Programs & Examples On #Pdf viewer

Return True, False and None in Python

It's impossible to say without seeing your actual code. Likely the reason is a code path through your function that doesn't execute a return statement. When the code goes down that path, the function ends with no value returned, and so returns None.

Updated: It sounds like your code looks like this:

def b(self, p, data): 
    current = p 
    if == data: 
        return True 
    elif == 1:
        return False 
        self.b(, data)

That else clause is your None path. You need to return the value that the recursive call returns:

        return self.b(, data)

BTW: using recursion for iterative programs like this is not a good idea in Python. Use iteration instead. Also, you have no clear termination condition.

How to make a transparent HTML button?

**add the icon top button like this **

 align-items: center;_x000D_
 position: absolute;_x000D_
 width: 30px;_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
     background-color: Transparent;_x000D_
    border: none;_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
 position: absolute;_x000D_
 padding: 0px;_x000D_
 left: 0;_x000D_
width: 25px;_x000D_
  height: 35px;_x000D_
<button id="copy_btn">_x000D_
                        <img class="icon_copy" src="./assest/copy.svg" alt="Copy Text">_x000D_

What to do with commit made in a detached head

An easy fix is to just create a new branch for that commit and checkout to it: git checkout -b <branch-name> <commit-hash>.

In this way, all the changes you made will be saved in that branch. In case you need to clean up your master branch from leftover commits be sure to run git reset --hard master.

With this, you will be rewriting your branches so be sure not to disturb anyone with these changes. Be sure to take a look at this article for a better illustration of detached HEAD state.

Facebook development in localhost

With the new development center it is now easier:

1) Leave app domains blank.
2) Click Add Platform
3) Site URL should equal the full path of your local host.
4) Save Changes

How to read Excel cell having Date with Apache POI?

If you know the cell number, then i would recommend using getDateCellValue() method Here's an example for the same that worked for me - java.util.Date date = row.getCell().getDateCellValue(); System.out.println(date);

phantomjs not waiting for "full" page load

I found this solution useful in a NodeJS app. I use it just in desperate cases because it launches a timeout in order to wait for the full page load.

The second argument is the callback function which is going to be called once the response is ready.

phantom = require('phantom');

var fullLoad = function(anUrl, callbackDone) {
    phantom.create(function (ph) {
        ph.createPage(function (page) {
  , function (status) {
                if (status !== 'success') {
                    console.error("pahtom: error opening " + anUrl, status);
                } else {
                    // timeOut
                    global.setTimeout(function () {
                        page.evaluate(function () {
                            return document.documentElement.innerHTML;
                        }, function (result) {
                            ph.exit(); // EXTREMLY IMPORTANT
                            callbackDone(result); // callback
                    }, 5000);

var callback = function(htmlBody) {
    // do smth with the htmlBody

fullLoad('your/url/', callback);

Running a script inside a docker container using shell script

I was searching an answer for this same question and found ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile solution for me.


ENTRYPOINT / ; / ; /bin/bash

Now the scripts are executed when I start the container and I get the bash prompt after the scripts has been executed.

Changing WPF title bar background color

In WPF the titlebar is part of the non-client area, which can't be modified through the WPF window class. You need to manipulate the Win32 handles (if I remember correctly).
This article could be helpful for you: Custom Window Chrome in WPF.

How to check if a registry value exists using C#?

string keyName=@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\pcmcia";
string valueName="Start";
if (Registry.GetValue(keyName, valueName, null) == null)
     //code if key Not Exist
     //code if key Exist

Bogus foreign key constraint fail

Two possibilities:

  1. There is a table within another schema ("database" in mysql terminology) which has a FK reference
  2. The innodb internal data dictionary is out of sync with the mysql one.

You can see which table it was (one of them, anyway) by doing a "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS" after the drop fails.

If it turns out to be the latter case, I'd dump and restore the whole server if you can.

MySQL 5.1 and above will give you the name of the table with the FK in the error message.

Cannot read property 'length' of null (javascript)

if (capital.touched && capital != undefined && capital.length < 1 ) { 
//capital does exists

Python 3 Online Interpreter / Shell

Ideone supports Python 2.6 and Python 3

Set font-weight using Bootstrap classes

You should use bootstarp's variables to control your font-weight if you want a more customized value and/or you're following a scheme that needs to be repeated ; Variables are used throughout the entire project as a way to centralize and share commonly used values like colors, spacing, or font stacks;

you can find all the documentation at

Interview question: Check if one string is a rotation of other string

Reverse one of the strings. Take the FFT of both (treating them as simple sequences of integers). Multiply the results together point-wise. Transform back using inverse FFT. The result will have a single peak if the strings are rotations of each other -- the position of the peak will indicate by how much they are rotated with respect to each other.

How to style child components from parent component's CSS file?

let 'parent' be the class-name of parent and 'child' be the class-name of child

.parent .child{
//css definition for child inside parent components

you can use this format to define CSS format to 'child' component inside the 'parent' Is there a way to auto indent / format <html>

Beautify does a good job. It provides a "Beautify on save" option, so that you may use ctrl+s to reformate html, less, css, etc

What is a simple command line program or script to backup SQL server databases?

To backup a single database from the command line, use osql or sqlcmd.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\osql.exe" 
    -E -Q "BACKUP DATABASE mydatabase TO DISK='C:\tmp\db.bak' WITH FORMAT"

You'll also want to read the documentation on BACKUP and RESTORE and general procedures.

jQuery add blank option to top of list and make selected to existing dropdown

This worked:

$("#theSelectId").prepend("<option value='' selected='selected'></option>");

Firebug Output:

<select id="theSelectId">
  <option selected="selected" value=""/>
  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>

You could also use .prependTo if you wanted to reverse the order:

?$("<option>", { value: '', selected: true }).prependTo("#theSelectId");???????????

In .NET, which loop runs faster, 'for' or 'foreach'?

I wouldn't expect anyone to find a "huge" performance difference between the two.

I guess the answer depends on the whether the collection you are trying to access has a faster indexer access implementation or a faster IEnumerator access implementation. Since IEnumerator often uses the indexer and just holds a copy of the current index position, I would expect enumerator access to be at least as slow or slower than direct index access, but not by much.

Of course this answer doesn't account for any optimizations the compiler may implement.

Numeric for loop in Django templates

{% for i in range(10) %}
   {{ i }}

{% endfor %}

CSS to stop text wrapping under image

If you want the margin-left to work on a span element you'll need to make it display: inline-block or display:block as well.

Error when testing on iOS simulator: Couldn't register with the bootstrap server

I just had this happen to me: I was getting the error only on my device and the simulator was working fine. I ended up having to reset my device and the error went away.

How to make button fill table cell

For starters:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td align='center'><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

Note, if the width of the input button is 100%, you wont need the attribute "align='center'" anymore.

This would be the optimal solution:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

How can I troubleshoot Python "Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>"

change PYTHONHOME to the parent folder of the bin file of python, like /usr,which is the parent folder of /usr/bin.

Using AJAX to pass variable to PHP and retrieve those using AJAX again

No need to use second ajax function, you can get it back on success inside a function, another issue here is you don't know when the first ajax call finished, then, even if you use SESSION you may not get it within second AJAX call.

SO, I recommend using one AJAX call and get the value with success.

example: in first ajax call

        url: 'ajax.php', //This is the current doc
        type: "POST",
        data: ({name: 145}),
        success: function(data){
            //or if the data is JSON
            var jdata = jQuery.parseJSON(data);

How to compare timestamp dates with date-only parameter in MySQL?

As suggested by some, by using DATE(timestamp) you are applying manipulation to the column and therefore you cannot rely on the index ordering.

However, using BETWEEN would only be reliable if you include the milliseconds. In the example timestamp BETWEEN '2012-05-05 00:00:00' AND '2012-05-05 23:59:59' you exclude records with a timestamp between 2012-05-05 23:59:59.001 and 2012-05-05 23:59:59.999. However, even this method has some problems, because of the datatypes precision. Occasionally 999 milliseconds is rounded up.

The best thing to do is:

WHERE date>='2012-05-05' AND date<'2012-05-06'

jQuery '.each' and attaching '.click' event

No need to use .each. click already binds to all div occurrences.

$('div').click(function(e) {

See Demo

Note: use hard binding such as .click to make sure dynamically loaded elements don't get bound.

How to upgrade Git to latest version on macOS?

I did it in this way:

  1. Open GitHub application installed on Mac
  2. Click on Advanced tab → Install command line tools
  3. Once you get a message that all commands have been installed close your terminal and reopen it.
  4. Now check git --version, it should give you the latest version.

What's the difference between "2*2" and "2**2" in Python?

Power has more precedence than multiply, so:

2**2*3 = (2^2)*3
2*2*3 = 2*2*3

Change text from "Submit" on input tag

The value attribute on submit-type <input> elements controls the text displayed.

<input type="submit" class="like" value="Like" />

Visual Studio Code - is there a Compare feature like that plugin for Notepad ++?

There is plugin called Partial Diff which helps to compare text selections within a file, across different files, or to the clipboard.

CakePHP find method with JOIN

There are two main ways that you can do this. One of them is the standard CakePHP way, and the other is using a custom join.

It's worth pointing out that this advice is for CakePHP 2.x, not 3.x.

The CakePHP Way

You would create a relationship with your User model and Messages Model, and use the containable behavior:

class User extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $hasMany = array('Message');

class Message extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $belongsTo = array('User');

You need to change the messages.from column to be messages.user_id so that cake can automagically associate the records for you.

Then you can do this from the messages controller:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'contain' => array('User')
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

The (other) CakePHP way

I recommend using the first method, because it will save you a lot of time and work. The first method also does the groundwork of setting up a relationship which can be used for any number of other find calls and conditions besides the one you need now. However, cakePHP does support a syntax for defining your own joins. It would be done like this, from the MessagesController:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'joins' => array(
            'table' => 'users',
            'alias' => 'UserJoin',
            'type' => 'INNER',
            'conditions' => array(
                ' = Message.from'
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'fields' => array('UserJoin.*', 'Message.*'),
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

Note, I've left the field name messages.from the same as your current table in this example.

