Programs & Examples On #Powerpc

Questions related to the PowerPC family of RISC processors.

How do you uninstall MySQL from Mac OS X?

If you installed mysql through brew then we can use command to uninstall mysql.

$ brew uninstall mysql

Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.6.19...

This worked for me.

Which is faster: Stack allocation or Heap allocation

Usually stack allocation just consists of subtracting from the stack pointer register. This is tons faster than searching a heap.

Sometimes stack allocation requires adding a page(s) of virtual memory. Adding a new page of zeroed memory doesn't require reading a page from disk, so usually this is still going to be tons faster than searching a heap (especially if part of the heap was paged out too). In a rare situation, and you could construct such an example, enough space just happens to be available in part of the heap which is already in RAM, but allocating a new page for the stack has to wait for some other page to get written out to disk. In that rare situation, the heap is faster.

Laravel 5: Display HTML with Blade

On controller.

$your_variable = '';
$your_variable .= '<p>Hello world</p>';

return view('viewname')->with('your_variable', $your_variable)

If you do not want your data to be escaped, you may use the following syntax:

{!! $your_variable !!}


Hello world

Line Break in HTML Select Option?

No, browsers don't provide this formatting option.

You could probably fake it with some checkboxes with <label>s, and JS to turn it into a fly out menu.

jQuery: Get selected element tag name

You should NOT use jQuery('selector').attr("tagName").toLowerCase(), because it only works in older versions of Jquery.

You could use $('selector').prop("tagName").toLowerCase() if you're certain that you're using a version of jQuery thats >= version 1.6.

Note :

You may think that EVERYONE is using jQuery 1.10+ or something by now (January 2016), but unfortunately that isn't really the case. For example, many people today are still using Drupal 7, and every official release of Drupal 7 to this day includes jQuery 1.4.4 by default.

So if do not know for certain if your project will be using jQuery 1.6+, consider using one of the options that work for ALL versions of jQuery :

Option 1 :


Option 2


How to calculate the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution function in python?

NORMSINV (mentioned in a comment) is the inverse of the CDF of the standard normal distribution. Using scipy, you can compute this with the ppf method of the scipy.stats.norm object. The acronym ppf stands for percent point function, which is another name for the quantile function.

In [20]: from scipy.stats import norm

In [21]: norm.ppf(0.95)
Out[21]: 1.6448536269514722

Check that it is the inverse of the CDF:

In [34]: norm.cdf(norm.ppf(0.95))
Out[34]: 0.94999999999999996

By default, norm.ppf uses mean=0 and stddev=1, which is the "standard" normal distribution. You can use a different mean and standard deviation by specifying the loc and scale arguments, respectively.

In [35]: norm.ppf(0.95, loc=10, scale=2)
Out[35]: 13.289707253902945

If you look at the source code for scipy.stats.norm, you'll find that the ppf method ultimately calls scipy.special.ndtri. So to compute the inverse of the CDF of the standard normal distribution, you could use that function directly:

In [43]: from scipy.special import ndtri

In [44]: ndtri(0.95)
Out[44]: 1.6448536269514722

get everything between <tag> and </tag> with php

function contentDisplay($text)
    //replace UTF-8
    $convertUT8 = array("\xe2\x80\x98", "\xe2\x80\x99", "\xe2\x80\x9c", "\xe2\x80\x9d", "\xe2\x80\x93", "\xe2\x80\x94", "\xe2\x80\xa6");
    $to = array("'", "'", '"', '"', '-', '--', '...');
    $text = str_replace($convertUT8,$to,$text);

    //replace Windows-1252
    $convertWin1252 = array(chr(145), chr(146), chr(147), chr(148), chr(150), chr(151), chr(133));
    $to = array("'", "'", '"', '"', '-', '--', '...');
    $text = str_replace($convertWin1252,$to,$text);

    //replace accents
    $convertAccents = array('À', 'Á', 'Â', 'Ã', 'Ä', 'Å', 'Æ', 'Ç', 'È', 'É', 'Ê', 'Ë', 'Ì', 'Í', 'Î', 'Ï', 'Ð', 'Ñ', 'Ò', 'Ó', 'Ô', 'Õ', 'Ö', 'Ø', 'Ù', 'Ú', 'Û', 'Ü', 'Ý', 'ß', 'à', 'á', 'â', 'ã', 'ä', 'å', 'æ', 'ç', 'è', 'é', 'ê', 'ë', 'ì', 'í', 'î', 'ï', 'ñ', 'ò', 'ó', 'ô', 'õ', 'ö', 'ø', 'ù', 'ú', 'û', 'ü', 'ý', 'ÿ', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'd', 'Ð', 'd', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'H', 'h', 'H', 'h', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', '?', '?', 'J', 'j', 'K', 'k', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', '?', '?', 'L', 'l', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', '?', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'Œ', 'œ', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'Š', 'š', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'W', 'w', 'Y', 'y', 'Ÿ', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 'Ž', 'ž', '?', 'ƒ', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u', 'A', 'a', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?');
    $to = array('A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'AE', 'C', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'D', 'N', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'Y', 's', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'ae', 'c', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'n', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'y', 'y', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'D', 'd', 'D', 'd', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'H', 'h', 'H', 'h', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'IJ', 'ij', 'J', 'j', 'K', 'k', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'n', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'OE', 'oe', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'W', 'w', 'Y', 'y', 'Y', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 's', 'f', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u', 'A', 'a', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'A', 'a', 'AE', 'ae', 'O', 'o');
    $text = str_replace($convertAccents,$to,$text);

    //Encode the characters
    $text = htmlentities($text);

    //normalize the line breaks (here because it applies to all text)
    $text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
    $text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text);

    //decode the <code> tags
    $codeOpen = htmlentities('<').'code'.htmlentities('>');
    if (strpos($text, $codeOpen))
        $text = str_replace($codeOpen, html_entity_decode(htmlentities('<')) . "code" . html_entity_decode(htmlentities('>')), $text);
    $codeOpen = htmlentities('<').'/code'.htmlentities('>');
    if (strpos($text, $codeOpen))
        $text = str_replace($codeOpen, html_entity_decode(htmlentities('<')) . "/code" . html_entity_decode(htmlentities('>')), $text);

    //match everything between <code> and </code>, the msU is what makes this work here, ADD this to REGEX archive
    $regex = '/<code>(.*)<\/code>/msU';
    $code = preg_match($regex, $text, $matches);
    if ($code == 1)
        if (is_array($matches) && count($matches) >= 2)
            $newcode = $matches[1];

            $newcode = nl2br($newcode);

    //remove <code>and this</code> from $text;
    $text = str_replace('<code>' . $matches[1] . '</code>', 'PLACEHOLDERCODE1', $text);

    //convert the line breaks to paragraphs
    $text = '<p>' . str_replace("\n\n", '</p><p>', $text) . '</p>';
    $text = str_replace("\n" , '<br />', $text);
    $text = str_replace('</p><p>', '</p>' . "\n\n" . '<p>', $text);

    $text = str_replace('PLACEHOLDERCODE1', '<code>'.$newcode.'</code>', $text);
        $code = false;

    if ($code == false)
        //convert the line breaks to paragraphs
        $text = '<p>' . str_replace("\n\n", '</p><p>', $text) . '</p>';
        $text = str_replace("\n" , '<br />', $text);
        $text = str_replace('</p><p>', '</p>' . "\n\n" . '<p>', $text);

    return $text;

How can I open a Shell inside a Vim Window?

Well it depends on your OS - actually I did not test it on MS Windows - but Conque is one of the best plugins out there.

Actually, it can be better, but works.

Python Checking a string's first and last character

When you set a string variable, it doesn't save quotes of it, they are a part of its definition. so you don't need to use :1

CentOS 64 bit bad ELF interpreter

In general, when you get an error like this, just do

yum provides

then you'll see something like:

glibc-2.20-5.fc21.i686 : The GNU libc libraries
Repo        : fedora
Matched from:
Provides    :

and then you just run the following like BRPocock wrote (in case you were wondering what the logic was...):

yum install glibc.i686

Add CSS box shadow around the whole DIV

You're offsetting the shadow, so to get it to uniformly surround the box, don't offset it:

-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #ccc;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #ccc;
box-shadow: 0 0 3px #ccc;

How can I change image source on click with jQuery?

You should consider using a button for this. Links generally should be use for linking. Buttons can be used for other functionality you wish to add. Neals solution works, but its a workaround.

If you use a <button> instead of a <a>, your original code should work as expected.

How to detect if numpy is installed

In the numpy README.txt file, it says

After installation, tests can be run with:

python -c 'import numpy; numpy.test()'

This should be a sufficient test for proper installation.

Photoshop text tool adds punctuation to the beginning of text

You can try : go to edit>preferencec>type.. select type > choose text engine options select east asian. Restart photoshop. Create new peroject. Try text tool again.

(if you want to use your project created with other text engine type) copy /paste all layers to new project.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x9c

What can you do if you need to make a change to a file, but don’t know the file’s encoding? If you know the encoding is ASCII-compatible and only want to examine or modify the ASCII parts, you can open the file with the surrogateescape error handler:

with open(fname, 'r', encoding="ascii", errors="surrogateescape") as f:
    data =

How to measure time elapsed on Javascript?

var seconds = 0;
setInterval(function () {
}, 1000);

There you go, now you have a variable counting seconds elapsed. Since I don't know the context, you'll have to decide whether you want to attach that variable to an object or make it global.

Set interval is simply a function that takes a function as it's first parameter and a number of milliseconds to repeat the function as it's second parameter.

You could also solve this by saving and comparing times.

EDIT: This answer will provide very inconsistent results due to things such as the event loop and the way browsers may choose to pause or delay processing when a page is in a background tab. I strongly recommend using the accepted answer.

how to remove only one style property with jquery

You can also replace "-moz-user-select:none" with "-moz-user-select:inherit". This will inherit the style value from any parent style or from the default style if no parent style was defined.

Format certain floating dataframe columns into percentage in pandas

replace the values using the round function, and format the string representation of the percentage numbers:

df['var2'] = pd.Series([round(val, 2) for val in df['var2']], index = df.index)
df['var3'] = pd.Series(["{0:.2f}%".format(val * 100) for val in df['var3']], index = df.index)

The round function rounds a floating point number to the number of decimal places provided as second argument to the function.

String formatting allows you to represent the numbers as you wish. You can change the number of decimal places shown by changing the number before the f.

p.s. I was not sure if your 'percentage' numbers had already been multiplied by 100. If they have then clearly you will want to change the number of decimals displayed, and remove the hundred multiplication.

SVN Commit failed, access forbidden

The solution for me was to check the case sensitivity of the username. A lot of people are mentioning that the URL is case sensitive, but it seems the username is as well!

jQuery add blank option to top of list and make selected to existing dropdown

This worked:

$("#theSelectId").prepend("<option value='' selected='selected'></option>");

Firebug Output:

<select id="theSelectId">
  <option selected="selected" value=""/>
  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>

You could also use .prependTo if you wanted to reverse the order:

?$("<option>", { value: '', selected: true }).prependTo("#theSelectId");???????????

Returning an empty array

There is no difference except the fact that foo performs 3 visible method calls to return empty array that is anyway created while bar() just creates this array and returns it.

What causes an HTTP 405 "invalid method (HTTP verb)" error when POSTing a form to PHP on IIS?

An additional possible cause.

My HTML page had these starting tags:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">

This was on a page that using the slick jquery slideshow.

I removed the tags and replaced with:


And everything is working again.

@font-face not working

I had this problem recently and the problem was that my web server was not configured to serve woff files. For IIS 7, you can select your site, then select the MIME Types icon. If .woff is not in the list, you need to add it. The correct values are

File name extension: .woff
MIME type: application/font-woff

Checking if object is empty, works with ng-show but not from controller?

Check Empty object

$scope.isValid = function(value) {
    return !value

Update Rows in SSIS OLEDB Destination

You can't do a bulk-update in SSIS within a dataflow task with the OOB components.

