Programs & Examples On #Process.start

The Start() method on the .NET System.Diagnostics.Process class for starting applications from within a program

How can I run an EXE program from a Windows Service using C#?

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Exe Name");

How do I start a process from C#?

Include the using System.Diagnostics;.

And then call this Process.Start("Paste your URL string here!");

Try something like this:

using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace btnproce
    public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string t ="Balotelli";
            Process.Start("" + t);

Please note that it is a sample ASP.NET page as an example. You should try and improvise a little bit.

Process.start: how to get the output?

How to launch a process (such as a bat file, perl script, console program) and have its standard output displayed on a windows form:

processCaller = new ProcessCaller(this);
//processCaller.FileName = @"..\..\hello.bat";
processCaller.FileName = @"commandline.exe";
processCaller.Arguments = "";
processCaller.StdErrReceived += new DataReceivedHandler(writeStreamInfo);
processCaller.StdOutReceived += new DataReceivedHandler(writeStreamInfo);
processCaller.Completed += new EventHandler(processCompletedOrCanceled);
processCaller.Cancelled += new EventHandler(processCompletedOrCanceled);
// processCaller.Failed += no event handler for this one, yet.

this.richTextBox1.Text = "Started function.  Please stand by.." + Environment.NewLine;

// the following function starts a process and returns immediately,
// thus allowing the form to stay responsive.

You can find ProcessCaller on this link: Launching a process and displaying its standard output

Writing JSON object to a JSON file with fs.writeFileSync

to open a local file or url with chrome, i used:

const open = require('open'); // npm i open
// open('')
open('build_mytest/index.html', {app: "chrome.exe"})

How can I commit files with git?

When you run git commit with no arguments, it will open your default editor to allow you to type a commit message. Saving the file and quitting the editor will make the commit.

It looks like your default editor is Vi or Vim. The reason "weird stuff" happens when you type is that Vi doesn't start in insert mode - you have to hit i on your keyboard first! If you don't want that, you can change it to something simpler, for example:

git config --global core.editor nano

Then you'll load the Nano editor (assuming it's installed!) when you commit, which is much more intuitive for users who've not used a modal editor such as Vi.

That text you see on your screen is just to remind you what you're about to commit. The lines are preceded by # which means they're comments, i.e. Git ignores those lines when you save your commit message. You don't need to type a message per file - just enter some text at the top of the editor's buffer.

To bypass the editor, you can provide a commit message as an argument, e.g.

git commit -m "Added foo to the bar"

Change Date Format(DD/MM/YYYY) in SQL SELECT Statement


SELECT convert(nvarchar(10), SA.[RequestStartDate], 103) as 'Service Start Date', 
       convert(nvarchar(10), SA.[RequestEndDate], 103) as 'Service End Date', 


SELECT format(SA.[RequestStartDate], 'dd/MM/yyyy') as 'Service Start Date', 
       format(SA.[RequestEndDate], 'dd/MM/yyyy') as 'Service End Date', 

jQuery loop over JSON result from AJAX Success?

If you are using the short method of JQuery ajax call function as shown below, the returned data needs to be interpreted as a json object for you to be able to loop through.

$.get('url', function(data, statusText, xheader){
 // your code within the success callback
  var data = $.parseJSON(data);
  $.each(data, function(i){

Where can I read the Console output in Visual Studio 2015

My problem was that I needed to Reset Window Layout.

Reset Window Layout

HTML Text with tags to formatted text in an Excel cell

I know this thread is ancient, but after assigning the innerHTML, ExecWB worked for me:

.ExecWB 17, 0_x000D_
'Select all contents in browser_x000D_
.ExecWB 12, 2_x000D_
'Copy them

And then just paste the contents into Excel. Since these methods are prone to runtime errors, but work fine after one or two tries in debug mode, you might have to tell Excel to try again if it runs into an error. I solved this by adding this error handler to the sub, and it works fine:

Sub ApplyHTML()_x000D_
  On Error GoTo ErrorHandler_x000D_
  Exit Sub_x000D_
    Resume _x000D_
    'I.e. re-run the line of code that caused the error_x000D_
Exit Sub_x000D_
End Sub

Open a URL in a new tab (and not a new window)

Whether to open the URL in a new tab or a new window, is actually controlled by the user's browser preferences. There is no way to override it in JavaScript. behaves differently depending on how it is being used. If it is called as a direct result of a user action, let us say a button click, it should work fine and open a new tab (or window):

const button = document.querySelector('#openTab');

// add click event listener
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // open a new tab
    const tab ='', '_blank');

However, if you try to open a new tab from an AJAX request callback, the browser will block it as it was not a direct user action.

To bypass the popup blocker and open a new tab from a callback, here is a little hack:

const button = document.querySelector('#openTab');

// add click event listener
button.addEventListener('click', () => {

    // open an empty window
    const tab ='about:blank');

    // make an API call
        .then(res => res.json())
        .then(json => {

            // TODO: do something with JSON response

            // update the actual URL
            tab.location = '';
        .catch(err => {
            // close the empty window

How do I determine if my python shell is executing in 32bit or 64bit?

When starting the Python interpreter in the terminal/command line you may also see a line like:

Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 14:24:46) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Where [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] means 64-bit Python. Works for my particular setup.

Jquery Ajax, return success/error from controller

Use Json class instead of Content as shown following:

    //  When I want to return an error:
    if (!isFileSupported)
        Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
        return Json("The attached file is not supported", MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain);
        //  When I want to return sucess:
        Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; 
        return Json("Message sent!", MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain);

Also set contentType:

contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',

Change the row color in DataGridView based on the quantity of a cell value

I fixed my error. just removed "Value" from this line:

If drv.Item("Quantity").Value < 5  Then

So it will look like

If drv.Item("Quantity") < 5 Then

Regular expression to match DNS hostname or IP Address?

I think this is the best Ip validation regex. please check it once!!!


How to pass multiple parameters in thread in VB

Well, the straightforward method is to create an appropriate class/structure which holds all your parameter values and pass that to the thread.

Another solution in VB10 is to use the fact that lambdas create a closure, which basically means the compiler doing the above automatically for you:

Dim evaluator As New Thread(Sub()
                                testthread(goodList, 1)
                            End Sub)

How to place object files in separate subdirectory

You can specify the -o $@ option to your compile command to force the output of the compile command to take on the name of the target. For example, if you have:

  • sources: cpp/class.cpp and cpp/driver.cpp
  • headers: headers/class.h

...and you want to place the object files in:

  • objects: obj/class.o obj/driver.o

...then you can compile cpp/class.cpp and cpp/driver.cpp separately into obj/class.o and obj/driver.o, and then link, with the following Makefile:



${OBJ}/class.o:    ${SRC}/class.cpp
                   ${CC} ${FLAGS} ${INCS} -c $< -o $@

${OBJ}/driver.o:    ${SRC}/driver.cpp ${SRC}/class.cpp
                    ${CC} ${FLAGS} ${INCS} -c $< -o $@

driver: ${OBJ}/driver.o ${OBJ}/class.o
        ${CC} ${FLAGS} ${OBJ}/driver.o ${OBJ}/class.o -o ${EXE}/driver

PowerShell script to check the status of a URL

You must update the Windows PowerShell to minimum of version 4.0 for the script below to work.

[array]$SiteLinks = ""

foreach($url in $SiteLinks) {

   try {
      Write-host "Verifying $url" -ForegroundColor Yellow
      $checkConnection = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url
      if ($checkConnection.StatusCode -eq 200) {
         Write-Host "Connection Verified!" -ForegroundColor Green

   catch [System.Net.WebException] {
      $exceptionMessage = $Error[0].Exception
      if ($exceptionMessage -match "503") {
         Write-Host "Server Unavaiable" -ForegroundColor Red
      elseif ($exceptionMessage -match "404") {
         Write-Host "Page Not found" -ForegroundColor Red


Visual Studio Code Automatic Imports

Typescript Importer does do the job for me

It automatically searches for typescript definitions inside your workspace and when you press enter it'll import it.

MySql Error: 1364 Field 'display_name' doesn't have default value

MySQL is most likely in STRICT mode.

Try running SET GLOBAL sql_mode='' or edit your my.cnf to make sure you aren't setting STRICT_ALL_TABLES or the like.

pycharm convert tabs to spaces automatically

Change the code style to use spaces instead of tabs:


Then select a folder you want to convert in the Project View and use Code | Reformat Code.

What is the difference between Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS?

Here's a comparison of the two:

Entity Type

  • SQS: Queue (Similar to JMS)
  • SNS: Topic (Pub/Sub system)

Message consumption

  • SQS: Pull Mechanism - Consumers poll and pull messages from SQS
  • SNS: Push Mechanism - SNS Pushes messages to consumers

Use Case

  • SQS: Decoupling two applications and allowing parallel asynchronous processing
  • SNS: Fanout - Processing the same message in multiple ways


  • SQS: Messages are persisted for some (configurable) duration if no consumer is available (maximum two weeks), so the consumer does not have to be up when messages are added to queue.
  • SNS: No persistence. Whichever consumer is present at the time of message arrival gets the message and the message is deleted. If no consumers are available then the message is lost after a few retries.

Consumer Type

  • SQS: All the consumers are typically identical and hence process the messages in the exact same way (each message is processed once by one consumer, though in rare cases messages may be resent)
  • SNS: The consumers might process the messages in different ways

Sample applications

  • SQS: Jobs framework: The Jobs are submitted to SQS and the consumers at the other end can process the jobs asynchronously. If the job frequency increases, the number of consumers can simply be increased to achieve better throughput.
  • SNS: Image processing. If someone uploads an image to S3 then watermark that image, create a thumbnail and also send a Thank You email. In that case S3 can publish notifications to an SNS topic with three consumers listening to it. The first one watermarks the image, the second one creates a thumbnail and the third one sends a Thank You email. All of them receive the same message (image URL) and do their processing in parallel.

Changing default shell in Linux

You should have a 'skeleton' somewhere in /etc, probably /etc/skeleton, or check the default settings, probably /etc/default or something. Those are scripts that define standard environment variables getting set during a login.

If it is just for your own account: check the (hidden) file ~/.profile and ~/.login. Or generate them, if they don't exist. These are also evaluated by the login process.

Summing elements in a list

You can use sum to sum the elements of a list, however if your list is coming from raw_input, you probably want to convert the items to int or float first:

l = raw_input().split(' ')
sum(map(int, l))

Android: How can I pass parameters to AsyncTask's onPreExecute()?

You can either pass the parameter in the task constructor or when you call execute:

AsyncTask<Object, Void, MyTaskResult>

The first parameter (Object) is passed in doInBackground. The third parameter (MyTaskResult) is returned by doInBackground. You can change them to the types you want. The three dots mean that zero or more objects (or an array of them) may be passed as the argument(s).

public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    TextView textView1;
    TextView textView2;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(;
        textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(;

        String input1 = "test";
        boolean input2 = true;
        int input3 = 100;
        long input4 = 100000000;

        new MyTask(input3, input4).execute(input1, input2);

    private class MyTaskResult {
        String text1;
        String text2;

    private class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, MyTaskResult> {
        private String val1;
        private boolean val2;
        private int val3;
        private long val4;

        public MyTask(int in3, long in4) {
            this.val3 = in3;
            this.val4 = in4;

            // Do something ...

        protected void onPreExecute() {
            // Do something ...

        protected MyTaskResult doInBackground(Object... params) {
            MyTaskResult res = new MyTaskResult();
            val1 = (String) params[0];
            val2 = (boolean) params[1];

            //Do some lengthy operation    
            res.text1 = RunProc1(val1);
            res.text2 = RunProc2(val2);

            return res;

        protected void onPostExecute(MyTaskResult res) {



Boolean checking in the 'if' condition

The former. The latter merely adds verbosity.

How to clear/remove observable bindings in Knockout.js?

Have you thought about this:

try {
catch (err) {

I came up with this because in Knockout, i found this code

    var alreadyBound = ko.utils.domData.get(node, boundElementDomDataKey);
    if (!sourceBindings) {
        if (alreadyBound) {
            throw Error("You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element.");
        ko.utils.domData.set(node, boundElementDomDataKey, true);

So to me its not really an issue that its already bound, its that the error was not caught and dealt with...

Model Binding to a List MVC 4


namespace ListBindingTest.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/

        public ActionResult Index()
            List<String> tmp = new List<String>();
            return View(tmp);

        public ActionResult Send(IList<String> input)
            return View(input);

~ Strongly Typed Index View

@model IList<String>

    Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    @using(Html.BeginForm("Send", "Home", "POST"))
        @Html.EditorFor(x => x)
        <br />
        <input type="submit" value="Send" />

~ Strongly Typed Send View

@model IList<String>

    Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    @foreach(var element in @Model)
        <br />

This is all that you had to do man, change his MyViewModel model to IList.

Installation of VB6 on Windows 7 / 8 / 10

VB6 Installs just fine on Windows 7 (and Windows 8 / Windows 10) with a few caveats.

