Programs & Examples On #Openbravo

Openbravo ERP is the web-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution for SMB.

Windows batch script launch program and exit console

%ComSpec% /c %systemroot%\notepad.exe

Convert a Unicode string to a string in Python (containing extra symbols)

There is a library that can help with Unicode issues called ftfy. Has made my life easier.

Example 1

import ftfy

output -->

Example 2 - UTF-8

import ftfy

output -->

Example 3 - Unicode code point

import ftfy

output -->

pip install ftfy

Append a dictionary to a dictionary

Assuming that you do not want to change orig, you can either do a copy and update like the other answers, or you can create a new dictionary in one step by passing all items from both dictionaries into the dict constructor:

from itertools import chain
dest = dict(chain(orig.items(), extra.items()))

Or without itertools:

dest = dict(list(orig.items()) + list(extra.items()))

Note that you only need to pass the result of items() into list() on Python 3, on 2.x dict.items() already returns a list so you can just do dict(orig.items() + extra.items()).

As a more general use case, say you have a larger list of dicts that you want to combine into a single dict, you could do something like this:

from itertools import chain
dest = dict(chain.from_iterable(map(dict.items, list_of_dicts)))

JSON Array iteration in Android/Java

Unfortunately , JSONArray doesn't support foreach statements, like:

for(JSONObject someObj : someJsonArray) {_x000D_
    // do something about someObj_x000D_

How to get a JavaScript object's class?

I suggest using

Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "getClass", {
    value: function() {

var x = new DOMParser();
console.log(x.getClass()); // `DOMParser'

var y = new Error("");
console.log(y.getClass()); // `Error'

How to copy java.util.list Collection

You may create a new list with an input of a previous list like so:

List one = new ArrayList()
//... add data, sort, etc
List two = new ArrayList(one);

This will allow you to modify the order or what elemtents are contained independent of the first list.

Keep in mind that the two lists will contain the same objects though, so if you modify an object in List two, the same object will be modified in list one.


MyObject value1 = one.get(0);
MyObject value2 = two.get(0);
value1 == value2 //true
value2.getName(); //returns "hello"


To avoid this you need a deep copy of each element in the list like so:

List<Torero> one = new ArrayList<Torero>();
//add elements

List<Torero> two = new Arraylist<Torero>();
for(Torero t : one){
    Torero copy = deepCopy(t);

with copy like the following:

public Torero deepCopy(Torero input){
    Torero copy = new Torero();
    copy.setValue(input.getValue());//.. copy primitives, deep copy objects again

    return copy;

NSString with \n or line break

If your string is going in a UIView (e.g a UILabel), you also need to set the number of lines to 0


How do I select child elements of any depth using XPath?

Also, you can do it with css selectors:

form#myform input[type='submit']

space beween elements in css elector means searching input[type='submit'] that elements at any depth of parent form#myform element

"TypeError: (Integer) is not JSON serializable" when serializing JSON in Python?

Alternatively you can convert your object into a dataframe first:

df = pd.DataFrame(obj)

and then save this dataframe in a json file:


Hope this helps

Put quotes around a variable string in JavaScript

In case of array like

result = [ '2015',  '2014',  '2013',  '2011' ],

it gets tricky if you are using escape sequence like:

result = [ \'2015\',  \'2014\',  \'2013\',  \'2011\' ].

Instead, good way to do it is to wrap the array with single quotes as follows:

result = "'"+result+"'";

How to reset radiobuttons in jQuery so that none is checked

Finally after a lot of tests, I think the most convenient and efficient way to preset is:

var presetValue = "black";
$("input[name=correctAnswer]").filter("[value=" + presetValue + "]").prop("checked",true);
$("input[name=correctAnswer]").button( "refresh" );//JQuery UI only

The refresh is required with the JQueryUI object.

Retrieving the value is easy :


Tested with JQuery 1.6.1, JQuery UI 1.8.

Calling Python in Java?

This gives a pretty good overview over the current options. Some of which are named in other answers. Jython is not usable until they decide to implement Python 3.x and many of the other projects are coming form the python side and want to access java. But there are a few options still, to name something which has not been named yet: gRPC

Render partial from different folder (not shared)

you should try this


place the ~/Views/ before your code

How to check that a JCheckBox is checked?

Use the isSelected method.

You can also use an ItemListener so you'll be notified when it's checked or unchecked.

What is Inversion of Control?

The Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI) patterns are all about removing dependencies from your code.

For example, say your application has a text editor component and you want to provide spell checking. Your standard code would look something like this:

public class TextEditor {

    private SpellChecker checker;

    public TextEditor() {
        this.checker = new SpellChecker();

What we've done here creates a dependency between the TextEditor and the SpellChecker. In an IoC scenario we would instead do something like this:

public class TextEditor {

    private IocSpellChecker checker;

    public TextEditor(IocSpellChecker checker) {
        this.checker = checker;

In the first code example we are instantiating SpellChecker (this.checker = new SpellChecker();), which means the TextEditor class directly depends on the SpellChecker class.

In the second code example we are creating an abstraction by having the SpellChecker dependency class in TextEditor's constructor signature (not initializing dependency in class). This allows us to call the dependency then pass it to the TextEditor class like so:

SpellChecker sc = new SpellChecker(); // dependency
TextEditor textEditor = new TextEditor(sc);

Now the client creating the TextEditor class has control over which SpellChecker implementation to use because we're injecting the dependency into the TextEditor signature.

input[type='text'] CSS selector does not apply to default-type text inputs?

The CSS uses only the data in the DOM tree, which has little to do with how the renderer decides what to do with elements with missing attributes.

So either let the CSS reflect the HTML

input:not([type]), input[type="text"]

or make the HTML explicit.

<input name='t1' type='text'/> /* Is Not Red */

If it didn't do that, you'd never be able to distinguish between

element { }


element[attr] { }

because all attributes would always be defined on all elements. (For example, table always has a border attribute, with 0 for a default.)

"The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted" when connecting DB in VM Role from Azure website

If you're seeing this error message when attempting to connect using SSMS, add TrustServerCertificate=True to the Additional Connection Parameters.

How to convert a Datetime string to a current culture datetime string

DateTime dateValue;
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
DateTimeStyles styles = DateTimeStyles.None;
DateTime.TryParse(datetimestring,culture, styles, out dateValue);

What's your favorite "programmer" cartoon?

The 1337 set of comics from xkcd, starting with: The main thing I love is the thought of Stallman engaging RIAA agents in sword fights towards the end :)

Swift - iOS - Dates and times in different format

new Date(year,month,day,0,0,0,0) is local time (as input) new Date(year,month,day) is UTC

I was using a function to attain YYYY-MM-DD format to be compatible on iOS web, but that is also UTC when used in comparisons (not chained by getFullYear or similar) I've found it is best to use only the above with strong (hours,minutes,seconds,milliseconds) building a calendar, calculating with a Date objects and local references

export const zeroPad = (num) => {
  var res = "0";
  if (String(num).length === 1) {
    res = `0${num}`;
  } else {
    res = num;
  return res;

How to store a datetime in MySQL with timezone info

You said:

I want them to always come out as Tanzanian time and not in the local times that various collaborator are in.

If this is the case, then you should not use UTC. All you need to do is to use a DATETIME type in MySQL instead of a TIMESTAMP type.

From the MySQL documentation:

MySQL converts TIMESTAMP values from the current time zone to UTC for storage, and back from UTC to the current time zone for retrieval. (This does not occur for other types such as DATETIME.)

If you are already using a DATETIME type, then you must be not setting it by the local time to begin with. You'll need to focus less on the database, and more on your application code - which you didn't show here. The problem, and the solution, will vary drastically depending on language, so be sure to tag the question with the appropriate language of your application code.

how do I get eclipse to use a different compiler version for Java?

First off, are you setting your desired JRE or your desired JDK?

Even if your Eclipse is set up properly, there might be a wacky project-specific setting somewhere. You can open up a context menu on a given Java project in the Project Explorer and select Properties > Java Compiler to check on that.

If none of that helps, leave a comment and I'll take another look.

__init__ and arguments in Python

The fact that your method does not use the self argument (which is a reference to the instance that the method is attached to) doesn't mean you can leave it out. It always has to be there, because Python is always going to try to pass it in.

MySQL Where DateTime is greater than today

Remove the date() part

SELECT name, datum 
FROM tasks 
WHERE datum >= NOW()

and if you use a specific date, don't forget the quotes around it and use the proper format with :

SELECT name, datum 
FROM tasks 
WHERE datum >= '2014-05-18 15:00:00'

How do I set the time zone of MySQL?

Keep in mind, that 'Country/Zone' is not working sometimes... This issue is not OS, MySQL version and hardware dependent - I've met it since FreeBSD 4 and Slackware Linux in year 2003 till today. MySQL from version 3 till latest source trunk. It is ODD, but it DOES happens. For example:

root@Ubuntu# ls -la /usr/share/zoneinfo/US
total 8

drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Apr 10  2013 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 Apr 10  2013 ..
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   18 Jul  8 22:33 Alaska -> ../SystemV/YST9YDT
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   21 Jul  8 22:33 Aleutian -> ../posix/America/Adak
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   15 Jul  8 22:33 Arizona -> ../SystemV/MST7
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   18 Jul  8 22:33 Central -> ../SystemV/CST6CDT
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   18 Jul  8 22:33 Eastern -> ../SystemV/EST5EDT
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   37 Jul  8 22:33 East-Indiana -> ../posix/America/Indiana/Indianapolis
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   19 Jul  8 22:33 Hawaii -> ../Pacific/Honolulu
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   24 Jul  8 22:33 Indiana-Starke -> ../posix/America/Knox_IN
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   24 Jul  8 22:33 Michigan -> ../posix/America/Detroit
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   18 Jul  8 22:33 Mountain -> ../SystemV/MST7MDT
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   18 Jul  8 22:33 Pacific -> ../SystemV/PST8PDT
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   18 Jul  8 22:33 Pacific-New -> ../SystemV/PST8PDT
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   20 Jul  8 22:33 Samoa -> ../Pacific/Pago_Pago

And a statement like that is supposed to work:

SET time_zone='US/Eastern';

But you have this problem:

Error Code: 1298. Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'EUS/Eastern'

Take a look at the subfolder in your zone information directory, and see the ACTUAL filename for symlink, in this case it's EST5EDT. Then try this statement instead:

SET time_zone='EST5EDT';

And it's actually working as it is supposed to! :) Keep this trick in mind; I haven't seen it to be documented in MySQL manuals and official documentation. But reading the corresponding documentation is must-do thing: MySQL 5.5 timezone official documentation - and don't forget to load timezone data into your server just like that (run as root user!):

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql

Trick number one - it must be done exactly under MySQL root user. It can fail or produce non-working result even from the user that has full access to a MySQL database - I saw the glitch myself.

How does String.Index work in Swift

func change(string: inout String) {

    var character: Character = .normal

    enum Character {
        case space
        case newLine
        case normal

    for i in stride(from: string.count - 1, through: 0, by: -1) {
        // first get index
        let index: String.Index?
        if i != 0 {
            index = string.index(after: string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: i - 1))
        } else {
            index = string.startIndex

        if string[index!] == "\n" {

            if character != .normal {

                if character == .newLine {
                    string.remove(at: index!)
                } else if character == .space {
                    let number = string.index(after: string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: i))
                    if string[number] == " " {
                        string.remove(at: number)
                    character = .newLine

            } else {
                character = .newLine

        } else if string[index!] == " " {

            if character != .normal {

                string.remove(at: index!)

            } else {
                character = .space

        } else {

            character = .normal



    // startIndex
    guard string.count > 0 else { return }
    if string[string.startIndex] == "\n" || string[string.startIndex] == " " {
        string.remove(at: string.startIndex)

    // endIndex - here is a little more complicated!
    guard string.count > 0 else { return }
    let index = string.index(before: string.endIndex)
    if string[index] == "\n" || string[index] == " " {
        string.remove(at: index)


Convert a video to MP4 (H.264/AAC) with ffmpeg

You can also try adding the Motumedia PPA to your apt sources and update your ffmpeg packages.

How to set password for Redis?

How to set redis password ?

step 1. stop redis server using below command /etc/init.d/redis-server stop

step 2.enter command : sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

step 3.find # requirepass foobared word and remove # and change foobared to YOUR PASSWORD

ex. requirepass root

Sorting a List<int>

List<int> list = new List<int> { 5, 7, 3 };  
list.Sort((x,y)=> y.CompareTo(x));  
list.ForEach(action => { Console.Write(action + " "); });

Where does Anaconda Python install on Windows?

conda info will display information about the current install, including the active env location which is what you want.

Here's my output:

(base) C:\Users\USERNAME>conda info

     active environment : base
    active env location : C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3
            shell level : 1
       user config file : C:\Users\USERNAME\.condarc
 populated config files :
          conda version : 4.8.2
    conda-build version : not installed
         python version :
       virtual packages : __cuda=10.2
       base environment : C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3  (read only)
           channel URLs :
          package cache : C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\pkgs
       envs directories : C:\Users\USERNAME\.conda\envs
               platform : win-64
             user-agent : conda/4.8.2 requests/2.22.0 CPython/3.7.6 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.18362
          administrator : False
             netrc file : None
           offline mode : False

If your shell/prompt complains that it cannot find the command, it likely means that you installed Anaconda without adding it to the PATH environment variable.

