrant doesn't hinder your usage of Docker; it actually does what it can to make that experience smoother. If you find this isn't true, I'm happy to take suggestions to improve things, since a goal of Vagrant is to work equally well with any system.

Hope this clears things up!

String concatenation in Jinja

You can use + if you know all the values are strings. Jinja also provides the ~ operator, which will ensure all values are converted to string first.

{% set my_string = my_string ~ stuff ~ ', '%}

Merge two (or more) lists into one, in C# .NET

list4 = list1.Concat(list2).Concat(list3).ToList();

geom_smooth() what are the methods available?

Sometimes it's asking the question that makes the answer jump out. The methods and extra arguments are listed on the ggplot2 wiki stat_smooth page.

Which is alluded to on the geom_smooth() page with:

"See stat_smooth for examples of using built in model fitting if you need some more flexible, this example shows you how to plot the fits from any model of your choosing".

It's not the first time I've seen arguments in examples for ggplot graphs that aren't specifically in the function. It does make it tough to work out the scope of each function, or maybe I am yet to stumble upon a magic explicit list that says what will and will not work within each function.

How do I upgrade the Python installation in Windows 10?

#Update your pip version
python -m pip install pip
python -m pip install –upgrade pip

Begin, Rescue and Ensure in Ruby?

Yes, ensure like finally guarantees that the block will be executed. This is very useful for making sure that critical resources are protected e.g. closing a file handle on error, or releasing a mutex.

Addition for BigDecimal

BigInteger is immutable, you need to do this,

  BigInteger sum = test.add(new BigInteger(30));  

Get access to parent control from user control - C#

You can get the Parent of a control via


See MSDN: Control.Parent

Anyway to prevent the Blue highlighting of elements in Chrome when clicking quickly?

But, sometimes, even with user-select and touch-callout turned off, cursor: pointer; may cause this effect, so, just set cursor: default; and it'll work.

Slick Carousel Uncaught TypeError: $(...).slick is not a function

I found that I initialised my slider using inline script in the body, which meant it was being called before slick.js had been loaded. I fixed using inline JS in the footer to initialise the slider after including the slick.js file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/slick/slick.min.js"></script>
        slidesToShow: 1,
        slidesToScroll: 1,
        autoplay: true,
        autoplaySpeed: 4000,


Jenkins CI: How to trigger builds on SVN commit

You need to require only one plugin which is the Subversion plugin.

Then simply, go into Jenkins ? job_name ? Build Trigger section ? (i) Trigger build remotely (i.e., from scripts) Authentication token: Token_name

Go to the SVN server's hooks directory, and then after fire the below commands:

  1. cp post-commit.tmpl post-commit
  2. chmod 777 post-commit
  3. chown -R www-data:www-data post-commit
  4. vi post-commit

    Note: All lines should be commented Add the below line at last

Syntax (for Linux users):

/usr/bin/curl http://username:API_token@localhost:8081/job/job_name/build?token=Token_name

Syntax (for Windows user):

C:/curl_for_win/curl http://username:API_token@localhost:8081/job/job_name/build?token=Token_name

How to count the number of rows in excel with data?

I prefer using the CurrentRegion property, which is equivalent to Ctrl-*, which expands the current range to its largest continuous range with data. You start with a cell, or range, which you know will contain data, then expand it. The UsedRange Property sometimes returns huge areas, just because someone did some formatting at the bottom of the sheet.

Dim Liste As Worksheet    
Set Liste = wb.Worksheets("B Leistungen (Liste)")     
Dim longlastrow As Long
longlastrow = Liste.Range(Liste.Cells(4, 1), Liste.Cells(6, 3)).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

ASP.Net MVC: Calling a method from a view

This is how you call an instance method on the Controller:


This is how you call a static method in any class


This will work assuming the method is public and visible to the view.

registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: is not supported in iOS 8.0 and later

Swift 2.0

// Checking if app is running iOS 8
    if application.respondsToSelector("isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications") {

        print("registerApplicationForPushNotifications - iOS 8")

        application.registerUserNotificationSettings(UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: [.Alert, .Badge, .Sound], categories: nil));

    } else {
        // Register for Push Notifications before iOS 8
        print("registerApplicationForPushNotifications - <iOS 8")
        application.registerForRemoteNotificationTypes([UIRemoteNotificationType.Alert, UIRemoteNotificationType.Badge, UIRemoteNotificationType.Sound])


Use 'class' or 'typename' for template parameters?

Extending DarenW's comment.

Once typename and class are not accepted to be very different, it might be still valid to be strict on their use. Use class only if is really a class, and typename when its a basic type, such as char.

These types are indeed also accepted instead of typename

template< char myc = '/' >

which would be in this case even superior to typename or class.

Think of "hintfullness" or intelligibility to other people. And actually consider that 3rd party software/scripts might try to use the code/information to guess what is happening with the template (consider swig).

Which is better, return value or out parameter?

I would prefer the following instead of either of those in this simple example.

public int Value
    private set;

But, they are all very much the same. Usually, one would only use 'out' if they need to pass multiple values back from the method. If you want to send a value in and out of the method, one would choose 'ref'. My method is best, if you are only returning a value, but if you want to pass a parameter and get a value back one would likely choose your first choice.

Javascript extends class

   extend = function(destination, source) {   
          for (var property in source) {
            destination[property] = source[property];
          return destination;

Extending JavaScript

You could also add filters into the for loop.

PHP How to find the time elapsed since a date time?

Most of the answers seem focused around converting the date from a string to time. It seems you're mostly thinking about getting the date into the '5 days ago' format, etc.. right?

This is how I'd go about doing that:

$time = strtotime('2010-04-28 17:25:43');

echo 'event happened '.humanTiming($time).' ago';

function humanTiming ($time)

    $time = time() - $time; // to get the time since that moment
    $time = ($time<1)? 1 : $time;
    $tokens = array (
        31536000 => 'year',
        2592000 => 'month',
        604800 => 'week',
        86400 => 'day',
        3600 => 'hour',
        60 => 'minute',
        1 => 'second'

    foreach ($tokens as $unit => $text) {
        if ($time < $unit) continue;
        $numberOfUnits = floor($time / $unit);
        return $numberOfUnits.' '.$text.(($numberOfUnits>1)?'s':'');


I haven't tested that, but it should work.

The result would look like

event happened 4 days ago


event happened 1 minute ago


HTML Input Type Date, Open Calendar by default

This is not possible with native HTML input elements. You can use webshim polyfill, which gives you this option by using this markup.

<input type="date" data-date-inline-picker="true" />

Here is a small demo

Routing with multiple Get methods in ASP.NET Web API

First, add new route with action on top:

           name: "ActionApi",
           routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
           defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

Then use ActionName attribute to map:

public List<Customer> Get()
    //gets all customer

public List<Customer> GetCustomerByCurrentMonth()
    //gets some customer on some logic

public Customer GetCustomerById(string id)
    //gets a single customer using id

public Customer GetCustomerByUsername(string username)
    //gets a single customer using username

How can I check for an empty/undefined/null string in JavaScript?

if ((str?.trim()?.length || 0) > 0) {
   // str must not be any of:
   // undefined
   // null
   // ""
   // " " or just whitespace

Update: Since this answer is getting popular I thought I'd write a function form too:

const isNotNilOrWhitespace = input => (input?.trim()?.length || 0) > 0;

const isNilOrWhitespace = input => (input?.trim()?.length || 0) === 0;

Is there a better way to do optional function parameters in JavaScript?

Here is my solution. With this you can leave any parameter you want. The order of the optional parameters is not important and you can add custom validation.

function YourFunction(optionalArguments) {
            //var scope = this;

            //set the defaults
            var _value1 = 'defaultValue1';
            var _value2 = 'defaultValue2';
            var _value3 = null;
            var _value4 = false;

            //check the optional arguments if they are set to override defaults...
            if (typeof optionalArguments !== 'undefined') {

                if (typeof optionalArguments.param1 !== 'undefined')
                    _value1 = optionalArguments.param1;

                if (typeof optionalArguments.param2 !== 'undefined')
                    _value2 = optionalArguments.param2;

                if (typeof optionalArguments.param3 !== 'undefined')
                    _value3 = optionalArguments.param3;

                if (typeof optionalArguments.param4 !== 'undefined')
                    //use custom parameter validation if needed, in this case for javascript boolean
                   _value4 = (optionalArguments.param4 === true || optionalArguments.param4 === 'true');

            console.log('value summary of function call:');
            console.log('value1: ' + _value1);
            console.log('value2: ' + _value2);
            console.log('value3: ' + _value3);
            console.log('value4: ' + _value4);

        //call your function in any way you want. You can leave parameters. Order is not important. Here some examples:
            param1: 'yourGivenValue1',
            param2: 'yourGivenValue2',
            param3: 'yourGivenValue3',
            param4: true,

        //order is not important
            param4: false,
            param1: 'yourGivenValue1',
            param2: 'yourGivenValue2',

        //uses all default values

        //keeps value4 false, because not a valid value is given
            param4: 'not a valid bool'

Datatables - Setting column width

You can define sScrollX : "100%" to force dataTables to keep the column widths :

 sScrollX: "100%", //<-- here
 aoColumns : [
      { "sWidth": "100px"},
      { "sWidth": "100px"},
      { "sWidth": "100px"},
      { "sWidth": "100px"},
      { "sWidth": "100px"},
      { "sWidth": "100px"},
      { "sWidth": "100px"},
      { "sWidth": "100px"},

you can play with this fiddle ->

How to write PNG image to string with the PIL?

You can use the BytesIO class to get a wrapper around strings that behaves like a file. The BytesIO object provides the same interface as a file, but saves the contents just in memory:

import io

with io.BytesIO() as output:, format="GIF")
    contents = output.getvalue()

You have to explicitly specify the output format with the format parameter, otherwise PIL will raise an error when trying to automatically detect it.

If you loaded the image from a file it has a format parameter that contains the original file format, so in this case you can use format=image.format.

In old Python 2 versions before introduction of the io module you would have used the StringIO module instead.

SQL Server : login success but "The database [dbName] is not accessible. (ObjectExplorer)"

I performed the below steps and it worked for me:

1) connect to SQL Server->Security->logins->search for the particular user->Properties->server Roles-> enable "sys admin" check box

Can I get image from canvas element and use it in img src tag?

Corrected the Fiddle - updated shows the Image duplicated into the Canvas...

And right click can be saved as a .PNG

<div style="text-align:center">
<img src="" id="picture" style="display:none;" />
<br />
<div id="for_jcrop">here the image should apear</div>
<canvas id="rotate" style="border:5px double black; margin-top:5px; "></canvas>

Plus the JS on the fiddle page...

Cheers Si

Currently looking at saving this to File on the server --- C# (.aspx web form page) Any advice would be cool....

Input type=password, don't let browser remember the password

In the case of most major browsers, having an input outside of and not connected to any forms whatsoever tricks the browser into thinking there was no submission. In this case, you would have to use pure JS validation for your login and encryption of your passwords would be necessary as well.


<form action="..."><input type="password"/></form>


<input type="password"/>

How to tell if a <script> tag failed to load

The reason it doesn't work in Safari is because you're using attribute syntax. This will work fine though:

script_tag.addEventListener('error', function(){/*...*/}, true);

...except in IE.

If you want to check the script executed successfully, just set a variable using that script and check for it being set in the outer code.

