Programs & Examples On #Poller

How to hide Bootstrap modal with javascript?

I was experiencing the same problem, and after a bit of experimentation I found a solution. In my click handler, I needed to stop the event from bubbling up, like so:

$("a.close").on("click", function(e){

Jquery find nearest matching element

closest() only looks for parents, I'm guessing what you really want is .find()


How to execute .sql script file using JDBC

Another option, this DOESN'T support comments, very useful with AmaterasERD DDL export for Apache Derby:

public void executeSqlScript(Connection conn, File inputFile) {

    // Delimiter
    String delimiter = ";";

    // Create scanner
    Scanner scanner;
    try {
        scanner = new Scanner(inputFile).useDelimiter(delimiter);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {

    // Loop through the SQL file statements 
    Statement currentStatement = null;
    while(scanner.hasNext()) {

        // Get statement 
        String rawStatement = + delimiter;
        try {
            // Execute statement
            currentStatement = conn.createStatement();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            // Release resources
            if (currentStatement != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
            currentStatement = null;

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7

If you faced this issue with your Flutter project while building in Release mode - that's what helped me:

  1. Set your build system to New Build System in File > Project Settings…
  2. delete folders ios and build_ios from your project folder.
  3. create ios module by executing flutter create . from your project folder.
  4. open Xcode and:

    • set the IOS Deployment Target to at least 9.0 in PROJECT > Runner
    • check your Signing & Capabilities
    • make sure your Build Configuration is set to Release in Edit Scheme... and build for Generic iOS Device
  5. execute pod install from your project folder

  6. execute flutter pub get from your project folder

now open your Xcode and build or archive it: Product > Build (or Archive)

How To Raise Property Changed events on a Dependency Property?

I think the OP is asking the wrong question. The code below will show that it not necessary to manually raise the PropertyChanged EVENT from a dependency property to achieve the desired result. The way to do it is handle the PropertyChanged CALLBACK on the dependency property and set values for other dependency properties there. The following is a working example. In the code below, MyControl has two dependency properties - ActiveTabInt and ActiveTabString. When the user clicks the button on the host (MainWindow), ActiveTabString is modified. The PropertyChanged CALLBACK on the dependency property sets the value of ActiveTabInt. The PropertyChanged EVENT is not manually raised by MyControl.


/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public MainWindow()
        DataContext = this;
        ActiveTabString = "zero";

    private string _ActiveTabString;
    public string ActiveTabString
        get { return _ActiveTabString; }
            if (_ActiveTabString != value)
                _ActiveTabString = value;

    private int _ActiveTabInt;
    public int ActiveTabInt
        get { return _ActiveTabInt; }
            if (_ActiveTabInt != value)
                _ActiveTabInt = value;

    #region INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        ActiveTabString = (ActiveTabString == "zero") ? "one" : "zero";


public class MyControl : Control
    public static List<string> Indexmap = new List<string>(new string[] { "zero", "one" });

    public string ActiveTabString
        get { return (string)GetValue(ActiveTabStringProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ActiveTabStringProperty, value); }

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ActiveTabStringProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        typeof(MyControl), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(

    public int ActiveTabInt
        get { return (int)GetValue(ActiveTabIntProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ActiveTabIntProperty, value); }
    public static readonly DependencyProperty ActiveTabIntProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
        typeof(MyControl), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
            new Int32(),

    static MyControl()
        DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(MyControl), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(MyControl)));


    public override void OnApplyTemplate()

    private static void ActiveTabStringChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        MyControl thiscontrol = sender as MyControl;

        if (Indexmap[thiscontrol.ActiveTabInt] != thiscontrol.ActiveTabString)
            thiscontrol.ActiveTabInt = Indexmap.IndexOf(e.NewValue.ToString());



    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
    <Button Content="Change Tab Index" Click="Button_Click" Width="110" Height="30"></Button>
    <local:MyControl x:Name="myControl" ActiveTabInt="{Binding ActiveTabInt, Mode=TwoWay}" ActiveTabString="{Binding ActiveTabString}"></local:MyControl>


<Style TargetType="local:MyControl">
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:MyControl">
                    <TabControl SelectedIndex="{Binding ActiveTabInt, Mode=TwoWay}">
                        <TabItem Header="Tab Zero">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding ActiveTabInt}"></TextBlock>
                        <TabItem Header="Tab One">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding ActiveTabInt}"></TextBlock>

Convert HTML to NSAttributedString in iOS

Creating an NSAttributedString from HTML must be done on the main thread!

Update: It turns out that NSAttributedString HTML rendering depends on WebKit under the hood, and must be run on the main thread or it will occasionally crash the app with a SIGTRAP.

New Relic crash log:

enter image description here

Below is an updated thread-safe Swift 2 String extension:

extension String {
    func attributedStringFromHTML(completionBlock:NSAttributedString? ->()) {
        guard let data = dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) else {
            print("Unable to decode data from html string: \(self)")
            return completionBlock(nil)

        let options = [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute : NSHTMLTextDocumentType,
                   NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute: NSNumber(unsignedInteger:NSUTF8StringEncoding)]

        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
            if let attributedString = try? NSAttributedString(data: data, options: options, documentAttributes: nil) {
            } else {
                print("Unable to create attributed string from html string: \(self)")


let html = "<center>Here is some <b>HTML</b></center>"
html.attributedStringFromHTML { attString in
    self.bodyLabel.attributedText = attString


enter image description here

String.equals() with multiple conditions (and one action on result)

if (Arrays.asList("John", "Mary", "Peter").contains(name)) {
  • This is not as fast as using a prepared Set, but it performs no worse than using OR.
  • This doesn't crash when name is NULL (same with Set).
  • I like it because it looks clean

How to find minimum value from vector?

Try this with


How to change the type of a field?

To convert int32 to string in mongo without creating an array just add "" to your number :-) { 'mynum' : { $type : 16 } } ).forEach( function (x) {   
  x.mynum = x.mynum + ""; // convert int32 to string;

Export result set on Dbeaver to CSV

The problem was the box "open new connection" that was checked. So I couldn't use my temporary table.

use "netsh wlan set hostednetwork ..." to create a wifi hotspot and the authentication can't work correctly

For me, running the ad-hoc network on Windows 8.1, it was two things:

  • I had to set a static IP on my Android (under Advanced Options under where you type the Wifi password)
  • I had to use a password 8 characters long

Any IP will allow you to connect, but if you want internet access the static IP should match the subnet from the shared internet connection.

I'm not sure why I couldn't get a longer password to work, but it's worth a try. Maybe a more knowledgeable person could fill us in.

how to run a command at terminal from java program?

As others said, you may run your external program without xterm. However, if you want to run it in a terminal window, e.g. to let the user interact with it, xterm allows you to specify the program to run as parameter.

xterm -e any command

In Java code this becomes:

String[] command = { "xterm", "-e", "my", "command", "with", "parameters" };

Or, using ProcessBuilder:

String[] command = { "xterm", "-e", "my", "command", "with", "parameters" };
Process proc = new ProcessBuilder(command).start();

Get string after character

Use parameter expansion, if the value is already stored in a variable.

$ str="GenFiltEff=7.092200e-01"
$ value=${str#*=}

Or use read

$ IFS="=" read name value <<< "GenFiltEff=7.092200e-01"

Either way,

$ echo $value

How to pass a list from Python, by Jinja2 to JavaScript

I can suggest you a javascript oriented approach which makes it easy to work with javascript files in your project.

Create a javascript section in your jinja template file and place all variables you want to use in your javascript files in a window object:


{% block scripts %}
<script type="text/javascript">
window.appConfig = {
    debug: {% if env == 'development' %}true{% else %}false{% endif %},
    facebook_app_id: {{ facebook_app_id }},
    accountkit_api_version: '{{ accountkit_api_version }}',
    csrf_token: '{{ csrf_token }}'
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ url_for('static', filename='app.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}

Jinja will replace values and our appConfig object will be reachable from our other script files:


var AccountKit_OnInteractive = function(){
        appId: appConfig.facebook_app_id,
        debug: appConfig.debug,
        state: appConfig.csrf_token,
        version: appConfig.accountkit_api_version

I have seperated javascript code from html documents with this way which is easier to manage and seo friendly.

fork() child and parent processes

It is printing twice because you are calling printf twice, once in the execution of your program and once in the fork. Try taking your fork() out of the printf call.

Get total of Pandas column

There are two ways to sum of a column

dataset = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

1: sum(dataset.Column_name)

2: dataset['Column_Name'].sum()

If there is any issue in this the please correct me..

EditorFor() and html properties

The problem is, your template can contain several HTML elements, so MVC won't know to which one to apply your size/class. You'll have to define it yourself.

Make your template derive from your own class called TextBoxViewModel:

public class TextBoxViewModel
  public string Value { get; set; }
  IDictionary<string, object> moreAttributes;
  public TextBoxViewModel(string value, IDictionary<string, object> moreAttributes)
    // set class properties here
  public string GetAttributesString()
     return string.Join(" ", moreAttributes.Select(x => x.Key + "='" + x.Value + "'").ToArray()); // don't forget to encode


In the template you can do this:

<input value="<%= Model.Value %>" <%= Model.GetAttributesString() %> />

In your view you do:

<%= Html.EditorFor(x => x.StringValue) %>
<%= Html.EditorFor(x => new TextBoxViewModel(x.StringValue, new IDictionary<string, object> { {'class', 'myclass'}, {'size', 15}}) %>

The first form will render default template for string. The second form will render the custom template.

Alternative syntax use fluent interface:

public class TextBoxViewModel
  public string Value { get; set; }
  IDictionary<string, object> moreAttributes;
  public TextBoxViewModel(string value, IDictionary<string, object> moreAttributes)
    // set class properties here
    moreAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();

  public TextBoxViewModel Attr(string name, object value)
     moreAttributes[name] = value;
     return this;


   // and in the view
   <%= Html.EditorFor(x => new TextBoxViewModel(x.StringValue).Attr("class", "myclass").Attr("size", 15) %>

Notice that instead of doing this in the view, you may also do this in controller, or much better in the ViewModel:

public ActionResult Action()
  // now you can Html.EditorFor(x => x.StringValue) and it will pick attributes
  return View(new { StringValue = new TextBoxViewModel(x.StringValue).Attr("class", "myclass").Attr("size", 15) });

Also notice that you can make base TemplateViewModel class - a common ground for all your view templates - which will contain basic support for attributes/etc.

But in general I think MVC v2 needs a better solution. It's still Beta - go ask for it ;-)

Adding Text to DataGridView Row Header

I had the same(?) problem. Couldn't get header column to display row header data (a simple row number) with my data bound grid. Once I moved the code to the event "DataBindingComplete" it worked.

Sorry for the extra code. I wanted to provide a working example but don't have time to cut it all down so just cut and pasted some of my app and fixed it up to run for you. Here you go:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication3
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private List<DataPoint> pts = new List<DataPoint>();

        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            InsertPoint(10, 20);
            InsertPoint(12, 40);
            InsertPoint(16, 60);
            InsertPoint(20, 77);
            InsertPoint(92, 80);


        public void InsertPoint(int parameterValue, int commandValue)
            DataPoint pt = new DataPoint();
            pt.XValue = commandValue;
            pt.YValues[0] = parameterValue;

        private void MakeGrid()
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            //*** Add Data to DataTable
            for (int i = 0; i <= pts.Count - 1; i++)
                dt.Rows.Add(pts[i].XValue, pts[i].YValues[0]);
            dgv1.DataSource = dt;

            //*** Formatting for the grid is performed in event dgv1_DataBindingComplete.
            //*** If its performed here, the changes appear to get wiped in the grid control.

        private void dgv1_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e)
            DataGridViewCellStyle style = new DataGridViewCellStyle();
            style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;

            //*** Add row number to each row
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv1.Rows)
                row.HeaderCell.Value = (row.Index + 1).ToString();
                row.HeaderCell.Style = style;
                row.Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.False;
            dgv1.CurrentCell = null;

Attaching click event to a JQuery object not yet added to the DOM

Use this. You can replace body with any parent element that exists on dom ready

$('body').on('click', '#my-button', function () {
     console.log("yeahhhh!!! but this doesn't work for me :(");

Look here for more info on how to use on() as it replaces live() as of 1.7+.

Below lists which version you should be using

$(selector).live(events, data, handler); // jQuery 1.3+

$(document).delegate(selector, events, data, handler); // jQuery 1.4.3+

$(document).on(events, selector, data, handler); // jQuery 1.7+

Create Map in Java

I use such kind of a Map population thanks to Java 9. In my honest opinion, this approach provides more readability to the code.

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<Integer, Point2D.Double> map = Map.of(
        1, new Point2D.Double(1, 1),
        2, new Point2D.Double(2, 2),
        3, new Point2D.Double(3, 3),
        4, new Point2D.Double(4, 4));
  } Invalid Keystore format

for me that issue happened because i generated .jks file on my laptop with 1.8.0_251 and i copied it on server witch had java 1.8.0_45 and when I used that .jks file in my code i got Invalid Keystore format.

to solve this issue i generated .jks file directly on the server instead of copy there from my laptop which had different java version.