Using two relationships to the same model

Here is how you can do the first example using two relationships to the same model:

class User extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $hasMany = array(
        'MessagesSent' => array(
            'className'  => 'Message',
            'foreignKey' => 'from'
    public $belongsTo = array(
        'MessagesReceived' => array(
            'className'  => 'Message',
            'foreignKey' => 'to'

class Message extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $belongsTo = array(
        'UserFrom' => array(
            'className'  => 'User',
            'foreignKey' => 'from'
    public $hasMany = array(
        'UserTo' => array(
            'className'  => 'User',
            'foreignKey' => 'to'

Now you can do your find call like this:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'contain' => array('UserFrom')
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

How to parse a month name (string) to an integer for comparison in C#?

One simply solution would be create a Dictionary with names and values. Then using Contains() you can find the right value.

Dictionary<string, string> months = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "january", "01"},
                { "february", "02"},
                { "march", "03"},
                { "april", "04"},
                { "may", "05"},
                { "june", "06"},
                { "july", "07"},
                { "august", "08"},
                { "september", "09"},
                { "october", "10"},
                { "november", "11"},
                { "december", "12"},
foreach (var month in months)
    if (StringThatContainsMonth.ToLower().Contains(month.Key))
        string thisMonth = month.Value;

How to compare two maps by their values

The result of equals in your example is obviously false because you are comparing the map a with some values in it with an empty map b (probably a copy and paste error). I recommend to use proper variable names (so you can avoid these kinds of errors) and make use of generics, too.

    Map<String, String> first = new HashMap<String, String>();
    first.put("f"+"oo", "bar"+"bar");
    first.put("fo"+"o", "bar"+"bar");

    Map second = new HashMap();
    second.put("f"+"oo", "bar"+"bar");
    second.put("fo"+"o", "bar"+"bar");

    System.out.println("equals: " + first.equals(second));

The concatenation of your strings doesn't have any effect because it will be done at compile time.

set date in input type date

You can only use date in input type="date" as in format YYYY-MM-DD

I have implemented helper as formatDate in NODE.js express-handlebars, don't need to be worry ... just use format as described in first line.


< input type="date" id="date" name="date" class="form-control" value="{{formatDate 'YYYY-MM-DD'}}" />

Laravel-5 'LIKE' equivalent (Eloquent)

$data = DB::table('borrowers')
        ->join('loans', '', '=', 'loans.borrower_id')
        ->select('borrowers.*', 'loans.*')   
        ->where('loan_officers', 'like', '%' . $officerId . '%')
        ->where('loans.maturity_date', '<', date("Y-m-d"))

What exactly is a Context in Java?

since you capitalized the word, I assume you are referring to the interface javax.naming.Context. A few classes implement this interface, and at its simplest description, it (generically) is a set of name/object pairs.

Is log(n!) = T(n·log(n))?

enter image description here

Sorry, I don't know how to use LaTeX syntax on stackoverflow..

Can we add div inside table above every <tr>?

You could use display: table-row-group for your div.

  <div style="display: table-row-group">
  <div style="display: table-row-group">

How to stop a thread created by implementing runnable interface?

Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() is superbly working. but this code is only pause the timer.

This code is stop and reset the thread timer. h1 is handler name. This code is add on inside your button click listener. w_h =minutes w_m =milli sec i=counter

            w_h = 0;
            w_m = 0;

            textView.setText(String.format("%02d", w_h) + ":" + String.format("%02d", w_m));




Change Placeholder Text using jQuery

     $(this).attr("placeholder", "Search Whatever you want");

Writing Python lists to columns in csv

If you are happy to use a 3rd party library, you can do this with Pandas. The benefits include seamless access to specialized methods and row / column labeling:

import pandas as pd

list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [4, 5, 6]
list3 = [7, 8, 9]

df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(*[list1, list2, list3]))).add_prefix('Col')

df.to_csv('file.csv', index=False)


   Col0  Col1  Col2
0     1     4     7
1     2     5     8
2     3     6     9

Editing an item in a list<T>

class1 item = lst[index]; = bar;

What's the difference between a POST and a PUT HTTP REQUEST?

PUT is meant as a a method for "uploading" stuff to a particular URI, or overwriting what is already in that URI.

POST, on the other hand, is a way of submitting data RELATED to a given URI.

Refer to the HTTP RFC

What does getActivity() mean?

I to had a similar doubt what I got to know was getActivity() returns the Activity to which the fragment is associated.

The getActivity() method is used generally in static fragment as the associated activity will not be static and non static member cannot be used in static member.

I used <code>getActivity()</code> here to get non-static activity to which the the placeholder fragment is associated.

How to create a project from existing source in Eclipse and then find it?

  1. Right-click in the package explorer and select New - Java Project
  2. Create the new project Game
  3. Open the new project in the package explorer - you should see only the source folder called src (there's nothing inside yet)
  4. Open a file Explorer (e.g. Windows Explorer) and drag your sources
  5. Drag them to Eclipse and drop them inside the new src folder - if asked select "Copy files"
  6. Eclipse should put the files into the default package, if that's not correct you can edit the offending files (marked with a red cross) by opening them in Eclipse, selecting the package declaration (usually line 1), pressing Ctrl + 1 and selecting the appropriate option (e.g. "Move xy to package"

How to check if a number is between two values?

I had a moment, so, although you've already accepted an answer, I thought I'd contribute the following:

Number.prototype.between = function(a, b) {_x000D_
  var min = Math.min.apply(Math, [a, b]),_x000D_
    max = Math.max.apply(Math, [a, b]);_x000D_
  return this > min && this < max;_x000D_
var windowSize = 550;_x000D_
console.log(windowSize.between(500, 600));

JS Fiddle demo.

Or, if you'd prefer to have the option to check a number is in the defined range including the end-points:

Number.prototype.between = function(a, b, inclusive) {_x000D_
  var min = Math.min.apply(Math, [a, b]),_x000D_
    max = Math.max.apply(Math, [a, b]);_x000D_
  return inclusive ? this >= min && this <= max : this > min && this < max;_x000D_
var windowSize = 500;_x000D_
console.log(windowSize.between(500, 603, true));

JS Fiddle demo.

Edited to add a minor amendment to the above, given that – as noted in the comments –

Function.prototype.apply() is slow! Besides calling it when you have a fixed amount of arguments is pointless…

it was worth removing the use of Function.prototype.apply(), which yields the amended versions of the above methods, firstly without the 'inclusive' option:

Number.prototype.between = function(a, b) {_x000D_
  var min = Math.min(a, b),_x000D_
    max = Math.max(a, b);_x000D_
  return this > min && this < max;_x000D_
var windowSize = 550;_x000D_
console.log(windowSize.between(500, 600));

JS Fiddle demo.

And with the 'inclusive' option:

Number.prototype.between = function(a, b, inclusive) {_x000D_
  var min = Math.min(a, b),_x000D_
    max = Math.max(a, b);_x000D_
  return inclusive ? this >= min && this <= max : this > min && this < max;_x000D_
var windowSize = 500;_x000D_
console.log(windowSize.between(500, 603, true));

JS Fiddle demo.


Change navbar text color Bootstrap

Try this

.nav.navbar-nav.navbar-right li a span{
    color: blue;

If it doesn't work try this

.nav.navbar-nav.navbar-right li a {
    color: blue;

Inserting HTML into a div

I using "+" (plus) to insert div to html :

document.getElementById('idParent').innerHTML += '<div id="idChild"> content html </div>';

Hope this help.

SameSite warning Chrome 77

To elaborate on Rahul Mahadik's answer, this works for MVC5 C#.NET:


public class AllowSameSiteAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        var response = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Response;

        if(response != null)
            response.AddHeader("Set-Cookie", "HttpOnly;Secure;SameSite=Strict");
            //Add more headers...



    [AllowSameSite] //For the whole controller
    public class UserController : Controller


    public class UserController : Controller
        [AllowSameSite] //For the method
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

What does "while True" mean in Python?

In some languages True is just and alias for the number. You can learn more why this is by reading more about boolean logic.

Search text in stored procedure in SQL Server

You can also use

    @Filter nvarchar(max)

FROM   procedures
WHERE   definition LIKE '%'+@Filter+'%'


and then run

exec [Search] 'text'

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database

Its a common error which happens when we try to access a database which doesn't exist. So create the database using

CREATE DATABASE blog_development;

The error commonly occours when we have dropped the database using

DROP DATABASE blog_development;

and then try to access the database.

Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

check here:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

How do I remove blank elements from an array?

There are already a lot of answers but here is another approach if you're in the Rails world:

 cities = ["Kathmandu", "Pokhara", "", "Dharan", "Butwal"].select &:present?

IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

I had this error when i renamed the pc in the windows-properties. The pc-name must be updated in the listener.ora-file

How to test if a string contains one of the substrings in a list, in pandas?

Here is a one line lambda that also works:

df["TrueFalse"] = df['col1'].apply(lambda x: 1 if any(i in x for i in searchfor) else 0)


searchfor = ['og', 'at']

df = pd.DataFrame([('cat', 1000.0), ('hat', 2000000.0), ('dog', 1000.0), ('fog', 330000.0),('pet', 330000.0)], columns=['col1', 'col2'])

   col1  col2
0   cat 1000.0
1   hat 2000000.0
2   dog 1000.0
3   fog 330000.0
4   pet 330000.0

Apply Lambda:

df["TrueFalse"] = df['col1'].apply(lambda x: 1 if any(i in x for i in searchfor) else 0)


    col1    col2        TrueFalse
0   cat     1000.0      1
1   hat     2000000.0   1
2   dog     1000.0      1
3   fog     330000.0    1
4   pet     330000.0    0

How can I set the form action through JavaScript?

Actually, when we want this, we want to change the action depending on which submit button we press.

