Programs & Examples On #Parameter spoofing

Redirecting to a page after submitting form in HTML

For anyone else having the same problem, I figured it out myself.

        <form target="_blank" action="" method="POST">_x000D_
          <input type="hidden" name="fullname" value="Sam" />_x000D_
          <input type="hidden" name="city" value="Dubai&#32;" />_x000D_
          <input onclick="window.location.href = '';" type="submit" value="Submit request" />_x000D_

All I had to do was add the target="_blank" attribute to inline on form to open the response in a new page and redirect the other page using onclick on the submit button.

scrollbars in JTextArea

I just wanted to say thank you to the topmost first post by a user whom I think is named "coobird". I am new to this web site, but I cant believe how useful and helpful this community thanks to all of you for posting some great tips and advise to others. Thats what a community is all about.

Now coobird correctly said:

As Fredrik mentions in his answer, the simple way to achieve this is to place the JTextArea in a JScrollPane. This will allow scrolling of the view area of the JTextArea.

I would like to say:

The above statement is absolutely true. In fact, I had been struggling with this in Eclipse using the WindowBuilder Pro plugin because I could not figure out what combination of widgets would help me achieve that. However, thanks to the post by coobird, I was able to resolve this frustration which took me days.

I would also like to add that I am relatively new to Java even though I have a solid foundation in the principles. The code snippets and advise you guys give here are tremendously useful.

I just want to add one other tid-bit that may help others. I noticed that Coobird put some code as follows (in order to show how to create a Scrollable text area). He wrote:

JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(ta);   

I would like to say thanks to the above code snippet from coobird. I have not tried it directly like that but I am sure it would work just fine. However, it may be useful to some to let you know that when I did this using the WindowBuilder Pro tool, I got something more like the following (which I think is just a slightly longer more "indirect" way for WindowBuilder to achieve what you see in the two lines above. My code kinda reads like this:

JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
scrollPane.setBounds(23, 40, 394, 191);

JTextArea textArea_1 = new JTextArea();

Notice that WindowBuilder basically creates a JScrollPane called scrollpane (in the first three lines of code)...then it sets the viewportview by the following line: scrollPane.setViewportView(textArea_1). So in essence, this line is adding the textArea_1 in my code (which is obviously a JTextArea) to be added to my JScrollPane **which is precisely what coobird was talking about).

Hope this is helpful because I did not want the WindowBuilder Pro developers to get confused thinking that Coobird's advise was not correct or something.

Best Wishes to all and happy coding :)

How to add button inside input

This is the cleanest way to do in bootstrap v3.

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="input-group">
        <input type="text" name="search" class="form-control" placeholder="Search">
        <span><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button></span>

How to keep :active css style after clicking an element

The :target-pseudo selector is made for these type of situations:

It is supported by all modern browsers. To get some IE versions to understand it you can use something like Selectivizr

Here is a tab example with :target-pseudo selector.

Could not install packages due to a "Environment error :[error 13]: permission denied : 'usr/local/bin/f2py'"

pip install --user package-name

Seems to work, but the package is install the the path of user. such as :


I want to install the package in python folder such c:\Python27. I install the module into the expected folder by:

pip install package-name --no-cache-dir

How do we count rows using older versions of Hibernate (~2009)?

You could try count(*)

Integer count = (Integer) session.createQuery("select count(*) from Books").uniqueResult();

Where Books is the name off the class - not the table in the database.

Simple jQuery, PHP and JSONP example?


        type:     "GET",
        url: '<?php echo Base_url("user/your function");?>',
        data: {name: mail},
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: 'callback',
        jsonpCallback: 'chekEmailTaken',
        success: function(msg){
return true;

In controller:

public function ajax_checkjp(){
$checkType = $_GET['name'];
echo $_GET['callback']. '(' . json_encode($result) . ');';  

Convert pandas.Series from dtype object to float, and errors to nans

In [30]: pd.Series([1,2,3,4,'.']).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
0     1
1     2
2     3
3     4
4   NaN
dtype: float64

Laravel 5.4 redirection to custom url after login

The way I've done it by using AuthenticatesUsers trait.


Add this method to that controller:

 * Check user's role and redirect user based on their role
 * @return 
public function authenticated()
        return redirect('/admin/dashboard');

    return redirect('/user/dashboard');

How to use Monitor (DDMS) tool to debug application

I think that I got a solution for this. You don't have to start monitor but you can use DDMS instead almost like in Eclipse.

Start Android Studio-> pick breakpoint-> Run-> Debug-> Go to %sdk\tools in Terminal window and run ddms.bat to run DDMS without Monitor running (since it won't let you run ADB). You can now start profiling or debug step-by-step.

Hope this helps you.

See image here

Combine two or more columns in a dataframe into a new column with a new name

Use paste.

 df$x <- paste(df$n,df$s)
#   n  s     b    x
# 1 2 aa  TRUE 2 aa
# 2 3 bb FALSE 3 bb
# 3 5 cc  TRUE 5 cc

how to File.listFiles in alphabetical order?

The listFiles method, with or without a filter does not guarantee any order.

It does, however, return an array, which you can sort with Arrays.sort().

File[] files = XMLDirectory.listFiles(filter_xml_files);
for(File _xml_file : files) {

This works because File is a comparable class, which by default sorts pathnames lexicographically. If you want to sort them differently, you can define your own comparator.

If you prefer using Streams:

A more modern approach is the following. To print the names of all files in a given directory, in alphabetical order, do:


Replace the System.out::println with whatever you want to do with the file names. If you want only filenames that end with "xml" just do:

    .filter(s -> s.toString().endsWith(".xml"))

Again, replace the printing with whichever processing operation you would like.

How to check the first character in a string in Bash or UNIX shell?

cut -c1

This is POSIX, and unlike case actually extracts the first char if you need it for later:

first_char="$(printf '%s' "$myvar" | cut -c1)"
if [ "$first_char" = a ]; then
  echo 'starts with a'
  echo 'does not start with a'

awk substr is another POSIX but less efficient alternative:

printf '%s' "$myvar" | awk '{print substr ($0, 0, 1)}'

printf '%s' is to avoid problems with escape characters: e.g.:

printf '%s' "$myvar" | cut -c1

outputs \ as expected.

${::} does not seem to be POSIX.

See also: How to extract the first two characters of a string in shell scripting?

"While .. End While" doesn't work in VBA?

VBA is not VB/VB.NET

The correct reference to use is Do..Loop Statement (VBA). Also see the article Excel VBA For, Do While, and Do Until. One way to write this is:

Do While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1

(But a For..Next might be more appropriate here.)

Happy coding.

Given a URL to a text file, what is the simplest way to read the contents of the text file?

I do think requests is the best option. Also note the possibility of setting encoding manually.

import requests
response = requests.get("")
# response.encoding = "utf-8"
hehe = response.text

What is the meaning of "$" sign in JavaScript

From the jQuery documentation describing the jQuery Core Object:

Many developers prefix a $ to the name of variables that contain jQuery objects in order to help differentiate. There is nothing magic about this practice – it just helps some people keep track of what different variables contain.

HTML form submit to PHP script

Try this:

<form method="post" action="check.php">
    <select name="website_string">
        <option value="" selected="selected"></option>
        <option VALUE="abc"> ABC</option>
        <option VALUE="def"> def</option>
        <option VALUE="hij"> hij</option>
    <input TYPE="submit" name="submit" />

Both your select control and your submit button had the same name attribute, so the last one used was the submit button when you clicked it. All other syntax errors aside.


    echo $_POST['website_string'];

Obligatory disclaimer about using raw $_POST data. Sanitize anything you'll actually be using in application logic.

In C can a long printf statement be broken up into multiple lines?

The de-facto standard way to split up complex functions in C is per argument:

printf("name: %s\targs: %s\tvalue %d\tarraysize %d\n", 

Or if you will:

const char format_str[] = "name: %s\targs: %s\tvalue %d\tarraysize %d\n";

You shouldn't split up the string, nor should you use \ to break a C line. Such code quickly turns completely unreadable/unmaintainable.

iFrame Height Auto (CSS)

 <div id="content" >
    <h1>Update Information</h1>
    <div id="support-box">
        <div id="wrapper">
            <iframe name="frame" id="frame" src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>
 #support-box {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
        display: block;
        height: 20rem; /* is support box height you can change as per your requirement*/
    #wrapper {
        width: 90%;
        display: block;
        position: relative;
        top: 50%;
        transform: translateY(-50%);
       height:100px; /* here the height values are automatic you can leave this if you can*/

    #wrapper iframe {
        width: 100%;
        display: block;

How do I set a conditional breakpoint in gdb, when char* x points to a string whose value equals "hello"?

Since GDB 7.5 you can use these native Convenience Functions:

$_memeq(buf1, buf2, length)
$_regex(str, regex)
$_streq(str1, str2)

Seems quite less problematic than having to execute a "foreign" strcmp() on the process' stack each time the breakpoint is hit. This is especially true for debugging multithreaded processes.

Note your GDB needs to be compiled with Python support, which is not an issue with current linux distros. To be sure, you can check it by running show configuration inside GDB and searching for --with-python. This little oneliner does the trick, too:

$ gdb -n -quiet -batch -ex 'show configuration' | grep 'with-python'
             --with-python=/usr (relocatable)

For your demo case, the usage would be

break <where> if $_streq(x, "hello")

or, if your breakpoint already exists and you just want to add the condition to it

condition <breakpoint number> $_streq(x, "hello")

$_streq only matches the whole string, so if you want something more cunning you should use $_regex, which supports the Python regular expression syntax.

Clicking URLs opens default browser

Official documentation says, click on a link in a WebView will launch application that handles URLs. You need to override this default behavior

    myWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
        public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
            return false;

or if there is no conditional logic in the method simply do this

myWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());

CSS: Center block, but align contents to the left

Is this what you are looking for? Flexbox...

  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-flow: row wrap;_x000D_
  justify-content: center;_x000D_
  align-content: center;_x000D_
  align-items: center;_x000D_
  border:1px solid;_x000D_
<section class="container">_x000D_
  <section class="inside">_x000D_
  <section class="inside">_x000D_
  <section class="inside">_x000D_

How do I pipe or redirect the output of curl -v?

I found the same thing: curl by itself would print to STDOUT, but could not be piped into another program.

At first, I thought I had solved it by using xargs to echo the output first:

curl -s ... <url> | xargs -0 echo | ...

But then, as pointed out in the comments, it also works without the xargs part, so -s (silent mode) is the key to preventing extraneous progress output to STDOUT:

curl -s ... <url> | perl  -ne 'print $1 if /<sometag>([^<]+)/'

The above example grabs the simple <sometag> content (containing no embedded tags) from the XML output of the curl statement.

How to change credentials for SVN repository in Eclipse?

I was able unable to locate the svn.simple file, but was able to change credentials using the following three steps:

Checkout project from SVN

enter image description here

Select the repository you need to change the credentials on (note: you will not perform an checkout, but this will bring you to the screen to enter a username/password combination).

enter image description here

Finally, enter the new username and password credentials:

enter image description here

It's a bit confusing, because you begin the process of initializing a new project, but you're only resetting the repository credentials.

Deleting a file in VBA

I'll probably get flamed for this, but what is the point of testing for existence if you are just going to delete it? One of my major pet peeves is an app throwing an error dialog with something like "Could not delete file, it does not exist!"

On Error Resume Next
aFile = "c:\file_to_delete.txt"
Kill aFile
On Error Goto 0
return Len(Dir$(aFile)) > 0 ' Make sure it actually got deleted.

If the file doesn't exist in the first place, mission accomplished!

How to change the locale in chrome browser

The easiest way I found, summarized in a few pictures:

Adding Language

Changing Language


You could skip a few steps (up to step 4) by simply navigating to chrome://settings/languages right away.

How to redirect Valgrind's output to a file?

valgrind --log-file="filename"

VS2010 How to include files in project, to copy them to build output directory automatically during build or publish

  1. Add the file to your project.
  2. Go to the Properties of that file.
  3. Set "Build Action" to Embedded Resource.
  4. Set "Copy to Output Directory" to Copy Always.

