Programs & Examples On #Offset

The relational position of an entity, when compared to another entity with fixed position. Typically used, for example, to define location within a file or byte buffer from which information should be read.

Laravel Eloquent limit and offset

Maybe this

$products = $art->products->take($limit)->skip($offset)->get();

how to get right offset of an element? - jQuery

Brendon Crawford had the best answer here (in comment), so I'll move it to an answer until he does (and maybe expand a little).

var offset = $('#whatever').offset();

offset.right = $(window).width() - (offset.left + $('#whatever').outerWidth(true));
offset.bottom = $(window).height() - ( + $('#whatever').outerHeight(true));

Get div's offsetTop positions in React

You may be encouraged to use the Element.getBoundingClientRect() method to get the top offset of your element. This method provides the full offset values (left, top, right, bottom, width, height) of your element in the viewport.

Check the John Resig's post describing how helpful this method is.

Get position/offset of element relative to a parent container?

Sure is easy with pure JS, just do this, work for fixed and animated HTML 5 panels too, i made and try this code and it works for any brower (include IE 8):

<script type="text/javascript">
    function fGetCSSProperty(s, e) {
        try { return s.currentStyle ? s.currentStyle[e] : window.getComputedStyle(s)[e]; }
        catch (x) { return null; } 
    function fGetOffSetParent(s) {
        var a = s.offsetParent || document.body;

        while (a && a.tagName && a != document.body && fGetCSSProperty(a, 'position') == 'static')
            a = a.offsetParent;
        return a;
    function GetPosition(s) {
        var b = fGetOffSetParent(s);

        return { Left: (b.offsetLeft + s.offsetLeft), Top: (b.offsetTop + s.offsetTop) };

Pagination using MySQL LIMIT, OFFSET

A dozen pages is not a big deal when using OFFSET. But when you have hundreds of pages, you will find that OFFSET is bad for performance. This is because all the skipped rows need to be read each time.

It is better to remember where you left off.

undefined offset PHP error

If preg_match did not find a match, $matches is an empty array. So you should check if preg_match found an match before accessing $matches[0], for example:

function get_match($regex,$content)
    if (preg_match($regex,$content,$matches)) {
        return $matches[0];
    } else {
        return null;

How can I get an object's absolute position on the page in Javascript?

I would definitely suggest using element.getBoundingClientRect().


Returns a text rectangle object that encloses a group of text rectangles.


var rectObject = object.getBoundingClientRect();


The returned value is a TextRectangle object which is the union of the rectangles returned by getClientRects() for the element, i.e., the CSS border-boxes associated with the element.

The returned value is a TextRectangle object, which contains read-only left, top, right and bottom properties describing the border-box, in pixels, with the top-left relative to the top-left of the viewport.

Here's a browser compatibility table taken from the linked MDN site:

|    Feature    | Chrome | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
| Basic support | 1.0    | 3.0 (1.9)       | 4.0               | (Yes) | 4.0    |

It's widely supported, and is really easy to use, not to mention that it's really fast. Here's a related article from John Resig:

You can use it like this:

var logo = document.getElementById('hlogo');
var logoTextRectangle = logo.getBoundingClientRect();

console.log("logo's left pos.:", logoTextRectangle.left);
console.log("logo's right pos.:", logoTextRectangle.right);

Here's a really simple example: (you can view and edit the code by clicking "Edit in JS Bin" in the upper right corner).

Or here's another one using Chrome's console: Using element.getBoundingClientRect() in Chrome


I have to mention that the width and height attributes of the getBoundingClientRect() method's return value are undefined in Internet Explorer 8. It works in Chrome 26.x, Firefox 20.x and Opera 12.x though. Workaround in IE8: for width, you could subtract the return value's right and left attributes, and for height, you could subtract bottom and top attributes (like this).

offsetting an html anchor to adjust for fixed header

You can also add an anchor with follow attr:

visibility: hidden;

and give the parent container a position relative.

Works perfect for me.

Equivalent of LIMIT and OFFSET for SQL Server?

Another sample :

declare @limit int 
declare @offset int 
set @offset = 2;
set @limit = 20;
declare @count int
declare @idxini int 
declare @idxfim int 
select @idxfim = @offset * @limit
select @idxini = @idxfim - (@limit-1);
WITH paging AS
             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by object_id) AS rowid, *
select *
        (select COUNT(1) as rowqtd from paging) qtd, 
        rowid between @idxini and @idxfim
    order by 

Bootstrap 3: Offset isn't working?

There is no col-??-offset-0. All "rows" assume there is no offset unless it has been specified. I think you are wanting 3 rows on a small screen and 1 row on a medium screen.

To get the result I believe you are looking for try this:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-4 col-md-12">
        <p>On small screen there are 3 rows, and on a medium screen 1 row</p>
      <div class="col-sm-4 col-md-12">
        <p>On small screen there are 3 rows, and on a medium screen 1 row</p>
      <div class="col-sm-4 col-md-12">
        <p>On small screen there are 3 rows, and on a medium screen 1 row</p>

Keep in mind you will only see a difference on a small tablet with what you described. Medium, large, and extra small screens the columns are spanning 12.

Hope this helps.

How do I get the offset().top value of an element without using jQuery?

use getBoundingClientRect if $el is the actual DOM object:

var top = $el.getBoundingClientRect().top;


Fiddle will show that this will get the same value that jquery's offset top will give you

Edit: as mentioned in comments this does not account for scrolled content, below is the code that jQuery uses (5/13/2015)

offset: function( options ) {

    var docElem, win, rect, doc,
        elem = this[ 0 ];

    if ( !elem ) {

    rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();

    // Make sure element is not hidden (display: none) or disconnected
    if ( rect.width || rect.height || elem.getClientRects().length ) {
        doc = elem.ownerDocument;
        win = getWindow( doc );
        docElem = doc.documentElement;

        return {
            top: + win.pageYOffset - docElem.clientTop,
            left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset - docElem.clientLeft

Using jquery to get element's position relative to viewport

jQuery.offset needs to be combined with scrollTop and scrollLeft as shown in this diagram:

viewport scroll and element offset


function getViewportOffset($e) {_x000D_
  var $window = $(window),_x000D_
    scrollLeft = $window.scrollLeft(),_x000D_
    scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(),_x000D_
    offset = $e.offset(),_x000D_
    rect1 = { x1: scrollLeft, y1: scrollTop, x2: scrollLeft + $window.width(), y2: scrollTop + $window.height() },_x000D_
    rect2 = { x1: offset.left, y1:, x2: offset.left + $e.width(), y2: + $e.height() };_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    left: offset.left - scrollLeft,_x000D_
    top: - scrollTop,_x000D_
    insideViewport: rect1.x1 < rect2.x2 && rect1.x2 > rect2.x1 && rect1.y1 < rect2.y2 && rect1.y2 > rect2.y1_x000D_
$(window).on("load scroll resize", function() {_x000D_
  var viewportOffset = getViewportOffset($("#element"));_x000D_
  $("#log").text("left: " + viewportOffset.left + ", top: " + + ", insideViewport: " + viewportOffset.insideViewport);_x000D_
body { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 1600px; height: 2048px; background-color: #CCCCCC; }_x000D_
#element { width: 384px; height: 384px; margin-top: 1088px; margin-left: 768px; background-color: #99CCFF; }_x000D_
#log { position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; font: medium monospace; background-color: #EEE8AA; }
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<!-- scroll right and bottom to locate the blue square -->_x000D_
<div id="element"></div>_x000D_
<div id="log"></div>

How to fix Warning Illegal string offset in PHP

Please check that your key exists in the array or not, instead of simply trying to access it.


$myVar = $someArray['someKey']

With something like:

if (isset($someArray['someKey'])) {
    $myVar = $someArray['someKey']

or something like:

if(is_array($someArray['someKey'])) {
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_iso_thumbnail';
}else {
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_iso_thumbnail';

Changing the position of Bootstrap popovers based on the popover's X position in relation to window edge?

In addition to bchhun's great answer, if you want absoulte positioning, you can do this

var options = {
    placement: function (context, source) {
         setTimeout(function () {
               $(context).css('top',(source.getBoundingClientRect().top+ 500) + 'px')
         return "top";
    trigger: "click"

Can you control how an SVG's stroke-width is drawn?

A (dirty) possible solution is by using patterns,

here is an example with an inside stroked triangle :

  fill: #0F0;
  fill-opacity: 0.3;
  stroke: #000;
  stroke-opacity: 0.5;
  stroke-width: 20;
  stroke: #f00;
  stroke-opacity: 1;
  stroke-width: 1;

<svg height="210" width="400" >
    <pattern id="fagl" patternUnits="objectBoundingBox" width="2" height="1" x="-50%">
        <path id="triangle1" d="M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z">
    <path id="triangle2" d="M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z" fill="url(#fagl)"/>

offsetTop vs. jQuery.offset().top

I think you are right by saying that people cannot click half pixels, so personally, I would use rounded jQuery offset...

Check if element is visible on screen

--- Shameless plug ---
I have added this function to a library I created vanillajs-browser-helpers:

Well BenM stated, you need to detect the height of the viewport + the scroll position to match up with your top position. The function you are using is ok and does the job, though its a bit more complex than it needs to be.

If you don't use jQuery then the script would be something like this:

function posY(elm) {
    var test = elm, top = 0;

    while(!!test && test.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "body") {
        top += test.offsetTop;
        test = test.offsetParent;

    return top;

function viewPortHeight() {
    var de = document.documentElement;

    { return window.innerHeight; }
    else if( de && !isNaN(de.clientHeight) )
    { return de.clientHeight; }
    return 0;

function scrollY() {
    if( window.pageYOffset ) { return window.pageYOffset; }
    return Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop);

function checkvisible( elm ) {
    var vpH = viewPortHeight(), // Viewport Height
        st = scrollY(), // Scroll Top
        y = posY(elm);
    return (y > (vpH + st));

Using jQuery is a lot easier:

function checkVisible( elm, evalType ) {
    evalType = evalType || "visible";

    var vpH = $(window).height(), // Viewport Height
        st = $(window).scrollTop(), // Scroll Top
        y = $(elm).offset().top,
        elementHeight = $(elm).height();

    if (evalType === "visible") return ((y < (vpH + st)) && (y > (st - elementHeight)));
    if (evalType === "above") return ((y < (vpH + st)));

This even offers a second parameter. With "visible" (or no second parameter) it strictly checks whether an element is on screen. If it is set to "above" it will return true when the element in question is on or above the screen.

See in action:

I hope this answers your question.


This is a lot shorter and should do it as well:

function checkVisible(elm) {
  var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
  var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);
  return !(rect.bottom < 0 || - viewHeight >= 0);

with a fiddle to prove it:

And a version with threshold and mode included:

function checkVisible(elm, threshold, mode) {
  threshold = threshold || 0;
  mode = mode || 'visible';

  var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
  var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);
  var above = rect.bottom - threshold < 0;
  var below = - viewHeight + threshold >= 0;

  return mode === 'above' ? above : (mode === 'below' ? below : !above && !below);

and with a fiddle to prove it:

How to send data to COM PORT using JAVA?

An alternative to javax.comm is the rxtx library which supports more platforms than javax.comm.

How to override a JavaScript function

You can override any built-in function by just re-declaring it.

parseFloat = function(a){

Now parseFloat(3) will alert 3.

Event listener for when element becomes visible?

var targetNode = document.getElementById('elementId');
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(){
    if( != 'none'){
        // doSomething
observer.observe(targetNode, { attributes: true, childList: true });

I might be a little late, but you could just use the MutationObserver to observe any changes on the desired element. If any change occurs, you'll just have to check if the element is displayed.

Installing the Android USB Driver in Windows 7

Just download and install "Samsung Kies" from this link. and everything would work as required.

Before installing, uninstall the drivers you have installed for your device.


Two possible solutions:

  1. Try with the Google USB driver which comes with the SDK.
  2. Download and install the Samsung USB driver from this link as suggested by Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez

Best way to do Version Control for MS Excel

in response to mattlant's reply - sharepoint will work well as a version control only if the version control feature is turned on in the document library. in addition be aware that any code that calls other files by relative paths wont work. and finally any links to external files will break when a file is saved in sharepoint.

Real escape string and PDO

PDO offers an alternative designed to replace mysql_escape_string() with the PDO::quote() method.

Here is an excerpt from the PHP website:

    $conn = new PDO('sqlite:/home/lynn/music.sql3');

    /* Simple string */
    $string = 'Nice';
    print "Unquoted string: $string\n";
    print "Quoted string: " . $conn->quote($string) . "\n";

The above code will output:

Unquoted string: Nice
Quoted string: 'Nice'

/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

I had the same problem. In the end it turned out that my private key did not allow codesign to access it. One can see this in the info dialog in keychain application.

Calling Member Functions within Main C++

Declare an instance of MyClass, and then call the member function on that instance:

MyClass m;


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Well, it's fairly self-explanatory: you've run out of memory.

You may want to try starting it with more memory, using the -Xmx flag, e.g.

java -Xmx2048m [whatever you'd have written before]

This will use up to 2 gigs of memory.

See the non-standard options list for more details.

Align nav-items to right side in bootstrap-4

In Bootstrap 4 alpha-6 version, As navbar is using flex model, you can use justify-content-end in parent's div and remove mr-auto.

<div class="collapse navbar-collapse justify-content-end" id="navbarText">
  <ul class="navbar-nav">
    <li class="nav-item active">
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a>
    <li class="nav-item">
      <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
    <li class="nav-item">
      <a class="nav-link disabled" href="#">Disabled</a>

This works like a charm :)

npm install errors with Error: ENOENT, chmod

Ok it looks like NPM is using your .gitignore as a base for the .npmignore file, and thus ignores /lib. If you add a blank .npmignore file into the root of your application, everything should work.

[edit] - more info on this behaviour here:

How do I add the Java API documentation to Eclipse?

Ensure "Preferences" -> "Java" -> "Editor" -> "Hovers" -> "Combined Hover" is checked.

int to string in MySQL

You could use CONCAT, and the numeric argument of it is converted to its equivalent binary string form.

select t2.* 
from t1 join t2 
on t2.url=CONCAT('',, '%/more') where > 9000

How do I use Assert to verify that an exception has been thrown?

You can download a package from Nuget using: PM> Install-Package MSTestExtensions that adds Assert.Throws() syntax in the style of nUnit/xUnit to MsTest.

High level instructions: download the assembly and inherit from BaseTest and you can use the Assert.Throws() syntax.