Here you do not need even assign name or id to the form. Just use the form property of the clicked element:

<form action = "/default/page" >
    <input type=submit onclick='this.form.action="/this/page";' value="Save">
    <input type=submit onclick='this.form.action="/that/page";' value="Cancel">

Convert Year/Month/Day to Day of Year in Python

If you have reason to avoid the use of the datetime module, then these functions will work.

def is_leap_year(year):
    """ if year is a leap year return True
        else return False """
    if year % 100 == 0:
        return year % 400 == 0
    return year % 4 == 0

def doy(Y,M,D):
    """ given year, month, day return day of year
        Astronomical Algorithms, Jean Meeus, 2d ed, 1998, chap 7 """
    if is_leap_year(Y):
        K = 1
        K = 2
    N = int((275 * M) / 9.0) - K * int((M + 9) / 12.0) + D - 30
    return N

def ymd(Y,N):
    """ given year = Y and day of year = N, return year, month, day
        Astronomical Algorithms, Jean Meeus, 2d ed, 1998, chap 7 """    
    if is_leap_year(Y):
        K = 1
        K = 2
    M = int((9 * (K + N)) / 275.0 + 0.98)
    if N < 32:
        M = 1
    D = N - int((275 * M) / 9.0) + K * int((M + 9) / 12.0) + 30
    return Y, M, D

How to grant "grant create session" privilege?

You would use the WITH ADMIN OPTION option in the GRANT statement


How to create a md5 hash of a string in C?

As other answers have mentioned, the following calls will compute the hash:

MD5Context md5;
MD5Update(&md5, data, datalen);
MD5Final(digest, &md5);

The purpose of splitting it up into that many functions is to let you stream large datasets.

For example, if you're hashing a 10GB file and it doesn't fit into ram, here's how you would go about doing it. You would read the file in smaller chunks and call MD5Update on them.

MD5Context md5;

fread(/* Read a block into data. */)
MD5Update(&md5, data, datalen);

fread(/* Read the next block into data. */)
MD5Update(&md5, data, datalen);

fread(/* Read the next block into data. */)
MD5Update(&md5, data, datalen);


//  Now finish to get the final hash value.
MD5Final(digest, &md5);

How to make promises work in IE11

You could try using a Polyfill. The following Polyfill was published in 2019 and did the trick for me. It assigns the Promise function to the window object.

used like: window.Promise

If you want more information on Polyfills check out the following MDN web doc

jquery toggle slide from left to right and back

See this: Demo

$('#cat_icon,.panel_title').click(function () {

Update : To slide from left to right: Demo2

Note: Second one uses jquery-ui also

How do I concatenate two arrays in C#?

I've found an elegant one line solution using LINQ or Lambda expression, both work the same (LINQ is converted to Lambda when program is compiled). The solution works for any array type and for any number of arrays.

Using LINQ:

public static T[] ConcatArraysLinq<T>(params T[][] arrays)
    return (from array in arrays
            from arr in array
            select arr).ToArray();

Using Lambda:

public static T[] ConcatArraysLambda<T>(params T[][] arrays)
    return arrays.SelectMany(array => array.Select(arr => arr)).ToArray();

I've provided both for one's preference. Performance wise @Sergey Shteyn's or @deepee1's solutions are a bit faster, Lambda expression being the slowest. Time taken is dependant on type(s) of array elements, but unless there are millions of calls, there is no significant difference between the methods.

Using Python, find anagrams for a list of words

Sort each element then look for duplicates. There's a built-in function for sorting so you do not need to import anything

Java multiline string

One good option.

import static some.Util.*;

    public class Java {

        public static void main(String[] args) {

            String sql = $(
              "Select * from java",
              "join some on ",
              "group by"        



    public class Util {

        public static String $(String ...sql){
            return String.join(System.getProperty("line.separator"),sql);


Running Python on Windows for Node.js dependencies

Why not downloading the python installer here ? It make the work for you when you check the path installation

Replace one character with another in Bash

Try this

 echo "hello world" | sed 's/ /./g' 

Rounding integer division (instead of truncating)

double a=59.0/4;
int b=59/4;
  1. let exact float value of 59.0/4 be x(here it is 14.750000)
  2. let smallest integer less than x be y(here it is 14)
  3. if x-y<0.5 then y is the solution
  4. else y+1 is the solution

What is the difference between printf() and puts() in C?

In my experience, printf() hauls in more code than puts() regardless of the format string.

If I don't need the formatting, I don't use printf. However, fwrite to stdout works a lot faster than puts.

static const char my_text[] = "Using fwrite.\n";
fwrite(my_text, 1, sizeof(my_text) - sizeof('\0'), stdout);

Note: per comments, '\0' is an integer constant. The correct expression should be sizeof(char) as indicated by the comments.

Using reCAPTCHA on localhost

Remove current REcaptcha key, then register new key and set your key settings with domains: localhost

Add element to a JSON file?

You can do this.

data[0]['f'] = var

Ajax success event not working

I had the same problem i solved it in that way: My ajax:

$.ajax('file.php', {
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({tab}), 
success: function(php_response){
            if (php_response == 'item') 
                    console.log('it works');

Ok. The problem is not with json but only php response. Before: my php response was:

echo 'item';


$variable = 'item';
 echo json.encode($variable);

Now my success working. PS. Sorry if something is wrong but it is my first comment on this forum :)

Get Image Height and Width as integer values?

list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename)


$data = getimagesize($filename);
$width = $data[0];
$height = $data[1];

Using Intent in an Android application to show another activity

Use this code:

Intent intent=new Intent(context,SecondActivty.class);

context: refer to current activity context,

please make sure that you have added activity in android manifest file.

Following code for adding activity in android manifest file

<Activity name=".SecondActivity">

jQuery textbox change event

The HTML4 spec for the <input> element specifies the following script events are available:

onfocus, onblur, onselect, onchange, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup

here's an example that bind's to all these events and shows what's going on

I think you can filter out which events are truly relevent to your situation and detect what the text value was before and after the event to determine a change

How do I initialize Kotlin's MutableList to empty MutableList?

Various forms depending on type of List, for Array List:

val myList = mutableListOf<Kolory>() 
// or more specifically use the helper for a specific list type
val myList = arrayListOf<Kolory>()

For LinkedList:

val myList = linkedListOf<Kolory>()
// same as
val myList: MutableList<Kolory> = linkedListOf()

For other list types, will be assumed Mutable if you construct them directly:

val myList = ArrayList<Kolory>()
// or
val myList = LinkedList<Kolory>()

This holds true for anything implementing the List interface (i.e. other collections libraries).

No need to repeat the type on the left side if the list is already Mutable. Or only if you want to treat them as read-only, for example:

val myList: List<Kolory> = ArrayList()

virtualbox Raw-mode is unavailable courtesy of Hyper-V windows 10

In my case, the problem was with the specific box I was trying to use ubuntu/xenial64, I just had to switch to centos/7 and all those errors disappeared.

Hope this helps someone.

Expand Python Search Path to Other Source

I read this question looking for an answer, and didn't like any of them.

So I wrote a quick and dirty solution. Just put this somewhere on your sys.path, and it'll add any directory under folder (from the current working directory), or under abspath:

import sys, os.path

def all_from(folder='', abspath=None):
    """add all dirs under `folder` to sys.path if any .py files are found.
    Use an abspath if you'd rather do it that way.

    Uses the current working directory as the location of 
    Keep in mind that os.walk goes *all the way* down the directory tree.
    With that, try not to use this on something too close to '/'

    add = set(sys.path)
    if abspath is None:
        cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
        abspath = os.path.join(cwd, folder)
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(abspath):
        for f in files:
            if f[-3:] in '.py':
    for i in add: sys.path.append(i)

>>> import using, sys, pprint
>>> using.all_from('py') #if in ~, /home/user/py/
>>> pprint.pprint(sys.path)
#that was easy

And I like it because I can have a folder for some random tools and not have them be a part of packages or anything, and still get access to some (or all) of them in a couple lines of code.

How to combine two vectors into a data frame

This should do the trick, to produce the data frame you asked for, using only base R:

df <- data.frame(cond=c(rep("x", times=length(x)), 
                        rep("y", times=length(y))), 
                 rating=c(x, y))

  cond rating
1    x      1
2    x      2
3    x      3
4    y    100
5    y    200
6    y    300

However, from your initial description, I'd say that this is perhaps a more likely usecase:

df2 <- data.frame(x, y)
colnames(df2) <- c(x_name, y_name)

  cond rating
1    1    100
2    2    200
3    3    300

[edit: moved parentheses in example 1]

How do I call a function inside of another function?

function function_one() {

function function_two() {
//enter code here

How to avoid 'cannot read property of undefined' errors?

What you are doing raises an exception (and rightfully so).

You can always do


But I wouldn't, instead think of your use case.

Why are you accessing data, 6 levels nested that you are unfamiliar of? What use case justifies this?

Usually, you'd like to actually validate what sort of object you're dealing with.

Also, on a side note you should not use statements like if(a.b) because it will return false if a.b is 0 or even if it is "0". Instead check if a.b !== undefined

Checking if a folder exists using a .bat file

For a file:

if exist yourfilename (
  echo Yes 
) else (
  echo No

Replace yourfilename with the name of your file.

For a directory:

if exist yourfoldername\ (
  echo Yes 
) else (
  echo No

Replace yourfoldername with the name of your folder.

A trailing backslash (\) seems to be enough to distinguish between directories and ordinary files.

Finding multiple occurrences of a string within a string in Python

Here is my function for finding multiple occurrences. Unlike the other solutions here, it supports the optional start and end parameters for slicing, just like str.index:

def all_substring_indexes(string, substring, start=0, end=None):
    result = []
    new_start = start
    while True:
            index = string.index(substring, new_start, end)
        except ValueError:
            return result
            new_start = index + len(substring)

How to create materialized views in SQL Server?

When indexed view is not an option, and quick updates are not necessary, you can create a hack cache table:

select * into cachetablename from myviewname
alter table cachetablename add primary key (columns)
-- OR alter table cachetablename add rid bigint identity primary key
create index...

then sp_rename view/table or change any queries or other views that reference it to point to the cache table.

schedule daily/nightly/weekly/whatnot refresh like

begin transaction
truncate table cachetablename
insert into cachetablename select * from viewname
commit transaction

NB: this will eat space, also in your tx logs. Best used for small datasets that are slow to compute. Maybe refactor to eliminate "easy but large" columns first into an outer view.

