Programs & Examples On #Peekmessage

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@YAHXZ)

Solution for me is: I clean both the solution and the project. And just rebuild the project. This error happens because I tried to delete the main file (only keep library files) in the previous build so at the current build the old stuff is still kept in the built directory. That's why unresolved things happened. "unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@YAHXZ) "

What is the difference between cssSelector & Xpath and which is better with respect to performance for cross browser testing?

I’m going to hold the unpopular on SO selenium tag opinion that XPath is preferable to CSS in the longer run.

This long post has two sections - first I'll put a back-of-the-napkin proof the performance difference between the two is 0.1-0.3 milliseconds (yes; that's 100 microseconds), and then I'll share my opinion why XPath is more powerful.

Performance difference

Let's first tackle "the elephant in the room" – that xpath is slower than css.

With the current cpu power (read: anything x86 produced since 2013), even on browserstack/saucelabs/aws VMs, and the development of the browsers (read: all the popular ones in the last 5 years) that is hardly the case. The browser's engines have developed, the support of xpath is uniform, IE is out of the picture (hopefully for most of us). This comparison in the other answer is being cited all over the place, but it is very contextual – how many are running – or care about – automation against IE8?

If there is a difference, it is in a fraction of a millisecond.

Yet, most higher-level frameworks add at least 1ms of overhead over the raw selenium call anyways (wrappers, handlers, state storing etc); my personal weapon of choice – RobotFramework – adds at least 2ms, which I am more than happy to sacrifice for what it provides. A network roundtrip from an AWS us-east-1 to BrowserStack's hub is usually 11 milliseconds.

So with remote browsers if there is a difference between xpath and css, it is overshadowed by everything else, in orders of magnitude.

The measurements

There are not that many public comparisons (I've really seen only the cited one), so – here's a rough single-case, dummy and simple one.
It will locate an element by the two strategies X times, and compare the average time for that.

The target – BrowserStack's landing page, and its "Sign Up" button; a screenshot of the html as writing this post:

enter image description here

Here's the test code (python):

from selenium import webdriver
import timeit

if __name__ == '__main__':

    xpath_locator = '//div[@class="button-section col-xs-12 row"]'
    css_locator = 'div.button-section.col-xs-12.row'

    repetitions = 1000

    driver = webdriver.Chrome()

    css_time = timeit.timeit("driver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_locator)", 
                             number=repetitions, globals=globals())
    xpath_time = timeit.timeit('driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath_locator)', 
                             number=repetitions, globals=globals())


    print("css total time {} repeats: {:.2f}s, per find: {:.2f}ms".
          format(repetitions, css_time, (css_time/repetitions)*1000))
    print("xpath total time for {} repeats: {:.2f}s, per find: {:.2f}ms".
          format(repetitions, xpath_time, (xpath_time/repetitions)*1000))

For those not familiar with Python – it opens the page, and finds the element – first with the css locator, then with the xpath; the find operation is repeated 1,000 times. The output is the total time in seconds for the 1,000 repetitions, and average time for one find in milliseconds.

The locators are:

  • for xpath – "a div element having this exact class value, somewhere in the DOM";
  • the css is similar – "a div element with this class, somewhere in the DOM".

Deliberately chosen not to be over-tuned; also, the class selector is cited for the css as "the second fastest after an id".

The environment – Chrome v66.0.3359.139, chromedriver v2.38, cpu: ULV Core M-5Y10 usually running at 1.5GHz (yes, a "word-processing" one, not even a regular i7 beast).

Here's the output:

css total time 1000 repeats: 8.84s, per find: 8.84ms

xpath total time for 1000 repeats: 8.52s, per find: 8.52ms

Obviously the per find timings are pretty close; the difference is 0.32 milliseconds. Don't jump "the xpath is faster" – sometimes it is, sometimes it's css.

Let's try with another set of locators, a tiny-bit more complicated – an attribute having a substring (common approach at least for me, going after an element's class when a part of it bears functional meaning):

xpath_locator = '//div[contains(@class, "button-section")]'
css_locator = 'div[class~=button-section]'

The two locators are again semantically the same – "find a div element having in its class attribute this substring".
Here are the results:

css total time 1000 repeats: 8.60s, per find: 8.60ms

xpath total time for 1000 repeats: 8.75s, per find: 8.75ms

Diff of 0.15ms.

As an exercise - the same test as done in the linked blog in the comments/other answer - the test page is public, and so is the testing code.

They are doing a couple of things in the code - clicking on a column to sort by it, then getting the values, and checking the UI sort is correct.
I'll cut it - just get the locators, after all - this is the root test, right?

The same code as above, with these changes in:

  • The url is now; there are 2 tests.

  • The locators for the first one - "Finding Elements By ID and Class" - are:

css_locator = '#table2 tbody .dues'
xpath_locator = "//table[@id='table2']//tr/td[contains(@class,'dues')]"

And here is the outcome:

css total time 1000 repeats: 8.24s, per find: 8.24ms

xpath total time for 1000 repeats: 8.45s, per find: 8.45ms

Diff of 0.2 milliseconds.

The "Finding Elements By Traversing":

css_locator = '#table1 tbody tr td:nth-of-type(4)'
xpath_locator = "//table[@id='table1']//tr/td[4]"

The result:

css total time 1000 repeats: 9.29s, per find: 9.29ms

xpath total time for 1000 repeats: 8.79s, per find: 8.79ms

This time it is 0.5 ms (in reverse, xpath turned out "faster" here).

So 5 years later (better browsers engines) and focusing only on the locators performance (no actions like sorting in the UI, etc), the same testbed - there is practically no difference between CSS and XPath.

So, out of xpath and css, which of the two to choose for performance? The answer is simple – choose locating by id.

Long story short, if the id of an element is unique (as it's supposed to be according to the specs), its value plays an important role in the browser's internal representation of the DOM, and thus is usually the fastest.

Yet, unique and constant (e.g. not auto-generated) ids are not always available, which brings us to "why XPath if there's CSS?"

The XPath advantage

With the performance out of the picture, why do I think xpath is better? Simple – versatility, and power.

Xpath is a language developed for working with XML documents; as such, it allows for much more powerful constructs than css.
For example, navigation in every direction in the tree – find an element, then go to its grandparent and search for a child of it having certain properties.
It allows embedded boolean conditions – cond1 and not(cond2 or not(cond3 and cond4)); embedded selectors – "find a div having these children with these attributes, and then navigate according to it".
XPath allows searching based on a node's value (its text) – however frowned upon this practice is, it does come in handy especially in badly structured documents (no definite attributes to step on, like dynamic ids and classes - locate the element by its text content).

The stepping in css is definitely easier – one can start writing selectors in a matter of minutes; but after a couple of days of usage, the power and possibilities xpath has quickly overcomes css.
And purely subjective – a complex css is much harder to read than a complex xpath expression.

Outro ;)

Finally, again very subjective - which one to chose?

IMO, there is no right or wrong choice - they are different solutions to the same problem, and whatever is more suitable for the job should be picked.

Being "a fan" of XPath I'm not shy to use in my projects a mix of both - heck, sometimes it is much faster to just throw a CSS one, if I know it will do the work just fine.

Bootstrap Carousel Full Screen

This is how I did it. This makes the images in the slideshow take up the full screen if it´s aspect ratio allows it, othervice it scales down.

.carousel {
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100%;
.carousel .carousel-inner {

To allways get a full screen slideshow, no matter screen aspect ratio, you can also use object-fit: (doesn´t work in IE or Edge)

.carousel .carousel-inner img {
    object-fit: cover;

How to resize images proportionally / keeping the aspect ratio?

This totally worked for me for a draggable item - aspectRatio:true

    aspectRatio: true,
    handles: 'se',
    stop: resizestop 

What is the difference between i++ & ++i in a for loop?

The difference is that the post-increment operator i++ returns i as it was before incrementing, and the pre-increment operator ++i returns i as it is after incrementing. If you're asking about a typical for loop:

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)


for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

They're exactly the same, since you're not using i++ or ++i as a part of a larger expression.

passing JSON data to a Spring MVC controller

Add the following dependencies



Modify request as follows

    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    data: jsonString, //Stringified Json Object
    async: false,    //Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not support synchronous operation
    cache: false,    //This will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser          
    processData:false, //To avoid making query String instead of JSON
    success: function(resposeJsonObject){
        // Success Message Handler

Controller side

@RequestMapping(value = urlPattern , method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody Person save(@RequestBody Person jsonString) {

   Person person=personService.savedata(jsonString);
   return person;

@RequestBody - Covert Json object to java
@ResponseBody- convert Java object to json

How to get the HTML's input element of "file" type to only accept pdf files?

The previous posters made a little mistake. The accept attribute is only a display filter. It will not validate your entry before submitting.

This attribute forces the file dialog to display the required mime type only. But the user can override that filter. He can choose . and see all the files in the current directory. By doing so, he can select any file with any extension, and submit the form.

So, to answer to the original poster, NO. You cannot restrict the input file to one particular extension by using HTML.

But you can use javascript to test the filename that has been chosen, just before submitting. Just insert an onclick attribute on your submit button and call the code that will test the input file value. If the extension is forbidden, you'll have to return false to invalidate the form. You may even use a jQuery custom validator and so on, to validate the form.

Finally, you'll have to test the extension on the server side too. Same problem about the maximum allowed file size.

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

Here is how I encountered the error:

import os

path = input("Input file path: ")

name, ext = os.path.basename(path).rsplit('.', 1)
dire = os.path.dirname(path)

with open(f"{dire}\\{name} temp.{ext}", 'wb') as file:

It works great if the user inputs a file path with more than one element, like


But I thought that it would work with an input like


as long as file.txt is in the same directory of the python file. But nope, it gave me that error, and I realized that the correct input should've been


Disabling SSL Certificate Validation in Spring RestTemplate

If you are using rest template, you can use this piece of code

    fun getClientHttpRequestFactory(): ClientHttpRequestFactory {
        val timeout = envTimeout.toInt()
        val config = RequestConfig.custom()

        val acceptingTrustStrategy = TrustStrategy { chain: Array<X509Certificate?>?, authType: String? -> true }

        val sslContext: SSLContext = SSLContexts.custom()
            .loadTrustMaterial(null, acceptingTrustStrategy)

        val csf = SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext)

        val client = HttpClientBuilder
        return HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(client)

    fun getRestTemplate(): RestTemplate {
        return RestTemplate(getClientHttpRequestFactory())

Import regular CSS file in SCSS file?

After having the same issue, I got confused with all the answers here and the comments over the repository of sass in github.

I just want to point out that as December 2014, this issue has been resolved. It is now possible to import css files directly into your sass file. The following PR in github solves the issue.

The syntax is the same as now - @import "your/path/to/the/file", without an extension after the file name. This will import your file directly. If you append *.css at the end, it will translate into the css rule @import url(...).

In case you are using some of the "fancy" new module bundlers such as webpack, you will probably need to use use ~ in the beginning of the path. So, if you want to import the following path node_modules/bootstrap/src/core.scss you would write something like
@import "~bootstrap/src/core".

It appears this isn't working for everybody. If your interpreter is based on libsass it should be working fine (checkout this). I've tested using @import on node-sass and it's working fine. Unfortunately this works and doesn't work on some ruby instances.

Custom seekbar (thumb size, color and background)

For future readers!

Starting from material-components-android 1.2.0-alpha01, you can use new slider component


Modify thumbSize, thumbColor, trackColor accordingly.


Note: Track corners are not round.

Java ArrayList - Check if list is empty

Good practice nowadays is to use CollectionUtils from either Apache Commons or Spring Framework.


You have to be inside an angular-cli project in order to use the build command after reinstall of angular-cli

I faced the same issue while running my project: I found out that if your project is using specific version of any thing in package.json find out that and install the specific version of that dependencies like for me, npm install @angular/cli@^4.0.0.

creating json object with variables

Try this to see how you can create a object from strings.

var firstName = "xx";
var lastName  = "xy";
var phone     = "xz";
var adress    = "x1";
var obj = {"firstName":firstName, "lastName":lastName, "phone":phone, "address":adress};

Adding a Method to an Existing Object Instance

Module new is deprecated since python 2.6 and removed in 3.0, use types


In the example below I've deliberately removed return value from patch_me() function. I think that giving return value may make one believe that patch returns a new object, which is not true - it modifies the incoming one. Probably this can facilitate a more disciplined use of monkeypatching.

import types

class A(object):#but seems to work for old style objects too

def patch_me(target):
    def method(target,x):
        print "x=",x
        print "called from", target
    target.method = types.MethodType(method,target)
    #add more if needed

a = A()
print a
#out: <__main__.A object at 0x2b73ac88bfd0>  
patch_me(a)    #patch instance
#out: x= 5
#out: called from <__main__.A object at 0x2b73ac88bfd0>
A.method(6)        #can patch class too
#out: x= 6
#out: called from <class '__main__.A'>

Integer ASCII value to character in BASH using printf

This works (with the value in octal):

$ printf '%b' '\101'

even for (some: don't go over 7) sequences:

$ printf '%b' '\'{101..107}

A general construct that allows (decimal) values in any range is:

$ printf '%b' $(printf '\\%03o' {65..122})

Or you could use the hex values of the characters:

$ printf '%b' $(printf '\\x%x' {65..122})

You also could get the character back with xxd (use hexadecimal values):

$ echo "41" | xxd -p -r

That is, one action is the reverse of the other:

$ printf "%x" "'A" | xxd -p -r

And also works with several hex values at once:

$ echo "41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a" | xxd -p -r

or sequences (printf is used here to get hex values):

$ printf '%x' {65..90} | xxd -r -p 

Or even use awk:

$ echo 65 | awk '{printf("%c",$1)}'

even for sequences:

$ seq 65 90 | awk '{printf("%c",$1)}'

JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers

I'm adding this answer because none of the others worked for me.