The main method for the Throws implementation looks as follows:

public static void Throws<T>(Action task, string expectedMessage, ExceptionMessageCompareOptions options) where T : Exception
    catch (Exception ex)
        AssertExceptionMessage(ex, expectedMessage, options);

    if (typeof(T).Equals(new Exception().GetType()))
        Assert.Fail("Expected exception but no exception was thrown.");
        Assert.Fail(string.Format("Expected exception of type {0} but no exception was thrown.", typeof(T)));

Disclosure: I put together this package.

More Info:

How to use systemctl in Ubuntu 14.04

I ran across this while on a hunt for answers myself after attempting to follow a guide using pm2. The goal is to automatically start a node.js application on a server. Some guides call out using pm2 startup systemd, which is the path that leads to the question of using systemctl on Ubuntu 14.04. Instead, use pm2 startup ubuntu.


UIView touch event in controller

you can used this way: create extension

extension UIView {

    func addTapGesture(action : @escaping ()->Void ){
        let tap = MyTapGestureRecognizer(target: self , action: #selector(self.handleTap(_:)))
        tap.action = action
        tap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1

        self.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

    @objc func handleTap(_ sender: MyTapGestureRecognizer) {

class MyTapGestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer {
    var action : (()->Void)? = nil

and use this way:

@IBOutlet weak var testView: UIView!
   // ...

Should I put #! (shebang) in Python scripts, and what form should it take?

You should add a shebang if the script is intended to be executable. You should also install the script with an installing software that modifies the shebang to something correct so it will work on the target platform. Examples of this is distutils and Distribute.

Creating a left-arrow button (like UINavigationBar's "back" style) on a UIToolbar

I was trying to do the same thing, but I wanted the back button to be in the navigation bar. (I actually needed a back button, that would do more than only going back, so I had to use the leftBarButtonItem property). I tried what AndrewS suggested, but in the navigation bar it wouldn't look the way it should, as the UIButton was kind of casted to a UIBarButtonItem.

But I found a way to work around this. I actually just put a UIView under the UIButton and set the customView for the UIBarButtonItem. Here is the code, if somebody needs it:

// initialize button and button view
UIButton *backButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:101];
UIView *backButtonView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, backButton.frame.size.width, backButton.frame.size.height)];

[backButton addTarget:self action:@selector(backButtonTouched:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[backButton setTitle:@"Back" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[backButtonView addSubview:backButton];

// set buttonview as custom view for bar button item
UIBarButtonItem *backButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:backButtonView];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = backButtonItem;

// push item to navigationbar items
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setItems:[NSArray arrayWithObject:backButtonItem]];

Difference between IISRESET and IIS Stop-Start command

The following was tested for IIS 8.5 and Windows 8.1.

As of IIS 7, Windows recommends restarting IIS via net stop/start. Via the command prompt (as Administrator):

> net stop WAS
> net start W3SVC

net stop WAS will stop W3SVC as well. Then when starting, net start W3SVC will start WAS as a dependency.

What regular expression will match valid international phone numbers?

For iOS SWIFT I found this helpful,

let phoneRegEx = "^((\\+)|(00)|(\\*)|())[0-9]{3,14}((\\#)|())$"

Getting Checkbox Value in ASP.NET MVC 4

public ActionResult Index(string username, string password, string rememberMe)
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
      bool remember = bool.Parse(rememberMe);
   return View();

Java regex capturing groups indexes

Capturing and grouping

Capturing group (pattern) creates a group that has capturing property.

A related one that you might often see (and use) is (?:pattern), which creates a group without capturing property, hence named non-capturing group.

A group is usually used when you need to repeat a sequence of patterns, e.g. (\.\w+)+, or to specify where alternation should take effect, e.g. ^(0*1|1*0)$ (^, then 0*1 or 1*0, then $) versus ^0*1|1*0$ (^0*1 or 1*0$).

A capturing group, apart from grouping, will also record the text matched by the pattern inside the capturing group (pattern). Using your example, (.*):, .* matches ABC and : matches :, and since .* is inside capturing group (.*), the text ABC is recorded for the capturing group 1.

Group number

The whole pattern is defined to be group number 0.

Any capturing group in the pattern start indexing from 1. The indices are defined by the order of the opening parentheses of the capturing groups. As an example, here are all 5 capturing groups in the below pattern:

(group)(?:non-capturing-group)(g(?:ro|u)p( (nested)inside)(another)group)(?=assertion)
|     |                       |          | |      |      ||       |     |
1-----1                       |          | 4------4      |5-------5     |
                              |          3---------------3              |

The group numbers are used in back-reference \n in pattern and $n in replacement string.

In other regex flavors (PCRE, Perl), they can also be used in sub-routine calls.

You can access the text matched by certain group with group). The group numbers can be identified with the rule stated above.

In some regex flavors (PCRE, Perl), there is a branch reset feature which allows you to use the same number for capturing groups in different branches of alternation.

Group name

From Java 7, you can define a named capturing group (?<name>pattern), and you can access the content matched with name). The regex is longer, but the code is more meaningful, since it indicates what you are trying to match or extract with the regex.

The group names are used in back-reference \k<name> in pattern and ${name} in replacement string.

Named capturing groups are still numbered with the same numbering scheme, so they can also be accessed via group).

Internally, Java's implementation just maps from the name to the group number. Therefore, you cannot use the same name for 2 different capturing groups.

Read/write files within a Linux kernel module

Since version 4.14 of Linux kernel, vfs_read and vfs_write functions are no longer exported for use in modules. Instead, functions exclusively for kernel's file access are provided:

# Read the file from the kernel space.
ssize_t kernel_read(struct file *file, void *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos);

# Write the file from the kernel space.
ssize_t kernel_write(struct file *file, const void *buf, size_t count,
            loff_t *pos);

Also, filp_open no longer accepts user-space string, so it can be used for kernel access directly (without dance with set_fs).

How to show all of columns name on pandas dataframe?

If you just want to see all the columns you can do something of this sort as a quick fix

cols = data_all2.columns

now cols will behave as a iterative variable that can be indexed. for example


How to add a touch event to a UIView?

Here is ios tapgesture; First you need to create action for GestureRecognizer after write the below code under the action as shown below

- (IBAction)tapgesture:(id)sender


[_password resignFirstResponder];

[_username resignFirstResponder];

NSLog(@" TapGestureRecognizer  tapped");


Uploading into folder in FTP?

The folder is part of the URL you set when you create request: "". If you use "" then the file will be uploaded to a folder named wibble.

You may need to first use a request with Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.MakeDirectory to make the wibble folder if it doesn't already exist.

CSS no text wrap

Just use:

overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;

In your item's divs

how to download image from any web page in java

You are looking for a web crawler. You can use JSoup to do this, here is basic example

youtube: link to display HD video by default

via Is there a way to link someone to a YouTube Video in HD 1080p quality?

Yes there is:

options are:

default|none: vq=auto;
Code for auto: vq=auto;
Code for 2160p: vq=hd2160;
Code for 1440p: vq=hd1440;
Code for 1080p: vq=hd1080;
Code for 720p: vq=hd720;
Code for 480p: vq=large;
Code for 360p: vq=medium;
Code for 240p: vq=small;

As mentioned, you have to use the /embed/ or /v/ URL.

Note: Some copyrighted content doesn't support be played in this way

Div table-cell vertical align not working

see this bin:

should set parent element to


Command Prompt Error 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Most of the times, the issue is with the paths you have mentioned for 'java home' and 'javac' tags in settings.xml which is present in your .m2 repository and the issue is not with your path variable or Java_Home variable. If you check and correct the same, you should be able to execute your commands successfully. - Jaihind

$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery

Adding in the following code works.

The problem is iPhones dont raise click events. They raise "touch" events. Thanks very much apple. Why couldn't they just keep it standard like everyone else? Anyway thanks Nico for the tip.

Credit to:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(document).click(function (e) {

function fire(e) { alert('hi'); }

function touchHandler(event)
    var touches = event.changedTouches,
        first = touches[0],
        type = "";

       case "touchstart": type = "mousedown"; break;
       case "touchmove":  type = "mousemove"; break;        
       case "touchend":   type = "mouseup"; break;
       default: return;

    //initMouseEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, clickCount, 
    //           screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, 
    //           altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget);

    var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
    simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, 
                          first.screenX, first.screenY, 
                          first.clientX, first.clientY, false, 
                          false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null);;

function init() 
    document.addEventListener("touchstart", touchHandler, true);
    document.addEventListener("touchmove", touchHandler, true);
    document.addEventListener("touchend", touchHandler, true);
    document.addEventListener("touchcancel", touchHandler, true);    

Selecting Multiple Values from a Dropdown List in Google Spreadsheet

I see that you've tagged this question with the google-spreadsheet-api tag. So by "drop-down" do you mean Google App Script's ListBox? If so, you may toggle a user's ability to select multiple items from the ListBox with a simple true/false value.
Here's an example:

`var lb = app.createListBox(true).setId('myId').setName('myLbName');` 

Notice that multiselect is enabled because of the word true.

IntelliJ does not show project folders

I faced same issue when i deleted the .idea folder.

However, when I tried to invalidate and re-start, the .idea folder got created again but still the folders were not showing up.

I had to 1.close IntelliJ, 2.delete the .idea folder, 3.launch IntelliJ

This fixed the issue.

In Perl, how can I read an entire file into a string?

You could simply create a sub-routine:

#Get File Contents
sub gfc
    open FC, @_[0];
    join '', <FC>;

How do I see active SQL Server connections?

Below is my script to find all the sessions connected to a database and you can check if those sessions are doing any I/O and there is an option to kill them.

The script shows also the status of each session.

Have a look below.

-- See who is connected to the database.
-- Analyse what each spid is doing, reads and writes.
-- If safe you can copy and paste the killcommand - last column.
-- Marcelo Miorelli
-- 18-july-2017 - London (UK)
-- Tested on SQL Server 2016.
USE master


    ,KillCommand  = 'Kill '+ CAST(sdes.session_id  AS VARCHAR)
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS sdes

INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections AS sdec
        ON sdec.session_id = sdes.session_id


    SELECT DB_NAME(dbid) AS DatabaseName
        ,OBJECT_NAME(objectid) AS ObjName
            SELECT TEXT AS [processing-instruction(definition)]
            FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sdec.most_recent_sql_handle)
            FOR XML PATH('')
            ), '') AS Query

    FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sdec.most_recent_sql_handle)

) sdest
WHERE sdes.session_id <> @@SPID
  AND sdest.DatabaseName ='yourdatabasename'
--ORDER BY sdes.last_request_start_time DESC


What data type to use for money in Java?

I would use Joda Money

It's still at version 0.6 but looks very promising

How are ssl certificates verified?


First of all, anyone can create 2 keys. One to encrypt data, and another to decrypt data. The former can be a private key, and the latter a public key, AND VICERZA.

Second of all, in simplest terms, a Certificate Authority (CA) offers the service of creating a certificate for you. How? They use certain values (the CA's issuer name, your server's public key, company name, domain, etc.) and they use their SUPER DUPER ULTRA SECURE SECRET private key and encrypt this data. The result of this encrypted data is a SIGNATURE.

So now the CA gives you back a certificate. The certificate is basically a file containing the values previously mentioned (CA's issuer name, company name, domain, your server's public key, etc.), INCLUDING the signature (i.e. an encrypted version of the latter values).

Now, with all that being said, here is a REALLY IMPORTANT part to remember: your device/OS (Windows, Android, etc.) pretty much keeps a list of all major/trusted CA's and their PUBLIC KEYS (if you're thinking that these public keys are used to decrypt the signatures inside the certificates, YOU ARE CORRECT!).

Ok, if you read the above, this sequential example will be a breeze now:

  1. Example-Company asks Example-CA to create for them a certificate.
  2. Example-CA uses their super private key to sign this certificate and gives Example-Company the certificate.
  3. Tomorrow, internet-user-Bob uses Chrome/Firefox/etc. to browse to Most, if not all, browsers nowadays will expect a certificate back from the server.
  4. The browser gets the certificate from The certificate says it's been issued by Example-CA. It just so happens to be that Bob's OS already has Example-CA in its list of trusted CA's, so the browser gets Example-CA's public key. Remember: this is all happening in Bob's computer/mobile/etc., not over the wire.
  5. So now the browser decrypts the signature in the certificate. FINALLY, the browser compares the decrypted values with the contents of the certificate itself. IF THE CONTENTS MATCH, THAT MEANS THE SIGNATURE IS VALID!

Why? Think about it, only this public key can decrypt the signature in such a way that the contents look like they did before the private key encrypted them.

How about man in the middle attacks?

This is one of the main reasons (if not the main reason) why the above standard was created.

Let's say hacker-Jane intercepts internet-user-Bob's request, and replies with her own certificate. However, hacker-Jane is still careful enough to state in the certificate that the issuer was Example-CA. Lastly, hacker-Jane remembers that she has to include a signature on the certificate. But what key does Jane use to sign (i.e. create an encrypted value of the certificate main contents) the certificate?????

So even if hacker-Jane signed the certificate with her own key, you see what's gonna happen next. The browser is gonna say: "ok, this certificate is issued by Example-CA, let's decrypt the signature with Example-CA's public key". After decryption, the browser notices that the certificate contents don't match at all. Hence, the browser gives a very clear warning to the user, and it says it doesn't trust the connection.

List all files from a directory recursively with Java

Just so you know isDirectory() is quite a slow method. I'm finding it quite slow in my file browser. I'll be looking into a library to replace it with native code.

Converting Long to Date in Java returns 1970

Only set the time in mills on Calendar object

Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
// get Date

How to get PID by process name?

Complete example based on the excellent @Hackaholic's answer:

def get_process_id(name):
    """Return process ids found by (partial) name or regex.

    >>> get_process_id('kthreadd')
    >>> get_process_id('watchdog')
    [10, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61]  # ymmv
    >>> get_process_id('non-existent process')
    child = subprocess.Popen(['pgrep', '-f', name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
    response = child.communicate()[0]
    return [int(pid) for pid in response.split()]

LINQ Contains Case Insensitive

Assuming we're working with strings here, here's another "elegant" solution using IndexOf().

public IQueryable<FACILITY_ITEM> GetFacilityItemRootByDescription(string description)
    return this.ObjectContext.FACILITY_ITEM
        .Where(fi => fi.DESCRIPTION
                       .IndexOf(description, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1);

Exception thrown in catch and finally clause

I think you just have to walk the finally blocks:

  1. Print "1".
  2. finally in q print "3".
  3. finally in main print "2".

Unable to capture screenshot. Prevented by security policy. Galaxy S6. Android 6.0

Go to Phone Settings --> Developer Options --> Simulate Secondary Displays and turn it to None. If you don't see Developer Options in the settings menu (it should be at the bottom, go Settings ==> About phone and tap on the Build number a lot of times)

How to select the first row of each group?

