Programs & Examples On #Peverify

PEVerify is a tool that checks if .NET assemblies meet type safety requirements.

Troubleshooting BadImageFormatException


We started getting this today when we switched our WCF service from AnyCPU to x64 on a Windows 2012 R2 server running IIS 6.2.

First we checked the only referenced assembly 10 times, to ensure it was not actually an x86 dll. Next we checked the application pool many times to ensure it was not enabling 32 bit applications.

On a whim I tried toggling the setting. It turns out the application pools in IIS were defaulting to an Enable 32-Bit Applications value of False, but IIS was ignoring it on our server for some reason and always ran our service in x86 mode.


  • Select the app pool.
  • Choose Set Application Pool Defaults... or Advanced Settings....
  • Change Enable 32-Bit Applications to True.
  • Click OK.
  • Choose Set Application Pool Defaults... or Advanced Settings... again.
  • Change Enable 32-Bit Applications back to False.
  • Click OK.

javascript node.js next()

It is naming convention used when passing callbacks in situations that require serial execution of actions, e.g. scan directory -> read file data -> do something with data. This is in preference to deeply nesting the callbacks. The first three sections of the following article on Tim Caswell's HowToNode blog give a good overview of this:

Also see the Sequential Actions section of the second part of that posting:

Execute CMD command from code

Argh :D not the fastest

Process.Start("notepad C:\test.txt");

How do I iterate over an NSArray?

The results of the test and source code are below (you can set the number of iterations in the app). The time is in milliseconds, and each entry is an average result of running the test 5-10 times. I found that generally it is accurate to 2-3 significant digits and after that it would vary with each run. That gives a margin of error of less than 1%. The test was running on an iPhone 3G as that's the target platform I was interested in.

numberOfItems   NSArray (ms)    C Array (ms)    Ratio
100             0.39            0.0025          156
191             0.61            0.0028          218
3,256           12.5            0.026           481
4,789           16              0.037           432
6,794           21              0.050           420
10,919          36              0.081           444
19,731          64              0.15            427
22,030          75              0.162           463
32,758          109             0.24            454
77,969          258             0.57            453
100,000         390             0.73            534

The classes provided by Cocoa for handling data sets (NSDictionary, NSArray, NSSet etc.) provide a very nice interface for managing information, without having to worry about the bureaucracy of memory management, reallocation etc. Of course this does come at a cost though. I think it's pretty obvious that say using an NSArray of NSNumbers is going to be slower than a C Array of floats for simple iterations, so I decided to do some tests, and the results were pretty shocking! I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. Note: these tests are conducted on an iPhone 3G as that's the target platform I was interested in.

In this test I do a very simple random access performance comparison between a C float* and NSArray of NSNumbers

I create a simple loop to sum up the contents of each array and time them using mach_absolute_time(). The NSMutableArray takes on average 400 times longer!! (not 400 percent, just 400 times longer! thats 40,000% longer!).


// Array_Speed_TestViewController.h

// Array Speed Test

// Created by Mehmet Akten on 05/02/2009.

// Copyright MSA Visuals Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface Array_Speed_TestViewController : UIViewController {

    int                     numberOfItems;          // number of items in array

    float                   *cArray;                // normal c array

    NSMutableArray          *nsArray;               // ns array

    double                  machTimerMillisMult;    // multiplier to convert mach_absolute_time() to milliseconds

    IBOutlet    UISlider    *sliderCount;

    IBOutlet    UILabel     *labelCount;

    IBOutlet    UILabel     *labelResults;


-(IBAction) doNSArray:(id)sender;

-(IBAction) doCArray:(id)sender;

-(IBAction) sliderChanged:(id)sender;



// Array_Speed_TestViewController.m

// Array Speed Test

// Created by Mehmet Akten on 05/02/2009.

// Copyright MSA Visuals Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.

    #import "Array_Speed_TestViewController.h"
    #include <mach/mach.h>
    #include <mach/mach_time.h>

 @implementation Array_Speed_TestViewController

 // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

- (void)viewDidLoad {


    [super viewDidLoad];

    cArray      = NULL;

    nsArray     = NULL;

    // read initial slider value setup accordingly

    [self sliderChanged:sliderCount];

    // get mach timer unit size and calculater millisecond factor

    mach_timebase_info_data_t info;


    machTimerMillisMult = (double)info.numer / ((double)info.denom * 1000000.0);

    NSLog(@"machTimerMillisMult = %f", machTimerMillisMult);


// pass in results of mach_absolute_time()

// this converts to milliseconds and outputs to the label

-(void)displayResult:(uint64_t)duration {

    double millis = duration * machTimerMillisMult;

    NSLog(@"displayResult: %f milliseconds", millis);

    NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%f milliseconds", millis];

    [labelResults setText:str];

    [str release];


// process using NSArray

-(IBAction) doNSArray:(id)sender {

    NSLog(@"doNSArray: %@", sender);

    uint64_t startTime = mach_absolute_time();

    float total = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<numberOfItems; i++) {

        total += [[nsArray objectAtIndex:i] floatValue];


    [self displayResult:mach_absolute_time() - startTime];


// process using C Array

-(IBAction) doCArray:(id)sender {

    NSLog(@"doCArray: %@", sender);

    uint64_t start = mach_absolute_time();

    float total = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<numberOfItems; i++) {

        total += cArray[i];


    [self displayResult:mach_absolute_time() - start];


// allocate NSArray and C Array 

-(void) allocateArrays {


    // allocate c array

    if(cArray) delete cArray;

    cArray = new float[numberOfItems];

    // allocate NSArray

    [nsArray release];

    nsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:numberOfItems];

    // fill with random values

    for(int i=0; i<numberOfItems; i++) {

        // add number to c array

        cArray[i] = random() * 1.0f/(RAND_MAX+1);

        // add number to NSArray

        NSNumber *number = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:cArray[i]];

        [nsArray addObject:number];

        [number release];



// callback for when slider is changed

-(IBAction) sliderChanged:(id)sender {

    numberOfItems = sliderCount.value;

    NSLog(@"sliderChanged: %@, %i", sender, numberOfItems);

    NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%i items", numberOfItems];

    [labelCount setText:str];

    [str release];

    [self allocateArrays];



- (void)dealloc {

    [nsArray release];

    if(cArray) delete cArray;

    [super dealloc];



From :


Available since the introduction of blocks, this allows to iterate an array with blocks. Its syntax isn't as nice as fast enumeration, but there is one very interesting feature: concurrent enumeration. If enumeration order is not important and the jobs can be done in parallel without locking, this can provide a considerable speedup on a multi-core system. More about that in the concurrent enumeration section.

[myArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
    [self doSomethingWith:object];
[myArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
    [self doSomethingWith:object];

/////////// NSFastEnumerator

The idea behind fast enumeration is to use fast C array access to optimize iteration. Not only is it supposed to be faster than traditional NSEnumerator, but Objective-C 2.0 also provides a very concise syntax.

id object;
for (object in myArray) {
    [self doSomethingWith:object];



This is a form of external iteration: [myArray objectEnumerator] returns an object. This object has a method nextObject that we can call in a loop until it returns nil

NSEnumerator *enumerator = [myArray objectEnumerator];
id object;
while (object = [enumerator nextObject]) {
    [self doSomethingWith:object];


objectAtIndex: enumeration

Using a for loop which increases an integer and querying the object using [myArray objectAtIndex:index] is the most basic form of enumeration.

NSUInteger count = [myArray count];
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < count ; index++) {
    [self doSomethingWith:[myArray objectAtIndex:index]];

////////////// From :

Angularjs: input[text] ngChange fires while the value is changing

For anyone struggling with IE8 (it doesn't like the unbind('input'), I found a way around it.

Inject $sniffer into your directive and use:


IE8 calms down if you do this :)

Swift performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is unavailable

Swift 4

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) {
    // your function here

Swift 3

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(0.1)) {
    // your function here

Swift 2

let dispatchTime: dispatch_time_t = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(0.1 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))) 
dispatch_after(dispatchTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), { 
    // your function here 

How can I use "." as the delimiter with String.split() in java

When splitting with a string literal delimiter, the safest way is to use the Pattern.quote() method:

String[] words = line.split(Pattern.quote("."));

As described by other answers, splitting with "\\." is correct, but quote() will do this escaping for you.

How many significant digits do floats and doubles have in java?

Floating point numbers are encoded using an exponential form, that is something like m * b ^ e, i.e. not like integers at all. The question you ask would be meaningful in the context of fixed point numbers. There are numerous fixed point arithmetic libraries available.

Regarding floating point arithmetic: The number of decimal digits depends on the presentation and the number system. For example there are periodic numbers (0.33333) which do not have a finite presentation in decimal but do have one in binary and vice versa.

Also it is worth mentioning that floating point numbers up to a certain point do have a difference larger than one, i.e. value + 1 yields value, since value + 1 can not be encoded using m * b ^ e, where m, b and e are fixed in length. The same happens for values smaller than 1, i.e. all the possible code points do not have the same distance.

Because of this there is no precision of exactly n digits like with fixed point numbers, since not every number with n decimal digits does have a IEEE encoding.

There is a nearly obligatory document which you should read then which explains floating point numbers: What every computer scientist should know about floating point arithmetic.

How to call a VbScript from a Batch File without opening an additional command prompt

If you want to fix vbs associations type

regsvr32 vbscript.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 wshext.dll
regsvr32 wshom.ocx
regsvr32 wshcon.dll
regsvr32 scrrun.dll

Also if you can't use vbs due to management then convert your script to a program which is designed to be easy, is easy, and takes 5 minutes.

Big difference is functions and subs are both called using brackets rather than just functions.

So the compilers are installed on all computers with .NET installed.

See this article here on how to make a .NET exe. Note the sample is for a scripting host. You can't use this, you have to put your vbs code in as .NET code.

How can I convert a VBScript to an executable (EXE) file?

How to create javascript delay function

Ah yes. Welcome to Asynchronous execution.

Basically, pausing a script would cause the browser and page to become unresponsive for 3 seconds. This is horrible for web apps, and so isn't supported.

Instead, you have to think "event-based". Use setTimeout to call a function after a certain amount of time, which will continue to run the JavaScript on the page during that time.

How do I install g++ for Fedora?

instead of g++ you have to write gcc-c++

sudo dnf install gcc-c++

How to convert signed to unsigned integer in python

Python doesn't have builtin unsigned types. You can use mathematical operations to compute a new int representing the value you would get in C, but there is no "unsigned value" of a Python int. The Python int is an abstraction of an integer value, not a direct access to a fixed-byte-size integer.

How to avoid "ConcurrentModificationException" while removing elements from `ArrayList` while iterating it?

List myArrayList  = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());

//add your elements  

synchronized(myArrayList) {
    Iterator i = myArrayList.iterator(); 
     while (i.hasNext()){
         Object  object =;

vertical & horizontal lines in matplotlib

If you want to add a bounding box, use a rectangle:

ax = plt.gca()
r = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((.5, .5), .25, .1, fill=False)

Rectangle doc

What's the difference between ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer service types in Kubernetes?

To clarify for anyone who is looking for what is the difference between the 3 on a simpler level. You can expose your service with minimal ClusterIp (within k8s cluster) or larger exposure with NodePort (within cluster external to k8s cluster) or LoadBalancer (external world or whatever you defined in your LB).

ClusterIp exposure < NodePort exposure < LoadBalancer exposure

  • ClusterIp
    Expose service through k8s cluster with ip/name:port
  • NodePort
    Expose service through Internal network VM's also external to k8s ip/name:port
  • LoadBalancer
    Expose service through External world or whatever you defined in your LB.

How do I rename a column in a database table using SQL?

In sql server you can use

exec sp_rename '<TableName.OldColumnName>','<NewColumnName>','COLUMN'


sp_rename '<TableName.OldColumnName>','<NewColumnName>','COLUMN'

How can I do factory reset using adb in android?

You can send intent MASTER_CLEAR in adb:

adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR

or as root

adb shell  "su -c 'am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR'"

Concatenate two char* strings in a C program

The way it works is to:

  1. Malloc memory large enough to hold copies of str1 and str2
  2. Then it copies str1 into str3
  3. Then it appends str2 onto the end of str3
  4. When you're using str3 you'd normally free it free (str3);

Here's an example for you play with. It's very simple and has no hard-coded lengths. You can try it here:

See this post for information about size of char

#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

      char* str1;
      char* str2;
      str1 = "sssss";
      str2 = "kkkk";
      char * str3 = (char *) malloc(1 + strlen(str1)+ strlen(str2) );
      strcpy(str3, str1);
      strcat(str3, str2);
      printf("%s", str3);

      return 0;

Highlighting Text Color using Html.fromHtml() in Android?