I had to add a Header Handler to the Proxy:

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader;

public class SOAPHeaderHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> {

    private final String authenticatedToken;

    public SOAPHeaderHandler(String authenticatedToken) {
        this.authenticatedToken = authenticatedToken;

    public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) {
        Boolean outboundProperty =
                (Boolean) context.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY);
        if (outboundProperty.booleanValue()) {
            try {
                SOAPEnvelope envelope = context.getMessage().getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
                SOAPFactory factory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
                String prefix = "urn";
                String uri = "urn:xxxx";
                SOAPElement securityElem =
                        factory.createElement("Element", prefix, uri);
                SOAPElement tokenElem =
                        factory.createElement("Element2", prefix, uri);
                SOAPHeader header = envelope.addHeader();
            } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            // inbound
        return true;

    public Set<QName> getHeaders() {
        return new TreeSet();

    public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext context) {
        return false;

    public void close(MessageContext context) {

In the proxy, I just add the Handler:

BindingProvider bp =(BindingProvider)basicHttpBindingAuthentication;
bp.getBinding().getHandlerChain().add(new SOAPHeaderHandler(authenticatedToken));
bp.getBinding().getHandlerChain().add(new SOAPLoggingHandler());

Programmatically change input type of the EditText from PASSWORD to NORMAL & vice versa

Since the Support Library v24.2.0. you can achivie this very easy

What you need to do is just:

  1. Add the design library to your dependecies

    dependencies {
         compile ""
  2. Use TextInputEditText in conjunction with TextInputLayout


passwordToggleEnabled attribute will make the password toggle appear

  1. In your root layout don't forget to add xmlns:app=""

  2. You can customize your password toggle by using:

app:passwordToggleDrawable - Drawable to use as the password input visibility toggle icon.
app:passwordToggleTint - Icon to use for the password input visibility toggle.
app:passwordToggleTintMode - Blending mode used to apply the background tint.

More details in TextInputLayout documentation. enter image description here

Calculating the SUM of (Quantity*Price) from 2 different tables

I had the same problem as Marko and come across a solution like this:

/*Create a Table*/
CREATE TABLE tableGrandTotal
columnGrandtotal int

/*Create a Stored Procedure*/

/*Delete the 'tableGrandTotal' table for another usage of the stored procedure*/
DROP TABLE tableGrandTotal

/*Create a new Table which will include just one column*/
CREATE TABLE tableGrandTotal
columnGrandtotal int

/*Insert the query which returns subtotal for each orderitem row into tableGrandTotal*/
INSERT INTO tableGrandTotal
    SELECT oi.Quantity * p.Price AS columnGrandTotal
        FROM OrderItem oi
        JOIN Product p ON oi.Id = p.Id

/*And return the sum of columnGrandTotal from the newly created table*/    
SELECT SUM(columnGrandTotal) as [Grand Total]
    FROM tableGrandTotal

And just simply use the GetGrandTotal Stored Procedure to retrieve the Grand Total :)

EXEC GetGrandTotal

How to Get the Current URL Inside @if Statement (Blade) in Laravel 4?

You can also use Route::current()->getName() to check your route name.

Example: routes.php

Route::get('test', ['as'=>'testing', function() {
    return View::make('test');


@if(Route::current()->getName() == 'testing')
    Hello This is testing

How do I find which application is using up my port?

It may be possible that there is no other application running. It is possible that the socket wasn't cleanly shutdown from a previous session in which case you may have to wait for a while before the TIME_WAIT expires on that socket. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use the port till that socket expires. If you can start your server after waiting for a while (a few minutes) then the problem is not due to some other application running on port 8080.

Split String into an array of String

String[] result = "hi i'm paul".split("\\s+"); to split across one or more cases.

Or you could take a look at Apache Common StringUtils. It has StringUtils.split(String str) method that splits string using white space as delimiter. It also has other useful utility methods

How to determine if a point is in a 2D triangle?

Honestly it is as simple as Simon P Steven's answer however with that approach you don't have a solid control on whether you want the points on the edges of the triangle to be included or not.

My approach is a little different but very basic. Consider the following triangle;

enter image description here

In order to have the point in the triangle we have to satisfy 3 conditions

  1. ACE angle (green) should be smaller than ACB angle (red)
  2. ECB angle (blue) should be smaller than ACB angle (red)
  3. Point E and Point C shoud have the same sign when their x and y values are applied to the equation of the |AB| line.

In this method you have full control to include or exclude the point on the edges individually. So you may check if a point is in the triangle including only the |AC| edge for instance.

So my solution in JavaScript would be as follows;

function isInTriangle(t,p){_x000D_
  function isInBorder(a,b,c,p){_x000D_
    var m = (a.y - b.y) / (a.x - b.x);                     // calculate the slope_x000D_
    return Math.sign(p.y - m*p.x + m*a.x - a.y) === Math.sign(c.y - m*c.x + m*a.x - a.y);_x000D_
  function findAngle(a,b,c){                               // calculate the C angle from 3 points._x000D_
    var ca = Math.hypot(c.x-a.x, c.y-a.y),                 // ca edge length_x000D_
        cb = Math.hypot(c.x-b.x, c.y-b.y),                 // cb edge length_x000D_
        ab = Math.hypot(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y);                 // ab edge length_x000D_
    return Math.acos((ca*ca + cb*cb - ab*ab) / (2*ca*cb)); // return the C angle_x000D_
  var pas = t.slice(1)_x000D_
             .map(tp => findAngle(p,tp,t[0])),             // find the angle between (p,t[0]) with (t[1],t[0]) & (t[2],t[0])_x000D_
       ta = findAngle(t[1],t[2],t[0]);_x000D_
  return pas[0] < ta && pas[1] < ta && isInBorder(t[1],t[2],t[0],p);_x000D_
var triangle = [{x:3, y:4},{x:10, y:8},{x:6, y:10}],_x000D_
      point1 = {x:3, y:9},_x000D_
      point2 = {x:7, y:9};_x000D_

Sort a List of Object in VB.NET


Dim sortedList = From entry In mylist Order By Ascending Select entry

mylist = sortedList.ToList

How to get images in Bootstrap's card to be the same height/width?

.card-img-top {
width: 100%;
height: 30vh;
object-fit: contain;

Contain will help in getting Complete Image displayed inside Card.

Adjust height "30vh" according to your need!

What is monkey patching?

What is monkey patching? Monkey patching is a technique used to dynamically update the behavior of a piece of code at run-time.

Why use monkey patching? It allows us to modify or extend the behavior of libraries, modules, classes or methods at runtime without actually modifying the source code

Conclusion Monkey patching is a cool technique and now we have learned how to do that in Python. However, as we discussed, it has its own drawbacks and should be used carefully.

For more info Please refer [1]:

How to extract one column of a csv file

Been using this code for a while, it is not "quick" unless you count "cutting and pasting from stackoverflow".

It uses ${##} and ${%%} operators in a loop instead of IFS. It calls 'err' and 'die', and supports only comma, dash, and pipe as SEP chars (that's all I needed).

err()  { echo "${0##*/}: Error:" "$@" >&2; }
die()  { err "$@"; exit 1; }

# Return Nth field in a csv string, fields numbered starting with 1
csv_fldN() { fldN , "$1" "$2"; }

# Return Nth field in string of fields separated
# by SEP, fields numbered starting with 1
fldN() {
        local me="fldN: "
        local sep="$1"
        local fldnum="$2"
        local vals="$3"
        case "$sep" in
                -|,|\|) ;;
                *) die "$me: arg1 sep: unsupported separator '$sep'" ;;
        case "$fldnum" in
                [0-9]*) [ "$fldnum" -gt 0 ] || { err "$me: arg2 fldnum=$fldnum must be number greater or equal to 0."; return 1; } ;;
                *) { err "$me: arg2 fldnum=$fldnum must be number"; return 1;} ;;
        [ -z "$vals" ] && err "$me: missing arg2 vals: list of '$sep' separated values" && return 1
        fldnum=$(($fldnum - 1))
        while [ $fldnum -gt 0 ] ; do
                fldnum=$(($fldnum - 1))
        echo ${vals%%$sep*}


$ CSVLINE="example,fields with whitespace,field3"
$ $ for fno in $(seq 3); do echo field$fno: $(csv_fldN $fno "$CSVLINE");  done
field1: example
field2: fields with whitespace
field3: field3

Export DataTable to Excel with Open Xml SDK in c#

You could try taking a look at this libary. I've used it for one of my projects and found it very easy to work with, reliable and fast (I only used it for exporting data).

Putting HTML inside Html.ActionLink(), plus No Link Text?

Just use Url.Action instead of Html.ActionLink:

<li id="home_nav"><a href="<%= Url.Action("ActionName") %>"><span>Span text</span></a></li>

Remove rows with all or some NAs (missing values) in data.frame

Try na.omit( As for the second question, try posting it as another question (for clarity).

How to ORDER BY a SUM() in MySQL?

You could try this:

FROM table 
ORDER BY (c_counts+f_counts) 

How can I create tests in Android Studio?

I think this post by Rex St John is very useful for unit testing with android studio.


How can I get a Unicode character's code?

For me, only "Integer.toHexString(registered)" worked the way I wanted:

char registered = '®';

This answer will give you only string representations what are usually presented in the tables. Jon Skeet's answer explains more.

How do I move files in node.js?

util.pump is deprecated in node 0.10 and generates warning message

 util.pump() is deprecated. Use readableStream.pipe() instead

So the solution for copying files using streams is:

var source = fs.createReadStream('/path/to/source');
var dest = fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/dest');

source.on('end', function() { /* copied */ });
source.on('error', function(err) { /* error */ });

How do I get the last character of a string?

public char LastChar(String a){
    return a.charAt(a.length() - 1);

load and execute order of scripts

After testing many options I've found that the following simple solution is loading the dynamically loaded scripts in the order in which they are added in all modern browsers

loadScripts(sources) {
    sources.forEach(src => {
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.src = src;
        script.async = false; //<-- the important part
        document.body.appendChild( script ); //<-- make sure to append to body instead of head 


Running JAR file on Windows 10

How do I run an executable JAR file? If you have a jar file called Example.jar, follow these rules:

Open a notepad.exe.
Write : java -jar Example.jar.
Save it with the extension .bat.
Copy it to the directory which has the .jar file.
Double click it to run your .jar file.

How to add percent sign to NSString

The escape code for a percent sign is "%%", so your code would look like this

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%%", someDigit];

Also, all the other format specifiers can be found at Conceptual Strings Articles

MySQL my.cnf performance tuning recommendations

Try starting with the Percona wizard and comparing their recommendations against your current settings one by one. Don't worry there aren't as many applicable settings as you might think.

Update circa 2020: Sorry, this tool reached it's end of life:

Everyone points to key_buffer_size first which you have addressed. With 96GB memory I'd be wary of any tiny default value (likely to be only 96M!).

How to check if a socket is connected/disconnected in C#?

As Paul Turner answered Socket.Connected cannot be used in this situation. You need to poll connection every time to see if connection is still active. This is code I used:

bool SocketConnected(Socket s)
    bool part1 = s.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead);
    bool part2 = (s.Available == 0);
    if (part1 && part2)
        return false;
        return true;

It works like this:

  • s.Poll returns true if
    • connection is closed, reset, terminated or pending (meaning no active connection)
    • connection is active and there is data available for reading
  • s.Available returns number of bytes available for reading
  • if both are true:
    • there is no data available to read so connection is not active

How to set width to 100% in WPF

You could use HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" as follows:

<ListBox HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"/>

How can I consume a WSDL (SOAP) web service in Python?

I recently stumbled up on the same problem. Here is the synopsis of my solution:

Basic constituent code blocks needed

The following are the required basic code blocks of your client application

  1. Session request section: request a session with the provider
  2. Session authentication section: provide credentials to the provider
  3. Client section: create the Client
  4. Security Header section: add the WS-Security Header to the Client
  5. Consumption section: consume available operations (or methods) as needed

What modules do you need?

Many suggested to use Python modules such as urllib2 ; however, none of the modules work-at least for this particular project.

So, here is the list of the modules you need to get. First of all, you need to download and install the latest version of suds from the following link:

Additionally, you need to download and install requests and suds_requests modules from the following links respectively ( disclaimer: I am new to post in here, so I can't post more than one link for now).

Once you successfully download and install these modules, you are good to go.

The code

Following the steps outlined earlier, the code looks like the following: Imports:

import logging
from suds.client import Client
from suds.wsse import *
from datetime import timedelta,date,datetime,tzinfo
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import suds_requests

Session request and authentication:

session = requests.session()
session.auth=(username, password)

Create the Client:

client = Client(WSDL_URL, faults=False, cachingpolicy=1, location=WSDL_URL, transport=suds_requests.RequestsTransport(session))

Add WS-Security Header:


def addSecurityHeader(client,username,password):

Please note that this method creates the security header depicted in Fig.1. So, your implementation may vary depending on the correct security header format provided by the owner of the service you are consuming.

Consume the relevant method (or operation) :



One of the best practices in such implementations as this one is logging to see how the communication is executed. In case there is some issue, it makes debugging easy. The following code does basic logging. However, you can log many aspects of the communication in addition to the ones depicted in the code.



Here is the result in my case. Note that the server returned HTTP 200. This is the standard success code for HTTP request-response.

(200, (collectionNodeLmp){
   timestamp = 2014-12-03 00:00:00-05:00
   nodeLmp[] = 
         pnodeId = 35010357
         name = "YADKIN"
         mccValue = -0.19
         mlcValue = -0.13
         price = 36.46
         type = "500 KV"
         timestamp = 2014-12-03 01:00:00-05:00
         errorCodeId = 0
         pnodeId = 33138769
         name = "ZION 1"
         mccValue = -0.18
         mlcValue = -1.86
         price = 34.75
         type = "Aggregate"
         timestamp = 2014-12-03 01:00:00-05:00
         errorCodeId = 0

Const in JavaScript: when to use it and is it necessary?

The semantics of var and let

var and let are a statement to the machine and to other programmers:

I intend that the value of this assignment change over the course of execution. Do not rely on the eventual value of this assignment.

Implications of using var and let

var and let force other programmers to read all the intervening code from the declaration to the eventual use, and reason about the value of the assignment at that point in the program's execution.

They weaken machine reasoning for ESLint and other language services to correctly detect mistyped variable names in later assignments and scope reuse of outer scope variable names where the inner scope forgets to declare.

They also cause runtimes to run many iterations over all codepaths to detect that they are actually, in fact, constants, before they can optimise them. Although this is less of a problem than bug detection and developer comprehensibility.

When to use const

If the value of the reference does not change over the course of execution, the correct syntax to express the programmer's intent is const. For objects, changing the value of the reference means pointing to another object, as the reference is immutable, but the object is not.

"const" objects

For object references, the pointer cannot be changed to another object, but the object that is created and assigned to a const declaration is mutable. You can add or remove items from a const referenced array, and mutate property keys on a const referenced object.