The general pattern is to identify your inserts, updates and deletes and push the updates and deletes to a staging table(s) and after the Dataflow Task, use a set-based update or delete in an Execute SQL Task. Look at Andy Leonard's Stairway to Integration Services series. Scroll about 3/4 the way down the article to "Set-Based Updates" to see the pattern.

Stage data

Set based updates

enter image description here

You'll get much better performance with a pattern like this versus using the OLE DB Command transformation for anything but trivial amounts of data.

If you are into third party tools, I believe CozyRoc and I know PragmaticWorks have a merge destination component.

Remove old Fragment from fragment manager

If you want to replace a fragment with another, you should have added them dynamically, first of all. Fragments that are hard coded in XML, cannot be replaced.

// Create new fragment and transaction
Fragment newFragment = new ExampleFragment();
FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

// Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
// and add the transaction to the back stack
transaction.replace(, newFragment);

// Commit the transaction

Refer this post: Replacing a fragment with another fragment inside activity group

Refer1: Replace a fragment programmatically

UIImage resize (Scale proportion)

That's ok not a big problem . thing is u got to find the proportional width and height

like if size is 2048.0 x 1360.0 which has to be resized to 320 x 480 resolution then the resulting image size should be 722.0 x 480.0

here is the formulae to do that . if w,h is original and x,y are resulting image.

submitting w=2048,h=1360,y=480 => x=722.0 ( here width>height. if height>width then consider x to be 320 and calculate y)

U can submit in this web page . ARC

Confused ? alright , here is category for UIImage which will do the thing for you.

@interface UIImage (UIImageFunctions)
    - (UIImage *) scaleToSize: (CGSize)size;
    - (UIImage *) scaleProportionalToSize: (CGSize)size;
@implementation UIImage (UIImageFunctions)

- (UIImage *) scaleToSize: (CGSize)size
    // Scalling selected image to targeted size
    CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, size.width, size.height, 8, 0, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
    CGContextClearRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height));

    if(self.imageOrientation == UIImageOrientationRight)
        CGContextRotateCTM(context, -M_PI_2);
        CGContextTranslateCTM(context, -size.height, 0.0f);
        CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, size.height, size.width), self.CGImage);
        CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height), self.CGImage);

    CGImageRef scaledImage=CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);


    UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: scaledImage];


    return image;

- (UIImage *) scaleProportionalToSize: (CGSize)size1

    return [self scaleToSize:size1];


-- the following is appropriate call to do this if img is the UIImage instance.

img=[img scaleProportionalToSize:CGSizeMake(320, 480)];

Set variable with multiple values and use IN

Ideally you shouldn't be splitting strings in T-SQL at all.

Barring that change, on older versions before SQL Server 2016, create a split function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitStrings
    @List      nvarchar(max), 
    @Delimiter nvarchar(2)
      SELECT CONVERT(xml, N'<root><i>' 
        + REPLACE(@List, @Delimiter, N'</i><i>') 
        + N'</i></root>')
    SELECT Item = LTRIM(RTRIM(i.i.value(N'.',N'nvarchar(max)')))
      FROM x CROSS APPLY x.nodes(N'//root/i') AS i(i)

Now you can say:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000);

SET @Values = 'A, B, C';

  INNER JOIN dbo.SplitStrings(@Values, ',') AS s
    ON s.Item = foo.myField;

On SQL Server 2016 or above (or Azure SQL Database), it is much simpler and more efficient, however you do have to manually apply LTRIM() to take away any leading spaces:

DECLARE @Values varchar(1000) = 'A, B, C';

    ON LTRIM(s.value) = foo.myField;

Warning about `$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA` being deprecated

If you are using WAMP...

you should add or uncomment the property always_populate_raw_post_data in php.ini and set its value to -1. In my case php.ini is located in:


..but if you are still getting the warning (as I was)

You should also set always_populate_raw_post_data = -1 in phpForApache.ini:


If you can't find this file, open a browser window and go to:


and look for the value of Loaded Configuration File key. In my case the php.ini used by WAMP is located in:

C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\bin\php.ini (symlink to C:\wamp64\bin\php\php5.6.25\phpForApache.ini)

Finally restart WAMP (or click restart all services)

Why is __dirname not defined in node REPL?

I was also trying to join my path using path.join(__dirname, 'access.log') but it was throwing the same error.

Here is how I fixed it:

I first imported the path package and declared a variable named __dirname, then called the resolve path method.

In CommonJS

var path = require("path");

var __dirname = path.resolve();

In ES6+

import path  from 'path';

const __dirname = path.resolve();

Happy coding.......

Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/exc/InvalidDefinitionException

Use all the jackson dependencies(databind,core, annotations, scala(if you are using spark and scala)) with the same version.. and upgrade the versions to the latest releases..





Note: Use Scala dependency only if you are working with scala. Otherwise it is not needed.

preg_match(); - Unknown modifier '+'

You need to use delimiters with regexes in PHP. You can use the often used /, but PHP lets you use any matching characters, so @ and # are popular.

Further Reading.

If you are interpolating variables inside your regex, be sure to pass the delimiter you chose as the second argument to preg_quote().

Swift: declare an empty dictionary

It is very handy for finding your way

var dict:Dictionary = [:]

What does a just-in-time (JIT) compiler do?

A JIT compiler runs after the program has started and compiles the code (usually bytecode or some kind of VM instructions) on the fly (or just-in-time, as it's called) into a form that's usually faster, typically the host CPU's native instruction set. A JIT has access to dynamic runtime information whereas a standard compiler doesn't and can make better optimizations like inlining functions that are used frequently.

This is in contrast to a traditional compiler that compiles all the code to machine language before the program is first run.

To paraphrase, conventional compilers build the whole program as an EXE file BEFORE the first time you run it. For newer style programs, an assembly is generated with pseudocode (p-code). Only AFTER you execute the program on the OS (e.g., by double-clicking on its icon) will the (JIT) compiler kick in and generate machine code (m-code) that the Intel-based processor or whatever will understand.

Loop through files in a folder in matlab

At first, you must specify your path, the path that your *.csv files are in there

path = 'f:\project\dataset'

You can change it based on your system.


use dir function :

files = dir (strcat(path,'\*.csv'))

L = length (files);

for i=1:L
   % process the image in here

pwd also can be used.

Android ListView Selector Color

The list selector drawable is a StateListDrawable — it contains reference to multiple drawables for each state the list can be, like selected, focused, pressed, disabled...

While you can retrieve the drawable using getSelector(), I don't believe you can retrieve a specific Drawable from a StateListDrawable, nor does it seem possible to programmatically retrieve the colour directly from a ColorDrawable anyway.

As for setting the colour, you need a StateListDrawable as described above. You can set this on your list using the android:listSelector attribute, defining the drawable in XML like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
  <item android:state_enabled="false" android:state_focused="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/item_disabled" />
  <item android:state_pressed="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/item_pressed" />
  <item android:state_focused="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/item_focused" />

Laravel Update Query

This error would suggest that User::where('email', '=', $userEmail)->first() is returning null, rather than a problem with updating your model.

Check that you actually have a User before attempting to change properties on it, or use the firstOrFail() method.

$UpdateDetails = User::where('email', $userEmail)->first();

if (is_null($UpdateDetails)) {
    return false;

or using the firstOrFail() method, theres no need to check if the user is null because this throws an exception (ModelNotFoundException) when a model is not found, which you can catch using App::error()

$UpdateDetails = User::where('email', $userEmail)->firstOrFail();

plot with custom text for x axis points

This worked for me. Each month on X axis

str_month_list = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December']

What are the various "Build action" settings in Visual Studio project properties and what do they do?

VS2010 has a property for 'Build Action', and also for 'Copy to Output Directory'. So an action of 'None' will still copy over to the build directory if the copy property is set to 'Copy if Newer' or 'Copy Always'.

So a Build Action of 'Content' should be reserved to indicate content you will access via 'Application.GetContentStream'

I used the 'Build Action' setting of 'None' and the 'Copy to Output Direcotry' setting of 'Copy if Newer' for some externally linked .config includes.


How to make script execution wait until jquery is loaded

I'm not super fond of the interval thingies. When I want to defer jquery, or anything actually, it usually goes something like this.

Start with:

  <script>var $d=[];var $=(n)=>{$d.push(n)}</script>


  <div id="thediv"></div>


  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then finally:

  <script>for(var f in $d){$d[f]();}</script>

Or the less mind-boggling version:

<script>var def=[];function defer(n){def.push(n)}</script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script>for(var f in def){def[f]();}</script>

And in the case of async you could execute the pushed functions on jquery onload.

<script async onload="for(var f in def){def[f]();}" 
src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


function loadscript(src, callback){
  var script = document.createElement('script');
  script.src = src
  script.async = true;
  script.onload = callback;
loadscript("jquery.min", function(){for(var f in def){def[f]();}});

How to print Two-Dimensional Array like table

If you don't mind the commas and the brackets you can simply use:

System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(twoDm).replace("], ", "]\n"));

How to style child components from parent component's CSS file?

I have solved it outside Angular. I have defined a shared scss that I'm importing to my children.


%cell {
  color: #333333;
  background: #eee;
  font-size: 13px;
  font-weight: 600;


@import 'styles.scss';
.cell {
  @extend %cell;

My proposed approach is a way how to solve the problem the OP has asked about. As mentioned at multiple occasions, ::ng-deep, :ng-host will get depreciated and disabling encapsulation is just too much of a code leakage, in my view.

Is there any way to wait for AJAX response and halt execution?

New, using jquery's promise implementation:

function functABC(){

  // returns a promise that can be used later. 

  return $.ajax({
    url: 'myPage.php',
    data: {id: id}

functABC().then( response => 

Nice read e.g. here.

This is not "synchronous" really, but I think it achieves what the OP intends.

Old, (jquery's async option has since been deprecated):

All Ajax calls can be done either asynchronously (with a callback function, this would be the function specified after the 'success' key) or synchronously - effectively blocking and waiting for the servers answer. To get a synchronous execution you have to specify

async: false 

like described here

Note, however, that in most cases asynchronous execution (via callback on success) is just fine.

"Invalid signature file" when attempting to run a .jar

I had the same issue in gradle when creating a fat Jar, updating the build.gradle file with an exclude line corrected the issue.

jar {
    from {
        configurations.compile.collect {
            it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
    exclude 'META-INF/*.RSA', 'META-INF/*.SF','META-INF/*.DSA'
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.test.Main'

Primary key or Unique index?

You can see it like this:

A Primary Key IS Unique

A Unique value doesn't have to be the Representaion of the Element

Meaning?; Well a primary key is used to identify the element, if you have a "Person" you would like to have a Personal Identification Number ( SSN or such ) which is Primary to your Person.

On the other hand, the person might have an e-mail which is unique, but doensn't identify the person.

I always have Primary Keys, even in relationship tables ( the mid-table / connection table ) I might have them. Why? Well I like to follow a standard when coding, if the "Person" has an identifier, the Car has an identifier, well, then the Person -> Car should have an identifier as well!

Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient?

An easy way to login with a HTTP POST without doing any Base64 specific calls is to use the HTTPClient BasicCredentialsProvider

import static java.lang.System.out;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope;
import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;

CredentialsProvider provider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password);
provider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, credentials);
HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(provider).build();

HttpResponse response = client.execute(new HttpPost("http://address/test/login"));//Replace HttpPost with HttpGet if you need to perform a GET to login
int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
out.println("Response Code :"+ statusCode);

Android: Difference between onInterceptTouchEvent and dispatchTouchEvent?

There is a lot of confusion about these methods, but it is actually not that complicated. Most of the confusion is because:

  1. If your View/ViewGroup or any of its children do not return true in onTouchEvent, dispatchTouchEvent and onInterceptTouchEvent will ONLY be called for MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN. Without a true from onTouchEvent, the parent view will assume your view does not need the MotionEvents.
  2. When none of the children of a ViewGroup return true in onTouchEvent, onInterceptTouchEvent will ONLY be called for MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, even if your ViewGroup returns true in onTouchEvent.

Processing order is like this:

  1. dispatchTouchEvent is called.
  2. onInterceptTouchEvent is called for MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN or when any of the children of the ViewGroup returned true in onTouchEvent.
  3. onTouchEvent is first called on the children of the ViewGroup and when none of the children returns true it is called on the View/ViewGroup.