If that's the case find and open the Anaconda Prompt and do it from there.

Alternatively reinstall Anaconda choosing to add it to the PATH. Or add the variable manually.

Anaconda Prompt should be available in your Start Menu (Win) or Applications Menu (macos)

What's the best way to break from nested loops in JavaScript?

Already mentioned previously by swilliams, but with an example below (Javascript):

// Function wrapping inner for loop
function CriteriaMatch(record, criteria) {
  for (var k in criteria) {
    if (!(k in record))
      return false;

    if (record[k] != criteria[k])
      return false;

  return true;

// Outer for loop implementing continue if inner for loop returns false
var result = [];

for (var i = 0; i < _table.length; i++) {
  var r = _table[i];

  if (!CriteriaMatch(r[i], criteria))


assembly to compare two numbers

It varies from assembler to assembler. Most machines offer registers, which have symbolic names like R1, or EAX (the Intel x86), and have instruction names like "CMP" for compare. And for a compare instruction, you need another operand, sometimes a register, sometimes a literal. Often assemblers allow comments to the right of instruction.

An instruction line looks like:

<opcode>   <register> <operand>   ; comment

Your assembler may vary somewhat.

For the Microsoft X86 assembler, you can write:

CMP EAX, 23 ; compare register EAX with the constant 23


CMP EAX, XYZ ; compare register EAX with contents of memory location named XYZ

Often one can write complex "expressions" in the operand field that enable the instruction, if it has the capability, to address memory in variety of ways. But I think this answers your question.

How to get `DOM Element` in Angular 2?

Update (using renderer):

Note that the original Renderer service has now been deprecated in favor of Renderer2

as on Renderer2 official doc.

Furthermore, as pointed out by @GünterZöchbauer:

Actually using ElementRef is just fine. Also using ElementRef.nativeElement with Renderer2 is fine. What is discouraged is accessing properties of directly.

You can achieve this by using elementRef as well as by ViewChild. however it's not recommendable to use elementRef due to:

  • security issue
  • tight coupling

as pointed out by official ng2 documentation.

1. Using elementRef (Direct Access):

export class MyComponent {    
constructor (private _elementRef : ElementRef) {

2. Using ViewChild (better approach):

<textarea  #tasknote name="tasknote" [(ngModel)]="taskNote" placeholder="{{ notePlaceholder }}" 
style="background-color: pink" (blur)="updateNote() ; noteEditMode = false " (click)="noteEditMode = false"> {{ todo.note }} </textarea> // <-- changes id to local var

export class MyComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  @ViewChild('tasknote') input: ElementRef;

   ngAfterViewInit() {


3. Using renderer:

export class MyComponent implements AfterViewInit {
      @ViewChild('tasknote') input: ElementRef;
         constructor(private renderer: Renderer2){           

       ngAfterViewInit() {
       //using selectRootElement instead of depreaced invokeElementMethod


Play audio as microphone input

Just as there are printer drivers that do not connect to a printer at all but rather write to a PDF file, analogously there are virtual audio drivers available that do not connect to a physical microphone at all but can pipe input from other sources such as files or other programs.

I hope I'm not breaking any rules by recommending free/donation software, but VB-Audio Virtual Cable should let you create a pair of virtual input and output audio devices. Then you could play an MP3 into the virtual output device and then set the virtual input device as your "microphone". In theory I think that should work.

If all else fails, you could always roll your own virtual audio driver. Microsoft provides some sample code but unfortunately it is not applicable to the older Windows XP audio model. There is probably sample code available for XP too.

Error: "The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock..." after installing RestKit with cocoapods

My problem was when my fellow developer added a pod in the project and then i pull the project using github then the error occurred. I ran pod install and it updated the pods with new library which was added by my fellow developer. hope it helps.

Compiling a java program into an executable

I use launch4j

ANT Command:

<target name="jar" depends="compile, buildDLLs, copy">
    <jar basedir="${java.bin.dir}" destfile="${build.dir}/Project.jar" manifest="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" />

<target name="exe" depends="jar">
    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${launch4j.home}">
        <arg line="/c launch4jc.exe ${basedir}/${launch4j.dir}/L4J_ProjectConfig.xml" />

Best way to Format a Double value to 2 Decimal places

An alternative is to use String.format:

double[] arr = { 23.59004,

for ( double dub : arr ) {
  System.out.println( String.format( "%.2f", dub ) );



You could also use System.out.format (same method signature), or create a java.util.Formatter which works in the same way.

Change IPython/Jupyter notebook working directory

As MrFancypants mentioned in the comments, if you are using Jupyter (which you should, since it currently supersedes the older IPython Notebook project), things are a little different. For one, there are no profiles any more.

After installing Jupyter, first check your ~/.jupyter folder to see its content. If no config files were migrated from the default IPython profile (as they weren't in my case), create a new one for Jupyter Notebook:

jupyter notebook --generate-config

This generates ~/.jupyter/ file with some helpfully commented possible options. To set the default directory add:

c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = u'/absolute/path/to/notebook/directory'

As I switch between Linux and OS X, I wanted to use a path relative to my home folder (as they differ – /Users/username and /home/username), so I set something like:

import os
c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Dropbox/dev/notebook')

Now, whenever I run jupyter notebook, it opens my desired notebook folder. I also version the whole ~/.jupyter folder in my dotfiles repository that I deploy to every new work machine.

As an aside, you can still use the --notebook-dir command line option, so maybe a simple alias would suit your needs better.

jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/absolute/path/to/notebook/directory

Flutter does not find android sdk

Flutter provides a command to update the Android SDK path:

flutter config --android-sdk < path to your sdk >


If you are facing this issue --> sdk file is not found in android-sdk\build-tools\28.0.3\aapt.

You may have probably not installed build tools for this Api level, Which can be installed through this link

Java - Find shortest path between 2 points in a distance weighted map

Maintain a list of nodes you can travel to, sorted by the distance from your start node. In the beginning only your start node will be in the list.

While you haven't reached your destination: Visit the node closest to the start node, this will be the first node in your sorted list. When you visit a node, add all its neighboring nodes to your list except the ones you have already visited. Repeat!

Filter dict to contain only certain keys?

Slightly more elegant dict comprehension:

foodict = {k: v for k, v in mydict.items() if k.startswith('foo')}

How do I read the contents of a Node.js stream into a string variable?

The cleanest solution may be to use the "string-stream" package, which converts a stream to a string with a promise.

const streamString = require('stream-string')

streamString(myStream).then(string_variable => {
    // myStream was converted to a string, and that string is stored in string_variable

}).catch(err => {
     // myStream emitted an error event (err), so the promise from stream-string was rejected
    throw err

alternative to "!is.null()" in R

The shiny package provides the convenient functions validate() and need() for checking that variables are both available and valid. need() evaluates an expression. If the expression is not valid, then an error message is returned. If the expression is valid, NULL is returned. One can use this to check if a variable is valid. See ?need for more information.

I suggest defining a function like this:

is.valid <- function(x) {
  is.null(need(x, message = FALSE))  

This function is.valid() will return FALSE if x is FALSE, NULL, NA, NaN, an empty string "", an empty atomic vector, a vector containing only missing values, a logical vector containing only FALSE, or an object of class try-error. In all other cases, it returns TRUE.

That means, need() (and is.valid()) covers a really broad range of failure cases. Instead of writing:

if (!is.null(x) && ! && !is.nan(x)) {

one can write simply:

if (is.valid(x)) {

With the check for class try-error, it can even be used in conjunction with a try() block to silently catch errors: (see

bad = try(1 + "1", silent = TRUE)
if (is.valid(bad)) {

How exactly does <script defer="defer"> work?

The defer attribute is only for external scripts (should only be used if the src attribute is present).

jQuery function to open link in new window

Button click event only.

<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                $("#btnext").click(function () {                    
          "HTMLPage.htm", "PopupWindow", "width=600,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no");

PostgreSQL wildcard LIKE for any of a list of words

One 'elegant' solution would be to use full text search: Then you would use full text search queries.

Disable submit button ONLY after submit

Not that I recommend placing JavaScript directly into HTML, but this works in modern browsers (not IE11) to disable all submit buttons after a form submits:

<form onsubmit="this.querySelectorAll('[type=submit]').forEach(b => b.disabled = true)">

no debugging symbols found when using gdb

Some Linux distributions don't use the gdb style debugging symbols. (IIRC they prefer dwarf2.)

In general, gcc and gdb will be in sync as to what kind of debugging symbols they use, and forcing a particular style will just cause problems; unless you know that you need something else, use just -g.

error: strcpy was not declared in this scope

This error sometimes occurs in a situation like this:

#ifndef NAN
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NAN (strtod("NAN",NULL))

static void init_random(uint32_t initseed=0)
    if (initseed==0)
        struct timeval tv;
        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        seed=(uint32_t) (4223517*getpid()*tv.tv_sec*tv.tv_usec);
#if !defined(CYGWIN) && !defined(__INTERIX)
    //SG_SPRINT("initializing random number generator with %d (seed size %d)\n", seed, RNG_SEED_SIZE)
    initstate(seed, CMath::rand_state, RNG_SEED_SIZE);

If the following code lines not run in the run-time:

#ifndef NAN
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NAN (strtod("NAN",NULL))

you will face with an error in your code like something as follows; because initstate is placed in the stdlib.h file and it's not included:

In file included from ../../shogun/features/SubsetStack.h:14:0, 
                 from ../../shogun/features/Features.h:21, 
                 from ../../shogun/ui/SGInterface.h:7, 
                 from MatlabInterface.h:15, 
                 from matlabInterface.cpp:7: 
../../shogun/mathematics/Math.h: In static member function 'static void shogun::CMath::init_random(uint32_t)': 
../../shogun/mathematics/Math.h:459:52: error: 'initstate' was not declared in this scope

How to show Bootstrap table with sort icon


you can use a combination of

  • fa-chevron-down, fa-chevron-up

  • fa-sort-down, fa-sort-up

<th class="text-center">
    <div class="btn-group" role="group">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-link py-0 pl-0 pr-1">
             Some Text OR icon
        <div class="btn-group-vertical">
            <a href="?sort=asc" class="btn btn-xs btn-link p-0">
                <i class="fas fa-sort-up"></i>
            <a href="?sort=desc" class="btn btn-xs btn-link p-0">
                <i class="fas fa-sort-down"></i>

.htaccess not working apache

use RewriteBase /{your folder}/ on your .htaccess

Check if number is decimal

function is_decimal_value( $a ) {
    $d=0; $i=0;
    $b= str_split(trim($a.""));
    foreach ( $b as $c ) {
        if ( $i==0 && strpos($c,"-") ) continue;
        if ( is_numeric($c) ) continue;
        if ( stripos($c,".") === 0 ) {
            if ( $d > 1 ) return FALSE;
            else continue;
        } else
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

Known Issues with the above function:

1) Does not support "scientific notation" (1.23E-123), fiscal (leading $ or other) or "Trailing f" (C++ style floats) or "trailing currency" (USD, GBP etc)

2) False positive on string filenames that match a decimal: Please note that for example "10.0" as a filename cannot be distinguished from the decimal, so if you are attempting to detect a type from a string alone, and a filename matches a decimal name and has no path included, it will be impossible to discern.

ng: command not found while creating new project using angular-cli

If you have a MacOS computer (mine is MOJAVE 10.14.2), just add these lines to the end of your ~/.bash_profile file:

export ANGULAR=~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.8.0/bin/ng

Notice that v10.8.0 is the version of my installed Node.js. To get which version is yours, run this:

node --version

When done, reload it via your terminal/bash:

cd ~
source .bash_profile

After doing these steps you should be able to run your ng binary file.

How to compare strings in C conditional preprocessor-directives

You can't do that if USER is defined as a quoted string.

But you can do that if USER is just JACK or QUEEN or Joker or whatever.

There are two tricks to use:

  1. Token-splicing, where you combine an identifier with another identifier by just concatenating their characters. This allows you to compare against JACK without having to #define JACK to something
  2. variadic macro expansion, which allows you to handle macros with variable numbers of arguments. This allows you to expand specific identifiers into varying numbers of commas, which will become your string comparison.

So let's start out with:

#define JACK_QUEEN_OTHER(u) EXPANSION1(ReSeRvEd_, u, 1, 2, 3)

Now, if I write JACK_QUEEN_OTHER(USER), and USER is JACK, the preprocessor turns that into EXPANSION1(ReSeRvEd_, JACK, 1, 2, 3)

Step two is concatenation:

#define EXPANSION1(a, b, c, d, e) EXPANSION2(a##b, c, d, e)


This gives the opportunity to add a number of commas according to whether or not a string matches:

#define ReSeRvEd_JACK x,x,x
#define ReSeRvEd_QUEEN x,x

If USER is JACK, JACK_QUEEN_OTHER(USER) becomes EXPANSION2(x,x,x, 1, 2, 3)


If USER is other, JACK_QUEEN_OTHER(USER) becomes EXPANSION2(ReSeRvEd_other, 1, 2, 3)

At this point, something critical has happened: the fourth argument to the EXPANSION2 macro is either 1, 2, or 3, depending on whether the original argument passed was jack, queen, or anything else. So all we have to do is pick it out. For long-winded reasons, we'll need two macros for the last step; they'll be EXPANSION2 and EXPANSION3, even though one seems unnecessary.