We can use the rank() window function (where you would choose the rank = 1) rank just adds a number for every row of a group (in this case it would be the hour)

here's an example. ( from )

val dataset = spark.range(9).withColumn("bucket", 'id % 3)

import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val byBucket = Window.partitionBy('bucket).orderBy('id)

scala> dataset.withColumn("rank", rank over byBucket).show
| id|bucket|rank|
|  0|     0|   1|
|  3|     0|   2|
|  6|     0|   3|
|  1|     1|   1|
|  4|     1|   2|
|  7|     1|   3|
|  2|     2|   1|
|  5|     2|   2|
|  8|     2|   3|

How to make a parent div auto size to the width of its children divs

Your interior <div> elements should likely both be float:left. Divs size to 100% the size of their container width automatically. Try using display:inline-block instead of width:auto on the container div. Or possibly float:left the container and also apply overflow:auto. Depends on what you're after exactly.

How can you profile a Python script?

Following Joe Shaw's answer about multi-threaded code not to work as expected, I figured that the runcall method in cProfile is merely doing self.enable() and self.disable() calls around the profiled function call, so you can simply do that yourself and have whatever code you want in-between with minimal interference with existing code.

Case-insensitive string comparison in C++

FYI, strcmp() and stricmp() are vulnerable to buffer overflow, since they just process until they hit a null terminator. It's safer to use _strncmp() and _strnicmp().

Spring Boot default H2 jdbc connection (and H2 console)


H2 Web Console (H2ConsoleProperties):

spring.h2.console.enabled=true //Enable the console.
spring.h2.console.path=/h2-console //Path at which the console will be available.

Adding the above two lines to my file was enough to access the H2 database web console, using the default username (sa) and password (empty, as in don't enter a password when the ui prompts you).

How do I convert Int/Decimal to float in C#?

You don't even need to cast, it is implicit.

int i = 3;

float f = i;

A full list/table of implicit numeric conversions can be seen here

Checking if object is empty, works with ng-show but not from controller?

Use an empty object literal isn't necessary here, you can use null or undefined:

$scope.items = null;

In this way, ng-show should keep working, and in your controller you can just do:

if ($scope.items) {
    // items have value
} else {
    // items is still null

And in your $http callbacks, you do the following:

$http.get(..., function(data) {
    $scope.items = {
        data: data,
        // other stuff

How do I change the IntelliJ IDEA default JDK?

On my linux machine I use a script like this:

export IDEA_JDK=/opt/jdk14

how to kill the tty in unix

You can run:

ps -ft pts/6 -t pts/9 -t pts/10

This would produce an output similar to:

Vidya      772  2701  0 15:26 pts/6    00:00:00 bash
Vidya      773  2701  0 16:26 pts/9    00:00:00 bash
Vidya      774  2701  0 17:26 pts/10   00:00:00 bash

Grab the PID from the result.

Use the PIDs to kill the processes:

kill <PID1> <PID2> <PID3> ...

For the above example:

kill 772 773 774

If the process doesn't gracefully terminate, just as a last option you can forcefully kill by sending a SIGKILL

kill -9 <PID>

Apache2: 'AH01630: client denied by server configuration'

In case this helps anyone Googling around like I was, I had this error message trying to access a SVG file on my server, e.g. Other file types seemed fine, just SVG were failing.

I hunted around /etc/httpd conf files and checked every require all denied type of configuration, and just could not find what config was having this effect.

I turned LogLevel to debug in the VirtualHost config and could see the mod_authz_core logging specifying there was a 'Require all denied' in effect:

[Mon Jun 10 13:09:54.321022 2019] [authz_core:debug] [pid 23459:tid 140576341206784] mod_authz_core.c(817): [client] AH01626: authorization result of Require all denied: denied
[Mon Jun 10 13:09:54.321038 2019] [authz_core:debug] [pid 23459:tid 140576341206784] mod_authz_core.c(817): [client] AH01626: authorization result of <RequireAny>: denied
[Mon Jun 10 13:09:54.321082 2019] [authz_core:error] [pid 23459:tid 140576341206784] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/blah/htdocs/images/file.svg

Through blind testing I moved the file to the root of the web root, and found I could then access it at .. so it only failed in the 'images' folder. This led me to an .htaccess file in the images folder that I had no idea was there.

Turns out Zen Cart 1.5 comes with an images/.htaccess file that has:

# deny *everything*
 <FilesMatch ".*">
   <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
     Require all denied
   <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
     Order Allow,Deny
     Deny from all

 # but now allow just *certain* necessary files:
 <FilesMatch "(?i).*\.(jpe?g|gif|webp|png|swf)$" >
   <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
     Require all granted
   <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
     Order Allow,Deny
     Allow from all

This was very annoying and I hope this might remind others to check .htaccess files at every level of the file system leading to the file you're having trouble accessing in case there is this kind of tom foolery going on.

VB.NET - How to move to next item a For Each Loop?

What about:

If Not I = x Then

  ' Do something '

End If

' Move to next item '

How to convert int to QString?

In it's simplest form, use the answer of Georg Fritzsche

For a bit advanced, you can use this,

QString QString::arg ( int a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' ) ) const

Get the documentation and an example here..

Grouped bar plot in ggplot

First you need to get the counts for each category, i.e. how many Bads and Goods and so on are there for each group (Food, Music, People). This would be done like so:

raw <- read.csv("",sep=",")
raw[,2]<-factor(raw[,2],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,3]<-factor(raw[,3],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,4]<-factor(raw[,4],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)

raw=raw[,c(2,3,4)] # getting rid of the "people" variable as I see no use for it

freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) # get the counts of each factor level

Then you need to create a data frame out of it, melt it and plot it:

Names=c("Food","Music","People")     # create list of names
data=data.frame(cbind(freq),Names)   # combine them into a data frame
data=data[,c(5,3,1,2,4)]             # sort columns

# melt the data frame for plotting
data.m <- melt(data, id.vars='Names')

# plot everything
ggplot(data.m, aes(Names, value)) +   
  geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), position = "dodge", stat="identity")

Is this what you're after?

enter image description here

To clarify a little bit, in ggplot multiple grouping bar you had a data frame that looked like this:

> head(df)
1  1    A  1980   450   338   154    36    13     9
2  2    A  2000   288   407   212    54    16    23
3  3    A  2020   196   434   246    68    19    36
4  4    B  1980   111   326   441    90    21    11
5  5    B  2000    63   298   443   133    42    21
6  6    B  2020    36   257   462   162    55    30

Since you have numerical values in columns 4-9, which would later be plotted on the y axis, this can be easily transformed with reshape and plotted.

For our current data set, we needed something similar, so we used freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) to get this:

> data
   Names Very.Bad Bad Good Very.Good
1   Food        7   6    5         2
2  Music        5   5    7         3
3 People        6   3    7         4

Just imagine you have Very.Bad, Bad, Good and so on instead of X1PCE, X2PCE, X3PCE. See the similarity? But we needed to create such structure first. Hence the freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)).

Manually Set Value for FormBuilder Control

  let cloneObj = Object.assign({}, this.form.getRawValue(), someClass);

If you don't want manually set each field.

How can I read input from the console using the Scanner class in Java?

You can make a simple program to ask for the user's name and print whatever the reply use inputs.

Or ask the user to enter two numbers and you can add, multiply, subtract, or divide those numbers and print the answers for user inputs just like the behavior of a calculator.

So there you need the Scanner class. You have to import java.util.Scanner;, and in the code you need to use:

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

input is a variable name.

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Please enter your name: ");
s =; // Getting a String value

System.out.println("Please enter your age: ");
i = input.nextInt(); // Getting an integer

System.out.println("Please enter your salary: ");
d = input.nextDouble(); // Getting a double

See how this differs:;, i = input.nextInt();, d = input.nextDouble();

According to a String, int and a double varies the same way for the rest. Don't forget the import statement at the top of your code.

Difference between decimal, float and double in .NET?

  • Decimal 128 bit (28-29 significant digits) In case of financial applications it is better to use Decimal types because it gives you a high level of accuracy and easy to avoid rounding errors Use decimal for non-integer math where precision is needed (e.g. money and currency)

  • Double 64 bit (15-16 digits) Double Types are probably the most normally used data type for real values, except handling money. Use double for non-integer math where the most precise answer isn't necessary.

  • Float 32 bit (7 digits) It is used mostly in graphic libraries because very high demands for processing powers, also used situations that can endure rounding errors.

Decimals are much slower than a double/float.

Decimals and Floats/Doubles cannot be compared without a cast whereas Floats and Doubles can.

Decimals also allow the encoding or trailing zeros.

Eclipse copy/paste entire line keyboard shortcut

(Tested on Windows) [Per below comments, works as well in Ubuntu, IBM RTC 4 / RSA 9]

  1. In Eclipse, press Ctrl+Shift+L two times in succession (or Ctrl + 3 > type: Keys > Enter).
  2. In 'type filter text' (search) text box, type Copy Lines
  3. Select the filtered row, right click the 'Binding' field, and do Select All
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+V
  5. Give OK

From now on, for any line you want to duplicate, just press Ctrl+Shift+V.

How to convert column with dtype as object to string in Pandas Dataframe

You could try using df['column'].str. and then use any string function. Pandas documentation includes those like split

Where does MySQL store database files on Windows and what are the names of the files?

1) Locate the my.ini, which store in the MySQL installation folder.

For example,

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\my.ini

2) Open the “my.ini” with our favor text editor.

#Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this.
basedir="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/"

#Path to the database root/"
datadir="C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/Data

Find the “datadir”, this is the where does MySQL stored the data in Windows.

How do I remove/delete a virtualenv?

Just to echo what @skytreader had previously commented, rmvirtualenv is a command provided by virtualenvwrapper, not virtualenv. Maybe you didn't have virtualenvwrapper installed?

See VirtualEnvWrapper Command Reference for more details.

Access PHP variable in JavaScript

metrobalderas is partially right. Partially, because the PHP variable's value may contain some special characters, which are metacharacters in JavaScript. To avoid such problem, use the code below:

<script type="text/javascript">
var something=<?php echo json_encode($a); ?>;

Location for session files in Apache/PHP

The default session.save_path is set to "" which will evaluate to your system's temp directory. See this comment at stating:

The new default for save_path in upcoming releaess (sic) will be the empty string, which causes the temporary directory to be probed.

You can use sys_get_temp_dir to return the directory path used for temporary files

To find the current session save path, you can use

Refer to this answer to find out what the temp path is when this function returns an empty string.

Python: list of lists

Time traveller here

List_of_list =[([z for z in range(x-2,x+1) if z >= 0],y) for y in range(10) for x in range(10)]

This should do the trick. And the output is this:

[([0], 0), ([0, 1], 0), ([0, 1, 2], 0), ([1, 2, 3], 0), ([2, 3, 4], 0),  ([3, 4, 5], 0), ([4, 5, 6], 0), ([5, 6, 7], 0), ([6, 7, 8], 0), ([7, 8, 9], 0), ([0], 1), ([0, 1], 1), ([0, 1, 2], 1), ([1, 2, 3], 1), ([2, 3, 4], 1), ([3, 4, 5], 1), ([4, 5, 6], 1), ([5, 6, 7], 1), ([6, 7, 8], 1), ([7, 8, 9], 1), ([0], 2), ([0, 1], 2), ([0, 1, 2], 2), ([1, 2, 3], 2), ([2, 3, 4], 2), ([3, 4, 5], 2), ([4, 5, 6], 2), ([5, 6, 7], 2), ([6, 7, 8], 2), ([7, 8, 9], 2), ([0], 3), ([0, 1], 3), ([0, 1, 2], 3), ([1, 2, 3], 3), ([2, 3, 4], 3), ([3, 4, 5], 3), ([4, 5, 6], 3), ([5, 6, 7], 3), ([6, 7, 8], 3), ([7, 8, 9], 3), ([0], 4), ([0, 1], 4), ([0, 1, 2], 4), ([1, 2, 3], 4), ([2, 3, 4], 4), ([3, 4, 5], 4), ([4, 5, 6], 4), ([5, 6, 7], 4), ([6, 7, 8], 4), ([7, 8, 9], 4), ([0], 5), ([0, 1], 5), ([0, 1, 2], 5), ([1, 2, 3], 5), ([2, 3, 4], 5), ([3, 4, 5], 5), ([4, 5, 6], 5), ([5, 6, 7], 5), ([6, 7, 8], 5), ([7, 8, 9], 5), ([0], 6), ([0, 1], 6), ([0, 1, 2], 6), ([1, 2, 3], 6), ([2, 3, 4], 6), ([3, 4, 5], 6), ([4, 5, 6], 6), ([5, 6, 7], 6), ([6, 7, 8], 6), ([7, 8, 9], 6), ([0], 7), ([0, 1], 7), ([0, 1, 2], 7), ([1, 2, 3], 7), ([2, 3, 4], 7), ([3, 4, 5], 7), ([4, 5, 6], 7), ([5, 6, 7], 7), ([6, 7, 8], 7), ([7, 8, 9], 7), ([0], 8), ([0, 1], 8), ([0, 1, 2], 8), ([1, 2, 3], 8), ([2, 3, 4], 8), ([3, 4, 5], 8), ([4, 5, 6], 8), ([5, 6, 7], 8), ([6, 7, 8], 8), ([7, 8, 9], 8), ([0], 9), ([0, 1], 9), ([0, 1, 2], 9), ([1, 2, 3], 9), ([2, 3, 4], 9), ([3, 4, 5], 9), ([4, 5, 6], 9), ([5, 6, 7], 9), ([6, 7, 8], 9), ([7, 8, 9], 9)]    

This is done by list comprehension(which makes looping elements in a list via one line code possible). The logic behind this one-line code is the following:

(1) for x in range(10) and for y in range(10) are employed for two independent loops inside a list

(2) (a list, y) is the general term of the loop, which is why it is placed before two for's in (1)

(3) the length of the list in (2) cannot exceed 3, and the list depends on x, so

[z for z in range(x-2,x+1)] 

is used

(4) because z starts from zero but range(x-2,x+1) starts from -2 which isn't what we want, so a conditional statement if z >= 0 is placed at the end of the list in (2)

[z for z in range(x-2,x+1) if z >= 0] 

Stateless vs Stateful

Just to add on others' contributions....Another way is look at it from a web server and concurrency's point of view...