How do I make an html link look like a button?

If you want nice button with rounded corners, then use this class:

.link_button {_x000D_
    -webkit-border-radius: 4px;_x000D_
    -moz-border-radius: 4px;_x000D_
    border-radius: 4px;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #20538D;_x000D_
    text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);_x000D_
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);_x000D_
    -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);_x000D_
    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4), 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);_x000D_
    background: #4479BA;_x000D_
    color: #FFF;_x000D_
    padding: 8px 12px;_x000D_
    text-decoration: none;_x000D_
<a href="#" class="link_button">Example</a>

Combining "LIKE" and "IN" for SQL Server

One other option would be to use something like this

FROM    table t INNER JOIN
            SELECT  'Text%' Col
            UNION SELECT 'Link%'
            UNION SELECT 'Hello%'
            UNION SELECT '%World%'
        ) List ON t.COLUMN LIKE List.Col

Save attachments to a folder and rename them

Added simple code to save with readable date-time stamp.

Use sync2pst to sync all your data in outlook with all your devices, work like this:

  1. you only need to buy 1 license: save your pst file on one computer (let's call this pc 'server') on your network.
  2. create scheduled tasks that will synchronize the pst file on your 'server' with all the pst files on all your devices, no matter which device downloaded the emails first (you need some dos programming knowledge to bypass pst files that are open at sync time).
  3. save all your attachments on the same skydrive folder that is located on the same place on all your devices (e.g. e:\skydrive\attachments)
  4. Use the code below on all your devices to save attachments (change the path as mentioned above)
  5. Use ONLY ONE PST-file for all your accounts, make folders, subfolders and so ...

  6. in VBA: refer to 'microsoft scripting runtime'extra/references...'

  7. here's the code

Private Sub Application_NewMail()
End Sub

Public Sub SaveAttachments()
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim objMsg As Outlook.MailItem 'Object
Dim objAttachments As Outlook.Attachments
Dim objSelection As Outlook.Selection
Dim i As Long
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim strFile As String
Dim strFolderpath As String
Dim strDeletedFiles As String
Dim fs As FileSystemObject

' Get the path to your My Documents folder
strFolderpath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders(16)
On Error Resume Next

' Instantiate an Outlook Application object.
Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

' Get the collection of selected objects.
Set objSelection = objOL.ActiveExplorer.Selection

' Set the Attachment folder.
strFolderpath = "F:\SkyDrive\Attachments\"

' Check each selected item for attachments. If attachments exist,
' save them to the strFolderPath folder and strip them from the item.
For Each objMsg In objSelection

    ' This code only strips attachments from mail items.
    ' If objMsg.class=olMail Then
    ' Get the Attachments collection of the item.
    Set objAttachments = objMsg.Attachments
    lngCount = objAttachments.Count
    strDeletedFiles = ""

    If lngCount > 0 Then

        ' We need to use a count down loop for removing items
        ' from a collection. Otherwise, the loop counter gets
        ' confused and only every other item is removed.
        Set fs = New FileSystemObject

        For i = lngCount To 1 Step -1

            ' Save attachment before deleting from item.
            ' Get the file name.
            strFile = Left(objAttachments.Item(i).FileName, Len(objAttachments.Item(i).FileName) - 4) + "_" + Right("00" + Trim(Str$(Day(Now))), 2) + "_" + Right("00" + Trim(Str$(Month(Now))), 2) + "_" + Right("0000" + Trim(Str$(Year(Now))), 4) + "_" + Right("00" + Trim(Str$(Hour(Now))), 2) + "_" + Right("00" + Trim(Str$(Minute(Now))), 2) + "_" + Right("00" + Trim(Str$(Second(Now))), 2) + Right((objAttachments.Item(i).FileName), 4)

            ' Combine with the path to the Temp folder.
            strFile = strFolderpath & strFile

            ' Save the attachment as a file.
            objAttachments.Item(i).SaveAsFile strFile

            ' Delete the attachment.

            'write the save as path to a string to add to the message
            'check for html and use html tags in link
            If objMsg.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then
                strDeletedFiles = strDeletedFiles & vbCrLf & "<file://" & strFile & ">"
                strDeletedFiles = strDeletedFiles & "<br>" & "<a href='file://" & _
                strFile & "'>" & strFile & "</a>"
            End If

            'Use the MsgBox command to troubleshoot. Remove it from the final code.
            'MsgBox strDeletedFiles

        Next i

        ' Adds the filename string to the message body and save it
        ' Check for HTML body
        If objMsg.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then
            objMsg.Body = vbCrLf & "The file(s) were saved to " & strDeletedFiles & vbCrLf & objMsg.Body
            objMsg.HTMLBody = "<p>" & "The file(s) were saved to " & strDeletedFiles & "</p>" & objMsg.HTMLBody
        End If

    End If


Set objAttachments = Nothing
Set objMsg = Nothing
Set objSelection = Nothing
Set objOL = Nothing
End Sub

How to pass parameters on onChange of html select

I found @Piyush's answer helpful, and just to add to it, if you programatically create a select, then there is an important way to get this behavior that may not be obvious. Let's say you have a function and you create a new select:

var changeitem = function (sel) {
var newSelect = document.createElement('select'); = 'newselect';

The normal behavior may be to say

newSelect.onchange = changeitem;

But this does not really allow you to specify that argument passed in, so instead you may do this:

newSelect.setAttribute('onchange', 'changeitem(this)');

And you are able to set the parameter. If you do it the first way, then the argument you'll get to your onchange function will be browser dependent. The second way seems to work cross-browser just fine.

Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt

Regardless of the OS the below command should work:

java -cp "MyJar.jar;lib/*" com.mainClass

Always use quotes and please take attention that lib/*.jar will not work.

How can I get relative path of the folders in my android project?

Are you looking for the root folder of the application? Then I would use

 String path = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(".").getPath();

to actually "find out where I am".

HttpServletRequest get JSON POST data

Are you posting from a different source (so different port, or hostname)? If so, this very very recent topic I just answered might be helpful.

The problem was the XHR Cross Domain Policy, and a useful tip on how to get around it by using a technique called JSONP. The big downside is that JSONP does not support POST requests.

I know in the original post there is no mention of JavaScript, however JSON is usually used for JavaScript so that's why I jumped to that conclusion

Vue-router redirect on page not found (404)

This answer may come a bit late but I have found an acceptable solution. My approach is a bit similar to @Mani one but I think mine is a bit more easy to understand.

Putting it into global hook and into the component itself are not ideal, global hook checks every request so you will need to write a lot of conditions to check if it should be 404 and window.location.href in the component creation is too late as the request has gone into the component already and then you take it out.

What I did is to have a dedicated url for 404 pages and have a path * that for everything that not found.

{ path: '/:locale/404', name: 'notFound', component: () => import('pages/Error404.vue') },
{ path: '/:locale/*', 
  beforeEnter (to) {
    window.location = `/${to.params.locale}/404`

You can ignore the :locale as my site is using i18n so that I can make sure the 404 page is using the right language.

On the side note, I want to make sure my 404 page is returning httpheader 404 status code instead of 200 when page is not found. The solution above would just send you to a 404 page but you are still getting 200 status code. To do this, I have my nginx rule to return 404 status code on location /:locale/404

server {
    listen                      80;
    server_name                 localhost;

    error_page  404 /index.html;
    location ~ ^/.*/404$ {
      root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

    location / {
      root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
      index  index.html index.htm;
      try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrites;

    location @rewrites {
      rewrite ^(.+)$ /index.html last;

    location = /50x.html {
      root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

CentOS: Copy directory to another directory

For copy directory use following command

cp -r source    Destination

For example

cp -r  /home/hasan   /opt 

For copy file use command without -r

cp   /home/file    /home/hasan/

How to style CSS role

The shortest way to write a selector that accesses that specific div is to simply use

[role=main] {
  /* CSS goes here */

The previous answers are not wrong, but they rely on you using either a div or using the specific id. With this selector, you'll be able to have all kinds of crazy markup and it would still work and you avoid problems with specificity.

[role=main] {_x000D_
  background: rgba(48, 96, 144, 0.2);_x000D_
span {_x000D_
  padding: 5px;_x000D_
  margin: 5px;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
<div id="content" role="main">_x000D_
  <span role="main">Hello</span>_x000D_

Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

I had a problem when run red5(tomcat) on Windows x64 that previous worked under Windows x32, got next error:

 INFO pool-15-thread-1 com.home.launcher.CommandLauncher - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\....\lib\Data Samolet.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
INFO pool-15-thread-1 com.home.launcher.CommandLauncher - at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)

Problem solved when I installed Java x32 version and set next

"Environment variables"

"User variables for Home"

JAVA_HOME => C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk.1.6.0_45

"System variables"

Path[at the beginning] => C:\Program Files\Java\jdk.1.8.0_60;..

dpi value of default "large", "medium" and "small" text views android

To put it in another way, can we replicate the appearance of these text views without using the android:textAppearance attribute?

Like biegleux already said:

  • small represents 14sp
  • medium represents 18sp
  • large represents 22sp

If you want to use the small, medium or large value on any text in your Android app, you can just create a dimens.xml file in your values folder and define the text size there with the following 3 lines:

<dimen name="text_size_small">14sp</dimen>
<dimen name="text_size_medium">18sp</dimen>
<dimen name="text_size_large">22sp</dimen>

Here is an example for a TextView with large text from the dimens.xml file:

  android:text="hello world"

Getting XML Node text value with Java DOM

I use a very old java. Jdk 1.4.08 and I had the same issue. The Node class for me did not had the getTextContent() method. I had to use Node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() instead of Node.getNodeValue() to get the value of the node. This fixed for me.

How do I find which program is using port 80 in Windows?

Start menu → Accessories → right click on "Command prompt". In the menu, click "Run as Administrator" (on Windows XP you can just run it as usual), run netstat -anb, and then look through output for your program.

BTW, Skype by default tries to use ports 80 and 443 for incoming connections.

You can also run netstat -anb >%USERPROFILE%\ports.txt followed by start %USERPROFILE%\ports.txt to open the port and process list in a text editor, where you can search for the information you want.

You can also use PowerShell to parse netstat output and present it in a better way (or process it any way you want):

$proc = @{};
Get-Process | ForEach-Object { $proc.Add($_.Id, $_) };
netstat -aon | Select-String "\s*([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+):([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+):([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)?\s+([^\s]+)" | ForEach-Object {
    $g = $_.Matches[0].Groups;
    New-Object PSObject |
        Add-Member @{ Protocol =           $g[1].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ LocalAddress =       $g[2].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ LocalPort =     [int]$g[3].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ RemoteAddress =      $g[4].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ RemotePort =         $g[5].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ State =              $g[6].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ PID =           [int]$g[7].Value  } -PassThru |
        Add-Member @{ Process = $proc[[int]$g[7].Value] } -PassThru;
#} | Format-Table Protocol,LocalAddress,LocalPort,RemoteAddress,RemotePort,State -GroupBy @{Name='Process';Expression={$p=$_.Process;@{$True=$p.ProcessName; $False=$p.MainModule.FileName}[$p.MainModule -eq $Null] + ' PID: ' + $p.Id}} -AutoSize
} | Sort-Object PID | Out-GridView

Also it does not require elevation to run.

Determining if an Object is of primitive type

Integer is not a primitive, Class.isPrimitive() is not lying.

How to disable HTML links

I would do something like


$('.disabled-link').on('click', false);

something like this should work. You add a class for links you want to have disabled and then you return false when someone click them. To enable them just remove the class.

Auto highlight text in a textbox control

 this.ActiveControl = textBoxX1;

Sass calculate percent minus px

There is a calc function in both SCSS [compile-time] and CSS [run-time]. You're likely invoking the former instead of the latter.

For obvious reasons mixing units won't work compile-time, but will at run-time.

You can force the latter by using unquote, a SCSS function.

.selector { height: unquote("-webkit-calc(100% - 40px)"); }

How can I find all the subsets of a set, with exactly n elements?

itertools.combinations is your friend if you have Python 2.6 or greater. Otherwise, check the link for an implementation of an equivalent function.

import itertools
def findsubsets(S,m):
    return set(itertools.combinations(S, m))

S: The set for which you want to find subsets
m: The number of elements in the subset

deleting rows in numpy array

This is similar to your original approach, and will use less space than unutbu's answer, but I suspect it will be slower.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> p = np.array([[1.5, 0], [1.4,1.5], [1.6, 0], [1.7, 1.8]])
>>> p
array([[ 1.5,  0. ],
       [ 1.4,  1.5],
       [ 1.6,  0. ],
       [ 1.7,  1.8]])
>>> nz = (p == 0).sum(1)
>>> q = p[nz == 0, :]
>>> q
array([[ 1.4,  1.5],
       [ 1.7,  1.8]])

By the way, your line p.delete() doesn't work for me - ndarrays don't have a .delete attribute.