Here is how to install it:

  • Before proceeding with the installation process below, create a zero-byte file in C:\Windows called MSJAVA.DLL. The setup process will look for this file, and if it doesn't find it, will force an installation of old, old Java, and require a reboot. By creating the zero-byte file, the installation of moldy Java is bypassed, and no reboot will be required.
  • Turn off UAC.
  • Insert Visual Studio 6 CD.
  • Exit from the Autorun setup.
  • Browse to the root folder of the VS6 CD.
  • Right-click SETUP.EXE, select Run As Administrator.
  • On this and other Program Compatibility Assistant warnings, click Run Program.
  • Click Next.
  • Click "I accept agreement", then Next.
  • Enter name and company information, click Next.
  • Select Custom Setup, click Next.
  • Click Continue, then Ok.
  • Setup will "think to itself" for about 2 minutes. Processing can be verified by starting Task Manager, and checking the CPU usage of ACMSETUP.EXE.
  • On the options list, select the following:
    • Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
    • ActiveX
    • Data Access
    • Graphics
    • All other options should be unchecked.
  • Click Continue, setup will continue.
  • Finally, a successful completion dialog will appear, at which click Ok. At this point, Visual Basic 6 is installed.
  • If you do not have the MSDN CD, clear the checkbox on the next dialog, and click next. You'll be warned of the lack of MSDN, but just click Yes to accept.
  • Click Next to skip the installation of Installshield. This is a really old version you don't want anyway.
  • Click Next again to skip the installation of BackOffice, VSS, and SNA Server. Not needed!
  • On the next dialog, clear the checkbox for "Register Now", and click Finish.
  • The wizard will exit, and you're done. You can find VB6 under Start, All Programs, Microsoft Visual Studio 6. Enjoy!
  • Turn On UAC again

  • You might notice after successfully installing VB6 on Windows 7 that working in the IDE is a bit, well, sluggish. For example, resizing objects on a form is a real pain.
  • After installing VB6, you'll want to change the compatibility settings for the IDE executable.
  • Using Windows Explorer, browse the location where you installed VB6. By default, the path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\
  • Right click the VB6.exe program file, and select properties from the context menu.
  • Click on the Compatibility tab.
  • Place a check in each of these checkboxes:
  • Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
    • Disable Visual Themes
    • Disable Desktop Composition
    • Disable display scaling on high DPI settings
    • If you have UAC turned on, it is probably advisable to check the 'Run this program as an Administrator' box

After changing these settings, fire up the IDE, and things should be back to normal, and the IDE is no longer sluggish.

Edit: Updated dead link to point to a different page with the same instructions

Edit: Updated the answer with the actual instructions in the post as the link kept dying

Get paragraph text inside an element

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Where to JavaScript</title>
    <!-- JavaScript in head tag-->
        function changeHtmlContent() {
            var content = document.getElementById('content').textContent;
    <h4 id="content">Welcome to JavaScript!</h4>
    <button onclick="changeHtmlContent()">Change the content</button>

Here, we can get the text content of h4 by using:


How can I run Android emulator for Intel x86 Atom without hardware acceleration on Windows 8 for API 21 and 19?

refer's requirements : Important: Intel HAXM cannot be used on systems without an Intel processor, or with an Intel processor that lacks the hardware features described in the "Hardware Requirements" section above.To determine the capabilities of your Intel processor

[Installation Instructions for Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager ]

My PC does not support vt-x, I can not use android studio 1.0.2.

Can I pass an argument to a VBScript (vbs file launched with cscript)?

To answer your bonus question, the general answer is no, you don't need to set variables to "Nothing" in short .VBS scripts like yours, that get called by Wscript or Cscript.

The reason you might do this in the middle of a longer script is to release memory back to the operating system that VB would otherwise have been holding. These days when 8GB of RAM is typical and 16GB+ relatively common, this is unlikely to produce any measurable impact, even on a huge script that has several megabytes in a single variable. At this point it's kind of a hold-over from the days where you might have been working in 1MB or 2MB of RAM.

You're correct, the moment your .VBS script completes, all of your variables get destroyed and the memory is reclaimed anyway. Setting variables to "Nothing" simply speeds up that process, and allows you to do it in the middle of a script.

#1273 – Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci’

I believe this error is caused because the local server and live server are running different versions of MySQL. To solve this:

  1. Open the sql file in your text editor
  2. Find and replace all utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci with utf8mb4_unicode_ci
  3. Save and upload to a fresh mySql db

Hope that helpsenter image description here

Converting a factor to numeric without losing information R (as.numeric() doesn't seem to work)

First, factor consists of indices and levels. This fact is very very important when you are struggling with factor.

For example,

> z <- factor(letters[c(3, 2, 3, 4)])

# human-friendly display, but internal structure is invisible
> z
[1] c b c d
Levels: b c d

# internal structure of factor
> unclass(z)
[1] 2 1 2 3
[1] "b" "c" "d"

here, z has 4 elements.
The index is 2, 1, 2, 3 in that order.
The level is associated with each index: 1 -> b, 2 -> c, 3 -> d.

Then, as.numeric converts simply the index part of factor into numeric.
as.character handles the index and levels, and generates character vector expressed by its level.

?as.numeric says that Factors are handled by the default method.

How to remove unused imports in Intellij IDEA on commit?

In mac book


Control + Option + o (not a zero, letter "o")

What Java ORM do you prefer, and why?

Hibernate, because it's basically the defacto standard in Java and was one of the driving forces in the creation of the JPA. It's got excellent support in Spring, and almost every Java framework supports it. Finally, GORM is a really cool wrapper around it doing dynamic finders and so on using Groovy.

It's even been ported to .NET (NHibernate) so you can use it there too.

How to set python variables to true or false?

Python boolean keywords are True and False, notice the capital letters. So like this:

a = True;
b = True;
match_var = True if a == b else False
print match_var;

When compiled and run, this prints:


Replace a string in a file with nodejs

This may help someone:

This is a little different than just a global replace

from the terminal we run
node replace.js


function processFile(inputFile, repString = "../") {
var fs = require('fs'),
    readline = require('readline'),
    instream = fs.createReadStream(inputFile),
    outstream = new (require('stream'))(),
    rl = readline.createInterface(instream, outstream);
    formatted = '';   

const regex = /<xsl:include href="([^"]*)" \/>$/gm;

rl.on('line', function (line) {
    let url = '';
    let m;
    while ((m = regex.exec(line)) !== null) {
        // This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
        if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
        url = m[1];

    let re = new RegExp('^.* <xsl:include href="(.*?)" \/>.*$', 'gm');

    formatted += line.replace(re, `\t<xsl:include href="${repString}${url}" />`);
    formatted += "\n";

rl.on('close', function (line) {
    fs.writeFile(inputFile, formatted, 'utf8', function (err) {
        if (err) return console.log(err);


// path is relative to where your running the command from

This is what this does. We have several file that have xml:includes

However in development we need the path to move down a level.

From this

<xsl:include href="common/some.xslt" />

to this

<xsl:include href="../common/some.xslt" />

So we end up running two regx patterns one to get the href and the other to write there is probably a better way to do this but it work for now.


Rename Pandas DataFrame Index

You can also use Index.set_names as follows:

In [25]: x = pd.DataFrame({'year':[1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2],
   ....:                   'country':['A','A','B','B','A','A','B','B'],
   ....:                   'prod':[1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2],
   ....:                   'val':[10,20,15,25,20,30,25,35]})

In [26]: x = x.set_index(['year','country','prod']).squeeze()

In [27]: x
year  country  prod
1     A        1       10
               2       20
      B        1       15
               2       25
2     A        1       20
               2       30
      B        1       25
               2       35
Name: val, dtype: int64
In [28]: x.index = x.index.set_names('foo', level=1)

In [29]: x
year  foo  prod
1     A    1       10
           2       20
      B    1       15
           2       25
2     A    1       20
           2       30
      B    1       25
           2       35
Name: val, dtype: int64

XAMPP - MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

Make sure the system time is correct. Mine was set to the year 2040 somehow, correcting the date solved the problem.

What does "'') " mean in Flask

To answer to your second question. You can just hit the IP address of the machine that your flask app is running, e.g. in a browser on different machine on the same network and you are there. Though, you will not be able to access it if you are on a different network. Firewalls or VLans can cause you problems with reaching your application. If that computer has a public IP, then you can hit that IP from anywhere on the planet and you will be able to reach the app. Usually this might impose some configuration, since most of the public servers are behind some sort of router or firewall.

How to define two fields "unique" as couple

Django 2.2+

Using the constraints features UniqueConstraint is preferred over unique_together.

From the Django documentation for unique_together:

Use UniqueConstraint with the constraints option instead.
UniqueConstraint provides more functionality than unique_together.
unique_together may be deprecated in the future.

For example:

class Volume(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
    journal_id = models.ForeignKey(Journals, db_column='jid', null=True, verbose_name="Journal")
    volume_number = models.CharField('Volume Number', max_length=100)
    comments = models.TextField('Comments', max_length=4000, blank=True)

    class Meta:
        constraints = [
            models.UniqueConstraint(fields=['journal_id', 'volume_number'], name='name of constraint')

No internet on Android emulator - why and how to fix?

Try launching the Emulator from the command line as follows:

emulator -verbose -avd <AVD name>

This will give you detailed output and may show the error that's preventing the emulator from connecting to the Internet.

How to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file

The simplest syntax to redirect both is:

command &> logfile

If you want to append to the file instead of overwrite:

command &>> logfile

How to get label of select option with jQuery?

Hi first give an id to the select as

<select id=theid>
<option value="test">label </option>

then you can call the selected label like that:

jQuery('#theid option:selected').text()

How to write inline if statement for print?

hmmm, you can do it with a list comprehension. This would only make sense if you had a real range.. but it does do the job:

print([a for i in range(0,1) if b])

or using just those two variables:

print([a for a in range(a,a+1) if b])

Split string into array

Use the .split() method. When specifying an empty string as the separator, the split() method will return an array with one element per character.

entry = prompt("Enter your name")
entryArray = entry.split("");

How to call getClass() from a static method in Java?

The Answer

Just use TheClassName.class instead of getClass().

Declaring Loggers

Since this gets so much attention for a specific usecase--to provide an easy way to insert log declarations--I thought I'd add my thoughts on that. Log frameworks often expect the log to be constrained to a certain context, say a fully-qualified class name. So they are not copy-pastable without modification. Suggestions for paste-safe log declarations are provided in other answers, but they have downsides such as inflating bytecode or adding runtime introspection. I don't recommend these. Copy-paste is an editor concern, so an editor solution is most appropriate.

In IntelliJ, I recommend adding a Live Template:

  • Use "log" as the abbreviation
  • Use private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger($CLASS$.class); as the template text.
  • Click Edit Variables and add CLASS using the expression className()
  • Check the boxes to reformat and shorten FQ names.
  • Change the context to Java: declaration.

Now if you type log<tab> it'll automatically expand to

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassName.class);

And automatically reformat and optimize the imports for you.

R numbers from 1 to 100

Your mistake is looking for range, which gives you the range of a vector, for example:

range(c(10, -5, 100))


 -5 100

Instead, look at the : operator to give sequences (with a step size of one):


or you can use the seq function to have a bit more control. For example,

##Step size of 2
seq(1, 100, by=2)


##length.out: desired length of the sequence
seq(1, 100, length.out=5)

Angular - res.json() is not a function

HttpClient.get() applies res.json() automatically and returns Observable<HttpResponse<string>>. You no longer need to call this function yourself.

See Difference between HTTP and HTTPClient in angular 4?

Java maximum memory on Windows XP

Everyone seems to be answering about contiguous memory, but have neglected to acknowledge a more pressing issue.

Even with 100% contiguous memory allocation, you can't have a 2 GiB heap size on a 32-bit Windows OS (*by default). This is because 32-bit Windows processes cannot address more than 2 GiB of space.

The Java process will contain perm gen (pre Java 8), stack size per thread, JVM / library overhead (which pretty much increases with each build) all in addition to the heap.

Furthermore, JVM flags and their default values change between versions. Just run the following and you'll get some idea:

 java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal

Lots of the options affect memory division in and out of the heap. Leaving you with more or less of that 2 GiB to play with...

To reuse portions of this answer of mine (about Tomcat, but applies to any Java process):

The Windows OS limits the memory allocation of a 32-bit process to 2 GiB in total (by default).

[You will only be able] to allocate around 1.5 GiB heap space because there is also other memory allocated to the process (the JVM / library overhead, perm gen space etc.).

Why does 32-bit Windows impose a 2 GB process address space limit, but 64-bit Windows impose a 4GB limit?

Other modern operating systems [cough Linux] allow 32-bit processes to use all (or most) of the 4 GiB addressable space.

That said, 64-bit Windows OS's can be configured to increase the limit of 32-bit processes to 4 GiB (3 GiB on 32-bit):

Git Clone - Repository not found

Possibly you did login in another account, and that account doesn't have access rights to this repo, if you're using mac os, go to Keychain Access, search for and remove it and try to git clone again.