HTTP is stateless in nature for a reason...In the case of a web server, being stateful means that it would have to remember a user's 'state' for their last connection, and /or keep an open connection to a requester. That would be very expensive and 'stressful' in an application with thousands of concurrent connections...

Being stateless in this case has obvious efficient usage of resources...i.e support a connection in in a single instance of request and response...No overhead of keeping connections open and/or remember anything from the last request...

How to print variables in Perl

You should always include all relevant code when asking a question. In this case, the print statement that is the center of your question. The print statement is probably the most crucial piece of information. The second most crucial piece of information is the error, which you also did not include. Next time, include both of those.

print $ids should be a fairly hard statement to mess up, but it is possible. Possible reasons:

  1. $ids is undefined. Gives the warning undefined value in print
  2. $ids is out of scope. With use strict, gives fatal warning Global variable $ids needs explicit package name, and otherwise the undefined warning from above.
  3. You forgot a semi-colon at the end of the line.
  4. You tried to do print $ids $nIds, in which case perl thinks that $ids is supposed to be a filehandle, and you get an error such as print to unopened filehandle.


1: Should not happen. It might happen if you do something like this (assuming you are not using strict):

my $var;
while (<>) {
    $Var .= $_;
print $var;

Gives the warning for undefined value, because $Var and $var are two different variables.

2: Might happen, if you do something like this:

if ($something) {
    my $var = "something happened!";
print $var;

my declares the variable inside the current block. Outside the block, it is out of scope.

3: Simple enough, common mistake, easily fixed. Easier to spot with use warnings.

4: Also a common mistake. There are a number of ways to correctly print two variables in the same print statement:

print "$var1 $var2";  # concatenation inside a double quoted string
print $var1 . $var2;  # concatenation
print $var1, $var2;   # supplying print with a list of args

Lastly, some perl magic tips for you:

use strict;
use warnings;

# open with explicit direction '<', check the return value
# to make sure open succeeded. Using a lexical filehandle.
open my $fh, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!;

# read the whole file into an array and
# chomp all the lines at once
chomp(my @file = <$fh>);
close $fh;

my $ids  = join(' ', @file);
my $nIds = scalar @file;
print "Number of lines: $nIds\n";
print "Text:\n$ids\n";

Reading the whole file into an array is suitable for small files only, otherwise it uses a lot of memory. Usually, line-by-line is preferred.


  • print "@file" is equivalent to $ids = join(' ',@file); print $ids;
  • $#file will return the last index in @file. Since arrays usually start at 0, $#file + 1 is equivalent to scalar @file.

You can also do:

my $ids;
do {
    local $/;
    $ids = <$fh>;

By temporarily "turning off" $/, the input record separator, i.e. newline, you will make <$fh> return the entire file. What <$fh> really does is read until it finds $/, then return that string. Note that this will preserve the newlines in $ids.

Line-by-line solution:

open my $fh, '<', 'file.txt' or die $!; # btw, $! contains the most recent error
my $ids;
while (<$fh>) {
    $ids .= "$_ "; # concatenate with string
my $nIds = $.; # $. is Current line number for the last filehandle accessed.

How can I escape square brackets in a LIKE clause?

If you would need to escape special characters like '_' (underscore), as it was in my case, and you are not willing/not able to define an ESCAPE clause, you may wish to enclose the special character with square brackets '[' and ']'.

This explains the meaning of the "weird" string '[[]' - it just embraces the '[' character with square brackets, effectively escaping it.

My use case was to specify the name of a stored procedure with underscores in it as a filter criteria for the Profiler. So I've put string '%name[_]of[_]a[_]stored[_]procedure%' in a TextData LIKE field and it gave me trace results I wanted to achieve.

Here is a good example from the documentation: LIKE (Transact-SQL) - Using Wildcard Characters As Literals

How to make URL/Phone-clickable UILabel?

Use UITextView instead of UILabel and it has a property to convert your text to hyperlink

Swift code:

yourTextView.editable = false
yourTextView.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypes.All
yourTextView.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypes.PhoneNumber
yourTextView.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypes.Link

Python 2.7.10 error "from urllib.request import urlopen" no module named request

You can program defensively, and do your import as:

    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib2 import urlopen

and then in the code, just use:

data = urlopen(MIRRORS).read(AMOUNT2READ)

Cut Corners using CSS

Here's a solution for if you don't want a solid-color background, i.e. just a border with square-cut corners.

.container {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: white;
  border: 1px solid black;
  position: relative;

.border {
      position: absolute;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
.border:before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        border-top: 15px solid white;
        border-left: 15px solid white;
        width: 0;
.border:after {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        width: 16px;
        height: 1px;
        background: black;
.tl:before { top: -5px; left: -5px; transform: rotate(-45deg); }
.tl:after { top: 5px; left: -3px; transform: rotate(-45deg);}

.tr:before { top: -5px; right: -5px; transform: rotate(45deg); }
.tr:after { top: 5px; right: -3px; transform: rotate(45deg); }

.bl:before { bottom: -5px; left: -5px; transform: rotate(45deg); }
.bl:after { bottom: 5px; left: -3px; transform: rotate(45deg); }

.br:before { bottom: -5px; right: -5px; transform: rotate(-45deg); }
.br:after { bottom: 5px; right: -3px; transform: rotate(-45deg); }
     <div class="container">
       <div class="border tl"></div>
       <div class="border tr"></div>
       <div class="border bl"></div>
       <div class="border br"></div>

Running vbscript from batch file

Batch files are processed row by row and terminate whenever you call an executable directly.
- To make the batch file wait for the process to terminate and continue, put call in front of it.
- To make the batch file continue without waiting, put start "" in front of it.

I recommend using this single line script to accomplish your goal:

@call cscript "%~dp0necdaily.vbs"

(because this is a single line, you can use @ instead of @echo off)

If you believe your script can only be called from the SysWOW64 versions of cmd.exe, you might try:

@%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c call cscript "%~dp0necdaily.vbs"

If you need the window to remain, you can replace /c with /k

How to disable keypad popup when on edittext?

For Xamarin Users:

[Activity(MainLauncher = true, 
        ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait, 
        WindowSoftInputMode = SoftInput.StateHidden)] //SoftInput.StateHidden - disables keyboard autopop

PHP - Debugging Curl

You can enable the CURLOPT_VERBOSE option:

curl_setopt($curlhandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);

When CURLOPT_VERBOSE is set, output is written to STDERR or the file specified using CURLOPT_STDERR. The output is very informative.

You can also use tcpdump or wireshark to watch the network traffic.

How do HashTables deal with collisions?

Update since Java 8: Java 8 uses a self-balanced tree for collision-handling, improving the worst case from O(n) to O(log n) for lookup. The use of a self-balanced tree was introduced in Java 8 as an improvement over chaining (used until java 7), which uses a linked-list, and has a worst case of O(n) for lookup (as it needs to traverse the list)

To answer the second part of your question, insertion is done by mapping a given element to a given index in the underlying array of the hashmap, however, when a collision occurs, all elements must still be preserved (stored in a secondary data-structure, and not just replaced in the underlying array). This is usually done by making each array-component (slot) be a secondary datastructure (aka bucket), and the element is added to the bucket residing on the given array-index (if the key does not already exist in the bucket, in which case it is replaced).

During lookup, the key is hashed to it's corresponding array-index, and search is performed for an element matching the (exact) key in the given bucket. Because the bucket does not need to handle collisions (compares keys directly), this solves the problem of collisions, but does so at the cost of having to perform insertion and lookup on the secondary datastructure. The key point is that in a hashmap, both the key and the value is stored, and so even if the hash collides, keys are compared directly for equality (in the bucket), and thus can be uniquely identified in the bucket.

Collission-handling brings the worst-case performance of insertion and lookup from O(1) in the case of no collission-handling to O(n) for chaining (a linked-list is used as secondary datastructure) and O(log n) for self-balanced tree.


Java 8 has come with the following improvements/changes of HashMap objects in case of high collisions.

  • The alternative String hash function added in Java 7 has been removed.

  • Buckets containing a large number of colliding keys will store their entries in a balanced tree instead of a linked list after certain threshold is reached.

Above changes ensure performance of O(log(n)) in worst case scenarios (

How to keep keys/values in same order as declared?

I came across this post while trying to figure out how to get OrderedDict to work. PyDev for Eclipse couldn't find OrderedDict at all, so I ended up deciding to make a tuple of my dictionary's key values as I would like them to be ordered. When I needed to output my list, I just iterated through the tuple's values and plugged the iterated 'key' from the tuple into the dictionary to retrieve my values in the order I needed them.


test_dict = dict( val1 = "hi", val2 = "bye", val3 = "huh?", val4 = "what....")
test_tuple = ( 'val1', 'val2', 'val3', 'val4')
for key in test_tuple: print(test_dict[key])

It's a tad cumbersome, but I'm pressed for time and it's the workaround I came up with.

note: the list of lists approach that somebody else suggested does not really make sense to me, because lists are ordered and indexed (and are also a different structure than dictionaries).

How to add icon to mat-icon-button

The Material icons use the Material icon font, and the font needs to be included with the page.

Here's the CDN from Google Web Fonts:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

How to go to a URL using jQuery?

window.location is just what you need. Other thing you can do is to create anchor element and simulate click on it

$("<a href='your url'></a>").click(); 

How to comment lines in rails html.erb files?

Note that if you want to comment out a single line of printing erb you should do like this

<%#= ["Buck", "Papandreou"].join(" you ") %>

Update with two tables?

The answers didn't work for me with postgresql 9.1+

This is what I had to do (you can check more in the manual here)

UPDATE schema.TableA as A
SET "columnA" = "B"."columnB"
FROM schema.TableB as B

You can omit the schema, if you are using the default schema for both tables.

Adjusting and image Size to fit a div (bootstrap)

Just a heads up that Bootstrap 4 now uses img-fluid instead of img-responsive, so double check which version you're using if you're having problems.

Wait for async task to finish

This will never work, because the JS VM has moved on from that async_call and returned the value, which you haven't set yet.

Don't try to fight what is natural and built-in the language behaviour. You should use a callback technique or a promise.

function f(input, callback) {
    var value;

    // Assume the async call always succeed
    async_call(input, function(result) { callback(result) };


The other option is to use a promise, have a look at Q. This way you return a promise, and then you attach a then listener to it, which is basically the same as a callback. When the promise resolves, the then will trigger.

How to check if element exists using a lambda expression?

Try to use anyMatch of Lambda Expression. It is much better approach.

 boolean idExists = tabPane.getTabs().stream()
            .anyMatch(t -> t.getId().equals(idToCheck));

JSON Java 8 LocalDateTime format in Spring Boot

I finally found here how to do it. To fix it, I needed another dependency:


By including this dependency, Spring will automatically register a converter for it, as described here. After that, you need to add the following to


This will ensure that a correct converter is used, and dates will be printed in the format of 2016-03-16T13:56:39.492

Annotations are only needed in case you want to change the date format.

How to set header and options in axios?

This is a simple example of a configuration with headers and responseType:

var config = {
  headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
  responseType: 'blob'
};'http://YOUR_URL',, config)
  .then((response) => {

Content-Type can be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'application/json' and it may work also 'application/json;charset=utf-8'

responseType can be 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'document', 'json', 'text', 'stream'

In this example, is the data you want to send. It can be a value or an Array. (If you want to send an object you'll probably have to serialize it)

How do I import a .dmp file into Oracle?

i got solution what you are getting as per imp help=y it is mentioned that imp is only valid for TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE as below:

Keyword  Description (Default)       Keyword      Description (Default)
USERID   username/password           FULL         import entire file (N)
BUFFER   size of data buffer         FROMUSER     list of owner usernames
FILE     input files (EXPDAT.DMP)    TOUSER       list of usernames
SHOW     just list file contents (N) TABLES       list of table names
IGNORE   ignore create errors (N)    RECORDLENGTH length of IO record
GRANTS   import grants (Y)           INCTYPE      incremental import type
INDEXES  import indexes (Y)          COMMIT       commit array insert (N)
ROWS     import data rows (Y)        PARFILE      parameter filename
LOG      log file of screen output   CONSTRAINTS  import constraints (Y)
DESTROY                overwrite tablespace data file (N)
INDEXFILE              write table/index info to specified file
SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES  skip maintenance of unusable indexes (N)
FEEDBACK               display progress every x rows(0)
TOID_NOVALIDATE        skip validation of specified type ids
FILESIZE               maximum size of each dump file
STATISTICS             import precomputed statistics (always)
RESUMABLE              suspend when a space related error is encountered(N)
RESUMABLE_NAME         text string used to identify resumable statement
COMPILE                compile procedures, packages, and functions (Y)
STREAMS_CONFIGURATION  import streams general metadata (Y)
STREAMS_INSTANTIATION  import streams instantiation metadata (N)
DATA_ONLY              import only data (N)

The following keywords only apply to transportable tablespaces
TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE import transportable tablespace metadata (N)
TABLESPACES tablespaces to be transported into database
DATAFILES datafiles to be transported into database
TTS_OWNERS users that own data in the transportable tablespace set

So, Please create table space for your user:


ASP.NET MVC: Html.EditorFor and multi-line text boxes

Another way

@Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Comments[0].Comment)

And in your css do this

    font-family: inherit;
    width: 650px;
    height: 65px;

That DataType dealie allows carriage returns in the data, not everybody likes those.

Apache error: _default_ virtualhost overlap on port 443

I ran into this problem because I had multiple wildcard entries for the same ports. You can easily check this by executing apache2ctl -S:

# apache2ctl -S
[Wed Oct 22 18:02:18 2014] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 30000, the first has precedence
[Wed Oct 22 18:02:18 2014] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 20001, the first has precedence
VirtualHost configuration:       is a NameVirtualHost
         default server (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
         port 80 namevhost (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
         [...]      is a NameVirtualHost
         default server (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
         port 443 namevhost (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
wildcard NameVirtualHosts and _default_ servers:
*:80          (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default:1)
*:20001       (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default:33)
*:30000       (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default:57)
_default_:443 (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl:2)
*:20001       (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl:163)
*:30000       (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl:178)
Syntax OK

Notice how at the beginning of the output are a couple of warning lines. These will indicate which ports are creating the problems (however you probably already knew that).

