Programs & Examples On #Nurbs

Non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS) is a mathematical model commonly used in computer graphics for generating and representing curves and surfaces which offers great flexibility and precision for handling both analytic and freeform shapes.

trigger click event from angularjs directive

Here is perhaps a different way for you to achieve this. Pass into the directive both the index and the item and let the directive setup the html in a template:



<ul id="thumbnails">
    <li class="thumbnail" ng-repeat="item in items" options='#my-container' itemdata='item' index="$index">


js directive:

app.directive('thumbnail', [function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'CA',
    replace: false,
    transclude: false,
    scope: {
        index: '=index',
        item: '=itemdata'
    template: '<a href="#"><img src="{{item.src}}" alt="{{item.alt}}" /></a>',
    link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
        if (parseInt(scope.index) == 0) {
            angular.element(attrs.options).css({'background-image':'url('+ scope.item.src +')'});

        elem.bind('click', function() {
            var src = elem.find('img').attr('src');

            // call your SmoothZoom here
            angular.element(attrs.options).css({'background-image':'url('+ scope.item.src +')'});

You probably would be better off adding a ng-click to the image as pointed out in another answer.


The link for the demo was incorrect. It has been updated to:

Regex Match all characters between two strings

RegEx to match everything between two strings using the Java approach.

List<String> results = new ArrayList<>(); //For storing results
String example = "Code will save the world";

Let's use Pattern and Matcher objects to use RegEx (.?)*.

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("Code "(.*?)" world");   //java.util.regex.Pattern;
Matcher m = p.matcher(example);                      //java.util.regex.Matcher;

Since Matcher might contain more than one match, we need to loop over the results and store it.

while(m.find()){   //Loop through all matches
   results.add(; //Get value and store in collection.

This example will contain only "will save the" word, but in the bigger text it will probably find more matches.

React Hooks useState() with Object

You can pass new value like this

  setExampleState({...exampleState,  masterField2: {
        fieldOne: "c",
        fieldTwo: {
           fieldTwoOne: "d",
           fieldTwoTwo: "e"

Setting timezone to UTC (0) in PHP

The problem is that you're displaying time(), which is a UNIX timestamp based on GMT/UTC. That’s why it doesn’t change. date() on the other hand, formats the time based on that timestamp.

A timestamp is the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).

echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s T', time()) . "<br>\n";
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s T', time()) . "<br>\n";

How to vertically align into the center of the content of a div with defined width/height?

I found this solution in this article

.parent-element {
  -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
  -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;

.element {
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);

It work like a charm if the height of element is not fixed.

ggplot combining two plots from different data.frames

As Baptiste said, you need to specify the data argument at the geom level. Either

#df1 is the default dataset for all geoms
(plot1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(v, p)) + 
    geom_point() +
    geom_step(data = df2)


#No default; data explicitly specified for each geom
(plot2 <- ggplot(NULL, aes(v, p)) + 
      geom_point(data = df1) +
      geom_step(data = df2)

How to use ArrayList's get() method

Would this help?

final List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) l.add("Number " + i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) System.out.println(l.get(i));

How to activate the Bootstrap modal-backdrop?

Pretty strange, it should work out of the box as the ".modal-backdrop" class is defined top-level in the css.

<div class="modal-backdrop"></div>

Made a small demo:

How to create a hidden <img> in JavaScript?

Try setting the style to display=none:

<img src="a.gif" style="display:none">

error: (-215) !empty() in function detectMultiScale

The XML file is missing, you can get the file from the GitHub repository and place it in the same directory as your project. Link to the folder on GitHub is here. Just download the file named haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml. Actually, the file exists on your system. Just go to the site-packages folder of your python installation folder and check the cv2/data folder for the file

Image resizing in React Native

This worked for me:

image: {
    flex: 1,
    aspectRatio: 1.5, 
    resizeMode: 'contain',


aspectRatio is just width/height (my image is 45px wide x 30px high).

Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 in my app

I'd had this issue for too long (SO etc hadn't helped) and only just solved it (using sdk 25).

-The file proguard.dir var was not applying with ant; I'd specified 5.3.2, but a command line call and signed export build (eclipse) was using 4.7, from the sdk dir(only 5+ supports java 8)

My solution was to replace the proguard jars (android-sdk/tools/proguard/libs directory) in the sdk with a current (5+) version of proguard.