To achieve immutable objects (which again, make your code easier to reason about for humans and machines), you can Object.freeze the object at declaration/assignment/creation, like this:

const Options = Object.freeze(['YES', 'NO'])

Object.freeze does have an impact on performance, but your code is probably slow for other reasons. You want to profile it.

You can also encapsulate the mutable object in a state machine and return deep copies as values (this is how Redux and React state work). See Avoiding mutable global state in Browser JS for an example of how to build this from first principles.

When var and let are a good match

let and var represent mutable state. They should, in my opinion, only be used to model actual mutable state. Things like "is the connection alive?".

These are best encapsulated in testable state machines that expose constant values that represent "the current state of the connection", which is a constant at any point in time, and what the rest of your code is actually interested in.

Programming is already hard enough with composing side-effects and transforming data. Turning every function into an untestable state machine by creating mutable state with variables just piles on the complexity.

For a more nuanced explanation, see Shun the Mutant - The case for const.

Writing image to local server

This thread is old but I wanted to do same things with the package.

Here a working example

var fs      = require('fs');
var request = require('request');
// Or with cookies
// var request = require('request').defaults({jar: true});

request.get({url: 'https://someurl/somefile.torrent', encoding: 'binary'}, function (err, response, body) {
  fs.writeFile("/tmp/test.torrent", body, 'binary', function(err) {
      console.log("The file was saved!");

Connection timeout for SQL server


As Darin said, you can specify a higher connection timeout value, but I doubt that's really the issue.

When you get connection timeouts, it's typically a problem with one of the following:

  1. Network configuration - slow connection between your web server/dev box and the SQL server. Increasing the timeout may correct this, but it'd be wise to investigate the underlying problem.

  2. Connection string. I've seen issues where an incorrect username/password will, for some reason, give a timeout error instead of a real error indicating "access denied." This shouldn't happen, but such is life.

  3. Connection String 2: If you're specifying the name of the server incorrectly, or incompletely (for instance, mysqlserver instead of, you'll get a timeout. Can you ping the server using the server name exactly as specified in the connection string from the command line?

  4. Connection string 3 : If the server name is in your DNS (or hosts file), but the pointing to an incorrect or inaccessible IP, you'll get a timeout rather than a machine-not-found-ish error.

  5. The query you're calling is timing out. It can look like the connection to the server is the problem, but, depending on how your app is structured, you could be making it all the way to the stage where your query is executing before the timeout occurs.

  6. Connection leaks. How many processes are running? How many open connections? I'm not sure if raw ADO.NET performs connection pooling, automatically closes connections when necessary ala Enterprise Library, or where all that is configured. This is probably a red herring. When working with WCF and web services, though, I've had issues with unclosed connections causing timeouts and other unpredictable behavior.

Things to try:

  1. Do you get a timeout when connecting to the server with SQL Management Studio? If so, network config is likely the problem. If you do not see a problem when connecting with Management Studio, the problem will be in your app, not with the server.

  2. Run SQL Profiler, and see what's actually going across the wire. You should be able to tell if you're really connecting, or if a query is the problem.

  3. Run your query in Management Studio, and see how long it takes.

Good luck!

How to playback MKV video in web browser?

To use video extensions that are MKV. You should use video, not source

For example :

  <!-- mkv -->
  <video width="320" height="240" controls src="assets/animation.mkv"></video>
<!-- mp4 -->
  <video width="320" height="240" controls>
    <source src="assets/animation.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
_x000D_ My answer may be incomprehensible to you, so if you do not understand, click on this

Parsing JSON array with PHP foreach

$user->data is an array of objects. Each element in the array has a name and value property (as well as others).

Try putting the 2nd foreach inside the 1st.

foreach($user->data as $mydata)
    echo $mydata->name . "\n";
    foreach($mydata->values as $values)
        echo $values->value . "\n";

long long in C/C++

It depends in what mode you are compiling. long long is not part of the C++ standard but only (usually) supported as extension. This affects the type of literals. Decimal integer literals without any suffix are always of type int if int is big enough to represent the number, long otherwise. If the number is even too big for long the result is implementation-defined (probably just a number of type long int that has been truncated for backward compatibility). In this case you have to explicitly use the LL suffix to enable the long long extension (on most compilers).

The next C++ version will officially support long long in a way that you won't need any suffix unless you explicitly want the force the literal's type to be at least long long. If the number cannot be represented in long the compiler will automatically try to use long long even without LL suffix. I believe this is the behaviour of C99 as well.

How to dynamically add rows to a table in ASP.NET?

Have you attempted the Asp:Table?

<asp:Table ID="myTable" runat="server" Width="100%"> 

You can then add rows as you need to in the script by creating them and adding them to myTable.Rows

TableRow row = new TableRow();
TableCell cell1 = new TableCell();
cell1.Text = "blah blah blah";

Given your question description though, I'd say you'd be better off using a GridView or Repeater as mentioned by @Kirk Woll.

EDIT - Also, if you want to learn without buying books here are a few sites you absolutely need to become familiar with:

Scott Guthrie's Blog
4 Guys from Rolla
Code Project Asp.Net

Resolving PKIX path building failed Error?

I was using jdk1.8.0_171 when I faced the same issue. I tried top 2 solutions here (adding a certificate using keytool and another solution which has a hack in it) but they didn't work for me.

I upgraded my JDK to 1.8.0_181 and it worked like a charm.

How to change scroll bar position with CSS?

Using CSS only:

Right/Left Flippiing: Working Fiddle

    height: 200px;
    overflow-x: auto;
    height: 300px;

    direction: rtl;
    direction: ltr;

Top/Bottom Flipping: Working Fiddle

    width: 200px;
    overflow-y: auto;
    width: 300px;

.Flipped, .Flipped .Content
    -ms-transform:rotateX(180deg); /* IE 9 */
    -webkit-transform:rotateX(180deg); /* Safari and Chrome */

Python circular importing?

I was using the following:

from module import Foo

foo_instance = Foo()

but to get rid of circular reference I did the following and it worked:


foo_instance = foo.Foo()

Can not find the tag library descriptor of springframework

The TLD should be located in the spring.jar. Your application won't have any dependency on that URL. It's just used as a unique name to identify the tag library. They could just as well have made the URI "/spring-tags", but using URLs is pretty common place.

How to store a dataframe using Pandas

If I understand correctly, you're already using pandas.read_csv() but would like to speed up the development process so that you don't have to load the file in every time you edit your script, is that right? I have a few recommendations:

  1. you could load in only part of the CSV file using pandas.read_csv(..., nrows=1000) to only load the top bit of the table, while you're doing the development

  2. use ipython for an interactive session, such that you keep the pandas table in memory as you edit and reload your script.

  3. convert the csv to an HDF5 table

  4. updated use DataFrame.to_feather() and pd.read_feather() to store data in the R-compatible feather binary format that is super fast (in my hands, slightly faster than pandas.to_pickle() on numeric data and much faster on string data).

You might also be interested in this answer on stackoverflow.

CSS file not refreshing in browser

Do Shift+F5 in Windows. The cache really frustrates in this kind of stuff

How can I run an EXE program from a Windows Service using C#?

you can use from windows task scheduler for this purpose, there are many libraries like TaskScheduler that help you.

for example consider we want to scheduling a task that will executes once five seconds later:

using (var ts = new TaskService())

            var t = ts.Execute("notepad.exe")


notepad.exe will be executed five seconds later.

for details and more information please go to wiki

if you know which class and method in that assembly you need, you can invoke it yourself like this:

        Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("yourApp.exe");
        Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes();
        foreach (Type t in types)
            if (t.Name == "YourClass")
                MethodInfo method = t.GetMethod("YourMethod",
                BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (method != null)
                    ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();
                    object classInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(t, null);

                    var result = method.Invoke(classInstance, parameters.Length == 0 ? null : parameters);

To find first N prime numbers in python

Here's what I eventually came up with to print the first n primes:

numprimes = raw_input('How many primes to print?  ')
count = 0
potentialprime = 2

def primetest(potentialprime):
    divisor = 2
    while divisor <= potentialprime:
        if potentialprime == 2:
            return True
        elif potentialprime % divisor == 0:
            return False
        while potentialprime % divisor != 0:
            if potentialprime - divisor > 1:
                divisor += 1
                return True

while count < int(numprimes):
    if primetest(potentialprime) == True:
        print 'Prime #' + str(count + 1), 'is', potentialprime
        count += 1
        potentialprime += 1
        potentialprime += 1

How to deal with persistent storage (e.g. databases) in Docker

I recently wrote about a potential solution and an application demonstrating the technique. I find it to be pretty efficient during development and in production. Hope it helps or sparks some ideas.


break statement in "if else" - java

The "break" command does not work within an "if" statement.

If you remove the "break" command from your code and then test the code, you should find that the code works exactly the same without a "break" command as with one.

"Break" is designed for use inside loops (for, while, do-while, enhanced for and switch).

Emulating a do-while loop in Bash

Place the body of your loop after the while and before the test. The actual body of the while loop should be a no-op.

    #do other stuff
    (( current_time <= cutoff ))

Instead of the colon, you can use continue if you find that more readable. You can also insert a command that will only run between iterations (not before first or after last), such as echo "Retrying in five seconds"; sleep 5. Or print delimiters between values:

i=1; while printf '%d' "$((i++))"; (( i <= 4)); do printf ','; done; printf '\n'

I changed the test to use double parentheses since you appear to be comparing integers. Inside double square brackets, comparison operators such as <= are lexical and will give the wrong result when comparing 2 and 10, for example. Those operators don't work inside single square brackets.

PHP - print all properties of an object


If you want more info you can use a ReflectionClass:

Preventing twitter bootstrap carousel from auto sliding on page load

Or if you're using Bootstrap 3.0 you can stop the cycling with data-interval="false" for instance

<div id="carousel-example-generic" class="carousel slide" data-interval="false">

Other helpful carousel data attributes are here ->

What is a regular expression for a MAC Address?

See this question also.

Regexes as follows:



Printing long int value in C

To take input " long int " and output " long int " in C is :

long int n;
scanf("%ld", &n);
printf("%ld", n);

To take input " long long int " and output " long long int " in C is :

long long int n;
scanf("%lld", &n);
printf("%lld", n);

Hope you've cleared..

CSS strikethrough different color from text?

Adding to @gojomo you could use :after pseudo element for the additional element. The only caveat is that you'll need to define your innerText in a data-text attribute since CSS has limited content functions.

s {_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
  text-align: -1000em;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
s:after {_x000D_
  color: black;_x000D_
  content: attr(data-text);_x000D_
<s data-text="Strikethrough">Strikethrough</s>

Delete commits from a branch in Git

git rebase -i HEAD~2

Here '2' is the number of commits you want to rebase.

'git rebase -i HEAD`

if you want to rebase all the commits.

Then you will be able to choose one of these options.

p, pick = use commit

r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message

e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending

s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit

f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message

x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell

d, drop = remove commit

These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom. If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted. Note that empty commits are commented out

You can simply remove that commit using option "d" or Removing a line that has your commit.

How to create a file with a given size in Linux?

On OSX (and Solaris, apparently), the mkfile command is available as well:

mkfile 10g big_file

This makes a 10 GB file named "big_file". Found this approach here.

Combining CSS Pseudo-elements, ":after" the ":last-child"

Adding another answer to this question because I needed precisely what @derek was asking for and I'd already gotten a bit further before seeing the answers here. Specifically, I needed CSS that could also account for the case with exactly two list items, where the comma is NOT desired. As an example, some authorship bylines I wanted to produce would look like the following:

One author: By Adam Smith.

Two authors: By Adam Smith and Jane Doe.

Three authors: By Adam Smith, Jane Doe, and Frank Underwood.

The solutions already given here work for one author and for 3 or more authors, but neglect to account for the two author case—where the "Oxford Comma" style (also known as "Harvard Comma" style in some parts) doesn't apply - ie, there should be no comma before the conjunction.

After an afternoon of tinkering, I had come up with the following:

  <style type="text/css">
    .byline-list {
      list-style: none;
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
    .byline-list > li {
      display: inline;
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
    .byline-list > li::before {
      content: ", ";
    .byline-list > li:last-child::before {
      content: ", and ";
    .byline-list > li:first-child + li:last-child::before {
      content: " and ";
    .byline-list > li:first-child::before {
      content: "By ";
    .byline-list > li:last-child::after {
      content: ".";
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li>
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li><li>Jane Doe</li>
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li><li>Jane Doe</li><li>Frank Underwood</li>

It displays the bylines as I've got them above.

In the end, I also had to get rid of any whitespace between li elements, in order to get around an annoyance: the inline-block property would otherwise leave a space before each comma. There's probably an alternative decent hack for it but that isn't the subject of this question so I'll leave that for someone else to answer.

Fiddle here:

How to delete an item in a list if it exists?

All you have to do is this

list = ["a", "b", "c"]

but that method has an issue. You have to put something in the except place so i found this:

list = ["a", "b", "c"]
if "a" in str(list):

PHP 7: Missing VCRUNTIME140.dll

If you've followed Adam's instructions and you're still getting this error make sure you've installed the right variants (x86 or x64).

I had VC14x64 with PHP7x86 and I still got this error. Changing PHP7 to x64 fixed it. It's easy to miss you accidentally installed the wrong version.

How to install APK from PC?

Airdroid , android market install the app on android then go onto the computer type in the address given, type in the password given (or scan the QR code). Go to settings and under security (if your running the new ICS or Jellybean) or go to settings->apps->managment and select unknown sources(for gingerbread) then click on (I think) speed install, or something along those lines. it will be on the top of the page slightly towards the left. drag and drop as many .apks as you want then on you android just tap the install buttons that appear. Airdroid is wonderful and does a lot more than just apks.

Android Viewpager as Image Slide Gallery

Hoho.. It should be very easy to use Gallery to implement this, using ViewPager is much harder. But i still encourage to use ViewPager since Gallery really have many problems and is deprecated since android 4.2.

In PagerAdapter there is a method getPageWidth() to control page size, but only by this you cannot achieve your target.

Try to read the following 2 articles for help.



Quick unix command to display specific lines in the middle of a file?

No there isn't, files are not line-addressable.

There is no constant-time way to find the start of line n in a text file. You must stream through the file and count newlines.

Use the simplest/fastest tool you have to do the job. To me, using head makes much more sense than grep, since the latter is way more complicated. I'm not saying "grep is slow", it really isn't, but I would be surprised if it's faster than head for this case. That'd be a bug in head, basically.

What is the main difference between Inheritance and Polymorphism?