Putting it all together, we have these 6 macros:

#define JACK_QUEEN_OTHER(u) EXPANSION1(ReSeRvEd_, u, 1, 2, 3)
#define EXPANSION1(a, b, c, d, e) EXPANSION2(a##b, c, d, e)
#define EXPANSION2(a, b, c, d, ...) EXPANSION3(a, b, c, d)
#define EXPANSION3(a, b, c, d, ...) d
#define ReSeRvEd_JACK x,x,x
#define ReSeRvEd_QUEEN x,x

And you might use them like this:

int main() {
  printf("Hello, Jack!\n");
  printf("Hello, Queen!\n");
  printf("Hello, who are you?\n");

Obligatory godbolt link:

MSVC Update: You have to parenthesize slightly differently to make things also work in MSVC. The EXPANSION* macros look like this:

#define EXPANSION1(a, b, c, d, e) EXPANSION2((a##b, c, d, e))
#define EXPANSION3(a, b, c, d, ...) d


Best way to overlay an ESRI shapefile on google maps?

I would not use KML. Instead, use GeoJSON which you can natively consume in Google Maps API now. It is a newer feature that didn't exist from the original responses.

In any case, simply open the SHP file in Quantum GIS, and then you can output it in any format you like (KML, GeoJSON).

If you are using Google Maps for Work, I found a premium extension that handles loading shapefiles directly where you can just connect direct to the shapefile that you generate from ESRI. I did a search on the CMaps site and found this snippet which loaded US by state shapefile:

var cMap = new centigon.locationIntelligence.MapView();

    cMap.layerNames(["Basic Shapes"]);
    cMap.dbfKeys([['Alabama','Alaska','Arizona','Arkansas','California','Colorado','Connecticut','Delaware','District of Columbia','Florida','Georgia','Hawaii','Idaho','Illinois','Indiana','Iowa','Kansas','Kentucky','Louisiana','Maine','Maryland','Massachusetts','Michigan','Minnesota','Mississippi','Missouri','Montana','Nebraska','Nevada','New Hampshire','New Jersey','New Mexico','New York','North Carolina','North Dakota','Ohio','Oklahoma','Oregon','Pennsylvania','Rhode Island','South Carolina','South Dakota','Tennessee','Texas','Utah','Vermont','Virginia','Washington','West Virginia','Wisconsin','Wyoming']]);
    cMap.userShapeKeys([['Massachusetts','Minnesota','Montana','North Dakota','Hawaii','Idaho','Washington','Arizona','California','Colorado','Nevada','New Mexico','Oregon','Utah','Wyoming','Arkansas','Iowa','Kansas','Missouri','Nebraska','Oklahoma','South Dakota','Louisiana','Texas','Connecticut','New Hampshire','Rhode Island','Vermont','Alabama','Florida','Georgia','Mississippi','South Carolina','Illinois','Indiana','Kentucky','North Carolina','Ohio','Tennessee','Virginia','Wisconsin','West Virginia','Delaware','District of Columbia','Maryland','New Jersey','New York','Pennsylvania','Maine','Michigan','Alaska']]); 
    cMap.labels([['Massachusetts','Minnesota','Montana','North Dakota','Hawaii','Idaho','Washington','Arizona','California','Colorado','Nevada','New Mexico','Oregon','Utah','Wyoming','Arkansas','Iowa','Kansas','Missouri','Nebraska','Oklahoma','South Dakota','Louisiana','Texas','Connecticut','New Hampshire','Rhode Island','Vermont','Alabama','Florida','Georgia','Mississippi','South Carolina','Illinois','Indiana','Kentucky','North Carolina','Ohio','Tennessee','Virginia','Wisconsin','West Virginia','Delaware','District of Columbia','Maryland','New Jersey','New York','Pennsylvania','Maine','Michigan','Alaska']]); 



React component not re-rendering on state change

That's because the response from chrome.runtime.sendMessage is asynchronous; here's the order of operations:

var newDeals = [];

// (1) first chrome.runtime.sendMessage is called, and *registers a callback*
// so that when the data comes back *in the future*
// the function will be called
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({...}, function(deals) {
  // (3) sometime in the future, this function runs,
  // but it's too late
  newDeals = deals;

// (2) this is called immediately, `newDeals` is an empty array
this.setState({ deals: newDeals });

When you pause the script with the debugger, you're giving the extension time to call the callback; by the time you continue, the data has arrived and it appears to work.

To fix, you want to do the setState call after the data comes back from the Chrome extension:

var newDeals = [];

// (1) first chrome.runtime.sendMessage is called, and *registers a callback*
// so that when the data comes back *in the future*
// the function will be called
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({...}, function(deals) {
  // (2) sometime in the future, this function runs
  newDeals = deals;

  // (3) now you can call `setState` with the data
  this.setState({ deals: newDeals });
}.bind(this)); // Don't forget to bind(this) (or use an arrow function)


If this doesn't work for you, check out the other answers on this question, which explain other reasons your component might not be updating.

C# - insert values from file into two arrays

var Text = File.ReadAllLines("Path"); foreach (var i in Text) {    var SplitText = i.Split().Where(x=> x.Lenght>1).ToList();    //@Array1 add SplitText[0]    //@Array2 add SpliteText[1]   }  

Add Items to Columns in a WPF ListView

Solution With Less XAML and More C#

If you define the ListView in XAML:

<ListView x:Name="listView"/>

Then you can add columns and populate it in C#:

public Window()
    // Initialize

    // Add columns
    var gridView = new GridView();
    this.listView.View = gridView;
    gridView.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn { 
        Header = "Id", DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Id") });
    gridView.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn { 
        Header = "Name", DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding("Name") });

    // Populate list
    this.listView.Items.Add(new MyItem { Id = 1, Name = "David" });

See definition of MyItem below.

Solution With More XAML and less C#

However, it's easier to define the columns in XAML (inside the ListView definition):

<ListView x:Name="listView">
            <GridViewColumn Header="Id" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Id}"/>
            <GridViewColumn Header="Name" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}"/>

And then just populate the list in C#:

public Window()
    // Initialize

    // Populate list
    this.listView.Items.Add(new MyItem { Id = 1, Name = "David" });

See definition of MyItem below.

MyItem Definition

MyItem is defined like this:

public class MyItem
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

Switch between two frames in tkinter

Here is another simple answer, but without using classes.

from tkinter import *

def raise_frame(frame):

root = Tk()

f1 = Frame(root)
f2 = Frame(root)
f3 = Frame(root)
f4 = Frame(root)

for frame in (f1, f2, f3, f4):
    frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news')

Button(f1, text='Go to frame 2', command=lambda:raise_frame(f2)).pack()
Label(f1, text='FRAME 1').pack()

Label(f2, text='FRAME 2').pack()
Button(f2, text='Go to frame 3', command=lambda:raise_frame(f3)).pack()

Label(f3, text='FRAME 3').pack(side='left')
Button(f3, text='Go to frame 4', command=lambda:raise_frame(f4)).pack(side='left')

Label(f4, text='FRAME 4').pack()
Button(f4, text='Goto to frame 1', command=lambda:raise_frame(f1)).pack()


How to do a timer in Angular 5

You can simply use setInterval to create such timer in Angular, Use this Code for timer -

timeLeft: number = 60;

startTimer() {
    this.interval = setInterval(() => {
      if(this.timeLeft > 0) {
      } else {
        this.timeLeft = 60;

  pauseTimer() {

<button (click)='startTimer()'>Start Timer</button>
<button (click)='pauseTimer()'>Pause</button>

<p>{{timeLeft}} Seconds Left....</p>

Working Example

Another way using Observable timer like below -

import { timer } from 'rxjs';

observableTimer() {
    const source = timer(1000, 2000);
    const abc = source.subscribe(val => {
      console.log(val, '-');
      this.subscribeTimer = this.timeLeft - val;

<p (click)="observableTimer()">Start Observable timer</p> {{subscribeTimer}}

Working Example

For more information read here

How to change navbar/container width? Bootstrap 3

The .navbar-static-top you are using forces your navbar to become full-width. Remove that class and you will get a resizable navbar. Then, you can wrap it in a span# of the size you want.

<div class="container">
<div class="row">
    <div class="span6 offset3">
        <div class="navbar">

How do I remove all null and empty string values from an object?

function removeAllBlankOrNull(JsonObj) {
    $.each(JsonObj, function(key, value) {
        if (value === "" || value === null) {
            delete JsonObj[key];
        } else if (typeof(value) === "object") {
            JsonObj[key] = removeAllBlankOrNull(value);
    return JsonObj;

Deletes all empty strings and null values recursively. Fiddle

SVN icon overlays not showing properly

This is, unfortunately a quite common problem on Windows where the icons are either not updated or rather disappearing. I find it quite annoying. It usually is fixed by either refreshing the Windows folder (F5) or, by doing a SVN Clean up,

Right click on the folder ->  TortoiseSVN -> Clean up... 
Select Clean up working copy status

I have never been able to solve this permanently, this is only a work-around. Keeping TortoiseSVN on the latest version may or may not help.

Note that the clean up will only clean up your local working copy, it wont do anything to the actual repository. Its a safe operation.

Apparently this is not enough according to your comment. Do you have lots of other programs that are also using overlay icons? If so maybe you can find a solution in this thread: TortoiseSVN icons not showing up under Windows 7? The second most voted answer also deals with network drives etc. Its a good read.

Also, have you rebooted your computer after the install? From the TortoiseSVN FAQ:

You rebooted your PC of course after the installation? If you haven't please do so now. TortoiseSVN is a windows Explorer Shell extension and will be loaded together with Explorer.


Otherwise, try doing a repair install (and reboot of course).

Converting 'ArrayList<String> to 'String[]' in Java

If your application is already using Apache Commons lib, you can slightly modify the accepted answer to not create a new empty array each time:

List<String> list = ..;
String[] array = list.toArray(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);

// or if using static import
String[] array = list.toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);

There are a few more preallocated empty arrays of different types in ArrayUtils.

Also we can trick JVM to create en empty array for us this way:

String[] array = list.toArray(ArrayUtils.toArray());

// or if using static import
String[] array = list.toArray(toArray());

But there's really no advantage this way, just a matter of taste, IMO.

Send an Array with an HTTP Get

I know this post is really old, but I have to reply because although BalusC's answer is marked as correct, it's not completely correct.

You have to write the query adding "[]" to foo like this:


Drawing a simple line graph in Java

Problems with your code and suggestions:

  • Again you need to change the preferredSize of the component (here the Graph JPanel), not the size
  • Don't set the JFrame's bounds.
  • Call pack() on your JFrame after adding components to it and before calling setVisible(true)
  • Your foreach loop won't work since the size of your ArrayList is 0 (test it to see that this is correct). Instead use a for loop going from 0 to 10.
  • You should not have program logic inside of your paintComponent(...) method but only painting code. So I would make the ArrayList a class variable and fill it inside of the class's constructor.

