Programs & Examples On #Or mapper

cmake error 'the source does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt'

This reply may be late but it may help users having similar problem. The opencv-contrib (available at contains extra modules but the build procedure has to be done from core opencv (available at from modules.

Follow below steps (assuming you are building it using CMake GUI)

  1. Download openCV (from and unzip it somewhere on your computer. Create build folder inside it

  2. Download exra modules from OpenCV. (from Ensure you download the same version.

  3. Unzip the folder.

  4. Open CMake

  5. Click Browse Source and navigate to your openCV folder.

  6. Click Browse Build and navigate to your build Folder.

  7. Click the configure button. You will be asked how you would like to generate the files. Choose Unix-Makefile from the drop down menu and Click OK. CMake will perform some tests and return a set of red boxes appear in the CMake Window.

  8. Search for "OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH" and provide the path to modules folder (e.g. /Users/purushottam_d/Programs/OpenCV3_4_5_contrib/modules)

  9. Click Configure again, then Click Generate.

  10. Go to build folder

# cd build
# make
# sudo make install
  1. This will install the opencv libraries on your computer.

Android: why setVisibility(View.GONE); or setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); do not work

In my case I found that simply clearing the animation on the view before setting the visibility to GONE works.


I had a similar issue where I toggle between two views, one of which must always start off as GONE - But when I displayed the views again, it was displaying over the first view even if setVisibility(GONE) was called. Clearing the animation before setting the view to GONE worked.

How can I solve Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException error

This is the problem

double a[] = null;

Since a is null, NullPointerException will arise every time you use it until you initialize it. So this:

a[i] = var;

will fail.

A possible solution would be initialize it when declaring it:

double a[] = new double[PUT_A_LENGTH_HERE]; //seems like this constant should be 7

IMO more important than solving this exception, is the fact that you should learn to read the stacktrace and understand what it says, so you could detect the problems and solve it.


This exception means there's a variable with null value being used. How to solve? Just make sure the variable is not null before being used.

at twoten.TwoTenB.(

This line has two parts:

  • First, shows the class and method where the error was thrown. In this case, it was at <init> method in class TwoTenB declared in package twoten. When you encounter an error message with SomeClassName.<init>, means the error was thrown while creating a new instance of the class e.g. executing the constructor (in this case that seems to be the problem).
  • Secondly, shows the file and line number location where the error is thrown, which is between parenthesis. This way is easier to spot where the error arose. So you have to look into file, line number 29. This seems to be a[i] = var;.

From this line, other lines will be similar to tell you where the error arose. So when reading this:

at javapractice.JavaPractice.main(

It means that you were trying to instantiate a TwoTenB object reference inside the main method of your class JavaPractice declared in javapractice package.

Is there a CSS selector for text nodes?

You cannot target text nodes with CSS. I'm with you; I wish you could... but you can't :(

If you don't wrap the text node in a <span> like @Jacob suggests, you could instead give the surrounding element padding as opposed to margin:


<p id="theParagraph">The text node!</p>


    border: 1px solid red;
    padding-bottom: 10px;

How to get the date from jQuery UI datepicker

NamingException's answer worked for me. Except I used

var date = $("#date").dtpicker({ dateFormat: 'dd,MM,yyyy' }).val()

datepicker didn't work but dtpicker did.

Delete a row from a SQL Server table

You may change the "columnName" type from TEXT to VARCHAR(MAX). TEXT column can't be used with "=".
see this topic

PHP combine two associative arrays into one array

array_merge() is more efficient but there are a couple of options:

$array1 = array("id1" => "value1");

$array2 = array("id2" => "value2", "id3" => "value3", "id4" => "value4");

$array3 = array_merge($array1, $array2/*, $arrayN, $arrayN*/);
$array4 = $array1 + $array2;

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

// Results:
    array(4) {
      string(6) "value1"
      string(6) "value2"
      string(6) "value3"
      string(6) "value4"
    array(4) {
      string(6) "value1"
      string(6) "value2"
      string(6) "value3"
      string(6) "value4"

Find files in a folder using Java

You can use a FilenameFilter, like so:

File dir = new File(directory);

File[] matches = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter()
  public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
     return name.startsWith("temp") && name.endsWith(".txt");

Open popup and refresh parent page on close popup

on your child page, put these:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function refreshAndClose() {


<body onbeforeunload="refreshAndClose();">

but as a good UI design, you should use a Close button because it's more user friendly. see code below.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#btn').click(function () {

<input type='button' id='btn' value='Close' />

Convert URL to File or Blob for FileReader.readAsDataURL

The suggested edit queue is full for @tibor-udvari's excellent fetch answer, so I'll post my suggested edits as a new answer.

This function gets the content type from the header if returned, otherwise falls back on a settable default type.

async function getFileFromUrl(url, name, defaultType = 'image/jpeg'){
  const response = await fetch(url);
  const data = await response.blob();
  return new File([data], name, {
    type: response.headers.get('content-type') || defaultType,

// `await` can only be used in an async body, but showing it here for simplicity.
const file = await getFileFromUrl('', 'example.jpg');

How to fix Error: "Could not find schema information for the attribute/element" by creating schema

Simple: In Visual Studio Report designer
1. Open the report in design mode and delete the dataset from the RDLC File
2. Open solution Explorer and delete the actual (corrupted) XSD file
3. Add the dataset back to the RDLC file.
4. The above procedure will create the new XSD file.
5. More detailed is below.

In Visual Studio, Open your RDLC file Report in Design mode. Click on the report and then Select View and then Report Data from the top line menu. Select Datasets and then Right Click and delete the dataset from the report. Next Open Solution Explorer, if it is not already open in your Visual Studio. Locate the XSD file (It should be the same name as the dataset you just deleted from the report). Now go back and right click again on the report data Datasets, and select Add Dataset . This will create a new XSD file and write the dataset properties to the report. Now your error message will be gone and any missing data will now appear in your reports.

How do you put an image file in a json object?

The JSON format can contain only those types of value:

  • string
  • number
  • object
  • array
  • true
  • false
  • null

An image is of the type "binary" which is none of those. So you can't directly insert an image into JSON. What you can do is convert the image to a textual representation which can then be used as a normal string.

The most common way to achieve that is with what's called base64. Basically, instead of encoding it as 1 and 0s, it uses a range of 64 characters which makes the textual representation of it more compact. So for example the number '64' in binary is represented as 1000000, while in base64 it's simply one character: =.

There are many ways to encode your image in base64 depending on if you want to do it in the browser or not.

Note that if you're developing a web application, it will be way more efficient to store images separately in binary form, and store paths to those images in your JSON or elsewhere. That also allows your client's browser to cache the images.

javascript variable reference/alias

Whether you can alias something depends on the data type. Objects, arrays, and functions will be handled by reference and aliasing is possible. Other types are essentially atomic, and the variable stores the value rather than a reference to a value.

arguments.callee is a function, and therefore you can have a reference to it and modify that shared object.

function foo() {
  var self = arguments.callee;
  self.myStaticVar = self.myStaticVar || 0;
  return self.myStaticVar;

Note that if in the above code you were to say self = function() {return 42;}; then self would then refer to a different object than arguments.callee, which remains a reference to foo. When you have a compound object, the assignment operator replaces the reference, it does not change the referred object. With atomic values, a case like y++ is equivalent to y = y + 1, which is assigning a 'new' integer to the variable.

RegEx for validating an integer with a maximum length of 10 characters

1 to 10:


In .NET (and not only, see the comment below) also valid (with a stipulation) this:



var regex = new Regex("^[0-9]{1,10}$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
regex.IsMatch("1"); // true
regex.IsMatch("12"); // true
regex.IsMatch("1234567890"); // true
regex.IsMatch(""); // false
regex.IsMatch(" "); // true
regex.IsMatch("a"); // false

P.S. Here's a very useful sandbox.

Singleton: How should it be used

The Meyers singleton pattern works well enough most of the time, and on the occasions it does it doesn't necessarily pay to look for anything better. As long as the constructor will never throw and there are no dependencies between singletons.

A singleton is an implementation for a globally-accessible object (GAO from now on) although not all GAOs are singletons.

Loggers themselves should not be singletons but the means to log should ideally be globally-accessible, to decouple where the log message is being generated from where or how it gets logged.

Lazy-loading / lazy evaluation is a different concept and singleton usually implements that too. It comes with a lot of its own issues, in particular thread-safety and issues if it fails with exceptions such that what seemed like a good idea at the time turns out to be not so great after all. (A bit like COW implementation in strings).

With that in mind, GOAs can be initialised like this:

namespace {

T1 * pt1 = NULL;
T2 * pt2 = NULL;
T3 * pt3 = NULL;
T4 * pt4 = NULL;


int main( int argc, char* argv[])
   T1 t1(args1);
   T2 t2(args2);
   T3 t3(args3);
   T4 t4(args4);

   pt1 = &t1;
   pt2 = &t2;
   pt3 = &t3;
   pt4 = &t4;



T1& getT1()
   return *pt1;

T2& getT2()
   return *pt2;

T3& getT3()
  return *pt3;

T4& getT4()
  return *pt4;

It does not need to be done as crudely as that, and clearly in a loaded library that contains objects you probably want some other mechanism to manage their lifetime. (Put them in an object that you get when you load the library).

As for when I use singletons? I used them for 2 things - A singleton table that indicates what libraries have been loaded with dlopen - A message handler that loggers can subscribe to and that you can send messages to. Required specifically for signal handlers.

HTML embed autoplay="false", but still plays automatically

Just set using JS as follows:

    var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo");
    vid.autoplay = false;

Set true to turn on autoplay. Set false to turn off autoplay.

How to pass data using NotificationCenter in swift 3.0 and NSNotificationCenter in swift 2.0?

Swift 2.0

Pass info using userInfo which is a optional Dictionary of type [NSObject : AnyObject]?

  let imageDataDict:[String: UIImage] = ["image": image]

  // Post a notification
  NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(notificationName, object: nil, userInfo: imageDataDict)

 // Register to receive notification in your class
 NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.showSpinningWheel(_:)), name: notificationName, object: nil)

 // handle notification
 func showSpinningWheel(notification: NSNotification) { 

  if let image = notification.userInfo?["image"] as? UIImage {
  // do something with your image   

Swift 3.0 version and above

The userInfo now takes [AnyHashable:Any]? as an argument, which we provide as a dictionary literal in Swift

  let imageDataDict:[String: UIImage] = ["image": image]

  // post a notification NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "notificationName"), object: nil, userInfo: imageDataDict) 
  // `default` is now a property, not a method call

 // Register to receive notification in your class
 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.showSpinningWheel(_:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "notificationName"), object: nil)

 // handle notification
 // For swift 4.0 and above put @objc attribute in front of function Definition  
 func showSpinningWheel(_ notification: NSNotification) {

  if let image = notification.userInfo?["image"] as? UIImage {
  // do something with your image   

NOTE: Notification “names” are no longer strings, but are of type Notification.Name, hence why we are using NSNotification.Name(rawValue:"notificationName") and we can extend Notification.Name with our own custom notifications.

extension Notification.Name {
static let myNotification = Notification.Name("myNotification")

// and post notification like this .myNotification, object: nil)

dropping a global temporary table

Step 1. Figure out which errors you want to trap:

If the table does not exist:

SQL> drop table x;
drop table x
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

If the table is in use:

SQL> create global temporary table t (data varchar2(4000));

Table created.

Use the table in another session. (Notice no commit or anything after the insert.)

SQL> insert into t values ('whatever');

1 row created.

Back in the first session, attempt to drop:

SQL> drop table t;
drop table t
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

So the two errors to trap:

  1. ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
  2. ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

See if the errors are predefined. They aren't. So they need to be defined like so:

create or replace procedure p as
    table_or_view_not_exist exception;
    pragma exception_init(table_or_view_not_exist, -942);
    attempted_ddl_on_in_use_GTT exception;
    pragma exception_init(attempted_ddl_on_in_use_GTT, -14452);
    execute immediate 'drop table t';

        when table_or_view_not_exist then
            dbms_output.put_line('Table t did not exist at time of drop. Continuing....');

        when attempted_ddl_on_in_use_GTT then
            dbms_output.put_line('Help!!!! Someone is keeping from doing my job!');
            dbms_output.put_line('Please rescue me');
end p;

And results, first without t:

SQL> drop table t;

Table dropped.

SQL> exec p;
Table t did not exist at time of drop. Continuing....

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

And now, with t in use:

SQL> create global temporary table t (data varchar2(4000));

Table created.

In another session:

SQL> insert into t values (null);

1 row created.

And then in the first session:

SQL> exec p;
Help!!!! Someone is keeping from doing my job!
Please rescue me

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use
ORA-06512: at "SCHEMA_NAME.P", line 16
ORA-06512: at line 1

How do I switch between command and insert mode in Vim?

Pressing ESC quits from insert mode to normal mode, where you can press : to type in a command. Press i again to back to insert mode, and you are good to go.

I'm not a Vim guru, so someone else can be more experienced and give you other options.

How to create a Multidimensional ArrayList in Java?