Formatting DataBinder.Eval data

<asp:Label ID="ServiceBeginDate" runat="server" Text='<%# (DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ServiceBeginDate", "{0:yyyy}") == "0001") ? "" : DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ServiceBeginDate", "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}") %>'>

How to update nested state properties in React

try this code:

this.setState({ someProperty: {flag: false} });

jQuery - keydown / keypress /keyup ENTERKEY detection?

I think you'll struggle with keyup event - as it first triggers keypress - and you won't be able to stop the propagation of the second one if you want to exclude the Enter Key.

Show row number in row header of a DataGridView

private void ShowRowNumber(DataGridView dataGridView)
   dataGridView.RowHeadersWidth = 50;
   for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView.Rows.Count; i++)
        dataGridView.Rows[i].HeaderCell.Value = (i + 1).ToString();

What is the format specifier for unsigned short int?

Here is a good table for printf specifiers. So it should be %hu for unsigned short int.

And link to Wikipedia "C data types" too.

How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?>

If AJAX isn't an option you can use nested data structures to simplify.

$var = array(
    'qwe' => 'asd',
    'asd' => array(
        1 => 2,
        3 => 4,
    'zxc' => 0,
<script>var data = <?php echo json_encode($var); ?>;</script>

How to add minutes to my Date

In order to avoid any dependency you can use java.util.Calendar as follow:

    Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
    now.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 10);
    Date teenMinutesFromNow = now.getTime();

In Java 8 we have new API:

    LocalDateTime dateTime =, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));
    Date tmfn = Date.from(dateTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());

Converting String to Int with Swift

Use this:

// get the values from text boxes
    let a:Double = firstText.text.bridgeToObjectiveC().doubleValue
    let b:Double = secondText.text.bridgeToObjectiveC().doubleValue

//  we checking against 0.0, because above function return 0.0 if it gets failed to convert
    if (a != 0.0) && (b != 0.0) {
        var ans = a + b
        answerLabel.text = "Answer is \(ans)"
    } else {
        answerLabel.text = "Input values are not numberic"


Make your UITextField KeyboardType as DecimalTab from your XIB or storyboard, and remove any if condition for doing any calculation, ie.

var ans = a + b
answerLabel.text = "Answer is \(ans)"

Because keyboard type is DecimalPad there is no chance to enter other 0-9 or .

Hope this help !!

Angularjs loading screen on ajax request

Include this in your "app.config":


And add this code:

app.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function ($q, $window,$rootScope) {
    $rootScope.ActiveAjaxConectionsWithouthNotifications = 0;
    var checker = function(parameters,status){
            //YOU CAN USE parameters.url TO IGNORE SOME URL
            if(status == "request"){
            if(status == "response"){



return {
    'request': function(config) {
        return config;
   'requestError': function(rejection) {
      return $q.reject(rejection);
    'response': function(response) {
      return response;
   'responseError': function(rejection) {
      return $q.reject(rejection);

MySQL said: Documentation #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

I had this same problem after I dropped the special PhpMyAdmin controluser account from MySQL.

I had to update the file and replace the entries for 'controluser' and controlpass' with 'user' and 'password'.

So my file ended like this:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']='123456';

JavaScript operator similar to SQL "like"

Use the string objects Match method:

// Match a string that ends with abc, similar to LIKE '%abc'
if (theString.match(/^.*abc$/)) 
    /*Match found */

// Match a string that starts with abc, similar to LIKE 'abc%'
if (theString.match(/^abc.*$/)) 
    /*Match found */

How to specify table's height such that a vertical scroll bar appears?

You need to wrap the table inside another element and set the height of that element. Example with inline css:

<div style="height: 500px; overflow: auto;">

How to implement private method in ES6 class with Traceur

I came up with what I feel is a much better solution allowing:

  • no need for 'this._', that/self, weakmaps, symbols etc. Clear and straightforward 'class' code

  • private variables and methods are really private and have the correct 'this' binding

  • No use of 'this' at all which means clear code that is much less error prone

  • public interface is clear and separated from the implementation as a proxy to private methods

  • allows easy composition

with this you can do:

function Counter() {_x000D_
  // public interface_x000D_
  const proxy = {_x000D_
    advance,  // advance counter and get new value_x000D_
    reset,    // reset value_x000D_
    value     // get value_x000D_
  // private variables and methods_x000D_
  let count=0;_x000D_
  function advance() {_x000D_
    return ++count;_x000D_
  function reset(newCount) {_x000D_
    count=(newCount || 0);_x000D_
  function value() {_x000D_
    return count;_x000D_
  return proxy;_x000D_
let counter=Counter.New();_x000D_
console.log(counter instanceof Counter); // true_x000D_
console.log('Counter next = '+counter.advance()); // 101_x000D_
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(counter)); // ["advance", "reset", "value"]
<script src=""></script>

see New for the code and more elaborate examples including constructor and composition

How to find out the location of currently used MySQL configuration file in linux

You should find them by default in a folder like /etc/my.cnf, maybe also depends on versions. From MySQL Configuration File:

Interestingly, the scope of this file can be set according to its location. The settings will be considered global to all MySQL servers if stored in /etc/my.cnf. It will be global to a specific server if located in the directory where the MySQL databases are stored (/usr/local/mysql/data for a binary installation, or /usr/local/var for a source installation). Finally, its scope could be limited to a specific user if located in the home directory of the MySQL user (~/.my.cnf). Keep in mind that even if MySQL does locate a my.cnf file in /etc/my.cnf (global to all MySQL servers on that machine), it will continue its search for a server-specific file, and then a user-specific file. You can think of the final configuration settings as being the result of the /etc/my.cnf, mysql-data-dir/my.cnf, and ~/.my.cnf files.

There are a few switches to package managers to list specific files.

RPM Sytems:

There are switches to rpm command, -q for query, and -c or --configfiles to list config files. There is also -l or --list

The --configfiles one didn't quiet work for me, but --list did list a few .cnf files held by mysql-server

rpm -q --list mysql-server

DEB Systems:

Also with limited success: dpkg --listfiles mysql-server

Hibernate openSession() vs getCurrentSession()

As explained in this forum post, 1 and 2 are related. If you set hibernate.current_session_context_class to thread and then implement something like a servlet filter that opens the session - then you can access that session anywhere else by using the SessionFactory.getCurrentSession().

SessionFactory.openSession() always opens a new session that you have to close once you are done with the operations. SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() returns a session bound to a context - you don't need to close this.

If you are using Spring or EJBs to manage transactions you can configure them to open / close sessions along with the transactions.

You should never use one session per web app - session is not a thread safe object - cannot be shared by multiple threads. You should always use "one session per request" or "one session per transaction"

How do you convert a time.struct_time object into a datetime object?

Use time.mktime() to convert the time tuple (in localtime) into seconds since the Epoch, then use datetime.fromtimestamp() to get the datetime object.

from datetime import datetime
from time import mktime

dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(struct))

MySQL select with CONCAT condition

There is an alternative to repeating the CONCAT expression or using subqueries. You can make use of the HAVING clause, which recognizes column aliases.

  neededfield, CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) AS firstlast 
HAVING firstlast = "Bob Michael Jones"

Here is a working SQL Fiddle.

Count the number of Occurrences of a Word in a String

using indexOf...

public static int count(String string, String substr) {
    int i;
    int last = 0;
    int count = 0;
    do {
        i = string.indexOf(substr, last);
        if (i != -1) count++;
        last = i+substr.length();
    } while(i != -1);
    return count;

public static void main (String[] args ){
    System.out.println(count("i have a male cat. the color of male cat is Black", "male cat"));

That will show: 2

Another implementation for count(), in just 1 line:

public static int count(String string, String substr) {
    return (string.length() - string.replaceAll(substr, "").length()) / substr.length() ;

Disable a Maven plugin defined in a parent POM

The following works for me when disabling Findbugs in a child POM:

            <id>ID_AS_IN_PARENT</id> <!-- id is necessary sometimes -->

Note: the full definition of the Findbugs plugin is in our parent/super POM, so it'll inherit the version and so-on.

In Maven 3, you'll need to use:


for the plugin.

Why is 2 * (i * i) faster than 2 * i * i in Java?

I got similar results:

2 * (i * i): 0.458765943 s, n=119860736
2 * i * i: 0.580255126 s, n=119860736

I got the SAME results if both loops were in the same program, or each was in a separate .java file/.class, executed on a separate run.

Finally, here is a javap -c -v <.java> decompile of each:

     3: ldc           #3                  // String 2 * (i * i):
     5: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/io/PrintStream.print:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
     8: invokestatic  #5                  // Method java/lang/System.nanoTime:()J
     8: invokestatic  #5                  // Method java/lang/System.nanoTime:()J
    11: lstore_1
    12: iconst_0
    13: istore_3
    14: iconst_0
    15: istore        4
    17: iload         4
    19: ldc           #6                  // int 1000000000
    21: if_icmpge     40
    24: iload_3
    25: iconst_2
    26: iload         4
    28: iload         4
    30: imul
    31: imul
    32: iadd
    33: istore_3
    34: iinc          4, 1
    37: goto          17


     3: ldc           #3                  // String 2 * i * i:
     5: invokevirtual #4                  // Method java/io/PrintStream.print:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
     8: invokestatic  #5                  // Method java/lang/System.nanoTime:()J
    11: lstore_1
    12: iconst_0
    13: istore_3
    14: iconst_0
    15: istore        4
    17: iload         4
    19: ldc           #6                  // int 1000000000
    21: if_icmpge     40
    24: iload_3
    25: iconst_2
    26: iload         4
    28: imul
    29: iload         4
    31: imul
    32: iadd
    33: istore_3
    34: iinc          4, 1
    37: goto          17


java -version
java version "1.8.0_121"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.121-b13, mixed mode)

What is the best way to extract the first word from a string in Java?

You should be doing this

String input = "hello world, this is a line of text";

int i = input.indexOf(' ');
String word = input.substring(0, i);
String rest = input.substring(i);

The above is the fastest way of doing this task.

How to add bootstrap to an angular-cli project

Since nobody referred to the official (angular-cli team) story on how to include Bootstrap yet:

Include Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework which can be used within an Angular project. This guide will walk you through adding bootstrap to your Angular CLI project and configuring it to use bootstrap.

Using CSS

Getting Started

Create a new project and navigate into the project

ng new my-app
cd my-app

Installing Bootstrap

With the new project created and ready you will next need to install bootstrap to your project as a dependency. Using the --save option the dependency will be saved in package.json

# version 3.x
npm install bootstrap --save

# version 4.x
npm install bootstrap@next --save

Configuring Project

Now that the project is set up it must be configured to include the bootstrap CSS.

  • Open the file .angular-cli.json from the root of your project.
  • Under the property apps the first item in that array is the default application.
  • There is a property styles which allows external global styles to be applied to your application.
  • Specify the path to bootstrap.min.css

It should look like the following when you are done:

"styles": [

Note: When you make changes to .angular-cli.json you will need to re-start ng serve to pick up configuration changes.

Testing Project

Open app.component.html and add the following markup:

<button class="btn btn-primary">Test Button</button>

With the application configured, run ng serve to run your application in develop mode. In your browser navigate to the application localhost:4200. Verify the bootstrap styled button appears.

Using SASS

Getting Started

Create a new project and navigate into the project

ng new my-app --style=scss
cd my-app

Installing Bootstrap

# version 3.x
npm install bootstrap-sass --save

# version 4.x
npm install bootstrap@next --save

Configuring Project

Create an empty file _variables.scss in src/.

If you are using bootstrap-sass, add the following to _variables.scss:

$icon-font-path: '../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/fonts/bootstrap/';

In styles.scss add the following:

// version 3
@import 'variables';
@import '../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap';

// version 4
@import 'variables';
@import '../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';

Testing Project

Open app.component.html and add the following markup:

<button class="btn btn-primary">Test Button</button>

With the application configured, run ng serve to run your application in develop mode. In your browser navigate to the application localhost:4200. Verify the bootstrap styled button appears. To ensure your variables are used open _variables.scss and add the following:

$brand-primary: red;

Return the browser to see the font color changed.

How do I run Selenium in Xvfb?

You can use PyVirtualDisplay (a Python wrapper for Xvfb) to run headless WebDriver tests.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
from selenium import webdriver

display = Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600))

# now Firefox will run in a virtual display. 
# you will not see the browser.
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
print browser.title


more info

You can also use xvfbwrapper, which is a similar module (but has no external dependencies):

from xvfbwrapper import Xvfb

vdisplay = Xvfb()

# launch stuff inside virtual display here


or better yet, use it as a context manager:

from xvfbwrapper import Xvfb

with Xvfb() as xvfb:
    # launch stuff inside virtual display here.
    # It starts/stops in this code block.

