Programs & Examples On #Pad

How can I fill out a Python string with spaces?

The new(ish) string format method lets you do some fun stuff with nested keyword arguments. The simplest case:

>>> '{message: <16}'.format(message='Hi')
'Hi             '

If you want to pass in 16 as a variable:

>>> '{message: <{width}}'.format(message='Hi', width=16)
'Hi              '

If you want to pass in variables for the whole kit and kaboodle:

   fill=' ',

Which results in (you guessed it):

'Hi              '

And for all these, you can use python 3.6 f-strings:

message = 'Hi'
fill = ' '
align = '<'
width = 16

And of course the result:

'Hi              '

python how to pad numpy array with zeros

In case you need to add a fence of 1s to an array:

>>> mat = np.zeros((4,4), np.int32)
>>> mat
array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0]])
>>> mat[0,:] = mat[:,0] = mat[:,-1] =  mat[-1,:] = 1
>>> mat
array([[1, 1, 1, 1],
       [1, 0, 0, 1],
       [1, 0, 0, 1],
       [1, 1, 1, 1]])

Getting current directory in VBScript

'-----Implementation of VB6 App object in VBScript-----
Class clsApplication
    Property Get Path()
          Dim sTmp
          If IsObject(Server) Then
               'Classic ASP
               Path = Server.MapPath("../")
          ElseIf IsObject(WScript) Then 
               'Windows Scripting Host
               Path = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InStr(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName) - 2)
          ElseIf IsObject(window) Then
               'Internet Explorer HTML Application (HTA)
               sTmp = Replace( Replace(Unescape(window.location), "file:///", "") ,"/", "\")
               Path = Left(sTmp, InstrRev( sTmp , "\") - 1)
          End If
    End Property
End Class
Dim App : Set App = New clsApplication 'use as App.Path

Importing CSV with line breaks in Excel 2007

Excel is incredibly broken when dealing with CSVs. LibreOffice does a much better job. So, I found out that:

  • The file must be encoded in UTF-8 with BOM, so consider this for all the points below
  • The best result, by far, is achieved by opening it from File Explorer
  • If you open it from within Excel there are two possible outcomes:
    • If it has only ASCII characters, it will most likely work
    • If it has non-ASCII characters, it will mess your line breaks
  • It seems to be heavily dependent on the decimal separator configured in the OS's regional settings, so you have to select the right one
  • I would bet that it may also behave differently depending on OS and Office version


I have discovered that you cannot have conditionals outside of the stored procedure in mysql. This is why the syntax error. As soon as I put the code that I needed between

   SELECT FIRST_DAY(CURDATE()) INTO @checkweekday;
   SELECT DAY(@checkweekday) INTO @checkday;
   SET @daycount = 0;
   SET @workdays = 0;

     WHILE(@daycount < @totaldays) DO
       IF (WEEKDAY(@checkweekday) < 5) THEN
         SET @workdays = @workdays+1;
       END IF;
       SET @daycount = @daycount+1;
       SELECT ADDDATE(@checkweekday, INTERVAL 1 DAY) INTO @checkweekday;

Just for others:

If you are not sure how to create a routine in phpmyadmin you can put this in the SQL query

    delimiter ;;
    drop procedure if exists test2;;
    create procedure test2()
    select ‘Hello World’;

Run the query. This will create a stored procedure or stored routine named test2. Now go to the routines tab and edit the stored procedure to be what you want. I also suggest reading if you are beginning with stored procedures.

The first_day function you need is: How to get first day of every corresponding month in mysql?

Showing the Procedure is working Simply add the following line below END WHILE and above END

    SELECT @curmonth,@curmonthname,@totaldays,@daycount,@workdays,@checkweekday,@checkday;

Then use the following code in the SQL Query Window.

    call test2 /* or whatever you changed the name of the stored procedure to */

NOTE: If you use this please keep in mind that this code does not take in to account nationally observed holidays (or any holidays for that matter).

How to get 30 days prior to current date?

This is an ES6 version

let date = new Date()
let newDate = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate()-30))
console.log(newDate.getMonth()+1 + '/' + newDate.getDate() + '/' + newDate.getFullYear() )

Swift Bridging Header import issue

Had similar issue that could not be solved by any solution above. My project uses CocoaPods. I noticed that along with errors I got a warning with the following message:

Uncategorized: Target 'Pods' of project 'Pods' was rejected as an implicit dependency for 'Pods.framework' because its architectures 'arm64' didn't contain all required architectures 'armv7 arm64'

enter image description here

So solution was quite simple. For Pods project, change Build Active Architecture Only flag to No and original error went away.

How to create localhost database using mysql?

removing temp files, and did you restart the computer or stop the MySQL service? That's the error message you get when there isn't a MySQL server running.

How to convert String to Date value in SAS?

Formats like




are not valid for input command while converting text to a sas date. You can use

Date = input( cdate , ANYDTDTE11.);


Date = input( cdate , ANYDTDTE10.); 

for conversion.

how to get the one entry from hashmap without iterating

This would get a single entry from the map, which about as close as one can get, given 'first' doesn't really apply.

import java.util.*;

public class Friday {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

        map.put("code", 10);
        map.put("to", 11);
        map.put("joy", 12);

        if (! map.isEmpty()) {
            Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = map.entrySet().iterator().next();

Getting absolute URLs using ASP.NET Core

I just discovered you can do it with this call:

Url.Action(new UrlActionContext
    Protocol = Request.Scheme,
    Host = Request.Host.Value,
    Action = "Action"

This will maintain the scheme, host, port, everything.

How to post object and List using postman

Try this one,

  "address": "colombo",
  "username": "hesh",
  "password": "123",
  "registetedDate": "2015-4-3",
  "firstname": "hesh",
  "contactNo": "07762",
  "accountNo": "16161",
  "lastName": "jay",

How to show live preview in a small popup of linked page on mouse over on link?

I have done a little plugin to show a iframe window to preview a link. Still in beta version. Maybe it fits your case:

"Gradle Version 2.10 is required." Error

In Terminal type gradlew clean. it will automatically download and install gradle version 2.10(ie latest gradle verson available)

Eg : C:\android\workspace\projectname>gradlew clean

How to add image that is on my computer to a site in css or html?

No, Not if your website is on a remote server, i.e not on localhost.

Download file and automatically save it to folder

A much simpler solution would be to download the file using Chrome. In this manner you don't have to manually click on the save button.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace MyProcessSample
    class MyProcess
        public static void Main()
            Process myProcess = new Process();

Is there any method to get the URL without query string?

If you use dot net core 3.1, it is supporting case ignore route, so the previous way is not helpful if the rout is in small letters and the user writes the rout in capital letters.

So, the following code is very helpful:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("div.sidebar nav a").removeClass("active");
    var urlPath = window.location.pathname.split("?")[0];
    var nav = $('div.sidebar nav a').filter(function () {
        return $(this).attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf(urlPath.toLocaleLowerCase()) > -1;
    $(nav).each(function () {
        if ($(this).attr("href").toLowerCase() == urlPath.toLocaleLowerCase())

Google Maps V3 marker with label

The way to do this without use of plugins is to make a subclass of google's OverlayView() method.

You make a custom function and apply it to the map.

function Label() { 

Now you prototype your subclass and add HTML nodes:

Label.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView; //subclassing google's overlayView
Label.prototype.onAdd = function() {
        this.MySpecialDiv               = document.createElement('div');
        this.MySpecialDiv.className     = 'MyLabel';
        this.getPanes().overlayImage.appendChild(this.MySpecialDiv); //attach it to overlay panes so it behaves like markers


you also have to implement remove and draw functions as stated in the API docs, or this won't work.

Label.prototype.onRemove = function() {
... // remove your stuff and its events if any
Label.prototype.draw = function() {
      var position = this.getProjection().fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.get('position')); // translate map latLng coords into DOM px coords for css positioning
var pos = this.get('position');
                'top'   : position.y + 'px',
                'left'  : position.x + 'px'

That's the gist of it, you'll have to do some more work in your specific implementation.

Setting default values for columns in JPA

If you're using a double, you can use the following:

@Column(columnDefinition="double precision default '96'")

private Double grolsh;

Yes it's db specific.

How does strcmp() work?

Here is my version, written for small microcontroller applications, MISRA-C compliant. The main aim with this code was to write readable code, instead of the one-line goo found in most compiler libs.

int8_t strcmp (const uint8_t* s1, const uint8_t* s2)
  while ( (*s1 != '\0') && (*s1 == *s2) )

  return (int8_t)( (int16_t)*s1 - (int16_t)*s2 );

Note: the code assumes 16 bit int type.

count files in specific folder and display the number into 1 cel

Try below code :

Assign the path of the folder to variable FolderPath before running the below code.

Sub sample()

    Dim FolderPath As String, path As String, count As Integer
    FolderPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Santosh\Desktop"

    path = FolderPath & "\*.xls"

    Filename = Dir(path)

    Do While Filename <> ""
       count = count + 1
        Filename = Dir()

    Range("Q8").Value = count
    'MsgBox count & " : files found in folder"
End Sub

PostgreSQL ERROR: canceling statement due to conflict with recovery

As stated here about hot_standby_feedback = on :

Well, the disadvantage of it is that the standby can bloat the master, which might be surprising to some people, too

And here:

With what setting of max_standby_streaming_delay? I would rather default that to -1 than default hot_standby_feedback on. That way what you do on the standby only affects the standby

So I added

max_standby_streaming_delay = -1

And no more pg_dump error for us, nor master bloat :)

For AWS RDS instance, check

How to get the first column of a pandas DataFrame as a Series?

This works great when you want to load a series from a csv file

x = pd.read_csv('x.csv', index_col=False, names=['x'],header=None).iloc[:,0]

<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
0    110.96
1    119.40
2    135.89
3    152.32
4    192.91
5    177.20
6    181.16
7    177.30
8    200.13
9    235.41
Name: x, dtype: float64

Multiple -and -or in PowerShell Where-Object statement

I found the solution here:

How to properly -filter multiple strings in a PowerShell copy script

You have to use -Include flag for Get-ChildItem

My Example:

$Location = "C:\user\files" 
$result = (Get-ChildItem $Location\* -Include *.png, *.gif, *.jpg)

Dont forget put "*" after path location.

How do I merge dictionaries together in Python?

My solution is to define a merge function. It's not sophisticated and just cost one line. Here's the code in Python 3.

from functools import reduce
from operator import or_

def merge(*dicts):
    return { k: reduce(lambda d, x: x.get(k, d), dicts, None) for k in reduce(or_, map(lambda x: x.keys(), dicts), set()) }


>>> d = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16}
>>> d_letters = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k', 11: 'l', 12: 'm', 13: 'n', 14: 'o', 15: 'p', 16: 'q', 17: 'r', 18: 's', 19: 't', 20: 'u', 21: 'v', 22: 'w', 23: 'x', 24: 'y', 25: 'z', 26: 'A', 27: 'B', 28: 'C', 29: 'D', 30: 'E', 31: 'F', 32: 'G', 33: 'H', 34: 'I', 35: 'J', 36: 'K', 37: 'L', 38: 'M', 39: 'N', 40: 'O', 41: 'P', 42: 'Q', 43: 'R', 44: 'S', 45: 'T', 46: 'U', 47: 'V', 48: 'W', 49: 'X', 50: 'Y', 51: 'Z'}
>>> merge(d, d_letters)
{0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k', 11: 'l', 12: 'm', 13: 'n', 14: 'o', 15: 'p', 16: 'q', 17: 'r', 18: 's', 19: 't', 20: 'u', 21: 'v', 22: 'w', 23: 'x', 24: 'y', 25: 'z', 26: 'A', 27: 'B', 28: 'C', 29: 'D', 30: 'E', 31: 'F', 32: 'G', 33: 'H', 34: 'I', 35: 'J', 36: 'K', 37: 'L', 38: 'M', 39: 'N', 40: 'O', 41: 'P', 42: 'Q', 43: 'R', 44: 'S', 45: 'T', 46: 'U', 47: 'V', 48: 'W', 49: 'X', 50: 'Y', 51: 'Z'}
>>> merge(d_letters, d)
{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k', 11: 'l', 12: 'm', 13: 'n', 14: 'o', 15: 'p', 16: 'q', 17: 'r', 18: 's', 19: 't', 20: 'u', 21: 'v', 22: 'w', 23: 'x', 24: 'y', 25: 'z', 26: 'A', 27: 'B', 28: 'C', 29: 'D', 30: 'E', 31: 'F', 32: 'G', 33: 'H', 34: 'I', 35: 'J', 36: 'K', 37: 'L', 38: 'M', 39: 'N', 40: 'O', 41: 'P', 42: 'Q', 43: 'R', 44: 'S', 45: 'T', 46: 'U', 47: 'V', 48: 'W', 49: 'X', 50: 'Y', 51: 'Z'}
>>> merge(d)
{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16}
>>> merge(d_letters)
{0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k', 11: 'l', 12: 'm', 13: 'n', 14: 'o', 15: 'p', 16: 'q', 17: 'r', 18: 's', 19: 't', 20: 'u', 21: 'v', 22: 'w', 23: 'x', 24: 'y', 25: 'z', 26: 'A', 27: 'B', 28: 'C', 29: 'D', 30: 'E', 31: 'F', 32: 'G', 33: 'H', 34: 'I', 35: 'J', 36: 'K', 37: 'L', 38: 'M', 39: 'N', 40: 'O', 41: 'P', 42: 'Q', 43: 'R', 44: 'S', 45: 'T', 46: 'U', 47: 'V', 48: 'W', 49: 'X', 50: 'Y', 51: 'Z'}
>>> merge()

It works for arbitrary number of dictionary arguments. Were there any duplicate keys in those dictionary, the key from the rightmost dictionary in the argument list wins.

Node.js – events js 72 throw er unhandled 'error' event

I always do the following whenever I get such error:

// remove node_modules/
rm -rf node_modules/
// install node_modules/ again
npm install // or, yarn

and then start the project

npm start //or, yarn start

It works fine after re-installing node_modules. But I don't know if it's good practice.

How to have multiple colors in a Windows batch file?

Actually this can be done without creating a temporary file. The method described by jeb and dbenham will work even with a target file that contains no backspaces. The critical point is that the line recognized by findstr.exe must not end with a CRLF. So the obvious text file to scan with a line not ending with a CRLF is the invoking batch itself, provided that we end it with such a line! Here's an updated example script working this way...