How can I disable selected attribute from select2() dropdown Jquery?

I'm disabling select2 with:


And enabling it with


How to suppress Update Links warning?

(I don't have enough rep points to add a comment, but I want to add some clarity on the answers here)

Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False is probably not what you want.

If set to False, then MS Excel will attempt to update the links automatically it just won't prompt the user beforehand, sorta counter-intuitive.

The correct solution, if you're looking to open a file without updating links should be:


Related link: Difference in AskToUpdateLinks=False and UpdateLinks:=0

Gradle, Android and the ANDROID_HOME SDK location

I have just solved the exact same issue by adding the ANDROID_HOME as a system wide variable. In Ubuntu it should be in /etc/profile or in a shell script file in /etc/profile.d/

Then logout and login again, now Gradle should recognize the ANDROID_HOME variable.

How can I initialize an array without knowing it size?

Use LinkedList instead. Than, you can create an array if necessary.

Appropriate datatype for holding percent values?

Assuming two decimal places on your percentages, the data type you use depends on how you plan to store your percentages. If you are going to store their fractional equivalent (e.g. 100.00% stored as 1.0000), I would store the data in a decimal(5,4) data type with a CHECK constraint that ensures that the values never exceed 1.0000 (assuming that is the cap) and never go below 0 (assuming that is the floor). If you are going to store their face value (e.g. 100.00% is stored as 100.00), then you should use decimal(5,2) with an appropriate CHECK constraint. Combined with a good column name, it makes it clear to other developers what the data is and how the data is stored in the column.

MySQL load NULL values from CSV data

MySQL manual says:

When reading data with LOAD DATA INFILE, empty or missing columns are updated with ''. If you want a NULL value in a column, you should use \N in the data file. The literal word “NULL” may also be used under some circumstances.

So you need to replace the blanks with \N like this:


Unresolved external symbol on static class members

If you are using C++ 17 you can just use the inline specifier (see

If using older versions of the C++ standard, you must add the definitions to match your declarations of X and Y

unsigned char test::X;
unsigned char test::Y;

somewhere. You might want to also initialize a static member

unsigned char test::X = 4;

and again, you do that in the definition (usually in a CXX file) not in the declaration (which is often in a .H file)

Display rows with one or more NaN values in pandas dataframe

Suppose gamma1 and gamma2 are two such columns for which df.isnull().any() gives True value , the following code can be used to print the rows.

bool1 = pd.isnull(df['gamma1'])
bool2 = pd.isnull(df['gamma2'])

How do I get rid of an element's offset using CSS?

I had the same problem. The offset appeared after UpdatePanel refresh. The solution was to add an empty tag before the UpdatePanel like this:



Jquery to get SelectedText from dropdown

first Set id attribute of dropdownlist like i do here than use that id to get value in jquery or javascrip.


 @Html.DropDownList("CompanyId", ViewBag.CompanyList as SelectList, "Select Company", new { @id="ddlCompany" })


var id = jQuery("#ddlCompany option:selected").val();

How to download a file with Node.js (without using third-party libraries)?

Without library it could be buggy just to point out. Here are a few:

Here my suggestion:

  • Call system tool like wget or curl
  • use some tool like node-wget-promise which also very simple to use. var wget = require('node-wget-promise'); wget('');

Create an array of strings

You need to use cell-arrays:

names = cell(10,1);
for i=1:10
    names{i} = ['Sample Text ' num2str(i)];

Create file path from variables

You want the path.join() function from os.path.

>>> from os import path
>>> path.join('foo', 'bar')

This builds your path with os.sep (instead of the less portable '/') and does it more efficiently (in general) than using +.

However, this won't actually create the path. For that, you have to do something like what you do in your question. You could write something like:

start_path = '/my/root/directory'
final_path = os.join(start_path, *list_of_vars)
if not os.path.isdir(final_path):
    os.makedirs (final_path)

How do I edit an incorrect commit message in git ( that I've pushed )?

The message from Linus Torvalds may answer your question:

Modify/edit old commit messages

Short answer: you can not (if pushed).

extract (Linus refers to BitKeeper as BK):

Side note, just out of historical interest: in BK you could.

And if you're used to it (like I was) it was really quite practical. I would apply a patch-bomb from Andrew, notice something was wrong, and just edit it before pushing it out.

I could have done the same with git. It would have been easy enough to make just the commit message not be part of the name, and still guarantee that the history was untouched, and allow the "fix up comments later" thing.

But I didn't.

Part of it is purely "internal consistency". Git is simply a cleaner system thanks to everything being SHA1-protected, and all objects being treated the same, regardless of object type. Yeah, there are four different kinds of objects, and they are all really different, and they can't be used in the same way, but at the same time, even if their encoding might be different on disk, conceptually they all work exactly the same.

But internal consistency isn't really an excuse for being inflexible, and clearly it would be very flexible if we could just fix up mistakes after they happen. So that's not a really strong argument.

The real reason git doesn't allow you to change the commit message ends up being very simple: that way, you can trust the messages. If you allowed people to change them afterwards, the messages are inherently not very trustworthy.

To be complete, you could rewrite your local commit history in order to reflect what you want, as suggested by sykora (with some rebase and reset --hard, gasp!)

However, once you publish your revised history again (with a git push origin +master:master, the + sign forcing the push to occur, even if it doesn't result in a "fast-forward" commit)... you might get into some trouble.

Extract from this other SO question:

I actually once pushed with --force to git.git repository and got scolded by Linus BIG TIME. It will create a lot of problems for other people. A simple answer is "don't do it".

Node.js/Express routing with get params

Your route isn't ok, it should be like this (with ':')

app.get('/documents/:format/:type', function (req, res) {
   var format = req.params.format,
       type = req.params.type;

Also you cannot interchange parameter order unfortunately. For more information on req.params (and req.query) check out the api reference here.

minimum double value in C/C++

Are you looking for actual infinity or the minimal finite value? If the former, use


which only works if


Otherwise, you should use


which was introduces in C++11.

If lowest() is not available, you can fall back to


which may differ from lowest() in principle, but normally doesn't in practice.

Batch script to delete files

Consider that the files you need to delete have an extension txt and is located in the location D:\My Folder, then you could use the below code inside the bat file.

cd "D:\My Folder"
DEL *.txt 

How can I copy a conditional formatting from one document to another?

To achieve this you can try below steps:

  1. Copy the cell or column which has the conditional formatting you want to copy.
  2. Go to the desired cell or column (maybe other sheets) where you want to apply conditional formatting.
  3. Open the context menu of the desired cell or column (by right-click on it).
  4. Find the "Paste Special" option which has a sub-menu.
  5. Select the "Paste conditional formatting only" option of the sub-menu and done.

Bootstrap: change background color

You can target that div from your stylesheet in a number of ways.

Simply use

.col-md-6:first-child {
  background-color: blue;

Another way is to assign a class to one div and then apply the style to that class.

<div class="col-md-6 blue"></div>

.blue {
  background-color: blue;

There are also inline styles.

<div class="col-md-6" style="background-color: blue"></div>

Your example code works fine to me. I'm not sure if I undestand what you intend to do, but if you want a blue background on the second div just remove the bg-primary class from the section and add you custom class to the div.

.blue {_x000D_
  background-color: blue;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<section id="about">_x000D_
  <div class="container">_x000D_
    <div class="row">_x000D_
    <!-- Columns are always 50% wide, on mobile and desktop -->_x000D_
      <div class="col-xs-6">_x000D_
        <h2 class="section-heading text-center">Title</h2>_x000D_
        <p class="text-faded text-center">.col-md-6</p>_x000D_
      <div class="col-xs-6 blue">_x000D_
        <h2 class="section-heading text-center">Title</h2>_x000D_
        <p class="text-faded text-center">.col-md-6</p>_x000D_

Interfaces with static fields in java for sharing 'constants'

There is a lot of hate for this pattern in Java. However, an interface of static constants does sometimes have value. You need to basically fulfill the following conditions:

  1. The concepts are part of the public interface of several classes.

  2. Their values might change in future releases.

  3. Its critical that all implementations use the same values.

For example, suppose that you are writing an extension to a hypothetical query language. In this extension you are going to expand the language syntax with some new operations, which are supported by an index. E.g. You are going to have a R-Tree supporting geospatial queries.

So you write a public interface with the static constant:

public interface SyntaxExtensions {
     // query type
     String NEAR_TO_QUERY = "nearTo";

     // params for query
     String POINT = "coordinate";
     String DISTANCE_KM = "distanceInKm";

Now later, a new developer thinks he needs to build a better index, so he comes and builds an R* implementation. By implementing this interface in his new tree he guarantees that the different indexes will have identical syntax in the query language. Moreover, if you later decided that "nearTo" was a confusing name, you could change it to "withinDistanceInKm", and know that the new syntax would be respected by all your index implementations.

PS: The inspiration for this example is drawn from the Neo4j spatial code.

Enum Naming Convention - Plural

Best Practice - use singular. You have a list of items that make up an Enum. Using an item in the list sounds strange when you say Versions.1_0. It makes more sense to say Version.1_0 since there is only one 1_0 Version.

Wait for page load in Selenium

I use node + selenium-webdriver(which version is 3.5.0 now). what I do for this is:

var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),
    driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
driver.wait(driver.executeScript("return document.readyState").then(state => {
  return state === 'complete';

Hadoop: «ERROR : JAVA_HOME is not set»

I solved this in my env, without modify

You'd be better using /bin/bash as default shell not /bin/sh

Check these before:

  1. You have already config java and env (success echo $JAVA_HOME)
  2. right config hadoop

echo $SHELL in every node, check if print /bin/bash if not, vi /etc/passwd, add /bin/bash at tail of your username ref

Changing default shell in Linux

RSA: Get exponent and modulus given a public key

Beware the leading 00 that can appear in the modulus when using:

openssl rsa -pubin -inform PEM -text -noout < public.key

The example modulus contains 257 bytes rather than 256 bytes because of that 00, which is included because the 9 in 98 looks like a negative signed number.

Adjust list style image position?

Hide the default bullet image and use background-image as you have much more control like:

li {_x000D_
    background-image: url(;_x000D_
    background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
    background-position: left 50%;_x000D_
    padding-left: 2em;_x000D_
ul {_x000D_
    list-style: none;_x000D_

How should I use try-with-resources with JDBC?

As others have stated, your code is basically correct though the outer try is unneeded. Here are a few more thoughts.


Other answers here are correct and good, such the accepted Answer by bpgergo. But none of the show the use of DataSource, commonly recommended over use of DriverManager in modern Java.

So for the sake of completeness, here is a complete example that fetches the current date from the database server. The database used here is Postgres. Any other database would work similarly. You would replace the use of org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource with an implementation of DataSource appropriate to your database. An implementation is likely provided by your particular driver, or connection pool if you go that route.

A DataSource implementation need not be closed, because it is never “opened”. A DataSource is not a resource, is not connected to the database, so it is not holding networking connections nor resources on the database server. A DataSource is simply information needed when making a connection to the database, with the database server's network name or address, the user name, user password, and various options you want specified when a connection is eventually made. So your DataSource implementation object does not go inside your try-with-resources parentheses.

Nested try-with-resources

Your code makes proper used of nested try-with-resources statements.

Notice in the example code below that we also use the try-with-resources syntax twice, one nested inside the other. The outer try defines two resources: Connection and PreparedStatement. The inner try defines the ResultSet resource. This is a common code structure.

If an exception is thrown from the inner one, and not caught there, the ResultSet resource will automatically be closed (if it exists, is not null). Following that, the PreparedStatement will be closed, and lastly the Connection is closed. Resources are automatically closed in reverse order in which they were declared within the try-with-resource statements.

The example code here is overly simplistic. As written, it could be executed with a single try-with-resources statement. But in a real work you will likely be doing more work between the nested pair of try calls. For example, you may be extracting values from your user-interface or a POJO, and then passing those to fulfill ? placeholders within your SQL via calls to PreparedStatement::set… methods.

Syntax notes

Trailing semicolon

Notice that the semicolon trailing the last resource statement within the parentheses of the try-with-resources is optional. I include it in my own work for two reasons: Consistency and it looks complete, and it makes copy-pasting a mix of lines easier without having to worry about end-of-line semicolons. Your IDE may flag the last semicolon as superfluous, but there is no harm in leaving it.

Java 9 – Use existing vars in try-with-resources

New in Java 9 is an enhancement to try-with-resources syntax. We can now declare and populate the resources outside the parentheses of the try statement. I have not yet found this useful for JDBC resources, but keep it in mind in your own work.

ResultSet should close itself, but may not

In an ideal world the ResultSet would close itself as the documentation promises:

A ResultSet object is automatically closed when the Statement object that generated it is closed, re-executed, or used to retrieve the next result from a sequence of multiple results.