If you want to preview TouchEvents/MotionEvents without disabling the events on your children, you must do two things:

  1. Override dispatchTouchEvent to preview the event and return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);
  2. Override onTouchEvent and return true, otherwise you won’t get any MotionEvent except MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN.

If you want to detect some gesture like a swipe event, without disabling other events on your children as long as you did not detect the gesture, you can do it like this:

  1. Preview the MotionEvents as described above and set a flag when you detected your gesture.
  2. Return true in onInterceptTouchEvent when your flag is set to cancel MotionEvent processing by your children. This is also a convenient place to reset your flag, because onInterceptTouchEvent won’t be called again until the next MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN.

Example of overrides in a FrameLayout (my example in is C# as I’m programming with Xamarin Android, but the logic is the same in Java):

public override bool DispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
    // Preview the touch event to detect a swipe:
    switch (e.ActionMasked)
        case MotionEventActions.Down:
            _processingSwipe = false;
            _touchStartPosition = e.RawX;
        case MotionEventActions.Move:
            if (!_processingSwipe)
                float move = e.RawX - _touchStartPosition;
                if (move >= _swipeSize)
                    _processingSwipe = true;
                    _cancelChildren = true;
    return base.DispatchTouchEvent(e);

public override bool OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
    // To make sure to receive touch events, tell parent we are handling them:
    return true;

public override bool OnInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
    // Cancel all children when processing a swipe:
    if (_cancelChildren)
        // Reset cancel flag here, as OnInterceptTouchEvent won't be called until the next MotionEventActions.Down:
        _cancelChildren = false;
        return true;
    return false;

How do I use namespaces with TypeScript external modules?

Small impovement of Albinofrenchy answer:


export class Animal {
move() { /* ... */ }

export class Plant {
  photosynthesize() { /* ... */ }


import * as b from './base';

export class Dog extends b.Animal {
   woof() { }


import { Dog } from './dog'

namespace things {
  export const dog = Dog;

export = things;


import * as things from './things';


Is there a difference between /\s/g and /\s+/g?

In a match situation the first would return one match per whitespace, when the second would return a match for each group of whitespaces.

The result is the same because you're replacing it with an empty string. If you replace it with 'x' for instance, the results would differ.

str.replace(/\s/g, '') will return 'xxAxBxxCxxxDxEF '

while str.replace(/\s+/g, '') will return 'xAxBxCxDxEF '

because \s matches each whitespace, replacing each one with 'x', and \s+ matches groups of whitespaces, replacing multiple sequential whitespaces with a single 'x'.

How can I read and manipulate CSV file data in C++?

Here is some code you can use. The data from the csv is stored inside an array of rows. Each row is an array of strings. Hope this helps.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
typedef std::string String;
typedef std::vector<String> CSVRow;
typedef CSVRow::const_iterator CSVRowCI;
typedef std::vector<CSVRow> CSVDatabase;
typedef CSVDatabase::const_iterator CSVDatabaseCI;
void readCSV(std::istream &input, CSVDatabase &db);
void display(const CSVRow&);
void display(const CSVDatabase&);
int main(){
  std::fstream file("file.csv", std::ios::in);
    std::cout << "File not found!\n";
    return 1;
  CSVDatabase db;
  readCSV(file, db);
void readCSV(std::istream &input, CSVDatabase &db){
  String csvLine;
  // read every line from the stream
  while( std::getline(input, csvLine) ){
    std::istringstream csvStream(csvLine);
    CSVRow csvRow;
    String csvCol;
    // read every element from the line that is seperated by commas
    // and put it into the vector or strings
    while( std::getline(csvStream, csvCol, ',') )
void display(const CSVRow& row){
  CSVRowCI i=row.begin();
  for(;i != row.end();++i)
void display(const CSVDatabase& db){
  CSVDatabaseCI i=db.begin();
  for(; i != db.end(); ++i){

Resize height with Highcharts

I had a similar problem with height except my chart was inside a bootstrap modal popup, which I'm already controlling the size of with css. However, for some reason when the window was resized horizontally the height of the chart container would expand indefinitely. If you were to drag the window back and forth it would expand vertically indefinitely. I also don't like hard-coded height/width solutions.

So, if you're doing this in a modal, combine this solution with a window resize event.

// from link
$('#ChartModal').on('', function() {
    $('.chart-container').css('visibility', 'hidden');

$('#ChartModal').on('', function() {
    $('.chart-container').css('visibility', 'initial');
    ratio = $('.chart-container').width() / $('.chart-container').height();

Where "ratio" becomes a height/width aspect ratio, that will you resize when the bootstrap modal resizes. This measurement is only taken when he modal is opened. I'm storing ratio as a global but that's probably not best practice.

$(window).on('resize', function() {
    //chart-container is only visible when the modal is visible.
    if ( $('.chart-container').is(':visible') ) {
            ($('.chart-container').width() / ratio),
            doAnimation = true );

So with this, you can drag your screen to the side (resizing it) and your chart will maintain its aspect ratio.


enter image description here

vs smaller

enter image description here

(still fiddling around with vw units, so everything in the back is too small to read lol!)

Initializing ArrayList with some predefined values

You can also use the varargs syntax to make your code cleaner:

Use the overloaded constructor:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"));

Subclass ArrayList in a utils module:

public class MyArrayList<T> extends ArrayList<T> {
    public MyArrayList(T... values) {

ArrayList<String> list = new MyArrayList<String>("a", "b", "c");

Or have a static factory method (my preferred approach):

public class Utils {
  public static <T> ArrayList<T> asArrayList(T... values) {
    return new ArrayList<T>(Arrays.asList(values));

ArrayList<String> list = Utils.asArrayList("a", "b", "c");

What is the most efficient/elegant way to parse a flat table into a tree?

This was written quickly, and is neither pretty nor efficient (plus it autoboxes alot, converting between int and Integer is annoying!), but it works.

It probably breaks the rules since I'm creating my own objects but hey I'm doing this as a diversion from real work :)

This also assumes that the resultSet/table is completely read into some sort of structure before you start building Nodes, which wouldn't be the best solution if you have hundreds of thousands of rows.

public class Node {

    private Node parent = null;

    private List<Node> children;

    private String name;

    private int id = -1;

    public Node(Node parent, int id, String name) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.children = new ArrayList<Node>(); = name; = id;

    public int getId() {

    public String getName() {

    public void addChild(Node child) {

    public List<Node> getChildren() {
        return children;

    public boolean isRoot() {
        return (this.parent == null);

    public String toString() {
        return "id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", parent=" + parent;

public class NodeBuilder {

    public static Node build(List<Map<String, String>> input) {

        // maps id of a node to it's Node object
        Map<Integer, Node> nodeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Node>();

        // maps id of a node to the id of it's parent
        Map<Integer, Integer> childParentMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

        // create special 'root' Node with id=0
        Node root = new Node(null, 0, "root");
        nodeMap.put(root.getId(), root);

        // iterate thru the input
        for (Map<String, String> map : input) {

            // expect each Map to have keys for "id", "name", "parent" ... a
            // real implementation would read from a SQL object or resultset
            int id = Integer.parseInt(map.get("id"));
            String name = map.get("name");
            int parent = Integer.parseInt(map.get("parent"));

            Node node = new Node(null, id, name);
            nodeMap.put(id, node);

            childParentMap.put(id, parent);

        // now that each Node is created, setup the child-parent relationships
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : childParentMap.entrySet()) {
            int nodeId = entry.getKey();
            int parentId = entry.getValue();

            Node child = nodeMap.get(nodeId);
            Node parent = nodeMap.get(parentId);

        return root;

public class NodePrinter {

    static void printRootNode(Node root) {
        printNodes(root, 0);

    static void printNodes(Node node, int indentLevel) {

        printNode(node, indentLevel);
        // recurse
        for (Node child : node.getChildren()) {
            printNodes(child, indentLevel + 1);

    static void printNode(Node node, int indentLevel) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) {


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // setup dummy data
        List<Map<String, String>> resultSet = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
        resultSet.add(newMap("1", "Node 1", "0"));
        resultSet.add(newMap("2", "Node 1.1", "1"));
        resultSet.add(newMap("3", "Node 2", "0"));
        resultSet.add(newMap("4", "Node 1.1.1", "2"));
        resultSet.add(newMap("5", "Node 2.1", "3"));
        resultSet.add(newMap("6", "Node 1.2", "1"));

        Node root =;


    //convenience method for creating our dummy data
    private static Map<String, String> newMap(String id, String name, String parentId) {
        Map<String, String> row = new HashMap<String, String>();
        row.put("id", id);
        row.put("name", name);
        row.put("parent", parentId);
        return row;

In ASP.NET, when should I use Session.Clear() rather than Session.Abandon()?

Session.Abandon destroys the session as stated above so you should use this when logging someone out. I think a good use of Session.Clear would be for a shopping basket on an ecommerce website. That way the basket gets cleared without logging out the user.

JPQL SELECT between date statement

Try this query (replace t.eventsDate with e.eventsDate):

SELECT e FROM Events e WHERE e.eventsDate BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate

Git pull command from different user

This command will help to pull from the repository as the different user:

git pull https://[email protected]/projectfolder/projectname.git master

It is a workaround, when you are using same machine that someone else used before you, and had saved credentials

"Could not find Developer Disk Image"

Simply updated Xcode. Solved my problem

What is the Python equivalent of Matlab's tic and toc functions?

pip install easy-tictoc

In the code:

from tictoc import tic, toc


#Some code


Disclaimer: I'm the author of this library.

"The transaction log for database is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'" in a shared host

Call your hosting company and either have them set up regular log backups or set the recovery model to simple. I'm sure you know what informs the choice, but I'll be explicit anyway. Set the recovery model to full if you need the ability to restore to an arbitrary point in time. Either way the database is misconfigured as is.

Missing Microsoft RDLC Report Designer in Visual Studio

The setup feature does not work on Visual Studio 2017 and later versions.

The extension needs to be downloaded from VS Marketplace and then installed - Link

The same applies to other extensions such as Installer Projects (used for creating executable files) - Link

make div's height expand with its content

Typically I think this can be resolved by forcing a clear:both rule on the last child-element of the #items_list.

You can either use:

#items_list:last-child {clear: both;}

Or, if you're using a dynamic language, add an additional class to the last element generated in whatever loop creates the list itself, so you end up with something in your html like:

<div id="list_item_20" class="last_list_item">

and css

.last_list_item {clear: both; }

Google Chrome Full Black Screen

if you can't see the chrome://flags because everything is black, and you don't want to revert your graphic driver as @wilfo did, then you can run google-chrome --disable-gpu from the console.

Application Installation Failed in Android Studio

If you use MIUI ROM

Go to the developer option and in that disable MIUI optimization.You will be asked to reboot your phone. Reboot it and then run the app.

How to verify CuDNN installation?

My answer shows how to check the version of CuDNN installed, which is usually something that you also want to verify. You first need to find the installed cudnn file and then parse this file. To find the file, you can use:

whereis cudnn.h
CUDNN_H_PATH=$(whereis cudnn.h)

If that doesn't work, see "Redhat distributions" below.

Once you find this location you can then do the following (replacing ${CUDNN_H_PATH} with the path):

cat ${CUDNN_H_PATH} | grep CUDNN_MAJOR -A 2

The result should look something like this:

#define CUDNN_MAJOR 7
#define CUDNN_MINOR 5

Which means the version is 7.5.0.

Ubuntu 18.04 (via sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit)

This method of installation installs cuda in /usr/include and /usr/lib/cuda/lib64, hence the file you need to look at is in /usr/include/cudnn.h.

cat ${CUDNN_H_PATH} | grep CUDNN_MAJOR -A 2

Debian and Ubuntu

From CuDNN v5 onwards (at least when you install via sudo dpkg -i <library_name>.deb packages), it looks like you might need to use the following:

cat /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/cudnn_v*.h | grep CUDNN_MAJOR -A 2

For example:

$ cat /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/cudnn_v*.h | grep CUDNN_MAJOR -A 2                                                         
#define CUDNN_MAJOR      6
#define CUDNN_MINOR      0

#include "driver_types.h"

indicates that CuDNN version 6.0.21 is installed.