Changes from the previous example:

  • Uses a single dash on the last line as the searchable string. (Must be short and not appear anywhere else like this in the batch.)
  • Renamed routines and variables to be a little more object-oriented :-)
  • Removed one call level, to slightly improve performance.
  • Added comments (Beginning with :# to look more like most other scripting languages.)

@echo off

call :Echo.Color.Init

goto main

:Echo.Color %1=Color %2=Str [%3=/n]
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=%~2"
:# Replace path separators in the string, so that the final path still refers to the current path.
set "str=a%ECHO.DEL%!str:\=a%ECHO.DEL%\..\%ECHO.DEL%%ECHO.DEL%%ECHO.DEL%!"
set "str=!str:/=a%ECHO.DEL%/..\%ECHO.DEL%%ECHO.DEL%%ECHO.DEL%!"
set "str=!str:"=\"!"
:# Go to the script directory and search for the trailing -
pushd "%ECHO.DIR%"
findstr /p /r /a:%~1 "^^-" "!str!\..\!ECHO.FILE!" nul
:# Remove the name of this script from the output. (Dependant on its length.)
for /l %%n in (1,1,12) do if not "!ECHO.FILE:~%%n!"=="" <nul set /p "=%ECHO.DEL%"
:# Remove the other unwanted characters "\..\: -"
:# Append the optional CRLF
if not "%~3"=="" echo.
endlocal & goto :eof

:Echo.Color.Var %1=Color %2=StrVar [%3=/n]
if not defined %~2 goto :eof
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=!%~2!"
goto :Echo.Color.2

set "ECHO.COLOR=call :Echo.Color"
set "ECHO.DIR=%~dp0"
set "ECHO.FILE=%~nx0"
:# Use prompt to store a backspace into a variable. (Actually backspace+space+backspace)
for /F "tokens=1 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "ECHO.DEL=%%a"
goto :eof

call :Echo.Color 0a "a"
call :Echo.Color 0b "b"
set "txt=^" & call :Echo.Color.Var 0c txt
call :Echo.Color 0d "<"
call :Echo.Color 0e ">"
call :Echo.Color 0f "&"
call :Echo.Color 1a "|"
call :Echo.Color 1b " "
call :Echo.Color 1c "%%%%"
call :Echo.Color 1d ^"""
call :Echo.Color 1e "*"
call :Echo.Color 1f "?"
:# call :Echo.Color 2a "!"
call :Echo.Color 2b "."
call :Echo.Color 2c ".."
call :Echo.Color 2d "/"
call :Echo.Color 2e "\"
call :Echo.Color 2f "q:" /n
set complex="c:\hello world!/.\..\\a//^<%%>&|!" /^^^<%%^>^&^|!\
call :Echo.Color.Var 74 complex /n

exit /b

:# The following line must be last and not end by a CRLF.

PS. I'm having a problem with the output of the ! character that you did not have in the previous example. (Or at least you did not have the same symptoms.) To be investigated.

How to display the current time and date in C#

For time:

label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); //result 22:11:45


label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt"); //result 11:11:45 PM

For date:

label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //30.5.2012

Convert JSON String to Pretty Print JSON output using Jackson

You can achieve this using bellow ways:

1. Using Jackson from Apache

    String formattedData=new ObjectMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter()

Import bellow class:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

It's gradle dependency is :

compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.7.3'
compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.7.3'
compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.7.3'

2. Using Gson from Google

String formattedData=new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting()

Import bellow class:


It's gradle is:

compile ''

Here, you can also download correct updated version from repository.

Making a list of evenly spaced numbers in a certain range in python

You can use the folowing code:

def float_range(initVal, itemCount, step):
    for x in xrange(itemCount):
        yield initVal
        initVal += step

[x for x in float_range(1, 3, 0.1)]

How to change style of a default EditText

I use the below code . Check if it helps .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="" >
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#00f" />
            <padding android:bottom="2dp" />
    <item android:bottom="10dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#fff" />

                android:right="2dp" />
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#fff" />

Hex-encoded String to Byte Array

I think what the questioner is after is converting the string representation of a hexadecimal value to a byte array representing that hexadecimal value.

The apache commons-codec has a class for that, Hex.

String s = "9B7D2C34A366BF890C730641E6CECF6F";    
byte[] bytes = Hex.decodeHex(s.toCharArray());

What is the difference between int, Int16, Int32 and Int64?

They tell what size can be stored in a integer variable. To remember the size you can think in terms of :-) 2 beer( 2 bytes) , 4 beer(4 bytes) or 8 beer( 8 bytes).

  • Int16 :-2 beers/bytes = 16 bit = 2^16 = 65536 = 65536/2 = -32768 to 32767

  • Int32 :- 4 beers/bytes = 32 bit = 2^32 = 4294967296 = 4294967296/2 = -2147483648 to 2147483647

  • Int64 :- 8 beer/ bytes = 64 bit = 2^64 = 18446744073709551616 = 18446744073709551616 /2 = -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

In short you can store more than 32767 value in int16 , more than 2147483647 value in int32 and more than 9223372036854775807 value in int64.

To understand above calculation you can check out this video int16 vs int32 vs int64


static const vs #define

Please see here: static const vs define

usually a const declaration (notice it doesn't need to be static) is the way to go

jQuery - find child with a specific class

I'm not sure if I understand your question properly, but it shouldn't matter if this div is a child of some other div. You can simply get text from all divs with class bgHeaderH2 by using following code:


assign function return value to some variable using javascript

AJAX requests are asynchronous. Your doSomething function is being exectued, the AJAX request is being made but it happens asynchronously; so the remainder of doSomething is executed and the value of status is undefined when it is returned.

Effectively, your code works as follows:

function doSomething(someargums) {
     return status;

var response = doSomething();

And then some time later, your AJAX request is completing; but it's already too late

You need to alter your code, and populate the "response" variable in the "success" callback of your AJAX request. You're going to have to delay using the response until the AJAX call has completed.

Where you previously may have had

var response = doSomething();


You should do:

function doSomething() {  
           type: "POST",
           data: dataString,
           success: function (txtBack) { 

Split and join C# string

You can split and join the string, but why not use substrings? Then you only end up with one split instead of splitting the string into 5 parts and re-joining it. The end result is the same, but the substring is probably a bit faster.

string lcStart = "Some Very Large String Here";
int lnSpace = lcStart.IndexOf(' ');

if (lnSpace > -1)
    string lcFirst = lcStart.Substring(0, lnSpace);
    string lcRest = lcStart.Substring(lnSpace + 1);

How to resolve "The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator." error?

Your http is being blocked by a firewall from F5 Networks called Application Security Manager (ASM). It produces messages like:

Please consult with your administrator.
Your support ID is: xxxxxxxxxxxx

So your application is passing some data that for some reason ASM detects as a threat. Give the support id to you network engineer to learn the specific reason.

File being used by another process after using File.Create()

File.Create returns a FileStream. You need to close that when you have written to the file:

using (FileStream fs = File.Create(path, 1024)) 
            Byte[] info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("This is some text in the file.");
            // Add some information to the file.
            fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length);

You can use using for automatically closing the file.

Java project in Eclipse: The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

This seems to be an Eclipse bug, though restarting Eclipse worked great for me, hope this helps somebody else too.

How do I check if a C++ std::string starts with a certain string, and convert a substring to an int?

You would do it like this:

std::string prefix("--foo=");
if (!, prefix.size(), prefix))
    foo_value = std::stoi(arg.substr(prefix.size()));

Looking for a lib such as Boost.ProgramOptions that does this for you is also a good idea.

How and where are Annotations used in Java?

Java EE 5 favors the use of annotations over XML configuration. For example, in EJB3 the transaction attributes on an EJB method are specified using annotations. They even use annotations to mark POJOs as EJBs and to specify particular methods as lifecycle methods instead of requiring that implementation of an interface.

Margin-Top not working for span element?

Unlike div, p 1 which are Block Level elements which can take up margin on all sides,span2 cannot as it's an Inline element which takes up margins horizontally only.

From the specification:

Margin properties specify the width of the margin area of a box. The 'margin' shorthand property sets the margin for all four sides while the other margin properties only set their respective side. These properties apply to all elements, but vertical margins will not have any effect on non-replaced inline elements.

Demo 1 (Vertical margin not applied as span is an inline element)

Solution? Make your span element, display: inline-block; or display: block;.

Demo 2

Would suggest you to use display: inline-block; as it will be inline as well as block. Making it block only will result in your element to render on another line, as block level elements take 100% of horizontal space on the page, unless they are made inline-block or they are floated to left or right.

1. Block Level Elements - MDN Source

2. Inline Elements - MDN Resource

How to write file in UTF-8 format?

On Unix/Linux a simple shell command could be used alternatively to convert all files from a given directory:

 recode L1..UTF8 dir/*

Could be started via PHPs exec() as well.

Register DLL file on Windows Server 2008 R2

Copy/Paste/Calculate Visible Cells from One Column of a Filtered Table

Here a code that works with windows office 2010. This script will ask you for input filtered range of cells and then the paste range.

Please, both ranges should have the same number of cells.

Sub Copy_Filtered_Cells()

Dim from As Variant
Dim too As Variant
Dim thing As Variant
Dim cell As Range


    'Set from = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    Set temp = Application.InputBox("Copy Range :", Type:=8)
    Set from = temp.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    Set too = Application.InputBox("Select Paste range selected cells ( Visible cells only)", Type:=8)

    For Each cell In from
        For Each thing In too
            If thing.EntireRow.RowHeight > 0 Then
                Set too = thing.Offset(1).Resize(too.Rows.Count)
                Exit For
            End If

End Sub


How do I tell Python to convert integers into words

Here is refactored version of several code examples posted above (mostly code pasted by "developer".

def int2words(num):
    """Given an int32 number, print it in English.

    num : int

    words : str
    assert (0 <= num)
    d = {
        0: 'zero', 1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five',
        6: 'six', 7: 'seven', 8: 'eight', 9: 'nine', 10: 'ten',
        11: 'eleven', 12: 'twelve', 13: 'thirteen', 14: 'fourteen',
        15: 'fifteen', 16: 'sixteen', 17: 'seventeen', 18: 'eighteen',
        19: 'nineteen', 20: 'twenty',
        30: 'thirty', 40: 'forty', 50: 'fifty', 60: 'sixty',
        70: 'seventy', 80: 'eighty', 90: 'ninety'
    h = [100, 'hundred', 'hundred and']
    k = [h[0] * 10, 'thousand', 'thousand,']
    m = [k[0] * 1000, 'million', 'million,']
    b = [m[0] * 1000, 'billion', 'billion,']
    t = [b[0] * 1000, 'trillion', 'trillion,']
    if num < 20:
        return d[num]
    if num < 100:
        div_, mod_ = divmod(num, 10)
        return d[num] if mod_ == 0 else d[div_ * 10] + '-' + d[mod_]
        if num < k[0]:
            divisor, word1, word2 = h
        elif num < m[0]:
            divisor, word1, word2 = k
        elif num < b[0]:
            divisor, word1, word2 = m
        elif num < t[0]:
            divisor, word1, word2 = b
            divisor, word1, word2 = t
        div_, mod_ = divmod(num, divisor)
        if mod_ == 0:
            return '{} {}'.format(int2words(div_), word1)
            return '{} {} {}'.format(int2words(div_), word2, int2words(mod_))

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

The python error says that wordInput is not an iterable -> it is of NoneType.

If you print wordInput before the offending line, you will see that wordInput is None.

Since wordInput is None, that means that the argument passed to the function is also None. In this case word. You assign the result of pickEasy to word.

The problem is that your pickEasy function does not return anything. In Python, a method that didn't return anything returns a NoneType.

I think you wanted to return a word, so this will suffice:

def pickEasy():
    word = random.choice(easyWords)
    word = str(word)
    for i in range(1, len(word) + 1):
    return word

Case insensitive access for generic dictionary

There is much simpler way:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
var caseInsensitiveDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

How to call one shell script from another shell script?

The answer which I was looking for:

( exec "path/to/script" )

As mentioned, exec replaces the shell without creating a new process. However, we can put it in a subshell, which is done using the parantheses.

EDIT: Actually ( "path/to/script" ) is enough.

Android - Back button in the title bar

If your activity extends AppCompatActivity you need to override the onSupportNavigateUp() method like so:

public class SecondActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

   public void onBackPressed() {

   public boolean onSupportNavigateUp() {
       return true;

Handle your logic in your onBackPressed() method and just call that method in onSupportNavigateUp() so the back button on the phone and the arrow on the toolbar do the same thing.

How do I rename a file using VBScript?

Rename File using VB SCript.