Finding the number of days between two dates

Object oriented style:

$datetime1 = new DateTime('2009-10-11');
$datetime2 = new DateTime('2009-10-13');
$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
echo $interval->format('%R%a days');

Procedural style:

$datetime1 = date_create('2009-10-11');
$datetime2 = date_create('2009-10-13');
$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
echo $interval->format('%R%a days');

Hibernate Criteria Query to get specific columns

I like this approach because it is simple and clean:

    String getCompaniesIdAndName = " select "
            + " as id, "
            + " as name "
            + " from Company c ";

    @Query(value = getCompaniesWithoutAccount)
    Set<CompanyIdAndName> findAllIdAndName();

    public static interface CompanyIdAndName extends DTO {
        Integer getId();

        String getName();


How can I parse String to Int in an Angular expression?

I tried the solutions mentioned above and none of them worked for me. I used JSON.parse and it worked:

  .success(function (data) {
    console.log('success: ' + data.length);

    if (JSON.stringify(data) != "not found") {
        $scope.adPoll = JSON.parse(data);
  .error(function (data) {
    console.log('Error: ' + data);

Use a JSON array with objects with javascript

This isn't a single JSON object. You have an array of JSON objects. You need to loop over array first and then access each object. Maybe the following kickoff example is helpful:

var arrayOfObjects = [{
  "id": 28,
  "Title": "Sweden"
}, {
  "id": 56,
  "Title": "USA"
}, {
  "id": 89,
  "Title": "England"

for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
  var object = arrayOfObjects[i];
  for (var property in object) {
    alert('item ' + i + ': ' + property + '=' + object[property]);
  // If property names are known beforehand, you can also just do e.g.
  // alert( + ',' + object.Title);

If the array of JSON objects is actually passed in as a plain vanilla string, then you would indeed need eval() here.

var string = '[{"id":28,"Title":"Sweden"}, {"id":56,"Title":"USA"}, {"id":89,"Title":"England"}]';
var arrayOfObjects = eval(string);
// ...

To learn more about JSON, check MDN web docs: Working with JSON .

BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup

Another cause for this is if you have the same database restored under a different name. Delete the existing one and then restoring solved it for me.

A method to reverse effect of java String.split()?

There are several examples on DZone Snippets if you want to roll your own that works with a Collection. For example:

public static String join(AbstractCollection<String> s, String delimiter) {
    if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) return "";
    Iterator<String> iter = s.iterator();
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(;
    while( iter.hasNext() )
    return builder.toString();

Getting one value from a tuple


Single elements of a tuple a can be accessed -in an indexed array-like fashion-

via a[0], a[1], ... depending on the number of elements in the tuple.


If your tuple is a=(3,"a")

  • a[0] yields 3,
  • a[1] yields "a"

Concrete answer to question

def tup():
  return (3, "hello")

tup() returns a 2-tuple.

In order to "solve"

i = 5 + tup()  # I want to add just the three

you select the 3 by

tup()[0|    #first element

so in total

i = 5 + tup()[0]


Go with namedtuple that allows you to access tuple elements by name (and by index). Details at

>>> import collections
>>> MyTuple=collections.namedtuple("MyTuple", "mynumber, mystring")
>>> m = MyTuple(3, "hello")
>>> m[0]
>>> m.mynumber
>>> m[1]
>>> m.mystring

ld cannot find an existing library

It is Debian convention to separate shared libraries into their runtime components (libmagic1: /usr/lib/ ? and their development components (libmagic-dev: /usr/lib/ ? …).

Because the library's soname is, that's the string that gets embedded into the executable so that's the file that is loaded when the executable is run.

However, because the library is specified as -lmagic to the linker, it looks for, which is why it is needed for development.

See Diego E. Pettenò: Linkers and names for details on how this all works on Linux.

In short, you should apt-get install libmagic-dev. This will not only give you but also other files necessary for compiling like /usr/include/magic.h.

Are strongly-typed functions as parameters possible in TypeScript?

type FunctionName = (n: inputType) => any;

class ClassName {
    save(callback: FunctionName) : void {

This surely aligns with the functional programming paradigm.

Remove element from JSON Object

To iterate through the keys of an object, use a for .. in loop:

for (var key in json_obj) {
    if (json_obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        // do something with `key'

To test all elements for empty children, you can use a recursive approach: iterate through all elements and recursively test their children too.

Removing a property of an object can be done by using the delete keyword:

var someObj = {
    "one": 123,
    "two": 345
var key = "one";
delete someObj[key];
console.log(someObj); // prints { "two": 345 }


Is there StartsWith or Contains in t sql with variables?

I would use

like 'Express Edition%'


DECLARE @edition varchar(50); 
set @edition = cast((select SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')) as varchar)

DECLARE @isExpress bit
if @edition like 'Express Edition%'
    set @isExpress = 1;
    set @isExpress = 0;

print @isExpress

Make virtualenv inherit specific packages from your global site-packages

You can use virtualenv --clear. which won't install any packages, then install the ones you want.

eclipse stuck when building workspace

Deleting some of the JDT indexes (in .metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.jdt.core), particularly the big files, often fix or ease the problem for me.

php execute a background process

Here is a function to launch a background process in PHP. Finally created one that actually works on Windows too, after a lot of reading and testing different approaches and parameters.

function LaunchBackgroundProcess($command){
  // Run command Asynchroniously (in a separate thread)
  if(PHP_OS=='WINNT' || PHP_OS=='WIN32' || PHP_OS=='Windows'){
    // Windows
    $command = 'start "" '. $command;
  } else {
    // Linux/UNIX
    $command = $command .' /dev/null &';
  $handle = popen($command, 'r');
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

Note 1: On windows, do not use /B parameter as suggested elsewhere. It forces process to run the same console window as start command itself, resulting in the process being processed synchronously. To run the process in a separate thread (asynchronously), do not use /B.

Note 2: The empty double quotes after start "" are required if the command is a quoted path. start command interprets the first quoted parameter as window title.

Using Mockito to test abstract classes

You can extend the abstract class with an anonymous class in your test. For example (using Junit 4):

private AbstractClassName classToTest;

public void preTestSetup()
    classToTest = new AbstractClassName() { };

// Test the AbstractClassName methods.

External resource not being loaded by AngularJs

The best and easy solution for solving this issue is pass your data from this function in controller.

$scope.trustSrcurl = function(data) 
    return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(data);

In html page

<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="385" ng-src="{{trustSrcurl(video.src)}}" allowfullscreen frameborder="0"></iframe>

Trouble using ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ...)

A bit involved. Easiest would be to refer to this SQL Fiddle I created for you that produces the exact result. There are ways you can improve it for performance or other considerations, but this should hopefully at least be clearer than some alternatives.

The gist is, you get a canonical ranking of your data first, then use that to segment the data into groups, then find an end date for each group, then eliminate any intermediate rows. ROW_NUMBER() and CROSS APPLY help a lot in doing it readably.

EDIT 2019:

The SQL Fiddle does in fact seem to be broken, for some reason, but it appears to be a problem on the SQL Fiddle site. Here's a complete version, tested just now on SQL Server 2016:

  EmployeeID int,
  DateStarted date,
  DepartmentID int


  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY DateStarted) AS EntryRank,
  newid() as GroupKey,
  CAST(NULL AS date) AS EndDate
INTO #RankedData
FROM Source

UPDATE #RankedData
SET GroupKey = beginDate.GroupKey
FROM #RankedData sup
    SELECT TOP 1 GroupKey
    FROM #RankedData sub 
    WHERE sub.EmployeeID = sup.EmployeeID AND
      sub.DepartmentID = sup.DepartmentID AND
          SELECT * 
          FROM #RankedData bot 
          WHERE bot.EmployeeID = sup.EmployeeID AND
            bot.EntryRank BETWEEN sub.EntryRank AND sup.EntryRank AND
            bot.DepartmentID <> sup.DepartmentID
      ORDER BY DateStarted ASC
    ) beginDate (GroupKey);

UPDATE #RankedData
SET EndDate = nextGroup.DateStarted
FROM #RankedData sup
    SELECT TOP 1 DateStarted
    FROM #RankedData sub
    WHERE sub.EmployeeID = sup.EmployeeID AND
      sub.DepartmentID <> sup.DepartmentID AND
      sub.EntryRank > sup.EntryRank
    ORDER BY EntryRank ASC
  ) nextGroup (DateStarted);

) FinalRanking
WHERE GroupRank = 1
ORDER BY EntryRank;

DROP TABLE #RankedData

How to use regex in String.contains() method in Java

If you want to check if a string contains substring or not using regex, the closest you can do is by using find() -

    private static final validPattern =   "\\bstores\\b.*\\bstore\\b.*\\bproduct\\b"
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(validPattern);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputString);
    System.out.print(matcher.find()); // should print true or false.

Note the difference between matches() and find(), matches() return true if the whole string matches the given pattern. find() tries to find a substring that matches the pattern in a given input string. Also by using find() you don't have to add extra matching like - (?s).* at the beginning and .* at the end of your regex pattern.

How can I get the current date and time in the terminal and set a custom command in the terminal for it?

The command is date

To customise the output there are a myriad of options available, see date --help for a list.

For example, date '+%A %W %Y %X' gives Tuesday 34 2013 08:04:22 which is the name of the day of the week, the week number, the year and the time.

Any way to generate ant build.xml file automatically from Eclipse?

I have been trying to do the same myself. What I found was that the "Export Ant Buildfile" gets kicked off in the file. This resides in the org.eclipse.ant.ui plugin.

To view the source, use the Plug-in Development perspective and open the Plug-ins view. Then right-click on the org.eclipse.ant.ui plugin and select import as > source project.

My plan is to create a Java program to programmatically kick off the ant buildfile generation and call this in an Ant file every time I build by adding the ant file to the builders of my projects (Right-click preferences on a projet, under the builders tab).