What would you think of this for 3D ArrayList - can be used similarly to arrays - see the comments in the code:

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

     * ArrayList3D simulates a 3 dimensional array,<br>
     * e.g: myValue = arrayList3D.get(x, y, z) is the same as: <br>
     *      myValue = array[x][y][z] <br>
     * and<br>
     *      arrayList3D.set(x, y, z, myValue) is the same as:<br> 
     *      array[x][y][z] = myValue; <br>
     * but keeps its full ArrayList functionality, thus its
     * benefits of ArrayLists over arrays.<br>
     * <br>
     * @param <T> data type
    public class ArrayList3D <T> {

        private final List<List<List<T>>> arrayList3D;

        public ArrayList3D() {
            arrayList3D = newArrayDim1();

                                             * Get value of the given array element.<br>
                                             * E.g: get(2, 5, 3);<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      nyValue = array[2][5][3];<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is out of range 
                                             *   (index < 0 || index >= size())<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param dim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             * @return value of the given array element (of type T)
        public T get(int dim1, int dim2, int dim3) {
            List<List<T>>       ar2 = arrayList3D.get(dim1);
            List<T>             ar3 = ar2.get(dim2);
            return ar3.get(dim3);

                                             * Set value of the given array.<br>
                                             * E.g: set(2, 5, 3, "my value");<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      array[2][5][3]="my value";<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is out of range 
                                             *   (index < 0 || index >= size())<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param dim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             * @param dim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             * @param value value to assign to the given array
                                             * <br>
        public void set(int dim1, int dim2, int dim3, T value) {
            arrayList3D.get(dim1).get(dim2).set(dim3, value);

                                             * Set value of the given array element.<br>
                                             * E.g: set(2, 5, 3, "my value");<br>
                                             * For 3 dim array this would equal to:<br>
                                             *      array[2][5][3]="my value";<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
                                             * - if any index is less then 0
                                             *   (index < 0)<br>
                                             * <br>
                                             * @param indexDim1 index of the first dimension of the array list
                                             * @param indexDim2 index of the second dimension of the array list
                                             *        If you set indexDim1 or indexDim2 to value higher
                                             *        then the current max index,
                                             *        the method will add entries for the
                                             *        difference. The added lists will be empty.
                                             * @param indexDim3 index of the third dimension of the array list
                                             *        If you set indexDim3 to value higher
                                             *        then the current max index,
                                             *        the method will add entries for the
                                             *        difference and fill in the values
                                             *        of param. 'value'.
                                             * @param value value to assign to the given array index

        public void setOrAddValue(int indexDim1, 
                                  int indexDim2,
                                  int indexDim3, 
                                  T value) {

            List<T> ar3 = setOrAddDim3(indexDim1, indexDim2);

            int max = ar3.size();

            if (indexDim3 < 0)
                indexDim3 = 0;
            if (indexDim3 < max)
                ar3.set(indexDim3, value);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim3; ix++ ) {

        private List<List<List<T>>> newArrayDim1() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<T>> ar2 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<List<T>>> ar1 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar1;

        private List<List<T>> newArrayDim2() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            List<List<T>> ar2 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar2;

        private List<T> newArrayDim3() {
            List<T> ar3 = new ArrayList<>();
            return ar3;

        private List<List<T>> setOrAddDim2(int indexDim1) {

            List<List<T>> ar2 = null;

            int max = arrayList3D.size();
            if (indexDim1 < 0)
                indexDim1 = 0;
            if (indexDim1 < max)
                return arrayList3D.get(indexDim1);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim1; ix++ ) {
                ar2 = newArrayDim2();
            return ar2;


        private List<T> setOrAddDim3(int indexDim1, int indexDim2) {

            List<List<T>> ar2 = setOrAddDim2(indexDim1);
            List<T>       ar3 = null;

            int max = ar2.size();
            if (indexDim2 < 0)
                indexDim2 = 0;
            if (indexDim2 < max)
                return ar2.get(indexDim2);

            for (int ix = max-1; ix < indexDim2; ix++ ) {
                ar3 = newArrayDim3();
            return ar3;

        public List<List<List<T>>> getArrayList3D() {
            return arrayList3D;


And here is a test code:

        ArrayList3D<Integer> ar = new ArrayList3D<>();

        int max = 3;
        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < max; i1++) {
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < max; i2++) {
                for (int i3 = 0; i3 < max; i3++) {
                    ar.setOrAddValue(i1, i2, i3, (i3 + 1) + (i2*max) + (i1*max*max));
                    int x = ar.get(i1, i2, i3);
                    System.out.println(" - " + i1 + ", " + i2 + ", " + i3 + " = " + x);

Result output:

  • 0, 0, 0 = 1
  • 0, 0, 1 = 2
  • 0, 0, 2 = 3
  • 0, 1, 0 = 4
  • 0, 1, 1 = 5
  • 0, 1, 2 = 6
  • 0, 2, 0 = 7
  • 0, 2, 1 = 8
  • 0, 2, 2 = 9
  • 1, 0, 0 = 10
  • 1, 0, 1 = 11
  • 1, 0, 2 = 12
  • 1, 1, 0 = 13
  • 1, 1, 1 = 14
  • 1, 1, 2 = 15
  • 1, 2, 0 = 16
  • 1, 2, 1 = 17
  • 1, 2, 2 = 18
  • 2, 0, 0 = 19
  • 2, 0, 1 = 20
  • 2, 0, 2 = 21
  • 2, 1, 0 = 22
  • 2, 1, 1 = 23
  • 2, 1, 2 = 24
  • 2, 2, 0 = 25
  • 2, 2, 1 = 26
  • 2, 2, 2 = 27

Draw Circle using css alone

Yep, draw a box and give it a border radius that is half the width of the box:

#circle {
    background: #f00;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    border-radius: 50%;

Working demo:

#circle {_x000D_
    background: #f00;_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 200px;_x000D_
    border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
<div id="circle"></div>

"psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused" Error when connecting to remote database

Following configuration, you need to set:

To open the port 5432 edit your /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf and change

# Connection Settings -

listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;

In /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all              md5

Now restart your DBMS

sudo service postgresql restart

Now you can connect with

psql -h hostname(IP) -p port -U username -d database

pass post data with window.location.href

Use this file : "jquery.redirect.js"

            user_name: "khan",
            city : "Meerut",
            country : "country"


MongoDB distinct aggregation

You can call $setUnion on a single array, which also filters dupes:

{ $project: {Package: 1, deps: {'$setUnion': '$deps.Package'}}}

How to run a JAR file

Eclipse Runnable JAR File

Create a Java Project – RunnableJAR

  • If any jar files are used then add them to project build path.
  • Select the class having main() while creating Runnable Jar file. enter image description here

Main Class

public class RunnableMainClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        System.out.println("Name : "+args[0]);
        System.out.println(" ID  : "+args[1]);

Run Jar file using java program (cmd) by supplying arguments and get the output and display in eclipse console.

public class RunJar { 
    static StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String jarfile = "D:\\JarLocation\\myRunnable.jar";
        String name = "Yash";
        String id = "777";

        try { // jarname arguments has to be saperated by spaces
            Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe start /C java -jar "+jarfile+" "+name+" "+id);
                    //.exec("cmd.exe /C start dir java -jar "+jarfile+" "+name+" "+id+" dir");
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream ()));
            String line = null;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null){
            System.out.println("Console OUTPUT : \n"+sb.toString());
        }catch (Exception e){

In Eclipse to find Short cuts:

Help ? Help Contents ? Java development user guide ? References ? Menus and Actions

Setting focus to a textbox control

To set focus,

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub

Set the TabIndex by

Me.TextBox1.TabIndex = 0

Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically

 * invalid margin
private void invalidMarginBottom() {
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) frameLayoutContent.getLayoutParams();
    lp.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

you should be ware of the type of the view's viewGroup.In the code above, for example,I want to change the frameLayout's margin,and the frameLayout's view group is a RelativeLayout,so you need to covert to (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)

How can I exclude a directory from Visual Studio Code "Explore" tab?

In newer versions of VSCode this moved to a folder-specific configuration block.

  • Go to File -> Preferences -> Settings (or on Mac Code -> Preferences -> Settings)
  • Pick the Folder Settings tab

Then add a "files.exclude" block, listing the directory globs you would like to exclude:

    "files.exclude": {
        "**/bin": true,
        "**/obj": true

enter image description here

How to skip "are you sure Y/N" when deleting files in batch files

You have the following options on Windows command line:

net use [DeviceName [/home[{Password | *}] [/delete:{yes | no}]]

Try like:

net use H: /delete /y

How to parse json string in Android?

Below is the link which guide in parsing JSON string in android.

Also according to your json string code snippet must be something like this:-

JSONObject mainObject = new JSONObject(yourstring);

JSONObject universityObject = mainObject.getJSONObject("university");
JSONString name = universityObject.getString("name");  
JSONString url = universityObject.getString("url");

Following is the API reference for JSOnObject:

Same for other object.

How to disable/enable select field using jQuery?

Just simply use:

var update_pizza = function () {
     $("#pizza_kind").prop("disabled", !$('#pizza').prop('checked'));



Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime

If I google for "Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime" I see numerous references to a problem accessing MySQL from Visual Studio. Is that your context?

One solution suggested is:

This is not a bug but expected behavior. Please check manual under connect options and set "Allow Zero Datetime" to true, as on attached pictures, and the error will go away.


Reading images in python

You can also use Pillow like this:

from PIL import Image
image ="image_path.jpg")

CASE (Contains) rather than equal statement

CASE WHEN ', ' + dbo.Table.Column +',' LIKE '%, lactulose,%' 
  THEN 'BP Medication' ELSE '' END AS [BP Medication]

The leading ', ' and trailing ',' are added so that you can handle the match regardless of where it is in the string (first entry, last entry, or anywhere in between).

That said, why are you storing data you want to search on as a comma-separated string? This violates all kinds of forms and best practices. You should consider normalizing your schema.

In addition: don't use 'single quotes' as identifier delimiters; this syntax is deprecated. Use [square brackets] (preferred) or "double quotes" if you must. See "string literals as column aliases" here:

EDIT If you have multiple values, you can do this (you can't short-hand this with the other CASE syntax variant or by using something like IN()):

  WHEN ', ' + dbo.Table.Column +',' LIKE '%, lactulose,%' 
  WHEN ', ' + dbo.Table.Column +',' LIKE '%, amlodipine,%' 
  THEN 'BP Medication' ELSE '' END AS [BP Medication]

If you have more values, it might be worthwhile to use a split function, e.g.

USE tempdb;

       ( SELECT Item = x.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')
         FROM ( SELECT [XML] = CONVERT(XML, '<i>'
         + REPLACE(@List,',', '</i><i>') + '</i>').query('.')
           ) AS a CROSS APPLY [XML].nodes('i') AS x(i) ) AS y

CREATE TABLE dbo.[Table](ID INT, [Column] VARCHAR(255));

(1,'lactulose, Lasix (furosemide), oxazepam, propranolol, rabeprazole, sertraline,'),
(2,'lactulite, Lasix (furosemide), lactulose, propranolol, rabeprazole, sertraline,'),
(3,'lactulite, Lasix (furosemide), oxazepam, propranolol, rabeprazole, sertraline,'),
(4,'lactulite, Lasix (furosemide), lactulose, amlodipine, rabeprazole, sertraline,');

  FROM dbo.[Table] AS t
  INNER JOIN dbo.SplitStrings('lactulose,amlodipine') AS s
  ON ', ' + t.[Column] + ',' LIKE '%, ' + s.Item + ',%'



How to set initial size of std::vector?

You need to use the reserve function to set an initial allocated size or do it in the initial constructor.

vector<CustomClass *> content(20000);


vector<CustomClass *> content;

When you reserve() elements, the vector will allocate enough space for (at least?) that many elements. The elements do not exist in the vector, but the memory is ready to be used. This will then possibly speed up push_back() because the memory is already allocated.

Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve

Try to add type of configuration in dependency line. For example:

implementation project(path: ':some_module', **configuration: 'default'**)`

How to handle an IF STATEMENT in a Mustache template?

I have a simple and generic hack to perform key/value if statement instead of boolean-only in mustache (and in an extremely readable fashion!) :

function buildOptions (object) {
    var validTypes = ['string', 'number', 'boolean'];
    var value;
    var key;
    for (key in object) {
        value = object[key];
        if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) && validTypes.indexOf(typeof value) !== -1) {
            object[key + '=' + value] = true;
    return object;

With this hack, an object like this:

var contact = {
  "id": 1364,
  "author_name": "Mr Nobody",
  "notified_type": "friendship",
  "action": "create"

Will look like this before transformation:

var contact = {
  "id": 1364,
  "id=1364": true,
  "author_name": "Mr Nobody",
  "author_name=Mr Nobody": true,
  "notified_type": "friendship",
  "notified_type=friendship": true,
  "action": "create",
  "action=create": true

And your mustache template will look like this:



How do I fix the indentation of selected lines in Visual Studio

For the Mac users.

For selecting all of the code in the document => cmd+A

For formatting selected code => cmd+K, cmd+F

Creating a .p12 file

The openssl documentation says that file supplied as the -in argument must be in PEM format.

Turns out that, contrary to the CA's manual, the certificate returned by the CA which I stored in myCert.cer is not PEM format rather it is PKCS7.

In order to create my .p12, I had to first convert the certificate to PEM:

openssl pkcs7 -in myCert.cer -print_certs -out certs.pem

and then execute

openssl pkcs12 -export -out keyStore.p12 -inkey myKey.pem -in certs.pem

Set System.Drawing.Color values

using System;
using System.Drawing;
public struct MyColor
        private byte a, r, g, b;        
        public byte A
                return this.a;
        public byte R
                return this.r;
        public byte G
                return this.g;
        public byte B
                return this.b;
        public MyColor SetAlpha(byte value)
            this.a = value;
            return this;
        public MyColor SetRed(byte value)
            this.r = value;
            return this;
        public MyColor SetGreen(byte value)
            this.g = value;
            return this;
        public MyColor SetBlue(byte value)
            this.b = value;
            return this;
        public int ToArgb()
            return (int)(A << 24) || (int)(R << 16) || (int)(G << 8) || (int)(B);
        public override string ToString ()
            return string.Format ("[MyColor: A={0}, R={1}, G={2}, B={3}]", A, R, G, B);

        public static MyColor FromArgb(byte alpha, byte red, byte green, byte blue)
            return new MyColor().SetAlpha(alpha).SetRed(red).SetGreen(green).SetBlue(blue);
        public static MyColor FromArgb(byte red, byte green, byte blue)
            return MyColor.FromArgb(255, red, green, blue);
        public static MyColor FromArgb(byte alpha, MyColor baseColor)
            return MyColor.FromArgb(alpha, baseColor.R, baseColor.G, baseColor.B);
        public static MyColor FromArgb(int argb)
            return MyColor.FromArgb(argb & 255, (argb >> 8) & 255, (argb >> 16) & 255, (argb >> 24) & 255);
        public static implicit operator Color(MyColor myColor)
            return Color.FromArgb(myColor.ToArgb());
        public static implicit operator MyColor(Color color)
            return MyColor.FromArgb(color.ToArgb());

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)

I changed the installation directory on re-install, and it worked.

relative path to CSS file

You have to move the css folder into your web folder. It seems that your web folder on the hard drive equals the /ServletApp folder as seen from the www. Other content than inside your web folder cannot be accessed from the browsers.

