Programs & Examples On #Primary key design

How can I determine the direction of a jQuery scroll event?

Since bind has been deprecated on v3 ("superseded by on") and wheel is now supported, forget wheelDelta:

$(window).on('wheel', function(e) {_x000D_
  if (e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0) {_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
  if (e.originalEvent.deltaX > 0) {_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<h1 style="white-space:nowrap;overflow:scroll">_x000D_

wheel event's Browser Compatibility on MDN's (2019-03-18):

Compatibility of the wheel event

Python decorators in classes

I found this question while researching a very similar problem. My solution is to split the problem into two parts. First, you need to capture the data that you want to associate with the class methods. In this case, handler_for will associate a Unix command with handler for that command's output.

class OutputAnalysis(object):
    "analyze the output of diagnostic commands"
    def handler_for(name):
        "decorator to associate a function with a command"
        def wrapper(func):
            func.handler_for = name
            return func
        return wrapper
    # associate mount_p with 'mount_-p.txt'
    @handler_for('mount -p')
    def mount_p(self, slurped):

Now that we've associated some data with each class method, we need to gather that data and store it in a class attribute.

OutputAnalysis.cmd_handler = {}
for value in OutputAnalysis.__dict__.itervalues():
        OutputAnalysis.cmd_handler[value.handler_for] = value
    except AttributeError:

How to get english language word database?

I do not see mentioned here, but that is where I would start if I were looking for something like this (and I was, when I stumbled over this question).

If you cannot find what you want there, and what you want is a list of english words, then you should probably spend some extra time describing how to recognize what it is that you want.

Inner join vs Where

i had this conundrum today when inspecting one of our sp's timing out in production, changed an inner join on a table built from an xml feed to a 'where' clause instead....average exec time is now 80ms over 1000 executions, whereas before average exec was 2.2 seconds...major difference in the execution plan is the dissapearance of a key lookup... The message being you wont know until youve tested using both methods.


Running windows shell commands with python

You can use the subprocess package with the code as below:

import subprocess
cmdCommand = "python"   #specify your cmd command
process = subprocess.Popen(cmdCommand.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = process.communicate()
print output

Converting String array to java.util.List

The Simplest approach:

String[] stringArray = {"Hey", "Hi", "Hello"};

List<String> list = Arrays.asList(stringArray);

How to insert new cell into UITableView in Swift

Swift 5.0, 4.0, 3.0 Updated Solution

Insert at Bottom


self.tblView.insertRows(at: [IndexPath.init(row: self.yourArray.count-1, section: 0)], with: .automatic)

Insert at Top of TableView

self.yourArray.insert(msg, at: 0)
self.tblView.insertRows(at: [IndexPath.init(row: 0, section: 0)], with: .automatic)

What are the "standard unambiguous date" formats for string-to-date conversion in R?

This is documented behavior. From ?as.Date:

format: A character string. If not specified, it will try '"%Y-%m-%d"' then '"%Y/%m/%d"' on the first non-'NA' element, and give an error if neither works.

as.Date("01 Jan 2000") yields an error because the format isn't one of the two listed above. as.Date("01/01/2000") yields an incorrect answer because the date isn't in one of the two formats listed above.

I take "standard unambiguous" to mean "ISO-8601" (even though as.Date isn't that strict, as "%m/%d/%Y" isn't ISO-8601).

If you receive this error, the solution is to specify the format your date (or datetimes) are in, using the formats described in ?strptime. Be sure to use particular care if your data contain day/month names and/or abbreviations, as the conversion will depend on your locale (see the examples in ?strptime and read ?LC_TIME).

Parse JSON String into List<string>

I use this JSON Helper class in my projects. I found it on the net a year ago but lost the source URL. So I am pasting it directly from my project:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
/// <summary>
/// JSON Serialization and Deserialization Assistant Class
/// </summary>
public class JsonHelper
    /// <summary>
    /// JSON Serialization
    /// </summary>
    public static string JsonSerializer<T> (T t)
        DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        ser.WriteObject(ms, t);
        string jsonString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());
        return jsonString;
    /// <summary>
    /// JSON Deserialization
    /// </summary>
    public static T JsonDeserialize<T> (string jsonString)
        DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString));
        T obj = (T)ser.ReadObject(ms);
        return obj;

You can use it like this: Create the classes as Craig W. suggested.

And then deserialize like this

RootObject root = JSONHelper.JsonDeserialize<RootObject>(json);

Setting the classpath in java using Eclipse IDE

You can create new User library,


"Configure Build Paths" page -> Add Library -> User Library (on list) -> User Libraries Button (rigth side of page)

and create your library and (add Jars buttons) include your specific Jars.

I hope this can help you.

JSON.parse unexpected character error

You're not parsing a string, you're parsing an already-parsed object :)

var obj1 = JSON.parse('{"creditBalance":0,...,"starStatus":false}');
//                    ^                                          ^
//                    if you want to parse, the input should be a string 

var obj2 = {"creditBalance":0,...,"starStatus":false};
// or just use it directly.

Hibernate Union alternatives

A view is a better approach but since hql typically returns a List or Set... you can do list_1.addAll(list_2). Totally sucks compared to a union but should work.

php artisan migrate throwing [PDO Exception] Could not find driver - Using Laravel

Laravel Testing with sqlite needs php pdo sqlite drivers

For Ubuntu 14.04

sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite
sudo service apache2 restart

In ubuntu 16.04 there is no php5-sqlite

sudo apt-get install php7.0-sqlite
sudo service apache2 restart

Testing Spring's @RequestBody using Spring MockMVC

Use this one

public static final MediaType APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8 = new MediaType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.getType(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON.getSubtype(), Charset.forName("utf8"));

public void testInsertObject() throws Exception { 
    String url = BASE_URL + "/object";
    ObjectBean anObject = new ObjectBean();
    //... more
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.WRAP_ROOT_VALUE, false);
    ObjectWriter ow = mapper.writer().withDefaultPrettyPrinter();
    String requestJson=ow.writeValueAsString(anObject );


As described in the comments, this works because the object is converted to json and passed as the request body. Additionally, the contentType is defined as Json (APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8).

More info on the HTTP request body structure

C#/Linq: Apply a mapping function to each element in an IEnumerable?

You can just use the Select() extension method:

IEnumerable<int> integers = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
IEnumerable<string> strings = integers.Select(i => i.ToString());

Or in LINQ syntax:

IEnumerable<int> integers = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

var strings = from i in integers
              select i.ToString();

how to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable

The accepted answer seems like it will search through the entire response message. This could give you false matches for cookie headers if the word "Set-Cookie" is at the beginning of a line. While it should be fine in most cases. The safer way might be to read through the message from the beginning until the first empty line which indicates the end of the message headers. This is just an alternate solution that should look for the first blank line and then use preg_grep on those lines only to find "Set-Cookie".

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    //Return everything
    $res = curl_exec($ch);
    //Split into lines
    $lines = explode("\n", $res);
    $headers = array();
    $body = "";
    foreach($lines as $num => $line){
        $l = str_replace("\r", "", $line);
        //Empty line indicates the start of the message body and end of headers
        if(trim($l) == ""){
            $headers = array_slice($lines, 0, $num);
            $body = $lines[$num + 1];
            //Pull only cookies out of the headers
            $cookies = preg_grep('/^Set-Cookie:/', $headers);

HRESULT: 0x80131040: The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

This happened to me when I updated web.config without updating all referenced dlls.

Using proper diff filter (beware of Meld's default directory compare filter ignoring binaries) the difference was identified, files were copied and everything worked fine.

Java string split with "." (dot)

I believe you should escape the dot. Try:

String filename = "D:/some folder/001.docx";
String extensionRemoved = filename.split("\\.")[0];

Otherwise dot is interpreted as any character in regular expressions.

How to calculate the SVG Path for an arc (of a circle)

The orginal polarToCartesian function by wdebeaum is correct:

var angleInRadians = angleInDegrees * Math.PI / 180.0;

Reversing of start and end points by using:

var start = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, endAngle);
var end = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, startAngle);

Is confusing (to me) because this will reverse the sweep-flag. Using:

var start = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, startAngle);
var end = polarToCartesian(x, y, radius, endAngle);

with the sweep-flag = "0" draws "normal" counter-clock-wise arcs, which I think is more straight forward. See

What's the common practice for enums in Python?

I have no idea why Enums are not support natively by Python. The best way I've found to emulate them is by overridding _ str _ and _ eq _ so you can compare them and when you use print() you get the string instead of the numerical value.

class enumSeason():
    Spring = 0
    Summer = 1
    Fall = 2
    Winter = 3
    def __init__(self, Type):
        self.value = Type
    def __str__(self):
        if self.value == enumSeason.Spring:
            return 'Spring'
        if self.value == enumSeason.Summer:
            return 'Summer'
        if self.value == enumSeason.Fall:
            return 'Fall'
        if self.value == enumSeason.Winter:
            return 'Winter'
    def __eq__(self,y):
       return self.value==y.value


>>> s = enumSeason(enumSeason.Spring)

>>> print(s)


count distinct values in spreadsheet

Link to Working Examples

Solution 0

This can be accompished using pivot tables.

Pivot table Example - Count rows by value

Solution 1

Use the unique formula to get all the distinct values. Then use countif to get the count of each value. See the working example link at the top to see exactly how this is implemented.

Unique Values        Count
=UNIQUE(A3:A8)       =COUNTIF(A3:A8;B3)

Solution 2

If you setup your data as such:

London   1
Paris    1
London   1
Berlin   1
Rome     1
Paris    1

Then the following will produce the desired result.

=sort(transpose(query(A3:B8,"Select sum(B) pivot (A)")),2,FALSE)

I'm sure there is a way to get rid of the second column since all values will be 1. Not an ideal solution in my opinion.


Other Possibly Helpful Links

How do I assert equality on two classes without an equals method?

Some of the reflection compare methods are shallow

Another option is to convert the object to a json and compare the strings.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;    
public static String getJsonString(Object obj) {
 try {
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    return bjectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(obj);
     } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Error parsing log entry", e);
        return null;
assertEquals(getJsonString(MyexpectedObject), getJsonString(MyActualObject))

How to convert data.frame column from Factor to numeric

This is FAQ 7.10. Others have shown how to apply this to a single column in a data frame, or to multiple columns in a data frame. But this is really treating the symptom, not curing the cause.

A better approach is to use the colClasses argument to read.table and related functions to tell R that the column should be numeric so that it never creates a factor and creates numeric. This will put in NA for any values that do not convert to numeric.

Another better option is to figure out why R does not recognize the column as numeric (usually a non numeric character somewhere in that column) and fix the original data so that it is read in properly without needing to create NAs.

Best is a combination of the last 2, make sure the data is correct before reading it in and specify colClasses so R does not need to guess (this can speed up reading as well).

Alter column, add default constraint

alter table TableName drop constraint DF_TableName_WhenEntered

alter table TableName add constraint DF_TableName_WhenEntered default getutcdate() for WhenEntered

How do I use $scope.$watch and $scope.$apply in AngularJS?

There are $watchGroup and $watchCollection as well. Specifically, $watchGroup is really helpful if you want to call a function to update an object which has multiple properties in a view that is not dom object, for e.g. another view in canvas, WebGL or server request.

Here, the documentation link.

Android Studio : unmappable character for encoding UTF-8

A few encoding issues that I had to face couldn't be solved by above solutions. I had to either update my Android Studio or run test cases using following command in the AS terminal.

gradlew clean assembleDebug testDebug

P.S your encoding settings for IDE and project should match.

Hope it helps !

Java error: Comparison method violates its general contract

It also has something to do with the version of JDK. If it does well in JDK6, maybe it will have the problem in JDK 7 described by you, because the implementation method in jdk 7 has been changed.

Look at this:

Description: The sorting algorithm used by java.util.Arrays.sort and (indirectly) by java.util.Collections.sort has been replaced. The new sort implementation may throw an IllegalArgumentException if it detects a Comparable that violates the Comparable contract. The previous implementation silently ignored such a situation. If the previous behavior is desired, you can use the new system property, java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort, to restore previous mergesort behaviour.