Sort list in C# with LINQ

Like this?


var sortedList = originalList.OrderBy(foo => !foo.AVC)

Or in-place:

originalList.Sort((foo1, foo2) => foo2.AVC.CompareTo(foo1.AVC));

As Jon Skeet says, the trick here is knowing that false is considered to be 'smaller' than true.

If you find that you are doing these ordering operations in lots of different places in your code, you might want to get your type Foo to implement the IComparable<Foo> and IComparable interfaces.

How can I stage and commit all files, including newly added files, using a single command?

Run the given command

git add . && git commit -m "Changes Committed"

However, even if it seems a single command, It's two separate command runs one by one. Here we just used && to combine them. It's not much different than running git add . and git commit -m "Changes Committed" separately. You can run multiple commands together but sequence matters here. How if you want to push the changes to remote server along with staging and commit you can do it as given,

git add . && git commit -m "Changes Committed" && git push origin master

Instead, if you change the sequence and put the push to first, It will be executed first and does not give desired push after staging and commit just because it already ran first.

&& runs the second command on the line when the first command comes back successfully, or with an error level of 0. The opposite of && is ||, which runs the second command when the first command is unsuccessful, or with an error level of 1.

Alternatively, you can create alise as git config --global alias.addcommit '!git add -a && git commit -m' and use it as git addcommit -m "Added and commited new files"

Is there a naming convention for git repositories?

The problem with camel case is that there are often different interpretations of words - for example, checkinService vs checkInService. Going along with Aaron's answer, it is difficult with auto-completion if you have many similarly named repos to have to constantly check if the person who created the repo you care about used a certain breakdown of the upper and lower cases. avoid upper case.

His point about dashes is also well-advised.

  1. use lower case.
  2. use dashes.
  3. be specific. you may find you have to differentiate between similar ideas later - ie use purchase-rest-service instead of service or rest-service.
  4. be consistent. consider usage from the various GIT vendors - how do you want your repositories to be sorted/grouped?

How do I use StringUtils in Java?

StringUtils is in org.apache.commons.lang.* not in java.lang.*. Most importantly learn to read javadoc file. All java programmers after learning basic java learn to read javadoc, execute tests from public projects, use those jars in their projects.

If you are working on eclipse or netbeans you can make a directory (folder) called lib in your project (from within the IDE) and copy the downloaded jar from hard disk and paste it in that directory from eclipse or netbeans. Next you have to add it to your project.

E.g in case of eclipse from Project->Properties select Java Build Path -> Add Jars, point to the jar you copied earlier. In your case it might be commons-lang-version.jar.

After this step whenever you add above import in a java file, those libraries will be available on your project (in case of eclipse or netbeans).

From where do you get the jar for commons-lang? Root directory of any apache commons is And for commons-lang it is

Some of these libraries contain User Guide and other help to get you started, but javadoc is the ultimate guide for any java programmer.

It is right time you asked about this library, because you should never re-invent the wheel. Use apache commons and other well tested libraries whenever possible. By using those libraries you omit some common human errors and even test those libraries (using is testing). Sometimes in future when using this library, you may even write some modifications or addition to this library. If you contribute back, the world benefits.

Most common use of StringUtils is in web projects (when you want to check for blank or null strings, checking if a string is number, splitting strings with some token). StringUtils helps to get rid of those nasty NumberFormat and Null exceptions. But StringUtils can be used anywhere String is used.

How to add conditional attribute in Angular 2?

Here, the paragraph is printed only 'isValid' is true / it contains any value

<p *ngIf="isValid ? true : false">Paragraph</p>

How to draw a graph in PHP?

# ------- The graph values in the form of associative array
    "Jan" => 110,
    "Feb" => 130,
    "Mar" => 215,
    "Apr" => 81,
    "May" => 310,
    "Jun" => 110,
    "Jul" => 190,
    "Aug" => 175,
    "Sep" => 390,
    "Oct" => 286,
    "Nov" => 150,
    "Dec" => 196


# ---- Find the size of graph by substracting the size of borders
$graph_width=$img_width - $margins * 2;
$graph_height=$img_height - $margins * 2; 

$gap= ($graph_width- $total_bars * $bar_width ) / ($total_bars +1);

# -------  Define Colors ----------------

# ------ Create the border around the graph ------


# ------- Max value is required to adjust the scale -------
$ratio= $graph_height/$max_value;

# -------- Create scale and draw horizontal lines  --------

    $y=$img_height - $margins - $horizontal_gap * $i ;
    $v=intval($horizontal_gap * $i /$ratio);


# ----------- Draw the bars here ------
for($i=0;$i< $total_bars; $i++){ 
    # ------ Extract key and value pair from the current pointer position
    $x1= $margins + $gap + $i * ($gap+$bar_width) ;
    $x2= $x1 + $bar_width; 
    $y1=$margins +$graph_height- intval($value * $ratio) ;


Why is it said that "HTTP is a stateless protocol"?

HTTP is stateless. TCP is stateful. There is no so-called HTTP connection, but only HTTP request and HTTP response. We don't need anything to be maintained to make another HTTP request. A connection header that is "keep-alive" means the TCP will be reused by the subsequent HTTP requests and responses, instead of disconnecting and re-establishing TCP connection all the time.

Adding ID's to google map markers

Just adding another solution that works for me.. You can simply append it in the marker options:

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    map: map, 
    position: position,

    // Custom Attributes / Data / Key-Values
    store_id: id,
    store_address: address,
    store_type: type

And then retrieve them with:


Is there a way to reset IIS 7.5 to factory settings?

What worked for me was going to the article someone else had already mentioned, but keying on this piece:

application.config.backup is not created by automatic backup. The backup files are in %systemdrive%\inetpub\history directory. Automatic backup is also a Vista SP1 and above feature. More information can be found in this blog post,

I was able to find backups of my settings from when I had first installed IIS, and just copy and replace the files in the inetsrv\config directory.


Test process.env with Jest

You can use the setupFiles feature of the Jest configuration. As the documentation said that,

A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment. Each setupFile will be run once per test file. Since every test runs in its own environment, these scripts will be executed in the testing environment immediately before executing the test code itself.

  1. npm install dotenv dotenv that uses to access environment variable.

  2. Create your .env file to the root directory of your application and add this line into it:

  3. Create your custom module file as its name being someModuleForTest.js and add this line into it:

    // someModuleForTest.js
  4. Update your jest.config.js file like this:

    module.exports = {
      setupFiles: ["./someModuleForTest"]
  5. You can access an environment variable within all test blocks.

    test("Some test name", () => {

Not able to change TextField Border Color

That is not changing due to the default theme set to the screen.

So just change them for the widget you are drawing by wrapping your TextField with new ThemeData()

child: new Theme(
          data: new ThemeData(
            primaryColor: Colors.redAccent,
          child: new TextField(
            decoration: new InputDecoration(
                border: new OutlineInputBorder(
                    borderSide: new BorderSide(color: Colors.teal)),
                hintText: 'Tell us about yourself',
                helperText: 'Keep it short, this is just a demo.',
                labelText: 'Life story',
                prefixIcon: const Icon(
                prefixText: ' ',
                suffixText: 'USD',
                suffixStyle: const TextStyle(color:,

enter image description here

How to recover the deleted files using "rm -R" command in linux server?

Short answer: You can't. rm removes files blindly, with no concept of 'trash'.

Some Unix and Linux systems try to limit its destructive ability by aliasing it to rm -i by default, but not all do.

Long answer: Depending on your filesystem, disk activity, and how long ago the deletion occured, you may be able to recover some or all of what you deleted. If you're using an EXT3 or EXT4 formatted drive, you can check out extundelete.

In the future, use rm with caution. Either create a del alias that provides interactivity, or use a file manager.

What is the fastest way to compare two sets in Java?

You have the following solution from

public static boolean equals(Set<?> set1, Set<?> set2){

    if(set1 == null || set2 ==null){
        return false;

    if(set1.size() != set2.size()){
        return false;

    return set1.containsAll(set2);

Or if you prefer to use a single return statement:

public static boolean equals(Set<?> set1, Set<?> set2){

  return set1 != null 
    && set2 != null 
    && set1.size() == set2.size() 
    && set1.containsAll(set2);

Where is the Microsoft.IdentityModel dll

How about a NuGet Windows Identity Foundation. Just add it you you project and away you go! Its one of the MS owned NuGets so should be maintained accordingly.

EDIT: In Windows 8 Windows Identity Foundation is installed (enabled) by turning a windows feature on in Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Programs and Features > Turn Windows feature on or off the feature is Windows Identity Foundation 3.5. Installers linked in the answer above will not work on Windows 8

Fastest way to set all values of an array?

Java Programmer's FAQ Part B Sect 6 suggests:

public static void bytefill(byte[] array, byte value) {
    int len = array.length;
    if (len > 0)
    array[0] = value;
    for (int i = 1; i < len; i += i)
        System.arraycopy( array, 0, array, i,
            ((len - i) < i) ? (len - i) : i);

This essentially makes log2(array.length) calls to System.arraycopy which hopefully utilizes an optimized memcpy implementation.

However, is this technique still required on modern Java JITs such as the Oracle/Android JIT?

How do I write a Windows batch script to copy the newest file from a directory?

This will open a second cmd.exe window. If you want it to go away, replace the /K with /C.

Obviously, replace new_file_loc with whatever your new file location will be.

@echo off
for /F %%i in ('dir /B /O:-D *.txt') do (
    call :open "%%i"
    exit /B 0
    start "window title" "cmd /K copy %~1 new_file_loc"
exit /B 0

How do I create 7-Zip archives with .NET?

 string zipfile = @"E:\Folderx\";
 string folder = @"E:\TargetFolderx";

public void ExtractFile(string source, string destination)
            // If the directory doesn't exist, create it.
            if (!Directory.Exists(destination))

            //string zPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileExtactorEXE"];
          //  string zPath = Properties.Settings.Default.FileExtactorEXE; ;

            string zPath=@"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zG.exe";

                ProcessStartInfo pro = new ProcessStartInfo();
                pro.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                pro.FileName = zPath;
                pro.Arguments = "x \"" + source + "\" -o" + destination;
                Process x = Process.Start(pro);
            catch (System.Exception Ex) { }

Just Install 7 zip from source and pass the parameter to the method.

