Programs & Examples On #Papervision3d

Papervision3D is an open-source real-time 3D engine for Flash. Development ended in 2010

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How to cancel/abort jQuery AJAX request?

Create a function to call your API. Within this function we define request callApiRequest = $.get(... - even though this is a definition of a variable, the request is called immediately, but now we have the request defined as a variable. Before the request is called, we check if our variable is defined typeof(callApiRequest) != 'undefined' and also if it is pending suggestCategoryRequest.state() == 'pending' - if both are true, we .abort() the request which will prevent the success callback from running.

// We need to wrap the call in a function
callApi = function () {

    //check if request is defined, and status pending
    if (typeof(callApiRequest) != 'undefined'
        && suggestCategoryRequest.state() == 'pending') {

        //abort request


    //define and make request
    callApiRequest = $.get("", function (data) {

        data = JSON.parse(data); //optional (for JSON data format)
        //success callback


Your server/API might not support aborting the request (what if API executed some code already?), but the javascript callback will not fire. This is useful, when for example you are providing input suggestions to a user, such as hashtags input.

You can further extend this function by adding definition of error callback - what should happen if request was aborted.

Common use-case for this snippet would be a text input that fires on keypress event. You can use a timeout, to prevent sending (some of) requests that you will have to cancel .abort().

How to plot a very simple bar chart (Python, Matplotlib) using input *.txt file?

This code will do what you're looking for. It's based on examples found here and here.

The autofmt_xdate() call is particularly useful for making the x-axis labels readable.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()

width = .35
ind = np.arange(len(OY)), OY, width=width)
plt.xticks(ind + width / 2, OX)



enter image description here

Query grants for a table in postgres

I already found it:

SELECT grantee, privilege_type 
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants 
WHERE table_name='mytable'

Base64: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character

Just use the below code to resolve this:

JsonObject obj = Json.createReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.getDecoder().decode(accessToken.split("\\.")[1].
                        replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/')))).readObject();

In the above code replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/') did the job. For more details see the I understood the problem from the part of the code got from that link:

function url_base64_decode(str) {
  var output = str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
  switch (output.length % 4) {
    case 0:
    case 2:
      output += '==';
    case 3:
      output += '=';
      throw 'Illegal base64url string!';
  var result = window.atob(output); //polifyll
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(result));
  } catch (err) {
    return result;

Check orientation on Android phone

i think using getRotationv() doesn't help because getRotation() Returns the rotation of the screen from its "natural" orientation.

so unless you know the "natural" orientation, rotation is meaningless.

i found an easier way,

  Display display = ((WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
  Point size = new Point();
  int width = size.x;
  int height = size.y;
    // its landscape

please tell me if there is a problem with this someone?

A html space is showing as %2520 instead of %20

Try this?

encodeURIComponent('space word').replace(/%20/g,'+')

Calling C++ class methods via a function pointer

I came here to learn how to create a function pointer (not a method pointer) from a method but none of the answers here provide a solution. Here is what I came up with:

template <class T> struct MethodHelper;
template <class C, class Ret, class... Args> struct MethodHelper<Ret (C::*)(Args...)> {
    using T = Ret (C::*)(Args...);
    template <T m> static Ret call(C* object, Args... args) {
        return (object->*m)(args...);

#define METHOD_FP(m) MethodHelper<decltype(m)>::call<m>

So for your example you would now do:

Dog dog;
using BarkFunction = void (*)(Dog*);
BarkFunction bark = METHOD_FP(&Dog::bark);
(*bark)(&dog); // or simply bark(&dog)

Using C++17, there is an even better solution:

template <auto m> struct MethodHelper;
template <class C, class Ret, class... Args, Ret (C::*m)(Args...)> struct MethodHelper<m> {
    static Ret call(C* object, Args... args) {
        return (object->*m)(args...);

which can be used directly without the macro:

Dog dog;
using BarkFunction = void (*)(Dog*);
BarkFunction bark = MethodHelper<&Dog::bark>::call;
(*bark)(&dog); // or simply bark(&dog)

For methods with modifiers like const you might need some more specializations like:

template <class C, class Ret, class... Args, Ret (C::*m)(Args...) const> struct MethodHelper<m> {
    static Ret call(const C* object, Args... args) {
        return (object->*m)(args...);

Remove header and footer from window.print()

This will be the simplest solution. I tried most of the solutions in the internet but only this helped me.

    @page :footer {color: #fff }
    @page :header {color: #fff}

Console errors. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

Learn about CORS, try is work fine


Not show a message error and continue page white, u need see error is try

enjoin us ;-)

How to apply box-shadow on all four sides?

The most simple solution and easiest way is to add shadow for all four side. CSS

box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px #ccc; /* with blur shadow*/
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #ccc; /* without blur shadow*/

OpenCV - Saving images to a particular folder of choice

FOR MAC USERS if you are working with open cv

import cv2


Error while waiting for device: Time out after 300seconds waiting for emulator to come online

Restarting ADB server works for me, but no need to go for it from command line.
Ctrl + Maj + A -> Troubleshoot Device Connections -> Next -> Next -> Restart ADB Server

enter image description here

Can the Android drawable directory contain subdirectories?

  1. Right click on Drawable
  2. Select New ---> Directory
  3. Enter the directory name. Eg: logo.png(the location will already show the drawable folder by default)
  4. Copy and paste the images directly into the drawable folder. While pasting you get an option to choose mdpi/xhdpi/xxhdpi etc for each of the images from a list. Select the appropriate option and enter the name of the image. Make sure to keep the same name as the directory name i.e logo.png
  5. Do the same for the remaining images. All of them will be placed under the logo.png main folder.

How to do a JUnit assert on a message in a logger

The API for Log4J2 is slightly different. Also you might be using its async appender. I created a latched appender for this:

    public static class LatchedAppender extends AbstractAppender implements AutoCloseable {

    private final List<LogEvent> messages = new ArrayList<>();
    private final CountDownLatch latch;
    private final LoggerConfig loggerConfig;

    public LatchedAppender(Class<?> classThatLogs, int expectedMessages) {
        this(classThatLogs, null, null, expectedMessages);
    public LatchedAppender(Class<?> classThatLogs, Filter filter, Layout<? extends Serializable> layout, int expectedMessages) {
        super(classThatLogs.getName()+"."+"LatchedAppender", filter, layout);
        latch = new CountDownLatch(expectedMessages);
        final LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
        final Configuration config = ctx.getConfiguration();
        loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig(LogManager.getLogger(classThatLogs).getName());
        loggerConfig.addAppender(this, Level.ALL, ThresholdFilter.createFilter(Level.ALL, null, null));

    public void append(LogEvent event) {

    public List<LogEvent> awaitMessages() throws InterruptedException {
        assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        return messages;

    public void close() {

Use it like this:

        try (LatchedAppender appender = new LatchedAppender(ClassUnderTest.class, 1)) {

        List<LogEvent> events = appender.awaitMessages();
        assertEquals(1, events.size());
        //more assertions here

    }//appender removed

HTML form action and onsubmit issues

You should stop the submit procedure by returning false on the onsubmit callback.

    function checkRegistration(){
            alert('Given data is not correct');
            return false;
        return true;

<form onsubmit="return checkRegistration()"...

Here you have a fully working example. The form will submit only when you write google into input, otherwise it will return an error:

    function checkRegistration(){
        var form_valid = (document.getElementById('some_input').value == 'google');
            alert('Given data is incorrect');
            return false;
        return true;

<form onsubmit="return checkRegistration()" method="get" action="">
    Write google to go to google...<br/>
    <input type="text" id="some_input" value=""/>
    <input type="submit" value="google it"/>

How to format column to number format in Excel sheet?

If your 13 digit "number" is really text, that is you don't intend to do any math on it, you can precede it with an apostrophe

Sheet3.Range("c" & k).Value = "'" & Sheet2.Range("c" & i).Value

But I don't see how a 13 digit number would ever get past the If statement because it would always be greater than 1000. Here's an alternate version

Sub CommandClick()

    Dim rCell As Range
    Dim rNext As Range

    For Each rCell In Sheet2.Range("C1:C30000").Cells
        If rCell.Value >= 100 And rCell.Value < 1000 Then
            Set rNext = Sheet3.Cells(Sheet3.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
            rNext.Resize(1, 3).Value = rCell.Offset(0, -2).Resize(1, 3).Value
        End If
    Next rCell

End Sub

Test if string is a number in Ruby on Rails

Create is_number? Method.

Create a helper method:

def is_number? string
  true if Float(string) rescue false

And then call it like this:

my_string = '12.34'

is_number?( my_string )
# => true

Extend String Class.

If you want to be able to call is_number? directly on the string instead of passing it as a param to your helper function, then you need to define is_number? as an extension of the String class, like so:

class String
  def is_number?
    true if Float(self) rescue false

And then you can call it with:

# => true

What is AF_INET, and why do I need it?

AF_INET is an address family that is used to designate the type of addresses that your socket can communicate with (in this case, Internet Protocol v4 addresses). When you create a socket, you have to specify its address family, and then you can only use addresses of that type with the socket. The Linux kernel, for example, supports 29 other address families such as UNIX (AF_UNIX) sockets and IPX (AF_IPX), and also communications with IRDA and Bluetooth (AF_IRDA and AF_BLUETOOTH, but it is doubtful you'll use these at such a low level).

For the most part, sticking with AF_INET for socket programming over a network is the safest option. There is also AF_INET6 for Internet Protocol v6 addresses.

Hope this helps,

Convert byte slice to io.Reader

r := strings(byteData)

This also works to turn []byte into io.Reader

Syntax behind sorted(key=lambda: ...)

I think all of the answers here cover the core of what the lambda function does in the context of sorted() quite nicely, however I still feel like a description that leads to an intuitive understanding is lacking, so here is my two cents.

For the sake of completeness, I'll state the obvious up front: sorted() returns a list of sorted elements and if we want to sort in a particular way or if we want to sort a complex list of elements (e.g. nested lists or a list of tuples) we can invoke the key argument.

For me, the intuitive understanding of the key argument, why it has to be callable, and the use of lambda as the (anonymous) callable function to accomplish this comes in two parts.

  1. Using lamba ultimately means you don't have to write (define) an entire function, like the one sblom provided an example of. Lambda functions are created, used, and immediately destroyed - so they don't funk up your code with more code that will only ever be used once. This, as I understand it, is the core utility of the lambda function and its applications for such roles are broad. Its syntax is purely by convention, which is in essence the nature of programmatic syntax in general. Learn the syntax and be done with it.

Lambda syntax is as follows:

lambda input_variable(s): tasty one liner


In [1]: f00 = lambda x: x/2

In [2]: f00(10)
Out[2]: 5.0

In [3]: (lambda x: x/2)(10)
Out[3]: 5.0

In [4]: (lambda x, y: x / y)(10, 2)
Out[4]: 5.0

In [5]: (lambda: 'amazing lambda')() # func with no args!
Out[5]: 'amazing lambda'
  1. The idea behind the key argument is that it should take in a set of instructions that will essentially point the 'sorted()' function at those list elements which should used to sort by. When it says key=, what it really means is: As I iterate through the list one element at a time (i.e. for e in list), I'm going to pass the current element to the function I provide in the key argument and use that to create a transformed list which will inform me on the order of final sorted list.

Check it out:

mylist = [3,6,3,2,4,8,23]
sorted(mylist, key=WhatToSortBy)

Base example:


[2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 8, 23] # all numbers are in order from small to large.

Example 1:

mylist = [3,6,3,2,4,8,23]
sorted(mylist, key=lambda x: x%2==0)

[3, 3, 23, 6, 2, 4, 8] # Does this sorted result make intuitive sense to you?

Notice that my lambda function told sorted to check if (e) was even or odd before sorting.

BUT WAIT! You may (or perhaps should) be wondering two things - first, why are my odds coming before my evens (since my key value seems to be telling my sorted function to prioritize evens by using the mod operator in x%2==0). Second, why are my evens out of order? 2 comes before 6 right? By analyzing this result, we'll learn something deeper about how the sorted() 'key' argument works, especially in conjunction with the anonymous lambda function.