Redhat distributions

On CentOS, I found the location of CUDA with:

$ whereis cuda
cuda: /usr/local/cuda

I then used the procedure about on the cudnn.h file that I found from this location:

$ cat /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn.h | grep CUDNN_MAJOR -A 2

Compare two dates in Java

It works best....

Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();


boolean sameDay = cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR) && cal1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);

How can I order a List<string>?

Other answers are correct to suggest Sort, but they seem to have missed the fact that the storage location is typed as IList<string. Sort is not part of the interface.

If you know that ListaServizi will always contain a List<string>, you can either change its declared type, or use a cast. If you're not sure, you can test the type:

if (typeof(List<string>).IsAssignableFrom(ListaServizi.GetType()))
    //... some other solution; there are a few to choose from.

Perhaps more idiomatic:

List<string> typeCheck = ListaServizi as List<string>;
if (typeCheck != null)
    //... some other solution; there are a few to choose from.

If you know that ListaServizi will sometimes hold a different implementation of IList<string>, leave a comment, and I'll add a suggestion or two for sorting it.

Deserialize JSON string to c# object

Use this code:

var result=JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<yourObj>>(jsonString);

How to add a char/int to an char array in C?

I think you've forgotten initialize your string "str": You need initialize the string before using strcat. And also you need that tmp were a string, not a single char. Try change this:

char str[1024]; // Only declares size
char tmp = '.';


char str[1024] = "Hello World";  //Now you have "Hello World" in str
char tmp[2] = ".";

Checkbox value true/false

To return true or false depending on whether a checkbox is checked or not, I use this in JQuery

let checkState = $("#checkboxId").is(":checked") ? "true" : "false";

Convert pyQt UI to python

For pyqt5 you can use

pyuic5 xyz.ui > 


pyuic5 xyz.ui -o

getting the screen density programmatically in android?

This should help on your activity ...

void printSecreenInfo(){

    Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();

    Log.i(TAG, "density :" +  metrics.density);

    // density interms of dpi
    Log.i(TAG, "D density :" +  metrics.densityDpi);

    // horizontal pixel resolution
    Log.i(TAG, "width pix :" +  metrics.widthPixels);

     // actual horizontal dpi
    Log.i(TAG, "xdpi :" +  metrics.xdpi);

    // actual vertical dpi
    Log.i(TAG, "ydpi :" +  metrics.ydpi);



I/test( 1044): density :1.0

I/test( 1044): D density :160

I/test( 1044): width pix :800

I/test( 1044): xdpi :160.0

I/test( 1044): ydpi :160.42105

How to capitalize the first letter of word in a string using Java?

I would like to add a NULL check and IndexOutOfBoundsException on the accepted answer.

String output = input.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + input.substring(1);

Java Code:

  class Main {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Capitalize first letter ");
        System.out.println("Normal  check #1      : ["+ captializeFirstLetter("one thousand only")+"]");
        System.out.println("Normal  check #2      : ["+ captializeFirstLetter("two hundred")+"]");
        System.out.println("Normal  check #3      : ["+ captializeFirstLetter("twenty")+"]");
        System.out.println("Normal  check #4      : ["+ captializeFirstLetter("seven")+"]");

        System.out.println("Single letter check   : ["+captializeFirstLetter("a")+"]");
        System.out.println("IndexOutOfBound check : ["+ captializeFirstLetter("")+"]");
        System.out.println("Null Check            : ["+ captializeFirstLetter(null)+"]");

      static String captializeFirstLetter(String input){
             if(input!=null && input.length() >0){
                input = input.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + input.substring(1);
            return input;


Normal  check #1      : [One thousand only]
Normal  check #2      : [Two hundred]
Normal  check #3      : [Twenty]
Normal  check #4      : [Seven]
Single letter check   : [A]
IndexOutOfBound check : []
Null Check            : [null]

Can anyone explain IEnumerable and IEnumerator to me?

I have noticed these differences:

A. We iterate the list in different way, foreach can be used for IEnumerable and while loop for IEnumerator.

B. IEnumerator can remember the current index when we pass from one method to another (it start working with current index) but IEnumerable can't remember the index and it reset the index to beginning. More in this video

JavaScript: changing the value of onclick with or without jQuery

You shouldn't be using onClick any more if you are using jQuery. jQuery provides its own methods of attaching and binding events. See .click()

    var js = "alert('B:' +; return false;";
    // create a function from the "js" string
    var newclick = new Function(js);

    // clears onclick then sets click using jQuery
    $("#anchor").attr('onclick', '').click(newclick);

That should cancel the onClick function - and keep your "javascript from a string" as well.

The best thing to do would be to remove the onclick="" from the <a> element in the HTML code and switch to using the Unobtrusive method of binding an event to click.

You also said:

Using onclick = function() { return eval(js); } doesn't work because you are not allowed to use return in code passed to eval().

No - it won't, but onclick = eval("(function(){"+js+"})"); will wrap the 'js' variable in a function enclosure. onclick = new Function(js); works as well and is a little cleaner to read. (note the capital F) -- see documentation on Function() constructors

MySQL: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_3c6_0.MYI' (Errcode: 2) - What does it even mean?

On debian 7.5 I got the same error. I realized the /tmp folder owner and permissions were off. As another answer suggested I did as follows (must be root):

chown root:root /tmp && chmod 1777 /tmp

I did not even have to restart mysql daemon.

Using sudo with Python script

It works in python 2.7 and 3.8:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from shlex import split

proc = Popen(split('sudo -S %s' % command), bufsize=0, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
proc.stdin.write((password +'\n').encode()) # write as bytes
proc.stdin.flush() # need if not bufsize=0 (unbuffered stdin)

without .flush() password will not reach sudo if stdin buffered. In python 2.7 Popen by default used bufsize=0 and stdin.flush() was not needed.

For secure using, create password file in protected directory:

mkdir --mode=700 ~/.prot_dir
nano ~/.prot_dir/passwd.txt
chmod 600 ~/.prot_dir/passwd.txt 

at start your py-script read password from ~/.prot_dir/passwd.txt

with open(os.environ['HOME'] +'/.prot_dir/passwd.txt') as f:
    password = f.readline().rstrip()

How to read attribute value from XmlNode in C#?

you can loop through all attributes like you do with nodes

foreach (XmlNode item in node.ChildNodes)
    // node stuff...

    foreach (XmlAttribute att in item.Attributes)
        // attribute stuff

Pandas DataFrame column to list

I'd like to clarify a few things:

  1. As other answers have pointed out, the simplest thing to do is use pandas.Series.tolist(). I'm not sure why the top voted answer leads off with using pandas.Series.values.tolist() since as far as I can tell, it adds syntax/confusion with no added benefit.
  2. tst[lookupValue][['SomeCol']] is a dataframe (as stated in the question), not a series (as stated in a comment to the question). This is because tst[lookupValue] is a dataframe, and slicing it with [['SomeCol']] asks for a list of columns (that list that happens to have a length of 1), resulting in a dataframe being returned. If you remove the extra set of brackets, as in tst[lookupValue]['SomeCol'], then you are asking for just that one column rather than a list of columns, and thus you get a series back.
  3. You need a series to use pandas.Series.tolist(), so you should definitely skip the second set of brackets in this case. FYI, if you ever end up with a one-column dataframe that isn't easily avoidable like this, you can use pandas.DataFrame.squeeze() to convert it to a series.
  4. tst[lookupValue]['SomeCol'] is getting a subset of a particular column via chained slicing. It slices once to get a dataframe with only certain rows left, and then it slices again to get a certain column. You can get away with it here since you are just reading, not writing, but the proper way to do it is tst.loc[lookupValue, 'SomeCol'] (which returns a series).
  5. Using the syntax from #4, you could reasonably do everything in one line: ID = tst.loc[tst['SomeCol'] == 'SomeValue', 'SomeCol'].tolist()

Demo Code:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'colA':[1,2,1],
filter_value = 1

print "df"
print df
print type(df)

rows_to_keep = df['colA'] == filter_value
print "\ndf['colA'] == filter_value"
print rows_to_keep
print type(rows_to_keep)

result = df[rows_to_keep]['colB']
print "\ndf[rows_to_keep]['colB']"
print result
print type(result)

result = df[rows_to_keep][['colB']]
print "\ndf[rows_to_keep][['colB']]"
print result
print type(result)

result = df[rows_to_keep][['colB']].squeeze()
print "\ndf[rows_to_keep][['colB']].squeeze()"
print result
print type(result)

result = df.loc[rows_to_keep, 'colB']
print "\ndf.loc[rows_to_keep, 'colB']"
print result
print type(result)

result = df.loc[df['colA'] == filter_value, 'colB']
print "\ndf.loc[df['colA'] == filter_value, 'colB']"
print result
print type(result)

ID = df.loc[rows_to_keep, 'colB'].tolist()
print "\ndf.loc[rows_to_keep, 'colB'].tolist()"
print ID
print type(ID)

ID = df.loc[df['colA'] == filter_value, 'colB'].tolist()
print "\ndf.loc[df['colA'] == filter_value, 'colB'].tolist()"
print ID
print type(ID)


   colA  colB
0     1     4
1     2     5
2     1     6
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

df['colA'] == filter_value
0     True
1    False
2     True
Name: colA, dtype: bool
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

0    4
2    6
Name: colB, dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

0     4
2     6
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

0    4
2    6
Name: colB, dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

df.loc[rows_to_keep, 'colB']
0    4
2    6
Name: colB, dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

df.loc[df['colA'] == filter_value, 'colB']
0    4
2    6
Name: colB, dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

df.loc[rows_to_keep, 'colB'].tolist()
[4, 6]
<type 'list'>

df.loc[df['colA'] == filter_value, 'colB'].tolist()
[4, 6]
<type 'list'>

Permission denied for relation

Make sure you log into psql as the owner of the tables. to find out who own the tables use \dt


then you can run the GRANTS

How to check if a variable is a dictionary in Python?

The OP did not exclude the starting variable, so for completeness here is how to handle the generic case of processing a supposed dictionary that may include items as dictionaries.

Also following the pure Python(3.8) recommended way to test for dictionary in the above comments.

from import Mapping

dict = {'abc': 'abc', 'def': {'ghi': 'ghi', 'jkl': 'jkl'}}

def parse_dict(in_dict): 
    if isinstance(in_dict, Mapping):
        for k_outer, v_outer in in_dict.items():
            if isinstance(v_outer, Mapping):
                for k_inner, v_inner in v_outer.items():
                    print(k_inner, v_inner)
                print(k_outer, v_outer)


Searching for file in directories recursively

For file and directory search purpose I would want to offer use specialized multithreading .NET library that possess a wide search opportunities and works very fast.

All information about library you can find on GitHub:

If you want to download it you can do it here:

If you have any questions please ask them.

It is one demonstrative example how you can use it:

class Searcher
    private static object locker = new object(); 

    private FileSearcher searcher;

    List<FileInfo> files;

    public Searcher()
        files = new List<FileInfo>(); // create list that will contain search result

    public void Startsearch()
        CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
        // create tokenSource to get stop search process possibility

        searcher = new FileSearcher(@"C:\", (f) =>
            return Regex.IsMatch(f.Name, @".*[Dd]ragon.*.jpg$");
        }, tokenSource);  // give tokenSource in constructor

        searcher.FilesFound += (sender, arg) => // subscribe on FilesFound event
            lock (locker) // using a lock is obligatorily
                arg.Files.ForEach((f) =>
                    files.Add(f); // add the next received file to the search results list
                    Console.WriteLine($"File location: {f.FullName}, \nCreation.Time: {f.CreationTime}");

                if (files.Count >= 10) // one can choose any stopping condition

        searcher.SearchCompleted += (sender, arg) => // subscribe on SearchCompleted event
            if (arg.IsCanceled) // check whether StopSearch() called
                Console.WriteLine("Search stopped.");
                Console.WriteLine("Search completed.");

            Console.WriteLine($"Quantity of files: {files.Count}"); // show amount of finding files

        // start search process as an asynchronous operation that doesn't block the called thread

sed edit file in place

Very good examples. I had the challenge to edit in place many files and the -i option seems to be the only reasonable solution using it within the find command. Here the script to add "version:" in front of the first line of each file:

find . -name pkg.json -print -exec sed -i '.bak' '1 s/^/version /' {} \;

Random numbers with Math.random() in Java

Math.random() generates a number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

So (int)(Math.random() * max) ranges from 0 to max-1 inclusive.