I don't know the exact reason. However, if you add the code before you use sort. It will be OK.

System.setProperty("java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort", "true");

C compiling - "undefined reference to"?

seems you need to link with the obj file that implements tolayer5()

Update: your function declaration doesn't match the implementation:

      void tolayer5(int AorB, struct msg msgReceived)
      void tolayer5(int, char data[])

So compiler would treat them as two different functions (you are using c++). and it cannot find the implementation for the one you called in main().

How to set the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in linux

Alternatively you can execute program with specified library dir:

/lib/ --library-path PATH EXECUTABLE

Read more here.

Stock ticker symbol lookup API

Currently, the NASDAQ web site publicly provides CSV files containing bulk listings -- it is broken up by first letter.

Jquery selector input[type=text]')

Using a normal css selector:

$('.sys input[type=text], .sys select').each(function() {...})

If you don't like the repetition:

$('.sys').find('input[type=text],select').each(function() {...})

Or more concisely, pass in the context argument:

$('input[type=text],select', '.sys').each(function() {...})

Note: Internally jQuery will convert the above to find() equivalent

Internally, selector context is implemented with the .find() method, so $('span', this) is equivalent to $(this).find('span').

I personally find the first alternative to be the most readable :), your take though

jQuery get html of container including the container itself


Update: outerHTML works on firefox now so use the other answer unless you need to support very old versions of firefox

How to pass variable as a parameter in Execute SQL Task SSIS?

Along with @PaulStock's answer, Depending on your connection type, your variable names and SQLStatement/SQLStatementSource Changes

android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0





There are different versions of setText - one takes a String and one takes an int resource id. If you pass it an integer it will try to look for the corresponding string resource id - which it can't find, which is your error.

I guess app.getTotalDl() returns an int. You need to specifically tell setText to set it to the String value of this int.

setText (int resid) vs setText (CharSequence text)

How to grey out a button?

The most easy solution is to set color filter to the background image of a button as I saw here

You can do as follow:

if ('need to set button disable')
    button.getBackground().setColorFilter(Color.GRAY, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);

Hope I helped someone...

How can I build XML in C#?

For simple cases, I would also suggest looking at XmlOutput a fluent interface for building Xml.

XmlOutput is great for simple Xml creation with readable and maintainable code, while generating valid Xml. The orginal post has some great examples.

Getting byte array through input type = file

    (function (document) {_x000D_
  var input = document.getElementById("files"),_x000D_
  output = document.getElementById("result"),_x000D_
  fileData; // We need fileData to be visible to getBuffer._x000D_
  // Eventhandler for file input. _x000D_
  function openfile(evt) {_x000D_
    var files = input.files;_x000D_
    // Pass the file to the blob, not the input[0]._x000D_
    fileData = new Blob([files[0]]);_x000D_
    // Pass getBuffer to promise._x000D_
    var promise = new Promise(getBuffer);_x000D_
    // Wait for promise to be resolved, or log error._x000D_
    promise.then(function(data) {_x000D_
      // Here you can pass the bytes to another function._x000D_
      output.innerHTML = data.toString();_x000D_
    }).catch(function(err) {_x000D_
      console.log('Error: ',err);_x000D_
  /* _x000D_
    Create a function which will be passed to the promise_x000D_
    and resolve it when FileReader has finished loading the file._x000D_
  function getBuffer(resolve) {_x000D_
    var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
    reader.onload = function() {_x000D_
      var arrayBuffer = reader.result_x000D_
      var bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);_x000D_
  // Eventlistener for file input._x000D_
  input.addEventListener('change', openfile, false);_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="file" id="files"/>_x000D_
<div id="result"></div>_x000D_

Check if an array is empty or exists

You should use:

  if (image_array !== undefined && image_array.length > 0)"#element") not working when code above the html element

<script>$(function(){var svg ="#chart").append("svg:svg");});</script>
<div id="chart"></div>

In other words, it's not happening because you can't query against something that doesn't exist yet-- so just do it after the page loads (here via jquery).

Btw, its recommended that you place your JS files before the close of your body tag.

Tensorflow r1.0 : could not a find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow

The TensorFlow package couldn't be found by the latest version of the "pip".
To be honest, I really don't know why this is...
but, the quick fix that worked out for me was:
[In case you are using a virtual environment]
downgrade the virtual environment to python-3.8.x and pip-20.2.x In case of anaconda, try:

conda install python=3.8

This should install the latest version of python-3.8 and pip-20.2.x for you.
And then, try

pip install tensorflow

Again, this worked fine for me, not sure if it'll work the same for you.

How to kill all processes with a given partial name?

Use pkill -f, which matches the pattern for any part of the command line

pkill -f my_pattern

What is the difference between os.path.basename() and os.path.dirname()?

To summarize what was mentioned by Breno above

Say you have a variable with a path to a file

path = '/home/User/Desktop/'

os.path.basename(path) returns the string ''


os.path.dirname(path) returns the string '/home/User/Desktop' (without a trailing slash '/')

These functions are used when you have to get the filename/directory name given a full path name.

In case the file path is just the file name (e.g. instead of path = '/home/User/Desktop/' you just have, os.path.dirname(path) returns an empty string.

Exiting out of a FOR loop in a batch file?

As jeb noted, the rest of the loop is skipped but evaluated, which makes the FOR solution too slow for this purpose. An alternative:

set F=1
if not exist "%F%" goto :EOF
echo %F%
set /a F=%F%+1
goto nextpart

You might need to use delayed expansion and call subroutines when using this in loops.

Why does the preflight OPTIONS request of an authenticated CORS request work in Chrome but not Firefox?

Why does it work in Chrome and not Firefox?

The W3 spec for CORS preflight requests clearly states that user credentials should be excluded. There is a bug in Chrome and WebKit where OPTIONS requests returning a status of 401 still send the subsequent request.

Firefox has a related bug filed that ends with a link to the W3 public webapps mailing list asking for the CORS spec to be changed to allow authentication headers to be sent on the OPTIONS request at the benefit of IIS users. Basically, they are waiting for those servers to be obsoleted.

How can I get the OPTIONS request to send and respond consistently?

Simply have the server (API in this example) respond to OPTIONS requests without requiring authentication.

Kinvey did a good job expanding on this while also linking to an issue of the Twitter API outlining the catch-22 problem of this exact scenario interestingly a couple weeks before any of the browser issues were filed.

What's the difference between lists and tuples?

First of all, they both are the non-scalar objects (also known as a compound objects) in Python.

  • Tuples, ordered sequence of elements (which can contain any object with no aliasing issue)
    • Immutable (tuple, int, float, str)
    • Concatenation using + (brand new tuple will be created of course)
    • Indexing
    • Slicing
    • Singleton (3,) # -> (3) instead of (3) # -> 3
  • List (Array in other languages), ordered sequence of values
    • Mutable
    • Singleton [3]
    • Cloning new_array = origin_array[:]
    • List comprehension [x**2 for x in range(1,7)] gives you [1,4,9,16,25,36] (Not readable)

Using list may also cause an aliasing bug (two distinct paths pointing to the same object).

Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'

Update @angular-devkit/build-angular to "^0.13.9" . Then run npm install and after that, run npm serve.


Angular: 7.2.15
Angular CLI: 7.3.9
Node: 11.2.0
OS: darwin x64

Viewing full output of PS command

Evidence for truncation mentioned by others, (a personal example)

foo=$(ps -p 689 -o command); echo "$foo"

/opt/conda/bin/python -m ipykernel_launcher -f /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/kernel-5732db1a-d484-4a58-9d67-de6ef5ac721b.json

That ^^ captures that long output in a variable As opposed to

ps -p 689 -o command

/opt/conda/bin/python -m ipykernel_launcher -f /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtim

Since I was trying this from a Docker jupyter notebook, I needed to run this with the bang of course ..

!foo=$(ps -p 689 -o command); echo "$foo"

Surprisingly jupyter notebooks let you execute even that! But glad to help find the offending notebook taking up all my memory =D

SQL Server NOLOCK and joins

Neither. You set the isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED which is always better than giving individual lock hints. Or, better still, if you care about details like consistency, use snapshot isolation.

How to sort two lists (which reference each other) in the exact same way

What about:

list1 = [3,2,4,1, 1]
list2 = ['three', 'two', 'four', 'one', 'one2']

sortedRes = sorted(zip(list1, list2), key=lambda x: x[0]) # use 0 or 1 depending on what you want to sort
>>> [(1, 'one'), (1, 'one2'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (4, 'four')]

Force LF eol in git repo and working copy

Without a bit of information about what files are in your repository (pure source code, images, executables, ...), it's a bit hard to answer the question :)

Beside this, I'll consider that you're willing to default to LF as line endings in your working directory because you're willing to make sure that text files have LF line endings in your .git repository wether you work on Windows or Linux. Indeed better safe than sorry....

However, there's a better alternative: Benefit from LF line endings in your Linux workdir, CRLF line endings in your Windows workdir AND LF line endings in your repository.

As you're partially working on Linux and Windows, make sure core.eol is set to native and core.autocrlf is set to true.

Then, replace the content of your .gitattributes file with the following

* text=auto

This will let Git handle the automagic line endings conversion for you, on commits and checkouts. Binary files won't be altered, files detected as being text files will see the line endings converted on the fly.

However, as you know the content of your repository, you may give Git a hand and help him detect text files from binary files.

Provided you work on a C based image processing project, replace the content of your .gitattributes file with the following

* text=auto
*.txt text
*.c text
*.h text
*.jpg binary

This will make sure files which extension is c, h, or txt will be stored with LF line endings in your repo and will have native line endings in the working directory. Jpeg files won't be touched. All of the others will be benefit from the same automagic filtering as seen above.

In order to get a get a deeper understanding of the inner details of all this, I'd suggest you to dive into this very good post "Mind the end of your line" from Tim Clem, a Githubber.

As a real world example, you can also peek at this commit where those changes to a .gitattributes file are demonstrated.

UPDATE to the answer considering the following comment

I actually don't want CRLF in my Windows directories, because my Linux environment is actually a VirtualBox sharing the Windows directory

Makes sense. Thanks for the clarification. In this specific context, the .gitattributes file by itself won't be enough.

Run the following commands against your repository

$ git config core.eol lf
$ git config core.autocrlf input

As your repository is shared between your Linux and Windows environment, this will update the local config file for both environment. core.eol will make sure text files bear LF line endings on checkouts. core.autocrlf will ensure potential CRLF in text files (resulting from a copy/paste operation for instance) will be converted to LF in your repository.

Optionally, you can help Git distinguish what is a text file by creating a .gitattributes file containing something similar to the following:

# Autodetect text files
* text=auto

# ...Unless the name matches the following
# overriding patterns

# Definitively text files 
*.txt text
*.c text
*.h text

# Ensure those won't be messed up with
*.jpg binary
*.data binary

If you decided to create a .gitattributes file, commit it.

Lastly, ensure git status mentions "nothing to commit (working directory clean)", then perform the following operation

$ git checkout-index --force --all

This will recreate your files in your working directory, taking into account your config changes and the .gitattributes file and replacing any potential overlooked CRLF in your text files.

Once this is done, every text file in your working directory WILL bear LF line endings and git status should still consider the workdir as clean.

Why would we call cin.clear() and cin.ignore() after reading input?

The cin.clear() clears the error flag on cin (so that future I/O operations will work correctly), and then cin.ignore(10000, '\n') skips to the next newline (to ignore anything else on the same line as the non-number so that it does not cause another parse failure). It will only skip up to 10000 characters, so the code is assuming the user will not put in a very long, invalid line.

List of all index & index columns in SQL Server DB

I didn't go through, but I got what I wanted in the query posted by the original author.

I used it (without conditions/filters) for my requirement but it gave incorrect results

The main problem was the results getting cross product without join condition on index_id

 WHERE 1=1


ElasticSearch: Unassigned Shards, how to fix?

