Programs & Examples On #Pathauto

PathAuto is a Drupal module that allows to automatically create path aliases for different type of pages.

Extract Data from PDF and Add to Worksheet

This doesn't seem to work with the Adobe Type library. As soon as it gets to Open, I get a 429 error. Acrobat works fine though...

Difference between res.send and res.json in Express.js

The methods are identical when an object or array is passed, but res.json() will also convert non-objects, such as null and undefined, which are not valid JSON.

The method also uses the json replacer and json spaces application settings, so you can format JSON with more options. Those options are set like so:

app.set('json spaces', 2);
app.set('json replacer', replacer);

And passed to a JSON.stringify() like so:

JSON.stringify(value, replacer, spacing);
// value: object to format
// replacer: rules for transforming properties encountered during stringifying
// spacing: the number of spaces for indentation

This is the code in the res.json() method that the send method doesn't have:

var app =;
var replacer = app.get('json replacer');
var spaces = app.get('json spaces');
var body = JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, spaces);

The method ends up as a res.send() in the end:

this.charset = this.charset || 'utf-8';
this.get('Content-Type') || this.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');

return this.send(body);

Print a list of space-separated elements in Python 3

list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for i in list[0:-1]:
    print(i, end=', ')

do for loops really take that much longer to run?

was trying to make something that printed all str values in a list separated by commas, inserting "and" before the last entry and came up with this:

spam = ['apples', 'bananas', 'tofu', 'cats']
for i in spam[0:-1]:
    print(i, end=', ')
print('and ' + spam[-1])

Get records of current month

Check the MySQL Datetime Functions:

Try this:

FROM tableA 
      MONTH(columnName) = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE());

Right align text in android TextView

You can use:


Warning "Do not Access Superglobal $_POST Array Directly" on Netbeans 7.4 for PHP

I agree with the other answerers that in most cases (almost always) it is necessary to sanitize Your input.

But consider such code (it is for a REST controller):


switch ($method) {
            case 'GET':
                return $this->doGet($request, $object);
            case 'POST':
                return $this->doPost($request, $object);
            case 'PUT':
                return $this->doPut($request, $object);
            case 'DELETE':
                return $this->doDelete($request, $object);
                return $this->onBadRequest();

It would not be very useful to apply sanitizing here (although it would not break anything, either).

So, follow recommendations, but not blindly - rather understand why they are for :)

What does "hard coded" mean?

"Hard Coding" means something that you want to embeded with your program or any project that can not be changed directly. For example if you are using a database server, then you must hardcode to connect your database with your project and that can not be changed by user. Because you have hard coded.

How to load Spring Application Context

Add this at the start of main

ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("path/to/applicationContext.xml");

JobLauncher launcher=(JobLauncher)context.getBean("launcher");
Job job=(Job)context.getBean("job");

//Get as many beans you want
//Now do the thing you were doing inside test method
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
sw.start();, jobParameters);
//initialize the log same way inside main">>> TIME ELAPSED:" + sw.prettyPrint());

vim - How to delete a large block of text without counting the lines?

If the entire block is visible on the screen, you can use relativenumber setting. See :help relativenumber. Available in 7.3

Export a list into a CSV or TXT file in R

I export lists into YAML format with CPAN YAML package.

l <- list(a="1", b=1, c=list(a="1", b=1))
yaml::write_yaml(l, "list.yaml")

Bonus of YAML that it's a human readable text format so it's easy to read/share/import/etc

$ cat list.yaml
a: '1'
b: 1.0
  a: '1'
  b: 1.0

Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python

Many right answers but in case you want it in a float, directly, without using regex:

x= '$123.45M'

float(''.join(c for c in x if (c.isdigit() or c =='.'))


You can change the point for a comma depending on your needs.

change for this if you know your number is an integer

int(''.join(c for c in x if c.isdigit())


How to rename array keys in PHP?

Very simple approach to replace keys in a multidimensional array, and maybe even a bit dangerous, but should work fine if you have some kind of control over the source array:

$array = [ 'oldkey' => [ 'oldkey' => 'wow'] ];
$new_array = json_decode(str_replace('"oldkey":', '"newkey":', json_encode($array)));
print_r($new_array); // [ 'newkey' => [ 'newkey' => 'wow'] ]

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 50 - Local Database Runtime error occurred. Cannot create an automatic instance

I ran into the same problem. My fix was changing <parameter value="v12.0" /> to <parameter value="mssqllocaldb" /> into the "app.config" file.

What is a lambda expression in C++11?

One problem it solves: Code simpler than lambda for a call in constructor that uses an output parameter function for initializing a const member

You can initialize a const member of your class, with a call to a function that sets its value by giving back its output as an output parameter.

Find multiple files and rename them in Linux

You can use find to find all matching files recursively:

$ find . -iname "*dbg*" -exec rename _dbg.txt .txt '{}' \;

EDIT: what the '{}' and \; are?

The -exec argument makes find execute rename for every matching file found. '{}' will be replaced with the path name of the file. The last token, \; is there only to mark the end of the exec expression.

All that is described nicely in the man page for find:

 -exec utility [argument ...] ;
         True if the program named utility returns a zero value as its
         exit status.  Optional arguments may be passed to the utility.
         The expression must be terminated by a semicolon (``;'').  If you
         invoke find from a shell you may need to quote the semicolon if
         the shell would otherwise treat it as a control operator.  If the
         string ``{}'' appears anywhere in the utility name or the argu-
         ments it is replaced by the pathname of the current file.
         Utility will be executed from the directory from which find was
         executed.  Utility and arguments are not subject to the further
         expansion of shell patterns and constructs.

Ansible: Store command's stdout in new variable?

If you want to go further and extract the exact information you want from the Playbook results, use JSON query language like jmespath, an example:

  - name: Sample Playbook
    // Fill up your task
    no_log: True
    register: example_output

  - name: Json Query
        example_output:"{{ example_output | json_query('results[*].name') }}"

What does the exclamation mark do before the function?

Its another way of writing IIFE (immediately-invoked function expression).

Its other way of writing -

(function( args ) {})()

same as

!function ( args ) {}();

Creating a Jenkins environment variable using Groovy

For me the following worked on Jenkins 2.190.1 and was much simpler than some of the other workarounds:

matcher = manager.getLogMatcher('^.*Text we want comes next: (.*)$');

if (matcher.matches()) {
    def myVar =;
    def envVar = new EnvVars([MY_ENV_VAR: myVar]);
    def newEnv = Environment.create(envVar);, newEnv);
    // now the matched text from the LogMatcher is passed to an
    // env var we can access at $MY_ENV_VAR in post build steps

This was using the Groovy Script plugin with no additional changes to Jenkins.


Actually they are the same. LEFT OUTER JOIN is same as LEFT JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN is same as RIGHT JOIN. It is more informative way to compare from INNER Join.

See this Wikipedia article for details.

Error "package does not exist"

Switching to AndroidX helped me: import;

Adding new files to a subversion repository

Probably svn import would be the best option around. Check out Getting Data into Your Repository (in Version Control with Subversion, For Subversion).

The svn import command is a quick way to copy an unversioned tree of files into a repository, creating intermediate directories as necessary. svn import doesn't require a working copy, and your files are immediately committed to the repository. You typically use this when you have an existing tree of files that you want to begin tracking in your Subversion repository. For example:

$ svn import /path/to/mytree \
             -m "Initial import"
Adding         mytree/foo.c
Adding         mytree/bar.c
Adding         mytree/subdir
Adding         mytree/subdir/quux.h

Committed revision 1.

The previous example copied the contents of the local directory mytree into the directory some/project in the repository. Note that you didn't have to create that new directory first—svn import does that for you. Immediately after the commit, you can see your data in the repository:

$ svn list

Note that after the import is finished, the original local directory is not converted into a working copy. To begin working on that data in a versioned fashion, you still need to create a fresh working copy of that tree.

Note: if you are on the same machine as the Subversion repository you can use the file:// specifier with a path rather than the https:// with a URL specifier.

Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C?

@Mark Even though the compiler is allowed to optimize away the (stack based) temporary copy of the variable and gcc (in recent versions) is doing so, doesn't mean all compilers will always do so.

I just tested it with the compilers we use in our current project and 3 out of 4 do not optimize it.

Never assume the compiler gets it right, especially if the possibly faster, but never slower code is as easy to read.

If you don't have a really stupid implementation of one of the operators in your code:

Alwas prefer ++i over i++.

Android Crop Center of Bitmap

Here a more complete snippet that crops out the center of an [bitmap] of arbitrary dimensions and scales the result to your desired [IMAGE_SIZE]. So you will always get a [croppedBitmap] scaled square of the image center with a fixed size. ideal for thumbnailing and such.

Its a more complete combination of the other solutions.

final int IMAGE_SIZE = 255;
boolean landscape = bitmap.getWidth() > bitmap.getHeight();

float scale_factor;
if (landscape) scale_factor = (float)IMAGE_SIZE / bitmap.getHeight();
else scale_factor = (float)IMAGE_SIZE / bitmap.getWidth();
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.postScale(scale_factor, scale_factor);

Bitmap croppedBitmap;
if (landscape){
    int start = (tempBitmap.getWidth() - tempBitmap.getHeight()) / 2;
    croppedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(tempBitmap, start, 0, tempBitmap.getHeight(), tempBitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true);
} else {
    int start = (tempBitmap.getHeight() - tempBitmap.getWidth()) / 2;
    croppedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(tempBitmap, 0, start, tempBitmap.getWidth(), tempBitmap.getWidth(), matrix, true);

How do I check CPU and Memory Usage in Java?

Since Java 1.5 the JDK comes with a new tool: JConsole wich can show you the CPU and memory usage of any 1.5 or later JVM. It can do charts of these parameters, export to CSV, show the number of classes loaded, the number of instances, deadlocks, threads etc...

Detecting when user scrolls to bottom of div with jQuery

I have crafted this piece of code that worked for me to detect when I scroll to the end of an element!

let element = $('.element');

if ($(document).scrollTop() > element.offset().top + element.height()) {

     /// do something ///

Hide div by default and show it on click with bootstrap

I realize this question is a bit dated and since it shows up on Google search for similar issue I thought I will expand a little bit more on top of @CowWarrior's answer. I was looking for somewhat similar solution, and after scouring through countless SO question/answers and Bootstrap documentations the solution was pretty simple. Again, this would be using inbuilt Bootstrap collapse class to show/hide divs and Bootstrap's "Collapse Event".

What I realized is that it is easy to do it using a Bootstrap Accordion, but most of the time even though the functionality required is "somewhat" similar to an Accordion, it's different in a way that one would want to show hide <div> based on, lets say, menu buttons on a navbar. Below is a simple solution to this. The anchor tags (<a>) could be navbar items and based on a collapse event the corresponding div will replace the existing div. It looks slightly sloppy in CodeSnippet, but it is pretty close to achieving the functionality-

All that the JavaScript does is makes all the other <div> hide using


when the loaded <div> is displayed by checking the Collapse event Here's the Bootstrap documentation on Collapse Event.

Note: main-container is just a custom class.

Here it goes-

$(".main-container.collapse").on('', function () {    _x000D_
//when a collapsed div is shown hide all other collapsible divs that are visible_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<a href="#Foo" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="collapse">Toggle Foo</a>_x000D_
<a href="#Bar" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="collapse">Toggle Bar</a>_x000D_
<div id="Bar" class="main-container collapse in">_x000D_
    This div (#Bar) is shown by default and can toggle_x000D_
<div id="Foo" class="main-container collapse">_x000D_
    This div (#Foo) is hidden by default_x000D_

Difference between /res and /assets directories

Both are pretty similar. The real main difference between the two is that in the res directory each file is given a pre-compiled ID which can be accessed easily through[res id]. This is useful to quickly and easily access images, sounds, icons...

The assets directory is more like a filesystem and provides more freedom to put any file you would like in there. You then can access each of the files in that system as you would when accessing any file in any file system through Java. This directory is good for things such as game details, dictionaries,...etc. Hope that helps.

Adding n hours to a date in Java?

If you're willing to use java.time, here's a method to add ISO 8601 formatted durations:

import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;


LocalDateTime yourDate = ...


// Adds 1 hour to your date.

yourDate ="PT1H")); // Java.
// OR
yourDate = yourDate + Duration.parse("PT1H"); // Groovy.  