Then (int)(Math.random() * max) + min ranges from min to max + min - 1, which is not what you want.

Google's formula is correct.

SQL Server: how to select records with specific date from datetime column

FROM LogRequests
WHERE cast(dateX as date) between '2014-05-09' and '2014-05-10';

This will select all the data between the 2 dates

How to generate .env file for laravel?

create .env using command!

composer run post-root-package-install or sudo composer run post-root-package-install

How to show Snackbar when Activity starts?

I have had trouble myself displaying Snackbar until now. Here is the simplest way to display a Snackbar. To display it as your Main Activity Starts, just put these two lines inside your OnCreate()

    Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(findViewById(, "Welcome To Main Activity", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG);;

P.S. Just make sure you have imported the Android Design Support.(As mentioned in the question).

For Kotlin,

Snackbar.make(findViewById(, message, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

SQL Developer is returning only the date, not the time. How do I fix this?

Well I found this way :

Oracle SQL Developer (Left top icon) > Preferences > Database > NLS and set the Date Format as MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS

enter image description here

Why does fatal error "LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\Program.obj'" occur when I compile a C++ project in Visual Studio?

I had the same problem, but solution for my case is not listed in answers. My antivirus program (AVG) determined file MyProg.exe as a virus and put it into the 'virus storehouse'. You need to check this storehouse and if file is there - then just restore it. It helped me out.

How can I add comments in MySQL?

Three types of commenting are supported

  1. Hash base single line commenting using #

    Select * from users ; # this will list users
    1. Double Dash commenting using --

    Select * from users ; -- this will list users

Note : Its important to have single white space just after --

3) Multi line commenting using /* */

Select * from users ; /* this will list users */

Vim for Windows - What do I type to save and exit from a file?

:q! will force an unconditional no-save exit

What is going wrong when Visual Studio tells me "xcopy exited with code 4"

Another thing to watch out for is double backslashes, since xcopy does not tolerate them in the input path parameter (but it does tolerate them in the output path...).

enter image description here

Change background color of iframe issue

It is possible. With vanilla Javascript, you can use the function below for reference.

function updateIframeBackground(iframeId) {
    var x = document.getElementById(iframeId);
    var y = (x.contentWindow || x.contentDocument);
    if (y.document) y = y.document; = "#2D2D2D";

How to get all columns' names for all the tables in MySQL?

On the offchance that it's useful to anyone else, this will give you a comma-delimited list of the columns in each table:

SELECT table_name,GROUP_CONCAT(column_name ORDER BY ordinal_position)
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = DATABASE()
GROUP BY table_name
ORDER BY table_name

Note : When using tables with a high number of columns and/or with long field names, be aware of the group_concat_max_len limit, which can cause the data to get truncated.

Is it possible to install both 32bit and 64bit Java on Windows 7?

As stated by pnt you can have multiple versions of both 32bit and 64bit Java installed at the same time on the same machine.

Taking it further from there: Here's how it might be possible to set any runtime parameters for each of those installations:

You can run javacpl.exe or javacpl.cpl of the respective Java-version itself (bin-folder). The specific control panel opens fine. Adding parameters there is possible.

CSS Vertical align does not work with float

You need to set line-height.

<div style="border: 1px solid red;">
<span style="font-size: 38px; vertical-align:middle; float:left; line-height: 38px">Hejsan</span>
<span style="font-size: 13px; vertical-align:middle; float:right; line-height: 38px">svejsan</span>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?

(scrollWidth/Height - clientWidth/Height) is a good indicator for the presence of a scrollbar, but it will give you a "false positive" answer on many occasions. if you need to be accurate i would suggest using the following function. instead of trying to guess if the element is scrollable - you can scroll it...

function isScrollable( el ){_x000D_
  var y1 = el.scrollTop;_x000D_
  el.scrollTop  += 1;_x000D_
  var y2 = el.scrollTop;_x000D_
  el.scrollTop  -= 1;_x000D_
  var y3 = el.scrollTop;_x000D_
  el.scrollTop   = y1;_x000D_
  var x1 = el.scrollLeft;_x000D_
  el.scrollLeft += 1;_x000D_
  var x2 = el.scrollLeft;_x000D_
  el.scrollLeft -= 1;_x000D_
  var x3 = el.scrollLeft;_x000D_
  el.scrollLeft  = x1;_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    horizontallyScrollable: x1 !== x2 || x2 !== x3,_x000D_
    verticallyScrollable: y1 !== y2 || y2 !== y3_x000D_
function check( id ){_x000D_
  alert( JSON.stringify( isScrollable( document.getElementById( id ))));_x000D_
#outer1, #outer2, #outer3 {_x000D_
  background-color: pink;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
#inner {_x000D_
  width:  150px;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
button {  margin: 2em 0 0 1em; }
<div id="outer1" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;">_x000D_
  <div id="inner">_x000D_
    <button onclick="check('outer1')">check if<br>scrollable</button>_x000D_
<div id="outer2" style="width: 200px; height: 100px;">_x000D_
  <div id="inner">_x000D_
    <button onclick="check('outer2')">check if<br>scrollable</button>_x000D_
<div id="outer3" style="width: 100px; height: 180px;">_x000D_
  <div id="inner">_x000D_
    <button onclick="check('outer3')">check if<br>scrollable</button>_x000D_

How to use IntelliJ IDEA to find all unused code?

After you've run the Inspect by Name, select all the locations, and make use of the Apply quick fixes to all the problems drop-down, and use either (or both) of Delete unused parameter(s) and Safe Delete.

Don't forget to hit Do Refactor afterwards.

Then you'll need to run another analysis, as the refactored code will no doubt reveal more unused declarations.

Apply quick fixes to all the problems

Python pandas: how to specify data types when reading an Excel file?

In case if you are not aware of the number and name of columns in dataframe then this method can be handy:

column_list = []
df_column = pd.read_excel(file_name, 'Sheet1').columns
for i in df_column:
converter = {col: str for col in column_list} 
df_actual = pd.read_excel(file_name, converters=converter)

where column_list is the list of your column names.

How do you get a timestamp in JavaScript?

Get TimeStamp In JavaScript

In JavaScript, a timestamp is the number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1, 1970.

If you don't intend to support < IE8, you can use

new Date().getTime(); + new Date(); and;

to directly get the timestamp without having to create a new Date object.

To return the required timestamp

new Date("11/01/2018").getTime()

Sorting an IList in C#

Here's an example using the stronger typing. Not sure if it's necessarily the best way though.

static void Main(string[] args)
    IList list = new List<int>() { 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 9, 8, 7 };
    List<int> stronglyTypedList = new List<int>(Cast<int>(list));

private static IEnumerable<T> Cast<T>(IEnumerable list)
    foreach (T item in list)
        yield return item;

The Cast function is just a reimplementation of the extension method that comes with 3.5 written as a normal static method. It is quite ugly and verbose unfortunately.

tomcat - CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME variables

If you are running multiple instances of Tomcat on a single host you should set CATALINA_BASE to be equal to the .../tomcat_instance1 or .../tomcat_instance2 directory as appropriate for each instance and the CATALINA_HOME environment variable to the common Tomcat installation whose files will be shared between the two instances.

The CATALINA_BASE environment is optional if you are running a single Tomcat instance on the host and will default to CATALINA_HOME in that case. If you are running multiple instances as you are it should be provided.

There is a pretty good description of this setup in the RUNNING.txt file in the root of the Apache Tomcat distribution under the heading Advanced Configuration - Multiple Tomcat Instances

How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2?

I think you can't call, envelope);

on main Thread.

Network operations should be done on different Thread.

Create another Thread or AsyncTask to call the method.

Get unique values from arraylist in java

You should use a Set. A Set is a Collection that contains no duplicates.

If you have a List that contains duplicates, you can get the unique entries like this:

List<String> gasList = // create list with duplicates...
Set<String> uniqueGas = new HashSet<String>(gasList);
System.out.println("Unique gas count: " + uniqueGas.size());

NOTE: This HashSet constructor identifies duplicates by invoking the elements' equals() methods.

Facebook Open Graph Error - Inferred Property

In my case an unexpected error notice in the source code stopped the facebook crawler from parsing the (correctly set) og-meta tags.

I was using the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header, which worked fine for regular browser requests but not for the crawler, as it obviously won't use/set it.

Therefore, it was crucial for me to use the facebook's debugger feature See exactly what our scraper sees for your URL, as the error notice only could only be seen there (but not through the regular 'view source code'-browser feature).

screenshot of the facebook debugger

Why do I get "warning longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length"?

You don't give a reproducible example but your warning message tells you exactly what the problem is.

memb only has a length of 10. I'm guessing the length of dih_y2$MemberID isn't a multiple of 10. When using ==, R spits out a warning if it isn't a multiple to let you know that it's probably not doing what you're expecting it to do. == does element-wise checking for equality. I suspect what you want to do is find which of the elements of dih_y2$MemberID are also in the vector memb. To do this you would want to use the %in% operator.

dih_col <- which(dih_y2$MemeberID %in% memb)

xcode library not found

In my case, the project uses CocoaPods. And some files are missing from my project.

So I install it from CocoaPods:

And if the project uses CocoaPods we've to be aware to always open the .xcworkspace folder instead of the .xcodeproj folder in the Xcode.

Is returning out of a switch statement considered a better practice than using break?

A break will allow you continue processing in the function. Just returning out of the switch is fine if that's all you want to do in the function.

SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column

country.code is not in your group by statement, and is not an aggregate (wrapped in an aggregate function).

How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server?

 DELETE a FROM WorkRecord2 a 
       INNER JOIN Employee b 
       ON a.EmployeeRun = b.EmployeeNo 
       Where a.Company = '1' 
       AND a.Date = '2013-05-06'

Post a json object to mvc controller with jquery and ajax

What am I doing incorrectly?

You have to convert html to javascript object, and then as a second step to json throug JSON.Stringify.

How can I receive a json object in the controller?


<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

var obj = $("#form1").serializeJSON({ useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: true });
$.post("http://localhost:52161/Default/PostRawJson/", { json: JSON.stringify(obj) });

<form id="form1" method="post">
<input name="OrderDate" type="text" /><br />
<input name="Item[0][Id]" type="text" /><br />
<input name="Item[1][Id]" type="text" /><br />
<button id="btn" onclick="btnClick()">Button</button>


public void PostRawJson(string json)
    var order = System.Web.Helpers.Json.Decode(json);
    var orderDate = order.OrderDate;
    var secondOrderId = order.Item[1].Id;

iPhone app could not be installed at this time

I had this problem but I fixed this by making sure my Code Signing Identity is the SAME as the one I used in test flight.

After that, everything works fine

NuGet Package Restore Not Working

I had NuGet packages breaking after I did a System Restore on my system, backing it up about two days. (The NuGet packages had been installed in the meantime.) To fix it, I had to go to the .nuget\packages folder in my user profile, find the packages, and delete them. Only then would Visual Studio pull the packages down fresh and properly add them as references.

How to make layout with rounded corners..?

Use CardView in android v7 support library. Though it's a bit heavy, it solves all problem, and easy enough. Not like the set drawable background method, it could clip subviews successfully.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""

MsgBox "" vs MsgBox() in VBScript

The difference between "" and () is:

With "" you are not calling anything.
With () you are calling a sub.