I was having this issue as well, and I found an easy way to resolve it.

  • Get the index of unassigned shards

    $ curl -XGET
  • Install curator Tools, and use it to delete index

    $ curator --host delete indices --older-than 1 \
           --timestring '%Y.%m.%d' --time-unit days --prefix logstash

    NOTE: In my case, the index is logstash of the day 2016-04-21

  • Then check the shards again, all the unassigned shards go away!

What's the fastest way of checking if a point is inside a polygon in python

I will just leave it here, just rewrote the code above using numpy, maybe somebody finds it useful:

def ray_tracing_numpy(x,y,poly):
    n = len(poly)
    inside = np.zeros(len(x),np.bool_)
    p2x = 0.0
    p2y = 0.0
    xints = 0.0
    p1x,p1y = poly[0]
    for i in range(n+1):
        p2x,p2y = poly[i % n]
        idx = np.nonzero((y > min(p1y,p2y)) & (y <= max(p1y,p2y)) & (x <= max(p1x,p2x)))[0]
        if p1y != p2y:
            xints = (y[idx]-p1y)*(p2x-p1x)/(p2y-p1y)+p1x
        if p1x == p2x:
            inside[idx] = ~inside[idx]
            idxx = idx[x[idx] <= xints]
            inside[idxx] = ~inside[idxx]    

        p1x,p1y = p2x,p2y
    return inside    

Wrapped ray_tracing into

def ray_tracing_mult(x,y,poly):
    return [ray_tracing(xi, yi, poly[:-1,:]) for xi,yi in zip(x,y)]

Tested on 100000 points, results:

ray_tracing_mult 0:00:00.850656
ray_tracing_numpy 0:00:00.003769

Writing a dict to txt file and reading it back?

Hi there is a way to write and read the dictionary to file you can turn your dictionary to JSON format and read and write quickly just do this :

To write your date:

 import json

 your_dictionary = {"some_date" : "date"}
 f = open('destFile.txt', 'w+')

and to read your data:

 import json

 f = open('destFile.txt', 'r')
 your_dictionary = json.loads(

How to make a Python script run like a service or daemon in Linux

A simple and supported version is Daemonize.

Install it from Python Package Index (PyPI):

$ pip install daemonize

and then use like:

import os, sys
from daemonize import Daemonize
def main()
      # your code here

if __name__ == '__main__':
        pidfile='/tmp/%s' % myname       # any name
        daemon = Daemonize(app=myname,pid=pidfile, action=main)

How to convert datetime to integer in python

When converting datetime to integers one must keep in mind the tens, hundreds and thousands.... like "2018-11-03" must be like 20181103 in int for that you have to 2018*10000 + 100* 11 + 3

Similarly another example, "2018-11-03 10:02:05" must be like 20181103100205 in int

Explanatory Code

dt = datetime(2018,11,3,10,2,5)
print (dt)

#print (dt.timestamp()) # unix representation ... not useful when converting to int

print (dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
print (dt.year*10000 + dt.month* 100  +
print (int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")))

print (dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
print (dt.year*10000000000 + dt.month* 100000000 * 1000000 + dt.hour*10000  +  dt.minute*100 + dt.second)
print (int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")))

General Function

To avoid that doing manually use below function

def datetime_to_int(dt):
    return int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))

Abstraction vs Encapsulation in Java

In simple words: You do abstraction when deciding what to implement. You do encapsulation when hiding something that you have implemented.

jquery disable form submit on enter

When the file is finished (load complete), the script detect each event for " Entry " key and he disable the event behind.

            $(document).ready(function () {
                    if(event.keyCode == 13) {
                        e.preventDefault(); // Disable the " Entry " key
                        return false;               

Convert IEnumerable to DataTable

A 2019 answer if you're using .NET Core - use the Nuget ToDataTable library. Advantages:

Disclaimer - I'm the author of ToDataTable

Performance - I span up some Benchmark .Net tests and included them in the ToDataTable repo. The results were as follows:

Creating a 100,000 Row Datatable:

Reflection                 818.5 ms
DataTableProxy           1,068.8 ms
ToDataTable                449.0 ms

How To Set Text In An EditText

You need to:

  1. Declare the EditText in the xml file
  2. Find the EditText in the activity
  3. Set the text in the EditText

Why doesn't file_get_contents work?

The error may be that you need to change the permission of folder and file which you are going to access. If like GoDaddy service you can access the file and change the permission or by ssh use the command like:

sudo chmod 777 file.jpeg

and then you can access if the above mentioned problems are not your case.

PHP sessions that have already been started

I encountered this issue while trying to fix $_SESSION's blocking behavior.

The session file remains locked until the script completes or the session is manually closed.

So, by default, a page should open a session in read-only mode. But once it's open in read-only, it has to be closed-and-reopened in to get it into write mode.


 * Open _SESSION read-only
function OpenSessionReadOnly() {
                      'cookie_lifetime' => SESSION_DEFAULT_COOKIE_LIFETIME,
                      'read_and_close'  => true,    // READ ACCESS FAST
    // $_SESSION is now defined. Call WriteSessionValues() to write out values

 * _SESSION is read-only by default. Call this function to save a new value
 * call this function like `WriteSessionValues(["username"=>$login_user]);`
 * to set $_SESSION["username"]
 * @param array $values_assoc_array
function WriteSessionValues($values_assoc_array) {
    // this is required to close the read-only session and 
    // not get a warning on the next line.

    // now open the session with write access
    session_start([ 'cookie_lifetime' => SESSION_DEFAULT_COOKIE_LIFETIME ]);

    foreach ($values_assoc_array as $key => $value) {
        $_SESSION[ $key ] = $value;
    session_write_close();  // Write session data and end session

    OpenSessionReadOnly(); // now reopen the session in read-only mode.

OpenSessionReadOnly();  // start the session for this page

Then when you go to write some value:


The function takes an array of key=>value pairs to make it even more efficient.

How can I declare optional function parameters in JavaScript?

With ES6: This is now part of the language:

function myFunc(a, b = 0) {
   // function body

Please keep in mind that ES6 checks the values against undefined and not against truthy-ness (so only real undefined values get the default value - falsy values like null will not default).

With ES5:

function myFunc(a,b) {
  b = b || 0;

  // b will be set either to b or to 0.

This works as long as all values you explicitly pass in are truthy. Values that are not truthy as per MiniGod's comment: null, undefined, 0, false, ''

It's pretty common to see JavaScript libraries to do a bunch of checks on optional inputs before the function actually starts.

What is the meaning of "POSIX"?

The most important things POSIX 7 defines

  1. C API

    Greatly extends ANSI C with things like:

    • more file operations: mkdir, dirname, symlink, readlink, link (hardlinks), poll(), stat, sync, nftw()
    • process and threads: fork, execl, wait, pipe, semaphors sem_*, shared memory (shm_*), kill, scheduling parameters (nice, sched_*), sleep, mkfifo, setpgid()
    • networking: socket()
    • memory management: mmap, mlock, mprotect, madvise, brk()
    • utilities: regular expressions (reg*)

    Those APIs also determine underlying system concepts on which they depend, e.g. fork requires a concept of a process.

    Many Linux system calls exist to implement a specific POSIX C API function and make Linux compliant, e.g. sys_write, sys_read, ... Many of those syscalls also have Linux-specific extensions however.

    Major Linux desktop implementation: glibc, which in many cases just provides a shallow wrapper to system calls.

  2. CLI utilities

    E.g.: cd, ls, echo, ...

    Many utilities are direct shell front ends for a corresponding C API function, e.g. mkdir.

    Major Linux desktop implementation: GNU Coreutils for the small ones, separate GNU projects for the big ones: sed, grep, awk, ... Some CLI utilities are implemented by Bash as built-ins.

  3. Shell language

    E.g., a=b; echo "$a"

    Major Linux desktop implementation: GNU Bash.

  4. Environment variables

    E.g.: HOME, PATH.

    PATH search semantics are specified, including how slashes prevent PATH search.

  5. Program exit status

    ANSI C says 0 or EXIT_SUCCESS for success, EXIT_FAILURE for failure, and leaves the rest implementation defined.

    POSIX adds:

  6. Regular expression

    There are two types: BRE (Basic) and ERE (Extended). Basic is deprecated and only kept to not break APIs.

    Those are implemented by C API functions, and used throughout CLI utilities, e.g. grep accepts BREs by default, and EREs with -E.

    E.g.: echo 'a.1' | grep -E 'a.[[:digit:]]'

    Major Linux implementation: glibc implements the functions under regex.h which programs like grep can use as backend.

  7. Directory structure

    E.g.: /dev/null, /tmp

    The Linux FHS greatly extends POSIX.

  8. Filenames

    • / is the path separator
    • NUL cannot be used
    • . is cwd, .. parent
    • portable filenames
      • use at most max 14 chars and 256 for the full path
      • can only contain: a-zA-Z0-9._-

    See also: what is posix compliance for filesystem?

  9. Command line utility API conventions

    Not mandatory, used by POSIX, but almost nowhere else, notably not in GNU. But true, it is too restrictive, e.g. single letter flags only (e.g. -a), no double hyphen long versions (e.g. --all).

    A few widely used conventions:

    • - means stdin where a file is expected
    • -- terminates flags, e.g. ls -- -l to list a directory named -l

    See also: Are there standards for Linux command line switches and arguments?

  10. "POSIX ACLs" (Access Control Lists), e.g. as used as backend for setfacl.

    This was withdrawn but it was implemented in several OSes, including in Linux with setxattr.

Who conforms to POSIX?

Many systems follow POSIX closely, but few are actually certified by the Open Group which maintains the standard. Notable certified ones include:

  • OS X (Apple) X stands for both 10 and UNIX. Was the first Apple POSIX system, released circa 2001. See also: Is OSX a POSIX OS?
  • AIX (IBM)
  • HP-UX (HP)
  • Solaris (Oracle)

Most Linux distros are very compliant, but not certified because they don't want to pay the compliance check. Inspur's K-UX and Huawei's EulerOS are two certified examples.

The official list of certified systems be found at: and also at the wiki page.


Windows implemented POSIX on some of its professional distributions.

Since it was an optional feature, programmers could not rely on it for most end user applications.

Support was deprecated in Windows 8:

In 2016 a new official Linux-like API called "Windows Subsystem for Linux" was announced. It includes Linux system calls, ELF running, parts of the /proc filesystem, Bash, GCC, (TODO likely glibc?), apt-get and more: so I believe that it will allow Windows to run much, if not all, of POSIX. However, it is focused on developers / deployment instead of end users. In particular, there were no plans to allow access to the Windows GUI.

Historical overview of the official Microsoft POSIX compatibility:

Cygwin is a well known GPL third-party project for that "provides substantial POSIX API functionality" for Windows, but requires that you "rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows". MSYS2 is a related project that seems to add more functionality on top of Cygwin.


Android has its own C library (Bionic) which does not fully support POSIX as of Android O: Is Android POSIX-compatible?

Bonus level

The Linux Standard Base further extends POSIX.

Use the non-frames indexes, they are much more readable and searchable:

Get a full zipped version of the HTML pages for grepping: Where is the list of the POSIX C API functions?

How to round up a number in Javascript?