  1. Create Folder Source and Archive in D : Drive. [You can choose other drive but make change in code from D:\Source to C:\Source in case you create folder in C: Drive]
  2. Save files in Source folder to be renamed.
  3. Save below code and save it as .vbs e.g ChangeFileName.vbs
  4. Run file and the file will be renamed with existing file name and current date

    Option Explicit

    Dim fso,sfolder,fs,f1,CFileName,strRename,NewFilename,GFileName,CFolderName,CFolderName1,Dfolder,afolder

    Dim myDate

    myDate =Date

    Function pd(n, totalDigits)

        if totalDigits > len(n) then 
            pd = String(totalDigits-len(n),"0") & n 
            pd = n 
        end if 

    End Function

    myDate= Pd(DAY(date()),2) & _

    Pd(Month(date()),2) & _


    'MsgBox ("Create Folders 'Source' 'Destination ' and 'Archive' in D drive. Save PDF files into Source Folder ")




    Set fso= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set fs= fso.GetFolder(sfolder)

    For each f1 in fs.files

            CFileName=sfolder &
            CFolderName=Replace(CFolderName1,"." & fso.GetExtensionName(f1.Path),"")
            'Msgbox CFileName 
            'MsgBox CFolderName 
            'MsgBox myDate
            'strRename="DA009B_"& CFolderName &"_20032019"
            strRename= "DA009B_"& CFolderName &"_"& myDate &""
            'fso.CopyFile CFolderName1 , afolder
            fso.MoveFile CFileName , NewFilename
            'fso.CopyFile CFolderName, Dfolder


    MsgBox "File Renamed Successfully !!! "

    Set fso= Nothing

    Set fs=Nothing

Check if Python Package is installed

I would like to comment to @ice.nicer reply but I cannot, so ... My observations is that packages with dashes are saved with underscores, not only with dots as pointed out by @dwich comment

For example, you do pip3 install sphinx-rtd-theme, but:

  • importlib.util.find_spec(sphinx_rtd_theme) returns an Object
  • importlib.util.find_spec(sphinx-rtd-theme) returns None
  • importlib.util.find_spec(sphinx.rtd.theme) raises ModuleNotFoundError

Moreover, some names are totally changed. For example, you do pip3 install pyyaml but it is saved simply as yaml

I am using python3.8

Builder Pattern in Effective Java

You should make the Builder class as static and also you should make the fields final and have getters to get those values. Don't provide setters to those values. In this way your class will be perfectly immutable.

public class NutritionalFacts {
    private final int sodium;
    private final int fat;
    private final int carbo;

    public int getSodium(){
        return sodium;

    public int getFat(){
        return fat;

    public int getCarbo(){
        return carbo;

    public static class Builder {
        private int sodium;
        private int fat;
        private int carbo;

        public Builder sodium(int s) {
            this.sodium = s;
            return this;

        public Builder fat(int f) {
            this.fat = f;
            return this;

        public Builder carbo(int c) {
            this.carbo = c;
            return this;

        public NutritionalFacts build() {
            return new NutritionalFacts(this);

    private NutritionalFacts(Builder b) {
        this.sodium = b.sodium;
        this.fat = b.fat;
        this.carbo = b.carbo;

And now you can set the properties as follows:

NutritionalFacts n = new NutritionalFacts.Builder().sodium(10).carbo(15).

IIS: Where can I find the IIS logs?

I think the default place for access logs is


Otherwise, check under IIS Manager, select the computer on the left pane, and in the middle pane, go under "Logging" in the IIS area. There you will se the default location for all sites (this is however overridable on all sites)

You could also look into


Which will contain similar log files that only represents errors.

How get the base URL via context path in JSF?

JSTL 1.2 variation leveraged from BalusC answer

<c:set var="baseURL" value="${pageContext.request.requestURL.substring(0, pageContext.request.requestURL.length() - pageContext.request.requestURI.length())}${pageContext.request.contextPath}/" />

  <base href="${baseURL}" />

Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/zip

The problem

I had similar problem. Got message in js

Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type text/csv

But I also got message in chrome console

Mixed Content: The site at 'https://my-site/' was loaded over a secure connection, but the file at 'https://my-site/Download?id=99a50c7b' was redirected through an insecure connection. This file should be served over HTTPS. This download has been blocked

It says here that you need to use an secure connection (but scheme is https in message already, strangely...).

The problem is that href for file downloading builded on server side. And this href used http in my case.

The solution

So I changed scheme to https when build href for file downloading.

How to set the project name/group/version, plus {source,target} compatibility in the same file?

Apparently this would be possible in settings.gradle with something like this. = 'someName'
gradle.rootProject {
    it.sourceCompatibility = '1.7'

I recently received advice that a project property can be set by using a closure which will be called later when the Project is available.

How do I get the full url of the page I am on in C#

Try the following -

var FullUrl = Request.Url.AbsolutePath.ToString();
var ID = FullUrl.Split('/').Last();

Copy and paste content from one file to another file in vi

If you want to copy a part of a file and paste that content in the middle of another file, you can do this way.

:linenumber,linenumber write newfile


:2,34 write temp1


:'mark, 'mark write newfile


:'a,'b write temp1

Now the lines are copied to another file. If you want to delete those lines after copying, you can do

:linenumber1,linenumber2 d


:'mark1,'mark2 d

Now, go to other file. Then keep the cursor on the line where you wanted to paste.


:r!cat temp1

Now, the content of the temp file is pasted here. You can delete the temp file from the command line itself, after pasting the content.

:!rm temp1

This would help if you wanted to copy and paste several times.

How to convert java.lang.Object to ArrayList?

An interesting note: it appears that attempting to cast from an object to a list on the JavaFX Application thread always results in a ClassCastException.

I had the same issue as you, and no answer helped. After playing around for a while, the only thing I could narrow it down to was the thread. Running the code to cast on any other thread other than the UI thread succeeds as expected, and as the other answers in this section suggest.

Thus, be careful that your source isn't running on the JavaFX application thread.

What is an instance variable in Java?

An instance variable is a variable that is a member of an instance of a class (i.e., associated with something created with a new), whereas a class variable is a member of the class itself.

Every instance of a class will have its own copy of an instance variable, whereas there is only one of each static (or class) variable, associated with the class itself.

What’s the difference between a class variable and an instance variable?

This test class illustrates the difference:

public class Test {
    public static String classVariable = "I am associated with the class";
    public String instanceVariable = "I am associated with the instance";
    public void setText(String string){
        this.instanceVariable = string;
    public static void setClassText(String string){
        classVariable = string;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test test1 = new Test();
        Test test2 = new Test();
        // Change test1's instance variable
        System.out.println(test1.instanceVariable); // Prints "Changed"
        // test2 is unaffected
        System.out.println(test2.instanceVariable); // Prints "I am associated with the instance"
        // Change class variable (associated with the class itself)
        Test.setClassText("Changed class text");
        System.out.println(Test.classVariable); // Prints "Changed class text"
        // Can access static fields through an instance, but there still is only one
        // (not best practice to access static variables through instance)
        System.out.println(test1.classVariable); // Prints "Changed class text"
        System.out.println(test2.classVariable); // Prints "Changed class text"

Run Stored Procedure in SQL Developer?

--for setting buffer size needed most of time to avoid `anonymous block completed` message
set serveroutput on size 30000;

-- declaration block in case output need to catch
--declaration for in and out parameter
  V_OUT_2 VARCHAR2(200);

--your stored procedure name
  --declaration for in and out parameter
    V_OUT_1 => V_OUT_1,
    V_OUT_2 => V_OUT_2
  V_OUT_1 := V_OUT_1;
  V_OUT_2 := V_OUT_2;
  -- console output, no need to open DBMS OUTPUT seperatly
  -- also no need to print each output on seperat line 
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Ouput => ' || V_OUT_1 || ': ' || V_OUT_2);

Use .corr to get the correlation between two columns

My solution would be after converting data to numerical type:

Top15[['Citable docs per Capita','Energy Supply per Capita']].corr()

What are the correct version numbers for C#?

Version     .NET Framework  Visual Studio   Important Features
C# 1.0  .NET Framework 1.0/1.1  Visual Studio .NET 2002     

    Basic features

C# 2.0  .NET Framework 2.0  Visual Studio 2005  

    Partial types
    Anonymous methods
    Nullable types
    Private setters (properties)
    Method group conversions (delegates)
    Covariance and Contra-variance
    Static classes

C# 3.0  .NET Framework 3.0\3.5  Visual Studio 2008  

    Implicitly typed local variables
    Object and collection initializers
    Auto-Implemented properties
    Anonymous types
    Extension methods
    Query expressions
    Lambda expressions
    Expression trees
    Partial Methods

C# 4.0  .NET Framework 4.0  Visual Studio 2010  

    Dynamic binding (late binding)
    Named and optional arguments
    Generic co- and contravariance
    Embedded interop types

C# 5.0  .NET Framework 4.5  Visual Studio 2012/2013     

    Async features
    Caller information

C# 6.0  .NET Framework 4.6  Visual Studio 2013/2015     

    Expression Bodied Methods
    Auto-property initializer
    nameof Expression
    Primary constructor
    Await in catch block
    Exception Filter
    String Interpolation

C# 7.0  .NET Core 2.0   Visual Studio 2017  

    out variables
    Pattern Matching
    Local functions
    Generalized async return types
    Numeric literal syntax improvements
C# 8.0  .NET Core 3.0   Visual Studio 2019  

    Readonly members
    Default interface methods
    Pattern matching enhancements:
        Switch expressions
        Property patterns
        Tuple patterns
        Positional patterns
    Using declarations
    Static local functions
    Disposable ref structs
    Nullable reference types
    Asynchronous streams
    Asynchronous disposable
    Indices and ranges
    Null-coalescing assignment
    Unmanaged constructed types
    Stackalloc in nested expressions
    Enhancement of interpolated verbatim strings

How to rearrange Pandas column sequence?

There may be an elegant built-in function (but I haven't found it yet). You could write one:

# reorder columns
def set_column_sequence(dataframe, seq, front=True):
    '''Takes a dataframe and a subsequence of its columns,
       returns dataframe with seq as first columns if "front" is True,
       and seq as last columns if "front" is False.
    cols = seq[:] # copy so we don't mutate seq
    for x in dataframe.columns:
        if x not in cols:
            if front: #we want "seq" to be in the front
                #so append current column to the end of the list
                #we want "seq" to be last, so insert this
                #column in the front of the new column list
                #"cols" we are building:
                cols.insert(0, x)
return dataframe[cols]

For your example: set_column_sequence(df, ['x','y']) would return the desired output.

If you want the seq at the end of the DataFrame instead simply pass in "front=False".

How to split one string into multiple variables in bash shell?

If your solution doesn't have to be general, i.e. only needs to work for strings like your example, you could do:

var1=$(echo $STR | cut -f1 -d-)
var2=$(echo $STR | cut -f2 -d-)

I chose cut here because you could simply extend the code for a few more variables...

How do I declare a namespace in JavaScript?

I use the approach found on the Enterprise jQuery site:

Here is their example showing how to declare private & public properties and functions. Everything is done as a self-executing anonymous function.

(function( skillet, $, undefined ) {
    //Private Property
    var isHot = true;

    //Public Property
    skillet.ingredient = "Bacon Strips";

    //Public Method
    skillet.fry = function() {
        var oliveOil;

        addItem( "\t\n Butter \n\t" );
        addItem( oliveOil );
        console.log( "Frying " + skillet.ingredient );

    //Private Method
    function addItem( item ) {
        if ( item !== undefined ) {
            console.log( "Adding " + $.trim(item) );
}( window.skillet = window.skillet || {}, jQuery ));

So if you want to access one of the public members you would just go skillet.fry() or skillet.ingredients.

What's really cool is that you can now extend the namespace using the exact same syntax.

//Adding new Functionality to the skillet
(function( skillet, $, undefined ) {
    //Private Property
    var amountOfGrease = "1 Cup";

    //Public Method
    skillet.toString = function() {
        console.log( skillet.quantity + " " +
                     skillet.ingredient + " & " +
                     amountOfGrease + " of Grease" );
        console.log( isHot ? "Hot" : "Cold" );
}( window.skillet = window.skillet || {}, jQuery ));

The third undefined argument

The third, undefined argument is the source of the variable of value undefined. I'm not sure if it's still relevant today, but while working with older browsers / JavaScript standards (ecmascript 5, javascript < 1.8.5 ~ firefox 4), the global-scope variable undefined is writable, so anyone could rewrite its value. The third argument (when not passed a value) creates a variable named undefined which is scoped to the namespace/function. Because no value was passed when you created the name space, it defaults to the value undefined.

How to get UTC value for SYSDATE on Oracle

Usually, I work with DATE columns, not the larger but more precise TIMESTAMP used by some answers.

The following will return the current UTC date as just that -- a DATE.


I often store dates like this, usually with the field name ending in _UTC to make it clear for the developer. This allows me to avoid the complexity of time zones until last-minute conversion by the user's client. Oracle can store time zone detail with some data types, but those types require more table space than DATE, and knowledge of the original time zone is not always required.

How to run shell script file using nodejs?

You could use "child process" module of nodejs to execute any shell commands or scripts with in nodejs. Let me show you with an example, I am running a shell script( with in nodejs.

echo "Hi There!"


const { exec } = require('child_process');
var yourscript = exec('sh',
        (error, stdout, stderr) => {
            if (error !== null) {
                console.log(`exec error: ${error}`);

Here, when I run the nodejs file, it will execute the shell file and the output would be:


node node_program.js


Hi There!

You can execute any script just by mentioning the shell command or shell script in exec callback.

Hope this helps! Happy coding :)

Loop through a Map with JSTL

You can loop through a hash map like this

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
TreeMap itemList=new TreeMap();
itemList.put("test", "test");
pageContext.setAttribute("itemList", list);                            

  <c:forEach items="${itemList}" var="itemrow">
   <input  type="text"  value="<c:out value='${itemrow.test}'/>"/>

For more JSTL functionality look here

How to do logging in React Native?

Just console.log('debug');

And run it you can see the log in the terminal/cd prompt .

Creating temporary files in Android

For temporary internal files their are 2 options


File file; 
file = File.createTempFile(filename, null, this.getCacheDir());


File file
file = new File(this.getCacheDir(), filename);

Both options adds files in the applications cache directory and thus can be cleared to make space as required but option 1 will add a random number on the end of the filename to keep files unique. It will also add a file extension which is .tmp by default, but it can be set to anything via the use of the 2nd parameter. The use of the random number means despite specifying a filename it doesn't stay the same as the number is added along with the suffix/file extension (.tmp by default) e.g you specify your filename as internal_file and comes out as internal_file1456345.tmp. Whereas you can specify the extension you can't specify the number that is added. You can however find the filename it generates via file.getName();, but you would need to store it somewhere so you can use it whenever you wanted for example to delete or read the file. Therefore for this reason I prefer the 2nd option as the filename you specify is the filename that is created.

how to implement Interfaces in C++?