Rename a dictionary key

@helloswift123 I like your function. Here is a modification to rename multiple keys in a single call:

def rename(d, keymap):
    :param d: old dict
    :type d: dict
    :param keymap: [{:keys from-keys :values to-keys} keymap]
    :returns: new dict
    :rtype: dict
    new_dict = {}
    for key, value in zip(d.keys(), d.values()):
        new_key = keymap.get(key, key)
        new_dict[new_key] = d[key]
    return new_dict

bootstrap datepicker today as default

This should work:

$("#datepicker").datepicker("setDate", new Date());

And for autoclose (fiddle):

        "setDate": new Date(),
        "autoclose": true

jQuery > datepicker API

Typescript react - Could not find a declaration file for module ''react-materialize'. 'path/to/module-name.js' implicitly has an any type

I've had a same problem with react-redux types. The simplest solution was add to tsconfig.json:

"noImplicitAny": false


  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "jsx": "react",
    "lib": ["es6"],
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "noEmit": true,
    "strict": true,
    "target": "esnext",
    "noImplicitAny": false,
  "exclude": ["node_modules", "babel.config.js", "metro.config.js", "jest.config.js"]

Is there an XSL "contains" directive?

It should be something like...

<xsl:if test="contains($hhref, '1234')">

(not tested)

See w3schools (always a good reference BTW)

How can I compile a Java program in Eclipse without running it?

Right click on Yourproject(in project Explorer)-->Build Project

It will compile all files in your project and updates your build folder, all without running.

Git push hangs when pushing to Github?

For the sake of completeness (sometimes problems like this are not as complicated as they might seem):

Having a non-existing remote repository configured can also result in this behavior - I recently found out by accidentally changing my origin's URL to

Multiple variables in a 'with' statement?

contextlib.nested supports this:

import contextlib

with contextlib.nested(open("out.txt","wt"), open("in.txt")) as (file_out, file_in):


To quote the documentation, regarding contextlib.nested:

Deprecated since version 2.7: The with-statement now supports this functionality directly (without the confusing error prone quirks).

See Rafal Dowgird's answer for more information.

Centering brand logo in Bootstrap Navbar

Updated 2018

Bootstrap 3

See if this example helps:

The brand is centered using..

    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    text-align: center;
    margin: auto;

Your markup is for Bootstrap 2, not 3. There is no longer a navbar-inner.

EDIT - Another approach is using transform: translateX(-50%);

.navbar-brand {
  transform: translateX(-50%);
  left: 50%;
  position: absolute;

Bootstrap 4

In Bootstrap 4, mx-auto or flexbox can be used to center the brand and other elements. See How to position navbar contents in Bootstrap 4 for an explanation.

Also see:

Bootstrap NavBar with left, center or right aligned items

How do I split a multi-line string into multiple lines?

Might be overkill in this particular case but another option involves using StringIO to create a file-like object

for line in StringIO.StringIO(inputString):

What's the difference between .so, .la and .a library files?

.so files are dynamic libraries. The suffix stands for "shared object", because all the applications that are linked with the library use the same file, rather than making a copy in the resulting executable.

.a files are static libraries. The suffix stands for "archive", because they're actually just an archive (made with the ar command -- a predecessor of tar that's now just used for making libraries) of the original .o object files.

.la files are text files used by the GNU "libtools" package to describe the files that make up the corresponding library. You can find more information about them in this question: What are libtool's .la file for?

Static and dynamic libraries each have pros and cons.

Static pro: The user always uses the version of the library that you've tested with your application, so there shouldn't be any surprising compatibility problems.

Static con: If a problem is fixed in a library, you need to redistribute your application to take advantage of it. However, unless it's a library that users are likely to update on their own, you'd might need to do this anyway.

Dynamic pro: Your process's memory footprint is smaller, because the memory used for the library is amortized among all the processes using the library.

Dynamic pro: Libraries can be loaded on demand at run time; this is good for plugins, so you don't have to choose the plugins to be used when compiling and installing the software. New plugins can be added on the fly.

Dynamic con: The library might not exist on the system where someone is trying to install the application, or they might have a version that's not compatible with the application. To mitigate this, the application package might need to include a copy of the library, so it can install it if necessary. This is also often mitigated by package managers, which can download and install any necessary dependencies.

Dynamic con: Link-Time Optimization is generally not possible, so there could possibly be efficiency implications in high-performance applications. See the Wikipedia discussion of WPO and LTO.

Dynamic libraries are especially useful for system libraries, like libc. These libraries often need to include code that's dependent on the specific OS and version, because kernel interfaces have changed. If you link a program with a static system library, it will only run on the version of the OS that this library version was written for. But if you use a dynamic library, it will automatically pick up the library that's installed on the system you run on.

How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA

What I ended up doing is create a new KeyContainer name based off of the current DateTime (DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()) whenever I need to create a new key and save the container name and public key to the database. Also, whenever I create a new key I would do the following:

public static string ConvertToNewKey(string oldPrivateKey)

    // get the current container name from the database...

    rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;
    rsa = null;

    string privateKey = AssignNewKey(true); // create the new public key and container name and write them to the database...

       // re-encrypt existing data to use the new keys and write to database...

    return privateKey;
public static string AssignNewKey(bool ReturnPrivateKey){
     string containerName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
     // create the new key...
     // saves container name and public key to database...
     // and returns Private Key XML.

before creating the new key.

What are the obj and bin folders (created by Visual Studio) used for?

The obj directory is for intermediate object files and other transient data files that are generated by the compiler or build system during a build. The bin directory is the directory that final output binaries (and any dependencies or other deployable files) will be written to.

You can change the actual directories used for both purposes within the project settings, if you like.

Showing loading animation in center of page while making a call to Action method in ASP .NET MVC

You can do this by displaying a div (if you want to do it in a modal manner you could use blockUI - or one of the many other modal dialog plugins out there) prior to the request then just waiting until the call back succeeds as a quick example you can you $.getJSON as follows (you might want to use .ajax if you want to add proper error handling)

$("#ajaxLoader").show(); //Or whatever you want to do
$.getJSON("/AJson/Call/ThatTakes/Ages", function(result) {
    //Process your response

If you do this several times in your app and want to centralise the behaviour for all ajax calls you can make use of the global AJAX events:-

$("#ajaxLoader").ajaxStart(function() { $(this).show(); })
               .ajaxStop(function() { $(this).hide(); });

Using blockUI is similar for example with mark up like:-

<a href="/Path/ToYourJson/Action" id="jsonLink">Get JSON</a>
<div id="resultContainer" style="display:none">
And the answer is:-
    <p id="result"></p>

<div id="ajaxLoader" style="display:none">
    <h2>Please wait</h2>
    <p>I'm getting my AJAX on!</p>

And using jQuery:-

$(function() {
    $("#jsonLink").click(function(e) {
        $.post(this.href, function(result) {
        }, "json");
        return false;
    $("#ajaxLoader").ajaxStart(function() {
                          $.blockUI({ message: $("#ajaxLoader") });
                    .ajaxStop(function() { 

Is there an operator to calculate percentage in Python?

You could just divide your two numbers and multiply by 100. Note that this will throw an error if "whole" is 0, as asking what percentage of 0 a number is does not make sense:

def percentage(part, whole):
  return 100 * float(part)/float(whole)

Or with a % at the end:

 def percentage(part, whole):
  Percentage = 100 * float(part)/float(whole)
  return str(Percentage) + “%”

Or if the question you wanted it to answer was "what is 5% of 20", rather than "what percentage is 5 of 20" (a different interpretation of the question inspired by Carl Smith's answer), you would write:

def percentage(percent, whole):
  return (percent * whole) / 100.0

Show Youtube video source into HTML5 video tag?

The <video> tag is meant to load in a video of a supported format (which may differ by browser).

YouTube embed links are not just videos, they are typically webpages that contain logic to detect what your user supports and how they can play the youtube video, using HTML5, or flash, or some other plugin based on what is available on the users PC. This is why you are having a difficult time using the video tag with youtube videos.

YouTube does offer a developer API to embed a youtube video into your page.

I made a JSFiddle as a live example:

And you can read more about the YouTube API here:

The Code can also be found below

In your HTML:

<div id="player"></div>

In your Javascript:

var onPlayerReady = function(event) {;  

// The first argument of YT.Player is an HTML element ID. 
// YouTube API will replace my <div id="player"> tag 
// with an iframe containing the youtube video.

var player = new YT.Player('player', {
    height: 320,
    width: 400,
    videoId : '6Dc1C77nra4',
    events : {
        'onReady' : onPlayerReady

Convert String to Double - VB

Try looking at Double.TryParse() if you are using .NET 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5

Read from database and fill DataTable

Connection object is for illustration only. The DataAdapter is the key bit:

Dim strSql As String = "SELECT EmpCode,EmpID,EmpName FROM dbo.Employee"
Dim dtb As New DataTable
Using cnn As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
  Using dad As New SqlDataAdapter(strSql, cnn)
  End Using
End Using

Change the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery

How are you loading the values into the drop down list or determining which value to select? If you are doing this using Ajax, then the reason you need the delay before the selection occurs could be because the values were not loaded in at the time that the line in question executed. This would also explain why it worked when you put an alert statement on the line before setting the status since the alert action would give enough of a delay for the data to load.

If you are using one of jQuery's Ajax methods, you can specify a callback function and then put $("._statusDDL").val(2); into your callback function.

This would be a more reliable way of handling the issue since you could be sure that the method executed when the data was ready, even if it took longer than 300 ms.

Capturing a single image from my webcam in Java or Python

@thebjorn has given a good answer. But if you want more options, you can try OpenCV, SimpleCV.

using SimpleCV (not supported in python3.x):

from SimpleCV import Image, Camera

cam = Camera()
img = cam.getImage()"filename.jpg")

using OpenCV:

from cv2 import *
# initialize the camera
cam = VideoCapture(0)   # 0 -> index of camera
s, img =
if s:    # frame captured without any errors
    imwrite("filename.jpg",img) #save image

using pygame:

import pygame
import #Camera detected or not
cam ="/dev/video0",(640,480))
img = cam.get_image(),"filename.jpg")

Install OpenCV:

install python-opencv bindings, numpy

Install SimpleCV:

install python-opencv, pygame, numpy, scipy, simplecv

get latest version of SimpleCV

Install pygame:

install pygame

How do you determine the ideal buffer size when using FileInputStream?

Yes, it's probably dependent on various things - but I doubt it will make very much difference. I tend to opt for 16K or 32K as a good balance between memory usage and performance.

Note that you should have a try/finally block in the code to make sure the stream is closed even if an exception is thrown.

How do I iterate through lines in an external file with shell?

This might work for you:

cat <<\! >names.txt
> alison
> barb
> charlie
> david
> !
OIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'; NAMES=($(<names.txt)); IFS=$OIFS
echo "${NAMES[@]}"
alison barb charlie david
echo "${NAMES[0]}"
for NAME in "${NAMES[@]}";do echo $NAME;done

React: trigger onChange if input value is changing by state?

I had a similar need and end up using componentDidMount(), that one is called long after component class constructor (where you can initialize state from props - as an exmple using redux )

Inside componentDidMount you can then invoke your handleChange method for some UI animation or perform any kind of component properties updates required.

As an example I had an issue updating an input checkbox type programatically, that's why I end up using this code, as onChange handler was not firing at component load:

   componentDidMount() {

    // Update checked 
    const checkbox = document.querySelector('[type="checkbox"]');

    if (checkbox) 
      checkbox.checked = this.state.isChecked;

State was first updated in component class constructor and then utilized to update some input component behavior

see if two files have the same content in python

Yes, I think hashing the file would be the best way if you have to compare several files and store hashes for later comparison. As hash can clash, a byte-by-byte comparison may be done depending on the use case.

Generally byte-by-byte comparison would be sufficient and efficient, which filecmp module already does + other things too.

See e.g.

>>> import filecmp
>>> filecmp.cmp('file1.txt', 'file1.txt')
>>> filecmp.cmp('file1.txt', 'file2.txt')

Speed consideration: Usually if only two files have to be compared, hashing them and comparing them would be slower instead of simple byte-by-byte comparison if done efficiently. e.g. code below tries to time hash vs byte-by-byte

Disclaimer: this is not the best way of timing or comparing two algo. and there is need for improvements but it does give rough idea. If you think it should be improved do tell me I will change it.

import random
import string
import hashlib
import time

def getRandText(N):
    return  "".join([random.choice(string.printable) for i in xrange(N)])

randText1 = getRandText(N)
randText2 = getRandText(N)

def cmpHash(text1, text2):
    hash1 = hashlib.md5()
    hash1 = hash1.hexdigest()

    hash2 = hashlib.md5()
    hash2 = hash2.hexdigest()

    return  hash1 == hash2

def cmpByteByByte(text1, text2):
    return text1 == text2

for cmpFunc in (cmpHash, cmpByteByByte):
    st = time.time()
    for i in range(10):
        cmpFunc(randText1, randText2)
    print cmpFunc.func_name,time.time()-st

and the output is

cmpHash 0.234999895096
cmpByteByByte 0.0

How do I convert csv file to rdd

I'd recommend reading the header directly from the driver, not through Spark. Two reasons for this: 1) It's a single line. There's no advantage to a distributed approach. 2) We need this line in the driver, not the worker nodes.