How to join components of a path when you are constructing a URL in Python

How about this: It is Somewhat Efficient & Somewhat Simple. Only need to join '2' parts of url path:

def UrlJoin(a , b):
    a, b = a.strip(), b.strip()
    a = a if a.endswith('/') else a + '/'
    b = b if not b.startswith('/') else b[1:]
    return a + b

OR: More Conventional, but Not as efficient if joining only 2 url parts of a path.

def UrlJoin(*parts):
    return '/'.join([p.strip().strip('/') for p in parts])

Test Cases:

>>> UrlJoin('', '/TestURL_1')

>>> UrlJoin('', 'TestURL_2')

Note: I may be splitting hairs here, but it is at least good practice and potentially more readable.

How can I check if a URL exists via PHP?

$url = '';
$not_url = 'stp://';

if (@file_get_contents($url)): echo "Found '$url'!";
else: echo "Can't find '$url'.";
if (@file_get_contents($not_url)): echo "Found '$not_url!";
else: echo "Can't find '$not_url'.";

// Found ''!Can't find 'stp://'.

Add number of days to a date

This should be

echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+30 days"));


expects to be given a string containing a US English date format and will try to parse that format into a Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC), relative to the timestamp given in now, or the current time if now is not supplied.

while date

Returns a string formatted according to the given format string using the given integer timestamp or the current time if no timestamp is given.

See the manual pages for

and their function signatures.

Search text in stored procedure in SQL Server

Good practice to work with SQL Server.

Create below stored procedure and set short key,

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Searchinall]       
(@strFind AS VARCHAR(MAX))
              ,OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) SP_Definition
        FROM   sys.procedures

              ,OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID) View_Definition
        FROM   sys.views

        SELECT ROUTINE_NAME           Function_Name
              ,ROUTINE_DEFINITION     Function_definition
        WHERE  ROUTINE_DEFINITION LIKE '%'+@strFind+'%'
               AND ROUTINE_TYPE = 'FUNCTION'
        ORDER BY

        SELECT      AS Table_Name
              ,      AS COLUMN_NAME
        FROM   sys.tables  AS t
               INNER JOIN sys.columns c
                    ON  t.OBJECT_ID = c.OBJECT_ID
        WHERE LIKE '%'+@strFind+'%'
        ORDER BY

Now - Set short key as below,

enter image description here

So next time whenever you want to find a particular text in any of the four objects like Store procedure, Views, Functions and Tables. You just need to write that keyword and press shortcut key.

For example: I want to search 'PaymentTable' then write 'PaymentTable' and make sure you select or highlight the written keyword in query editor and press shortcut key ctrl+4 - it will provide you full result.

How to use IntelliJ IDEA to find all unused code?

After you've run the Inspect by Name, select all the locations, and make use of the Apply quick fixes to all the problems drop-down, and use either (or both) of Delete unused parameter(s) and Safe Delete.

Don't forget to hit Do Refactor afterwards.

Then you'll need to run another analysis, as the refactored code will no doubt reveal more unused declarations.

Apply quick fixes to all the problems

How can I use pickle to save a dict?

Try this:

import pickle

a = {'hello': 'world'}

with open('filename.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(a, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

with open('filename.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
    b = pickle.load(handle)

print a == b

How can I get href links from HTML using Python?

This is way late to answer but it will work for latest python users:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests 

html_page = requests.get('').text

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_page, "lxml")
for link in soup.findAll('a'):

Don't forget to install "requests" and "BeautifulSoup" package and also "lxml". Use .text along with get otherwise it will throw an exception.

"lxml" is used to remove that warning of which parser to be used. You can also use "html.parser" whichever fits your case.

How can I get the image url in a Wordpress theme?

src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/image_dir/img.ext"
worked for me for wordpress 3.6 i used it to get header logo using as

<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/logo.jpg">

JavaScript - get the first day of the week from current date

a more generalized version of this... this will give you any day in the current week based on what day you specify.

//returns the relative day in the week 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday ... 6 = Saturday
function getRelativeDayInWeek(d,dy) {
  d = new Date(d);
  var day = d.getDay(),
      diff = d.getDate() - day + (day == 0 ? -6:dy); // adjust when day is sunday
  return new Date(d.setDate(diff));

var monday = getRelativeDayInWeek(new Date(),1);
var friday = getRelativeDayInWeek(new Date(),5);


Is there an arraylist in Javascript?

Just use array.push(something);. Javascript arrays are like ArrayLists in this respect - they can be treated like they have a flexible length (unlike java arrays).

How to Update Date and Time of Raspberry Pi With out Internet

Thanks for the replies.
What I did was,
1. I install meinberg ntp software application on windows 7 pc. (softros ntp server is also possible.)
2. change raspberry pi ntp.conf file (for auto update date and time)

server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

3. If you want to make sure that date and time update at startup run this python script in rpi,

import os

    client = ntplib.NTPClient()
    response = client.request('', version=4)
    print "===================================="
    print "Offset : "+str(response.offset)
    print "Version : "+str(response.version)
    print "Date Time : "+str(ctime(response.tx_time))
    print "Leap : "+str(ntplib.leap_to_text(response.leap))
    print "Root Delay : "+str(response.root_delay)
    print "Ref Id : "+str(ntplib.ref_id_to_text(response.ref_id))
    os.system("sudo date -s '"+str(ctime(response.tx_time))+"'")
    print "===================================="
    os.system("sudo date")
    print "NTP Server Down Date Time NOT Set At The Startup"

I found more info in raspberry pi forum.

how do I query sql for a latest record date for each user

SELECT Username, date, value
 from MyTable mt
 inner join (select username, max(date) date
              from MyTable
              group by username) sub
  on sub.username = mt.username
   and =

Would address the updated problem. It might not work so well on large tables, even with good indexing.

How to change the button color when it is active using bootstrap?

CSS has many pseudo selector like, :active, :hover, :focus, so you can use.


<div class="col-sm-12" id="my_styles">
     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-warning" id="1">Button1</button>
     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-warning" id="2">Button2</button>


    background: #ccc;
} .btn:focus{
    background: red;


How to bind multiple values to a single WPF TextBlock?

If these are just going to be textblocks (and thus one way binding), and you just want to concatenate values, just bind two textblocks and put them in a horizontal stackpanel.

    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding ID}"/>

That will display the text (which is all Textblocks do) without having to do any more coding. You might put a small margin on them to make them look right though.

How to capitalize the first letter of word in a string using Java?

if you only want to capitalize the first letter then the below code can be used

String output = input.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + input.substring(1);

Generating a PDF file from React Components

I used jsPDF and html-to-image.

You can check out the code on the below git repo.


If you like, you can drop a star there??

Date difference in years using C#

This is the best code to calculate year and month difference:

DateTime firstDate = DateTime.Parse("1/31/2019");
DateTime secondDate = DateTime.Parse("2/1/2016");

int totalYears = firstDate.Year - secondDate.Year;
int totalMonths = 0;

if (firstDate.Month > secondDate.Month)
    totalMonths = firstDate.Month - secondDate.Month;
else if (firstDate.Month < secondDate.Month)
    totalYears -= 1;
    int monthDifference = secondDate.Month - firstDate.Month;
    totalMonths = 12 - monthDifference;

if ((firstDate.Day - secondDate.Day) == 30)
    totalMonths += 1;
    if (totalMonths % 12 == 0)
        totalYears += 1;
        totalMonths = 0;

pthread_join() and pthread_exit()

It because every time

void pthread_exit(void *ret);

will be called from thread function so which ever you want to return simply its pointer pass with pthread_exit().

Now at

int pthread_join(pthread_t tid, void **ret);

will be always called from where thread is created so here to accept that returned pointer you need double pointer ..

i think this code will help you to understand this

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void* thread_function(void *ignoredInThisExample)
    char *a = malloc(10);
    strcpy(a,"hello world");
int main()
    pthread_t thread_id;
    char *b;

    pthread_create (&thread_id, NULL,&thread_function, NULL);

    pthread_join(thread_id,(void**)&b); //here we are reciving one pointer 
                                        value so to use that we need double pointer 
    printf("b is %s\n",b); 
    free(b); // lets free the memory


How do I display local image in markdown?


Working for me ( for local image )

![system schema](doc/systemDiagram.jpg)

 +-- doc
     +-- jobsSystemSchema.jpg

markdown file is at the same level as doc directory.

In your case ,your markdown file should be at the same level as the directory files.

Working for me (absolute url with raw path)

![system schema](https://server/group/jobs/raw/master/doc/systemDiagram.jpg)

NOT working for me (url with blob path)

![system schema](https://server/group/jobs/blob/master/doc/systemDiagram.jpg)

What does the return keyword do in a void method in Java?

The Java language specification says you can have return with no expression if your method returns void.

How to select rows that have current day's timestamp?

Simply cast it to a date:

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE CAST(`timestamp` TO DATE) == CAST(NOW() TO DATE)

How do you implement a good profanity filter?

If you can do something like Digg/Stackoverflow where the users can downvote/mark obscene content... do so.

Then all you need to do is review the "naughty" users, and block them if they break the rules.

com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking method

The root cause is that when debugging the java debug interface will call the toString() of your class to show the class information in the pop up box, so if the toString method is not defined correctly, this may happen.

Get the week start date and week end date from week number

Week Start & End Date From Date For Power BI Dax Formula

WeekStartDate = [DateColumn] - (WEEKDAY([DateColumn])-1)
WeekEndDate = [DateColumn] + (7-WEEKDAY([DateColumn]))

Java how to sort a Linked List?

In order to sort Strings alphabetically you will need to use a Collator, like:

 LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
 Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<String>() {
     public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
         return Collator.getInstance().compare(o1, o2);

Because if you just call Collections.sort(list) you will have trouble with strings that contain uppercase characters.

For instance in the code I pasted, after the sorting the list will be: [aAb, abc, Bcd] but if you just call Collections.sort(list); you will get: [Bcd, aAb, abc]

Note: When using a Collator you can specify the locale Collator.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH) this is usually pretty handy.

How do you revert to a specific tag in Git?

Git tags are just pointers to the commit. So you use them the same way as you do HEAD, branch names or commit sha hashes. You can use tags with any git command that accepts commit/revision arguments. You can try it with git rev-parse tagname to display the commit it points to.

In your case you have at least these two alternatives:

  1. Reset the current branch to specific tag:

    git reset --hard tagname
  2. Generate revert commit on top to get you to the state of the tag:

    git revert tag

This might introduce some conflicts if you have merge commits though.

Remove all html tags from php string

$string = <p>Awesome</p><b> Website</b><i> by Narayan</i>. Thanks for visiting enter code here;
$tags = array("p", "i");

echo preg_replace('#<(' . implode( '|', $tags) . ')(?:[^>]+)?>.*?</\1>#s', '', $string);

Try this

Is there any standard for JSON API response format?

The point of JSON is that it is completely dynamic and flexible. Bend it to whatever whim you would like, because it's just a set of serialized JavaScript objects and arrays, rooted in a single node.

What the type of the rootnode is is up to you, what it contains is up to you, whether you send metadata along with the response is up to you, whether you set the mime-type to application/json or leave it as text/plain is up to you (as long as you know how to handle the edge cases).

Build a lightweight schema that you like.
Personally, I've found that analytics-tracking and mp3/ogg serving and image-gallery serving and text-messaging and network-packets for online gaming, and blog-posts and blog-comments all have very different requirements in terms of what is sent and what is received and how they should be consumed.

So the last thing I'd want, when doing all of that, is to try to make each one conform to the same boilerplate standard, which is based on XML2.0 or somesuch.

That said, there's a lot to be said for using schemas which make sense to you and are well thought out.
Just read some API responses, note what you like, criticize what you don't, write those criticisms down and understand why they rub you the wrong way, and then think about how to apply what you learned to what you need.