Polymorphism: Suppose you work for a company that sells pens. So you make a very nice class called "Pen" that handles everything that you need to know about a pen. You write all sorts of classes for billing, shipping, creating invoices, all using the Pen class. A day boss comes and says, "Great news! The company is growing and we are selling Books & CD's now!" Not great news because now you have to change every class that uses Pen to also use Book & CD. But what if you had originally created an interface called "SellableProduct", and Pen implemented this interface. Then you could have written all your shipping, invoicing, etc classes to use that interface instead of Pen. Now all you would have to do is create a new class called Book & CompactDisc which implements the SellableProduct interface. Because of polymorphism, all of the other classes could continue to work without change! Make Sense?

So, it means using Inheritance which is one of the way to achieve polymorphism.

Polymorhism can be possible in a class / interface but Inheritance always between 2 OR more classes / interfaces. Inheritance always conform "is-a" relationship whereas it is not always with Polymorphism (which can conform both "is-a" / "has-a" relationship.

What GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA exactly do?

GRANTs on different objects are separate. GRANTing on a database doesn't GRANT rights to the schema within. Similiarly, GRANTing on a schema doesn't grant rights on the tables within.

If you have rights to SELECT from a table, but not the right to see it in the schema that contains it then you can't access the table.

The rights tests are done in order:

Do you have `USAGE` on the schema? 
    No:  Reject access. 
    Yes: Do you also have the appropriate rights on the table? 
        No:  Reject access. 
        Yes: Check column privileges.

Your confusion may arise from the fact that the public schema has a default GRANT of all rights to the role public, which every user/group is a member of. So everyone already has usage on that schema.

The phrase:

(assuming that the objects' own privilege requirements are also met)

Is saying that you must have USAGE on a schema to use objects within it, but having USAGE on a schema is not by itself sufficient to use the objects within the schema, you must also have rights on the objects themselves.

It's like a directory tree. If you create a directory somedir with file somefile within it then set it so that only your own user can access the directory or the file (mode rwx------ on the dir, mode rw------- on the file) then nobody else can list the directory to see that the file exists.

If you were to grant world-read rights on the file (mode rw-r--r--) but not change the directory permissions it'd make no difference. Nobody could see the file in order to read it, because they don't have the rights to list the directory.

If you instead set rwx-r-xr-x on the directory, setting it so people can list and traverse the directory but not changing the file permissions, people could list the file but could not read it because they'd have no access to the file.

You need to set both permissions for people to actually be able to view the file.

Same thing in Pg. You need both schema USAGE rights and object rights to perform an action on an object, like SELECT from a table.

(The analogy falls down a bit in that PostgreSQL doesn't have row-level security yet, so the user can still "see" that the table exists in the schema by SELECTing from pg_class directly. They can't interact with it in any way, though, so it's just the "list" part that isn't quite the same.)

Is there a simple way that I can sort characters in a string in alphabetical order

You can use this

string x = "ABCGH"

char[] charX = x.ToCharArray();


This will sort your string.

check if file exists in php

  1. The function expects a string.

  2. file_exists() does not work properly with HTTP URLs.

Pytorch tensor to numpy array

Your question is very poorly worded. Your code (sort of) already does what you want. What exactly are you confused about? x.numpy() answer the original title of your question:

Pytorch tensor to numpy array

you need improve your question starting with your title.

Anyway, just in case this is useful to others. You might need to call detach for your code to work. e.g.

RuntimeError: Can't call numpy() on Variable that requires grad.

So call .detach(). Sample code:

# creating data and running through a nn and saving it

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from pathlib import Path
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

path = Path('~/data/tmp/').expanduser()
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

num_samples = 3
Din, Dout = 1, 1
lb, ub = -1, 1

x = torch.torch.distributions.Uniform(low=lb, high=ub).sample((num_samples, Din))

f = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([
    ('f1', nn.Linear(Din,Dout)),
    ('out', nn.SELU())
y = f(x)

# save data
x_np, y_np = x.detach().cpu().numpy(), y.detach().cpu().numpy()
np.savez(path / 'db', x=x_np, y=y_np)


cpu goes after detach. See:

Also I won't make any comments on the slicking since that is off topic and that should not be the focus of your question. See this:

Understanding slice notation

How to redirect the output of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to a file?

DBMS_OUTPUT is not the best tool to debug, since most environments don't use it natively. If you want to capture the output of DBMS_OUTPUT however, you would simply use the DBMS_OUTPUT.get_line procedure.

Here is a small example:

SQL> create directory tmp as '/tmp/';

Directory created

  2     l_line VARCHAR2(255);
  3     l_done NUMBER;
  4     l_file utl_file.file_type;
  5  BEGIN
  6     l_file := utl_file.fopen('TMP', 'foo.log', 'A');
  7     LOOP
  8        EXIT WHEN l_done = 1;
  9        dbms_output.get_line(l_line, l_done);
 10        utl_file.put_line(l_file, l_line);
 11     END LOOP;
 12     utl_file.fflush(l_file);
 13     utl_file.fclose(l_file);
 14  END write_log;
 15  /

Procedure created

  2     dbms_output.enable(100000);
  3     -- write something to DBMS_OUTPUT
  4     dbms_output.put_line('this is a test');
  5     -- write the content of the buffer to a file
  6     write_log;
  7  END;
  8  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

SQL> host cat /tmp/foo.log

this is a test

Getting 404 Not Found error while trying to use ErrorDocument

The ErrorDocument directive, when supplied a local URL path, expects the path to be fully qualified from the DocumentRoot. In your case, this means that the actual path to the ErrorDocument is

ErrorDocument 404 /hellothere/error/404page.html

Entity Framework Core: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed

In some cases, this error occurs when calling an async method without the await keyword, which can simply be solved by adding await before the method call. however, the answer might not be related to the mentioned question but it can help solving a similar error.

How can I use Oracle SQL developer to run stored procedures?

Not only is there a way to do this, there is more than one way to do this (which I concede is not very Pythonic, but then SQL*Developer is written in Java ).

I have a procedure with this signature: get_maxsal_by_dept( dno number, maxsal out number).

I highlight it in the SQL*Developer Object Navigator, invoke the right-click menu and chose Run. (I could use ctrl+F11.) This spawns a pop-up window with a test harness. (Note: If the stored procedure lives in a package, you'll need to right-click the package, not the icon below the package containing the procedure's name; you will then select the sproc from the package's "Target" list when the test harness appears.) In this example, the test harness will display the following:

  DNO := NULL;

    DNO => DNO,

I set the variable DNO to 50 and press okay. In the Running - Log pane (bottom right-hand corner unless you've closed/moved/hidden it) I can see the following output:

Connecting to the database apc.
MAXSAL = 4500
Process exited.
Disconnecting from the database apc. 

To be fair the runner is less friendly for functions which return a Ref Cursor, like this one: get_emps_by_dept (dno number) return sys_refcursor.

  v_Return sys_refcursor;
  DNO := 50;

  v_Return := GET_EMPS_BY_DEPT(
    DNO => DNO
  -- Modify the code to output the variable
  -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_Return = ' || v_Return);

However, at least it offers the chance to save any changes to file, so we can retain our investment in tweaking the harness...

  v_Return sys_refcursor;
  v_rec emp%rowtype;
  DNO := 50;

  v_Return := GET_EMPS_BY_DEPT(
    DNO => DNO

    fetch v_Return into v_rec;
    exit when v_Return%notfound;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('name = ' || v_rec.ename);
  end loop;

The output from the same location:

Connecting to the database apc.
name = PODER
Process exited.
Disconnecting from the database apc. 

Alternatively we can use the old SQLPLus commands in the SQLDeveloper worksheet:

var rc refcursor 
exec :rc := get_emps_by_dept(30) 
print rc

In that case the output appears in Script Output pane (default location is the tab to the right of the Results tab).

The very earliest versions of the IDE did not support much in the way of SQL*Plus. However, all of the above commands have been supported since 1.2.1. Refer to the matrix in the online documentation for more info.

"When I type just var rc refcursor; and select it and run it, I get this error (GUI):"

There is a feature - or a bug - in the way the worksheet interprets SQLPlus commands. It presumes SQLPlus commands are part of a script. So, if we enter a line of SQL*Plus, say var rc refcursor and click Execute Statement (or F9 ) the worksheet hurls ORA-900 because that is not an executable statement i.e. it's not SQL . What we need to do is click Run Script (or F5 ), even for a single line of SQL*Plus.

"I am so close ... please help."

You program is a procedure with a signature of five mandatory parameters. You are getting an error because you are calling it as a function, and with just the one parameter:

exec :rc := get_account(1)

What you need is something like the following. I have used the named notation for clarity.

var ret1 number
var tran_cnt number
var msg_cnt number
var rc refcursor

exec :tran_cnt := 0
exec :msg_cnt := 123

exec get_account (Vret_val => :ret1, 
                  Vtran_count => :tran_cnt, 
                  Vmessage_count => :msg_cnt, 
                  Vaccount_id   => 1,
                  rc1 => :rc )

print tran_count 
print rc

That is, you need a variable for each OUT or IN OUT parameter. IN parameters can be passed as literals. The first two EXEC statements assign values to a couple of the IN OUT parameters. The third EXEC calls the procedure. Procedures don't return a value (unlike functions) so we don't use an assignment syntax. Lastly this script displays the value of a couple of the variables mapped to OUT parameters.

What is the Sign Off feature in Git for?

There are some nice answers on this question. I’ll try to add a more broad answer, namely about what these kinds of lines/headers/trailers are about in current practice. Not so much about the sign-off header in particular (it’s not the only one).

Headers or trailers (?1) like “sign-off” (?2) is, in current practice in projects like Git and Linux, effectively structured metadata for the commit. These are all appended to the end of the commit message, after the “free form” (unstructured) part of the body of the message. These are token–value (or key–value) pairs typically delimited by a colon and a space (:?).

Like I mentioned, “sign-off” is not the only trailer in current practice. See for example this commit, which has to do with “Dirty Cow”:

 mm: remove gup_flags FOLL_WRITE games from __get_user_pages()
 This is an ancient bug that was actually attempted to be fixed once
 (badly) by me eleven years ago in commit 4ceb5db9757a ("Fix
 get_user_pages() race for write access") but that was then undone due to
 problems on s390 by commit f33ea7f404e5 ("fix get_user_pages bug").

 In the meantime, the s390 situation has long been fixed, and we can now
 fix it by checking the pte_dirty() bit properly (and do it better).  The
 s390 dirty bit was implemented in abf09bed3cce ("s390/mm: implement
 software dirty bits") which made it into v3.9.  Earlier kernels will
 have to look at the page state itself.

 Also, the VM has become more scalable, and what used a purely
 theoretical race back then has become easier to trigger.

 To fix it, we introduce a new internal FOLL_COW flag to mark the "yes,
 we already did a COW" rather than play racy games with FOLL_WRITE that
 is very fundamental, and then use the pte dirty flag to validate that
 the FOLL_COW flag is still valid.

 Reported-and-tested-by: Phil "not Paul" Oester <[email protected]>
 Acked-by: Hugh Dickins <[email protected]>
 Reviewed-by: Michal Hocko <[email protected]>
 Cc: Andy Lutomirski <[email protected]>
 Cc: Kees Cook <[email protected]>
 Cc: Oleg Nesterov <[email protected]>
 Cc: Willy Tarreau <[email protected]>
 Cc: Nick Piggin <[email protected]>
 Cc: Greg Thelen <[email protected]>
 Cc: [email protected]
 Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>

In addition to the “sign-off” trailer in the above, there is:

  • “Cc” (was notified about the patch)
  • “Acked-by” (acknowledged by the owner of the code, “looks good to me”)
  • “Reviewed-by” (reviewed)
  • “Reported-and-tested-by” (reported and tested the issue (I assume))

Other projects, like for example Gerrit, have their own headers and associated meaning for them.


Moral of the story

It is my impression that, although the initial motivation for this particular metadata was some legal issues (judging by the other answers), the practice of such metadata has progressed beyond just dealing with the case of forming a chain of authorship.

[?1]: man git-interpret-trailers
[?2]: These are also sometimes called “s-o-b” (initials), it seems.

org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'

Its Just Simple the Compiler Did not accept the last changes you've made so go to the last file that you've made a change It will show the error just change it and recompile.

Adding n hours to a date in Java?

Check Calendar class. It has add method (and some others) to allow time manipulation.

Something like this should work:

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // creates calendar
cal.setTime(new Date());               // sets calendar time/date
cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1);      // adds one hour
cal.getTime();                         // returns new date object plus one hour

Check API for more.

Gradle - Error Could not find method implementation() for arguments []

So ridiculous, but I still wanna share my experience in case of that someone falls into the situation like me.

Please check if you changed: compileSdkVersion --> implementationSdkVersion by mistake

Install a module using pip for specific python version

for python2 use:

py -2 -m pip install beautifulsoup4

Passing parameters to addTarget:action:forControlEvents

You can replace target-action with a closure (block in Objective-C) by adding a helper closure wrapper (ClosureSleeve) and adding it as an associated object to the control so it gets retained. That way you can pass any parameters.

Swift 3

class ClosureSleeve {
    let closure: () -> ()

    init(attachTo: AnyObject, closure: @escaping () -> ()) {
        self.closure = closure
        objc_setAssociatedObject(attachTo, "[\(arc4random())]", self, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)

    @objc func invoke() {

extension UIControl {
    func addAction(for controlEvents: UIControlEvents, action: @escaping () -> ()) {
        let sleeve = ClosureSleeve(attachTo: self, closure: action)
        addTarget(sleeve, action: #selector(ClosureSleeve.invoke), for: controlEvents)


button.addAction(for: .touchUpInside) {
    self.switchToNewsDetails(parameter: i)

Selecting rows where remainder (modulo) is 1 after division by 2?

At least some versions of SQL (Oracle, Informix, DB2, ISO Standard) support:

WHERE MOD(value, 2) = 1

MySQL supports '%' as the modulus operator:

WHERE value % 2 = 1

Reset Windows Activation/Remove license key

On Windows XP -

  1. Reboot into "Safe mode with Command Prompt"
  2. Type "explorer" in the command prompt that comes up and push [Enter]
  3. Click on Start>Run, and type the following :

    rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk

Reboot, and login as normal.

This will reset the 30 day timer for activation back to 30 days so you can enter in the key normally.

How to measure time elapsed on Javascript?

var seconds = 0;
setInterval(function () {
}, 1000);

There you go, now you have a variable counting seconds elapsed. Since I don't know the context, you'll have to decide whether you want to attach that variable to an object or make it global.