Interface are nothing but a pure abstract class in C++. Ideally this interface class should contain only pure virtual public methods and static const data. For example:

class InterfaceA
  static const int X = 10;

  virtual void Foo() = 0;
  virtual int Get() const = 0;
  virtual inline ~InterfaceA() = 0;
InterfaceA::~InterfaceA () {}

Setting SMTP details for php mail () function

Under Windows only: You may try to use ini_set() functionDocs for the SMTPDocs and smtp_portDocs settings:

ini_set('SMTP', 'mysmtphost'); 
ini_set('smtp_port', 25); 

Https Connection Android

Sources that helped me get to work with my self signed certificate on my AWS Apache server and connect with HttpsURLConnection from android device:

SSL on aws instance - amazon tutorial on ssl
Android Security with HTTPS and SSL - creating your own trust manager on client for accepting your certificate
Creating self signed certificate - easy script for creating your certificates

Then I did the following:

  1. Made sure the server supports https (sudo yum install -y mod24_ssl)
  2. Put this script in a file

# make directories to work from
mkdir -p server/ client/ all/

# Create your very own Root Certificate Authority
openssl genrsa \
  -out all/my-private-root-ca.privkey.pem \

# Self-sign your Root Certificate Authority
# Since this is private, the details can be as bogus as you like
openssl req \
  -x509 \
  -new \
  -nodes \
  -key all/my-private-root-ca.privkey.pem \
  -days 1024 \
  -out all/my-private-root-ca.cert.pem \
  -subj "/C=US/ST=Utah/L=Provo/O=ACME Signing Authority Inc/"

# Create a Device Certificate for each domain,
# such as, *,
# NOTE: You MUST match CN to the domain name or ip address you want to use
openssl genrsa \
  -out all/privkey.pem \

# Create a request from your Device, which your Root CA will sign
openssl req -new \
  -key all/privkey.pem \
  -out all/csr.pem \
  -subj "/C=US/ST=Utah/L=Provo/O=ACME Tech Inc/CN=${FQDN}"

# Sign the request from Device with your Root CA
openssl x509 \
  -req -in all/csr.pem \
  -CA all/my-private-root-ca.cert.pem \
  -CAkey all/my-private-root-ca.privkey.pem \
  -CAcreateserial \
  -out all/cert.pem \
  -days 500

# Put things in their proper place
rsync -a all/{privkey,cert}.pem server/
cat all/cert.pem > server/fullchain.pem         # we have no intermediates in this case
rsync -a all/my-private-root-ca.cert.pem server/
rsync -a all/my-private-root-ca.cert.pem client/
  1. Run bash
  2. Place the certificates in their proper place on the server (you can find configuration in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf). All these should be set:

  3. Restart httpd using sudo service httpd restart and make sure httpd started:
    Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
    Starting httpd: [ OK ]

  4. Copy my-private-root-ca.cert to your android project assets folder

  5. Create your trust manager:

    SSLContext SSLContext;

    CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); InputStream caInput = context.getAssets().open("my-private-root-ca.cert.pem"); Certificate ca; try { ca = cf.generateCertificate(caInput); } finally { caInput.close(); }

      // Create a KeyStore containing our trusted CAs
      String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType();
      KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType);
      keyStore.load(null, null);
      keyStore.setCertificateEntry("ca", ca);
      // Create a TrustManager that trusts the CAs in our KeyStore
      String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
      TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm);
      // Create an SSLContext that uses our TrustManager
      SSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
      SSSLContext.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
  6. And make the connection using HttpsURLConnection:

    HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setSSLSocketFactory(SSLContext.getSocketFactory());

  7. Thats it, try your https connection.

what's the correct way to send a file from REST web service to client?

Change the machine address from localhost to IP address you want your client to connect with to call below mentioned service.

Client to call REST webservice:

package in.india.client.downloadfiledemo;



import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
import com.sun.jersey.multipart.BodyPart;
import com.sun.jersey.multipart.MultiPart;

public class DownloadFileClient {

    private static final String BASE_URI = "http://localhost:8080/DownloadFileDemo/services/downloadfile";

    public DownloadFileClient() {

        try {
            Client client = Client.create();
            WebResource objWebResource = client.resource(BASE_URI);
            ClientResponse response = objWebResource.path("/")

            System.out.println("response : " + response);
            if (response.getStatus() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()
                    && response.hasEntity()) {
                MultiPart objMultiPart = response.getEntity(MultiPart.class);
                java.util.List<BodyPart> listBodyPart = objMultiPart
                BodyPart filenameBodyPart = listBodyPart.get(0);
                BodyPart fileLengthBodyPart = listBodyPart.get(1);
                BodyPart fileBodyPart = listBodyPart.get(2);

                String filename = filenameBodyPart.getEntityAs(String.class);
                String fileLength = fileLengthBodyPart
                File streamedFile = fileBodyPart.getEntityAs(File.class);

                BufferedInputStream objBufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(
                        new FileInputStream(streamedFile));

                byte[] bytes = new byte[objBufferedInputStream.available()];


                String outFileName = "D:/"
                        + filename;
                System.out.println("File name is : " + filename
                        + " and length is : " + fileLength);
                FileOutputStream objFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(
                File receivedFile = new File(outFileName);
                System.out.print("Is the file size is same? :\t");
                System.out.println(Long.parseLong(fileLength) == receivedFile
        } catch (UniformInterfaceException e) {
        } catch (ClientHandlerException e) {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {


    public static void main(String... args) {
        new DownloadFileClient();

Service to response client:

package in.india.service.downloadfiledemo;


import com.sun.jersey.multipart.MultiPart;

public class DownloadFileResource {

    public Response getFile() { objFile = new
        MultiPart objMultiPart = new MultiPart();
        objMultiPart.type(new MediaType("multipart", "mixed"));
                .bodyPart(objFile.getName(), new MediaType("text", "plain"));
        objMultiPart.bodyPart("" + objFile.length(), new MediaType("text",
        objMultiPart.bodyPart(objFile, new MediaType("multipart", "mixed"));

        return Response.ok(objMultiPart).build();


JAR needed:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns="" xmlns:web=""
    id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
        <display-name>JAX-RS REST Servlet</display-name>
        <servlet-name>JAX-RS REST Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>JAX-RS REST Servlet</servlet-name>

How to take keyboard input in JavaScript?

You should register an event handler on the window or any element that you want to observe keystrokes on, and use the standard key values instead of keyCode. This modified code from MDN will respond to keydown when the left, right, up, or down arrow keys are pressed:

window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {_x000D_
  if (event.defaultPrevented) {_x000D_
    return; // Do nothing if the event was already processed_x000D_
  switch (event.key) {_x000D_
    case "ArrowDown":_x000D_
      // code for "down arrow" key press._x000D_
    case "ArrowUp":_x000D_
      // code for "up arrow" key press._x000D_
    case "ArrowLeft":_x000D_
      // code for "left arrow" key press._x000D_
    case "ArrowRight":_x000D_
      // code for "right arrow" key press._x000D_
      return; // Quit when this doesn't handle the key event._x000D_
  // Cancel the default action to avoid it being handled twice_x000D_
}, true);_x000D_
// the last option dispatches the event to the listener first,_x000D_
// then dispatches event to window

What are the "standard unambiguous date" formats for string-to-date conversion in R?

Converting the date without specifying the current format can bring this error to you easily.

Here is an example:

sdate <- "2015.10.10"

Convert without specifying the Format:

date <- as.Date(sdate4) # ==> This will generate the same error"""Error in charToDate(x): character string is not in a standard unambiguous format""".

Convert with specified Format:

date <- as.Date(sdate4, format = "%Y.%m.%d") # ==> Error Free Date Conversion.

Creating a LINQ select from multiple tables

If you don't want to use anonymous types b/c let's say you're passing the object to another method, you can use the LoadWith load option to load associated data. It requires that your tables are associated either through foreign keys or in your Linq-to-SQL dbml model.

db.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false;
DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.LoadWith<ObjectPermissions>(op => op.Pages)
db.LoadOptions = dlo;

var pageObject = from op in db.ObjectPermissions
         select op;

// no join needed

Then you can call


Depending on what your data looks like, you'd probably want to do this the other way around,

DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.LoadWith<Pages>(p => p.ObjectPermissions)
db.LoadOptions = dlo;

var pageObject = from p in db.Pages
                 select p;

// no join needed

var objectPermissionName = pageObject.ObjectPermissions.ObjectPermissionName;

Is it possible to validate the size and type of input=file in html5

I could do this (demo):

<!doctype html>
<script src=""></script>
    <form >
        <input type="file" id="f" data-max-size="32154" />
        <input type="submit" />
        var isOk = true;
            if(typeof this.files[0] !== 'undefined'){
                var maxSize = parseInt($(this).attr('max-size'),10),
                size = this.files[0].size;
                isOk = maxSize > size;
                return isOk;
        return isOk;

Finding even or odd ID values

dividend % divisor

Dividend is the numeric expression to divide. Dividend must be any expression of integer data type in sql server.

Divisor is the numeric expression to divide the dividend. Divisor must be expression of integer data type except in sql server.

SELECT 15 % 2


Dividend = 15

Divisor = 2

Let's say you wanted to query

Query a list of CITY names from STATION with even ID numbers only.

Schema structure for STATION:

ID Number

CITY varchar

STATE varchar

select CITY from STATION as st where % 2 = 0

Will fetch the even set of records 

In order to fetch the odd records with Id as odd number.

select CITY from STATION as st where % 2 <> 0

% function reduces the value to either 0 or 1

Run Excel Macro from Outside Excel Using VBScript From Command Line

Ok, it's actually simple. Assuming that your macro is in a module,not in one of the sheets, you use:

  objExcel.Application.Run "test.xls!dog" 
  'notice the format of 'workbook name'!macro

For a filename with spaces, encase the filename with quotes.

If you've placed the macro under a sheet, say sheet1, just assume sheet1 owns the function, which it does.

    objExcel.Application.Run "'test 2.xls'!"

Notice: You don't need the macro.testfunction notation you've been using.

How do I reset a jquery-chosen select option with jQuery?


round() doesn't seem to be rounding properly

You can use the string format operator %, similar to sprintf.

mystring = "%.2f" % 5.5999

Check/Uncheck all the checkboxes in a table

This solution is better because it is shorter and doesn't use a loop.

id="checkAll" is the header column

$('#checkAll').on('click', function() {
        if (this.checked == true)
            $('#userTable').find('input[name="checkboxRow"]').prop('checked', true);
            $('#userTable').find('input[name="checkboxRow"]').prop('checked', false);

How can I brew link a specific version?

brew switch libfoo mycopy

You can use brew switch to switch between versions of the same package, if it's installed as versioned subdirectories under Cellar/<packagename>/

This will list versions installed ( for example I had Cellar/sdl2/2.0.3, I've compiled into Cellar/sdl2/2.0.4)

brew info sdl2

Then to switch between them

brew switch sdl2 2.0.4
brew info 

Info now shows * next to the 2.0.4

To install under Cellar/<packagename>/<version> from source you can do for example

cd ~/somewhere/src/foo-2.0.4
./configure --prefix $(brew --Cellar)/foo/2.0.4

check where it gets installed with

make install -n

if all looks correct

make install

Then from cd $(brew --Cellar) do the switch between version.

I'm using brew version 0.9.5

:first-child not working as expected

The element cannot directly inherit from <body> tag. You can try to put it in a <dir style="padding-left:0px;"></dir> tag.

How to get CPU temperature?

You can give the Open Hardware Monitor a go, although it lacks support for the latest processors.

internal sealed class CpuTemperatureReader : IDisposable
    private readonly Computer _computer;

    public CpuTemperatureReader()
        _computer = new Computer { CPUEnabled = true };

    public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, float> GetTemperaturesInCelsius()
        var coreAndTemperature = new Dictionary<string, float>();

        foreach (var hardware in _computer.Hardware)
            hardware.Update(); //use hardware.Name to get CPU model
            foreach (var sensor in hardware.Sensors)
                if (sensor.SensorType == SensorType.Temperature && sensor.Value.HasValue)
                    coreAndTemperature.Add(sensor.Name, sensor.Value.Value);

        return coreAndTemperature;

    public void Dispose()
        catch (Exception)
            //ignore closing errors

Download the zip from the official source, extract and add a reference to OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll in your project.

how to make password textbox value visible when hover an icon

Its simple javascript. Done using toggling the type attribute of the input. Check this

Difference between javacore, thread dump and heap dump in Websphere

A Thread dump is a dump of all threads's stack traces, i.e. as if each Thread suddenly threw an Exception and printStackTrace'ed that. This is so that you can see what each thread is doing at some specific point, and is for example very good to catch deadlocks.

A heap dump is a "binary dump" of the full memory the JVM is using, and is for example useful if you need to know why you are running out of memory - in the heap dump you could for example see that you have one billion User objects, even though you should only have a thousand, which points to a memory retention problem.

What characters are valid in a URL?

All the gory details can be found in the current RFC on the topic: RFC 3986 (Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax)

Based on this related answer, you are looking at a list that looks like: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, ., _, ~, :, /, ?, #, [, ], @, !, $, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, ;, %, and =. Everything else must be url-encoded. Also, some of these characters can only exist in very specific spots in a URI and outside of those spots must be url-encoded (e.g. % can only be used in conjunction with url encoding as in %20), the RFC has all of these specifics.

How do I check particular attributes exist or not in XML?

You can use the GetNamedItem method to check and see if the attribute is available. If null is returned, then it isn't available. Here is your code with that check in place:

foreach (XmlNode xNode in nodeListName)
    if(xNode.ParentNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("split") != null )
        if(xNode.ParentNode.Attributes["split"].Value != "")
            parentSplit = xNode.ParentNode.Attributes["split"].Value;

Moment js date time comparison

You should be able to compare them directly.

var date = moment("2013-03-24")
var now = moment();

if (now > date) {
   // date is past
} else {
   // date is future

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('.compare').click(function(e) {_x000D_
    var date = $('#date').val();_x000D_
    var now = moment();_x000D_
    var then = moment(date);_x000D_
    if (now > then) {_x000D_
      $('.result').text('Date is past');_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      $('.result').text('Date is future');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="text" name="date" id="date" value="2014-12-18"  placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd">_x000D_
<button class="compare">Compare date to current date</button>_x000D_
<div class="result"></div>

FileProvider - IllegalArgumentException: Failed to find configured root

I see that at least you're not providing the same path as others in file_paths.xml. So please make sure you provide the exact the same package name or path in 3 places including:

  • android:authorities attribute in manifest
  • path attribute in file_paths.xml
  • authority argument when calling FileProvider.getUriForFile().

ERROR 1115 (42000): Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4'

Your version does not support that character set, I believe it was 5.5.3 that introduced it. You should upgrade your mysql to the version you used to export this file.

The error is then quite clear: you set a certain character set in your code, but your mysql version does not support it, and therefore does not know about it.

According to :

utf8mb4 is a superset of utf8

so maybe there is a chance you can just make it utf8, close your eyes and hope, but that would depend on your data, and I'd not recommend it.

CodeIgniter - return only one row?

To add on to what Alisson said you could check to see if a row is returned.