Unfortunately, in the past some JDBC drivers infamously failed to fulfill this promise. As a result, many JDBC programmers learned to explicitly close all their JDBC resources including Connection, PreparedStatement, and ResultSet too. The modern try-with-resources syntax has made doing so easier, and with more compact code. Notice that the Java team went to the bother of marking ResultSet as AutoCloseable, and I suggest we make use of that. Using a try-with-resources around all your JDBC resources makes your code more self-documenting as to your intentions.

Code example

package work.basil.example;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Objects;

public class App
    public static void main ( String[] args )
        App app = new App();

    private void doIt ( )
        System.out.println( "Hello World!" );

        org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource dataSource = new org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource();

        dataSource.setServerName( "" );
        dataSource.setPortNumber( 5432 );

        dataSource.setDatabaseName( "example_db_" );
        dataSource.setUser( "scott" );
        dataSource.setPassword( "tiger" );

        dataSource.setApplicationName( "ExampleApp" );

        System.out.println( "INFO - Attempting to connect to database: " );
        if ( Objects.nonNull( dataSource ) )
            String sql = "SELECT CURRENT_DATE ;";
            try (
                    Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection() ;
                    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement( sql ) ;
                … make `PreparedStatement::set…` calls here.
                try (
                        ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery() ;
                    if ( )
                        LocalDate ld = rs.getObject( 1 , LocalDate.class );
                        System.out.println( "INFO - date is " + ld );
            catch ( SQLException e )

        System.out.println( "INFO - all done." );

Concept of void pointer in C programming

You cannot dereference a pointer without specifying its type because different data types will have different sizes in memory i.e. an int being 4 bytes, a char being 1 byte.

Is it possible to run CUDA on AMD GPUs?

You can run NVIDIA® CUDA™ code on Mac, and indeed on OpenCL 1.2 GPUs in general, using Coriander . Disclosure: I'm the author. Example usage:


Result: enter image description here

How to handle the click event in Listview in android?

Error is coming in your code from this statement as you said

Intent intent = new Intent(context, SendMessage.class);

This is due to you are providing context of OnItemClickListener anonymous class into the Intent constructor but according to constructor of Intent

android.content.Intent.Intent(Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)

You have to provide context of you activity in which you are using intent that is the MainActivity class context. so your statement which is giving error will be converted to

Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SendMessage.class);

Also for sending your message from this MainActivity to SendMessage class please see below code

lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
                    long id) {
                ListEntry entry= (ListEntry) parent.getAdapter().getItem(position);
                Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SendMessage.class);
                intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, entry.getMessage());

Please let me know if this helps you

EDIT:- If you are finding some issue to get the value of list do one thing declear your array list

ArrayList<ListEntry> members = new ArrayList<ListEntry>();

globally i.e. before oncreate and change your listener as below

 lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
                public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
                        long id) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SendMessage.class);
                    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, members.get(position));

So your whole code will look as

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "com.example.ListViewTest.MESSAGE";
ArrayList<ListEntry> members = new ArrayList<ListEntry>();

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        members.add(new ListEntry("BBB","AAA",R.drawable.tab1_hdpi));
        members.add(new ListEntry("ccc","ddd",R.drawable.tab2_hdpi));
        members.add(new ListEntry("assa","cxv",R.drawable.tab3_hdpi));
        members.add(new ListEntry("BcxsadvBB","AcxdxvAA"));
        members.add(new ListEntry("BcxvadsBB","AcxzvAA"));
        members.add(new ListEntry("BcxvBB","AcxvAA"));
        members.add(new ListEntry("BvBB","AcxsvAA"));
        members.add(new ListEntry("BcxvBB","AcxsvzAA"));
        members.add(new ListEntry("Bcxadv","AcsxvAA"));
        members.add(new ListEntry("BcxcxB","AcxsvAA"));
        ListView lv = (ListView)findViewById(;
        Log.i("testTag","before start adapter");
        StringArrayAdapter ad = new StringArrayAdapter (members,this);
        Log.i("testTag","after start adapter");
        Log.i("testTag","set adapter");
        lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
                    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
                            long id) {
                        Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SendMessage.class);
                        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, members.get(position).getMessage());

Where getMessage() will be a getter method specified in your ListEntry class which you are using to get message which was previously set.

How to submit a form using PhantomJS

As it was mentioned above CasperJS is the best tool to fill and send forms. Simplest possible example of how to fill & submit form using fill() function:

casper.start("", function() {
//searches and fills the form with id="loginForm"
  this.fill('form#loginForm', {
    'login':    'admin',
    'password':    '12345678'
   }, true);
    //trigger click event on submit button

How to find the process id of a running Java process on Windows? And how to kill the process alone?

This will work even when there are multiple instance of jar is running

wmic Path win32_process Where "CommandLine Like '%yourname.jar%'" Call Terminate

How to change spinner text size and text color?

Try this method. It is working for me.

public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
    TextView textView = (TextView) view;
    ((TextView) adapterView.getChildAt(0)).setTextColor(Color.RED);
    ((TextView) adapterView.getChildAt(0)).setTextSize(20);
    Toast.makeText(this, textView.getText()+" Selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

VBA: Selecting range by variables

I tried using:

Range(cells(1, 1), cells(lastRow, lastColumn)).Select 

where lastRow and lastColumn are integers, but received run-time error 1004. I'm using an older VB (6.5).

What did work was to use the following:

Range(Chr(64 + firstColumn) & firstRow & ":" & Chr(64 + lastColumn) & firstColumn).Select.  

Is it possible to use the SELECT INTO clause with UNION [ALL]?

The challenge I see with the solution:

SELECT top(100) *
    FROM Customers 
    SELECT top(100) *  
    FROM CustomerEurope 
    SELECT top(100) *  
    FROM CustomerAsia 
    SELECT top(100) *  
    FROM CustomerAmericas

is that this creates a windowed data set that will reside in the RAM and on larger data sets this solution will create severe performance issues as it must first create the partition and then it will use the partition to write to the temp table.

A better solution would be the following:

SELECT top(100)* into #tmpFerdeen
FROM Customers

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerEurope

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAsia

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAmericas

to select insert into the temp table and then add additional rows. However the draw back here is if there are any duplicate rows in the data.

The Best Solution would be the following:

Insert into #tmpFerdeen
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM Customers
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerEurope
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAsia
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAmericas

This method should work for all purposes that require distinct rows. If, however, you want the duplicate rows simply swap out the UNION for UNION ALL

Best of luck!

MySQL : ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add foreign key constraint

foreign key (dept_name) references department

This syntax is not valid for MySQL. It should instead be:

foreign key (dept_name) references department(dept_name)

MySQL requires dept_name to be used twice. Once to define the foreign column, and once to define the primary column. Using FOREIGN KEY Constraints

... [the] essential syntax for a foreign key constraint definition in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement looks like this:

    [index_name] (index_col_name, ...)
    REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name, ...)
    [ON DELETE reference_option]
    [ON UPDATE reference_option]


Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found

Just in case I trip over this error in 2 weeks again... My case: Checkout an existing project via git and pull in all dependencies via composer. Came down to the same error listed within the title of this post.


composer dump-autoload
composer install --no-scripts

make sure everything works now as expected (no errors!)

composer update

Python Error: "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack"

youre getting ''ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack'', because you only gave one value, the script (which is in this case)

the problem is, that you forgot to add a name after you ran the .py file.

line 3 of your code is

script, user_name = argv

the script is, you forgot to add a name after

so if your name was michael,so what you enter into the terminal should look something like:

> python michael

make this change and the code runs perfectly

How do I create a multiline Python string with inline variables?

If anyone came here from python-graphql client looking for a solution to pass an object as variable here's what I used:

query = """
  pairs(block: {block} first: 200, orderBy: trackedReserveETH, orderDirection: desc) {{
""".format(block=''.join(['{number: ', str(block), '}']))

 query = gql(query)

Make sure to escape all curly braces like I did: "{{", "}}"

What is the reason for java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class even though iterating through values() works just fine?

That's because you defined your own version of name for your enum, and getByName doesn't use that.

getByName("COLUMN_HEADINGS") would probably work.

What is the best collation to use for MySQL with PHP?

I found these collation charts helpful. I'm no sure which is the used utf8_general_ci though.

For example here is the chart for utf8_swedish_ci. It shows which characters it interprets as the same.

Checking if a file is a directory or just a file

You can call the stat() function and use the S_ISREG() macro on the st_mode field of the stat structure in order to determine if your path points to a regular file:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int is_regular_file(const char *path)
    struct stat path_stat;
    stat(path, &path_stat);
    return S_ISREG(path_stat.st_mode);

Note that there are other file types besides regular and directory, like devices, pipes, symbolic links, sockets, etc. You might want to take those into account.

How to execute a Windows command on a remote PC?

If you are in a domain environment, you can also use:

winrs -r:PCNAME cmd

This will open a remote command shell.

Select SQL Server database size

There are already a lot of great answers here but it's worth mentioning a simple and quick way to get the SQL Server Database size with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) using a standard report.

To run a report you need:

  1. right-click on the database
  2. go to Reports > Standard Reports > Disk Usage.

It prints a nice report:

enter image description here

Where the Total space Reserved is the total size of the database on the disk and it includes the size of all data files and the size of all transaction log files.

Under the hood, SSMS uses dbo.sysfiles view or sys.database_files view (depending on the version of MSSQL) and some kind of this query to get the Total space Reserved value:

SELECT sum((convert(dec (19, 2),  
convert(bigint,SIZE))) * 8192 / 1048576.0) db_size_mb
FROM dbo.sysfiles;

Android Canvas: drawing too large bitmap

If you don't want your image to be pre-scaled you can move it to the res/drawable-nodpi/ folder.

More info:

jQuery trigger event when click outside the element

I do not think document fires the click event. Try using the body element to capture the click event. Might need to check on that...

Plot size and resolution with R markdown, knitr, pandoc, beamer

I think that is a frequently asked question about the behavior of figures in beamer slides produced from Pandoc and markdown. The real problem is, R Markdown produces PNG images by default (from knitr), and it is hard to get the size of PNG images correct in LaTeX by default (I do not know why). It is fairly easy, however, to get the size of PDF images correct. One solution is to reset the default graphical device to PDF in your first chunk:

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = 'pdf')

Then all the images will be written as PDF files, and LaTeX will be happy.

Your second problem is you are mixing up the HTML units with LaTeX units in out.width / out.height. LaTeX and HTML are very different technologies. You should not expect \maxwidth to work in HTML, or 200px in LaTeX. Especially when you want to convert Markdown to LaTeX, you'd better not set out.width / out.height (use fig.width / fig.height and let LaTeX use the original size).

std::cin input with spaces?

You have to use cin.getline():

char input[100];

How do I publish a UDP Port on Docker?

Use the -p flag and add /udp suffix to the port number.

-p 53160:53160/udp

Full command

sudo docker run -p 53160:53160 \
    -p 53160:53160/udp -p 58846:58846 \ 
    -p 8112:8112 -t -i aostanin/deluge /

If you're running boot2docker on Mac, be sure to forward the same ports on boot2docker to your local machine.

You can also document that your container needs to receive UDP using EXPOSE in The Dockerfile (EXPOSE does not publish the port):

EXPOSE 8285/udp

Here is a link with more Docker Networking info covered in the container docs: (Courtesy of Old Pro in the comments)

Enable Hibernate logging

We have a tomcat-8.5 + restlet-2.3.4 + hibernate-4.2.0 + log4j-1.2.14 java 8 app running on AlpineLinux in docker.

On adding these 2 lines to /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/, I started seeing the HQL queries in the logs:

### log just the SQL

### log JDBC bind parameters ###

However, the JDBC bind parameters are not being logged.

Accessing the web page's HTTP Headers in JavaScript

Like many people I've been digging the net with no real answer :(

I've nevertheless find out a bypass that could help others. In my case I fully control my web server. In fact it is part of my application (see end reference). It is easy for me to add a script to my http response. I modified my httpd server to inject a small script within every html pages. I only push a extra 'js script' line right after my header construction, that set an existing variable from my document within my browser [I choose location], but any other option is possible. While my server is written in nodejs, I've no doubt that the same technique can be use from PHP or others.

  case ".html":
    response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
    response.write ("<script>location['GPSD_HTTP_AJAX']=true</script>")
    // process the real contend of my page

Now every html pages loaded from my server, have this script executed by the browser at reception. I can then easily check from JavaScript if the variable exist or not. In my usecase I need to know if I should use JSON or JSON-P profile to avoid CORS issue, but the same technique can be used for other purposes [ie: choose in between development/production server, get from server a REST/API key, etc ....]

On the browser you just need to check variable directly from JavaScript as in my example, where I use it to select my Json/JQuery profile

 // Select direct Ajax/Json profile if using GpsdTracking/HttpAjax server otherwise use JsonP
  var corsbypass = true;  
  if (location['GPSD_HTTP_AJAX']) corsbypass = false;

  if (corsbypass) { // Json & html served from two different web servers
    var gpsdApi = "http://localhost:4080/";
  } else { // Json & html served from same web server [no ?jsoncallback=]
    var gpsdApi = "";
  var gpsdRqt = 
      {key   :123456789 // user authentication key
      ,cmd   :'list'    // rest command
      ,group :'all'     // group to retreive
      ,round : true     // ask server to round numbers
   $.getJSON(gpsdApi,gpsdRqt, DevListCB);

For who ever would like to check my code:

How to get the current directory in a C program?