Set interval is simply a function that takes a function as it's first parameter and a number of milliseconds to repeat the function as it's second parameter.

You could also solve this by saving and comparing times.

EDIT: This answer will provide very inconsistent results due to things such as the event loop and the way browsers may choose to pause or delay processing when a page is in a background tab. I strongly recommend using the accepted answer.

Allowing the "Enter" key to press the submit button, as opposed to only using MouseClick

      case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER:
           // I was trying to use case 13 from the ascii table.
           //Krewn Generated method stub... 

How can I wait for a thread to finish with .NET?


t1.Join();    // Wait until thread t1 finishes

after you start it, but that won't accomplish much as it's essentialy the same result as running on the main thread!

I can highly recommended reading Joe Albahari's Threading in C# free e-book, if you want to gain an understanding of threading in .NET.

Correct way to select from two tables in SQL Server with no common field to join on

Cross join will help to join multiple tables with no common fields.But be careful while joining as this join will give cartesian resultset of two tables. QUERY:

 , table2,columnA
FROM table1 

Alternative way to join on some condition that is always true like

 , table2,columnA
FROM table1 
INNER JOIN table2 ON 1=1

But this type of query should be avoided for performance as well as coding standards.

Using Panel or PlaceHolder

A panel expands to a span (or a div), with it's content within it. A placeholder is just that, a placeholder that's replaced by whatever you put in it.

What are all the possible values for HTTP "Content-Type" header?

I would aim at covering a subset of possible "Content-type" values, you question seems to focus on identifying known content types.

@Jeroen RFC 1341 reference is great, but for an fairly exhaustive list IANA keeps a web page of officially registered media types here.

Remote debugging Tomcat with Eclipse

If still all the above doen't work you can always add to the script

    set "JAVA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n"

Disable Rails SQL logging in console

Here's a variation I consider somewhat cleaner, that still allows potential other logging from AR. In config/environments/development.rb :

config.after_initialize do
  ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Rails.logger.clone
  ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::INFO

System.currentTimeMillis vs System.nanoTime

If you're just looking for extremely precise measurements of elapsed time, use System.nanoTime(). System.currentTimeMillis() will give you the most accurate possible elapsed time in milliseconds since the epoch, but System.nanoTime() gives you a nanosecond-precise time, relative to some arbitrary point.

From the Java Documentation:

public static long nanoTime()

Returns the current value of the most precise available system timer, in nanoseconds.

This method can only be used to measure elapsed time and is not related to any other notion of system or wall-clock time. The value returned represents nanoseconds since some fixed but arbitrary origin time (perhaps in the future, so values may be negative). This method provides nanosecond precision, but not necessarily nanosecond accuracy. No guarantees are made about how frequently values change. Differences in successive calls that span greater than approximately 292 years (263 nanoseconds) will not accurately compute elapsed time due to numerical overflow.

For example, to measure how long some code takes to execute:

long startTime = System.nanoTime();    
// ... the code being measured ...    
long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;

See also: JavaDoc System.nanoTime() and JavaDoc System.currentTimeMillis() for more info.

background: fixed no repeat not working on mobile

I think that mobile devices dont work with fixed positions. You should try with some js plugin like skrollr.js (for example). With this kind of plugin you can select the position of your div (or whatever) in function of scrollbar position.

How to get table list in database, using MS SQL 2008?

Answering the question in your title, you can query sys.tables or sys.objects where type = 'U' to check for the existence of a table. You can also use OBJECT_ID('table_name', 'U'). If it returns a non-null value then the table exists:

IF (OBJECT_ID('dbo.My_Table', 'U') IS NULL)
    CREATE TABLE dbo.My_Table (...)

You can do the same for databases with DB_ID():

IF (DB_ID('My_Database') IS NULL)

If you want to create the database and then start using it, that needs to be done in separate batches. I don't know the specifics of your case, but there shouldn't be many cases where this isn't possible. In a SQL script you can use GO statements. In an application it's easy enough to send across a new command after the database is created.

The only place that you might have an issue is if you were trying to do this in a stored procedure and creating databases on the fly like that is usually a bad idea.

If you really need to do this in one batch, you can get around the issue by using EXEC to get around the parsing error of the database not existing:


IF (OBJECT_ID('Test_DB2.dbo.My_Table', 'U') IS NULL)
    EXEC('CREATE TABLE Test_DB2.dbo.My_Table (my_id INT)')

EDIT: As others have suggested, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES system view is probably preferable since it is supposedly a standard going forward and possibly between RDBMSs.

How does collections.defaultdict work?


"The standard dictionary includes the method setdefault() for retrieving a value and establishing a default if the value does not exist. By contrast, defaultdict lets the caller specify the default(value to be returned) up front when the container is initialized."

as defined by Doug Hellmann in The Python Standard Library by Example

How to use defaultdict

Import defaultdict

>>> from collections import defaultdict

Initialize defaultdict

Initialize it by passing

callable as its first argument(mandatory)

>>> d_int = defaultdict(int)
>>> d_list = defaultdict(list)
>>> def foo():
...     return 'default value'
>>> d_foo = defaultdict(foo)
>>> d_int
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {})
>>> d_list
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {})
>>> d_foo
defaultdict(<function foo at 0x7f34a0a69578>, {})

**kwargs as its second argument(optional)

>>> d_int = defaultdict(int, a=10, b=12, c=13)
>>> d_int
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'a': 10, 'c': 13, 'b': 12})


>>> kwargs = {'a':10,'b':12,'c':13}
>>> d_int = defaultdict(int, **kwargs)
>>> d_int
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'a': 10, 'c': 13, 'b': 12})

How does it works

As is a child class of standard dictionary, it can perform all the same functions.

But in case of passing an unknown key it returns the default value instead of error. For ex:

>>> d_int['a']
>>> d_int['d']
>>> d_int
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'a': 10, 'c': 13, 'b': 12, 'd': 0})

In case you want to change default value overwrite default_factory:

>>> d_int.default_factory = lambda: 1
>>> d_int['e']
>>> d_int
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x7f34a0a91578>, {'a': 10, 'c': 13, 'b': 12, 'e': 1, 'd': 0})


>>> def foo():
...     return 2
>>> d_int.default_factory = foo
>>> d_int['f']
>>> d_int
defaultdict(<function foo at 0x7f34a0a0a140>, {'a': 10, 'c': 13, 'b': 12, 'e': 1, 'd': 0, 'f': 2})

Examples in the Question

Example 1

As int has been passed as default_factory, any unknown key will return 0 by default.

Now as the string is passed in the loop, it will increase the count of those alphabets in d.

>>> s = 'mississippi'
>>> d = defaultdict(int)
>>> d.default_factory
<type 'int'>
>>> for k in s:
...     d[k] += 1
>>> d.items()
[('i', 4), ('p', 2), ('s', 4), ('m', 1)]
>>> d
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'i': 4, 'p': 2, 's': 4, 'm': 1})

Example 2

As a list has been passed as default_factory, any unknown(non-existent) key will return [ ](ie. list) by default.

Now as the list of tuples is passed in the loop, it will append the value in the d[color]

>>> s = [('yellow', 1), ('blue', 2), ('yellow', 3), ('blue', 4), ('red', 1)]
>>> d = defaultdict(list)
>>> d.default_factory
<type 'list'>
>>> for k, v in s:
...     d[k].append(v)
>>> d.items()
[('blue', [2, 4]), ('red', [1]), ('yellow', [1, 3])]
>>> d
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'blue': [2, 4], 'red': [1], 'yellow': [1, 3]})

Using C# regular expressions to remove HTML tags

use this..


How to set a transparent background of JPanel?

(Feature Panel).setOpaque(false);

Hope this helps.

Efficient way to Handle ResultSet in Java

public static List<HashMap<Object, Object>> GetListOfDataFromResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
        int count = metaData.getColumnCount();
        String[] columnName = new String[count];
        List<HashMap<Object,Object>> lst=new ArrayList<>();
        while( {
            HashMap<Object,Object> map=new HashMap<>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++){
                   columnName[i-1] = metaData.getColumnLabel(i);
                   map.put(columnName[i-1], rs.getObject(i));

        return lst;

Increment a value in Postgres

UPDATE totals 
   SET total = total + 1
WHERE name = 'bill';

If you want to make sure the current value is indeed 203 (and not accidently increase it again) you can also add another condition:

UPDATE totals 
   SET total = total + 1
WHERE name = 'bill'
  AND total = 203;

Docker expose all ports or range of ports from 7000 to 8000

For anyone facing this issue and ending up on this post...the issue is still open -

npm ERR cb() never called

For me none of the above solutions worked (reinstalling, clearing cache, folders etc.).

My problem was solved with:

npm config set registry

Increase heap size in Java

You can increase to 2GB on a 32 bit system. If you're on a 64 bit system you can go higher. No need to worry if you've chosen incorrectly, if you ask for 5g on a 32 bit system java will complain about an invalid value and quit.

As others have posted, use the cmd-line flags - e.g.

java -Xmx6g myprogram

You can get a full list (or a nearly full list, anyway) by typing java -X.

Image convert to Base64

Function convert image to base64 using jquery (you can convert to vanila js). Hope it help to you!

Usage: input is your nameId input has file image

<input type="file" id="asd"/>
<button onclick="proccessData()">Submit</button>

<script src=""></script>

async function converImageToBase64(inputId) {
  let image = $('#'+inputId)[0]['files']

  if (image && image[0]) {
    const reader = new FileReader();

    return new Promise(resolve => {
      reader.onload = ev => {

async function proccessData() {
  const image = await converImageToBase64('asd')


Example: converImageToBase64('yourFileInputId')

IF...THEN...ELSE using XML

Personally, I would prefer

  <TIME from="5pm" to="9pm" />
    <!-- action -->
    <!-- action -->

In this way you don't need an id attribute to tie together the IF, THEN, ELSE tags

How to multiply values using SQL

Why are you grouping by? Do you mean order by?

SELECT player_name, player_salary, player_salary * 1.1 AS NewSalary
FROM players
ORDER BY player_salary, player_name;

Converting JSON to XLS/CSV in Java

You could only convert a JSON array into a CSV file.

Lets say, you have a JSON like the following :

{"infile": [{"field1": 11,"field2": 12,"field3": 13},
            {"field1": 21,"field2": 22,"field3": 23},
            {"field1": 31,"field2": 32,"field3": 33}]}

Lets see the code for converting it to csv :


import org.json.CDL;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class JSON2CSV {
    public static void main(String myHelpers[]){
        String jsonString = "{\"infile\": [{\"field1\": 11,\"field2\": 12,\"field3\": 13},{\"field1\": 21,\"field2\": 22,\"field3\": 23},{\"field1\": 31,\"field2\": 32,\"field3\": 33}]}";

        JSONObject output;
        try {
            output = new JSONObject(jsonString);

            JSONArray docs = output.getJSONArray("infile");

            File file=new File("/tmp2/fromJSON.csv");
            String csv = CDL.toString(docs);
            FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, csv);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block


Now you got the CSV generated from JSON.

It should look like this:


The maven dependency was like,


Update Dec 13, 2019:

Updating the answer, since now we can support complex JSON Arrays as well.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

import com.github.opendevl.JFlat;

public class FlattenJson {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String str = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("path_to_imput.json")));

        JFlat flatMe = new JFlat(str);

        //get the 2D representation of JSON document

        //write the 2D representation in csv format


dependency and docs details are in link

Case objects vs Enumerations in Scala

One big difference is that Enumerations come with support for instantiating them from some name String. For example:

object Currency extends Enumeration {
   val GBP = Value("GBP")
   val EUR = Value("EUR") //etc.

Then you can do:

val ccy = Currency.withName("EUR")

This is useful when wishing to persist enumerations (for example, to a database) or create them from data residing in files. However, I find in general that enumerations are a bit clumsy in Scala and have the feel of an awkward add-on, so I now tend to use case objects. A case object is more flexible than an enum:

sealed trait Currency { def name: String }
case object EUR extends Currency { val name = "EUR" } //etc.

case class UnknownCurrency(name: String) extends Currency

So now I have the advantage of...

trade.ccy match {
  case EUR                   =>
  case UnknownCurrency(code) =>

As @chaotic3quilibrium pointed out (with some corrections to ease reading):

Regarding "UnknownCurrency(code)" pattern, there are other ways to handle not finding a currency code string than "breaking" the closed set nature of the Currency type. UnknownCurrency being of type Currency can now sneak into other parts of an API.

It's advisable to push that case outside Enumeration and make the client deal with an Option[Currency] type that would clearly indicate there is really a matching problem and "encourage" the user of the API to sort it out him/herself.

To follow up on the other answers here, the main drawbacks of case objects over Enumerations are:

  1. Can't iterate over all instances of the "enumeration". This is certainly the case, but I've found it extremely rare in practice that this is required.

  2. Can't instantiate easily from persisted value. This is also true but, except in the case of huge enumerations (for example, all currencies), this doesn't present a huge overhead.

Replace an element into a specific position of a vector

You can do that using at. You can try out the following simple example:

const size_t N = 20;
std::vector<int> vec(N);
try { - 1) = 7;
} catch (std::out_of_range ex) {
    std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
assert( - 1) == 7);

Notice that method at returns an allocator_type::reference, which is that case is a int&. Using at is equivalent to assigning values like vec[i]=....

There is a difference between at and insert as it can be understood with the following example:

const size_t N = 8;
std::vector<int> vec(N);
for (size_t i = 0; i<5; i++){
    vec[i] = i + 1;

vec.insert(vec.begin()+2, 10);

If we now print out vec we will get:

1 2 10 3 4 5 0 0 0

If, instead, we did = 10, or vec[2]=10, we would get

1 2 10 4 5 0 0 0

How to rebuild docker container in docker-compose.yml?

docker-compose stop nginx # stop if running
docker-compose rm -f nginx # remove without confirmation
docker-compose build nginx # build
docker-compose up -d nginx # create and start in background

Removing container with rm is essential. Without removing, Docker will start old container.

How to commit a change with both "message" and "description" from the command line?

Use the git commit command without any flags. The configured editor will open (Vim in this case):

enter image description here

To start typing press the INSERT key on your keyboard, then in insert mode create a better commit with description how do you want. For example:

enter image description here

Once you have written all that you need, to returns to git, first you should exit insert mode, for that press ESC. Now close the Vim editor with save changes by typing on the keyboard :wq (w - write, q - quit):

enter image description here

and press ENTER.