Firstly, you'll notice that while the odds come before the evens, the evens themselves are not sorted. Why is this?? Lets read the docs:

Key Functions Starting with Python 2.4, both list.sort() and sorted() added a key parameter to specify a function to be called on each list element prior to making comparisons.

We have to do a little bit of reading between the lines here, but what this tells us is that the sort function is only called once, and if we specify the key argument, then we sort by the value that key function points us to.

So what does the example using a modulo return? A boolean value: True == 1, False == 0. So how does sorted deal with this key? It basically transforms the original list to a sequence of 1s and 0s.

[3,6,3,2,4,8,23] becomes [0,1,0,1,1,1,0]

Now we're getting somewhere. What do you get when you sort the transformed list?


Okay, so now we know why the odds come before the evens. But the next question is: Why does the 6 still come before the 2 in my final list? Well that's easy - its because sorting only happens once! i.e. Those 1s still represent the original list values, which are in their original positions relative to each other. Since sorting only happens once, and we don't call any kind of sort function to order the original even values from low to high, those values remain in their original order relative to one another.

The final question is then this: How do I think conceptually about how the order of my boolean values get transformed back in to the original values when I print out the final sorted list?

Sorted() is a built-in method that (fun fact) uses a hybrid sorting algorithm called Timsort that combines aspects of merge sort and insertion sort. It seems clear to me that when you call it, there is a mechanic that holds these values in memory and bundles them with their boolean identity (mask) determined by (...!) the lambda function. The order is determined by their boolean identity calculated from the lambda function, but keep in mind that these sublists (of one's and zeros) are not themselves sorted by their original values. Hence, the final list, while organized by Odds and Evens, is not sorted by sublist (the evens in this case are out of order). The fact that the odds are ordered is because they were already in order by coincidence in the original list. The takeaway from all this is that when lambda does that transformation, the original order of the sublists are retained.

So how does this all relate back to the original question, and more importantly, our intuition on how we should implement sorted() with its key argument and lambda?

That lambda function can be thought of as a pointer that points to the values we need to sort by, whether its a pointer mapping a value to its boolean transformed by the lambda function, or if its a particular element in a nested list, tuple, dict, etc., again determined by the lambda function.

Lets try and predict what happens when I run the following code.

mylist = [(3, 5, 8), (6, 2, 8), ( 2, 9, 4), (6, 8, 5)]
sorted(mylist, key=lambda x: x[1])

My sorted call obviously says, "Please sort this list". The key argument makes that a little more specific by saying, for each element (x) in mylist, return index 1 of that element, then sort all of the elements of the original list 'mylist' by the sorted order of the list calculated by the lambda function. Since we have a list of tuples, we can return an indexed element from that tuple. So we get:

[(6, 2, 8), (3, 5, 8), (6, 8, 5), (2, 9, 4)]

Run that code, and you'll find that this is the order. Try indexing a list of integers and you'll find that the code breaks.

This was a long winded explanation, but I hope this helps to 'sort' your intuition on the use of lambda functions as the key argument in sorted() and beyond.

How to have stored properties in Swift, the same way I had on Objective-C?

As in Objective-C, you can't add stored property to existing classes. If you're extending an Objective-C class (UIView is definitely one), you can still use Associated Objects to emulate stored properties:

for Swift 1

import ObjectiveC

private var xoAssociationKey: UInt8 = 0

extension UIView {
    var xo: PFObject! {
        get {
            return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &xoAssociationKey) as? PFObject
        set(newValue) {
            objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &xoAssociationKey, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN))

The association key is a pointer that should be the unique for each association. For that, we create a private global variable and use it's memory address as the key with the & operator. See the Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C on more details how pointers are handled in Swift.

UPDATED for Swift 2 and 3

import ObjectiveC

private var xoAssociationKey: UInt8 = 0

extension UIView {
    var xo: PFObject! {
        get {
            return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &xoAssociationKey) as? PFObject
        set(newValue) {
            objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &xoAssociationKey, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)

UPDATED for Swift 4

In Swift 4, it's much more simple. The Holder struct will contain the private value that our computed property will expose to the world, giving the illusion of a stored property behaviour instead.


extension UIViewController {
    struct Holder {
        static var _myComputedProperty:Bool = false
    var myComputedProperty:Bool {
        get {
            return Holder._myComputedProperty
        set(newValue) {
            Holder._myComputedProperty = newValue

How to create Toast in Flutter? use this for toast this library is pretty easy to use and perfect work for ios and android,

Syntax for show Toast:"Toast plugin app", duration: Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, gravity:  Toast.BOTTOM);

How to specify legend position in matplotlib in graph coordinates

You can change location of legend using loc argument.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot([1,2,3], label="test1")
plt.plot([3,2,1], label="test2")
# Place a legend above this subplot, expanding itself to
# fully use the given bounding box.
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
           ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)

plt.plot([1,2,3], label="test1")
plt.plot([3,2,1], label="test2")
# Place a legend to the right of this smaller subplot.
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)

Subversion stuck due to "previous operation has not finished"?

I had the same problem, and somehow found that I had a hidden .svn file at the c:\ level. Once I deleted this hidden folder (.svn), everything worked okay. I must have unintentionally created a working directory at the root drive.

Why javascript getTime() is not a function?

To use this function/method,you need an instance of the class Date .

This method is always used in conjunction with a Date object.

See the code below :

var d = new Date();

Link :

Why is HttpClient BaseAddress not working?

It turns out that, out of the four possible permutations of including or excluding trailing or leading forward slashes on the BaseAddress and the relative URI passed to the GetAsync method -- or whichever other method of HttpClient -- only one permutation works. You must place a slash at the end of the BaseAddress, and you must not place a slash at the beginning of your relative URI, as in the following example.

using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler())
using (var client = new HttpClient(handler))
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
    var response = await client.GetAsync("resource/7");

Even though I answered my own question, I figured I'd contribute the solution here since, again, this unfriendly behavior is undocumented. My colleague and I spent most of the day trying to fix a problem that was ultimately caused by this oddity of HttpClient.

How to declare and add items to an array in Python?

{} represents an empty dictionary, not an array/list. For lists or arrays, you need [].

To initialize an empty list do this:

my_list = []


my_list = list()

To add elements to the list, use append


To extend the list to include the elements from another list use extend

--> [12,1,2,3,4]

To remove an element from a list use remove


Dictionaries represent a collection of key/value pairs also known as an associative array or a map.

To initialize an empty dictionary use {} or dict()

Dictionaries have keys and values

my_dict = {'key':'value', 'another_key' : 0}

To extend a dictionary with the contents of another dictionary you may use the update method

my_dict.update({'third_key' : 1})

To remove a value from a dictionary

del my_dict['key']

AngularJS - add HTML element to dom in directive without jQuery

If your destination element is empty and will only contain the <svg> tag you could consider using ng-bind-html as follow :

Declare your HTML tag in the directive scope variable

link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) {

    scope.svgTag = '<svg width="600" height="100" class="svg"></svg>';


Then, in your directive template, just add the proper attribute at the exact place you want to append the svg tag :

<!-- start of directive template code -->
<!-- end of directive template code -->
<div ng-bind-html="svgTag"></div>

Don't forget to include ngSanitize to allow ng-bind-html to automatically parse the HTML string to trusted HTML and avoid insecure code injection warnings.

See official documentation for more details.

XPath to get all child nodes (elements, comments, and text) without parent

From the documentation of XPath ( ):

child::* selects all element children of the context node

child::text() selects all text node children of the context node

child::node() selects all the children of the context node, whatever their node type

So I guess your answer is:


And if you want a flatten array of all nested nodes:


new DateTime() vs default(DateTime)

The answer is no. Keep in mind that in both cases, mdDate.Kind = DateTimeKind.Unspecified.

Therefore it may be better to do the following:

DateTime myDate = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

The myDate.Kind property is readonly, so it cannot be changed after the constructor is called.

In Postgresql, force unique on combination of two columns

CREATE TABLE someTable (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    col1 int NOT NULL,
    col2 int NOT NULL,
    UNIQUE (col1, col2)

autoincrement is not postgresql. You want a serial.

If col1 and col2 make a unique and can't be null then they make a good primary key:

CREATE TABLE someTable (
    col1 int NOT NULL,
    col2 int NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2)

An error when I add a variable to a string

This problem also arise when we don't give the single or double quotes to the database value.

Wrong way:

$query ="INSERT INTO tabel_name VALUE ($value1,$value2)";

As database inserting values must be in quotes ' '/" "

Right way:

$query ="INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUE ('$roll_no','$name','$class')";

How to specify an alternate location for the .m2 folder or settings.xml permanently?

Nobody suggested this, but you can use -Dmaven.repo.local command line argument to change where the repository is at. In addition, according to settings.xml documentation, you can set -Dmaven.home where it looks for the settings.xml file.

See: Settings.xml documentation

open program minimized via command prompt

The answer is simple. Just look at the image.

enter image description here

ORA-01653: unable to extend table by in tablespace ORA-06512

To resolve this error:

ORA-01653 unable to extend table by 1024 in tablespace your-tablespace-name

Just run this PL/SQL command for extended tablespace size automatically on-demand:

alter database datafile '<your-tablespace-name>.dbf' autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

I get this error in import big dump file, just run this command without stopping import routine or restarting the database.

Note: each data file has a limit of 32GB of size if you need more than 32GB you should add a new data file to your existing tablespace.

More info: alter_autoextend_on

Decompile .smali files on an APK

I second that.

Dex2jar will generate a WORKING jar, which you can add as your project source, with the xmls you got from apktool.

However, JDGUI generates .java files which have ,more often than not, errors.

It has got something to do with code obfuscation I guess.

Serialize an object to XML

Here's a basic code that will help serializing the C# objects into xml:

using System;

public class clsPerson
  public  string FirstName;
  public  string MI;
  public  string LastName;

class class1
   static void Main(string[] args)
      clsPerson p=new clsPerson();
      p.FirstName = "Jeff";
      p.MI = "A";
      p.LastName = "Price";
      System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer x = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(p.GetType());
      x.Serialize(Console.Out, p);

What are .NumberFormat Options In Excel VBA?

In Excel, you can set a Range.NumberFormat to any string as you would find in the "Custom" format selection. Essentially, you have two choices:

  1. General for no particular format.
  2. A custom formatted string, like "$#,##0", to specify exactly what format you're using.

Can I call an overloaded constructor from another constructor of the same class in C#?

No, You can't do that, the only place you can call the constructor from another constructor in C# is immediately after ":" after the constructor. for example

class foo
    public foo(){}
    public foo(string s ) { }
    public foo (string s1, string s2) : this(s1) {....}


RedirectToAction with parameter

If your need to redirect to an action outside the controller this will work.

return RedirectToAction("ACTION", "CONTROLLER", new { id = 99 });

Create an ArrayList of unique values

Create an Arraylist of unique values

You could use Set.toArray() method.

A collection that contains no duplicate elements. More formally, sets contain no pair of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2), and at most one null element. As implied by its name, this interface models the mathematical set abstraction.

Copy Paste Values only( xlPasteValues )

Personally, I would shorten it a touch too if all you need is the columns:

For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
    Sheets("SheetB").Columns(arr2(i)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

as from this code snippet, there isnt much point in lastrow or firstrowDB

Call javascript from MVC controller action

If I understand correctly the question, you want to have a JavaScript code in your Controller. (Your question is clear enough, but the voted and accepted answers are throwing some doubt) So: you can do this by using the .NET's System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control to execute javascript code, and everything that a browser can do. It requires reference to System.Windows.Forms though, and the interaction is somewhat "old school". E.g:

void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, 
    WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
    HtmlElement search = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("searchInput");
    if(search != null)
        search.SetAttribute("value", "Superman");
        foreach(HtmlElement ele in search.Parent.Children)
            if (ele.TagName.ToLower() == "input" && ele.Name.ToLower() == "go")

So probably nowadays, that would not be the easiest solution.

The other option is to use Javascript .NET or jint to run javasctipt, or another solution, based on the specific case.

Some related questions on this topic or possible duplicates:

Embedding JavaScript engine into .NET

Load a DOM and Execute javascript, server side, with .Net

Hope this helps.

What dependency is missing for org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping?