Next, look at the end of the output and you can see exactly which files and lines the virtualhosts are defined that are creating the problem. In the above example, port 20001 is assigned both in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default on line 33 and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl on line 163. Likewise *:30000 is listed in 2 places. The solution (in my case) was simply to delete one of the entries.

Check if string contains a value in array

I came up with this function which works for me, hope this will help somebody

$word_list = 'word1, word2, word3, word4';
$str = 'This string contains word1 in it';

function checkStringAgainstList($str, $word_list)
  $word_list = explode(', ', $word_list);
  $str = explode(' ', $str);

  foreach ($str as $word):
    if (in_array(strtolower($word), $word_list)) {
        return TRUE;

  return false;

Also, note that answers with strpos() will return true if the matching word is a part of other word. For example if word list contains 'st' and if your string contains 'street', strpos() will return true

How To Launch Git Bash from DOS Command Line?

The answer by Endoro has aged and I'm unable to comment;

# if you want to launch from a batch file or the command line:

start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login

Excel is not updating cells, options > formula > workbook calculation set to automatic

The field is formatted as 'Text', which means that formulas aren't evaluated. Change the formatting to something else, press F2 on the cell and Enter.

Quickly create large file on a Windows system

Quick to execute or quick to type on a keyboard? If you use Python on Windows, you can try this:

cmd /k py -3 -c "with open(r'C:\Users\LRiffel\BigFile.bin', 'wb') as file: file.truncate(5 * 1 << 30)"

Identifying and removing null characters in UNIX

If the lines in the file end with \r\n\000 then what works is to delete the \n\000 then replace the \r with \n.

tr -d '\n\000' <infile | tr '\r' '\n' >outfile

what are the .map files used for in Bootstrap 3.x?

From Working with CSS preprocessors in Chrome DevTools:

Many developers generate CSS style sheets using a CSS preprocessor, such as Sass, Less, or Stylus. Because the CSS files are generated, editing the CSS files directly is not as helpful.

For preprocessors that support CSS source maps, DevTools lets you live-edit your preprocessor source files in the Sources panel, and view the results without having to leave DevTools or refresh the page. When you inspect an element whose styles are provided by a generated CSS file, the Elements panel displays a link to the original source file, not the generated .css file.

html5: display video inside canvas

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx    = canvas.getContext('2d');
var video  = document.getElementById('video');

video.addEventListener('play', function () {
    var $this = this; //cache
    (function loop() {
        if (!$this.paused && !$this.ended) {
            ctx.drawImage($this, 0, 0);
            setTimeout(loop, 1000 / 30); // drawing at 30fps
}, 0);

I guess the above code is self Explanatory, If not drop a comment below, I will try to explain the above few lines of code

Edit :
here's an online example, just for you :)

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');_x000D_
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');_x000D_
var video = document.getElementById('video');_x000D_
// set canvas size = video size when known_x000D_
video.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {_x000D_
  canvas.width = video.videoWidth;_x000D_
  canvas.height = video.videoHeight;_x000D_
video.addEventListener('play', function() {_x000D_
  var $this = this; //cache_x000D_
  (function loop() {_x000D_
    if (!$this.paused && !$this.ended) {_x000D_
      ctx.drawImage($this, 0, 0);_x000D_
      setTimeout(loop, 1000 / 30); // drawing at 30fps_x000D_
}, 0);
<div id="theater">_x000D_
  <video id="video" src="" controls="false"></video>_x000D_
  <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>_x000D_
    <br />Try to play me :)</label>_x000D_
  <br />_x000D_

ggplot2 line chart gives "geom_path: Each group consist of only one observation. Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?"

I had similar problem with the data frame:

group time weight.loss
1 Control  wl1    4.500000
2    Diet  wl1    5.333333
3  DietEx  wl1    6.200000
4 Control  wl2    3.333333
5    Diet  wl2    3.916667
6  DietEx  wl2    6.100000
7 Control  wl3    2.083333
8    Diet  wl3    2.250000
9  DietEx  wl3    2.200000

I think the variable for x axis should be numeric, so that geom_line knows how to connect the points to draw the line.

after I change the 2nd column to numeric:

 group time weight.loss
1 Control    1    4.500000
2    Diet    1    5.333333
3  DietEx    1    6.200000
4 Control    2    3.333333
5    Diet    2    3.916667
6  DietEx    2    6.100000
7 Control    3    2.083333
8    Diet    3    2.250000
9  DietEx    3    2.200000

then it works.

Make text wrap in a cell with FPDF?

Text Wrap:

The MultiCell is used for print text with multiple lines. It has the same atributes of Cell except for ln and link.

$pdf->MultiCell( 200, 40, $reportSubtitle, 1);

Line Height:

What multiCell does is to spread the given text into multiple cells, this means that the second parameter defines the height of each line (individual cell) and not the height of all cells (collectively).

MultiCell(float w, float h, string txt [, mixed border [, string align [, boolean fill]]])

You can read the full documentation here.

Create a custom callback in JavaScript

It is good practice to make sure the callback is an actual function before attempting to execute it:

if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") {


Separators for Navigation

For those using Sass, I have written a mixin for this purpose:

@mixin addSeparator($element, $separator, $padding) {
    #{$element+'+'+$element}:before {
        content: $separator;
        padding: 0 $padding;


@include addSeparator('li', '|', 1em);

Which will give you this:

li+li:before {
  content: "|";
  padding: 0 1em;

Format Date output in JSF

Use <f:convertDateTime>. You can nest this in any input and output component. Pattern rules are same as java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

<h:outputText value="#{someBean.dateField}" >
    <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm" />

PHP: Show yes/no confirmation dialog

If you're deleting something, you should always use POST and not GET, so using confirm() is a bad idea. What I do in your situation is use a modal popup like jqModal and display a form with yes/no buttons inside the popup. Hyperlink control equivalent to <a href="#"></a>

I agree with SLaks, but here you go

   <asp:HyperLink id="hyperlink1" 

or you can alter the href using

hyperlink1.NavigateUrl = "#"; 
hyperlink1.Text = string.empty;

Resolving LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with

IMO this link from Yochai Timmer was very good and relevant but painful to read. I wrote a summary.

Yochai, if you ever read this, please see the note at the end.

For the original post read : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "LIBCD" conflicts with use of other libs


LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "LIBCD" conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library


one part of the system was compiled to use a single threaded standard (libc) library with debug information (libcd) which is statically linked

while another part of the system was compiled to use a multi-threaded standard library without debug information which resides in a DLL and uses dynamic linking

How to resolve

  • Ignore the warning, after all it is only a warning. However, your program now contains multiple instances of the same functions.

  • Use the linker option /NODEFAULTLIB:lib. This is not a complete solution, even if you can get your program to link this way you are ignoring a warning sign: the code has been compiled for different environments, some of your code may be compiled for a single threaded model while other code is multi-threaded.

  • [...] trawl through all your libraries and ensure they have the correct link settings

In the latter, as it in mentioned in the original post, two common problems can arise :

  • You have a third party library which is linked differently to your application.

  • You have other directives embedded in your code: normally this is the MFC. If any modules in your system link against MFC all your modules must nominally link against the same version of MFC.

For those cases, ensure you understand the problem and decide among the solutions.

Note : I wanted to include that summary of Yochai Timmer's link into his own answer but since some people have trouble to review edits properly I had to write it in a separate answer. Sorry

react-router scroll to top on every transition

This answer is for legacy code, for router v4+ check other answers

<Router onUpdate={() => window.scrollTo(0, 0)} history={createBrowserHistory()}>

If it's not working, you should find the reason. Also inside componentDidMount

document.body.scrollTop = 0;
// or

you could use:

componentDidUpdate() {

you could add some flag like "scrolled = false" and then in update:

componentDidUpdate() {
  if(this.scrolled === false){
    scrolled = true;

Where can I set path to make.exe on Windows?

I had issues for a whilst not getting Terraform commands to run unless I was in the directory of the exe, even though I set the path correctly.

For anyone else finding this issue, I fixed it by moving the environment variable higher than others!

How to vertically align text inside a flexbox?

It's depend on your li height just call one more thing line height

* {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

body {
  height: 100%;

ul {
  height: 100%;

li {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-self: center;
  background: silver;
  width: 100%;
  <li>This is the text</li>

Git on Windows: How do you set up a mergetool?

Under Cygwin, the only thing that worked for me is the following:

git config --global merge.tool myp4merge
git config --global mergetool.myp4merge.cmd 'p4merge.exe "$(cygpath -wla $BASE)" "$(cygpath -wla $LOCAL)" "$(cygpath -wla $REMOTE)" "$(cygpath -wla $MERGED)"'
git config --global diff.tool myp4diff
git config --global difftool.myp4diff.cmd 'p4merge.exe "$(cygpath -wla $LOCAL)" "$(cygpath -wla $REMOTE)"'

Also, I like to turn off the prompt message for difftool:

git config --global difftool.prompt false

How to set maximum height for table-cell?

Use the style below:

div {
  display: fixed;
  max-height: 100px;
  max-width: 100px;
  overflow: hidden;

With the HTML being:

    your long text here

Can I make 'git diff' only the line numbers AND changed file names?

Have you tried using :

git dif | grep -B <number of before lines to show> <regex>

In my case, i try to search where do i put a debug statement in the many files, i need to see which file already got this debug statement like this :

git diff | grep -B 5 dd\(

Rails.env vs RAILS_ENV

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] is now deprecated.

You should use Rails.env which is clearly much nicer.

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_OBJECT token

This way I solved my problem. Hope it helps others. In my case I created a class, a field, their getter & setter and then provide the object instead of string.

Use this

public static class EncryptedData {
    private String encryptedData;

    public String getEncryptedData() {
        return encryptedData;

    public void setEncryptedData(String encryptedData) {
        this.encryptedData = encryptedData;

@PutMapping(value = MY_IP_ADDRESS)
public ResponseEntity<RestResponse> updateMyIpAddress(@RequestBody final EncryptedData encryptedData) {
    try {
        Path path = Paths.get(PUBLIC_KEY);
        byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(path);
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec ks = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(base64.decode(bytes));
        PrivateKey privateKey = KeyFactory.getInstance(CRYPTO_ALGO_RSA).generatePrivate(ks);

        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CRYPTO_ALGO_RSA);
        cipher.init(Cipher.PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey);
        String decryptedData = new String(cipher.doFinal(encryptedData.getEncryptedData().getBytes()));
        String[] dataArray = decryptedData.split("|");

        Method updateIp = Class.forName("com.cuanet.client.helper").getMethod("methodName", String.class,String.class);
        updateIp.invoke(null, dataArray[0], dataArray[1]);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Unable to update ip address for encrypted data: "+encryptedData, e);

    return null;

Instead of this

@PutMapping(value = MY_IP_ADDRESS)
public ResponseEntity<RestResponse> updateMyIpAddress(@RequestBody final EncryptedData encryptedData) {
    try {
        Path path = Paths.get(PUBLIC_KEY);
        byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(path);
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec ks = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(base64.decode(bytes));
        PrivateKey privateKey = KeyFactory.getInstance(CRYPTO_ALGO_RSA).generatePrivate(ks);

        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CRYPTO_ALGO_RSA);
        cipher.init(Cipher.PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey);
        String decryptedData = new String(cipher.doFinal(encryptedData.getBytes()));
        String[] dataArray = decryptedData.split("|");

        Method updateIp = Class.forName("com.cuanet.client.helper").getMethod("methodName", String.class,String.class);
        updateIp.invoke(null, dataArray[0], dataArray[1]);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Unable to update ip address for encrypted data: "+encryptedData, e);

    return null;

Linq filter List<string> where it contains a string value from another List<string>

its even easier:

fileList.Where(item => filterList.Contains(item))

in case you want to filter not for an exact match but for a "contains" you can use this expression:

var t = fileList.Where(file => filterList.Any(folder => file.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(folder.ToUpperInvariant())));

EC2 instance has no public DNS

First of all, there can be two reasons for this:

  1. You have created your own VPC and forgot to enable Public DNS.

To solve this :

i) Go to AWS VPC console and select the VPC you have created.

ii) Then click on Actions and then enable DNS Resolution.

  1. You have not enabled public ip-assign option in EC2 configuration.

Here you cannot change the setting; so create an ami image and then recreate the instance from that.

Get all validation errors from Angular 2 FormGroup

export class GenericValidator {
    constructor(private validationMessages: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string } }) {

processMessages(container: FormGroup): { [key: string]: string } {
    const messages = {};
    for (const controlKey in container.controls) {
        if (container.controls.hasOwnProperty(controlKey)) {
            const c = container.controls[controlKey];
            if (c instanceof FormGroup) {
                const childMessages = this.processMessages(c);
                // handling formGroup errors messages
                const formGroupErrors = {};
                if (this.validationMessages[controlKey]) {
                    formGroupErrors[controlKey] = '';
                    if (c.errors) {
                        Object.keys(c.errors).map((messageKey) => {
                            if (this.validationMessages[controlKey][messageKey]) {
                                formGroupErrors[controlKey] += this.validationMessages[controlKey][messageKey] + ' ';
                Object.assign(messages, childMessages, formGroupErrors);
            } else {
                // handling control fields errors messages
                if (this.validationMessages[controlKey]) {
                    messages[controlKey] = '';
                    if ((c.dirty || c.touched) && c.errors) {
                        Object.keys(c.errors).map((messageKey) => {
                            if (this.validationMessages[controlKey][messageKey]) {
                                messages[controlKey] += this.validationMessages[controlKey][messageKey] + ' ';
    return messages;

I took it from Deborahk and modified it a little bit.

How to get a path to the desktop for current user in C#?

// Environment.GetFolderPath
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); // Current User's Application Data
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData); // All User's Application Data
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFiles); // Program Files
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies); // Internet Cookie
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); // Logical Desktop
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); // Physical Desktop
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Favorites); // Favorites
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.History); // Internet History
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache); // Internet Cache
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer); // "My Computer" Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); // "My Documents" Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyMusic); // "My Music" Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures); // "My Pictures" Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // "My Document" Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles); // Program files Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Programs); // Programs Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent); // Recent Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.SendTo); // "Sent to" Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.StartMenu); // Start Menu
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup); // Startup
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System); // System Folder
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Templates); // Document Templates

Android canvas draw rectangle

Assuming that "part within rectangle don't have content color" means that you want different fills within the rectangle; you need to draw a rectangle within your rectangle then with stroke width 0 and the desired fill colour(s).