On GitHub this commit will looks like this:

enter image description here

As a commit editor you can use VS Code:

git config --global core.editor "code --wait"

From VS Code docs website: VS Code as Git editor

Gif demonstration: enter image description here

Opening a remote machine's Windows C drive

By default, Windows makes the root of each drive available (provided you've got Administrator privileges) as (e.g.) \\server\c$. These are known as Administrative Shares.

How can I delete all of my Git stashes at once?

There are two ways to delete a stash:

  1. If you no longer need a particular stash, you can delete it with: $ git stash drop <stash_id>.
  2. You can delete all of your stashes from the repo with: $ git stash clear.

Use both of them with caution, it maybe is difficult to revert the once deleted stashes.

Here is the reference article.

React with ES7: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined

You have to bind your event handlers to correct context (this):


How can I convert radians to degrees with Python?

Python includes two functions in the math package; radians converts degrees to radians, and degrees converts radians to degrees.

To match the output of your calculator you need:

>>> math.cos(math.radians(1))

Note that all of the trig functions convert between an angle and the ratio of two sides of a triangle. cos, sin, and tan take an angle in radians as input and return the ratio; acos, asin, and atan take a ratio as input and return an angle in radians. You only convert the angles, never the ratios.

Store List to session

Try this..

    List<Cat> cats = new List<Cat>
        new Cat(){ Name = "Sylvester", Age=8 },
        new Cat(){ Name = "Whiskers", Age=2 },
        new Cat(){ Name = "Sasha", Age=14 }
    Session["data"] = cats;
    foreach (Cat c in cats)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cats>>" + c.Name);     //DEBUGGG

Visual Studio 2017 errors on standard headers

I got the errors to go away by installing the Windows Universal CRT SDK component, which adds support for legacy Windows SDKs. You can install this using the Visual Studio Installer:

enter image description here

If the problem still persists, you should change the Target SDK in the Visual Studio Project : check whether the Windows SDK version is 10.0.15063.0.

In : Project -> Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version -> select 10.0.15063.0.

Then errno.h and other standard files will be found and it will compile.

How to make google spreadsheet refresh itself every 1 minute?

GOOGLEFINANCE can have a 20 minutes delay, so refreshing every minute would not really help.

Instead of GOOGLEFINANCE you can use different source. I'm using this RealTime stock prices(I tried a couple but this is the easiest by-far to implement. They have API that retuen JSON { Name: CurrentPrice }

Here's a little script you can use in Google Sheets(Tools->Script Editor)

function GetStocksPrice() {      
   var url = ' 
   var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);

   // convert json string to json object
   var jsonSignal = JSON.parse(response);    

  // define an array of all the object keys
  var headerRow = Object.keys(jsonSignal);
  // define an array of all the object values
  var values ={ return jsonSignal[key]});   
  var data = values[0];

  // get sheet by ID -  
  // you can get the sheet unqiue ID from the your current sheet url
  var jsonSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("Your Sheet UniqueID");  
  //var name = jsonSheet.getName();

  var sheet = jsonSheet.getSheetByName('Sheet1'); 

  // the column to put the data in -> Y
  var letter = "F";

  // start from line 
  var index = 4;
  data.forEach(function( row, index2 ) { 

     var keys = Object.keys(row);
     var value2 = row[keys[1]];            

     // set value loction
     var cellXY = letter +  index;      
     index = index + 1;    

Now you need to add a trigger that will execute every minute.

  1. Go to Project Triggers -> click on the Watch icon next to the Save icon
  2. Add Trigger
  3. In -> Choose which function to run -> GetStocksPrice
  4. In -> Select event source -> Time-driven
  5. In -> Select type of time based trigger -> Minutes timer
  6. In -> Select minute interval -> Every minute

And your set :)

Converting map to struct

You can do it ... it may get a bit ugly and you'll be faced with some trial and error in terms of mapping types .. but heres the basic gist of it:

func FillStruct(data map[string]interface{}, result interface{}) {
    t := reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem()
    for k, v := range data {
        val := t.FieldByName(k)

Working sample:

How to restart service using command prompt?

This is my code, to start/stop a Windows service using SC command. If the service fails to start/stop, it will print a log info. You can try it by Inno Setup.

{ start a service }
Exec(ExpandConstant('{cmd}'), '/C sc start ServiceName', '',
     SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
Log('sc start ServiceName:'+SysErrorMessage(ResultCode));
{ stop a service }
Exec(ExpandConstant('{cmd}'), '/C sc stop ServiceName', '',
     SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
Log('sc stop ServiceName:'+SysErrorMessage(ResultCode));

HTML / CSS Popup div on text click

For the sake of completeness, what you are trying to create is a "modal window".

Numerous JS solutions allow you to create them with ease, take the time to find the one which best suits your needs.

I have used Tinybox 2 for small projects :

Property getters and setters

Setters and Getters apply to computed properties; such properties do not have storage in the instance - the value from the getter is meant to be computed from other instance properties. In your case, there is no x to be assigned.

Explicitly: "How can I do this without explicit backing ivars". You can't - you'll need something to backup the computed property. Try this:

class Point {
  private var _x: Int = 0             // _x -> backingX
  var x: Int {
    set { _x = 2 * newValue }
    get { return _x / 2 }

Specifically, in the Swift REPL:

 15> var pt = Point()
pt: Point = {
  _x = 0
 16> pt.x = 10
 17> pt
$R3: Point = {
  _x = 20
 18> pt.x
$R4: Int = 10

How do you post to the wall on a facebook page (not profile)

You can not post to Facebook walls automatically without creating an application and using the templated feed publisher as Frank pointed out.

The only thing you can do is use the 'share' widgets that they provide, which require user interaction.

Difference between "char" and "String" in Java

In layman's term, char is a letter, while String is a collection of letter (or a word). The distinction of ' and " is important, as 'Test' is illegal in Java.

char is a primitive type, String is a class

Python 101: Can't open file: No such file or directory

Try uninstalling Python and then install it again, but this time make sure that the option Add Python to Path is marked as checked during the installation process.

How to iterate through XML in Powershell?

You can also do it without the [xml] cast. (Although xpath is a world unto itself.

$xml = (select-xml -xpath / -path stack.xml).node

Or just this, xpath is case sensitive. Both have the same output:

$xml = (select-xml -xpath /Objects/Object/Property -path stack.xml).node

Name         Type                                                #text
----         ----                                                -----
DisplayName  System.String                                       SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)
ServiceState Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ServiceState Running
DisplayName  System.String                                       SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER)
ServiceState Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ServiceState Stopped

what is the use of fflush(stdin) in c programming

it clears stdin buffer before reading. From the man page:

For output streams, fflush() forces a write of all user-space buffered data for the given output or update stream via the stream's underlying write function. For input streams, fflush() discards any buffered data that has been fetched from the underlying file, but has not been consumed by the application.

Note: This is Linux-specific, using fflush() on input streams is undefined by the standard, however, most implementations behave the same as in Linux.

How do I restrict an input to only accept numbers?

Here's my implementation of the $parser solution that @Mark Rajcok recommends as the best method. It's essentially @pkozlowski.opensource's excellent $parser for text answer but rewritten to only allow numerics. All credit goes to him, this is just to save you the 5 minutes of reading that answer and then rewriting your own:

app.directive('numericOnly', function(){
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, modelCtrl) {

            modelCtrl.$parsers.push(function (inputValue) {
                var transformedInput = inputValue ? inputValue.replace(/[^\d.-]/g,'') : null;

                if (transformedInput!=inputValue) {

                return transformedInput;

And you'd use it like this:

<input type="text" name="number" ng-model="num_things" numeric-only>

Interestingly, spaces never reach the parser unless surrounded by an alphanumeric, so you'd have to .trim() as needed. Also, this parser does NOT work on <input type="number">. For some reason, non-numerics never make it to the parser where they'd be removed, but they do make it into the input control itself.

Creating an empty bitmap and drawing though canvas in Android

Do not use Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888

Instead use int w = WIDTH_PX, h = HEIGHT_PX;

Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444; // see other conf types
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, conf); // this creates a MUTABLE bitmap
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp);

// ready to draw on that bitmap through that canvas

ARGB_8888 can land you in OutOfMemory issues when dealing with more bitmaps or large bitmaps. Or better yet, try avoiding usage of ARGB option itself.

No resource found that matches the given name '@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light'

If you are looking for the solution in Android Studio :

  1. Right click on your app
  2. Open Module Settings
  3. Select Dependencies tab
  4. Click on green + symbol which is on the right side
  5. Select Library Dependency
  6. Choose appcompat-v7 from list

How to create range in Swift?

If anyone want to create NSRange object can create as:

let range: NSRange = NSRange.init(location: 0, length: 5)

this will create range with position 0 and length 5

Parse strings to double with comma and point

To treat both , and . as decimal point you must not only replace one with the other, but also make sure the Culture used parsing interprets it as a decimal point.

text = text.Replace(',', '.');
return double.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value);

How to check if a Java 8 Stream is empty?

This may be sufficient in many cases


Adding rows dynamically with jQuery

Untested. Modify to suit:

$form = $('#my-form');

$rows = $form.find('.person-input-row');

$('button#add-new').click(function() {


    $justInserted = $rows.find(':last');
    $justInserted.find('input').val(''); // it may copy values from first one


This is better than copying innerHTML because you will lose all attached events etc.

How do I create a master branch in a bare Git repository?

A bare repository is pretty much something you only push to and fetch from. You cannot do much directly "in it": you cannot check stuff out, create references (branches, tags), run git status, etc.

If you want to create a new branch in a bare Git repository, you can push a branch from a clone to your bare repo:

# initialize your bare repo
$ git init --bare test-repo.git

# clone it and cd to the clone's root directory
$ git clone test-repo.git/ test-clone
Cloning into 'test-clone'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
$ cd test-clone

# make an initial commit in the clone
$ touch
$ git add . 
$ git commit -m "add README"
[master (root-commit) 65aab0e] add README
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644

# push to origin (i.e. your bare repo)
$ git push origin master
Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 219 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To /Users/jubobs/test-repo.git/
 * [new branch]      master -> master

Platform.runLater and Task in JavaFX

One reason to use an explicite Platform.runLater() could be that you bound a property in the ui to a service (result) property. So if you update the bound service property, you have to do this via runLater():

In UI thread also known as the JavaFX Application thread:


in Service implementation (background worker):

Platform.runLater(() -> result.add("Element " + finalI));

How to write some data to excel file(.xlsx)

Try this code

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application oXL;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook oWB;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet oSheet;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range oRng;
object misvalue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    //Start Excel and get Application object.
    oXL = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
    oXL.Visible = true;

    //Get a new workbook.
    oWB = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook)(oXL.Workbooks.Add(""));
    oSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet)oWB.ActiveSheet;

    //Add table headers going cell by cell.
    oSheet.Cells[1, 1] = "First Name";
    oSheet.Cells[1, 2] = "Last Name";
    oSheet.Cells[1, 3] = "Full Name";
    oSheet.Cells[1, 4] = "Salary";

    //Format A1:D1 as bold, vertical alignment = center.
    oSheet.get_Range("A1", "D1").Font.Bold = true;
    oSheet.get_Range("A1", "D1").VerticalAlignment =

    // Create an array to multiple values at once.
    string[,] saNames = new string[5, 2];

    saNames[0, 0] = "John";
    saNames[0, 1] = "Smith";
    saNames[1, 0] = "Tom";

    saNames[4, 1] = "Johnson";

    //Fill A2:B6 with an array of values (First and Last Names).
    oSheet.get_Range("A2", "B6").Value2 = saNames;

    //Fill C2:C6 with a relative formula (=A2 & " " & B2).
    oRng = oSheet.get_Range("C2", "C6");
    oRng.Formula = "=A2 & \" \" & B2";

    //Fill D2:D6 with a formula(=RAND()*100000) and apply format.
    oRng = oSheet.get_Range("D2", "D6");
    oRng.Formula = "=RAND()*100000";
    oRng.NumberFormat = "$0.00";

    //AutoFit columns A:D.
    oRng = oSheet.get_Range("A1", "D1");

    oXL.Visible = false;
    oXL.UserControl = false;
    oWB.SaveAs("c:\\test\\test505.xls", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
        false, false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange,
        Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);



How do I push a local Git branch to master branch in the remote?

Follow the below steps for push the local repo into Master branchenter code here

$git status

Angular File Upload

Complete example of File upload using Angular and nodejs(express)


            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="file">Choose File</label><br/>
                <input type="file" id="file" (change)="uploadFile($" multiple>

TS Component Code

uploadFile(files) {
    console.log('files', files)
        var formData = new FormData();

    for(let i =0; i < files.length; i++){
      formData.append("files", files[i], files[i]['name']);

    this.httpService.httpPost('/fileUpload', formData)
      .subscribe((response) => {
        console.log('response', response)
        (error) => {
      console.log('error in fileupload', error)

Node Js code

fileUpload API controller

function start(req, res) {
fileUploadService.fileUpload(req, res)
    .then(fileUploadServiceResponse => {
    .catch(error => {

module.exports.start = start

Upload service using multer

const multer = require('multer') // import library
const moment = require('moment')
const q = require('q')
const _ = require('underscore')
const fs = require('fs')
const dir = './public'

/** Store file on local folder */
let storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: function (req, file, cb) {
    cb(null, 'public')
filename: function (req, file, cb) {
    let date = moment('YYYYMMDDHHMMSS')
    cb(null, date + '_' + file.originalname.replace(/-/g, '_').replace(/ /g,     '_'))

/** Upload files  */
let upload = multer({ storage: storage }).array('files')

/** Exports fileUpload function */
module.exports = {
fileUpload: function (req, res) {
    let deferred = q.defer()

    /** Create dir if not exist */
    if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
        console.log(`\n\n ${dir} dose not exist, hence created \n\n`)

    upload(req, res, function (err) {
        if (req && (_.isEmpty(req.files))) {
            deferred.resolve({ status: 200, message: 'File not attached', data: [] })
        } else {
            if (err) {
                deferred.reject({ status: 400, message: 'error', data: err })
            } else {
                    status: 200,
                    message: 'File attached',
                    filename: _.pluck(req.files,
                    data: req.files
    return deferred.promise

Sort array by firstname (alphabetically) in Javascript

Inspired from this answer,

users.sort((a,b) => (a.firstname  - b.firstname));

install cx_oracle for python

The following worked for me, both on mac and Linux. This one command should download needed additional files, without need need to set environment variables.

python -m pip install cx_Oracle --pre

Note, the --pre option is for development and pre-release of the Oracle driver. As of this posting, it was grabbing cx_Oracle-6.0rc1.tar.gz, which was needed. (I'm using python 3.6)

'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Yes, I think for Windows users you need to change all the python3 calls to python to solve your original error. This change will run the Python version set in your current environment. If you need to keep this call as it is (aka python3) because you are working in cross-platform or for any other reason, then a work around is to create a soft link. To create it, go to the folder that contains the Python executable and create the link. For example, this worked in my case in Windows 10 using mklink:

cd C:\Python3
mklink python3.exe python.exe

Use a (soft) symbolic link in Linux:

cd /usr/bin/python3
ln -s python.exe python3.exe

sys.argv[1], IndexError: list index out of range

sys.argv is the list of command line arguments passed to a Python script, where sys.argv[0] is the script name itself.