It goes something like this:

// Ridiculous amount of code to read one line.
val uri = new
val conf = sc.hadoopConfiguration
val fs = hadoop.fs.FileSystem.get(uri, conf)
val path = new hadoop.fs.Path(filename)
val stream =
val source =
val header = source.getLines.head

Now when you make the RDD you can discard the header.

val csvRDD = sc.textFile(filename).filter(_ != header)

Then we can make an RDD from one column, for example:

val idx = header.split(",").indexOf(columnName)
val columnRDD =",")(idx))

How to make a countdown timer in Android?

Using Kotlin:

var timer = object: CountDownTimer(30000, 1000) {
        override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long) {
            tvTimer.setText("seconds remaining: " + millisUntilFinished / 1000)

        override fun onFinish() {

how to specify new environment location for conda create

Use the --prefix or -p option to specify where to write the environment files. For example:

conda create --prefix /tmp/test-env python=2.7

Will create the environment named /tmp/test-env which resides in /tmp/ instead of the default .conda.

Regex: match word that ends with "Id"

I would use
The \b matches the beginning and end of a word i.e. space, tab or newline, or the beginning or end of a string.

The [A-Za-z] will match any letter, and the * means that 0+ get matched. Finally there is the Id.

Note that this will match words that have capital letters in the middle such as 'teStId'.

I use for regex reference

How do I limit the number of results returned from grep?

For 2 use cases:

  1. I only want n overall results, not n results per file, the grep -m 2 is per file max occurrence.
  2. I often use git grep which doesn't take -m

A good alternative in these scenarios is grep | sed 2q to grep first 2 occurrences across all files. sed documentation:

chrome undo the action of "prevent this page from creating additional dialogs"

Close the tab of the page you disabled alerts. Re-open the page in a new tab. The setting only lasts for the session, so alerts will be re-enabled once the new session begins in the new tab.

How to solve ADB device unauthorized in Android ADB host device?

I had to check the box for the debugger on the phone "always allow on this phone". I then did a adb devices and then entered the adb command to clear the adds. It worked fine. Before that, it did not recognize the pm and other commands

Executing periodic actions in Python

Here's a nice implementation using the Thread class:

the code below is a little more quick and dirty:

from threading import Timer
from time import sleep

def hello():
    print "hello, world"
    t = Timer(3,hello)

t = Timer(3, hello)
t.start() # after 3 seconds, "hello, world" will be printed

# timer will wake up ever 3 seconds, while we do something else
while True:
    print "do something else"

Making a DateTime field in a database automatic?

You need to set the "default value" for the date field to getdate(). Any records inserted into the table will automatically have the insertion date as their value for this field.

The location of the "default value" property is dependent on the version of SQL Server Express you are running, but it should be visible if you select the date field of your table when editing the table.

What is the use of static constructors?

From Static Constructors (C# Programming Guide):

A static constructor is used to initialize any static data, or to perform a particular action that needs performed once only. It is called automatically before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.

Static constructors have the following properties:

  • A static constructor does not take access modifiers or have parameters.

  • A static constructor is called automatically to initialize the class before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.

  • A static constructor cannot be called directly.

  • The user has no control on when the static constructor is executed in the program.

  • A typical use of static constructors is when the class is using a log file and the constructor is used to write entries to this file.

  • Static constructors are also useful when creating wrapper classes for unmanaged code, when the constructor can call the LoadLibrary method.

SQL- Ignore case while searching for a string

Use something like this -




find index of an int in a list

List<string> accountList = new List<string> {"123872", "987653" , "7625019", "028401"};

int i = accountList.FindIndex(x => x.StartsWith("762"));
//This will give you index of 7625019 in list that is 2. value of i will become 2.
//delegate(string ac)
//    return ac.StartsWith(a.AccountNumber);

Clear MySQL query cache without restarting server

according the documentation, this should do it...


Differences between .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 in High level in .NET

.NET Framework 4

Microsoft announced the intention to ship .NET Framework 4 on 29 September 2008. The Public Beta was released on 20 May 2009.

  • Parallel Extensions to improve support for parallel computing, which target multi-core or distributed systems. To this end, technologies like PLINQ (Parallel LINQ), a parallel implementation of the LINQ engine, and Task Parallel Library, which exposes parallel constructs via method calls., are included.
  • New Visual Basic .NET and C# language features, such as implicit line continuations, dynamic dispatch, named parameters, and optional parameters.
  • Support for Code Contracts.
  • Inclusion of new types to work with arbitrary-precision arithmetic (System.Numerics.BigInteger) and complex numbers (System.Numerics.Complex).
  • Introduce Common Language Runtime (CLR) 4.0.

After the release of the .NET Framework 4, Microsoft released a set of enhancements, named Windows Server AppFabric, for application server capabilities in the form of AppFabric Hosting and in-memory distributed caching support.

.NET Framework 4.5

.NET Framework 4.5 was released on 15 August 2012., a set of new or improved features were added into this version. The .NET Framework 4.5 is only supported on Windows Vista or later. The .NET Framework 4.5 uses Common Language Runtime 4.0, with some additional runtime features.

1. .NET for Metro style apps

Metro-style apps are designed for specific form factors and leverage the power of the Windows operating system. A subset of the .NET Framework is available for building Metro style apps for Windows 8 using C# or Visual Basic. This subset is called .NET APIs for apps. The version of .NET Framework, runtime and libraries, used for Metro style apps is a part of the new Windows Runtime, which is the new platform and application model for Metro style apps. It is an ecosystem that houses many platforms and languages, including .NET Framework, C++ and HTML5/JavaScript.

2. Core Features

  • Ability to limit how long the regular expression engine will attempt to resolve a regular expression before it times out.
  • Ability to define the culture for an application domain.
  • Console support for Unicode (UTF-16) encoding.
  • Support for versioning of cultural string ordering and comparison data.
  • Better performance when retrieving resources.
  • Zip compression improvements to reduce the size of a compressed file.
  • Ability to customize a reflection context to override default reflection behavior through the CustomReflectionContext class.

3. Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)

  • Support for generic types.
  • Convention-based programming model that enables you to create parts based on naming conventions rather than attributes.
  • Multiple scopes.

4. Asynchronous operations

In the .NET Framework 4.5, new asynchronous features were added to the C# and Visual Basic languages. These features add a task-based model for performing asynchronous operations.


  • Support for new HTML5 form types.
  • Support for model binders in Web Forms. These let you bind data controls directly to data-access methods, and automatically convert user input to and from .NET Framework data types.
  • Support for unobtrusive JavaScript in client-side validation scripts.
  • Improved handling of client script through bundling and minification for improved page performance.
  • Integrated encoding routines from the AntiXSS library (previously an external library) to protect from cross-site scripting attacks.
  • Support for WebSocket protocol.
  • Support for reading and writing HTTP requests and responses asynchronously.
  • Support for asynchronous modules and handlers.
  • Support for content distribution network (CDN) fallback in the ScriptManager control.

6. Networking

  • Provides a new programming interface for HTTP applications: System.Net.Http namespace and System.Net.Http.Headers namespaces are added.
  • Other improvements: Improved internationalization and IPv6 support. RFC-compliant URI support. Support for Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) parsing. Support for Email Address Internationalization (EAI).

7. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

  • The new Ribbon control, which enables you to implement a ribbon user interface that hosts a Quick Access Toolbar, Application Menu, and tabs.
  • The new INotifyDataErrorInfo interface, which supports synchronous and asynchronous data validation.
  • New features for the VirtualizingPanel and Dispatcher classes.
  • Improved performance when displaying large sets of grouped data, and by accessing collections on non-UI threads.
  • Data binding to static properties, data binding to custom types that implement the ICustomTypeProvider interface and retrieval of data binding information from a binding expression.
  • Repositioning of data as the values change (live shaping).
  • Better integration between WPF and Win32 user interface components.
  • Ability to check whether the data context for an item container is disconnected.
  • Ability to set the amount of time that should elapse between property changes and data source updates.
  • Improved support for implementing weak event patterns. Also, events can now accept markup extensions.

8. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

In the .NET Framework 4.5, the following features have been added to make it simpler to write and maintain Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) applications:

  • Simplification of generated configuration files.
  • Support for contract-first development.
  • Ability to configure ASP.NET compatibility mode more easily.
  • Changes in default transport property values to reduce the likelihood that you will have to set them.
  • Updates to the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas class to reduce the likelihood that you will have to manually configure quotas for XML dictionary readers.
  • Validation of WCF configuration files by Visual Studio as part of the build process, so you can detect configuration errors before you run your application.
  • New asynchronous streaming support.
  • New HTTPS protocol mapping to make it easier to expose an endpoint over HTTPS with Internet Information Services (IIS).
  • Ability to generate metadata in a single WSDL document by appending ?singleWSDL to the service URL.
  • Websockets support to enable true bidirectional communication over ports 80 and 443 with performance characteristics similar to the TCP transport.
  • Support for configuring services in code.
  • XML Editor tooltips.
  • ChannelFactory caching support.
  • Binary encoder compression support.
  • Support for a UDP transport that enables developers to write services that use "fire and forget" messaging. A client sends a message to a service and expects no response from the service.
  • Ability to support multiple authentication modes on a single WCF endpoint when using the HTTP transport and transport security.
  • Support for WCF services that use internationalized domain names (IDNs).

9. Tools

  • Resource File Generator (Resgen.exe) enables you to create a .resw file for use in Windows Store apps from a .resources file embedded in a .NET Framework assembly.
  • Managed Profile Guided Optimization (Mpgo.exe) enables you to improve application startup time, memory utilization (working set size), and throughput by optimizing native image assemblies. The command-line tool generates profile data for native image application assemblies.

For more information and access to reference links, please visit:

===========.Net 4.5 Poster=========

enter image description here

How to rename with prefix/suffix?

In Bash and zsh you can do this with Brace Expansion. This simply expands a list of items in braces. For example:

# echo {vanilla,chocolate,strawberry}-ice-cream
vanilla-ice-cream chocolate-ice-cream strawberry-ice-cream

So you can do your rename as follows:

mv {,new.}original.filename

as this expands to:

mv original.filename new.original.filename

Export data from Chrome developer tool

I came across the same problem, and found that easier way is to undock the developer tool's video to a separate window! (Using the right hand top corner toolbar button of developer tools window) and in the new window , simply say select all and copy and paste to excel!!

What does ':' (colon) do in JavaScript?

You guys are forgetting that the colon is also used in the ternary operator (though I don't know if jquery uses it for this purpose).

the ternary operator is an expression form (expressions return a value) of an if/then statement. it's used like this:

var result = (condition) ? (value1) : (value2) ;

A ternary operator could also be used to produce side effects just like if/then, but this is profoundly bad practice.

SQL Server: What is the difference between CROSS JOIN and FULL OUTER JOIN?

A cross join produces a cartesian product between the two tables, returning all possible combinations of all rows. It has no on clause because you're just joining everything to everything.

A full outer join is a combination of a left outer and right outer join. It returns all rows in both tables that match the query's where clause, and in cases where the on condition can't be satisfied for those rows it puts null values in for the unpopulated fields.

This wikipedia article explains the various types of joins with examples of output given a sample set of tables.

Replacing from match to end-of-line


awk '{gsub(/two.*/,"")}1' file


ruby -ne 'print $_.gsub(/two.*/,"")' file

Linking a UNC / Network drive on an html page

Alternative (Insert tooltip to user):

    a.tooltips {
        position: relative;
        display: inline;
    a.tooltips span {
        position: absolute;
        width: 240px;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        background: #000000;
        height: 30px;
        line-height: 30px;
        text-align: center;
        visibility: hidden;
        border-radius: 6px;
    a.tooltips span:after {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        top: 100%;
        left: 50%;
        margin-left: -8px;
        width: 0;
        height: 0;
        border-top: 8px solid #000000;
        border-right: 8px solid transparent;
        border-left: 8px solid transparent;
    a:hover.tooltips span {
        visibility: visible;
        opacity: 0.8;
        bottom: 30px;
        left: 50%;
        margin-left: -76px;
        z-index: 999;
<a class="tooltips" href="#">\\server\share\docs<span>Copy link and open in Explorer</span></a>

jQuery: outer html()

Create a temporary element, then clone() and append():


How do I find all files containing specific text on Linux?

find with xargs is preferred when there are many potential matches to sift through. It runs more slowly than other options, but it always works. As some have discovered,xargs does not handle files with embedded spaces by default. You can overcome this by specifying the -d option.

Here is @RobEarl's answer, enhanced so it handles files with spaces:

find / -type f | xargs -d '\n' grep 'text-to-find-here'

Here is @venkat's answer, similarly enhanced:

find . -name "*.txt" | xargs -d '\n' grep -i "text_pattern"

Here is @Gert van Biljon's answer, similarly enhanced:

find . -type f -name "*.*" -print0 | xargs -d '\n' --null grep --with-filename --line-number --no-messages --color --ignore-case "searthtext"

Here is @LetalProgrammer's answer, similarly enhanced:

alias ffind find / -type f | xargs -d '\n' grep

Here is @Tayab Hussain's answer, similarly enhanced:

find . | xargs -d '\n' grep 'word' -sl

Installation failed with message Invalid File

follow some steps:

Clean Project
Rebuild Project
Invalidate Caches / Restart

Now run your project. Hope it will work.