Access an arbitrary element in a dictionary in Python

How about, this. Not mentioned here yet.

py 2 & 3

a = {"a":2,"b":3}
a[list(a)[0]] # the first element is here
>>> 2

Split string into array of character strings

for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++)

How to Lock the data in a cell in excel using vba

Sub LockCells()


Selection.Locked = True

Selection.FormulaHidden = False

ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios:= False, AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, AllowFormattingRows:=True, AllowInsertingColumns:=True, AllowInsertingRows:=True, AllowInsertingHyperlinks:=True, AllowDeletingColumns:=True, AllowDeletingRows:=True, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True

End Sub

Getting Serial Port Information

Use following code snippet

It gives following output when executed.

serial port : Communications Port (COM1)
serial port : Communications Port (COM2)

Don't forget to add

using System;
using System.Management;
using System.Windows.Forms;

Also add reference to system.Management (by default it is not available)


private void GetSerialPort()

        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = 
            new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", 
            "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity"); 

        foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get())
            if (queryObj["Caption"].ToString().Contains("(COM"))
                Console.WriteLine("serial port : {0}", queryObj["Caption"]);

    catch (ManagementException e)
        MessageBox.Show( e.Message);



  Private Sub GetAllSerialPortsName()
            Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("root\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity")
            For Each queryObj As ManagementObject In searcher.Get()
                If InStr(queryObj("Caption"), "(COM") > 0 Then
                    Console.WriteLine("serial port : {0}", queryObj("Caption"))
                End If
        Catch err As ManagementException
        End Try
    End Sub

Update: You may also check for

if (queryObj["Caption"].ToString().StartsWith("serial port"))

instead of

if (queryObj["Caption"].ToString().Contains("(COM"))

Callback after all asynchronous forEach callbacks are completed

I try Easy Way to resolve it, share it with you :

let counter = 0;
            arr.forEach(async (item, index) => {
                await request.query(item, (err, recordset) => {
                    if (err) console.log(err);

                    //do Somthings

                    if(counter == tableCmd.length){

request is Function of mssql Library in Node js. This can replace each function or Code u want. GoodLuck

Get 2 Digit Number For The Month



will do the job with two digit.

Failed to load AppCompat ActionBar with unknown error in android studio

Try this:

Just change:

compile ''


compile ''


How to write log file in c#?

From the performance point of view your solution is not optimal. Every time you add another log entry with +=, the whole string is copied to another place in memory. I would recommend using StringBuilder instead:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("log something");

// flush every 20 seconds as you do it
File.AppendAllText(filePath+"log.txt", sb.ToString());

By the way your timer event is probably executed on another thread. So you may want to use a mutex when accessing your sb object.

Another thing to consider is what happens to the log entries that were added within the last 20 seconds of the execution. You probably want to flush your string to the file right before the app exits.

R * not meaningful for factors ERROR

new[,2] is a factor, not a numeric vector. Transform it first

new$MY_NEW_COLUMN <-as.numeric(as.character(new[,2])) * 5

How do I compute the intersection point of two lines?

The most concise solution I have found uses Sympy:

# import sympy and Point, Line 
from sympy import Point, Line 
p1, p2, p3 = Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(7, 7) 
l1 = Line(p1, p2) 
# using intersection() method 
showIntersection = l1.intersection(p3) 

Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java?

hashCode() method is used to get a unique integer for given object. This integer is used for determining the bucket location, when this object needs to be stored in some HashTable, HashMap like data structure. By default, Object’s hashCode() method returns and integer representation of memory address where object is stored.

The hashCode() method of objects is used when we insert them into a HashTable, HashMap or HashSet. More about HashTables on for reference.

To insert any entry in map data structure, we need both key and value. If both key and values are user define data types, the hashCode() of the key will be determine where to store the object internally. When require to lookup the object from the map also, the hash code of the key will be determine where to search for the object.

The hash code only points to a certain "area" (or list, bucket etc) internally. Since different key objects could potentially have the same hash code, the hash code itself is no guarantee that the right key is found. The HashTable then iterates this area (all keys with the same hash code) and uses the key's equals() method to find the right key. Once the right key is found, the object stored for that key is returned.

So, as we can see, a combination of the hashCode() and equals() methods are used when storing and when looking up objects in a HashTable.


  1. Always use same attributes of an object to generate hashCode() and equals() both. As in our case, we have used employee id.

  2. equals() must be consistent (if the objects are not modified, then it must keep returning the same value).

  3. Whenever a.equals(b), then a.hashCode() must be same as b.hashCode().

  4. If you override one, then you should override the other.

Appending the same string to a list of strings in Python

Running the following experiment the pythonic way:

[s + mystring for s in mylist]

seems to be ~35% faster than the obvious use of a for loop like this:

i = 0
for s in mylist:
    mylist[i] = s+mystring
    i = i + 1


import random
import string
import time

mystring = '/test/'

l = []
ref_list = []

for i in xrange( 10**6 ):
    ref_list.append( ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(10)) )

for numOfElements in [5, 10, 15 ]:

    l = ref_list*numOfElements
    print 'Number of elements:', len(l)

    l1 = list( l )
    l2 = list( l )

    # Method A
    start_time = time.time()
    l2 = [s + mystring for s in l2]
    stop_time = time.time()
    dt1 = stop_time - start_time
    del l2
    #~ print "Method A: %s seconds" % (dt1)

    # Method B
    start_time = time.time()
    i = 0
    for s in l1:
        l1[i] = s+mystring
        i = i + 1
    stop_time = time.time()
    dt0 = stop_time - start_time
    del l1
    del l
    #~ print "Method B: %s seconds" % (dt0)

    print 'Method A is %.1f%% faster than Method B' % ((1 - dt1/dt0)*100)


Number of elements: 5000000
Method A is 38.4% faster than Method B
Number of elements: 10000000
Method A is 33.8% faster than Method B
Number of elements: 15000000
Method A is 35.5% faster than Method B

Convert seconds value to hours minutes seconds?

i have tried the best way and less code but may be it is little bit difficult to understand how i wrote my code but if you good at maths it is so easy

import java.util.Scanner;

class hours {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(;
    double s;

    System.out.println("how many second you have ");
    s =input.nextInt();

     double h=s/3600;
     int h2=(int)h;

     double h_h2=h-h2;
     double m=h_h2*60;
     int m1=(int)m;

     double m_m1=m-m1;
     double m_m1s=m_m1*60;

     System.out.println(h2+" hours:"+m1+" Minutes:"+Math.round(m_m1s)+" seconds");



more over it is accurate !

Setting default values to null fields when mapping with Jackson

I had a similar problem, but in my case the default value was in database. Below is the solution for that:

 public class AppConfiguration {
 private AppConfigDao appConfigDao;

 public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder() {
   Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder = new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder()
 new SomeDtoJsonDeserializer(appConfigDao.findDefaultValue()));
   return builder;

Then in SomeDtoJsonDeserializer use ObjectMapper to deserialize the json and set default value if your field/object is null.

How do I make an html link look like a button?

This is what I used. Link button is

<div class="link-button"><a href="/">Example</a></div>


/* body is sans-serif */ 

.link-button {
    -webkit-appearence: push-button;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 1px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    font-size: 1em;
    font-family: inherit;
    border-color: #000;
    padding-left: 5px;
    padding-right: 5px;
    width: 100%;
    min-height: 30px;

.link-button a {

.link-button:hover {

.link-button:active {

.link-button:hover a, .link-button:active a {

How to play video with AVPlayerViewController (AVKit) in Swift

Swift 3.0 Full source code:

import UIKit
    import AVKit
    import AVFoundation

    class ViewController: UIViewController,AVPlayerViewControllerDelegate
        var playerController = AVPlayerViewController()

        @IBAction func Play(_ sender: Any)
            let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "video", ofType: "mp4")

            let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path!)

            let player = AVPlayer(url:url as URL)

            playerController = AVPlayerViewController()

            NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.didfinishplaying(note:)),name:NSNotification.Name.AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime, object: player.currentItem)

            playerController.player = player

            playerController.allowsPictureInPicturePlayback = true

            playerController.delegate = self



        func didfinishplaying(note : NSNotification)
            playerController.dismiss(animated: true,completion: nil)
            let alertview = UIAlertController(title:"finished",message:"video finished",preferredStyle: .alert)
            alertview.addAction(UIAlertAction(title:"Ok",style: .default, handler: nil))
            self.present(alertview,animated:true,completion: nil)

        func playerViewController(_ playerViewController: AVPlayerViewController, restoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStopWithCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
                let currentviewController =  navigationController?.visibleViewController

                if currentviewController != playerViewController
                    currentviewController?.present(playerViewController,animated: true,completion:nil)


ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined in SELECT *

A query's projection can only have one instance of a given name. As your WHERE clause shows, you have several tables with a column called ID. Because you are selecting * your projection will have several columns called ID. Or it would have were it not for the compiler hurling ORA-00918.

The solution is quite simple: you will have to expand the projection to explicitly select named columns. Then you can either leave out the duplicate columns, retaining just (say) COACHES.ID or use column aliases: as COACHES_ID.

Perhaps that strikes you as a lot of typing, but it is the only way. If it is any comfort, SELECT * is regarded as bad practice in production code: explicitly named columns are much safer.

milliseconds to time in javascript

         * Parses time in milliseconds to time structure
         * @param {Number} ms
         * @returns {Object} timeStruct
         * @return {Integer} timeStruct.d days
         * @return  {Integer} timeStruct.h hours
         * @return  {Integer} timeStruct.m minutes
         * @return  {Integer} timeStruct.s seconds
        millisecToTimeStruct = function (ms) {
            var d, h, m, s;
            if (isNaN(ms)) {
                return {};
            d = ms / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
            h = (d - ~~d) * 24;
            m = (h - ~~h) * 60;
            s = (m - ~~m) * 60;
            return {d: ~~d, h: ~~h, m: ~~m, s: ~~s};

        toFormattedStr = function(tStruct){
           var res = '';
           if (typeof tStruct === 'object'){
               res += tStruct.m + ' min. ' + tStruct.s + ' sec.';
           return res;

// client code:
        ms = new Date().getTime(),
        timeStruct = millisecToTimeStruct(ms),
        formattedString = toFormattedStr(timeStruct);

c# razor url parameter from view

I've found the solution in this thread


Only read selected columns

You do it like this:

df = read.table("file.txt", nrows=1, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colClasses = as.list(apply(df, 2, class))
needCols = c("Year", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun")
colClasses[!names(colClasses) %in% needCols] = list(NULL)
df = read.table("file.txt", header=TRUE, colClasses=colClasses, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

Subset a dataframe by multiple factor levels

You can use %in%

  data[data$Code %in% selected,]
  Code Value
1    A     1
2    B     2
7    A     3
8    A     4

iPhone hide Navigation Bar only on first page

By implement this code in your ViewController you can get this effect Actually the trick is , hide the navigationBar when that Controller is launched

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:YES];
    [super viewWillAppear:animated];

and unhide the navigation bar when user leave that page do this is viewWillDisappear

- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
    [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:NO animated:YES];
    [super viewWillDisappear:animated];

Setting network adapter metric priority in Windows 7

I had the same problem on Windows 7 64-bit Pro. I adjusted network adapters binding using Control panel but nothing changed. Also metrics where showing that Win should use Ethernet adapter as primary, but it didn't.

Then a tried to uninstall Ethernet adapter driver and then install it again (without restart) and then I checked metrics for sure.

After this, Windows started prioritize Ethernet adapter.

How to run a subprocess with Python, wait for it to exit and get the full stdout as a string?

If your process gives a huge stdout and no stderr, communicate() might be the wrong way to go due to memory restrictions.


process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,

# wait for the process to terminate
for line in process.stdout: do_something(line)
errcode = process.returncode

might be the way to go.

process.stdout is a file-like object which you can treat as any other such object, mainly:

  • you can read() from it
  • you can readline() from it and
  • you can iterate over it.

The latter is what I do above in order to get its contents line by line.

How to write a confusion matrix in Python?

Only with numpy, we can do as follow considering efficiency:

def confusion_matrix(pred, label, nc=None):
    assert pred.size == label.size
    if nc is None:
        nc = len(unique(label))
        logging.debug("Number of classes assumed to be {}".format(nc))

    confusion = np.zeros([nc, nc])
    # avoid the confusion with `0`
    tran_pred = pred + 1
    for i in xrange(nc):    # current class
        mask = (label == i)
        masked_pred = mask * tran_pred
        cls, counts = unique(masked_pred, return_counts=True)
        # discard the first item
        cls = [cl - 1 for cl in cls][1:]
        counts = counts[1:]
        for cl, count in zip(cls, counts):
            confusion[i, cl] = count
    return confusion

For other features such as plot, mean-IoU, see my repositories.

What does the "__block" keyword mean?

It tells the compiler that any variable marked by it must be treated in a special way when it is used inside a block. Normally, variables and their contents that are also used in blocks are copied, thus any modification done to these variables don't show outside the block. When they are marked with __block, the modifications done inside the block are also visible outside of it.

For an example and more info, see The __block Storage Type in Apple's Blocks Programming Topics.