This can be achieved using a Spannable String. You will need to import the following

import android.text.SpannableString; 

And then you can change the background of the text using something like the following:

TextView text = (TextView) findViewById(;
text.append("Add all your funky text in here");
Spannable sText = (Spannable) text.getText();
sText.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.RED), 1, 4, 0);

Where this will highlight the charecters at pos 1 - 4 with a red color. Hope this helps!

Is it bad to have my virtualenv directory inside my git repository?

I think one of the main problems which occur is that the virtualenv might not be usable by other people. Reason is that it always uses absolute paths. So if you virtualenv was for example in /home/lyle/myenv/ it will assume the same for all other people using this repository (it must be exactly the same absolute path). You can't presume people using the same directory structure as you.

Better practice is that everybody is setting up their own environment (be it with or without virtualenv) and installing libraries there. That also makes you code more usable over different platforms (Linux/Windows/Mac), also because virtualenv is installed different in each of them.

How to prevent http file caching in Apache httpd (MAMP)

I had the same issue, but I found a good solution here: Stop caching for PHP 5.5.3 in MAMP

Basically find the php.ini file and comment out the OPCache lines. I hope this alternative answer helps others else out as well.

Why don’t my SVG images scale using the CSS "width" property?

I had to figure it out myself but some svgs your need to match the viewBox & width+height in.

E.g. if it already has width="x" height="y" then =>

add <svg ... viewBox="0 0 [width] [height]">

and the opposite.

After that it will scale with <svg ... style="width: xxx; height: yyy;">

Access XAMPP Localhost from Internet

I guess you can do this in 5 minute without any further IP/port forwarding, for presenting your local websites temporary.

All you need to do it, go to Download small tool extract and run that tool as administrator enter image description here

Enter command
ngrok http 80

You will see it will connect to server and will create a temporary URL for you which you can share to your friend and let him browse localhost or any of its folder.

You can see detailed process here.
How do I access/share xampp or localhost website from another computer

Python - How to convert JSON File to Dataframe

There are 2 inputs you might have and you can also convert between them.

  1. input: listOfDictionaries --> use @VikashSingh solution

example: [{"":{"...

The pd.DataFrame() needs a listOfDictionaries as input.

  1. input: jsonStr --> use @JustinMalinchak solution

example: '{"":{"...

If you have jsonStr, you need an extra step to listOfDictionaries first. This is obvious as it is generated like:

jsonStr = json.dumps(listOfDictionaries)

Thus, switch back from jsonStr to listOfDictionaries first:

listOfDictionaries = json.loads(jsonStr)

Convert string to decimal number with 2 decimal places in Java

Java convert a String to decimal:

String dennis = "0.00000008880000";
double f = Double.parseDouble(dennis);
System.out.println(String.format("%.7f", f));
System.out.println(String.format("%.9f", new BigDecimal(f)));
System.out.println(String.format("%.35f", new BigDecimal(f)));
System.out.println(String.format("%.2f", new BigDecimal(f)));

This prints:


'\r': command not found - .bashrc / .bash_profile

For the Emacs users out there:

  1. Open the file
  2. M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system
  3. Select "unix"

This will update the new characters in the file to be unix style. More info on "Newline Representation" in Emacs can be found here:

Note: The above steps could be made into an Emacs script if one preferred to execute this from the command line.

Min/Max of dates in an array?

_.min and _.max work on arrays of dates; use those if you're using Lodash or Underscore, and consider using Lodash (which provides many utility functions like these) if you're not already.

For example,

    new Date('2015-05-08T00:07:19Z'),
    new Date('2015-04-08T00:07:19Z'),
    new Date('2015-06-08T00:07:19Z')

will return the second date in the array (because it is the earliest).

How to make tesseract to recognize only numbers, when they are mixed with letters?

I made it a bit different (with tess-two). Maybe it will be useful for somebody.

So you need to initialize first the API.

TessBaseAPI baseApi = new TessBaseAPI();
baseApi.init(datapath, language, ocrEngineMode);

Then set the following variables

baseApi.setVariable(TessBaseAPI.VAR_CHAR_BLACKLIST, "!?@#$%&*()<>_-+=/:;'\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
baseApi.setVariable(TessBaseAPI.VAR_CHAR_WHITELIST, ".,0123456789");
baseApi.setVariable("classify_bln_numeric_mode", "1");

In this way the engine will check only the numbers.

What is the difference between Eclipse for Java (EE) Developers and Eclipse Classic?

If you want to build Java EE applications, it's best to use Eclipse IDE for Java EE. It has editors from HTML to JSP/JSF, Javascript. It's rich for webapps development, and provide plugins and tools to develop Java EE applications easily (all bundled).

Eclipse Classic is basically the full featured Eclipse without the Java EE part.

How to detect a remote side socket close?

The method Socket.Available will immediately throw a SocketException if the remote system has disconnected/closed the connection.

How to Handle Button Click Events in jQuery?


     $('your selector').bind("click",function(){
            // your statements;

     // you can use the above or the one shown below

     $('your selector').click(function(e){
         // your statements;


phpmysql error - #1273 - #1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_general_ci'

There are two steps to fix this.

First edit phpMyAdmin/libraries/DatabaseInterface.class.php


    if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >  50503) {
        $default_charset = 'utf8mb4';
        $default_collation = 'utf8mb4_general_ci';
    } else {
        $default_charset = 'utf8';
        $default_collation = 'utf8_general_ci';


    //if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >  50503) {
    //    $default_charset = 'utf8mb4';
    //    $default_collation = 'utf8mb4_general_ci';
    //} else {
        $default_charset = 'utf8';
        $default_collation = 'utf8_general_ci';

Then delete this cookie from your browser "pma_collation_connection".
Or delete all Cookies.

Then restart your phpMyAdmin.

(It would be nice if phpMyAdmin allowed you to set the charset and collation per server in the

Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created

If you're going to use a Control from another thread before showing or doing other things with the Control, consider forcing the creation of its handle within the constructor. This is done using the CreateHandle function.

In a multi-threaded project, where the "controller" logic isn't in a WinForm, this function is instrumental in Control constructors for avoiding this error.

Iterate through the fields of a struct in Go

Taking Chetan Kumar solution and in case you need to apply to a map[string]int

package main

import (

type BaseStats struct {
    Hp           int
    HpMax        int
    Mp           int
    MpMax        int
    Strength     int
    Speed        int
    Intelligence int

type Stats struct {
    Base map[string]int
    Modifiers []string

func StatsCreate(stats BaseStats) Stats {
    s := Stats{
        Base: make(map[string]int),

    //Iterate through the fields of a struct
    v := reflect.ValueOf(stats)
    typeOfS := v.Type()

    for i := 0; i< v.NumField(); i++ {
        val := v.Field(i).Interface().(int)
        s.Base[typeOfS.Field(i).Name] = val
    return s

func (s Stats) GetBaseStat(id string) int {
    return s.Base[id]

func main() {
    m := StatsCreate(BaseStats{300, 300, 300, 300, 10, 10, 10})


Format Date/Time in XAML in Silverlight

C#: try this

  • yyyy(yy/yyy) - years
  • MM - months(like '03'), MMMM - months(like 'March')
  • dd - days(like 09), ddd/dddd - days(Sun/Sunday)
  • hh - hour 12(AM/PM), HH - hour 24
  • mm - minute
  • ss - second

Use some delimeter,like this:

  1. MessageBox.Show(DateValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); example result: "2014-09-30"
  2. empty format string: MessageBox.Show(DateValue.ToString()); example result: "30.09.2014 0:00:00"

How to delete the contents of a folder?

Expanding on mhawke's answer this is what I've implemented. It removes all the content of a folder but not the folder itself. Tested on Linux with files, folders and symbolic links, should work on Windows as well.

import os
import shutil

for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/path/to/folder'):
    for f in files:
        os.unlink(os.path.join(root, f))
    for d in dirs:
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, d))

How can I discover the "path" of an embedded resource?

The name of the resource is the name space plus the "pseudo" name space of the path to the file. The "pseudo" name space is made by the sub folder structure using \ (backslashes) instead of . (dots).

public static Stream GetResourceFileStream(String nameSpace, String filePath)
    String pseduoName = filePath.Replace('\\', '.');
    Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    return assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(nameSpace + "." + pseduoName);

The following call:

GetResourceFileStream("my.namespace", "resources\\xml\\my.xml")

will return the stream of my.xml located in the folder-structure resources\xml in the name space: my.namespace.

python-pandas and databases like mysql

This helped for me for connecting to AWS MYSQL(RDS) from python 3.x based lambda function and loading into a pandas DataFrame

import json
import boto3
import pymysql
import pandas as pd
user = 'username'
password = 'XXXXXXX'
client = boto3.client('rds')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    conn = pymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user=user, passwd=password, db='database name', connect_timeout=5)
    df= pd.read_sql('select * from TableName limit 10',con=conn)
    # TODO implement
    #return {
    #    'statusCode': 200,
    #    'df': df

Server is already running in Rails

Run: fuser -k -n tcp 3000

This will kill the process running at the default port 3000.

Eclipse add Tomcat 7 blank server name

so weird but this worked for me.

  1. close eclipse

  2. start eclipse as eclipse --clean

How to close a JavaFX application on window close?

Did you try this..setOnCloseRequest

setOnCloseRequest(EventHandler<WindowEvent> value)   

There is one example

Freezing Row 1 and Column A at the same time

Select cell B2 and click "Freeze Panes" this will freeze Row 1 and Column A.

For future reference, selecting Freeze Panes in Excel will freeze the rows above your selected cell and the columns to the left of your selected cell. For example, to freeze rows 1 and 2 and column A, you could select cell B3 and click Freeze Panes. You could also freeze columns A and B and row 1, by selecting cell C2 and clicking "Freeze Panes".

Visual Aid on Freeze Panes in Excel 2010 -

Microsoft Reference Guide (More Complicated, but resourceful none the less) -

Latex Multiple Linebreaks

Line break accepts an optional argument in brackets, a vertical length:

line 1
line 2

To make this more scalable with respect to font size, you can use other lengths, such as \\[3\baselineskip], or \\[3ex].

Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) is not returning UTC time

It is working for me.

Get in Timestamp type:

public static Timestamp getCurrentTimestamp() {
    final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date date = cal.getTime();
    Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
    return ts;

Get in String type:

    public static String getCurrentTimestamp() {
    final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date date = cal.getTime();
    Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
    return ts.toString();

Remove all html tags from php string

use this regex: /<[^<]+?>/g

$val = preg_replace('/<[^<]+?>/g', ' ', $row_get_Business['business_description']);

$businessDesc = substr(val,0,110);

from your example should stay: Ref no: 30001

Tools for creating Class Diagrams

I used Poseidon UML Community Edition, it's platform independent and makes fine and clean diagrams. There are some screenshots here.

How to get object size in memory?

I don't think you can get it directly, but there are a few ways to find it indirectly.

One way is to use the GC.GetTotalMemory method to measure the amount of memory used before and after creating your object. This won't be perfect, but as long as you control the rest of the application you may get the information you are interested in.

Apart from that you can use a profiler to get the information or you could use the profiling api to get the information in code. But that won't be easy to use I think.

See Find out how much memory is being used by an object in C#? for a similar question.

How to convert int to float in C?

This should give you the result you want.

double total = 0;
int number = 0;
float percentage = number / total * 100

Note that the first operand is a double

Source file not compiled Dev C++

You can always try doing it manually from the command prompt. Navigate to the path of the file and type:

gcc filename.c -o filename

How to pass json POST data to Web API method as an object?

I've just been playing with this and discovered a rather odd result. Say you have public properties on your class in C# like this:

public class Customer
    public string contact_name;
    public string company_name;

then you must do the JSON.stringify trick as suggested by Shyju and call it like this:

var customer = {contact_name :"Scott",company_name:"HP"};
    type: "POST",
    data :JSON.stringify(customer),
    url: "api/Customer",
    contentType: "application/json"

However, if you define getters and setters on your class like this:

public class Customer
    public string contact_name { get; set; }
    public string company_name { get; set; }

then you can call it much more simply:

    type: "POST",
    data :customer,
    url: "api/Customer"

This uses the HTTP header:


I'm not quite sure what's happening here but it looks like a bug (feature?) in the framework. Presumably the different binding methods are calling different "adapters", and while the adapter for application/json one works with public properties, the one for form encoded data doesn't.

I have no idea which would be considered best practice though.

string encoding and decoding?

You can't decode a unicode, and you can't encode a str. Try doing it the other way around.

How to get a string between two characters?

In a single line, I suggest:

String input = "test string (67)";
input = input.subString(input.indexOf("(")+1, input.lastIndexOf(")"));

Center content in responsive bootstrap navbar

I think this is what you are looking for. You need to remove the float: left from the inner nav to center it and make it a inline-block.