How to calculate the SVG Path for an arc (of a circle)

You want to use the elliptical Arc command. Unfortunately for you, this requires you to specify the Cartesian coordinates (x, y) of the start and end points rather than the polar coordinates (radius, angle) that you have, so you have to do some math. Here's a JavaScript function which should work (though I haven't tested it), and which I hope is fairly self-explanatory:

function polarToCartesian(centerX, centerY, radius, angleInDegrees) {
  var angleInRadians = angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0;
  var x = centerX + radius * Math.cos(angleInRadians);
  var y = centerY + radius * Math.sin(angleInRadians);
  return [x,y];

Which angles correspond to which clock positions will depend on the coordinate system; just swap and/or negate the sin/cos terms as necessary.

The arc command has these parameters:

rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y

For your first example:

rx=ry=25 and x-axis-rotation=0, since you want a circle and not an ellipse. You can compute both the starting coordinates (which you should Move to) and ending coordinates (x, y) using the function above, yielding (200, 175) and about (182.322, 217.678), respectively. Given these constraints so far, there are actually four arcs that could be drawn, so the two flags select one of them. I'm guessing you probably want to draw a small arc (meaning large-arc-flag=0), in the direction of decreasing angle (meaning sweep-flag=0). All together, the SVG path is:

M 200 175 A 25 25 0 0 0 182.322 217.678

For the second example (assuming you mean going the same direction, and thus a large arc), the SVG path is:

M 200 175 A 25 25 0 1 0 217.678 217.678

Again, I haven't tested these.

(edit 2016-06-01) If, like @clocksmith, you're wondering why they chose this API, have a look at the implementation notes. They describe two possible arc parameterizations, "endpoint parameterization" (the one they chose), and "center parameterization" (which is like what the question uses). In the description of "endpoint parameterization" they say:

One of the advantages of endpoint parameterization is that it permits a consistent path syntax in which all path commands end in the coordinates of the new "current point".

So basically it's a side-effect of arcs being considered as part of a larger path rather than their own separate object. I suppose that if your SVG renderer is incomplete it could just skip over any path components it doesn't know how to render, as long as it knows how many arguments they take. Or maybe it enables parallel rendering of different chunks of a path with many components. Or maybe they did it to make sure rounding errors didn't build up along the length of a complex path.

The implementation notes are also useful for the original question, since they have more mathematical pseudocode for converting between the two parameterizations (which I didn't realize when I first wrote this answer).

Get hours difference between two dates in Moment Js

Following code block shows how to calculate the difference in number of days between two dates using MomentJS.

var now = moment(new Date()); //todays date
var end = moment("2015-12-1"); // another date
var duration = moment.duration(now.diff(end));
var days = duration.asDays();

How to check if a text field is empty or not in swift

Simply comparing the textfield object to the empty string "" is not the right way to go about this. You have to compare the textfield's text property, as it is a compatible type and holds the information you are looking for.

@IBAction func Button(sender: AnyObject) {
    if textField1.text == "" || textField2.text == "" {
        // either textfield 1 or 2's text is empty

Swift 2.0:


guard let text = descriptionLabel.text where !text.isEmpty else {
text.characters.count  //do something if it's not empty


if let text = descriptionLabel.text where !text.isEmpty
    //do something if it's not empty  

Swift 3.0:


guard let text = descriptionLabel.text, !text.isEmpty else {
text.characters.count  //do something if it's not empty


if let text = descriptionLabel.text, !text.isEmpty
    //do something if it's not empty  


There's one big difference between CLOCK_REALTIME and MONOTONIC. CLOCK_REALTIME can jump forward or backward according to NTP. By default, NTP allows the clock rate to be speeded up or slowed down by up to 0.05%, but NTP cannot cause the monotonic clock to jump forward or backward.

React native ERROR Packager can't listen on port 8081

In order to fix this issue, the process I have mentioned below.

Please cancel the current process of“react-native run-android” by CTRL + C or CMD + C

Close metro bundler(terminal) window command line which opened automatically.

Run the command again on terminal, “react-native run-android

How can I build multiple submit buttons django form?

It's an old question now, nevertheless I had the same issue and found a solution that works for me: I wrote MultiRedirectMixin.

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

class MultiRedirectMixin(object):
    A mixin that supports submit-specific success redirection.
     Either specify one success_url, or provide dict with names of 
     submit actions given in template as keys
       In template:
         <input type="submit" name="create_new" value="Create"/>
         <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete"/>
         MyMultiSubmitView(MultiRedirectMixin, forms.FormView):
             success_urls = {"create_new": reverse_lazy('create'),
                               "delete": reverse_lazy('delete')}
    success_urls = {}  

    def form_valid(self, form):
        """ Form is valid: Pick the url and redirect.

        for name in self.success_urls:
            if name in
                self.success_url = self.success_urls[name]

        return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

    def get_success_url(self):
        Returns the supplied success URL.
        if self.success_url:
            # Forcing possible reverse_lazy evaluation
            url = force_text(self.success_url)
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                _("No URL to redirect to. Provide a success_url."))
        return url

Iterating over Typescript Map

I'm using latest TS and node (v2.6 and v8.9 respectively) and I can do:

let myMap = new Map<string, boolean>();
myMap.set("a", true);
for (let [k, v] of myMap) {
    console.log(k + "=" + v);

How to get last key in an array?

I just took the helper-function from Xander and improved it with the answers before:

function last($array){
  $keys = array_keys($array);
  return end($keys);

$arr = array("one" => "apple", "two" => "orange", "three" => "pear");    
echo last($arr);
echo $arr(last($arr));

How to search in a List of Java object

As your list is an ArrayList, it can be assumed that it is unsorted. Therefore, there is no way to search for your element that is faster than O(n).

If you can, you should think about changing your list into a Set (with HashSet as implementation) with a specific Comparator for your sample class.

Another possibility would be to use a HashMap. You can add your data as Sample (please start class names with an uppercase letter) and use the string you want to search for as key. Then you could simply use

Sample samp = myMap.get(myKey);

If there can be multiple samples per key, use Map<String, List<Sample>>, otherwise use Map<String, Sample>. If you use multiple keys, you will have to create multiple maps that hold the same dataset. As they all point to the same objects, space shouldn't be that much of a problem.

Check if program is running with bash shell script?

PROCESS="process name shown in ps -ef"
START_OR_STOP=1        # 0 = start | 1 = stop


until [ $COUNT -gt $MAX ] ; do
        echo -ne "."
        PROCESS_NUM=$(ps -ef | grep "$PROCESS" | grep -v `basename $0` | grep -v "grep" | wc -l)
        if [ $PROCESS_NUM -gt 0 ]; then

        if [ $RET -eq $START_OR_STOP ]; then
            sleep 5 #wait...
            if [ $START_OR_STOP -eq 1 ]; then
                    echo -ne " stopped"
                    echo -ne " started"
            exit 0
        let COUNT=COUNT+1

if [ $START_OR_STOP -eq 1 ]; then
    echo -ne " !!$PROCESS failed to stop!! "
    echo -ne " !!$PROCESS failed to start!! "
exit 1

show dbs gives "Not Authorized to execute command" error

You should have started the mongod instance with access control, i.e., the --auth command line option, such as:

$ mongod --auth

Let's start the mongo shell, and create an administrator in the admin database:

$ mongo
> use admin
> db.createUser(
    user: "myUserAdmin",
    pwd: "abc123",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]

Now if you run command "db.stats()", or "show users", you will get error "not authorized on admin to execute command..."

> db.stats()
        "ok" : 0,
        "errmsg" : "not authorized on admin to execute command { dbstats: 1.0, scale: undefined }",
        "code" : 13,
        "codeName" : "Unauthorized"

The reason is that you still have not granted role "read" or "readWrite" to user myUserAdmin. You can do it as below:

> db.auth("myUserAdmin", "abc123")
> db.grantRolesToUser("myUserAdmin", [ { role: "read", db: "admin" } ])

Now You can verify it (Command "show users" now works):

> show users
        "_id" : "admin.myUserAdmin",
        "user" : "myUserAdmin",
        "db" : "admin",
        "roles" : [
                        "role" : "read",
                        "db" : "admin"
                        "role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
                        "db" : "admin"

Now if you run "db.stats()", you'll also be OK:

> db.stats()
        "db" : "admin",
        "collections" : 2,
        "views" : 0,
        "objects" : 3,
        "avgObjSize" : 151,
        "dataSize" : 453,
        "storageSize" : 65536,
        "numExtents" : 0,
        "indexes" : 3,
        "indexSize" : 81920,
        "ok" : 1

This user and role mechanism can be applied to any other databases in MongoDB as well, in addition to the admin database.

(MongoDB version 3.4.3)

How to use default Android drawables

Better you copy and move them to your own resources. Some resources might not be available on previous Android versions. Here is a link with all drawables available on each Android version thanks to @fiXedd

How to write a std::string to a UTF-8 text file

If by "simple" you mean ASCII, there is no need to do any encoding, since characters with an ASCII value of 127 or less are the same in UTF-8.

How does one sum only those rows in excel not filtered out?

When you use autofilter to filter results, Excel doesn't even bother to hide them: it just sets the height of the row to zero (up to 2003 at least, not sure on 2007).

So the following custom function should give you a starter to do what you want (tested with integers, haven't played with anything else):

Function SumVis(r As Range)
    Dim cell As Excel.Range
    Dim total As Variant

    For Each cell In r.Cells
        If cell.Height <> 0 Then
            total = total + cell.Value
        End If

    SumVis = total
End Function


You'll need to create a module in the workbook to put the function in, then you can just call it on your sheet like any other function (=SumVis(A1:A14)). If you need help setting up the module, let me know.

module.exports vs exports in Node.js

JavaScript passes objects by copy of a reference

It's a subtle difference to do with the way objects are passed by reference in JavaScript.

exports and module.exports both point to the same object. exports is a variable and module.exports is an attribute of the module object.

Say I write something like this:

exports = {a:1};
module.exports = {b:12};

exports and module.exports now point to different objects. Modifying exports no longer modifies module.exports.

When the import function inspects module.exports it gets {b:12}

How to have PHP display errors? (I've added ini_set and error_reporting, but just gives 500 on errors)

Just write a following code on top of PHP file:


Wait 5 seconds before executing next line

using angularjs:


Proper way to wait for one function to finish before continuing?

The only issue with promises is that IE doesn't support them. Edge does, but there's plenty of IE 10 and 11 out there: (compatibility at the bottom)

So, JavaScript is single-threaded. If you're not making an asynchronous call, it will behave predictably. The main JavaScript thread will execute one function completely before executing the next one, in the order they appear in the code. Guaranteeing order for synchronous functions is trivial - each function will execute completely in the order it was called.

Think of the synchronous function as an atomic unit of work. The main JavaScript thread will execute it fully, in the order the statements appear in the code.

But, throw in the asynchronous call, as in the following situation:

showLoadingDiv(); // function 1

makeAjaxCall(); // function 2 - contains async ajax call

hideLoadingDiv(); // function 3

This doesn't do what you want. It instantaneously executes function 1, function 2, and function 3. Loading div flashes and it's gone, while the ajax call is not nearly complete, even though makeAjaxCall() has returned. THE COMPLICATION is that makeAjaxCall() has broken its work up into chunks which are advanced little by little by each spin of the main JavaScript thread - it's behaving asychronously. But that same main thread, during one spin/run, executed the synchronous portions quickly and predictably.

So, the way I handled it: Like I said the function is the atomic unit of work. I combined the code of function 1 and 2 - I put the code of function 1 in function 2, before the asynch call. I got rid of function 1. Everything up to and including the asynchronous call executes predictably, in order.