The important example is this one:

extern NSInteger CounterGlobal;
static NSInteger CounterStatic;

    NSInteger localCounter = 42;
    __block char localCharacter;

    void (^aBlock)(void) = ^(void) {
        CounterGlobal = localCounter; // localCounter fixed at block creation
        localCharacter = 'a'; // sets localCharacter in enclosing scope

    ++localCounter; // unseen by the block
    localCharacter = 'b';

    aBlock(); // execute the block
    // localCharacter now 'a'

In this example, both localCounter and localCharacter are modified before the block is called. However, inside the block, only the modification to localCharacter would be visible, thanks to the __block keyword. Conversely, the block can modify localCharacter and this modification is visible outside of the block.

Multipart File upload Spring Boot

You can simply use a controller method like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/uploadFile", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> uploadFile(
    @RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {

  try {
    // Handle the received file here
    // ...
  catch (Exception e) {
    return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

  return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);
} // method uploadFile

Without any additional configurations for Spring Boot.

Using the following html form client side:

  <form action="/uploadFile" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="file">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload"> 

If you want to set limits on files size you can do it in the

# File size limit
multipart.maxFileSize = 3Mb

# Total request size for a multipart/form-data
multipart.maxRequestSize = 20Mb

Moreover to send the file with Ajax take a look here:

How to remove item from array by value?

Seeing as there isn't a pretty one, here's a simple and reusable ES6 function.

const removeArrayItem = (arr, itemToRemove) => {
  return arr.filter(item => item !== itemToRemove)


const items = ['orange', 'purple', 'orange', 'brown', 'red', 'orange']
removeArrayItem(items, 'orange')

How to beautify JSON in Python?

alias jsonp='pbpaste | python -m json.tool'

This will pretty print JSON that's on the clipboard in OSX. Just Copy it then call the alias from a Bash prompt.

Django Reverse with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found

Resolve is also more straightforward

from django.urls import resolve

resolve('edit_project', project_id=4)

Documentation on this shortcut

Linq select object from list depending on objects attribute

Of course!

Use FirstOrDefault() to select the first object which matches the condition:

Answer answer = Answers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Correct);

Otherwise use Where() to select a subset of your list:

var answers = Answers.Where(a => a.Correct);

WPF Check box: Check changed handling

That you can handle the checked and unchecked events seperately doesn't mean you have to. If you don't want to follow the MVVM pattern you can simply attach the same handler to both events and you have your change signal:

<CheckBox Checked="CheckBoxChanged" Unchecked="CheckBoxChanged"/>

and in Code-behind;

private void CheckBoxChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  MessageBox.Show("Eureka, it changed!");

Please note that WPF strongly encourages the MVVM pattern utilizing INotifyPropertyChanged and/or DependencyProperties for a reason. This is something that works, not something I would like to encourage as good programming habit.

How do I parse JSON from a Java HTTPResponse?

You can use the Gson library for parsing

void getJson() throws IOException {
    HttpClient  httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("some url of json");
    HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpGet);
    String response = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity());

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    MyClass myClassObj = gson.fromJson(response, MyClass.class);


here is sample json file which is fetchd from server


here is my class

class MyClass{
int id;
String name;
String version;

refer this

keytool error Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

In my case I was needed to have root access.

Finding the average of a list

I want to add just another approach

import itertools,operator
list(itertools.accumulate(l,operator.add)).pop(-1) / len(l)

Pure CSS scroll animation

You can do it with anchor tags using css3 :target pseudo-selector, this selector is going to be triggered when the element with the same id as the hash of the current URL get an match. Example

Knowing this, we can combine this technique with the use of proximity selectors like "+" and "~" to select any other element through the target element who id get match with the hash of the current url. An example of this would be something like what you are asking.

Storing C++ template function definitions in a .CPP file

There is nothing wrong with the example you have given. But i must say i believe it's not efficient to store function definitions in a cpp file. I only understand the need to separate the function's declaration and definition.

When used together with explicit class instantiation, the Boost Concept Check Library (BCCL) can help you generate template function code in cpp files.

Writing an input integer into a cell

I've done this kind of thing with a form that contains a TextBox.

So if you wanted to put this in say cell H1, then use:

ActiveSheet.Range("H1").Value = txtBoxName.Text

How do I use shell variables in an awk script?

Use either of these depending how you want backslashes in the shell variables handled (avar is an awk variable, svar is a shell variable):

awk -v avar="$svar" '... avar ...' file
awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];ARGV[1]=""}... avar ...' "$svar" file

See for details and other options. The first method above is almost always your best option and has the most obvious semantics.

changing source on html5 video tag

Yaur: Although what you have copied and pasted is good advice, this does not mean that it is impossible to change the source element of an HTML5 video element elegantly, even in IE9 (or IE8 for that matter).(This solution does NOT involve replacing the entire video element, as it is bad coding practice).

A complete solution to changing/switching videos in HTML5 video tags via javascript can be found here and is tested in all HTML5 browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE9, etc).

If this helps, or if you're having trouble, please let me know.

Remove values from select list based on condition

Give an id for the select object like this:

<select id="mySelect" name="val" size="1" >
    <option value="A">Apple</option>
    <option value="C">Cars</option>
    <option value="H">Honda</option>
    <option value="F">Fiat</option>
    <option value="I">Indigo</option>                    

You can do it in pure JavaScript:

var selectobject = document.getElementById("mySelect");
for (var i=0; i<selectobject.length; i++) {
    if (selectobject.options[i].value == 'A')

But - as the other answers suggest - it's a lot easier to use jQuery or some other JS library.

How to create JNDI context in Spring Boot with Embedded Tomcat Container

Please note instead of

public TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcatFactory()

I had to use the following method signature

public EmbeddedServletContainerFactory embeddedServletContainerFactory() 

What's the main difference between Java SE and Java EE?

First, J2SE and J2EE have been renamed. They're now Java SE and Java EE.

Essentially, Java SE is your standard Java designed for end-users. That's what you'd develop to for desktop applications. Java EE is the enterprise edition, designed for server programming, such as SOA and web applications.

Cleaning up old remote git branches

First, what is the result of git branch -a on machine B?

Second, you have already deleted heads/devel on origin, so that's why you can't delete it from machine B.


git branch -r -d origin/devel


git remote prune origin


git fetch origin --prune

and feel free to add --dry-run to the end of your git statement to see the result of running it without actually running it.

Docs for git remote prune and git branch.

Error: Tablespace for table xxx exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace before IMPORT

A little late here but generally I've seen this problem occur when you get a 'tablespace full' error when running in a 'innodb_file_per_table' mode. Without going into too much detail (more here), the database server's tablespace is defined by the innodb_data_file_path setting and by default is rather small. Even made larger, the 'tablespace full' can still occur with larger queries and such (lots of non-table 'stuff' is stored in there, undo logs, caches, etc...).

Anyways, I found that if you look in the OS directory where the files-per-table are stored, /var/lib/mysql by default on OSX, /usr/local/var/mysql with homebrew iirc, you'll find an orphaned tablename.ibd file without it's normal companion tablename.frm file. If you move that .ibd file to a safe temporary location (just to be safe) that should fix the problem.

$ ls /var/lib/mysql

table3.idb <- problem table, no table3.frm

$ mkdir /tmp/mysql_orphans
$ mv /var/lib/mysql/table3.ibd /tmp/mysql_orphans/

One caveat though, make sure what ever is causing the problem originally, e.g. long running query, locked table, etc... has been cleared. Otherwise you just end up with another orphaned .ibd file when you try a second time.

How do I get textual contents from BLOB in Oracle SQL

Worked for me,

select lcase((insert( insert( insert( insert(hex(BLOB_FIELD),9,0,'-'), 14,0,'-'), 19,0,'-'), 24,0,'-'))) as FIELD_ID from TABLE_WITH_BLOB where ID = 'row id';

Clear listview content?

Call clear() method from your custom adapter .

How to shrink temp tablespace in oracle?

You should have written what version of Oracle you use. You most likely use something else than Oracle 11g, that's why you can't shrink a temp tablespace.


1) alter database tempfile '[your_file]' resize 128M; which will probably fail
2) Drop and recreate the tablespace. If the temporary tablespace you want to shrink is your default temporary tablespace, you may have to first create a new temporary tablespace, set it as the default temporary tablespace then drop your old default temporary tablespace and recreate it. Afterwards drop the second temporary table created. 3) For Oracle 9i and higher you could just drop the tempfile(s) and add a new one(s)

Everything is described here in great detail.

See this link:
It was already linked, but maybe you missed it, so here it is again.

How can the error 'Client found response content type of 'text/html'.. be interpreted

The webserver is returning an http 500 error code. These errors generally happen when an exception in thrown on the webserver and there's no logic to catch it so it spits out an http 500 error. You can usually resolve the problem by placing try-catch blocks in your code.

Should Jquery code go in header or footer?

All scripts should be loaded last

In just about every case, it's best to place all your script references at the end of the page, just before </body>.

If you are unable to do so due to templating issues and whatnot, decorate your script tags with the defer attribute so that the browser knows to download your scripts after the HTML has been downloaded:

<script src="my.js" type="text/javascript" defer="defer"></script>

Edge cases

There are some edge cases, however, where you may experience page flickering or other artifacts during page load which can usually be solved by simply placing your jQuery script references in the <head> tag without the defer attribute. These cases include jQuery UI and other addons such as jCarousel or Treeview which modify the DOM as part of their functionality.

Further caveats

There are some libraries that must be loaded before the DOM or CSS, such as polyfills. Modernizr is one such library that must be placed in the head tag.

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?

C++11 brought us lambdas, which can be incredibly useful in this situation:

#define MACRO(X,Y)                              \
    [&](x_, y_) {                               \
        cout << "1st arg is:" << x_ << endl;    \
        cout << "2nd arg is:" << y_ << endl;    \
        cout << "Sum is:" << (x_ + y_) << endl; \
    }((X), (Y))

You keep the generative power of macros, but have a comfy scope from which you can return whatever you want (including void). Additionally, the issue of evaluating macro parameters multiple times is avoided.

Aligning textviews on the left and right edges in Android layout

It can be done with LinearLayout (less overhead and more control than the Relative Layout option). Give the second view the remaining space so gravity can work. Tested back to API 16.



        android:text="Aligned left" />

        android:text="Aligned right" />

If you want to limit the size of the first text view, do this:

Adjust weights as required. Relative layout won't allow you to set a percentage weight like this, only a fixed dp of one of the views

Proof 2


        android:text="Aligned left but too long and would squash the other view" />

        android:text="Aligned right" />

Error message 'Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.'

Make sure you allow 32 bits applications on IIS if you did deploy to IIS. You can define this on the settings of your current Application Pool.

What are some good Python ORM solutions?

If you're looking for lightweight and are already familiar with django-style declarative models, check out peewee:


import datetime
from peewee import *

class Blog(Model):
    name = CharField()

class Entry(Model):
    blog = ForeignKeyField(Blog)
    title = CharField()
    body = TextField()
    pub_date = DateTimeField(

# query it like django
Entry.filter(blog__name='Some great blog')

# or programmatically for finer-grained control == 'Some awesome blog')

Check the docs for more examples.

Get the content of a sharepoint folder with Excel VBA

Drive mapping to sharepoint (also https)

Getting sharepoint contents worked for me via the mapped drive iterating it as a filesystem object; trick is how to set up the mapping: from sharepoint, open as explorer Then copy path (line with http*) (see below)

address in explorer

Use this path in Map drive from explorer or command (i.e. net use N: https:://thepathyoujustcopied) Note: https works ok with windows7/8, not with XP.

That may work for you, but I prefer a different approach as drive letters are different on each pc. The trick here is to start from sharepoint (and not from a VBA script accessing sharepoint as a web server).

Set up a data connection to excel sheet

  • in sharepoint, browse to the view you want to monitor
  • export view to excel (in 2010: library tools; libarry | export to Excel) export to excel
  • when viewing this excel, you'll find a datasource set up (tab: data, connections, properties, definition)

connection tab

You can either include this query in vba, or maintain the database link in your speadsheet, iterating over the table by VBA. Please note: the image above does not show the actual database connection (command text), which would tell you how to access my sharepoint.

Inserting a value into all possible locations in a list

If l is your list and X is your value:

for i in range(len(l) + 1):
    print l[:i] + [X] + l[i:]

How do I install a pip package globally instead of locally?

I actually don‘t see your issue. Globally is any package which is in your python3 path‘s site package folder.

If you want to use it just locally then you must configure a virtualenv and reinstall the packages with an activated virtual environment.

How to avoid Sql Query Timeout

This is happen because another instance of sql server is running. So you need to kill first then you can able to login to SQL Server.

For that go to Task Manager and Kill or End Task the SQL Server service then go to Services.msc and start the SQL Server service.