It's work for me.

Check if a string contains an element from a list (of strings)

With LINQ, and using C# (I don't know VB much these days):

bool b = listOfStrings.Any(s=>myString.Contains(s));

or (shorter and more efficient, but arguably less clear):

bool b = listOfStrings.Any(myString.Contains);

If you were testing equality, it would be worth looking at HashSet etc, but this won't help with partial matches unless you split it into fragments and add an order of complexity.

update: if you really mean "StartsWith", then you could sort the list and place it into an array ; then use Array.BinarySearch to find each item - check by lookup to see if it is a full or partial match.

How to get past the login page with Wget?

If they're using basic authentication:

wget http://username:[email protected]/page.html

If they're using POSTed form data, you'll need to use something like cURL instead.

Run multiple python scripts concurrently

The most simple way in my opinion would be to use the PyCharm IDE and install the 'multirun' plugin. I tried alot of the solutions here but this one worked for me in the end!

Android Studio - Unable to find valid certification path to requested target

If you are working in a restricted workplaces you probably will encounter this problem

A combination of a few things worked for me Basically change https to http

From https:

repositories {

To :

repositories {
        maven { url "" }

and in ..

From :


To :


And then

- (optional)  File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart`
- Give a clean build.

To verify : Check your Gradle console. It should start downloading libs from jcenter via HTTP.

Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu

Depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for the executable :

$ whereis mvn

If you are looking for the libs and repo :

$ locate maven

With the locate command, you could also pipe it to grep to find a particular library, i.e.

$ locate maven | grep 'jetty'


Copy multiple files with Ansible

- hosts: lnx
    - find: paths="/appl/scripts/inq" recurse=yes patterns="inq.Linux*"
      register: file_to_copy
    - copy: src={{ item.path }} dest=/usr/local/sbin/
      owner: root
      mode: 0775
      with_items: "{{ files_to_copy.files }}"

Bootstrap Carousel : Remove auto slide

In Bootstrap v5 use: data-bs-interval="false"

<div id="carouselExampleCaptions" class="carousel" data-bs-ride="carousel" data-bs-interval="false">

WPF Binding StringFormat Short Date String

Be aware of the single quotes for the string format. This doesn't work:

    Content="{Binding PlannedDateTime, StringFormat={}{0:yy.MM.dd HH:mm}}"

while this does:

    Content="{Binding PlannedDateTime, StringFormat='{}{0:yy.MM.dd HH:mm}'}"

How can I list all the deleted files in a Git repository?

And if you want to somehow constrain the results here's a nice one:

$ git log --diff-filter=D --summary | sed -n '/^commit/h;/\/some_dir\//{G;s/\ncommit \(.*\)/ \1/gp}'
delete mode 100644 blah/some_dir/file1 d3bfbbeba5b5c1da73c432cb3fb61990bdcf6f64
delete mode 100644 blah/some_dir/file2 d3bfbbeba5b5c1da73c432cb3fb61990bdcf6f64
delete mode 100644 blah/some_dir/file3 9c89b91d8df7c95c6043184154c476623414fcb7

You'll get all files deleted from some_dir (see the sed command) together with the commit number in which it happen. Any sed regex will do (I use this to find deleted file types, etc)

How do I get the time difference between two DateTime objects using C#?

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    TimeSpan timespan;
    timespan = dateTimePicker2.Value - dateTimePicker1.Value;
    int timeDifference = timespan.Days;

How to restart service using command prompt?

You could create a .bat-file with following content:

net stop "my service name"
net start "my service name"

How to check if a stored procedure exists before creating it

Here's a method and some reasoning behind using it this way. It isn't as pretty to edit the stored proc but there are pros and cons...

UPDATE: You can also wrap this entire call in a TRANSACTION. Including many stored procedures in a single transaction which can all commit or all rollback. Another advantage of wrapping in a transaction is the stored procedure always exists for other SQL connections as long as they do not use the READ UNCOMMITTED transaction isolation level!

1) To avoid alters just as a process decision. Our processes are to always IF EXISTS DROP THEN CREATE. If you do the same pattern of assuming the new PROC is the desired proc, catering for alters is a bit harder because you would have an IF EXISTS ALTER ELSE CREATE.

2) You have to put CREATE/ALTER as the first call in a batch so you can't wrap a sequence of procedure updates in a transaction outside dynamic SQL. Basically if you want to run a whole stack of procedure updates or roll them all back without restoring a DB backup, this is a way to do everything in a single batch.

IF NOT EXISTS (select as SchemaName, as StoredProc 
    from sys.procedures sp
    join sys.schemas ss on sp.schema_id = ss.schema_id
    where = 'dbo' and = 'MyStoredProc')

    -- Not so aesthetically pleasing part. The actual proc definition is stored
    -- in our variable and then executed.
    SELECT @sql = 'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyStoredProc]
@MyParam int
SELECT @MyParam'
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

How do I create a new user in a SQL Azure database?

I use the Azure Management console tool of CodePlex, with a very useful GUI, try it. You can save type some code.

How to update ruby on linux (ubuntu)?

Generally the verions of programs are linked to the version of your operating system. So if you were running gutsy you would either have to upgrade to the new jaunty jackalope version which has ruby 1.9 or add the respoistories for jaunty to your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Once you have done that you can start up the synaptic package manager and you should see it in there.

Property 'map' does not exist on type 'Observable<Response>'

Revisiting this because my solution isn't listed here.

I am running Angular 6 with rxjs 6.0 and ran into this error.

Here's what I did to fix it:

I changed

map((response: any) => response.json())

to simply be:

.pipe(map((response: any) => response.json()));

I found the fix here:

OS X Terminal Colors

Here is a solution I've found to enable the global terminal colors.

Edit your .bash_profile (since OS X 10.8) — or (for 10.7 and earlier): .profile or .bashrc or /etc/profile (depending on availability) — in your home directory and add following code:

export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced

CLICOLOR=1 simply enables coloring of your terminal.

LSCOLORS=... specifies how to color specific items.

After editing .bash_profile, start a Terminal and force the changes to take place by executing:

source ~/.bash_profile

Then go to Terminal > Preferences, click on the Profiles tab and then the Text subtab and check Display ANSI Colors.

Verified on Sierra (May 2017).

jquery $('.class').each() how many items?

If you're using chained syntax:

$(".class").each(function() {
    // ...

...I don't think there's any (reasonable) way for the code within the each function to know how many items there are. (Unreasonable ways would involve repeating the selector and using index.)

But it's easy enough to make the collection available to the function that you're calling in each. Here's one way to do that:

var collection = $(".class");
collection.each(function() {
    // You can access `collection.length` here.

As a somewhat convoluted option, you could convert your jQuery object to an array and then use the array's forEach. The arguments that get passed to forEach's callback are the entry being visited (what jQuery gives you as this and as the second argument), the index of that entry, and the array you called it on:

$(".class").get().forEach(function(entry, index, array) {
    // Here, array.length is the total number of items

That assumes an at least vaguely modern JavaScript engine and/or a shim for Array#forEach.

Or for that matter, give yourself a new tool:

// Loop through the jQuery set calling the callback:
//    loop(callback, thisArg);
// Callback gets called with `this` set to `thisArg` unless `thisArg`
// is falsey, in which case `this` will be the element being visited.
// Arguments to callback are `element`, `index`, and `set`, where
// `element` is the element being visited, `index` is its index in the
// set, and `set` is the jQuery set `loop` was called on.
// Callback's return value is ignored unless it's `=== false`, in which case
// it stops the loop.
$.fn.loop = function(callback, thisArg) {
    var me = this;
    return this.each(function(index, element) {
        return || element, element, index, me);


$(".class").loop(function(element, index, set) {
    // Here, set.length is the length of the set

ASP.NET MVC Ajax Error handling

If the server sends some status code different than 200, the error callback is executed:

    url: '/foo',
    success: function(result) {
    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        alert('oops, something bad happened');

and to register a global error handler you could use the $.ajaxSetup() method:

    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        alert('oops, something bad happened');

Another way is to use JSON. So you could write a custom action filter on the server which catches exception and transforms them into JSON response:

public class MyErrorHandlerAttribute : FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
    public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
        filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
        filterContext.Result = new JsonResult
            Data = new { success = false, error = filterContext.Exception.ToString() },
            JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

and then decorate your controller action with this attribute:

public ActionResult Foo(string id)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
        throw new Exception("oh no");
    return Json(new { success = true });

and finally invoke it:

$.getJSON('/home/foo', { id: null }, function (result) {
    if (!result.success) {
    } else {
        // handle the success

How to make a SIMPLE C++ Makefile

I suggest (note that the indent is a TAB):

tool: tool.o file1.o file2.o
    $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $@


tool: tool.o file1.o file2.o

The latter suggestion is slightly better since it reuses GNU Make implicit rules. However, in order to work, a source file must have the same name as the final executable (i.e.: tool.c and tool).

Notice, it is not necessary to declare sources. Intermediate object files are generated using implicit rule. Consequently, this Makefile work for C and C++ (and also for Fortran, etc...).

Also notice, by default, Makefile use $(CC) as the linker. $(CC) does not work for linking C++ object files. We modify LINK.o only because of that. If you want to compile C code, you don't have to force the LINK.o value.

Sure, you can also add your compilation flags with variable CFLAGS and add your libraries in LDLIBS. For example:

CFLAGS = -Wall
LDLIBS = -lm

One side note: if you have to use external libraries, I suggest to use pkg-config in order to correctly set CFLAGS and LDLIBS:

CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags libssl)
LDLIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs libssl)

The attentive reader will notice that this Makefile does not rebuild properly if one header is changed. Add these lines to fix the problem:

override CPPFLAGS += -MMD
include $(wildcard *.d)

-MMD allows to build .d files that contains Makefile fragments about headers dependencies. The second line just uses them.

For sure, a well written Makefile should also include clean and distclean rules:

    $(RM) *.o *.d

distclean: clean
    $(RM) tool

Notice, $(RM) is the equivalent of rm -f, but it is a good practice to not call rm directly.

The all rule is also appreciated. In order to work, it should be the first rule of your file:

all: tool

You may also add an install rule:

PREFIX = /usr/local
    install -m 755 tool $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin

DESTDIR is empty by default. The user can set it to install your program at an alternative system (mandatory for cross-compilation process). Package maintainers for multiple distribution may also change PREFIX in order to install your package in /usr.

One final word: Do not place source files in sub-directories. If you really want to do that, keep this Makefile in the root directory and use full paths to identify your files (i.e. subdir/file.o).

So to summarise, your full Makefile should look like:

PREFIX = /usr/local
override CPPFLAGS += -MMD
include $(wildcard *.d)

all: tool
tool: tool.o file1.o file2.o
    $(RM) *.o *.d
distclean: clean
    $(RM) tool
    install -m 755 tool $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin

Setting CSS pseudo-class rules from JavaScript

Instead of directly setting pseudo-class rules with javascript, you can set the rules differently in different CSS files, and then use Javascript to switch one stylesheet off and to switch another on. A method is described at A List Apart (qv. for more detail).

Set up the CSS files as,

<link rel="stylesheet" href="always_on.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" title="usual" href="preferred.css"> <!-- on by default -->
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="strange" href="alternate.css"> <!-- off by default -->

And then switch between them using javascript:

function setActiveStyleSheet(title) {
   var i, a, main;
   for(i=0; (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")<i>); i++) {
     if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1
        && a.getAttribute("title")) {
       a.disabled = true;
       if(a.getAttribute("title") == title) a.disabled = false;

The real difference between "int" and "unsigned int"

The binary representation is the key. An Example: Unsigned int in HEX

 0XFFFFFFF = translates to = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 

Which represents 4,294,967,295 in a base-ten positive number. But we also need a way to represent negative numbers. So the brains decided on twos complement. In short, they took the leftmost bit and decided that when it is a 1 (followed by at least one other bit set to one) the number will be negative. And the leftmost bit is set to 0 the number is positive. Now let's look at what happens

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 = 3

Adding to the number we finally reach.

0111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 = 2,147,483,645

the highest positive number with a signed integer. Let's add 1 more bit (binary addition carries the overflow to the left, in this case, all bits are set to one, so we land on the leftmost bit)

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 = -1

So I guess in short we could say the difference is the one allows for negative numbers the other does not. Because of the sign bit or leftmost bit or most significant bit.

xlsxwriter: is there a way to open an existing worksheet in my workbook?

You cannot append to an existing xlsx file with xlsxwriter.

There is a module called openpyxl which allows you to read and write to preexisting excel file, but I am sure that the method to do so involves reading from the excel file, storing all the information somehow (database or arrays), and then rewriting when you call workbook.close() which will then write all of the information to your xlsx file.