For example:

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.*;

public class DrawGraph extends JPanel {
   private static final int MAX_SCORE = 20;
   private static final int PREF_W = 800;
   private static final int PREF_H = 650;
   private static final int BORDER_GAP = 30;
   private static final Color GRAPH_COLOR =;
   private static final Color GRAPH_POINT_COLOR = new Color(150, 50, 50, 180);
   private static final Stroke GRAPH_STROKE = new BasicStroke(3f);
   private static final int GRAPH_POINT_WIDTH = 12;
   private static final int Y_HATCH_CNT = 10;
   private List<Integer> scores;

   public DrawGraph(List<Integer> scores) {
      this.scores = scores;

   protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
      Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
      g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

      double xScale = ((double) getWidth() - 2 * BORDER_GAP) / (scores.size() - 1);
      double yScale = ((double) getHeight() - 2 * BORDER_GAP) / (MAX_SCORE - 1);

      List<Point> graphPoints = new ArrayList<Point>();
      for (int i = 0; i < scores.size(); i++) {
         int x1 = (int) (i * xScale + BORDER_GAP);
         int y1 = (int) ((MAX_SCORE - scores.get(i)) * yScale + BORDER_GAP);
         graphPoints.add(new Point(x1, y1));

      // create x and y axes 
      g2.drawLine(BORDER_GAP, getHeight() - BORDER_GAP, BORDER_GAP, BORDER_GAP);
      g2.drawLine(BORDER_GAP, getHeight() - BORDER_GAP, getWidth() - BORDER_GAP, getHeight() - BORDER_GAP);

      // create hatch marks for y axis. 
      for (int i = 0; i < Y_HATCH_CNT; i++) {
         int x0 = BORDER_GAP;
         int x1 = GRAPH_POINT_WIDTH + BORDER_GAP;
         int y0 = getHeight() - (((i + 1) * (getHeight() - BORDER_GAP * 2)) / Y_HATCH_CNT + BORDER_GAP);
         int y1 = y0;
         g2.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1);

      // and for x axis
      for (int i = 0; i < scores.size() - 1; i++) {
         int x0 = (i + 1) * (getWidth() - BORDER_GAP * 2) / (scores.size() - 1) + BORDER_GAP;
         int x1 = x0;
         int y0 = getHeight() - BORDER_GAP;
         int y1 = y0 - GRAPH_POINT_WIDTH;
         g2.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1);

      Stroke oldStroke = g2.getStroke();
      for (int i = 0; i < graphPoints.size() - 1; i++) {
         int x1 = graphPoints.get(i).x;
         int y1 = graphPoints.get(i).y;
         int x2 = graphPoints.get(i + 1).x;
         int y2 = graphPoints.get(i + 1).y;
         g2.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);         

      for (int i = 0; i < graphPoints.size(); i++) {
         int x = graphPoints.get(i).x - GRAPH_POINT_WIDTH / 2;
         int y = graphPoints.get(i).y - GRAPH_POINT_WIDTH / 2;;
         int ovalW = GRAPH_POINT_WIDTH;
         int ovalH = GRAPH_POINT_WIDTH;
         g2.fillOval(x, y, ovalW, ovalH);

   public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
      return new Dimension(PREF_W, PREF_H);

   private static void createAndShowGui() {
      List<Integer> scores = new ArrayList<Integer>();
      Random random = new Random();
      int maxDataPoints = 16;
      int maxScore = 20;
      for (int i = 0; i < maxDataPoints ; i++) {
      DrawGraph mainPanel = new DrawGraph(scores);

      JFrame frame = new JFrame("DrawGraph");

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
         public void run() {

Which will create a graph that looks like so: enter image description here

How to count the number of columns in a table using SQL?

Maybe something like this:

SELECT count(*) FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = 'FOO'

this will count number of columns in a the table FOO

You can also just

select count(*) from all_tab_columns where owner='BAR' and table_name='FOO';

where the owner is schema and note that Table Names are upper case

Bootstrap 4 - Responsive cards in card-columns

If you are using Sass:

$card-column-sizes: (
    xs: 2,
    sm: 3,
    md: 4,
    lg: 5,

@each $breakpoint-size, $column-count in $card-column-sizes {
    @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint-size) {
      .card-columns {
        column-count: $column-count;
        column-gap: 1.25rem;

        .card {
          display: inline-block;
          width: 100%; // Don't let them exceed the column width

Push origin master error on new repository

It looks like this question has a number of answers already, but I'll weigh in with mine since I haven't seen any that address the issue I had.

I had this error as well on a brand new github repository. It turns out the user I was pushing from did not have push access. For some reason, this results in an "ERROR: repository not found" error instead of some sort of access error.

Anyway, I hope this helps the poor soul who runs into the same issue.

java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

This problem mainly happens when you are using connection pooling because when you close connection that connection go back to the connection pool and all cursor associated with that connection never get closed as the connection to database is still open. So one alternative is to decrease the idle connection time of connections in pool, so may whenever connection sits idle in connection for say 10 sec , connection to database will get closed and new connection created to put in pool.

Each for object?

var object = { "a": 1, "b": 2};_x000D_
$.each(object, function(key, value){_x000D_
  console.log(key + ": " + object[key]);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

a: 1
b: 2

Interfaces — What's the point?

I share your sense that Interfaces are not necessary. Here is a quote from Cwalina pg 80 Framework Design Guidelines "I often here people saying that interfaces specify contracts. I believe this a dangerous myth. Interfaces by themselves do not specify much. ..." He and co-author Abrams managed 3 releases of .Net for Microsoft. He goes on to say that the 'contract' is "expressed" in an implementation of the class. IMHO watching this for decades, there were many people warning Microsoft that taking the engineering paradigm to the max in OLE/COM might seem good but its usefulness is more directly to hardware. Especially in a big way in the 80s and 90s getting interoperating standards codified. In our TCP/IP Internet world there is little appreciation of the hardware and software gymnastics we would jump through to get solutions 'wired up' between and among mainframes, minicomputers, and microprocessors of which PCs were just a small minority. So coding to interfaces and their protocols made computing work. And interfaces ruled. But what does solving making X.25 work with your application have in common with posting recipes for the holidays? I have been coding C++ and C# for many years and I never created one once.

Display an image with Python

If you use matplotlib, you need to show the image using unless you are not in interactive mode. E.g.:

plt.imshow(sample_image)  # display it

How can I split a text into sentences?

Using spacy:

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
text = "How are you today? I hope you have a great day"
tokens = nlp(text)
for sent in tokens.sents:

How to initialize all members of an array to the same value?

For delayed initialization (i.e. class member constructor initialization) consider:

int a[4];

unsigned int size = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
  a[i] = 0;

How to List All Redis Databases?

Or you can just run the following command and you will see all databases of the Redis instance without firing up redis-cli:

$ redis-cli INFO | grep ^db

Constraint Layout Vertical Align Center

It's possible to set the center aligned view as an anchor for other views. In the example below "@+id/stat_2" centered horizontally in parent and it serves as an anchor for other views in this layout.

< xmlns:android=""

        app:layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf="@+id/divider_1" />

        app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="@+id/stat_1" />

        app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="@+id/stat_detail_2" />

        app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" />

        android:text="Calories Burned"
        app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="@+id/stat_2" />

        app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="@+id/stat_2" />

        app:layout_constraintStart_toEndOf="@+id/divider_2" />

        app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="@+id/stat_3" />


Here's how it works on smallest smartphone (3.7 480x800 Nexus One) vs largest smartphone (5.5 1440x2560 Pixel XL)

Result view

Connect to mysql on Amazon EC2 from a remote server

It could be that you have not configured the Amazon Security Group assigned to your EC2 Instance to accept incoming requests on port 3306 (default port for MySQL).

If this is the case then you can easily open up the port for the security group in a few button clicks:

1) Log into you AWS Console and go to 'EC2'

2) On the left hand menu under 'Network & Security' go to 'Security Groups'

3) Check the Security Group in question

4) Click on 'Inbound tab'

5) Choose 'MYSQL' from drop down list and click 'Add Rule'

Might not be the reason but worth a go...

Drawing a dot on HTML5 canvas

In my Firefox this trick works:

function SetPixel(canvas, x, y)
  canvas.moveTo(x, y);
  canvas.lineTo(x+0.4, y+0.4);

Small offset is not visible on screen, but forces rendering engine to actually draw a point.

AWS S3 CLI - Could not connect to the endpoint URL

  1. Check the .aws directory under home directory. Windows: C:\Users<home-name>.aws Linux: ~/.aws

  2. Under this directory, you will find the config as well as credentials file. It will have the information from the aws configure that you may have run before. IF not, then

  3. Run aws configure Enter the access key - secret key - enter secret key region - (ap-southeast-1 or us-east-1 or any other regions) format - (json or leave it blank, it will pick up default values you may simply hit enter)

  4. From the Step 2, you should see the config file, open it, it should have the region. Please ensure there is region specified.

  5. You may now run the following command to list the buckets aws s3 ls It should work fine.

How to access the elements of a function's return array?

function give_array(){

    $a = "abc";
    $b = "def";
    $c = "ghi";

    return compact('a','b','c');

$my_array = give_array();

Unzip files programmatically in .net

Until now, I was using cmd processes in order to extract an .iso file, copy it into a temporary path from server and extracted on a usb stick. Recently I've found that this is working perfectly with .iso's that are less than 10Gb. For a iso like 29Gb this method gets stuck somehow.

    public void ExtractArchive()

                Directory.Delete(copyISOLocation.OutputPath, true); 
            catch (Exception e) when (e is IOException || e is UnauthorizedAccessException)

            Process cmd = new Process();
            cmd.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
            cmd.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
            cmd.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            cmd.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
            cmd.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            cmd.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;

            cmd.StartInfo.Arguments = "-R";

            cmd.Disposed += (sender, args) => {
                Console.WriteLine("CMD Process disposed");
            cmd.Exited += (sender, args) => {
                Console.WriteLine("CMD Process exited");
            cmd.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, args) => {
                Console.WriteLine("CMD Process error data received");
            cmd.OutputDataReceived += (sender, args) => {
                Console.WriteLine("CMD Process Output data received");




            cmd.StandardInput.WriteLine("cd C:\\\"Program Files (x86)\"\\7-Zip\\");

            cmd.StandardInput.WriteLine(string.Format("7z.exe x -o{0} {1}", copyISOLocation.OutputPath, copyISOLocation.TempIsoPath));

Matching a space in regex

It seems to me like using a REGEX in this case would just be overkill. Why not just just strpos to find the space character. Also, there's nothing special about the space character in regular expressions, you should be able to search for it the same as you would search for any other character. That is, unless you disabled pattern whitespace, which would hardly be necessary in this case.

Stop absolutely positioned div from overlapping text

If you are working with elements of unknown size, and you want to use position: absolute on them or their siblings, you're inevitably going to have to deal with overlap. By setting absolute position you're removing the element from the document flow, but the behaviour you want is that your element should be be pushed around by its siblings so as not to it should flow! You're seeking two totally contradictory things.

You should rethink your layout.

Perhaps what you want is that the .btn element should be absolutely positioned with respect to one of its preceding siblings, rather than against their common parent? In that case, you should set position: relative on the element you'd like to position the button against, and then make the button a child of that element. Now you can use absolute positioning and control overlap.

When to use Spring Security`s antMatcher()?

I'm updating my answer...

antMatcher() is a method of HttpSecurity, it doesn't have anything to do with authorizeRequests(). Basically, http.antMatcher() tells Spring to only configure HttpSecurity if the path matches this pattern.

The authorizeRequests().antMatchers() is then used to apply authorization to one or more paths you specify in antMatchers(). Such as permitAll() or hasRole('USER3'). These only get applied if the first http.antMatcher() is matched.

Finding child element of parent pure javascript

If you already have var parent = document.querySelector('.parent'); you can do this to scope the search to parent's children:


How to check undefined in Typescript

In Typescript 2 you can use Undefined type to check for undefined values. So if you declare a variable as:

let uemail : string | undefined;

Then you can check if the variable z is undefined as:

if(uemail === undefined)


The opposite of Intersect()

string left = "411329_SOFT_MAC_GREEN";
string right= "SOFT_MAC_GREEN";

string[] l = left.Split('_');
string[] r = right.Split('_');

string[] distinctLeft = l.Distinct().ToArray();
string[] distinctRight = r.Distinct().ToArray();

var commonWord = l.Except(r, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
string result = String.Join("_",commonWord);
result = "411329"

How to get ERD diagram for an existing database?

postgresql_autodoc is a cli for doing this. Doesnt do cardinality, but none of the above mentioned GUI tools do as well.

How to find a Java Memory Leak

A tool is a big help.

However, there are times when you can't use a tool: the heap dump is so huge it crashes the tool, you are trying to troubleshoot a machine in some production environment to which you only have shell access, etc.

In that case, it helps to know your way around the hprof dump file.

Look for SITES BEGIN. This shows you what objects are using the most memory. But the objects aren't lumped together solely by type: each entry also includes a "trace" ID. You can then search for that "TRACE nnnn" to see the top few frames of the stack where the object was allocated. Often, once I see where the object is allocated, I find a bug and I'm done. Also, note that you can control how many frames are recorded in the stack with the options to -Xrunhprof.

If you check out the allocation site, and don't see anything wrong, you have to start backward chaining from some of those live objects to root objects, to find the unexpected reference chain. This is where a tool really helps, but you can do the same thing by hand (well, with grep). There is not just one root object (i.e., object not subject to garbage collection). Threads, classes, and stack frames act as root objects, and anything they reference strongly is not collectible.

To do the chaining, look in the HEAP DUMP section for entries with the bad trace id. This will take you to an OBJ or ARR entry, which shows a unique object identifier in hexadecimal. Search for all occurrences of that id to find who's got a strong reference to the object. Follow each of those paths backward as they branch until you figure out where the leak is. See why a tool is so handy?

Static members are a repeat offender for memory leaks. In fact, even without a tool, it'd be worth spending a few minutes looking through your code for static Map members. Can a map grow large? Does anything ever clean up its entries?

Clone() vs Copy constructor- which is recommended in java

Have in mind that clone() doesn't work out of the box. You will have to implement Cloneable and override the clone() method making in public.

There are a few alternatives, which are preferable (since the clone() method has lots of design issues, as stated in other answers), and the copy-constructor would require manual work:

How do I copy a version of a single file from one git branch to another?

I would use git restore (available since git 2.23)

git restore --source otherbranch path/to/myfile.txt

Why it is better than other options?

git checkout otherbranch -- path/to/myfile.txt - It copy file to working directory but also to staging area (similar effect as if you would copy this file manually and executed git add on it). git restore doesn't touch staging area (unless told it to by --staged option).

git show otherbranch:path/to/myfile.txt > path/to/myfile.txt uses standard shell redirection. If you use Powershell then there might be problem with text enconding or you could get broken file if it's binary. With git restore changing files is done all by git executable.