THEN, when the asynchronous call completes, after several spins of the main JavaScript thread, have it call function 3. This guarantees the order. For example, with ajax, the onreadystatechange event handler is called multiple times. When it reports it's completed, then call the final function you want.

I agree it's messier. I like having code be symmetric, I like having functions do one thing (or close to it), and I don't like having the ajax call in any way be responsible for the display (creating a dependency on the caller). BUT, with an asynchronous call embedded in a synchronous function, compromises have to be made in order to guarantee order of execution. And I have to code for IE 10 so no promises.

Summary: For synchronous calls, guaranteeing order is trivial. Each function executes fully in the order it was called. For a function with an asynchronous call, the only way to guarantee order is to monitor when the async call completes, and call the third function when that state is detected.

For a discussion of JavaScript threads, see: and

Also, another similar, highly rated question on this subject: How should I call 3 functions in order to execute them one after the other?

Import and insert sql.gz file into database with putty

Creating a Dump File SQL.gz on the current server

$ sudo apt-get install pigz pv

$ pv | mysqldump --user=<yourdbuser> --password=<yourdbpassword> <currentexistingdbname> --single-transaction --routines --triggers --events --quick --opt -Q --flush-logs --allow-keywords --hex-blob --order-by-primary --skip-comments --skip-disable-keys --skip-add-locks --extended-insert --log-error=/var/log/mysql/<dbname>_backup.log | pigz > /path/to/folder/<dbname>_`date +\%Y\%m\%d_\%H\%M`.sql.gz

Optional: Command Arguments for connection

--host= / localhost / IP Address of the Dump Server

Importing the dumpfile created above to a different Server

$ sudo apt-get install pigz pv

$ zcat /path/to/folder/<dbname>_`date +\%Y\%m\%d_\%H\%M`.sql.gz | pv | mysql --user=<yourdbuser> --password=<yourdbpassword> --database=<yournewdatabasename> --compress --reconnect --unbuffered --net_buffer_length=1048576 --max_allowed_packet=1073741824 --connect_timeout=36000 --line-numbers --wait --init-command="SET GLOBAL net_buffer_length=1048576;SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824;SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;SET UNIQUE_CHECKS = 0;SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1;FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG QUERY CACHE, STATUS, SLOW LOGS, GENERAL LOGS, ERROR LOGS, ENGINE LOGS, BINARY LOGS, LOGS;"

Optional: Command Arguments for connection

--host= / localhost / IP Address of the Import Server

mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. 1.0GiB 00:06:51 [8.05MiB/s] [<=> ]

The optional software packages are helpful to import your database SQL file faster

  • with a progress view (pv)
  • Parallel gzip (pigz/unpigz) to gzip/gunzip files in parallel

for faster zipping of the output

Best Python IDE on Linux

Probably the new PyCharm from the makers of IntelliJ and ReSharper.

vector vs. list in STL

When you want to move objects between containers, you can use list::splice.

For example, a graph partitioning algorithm may have a constant number of objects recursively divided among an increasing number of containers. The objects should be initialized once and always remain at the same locations in memory. It's much faster to rearrange them by relinking than by reallocating.

Edit: as libraries prepare to implement C++0x, the general case of splicing a subsequence into a list is becoming linear complexity with the length of the sequence. This is because splice (now) needs to iterate over the sequence to count the number of elements in it. (Because the list needs to record its size.) Simply counting and re-linking the list is still faster than any alternative, and splicing an entire list or a single element are special cases with constant complexity. But, if you have long sequences to splice, you might have to dig around for a better, old-fashioned, non-compliant container.

How to use ScrollView in Android?

As said above you can put it inside a ScrollView... and if you want the Scroll View to be horizontal put it inside HorizontalScrollView... and if you want your component (or layout) to support both put inside both of them like this:

            <!-- SOME THING -->

and with setting the layout_width and layout_height ofcourse.

Twitter bootstrap modal-backdrop doesn't disappear

Insert in your action button this:





<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Done</button>

<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger danger" data-dismiss="modal" data-backdrop="false">Action</button>

if you enter this data-attr the .modal-backdrop will not appear. documentation about it at this link :

Jenkins Git Plugin: How to build specific tag?

None of these answers were sufficient for me, using Jenkins CI v.1.555, Git Client plugin v.1.6.4, and Git plugin 2.0.4.

I wanted a job to build for one Git repository for one specific, fixed (i.e., non-parameterized) tag. I had to cobble together a solution from the various answers plus the "build a Git tag" blog post cited by Thilo.

  1. Make sure you push your tag to the remote repository with git push --tags
  2. In the "Git Repository" section of your job, under the "Source Code Management" heading, click "Advanced".
  3. In the field for Refspec, add the following text: +refs/tags/*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/*
  4. Under "Branches to build", "Branch specifier", put */tags/<TAG_TO_BUILD> (replacing <TAG_TO_BUILD> with your actual tag name).

Adding the Refspec for me turned out to be critical. Although it seemed the git repositories were fetching all the remote information by default when I left it blank, the Git plugin would nevertheless completely fail to find my tag. Only when I explicitly specified "get the remote tags" in the Refspec field was the Git plugin able to identify and build from my tag.

Update 2014-5-7: Unfortunately, this solution does come with an undesirable side-effect for Jenkins CI (v.1.555) and the Git repository push notification mechanism à la Stash Webhook to Jenkins: any time any branch on the repository is updated in a push, the tag build jobs will also fire again. This leads to a lot of unnecessary re-builds of the same tag jobs over and over again. I have tried configuring the jobs both with and without the "Force polling using workspace" option, and it seemed to have no effect. The only way I could prevent Jenkins from making the unnecessary builds for the tag jobs is to clear the Refspec field (i.e., delete the +refs/tags/*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/*).

If anyone finds a more elegant solution, please edit this answer with an update. I suspect, for example, that maybe this wouldn't happen if the refspec specifically was +refs/tags/<TAG TO BUILD>:refs/remotes/origin/tags/<TAG TO BUILD> rather than the asterisk catch-all. For now, however, this solution is working for us, we just remove the extra Refspec after the job succeeds.

Java regex email

You can checking if emails is valid or no by using this libreries, and of course you can add array for this folowing project.

import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator;

public class Email{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        EmailValidator email = EmailVlidator.getInstance();
        boolean val = email.isValid("[email protected]");
        System.out.println("Mail is: "+val);
        val = email.isValid("");
        System.out.print("Mail is: "+val");

output :

Mail is: true

Mail is : false

How do you add swap to an EC2 instance?

After applying the steps mentioned by ajtrichards you can check if your amazon free tier instance is using swap using this command

cat /proc/meminfo


ubuntu@ip-172-31-24-245:/$ cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:         604340 kB
MemFree:            8524 kB
Buffers:            3380 kB
Cached:           398316 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB
Active:           165476 kB
Inactive:         384556 kB
Active(anon):     141344 kB
Inactive(anon):     7248 kB
Active(file):      24132 kB
Inactive(file):   377308 kB
Unevictable:           0 kB
Mlocked:               0 kB

SwapTotal: 1048572 kB

SwapFree: 1048572 kB

Dirty:                 0 kB
Writeback:             0 kB
AnonPages:        148368 kB
Mapped:            14304 kB
Shmem:               256 kB
Slab:              26392 kB
SReclaimable:      18648 kB
SUnreclaim:         7744 kB
KernelStack:         736 kB
PageTables:         5060 kB
NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
Bounce:                0 kB
WritebackTmp:          0 kB
CommitLimit:     1350740 kB
Committed_AS:     623908 kB
VmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed:        7420 kB
VmallocChunk:   34359728748 kB
HardwareCorrupted:     0 kB
AnonHugePages:         0 kB
HugePages_Total:       0
HugePages_Free:        0
HugePages_Rsvd:        0
HugePages_Surp:        0
Hugepagesize:       2048 kB
DirectMap4k:      637952 kB
DirectMap2M:           0 kB

Node.js quick file server (static files over HTTP)

In plain node.js:

const http = require('http')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')

process.on('uncaughtException', err => console.error('uncaughtException', err))
process.on('unhandledRejection', err => console.error('unhandledRejection', err))

const publicFolder = process.argv.length > 2 ? process.argv[2] : '.'
const port = process.argv.length > 3 ? process.argv[3] : 8080

const mediaTypes = {
  zip: 'application/zip',
  jpg: 'image/jpeg',
  html: 'text/html',
  /* add more media types */

const server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
  console.log(request.method + ' ' + request.url)

  const filepath = path.join(publicFolder, request.url)
  fs.readFile(filepath, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
      response.statusCode = 404
      return response.end('File not found or you made an invalid request.')

    let mediaType = 'text/html'
    const ext = path.extname(filepath)
    if (ext.length > 0 && mediaTypes.hasOwnProperty(ext.slice(1))) {
      mediaType = mediaTypes[ext.slice(1)]

    response.setHeader('Content-Type', mediaType)

server.on('clientError', function onClientError(err, socket) {
  console.log('clientError', err)
  socket.end('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n')

server.listen(port, '', function() {
  console.log('? Development server is online.')

This is a simple node.js server that only serves requested files in a certain directory.


node server.js folder port

folder may be absolute or relative depending on the server.js location. The default value is . which is the directory you execute node server.js command.

port is 8080 by default but you can specify any port available in your OS.

In your case, I would do:

cd D:\Folder
node server.js

You can browse the files under D:\Folder from a browser by typing

how to set select element as readonly ('disabled' doesnt pass select value on server)

To simplify things here's a jQuery plugin that can achieve this goal :

  1. Include readonly.js in your project. (also needs jquery)
  2. Replace .attr('readonly', 'readonly') with .readonly() instead. That's it.

    For example, change from $(".someClass").attr('readonly', 'readonly'); to $(".someClass").readonly();.

How to set the "Content-Type ... charset" in the request header using a HTML link

This is not possible from HTML on. The closest what you can get is the accept-charset attribute of the <form>. Only MSIE browser adheres that, but even then it is doing it wrong (e.g. CP1252 is actually been used when it says that it has sent ISO-8859-1). Other browsers are fully ignoring it and they are using the charset as specified in the Content-Type header of the response. Setting the character encoding right is basically fully the responsiblity of the server side. The client side should just send it back in the same charset as the server has sent the response in.

To the point, you should really configure the character encoding stuff entirely from the server side on. To overcome the inability to edit URIEncoding attribute, someone here on SO wrote a (complex) filter: Detect the URI encoding automatically in Tomcat. You may find it useful as well (note: I haven't tested it).

Update: Noted should be that the meta tag as given in your question is ignored when the content is been transferred over HTTP. Instead, the HTTP response Content-Type header will be used to determine the content type and character encoding. You can determine the HTTP header with for example Firebug, in the Net panel.

alt text

A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly

The project type set as the Start-up project in that solution is of type ClassLibrary. DUe to that, the output is a dll not an executable and so, you cannot start it.

If this is an error then you can do this:

A quick and dirty fix for this, if that is the only csproj in the solution is to open the .csproj file in a text editor and change the value of the node <ProjectGuid> to the Guid corresponding to a WinForms C# project. (That you may obtain from a google search or by creating a new project and opening the .csproj file generated by Visual Studio to find out what the GUID for that type is). (Enjoy - not many people know about this sneaky trick)

BUT: the project might be a class library rightfully and then you should reference it in another project and use it that way.

How to access the php.ini from my CPanel?

Search for "php version" at the bottom of the cpanel

Select PHP Version -> Switch to Php Options -> Change the Value -> save.

OpenSSL: PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:703:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE

My situation was a little different. The solution was to strip the .pem from everything outside of the CERTIFICATE and PRIVATE KEY sections and to invert the order which they appeared. After converting from pfx to pem file, the certificate looked like this:

Bag Attributes
localKeyID: ...
Bag Attributes
more garbage...