The url of the CSS link is then

 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ServletApp/css/styles.css"/>

Using ResourceManager

in priciple it's the same idea as @Landeeyos. anyhow, expanding on that response: a bit late to the party but here are my two cents:


I have a unique case of adding some (roughly 28 text files) predefined, template files with my WPF application. So, the idea is that everytime this app is to be installed, these template, text files will be readily available for usage. anyhow, what I did was that made a seperate library to hold the files by adding a resource.resx. Then I added all those files to this resource file (if you double click a .resx file, its designer gets opened in visual studio). I had set the Access Modifier to public for all. Also, each file was marked as an embedded resource via the Build Action of each text file (you can get that by looking at its properties). let's call this bibliothek1.dll i referenced this above library (bibliothek1.dll) in another library (call it bibliothek2.dll) and then consumed this second library in mf wpf app.

actual fun:

        // embedded resource file name <i>with out extension</i>(this is vital!) 

        string fileWithoutExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);

        // is required in the next step

        // without specifying the culture
        string wildFile = IamAResourceFile.ResourceManager.GetString(fileWithoutExt);

        // with culture
        string culturedFile = IamAResourceFile.ResourceManager.GetString(fileWithoutExt, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

sample: checkout 'testingresourcefilesusage' @

I hope it helps someone, some day, somewhere!

How to set a Header field on POST a form?

To add into every ajax request, I have answered it here:

To add into particular ajax requests, this' how I implemented:

var token_value = $("meta[name='_csrf']").attr("content");
var token_header = $("meta[name='_csrf_header']").attr("content");
$.ajax("", {
 method: "POST",
 beforeSend: function(xhr) {
  xhr.setRequestHeader(token_header, token_value);
 data: {form_field: $("#form_field").val()},
 success: doSomethingFunction,
 dataType: "json"

You must add the meta elements in the JSP, e.g.

    <!-- default header name is X-CSRF-TOKEN -->
    <meta name="_csrf_header" content="${_csrf.headerName}"/>
    <meta name="_csrf" content="${_csrf.token}"/>

To add to a form submission (synchronous) request, I have answered it here:

Swift: print() vs println() vs NSLog()

Moreover, Swift 2 has debugPrint() (and CustomDebugStringConvertible protocol)!

Don't forget about debugPrint() which works like print() but most suitable for debugging.


  • Strings
    • print("Hello World!") becomes Hello World
    • debugPrint("Hello World!") becomes "Hello World" (Quotes!)
  • Ranges
    • print(1..<6) becomes 1..<6
    • debugPrint(1..<6) becomes Range(1..<6)

Any class can customize their debug string representation via CustomDebugStringConvertible protocol.

Fatal error compiling: invalid target release: 1.8 -> [Help 1]

As mentioned by Camila Macedo - you have to explicitly point the java version for compiler-plugin. For spring boot you can do that by next property:


mysql update query with sub query

For the impatient:

UPDATE target AS t
  SELECT, COUNT(*) AS count
  FROM source_grouped AS s
  -- WHERE s.custom_condition IS (true)
) AS aggregate ON =
SET t.count = aggregate.count

That's @mellamokb's answer, as above, reduced to the max.

Microsoft Web API: How do you do a Server.MapPath?

The selected answer did not work in my Web API application. I had to use


What's the Use of '\r' escape sequence?

To answer the part of your question,

what is the use of \r?

Many Internet protocols, such as FTP, HTTP and SMTP, are specified in terms of lines delimited by carriage return and newline. So, for example, when sending an email, you might have code such as:

fprintf(socket, "RCPT TO: %s\r\n", recipients);

Or, when a FTP server replies with a permission-denied error:

fprintf(client, "550 Permission denied\r\n");

Can clearInterval() be called inside setInterval()?

Yes you can. You can even test it:

var i = 0;_x000D_
var timer = setInterval(function() {_x000D_
  if (i === 5) clearInterval(timer);_x000D_
  console.log('post-interval'); //this will still run after clearing_x000D_
}, 200);

In this example, this timer clears when i reaches 5.

Splitting on last delimiter in Python string?

You can use rsplit


To get the string from reverse.

How to find if directory exists in Python

We can check with 2 built in functions


It will give boolean true the specified directory is available.


It will give boolead true if specified directory or file is available.

To check whether the path is directory;


will give boolean true if the path is directory

Handle Guzzle exception and get HTTP body

Guzzle 3.x

Per the docs, you can catch the appropriate exception type (ClientErrorResponseException for 4xx errors) and call its getResponse() method to get the response object, then call getBody() on that:

use Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException;


try {
    $response = $request->send();
} catch (ClientErrorResponseException $exception) {
    $responseBody = $exception->getResponse()->getBody(true);

Passing true to the getBody function indicates that you want to get the response body as a string. Otherwise you will get it as instance of class Guzzle\Http\EntityBody.

How to add an extra source directory for maven to compile and include in the build jar?

You can add the directories for your build process like:


The src/main/java is the default path which is not needed to be mentioned in the pom.xml

How to set focus on an input field after rendering?

<input type="text" autoFocus />

always try the simple and basic solution first, works for me.

Docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock

On the server where Jenkins is running, I used

sudo setfacl -m user:tomcat:rw /var/run/docker.sock

And then run each docker container with

-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

Using setfacl seems a better option, and no "-u user" is needed. The containers then run as the same user that is running Jenkins. But I would appreciate any feedback from the security experts.

Check if a string matches a regex in Bash script

I would use expr match instead of =~:

expr match "$date" "[0-9]\{8\}" >/dev/null && echo yes

This is better than the currently accepted answer of using =~ because =~ will also match empty strings, which IMHO it shouldn't. Suppose badvar is not defined, then [[ "1234" =~ "$badvar" ]]; echo $? gives (incorrectly) 0, while expr match "1234" "$badvar" >/dev/null ; echo $? gives correct result 1.

We have to use >/dev/null to hide expr match's output value, which is the number of characters matched or 0 if no match found. Note its output value is different from its exit status. The exit status is 0 if there's a match found, or 1 otherwise.

Generally, the syntax for expr is:

expr match "$string" "$lead"


expr "$string" : "$lead"

where $lead is a regular expression. Its exit status will be true (0) if lead matches the leading slice of string (Is there a name for this?). For example expr match "abcdefghi" "abc"exits true, but expr match "abcdefghi" "bcd" exits false. (Credit to @Carlo Wood for pointing out this.

Append text to file from command line without using io redirection

If you just want to tack something on by hand, then the sed answer will work for you. If instead the text is in file(s) (say file1.txt and file2.txt):

Using Perl:

perl -e 'open(OUT, ">>", "outfile.txt"); print OUT while (<>);' file*.txt

N.B. while the >> may look like an indication of redirection, it is just the file open mode, in this case "append".

Adding Python Path on Windows 7

For anyone trying to achieve this with Python 3.3+, the Windows installer now includes an option to add python.exe to the system search path. Read more in the docs.

How to link HTML5 form action to Controller ActionResult method in ASP.NET MVC 4

Here I'm basically wrapping a button in a link. The advantage is that you can post to different action methods in the same form.

<a href="Controller/ActionMethod">
    <input type="button" value="Click Me" />

Adding parameters:

<a href="Controller/ActionMethod?userName=ted">
    <input type="button" value="Click Me" />

Adding parameters from a non-enumerated Model:

<a href="Controller/[email protected]">
    <input type="button" value="Click Me" />

You can do the same for an enumerated Model too. You would just have to reference a single entity first. Happy Coding!

How to read file using NPOI

As Janoulle pointed out, you don't need to detect which extension it is if you use the WorkbookFactory, it will do it for you. I recently had to implement a solution using NPOI to read Excel files and import email addresses into a sql database. My main problem was that I was probably going to receive about 12 different Excel layouts from different customers so I needed something that could be changed quickly without much code. I ended up using Npoi.Mapper which is an awesome tool! Highly recommended!

Here is my complete solution:

using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Npoi.Mapper;
using Npoi.Mapper.Attributes;
using NPOI.SS.UserModel;

namespace JobCustomerImport.Processors
    public class ExcelEmailProcessor
        private UserManagementServiceContext DataContext { get; }

        public ExcelEmailProcessor(int customerNumber)
            DataContext = new UserManagementServiceContext();

        public void Execute(string localPath, int sheetIndex)
            IWorkbook workbook;
            using (FileStream file = new FileStream(localPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(file);

            var importer = new Mapper(workbook);
            var items = importer.Take<MurphyExcelFormat>(sheetIndex);
            foreach(var item in items)
                var row = item.Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.EmailAddress))



        private void UpdateUser(MurphyExcelFormat row)

        private class MurphyExcelFormat
            public int District { get; set; }

            public string FullName { get; set; }

            [Column("Email Address")]
            public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

            public string Username { get; set; }

            public string FirstName
                    return Username.Split('.')[0];

            public string LastName
                    return Username.Split('.')[1];

I am so happy with NPOI + Npoi.Mapper (from Donny Tian) as an Excel import solution that I wrote a blog post about it, going in to more detail about this code above. You can read it here if you wish: Easiest way to import excel files. The best thing about this solution is that it runs perfectly in a serverless azure/cloud environment which I couldn't get with other Excel tools/libraries.

Full width image with fixed height

If you want to have same ratio you should create a container and hide a part of the image.

.img {_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <img src="" class="img" alt="Our Location" /> _x000D_

Load RSA public key from file

Below code works absolutely fine to me and working. This code will read RSA private and public key though java code. You can refer to


    public class Demo {

        public static final String PRIVATE_KEY="/home/user/private.der";
        public static final String PUBLIC_KEY="/home/user/public.der";

        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
            //get the private key
            File file = new File(PRIVATE_KEY);
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
            DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);

            byte[] keyBytes = new byte[(int) file.length()];

            PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes);
            KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
            RSAPrivateKey privKey = (RSAPrivateKey) kf.generatePrivate(spec);
            System.out.println("Exponent :" + privKey.getPrivateExponent());
            System.out.println("Modulus" + privKey.getModulus());

            //get the public key
            File file1 = new File(PUBLIC_KEY);
            FileInputStream fis1 = new FileInputStream(file1);
            DataInputStream dis1 = new DataInputStream(fis1);
            byte[] keyBytes1 = new byte[(int) file1.length()];

            X509EncodedKeySpec spec1 = new X509EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes1);
            KeyFactory kf1 = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
            RSAPublicKey pubKey = (RSAPublicKey) kf1.generatePublic(spec1);

            System.out.println("Exponent :" + pubKey.getPublicExponent());
            System.out.println("Modulus" + pubKey.getModulus());

SSIS Convert Between Unicode and Non-Unicode Error

The missing piece here is Data Conversion object. It should be in between OLE DB Source and Destination object.

enter image description here

How to list only top level directories in Python?

This seems to work too (at least on linux):

import glob, os
glob.glob('*' + os.path.sep)

How to create a Calendar table for 100 years in Sql

As this is only tagged sql (which does not indicate any specific DBMS), here is a solution for Postgres:

select d::date 
from generate_series(date '1990-01-01', date '1990-01-01' + interval '100' year, interval '1' day) as t(d);

If you need that a lot, it's more efficient to store that in an table (which can e.g. be indexed):

create table calendar 
select d::date as the_date
from generate_series(date '1990-01-01', date '1990-01-01' + interval '100' year, interval '1' day) as t(d);

How to initialize all members of an array to the same value?

If the array happens to be int or anything with the size of int or your mem-pattern's size fits exact times into an int (i.e. all zeroes or 0xA5A5A5A5), the best way is to use memset().

Otherwise call memcpy() in a loop moving the index.

Python dictionary replace values

You cannot select on specific values (or types of values). You'd either make a reverse index (map numbers back to (lists of) keys) or you have to loop through all values every time.

If you are processing numbers in arbitrary order anyway, you may as well loop through all items:

for key, value in inputdict.items():
    # do something with value
    inputdict[key] = newvalue

otherwise I'd go with the reverse index:

from collections import defaultdict

reverse = defaultdict(list)
for key, value in inputdict.items():

Now you can look up keys by value:

for key in reverse[value]:
    inputdict[key] = newvalue

How to get process ID of background process?

this is what I have done. Check it out, hope it can help.

# So something to show.
echo "UNO" >  UNO.txt
echo "DOS" >  DOS.txt
# Initialize Pid List
# Generate background processes
tail -f UNO.txt&
dPidLst="$dPidLst $!"
tail -f DOS.txt&
dPidLst="$dPidLst $!"
# Report process IDs
echo PID=$$
echo dPidLst=$dPidLst
# Show process on current shell
ps -f
# Start killing background processes from list
for dPid in $dPidLst
        echo killing $dPid. Process is still there.
        ps | grep $dPid
        kill $dPid
        ps | grep $dPid
        echo Just ran "'"ps"'" command, $dPid must not show again.

Then just run it as: ./ with proper permissions of course

root@umsstd22 [P]:~# ./
dPidLst= 23758 23759
root      3937  3935  0 11:07 pts/5    00:00:00 -bash
root     23757  3937  0 11:55 pts/5    00:00:00 /bin/bash ./
root     23758 23757  0 11:55 pts/5    00:00:00 tail -f UNO.txt
root     23759 23757  0 11:55 pts/5    00:00:00 tail -f DOS.txt
root     23760 23757  0 11:55 pts/5    00:00:00 ps -f
killing 23758. Process is still there.
23758 pts/5    00:00:00 tail
./ line 24: 23758 Terminated              tail -f UNO.txt
Just ran 'ps' command, 23758 must not show again.
killing 23759. Process is still there.
23759 pts/5    00:00:00 tail
./ line 24: 23759 Terminated              tail -f DOS.txt
Just ran 'ps' command, 23759 must not show again.
root@umsstd22 [P]:~# ps -f
root      3937  3935  0 11:07 pts/5    00:00:00 -bash
root     24200  3937  0 11:56 pts/5    00:00:00 ps -f

Using C++ filestreams (fstream), how can you determine the size of a file?

Don't use tellg to determine the exact size of the file. The length determined by tellg will be larger than the number of characters can be read from the file.

From stackoverflow question tellg() function give wrong size of file? tellg does not report the size of the file, nor the offset from the beginning in bytes. It reports a token value which can later be used to seek to the same place, and nothing more. (It's not even guaranteed that you can convert the type to an integral type.). For Windows (and most non-Unix systems), in text mode, there is no direct and immediate mapping between what tellg returns and the number of bytes you must read to get to that position.

If it is important to know exactly how many bytes you can read, the only way of reliably doing so is by reading. You should be able to do this with something like:

#include <fstream>
#include <limits>

ifstream file;,std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
file.ignore( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max() );
std::streamsize length = file.gcount();
file.clear();   //  Since ignore will have set eof.
file.seekg( 0, std::ios_base::beg );

pypi UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'

I've now seen this in legacy tools using Python2.7, where a build (like a Dockerfile) installs an unpinned dependancy, for example pytest. PyTest has dropped Python 2.7 support, so you may need to specify version < the new package release.