For example:

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;

public class DrawView extends View {
    Paint paint = new Paint();

    public DrawView(Context context) {

    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        canvas.drawRect(30, 30, 80, 80, paint);
        canvas.drawRect(33, 60, 77, 77, paint );
        canvas.drawRect(33, 33, 77, 60, paint );



The activity to start it:

import android.os.Bundle;

public class StartDraw extends Activity {
    DrawView drawView;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        drawView = new DrawView(this);


...will turn out this way:

enter image description here

C#: Assign same value to multiple variables in single statement

int num1, num2, num3;

num1 = num2 = num3 = 5;

Console.WriteLine(num1 + "=" + num2 + "=" + num3);    // 5=5=5


Like that

var purchCount = (from purchase in myBlaContext.purchases select purchase).Count();

or even easier

var purchCount = myBlaContext.purchases.Count()

Sort a Map<Key, Value> by values

If there's not any value bigger than the size of the map, you could use arrays, this should be the fastest approach:

public List<String> getList(Map<String, Integer> myMap) {
    String[] copyArray = new String[myMap.size()];
    for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : myMap.entrySet()) {
        copyArray[entry.getValue()] = entry.getKey();
    return Arrays.asList(copyArray);

Displaying a 3D model in JavaScript/HTML5

I have not played with 3D yet, but I know a good place for ressources on 3D for HTML5.

And here is a tutorial on how to create your 3D models with the Three.js Framework.

This may help you. Good luck.

Remove the last chars of the Java String variable

I am surprised to see that all the other answers (as of Sep 8, 2013) either involve counting the number of characters in the substring ".null" or throw a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if the substring is not found. Or both :(

I suggest the following:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String path = "file.txt";
        String extension = ".doc";

        int position = path.lastIndexOf(extension);

        if (position!=-1)
            path = path.substring(0, position);
            System.out.println("Extension: "+extension+" not found");

        System.out.println("Result: "+path);


If the substring is not found, nothing happens, as there is nothing to cut off. You won't get the StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. Also, you don't have to count the characters yourself in the substring.

Lodash remove duplicates from array

With lodash version 4+, you would remove duplicate objects either by specific property or by the entire object like so:

var users = [
var uniqueUsersByID = _.uniqBy(users,'id'); //removed if had duplicate id
var uniqueUsers = _.uniqWith(users, _.isEqual);//removed complete duplicates


Downloading images with node.js

var fs = require('fs'),
http = require('http'),
https = require('https');

var Stream = require('stream').Transform;

var downloadImageToUrl = (url, filename, callback) => {

    var client = http;
    if (url.toString().indexOf("https") === 0){
      client = https;

    client.request(url, function(response) {                                        
      var data = new Stream();                                                    

      response.on('data', function(chunk) {                                       

      response.on('end', function() {                                             

downloadImageToUrl('', 'public/uploads/users/abc.jpg');

How do I parse a HTML page with Node.js

Htmlparser2 by FB55 seems to be a good alternative.

How to use LocalBroadcastManager?

I am an iOS dev, so I made a solution similar to NotificationCenter:

object NotificationCenter {
    var observers: MutableMap<String, MutableList<NotificationObserver>> = mutableMapOf()

    fun addObserver(observer: NotificationObserver, notificationName: NotificationName) {
        var os = observers[notificationName.value]
        if (os == null) {
            os = mutableListOf<NotificationObserver>()
            observers[notificationName.value] = os

    fun removeObserver(observer: NotificationObserver, notificationName: NotificationName) {
        val os = observers[notificationName.value]
        if (os != null) {

    fun removeObserver(observer:NotificationObserver) {
        observers.forEach { name, mutableList ->
            if (mutableList.contains(observer)) {

    fun postNotification(notificationName: NotificationName, obj: Any?) {
        val os = observers[notificationName.value]
        if (os != null) {
            os.forEach {observer ->

interface NotificationObserver {
    fun onNotification(name: NotificationName,obj:Any?)

enum class NotificationName(val value: String) {
    onPlayerStatReceived("on player stat received"),

Some class that want to observe notification must conform to observer protocol:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), NotificationObserver {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    override fun onDestroy() {

    override fun onNotification(name: NotificationName, obj: Any?) {
        when (name) {
            NotificationName.onPlayerStatReceived -> {
                Log.d(tag, "onPlayerStatReceived")
            else -> Log.e(tag, "Notification not handled")

Finally, post some notification to observers:


Confused about UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK

UPDLOCK is used when you want to lock a row or rows during a select statement for a future update statement. The future update might be the very next statement in the transaction.

Other sessions can still see the data. They just cannot obtain locks that are incompatiable with the UPDLOCK and/or HOLDLOCK.

You use UPDLOCK when you wan to keep other sessions from changing the rows you have locked. It restricts their ability to update or delete locked rows.

You use HOLDLOCK when you want to keep other sessions from changing any of the data you are looking at. It restricts their ability to insert, update, or delete the rows you have locked. This allows you to run the query again and see the same results.

Counting lines, words, and characters within a text file using Python

fname = "feed.txt"
feed = open(fname, 'r')

num_lines = len(feed.splitlines())
num_words = 0
num_chars = 0

for line in lines:
    num_words += len(line.split())

Getting char from string at specified index

If s is your string than you could do it this way:

Mid(s, index, 1)

Edit based on comment below question.

It seems that you need a bit different approach which should be easier. Try in this way:

Dim character As String 'Integer if for numbers
's = ActiveDocument.Content.Text - we don't need it
character = Activedocument.Characters(index)

A better way to check if a path exists or not in PowerShell

This is my powershell newbie way of doing this

if ((Test-Path ".\Desktop\checkfile.txt") -ne "True") {
    Write-Host "Damn it"
} else {
    Write-Host "Yay"

Detect if PHP session exists

If you are on php 5.4+, it is cleaner to use session_status():

if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
  echo 'Session is active';
  • PHP_SESSION_DISABLED if sessions are disabled.
  • PHP_SESSION_NONE if sessions are enabled, but none exists.
  • PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE if sessions are enabled, and one exists.

How do I obtain a list of all schemas in a Sql Server database

You can also use the following query to get Schemas for a specific Database user:

select s.schema_id, as schema_name
from sys.schemas s
inner join sys.sysusers u on u.uid = s.principal_id
order by

How can I use a for each loop on an array?

A for each loop structure is more designed around the collection object. A For..Each loop requires a variant type or object. Since your "element" variable is being typed as a variant your "do_something" function will need to accept a variant type, or you can modify your loop to something like this:

Public Sub Example()

    Dim sArray(4) As String
    Dim i As Long

    For i = LBound(sArray) To UBound(sArray)
        do_something sArray(i)
    Next i

End Sub

How to get CRON to call in the correct PATHs

Setting PATH right before the command line in my crontab worked for me:

* * * * * PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/path/to/some/thing

How do I get the full url of the page I am on in C#

For ASP.NET Core you'll need to spell it out:


Or you can add a using statement to your view:

@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions



The _ViewImports.cshtml might be a better place for that @using

Overloading operators in typedef structs (c++)

Instead of typedef struct { ... } pos; you should be doing struct pos { ... };. The issue here is that you are using the pos type name before it is defined. By moving the name to the top of the struct definition, you are able to use that name within the struct definition itself.

Further, the typedef struct { ... } name; pattern is a C-ism, and doesn't have much place in C++.

To answer your question about inline, there is no difference in this case. When a method is defined within the struct/class definition, it is implicitly declared inline. When you explicitly specify inline, the compiler effectively ignores it because the method is already declared inline.

(inline methods will not trigger a linker error if the same method is defined in multiple object files; the linker will simply ignore all but one of them, assuming that they are all the same implementation. This is the only guaranteed change in behavior with inline methods. Nowadays, they do not affect the compiler's decision regarding whether or not to inline functions; they simply facilitate making the function implementation available in all translation units, which gives the compiler the option to inline the function, if it decides it would be beneficial to do so.)

Convert varchar to uniqueidentifier in SQL Server

your varchar col C:

SELECT CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,LEFT(C, 8)
                                + '-' +RIGHT(LEFT(C, 12), 4)
                                + '-' +RIGHT(LEFT(C, 16), 4)
                                + '-' +RIGHT(LEFT(C, 20), 4)
                                + '-' +RIGHT(C, 12))

get dataframe row count based on conditions

In Pandas, I like to use the shape attribute to get number of rows.

df[df.A > 0].shape[0]

gives the number of rows matching the condition A > 0, as desired.

How can I get screen resolution in java?

Here's some functional code (Java 8) which returns the x position of the right most edge of the right most screen. If no screens are found, then it returns 0.

  GraphicsDevice devices[];

  devices = GraphicsEnvironment.

  return Stream.
     mapToInt(bounds -> bounds.x + bounds.width).

Here are links to the JavaDoc.


Excel to JSON javascript code?

js-xlsx library makes it easy to convert Excel/CSV files into JSON objects.

Download the xlsx.full.min.js file from here. Write below code on your HTML page Edit the referenced js file link (xlsx.full.min.js) and link of Excel file

<!doctype html>

    <title>Excel to JSON Demo</title>
    <script src="xlsx.full.min.js"></script>


        /* set up XMLHttpRequest */
        var url = "";
        var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
        oReq.responseType = "arraybuffer";

        oReq.onload = function(e) {
            var arraybuffer = oReq.response;

            /* convert data to binary string */
            var data = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer);
            var arr = new Array();
            for (var i = 0; i != data.length; ++i) arr[i] = String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
            var bstr = arr.join("");

            /* Call XLSX */
            var workbook =, {
                type: "binary"

            /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
            var first_sheet_name = workbook.SheetNames[0];
            /* Get worksheet */
            var worksheet = workbook.Sheets[first_sheet_name];
            console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, {
                raw: true


Click here to see the input Excel file

Click here to see the output of above code

How do I convert a Python 3 byte-string variable into a regular string?

You had it nearly right in the last line. You want

str(bytes_string, 'utf-8')

because the type of bytes_string is bytes, the same as the type of b'abc'.

What are metaclasses in Python?

I think the ONLamp introduction to metaclass programming is well written and gives a really good introduction to the topic despite being several years old already. (archived at

In short: A class is a blueprint for the creation of an instance, a metaclass is a blueprint for the creation of a class. It can be easily seen that in Python classes need to be first-class objects too to enable this behavior.

I've never written one myself, but I think one of the nicest uses of metaclasses can be seen in the Django framework. The model classes use a metaclass approach to enable a declarative style of writing new models or form classes. While the metaclass is creating the class, all members get the possibility to customize the class itself.

The thing that's left to say is: If you don't know what metaclasses are, the probability that you will not need them is 99%.

Disable native datepicker in Google Chrome

This worked for me:

// Hide Chrome datetime picker
$('input[type="datetime-local"]').attr('type', 'text');

// Reset date values

Even though the value of the date fields was still there and correct, it did not display. That's why I reset the date values from my view model.

Loop through childNodes

Couldn't resist to add another method, using childElementCount. It returns the number of child element nodes from a given parent, so you can loop over it.

for(var i=0, len = parent.childElementCount ; i < len; ++i){
    ... do something with parent.children[i]

C# Ignore certificate errors?

Add a certificate validation handler. Returning true will allow ignoring the validation error:

    .ServerCertificateValidationCallback += 
    (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

Why are iframes considered dangerous and a security risk?

The IFRAME element may be a security risk if your site is embedded inside an IFRAME on hostile site. Google "clickjacking" for more details. Note that it does not matter if you use <iframe> or not. The only real protection from this attack is to add HTTP header X-Frame-Options: DENY and hope that the browser knows its job.

In addition, IFRAME element may be a security risk if any page on your site contains an XSS vulnerability which can be exploited. In that case the attacker can expand the XSS attack to any page within the same domain that can be persuaded to load within an <iframe> on the page with XSS vulnerability. This is because content from the same origin (same domain) is allowed to access the parent content DOM (practically execute JavaScript in the "host" document). The only real protection methods from this attack is to add HTTP header X-Frame-Options: DENY and/or always correctly encode all user submitted data (that is, never have an XSS vulnerability on your site - easier said than done).

That's the technical side of the issue. In addition, there's the issue of user interface. If you teach your users to trust that URL bar is supposed to not change when they click links (e.g. your site uses a big iframe with all the actual content), then the users will not notice anything in the future either in case of actual security vulnerability. For example, you could have an XSS vulnerability within your site that allows the attacker to load content from hostile source within your iframe. Nobody could tell the difference because the URL bar still looks identical to previous behavior (never changes) and the content "looks" valid even though it's from hostile domain requesting user credentials.

If somebody claims that using an <iframe> element on your site is dangerous and causes a security risk, he does not understand what <iframe> element does, or he is speaking about possibility of <iframe> related vulnerabilities in browsers. Security of <iframe src="..."> tag is equal to <img src="..." or <a href="..."> as long there are no vulnerabilities in the browser. And if there's a suitable vulnerability, it might be possible to trigger it even without using <iframe>, <img> or <a> element, so it's not worth considering for this issue.

However, be warned that content from <iframe> can initiate top level navigation by default. That is, content within the <iframe> is allowed to automatically open a link over current page location (the new location will be visible in the address bar). The only way to avoid that is to add sandbox attribute without value allow-top-navigation. For example, <iframe sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts" ...>. Unfortunately, sandbox also disables all plugins, always. For example, Youtube content cannot be sandboxed because Flash player is still required to view all Youtube content. No browser supports using plugins and disallowing top level navigation at the same time.

Note that X-Frame-Options: DENY also protects from rendering performance side-channel attack that can read content cross-origin (also known as "Pixel perfect Timing Attacks").

How do I hide anchor text without hiding the anchor?

text-indent :-9999px 

Works flawlessly.

Max tcp/ip connections on Windows Server 2008

There is a limit on the number of half-open connections, but afaik not for active connections. Although it appears to depend on the type of Windows 2008 server, at least according to this MSFT employee:

It depends on the edition, Web and Foundation editions have connection limits while Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter do not.

Detect if device is iOS

The user-agents on iOS devices say iPhone or iPad in them. I just filter based on those keywords.

Get image dimensions

    list($width, $height) = getimagesize(""); 
    $arr = array('h' => $height, 'w' => $width );

No server in Eclipse; trying to install Tomcat

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 'Servers' doesn't exist. Therefore download correct Eclipse IDE. It is Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers(Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers). This way is easy.

Which is the default location for keystore/truststore of Java applications?

In Java, according to the JSSE Reference Guide, there is no default for the keystore, the default for the truststore is "jssecacerts, if it exists. Otherwise, cacerts".