How to connect from windows command prompt to mysql command line

To make it easier to invoke MySQL programs, you can add the path name of the MySQL bin directory to your Windows system PATH environment variable:

On the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon, and select Properties.

Next select the Advanced tab from the System Properties menu that appears, and click the Environment Variables button.

Under System Variables, select Path, and then click the Edit button. The Edit System Variable dialogue should appear.

Place your cursor at the end of the text appearing in the space marked Variable Value. (Use the End key to ensure that your cursor is positioned at the very end of the text in this space.) Then enter the complete path name of your MySQL bin directory (for example, C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin).

Open a different terminal and if you are using root as user run mysql -u root -p else use the a different username you created.

What is the best way to give a C# auto-property an initial value?

My solution is to use a custom attribute that provides default value property initialization by constant or using property type initializer.

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class InstanceAttribute : Attribute
    public bool IsConstructorCall { get; private set; }
    public object[] Values { get; private set; }
    public InstanceAttribute() : this(true) { }
    public InstanceAttribute(object value) : this(false, value) { }
    public InstanceAttribute(bool isConstructorCall, params object[] values)
        IsConstructorCall = isConstructorCall;
        Values = values ?? new object[0];

To use this attribute it's necessary to inherit a class from special base class-initializer or use a static helper method:

public abstract class DefaultValueInitializer
    protected DefaultValueInitializer()

    public static void InitializeDefaultValues(object obj)
        var props = from prop in obj.GetType().GetProperties()
                    let attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InstanceAttribute), false)
                    where attrs.Any()
                    select new { Property = prop, Attr = ((InstanceAttribute)attrs.First()) };
        foreach (var pair in props)
            object value = !pair.Attr.IsConstructorCall && pair.Attr.Values.Length > 0
                            ? pair.Attr.Values[0]
                            : Activator.CreateInstance(pair.Property.PropertyType, pair.Attr.Values);
            pair.Property.SetValue(obj, value, null);

Usage example:

public class Simple : DefaultValueInitializer
    public string StringValue { get; set; }
    public List<string> Items { get; set; }
    [Instance(true, 3,4)]
    public Point Point { get; set; }

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var obj = new Simple
            Items = {"Item1"}



VBA vlookup reference in different sheet

It's been many functions, macros and objects since I posted this question. The way I handled it, which is mentioned in one of the answers here, is by creating a string function that handles the errors that get generate by the vlookup function, and returns either nothing or the vlookup result if any.

Function fsVlookup(ByVal pSearch As Range, ByVal pMatrix As Range, ByVal pMatColNum As Integer) As String
    Dim s As String
    On Error Resume Next
    s = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(pSearch, pMatrix, pMatColNum, False)
    If IsError(s) Then
        fsVlookup = ""
        fsVlookup = s
    End If
End Function

One could argue about the position of the error handling or by shortening this code, but it works in all cases for me, and as they say, "if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it".

PHP - cannot use a scalar as an array warning

Also make sure that you don't declare it an array and then try to assign something else to the array like a string, float, integer. I had that problem. If you do some echos of output I was seeing what I wanted the first time, but not after another pass of the same code.

Changing cell color using apache poi

For apache POI 3.9 you can use the code bellow:

HSSFCellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle()
style.setFillPattern((short) FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND.ordinal())

The methods for 3.9 version accept short and you should pay attention to the inputs.

Property 'json' does not exist on type 'Object'

The other way to tackle it is to use this code snippet:


This feels so wrong but it works

How to change the background color of a UIButton while it's highlighted?

An handy generic extension in Swift:

extension UIButton {
    private func imageWithColor(color: UIColor) -> UIImage {
        let rect = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()

        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, color.CGColor)
        CGContextFillRect(context, rect)

        let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

        return image

    func setBackgroundColor(color: UIColor, forUIControlState state: UIControlState) {
        self.setBackgroundImage(imageWithColor(color), forState: state)

Swift 3.0

extension UIButton {
    private func imageWithColor(color: UIColor) -> UIImage? {
        let rect = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 1.0, height: 1.0)
        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()


        let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

        return image

    func setBackgroundColor(_ color: UIColor, for state: UIControlState) {
        self.setBackgroundImage(imageWithColor(color: color), for: state)

Find all stored procedures that reference a specific column in some table

FROM   sys.all_sql_modules
WHERE  definition LIKE '%CreatedDate%'

How to change the status bar color in Android?

You can change the status bar color with this function. works on android L means API 21 and higher and needs a color string such as "#ffffff".

private void changeStatusBarColor(String color){
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
        Window window = getWindow();

The network path was not found

On my end, the problem was an unsuccessful connection to the VPN (while working from home). And yeah, the connectionString was using a context from remote server. Which resulted in the following error:

  <Message>An error has occurred.</Message>
  <ExceptionMessage>The network path was not found</ExceptionMessage>

Shrink a YouTube video to responsive width

If you are using Bootstrap you can also use a responsive embed. This will fully automate making the video(s) responsive.

There's some example code below.

<!-- 16:9 aspect ratio -->
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="..."></iframe>

<!-- 4:3 aspect ratio -->
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3">
  <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="..."></iframe>

Group array items using object

var array = [{
      id: "123",
      name: "aaaaaaaa"
    }, {
      id: "123",
      name: "aaaaaaaa"
    }, {
      id: '456',
      name: 'bbbbbbbbbb'
    }, {
      id: '789',
      name: 'ccccccccc'
    }, {
      id: '789',
      name: 'ccccccccc'
    }, {
      id: '098',
      name: 'dddddddddddd'
//if you want to group this array
group(array, key) {
  let finalArray = [];
  array.forEach(function(element) {
    var newArray = [];
    array.forEach(function(element1) {
      if (element[key] == element1[key]) {
    if (!(finalArray.some(arrVal => newArray[0][key] == arrVal[0][key]))) {
  return finalArray
//and call this function
groupArray(arr, key) {
  console.log(, key))

How do I combine a background-image and CSS3 gradient on the same element?

my solution:

background-image: url(IMAGE_URL); /* fallback */

background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0.7) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.7) 100%), url(IMAGE_URL);

Visual Studio can't 'see' my included header files

In my experience, with VS2010, when include files can't be found at compile time, doing a clean, then build usually fixes the problem. It's not that rare for the editor to be able to open an include file and then the compiler to announce that it can't find that very file, even when it is open on the screen!

PostgreSQL database default location on Linux

On Centos 6.5/PostgreSQL 9.3:

Change the value of "PGDATA=/var/lib/pgsql/data" to whatever location you want in the initial script file /etc/init.d/postgresql.

Remember to chmod 700 and chown postgres:postgres to the new location and you're the boss.

SQL Views - no variables?

What I do is create a view that performs the same select as the table variable and link that view into the second view. So a view can select from another view. This achieves the same result

git repo says it's up-to-date after pull but files are not updated

Try this:

 git fetch --all
 git reset --hard origin/master


git fetch downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

How to get main div container to align to centre?

I would omit the * { text-align:center } declaration, as it sets center alignment for all elements.

Usually with a fixed width container margin: 0 auto should be enough

How to parse JSON response from Alamofire API in Swift?

Swift 3, Alamofire 4.4, and SwiftyJSON:

Alamofire.request(url, method: .get)
  .responseJSON { response in
      if != nil {
        let json = JSON(data:!)
        let name = json["people"][0]["name"].string
        if name != nil {

That will parse this JSON input:

  people: [
    { name: 'John' },
    { name: 'Dave' }

XML Error: There are multiple root elements

Wrap the xml in another element


Python not working in command prompt?

Add the python bin directory to your computer's PATH variable. Its listed under Environment Variables in Computer Properties -> Advanced Settings in Windows 7. It should be the same for Windows 8.

case statement in where clause - SQL Server

You don't need case in the where statement, just use parentheses and or:

Select * From Times
WHERE StartDate <= @Date AND EndDate >= @Date
    (@day = 'Monday' AND Monday = 1)
    OR (@day = 'Tuesday' AND Tuesday = 1)
    OR Wednesday = 1

Additionally, your syntax is wrong for a case. It doesn't append things to the string--it returns a single value. You'd want something like this, if you were actually going to use a case statement (which you shouldn't):

Select * From Times
WHERE (StartDate <= @Date) AND (EndDate >= @Date)
AND 1 = CASE WHEN @day = 'Monday' THEN Monday
             WHEN @day = 'Tuesday' THEN Tuesday
             ELSE Wednesday

And just for an extra umph, you can use the between operator for your date:

where @Date between StartDate and EndDate

Making your final query:

    @Date between StartDate and EndDate
    and (
        (@day = 'Monday' and Monday = 1)
        or (@day = 'Tuesday' and Tuesday = 1)
        or Wednesday = 1

adb uninstall failed

In my case I often get this issue when I first complise a app in debug mode and later try to install the google signed app.

That is because both apps have the same package name but diffent signatures. Since I upgraded to Android lollypop I sometimes even get this error if I uninstall the app via the settings\Apps. If you have this problem check if the app is installed in a other User profile and uninstall it in all user accounts.

How to set Angular 4 background image?

This works for me:

put this in your markup:

<div class="panel panel-default" [ngStyle]="{'background-image': getUrl()}">

then in component:

  return "url('')";

Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery

Use this, from here:

function insertAtCaret(areaId, text) {_x000D_
  var txtarea = document.getElementById(areaId);_x000D_
  if (!txtarea) {_x000D_
  var scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;_x000D_
  var strPos = 0;_x000D_
  var br = ((txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') ?_x000D_
    "ff" : (document.selection ? "ie" : false));_x000D_
  if (br == "ie") {_x000D_
    var range = document.selection.createRange();_x000D_
    range.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);_x000D_
    strPos = range.text.length;_x000D_
  } else if (br == "ff") {_x000D_
    strPos = txtarea.selectionStart;_x000D_
  var front = (txtarea.value).substring(0, strPos);_x000D_
  var back = (txtarea.value).substring(strPos, txtarea.value.length);_x000D_
  txtarea.value = front + text + back;_x000D_
  strPos = strPos + text.length;_x000D_
  if (br == "ie") {_x000D_
    var ieRange = document.selection.createRange();_x000D_
    ieRange.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);_x000D_
    ieRange.moveStart('character', strPos);_x000D_
    ieRange.moveEnd('character', 0);_x000D_;_x000D_
  } else if (br == "ff") {_x000D_
    txtarea.selectionStart = strPos;_x000D_
    txtarea.selectionEnd = strPos;_x000D_
  txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;_x000D_
<textarea id="textareaid"></textarea>_x000D_
<a href="#" onclick="insertAtCaret('textareaid', 'text to insert');return false;">Click Here to Insert</a>

What does 'low in coupling and high in cohesion' mean

Do you have a smart phone? Is there one big app or lots of little ones? Does one app reply upon another? Can you use one app while installing, updating, and/or uninstalling another? That each app is self-contained is high cohesion. That each app is independent of the others is low coupling. DevOps favours this architecture because it means you can do discrete continuous deployment without disrupting the system entire.

Count elements with jQuery

The best way would be to use .each()

var num = 0;


Modify the legend of pandas bar plot

This is slightly an edge case but I think it can add some value to the other answers.

If you add more details to the graph (say an annotation or a line) you'll soon discover that it is relevant when you call legend on the axis: if you call it at the bottom of the script it will capture different handles for the legend elements, messing everything.

For instance the following script:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':26, 'B':20}, index=['N'])
ax = df.plot(kind='bar')
ax.hlines(23, -.5,.5, linestyles='dashed')

ax.legend(["AAA", "BBB"]); #quickfix: move this at the third line

Will give you this figure, which is wrong: enter image description here

While this a toy example which can be easily fixed by changing the order of the commands, sometimes you'll need to modify the legend after several operations and hence the next method will give you more flexibility. Here for instance I've also changed the fontsize and position of the legend:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':26, 'B':20}, index=['N'])
ax = df.plot(kind='bar')
ax.hlines(23, -.5,.5, linestyles='dashed')
ax.legend(["AAA", "BBB"]);

# do potentially more stuff here

h,l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(h[:2],["AAA", "BBB"], loc=3, fontsize=12)

This is what you'll get:

enter image description here

changing permission for files and folder recursively using shell command in mac

By using CHMOD yes:

For Recursive file:

chmod -R 777 foldername or pathname

For non recursive:

chmod 777 foldername or pathname

VBA Excel - Insert row below with same format including borders and frames

When inserting a row, regardless of the CopyOrigin, Excel will only put vertical borders on the inserted cells if the borders above and below the insert position are the same.