After correcting the file, it was just:


How to prevent going back to the previous activity?

This method is working fine

Intent intent = new Intent(Profile.this, MainActivity.class); 

Calling async method synchronously

Well I am using this approach:

    private string RunSync()
        var task = Task.Run(async () => await GenerateCodeService.GenerateCodeAsync());
        if (task.IsFaulted && task.Exception != null)
            throw task.Exception;

        return task.Result;

How can I upload files asynchronously?

I recommend using the Fine Uploader plugin for this purpose. Your JavaScript code would be:

$(document).ready(function() {
    action: "",
    onComplete: function(response){
      alert( "server response: " + response);

Can you install and run apps built on the .NET framework on a Mac?

.NetCore is a fine release from Microsoft and Visual Studio's latest version is also available for mac but there is still some limitation. Like for creating GUI based application on .net core you have to write code manually for everything. Like in older version of VS we just drag and drop the things and magic happens. But in VS latest version for mac every code has to be written manually. However you can make web application and console application easily on VS for mac.

Moving from JDK 1.7 to JDK 1.8 on Ubuntu

You can easily install 1.8 via PPA. Which can be done by:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Then check the running version:

$ java -version

If you must do it manually there's already an answer for that on AskUbuntu here.

Disable scrolling in an iPhone web application?

I tried above answers and particularly Gajus's but none works. Finally I found the answer below to solve the problem such that only the main body doesn't scroll but other scrolling sections inside my web app all work fine. Simply set position fixed for your body:

body {

height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;

CSS selector for first element with class

The above answers are too complex.

.class:first-of-type { }

This will select the first-type of class. MDN Source

Autoplay an audio with HTML5 embed tag while the player is invisible

I used this code,

 <div style="visibility:hidden">
    <audio autoplay loop>
        <source src="Aakaasam-Yemaaya Chesave.mp3">

It is working well but i want stop and pause button. So, we can stop if we don't want to listen.

How to export table data in MySql Workbench to csv?

MySQL Workbench 6.3.6

Export the SELECT result

  • After you run a SELECT: Query > Export Results...

    Query Export Results

Export table data

  • In the Navigator, right click on the table > Table Data Export Wizard

    Table Data Export

  • All columns and rows are included by default, so click on Next.

  • Select File Path, type, Field Separator (by default it is ;, not ,!!!) and click on Next.


  • Click Next > Next > Finish and the file is created in the specified location

Logging request/response messages when using HttpClient


To configure a System.Net listener to output to both the console and a log file, add the following to your assembly configuration file:

  <trace autoflush="true" />
    <source name="System.Net">
        <add name="MyTraceFile"/>
        <add name="MyConsole"/>
      initializeData="System.Net.trace.log" />
    <add name="MyConsole" type="System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener" />
    <add name="System.Net" value="Verbose" />

Disable nginx cache for JavaScript files

I have the following nginx virtual host (static content) for local development work to disable all browser caching:

server {
    listen 8080;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
        root /your/site/public;
        index index.html;

        # kill cache
        add_header Last-Modified $date_gmt;
        add_header Cache-Control 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0';
        if_modified_since off;
        expires off;
        etag off;

No cache headers sent:

$ curl -I http://localhost:8080
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.12.1
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 16:19:30 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 2076
Connection: keep-alive
Last-Modified: Monday, 24-Jul-2017 16:19:30 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store
Accept-Ranges: bytes

Last-Modified is always current time.

Jackson - Deserialize using generic class

You can wrap it in another class which knows the type of your generic type.


class Wrapper {
 private Data<Something> data;
mapper.readValue(jsonString, Wrapper.class);

Here Something is a concrete type. You need a wrapper per reified type. Otherwise Jackson does not know what objects to create.

What are and

DEVELOPER runs autoconf and automake:

  1. autoconf -- creates shippable configure script
    (which the installer will later run to make the Makefile)
  1. automake - creates shippable data file
    (which configure will later read to make the Makefile)

INSTALLER runs configure, make and sudo make install:

./configure       # Creates  Makefile        (from  
make              # Creates  the application (from the Makefile just created).  

sudo make install # Installs the application 
                  #   Often, by default its files are installed into /usr/local


Notation below is roughly: inputs --> programs --> outputs

DEVELOPER runs these: -> autoconf -> configure (script) --- (*.ac = autoconf) --> autoconf -> configure (script) --- ( depreciated. Use -> automake -> ----------- (*.am = automake)

INSTALLER runs these: -> configure -> Makefile (*.in = input file)

Makefile -> make ----------> (puts new software in your downloads or temporary directory)
Makefile -> make install -> (puts new software in system directories)

"autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages. These scripts can adapt the packages to many kinds of UNIX-like systems without manual user intervention. Autoconf creates a configuration script for a package from a template file that lists the operating system features that the package can use, in the form of M4 macro calls."

"automake is a tool for automatically generating files compliant with the GNU Coding Standards. Automake requires the use of Autoconf."


Free online tutorials:


The main used to build LibreOffice is over 12k lines of code, (but there are also 57 other files in subfolders.)

From this my generated configure is over 41k lines of code.

And while the and Makefile are both only 493 lines of code. (But, there are also 768 more's in subfolders.)

git rebase fatal: Needed a single revision

The issue is that you branched off a branch off of.... where you are trying to rebase to. You can't rebase to a branch that does not contain the commit your current branch was originally created on.

I got this when I first rebased a local branch X to a pushed one Y, then tried to rebase a branch (first created on X) to the pushed one Y.

Solved for me by rebasing to X.

I have no problem rebasing to remote branches (potentially not even checked out), provided my current branch stems from an ancestor of that branch.

keycloak Invalid parameter: redirect_uri

You need to check the keycloak admin console for fronted configuration. It must be wrongly configured for redirect url and web origins.

Remove all special characters from a string in R?

Convert the Special characters to apostrophe,

Data  <- gsub("[^0-9A-Za-z///' ]","'" , Data , = TRUE)

Below code it to remove extra ''' apostrophe

Data <- gsub("''","" , Data , = TRUE)

Use gsub(..) function for replacing the special character with apostrophe

Logging best practices

I'm not qualified to comment on logging for .Net, since my bread and butter is Java, but we've had a migration in our logging over the last 8 years you may find a useful analogy to your question.

We started with a Singleton logger that was used by every thread within the JVM, and set the logging level for the entire process. This resulted in huge logs if we had to debug even a very specific part of the system, so lesson number one is to segment your logging.

Our current incarnation of the logger allows multiple instances with one defined as the default. We can instantiate any number of child loggers that have different logging levels, but the most useful facet of this architecture is the ability to create loggers for individual packages and classes by simply changing the logging properties. Lesson number two is to create a flexible system that allows overriding its behavior without changing code.

We are using the Apache commons-logging library wrapped around Log4J.

Hope this helps!

* Edit *

After reading Jeffrey Hantin's post below, I realized that I should have noted what our internal logging wrapper has actually become. It's now essentially a factory and is strictly used to get a working logger using the correct properties file (which for legacy reasons hasn't been moved to the default position). Since you can specify the logging configuration file on command line now, I suspect it will become even leaner and if you're starting a new application, I'd definitely agree with his statement that you shouldn't even bother wrapping the logger.

How do I iterate through table rows and cells in JavaScript?

If you want to go through each row(<tr>), knowing/identifying the row(<tr>), and iterate through each column(<td>) of each row(<tr>), then this is the way to go.

var table = document.getElementById("mytab1");
for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
   //iterate through rows
   //rows would be accessed using the "row" variable assigned in the for loop
   for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
     //iterate through columns
     //columns would be accessed using the "col" variable assigned in the for loop

If you just want to go through the cells(<td>), ignoring which row you're on, then this is the way to go.

var table = document.getElementById("mytab1");
for (var i = 0, cell; cell = table.cells[i]; i++) {
     //iterate through cells
     //cells would be accessed using the "cell" variable assigned in the for loop

How can I open two pages from a single click without using JavaScript?

also you can open more than two page try this

`<a href="" target="_blank" onclick="'');'');">Click Here</a>`

how to set start value as "0" in chartjs?

Please add this option:

//Boolean - Whether the scale should start at zero, or an order of magnitude down from the lowest value
scaleBeginAtZero : true,

(Reference: Chart.js)

N.B: The original solution I posted was for Highcharts, if you are not using Highcharts then please remove the tag to avoid confusion

How to make the checkbox unchecked by default always




<!-- checked -->
<input type='checkbox' name='foo' value='bar' checked=''/> 

<!-- unchecked -->
<input type='checkbox' class='inputUncheck' name='foo' value='bar' checked=''/> 
<input type='checkbox' class='inputUncheck' name='foo' value='bar'/> 



Directing print output to a .txt file

You can redirect stdout into a file "output.txt":

import sys
sys.stdout = open('output.txt','wt')
print ("Hello stackoverflow!")
print ("I have a question.")

How to get on scroll events?

for angular 4, the working solution was to do inside the component

@HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event']) onScrollEvent($event){

.append(), prepend(), .after() and .before()

The best way is going to documentation.

.append() vs .after()

  • .append(): Insert content, specified by the parameter, to the end of each element in the set of matched elements.
  • .after(): Insert content, specified by the parameter, after each element in the set of matched elements.

.prepend() vs .before()

  • prepend(): Insert content, specified by the parameter, to the beginning of each element in the set of matched elements.
  • .before(): Insert content, specified by the parameter, before each element in the set of matched elements.

So, append and prepend refers to child of the object whereas after and before refers to sibling of the the object.

Simplest way to detect keypresses in javascript

Don't over complicate.

  document.addEventListener('keydown', logKey);
    function logKey(e) {
      if (`${e.code}` == "ArrowRight") {
        //code here
          if (`${e.code}` == "ArrowLeft") {
        //code here
          if (`${e.code}` == "ArrowDown") {
        //code here
          if (`${e.code}` == "ArrowUp") {
        //code here

Python 2.7: %d, %s, and float()

Try the following:

print "First is: %f" % (first)
print "Second is: %f" % (second)

I am unsure what answer is. But apart from that, this will be:

print "DONE: %f DIVIDED BY %f EQUALS %f, SWEET MATH BRO!" % (first, second, ans)

There's a lot of text on Format String Specifiers. You can google it and get a list of specifiers. One thing I forgot to note:

If you try this:

print "First is: %s" % (first)

It converts the float value in first to a string. So that would work as well.

How to Logout of an Application Where I Used OAuth2 To Login With Google?

I hope we can achieve this by storing the token in session while logging in and access the token when he clicked on logout.

    String _accessToken=(String)session.getAttribute("ACCESS_TOKEN");
        StringBuffer path=httpRequest.getRequestURL();

php exec command (or similar) to not wait for result

From the documentation:

In order to execute a command and have it not hang your PHP script while
it runs, the program you run must not output back to PHP. To do this,
redirect both stdout and stderr to /dev/null, then background it.

> /dev/null 2>&1 &

In order to execute a command and have
it spawned off as another process that
is not dependent on the Apache thread
to keep running (will not die if
somebody cancels the page) run this:

exec('bash -c "exec nohup setsid your_command > /dev/null 2>&1 &"');

SQL SERVER, SELECT statement with auto generate row id

This will work in SQL Server 2008.

select  top 100 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY tmp.FirstName) ,* from tmp


Docker is in volume in use, but there aren't any Docker containers

I am fairly new to Docker. I was cleaning up some initial testing mess and was not able to remove a volume either. I had stopped all the running instances, performed a docker rmi -f $(docker image ls -q), but still received the Error response from daemon: unable to remove volume: remove uuid: volume is in use.