Thanks. Please like the answer.

Multi column forms with fieldsets

I disagree that .form-group should be within .col-*-n elements. In my experience, all the appropriate padding happens automatically when you use .form-group like .row within a form.

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
        <label for="user_login">Username</label>
        <input class="form-control" id="user_login" name="user[login]" required="true" size="30" type="text" />

Check out this demo.

Altering the demo slightly by adding .form-horizontal to the form tag changes some of that padding.

<form action="#" method="post" class="form-horizontal">

Check out this demo.

When in doubt, inspect in Chrome or use Firebug in Firefox to figure out things like padding and margins. Using .row within the form fails in edsioufi's fiddle because .row uses negative left and right margins thereby drawing the horizontal bounds of the divs classed .row beyond the bounds of the containing fieldsets.

How to get the indices list of all NaN value in numpy array?

You can use np.where to match the boolean conditions corresponding to Nan values of the array and map each outcome to generate a list of tuples.

>>>list(map(tuple, np.where(np.isnan(x))))
[(1, 2), (2, 0)]

How to check if a specific key is present in a hash or not?

Another way is here

hash = {one: 1, two: 2}

#=> true

#=> false

How to multiply a BigDecimal by an integer in Java

First off, BigDecimal.multiply() returns a BigDecimal and you're trying to store that in an int.

Second, it takes another BigDecimal as the argument, not an int.

If you just use the BigDecimal for all variables involved in these calculations, it should work fine.

Regex - Does not contain certain Characters

Here you go:


This will test for string that has no < and no >

If you want to test for a string that may have < and >, but must also have something other you should use just

[^<>] (or ^.*[^<>].*$)

Where [<>] means any of < or > and [^<>] means any that is not of < or >.

And of course the mandatory link.

Unclosed Character Literal error

I'd like to give a small addition to the existing answers. You get the same "Unclosed Character Literal error", if you give value to a char with incorrect unicode form. Like when you write:

char HI = '\3072';

You have to use the correct form which is:

char HI = '\u3072';

ORA-28000: the account is locked error getting frequently

One of the reasons of your problem could be the password policy you are using.

And if there is no such policy of yours then check your settings for the password properties in the DEFAULT profile with the following query:

SELECT resource_name, limit
FROM dba_profiles 
WHERE profile = 'DEFAULT'
AND resource_type = 'PASSWORD';

And If required, you just need to change the PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME to unlimited with the following query:


And this Link might be helpful for your problem.

Runnable with a parameter?

Since Java 8, the best answer is to use Consumer<T>:

It's one of the functional interfaces, which means you can call it as a lambda expression:

void doSomething(Consumer<String> something) {


doSomething( (something) -> System.out.println(something) )


"The file "" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it" when running app in Xcode 6 Beta 4

I'm using Xcode 6 GM. I encountered the same issue. What I did was to go to Build Settings -> Build Options (you can search "compiler"), and then changed the option of the "Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C" to Default Compiler.

Execute Immediate within a stored procedure keeps giving insufficient priviliges error

Alternatively you can grant the user DROP_ANY_TABLE privilege if need be and the procedure will run as is without the need for any alteration. Dangerous maybe but depends what you're doing :)

Java equivalent to JavaScript's encodeURIComponent that produces identical output?

I have found PercentEscaper class from google-http-java-client library, that can be used to implement encodeURIComponent quite easily.

PercentEscaper from google-http-java-client javadoc google-http-java-client home

Appending to an existing string

You can use << to append to a string in-place.

s = "foo"
old_id = s.object_id
s << "bar"
s                      #=> "foobar"
s.object_id == old_id  #=> true

How to get the process ID to kill a nohup process?

This works for mi fine on mac

kill -9 `ps -ef | awk '/nohup/{ print \$2 }'`

Cross-browser bookmark/add to favorites JavaScript

function bookmark(title, url) {
  if (window.sidebar) { 
    // Firefox
    window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, '');
  else if (window.opera && window.print) 
    // Opera
    var elem = document.createElement('a');
    elem.setAttribute('href', url);
    elem.setAttribute('title', title);
    elem.setAttribute('rel', 'sidebar');; //this.title=document.title;
  else if (document.all) 
    // ie
    window.external.AddFavorite(url, title);

I used this & works great in IE, FF, Netscape. Chrome, Opera and safari do not support it!

The POM for project is missing, no dependency information available


<!-- ANT4X -->


<!-- ANT4X -->

The groupId of net.sourceforge was incorrect. The correct value is net.sourceforge.ant4x.

XML serialization in Java?

2008 Answer The "Official" Java API for this is now JAXB - Java API for XML Binding. See Tutorial by Oracle. The reference implementation lives at

2018 Update Note that the Java EE and CORBA Modules are deprecated in SE in JDK9 and to be removed from SE in JDK11. Therefore, to use JAXB it will either need to be in your existing enterprise class environment bundled by your e.g. app server, or you will need to bring it in manually.

Why am I not getting a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in this example?

Check your code man....

In the main method you are trying to remove the 4th element which is not there and hence the error. In the remove() method you are trying to remove the 3rd element which is there and hence no error.

Temporarily change current working directory in bash to run a command

Something like this should work:

sh -c 'cd /tmp && exec pwd'

What is the purpose of meshgrid in Python / NumPy?

meshgrid helps in creating a rectangular grid from two 1-D arrays of all pairs of points from the two arrays.

x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
y = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

Now, if you have defined a function f(x,y) and you wanna apply this function to all the possible combination of points from the arrays 'x' and 'y', then you can do this:

f(*np.meshgrid(x, y))

Say, if your function just produces the product of two elements, then this is how a cartesian product can be achieved, efficiently for large arrays.

Referred from here

Where to place and how to read configuration resource files in servlet based application?

Word of warning: if you put config files in your WEB-INF/classes folder, and your IDE, say Eclipse, does a clean/rebuild, it will nuke your conf files unless they were in the Java source directory. BalusC's great answer alludes to that in option 1 but I wanted to add emphasis.

I learned the hard way that if you "copy" a web project in Eclipse, it does a clean/rebuild from any source folders. In my case I had added a "linked source dir" from our POJO java library, it would compile to the WEB-INF/classes folder. Doing a clean/rebuild in that project (not the web app project) caused the same problem.

I thought about putting my confs in the POJO src folder, but these confs are all for 3rd party libs (like Quartz or URLRewrite) that are in the WEB-INF/lib folder, so that didn't make sense. I plan to test putting it in the web projects "src" folder when i get around to it, but that folder is currently empty and having conf files in it seems inelegant.

So I vote for putting conf files in WEB-INF/commonConfFolder/, next to the classes folder, which is Balus option 2.

grep output to show only matching file

Also remember one thing. Very important
You have to specify the command something like this to be more precise
grep -l "pattern" *

How to retrieve the hash for the current commit in Git?

Here is another direct-access implementation:

head="$(cat ".git/HEAD")"
while [ "$head" != "${head#ref: }" ]; do
  head="$(cat ".git/${head#ref: }")"

This also works over http which is useful for local package archives (I know: for public web sites it's not recommended to make the .git directory accessable):

head="$(curl -s "$baseurl/.git/HEAD")"
while [ "$head" != "${head#ref: }" ]; do
  head="$(curl -s "$baseurl/.git/${head#ref: }")"

Returning multiple values from a C++ function

In C++11 you can:

#include <tuple>

std::tuple<int, int> divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
    return  std::make_tuple(dividend / divisor, dividend % divisor);

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    using namespace std;

    int quotient, remainder;

    tie(quotient, remainder) = divide(14, 3);

    cout << quotient << ',' << remainder << endl;

In C++17:

#include <tuple>

std::tuple<int, int> divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
    return  {dividend / divisor, dividend % divisor};

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    using namespace std;

    auto [quotient, remainder] = divide(14, 3);

    cout << quotient << ',' << remainder << endl;

or with structs:

auto divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
    struct result {int quotient; int remainder;};
    return result {dividend / divisor, dividend % divisor};

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    using namespace std;

    auto result = divide(14, 3);

    cout << result.quotient << ',' << result.remainder << endl;

    // or

    auto [quotient, remainder] = divide(14, 3);

    cout << quotient << ',' << remainder << endl;

How to make a JSONP request from Javascript without JQuery?

If you are using ES6 with NPM, you can try node module "fetch-jsonp". Fetch API Provides support for making a JsonP call as a regular XHR call.

Prerequisite: you should be using isomorphic-fetch node module in your stack.

How to create a service running a .exe file on Windows 2012 Server?

You can just do that too, it seems to work well too. sc create "Servicename" binPath= "Path\To\your\App.exe" DisplayName= "My Custom Service"

You can open the registry and add a string named Description in your service's registry key to add a little more descriptive information about it. It will be shown in services.msc.

How to compare two tables column by column in oracle

Using the minus operator was working but also it was taking more time to execute which was not acceptable. I have a similar kind of requirement for data migration and I used the NOT IN operator for that. The modified query is :

select * 
from A 
where (emp_id,emp_name) not in 
   (select emp_id,emp_name from B) 
   union all 
select * from B 
where (emp_id,emp_name) not in 
   (select emp_id,emp_name from A); 

This query executed fast. Also you can add any number of columns in the select query. Only catch is that both tables should have the exact same table structure for this to be executed.