I had the same problem but I solved in other way (becouse at right click on project folder no Maven tab apears only if I do that on pom.xml I can see a Maven tab):

So I tink that you get that error because the IDE (Eclipse) didn`t import the dependecies from Maven. Since you are using Spring framework and you probably have STS allready installed right-click on project folder Spring Tools -> Update Maven Dependecies.

I`m using Eclipse JUNO m2eclipse 1.3.0 Spring IDEE 3.1

Getting individual colors from a color map in matplotlib

To build on the solutions from Ffisegydd and amaliammr, here's an example where we make CSV representation for a custom colormap:

#! /usr/bin/env python3
import matplotlib
import numpy as np 

vmin = 0.1
vmax = 1000

norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(np.log10(vmin), np.log10(vmax))
lognum = norm(np.log10([.5, 2., 10, 40, 150,1000]))

cdict = {
        (0., 0, 0),
        (lognum[0], 0, 0),
        (lognum[1], 0, 0),
        (lognum[2], 1, 1),
        (lognum[3], 0.8, 0.8),
        (lognum[4], .7, .7),
    (lognum[5], .7, .7)
        (0., .6, .6),
        (lognum[0], 0.8, 0.8),
        (lognum[1], 1, 1),
        (lognum[2], 1, 1),
        (lognum[3], 0, 0),
        (lognum[4], 0, 0),
    (lognum[5], 0, 0)
        (0., 0, 0),
        (lognum[0], 0, 0),
        (lognum[1], 0, 0),
        (lognum[2], 0, 0),
        (lognum[3], 0, 0),
        (lognum[4], 0, 0),
    (lognum[5], 1, 1)

mycmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 256)   
norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin, vmax)
colors = {}
count = 0
step_size = 0.001
for value in np.arange(vmin, vmax+step_size, step_size):
    count += 1
    print("%d/%d %f%%" % (count, vmax*(1./step_size), 100.*count/(vmax*(1./step_size))))
    rgba = mycmap(norm(value), bytes=True)
    color = (rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2])
    if color not in colors.values():
        colors[value] = color

print ("value, red, green, blue")
for value in sorted(colors.keys()):
    rgb = colors[value]
    print("%s, %s, %s, %s" % (value, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]))

How to send an HTTP request using Telnet

To somewhat expand on earlier answers, there are a few complications.

telnet is not particularly scriptable; you might prefer to use nc (aka netcat) instead, which handles non-terminal input and signals better.

Also, unlike telnet, nc actually allows SSL (and so https instead of http traffic -- you need port 443 instead of port 80 then).

There is a difference between HTTP 1.0 and 1.1. The recent version of the protocol requires the Host: header to be included in the request on a separate line after the POST or GET line, and to be followed by an empty line to mark the end of the request headers.

The HTTP protocol requires carriage return / line feed line endings. Many servers are lenient about this, but some are not. You might want to use

printf "%\r\n" \
    "GET /questions HTTP/1.1" \
    "Host:" \
    "" |
nc --ssl 443

If you fall back to HTTP/1.0 you don't always need the Host: header, but many modern servers require the header anyway; if multiple sites are hosted on the same IP address, the server doesn't know from GET /foo HTTP/1.0 whether you mean or if those two sites are both hosted on the same server (in the absence of a Host: header, a HTTP 1.0 server might just default to a different site than the one you want, so you don't get the contents you wanted).

The HTTPS protocol is identical to HTTP in these details; the only real difference is in how the session is set up initially.

Delayed function calls

It sounds like the control of the creation of both these objects and their interdependence needs to controlled externally, rather than between the classes themselves.

Finding even or odd ID values

ID % 2 reduces all integer (monetary and numeric are allowed, too) numbers to 0 and 1 effectively.
Read about the modulo operator in the manual.

Sending data back to the Main Activity in Android

Sending Data Back

It helps me to see things in context. Here is a complete simple project for sending data back. Rather than providing the xml layout files, here is an image.

enter image description here

Main Activity

  • Start the Second Activity with startActivityForResult, providing it an arbitrary result code.
  • Override onActivityResult. This is called when the Second Activity finishes. You can make sure that it is actually the Second Activity by checking the request code. (This is useful when you are starting multiple different activities from the same main activity.)
  • Extract the data you got from the return Intent. The data is extracted using a key-value pair.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final int SECOND_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE = 0;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // "Go to Second Activity" button click
    public void onButtonClick(View view) {

        // Start the SecondActivity
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
        startActivityForResult(intent, SECOND_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE);

    // This method is called when the second activity finishes
    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

        // Check that it is the SecondActivity with an OK result
        if (requestCode == SECOND_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {

                // Get String data from Intent
                String returnString = data.getStringExtra("keyName");

                // Set text view with string
                TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;

Second Activity

  • Put the data that you want to send back to the previous activity into an Intent. The data is stored in the Intent using a key-value pair.
  • Set the result to RESULT_OK and add the intent holding your data.
  • Call finish() to close the Second Activity.

public class SecondActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // "Send text back" button click
    public void onButtonClick(View view) {

        // Get the text from the EditText
        EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
        String stringToPassBack = editText.getText().toString();

        // Put the String to pass back into an Intent and close this activity
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("keyName", stringToPassBack);
        setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);

Other notes

  • If you are in a Fragment it won't know the meaning of RESULT_OK. Just use the full name: Activity.RESULT_OK.

See also

Correct way to pause a Python program

As pointed out by mhawke and steveha's comments, the best answer to this exact question would be:

For a long block of text, it is best to use input('Press <ENTER> to continue') (or raw_input('Press <ENTER> to continue') on Python 2.x) to prompt the user, rather than a time delay. Fast readers won't want to wait for a delay, slow readers might want more time on the delay, someone might be interrupted while reading it and want a lot more time, etc. Also, if someone uses the program a lot, he/she may become used to how it works and not need to even read the long text. It's just friendlier to let the user control how long the block of text is displayed for reading.

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

Quick workaround: try switching to a different network

I experienced this problem while on a hotspot (3/4G connection). Switching to a different connection (WiFi) resolved it, but it's just a workaround - I didn't get the chance to get to the bottom of the issue so the other answers might be more interesting to determine the underlying issue

How to increase number of threads in tomcat thread pool?

From Tomcat Documentation

maxConnections When this number has been reached, the server will accept, but not process, one further connection. once the limit has been reached, the operating system may still accept connections based on the acceptCount setting. (The maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request processing threads are in use. Any requests received when the queue is full will be refused. The default value is 100.) For BIO the default is the value of maxThreads unless an Executor is used in which case the default will be the value of maxThreads from the executor. For NIO and NIO2 the default is 10000. For APR/native, the default is 8192. Note that for APR/native on Windows, the configured value will be reduced to the highest multiple of 1024 that is less than or equal to maxConnections. This is done for performance reasons.

The maximum number of request processing threads to be created by this Connector, which therefore determines the maximum number of simultaneous requests that can be handled. If not specified, this attribute is set to 200. If an executor is associated with this connector, this attribute is ignored as the connector will execute tasks using the executor rather than an internal thread pool.

"Javac" doesn't work correctly on Windows 10

I had the same issue on Windows 10 - the java -version command was working but javac -version was not. There are three things I did:

(1) I downloaded the latest jdk (not the jre) and installed it. Then, I added the jdk/bin path tan o environment variable. In my case, it was C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10\bin. I did not need to add the ; for Windows 10.

(2) Move this path to the top of all the other paths.

(3) Delete any other Java paths that might exist.

Test the java -version and javac -version commands again. Voila!

Using psql how do I list extensions installed in a database?

Additionally if you want to know which extensions are available on your server: SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions

java.sql.SQLException: Fail to convert to internal representation

Check your Entity class. Use String instead of Long and float instead of double .

How to count the occurrence of certain item in an ndarray?

Personally, I'd go for: (y == 0).sum() and (y == 1).sum()


import numpy as np
y = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
num_zeros = (y == 0).sum()
num_ones = (y == 1).sum()

npm install error - unable to get local issuer certificate

This worked for me:


What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Comet?

I have tried to make note about these and have collected and written examples from a java perspective.

HTTP for Java Developers

Reverse Ajax - Old style

Async Handling on server side

Reverse Ajax - New style

Server Sent Events

Putting it here for any java developer who is looking into the same subject.

"Keep Me Logged In" - the best approach

Implementing a "Keep Me Logged In" feature means you need to define exactly what that will mean to the user. In the simplest case, I would use that to mean the session has a much longer timeout: 2 days (say) instead of 2 hours. To do that, you will need your own session storage, probably in a database, so you can set custom expiry times for the session data. Then you need to make sure you set a cookie that will stick around for a few days (or longer), rather than expire when they close the browser.

I can hear you asking "why 2 days? why not 2 weeks?". This is because using a session in PHP will automatically push the expiry back. This is because a session's expiry in PHP is actually an idle timeout.

Now, having said that, I'd probably implement a harder timeout value that I store in the session itself, and out at 2 weeks or so, and add code to see that and to forcibly invalidate the session. Or at least to log them out. This will mean that the user will be asked to login periodically. Yahoo! does this.

When is it acceptable to call GC.Collect?

This isn't that relevant to the question, but for XSLT transforms in .NET (XSLCompiledTranform) then you might have no choice. Another candidate is the MSHTML control.

How to inject a Map using the @Value Spring Annotation?

I had a simple code for Spring Cloud Config

like this:

In[email protected][email protected]


@Bean(name = "mongoConfig")
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "")
public Map<String, Map<String, String>> mongoConfig() {
    return new HashMap();


@Qualifier(value = "mongoConfig")
private Map<String, String> mongoConfig;

@Bean(name = "mongoTemplates")
public HashMap<String, MongoTemplate> mongoTemplateMap() throws UnknownHostException {
    HashMap<String, MongoTemplate> mongoTemplates = new HashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String>> entry : mongoConfig.entrySet()) {
        String k = entry.getKey();
        String v = entry.getValue();
        MongoTemplate template = new MongoTemplate(new SimpleMongoDbFactory(new MongoClientURI(v)));
        mongoTemplates.put(k, template);
    return mongoTemplates;

How to display JavaScript variables in a HTML page without document.write

You can use javascript to access elements on the page and modify their contents. So for example you might have a page with some HTML markup like so:

<div id="MyEdit">
    This text will change

You can use javascript to change the content like so...

document.getElementById("MyEdit").innerHTML = "My new text!";?

Here is a working example

You can also look at using the JQuery javascript library for DOM manipulation, it has some great features to make things like this very easy.

For example, with JQuery, you could do this to acheive the same result...

$("#MyEdit").html("My new text!");

Here is a working example of the JQuery version

Based on this example you provided in your post. The following JQuery would work for you:

var x = "hello wolrd";

Here is the working version

Using a P tag like this however is not recommended. You would ideally want to use an element with a unique ID so you can ensure you are selecting the correct one with JQuery.

TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

There is an operator missing, likely a *:

-3.7 need_something_here (prof[x])

The "is not callable" occurs because the parenthesis -- and lack of operator which would have switched the parenthesis into precedence operators -- make Python try to call the result of -3.7 (a float) as a function, which is not allowed.

The parenthesis are also not needed in this case, the following may be sufficient/correct:

-3.7 * prof[x]

As Legolas points out, there are other things which may need to be addressed:

2.25 * (1 - math.pow(math.e, (-3.7(prof[x])/2.25))) * (math.e, (0/2.25)))
                                  ^-- op missing
                                                    extra parenthesis --^
               valid but questionable float*tuple --^
                                     expression yields 0.0 always --^

Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101. IE

All the error 80020101 means is that there was an error, of some sort, while evaluating JavaScript. If you load that JavaScript via Ajax, the evaluation process is particularly strict.

Sometimes removing // will fix the issue, but the inverse is not true... the issue is not always caused by //.

Look at the exact JavaScript being returned by your Ajax call and look for any issues in that script. For more details see a great writeup here

Javascript : Send JSON Object with Ajax?

Adding Json.stringfy around the json that fixed the issue

Windows-1252 to UTF-8 encoding

There's no general way to tell if a file is encoded with a specific encoding. Remember that an encoding is nothing more but an "agreement" how the bits in a file should be mapped to characters.