I'm running into a similar (but rotated) situation with inserting columns, but Copy/Paste is too slow for my workbook (tens of thousands of rows, many columns, and complex formatting).

I've found three workarounds that don't require copying the formatting from the source row:

  1. Ensure the vertical borders are the same weight, color, and pattern above and below the insert position so Excel will replicate them in your new row. (This is the "It hurts when I do this," "Stop doing that!" answer.)

  2. Use conditional formatting to establish the border (with a Formula of "=TRUE"). The conditional formatting will be copied to the new row, so you still end up with a border.Caveats:

    • Conditional formatting borders are limited to the thin-weight lines.
    • Works best for sheets where borders are relatively consistent so you don't have to create a bunch of conditional formatting rules.
  3. Set the border on the inserted row in VBA after inserting the row. Setting a border on a range is much faster than copying and pasting all of the formatting just to get a border (assuming you know ahead of time what the border should be or can sample it from the row above without losing performance).

Key existence check in HashMap

You can also use the computeIfAbsent() method in the HashMap class.

In the following example, map stores a list of transactions (integers) that are applied to the key (the name of the bank account). To add 2 transactions of 100 and 200 to checking_account you can write:

HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();
map.computeIfAbsent("checking_account", key -> new ArrayList<>())

This way you don't have to check to see if the key checking_account exists or not.

  • If it does not exist, one will be created and returned by the lambda expression.
  • If it exists, then the value for the key will be returned by computeIfAbsent().

Really elegant!

Windows service start failure: Cannot start service from the command line or debugger

Watch this video, I had the same question. He shows you how to debug the service as well.

Here are his instructions using the basic C# Windows Service template in Visual Studio 2010/2012.

You add this to the Service1.cs file:

public void onDebug()

You change your Main() to call your service this way if you are in the DEBUG Active Solution Configuration.

static void Main()
    #if DEBUG
    //While debugging this section is used.
    Service1 myService = new Service1();

    //In Release this section is used. This is the "normal" way.
    ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;
    ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[] 
        new Service1() 

Keep in mind that while this is an awesome way to debug your service. It doesn't call OnStop() unless you explicitly call it similar to the way we called OnStart(null) in the onDebug() function.

Undocumented NSURLErrorDomain error codes (-1001, -1003 and -1004) using StoreKit

All error codes are on "CFNetwork Errors Codes References" on the documentation (link)

A small extraction for CFURL and CFURLConnection Errors:

  kCFURLErrorUnknown   = -998,
  kCFURLErrorCancelled = -999,
  kCFURLErrorBadURL    = -1000,
  kCFURLErrorTimedOut  = -1001,
  kCFURLErrorUnsupportedURL = -1002,
  kCFURLErrorCannotFindHost = -1003,
  kCFURLErrorCannotConnectToHost    = -1004,
  kCFURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost  = -1005,
  kCFURLErrorDNSLookupFailed        = -1006,
  kCFURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects   = -1007,
  kCFURLErrorResourceUnavailable    = -1008,
  kCFURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet = -1009,
  kCFURLErrorRedirectToNonExistentLocation = -1010,
  kCFURLErrorBadServerResponse             = -1011,
  kCFURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication   = -1012,
  kCFURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired    = -1013,
  kCFURLErrorZeroByteResource        = -1014,
  kCFURLErrorCannotDecodeRawData     = -1015,
  kCFURLErrorCannotDecodeContentData = -1016,
  kCFURLErrorCannotParseResponse     = -1017,
  kCFURLErrorInternationalRoamingOff = -1018,
  kCFURLErrorCallIsActive               = -1019,
  kCFURLErrorDataNotAllowed             = -1020,
  kCFURLErrorRequestBodyStreamExhausted = -1021,
  kCFURLErrorFileDoesNotExist           = -1100,
  kCFURLErrorFileIsDirectory            = -1101,
  kCFURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile    = -1102,
  kCFURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum   = -1103,

Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated

It's really simple to fix the issue, however keep in mind that you should fork and commit your changes for each library you are using in their repositories to help others as well.

Let's say you have something like this in your code:

$str = "test";

since PHP 7.4 curly braces method to get individual characters inside a string has been deprecated, so change the above syntax into this:

$str = "test";

Fixing the code in the question will look something like this:

public function getRecordID(string $zoneID, string $type = '', string $name = ''): string
    $records = $this->listRecords($zoneID, $type, $name);
    if (isset($records->result[0]->id)) {
        return $records->result[0]->id;
    return false;

Twitter Bootstrap alert message close and open again

If you're using an MVVM library such as knockout.js (which I highly recommend) you can do it more cleanly:

<div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissible" data-bind="visible:showAlert">
   <button type="button" class="close" data-bind="click:function(){showAlert(false);}>
        <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <span class="sr-only">Close</span>
   Warning! Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.

Find which version of package is installed with pip

On windows, you can issue command such as:

pip show setuptools | findstr "Version"


Version: 34.1.1

Nodemailer with Gmail and NodeJS

I solved this by going to the following url (while connected to google with the account I want to send mail from):

There I enabled less secure apps.


How do I get indices of N maximum values in a NumPy array?

Method np.argpartition only returns the k largest indices, performs a local sort, and is faster than np.argsort(performing a full sort) when array is quite large. But the returned indices are NOT in ascending/descending order. Let's say with an example:

Enter image description here

We can see that if you want a strict ascending order top k indices, np.argpartition won't return what you want.

Apart from doing a sort manually after np.argpartition, my solution is to use PyTorch, torch.topk, a tool for neural network construction, providing NumPy-like APIs with both CPU and GPU support. It's as fast as NumPy with MKL, and offers a GPU boost if you need large matrix/vector calculations.

Strict ascend/descend top k indices code will be:

Enter image description here

Note that torch.topk accepts a torch tensor, and returns both top k values and top k indices in type torch.Tensor. Similar with np, torch.topk also accepts an axis argument so that you can handle multi-dimensional arrays/tensors.

simple Jquery hover enlarge

To create simple hover enlarge plugin, try this. (DEMO)


     <div id="content">
     <img src=" 11395-large.jpg" style="width:50%;" />


        $(function () {
          $('#content img').hover(function () {
          $(this).toggle(function () {

What are POD types in C++?

POD stands for Plain Old Data - that is, a class (whether defined with the keyword struct or the keyword class) without constructors, destructors and virtual members functions. Wikipedia's article on POD goes into a bit more detail and defines it as:

A Plain Old Data Structure in C++ is an aggregate class that contains only PODS as members, has no user-defined destructor, no user-defined copy assignment operator, and no nonstatic members of pointer-to-member type.

Greater detail can be found in this answer for C++98/03. C++11 changed the rules surrounding POD, relaxing them greatly, thus necessitating a follow-up answer here.

How to represent multiple conditions in a shell if statement?

$ g=3
$ c=133
$ ([ "$g$c" = "1123" ] || [ "$g$c" = "2456" ]) && echo "abc" || echo "efg"
$ g=1
$ c=123
$ ([ "$g$c" = "1123" ] || [ "$g$c" = "2456" ]) && echo "abc" || echo "efg"

OpenCV Python rotate image by X degrees around specific point

I had issues with some of the above solutions, with getting the correct "bounding_box" or new size of the image. Therefore here is my version

def rotation(image, angleInDegrees):
    h, w = image.shape[:2]
    img_c = (w / 2, h / 2)

    rot = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(img_c, angleInDegrees, 1)

    rad = math.radians(angleInDegrees)
    sin = math.sin(rad)
    cos = math.cos(rad)
    b_w = int((h * abs(sin)) + (w * abs(cos)))
    b_h = int((h * abs(cos)) + (w * abs(sin)))

    rot[0, 2] += ((b_w / 2) - img_c[0])
    rot[1, 2] += ((b_h / 2) - img_c[1])

    outImg = cv2.warpAffine(image, rot, (b_w, b_h), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    return outImg

How to install a certificate in Xcode (preparing for app store submission)

These instructions are for XCode 6.4 (since I couldn't find the update for the recent versions even this was a bit outdated)

a) Part on the developers' website:

Sign in into:

Member Center

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles


Click "+" to add, and then follow the instructions. You will need to open "Keychain", there under "Keychain Access" menu > "Certificate Assistant>", choose "Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority" etc.

b) XCode part:

After all, you need to go to XCode, and open XCode>Preferences..., choose your Apple ID > View Details... > click that rounded arrow to update as well as "+" to check for iOS Distribution or iOS Developer Signing Identities.

How many bytes in a JavaScript string?

I'm working with an embedded version of the V8 Engine. I've tested a single string. Pushing each step 1000 characters. UTF-8.

First test with single byte (8bit, ANSI) Character "A" (hex: 41). Second test with two byte character (16bit) "O" (hex: CE A9) and the third test with three byte character (24bit) "?" (hex: E2 98 BA).

In all three cases the device prints out of memory at 888 000 characters and using ca. 26 348 kb in RAM.

Result: The characters are not dynamically stored. And not with only 16bit. - Ok, perhaps only for my case (Embedded 128 MB RAM Device, V8 Engine C++/QT) - The character encoding has nothing to do with the size in ram of the javascript engine. E.g. encodingURI, etc. is only useful for highlevel data transmission and storage.

Embedded or not, fact is that the characters are not only stored in 16bit. Unfortunally I've no 100% answer, what Javascript do at low level area. Btw. I've tested the same (first test above) with an array of character "A". Pushed 1000 items every step. (Exactly the same test. Just replaced string to array) And the system bringt out of memory (wanted) after 10 416 KB using and array length of 1 337 000. So, the javascript engine is not simple restricted. It's a kind more complex.

The thread has exited with code 0 (0x0) with no unhandled exception

The framework creates threads to support each window you create, eg, as when you create a Form and .Show() it. When the windows close, the threads are terminated (ie, they exit).

This is normal behavior. However, if the application is creating threads, and there are a lot of thread exit messages corresponding to these threads (one could tell possibly by the thread's names, by giving them distinct names in the app), then perhaps this is indicative of a problem with the app creating threads when it shouldn't, due to a program logic error.

It would be an interesting followup to have the original poster let us know what s/he discovered regarding the problems with the server crashing. I have a feeling it wouldn't have anything to do with this... but it's hard to tell from the information posted.

ASP.NET document.getElementById('<%=Control.ClientID%>'); returns null

Is Button1 visible? I mean, from the server side. Make sure Button1.Visible is true.

Controls that aren't Visible won't be rendered in HTML, so although they are assigned a ClientID, they don't actually exist on the client side.

html div onclick event

I would have used stopPropagation like this:

$('.expandable-panel-heading:not(#ancherComplaint)').click(function () {


Play audio as microphone input

Just as there are printer drivers that do not connect to a printer at all but rather write to a PDF file, analogously there are virtual audio drivers available that do not connect to a physical microphone at all but can pipe input from other sources such as files or other programs.

I hope I'm not breaking any rules by recommending free/donation software, but VB-Audio Virtual Cable should let you create a pair of virtual input and output audio devices. Then you could play an MP3 into the virtual output device and then set the virtual input device as your "microphone". In theory I think that should work.

If all else fails, you could always roll your own virtual audio driver. Microsoft provides some sample code but unfortunately it is not applicable to the older Windows XP audio model. There is probably sample code available for XP too.

spring data jpa @query and pageable

Declare native count queries for pagination at the query method by using @Query

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

  @Query(value = "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1",
  countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM USERS WHERE LASTNAME = ?1",
  nativeQuery = true)
  Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);


Hope this helps

jQuery won't parse my JSON from AJAX query

I found in some of my implementations I had to add:

obj = new Object; obj = (data.obj);

which seemed to solve the problem. Eval or not it seemed to do exactly the same for me.

Convert String to int array in java

Using Java 8's stream library, we can make this a one-liner (albeit a long line):

String str = "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]";
int[] arr =, str.length()-1).split(","))

substring removes the brackets, split separates the array elements, trim removes any whitespace around the number, parseInt parses each number, and we dump the result in an array. I've included trim to make this the inverse of Arrays.toString(int[]), but this will also parse strings without whitespace, as in the question. If you only needed to parse strings from Arrays.toString, you could omit trim and use split(", ") (note the space).