I've been using @AndrewMarshall answer for a long time, but found some edge cases. The following tests doesn't pass:

equals(roundUp(9.69545, 4), 9.6955);
equals(roundUp(37.760000000000005, 4), 37.76);
equals(roundUp(5.83333333, 4), 5.8333);

Here is what I now use to have round up behave correctly:

// Closure
(function() {
   * Decimal adjustment of a number.
   * @param {String}  type  The type of adjustment.
   * @param {Number}  value The number.
   * @param {Integer} exp   The exponent (the 10 logarithm of the adjustment base).
   * @returns {Number} The adjusted value.
  function decimalAdjust(type, value, exp) {
    // If the exp is undefined or zero...
    if (typeof exp === 'undefined' || +exp === 0) {
      return Math[type](value);
    value = +value;
    exp = +exp;
    // If the value is not a number or the exp is not an integer...
    if (isNaN(value) || !(typeof exp === 'number' && exp % 1 === 0)) {
      return NaN;
    // If the value is negative...
    if (value < 0) {
      return -decimalAdjust(type, -value, exp);
    // Shift
    value = value.toString().split('e');
    value = Math[type](+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] - exp) : -exp)));
    // Shift back
    value = value.toString().split('e');
    return +(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] + exp) : exp));

  // Decimal round
  if (!Math.round10) {
    Math.round10 = function(value, exp) {
      return decimalAdjust('round', value, exp);
  // Decimal floor
  if (!Math.floor10) {
    Math.floor10 = function(value, exp) {
      return decimalAdjust('floor', value, exp);
  // Decimal ceil
  if (!Math.ceil10) {
    Math.ceil10 = function(value, exp) {
      return decimalAdjust('ceil', value, exp);

// Round
Math.round10(55.55, -1);   // 55.6
Math.round10(55.549, -1);  // 55.5
Math.round10(55, 1);       // 60
Math.round10(54.9, 1);     // 50
Math.round10(-55.55, -1);  // -55.5
Math.round10(-55.551, -1); // -55.6
Math.round10(-55, 1);      // -50
Math.round10(-55.1, 1);    // -60
Math.round10(1.005, -2);   // 1.01 -- compare this with Math.round(1.005*100)/100 above
Math.round10(-1.005, -2);  // -1.01
// Floor
Math.floor10(55.59, -1);   // 55.5
Math.floor10(59, 1);       // 50
Math.floor10(-55.51, -1);  // -55.6
Math.floor10(-51, 1);      // -60
// Ceil
Math.ceil10(55.51, -1);    // 55.6
Math.ceil10(51, 1);        // 60
Math.ceil10(-55.59, -1);   // -55.5
Math.ceil10(-59, 1);       // -50


Making WPF applications look Metro-styled, even in Windows 7? (Window Chrome / Theming / Theme)

Take a look at this WPF metro-styled window with optional glowing borders.

This is a stand-alone application using no other libraries than Microsoft.Windows.Shell (included) to create metro-styled windows with optional glowing borders.

Supports Windows all the way back to XP (.NET4).

Calculate difference between two datetimes in MySQL

my two cents about logic:

syntax is "old date" - :"new date", so:

SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, '2018-11-15 15:00:00', '2018-11-15 15:00:30')

gives 30,

SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, '2018-11-15 15:00:55', '2018-11-15 15:00:15')

gives: -40

Downloading MySQL dump from command line

Go to MySQL installation directory and open cmd from there. Then execute the below command to get a backup of your database.

mysqldump -u root -p --add-drop-database --databases db> C:\db-dontdelete\db.sql

How do I remove a specific element from a JSONArray?

i guess you are using Me version, i suggest to add this block of function manually, in your code ( :

public Object remove(int index) {
    Object o = this.opt(index);
    return o;

In java version they use ArrayList, in ME Version they use Vector.

printf a variable in C

Your printf needs a format string:

printf("%d\n", x);

This reference page gives details on how to use printf and related functions.

How to build a RESTful API?

Here is a very simply example in simple php.

There are 2 files client.php & api.php. I put both files on the same url : http://localhost:8888/, so you will have to change the link to your own url. (the file can be on two different servers).

This is just an example, it's very quick and dirty, plus it has been a long time since I've done php. But this is the idea of an api.



/*** this is the client ***/

if (isset($_GET["action"]) && isset($_GET["id"]) && $_GET["action"] == "get_user") // if the get parameter action is get_user and if the id is set, call the api to get the user information
  $user_info = file_get_contents('http://localhost:8888/api.php?action=get_user&id=' . $_GET["id"]);
  $user_info = json_decode($user_info, true);

        <td>Name: </td><td> <?php echo $user_info["last_name"] ?></td>
        <td>First Name: </td><td> <?php echo $user_info["first_name"] ?></td>
        <td>Age: </td><td> <?php echo $user_info["age"] ?></td>
    <a href="http://localhost:8888/client.php?action=get_userlist" alt="user list">Return to the user list</a>
else // else take the user list
  $user_list = file_get_contents('http://localhost:8888/api.php?action=get_user_list');
  $user_list = json_decode($user_list, true);
    <?php foreach ($user_list as $user): ?>
        <a href=<?php echo "http://localhost:8888/client.php?action=get_user&id=" . $user["id"]  ?> alt=<?php echo "user_" . $user_["id"] ?>><?php echo $user["name"] ?></a>
    <?php endforeach; ?>




// This is the API to possibility show the user list, and show a specific user by action.

function get_user_by_id($id)
  $user_info = array();

  // make a call in db.
  switch ($id){
    case 1:
      $user_info = array("first_name" => "Marc", "last_name" => "Simon", "age" => 21); // let's say first_name, last_name, age
    case 2:
      $user_info = array("first_name" => "Frederic", "last_name" => "Zannetie", "age" => 24);
    case 3:
      $user_info = array("first_name" => "Laure", "last_name" => "Carbonnel", "age" => 45);

  return $user_info;

function get_user_list()
  $user_list = array(array("id" => 1, "name" => "Simon"), array("id" => 2, "name" => "Zannetie"), array("id" => 3, "name" => "Carbonnel")); // call in db, here I make a list of 3 users.

  return $user_list;

$possible_url = array("get_user_list", "get_user");

$value = "An error has occurred";

if (isset($_GET["action"]) && in_array($_GET["action"], $possible_url))
  switch ($_GET["action"])
      case "get_user_list":
        $value = get_user_list();
      case "get_user":
        if (isset($_GET["id"]))
          $value = get_user_by_id($_GET["id"]);
          $value = "Missing argument";



I didn't make any call to the database for this example, but normally that is what you should do. You should also replace the "file_get_contents" function by "curl".

How to set focus on an input field after rendering?

If you just want to make autofocus in React, it's simple.

<input autoFocus type="text" />

While if you just want to know where to put that code, answer is in componentDidMount().


componentDidMount() {

In most cases, you can attach a ref to the DOM node and avoid using findDOMNode at all.

Read the API documents here:

How can I get current date in Android?

Date c = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
System.out.println("Current time => " + c);

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
String formattedDate = df.format(c);

This one is the best answer...

Get cookie by name

function getCookie(name) {
    var pair = document.cookie.split('; ').find(x => x.startsWith(name+'='));
    if (pair)
       return pair.split('=')[1]

Ruby: How to iterate over a range, but in set increments?

See for the full API.

Basically you use the step() method. For example:

(10..100).step(10) do |n|
    # n = 10
    # n = 20
    # n = 30
    # ...

How to get value of a div using javascript

Value is not a valid attribute of DIV

try this

var divElement = document.getElementById('demo');
alert( divElement .getAttribute('value'));

How to run Node.js as a background process and never die?

Simple solution (if you are not interested in coming back to the process, just want it to keep running):

nohup node server.js &

There's also the jobs command to see an indexed list of those backgrounded processes. And you can kill a backgrounded process by running kill %1 or kill %2 with the number being the index of the process.

Powerful solution (allows you to reconnect to the process if it is interactive):


You can then detach by pressing Ctrl+a+d and then attach back by running screen -r

Also consider the newer alternative to screen, tmux.

How do I create/edit a Manifest file?

As ibram stated, add the manifest thru solution explorer:

enter image description here

This creates a default manifest. Now, edit the manifest.

  • Update the assemblyIdentity name as your application.
  • Ask users to trust your application

enter image description here

  • Add supported OS

enter image description here

How to revert initial git commit?

You can delete the HEAD and restore your repository to a new state, where you can create a new initial commit:

git update-ref -d HEAD

After you create a new commit, if you have already pushed to remote, you will need to force it to the remote in order to overwrite the previous initial commit:

git push --force origin

Getting Http Status code number (200, 301, 404, etc.) from HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse

//Response being your httpwebresponse
Dim str_StatusCode as String = CInt(Response.StatusCode)

Is there a better way to compare dictionary values

Uhm, you are describing dict1 == dict2 ( check if boths dicts are equal )

But what your code does is all( dict1[k]==dict2[k] for k in dict1 ) ( check if all entries in dict1 are equal to those in dict2 )

#1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' cPanel

If you have already exported a .sql file, the best thing to do is to Find and Replace the following if you have them in your file:

  • utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci to utf8_unicode_ci
  • utf8mb4 to utf8
  • utf8_unicode_520_ci to utf8_unicode_ci

It will replace utf8mb4_unicode_ci to utf8_unicode_ci. Now you go to your phpMyAdmin cPanel and set the DB collation to utf8_unicode_ci through Operations > Collation.

If you are exporting to a .sql, it's better to change the format on how you're exporting the file. Check out Evster's anwer (it's in the same page as this)

How to encode a string in JavaScript for displaying in HTML?

function htmlEntities(str) {
    return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');

So then with var unsafestring = "<oohlook&atme>"; you would use htmlEntities(unsafestring);

Add A Year To Today's Date

This code adds the amount of years required for a date.

var d = new Date();
// => Tue Oct 01 2017 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)

var amountOfYearsRequired = 2;
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + amountOfYearsRequired);
// => Tue Oct 01 2019 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)

How to obtain the chat_id of a private Telegram channel?

update #2 :

Found another one easiest way : Just send to @username_to_id_bot bot your invite link to your private channel, it will return it's ID. Simplest level : maximum! :)

ps. I am not a an owner of this bot.

ps2. To be sure in security, just revoke your old invitation link if it is matter for you after bot using.

Original post :

Make channel public cannot be done by user with exist at least 5 public groups/channels, so...problem not solved. Yes, you can revoke one of them, but for now, we cannot retrieve chat id other way.


Did anybody found solution for that case?


I found crazy solution :

  1. login under your account at web version of Telegram :
  2. Find your channel. See to your url, it should be like**1055587116**_11052224402541910257
  3. Grab "1055587116" from it, and add "-100" as a prefix.

So... your channel id will be "-1001055587116". Magic happen :)

Solution found here :

How to nicely format floating numbers to string without unnecessary decimal 0's

If the idea is to print integers stored as doubles as if they are integers, and otherwise print the doubles with the minimum necessary precision:

public static String fmt(double d)
    if(d == (long) d)
        return String.format("%d",(long)d);
        return String.format("%s",d);



And does not rely on string manipulation.

jQuery returning "parsererror" for ajax request

I was also getting "Request return with error:parsererror." in the javascript console. In my case it wasn´t a matter of Json, but I had to pass to the view text area a valid encoding.

  String encodedString = getEncodedString(text, encoding);

How to clear APC cache entries?

As defined in APC Document:

To clear the cache run:

php -r 'function_exists("apc_clear_cache") ? apc_clear_cache() : null;'

Send email using java

Your code works, apart from setting up the connection with the SMTP server. You need a running mail (SMTP) server to send you email for you.

Here is your modified code. I commented out the parts that are not needed and changed the Session creation so it takes an Authenticator. Now just find out the SMPT_HOSTNAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD you want to use (your Internet provider usually provides them).

I always do it like this (using a remote SMTP server I know) because running a local mailserver is not that trivial under Windows (it's apparently quite easy under Linux).

import java.util.*;

import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;

//import javax.activation.*;

public class SendEmail {

    private static String SMPT_HOSTNAME = "";
    private static String USERNAME = "";
    private static String PASSWORD = "";

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Recipient's email ID needs to be mentioned.
        String to = "[email protected]";

        // Sender's email ID needs to be mentioned
        String from = "[email protected]";

        // Assuming you are sending email from localhost
        // String host = "localhost";

        // Get system properties
        Properties properties = System.getProperties();

        // Setup mail server
        properties.setProperty("", SMPT_HOSTNAME);

        // Get the default Session object.
        // Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);

        // create a session with an Authenticator
        Session session = Session.getInstance(properties, new Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(USERNAME, PASSWORD);

        try {
            // Create a default MimeMessage object.
            MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);

            // Set From: header field of the header.
            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));

            // Set To: header field of the header.
            message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(

            // Set Subject: header field
            message.setSubject("This is the Subject Line!");

            // Now set the actual message
            message.setText("This is actual message");

            // Send message
            System.out.println("Sent message successfully....");
        } catch (MessagingException mex) {

Angular2 Error: There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "ngForm"

I had the same problem which was resolved by adding the FormsModule to the .spec.ts:

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

and then adding the import to beforeEach:

beforeEach(async(() => {
    imports: [ FormsModule ],
    declarations: [ YourComponent ]

Load JSON text into class object in c#

I recommend you to use JSON.NET. it is an open source library to serialize and deserialize your c# objects into json and Json objects into .net objects ...