.navbar .navbar-nav {
  display: inline-block;
  float: none;
  vertical-align: top;

.navbar .navbar-collapse {
  text-align: center;

Edit: if you only want this effect to happen when the nav isn't collapsed surround it in the appropriate media query.

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    .navbar .navbar-nav {
        display: inline-block;
        float: none;
        vertical-align: top;

    .navbar .navbar-collapse {
        text-align: center;

How to generate XML from an Excel VBA macro?

This one more version - this will help in generic

Public strSubTag As String
Public iStartCol As Integer
Public iEndCol As Integer
Public strSubTag2 As String
Public iStartCol2 As Integer
Public iEndCol2 As Integer

Sub Create()
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim strFileName As String

'strTag = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
strFilePath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B4").Value
strFileName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B5").Value
strSubTag = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F3").Value
iStartCol = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F4").Value
iEndCol = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F5").Value

strSubTag2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("G3").Value
iStartCol2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("G4").Value
iEndCol2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("G5").Value

Dim iCaptionRow As Integer
iCaptionRow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B3").Value
'strFileName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B4").Value
MakeXML iCaptionRow, iCaptionRow + 1, strFilePath, strFileName

End Sub

Sub MakeXML(iCaptionRow As Integer, iDataStartRow As Integer, sOutputFilePath As String, sOutputFileName As String)
    Dim Q As String
    Dim sOutputFileNamewithPath As String
    Q = Chr$(34)

    Dim sXML As String

    'sXML = sXML & "<rows>"

'    ''--determine count of columns
    Dim iColCount As Integer
    iColCount = 1

    While Trim$(Cells(iCaptionRow, iColCount)) > ""
        iColCount = iColCount + 1

    Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim iCount  As Integer
    iRow = iDataStartRow
    iCount = 1
    While Cells(iRow, 1) > ""
        'sXML = sXML & "<row id=" & Q & iRow & Q & ">"
        sXML = "<?xml version=" & Q & "1.0" & Q & " encoding=" & Q & "UTF-8" & Q & "?>"
        For iCOl = 1 To iColCount - 1
          If (iStartCol = iCOl) Then
               sXML = sXML & "<" & strSubTag & ">"
          End If
          If (iEndCol = iCOl) Then
               sXML = sXML & "</" & strSubTag & ">"
          End If
         If (iStartCol2 = iCOl) Then
               sXML = sXML & "<" & strSubTag2 & ">"
          End If
          If (iEndCol2 = iCOl) Then
               sXML = sXML & "</" & strSubTag2 & ">"
          End If
           sXML = sXML & "<" & Trim$(Cells(iCaptionRow, iCOl)) & ">"
           sXML = sXML & Trim$(Cells(iRow, iCOl))
           sXML = sXML & "</" & Trim$(Cells(iCaptionRow, iCOl)) & ">"

        'sXML = sXML & "</row>"
        Dim nDestFile As Integer, sText As String

    ''Close any open text files

    ''Get the number of the next free text file
        nDestFile = FreeFile
        sOutputFileNamewithPath = sOutputFilePath & sOutputFileName & iCount & ".XML"
    ''Write the entire file to sText
        Open sOutputFileNamewithPath For Output As #nDestFile
        Print #nDestFile, sXML

        iRow = iRow + 1
        sXML = ""
        iCount = iCount + 1
    'sXML = sXML & "</rows>"

End Sub

Android SDK manager won't open

Alright, I had the same problem, and none of these answers worked for me (I'm running Windows 8). I tried running tools/android.bat and noticed I got some errors there. I investigated further and it seems there is something wrong in the code that finds your Java path.

This is how you fix it:

  1. Open up tools/android.bat in your favorite text editor
  2. Search for this piece of code:

    set java_exe=
    call lib\find_java.bat
    if not defined java_exe goto :EOF
  3. Replace it with this:

    set java_exe=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\java.exe 

    where the path is the path to your Java exe.

  4. Run android.bat

(in my case I had to specify the path to java_exe in step 3 with no quotes to make it work.)

How to delay the .keyup() handler until the user stops typing?

You could also look at underscore.js, which provides utility methods like debounce:

var lazyLayout = _.debounce(calculateLayout, 300);

SCP Permission denied (publickey). on EC2 only when using -r flag on directories

transferring file from local to remote host

scp -i (path of your key) (path for your file to be transferred) (username@ip):(path where file to be copied)

e.g scp -i aws.pem /home/user1/Desktop/testFile   ec2-user@someipAddress:/home/ec2-user/

P.S. - ec2-user@someipAddress of this ip address should have access to the destination folder in my case /home/ec2-user/

Custom Date Format for Bootstrap-DatePicker

Perhaps you can check it here for the LATEST version always

    format: 'mm/dd/yyyy',
    startDate: '-3d'


$.fn.datepicker.defaults.format = "mm/dd/yyyy";
    startDate: '-3d'

Single vs Double quotes (' vs ")

Using double quotes for HTML


<div class="colorFont"></div>

Using single quotes for JavaScript


$('<div class="colorFont2></div>');

Creating a class object in c++

There is two ways to make/create object in c++.

First one is :

MyClass myclass; // if you don;t need to call rather than default constructor    
MyClass myclass(12); // if you need to call constructor with parameters

Second one is :

MyClass *myclass = new MyClass();// if you don;t need to call rather than default constructor
MyClass *myclass = new MyClass(12);// if you need to call constructor with parameters

In c++ if you use new keyword, object will be stored in heap. it;s very useful if you are using this object long time of period and if you use first method, it will be stored in stack. it can be used only short time period. Notice : if you use new keyword, remember it will return pointer value. you should declare name with *. If you use second method, it doesn;t delete object in the heap. you must delete by yourself using delete keyword;

delete myclass;

How to upgrade Git to latest version on macOS?

You need to adjust shell path , the path will be set in either .bashrc or .bash_profile in your home directory, more likely .bash_profile.

So add into the path similar to the below and keep what you already have in the path, each segment is separated by a colon:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/git:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"

How can I fix the 'Missing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Response Header' webfont issue?

we had similar header issue with Amazon (AWS) S3 presigned Post failing on some browsers.

point was to tell bucket CORS to expose header <ExposeHeader>Access-Control-Allow-Origin</ExposeHeader>

more details in this answer:

MySQL and GROUP_CONCAT() maximum length

The correct parameter to set the maximum length is:

SET @@group_concat_max_len = value_numeric;

value_numeric must be > 1024; by default the group_concat_max_len value is 1024.

Why rgb and not cmy?

The difference lies in whether mixing colours results in LIGHTER or DARKER colours. When mixing light, the result is a lighter colour, so mixing red light and blue light becomes a lighter pink. When mixing paint (or ink), red and blue become a darker purple. Mixing paint results in DARKER colours, whereas mixing light results in LIGHTER colours. Therefore for paint the primary colours are Red Yellow Blue (or Cyan Magenta Yellow) as you stated. Yet for light the primary colours are Red Green Blue. It is (virtually) impossible to mix Red Green Blue paint into Yellow paint, or mixing Red Yellow Blue light into Green light.

How do you overcome the svn 'out of date' error?

Thank you. That just resolved it for me. svn update --force /path to filename/

If your recent file in the local directory is the same, there are no prompts. If the file is different, it prompts for tf, mf etc... chosing mf (mine full) insures nothing is overwritten and I could commit when done.

Jay CompuMatter

What is "runtime"?

If my understanding from reading the above answers is correct, Runtime is basically 'background processes' such as garbage collection, memory-allocation, basically any processes that are invoked indirectly, by the libraries / frameworks that your code is written in, and specifically those processes that occur after compilation, while the application is running.

Dynamically set value of a file input

It is not possible to dynamically change the value of a file field, otherwise you could set it to "c:\yourfile" and steal files very easily.

However there are many solutions to a multi-upload system. I'm guessing that you're wanting to have a multi-select open dialog.

Perhaps have a look at - it's a very flexible solution to multiple file uploads, and supports drop zones e.t.c.

hasNext in Python iterators?

No, there is no such method. The end of iteration is indicated by an exception. See the documentation.

How to embed image or picture in jupyter notebook, either from a local machine or from a web resource?

I know this is not fully relevant, but since this answer is ranked first many a times when you search 'how to display images in Jupyter', please consider this answer as well.

You could use matplotlib to show an image as follows.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
image = mpimg.imread("your_image.png")

Facebook Graph API : get larger pictures in one request

Note: From Graph API v8.0 you must provide the access token for every UserID request you do.

Hitting the graph API:<user_id>/picture?height=1000&access_token=<any_of_above_token>

With firebase:

FirebaseUser user = mAuth.getCurrentUser();
String photoUrl = user.getPhotoUrl() + "/picture?height=1000&access_token=" +

You get the token from registerCallback just like this

       LoginManager.getInstance().registerCallback(mCallbackManager, new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
        public void onSuccess(LoginResult loginResult) {
            FirebaseUser user = mAuth.getCurrentUser();
            String photoUrl = user.getPhotoUrl() + "/picture?height=1000&access_token=" + loginResult.getAccessToken().getToken();

        public void onCancel() {
            Log.d("Fb on Login", "facebook:onCancel");

        public void onError(FacebookException error) {
            Log.e("Fb on Login", "facebook:onError", error);

This is what documentation says:

Beginning October 24, 2020, an access token will be required for all UID-based queries. If you query a UID and thus must include a token:

  • use a User access token for Facebook Login authenticated requests
  • use a Page access token for page-scoped requests
  • use an App access token for server-side requests
  • use a Client access token for mobile or web client-side requests

We recommend that you only use a Client token if you are unable to use one of the other token types.

Ternary operator (?:) in Bash

if [ "$b" -eq 5 ]; then a="$c"; else a="$d"; fi

The cond && op1 || op2 expression suggested in other answers has an inherent bug: if op1 has a nonzero exit status, op2 silently becomes the result; the error will also not be caught in -e mode. So, that expression is only safe to use if op1 can never fail (e.g., :, true if a builtin, or variable assignment without any operations that can fail (like division and OS calls)).

Note the "" quotes. The first pair will prevent a syntax error if $b is blank or has whitespace. Others will prevent translation of all whitespace into single spaces.

PHP passing $_GET in linux command prompt

php file_name.php var1 var2 varN

Then set your $_GET variables on your first line in PHP, although this is not the desired way of setting a $_GET variable and you may experience problems depending on what you do later with that variable.

if (isset($argv[1])) {
   $_GET['variable_name'] = $argv[1];

the variables you launch the script with will be accessible from the $argv array in your PHP app. the first entry will the name of the script they came from, so you may want to do an array_shift($argv) to drop that first entry if you want to process a bunch of variables. Or just load into a local variable.

Using sudo with Python script

To limit what you run as sudo, you could run

sudo -E python -c "import os; os.system('sudo echo 1')"

without needing to store the password. The -E parameter passes your current user's env to the process. Note that your shell will have sudo priveleges after the second command, so use with caution!

How do I fix PyDev "Undefined variable from import" errors?

An approximation of what I was doing:

import module.submodule

class MyClass:
    constant = submodule.constant

To which pylint said: E: 4,15: Undefined variable 'submodule' (undefined-variable)

I resolved this by changing my import like:

from module.submodule import CONSTANT

class MyClass:
    constant = CONSTANT

Note: I also renamed by imported variable to have an uppercase name to reflect its constant nature.

Is there a Java API that can create rich Word documents?

I have developed pure XML based word files in the past. I used .NET, but the language should not matter since it's truely XML. It was not the easiest thing to do (had a project that required it a couple years ago.) These do only work in Word 2007 or above - but all you need is Microsoft's white paper that describe what each tag does. You can accomplish all you want with the tags the same way as if you were using Word (of course a little more painful initially.)

changing source on html5 video tag

Yaur: Although what you have copied and pasted is good advice, this does not mean that it is impossible to change the source element of an HTML5 video element elegantly, even in IE9 (or IE8 for that matter).(This solution does NOT involve replacing the entire video element, as it is bad coding practice).

A complete solution to changing/switching videos in HTML5 video tags via javascript can be found here and is tested in all HTML5 browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE9, etc).

If this helps, or if you're having trouble, please let me know.

Creating a URL in the controller .NET MVC

If you just want to get the path to a certain action, use UrlHelper:

UrlHelper u = new UrlHelper(this.ControllerContext.RequestContext);
string url = u.Action("About", "Home", null);

if you want to create a hyperlink:

string link = HtmlHelper.GenerateLink(this.ControllerContext.RequestContext, System.Web.Routing.RouteTable.Routes, "My link", "Root", "About", "Home", null, null);

Intellisense will give you the meaning of each of the parameters.