Similarly, you can use a method of your own to "append" to xlsx documents. I recently had to append to a xlsx file because I had a lot of different tests in which I had GPS data coming in to a main worksheet, and then I had to append a new sheet each time a test started as well. The only way I could get around this without openpyxl was to read the excel file with xlrd and then run through the rows and columns...


cells = []
for row in range(sheet.nrows):
    for col in range(sheet.ncols):
        cells[row].append(workbook.cell(row, col).value)

You don't need arrays, though. For example, this works perfectly fine:

import xlrd
import xlsxwriter

from os.path import expanduser
home = expanduser("~")

# this writes test data to an excel file
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook("{}/Desktop/test.xlsx".format(home))
sheet1 = wb.add_worksheet()
for row in range(10):
    for col in range(20):
        sheet1.write(row, col, "test ({}, {})".format(row, col))

# open the file for reading
wbRD = xlrd.open_workbook("{}/Desktop/test.xlsx".format(home))
sheets = wbRD.sheets()

# open the same file for writing (just don't write yet)
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook("{}/Desktop/test.xlsx".format(home))

# run through the sheets and store sheets in workbook
# this still doesn't write to the file yet
for sheet in sheets: # write data from old file
    newSheet = wb.add_worksheet(
    for row in range(sheet.nrows):
        for col in range(sheet.ncols):
            newSheet.write(row, col, sheet.cell(row, col).value)

for row in range(10, 20): # write NEW data
    for col in range(20):
        newSheet.write(row, col, "test ({}, {})".format(row, col))
wb.close() # THIS writes

However, I found that it was easier to read the data and store into a 2-dimensional array because I was manipulating the data and was receiving input over and over again and did not want to write to the excel file until it the test was over (which you could just as easily do with xlsxwriter since that is probably what they do anyway until you call .close()).

How to create a DateTime equal to 15 minutes ago?

I have provide two methods for doing so for minutes as well as for years and hours if you want to see more examples:

import datetime
print( - datetime.timedelta(minutes = 15))
print( + datetime.timedelta(minutes = -15))
print(datetime.timedelta(hours = 5))
print( + datetime.timedelta(days = 3))
print( + datetime.timedelta(days = -9))
print( - datetime.timedelta(days = 9))

I get the following results:

2016-06-03 16:04:03.706615
2016-06-03 15:49:03.706622
2016-06-03 15:49:03.706642
2016-06-06 16:04:03.706665
2016-05-25 16:04:03.706676
2016-05-25 16:04:03.706687

Pandas (python): How to add column to dataframe for index?

How about this:

from pandas import *

idx = Int64Index([171, 174, 173])
df = DataFrame(index = idx, data =([1,2,3]))
print df

It gives me:

171  1
174  2
173  3

Is this what you are looking for?

How can I change the text inside my <span> with jQuery?

This will be used to change the Html content inside the span

 $('#abc span').html('goes inside the span');

if you want to change the text inside the span, you can use:

 $('#abc span').text('goes inside the span');

How to remove foreign key constraint in sql server?

alter table <referenced_table_name> drop  primary key;

Foreign key constraint will be removed.

Gson: Is there an easier way to serialize a map

I'm pretty sure GSON serializes/deserializes Maps and multiple-nested Maps (i.e. Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) just fine by default. The example provided I believe is nothing more than just a starting point if you need to do something more complex.

Check out the MapTypeAdapterFactory class in the GSON source:

So long as the types of the keys and values can be serialized into JSON strings (and you can create your own serializers/deserializers for these custom objects) you shouldn't have any issues.

How can I view all historical changes to a file in SVN

As far as I know there is no built in svn command to accomplish this. You would need to write a script to run several commands to build all the diffs. A simpler approach would be to use a GUI svn client if that is an option. Many of them such as the subversive plugin for Eclipse will list the history of a file as well as allow you to view the diff of each revision.

Efficient evaluation of a function at every cell of a NumPy array

All above answers compares well, but if you need to use custom function for mapping, and you have numpy.ndarray, and you need to retain the shape of array.

I have compare just two, but it will retain the shape of ndarray. I have used the array with 1 million entries for comparison. Here I use square function. I am presenting the general case for n dimensional array. For two dimensional just make iter for 2D.

import numpy, time

def A(e):
    return e * e

def timeit():
    y = numpy.arange(1000000)
    now = time.time()
    numpy.array([A(x) for x in y.reshape(-1)]).reshape(y.shape)        
    print(time.time() - now)
    now = time.time()
    numpy.fromiter((A(x) for x in y.reshape(-1)), y.dtype).reshape(y.shape)
    print(time.time() - now)
    now = time.time()
    print(time.time() - now)


>>> timeit()
1.162431240081787    # list comprehension and then building numpy array
1.0775556564331055   # from numpy.fromiter
0.002948284149169922 # using inbuilt function

here you can clearly see numpy.fromiter user square function, use any of your choice. If you function is dependent on i, j that is indices of array, iterate on size of array like for ind in range(arr.size), use numpy.unravel_index to get i, j, .. based on your 1D index and shape of array numpy.unravel_index

This answers is inspired by my answer on other question here

UIButton: how to center an image and a text using imageEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets?

This works well for me, for several buttons, with different image width and different title length :

Subclass UIButton

override func layoutSubviews() {

    if let image = imageView?.image {

        let margin = 30 - image.size.width / 2
        let titleRect = titleRectForContentRect(bounds)
        let titleOffset = (bounds.width - titleRect.width - image.size.width - margin) / 2

        contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Left
            imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, margin, 0, 0)
            titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, (bounds.width - titleRect.width -  image.size.width - margin) / 2, 0, 0)


How to store custom objects in NSUserDefaults

Swift 4 introduced the Codable protocol which does all the magic for these kinds of tasks. Just conform your custom struct/class to it:

struct Player: Codable {
  let name: String
  let life: Double

And for storing in the Defaults you can use the PropertyListEncoder/Decoder:

let player = Player(name: "Jim", life: 3.14)
UserDefaults.standard.set(try! PropertyListEncoder().encode(player), forKey: kPlayerDefaultsKey)

let storedObject: Data = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: kPlayerDefaultsKey) as! Data
let storedPlayer: Player = try! PropertyListDecoder().decode(Player.self, from: storedObject)

It will work like that for arrays and other container classes of such objects too:

try! PropertyListDecoder().decode([Player].self, from: storedArray)

How can I strip first X characters from string using sed?

I found the answer in pure sed supplied by this question (admittedly, posted after this question was posted). This does exactly what you asked, solely in sed:

result=\`echo "$pid" | sed '/./ { s/pid:\ //g; }'\``

The dot in sed '/./) is whatever you want to match. Your question is exactly what I was attempting to, except in my case I wanted to match a specific line in a file and then uncomment it. In my case it was:

# Uncomment a line (edit the file in-place):
sed -i '/#\ COMMENTED_LINE_TO_MATCH/ { s/#\ //g; }' /path/to/target/file

The -i after sed is to edit the file in place (remove this switch if you want to test your matching expression prior to editing the file).

(I posted this because I wanted to do this entirely with sed as this question asked and none of the previous answered solved that problem.)

A function to convert null to string

1. string.Format

You can use string.Format which converts null to empty string

string nullstr = null;
string  quotestring = string.Format("{0}", nullstr);
Console.WriteLine(quotestring);//Output- ""

2.string interpolation

or you can use string interpolation. this feature is available in C# 6 and later versions.

InterpolatedExpression produces a result to be formatted. A string representation of the null result is String.Empty.

 string nullstr = null;
 string  quotestring = $"{nullstr}";
 Console.WriteLine(quotestring);//Output- ""

Easiest way to copy a single file from host to Vagrant guest?

Go to the directory where you have your Vagrantfile
Then, edit your Vagrantfile and add the following:

config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", :mount_options => ['dmode=774','fmode=775']

"." means the directory you are currently in on your host machine
"/vagrant" refers to "/home/vagrant" on the guest machine(Vagrant machine).

Copy the files you need to send to guest machine to the folder where you have your Vagrantfile Then open Git Bash and cd to the directory where you have your Vagrantfile and type:

vagrant scp config.json XXXXXXX:/home/vagrant/

where XXXXXXX is your vm name. You can get your vm name by running

vagrant global-status

Calling Scalar-valued Functions in SQL

That syntax works fine for me:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.test_func
(@in varchar(20))
    RETURN 1

SELECT dbo.test_func('blah')

Are you sure that the function exists as a function and under the dbo schema?

Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name ("relation does not exist")

Put the dbname parameter in your connection string. It works for me while everything else failed.

Also when doing the select, specify the your_schema.your_table like this:

select * from my_schema.your_table

String concatenation in Ruby

If you are just concatenating paths you can use Ruby's own File.join method.

source = File.join(ROOT_DIR, project, 'App.config')

LEFT JOIN in LINQ to entities?

Easy way is to use Let keyword. This works for me.

from AItem in Db.A
Let BItem = Db.B.Where(x => == ).FirstOrDefault() 
Where SomeCondition
Select new YourViewModel
    X1 = AItem.a,
    X2 = AItem.b,
    X3 = BItem.c

This is a simulation of Left Join. If each item in B table not match to A item , BItem return null

How to write to Console.Out during execution of an MSTest test

I found a solution of my own. I know that Andras answer is probably the most consistent with MSTEST, but I didn't feel like refactoring my code.

public void OneIsOne()
    using (ConsoleRedirector cr = new ConsoleRedirector())
        Assert.IsFalse(cr.ToString().Contains("New text"));
        /* call some method that writes "New text" to stdout */
        Assert.IsTrue(cr.ToString().Contains("New text"));

The disposable ConsoleRedirector is defined as:

internal class ConsoleRedirector : IDisposable
    private StringWriter _consoleOutput = new StringWriter();
    private TextWriter _originalConsoleOutput;
    public ConsoleRedirector()
        this._originalConsoleOutput = Console.Out;
    public void Dispose()
    public override string ToString()
        return this._consoleOutput.ToString();

How to call a stored procedure from Java and JPA

Try this code:

return em.createNativeQuery("{call getEmployeeDetails(?,?)}",
                               .setParameter(1, employeeId)
                               .setParameter(2, companyId).getResultList();

Difference between Activity and FragmentActivity

A FragmentActivity is a subclass of Activity that was built for the Android Support Package.

The FragmentActivity class adds a couple new methods to ensure compatibility with older versions of Android, but other than that, there really isn't much of a difference between the two. Just make sure you change all calls to getLoaderManager() and getFragmentManager() to getSupportLoaderManager() and getSupportFragmentManager() respectively.

Git add and commit in one command

I use this git alias:

git config --global '!git commit -a -m '

So, instead of call

git add -A && git commit -m "this is a great commit"

I just do:

git cam "this is a great commit"

ERROR 1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

The Problem is with FOREIGN KEY Constraint. By Default (SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1). FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS option specifies whether or not to check foreign key constraints for InnoDB tables. MySQL - SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS

We can set foreign key check as disable before running Query. Disable Foreign key.

Execute one of these lines before running your query, then you can run your query successfully. :)

1) For Session (recommended)


2) Globally


What is the equivalent of Java's final in C#?

C# constants are declared using the const keyword for compile time constants or the readonly keyword for runtime constants. The semantics of constants is the same in both the C# and Java languages.

Cannot open include file with Visual Studio

You need to set the path for the preprocessor to search for these include files, if they are not in the project folder.

You can set the path in VC++ Directories, or in Additional Include Directories. Both are found in project settings.

how to remove key+value from hash in javascript

Another option may be this John Resig remove method. can better fit what you need. if you know the index in the array.

Why is String immutable in Java?

String is given as immutable by Sun micro systems,because string can used to store as key in map collection. StringBuffer is mutable .That is the reason,It cannot be used as key in map object

How to set a default entity property value with Hibernate

If you want to set default value in terms of database, just set @Column( columnDefinition = "int default 1")

But if what you intend is to set a default value in your java app you can set it on your class attribute like this: private Integer attribute = 1;

Intel HAXM installation error - This computer does not support Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x)

If you have an AMD Ryzen processor in your computer you need the following setup requirements to be in place:

  1. AMD Processor - Recommended: AMD® Ryzen™ processors
  2. Android Studio 3.2 Beta or higher - download via Android Studio Preview page
  3. Android Emulator v27.3.8+ - download via Android Studio SDK Manager
  4. x86 Android Virtual Device (AVD) - Create AVD
  5. Windows 10 with April 2018 Update
  6. Enable via Windows Features: "Windows Hypervisor Platform"

Note:There is Hyper-V features... You should enable Windows Hypervisor Platform not Hyper-V. Windows Hypervisor Platform is at the bottom

After conditions done avd x86 work without haxm install


.attr("disabled", "disabled") issue

Try this updated code :

  if (something) {
     console.log($target.prev("input")) // gives out the right object
     $target.toggleClass("open").prev("input").attr("disabled", "true");
     $target.toggleClass("open").prev("input").removeAttr("disabled"); //this works

What does -> mean in Python function definitions?

def f(x) -> str:
return x+4


# will give the result : 

# or with other words '-> str' has NO effect to return type:


<class 'int'>

How to revert uncommitted changes including files and folders?