A few applications use ~/.keystore as a default keystore, but this is not without problems (mainly because you might not want all the application run by the user to use that trust store).

I'd suggest using application-specific values that you bundle with your application instead, it would tend to be more applicable in general.

How to kill all processes with a given partial name?

Use pkill -f, which matches the pattern for any part of the command line

pkill -f my_pattern

python - find index position in list based of partial string

spell_list = ["Tuesday", "Wednesday", "February", "November", "Annual", "Calendar", "Solstice"]


how to delete default values in text field using selenium?

The following function will delete the input character one by one till the input field is empty using PromiseWhile

driver.clearKeys = function(element, value){
  return element.getAttribute('value').then(function(val) {
    if (val.length > 0) {
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        var len;
        len = val.length;
        return promiseWhile(function() { 
          return 0 < len;
        }, function() {
          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            return element.sendKeys(webdriver.Key.BACK_SPACE).then(function()              {
              return resolve(true);
        }).then(function() {
          return resolve(true);

How to implement class constructor in Visual Basic?

Suppose your class is called MyStudent. Here's how you define your class constructor:

Public Class MyStudent
    Public StudentId As Integer

    'Here's the class constructor:
    Public Sub New(newStudentId As Integer)
        StudentId = newStudentId
    End Sub
End Class

Here's how you call it:

Dim student As New MyStudent(studentId)

Of course, your class constructor can contain as many or as few arguments as you need--even none, in which case you leave the parentheses empty. You can also have several constructors for the same class, all with different combinations of arguments. These are known as different "signatures" for your class constructor.

Is there an ignore command for git like there is for svn?

Using the answers already provided, you can roll your own git ignore command using an alias. Either add this to your ~/.gitconfig file:

ignore = !sh -c 'echo $1 >> .gitignore' -

Or run this command from the (*nix) shell of your choice:

git config --global alias.ignore '!sh -c "echo $1 >> .gitignore" -'

You can likewise create a git exclude command by replacing ignore with exclude and .gitignore with .git/info/exclude in the above.

(If you don't already understand the difference between these two files having read the answers here, see this question.)

A JRE or JDK must be available in order to run Eclipse. No JVM was found after searching the following locations

I just had this problem and fixed it this way. I noticed the error message has jre in it not jre6 or jre7, so i copied jre6 from program files to eclipse folder then renamed it from jre6 to jre, then it worked :p

Causes of getting a java.lang.VerifyError

As Kevin Panko said, it's mostly because of library change. So in some cases a "clean" of the project (directory) followed by a build does the trick.

Set cURL to use local virtual hosts

Making a request to

C:\wnmp\curl>curl.exe --trace-ascii -H 'project1.loc' -d "uuid=d99a49d846d5ae570
667a00825373a7b5ae8e8e2" http://project1.loc/Users/getSettings.xml

Resulted in the -H log file containing:

== Info: Could not resolve host: 'project1.loc'; Host not found
== Info: Closing connection #0
== Info: About to connect() to project1.loc port 80 (#0)
== Info:   Trying == Info: connected
== Info: Connected to project1.loc ( port 80 (#0)
=> Send header, 230 bytes (0xe6)
0000: POST /Users/getSettings.xml HTTP/1.1
0026: User-Agent: curl/7.19.5 (i586-pc-mingw32msvc) libcurl/7.19.5 Ope
0066: nSSL/1.0.0a zlib/1.2.3
007e: Host: project1.loc
0092: Accept: */*
009f: Content-Length: 45
00b3: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
=> Send data, 45 bytes (0x2d)
0000: uuid=d99a49d846d5ae570667a00825373a7b5ae8e8e2
<= Recv header, 24 bytes (0x18)
0000: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
<= Recv header, 22 bytes (0x16)
0000: Server: nginx/0.7.66
<= Recv header, 37 bytes (0x25)
0000: Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 15:37:06 GMT
<= Recv header, 25 bytes (0x19)
0000: Content-Type: text/html
<= Recv header, 28 bytes (0x1c)
0000: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<= Recv header, 24 bytes (0x18)
0000: Connection: keep-alive
<= Recv header, 25 bytes (0x19)
0000: X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.2
<= Recv header, 56 bytes (0x38)
0000: Set-Cookie: SESSION=m9j6caghb223uubiddolec2005; path=/
<= Recv header, 57 bytes (0x39)
<= Recv header, 2 bytes (0x2)
<= Recv data, 118 bytes (0x76)
0000: 6b
0004: <html><head><title>HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden</title></head><body><h
0044: 1>HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden</h1></body></html>
0071: 0
== Info: Connection #0 to host project1.loc left intact
== Info: Closing connection #0

My hosts file looks like:

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host       localhost
...   project1.loc

AngularJS : How do I switch views from a controller function?

The method used for all previous answers to this question suggest changing the url which is not necessary, and I think readers should be aware of an alternative solution. I use ui-router and $stateProvider to associate a state value with a templateUrl which points to the html file for your view. Then it is just a matter of injecting the $state into your controller and calling $state.go('state-value') to update your view.

What is the difference between angular-route and angular-ui-router?

Checking that a List is not empty in Hamcrest

This works:


Is mongodb running?

To check current running status of mongodb use: sudo service mongodb status

SFTP Libraries for .NET

Bitvise has a great product called Tunnelier which can bridge FTP to SFTP. You could then use the standard FtpWebRequest in .NET.

I am currently testing this for my own purposes and will update with my findings.


This idea is not ideal for unattended automation, unless you want to jump through hoops keeping the client connected as a service or something, which I accomplished by using NSSM.

I've tried CLI automation with various clients including bitvise and I've also tried these .net class libraries: Winscp, SSH.NET, SharpSSH, and the commercial SecureBlackBox SFTP client.

SecureBlackBox worked well, but it's very heavy-weight, can be quite expensive depending on the licensing, and I didn't agree so much with it's API.

Hands down, the best free sftp client for .NET development is winscp. I've written a few classes and extension methods to make working with it easier: Winscp.Extensions

Importing a CSV file into a sqlite3 database table using Python

import csv, sqlite3

def _get_col_datatypes(fin):
    dr = csv.DictReader(fin) # comma is default delimiter
    fieldTypes = {}
    for entry in dr:
        feildslLeft = [f for f in dr.fieldnames if f not in fieldTypes.keys()]        
        if not feildslLeft: break # We're done
        for field in feildslLeft:
            data = entry[field]

        # Need data to decide
        if len(data) == 0:

        if data.isdigit():
            fieldTypes[field] = "INTEGER"
            fieldTypes[field] = "TEXT"
    # TODO: Currently there's no support for DATE in sqllite

if len(feildslLeft) > 0:
    raise Exception("Failed to find all the columns data types - Maybe some are empty?")

return fieldTypes

def escapingGenerator(f):
    for line in f:
        yield line.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace").decode("ascii")

def csvToDb(csvFile,dbFile,tablename, outputToFile = False):

    # TODO: implement output to file

    with open(csvFile,mode='r', encoding="ISO-8859-1") as fin:
        dt = _get_col_datatypes(fin)

        reader = csv.DictReader(fin)

        # Keep the order of the columns name just as in the CSV
        fields = reader.fieldnames
        cols = []

        # Set field and type
        for f in fields:
            cols.append("\"%s\" %s" % (f, dt[f]))

        # Generate create table statement:
        stmt = "create table if not exists \"" + tablename + "\" (%s)" % ",".join(cols)
        con = sqlite3.connect(dbFile)
        cur = con.cursor()

        reader = csv.reader(escapingGenerator(fin))

        # Generate insert statement:
        stmt = "INSERT INTO \"" + tablename + "\" VALUES(%s);" % ','.join('?' * len(cols))

        cur.executemany(stmt, reader)

Reload activity in Android

I needed to update a message list in one of my applications in a hurry, so I just performed a refresh of my main UI activity before I closed the dialog I was in. I'm sure there are better ways to accomplish this as well.

// Refresh main activity upon close of dialog box
Intent refresh = new Intent(this, clsMainUIActivity.class);
this.finish(); //

"Correct" way to specifiy optional arguments in R functions

I would tend to prefer using NULL for the clarity of what is required and what is optional. One word of warning about using default values that depend on other arguments, as suggested by Jthorpe. The value is not set when the function is called, but when the argument is first referenced! For instance:

foo <- function(x,y=length(x)){
    x <- x[1:10]
#[1] 10

On the other hand, if you reference y before changing x:

foo <- function(x,y=length(x)){
    x <- x[1:10]
#[1] 20

This is a bit dangerous, because it makes it hard to keep track of what "y" is being initialized as if it's not called early on in the function.

Dynamic WHERE clause in LINQ

I have similar scenario where I need to add filters based on the user input and I chain the where clause.

Here is the sample code.

var votes = db.Votes.Where(r => r.SurveyID == surveyId);
if (fromDate != null)
    votes = votes.Where(r => r.VoteDate.Value >= fromDate);
if (toDate != null)
    votes = votes.Where(r => r.VoteDate.Value <= toDate);
votes = votes.Take(LimitRows).OrderByDescending(r => r.VoteDate);

How can I copy the content of a branch to a new local branch?

git checkout old_branch
git branch new_branch

This will give you a new branch "new_branch" with the same state as "old_branch".

This command can be combined to the following:

git checkout -b new_branch old_branch

AutoComplete TextBox Control

    private void TurnOnAutocomplete()
        textBox.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
        textBox.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
        AutoCompleteStringCollection collection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
        string[] arrayOfWowrds = new string[];

            //Read in data Autocomplete list to a string[]
            string[] arrayOfWowrds = new string[];
        catch (Exception err)
            MessageBox.Show(err.Message, "File Missing", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

        textBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = collection;

You only need to call this once after you have your data needed for the autocomplete list. Once bound it stays with the textBox. You do not need to or want to call it every time the text is changed in the textBox, that will kill your program.

How to uncheck checked radio button

try this

single function for all radio have class "radio-button"

work in chrome and FF

$('.radio-button').on("click", function(event){_x000D_
  $('.radio-button').prop('checked', false);_x000D_
  $(this).prop('checked', true);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type='radio' class='radio-button' name='re'>_x000D_
<input type='radio'  class='radio-button' name='re'>_x000D_
<input type='radio'  class='radio-button' name='re'>

Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: https

401 means "Unauthorized", so there must be something with your credentials.

I think that java URL does not support the syntax you are showing. You could use an Authenticator instead.

Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {

    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {          
        return new PasswordAuthentication(login, password.toCharArray());

and then simply invoking the regular url, without the credentials.

The other option is to provide the credentials in a Header:

String loginPassword = login+ ":" + password;
String encoded = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode (loginPassword.getBytes());
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded);

PS: It is not recommended to use that Base64Encoder but this is only to show a quick solution. If you want to keep that solution, look for a library that does. There are plenty.

How to set the maximum memory usage for JVM?

The NativeHeap can be increasded by -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=256M (default is 128)

I've never used it. Maybe you'll find it useful.

What precisely does 'Run as administrator' do?

The Run as *Anything command saves you from logging out and logging in as the user for which you use the runas command for.

The reason programs ask for this elevated privilege started with Black Comb and the Panther folder. There is 0 access to the Kernel in windows unless through the Admin prompt and then it is only a virtual relation with the O/S kernel.


Joining Multiple Tables - Oracle

While former answer is absolutely correct, I prefer using the JOIN ON syntax to be sure that I know how do I join and on what fields. It would look something like this:

SELECT bc.firstname, bc.lastname, b.title, TO_CHAR(bo.orderdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') "Order         Date", p.publishername
FROM books b
JOIN book_customer bc ON bc.costumer_id = b.book_id
LEFT JOIN book_order bo ON bo.book_id = b.book_id
WHERE b.publishername = 'PRINTING IS US';

This syntax seperates completely the WHERE clause from the JOIN clause, making the statement more readable and easier for you to debug.

Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method

I would follow this guide:

Also make sure you use the iCal format so not to reinvent the wheel and remember Rule #0: Do NOT store individual recurring event instances as rows in your database!

WCF Service , how to increase the timeout?

Got the same error recently but was able to fixed it by ensuring to close every wcf client call. eg.

WCFServiceClient client = new WCFServiceClient ();
//More codes here
// Always close the client.


using(WCFServiceClient client = new WCFServiceClient ())
    //More codes here 

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

This is ssh certificate store issue. You need to download the valid certificate pem file from target CA website, and then build the soft link file to instruct ssl the trusted certifacate.

openssl x509 -hash -noout -in DigiCert_Global_Root_G3.pem

you will get dd8e9d41

build solf link with hash number and suffix the file with a .0 (dot-zero)


Then try again.

Split string with string as delimiter

Try this:

for /F "tokens=1,3 delims=. " %%a in ("%string%") do (
   echo %%a
   echo %%b

that is, take the first and third tokens delimited by space or point...

How do you get the current text contents of a QComboBox?

PyQt4 can be forced to use a new API in which QString is automatically converted to and from a Python object:

import sip
sip.setapi('QString', 2)

With this API, QtCore.QString class is no longer available and self.ui.comboBox.currentText() will return a Python string or unicode object.

See Selecting Incompatible APIs from the doc.

How to access the correct `this` inside a callback?

What you should know about this

this (aka "the context") is a special keyword inside each function and its value only depends on how the function was called, not how/when/where it was defined. It is not affected by lexical scopes like other variables (except for arrow functions, see below). Here are some examples:

function foo() {

// normal function call
foo(); // `this` will refer to `window`

// as object method
var obj = {bar: foo};; // `this` will refer to `obj`

// as constructor function
new foo(); // `this` will refer to an object that inherits from `foo.prototype`

To learn more about this, have a look at the MDN documentation.

How to refer to the correct this

Use arrow functions

ECMAScript 6 introduced arrow functions, which can be thought of as lambda functions. They don't have their own this binding. Instead, this is looked up in scope just like a normal variable. That means you don't have to call .bind. That's not the only special behavior they have, please refer to the MDN documentation for more information.

function MyConstructor(data, transport) { = data;
    transport.on('data', () => alert(;

Don't use this

You actually don't want to access this in particular, but the object it refers to. That's why an easy solution is to simply create a new variable that also refers to that object. The variable can have any name, but common ones are self and that.

function MyConstructor(data, transport) { = data;
    var self = this;
    transport.on('data', function() {

Since self is a normal variable, it obeys lexical scope rules and is accessible inside the callback. This also has the advantage that you can access the this value of the callback itself.

Explicitly set this of the callback - part 1

It might look like you have no control over the value of this because its value is set automatically, but that is actually not the case.