Calling virtual functions inside constructors

I am not seeing the importance of the virtual key word here. b is a static-typed variable, and its type is determined by compiler at compile time. The function calls would not reference the vtable. When b is constructed, its parent class's constructor is called, which is why the value of _n is set to 1.

Parse HTML in Android

Maybe you can use WebView, but as you can see in the doc WebView doesn't support javascript and other stuff like widgets by default.

I think that you can enable javascript if you need it.

Google Maps API v3: How to remove all markers?

Using this you can remove all marker from map .


This would help you ,it help me..

Golang read request body

Inspecting and mocking request body

When you first read the body, you have to store it so once you're done with it, you can set a new io.ReadCloser as the request body constructed from the original data. So when you advance in the chain, the next handler can read the same body.

One option is to read the whole body using ioutil.ReadAll(), which gives you the body as a byte slice.

You may use bytes.NewBuffer() to obtain an io.Reader from a byte slice.

The last missing piece is to make the io.Reader an io.ReadCloser, because bytes.Buffer does not have a Close() method. For this you may use ioutil.NopCloser() which wraps an io.Reader, and returns an io.ReadCloser, whose added Close() method will be a no-op (does nothing).

Note that you may even modify the contents of the byte slice you use to create the "new" body. You have full control over it.

Care must be taken though, as there might be other HTTP fields like content-length and checksums which may become invalid if you modify only the data. If subsequent handlers check those, you would also need to modify those too!

Inspecting / modifying response body

If you also want to read the response body, then you have to wrap the http.ResponseWriter you get, and pass the wrapper on the chain. This wrapper may cache the data sent out, which you can inspect either after, on on-the-fly (as the subsequent handlers write to it).

Here's a simple ResponseWriter wrapper, which just caches the data, so it'll be available after the subsequent handler returns:

type MyResponseWriter struct {
    buf *bytes.Buffer

func (mrw *MyResponseWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
    return mrw.buf.Write(p)

Note that MyResponseWriter.Write() just writes the data to a buffer. You may also choose to inspect it on-the-fly (in the Write() method) and write the data immediately to the wrapped / embedded ResponseWriter. You may even modify the data. You have full control.

Care must be taken again though, as the subsequent handlers may also send HTTP response headers related to the response data –such as length or checksums– which may also become invalid if you alter the response data.

Full example

Putting the pieces together, here's a full working example:

func loginmw(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error reading body: %v", err)
            http.Error(w, "can't read body", http.StatusBadRequest)

        // Work / inspect body. You may even modify it!

        // And now set a new body, which will simulate the same data we read:
        r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(body))

        // Create a response wrapper:
        mrw := &MyResponseWriter{
            ResponseWriter: w,
            buf:            &bytes.Buffer{},

        // Call next handler, passing the response wrapper:
        handler.ServeHTTP(mrw, r)

        // Now inspect response, and finally send it out:
        // (You can also modify it before sending it out!)
        if _, err := io.Copy(w, mrw.buf); err != nil {
            log.Printf("Failed to send out response: %v", err)

How do I execute external program within C code in linux with arguments?

For a simple way, use system():

#include <stdlib.h>
int status = system("./foo 1 2 3");

system() will wait for foo to complete execution, then return a status variable which you can use to check e.g. exitcode (the command's exitcode gets multiplied by 256, so divide system()'s return value by that to get the actual exitcode: int exitcode = status / 256).

The manpage for wait() (in section 2, man 2 wait on your Linux system) lists the various macros you can use to examine the status, the most interesting ones would be WIFEXITED and WEXITSTATUS.

Alternatively, if you need to read foo's standard output, use popen(3), which returns a file pointer (FILE *); interacting with the command's standard input/output is then the same as reading from or writing to a file.

How to use a client certificate to authenticate and authorize in a Web API

Looking at the source code I also think there must be some issue with the private key.

What it is doing is actually to check if the certificate that is passed is of type X509Certificate2 and if it has the private key.

If it doesn't find the private key it tries to find the certificate in the CurrentUser store and then in the LocalMachine store. If it finds the certificate it checks if the private key is present.

(see source code from class SecureChannnel, method EnsurePrivateKey)

So depending on which file you imported (.cer - without private key or .pfx - with private key) and on which store it might not find the right one and Request.ClientCertificate won't be populated.

You can activate Network Tracing to try to debug this. It will give you output like this:

  • Trying to find a matching certificate in the certificate store
  • Cannot find the certificate in either the LocalMachine store or the CurrentUser store.

Error: Cannot find module html

This is what i did for rendering html files. And it solved the errors. Install consolidate and mustache by executing the below command in your project folder.

$ sudo npm install consolidate mustache --save

And make the following changes to your app.js file

var engine = require('consolidate');

app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.engine('html', engine.mustache);
app.set('view engine', 'html');

And now html pages will be rendered properly.

How do I determine whether an array contains a particular value in Java?

Actually, if you use HashSet<String> as Tom Hawtin proposed you don't need to worry about sorting, and your speed is the same as with binary search on a presorted array, probably even faster.

It all depends on how your code is set up, obviously, but from where I stand, the order would be:

On an unsorted array:

  1. HashSet
  2. asList
  3. sort & binary

On a sorted array:

  1. HashSet
  2. Binary
  3. asList

So either way, HashSet for the win.

C error: Expected expression before int

This is actually a fairly interesting question. It's not as simple as it looks at first. For reference, I'm going to be basing this off of the latest C11 language grammar defined in N1570

I guess the counter-intuitive part of the question is: if this is correct C:

if (a == 1) {
  int b = 10;

then why is this not also correct C?

if (a == 1)
  int b = 10;

I mean, a one-line conditional if statement should be fine either with or without braces, right?

The answer lies in the grammar of the if statement, as defined by the C standard. The relevant parts of the grammar I've quoted below. Succinctly: the int b = 10 line is a declaration, not a statement, and the grammar for the if statement requires a statement after the conditional that it's testing. But if you enclose the declaration in braces, it becomes a statement and everything's well.

And just for the sake of answering the question completely -- this has nothing to do with scope. The b variable that exists inside that scope will be inaccessible from outside of it, but the program is still syntactically correct. Strictly speaking, the compiler shouldn't throw an error on it. Of course, you should be building with -Wall -Werror anyways ;-)

(6.7) declaration:
            declaration-speci?ers init-declarator-listopt ;

(6.7) init-declarator-list:
            init-declarator-list , init-declarator

(6.7) init-declarator:
            declarator = initializer

(6.8) statement:

(6.8.2) compound-statement:
            { block-item-listopt }

(6.8.4) selection-statement:
            if ( expression ) statement
            if ( expression ) statement else statement
            switch ( expression ) statement

Error in Chrome only: XMLHttpRequest cannot load file URL No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

If your problem is like the following while using Google Chrome:

[XMLHttpRequest cannot load file. Received an invalid response. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.]

Then create a batch file by following these steps:

Open notepad in Desktop.

  1. Just copy and paste the followings in your currently opened notepad file:

start "chrome" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --allow-file-access-from-files exit

  1. Note: In the previous line, Replace the full absolute address with your location of chrome installation. [To find it...Right click your short cut of chrome.exe link or icon and Click on Properties and copy-paste the target link][Remember : start to files in one line, & exit in another line by pressing enter]
  2. Save the file as fileName.bat [Very important: .bat]
  3. If you want to change the file later then right-click on the .bat file and click on edit. After modifying, save the file.

This will do what? It will open Chrome.exe with file access. Now, from any location in your computer, browse your html files with Google Chrome. I hope this will solve the XMLHttpRequest problem.

Keep in mind : Just use the shortcut bat file to open Chrome when you require it. Tell me if it solves your problem. I had a similar problem and I solved it in this way. Thanks.

Django - "no module named"

Most probably in your the first line starts with !/usr/bin/python which means you are using the system global python rather than the one in your virtual environment.

so replace




and you should be good.

Search File And Find Exact Match And Print Line?

It's very easy:

numb = raw_input('Input Line: ')
fiIn = open('file.txt').readlines()
for lines in fiIn:
   if numb == lines[0]:
      print lines

C++ equivalent of java's instanceof

Instanceof implementation without dynamic_cast

I think this question is still relevant today. Using the C++11 standard you are now able to implement a instanceof function without using dynamic_cast like this:

if (dynamic_cast<B*>(aPtr) != nullptr) {
  // aPtr is instance of B
} else {
  // aPtr is NOT instance of B

But you're still reliant on RTTI support. So here is my solution for this problem depending on some Macros and Metaprogramming Magic. The only drawback imho is that this approach does not work for multiple inheritance.


#include <set>
#include <tuple>
#include <typeindex>

#define _EMPTY_BASE_TYPE_DECL() using BaseTypes = std::tuple<>;
#define _BASE_TYPE_DECL(Class, BaseClass) \
  using BaseTypes = decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::tuple<BaseClass>(), Class::BaseTypes()));
#define _INSTANCE_OF_DECL_BODY(Class)                                 \
  static const std::set<std::type_index> baseTypeContainer;           \
  virtual bool instanceOfHelper(const std::type_index &_tidx) {       \
    if (std::type_index(typeid(ThisType)) == _tidx) return true;      \
    if (std::tuple_size<BaseTypes>::value == 0) return false;         \
    return baseTypeContainer.find(_tidx) != baseTypeContainer.end();  \
  }                                                                   \
  template <typename... T>                                            \
  static std::set<std::type_index> getTypeIndexes(std::tuple<T...>) { \
    return std::set<std::type_index>{std::type_index(typeid(T))...};  \

#define INSTANCE_OF_SUB_DECL(Class, BaseClass) \
 protected:                                    \
  using ThisType = Class;                      \
  _BASE_TYPE_DECL(Class, BaseClass)            \

#define INSTANCE_OF_BASE_DECL(Class)                                                    \
 protected:                                                                             \
  using ThisType = Class;                                                               \
  _EMPTY_BASE_TYPE_DECL()                                                               \
  _INSTANCE_OF_DECL_BODY(Class)                                                         \
 public:                                                                                \
  template <typename Of>                                                                \
  typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Class, Of>::value, bool>::type instanceOf() { \
    return instanceOfHelper(std::type_index(typeid(Of)));                               \

#define INSTANCE_OF_IMPL(Class) \
  const std::set<std::type_index> Class::baseTypeContainer = Class::getTypeIndexes(Class::BaseTypes());


You can then use this stuff (with caution) as follows:


#include "InstanceOfMacros.h"

struct A {
  virtual ~A() {}

struct B : public A {
  virtual ~B() {}

struct C : public A {
  virtual ~C() {}

struct D : public C {
  virtual ~D() {}

The following code presents a small demo to verify rudimentary the correct behavior.


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "DemoClassHierarchy.hpp"

int main() {
  A *a2aPtr = new A;
  A *a2bPtr = new B;
  std::shared_ptr<A> a2cPtr(new C);
  C *c2dPtr = new D;
  std::unique_ptr<A> a2dPtr(new D);

  std::cout << "a2aPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=" << a2aPtr->instanceOf<A>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2aPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=0, value=" << a2aPtr->instanceOf<B>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2aPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=0, value=" << a2aPtr->instanceOf<C>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2aPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=0, value=" << a2aPtr->instanceOf<D>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2bPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=" << a2bPtr->instanceOf<A>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2bPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=1, value=" << a2bPtr->instanceOf<B>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2bPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=0, value=" << a2bPtr->instanceOf<C>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2bPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=0, value=" << a2bPtr->instanceOf<D>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2cPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=" << a2cPtr->instanceOf<A>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2cPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=0, value=" << a2cPtr->instanceOf<B>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2cPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=1, value=" << a2cPtr->instanceOf<C>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2cPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=0, value=" << a2cPtr->instanceOf<D>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "c2dPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=" << c2dPtr->instanceOf<A>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "c2dPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=0, value=" << c2dPtr->instanceOf<B>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "c2dPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=1, value=" << c2dPtr->instanceOf<C>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "c2dPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=1, value=" << c2dPtr->instanceOf<D>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2dPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=" << a2dPtr->instanceOf<A>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2dPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=0, value=" << a2dPtr->instanceOf<B>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2dPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=1, value=" << a2dPtr->instanceOf<C>() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "a2dPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=1, value=" << a2dPtr->instanceOf<D>() << std::endl;

  delete a2aPtr;
  delete a2bPtr;
  delete c2dPtr;

  return 0;


a2aPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=1
a2aPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=0, value=0
a2aPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=0, value=0
a2aPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=0, value=0

a2bPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=1
a2bPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=1, value=1
a2bPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=0, value=0
a2bPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=0, value=0

a2cPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=1
a2cPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=0, value=0
a2cPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=1, value=1
a2cPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=0, value=0

c2dPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=1
c2dPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=0, value=0
c2dPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=1, value=1
c2dPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=1, value=1

a2dPtr->instanceOf<A>(): expected=1, value=1
a2dPtr->instanceOf<B>(): expected=0, value=0
a2dPtr->instanceOf<C>(): expected=1, value=1
a2dPtr->instanceOf<D>(): expected=1, value=1


The most interesting question which now arises is, if this evil stuff is more efficient than the usage of dynamic_cast. Therefore I've written a very basic performance measurement app.