Another advantage is that you can restore whole folder with:

git restore --source otherbranch path/to

or with git restore --overlay --source otherbranch path/to if you want to avoid deleting files. For example if there is less files on otherbranch than in current working directory (and these files are tracked) without --overlay option git restore will delete them. But this is good default bahaviour, you most likely want the state of directory to be "the same like in otherbranch", not "the same like in otherbranch but with additional files from my current branch"

Is it safe to clean docker/overlay2/

also had problems with rapidly growing overlay2

/var/lib/docker/overlay2 - is a folder where docker store writable layers for your container. docker system prune -a - may work only if container is stopped and removed.

in my i was able to figure out what consumes space by going into overlay2 and investigating.

that folder contains other hash named folders. each of those has several folders including diff folder.

diff folder - contains actual difference written by a container with exact folder structure as your container (at least it was in my case - ubuntu 18...)

so i've used du -hsc /var/lib/docker/overlay2/LONGHASHHHHHHH/diff/tmp to figure out that /tmp inside of my container is the folder which gets polluted.

so as a workaround i've used -v /tmp/container-data/tmp:/tmp parameter for docker run command to map inner /tmp folder to host and setup a cron on host to cleanup that folder.

cron task was simple:

  • sudo nano /etc/crontab
  • */30 * * * * root rm -rf /tmp/container-data/tmp/*
  • save and exit

NOTE: overlay2 is system docker folder, and they may change it structure anytime. Everything above is based on what i saw in there. Had to go in docker folder structure only because system was completely out of space and even wouldn't allow me to ssh into docker container.

Fastest way to remove non-numeric characters from a VARCHAR in SQL Server

In case you didn't want to create a function, or you needed just a single inline call in T-SQL, you could try:

set @Phone = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Phone,'(',''),' ',''),'-',''),')','')

Of course this is specific to removing phone number formatting, not a generic remove all special characters from string function.

Angular 2 Date Input not binding to date value

As per HTML5, you can use input type="datetime-local" instead of input type="date".

It will allow the [(ngModel)] directive to read and write value from input control.

Note: If the date string contains 'Z' then to implement above solution, you need to trim the 'Z' character from date.

For more details, please go through this link on mozilla docs.

Custom sort function in ng-repeat

The following link explains filters in Angular extremely well. It shows how it is possible to define custom sort logic within an ng-repeat.

For sorting object with properties, this is the code I have used: (Note that this sort is the standard JavaScript sort method and not specific to angular) Column Name is the name of the property on which sorting is to be performed.

self.myArray.sort(function(itemA, itemB) {
    if (self.sortOrder === "ASC") {
        return itemA[columnName] > itemB[columnName];
    } else {
        return itemA[columnName] < itemB[columnName];

PHP compare two arrays and get the matched values not the difference

I think the better answer for this questions is


because it Compares array against one or more other arrays and returns the values in array that are not present in any of the other arrays.


array_intersect() returns an array containing all the values of array that are present in all the arguments. Note that keys are preserved.

Add left/right horizontal padding to UILabel

#define PADDING 5

@interface MyLabel : UILabel


@implementation MyLabel

- (void)drawTextInRect:(CGRect)rect {
    return [super drawTextInRect:UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, PADDING, 0, PADDING))];

- (CGRect)textRectForBounds:(CGRect)bounds limitedToNumberOfLines:(NSInteger)numberOfLines
    return CGRectInset([self.attributedText boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(999, 999)
                                                         context:nil], -PADDING, 0);


How does a Java HashMap handle different objects with the same hash code?

two objects are equal, implies that they have same hashcode, but not vice versa.

2 equal objects ------> they have same hashcode

2 objects have same hashcode ----xxxxx--> they are NOT equal

Java 8 update in HashMap-

you do this operation in your code -


so, suppose your hashcode returned for both keys "old" and "very-old" is same. Then what will happen.

myHashMap is a HashMap, and suppose that initially you didn't specify its capacity. So default capacity as per java is 16. So now as soon as you initialised hashmap using the new keyword, it created 16 buckets. now when you executed first statement-


then hashcode for "old" is calculated, and because the hashcode could be very large integer too, so, java internally did this - (hash is hashcode here and >>> is right shift)

hash XOR hash >>> 16

so to give as a bigger picture, it will return some index, which would be between 0 to 15. Now your key value pair "old" and "old-value" would be converted to Entry object's key and value instance variable. and then this entry object will be stored in the bucket, or you can say that at a particular index, this entry object would be stored.

FYI- Entry is a class in Map interface- Map.Entry, with these signature/definition

class Entry{
          final Key k;
          value v;
          final int hash;
          Entry next;

now when you execute next statement -


and "very-old" gives same hashcode as "old", so this new key value pair is again sent to the same index or the same bucket. But since this bucket is not empty, then the next variable of the Entry object is used to store this new key value pair.

and this will be stored as linked list for every object which have the same hashcode, but a TRIEFY_THRESHOLD is specified with value 6. so after this reaches, linked list is converted to the balanced tree(red-black tree) with first element as the root.

PHP - Get array value with a numeric index

Yes, for scalar values, a combination of implode and array_slice will do:

$bar = implode(array_slice($array, 0, 1));
$bin = implode(array_slice($array, 1, 1));
$ipsum = implode(array_slice($array, 2, 1));

Or mix it up with array_values and list (thanks @nikic) so that it works with all types of values:

list($bar) = array_values(array_slice($array, 0, 1));

How can I convert a Timestamp into either Date or DateTime object?

java.sql.Timestamp is a subclass of java.util.Date. So, just upcast it.

Date dtStart = resultSet.getTimestamp("dtStart");
Date dtEnd = resultSet.getTimestamp("dtEnd");

Using SimpleDateFormat and creating Joda DateTime should be straightforward from this point on.

When to use StringBuilder in Java

The + operator uses public String concat(String str) internally. This method copies the characters of the two strings, so it has memory requirements and runtime complexity proportional to the length of the two strings. StringBuilder works more efficent.

However I have read here that the concatination code using the + operater is changed to StringBuilder on post Java 4 compilers. So this might not be an issue at all. (Though I would really check this statement if I depend on it in my code!)

Reset Excel to default borders

I was having the same trouble with importing from Excel 2010 to Access, appending an "identical" table. Early on in the wizard it said not all my column names were valid, even though I checked them. It turns out that it saw an "empty" column with no column name. When I tried using the import wizard to create a new table instead, it worked. However, I noticed that it had added a blank column to the right of my data and called it "Field30". So I went back to the spreadsheet I was trying to import, selected the columns to the right of the data that I wanted, right-clicked and chose "clear contents." That did the trick and I was able to import the spreadsheet, appending it to my table.

MVC 3: How to render a view without its layout page when loaded via ajax?

All you need is to create two layouts:

  1. an empty layout

  2. main layout

Then write the code below in _viewStart file:

   if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
      Layout = "~/Areas/Dashboard/Views/Shared/_emptyLayout.cshtml";
      Layout = "~/Areas/Dashboard/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

of course, maybe it is not the best solution

How to check if a string is a number?

I need to do the same thing for a project I am currently working on. Here is how I solved things:

/* Prompt user for input */
printf("Enter a number: ");

/* Read user input */
char input[255]; //Of course, you can choose a different input size
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

/* Strip trailing newline */
size_t ln = strlen(input) - 1;
if( input[ln] == '\n' ) input[ln] = '\0';

/* Ensure that input is a number */
for( size_t i = 0; i < ln; i++){
    if( !isdigit(input[i]) ){
        fprintf(stderr, "%c is not a number. Try again.\n", input[i]);
        getInput(); //Assuming this is the name of the function you are using

Datetime in where clause

WHERE datetime_column >= '20081220 00:00:00.000'
  AND datetime_column < '20081221 00:00:00.000'

HTTP 404 Page Not Found in Web Api hosted in IIS 7.5

I recently had a 404 not found error with all my Web Api 2 routes/controllers. So I went onto the actual server and tried to browse using localhost instead of the hostname and got "404.7 Not Found - The request filtering module is configured to deny the file extension".

This SO post help me solve it.

Automatically size JPanel inside JFrame

As other posters have said, you need to change the LayoutManager being used. I always preferred using a GridLayout so your code would become:

MainPanel mainPanel = new MainPanel();
JFrame mainFrame = new JFrame();
mainFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout());

GridLayout seems more conceptually correct to me when you want your panel to take up the entire screen.

Is there a way I can capture my iPhone screen as a video?

For a nice looking screencast, have a look at SimFinger. You will still need a screen recoder such as Snapz Pro.

Google Android USB Driver and ADB

Can you give us a better description and an example of what you are doing? Because all i have to do is put the line in there for the device and then save the file. Now just reconnect the device and it works.

I usually use something similar to this line:

;some name for the phone (this seems to be arbitrary)
%CompositeAdbInterface%     = USB_Install, THE_HARDWARE_ID

What i do, is:

  1. plug the device into the computer.
  2. Go to your device manager.
  3. Right click on the device that you plugged up.
  4. Go to properties. Then select Hardware Ids.
  5. Then get that value that is listed there.
  6. Now add it to the line you created in the android_winusb.inf.
  7. Unplug the device and plug back in
  8. Go back to the device manager
  9. Right click on the device and click update or install driver
  10. Select search your computer for the driver
  11. Select the directory Your_Android_SDK_Directory/extras/google/usb_driver/
  12. Press ok

That seems to always work for me, is that what you are doing? Or does this even help?

Difference between View and table in sql

A table contains data, a view is just a SELECT statement which has been saved in the database (more or less, depending on your database).

The advantage of a view is that it can join data from several tables thus creating a new view of it. Say you have a database with salaries and you need to do some complex statistical queries on it.

Instead of sending the complex query to the database all the time, you can save the query as a view and then SELECT * FROM view

How to show another window from mainwindow in QT

  1. Implement a slot in your QMainWindow where you will open your new Window,
  2. Place a widget on your QMainWindow,
  3. Connect a signal from this widget to a slot from the QMainWindow (for example: if the widget is a QPushButton connect the signal click() to the QMainWindow custom slot you have created).

Code example:


// ...
include "newwindow.h"
// ...
public slots:
   void openNewWindow();
// ...
   NewWindow *mMyNewWindow;
// ...


// ...
      // ...
      connect(mMyButton, SIGNAL(click()), this, SLOT(openNewWindow()));
      // ...
// ...
void MainWindow::openNewWindow()
   mMyNewWindow = new NewWindow(); // Be sure to destroy your window somewhere
   // ...

This is an example on how display a custom new window. There are a lot of ways to do this.

How can I create a table with borders in Android?

Here is a great way to solve this problem:

Create a rectangle drawable with rounded corners like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="rectangle"> 
    <stroke android:width="2dp"

    <corners android:bottomRightRadius="6dp" 

save it in the drawable folder with the name rounded_border.xml

Then create a relative layout that uses the rounded_border as a background like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""


save that in your layout folder and name it table_with_border.xml

then whenever you need such a table pull it into a view using the include syntax like this:

        layout="@layout/table_with_border" />

You will probably want to add some spacing around the edges - so just wrap the include in a LinearLayout and add some padding around the edges.

Simple and easy way to get a pretty border around a table.

Valid characters of a hostname?

It depends on whether you process IDNs before or after the IDN toASCII algorithm (that is, do you see the domain name pa??de??µa.d???µ? in Greek or as xn--hxajbheg2az3al.xn--jxalpdlp?).

In the latter case—where you are handling IDNs through the punycode—the old RFC 1123 rules apply:

U+0041 through U+005A (A-Z), U+0061 through U+007A (a-z) case folded as each other, U+0030 through U+0039 (0-9) and U+002D (-).

and U+002E (.) of course; the rules for labels allow the others, with dots between labels.

If you are seeing it in IDN form, the allowed characters are much varied, see for a handy chart of all valid characters.

Chances are your network code will deal with the punycode, but your display code (or even just passing strings to and from other layers) with the more human-readable form as nobody running a server on the ????????. domain wants to see their server listed as being on .xn--mgberp4a5d4ar.

Checking for directory and file write permissions in .NET

The answers by Richard and Jason are sort of in the right direction. However what you should be doing is computing the effective permissions for the user identity running your code. None of the examples above correctly account for group membership for example.

I'm pretty sure Keith Brown had some code to do this in his wiki version (offline at this time) of The .NET Developers Guide to Windows Security. This is also discussed in reasonable detail in his Programming Windows Security book.

Computing effective permissions is not for the faint hearted and your code to attempt creating a file and catching the security exception thrown is probably the path of least resistance.

compareTo with primitives -> Integer / int

If you are using java 8, you can create Comparator by this method:

Comparator.comparingInt(i -> i);

if you would like to compare with reversed order:

Comparator.comparingInt(i -> -i);

Is there a JSON equivalent of XQuery/XPath?

If you're like me and you just want to do path-based lookups, but don't care about real XPath, lodash's _.get() can work. Example from lodash docs:

var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };

_.get(object, 'a[0].b.c');
// ? 3

_.get(object, ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']);
// ? 3

_.get(object, 'a.b.c', 'default');
// ? 'default'

How to preserve request url with nginx proxy_pass

I think the proxy_set_header directive could help:

location / {
    proxy_pass http://my_app_upstream;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    # ...