It is erroring out because you are not passing any commandline argument, and thus sys.argv has length 1 and so sys.argv[1] is out of bounds.

To "fix", just make sure to pass a commandline argument when you run the script, e.g.

python /the/path/to/the/directory

However, you likely wanted to use some default directory so it will still work when you don't pass in a directory:

cur_dir = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else '.'

with open(cur_dir + '/Concatenated.csv', 'w+') as outfile:

        with open(cur_dir + '/MatrixHeader.csv') as headerfile:
            for line in headerfile:
                outfile.write(line + '\n')
        print 'No Header File'

How to get the excel file name / path in VBA

this is a simple alternative that gives all responses, Fullname, Path, filename.

Dim FilePath, FileOnly, PathOnly As String

FilePath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
FileOnly = ThisWorkbook.Name
PathOnly = Left(FilePath, Len(FilePath) - Len(FileOnly))

Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called

If you are using requestPermissions in fragment, it accepts 2 parameters instead of 3.

You should use requestPermissions(permissions, PERMISSIONS_CODE);

Better way to find control in ASP.NET

All the highlighted solutions are using recursion (which is performance costly). Here is cleaner way without recursion:

public T GetControlByType<T>(Control root, Func<T, bool> predicate = null) where T : Control 
    if (root == null) {
        throw new ArgumentNullException("root");

    var stack = new Stack<Control>(new Control[] { root });

    while (stack.Count > 0) {
        var control = stack.Pop();
        T match = control as T;

        if (match != null && (predicate == null || predicate(match))) {
            return match;

        foreach (Control childControl in control.Controls) {

    return default(T);

Minimum Hardware requirements for Android development

I find identically-specced AVDs run and load far better on my home machine (Phenom II x4 945/8GB RAM/Win7 HP 64bit) than they do on my work machine (Core2Duo/3GB RAM/Ubuntu 11.04 32bit).

As you're essentially running a virtual machine, I would personally go for nothing less than a dual core/4GB, though highly recommend a quad/8GB if you can splash out for that.

SQL Server Pivot Table with multiple column aggregates

I would do this slightly different by applying both the UNPIVOT and the PIVOT functions to get the final result. The unpivot takes the values from both the totalcount and totalamount columns and places them into one column with multiple rows. You can then pivot on those results.:

select chardate,
  Australia_totalcount as [Australia # of Transactions], 
  Australia_totalamount as [Australia Total $ Amount],
  Austria_totalcount as [Austria # of Transactions], 
  Austria_totalamount as [Austria Total $ Amount]
    country +'_'+col col, 
    select numericmonth, 
      cast(totalcount as numeric(10, 2)) totalcount,
      cast(totalamount as numeric(10, 2)) totalamount
    from mytransactions
  ) src
    for col in (totalcount, totalamount)
  ) unpiv
) s
  for col in (Australia_totalcount, Australia_totalamount,
              Austria_totalcount, Austria_totalamount)
) piv
order by numericmonth

See SQL Fiddle with Demo.

If you have an unknown number of country names, then you can use dynamic SQL:

    @colsName AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(country +'_'+c.col) 
                      from mytransactions
                      cross apply 
                        select 'TotalCount' col
                        union all
                        select 'TotalAmount'
                      ) c
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

select @colsName 
    = STUFF((SELECT distinct ', ' + QUOTENAME(country +'_'+c.col) 
               +' as ['
               + country + case when c.col = 'TotalCount' then ' # of Transactions]' else 'Total $ Amount]' end
             from mytransactions
             cross apply 
                select 'TotalCount' col
                union all
                select 'TotalAmount'
             ) c
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query 
  = 'SELECT chardate, ' + @colsName + ' 
        country +''_''+col col, 
        select numericmonth, 
          cast(totalcount as numeric(10, 2)) totalcount,
          cast(totalamount as numeric(10, 2)) totalamount
        from mytransactions
      ) src
        for col in (totalcount, totalamount)
      ) unpiv
     ) s
       for col in (' + @cols + ')
     ) p 
     order by numericmonth'


See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Both give the result:

| Jul-12               |                          36 |                   699.96 |                        11 |                 257.82 |
| Aug-12               |                          44 |                  1368.71 |                         5 |                 126.55 |
| Sep-12               |                          52 |                  1161.33 |                         7 |                  92.11 |
| Oct-12               |                          50 |                  1099.84 |                        12 |                 103.56 |
| Nov-12               |                          38 |                  1078.94 |                        21 |                 377.68 |
| Dec-12               |                          63 |                  1668.23 |                         3 |                  14.35 |

Double free or corruption after queue::push

Let's talk about copying objects in C++.

Test t;, calls the default constructor, which allocates a new array of integers. This is fine, and your expected behavior.

Trouble comes when you push t into your queue using q.push(t). If you're familiar with Java, C#, or almost any other object-oriented language, you might expect the object you created earler to be added to the queue, but C++ doesn't work that way.

When we take a look at std::queue::push method, we see that the element that gets added to the queue is "initialized to a copy of x." It's actually a brand new object that uses the copy constructor to duplicate every member of your original Test object to make a new Test.

Your C++ compiler generates a copy constructor for you by default! That's pretty handy, but causes problems with pointer members. In your example, remember that int *myArray is just a memory address; when the value of myArray is copied from the old object to the new one, you'll now have two objects pointing to the same array in memory. This isn't intrinsically bad, but the destructor will then try to delete the same array twice, hence the "double free or corruption" runtime error.

How do I fix it?

The first step is to implement a copy constructor, which can safely copy the data from one object to another. For simplicity, it could look something like this:

Test(const Test& other){
    myArray = new int[10];
    memcpy( myArray, other.myArray, 10 );

Now when you're copying Test objects, a new array will be allocated for the new object, and the values of the array will be copied as well.

We're not completely out trouble yet, though. There's another method that the compiler generates for you that could lead to similar problems - assignment. The difference is that with assignment, we already have an existing object whose memory needs to be managed appropriately. Here's a basic assignment operator implementation:

Test& operator= (const Test& other){
    if (this != &other) {
        memcpy( myArray, other.myArray, 10 );
    return *this;

The important part here is that we're copying the data from the other array into this object's array, keeping each object's memory separate. We also have a check for self-assignment; otherwise, we'd be copying from ourselves to ourselves, which may throw an error (not sure what it's supposed to do). If we were deleting and allocating more memory, the self-assignment check prevents us from deleting memory from which we need to copy.

Round up double to 2 decimal places

if you give it 234.545332233 it will give you 234.54

let textData = Double(myTextField.text!)!
let text = String(format: "%.2f", arguments: [textData])
mylabel.text = text

get list of packages installed in Anaconda

For script creation at Windows cmd or powershell prompt:

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3
conda list
pip list

Unique on a dataframe with only selected columns

Using unique():

dat <- data.frame(id=c(1,1,3),id2=c(1,1,4),somevalue=c("x","y","z"))    
dat[row.names(unique(dat[,c("id", "id2")])),]

Setting maxlength of textbox with JavaScript or jQuery

The max length property is camel-cased: maxLength

jQuery doesn't come with a maxlength method by default. Also, your document ready function isn't technically correct:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#ms_num")[0].maxLength = 6;
    // OR:
    $("#ms_num").attr('maxlength', 6);
    // OR you can use prop if you are using jQuery 1.6+:
    $("#ms_num").prop('maxLength', 6);

Also, since you are using jQuery, you can rewrite your code like this (taking advantage of jQuery 1.6+):

$('input').each(function (index) {
    var element = $(this);
    if (index === 1) {
        element.prop('maxLength', 3);
    } else if (':radio') ||':checkbox')) {
        element.prop('maxLength', 5);

$(function() {
    $("#ms_num").prop('maxLength', 6);

How can I get a resource content from a static context?


I use App.getRes() instead of App.getContext().getResources() (as @Cristian answered)

It is very simple to use anywhere in your code!

So here is a unique solution by which you can access resources from anywhere like Util class .

(1) Create or Edit your Application class.

import android.content.res.Resources;

public class App extends Application {
    private static App mInstance;
    private static Resources res;

    public void onCreate() {
        mInstance = this;
        res = getResources();

    public static App getInstance() {
        return mInstance;

    public static Resources getRes() {
        return res;


(2) Add name field to your manifest.xml <application tag. (or Skip this if already there)


Now you are good to go.

Use App.getRes().getString(R.string.some_id) anywhere in code.

How to backup MySQL database in PHP?

for using Cron Job, below is the php function

public function runback() {

    $filename = '/var/www/html/local/storage/stores/database_backup_' . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.sql';

     *  db backup

    $command = "mysqldump --single-transaction -h $dbhost -u$dbuser -p$dbpass yourdb_name > $filename";
    if ($command == '') {
        /* no output is good */
        echo 'not done';
    } else {
       /* we have something to log the output here */
        echo 'done';

There should not be any space between -u and username also no space between -p and password. CRON JOB command to run this script every sunday 8.30 am:

>> crontab -e

30 8 * * 7 curl -k

How to read data From *.CSV file using javascript?

function CSVParse(csvFile)
    this.rows = [];

    var fieldRegEx = new RegExp('(?:\s*"((?:""|[^"])*)"\s*|\s*((?:""|[^",\r\n])*(?:""|[^"\s,\r\n]))?\s*)(,|[\r\n]+|$)', "g");   
    var row = [];
    var currMatch = null;

    while (currMatch = fieldRegEx.exec(this.csvFile))
        row.push([currMatch[1], currMatch[2]].join('')); // concatenate with potential nulls

        if (currMatch[3] != ',')
            row = [];

        if (currMatch[3].length == 0)

I like to have the regex do as much as possible. This regex treats all items as either quoted or unquoted, followed by either a column delimiter, or a row delimiter. Or the end of text.

Which is why that last condition -- without it it would be an infinite loop since the pattern can match a zero length field (totally valid in csv). But since $ is a zero length assertion, it won't progress to a non match and end the loop.

And FYI, I had to make the second alternative exclude quotes surrounding the value; seems like it was executing before the first alternative on my javascript engine and considering the quotes as part of the unquoted value. I won't ask -- just got it to work.

SSL Error: CERT_UNTRUSTED while using npm command

Reinstall node, then update npm.

First I removed node

apt-get purge node

Then install node according to the distibution. Docs here .


npm install npm@latest -g

Check if all values of array are equal

Shortest answer using underscore/lodash

function elementsEqual(arr) {
    return !_.without(arr, arr[0]).length


elementsEqual(null) // throws error
elementsEqual([]) // true
elementsEqual({}) // true
elementsEqual([1]) // true
elementsEqual([1,2]) // false
elementsEqual(NaN) // true


Or even shorter, inspired by Tom's answer:

function elementsEqual2(arr) {
    return _.uniq(arr).length <= 1;


elementsEqual2(null) // true (beware, it's different than above)
elementsEqual2([]) // true
elementsEqual2({}) // true
elementsEqual2([1]) // true
elementsEqual2([1,2]) // false
elementsEqual2(NaN) // true

How to increment variable under DOS?

I built my answer thanks to previous contributors.

Not having time for a custom counter.exe, I downloaded sed for FREEDOS.

And then the batch code could be, emulating "wc -l" with the utility sed, something like this according to your loop (I just use it to increment through executions starting from "1" to n+1):

Just remember to manually create a file "test.txt" with written on the first row


sed -n '$=' test.txt > counter.txt
set /P Var=< counter.txt
echo 0 >> test.txt

Performing a Stress Test on Web Application?

I've used openSTA.

This allows a session with a web site to be recorded and then played back via a relatively simple script language.

You can easily test web services and write your own scripts.

It allows you to put scripts together in a test in any way you want and configure the number of iterations, the number of users in each iteration, the ramp up time to introduce each new user and the delay between each iteration. Tests can also be scheduled in the future.

It's open source and free.

It produces a number of reports which can be saved to a spreadsheet. We then use a pivot table to easily analyse and graph the results.

A table name as a variable

You need to use the SQL Server dynamic SQL:

DECLARE @table     NVARCHAR(128),
        @sql       NVARCHAR(MAX);

SET @table = N'tableName';

SET @sql = N'SELECT * FROM ' + @table;

Use EXEC to execute any SQL:

EXEC (@sql)

Use EXEC sp_executesql to execute any SQL:

EXEC sp_executesql @sql;

Use EXECUTE sp_executesql to execute any SQL:

EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql

Hide div by default and show it on click with bootstrap

I realize this question is a bit dated and since it shows up on Google search for similar issue I thought I will expand a little bit more on top of @CowWarrior's answer. I was looking for somewhat similar solution, and after scouring through countless SO question/answers and Bootstrap documentations the solution was pretty simple. Again, this would be using inbuilt Bootstrap collapse class to show/hide divs and Bootstrap's "Collapse Event".

What I realized is that it is easy to do it using a Bootstrap Accordion, but most of the time even though the functionality required is "somewhat" similar to an Accordion, it's different in a way that one would want to show hide <div> based on, lets say, menu buttons on a navbar. Below is a simple solution to this. The anchor tags (<a>) could be navbar items and based on a collapse event the corresponding div will replace the existing div. It looks slightly sloppy in CodeSnippet, but it is pretty close to achieving the functionality-

All that the JavaScript does is makes all the other <div> hide using


when the loaded <div> is displayed by checking the Collapse event Here's the Bootstrap documentation on Collapse Event.

Note: main-container is just a custom class.