Exception Error c0000005 in VC++

Exception code c0000005 is the code for an access violation. That means that your program is accessing (either reading or writing) a memory address to which it does not have rights. Most commonly this is caused by:

  • Accessing a stale pointer. That is accessing memory that has already been deallocated. Note that such stale pointer accesses do not always result in access violations. Only if the memory manager has returned the memory to the system do you get an access violation.
  • Reading off the end of an array. This is when you have an array of length N and you access elements with index >=N.

To solve the problem you'll need to do some debugging. If you are not in a position to get the fault to occur under your debugger on your development machine you should get a crash dump file and load it into your debugger. This will allow you to see where in the code the problem occurred and hopefully lead you to the solution. You'll need to have the debugging symbols associated with the executable in order to see meaningful stack traces.

Difference between Static and final?

Static variable values can get changed although one copy of the variable traverse through the application, whereas Final Variable values can be initialized once and cannot be changed throughout the application.

Chrome doesn't delete session cookies

I had the same problem with "document.cookie" in Windows 8.1, the only way that Chrome deletes the cookie was shutting it from task manager (not a really fancy way), so I decided to manage the cookies from the backend or use something like "js-cookie".

Difference between dates in JavaScript

I have found this and it works fine for me:

Calculating the Difference between Two Known Dates

Unfortunately, calculating a date interval such as days, weeks, or months between two known dates is not as easy because you can't just add Date objects together. In order to use a Date object in any sort of calculation, we must first retrieve the Date's internal millisecond value, which is stored as a large integer. The function to do that is Date.getTime(). Once both Dates have been converted, subtracting the later one from the earlier one returns the difference in milliseconds. The desired interval can then be determined by dividing that number by the corresponding number of milliseconds. For instance, to obtain the number of days for a given number of milliseconds, we would divide by 86,400,000, the number of milliseconds in a day (1000 x 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours):

Date.daysBetween = function( date1, date2 ) {
  //Get 1 day in milliseconds
  var one_day=1000*60*60*24;

  // Convert both dates to milliseconds
  var date1_ms = date1.getTime();
  var date2_ms = date2.getTime();

  // Calculate the difference in milliseconds
  var difference_ms = date2_ms - date1_ms;

  // Convert back to days and return
  return Math.round(difference_ms/one_day); 

//Set the two dates
var y2k  = new Date(2000, 0, 1); 
var Jan1st2010 = new Date(y2k.getFullYear() + 10, y2k.getMonth(), y2k.getDate());
var today= new Date();
//displays 726
console.log( 'Days since ' 
           + Jan1st2010.toLocaleDateString() + ': ' 
           + Date.daysBetween(Jan1st2010, today));

The rounding is optional, depending on whether you want partial days or not.


What does the 'export' command do?

I guess you're coming from a windows background. So i'll contrast them (i'm kind of new to linux too). I found user's reply to my comment, to be useful in figuring things out.

In Windows, a variable can be permanent or not. The term Environment variable includes a variable set in the cmd shell with the SET command, as well as when the variable is set within the windows GUI, thus set in the registry, and becoming viewable in new cmd windows. e.g. documentation for the set command in windows "Displays, sets, or removes environment variables. Used without parameters, set displays the current environment settings." In Linux, set does not display environment variables, it displays shell variables which it doesn't call/refer to as environment variables. Also, Linux doesn't use set to set variables(apart from positional parameters and shell options, which I explain as a note at the end), only to display them and even then only to display shell variables. Windows uses set for setting and displaying e.g. set a=5, linux doesn't.

In Linux, I guess you could make a script that sets variables on bootup, e.g. /etc/profile or /etc/.bashrc but otherwise, they're not permanent. They're stored in RAM.

There is a distinction in Linux between shell variables, and environment variables. In Linux, shell variables are only in the current shell, and Environment variables, are in that shell and all child shells.

You can view shell variables with the set command (though note that unlike windows, variables are not set in linux with the set command).

set -o posix; set (doing that set -o posix once first, helps not display too much unnecessary stuff). So set displays shell variables.

You can view environment variables with the env command

shell variables are set with e.g. just a = 5

environment variables are set with export, export also sets the shell variable

Here you see shell variable zzz set with zzz = 5, and see it shows when running set but doesn't show as an environment variable.