Or bite the bullet and convert that app to Python 3 if that is viable.

Running Selenium WebDriver python bindings in chrome

For Linux

  1. Check you have installed latest version of chrome brwoser-> chromium-browser -version

  2. If not, install latest version of chrome sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

  3. get appropriate version of chrome driver from here

  4. Unzip the

  5. Move the file to /usr/bin directory sudo mv chromedriver /usr/bin

  6. Goto /usr/bin directory cd /usr/bin

  7. Now, you would need to run something like sudo chmod a+x chromedriver to mark it executable.

  8. finally you can execute the code.

    from selenium import webdriver
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
    print driver.page_source.encode('utf-8')

How to compare arrays in JavaScript?

An alternative way using filter and arrow functions

arrOne.length === arrTwo.length && arrOne.filter((currVal, idx) => currVal !== arrTwo[idx]).length === 0

Running java with JAVA_OPTS env variable has no effect

I don't know of any JVM that actually checks the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. Usually this is used in scripts which launch the JVM and they usually just add it to the java command-line.

The key thing to understand here is that arguments to java that come before the -jar analyse.jar bit will only affect the JVM and won't be passed along to your program. So, modifying the java line in your script to:

java $JAVA_OPTS -jar analyse.jar $*

Should "just work".

How to find distinct rows with field in list using JPA and Spring?

@Query("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM people WHERE name NOT IN (:names)")
List<String> findNonReferencedNames(@Param("names") List<String> names);

How do you get the "object reference" of an object in java when toString() and hashCode() have been overridden?

This is how I solved it:


Question mark characters displaying within text, why is this?

The following articles will be useful

After you connect to the database issue the following command:

SET NAMES 'utf8';

Ensure that your web page also uses the UTF-8 encoding:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

PHP also offers several function that will be useful for conversions:

jQuery Validate - Enable validation for hidden fields

This is working for me.

jQuery("#form_name").validate().settings.ignore = "";

Find the day of a week

This should do the trick

df = data.frame(date=c("2012-02-01", "2012-02-01", "2012-02-02")) 
dow <- function(x) format(as.Date(x), "%A")
df$day <- dow(df$date)

        date       day
1 2012-02-01 Wednesday
2 2012-02-01 Wednesday
3 2012-02-02  Thursday

How to delete a row from GridView?

You're deleting the row from the gridview and then rebinding it to the datasource (which still contains the row). Either delete the row from the datasource, or don't rebind the gridview afterwards.

No space left on device

Such difference between the output of du -sh and df -h may happen if some large file has been deleted, but is still opened by some process. Check with the command lsof | grep deleted to see which processes have opened descriptors to deleted files. You can restart the process and the space will be freed.

Get href attribute on jQuery

Very simply, use this as the context:

var a_href = $('div.cpt', this).find('h2 a').attr('href');

Which says, find 'div.cpt' only inside this

jQuery autoComplete view all on click?

I could not get the $("#example").autocomplete( "search", "" ); part to work, only once I changed my search with a character that exists in my source it work. So I then used e.g. $("#example").autocomplete( "search", "a" );.

Authenticate Jenkins CI for Github private repository

One thing that got this working for me is to make sure that is in ~jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts.

Define a struct inside a class in C++

using namespace std;

class A
        struct Assign
                int a=10;
                float b=20.5;
                double c=30.0;
                long int d=40;
         struct Assign ALT;

class B: public A
    int x = 10;
    float y = 20.8;

int main()
   B myobj;
   A obj;

    return 0;

    enter code here

Get user location by IP address

You'll probably have to use an external API, most of which cost money.

I did find this though, seems to be free:

Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers

Recently I also need to do this for one of my project so did a well research and got a result from Google's Developer community which states this in a simple manner:

For ArrayBuffer to String

function ab2str(buf) {
  return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(buf));
// Here Uint16 can be different like Uinit8/Uint32 depending upon your buffer value type.

For String to ArrayBuffer

function str2ab(str) {
  var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length*2); // 2 bytes for each char
  var bufView = new Uint16Array(buf);
  for (var i=0, strLen=str.length; i < strLen; i++) {
    bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
  return buf;
//Same here also for the Uint16Array.

For more in detail reference you can refer this blog by Google.

Java Try and Catch IOException Problem

Your countLines(String filename) method throws IOException.

You can't use it in a member declaration. You'll need to perform the operation in a main(String[] args) method.

Your main(String[] args) method will get the IOException thrown to it by countLines and it will need to handle or declare it.

Try this to just throw the IOException from main

public class MyClass {
  private int lineCount;
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    lineCount = LineCounter.countLines(sFileName);

or this to handle it and wrap it in an unchecked IllegalArgumentException:

public class MyClass {
  private int lineCount;
  private String sFileName  = "myfile";
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try {
      lineCount = LineCounter.countLines(sFileName);
     } catch (IOException e) {
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load " + sFileName, e);

Stateless vs Stateful

I had the same doubt about stateful v/s stateless class design and did some research. Just completed and my findings has been posted in my blog

  • Entity classes needs to be stateful
  • The helper / worker classes should not be stateful.

How do you declare string constants in C?

There's one more (at least) road to Rome:

static const char HELLO3[] = "Howdy";

(static — optional — is to prevent it from conflicting with other files). I'd prefer this one over const char*, because then you'll be able to use sizeof(HELLO3) and therefore you don't have to postpone till runtime what you can do at compile time.

The define has an advantage of compile-time concatenation, though (think HELLO ", World!") and you can sizeof(HELLO) as well.

But then you can also prefer const char* and use it across multiple files, which would save you a morsel of memory.

In short — it depends.

Is there a PowerShell "string does not contain" cmdlet or syntax?

You can use the -notmatch operator to get the lines that don't have the characters you are interested in.

     Get-Content $FileName | foreach-object { 
     if ($_ -notmatch $arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn) { $) }

In Perl, how can I read an entire file into a string?

open f, "test.txt"
$file = join '', <f>

<f> - returns an array of lines from our file (if $/ has the default value "\n") and then join '' will stick this array into.

How do I purge a linux mail box with huge number of emails?

You can simply delete the /var/mail/username file to delete all emails for a specific user. Also, emails that are outgoing but have not yet been sent will be stored in /var/spool/mqueue.

Padding between ActionBar's home icon and title

In your XML, set the app:titleMargin in your Toolbar view as following:


Or in your code:

toolbar.setTitleMargin(16,16,16,16); // start, top, end, bottom

When to use @QueryParam vs @PathParam

As theon noted, REST is not a standard. However, if you are looking to implement a standards based URI convention, you might consider the oData URI convention. Ver 4 has been approved as an OASIS standard and libraries exists for oData for various languages including Java via Apache Olingo. Don't let the fact that it's a spawn from Microsoft put you off since it's gained support from other industry player's as well, which include Red Hat, Citrix, IBM, Blackberry, Drupal, Netflix Facebook and SAP

More adopters are listed here

Force Intellij IDEA to reread all maven dependencies

If the reimport does not work (i.e. doesn't remove old versions of dependencies after a pom update), there is one more chance:

  • open the project settings (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S)
  • on modules, delete all libs that you want to reimport (e.g. duplicates)
  • IDEA will warn that some are still used, confirm
  • Apply and select OK
  • then reimport all maven projects.

Are 2 dimensional Lists possible in c#?

As Jon Skeet mentioned you can do it with a List<Track> instead. The Track class would look something like this:

public class Track {
    public int TrackID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Artist { get; set; }
    public string Album { get; set; }
    public int PlayCount { get; set; }
    public int SkipCount { get; set; }

And to create a track list as a List<Track> you simply do this:

var trackList = new List<Track>();

Adding tracks can be as simple as this:

trackList.add( new Track {
    TrackID = 1234,
    Name = "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)",
    Artist = "The Proclaimers",
    Album = "Finest",
    PlayCount = 10,
    SkipCount = 1

Accessing tracks can be done with the indexing operator:

Track firstTrack = trackList[0];

Hope this helps.

Not Equal to This OR That in Lua

Your problem stems from a misunderstanding of the or operator that is common to people learning programming languages like this. Yes, your immediate problem can be solved by writing x ~= 0 and x ~= 1, but I'll go into a little more detail about why your attempted solution doesn't work.

When you read x ~=(0 or 1) or x ~= 0 or 1 it's natural to parse this as you would the sentence "x is not equal to zero or one". In the ordinary understanding of that statement, "x" is the subject, "is not equal to" is the predicate or verb phrase, and "zero or one" is the object, a set of possibilities joined by a conjunction. You apply the subject with the verb to each item in the set.

However, Lua does not parse this based on the rules of English grammar, it parses it in binary comparisons of two elements based on its order of operations. Each operator has a precedence which determines the order in which it will be evaluated. or has a lower precedence than ~=, just as addition in mathematics has a lower precedence than multiplication. Everything has a lower precedence than parentheses.

As a result, when evaluating x ~=(0 or 1), the interpreter will first compute 0 or 1 (because of the parentheses) and then x ~= the result of the first computation, and in the second example, it will compute x ~= 0 and then apply the result of that computation to or 1.

The logical operator or "returns its first argument if this value is different from nil and false; otherwise, or returns its second argument". The relational operator ~= is the inverse of the equality operator ==; it returns true if its arguments are different types (x is a number, right?), and otherwise compares its arguments normally.

Using these rules, x ~=(0 or 1) will decompose to x ~= 0 (after applying the or operator) and this will return 'true' if x is anything other than 0, including 1, which is undesirable. The other form, x ~= 0 or 1 will first evaluate x ~= 0 (which may return true or false, depending on the value of x). Then, it will decompose to one of false or 1 or true or 1. In the first case, the statement will return 1, and in the second case, the statement will return true. Because control structures in Lua only consider nil and false to be false, and anything else to be true, this will always enter the if statement, which is not what you want either.

There is no way that you can use binary operators like those provided in programming languages to compare a single variable to a list of values. Instead, you need to compare the variable to each value one by one. There are a few ways to do this. The simplest way is to use De Morgan's laws to express the statement 'not one or zero' (which can't be evaluated with binary operators) as 'not one and not zero', which can trivially be written with binary operators:

if x ~= 1 and x ~= 0 then
    print( "X must be equal to 1 or 0" )

Alternatively, you can use a loop to check these values:

local x_is_ok = false
for i = 0,1 do 
    if x == i then
        x_is_ok = true
if not x_is_ok then
    print( "X must be equal to 1 or 0" )

Finally, you could use relational operators to check a range and then test that x was an integer in the range (you don't want 0.5, right?)

if not (x >= 0 and x <= 1 and math.floor(x) == x) then
    print( "X must be equal to 1 or 0" )

Note that I wrote x >= 0 and x <= 1. If you understood the above explanation, you should now be able to explain why I didn't write 0 <= x <= 1, and what this erroneous expression would return!

How to show hidden divs on mouseover?

Pass the mouse over the container and go hovering on the divs I use this for jQuery DropDown menus mainly:

Copy the whole document and create a .html file you'll be able to figure out on your own from that!

            <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
            <html xmlns="">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
            <title>The Divs Case</title>
            <style type="text/css">
            * {margin:0px auto;

            .container {width:800px;
            border:solid #F3F3F3 1px;}

            .div01 {float:right;

            .div02 {float:right;

            .div03 {float:right;

            div.container:hover div.div01 {display:block;}
            div.container div.div01:hover div.div02  {display:block;}
            div.container div.div01 div.div02:hover div.div03 {display:block;}


            <div class="container">
              <div class="div01">
                <div class="div02">
                    <div class="div03">


What does "all" stand for in a makefile?

A build, as Makefile understands it, consists of a lot of targets. For example, to build a project you might need

  1. Build file1.o out of file1.c
  2. Build file2.o out of file2.c
  3. Build file3.o out of file3.c
  4. Build executable1 out of file1.o and file3.o
  5. Build executable2 out of file2.o

If you implemented this workflow with makefile, you could make each of the targets separately. For example, if you wrote

make file1.o

it would only build that file, if necessary.

The name of all is not fixed. It's just a conventional name; all target denotes that if you invoke it, make will build all what's needed to make a complete build. This is usually a dummy target, which doesn't create any files, but merely depends on the other files. For the example above, building all necessary is building executables, the other files being pulled in as dependencies. So in the makefile it looks like this:

all: executable1 executable2

all target is usually the first in the makefile, since if you just write make in command line, without specifying the target, it will build the first target. And you expect it to be all.

all is usually also a .PHONY target. Learn more here.

How to expand 'select' option width after the user wants to select an option

If you have the option pre-existing in a fixed-with <select>, and you don't want to change the width programmatically, you could be out of luck unless you get a little creative.

  • You could try and set the title attribute to each option. This is non-standard HTML (if you care for this minor infraction here), but IE (and Firefox as well) will display the entire text in a mouse popup on mouse hover.
  • You could use JavaScript to show the text in some positioned DIV when the user selects something. IMHO this is the not-so-nice way to do it, because it requires JavaScript on to work at all, and it works only after something has been selected - before there is a change in value no events fire for the select box.
  • You don't use a select box at all, but implement its functionality using other markup and CSS. Not my favorite but I wanted to mention it.

If you are adding a long option later through JavaScript, look here: How to update HTML “select” box dynamically in IE

What is the difference between logical data model and conceptual data model?

First of all, a data model is an abstraction tool and a database model (or scheme/diagramm) is a modeling result.

Conceptual data model is DBMS-independent and covers functional/domain design area. The most known conceptual data model is "Entity-Relationship". Normally, you can reuse the conceptual scheme to produce different logical schemes not only relational.

Logical data model is intended to be implemented by some DBMS and corresponds mostly to the conceptual level of ANSI/SPARC architecture (proposed in 1975); this point gives some collisions of terminology. Zachman Framework tried to resolve this kind of collision ten years later introducing conceptual, logical and physical models.

There are many logical data models, and the most known is relational one.

So main differences of conceptual data model are the focusing on the domain and DBMS-independence whereas logical data model is the most abstract level of concrete DBMS you plan to use. Note that contemporary DBMS support several logical models at the same time.

You can also have a look to my book and to the article for more details.

What is the syntax for Typescript arrow functions with generics?

The language specification says on p.64f

A construct of the form < T > ( ... ) => { ... } could be parsed as an arrow function expression with a type parameter or a type assertion applied to an arrow function with no type parameter. It is resolved as the former[..]