Notepad++ Setting for Disabling Auto-open Previous Files

In Notepad++ v6.6 this setting is moved to the Backup tab of the Preferences menu.

enter image description here

Differences between ConstraintLayout and RelativeLayout

The only difference i've noted is that things set in a relative layout via drag and drop automatically have their dimensions relative to other elements inferred, so when you run the app what you see is what you get. However in the constraint layout even if you drag and drop an element in the design view, when you run the app things may be shifted around. This can easily be fixed by manually setting the constraints or, a more risky move being to right click the element in the component tree, selecting the constraint layout sub menu, then clicking 'infer constraints'. Hope this helps

Downloading a large file using curl

//This is the file where we save the    information
$fp = fopen (dirname(__FILE__) . '/localfile.tmp', 'w+');
//Here is the file we are downloading, replace spaces with %20
$ch = curl_init(str_replace(" ","%20",$url));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50);
// write curl response to file
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
// get curl response

HTML Display Current date

var currentDate  = new Date(),
    currentDay   = currentDate.getDate() < 10 
                 ? '0' + currentDate.getDate() 
                 : currentDate.getDate(),
    currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth() < 9 
                 ? '0' + (currentDate.getMonth() + 1) 
                 : (currentDate.getMonth() + 1);

document.getElementById("date").innerHTML = currentDay + '/' + currentMonth + '/' +  currentDate.getFullYear();

You can read more about Date object

How to check permissions of a specific directory?

In addition to the above posts, i'd like to point out that "man ls" will give you a nice manual about the "ls" ( List " command.

Also, using ls -la myFile will list & show all the facts about that file.

Rename multiple files in a folder, add a prefix (Windows)

I was tearing my hair out because for some items, the renamed item would get renamed again (repeatedly, unless max file name length was reached). This was happening both for Get-ChildItem and piping the output of dir. I guess that the renamed files got picked up because of a change in the alphabetical ordering. I solved this problem in the following way:

Get-ChildItem -Path . -OutVariable dirs
foreach ($i in $dirs) { Rename-Item $ ("<MY_PREFIX>"+$ }

This "locks" the results returned by Get-ChildItem in the variable $dirs and you can iterate over it without fear that ordering will change or other funny business will happen.

Dave.Gugg's tip for using -Exclude should also solve this problem, but this is a different approach; perhaps if the files being renamed already contain the pattern used in the prefix.

(Disclaimer: I'm very much a PowerShell n00b.)

Bash Shell Script - Check for a flag and grab its value

Try shFlags -- Advanced command-line flag library for Unix shell scripts.

It is very good and very flexible.

FLAG TYPES: This is a list of the DEFINE_*'s that you can do. All flags take a name, default value, help-string, and optional 'short' name (one-letter name). Some flags have other arguments, which are described with the flag.

DEFINE_string: takes any input, and intreprets it as a string.

DEFINE_boolean: typically does not take any argument: say --myflag to set FLAGS_myflag to true, or --nomyflag to set FLAGS_myflag to false. Alternately, you can say --myflag=true or --myflag=t or --myflag=0 or --myflag=false or --myflag=f or --myflag=1 Passing an option has the same affect as passing the option once.

DEFINE_float: takes an input and intreprets it as a floating point number. As shell does not support floats per-se, the input is merely validated as being a valid floating point value.

DEFINE_integer: takes an input and intreprets it as an integer.

SPECIAL FLAGS: There are a few flags that have special meaning: --help (or -?) prints a list of all the flags in a human-readable fashion --flagfile=foo read flags from foo. (not implemented yet) -- as in getopt(), terminates flag-processing


-- begin --
 ! /bin/sh
. ./shflags
DEFINE_string name 'world' "somebody's name" n
FLAGS "$@" || exit $?
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
echo "Hello, ${FLAGS_name}."
-- end --

$ ./ -n Kate
Hello, Kate.

Note: I took this text from shflags documentation

How to loop over files in directory and change path and add suffix to filename

Looks like you're trying to execute a windows file (.exe) Surely you ought to be using powershell. Anyway on a Linux bash shell a simple one-liner will suffice.

[/home/$] for filename in /Data/*.txt; do for i in {0..3}; do ./MyProgam.exe  Data/filenameLogs/$filename_log$i.txt; done done

Or in a bash


for filename in /Data/*.txt; 
     for i in {0..3}; 
       do ./MyProgam.exe Data/filename.txt Logs/$filename_log$i.txt; 

How can I revert a single file to a previous version?

Git doesn't think in terms of file versions. A version in git is a snapshot of the entire tree.

Given this, what you really want is a tree that has the latest content of most files, but with the contents of one file the same as it was 5 commits ago. This will take the form of a new commit on top of the old ones, and the latest version of the tree will have what you want.

I don't know if there's a one-liner that will revert a single file to the contents of 5 commits ago, but the lo-fi solution should work: checkout master~5, copy the file somewhere else, checkout master, copy the file back, then commit.

How to use Bootstrap 4 in ASP.NET Core

Looking into this, it seems like the LibMan approach works best for my needs with adding Bootstrap. I like it because it is now built into Visual Studio 2017(15.8 or later) and has its own dialog boxes.

Update 6/11/2020: bootstrap 4.1.3 is now added by default with VS-2019.5 (Thanks to Harald S. Hanssen for noticing.)

The default method VS adds to projects uses Bower but it looks like it is on the way out. In the header of Microsofts bower page they write: Bower is maintained only.Recommend using LibManager

Following a couple links lead to Use LibMan with ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio where it shows how libs can be added using a built-in Dialog:

In Solution Explorer, right-click the project folder in which the files should be added. Choose Add > Client-Side Library. The Add Client-Side Library dialog appears: [source: Scott Addie 2018]

enter image description here

Then for bootstrap just (1) select the unpkg, (2) type in "bootstrap@.." (3) Install. After this, you would just want to verify all the includes in the _Layout.cshtml or other places are correct. They should be something like href="~/lib/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap...")

Java 8 Distinct by property

Another solution, using Set. May not be the ideal solution, but it works

Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(persons.size()); -> set.add(p.getName())).collect(Collectors.toList());

Or if you can modify the original list, you can use removeIf method

persons.removeIf(p -> !set.add(p.getName()));

PostgreSQL: how to convert from Unix epoch to date?

The solution above not working for the latest version on PostgreSQL. I found this way to convert epoch time being stored in number and int column type is on PostgreSQL 13:

SELECT TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + (<table>.field::int) * INTERVAL '1 second' as started_on from <table>;

For more detail explanation, you can see here

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'simple, ' to data type int

Given that you're only converting to ints to then perform a comparison, I'd just switch the table definition around to using varchar also:

Create table #myTempTable
num varchar(12)
insert into #myTempTable (num) values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5)

and remove all of the attempted CONVERTs from the rest of the query.

 SELECT, a.value AS value, COUNT(*) AS pocet   
 (SELECT, value.value 
  FROM mdl_feedback AS feedback 
  INNER JOIN mdl_feedback_item AS item 
       ON =
  INNER JOIN mdl_feedback_value AS value 
       ON = value.item 
   WHERE item.typ = 'multichoicerated' AND IN (43)
 ) AS a 
 INNER JOIN #myTempTable 
     on a.value = #myTempTable.num

Percentage width in a RelativeLayout

You are looking for the android:layout_weight attribute. It will allow you to use percentages to define your layout.

In the following example, the left button uses 70% of the space, and the right button 30%.


        android:layout_weight=".70" /> 

        android:layout_weight=".30" />


It works the same with any kind of View, you can replace the buttons with some EditText to fit your needs.

Be sure to set the layout_width to 0dp or your views may not be scaled properly.

Note that the weight sum doesn't have to equal 1, I just find it easier to read like this. You can set the first weight to 7 and the second to 3 and it will give the same result.

converting drawable resource image into bitmap

In res/drawable folder,

1. Create a new Drawable Resources.

2. Input file name.

A new file will be created inside the res/drawable folder.

Replace this code inside the newly created file and replace ic_action_back with your drawable file name.

<bitmap xmlns:android=""
    android:tint="@color/color_primary_text" />

Now, you can use it with Resource ID,

How to get complete month name from DateTime

It should be just DateTime.ToString( "MMMM" )

You don't need all the extra Ms.

How to install MinGW-w64 and MSYS2?

Unfortunately, the MinGW-w64 installer you used sometimes has this issue. I myself am not sure about why this happens (I think it has something to do with Sourceforge URL redirection or whatever that the installer currently can't handle properly enough).

Anyways, if you're already planning on using MSYS2, there's no need for that installer.

  1. Download MSYS2 from this page (choose 32 or 64-bit according to what version of Windows you are going to use it on, not what kind of executables you want to build, both versions can build both 32 and 64-bit binaries).

  2. After the install completes, click on the newly created "MSYS2 Shell" option under either MSYS2 64-bit or MSYS2 32-bit in the Start menu. Update MSYS2 according to the wiki (although I just do a pacman -Syu, ignore all errors and close the window and open a new one, this is not recommended and you should do what the wiki page says).

  3. Install a toolchain

    a) for 32-bit:

    pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc

    b) for 64-bit:

    pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
  4. install any libraries/tools you may need. You can search the repositories by doing

    pacman -Ss name_of_something_i_want_to_install


    pacman -Ss gsl

    and install using

    pacman -S package_name_of_something_i_want_to_install


    pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gsl

    and from then on the GSL library is automatically found by your MinGW-w64 64-bit compiler!

  5. Open a MinGW-w64 shell:

    a) To build 32-bit things, open the "MinGW-w64 32-bit Shell"

    b) To build 64-bit things, open the "MinGW-w64 64-bit Shell"

  6. Verify that the compiler is working by doing

    gcc -v

If you want to use the toolchains (with installed libraries) outside of the MSYS2 environment, all you need to do is add <MSYS2 root>/mingw32/bin or <MSYS2 root>/mingw64/bin to your PATH.

Multiple Cursors in Sublime Text 2 Windows

Mac Users, let me save you the time:

  • Cmd+a: select the lines you want a cursor
  • Cmd+Shift+l: to create the cursor

Count number of times a date occurs and make a graph out of it

The simplest is to do a PivotChart. Select your array of dates (with a header) and create a new Pivot Chart (Insert / PivotChart / Ok) Then on the field list window, drag and drop the date column in the Axis list first and then in the value list first.

Step 1:


Step 2:


How to make a link open multiple pages when clicked


<a href="#" class="yourlink">Click Here</a>


$('a.yourlink').click(function(e) {
}); also can take additional parameters. See them here:

You should also know that is sometimes blocked by popup blockers and/or ad-filters.