Serialization Example:

Product product = new Product();
product.Name = "Apple";
product.Expiry = new DateTime(2008, 12, 28);
product.Price = 3.99M;
product.Sizes = new string[] { "Small", "Medium", "Large" };

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(product);
//  "Name": "Apple",
//  "Expiry": new Date(1230422400000),
//  "Price": 3.99,
//  "Sizes": [
//    "Small",
//    "Medium",
//    "Large"
//  ]

Product deserializedProduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Product>(json);

Performance Comparison To Other JSON serializiation Techniques enter image description here

Change arrow colors in Bootstraps carousel

If you just want to make them black in Bootstrap 4+.

.carousel-control-prev /*, .carousel-indicators */ {
    filter: invert(100%);

How to insert double and float values to sqlite?

SQL Supports following types of affinities:

  • TEXT
  • REAL
  • BLOB

If the declared type for a column contains any of these "REAL", "FLOAT", or "DOUBLE" then the column has 'REAL' affinity.

How do I pass command line arguments to a Node.js program?

npm install ps-grab

If you want to run something like this :

node greeting.js --user Abdennour --website 


var grab=require('ps-grab');
grab('--username') // return 'Abdennour'
grab('--action') // return ''

Or something like :

node vbox.js -OS redhat -VM template-12332 ;


var grab=require('ps-grab');
grab('-OS') // return 'redhat'
grab('-VM') // return 'template-12332'

How to send a "multipart/form-data" with requests in python?

You need to use the name attribute of the upload file that is in the HTML of the site. Example:

autocomplete="off" name="image">

You see name="image">? You can find it in the HTML of a site for uploading the file. You need to use it to upload the file with Multipart/form-data


import requests

site = '' # the site where you upload the file
filename = 'image.jpg'  # name example

Here, in the place of image, add the name of the upload file in HTML

up = {'image':(filename, open(filename, 'rb'), "multipart/form-data")}

If the upload requires to click the button for upload, you can use like that:

data = {
     "Button" : "Submit",

Then start the request

request =, files=up, data=data)

And done, file uploaded succesfully

Store images in a MongoDB database

var upload = multer({dest: "./uploads"});
var mongo = require('mongodb');
var Grid = require("gridfs-stream");
Grid.mongo = mongo;'/:id', upload.array('photos', 200), function(req, res, next){
gfs = Grid(db);
var ss = req.files;
   for(var j=0; j<ss.length; j++){
     var originalName = ss[j].originalname;
     var filename = ss[j].filename;
     var writestream = gfs.createWriteStream({
         filename: originalName
    fs.createReadStream("./uploads/" + filename).pipe(writestream);

In your view:

<form action="/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="photos">

With this code you can add single as well as multiple images in MongoDB.

How to get length of a list of lists in python

The method len() returns the number of elements in the list.

 list1, list2 = [123, 'xyz', 'zara'], [456, 'abc']
    print "First list length : ", len(list1)
    print "Second list length : ", len(list2)

When we run above program, it produces the following result -

First list length : 3 Second list length : 2

Edit and Continue: "Changes are not allowed when..."

VS2019 - ASP.NET Forms In my case was Tools - Options - Windows Forms Designer - "Optimized Code Generation" <- to false

- java.lang.NullPointerException - setText on null object reference

The problem is the tv.setText(text). The variable tv is probably null and you call the setText method on that null, which you can't. My guess that the problem is on the findViewById method, but it's not here, so I can't tell more, without the code.

What is the "assert" function?

Stuff like 'raises exception' and 'halts execution' might be true for most compilers, but not for all. (BTW, are there assert statements that really throw exceptions?)

Here's an interesting, slightly different meaning of assert used by c6x and other TI compilers: upon seeing certain assert statements, these compilers use the information in that statement to perform certain optimizations. Wicked.

Example in C:

int dot_product(short *x, short *y, short z)
  int sum = 0
  int i;

  assert( ( (int)(x) & 0x3 ) == 0 );
  assert( ( (int)(y) & 0x3 ) == 0 );

  for( i = 0 ; i < z ; ++i )
    sum += x[ i ] * y[ i ];
  return sum;

This tells de compiler the arrays are aligned on 32-bits boundaries, so the compiler can generate specific instructions made for that kind of alignment.

How to create EditText accepts Alphabets only in android?

For spaces, you can add single space in the digits. If you need any special characters like the dot, a comma also you can add to this list

android:digits="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "

How can I work with command line on synology?

You can use your favourite telnet (not recommended) or ssh (recommended) application to connect to your Synology box and use it as a terminal.

  1. Enable the command line interface (CLI) from the Network Services
  2. Define the protocol and the user and make sure the user has password set
  3. Access the CLI

If you need more detailed instruction read

Why is my toFixed() function not working?

I tried function toFixed(2) many times. Every time console shows "toFixed() is not a function".

but how I resolved is By using Math.round()


if ($(this).attr('name') == 'time') {
    var value = parseFloat($(this).val());
    value = Math.round(value*100)/100; // 10 defines 1 decimals, 100 for 2, 1000 for 3

this thing surely works for me and it might help you guys too...

Inserting created_at data with Laravel

In my case, I wanted to unit test that users weren't able to verify their email addresses after 1 hour had passed, so I didn't want to do any of the other answers since they would also persist when not unit testing, so I ended up just manually updating the row after insert:

// Create new user
$user = factory(User::class)->create();

// Add an email verification token to the 
// email_verification_tokens table
$token = $user->generateNewEmailVerificationToken();

// Get the time 61 minutes ago
$created_at = (new Carbon())->subMinutes(61);

// Do the update
    'UPDATE email_verification_tokens SET created_at = ?',

Note: For anything other than unit testing, I would look at the other answers here.

org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not insert [com.sample.Person]

I solved the error by modifying the following property in hibernate.cfg.xml

<property name="">validate</property>

Earlier, the table was getting deleted each time I ran the program and now it doesnt, as hibernate only validates the schema and does not affect changes to it.

As far as I know you can also change from validate to update e.g.:

<property name="">update</property>

Pass Hidden parameters using response.sendRedirect()

Using session, I successfully passed a parameter (name) from servlet #1 to servlet #2, using response.sendRedirect in servlet #1. Servlet #1 code:

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    String password = request.getParameter("password");
    request.getSession().setAttribute("name", name);

In Servlet #2, you don't need to get name back. It's already connected to the session. You could do String name = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("name"); ---but you don't need this.

If Servlet #2 calls a JSP, you can show name this way on the JSP webpage:

<h1>Welcome ${name}</h1>

Android Split string

android split string by comma

String data = "1,Diego Maradona,Footballer,Argentina";
String[] items = data.split(",");
for (String item : items)
    System.out.println("item = " + item);

How to check radio button is checked using JQuery?

jQuery 3.3.1

if (typeof $("input[name='yourRadioName']:checked").val() === "undefined") {
    alert('is not selected');
    alert('is selected');

Setting WPF image source in code

I am a new to WPF, but not in .NET.

I have spent five hours trying to add a PNG file to a "WPF Custom Control Library Project" in .NET 3.5 (Visual Studio 2010) and setting it as a background of an image-inherited control.

Nothing relative with URIs worked. I can not imagine why there is no method to get a URI from a resource file, through IntelliSense, maybe as:


I've tried a lot of URIs and played with ResourceManager, and Assembly's GetManifest methods, but all there were exceptions or NULL values.

Here I pot the code that worked for me:

// Convert the image in resources to a Stream
Stream ms = new MemoryStream()
Properties.Resources.MyImage.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);

// Create a BitmapImage with the stream.
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
bitmap.StreamSource = ms;

// Set as source
Source = bitmap;

How to use if-else option in JSTL

Besides the need to have an else, in many cases you will need to use the same condition on multiple locations.

I prefer to extract the condition into a variable:

<c:set var="conditionVar" value="#{expression}"/>

And after that, you can use the condition variable as many times as you need it:

<c:if test="#{conditionVar}">
<c:if test="#{!conditionVar}">
<c:if test="#{conditionVar}">
<c:if test="#{!conditionVar}">

The c:choose element is good for more complicated situations, but if you need an if else only, I think this approach is better. It is efficient and has the following benefits:

  • more readable if the variable name is well chosen
  • more reusable because the condition is extracted and the resulting variable can be reused for other ifs and in other expressions. It discourages writing the same condition (and evaluating it) multiple times.

lambda expression join multiple tables with select and where clause

I was looking for something and I found this post. I post this code that managed many-to-many relationships in case someone needs it.

    var UserInRole = db.UsersInRoles.Include(u => u.UserProfile).Include(u => u.Roles)
    .Select (m => new 
        UserName = u.UserProfile.UserName,
        RoleName = u.Roles.RoleName

how to get the value of css style using jquery

Yes, you're right. With the css() method you can retrieve the desired css value stored in the DOM. You can read more about this at:

But if you want to get its position you can check offset() and position() methods to get it's position.

How to handle back button in activity

In addition to the above I personally recommend


Programatically Speaking keydown will fire when the user depresses a key initially but It will repeat while the user keeps the key depressed.*

This remains true for all development platforms.

Google development suggested that if you are intercepting the BACK button in a view you should track the KeyEvent with starttracking on keydown then invoke with keyup.

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK
            && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) {
        return true;
    return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && event.isTracking()
            && !event.isCanceled()) {
        // *** Your Code ***
        return true;
    return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);

How do I abort/cancel TPL Tasks?

This sort of thing is one of the logistical reasons why Abort is deprecated. First and foremost, do not use Thread.Abort() to cancel or stop a thread if at all possible. Abort() should only be used to forcefully kill a thread that is not responding to more peaceful requests to stop in a timely fashion.

That being said, you need to provide a shared cancellation indicator that one thread sets and waits while the other thread periodically checks and gracefully exits. .NET 4 includes a structure designed specifically for this purpose, the CancellationToken.

How does functools partial do what it does?

short answer, partial gives default values to the parameters of a function that would otherwise not have default values.

from functools import partial

def foo(a,b):
    return a+b

bar = partial(foo, a=1) # equivalent to: foo(a=1, b)
#11 = 1+10
bar(a=101, b=10)

Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide

Workflow example with GIT.

Git is extremely flexible and adapts good to any workflow, but not enforcing a particular workflow might have the negative effect of making it hard to understand what you can do with git beyond the linear "backup" workflow, and how useful branching can be for example.

This blog post explains nicely a very simple but effective workflow that is really easy to setup using git.

quoting from the blog post: We consider origin/master to be the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects a production-ready state:

The workflow has become popular enough to have made a project that implements this workflow: git-flow

Nice illustration of a simple workflow, where you make all your changes in develop, and only push to master when the code is in a production state:

simple workflow

Now let's say you want to work on a new feature, or on refactoring a module. You could create a new branch, what we could call a "feature" branch, something that will take some time and might break some code. Once your feature is "stable enough" and want to move it "closer" to production, you merge your feature branch into develop. When all the bugs are sorted out after the merge and your code passes all tests rock solid, you push your changes into master.

During all this process, you find a terrible security bug, that has to be fixed right away. You could have a branch called hotfixes, that make changes that are pushed quicker back into production than the normal "develop" branch.

Here you have an illustration of how this feature/hotfix/develop/production workflow might look like (well explained in the blog post, and I repeat, the blog post explains the whole process in a lot more detail and a lot better than I do.

Git workflow example

Facebook Graph API, how to get users email?