Update from comments: controller already has a UrlHelper:

string url = this.Url.Action("About", "Home", null); 

Way to read first few lines for pandas dataframe

I think you can use the nrows parameter. From the docs:

nrows : int, default None

    Number of rows of file to read. Useful for reading pieces of large files

which seems to work. Using one of the standard large test files (988504479 bytes, 5344499 lines):

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv", nrows=20)
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
Wall time: 0.00 s

In [3]: len(z)
Out[3]: 20

In [4]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv")
CPU times: user 27.63 s, sys: 1.92 s, total: 29.55 s
Wall time: 30.23 s

MVC 4 Edit modal form using Bootstrap

You should use partial views. I use the following approach:

Use a view model so you're not passing your domain models to your views:

public class EditPersonViewModel
    public int Id { get; set; }   // this is only used to retrieve record from Db
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Age { get; set; }

In your PersonController:

[HttpGet] // this action result returns the partial containing the modal
public ActionResult EditPerson(int id)
    var viewModel = new EditPersonViewModel();
    viewModel.Id = id;
    return PartialView("_EditPersonPartial", viewModel);

[HttpPost] // this action takes the viewModel from the modal
public ActionResult EditPerson(EditPersonViewModel viewModel)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        var toUpdate = personRepo.Find(viewModel.Id);
        toUpdate.Name = viewModel.Name;
        toUpdate.Age = viewModel.Age;
        return View("Index");

Next create a partial view called _EditPersonPartial. This contains the modal header, body and footer. It also contains the Ajax form. It's strongly typed and takes in our view model.

@model Namespace.ViewModels.EditPersonViewModel
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
    <h3 id="myModalLabel">Edit group member</h3>
@using (Ajax.BeginForm("EditPerson", "Person", FormMethod.Post,
                    new AjaxOptions
                        InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                        HttpMethod = "POST",
                        UpdateTargetId = "list-of-people"
    <div class="modal-body">
        @Html.Bootstrap().ControlGroup().TextBoxFor(x => x.Name)
        @Html.Bootstrap().ControlGroup().TextBoxFor(x => x.Age)
    <div class="modal-footer">
        <button class="btn btn-inverse" type="submit">Save</button>

Now somewhere in your application, say another partial _peoplePartial.cshtml etc:

   @foreach(var person in Model.People)
        <button class="btn btn-primary edit-person" data-id="@person.PersonId">Edit</button>
// this is the modal definition
<div class="modal hide fade in" id="edit-person">
    <div id="edit-person-container"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('.edit-person').click(function () {
            var url = "/Person/EditPerson"; // the url to the controller
            var id = $(this).attr('data-id'); // the id that's given to each button in the list
            $.get(url + '/' + id, function (data) {

Android: How to Programmatically set the size of a Layout

You can get the actual height of called layout with this code:

public int getLayoutSize() {
// Get the layout id
    final LinearLayout root = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
    final AtomicInteger layoutHeight = new AtomicInteger(); Runnable() { 
    public void run() { 
        Rect rect = new Rect(); 
        Window win = getWindow();  // Get the Window

                // Get the height of Status Bar
                int statusBarHeight =;

                // Get the height occupied by the decoration contents 
                int contentViewTop = win.findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT).getTop();

                // Calculate titleBarHeight by deducting statusBarHeight from contentViewTop  
                int titleBarHeight = contentViewTop - statusBarHeight; 
                Log.i("MY", "titleHeight = " + titleBarHeight + " statusHeight = " + statusBarHeight + " contentViewTop = " + contentViewTop); 

                // By now we got the height of titleBar & statusBar
                // Now lets get the screen size
                DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
                int screenHeight = metrics.heightPixels;
                int screenWidth = metrics.widthPixels;
                Log.i("MY", "Actual Screen Height = " + screenHeight + " Width = " + screenWidth);   

                // Now calculate the height that our layout can be set
                // If you know that your application doesn't have statusBar added, then don't add here also. Same applies to application bar also 
                layoutHeight.set(screenHeight - (titleBarHeight + statusBarHeight));
                Log.i("MY", "Layout Height = " + layoutHeight);   

            // Lastly, set the height of the layout       
            FrameLayout.LayoutParams rootParams = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams)root.getLayoutParams();
            rootParams.height = layoutHeight.get();

return layoutHeight.get();

Difference between ref and out parameters in .NET

This The out and ref Paramerter in C# has some good examples.

The basic difference outlined is that out parameters don't need to be initialized when passed in, while ref parameters do.

Limit the size of a file upload (html input element)

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {

        var uploadField = document.getElementById("file");

        uploadField.onchange = function () {
            if (this.files[0].size > 300000) {
                this.value = "";
                    title: 'File is larger than 300 KB !!',
                    text: 'Please Select a file smaller than 300 KB',
                    type: 'error',
                    timer: 4000,
                    onOpen: () => {
                        timerInterval = setInterval(() => {
                                .textContent = swal.getTimerLeft()
                        }, 100)
                    onClose: () => {

                }).then((result) => {
                    if (
                        // Read more about handling dismissals
                        result.dismiss === swal.DismissReason.timer

                    ) {

                        console.log('I was closed by the timer')



Run Excel Macro from Outside Excel Using VBScript From Command Line

I generally store my macros in xlam add-ins separately from my workbooks so I wanted to open a workbook and then run a macro stored separately.

Since this required a VBS Script, I wanted to make it "portable" so I could use it by passing arguments. Here is the final script, which takes 3 arguments.

  • Full Path to Workbook
  • Macro Name
  • [OPTIONAL] Path to separate workbook with Macro

I tested it like so:

"C:\Temp\runmacro.vbs" "C:\Temp\Book1.xlam" "Hello"

"C:\Temp\runmacro.vbs" "C:\Temp\Book1.xlsx" "Hello" "%AppData%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\Book1.xlam"


Set args = Wscript.Arguments

ws = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
macro = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
If wscript.arguments.count > 2 Then
 macrowb= WScript.Arguments.Item(2)
End If


Sub LaunchMacro() 
  Dim xl
  Dim xlBook  

  Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.application")
  Set xlBook = xl.Workbooks.Open(ws, 0, True)
  If wscript.arguments.count > 2 Then
   Set macrowb= xl.Workbooks.Open(macrowb, 0, True)
  End If
  'xl.Application.Visible = True ' Show Excel Window macro
  'xl.DisplayAlerts = False  ' suppress prompts and alert messages while a macro is running
  'xlBook.saved = True ' suppresses the Save Changes prompt when you close a workbook

End Sub 

sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory on cited drive

This can happen with symlinks sometimes. If you experience this issue and you know you are in an existing directory, but your symlink may have changed, you can use this command:

cd $(pwd)

How to find the minimum value of a column in R?

Since it is a numeric operation, we should be converting it to numeric form first. This operation cannot take place if the data is in factor data type.
Check the data type of the columns using str().


How to Reload ReCaptcha using JavaScript?

Try this

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
          function showRecaptcha() {
            Recaptcha.create("YOURPUBLICKEY", 'captchadiv', {
              theme: 'red',
              callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field

<div id="captchadiv"></div>

If you calll showRecaptcha the captchadiv will be populated with a new recaptcha instance.

How to check if the key pressed was an arrow key in Java KeyListener?

Just to complete the answer (using the KeyEvent is the way to go) but up arrow is 38 and down arrow is 40 so:

    else if (e.getKeyCode()==38)
            //Up arrow key code
    else if (e.getKeyCode()==40)
            //down arrow key code

How to change the buttons text using javascript

I know this question has been answered but I also see there is another way missing which I would like to cover it.There are multiple ways to achieve this.

1- innerHTML

document.getElementById("ShowButton").innerHTML = 'Show Filter';

You can insert HTML into this. But the disadvantage of this method is, it has cross site security attacks. So for adding text, its better to avoid this for security reasons.

2- innerText

document.getElementById("ShowButton").innerText = 'Show Filter';

This will also achieve the result but its heavy under the hood as it requires some layout system information, due to which the performance decreases. Unlike innerHTML, you cannot insert the HTML tags with this. Check Performance Here

3- textContent

document.getElementById("ShowButton").textContent = 'Show Filter';

This will also achieve the same result but it doesn't have security issues like innerHTML as it doesn't parse HTML like innerText. Besides, it is also light due to which performance increases.

So if a text has to be added like above, then its better to use textContent.

Flutter: RenderBox was not laid out

I had a simmilar problem, but in my case I was put a row in the leading of the Listview, and it was consumming all the space, of course. I just had to take the Row out of the leading, and it was solved. I would recomend to check if the problem is a widget larger than its containner can have.

ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because one or more objects access this column

In addition to accepted answer, if you're using Entity Migrations for updating database, you should add this line at the beggining of the Up() function in your migration file:

Sql("alter table dbo.CompanyTransactions drop constraint [df__CompanyTr__Creat__0cdae408];");

You can find the constraint name in the error at nuget packet manager console which starts with FK_dbo.

is there something like isset of php in javascript/jQuery?

Not naturally, no... However, a googling of the thing gave this:

How to properly URL encode a string in PHP?

Based on what type of RFC standard encoding you want to perform or if you need to customize your encoding you might want to create your own class.

 * UrlEncoder make it easy to encode your URL
class UrlEncoder{
    public const STANDARD_RFC1738 = 1;
    public const STANDARD_RFC3986 = 2;
    public const STANDARD_CUSTOM_RFC3986_ISH = 3;
    // add more here

    static function encode($string, $rfc){
        switch ($rfc) {
            case self::STANDARD_RFC1738:
                return  urlencode($string);
            case self::STANDARD_RFC3986:
                return rawurlencode($string);
            case self::STANDARD_CUSTOM_RFC3986_ISH:
                // Add your custom encoding
                $entities = ['%21', '%2A', '%27', '%28', '%29', '%3B', '%3A', '%40', '%26', '%3D', '%2B', '%24', '%2C', '%2F', '%3F', '%25', '%23', '%5B', '%5D'];
                $replacements = ['!', '*', "'", "(", ")", ";", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", ",", "/", "?", "%", "#", "[", "]"];
                return str_replace($entities, $replacements, urlencode($string));
                throw new Exception("Invalid RFC encoder - See class const for reference");

Use example:

$dataString = " is **great**!&id=123&css=#kolo&[email protected])";

$dataStringUrlEncodedRFC1738 = UrlEncoder::encode($dataString, UrlEncoder::STANDARD_RFC1738);
$dataStringUrlEncodedRFC3986 = UrlEncoder::encode($dataString, UrlEncoder::STANDARD_RFC3986);
$dataStringUrlEncodedCutom = UrlEncoder::encode($dataString, UrlEncoder::STANDARD_CUSTOM_RFC3986_ISH);

Will output:

string(126) ""
string(130) ""
string(86)  "**great**!&id=123&css=#kolo&[email protected])"

* Find out more about RFC standards: and urlencode vs rawurlencode?

I'm getting the "missing a using directive or assembly reference" and no clue what's going wrong

You probably don't have the System.Configuration dll added to the project references. It is not there by default, and you have to add it manually.

Right-click on the References and search for System.Configuration in the .net assemblies.

Check to see if it is in your references...

enter image description here

Right-click and select Add Reference...

enter image description here

Find System.Configuration in the list of .Net Assemblies, select it, and click Ok...

enter image description here

The assembly should now appear in your references...

enter image description here

Convert DateTime to a specified Format

Easy peasy:

var date = DateTime.Parse("14/11/2011"); // may need some Culture help here

Take a look at DateTime.ToString() method, Custom Date and Time Format Strings and Standard Date and Time Format Strings

string customFormattedDateTimeString = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

Pretty-Print JSON Data to a File using Python

If you already have existing JSON files which you want to pretty format you could use this:

    with open('twitterdata.json', 'r+') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
        json.dump(data, f, indent=4)

Fill remaining vertical space - only CSS

If you don't want to have fix heights for your main-container (top, bottom, ....), you can simply use this css-file to get a flex-container which uses the remaining space incl. working!!! scrollbars


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
    <title>Flex Container</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

        background-color: blue;
        position: absolute;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;

    .headerContainer {
        background-color: green;
        height: 100px;
        width: 100%;

    .mainContainer {
        background-color: white;
        width: 100%;
        overflow: scroll

    .footerContainer {
        background-color: gray;
        height: 100px;
        width: 100%;


<body class="qx-flex-ready" style="height: 100%">
  <div class="qx-vbox cont">
    <div class="headerContainer">Cell 1: flex1</div>
    <div class="mainContainer qx-flex3">

    <div class="footerContainer" >Cell 3: flex1</div>

Vue.js unknown custom element

Don't overuse Vue.component(), it registers components globally. You can create file, name it MyTask.vue, export there Vue object and then import in your main file, and don't forget to register it:

new Vue({
components: { myTask }

A simple algorithm for polygon intersection

Here's a simple-and-stupid approach: on input, discretize your polygons into a bitmap. To intersect, AND the bitmaps together. To produce output polygons, trace out the jaggy borders of the bitmap and smooth the jaggies using a polygon-approximation algorithm. (I don't remember if that link gives the most suitable algorithms, it's just the first Google hit. You might check out one of the tools out there to convert bitmap images to vector representations. Maybe you could call on them without reimplementing the algorithm?)