Look up the man page for getcwd.

Django gives Bad Request (400) when DEBUG = False

For me, I got this error by not setting USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST to true. From the docs:

This should only be enabled if a proxy which sets this header is in use.

My hosting service wrote explicitly in their documentation that this setting must be used, and I get this 400 error if I forget it.

Laravel Eloquent where field is X or null

You could merge two queries together:

$merged = $query_one->merge($query_two);

How to print Two-Dimensional Array like table

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[][] matrix = { 
                       { 1, 2, 5 }, 
                       { 3, 4, 6 },
                       { 7, 8, 9 } 

    System.out.println(" ** Matrix ** ");

    for (int rows = 0; rows < 3; rows++) {
        for (int columns = 0; columns < matrix[rows].length; columns++) {
            System.out.print(matrix[rows][columns] + "\t");

This works,add a new line in for loop of the row. When the first row will be done printing the code will jump in new line.

How to get JSON object from Razor Model object in javascript

In ASP.NET Core the IJsonHelper.Serialize() returns IHtmlContent so you don't need to wrap it with a call to Html.Raw().

It should be as simple as:

  var json = @Json.Serialize(Model.CollegeInformationlist);

how to set start page in webconfig file in c#

If your project contains a RouteConfig.cs file, then you probably need to ignore the route to the root by adding routes.IgnoreRoute(""); in this file.

If it doen't solve your problem, try this :

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath == "~/")

Merging Cells in Excel using C#

Code Snippet

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private Excel.Application excelApp = null;
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        excelApp.get_Range("A1:A360,B1:E1", Type.Missing).Merge(Type.Missing);

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        excelApp = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application") as Excel.Application ;


Selenium Webdriver: Entering text into text field

I had a case where I was entering text into a field after which the text would be removed automatically. Turned out it was due to some site functionality where you had to press the enter key after entering the text into the field. So, after sending your barcode text with sendKeys method, send 'enter' directly after it. Note that you will have to import the selenium Keys class. See my code below.

import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;

String barcode="0000000047166";
WebElement element_enter = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='div-barcode']"));
element_enter.findElement(By.xpath("your xpath")).sendKeys(barcode);

element_enter.sendKeys(Keys.RETURN); // this will result in the return key being pressed upon the text field

I hope it helps..

How to do a LIKE query with linq?

String [] obj = (from c in db.Contacts
                           where c.FirstName.StartsWith(prefixText)
                           select c.FirstName).ToArray();
            return obj;

StartsWith() and EndsWith() can help you a lot here. If you want to find data in between the field, then Contains() can be used.

Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to string in

The query() function returns an object, you'll want fetch a record from what's returned from that function. Look at the examples on this page to learn how to print data from mysql

Convert string to ASCII value python

your description is rather confusing; directly concatenating the decimal values doesn't seem useful in most contexts. the following code will cast each letter to an 8-bit character, and THEN concatenate. this is how standard ASCII encoding works

def ASCII(s):
    x = 0
    for i in xrange(len(s)):
        x += ord(s[i])*2**(8 * (len(s) - i - 1))
    return x

Submitting a form on 'Enter' with jQuery?

Try this:

var form = document.formname;

if($(form).length > 0)
    $(form).keypress(function (e){
        code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
        if(code.toString() == 13) 

How can I delete a query string parameter in JavaScript?

You should be using a library to do URI manipulation as it is more complicated than it seems on the surface to do it yourself. Take a look at:

How do you use String.substringWithRange? (or, how do Ranges work in Swift?)

This is how you get a range from a string:

var str = "Hello, playground"

let startIndex = advance(str.startIndex, 1)
let endIndex = advance(startIndex, 8)
let range = startIndex..<endIndex
let substr = str[range] //"ello, pl"

The key point is that you are passing a range of values of type String.Index (this is what advance returns) instead of integers.

The reason why this is necessary, is that strings in Swift don't have random access (because of variable length of Unicode characters basically). You also can't do str[1]. String.Index is designed to work with their internal structure.

You can create an extension with a subscript though, that does this for you, so you can just pass a range of integers (see e.g. Rob Napier's answer).

Is there a command line utility for rendering GitHub flavored Markdown?

Improving upon @barry-stae and @Sandeep answers for regular users of elinks you would add the following to .bashrc:

function mdviewer() {
  pandoc $* | elinks --force-html

Don't forget to install pandoc (and elinks).

Enabling SSL with XAMPP

configure SSL in xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhost.conf


<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/myproject/web"

    <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/myproject/web">
        Options All
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted


<VirtualHost *:443>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/myproject/web"
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile "conf/ssl.crt/server.crt" 
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "conf/ssl.key/server.key"
    <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/myproject/web">
        Options All
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

make sure server.crt & server.key path given properly otherwise this will not work.

don't forget to enable vhost in httpd.conf

# Virtual hosts
Include etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Redirect all output to file in Bash

It might be the standard error. You can redirect it:

... > out.txt 2>&1

button image as form input submit button?

This might be helpful

<form action="myform.cgi"> 
 <input type="file" name="fileupload" value="fileupload" id="fileupload">
 <label for="fileupload"> Select a file to upload</label> 
 <input type="image" src="/wp-content/uploads/sendform.png" alt="Submit" width="100"> </form>

Read more:

Splitting string with pipe character ("|")

split takes regex as a parameter.| has special meaning in regex.. use \\| instead of | to escape it.

Android SDK manager won't open

Locating the android.bat file in the tools folder worked for me. Funny that it is such a chore to get it to run. In my experience, usually .exe files run as expected. I'm not sure why it doesn't in this case... strange and annoying!

Could not find in circle ci

mtrakal's solution worked fine.

Added to

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; 
        // they belong in the individual module build.gradle files

allprojects {
    repositories {

Then it automatically upgraded to alpha2.

Invalidate the caches and restarted all is fine.

File | Invalidate Caches / Restart

choose 'Invalidate & Restart'

How to pass parameters to a Script tag?

Got it. Kind of a hack, but it works pretty nice:

var params = document.body.getElementsByTagName('script');
query = params[0].classList;
var param_a = query[0];
var param_b = query[1];
var param_c = query[2];

I pass the params in the script tag as classes:

<script src="" class="2 5 4"></script>

This article helped a lot.

How to check if the docker engine and a docker container are running?

Run this command in the terminal:

docker ps

If docker is not running, you wil get this message:

Error response from daemon: dial unix docker.raw.sock: connect: connection refused

Is there a way to define a min and max value for EditText in Android?

Of what i've seen of @Patrik's solution and @Zac's addition, the code provided still has a big problem :

If min==3 then it's impossible to type any number starting with 1 or 2 (ex: 15, 23)
If min>=10 then it's impossible to type anything as every number will have to start with 1,2,3...

In my understanding we cannot achieve the min-max limitation of an EditText's value with simple use of the class InputFilterMinMax, at least not for the min Value, because when user is typing a positive number, the value goes growing and we can easily perform an on-the-fly test to check if it's reached the limit or went outside the range and block entries that do not comply. Testing the min value is a different story as we cannot be sure if the user has finished typing or not and therefore cannot decide if we should block or not.

It's not exactly what OP requested but for validation purposes i've combined in my solution an InputFilter to test max values, with an OnFocusChangeListener to re-test for min value when the EditText loses the focus assuming the user's finished typing and it's something like this :

package test;

import android.text.InputFilter;

import android.text.Spanned;

public class InputFilterMax implements InputFilter {

private int max;

public InputFilterMax(int max) {
    this.max = max;

public InputFilterMax(String max) {
    this.max = Integer.parseInt(max);

public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {   
    try {
        String replacement = source.subSequence(start, end).toString(); 

        String newVal = dest.toString().substring(0, dstart) + replacement +dest.toString().substring(dend, dest.toString().length());

        int input = Integer.parseInt(newVal);

        if (input<=max)
            return null;
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { }   
//Maybe notify user that the value is not good      
return "";

And OnFocusChangeListenerMin

package test;

import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener;

public class OnFocusChangeListenerMin implements OnFocusChangeListener {

private int min;

public OnFocusChangeListenerMin(int min) {
    this.min = min;

public OnFocusChangeListenerMin(String min) {
    this.min = Integer.parseInt(min);

public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
    if(!hasFocus) {
        String val = ((EditText)v).getText().toString();
                //Notify user that the value is not good


Then in Activity set the InputFilterMax and theOnFocusChangeListenerMin to EditText note : You can 2 both min and max in onFocusChangeListener.

mQteEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener( new OnFocusChangeListenerMin('20');
mQteEditText.setFilters(new InputFilter[]{new InputFilterMax(getActivity(),'50')});

Select All as default value for Multivalue parameter

Try setting the parameters' "default value" to use the same query as the "available values". In effect it provides every single "available value" as a "default value" and the "Select All" option is automatically checked.

Setting Remote Webdriver to run tests in a remote computer using Java

By Default the InternetExplorerDriver listens on port "5555". Change your huburl to match that. you can look on the cmd box window to confirm.

T-SQL CASE Clause: How to specify WHEN NULL

The problem is that null is not considered equal to itself, hence the clause never matches.

You need to check for null explicitly:

SELECT CASE WHEN last_name is NULL THEN first_name ELSE first_name + ' ' + last_name

Fatal error: Out of memory, but I do have plenty of memory (PHP)

I ran accross the same kind of problem with the server dying when trying to use the swap. This is because mod_php does not free memory ever. So Apache processes keep growing either reaching apache or PHP's memory limit or, if there's no limit, crashing the server.

Restarting apache makes it to spawn new fresh slim processes but as they run PHP scripts over time, they grow until problems arise.

The solution is to make apache to kill processes after a certain number of queries served so it will create new ones ( There are some questions related to that) reducing the MaxRequestsPerChild configuration option to, let's say 100 (Defaults to 1000).

Of course this may reduce server performances as it takes ressources to kill and spawn new processes but at least it keeps the site working. You might be tempted to raise the number of running processes to keep performances high, be sure PHP (or apache) memory limit x max number of processes do not get over your server's physical ram.

Here's my experience, hope it helps.

How can I selectively merge or pick changes from another branch in Git?

I don't like the above approaches. Using cherry-pick is great for picking a single change, but it is a pain if you want to bring in all the changes except for some bad ones. Here is my approach.

There is no --interactive argument you can pass to git merge.

Here is the alternative:

You have some changes in branch 'feature' and you want to bring some but not all of them over to 'master' in a not sloppy way (i.e. you don't want to cherry pick and commit each one)

git checkout feature
git checkout -b temp
git rebase -i master

# Above will drop you in an editor and pick the changes you want ala:
pick 7266df7 First change
pick 1b3f7df Another change
pick 5bbf56f Last change

# Rebase b44c147..5bbf56f onto b44c147
# Commands:
# pick = use commit
# edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.

git checkout master
git pull . temp
git branch -d temp

So just wrap that in a shell script, change master into $to and change feature into $from and you are good to go:

# git-interactive-merge
git checkout $from
git checkout -b ${from}_tmp
git rebase -i $to
# Above will drop you in an editor and pick the changes you want
git checkout $to
git pull . ${from}_tmp
git branch -d ${from}_tmp

How to express a NOT IN query with ActiveRecord/Rails?

Here is a more complex "not in" query, using a subquery in rails 4 using squeel. Of course very slow compared to the equivalent sql, but hey, it works.

    scope :translations_not_in_english, ->(calmapp_version_id, language_iso_code){
      where{ tl1.iso_code == 'en' }.
      where{ cavtl1.calmapp_version_id == my{calmapp_version_id}}.
      where{ dot_key_code << (Translation.
        where{ tl1.iso_code == my{language_iso_code} }.
        select{ "dot_key_code" }.all)}

The first 2 methods in the scope are other scopes which declare the aliases cavtl1 and tl1. << is the not in operator in squeel.

Hope this helps someone.

Alter MySQL table to add comments on columns


 ALTER TABLE `user` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 11 ) COMMENT 'id of user'  

What does the line "#!/bin/sh" mean in a UNIX shell script?

When you try to execute a program in unix (one with the executable bit set), the operating system will look at the first few bytes of the file. These form the so-called "magic number", which can be used to decide the format of the program and how to execute it.

#! corresponds to the magic number 0x2321 (look it up in an ascii table). When the system sees that the magic number, it knows that it is dealing with a text script and reads until the next \n (there is a limit, but it escapes me atm). Having identified the interpreter (the first argument after the shebang) it will call the interpreter.

Other files also have magic numbers. Try looking at a bitmap (.BMP) file via less and you will see the first two characters are BM. This magic number denotes that the file is indeed a bitmap.

"Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1"

if your json format and variables are okay then check your database queries...even if data is saved in db correctly the actual problem might be in there...recheck your queries and try again.. Hope it helps

Difference between id and name attributes in HTML

Use name attributes for form controls (such as <input> and <select>), as that's the identifier used in the POST or GET call that happens on form submission.