Just add these code block on status return, and start passing a query string object {}. For JavaScript devs

After initializing your sdk.

step 1: // get login status

$(document).ready(function($) {
    FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {

This will check on document load and get your login status check if users has been logged in.

Then the function checkLoginState is called, and response is pass to statusChangeCallback

function checkLoginState() {
    FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {

Step 2: Let you get the response data from the status

function statusChangeCallback(response) {
    // body...
    if(response.status === 'connected'){
      // setElements(true);
      let userId = response.authResponse.userID;
      // console.log(userId);

      // setElements(false);
      console.log('not logged in !');

This also has the userid which is being set to variable, then a getUserInfo func is called to fetch user information using the Graph-api.

function getUserInfo(userId) {
    // body...
      function(response) {
        // Insert your code here
        // console.log(response);
        let email =;

After passing the userid as an argument, the function then fetch all information relating to that userid. Note: in my case i was looking for the email, as to allowed me run a function that can logged user via email only.

// login via email

function loginViaEmail(email) {
    // body...
    let token = '{{ csrf_token() }}';

    let data = {

      url: '/login/via/email',    
      type: 'POST',
      dataType: 'json',
      data: data,
      success: function(data){
        if(data.status == 'success'){
          window.location.href = '/dashboard';

        if(data.status == 'info'){
          window.location.href = '/create-account'; 
      error: function(data){
        console.log('Error logging in via email !');
        // alert('Fail to send login request !');

Starting with Zend Tutorial - Zend_DB_Adapter throws Exception: "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory"

I would say that you have a problem connecting from PHP to MySQL...

Something like PHP trying to find some socket file, and not finding it, maybe ?
(I've had this problem a couple of times -- not sure the error I got was exactly this one, though)

If you are running some Linux-based system, there should be a my.cnf file somewhere, that is used to configure MySQL -- on my Ubuntu, it's in /etc/mysql/.

In this file, there might be something like this :

socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

PHP need to use the same file -- and, depending on your distribution, the default file might not be the same as the one that MySQL uses.

In this case, adding these lines to your php.ini file might help :

mysql.default_socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
mysqli.default_socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
pdo_mysql.default_socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

(You'll need to restart Apache so the modification to php.ini is taken into account)

The last one should be enough for PDO, which is used by Zend Framework -- but the two previous ones will not do any harm, and can be useful for other applications.

If this doesn't help : can you connect to your database using PDO, in another script, that's totally independant of Zend Framework ?

i.e. does something like this work (quoting) :

$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=testdb;host=';
$user = 'dbuser';
$password = 'dbpass';

try {
    $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();

If no, the problem is definitly not with ZF, and is a configuration / installation problem of PHP.

If yes... Well, it means you have a problem with ZF, and you'll need to give us more informations about your setup (like your DSN, for instance ? )

jquery count li elements inside ul -> length?

Use $('ul#menu').children('li').length

.size() instead of .length will also work

Sass .scss: Nesting and multiple classes?

If that is the case, I think you need to use a better way of creating a class name or a class name convention. For example, like you said you want the .container class to have different color according to a specific usage or appearance. You can do this:


.container {
  background: red;

  &--desc {
    background: blue;

  // or you can do a more specific name
  &--blue {
    background: blue;

  &--red {
    background: red;


.container {
  background: red;

.container--desc {
  background: blue;

.container--blue {
  background: blue;

.container--red {
  background: red;

The code above is based on BEM Methodology in class naming conventions. You can check this link: BEM — Block Element Modifier Methodology

How to download all dependencies and packages to directory

# aptitude clean
# aptitude --download-only install <your_package_here>
# cp /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb <your_directory_here>

Way to create multiline comments in Bash?

Multiline comment in bash

This is a heredoc (<<) redirected to a NOP command (:).
The single quotes around END_COMMENT are important,
because it disables variable resolving and command resolving
within these lines.  Without the single-quotes around END_COMMENT,
the following two $() `` commands would get executed:
$(gibberish command)
`rm -fr mydir`

How to getElementByClass instead of GetElementById with JavaScript?

Use it to access class in Javascript.

<script type="text/javascript">
var var_name = document.getElementsByClassName("class_name")[0];

Running java with JAVA_OPTS env variable has no effect

I don't know of any JVM that actually checks the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. Usually this is used in scripts which launch the JVM and they usually just add it to the java command-line.

The key thing to understand here is that arguments to java that come before the -jar analyse.jar bit will only affect the JVM and won't be passed along to your program. So, modifying the java line in your script to:

java $JAVA_OPTS -jar analyse.jar $*

Should "just work".

How to pass "Null" (a real surname!) to a SOAP web service in ActionScript 3

The problem could be in Flex's SOAP encoder. Try extending the SOAP encoder in your Flex application and debug the program to see how the null value is handled.

My guess is, it's passed as NaN (Not a Number). This will mess up the SOAP message unmarshalling process sometime (most notably in the JBoss 5 server...). I remember extending the SOAP encoder and performing an explicit check on how NaN is handled.

unable to dequeue a cell with identifier Cell - must register a nib or a class for the identifier or connect a prototype cell in a storyboard

This worked for me, May help you too :

Swift 4+ :

self.tableView.register(UITableViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "cell")

Swift 3 :

self.tableView.register(UITableViewCell.classForKeyedArchiver(), forCellReuseIdentifier: "Cell")

Swift 2.2 :

self.tableView.registerClass(UITableViewCell.classForKeyedArchiver(), forCellReuseIdentifier: "Cell")

We have to Set Identifier property to Table View Cell as per below image,

enter image description here

What causes HttpHostConnectException?

In my case the issue was a missing 's' in the HTTP URL. Error was: "HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [] failed: Connection refused" End point and IP obviously changed to protect the network.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd1 in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)

for Python 3 users. you can do

with open(csv_name_here, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
    #some codes

it works with flask too :)

How Do I Make Glyphicons Bigger? (Change Size?)

Increase the font-size of glyphicon to increase all icons size.

.glyphicon {
    font-size: 50px;

To target only one icon,

.glyphicon.glyphicon-globe {
    font-size: 75px;

How to Set Active Tab in jQuery Ui

Inside your function for the click action use

$( "#tabs" ).tabs({ active: # });

Where # is replaced by the tab index you want to select.

isolating a sub-string in a string before a symbol in SQL Server 2008

DECLARE @test nvarchar(100)

SET @test = 'Foreign Tax Credit - 1997'

SELECT @test, left(@test, charindex('-', @test) - 2) AS LeftString,
    right(@test, len(@test) - charindex('-', @test) - 1)  AS RightString

Unable to resolve host "<URL here>" No address associated with host name

You probably don't have the INTERNET permission. Try adding this to your AndroidManifest.xml file, right before </manifest>:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Note: the above doesn't have to be right before the </manifest> tag, but that is a good / correct place to put it.

Note: if this answer doesn't help in your case, read the other answers!

General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value

use print_r(Auth);

then see in which format you have user_id / id variable and use it

.htaccess File Options -Indexes on Subdirectories

htaccess files affect the directory they are placed in and all sub-directories, that is an htaccess file located in your root directory ( would affect,, etc.

<meta charset="utf-8"> vs <meta http-equiv="Content-Type">

I would recommend doing it like this to keep things in line with HTML5.

<meta charset="UTF-8">


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

How do I lowercase a string in Python?

How to convert string to lowercase in Python?

Is there any way to convert an entire user inputted string from uppercase, or even part uppercase to lowercase?

E.g. Kilometers --> kilometers

The canonical Pythonic way of doing this is

>>> 'Kilometers'.lower()

However, if the purpose is to do case insensitive matching, you should use case-folding:

>>> 'Kilometers'.casefold()

Here's why:

>>> "Maße".casefold()
>>> "Maße".lower()
>>> "MASSE" == "Maße"
>>> "MASSE".lower() == "Maße".lower()
>>> "MASSE".casefold() == "Maße".casefold()

This is a str method in Python 3, but in Python 2, you'll want to look at the PyICU or py2casefold - several answers address this here.

Unicode Python 3

Python 3 handles plain string literals as unicode:

>>> string = '????????'
>>> string
>>> string.lower()

Python 2, plain string literals are bytes

In Python 2, the below, pasted into a shell, encodes the literal as a string of bytes, using utf-8.

And lower doesn't map any changes that bytes would be aware of, so we get the same string.

>>> string = '????????'
>>> string
>>> string.lower()
>>> print string.lower()

In scripts, Python will object to non-ascii (as of Python 2.5, and warning in Python 2.4) bytes being in a string with no encoding given, since the intended coding would be ambiguous. For more on that, see the Unicode how-to in the docs and PEP 263

Use Unicode literals, not str literals

So we need a unicode string to handle this conversion, accomplished easily with a unicode string literal, which disambiguates with a u prefix (and note the u prefix also works in Python 3):

>>> unicode_literal = u'????????'
>>> print(unicode_literal.lower())

Note that the bytes are completely different from the str bytes - the escape character is '\u' followed by the 2-byte width, or 16 bit representation of these unicode letters:

>>> unicode_literal
>>> unicode_literal.lower()

Now if we only have it in the form of a str, we need to convert it to unicode. Python's Unicode type is a universal encoding format that has many advantages relative to most other encodings. We can either use the unicode constructor or str.decode method with the codec to convert the str to unicode:

>>> unicode_from_string = unicode(string, 'utf-8') # "encoding" unicode from string
>>> print(unicode_from_string.lower())
>>> string_to_unicode = string.decode('utf-8') 
>>> print(string_to_unicode.lower())
>>> unicode_from_string == string_to_unicode == unicode_literal

Both methods convert to the unicode type - and same as the unicode_literal.

Best Practice, use Unicode

It is recommended that you always work with text in Unicode.

Software should only work with Unicode strings internally, converting to a particular encoding on output.

Can encode back when necessary

However, to get the lowercase back in type str, encode the python string to utf-8 again:

>>> print string
>>> string
>>> string.decode('utf-8')
>>> string.decode('utf-8').lower()
>>> string.decode('utf-8').lower().encode('utf-8')
>>> print string.decode('utf-8').lower().encode('utf-8')

So in Python 2, Unicode can encode into Python strings, and Python strings can decode into the Unicode type.

How to get Tensorflow tensor dimensions (shape) as int values?

2.0 Compatible Answer: In Tensorflow 2.x (2.1), you can get the dimensions (shape) of the tensor as integer values, as shown in the Code below:

Method 1 (using tf.shape):

import tensorflow as tf
c = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])
Shape = c.shape.as_list()
print(Shape)   # [2,3]

Method 2 (using tf.get_shape()):

import tensorflow as tf
c = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])
Shape = c.get_shape().as_list()
print(Shape)   # [2,3]

UITableView set to static cells. Is it possible to hide some of the cells programmatically?

I found a solution for animate hiding cells in static table.

// Class for wrapping Objective-C block
typedef BOOL (^HidableCellVisibilityFunctor)();
@interface BlockExecutor : NSObject
@property (strong,nonatomic) HidableCellVisibilityFunctor block;
+ (BlockExecutor*)executorWithBlock:(HidableCellVisibilityFunctor)block;
@implementation BlockExecutor
@synthesize block = _block;
+ (BlockExecutor*)executorWithBlock:(HidableCellVisibilityFunctor)block
    BlockExecutor * executor = [[BlockExecutor alloc] init];
    executor.block = block;
    return executor;

Only one additional dictionary needed:

@interface MyTableViewController ()
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary * hidableCellsDict;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UISwitch * birthdaySwitch;

And look at implementation of MyTableViewController. We need two methods to convert indexPath between visible and invisible indexes...