The most complex part would be tracing out the borders, I think.

Back in the early 90s I faced something like this problem at work, by the way. I muffed it: I came up with a (completely different) algorithm that would work on real-number coordinates, but seemed to run into a completely unfixable plethora of degenerate cases in the face of the realities of floating-point (and noisy input). Perhaps with the help of the internet I'd have done better!

How can one grab a stack trace in C?

For Windows, CaptureStackBackTrace() is also an option, which requires less preparation code on the user's end than StackWalk64() does. (Also, for a similar scenario I had, CaptureStackBackTrace() ended up working better (more reliably) than StackWalk64().)

Compiler error: "initializer element is not a compile-time constant"

A global variable has to be initialized to a constant value, like 4 or 0.0 or @"constant string" or nil. A object constructor, such as init, does not return a constant value.

If you want to have a global variable, you should initialize it to nil and then return it using a class method:

NSImage *segment = nil;

+ (NSImage *)imageSegment
    if (segment == nil) segment = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/user/asd.jpg"];
    return segment;

How to disable <br> tags inside <div> by css?

I used it like this:

@media (max-width: 450px) {
  br {
    display: none;

nb: media query via Foundation nb2: this is useful if one of the editor intend to use
tags in his/her copy and you need to deal with it specifically under some conditions—on mobile for example.

CMake output/build directory

It sounds like you want an out of source build. There are a couple of ways you can create an out of source build.

  1. Do what you were doing, run

    cd /path/to/my/build/folder
    cmake /path/to/my/source/folder

    which will cause cmake to generate a build tree in /path/to/my/build/folder for the source tree in /path/to/my/source/folder.

    Once you've created it, cmake remembers where the source folder is - so you can rerun cmake on the build tree with

    cmake /path/to/my/build/folder

    or even

    cmake .

    if your current directory is already the build folder.

  2. For CMake 3.13 or later, use these options to set the source and build folders

    cmake -B/path/to/my/build/folder -S/path/to/my/source/folder
  3. For older CMake, use some undocumented options to set the source and build folders:

    cmake -B/path/to/my/build/folder -H/path/to/my/source/folder

    which will do exactly the same thing as (1), but without the reliance on the current working directory.

CMake puts all of its outputs in the build tree by default, so unless you are liberally using ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} or ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} in your cmake files, it shouldn't touch your source tree.

The biggest thing that can go wrong is if you have previously generated a build tree in your source tree (i.e. you have an in source build). Once you've done this the second part of (1) above kicks in, and cmake doesn't make any changes to the source or build locations. Thus, you cannot create an out-of-source build for a source directory with an in-source build. You can fix this fairly easily by removing (at a minimum) CMakeCache.txt from the source directory. There are a few other files (mostly in the CMakeFiles directory) that CMake generates that you should remove as well, but these won't cause cmake to treat the source tree as a build tree.

Since out-of-source builds are often more desirable than in-source builds, you might want to modify your cmake to require out of source builds:

# Ensures that we do an out of source build

     "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" insource)
     "${PARENTDIR}" insourcesubdir)
    IF(insource OR insourcesubdir)
    ENDIF(insource OR insourcesubdir)

    "${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} requires an out of source build."

The above macro comes from a commonly used module called MacroOutOfSourceBuild. There are numerous sources for MacroOutOfSourceBuild.cmake on google but I can't seem to find the original and it's short enough to include here in full.

Unfortunately cmake has usually written a few files by the time the macro is invoked, so although it will stop you from actually performing the build you will still need to delete CMakeCache.txt and CMakeFiles.

You may find it useful to set the paths that binaries, shared and static libraries are written to - in which case see how do I make cmake output into a 'bin' dir? (disclaimer, I have the top voted answer on that question...but that's how I know about it).

getMinutes() 0-9 - How to display two digit numbers?

I dont see any ES6 answers on here so I will add one using StandardJS formatting

// ES6 String formatting example
const time = new Date()
const tempMinutes = new Date.getMinutes()
const minutes = (tempMinutes < 10) ? `0${tempMinutes}` : tempMinutes

Out-File -append in Powershell does not produce a new line and breaks string into characters

Add-Content is default ASCII and add new line however Add-Content brings locked files issues too.

How to pass data using NotificationCenter in swift 3.0 and NSNotificationCenter in swift 2.0?

Hello @sahil I update your answer for swift 3

let imageDataDict:[String: UIImage] = ["image": image]

  // post a notification NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "notificationName"), object: nil, userInfo: imageDataDict) 
  // `default` is now a property, not a method call

 // Register to receive notification in your class
 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.showSpinningWheel(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "notificationName"), object: nil)

 // handle notification
 func showSpinningWheel(_ notification: NSNotification) {
        print(notification.userInfo ?? "")
        if let dict = notification.userInfo as NSDictionary? {
            if let id = dict["image"] as? UIImage{
                // do something with your image

Hope it's helpful. Thanks

How to align an input tag to the center without specifying the width?

To have text-align:center work you need to add that style to the #siteInfo div or wrap the input in a paragraph and add text-align:center to the paragraph.

Dynamically converting java object of Object class to a given class when class name is known

I think its pretty straight forward with reflection

MyClass mobj = MyClass.class.cast(obj);

and if class name is different

Object newObj = Class.forName(classname).cast(obj);

no pg_hba.conf entry for host

If you can change this line:

host    all        all        md5

With this:

host    all        all         all                   md5

You can see if this solves the problem.

But another consideration is your postgresql port(5432) is very open to password attacks with hackers (maybe they can brute force the password). You can change your postgresql port 5432 to '33333' or another value, so they can't know this configuration.

What is the difference between Nexus and Maven?

Whatever I understood from my learning and what I think it is is here. I am Quoting some part from a book i learnt this things. Nexus Repository Manager and Nexus Repository Manager OSS started as a repository manager supporting the Maven repository format. While it supports many other repository formats now, the Maven repository format is still the most common and well supported format for build and provisioning tools running on the JVM and beyond. This chapter shows example configurations for using the repository manager with Apache Maven and a number of other tools. The setups take advantage of merging many repositories and exposing them via a repository group. Setting this up is documented in the chapter in addition to the configuration used by specific tools.


Ansible: deploy on multiple hosts in the same time

By default Ansible will attempt to run on all hosts in parallel. See these Ansible docs for details. You can also use the serial parameter to limit the number of parallel hosts you want to be processed at any given time, so if you want to have a playbook run on just one host at a time you can specify serial:1, etc.

Ansible is designed so that each task will be run on all hosts before continuing on to the next task. So if you have 3 tasks it will ensure task 1 runs on all your hosts first, then task 2 is run, then task 3 is run. See this section of the Ansible docs for more details on this.

Python: How to remove empty lists from a list?

Adding to the answers above, Say you have a list of lists of the form:

theList = [['a','b',' '],[''],[''],['d','e','f','g'],['']]

and you want to take out the empty entries from each list as well as the empty lists you can do:

theList = [x for x in theList if x != ['']] #remove empty lists
for i in range(len(theList)):
    theList[i] = list(filter(None, theList[i])) #remove empty entries from the lists

Your new list will look like

theList = [['a','b'],['d','e','f','g']]

How to represent matrices in python

Python doesn't have matrices. You can use a list of lists or NumPy

How to find the type of an object in Go?

To get the type of fields in struct

package main

import (

type testObject struct {
  Name   string
  Age    int
  Height float64

func main() {
   tstObj := testObject{Name: "yog prakash", Age: 24, Height: 5.6}
   val := reflect.ValueOf(&tstObj).Elem()
   typeOfTstObj := val.Type()
   for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
       fieldType := val.Field(i)
       fmt.Printf("object field %d key=%s value=%v type=%s \n",
          i, typeOfTstObj.Field(i).Name, fieldType.Interface(),


object field 0 key=Name value=yog prakash type=string 
object field 1 key=Age value=24 type=int 
object field 2 key=Height value=5.6 type=float64

See in IDE

Remove leading zeros from a number in Javascript

We can use four methods for this conversion

  1. parseInt with radix 10
  2. Number Constructor
  3. Unary Plus Operator
  4. Using mathematical functions (subtraction)

const numString = "065";_x000D_
//parseInt with radix=10_x000D_
let number = parseInt(numString, 10);_x000D_
// Number constructor_x000D_
number = Number(numString);_x000D_
// unary plus operator_x000D_
number = +numString;_x000D_
// conversion using mathematical function (subtraction)_x000D_
number = numString - 0;_x000D_

Update(based on comments): Why doesn't this work on "large numbers"?

For the primitive type Number, the safest max value is 253-1(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).


Now, lets consider the number string '099999999999999999999' and try to convert it using the above methods

const numString = '099999999999999999999';_x000D_
let parsedNumber = parseInt(numString, 10);_x000D_
console.log(`parseInt(radix=10) result: ${parsedNumber}`);_x000D_
parsedNumber = Number(numString);_x000D_
console.log(`Number conversion result: ${parsedNumber}`);_x000D_
parsedNumber = +numString;_x000D_
console.log(`Appending Unary plus operator result: ${parsedNumber}`);_x000D_
parsedNumber = numString - 0;_x000D_
console.log(`Subtracting zero conversion result: ${parsedNumber}`);

All results will be incorrect.

That's because, when converted, the numString value is greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. i.e.,

99999999999999999999 > 9007199254740991

This means all operation performed with the assumption that the stringcan be converted to number type fails.

For numbers greater than 253, primitive BigInt has been added recently. Check browser compatibility of BigInthere.

The conversion code will be like this.

const numString = '099999999999999999999';
const number = BigInt(numString);

P.S: Why radix is important for parseInt?

If radix is undefined or 0 (or absent), JavaScript assumes the following:

  • If the input string begins with "0x" or "0X", radix is 16 (hexadecimal) and the remainder of the string is parsed
  • If the input string begins with "0", radix is eight (octal) or 10 (decimal)
  • If the input string begins with any other value, the radix is 10 (decimal)

Exactly which radix is chosen is implementation-dependent. ECMAScript 5 specifies that 10 (decimal) is used, but not all browsers support this yet.

For this reason, always specify a radix when using parseInt

AngularJS routing without the hash '#'

In Angular 6, with your router you can use:

RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: false })

Apply style to parent if it has child with css

It's not possible with CSS3. There is a proposed CSS4 selector, $, to do just that, which could look like this (Selecting the li element):

ul $li ul.sub { ... }

See the list of CSS4 Selectors here.

As an alternative, with jQuery, a one-liner you could make use of would be this:

$('ul li:has(ul.sub)').addClass('has_sub');

You could then go ahead and style the li.has_sub in your CSS.

How do I perform the SQL Join equivalent in MongoDB?

I think, if You need normalized data tables - You need to try some other database solutions.

But I've foun that sollution for MOngo on Git By the way, in inserts code - it has movie's name, but noi movie's ID.


You have a collection of Actors with an array of the Movies they've done.

You want to generate a collection of Movies with an array of Actors in each.

Some sample data

 db.actors.insert( { actor: "Richard Gere", movies: ['Pretty Woman', 'Runaway Bride', 'Chicago'] });
 db.actors.insert( { actor: "Julia Roberts", movies: ['Pretty Woman', 'Runaway Bride', 'Erin Brockovich'] });


We need to loop through each movie in the Actor document and emit each Movie individually.

The catch here is in the reduce phase. We cannot emit an array from the reduce phase, so we must build an Actors array inside of the "value" document that is returned.

The code
map = function() {
  for(var i in this.movies){
    key = { movie: this.movies[i] };
    value = { actors: [ ] };
    emit(key, value);

reduce = function(key, values) {
  actor_list = { actors: [] };
  for(var i in values) {
    actor_list.actors = values[i].actors.concat(actor_list.actors);
  return actor_list;

Notice how actor_list is actually a javascript object that contains an array. Also notice that map emits the same structure.

Run the following to execute the map / reduce, output it to the "pivot" collection and print the result:

printjson(db.actors.mapReduce(map, reduce, "pivot")); db.pivot.find().forEach(printjson);

Here is the sample output, note that "Pretty Woman" and "Runaway Bride" have both "Richard Gere" and "Julia Roberts".

{ "_id" : { "movie" : "Chicago" }, "value" : { "actors" : [ "Richard Gere" ] } }
{ "_id" : { "movie" : "Erin Brockovich" }, "value" : { "actors" : [ "Julia Roberts" ] } }
{ "_id" : { "movie" : "Pretty Woman" }, "value" : { "actors" : [ "Richard Gere", "Julia Roberts" ] } }
{ "_id" : { "movie" : "Runaway Bride" }, "value" : { "actors" : [ "Richard Gere", "Julia Roberts" ] } }

C++ create string of text and variables

See also boost::format:

#include <boost/format.hpp>

std::string var = (boost::format("somtext %s sometext %s") % somevar % somevar).str();

Find difference between timestamps in seconds in PostgreSQL


SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (timestamp_B - timestamp_A))

Details here: EXTRACT.