#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "DemoClassHierarchy.hpp"

template <typename Base, typename Derived, typename Duration>
Duration instanceOfMeasurement(unsigned _loopCycles) {
  auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  volatile bool isInstanceOf = false;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _loopCycles; ++i) {
    Base *ptr = new Derived;
    isInstanceOf = ptr->template instanceOf<Derived>();
    delete ptr;
  auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  return std::chrono::duration_cast<Duration>(end - start);

template <typename Base, typename Derived, typename Duration>
Duration dynamicCastMeasurement(unsigned _loopCycles) {
  auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  volatile bool isInstanceOf = false;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _loopCycles; ++i) {
    Base *ptr = new Derived;
    isInstanceOf = dynamic_cast<Derived *>(ptr) != nullptr;
    delete ptr;
  auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  return std::chrono::duration_cast<Duration>(end - start);

int main() {
  unsigned testCycles = 10000000;
  std::string unit = " us";
  using DType = std::chrono::microseconds;

  std::cout << "InstanceOf performance(A->D)  : " << instanceOfMeasurement<A, D, DType>(testCycles).count() << unit
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "InstanceOf performance(A->C)  : " << instanceOfMeasurement<A, C, DType>(testCycles).count() << unit
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "InstanceOf performance(A->B)  : " << instanceOfMeasurement<A, B, DType>(testCycles).count() << unit
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "InstanceOf performance(A->A)  : " << instanceOfMeasurement<A, A, DType>(testCycles).count() << unit
            << "\n"
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "DynamicCast performance(A->D) : " << dynamicCastMeasurement<A, D, DType>(testCycles).count() << unit
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "DynamicCast performance(A->C) : " << dynamicCastMeasurement<A, C, DType>(testCycles).count() << unit
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "DynamicCast performance(A->B) : " << dynamicCastMeasurement<A, B, DType>(testCycles).count() << unit
            << std::endl;
  std::cout << "DynamicCast performance(A->A) : " << dynamicCastMeasurement<A, A, DType>(testCycles).count() << unit
            << "\n"
            << std::endl;
  return 0;

The results vary and are essentially based on the degree of compiler optimization. Compiling the performance measurement program using g++ -std=c++11 -O0 -o instanceof-performance InstanceOfPerformance.cpp the output on my local machine was:

InstanceOf performance(A->D)  : 699638 us
InstanceOf performance(A->C)  : 642157 us
InstanceOf performance(A->B)  : 671399 us
InstanceOf performance(A->A)  : 626193 us

DynamicCast performance(A->D) : 754937 us
DynamicCast performance(A->C) : 706766 us
DynamicCast performance(A->B) : 751353 us
DynamicCast performance(A->A) : 676853 us

Mhm, this result was very sobering, because the timings demonstrates that the new approach is not much faster compared to the dynamic_cast approach. It is even less efficient for the special test case which tests if a pointer of A is an instance ofA. BUT the tide turns by tuning our binary using compiler otpimization. The respective compiler command is g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -o instanceof-performance InstanceOfPerformance.cpp. The result on my local machine was amazing:

InstanceOf performance(A->D)  : 3035 us
InstanceOf performance(A->C)  : 5030 us
InstanceOf performance(A->B)  : 5250 us
InstanceOf performance(A->A)  : 3021 us

DynamicCast performance(A->D) : 666903 us
DynamicCast performance(A->C) : 698567 us
DynamicCast performance(A->B) : 727368 us
DynamicCast performance(A->A) : 3098 us

If you are not reliant on multiple inheritance, are no opponent of good old C macros, RTTI and template metaprogramming and are not too lazy to add some small instructions to the classes of your class hierarchy, then this approach can boost your application a little bit with respect to its performance, if you often end up with checking the instance of a pointer. But use it with caution. There is no warranty for the correctness of this approach.

Note: All demos were compiled using clang (Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)) under macOS Sierra on a MacBook Pro Mid 2012.

Edit: I've also tested the performance on a Linux machine using gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9) 5.4.0 20160609. On this platform the perfomance benefit was not so significant as on macOs with clang.

Output (without compiler optimization):

InstanceOf performance(A->D)  : 390768 us
InstanceOf performance(A->C)  : 333994 us
InstanceOf performance(A->B)  : 334596 us
InstanceOf performance(A->A)  : 300959 us

DynamicCast performance(A->D) : 331942 us
DynamicCast performance(A->C) : 303715 us
DynamicCast performance(A->B) : 400262 us
DynamicCast performance(A->A) : 324942 us

Output (with compiler optimization):

InstanceOf performance(A->D)  : 209501 us
InstanceOf performance(A->C)  : 208727 us
InstanceOf performance(A->B)  : 207815 us
InstanceOf performance(A->A)  : 197953 us

DynamicCast performance(A->D) : 259417 us
DynamicCast performance(A->C) : 256203 us
DynamicCast performance(A->B) : 261202 us
DynamicCast performance(A->A) : 193535 us

How to figure out the SMTP server host?

Quick example:

On Ubuntu, if you are interested, for instance, in Gmail then open the Terminal and type:

nslookup -q=mx

Arrays in unix shell?

Try this :

echo "Find the Largest Number and Smallest Number of a given number"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Enter the number"
read n

while [ $n -gt 0 ] #For Seperating digits and Stored into array "x"
        x[$i]=`expr $n % 10`
        n=`expr $n / 10`
        i=`expr $i + 1`

echo "Array values ${x[@]}"  # For displaying array elements

len=${#x[*]}  # it returns the array length

for (( i=0; i<len; i++ ))    # For Sorting array elements using Bubble sort
    for (( j=i+1; j<len;  j++ ))
        if [ `echo "${x[$i]} > ${x[$j]}"|bc` ]

echo "Array values ${x[*]}"  # Displaying of Sorted Array

for (( i=len-1; i>=0; i-- ))  # Form largest number
   a=`echo $a \* 10 + ${x[$i]}|bc`

echo "Largest Number is : $a"

l=$a  #Largest number

while [ $a -gt 0 ]  # Reversing of number, We get Smallest number
        r=`expr $a % 10`
        s=`echo "$s * 10 + $r"|bc`
        a=`expr $a / 10`
echo "Smallest Number is : $s" #Smallest Number

echo "Difference between Largest number and Smallest number"
echo "=========================================="
Diff=`expr $l - $s`
echo "Result is : $Diff"

echo "If you try it, We can get it"

Stopword removal with NLTK

You can use string.punctuation with built-in NLTK stopwords list:

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from string import punctuation

words = tokenize(text)
wordsWOStopwords = removeStopWords(words)

def tokenize(text):
        sents = sent_tokenize(text)
        return [word_tokenize(sent) for sent in sents]

def removeStopWords(words):
        customStopWords = set(stopwords.words('english')+list(punctuation))
        return [word for word in words if word not in customStopWords]

NLTK stopwords complete list

"Full screen" <iframe>

Use this code instead of it:

    <frameset rows="100%,*">
        <frame src="-------------------------URL-------------------------------">
                Your browser does not support frames. To wiew this page please use supporting browsers.

How can I expose more than 1 port with Docker?


In your Dockerfile, you can use the verb EXPOSE to expose multiple ports.

EXPOSE 3000 80 443 22


You then would like to build an new image based on above Dockerfile.

docker build -t foo:tag .


Then you can use the -p to map host port with the container port, as defined in above EXPOSE of Dockerfile.

docker run -p 3001:3000 -p 23:22

In case you would like to expose a range of continuous ports, you can run docker like this:

docker run -it -p 7100-7120:7100-7120/tcp 

How to take backup of a single table in a MySQL database?

We can take a mysql dump of any particular table with any given condition like below

mysqldump -uusername -p -hhost databasename tablename --skip-lock-tables

If we want to add a specific where condition on table then we can use the following command

mysqldump -uusername -p -hhost databasename tablename --where="date=20140501" --skip-lock-tables

Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

For some reason I don't see the simple answer here.

Put this at the top of your code:

using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Data.SqlClient; 

Put this in Web.Config:

<connectionStrings >
         connectionString="Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;"

and where you want to setup the connection variable:

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(

psql: command not found Mac

If Postgres was downloaded and installed, running this should fix the issue:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d &&
echo /Applications/ | sudo tee 

Restart the terminal and you'll be able to use psql command.


android.content.Context.getPackageName()' on a null object reference

My class is not extends to Activiti. I solved the problem this way.

class MyOnBindViewHolder : LogicViewAdapterModel.LogicAdapter {

Using an image caption in Markdown Jekyll

If you don't want to use any plugins (which means you can push it to GitHub directly without generating the site first), you can create a new file named image.html in _includes:

<figure class="image">
  <img src="{{ include.url }}" alt="{{ include.description }}">
  <figcaption>{{ include.description }}</figcaption>

And then display the image from your markdown with:

{% include image.html url="/images/my-cat.jpg" description="My cat, Robert Downey Jr." %}

How to use Greek symbols in ggplot2?

Here is a link to an excellent wiki that explains how to put greek symbols in ggplot2. In summary, here is what you do to obtain greek symbols

  1. Text Labels: Use parse = T inside geom_text or annotate.
  2. Axis Labels: Use expression(alpha) to get greek alpha.
  3. Facet Labels: Use labeller = label_parsed inside facet.
  4. Legend Labels: Use bquote(alpha == .(value)) in legend label.

You can see detailed usage of these options in the link

EDIT. The objective of using greek symbols along the tick marks can be achieved as follows

p0 = qplot(sex, data = tips, geom = 'bar');
p1 = p0 + scale_x_discrete(labels = c('Female' = expression(alpha),
                                      'Male'   = expression(beta)));

For complete documentation on the various symbols that are available when doing this and how to use them, see ?plotmath.

How to get the python.exe location programmatically?

sys.executable is not reliable if working in an embedded python environment. My suggestions is to deduce it from

import os

byte[] to file in Java

Try an OutputStream or more specifically FileOutputStream

Fast query runs slow in SSRS

I Faced the same issue. For me it was just to unckeck the option :

Tablix Properties=> Page Break Option => Keep together on one page if possible

Of SSRS Report. It was trying to put all records on the same page instead of creating many pages.

How to convert a DataFrame back to normal RDD in pyspark?

Answer given by kennyut/Kistian works very well but to get exact RDD like output when RDD consist of list of attributes e.g. [1,2,3,4] we can use flatmap command as below,

rdd = df.rdd.flatMap(list)
rdd = df.rdd.flatmap(lambda x: list(x))

Password must have at least one non-alpha character

  function randomPassword(length) {
        var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz#$%ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP1234567890";
        var pass = "";
        for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) {
            var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
            pass += chars.charAt(i);
        var pattern = false;
        var passwordpattern = new RegExp("[^a-zA-Z0-9+]+[0-9+]+[A-Z+]+[a-z+]");
        pattern = passwordpattern.test(pass);
        if (pattern == true)
            { alert(pass); }
         { randomPassword(length); }

try this to create the random password with atleast one special character

MD5 hashing in Android

The accepted answer didn't work for me in Android 2.2. I don't know why, but it was "eating" some of my zeros (0) . Apache commons also didn't work on Android 2.2, because it uses methods that are supported only starting from Android 2.3.x. Also, if you want to just MD5 a string, Apache commons is too complex for that. Why one should keep a whole library to use just a small function from it...