- (NSIndexPath*)recoverIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    int rowDelta = 0;
    for (NSIndexPath * ip in [[self.hidableCellsDict allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)])
        BlockExecutor * executor = [self.hidableCellsDict objectForKey:ip];
        if (ip.section == indexPath.section
            && ip.row <= indexPath.row + rowDelta
            && !executor.block())
    return [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:indexPath.row+rowDelta inSection:indexPath.section];

- (NSIndexPath*)mapToNewIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    int rowDelta = 0;
    for (NSIndexPath * ip in [[self.hidableCellsDict allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)])
        BlockExecutor * executor = [self.hidableCellsDict objectForKey:ip];
        if (ip.section == indexPath.section
            && ip.row < indexPath.row - rowDelta
            && !executor.block())
    return [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:indexPath.row-rowDelta inSection:indexPath.section];

One IBAction on UISwitch value changing:

- (IBAction)birthdaySwitchChanged:(id)sender
    NSIndexPath * indexPath = [self mapToNewIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:1]];
    if (self.birthdaySwitch.on)
        [self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
        [self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];

Some UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate methods:

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
    int numberOfRows = [super tableView:tableView numberOfRowsInSection:section];
    for (NSIndexPath * indexPath in [self.hidableCellsDict allKeys])
        if (indexPath.section == section)
            BlockExecutor * executor = [self.hidableCellsDict objectForKey:indexPath];
            numberOfRows -= (executor.block()?0:1);
    return numberOfRows;

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    indexPath = [self recoverIndexPath:indexPath];
    return [super tableView:tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    indexPath = [self recoverIndexPath:indexPath];
    return [super tableView:tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // initializing dictionary
    self.hidableCellsDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    [self.hidableCellsDict setObject:[BlockExecutor executorWithBlock:^(){return self.birthdaySwitch.on;}] forKey:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:1]];

- (void)viewDidUnload
    [self setBirthdaySwitch:nil];
    [super viewDidUnload];


How to check if a String contains only ASCII?

Or you copy the code from the IDN class.

// to check if a string only contains US-ASCII code point
private static boolean isAllASCII(String input) {
    boolean isASCII = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
        int c = input.charAt(i);
        if (c > 0x7F) {
            isASCII = false;
    return isASCII;

How to change the ROOT application?

According to the Apache Tomcat docs, you can change the application by creating a ROOT.xml file. See this for more info:

"The default web application may be defined by using a file called ROOT.xml."

Rename Pandas DataFrame Index

If you want to use the same mapping for renaming both columns and index you can do:

mapping = {0:'Date', 1:'SM'}
df.index.names = list(map(lambda name: mapping.get(name, name), df.index.names))
df.rename(columns=mapping, inplace=True)

How can I use an array of function pointers?

This question has been already answered with very good examples. The only example that might be missing is one where the functions return pointers. I wrote another example with this, and added lots of comments, in case someone finds it helpful:

#include <stdio.h>

char * func1(char *a) {
    *a = 'b';
    return a;

char * func2(char *a) {
    *a = 'c';
    return a;

int main() {
    char a = 'a';
    /* declare array of function pointers
     * the function pointer types are char * name(char *)
     * A pointer to this type of function would be just
     * put * before name, and parenthesis around *name:
     *   char * (*name)(char *)
     * An array of these pointers is the same with [x]
    char * (*functions[2])(char *) = {func1, func2};
    printf("%c, ", a);
    /* the functions return a pointer, so I need to deference pointer
     * Thats why the * in front of the parenthesis (in case it confused you)
    printf("%c, ", *(*functions[0])(&a)); 
    printf("%c\n", *(*functions[1])(&a));

    a = 'a';
    /* creating 'name' for a function pointer type
     * funcp is equivalent to type char *(*funcname)(char *)
    typedef char *(*funcp)(char *);
    /* Now the declaration of the array of function pointers
     * becomes easier
    funcp functions2[2] = {func1, func2};

    printf("%c, ", a);
    printf("%c, ", *(*functions2[0])(&a));
    printf("%c\n", *(*functions2[1])(&a));

    return 0;

Python: Convert timedelta to int in a dataframe

If the question isn't just "how to access an integer form of the timedelta?" but "how to convert the timedelta column in the dataframe to an int?" the answer might be a little different. In addition to the .dt.days accessor you need either df.astype or pd.to_numeric

Either of these options should help:

df['tdColumn'] = pd.to_numeric(df['tdColumn'].dt.days, downcast='integer')


df['tdColumn'] = df['tdColumn'].dt.days.astype('int16')

How do I print a list of "Build Settings" in Xcode project?

Although @dunedin15's fantastic answer has served me well on a number of occasions, it can give inaccurate results for some edge-cases, such as when debugging build settings of a static lib for an Archive build.

As an alternative, a Run Script Build Phase can be easily added to any target to “Log Build Settings” when it's built:

Target's Build Phases section w/ added Log Build Settings script phase

To add, (with the target in question selected) under the Build Phases tab-section click the little ? button a dozen-or-so pixels up-left-ward from the Target Dependencies section, and set the shell to /bin/bash and the command to export.  You'll also probably want to drag the phase upwards so that it happens just after Target Dependencies and before Copy Headers or Compile Sources.  Renaming the phase from “Run Script” to “Log Build Settings” isn't a bad idea.

The result is this incredibly helpful listing of current environment variables used for building:

Build Log output w/ export command's results

How to create a zip file in Java

Given exportPath and queryResults as String variables, the following block creates a file under exportPath and writes the content of queryResults to a results.txt file inside the zip.

URI uri = URI.create("jar:file:" + exportPath + "/");
Map<String, String> env = Collections.singletonMap("create", "true");

try (FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env)) {
  Path filePath = zipfs.getPath("/results.txt");
  byte[] fileContent = queryResults.getBytes();

  Files.write(filePath, fileContent, StandardOpenOption.CREATE);

One time page refresh after first page load

When I meet this problem, I search to here but most of answers are trying to modify existing url. Here is another answer which works for me using localStorage.

<script type='text/javascript'>

  if( window.localStorage )
    if( !localStorage.getItem('firstLoad') )
      localStorage['firstLoad'] = true;


C# equivalent to Java's charAt()?

please try to make it as a character

string str = "Tigger";
//then str[0] will return 'T' not "T"

Isn't the size of character in Java 2 bytes?

Java stores all it's "chars" internally as two bytes. However, when they become strings etc, the number of bytes will depend on your encoding.

Some characters (ASCII) are single byte, but many others are multi-byte.

Java supports Unicode, thus according to:

Java Character Docs

The max value supported is "\uFFFF" (hex FFFF, dec 65535), or 11111111 11111111 binary (two bytes).

href="tel:" and mobile numbers

The BlackBerry browser and Safari for iOS (iPhone/iPod/iPad) automatically detect phone numbers and email addresses and convert them to links. If you don’t want this feature, you should use the following meta tags.

For Safari:

<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">

For BlackBerry:

<meta http-equiv="x-rim-auto-match" content="none">


Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test

I had same issue, I resolved from below steps:

  1. Right click on project->maven->Update project
  2. Here I selected "force update for snapshot/release"
  3. After that I compiled again my project and issue got fixed

Function pointer as parameter

You need to declare disconnectFunc as a function pointer, not a void pointer. You also need to call it as a function (with parentheses), and no "*" is needed.

Using Pipes within ngModel on INPUT Elements in Angular

I tried the solutions above yet the value that goes to the model were the formatted value then returning and giving me currencyPipe errors. So i had to

  [ngModel]="transfer.amount | currency:'USD':true"

And on the function of addToAmount -> change on blur cause the ngModelChange was giving me cursor issues.

    return formatedNumber.replace(/[$,]/g,"")

And removing the other non numeric values.

validateOnlyNumbers(evt) {
  var theEvent = evt || window.event;
  var key = theEvent.keyCode || theEvent.which;
  key = String.fromCharCode( key );
  var regex = /[0-9]|\./;
  if( !regex.test(key) ) {
    theEvent.returnValue = false;
    if(theEvent.preventDefault) theEvent.preventDefault();

Export tables to an excel spreadsheet in same directory

For people who find this via search engines, you do not need VBA. You can just:

1.) select the query or table with your mouse
2.) click export data from the ribbon
3.) click excel from the export subgroup
4.) follow the wizard to select the output file and location.

Sort an array of objects in React and render them

const list = [
  { qty: 10, size: 'XXL' },
  { qty: 2, size: 'XL' },
  { qty: 8, size: 'M' }

list.sort((a, b) => (a.qty > b.qty) ? 1 : -1)


Out Put :

    "qty": 2,
    "size": "XL"
    "qty": 8,
    "size": "M"
    "qty": 10,
    "size": "XXL"

Setting href attribute at runtime

In jQuery 1.6+ it's better to use:

$(selector).prop('href',"http://www...") to set the value, and

$(selector).prop('href') to get the value

In short, .prop gets and sets values on the DOM object, and .attr gets and sets values in the HTML. This makes .prop a little faster and possibly more reliable in some contexts.

PostgreSQL how to see which queries have run

PostgreSql is very advanced when related to logging techniques

Logs are stored in Installationfolder/data/pg_log folder. While log settings are placed in postgresql.conf file.

Log format is usually set as stderr. But CSV log format is recommended. In order to enable CSV format change in

log_destination = 'stderr,csvlog'   
logging_collector = on

In order to log all queries, very usefull for new installations, set min. execution time for a query

log_min_duration_statement = 0

In order to view active Queries on your database, use

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity

To log specific queries set query type

log_statement = 'all'           # none, ddl, mod, all

For more information on Logging queries see PostgreSql Log.

Console output in a Qt GUI app?

No way to output a message to console when using QT += gui.

fprintf(stderr, ...) also can't print output.

Use QMessageBox instead to show the message.

Removing element from array in component state

You can use this function, if you want to remove the element (without index)

removeItem(item) {
  this.setState(prevState => {
    data: => i !== item)

How to delete all files older than 3 days when "Argument list too long"?

Can also use:

find . -mindepth 1 -mtime +3 -delete

To not delete target directory

Is there an "if -then - else " statement in XPath?

Yes, there is a way to do it in XPath 1.0:

  substring($s1, 1, number($condition)      * string-length($s1)),
  substring($s2, 1, number(not($condition)) * string-length($s2))

This relies on the concatenation of two mutually exclusive strings, the first one being empty if the condition is false (0 * string-length(...)), the second one being empty if the condition is true. This is called "Becker's method", attributed to Oliver Becker.

In your case:

    substring-before(//div[@id='head']/text(), ': '),
      ends-with(//div[@id='head']/text(), ': ')
    * string-length(substring-before(//div [@id='head']/text(), ': '))
      ends-with(//div[@id='head']/text(), ': ')
    * string-length(//div[@id='head']/text())

Though I would try to get rid of all the "//" before.

Also, there is the possibility that //div[@id='head'] returns more than one node.
Just be aware of that — using //div[@id='head'][1] is more defensive.

Log4j2 configuration - No log4j2 configuration file found

Additionally to what Tomasz W wrote, by starting your application you could use settings:


to get most of configuration problems.

For details see Log4j2 FAQ: How do I debug my configuration?

How can I remove an entry in global configuration with git config?

You can use the --unset flag of git config to do this like so:

git config --global --unset
git config --global --unset

If you have more variables for one config you can use:

git config --global --unset-all

Set initial value in datepicker with jquery?

This simple example works for me...


<input type="text" id="datepicker">


var $datepicker = $('#datepicker');
$datepicker.datepicker('setDate', new Date());

I was able to create this by simply looking @ the manual and reading the explanation of setDate:

.datepicker( "setDate" , date )
Sets the current date for the datepicker. The new date may be a Date object or a string in the current date format (e.g. '01/26/2009'), a number of days from today (e.g. +7) or a string of values and periods ('y' for years, 'm' for months, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, e.g. '+1m +7d'), or null to clear the selected date.

jasmine: Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL

Having an argument in your it function (done in the code below) will cause Jasmine to attempt an async call.

//this block signature will trigger async behavior.
it("should work", function(done){

//this block signature will run synchronously
it("should work", function(){

It doesn't make a difference what the done argument is named, its existence is all that matters. I ran into this issue from too much copy/pasta.

The Jasmine Asynchronous Support docs note that argument (named done above) is a callback that can be called to let Jasmine know when an asynchronous function is complete. If you never call it, Jasmine will never know your test is done and will eventually timeout.