If you want to revert the changes only in current working directory, use

git checkout -- .

And before that, you can list the files that will be reverted without actually making any action, just to check what will happen, with:

git checkout --

JavaScript: clone a function

It was pretty exciting to make this method work, so it makes a clone of a function using Function call.

Some limitations about closures described at MDN Function Reference

function cloneFunc( func ) {
  var reFn = /^function\s*([^\s(]*)\s*\(([^)]*)\)[^{]*\{([^]*)\}$/gi
    , s = func.toString().replace(/^\s|\s$/g, '')
    , m = reFn.exec(s);
  if (!m || !m.length) return; 
  var conf = {
      name : m[1] || '',
      args : m[2].replace(/\s+/g,'').split(','),
      body : m[3] || ''
  var clone = Function.prototype.constructor.apply(this, [].concat(conf.args, conf.body));
  return clone;


Redirect website after certain amount of time

If you want greater control you can use javascript rather than use the meta tag. This would allow you to have a visual of some kind, e.g. a countdown.

Here is a very basic approach using setTimeout()

    <p>You will be redirected in 3 seconds</p>_x000D_
        var timer = setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
        }, 3000);_x000D_

Get specific object by id from array of objects in AngularJS

    projectDetailsController.controller('ProjectDetailsCtrl', function ($scope, $routeParams, $http) {
    $http.get('data/projects.json').success(function(data) {

        $scope.projects = data;

        for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        $scope.project = data[i];
        if($ === $routeParams.projectName) {
        return $scope.project;


Not sure if it's really good, but this was helpful for me.. I needed to use $scope to make it work properly.

How do I use su to execute the rest of the bash script as that user?

Use a script like the following to execute the rest or part of the script under another user:



exec sudo -u transmission /bin/sh - << eof



Getters \ setters for dummies

What's so confusing about it... getters are functions that are called when you get a property, setters, when you set it. example, if you do

obj.prop = "abc";

You're setting the property prop, if you're using getters/setters, then the setter function will be called, with "abc" as an argument. The setter function definition inside the object would ideally look something like this:

set prop(var) {
   // do stuff with var...

I'm not sure how well that is implemented across browsers. It seems Firefox also has an alternative syntax, with double-underscored special ("magic") methods. As usual Internet Explorer does not support any of this.

Is there a way to select sibling nodes?

There are a few ways to do it.

Either one of the following should do the trick.

var siblings = function(node, children) {
    siblingList = children.filter(function(val) {
        return [node].indexOf(val) != -1;
    return siblingList;

var siblings = function(node, children) {
    var siblingList = [];
    for (var n = children.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
        if (children[n] != node) {
    return siblingList;

var siblings = function(node, children) {
   siblingList = children;
   index = siblingList.indexOf(node);
   if(index != -1) {
       siblingList.splice(index, 1);
   return siblingList;

FYI: The jQuery code-base is a great resource for observing Grade A Javascript.

Here is an excellent tool that reveals the jQuery code-base in a very streamlined way.

How to initialize array to 0 in C?

If you'd like to initialize the array to values other than 0, with gcc you can do:

int array[1024] = { [ 0 ... 1023 ] = -1 };

This is a GNU extension of C99 Designated Initializers. In older GCC, you may need to use -std=gnu99 to compile your code.

Get size of folder or file

File.length() (Javadoc).

Note that this doesn't work for directories, or is not guaranteed to work.

For a directory, what do you want? If it's the total size of all files underneath it, you can recursively walk children using File.list() and File.isDirectory() and sum their sizes.

How to check if a specific key is present in a hash or not?

In Rails 5, the has_key? method checks if key exists in hash. The syntax to use it is:

YourHash.has_key? :yourkey

A more useful statusline in vim?

What I've found useful is to know which copy/paste buffer (register) is currently active: %{v:register}. Otherwise, my complete status line looks almost exactly like the standard line.

:set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r\ %y%=%{v:register}\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P

What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?

SQL - Structured Query Language. It is declarative computer language aimed at querying relational databases.

MySQL is a relational database - a piece of software optimized for data storage and retrieval. There are many such databases - Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite and many others are examples of such.

Force GUI update from UI Thread

I had the same problem with property Enabled and I discovered a first chance exception raised because of it is not thread-safe. I found solution about "How to update the GUI from another thread in C#?" here And it works !

Class constructor type in typescript?

Like that:

class Zoo {
    AnimalClass: typeof Animal;

    constructor(AnimalClass: typeof Animal ) {
        this.AnimalClass = AnimalClass
        let Hector = new AnimalClass();

Or just:

class Zoo {
    constructor(public AnimalClass: typeof Animal ) {
        let Hector = new AnimalClass();

typeof Class is the type of the class constructor. It's preferable to the custom constructor type declaration because it processes static class members properly.

Here's the relevant part of TypeScript docs. Search for the typeof. As a part of a TypeScript type annotation, it means "give me the type of the symbol called Animal" which is the type of the class constructor function in our case.

How to specify different Debug/Release output directories in QMake .pro file

This is my Makefile for different debug/release output directories. This Makefile was tested successfully on Ubuntu linux. It should work seamlessly on Windows provided that Mingw-w64 is installed correctly.

ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
    rm_CMD=rmdir /S /Q
    mkdir_CMD=mkdir -p
    rm_CMD=rm -rf

CC     =gcc
CFLAGS =-Wall -ansi
LD     =gcc

DebugDir  =Debug

INSTDIR =./bin

SrcFiles=$(wildcard *.c)

OBJ_C_Debug   =$(patsubst %.c,  $(OutRootDir)/$(DebugDir)/%.$(ObjExt),$(SrcFiles))
OBJ_C_Release =$(patsubst %.c,  $(OutRootDir)/$(ReleaseDir)/%.$(ObjExt),$(SrcFiles))

.PHONY: Release Debug cleanDebug cleanRelease clean

# Target specific variables
release: CFLAGS += -O -DNDEBUG
debug:   CFLAGS += -g

#Callable Targets
release: $(OutRootDir)/$(ReleaseDir)/$(EXEC_main)
debug:   $(OutRootDir)/$(DebugDir)/$(EXEC_main)

    -$(rm_CMD) "$(OutRootDir)/$(DebugDir)"
    @echo cleanDebug done

    -$(rm_CMD) "$(OutRootDir)/$(ReleaseDir)"
    @echo cleanRelease done

clean: cleanDebug cleanRelease

# Pattern Rules
# Multiple targets cannot be used with pattern rules []
$(OutRootDir)/$(ReleaseDir)/%.$(ObjExt): %.c | $(OutRootDir)/$(ReleaseDir)
    $(CC) -I$(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o"$@"

$(OutRootDir)/$(DebugDir)/%.$(ObjExt):   %.c | $(OutRootDir)/$(DebugDir)
    $(CC) -I$(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o"$@"

# Create output directory
$(OutRootDir)/$(ReleaseDir) $(OutRootDir)/$(DebugDir) $(INSTDIR):
    -$(mkdir_CMD) $@

# Create the executable
# Multiple targets []
$(OutRootDir)/$(ReleaseDir)/$(EXEC_main): $(OBJ_C_Release)
$(OutRootDir)/$(DebugDir)/$(EXEC_main):   $(OBJ_C_Debug)
$(OutRootDir)/$(ReleaseDir)/$(EXEC_main) $(OutRootDir)/$(DebugDir)/$(EXEC_main):
    $(LD) $^ -o$@

How to display a confirmation dialog when clicking an <a> link?

Most browsers don't display the custom message passed to confirm().

With this method, you can show a popup with a custom message if your user changed the value of any <input> field.

You can apply this only to some links, or even other HTML elements in your page. Just add a custom class to all the links that need confirmation and apply use the following code:

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  let unsaved = false;_x000D_
  // detect changes in all input fields and set the 'unsaved' flag_x000D_
  $(":input").change(() => unsaved = true);_x000D_
  // trigger popup on click_x000D_
  $('.dangerous-link').click(function() {_x000D_
    if (unsaved && !window.confirm("Are you sure you want to nuke the world?")) {_x000D_
      return; // user didn't confirm_x000D_
    // either there are no unsaved changes or the user confirmed_x000D_
    window.location.href = $(this).data('destination');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="text" placeholder="Nuclear code here" />_x000D_
<a data-destination="" class="dangerous-link">_x000D_
    Launch nuke!_x000D_

Try changing the input value in the example to get a preview of how it works.

move_uploaded_file gives "failed to open stream: Permission denied" error

The solution is so easy. Only right click the IMAGE (destination) folder, go to properties, click the permission tab, and change others access to Create and delete files.

How to set thymeleaf th:field value from other variable

The correct approach is to use preprocessing

For example


How Spring Security Filter Chain works

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is only used for /login, and latter filters are not?

No, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter, and this contains a RequestMatcher, that means you can define your own processing url, this filter only handle the RequestMatcher matches the request url, the default processing url is /login.

Later filters can still handle the request, if the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter executes chain.doFilter(request, response);.

More details about core fitlers

Does the form-login namespace element auto-configure these filters?

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter is created by <form-login>, these are Standard Filter Aliases and Ordering

Does every request (authenticated or not) reach FilterSecurityInterceptor for non-login url?

It depends on whether the before fitlers are successful, but FilterSecurityInterceptor is the last fitler normally.

Does configuring two http elements create two springSecurityFitlerChains?

Yes, every fitlerChain has a RequestMatcher, if the RequestMatcher matches the request, the request will be handled by the fitlers in the fitler chain.

The default RequestMatcher matches all request if you don't config the pattern, or you can config the specific url (<http pattern="/rest/**").

If you want to konw more about the fitlers, I think you can check source code in spring security. doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)

Less than or equal to

There is no => for if.
Use if %energy% GEQ %m2enc%

See if /? for some other details.

Set Radiobuttonlist Selected from Codebehind

The best option, in my opinion, is to use the Value property for the ListItem, which is available in the RadioButtonList.

I must remark that ListItem does NOT have an ID property.

So, in your case, to select the second element (option2) that would be:

// SelectedValue expects a string
radio1.SelectedValue = "1"; 

Alternatively, yet in very much the same vein you may supply an int to SelectedIndex.

// SelectedIndex expects an int, and are identified in the same order as they are added to the List starting with 0.
radio1.SelectedIndex = 1; 

When using SASS how can I import a file from a different directory?

Looks like some changes to SASS have made possible what you've initially tried doing:

@import "../subdir/common";

We even got this to work for some totally unrelated folder located in c:\projects\sass:

@import "../../../../../../../../../../projects/sass/common";

Just add enough ../ to be sure you'll end up at the drive root and you're good to go.

Of course, this solution is far from pretty, but I couldn't get an import from a totally different folder to work, neither using I c:\projects\sass nor setting the environment variable SASS_PATH (from: :load_paths reference) to that same value.

How to get MAC address of client using PHP?

echo GetMAC();

function GetMAC(){
    $Content = ob_get_contents();
    return substr($Content, strpos($Content,'\\')-20, 17);

Above will basically execute the getmac program and parse its console-output, resulting to MAC-address of the server (and/or where ever PHP is installed and running on).

If conditions in a Makefile, inside a target

You can simply use shell commands. If you want to suppress echoing the output, use the "@" sign. For example:

    @if [ "test" = "test" ]; then\
        echo "Hello world";\

Note that the closing ";" and "\" are necessary.

How to make flutter app responsive according to different screen size?

check out this page from flutter wiki :

Creating Responsive Apps

Use the LayoutBuilder class: From its builder property, you get a BoxConstraints. Examine the constraint's properties to decide what to display. For example, if your maxWidth is greater than your width breakpoint, return a Scaffold object with a row that has a list on the left. If it's narrower, return a Scaffold object with a drawer containing that list. You can also adjust your display based on the device's height, the aspect ratio, or some other property. When the constraints change (e.g. the user rotates the phone, or puts your app into a tile UI in Nougat), the build function will rerun.

Android Webview gives net::ERR_CACHE_MISS message

Android WebView fix ERR_CACHE_MISS error solution

you just need add one line code <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> in your app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file as below screenshots shows.

enter image description here

  1. before

enter image description here

  1. after

enter image description here

dyld: Library not loaded ... Reason: Image not found

I fixed this issue by using Product > Clean Build Folder (CommandShiftK), which makes a new clean build, really odd.

Convert bytes to int?

Assuming you're on at least 3.2, there's a built in for this:

int.from_bytes( bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False )


The argument bytes must either be a bytes-like object or an iterable producing bytes.

The byteorder argument determines the byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is "big", the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is "little", the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use sys.byteorder as the byte order value.

The signed argument indicates whether two’s complement is used to represent the integer.

## Examples:
int.from_bytes(b'\x00\x01', "big")                         # 1
int.from_bytes(b'\x00\x01', "little")                      # 256

int.from_bytes(b'\x00\x10', byteorder='little')            # 4096
int.from_bytes(b'\xfc\x00', byteorder='big', signed=True)  #-1024