Finally I found the following code snippet here which worked perfectly for me. I hope it will be useful for someone...

public String MD5(String md5) {
   try { md ="MD5");
        byte[] array = md.digest(md5.getBytes("UTF-8"));
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
          sb.append(Integer.toHexString((array[i] & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1,3));
        return sb.toString();
    } catch ( e) {
    } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException ex){
    return null;

SQL Server: Database stuck in "Restoring" state

I have got the MyDbName (Restoring...) case because of SQL Express licensed limit.

In the log file, I found this:

CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limit of 10240 MB per database.

So if you are trying to restore a bigger database, you need to switch your SQL Express server to Developer edition for instance.

C: What is the difference between ++i and i++?

i++: In this scenario first the value is assigned and then increment happens.

++i: In this scenario first the increment is done and then value is assigned

Below is the image visualization and also here is a nice practical video which demonstrates the same.

enter image description here

How to install PostgreSQL's pg gem on Ubuntu?

Installing libpq-dev did not work for me. I also needed to install build-essential

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev build-essential

How to show a confirm message before delete?

I'm useing this way (in laravel)-

<form id="delete-{{$category->id}}" action="{{route('category.destroy',$category->id)}}" style="display: none;" method="POST">

<a href="#" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure want to delete this item?')) {
  <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>

Convert DOS line endings to Linux line endings in Vim

:g/Ctrl-v Ctrl-m/s///

CtrlM is the character \r, or carriage return, which DOS line endings add. CtrlV tells Vim to insert a literal CtrlM character at the command line.

Taken as a whole, this command replaces all \r with nothing, removing them from the ends of lines.

How to pass a variable to the SelectCommand of a SqlDataSource?

try with this.

Protected Sub SqlDataSource_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) Handles SqlDataSource.Selecting

    e.Command.CommandText = "SELECT [ImageID],[ImagePath] FROM [TblImage] where IsActive = 1"

    End Sub

What's the difference between "2*2" and "2**2" in Python?

A double asterisk means to the power of. A single asterisk means multiplied by. 22 is the same as 2x2 which is why both answers came out as 4.

Move_uploaded_file() function is not working

You are not refering to the temporary location where the file is saved.

Use tmp_name to access the file.

You can always see what's getting posted using :

echo "<pre>"; 

If you see this files array you will have an better understanding and idea of what's going on.

What are Transient and Volatile Modifiers?

Volatile means other threads can edit that particular variable. So the compiler allows access to them.

Transient means that when you serialize an object, it will return its default value on de-serialization

Which is a better way to check if an array has more than one element?

For checking an array empty() is better than sizeof().

If the array contains huge amount of data. It will takes more times for counting the size of the array. But checking empty is always easy.

//for empty
     echo 'Data exist';
     echo 'No data';

 //for sizeof
      echo 'Data exist';
    echo 'No data';

python: Appending a dictionary to a list - I see a pointer like behavior

You are correct in that your list contains a reference to the original dictionary.

a.append(b.copy()) should do the trick.

Bear in mind that this makes a shallow copy. An alternative is to use copy.deepcopy(b), which makes a deep copy.

PHP Check for NULL

Make sure that the value of the column is really NULL and not an empty string or 0.

How to highlight text using javascript

You can use the jquery highlight effect.

But if you are interested in raw javascript code, take a look at what I got Simply copy paste into an HTML, open the file and click "highlight" - this should highlight the word "fox". Performance wise I think this would do for small text and a single repetition (like you specified)

function highlight(text) {_x000D_
  var inputText = document.getElementById("inputText");_x000D_
  var innerHTML = inputText.innerHTML;_x000D_
  var index = innerHTML.indexOf(text);_x000D_
  if (index >= 0) { _x000D_
   innerHTML = innerHTML.substring(0,index) + "<span class='highlight'>" + innerHTML.substring(index,index+text.length) + "</span>" + innerHTML.substring(index + text.length);_x000D_
   inputText.innerHTML = innerHTML;_x000D_
.highlight {_x000D_
  background-color: yellow;_x000D_
<button onclick="highlight('fox')">Highlight</button>_x000D_
<div id="inputText">_x000D_
  The fox went over the fence_x000D_


Using replace

I see this answer gained some popularity, I thought I might add on it. You can also easily use replace

"the fox jumped over the fence".replace(/fox/,"<span>fox</span>");

Or for multiple occurrences (not relevant for the question, but was asked in comments) you simply add global on the replace regular expression.

"the fox jumped over the other fox".replace(/fox/g,"<span>fox</span>");

Hope this helps to the intrigued commenters.

Replacing the HTML to the entire web-page

to replace the HTML for an entire web-page, you should refer to innerHTML of the document's body.


Gradle - Error Could not find method implementation() for arguments []

So ridiculous, but I still wanna share my experience in case of that someone falls into the situation like me.

Please check if you changed: compileSdkVersion --> implementationSdkVersion by mistake

How to solve ' a 'type', which is not valid in the given context'? (C#)

You forgot to specify the variable name. It should be CERas.CERAS newCeras = new CERas.CERAS();

Server.Transfer Vs. Response.Redirect

Response.Redirect is more costly since it adds an extra trip to the server to figure out where to go.

Server.Transfer is more efficient however it can be a little mis-leading to the user since the Url doesn't physically change.

In my experience, the difference in performance has not been significant enough to use the latter approach

Installing Python packages from local file system folder to virtualenv with pip

An option --find-links does the job and it works from requirements.txt file!

You can put package archives in some folder and take the latest one without changing the requirements file, for example requirements:


Now in requirements/base.txt put:


A neat way to update proprietary packages, just drop new one in the folder

In this way you can install packages from local folder AND pypi with the same single call: pip install -r requirements/production.txt

PS. See my cookiecutter-djangopackage fork to see how to split requirements and use folder based requirements organization.

Webdriver Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms

I had the exact same problem running docker but I found the solution in the log preceding the error you've mentioned.

selenium_1  | 2016-11-11 11:19:34,498 DEBG 'xvfb' stderr output:
selenium_1  | (EE)
selenium_1  | Fatal server error:
selenium_1  | (EE) Server is already active for display 99
selenium_1  |   If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X99-lock
selenium_1  |   and start again.
selenium_1  | (EE)

I've followed the advice and problem has been sorted out.

Rails 4: how to use $(document).ready() with turbo-links

Instead of using a variable to save the "ready" function and bind it to the events, you might want to trigger the ready event whenever page:load triggers.

$(document).on('page:load', function() {

How do you get the current time of day?

This can be a possible solution:

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string time = now.ToString("T");

angular 2 ngIf and CSS transition/animation

According to the latest angular 2 documentation you can animate "Entering and Leaving" elements (like in angular 1).

Example of simple fade animation:

In relevant @Component add:

animations: [
  trigger('fadeInOut', [
    transition(':enter', [   // :enter is alias to 'void => *'
      animate(500, style({opacity:1})) 
    transition(':leave', [   // :leave is alias to '* => void'
      animate(500, style({opacity:0})) 

Do not forget to add imports

import {style, state, animate, transition, trigger} from '@angular/animations';

The relevant component's html's element should look like:

<div *ngIf="toggle" [@fadeInOut]>element</div>

I built example of slide and fade animation here.

Explanation on 'void' and '*':

  • void is the state when ngIf is set to false (it applies when the element is not attached to a view).
  • * - There can be many animation states (read more in docs). The * state takes precedence over all of them as a "wildcard" (in my example this is the state when ngIf is set to true).

Notice (taken from angular docs):

Extra declare inside the app module, import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

Angular animations are built on top of the standard Web Animations API and run natively on browsers that support it. For other browsers, a polyfill is required. Grab web-animations.min.js from GitHub and add it to your page.

How to get the size of a string in Python?

The most Pythonic way is to use the len(). Keep in mind that the '\' character in escape sequences is not counted and can be dangerous if not used correctly.

>>> len('foo')
>>> len('\foo')
>>> len('\xoo')
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: truncated \xXX escape

How to keep the spaces at the end and/or at the beginning of a String?

If you need the space for the purpose of later concatenating it with other strings, then you can use the string formatting approach of adding arguments to your string definition:

<string name="error_">Error: %s</string>

Then for format the string (eg if you have an error returned by the server, otherwise use getString(R.string.string_resource_example)):

String message = context.getString(R.string.error_, "Server error message here")

Which results in:

Error: Server error message here

TypeError: $.browser is undefined

I did solved using this jquery for Github

<script src=""></script>

Please Refer this link for more info.

How to read a file from jar in Java?

Just for completeness, there has recently been a question on the Jython mailinglist where one of the answers referred to this thread.

The question was how to call a Python script that is contained in a .jar file from within Jython, the suggested answer is as follows (with "InputStream" as explained in one of the answers above:


Sending message through WhatsApp

With this code you can open the whatsapp chat with the given number.

void openWhatsappContact(String number) {
    Uri uri = Uri.parse("smsto:" + number);
    Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, uri);
    startActivity(Intent.createChooser(i, ""));

Creating a div element in jQuery

All these worked for me,

HTML part:

<div id="targetDIV" style="border: 1px solid Red">
    This text is surrounded by a DIV tag whose id is "targetDIV".

JavaScript code:

//Way 1: appendTo()
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("<div>hello stackoverflow users</div>").appendTo("#targetDIV"); //appendTo: Append at inside bottom

//Way 2: prependTo()
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("<div>Hello, Stack Overflow users</div>").prependTo("#targetDIV"); //prependTo: Append at inside top

//Way 3: html()
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#targetDIV").html("<div>Hello, Stack Overflow users</div>"); //.html(): Clean HTML inside and append

//Way 4: append()
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#targetDIV").append("<div>Hello, Stack Overflow users</div>"); //Same as appendTo

Get Client Machine Name in PHP


echo getenv('COMPUTERNAME');

This will return your computername.

How do you make an anchor link non-clickable or disabled?

Jason MacDonald comments worked for me, tested in Chrome, Mozila and IE.

Added gray color to show disable effect.

    pointer-events: none;
    **color:#c0c0c0 !important;**

Jquery was selecting only first element in the anchor list, added meta character (*) to select and disable all element with id #ThisLink.


Getting MAC Address

I dont know of a unified way, but heres something that you might find useful:

What I would do in this case would be to wrap these up into a function, and based on the OS it would run the proper command, parse as required and return only the MAC address formatted as you want. Its ofcourse all the same, except that you only have to do it once, and it looks cleaner from the main code.

Installing PDO driver on MySQL Linux server

If you need a CakePHP Docker Container with MySQL, I have created a Docker image for that purpose! No need to worry about setting it up. It just works!

Here's how I installed in Ubuntu-based image:

RUN docker-php-ext-install mysql mysqli pdo pdo_mysql

Building and running your application is just a 2 step process (considering you are in the current directory of the app):

$ docker build -t myCakePhpApp .
$ docker run -ti myCakePhpApp

How should I use Outlook to send code snippets?

Would sending the mail as plain-text sort this?

"How to Send a Plain Text Message in Outlook":

  • Select Actions | New Mail Message Using | Plain Text from the menu in Outlook.
  • Create your message as usual.
  • Click Send to deliver it.

Being plain text it shouldn't screw up your code, with "smart" quotes, auto-capitalisation and such.

Another possible option, if this is a common problem within the company perhaps you could setup an internal code-paste site, there's plenty of open-source ones around, like Open Pastebin

Calculate distance between two points in google maps V3

Example using GPS latitude/longitude of 2 points.

var latitude1 = 39.46;
var longitude1 = -0.36;
var latitude2 = 40.40;
var longitude2 = -3.68;

var distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(new google.maps.LatLng(latitude1, longitude1), new google.maps.LatLng(latitude2, longitude2));       

Is there a default password to connect to vagrant when using `homestead ssh` for the first time?