C# - What does the Assert() method do? Is it still useful?

You should use it for times when you don't want to have to breakpoint every little line of code to check variables, but you do want to get some sort of feedback if certain situations are present, for example:

Debug.Assert(someObject != null, "someObject is null! this could totally be a bug!");

Hide element by class in pure Javascript

var appBanners = document.getElementsByClassName('appBanner');

for (var i = 0; i < appBanners.length; i ++) {
    appBanners[i].style.display = 'none';


'uint32_t' does not name a type

You need to #include <cstdint>, but that may not always work.

The problem is that some compiler often automatically export names defined in various headers or provided types before such standards were in place.

Now, I said "may not always work." That's because the cstdint header is part of the C++11 standard and is not always available on current C++ compilers (but often is). The stdint.h header is the C equivalent and is part of C99.

For best portability, I'd recommend using Boost's boost/cstdint.hpp header, if you're willing to use boost. Otherwise, you'll probably be able to get away with #include'ing <cstdint>.

Create a zip file and download it

but the file i am getting from server after download it gives the size of 226 bytes

This is the size of a ZIP header. Apparently there is no data in the downloaded ZIP file. So, can you verify that the files to be added into the ZIP file are, indeed, there (relative to the path of the download PHP script)?

Consider adding a check on addFile too:

foreach($file_names as $file)
    $inputFile = $file_path . $file;
    if (!file_exists($inputFile))
        trigger_error("The input file $inputFile does not exist", E_USER_ERROR);
    if (!is_readable($inputFile))
        trigger_error("The input file $inputFile exists, but has wrong permissions or ownership", E_USER_ERROR);
    if (!$zip->addFile($inputFile, $file))
        trigger_error("Could not add $inputFile to ZIP file", E_USER_ERROR);

The observed behaviour is consistent with some problem (path error, permission problems, ...) preventing the files from being added to the ZIP file. On receiving an "empty" ZIP file, the client issues an error referring to the ZIP central directory missing (the actual error being that there is no directory, and no files).

Contain an image within a div?

#container img{

What is a handle in C++?

A handle is whatever you want it to be.

A handle can be a unsigned integer used in some lookup table.

A handle can be a pointer to, or into, a larger set of data.

It depends on how the code that uses the handle behaves. That determines the handle type.

The reason the term 'handle' is used is what is important. That indicates them as an identification or access type of object. Meaning, to the programmer, they represent a 'key' or access to something.

How to receive POST data in django

You should have access to the POST dictionary on the request object.

Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly that could not be resolved

I have uninstalled Microsoft ASP.NET MVC from manage NuGet Packagaes and again re-installed it. While re-installing it resolved all the conflicts related to razor version. Try it .

Alternative for frames in html5 using iframes

Frames have been deprecated because they caused trouble for url navigation and hyperlinking, because the url would just take to you the index page (with the frameset) and there was no way to specify what was in each of the frame windows. Today, webpages are often generated by server-side technologies such as PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby etc. So instead of using frames, pages can simply be generated by merging a template with content like this:

Template File

<title>{insert script variable for title}</title>

  <div class="menu">
   {menu items inserted here by server-side scripting}
  <div class="main-content">
   {main content inserted here by server-side scripting}

If you don't have full support for a server-side scripting language, you could also use server-side includes (SSI). This will allow you to do the same thing--i.e. generate a single web page from multiple source documents.

But if you really just want to have a section of your webpage be a separate "window" into which you can load other webpages that are not necessarily located on your own server, you will have to use an iframe.

You could emulate your example like this:

Frames Example

  <title>Frames Test</title>
   .menu {
    .mainContent {
  <iframe class="menu" src="menu.html"></iframe>
  <iframe class="mainContent" src="events.html"></iframe>

There are probably better ways to achieve the layout. I've used the CSS float attribute, but you could use tables or other methods as well.

Keep values selected after form submission

Just change this line:

 <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="submit" />

with this line:

 <input type="submit" value="Submit/Reload" class="submit" onclick="history.go(-1);">

Serializing to JSON in jQuery

No, the standard way to serialize to JSON is to use an existing JSON serialization library. If you don't wish to do this, then you're going to have to write your own serialization methods.

If you want guidance on how to do this, I'd suggest examining the source of some of the available libraries.

EDIT: I'm not going to come out and say that writing your own serliazation methods is bad, but you must consider that if it's important to your application to use well-formed JSON, then you have to weigh the overhead of "one more dependency" against the possibility that your custom methods may one day encounter a failure case that you hadn't anticipated. Whether that risk is acceptable is your call.

pull out p-values and r-squared from a linear regression

Notice that summary(fit) generates an object with all the information you need. The beta, se, t and p vectors are stored in it. Get the p-values by selecting the 4th column of the coefficients matrix (stored in the summary object):


Try str(summary(fit)) to see all the info that this object contains.

Edit: I had misread Chase's answer which basically tells you how to get to what I give here.

Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)

I just experienced a similar message [ mine was "Permission denied (publickey)"] after connecting to a compute engine VM which I just created. After reading this post, I decided to try it again.

That time it worked. So i see 3 possible reasons for it working the second time,

  • connecting the second time resolves the problem (after the ssh key was created the first time), or
  • perhaps trying to connect to a compute engine immediately after it was created could also cause a problem which resolves itself after a while, or
  • merely reading this post resolves the problem

I suspect the last is unlikely :)

Count number of tables in Oracle

If you want to know the number of tables that belong to a certain schema/user, you can also use SQL similar to this one:


TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

Clearly you're passing in d.keys() to your shuffle function. Probably this was written with python2.x (when d.keys() returned a list). With python3.x, d.keys() returns a dict_keys object which behaves a lot more like a set than a list. As such, it can't be indexed.

The solution is to pass list(d.keys()) (or simply list(d)) to shuffle.

How can I get Android Wifi Scan Results into a list?

Try this code

public class WiFiDemo extends Activity implements OnClickListener
    WifiManager wifi;       
    ListView lv;
    TextView textStatus;
    Button buttonScan;
    int size = 0;
    List<ScanResult> results;

    String ITEM_KEY = "key";
    ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> arraylist = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
    SimpleAdapter adapter;

    /* Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

        textStatus = (TextView) findViewById(;
        buttonScan = (Button) findViewById(;
        lv = (ListView)findViewById(;

        wifi = (WifiManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
        if (wifi.isWifiEnabled() == false)
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "wifi is disabled..making it enabled", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        this.adapter = new SimpleAdapter(WiFiDemo.this, arraylist, R.layout.row, new String[] { ITEM_KEY }, new int[] { });

        registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver()
            public void onReceive(Context c, Intent intent) 
               results = wifi.getScanResults();
               size = results.size();
        }, new IntentFilter(WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION));                    

    public void onClick(View view) 

        Toast.makeText(this, "Scanning...." + size, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            size = size - 1;
            while (size >= 0) 
                HashMap<String, String> item = new HashMap<String, String>();                       
                item.put(ITEM_KEY, results.get(size).SSID + "  " + results.get(size).capabilities);

        catch (Exception e)
        { }         

WiFiDemo.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""


            android:text="Status" />

            android:text="Scan" />


For ListView- row.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:textSize="14dp" />

Add these permission in AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

Correct way to pause a Python program

I think I like this solution:

import getpass
getpass.getpass("Press Enter to Continue")

It hides whatever the user types in, which helps clarify that input is not used here.

But be mindful on the OS X platform. It displays a key which may be confusing.

It shows a key, like I said

Probably the best solution would be to do something similar to the getpass module yourself, without making a read -s call. Maybe making the foreground color match the background?

System.BadImageFormatException An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

It's possibly a 32 - 64 bits mismatch.

If you're running on a 64-bit OS, the Assembly RevitAPI may be compiled as 32-bit and your process as 64-bit or "Any CPU".

Or, the RevitAPI is compiled as 64-bit and your process is compiled as 32-bit or "Any CPU" and running on a 32-bit OS.

Hex transparency in colors

Short answer

You can see the full table of percentages to hex values and run the code in this playground in .

Short explanation in pseudocode

Percentage to hex values

  1. decimal = percentage * 255 / 100 . ex : decimal = 50*255/100 = 127.5
  2. convert decimal to hexadecimal value . ex: 127.5 in decimal = 7*16ˆ1 + 15 = 7F in hexadecimal

Hex values to percentage

  1. convert the hexaxdecimal value to decimal. ex: D6 = 13*16ˆ1 + 6 = 214
  2. percentage = (value in decimal ) * 100 / 255. ex : 214 *100/255 = 84%

More infos for the conversion decimal <=> hexadecimal

Long answer: how to calculate in your head

The problem can be solved generically by a cross multiplication.

We have a percentage (ranging from 0 to 100 ) and another number (ranging from 0 to 255) then converted to hexadecimal.

  • 100 <==> 255 (FF in hexadecimal)
  • 0 <==> 0 (00 in hexadecimal)

For 1%

  • 1 * 255 / 100 = 2,5
  • 2,5 in hexa is 2 if you round it down.

For 2%

  • 2 * 255 / 100 = 5
  • 5 in hexa is 5 .

The table in the best answer gives the percentage by step of 5%.

How to calculate the numbers between in your head ? Due to the 2.5 increment, add 2 to the first and 3 to the next

  • 95% — F2 // start
  • 96% — F4 // add 2 to F2
  • 97% — F7 // add 3 . Or F2 + 5 = F7
  • 98% — F9 // add 2
  • 99% — FC // add 3. 9 + 3 = 12 in hexa : C
  • 100% — FF // add 2

I prefer to teach how to find the solution rather than showing an answer table you don't know where the results come from.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Java method to swap primitives

For integer types, you can do

a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;

using the bit-wise xor operator ^. As all the other suggestions, you probably shouldn't use it in production code.

For a reason I don't know, the single line version a ^= b ^= a ^= b doesn't work (maybe my Java compiler has a bug). The single line worked in C with all compilers I tried. However, two-line versions work:

a ^= b ^= a;
b ^= a;

as well as

b ^= a;
a ^= b ^= a;

A proof that it works: Let a0 and b0 be the initial values for a and b. After the first line, a is a1 = a0 xor b0; after the second line, b is b1 = b0 xor a1 = b0 xor (a0 xor b0) = a0. After the third line, a is a2 = a1 xor b1 = a1 xor (b0 xor a1) = b0.

How to create a 100% screen width div inside a container in bootstrap?

The reason why your full-width-div doesn't stretch 100% to your screen it's because of its parent "container" which occupies only about 80% of the screen.

If you want to make it stretch 100% to the screen either you make the "full-width-div" position fixed or use the "container-fluid" class instead of "container".

see Bootstrap 3 docs:

How can I detect keydown or keypress event in angular.js?

You were on the right track with your "ng-keydown" attribute on the input, but you missed a simple step. Just because you put the ng-keydown attribute there, doesn't mean angular knows what to do with it. That's where "directives" come into play. You used the attribute correctly, but you now need to write a directive that will tell angular what to do when it sees that attribute on an html element.

The following is an example of how you would do that. We'll rename the directive from ng-keydown to on-keydown (to avoid breaking the "best practice" found here):

var mod = angular.module('mydirectives');
mod.directive('onKeydown', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
             // this next line will convert the string
             // function name into an actual function
             var functionToCall = scope.$eval(attrs.ngKeydown);
             elem.on('keydown', function(e){
                  // on the keydown event, call my function
                  // and pass it the keycode of the key
                  // that was pressed
                  // ex: if ENTER was pressed, e.which == 13

The directive simple tells angular that when it sees an HTML attribute called "ng-keydown", it should listen to the element that has that attribute and call whatever function is passed to it. In the html you would have the following:

<input type="text" on-keydown="onKeydown">

And then in your controller (just like you already had), you would add a function to your controller's scope that is called "onKeydown", like so:

$scope.onKeydown = function(keycode){
    // do something with the keycode

Hopefully that helps either you or someone else who wants to know

How to remove class from all elements jquery

You need to select the li tags contained within the .edgetoedge class. .edgetoedge only matches the one ul tag:

$(".edgetoedge li").removeClass("highlight");

How to get Spinner value?

View view =(View) getActivity().findViewById(controlId);
Spinner spinner = (Spinner)view.findViewById(;
String valToSet = spinner.getSelectedItem().toString();

Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Background-Image inside Div

You might also try:

background-size: cover;

There are some good articles to read about using this CSS3 property: Perfect Full Page Background Image by CSS-Tricks and CSS Background-Size by David Walsh.

PLEASE NOTE - This will not work with IE8-. However, it will work on most versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

ES6 Class Multiple inheritance

An object can only have one prototype. Inheriting from two classes can be done by creating a parent object as a combination of two parent prototypes.

The syntax for subclassing makes it possible to do that in the declaration, since the right-hand side of the extends clause can be any expression. Thus, you can write a function that combines prototypes according to whatever criteria you like, and call that function in the class declaration.