If you don't know which of your files are actually already encoded in UTF-8 and which ones are encoded in windows-1252, you will have to inspect all files and find out yourself. In the worst case that could mean that you have to open every single one of them with either of the two encodings and see whether they "look" correct -- i.e., all characters are displayed correctly. Of course, you may use tool support in order to do that, for instance, if you know for sure that certain characters are contained in the files that have a different mapping in windows-1252 vs. UTF-8, you could grep for them after running the files through 'iconv' as mentioned by Seva Akekseyev.

Another lucky case for you would be, if you know that the files actually contain only characters that are encoded identically in both UTF-8 and windows-1252. In that case, of course, you're done already.

What does this symbol mean in IntelliJ? (red circle on bottom-left corner of file name, with 'J' in it)

It means your Java source files aren't part of the project.

If the suggestions mentioned here don't resolve the issue, you may have hit a rare bug like I did. Researching the exceptions found in the log helped me. In my case, disabling the "Plugin DevKit", deleting the .idea directory, and reimporting the project worked.

AngularJS - Does $destroy remove event listeners?

Event listeners

First off it's important to understand that there are two kinds of "event listeners":

  1. Scope event listeners registered via $on:

    $scope.$on('anEvent', function (event, data) {
  2. Event handlers attached to elements via for example on or bind:

    element.on('click', function (event) {


When $scope.$destroy() is executed it will remove all listeners registered via $on on that $scope.

It will not remove DOM elements or any attached event handlers of the second kind.

This means that calling $scope.$destroy() manually from example within a directive's link function will not remove a handler attached via for example element.on, nor the DOM element itself.


Note that remove is a jqLite method (or a jQuery method if jQuery is loaded before AngularjS) and is not available on a standard DOM Element Object.

When element.remove() is executed that element and all of its children will be removed from the DOM together will all event handlers attached via for example element.on.

It will not destroy the $scope associated with the element.

To make it more confusing there is also a jQuery event called $destroy. Sometimes when working with third-party jQuery libraries that remove elements, or if you remove them manually, you might need to perform clean up when that happens:

element.on('$destroy', function () {

What to do when a directive is "destroyed"

This depends on how the directive is "destroyed".

A normal case is that a directive is destroyed because ng-view changes the current view. When this happens the ng-view directive will destroy the associated $scope, sever all the references to its parent scope and call remove() on the element.

This means that if that view contains a directive with this in its link function when it's destroyed by ng-view:

scope.$on('anEvent', function () {

element.on('click', function () {

Both event listeners will be removed automatically.

However, it's important to note that the code inside these listeners can still cause memory leaks, for example if you have achieved the common JS memory leak pattern circular references.

Even in this normal case of a directive getting destroyed due to a view changing there are things you might need to manually clean up.

For example if you have registered a listener on $rootScope:

var unregisterFn = $rootScope.$on('anEvent', function () {});

scope.$on('$destroy', unregisterFn);

This is needed since $rootScope is never destroyed during the lifetime of the application.

The same goes if you are using another pub/sub implementation that doesn't automatically perform the necessary cleanup when the $scope is destroyed, or if your directive passes callbacks to services.

Another situation would be to cancel $interval/$timeout:

var promise = $interval(function () {}, 1000);

scope.$on('$destroy', function () {

If your directive attaches event handlers to elements for example outside the current view, you need to manually clean those up as well:

var windowClick = function () {

angular.element(window).on('click', windowClick);

scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
  angular.element(window).off('click', windowClick);

These were some examples of what to do when directives are "destroyed" by Angular, for example by ng-view or ng-if.

If you have custom directives that manage the lifecycle of DOM elements etc. it will of course get more complex.

How to add a new line of text to an existing file in Java?

you have to open the file in append mode, which can be achieved by using the FileWriter(String fileName, boolean append) constructor.

output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(my_file_name, true));

should do the trick

How to get item's position in a list?

testlist = [1,2,3,5,3,1,2,1,6]
for id, value in enumerate(testlist):
    if id == 1:
        print testlist[id]

I guess that it's exacly what you want. ;-) 'id' will be always the index of the values on the list.

Set attribute without value

The attr() function is also a setter function. You can just pass it an empty string.


An empty string will simply create the attribute with no value.

<body data-body>

Reference -

attr( attributeName , value )

How do you create a Swift Date object?

Swift has its own Date type. No need to use NSDate.

Creating a Date and Time in Swift

In Swift, dates and times are stored in a 64-bit floating point number measuring the number of seconds since the reference date of January 1, 2001 at 00:00:00 UTC. This is expressed in the Date structure. The following would give you the current date and time:

let currentDateTime = Date()

For creating other date-times, you can use one of the following methods.

Method 1

If you know the number of seconds before or after the 2001 reference date, you can use that.

let someDateTime = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: -123456789.0) // Feb 2, 1997, 10:26 AM

Method 2

Of course, it would be easier to use things like years, months, days and hours (rather than relative seconds) to make a Date. For this you can use DateComponents to specify the components and then Calendar to create the date. The Calendar gives the Date context. Otherwise, how would it know what time zone or calendar to express it in?

// Specify date components
var dateComponents = DateComponents()
dateComponents.year = 1980
dateComponents.month = 7 = 11
dateComponents.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "JST") // Japan Standard Time
dateComponents.hour = 8
dateComponents.minute = 34

// Create date from components
let userCalendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) // since the components above (like year 1980) are for Gregorian
let someDateTime = dateComponents)

Other time zone abbreviations can be found here. If you leave that blank, then the default is to use the user's time zone.

Method 3

The most succinct way (but not necessarily the best) could be to use DateFormatter.

let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"
let someDateTime = "2016/10/08 22:31")

The Unicode technical standards show other formats that DateFormatter supports.


See my full answer for how to display the date and time in a readable format. Also read these excellent articles:

Adding 'serial' to existing column in Postgres


Here's a version where you don't need a human to read a value and type it out themselves.

SELECT setval('foo_a_seq', coalesce(max(a), 0) + 1, false) FROM foo;
ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN a SET DEFAULT nextval('foo_a_seq'); 

Another option would be to employ the reusable Function shared at the end of this answer.

A non-interactive solution

Just adding to the other two answers, for those of us who need to have these Sequences created by a non-interactive script, while patching a live-ish DB for instance.

That is, when you don't wanna SELECT the value manually and type it yourself into a subsequent CREATE statement.

In short, you can not do:

    START WITH ( SELECT max(a) + 1 FROM foo );

... since the START [WITH] clause in CREATE SEQUENCE expects a value, not a subquery.

Note: As a rule of thumb, that applies to all non-CRUD (i.e.: anything other than INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements in pgSQL AFAIK.

However, setval() does! Thus, the following is absolutely fine:

SELECT setval('foo_a_seq', max(a)) FROM foo;

If there's no data and you don't (want to) know about it, use coalesce() to set the default value:

SELECT setval('foo_a_seq', coalesce(max(a), 0)) FROM foo;
--                         ^      ^         ^
--                       defaults to:       0

However, having the current sequence value set to 0 is clumsy, if not illegal.
Using the three-parameter form of setval would be more appropriate:

--                                             vvv
SELECT setval('foo_a_seq', coalesce(max(a), 0) + 1, false) FROM foo;
--                                                  ^   ^
--                                                is_called

Setting the optional third parameter of setval to false will prevent the next nextval from advancing the sequence before returning a value, and thus:

the next nextval will return exactly the specified value, and sequence advancement commences with the following nextval.

— from this entry in the documentation

On an unrelated note, you also can specify the column owning the Sequence directly with CREATE, you don't have to alter it later:


In summary:

SELECT setval('foo_a_seq', coalesce(max(a), 0) + 1, false) FROM foo;
ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN a SET DEFAULT nextval('foo_a_seq'); 

Using a Function

Alternatively, if you're planning on doing this for multiple columns, you could opt for using an actual Function.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION make_into_serial(table_name TEXT, column_name TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$
    start_with INTEGER;
    sequence_name TEXT;
    sequence_name := table_name || '_' || column_name || '_seq';
    EXECUTE 'SELECT coalesce(max(' || column_name || '), 0) + 1 FROM ' || table_name
            INTO start_with;
    EXECUTE 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' || sequence_name ||
            ' START WITH ' || start_with ||
            ' OWNED BY ' || table_name || '.' || column_name;
    EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || table_name || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || column_name ||
            ' SET DEFAULT nextVal(''' || sequence_name || ''')';
    RETURN start_with;

Use it like so:

INSERT INTO foo (data) VALUES ('asdf');
-- ERROR: null value in column "a" violates not-null constraint

SELECT make_into_serial('foo', 'a');
INSERT INTO foo (data) VALUES ('asdf');
-- OK: 1 row(s) affected

android layout with visibility GONE

    android:visibility="gone" />

Try this piece of code..For me this code worked..

How do I add 24 hours to a unix timestamp in php?

You probably want to add one day rather than 24 hours. Not all days have 24 hours due to (among other circumstances) daylight saving time:

strtotime('+1 day', $timestamp);

Read CSV with Scanner()

I agree with Scheintod that using an existing CSV library is a good idea to have RFC-4180-compliance from the start. Besides the mentioned OpenCSV and Oster Miller, there are a series of other CSV libraries out there. If you're interested in performance, you can take a look at the uniVocity/csv-parsers-comparison. It shows that

are consistently the fastest using either JDK 6, 7, 8, or 9. The study did not find any RFC 4180 compatibility issues in any of those three. Both OpenCSV and Oster Miller are found to be about twice as slow as those.

I'm not in any way associated with the author(s), but concerning the uniVocity CSV parser, the study might be biased due to its author being the same as of that parser.

To note, the author of SimpleFlatMapper has also published a performance comparison comparing only those three.

Escaping regex string

Please give a try:

\Q and \E as anchors

Put an Or condition to match either a full word or regex.

Ref Link : How to match a whole word that includes special characters in regex

How to restart kubernetes nodes?

I had an onpremises HA installation, a master and a worker stopped working returning a NOTReady status. Checking the kubelet logs on the nodes I found out this problem:

failed to run Kubelet: Running with swap on is not supported, please disable swap! or set --fail-swap-on flag to false

Disabling swap on nodes with

swapoff -a

and restarting the kubelet

systemctl restart kubelet

did the work.

Regex for Comma delimited list

This one will reject extraneous commas at the start or end of the line, if that's important to you.

((, )?(^)?(possible|value|patterns))*

Replace possible|value|patterns with a regex that matches your allowed values.

No Such Element Exception?

Another situation which issues the same problem, map.entrySet().iterator().next()

If there is no element in the Map object, then the above code will return NoSuchElementException. Make sure to call hasNext() first.

jquery: get elements by class name and add css to each of them

You can try this

 $('div.easy_editor').css({'border-width':'9px', 'border-style':'solid', 'border-color':'red'});

The $('div.easy_editor') refers to a collection of all divs that have the class easy editor already. There is no need to use each() unless there was some function that you wanted to run on each. The css() method actually applies to all the divs you find.

Use of #pragma in C

what i feel is #pragma is a directive where if you want the code to be location specific .say a situation where you want the program counter to read from the specific address where the ISR is written then you can specify ISR at that location using #pragma vector=ADC12_VECTOR and followd by interrupt rotines name and its description

How to find minimum value from vector?

Try this with


Getting all selected checkboxes in an array

var checkedValues = $('input:checkbox.vdrSelected:checked').map(function () {
        return this.value;

SVN icon overlays not showing properly

In my case, Dropbox overlays were starting with a " (quoted identifier) in the registry. I deleted all the " prefixes and restarted explorer.exe.


Edit: I installed Windows 10 and this solution didn't work for me. So I just went to the same registry location and deleted all Google and SkyDrive records and restarted explorer.exe.

Second edit: After installing TortoiseGit it fixed everything without any customisation.

Text not wrapping in p tag

Give this style to the <p> tag.

p {
    word-break: break-all;
    white-space: normal;

Handling onchange event in HTML.DropDownList Razor MVC


You can use another overload of the DropDownList method. Pick the one you need and pass in a object with your html attributes.


@Html.DropDownList("CategoryID", null, new { @onchange="location = this.value;" })

More Information

How can I get the browser's scrollbar sizes?