// helper function needed because Backbone-couchdb's sync does not return a jqxhr
let fetched = <
           R extends Backbone.Collection<any> >(c:R) => {
               return new Promise(function (fulfill, reject) {
                   c.fetch({reset: true, success: fulfill, error: reject})

Best way to represent a fraction in Java?

Please make it an immutable type! The value of a fraction doesn't change - a half doesn't become a third, for example. Instead of setDenominator, you could have withDenominator which returns a new fraction which has the same numerator but the specified denominator.

Life is much easier with immutable types.

Overriding equals and hashcode would be sensible too, so it can be used in maps and sets. Outlaw Programmer's points about arithmetic operators and string formatting are good too.

As a general guide, have a look at BigInteger and BigDecimal. They're not doing the same thing, but they're similar enough to give you good ideas.

MVC web api: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

I had tried everything I could find on the net including the methods that have been given on this answer. After almost trying to solve the problem for whole day I have found the solution that have worked for me like a charm.

in the file WebApiConfig in folder App_Start, comment all the lines of code and add the following code:

`public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Web API configuration and services
        var enableCorsAttribute = new EnableCorsAttribute("*",
                                           "Origin, Content-Type, Accept",
                                           "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS");
        // Web API routes

            name: "DefaultApi",
            //routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
        config.Formatters.Add(new BrowserJsonFormatter());

    public class BrowserJsonFormatter : JsonMediaTypeFormatter
        public BrowserJsonFormatter()
            this.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html"));
            this.SerializerSettings.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

        public override void SetDefaultContentHeaders(Type type, HttpContentHeaders headers, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType)
            base.SetDefaultContentHeaders(type, headers, mediaType);
            headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");

SQL to search objects, including stored procedures, in Oracle

ALL_SOURCE describes the text source of the stored objects accessible to the current user.

Here is one of the solution

select * from ALL_SOURCE where text like '%some string%';

Should I size a textarea with CSS width / height or HTML cols / rows attributes?

HTML rows and cols are not responsive!

So I define the size in CSS. As a tip: if you define a small size for mobiles think about using textarea:focus {};

Add some extra space here, which will only unfold the moment a user wants to actually write something

Google Chrome forcing download of "f.txt" file

FYI, after reading this thread, I took a look at my installed programs and found that somehow, shortly after upgrading to Windows 10 (possibly/probably? unrelated), an ASK search app was installed as well as a Chrome extension (Windows was kind enough to remind to check that). Since removing, I have not have the f.txt issue.

Broken references in Virtualenvs

So there are many ways but one which worked for me is as follows since I already had my requirements.txt file freeze.

So delete old virtual environment with following command use deactivate cd .. rm -r old_virtual_environment

to install virtualenv python package with pip use pip install virtualenv

then check if it's installed correctly use virtualenv --version

jump to your project directory use cd project_directory

now create new virtual environment inside project directory using following use virtualenv name_of_new_virtual_environment

now activate newly created virtual environment use source name_of_new_virtual_environment/bin/activate

now install all project dependencies using following command use pip install -r requirements.txt

After Spring Boot 2.0 migration: jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName

This worked for me., used jdbc-url instead of url:


Configuration class:

        entityManagerFactoryRef = "fooEntityManagerFactory",
        basePackages = {""}
public class FooDataSourceConfig {

    @Bean(name = "fooDataSource")
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "")
    public HikariDataSource dataSource() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().type(HikariDataSource.class).build();

    @Bean(name = "fooEntityManagerFactory")
    public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean fooEntityManagerFactory(
            EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
            @Qualifier("fooDataSource") DataSource dataSource
    ) {
        return builder

Which icon sizes should my Windows application's icon include?

I took some time to check it in detail. I created an icon whose images have sizes of 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 96, 128 and 256. Then I checked which image is shown. All these were done with normal 96dpi. If using a larger DPI, the larger sizes may be used (only checked this a bit in Windows 7). The results:

Windows XP:

  • Explorer views:
    • Details / List: 16
    • Icons: 32
    • Tiles / Thumbnails: 48
  • Right-click->Properties / choosing a new icon: 32
  • Quickstart area: 16
  • Desktop: 32

Windows 7:

  • Explorer views:
    • Details / List / Small symbols: 16
    • All other options: 256 (resized, if necessary)
  • Right-click->Properties / choosing a new icon: 32
  • Pinned to taskbar: 32
    • Right-click-menu: 16
  • Desktop:
    • Small symbols: 32
    • Medium symbols: 48
    • Large symbols: 256 (resized, if necessary)
    • Zooming using Ctrl+Mouse wheel: 16, 32, 48, 256

Windows Runtime: (from here)

  • Main tile: 150x150, 310x150 (wide version)
  • Small logo: 30x30
  • Badge (for lockscreen): 24x24, monochromatic
  • Splashscreen: 620x300
  • Store: 50x50

So the result: Windows XP uses 16, 32, 48-size icons, while Windows 7 (and presumably also Vista) also uses 256-size icons. All other intermediate icon sizes are ignored (they may be used in some area which I didn't check).

I also checked in Windows 7 what happens if icon sizes are missing:

The missing sizes are generated (obviously). With sizes of 16, 32, and 48, if one is missing, downscaling is preferred. So if we have icons with size 16 and 48, the 32 icon is created from the 48 icon. The 256 icon is only used for these if no other sizes are available! So if the icons are size 16 and 256, the other sizes are upscaled from the 16 icon!

Additionally, if the 256 icon is not there, the (possibly generated) 48 icon is used, but not resized anymore. So we have a (possibly large) empty area with the 48 icon in the middle.

Note that the default desktop icon size in XP was 32x32, while in Windows 7 it is 48x48. As a consequence, for Windows 7 it is relatively important to have a 48 icon. Otherwise, it is upscaled from a smaller icon, which may look quite ugly.

Just a note about Windows XP compatibility: If you reuse the icon as window icon, then note that this can crash your application if you use a compressed 256 icon. The solution is to either not compress the icon or create a second version without the (compressed) 256 icon. See here for more info.

Linq on DataTable: select specific column into datatable, not whole table

LINQ is very effective and easy to use on Lists rather than DataTable. I can see the above answers have a loop(for, foreach), which I will not prefer.

So the best thing to select a perticular column from a DataTable is just use a DataView to filter the column and use it as you want.

Find it here how to do this.

DataView dtView = new DataView(dtYourDataTable);
DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn= dtView .ToTable(true, "ColumnA");

Now the DataTable dtTableWithOneColumn contains only one column(ColumnA).

detect back button click in browser

I'm assuming that you're trying to deal with Ajax navigation and not trying to prevent your users from using the back button, which violates just about every tenet of UI development ever.

Here's some possible solutions: JQuery History Salajax A Better Ajax Back Button

Is it possible to embed animated GIFs in PDFs?

I just had to figure this out for a client presentation and found a work around to having the GIF play a few times by making a fake loop.

  • Open the Gif in Photoshop
  • View the timeline
  • Select all the instances and duplicate them (I did it 10 times)
  • Export as a MP4
  • Open up your PDF and go to TOOLS> RICH MEDIA>ADD VIDEO> then place the video of your gif where you would want it
  • A window comes up, be sure to click on SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS
  • Choose your file and right underneath select ENABLE WHEN CONTENT IS VISIBLE

Hope this helps.

How do I update a Tomcat webapp without restarting the entire service?

In conf directory of apache tomcat you can find context.xml file. In that edit tag as <Context reloadable="true">. this should solve the issue and you need not restart the server

How to load html string in a webview?

read from assets html file

ViewGroup webGroup;
  String content = readContent("content/ganji.html");

        final WebView webView = new WebView(this);
        webView.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, content, "text/html", "UTF-8", null);


Create a button programmatically and set a background image

SWIFT 3 Version of Alex Reynolds' Answer

let image = UIImage(named: "name") as UIImage?
let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.custom) as UIButton
button.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100)
button.setImage(image, for: .normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: Selector("btnTouched:"), for:.touchUpInside)

Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11

Read the debug message carefully.

in my case, I encountered this error because I used a single '=' instead of double '=' by mistake in if-statement.

if aString.characters.count = 2 {...}

NULL values inside NOT IN clause

NOT IN returns 0 records when compared against an unknown value

Since NULL is an unknown, a NOT IN query containing a NULL or NULLs in the list of possible values will always return 0 records since there is no way to be sure that the NULL value is not the value being tested.

Testing pointers for validity (C/C++)

Regarding the answer a bit up in this thread:

IsBadReadPtr(), IsBadWritePtr(), IsBadCodePtr(), IsBadStringPtr() for Windows.

My advice is to stay away from them, someone has already posted this one:

Another post on the same topic and by the same author (I think) is this one: ("IsBadXxxPtr should really be called CrashProgramRandomly").

If the users of your API sends in bad data, let it crash. If the problem is that the data passed isn't used until later (and that makes it harder to find the cause), add a debug mode where the strings etc. are logged at entry. If they are bad it will be obvious (and probably crash). If it is happening way to often, it might be worth moving your API out of process and let them crash the API process instead of the main process.

Set a path variable with spaces in the path in a Windows .cmd file or batch file

also just try adding double slashes like this works for me only

set dir="C:\\1. Some Folder\\Some Other Folder\\Just Because"

@echo on MKDIR %dir%

OMG after posting they removed the second \ in my post so if you open my comment and it shows three you should read them as two......

How to set all elements of an array to zero or any same value?

If your array is static or global it's initialized to zero before main() starts. That would be the most efficient option.

DbEntityValidationException - How can I easily tell what caused the error?

Actually, this is just the validation issue, EF will validate the entity properties first before making any changes to the database. So, EF will check whether the property's value is out of range, like when you designed the table. Table_Column_UserName is varchar(20). But, in EF, you entered a value that longer than 20. Or, in other cases, if the column does not allow to be a Null. So, in the validation process, you have to set a value to the not null column, no matter whether you are going to make the change on it. I personally, like the Leniel Macaferi answer. It can show you the detail of the validation issues

JavaScript: Collision detection

Mozilla has a good article on this, with the code shown below.

2D collision detection

Rectangle collision

if (rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width &&
   rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x &&
   rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height &&
   rect1.height + rect1.y > rect2.y) {
    // Collision detected!

Circle collision

if (distance < circle1.radius + circle2.radius) {
    // Collision detected!
} mvc3 return raw html to view

There's no much point in doing that, because View should be generating html, not the controller. But anyways, you could use Controller.Content method, which gives you ability to specify result html, also content-type and encoding

public ActionResult Index()
    return Content("<html></html>");

Or you could use the trick built in framework - make the action return string directly. It will deliver string contents into users's browser.

public string Index()
    return "<html></html>";

In fact, for any action result other than ActionResult, framework tries to serialize it into string and write to response.

How to Set focus to first text input in a bootstrap modal after shown

According to Bootstrap 4 docs:

Due to how HTML5 defines its semantics, the autofocus HTML attribute has no effect in Bootstrap modals. To achieve the same effect, use some custom JavaScript.


$('#idOfMyModal').on('', function () {


SQL SERVER: Get total days between two dates

if you want to do same thing Store Procedure then you need to apply below code.

select  (datediff(dd,'+CHAR(39)+ convert(varchar(10),@FromDate  ,101)+ 
 CHAR(39)+','+CHAR(39)+ convert(varchar(10),@ToDate  ,101) + CHAR(39) +')) 

where @fromdate and @todate is Parameter of the SP

How can I copy the output of a command directly into my clipboard?

I've created a tool for Linux/OSX/Cygwin that is similar to some of these others but slightly unique. I call it cb and it can be found in this github gist.

In that gist I demonstrate how to do copy and paste via commandline using Linux, macOS, and Cygwin.


    cat | xclip -selection clipboard

    xclip -selection clipboard -o


    cat | pbcopy



    cat > /dev/clipboard

    cat /dev/clipboard

Note: I originally just intended to mention this in my comment to Bob Enohp's answer. But then I realized that I should add a README to my gist. Since the gist editor doesn't offer a Markdown preview I used the answer box here and after copy/pasting it to my gist thought, "I might as well submit the answer."


A leak-proof tee to the clipboard

This script is modeled after tee (see man tee).

It's like your normal copy and paste commands, but unified and able to sense when you want it to be chainable



$ date | cb
# clipboard contains: Tue Jan 24 23:00:00 EST 2017


# clipboard retained from the previous block
$ cb
Tue Jan 24 23:00:00 EST 2017
$ cb | cat
Tue Jan 24 23:00:00 EST 2017
$ cb > foo
$ cat foo
Tue Jan 24 23:00:00 EST 2017


$ date | cb | tee updates.log
Tue Jan 24 23:11:11 EST 2017
$ cat updates.log
Tue Jan 24 23:11:11 EST 2017
# clipboard contains: Tue Jan 24 23:11:11 EST 2017

Copy via file redirect

(chronologically it made sense to demo this at the end)

# clipboard retained from the previous block
$ cb < foo
$ cb
Tue Jan 24 23:00:00 EST 2017
# note the minutes and seconds changed from 11 back to 00

Outlets cannot be connected to repeating content iOS

Create a table view cell subclass and set it as the class of the prototype. Add the outlets to that class and connect them. Now when you configure the cell you can access the outlets.

How to convert float value to integer in php?