Generate ER Diagram from existing MySQL database, created for CakePHP

Use MySQL Workbench. create SQL dump file of your database

Follow below steps:

  1. Click File->Import->Reverse Engineer MySQL Create Script
  2. Click Browse and select your SQL create script.
  3. Make Sure "Place Imported Objects on a diagram" is checked.
  4. Click Execute Button.
  5. You are done.

Java Reflection: How to get the name of a variable?

(Edit: two previous answers removed, one for answering the question as it stood before edits and one for being, if not absolutely wrong, at least close to it.)

If you compile with debug information on (javac -g), the names of local variables are kept in the .class file. For example, take this simple class:

class TestLocalVarNames {
    public String aMethod(int arg) {
        String local1 = "a string";
        StringBuilder local2 = new StringBuilder();
        return local2.append(local1).append(arg).toString();

After compiling with javac -g:vars, the names of local variables are now in the .class file. javap's -l flag ("Print line number and local variable tables") can show them.

javap -l -c TestLocalVarNames shows:

class TestLocalVarNames extends java.lang.Object{
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokespecial   #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:   return

   Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
   0      5      0    this       LTestLocalVarNames;

public java.lang.String aMethod(int);
   0:   ldc     #2; //String a string
   2:   astore_2
   3:   new     #3; //class java/lang/StringBuilder
   6:   dup
   7:   invokespecial   #4; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":()V
   10:  astore_3
   11:  aload_3
   12:  aload_2
   13:  invokevirtual   #5; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
   16:  iload_1
   17:  invokevirtual   #6; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
   20:  invokevirtual   #7; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
   23:  areturn

   Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
   0      24      0    this       LTestLocalVarNames;
   0      24      1    arg       I
   3      21      2    local1       Ljava/lang/String;
   11      13      3    local2       Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;

The VM spec explains what we're seeing here:

§4.7.9 The LocalVariableTable Attribute:

The LocalVariableTable attribute is an optional variable-length attribute of a Code (§4.7.3) attribute. It may be used by debuggers to determine the value of a given local variable during the execution of a method.

The LocalVariableTable stores the names and types of the variables in each slot, so it is possible to match them up with the bytecode. This is how debuggers can do "Evaluate expression".

As erickson said, though, there's no way to access this table through normal reflection. If you're still determined to do this, I believe the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) will help (but I've never used it myself).

Using cut command to remove multiple columns

The same could be done with Perl
Because it uses 0-based-indexing instead of 1-based-indexing, the field values are offset by 1

perl -F, -lane 'print join ",", @F[1..3,5..9,11..19]'    

is equivalent to:

cut -d, -f2-4,6-10,12-20

If the commas are not needed in the output:

perl -F, -lane 'print "@F[1..3,5..9,11..19]"'

How to show progress dialog in Android?

  final ProgressDialog loadingDialog =,
     "Fetching BloodBank List","Please wait...",false,false);  // for  showing the 
    // dialog  where context is the current context, next field is title followed by
    // message to be shown to the user and in the end intermediate field
    loadingDialog.dismiss();// for dismissing the dialog 

for more info Android - What is difference between and

Is it possible to run JavaFX applications on iOS, Android or Windows Phone 8?

Possible. You can get commercial sport also.

JavaFXPorts is the name of the open source project maintained by Gluon that develops the code necessary for Java and JavaFX to run well on mobile and embedded hardware. The goal of this project is to contribute as much back to the OpenJFX project wherever possible, and when not possible, to maintain the minimal number of changes necessary to enable the goals of JavaFXPorts. Gluon takes the JavaFXPorts source code and compiles it into binaries ready for deployment onto iOS, Android, and embedded hardware. The JavaFXPorts builds are freely available on this website for all developers.

List View Filter Android

Implement your adapter Filterable:

public class vJournalAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<JournalModel> implements Filterable{
private ArrayList<JournalModel> items;
private Context mContext;

then create your Filter class:

private class JournalFilter extends Filter{

    protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {
        FilterResults result = new FilterResults();
        List<JournalModel> allJournals = getAllJournals();
        if(constraint == null || constraint.length() == 0){

            result.values = allJournals;
            result.count = allJournals.size();
            ArrayList<JournalModel> filteredList = new ArrayList<JournalModel>();
            for(JournalModel j: allJournals){
            result.values = filteredList;
            result.count = filteredList.size();

        return result;
    protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {
        if (results.count == 0) {
        } else {
            items = (ArrayList<JournalModel>) results.values;


this way, your adapter is Filterable, you can pass filter item to adapter's filter and do the work. I hope this will be helpful.

How to get a view table query (code) in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

Use sp_helptext before the view_name. Example:

sp_helptext Example_1

Hence you will get the query:

CREATE VIEW dbo.Example_1
SELECT       a, b, c
FROM         dbo.table_name JOIN blah blah blah
WHERE        blah blah blah

sp_helptext will give stored procedures.

find path of current folder - cmd

2015-03-30: Edited - Missing information has been added

To retrieve the current directory you can use the dynamic %cd% variable that holds the current active directory

set "curpath=%cd%"

This generates a value with a ending backslash for the root directory, and without a backslash for the rest of directories. You can force and ending backslash for any directory with

for %%a in ("%cd%\") do set "curpath=%%~fa"

Or you can use another dynamic variable: %__CD__% that will return the current active directory with an ending backslash.

Also, remember the %cd% variable can have a value directly assigned. In this case, the value returned will not be the current directory, but the assigned value. You can prevent this with a reference to the current directory

for %%a in (".\") do set "curpath=%%~fa"

Up to windows XP, the %__CD__% variable has the same behaviour. It can be overwritten by the user, but at least from windows 7 (i can't test it on Vista), any change to the %__CD__% is allowed but when the variable is read, the changed value is ignored and the correct current active directory is retrieved (note: the changed value is still visible using the set command).

BUT all the previous codes will return the current active directory, not the directory where the batch file is stored.

set "curpath=%~dp0"

It will return the directory where the batch file is stored, with an ending backslash.

BUT this will fail if in the batch file the shift command has been used

echo %~dp0

As the arguments to the batch file has been shifted, the %0 reference to the current batch file is lost.

To prevent this, you can retrieve the reference to the batch file before any shifting, or change the syntax to shift /1 to ensure the shift operation will start at the first argument, not affecting the reference to the batch file. If you can not use any of this options, you can retrieve the reference to the current batch file in a call to a subroutine

@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions

    rem Destroy batch file reference
    echo batch folder is "%~dp0"

    rem Call the subroutine to get the batch folder 
    call :getBatchFolder batchFolder
    echo batch folder is "%batchFolder%"

    exit /b

:getBatchFolder returnVar
    set "%~1=%~dp0" & exit /b

This approach can also be necessary if when invoked the batch file name is quoted and a full reference is not used (read here).

Activity <App Name> has leaked ServiceConnection <ServiceConnection Name>@438030a8 that was originally bound here

You can just controll it with a boolean, so you only call unbind if bind has been made

public void doBindService()
    if (!mIsBound)
        bindService(new Intent(this, DMusic.class), Scon, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
        mIsBound = true;

public void doUnbindService()
    if (mIsBound)
        mIsBound = false;

If you only want to unbind it if it has been connected

public ServiceConnection Scon = new ServiceConnection() {

    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder)
        mServ = ((DMusic.ServiceBinder) binder).getService();
        mIsBound = true;

    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name)
        mServ = null;

SHOW PROCESSLIST in MySQL command: sleep

I found this answer here: In short using the following (or within my.cnf) will remove the timeout issue.

SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout = 180; SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 180;

This allows the connections to end if they remain in a sleep State for 3 minutes (or whatever you define).

This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer

I have the same issue. I encountered it when I copied an existing project and transferred it on the folder of my solution directory and added it as existing project to my empty solution. So I have to edit my csproj file and look for this specific line of code, most of the time, this is can be found on the last lines:

  <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />

After that line, I have to comment these out:

  <Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets" Condition="Exists('$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets')" />
  <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
      <ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them.  For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
    <Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\..\..\..\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.0\build\EntityFramework.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\..\..\..\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.0\build\EntityFramework.props'))" />
    <Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\..\..\..\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.0\build\EntityFramework.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\..\..\..\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.0\build\EntityFramework.targets'))" />
  <Import Project="..\..\..\..\..\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.0\build\EntityFramework.targets" Condition="Exists('..\..\..\..\..\packages\EntityFramework.6.4.0\build\EntityFramework.targets')" />

Your solution will prompt that there was a change on your project, just select Reload All:

enter image description here Then everything works fine after rebuilding my solution.

How do I install Python packages on Windows?

I had problems in installing packages on Windows. Found the solution. It works in Windows7+. Mainly anything with Windows Powershell should be able to make it work. This can help you get started with it.

  • Firstly, you'll need to add python installation to your PATH variable. This should help.
  • You need to download the package in zip format that you are trying to install and unzip it. If it is some odd zip format use 7Zip and it should be extracted.
  • Navigate to the directory extracted with using Windows Powershell (Use link for it if you have problems)
  • Run the command python install

That worked for me when nothing else was making any sense. I use Python 2.7 but the documentation suggests that same would work for Python 3.x also.

Extract a substring from a string in Ruby using a regular expression

A simpler scan would be:


Make a number a percentage

@xtrem's answer is good, but I think the toFixed and the makePercentage are common use. Define two functions, and we can use that at everywhere.

const R = require('ramda')
const RA = require('ramda-adjunct')

const fix = R.invoker(1, 'toFixed')(2)

const makePercentage = R.when(
  R.compose(R.flip(R.concat)('%'), fix, R.multiply(100)),

let a = 0.9988
let b = null

makePercentage(b) // -> null
makePercentage(a) // -> ?????99.88%?????

What should every programmer know about security?

  • Remember that you (the programmer) has to secure all parts, but the attacker only has to succeed in finding one kink in your armour.
  • Security is an example of "unknown unknowns". Sometimes you won't know what the possible security flaws are (until afterwards).
  • The difference between a bug and a security hole depends on the intelligence of the attacker.

CSS background-size: cover replacement for Mobile Safari

Also posted here: "background-size: cover" does not cover mobile screen

This works on Android 4.1.2 and iOS 6.1.3 (iPhone 4) and switches for desktop. Written for responsive sites.

Just in case, in your HTML head, something like this:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>


<div class="html-mobile-background"></div>


html {
    /* Whatever you want */
.html-mobile-background {
    position: fixed;
    z-index: -1;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 125%; /* To compensate for mobile browser address bar space */
    background: url(/images/bg.jpg) no-repeat; 
    background-size: 100% 100%;

@media (min-width: 600px) {
    html {
        background: url(/images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; 
        background-size: cover;
    .html-mobile-background {
        display: none;

Move to next item using Java 8 foreach loop in stream

You can use a simple if statement instead of continue. So instead of the way you have your code, you can try:

try(Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(path, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)){
            filteredLines = lines.filter(...).foreach(line -> {
           if(!...) {
              // Code you want to run
           // Once the code runs, it will continue anyway

The predicate in the if statement will just be the opposite of the predicate in your if(pred) continue; statement, so just use ! (logical not).

.NET Out Of Memory Exception - Used 1.3GB but have 16GB installed

It looks like you have a 64bit arch, fine -- but a 32bit version of the .NET runtime and/or a 32bit version of Windows.

And as such, the address space available to your process is still the same, it has not changed from your previous setup.

Upgrade to both a 64bit OS and a 64bit .NET version ;)

ComboBox.SelectedText doesn't give me the SelectedText

If you bind your Combobox to something like KeyValuePair, with properties in the constructor like so...:

 DataSource = dataSource,
 DisplayMember = "Value",
 ValueMember = "Key"

so dataSource is of type KeyValuePair...

You end up with having to do this...

  string v = ((KeyValuePair)((ComboBox)c).SelectedItem).Value;

(I had a Dynamic form - where c was of type Control - so had to cast it to ComboBox)

How to find MySQL process list and to kill those processes?

select GROUP_CONCAT(stat SEPARATOR ' ') from (select concat('KILL ',id,';') as stat from information_schema.processlist) as stats;

Then copy and paste the result back into the terminal. Something like:

KILL 2871; KILL 2879; KILL 2874; KILL 2872; KILL 2866;

MYSQL into outfile "access denied" - but my user has "ALL" access.. and the folder is CHMOD 777

As @fijaaron says,

  1. GRANT ALL does not imply GRANT FILE
  2. GRANT FILE only works with *.*

So do

GRANT FILE ON *.* TO user;

Python: importing a sub-package or sub-module

The reason #2 fails is because sys.modules['module'] does not exist (the import routine has its own scope, and cannot see the module local name), and there's no module module or package on-disk. Note that you can separate multiple imported names by commas.

from package.subpackage.module import attribute1, attribute2, attribute3


from package.subpackage import module
print module.attribute1

How do I time a method's execution in Java?