Hibernate Group by Criteria Object

You can use the approach @Ken Chan mentions, and add a single line of code after that if you want a specific list of Objects, example:

                    .add("someColumn", xxxxx))      

List<SomeClazz> objectList = (List<SomeClazz>) criteria.list();

How to echo out the values of this array?

The problem here is in your explode statement

//$item['date'] presumably = 20120514.  Do a print of this
$eventDate = trim($item['date']);

//This explodes on , but there is no , in $eventDate
//You also have a limit of 2 set in the below explode statement
$myarray = (explode(',', $eventDate, 2));

 //$myarray is currently = to '20'

 foreach ($myarray as $value) {
    //Now you are iterating through a string
    echo $value;

Try changing your initial $item['date'] to be 2012,04,30 if that's what you're trying to do. Otherwise I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to print.

Bash: Echoing a echo command with a variable in bash

The immediate problem is you have is with quoting: by using double quotes ("..."), your variable references are instantly expanded, which is probably not what you want.

Use single quotes instead - strings inside single quotes are not expanded or interpreted in any way by the shell.

(If you want selective expansion inside a string - i.e., expand some variable references, but not others - do use double quotes, but prefix the $ of references you do not want expanded with \; e.g., \$var).

However, you're better off using a single here-doc[ument], which allows you to create multi-line stdin input on the spot, bracketed by two instances of a self-chosen delimiter, the opening one prefixed by <<, and the closing one on a line by itself - starting at the very first column; search for Here Documents in man bash or at

If you quote the here-doc delimiter (EOF in the code below), variable references are also not expanded. As @chepner points out, you're free to choose the method of quoting in this case: enclose the delimiter in single quotes or double quotes, or even simply arbitrarily escape one character in the delimiter with \:

echo "creating new script file."

cat <<'EOF'  > "$servfile"
read -p "Please enter a service: " ser
servicetest=`getsebool -a | grep ${ser}` 
if [ $servicetest > /dev/null ]; then 
  echo "we are now going to work with ${ser}"
  exit 1

As @BruceK notes, you can prefix your here-doc delimiter with - (applied to this example: <<-"EOF") in order to have leading tabs stripped, allowing for indentation that makes the actual content of the here-doc easier to discern. Note, however, that this only works with actual tab characters, not leading spaces.

Employing this technique combined with the afterthoughts regarding the script's content below, we get (again, note that actual tab chars. must be used to lead each here-doc content line for them to get stripped):

cat <<-'EOF' > "$servfile"
    read -p "Please enter a service name: " ser
    if [[ -n $(getsebool -a | grep "${ser}") ]]; then 
      echo "We are now going to work with ${ser}."
      exit 1

Finally, note that in bash even normal single- or double-quoted strings can span multiple lines, but you won't get the benefits of tab-stripping or line-block scoping, as everything inside the quotes becomes part of the string.

Thus, note how in the following #!/bin/bash has to follow the opening ' immediately in order to become the first line of output:

echo '#!/bin/bash
read -p "Please enter a service: " ser
servicetest=$(getsebool -a | grep "${ser}")
if [[ -n $servicetest ]]; then 
  echo "we are now going to work with ${ser}"
  exit 1
fi' > "$servfile"

Afterthoughts regarding the contents of your script:

  • The syntax $(...) is preferred over `...` for command substitution nowadays.
  • You should double-quote ${ser} in the grep command, as the command will likely break if the value contains embedded spaces (alternatively, make sure that the valued read contains no spaces or other shell metacharacters).
  • Use [[ -n $servicetest ]] to test whether $servicetest is empty (or perform the command substitution directly inside the conditional) - [[ ... ]] - the preferred form in bash - protects you from breaking the conditional if the $servicetest happens to have embedded spaces; there's NEVER a need to suppress stdout output inside a conditional (whether [ ... ] or [[ ... ]], as no stdout output is passed through; thus, the > /dev/null is redundant (that said, with a command substitution inside a conditional, stderr output IS passed through).

500 internal server error, how to debug

You can turn on your PHP errors with error_reporting:

ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

Edit: It's possible that even after putting this, errors still don't show up. This can be caused if there is a fatal error in the script. From PHP Runtime Configuration:

Although display_errors may be set at runtime (with ini_set()), it won't have any affect if the script has fatal errors. This is because the desired runtime action does not get executed.

You should set display_errors = 1 in your php.ini file and restart the server.

Why does this SQL code give error 1066 (Not unique table/alias: 'user')?

You have mentioned "user" twice in your FROM clause. You must provide a table alias to at least one mention so each mention of user. can be pinned to one or the other instance:

FROM article INNER JOIN section
ON article.section_id =
INNER JOIN category ON article.category_id =
INNER JOIN user **AS user1** ON\_id = **user1**.id
LEFT JOIN user **AS user2** ON article.modified\_by = **user2**.id
WHERE = '1'

(You may need something different - I guessed which user is which, but the SQL engine won't guess.)

Also, maybe you only needed one "user". Who knows?

Addition for BigDecimal

BigDecimal demo = new BigDecimal(15);

It is immutable beacuse it internally store you input i.e (15) as final private final BigInteger intVal; and same concept use at the time of string creation every input finally store in private final char value[];.So there is no implmented bug.

Execute a command line binary with Node.js

If you don't mind a dependency and want to use promises, child-process-promise works:


npm install child-process-promise --save

exec Usage

var exec = require('child-process-promise').exec;

exec('echo hello')
    .then(function (result) {
        var stdout = result.stdout;
        var stderr = result.stderr;
        console.log('stdout: ', stdout);
        console.log('stderr: ', stderr);
    .catch(function (err) {
        console.error('ERROR: ', err);

spawn usage

var spawn = require('child-process-promise').spawn;

var promise = spawn('echo', ['hello']);

var childProcess = promise.childProcess;

console.log('[spawn] ',;
childProcess.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
    console.log('[spawn] stdout: ', data.toString());
childProcess.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
    console.log('[spawn] stderr: ', data.toString());

promise.then(function () {
        console.log('[spawn] done!');
    .catch(function (err) {
        console.error('[spawn] ERROR: ', err);

How to use the priority queue STL for objects?

We can define user defined comparator: .The code below can be helpful for you.

Code Snippet :

using namespace std;

struct man
  string name;
  int priority; 

class comparator
   bool operator()(const man& a, const man& b)
        return a.priority<b.priority;

int main()
   man arr[5];
   priority_queue<man, vector<man>, comparator> pq;

   for(int i=0; i<3; i++)

   while (!pq.empty())
     cout<<<<" "<<;
   return 0;

input :

batman 2
goku 9
mario 4


goku 9
mario 4
batman 2

PHP error: "The zip extension and unzip command are both missing, skipping."

PHP-ZIP needs some dependancies or library missing, depends on the image from Dockerfile you need to install them first

RUN set -eux \
   && apt-get update \
   && apt-get install -y libzip-dev zlib1g-dev \
   && docker-php-ext-install zip

How to print pthread_t

GDB uses the thread-id (aka kernel pid, aka LWP) for short numbers on Linux. Try:

  #include <syscall.h>

    printf("tid = %d\n", syscall(SYS_gettid));

Converting string format to datetime in mm/dd/yyyy


DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

Force re-download of release dependency using Maven

When you added it to X, you should have incremented X's version number i.e X-1.2
Then X-1.2 should have been installed/deployed and you should have changed your projects dependency on X to be dependent on the new version X-1.2

using batch echo with special characters

the escape character ^ also did not work for me. The single quotes worked for me (using ansible scripting)

shell: echo  '{{ jobid.content }}'


    "changed": true,
    "cmd": "echo  '<response status=\"success\" code=\"19\"><result><msg><line>query job enqueued with jobid 14447</line></msg><job>14447</job></result></response>'",
    "delta": "0:00:00.004943",
    "end": "2020-07-31 08:45:05.645672",
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "_raw_params": "echo  '<response status=\"success\" code=\"19\"><result><msg><line>query job enqueued with jobid 14447</line></msg><job>14447</job></result></response>'",
            "_uses_shell": true,
            "argv": null,
            "chdir": null,
            "creates": null,
            "executable": null,
            "removes": null,
            "stdin": null,
            "stdin_add_newline": true,
            "strip_empty_ends": true,
            "warn": true
    "rc": 0,
    "start": "2020-07-31 08:45:05.640729",
    "stderr": "",
    "stderr_lines": [],
    "stdout": "<response status=\"success\" code=\"19\"><result><msg><line>query job enqueued with jobid 14447</line></msg><job>14447</job></result></response>",
    "stdout_lines": [
        "<response status=\"success\" code=\"19\"><result><msg><line>query job enqueued with jobid 14447</line></msg><job>14447</job></result></response>"

Using IF..ELSE in UPDATE (SQL server 2005 and/or ACCESS 2007)

Yes you can use CASE

UPDATE table 
SET columnB = CASE fieldA 
        WHEN columnA=1 THEN 'x' 
        WHEN columnA=2 THEN 'y' 
        ELSE 'z' 
WHERE columnC = 1

Chart.js v2 hide dataset labels

It's just as simple as adding this: legend: { display: false, }

// Or if you want you could use this other option which should also work: = false;

How to create a readonly textbox in ASP.NET MVC3 Razor

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.IsActive, new { readonly= "readonly" })

This is just fine for text box. However, if you try to do same for the checkbox then try using this if you are using it:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.IsActive, new { onclick = "return false" })

But don't use disable, because disable always sends the default value false to the server - either it was in the checked or unchecked state. And the readonly does not work for checkbox and radio button. readonly only works for text fields.

How to move a git repository into another directory and make that directory a git repository?

To do this without any headache:

  1. Check out what's the current branch in the gitrepo1 with git status, let's say branch "development".
  2. Change directory to the newrepo, then git clone the project from repository.
  3. Switch branch in newrepo to the previous one: git checkout development.
  4. Syncronize newrepo with the older one, gitrepo1 using rsync, excluding .git folder: rsync -azv --exclude '.git' gitrepo1 newrepo/gitrepo1. You don't have to do this with rsync of course, but it does it so smooth.

The benefit of this approach: you are good to continue exactly where you left off: your older branch, unstaged changes, etc.

Image vs zImage vs uImage

What is the difference between them?

Image: the generic Linux kernel binary image file.

zImage: a compressed version of the Linux kernel image that is self-extracting.

uImage: an image file that has a U-Boot wrapper (installed by the mkimage utility) that includes the OS type and loader information.
A very common practice (e.g. the typical Linux kernel Makefile) is to use a zImage file. Since a zImage file is self-extracting (i.e. needs no external decompressors), the wrapper would indicate that this kernel is "not compressed" even though it actually is.

Note that the author/maintainer of U-Boot considers the (widespread) use of using a zImage inside a uImage questionable:

Actually it's pretty stupid to use a zImage inside an uImage. It is much better to use normal (uncompressed) kernel image, compress it using just gzip, and use this as poayload for mkimage. This way U-Boot does the uncompresiong instead of including yet another uncompressor with each kernel image.

(quoted from

Which type of kernel image do I have to use?

You could choose whatever you want to program for.
For economy of storage, you should probably chose a compressed image over the uncompressed one.
Beware that executing the kernel (presumably the Linux kernel) involves more than just loading the kernel image into memory. Depending on the architecture (e.g. ARM) and the Linux kernel version (e.g. with or without DTB), there are registers and memory buffers that may have to be prepared for the kernel. In one instance there was also hardware initialization that U-Boot performed that had to be replicated.


I know that u-boot needs a kernel in uImage format.

That is accurate for all versions of U-Boot which only have the bootm command.
But more recent versions of U-Boot could also have the bootz command that can boot a zImage.

How to get the current branch name in Git?

I have a simple script called git-cbr (current branch) which prints out the current branch name.


git branch | grep -e "^*"

I put this script in a custom folder (~/.bin). The folder is in $PATH.

So now when I'm in a git repo, I just simply type git cbr to print out the current branch name.

$ git cbr
* master

This works because the git command takes its first argument and tries to run a script that goes by the name of git-arg1. For instance, git branch tries to run a script called git-branch, etc.

Java Multiple Inheritance

  1. Define interfaces for defining the capabilities. You can define multiple interfaces for multiple capabilities. These capabilities can be implemented by specific Animal or Bird.
  2. Use inheritance to establish relationships among classes by sharing non-static and non-public data/methods.
  3. Use Decorator_pattern to add capabilities dynamically. This will allow you to reduce number of inheritance classes & combinations.

Have a look at below example for better understanding

When to Use the Decorator Pattern?

Uninstall Node.JS using Linux command line?