Example with sub:

Sub = MsgBox("Msg",vbYesNo,vbCritical,"Title")
Select Case Sub
     Case = vbYes
          MsgBox"You said yes"
     Case = vbNo
          MsgBox"You said no"
 End Select

vs Normal:

 MsgBox"This is normal"

Fire event on enter key press for a textbox

<asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" DefaultButton="bttxt">
    <telerik:RadNumericTextBox ID="txt" runat="server">
    <asp:LinkButton ID="bttxt" runat="server" Style="display: none;" OnClick="bttxt_Click" />


protected void txt_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //enter code here

BigDecimal setScale and round

There is indeed a big difference, which you should keep in mind. setScale really set the scale of your number whereas round does round your number to the specified digits BUT it "starts from the leftmost digit of exact result" as mentioned within the jdk. So regarding your sample the results are the same, but try 0.0034 instead. Here's my note about that on my blog:

How to change link color (Bootstrap)

If you are using Bootstrap 4, you can simple use a color utility class (e.g. text-success, text-danger, etc... ).

You can also create your own classes (e.g. text-my-own-color)

Both options are shown in the example below, run the code snippet to see a live demo.

.text-my-own-color {
  color: #663300 !important; // Define your own color in your CSS
.text-my-own-color:hover, .text-my-own-color:active {
  color: #664D33 !important; // Define your own color's darkening/lightening in your CSS
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="navbar-collapse">
  <ul class="nav pull-right">

    <!-- Bootstrap's color utility class -->
    <li class="active"><a class="text-success" href="#">? ???</a></li>

    <!-- Bootstrap's color utility class -->
    <li><a class="text-danger" href="#">??? ??? ????????</a></li>

    <!-- Bootstrap's color utility class -->
    <li><a class="text-warning" href="#">????</a></li>

    <!-- Custom color utility class -->
    <li><a class="text-my-own-color" href="#">????????</a></li>


Iterating through a string word by word

s = 'hi how are you'
l = list(map(lambda x: x,s.split()))

Output: ['hi', 'how', 'are', 'you']

How can I load Partial view inside the view?

If you do it with a @Html.ActionLink() then loading the PartialView is handled as a normal request when clicking a anchor-element, i.e. load new page with the reponse of the PartialViewResult method.
If you want to load it immedialty, then you use @Html.RenderPartial("_LoadView") or @Html.RenderAction("Load").
If you want to do it upon userinteraction (i.e. clicking a link) then you need to use AJAX --> @Ajax.ActionLink()

How to search all loaded scripts in Chrome Developer Tools?

Your text may be located in the networking response.There is also a search tool in the Network tab, and you may try it.

What you want to search for may stay either in DOM or in memory. If it is not in DOM, well, it may be in memory, because you have just see it in your computer screen anyway. The text you search for may be loaded either from scripts in the initial DOM or from response in the later request.

Adding a new entry to the PATH variable in ZSH

Here, add this line to .zshrc:

export PATH=/home/david/pear/bin:$PATH

EDIT: This does work, but ony's answer below is better, as it takes advantage of the structured interface ZSH provides for variables like $PATH. This approach is standard for bash, but as far as I know, there is no reason to use it when ZSH provides better alternatives.

How do I connect to my existing Git repository using Visual Studio Code?

  1. Open Vs Code
  2. Go to view
  3. Click on terminal to open a terminal in VS Code
  4. Copy the link for your existing repository from your GitHub page.
  5. Type “git clone” and paste the link in addition i.e “git clone”
  6. This will open the repository in your Vs Code Editor.

Check if bash variable equals 0

Looks like your depth variable is unset. This means that the expression [ $depth -eq $zero ] becomes [ -eq 0 ] after bash substitutes the values of the variables into the expression. The problem here is that the -eq operator is incorrectly used as an operator with only one argument (the zero), but it requires two arguments. That is why you get the unary operator error message.

EDIT: As Doktor J mentioned in his comment to this answer, a safe way to avoid problems with unset variables in checks is to enclose the variables in "". See his comment for the explanation.

if [ "$depth" -eq "0" ]; then
   echo "false";

An unset variable used with the [ command appears empty to bash. You can verify this using the below tests which all evaluate to true because xyz is either empty or unset:

  • if [ -z ] ; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi
  • xyz=""; if [ -z "$xyz" ] ; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi
  • unset xyz; if [ -z "$xyz" ] ; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi

Python dictionary : TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

As per your description, things don't add up. If aSourceDictionary is a dictionary, then your for loop has to work properly.

>>> source = {'a': [1, 2], 'b': [2, 3]}
>>> target = {}
>>> for key in source:
...   target[key] = []
...   target[key].extend(source[key])
>>> target
{'a': [1, 2], 'b': [2, 3]}

Cannot add a project to a Tomcat server in Eclipse

  1. Right-click on project
  2. Go to properties => project factes
  3. Click on runtime tab
  4. Check the box of the server
  5. Then ok

Close the eclipse and start the server you will able to see and run the project.

Write Array to Excel Range

This is an excerpt from method of mine, which converts a DataTable (the dt variable) into an array and then writes the array into a Range on a worksheet (wsh var). You can also change the topRow variable to whatever row you want the array of strings to be placed at.

object[,] arr = new object[dt.Rows.Count, dt.Columns.Count];
for (int r = 0; r < dt.Rows.Count; r++)
    DataRow dr = dt.Rows[r];
    for (int c = 0; c < dt.Columns.Count; c++)
        arr[r, c] = dr[c];
Excel.Range c1 = (Excel.Range)wsh.Cells[topRow, 1];
Excel.Range c2 = (Excel.Range)wsh.Cells[topRow + dt.Rows.Count - 1, dt.Columns.Count];
Excel.Range range = wsh.get_Range(c1, c2);
range.Value = arr;

Of course you do not need to use an intermediate DataTable like I did, the code excerpt is just to demonstrate how an array can be written to worksheet in single call.

Check if specific input file is empty

You can check if there is a value, and if the image is valid by doing the following:

if(empty($_FILES['cover_image']['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['cover_image']['tmp_name']))
   // Handle no image here...

Pandas: how to change all the values of a column?

You can do a column transformation by using apply

Define a clean function to remove the dollar and commas and convert your data to float.

def clean(x):
    x = x.replace("$", "").replace(",", "").replace(" ", "")
    return float(x)

Next, call it on your column like this.

data['Revenue'] = data['Revenue'].apply(clean)

Remove items from one list in another

list1.RemoveAll(l => list2.Contains(l));

How do I get the row count of a Pandas DataFrame?

In case you want to get the row count in the middle of a chained operation, you can use:



row_count = (

This can be useful if you don't want to put a long statement inside a len() function.

You could use __len__() instead but __len__() looks a bit weird.

How to convert latitude or longitude to meters?

Latitudes and longitudes specify points, not distances, so your question is somewhat nonsensical. If you're asking about the shortest distance between two (lat, lon) points, see this Wikipedia article on great-circle distances.

ggplot geom_text font size control

Here are a few options for changing text / label sizes


# Example data using mtcars

a <- aggregate(mpg ~ vs + am , mtcars, function(i) round(mean(i)))

p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(factor(vs), y=mpg, fill=factor(am))) + 
            geom_bar(stat="identity",position="dodge") + 
            geom_text(data = a, aes(label = mpg), 
                            position = position_dodge(width=0.9),  size=20)

The size in the geom_text changes the size of the geom_text labels.

p <- p + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 15)) # changes axis labels

p <- p + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 25)) # change axis titles

p <- p + theme(text = element_text(size = 10)) # this will change all text size 
                                                             # (except geom_text)

For this And why size of 10 in geom_text() is different from that in theme(text=element_text()) ?

Yes, they are different. I did a quick manual check and they appear to be in the ratio of ~ (14/5) for geom_text sizes to theme sizes.

So a horrible fix for uniform sizes is to scale by this ratio

geom.text.size = 7
theme.size = (14/5) * geom.text.size

ggplot(mtcars, aes(factor(vs), y=mpg, fill=factor(am))) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity",position="dodge") + 
  geom_text(data = a, aes(label = mpg), 
            position = position_dodge(width=0.9),  size=geom.text.size) + 
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = theme.size, colour="black")) 

This of course doesn't explain why? and is a pita (and i assume there is a more sensible way to do this)

Delaying function in swift

 NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(NSTimeInterval(3), target: self, selector: "functionHere", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

This would call the function functionHere() with a 3 seconds delay

Why would a " Connection timed out" exception occur when URL is up?

This can be a IPv6 problem (the host publishes an IPv6 AAAA-Address and the users host thinks it is configured for IPv6 but it is actually not correctly connected). This can also be a network MTU problem, a firewall block, or the target host might publish different IP addresses (randomly or based on originators country) which are not all reachable. Or similliar network problems.

You cant do much besides setting a timeout and adding good error messages (especially printing out the hosts' resolved address). If you want to make it more robust add retry, parallel trying of all addresses and also look into name resolution caching (positive and negative) on the Java platform.

How can I align text directly beneath an image?

I am not an expert in HTML but here is what worked for me:

<div class="img-with-text-below">
    <img src="your-image.jpg" alt="alt-text" />
    <p><center>Your text</center></p>

How to change target build on Android project?

There are three ways to resolve this issue.

  1. Right click the project and click "Properties". Then select "Android" from left. You can then select the target version from right side.

  2. Right Click on Project and select "run as" , then a drop down list will be open.
    Select "Run Configuration" from Drop Down list.Then a form will be open , Select "Target" tab from "Form" and also select Android Version Api , On which you want to execute your application, it is a fastest way to check your application on different Target Version.

  3. Edit the following elements in the AndroidManifest.xml file


<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" />
<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="8" />

How can I pass a class member function as a callback?

This question and answer from the C++ FAQ Lite covers your question and the considerations involved in the answer quite nicely I think. Short snippet from the web page I linked:


Because a member function is meaningless without an object to invoke it on, you can’t do this directly (if The X Window System was rewritten in C++, it would probably pass references to objects around, not just pointers to functions; naturally the objects would embody the required function and probably a whole lot more).

How can I get an object's absolute position on the page in Javascript?

I would definitely suggest using element.getBoundingClientRect().


Returns a text rectangle object that encloses a group of text rectangles.


var rectObject = object.getBoundingClientRect();


The returned value is a TextRectangle object which is the union of the rectangles returned by getClientRects() for the element, i.e., the CSS border-boxes associated with the element.

The returned value is a TextRectangle object, which contains read-only left, top, right and bottom properties describing the border-box, in pixels, with the top-left relative to the top-left of the viewport.

Here's a browser compatibility table taken from the linked MDN site:

|    Feature    | Chrome | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
| Basic support | 1.0    | 3.0 (1.9)       | 4.0               | (Yes) | 4.0    |

It's widely supported, and is really easy to use, not to mention that it's really fast. Here's a related article from John Resig:

You can use it like this:

var logo = document.getElementById('hlogo');
var logoTextRectangle = logo.getBoundingClientRect();

console.log("logo's left pos.:", logoTextRectangle.left);
console.log("logo's right pos.:", logoTextRectangle.right);

Here's a really simple example: (you can view and edit the code by clicking "Edit in JS Bin" in the upper right corner).

Or here's another one using Chrome's console: Using element.getBoundingClientRect() in Chrome


I have to mention that the width and height attributes of the getBoundingClientRect() method's return value are undefined in Internet Explorer 8. It works in Chrome 26.x, Firefox 20.x and Opera 12.x though. Workaround in IE8: for width, you could subtract the return value's right and left attributes, and for height, you could subtract bottom and top attributes (like this).

How can I add a hint text to WPF textbox?

I accomplish this with a VisualBrush and some triggers in a Style suggested by :sellmeadog.

            <Style TargetType="TextBox" xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">
                    <VisualBrush x:Key="CueBannerBrush" AlignmentX="Left" AlignmentY="Center" Stretch="None">
                            <Label Content="Search" Foreground="LightGray" />
                    <Trigger Property="Text" Value="{x:Static sys:String.Empty}">
                        <Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource CueBannerBrush}" />
                    <Trigger Property="Text" Value="{x:Null}">
                        <Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource CueBannerBrush}" />
                    <Trigger Property="IsKeyboardFocused" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Background" Value="White" />

@sellmeadog :Application running, bt Design not loading...the following Error comes: Ambiguous type reference. A type named 'StaticExtension' occurs in at least two namespaces, 'MS.Internal.Metadata.ExposedTypes.Xaml' and 'System.Windows.Markup'. Consider adjusting the assembly XmlnsDefinition attributes. 'm using .net 3.5

Using $_POST to get select option value from HTML

-- html file --

<select name='city[]'> 
                <option name='Kabul' value="Kabul" > Kabul </option>
                <option name='Herat' value='Herat' selected="selected">             Herat </option>
                <option name='Mazar' value='Mazar'>Mazar </option>

-- php file --

$city = (isset($_POST['city']) ? $_POST['city']: null);
print("city is: ".$city[0]);

How can I assign the output of a function to a variable using bash?