Come on guys! Nobody mentioned the Guava way to do that (which is arguably awesome):


Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createStarted();
//method invocation"Method took: " + timer.stop());

The nice thing is that Stopwatch.toString() does a good job of selecting time units for the measurement. I.e. if the value is small, it'll output 38 ns, if it's long, it'll show 5m 3s

Even nicer:

Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
for (...) {
}"Method took: " + timer);

Note: Google Guava requires Java 1.6+

Reset the database (purge all), then seed a database

As of Rails 5, the rake commandline tool has been aliased as rails so now

rails db:reset instead of rake db:reset

will work just as well

nullable object must have a value

When using LINQ extension methods (e.g. Select, Where), the lambda function might be converted to SQL that might not behave identically to your C# code. For instance, C#'s short-circuit evaluated && and || are converted to SQL's eager AND and OR. This can cause problems when you're checking for null in your lambda.


MyEnum? type = null;
Entities.Table.Where(a => type == null || 
    a.type == (int)type).ToArray();  // Exception: Nullable object must have a value

Form Submit jQuery does not work

Since every control element gets referenced with its name on the form element (see forms specs), controls with name "submit" will override the build-in submit function.

Which leads to the error mentioned in comments above:

Uncaught TypeError: Property 'submit' of object #<HTMLFormElement> is not a function

As in the accepted answer above the simplest solution would be to change the name of that control element.

However another solution could be to use dispatchEvent method on form element:

$("#form_id")[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('submit')); 

Disable form autofill in Chrome without disabling autocomplete

Easiest solution, provide a value of ' ' for the username field (which you can still call 'username').

If the value can be populated by user-inputted values, as is usually the case for a form that you are validating, provide a value of ' ' when it is not already set. In PHP,

if(trim($username) == ''){$username = ' ';}

<input type='text' value = '$username' name = 'Username' />

I actually think autocompletion for username and password effectively gifts access to all your accounts to anyone who accesses your computer, regardless of how obscure your passwords are...

Convert YYYYMMDD string date to a datetime value

You should have to use DateTime.TryParseExact.

var newDate = DateTime.ParseExact("20111120", 


string str = "20111021";
string[] format = {"yyyyMMdd"};
DateTime date;

if (DateTime.TryParseExact(str, 
                           out date))

R not finding package even after package installation

Do .libPaths(), close every R runing, check in the first directory, remove the zoo package restart R and install zoo again. Of course you need to have sufficient rights.

How do I make a request using HTTP basic authentication with PHP curl?

The most simple and native way it's to use CURL directly.

This works for me :

$login = 'login';
$password = 'password';
$url = 'http://your.url';
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$login:$password");
$result = curl_exec($ch);

Better way to set distance between flexbox items

#box {
    display:-ms-flex; /* Older IE Compatibility ;) */

The 'justify-content' property makes even the gaps, no matter what's your containing div width.

So, lets say your gap is 10px, you have 4 elements so you have 3 gaps: 3*10px = 30px.

#box .item {
    flex-basis:calc((100% - 30px) /4);    

This simple calculation just substracts all gaps added up to the container width, the 'justify-content' property above mentioned takes care of the horizontal alignment. Remaining space is divided by 4 (yep that's our number of elements) giving each .item its width. No other property needed, remember they're already aligned!

Hope this helps!

PS: If you need width in your container you set it, same if the gap size or number of elements change, fix the 'flex-basis' calculation in the .item element to address all of them in one line.

Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource

I got around this by upgrading both the version of Angular that I was using (from v8 -> v9) and the version of TypeScript (from 3.5.3 -> latest).

ConnectionTimeout versus SocketTimeout

A connection timeout occurs only upon starting the TCP connection. This usually happens if the remote machine does not answer. This means that the server has been shut down, you used the wrong IP/DNS name, wrong port or the network connection to the server is down.

A socket timeout is dedicated to monitor the continuous incoming data flow. If the data flow is interrupted for the specified timeout the connection is regarded as stalled/broken. Of course this only works with connections where data is received all the time.

By setting socket timeout to 1 this would require that every millisecond new data is received (assuming that you read the data block wise and the block is large enough)!

If only the incoming stream stalls for more than a millisecond you are running into a timeout.

Java: Get month Integer from Date

java.util.Date date= new Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);

Error 500: Premature end of script headers

Check your line endings! If you see an error about the file not being found, followed by this "premature of end headers" error in your Apache log - it may be that you have Windows line endings in your script in instead of Unix style. I ran into that problem / solution.

How to group dataframe rows into list in pandas groupby

To solve this for several columns of a dataframe:

In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame( {'a':['A','A','B','B','B','C'], 'b':[1,2,5,5,4,6],'c'
   ...: :[3,3,3,4,4,4]})

In [6]: df
   a  b  c
0  A  1  3
1  A  2  3
2  B  5  3
3  B  5  4
4  B  4  4
5  C  6  4

In [7]: df.groupby('a').agg(lambda x: list(x))
           b          c
A     [1, 2]     [3, 3]
B  [5, 5, 4]  [3, 4, 4]
C        [6]        [4]

This answer was inspired from Anamika Modi's answer. Thank you!

ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536

So, @Vivek has got the solution to the problem through a dialogue in the Comments rather than through an actual answer.

"The file is being created by user oracle just noticed this in our development database. i'm getting this error because, the directory where i try to create the file doesn't have write access for others and user oracle comes under others category. "

Who says SO is a Q&A site not a forum? Er, me, amongst others. Anyway, in the absence of an accepted answer to this question I proffer a link to an answer of mine on the topic of UTL_FILE.FOPEN(). Find it here.

P.S. I'm marking this answer Community Wiki, because it's not a proper answer to this question, just a redirect to somewhere else.

error : expected unqualified-id before return in c++

Just for the sake of people who landed here for the same reason I did:

Don't use reserved keywords

I named a function in my class definition delete(), which is a reserved keyword and should not be used as a function name. Renaming it to deletion() (which also made sense semantically in my case) resolved the issue.

For a list of reserved keywords:

I quote: "Since they are used by the language, these keywords are not available for re-definition or overloading. "

batch file to check 64bit or 32bit OS

I usually do the following:

if /i "%processor_architecture%"=="x86" (
        REM Run 32 bit command

    ) ELSE (
        REM Run 64 bit command
) else (
        REM Run 64 bit command

Visual Studio "Could not copy" .... during build

I found a complete solution!

Most answers tell you to kill the process, however with process hacker, I couldn't find any.

I found a relatively simple solution.

  1. Select your primary form in the Form Designer.
  2. Click to your events tab on the properties menu.
  3. Doubleclick the event FormClosing. This automatically generates the event system and function:

private void [your form name here]_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

  1. Inside this function, add Application.Exit

Like so:

private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

helpful image

enter image description here

enter image description here

I hope this helps! This problem really sucked!

Fix 2

Turn on a service called 'Application Experience.'

Delete data with foreign key in SQL Server table

Usefull script which you can delete all data in all tables of a database , replace tt with you databse name :

declare @tablename nvarchar(100)
declare c1 cursor for

open  c1
fetch next from c1 into @tablename

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    print @t1
        exec('alter table ' + @tablename + ' nocheck constraint all')
        exec('delete from ' + @tablename)
        exec ('alter table ' + @tablename + ' check constraint all')
        fetch next from c1 into @tablename
close c1

Parsing HTTP Response in Python

json works with Unicode text in Python 3 (JSON format itself is defined only in terms of Unicode text) and therefore you need to decode bytes received in HTTP response. r.headers.get_content_charset('utf-8') gets your the character encoding:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen

with urlopen('') as r, \
     io.TextIOWrapper(r, encoding=r.headers.get_content_charset('utf-8')) as file:
    result = json.load(file)

It is not necessary to use io.TextIOWrapper here:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen

with urlopen('') as r:
    result = json.loads('utf-8')))

Prevent Bootstrap Modal from disappearing when clicking outside or pressing escape?

If you need to setup this after the modal is shown, you can use @Nabid solution. However, sometimes you still need to allow some method to close the modal. Assuming you have a button with class really-close-the-modal, which should really close the modal, you can use this code (jquery):

var closeButtonClicked = false;

$('.really-close-the-modal').on('click', function () {
    closeButtonClicked = true;

$('#myModal').on('', function (e) {
    if (!closeButtonClicked) {
        return false;
    closeButtonClicked = false;

This isn't really nice code design, but it helped me in a situation where the modal was shown with a loader animation, until an ajax request returned, and only then could I know if the modal needed to be configured to prevent "implicit" closing. You can use a similar design to prevent closing the modal while it's still loading.

Reverse Contents in Array

First of all what value do you have in this pice of code? int temp;? You can't tell because in every single compilation it will have different value - you should initialize your value to not have trash value from memory. Next question is: why you assign this temp value to your array? If you want to stick with your solution I would change reverse function like this:

void reverse(int arr[], int count)
    int temp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < count/2; ++i)
        temp = arr[count - i - 1];
        arr[count - i - 1] = arr[i];
        arr[i] = temp;

    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        std::cout << arr[i] << " ";

Now it will works but you have other options to handle this problem.

Solution using pointers:

void reverse(int arr[], int count)
    int* head = arr;
    int* tail = arr + count - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < count/2; ++i)
        if (head < tail)
            int tmp = *tail;
            *tail = *head;
            *head = tmp;

            head++; tail--;

    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        std::cout << arr[i] << " ";

And ofc like Carlos Abraham says use build in function in algorithm library

How to quietly remove a directory with content in PowerShell

Remove-Item -LiteralPath "foldertodelete" -Force -Recurse

Create an array of strings

You need to use cell-arrays:

names = cell(10,1);
for i=1:10
    names{i} = ['Sample Text ' num2str(i)];

Save text file UTF-8 encoded with VBA

This writes a Byte Order Mark at the start of the file, which is unnecessary in a UTF-8 file and some applications (in my case, SAP) don't like it. Solution here: Can I export excel data with UTF-8 without BOM?

How do I animate constraint changes?

Two important notes:

  1. You need to call layoutIfNeeded within the animation block. Apple actually recommends you call it once before the animation block to ensure that all pending layout operations have been completed

  2. You need to call it specifically on the parent view (e.g. self.view), not the child view that has the constraints attached to it. Doing so will update all constrained views, including animating other views that might be constrained to the view that you changed the constraint of (e.g. View B is attached to the bottom of View A and you just changed View A's top offset and you want View B to animate with it)

Try this:


- (void)moveBannerOffScreen {
    [self.view layoutIfNeeded];

    [UIView animateWithDuration:5
            self._addBannerDistanceFromBottomConstraint.constant = -32;
            [self.view layoutIfNeeded]; // Called on parent view
    bannerIsVisible = FALSE;

- (void)moveBannerOnScreen { 
    [self.view layoutIfNeeded];

    [UIView animateWithDuration:5
            self._addBannerDistanceFromBottomConstraint.constant = 0;
            [self.view layoutIfNeeded]; // Called on parent view
    bannerIsVisible = TRUE;

Swift 3

UIView.animate(withDuration: 5) {
    self._addBannerDistanceFromBottomConstraint.constant = 0

Which Android IDE is better - Android Studio or Eclipse?

From the Android Studio download page:

Caution: Android Studio is currently available as an early access preview. Several features are either incomplete or not yet implemented and you may encounter bugs. If you are not comfortable using an unfinished product, you may want to instead download (or continue to use) the ADT Bundle (Eclipse with the ADT Plugin).

jQuery - Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

your fadeIn() function calls the fadeOut() function, which calls the fadeIn() function again. the recursion is in the JS.

NameError: name 'python' is not defined

It looks like you are trying to start the Python interpreter by running the command python.

However the interpreter is already started. It is interpreting python as a name of a variable, and that name is not defined.

Try this instead and you should hopefully see that your Python installation is working as expected:

print("Hello world!")

JavaScript override methods

Edit: It's now six years since the original answer was written and a lot has changed!

  • If you're using a newer version of JavaScript, possibly compiled with a tool like Babel, you can use real classes.
  • If you're using the class-like component constructors provided by Angular or React, you'll want to look in the docs for that framework.
  • If you're using ES5 and making "fake" classes by hand using prototypes, the answer below is still as right as it ever was.

Good luck!

JavaScript inheritance looks a bit different from Java. Here is how the native JavaScript object system looks:

// Create a class
function Vehicle(color){
  this.color = color;

// Add an instance method
Vehicle.prototype.go = function(){
  return "Underway in " + this.color;

// Add a second class
function Car(color){
  this.color = color;

// And declare it is a subclass of the first
Car.prototype = new Vehicle();

// Override the instance method
Car.prototype.go = function(){
  return + " car"

// Create some instances and see the overridden behavior.
var v = new Vehicle("blue");
v.go() // "Underway in blue"

var c = new Car("red");
c.go() // "Underway in red car"

Unfortunately this is a bit ugly and it does not include a very nice way to "super": you have to manually specify which parent classes' method you want to call. As a result, there are a variety of tools to make creating classes nicer. Try looking at Prototype.js, Backbone.js, or a similar library that includes a nicer syntax for doing OOP in js.

In TensorFlow, what is the difference between and Tensor.eval()?

eval() can not handle the list object


a = tf.Variable(0.2, name="a")
b = tf.Variable(0.3, name="b")
z = tf.constant(0.0, name="z0")
for i in range(100):
    z = a * tf.cos(z + i) + z * tf.sin(b - i)
grad = tf.gradients(z, [a, b])

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

with tf.Session() as sess:
    print("z:", z.eval())
    print("grad", grad.eval())

but can


correct me if I am wrong