// Query stuff ...
$query = $this->db->get();

if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
    $row = $query->row(); 
    return $row->campaign_id;

return null; // or whatever value you want to return for no rows found

Jquery - animate height toggle

I just thought to give you the reason why your solution did not work:

When $(document).ready() is executed only the $('#topbar-show') selector can find a matching element from the DOM. The #topbar-show element has not been created yet.

To get past this problem, you may use live event bindings


This is the most simple way to fix you solution. The rest of these answer go further to provide you a better solutions instead that do not modify the hopefully permanent id attribute.

Ignore mapping one property with Automapper

There is now (AutoMapper 2.0) an IgnoreMap attribute, which I'm going to use rather than the fluent syntax which is a bit heavy IMHO.

Gradle sync failed: failed to find Build Tools revision 24.0.0 rc1

Another thing is that all libraries from google (e.g. support lib, CardView and etc.) should have identical versions

phpmyadmin "Not Found" after install on Apache, Ubuntu

Create a link in /var/www/html like this to fix the error:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html

Describe table structure

select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='<Table Name>'

You can get details like column datatype and size by this query

Is there a command to restart computer into safe mode?

In the command prompt, type the command below and press Enter.

bcdedit /enum

Under the Windows Boot Loader sections, make note of the identifier value.

To start in safe mode from command prompt :

bcdedit /set {identifier} safeboot minimal 

Then enter the command line to reboot your computer.

How to check cordova android version of a cordova/phonegap project?

just type cordova platform ls

This will list all the platforms installed along with its version and available for installation plus :)

jQuery Mobile - back button

You can use nonHistorySelectors option from jquery mobile where you do not want to track history. You can find the detailed documentation here

Cannot run Eclipse; JVM terminated. Exit code=13

I used the new Eclipse Installer. I didn't like the installation path and I changed it manually. After that, I got the exit code=13 message too.

There is a new property in the eclipse.ini file named -install. I just had to modify it with the new location, and that solved this issue.

In the new installer I selected D:/eclipse, but the IDE was installed at D:/eclipse/eclipse. So, I moved the folder manually. The next time I tried to open eclipse I got the exit error. Thus, I had to modify eclipse.ini and set the current location:


AngularJS - How to use $routeParams in generating the templateUrl?

I couldn't find a way to inject and use the $routeParams service (which I would assume would be a better solution) I tried this thinking it might work:

angular.module('myApp', []).
    config(function ($routeProvider, $routeParams) {
        $routeProvider.when('/:primaryNav/:secondaryNav', {
            templateUrl: 'resources/angular/templates/nav/'+$routeParams.primaryNav+'/'+$routeParams.secondaryNav+'.html'

Which yielded this error:

Unknown provider: $routeParams from myApp

If something like that isn't possible you can change your templateUrl to point to a partial HTML file that just has ng-include and then set the URL in your controller using $routeParams like this:

angular.module('myApp', []).
    config(function ($routeProvider) {
        $routeProvider.when('/:primaryNav/:secondaryNav', {
            templateUrl: 'resources/angular/templates/nav/urlRouter.html',
            controller: 'RouteController'

function RouteController($scope, $routeParams) {
        $scope.templateUrl = 'resources/angular/templates/nav/'+$routeParams.primaryNav+'/'+$routeParams.secondaryNav+'.html';

With this as your urlRouter.html

<div ng-include src="templateUrl"></div>

Using Java 8's Optional with Stream::flatMap

You cannot do it more concise as you are already doing.

You claim that you do not want .filter(Optional::isPresent) and .map(Optional::get).

This has been resolved by the method @StuartMarks describes, however as a result you now map it to an Optional<T>, so now you need to use .flatMap(this::streamopt) and a get() in the end.

So it still consists of two statements and you can now get exceptions with the new method! Because, what if every optional is empty? Then the findFirst() will return an empty optional and your get() will fail!

So what you have:

is actually the best way to accomplish what you want, and that is you want to save the result as a T, not as an Optional<T>.

I took the liberty of creating a CustomOptional<T> class that wraps the Optional<T> and provides an extra method, flatStream(). Note that you cannot extend Optional<T>:

class CustomOptional<T> {
    private final Optional<T> optional;

    private CustomOptional() {
        this.optional = Optional.empty();

    private CustomOptional(final T value) {
        this.optional = Optional.of(value);

    private CustomOptional(final Optional<T> optional) {
        this.optional = optional;

    public Optional<T> getOptional() {
        return optional;

    public static <T> CustomOptional<T> empty() {
        return new CustomOptional<>();

    public static <T> CustomOptional<T> of(final T value) {
        return new CustomOptional<>(value);

    public static <T> CustomOptional<T> ofNullable(final T value) {
        return (value == null) ? empty() : of(value);

    public T get() {
        return optional.get();

    public boolean isPresent() {
        return optional.isPresent();

    public void ifPresent(final Consumer<? super T> consumer) {

    public CustomOptional<T> filter(final Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
        return new CustomOptional<>(optional.filter(predicate));

    public <U> CustomOptional<U> map(final Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {
        return new CustomOptional<>(;

    public <U> CustomOptional<U> flatMap(final Function<? super T, ? extends CustomOptional<U>> mapper) {
        return new CustomOptional<>(optional.flatMap(mapper.andThen(cu -> cu.getOptional())));

    public T orElse(final T other) {
        return optional.orElse(other);

    public T orElseGet(final Supplier<? extends T> other) {
        return optional.orElseGet(other);

    public <X extends Throwable> T orElseThrow(final Supplier<? extends X> exceptionSuppier) throws X {
        return optional.orElseThrow(exceptionSuppier);

    public Stream<T> flatStream() {
        if (!optional.isPresent()) {
            return Stream.empty();
        return Stream.of(get());

    public T getTOrNull() {
        if (!optional.isPresent()) {
            return null;
        return get();

    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        return optional.equals(obj);

    public int hashCode() {
        return optional.hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return optional.toString();

You will see that I added flatStream(), as here:

public Stream<T> flatStream() {
    if (!optional.isPresent()) {
        return Stream.empty();
    return Stream.of(get());

Used as:

String result = Stream.of("a", "b", "c", "de", "fg", "hij")

You still will need to return a Stream<T> here, as you cannot return T, because if !optional.isPresent(), then T == null if you declare it such, but then your .flatMap(CustomOptional::flatStream) would attempt to add null to a stream and that is not possible.

As example:

public T getTOrNull() {
    if (!optional.isPresent()) {
        return null;
    return get();

Used as:

String result = Stream.of("a", "b", "c", "de", "fg", "hij")

Will now throw a NullPointerException inside the stream operations.


The method you used, is actually the best method.

How to trim a string to N chars in Javascript?

Why not just use substring... string.substring(0, 7); The first argument (0) is the starting point. The second argument (7) is the ending point (exclusive). More info here.

var string = "this is a string";
var length = 7;
var trimmedString = string.substring(0, length);

Use jquery to set value of div tag

try this function $('').text('test');

Is there an XSL "contains" directive?

Use the standard XPath function contains().

Function: boolean contains(string, string)

The contains function returns true if the first argument string contains the second argument string, and otherwise returns false

How can I reset or revert a file to a specific revision?

Amusingly, git checkout foo will not work if the working copy is in a directory named foo; however, both git checkout HEAD foo and git checkout ./foo will:

$ pwd
$ git checkout foo
D   foo
Already on "foo"
$ git checkout ./foo
$ git checkout HEAD foo

Contains method for a slice

In other thread I commented a solution for this issue in two ways:

First method:

func Find(slice interface{}, f func(value interface{}) bool) int {
    s := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
    if s.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
        for index := 0; index < s.Len(); index++ {
            if f(s.Index(index).Interface()) {
                return index
    return -1

Use example:

type UserInfo struct {
    UserId          int

func main() {
    var (
        destinationList []UserInfo
        userId      int = 123
    destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo { 
        UserId          : 23,
    destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo { 
        UserId          : 12,
    idx := Find(destinationList, func(value interface{}) bool {
        return value.(UserInfo).UserId == userId
    if idx < 0 {
        fmt.Println("not found")
    } else {

Second method with less computational cost:

func Search(length int, f func(index int) bool) int {
    for index := 0; index < length; index++ {
        if f(index) {
            return index
    return -1

Use example:

type UserInfo struct {
    UserId          int

func main() {
    var (
        destinationList []UserInfo
        userId      int = 123
    destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo { 
        UserId          : 23,
    destinationList = append(destinationList, UserInfo { 
        UserId          : 123,
    idx := Search(len(destinationList), func(index int) bool {
        return destinationList[index].UserId == userId
    if  idx < 0 {
        fmt.Println("not found")
    } else {

How to remove duplicate objects in a List<MyObject> without equals/hashcode?

We can also use Comparator to check duplicate elements. Sample code is given below,

private boolean checkDuplicate(List studentDTOs){

    Comparator<StudentDTO > studentCmp = ( obj1,  obj2)
                && obj1.getAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(obj2.getAddress())
                && obj1.getDateOfBrith().equals(obj2.getDateOfBrith())) {
            return 0;
        return 1;
    Set<StudentDTO> setObj = new TreeSet<>(studentCmp);
    return setObj.size()==studentDTOs.size();

How can bcrypt have built-in salts?

This is bcrypt:

Generate a random salt. A "cost" factor has been pre-configured. Collect a password.

Derive an encryption key from the password using the salt and cost factor. Use it to encrypt a well-known string. Store the cost, salt, and cipher text. Because these three elements have a known length, it's easy to concatenate them and store them in a single field, yet be able to split them apart later.

When someone tries to authenticate, retrieve the stored cost and salt. Derive a key from the input password, cost and salt. Encrypt the same well-known string. If the generated cipher text matches the stored cipher text, the password is a match.

Bcrypt operates in a very similar manner to more traditional schemes based on algorithms like PBKDF2. The main difference is its use of a derived key to encrypt known plain text; other schemes (reasonably) assume the key derivation function is irreversible, and store the derived key directly.

Stored in the database, a bcrypt "hash" might look something like this:


This is actually three fields, delimited by "$":

  • 2a identifies the bcrypt algorithm version that was used.
  • 10 is the cost factor; 210 iterations of the key derivation function are used (which is not enough, by the way. I'd recommend a cost of 12 or more.)
  • vI8aWBnW3fID.ZQ4/zo1G.q1lRps.9cGLcZEiGDMVr5yUP1KUOYTa is the salt and the cipher text, concatenated and encoded in a modified Base-64. The first 22 characters decode to a 16-byte value for the salt. The remaining characters are cipher text to be compared for authentication.

This example is taken from the documentation for Coda Hale's ruby implementation.

Google access token expiration time

The spec says seconds:

    OPTIONAL.  The lifetime in seconds of the access token.  For
    example, the value "3600" denotes that the access token will
    expire in one hour from the time the response was generated.

I agree with OP that it's careless for Google to not document this.

convert 12-hour hh:mm AM/PM to 24-hour hh:mm

 var time = "9:09:59AM"
    var pmCheck =time.includes("PM");
    var hrs=parseInt(time.split(":")[0]);
    var newtime='';
    // this is for between  12 AM to 12:59:59AM  = 00:00:00
    if( hrs == 12  && pmCheck == false){
        newtime= "00" +':'+ time.split(":")[1] +':'+ time.split(":")[2].replace("AM",'');
    //this is for between  12 PM to 12:59:59 =12:00:00
    else if (hrs == 12  && pmCheck == true){
             newtime= "12" +':'+ time.split(":")[1] +':'+ time.split(":")[2].replace("PM",'');
    //this is for between 1 AM and 11:59:59 AM
    else if (!pmCheck){
        newtime= hrs +':'+ time.split(":")[1] +':'+ time.split(":")[2].replace("AM",'');
    //this is for between 1 PM and 11:59:59 PM
    else if(pmCheck){
        newtime= (hrs +12)+':'+ time.split(":")[1] +':'+ time.split(":")[2].replace("PM",'');

"multiple target patterns" Makefile error

I had this problem (colons in the target name) because I had -n in my GREP_OPTIONS environment variable. Apparently, this caused configure to generate the Makefile incorrectly.

JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error

I have had similar issues with AJAX code that sporadically returns the "500 internal server error". I resolved the problem by increasing the "fastCGI" RequestTimeout and ActivityTimeout values.

How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate

The solution is correct but logs also all bindings for the result objects. To prevent this it's possibile to create a separate appender and enable filtering, for example:

<!-- A time/date based rolling appender -->
<appender name="FILE_HIBERNATE" class="org.jboss.logging.appender.DailyRollingFileAppender">
    <errorHandler class="org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler"/>
    <param name="File" value="${jboss.server.log.dir}/hiber.log"/>
    <param name="Append" value="false"/>
    <param name="Threshold" value="TRACE"/>
    <!-- Rollover at midnight each day -->
    <param name="DatePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd"/>

    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
        <!-- The default pattern: Date Priority [Category] Message\n -->
        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p [%c] %m%n"/>

    <filter class="org.apache.log4j.varia.StringMatchFilter">
        <param name="StringToMatch" value="bind" />
        <param name="AcceptOnMatch" value="true" />
    <filter class="org.apache.log4j.varia.StringMatchFilter">
        <param name="StringToMatch" value="select" />
        <param name="AcceptOnMatch" value="true" />
    <filter class="org.apache.log4j.varia.DenyAllFilter"/>

<category name="org.hibernate.type">
  <priority value="TRACE"/>

<logger name="org.hibernate.type">
   <level value="TRACE"/> 
   <appender-ref ref="FILE_HIBERNATE"/>

<logger name="org.hibernate.SQL">
   <level value="TRACE"/> 
   <appender-ref ref="FILE_HIBERNATE"/>

How can I update the current line in a C# Windows Console App?

If you print only "\r" to the console the cursor goes back to the beginning of the current line and then you can rewrite it. This should do the trick:

for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
    Console.Write("\r{0}%   ", i);

Notice the few spaces after the number to make sure that whatever was there before is erased.
Also notice the use of Write() instead of WriteLine() since you don't want to add an "\n" at the end of the line.

Simple Android grid example using RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager (like the old GridView)

Short answer

For those who are already familiar with setting up a RecyclerView to make a list, the good news is that making a grid is largely the same. You just use a GridLayoutManager instead of a LinearLayoutManager when you set the RecyclerView up.

recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(this, numberOfColumns));

If you need more help than that, then check out the following example.

Full example

The following is a minimal example that will look like the image below.

enter image description here

Start with an empty activity. You will perform the following tasks to add the RecyclerView grid. All you need to do is copy and paste the code in each section. Later you can customize it to fit your needs.

  • Add dependencies to gradle
  • Add the xml layout files for the activity and for the grid cell
  • Make the RecyclerView adapter
  • Initialize the RecyclerView in your activity

Update Gradle dependencies

Make sure the following dependencies are in your app file:

compile ''
compile ''

You can update the version numbers to whatever is the most current.

Create activity layout

Add the RecyclerView to your xml layout.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



Create grid cell layout

Each cell in our RecyclerView grid is only going to have a single TextView. Create a new layout resource file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



Create the adapter

The RecyclerView needs an adapter to populate the views in each cell with your data. Create a new java file.

public class MyRecyclerViewAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyRecyclerViewAdapter.ViewHolder> {

    private String[] mData;
    private LayoutInflater mInflater;
    private ItemClickListener mClickListener;

    // data is passed into the constructor
    MyRecyclerViewAdapter(Context context, String[] data) {
        this.mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
        this.mData = data;

    // inflates the cell layout from xml when needed
    public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        View view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.recyclerview_item, parent, false);
        return new ViewHolder(view);

    // binds the data to the TextView in each cell
    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ViewHolder holder, int position) {

    // total number of cells
    public int getItemCount() {
        return mData.length;

    // stores and recycles views as they are scrolled off screen
    public class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener {
        TextView myTextView;

        ViewHolder(View itemView) {
            myTextView = itemView.findViewById(;

        public void onClick(View view) {
            if (mClickListener != null) mClickListener.onItemClick(view, getAdapterPosition());

    // convenience method for getting data at click position
    String getItem(int id) {
        return mData[id];

    // allows clicks events to be caught
    void setClickListener(ItemClickListener itemClickListener) {
        this.mClickListener = itemClickListener;

    // parent activity will implement this method to respond to click events
    public interface ItemClickListener {
        void onItemClick(View view, int position);


  • Although not strictly necessary, I included the functionality for listening for click events on the cells. This was available in the old GridView and is a common need. You can remove this code if you don't need it.

Initialize RecyclerView in Activity

Add the following code to your main activity.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements MyRecyclerViewAdapter.ItemClickListener {

    MyRecyclerViewAdapter adapter;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // data to populate the RecyclerView with
        String[] data = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48"};

        // set up the RecyclerView
        RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(;
        int numberOfColumns = 6;
        recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(this, numberOfColumns));
        adapter = new MyRecyclerViewAdapter(this, data);

    public void onItemClick(View view, int position) {
        Log.i("TAG", "You clicked number " + adapter.getItem(position) + ", which is at cell position " + position);


  • Notice that the activity implements the ItemClickListener that we defined in our adapter. This allows us to handle cell click events in onItemClick.


That's it. You should be able to run your project now and get something similar to the image at the top.

Going on

Rounded corners

Auto-fitting columns

Further study

How to convert Json array to list of objects in c#

Did you check this line works perfectly & your string have value in it ?

string jsonString = sr.ReadToEnd();

if yes, try this code for last line:

ValueSet items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ValueSet>(jsonString);

or if you have an array of json you can use list like this :

List<ValueSet> items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ValueSet>>(jsonString);

good luck

WHERE IS NULL, IS NOT NULL or NO WHERE clause depending on SQL Server parameter value

An other way of CASE:

FROM MyTable
WHERE 1 = CASE WHEN @myParm = value1 AND MyColumn IS NULL     THEN 1 
               WHEN @myParm = value2 AND MyColumn IS NOT NULL THEN 1 
               WHEN @myParm = value3                          THEN 1 

Convert string date to timestamp in Python

Simply use datetime.datetime.strptime:

import datetime
stime = "01/12/2011"
print(datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, "%d/%m/%Y").timestamp())



To use UTC instead of the local timezone use .replace:

datetime.datetime.strptime(stime, "%d/%m/%Y").replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()

Programmatically extract contents of InstallShield setup.exe

Usage: isxunpack.exe yourinstallshield.exe

It will extract in the same folder.

How do I output an ISO 8601 formatted string in JavaScript?

function getdatetime() {
    d = new Date();
    return (1e3-~d.getUTCMonth()*10+d.toUTCString()+1e3+d/1)

I found the basics on Stack Overflow somewhere (I believe it was part of some other Stack Exchange code golfing), and I improved it so it works on Internet Explorer 10 or earlier as well. It's ugly, but it gets the job done.

How to get `DOM Element` in Angular 2?

Use ViewChild with #localvariable as shown here,

<textarea  #someVar  id="tasknote"
                  placeholder="{{ notePlaceholder }}"
                  style="background-color: pink"
                  (blur)="updateNote() ; noteEditMode = false " (click)="noteEditMode = false"> {{ todo.note }} 


In component,


import {ElementRef} from '@angular/core';
@ViewChild('someVar') el:ElementRef;



import {ElementRef} from '@angular/core';
@ViewChild('someVar') el:ElementRef;

constructor(private rd: Renderer) {}
ngAfterViewInit() {

Updated on 22/03(March)/2017


Please note from Angular v4.0.0-rc.3 (2017-03-10) few things have been changed. Since Angular team will deprecate invokeElementMethod, above code no longer can be used.


since 4.0 rc.1:

rename RendererV2 to Renderer2
rename RendererTypeV2 to RendererType2
rename RendererFactoryV2 to RendererFactory2

import {ElementRef,Renderer2} from '@angular/core';
@ViewChild('someVar') el:ElementRef;

constructor(private rd: Renderer2) {}

ngAfterViewInit() {
      this.el.nativeElement.focus();      //<<<=====same as oldest way

console.log(this.rd) will give you following methods and you can see now invokeElementMethod is not there. Attaching img as yet it is not documented.

NOTE: You can use following methods of Rendere2 with/without ViewChild variable to do so many things.

enter image description here

What is the fastest way to create a checksum for large files in C#

You're doing something wrong (probably too small read buffer). On a machine of undecent age (Athlon 2x1800MP from 2002) that has DMA on disk probably out of whack (6.6M/s is damn slow when doing sequential reads):

Create a 1G file with "random" data:

# dd if=/dev/sdb of=temp.dat bs=1M count=1024    
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 161.698 s, 6.6 MB/s

# time sha1sum -b temp.dat
abb88a0081f5db999d0701de2117d2cb21d192a2 *temp.dat


# time md5sum -b temp.dat
9995e1c1a704f9c1eb6ca11e7ecb7276 *temp.dat


This is also weird, md5 is consistently slower than sha1 for me (reran several times).

is not JSON serializable

class CountryListView(ListView):
     model = Country

    def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):

         return HttpResponse(json.dumps(list(self.get_queryset().values_list('code', flat=True))),mimetype="application/json") 

fixed the problem

also mimetype is important.

How do I stretch an image to fit the whole background (100% height x 100% width) in Flutter?

I ran into problems with just an FittedBox so I wrapped my Image in an LayoutBuilder:

   builder: (_, constraints) => Image(
      fit: BoxFit.fill,
      width: constraints.maxWidth,
      image: AssetImage(assets.example),

This worked like a charm and I suggest you give it a try.
Of course you can use height instead of width, this is just what I used.

Kill process by name?

Get the process object using the Process.

>>> import psutil
>>> p = psutil.Process(23442)
>>> p
psutil.Process(pid=23442, name='python3.6', started='09:24:16')
>>> p.kill()

jQuery using append with effects

Set the appended div to be hidden initially through css visibility:hidden.

WPF loading spinner

This is an update to the code given by @HAdes to parameterize width, height, and ellipse size.

This implementation automatically calculates required angles, widths, and heights on the fly.

The user control is bound to itself (code-behind) which takes care of all calculations.


<UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication2.Spinner"
             DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
             d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
        <Color x:Key="FilledColor" A="255" B="155" R="155" G="155"/>
        <Color x:Key="UnfilledColor" A="0" B="155" R="155" G="155"/>

        <Style x:Key="BusyAnimationStyle" TargetType="Control">
            <Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent"/>

            <Setter Property="Template">
                    <ControlTemplate TargetType="Control">
                            <Storyboard x:Key="Animation0" BeginTime="00:00:00.0" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="ellipseN" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)">
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.0" Value="{StaticResource FilledColor}"/>
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.6" Value="{StaticResource UnfilledColor}"/>

                            <Storyboard x:Key="Animation1" BeginTime="00:00:00.2" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="ellipseNE" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)">
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.0" Value="{StaticResource FilledColor}"/>
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.6" Value="{StaticResource UnfilledColor}"/>

                            <Storyboard x:Key="Animation2" BeginTime="00:00:00.4" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="ellipseE" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)">
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.0" Value="{StaticResource FilledColor}"/>
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.6" Value="{StaticResource UnfilledColor}"/>

                            <Storyboard x:Key="Animation3" BeginTime="00:00:00.6" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="ellipseSE" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)">
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.0" Value="{StaticResource FilledColor}"/>
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.6" Value="{StaticResource UnfilledColor}"/>

                            <Storyboard x:Key="Animation4" BeginTime="00:00:00.8" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="ellipseS" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)">
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.0" Value="{StaticResource FilledColor}"/>
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.6" Value="{StaticResource UnfilledColor}"/>

                            <Storyboard x:Key="Animation5" BeginTime="00:00:01.0" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="ellipseSW" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)">
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.0" Value="{StaticResource FilledColor}"/>
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.6" Value="{StaticResource UnfilledColor}"/>

                            <Storyboard x:Key="Animation6" BeginTime="00:00:01.2" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="ellipseW" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)">
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.0" Value="{StaticResource FilledColor}"/>
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.6" Value="{StaticResource UnfilledColor}"/>

                            <Storyboard x:Key="Animation7" BeginTime="00:00:01.4" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="ellipseNW" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)">
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.0" Value="{StaticResource FilledColor}"/>
                                    <SplineColorKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:01.6" Value="{StaticResource UnfilledColor}"/>

                            <Trigger Property="IsVisible" Value="True">
                                    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Animation0}" x:Name="Storyboard0" />
                                    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Animation1}" x:Name="Storyboard1"/>
                                    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Animation2}" x:Name="Storyboard2"/>
                                    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Animation3}" x:Name="Storyboard3"/>
                                    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Animation4}" x:Name="Storyboard4"/>
                                    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Animation5}" x:Name="Storyboard5"/>
                                    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Animation6}" x:Name="Storyboard6"/>
                                    <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource Animation7}" x:Name="Storyboard7"/>

                                    <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="Storyboard0"/>
                                    <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="Storyboard1"/>
                                    <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="Storyboard2"/>
                                    <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="Storyboard3"/>
                                    <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="Storyboard4"/>
                                    <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="Storyboard5"/>
                                    <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="Storyboard6"/>
                                    <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="Storyboard7"/>

                        <Border BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}" Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
                                        <Style TargetType="Ellipse">
                                            <Setter Property="Width" Value="{Binding Path=EllipseSize}"/>
                                            <Setter Property="Height" Value="{Binding Path=EllipseSize}" />
                                            <Setter Property="Fill" Value="Transparent" />

                                    <Ellipse x:Name="ellipseN" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=EllipseN.Left}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=EllipseN.Top}"/>
                                    <Ellipse x:Name="ellipseNE" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=EllipseNE.Left}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=EllipseNE.Top}"/>
                                    <Ellipse x:Name="ellipseE" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=EllipseE.Left}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=EllipseE.Top}"/>
                                    <Ellipse x:Name="ellipseSE" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=EllipseSE.Left}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=EllipseSE.Top}"/>
                                    <Ellipse x:Name="ellipseS" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=EllipseS.Left}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=EllipseS.Top}"/>
                                    <Ellipse x:Name="ellipseSW" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=EllipseSW.Left}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=EllipseSW.Top}"/>
                                    <Ellipse x:Name="ellipseW" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=EllipseW.Left}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=EllipseW.Top}"/>
                                    <Ellipse x:Name="ellipseNW" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=EllipseNW.Left}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=EllipseNW.Top}"/>

                                <Label Content="{Binding Path=Text}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
        <Control Style="{StaticResource BusyAnimationStyle}"/>

Code Behind (C#)

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace WpfApplication2
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for Spinner.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class Spinner : UserControl
        public int EllipseSize { get; set; } = 8;
        public int SpinnerHeight { get; set; } = 0;
        public int SpinnerWidth { get; set; } = 0;

        // start positions
        public EllipseStartPosition EllipseN { get; private set; }
        public EllipseStartPosition EllipseNE { get; private set; }
        public EllipseStartPosition EllipseE { get; private set; }
        public EllipseStartPosition EllipseSE { get; private set; }
        public EllipseStartPosition EllipseS { get; private set; }
        public EllipseStartPosition EllipseSW { get; private set; }
        public EllipseStartPosition EllipseW { get; private set; }
        public EllipseStartPosition EllipseNW { get; private set; }

        public Spinner()

        private void initialSetup()
            float horizontalCenter = (float)(SpinnerWidth / 2);
            float verticalCenter = (float)(SpinnerHeight / 2);
            float distance = (float)Math.Min(SpinnerHeight, SpinnerWidth) /2;

            double angleInRadians = 44.8;
            float cosine = (float)Math.Cos(angleInRadians);
            float sine = (float)Math.Sin(angleInRadians);

            EllipseN = newPos(left: horizontalCenter, top: verticalCenter - distance);
            EllipseNE = newPos(left: horizontalCenter + (distance * cosine), top: verticalCenter - (distance * sine));
            EllipseE = newPos(left: horizontalCenter + distance, top: verticalCenter);
            EllipseSE = newPos(left: horizontalCenter + (distance * cosine), top: verticalCenter + (distance * sine));
            EllipseS = newPos(left: horizontalCenter, top: verticalCenter + distance);
            EllipseSW = newPos(left: horizontalCenter - (distance * cosine), top: verticalCenter + (distance * sine));
            EllipseW = newPos(left: horizontalCenter - distance, top: verticalCenter);
            EllipseNW = newPos(left: horizontalCenter - (distance * cosine), top: verticalCenter - (distance * sine));

        private EllipseStartPosition newPos(float left, float top)
            return new EllipseStartPosition() { Left = left, Top = top };

        protected override void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if(e.Property.Name == "Height")
                SpinnerHeight = Convert.ToInt32(e.NewValue);

            if (e.Property.Name == "Width")
                SpinnerWidth = Convert.ToInt32(e.NewValue);

            if(SpinnerHeight > 0 && SpinnerWidth > 0)


    public struct EllipseStartPosition
        public float Left { get; set; }
        public float Top { get; set; }

Sample Use

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication2.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">

    <StackPanel Background="DarkGoldenrod" Width="200" Height="200" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" >
        <Button Height="35">
            <Button.Content >
                <DockPanel LastChildFill="True" Height="NaN" Width="NaN" HorizontalAlignment="Left">
                    <local:Spinner EllipseSize="4" DockPanel.Dock="Left" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,0,10,5" Height="16" Width="16"/>
                    <TextBlock Text="Cancel" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>



Javascript : natural sort of alphanumerical strings

So you need a natural sort ?

If so, than maybe this script by Brian Huisman based on David koelle's work would be what you need.

It seems like Brian Huisman's solution is now directly hosted on David Koelle's blog:

Java - Convert integer to string

There are multiple ways:

  • String.valueOf(number) (my preference)
  • "" + number (I don't know how the compiler handles it, perhaps it is as efficient as the above)
  • Integer.toString(number)

How can I use a reportviewer control in an mvc 3 razor view?

I am using ASP.NET MVC3 with SSRS 2008 and I couldn't get @Adrian's to work 100% for me when trying to get reports from a remote server.

Finally, I found that I needed to change the Page_Load method in ViewUserControl1.ascx to look like this:

ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote;
ServerReport serverReport = ReportViewer1.ServerReport;
serverReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri("http://<Server Name>/reportserver");
serverReport.ReportPath = "/My Folder/MyReport";

I had been missing the ProcessingMode.Remote.

References: - ReportViewer

Check if key exists in JSON object using jQuery

if(typeof theObject['key'] != 'undefined'){
     //key exists, do stuff


if(typeof theObject.key != 'undefined'){
    //object exists, do stuff

I'm writing here because no one seems to give the right answer..

I know it's old...

Somebody might question the same thing..

What does LINQ return when the results are empty

It will return an empty enumerable. It wont be null. You can sleep sound :)

Android ADT error, dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder

Also, make sure that the version of the ADT is supported by the AndroidSDKTools. That fixed my problem. In the SDK Manager, File->Reload will lead to the latest revisions.

error: strcpy was not declared in this scope

When you say:

 #include <cstring>

the g++ compiler should put the <string.h> declarations it itself includes into the std:: AND the global namespaces. It looks for some reason as if it is not doing that. Try replacing one instance of strcpy with std::strcpy and see if that fixes the problem.

Update query using Subquery in Sql Server

Here in my sample I find out the solution of this, because I had the same problem with updates and subquerys:

    A.ValueToChange = B.NewValue
        Select * From C
    ) B
    A.Id = B.Id

Rendering an in React

Add up to Dmitry's answer, if you don't want to handle unique key IDs manually, you can use React.Children.toArray as proposed in the React documentation


Returns the children opaque data structure as a flat array with keys assigned to each child. Useful if you want to manipulate collections of children in your render methods, especially if you want to reorder or slice this.props.children before passing it down.


React.Children.toArray() changes keys to preserve the semantics of nested arrays when flattening lists of children. That is, toArray prefixes each key in the returned array so that each element’s key is scoped to the input array containing it.

, i) => <li>Test</li>)

How to go back (ctrl+z) in vi/vim

The answer, u, (and many others) is in $ vimtutor.

mysql select from n last rows

Starting from the answer given by @chaos, but with a few modifications:

  • You should always use ORDER BY if you use LIMIT. There is no implicit order guaranteed for an RDBMS table. You may usually get rows in the order of the primary key, but you can't rely on this, nor is it portable.

  • If you order by in the descending order, you don't need to know the number of rows in the table beforehand.

  • You must give a correlation name (aka table alias) to a derived table.

Here's my version of the query:

    SELECT `id`, `val`
    FROM `big_table`
    ORDER BY `id` DESC
    LIMIT $n
) AS t
WHERE t.`val` = $certain_number;

How to check if an alert exists using WebDriver?

The following (C# implementation, but similar in Java) allows you to determine if there is an alert without exceptions and without creating the WebDriverWait object.

boolean isDialogPresent(WebDriver driver) {
    IAlert alert = ExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent().Invoke(driver);
    return (alert != null);

No matching bean of type ... found for dependency

Add this to you applicationContext:

 <bean id="userService" class=" ">

How to step through Python code to help debug issues?

Programmatically stepping and tracing through python code is possible too (and its easy!). Look at the sys.settrace() documentation for more details. Also here is a tutorial to get you started.

What does ==$0 (double equals dollar zero) mean in Chrome Developer Tools?

It's the last selected DOM node index. Chrome assigns an index to each DOM node you select. So $0 will always point to the last node you selected, while $1 will point to the node you selected before that. Think of it like a stack of most recently selected nodes.

As an example, consider the following

<div id="sunday"></div>
<div id="monday"></div>
<div id="tuesday"></div>

Now you opened the devtools console and selected #sunday, #monday and #tuesday in the mentioned order, you will get ids like:

$0 -> <div id="tuesday"></div> 
$1 -> <div id="monday"></div>
$2 -> <div id="sunday"></div>

Note: It Might be useful to know that the node is selectable in your scripts (or console), for example one popular use for this is angular element selector, so you can simply pick your node, and run this:


Voila you got access to node scope via console.

Printing out a number in assembly language?

AH = 09 DS:DX = pointer to string ending in "$"

returns nothing

- outputs character string to STDOUT up to "$"
- backspace is treated as non-destructive
- if Ctrl-Break is detected, INT 23 is executed



string db 2 dup(' ')

mov ax,@data  
mov ds,ax

mov al,10  
add al,15  
mov si,offset string+1  
mov bl,10  
div bl  
add ah,48  
mov [si],ah  
dec si  
div bl  
add ah,48  
mov [si],ah  

mov ah,9  
mov dx,string  
int 21h

IOS: verify if a point is inside a rect

In swift you can do it like this:

let isPointInFrame = frame.contains(point)

"frame" is a CGRect and "point" is a CGPoint

How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript?

A non-open-source Javascript-based application is fairly silly. Javascript is a client-side interpreted language.. Obfuscation isn't much protection..

JS obfuscation is usually done to reduce the size of the script, rather than "protect" it. If you are in a situation where you don't want your code to be public, Javascript isn't the right language..

There are plenty of tools around, but most have the word "compressor" (or "minifier") in its name for a reason..

Get values from label using jQuery

Try this:

var label = $('#currentMonth').text()

Mapping US zip code to time zone

This will download a yaml file that will map all timezones to an array of their zipcodes:

curl > timezones_to_zipcodes.yml


"Eastern Time (US & Canada)" => ["00100", "00101", "00102", "00103", "00104", ...]
"Central Time (US & Canada)" => ["35000", "35001", "35002", "35003", "35004", ...]

If you prefer the shortened timezones, you can run this one:

curl > timezones_to_zipcodes.yml


"EDT" => ["00100", "00101", "00102", "00103", "00104", ...]
"CDT" => ["35000", "35001", "35002", "35003", "35004", ...]

MySQL Calculate Percentage

try this

   SELECT group_name, employees, surveys, COUNT( surveys ) AS test1, 
        concat(round(( surveys/employees * 100 ),2),'%') AS percentage
    FROM a_test
    GROUP BY employees


how to access master page control from content page

If you are trying to access an html element: this is an HTML Anchor...

My nav bar has items that are not list items (<li>) but rather html anchors (<a>)

See below: (This is the site master)

<nav class="mdl-navigation">
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="" runat="server" id="liHome">Home</a>
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="" runat="server" id="liDashboard">Dashboard</a>

Now in your code behind for another page, for mine, it's the login page...

On PageLoad() define this:

HtmlAnchor lblMasterStatus = (HtmlAnchor)Master.FindControl("liHome");
lblMasterStatus.Visible =false;

HtmlAnchor lblMasterStatus1 = (HtmlAnchor)Master.FindControl("liDashboard");
lblMasterStatus1.Visible = false;

Now we have accessed the site masters controls, and have made them invisible on the login page.

JTable won't show column headers

As said in previous answers the 'normal' way is to add it to a JScrollPane, but sometimes you don't want it to scroll (don't ask me when:)). Then you can add the TableHeader yourself. Like this:

JPanel tablePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JTable table = new JTable();
tablePanel.add(table, BorderLayout.CENTER);
tablePanel.add(table.getTableHeader(), BorderLayout.NORTH);

Flatten nested dictionaries, compressing keys

This is similar to both imran's and ralu's answer. It does not use a generator, but instead employs recursion with a closure:

def flatten_dict(d, separator='_'):
  final = {}
  def _flatten_dict(obj, parent_keys=[]):
    for k, v in obj.iteritems():
      if isinstance(v, dict):
        _flatten_dict(v, parent_keys + [k])
        key = separator.join(parent_keys + [k])
        final[key] = v
  return final

>>> print flatten_dict({'a': 1, 'c': {'a': 2, 'b': {'x': 5, 'y' : 10}}, 'd': [1, 2, 3]})
{'a': 1, 'c_a': 2, 'c_b_x': 5, 'd': [1, 2, 3], 'c_b_y': 10}

Get first element of Series without knowing the index

Use iloc to access by position (rather than label):

In [11]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ['a', 'b'], ['A', 'B'])

In [12]: df
   A  B
a  1  2
b  3  4

In [13]: df.iloc[0]  # first row in a DataFrame
A    1
B    2
Name: a, dtype: int64

In [14]: df['A'].iloc[0]  # first item in a Series (Column)
Out[14]: 1

is it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout

You should take a look to android:layout_weight attribute

Unix's 'ls' sort by name

The beauty of *nix tools is you can combine them:

ls -l | sort -k9,9

The output of ls -l will look like this

-rw-rw-r-- 1 luckydonald luckydonald  532 Feb 21  2017 Makefile
-rwxrwxrwx 1 luckydonald luckydonald 4096 Nov 17 23:47 file.txt

So with 9,9 you sort column 9 up to the column 9, being the file names. You have to provide where to stop, which is the same column in this case. The columns start with 1.

Also, if you want to ignore upper/lower case, add --ignore-case to the sort command.

What is the difference between %g and %f in C?

E = exponent expression, simply means power(10, n) or 10 ^ n

F = fraction expression, default 6 digits precision

G = gerneral expression, somehow smart to show the number in a concise way (but really?)

See the below example,

The code

void main(int argc, char* argv[])  
        double a = 4.5;
        printf("=>>>> below is the example for printf 4.5\n");
        printf("%%e %e\n",a);
        printf("%%f %f\n",a);
        printf("%%g %g\n",a);
        printf("%%E %E\n",a);
        printf("%%F %F\n",a);
        printf("%%G %G\n",a);
        double b = 1.79e308;
        printf("=>>>> below is the exbmple for printf 1.79*10^308\n");
        printf("%%e %e\n",b);
        printf("%%f %f\n",b);
        printf("%%g %g\n",b);
        printf("%%E %E\n",b);
        printf("%%F %F\n",b);
        printf("%%G %G\n",b);

        double d = 2.25074e-308;
        printf("=>>>> below is the example for printf 2.25074*10^-308\n");
        printf("%%e %e\n",d);
        printf("%%f %f\n",d);
        printf("%%g %g\n",d);
        printf("%%E %E\n",d);
        printf("%%F %F\n",d);
        printf("%%G %G\n",d);

The output

=>>>> below is the example for printf 4.5
%e 4.500000e+00
%f 4.500000
%g 4.5
%E 4.500000E+00
%F 4.500000
%G 4.5
=>>>> below is the exbmple for printf 1.79*10^308
%e 1.790000e+308
%f 178999999999999996376899522972626047077637637819240219954027593177370961667659291027329061638406108931437333529420935752785895444161234074984843178962619172326295244262722141766382622299223626438470088150218987997954747866198184686628013966119769261150988554952970462018533787926725176560021258785656871583744.000000
%g 1.79e+308
%E 1.790000E+308
%F 178999999999999996376899522972626047077637637819240219954027593177370961667659291027329061638406108931437333529420935752785895444161234074984843178962619172326295244262722141766382622299223626438470088150218987997954747866198184686628013966119769261150988554952970462018533787926725176560021258785656871583744.000000
%G 1.79E+308
=>>>> below is the example for printf 2.25074*10^-308
%e 2.250740e-308
%f 0.000000
%g 2.25074e-308
%E 2.250740E-308
%F 0.000000
%G 2.25074E-308

How to run Java program in command prompt

javac is the Java compiler. java is the JVM and what you use to execute a Java program. You do not execute .java files, they are just source files. Presumably there is .jar somewhere (or a directory containing .class files) that is the product of building it in Eclipse:


From directory java execute:

java -cp lib/mypackage.jar Main arg1 arg2

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied

Resolution for 404 Forbidden in recent .Net 4.7 MVC/webform pplication hosting in Azure VM We need to install the .Net 4.7 and extensibilty and development in server role other than the .Net 4.7/version feature as below: This might have been alreday activated .Net Activated feature

We need to also add the below under IIS webserver role-> Application Development -> select the .Net version as below Image to Activate the requited Role under IIS webserver Role Server Role Activation under application Development

Stop executing further code in Java

Either return; from the method early, or throw an exception.

There is no other way to prevent further code from being executed short of exiting the process completely.

Sass .scss: Nesting and multiple classes?

Use &


.container {

    &.hello {

How to move a file?

After Python 3.4, you can also use pathlib's class Path to move file.

from pathlib import Path


c# open a new form then close the current form?

You weren't specific, but it looks like you were trying to do what I do in my Win Forms apps: start with a Login form, then after successful login, close that form and put focus on a Main form. Here's how I do it:

  1. make frmMain the startup form; this is what my Program.cs looks like:

    static void Main()
        Application.Run(new frmMain());
  2. in my frmLogin, create a public property that gets initialized to false and set to true only if a successful login occurs:

    public bool IsLoggedIn { get; set; }
  3. my frmMain looks like this:

    private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        frmLogin frm = new frmLogin();
        frm.IsLoggedIn = false;
        if (!frm.IsLoggedIn)

No successful login? Exit the application. Otherwise, carry on with frmMain. Since it's the startup form, when it closes, the application ends.