Here we see yyy set with export, so it's an environment variable. And see it shows under both shell variables and environment variables

$ zzz=5

$ set | grep zzz

$ env | grep zzz

$ export yyy=5

$ set | grep yyy

$ env | grep yyy


other useful threads

Note- one point which elaborates a bit and is somewhat corrective to what i've written, is that, in linux bash, 'set' can be used to set "positional parameters" and "shell options/attributes", and technically both of those are variables, though the man pages might not describe them as such. But still, as mentioned, set won't set shell variables or environment variables). If you do set asdf then it sets $1 to asdf, and if you do echo $1 you see asdf. If you do set a=5 it won't set the variable a, equal to 5. It will set the positional parameter $1 equal to the string of "a=5". So if you ever saw set a=5 in linux it's probably a mistake unless somebody actually wanted that string a=5, in $1. The other thing that linux's set can set, is shell options/attributes. If you do set -o you see a list of them. And you can do for example set -o verbose, off, to turn verbose on(btw the default happens to be off but that makes no difference to this). Or you can do set +o verbose to turn verbose off. Windows has no such usage for its set command.

Convert comma separated string of ints to int array

import java.util.*;
public class problem
public static void main(String args[])enter code here
  String line;
  String[] lineVector;
  int n,m,i,j;
  Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
  line = sc.nextLine();
  lineVector = line.split(",");
  //enter the size of the array
  int arr[][]= new int[n][m];
  //enter the array here
  System.out.println("Enter the array:");
  line = sc.nextLine();
  lineVector = line.split(",");
  arr[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(lineVector[j]);

On the first line enter the size of the array separated by a comma. Then enter the values in the array separated by a comma.The result is stored in the array arr. e.g input: 2,3 1,2,3 2,4,6 will store values as arr = {{1,2,3},{2,4,6}};

Is there any way of configuring Eclipse IDE proxy settings via an autoproxy configuration script?

Here is what I do. All of these instructions are based on my minimal experiences with working PACs, so YMMV.

Download your pac file via your pac URL. It's plain text and should be easy to open in a text editor.

Near the bottom, there's probably a section that says something like: return "PROXY w.x.y.z:a" where "w.x.y.z" is an ip address or username and "a" is a port number.

Write these down.

In a recent version of eclipse :

  • Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections=
  • Change the provider to "Manual"
  • Select the "HTTP" line and click the edit button
  • Add the IP address and port number above to the http line
  • If you have to authenticate to use the proxy,
    • select "Requires Authentication"
    • type in your username. Note that if your authentication is on a Windows domain, you might have to prepend the domain name and a backslash (\) like: MYDOMAIN\MYUSERID
    • Type in your password
  • Click OK
  • Click Apply
  • Click OK

At this point, you should be able to browse using the internal web browser (at least on http URLs).

Good luck.

Edit: Just so you know, it's WAY easier to use Nexus, one set of <mirror> tags and a single proxy setup (inside Nexus) to manage the proxy issues of Maven inside a firewall.

What is the max size of VARCHAR2 in PL/SQL and SQL?

If you use UTF-8 encoding then one character can takes a various number of bytes (2 - 4). For PL/SQL the varchar2 limit is 32767 bytes, not characters. See how I increase a PL/SQL varchar2 variable of the 4000 character size:

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> l
  1  declare
  2    l_var varchar2(30000);
  3  begin
  4    l_var := rpad('A', 4000);
  5    dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  6    l_var := l_var || rpad('B', 10000);
  7    dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  8* end;
SQL> /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

But you can't insert into your table the value of such variable:

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  create table ttt (
  2    col1 varchar2(2000 char)
  3* )
SQL> /

Table created.

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  declare
  2    l_var varchar2(30000);
  3  begin
  4      l_var := rpad('A', 4000);
  5      dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  6      l_var := l_var || rpad('B', 10000);
  7      dbms_output.put_line(length(l_var));
  8      insert into ttt values (l_var);
  9* end;
SQL> /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-06512: at line 8

As a solution, you can try to split this variable's value into several parts (SUBSTR) and store them separately.

Print an ArrayList with a for-each loop

Your code works. If you don't have any output, you may have "forgotten" to add some values to the list:

// add values

// your code
for (String object: list) {

How to filter WooCommerce products by custom attribute

You can use WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter. You can also watch how the plugin is used for product filtering.

Here is a screenshot:

enter image description here

Show/hide widgets in Flutter programmatically

One solution is to set tis widget color property to Colors.transparent. For instance:

    icon: Image.asset("myImage.png",
        color: Colors.transparent,
    onPressed: () {},

CURRENT_DATE/CURDATE() not working as default DATE value

----- 2016-07-04 MariaDB 10.2.1 -- Release Note -- -----

Support for DEFAULT with expressions (MDEV-10134).