This is better to remove NodeJS and its modules manually because installation leaves a lot of files, links and modules behind and later it create problems while we reconfigure another version of NodeJS and its modules. Run the following commands.

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/npm /usr/local/share/man/man1/node* /usr/local/lib/dtrace/node.d ~/.npm ~/.node-gyp /opt/local/bin/node opt/local/include/node /opt/local/lib/node_modules 

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node*     
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/include/node*         
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/node*

and this done.

A step by step guide with commands is at

This helped me resolve my problem.

php delete a single file in directory

The script you downloaded lists the content of a specified folder. You probably put the unlink - call in one of the while-loops that list the files.

EDIT - Now that you posted your code:

echo '<a href="'.unlink($FileLink).'"><img src="images/icons/delete.gif"></a></td>';

Doing this calls the unlink-function each time the line is written, deleting your file. You have to write a link to a script that contains a delete function and pass some parameter that tells your script what to delete.


<a href="/path/to/script.php?delete='. $FileLink .'">delete</a>

You should not pass the path to a file this script and just delete it though, because malevolent being might use it to just delete everything or do other evil things.

How to convert interface{} to string?

You need to add type assertion .(string). It is necessary because the map is of type map[string]interface{}:

host := arguments["<host>"].(string) + ":" + arguments["<port>"].(string)

Latest version of Docopt returns Opts object that has methods for conversion:

host, err := arguments.String("<host>")
port, err := arguments.String("<port>")
host_port := host + ":" + port

Error: unmappable character for encoding UTF8 during maven compilation

I too faced a similar issue and my resolution was different. I went to the line of code mentioned and traversed to the character (For[31, 81], go to 31st line and 81th character including spaces). I observed an apostrophe in comment which was causing the issue. Though not a mistake, the maven compiler reports issue and in my case it was possible to remove maven's 'illegal' character.. lol.

Why am I not getting a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in this example?

Check your code man....

In the main method you are trying to remove the 4th element which is not there and hence the error. In the remove() method you are trying to remove the 3rd element which is there and hence no error.

'xmlParseEntityRef: no name' warnings while loading xml into a php file

This is in deed due to characters messing around with the data. Using htmlentities($yourText) worked for me (I had html code inside the xml document). See

Refreshing all the pivot tables in my excel workbook with a macro

In certain circumstances you might want to differentiate between a PivotTable and its PivotCache. The Cache has it's own refresh method and its own collections. So we could have refreshed all the PivotCaches instead of the PivotTables.

The difference? When you create a new Pivot Table you are asked if you want it based on a previous table. If you say no, this Pivot Table gets its own cache and doubles the size of the source data. If you say yes, you keep your WorkBook small, but you add to a collection of Pivot Tables that share a single cache. The entire collection gets refreshed when you refresh any single Pivot Table in that collection. You can imagine therefore what the difference might be between refreshing every cache in the WorkBook, compared to refreshing every Pivot Table in the WorkBook.

Why does JSHint throw a warning if I am using const?

If using Sublime Text 3:

  • Go to Preferences -> Settings
  • Under Preferences.sublime-settings—User add "esversion": 6

Call a stored procedure with another in Oracle

Calling one procedure from another procedure:

One for a normal procedure:

/*  BODY */

Calling procedure SP_1 from SP_2:


Call a procedure with REFCURSOR or output cursor:

) AS
/*BODY */

Call the procedure SP_1 which will return the REFCURSOR as an output parameter

) AS `enter code here`

How would I run an async Task<T> method synchronously?

Surprised no one mentioned this:

public Task<int> BlahAsync()
    // ...

int result = BlahAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

Not as pretty as some of the other methods here, but it has the following benefits:

  • it doesn't swallow exceptions (like Wait)
  • it won't wrap any exceptions thrown in an AggregateException (like Result)
  • works for both Task and Task<T> (try it out yourself!)

Also, since GetAwaiter is duck-typed, this should work for any object that is returned from an async method (like ConfiguredAwaitable or YieldAwaitable), not just Tasks.

edit: Please note that it's possible for this approach (or using .Result) to deadlock, unless you make sure to add .ConfigureAwait(false) every time you await, for all async methods that can possibly be reached from BlahAsync() (not just ones it calls directly). Explanation.

// In BlahAsync() body
await FooAsync(); // BAD!
await FooAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // Good... but make sure FooAsync() and
                                        // all its descendants use ConfigureAwait(false)
                                        // too. Then you can be sure that
                                        // BlahAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult()
                                        // won't deadlock.

If you're too lazy to add .ConfigureAwait(false) everywhere, and you don't care about performance you can alternatively do

Task.Run(() => BlahAsync()).GetAwaiter().GetResult()

HTML to PDF with Node.js

For those who don't want to install PhantomJS along with an instance of Chrome/Firefox on their server - or because the PhantomJS project is currently suspended, here's an alternative.

You can externalize the conversions to APIs to do the job. Many exists and varies but what you'll get is a reliable service with up-to-date features (I'm thinking CSS3, Web fonts, SVG, Canvas compatible).

For instance, with PDFShift (disclaimer, I'm the founder), you can do this simply by using the request package:

const request = require('request')
        'auth': {'user': 'your_api_key'},
        'json': {'source': ''},
        'encoding': null
    (error, response, body) => {
        if (response === undefined) {
            return reject({'message': 'Invalid response from the server.', 'code': 0, 'response': response})
        if (response.statusCode == 200) {
            // Do what you want with `body`, that contains the binary PDF
            // Like returning it to the client - or saving it as a file locally or on AWS S3
            return True

        // Handle any errors that might have occured

phpexcel to download


SET IN $xlsName name from XLSX with extension. Example: $xlsName = 'teste.xlsx';

$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');
header('Content-Type: application/');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$xlsName.'"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');


SET IN $xlsName name from XLS with extension. Example: $xlsName = 'teste.xls';

$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
header('Content-Type: application/');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$xlsName.'"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');

How to add a tooltip to an svg graphic?

On svg, the right way to write the title

  <title id="unique-id">Checkout</title>

check here for more details

How to use cURL to get jSON data and decode the data?

Use this function: This will automatically create PHP arrays.

The listener supports no services

You need to add your ORACLE_HOME definition in your listener.ora file. Right now its not registered with any ORACLE_HOME.

Sample listener.ora

abc =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

SID_LIST_abc =
    (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME= /abc/DbTier/11.2.0)
      (SID_NAME = abc)

Float sum with javascript

(parseFloat('2.3') + parseFloat('2.4')).toFixed(1);

its going to give you solution i suppose

span with onclick event inside a tag

use onmouseup

try something like this

        <script type="text/javascript">
        function hide(){

        <a href="page" style="text-decoration:none;display:block;">
        <span   onmouseup="hide()" id="span_hide">Hide me</span>


        <script type="text/javascript">
         $("a").click(function () { 
         $(this).fadeTo("fast", .5).removeAttr("href"); 
        function hide(){

        <a href="page.html" style="text-decoration:none;display:block;" onclick="return false" >
        <span   onmouseup="hide()" id="span_hide">Hide me</span>

Python Anaconda - How to Safely Uninstall

rm -rf ~/anaconda3

It was enough

How to crop an image in OpenCV using Python

Below is the way to crop an image.

image_path: The path to the image to edit

coords: A tuple of x/y coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2)[open the image in mspaint and check the "ruler" in view tab to see the coordinates]

saved_location: Path to save the cropped image

from PIL import Image
    def crop(image_path, coords, saved_location:
        image_obj ="Path of the image to be cropped")
            cropped_image = image_obj.crop(coords)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    image = "image.jpg"
    crop(image, (100, 210, 710,380 ), 'cropped.jpg')

How to use a keypress event in AngularJS?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
Informe your name:<input type="text" ng-model="pergunta" ng-keypress="pressionou_enter($event)" ></input> 
<button ng-click="chamar()">submit</button>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
//create a service mitsuplik
app.service('mitsuplik', function() {
    this.myFunc = function (parametro) {
        var tmp = ""; 
        for (var x=0;x<parametro.length;x++)
            tmp = parametro.substring(x,x+1) + tmp;
        return tmp;
//Calling our service
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, mitsuplik) { 
  $scope.chamar = function() { 
        $scope.resposta = mitsuplik.myFunc($scope.pergunta); 
  //if mitsuplik press [ENTER], execute too
  $scope.pressionou_enter = function(keyEvent) {
             if (keyEvent.which === 13) 


Diff files present in two different directories

You can use the diff command for that:

diff -bur folder1/ folder2/

This will output a recursive diff that ignore spaces, with a unified context:

  • b flag means ignoring whitespace
  • u flag means a unified context (3 lines before and after)
  • r flag means recursive

RegEx - Match Numbers of Variable Length


try adding plus(es)

WCF Service , how to increase the timeout?

Got the same error recently but was able to fixed it by ensuring to close every wcf client call. eg.

WCFServiceClient client = new WCFServiceClient ();
//More codes here
// Always close the client.


using(WCFServiceClient client = new WCFServiceClient ())
    //More codes here 

How do I disable the resizable property of a textarea?

I have created a small demo to show how resize properties work. I hope it will help you and others as well.

.resizeable {_x000D_
  resize: both;_x000D_
.noResizeable {_x000D_
  resize: none;_x000D_
.resizeable_V {_x000D_
  resize: vertical;_x000D_
.resizeable_H {_x000D_
  resize: horizontal;_x000D_
<textarea class="resizeable" rows="5" cols="20" name="resizeable" title="This is Resizable.">_x000D_
This is Resizable. Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type specimen book._x000D_
<textarea class="noResizeable" rows="5" title="This will not Resizable. " cols="20" name="resizeable">_x000D_
This will not Resizable. Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type specimen book._x000D_
<textarea class="resizeable_V" title="This is Vertically Resizable." rows="5" cols="20" name="resizeable">_x000D_
This is Vertically Resizable. Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type specimen book._x000D_
<textarea class="resizeable_H" title="This is Horizontally Resizable." rows="5" cols="20" name="resizeable">_x000D_
This is Horizontally Resizable. Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type specimen book._x000D_

Working around MySQL error "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"

The idea of retrying the query in case of Deadlock exception is good, but it can be terribly slow, since mysql query will keep waiting for locks to be released. And incase of deadlock mysql is trying to find if there is any deadlock, and even after finding out that there is a deadlock, it waits a while before kicking out a thread in order to get out from deadlock situation.

What I did when I faced this situation is to implement locking in your own code, since it is the locking mechanism of mysql is failing due to a bug. So I implemented my own row level locking in my java code:

private HashMap<String, Object> rowIdToRowLockMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
private final Object hashmapLock = new Object();
public void handleShortCode(Integer rowId)
    Object lock = null;
      lock = rowIdToRowLockMap.get(rowId);
      if (lock == null)
          rowIdToRowLockMap.put(rowId, lock = new Object());
    synchronized (lock)
        // Execute your queries on row by row id

On Selenium WebDriver how to get Text from Span Tag

String kk = wd.findElement(By.xpath(//*[@id='customSelect_3']/div[1]/span));



initialize a vector to zeros C++/C++11

You don't need initialization lists for that:

std::vector<int> vector1(length, 0);
std::vector<double> vector2(length, 0.0);

c# - approach for saving user settings in a WPF application?

You can store your settings info as Strings of XML in the Settings.Default. Create some classes to store your configuration data and make sure they are [Serializable]. Then, with the following helpers, you can serialize instances of these objects--or List<T> (or arrays T[], etc.) of them--to String. Store each of these various strings in its own respective Settings.Default slot in your WPF application's Settings.

To recover the objects the next time the app starts, read the Settings string of interest and Deserialize to the expected type T (which this time must be explcitly specified as a type argument to Deserialize<T>).

public static String Serialize<T>(T t)
    using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
    using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw))
        new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)).Serialize(xw, t);
        return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

public static T Deserialize<T>(String s_xml)
    using (XmlReader xw = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(s_xml)))
        return (T)new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)).Deserialize(xw);

How do I change the font-size of an <option> element within <select>?

.service-small option {
    font-size: 14px;
    padding: 5px;
    background: #5c5c5c;

I think it because you used .styled-select in start of the class code.

How can I change the size of a Bootstrap checkbox?

  /* Double-sized Checkboxes */
  -ms-transform: scale(2); /* IE */
  -moz-transform: scale(2); /* FF */
  -webkit-transform: scale(2); /* Safari and Chrome */
  -o-transform: scale(2); /* Opera */
  padding: 10px;

Branch from a previous commit using Git

To do this on

  1. Go to your project.
  2. Click on the "Commits".
  3. Click on the <> ("Browse the repository at this point in the history") on the commit you want to branch from.
  4. Click on the "tree: xxxxxx" up in the upper left. Just below the language statistics bar, you'll get the option to "Find or Create Branch" (just type in a new branch name there) Branch from previous commit

Pure CSS to make font-size responsive based on dynamic amount of characters

This solution might also help :

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(window).resize(function() {
        if ($(window).width() < 600) {
            $('body').css('font-size', '2.8vw' );
        } else if ($(window).width() >= 600 && $(window).width() < 750) {
            $('body').css('font-size', '2.4vw');
         // and so on... (according to our needs)
        } else if ($(window).width() >= 1200) {
            $('body').css('font-size', '1.2vw');

It worked for me well !