Display all post meta keys and meta values of the same post ID in wordpress

$myvals = get_post_meta( get_the_ID());
foreach($myvals as $key=>$val){
  foreach($val as $vals){
    if ($key=='Youtube'){
       echo $vals 

Key = Youtube videos all meta keys for youtube videos and value

Push git commits & tags simultaneously

Update August 2020

As mentioned originally in this answer by SoBeRich, and in my own answer, as of git 2.4.x

git push --atomic origin <branch name> <tag>

(Note: this actually work with HTTPS only with Git 2.24)

Update May 2015

As of git 2.4.1, you can do

git config --global push.followTags true

If set to true enable --follow-tags option by default.
You may override this configuration at time of push by specifying --no-follow-tags.

As noted in this thread by Matt Rogers answering Wes Hurd:

--follow-tags only pushes annotated tags.

git tag -a -m "I'm an annotation" <tagname>

That would be pushed (as opposed to git tag <tagname>, a lightweight tag, which would not be pushed, as I mentioned here)

Update April 2013

Since git 1.8.3 (April 22d, 2013), you no longer have to do 2 commands to push branches, and then to push tags:

The new "--follow-tags" option tells "git push" to push relevant annotated tags when pushing branches out.

You can now try, when pushing new commits:

git push --follow-tags

That won't push all the local tags though, only the one referenced by commits which are pushed with the git push.

Git 2.4.1+ (Q2 2015) will introduce the option push.followTags: see "How to make “git push” include tags within a branch?".

Original answer, September 2010

The nuclear option would be git push --mirror, which will push all refs under refs/.

You can also push just one tag with your current branch commit:

git push origin : v1.0.0 

You can combine the --tags option with a refspec like:

git push origin --tags :

(since --tags means: All refs under refs/tags are pushed, in addition to refspecs explicitly listed on the command line)

You also have this entry "Pushing branches and tags with a single "git push" invocation"

A handy tip was just posted to the Git mailing list by Zoltán Füzesi:

I use .git/config to solve this:

[remote "origin"]
    url = ...
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    push = +refs/heads/*
    push = +refs/tags/*

With these lines added git push origin will upload all your branches and tags. If you want to upload only some of them, you can enumerate them.

Haven't tried it myself yet, but it looks like it might be useful until some other way of pushing branches and tags at the same time is added to git push.
On the other hand, I don't mind typing:

$ git push && git push --tags

Beware, as commented by Aseem Kishore

push = +refs/heads/* will force-pushes all your branches.

This bit me just now, so FYI.

René Scheibe adds this interesting comment:

The --follow-tags parameter is misleading as only tags under .git/refs/tags are considered.
If git gc is run, tags are moved from .git/refs/tags to .git/packed-refs. Afterwards git push --follow-tags ... does not work as expected anymore.

Why can't radio buttons be "readonly"?

I found that use onclick='this.checked = false;' worked to a certain extent. A radio button that was clicked would not be selected. However, if there was a radio button that was already selected (e.g., a default value), that radio button would become unselected.

<!-- didn't completely work -->
<input type="radio" name="r1" id="r1" value="N" checked="checked" onclick='this.checked = false;'>N</input>
<input type="radio" name="r1" id="r1" value="Y" onclick='this.checked = false;'>Y</input>

For this scenario, leaving the default value alone and disabling the other radio button(s) preserves the already selected radio button and prevents it from being unselected.

<!-- preserves pre-selected value -->
<input type="radio" name="r1" id="r1" value="N" checked="checked">N</input>
<input type="radio" name="r1" id="r1" value="Y" disabled>Y</input>

This solution is not the most elegant way of preventing the default value from being changed, but it will work whether or not javascript is enabled.

Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up

Include this where the imports are on top:

import android.view.WindowManager;

Add this code on OnCreate part:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

When to use extern in C++

It is useful when you share a variable between a few modules. You define it in one module, and use extern in the others.

For example:

in file1.cpp:

int global_int = 1;

in file2.cpp:

extern int global_int;
//in some function
cout << "global_int = " << global_int;

Is there a good reason I see VARCHAR(255) used so often (as opposed to another length)?

When you say 2^8 you get 256, but the numbers in computers terms begins from the number 0. So, then you got the 255, you can probe it in a internet mask for the IP or in the IP itself.

255 is the maximum value of a 8 bit integer : 11111111 = 255

Does that help?

What are the most-used vim commands/keypresses?

Put this in your .bashrc to open vim with last edited file at last edited line

alias vil="vim  +\"'\"0"

figure of imshow() is too small

Update 2020

as requested by @baxxx, here is an update because random.rand is deprecated meanwhile.

This works with matplotlip 3.2.1:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import random
import numpy as np

random = np.random.random ([8,90])

plt.figure(figsize = (20,2))
plt.imshow(random, interpolation='nearest')

This plots:

enter image description here

To change the random number, you can experiment with np.random.normal(0,1,(8,90)) (here mean = 0, standard deviation = 1).

Finding sum of elements in Swift array

Swift 3

From all the options displayed here, this is the one that worked for me.

let arr = [6,1,2,3,4,10,11]

var sumedArr = arr.reduce(0, { ($0 + $1)})

How do I programmatically set device orientation in iOS 7?

Try this along with your code.


-(void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration

once user select any option then call this method because user can be in landscape mode and then he can set only portrait mode in same view controller so automatically view should be moved to portrait mode so in that button acton call this

-(void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration

Convert string to hex-string in C#

First you'll need to get it into a byte[], so do this:

byte[] ba = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("sample");

and then you can get the string:

var hexString = BitConverter.ToString(ba);

now, that's going to return a string with dashes (-) in it so you can then simply use this:

hexString = hexString.Replace("-", "");

to get rid of those if you want.

NOTE: you could use a different Encoding if you needed to.

How can you create pop up messages in a batch script?

Few more ways (in all of them the script waits for button pressing unlike msg.exe).

1) The geekiest and hackiest - it uses the IEXPRESS to create small exe that will create a pop-up with a single button (it can create two more types of pop-up messages).Works on EVERY windows from XP and above:

;@echo off

;set ppopup_executable=popupe.exe
;set "message2=click OK to continue"
;del /q /f %tmp%\yes >nul 2>&1
;copy /y "%~f0" "%temp%\popup.sed" >nul 2>&1

;iexpress /n /q /m %temp%\popup.sed
;rem del /q /f %ppopup_executable% >nul 2>&1


;exit /b 0



2) Using MSHTA. Also works on every windows machine from XP and above (despite yhe OP do not wants "external" languages the jsvascript here is minimized).Should be saved as .bat:

@if (true == false) @end /*!
@echo off
mshta "about:<script src='file://%~f0'></script><script>close()</script>" %*
goto :EOF */

alert("Hello, world!");

or in one line:

mshta "about:<script>alert('Hello, world!');close()</script>"


mshta "javascript:alert('message');close()"


mshta.exe vbscript:Execute("msgbox ""message"",0,""title"":close")

3) Here's parametrized .bat/jscript hybrid (should be saved as bat) .It again uses jscript despite the OP request but as it is a bat it can be called as a bat file without worries.It uses POPUP which allows a little bit more control than the more populae MSGBOX.It uses WSH ,but not MSHTA like in the example above.

 @if (@x)==(@y) @end /***** jscript comment ******
     @echo off

     cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" "%~nx0" %*
     exit /b 0

 @if (@x)==(@y) @end ******  end comment *********/

var wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var args=WScript.Arguments;
var title=args.Item(0);

var timeout=-1;
var pressed_message="button pressed";
var timeout_message="timedout";
var message="";

function printHelp() {
    WScript.Echo(title + "[-title Title] [-timeout m] [-tom \"Time-out message\"] [-pbm \"Pressed button message\"]  [-message \"pop-up message\"]");

if (WScript.Arguments.Length==1){

if (args.Item(1).toLowerCase() == "-help" ||  args.Item(1).toLowerCase() == "-h" ) {

if (WScript.Arguments.Length % 2 == 0 ) {
    WScript.Echo("Illegal arguments ");

for (var arg = 1 ; arg<args.Length;arg=arg+2) {

    if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-title") {
        title = args.Item(arg+1);

    if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-timeout") {
        timeout = parseInt(args.Item(arg+1));
        if (isNaN(timeout)) {

    if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-tom") {
        timeout_message = args.Item(arg+1);

    if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-pbm") {
        pressed_message = args.Item(arg+1);

    if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-message") {
        message = args.Item(arg+1);

function runPopup(){
    var btn = wshShell.Popup(message, timeout, title, 0x0 + 0x10);

    switch(btn) {
        // button pressed.
        case 1:

        // Timed out.
        case -1:


4) and one hybrid (should be saved as .bat) .This time it uses .NET and compiles a small .exe file that could be deleted:

@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /****** silent jscript comment ******

@echo off
:::       compile the script    ::::

::if exist "%~n0.exe" goto :skip_compilation

:: searching the latest installed .net framework
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%v in ('dir /b /s /a:d /o:-n "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v*"') do (
    if exist "%%v\jsc.exe" (
        rem :: the compiler
        set "jsc=%%~dpsnfxv\jsc.exe"
        goto :break_loop
echo jsc.exe not found && exit /b 0

call %jsc% /nologo /out:"%~n0.exe" "%~f0" 
:::       end of compilation    ::::

"%~n0.exe" %*
exit /b 0

****** end of jscript comment ******/

import System;
import System.WIndows;
import System.Windows.Forms

var arguments:String[] = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

5) and at the end one single call to powershell that creates a pop-up (can be called from command line or from batch if powershell is installed):

powershell [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("""System.Windows.Forms""");[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::show("""Hello World""", """My PopUp Message Box""")

6) Though msg solution is already post as answer here's a better way to be used:

msg * /self /w "hello world"

/self is a not documented switch that will force msg to send the message only to the current user.

Java Pass Method as Parameter

Since Java 8 there is a Function<T, R> interface (docs), which has method

R apply(T t);

You can use it to pass functions as parameters to other functions. T is the input type of the function, R is the return type.

In your example you need to pass a function that takes Component type as an input and returns nothing - Void. In this case Function<T, R> is not the best choice, since there is no autoboxing of Void type. The interface you are looking for is called Consumer<T> (docs) with method

void accept(T t);

It would look like this:

public void setAllComponents(Component[] myComponentArray, Consumer<Component> myMethod) {
    for (Component leaf : myComponentArray) {
        if (leaf instanceof Container) { 
            Container node = (Container) leaf;
            setAllComponents(node.getComponents(), myMethod);

And you would call it using method references:

setAllComponents(this.getComponents(), this::changeColor);
setAllComponents(this.getComponents(), this::changeSize); 

Assuming that you have defined changeColor() and changeSize() methods in the same class.

If your method happens to accept more than one parameter, you can use BiFunction<T, U, R> - T and U being types of input parameters and R being return type. There is also BiConsumer<T, U> (two arguments, no return type). Unfortunately for 3 and more input parameters, you have to create an interface by yourself. For example:

public interface Function4<A, B, C, D, R> {

    R apply(A a, B b, C c, D d);

Coding Conventions - Naming Enums

In our codebase; we typically declare enums in the class that they belong to.

So for your Fruit example, We would have a Fruit class, and inside that an Enum called Fruits.

Referencing it in the code looks like this: Fruit.Fruits.Apple, Fruit.Fruits.Pear, etc.

Constants follow along the same line, where they either get defined in the class to which they're relevant (so something like Fruit.ORANGE_BUSHEL_SIZE); or if they apply system-wide (i.e. an equivalent "null value" for ints) in a class named "ConstantManager" (or equivalent; like ConstantManager.NULL_INT). (side note; all our constants are in upper case)

As always, your coding standards probably differ from mine; so YMMV.

Passing parameters from jsp to Spring Controller method

Use the @RequestParam to pass a parameter to the controller handler method. In the jsp your form should have an input field with name = "id" like the following:

<input type="text" name="id" />
<input type="submit" />

Then in your controller, your handler method should be like the following:

public String listNotes(@RequestParam("id") int id) {
    Person person = personService.getCurrentlyAuthenticatedUser();
    model.addAttribute("person", new Person());
    model.addAttribute("listPersons", this.personService.listPersons());
    model.addAttribute("listNotes", this.notesService.listNotesBySectionId(id, person));
    return "note";

Please also refer to these answers and tutorial:

Which is the correct C# infinite loop, for (;;) or while (true)?

Gasp, use:

while (!false)


OR as jsight pointed out, you may want to be doubly sure:

while (!false && true)

Before people yell at me, it's all the same CIL code, I checked :)

Oracle SELECT TOP 10 records

If you are using Oracle 12c, use:



More info:

Pushing empty commits to remote

 $ git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger Build"

How to query for today's date and 7 days before data?