For me, the most useful way was

(window.innerWidth - document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].clientWidth)

with vanilla JavaScript.

enter image description here

Bring a window to the front in WPF

To make this a quick copy-paste one -
Use this class' DoOnProcess method to move process' main window to foreground (but not to steal focus from other windows)

public class MoveToForeground
    private static extern int FindWindow(String ClassName, String WindowName);

    const int SWP_NOMOVE        = 0x0002;
    const int SWP_NOSIZE        = 0x0001;            
    const int SWP_SHOWWINDOW    = 0x0040;
    const int SWP_NOACTIVATE    = 0x0010;
    [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SetWindowPos")]
    public static extern IntPtr SetWindowPos(IntPtr hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter, int x, int Y, int cx, int cy, int wFlags);

    public static void DoOnProcess(string processName)
        var allProcs = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
        if (allProcs.Length > 0)
            Process proc = allProcs[0];
            int hWnd = FindWindow(null, proc.MainWindowTitle.ToString());
            // Change behavior by settings the wFlags params. See
            SetWindowPos(new IntPtr(hWnd), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE);


'workbooks.worksheets.activate' works, but '.select' does not

You can't select a sheet in a non-active workbook.

You must first activate the workbook, then you can select the sheet.


When you use Activate it automatically activates the workbook.

Note you can select >1 sheet in a workbook:


but only one sheet can be Active, and if you activate a sheet which is not part of a multi-sheet selection then those other sheets will become un-selected.

Check whether a table contains rows or not sql server 2005

Can't you just count the rows using select count(*) from table (or an indexed column instead of * if speed is important)?

If not then maybe this article can point you in the right direction.

rails bundle clean

If you're using RVM you may use rvm gemset empty for the current gemset - this command will remove all gems installed to the current gemset (gemset itself will stay in place). Then run bundle install in order to install actual versions of gems. Also be sure that you do not delete such general gems as rake, bundler and so on during rvm gemset empty (if it is the case then install them manually via gem install prior to bundle install).

How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager

I encountered the same problem while working with FragmentStatePagerAdapters and 3 tabs. I had to show a Dilaog whenever the 1st tab was clicked and hide it on clicking other tabs.

Overriding setUserVisibleHint() alone didn't help to find the current visible fragment.

When clicking from 3rd tab -----> 1st tab. It triggered twice for 2nd fragment and for 1st fragment. I combined it with isResumed() method.

public void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) {
    isVisible = isVisibleToUser;

    // Make sure that fragment is currently visible
    if (!isVisible && isResumed()) {
        // Call code when Fragment not visible
    } else if (isVisible && isResumed()) {
       // Call code when Fragment becomes visible.


How to add Options Menu to Fragment in Android


Use the and just do:

toolbar.setOnMenuItemClickListener {

Standalone Toolbar

Most of the suggested solutions like setHasOptionsMenu(true) are only working when the parent Activity has the Toolbar in its layout and declares it via setSupportActionBar(). Then the Fragments can participate in the menu population of this exact ActionBar:

Fragment.onCreateOptionsMenu(): Initialize the contents of the Fragment host's standard options menu.

If you want a standalone toolbar and menu for one specific Fragment you can to do the following:


<menu xmlns:android=""
        android:title="SAVE" />


<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />



override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
    val view = inflater.inflate(layout.custom_fragment, container, false)
    val toolbar = view.findViewById<Toolbar>(
    toolbar.setOnMenuItemClickListener {
    return view

override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
    return when (item.itemId) { -> {
            // TODO: User clicked the save button
        else -> super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)

Yes, it's that easy. You don't even need to override onCreate() or onCreateOptionsMenu().

PS: This is only working with and (also be sure to use AppCompatActivity and an AppCompat theme in your styles.xml).

Python: "TypeError: __str__ returned non-string" but still prints to output?

Just Try this:

def __str__(self):
    return f'Memo={self.memo}, Tag={self.tags}'

Are complex expressions possible in ng-hide / ng-show?

I generally try to avoid expressions with ng-show and ng-hide as they were designed as booleans, not conditionals. If I need both conditional and boolean logic, I prefer to put in the conditional logic using ng-if as the first check, then add in an additional check for the boolean logic with ng-show and ng-hide

Howerver, if you want to use a conditional for ng-show or ng-hide, here is a link with some examples: Conditional Display using ng-if, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-include, ng-switch

How to cache data in a MVC application

Extending @Hrvoje Hudo's answer...


using System;
using System.Runtime.Caching;

public class InMemoryCache : ICacheService
    public TValue Get<TValue>(string cacheKey, int durationInMinutes, Func<TValue> getItemCallback) where TValue : class
        TValue item = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey) as TValue;
        if (item == null)
            item = getItemCallback();
            MemoryCache.Default.Add(cacheKey, item, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(durationInMinutes));
        return item;

    public TValue Get<TValue, TId>(string cacheKeyFormat, TId id, int durationInMinutes, Func<TId, TValue> getItemCallback) where TValue : class
        string cacheKey = string.Format(cacheKeyFormat, id);
        TValue item = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey) as TValue;
        if (item == null)
            item = getItemCallback(id);
            MemoryCache.Default.Add(cacheKey, item, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(durationInMinutes));
        return item;

interface ICacheService
    TValue Get<TValue>(string cacheKey, Func<TValue> getItemCallback) where TValue : class;
    TValue Get<TValue, TId>(string cacheKeyFormat, TId id, Func<TId, TValue> getItemCallback) where TValue : class;


Single item caching (when each item is cached based on its ID because caching the entire catalog for the item type would be too intensive).

Product product = cache.Get("product_{0}", productId, 10, productData.getProductById);

Caching all of something

IEnumerable<Categories> categories = cache.Get("categories", 20, categoryData.getCategories);

Why TId

The second helper is especially nice because most data keys are not composite. Additional methods could be added if you use composite keys often. In this way you avoid doing all sorts of string concatenation or string.Formats to get the key to pass to the cache helper. It also makes passing the data access method easier because you don't have to pass the ID into the wrapper method... the whole thing becomes very terse and consistant for the majority of use cases.

iFrame Height Auto (CSS)

 <div id="content" >
    <h1>Update Information</h1>
    <div id="support-box">
        <div id="wrapper">
            <iframe name="frame" id="frame" src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>
 #support-box {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
        display: block;
        height: 20rem; /* is support box height you can change as per your requirement*/
    #wrapper {
        width: 90%;
        display: block;
        position: relative;
        top: 50%;
        transform: translateY(-50%);
       height:100px; /* here the height values are automatic you can leave this if you can*/

    #wrapper iframe {
        width: 100%;
        display: block;

Looping through JSON with node.js

I would recommend taking advantage of the fact that nodeJS will always be ES5. Remember this isn't the browser folks you can depend on the language's implementation on being stable. That said I would recommend against ever using a for-in loop in nodeJS, unless you really want to do deep recursion up the prototype chain. For simple, traditional looping I would recommend making good use of Object.keys method, in ES5. If you view the following JSPerf test, especially if you use Chrome (since it has the same engine as nodeJS), you will get a rough idea of how much more performant using this method is than using a for-in loop (roughly 10 times faster). Here's a sample of the code:

 var keys = Object.keys( obj );
 for( var i = 0,length = keys.length; i < length; i++ ) {
     obj[ keys[ i ] ];


For anyone else who came here looking to do the same with docker-compose you just need to prepend bash -c and enclose multiple commands in quotes, joined together with &&.

So in the OPs example docker-compose run image bash -c "cd /path/to/somewhere && python"

Selected tab's color in Bottom Navigation View

BottomNavigationView uses colorPrimary from the theme applied for the selected tab and it uses android:textColorSecondary for the inactive tab icon tint.

So you can create a style with the prefered primary color and set it as a theme to your BottomNavigationView in an xml layout file.


 <style name="BottomNavigationTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/active_tab_color</item>
        <item name="android:textColorSecondary">@color/inactive_tab_color</item>


            app:menu="@menu/navigation" />

Refreshing all the pivot tables in my excel workbook with a macro

You have a PivotTables collection on a the VB Worksheet object. So, a quick loop like this will work:

Sub RefreshPivotTables()
    Dim pivotTable As PivotTable
    For Each pivotTable In ActiveSheet.PivotTables
End Sub

Notes from the trenches:

  1. Remember to unprotect any protected sheets before updating the PivotTable.
  2. Save often.
  3. I'll think of more and update in due course... :)

Good luck!

How do I convert hex to decimal in Python?

You could use a literal eval:

>>> ast.literal_eval('0xdeadbeef')

Or just specify the base as argument to int:

>>> int('deadbeef', 16)

A trick that is not well known, if you specify the base 0 to int, then Python will attempt to determine the base from the string prefix:

>>> int("0xff", 0)
>>> int("0o644", 0)
>>> int("0b100", 0)
>>> int("100", 0)

Simple state machine example in C#?

Let's start with this simple state diagram:

simple state machine diagram

We have:

  • 4 states (Inactive, Active, Paused, and Exited)
  • 5 types of state transitions (Begin Command, End Command, Pause Command, Resume Command, Exit Command).

You can convert this to C# in a handful of ways, such as performing a switch statement on the current state and command, or looking up transitions in a transition table. For this simple state machine, I prefer a transition table, which is very easy to represent using a Dictionary:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Juliet
    public enum ProcessState

    public enum Command

    public class Process
        class StateTransition
            readonly ProcessState CurrentState;
            readonly Command Command;

            public StateTransition(ProcessState currentState, Command command)
                CurrentState = currentState;
                Command = command;

            public override int GetHashCode()
                return 17 + 31 * CurrentState.GetHashCode() + 31 * Command.GetHashCode();

            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                StateTransition other = obj as StateTransition;
                return other != null && this.CurrentState == other.CurrentState && this.Command == other.Command;

        Dictionary<StateTransition, ProcessState> transitions;
        public ProcessState CurrentState { get; private set; }

        public Process()
            CurrentState = ProcessState.Inactive;
            transitions = new Dictionary<StateTransition, ProcessState>
                { new StateTransition(ProcessState.Inactive, Command.Exit), ProcessState.Terminated },
                { new StateTransition(ProcessState.Inactive, Command.Begin), ProcessState.Active },
                { new StateTransition(ProcessState.Active, Command.End), ProcessState.Inactive },
                { new StateTransition(ProcessState.Active, Command.Pause), ProcessState.Paused },
                { new StateTransition(ProcessState.Paused, Command.End), ProcessState.Inactive },
                { new StateTransition(ProcessState.Paused, Command.Resume), ProcessState.Active }

        public ProcessState GetNext(Command command)
            StateTransition transition = new StateTransition(CurrentState, command);
            ProcessState nextState;
            if (!transitions.TryGetValue(transition, out nextState))
                throw new Exception("Invalid transition: " + CurrentState + " -> " + command);
            return nextState;

        public ProcessState MoveNext(Command command)
            CurrentState = GetNext(command);
            return CurrentState;

    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Process p = new Process();
            Console.WriteLine("Current State = " + p.CurrentState);
            Console.WriteLine("Command.Begin: Current State = " + p.MoveNext(Command.Begin));
            Console.WriteLine("Command.Pause: Current State = " + p.MoveNext(Command.Pause));
            Console.WriteLine("Command.End: Current State = " + p.MoveNext(Command.End));
            Console.WriteLine("Command.Exit: Current State = " + p.MoveNext(Command.Exit));

As a matter of personal preference, I like to design my state machines with a GetNext function to return the next state deterministically, and a MoveNext function to mutate the state machine.

add image to uitableview cell

Try this code:--

UIImageView *imv = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(3,2, 20, 25)];
imv.image=[UIImage imageNamed:@"arrow2.png"];
[cell addSubview:imv];
[imv release];

Sql Query to list all views in an SQL Server 2005 database


Since you said ALL views, technically, all answers to date are WRONG.
Here is how to get ALL views:

SELECT AS view_schema 
    , AS view_name 
    ,ISNULL(sysm.definition, syssm.definition) AS view_definition 
FROM sys.all_views AS sysv 

INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS sch 
    ON sch.schema_id = sysv.schema_id 

LEFT JOIN sys.sql_modules AS sysm 
    ON sysm.object_id = sysv.object_id 

LEFT JOIN sys.system_sql_modules AS syssm 
    ON syssm.object_id = sysv.object_id 

-- INNER JOIN sys.objects AS syso ON syso.object_id = sysv.object_id 

WHERE (1=1) 
AND (sysv.type = 'V') -- seems unnecessary, but who knows
AND sysv.is_ms_shipped = 0  
    SELECT * FROM sys.extended_properties AS syscrap
    WHERE syscrap.major_id = sysv.object_id
    AND syscrap.minor_id = 0 
    AND syscrap.class = 1 
    AND = N'microsoft_database_tools_support' 


Selenium -- How to wait until page is completely loaded

3 answers, which you can combine:

  1. Set implicit wait immediately after creating the web driver instance:

    _ = driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait;

    This will try to wait until the page is fully loaded on every page navigation or page reload.