Create dynamic URLs in Flask with url_for()


Pass function name and argument.

<a href="{{ url_for('get_blog_post',id =}}">{{blog.title}}</a>


def get_blog_post(id):
    return id

How to connect to a MySQL Data Source in Visual Studio

unfortunately this is not supported in the builtin tools in visual studio. however, you can create your own data provider using mysql connector but still have to integrate it from code

How to create a stopwatch using JavaScript?

A simple and easy clock for you and don't forget me ;)

var x;_x000D_
var startstop = 0;_x000D_
function startStop() { /* Toggle StartStop */_x000D_
  startstop = startstop + 1;_x000D_
  if (startstop === 1) {_x000D_
    document.getElementById("start").innerHTML = "Stop";_x000D_
  } else if (startstop === 2) {_x000D_
    document.getElementById("start").innerHTML = "Start";_x000D_
    startstop = 0;_x000D_
function start() {_x000D_
  x = setInterval(timer, 10);_x000D_
} /* Start */_x000D_
function stop() {_x000D_
} /* Stop */_x000D_
var milisec = 0;_x000D_
var sec = 0; /* holds incrementing value */_x000D_
var min = 0;_x000D_
var hour = 0;_x000D_
/* Contains and outputs returned value of  function checkTime */_x000D_
var miliSecOut = 0;_x000D_
var secOut = 0;_x000D_
var minOut = 0;_x000D_
var hourOut = 0;_x000D_
/* Output variable End */_x000D_
function timer() {_x000D_
  /* Main Timer */_x000D_
  miliSecOut = checkTime(milisec);_x000D_
  secOut = checkTime(sec);_x000D_
  minOut = checkTime(min);_x000D_
  hourOut = checkTime(hour);_x000D_
  milisec = ++milisec;_x000D_
  if (milisec === 100) {_x000D_
    milisec = 0;_x000D_
    sec = ++sec;_x000D_
  if (sec == 60) {_x000D_
    min = ++min;_x000D_
    sec = 0;_x000D_
  if (min == 60) {_x000D_
    min = 0;_x000D_
    hour = ++hour;_x000D_
  document.getElementById("milisec").innerHTML = miliSecOut;_x000D_
  document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML = secOut;_x000D_
  document.getElementById("min").innerHTML = minOut;_x000D_
  document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML = hourOut;_x000D_
/* Adds 0 when value is <10 */_x000D_
function checkTime(i) {_x000D_
  if (i < 10) {_x000D_
    i = "0" + i;_x000D_
  return i;_x000D_
function reset() {_x000D_
  milisec = 0;_x000D_
  sec = 0;_x000D_
  min = 0_x000D_
  hour = 0;_x000D_
  document.getElementById("milisec").innerHTML = "00";_x000D_
  document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML = "00";_x000D_
  document.getElementById("min").innerHTML = "00";_x000D_
  document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML = "00";_x000D_
  <span id="hour">00</span> :_x000D_
  <span id="min">00</span> :_x000D_
  <span id="sec">00</span> :_x000D_
  <span id="milisec">00</span>_x000D_
<button onclick="startStop()" id="start">Start</button>_x000D_
<button onclick="reset()">Reset</button>

jQuery: enabling/disabling datepicker


did the trick for me !!

where is gacutil.exe?

On Windows 2012 R2, you can't install Visual Studio or SDK. You can use powershell to register assemblies into GAC. It didn't need any special installation for me.

Set-location "C:\Temp"
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
$publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish

If you need to get the name and PublicKeyToken see this question.

Java IOException "Too many open files"

On Linux and other UNIX / UNIX-like platforms, the OS places a limit on the number of open file descriptors that a process may have at any given time. In the old days, this limit used to be hardwired1, and relatively small. These days it is much larger (hundreds / thousands), and subject to a "soft" per-process configurable resource limit. (Look up the ulimit shell builtin ...)

Your Java application must be exceeding the per-process file descriptor limit.

You say that you have 19 files open, and that after a few hundred times you get an IOException saying "too many files open". Now this particular exception can ONLY happen when a new file descriptor is requested; i.e. when you are opening a file (or a pipe or a socket). You can verify this by printing the stacktrace for the IOException.

Unless your application is being run with a small resource limit (which seems unlikely), it follows that it must be repeatedly opening files / sockets / pipes, and failing to close them. Find out why that is happening and you should be able to figure out what to do about it.

FYI, the following pattern is a safe way to write to files that is guaranteed not to leak file descriptors.

Writer w = new FileWriter(...);
try {
    // write stuff to the file
} finally {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        // Log error writing file and bail out.

1 - Hardwired, as in compiled into the kernel. Changing the number of available fd slots required a recompilation ... and could result in less memory being available for other things. In the days when Unix commonly ran on 16-bit machines, these things really mattered.


The Java 7 way is more concise:

try (Writer w = new FileWriter(...)) {
    // write stuff to the file
} // the `w` resource is automatically closed 


Apparently you can also encounter a "too many files open" while attempting to run an external program. The basic cause is as described above. However, the reason that you encounter this in exec(...) is that the JVM is attempting to create "pipe" file descriptors that will be connected to the external application's standard input / output / error.

Read int values from a text file in C

A simple solution using fscanf:

void read_ints (const char* file_name)
  FILE* file = fopen (file_name, "r");
  int i = 0;

  fscanf (file, "%d", &i);    
  while (!feof (file))
      printf ("%d ", i);
      fscanf (file, "%d", &i);      
  fclose (file);        

Angular 2 Routing run in new tab

This seems a little confused.

Opening your application in another window or tab will require your entire application to be re-bootstrapped, and then for your router to... pick up that url, convert it into a route, and load the appropriate component.

This is exactly what will happen if you just use a link instead. In fact, that's all that's happening.

The point of the router is to swap components in and out of your router-outlet, which is something that's been bootstrapped and exists within the confines of your running application and isn't shared across multiple windows.

Python PDF library

Reportlab. There is an open source version, and a paid version which adds the Report Markup Language (an alternative method of defining your document).

SQL Server: How to check if CLR is enabled?

This is @Jason's answer but with simplified output

SELECT name, CASE WHEN value = 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS 'Enabled'
FROM sys.configurations WHERE name = 'clr enabled'

The above returns the following:

| name        | Enabled |
| clr enabled | YES     |

Tested on SQL Server 2017

fatal: could not read Username for '': No such file or directory

For those getting this error in a Jenkins pipeline, it can be fixed by using an SSH Agent plugin. Then wrap your git commands in something like this:

sshagent(['my-ssh-key']) {
    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/reponame.git
    sh 'git push origin branch_name'

mysql: SOURCE error 2?

Just use the absolute path of the file and then, instead of using backslashes, use forward slashes.


with backslashes : source C:\folder1\metropolises.sql
with forward slashes : source C:/folder1/metropolises.sql

How to make div fixed after you scroll to that div?

This is possible with CSS3. Just use position: sticky, as seen here.

position: -webkit-sticky; /* Safari & IE */
position: sticky;
top: 0;

XPath: select text node

Having the following XML:


How do I select either the first or the second text node via XPath?



This selects all text-node children of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the first text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the second text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document.


This selects the someInteger-th text-node child of the top element (named "node") of the XML document. It is equivalent to the following XPath expression:

/node/text()[position() = someInteger]

Boolean operators && and ||

The shorter ones are vectorized, meaning they can return a vector, like this:

((-2:2) >= 0) & ((-2:2) <= 0)

The longer form evaluates left to right examining only the first element of each vector, so the above gives

((-2:2) >= 0) && ((-2:2) <= 0)
# [1] FALSE

As the help page says, this makes the longer form "appropriate for programming control-flow and [is] typically preferred in if clauses."

So you want to use the long forms only when you are certain the vectors are length one.

You should be absolutely certain your vectors are only length 1, such as in cases where they are functions that return only length 1 booleans. You want to use the short forms if the vectors are length possibly >1. So if you're not absolutely sure, you should either check first, or use the short form and then use all and any to reduce it to length one for use in control flow statements, like if.

The functions all and any are often used on the result of a vectorized comparison to see if all or any of the comparisons are true, respectively. The results from these functions are sure to be length 1 so they are appropriate for use in if clauses, while the results from the vectorized comparison are not. (Though those results would be appropriate for use in ifelse.

One final difference: the && and || only evaluate as many terms as they need to (which seems to be what is meant by short-circuiting). For example, here's a comparison using an undefined value a; if it didn't short-circuit, as & and | don't, it would give an error.

# Error: object 'a' not found
TRUE || a
# [1] TRUE
FALSE && a
# [1] FALSE
TRUE | a
# Error: object 'a' not found
# Error: object 'a' not found

Finally, see section 8.2.17 in The R Inferno, titled "and and andand".

How Connect to remote host from Aptana Studio 3

From the Project Explorer, expand the project you want to hook up to a remote site (or just right click and create a new Web project that's empty if you just want to explore a remote site from there). There's a "Connections" node, right click it and select "Add New connection...". A dialog will appear, at bottom you can select the destination as Remote and then click the "New..." button. There you can set up an FTP/FTPS/SFTP connection.

That's how you set up a connection that's tied to a project, typically for upload/download/sync between it and a project.

You can also do Window > Show View > Remote. From that view, you can click the globe icon in the upper right to add connections and in this view you can just browse your remote connections.

How to use onClick() or onSelect() on option tag in a JSP page?

Change onClick() from with onChange() in the . You can send the option value to a javascript function.

<select id="selector" onChange="doSomething(document.getElementById(this).options[document.getElementById(this).selectedIndex].value);"> 
<option value="option1"> Option1 </option>
<option value="option2"> Option2 </option>
<option value="optionN"> OptionN </option>

ES6 Map in Typescript

How do I declare an ES6 Map type in typescript?

You need to target --module es6. This is misfortunate and you can raise your concern here :

javascript - Create Simple Dynamic Array

I had a similar problem and a solution I found (forgot where I found it) is this:

Array.from(Array(mynumber), (val, index) => index + 1)

pop/remove items out of a python tuple

There is a simple but practical solution.

As DSM said, tuples are immutable, but we know Lists are mutable. So if you change a tuple to a list, it will be mutable. Then you can delete the items by the condition, then after changing the type to a tuple again. That’s it.

Please look at the codes below:

tuplex = list(tuplex)
for x in tuplex:
  if (condition):
tuplex = tuple(tuplex)

For example, the following procedure will delete all even numbers from a given tuple.

tuplex = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
tuplex = list(tuplex)
for x in tuplex:
  if (x % 2 == 0):
tuplex = tuple(tuplex)

if you test the type of the last tuplex, you will find it is a tuple.

Finally, if you want to define an index counter as you did (i.e., n), you should initialize it before the loop, not in the loop.

Remove border from buttons

I was having the same problem and even though I was styling my button in CSS it would never pick up the border:none but what worked was adding a style directly on the input button like so:

<div style="text-align:center;">
    <input type="submit" class="SubmitButtonClass" style="border:none;" value="" />

how to delete default values in text field using selenium?

clear() didn't work for me. But this did:

input.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL, Keys.chord("a")); //select all text in textbox
input.sendKeys(Keys.BACK_SPACE); //delete it
input.sendKeys("new text"); //enter new text

How to check if an array element exists?

You can also use array_keys for number of occurrences

$i=count(array_keys($array, 6));
 echo "Element exists in Array";

How do I convert from stringstream to string in C++?

From memory, you call stringstream::str() to get the std::string value out.

Using pointer to char array, values in that array can be accessed?

Your should create ptr as follows:

char *ptr;

You have created ptr as an array of pointers to chars. The above creates a single pointer to a char.

Edit: complete code should be:

char *ptr;
char arr[5] = {'a','b','c','d','e'};
ptr = arr;
printf("\nvalue:%c", *(ptr+0));

Javascript: Load an Image from url and display

Add a div with ID imgDiv and make your script

 document.getElementById('imgDiv').innerHTML='<img src=\''+document.getElementById('imagename').value +'.png\'>'

I tried to stay as close to your original as tp not overwhelm you with jQuery and such

how to format date in Component of angular 5

You can find more information about the date pipe here, such as formats.

If you want to use it in your component, you can simply do

pipe = new DatePipe('en-US'); // Use your own locale

Now, you can simply use its transform method, which will be

const now =;
const myFormattedDate = this.pipe.transform(now, 'short');