----- 2018-10-22 8.0.13 General Availability -- -- -----

MySQL now supports use of expressions as default values in data type specifications. This includes the use of expressions as default values for the BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY, and JSON data types, which previously could not be assigned default values at all. For details, see Data Type Default Values.

How to save username and password in Git?

Attention: This method saves the credentials in plaintext on your PC's disk. Everyone on your computer can access it, e.g. malicious NPM modules.


git config --global credential.helper store


git pull

provide a username and password and those details will then be remembered later. The credentials are stored in a file on the disk, with the disk permissions of "just user readable/writable" but still in plaintext.

If you want to change the password later

git pull

Will fail, because the password is incorrect, git then removes the offending user+password from the ~/.git-credentials file, so now re-run

git pull

to provide a new password so it works as earlier.

How to get AM/PM from a datetime in PHP

PHP Code:

$currentDateTime=date('m/d/Y H:i:s');
$newDateTime = date('h:i A', strtotime($currentDateTime));
echo $newDateTime; 

Output: 05:03 PM

How to call a PHP file from HTML or Javascript

You just need to post the form data to the insert php file function, see below :)

class DbConnect
// Database login vars
private $dbHostname = '';
private $dbDatabase = '';
private $dbUsername = '';
private $dbPassword = '';
public $db = null;

public function connect()

        $this->db = new PDO("mysql:host=".$this->dbHostname.";dbname=".$this->dbDatabase, $this->dbUsername, $this->dbPassword);
        $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    catch(PDOException $e)
        echo "It seems there was an error.  Please refresh your browser and try again. ".$e->getMessage();

public function store($email)
    $stm = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO subscribers (email) VALUES ?');
    $stm->bindValue(1, $email);

    return $stm->execute();

Open the terminal in visual studio?

New in the most recent version of Visual Studio, there is View --> Terminal, which will open a PowerShell instance as a VS dockable window, rather than a floating PowerShell or cmd instance from the Developer Command Prompt.

View then Terminal

How do you add Boost libraries in CMakeLists.txt?

I agree with the answers 1 and 2. However, I prefer to specify each library separately. This makes the depencencies clearer in big projects. Yet, there is the danger of mistyping the (case-sensitive) variable names. In that case there is no direct cmake error but some undefined references linker issues later on, which may take some time to resolve. Therefore I use the following cmake function:

  foreach(lib ${ARGV}) 
    if(DEFINED ${lib})
    else(DEFINED ${lib})
      message(SEND_ERROR "Variable ${lib} is not defined")
    endif(DEFINED ${lib})

For the example mentioned above, this looks like:

target_link_libraries( run ${Boost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY} ${Boost_REGEX_LIBRARY} )

If I had written "BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY" there would have been an error triggered by cmake and not much later triggered by the linker.

Bootstrap - How to add a logo to navbar class?

I found a solution on another thread that works - use the pull-left class:

 <a href="#" class="pull-left"><img src="/path/to/image.png"></a> 

Thanks to Michael in this thread:

Bootstrap - How to add a logo to navbar class?

XSLT getting last element

You need to put the last() indexing on the nodelist result, rather than as part of the selection criteria. Try:


How can I increase the size of a bootstrap button?

bootstrap comes with clas btn-lg

<div class="btn btn-default btn-block">

but if you want to have the button of the width of your column / container add btn-block

<div class="btn btn-default btn-lg">

However this will expand to 100% so make surt ethat you will wrap your button in certain amount of columns e.g. then you know its always stays 3 columns until xs screen

<div class="col-sm-3">
             <div class="btn btn-default btn-block">

IF statement: how to leave cell blank if condition is false ("" does not work)

Try this instead


This will return true for cells that are either truly blank, or contain nothing but white space.

See this post for a few other options.


To reflect the comments and what you ended up doing: Instead of evaluating to "" enter another value such as 'deleteme' and then search for 'deleteme' instead of blanks.