I just want to WARN you about:

>>> (int) (290.15 * 100);
=> 29014
>>> (int) round((290.15 * 100), 0);
=> 29015

Binary Search Tree - Java Implementation

Here is the complete Implementation of Binary Search Tree In Java insert,search,countNodes,traversal,delete,empty,maximum & minimum node,find parent node,print all leaf node, get level,get height, get depth,print left view, mirror view

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;

import org.junit.experimental.max.MaxCore;

class BSTNode {

    BSTNode left = null;
    BSTNode rigth = null;
    int data = 0;

    public BSTNode() {

    public BSTNode(int data) {
        this.left = null;
        this.rigth = null; = data;

    public String toString() {
        return "BSTNode [left=" + left + ", rigth=" + rigth + ", data=" + data + "]";


class BinarySearchTree {

    BSTNode root = null;

    public BinarySearchTree() {


    public void insert(int data) {
        BSTNode node = new BSTNode(data);
        if (root == null) {
            root = node;

        BSTNode currentNode = root;
        BSTNode parentNode = null;

        while (true) {
            parentNode = currentNode;
            if ( == data)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicates nodes note allowed in Binary Search Tree");

            if ( > data) {
                currentNode = currentNode.left;
                if (currentNode == null) {
                    parentNode.left = node;
            } else {
                currentNode = currentNode.rigth;
                if (currentNode == null) {
                    parentNode.rigth = node;

    public int countNodes() {
        return countNodes(root);

    private int countNodes(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            int count = 1;
            count += countNodes(node.left);
            count += countNodes(node.rigth);
            return count;

    public boolean searchNode(int data) {
        if (empty())
            return empty();
        return searchNode(data, root);

    public boolean searchNode(int data, BSTNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            if ( == data)
                return true;
            else if ( > data)
                return searchNode(data, node.left);
            else if ( < data)
                return searchNode(data, node.rigth);
        return false;

    public boolean delete(int data) {
        if (empty())
            throw new NoSuchElementException("Tree is Empty");

        BSTNode currentNode = root;
        BSTNode parentNode = root;
        boolean isLeftChild = false;

        while ( != data) {
            parentNode = currentNode;
            if ( > data) {
                isLeftChild = true;
                currentNode = currentNode.left;
            } else if ( < data) {
                isLeftChild = false;
                currentNode = currentNode.rigth;
            if (currentNode == null)
                return false;

        // CASE 1: node with no child
        if (currentNode.left == null && currentNode.rigth == null) {
            if (currentNode == root)
                root = null;
            if (isLeftChild)
                parentNode.left = null;
                parentNode.rigth = null;

        // CASE 2: if node with only one child
        else if (currentNode.left != null && currentNode.rigth == null) {
            if (root == currentNode) {
                root = currentNode.left;
            if (isLeftChild)
                parentNode.left = currentNode.left;
                parentNode.rigth = currentNode.left;
        } else if (currentNode.rigth != null && currentNode.left == null) {
            if (root == currentNode)
                root = currentNode.rigth;
            if (isLeftChild)
                parentNode.left = currentNode.rigth;
                parentNode.rigth = currentNode.rigth;

        // CASE 3: node with two child
        else if (currentNode.left != null && currentNode.rigth != null) {

            // Now we have to find minimum element in rigth sub tree
            // that is called successor
            BSTNode successor = getSuccessor(currentNode);
            if (currentNode == root)
                root = successor;
            if (isLeftChild)
                parentNode.left = successor;
                parentNode.rigth = successor;
            successor.left = currentNode.left;

        return true;

    private BSTNode getSuccessor(BSTNode deleteNode) {

        BSTNode successor = null;
        BSTNode parentSuccessor = null;
        BSTNode currentNode = deleteNode.left;

        while (currentNode != null) {
            parentSuccessor = successor;
            successor = currentNode;
            currentNode = currentNode.left;

        if (successor != deleteNode.rigth) {
            parentSuccessor.left = successor.left;
            successor.rigth = deleteNode.rigth;

        return successor;

    public int nodeWithMinimumValue() {
        return nodeWithMinimumValue(root);

    private int nodeWithMinimumValue(BSTNode node) {
        if (node.left != null)
            return nodeWithMinimumValue(node.left);

    public int nodewithMaximumValue() {
        return nodewithMaximumValue(root);

    private int nodewithMaximumValue(BSTNode node) {
        if (node.rigth != null)
            return nodewithMaximumValue(node.rigth);

    public int parent(int data) {
        return parent(root, data);

    private int parent(BSTNode node, int data) {
        if (empty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty");
        if ( == data)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Parent node found");

        BSTNode parent = null;
        BSTNode current = node;

        while ( != data) {
            parent = current;
            if ( > data)
                current = current.left;
                current = current.rigth;
            if (current == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(data + " is not a node in tree");

    public int sibling(int data) {
        return sibling(root, data);

    private int sibling(BSTNode node, int data) {
        if (empty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty");
        if ( == data)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Parent node found");

        BSTNode cureent = node;
        BSTNode parent = null;
        boolean isLeft = false;

        while ( != data) {
            parent = cureent;
            if ( > data) {
                cureent = cureent.left;
                isLeft = true;
            } else {
                cureent = cureent.rigth;
                isLeft = false;
            if (cureent == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Parent node found");
        if (isLeft) {
            if (parent.rigth != null) {
            } else
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Sibling is there");
        } else {
            if (parent.left != null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Sibling is there");

    public void leafNodes() {
        if (empty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty");

    private void leafNode(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null)
        if (node.rigth == null && node.left == null)
            System.out.print( + " ");

    public int level(int data) {
        if (empty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty");
        return level(root, data, 1);

    private int level(BSTNode node, int data, int level) {
        if (node == null)
            return 0;
        if ( == data)
            return level;
        int result = level(node.left, data, level + 1);
        if (result != 0)
            return result;
        result = level(node.rigth, data, level + 1);
        return result;

    public int depth() {
        return depth(root);

    private int depth(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null)
            return 0;
            return 1 + Math.max(depth(node.left), depth(node.rigth));

    public int height() {
        return height(root);

    private int height(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null)
            return 0;
            return 1 + Math.max(height(node.left), height(node.rigth));

    public void leftView() {

    private void leftView(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null)
        int height = height(node);

        for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
            printLeftView(node, i);

    private boolean printLeftView(BSTNode node, int level) {
        if (node == null)
            return false;

        if (level == 1) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            return true;
        } else {
            boolean left = printLeftView(node.left, level - 1);
            if (left)
                return true;
                return printLeftView(node.rigth, level - 1);

    public void mirroeView() {
        BSTNode node = mirroeView(root);

    private BSTNode mirroeView(BSTNode node) {
        if (node == null || (node.left == null && node.rigth == null))
            return node;

        BSTNode temp = node.left;
        node.left = node.rigth;
        node.rigth = temp;

        return node;

    public void preorder() {

    private void preorder(BSTNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");

    public void inorder() {

    private void inorder(BSTNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");

    public void postorder() {

    private void postorder(BSTNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");

    public boolean empty() {
        return root == null;


public class BinarySearchTreeTest {
    public static void main(String[] l) {
        System.out.println("Weleome to Binary Search Tree");
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        boolean yes = true;
        BinarySearchTree tree = new BinarySearchTree();
        do {
            System.out.println("\n1. Insert");
            System.out.println("2. Search Node");
            System.out.println("3. Count Node");
            System.out.println("4. Empty Status");
            System.out.println("5. Delete Node");
            System.out.println("6. Node with Minimum Value");
            System.out.println("7. Node with Maximum Value");
            System.out.println("8. Find Parent node");
            System.out.println("9. Count no of links");
            System.out.println("10. Get the sibling of any node");
            System.out.println("11. Print all the leaf node");
            System.out.println("12. Get the level of node");
            System.out.println("13. Depth of the tree");
            System.out.println("14. Height of Binary Tree");
            System.out.println("15. Left View");
            System.out.println("16. Mirror Image of Binary Tree");
            System.out.println("Enter Your Choice :: ");
            int choice = scanner.nextInt();
            switch (choice) {
            case 1:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter Value");
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 2:
                System.out.println("Enter the node");

            case 3:

            case 4:

            case 5:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter the node");
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 6:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 7:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 8:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter the node");
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 9:
                try {
                    System.out.println(tree.countNodes() - 1);
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 10:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter the node");
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 11:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 12:
                try {
                    System.out.println("Enter the node");
                    System.out.println("Level is : " + tree.level(scanner.nextInt()));
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 13:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 14:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 15:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

            case 16:
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

        } while (yes);

Moving up one directory in Python

Use the os module:

import os

should work

Cannot Resolve Collation Conflict

The thing about collations is that although the database has its own collation, every table, and every column can have its own collation. If not specified it takes the default of its parent object, but can be different.

When you change collation of the database, it will be the new default for all new tables and columns, but it doesn't change the collation of existing objects inside the database. You have to go and change manually the collation of every table and column.

Luckily there are scripts available on the internet that can do the job. I am not going to recommend any as I haven't tried them but here are few links:

Update Collation of all fields in database on the fly

If you need to have different collation on two objects or can't change collations - you can still JOIN between them using COLLATE command, and choosing the collation you want for join.

SELECT * FROM A JOIN B ON A.Text = B.Text COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS 

or using default database collation:


In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object?

I accidentally found a java class "", already in jdk, which is easy to use and seems quite useful for determining the size of an object.

System.out.println(ObjectSizeCalculator.getObjectSize(new<String>(12000, 0.6f, -1)));
System.out.println(ObjectSizeCalculator.getObjectSize(new HashMap<String, Integer>(100000)));
System.out.println(ObjectSizeCalculator.getObjectSize(new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }));
System.out.println(ObjectSizeCalculator.getObjectSize(new int[100]));



What is the default lifetime of a session?

The default in the php.ini for the session.gc_maxlifetime directive (the "gc" is for garbage collection) is 1440 seconds or 24 minutes. See the Session Runtime Configuation page in the manual:

You can change this constant in the php.ini or .httpd.conf files if you have access to them, or in the local .htaccess file on your web site. To set the timeout to one hour using the .htaccess method, add this line to the .htaccess file in the root directory of the site:

php_value session.gc_maxlifetime "3600"

Be careful if you are on a shared host or if you host more than one site where you have not changed the default. The default session location is the /tmp directory, and the garbage collection routine will run every 24 minutes for these other sites (and wipe out your sessions in the process, regardless of how long they should be kept). See the note on the manual page or this site for a better explanation.

The answer to this is to move your sessions to another directory using session.save_path. This also helps prevent bad guys from hijacking your visitors' sessions from the default /tmp directory.

Is there a way to only install the mysql client (Linux)?

sudo apt-get install mysql-client-core-5.5

How to remove all namespaces from XML with C#?

Without recreating whole node hierarchy:

private static void RemoveDefNamespace(XElement element)
    var defNamespase = element.Attribute("xmlns");
    if (defNamespase != null)

    element.Name = element.Name.LocalName;
    foreach (var child in element.Elements())

Timing Delays in VBA

The Timer function also applies to Access 2007, Access 2010, Access 2013, Access 2016, Access 2007 Developer, Access 2010 Developer, Access 2013 Developer. Insert this code to to pause time for certain amount of seconds

T0 = Timer
    Delay = Timer - T0
Loop Until Delay = 1 'Change this value to pause time in second

Python: convert string to byte array

An alternative to get a byte array is to encode the string in ascii: b=s.encode('ascii').

'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

This error could be an indication that variable with the same name has been used in your code earlier, but for other purposes. Possibly, a variable has been given a name that coincides with the existing function used later in the code.

how to detect search engine bots with php?

You can checkout if it's a search engine with this function :

function crawlerDetect($USER_AGENT)
$crawlers = array(
'Google' => 'Google',
'MSN' => 'msnbot',
      'Rambler' => 'Rambler',
      'Yahoo' => 'Yahoo',
      'AbachoBOT' => 'AbachoBOT',
      'accoona' => 'Accoona',
      'AcoiRobot' => 'AcoiRobot',
      'ASPSeek' => 'ASPSeek',
      'CrocCrawler' => 'CrocCrawler',
      'Dumbot' => 'Dumbot',
      'FAST-WebCrawler' => 'FAST-WebCrawler',
      'GeonaBot' => 'GeonaBot',
      'Gigabot' => 'Gigabot',
      'Lycos spider' => 'Lycos',
      'MSRBOT' => 'MSRBOT',
      'Altavista robot' => 'Scooter',
      'AltaVista robot' => 'Altavista',
      'ID-Search Bot' => 'IDBot',
      'eStyle Bot' => 'eStyle',
      'Scrubby robot' => 'Scrubby',
      'Facebook' => 'facebookexternalhit',
  // to get crawlers string used in function uncomment it
  // it is better to save it in string than use implode every time
  // global $crawlers
   $crawlers_agents = implode('|',$crawlers);
  if (strpos($crawlers_agents, $USER_AGENT) === false)
      return false;
    else {
    return TRUE;

Then you can use it like :

  if(crawlerDetect($USER_AGENT)) return "no need to lang redirection";?>

What does the following Oracle error mean: invalid column index

Using Spring's SimpleJdbcTemplate, I got it when I tried to do this:

String sqlString = "select pwy_code from approver where university_id = '123'";
List<Map<String, Object>> rows = getSimpleJdbcTemplate().queryForList(sqlString, uniId);
  • I had an argument to queryForList that didn't correspond to a question mark in the SQL. The first line should have been:

    String sqlString = "select pwy_code from approver where university_id = ?";

Pass a variable to a PHP script running from the command line

    if (count($argv) == 0)

    foreach ($argv as $arg)
        echo $arg;

This code should not be used. First of all, the CLI is called like:

/usr/bin/php phpscript.php

It will have one argv value which is the name of the script:

array(2) {
   string(13) "phpscript.php"

This one will always execute since it will have one or two arguments passed.

Read and overwrite a file in Python

I find it easier to remember to just read it and then write it.

For example:

with open('file') as f:
    data =
with open('file', 'w') as f:

How to open local files in Swagger-UI

With Firefox, I:

  1. Downloaded and unpacked a version of Swagger.IO to C:\Swagger\
  2. Created a folder called Definitions in C:\Swagger\dist
  3. Copied my swagger.json definition file there, and
  4. Entered "Definitions/MyDef.swagger.json" in the Explore box

Be careful of your slash directions!!

It seems you can drill down in folder structure but not up, annoyingly.

What is inf and nan?

I use inf/-inf as initial values to find minimum/maximum value of a measurement. Lets say that you measure temperature with a sensor and you want to keep track of minimum/maximum temperature. The sensor might provide a valid temperature or might be broken. Pseudocode:

# initial value of the temperature
t = float('nan')          
# initial value of minimum temperature, so any measured temp. will be smaller
t_min = float('inf')      
# initial value of maximum temperature, so any measured temp. will be bigger
t_max = float('-inf')     
while True:
    # measure temperature, if sensor is broken t is not changed
    t = measure()     
    # find new minimum temperature
    t_min = min(t_min, t) 
    # find new maximum temperature
    t_max = max(t_max, t) 

The above code works because inf/-inf/nan are valid for min/max operation, so there is no need to deal with exceptions.