Addition from Paul below: This approach also places a dependency on JavaScript being enabled. Not typically a good idea, but sometimes necessary.

iOS change navigation bar title font and color

Here is an answer for your question:

Move your code to below method because navigation bar title updated after view loaded. I tried adding above code in viewDidLoad doesn't work, it works fine in viewDidAppear method.


What type of hash does WordPress use?

By default wordpress uses MD5. You can upgrade it to blowfish or extended DES.

What is the preferred syntax for initializing a dict: curly brace literals {} or the dict() function?

FYI, in case you need to add attributes to your dictionary (things that are attached to the dictionary, but are not one of the keys), then you'll need the second form. In that case, you can initialize your dictionary with keys having arbitrary characters, one at a time, like so:

    class mydict(dict): pass
    a = mydict()        
    a["b=c"] = 'value'
    a.test = False

Python "string_escape" vs "unicode_escape"

Within the range 0 = c < 128, yes the ' is the only difference for CPython 2.6.

>>> set(unichr(c).encode('unicode_escape') for c in range(128)) - set(chr(c).encode('string_escape') for c in range(128))

Outside of this range the two types are not exchangeable.

>>> '\x80'.encode('string_escape')
>>> '\x80'.encode('unicode_escape')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can’t decode byte 0x80 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

>>> u'1'.encode('unicode_escape')
>>> u'1'.encode('string_escape')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: escape_encode() argument 1 must be str, not unicode

On Python 3.x, the string_escape encoding no longer exists, since str can only store Unicode.

Android Studio Gradle Configuration with name 'default' not found

Everything looks fine at first blush, but some poking around on here found an answer that could be helpful:

Even the original answer writer doesn't sound super confident, but it's worth following up on. Also, you didn't say anything about your directory structure and so I'm assuming it's boring default stuff, but can't know for sure.

How can I get a list of users from active directory?

PrincipalContext for browsing the AD is ridiculously slow (only use it for .ValidateCredentials, see below), use DirectoryEntry instead and .PropertiesToLoad() so you only pay for what you need.

Filters and syntax here:

Attributes here:

using (var root = new DirectoryEntry($"LDAP://{Domain}"))
    using (var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(root))
        // looking for a specific user
        searcher.Filter = $"(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={username}))";
        // I only care about what groups the user is a memberOf

        // FYI, non-null results means the user was found
        var results = searcher.FindOne();

        var properties = results?.Properties;
        if (properties?.Contains("memberOf") == true)
            // ... iterate over all the groups the user is a member of

Clean, simple, fast. No magic, no half-documented calls to .RefreshCache to grab the tokenGroups or to .Bind or .NativeObject in a try/catch to validate credentials.

For authenticating the user:

using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
    return context.ValidateCredentials(username, password);

How to properly exit a C# application?

From MSDN:


Informs all message pumps that they must terminate, and then closes all application windows after the messages have been processed. This is the code to use if you are have called Application.Run (WinForms applications), this method stops all running message loops on all threads and closes all windows of the application.


Terminates this process and gives the underlying operating system the specified exit code. This is the code to call when you are using console application.

This article, Application.Exit vs. Environment.Exit, points towards a good tip:

You can determine if System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run has been called by checking the System.Windows.Forms.Application.MessageLoop property. If true, then Run has been called and you can assume that a WinForms application is executing as follows.

if (System.Windows.Forms.Application.MessageLoop) 
    // WinForms app
    // Console app

Reference: Why would Application.Exit fail to work?

How to use the pass statement?

You can say that pass means NOP (No Operation) operation. You will get a clear picture after this example :-

C Program


void main()
    int age = 12;

    if( age < 18 )
         printf("You are not adult, so you can't do that task ");
    else if( age >= 18 && age < 60)
        // I will add more code later inside it 
         printf("You are too old to do anything , sorry ");

Now how you will write that in Python :-

age = 12

if age < 18:

    print "You are not adult, so you can't do that task"

elif age >= 18 and age < 60:


    print "You are too old to do anything , sorry "

But your code will give error because it required an indented block after elif . Here is the role of pass keyword.

age = 12

if age < 18:

    print "You are not adult, so you can't do that task"

elif age >= 18 and age < 60:



    print "You are too old to do anything , sorry "

Now I think its clear to you.

Get the device width in javascript

One issue with Bryan Rieger's useful answer is that on high-density displays, Apple devices report screen.width in dips, while Android devices report it in physical pixels. (See .) I suggest using if (window.matchMedia('(max-device-width: 960px)').matches) {} on browsers supporting matchMedia.

Turn off iPhone/Safari input element rounding

input -webkit-appearance: none; alone does not work.

Try adding -webkit-border-radius:0px; in addition.

How to upgrade Angular CLI project?

Solution that worked for me:

  • Delete node_modules and dist folder
  • (in cmd)>> ng update --all --force
  • (in cmd)>> npm install typescript@">=3.4.0 and <3.5.0" --save-dev --save-exact
  • (in cmd)>> npm install --save core-js
  • Commenting import 'core-js/es7/reflect'; in polyfill.ts
  • (in cmd)>> ng serve

Could not load file or assembly System.Net.Http, Version= with ASP.NET (MVC 4) Web API OData Prerelease

This error popped up several times on several different projects.

What I finally figured out is that when I would build, there was already a copy of the system.web.mvc binary assembly in my bin folder.

To fix this, right-click on the assembly in the list of references and select "properties". Check to see if this is the latest version by looking at the "Version" property. If it is, switch "Copy Local" to true.

This will make sure that the version referenced in your project is the version that will end up in your binaries folder.

If you still get the error, try running nuGet to get the latest version, then try the aforementioned again.

Good luck - this error is a pain!

S3 Static Website Hosting Route All Paths to Index.html

I was looking for an answer to this myself. S3 appears to only support redirects, you can't just rewrite the URL and silently return a different resource. I'm considering using my build script to simply make copies of my index.html in all of the required path locations. Maybe that will work for you too.

Check if one date is between two dates

I did the same thing that @Diode, the first answer, but i made the condition with a range of dates, i hope this example going to be useful for someone

e.g (the same code to example with array of dates)

var dateFrom = "02/06/2013";_x000D_
var dateTo = "02/09/2013";_x000D_
var d1 = dateFrom.split("/");_x000D_
var d2 = dateTo.split("/");_x000D_
var from = new Date(d1[2], parseInt(d1[1])-1, d1[0]);  // -1 because months are from 0 to 11_x000D_
var to   = new Date(d2[2], parseInt(d2[1])-1, d2[0]); _x000D_
var dates= ["02/06/2013", "02/07/2013", "02/08/2013", "02/09/2013", "02/07/2013", "02/10/2013", "02/011/2013"];_x000D_
dates.forEach(element => {_x000D_
   let parts = element.split("/");_x000D_
   let date= new Date(parts[2], parseInt(parts[1]) - 1, parts[0]);_x000D_
        if (date >= from && date < to) {_x000D_
           console.log('dates in range', date);_x000D_

Angular 5 ngHide ngShow [hidden] not working

Try this:

<button (click)="click()">Click me</button>

<input class="txt" type="password" [(ngModel)]="input_pw" [ngClass]="{'hidden': isHidden}" />


isHidden: boolean = false;
    this.isHidden = !this.isHidden;

Java: Multiple class declarations in one file

Just FYI, if you are using Java 11+, there is an exception to this rule: if you run your java file directly (without compilation). In this mode, there is no restriction on a single public class per file. However, the class with the main method must be the first one in the file.

Creating a Custom Event

Based on @ionden's answer, the call to the delegate could be simplified using null propagation since C# 6.0.

Your code would simply be:

class MyClass {
    public event EventHandler MyEvent;

    public void Method() {
        MyEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

Use it like this:

MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
myObject.MyEvent += new EventHandler(myObject_MyEvent);

Generate Row Serial Numbers in SQL Query

ALTER function dbo.FN_ReturnNumberRows(@Start int, @End int) returns @Numbers table (Number int) as
    insert into @Numbers
    select n = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY n)+@Start-1 from (
    select top (@End-@Start+1) 1 as n from information_schema.columns as A
        cross join information_schema.columns as B
        cross join information_schema.columns as C
        cross join information_schema.columns as D
        cross join information_schema.columns as E) X

select * from dbo.FN_ReturnNumberRows(10,9999)

Replace new line/return with space using regex

You May use first split and rejoin it using white space. it will work sure.

String[] Larray = L.split("[\\n]+");
L = "";
for(int i = 0; i<Larray.lengh; i++){
   L = L+" "+Larray[i];  

JavaScript math, round to two decimal places

To get the result with two decimals, you can do like this :

var discount = Math.round((100 - (price / listprice) * 100) * 100) / 100;

The value to be rounded is multiplied by 100 to keep the first two digits, then we divide by 100 to get the actual result.

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?

import urllib, urllib2, cookielib

username = 'myuser'
password = 'mypassword'

cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
login_data = urllib.urlencode({'username' : username, 'j_password' : password})'', login_data)
resp ='')
print is the straight html of the page you want to open, and you can use opener to view any page using your session cookie.

8080 port already taken issue when trying to redeploy project from Spring Tool Suite IDE

Am I doing something wrong here?

Yes, you are. One servlet container is already running on port 8080 and you are trying to run another one on port 8080 again.

Either restart the server (If there is button for that in STS) or stop and start it

Get current value selected in dropdown using jQuery

You can try:


CardView Corner Radius

You need to do 2 things :

1) Call setPreventCornerOverlap(false) on your CardView.

2) Put rounded Imageview inside CardView

About rounding your imageview, I had the same problem so I made a library that you can set different radii on each corner. Finally I got the result what I wanted like below.

Rounded ImageView inside CardView

Unicode (UTF-8) reading and writing to files in Python

So, I've found a solution for what I'm looking for, which is:

print open('f2').read().decode('string-escape').decode("utf-8")

There are some unusual codecs that are useful here. This particular reading allows one to take UTF-8 representations from within Python, copy them into an ASCII file, and have them be read in to Unicode. Under the "string-escape" decode, the slashes won't be doubled.

This allows for the sort of round trip that I was imagining.

Selecting the last value of a column

This one works for me:
