Programs & Examples On #Osb

Oracle Enterprise Service Bus is a fundamental component of Oracle's Services-Oriented Architecture that provides a loosely-coupled framework for inter-application messaging. It's abbreviation for Oracle Service Bus.

Why does C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture run faster than hand-written assembly?

The simple answer:

  • doing a MOV RBX, 3 and MUL RBX is expensive; just ADD RBX, RBX twice

  • ADD 1 is probably faster than INC here

  • MOV 2 and DIV is very expensive; just shift right

  • 64-bit code is usually noticeably slower than 32-bit code and the alignment issues are more complicated; with small programs like this you have to pack them so you are doing parallel computation to have any chance of being faster than 32-bit code

If you generate the assembly listing for your C++ program, you can see how it differs from your assembly.

Angular 2 select option (dropdown) - how to get the value on change so it can be used in a function?

Another solution would be,you can get the object itself as value if you are not mentioning it's id as value: Note: [value] and [ngValue] both works here.

<select (change)="your_method(values[$])">
  <option *ngFor="let v of values" [value]="v" >  

In ts:

  //access values here as needed. 
  // or

Note: If you are using reactive form and you want to catch selected value on form Submit, you should use [ngValue] directive instead of [value] in above scanerio


  <select (change)="your_method(values[$])" formControlName="form_control_name">
      <option *ngFor="let v of values" [ngValue]="v" >  

In ts:

        let v : any = this.form_group_name.value.form_control_name;  

Trying to pull files from my Github repository: "refusing to merge unrelated histories"

On your branch - say master, pull and allow unrelated histories

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

Worked for me.

configuring project ':app' failed to find Build Tools revision

For me, dataBinding { enabled true } was enabled in gradle, removing this helped me

Add external libraries to CMakeList.txt c++

I would start with upgrade of CMAKE version.

You can use INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES for header location and LINK_DIRECTORIES + TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES for libraries

rosbuild_add_executable(kinectueye src/kinect_ueye.cpp)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(kinectueye lib1 lib2 lib2 ...)

note that lib1 is expanded to (on Linux), so use ln to create appropriate links in case you do not have them

Create a mocked list by mockito

OK, this is a bad thing to be doing. Don't mock a list; instead, mock the individual objects inside the list. See Mockito: mocking an arraylist that will be looped in a for loop for how to do this.

Also, why are you using PowerMock? You don't seem to be doing anything that requires PowerMock.

But the real cause of your problem is that you are using when on two different objects, before you complete the stubbing. When you call when, and provide the method call that you are trying to stub, then the very next thing you do in either Mockito OR PowerMock is to specify what happens when that method is called - that is, to do the thenReturn part. Each call to when must be followed by one and only one call to thenReturn, before you do any more calls to when. You made two calls to when without calling thenReturn - that's your error.

How to increase size of DOSBox window?

Looking again at your question, I think I see what's wrong with your conf file. You set:

fullresolution=1366x768 windowresolution=1366x768

That's why you're getting the letterboxing (black on either side). You've essentially told Dosbox that your screen is the same size as your window, but your screen is actually bigger, 1600x900 (or higher) per the Googled specs for that computer. So the 'difference' shows up in black. So you either should change fullresolution to your actual screen resolution, or revert to fullresolution=original default, and only specify the window resolution.

So now I wonder if you really want fullscreen, though your question asks about only a window. For you are getting a window, but you sized it short of your screen, hence the two black stripes (letterboxing). If you really want fullscreen, then you need to specify the actual resolution of your screen. 1366x768 is not big enough.

The next issue is, what's the resolution of the program itself? It won't go past its own resolution. So if the program/game is (natively) say 1280x720 (HD), then your window resolution setting shouldn't be bigger than that (remember, it's fixed not dynamic when you use AxB as windowresolution).

Example: DOS Lotus 123 will only extend eight columns and 20 rows. The bigger the Dosbox, the bigger the text, but not more columns and rows. So setting a higher windowresolution for that, only results in bigger text, not more columns and rows. After that you'll have letterboxing.

Hope this helps you better.

setValue:forUndefinedKey: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key

For is because is not have 2 function

@implementation CellTableView

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
    return [self init];
- (void)awakeFromNib {

- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated {
    [super setSelected:selected animated:animated];


Set View Width Programmatically

This code let you fill the banner to the maximum width and keep the ratio. This will only work in portrait. You must recreate the ad when you rotate the device. In landscape you should just leave the ad as is because it will be quite big an blurred.

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int width = display.getWidth();
double ratio = ((float) (width))/300.0;
int height = (int)(ratio*50);

AdView adView = new AdView(this,"ad_url","my_ad_key",true,true);
LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
mAdView.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,height));

Calculating the sum of two variables in a batch script

TITLE Addition
ECHO Type the first number you wish to add:
SET /P Num1Add=
ECHO Type the second number you want to add to the first number:
SET /P Num2Add=
SET /A Ans=%Num1Add%+%Num2Add%
ECHO The result is: %Ans%
ECHO Press any key to exit.

Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device?

You might want to try and set the supports-screens attribute:

    android:xlargeScreens="true" >

The Wildfire has a small screen, and according to the documentation this attribute should default to "true" in all cases, but there are known issues with the supports-screens settings on different phones, so I would try this anyway.

Also - as David suggests - always compile and target against the most current version of the Android API, unless you have strong reasons not to. Pretty much every SDK prior to 2.2 has some serious issue or weird behavior; the latter SDK's help to resolve or cover up a lot (although not all) of them. You can (and should) use the Lint tool to check that your app remains compatible with API 4 when preparing a release.

Android getText from EditText field

EditText txt = (EditText)findviewbyid(;

Editable str = txt.getText().toString();

Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), str, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);;

How to decide when to use Node.js?

The most important reasons to start your next project using Node ...

  • All the coolest dudes are into it ... so it must be fun.
  • You can hangout at the cooler and have lots of Node adventures to brag about.
  • You're a penny pincher when it comes to cloud hosting costs.
  • Been there done that with Rails
  • You hate IIS deployments
  • Your old IT job is getting rather dull and you wish you were in a shiny new Start Up.

What to expect ...

  • You'll feel safe and secure with Express without all the server bloatware you never needed.
  • Runs like a rocket and scales well.
  • You dream it. You installed it. The node package repo is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.
  • Your brain will get time warped in the land of nested callbacks ...
  • ... until you learn to keep your Promises.
  • Sequelize and Passport are your new API friends.
  • Debugging mostly async code will get umm ... interesting .
  • Time for all Noders to master Typescript.

Who uses it?

  • PayPal, Netflix, Walmart, LinkedIn, Groupon, Uber, GoDaddy, Dow Jones
  • Here's why they switched to Node.

How to multiply values using SQL

Why are you grouping by? Do you mean order by?

SELECT player_name, player_salary, player_salary * 1.1 AS NewSalary
FROM players
ORDER BY player_salary, player_name;

.NET: Simplest way to send POST with data and read response

Use WebRequest. From Scott Hanselman:

public static string HttpPost(string URI, string Parameters) 
   System.Net.WebRequest req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URI);
   req.Proxy = new System.Net.WebProxy(ProxyString, true);
   //Add these, as we're doing a POST
   req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
   req.Method = "POST";
   //We need to count how many bytes we're sending. 
   //Post'ed Faked Forms should be name=value&
   byte [] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Parameters);
   req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
   System.IO.Stream os = req.GetRequestStream ();
   os.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //Push it out there
   os.Close ();
   System.Net.WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
   if (resp== null) return null;
   System.IO.StreamReader sr = 
         new System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
   return sr.ReadToEnd().Trim();

How to Load RSA Private Key From File

You need to convert your private key to PKCS8 format using following command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private_key_file  -nocrypt > pkcs8_key

After this your java program can read it.

Batch not-equal (inequality) operator

NEQ is usually used for numbers and == is typically used for string comparison.

I cannot find any documentation that mentions a specific and equivalent inequality operand for string comparison (in place of NEQ). The solution using IF NOT == seems the most sound approach. I can't immediately think of a circumstance in which the evaluation of operations in a batch file would cause an issue or unexpected behavior when applying the IF NOT == comparison method to strings.

I wish I could offer insight into how the two functions behave differently on a lower level - would disassembling separate batch files (that use NEQ and IF NOT ==) offer any clues in terms of which (unofficially documented) native API calls conhost.exe is utilizing?

Generating a unique machine id

I had an additional constraint, I was using .net express so I couldn't use the standard hardware query mechanism. So I decided to use power shell to do the query. The full code looks like this:

Private Function GetUUID() As String
    Dim GetDiskUUID As String = "get-wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct  | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UUID"
    Dim X As String = ""
    Dim oProcess As New Process()
    Dim oStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("powershell.exe", GetDiskUUID)
    oStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
    oStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
    oStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
    oStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
    oProcess.StartInfo = oStartInfo
    X = oProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd
    Return X.Trim()
End Function

Gnuplot line types

Until version 4.6

The dash type of a linestyle is given by the linetype, which does also select the line color unless you explicitely set an other one with linecolor.

However, the support for dashed lines depends on the selected terminal:

  1. Some terminals don't support dashed lines, like png (uses libgd)
  2. Other terminals, like pngcairo, support dashed lines, but it is disables by default. To enable it, use set termoption dashed, or set terminal pngcairo dashed ....
  3. The exact dash patterns differ between terminals. To see the defined linetype, use the test command:


set terminal pngcairo dashed
set output 'test.png'
set output


enter image description here

whereas, the postscript terminal shows different dash patterns:

set terminal postscript eps color colortext
set output 'test.eps'
set output

enter image description here

Version 5.0

Starting with version 5.0 the following changes related to linetypes, dash patterns and line colors are introduced:

  • A new dashtype parameter was introduced:

    To get the predefined dash patterns, use e.g.

    plot x dashtype 2

    You can also specify custom dash patterns like

    plot x dashtype (3,5,10,5),\
         2*x dashtype '.-_'
  • The terminal options dashed and solid are ignored. By default all lines are solid. To change them to dashed, use e.g.

    set for [i=1:8] linetype i dashtype i
  • The default set of line colors was changed. You can select between three different color sets with set colorsequence default|podo|classic:

enter image description here

Read MS Exchange email in C#

Here is some old code I had laying around to do WebDAV. I think it was written against Exchange 2003, but I don't remember any more. Feel free to borrow it if its helpful...

class MailUtil
    private CredentialCache creds = new CredentialCache();

    public MailUtil()
        // set up webdav connection to exchange
        this.creds = new CredentialCache();
        this.creds.Add(new Uri("[email protected]/Inbox/"), "Basic", new NetworkCredential("myUserName", "myPassword", "WINDOWSDOMAIN"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all unread emails in a user's Inbox
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A list of unread mail messages</returns>
    public List<model.Mail> GetUnreadMail()
        List<model.Mail> unreadMail = new List<model.Mail>();

        string reqStr =
            @"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
                <g:searchrequest xmlns:g=""DAV:"">
                            ""urn:schemas:mailheader:from"", ""urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription""
                            ""[email protected]/Inbox/"" 
                            ""urn:schemas:httpmail:read"" = FALSE 
                            AND ""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"" = 'tbintg' 
                            AND ""DAV:contentclass"" = 'urn:content-classes:message' 

        byte[] reqBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reqStr);

        // set up web request
        HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("[email protected]/Inbox/");
        request.Credentials = this.creds;
        request.Method = "SEARCH";
        request.ContentLength = reqBytes.Length;
        request.ContentType = "text/xml";
        request.Timeout = 300000;

        using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
                requestStream.Write(reqBytes, 0, reqBytes.Length);

        HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
        using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

                // set up namespaces
                XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable);
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("a", "DAV:");
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("b", "urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/");
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("c", "xml:");
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("d", "urn:schemas:mailheader:");
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("e", "urn:schemas:httpmail:");

                // Load each response (each mail item) into an object
                XmlNodeList responseNodes = document.GetElementsByTagName("a:response");
                foreach (XmlNode responseNode in responseNodes)
                    // get the <propstat> node that contains valid HTTP responses
                    XmlNode uriNode = responseNode.SelectSingleNode("child::a:href", nsmgr);
                    XmlNode propstatNode = responseNode.SelectSingleNode("descendant::a:propstat[a:status='HTTP/1.1 200 OK']", nsmgr);
                    if (propstatNode != null)
                        // read properties of this response, and load into a data object
                        XmlNode fromNode = propstatNode.SelectSingleNode("descendant::d:from", nsmgr);
                        XmlNode descNode = propstatNode.SelectSingleNode("descendant::e:textdescription", nsmgr);

                        // make new data object
                        model.Mail mail = new model.Mail();
                        if (uriNode != null)
                            mail.Uri = uriNode.InnerText;
                        if (fromNode != null)
                            mail.From = fromNode.InnerText;
                        if (descNode != null)
                            mail.Body = descNode.InnerText;

            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = e.Message;

        return unreadMail;

And model.Mail:

class Mail
    private string uri;
    private string from;
    private string body;

    public string Uri
        get { return this.uri; }
        set { this.uri = value; }

    public string From
        get { return this.from; }
        set { this.from = value; }

    public string Body
        get { return this.body; }
        set { this.body = value; }

Darken CSS background image?

You can use the CSS3 Linear Gradient property along with your background-image like this:

#landing-wrapper {
    background: linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ), url('landingpagepic.jpg');
    background-position:center top;

Here's a demo:

#landing-wrapper {_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), url('');_x000D_
  background-position: center top;_x000D_
  height: 350px;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
<div id="landing-wrapper">Lorem ipsum dolor ismet.</div>

Android: Vertical alignment for multi line EditText (Text area)

Use this:




Issue with background color in JavaFX 8

Try this one in your css document,

-fx-background-color : #ffaadd;


-fx-base : #ffaadd; 

Also, you can set background color on your object with this code directly.

yourPane.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.DARKGREEN, CornerRadii.EMPTY, Insets.EMPTY)));

How to draw an empty plot?

If anyone is looking for a ggplot2 solution, you can use either cowplot or patchwork packages


### examples from cowplot vignettes
plot.mpg <- ggplot(mpg, aes(x = cty, y = hwy, colour = factor(cyl))) +
  geom_point(size = 2.5) <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(clarity, fill = cut)) + 
  geom_bar() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, vjust = 0.5))

### use NULL
plot_grid(plot.mpg, NULL, NULL,,
  labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
  ncol = 2

# Note: if you want to initialize an empty drawing canvas, use ggdraw() 

### use plot_spacer()
plot.mpg + plot_spacer() + plot_spacer() + +
  plot_layout(ncol = 2) +
    title = "Plot title",
    subtitle = "Plot subtitle",
    tag_levels = "A",
    tag_suffix = ")"

Created on 2019-03-17 by the reprex package (v0.2.1.9000)

Change button text from Xcode?

Swift 5 Use button.setTitle()

  1. If using storyboards, make a IBOutlet reference.

@IBOutlet weak var button: UIButton!

  1. Call setTitle on the button followed by the text and the state.

button.setTitle("Button text here", forState: .normal)

Unexpected end of file error

I also got this error, but for a .h file. The fix was to go into the file Properties (via Solution Explorer's file popup menu) and set the file type correctly. It was set to C/C++ Compiler instead of the correct C/C++ header.

How to find my php-fpm.sock?

I encounter this issue when I first run LEMP on centos7 refer to this post.

I restart nginx to test the phpinfo page, but get this is not unreachable now.

Then I use tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log to see more info. I find is the php-fpm.sock file not exist. Then I reboot the system, everything is OK.

Here may not need to reboot the system as Fath's post, just reload nginx and php-fpm.

restart php-fpm

reload nginx config Date without time

Or, if for some reason you don't like any of the more sensible answers, just discard everything to the right of (and including) the space.

Setting up and using Meld as your git difftool and mergetool

I follow this simple setup with meld. Meld is free and opensource diff tool. You will see nice side by side comparison of files and directory for any code changes.

  1. Install meld in your Linux using yum/apt.
  2. Add following line in your ~/.gitconfig file
    tool = meld
  1. Go to your code repo and type following command to see difference between last committed changes and current working directory (Unstaged uncommited changes)

git difftool --dir-diff ./

  1. To see difference between last committed code and staged code, use following command

git difftool --cached --dir-diff ./

How to copy text from a div to clipboard

Non of all these ones worked for me. But I found a duplicate of the question which the anaswer worked for me.

Here is the link

How do I copy to the clipboard in JavaScript?

How to config routeProvider and locationProvider in angularJS?

you could try:

<a href="#/controllerone">Controller One</a>||
<a href="#/controllerTwo">Controller Two</a>||
<a href="#/controllerThree">Controller Three</a>

    <div ng-view=""></div>

Where is Python's sys.path initialized from?

Python really tries hard to intelligently set sys.path. How it is set can get really complicated. The following guide is a watered-down, somewhat-incomplete, somewhat-wrong, but hopefully-useful guide for the rank-and-file python programmer of what happens when python figures out what to use as the initial values of sys.path, sys.executable, sys.exec_prefix, and sys.prefix on a normal python installation.

First, python does its level best to figure out its actual physical location on the filesystem based on what the operating system tells it. If the OS just says "python" is running, it finds itself in $PATH. It resolves any symbolic links. Once it has done this, the path of the executable that it finds is used as the value for sys.executable, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Next, it determines the initial values for sys.exec_prefix and sys.prefix.

If there is a file called pyvenv.cfg in the same directory as sys.executable or one directory up, python looks at it. Different OSes do different things with this file.

One of the values in this config file that python looks for is the configuration option home = <DIRECTORY>. Python will use this directory instead of the directory containing sys.executable when it dynamically sets the initial value of sys.prefix later. If the applocal = true setting appears in the pyvenv.cfg file on Windows, but not the home = <DIRECTORY> setting, then sys.prefix will be set to the directory containing sys.executable.

Next, the PYTHONHOME environment variable is examined. On Linux and Mac, sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to the PYTHONHOME environment variable, if it exists, superseding any home = <DIRECTORY> setting in pyvenv.cfg. On Windows, sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix is set to the PYTHONHOME environment variable, if it exists, unless a home = <DIRECTORY> setting is present in pyvenv.cfg, which is used instead.

Otherwise, these sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are found by walking backwards from the location of sys.executable, or the home directory given by pyvenv.cfg if any.

If the file lib/python<version>/dyn-load is found in that directory or any of its parent directories, that directory is set to be to be sys.exec_prefix on Linux or Mac. If the file lib/python<version>/ is is found in the directory or any of its subdirectories, that directory is set to be sys.prefix on Linux, Mac, and Windows, with sys.exec_prefix set to the same value as sys.prefix on Windows. This entire step is skipped on Windows if applocal = true is set. Either the directory of sys.executable is used or, if home is set in pyvenv.cfg, that is used instead for the initial value of sys.prefix.

If it can't find these "landmark" files or sys.prefix hasn't been found yet, then python sets sys.prefix to a "fallback" value. Linux and Mac, for example, use pre-compiled defaults as the values of sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix. Windows waits until sys.path is fully figured out to set a fallback value for sys.prefix.

Then, (what you've all been waiting for,) python determines the initial values that are to be contained in sys.path.

  1. The directory of the script which python is executing is added to sys.path. On Windows, this is always the empty string, which tells python to use the full path where the script is located instead.
  2. The contents of PYTHONPATH environment variable, if set, is added to sys.path, unless you're on Windows and applocal is set to true in pyvenv.cfg.
  3. The zip file path, which is <prefix>/lib/ on Linux/Mac and os.path.join(os.dirname(sys.executable), "") on Windows, is added to sys.path.
  4. If on Windows and no applocal = true was set in pyvenv.cfg, then the contents of the subkeys of the registry key HK_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\PythonCore\<DLLVersion>\PythonPath\ are added, if any.
  5. If on Windows and no applocal = true was set in pyvenv.cfg, and sys.prefix could not be found, then the core contents of the of the registry key HK_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\PythonCore\<DLLVersion>\PythonPath\ is added, if it exists;
  6. If on Windows and no applocal = true was set in pyvenv.cfg, then the contents of the subkeys of the registry key HK_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Python\PythonCore\<DLLVersion>\PythonPath\ are added, if any.
  7. If on Windows and no applocal = true was set in pyvenv.cfg, and sys.prefix could not be found, then the core contents of the of the registry key HK_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\PythonCore\<DLLVersion>\PythonPath\ is added, if it exists;
  8. If on Windows, and PYTHONPATH was not set, the prefix was not found, and no registry keys were present, then the relative compile-time value of PYTHONPATH is added; otherwise, this step is ignored.
  9. Paths in the compile-time macro PYTHONPATH are added relative to the dynamically-found sys.prefix.
  10. On Mac and Linux, the value of sys.exec_prefix is added. On Windows, the directory which was used (or would have been used) to search dynamically for sys.prefix is added.

At this stage on Windows, if no prefix was found, then python will try to determine it by searching all the directories in sys.path for the landmark files, as it tried to do with the directory of sys.executable previously, until it finds something. If it doesn't, sys.prefix is left blank.

Finally, after all this, Python loads the site module, which adds stuff yet further to sys.path:

It starts by constructing up to four directories from a head and a tail part. For the head part, it uses sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix; empty heads are skipped. For the tail part, it uses the empty string and then lib/site-packages (on Windows) or lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages and then lib/site-python (on Unix and Macintosh). For each of the distinct head-tail combinations, it sees if it refers to an existing directory, and if so, adds it to sys.path and also inspects the newly added path for configuration files.

Ripple effect on Android Lollipop CardView

Ripple event for android Cardview control:

    android:layout_marginTop="4dp" />

Copy rows from one table to another, ignoring duplicates

I hope this query will help you

INSERT INTO `dTable` (`field1`, `field2`)
SELECT field1, field2 FROM `sTable` 
WHERE `sTable`.`field1` NOT IN (SELECT `field1` FROM `dTable`)

NSURLErrorDomain error codes description

I received the error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 when using Parse, and providing the wrong clientKey. As soon as I corrected that, it began working.

Android WebView, how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser

According to the official documentation, a click on any link in WebView launches an application that handles URLs, which by default is a browser. You need to override the default behavior like this

    myWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
        public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
            return false;

Get content of a DIV using JavaScript

function add_more() {

var text_count = document.getElementById('text_count').value;
var div_cmp = document.getElementById('div_cmp');
var values = div_cmp.innnerHTML;
var count = parseInt(text_count);
divContent = '';

for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {

    var cmp_text = document.getElementById('cmp_name_' + i).value;
    var cmp_textarea = document.getElementById('cmp_remark_' + i).value;
    divContent += '<div id="div_cmp_' + i + '">' +
        '<input type="text" align="top" name="cmp_name[]" id="cmp_name_' + i + '" value="' + cmp_text + '" >' +
        '<textarea rows="1" cols="20" name="cmp_remark[]" id="cmp_remark_' + i + '">' + cmp_textarea + '</textarea>' +

var newCount = count + 1;

if (document.getElementById('div_cmp_' + newCount) == null) {
    var newText = '<div id="div_cmp_' + newCount + '">' +
        '<input type="text" align="top" name="cmp_name[]" id="cmp_name_' + newCount + '" value="" >' +
        '<textarea rows="1" cols="20" name="cmp_remark[]" id="cmp_remark_' + newCount + '"  ></textarea>' +
    //content = div_cmp.innerHTML;
    div_cmp.innerHTML = divContent + newText;
} else {
    document.getElementById('div_cmp_' + newCount).innerHTML = '<input type="text" align="top" name="cmp_name[]" id="cmp_name_' + newCount + '" value="" >' +
        '<textarea rows="1" cols="20" name="cmp_remark[]" id="cmp_remark_' + newCount + '"  ></textarea>';

document.getElementById('text_count').value = newCount;


C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

As others have pointed out, you are modifying a collection that you are iterating over and that's what's causing the error. The offending code is below:

foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in rankings)

        rankings[kvp.Key] = rankings[kvp.Key] + 4;  // <--- This line is the problem

What may not be obvious from the code above is where the Enumerator comes from. In a blog post from a few years back about Eric Lippert provides an example of what a foreach loop gets expanded to by the compiler. The generated code will look something like:

    IEnumerator<int> e = ((IEnumerable<int>)values).GetEnumerator(); // <-- This
                                                       // is where the Enumerator
                                                       // comes from.
        int m; // OUTSIDE THE ACTUAL LOOP in C# 4 and before, inside the loop in 5
            // loop code goes here
      if (e != null) ((IDisposable)e).Dispose();

If you look up the MSDN documentation for IEnumerable (which is what GetEnumerator() returns) you will see:

Enumerators can be used to read the data in the collection, but they cannot be used to modify the underlying collection.

Which brings us back to what the error message states and the other answers re-state, you're modifying the underlying collection.

How do I add a custom script to my package.json file that runs a javascript file?

Suppose I have this line of scripts in my "package.json"

"scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "export_advertisements": "node export.js advertisements",
    "export_homedata": "node export.js homedata",
    "export_customdata": "node export.js customdata",
    "export_rooms": "node export.js rooms"

Now to run the script "export_advertisements", I will simply go to the terminal and type

npm run export_advertisements

You are most welcome

alternative to "!is.null()" in R

The shiny package provides the convenient functions validate() and need() for checking that variables are both available and valid. need() evaluates an expression. If the expression is not valid, then an error message is returned. If the expression is valid, NULL is returned. One can use this to check if a variable is valid. See ?need for more information.

I suggest defining a function like this:

is.valid <- function(x) {
  is.null(need(x, message = FALSE))  

This function is.valid() will return FALSE if x is FALSE, NULL, NA, NaN, an empty string "", an empty atomic vector, a vector containing only missing values, a logical vector containing only FALSE, or an object of class try-error. In all other cases, it returns TRUE.

That means, need() (and is.valid()) covers a really broad range of failure cases. Instead of writing:

if (!is.null(x) && ! && !is.nan(x)) {

one can write simply:

if (is.valid(x)) {

With the check for class try-error, it can even be used in conjunction with a try() block to silently catch errors: (see

bad = try(1 + "1", silent = TRUE)
if (is.valid(bad)) {

Most useful NLog configurations

Apparently, you can now use NLog with Growl for Windows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""

        <add assembly="NLog.Targets.GrowlNotify" />

        <target name="growl" type="GrowlNotify" password="" host="" port="" />

        <logger name="*" minLevel="Trace" appendTo="growl"/>


NLog with Growl for Windows NLog trace message with Growl for Windows NLog debug message with Growl for Windows NLog info message with Growl for Windows NLog warn message with Growl for Windows NLog error message with Growl for Windows NLog fatal message with Growl for Windows

How to convert InputStream to FileInputStream

You need something like:

    URL resource = this.getClass().getResource("/path/to/resource.res");
    File is = null;
    try {
        is = new File(resource.toURI());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    try {
        FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(is);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

But it will work only within your IDE, not in runnable JAR. I had same problem explained here.

"application blocked by security settings" prevent applets running using oracle SE 7 update 51 on firefox on Linux mint

The application that you are running is blocked because the application does not comply with security guidelines implemented in Java 7 Update 51

How to color System.out.println output?

I've written a library called AnsiScape that allows you to write coloured output in a more structured way:


AnsiScape ansiScape = new AnsiScape();
String colors = ansiScape.format("{red {blueBg Red text with blue background}} {b Bold text}");

The library it also allows you to define your own "escape classes" akin to css classes.


AnsiScapeContext context = new AnsiScapeContext();

// Defines a "class" for text
AnsiClass text = AnsiClass.withName("text").add(RED);
// Defines a "class" for the title used
AnsiClass title = AnsiClass.withName("title").add(BOLD, BLUE_BG, YELLOW);
// Defines a "class" to render urls
AnsiClass url = AnsiClass.withName("url").add(BLUE, UNDERLINE);

// Registering the classes to the context

// Creating an AnsiScape instance with the custom context
AnsiScape ansiScape = new AnsiScape(context);

String fmt = "{title Chapter 1}\n" +
              "{text So it begins:}\n" +
              "- {text Option 1}\n" +
              "- {text Url: {url}}";


In Excel, how do I extract last four letters of a ten letter string?

No need to use a macro. Supposing your first string is in A1.

=RIGHT(A1, 4)

Drag this down and you will get your four last characters.

Edit: To be sure, if you ever have sequences like 'ABC DEF' and want the last four LETTERS and not CHARACTERS you might want to use trimspaces()


Edit: As per brettdj's suggestion, you may want to check that your string is actually 4-character long or more:


How to show uncommitted changes in Git and some Git diffs in detail

For me, the only thing which worked is

git diff HEAD

including the staged files, git diff --cached only shows staged files.

How can I order a List<string>?

ListaServizi = ListaServizi.OrderBy(q => q).ToList();

How to use responsive background image in css3 in bootstrap

Check this out,

body {
    background-color: black;
    background: url(img/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; 
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

phpmyadmin.pma_table_uiprefs doesn't exist

I had similar problems with phpMyAdmin after changing Mysql InnoDB setting to innodb_file_per_table = 1
to move InnoDB tables into separate files.

None of the other answers helped in my case, neither sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin nor importing create_tables.sql. Both failed.

What helped was making sure no default-storage-engine, default-tmp-storage-engine and innodb_file_format is enforced in my.cnf

After restarting MySQL and removing+reinstalling phpMyAdmin there are no more errors.

How to import an Oracle database from dmp file and log file?

All this peace of code put into *.bat file and run all at once:

My code for creating user in oracle. crate_drop_user.sql file

drop user "USER" cascade;




alter user USER quota unlimited on "USER";


create file import.bat and put this lines in it:

SQLPLUS SYSTEM/systempassword@ORA_alias @"crate_drop_user.SQL"
IMP SYSTEM/systempassword@ORA_alias FILE=user.DMP FROMUSER=user TOUSER=user GRANTS=Y log =user.log

Be carefull if you will import from one user to another. For example if you have user named user1 and you will import to user2 you may lost all grants , so you have to recreate it.

Good luck, Ivan

Git - How to use .netrc file on Windows to save user and password

I am posting a way to use _netrc to download materials from the site

If someone is going to use the coursera-dl to download the open-class materials on, and on the Windows OS someone wants to use a file like ".netrc" which is in like-Unix OS to add the option -n instead of -U <username> -P <password> for convenience. He/she can do it like this:

  1. Check the home path on Windows OS: setx HOME %USERPROFILE%(refer to VonC's answer). It will save the HOME environment variable as C:\Users\"username".

  2. Locate into the directory C:\Users\"username" and create a file name _netrc.NOTE: there is NOT any suffix. the content is like: machine coursera-dl login <user> password <pass>

  3. Use a command like coursera-dl -n --path PATH <course name> to download the class materials. More coursera-dl options details for this page.

How to add a new row to an empty numpy array

using an custom dtype definition, what worked for me was:

import numpy

# define custom dtype
type1 = numpy.dtype([('freq', numpy.float64, 1), ('amplitude', numpy.float64, 1)])
# declare empty array, zero rows but one column
arr = numpy.empty([0,1],dtype=type1)
# store row data, maybe inside a loop
row = numpy.array([(0.0001, 0.002)], dtype=type1)
# append row to the main array
arr = numpy.row_stack((arr, row))
# print values stored in the row 0
print float(arr[0]['freq'])
print float(arr[0]['amplitude'])

Eclipse gives “Java was started but returned exit code 13”

Instead of opening eclipse.exe , first open folder named configuration then you will get log file like 1401241141809.log ; open that log (open latest one) detail error will be listed there. Ex: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM

means you need to have JVM and SDK of same version.

Proper way to assert type of variable in Python

You might want to try this example for version 2.6 of Python.

def my_print(text, begin, end):
    "Print text in UPPER between 'begin' and 'end' in lower."
    for obj in (text, begin, end):
        assert isinstance(obj, str), 'Argument of wrong type!'
    print begin.lower() + text.upper() + end.lower()

However, have you considered letting the function fail naturally instead?

form_for with nested resources

Be sure to have both objects created in controller: @post and @comment for the post, eg:

@post = Post.find params[:post_id]
@comment =>@post)

Then in view:

<%= form_for([@post, @comment]) do |f| %>

Be sure to explicitly define the array in the form_for, not just comma separated like you have above.

"getaddrinfo failed", what does that mean?

Make sure you pass a proxy attribute in your command forexample - pip install --proxy=http://proxyhost:proxyport pixiedust

Use a proxy port which has direct connection (with / without password). Speak with your corporate IT administrator. Quick way is find out network settings used in eclipse which will have direct connection.

You will encouter this issue often if you work behind a corporate firewall. You will have to check your internet explorer - InternetOptions -LAN Connection - Settings

Uncheck - Use automatic configuration script Check - Use a proxy server for your LAN. Ensure you have given the right address and port.

Click Ok Come back to anaconda terminal and you can try install commands

Storing JSON in database vs. having a new column for each key

It seems that you're mainly hesitating whether to use a relational model or not.

As it stands, your example would fit a relational model reasonably well, but the problem may come of course when you need to make this model evolve.

If you only have one (or a few pre-determined) levels of attributes for your main entity (user), you could still use an Entity Attribute Value (EAV) model in a relational database. (This also has its pros and cons.)

If you anticipate that you'll get less structured values that you'll want to search using your application, MySQL might not be the best choice here.

If you were using PostgreSQL, you could potentially get the best of both worlds. (This really depends on the actual structure of the data here... MySQL isn't necessarily the wrong choice either, and the NoSQL options can be of interest, I'm just suggesting alternatives.)

Indeed, PostgreSQL can build index on (immutable) functions (which MySQL can't as far as I know) and in recent versions, you could use PLV8 on the JSON data directly to build indexes on specific JSON elements of interest, which would improve the speed of your queries when searching for that data.


Since there won't be too many columns on which I need to perform search, is it wise to use both the models? Key-per-column for the data I need to search and JSON for others (in the same MySQL database)?

Mixing the two models isn't necessarily wrong (assuming the extra space is negligible), but it may cause problems if you don't make sure the two data sets are kept in sync: your application must never change one without also updating the other.

A good way to achieve this would be to have a trigger perform the automatic update, by running a stored procedure within the database server whenever an update or insert is made. As far as I'm aware, the MySQL stored procedure language probably lack support for any sort of JSON processing. Again PostgreSQL with PLV8 support (and possibly other RDBMS with more flexible stored procedure languages) should be more useful (updating your relational column automatically using a trigger is quite similar to updating an index in the same way).

IF statement: how to leave cell blank if condition is false ("" does not work)

This shall work (modification on above, workaround, not formula)

Modify your original formula: =IF(A1=1,B1,"filler")

Put filter on spreadsheet, choose only "filler" in column B, highlight all the cells with "filler" in them, hit delete, remove filter

What is the most efficient way to store a list in the Django models?

As this is an old question, and Django techniques must have changed significantly since, this answer reflects Django version 1.4, and is most likely applicable for v 1.5.

Django by default uses relational databases; you should make use of 'em. Map friendships to database relations (foreign key constraints) with the use of ManyToManyField. Doing so allows you to use RelatedManagers for friendlists, which use smart querysets. You can use all available methods such as filter or values_list.

Using ManyToManyField relations and properties:

class MyDjangoClass(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(...)
    friends = models.ManyToManyField("self")

    def friendlist(self):
        # Watch for large querysets: it loads everything in memory
        return list(self.friends.all())

You can access a user's friend list this way:

joseph = MyDjangoClass.objects.get(name="Joseph")
friends_of_joseph = joseph.friendlist

Note however that these relations are symmetrical: if Joseph is a friend of Bob, then Bob is a friend of Joseph.

DateTimePicker time picker in 24 hour but displaying in 12hr?

To show the correct 24H format, for example, only put

$(function () {
         format: 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm',


Looping through all rows in a table column, Excel-VBA

If this is in fact a ListObject table (Insert Table from the ribbon) then you can use the table's .DataBodyRange object to get the number of rows and columns. This ignores the header row.

Sub TableTest()

Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim tRows As Long
Dim tCols As Long

Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1")  '## modify to your table name.

With tbl.DataBodyRange
    tRows = .Rows.Count
    tCols = .Columns.Count
End With

MsgBox tbl.Name & " contains " & tRows & " rows and " & tCols & " columns.", vbInformation

End Sub

If you need to use the header row, instead of using tbl.DataBodyRange just use tbl.Range.

How do I configure IIS for URL Rewriting an AngularJS application in HTML5 mode?

I write out a rule in web.config after $locationProvider.html5Mode(true) is set in app.js.

Hope, helps someone out.

        <rule name="AngularJS Routes" stopProcessing="true">
          <match url=".*" />
          <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
            <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true" />
            <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true" />
            <add input="{REQUEST_URI}" pattern="^/(api)" negate="true" />
          <action type="Rewrite" url="/" />

In my index.html I added this to <head>

<base href="/">

Don't forget to install IIS URL Rewrite on server.

Also if you use Web API and IIS, this will work if your API is at because of the third input (third line of condition).

Which command in VBA can count the number of characters in a string variable?

Do you mean counting the number of characters in a string? That's very simple

Dim strWord As String
Dim lngNumberOfCharacters as Long

strWord = "habit"
lngNumberOfCharacters = Len(strWord)
Debug.Print lngNumberOfCharacters

How to properly add include directories with CMake

This worked for me:

set(SOURCE main.cpp)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCE})

# target_include_directories must be added AFTER add_executable
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${INTERNAL_INCLUDES})

Make the image go behind the text and keep it in center using CSS

I style my css in its own file. So I'm not sure how you need to type it in as your are styling inside your html file. But you can use the Img{ position: relative Top: 150px; Left: 40px; } This would move my image up 150px and towards the right 40px. This method makes it so you can move anything you want on your page any where on your page If this is confusing just look on YouTube about position: relative

I also use the same method to move my h1 tag on top of my image.

In my html5 file my image is first and below that I have my h1 tag. Idk if this effects witch will be displayed on top of the other one.

Hope this helps.

Using jQuery To Get Size of Viewport

function showViewPortSize(display) {
    if (display) {
        var height = window.innerHeight;
        var width = window.innerWidth;
            .prepend('<div id="viewportsize" style="z-index:9999;position:fixed;bottom:0px;left:0px;color:#fff;background:#000;padding:10px">Height: ' + height + '<br>Width: ' + width + '</div>');
            .resize(function() {
                height = window.innerHeight;
                width = window.innerWidth;
                    .html('Height: ' + height + '<br>Width: ' + width);
    .ready(function() {

How to set selected value of jquery select2?

var $option = $("<option selected></option>").val('1').text("Pick me");


Try this append then select. Doesn't duplicate the option upon AJAX call.

Set opacity of background image without affecting child elements

#footer ul li
    #footer ul li:before
       background-image: url(imagesFolder/bg_demo.png);
       content: "";
       top: 5px;
       left: -10px;
       bottom: 0;
       right: 0;
       position: absolute;
       z-index: -1;
       opacity: 0.5;

You can try this code. I think it will be worked. You can visit the demo

A server with the specified hostname could not be found

I got this error message when "/" from my URL is missing . Hope this help someone.

ex: actual URL is "" .My URL which "https://www.myweb.comlogin" caused this error


I know Hebrew pretty well, so to clarify the name "Paamayim Nekudotayim" for you, the paraphrased meaning is "double colon", but translated literally:

  • "Paamayim" means "two" or "twice"
  • "Nekudotayim" means "dots" (lit. "holes")
    • In the Hebrew language, a nekuda means a dot.
    • The plural is nekudot, i.e, dots that act like vowels do in english.
    • The reason it why it's called Nekudo-tayim is because the suffix "-ayim" also means "two" or "twice", thus :: denotes "two times, two dots", or more commonly known as the Scope Resolution Operator.

Remove a folder from git tracking

From the git documentation:

Another useful thing you may want to do is to keep the file in your working tree but remove it from your staging area. In other words, you may want to keep the file on your hard drive but not have Git track it anymore. This is particularly useful if you forgot to add something to your .gitignore file and accidentally staged it, like a large log file or a bunch of .a compiled files. To do this, use the --cached option:

$ git rm --cached readme.txt

So maybe don't include the "-r"?

Unit testing private methods in C#

Another thought here is to extend testing to "internal" classes/methods, giving more of a white-box sense of this testing. You can use InternalsVisibleToAttribute on the assembly to expose these to separate unit testing modules.

In combination with sealed class you can approach such encapsulation that test method are visible only from unittest assembly your methods. Consider that protected method in sealed class is de facto private.

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyCode.UnitTests")]
namespace MyCode.MyWatch
    #pragma warning disable CS0628 //invalid because of InternalsVisibleTo
    public sealed class MyWatch
        Func<DateTime> _getNow = delegate () { return DateTime.Now; };

       //construktor for testing purposes where you "can change DateTime.Now"
       internal protected MyWatch(Func<DateTime> getNow)
           _getNow = getNow;

       public MyWatch()

And unit test:

namespace MyCode.UnitTests

public void TestminuteChanged()
    //watch for traviling in time
    DateTime baseTime = DateTime.Now;
    DateTime nowforTesting = baseTime;
    Func<DateTime> _getNowForTesting = delegate () { return nowforTesting; };

    MyWatch myWatch= new MyWatch(_getNowForTesting );
    nowforTesting = baseTime.AddMinute(1); //skip minute
    //TODO check myWatch

public void TestStabilityOnFebruary29()
    Func<DateTime> _getNowForTesting = delegate () { return new DateTime(2024, 2, 29); };
    MyWatch myWatch= new MyWatch(_getNowForTesting );
    //component does not crash in overlap year

Email Address Validation for ASP.NET

Here is a basic email validator I just created based on Simon Johnson's idea. It just needs the extra functionality of DNS lookup being added if it is required.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace CompanyName.Library.Web.Controls
    [ToolboxData("<{0}:EmailValidator runat=server></{0}:EmailValidator>")]
    public class EmailValidator : BaseValidator

        protected override bool EvaluateIsValid()
            string val = this.GetControlValidationValue(this.ControlToValidate);
            string pattern = @"^[a-z][a-z|0-9|]*([_][a-z|0-9]+)*([.][a-z|0-9]+([_][a-z|0-9]+)*)?@[a-z][a-z|0-9|]*\.([a-z][a-z|0-9]*(\.[a-z][a-z|0-9]*)?)$";
            Match match = Regex.Match(val.Trim(), pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (match.Success)
                return true;
                return false;


Update: Please don't use the original Regex. Seek out a newer more complete sample.

What is the correct way of reading from a TCP socket in C/C++?

Just to add to things from several of the posts above:

read() -- at least on my system -- returns ssize_t. This is like size_t, except is signed. On my system, it's a long, not an int. You might get compiler warnings if you use int, depending on your system, your compiler, and what warnings you have turned on.

ssh "permissions are too open" error

In my case, I was trying to connect from the Ubuntu app in Windows 10 and got the error above. It could be resolved without any permission changes by running sudo su in the Ubuntu console prior to the actual command

Angular js init ng-model from default values

This is an obviously lacking, but easily added fix for AngularJS. Just write a quick directive to set the model value from the input field.

<input name="card[description]" value="Visa-4242" ng-model="card.description" ng-initial>

Here's my version:

var app = angular.module('forms', []);

app.directive('ngInitial', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    controller: [
      '$scope', '$element', '$attrs', '$parse', function($scope, $element, $attrs, $parse) {
        var getter, setter, val;
        val = $attrs.ngInitial || $attrs.value;
        getter = $parse($attrs.ngModel);
        setter = getter.assign;
        setter($scope, val);

How line ending conversions work with git core.autocrlf between different operating systems

core.autocrlf value does not depend on OS type but on Windows default value is true and for Linux - input. I explored 3 possible values for commit and checkout cases and this is the resulting table:

¦ core.autocrlf ¦     false    ¦     input    ¦     true     ¦
¦               ¦ LF   => LF   ¦ LF   => LF   ¦ LF   => LF   ¦
¦ git commit    ¦ CR   => CR   ¦ CR   => CR   ¦ CR   => CR   ¦
¦               ¦ CRLF => CRLF ¦ CRLF => LF   ¦ CRLF => LF   ¦
¦               ¦ LF   => LF   ¦ LF   => LF   ¦ LF   => CRLF ¦
¦ git checkout  ¦ CR   => CR   ¦ CR   => CR   ¦ CR   => CR   ¦
¦               ¦ CRLF => CRLF ¦ CRLF => CRLF ¦ CRLF => CRLF ¦

How to write palindrome in JavaScript

25x faster + recursive + non-branching + terse

function isPalindrome(s,i) {
 return (i=i||0)<0||i>=s.length>>1||s[i]==s[s.length-1-i]&&isPalindrome(s,++i);

See my complete explanation here.

Merging Cells in Excel using C#

Using the Interop you get a range of cells and call the .Merge() method on that range.

eWSheet.Range[eWSheet.Cells[1, 1], eWSheet.Cells[4, 1]].Merge();

How to close Android application?

Use "this.FinishAndRemoveTask();" - it closes application properly

ASP.NET MVC Dropdown List From SelectList

Try this, just an example:

u.UserTypeOptions = new SelectList(new[]
        new { ID="1", Name="name1" },
        new { ID="2", Name="name2" },
        new { ID="3", Name="name3" },
    }, "ID", "Name", 1);


u.UserTypeOptions = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem>
        new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = string.Empty, Value = "-1"},
        new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Homeowner", Value = "2"},
        new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Contractor", Value = "3"},

how to show alternate image if source image is not found? (onerror working in IE but not in mozilla)

I think this is very nice and short

<img src="imagenotfound.gif" alt="Image not found" onerror="this.src='imagefound.gif';" />

But, be careful. The user's browser will be stuck in an endless loop if the onerror image itself generates an error.

EDIT To avoid endless loop, remove the onerror from it at once.

<img src="imagenotfound.gif" alt="Image not found" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='imagefound.gif';" />

By calling this.onerror=null it will remove the onerror then try to get the alternate image.

NEW I would like to add a jQuery way, if this can help anyone.

    $(".backup_picture").on("error", function(){
        $(this).attr('src', './images/nopicture.png');

<img class='backup_picture' src='./images/nonexistent_image_file.png' />

You simply need to add class='backup_picture' to any img tag that you want a backup picture to load if it tries to show a bad image.

Return None if Dictionary key is not available

I was thrown aback by what was possible in python2 vs python3. I will answer it based on what I ended up doing for python3. My objective was simple: check if a json response in dictionary format gave an error or not. My dictionary is called "token" and my key that I am looking for is "error". I am looking for key "error" and if it was not there setting it to value of None, then checking is the value is None, if so proceed with my code. An else statement would handle if I do have the key "error".

if ((token.get('error', None)) is None):
    do something

How do I extract data from JSON with PHP?

You can use json_decode() to convert a json string to a PHP object/array.



$json = '{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3,"d":4,"e":5}';

var_dump(json_decode($json, true));


object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
    ["a"] => int(1)
    ["b"] => int(2)
    ["c"] => int(3)
    ["d"] => int(4)
    ["e"] => int(5)

array(5) {
    ["a"] => int(1)
    ["b"] => int(2)
    ["c"] => int(3)
    ["d"] => int(4)
    ["e"] => int(5)

Few Points to remember:

  • json_decode requires the string to be a valid json else it will return NULL.
  • In the event of a failure to decode, json_last_error() can be used to determine the exact nature of the error.
  • Make sure you pass in utf8 content, or json_decode may error out and just return a NULL value.

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement

Another characteristic of Prepared or Parameterized Query: Reference taken from this article.

This statement is one of features of the database system in which same SQL statement executes repeatedly with high efficiency. The prepared statements are one kind of the Template and used by application with different parameters.

The statement template is prepared and sent to the database system and database system perform parsing, compiling and optimization on this template and store without executing it.

Some of parameter like, where clause is not passed during template creation later application, send these parameters to the database system and database system use template of SQL Statement and executes as per request.

Prepared statements are very useful against SQL Injection because the application can prepare parameter using different techniques and protocols.

When the number of data is increasing and indexes are changing frequently at that time Prepared Statements might be fail because in this situation require a new query plan.

I/O error(socket error): [Errno 111] Connection refused

I'm not exactly sure what's causing this. You can try looking in your (mine is a different version, so line numbers from the trace don't match, and I'm afraid some other details might not match as well).

Anyway, it seems like a good practice to put your url fetching code in a try: ... except: ... block, and handle this with a short pause and a retry. The URL you're trying to fetch may be down, or too loaded, and that's stuff you'll only be able to handle in with a retry anyway.

Programmatically retrieve SQL Server stored procedure source that is identical to the source returned by the SQL Server Management Studio gui?

You will have to hand code it, SQL Profiler reveals the following.

SMSE executes quite a long string of queries when it generates the statement.

The following query (or something along its lines) is used to extract the text:

NULL AS [Text],
ISNULL(smsp.definition, ssmsp.definition) AS [Definition]
sys.all_objects AS sp
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.sql_modules AS smsp ON smsp.object_id = sp.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.system_sql_modules AS ssmsp ON ssmsp.object_id = sp.object_id
(sp.type = N'P' OR sp.type = N'RF' OR sp.type='PC')and('#test___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________00003EE1' and SCHEMA_NAME(sp.schema_id)=N'dbo')

It returns the pure CREATE which is then substituted with ALTER in code somewhere.

The SET ANSI NULL stuff and the GO statements and dates are all prepended to this.

Go with sp_helptext, its simpler ...

Dynamically add properties to a existing object

If you can't use the dynamic type with ExpandoObject, then you could use a 'Property Bag' mechanism, where, using a dictionary (or some other key / value collection type) you store string key's that name the properties and values of the required type.

See here for an example implementation.

How to make an autocomplete TextBox in ASP.NET?

aspx Page Coding

<form id="form1" runat="server">
       <input type="search" name="Search" placeholder="Search for a Product..." list="datalist1"
       <datalist id="datalist1" runat="server">


.cs Page Coding

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void autocomplete()
    Database p = new Database();
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    ds = p.sqlcall("select [name] from [stu_reg]");
    int row = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
    string abc="";
    for (int i = 0; i < row;i++ )
        abc = abc + "<option>"+ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString()+"</option>";
    datalist1.InnerHtml = abc;

Here Database is a File (Database.cs) In Which i have created on method named sqlcall for retriving data from database.

Extract code country from phone number [libphonenumber]

If the string containing the phone number will always start this way (+33 or another country code) you should use regex to parse and get the country code and then use the library to get the country associated to the number.

How do I replace NA values with zeros in an R dataframe?

More general approach of using replace() in matrix or vector to replace NA to 0

For example:

> x <- c(1,2,NA,NA,1,1)
> x1 <- replace(x,,0)
> x1
[1] 1 2 0 0 1 1

This is also an alternative to using ifelse() in dplyr

df = data.frame(col = c(1,2,NA,NA,1,1))
df <- df %>%
   mutate(col = replace(col,,0))

Setting query string using Fetch GET request

Was just working with Nativescript's fetchModule and figured out my own solution using string manipulation. Append the query string bit by bit to the url. Here is an example where query is passed as a json object (query = {order_id: 1}):

function performGetHttpRequest(fetchLink='', query=null) {
    if(query) {
        fetchLink += '?';
        let count = 0;
        const queryLength = Object.keys(query).length;
        for(let key in query) {
            fetchLink += key+'='+query[key];
            fetchLink += (count < queryLength) ? '&' : '';
    // link becomes: ''
    // Then, use fetch as in MDN and simply pass this fetchLink as the url.

I tested this over a multiple number of query parameters and it worked like a charm :) Hope this helps someone.

Is there a standardized method to swap two variables in Python?

I know three ways to swap variables, but a, b = b, a is the simplest. There is

XOR (for integers)

x = x ^ y
y = y ^ x
x = x ^ y

Or concisely,

x ^= y
y ^= x
x ^= y

Temporary variable

w = x
x = y
y = w
del w

Tuple swap

x, y = y, x

Assembly Language - How to do Modulo?

If you compute modulo a power of two, using bitwise AND is simpler and generally faster than performing division. If b is a power of two, a % b == a & (b - 1).

For example, let's take a value in register EAX, modulo 64.
The simplest way would be AND EAX, 63, because 63 is 111111 in binary.

The masked, higher digits are not of interest to us. Try it out!

Analogically, instead of using MUL or DIV with powers of two, bit-shifting is the way to go. Beware signed integers, though!

How to put multiple statements in one line?

For a python -c oriented solution, and provided you use Bash shell, yes you can have a simple one-line syntax like in this example:

Suppose you would like to do something like this (very similar to your sample, including except: pass instruction):

python -c  "from __future__ import print_function\ntry: import numpy; print( numpy.get_include(), end='\n' )\nexcept:pass\n" OUTPUT_VARIABLE __numpy_path

This will NOT work and produce this Error:

  File "<string>", line 1
    from __future__ import print_function\ntry: import numpy; print( numpy.get_include(), end='\n' )\nexcept:pass\n
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character `

This is because the competition between Bash and Python Interpretation of \n escape sequences. To solve the problem one can use the $'string' Bash syntax to force \n Bash interpretation BEFORE the Python one. To make the example more challenging I added a typical Python end=..\n.. specification in the Python print call: at the end you will be able to get BOTH \n interpretations from bash and Python working together, each on its piece of text of concern. So that finally the proper solution is like this :

python -c  $'from __future__ import print_function\ntry:\n import numpy;\n print( numpy.get_include(), end="\\n" )\n print( "Hello" )\nexcept:pass\n' OUTPUT_VARIABLE __numpy_path

That leads to the proper clean output with no error:


Note: this should work as well with exec oriented solutions, because the problem is still the same (Bash and Python interpreters competition).

Note2: one could workaround the problem by replacing some \n by some ; but it will not work anytime (depending on Python constructs), while my solution allows to always "one-line" any piece of classic multi-line Python program.

Note3: of course, when one-lining, one has always to take care of Python spaces and indentation, because in fact we are not strictly "one-lining" here, BUT doing a proper mixed-management of \n escape sequence between bash and Python. This is how we can deal with any piece of classic multi-line Python program. The solution sample illustrates this as well.

Best way to handle list.index(might-not-exist) in python?

The dict type has a get function, where if the key doesn't exist in the dictionary, the 2nd argument to get is the value that it should return. Similarly there is setdefault, which returns the value in the dict if the key exists, otherwise it sets the value according to your default parameter and then returns your default parameter.

You could extend the list type to have a getindexdefault method.

class SuperDuperList(list):
    def getindexdefault(self, elem, default):
            thing_index = self.index(elem)
            return thing_index
        except ValueError:
            return default

Which could then be used like:

mylist = SuperDuperList([0,1,2])
index = mylist.getindexdefault( 'asdf', -1 )

When to use async false and async true in ajax function in jquery

In basic terms synchronous requests wait for the response to be received from the request before it allows any code processing to continue. At first this may seem like a good thing to do, but it absolutely is not.

As mentioned, while the request is in process the browser will halt execution of all script and also rendering of the UI as the JS engine of the majority of browsers is (effectively) single-threaded. This means that to your users the browser will appear unresponsive and they may even see OS-level warnings that the program is not responding and to ask them if its process should be ended. It's for this reason that synchronous JS has been deprecated and you see warnings about its use in the devtools console.

The alternative of asynchronous requests is by far the better practice and should always be used where possible. This means that you need to know how to use callbacks and/or promises in order to handle the responses to your async requests when they complete, and also how to structure your JS to work with this pattern. There are many resources already available covering this, this, for example, so I won't go into it here.

There are very few occasions where a synchronous request is necessary. In fact the only one I can think of is when making a request within the beforeunload event handler, and even then it's not guaranteed to work.

In summary. you should look to learn and employ the async pattern in all requests. Synchronous requests are now an anti-pattern which cause more issues than they generally solve.

iOS 7 status bar overlapping UI

I use this code in the ViewDidLoad method.

 if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(edgesForExtendedLayout)])
    self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;

This works when trying to support previous iOS versions too.

How do I make an Android EditView 'Done' button and hide the keyboard when clicked?

If the property does not change for the widget it may be better to use like android:imeOptions="actionDone" in the layout xml file.

Find UNC path of a network drive?

In Windows, if you have mapped network drives and you don't know the UNC path for them, you can start a command prompt (Start ? Run ? cmd.exe) and use the net use command to list your mapped drives and their UNC paths:

C:\>net use
New connections will be remembered.

Status       Local     Remote                    Network

OK           Q:        \\server1\foo             Microsoft Windows Network
OK           X:        \\server2\bar             Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.

Note that this shows the list of mapped and connected network file shares for the user context the command is run under. If you run cmd.exe under your own user account, the results shown are the network file shares for yourself. If you run cmd.exe under another user account, such as the local Administrator, you will instead see the network file shares for that user.

C# how to convert File.ReadLines into string array?

string[] lines = File.ReadLines("c:\\file.txt").ToArray();

Although one wonders why you'll want to do that when ReadAllLines works just fine.

Or perhaps you just want to enumerate with the return value of File.ReadLines:

var lines = File.ReadAllLines("c:\\file.txt");
foreach (var line in lines)
    Console.WriteLine("\t" + line);

Android- Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForRelease'

i fixed it just this code.

org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX\:MaxHeapSize\=512m -Xmx512m

and you should do this changing on gradle

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "yourProjectPackage"
    minSdkVersion 15
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"
    targetSdkVersion 23

    multiDexEnabled true //important

Proper way to wait for one function to finish before continuing?

I wonder why no one have mentioned this simple pattern? :

(function(next) {
  //do something
}(function() {
  //do some more

Using timeouts just for blindly waiting is bad practice; and involving promises just adds more complexity to the code. In OP's case:

(function(next) {
    // do something
    if (i==x-1) next()
}(function() {
  // now wait for firstFunction to finish...
  // do something else

a small demo ->

iOS Swift - Get the Current Local Time and Date Timestamp

The simple way to create Current TimeStamp. like below,

func generateCurrentTimeStamp () -> String {
    let formatter = DateFormatter()
    formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss"
    return (formatter.string(from: Date()) as NSString) as String

Start thread with member function

#include <thread>
#include <iostream>

class bar {
  void foo() {
    std::cout << "hello from member function" << std::endl;

int main()
  std::thread t(&bar::foo, bar());

EDIT: Accounting your edit, you have to do it like this:

  std::thread spawn() {
    return std::thread(&blub::test, this);

UPDATE: I want to explain some more points, some of them have also been discussed in the comments.

The syntax described above is defined in terms of the INVOKE definition (§

Define INVOKE (f, t1, t2, ..., tN) as follows:

  • (t1.*f)(t2, ..., tN) when f is a pointer to a member function of a class T and t1 is an object of type T or a reference to an object of type T or a reference to an object of a type derived from T;
  • ((*t1).*f)(t2, ..., tN) when f is a pointer to a member function of a class T and t1 is not one of the types described in the previous item;
  • t1.*f when N == 1 and f is a pointer to member data of a class T and t 1 is an object of type T or a
    reference to an object of type T or a reference to an object of a
    type derived from T;
  • (*t1).*f when N == 1 and f is a pointer to member data of a class T and t 1 is not one of the types described in the previous item;
  • f(t1, t2, ..., tN) in all other cases.

Another general fact which I want to point out is that by default the thread constructor will copy all arguments passed to it. The reason for this is that the arguments may need to outlive the calling thread, copying the arguments guarantees that. Instead, if you want to really pass a reference, you can use a std::reference_wrapper created by std::ref.

std::thread (foo, std::ref(arg1));

By doing this, you are promising that you will take care of guaranteeing that the arguments will still exist when the thread operates on them.

Note that all the things mentioned above can also be applied to std::async and std::bind.

Is there a way to detach matplotlib plots so that the computation can continue?

In my opinion, the answers in this thread provide methods which don't work for every systems and in more complex situations like animations. I suggest to have a look at the answer of MiKTeX in the following thread, where a robust method has been found: How to wait until matplotlib animation ends?

How can I do time/hours arithmetic in Google Spreadsheet?

In an fresh spreadsheet with 36:00:00 entered in A1 and 3:00:00 entered in B1 then:


say in C1 returns 12.

The way to check a HDFS directory's size?

hadoop version 2.3.33:

hadoop fs -dus  /path/to/dir  |   awk '{print $2/1024**3 " G"}' 

enter image description here

How can I pass a Bitmap object from one activity to another

Because Intent has size limit . I use public static object to do pass bitmap from service to broadcast ....

public class ImageBox {
    public static Queue<Bitmap> mQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Bitmap>(); 

pass in my service

private void downloadFile(final String url){
        mExecutorService.submit(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Bitmap b = BitmapFromURL.getBitmapFromURL(url);
                synchronized (this){
                Intent i = new Intent(ACTION_ON_GET_IMAGE);

My BroadcastReceiver

private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            LOG.d(TAG, "BroadcastReceiver get broadcast");

            String action = intent.getAction();
            if (DownLoadImageService.ACTION_ON_GET_IMAGE.equals(action)) {
                Bitmap b = ImageBox.mQ.poll();

How to create a file on Android Internal Storage?

Hi try this it will create directory + file inside it

File mediaDir = new File("/sdcard/download/media");
if (!mediaDir.exists()){

File resolveMeSDCard = new File("/sdcard/download/media/hello_file.txt");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(resolveMeSDCard);

System.out.println("Your file has been written");  

What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?

null is a special value meaning "no value". null is a special object because typeof null returns 'object'.

On the other hand, undefined means that the variable has not been declared, or has not been given a value.

Return Max Value of range that is determined by an Index & Match lookup

You can easily change the match-type to 1 when you are looking for the greatest value or to -1 when looking for the smallest value.

Check whether a value exists in JSON object

I think this is the best and easy way:

$lista = @()

$lista += ('{"name": "Diego" }' | ConvertFrom-Json)
$lista += ('{"name": "Monica" }' | ConvertFrom-Json)
$lista += ('{"name": "Celia" }' | ConvertFrom-Json)
$lista += ('{"name": "Quin" }' | ConvertFrom-Json)

if ("Diego" -in $ {
    Write-Host "is in the list"
    return $true

else {
    Write-Host "not in the list"
    return $false

Reading inputStream using BufferedReader.readLine() is too slow

I strongly suspect that's because of the network connection or the web server you're talking to - it's not BufferedReader's fault. Try measuring this:

InputStream stream = conn.getInputStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1000];
// Start timing
while ( > 0)
// End timing

I think you'll find it's almost exactly the same time as when you're parsing the text.

Note that you should also give InputStreamReader an appropriate encoding - the platform default encoding is almost certainly not what you should be using.

Regular Expression usage with ls

You are confusing regular expression with shell globbing. If you want to use regular expression to match file names you could do:

$ ls | egrep '.+\..+'

Git Extensions: Win32 error 487: Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win32 error 0

I have encountered this issue witht he LPCEXpresso building.if you have the C:\MinGW\bin in the PATH. somehow I had to remove it to get rid of this issue since some other MinGW like based too

Jquery AJAX: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

Its a CORS issue, your api cannot be accessed directly from remote or different origin, In order to allow other ip address or other origins from accessing you api, you should add the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' on the api's header, you can set its value to '*' if you want it to be accessible to all, or you can set specific domain or ips like '' or 'http://192. ip address ';

Include this on your api's header, it may vary depending on how you are displaying json data,

if your using ajax, to retrieve and display data your header would look like this,

   url: '',
   headers: {  'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': 'http://The web site allowed to access' },
   data: data,
   type: 'dataType',
   /* etc */
   success: function(jsondata){


how to inherit Constructor from super class to sub class

Read about the super keyword (Scroll down the Subclass Constructors). If I understand your question, you probably want to call a superclass constructor?

It is worth noting that the Java compiler will automatically put in a no-arg constructor call to the superclass if you do not explicitly invoke a superclass constructor.

Java - Abstract class to contain variables?

Of course. The whole idea of abstract classes is that they can contain some behaviour or data which you require all sub-classes to contain. Think of the simple example of WheeledVehicle - it should have a numWheels member variable. You want all sub classes to have this variable. Remember that abstract classes are a very useful feature when developing APIs, as they can ensure that people who extend your API won't break it.

Creating and Naming Worksheet in Excel VBA

Are you committing the cell before pressing the button (pressing Enter)? The contents of the cell must be stored before it can be used to name a sheet.

A better way to do this is to pop up a dialog box and get the name you wish to use.

Elasticsearch error: cluster_block_exception [FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)], flood stage disk watermark exceeded

By default, Elasticsearch installed goes into read-only mode when you have less than 5% of free disk space. If you see errors similar to this:

Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::Forbidden: [403] {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"cluster_block_exception","reason":"blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)];"}],"type":"cluster_block_exception","reason":"blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)];"},"status":403}

Or in /usr/local/var/log/elasticsearch.log you can see logs similar to:

flood stage disk watermark [95%] exceeded on [nCxquc7PTxKvs6hLkfonvg][nCxquc7][/usr/local/var/lib/elasticsearch/nodes/0] free: 15.3gb[4.1%], all indices on this node will be marked read-only

Then you can fix it by running the following commands:

curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{ "transient": { "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled": false } }'
curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9200/_all/_settings -d '{"index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete": null}'

How to search in a List of Java object

If you always search based on value3, you could store the objects in a Map:

Map<String, List<Sample>> map = new HashMap <>();

You can then populate the map with key = value3 and value = list of Sample objects with that same value3 property.

You can then query the map:

List<Sample> allSamplesWhereValue3IsDog = map.get("Dog");

Note: if no 2 Sample instances can have the same value3, you can simply use a Map<String, Sample>.

Has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 57.0)

I have run into this issue When I recently upgraded my IntelliJ version to 2020.3. I had to disable a plugin to solve this issue. The name of the plugin is Thrift Support.

Steps to disable the plugin is following:

  1. Open the Preferences of IntelliJ. You can do so by clicking on Command + , in mac.
  2. Navigate to plugins.
  3. Search for the Thrift Support plugin in the search window. Click on the tick box icon to deselect it.
  4. Click on the Apply icon.
  5. See this image for reference Disable_Thrift_support_plugin

For more detail please refer to this link java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError 2020.3 version intellij. I found this comment in the above link which has worked for me.

bin zhao commented 31 Dec 2020 08:00 @Lejia Chen @Tobias Schulmann Workflow My IDEA3.X didn't installed Erlang plugin, I disabled Thrift Support 1.4.0 and it worked. Both IDEA 3.0 and 3.1 have the same problem.

throwing an exception in objective-c/cocoa

Since ObjC 2.0, Objective-C exceptions are no longer a wrapper for C's setjmp() longjmp(), and are compatible with C++ exception, the @try is "free of charge", but throwing and catching exceptions is way more expensive.

Anyway, assertions (using NSAssert and NSCAssert macro family) throw NSException, and that sane to use them as Ries states.

Python Pandas - Find difference between two data frames

edit2, I figured out a new solution without the need of setting index


Okay i found the answer of highest vote already contain what I have figured out. Yes, we can only use this code on condition that there are no duplicates in each two dfs.

I have a tricky method. First we set ’Name’ as the index of two dataframe given by the question. Since we have same ’Name’ in two dfs, we can just drop the ’smaller’ df’s index from the ‘bigger’ df. Here is the code.


number_format() with MySQL

Antonio's answer


is wrong; it may produce incorrect results!

For example, if "number" is 12345.67, the resulting string would be:


instead of


because FORMAT(number,0) rounds "number" up if fractional part is greater or equal than 0.5 (as it is in my example)!

What you COULD use is


if your MySQL/MariaDB's FORMAT doesn't support "locale_name" (see MindStalker's post - Thx 4 that, pal). Note the FLOOR function I've added.

Should I use != or <> for not equal in T-SQL?

They are both accepted in T-SQL. However, it seems that using <> works a lot faster than !=. I just ran a complex query that was using !=, and it took about 16 seconds on average to run. I changed those to <> and the query now takes about 4 seconds on average to run. That's a huge improvement!

How to use executables from a package installed locally in node_modules?

Use npm run[-script] <script name>

After using npm to install the bin package to your local ./node_modules directory, modify package.json to add <script name> like this:

$ npm install --save learnyounode
$ edit packages.json
>>> in packages.json
"scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "learnyounode": "learnyounode"
$ npm run learnyounode

It would be nice if npm install had a --add-script option or something or if npm run would work without adding to the scripts block.

load csv into 2D matrix with numpy for plotting

You can read a CSV file with headers into a NumPy structured array with np.genfromtxt. For example:

import numpy as np

csv_fname = 'file.csv'
with open(csv_fname, 'w') as fp:

# Read the CSV file into a Numpy record array
r = np.genfromtxt(csv_fname, delimiter=',', names=True, case_sensitive=True)

which looks like this:

array([(611.88243, 9089.5601, 5133., 864.07514, 1715.37476, 765.22777, 1.29111196e+12),
       (611.88243, 9089.5601, 5133., 864.07514, 1715.37476, 765.22777, 1.29111311e+12),
       (611.88243, 9089.5601, 5133., 864.07514, 1715.37476, 765.22777, 1.29112065e+12)],
      dtype=[('A', '<f8'), ('B', '<f8'), ('C', '<f8'), ('D', '<f8'), ('E', '<f8'), ('F', '<f8'), ('timestamp', '<f8')])

You can access a named column like this r['E']:

array([1715.37476, 1715.37476, 1715.37476])

Note: this answer previously used np.recfromcsv to read the data into a NumPy record array. While there was nothing wrong with that method, structured arrays are generally better than record arrays for speed and compatibility.

Mysql command not found in OS X 10.7

I installed MAMP and phpmyadmin was working.

But cannot find /usr/local/bin/mysql

This fixed it

sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql /usr/local/bin/mysql

printf %f with only 2 numbers after the decimal point?

You can use something like this:

printf("%.2f", number);

If you need to use the string for something other than printing out, use the NumberFormat class:

NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormatter("#.##");
String s = formatter.format(3.14159265); // Creates a string containing "3.14"

Hide HTML element by id

If you want to do it via javascript rather than CSS you can use:

var link = document.getElementById('nav-ask'); = 'none'; //or = 'hidden';

depending on what you want to do.

Is it possible to open developer tools console in Chrome on Android phone?

I you only want to see what was printed in the console you could simple add the "printed" part somewhere in your HTML so it will appear in on the webpage. You could do it for yourself, but there is a javascript file that does this for you. You can read about it here:

The code is available from Github; you can download it and paste it into a javascipt file and add it in to your HTML

Scp command syntax for copying a folder from local machine to a remote server

In stall PuTTY in our system and set the environment variable PATH Pointing to putty path. open the command prompt and move to putty folder. Using PSCP command

Please check this

mysql update multiple columns with same now()

You can store the value of a now() in a variable before running the update query and then use that variable to update both the fields last_update and last_monitor.

This will ensure the now() is executed only once and same value is updated on both columns you need.

Trigger back-button functionality on button click in Android

If you need the exact functionality of the back button in your custom button, why not just call yourActivity.onBackPressed() that way if you override the functionality of the backbutton your custom button will behave the same.

In Ruby on Rails, what's the difference between DateTime, Timestamp, Time and Date?

The difference between different date/time formats in ActiveRecord has little to do with Rails and everything to do with whatever database you're using.

Using MySQL as an example (if for no other reason because it's most popular), you have DATE, DATETIME, TIME and TIMESTAMP column data types; just as you have CHAR, VARCHAR, FLOAT and INTEGER.

So, you ask, what's the difference? Well, some of them are self-explanatory. DATE only stores a date, TIME only stores a time of day, while DATETIME stores both.

The difference between DATETIME and TIMESTAMP is a bit more subtle: DATETIME is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Valid ranges go from the year 1000 to the year 9999 (and everything in between. While TIMESTAMP looks similar when you fetch it from the database, it's really a just a front for a unix timestamp. Its valid range goes from 1970 to 2038. The difference here, aside from the various built-in functions within the database engine, is storage space. Because DATETIME stores every digit in the year, month day, hour, minute and second, it uses up a total of 8 bytes. As TIMESTAMP only stores the number of seconds since 1970-01-01, it uses 4 bytes.

You can read more about the differences between time formats in MySQL here.

In the end, it comes down to what you need your date/time column to do. Do you need to store dates and times before 1970 or after 2038? Use DATETIME. Do you need to worry about database size and you're within that timerange? Use TIMESTAMP. Do you only need to store a date? Use DATE. Do you only need to store a time? Use TIME.

Having said all of this, Rails actually makes some of these decisions for you. Both :timestamp and :datetime will default to DATETIME, while :date and :time corresponds to DATE and TIME, respectively.

This means that within Rails, you only have to decide whether you need to store date, time or both.

How can I show the table structure in SQL Server query?

In SQL Server, you can use this query:

USE Database_name


And do not forget to replace Database_name and Table_name with the exact names of your database and table names.

How can I add new array elements at the beginning of an array in Javascript?

Cheatsheet to prepend new element(s) into the array

1. Array#unshift

const list = [23, 45, 12, 67];


console.log(list); // [34, 23, 45, 12, 67];

2. Array#splice

const list = [23, 45, 12, 67];

list.splice(0, 0, 34);

console.log(list); // [34, 23, 45, 12, 67];

3. ES6 spread...

const list = [23, 45, 12, 67];
const newList = [34, ...list];

console.log(newList); // [34, 23, 45, 12, 67];

4. Array#concat

const list = [23, 45, 12, 67];
const newList = [32].concat(list);

console.log(newList); // [34, 23, 45, 12, 67];

Note: In each of these examples, you can prepend multiple items by providing more items to insert.

PHP remove special character from string

$title = ' LEVEL – EXTENDED'; 
$newtitle = preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\x7F)]*/','', $title);     
echo $newtitle;


Many Strange Character be removed by applying below the mysql connection code. but in some circumstances of removing this type strange character like †you can use preg_replace above format.

JS - window.history - Delete a state

There is no way to delete or read the past history.

You could try going around it by emulating history in your own memory and calling history.pushState everytime window popstate event is emitted (which is proposed by the currently accepted Mike's answer), but it has a lot of disadvantages that will result in even worse UX than not supporting the browser history at all in your dynamic web app, because:

  • popstate event can happen when user goes back ~2-3 states to the past
  • popstate event can happen when user goes forward

So even if you try going around it by building virtual history, it's very likely that it can also lead into a situation where you have blank history states (to which going back/forward does nothing), or where that going back/forward skips some of your history states totally.

How to use Greek symbols in ggplot2?

You do not need the latex2exp package to do what you wanted to do. The following code would do the trick.

ggplot(smr, aes(Fuel.Rate, Eng.Speed.Ave., color=Eng.Speed.Max.)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  labs(title=expression("Fuel Efficiency"~(alpha*Omega)), 
color=expression(alpha*Omega), x=expression(Delta~price))

enter image description here

Also, some comments (unanswered as of this point) asked about putting an asterisk (*) after a Greek letter. expression(alpha~"*") works, so I suggest giving it a try.

More comments asked about getting ? Price and I find the most straightforward way to achieve that is expression(Delta~price)). If you need to add something before the Greek letter, you can also do this: expression(Indicative~Delta~price) which gets you:

enter image description here

How to enumerate an enum with String type?

This seems like a hack but if you use raw values you can do something like this

enum Suit: Int {  
    case Spades = 0, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs  

var suitIndex = 0  
while var suit = Suit.fromRaw(suitIndex++) {  

Heap space out of memory

No. The heap is cleared by the garbage collector whenever it feels like it. You can ask it to run (with System.gc()) but it is not guaranteed to run.

First try increasing the memory by setting -Xmx256m

AVD Manager - No system image installed for this target

you should android sdk manager install 4.2 api 17 -> ARM EABI v7a System Image

if not installed ARM EABI v7a System Image, you should install all.

How can I view the shared preferences file using Android Studio?

If you're using an emulator you can see the sharedPrefs.xml file on the terminal with this commands:

  • adb root
  • cat /data/data/<project name>/shared_prefs/<xml file>

after that you can use adb unroot if you dont want to keep the virtual device rooted.

Loop over html table and get checked checkboxes (JQuery)

The following code snippet enables/disables a button depending on whether at least one checkbox on the page has been checked.
$('input[type=checkbox]').change(function () {
    $('#test > tbody  tr').each(function () {
        if ($('input[type=checkbox]').is(':checked')) {
        } else {
            $('#btnexcellSelect').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        if ($(this).is(':checked')){
            console.log( $(this).attr('id'));

Here is demo in JSFiddle.

How to get the nvidia driver version from the command line?

Windows version:

cd \Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI


Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express

1. Installing OpenCV 2.4.3

First, get OpenCV 2.4.3 from Its a self-extracting so just double click to start the installation. Install it in a directory, say C:\.

OpenCV self-extractor

Wait until all files get extracted. It will create a new directory C:\opencv which contains OpenCV header files, libraries, code samples, etc.

Now you need to add the directory C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin to your system PATH. This directory contains OpenCV DLLs required for running your code.

Open Control PanelSystemAdvanced system settingsAdvanced Tab → Environment variables...

enter image description here

On the System Variables section, select Path (1), Edit (2), and type C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin; (3), then click Ok.

On some computers, you may need to restart your computer for the system to recognize the environment path variables.

This will completes the OpenCV 2.4.3 installation on your computer.

2. Create a new project and set up Visual C++

Open Visual C++ and select FileNewProject...Visual C++Empty Project. Give a name for your project (e.g: cvtest) and set the project location (e.g: c:\projects).

New project dialog

Click Ok. Visual C++ will create an empty project.

VC++ empty project

Make sure that "Debug" is selected in the solution configuration combobox. Right-click cvtest and select PropertiesVC++ Directories.

Project property dialog

Select Include Directories to add a new entry and type C:\opencv\build\include.

Include directories dialog

Click Ok to close the dialog.

Back to the Property dialog, select Library Directories to add a new entry and type C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib.

Library directories dialog

Click Ok to close the dialog.

Back to the property dialog, select LinkerInputAdditional Dependencies to add new entries. On the popup dialog, type the files below:


Note that the filenames end with "d" (for "debug"). Also note that if you have installed another version of OpenCV (say 2.4.9) these filenames will end with 249d instead of 243d (opencv_core249d.lib..etc).

enter image description here

Click Ok to close the dialog. Click Ok on the project properties dialog to save all settings.


These steps will configure Visual C++ for the "Debug" solution. For "Release" solution (optional), you need to repeat adding the OpenCV directories and in Additional Dependencies section, use:


instead of:


You've done setting up Visual C++, now is the time to write the real code. Right click your project and select AddNew Item...Visual C++C++ File.

Add new source file

Name your file (e.g: loadimg.cpp) and click Ok. Type the code below in the editor:

#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main()
    Mat im = imread("c:/full/path/to/lena.jpg");
    if (im.empty()) 
        cout << "Cannot load image!" << endl;
        return -1;
    imshow("Image", im);

The code above will load c:\full\path\to\lena.jpg and display the image. You can use any image you like, just make sure the path to the image is correct.

Type F5 to compile the code, and it will display the image in a nice window.

First OpenCV program

And that is your first OpenCV program!

3. Where to go from here?

Now that your OpenCV environment is ready, what's next?

  1. Go to the samples dir → c:\opencv\samples\cpp.
  2. Read and compile some code.
  3. Write your own code.

How to check if an environment variable exists and get its value?

If you don't care about the difference between an unset variable or a variable with an empty value, you can use the default-value parameter expansion:


If you do care about the difference, drop the colon


You can also use the -v operator to explicitly test if a parameter is set.

if [[ ! -v DEPLOY_ENV ]]; then
    echo "DEPLOY_ENV is not set"
elif [[ -z "$DEPLOY_ENV" ]]; then
    echo "DEPLOY_ENV is set to the empty string"
    echo "DEPLOY_ENV has the value: $DEPLOY_ENV"

Build error: You must add a reference to System.Runtime

For me helped only this code line:

Assembly.Load("System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a");

Custom format for time command

You could use the date command to get the current time before and after performing the work to be timed and calculate the difference like this:


# Get time as a UNIX timestamp (seconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1970 0:00 UTC)
T="$(date +%s)"

# Do some work here
sleep 2

T="$(($(date +%s)-T))"
echo "Time in seconds: ${T}"

printf "Pretty format: %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d\n" "$((T/86400))" "$((T/3600%24))" "$((T/60%60))" "$((T%60))""

Notes: $((...)) can be used for basic arithmetic in bash – caution: do not put spaces before a minus - as this might be interpreted as a command-line option.

See also:

Additionally, you may want to take a look at sed to search and extract substrings from the output generated by time.


Example for timing with milliseconds (actually nanoseconds but truncated to milliseconds here). Your version of date has to support the %N format and bash should support large numbers.

# UNIX timestamp concatenated with nanoseconds
T="$(date +%s%N)"

# Do some work here
sleep 2

# Time interval in nanoseconds
T="$(($(date +%s%N)-T))"
# Seconds
# Milliseconds

echo "Time in nanoseconds: ${T}"
printf "Pretty format: %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d\n" "$((S/86400))" "$((S/3600%24))" "$((S/60%60))" "$((S%60))" "${M}"

My original version said


but this was edited out because it apparently did not work for some people whereas the new version reportedly did. I did not approve of this because I think that you have to use the remainder only but was outvoted.
Choose whatever fits you.

How can I use Python to get the system hostname?

os.getenv('HOSTNAME') and os.environ['HOSTNAME'] don't always work. In cron jobs and WSDL, HTTP HOSTNAME isn't set. Use this instead:

import socket

It always (even on Windows) returns a fully qualified host name, even if you defined a short alias in /etc/hosts.

If you defined an alias in /etc/hosts then socket.gethostname() will return the alias. platform.uname()[1] does the same thing.

I ran into a case where the above didn't work. This is what I'm using now:

import socket
if socket.gethostname().find('.')>=0:

It first calls gethostname to see if it returns something that looks like a host name, if not it uses my original solution.

How to install APK from PC?

  1. Connect Android device to PC via USB cable and turn on USB storage.
  2. Copy .apk file to attached device's storage.
  3. Turn off USB storage and disconnect it from PC.
  4. Check the option Settings ? Applications ? Unknown sources OR Settings > Security > Unknown Sources.
  5. Open FileManager app and click on the copied .apk file. If you can't fine the apk file try searching or allowing hidden files. It will ask you whether to install this app or not. Click Yes or OK.

This procedure works even if ADB is not available.

How to set up file permissions for Laravel?

I'd do it like this:

sudo chown -R $USER:www-data laravel-project/ 

find laravel-project/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;

find laravel-project/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;

then finally, you need to give webserver permission to modify the storage and bootstrap/cache directories:

sudo chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache

How to split a string literal across multiple lines in C / Objective-C?

You can also do:

NSString * query = @"SELECT * FROM foo "
                   @"WHERE "
                     @"bar = 42 "
                     @"AND baz = datetime() "
                   @"ORDER BY fizbit ASC";

Size of character ('a') in C/C++

In C language, character literal is not a char type. C considers character literal as integer. So, there is no difference between sizeof('a') and sizeof(1).

So, the sizeof character literal is equal to sizeof integer in C.

In C++ language, character literal is type of char. The cppreference say's:

1) narrow character literal or ordinary character literal, e.g. 'a' or '\n' or '\13'. Such literal has type char and the value equal to the representation of c-char in the execution character set. If c-char is not representable as a single byte in the execution character set, the literal has type int and implementation-defined value.

So, in C++ character literal is a type of char. so, size of character literal in C++ is one byte.

Alos, In your programs, you have used wrong format specifier for sizeof operator.

C11 § (P9) :

If a conversion specification is invalid, the behavior is undefined.275) If any argument is not the correct type for the corresponding conversion specification, the behavior is undefined.

So, you should use %zu format specifier instead of %d, otherwise it is undefined behaviour in C.

HTML meta tag for content language

<meta name="language" content="Spanish">

This isn't defined in any specification (including the HTML5 draft)

<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="es">

This is a poor man's version of a real HTTP header and should really be expressed in the headers. For example:

Content-language: es
Content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8

It says that the document is intended for Spanish language speakers (it doesn't, however mean the document is written in Spanish; it could, for example, be written in English as part of a language course for Spanish speakers).

From the spec:

The Content-Language entity-header field describes the natural language(s) of the intended audience for the enclosed entity. Note that this might not be equivalent to all the languages used within the entity-body.

If you want to state that a document is written in Spanish then use:

<html lang="es">

How to change a table name using an SQL query?

ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name; works in MySQL as well.

Screen shot of this Query run in MySQL server

Alternatively: RENAME TABLE table_name TO new_table_name; Screen shot of this Query run in MySQL server

Access Denied for User 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) - No Privileges?

I resolved the same issue by running Workbench as administrator.

...I guess it's because of restrictions on company computers, in my case...

How to use double or single brackets, parentheses, curly braces

I just wanted to add these from TLDP:

~:$ echo $SHELL

~:$ echo ${#SHELL}

~:$ ARRAY=(one two three)

~:$ echo ${#ARRAY}

~:$ echo ${TEST:-test}

~:$ echo $TEST

~:$ export TEST=a_string

~:$ echo ${TEST:-test}

~:$ echo ${TEST2:-$TEST}

~:$ echo $TEST2

~:$ echo ${TEST2:=$TEST}

~:$ echo $TEST2

~:$ export STRING="thisisaverylongname"

~:$ echo ${STRING:4}

~:$ echo ${STRING:6:5}

~:$ echo ${ARRAY[*]}
one two one three one four

~:$ echo ${ARRAY[*]#one}
two three four

~:$ echo ${ARRAY[*]#t}
one wo one hree one four

~:$ echo ${ARRAY[*]#t*}
one wo one hree one four

~:$ echo ${ARRAY[*]##t*}
one one one four

~:$ echo $STRING

~:$ echo ${STRING%name}

~:$ echo ${STRING/name/string}

How to get progress from XMLHttpRequest

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<p id="demo">result</p>_x000D_
<button type="button" onclick="get_post_ajax();">Change Content</button>_x000D_
<script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
 function update_progress(e)_x000D_
   if (e.lengthComputable)_x000D_
     var percentage = Math.round((e.loaded/*100);_x000D_
     console.log("percent " + percentage + '%' );_x000D_
   else _x000D_
    console.log("Unable to compute progress information since the total size is unknown");_x000D_
 function transfer_complete(e){console.log("The transfer is complete.");}_x000D_
 function transfer_failed(e){console.log("An error occurred while transferring the file.");}_x000D_
 function transfer_canceled(e){console.log("The transfer has been canceled by the user.");}_x000D_
 function get_post_ajax()_x000D_
    var xhttp;_x000D_
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest){xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();}//code for modern browsers} _x000D_
   else{xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}// code for IE6, IE5    _x000D_
    xhttp.onprogress = update_progress;_x000D_
  xhttp.addEventListener("load", transfer_complete, false);_x000D_
  xhttp.addEventListener("error", transfer_failed, false);_x000D_
  xhttp.addEventListener("abort", transfer_canceled, false);    _x000D_
    xhttp.onreadystatechange = function()_x000D_
      if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200)_x000D_
         document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = xhttp.responseText;_x000D_
    };_x000D_"GET", "", true);_x000D_


SSH Private Key Permissions using Git GUI or ssh-keygen are too open

I'm playing right now with Git 1.6.5, and I can't replicate your setup:

Administrator@WS2008 /k/git
$ ll ~/.ssh
total 8
drwxr-xr-x    2 Administ Administ     4096 Oct 13 22:04 ./
drwxr-xr-x    6 Administ Administ     4096 Oct  6 21:36 ../
-rw-r--r--    1 Administ Administ        0 Oct 13 22:04 c.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 Administ Administ      403 Sep 30 22:36 config_disabled
-rw-r--r--    1 Administ Administ      887 Aug 30 16:33 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--    1 Administ Administ      226 Aug 30 16:34
-rw-r--r--    1 Administ Administ      843 Aug 30 16:32 id_rsa_putty.ppk
-rw-r--r--    1 Administ Administ      294 Aug 30 16:33
-rw-r--r--    1 Administ Administ     1626 Sep 30 22:49 known_hosts

Administrator@WS2008 /k/git
$ git clone [email protected]:alexandrul/gitbook.git
Initialized empty Git repository in k:/git/gitbook/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 1152, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (625/625), done.
remote: Total 1152 (delta 438), reused 1056 (delta 383)s
Receiving objects: 100% (1152/1152), 1.31 MiB | 78 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (438/438), done.

Administrator@WS2008 /k/git
$ ssh [email protected]
ERROR: Hi alexandrul! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not pro
vide shell access
Connection to closed.

$ ssh -v
OpenSSH_4.6p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8e 23 Feb 2007

chmod doesn't modify file permissions for my keys either.


  • Windows Server 2008 SP2 on NTFS
  • user: administrator
  • environment vars:
    • HOME=/c/profiles/home

Update: Git works as well.

Generate an integer sequence in MySQL

How big is m?

You could do something like:

create table two select null foo union all select null;
create temporary table seq ( foo int primary key auto_increment ) auto_increment=9 select from two a, two b, two c, two d;
select * from seq where foo <= 23;

where the auto_increment is set to n and the where clause compares to m and the number of times the two table is repeated is at least ceil(log(m-n+1)/log(2)).

(The non-temporary two table could be omitted by replacing two with (select null foo union all select null) in the create temporary table seq.)

SQL- Ignore case while searching for a string

Like this.


In postgresql.

MSVCP120d.dll missing

I downloaded msvcr120d.dll and msvcp120d.dll for 32-bit version and then, I put them into Debug folder of my project. It worked well. (My computer is 64-bit version)

How does Facebook Sharer select Images and other metadata when sharing my URL?

Put the following tag in the head:

<link rel="image_src" href="/path/to/your/image"/>


As far as what it chooses as the default in the absence of this tag, I'm not sure.

Convert HTML5 into standalone Android App

Create an Android app using Eclipse.

Create a layout that has a <WebView> control.

Move your HTML code to /assets folder.

Load webview with your file:///android_asset/ file.

And you have an android app!

counting the number of lines in a text file

Your hack of decrementing the count at the end is exactly that -- a hack.

Far better to write your loop correctly in the first place, so it doesn't count the last line twice.

int main() { 
    int number_of_lines = 0;
    std::string line;
    std::ifstream myfile("textexample.txt");

    while (std::getline(myfile, line))
    std::cout << "Number of lines in text file: " << number_of_lines;
    return 0;

Personally, I think in this case, C-style code is perfectly acceptable:

int main() {
    unsigned int number_of_lines = 0;
    FILE *infile = fopen("textexample.txt", "r");
    int ch;

    while (EOF != (ch=getc(infile)))
        if ('\n' == ch)
    printf("%u\n", number_of_lines);
    return 0;

Edit: Of course, C++ will also let you do something a bit similar:

int main() {
    std::ifstream myfile("textexample.txt");

    // new lines will be skipped unless we stop it from happening:    

    // count the newlines with an algorithm specialized for counting:
    unsigned line_count = std::count(

    std::cout << "Lines: " << line_count << "\n";
    return 0;

how to write an array to a file Java

If the result is for humans to read and the elements of the array have a proper toString() defined...


How can I check if a string contains ANY letters from the alphabet?

You can also do this in addition

import re
val ='[a-zA-Z]+',string) 
val[0].isalpha() # returns True if the variable is an alphabet
print(val[0]) # this will print the first instance of the matching value

Also note that if variable val returns None. That means the search did not find a match

Why can't DateTime.Parse parse UTC date

I've put together a utility method which employs all tips shown here plus some more:

    static private readonly string[] MostCommonDateStringFormatsFromWeb = {
        "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'hh:mm:ssZ",  //     momentjs aka universal sortable with 'T'     2008-04-10T06:30:00Z          this is default format employed by moment().utc().format()
        "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'hh:mm:ss.fffZ", //  syncfusion                                   2008-04-10T06:30:00.000Z      retarded string format for dates that syncfusion libs churn out when invoked by ejgrid for odata filtering and so on
        "O", //                               iso8601                                      2008-04-10T06:30:00.0000000
        "s", //                               sortable                                     2008-04-10T06:30:00
        "u"  //                               universal sortable                           2008-04-10 06:30:00Z

    static public bool TryParseWebDateStringExactToUTC(
        out DateTime date,
        string input,
        string[] formats = null,
        DateTimeStyles? styles = null,
        IFormatProvider formatProvider = null
        formats = formats ?? MostCommonDateStringFormatsFromWeb;
        return TryParseDateStringExactToUTC(out date, input, formats, styles, formatProvider);

    static public bool TryParseDateStringExactToUTC(
        out DateTime date,
        string input,
        string[] formats = null,
        DateTimeStyles? styles = null,
        IFormatProvider formatProvider = null
        styles = styles ?? DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces | DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal; //0 utc
        formatProvider = formatProvider ?? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

        var verdict = DateTime.TryParseExact(input, result: out date, style: styles.Value, formats: formats, provider: formatProvider);
        if (verdict && date.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local) //1
            date = date.ToUniversalTime();

        return verdict;

        //0 employing adjusttouniversal is vital in order for the resulting date to be in utc when the 'Z' flag is employed at the end of the input string
        //  like for instance in   2008-04-10T06:30.000Z
        //1 local should never happen with the default settings but it can happen when settings get overriden   we want to forcibly return utc though

Notice the use of '-' and 'T' (single-quoted). This is done as a matter of best practice since regional settings interfere with the interpretation of chars such as '-' causing it to be interpreted as '/' or '.' or whatever your regional settings denote as date-components-separator. I have also included a second utility method which show-cases how to parse most commonly seen date-string formats fed to rest-api backends from web clients. Enjoy.

Loop through files in a folder using VBA?

Dir takes wild cards so you could make a big difference adding the filter for test up front and avoiding testing each file

Sub LoopThroughFiles()
    Dim StrFile As String
    StrFile = Dir("c:\testfolder\*test*")
    Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
        Debug.Print StrFile
        StrFile = Dir
End Sub

How can I trim beginning and ending double quotes from a string?


In Kotlin you can use String.removeSurrounding(delimiter: CharSequence)



Removes the given delimiter string from both the start and the end of this string if and only if it starts with and ends with the delimiter. Otherwise returns this string unchanged.

The source code looks like this:

public fun String.removeSurrounding(delimiter: CharSequence): String = removeSurrounding(delimiter, delimiter)

public fun String.removeSurrounding(prefix: CharSequence, suffix: CharSequence): String {
    if ((length >= prefix.length + suffix.length) && startsWith(prefix) && endsWith(suffix)) {
        return substring(prefix.length, length - suffix.length)
    return this

Right pad a string with variable number of spaces

Based on KMier's answer, addresses the comment that this method poses a problem when the field to be padded is not a field, but the outcome of a (possibly complicated) function; the entire function has to be repeated.

Also, this allows for padding a field to the maximum length of its contents.

cte AS (
  SELECT 'foo' AS value_to_be_padded
  UNION SELECT 'foobar'
cte_max AS (
  SELECT MAX(LEN(value_to_be_padded)) AS max_len
  CONCAT(SPACE(max_len - LEN(value_to_be_padded)), value_to_be_padded AS left_padded,
  CONCAT(value_to_be_padded, SPACE(max_len - LEN(value_to_be_padded)) AS right_padded;

PHP MySQL Google Chart JSON - Complete Example

Some might encounter this error (I got it while implementing PHP-MySQLi-JSON-Google Chart Example):

You called the draw() method with the wrong type of data rather than a DataTable or DataView.

The solution would be: replace jsapi and just use loader.js with:

google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart']}) and 

-- according to the release notes --> The version of Google Charts that remains available via the jsapi loader is no longer being updated consistently. Please use the new gstatic loader from now on.

Adding a 'share by email' link to website

Something like this might be the easiest way.

<a href="mailto:?subject=I wanted you to see this site&amp;body=Check out this site"
   title="Share by Email">
  <img src="">

You could find another email image and add that if you wanted.

Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions?

if it's not working for you then replace android:background with android:src

android:src will play the major trick

    android:src="@drawable/bg_hc" />

it's working fine like a charm

enter image description here

Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances

There is a simple solution.

        <script src=""></script>      
        <script src=""> </script> 
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/flexcroll.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/JScript.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            $(function(){$('.dateTxt').datepicker(); }); 
        <p>Date 1: <input id="one" class="dateTxt" type="text" ></p>
        <p>Date 2: <input id="two" class="dateTxt" type="text" ></p>
        <p>Date 3: <input id="three" class="dateTxt" type="text" ></p>

How can I remove a pytz timezone from a datetime object?

To remove a timezone (tzinfo) from a datetime object:

# dt_tz is a datetime.datetime object
dt = dt_tz.replace(tzinfo=None)

If you are using a library like arrow, then you can remove timezone by simply converting an arrow object to to a datetime object, then doing the same thing as the example above.

# <Arrow [2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00]>
arrowObj = arrow.get('2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00')

# datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 10, 56, 9, 347444, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, -25200))
tmpDatetime = arrowObj.datetime

# datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 10, 56, 9, 347444)
tmpDatetime = tmpDatetime.replace(tzinfo=None)

Why would you do this? One example is that mysql does not support timezones with its DATETIME type. So using ORM's like sqlalchemy will simply remove the timezone when you give it a datetime.datetime object to insert into the database. The solution is to convert your datetime.datetime object to UTC (so everything in your database is UTC since it can't specify timezone) then either insert it into the database (where the timezone is removed anyway) or remove it yourself. Also note that you cannot compare datetime.datetime objects where one is timezone aware and another is timezone naive.

# MySQL example! where MySQL doesn't support timezones with its DATETIME type!

arrowObj = arrow.get('2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00')

arrowDt ="utc").datetime

# inserts datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 17, 56, 9, 347444, tzinfo=tzutc())

# returns datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 17, 56, 9, 347444)
dbDatetimeNoTz = getFromMysqlDatabase()

# cannot compare timzeone aware and timezone naive
dbDatetimeNoTz == arrowDt # False, or TypeError on python versions before 3.3

# compare datetimes that are both aware or both naive work however
dbDatetimeNoTz == arrowDt.replace(tzinfo=None) # True

How to read a .xlsx file using the pandas Library in iPython?

If you use read_excel() on a file opened using the function open(), make sure to add rb to the open function to avoid encoding errors

Where to change default pdf page width and font size in jspdf.debug.js?

Besides using one of the default formats you can specify any size you want in the unit you specify.

For example:

// Document of 210mm wide and 297mm high
new jsPDF('p', 'mm', [297, 210]);
// Document of 297mm wide and 210mm high
new jsPDF('l', 'mm', [297, 210]);
// Document of 5 inch width and 3 inch high
new jsPDF('l', 'in', [3, 5]);

The 3rd parameter of the constructor can take an array of the dimensions. However they do not correspond to width and height, instead they are long side and short side (or flipped around).

Your 1st parameter (landscape or portrait) determines what becomes the width and the height.

In the sourcecode on GitHub you can see the supported units (relative proportions to pt), and you can also see the default page formats (with their sizes in pt).

SQL query, store result of SELECT in local variable

You can create table variables:

DECLARE @result1 TABLE (a INT, b INT, c INT)

INSERT INTO @result1
SELECT a, b, c
FROM table1

SELECT a AS val FROM @result1
SELECT b AS val FROM @result1
SELECT c AS val FROM @result1

This should be fine for what you need.

How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment?

The scalar product between (c-a) and (b-a) must be equal to the product of their lengths (this means that the vectors (c-a) and (b-a) are aligned and with the same direction). Moreover, the length of (c-a) must be less than or equal to that of (b-a). Pseudocode:

# epsilon = small constant

def isBetween(a, b, c):
    lengthca2  = (c.x - a.x)*(c.x - a.x) + (c.y - a.y)*(c.y - a.y)
    lengthba2  = (b.x - a.x)*(b.x - a.x) + (b.y - a.y)*(b.y - a.y)
    if lengthca2 > lengthba2: return False
    dotproduct = (c.x - a.x)*(b.x - a.x) + (c.y - a.y)*(b.y - a.y)
    if dotproduct < 0.0: return False
    if abs(dotproduct*dotproduct - lengthca2*lengthba2) > epsilon: return False 
    return True

Inserting records into a MySQL table using Java

this can also be done like this if you don't want to use prepared statements.

String sql = "INSERT INTO course(course_code,course_desc,course_chair)"+"VALUES('"+course_code+"','"+course_desc+"','"+course_chair+"');"

Why it didnt insert value is because you were not providing values, but you were providing names of variables that you have used.

How to print HTML content on click of a button, but not the page?

According to this SO link you can print a specific div with;

Open local folder from link

you can use

<a href="\\computername\folder">Open folder</a>

in Internet Explorer

Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

MySQL will also report "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1" if you try to insert multiple rows without delimiting the row sets in the VALUES section with parentheses, like so:

INSERT INTO `receiving_table`
  (1003,'George', 'Boole'),

How to set the height of an input (text) field in CSS?

Try with padding and line-height -

input[type="text"]{ padding: 20px 10px; line-height: 28px; }

How to make a input field readonly with JavaScript?

You can get the input element and then set its readOnly property to true as follows:

document.getElementById('InputFieldID').readOnly = true;

Specifically, this is what you want:

<script type="text/javascript">
  function onLoadBody() {
    document.getElementById('control_EMAIL').readOnly = true;

Call this onLoadBody() function on body tag like:

<body onload="onLoadBody">

View Demo: jsfiddle.

Select a random sample of results from a query result

This in not a perfect answer but will get much better performance.

FROM    (
    SELECT  *
    FROM    mytable sample (0.01)
WHERE rownum <= 1000

Sample will give you a percent of your actual table, if you really wanted a 1000 rows you would need to adjust that number. More often I just need an arbitrary number of rows anyway so I don't limit my results. On my database with 2 million rows I get 2 seconds vs 60 seconds.

select * from mytable sample (0.01)

Typescript: difference between String and string

For quick readers:

Don’t ever use the types Number, String, Boolean, Symbol, or Object These types refer to non-primitive boxed objects that are almost never used appropriately in JavaScript code.


How do I pipe a subprocess call to a text file?

The options for popen can be used in call


So...["/home/myuser/", "/tmp/ad_xml",  "/tmp/video_xml"], stdout=myoutput)

Then you can do what you want with myoutput (which would need to be a file btw).

Also, you can do something closer to a piped output like this.

dmesg | grep hda

would be:

p1 = Popen(["dmesg"], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["grep", "hda"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
output = p2.communicate()[0]

There's plenty of lovely, useful info on the python manual page.

percentage of two int?

Two options:

Do the division after the multiplication:

int n = 25;
int v = 100;
int percent = n * 100 / v;

Convert an int to a float before dividing

int n = 25;
int v = 100;
float percent = n * 100f / v;
//  float percent = (float) n * 100 / v;
//  float percent = n * 100 / (float) v;

Apache redirect to another port

Found this out by trial and error. If your configuration specifies a ServerName, then your VirtualHost directive will need to do the same. In the following example, and would both be forwarded to some local service running on port 4567.


  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:4567/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:4567/

I know this doesn't exactly answer the question, but I'm putting it here because this is the top search result for Apache port forwarding. So I figure it'll help somebody someday.

CSS Layout - Dynamic width DIV


<div style="width:100%;">
    <div style="width:50px; float: left;"><img src="myleftimage" /></div>
    <div style="width:50px; float: right;"><img src="myrightimage" /></div>
    <div style="display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto;">Content Goes Here</div>


<div style="width:100%; border:2px solid #dadada;">
    <div style="width:50px; float: left;"><img src="myleftimage" /></div>
    <div style="width:50px; float: right;"><img src="myrightimage" /></div>
    <div style="display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto;">Content Goes Here</div>
<div style="clear:both"></div>    

EXCEL VBA Check if entry is empty or not 'space'

A common trick is to check like this:

trim(TextBox1.Value & vbnullstring) = vbnullstring

this will work for spaces, empty strings, and genuine null values

Default settings Raspberry Pi /etc/network/interfaces

These are the default settings I have for /etc/network/interfaces (including WiFi settings) for my Raspberry Pi 1:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet dhcp

Efficiently sorting a numpy array in descending order?

For short arrays I suggest using np.argsort() by finding the indices of the sorted negatived array, which is slightly faster than reversing the sorted array:

In [37]: temp = np.random.randint(1,10, 10)

In [38]: %timeit np.sort(temp)[::-1]
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.65 µs per loop

In [39]: %timeit temp[np.argsort(-temp)]
100000 loops, best of 3: 3.91 µs per loop

How to download a folder from github?

You can use Github Contents API to get an archive link and tar to retrieve a specified folder.

Command line:

curl[owner]/[repo]/tar.gz/master | \ tar -xz --strip=2 [repo]-master/[folder_path]

For example,
if you want to download examples/with-apollo/ folder from zeit/next.js, you can type this:

curl | \
  tar -xz --strip=2 next.js-master/examples/with-apollo

How to fix: Error device not found with ADB.exe

I switched to a different USB port and it suddenly got recognized...

Remove shadow below actionbar

What is the style item to make it disappear?

In order to remove the shadow add this to your app theme:

<style name="MyAppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>

UPDATE: As @Quinny898 stated, on Android 5.0 this has changed, you have to call setElevation(0) on your action bar. Note that if you're using the support library you must call it to that like so:


How does Subquery in select statement work in oracle

It's simple-

SELECT empname,
       (SELECT COUNT (profileid)
          FROM profile
         WHERE profile.empid = employee.empid)
           AS number_of_profiles
  FROM employee;

It is even simpler when you use a table join like this:

  SELECT e.empname, e.empid, COUNT (p.profileid) AS number_of_profiles
    FROM employee e LEFT JOIN profile p ON e.empid = p.empid
GROUP BY e.empname, e.empid;

Explanation for the subquery:

Essentially, a subquery in a select gets a scalar value and passes it to the main query. A subquery in select is not allowed to pass more than one row and more than one column, which is a restriction. Here, we are passing a count to the main query, which, as we know, would always be only a number- a scalar value. If a value is not found, the subquery returns null to the main query. Moreover, a subquery can access columns from the from clause of the main query, as shown in my query where employee.empid is passed from the outer query to the inner query.


When you use a subquery in a select clause, Oracle essentially treats it as a left join (you can see this in the explain plan for your query), with the cardinality of the rows being just one on the right for every row in the left.

Explanation for the left join

A left join is very handy, especially when you want to replace the select subquery due to its restrictions. There are no restrictions here on the number of rows of the tables in either side of the LEFT JOIN keyword.

For more information read Oracle Docs on subqueries and left join or left outer join.

What is difference between Axios and Fetch?

One more major difference between fetch API & axios API

  • While using service worker, you have to use fetch API only if you want to intercept the HTTP request
  • Ex. While performing caching in PWA using service worker you won't be able to cache if you are using axios API (it works only with fetch API)

How to download dependencies in gradle

I have found this answer also very helpful:

gradle dependencies will list the dependencies and download them as a side-effect.

How to run a class from Jar which is not the Main-Class in its Manifest file

You can create your jar without Main-Class in its Manifest file. Then :

java -cp MyJar.jar com.mycomp.myproj.dir2.MainClass2 /home/myhome/ /home/myhome/input.txt

How should I pass multiple parameters to an ASP.Net Web API GET?

What does this record marking mean? If this is used only for logging purposes, I would use GET and disable all caching, since you want to log every query for this resources. If record marking has another purpose, POST is the way to go. User should know, that his actions effect the system and POST method is a warning.

Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

A hash function could be considered the same as baking a loaf of bread. You start out with inputs (flour, water, yeast, etc...) and after applying the hash function (mixing + baking), you end up with an output: a loaf of bread.

Going the other way is extraordinarily difficult - you can't really separate the bread back into flour, water, yeast - some of that was lost during the baking process, and you can never tell exactly how much water or flour or yeast was used for a particular loaf, because that information was destroyed by the hashing function (aka the oven).

Many different variants of inputs will theoretically produce identical loaves (e.g. 2 cups of water and 1 tsbp of yeast produce exactly the same loaf as 2.1 cups of water and 0.9tsbp of yeast), but given one of those loaves, you can't tell exactly what combo of inputs produced it.

Encryption, on the other hand, could be viewed as a safe deposit box. Whatever you put in there comes back out, as long as you possess the key with which it was locked up in the first place. It's a symmetric operation. Given a key and some input, you get a certain output. Given that output, and the same key, you'll get back the original input. It's a 1:1 mapping.

Find a value anywhere in a database

I optimized Allain Lalonde answer ( Numeric values are still supported. Should be roughly 4-5 times faster (1:03 vs 4:30), tested on a desktop with a 7GB database.

IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.SearchAllTables', 'P') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.SearchAllTables;

CREATE PROC SearchAllTables 
    @SearchStr nvarchar(100)

-- Copyright © 2002 Narayana Vyas Kondreddi. All rights reserved.
-- Purpose: To search all columns of all tables for a given search string
-- Written by: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi
-- Site:
-- Customized and modified: 2014-01-21
-- Tested on: SQL Server 2008 R2

DECLARE @Results TABLE(ColumnName nvarchar(370), ColumnValue nvarchar(3630))


DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(256)
DECLARE @ColumnName nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @DataType nvarchar(128)

DECLARE @SearchStr2 nvarchar(110)
DECLARE @SearchDecimal decimal(38,19)
DECLARE @Query nvarchar(4000)
SET @SearchStr2 = QUOTENAME('%' + @SearchStr + '%', '''')
SET @SearchDecimal = CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(@SearchStr) = 1 THEN CONVERT(decimal(38,19), @SearchStr) ELSE NULL END
PRINT '@SearchStr2: ' + @SearchStr2
PRINT '@SearchDecimal: ' + CAST(@SearchDecimal AS nvarchar)

SET @TableName = ''
    SET @ColumnName = ''
    SET @TableName = 
                        QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME)
                         ), 'IsMSShipped'
                           ) = 0

    WHILE (@TableName IS NOT NULL) AND (@ColumnName IS NOT NULL)
        SET @ColumnName =
            WHERE       TABLE_SCHEMA    = PARSENAME(@TableName, 2)
                AND TABLE_NAME  = PARSENAME(@TableName, 1)
                AND DATA_TYPE IN ('char', 'varchar', 'nchar', 'nvarchar',
                                  'int', 'bigint', 'tinyint', 'numeric', 'decimal')
                AND QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) > @ColumnName
        SET @DataType =
            SELECT DATA_TYPE
            WHERE       TABLE_SCHEMA    = PARSENAME(@TableName, 2)
                AND TABLE_NAME  = PARSENAME(@TableName, 1)
                AND QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) = @ColumnName
        PRINT @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ' (' + @DataType + ')'

        IF @ColumnName IS NOT NULL
            IF @DataType IN ('int', 'bigint', 'tinyint', 'numeric', 'decimal')
                IF @SearchDecimal IS NOT NULL
                    SET @Query = 'SELECT ''' + @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ''', LEFT(CAST(' + @ColumnName + ' AS nvarchar(110)), 3630) ' +
                                 'FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                                 ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' = ' + CAST(@SearchDecimal AS nvarchar)
                    PRINT '    ' + @Query
                    INSERT INTO @Results
                    EXEC (@Query)
                SET @Query = 'SELECT ''' + @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ''', LEFT(' + @ColumnName + ', 3630) ' +
                             'FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                             ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' LIKE ' + @SearchStr2
                PRINT '    ' + @Query
                INSERT INTO @Results
                EXEC (@Query)

SELECT ColumnName, ColumnValue FROM @Results

Target a css class inside another css class

I use div instead of tables and am able to target classes within the main class, as below:


.main {
    .width: 800px;
    .margin: 0 auto;
    .text-align: center;
.main .table {
    width: 80%;
.main .row {
   / ***something ***/
.main .column {
    font-size: 14px;
    display: inline-block;
.main .left {
    width: 140px;
    margin-right: 5px;
    font-size: 12px;
.main .right {
    width: auto;
    margin-right: 20px;
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 13px;
    font-weight: normal;


<div class="main">
    <div class="table">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="column left">Swing Over Bed</div>
            <div class="column right">650mm</div>
            <div class="column left">Swing In Gap</div>
            <div class="column right">800mm</div>

If you want to style a particular "cell" exclusively you can use another sub-class or the id of the div e.g:

.main #red { color: red; }

<div class="main">
    <div class="table">
        <div class="row">
            <div id="red" class="column left">Swing Over Bed</div>
            <div class="column right">650mm</div>
            <div class="column left">Swing In Gap</div>
            <div class="column right">800mm</div>

How do I create a link to add an entry to a calendar?

To add to squarecandy's google calendar contribution, here the brand new

OUTLOOK CALENDAR format (Without a need to create .ics) !!

<a href="">add to Outlook calendar</a>

test it

Best would be to url_encode the summary, location and description variable's values.

For the sake of knowledge,


<a href="">add to Yahoo calendar</a>

test it

Doing it without a third party holds a lot of advantages for example using it in emails.

How do I retrieve my MySQL username and password?

Login MySql from windows cmd using existing user:

mysql -u username -p
Enter password:****

Then run the following command:

mysql> SELECT * FROM mysql.user;

After that copy encrypted md5 password for corresponding user and there are several online password decrypted application available in web. Using this decrypt password and use this for login in next time. or update user password using flowing command:

mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('[password]') WHERE User='[username]';

Then login using the new password and user.

Specify multiple attribute selectors in CSS

Simple input[name=Sex][value=M] would do pretty nice. And it's actually well-described in the standard doc:

Multiple attribute selectors can be used to refer to several attributes of an element, or even several times to the same attribute.

Here, the selector matches all SPAN elements whose "hello" attribute has exactly the value "Cleveland" and whose "goodbye" attribute has exactly the value "Columbus":

span[hello="Cleveland"][goodbye="Columbus"] { color: blue; }

As a side note, using quotation marks around an attribute value is required only if this value is not a valid identifier.

JSFiddle Demo

Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError


Go to Order and export from project properties and make sure you're including the required jars in the export, this did it for me

hasNext in Python iterators?

The use case that lead me to search for this is the following

def setfrom(self,f):
    """Set from iterable f"""
    fi = iter(f)
    for i in range(self.n):
            x = next(fi)
        except StopIteration:
            fi = iter(f)
            x = next(fi)
        self.a[i] = x 

where hasnext() is available, one could do

def setfrom(self,f):
    """Set from iterable f"""
    fi = iter(f)
    for i in range(self.n):
        if not hasnext(fi):
            fi = iter(f) # restart
        self.a[i] = next(fi)

which to me is cleaner. Obviously you can work around issues by defining utility classes, but what then happens is you have a proliferation of twenty-odd different almost-equivalent workarounds each with their quirks, and if you wish to reuse code that uses different workarounds, you have to either have multiple near-equivalent in your single application, or go around picking through and rewriting code to use the same approach. The 'do it once and do it well' maxim fails badly.

Furthermore, the iterator itself needs to have an internal 'hasnext' check to run to see if it needs to raise an exception. This internal check is then hidden so that it needs to be tested by trying to get an item, catching the exception and running the handler if thrown. This is unnecessary hiding IMO.

Build and Install unsigned apk on device without the development server?

As of react-native 0.57, none of the previously provided answers will work anymore, as the directories in which gradle expects to find the bundle and the assets have changed.

Simple way without react-native bundle

The simplest way to build a debug build is without using the react-native bundle command at all, but by simply modifying your app/build.gradle file.

Inside the project.ext.react map in the app/build.gradle file, add the bundleInDebug: true entry. If you want it to not be a --dev build (no warnings and minified bundle) then you should also add the devDisabledInDebug: true entry to the same map.

With react-native bundle

If for some reason you need to or want to use the react-native bundle command to create the bundle and then the ./gradlew assembleDebug to create the APK with the bundle and the assets you have to make sure to put the bundle and the assets in the correct paths, where gradle can find them.

As of react-native 0.57 those paths are android/app/build/generated/assets/react/debug/ for the bundle

and android/app/build/generated/res/react/debug for the assets. So the full commands for manually bundling and building the APK with the bundle and assets are:

react-native bundle --dev false --platform android --entry-file index.js --bundle-output ./android/app/build/generated/assets/react/debug/ --assets-dest ./android/app/build/res/react/debug

and then

./gradlew assembleDebug

Bundle and assets path

Note that that paths where gradle looks for the bundle and the assets might be subject to change. To find out where those paths are, look at the react.gradle file in your node_modules/react-native directory. The lines starting with def jsBundleDir = and def resourcesDir = specify the directories where gradle looks for the bundle and the assets respectively.