  2. After page navigation, call JavaScript return document.readyState until "complete" is returned. The web driver instance can serve as JavaScript executor. Sample code:


    new WebDriverWait(driver, MyDefaultTimeout).Until(
    d => ((IJavaScriptExecutor) d).ExecuteScript("return document.readyState").Equals("complete"));


    new WebDriverWait(firefoxDriver, pageLoadTimeout).until(
          webDriver -> ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete"));
  3. Check if the URL matches the pattern you expect.

Job for mysqld.service failed See "systemctl status mysqld.service"

I was also facing same issue .

root@*******:/root >mysql -uroot -password

mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

I found ROOT FS was also full and then I killed below lock session . 
root@**********:/var/lib/mysql >ls -ltr
total 0
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 0 Sep  9 06:41 mysql.sock.lock

Finally Issue solved .

List(of String) or Array or ArrayList

For those who are stuck maintaining old .net, here is one that works in .net framework 2.x:

Dim lstOfStrings As New List(of String)( new String(){"v1","v2","v3"} )

How to extract the substring between two markers?

Using PyParsing

import pyparsing as pp

word = pp.Word(pp.alphanums)

s = 'gfgfdAAA1234ZZZuijjk'
rule = pp.nestedExpr('AAA', 'ZZZ')
for match in rule.searchString(s):

which yields:


What does Java option -Xmx stand for?

The -Xmx option changes the maximum Heap Space for the VM. java -Xmx1024m means that the VM can allocate a maximum of 1024 MB. In layman terms this means that the application can use a maximum of 1024MB of memory.


In Windows, you can change it through the registry:

; Set the TIME_WAIT delay to 30 seconds (0x1E)


How do I generate a list with a specified increment step?

You can use scalar multiplication to modify each element in your vector.

> r <- 0:10 
> r <- r * 2
> r 
 [1]  0  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20


> r <- 0:10 * 2 
> r 
 [1]  0  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20

How do I import from Excel to a DataSet using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel?

object[,] valueArray = (object[,])excelRange.get_Value(XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault);

//Get the column names
for (int k = 0; k < valueArray.GetLength(1); )
    //add columns to the data table.

//Load data into data table
object[] singleDValue = new object[valueArray.GetLength(1)];
//value array first row contains column names. so loop starts from 1 instead of 0
for (int i = 1; i < valueArray.GetLength(0); i++)
    Console.WriteLine(valueArray.GetLength(0) + ":" + valueArray.GetLength(1));
    for (int k = 0; k < valueArray.GetLength(1); )
        singleDValue[k] = valueArray[i+1, ++k];
    dt.LoadDataRow(singleDValue, System.Data.LoadOption.PreserveChanges);

Maven: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact

I have seen this error occur when the plugins that are needed are not specifically mentioned in the pom. So

mvn clean install

will give the exception if this is not added:



mvn clean install deploy

will fail on the same exception if something like this is not added:


It makes sense, but a clearer error message would be welcome

Best way to determine user's locale within browser

On Chrome and Firefox 32+, navigator.languages contains an array of locales in order of user preference, and is more accurate than navigator.language, however to make it backwards-compatible (Tested Chrome / IE / Firefox / Safari), then use this:

function getLang()
 if (navigator.languages != undefined) 
 return navigator.languages[0]; 
 return navigator.language;

How can I download a specific Maven artifact in one command line?

Here's what worked for me to download the latest version of an artifact called "component.jar" with Maven 3.1.1 in the end (other suggestions did not, mostly due to maven version changes I believe)

This actually downloads the file and copies it into the local working directory

From bash:

mvn dependency:get \
    -DrepoUrl=http://.../ \ \
        -Dtransitive=false \
        -Ddest=component.jar \

What does '<?=' mean in PHP?

Code like "a => b" means, for an associative array (some languages, like Perl, if I remember correctly, call those "hash"), that 'a' is a key, and 'b' a value.

You might want to take a look at the documentations of, at least:

Here, you are having an array, called $user_list, and you will iterate over it, getting, for each line, the key of the line in $user, and the corresponding value in $pass.

For instance, this code:

$user_list = array(
    'user1' => 'password1',
    'user2' => 'password2',

foreach ($user_list as $user => $pass)
    var_dump("user = $user and password = $pass");

Will get you this output:

string 'user = user1 and password = password1' (length=37)
string 'user = user2 and password = password2' (length=37)

(I'm using var_dump to generate a nice output, that facilitates debuging; to get a normal output, you'd use echo)

"Equal or greater" is the other way arround: "greater or equals", which is written, in PHP, like this; ">="
The Same thing for most languages derived from C: C++, JAVA, PHP, ...

As a piece of advice: If you are just starting with PHP, you should definitely spend some time (maybe a couple of hours, maybe even half a day or even a whole day) going through some parts of the manual :-)
It'd help you much!

How to include External CSS and JS file in Laravel 5

Ok so I was able to figure out for the version 5.2. You will first need to create assets folder in your public folder then put css folder and all css files into it then link it like this :

<link href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Hope that helps!

Text not wrapping inside a div element

This may help a small percentage of people still scratching their heads. Text copied from clipboard into VSCode may have an invisible hard space character preventing wrapping. Check it with HTML inspector

string with hard spaces

How can I clear the terminal in Visual Studio Code?

2019 Update (Read in Full)


Mac: cmd + k

Windows: ctrl + k


If the shortcuts do not work for you, the most likely scenario is that either you or an extension you installed has added an open ended ctrl + k / cmd + k chord to another shortcut.

Open ended meaning, the shortcut does not have an explicit when clause that excludes terminal focus. There are two possible solutions here.

Solution 1:

If you added the shortcut, simply go to your keybindings.json file and add a when clause that does not include terminal focus. Example:

    "key": "cmd+k cmd+c",
    "command": "someCommandHere",
    "when": "editorTextFocus",

Solution 2:

Alternatively, you can add the workbench.action.terminal.clear command to the very bottom of keybindings.json, ensuring it takes precedence over other shortcuts. It'd be wise to add a comment so you don't forget and later place new chords below it. Example:

// Keep this keybinding at very bottom of file to ensure terminal clearing.
  "key": "cmd+k",
  "command": "workbench.action.terminal.clear",
  "when": "terminalFocus",

For additional information, check out this GitHub issue.

T-SQL get SELECTed value of stored procedure

Try do this:

EXEC @SelectedValue = GetMyInt

How to convert comma-delimited string to list in Python?

>>> some_string='A,B,C,D,E'
>>> new_tuple= tuple(some_string.split(','))
>>> new_tuple
('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E')

Javascript : calling function from another file

Why don't you take a look to this answer

Including javascript files inside javascript files

In short you can load the script file with AJAX or put a script tag on the HTML to include it( before the script that uses the functions of the other script). The link I posted is a great answer and has multiple examples and explanations of both methods.

Configure Log4net to write to multiple files

Use below XML configuration to configure logs into two or more files:

    <appender name="RollingLogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
      <file value="logs\log.txt" />         
      <appendToFile value="true" /> 
      <rollingStyle value="Size" />
      <maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
      <maximumFileSize value="10MB" />
      <staticLogFileName value="true" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">           
        <conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %level %logger - %message%newline" />
     <appender name="RollingLogFileAppender2" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
      <file value="logs\log1.txt" />         
      <appendToFile value="true" /> 
      <rollingStyle value="Size" />
      <maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
      <maximumFileSize value="10MB" />
      <staticLogFileName value="true" />
      <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">        
        <conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %level %logger - %message%newline" />
      <level value="All" />
      <appender-ref ref="RollingLogFileAppender" />
     <logger additivity="false" name="RollingLogFileAppender2">
    <level value="All"/>
    <appender-ref ref="RollingLogFileAppender2" />

Above XML configuration logs into two different files. To get specific instance of logger programmatically:

ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger ("RollingLogFileAppender2");

You can append two or more appender elements inside log4net root element for logging into multiples files.

More info about above XML configuration structure or which appender is best for your application, read details from below links:

IF/ELSE Stored Procedure

yeah Nick is right.

You need to use SET or SELECT to assign to @tmpType

React / JSX Dynamic Component Name

Assume we have a flag, no different from the state or props:

import ComponentOne from './ComponentOne';
import ComponentTwo from './ComponentTwo';


const Compo = flag ? ComponentOne : ComponentTwo;


<Compo someProp={someValue} />

With flag Compo fill with one of ComponentOne or ComponentTwo and then the Compo can act like a React Component.

jquery dialog save cancel button styling

check out jquery ui 1.8.5 it's available here and it has the new button for dialog ui implementation

Call a python function from jinja2

For those using Flask, put this in your

def clever_function():
    return u'HELLO'


and in your template call it with {{ clever_function() }}

apache not accepting incoming connections from outside of localhost

CentOS 7 uses firewalld by default now. But all the answers focus on iptables. So I wanted to add an answer related to firewalld.

Since firewalld is a "wrapper" for iptables, using antonio-fornie's answer still seems to work but I was unable to "save" that new rule. So I wasn't able to connect to my apache server as soon as a restart of the firewall happened. Luckily it is actually much more straightforward to make an equivalent change with firewalld commands. First check if firewalld is running:

firewall-cmd --state

If it is running the response will simply be one line that says "running".

To allow http (port 80) connections temporarily on the public zone:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http

The above will not be "saved", next time the firewalld service is restarted it'll go back to default rules. You should use this temporary rule to test and make sure it solves your connection issue before moving on.

To permanently allow http connections on the public zone:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=http

If you do the "permanent" command without doing the "temporary" command as well, you'll need to restart firewalld to get your new default rules (this might be different for non CentOS systems):

 sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service

If this hasn't solved your connection issues it may be because your interface isn't in the "public zone". The following link is a great resource for learning about firewalld. It goes over in detail how to check, assign, and configure zones:

How to send only one UDP packet with netcat?

If you are using bash, you might as well write

echo -n "hello" >/dev/udp/localhost/8000

and avoid all the idiosyncrasies and incompatibilities of netcat.

This also works sending to other hosts, ex:

echo -n "hello" >/dev/udp/remotehost/8000

These are not "real" devices on the file system, but bash "special" aliases. There is additional information in the Bash Manual.

Get method arguments using Spring AOP?

Your can use either of the following methods.

public void logBefore1(JoinPoint joinPoint) {


@Before("execution(*, && args(inputString)")
public void logBefore2(JoinPoint joinPoint, String inputString) {

joinpoint.getArgs() returns object array. Since, input is single string, only one object is returned.

In the second approach, the name should be same in expression and input parameter in the advice method i.e. args(inputString) and public void logBefore2(JoinPoint joinPoint, String inputString)

Here, addCustomer(String) indicates the method with one String input parameter.

What replaces cellpadding, cellspacing, valign, and align in HTML5 tables?

/* cellpadding */
th, td { padding: 5px; }

/* cellspacing */
table { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px; } /* cellspacing="5" */
table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }   /* cellspacing="0" */

/* valign */
th, td { vertical-align: top; }

/* align (center) */
table { margin: 0 auto; }

Error in spring application context schema

What I did with spring-data-jpa-1.3 was adding a version to xsd and lowered it to 1.2. Then the error message disappears. Like this


Seems like it was fixed for for 1.2 but then appears again in 1.3.