Generating UML from C++ code?

Here are a few options:

Step-by-Step Guide to Reverse Engineering Code into UML Diagrams with Microsoft Visio 2000 -


StarUML -

Reverse engineering of the UML class diagram from C++ code in presence of weakly typed containers (2001) -

Umbrello UML Modeller -

A list of other tools to look at -

How to split a string of space separated numbers into integers?

Given: text = "42 0"

import re
numlist = re.findall('\d+',text)


['42', '0']

Passing Multiple route params in Angular2

      new AsyncRoute({path: '/demo/:demoKey1/:demoKey2', loader: () => {
      return System.import('app/modules/demo/demo').then(m =>m.demoComponent);
       }, name: 'demoPage'}),
       export class demoComponent {
            this._router.navigate( ['/demoPage', {demoKey1: "123", demoKey2: "234"}]);

How to Reload ReCaptcha using JavaScript?


Resets the reCAPTCHA widget. An optional widget id can be passed, otherwise the function resets the first widget created. (from Google's web page)

-didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not being called

Please check for UITapGestureRecognizer. In my case tapgesture was added for the view where tableview got placed, which is eating the user interaction of UITableview like didselect. After disabling tapgesture for the view, didselect delegate was triggered.

Git Pull is Not Possible, Unmerged Files

There is a solution even if you don't want to remove your local changes. Just fix the unmerged files (by git add or git remove). Then do git pull.

Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)

I replaced the "localhost" with IP Address (Database server's public IP Address) in the jdbc Url then it worked.

jdbcUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:<user>@//localhost:1521/<Service Name>";


jdbcUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:<user>@//<Public IP Address>:1521/<Service Name>";

Position absolute but relative to parent

Incase someone wants to postion a child div directly under a parent

#father {
   position: relative;

#son1 {
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;

Working demo Codepen

What is the difference between char * const and const char *?

Two rules

  1. If const is between char and *, it will affect the left one.
  2. If const is not between char and *, it will affect the nearest one.


  1. char const *. This is a pointer points to a constant char.
  2. char * const. This is a constant pointer points to a char.

What's the best way to test SQL Server connection programmatically?

For what Joel Coehorn suggested, have you already tried the utility named tcping. I know this is something you are not doing programmatically. It is a standalone executable which allows you to ping every specified time interval. It is not in C# though. Also..I am not sure If this would work If the target machine has firewall..hmmm..

[I am kinda new to this site and mistakenly added this as a comment, now added this as an answer. Let me know If this can be done here as I have duplicate comments (as comment and as an answer) here. I can not delete comments here.]

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS application?

RMStore is a lightweight iOS library for In-App Purchases. It wraps StoreKit API and provides you with handy blocks for asynchronous requests. Purchasing a product is as easy as calling a single method.

For the advanced users, this library also provides receipt verification, content downloads and transaction persistence.

Is it a good practice to use try-except-else in Python?

Just because no-one else has posted this opinion, I would say

avoid else clauses in try/excepts because they're unfamiliar to most people

Unlike the keywords try, except, and finally, the meaning of the else clause isn't self-evident; it's less readable. Because it's not used very often, it'll cause people that read your code to want to double-check the docs to be sure they understand what's going on.

(I'm writing this answer precisely because I found a try/except/else in my codebase and it caused a wtf moment and forced me to do some googling).

So, wherever I see code like the OP example:

except SomeException as the_exception:
    # do some more processing in non-exception case
    return something

I would prefer to refactor to

except SomeException as the_exception:
    return  # <1>
# do some more processing in non-exception case  <2>
return something
  • <1> explicit return, clearly shows that, in the exception case, we are finished working

  • <2> as a nice minor side-effect, the code that used to be in the else block is dedented by one level.

Create <div> and append <div> dynamically

Use the same process. You already have the variable iDiv which still refers to the original element <div id='block'> you've created. You just need to create another <div> and call appendChild().

// Your existing code unmodified...
var iDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'block';
iDiv.className = 'block';

// Now create and append to iDiv
var innerDiv = document.createElement('div');
innerDiv.className = 'block-2';

// The variable iDiv is still good... Just append to it.

The order of event creation doesn't have to be as I have it above. You can alternately append the new innerDiv to the outer div before you add both to the <body>.

var iDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'block';
iDiv.className = 'block';

// Create the inner div before appending to the body
var innerDiv = document.createElement('div');
innerDiv.className = 'block-2';

// The variable iDiv is still good... Just append to it.

// Then append the whole thing onto the body

Render HTML string as real HTML in a React component

Check if the text you're trying to append to the node is not escaped like this:

var prop = {
    match: {
        description: '&lt;h1&gt;Hi there!&lt;/h1&gt;'

Instead of this:

var prop = {
    match: {
        description: '<h1>Hi there!</h1>'

if is escaped you should convert it from your server-side.

The node is text because is escaped

The node is text because is escaped

The node is a dom node because isn't escaped

The node is a dom node because isn't escaped

Error executing command 'ant' on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks when building for Android with PhoneGap/Cordova

I encountered the same issue when trying to use Cordova. Turns out I already had brew, try which brew, but it was outdated. So, I had to update it first:

  1. Update brew: brew update
  2. Install Apache Ant: brew install ant

Converting JSON to XLS/CSV in Java

A JSON document basically consists of lists and dictionaries. There is no obvious way to map such a datastructure on a two-dimensional table.

How to properly add 1 month from now to current date in moment.js

According to the latest doc you can do the following-

Add a day

moment().add(1, 'days').calendar();

Add Year

moment().add(1, 'years').calendar();

Add Month

moment().add(1, 'months').calendar();

"elseif" syntax in JavaScript

Actually, technically when indented properly, it would be:

if (condition) {
} else {
    if (condition) {
    } else {

There is no else if, strictly speaking.

(Update: Of course, as pointed out, the above is not considered good style.)

API pagination best practices

If you've got pagination you also sort the data by some key. Why not let API clients include the key of the last element of the previously returned collection in the URL and add a WHERE clause to your SQL query (or something equivalent, if you're not using SQL) so that it returns only those elements for which the key is greater than this value?

How do I add multiple "NOT LIKE '%?%' in the WHERE clause of sqlite3?

this is a select command

    application_key = 'dsfdsfdjsfdsf'
        AND email NOT LIKE ''
        AND email NOT LIKE ''
        AND email NOT LIKE '';

this update command

 UPDATE user
    SET email = null
    WHERE application_key='dsfdsfdjsfdsf' and  email not like '' 
    and email not like ''  and email not like '';

Do we need to execute Commit statement after Update in SQL Server

The SQL Server Management Studio has implicit commit turned on, so all statements that are executed are implicitly commited.

This might be a scary thing if you come from an Oracle background where the default is to not have commands commited automatically, but it's not that much of a problem.

If you still want to use ad-hoc transactions, you can always execute


within SSMS, and than the system waits for you to commit the data.

If you want to replicate the Oracle behaviour, and start an implicit transaction, whenever some DML/DDL is issued, you can set the SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS checkbox in

Tools -> Options -> Query Execution -> SQL Server -> ANSI

Django DB Settings 'Improperly Configured' Error

For people using IntelliJ, with these settings I was able to query from the shell (on windows).

enter image description here

Onclick function based on element id

Make sure your code is in DOM Ready as pointed by rocket-hazmat


  //do something

document.getElementById("RootNode").onclick = function(){//do something}


Use event Delegation/

$(document).on("click", "#RootNode", function(){
   //do something


Wrap Code in Dom Ready

     //do something

Remove Last Comma from a string

Remove last comma. Working example

function truncateText() {_x000D_
  var str= document.getElementById('input').value;_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/,\s*$/, "");_x000D_
<input id="input" value="address line one,"/>_x000D_
<button onclick="truncateText()">Truncate</button>

CSS – why doesn’t percentage height work?

Another option is to add style to div

<div style="position: absolute; height:somePercentage%; overflow:auto(or other overflow value)">
 //to be scrolled 

And it means that an element is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor.

Can Mysql Split a column?

It seems to work:

substring_index ( substring_index ( context,',',1 ), ',', -1) 
substring_index ( substring_index ( context,',',2 ), ',', -1)
substring_index ( substring_index ( context,',',3 ), ',', -1)
substring_index ( substring_index ( context,',',4 ), ',', -1)

it means 1st value, 2nd, 3rd, etc.


The inner substring_index returns the first n values that are comma separated. So if your original string is "34,7,23,89", substring_index( context,',', 3) returns "34,7,23".
The outer substring_index takes the value returned by the inner substring_index and the -1 allows you to take the last value. So you get "23" from the "34,7,23".
Instead of -1 if you specify -2, you'll get "7,23", because it took the last two values.


select * from MyTable where substring_index(substring_index(prices,',',1),',',-1)=3382;

Here, prices is the name of a column in MyTable.

How to compare objects by multiple fields

With Java 8:

Comparator.comparing((Person p)->p.firstName)

If you have accessor methods:


If a class implements Comparable then such comparator may be used in compareTo method:

public int compareTo(Person o){
    return Comparator.comparing(Person::getFirstName)
              .compare(this, o);

What is the advantage of using heredoc in PHP?

The heredoc syntax is much cleaner to me and it is really useful for multi-line strings and avoiding quoting issues. Back in the day I used to use them to construct SQL queries:

$sql = <<<SQL
select *
  from $tablename
 where id in [$order_ids_list]
   and product_name = "widgets"

To me this has a lower probability of introducing a syntax error than using quotes:

$sql = "
select *
  from $tablename
 where id in [$order_ids_list]
   and product_name = \"widgets\"

Another point is to avoid escaping double quotes in your string:

$x = "The point of the \"argument" was to illustrate the use of here documents";

The problem with the above is the syntax error (the missing escaped quote) I just introduced as opposed to here document syntax:

$x = <<<EOF
The point of the "argument" was to illustrate the use of here documents

It is a bit of style, but I use the following as rules for single, double and here documents for defining strings:

  • Single quotes are used when the string is a constant like 'no variables here'
  • Double quotes when I can put the string on a single line and require variable interpolation or an embedded single quote "Today is ${user}'s birthday"
  • Here documents for multi-line strings that require formatting and variable interpolation.

Determine Whether Integer Is Between Two Other Integers?

Define the range between the numbers:

r = range(1,10)

Then use it:

if num in r:
    print("All right!")

Python3: ImportError: No module named '_ctypes' when using Value from module multiprocessing

If you use pyenv and get error "No module named '_ctypes'" (like i am) on Debian/Raspbian/Ubuntu you need to run this commands:

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
pyenv uninstall 3.7.6
pyenv install 3.7.6

Put your version of python instead of 3.7.6

Apache HttpClient Interim Error: NoHttpResponseException

I have faced same issue, I resolved by adding "connection: close" as extention,

Step 1: create a new class ConnectionCloseExtension

import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.common.FileSource;
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.extension.Parameters;
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.extension.ResponseTransformer;
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.http.HttpHeader;
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.http.HttpHeaders;
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.http.Request;
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.http.Response;

public class ConnectionCloseExtension extends ResponseTransformer {
  public Response transform(Request request, Response response, FileSource files, Parameters parameters) {
    return Response.Builder
            .plus(new HttpHeader("Connection", "Close")))

  public String getName() {
    return "ConnectionCloseExtension";

Step 2: set extension class in wireMockServer like below,

final WireMockServer wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(options()

How to share my Docker-Image without using the Docker-Hub?

Based on this blog, one could share a docker image without a docker registry by executing:

docker save --output latestversion-1.0.0.tar dockerregistry/latestversion:1.0.0

Once this command has been completed, one could copy the image to a server and import it as follows:

docker load --input latestversion-1.0.0.tar

Parsing date string in Go

I will suggest using time.RFC3339 constant from time package. You can check other constants from time package.

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Time parsing");
    dateString := "2014-11-12T11:45:26.371Z"
    time1, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339,dateString);
    if err!=nil {
    fmt.Println("Error while parsing date :", err);