On a Windows machine I was able to log to to ssh from git bash with
ssh vagrant@VAGRANT_SERVER_IP without providing a password

Using Bitvise SSH client on window
Server port: 22
Username: vagrant
Password: vagrant

Google Maps API - how to get latitude and longitude from Autocomplete without showing the map?


<input type="text" id="address" name="address" value=""> //Autocomplete input address

<input type="hidden" name="s_latitude" id="s_latitude" value="" /> //get latitude
<input type="hidden" name="s_longitude" id="s_longitude" value="" /> //get longitude


<script src=""
async defer></script>

var input = document.getElementById('address');
var originLatitude = document.getElementById('s_latitude');
var originLongitude = document.getElementById('s_longitude');

var originAutocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);

originAutocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function(event) {
    var place = originAutocomplete.getPlace();

    if (place.hasOwnProperty('place_id')) {
        if (!place.geometry) {
                // window.alert("Autocomplete's returned place contains no geometry");
        originLatitude.value =;
        originLongitude.value = place.geometry.location.lng();
    } else {
        }, function(results, status) {
            if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
                originLatitude.value = results[0];
                originLongitude.value = results[0].geometry.location.lng();

How can I convert a stack trace to a string?

If you are developing for Android, a far easier way is to use this:

import android.util.Log;

String stackTrace = Log.getStackTraceString(exception); 

The format is the same as getStacktrace, for e.g.

09-24 16:09:07.042: I/System.out(4844): java.lang.NullPointerException
09-24 16:09:07.042: I/System.out(4844):   at com.temp.ttscancel.MainActivity.onCreate(
09-24 16:09:07.042: I/System.out(4844):   at
09-24 16:09:07.043: I/System.out(4844):   at
09-24 16:09:07.043: I/System.out(4844):   at
09-24 16:09:07.043: I/System.out(4844):   at
09-24 16:09:07.043: I/System.out(4844):   at$800(
09-24 16:09:07.043: I/System.out(4844):   at$H.handleMessage(
09-24 16:09:07.043: I/System.out(4844):   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-24 16:09:07.043: I/System.out(4844):   at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-24 16:09:07.044: I/System.out(4844):   at
09-24 16:09:07.044: I/System.out(4844):   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
09-24 16:09:07.044: I/System.out(4844):   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
09-24 16:09:07.044: I/System.out(4844):   at$
09-24 16:09:07.044: I/System.out(4844):   at

Mocking a function to raise an Exception to test an except block

Your mock is raising the exception just fine, but the error.resp.status value is missing. Rather than use return_value, just tell Mock that status is an attribute:

barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')

Additional keyword arguments to Mock() are set as attributes on the resulting object.

I put your foo and bar definitions in a my_tests module, added in the HttpError class so I could use it too, and your test then can be ran to success:

>>> from my_tests import foo, HttpError
>>> import mock
>>> with mock.patch('') as barMock:
...     barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')
...     result =
404 - 
>>> result is None

You can even see the print '404 - %s' % error.message line run, but I think you wanted to use error.content there instead; that's the attribute HttpError() sets from the second argument, at any rate.

How to configure XAMPP to send mail from localhost?

As in my personal experience I found that very similar thing to Vikas Dwivedi answer will work just fine.

Step 1 (php.ini file)

In php.ini file located in xampp\php\php.ini. Change settings to the following:

 [mail function]
 sendmail_path =":\xampp7\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

Turn off other variables under mail funciton by putting ; before them. e.g ;smtp_port=25

Step 2 (sendmail.ini file)

In sendmail.ini located in xampp\sendmail\semdmail.ini change to the following:
 [email protected]

Step 3 (code)

Create a php file and use the following:

    mail($to, "subject", "body", "From: ".$from);


  • You need to restart apache in order for php.ini to reload.
  • you need to activate Google Less secure app access in
  • It might help to run Xampp with Admin permission.

Can't use WAMP , port 80 is used by IIS 7.5

Left Click on wamp go to apache> select http.config Listen [::0]:8080

How to add to an NSDictionary

When ever the array is declared, then only we have to add the key-value's in NSDictionary like

NSDictionary *normalDict = [[NSDictionary alloc]initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Value1",@"Key1",@"Value2",@"Key2",@"Value3",@"Key3",nil];

we cannot add or remove the key values in this NSDictionary

Where as in NSMutableDictionary we can add the objects after intialization of array also by using this method

NSMutableDictionary *mutableDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];'
[mutableDict setObject:@"Value1" forKey:@"Key1"];
[mutableDict setObject:@"Value2" forKey:@"Key2"];
[mutableDict setObject:@"Value3" forKey:@"Key3"];

for removing the key value we have to use the following code

[mutableDict removeObject:@"Value1" forKey:@"Key1"];

How to restrict SSH users to a predefined set of commands after login?

You can also restrict keys to permissible commands (in the authorized_keys file).

I.e. the user would not log in via ssh and then have a restricted set of commands but rather would only be allowed to execute those commands via ssh (e.g. "ssh somehost bin/showlogfile")

How to specify the actual x axis values to plot as x axis ticks in R

In case of plotting time series, the command ts.plot requires a different argument than xaxt="n"

ts.plot(ldeaths, mdeaths, xlab="year", ylab="deaths", lty=c(1:2), gpars=list(xaxt="n"))
axis(1, at = seq(1974, 1980, by = 2))

What is ADT? (Abstract Data Type)

To solve problems we combine the data structure with their operations. An ADT consists of two parts:

  1. Declaration of Data.
  2. Declaration of Operation.

Commonly used ADT's are Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues, Trees etc. While defining ADTs we don't need to worry about implementation detals. They come into picture only when we want to use them.

How to make a char string from a C macro's value?

#include <stdio.h>

#define QUOTEME(x) #x

#ifndef TEST_FUN
#  define TEST_FUN func_name

int main(void)
    return 0;

Reference: Wikipedia's C preprocessor page

Java Loop every minute

If you are using a SpringBoot application it's as simple as


public class ScheduledProcess {

    @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
    public void run() {"this runs every 5 seconds..");



public class SchedulingTasksApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {;


There are only 3 joins:

  • A) Cross Join = Cartesian (E.g: Table A, Table B)
  • B) Inner Join = JOIN (E.g: Table A Join/Inner Join Table B)
  • C) Outer join:

       There are three type of outer join
       1)  Left Outer Join     = Left Join
       2)  Right Outer Join    = Right Join
       3)  Full Outer Join     = Full Join    

Hope it'd help.

403 Forbidden error when making an ajax Post request in Django framework

Make sure you aren't caching the page/view that your form is showing up on. It could be caching your CSRF_TOKEN. Happened to me!

How to call Android contacts list?

        Cursor phones = getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null,null,null, null);
        while (phones.moveToNext())
        String Name=phones.getString(phones.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME)
        String Number=phones.getString(phones.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER));


'this' is undefined in JavaScript class methods

In ES2015 a.k.a ES6, class is a syntactic sugar for functions.

If you want to force to set a context for this you can use bind() method. As @chetan pointed, on invocation you can set the context as well! Check the example below:

class Form extends React.Component {
constructor() {
  handleChange(e) {
    switch ( {
      case 'owner':
  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.handleNewCodeBlock}>
        <p>Owner:</p> <input onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} />

Here we forced the context inside handleChange() to Form.

How can you use optional parameters in C#?

You could use method overloading...

GetFooBar(int a)
GetFooBar(int a, int b)

It depends on the method signatures, the example I gave is missing the "int b" only method because it would have the same signature as the "int a" method.

You could use Nullable types...

GetFooBar(int? a, int? b)

You could then check, using a.HasValue, to see if a parameter has been set.

Another option would be to use a 'params' parameter.

GetFooBar(params object[] args)

If you wanted to go with named parameters would would need to create a type to handle them, although I think there is already something like this for web apps.

How to enable TLS 1.2 in Java 7

I had similar issue when connecting to RDS Oracle even when client and server were both set to TLSv1.2 the certs was right and java was 1.8.0_141 So Finally I had to apply patch at Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files

After applying the patch the issue went away and connection went fine.

Excel Formula: Count cells where value is date

Here's my solution. If your cells will contain only dates or blanks, just compare it to another date. If the cell can be converted to date, it will be counted.

## Counts all the dates in column C

Caution, cells with numbers will be counted.

How do I create a new user in a SQL Azure database?

Check out this link for all of the information :

First you need to create a login for SQL Azure, its syntax is as follows:

CREATE LOGIN username WITH password='password';

This command needs to run in master db. Only afterwards can you run commands to create a user in the database. The way SQL Azure or SQL Server works is that there is a login created first at the server level and then it is mapped to a user in every database.


execute function after complete page load

this may work for you :

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
   // your code here
}, false);

or if your comfort with jquery,

// your code

$(document).ready() fires on DOMContentLoaded, but this event is not being fired consistently among browsers. This is why jQuery will most probably implement some heavy workarounds to support all the browsers. And this will make it very difficult to "exactly" simulate the behavior using plain Javascript (but not impossible of course).

as Jeffrey Sweeney and J Torres suggested, i think its better to have a setTimeout function, before firing the function like below :

 //your code here
}, 3000);

nodemon command is not recognized in terminal for node js server

I tried installing the nodemon globally but that doesn't worked for me. whenever i try to run it always shows me the error:

nodemon : The term 'nodemon' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling
of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
correct and try again.

2. I have found two solutions for this

solution 1:

What i have tried is to update the "scripts" in package.json file and there i have added

"server": "nodemon app.js"

above line of code and after that

npm run server

Soluton 2:

  1. Press the Windows key.

  2. Type "Path" in the search box and select "Edit the system environment variables"

  3. Click on "Environment Variables" near the bottom.

  4. In the "System Variables" section double click on the "Path" variable.

  5. Click "New" on the right-hand side.

  6. Copy and paste this into the box (replace [Username]):


  1. restart your terminal and VSCode.

  2. Then type nodemon app.js to run the nodemon

i applied solution 2 as we just need to run nodemon [filename.js]

jQuery ajax upload file in mvc

Upload files using AJAX in ASP.Net MVC

Things have changed since HTML5


document.getElementById('uploader').onsubmit = function () {
    var formdata = new FormData(); //FormData object
    var fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');
    //Iterating through each files selected in fileInput
    for (i = 0; i < fileInput.files.length; i++) {
        //Appending each file to FormData object
        formdata.append(fileInput.files[i].name, fileInput.files[i]);
    //Creating an XMLHttpRequest and sending
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/Home/Upload');
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
    return false;


public JsonResult Upload()
    for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++)
        HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[i]; //Uploaded file
        //Use the following properties to get file's name, size and MIMEType
        int fileSize = file.ContentLength;
        string fileName = file.FileName;
        string mimeType = file.ContentType;
        System.IO.Stream fileContent = file.InputStream;
        //To save file, use SaveAs method
        file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/")+ fileName ); //File will be saved in application root
    return Json("Uploaded " + Request.Files.Count + " files");


<form id="uploader">
    <input id="fileInput" type="file" multiple>
    <input type="submit" value="Upload file" />

How to change legend size with matplotlib.pyplot

you can reduce the legend size setting:

plt.legend(labelspacing=y, handletextpad=x,fontsize)  

labelspacing is the vertical space between each label.

handletextpad is the distance between the actual legend and your label.

And fontsize is self-explanatory

Explain the "setUp" and "tearDown" Python methods used in test cases

You can use these to factor out code common to all tests in the test suite.

If you have a lot of repeated code in your tests, you can make them shorter by moving this code to setUp/tearDown.

You might use this for creating test data (e.g. setting up fakes/mocks), or stubbing out functions with fakes.

If you're doing integration testing, you can use check environmental pre-conditions in setUp, and skip the test if something isn't set up properly.

For example:

class TurretTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.turret_factory = TurretFactory()
        self.turret = self.turret_factory.CreateTurret()

    def test_turret_is_on_by_default(self):
        self.assertEquals(True, self.turret.is_on())

    def test_turret_turns_can_be_turned_off(self):
        self.assertEquals(False, self.turret.is_on())

Which keycode for escape key with jQuery

Just posting an updated answer than e.keyCode is considered DEPRECATED on MDN.