I did a docker system prune and it cleaned up what was needed to remove the last volume:

[0]$ docker system prune
WARNING! This will remove:
- all stopped containers
- all networks not used by at least one container
- all dangling images
- all build cache
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Deleted Containers:
... about 15 containers UUID's truncated

Total reclaimed space: 2.273MB
[0]$ docker volume ls
local              uuid
[0]$ docker volume rm uuid

docker system prune

The client and daemon API must both be at least 1.25 to use this command. Use the docker version command on the client to check your client and daemon API versions.

JSON Post with Customized HTTPHeader Field

What you posted has a syntax error, but it makes no difference as you cannot pass HTTP headers via $.post().

Provided you're on jQuery version >= 1.5, switch to $.ajax() and pass the headers (docs) option. (If you're on an older version of jQuery, I will show you how to do it via the beforeSend option.)

    url: '',
    type: 'post',
    data: {
        access_token: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
    headers: {
        Header_Name_One: 'Header Value One',   //If your header name has spaces or any other char not appropriate
        "Header Name Two": 'Header Value Two'  //for object property name, use quoted notation shown in second
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {;

How to sort rows of HTML table that are called from MySQL

That's actually pretty easy, here's a possible approach:

            <a href="?orderBy=type">Type:</a>
            <a href="?orderBy=description">Description:</a>
            <a href="?orderBy=recorded_date">Recorded Date:</a>
            <a href="?orderBy=added_date">Added Date:</a>
$orderBy = array('type', 'description', 'recorded_date', 'added_date');

$order = 'type';
if (isset($_GET['orderBy']) && in_array($_GET['orderBy'], $orderBy)) {
    $order = $_GET['orderBy'];

$query = 'SELECT * FROM aTable ORDER BY '.$order;

// retrieve and show the data :)

That'll do the trick! :)

How to force DNS refresh for a website?

So if the issue is you just created a website and your clients or any given ISP DNS is cached and doesn't show new site yet. Yes all the other stuff applies ipconfig reset browser etc. BUT here's an Idea and something I do from time to time. You can set an alternate network ISP's DNS in the tcpip properties on the NIC properties. So if your ISP is say telstra and it hasn't propagated or updated you can specify an alternate service providers dns there. if that isp dns is updated before your native one hey presto you will see new site.But there is lots of other tricks you can do to determine propagation and get mail to work prior to the DNS updating. drop me a line if any one wants to chat.

Format numbers in JavaScript similar to C#

In case you want to format number for view rather than for calculation you can use this

function numberFormat( number ){

    var digitCount = (number+"").length;
    var formatedNumber = number+"";
    var ind = digitCount%3 || 3;
    var temparr = formatedNumber.split('');

    if( digitCount > 3 && digitCount <= 6 ){

        formatedNumber = temparr.join('');

    }else if (digitCount >= 7 && digitCount <= 15) {
        var temparr2 = temparr.slice(0, ind);
        temparr2.push(temparr[ind + 1]);
        // temparr2.push( temparr[ind + 2] ); 
        if (digitCount >= 7 && digitCount <= 9) {
            temparr2.push(" million");
        } else if (digitCount >= 10 && digitCount <= 12) {
            temparr2.push(" billion");
        } else if (digitCount >= 13 && digitCount <= 15) {
            temparr2.push(" trillion");

        formatedNumber = temparr2.join('');
    return formatedNumber;

Input: {Integer} Number

Outputs: {String} Number

22,870 => if number 22870

22,87 million => if number 2287xxxx (x can be whatever)

22,87 billion => if number 2287xxxxxxx

22,87 trillion => if number 2287xxxxxxxxxx

You get the idea

Batch: Remove file extension

Using cygwin bash to do the chopping

  :: e.g. FILE=basename.mp4 => FILE_NO_EXT=basename
  set FILE=%1
  for /f "delims=" %%a in ('bash -c "FILE=%FILE%; echo ${FILE/.*/}" ') do set FILE_NO_EXT=%%a

How to convert a boolean array to an int array

A funny way to do this is

>>> np.array([True, False, False]) + 0 
np.array([1, 0, 0])

How to get a ListBox ItemTemplate to stretch horizontally the full width of the ListBox?

Since the border is used just for visual appearance, you could put it into the ListBoxItem's ControlTemplate and modify the properties there. In the ItemTemplate, you could place only the StackPanel and the TextBlock. In this way, the code also remains clean, as in the appearance of the control will be controlled via the ControlTemplate and the data to be shown will be controlled via the DataTemplate.

How do I use Wget to download all images into a single folder, from a URL?

The proposed solutions are perfect to download the images and if it is enough for you to save all the files in the directory you are using. But if you want to save all the images in a specified directory without reproducing the entire hierarchical tree of the site, try to add "cut-dirs" to the line proposed by Jon.

wget -r -P /save/location -A jpeg,jpg,bmp,gif,png --cut-dirs=1 --cut-dirs=2 --cut-dirs=3

in this case cut-dirs will prevent wget from creating sub-directories until the 3th level of depth in the website hierarchical tree, saving all the files in the directory you specified.You can add more 'cut-dirs' with higher numbers if you are dealing with sites with a deep structure.

Removing numbers from string

Not sure if your teacher allows you to use filters but...

filter(lambda x: x.isalpha(), "a1a2a3s3d4f5fg6h")



Much more efficient than looping...


for i in range(10):

How to do constructor chaining in C#

All those answers are good, but I'd like to add a note on constructors with a little more complex initializations.

class SomeClass {
    private int StringLength;
    SomeClass(string x) {
         // this is the logic that shall be executed for all constructors.
         // you dont want to duplicate it.
         StringLength = x.Length;
    SomeClass(int a, int b): this(TransformToString(a, b)) {
    private static string TransformToString(int a, int b) {
         var c = a + b;
         return $"{a} + {b} = {c}";

Allthogh this example might as well be solved without this static function, the static function allows for more complex logic, or even calling methods from somewhere else.

Is it possible to declare two variables of different types in a for loop?

See "Is there a way to define variables of two types in for loop?" for another way involving nesting multiple for loops. The advantage of the other way over Georg's "struct trick" is that it (1) allows you to have a mixture of static and non-static local variables and (2) it allows you to have non-copyable variables. The downside is that it is far less readable and may be less efficient.

How to filter a RecyclerView with a SearchView

I have solved the same problem using the link with some modifications in it. Search filter on RecyclerView with Cards. Is it even possible? (hope this helps).

Here is my adapter class

public class ContactListRecyclerAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ContactListRecyclerAdapter.ContactViewHolder> implements Filterable {

Context mContext;
ArrayList<Contact> customerList;
ArrayList<Contact> parentCustomerList;

public ContactListRecyclerAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<Contact> customerList)
    parentCustomerList=new ArrayList<>(customerList);

   // other overrided methods

public Filter getFilter() {
    return new FilterCustomerSearch(this,parentCustomerList);

//Filter class

import android.widget.Filter;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class FilterCustomerSearch extends Filter
private final ContactListRecyclerAdapter mAdapter;
ArrayList<Contact> contactList;
ArrayList<Contact> filteredList;

public FilterCustomerSearch(ContactListRecyclerAdapter mAdapter,ArrayList<Contact> contactList) {
    this.mAdapter = mAdapter;
    filteredList=new ArrayList<>();

protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {
    final FilterResults results = new FilterResults();

    if (constraint.length() == 0) {
    } else {
        final String filterPattern = constraint.toString().toLowerCase().trim();

        for (final Contact contact : contactList) {
            if (contact.customerName.contains(constraint)) {
            else if (contact.emailId.contains(constraint))

            else if(contact.phoneNumber.contains(constraint))
    results.values = filteredList;
    results.count = filteredList.size();
    return results;

protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {
    mAdapter.customerList.addAll((ArrayList<Contact>) results.values);


//Activity class

public class HomeCrossFadeActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener,OnFragmentInteractionListener,OnTaskCompletedListner
Fragment fragment;
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    setContentView(R.layout.activity_homecrossfadeslidingpane2);CardView mCard;
   //other overrided methods
   public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.

    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
    // Inflate menu to add items to action bar if it is present.
    inflater.inflate(, menu);
    // Associate searchable configuration with the SearchView
    SearchManager searchManager =
            (SearchManager) getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE);
    SearchView searchView =
            (SearchView) menu.findItem(;
    searchView.setQueryHint("Search Customer");

    searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {
        public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
            return false;

        public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
            if(fragment instanceof CustomerDetailsViewWithModifyAndSearch)
            return false;

    return true;

In OnQueryTextChangeListener() method use your adapter. I have casted it to fragment as my adpter is in fragment. You can use the adapter directly if its in your activity class.

How to find where javaw.exe is installed?

For the sake of completeness, let me mention that there are some places (on a Windows PC) to look for javaw.exe in case it is not found in the path: (Still Reimeus' suggestion should be your first attempt.)

Java usually stores it's location in Registry, under the following key:
HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environement\<CurrentVersion>\JavaHome

Newer versions of JRE/JDK, seem to also place a copy of javaw.exe in 'C:\Windows\System32', so one might want to check there too (although chances are, if it is there, it will be found in the path as well).

Of course there are the "usual" install locations:

  • 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre*\bin'
  • 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk*\bin'
  • 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre*\bin'
  • 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk*\bin'

[Note, that for older versions of Windows (XP, Vista(?)), this will only help on english versions of the OS. Fortunately, on later version of Windows "Program Files" will point to the directory regardless of its "display name" (which is language-specific).]

A little while back, I wrote this piece of code to check for javaw.exe in the aforementioned places. Maybe someone finds it useful:

static protected String findJavaw() {
    Path pathToJavaw = null;
    Path temp;

    /* Check in Registry: HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environement\<CurrentVersion>\JavaHome */
    String keyNode = "HKLM\\Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment";
    List<String> output = new ArrayList<>();
    executeCommand(new String[] {"REG", "QUERY", "\"" + keyNode + "\"", 
                                 "/v", "CurrentVersion"}, 
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*CurrentVersion\\s+\\S+\\s+(.*)$");
    for (String line : output) {
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
        if (matcher.find()) {
            keyNode += "\\" +;
            List<String> output2 = new ArrayList<>();
                    new String[] {"REG", "QUERY", "\"" + keyNode + "\"", 
                                  "/v", "JavaHome"}, 
            Pattern pattern2 
                    = Pattern.compile("\\s*JavaHome\\s+\\S+\\s+(.*)$");
            for (String line2 : output2) {
                Matcher matcher2 = pattern2.matcher(line2);
                if (matcher2.find()) {
                    pathToJavaw = Paths.get(, "bin", 
    try {
        if (Files.exists(pathToJavaw)) {
            return pathToJavaw.toString();
    } catch (Exception ignored) {}

    /* Check in 'C:\Windows\System32' */
    pathToJavaw = Paths.get("C:\\Windows\\System32\\javaw.exe");
    try {
        if (Files.exists(pathToJavaw)) {
            return pathToJavaw.toString();
    } catch (Exception ignored) {}

    /* Check in 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre*' */
    pathToJavaw = null;
    temp = Paths.get("C:\\Program Files\\Java");
    if (Files.exists(temp)) {
        try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream 
                = Files.newDirectoryStream(temp, "jre*")) {
            for (Path path : dirStream) {
                temp = Paths.get(path.toString(), "bin", "javaw.exe");
                if (Files.exists(temp)) {
                    pathToJavaw = temp;
                    // Don't "break", in order to find the latest JRE version
            if (pathToJavaw != null) {
                return pathToJavaw.toString();
        } catch (Exception ignored) {}