Use id attributes whenever you need to address a particular HTML element with CSS, JavaScript or a fragment identifier. It's possible to look up elements by name, too, but it's simpler and more reliable to look them up by ID.

Creating a script for a Telnet session?

I've used various methods for scripting telnet sessions under unix, but the simplest one is probably a sequence of echo and sleep commands, with their output piped into telnet. Piping the output into another command is also a possibility.

Silly example

(echo password; echo "show ip route"; sleep 1; echo "quit" ) | telnet myrouter

This (basicallly) retrieves the routing table of a Cisco router.

Filtering collections in C#

If you're using C# 3.0 you can use linq

Or, if you prefer, use the special query syntax provided by the C# 3 compiler:

var filteredList = from x in myList
                   where x > 7
                   select x;

No resource found that matches the given name '@style/ Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar'

If you use android studio, this might be useful for you.

I had a similar problem and i solved it by changing the skd path from the default C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk .

It seems the problem came from the compiler version (gradle sets it automatically to the highest one available in the sdk folder) which doesn't support this theme, and since android studio had only the api 7 in its sdk folder, it gave me this error.

For more information on how to change Android sdk path in Android Studio: Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path

Replace all elements of Python NumPy Array that are greater than some value

You can consider using numpy.putmask:

np.putmask(arr, arr>=T, 255.0)

Here is a performance comparison with the Numpy's builtin indexing:

In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: A = np.random.rand(500, 500)

In [3]: timeit np.putmask(A, A>0.5, 5)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.34 ms per loop

In [4]: timeit A[A > 0.5] = 5
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.82 ms per loop

Join two data frames, select all columns from one and some columns from the other

drop duplicate b_id

c = a.join(b, a.a_id == b.b_id).drop(b.b_id)

How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code?

Since version 0.3.0, wrapping has been put in the command palette. You can activate it with Toggle Word Wrap or Alt + Z.

How does the Python's range function work?

When I'm teaching someone programming (just about any language) I introduce for loops with terminology similar to this code example:

for eachItem in someList:

... which, conveniently enough, is syntactically valid Python code.

The Python range() function simply returns or generates a list of integers from some lower bound (zero, by default) up to (but not including) some upper bound, possibly in increments (steps) of some other number (one, by default).

So range(5) returns (or possibly generates) a sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (up to but not including the upper bound).

A call to range(2,10) would return: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

A call to range(2,12,3) would return: 2, 5, 8, 11

Notice that I said, a couple times, that Python's range() function returns or generates a sequence. This is a relatively advanced distinction which usually won't be an issue for a novice. In older versions of Python range() built a list (allocated memory for it and populated with with values) and returned a reference to that list. This could be inefficient for large ranges which might consume quite a bit of memory and for some situations where you might want to iterate over some potentially large range of numbers but were likely to "break" out of the loop early (after finding some particular item in which you were interested, for example).

Python supports more efficient ways of implementing the same semantics (of doing the same thing) through a programming construct called a generator. Instead of allocating and populating the entire list and return it as a static data structure, Python can instantiate an object with the requisite information (upper and lower bounds and step/increment value) ... and return a reference to that.

The (code) object then keeps track of which number it returned most recently and computes the new values until it hits the upper bound (and which point it signals the end of the sequence to the caller using an exception called "StopIteration"). This technique (computing values dynamically rather than all at once, up-front) is referred to as "lazy evaluation."

Other constructs in the language (such as those underlying the for loop) can then work with that object (iterate through it) as though it were a list.

For most cases you don't have to know whether your version of Python is using the old implementation of range() or the newer one based on generators. You can just use it and be happy.

If you're working with ranges of millions of items, or creating thousands of different ranges of thousands each, then you might notice a performance penalty for using range() on an old version of Python. In such cases you could re-think your design and use while loops, or create objects which implement the "lazy evaluation" semantics of a generator, or use the xrange() version of range() if your version of Python includes it, or the range() function from a version of Python that uses the generators implicitly.

Concepts such as generators, and more general forms of lazy evaluation, permeate Python programming as you go beyond the basics. They are usually things you don't have to know for simple programming tasks but which become significant as you try to work with larger data sets or within tighter constraints (time/performance or memory bounds, for example).

[Update: for Python3 (the currently maintained versions of Python) the range() function always returns the dynamic, "lazy evaluation" iterator; the older versions of Python (2.x) which returned a statically allocated list of integers are now officially obsolete (after years of having been deprecated)].

Regular expressions inside SQL Server

In order to match a digit, you can use [0-9].

So you could use 5[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] and [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]7[0-9][0-9][0-9]. I do this a lot for zip codes.

How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery?

Demo Link

$('#clickme').click(function() {_x000D_
  $('#book').toggle('slow', function() {_x000D_
    // Animation complete._x000D_
    alert($('#book').is(":visible")); //<--- TRUE if Visible False if Hidden_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="clickme">_x000D_
  Click here_x000D_
<img id="book" src="" alt="" width="300"/>


Blogger Plug n Play - jQuery Tools and Widgets: How to See if Element is hidden or Visible Using jQuery

How to call a REST web service API from JavaScript?

I think add if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) to wait is better:

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
       // Typical action to be performed when the document is ready:
        var response = xhttp.responseText;
};"GET", "your url", true);


Running MSBuild fails to read SDKToolsPath

I manually pass the variables to MSBuild on build server.

msbuild.exe MyProject.csproj "/p:TargetFrameworkSDKToolsDirectory=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools" "/p:AspnetMergePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools"

How to force deletion of a python object?

The way to close resources are context managers, aka the with statement:

class Foo(object):

  def __init__(self): = None

  def __enter__(self):
    if != 'open':
      print 'opening the bar' = 'open'
    return self # this is bound to the `as` part

  def close(self):
    if != 'closed':
      print 'closing the bar' = 'close'

  def __exit__(self, *err):

if __name__ == '__main__':
  with Foo() as foo:
    print foo,


opening the bar
<__main__.Foo object at 0x17079d0> open
closing the bar

2) Python's objects get deleted when their reference count is 0. In your example the del foo removes the last reference so __del__ is called instantly. The GC has no part in this.

class Foo(object):

    def __del__(self):
        print "deling", self

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import gc
    gc.disable() # no gc
    f = Foo()
    print "before"
    del f # f gets deleted right away
    print "after"


deling <__main__.Foo object at 0xc49690>

The gc has nothing to do with deleting your and most other objects. It's there to clean up when simple reference counting does not work, because of self-references or circular references:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, other=None):
        # make a circular reference = other
        if other is not None:
   = self

    def __del__(self):
        print "deling", self

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import gc
    f = Foo(Foo())
    print "before"
    del f # nothing gets deleted here
    print "after"
    print gc.garbage # The GC knows the two Foos are garbage, but won't delete
                     # them because they have a __del__ method
    print "after gc"
    # break up the cycle and delete the reference from gc.garbage
    del gc.garbage[0].link, gc.garbage[:]
    print "done"


[<__main__.Foo object at 0x22ed8d0>, <__main__.Foo object at 0x22ed950>]
after gc
deling <__main__.Foo object at 0x22ed950>
deling <__main__.Foo object at 0x22ed8d0>

3) Lets see:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):

        raise Exception

    def __del__(self):
        print "deling", self

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = Foo()


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    f = Foo()
  File "", line 4, in __init__
    raise Exception
deling <__main__.Foo object at 0xa3a910>

Objects are created with __new__ then passed to __init__ as self. After a exception in __init__, the object will typically not have a name (ie the f = part isn't run) so their ref count is 0. This means that the object is deleted normally and __del__ is called.

How to access the value of a promise?

Maybe this small Typescript code example will help.

private getAccount(id: Id) : Account {
    let account = Account.empty();
        .then(res => account = res)
        .catch(e => Notices.results(e));
    return account;

Here the repository.get(id) returns a Promise<Account>. I assign it to the variable account within the then statement.

Box-Shadow on the left side of the element only

You probably need more blur and a little less spread.

box-shadow: -10px 0px 10px 1px #aaaaaa;

Try messing around with the box shadow generator here until you get your desired effect.

Get the previous month's first and last day dates in c#

using Fluent DateTime

        var lastMonth = 1.Months().Ago().Date;
        var firstDayOfMonth = lastMonth.FirstDayOfMonth();
        var lastDayOfMonth = lastMonth.LastDayOfMonth();

How to retrieve an element from a set without removing it?

Another option is to use a dictionary with values you don't care about. E.g.,

poor_man_set = {}
poor_man_set[1] = None
poor_man_set[2] = None
poor_man_set[3] = None

You can treat the keys as a set except that they're just an array:

keys = poor_man_set.keys()
print "Some key = %s" % keys[0]

A side effect of this choice is that your code will be backwards compatible with older, pre-set versions of Python. It's maybe not the best answer but it's another option.

Edit: You can even do something like this to hide the fact that you used a dict instead of an array or set:

poor_man_set = {}
poor_man_set[1] = None
poor_man_set[2] = None
poor_man_set[3] = None
poor_man_set = poor_man_set.keys()

Remove Last Comma from a string

The greatly upvoted answer removes not only the final comma, but also any spaces that follow. But removing those following spaces was not what was part of the original problem. So:

let str = 'abc,def,ghi, ';
let str2 = str.replace(/,(?=\s*$)/, '');
alert("'" + str2 + "'");
'abc,def,ghi '

How to serialize an object into a string

How about writing the data to a ByteArrayOutputStream instead of a FileOutputStream?

Otherwise, you could serialize the object using XMLEncoder, persist the XML, then deserialize via XMLDecoder.

How to tell if a JavaScript function is defined


if (typeof(callback) == 'function')

insert vertical divider line between two nested divs, not full height

Use a div for your divider. It will always be centered vertically regardless to whether left and right divs are equal in height. You can reuse it anywhere on your site.

    border-left:1px solid white;

Check working example at

What are the advantages of Sublime Text over Notepad++ and vice-versa?

It's best if you judge on your own,

1) Sublime works on Mac & Linux that may be its plus point, with VI mode that makes things easily searchable for the VI lover(UNIX & Linux).

This Link is no more working so please watch this video for similar details Video

Initial observation revealed that everything else should work fine and almost similar;(with help of available plugins in notepad++)

Some Variation: Some user find plugins useful for PHP coders on that

although, there are many plugins for Notepad Plus Plus ..

I am not sure of your requirements, nor I am promoter of either of these editors :)

So, judge on basis of your requirements, this should satisfy you query...

Yes we can add that both are evolving and changing fast..

Why can't Python find shared objects that are in directories in sys.path?

sys.path is only searched for Python modules. For dynamic linked libraries, the paths searched must be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Check if your LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes /usr/local/lib, and if it doesn't, add it and try again.

Some more information (source):

In Linux, the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a colon-separated set of directories where libraries should be searched for first, before the standard set of directories; this is useful when debugging a new library or using a nonstandard library for special purposes. The environment variable LD_PRELOAD lists shared libraries with functions that override the standard set, just as /etc/ does. These are implemented by the loader /lib/ I should note that, while LD_LIBRARY_PATH works on many Unix-like systems, it doesn't work on all; for example, this functionality is available on HP-UX but as the environment variable SHLIB_PATH, and on AIX this functionality is through the variable LIBPATH (with the same syntax, a colon-separated list).

Update: to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, use one of the following, ideally in your ~/.bashrc or equivalent file:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Use the first form if it's empty (equivalent to the empty string, or not present at all), and the second form if it isn't. Note the use of export.

Declare and Initialize String Array in VBA

The problem here is that the length of your array is undefined, and this confuses VBA if the array is explicitly defined as a string. Variants, however, seem to be able to resize as needed (because they hog a bunch of memory, and people generally avoid them for a bunch of reasons).

The following code works just fine, but it's a bit manual compared to some of the other languages out there:

Dim SomeArray(3) As String

SomeArray(0) = "Zero"
SomeArray(1) = "One"
SomeArray(2) = "Two"
SomeArray(3) = "Three"

Netbeans 8.0.2 The module has not been deployed

I had the same error here but with glassfish server. Maybe it can help. I needed to configure the glassfish-web.xml file with the content inside the <resources> from glassfish-resources.xml. As I got another error I could find this annotation in the server log:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error in parsing WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml for archive [file:/C:/Users/Win/Documents/NetBeansProjects/svad/build/web/]: The xml element should be [glassfish-web-app] rather than [resources]

All I did then was to change the <resources> tag and apply <glassfish-web-app> in the glassfish-web.xml file.

Should I use @EJB or @Inject

It may also be usefull to understand the difference in term of Session Bean Identity when using @EJB and @Inject. According to the specifications the following code will always be true:

@EJB Cart cart1;
@EJB Cart cart2;
… if (cart1.equals(cart2)) { // this test must return true ...}

Using @Inject instead of @EJB there is not the same.

see also stateless session beans identity for further info

How do I remove whitespace from the end of a string in Python?