Python list / sublist selection -1 weirdness

when slicing an array;


takes the slice from element y upto and but not including x. when you use the negative indexing it is equivalent to using

ls[y:-1] == ls[y:len(ls)-1]

so it so the slice would be upto the last element, but it wouldn't include it (as per the slice)

How to make an HTTP get request with parameters

First WebClient is easier to use; GET arguments are specified on the query-string - the only trick is to remember to escape any values:

        string address = string.Format(
            Uri.EscapeDataString("escape me"),
            Uri.EscapeDataString("& me !!"));
        string text;
        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
            text = client.DownloadString(address);

Adb Devices can't find my phone

Try doing this:

  • Unplug the device
  • Execute adb kill-server && adb start-server(that restarts adb)
  • Re-plug the device

Also you can try to edit an adb config file .android/adb_usb.ini and add a line 04e8 after the header. Restart adb required for changes to take effect.

When should I really use noexcept?

  1. There are many examples of functions that I know will never throw, but for which the compiler cannot determine so on its own. Should I append noexcept to the function declaration in all such cases?

noexcept is tricky, as it is part of the functions interface. Especially, if you are writing a library, your client code can depend on the noexcept property. It can be difficult to change it later, as you might break existing code. That might be less of a concern when you are implementing code that is only used by your application.

If you have a function that cannot throw, ask yourself whether it will like stay noexcept or would that restrict future implementations? For example, you might want to introduce error checking of illegal arguments by throwing exceptions (e.g., for unit tests), or you might depend on other library code that could change its exception specification. In that case, it is safer to be conservative and omit noexcept.

On the other hand, if you are confident that the function should never throw and it is correct that it is part of the specification, you should declare it noexcept. However, keep in mind that the compiler will not be able to detect violations of noexcept if your implementation changes.

  1. For which situations should I be more careful about the use of noexcept, and for which situations can I get away with the implied noexcept(false)?

There are four classes of functions that should you should concentrate on because they will likely have the biggest impact:

  1. move operations (move assignment operator and move constructors)
  2. swap operations
  3. memory deallocators (operator delete, operator delete[])
  4. destructors (though these are implicitly noexcept(true) unless you make them noexcept(false))

These functions should generally be noexcept, and it is most likely that library implementations can make use of the noexcept property. For example, std::vector can use non-throwing move operations without sacrificing strong exception guarantees. Otherwise, it will have to fall back to copying elements (as it did in C++98).

This kind of optimization is on the algorithmic level and does not rely on compiler optimizations. It can have a significant impact, especially if the elements are expensive to copy.

  1. When can I realistically expect to observe a performance improvement after using noexcept? In particular, give an example of code for which a C++ compiler is able to generate better machine code after the addition of noexcept.

The advantage of noexcept against no exception specification or throw() is that the standard allows the compilers more freedom when it comes to stack unwinding. Even in the throw() case, the compiler has to completely unwind the stack (and it has to do it in the exact reverse order of the object constructions).

In the noexcept case, on the other hand, it is not required to do that. There is no requirement that the stack has to be unwound (but the compiler is still allowed to do it). That freedom allows further code optimization as it lowers the overhead of always being able to unwind the stack.

The related question about noexcept, stack unwinding and performance goes into more details about the overhead when stack unwinding is required.

I also recommend Scott Meyers book "Effective Modern C++", "Item 14: Declare functions noexcept if they won't emit exceptions" for further reading.

Error message Strict standards: Non-static method should not be called statically in php

Your methods are missing the static keyword. Change

function getInstanceByName($name=''){


public static function getInstanceByName($name=''){

if you want to call them statically.

Note that static methods (and Singletons) are death to testability.

Also note that you are doing way too much work in the constructor, especially all that querying shouldn't be in there. All your constructor is supposed to do is set the object into a valid state. If you have to have data from outside the class to do that consider injecting it instead of pulling it. Also note that constructors cannot return anything. They will always return void so all these return false statements do nothing but end the construction.

OpenSSL: unable to verify the first certificate for Experian URL

If you are using MacOS use:

sudo cp /usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem /etc/ssl/certs

after this Trust anchor not found error disappears

jQuery click not working for dynamically created items

You have to add click event to an exist element. You can not add event to dom elements dynamic created. I you want to add event to them, you should bind event to an existed element using ".on".


.delegate should work,too.

How to return a value from a Form in C#?

Create some public Properties on your sub-form like so

public string ReturnValue1 {get;set;} 
public string ReturnValue2 {get;set;}

then set this inside your sub-form ok button click handler

private void btnOk_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
    this.ReturnValue1 = "Something";
    this.ReturnValue2 = DateTime.Now.ToString(); //example
    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

Then in your frmHireQuote form, when you open the sub-form

using (var form = new frmImportContact())
    var result = form.ShowDialog();
    if (result == DialogResult.OK)
        string val = form.ReturnValue1;            //values preserved after close
        string dateString = form.ReturnValue2;
        //Do something here with these values

        //for example
        this.txtSomething.Text = val;

Additionaly if you wish to cancel out of the sub-form you can just add a button to the form and set its DialogResult to Cancel and you can also set the CancelButton property of the form to said button - this will enable the escape key to cancel out of the form.

Using sed to mass rename files

for i in *; do mv $i $(echo $i|sed 's/AAA/BBB/'); done

how to access iFrame parent page using jquery?

yeah it works for me as well.

Note : we need to use window.parent.document

    $("button", window.parent.document).click(function()
        alert("Functionality defined by def");

Java division by zero doesnt throw an ArithmeticException - why?

There is a trick, Arithmetic exceptions only happen when you are playing around with integers and only during / or % operation.

If there is any floating point number in an arithmetic operation, internally all integers will get converted into floating point. This may help you to remember things easily.

JavaScript: Parsing a string Boolean value?

It depends how you wish the function to work.

If all you wish to do is test for the word 'true' inside the string, and define any string (or nonstring) that doesn't have it as false, the easiest way is probably this:

function parseBoolean(str) {
  return /true/i.test(str);

If you wish to assure that the entire string is the word true you could do this:

function parseBoolean(str) {
  return /^true$/i.test(str);

Does JavaScript pass by reference?

Function arguments are passed either by-value or by-sharing, but never ever by reference in JavaScript!


Primitive types are passed by-value:

var num = 123, str = "foo";

function f(num, str) {
  num += 1;
  str += "bar";
  console.log("inside of f:", num, str);

f(num, str);
console.log("outside of f:", num, str);

Reassignments inside a function scope are not visible in the surrounding scope.

This also applies to Strings, which are a composite data type and yet immutable:

var str = "foo";

function f(str) {
  str[0] = "b"; // doesn't work, because strings are immutable
  console.log("inside of f:", str);

console.log("outside of f:", str);


Objects, that is to say all types that are not primitives, are passed by-sharing. A variable that holds a reference to an object actually holds merely a copy of this reference. If JavaScript would pursue a call-by-reference evaluation strategy, the variable would hold the original reference. This is the crucial difference between by-sharing and by-reference.

What are the practical consequences of this distinction?

var o = {x: "foo"}, p = {y: 123};

function f(o, p) {
  o.x = "bar"; // Mutation
  p = {x: 456}; // Reassignment
  console.log("o inside of f:", o);
  console.log("p inside of f:", p);

f(o, p);

console.log("o outside of f:", o);
console.log("p outside of f:", p);

Mutating means to modify certain properties of an existing Object. The reference copy that a variable is bound to and that refers to this object remains the same. Mutations are thus visible in the caller's scope.

Reassigning means to replace the reference copy bound to a variable. Since it is only a copy, other variables holding a copy of the same reference remain unaffected. Reassignments are thus not visible in the caller's scope like they would be with a call-by-reference evaluation strategy.

Further information on evaluation strategies in ECMAScript.

How to discard local commits in Git?

I had to do a :

git checkout -b master

as git said that it doesn't exists, because it's been wipe with the

git -D master

How to make flexbox items the same size?

Set them so that their flex-basis is 0 (so all elements have the same starting point), and allow them to grow:

flex: 1 1 0px

Your IDE or linter might mention that the unit of measure 'px' is redundant. If you leave it out (like: flex: 1 1 0), IE will not render this correctly. So the px is required to support Internet Explorer, as mentioned in the comments by @fabb;

Determine device (iPhone, iPod Touch) with iOS

Answer in Swift 3,

struct DeviceInformation {
    // UIDevice.current.model's value is "iPhone" or "iPad",which does not include details; the following "model" is detailed, such as, iPhone7,1 is actually iPhone 6 plus
    static let model: String = {
        var size = 0
        sysctlbyname("hw.machine", nil, &size, nil, 0)
        var machine = [CChar](repeating: 0,  count: Int(size))
        sysctlbyname("hw.machine", &machine, &size, nil, 0)
        return String(cString: machine)

    static let uuid = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString ?? ""
    static let idForAdService = ASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier.uuidString

    static func diviceTypeReadableName() -> String {
        switch model {
        case "iPhone1,1":   return "iPhone 1G"
        case "iPhone1,2":   return "iPhone 3G"
        case "iPhone2,1":   return "iPhone 3GS"
        case "iPhone3,1":   return "iPhone 4"
        case "iPhone3,3":   return "iPhone 4 (Verizon)"
        case "iPhone4,1":   return "iPhone 4S"
        case "iPhone5,1":   return "iPhone 5 (GSM)"
        case "iPhone5,2":   return "iPhone 5 (GSM+CDMA)"
        case "iPhone5,3":   return "iPhone 5c (GSM)"
        case "iPhone5,4":   return "iPhone 5c (GSM+CDMA)"
        case "iPhone6,1":   return "iPhone 5s (GSM)"
        case "iPhone6,2":   return "iPhone 5s (GSM+CDMA)"
        case "iPhone7,2":   return "iPhone 6"
        case "iPhone7,1":   return "iPhone 6 Plus"
        case "iPhone8,1":   return "iPhone 6s"
        case "iPhone8,2":   return "iPhone 6s Plus"
        case "iPhone8,4":   return "iPhone SE"
        case "iPhone9,1":   return "iPhone 7"
        case "iPhone9,3":   return "iPhone 7"
        case "iPhone9,2":   return "iPhone 7 Plus"
        case "iPhone9,4":   return "iPhone 7 Plus"
        case "iPod1,1":     return "iPod Touch 1G"
        case "iPod2,1":     return "iPod Touch 2G"
        case "iPod3,1":     return "iPod Touch 3G"
        case "iPod4,1":     return "iPod Touch 4G"
        case "iPod5,1":     return "iPod Touch 5G"
        case "iPod7,1":     return "iPod Touch 6G"
        case "iPad1,1":     return "iPad 1G"
        case "iPad2,1":     return "iPad 2 (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad2,2":     return "iPad 2 (GSM)"
        case "iPad2,3":     return "iPad 2 (CDMA)"
        case "iPad2,4":     return "iPad 2 (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad2,5":     return "iPad Mini (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad2,6":     return "iPad Mini (GSM)"
        case "iPad2,7":     return "iPad Mini (GSM+CDMA)"
        case "iPad3,1":     return "iPad 3 (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad3,2":     return "iPad 3 (GSM+CDMA)"
        case "iPad3,3":     return "iPad 3 (GSM)"
        case "iPad3,4":     return "iPad 4 (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad3,5":     return "iPad 4 (GSM)"
        case "iPad3,6":     return "iPad 4 (GSM+CDMA)"
        case "iPad4,1":     return "iPad Air (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad4,2":     return "iPad Air (Cellular)"
        case "iPad4,3":     return "iPad Air (China)"
        case "iPad4,4":     return "iPad Mini 2G (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad4,5":     return "iPad Mini 2G (Cellular)"
        case "iPad4,6":     return "iPad Mini 2G (China)"
        case "iPad4,7":     return "iPad Mini 3 (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad4,8":     return "iPad Mini 3 (Cellular)"
        case "iPad4,9":     return "iPad Mini 3 (China)"
        case "iPad5,1":     return "iPad Mini 4 (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad5,2":     return "iPad Mini 4 (Cellular)"
        case "iPad5,3":     return "iPad Air 2 (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad5,4":     return "iPad Air 2 (Cellular)"
        case "iPad6,3":     return "iPad Pro 9.7' (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad6,4":     return "iPad Pro 9.7' (Cellular)"
        case "iPad6,7":     return "iPad Pro 12.9' (Wi-Fi)"
        case "iPad6,8":     return "iPad Pro 12.9' (Cellular)"
        case "AppleTV2,1":  return "Apple TV 2G"
        case "AppleTV3,1":  return "Apple TV 3"
        case "AppleTV3,2":  return "Apple TV 3 (2013)"
        case "AppleTV5,3":  return "Apple TV 4"
        case "Watch1,1":    return "Apple Watch Series 1 (38mm, S1)"
        case "Watch1,2":    return "Apple Watch Series 1 (42mm, S1)"
        case "Watch2,6":    return "Apple Watch Series 1 (38mm, S1P)"
        case "Watch2,7":    return "Apple Watch Series 1 (42mm, S1P)"
        case "Watch2,3":    return "Apple Watch Series 2 (38mm, S2)"
        case "Watch2,4":    return "Apple Watch Series 2 (42mm, S2)"
        case "i386":        return "Simulator"
        case "x86_64":      return "Simulator"

            return ""

How to execute INSERT statement using JdbcTemplate class from Spring Framework

If you use spring-boot, you don't need to create a DataSource class, just specify the data url/username/password/driver in, then you can simply @Autowired it.

public class JdbcRepository {

    private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public DynamicRepository(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

    public void insert() {
        jdbcTemplate.update("INSERT INTO BOOK (name, description) VALUES ('book name', 'book description')");

Example of

#Basic Spring Boot Config for Oracle

#hibernate config

Then add the driver and connection pool dependencies in pom.xml


<!-- HikariCP connection pool -->

See the official doc for more details.

How to get/generate the create statement for an existing hive table?

Steps to generate Create table DDLs for all the tables in the Hive database and export into text file to run later:

step 1)
create a .sh file with the below content, say

rm -f tableNames.txt
rm -f HiveTableDDL.txt
hive -e "use $1; show tables;" > tableNames.txt  
cat tableNames.txt |while read LINE
   hive -e "use $1;show create table $LINE;" >>HiveTableDDL.txt
   echo  -e "\n" >> HiveTableDDL.txt
rm -f tableNames.txt
echo "Table DDL generated"

step 2)

Run the above shell script by passing 'db name' as paramanter

>bash <<databasename>>

output :

All the create table statements of your DB will be written into the HiveTableDDL.txt

How to tell if a connection is dead in python

From the link Jweede posted:

exception socket.timeout:

This exception is raised when a timeout occurs on a socket
which has had timeouts enabled via a prior call to settimeout().
The accompanying value is a string whose value is currently
always “timed out”.