Exactly the same way as for programs.

Base64 Encoding Image

Check the following example:

// First get your image
$imgPath = 'path-to-your-picture/image.jpg';
$img = base64_encode(file_get_contents($imgPath));
echo '<img width="100" height="100" src="data:image/jpg;base64,'. $img .'" />'

TortoiseGit-git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1)

I ran into the same issue after upgrading Git. Turns out I switched from 32-bit to 64-bit Git and I didn't realize it. TortoiseGit was still looking for "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin", which didn't exist. Right-click the folder, go to Tortoise Git > Settings > General and update the Git.exe path.

What's the maximum value for an int in PHP?

It depends on your OS, but 2147483647 is the usual value, according to the manual.

Get the full URL in PHP

HTTP_HOST and REQUEST_URI must be in quotes, otherwise it throws an error in PHP 7.2


$actual_link = 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

If you want to support both HTTP and HTTPS:

$actual_link = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

MVC : The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'k' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32'

It seems that your action needs k but ModelBinder can not find it (from form, or request or view data or ..) Change your action to this:

public ActionResult DetailsData(int? k)

        EmployeeContext Ec = new EmployeeContext();
        if (k != null)
           Employee emp = Ec.Employees.Single(X => X.EmpId == k.Value);

           return View(emp);
        return View();

Why is it faster to check if dictionary contains the key, rather than catch the exception in case it doesn't?

Dictionaries are specifically designed to do super fast key lookups. They are implemented as hashtables and the more entries the faster they are relative to other methods. Using the exception engine is only supposed to be done when your method has failed to do what you designed it to do because it is a large set of object that give you a lot of functionality for handling errors. I built an entire library class once with everything surrounded by try catch blocks once and was appalled to see the debug output which contained a seperate line for every single one of over 600 exceptions!

Create a File object in memory from a string in Java

FileReader r = new FileReader(file);

Use a file reader load the file and then write its contents to a string buffer.


The link above shows you an example of how to accomplish this. As other post to this answer say to load a file into memory you do not need write access as long as you do not plan on making changes to the actual file.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource - Resteasy

Seems your resource POSTmethod won't get hit as @peeskillet mention. Most probably your ~POST~ request won't work, because it may not be a simple request. The only simple requests are GET, HEAD or POST and request headers are simple(The only simple headers are Accept, Accept-Language, Content-Language, Content-Type= application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, text/plain).

Since in you already add Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers to your Response, you can add new OPTIONS method to your resource class.

@Path("{path : .*}")
public Response options() {
    return Response.ok("")
            .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
            .header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "origin, content-type, accept, authorization")
            .header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD")
            .header("Access-Control-Max-Age", "2000")

How to pass multiple parameters in a querystring


(Following is the text of the linked section of the Wikipedia entry.)


A typical URL containing a query string is as follows:


When a server receives a request for such a page, it runs a program (if configured to do so), passing the query_string unchanged to the program. The question mark is used as a separator and is not part of the query string.

A link in a web page may have a URL that contains a query string, however, HTML defines three ways a web browser can generate the query string:

  • a web form via the ... element
  • a server-side image map via the ?ismap? attribute on the element with a construction
  • an indexed search via the now deprecated element

Web forms

The main use of query strings is to contain the content of an HTML form, also known as web form. In particular, when a form containing the fields field1, field2, field3 is submitted, the content of the fields is encoded as a query string as follows:


  • The query string is composed of a series of field-value pairs.
  • Within each pair, the field name and value are separated by an equals sign. The equals sign may be omitted if the value is an empty string.
  • The series of pairs is separated by the ampersand, '&' (or semicolon, ';' for URLs embedded in HTML and not generated by a ...; see below). While there is no definitive standard, most web frameworks allow multiple values to be associated with a single field:


For each field of the form, the query string contains a pair field=value. Web forms may include fields that are not visible to the user; these fields are included in the query string when the form is submitted

This convention is a W3C recommendation. W3C recommends that all web servers support semicolon separators in addition to ampersand separators[6] to allow application/x-www-form-urlencoded query strings in URLs within HTML documents without having to entity escape ampersands.

Technically, the form content is only encoded as a query string when the form submission method is GET. The same encoding is used by default when the submission method is POST, but the result is not sent as a query string, that is, is not added to the action URL of the form. Rather, the string is sent as the body of the HTTP request.

Android REST client, Sample?

There is another library with much cleaner API and type-safe data.

Here is a simple usage example

Http http = HttpFactory.create(context);"")
    .data(new User("John"))

Or more complex with callbacks

Http http = HttpFactory.create(context);"")
    .data(new User("John"))
    .handler(new ResponseHandler<Void>() {
        public void success(Void ignore, HttpResponse response) {

        public void error(String message, HttpResponse response) {

        public void failure(NetworkError error) {

        public void complete() {

It is fresh new, but looks very promising.

Pandas dataframe groupby plot

Simple plot,

you can use:


Or you can set the index to be Date beforehand, then it's easy to plot the column you want:

df.set_index('Date', inplace=True)

If you want a chart with one series by ticker on it

You need to groupby before:

df.set_index('Date', inplace=True)

enter image description here

If you want a chart with individual subplots:

grouped = df.groupby('ticker')

nrows = int(np.ceil(grouped.ngroups/ncols))

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(12,4), sharey=True)

for (key, ax) in zip(grouped.groups.keys(), axes.flatten()):


enter image description here

ImportError: no module named win32api

I had an identical problem, which I solved by restarting my Python editor and shell. I had installed pywin32 but the new modules were not picked up until the restarts.

If you've already done that, do a search in your Python installation for win32api and you should find win32api.pyd under ${PYTHON_HOME}\Lib\site-packages\win32.

What is the default encoding of the JVM?

You can use this to print out the JVM defaults

import java.nio.charset.Charset;

public class PrintCharSets {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
                System.out.println("file.encoding=" + System.getProperty("file.encoding"));
                System.out.println("Charset.defaultCharset=" + Charset.defaultCharset());
                System.out.println("InputStreamReader.getEncoding=" + new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("./")).getEncoding());

Compile and Run

javac && java PrintCharSets

Re-assign host access permission to MySQL user

For reference, the solution is:

UPDATE mysql.user SET host = '10.0.0.%' WHERE host = 'internalfoo' AND user != 'root';
UPDATE mysql.db SET host = '10.0.0.%' WHERE host = 'internalfoo' AND user != 'root';

SSH library for Java

Take a look at the very recently released SSHD, which is based on the Apache MINA project.

The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

Something the original answer didn't have. I added some more code to make it bullet proof.

ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
        ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 9999;
        ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;

process.env.NODE_ENV is undefined


in package.json:

"scripts": {
  "start": "set NODE_ENV=dev && node app.js"

in app.js:

console.log(process.env.NODE_ENV) // dev
console.log(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'dev') // false
console.log(process.env.NODE_ENV.length) // 4 (including a space at the end) 

so, this may better:

"start": "set NODE_ENV=dev&& node app.js"


console.log(process.env.NODE_ENV.trim() === 'dev') // true

How to uninstall Ruby from /usr/local?

If ruby was installed in the following way:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

You can uninstall it in the following way:

Check installed ruby version; lets assume 2.1.2

bunzip ...
tar xfv ...
cd ruby-2.1.2
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo checkinstall
  # will build deb or rpm package and try to install it

After installation, you can now remove the package and it will remove the directories/files/etc.

sudo rpm -e ruby # or dpkg -P ruby (for Debian-like systems)

There might be some artifacts left:

Removing ruby ...
  warning: while removing ruby, directory '/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems' not empty so not removed.

Remove them manually.

How to select a drop-down menu value with Selenium using Python?

You don't have to click anything. Use find by xpath or whatever you choose and then use send keys

For your example: HTML:

<select id="fruits01" class="select" name="fruits">
    <option value="0">Choose your fruits:</option>
    <option value="1">Banana</option>
    <option value="2">Mango</option>


fruit_field = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@name='fruits']")

That's it.

JavaScript before leaving the page

This will alert on leaving current page

<script type='text/javascript'>
function goodbye(e) {
    if(!e) e = window.event;
    //e.cancelBubble is supported by IE - this will kill the bubbling process.
    e.cancelBubble = true;
    e.returnValue = 'You sure you want to leave?'; //This is displayed on the dialog

    //e.stopPropagation works in Firefox.
    if (e.stopPropagation) {


How can I use goto in Javascript?

Sure, using the switch construct you can simulate goto in JavaScript. Unfortunately, the language doesn't provide goto, but this is a good enough of a replacement.

let counter = 10
function goto(newValue) {
  counter = newValue
while (true) {
  switch (counter) {
    case 10: alert("RINSE")
    case 20: alert("LATHER")
    case 30: goto(10); break

Java reflection: how to get field value from an object, not knowing its class

There is one more way, i got the same situation in my project. i solved this way

List<Object[]> list = HQL.list();

In above hibernate query language i know at which place what are my objects so what i did is :

for(Object[] obj : list){
String val = String.valueOf(obj[1]);
int code =Integer.parseint(String.valueof(obj[0]));

this way you can get the mixed objects with ease, but you should know in advance at which place what value you are getting or you can just check by printing the values to know. sorry for the bad english I hope this help

Threads vs Processes in Linux

Others have discussed the considerations.

Perhaps the important difference is that in Windows processes are heavy and expensive compared to threads, and in Linux the difference is much smaller, so the equation balances at a different point.

Get all inherited classes of an abstract class

Assuming they are all defined in the same assembly, you can do:

IEnumerable<AbstractDataExport> exporters = typeof(AbstractDataExport)
    .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AbstractDataExport)) && !t.IsAbstract)
    .Select(t => (AbstractDataExport)Activator.CreateInstance(t));

Use a.any() or a.all()

This should also work and is a closer answer to what is asked in the question:

for i in range(len(x)):
    if valeur.item(i) <= 0.6:
        print ("this works")
        print ("valeur is too high")

How to check if pytorch is using the GPU?

After you start running the training loop, if you want to manually watch it from the terminal whether your program is utilizing the GPU resources and to what extent, then you can simply use watch as in:

$ watch -n 2 nvidia-smi

This will continuously update the usage stats for every 2 seconds until you press ctrl+c

If you need more control on more GPU stats you might need, you can use more sophisticated version of nvidia-smi with --query-gpu=.... Below is a simple illustration of this:

$ watch -n 3 nvidia-smi --query-gpu=index,gpu_name,,memory.used,,temperature.gpu,pstate,utilization.gpu,utilization.memory --format=csv

which would output the stats something like:

enter image description here

Note: There should not be any space between the comma separated query names in --query-gpu=.... Else those values will be ignored and no stats are returned.

Also, you can check whether your installation of PyTorch detects your CUDA installation correctly by doing:

In [13]: import  torch

In [14]: torch.cuda.is_available()
Out[14]: True

True status means that PyTorch is configured correctly and is using the GPU although you have to move/place the tensors with necessary statements in your code.

If you want to do this inside Python code, then look into this module: or in pypi here:

Selecting multiple columns with linq query and lambda expression

Not sure what you table structure is like but see below.

public NamePriceModel[] AllProducts()
        using (UserDataDataContext db = new UserDataDataContext())
            return db.mrobProducts
                .Where(x => x.Status == 1)
                .Select(x => new NamePriceModel { 
                    Name = x.Name, 
                    Id = x.Id, 
                    Price = x.Price
                .OrderBy(x => x.Id)
         return null;

This would return an array of type anonymous with the members you require.


Create a new class.

public class NamePriceModel 
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public decimal? Price {get; set;}
    public int Id {get; set;}

I've modified the query above to return this as well and you should change your method from returning string[] to returning NamePriceModel[].