Undefined Symbols error when integrating Apptentive iOS SDK via Cocoapods

We have found that adding the Apptentive cocoa pod to an existing Xcode project may potentially not include some of our required frameworks.

Check your linker flags:

Target > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags 

You should see -lApptentiveConnect listed as a linker flag:

... -ObjC -lApptentiveConnect ... 

You should also see our required Frameworks listed:

  • Accelerate
  • CoreData
  • CoreText
  • CoreGraphics
  • CoreTelephony
  • Foundation
  • QuartzCore
  • StoreKit
  • SystemConfiguration
  • UIKit

    -ObjC -lApptentiveConnect -framework Accelerate -framework CoreData -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreText -framework Foundation -framework QuartzCore -framework SystemConfiguration -framework UIKit -framework CoreTelephony -framework StoreKit  

How to send a POST request in Go?

I know this is old but this answer came up in search results. For the next guy - the proposed and accepted answer works, however the code initially submitted in the question is lower-level than it needs to be. Nobody got time for that.

//one-line post request/response...
response, err := http.PostForm(APIURL, url.Values{
    "ln": {c.ln},
    "ip": {c.ip},
    "ua": {}})

//okay, moving on...
if err != nil {
  //handle postform error

defer response.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)

if err != nil {
  //handle read response error

fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(body))

Evaluate expression given as a string

Alternatively, you can use evals from my pander package to capture output and all warnings, errors and other messages along with the raw results:

> pander::evals("5+5")
[1] "5 + 5"

[1] 10

[1] "[1] 10"

[1] "numeric"





[1] "evals"

Converting cv::Mat to IplImage*

In case of gray image, I am using this function and it works fine! however you must take care about the function features ;)

CvMat * src=  cvCreateMat(300,300,CV_32FC1);      
IplImage *dist= cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(dist),IPL_DEPTH_32F,3);

cvConvertScale(src, dist, 1, 0);

Entity Framework Core: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed

The exception means that _context is being used by two threads at the same time; either two threads in the same request, or by two requests.

Is your _context declared static maybe? It should not be.

Or are you calling GetClients multiple times in the same request from somewhere else in your code?

You may already be doing this, but ideally, you'd be using dependency injection for your DbContext, which means you'll be using AddDbContext() in your Startup.cs, and your controller constructor will look something like this:

private readonly MyDbContext _context; //not static

public MyController(MyDbContext context) {
    _context = context;

If your code is not like this, show us and maybe we can help further.

An exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in myproject.DLL but was not handled in user code

It means you have a null reference somewhere in there. Can you debug the app and stop the debugger when it gets here and investigate? Probably img1 is null or ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Url") is returning null.

What is inf and nan?

Inf is infinity, it's a "bigger than all the other numbers" number. Try subtracting anything you want from it, it doesn't get any smaller. All numbers are < Inf. -Inf is similar, but smaller than everything.

NaN means not-a-number. If you try to do a computation that just doesn't make sense, you get NaN. Inf - Inf is one such computation. Usually NaN is used to just mean that some data is missing.

Calling dynamic function with dynamic number of parameters

In case somebody is still looking for dynamic function call with dynamic parameters -

callFunction("aaa('hello', 'world')");

    function callFunction(func) {
                catch (e)
                { }
    function aaa(a, b) {
                alert(a + ' ' + b);

Responsive Bootstrap Jumbotron Background Image

You could try this:

Simply place the code in a style tag in the head of the html file

        .jumbotron {_x000D_
            background: url("") center center / cover no-repeat;_x000D_

or put it in a separate css file as shown below

        .jumbotron {_x000D_
            background: url("") center center / cover no-repeat;_x000D_

use center center to center the image horizontally and vertically. use cover to make the image fill out the jumbotron space and finally no-repeat so that the image is not repeated.

How can I modify a saved Microsoft Access 2007 or 2010 Import Specification?

Below are three functions you can use to alter and use the MS Access 2010 Import Specification. The third sub changes the name of an existing import specification. The second sub allows you to change any xml text in the import spec. This is useful if you need to change column names, data types, add columns, change the import file location, etc.. In essence anything you want modify for an existing spec. The first Sub is a routine that allows you to call an existing import spec, modify it for a specific file you are attempting to import, importing that file, and then deleting the modified spec, keeping the import spec "template" unaltered and intact. Enjoy.

Public Sub MyExcelTransfer(myTempTable As String, myPath As String)
On Error GoTo ERR_Handler:
    Dim mySpec As ImportExportSpecification
    Dim myNewSpec As ImportExportSpecification
    Dim x As Integer

    For x = 0 To CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Count - 1
    If CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Item(x).Name = "TemporaryImport" Then
        x = CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Count
    End If
    Next x
    Set mySpec = CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Item(myTempTable)
    CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Add "TemporaryImport", mySpec.XML
    Set myNewSpec = CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Item("TemporaryImport")

    myNewSpec.XML = Replace(myNewSpec.XML, "\\MyComputer\ChangeThis", myPath)
    Set mySpec = Nothing
    Set myNewSpec = Nothing
    For x = 0 To CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Count - 1
    If CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Item(x).Name = "TemporaryImport" Then
        x = CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Count
    End If
    Next x
Exit Sub    
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume exit_ErrHandler
End Sub

Public Sub fixImportSpecs(myTable As String, strFind As String, strRepl As String)
    Dim mySpec As ImportExportSpecification    
    Set mySpec = CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Item(myTable)    
    mySpec.XML = Replace(mySpec.XML, strFind, strRepl)
    Set mySpec = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub MyExcelChangeName(OldName As String, NewName As String)
    Dim mySpec As ImportExportSpecification
    Dim myNewSpec As ImportExportSpecification
    Set mySpec = CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Item(OldName)    
    CurrentProject.ImportExportSpecifications.Add NewName, mySpec.XML
    Set mySpec = Nothing
    Set myNewSpec = Nothing
End Sub

PHP cURL custom headers

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'X-Apple-Tz: 0',
    'X-Apple-Store-Front: 143444,12'

How to "scan" a website (or page) for info, and bring it into my program?

JSoup solution is great, but if you need to extract just something really simple it may be easier to use regex or String.indexOf

As others have already mentioned the process is called scraping

Python xml ElementTree from a string source?

You need the xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(text)

from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML, fromstring
myxml = fromstring(text)

Is there a Public FTP server to test upload and download?


It is read-only used for testing Rebex components to list directory and download. Allows also to test FTP/SSL and IMAP.

Username is "demo", password is "password"

See for more information.

How can I programmatically freeze the top row of an Excel worksheet in Excel 2007 VBA?

Just hit the same problem... For some reason, the freezepanes command just caused crosshairs to appear in the centre of the screen. It turns oout I had switched ScreenUpdating off! Solved with the following code:

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Cells(2, 1).Select
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True

Now it works fine.

Best way to integrate Python and JavaScript?

There's a bridge based on JavaScriptCore (from WebKit), but it's pretty incomplete:

You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=

Might have todo with one of these:

  1. Install a newer SDK.
  2. In .csproj check for Reference Include="netstandard"
  3. Check the assembly versions in the compilation tags in the Views\Web.config and Web.config.

Remove a CLASS for all child elements

You can also do like this :

  $("#table-filters li").parent().find('li').removeClass("active");

Difference between "read commited" and "repeatable read"

Simply the answer according to my reading and understanding to this thread and @remus-rusanu answer is based on this simple scenario:

There are two transactions A and B. Transaction B is reading Table X Transaction A is writing in table X Transaction B is reading again in Table X.

  • ReadUncommitted: Transaction B can read uncommitted data from Transaction A and it could see different rows based on B writing. No lock at all
  • ReadCommitted: Transaction B can read ONLY committed data from Transaction A and it could see different rows based on COMMITTED only B writing. could we call it Simple Lock?
  • RepeatableRead: Transaction B will read the same data (rows) whatever Transaction A is doing. But Transaction A can change other rows. Rows level Block
  • Serialisable: Transaction B will read the same rows as before and Transaction A cannot read or write in the table. Table-level Block
  • Snapshot: every Transaction has its own copy and they are working on it. Each one has its own view

How to read/write from/to file using Go?

Try this:

package main

import (

func main() {
  contents,_ := io.ReadFile("filename");
  io.WriteFile("filename", contents, 0644);

Correct way to initialize HashMap and can HashMap hold different value types?

A HashMap can hold any object as a value, even if it is another HashMap. Eclipse is suggesting that you declare the types because that is the recommended practice for Collections. under Java 5. You are free to ignore Eclipse's suggestions.

Under Java 5, an int (or any primitive type) will be autoboxed into an Integer (or other corresponding type) when you add it to a collection. Be careful with this though, as there are some catches to using autoboxing.

How to set min-font-size in CSS

In CSS3 there is a simple but brilliant hack for that:

font-size:calc(12px + 1.5vw);

This is because the static part of calc() defines the minimum. Even though the dynamic part might shrink to something near 0.

Best way to create unique token in Rails?

Ryan Bates uses a nice little bit of code in his Railscast on beta invitations. This produces a 40 character alphanumeric string.

Digest::SHA1.hexdigest([, rand].join)

Plot different DataFrames in the same figure


ax = df1.plot()

How to export dataGridView data Instantly to Excel on button click?

I'm adding this answer because none of the other methods use OpenXMLWriter, despite the fact that it is faster than OpenXML DOM and both faster and more reliable than COM/Interop, and because some of the other methods use the clipboard, which I would caution against, as it's output is unreliable.

The details can be found in my answer in the link below, however that example is for a DataTable, but you can adapt it to using a DataGridView by just changing the row/column loops to reference a dgv instead of a dt.

How to export DataTable to Excel

How do I restrict an input to only accept numbers?

Here is a Plunker handling any situation above proposition do not handle.
By using $formatters and $parsers pipeline and avoiding type="number"

And here is the explanation of problems/solutions (also available in the Plunker) :

 * Limit input text for floating numbers.
 * It does not display characters and can limit the Float value to X numbers of integers and X numbers of decimals.
 * min and max attributes can be added. They can be Integers as well as Floating values.
 * value needed    |    directive
 * ------------------------------------
 * 55              |    max-integer="2"
 * 55.55           |    max-integer="4" decimal="2" (decimals are substracted from total length. Same logic as database NUMBER type)
 * Input type="number" (HTML5)
 * Browser compatibility for input type="number" :
 * Chrome : - if first letter is a String : allows everything
 *          - if first letter is a Integer : allows [0-9] and "." and "e" (exponential)
 * Firefox : allows everything
 * Internet Explorer : allows everything
 * Why you should not use input type="number" :
 * When using input type="number" the $parser pipeline of ngModel controller won't be able to access NaN values.
 * For example : viewValue = '1e'  -> $parsers parameter value = "".
 * This is because undefined values are not allowes by default (which can be changed, but better not do it)
 * This makes it impossible to modify the view and model value; to get the view value, pop last character, apply to the view and return to the model.
 * About the ngModel controller pipelines :
 * view value -> $parsers -> model value
 * model value -> $formatters -> view value
 * About the $parsers pipeline :
 * It is an array of functions executed in ascending order.
 * When used with input type="number" :
 * This array has 2 default functions, one of them transforms the datatype of the value from String to Number.
 * To be able to change the value easier (substring), it is better to have access to a String rather than a Number.
 * To access a String, the custom function added to the $parsers pipeline should be unshifted rather than pushed.
 * Unshift gives the closest access to the view.
 * About the $formatters pipeline :
 * It is executed in descending order
 * When used with input type="number"
 * Default function transforms the value datatype from Number to String.
 * To access a String, push to this pipeline. (push brings the function closest to the view value)
 * The flow :
 * When changing ngModel where the directive stands : (In this case only the view has to be changed. $parsers returns the changed model)
 *     -When the value do not has to be modified :
 *     $parsers -> $render();
 *     -When the value has to be modified :
 *     $parsers(view value) --(does view needs to be changed?) -> $render();
 *       |                                  |
 *       |                     $setViewValue(changedViewValue)
 *       |                                  |
 *       --<-------<---------<--------<------
 * When changing ngModel where the directive does not stand :
 *     - When the value does not has to be modified :
 *       -$formatters(model value)-->-- view value
 *     -When the value has to be changed
 *       -$formatters(model vale)-->--(does the value has to be modified) -- (when loop $parsers loop is finished, return modified value)-->view value
 *                                              |
 *                                  $setViewValue(notChangedValue) giving back the non changed value allows the $parsers handle the 'bad' value
 *                                               |                  and avoids it to think the value did not changed
 *                Changed the model <----(the above $parsers loop occurs)

Single controller with multiple GET methods in ASP.NET Web API

Go from this:

config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("API Default", "api/{controller}/{id}",
            new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });

To this:

config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("API Default", "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });

Hence, you can now specify which action (method) you want to send your HTTP request to.

posting to "http://localhost:8383/api/Command/PostCreateUser" invokes:

public bool PostCreateUser(CreateUserCommand command)
    //* ... *//
    return true;

and posting to "http://localhost:8383/api/Command/PostMakeBooking" invokes:

public bool PostMakeBooking(MakeBookingCommand command)
    //* ... *//
    return true;

I tried this in a self hosted WEB API service application and it works like a charm :)

Converting between java.time.LocalDateTime and java.util.Date

The fastest way for LocalDateTime -> Date is:


How do I get ruby to print a full backtrace instead of a truncated one?

Almost everybody answered this. My version of printing any rails exception into logs would be:

rescue => e
    puts "Exception Occurred #{e}. Message: #{e.message}. Backtrace:  \n #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
    Rails.logger.error "Exception Occurred #{e}. Message: #{e.message}. Backtrace:  \n #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"

How do I test if a string is empty in Objective-C?

One of the best solution I ever seen (better than Matt G's one) is this improved inline function I picked up on some Git Hub repo (Wil Shipley's one, but I can't find the link) :

// Check if the "thing" passed is empty
static inline BOOL isEmpty(id thing) {
    return thing == nil
    || [thing isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]
    || ([thing respondsToSelector:@selector(length)]
        && [(NSData *)thing length] == 0)
    || ([thing respondsToSelector:@selector(count)]
        && [(NSArray *)thing count] == 0);