How to resize the jQuery DatePicker control

I had datepicker appearing in a modal and because of the "date-display-container" on the left hand side, the calendar was partially out of view, so I added:

.datepicker-date-display {
  display: none;

.datepicker-calendar-container {
  max-height: 21em;
.datepicker-day-button {
  line-height: 1.2em;

.datepicker-table > thead > tr > th {
  padding: 0;

How to update and delete a cookie?

update would just be resetting it using createCookie

function createCookie(name,value,days) {
    if (days) {
        var date = new Date();
        date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 *1000));
        var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
    } else {
        var expires = "";
    document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";

function readCookie(name) {
    var nameEQ = name + "=";
    var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
    for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
        var c = ca[i];
        while (c.charAt(0)==' ') {
            c = c.substring(1,c.length);
        if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) {
            return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
    return null;

function eraseCookie(name) {

Detect key input in Python

use the builtin: (no need for tkinter)

s = input('->>')
print(s) # what you just typed); now use if's 

How do you get the selected value of a Spinner?

You have getSelectedXXX methods from the AdapterView class from which the Spinner derives:




VB.NET: Clear DataGridView

You can also try this code if you want to clear all data in your DataGridView


Go to first line in a file in vim?

Type "gg" in command mode. This brings the cursor to the first line.

How do I use CMake?

CMake takes a CMakeList file, and outputs it to a platform-specific build format, e.g. a Makefile, Visual Studio, etc.

You run CMake on the CMakeList first. If you're on Visual Studio, you can then load the output project/solution.

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

The python error says that wordInput is not an iterable -> it is of NoneType.

If you print wordInput before the offending line, you will see that wordInput is None.

Since wordInput is None, that means that the argument passed to the function is also None. In this case word. You assign the result of pickEasy to word.

The problem is that your pickEasy function does not return anything. In Python, a method that didn't return anything returns a NoneType.

I think you wanted to return a word, so this will suffice:

def pickEasy():
    word = random.choice(easyWords)
    word = str(word)
    for i in range(1, len(word) + 1):
    return word

Swapping two variable value without using third variable

Here is one more solution but a single risk.


#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
void main()

int a =10 , b =45;
*(&a+1 ) = a;
a =b;
b =*(&a +1);

any value at location a+1 will be overridden.

How to sort a Ruby Hash by number value?

Already answered but still. Change your code to:

metrics.sort {|a1,a2| a2[1].to_i <=> a1[1].to_i }

Converted to strings along the way or not, this will do the job.

How to convert date to timestamp?

In case you came here looking for current timestamp

var date      = new Date();
var timestamp = date.getTime();

or simply

new Date().getTime();
//console.log(new Date().getTime());

Where is database .bak file saved from SQL Server Management Studio?

Should be in

Program Files>Microsoft SQL Server>MSSQL 1.0>MSSQL>BACKUP>

In my case it is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup

If you use the gui or T-SQL you can specify where you want it T-SQL example

BACKUP DATABASE [YourDB] TO  DISK = N'SomePath\YourDB.bak' 
WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'YourDB Full Database Backup', 

With T-SQL you can also get the location of the backup, see here Getting the physical device name and backup time for a SQL Server database

SELECT          physical_device_name,
                backup_size/1024.0 AS BackupSizeKB
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset b
JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily m ON b.media_set_id = m.media_set_id
WHERE database_name = 'YourDB'
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC

Calculate RSA key fingerprint

Run the following command to retrieve the SHA256 fingerprint of your SSH key (-l means "list" instead of create a new key, -f means "filename"):

$ ssh-keygen -lf /path/to/ssh/key

So for example, on my machine the command I ran was (using RSA public key):

$ ssh-keygen -lf ~/.ssh/
2048 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff /Users/username/.ssh/ (RSA)

To get the GitHub (MD5) fingerprint format with newer versions of ssh-keygen, run:

$ ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf <fileName>

Bonus information:

ssh-keygen -lf also works on known_hosts and authorized_keys files.

To find most public keys on Linux/Unix/OS X systems, run

$ find /etc/ssh /home/*/.ssh /Users/*/.ssh -name '*.pub' -o -name 'authorized_keys' -o -name 'known_hosts'

(If you want to see inside other users' homedirs, you'll have to be root or sudo.)

The ssh-add -l is very similar, but lists the fingerprints of keys added to your agent. (OS X users take note that magic passwordless SSH via Keychain is not the same as using ssh-agent.)

Fatal error: "No Target Architecture" in Visual Studio

Use #include <windows.h> instead of #include <windef.h>.

From the windows.h wikipedia page:

There are a number of child header files that are automatically included with windows.h. Many of these files cannot simply be included by themselves (they are not self-contained), because of dependencies.

windef.h is one of the files automatically included with windows.h.

Get the week start date and week end date from week number

You can find the day of week and do a date add on days to get the start and end dates..

DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, WeddingDate)-1), WeddingDate) [WeekStart]

DATEADD(dd, 7-(DATEPART(dw, WeddingDate)), WeddingDate) [WeekEnd]

You probably also want to look at stripping off the time from the date as well though.

Spring-Boot: How do I set JDBC pool properties like maximum number of connections?

In spring boot 2.x you need to reference provider specific properties.

The default, hikari can be set with spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size.

HTML/CSS--Creating a banner/header

For the image that is not showing up. Open the image in the Image editor and check the type you are probably name it as "gif" but its saved in a different format that's one reason that the browser is unable to render it and it is not showing.
For the image stretching issue please specify the actual width and height dimensions in #banner instead of width: 100%; height: 200px that you have specified.

Creating a very simple linked list

I've created the following LinkedList code with many features. It is available for public under the CodeBase github public repo.

Classes: Node and LinkedList

Getters and Setters: First and Last

Functions: AddFirst(data), AddFirst(node), AddLast(data), RemoveLast(), AddAfter(node, data), RemoveBefore(node), Find(node), Remove(foundNode), Print(LinkedList)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Codebase
    public class Node
        public object Data { get; set; }
        public Node Next { get; set; }

        public Node()

        public Node(object Data, Node Next = null)
            this.Data = Data;
            this.Next = Next;

    public class LinkedList
        private Node Head;
        public Node First
            get => Head;
                First.Data = value.Data;
                First.Next = value.Next;

        public Node Last
                Node p = Head;
                //Based partially on
                while (p.Next != null)
                    p = p.Next; //traverse the list until p is the last node.The last node always points to NULL.

                return p;
                Last.Data = value.Data;
                Last.Next = value.Next;

        public void AddFirst(Object data, bool verbose = true)
            Head = new Node(data, Head);
            if (verbose) Print();

        public void AddFirst(Node node, bool verbose = true)
            node.Next = Head;
            Head = node;
            if (verbose) Print();

        public void AddLast(Object data, bool Verbose = true)
            Last.Next = new Node(data);
            if (Verbose) Print();

        public Node RemoveFirst(bool verbose = true)
            Node temp = First;
            Head = First.Next;
            if (verbose) Print();
            return temp;

        public Node RemoveLast(bool verbose = true)
            Node p = Head;
            Node temp = Last;

            while (p.Next != temp)
                p = p.Next;

            p.Next = null;
            if (verbose) Print();

            return temp;

        public void AddAfter(Node node, object data, bool verbose = true)
            Node temp = new Node(data);
            temp.Next = node.Next;
            node.Next = temp;

            if (verbose) Print();

        public void AddBefore(Node node, object data, bool verbose = true)
            Node temp = new Node(data);

            Node p = Head;

            while (p.Next != node) //Finding the node before
                p = p.Next;

            temp.Next = p.Next; //same as  = node
            p.Next = temp;

            if (verbose) Print();

        public Node Find(object data)
            Node p = Head;

            while (p != null)
                if (p.Data == data)
                    return p;

                p = p.Next;
            return null;

        public void Remove(Node node, bool verbose = true)
            Node p = Head;

            while (p.Next != node)
                p = p.Next;

            p.Next = node.Next;
            if (verbose) Print();

        public void Print()
            Node p = Head;
            while (p != null) //LinkedList iterator
                Console.Write(p.Data + " ");
                p = p.Next; //traverse the list until p is the last node.The last node always points to NULL.

Using @yogihosting answer when she used the Microsoft built-in LinkedList and LinkedListNode to answer the question, you can achieve the same results:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Codebase;

namespace Cmd
    static class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var tune = new LinkedList(); //Using custom code instead of the built-in LinkedList<T>
            tune.AddFirst("do"); // do
            tune.AddLast("so"); // do - so
            tune.AddAfter(tune.First, "re"); // do - re- so
            tune.AddAfter(tune.First.Next, "mi"); // do - re - mi- so
            tune.AddBefore(tune.Last, "fa"); // do - re - mi - fa- so
            tune.RemoveFirst(); // re - mi - fa - so
            tune.RemoveLast(); // re - mi - fa
            Node miNode = tune.Find("mi"); //Using custom code instead of the built in LinkedListNode
            tune.Remove(miNode); // re - fa
            tune.AddFirst(miNode); // mi- re - fa

Is there a C++ gdb GUI for Linux?

As someone familiar with Visual Studio, I've looked at several open source IDE's to replace it, and KDevelop comes the closest IMO to being something that a Visual C++ person can just sit down and start using. When you run the project in debugging mode, it uses gdb but kdevelop pretty much handles the whole thing so that you don't have to know it's gdb; you're just single stepping or assigning watches to variables.

It still isn't as good as the Visual Studio Debugger, unfortunately.

How to use Bootstrap modal using the anchor tag for Register?

Just replace it:

<li><a href="" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalRegister">Register</a></li>

Instead of:

<li><a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="modalRegister">Register</a></li>

Apache HttpClient 4.0.3 - how do I set cookie with sessionID for POST request?

You should probably set all of the cookie properties not just the value of it. setPath(), setDomain() ... etc

Read input from a JOptionPane.showInputDialog box

Your problem is that, if the user clicks cancel, operationType is null and thus throws a NullPointerException. I would suggest that you move

if (operationType.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) 

to the beginning of the group of if statements, and then change it to


This will make the program exit just as if the user had selected the quit option when the cancel button is pushed.

Then, change all the rest of the ifs to else ifs. This way, once the program sees whether or not the input is null, it doesn't try to call anything else on operationType. This has the added benefit of making it more efficient - once the program sees that the input is one of the options, it won't bother checking it against the rest of them.

Install an apk file from command prompt?

It is so easy!

for example my apk file location is: d:\myapp.apk

  1. run cmd

  2. navigate to "platform-tools" folder(in the sdk folder)

  3. start your emulator device(let's say its name is 5556:MyDevice)

  4. type this code in the cmd:

    adb -s emulator-5556 install d:\myapp.apk

Wait for a while and it's DONE!!

How to make a jquery function call after "X" seconds

If you could show the actual page, we, possibly, could help you better.

If you want to trigger the button only after the iframe is loaded, you might want to check if it has been loaded or use the iframe.onload:

<iframe .... onload='buttonWhatever(); '></iframe>

<script type="text/javascript">

    function buttonWhatever() {
        $("#<%=Button1.ClientID%>").click(function (event) {
            $('#<%=TextBox1.ClientID%>').change(function () {
                $('#various3').attr('href', $(this).val());

        function showStickySuccessToast() {
            $().toastmessage('showToast', {
                text: 'Finished Processing!',
                sticky: false,
                position: 'middle-center',
                type: 'success',
                closeText: '',
                close: function () { }


Create empty data frame with column names by assigning a string vector?

How about:

df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
x <- c("name", "age", "gender")
colnames(df) <- x

To do all these operations in one-liner:

setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0)), c("name", "age", "gender"))

#[1] name   age    gender
#<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)


data.frame(matrix(ncol=3,nrow=0, dimnames=list(NULL, c("name", "age", "gender"))))

What is monkey patching?

Monkey patching can only be done in dynamic languages, of which python is a good example. Changing a method at runtime instead of updating the object definition is one example;similarly, adding attributes (whether methods or variables) at runtime is considered monkey patching. These are often done when working with modules you don't have the source for, such that the object definitions can't be easily changed.

This is considered bad because it means that an object's definition does not completely or accurately describe how it actually behaves.

How do I push a local Git branch to master branch in the remote?

As an extend to @Eugene's answer another version which will work to push code from local repo to master/develop branch .