Rather you should opt for e.key instead which supports clean names for everything. Here is the relevant copy pasta

window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
  if (event.defaultPrevented) {
    return; // Do nothing if the event was already processed

  switch (event.key) {
    case "ArrowDown":
      // Do something for "down arrow" key press.
    case "ArrowUp":
      // Do something for "up arrow" key press.
    case "ArrowLeft":
      // Do something for "left arrow" key press.
    case "ArrowRight":
      // Do something for "right arrow" key press.
    case "Enter":
      // Do something for "enter" or "return" key press.
    case "Escape":
      // Do something for "esc" key press.
      return; // Quit when this doesn't handle the key event.

  // Cancel the default action to avoid it being handled twice
}, true);

Bootstrap 3 panel header with buttons wrong position

I'm a little late to the game here, but the simple answer is to move the H4 AFTER the button div. This is a common issue when floating, always have your floats defined BEFORE the rest of the contents or you'll have that extra line-break problem.

<div class="panel-heading">
    <div class="btn-group pull-right">
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">## Lock</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">## Delete</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">## Move</a>
    <h4>Panel header</h4>

The issue here is that when your floats are defined after other items, the float's top will start at the last line-position of the element immediately before it. So, if the previous item wraps to line 3, your float will start at line 3 too.

Moving the float to the TOP of the list eliminates the issue because there are no previous elements to push it down and anything after the float will be rendered at the top line (assuming there is room on the line for all items)

Example of correct and incorrect ordering and the effects:

How do I check if a variable exists?

Short variant:

my_var = some_value if 'my_var' not in globals() else my_var:

How to print a debug log?

This a great tool for debugging & logging php: PHp Debugger & Logger

It works right out of the box with just 3 lines of code. It can send messages to the js console for ajax debugging and can replace the error handler. It also dumps information about variables like var_dump() and print_r(), but in a more readable format. Very nice tool!

Button background as transparent





UIViewController viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: What is the proper division of labor?

Depends, Do you need the data to be loaded each time you open the view? or only once?

enter image description here

  • Red : They don't require to change every time. Once they are loaded they stay as how they were.
  • Purple: They need to change over time or after you load each time. You don't want to see the same 3 suggested users to follow, it needs to be reloaded every time you come back to the screen. Their photos may get updated... you don't want to see a photo from 5 years ago...

viewDidLoad: Whatever processing you have that needs to be done once.
viewWilLAppear: Whatever processing that needs to change every time the page is loaded.

Labels, icons, button titles or most dataInputedByDeveloper usually don't change. Names, photos, links, button status, lists (input Arrays for your tableViews or collectionView) or most dataInputedByUser usually do change.

How to programmatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting?

Is this on the client side of things??

If so, you need to create an instance of WsHttpBinding, and an EndpointAddress, and then pass those two to the proxy client constructor that takes these two as parameters.

// using System.ServiceModel;
WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding();
EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://localhost:9000/MyService"));

MyServiceClient client = new MyServiceClient(binding, endpoint);

If it's on the server side of things, you'll need to programmatically create your own instance of ServiceHost, and add the appropriate service endpoints to it.

ServiceHost svcHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService), null);

                           new WSHttpBinding(), 

Of course you can have multiple of those service endpoints added to your service host. Once you're done, you need to open the service host by calling the .Open() method.

If you want to be able to dynamically - at runtime - pick which configuration to use, you could define multiple configurations, each with a unique name, and then call the appropriate constructor (for your service host, or your proxy client) with the configuration name you wish to use.

E.g. you could easily have:

<endpoint address="http://mydomain/MyService.svc"
        binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IASRService"
            <dns value="localhost" />

<endpoint address="https://mydomain/MyService2.svc"
        binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="SecureHttpBinding_IASRService"
            <dns value="localhost" />

<endpoint address="net.tcp://mydomain/MyService3.svc"
        binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="NetTcpBinding_IASRService"
            <dns value="localhost" />

(three different names, different parameters by specifying different bindingConfigurations) and then just pick the right one to instantiate your server (or client proxy).

But in both cases - server and client - you have to pick before actually creating the service host or the proxy client. Once created, these are immutable - you cannot tweak them once they're up and running.


Android Open External Storage directory(sdcard) for storing file

Complementing rijul gupta answer:

String strSDCardPath = System.getenv("SECONDARY_STORAGE");

    if ((strSDCardPath == null) || (strSDCardPath.length() == 0)) {
        strSDCardPath = System.getenv("EXTERNAL_SDCARD_STORAGE");

    //If may get a full path that is not the right one, even if we don't have the SD Card there. 
    //We just need the "/mnt/extSdCard/" i.e and check if it's writable
    if(strSDCardPath != null) {
        if (strSDCardPath.contains(":")) {
            strSDCardPath = strSDCardPath.substring(0, strSDCardPath.indexOf(":"));
        File externalFilePath = new File(strSDCardPath);

        if (externalFilePath.exists() && externalFilePath.canWrite()){
            //do what you need here

How to track down access violation "at address 00000000"

You start looking near that code that you know ran, and you stop looking when you reach the code you know didn't run.

What you're looking for is probably some place where your program calls a function through a function pointer, but that pointer is null.

It's also possible you have stack corruption. You might have overwritten a function's return address with zero, and the exception occurs at the end of the function. Check for possible buffer overflows, and if you are calling any DLL functions, make sure you used the right calling convention and parameter count.

This isn't an ordinary case of using a null pointer, like an unassigned object reference or PChar. In those cases, you'll have a non-zero "at address x" value. Since the instruction occurred at address zero, you know the CPU's instruction pointer was not pointing at any valid instruction. That's why the debugger can't show you which line of code caused the problem — there is no line of code. You need to find it by finding the code that lead up to the place where the CPU jumped to the invalid address.

The call stack might still be intact, which should at least get you pretty close to your goal. If you have stack corruption, though, you might not be able to trust the call stack.

How to connect to LocalDB in Visual Studio Server Explorer?

Visual Studio 2015 RC, has LocalDb 12 installed, similar instructions to before but still shouldn't be required to know 'magic', before hand to use this, the default instance should have been turned on ... Rant complete, no for solution:

cmd> sqllocaldb start

Which will display

LocalDB instance "MSSQLLocalDB" started.

Your instance name might differ. Either way pop over to VS and open Server Explorer, right click Data Connections, choose Add, choose SQL Server, in the server name type:


Without entering in a DB name, click 'Test Connection'.

How do I inject a controller into another controller in AngularJS

use typescript for your coding, because it's object oriented, strictly typed and easy to maintain the code ...

for more info about typescipt click here

Here one simple example I have created to share data between two controller using Typescript...

module Demo {
//create only one module for single Applicaiton
angular.module('app', []);
//Create a searvie to share the data
export class CommonService {
    sharedData: any;
    constructor() {
        this.sharedData = "send this data to Controller";
//add Service to module app
angular.module('app').service('CommonService', CommonService);

//Create One controller for one purpose
export class FirstController {
    dataInCtrl1: any;
    //Don't forget to inject service to access data from service
    static $inject = ['CommonService']
    constructor(private commonService: CommonService) { }
    public getDataFromService() {
        this.dataInCtrl1 = this.commonService.sharedData;
//add controller to module app
angular.module('app').controller('FirstController', FirstController);
export class SecondController {
    dataInCtrl2: any;
    static $inject = ['CommonService']
    constructor(private commonService: CommonService) { }
    public getDataFromService() {
        this.dataInCtrl2 = this.commonService.sharedData;
angular.module('app').controller('SecondController', SecondController);


Set 4 Space Indent in Emacs in Text Mode

(setq tab-width 4)
(setq tab-stop-list '(4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80))
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)

What is a faster alternative to Python's http.server (or SimpleHTTPServer)?

If you use Mercurial, you can use the built in HTTP server. In the folder you wish to serve up:

hg serve

From the docs:

export the repository via HTTP

    Start a local HTTP repository browser and pull server.

    By default, the server logs accesses to stdout and errors to
    stderr. Use the "-A" and "-E" options to log to files.


 -A --accesslog       name of access log file to write to
 -d --daemon          run server in background
    --daemon-pipefds  used internally by daemon mode
 -E --errorlog        name of error log file to write to
 -p --port            port to listen on (default: 8000)
 -a --address         address to listen on (default: all interfaces)
    --prefix          prefix path to serve from (default: server root)
 -n --name            name to show in web pages (default: working dir)
    --webdir-conf     name of the webdir config file (serve more than one repo)
    --pid-file        name of file to write process ID to
    --stdio           for remote clients
 -t --templates       web templates to use
    --style           template style to use
 -6 --ipv6            use IPv6 in addition to IPv4
    --certificate     SSL certificate file

use "hg -v help serve" to show global options

How to call getClass() from a static method in Java?

As for the code example in the question, the standard solution is to reference the class explicitly by its name, and it is even possible to do without getClassLoader() call:

class MyClass {
  public static void startMusic() {
    URL songPath = MyClass.class.getResource("background.midi");

This approach still has a back side that it is not very safe against copy/paste errors in case you need to replicate this code to a number of similar classes.

And as for the exact question in the headline, there is a trick posted in the adjacent thread:

Class currentClass = new Object() { }.getClass().getEnclosingClass();

It uses a nested anonymous Object subclass to get hold of the execution context. This trick has a benefit of being copy/paste safe...

Caution when using this in a Base Class that other classes inherit from:

It is also worth noting that if this snippet is shaped as a static method of some base class then currentClass value will always be a reference to that base class rather than to any subclass that may be using that method.

How to convert an integer (time) to HH:MM:SS::00 in SQL Server 2008?

declare @T int

set @T = 10455836
--set @T = 421151

select (@T / 1000000) % 100 as hour,
       (@T / 10000) % 100 as minute,
       (@T / 100) % 100 as second,
       (@T % 100) * 10 as millisecond

select dateadd(hour, (@T / 1000000) % 100,
       dateadd(minute, (@T / 10000) % 100,
       dateadd(second, (@T / 100) % 100,
       dateadd(millisecond, (@T % 100) * 10, cast('00:00:00' as time(2))))))  


hour        minute      second      millisecond
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
10          45          58          360

(1 row(s) affected)


(1 row(s) affected)

angular 2 how to return data from subscribe

You just can't return the value directly because it is an async call. An async call means it is running in the background (actually scheduled for later execution) while your code continues to execute.

You also can't have such code in the class directly. It needs to be moved into a method or the constructor.

What you can do is not to subscribe() directly but use an operator like map()

export class DataComponent{
    someMethod() {
      return this.http.get(path).map(res => {
        return res.json();

In addition, you can combine multiple .map with the same Observables as sometimes this improves code clarity and keeps things separate. Example:

validateResponse = (response) => validate(response);

parseJson = (json) => JSON.parse(json);

fetchUnits() {
    return this.http.get(requestUrl).map(this.validateResponse).map(this.parseJson);

This way an observable will be return the caller can subscribe to

export class DataComponent{
    someMethod() {
      return this.http.get(path).map(res => {
        return res.json();

    otherMethod() {
      this.someMethod().subscribe(data => = data);

The caller can also be in another class. Here it's just for brevity.

data => = data


res => return res.json()

are arrow functions. They are similar to normal functions. These functions are passed to subscribe(...) or map(...) to be called from the observable when data arrives from the response. This is why data can't be returned directly, because when someMethod() is completed, the data wasn't received yet.

#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

767 bytes is the stated prefix limitation for InnoDB tables in MySQL version 5.6 (and prior versions). It's 1,000 bytes long for MyISAM tables. In MySQL version 5.7 and upwards this limit has been increased to 3072 bytes.

You also have to be aware that if you set an index on a big char or varchar field which is utf8mb4 encoded, you have to divide the max index prefix length of 767 bytes (or 3072 bytes) by 4 resulting in 191. This is because the maximum length of a utf8mb4 character is four bytes. For a utf8 character it would be three bytes resulting in max index prefix length of 254.

One option you have is to just place lower limit on your VARCHAR fields.