Here it goes-

$(".main-container.collapse").on('', function () {    _x000D_
//when a collapsed div is shown hide all other collapsible divs that are visible_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<a href="#Foo" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="collapse">Toggle Foo</a>_x000D_
<a href="#Bar" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="collapse">Toggle Bar</a>_x000D_
<div id="Bar" class="main-container collapse in">_x000D_
    This div (#Bar) is shown by default and can toggle_x000D_
<div id="Foo" class="main-container collapse">_x000D_
    This div (#Foo) is hidden by default_x000D_

How to sort an array of objects in Java?

Arrays.sort(yourList,new Comparator<YourObject>() {

    public int compare(YourObjecto1, YourObjecto2) {
        return compare(o1.getYourColumn(), o2.getYourColumn());

How to make div appear in front of another?

Use the CSS z-index property. Elements with a greater z-index value are positioned in front of elements with smaller z-index values.

Note that for this to work, you also need to set a position style (position:absolute, position:relative, or position:fixed) on both/all of the elements you want to order.

Can I edit an iPad's host file?

Best Answer: Simply add http or https in your browser, the IP address, colon and port number. Example:

Why does Date.parse give incorrect results?

According to the format "yyyy/mm/dd" solves the usual problems. He says: "Stick to "YYYY/MM/DD" for your date strings whenever possible. It's universally supported and unambiguous. With this format, all times are local." I've set tests: This format: + avoids the day and month order ambiguity by using y m d ordering and a 4-digit year + avoids the UTC vs. local issue not complying with ISO format by using slashes + danvk, the dygraphs guy, says that this format is good in all browsers.

How do I check if an object's type is a particular subclass in C++?

You can do it with dynamic_cast (at least for polymorphic types).

Actually, on second thought--you can't tell if it is SPECIFICALLY a particular type with dynamic_cast--but you can tell if it is that type or any subclass thereof.

template <class DstType, class SrcType>
bool IsType(const SrcType* src)
  return dynamic_cast<const DstType*>(src) != nullptr;

UILabel with text of two different colors

My own solution was created a method like the next one:

-(void)setColorForText:(NSString*) textToFind originalText:(NSString *)originalString withColor:(UIColor*)color andLabel:(UILabel *)label{

NSMutableAttributedString *attString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:originalString];
NSRange range = [originalString rangeOfString:textToFind];

[attString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:color range:range];

label.attributedText = attString;

if (range.location != NSNotFound) {
    [attString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:color range:range];
label.attributedText = attString; }

It worked with just one different color in the same text but you can adapt it easily to more colores in the same sentence.

Can I grep only the first n lines of a file?

For folks who find this on Google, I needed to search the first n lines of multiple files, but to only print the matching filenames. I used

 gawk 'FNR>10 {nextfile} /pattern/ { print FILENAME ; nextfile }' filenames

The FNR..nextfile stops processing a file once 10 lines have been seen. The //..{} prints the filename and moves on whenever the first match in a given file shows up. To quote the filenames for the benefit of other programs, use

 gawk 'FNR>10 {nextfile} /pattern/ { print "\"" FILENAME "\"" ; nextfile }' filenames

How to access SOAP services from iPhone

Have a look at gsoap that includes two iOS examples in the download package under ios_plugin. The tool converts WSDL to code for SOAP and XML REST.

Sharing a URL with a query string on Twitter

You can use these functions:

 function shareOnFB(){
       var url = " message";, '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=300,width=600');
       return false;

function shareOntwitter(){
    var url = '';
    TwitterWindow =, 'TwitterWindow',width=600,height=300);
    return false;

function shareOnGoogle(){
     var url = "";, '', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=350,width=480');
     return false;

<a onClick="shareOnFB()"> Facebook </a>
<a onClick="shareOntwitter()"> Twitter </a>
<a onClick="shareOnGoogle()"> Google </a>

How to play an android notification sound

If anyone's still looking for a solution to this, I found an answer at How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android

try {
    Uri notification = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION);
    Ringtone r = RingtoneManager.getRingtone(getApplicationContext(), notification);;
} catch (Exception e) {

You can change TYPE_NOTIFICATION to TYPE_ALARM, but you'll want to keep track of your Ringtone r in order to stop playing it... say, when the user clicks a button or something.

Relative imports for the billionth time

Relative imports use a module's name attribute to determine that module's position in the package hierarchy. If the module's name does not contain any package information (e.g. it is set to 'main') then relative imports are resolved as if the module were a top level module, regardless of where the module is actually located on the file system.

Wrote a little python package to PyPi that might help viewers of this question. The package acts as workaround if one wishes to be able to run python files containing imports containing upper level packages from within a package / project without being directly in the importing file's directory.

jQuery - multiple $(document).ready ...?

Both will get called, first come first served. Take a look here.

    $("#page-title").html("Document-ready was called!");

    $("#page-title").html("Document-ready 2 was called!");


Document-ready 2 was called!

How to add files/folders to .gitignore in IntelliJ IDEA?

Intellij had .ignore plugin to support this.

After you install the plugin, you right click on the project and select new -> .ignore file -> .gitignore file (Git) enter image description here

Then, select the type of project you have to generate a template and click Generate. enter image description here

Xcode 4 - build output directory

If you have Xcode 4 Build Location setting set to "Place build products in derived data location (recommended), it should be located in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. This directory will have your project in there as a directory, the project name will be appended with a bunch of generated letters so look carefully.

When to use DataContract and DataMember attributes?

DataMember attribute is not mandatory to add to serialize data. When DataMember attribute is not added, old XMLSerializer serializes the data. Adding a DataMember provides useful properties like order, name, isrequired which cannot be used otherwise.

How to generate a random string of 20 characters

Here you go. Just specify the chars you want to allow on the first line.

char[] chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20);
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    char c = chars[random.nextInt(chars.length)];
String output = sb.toString();

If you are using this to generate something sensitive like a password reset URL or session ID cookie or temporary password reset, be sure to use instead. Values produced by java.util.Random and java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom are mathematically predictable.

Text editor to open big (giant, huge, large) text files

Free read-only viewers:

  • Large Text File Viewer (Windows) – Fully customizable theming (colors, fonts, word wrap, tab size). Supports horizontal and vertical split view. Also support file following and regex search. Very fast, simple, and has small executable size.
  • klogg (Windows, macOS, Linux) – A maintained fork of glogg, its main feature is regular expression search. It can also watch files, allows the user to mark lines, and has serious optimizations built in. But from a UI standpoint, it's ugly and clunky.
  • LogExpert (Windows) – "A GUI replacement for tail." It's really a log file analyzer, not a large file viewer, and in one test it required 10 seconds and 700 MB of RAM to load a 250 MB file. But its killer features are the columnizer (parse logs that are in CSV, JSONL, etc. and display in a spreadsheet format) and the highlighter (show lines with certain words in certain colors). Also supports file following, tabs, multifiles, bookmarks, search, plugins, and external tools.
  • Lister (Windows) – Very small and minimalist. It's one executable, barely 500 KB, but it still supports searching (with regexes), printing, a hex editor mode, and settings.
  • loxx (Windows) – Supports file following, highlighting, line numbers, huge files, regex, multiple files and views, and much more. The free version can not: process regex, filter files, synchronize timestamps, and save changed files.

Free editors:

  • Your regular editor or IDE. Modern editors can handle surprisingly large files. In particular, Vim (Windows, macOS, Linux), Emacs (Windows, macOS, Linux), Notepad++ (Windows), Sublime Text (Windows, macOS, Linux), and VS Code (Windows, macOS, Linux) support large (~4 GB) files, assuming you have the RAM.
  • Large File Editor (Windows) – Opens and edits TB+ files, supports Unicode, uses little memory, has XML-specific features, and includes a binary mode.
  • GigaEdit (Windows) – Supports searching, character statistics, and font customization. But it's buggy – with large files, it only allows overwriting characters, not inserting them; it doesn't respect LF as a line terminator, only CRLF; and it's slow.

Builtin programs (no installation required):

  • less (macOS, Linux) – The traditional Unix command-line pager tool. Lets you view text files of practically any size. Can be installed on Windows, too.
  • Notepad (Windows) – Decent with large files, especially with word wrap turned off.
  • MORE (Windows) – This refers to the Windows MORE, not the Unix more. A console program that allows you to view a file, one screen at a time.

Web viewers:

Paid editors:

  • 010 Editor (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens giant (as large as 50 GB) files.
  • SlickEdit (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens large files.
  • UltraEdit (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens files of more than 6 GB, but the configuration must be changed for this to be practical: Menu » Advanced » Configuration » File Handling » Temporary Files » Open file without temp file...
  • EmEditor (Windows) – Handles very large text files nicely (officially up to 248 GB, but as much as 900 GB according to one report).
  • BssEditor (Windows) – Handles large files and very long lines. Don’t require an installation. Free for non commercial use.

Is ncurses available for windows?

Such a thing probably does not exist "as-is". It doesn't really exist on Linux or other UNIX-like operating systems either though.

ncurses is only a library that helps you manage interactions with the underlying terminal environment. But it doesn't provide a terminal emulator itself.

The thing that actually displays stuff on the screen (which in your requirement is listed as "native resizable win32 windows") is usually called a Terminal Emulator. If you don't like the one that comes with Windows (you aren't alone; no person on Earth does) there are a few alternatives. There is Console, which in my experience works sometimes and appears to just wrap an underlying Windows terminal emulator (I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing, since there is a menu option to actually get access to that underlying terminal emulator, and sure enough an old crusty Windows/DOS box appears which mirrors everything in the Console window).

A better option

Another option, which may be more appealing is puttycyg. It hooks in to Putty (which, coming from a Linux background, is pretty close to what I'm used to, and free) but actually accesses an underlying cygwin instead of the Windows command interpreter (CMD.EXE). So you get all the benefits of Putty's awesome terminal emulator, as well as nice ncurses (and many other) libraries provided by cygwin. Add a couple command line arguments to the Shortcut that launches Putty (or the Batch file) and your app can be automatically launched without going through Putty's UI.

How to Concatenate Numbers and Strings to Format Numbers in T-SQL?

Try casting the ints to varchar, before adding them to a string:

SET @ActualWeightDIMS = cast(@Actual_Dims_Lenght as varchar(8)) + 
   'x' + cast(@Actual_Dims_Width as varchar(8)) + 
   'x' + cast(@Actual_Dims_Height as varhcar(8))

How can I select an element in a component template?

to get the immediate next sibling ,use this


PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode()

With Ubuntu :

sudo apt-get install php5-json
sudo service php5-fpm restart

How can I push a specific commit to a remote, and not previous commits?

I'd suggest using git rebase -i; move the commit you want to push to the top of the commits you've made. Then use git log to get the SHA of the rebased commit, check it out, and push it. The rebase will have ensures that all your other commits are now children of the one you pushed, so future pushes will work fine too.

How to script FTP upload and download?

It's a reasonable idea to want to script an FTP session the way the original poster imagined, and that is the kind of thing Expect would help with. Batch files on Windows cannot do this.

But rather than doing cURL or Expect, you may find it easier to script the FTP interaction with Powershell. It's a different model, in that you are not directly scripting the text to send to the FTP server. Instead you will use Powershell to manipulate objects that generate the FTP dialogue for you.


$File = "D:\Dev\"
$ftp = "ftp://username:[email protected]/pub/incoming/"

"ftp url: $ftp"

$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($ftp)

"Uploading $File..."

$webclient.UploadFile($uri, $File)


$File = "c:\store\"
$ftp = "ftp://username:[email protected]/pub/outbound/"

"ftp url: $ftp"

$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($ftp)

"Downloading $File..."

$webclient.DownloadFile($uri, $File)

You need Powershell to do this. If you are not aware, Powershell is a shell like cmd.exe which runs your .bat files. But Powershell runs .ps1 files, and is quite a bit more powerful. Powershell is a free add-on to Windows and will be built-in to future versions of Windows. Get it here.


Reload nginx configuration

Maybe you're not doing it as root?

Try sudo nginx -s reload, if it still doesn't work, you might want to try sudo pkill -HUP nginx.

Why does "npm install" rewrite package-lock.json?

Probably you should use something like this

npm ci

Instead of using npm install if you don't want to change the version of your package.

According to the official documentation, both npm install and npm ci install the dependencies which are needed for the project.

The main difference is, npm install does install the packages taking packge.json as a reference. Where in the case of npm ci, it does install the packages taking package-lock.json as a reference, making sure every time the exact package is installed.

How to change default Anaconda python environment

Load your "base" environment -- as OP's py34 -- when you load your terminal/shell.

If you use Bash, put the line:

conda activate py34

in your .bash_profile (or .bashrc):

$ echo 'conda activate py34' >> ~/.bash_profile

Every time you run a new terminal, conda environment py34 will be loaded.

Setting default values for columns in JPA

Neither JPA nor Hibernate annotations support the notion of a default column value. As a workaround to this limitation, set all default values just before you invoke a Hibernate save() or update() on the session. This closely as possible (short of Hibernate setting the default values) mimics the behaviour of the database which sets default values when it saves a row in a table.

Unlike setting the default values in the model class as this alternative answer suggests, this approach also ensures that criteria queries that use an Example object as a prototype for the search will continue to work as before. When you set the default value of a nullable attribute (one that has a non-primitive type) in a model class, a Hibernate query-by-example will no longer ignore the associated column where previously it would ignore it because it was null.

How can I pass POST parameters in a URL?

I would like to share my implementation as well. It does require some JavaScript code though.

<form action="./index.php" id="homePage" method="post" style="display: none;">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="homePage" />

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="javascript:

The nice thing about this is that, contrary to GET requests, it doesn't show the parameters in the URL, which is safer.

Pure Javascript listen to input value change

Actually, the ticked answer is exactly right, but the answer can be in ES6 shape:

HTMLInputElementObject.oninput = () => {
  console.log('run'); // Do something

Or can be written like below:

HTMLInputElementObject.addEventListener('input', (evt) => {
  console.log('run'); // Do something

Angular JS POST request not sending JSON data

you can use the following to find the posted data.

data = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)

Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

Maybe your network is slow, so that jar isn't downloaded completely.

There are two methods:

a. find your .m2 folder, you can find some path like this 'org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-resources-plugin', you need only delete this foldler 'maven-resources-plugin', because others are downloaded well.

Then maven build your project.

If other problem occures, repeat this process again.

b. you can change a more quick maven source.

Firstly, you should find maven's settings file(window ->prefernces -> maven -> user settings). If it is empty, you can create a new one (any path, for example, .m2/settings).

Secondly, add sth like this (From This example uses aliyun's maven.

<settings xmlns=""

            <name>aliyun maven</name>  

Thirdly, maven build again. (before this, you should delete your .m2 folder's files)