>>> "    xyz     ".rstrip()
'    xyz'

There is more about rstrip in the documentation.

Convert char* to string C++

char *charPtr = "test string";
cout << charPtr << endl;

string str = charPtr;
cout << str << endl;

How do I verify that an Android apk is signed with a release certificate?

Use this command, (go to java < jdk < bin path in cmd prompt)

$ jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs my_application.apk

If you see "CN=Android Debug", this means the .apk was signed with the debug key generated by the Android SDK (means it is unsigned), otherwise you will find something for CN. For more details see:

decimal vs double! - Which one should I use and when?

I think that the main difference beside bit width is that decimal has exponent base 10 and double has 2

In Typescript, How to check if a string is Numeric

if var sum=0; var x;

then, what about this? sum+=(x|0);

How to play or open *.mp3 or *.wav sound file in c++ program?

First of all, write the following code:

#include <Mmsystem.h>
#include <mciapi.h>
//these two headers are already included in the <Windows.h> header
#pragma comment(lib, "Winmm.lib")

To open *.mp3:

mciSendString("open \"*.mp3\" type mpegvideo alias mp3", NULL, 0, NULL);

To play *.mp3:

mciSendString("play mp3", NULL, 0, NULL);

To play and wait until the *.mp3 has finished playing:

mciSendString("play mp3 wait", NULL, 0, NULL);

To replay (play again from start) the *.mp3:

mciSendString("play mp3 from 0", NULL, 0, NULL);

To replay and wait until the *.mp3 has finished playing:

mciSendString("play mp3 from 0 wait", NULL, 0, NULL);

To play the *.mp3 and replay it every time it ends like a loop:

mciSendString("play mp3 repeat", NULL, 0, NULL);

If you want to do something when the *.mp3 has finished playing, then you need to RegisterClassEx by the WNDCLASSEX structure, CreateWindowEx and process it's messages with the GetMessage, TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage functions in a while loop and call:

mciSendString("play mp3 notify", NULL, 0, hwnd); //hwnd is an handle to the window returned from CreateWindowEx. If this doesn't work, then replace the hwnd with MAKELONG(hwnd, 0).

In the window procedure, add the case MM_MCINOTIFY: The code in there will be executed when the mp3 has finished playing.

But if you program a Console Application and you don't deal with windows, then you can CreateThread in suspend state by specifying the CREATE_SUSPENDED flag in the dwCreationFlags parameter and keep the return value in a static variable and call it whatever you want. For instance, I call it mp3. The type of this static variable is HANDLE of course.

Here is the ThreadProc for the lpStartAddress of this thread:

DWORD WINAPI MP3Proc(_In_ LPVOID lpParameter) //lpParameter can be a pointer to a structure that store data that you cannot access outside of this function. You can prepare this structure before `CreateThread` and give it's address in the `lpParameter`
    Data *data = (Data*)lpParameter; //If you call this structure Data, but you can call it whatever you want.
    while (true)
        mciSendString("play mp3 from 0 wait", NULL, 0, NULL);
        //Do here what you want to do when the mp3 playback is over
        SuspendThread(GetCurrentThread()); //or the handle of this thread that you keep in a static variable instead

All what you have to do now is to ResumeThread(mp3); every time you want to replay your mp3 and something will happen every time it finishes.

You can #define play_my_mp3 ResumeThread(mp3); to make your code more readable.

Of course you can remove the while (true), SuspendThread and the from 0 codes, if you want to play your mp3 file only once and do whatever you want when it is over.

If you only remove the SuspendThread call, then the sound will play over and over again and do something whenever it is over. This is equivalent to:

mciSendString("play mp3 repeat notify", NULL, 0, hwnd); //or MAKELONG(hwnd, 0) instead

in windows.

To pause the *.mp3 in middle:

mciSendString("pause mp3", NULL, 0, NULL);

and to resume it:

mciSendString("resume mp3", NULL, 0, NULL);

To stop it in middle:

mciSendString("stop mp3", NULL, 0, NULL);

Note that you cannot resume a sound that has been stopped, but only paused, but you can replay it by carrying out the play command. When you're done playing this *.mp3, don't forget to:

mciSendString("close mp3", NULL, 0, NULL);

All these actions also apply to (work with) wave files too, but with wave files, you can use "waveaudio" instead of "mpegvideo". Also you can just play them directly without opening them:

PlaySound("*.wav", GetModuleHandle(NULL), SND_FILENAME);

If you don't want to specify an handle to a module:

sndPlaySound("*.wav", SND_FILENAME);

If you don't want to wait until the playback is over:

PlaySound("*.wav", GetModuleHandle(NULL), SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);
sndPlaySound("*.wav", SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);

To play the wave file over and over again:

PlaySound("*.wav", GetModuleHandle(NULL), SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC | SND_LOOP);
sndPlaySound("*.wav", SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC | SND_LOOP);

Note that you must specify both the SND_ASYNC and SND_LOOP flags, because you never going to wait until a sound, that repeats itself countless times, is over!

Also you can fopen the wave file and copy all it's bytes to a buffer (an enormous/huge (very big) array of bytes) with the fread function and then:

PlaySound(buffer, GetModuleHandle(NULL), SND_MEMORY);
PlaySound(buffer, GetModuleHandle(NULL), SND_MEMORY | SND_ASYNC);
PlaySound(buffer, GetModuleHandle(NULL), SND_MEMORY | SND_ASYNC | SND_LOOP);
sndPlaySound(buffer, SND_MEMORY);
sndPlaySound(buffer, SND_MEMORY | SND_ASYNC);
sndPlaySound(buffer, SND_MEMORY | SND_ASYNC | SND_LOOP);

Either OpenFile or CreateFile or CreateFile2 and either ReadFile or ReadFileEx functions can be used instead of fopen and fread functions.

Hope this fully answers perfectly your question.

What is the difference between OFFLINE and ONLINE index rebuild in SQL Server?

Online index rebuilds are less intrusive when it comes to locking tables. Offline rebuilds cause heavy locking of tables which can cause significant blocking issues for things that are trying to access the database while the rebuild takes place.

"Table locks are applied for the duration of the index operation [during an offline rebuild]. An offline index operation that creates, rebuilds, or drops a clustered, spatial, or XML index, or rebuilds or drops a nonclustered index, acquires a Schema modification (Sch-M) lock on the table. This prevents all user access to the underlying table for the duration of the operation. An offline index operation that creates a nonclustered index acquires a Shared (S) lock on the table. This prevents updates to the underlying table but allows read operations, such as SELECT statements."

Additionally online index rebuilds are a enterprise (or developer) version only feature.

How to convert Varchar to Double in sql?

This might be more desirable, that is use float instead

SELECT fullName, CAST(totalBal as float) totalBal FROM client_info ORDER BY totalBal DESC

When to use which design pattern?

Learn them and slowly you'll be able to reconize and figure out when to use them. Start with something simple as the singleton pattern :)

if you want to create one instance of an object and just ONE. You use the singleton pattern. Let's say you're making a program with an options object. You don't want several of those, that would be silly. Singleton makes sure that there will never be more than one. Singleton pattern is simple, used a lot, and really effective.

Routing for custom ASP.NET MVC 404 Error page


NotFoundMVC - Provides a user-friendly 404 page whenever a controller, action or route is not found in your ASP.NET MVC3 application. A view called NotFound is rendered instead of the default ASP.NET error page.

You can add this plugin via nuget using: Install-Package NotFoundMvc

NotFoundMvc automatically installs itself during web application start-up. It handles all the different ways a 404 HttpException is usually thrown by ASP.NET MVC. This includes a missing controller, action and route.

Step by Step Installation Guide :

1 - Right click on your Project and Select Manage Nuget Packages...

2 - Search for NotFoundMvc and install it. enter image description here

3 - Once the installation has be completed, two files will be added to your project. As shown in the screenshots below.

enter image description here

4 - Open the newly added NotFound.cshtml present at Views/Shared and modify it at your will. Now run the application and type in an incorrect url, and you will be greeted with a User friendly 404 page.

enter image description here

No more, will users get errors message like Server Error in '/' Application. The resource cannot be found.

Hope this helps :)

P.S : Kudos to Andrew Davey for making such an awesome plugin.

React component not re-rendering on state change

I was going through same issue in React-Native where API response & reject weren't updating states

apiCall().then(function(resp) { this.setState({data: resp}) // wasn't updating }

I solved the problem by changing function with the arrow function

apiCall().then((resp) => {
    this.setState({data: resp}) // rendering the view as expected

For me, it was a binding issue. Using arrow functions solved it because arrow function doesn't create its's own this, its always bounded to its outer context where it comes from

Get File Path (ends with folder)

This might help you out:

Sub SelectFolder()
    Dim diaFolder As FileDialog
    Dim Fname As String

    Set diaFolder = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    diaFolder.AllowMultiSelect = False

    Fname = diaFolder.SelectedItems(1)

    ActiveSheet.Range("B9") = Fname

End Sub

Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible

In my case, this issue started happening once I added Crosswalk to my Cordova application. My app is not used in fullscreen and android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan".

I already had the ionic keyboard plugin in the application, so detecting if the keyboard was up or down was easy thanks to it:

// Listen for events to when the keyboard is opened and closed
window.addEventListener("native.keyboardshow", keyboardUp, false);
window.addEventListener('native.keyboardhide', keyboardDown, false);

function keyboardUp()

function keyboardDown()

I tried all of the fixes above but the simple line that ended up doing it for me was this bit of css:

&.keyboardUp {
        overflow-y: scroll;

Hope this saves you the few days I spent on this. :)

How do I lowercase a string in C?

If we're going to be as sloppy as to use tolower(), do this:

char blah[] = "blah blah Blah BLAH blAH\0"; int i=0; while(blah[i]|=' ', blah[++i]) {}

But, well, it kinda explodes if you feed it some symbols/numerals, and in general it's evil. Good interview question, though.

What is the "right" JSON date format?

If you are using Kotlin then this will solve your problem. (MS Json format)

val dataString = "/Date(1586583441106)/"
val date = Date(Long.parseLong(dataString.substring(6, dataString.length - 2)))

Resizing UITableView to fit content

If you want your table to be dynamic, you will need to use a solution based on the table contents as detailed above. If you simply want to display a smaller table, you can use a container view and embed a UITableViewController in it - the UITableView will be resized according to the container size.

This avoids a lot of calculations and calls to layout.

How do I determine if my python shell is executing in 32bit or 64bit?

platform.architecture() is problematic (and expensive).

Conveniently test for sys.maxsize > 2**32 since Py2.6 .

This is a reliable test for the actual (default) pointer size and compatible at least since Py2.3: struct.calcsize('P') == 8. Also: ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == 8.

Notes: There can be builds with gcc option -mx32 or so, which are 64bit architecture applications, but use 32bit pointers as default (saving memory and speed). 'sys.maxsize = ssize_t' may not strictly represent the C pointer size (its usually 2**31 - 1 anyway). And there were/are systems which have different pointer sizes for code and data and it needs to be clarified what exactly is the purpose of discerning "32bit or 64bit mode?"

Is there a way to add a gif to a Markdown file?

in addition to all answers above:

if you want to use a gif for your github repository and don't want to address it from your root directory, it's not enough if you just copy the url of your browser, for example your browser URL is sth like:

but you should open your gif in your github account and right click on it and click copy image address or sth like that which is sth like this:

Adobe Acrobat Pro make all pages the same dimension

  • Open the PDF in MacOS´ Preview App
  • Chose File menu –> Export as PDF
  • In the export dialog klick the Details button an select your page size
  • Click save

All pages of the resulting document will be scaled to that size. The resulting file size is nearly identical to the original PDF, so I conclude, that image resolutions/compressions are not changed.


  1. I am not sure whether the "Export as PDF" menu item is available by default or only if Adobe Acrobat is installed.

  2. My first trial was to use Preview App and print (!) into a new PDF, but this leads to additional margins around the page content.

How can I get a value from a map?"key") throws exception if missing key

If k does not match the key of any element in the container, the function throws an out_of_range exception.

Remove folder and its contents from git/GitHub's history

The best and most accurate method I found was to download the bfg.jar file:

Then run the commands:

git clone --bare https://project/repository project-repository
cd project-repository
java -jar bfg.jar --delete-folders DIRECTORY_NAME
git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive
git push --mirror https://project/new-repository

If you want to delete files then use the delete-files option instead:

java -jar bfg.jar --delete-files *.pyc

SQL Server dynamic PIVOT query?

Dynamic SQL PIVOT:

create table temp
    date datetime,
    category varchar(3),
    amount money

insert into temp values ('1/1/2012', 'ABC', 1000.00)
insert into temp values ('2/1/2012', 'DEF', 500.00)
insert into temp values ('2/1/2012', 'GHI', 800.00)
insert into temp values ('2/10/2012', 'DEF', 700.00)
insert into temp values ('3/1/2012', 'ABC', 1100.00)

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);

SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(c.category) 
            FROM temp c
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT date, ' + @cols + ' from 
                select date
                    , amount
                    , category
                from temp
           ) x
                for category in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '


drop table temp


Date                        ABC         DEF    GHI
2012-01-01 00:00:00.000     1000.00     NULL    NULL
2012-02-01 00:00:00.000     NULL        500.00  800.00
2012-02-10 00:00:00.000     NULL        700.00  NULL
2012-03-01 00:00:00.000     1100.00     NULL    NULL

Adding Google Play services version to your app's manifest?