Another option (according to the response to this issue) is to get the subset of the column rather than the entire amount, i.e.:

ALTER TABLE `mytable` ADD UNIQUE ( column1(15), column2(200) );

Tweak as you need to get the key to apply, but I wonder if it would be worth it to review your data model regarding this entity to see if there's improvements that would allow you to implement the intended business rules without hitting the MySQL limitation.

TimeStamp on file name using PowerShell

Here's some PowerShell code that should work. You can combine most of this into fewer lines, but I wanted to keep it clear and readable.

[string]$filePath = "C:\";

[string]$directory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($filePath);
[string]$strippedFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($filePath);
[string]$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($filePath);
[string]$newFileName = $strippedFileName + [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + $extension;
[string]$newFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($directory, $newFileName);

Move-Item -LiteralPath $filePath -Destination $newFilePath;

How do I check if a Sql server string is null or empty

[Column_name] IS NULL OR LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM([Column_name]))) = 0

How do I request a file but not save it with Wget?

You can use -O- (uppercase o) to redirect content to the stdout (standard output) or to a file (even special files like /dev/null /dev/stderr /dev/stdout )

wget -O-


wget -O- > /dev/null

Or: (same result as last command)

wget -O/dev/null

Python, Matplotlib, subplot: How to set the axis range?

Using axes objects is a great approach for this. It helps if you want to interact with multiple figures and sub-plots. To add and manipulate the axes objects directly:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9))

signal_axes = fig.add_subplot(211)

fft_axes = fig.add_subplot(212)
fft = scipy.fft(rawsignal)

$rootScope.$broadcast vs. $scope.$emit

enter image description here

$scope.$emit: This method dispatches the event in the upwards direction (from child to parent)

enter image description here $scope.$broadcast: Method dispatches the event in the downwards direction (from parent to child) to all the child controllers.

enter image description here $scope.$on: Method registers to listen to some event. All the controllers which are listening to that event get notification of the broadcast or emit based on the where those fit in the child-parent hierarchy.

The $emit event can be cancelled by any one of the $scope who is listening to the event.

The $on provides the "stopPropagation" method. By calling this method the event can be stopped from propagating further.

Plunker :

In case of sibling scopes (the scopes which are not in the direct parent-child hierarchy) then $emit and $broadcast will not communicate to the sibling scopes.

enter image description here

For more details please refer to

Read an Excel file directly from a R script

Just gave the package openxlsx a try today. It worked really well (and fast).

Send POST data via raw json with postman

I was facing the same problem, following code worked for me:

$params = (array) json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), TRUE);

close fxml window by code, javafx

stage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() {
    public void handle(WindowEvent we) {                        

It is equivalent to hide. So when you are going to open it next time, you just check if the stage object is exited or not. If it is exited, you just show() i.e. ( call. Otherwise, you have to start the stage.

How do I get git to default to ssh and not https for new repositories

SSH File

~/.ssh/config file
Host *
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    LogLevel QUIET
        User git
        AddKeystoAgent yes
        UseKeychain yes
        Identityfile ~/github_rsa

Edit reponame/.git/config

[remote "origin"]
        url = [email protected]:username/repo.git

IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config

Just wanted to point out one thing missing in LazyOne's answer (I would have just commented under the answer but don't have enough rep)

In rule #2 for permanent redirect there is thing missing:


So rule #2 should look like this:

            <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="/page.html" redirectType="Permanent" />


For more information on how to use the URL Rewrite Module see this excellent documentation: URL Rewrite Module Configuration Reference

In response to @kneidels question from the comments; To match the url: topic.php?id=39 something like the following could be used:

      <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url="^topic.php$" />
        <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
          <add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="(?:id)=(\d{2})" />
        <action type="Redirect" url="/newpage/{C:1}" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />

This will match topic.php?id=ab where a is any number between 0-9 and b is also any number between 0-9. It will then redirect to /newpage/xy where xy comes from the original url. I have not tested this but it should work.

php $_POST array empty upon form submission

OK, I thought that I should put my case here .... I was getting the post array empty in specific cases .. The form works well, but some times users complain that they hit submit button, and nothing happens ..... After digging for a while, I discovered that my hosting company has a security module that checks users inputs and clears the whole post array (not only the malicious data) if it discovers so. In my example, a math teacher was trying to enter the equation: dy + dx + 0 = 0; and data was wiped completely.

To fix this, I just advise him now to enter the data in the text area as dy + dx + 0 = zero, and now it works .... This can save someone some time ..

Forward X11 failed: Network error: Connection refused

The D-Bus error can be fixed with dbus-launch :

dbus-launch command

Possible to make labels appear when hovering over a point in matplotlib?

From :

from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show
import numpy as npy
from numpy.random import rand

if 1: # picking on a scatter plot (matplotlib.collections.RegularPolyCollection)

    x, y, c, s = rand(4, 100)
    def onpick3(event):
        ind = event.ind
        print('onpick3 scatter:', ind, npy.take(x, ind), npy.take(y, ind))

    fig = figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    col = ax1.scatter(x, y, 100*s, c, picker=True)
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick3)


No module named Image

You can this query:

pip install image 

I had pillow installed, and still, I got the error that you mentioned. But after I executed the above command, the error vanished. And My program worked perfectly.

Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment

The Communicating with Other Fragments guide says the Fragments should communicate through the associated Activity.

Often you will want one Fragment to communicate with another, for example to change the content based on a user event. All Fragment-to-Fragment communication is done through the associated Activity. Two Fragments should never communicate directly.

Delete the 'first' record from a table in SQL Server, without a WHERE condition




Select into creates new table for you at the time and then insert records in it from the source table. The newly created table has the same structure as of the source table.If you try to use select into for a existing table it will produce a error, because it will try to create new table with the same name. Insert into requires the table to be exist in your database before you insert rows in it.

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?

Ugh everyone's answers on here are incomplete, and lets stop using jquery in SO answers already please. Check jquery's documentation if you want info on jquery.

Here's a generalized pure-javascript function for testing whether or not an element has scrollbars in a complete way:

// dimension - Either 'y' or 'x'
// computedStyles - (Optional) Pass in the domNodes computed styles if you already have it (since I hear its somewhat expensive)
function hasScrollBars(domNode, dimension, computedStyles) {
    dimension = dimension.toUpperCase()
    if(dimension === 'Y') {
        var length = 'Height'
    } else {
        var length = 'Width'

    var scrollLength = 'scroll'+length
    var clientLength = 'client'+length
    var overflowDimension = 'overflow'+dimension

    var hasVScroll = domNode[scrollLength] > domNode[clientLength]

    // Check the overflow and overflowY properties for "auto" and "visible" values
    var cStyle = computedStyles || getComputedStyle(domNode)
    return hasVScroll && (cStyle[overflowDimension] == "visible"
                         || cStyle[overflowDimension] == "auto"
          || cStyle[overflowDimension] == "scroll"

What .NET collection provides the fastest search

Have you considered List.BinarySearch(item)?

You said that your large collection is already sorted so this seems like the perfect opportunity? A hash would definitely be the fastest, but this brings about its own problems and requires a lot more overhead for storage.

Hashmap with Streams in Java 8 Streams to collect value of Map

Maybe the sample is oversimplified, but you don't need the Java stream API here. Just use the Map directly.

 List<String> list1 = id1.get(1); // this will return the list from your map

setup script exited with error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1

I encountered the same problem in college having installed Linux Mint for the main project of my final year, the third solution below worked for me.

When encountering this error please note before the error it may say you are missing a package or header file — you should find those and install them and verify if it works (e.g. ssl ? libssl).

For Python 2.x use:

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev

For Python 2.7 use:

$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev

For Python 3.x use:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev

or for a specific version of Python 3, replace x with the minor version in

$ sudo apt-get install python3.x-dev

jQuery validate Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeName' of null

Extract from the oficial docs:

Requires that the parent form is validated, that is, $( "form" ).validate() is called first

more about... rules

Portable way to get file size (in bytes) in shell?

wc -c < filename (short for word count, -c prints the byte count) is a portable, POSIX solution. Only the output format might not be uniform across platforms as some spaces may be prepended (which is the case for Solaris).

Do not omit the input redirection. When the file is passed as an argument, the file name is printed after the byte count.

I was worried it wouldn't work for binary files, but it works OK on both Linux and Solaris. You can try it with wc -c < /usr/bin/wc. Moreover, POSIX utilities are guaranteed to handle binary files, unless specified otherwise explicitly.

No notification sound when sending notification from firebase in android

Try this

    "to" : "DEVICE-TOKEN",

    "notification" : {
      "body"  : "NOTIFICATION BODY",
      "title" : "NOTIFICATION TITILE",
      "sound" : "default"

@note for custom notification sound:-> "sound" : "MyCustomeSound.wav"

For div to extend full height

This might be of some help:

A relevant quote:

Most attempts to accomplish this were made by assigning the property and value: div{height:100%} - this alone will not work. The reason is that without a parent defined height, the div{height:100%;} has nothing to factor 100% percent of, and will default to a value of div{height:auto;} - auto is an "as needed value" which is governed by the actual content, so that the div{height:100%} will a=only extend as far as the content demands.

The solution to the problem is found by assigning a height value to the parent container, in this case, the body element. Writing your body stlye to include height 100% supplies the needed value.

html, body { 

How to pass parameter to click event in Jquery

Better Approach:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#btn').click(function() {
      var id = $(this).attr('id');

<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" />

But, if you REALLY need to do the click handler inline, this will work:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function display(el) {
        var id = $(el).attr('id');

<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" OnClick="display(this);" />

Angular ngClass and click event for toggling class

Instead of having to create a function in the ts file you can toggle a variable from the template itself. You can then use the variable to apply a specific class to the element. Like so-

<div (click)="status=!status"  
    [ngClass]="status ? 'success' : 'danger'">                
     Some content

So when status is true the class success is applied. When it is false danger class is applied.

This will work without any additional code in the ts file.

Looping through dictionary object

It depends on what you are after in the Dictionary

Models.TestModels obj = new Models.TestModels();

foreach (var keyValuPair in obj.sp)
    // KeyValuePair<int, dynamic>

foreach (var key in obj.sp.Keys)
     // Int 

foreach (var value in obj.sp.Values)
    // dynamic

Datanode process not running in Hadoop

I Have applied some mixed configuration, and its worked for me.
First >>
Stop Hadoop all Services using ${HADOOP_HOME}/sbin/

Second >>
Check mapred-site.xml which is located at your ${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml and change the localhost to master.

Third >>
Remove the temporary folder created by hadoop
rm -rf //path//to//your//hadoop//temp//folder

Fourth >>
Add the recursive permission on temp.
sudo chmod -R 777 //path//to//your//hadoop//temp//folder

Fifth >>
Now Start all the services again. And First check that all service including datanode is running. enter image description here

PHP session handling errors

please make sure the session.save_path is set correctly in the php.ini. php needs read/write access to the directory to which this variable is set.

more information:

sorting dictionary python 3

Dictionaries are unordered by definition, What would be the main reason for ordering by key? A list of tuples created by the sort method can be used for whatever the need may have been, but changing the list of tuples back into a dictionary will return a random order

>>> myDic
{10: 'b', 3: 'a', 5: 'c'}
>>> sorted(myDic.items())
[(3, 'a'), (5, 'c'), (10, 'b')]
>>> print(dict(myDic.items()))
{10: 'b', 3: 'a', 5: 'c'}

Angular2 handling http response

in angular2 2.1.1 I was not able to catch the exception using the (data),(error) pattern, so I implemented it using .catch(...).

It's nice because it can be used with all other Observable chained methods like .retry .map etc.

import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';

  .catch(err =>  { 
     notify('UI error handling');
     return Observable.throw(err); // observable needs to be returned or exception raised
  .subscribe(data => ...) // handle success

from documentation:


(Observable): An observable sequence containing elements from consecutive source sequences until a source sequence terminates successfully.

Failed to open/create the internal network Vagrant on Windows10

I tried every single thing on this page (and thanks everyone!). Nothing worked. After literally hours and hours, I finally got it working.

My problem was that I had no error preceding "something went wrong in step ´Checking status on default´".