How to get text from each cell of an HTML table?

Another C# example. I just made an extension method for it.

public static string GetCellFromTable(this IWebElement table, int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
        return table.FindElements(By.XPath("./tbody/tr"))[rowIndex].FindElements(By.XPath("./td"))[columnIndex].Text;

iPhone SDK on Windows (alternative solutions)

You could easily build an app using PhoneGap or Appcelerators Titanium Mobile.

Both of these essentially act as a WebKit wrapper, so you can build your application with HTML/CSS/JavaScript. It's a pretty portable solution, too, but you are somewhat limited in what you can make - i.e, no intensive rendering or anything. It really all depends on what you're looking to do.

How to check if ping responded or not in a batch file


          # refresh the timestamp before each ping attempt
          theTime=$(date -Iseconds)

          # refresh the ping variable
          ping -n 1

            if [ $? -eq 0 ] 
                 echo $theTime + '| connection is up' >> $logPath
                 echo $theTime + '| connection is down' >> $logPath
            Sleep 1
             echo ' '

How to find value using key in javascript dictionary

Arrays in JavaScript don't use strings as keys. You will probably find that the value is there, but the key is an integer.

If you make Dict into an object, this will work:

var dict = {};
var addPair = function (myKey, myValue) {
    dict[myKey] = myValue;
var giveValue = function (myKey) {
    return dict[myKey];

The myKey variable is already a string, so you don't need more quotes.

How to submit an HTML form on loading the page?

You missed the closing tag for the input fields, and you can choose any one of the events, ex: onload, onclick etc.

(a) Onload event:

<script type="text/javascript">

(b) Onclick Event:

<form name="frm1" id="frm1" action="../somePage" method="post">
    Please Waite... 
    <input type="hidden" name="uname" id="uname" value=<?php echo $uname;?> />
    <input type="hidden" name="price" id="price" value=<?php echo $price;?> />
    <input type="text" name="submit" id="submit" value="submit">
<script type="text/javascript">

Youtube autoplay not working on mobile devices with embedded HTML5 player

The code below was tested on iPhone, iPad (iOS13), Safari (Catalina). It was able to autoplay the YouTube video on all devices. Make sure the video is muted and the playsinline parameter is on. Those are the magic parameters that make it work.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
<!-- 1. The <iframe> (video player) will replace this <div> tag. -->
<div id="player"></div>

  // 2. This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.
  var tag = document.createElement('script');

  tag.src = "";
  var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

  // 3. This function creates an <iframe> (and YouTube player)
  //    after the API code downloads.
  var player;
  function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
    player = new YT.Player('player', {
      width: '100%',
      videoId: 'osz5tVY97dQ',
      playerVars: { 'autoplay': 1, 'playsinline': 1 },
      events: {
        'onReady': onPlayerReady

  // 4. The API will call this function when the video player is ready.
  function onPlayerReady(event) {;;

How to call a PHP file from HTML or Javascript

You just need to post the form data to the insert php file function, see below :)

class DbConnect
// Database login vars
private $dbHostname = '';
private $dbDatabase = '';
private $dbUsername = '';
private $dbPassword = '';
public $db = null;

public function connect()

        $this->db = new PDO("mysql:host=".$this->dbHostname.";dbname=".$this->dbDatabase, $this->dbUsername, $this->dbPassword);
        $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    catch(PDOException $e)
        echo "It seems there was an error.  Please refresh your browser and try again. ".$e->getMessage();

public function store($email)
    $stm = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO subscribers (email) VALUES ?');
    $stm->bindValue(1, $email);

    return $stm->execute();

Problem with SMTP authentication in PHP using PHPMailer, with Pear Mail works

that the OpenSSL extension enabled and the directory languages with "br"? first checks the data.

Remove characters from C# string


String.Join("", "My name @is ,Wan.;'; Wan".Split('@', ',' ,'.' ,';', '\''));

ImportError: No module named google.protobuf

You should run:

pip install protobuf

That will install Google protobuf and after that you can run that Python script.

As per this link.

Regex select all text between tags

You can use Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "[^<'tagname'/>]" );

Disable-web-security in Chrome 48+

The chosen answer is good, but for those who are still struggling with what they are talking about(your first time dealing with this issue), the following worked for me.

I created a new shortcut to Chrome on my desktop, right clicked it, and set the "Target" field to the following,

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="c:/chromedev"

The directory can be anything you want, I decided to make an empty folder called chrome dev in my C: directory. It has nothing to do where chrome is installed on your computer. It's just a fluff type thing.

This link also has clear directions for other OSes. How to disable web securityin Chrome

How to display list items on console window in C#

I found this easier to understand:

List<string> names = new List<string> { "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five" };
        for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++)

python encoding utf-8

Unfortunately, the string.encode() method is not always reliable. Check out this thread for more information: What is the fool proof way to convert some string (utf-8 or else) to a simple ASCII string in python

Find if listA contains any elements not in listB

List has Contains method that return bool. We can use that method in query.

List<int> listA = new List<int>();
List<int> listB = new List<int>();
listA.AddRange(new int[] { 1,2,3,4,5 });
listB.AddRange(new int[] { 3,5,6,7,8 });

var v = from x in listA
        where !listB.Contains(x)
        select x;

foreach (int i in v)

Disabled form inputs do not appear in the request

Define Colors With RGBA Values

Add the Following code under style

<!DOCTYPE html>
#p7 {background-color:rgba(215,215,215,1);}
Disabled Grey none tranparent

<form action="/Media/Add">
    <input type="hidden" name="Id" value="123" />

    <!-- this does not appear in request -->
    <input id="p7" type="textbox" name="Percentage" value="100" readonly="readonly"" /> 



Don't understand why UnboundLocalError occurs (closure)

Python doesn't have variable declarations, so it has to figure out the scope of variables itself. It does so by a simple rule: If there is an assignment to a variable inside a function, that variable is considered local.[1] Thus, the line

counter += 1

implicitly makes counter local to increment(). Trying to execute this line, though, will try to read the value of the local variable counter before it is assigned, resulting in an UnboundLocalError.[2]

If counter is a global variable, the global keyword will help. If increment() is a local function and counter a local variable, you can use nonlocal in Python 3.x.

What is the relative performance difference of if/else versus switch statement in Java?

It's extremely unlikely that an if/else or a switch is going to be the source of your performance woes. If you're having performance problems, you should do a performance profiling analysis first to determine where the slow spots are. Premature optimization is the root of all evil!

Nevertheless, it's possible to talk about the relative performance of switch vs. if/else with the Java compiler optimizations. First note that in Java, switch statements operate on a very limited domain -- integers. In general, you can view a switch statement as follows:

switch (<condition>) {
   case c_0: ...
   case c_1: ...
   case c_n: ...
   default: ...

where c_0, c_1, ..., and c_N are integral numbers that are targets of the switch statement, and <condition> must resolve to an integer expression.

  • If this set is "dense" -- that is, (max(ci) + 1 - min(ci)) / n > α, where 0 < k < α < 1, where k is larger than some empirical value, a jump table can be generated, which is highly efficient.

  • If this set is not very dense, but n >= β, a binary search tree can find the target in O(2 * log(n)) which is still efficient too.

For all other cases, a switch statement is exactly as efficient as the equivalent series of if/else statements. The precise values of α and β depend on a number of factors and are determined by the compiler's code-optimization module.

Finally, of course, if the domain of <condition> is not the integers, a switch statement is completely useless.

"Insufficient Storage Available" even there is lot of free space in device memory

Most of the space you have available is reserved by the OS. The best and easy fix is to move your apps to external storage. This will free up a lot of space for you.

Escape double quotes for JSON in Python

You should be using the json module. json.dumps(string). It can also serialize other python data types.

import json

>>> s = 'my string with "double quotes" blablabla'

>>> json.dumps(s)
<<< '"my string with \\"double quotes\\" blablabla"'

Oracle Not Equals Operator

They are the same, but i've heard people say that Developers use != while BA's use <>

How can I tell which button was clicked in a PHP form submit?

All you need to give the name attribute to the each button. And you need to address each button press from the PHP script. But be careful to give each button a unique name. Because the PHP script only take care of the name most of the time

<input type="submit" name="Submit_this" id="This" />

What do the python file extensions, .pyc .pyd .pyo stand for?

  • .py - Regular script
  • .py3 - (rarely used) Python3 script. Python3 scripts usually end with ".py" not ".py3", but I have seen that a few times
  • .pyc - compiled script (Bytecode)
  • .pyo - optimized pyc file (As of Python3.5, Python will only use pyc rather than pyo and pyc)
  • .pyw - Python script to run in Windowed mode, without a console; executed with pythonw.exe
  • .pyx - Cython src to be converted to C/C++
  • .pyd - Python script made as a Windows DLL
  • .pxd - Cython script which is equivalent to a C/C++ header
  • .pxi - MyPy stub
  • .pyi - Stub file (PEP 484)
  • .pyz - Python script archive (PEP 441); this is a script containing compressed Python scripts (ZIP) in binary form after the standard Python script header
  • .pywz - Python script archive for MS-Windows (PEP 441); this is a script containing compressed Python scripts (ZIP) in binary form after the standard Python script header
  • .py[cod] - wildcard notation in ".gitignore" that means the file may be ".pyc", ".pyo", or ".pyd".
  • .pth - a path configuration file; its contents are additional items (one per line) to be added to sys.path. See site module.

A larger list of additional Python file-extensions (mostly rare and unofficial) can be found at

Finding the mode of a list

For a number to be a mode, it must occur more number of times than at least one other number in the list, and it must not be the only number in the list. So, I refactored @mathwizurd's answer (to use the difference method) as follows:

def mode(array):
    returns a set containing valid modes
    returns a message if no valid mode exists
      - when all numbers occur the same number of times
      - when only one number occurs in the list 
      - when no number occurs in the list 
    most = max(map(array.count, array)) if array else None
    mset = set(filter(lambda x: array.count(x) == most, array))
    return mset if set(array) - mset else "list does not have a mode!" 

These tests pass successfully:

mode([]) == None 
mode([1]) == None
mode([1, 1]) == None 
mode([1, 1, 2, 2]) == None 

What tools do you use to test your public REST API?

We use Groovy and Spock for writing highly expressive BDD style tests. Unbeatable combo! Jersey Client API or HttpClient is used for handling the HTTP requests.

For manual/acceptance testing we use Curl or Chrome apps as Postman or Dev HTTP Client.

How to convert Blob to String and String to Blob in java

Use this to convert String to Blob. Where connection is the connection to db object.

    String strContent = s;
    byte[] byteConent = strContent.getBytes();
    Blob blob = connection.createBlob();//Where connection is the connection to db object. 
    blob.setBytes(1, byteContent);

Copy/Paste/Calculate Visible Cells from One Column of a Filtered Table

I've found this to work very well. It uses the .range property of the .autofilter object, which seems to be a rather obscure, but very handy, feature:

Sub copyfiltered()
    ' Copies the visible columns
    ' and the selected rows in an autofilter
    ' Assumes that the filter was previously applied
    Dim wsIn As Worksheet
    Dim wsOut As Worksheet

    Set wsIn = Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set wsOut = Worksheets("Sheet2")

    ' Hide the columns you don't want to copy
    wsIn.Range("B:B,D:D").EntireColumn.Hidden = True

    'Copy the filtered rows from wsIn and and paste in wsOut
    wsIn.AutoFilter.Range.Copy Destination:=wsOut.Range("A1")
End Sub

How to validate domain name in PHP?

I know that this is an old question, but it was the first answer on a Google search, so it seems relevant. I recently had this same problem. The solution in my case was to just use the Public Suffix List:

The suggested language specific libraries listed should all allow for easy validation of not just domain format, but also top level domain validity.

nodejs - first argument must be a string or Buffer - when using response.write with http.request

if u want to write a JSON object to the response then change the header content type to application/json

response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
var d = new Date(parseURL.query.iso);
var postData = {
    "hour" : d.getHours(),
    "minute" : d.getMinutes(),
    "second" : d.getSeconds()