Here are the demo server and client programs for the socket module from the python docs

# Echo server program
import socket

HOST = ''                 # Symbolic name meaning all available interfaces
PORT = 50007              # Arbitrary non-privileged port
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
conn, addr = s.accept()
print 'Connected by', addr
while 1:
    data = conn.recv(1024)
    if not data: break

And the client:

# Echo client program
import socket

HOST = ''    # The remote host
PORT = 50007              # The same port as used by the server
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.send('Hello, world')
data = s.recv(1024)
print 'Received', repr(data)

On the docs example page I pulled these from, there are more complex examples that employ this idea, but here is the simple answer:

Assuming you're writing the client program, just put all your code that uses the socket when it is at risk of being dropped, inside a try block...

    s.connect((HOST, PORT))
    s.send("Hello, World!")
except socket.timeout:
    # whatever you need to do when the connection is dropped

Using sed to split a string with a delimiter

This might work for you (GNU sed):

sed 'y/:/\n/' file

or perhaps:

sed y/:/$"\n"/ file

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?

My timing may be a little off in terms of this thread, but I just had to respond.

I am a huge eclipse fan -- using it since it's first appearance. A friend told me then (10+ years ago) that it would be a player. He was right.

However! I have just started using IntelliJ and if you haven't seen or used changelists -- you are missing out on programming heaven.

The ability to track my changed files (on my development branch ala clearcase) was something I was looking for in a plugin for eclipse. Intellij tracks all of your changes for a single commit, extremely easy. You can isolate changed files with custom lists. I use that for configuration files that must be unique locally, but are constantly flagged when I sync or compare against the repository -- listing them under a changelist, I can monitor them, but neatly tuck them away so I can focus on the real additions I am making.

Also, there's a Commit Log plugin that outputs a text of all changes for those SCCS that aren't integrated with your bug tracking software. Pasting the log into a ticket's work history captures the files, their version, date/time, and the branch/tags. It's cool as hell.

All of this could be supported via plugins (or future enhancements) in eclipse, I wager; yet, Intellij makes this a breeze.

Finally, I am really excited about the mainstream love for this product -- the keystrokes, so it's painful, but fun.

how do I print an unsigned char as hex in c++ using ostream?

I think we are missing an explanation of how these type conversions work.

char is platform dependent signed or unsigned. In x86 char is equivalent to signed char.

When an integral type (char, short, int, long) is converted to a larger capacity type, the conversion is made by adding zeros to the left in case of unsigned types and by sign extension for signed ones. Sign extension consists in replicating the most significant (leftmost) bit of the original number to the left till we reach the bit size of the target type.

Hence if I am in a signed char by default system and I do this:

char a = 0xF0; // Equivalent to the binary: 11110000
std::cout << std::hex << static_cast<int>(a);

We would obtain F...F0 since the leading 1 bit has been extended.

If we want to make sure that we only print F0 in any system we would have to make an additional intermediate type cast to an unsigned char so that zeros are added instead and, since they are not significant for a integer with only 8-bits, not printed:

char a = 0xF0; // Equivalent to the binary: 11110000
std::cout << std::hex << static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned char>(a));

This produces F0

Spring REST Service: how to configure to remove null objects in json response

I've found a solution through configuring the Spring container, but it's still not exactly what I wanted.

I rolled back to Spring 3.0.5, removed and in it's place I changed my config file to:

    <property name="messageConverters">
                <property name="objectMapper" ref="jacksonObjectMapper" />

<bean id="jacksonObjectMapper" class="" />
<bean id="jacksonSerializationConfig" class=""
    factory-bean="jacksonObjectMapper" factory-method="getSerializationConfig" />
    <property name="targetObject" ref="jacksonSerializationConfig" />
    <property name="targetMethod" value="setSerializationInclusion" />
    <property name="arguments">
            <value type="">NON_NULL</value>

This is of course similar to responses given in other questions e.g.

configuring the jacksonObjectMapper not working in spring mvc 3

The important thing to note is that mvc:annotation-driven and AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter cannot be used in the same context.

I'm still unable to get it working with Spring 3.1 and mvc:annotation-driven though. A solution that uses mvc:annotation-driven and all the benefits that accompany it would be far better I think. If anyone could show me how to do this, that would be great.

MySQL user DB does not have password columns - Installing MySQL on OSX

It only worked with me when I "flushed" after the commands mentioned here. Here's the full list of commands I used:

Previous answers might not work for later mysql versions. Try these steps if previous answers did not work for you:

1- Click on the wamp icon > mysql > mysql console

2- write following commands, one by one

use mysql;
update user set authentication_string=password('your_password') where user='root';

How to unlock android phone through ADB

Tested in Nexus 5:

adb shell input keyevent 26 #Pressing the lock button
adb shell input touchscreen swipe 930 880 930 380 #Swipe UP
adb shell input text XXXX #Entering your passcode
adb shell input keyevent 66 #Pressing Enter

Worked for me.

@font-face not working

By using the .. operator, you've have duplicated the folder path - and will get something like this : /wp-content/themes/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen/fonts/.

Use the console in your browser to see for this error.

How to get substring of NSString?

Here's a slightly less complicated answer:

NSString *myString = @"abcdefg";
NSString *mySmallerString = [myString substringToIndex:4];

See also substringWithRange and substringFromIndex

Domain Account keeping locking out with correct password every few minutes

You need to make sure that the clocks on all your servers are correct. Kerberos errors are normally caused by your server clock being out of sync with your domain.


Failure code 0x12 very specifically means "Clients credentials have been revoked", which means that this error has happened once the account has been disabled, expired, or locked out.

It would be useful to try and find the previous error messages if you think that the account was active - i.e. this error message may not be the root cause, you will have different errors preceding this error, which cause the account to get locked.

Ideally, to get a full answer, you will need to reactivate the account and keep an eye on the logs for an error occurring before the 0x12 error messages.

Calling method using JavaScript prototype

No, you would need to give the do function in the constructor and the do function in the prototype different names.

How can I analyze a heap dump in IntelliJ? (memory leak)

You can just run "Java VisualVM" which is located at jdk/bin/jvisualvm.exe

This will open a GUI, use the "File" menu -> "Load..." then choose your *.hprof file

That's it, you're done!

Simulate a click on 'a' element using javascript/jquery

Try adding a function inside the click() method.

  //do something here

It worked for me with a function assigned inside the click() method rather than keeping it empty.

Graphviz: How to go from .dot to a graph?

For window user, Please run complete command to convert *.dot file to png:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe" -Tpng > sampletest.png.....

I have found a bug in solgraph that it is utilizing older version of solidity-parser that does not seem to be intelligent enough to capture new enhancement done for solidity programming language itself e.g. emit keyword for Event

why $(window).load() is not working in jQuery?

<script type="text/javascript">
   $(window).ready(function () {
      alert("Window Loaded");

CSS Custom Dropdown Select that works across all browsers IE7+ FF Webkit

This is very simple, you just need to add a background image to the select element and position it where you need to, but don't forget to add:

-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;

According to

Microsoft Edge and IE mobile support this property with the -webkit- prefix rather than -ms- for interop reasons.

I just made this fiddle

Why does IE9 switch to compatibility mode on my website?

The site at does have the X-UA-Compatible meta tag but still goes into Compatibility View as indicated by the "torn page" icon in the address bar. How do you get the menu option to force IE 9 (Final Version 9.0.8112.16421) to render a page in Standards Mode? I tried right clicking that torn page icon as well as the "Alt" key trick to display the additional menu options mentioned by Rene Geuze, but those didn't work.

How to use Elasticsearch with MongoDB?

I found mongo-connector useful. It is form Mongo Labs (MongoDB Inc.) and can be used now with Elasticsearch 2.x

Elastic 2.x doc manager:

mongo-connector creates a pipeline from a MongoDB cluster to one or more target systems, such as Solr, Elasticsearch, or another MongoDB cluster. It synchronizes data in MongoDB to the target then tails the MongoDB oplog, keeping up with operations in MongoDB in real-time. It has been tested with Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.3+. Detailed documentation is available on the wiki.

Delete last N characters from field in a SQL Server database

This should do it, removing characters from the left by one or however many needed.

lEFT(columnX,LEN(columnX) - 1) AS NewColumnName

IIS7 deployment - duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section

In my case I wanted to manually add urlrewrite rule and couldn't see the obvious error (I missed <rules> tag):

wrong code:

      <rule name="some rule" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url="some-pattenr/(.*)" />        
        <action type="Redirect" url="/some-ne-pattenr/{R:1}" />


proper code (with rules tag):

        <rule name="some rule" stopProcessing="true">
          <match url="some-pattenr/(.*)" />        
          <action type="Redirect" url="/some-ne-pattenr/{R:1}" />


Javascript how to parse JSON array

Just as a heads up...

var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);

has been deprecated.

Postman Learning Center now suggests

var jsonData = pm.response.json();

Datatable vs Dataset

in 1.x there used to be things DataTables couldn't do which DataSets could (don't remember exactly what). All that was changed in 2.x. My guess is that's why a lot of examples still use DataSets. DataTables should be quicker as they are more lightweight. If you're only pulling a single resultset, its your best choice between the two.

What does "res.render" do, and what does the html file look like?

Renders a view and sends the rendered HTML string to the client.



res.render('index', function(err, html) {
  if(err) {...}


How do I refresh a DIV content?

To reload a section of the page, you could use jquerys load with the current url and specify the fragment you need, which would be the same element that load is called on, in this case #here:

function updateDiv()
    $( "#here" ).load(window.location.href + " #here" );
  • Don't disregard the space within the load element selector: + " #here"

This function can be called within an interval, or attached to a click event

How can I tell if a VARCHAR variable contains a substring?

CONTAINS is for a Full Text Indexed field - if not, then use LIKE

Deleting an object in C++

Just an update of James' answer.

Isn't this the normal way to free the memory associated with an object?

Yes. It is the normal way to free memory. But new/delete operator always leads to memory leak problem.

Since c++17 already removed auto_ptr auto_ptr. I suggest shared_ptr or unique_ptr to handle the memory problems.

void test()
    std::shared_ptr<Object1> obj1(new Object1);

} // The object is automatically deleted when the scope ends or reference counting reduces to 0.
  • The reason for removing auto_ptr is that auto_ptr is not stable in case of coping semantics
  • If you are sure about no coping happening during the scope, a unique_ptr is suggested.
  • If there is a circular reference between the pointers, I suggest having a look at weak_ptr.

Unicode via CSS :before

The code points used in icon font tricks are usually Private Use code points, which means that they have no generally defined meaning and should not be used in open information interchange, only by private agreement between interested parties. However, Private Use code points can be represented as any other Unicode value, e.g. in CSS using a notation like \f066, as others have answered. You can even enter the code point as such, if your document is UTF-8 encoded and you know how to type an arbitrary Unicode value by its number in your authoring environment (but of course it would normally be displayed using a symbol for an unknown character).

However, this is not the normal way of using icon fonts. Normally you use a CSS file provided with the font and use constructs like <span class="icon-resize-small">foo</span>. The CSS code will then take care of inserting the symbol at the start of the element, and you don’t need to know the code point number.

How to get files in a relative path in C#

Write it like this:

string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(@".\Archive", "*.zip");

. is for relative to the folder where you started your exe, and @ to allow \ in the name.

When using filters, you pass it as a second parameter. You can also add a third parameter to specify if you want to search recursively for the pattern.

In order to get the folder where your .exe actually resides, use:

var executingPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);

.rar, .zip files MIME Type

The answers from freedompeace, Kiyarash and Sam Vloeberghs:

.rar    application/x-rar-compressed, application/octet-stream
.zip    application/zip, application/octet-stream, application/x-zip-compressed, multipart/x-zip

I would do a check on the file name too. Here is how you could check if the file is a RAR or ZIP file. I tested it by creating a quick command line application.


if (isRarOrZip($argv[1])) {
    echo 'It is probably a RAR or ZIP file.';
} else {
    echo 'It is probably not a RAR or ZIP file.';

function isRarOrZip($file) {
    // get the first 7 bytes
    $bytes = file_get_contents($file, FALSE, NULL, 0, 7);
    $ext = strtolower(substr($file, - 4));

    // RAR magic number: Rar!\x1A\x07\x00
    if ($ext == '.rar' and bin2hex($bytes) == '526172211a0700') {
        return TRUE;

    // ZIP magic number: none, though PK\003\004, PK\005\006 (empty archive), 
    // or PK\007\008 (spanned archive) are common.
    if ($ext == '.zip' and substr($bytes, 0, 2) == 'PK') {
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

Notice that it still won't be 100% certain, but it is probably good enough.

$ rar.exe l is not RAR archive

But even WinRAR detects non RAR files as SFX archives:

$ rar.exe l somefile.srr
SFX Volume somefile.srr

Import numpy on pycharm

I added Anaconda3/Library/Bin to the environment path and PyCharm no longer complained with the error.

Stated by

How to change the locale in chrome browser

[on hold: broken in Chrome 72; reported to work in Chrome 71]

The "Quick Language Switcher" extension may help too:

The Quick Language Switcher extension allows the user to supersede the locale the browser is currently using in favor of the value chosen through the extension.

Selecting only first-level elements in jquery

As stated in other answers, the simplest method is to uniquely identify the root element (by ID or class name) and use the direct descendent selector.

$('ul.topMenu > li > a')

However, I came across this question in search of a solution which would work on unnamed elements at varying depths of the DOM.

This can be achieved by checking each element, and ensuring it does not have a parent in the list of matched elements. Here is my solution, wrapped in a jQuery selector 'topmost'.

jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
  topmost: function (e, index, match, array) {
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      if (array[i] !== false && $(e).parents().index(array[i]) >= 0) {
        return false;
    return true;

Utilizing this, the solution to the original post is:

$('ul:topmost > li > a')

// Or, more simply:
$('li:topmost > a')

Complete jsFiddle available here.

C# constructors overloading

You can factor out your common logic to a private method, for example called Initialize that gets called from both constructors.

Due to the fact that you want to perform argument validation you cannot resort to constructor chaining.


public Point2D(double x, double y)
    // Contracts

    Initialize(x, y);

public Point2D(Point2D point)
    if (point == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("point");

    // Contracts

    Initialize(point.X, point.Y);

private void Initialize(double x, double y)
    X = x;
    Y = y;

Android Studio how to run gradle sync manually?

I presume it is referring to Tools > Android > "Sync Project with Gradle Files" from the Android Studio main menu.