This line in the script failed.

VM_STATUS="$( set +e ; "${DOCKER_MACHINE}" status "${VM}" )"

Running the following line from the Command Prompt worked and returned "Running".

D:\Dev\DockerToolbox\docker-machine.exe status default

So I started following all the fixes in Github link and found the fix.

In the script, I changed the line

VM_STATUS="$( set +e ; "${DOCKER_MACHINE}" status "${VM}" )"



Create Carriage Return in PHP String?

There is also the PHP 5.0.2 PHP_EOL constant that is cross-platform !

Stackoverflow reference

Generating HTML email body in C#

If you don't want a dependency on the full .NET Framework, there's also a library that makes your code look like:

string userName = "John Doe";

var mailBody = new HTML {
    new H(1) {
        "Heading Here"
    new P {
        string.Format("Dear {0},", userName),
        new Br()
    new P {
        "First part of the email body goes here"

string htmlString = mailBody.Render();

It's open source, you can download it from

Disclaimer: I'm the author of this library, it was written to solve the same issue exactly - send an HTML email from an application.

Table and Index size in SQL Server

There is an extended stored procedure sp_spaceused that gets this information out. It's fairly convoluted to do it from the data dictionary, but This link fans out to a script that does it. This stackoverflow question has some fan-out to information on the underlying data structures that you can use to construct estimates of table and index sizes for capcity planning.

How to convert an NSString into an NSNumber

extension String {

    var numberValue:NSNumber? {
        let formatter = NumberFormatter()
        formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
        return formatter.number(from: self)

let someFloat = "12.34".numberValue

How to read file with space separated values in pandas

you can use regex as the delimiter:

pd.read_csv("whitespace.csv", header=None, delimiter=r"\s+")

How do I create a dynamic key to be added to a JavaScript object variable

Associative Arrays in JavaScript don't really work the same as they do in other languages. for each statements are complicated (because they enumerate inherited prototype properties). You could declare properties on an object/associative array as Pointy mentioned, but really for this sort of thing you should use an array with the push method:

jsArr = []; 

for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { 
    jsArr.push('example ' + 1); 

Just don't forget that indexed arrays are zero-based so the first element will be jsArr[0], not jsArr[1].

Can't push to remote branch, cannot be resolved to branch

I ran into the same issue and noticed that I had mixed up the casing while checking out the branch. I checked out branchName instead of BranchName and when I tried to push to remote, I got the same error.

The fix:

git push --set-upstream origin BranchName

By setting upstream to the correct name, the correct branch was updated on github and I was then able to checkout the correct branch name with

git checkout BranchName 

And it should be up to date with your last push.

Check if an object exists

You can also use get_object_or_404(), it will raise a Http404 if the object wasn't found:

user_pass = log_in(request.POST) #form class
if user_pass.is_valid():
    cleaned_info = user_pass.cleaned_data
    user_object = get_object_or_404(User, email=cleaned_info['username'])
    # User object found, you are good to go!

How to find the Center Coordinate of Rectangle?

The center of rectangle is the midpoint of the diagonal end points of rectangle.

Here the midpoint is ( (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2 ).

That means:
xCenter = (x1 + x2) / 2
yCenter = (y1 + y2) / 2

Let me know your code.

Get list of a class' instance methods


to get only methods that belong to that class only.

TestClass.instance_methods(false) would return the methods from your given example (since they are instance methods of TestClass).

How can I convert a dictionary into a list of tuples?

You can use list comprehensions.

[(k,v) for k,v in a.iteritems()] 

will get you [ ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3) ] and

[(v,k) for k,v in a.iteritems()] 

the other example.

Read more about list comprehensions if you like, it's very interesting what you can do with them.

How to comment multiple lines with space or indent

One way to do it would be:

  1. Select the text, Press CTRL + K, C to comment (CTRL+E+C )
  2. Move the cursor to the first line after the delimiter // and before the Code text.
  3. Press Alt + Shift and use arrow keys to make selection. (Remember to make line selection(using down, up arrow keys), not the text selection - See Box Selection and Multi line editing)
  4. Once the selection is done, press space bar to enter a single space.

Notice the vertical blue line in the below image( that will appear once the selection is made, then you can insert any number of characters in between them)

enter image description here

I couldn't find a direct way to do that. The interesting thing is that it is mentioned in the C# Coding Conventions (C# Programming Guide) under Commenting Conventions.

Insert one space between the comment delimiter (//) and the comment text

But the default implementation of commenting in visual studio doesn't insert any space

Find if current time falls in a time range

The TimeOfDay property returns a TimeSpan value.

Try the following code:

TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;

if (time > new TimeSpan(11, 59, 00)        //Hours, Minutes, Seconds
 && time < new TimeSpan(13, 01, 00)) {
    //match found

Also, new DateTime() is the same as DateTime.MinValue and will always be equal to 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM. (Value types cannot have non-empty default values) You want to use DateTime.Now.

How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically?

You can just use the View.setId(integer) for this. In the XML, even though you're setting a String id, this gets converted into an integer. Due to this, you can use any (positive) Integer for the Views you add programmatically.

According to View documentation

The identifier does not have to be unique in this view's hierarchy. The identifier should be a positive number.

So you can use any positive integer you like, but in this case there can be some views with equivalent id's. If you want to search for some view in hierarchy calling to setTag with some key objects may be handy.

Credits to this answer.

How to increment a number by 2 in a PHP For Loop

You should do it like this:

 for ($i=1; $i <=10; $i+=2) 
    echo $i.'<br>';

"+=" you can increase your variable as much or less you want. "$i+=5" or "$i+=.5"

Gradle sync failed: failed to find Build Tools revision 24.0.0 rc1

  1. Follow the below procedure to solve the error.

  2. Go to File -> Project structure.

enter image description here

  1. From the drop down box, you will know all the version of build tools that are installed in your android studio.
  2. Look for a higher version. If Gradle cannot find 24.0.0, check if 24.0.1 is present in drop down.
  3. Do a complete code search. Find all the places where "24.0.0" is found. Replace it with "24.0.1"
  4. Do a gradle sync.

How to properly exit a C# application?

Do you do:


in your Main()?

I found it a very easy way to kill the application when the form is closed.

Insert into C# with SQLCommand

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) 
    using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) 
        command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO klant(klant_id,naam,voornaam) VALUES(@param1,@param2,@param3)";  

        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param1", klantId));  
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param2", klantNaam));  
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param3", klantVoornaam));  


How to check if string contains Latin characters only?

Ahh, found the answer myself:

if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(num)) {
  alert('Letter Found')

How to get the first column of a pandas DataFrame as a Series?

From v0.11+, ... use df.iloc.

In [7]: df.iloc[:,0]
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
Name: x, dtype: int64

What does 'useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy' do in the .NET 4 config?

Here's an explanation I wrote recently to help with the void of information on this attribute.,guid,ecc34c3c-be44-4422-86b7-900900e451f9.aspx (Internet Archive Wayback Machine link)

To quote the most relevant bits:

[Installing .NET] v4 is “non-impactful”. It should not change the behavior of existing components when installed.

The useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy attribute basically lets you say, “I have some dependencies on the legacy shim APIs. Please make them work the way they used to with respect to the chosen runtime.”

Why don’t we make this the default behavior? You might argue that this behavior is more compatible, and makes porting code from previous versions much easier. If you’ll recall, this can’t be the default behavior because it would make installation of v4 impactful, which can break existing apps installed on your machine.

The full post explains this in more detail. At RTM, the MSDN docs on this should be better.

How to find sum of multiple columns in a table in SQL Server 2005?

Another example using COALESCE.

+ COALESCE(SUM(val3), 0) + COALESCE(SUM(val4), 0)) AS 'TOTAL'

How to Auto-start an Android Application?

I always get in here, for this topic. I'll put my code in here so i (or other) can use it next time. (Phew hate to search into my repository code).

Add the permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />

Add receiver and service:

<receiver android:enabled="true" android:name=".BootUpReceiver"
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<service android:name="Launcher" />

Create class Launcher:

public class Launcher extends Service {
    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {

        new AsyncTask<Service, Void, Service>() {

            protected Service doInBackground(Service... params) {
                Service service = params[0];
                PackageManager pm = service.getPackageManager();
                try {
                    Intent target = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage("");
                    if (target != null) {
                        synchronized (this) {
                    } else {
                        throw new ActivityNotFoundException();
                } catch (ActivityNotFoundException | InterruptedException ignored) {
                return service;

            protected void onPostExecute(Service service) {


        return START_STICKY;

Create class BootUpReceiver to do action after android reboot.

For example launch MainActivity:

public class BootUpReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        Intent target = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);  

getting the index of a row in a pandas apply function


1. with inside the apply(..., axis=1) call:

df = pandas.DataFrame([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], columns=['a','b','c'], index=['x','y'])

   a  b  c
x  1  2  3
y  4  5  6

df.apply(lambda row:, axis=1)

x    x
y    y

2. with iterrows() (slower)

DataFrame.iterrows() allows you to iterate over rows, and access their index:

for idx, row in df.iterrows():

Getting Python error "from: can't read /var/mail/Bio"

Same here. I had this error when running an import command from terminal without activating python3 shell through in a django project (yes, I am a newbie yet). As one must expect, activating shell allowed the command to be interpreted correctly.

./ shell

and only then

>>> from django.contrib.sites.models import Site

Spring get current ApplicationContext

Simply inject it..

private ApplicationContext appContext;

or implement this interface: ApplicationContextAware

What represents a double in sql server?

You should map it to FLOAT(53)- that's what LINQ to SQL does.

How can I make my custom objects Parcelable?

It is very easy, you can use a plugin on android studio to make objects Parcelables.

public class Persona implements Parcelable {
String nombre;
int edad;
Date fechaNacimiento;

public Persona(String nombre, int edad, Date fechaNacimiento) {
    this.nombre = nombre;
    this.edad = edad;
    this.fechaNacimiento = fechaNacimiento;

public int describeContents() {
    return 0;

public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
    dest.writeLong(fechaNacimiento != null ? fechaNacimiento.getTime() : -1);

protected Persona(Parcel in) {
    this.nombre = in.readString();
    this.edad = in.readInt();
    long tmpFechaNacimiento = in.readLong();
    this.fechaNacimiento = tmpFechaNacimiento == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpFechaNacimiento);

public static final Parcelable.Creator<Persona> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Persona>() {
    public Persona createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
        return new Persona(source);

    public Persona[] newArray(int size) {
        return new Persona[size];

Date difference in years using C#

This is the best code to calculate year and month difference:

DateTime firstDate = DateTime.Parse("1/31/2019");
DateTime secondDate = DateTime.Parse("2/1/2016");

int totalYears = firstDate.Year - secondDate.Year;
int totalMonths = 0;

if (firstDate.Month > secondDate.Month)
    totalMonths = firstDate.Month - secondDate.Month;
else if (firstDate.Month < secondDate.Month)
    totalYears -= 1;
    int monthDifference = secondDate.Month - firstDate.Month;
    totalMonths = 12 - monthDifference;

if ((firstDate.Day - secondDate.Day) == 30)
    totalMonths += 1;
    if (totalMonths % 12 == 0)
        totalYears += 1;
        totalMonths = 0;

Running an outside program (executable) in Python?

in python 2.6 use string enclosed inside quotation " and apostrophe ' marks. Also a change single / to double //. Your working example will look like this:

import os
os.system("'C://Documents and Settings//flow_model//flow.exe'") 

Also You can use any parameters if Your program ingest them.

os.system('C://"Program Files (x86)"//Maxima-gcl-5.37.3//gnuplot//bin//gnuplot -e "plot [-10:10] sin(x),atan(x),cos(atan(x)); pause mouse"')

finally You can use string variable, as an example is plotting using gnuplot directly from python:

this_program='C://"Program Files (x86)"//Maxima-gcl-5.37.3//gnuplot//bin//gnuplot'

this_par='-e "set polar; plot [-2*pi:2*pi] [-3:3] [-3:3] t*sin(t); pause -1"'
os.system(this_program+" "+this_par)