Query in Parado's answer is correct, if you want to use MySql too instead GETDATE() you must use (because you've tagged this question with Sql server and Mysql):

select * from tab
where DateCol between adddate(now(),-7) and now() 

Launch Pycharm from command line (terminal)


It is now possible to create command line launcher automatically from JetBrains Toolbox. This is how you do it:

  1. Open up the toolbox window;
  2. Go to the gear icon in the upper right (the settings window for toolbox itself);
  3. Turn on Generate shell scripts;
  4. Fill the Shell script location textbox with the location where you want the launchers to reside. You have to do this manually it will not fill automatically at this time!

On Mac the location could be /usr/local/bin. For the novices, you can use any path inside the PATH variable or add a new path to the PATH variable in your bash profile. Use echo $PATH to see which paths are there.

Note! It did not work right away for me, I had to fiddle around a little before the scripts were generated. You can go to the gearbox of the IDEA (PyCharm for example) and see/change the launcher name. So for PyCharm, the default name is pycharm but you can change this to whatever you prefer.

Original answer

If you do not use the toolbox you can still use my original answer.

~~For some reason, the Create Command Line Launcher is not available anymore in 2019.1.~~ Because it is now part of JetBrains Toolbox

This is how you can create the script yourself:

If you already used the charm command before use type -a charm to find the script. Change the pycharm version in the file paths. Note that the numbering in the first variable RUN_PATH is different. You will have to look this up in the dir yourself.

RUN_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/ch-0/191.6183.50/'
CONFIG_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2019.1'
SYSTEM_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Caches/PyCharm2019.1'

If you did not use the charm command before, you will have to create it.

Create the charm file somewhere like this: /usr/local/bin/charm

Then add this code (change version number to your version as explained above):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import socket
import struct
import sys
import os
import time

# see com.intellij.idea.SocketLock for the server side of this interface

RUN_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/ch-0/191.6183.50/'
CONFIG_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2019.1'
SYSTEM_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Caches/PyCharm2019.1'

def print_usage(cmd):
    print(('Usage:\n' +
           '  {0} -h | -? | --help\n' +
           '  {0} [project_dir]\n' +
           '  {0} [-l|--line line] [project_dir|--temp-project] file[:line]\n' +
           '  {0} diff <left> <right>\n' +
           '  {0} merge <local> <remote> [base] <merged>').format(cmd))

def process_args(argv):
    args = []

    skip_next = False
    for i, arg in enumerate(argv[1:]):
        if arg == '-h' or arg == '-?' or arg == '--help':
        elif i == 0 and (arg == 'diff' or arg == 'merge' or arg == '--temp-project'):
        elif arg == '-l' or arg == '--line':
            skip_next = True
        elif skip_next:
            skip_next = False
            path = arg
            if ':' in arg:
                file_path, line_number = arg.rsplit(':', 1)
                if line_number.isdigit():
                    path = file_path

    return args

def try_activate_instance(args):
    port_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, 'port')
    token_path = os.path.join(SYSTEM_PATH, 'token')
    if not (os.path.exists(port_path) and os.path.exists(token_path)):
        return False

        with open(port_path) as pf:
            port = int(
        with open(token_path) as tf:
            token =
    except (ValueError):
        return False

    s = socket.socket()
        s.connect(('', port))
    except (socket.error, IOError):
        return False

    found = False
    while True:
            path_len = struct.unpack('>h', s.recv(2))[0]
            path = s.recv(path_len).decode('utf-8')
            if os.path.abspath(path) == os.path.abspath(CONFIG_PATH):
                found = True
        except (socket.error, IOError):
            return False

    if found:
        cmd = 'activate ' + token + '\0' + os.getcwd() + '\0' + '\0'.join(args)
        if sys.version_info.major >= 3: cmd = cmd.encode('utf-8')
        encoded = struct.pack('>h', len(cmd)) + cmd
        time.sleep(0.5)  # don't close the socket immediately
        return True

    return False

def start_new_instance(args):
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        if len(args) > 0:
            args.insert(0, '--args')
        os.execvp('/usr/bin/open', ['-a', RUN_PATH] + args)
        bin_file = os.path.split(RUN_PATH)[1]
        os.execv(RUN_PATH, [bin_file] + args)

ide_args = process_args(sys.argv)
if not try_activate_instance(ide_args):

jQuery Cross Domain Ajax

If you are planning to use JSONP you can use getJSON which made for that. jQuery has helper methods for JSONP.

$.getJSON( '', function( result ) {

Read the below links

Basic example of using .ajax() with JSONP?

Basic how-to for cross domain jsonp

Returning Promises from Vuex actions

Just for an information on a closed topic: you don’t have to create a promise, axios returns one itself:



    export const loginForm = ({ commit }, data) => {
      return axios
        .post('http://localhost:8000/api/login', data)
        .then((response) => {
        .catch((error) => {
          commit('unAuthorisedUser', { });

Another example:

    addEmployee({ commit, state }) {       
      return insertEmployee(state.employee)
        .then(result => {
          return; // resolve 
        .catch(err => {           
          throw; // reject

Another example with async-await

    async getUser({ commit }) {
        try {
            const currentUser = await axios.get('/user/current')
            commit('setUser', currentUser)
            return currentUser
        } catch (err) {
            commit('setUser', null)
            throw 'Unable to fetch current user'

Chrome extension: accessing localStorage in content script

Update 2016:

Google Chrome released the storage API:

It is pretty easy to use like the other Chrome APIs and you can use it from any page context within Chrome.

    // Save it using the Chrome extension storage API.{'foo': 'hello', 'bar': 'hi'}, function() {
      console.log('Settings saved');

    // Read it using the storage API['foo', 'bar'], function(items) {
      message('Settings retrieved', items);

To use it, make sure you define it in the manifest:

    "permissions": [

There are methods to "remove", "clear", "getBytesInUse", and an event listener to listen for changed storage "onChanged"

Using native localStorage (old reply from 2011)

Content scripts run in the context of webpages, not extension pages. Therefore, if you're accessing localStorage from your contentscript, it will be the storage from that webpage, not the extension page storage.

Now, to let your content script to read your extension storage (where you set them from your options page), you need to use extension message passing.

The first thing you do is tell your content script to send a request to your extension to fetch some data, and that data can be your extension localStorage:


chrome.runtime.sendMessage({method: "getStatus"}, function(response) {


chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
    if (request.method == "getStatus")
      sendResponse({status: localStorage['status']});
      sendResponse({}); // snub them.

You can do an API around that to get generic localStorage data to your content script, or perhaps, get the whole localStorage array.

I hope that helped solve your problem.

To be fancy and generic ...


chrome.runtime.sendMessage({method: "getLocalStorage", key: "status"}, function(response) {


chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
    if (request.method == "getLocalStorage")
      sendResponse({data: localStorage[request.key]});
      sendResponse({}); // snub them.

Java random numbers using a seed

The easy way is to use:

Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

This is the best way to generate Random numbers.

Is it necessary to use # for creating temp tables in SQL server?

Yes. You need to prefix the table name with "#" (hash) to create temporary tables.

If you do NOT need the table later, go ahead & create it. Temporary Tables are very much like normal tables. However, it gets created in tempdb. Also, it is only accessible via the current session i.e. For EG: if another user tries to access the temp table created by you, he'll not be able to do so.

"##" (double-hash creates "Global" temp table that can be accessed by other sessions as well.

Refer the below link for the Basics of Temporary Tables:

If the content of your table is less than 5000 rows & does NOT contain data types such as nvarchar(MAX), varbinary(MAX), consider using Table Variables.

They are the fastest as they are just like any other variables which are stored in the RAM. They are stored in tempdb as well, not in RAM.

 column1 int,
 column2 int,
 someInt int,
 someVarChar nvarchar(50)

SELECT column1, 
  FROM table2
 WHERE table2.ID = 7;

More Info on Table Variables:

Darken CSS background image?

You can use the CSS3 Linear Gradient property along with your background-image like this:

#landing-wrapper {
    background: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ), url('landingpagepic.jpg');
    background-position:center top;

Here's a demo:

#landing-wrapper {_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), url('');_x000D_
  background-position: center top;_x000D_
  height: 350px;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
<div id="landing-wrapper">Lorem ipsum dolor ismet.</div>

How to fix "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized"

Simply in Code Behind Page use:-

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source = DellPC; Initial Catalog = Account; user = sa; password = admin");

It Should Work Just Fine

Spring Boot Program cannot find main class

Use spring-boot:run command to start spring boot application:

Precondition: 1. Add following property to pom.xml


2. Build your project

Then configure maven command with spring-boot:run.


Right Click Project | Run As | Run Configuration... | Add new Maven Configuration with command spring-boot:run

How to create helper file full of functions in react native?

An alternative is to create a helper file where you have a const object with functions as properties of the object. This way you only export and import one object.


const helpers = {
    helper1: function(){

    helper2: function(param1){

    helper3: function(param1, param2){


export default helpers;

Then, import like this:

import helpers from './helpers';

and use like this:

helpers.helper3('value1', 'value2');

Adding 30 minutes to time formatted as H:i in PHP

Your current solution does not work because $time is a string - it needs to be a Unix timestamp. You can do this instead:

$unix_time = strtotime('January 1 2010 '.$time); // create a unix timestamp
$startTime date( "H:i", strtotime('-30 minutes', $unix_time) );
$endTime date( "H:i", strtotime('+30 minutes', $unix_time) );

Fastest way to write huge data in text file Java

You might try removing the BufferedWriter and just using the FileWriter directly. On a modern system there's a good chance you're just writing to the drive's cache memory anyway.

It takes me in the range of 4-5 seconds to write 175MB (4 million strings) -- this is on a dual-core 2.4GHz Dell running Windows XP with an 80GB, 7200-RPM Hitachi disk.

Can you isolate how much of the time is record retrieval and how much is file writing?

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class FileWritingPerfTest {

private static final int ITERATIONS = 5;
private static final double MEG = (Math.pow(1024, 2));
private static final int RECORD_COUNT = 4000000;
private static final String RECORD = "Help I am trapped in a fortune cookie factory\n";
private static final int RECSIZE = RECORD.getBytes().length;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    List<String> records = new ArrayList<String>(RECORD_COUNT);
    int size = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < RECORD_COUNT; i++) {
        size += RECSIZE;
    System.out.println(records.size() + " 'records'");
    System.out.println(size / MEG + " MB");
    for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
        System.out.println("\nIteration " + i);
        writeBuffered(records, 8192);
        writeBuffered(records, (int) MEG);
        writeBuffered(records, 4 * (int) MEG);

private static void writeRaw(List<String> records) throws IOException {
    File file = File.createTempFile("foo", ".txt");
    try {
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file);
        System.out.print("Writing raw... ");
        write(records, writer);
    } finally {
        // comment this out if you want to inspect the files afterward

private static void writeBuffered(List<String> records, int bufSize) throws IOException {
    File file = File.createTempFile("foo", ".txt");
    try {
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file);
        BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer, bufSize);
        System.out.print("Writing buffered (buffer size: " + bufSize + ")... ");
        write(records, bufferedWriter);
    } finally {
        // comment this out if you want to inspect the files afterward

private static void write(List<String> records, Writer writer) throws IOException {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (String record: records) {
    // writer.flush(); // close() should take care of this
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println((end - start) / 1000f + " seconds");

NSAttributedString add text alignment

 NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle =;
 paragraphStyle.alignment                = NSTextAlignmentCenter;

 NSAttributedString *attributedString   = 
[NSAttributedString.alloc initWithString:@"someText" 

Swift 4.2

let paragraphStyle: NSMutableParagraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
    paragraphStyle.alignment =

    let attributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "someText", attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.paragraphStyle : paragraphStyle])

Asp Net Web API 2.1 get client IP address

Replying to this 4 year old post, because this seems overcomplicated to me, at least if you're hosting on IIS.

Here's how I solved it:

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Http;
public IHttpActionResult PostContactForm([FromBody] ContactForm contactForm)
        var hostname = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
        IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(hostname);
        IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(ipAddress);

Unlike OP, this gives me the client IP and client hostname, not the server. Perhaps they've fixed the bug since then?

Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys

A key currently still is not required ("required" in the meaning "it will not work without"), but I think there is a good reason for the warning.

But in the documentation you may read now : "All JavaScript API applications require authentication."

I'm sure that it's planned for the future , that Javascript API Applications will not work without a key(as it has been in V2).

You better use a key when you want to be sure that your application will still work in 1 or 2 years.