Simply removing the google play services library from the project and adding once again from sdk->extras->google folder solved my problem perfectly.

Formatting PowerShell Get-Date inside string

Instead of using string interpolation you could simply format the DateTime using the ToString("u") method and concatenate that with the rest of the string:

$startTime = Get-Date
Write-Host "The script was started " + $startTime.ToString("u") 

Put Excel-VBA code in module or sheet?

In my experience it's best to put as much code as you can into well-named modules, and only put as much code as you need to into the actual worksheet objects.

Example: Any code that uses worksheet events like Worksheet_SelectionChange or Worksheet_Calculate.

Converting std::__cxx11::string to std::string

Is it possible that you are using GCC 5?

If you get linker errors about undefined references to symbols that involve types in the std::__cxx11 namespace or the tag [abi:cxx11] then it probably indicates that you are trying to link together object files that were compiled with different values for the _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI macro. This commonly happens when linking to a third-party library that was compiled with an older version of GCC. If the third-party library cannot be rebuilt with the new ABI then you will need to recompile your code with the old ABI.

Source: GCC 5 Release Notes/Dual ABI

Defining the following macro before including any standard library headers should fix your problem: #define _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI 0

Tomcat: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name. HTTP method names must be tokens

I got this error resolved by doing 2 things in chrome browser:

  1. Pressed Ctrl + Shift + Delete and cleared all browsing data from beginning.
  2. Go to Chrome's : Settings ->Advanced Settings -> Open proxy settings -> Internet Properties then Go to the Content window and click on the Clear SSL State Button.

This site has this information and other options as well :

Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title'

This happens because in r6 it shows an error when you try to extend private styles.

Refer to this link

"application blocked by security settings" prevent applets running using oracle SE 7 update 51 on firefox on Linux mint

As an alternative answer, there's a command line to invoke directly the Control Panel, which is javaws -viewer, should work for both openJDK and Oracle's JDK (thanks @Nasser for checking the availability in Oracle's JDK)

Same caution to run as the user you need to access permissions with applies.

Trigger function when date is selected with jQuery UI datepicker

If the datepicker is in a row of a grid, try something like

editoptions : {
    dataInit : function (e) {
            onSelect : function (ev) {
                // here your code

Logging in Scala

Logging in 2020

I was really surprised that Scribe logging framework that I use at work isn't even mentioned here. What is more, it doesn't even appear on the first page in Google after searching "scala logging". But this page appears when googling it! So let me leave that here.

Main advantages of Scribe:

git submodule tracking latest

Edit (2020.12.28): GitHub change default master branch to main branch since October 2020. See

Update March 2013

Git 1.8.2 added the possibility to track branches.

"git submodule" started learning a new mode to integrate with the tip of the remote branch (as opposed to integrating with the commit recorded in the superproject's gitlink).

# add submodule to track master branch
git submodule add -b master [URL to Git repo];

# update your submodule
git submodule update --remote 

If you had a submodule already present you now wish would track a branch, see "how to make an existing submodule track a branch".

Also see Vogella's tutorial on submodules for general information on submodules.


git submodule add -b . [URL to Git repo];

See git submodule man page:

A special value of . is used to indicate that the name of the branch in the submodule should be the same name as the current branch in the current repository.

See commit b928922727d6691a3bdc28160f93f25712c565f6:

submodule add: If --branch is given, record it in .gitmodules

This allows you to easily record a submodule.<name>.branch option in .gitmodules when you add a new submodule. With this patch,

$ git submodule add -b <branch> <repository> [<path>]
$ git config -f .gitmodules submodule.<path>.branch <branch>

reduces to

$ git submodule add -b <branch> <repository> [<path>]

This means that future calls to

$ git submodule update --remote ...

will get updates from the same branch that you used to initialize the submodule, which is usually what you want.

Signed-off-by: W. Trevor King [email protected]

Original answer (February 2012):

A submodule is a single commit referenced by a parent repo.
Since it is a Git repo on its own, the "history of all commits" is accessible through a git log within that submodule.

So for a parent to track automatically the latest commit of a given branch of a submodule, it would need to:

  • cd in the submodule
  • git fetch/pull to make sure it has the latest commits on the right branch
  • cd back in the parent repo
  • add and commit in order to record the new commit of the submodule.

gitslave (that you already looked at) seems to be the best fit, including for the commit operation.

It is a little annoying to make changes to the submodule due to the requirement to check out onto the correct submodule branch, make the change, commit, and then go into the superproject and commit the commit (or at least record the new location of the submodule).

Other alternatives are detailed here.

Referencing Row Number in R

This is probably the simplest way:

data$rownumber = 1:dim(data)[1]

It's probably worth noting that if you want to select a row by its row index, you can do this with simple bracket notation




So I'm not really sure what this new column accomplishes.

Two Divs on the same row and center align both of them

Please take a look on flex it will help you make things right,

on the main div set css display :flex

the div's that inside set css: flex:1 1 auto;

attached jsfiddle link as example enjoy :)

CodeIgniter: "Unable to load the requested class"

I had a similar issue when deploying from OSx on my local to my Linux live site.

It ran fine on OSx, but on Linux I was getting:

An Error Was Encountered

Unable to load the requested class: Ckeditor

The problem was that Linux paths are apparently case-sensitive so I had to rename my library files from "ckeditor.php" to "CKEditor.php".

I also changed my load call to match the capitalization:


How to read data from a file in Lua

Try this:


-- see if the file exists
function file_exists(file)
  local f =, "rb")
  if f then f:close() end
  return f ~= nil

-- get all lines from a file, returns an empty 
-- list/table if the file does not exist
function lines_from(file)
  if not file_exists(file) then return {} end
  lines = {}
  for line in io.lines(file) do 
    lines[#lines + 1] = line
  return lines

-- tests the functions above
local file = 'test.lua'
local lines = lines_from(file)

-- print all line numbers and their contents
for k,v in pairs(lines) do
  print('line[' .. k .. ']', v)

QR Code encoding and decoding using zxing

I tried using ISO-8859-1 as said in the first answer. All went ok on encoding, but when I tried to get the byte[] using result string on decoding, all negative bytes became the character 63 (question mark). The following code does not work:

// Encoding works great
byte[] contents = new byte[]{-1};
QRCodeWriter codeWriter = new QRCodeWriter();
BitMatrix bitMatrix = codeWriter.encode(new String(contents, Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")), BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, w, h);

// Decodes like this fails
LuminanceSource ls = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource(encodedBufferedImage);
Result result = new QRCodeReader().decode(new BinaryBitmap( new HybridBinarizer(ls)));
byte[] resultBytes = result.getText().getBytes(Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")); // a byte[] with byte 63 is given
return resultBytes;

It looks so strange because the API in a very old version (don't know exactly) had a method thar works well:

Vector byteSegments = result.getByteSegments();

So I tried to search why this method was removed and realized that there is a way to get ByteSegments, through metadata. So my decode method looks like:

// Decodes like this works perfectly
LuminanceSource ls = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource(encodedBufferedImage);
Result result = new QRCodeReader().decode(new BinaryBitmap( new HybridBinarizer(ls)));
Vector byteSegments = (Vector) result.getResultMetadata().get(ResultMetadataType.BYTE_SEGMENTS);  
int i = 0;
int tam = 0;
for (Object o : byteSegments) {
    byte[] bs = (byte[])o;
    tam += bs.length;
byte[] resultBytes = new byte[tam];
i = 0;
for (Object o : byteSegments) {
    byte[] bs = (byte[])o;
    for (byte b : bs) {
        resultBytes[i++] = b;
return resultBytes;

implementing merge sort in C++

The problem with merge sort is the merge, if you don't actually need to implement the merge, then it is pretty simple (for a vector of ints):

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

typedef vector<int>::iterator iter;

void mergesort(iter b, iter e) {
    if (e -b > 1) {
        iter m = b + (e -b) / 2;
        mergesort(b, m);
        mergesort(m, e);
        inplace_merge(b, m, e);

Using a cursor with dynamic SQL in a stored procedure

This code is a very good example for a dynamic column with a cursor, since you cannot use '+' in @STATEMENT:

    DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(4000) = N'' --DATA FILTER
    DECLARE @inputList NVARCHAR(4000) = ''
    DECLARE @field sysname = '' --COLUMN NAME
    DECLARE @my_cur CURSOR
                CASE @field
                    WHEN ''fn'' then fn
                    WHEN ''n_family_name'' then n_family_name
                CASE @field
                    WHEN ''fn'' then fn
                    WHEN ''n_family_name'' then n_family_name
                LIKE ''%''+@query+''%'';
            OPEN @my_cur;',
        N'@field sysname, @query NVARCHAR(4000), @my_cur CURSOR OUTPUT',
        @field = @field,
        @query = @query,
        @my_cur = @my_cur OUTPUT
    FETCH NEXT FROM @my_cur INTO @inputList
        PRINT @inputList
        FETCH NEXT FROM @my_cur INTO @inputList

Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes

By process (in the JSF specification it's called execute) you tell JSF to limit the processing to component that are specified every thing else is just ignored.

update indicates which element will be updated when the server respond back to you request.

@all : Every component is processed/rendered.

@this: The requesting component with the execute attribute is processed/rendered.

@form : The form that contains the requesting component is processed/rendered.

@parent: The parent that contains the requesting component is processed/rendered.

With Primefaces you can even use JQuery selectors, check out this blog:

List of swagger UI alternatives

Yes, there are a few of them.

Hosted solutions that support swagger:

Check the following articles for more details:

How to recover just deleted rows in mysql?

Sort of. Using phpMyAdmin I just deleted one row too many. But I caught it before I proceeded and had most of the data from the delete confirmation message. I was able to rebuild the record. But the confirmation message truncated some of a text comment.

Someone more knowledgeable than I regarding phpMyAdmin may know of a setting so that you can get a more complete echo of the delete confirmation message. With a complete delete message available, if you slow down and catch your error, you can restore the whole record.

(PS This app also sends an email of the submission that creates the record. If the client has a copy, I will be able to restore the record completely)

Installing NumPy and SciPy on 64-bit Windows (with Pip)

Follow these steps:

  1. Open CMD as administrator
  2. Enter this command : cd..
  3. cd..
  4. cd Program Files\Python38\Scripts
  5. Download the package you want and put it in Python38\Scripts folder.
  6. pip install packagename.whl
  7. Done

You can write your python version instead of "38"

Get names of all keys in the collection

You can use aggregation with the new $objectToArray aggregation operator in version 3.4.4 to convert all top key-value pairs into document arrays, followed by $unwind and $group with $addToSet to get distinct keys across the entire collection. (Use $$ROOT for referencing the top level document.)


You can use the following query for getting keys in a single document.

  {"$match":{_id: "<<ID>>"}}, /* Replace with the document's ID */

Killing a process created with Python's subprocess.Popen()

In your code it should be


Both kill or terminate are methods of the Popen object which sends the signal signal.SIGKILL to the process.

Objects inside objects in javascript

var pause_menu = {
    pause_button : { someProperty : "prop1", someOther : "prop2" },
    resume_button : { resumeProp : "prop", resumeProp2 : false },
    quit_button : false


pause_menu.pause_button.someProperty //evaluates to "prop1"

etc etc.

No provider for Http StaticInjectorError

Update: Angular v6+

For Apps converted from older versions (Angular v2 - v5): HttpModule is now deprecated and you need to replace it with HttpClientModule or else you will get the error too.

  1. In your app.module.ts replace import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http'; with the new HttpClientModule import { HttpClientModule} from "@angular/common/http"; Note: Be sure to then update the modules imports[] array by removing the old HttpModule and replacing it with the new HttpClientModule.
  2. In any of your services that used HttpModule replace import { Http } from '@angular/http'; with the new HttpClient import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
  3. Update how you handle your Http response. For example - If you have code that looks like this

    http.get('people.json').subscribe((res:Response) => this.people = res.json());

The above code example will result in an error. We no longer need to parse the response, because it already comes back as JSON in the config object.

The subscription callback copies the data fields into the component's config object, which is data-bound in the component template for display.

For more information please see the - Angular HttpClientModule - Official Documentation

Assign variable in if condition statement, good practice or not?

I wouldn't recommend it. The problem is, it looks like a common error where you try to compare values, but use a single = instead of == or ===. For example, when you see this:

if (value = someFunction()) {

you don't know if that's what they meant to do, or if they intended to write this:

if (value == someFunction()) {

If you really want to do the assignment in place, I would recommend doing an explicit comparison as well:

if ((value = someFunction()) === <whatever truthy value you are expecting>) {