    /* Check in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre*' */
    pathToJavaw = null;
    temp = Paths.get("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java");
    if (Files.exists(temp)) {
        try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream 
                = Files.newDirectoryStream(temp, "jre*")) {
            for (Path path : dirStream) {
                temp = Paths.get(path.toString(), "bin", "javaw.exe");
                if (Files.exists(temp)) {
                    pathToJavaw = temp;
                    // Don't "break", in order to find the latest JRE version
            if (pathToJavaw != null) {
                return pathToJavaw.toString();
        } catch (Exception ignored) {}

    /* Check in 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk*' */
    pathToJavaw = null;
    temp = Paths.get("C:\\Program Files\\Java");
    if (Files.exists(temp)) {
        try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream 
                = Files.newDirectoryStream(temp, "jdk*")) {
            for (Path path : dirStream) {
                temp = Paths.get(path.toString(), "jre", "bin", "javaw.exe");
                if (Files.exists(temp)) {
                    pathToJavaw = temp;
                    // Don't "break", in order to find the latest JDK version
            if (pathToJavaw != null) {
                return pathToJavaw.toString();
        } catch (Exception ignored) {}

    /* Check in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk*' */
    pathToJavaw = null;
    temp = Paths.get("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java");
    if (Files.exists(temp)) {
        try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream 
                = Files.newDirectoryStream(temp, "jdk*")) {
            for (Path path : dirStream) {
                temp = Paths.get(path.toString(), "jre", "bin", "javaw.exe");
                if (Files.exists(temp)) {
                    pathToJavaw = temp;
                    // Don't "break", in order to find the latest JDK version
            if (pathToJavaw != null) {
                return pathToJavaw.toString();
        } catch (Exception ignored) {}

    return "javaw.exe";   // Let's just hope it is in the path :)

How to run Java program in terminal with external library JAR

You can do :

1) javac -cp /path/to/jar/file

2) java -cp .:/path/to/jar/file Myprogram

So, lets suppose your current working directory in terminal is src/Report/

javac -cp src/external/myfile.jar

java -cp .:src/external/myfile.jar Reporter

Take a look here to setup Classpath

Java array reflection: isArray vs. instanceof

If you ever have a choice between a reflective solution and a non-reflective solution, never pick the reflective one (involving Class objects). It's not that it's "Wrong" or anything, but anything involving reflection is generally less obvious and less clear.

Printing all variables value from a class

Another simple approach is to let Lombok generate the toString method for you.

For this:

  1. Simply add Lombok to your project
  2. Add the annotation @ToString to the definition of your class
  3. Compile your class/project, and it is done

So for example in your case, your class would look like this:

public class Contact {
    private String name;
    private String location;
    private String address;
    private String email;
    private String phone;
    private String fax;

    // Getters and setters.

Example of output in this case:

Contact(name=John, location=USA, address=SF, [email protected], phone=99999, fax=88888)

More details about how to use the annotation @ToString.

NB: You can also let Lombok generate the getters and setters for you, here is the full feature list.

Deserializing a JSON into a JavaScript object

I think this should help:

Also documentations also prove that you can use require() for json files:

var jsonfile = require("./path/to/jsonfile.json");
node = jsonfile.adjacencies.nodeTo;
node2 = jsonfile.adjacencies.nodeFrom;
node3 =$color;
//other things.

Has anyone gotten HTML emails working with Twitter Bootstrap?

The trick here is that you don't want to include the whole bootstrap. The issue is that email clients will ignore the media queries and process all the print styles which have a lot of !important statements.

Instead, you need to only include the specific parts of bootstrap that you need. My email.css.scss file looks like this:

@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap/variables";
@import "bootstrap/mixins";
@import "bootstrap/scaffolding";
@import "bootstrap/type";
@import "bootstrap/buttons";
@import "bootstrap/alerts";

@import 'bootstrap/normalize';
@import 'bootstrap/tables';

How to get row count in sqlite using Android?

Once you get the cursor you can do


Eclipse error "Could not find or load main class"

I deleted a jar file from the bin directory. Right click on your project - Properties then Libraries tab. There was a red flag in there. I removed the jar file from the Libraries and it worked.

What's the common practice for enums in Python?

I've seen this pattern several times:

>>> class Enumeration(object):
        def __init__(self, names):  # or *names, with no .split()
            for number, name in enumerate(names.split()):
                setattr(self, name, number)

>>> foo = Enumeration("bar baz quux")
>>> foo.quux

You can also just use class members, though you'll have to supply your own numbering:

>>> class Foo(object):
        bar  = 0
        baz  = 1
        quux = 2

>>> Foo.quux

If you're looking for something more robust (sparse values, enum-specific exception, etc.), try this recipe.

AWS Lambda import module error in python

Your package directories in your zip must be world readable too.

To identify if this is your problem (Linux) use:

find $ZIP_SOURCE -type d -not -perm /001 -printf %M\ "%p\n"

To fix use:

find $ZIP_SOURCE  -type d -not -perm /001 -exec chmod o+x {} \;

File readable is also a requirement. To identify if this is your problem use:

find $ZIP_SOURCE -type f -not -perm /004 -printf %M\ "%p\n"

To fix use:

find $ZIP_SOURCE  -type f -not -perm /004 -exec chmod o+r {} \;

If you had this problem and you are working in Linux, check that umask is appropriately set when creating or checking out of git your python packages e.g. put this in you packaging script or .bashrc:

umask 0002 

How to debug SSL handshake using cURL?

curl -iv

That will give you cert and header output if you do not wish to use openssl command.

'npm' is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I'm updating this thread with a new answer because I've found the solution to my miserable situation after not less than a week ...

For those still experiencing the error even though they have their path value set properly, check your pathext variable to have the value (default value in windows 7 +) : .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC

Mine was to set only to : .BAT and changing it solved the problem. I wonder why nobody brought this up ...

Hope this helps!

Meaning of tilde in Linux bash (not home directory)

It's possible you're seeing OpenDirectory/ActiveDirectory/LDAP users "automounted" into your home directory.

In *nix, ~ will resolve to your home directory. Likewise ~X will resolve to 'user X'.

Similar to automount for directories, OpenDirectory/ActiveDirectory/LDAP is used in larger/corporate environments to automount user directories. These users may be actual people or they can be machine accounts created to provide various features.

If you type ~Tab you'll see a list of the users on your machine.

Twitter Bootstrap inline input with dropdown

As of Bootstrap 3.x, there's an example of this in the docs here:

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" aria-label="...">
  <div class="input-group-btn">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">Action <span class="caret"></span></button>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu">
      <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
      <li class="divider"></li>
      <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>
  </div><!-- /btn-group -->
</div><!-- /input-group -->

Python float to int conversion

Languages that use binary floating point representations (Python is one) cannot represent all fractional values exactly. If the result of your calculation is 250.99999999999 (and it might be), then taking the integer part will result in 250.

A canonical article on this topic is What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.

How do I give PHP write access to a directory?

1st Figure out which user is owning httpd process using the following command

ps aux | grep httpd

you will get a several line response like this:

phpuser   17121  0.0  0.2 414060  7928 ?        SN   03:49   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

Here 1st column shows the user name. So now you know the user who is trying to write files, which is in this case phpuser You can now go ahead and set the permission for directory where your php script is trying to write something:

sudo chown phpuser:phpuser PhpCanWriteHere
sudo chmod 755 PhpCanWriteHere

Change header text of columns in a GridView

protected void grdDis_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            #region Dynamically Show gridView header From data base
            getAllheaderName();/*To get all Allowences master headerName*/

            TextBox txt_Days = (TextBox)grdDis.HeaderRow.FindControl("txtDays");
            txt_Days.Text = hidMonthsDays.Value;

Hibernate Delete query

The reason is that for deleting an object, Hibernate requires that the object is in persistent state. Thus, Hibernate first fetches the object (SELECT) and then removes it (DELETE).

Why Hibernate needs to fetch the object first? The reason is that Hibernate interceptors might be enabled (, and the object must be passed through these interceptors to complete its lifecycle. If rows are delete directly in the database, the interceptor won't run.

On the other hand, it's possible to delete entities in one single SQL DELETE statement using bulk operations:

Query q = session.createQuery("delete Entity where id = X");

How to write lists inside a markdown table?

Yes, you can merge them using HTML. When I create tables in .md files from Github, I always like to use HTML code instead of markdown.

Github Flavored Markdown supports basic HTML in .md file. So this would be the answer:

Markdown mixed with HTML:

| Tables        | Are           | Cool  |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is      | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is      | centered      |   $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat      |    $1 |
| <ul><li>item1</li><li>item2</li></ul>| See the list | from the first column|

Or pure HTML:

      <th align="center">Are</th>
      <th align="right">Cool</th>
      <td>col 3 is</td>
      <td align="center">right-aligned</td>
      <td align="right">$1600</td>
      <td>col 2 is</td>
      <td align="center">centered</td>
      <td align="right">$12</td>
      <td>zebra stripes</td>
      <td align="center">are neat</td>
      <td align="right">$1</td>
      <td align="center">See the list</td>
      <td align="right">from the first column</td>

This is how it looks on Github:

What is the correct syntax of ng-include?

try this

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="customersCtrl"> 
  <div ng-include="'myTable.htm'"></div>

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('customersCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
    $http.get("customers.php").then(function (response) {
        $scope.names =;

Click button copy to clipboard using jQuery

you can copy an individual text apart from an HTML element's text.

        var copyToClipboard = function (text) {
            var $txt = $('<textarea />');

                .css({ width: "1px", height: "1px" })


            if (document.execCommand('copy')) {

HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host what it returns?

Try this:

string callbackurl = Request.Url.Host != "localhost" 
    ? Request.Url.Host : Request.Url.Authority;

This will work for local as well as production environment. Because the local uses url with port no that is possible using Url.Host.

How to hide navigation bar permanently in android activity?

For people looking at a simpler solution, I think you can just have this one line of code in onStart()


It's called Immersive mode. You may look at the official documentation for other possibilities.

env: node: No such file or directory in mac

I got such a problem after I upgraded my node version with brew. To fix the problem

1)run $brew doctor to check out if it is successfully installed or not 2) In case you missed clearing any node-related file before, such error log might pop up:

Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar Leaving kegs unlinked can lead to build-trouble and cause brews that depend on those kegs to fail to run properly once built. node

3) Now you are recommended to run brew link command to delete the original node-related files and overwrite new files - $ brew link node.

And that's it - everything works again !!!

How to set only time part of a DateTime variable in C#

date = new DateTime(date.year, date.month,, HH, MM, SS);

FPDF utf-8 encoding (HOW-TO)

I use FPDF for ASP, and the iconv function is not available. It seems strange, by I solved the UTF-8 problem by adding a fake image (an 1x1px jpeg) to the pdf, just after the AddPage() function:

pdf.Image "images/fpdf.jpg",0,0,1

In this way, accented characters are correctly added to my pdf, don't ask me why but it works.