Switch to branch ‘master’:

$ git checkout master

Merge from local repo to master:

$ git merge --no-ff FEATURE/<branch_Name>

Push to master:

$ git push

Detect HTTP or HTTPS then force HTTPS in JavaScript

You should check this:

Add this meta tag to your index.html inside head

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">

Hope it helped.

Hexadecimal to Integer in Java

Why do you not use the java functionality for that:

If your numbers are small (smaller than yours) you could use: Integer.parseInt(hex, 16) to convert a Hex - String into an integer.

  String hex = "ff"
  int value = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);  

For big numbers like yours, use public BigInteger(String val, int radix)

  BigInteger value = new BigInteger(hex, 16);

@See JavaDoc:

How to check if a json key exists?

You can use has

public boolean has(String key)

Determine if the JSONObject contains a specific key.


JSONObject JsonObj = new JSONObject(Your_API_STRING); //JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs

if (JsonObj.has("address")) { 
    //Checking address Key Present or not
    String get_address = JsonObj .getString("address"); // Present Key
else {
    //Do Your Staff

Java generating non-repeating random numbers

HashSet<Integer>hashSet=new HashSet<>();
Random random = new Random();
//now add random number to this set

MySql Query Replace NULL with Empty String in Select

I know this is old question but i got best solution without change query and also support for SELECT * statement

foreach ($row as &$value) {

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine Mac OSX Mavericks

Try : java -version , then if you see java 11

try to delete with terminal : cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines rm -rf openjdk-11.0.1.jdk

if it doesn't try delete manually: 1) click on finder 2) go to folder 3) post /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines 4) delete java 11 .

then try java version and you will see : java version "1.8.0_191"

Options for initializing a string array

string[] str = new string[]{"1","2"};
string[] str = new string[4];

What's the fastest algorithm for sorting a linked list?

The question is LeetCode #148, and there are plenty of solutions offered in all major languages. Mine is as follows, but I'm wondering about the time complexity. In order to find the middle element, we traverse the complete list each time. First time n elements are iterated over, second time 2 * n/2 elements are iterated over, so on and so forth. It seems to be O(n^2) time.

def sort(linked_list: LinkedList[int]) -> LinkedList[int]:
    # Return n // 2 element
    def middle(head: LinkedList[int]) -> LinkedList[int]:
        if not head or not
            return head
        slow = head
        fast =

        while fast and
            slow =
            fast =

        return slow

    def merge(head1: LinkedList[int], head2: LinkedList[int]) -> LinkedList[int]:
        p1 = head1
        p2 = head2
        prev = head = None

        while p1 and p2:
            smaller = p1 if p1.val < p2.val else p2
            if not head:
                head = smaller
            if prev:
       = smaller
            prev = smaller

            if smaller == p1:
                p1 =
                p2 =

        if prev:
   = p1 or p2
            head = p1 or p2

        return head

    def merge_sort(head: LinkedList[int]) -> LinkedList[int]:
        if head and
            mid = middle(head)
            mid_next =
            # Makes it easier to stop
   = None

            return merge(merge_sort(head), merge_sort(mid_next))
            return head

    return merge_sort(linked_list)

Deleting folders in python recursively

Try shutil.rmtree:

import shutil

List file using ls command in Linux with full path

There is more than one way to do that, the easiest I think would be:

find /mnt/mediashare/net/

also this should work:

(cd /mnt/mediashare/net/; ls | xargs -i echo `pwd`/{})

Getting the first index of an object

If you want something concise try:

for (first in obj) break;


wrapped as a function:

function first(obj) {
    for (var a in obj) return a;

How do I read a response from Python Requests?

If the response is in json you could do something like (python3):

import json
import requests as reqs

# Make the HTTP request.
response = reqs.get('')

# Use the json module to load CKAN's response into a dictionary.
response_dict = json.loads(response.text)

for i in response_dict:
    print("key: ", i, "val: ", response_dict[i])

To see everything in the response you can use .__dict__:


T-SQL How to create tables dynamically in stored procedures?

First up, you seem to be mixing table variables and tables.

Either way, You can't pass in the table's name like that. You would have to use dynamic TSQL to do that.

If you just want to declare a table variable:

CREATE PROC sp_createATable 
  @name        VARCHAR(10), 
  @properties  VARCHAR(500) 
  declare @tablename TABLE
    id  CHAR(10)  PRIMARY KEY 

The fact that you want to create a stored procedure to dynamically create tables might suggest your design is wrong.

Should I use .done() and .fail() for new jQuery AJAX code instead of success and error

I want to add something on @Michael Laffargue's post:

jqXHR.done() is faster!

jqXHR.success() have some load time in callback and sometimes can overkill script. I find that on hard way before.


Using jqXHR.done(), and jqXHR.always() you can better manipulate with ajax request. Generaly you can define ajax in some variable or object and use that variable or object in any part of your code and get data faster. Good example:

/* Initialize some your AJAX function */
function call_ajax(attr){
    var settings=$.extend({
        call            : 'users',
        option          : 'list'
    }, attr );

    return $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        url: "//",
        data: settings,
        cache : false

/* .... Somewhere in your code ..... */

    /* ... */
    id : 10,
    option : 'edit_user'
    change : {
          name : 'John Doe'
    /* ... */



How to hide Soft Keyboard when activity starts

Use the following functions to show/hide the keyboard:

 * Hides the soft keyboard
public void hideSoftKeyboard() {
    if(getCurrentFocus()!=null) {
        InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
        inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getCurrentFocus().getWindowToken(), 0);

 * Shows the soft keyboard
public void showSoftKeyboard(View view) {
    InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
    inputMethodManager.showSoftInput(view, 0);

Writing new lines to a text file in PowerShell

It's also possible to assign newline and carriage return to variables and then append them to texts inside PowerShell scripts:

$OFS = "`r`n"
$msg = "This is First Line" + $OFS + "This is Second Line" + $OFS
Write-Host $msg

Eclipse plugin for generating a class diagram

Assuming that you meant to state 'Class Diagram' instead of 'Project Hierarchy', I've used the following Eclipse plug-ins to generate Class Diagrams at various points in my professional career:

  • ObjectAid. My current preference.
  • EclipseUML from Omondo. Only commercial versions appear to be available right now. The class diagram in your question, is most likely generated by this plugin.

Obligatory links

The listed tools will not generate class diagrams from source code, or atleast when I used them quite a few years back. You can use them to handcraft class diagrams though.

  • UMLet. I used this several years back. Appears to be in use, going by the comments in the Eclipse marketplace.
  • Violet. This supports creation of other types of UML diagrams in addition to class diagrams.

Related questions on StackOverflow

  1. Is there a free Eclipse plugin that creates a UML diagram out of Java classes / packages?

Except for ObjectAid and a few other mentions, most of the Eclipse plug-ins mentioned in the listed questions may no longer be available, or would work only against older versions of Eclipse.

changing the language of error message in required field in html5 contact form

<input type="text" id="inputName"  placeholder="Enter name"  required  oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity('Please Enter your first name')" >

this can help you even more better, Fast, Convenient & Easiest.

How to position text over an image in css

as of 2017 this is more responsive and worked for me. This is for putting text inside vs over, like a badge. instead of the number 8, I had a variable to pull data from a database.

this code started with Kailas's answer up above


<div class="containerBox">
  <img class="img-responsive"    src="">
  <div class='text-box'>
   <p class='dataNumber'> 8 </p>

and my css:

.containerBox {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;

.text-box {
  position: absolute;
  height: 30%;
  text-align: center;
  width: 100%;
  margin: auto;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
  left: 0;
  font-size: 30px;

.img-responsive {
  display: block;
  max-width: 100%;
  height: 120px;
  margin: auto;
  padding: auto;

.dataNumber {
  margin-top: auto;

Scroll to bottom of div with Vue.js

In the related question you posted, we already have a way to achieve that in plain javascript, so we only need to get the js reference to the dom node we want to scroll.

The ref attribute can be used to declare reference to html elements to make them available in vue's component methods.

Or, if the method in the component is a handler for some UI event, and the target is related to the div you want to scroll in space, you can simply pass in the event object along with your wanted arguments, and do the scroll like scroll(

How to save a PNG image server-side, from a base64 data string

PHP has already a fair treatment base64 -> file transform

I use to get it done using this way:

$blob=$_POST['blob']; // base64 coming from an url, for example
$fh=fopen("myfile.png",'w'); // be aware, it'll overwrite!
echo '<img src=myfile.png>'; // just for the check

How to create a connection string in c#

string connectionstring="DataSource=severname;InitialCatlog=databasename;Uid=; password=;"
SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(connectionstring)

return value after a promise

Use a pattern along these lines:

function getValue(file) {
  return lookupValue(file);

getValue('myFile.txt').then(function(res) {
  // do whatever with res here

(although this is a bit redundant, I'm sure your actual code is more complicated)

REST API using POST instead of GET

In REST, each HTTP verbs has its place and meaning.

For example,

  • GET is to get the 'resource(s)' that is pointed to in the URL.

  • POST is to instructure the backend to 'create' a resource of the 'type' pointed to in the URL. You can supplement the POST operation with parameters or additional data in the body of the POST call.

In you case, since you are interested in 'getting' the info using query, thus it should be a GET operation instead of a POST operation.

This wiki may help to further clarify things.

Hope this help!

How to loop in excel without VBA or macros?

You could create a table somewhere on a calculation spreadsheet which performs this operation for each pair of cells, and use auto-fill to fill it up.

Aggregate the results from that table into a results cell.

The 200 so cells which reference the results could then reference the cell that holds the aggregation results. In the newest versions of excel you can name the result cell and reference it that way, for ease of reading.

Remove all special characters with RegExp

str.replace(/\s|[0-9_]|\W|[#$%^&*()]/g, "") I did sth like this. But there is some people who did it much easier like str.replace(/\W_/g,"");

FB OpenGraph og:image not pulling images (possibly https?)

I can see that the Debugger is retrieving 4 og:image tags from your URL.

The first image is the largest and therefore takes longest to load. Try shrink that first image down or change the order to show a smaller image first.

How do I compile a .cpp file on Linux?

Just type the code and save it in .cpp format. then try "gcc filename.cpp" . This will create the object file. then try "./a.out" (This is the default object file name). If you want to know about gcc you can always try "man gcc"

Executing a stored procedure within a stored procedure

T-SQL is not asynchronous, so you really have no choice but to wait until SP2 ends. Luckily, that's what you want.

   PRINT 'Done'

Center an item with position: relative

Another option is to create an extra wrapper to center the element vertically.

  border:solid 1px #33aaff;_x000D_
  border:dotted 1px #ff55aa;_x000D_
  border:solid 1px #ff55aa;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
  <div id="helper">_x000D_
    <div id="centered"></div>_x000D_

Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

Here's a couple of extension methods I've jury-rigged together to convert IQueryables and IEnumerables from one type to another (i.e. DTO). It's mainly used to convert from a larger type (i.e. the type of the row in the database that has unneeded fields) to a smaller one.

The positive sides of this approach are:

  • it requires almost no code to use - a simple call to .Transform<DtoType>() is all you need
  • it works just like .Select(s=>new{...}) i.e. when used with IQueryable it produces the optimal SQL code, excluding Type1 fields that DtoType doesn't have.


public static IQueryable<TResult> Transform<TResult>(this IQueryable source)
    var resultType = typeof(TResult);
    var resultProperties = resultType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite);

    ParameterExpression s = Expression.Parameter(source.ElementType, "s");

    var memberBindings =
        resultProperties.Select(p =>
            Expression.Bind(typeof(TResult).GetMember(p.Name)[0], Expression.Property(s, p.Name))).OfType<MemberBinding>();

    Expression memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(

    var memberInitLambda = Expression.Lambda(memberInit, s);

    var typeArgs = new[]

    var mc = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", typeArgs, source.Expression, memberInitLambda);

    var query = source.Provider.CreateQuery<TResult>(mc);

    return query;

public static IEnumerable<TResult> Transform<TResult>(this IEnumerable source)
    return source.AsQueryable().Transform<TResult>();

How can I close a window with Javascript on Mozilla Firefox 3?

self.close() does not work, are you sure you closing a window and not a script generated popup ?

you guys might want to look at this :