Every function has the method .bind [docs], which returns a new function with this bound to a value. The function has exactly the same behavior as the one you called .bind on, only that this was set by you. No matter how or when that function is called, this will always refer to the passed value.

function MyConstructor(data, transport) { = data;
    var boundFunction = (function() { // parenthesis are not necessary
        alert(;             // but might improve readability
    }).bind(this); // <- here we are calling `.bind()` 
    transport.on('data', boundFunction);

In this case, we are binding the callback's this to the value of MyConstructor's this.

Note: When a binding context for jQuery, use jQuery.proxy [docs] instead. The reason to do this is so that you don't need to store the reference to the function when unbinding an event callback. jQuery handles that internally.

Set this of the callback - part 2

Some functions/methods which accept callbacks also accept a value to which the callback's this should refer to. This is basically the same as binding it yourself, but the function/method does it for you. Array#map [docs] is such a method. Its signature is:[, thisArg])

The first argument is the callback and the second argument is the value this should refer to. Here is a contrived example:

var arr = [1, 2, 3];
var obj = {multiplier: 42};

var new_arr = {
    return v * this.multiplier;
}, obj); // <- here we are passing `obj` as second argument

Note: Whether or not you can pass a value for this is usually mentioned in the documentation of that function/method. For example, jQuery's $.ajax method [docs] describes an option called context:

This object will be made the context of all Ajax-related callbacks.

Common problem: Using object methods as callbacks/event handlers

Another common manifestation of this problem is when an object method is used as callback/event handler. Functions are first-class citizens in JavaScript and the term "method" is just a colloquial term for a function that is a value of an object property. But that function doesn't have a specific link to its "containing" object.

Consider the following example:

function Foo() { = 42,
    document.body.onclick = this.method;

Foo.prototype.method = function() {

The function this.method is assigned as click event handler, but if the document.body is clicked, the value logged will be undefined, because inside the event handler, this refers to the document.body, not the instance of Foo.
As already mentioned at the beginning, what this refers to depends on how the function is called, not how it is defined.
If the code was like the following, it might be more obvious that the function doesn't have an implicit reference to the object:

function method() {

function Foo() { = 42,
    document.body.onclick = this.method;

Foo.prototype.method = method;

The solution is the same as mentioned above: If available, use .bind to explicitly bind this to a specific value

document.body.onclick = this.method.bind(this);

or explicitly call the function as a "method" of the object, by using an anonymous function as callback / event handler and assign the object (this) to another variable:

var self = this;
document.body.onclick = function() {

or use an arrow function:

document.body.onclick = () => this.method();

html div onclick event

I would have used stopPropagation like this:

$('.expandable-panel-heading:not(#ancherComplaint)').click(function () {


Easy way to password-protect php page

$username = "the_username_here";
$password = "the_password_here";
$nonsense = "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious";

if (isset($_COOKIE['PrivatePageLogin'])) {
   if ($_COOKIE['PrivatePageLogin'] == md5($password.$nonsense)) {


   } else {
      echo "Bad Cookie.";

if (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] == "login") {
   if ($_POST['user'] != $username) {
      echo "Sorry, that username does not match.";
   } else if ($_POST['keypass'] != $password) {
      echo "Sorry, that password does not match.";
   } else if ($_POST['user'] == $username && $_POST['keypass'] == $password) {
      setcookie('PrivatePageLogin', md5($_POST['keypass'].$nonsense));
      header("Location: $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]");
   } else {
      echo "Sorry, you could not be logged in at this time.";

And the login form on the page...
(On the same page, right below the above^ posted code)

<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?p=login" method="post">
<label><input type="text" name="user" id="user" /> Name</label><br />
<label><input type="password" name="keypass" id="keypass" /> Password</label><br />
<input type="submit" id="submit" value="Login" />

How to disable scientific notation?

format(99999999,scientific = F)



Python - AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'append'

append on an ndarray is ambiguous; to which axis do you want to append the data? Without knowing precisely what your data looks like, I can only provide an example using numpy.concatenate that I hope will help:

import numpy as np

pixels = np.array([[3,3]])
pix = [4,4]
pixels = np.concatenate((pixels,[pix]),axis=0)

# [[3 3]
#  [4 4]]

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android

In order to move a View anywhere on the screen, I would recommend placing it in a full screen layout. By doing so, you won't have to worry about clippings or relative coordinates.

You can try this sample code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:id="@+id/rootLayout">

        android:text="MOVE" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"/>

        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="10dip"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_alignParentRight="true"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_marginBottom="100dip"/>

        android:orientation="vertical" android:clipChildren="false" android:clipToPadding="false">

            android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_marginTop="150dip"/>


Your activity

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ((Button) findViewById( )).setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById( );              
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );                
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );

private void moveViewToScreenCenter( View view )
    RelativeLayout root = (RelativeLayout) findViewById( );
    DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
    this.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics( dm );
    int statusBarOffset = dm.heightPixels - root.getMeasuredHeight();

    int originalPos[] = new int[2];
    view.getLocationOnScreen( originalPos );

    int xDest = dm.widthPixels/2;
    xDest -= (view.getMeasuredWidth()/2);
    int yDest = dm.heightPixels/2 - (view.getMeasuredHeight()/2) - statusBarOffset;

    TranslateAnimation anim = new TranslateAnimation( 0, xDest - originalPos[0] , 0, yDest - originalPos[1] );
    anim.setFillAfter( true );

The method moveViewToScreenCenter gets the View's absolute coordinates and calculates how much distance has to move from its current position to reach the center of the screen. The statusBarOffset variable measures the status bar height.

I hope you can keep going with this example. Remember that after the animation your view's position is still the initial one. If you tap the MOVE button again and again the same movement will repeat. If you want to change your view's position do it after the animation is finished.

Create a custom View by inflating a layout?

In practice, I have found that you need to be a bit careful, especially if you are using a bit of xml repeatedly. Suppose, for example, that you have a table that you wish to create a table row for each entry in a list. You've set up some xml:

In my_table_row.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TableRow xmlns:android="" 
  android:layout_height="match_parent" android:id="@+id/myTableRow">
    <ImageButton android:src="@android:drawable/ic_menu_delete" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/rowButton"/>
    <TextView android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium" android:text="TextView" android:id="@+id/rowText"></TextView>

Then you want to create it once per row with some code. It assume that you have defined a parent TableLayout myTable to attach the Rows to.

for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++) {
     * 1. Make the row and attach it to myTable. For some reason this doesn't seem
     * to return the TableRow as you might expect from the xml, so you need to
     * receive the View it returns and then find the TableRow and other items, as
     * per step 2.
    LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)getBaseContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    View v =  inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_table_row, myTable, true);

    // 2. Get all the things that we need to refer to to alter in any way.
    TableRow    tr        = (TableRow)    v.findViewById(;
    ImageButton rowButton = (ImageButton) v.findViewById(;
    TextView    rowText   = (TextView)    v.findViewById(;

    // 3. Configure them out as you need to
    rowText.setText("Text for this row");
    rowButton.setId(i); // So that when it is clicked we know which one has been clicked!
    rowButton.setOnClickListener(this); // See note below ...           

     * To ensure that when finding views by id on the next time round this
     * loop (or later) gie lots of spurious, unique, ids.

For a clear simple example on handling rowButton.setOnClickListener(this), see Onclicklistener for a programatically created button.

Using an array from Observable Object with ngFor and Async Pipe Angular 2

If you don't have an array but you are trying to use your observable like an array even though it's a stream of objects, this won't work natively. I show how to fix this below assuming you only care about adding objects to the observable, not deleting them.

If you are trying to use an observable whose source is of type BehaviorSubject, change it to ReplaySubject then in your component subscribe to it like this:


this.messages$ = this.chatService.messages$.pipe(scan((acc, val) => [...acc, val], []));


<div class="message-list" *ngFor="let item of messages$ | async">

How I can filter a Datatable?

use it:



string _sqlWhere = "Nachname = 'test'";
string _sqlOrder = "Nachname DESC";

DataTable _newDataTable = yurDateTable.Select(_sqlWhere, _sqlOrder).CopyToDataTable();

List the queries running on SQL Server

You can run the sp_who command to get a list of all the current users, sessions and processes. You can then run the KILL command on any spid that is blocking others.

Is there a way to create interfaces in ES6 / Node 4?

In comments debiasej wrote the mentioned below article explains more about design patterns (based on interfaces, classes):

Design patterns book in javascript may also be useful for you:

Design pattern = classes + interface or multiple inheritance

An example of the factory pattern in ES6 JS (to run: node example.js):

"use strict";

// Types.js - Constructors used behind the scenes

// A constructor for defining new cars
class Car {
    console.log("Creating Car...\n");
    // some defaults
    this.doors = options.doors || 4;
    this.state = options.state || "brand new";
    this.color = options.color || "silver";

// A constructor for defining new trucks
class Truck {
    console.log("Creating Truck...\n");
    this.state = options.state || "used";
    this.wheelSize = options.wheelSize || "large";
    this.color = options.color || "blue";

// FactoryExample.js

// Define a skeleton vehicle factory
class VehicleFactory {}

// Define the prototypes and utilities for this factory

// Our default vehicleClass is Car
VehicleFactory.prototype.vehicleClass = Car;

// Our Factory method for creating new Vehicle instances
VehicleFactory.prototype.createVehicle = function ( options ) {

    case "car":
      this.vehicleClass = Car;
    case "truck":
      this.vehicleClass = Truck;
    //defaults to VehicleFactory.prototype.vehicleClass (Car)

  return new this.vehicleClass( options );


// Create an instance of our factory that makes cars
var carFactory = new VehicleFactory();
var car = carFactory.createVehicle( {
            vehicleType: "car",
            color: "yellow",
            doors: 6 } );

// Test to confirm our car was created using the vehicleClass/prototype Car

// Outputs: true
console.log( car instanceof Car );

// Outputs: Car object of color "yellow", doors: 6 in a "brand new" state
console.log( car );

var movingTruck = carFactory.createVehicle( {
                      vehicleType: "truck",
                      state: "like new",
                      color: "red",
                      wheelSize: "small" } );

// Test to confirm our truck was created with the vehicleClass/prototype Truck

// Outputs: true
console.log( movingTruck instanceof Truck );

// Outputs: Truck object of color "red", a "like new" state
// and a "small" wheelSize
console.log( movingTruck );

CSS animation delay in repeating

I made a poster on the wall which moves left and right with intervals. For me it works:

.div-animation {
   -webkit-animation: bounce 2000ms ease-out;
    -moz-animation: bounce 2000ms ease-out;
    -o-animation: bounce 2000ms ease-out;
    animation: bounce 2000ms ease-out infinite;
    -webkit-animation-delay: 2s; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    animation-delay: 2s;
    transform-origin: 55% 10%;    

@-webkit-keyframes bounce {
    0% {
        transform: rotate(0deg);
    3% {
        transform: rotate(1deg);
    6% {
        transform: rotate(2deg);
    9% {
        transform: rotate(3deg);
    12% {
        transform: rotate(2deg);
    15% {
        transform: rotate(1deg);
    18% {
        transform: rotate(0deg);
    21% {
        transform: rotate(-1deg);
    24% {
        transform: rotate(-2deg);
    27% {
        transform: rotate(-3deg);
    30% {
        transform: rotate(-2deg);
    33% {
        transform: rotate(-1deg);
    36% {
        transform: rotate(0deg);
    100% {
        transform: rotate(0deg);

Prevent Android activity dialog from closing on outside touch

This is the perfect answer to all your questions.... Hope you enjoy coding in Android

new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
            .setTitle("Akshat Rastogi Is Great")
            .setMessage("I am the best Android Programmer")
            .setPositiveButton("I agree", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {


What is the difference between String and string in C#?

As the others are saying, they're the same. StyleCop rules, by default, will enforce you to use string as a C# code style best practice, except when referencing System.String static functions, such as String.Format, String.Join, String.Concat, etc...



$sqlupdate1 = "UPDATE table SET commodity_quantity=$qty WHERE user={$rows['user']} ";

You need curly brackets for array access in double quoted strings.

Reference alias (calculated in SELECT) in WHERE clause

You can't reference an alias except in ORDER BY because SELECT is the second last clause that's evaluated. Two workarounds:

SELECT BalanceDue FROM (
  SELECT (InvoiceTotal - PaymentTotal - CreditTotal) AS BalanceDue
  FROM Invoices
) AS x
WHERE BalanceDue > 0;

Or just repeat the expression:

SELECT (InvoiceTotal - PaymentTotal - CreditTotal) AS BalanceDue
FROM Invoices
WHERE  (InvoiceTotal - PaymentTotal - CreditTotal)  > 0;

I prefer the latter. If the expression is extremely complex (or costly to calculate) you should probably consider a computed column (and perhaps persisted) instead, especially if a lot of queries refer to this same expression.

PS your fears seem unfounded. In this simple example at least, SQL Server is smart enough to only perform the calculation once, even though you've referenced it twice. Go ahead and compare the plans; you'll see they're identical. If you have a more complex case where you see the expression evaluated multiple times, please post the more complex query and the plans.

Here are 5 example queries that all yield the exact same execution plan:

SELECT LEN(name) + column_id AS x
FROM sys.all_columns
WHERE LEN(name) + column_id > 30;

SELECT LEN(name) + column_id AS x
FROM sys.all_columns
) AS x
WHERE x > 30;

SELECT LEN(name) + column_id AS x
FROM sys.all_columns
WHERE column_id + LEN(name) > 30;

SELECT name, column_id, x FROM (
SELECT name, column_id, LEN(name) + column_id AS x
FROM sys.all_columns
) AS x
WHERE x > 30;

SELECT name, column_id, x FROM (
SELECT name, column_id, LEN(name) + column_id AS x
FROM sys.all_columns
) AS x
WHERE LEN(name) + column_id > 30;

Resulting plan for all five queries:

enter image description here

is there any PHP function for open page in new tab

You can write JavaScript code in your file .

Put following code in your client side file:


    window.onload = function(){, "_blank"); // will open new tab on window.onload

using jQuery.ready

  $(document).ready(function(){, "_blank"); // will open new tab on document ready

react button onClick redirect page

useHistory() from react-router-dom can fix your problem

import React from 'react';
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
function NavigationDemo() {
  const history = useHistory();
  const navigateTo = () => history.push('/componentURL');//eg.history.push('/login');

  return (
   <button onClick={navigateTo} type="button" />
export default NavigationDemo;