How to deserialize xml to object

The comments above are correct. You're missing the decorators. If you want a generic deserializer you can use this.

public static T DeserializeXMLFileToObject<T>(string XmlFilename)
    T returnObject = default(T);
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFilename)) return default(T);

        StreamReader xmlStream = new StreamReader(XmlFilename);
        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
        returnObject = (T)serializer.Deserialize(xmlStream);
    catch (Exception ex)
        ExceptionLogger.WriteExceptionToConsole(ex, DateTime.Now);
    return returnObject;

Then you'd call it like this:

MyObjType MyObj = DeserializeXMLFileToObject<MyObjType>(FilePath);

Date difference in years using C#

int Age = new DateTime((DateTime.Now - BirthDateTime).Ticks).Year;

To calculate the elapsed years (age), the result will be minus one.

var timeSpan = DateTime.Now - birthDateTime;
int age = new DateTime(timeSpan.Ticks).Year - 1;

How to undo a git pull?

git reflog show should show you the history of HEAD. You can use that to figure out where you were before the pull. Then you can reset your HEAD to that commit.

Is <div style="width: ;height: ;background: "> CSS?

1)Yes it is, when there is style then it is styling your code(css).2) is belong to html it is like a container that keep your css.

Find TODO tags in Eclipse

Is there an easy way to view all methods which contain this comment? Some sort of menu option?

Yes, choose one of the following:

  1. Go to Window ? Show View ? Tasks (Not TaskList). The new view will show up where the "Console" and "Problems" tabs are by default.

  2. As mentioned elsewhere, you can see them next to the scroll bar as little blue rectangles if you have the source file in question open.

  3. If you just want the // TODO Auto-generated method stub messages (rather than all // TODO messages) you should use the search function (Ctrl-F for ones in this file Search ? Java Search ? Search string for the ability to specify this workspace, that file, this project, etc.)

How to write loop in a Makefile?

This is not really a pure answer to the question, but an intelligent way to work around such problems:

instead of writing a complex file, simply delegate control to for instance a bash script like: makefile

foo : bar.cpp baz.h

and looks like:

for number in 1 2 3 4
    ./a.out $number

What exactly does the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header do?

By default, CORS does not include cookies on cross-origin requests. This is different from other cross-origin techniques such as JSON-P. JSON-P always includes cookies with the request, and this behavior can lead to a class of vulnerabilities called cross-site request forgery, or CSRF.

In order to reduce the chance of CSRF vulnerabilities in CORS, CORS requires both the server and the client to acknowledge that it is ok to include cookies on requests. Doing this makes cookies an active decision, rather than something that happens passively without any control.

The client code must set the withCredentials property on the XMLHttpRequest to true in order to give permission.

However, this header alone is not enough. The server must respond with the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. Responding with this header to true means that the server allows cookies (or other user credentials) to be included on cross-origin requests.

You also need to make sure your browser isn't blocking third-party cookies if you want cross-origin credentialed requests to work.

Note that regardless of whether you are making same-origin or cross-origin requests, you need to protect your site from CSRF (especially if your request includes cookies).

SQL Server 2008 - Help writing simple INSERT Trigger

You want to take advantage of the inserted logical table that is available in the context of a trigger. It matches the schema for the table that is being inserted to and includes the row(s) that will be inserted (in an update trigger you have access to the inserted and deleted logical tables which represent the the new and original data respectively.)

So to insert Employee / Department pairs that do not currently exist you might try something like the following.

CREATE TRIGGER trig_Update_Employee
ON [EmployeeResult]
    Insert into Employee (Name, Department) 
    Select Distinct i.Name, i.Department 
    from Inserted i
    Left Join Employee e
    on i.Name = e.Name and i.Department = e.Department
    where e.Name is null

Integer division: How do you produce a double?

Best way to do this is

int i = 3;
Double d = i * 1.0;

d is 3.0 now.

How can we programmatically detect which iOS version is device running on?

To get more specific version number information with major and minor versions separated:

NSString* versionString = [UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion;
NSArray* vN = [versionString componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];

The array vN will contain the major and minor versions as strings, but if you want to do comparisons, version numbers should be stored as numbers (ints). You can add this code to store them in the C-array* versionNumbers:

int versionNumbers[vN.count];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(versionNumbers)/sizeof(versionNumbers[0]); i++)
    versionNumbers[i] = [[vN objectAtIndex:i] integerValue];

* C-arrays used here for more concise syntax.

How to call a javaScript Function in jsp on page load without using <body onload="disableView()">

Either use window.onload this way

    window.onload = function() {
        // ...

or alternatively

    window.onload = functionName;

(yes, without the parentheses)

Or just put the script at the very bottom of page, right before </body>. At that point, all HTML DOM elements are ready to be accessed by document functions.



How to scroll the window using JQuery $.scrollTo() function

Looks like you've got the syntax slightly wrong... I'm assuming based on your code that you're trying to scroll down 100px in 800ms, if so then this works (using scrollTo 1.4.1):

$.scrollTo('+=100px', 800, { axis:'y' });

Avoid dropdown menu close on click inside

This might help:


How to use Fiddler to monitor WCF service

I have used wire shark tool for monitoring service calls from silver light app in browser to service. try the link gives clear info

It enables you to monitor the whole request and response contents.

Convert UTC Epoch to local date

It's easy, new Date() just takes milliseconds, e.g.

new Date(1394104654000)
> Thu Mar 06 2014 06:17:34 GMT-0500 (EST)

Does Hive have a String split function?

Another interesting usecase for split in Hive is when, for example, a column ipname in the table has a value "" and you want to pull "abc11" out:

SELECT split(ipname,'[\.]')[0] FROM tablename;

cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable

  • the object which implements Comparable is Fegan.

The method compareTo you are overidding in it should have a Fegan object as a parameter whereas you are casting it to a FoodItems. Your compareTo implementation should describe how a Fegan compare to another Fegan.

  • To actually do your sorting, you might want to make your FoodItems implement Comparable aswell and copy paste your actual compareTo logic in it.

Content Security Policy "data" not working for base64 Images in Chrome 28

Try this

data to load:

<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 4 5'><path fill='#343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/></svg>

get a utf8 to base64 convertor and convert the "svg" string to:


and the CSP is

img-src data: image/svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0naHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmcnIHZpZXdCb3g9JzAgMCA0IDUn

Mismatch Detected for 'RuntimeLibrary'

I downloaded and extracted Crypto++ in C:\cryptopp. I used Visual Studio Express 2012 to build all the projects inside (as instructed in readme), and everything was built successfully. Then I made a test project in some other folder and added cryptolib as a dependency.

The conversion was probably not successful. The only thing that was successful was the running of VCUpgrade. The actual conversion itself failed but you don't know until you experience the errors you are seeing. For some of the details, see Visual Studio on the Crypto++ wiki.

Any ideas how to fix this?

To resolve your issues, you should download if you want static C/C++ runtime linking (/MT or /MTd), or if you want dynamic C/C++ runtime linking (/MT or /MTd). Both fix the latent, silent failures produced by VCUpgrade., and are built from the latest GitHub sources. As of this writing (JUN 1 2016), that's effectively pre-Crypto++ 5.6.4. If you are using the ZIP files with a down level Crypto++, like 5.6.2 or 5.6.3, then you will run into minor problems.

There are two minor problems I am aware. First is a rename of bench.cpp to bench1.cpp. Its error is either:

  • C1083: Cannot open source file: 'bench1.cpp': No such file or directory
  • LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl OutputResultOperations(char const *,char const *,bool,unsigned long,double)" (?OutputResultOperations@@YAXPBD0_NKN@Z)

The fix is to either (1) open cryptest.vcxproj in notepad, find bench1.cpp, and then rename it to bench.cpp. Or (2) rename bench.cpp to bench1.cpp on the filesystem. Please don't delete this file.

The second problem is a little trickier because its a moving target. Down level releases, like 5.6.2 or 5.6.3, are missing the latest classes available in GitHub. The missing class files include HKDF (5.6.3), RDRAND (5.6.3), RDSEED (5.6.3), ChaCha (5.6.4), BLAKE2 (5.6.4), Poly1305 (5.6.4), etc.

The fix is to remove the missing source files from the Visual Studio project files since they don't exist for the down level releases.

Another option is to add the missing class files from the latest sources, but there could be complications. For example, many of the sources subtly depend upon the latest config.h, cpu.h and cpu.cpp. The "subtlety" is you won't realize you are getting an under-performing class.

An example of under-performing class is BLAKE2. config.h adds compile time ARM-32 and ARM-64 detection. cpu.h and cpu.cpp adds runtime ARM instruction detection, which depends upon compile time detection. If you add BLAKE2 without the other files, then none of the detection occurs and you get a straight C/C++ implementation. You probably won't realize you are missing the NEON opportunity, which runs around 9 to 12 cycles-per-byte versus 40 cycles-per-byte or so for vanilla C/C++.

How do I add an active class to a Link from React Router?

React-Router V4 comes with a NavLink component out of the box

To use, simply set the activeClassName attribute to the class you have appropriately styled, or directly set activeStyle to the styles you want. See the docs for more details.


How do you programmatically update query params in react-router?

From DimitriDushkin on GitHub:

import { browserHistory } from 'react-router';

 * @param {Object} query
export const addQuery = (query) => {
  const location = Object.assign({}, browserHistory.getCurrentLocation());

  Object.assign(location.query, query);
  // or simple replace location.query if you want to completely change params


 * @param {...String} queryNames
export const removeQuery = (...queryNames) => {
  const location = Object.assign({}, browserHistory.getCurrentLocation());
  queryNames.forEach(q => delete location.query[q]);


import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
import { addQuery, removeQuery } from '../../utils/utils-router';

function SomeComponent({ location }) {
  return <div style={{ backgroundColor: location.query.paintRed ? '#f00' : '#fff' }}>
    <button onClick={ () => addQuery({ paintRed: 1 })}>Paint red</button>
    <button onClick={ () => removeQuery('paintRed')}>Paint white</button>

export default withRouter(SomeComponent);

How do I truncate a .NET string?

I prefer jpierson's answer, but none of the examples here that I can see are handling an invalid maxLength parameter, such as when maxLength < 0.

Choices would be either handle the error in a try/catch, clamp the maxLength parameter min to 0, or if maxLength is less than 0 return an empty string.

Not optimized code:

public string Truncate(this string value, int maximumLength)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) == true) { return value; }
    if (maximumLen < 0) { return String.Empty; }
    if (value.Length > maximumLength) { return value.Substring(0, maximumLength); }
    return value;

How to make a transparent HTML button?

The solution is pretty easy actually:

<button style="border:1px solid black; background-color: transparent;">Test</button>

This is doing an inline style. You're defining the border to be 1px, solid line, and black in color. The background color is then set to transparent.


Seems like your ACTUAL question is how do you prevent the border after clicking on it. That can be resolved with a CSS pseudo selector: :active.

button {
    border: none;
    background-color: transparent;
    outline: none;
button:focus {
    border: none;

JSFiddle Demo

XML Parser for C

How about one written in pure assembler :-) Don't forget to check out the benchmarks.

Mac zip compress without __MACOSX folder?

This is how i avoid the __MACOSX directory when compress files with tar command:

$ cd dir-you-want-to-archive $ find . | xargs xattr -l # <- list all files with special xattr attributes ... ./conf/clamav: 0083;5a9018b1;Safari;9DCAFF33-C7F5-4848-9A87-5E061E5E2D55 ./conf/global: 0083;5a9018b1;Safari;9DCAFF33-C7F5-4848-9A87-5E061E5E2D55 ./conf/web_server: 0083;5a9018b1;Safari;9DCAFF33-C7F5-4848-9A87-5E061E5E2D55

Delete the attribute first:

find . | xargs xattr -d

Run find . | xargs xattr -l again, make sure no any file has the xattr attribute. then you're good to go:

tar cjvf file.tar.bz2 dir

What does "zend_mm_heap corrupted" mean

Check for unset()s. Make sure you don't unset() references to the $this (or equivalents) in destructors and that unset()s in destructors don't cause the reference count to the same object to drop to 0. I've done some research and found that's what usually causes the heap corruption.

There is a PHP bug report about the zend_mm_heap corrupted error. See the comment [2011-08-31 07:49 UTC] f dot ardelian at gmail dot com for an example on how to reproduce it.

I have a feeling that all the other "solutions" (change php.ini, compile PHP from source with less modules, etc.) just hide the problem.

Merge trunk to branch in Subversion

Is there something that prevents you from merging all revisions on trunk since the last merge?

svn merge -rLastRevisionMergedFromTrunkToBranch:HEAD url/of/trunk path/to/branch/wc

should work just fine. At least if you want to merge all changes on trunk to your branch.

How to display Base64 images in HTML?

Try this one too:

let buffer=Uint8Array.from(atob(base64), c => c.charCodeAt(0));
let blob=new Blob([buffer], { type: "image/gif" });
let url=URL.createObjectURL(blob);
let img=document.createElement("img");

Not recommended for production as it is only compatible with modern browsers.

Query Mongodb on month, day, year... of a datetime

You can find record by month, day, year etc of dates by Date Aggregation Operators, like $dayOfYear, $dayOfWeek, $month, $year etc.

As an example if you want all the orders which are created in April 2016 you can use below query.

           doc: "$$ROOT",
           year: { $year: "$created" },
           month: { $month: "$created" },
           day: { $dayOfMonth: "$created" }
     { $match : { "month" : 4, "year": 2016 } }

Here created is a date type field in documents, and $$ROOT we used to pass all other field to project in next stage, and give us all the detail of documents.

You can optimize above query as per your need, it is just to give an example. To know more about Date Aggregation Operators, visit the link.

Parse JSON in C#

I've just realized why you weren't receiving results back... you have a missing line in your Deserialize method. You were forgetting to assign the results to your obj :

public static T Deserialize<T>(string json)
    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(json)))
        DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
        return (T)serializer.ReadObject(ms);

Also, just for reference, here is the Serialize method :

public static string Serialize<T>(T obj)
    DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(obj.GetType());
    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
        serializer.WriteObject(ms, obj);
        return Encoding.Default.GetString(ms.ToArray());


If you want to use Json.NET here are the equivalent Serialize/Deserialize methods to the code above..


JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(string json);


JsonConvert.SerializeObject(object o);

This are already part of Json.NET so you can just call them on the JsonConvert class.

Link: Serializing and Deserializing JSON with Json.NET

Now, the reason you're getting a StackOverflow is because of your Properties.

Take for example this one :

public string unescapedUrl
    get { return unescapedUrl; } // <= this line is causing a Stack Overflow
    set { this.unescapedUrl = value; }

Notice that in the getter, you are returning the actual property (ie the property's getter is calling itself over and over again), and thus you are creating an infinite recursion.

Properties (in 2.0) should be defined like such :

string _unescapedUrl; // <= private field

public string unescapedUrl
    get { return _unescapedUrl; } 
    set { _unescapedUrl = value; }

You have a private field and then you return the value of that field in the getter, and set the value of that field in the setter.

Btw, if you're using the 3.5 Framework, you can just do this and avoid the backing fields, and let the compiler take care of that :

public string unescapedUrl { get; set;}

Saving a Excel File into .txt format without quotes

Try this code. This does what you want.


  1. Save the File as a TAB delimited File in the user temp directory
  2. Read the text file in 1 go
  3. Replace "" with blanks and write to the new file at the same time.


Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" _
(ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long

Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260

'~~> Change this where and how you want to save the file
Const FlName = "C:\Users\Siddharth Rout\Desktop\MyWorkbook.txt"

Sub Sample()
    Dim tmpFile As String
    Dim MyData As String, strData() As String
    Dim entireline As String
    Dim filesize As Integer

    '~~> Create a Temp File
    tmpFile = TempPath & Format(Now, "ddmmyyyyhhmmss") & ".txt"

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=tmpFile _
    , FileFormat:=xlText, CreateBackup:=False

    '~~> Read the entire file in 1 Go!
    Open tmpFile For Binary As #1
    MyData = Space$(LOF(1))
    Get #1, , MyData
    Close #1
    strData() = Split(MyData, vbCrLf)

    '~~> Get a free file handle
    filesize = FreeFile()

    '~~> Open your file
    Open FlName For Output As #filesize

    For i = LBound(strData) To UBound(strData)
        entireline = Replace(strData(i), """", "")
        '~~> Export Text
        Print #filesize, entireline
    Next i

    Close #filesize

    MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Function TempPath() As String
    TempPath = String$(MAX_PATH, Chr$(0))
    GetTempPath MAX_PATH, TempPath
    TempPath = Replace(TempPath, Chr$(0), "")
End Function


Actual Workbook

enter image description here

After Saving

enter image description here

How can I display my windows user name in excel spread sheet using macros?

Range("A1").value = Environ("Username")

This is better than Application.Username, which doesn't always supply the Windows username. Thanks to Kyle for pointing this out.

  • Application Username is the name of the User set in Excel > Tools > Options
  • Environ("Username") is the name you registered for Windows; see Control Panel >System

Remove scroll bar track from ScrollView in Android

I'm a little confused why you are putting a WebView into a ScrollView in the first place. A WebView has it's own built-in scrolling system.

Regarding your actual question, if you want the Scrollbar to show up on top, you can use

view.setScrollBarStyle(View.SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY) or   

How to check if string input is a number?

If you wanted to evaluate floats, and you wanted to accept NaNs as input but not other strings like 'abc', you could do the following:

def isnumber(x):
    import numpy
        return type(numpy.float(x)) == float
    except ValueError:
        return False

NuGet Package Restore Not Working

I had NuGet packages breaking after I did a System Restore on my system, backing it up about two days. (The NuGet packages had been installed in the meantime.) To fix it, I had to go to the .nuget\packages folder in my user profile, find the packages, and delete them. Only then would Visual Studio pull the packages down fresh and properly add them as references.

What are the date formats available in SimpleDateFormat class?



The other Questions are outmoded. The terrible legacy classes such as SimpleDateFormat were supplanted years ago by the modern java.time classes.


For defining your own custom formatting patterns, the codes in DateTimeFormatter are similar to but not exactly the same as the codes in SimpleDateFormat. Be sure to study the documentation. And search Stack Overflow for many examples.

DateTimeFormatter f = 
        "dd MMM uuuu" , 

Standard ISO 8601

The ISO 8601 standard defines formats for many types of date-time values. These formats are designed for data-exchange, being easily parsed by machine as well as easily read by humans across cultures.

The java.time classes use ISO 8601 formats by default when generating/parsing strings. Simply call the toString & parse methods. No need to specify a formatting pattern.


For a value in UTC, the Z on the end means UTC, and is pronounced “Zulu”.


Rather than specify a formatting pattern, you can let java.time automatically localize for you. Use the DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalized… methods.

Get current moment with the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region (a time zone).

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "Africa/Tunis" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = z );

Generate text in standard ISO 8601 format wisely extended to append the name of the time zone in square brackets.

zdt.toString(): 2018-11-05T19:20:23.765293+01:00[Africa/Tunis]

Generate auto-localized text.

Locale locale = Locale.CANADA_FRENCH;
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime( FormatStyle.FULL ).withLocale( locale );

String output = zdt.format( f );

output: lundi 5 novembre 2018 à 19:20:23 heure normale d’Europe centrale

Generally a better practice to auto-localize rather than fret with hard-coded formatting patterns.

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes. Hibernate 5 & JPA 2.2 support java.time.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0

Dependency required for jersey restful service and Tomcat is the server. where ${jersey.version} is 2.29.1


The basic code will be as follows:

public class RESTEndpoint {

   public String getMessage() {

powershell mouse move does not prevent idle mode

I had a similar situation where a download needed to stay active overnight and required a key press that refreshed my connection. I also found that the mouse move does not work. However, using notepad and a send key function appears to have done the trick. I send a space instead of a "." because if there is a [yes/no] popup, it will automatically click the default response using the spacebar. Here is the code used.

param($minutes = 120)

$myShell = New-Object -com "Wscript.Shell"

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $minutes; $i++) {
  Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
  $myShell.sendkeys(" ")

This function will work for the designated 120 minutes (2 Hours), but can be modified for the timing desired by increasing or decreasing the seconds of the input, or increasing or decreasing the assigned value of the minutes parameter.

Just run the script in powershell ISE, or powershell, and open notepad. A space will be input at the specified interval for the desired length of time ($minutes).

Good Luck!

SQL Server - Return value after INSERT

You can append a select statement to your insert statement. Integer myInt = Insert into table1 (FName) values('Fred'); Select Scope_Identity(); This will return a value of the identity when executed scaler.

How can I group by date time column without taking time into consideration

Here is the example works fine in oracle

select to_char(columnname, 'DD/MON/yyyy'), count(*) from table_name group by to_char(createddate, 'DD/MON/yyyy');

What is the easiest way to remove all packages installed by pip?

Its an old question I know but I did stumble across it so for future reference you can now do this:

pip uninstall [options] <package> ...
pip uninstall [options] -r <requirements file> ...

-r, --requirement file

Uninstall all the packages listed in the given requirements file. This option can be used multiple times.

from the pip documentation version 8.1

Count distinct values

You can use this:

select count(customer) as count, pets
from table
group by pets

JOIN queries vs multiple queries

This question is old, but is missing some benchmarks. I benchmarked JOIN against its 2 competitors:

  • N+1 queries
  • 2 queries, the second one using a WHERE IN(...) or equivalent

The result is clear: on MySQL, JOIN is much faster. N+1 queries can drop the performance of an application drastically:


That is, unless you select a lot of records that point to a very small number of distinct, foreign records. Here is a benchmark for the extreme case:

JOIN vs N+1 - all records pointing to the same foreign record

This is very unlikely to happen in a typical application, unless you're joining a -to-many relationship, in which case the foreign key is on the other table, and you're duplicating the main table data many times.


  • For *-to-one relationships, always use JOIN
  • For *-to-many relationships, a second query might be faster

See my article on Medium for more information.

Oracle Sql get only month and year in date datatype

Easiest solution is to create the column using the correct data type: DATE

For example:

  1. Create table:

    create table test_date (mydate date);

  2. Insert row:

    insert into test_date values (to_date('01-01-2011','dd-mm-yyyy'));

To get the month and year, do as follows:

select to_char(mydate, 'MM-YYYY') from test_date;

Your result will be as follows: 01-2011

Another cool function to use is "EXTRACT"

select extract(year from mydate) from test_date;

This will return: 2011

Border around each cell in a range

The following can be called with any range as parameter:

Option Explicit

Sub SetRangeBorder(poRng As Range)
    If Not poRng Is Nothing Then
        poRng.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
        poRng.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
        poRng.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        poRng.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        poRng.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        poRng.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        poRng.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        poRng.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlContinuous
    End If
End Sub


Call SetRangeBorder(Range("C11"))
Call SetRangeBorder(Range("A" & result))
Call SetRangeBorder(DT.Cells(I, 6))
Call SetRangeBorder(Range("A3:I" & endRow))

How can I compile a Java program in Eclipse without running it?

You can un-check the build automatically in Project menu and then build by hand by type Ctrl + B, or clicking an icon the appears to the right of the printer icon.

TextView bold via xml file?

Use android:textStyle="bold"

4 ways to make Android TextView Bold

like this


There are many ways to make Android TextView bold.

how to add background image to activity?

Nowadays we have to use match_parent :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""    

enter image description here