Change <select>'s option and trigger events with JavaScript

html using Razor:

 @Html.DropDownList("test1", Model.SelectOptionList, new { id = "test1", onchange = "myFunction()" })

JS Code:

function myFunction() {

            var value = document.getElementById('test1').value;

            console.log("it has been changed! to " + value );

Vertical Text Direction

Can use CSS3 Transform property

  -ms-transform:rotate(7deg); /* IE 9 */
  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0.93969262, M12=0.34202014, M21=-0.34202014, M22=0.93969262,sizingMethod='auto expand')"; /* IE6-8 */
  -webkit-transform:rotate(7deg); /* Opera, Chrome, and Safari */

Is it possible in Java to access private fields via reflection

Yes, it absolutely is - assuming you've got the appropriate security permissions. Use Field.setAccessible(true) first if you're accessing it from a different class.

import java.lang.reflect.*;

class Other
    private String str;
    public void setStr(String value)
        str = value;

class Test
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Just for the ease of a throwaway test. Don't
        // do this normally!
        throws Exception
        Other t = new Other();
        Field field = Other.class.getDeclaredField("str");
        Object value = field.get(t);

And no, you shouldn't normally do this... it's subverting the intentions of the original author of the class. For example, there may well be validation applied in any situation where the field can normally be set, or other fields may be changed at the same time. You're effectively violating the intended level of encapsulation.

Static Classes In Java

Well, Java has "static nested classes", but they're not at all the same as C#'s static classes, if that's where you were coming from. A static nested class is just one which doesn't implicitly have a reference to an instance of the outer class.

Static nested classes can have instance methods and static methods.

There's no such thing as a top-level static class in Java.

How do I get git to default to ssh and not https for new repositories

The response provided by Trevor is correct.

But here is what you can directly add in your .gitconfig:

# Enforce SSH
[url "ssh://[email protected]/"]
  insteadOf =
[url "ssh://[email protected]/"]
  insteadOf =
[url "ssh://[email protected]/"]
  insteadOf =

Create a user with all privileges in Oracle

There are 2 differences:

2 methods creating a user and granting some privileges to him

create user userName identified by password;
grant connect to userName;


grant connect to userName identified by password;

do exactly the same. It creates a user and grants him the connect role.

different outcome

resource is a role in oracle, which gives you the right to create objects (tables, procedures, some more but no views!). ALL PRIVILEGES grants a lot more of system privileges.

To grant a user all privileges run you first snippet or

grant all privileges to userName identified by password;

How to put a link on a button with bootstrap?

You can just simply add the following code;

<a class="btn btn-primary" href="http://localhost:8080/Home" role="button">Home Page</a>

What is the Windows version of cron?

The At command is now deprecated

you can use the SCHTASKS

Adding values to specific DataTable cells

Try this:

dt.Rows[RowNumber]["ColumnName"] = "Your value"

For example: if you want to add value 5 (number 5) to 1st row and column name "index" you would do this

dt.Rows[0]["index"] = 5;

I believe DataTable row starts with 0

File Explorer in Android Studio

You can start Android Device Monitor from the Android Studio (green robot icon on the toolbar, to the left of the help icon). From the ADM, select the device/emulator, then select the File Explorer tab.

Using a .php file to generate a MySQL dump

    $toDay = date('d-m-Y');

    $dbhost =   "localhost";
    $dbuser =   "YOUR DB USER";
    $dbpass =   "USER PASSWORD";
    $dbname =   "DB NAME";

    exec("mysqldump --user=$dbuser --password='$dbpass' --host=$dbhost $dbname > /home/....../public_html/".$toDay."_DB.sql");


How do I get the day of week given a date?

To get Sunday as 1 through Saturday as 7, this is the simplest solution to your question: + 1

All of them:

import datetime

today =
sunday = today - datetime.timedelta(today.weekday()+1)

for i in range(7):
    tmp_date = sunday + datetime.timedelta(i)
    print tmp_date.toordinal()%7 + 1, '==', tmp_date.strftime('%A')


1 == Sunday
2 == Monday
3 == Tuesday
4 == Wednesday
5 == Thursday
6 == Friday
7 == Saturday

How to compute the sum and average of elements in an array?

A solution I consider more elegant:

const sum = times.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
const avg = (sum / times.length) || 0;

console.log(`The sum is: ${sum}. The average is: ${avg}.`);

How do I set 'semi-bold' font via CSS? Font-weight of 600 doesn't make it look like the semi-bold I see in my Photoshop file

Select fonts by specifying the weights you need on load

Font-families consist of several distinct fonts

For example, extra-bold will make the font look quite different in say, Photoshop, because you're selecting a different font. The same applies to italic font, which can look very different indeed. Setting font-weight:800 or font-style:italic may result in just a best effort of the web browser to fatten or slant the normal font in the family.

Even though you're loading a font-family, you must specify the weights and styles you need for some web browsers to let you select a different font in the family with font-weight and font-style.


This example specifies the light, normal, normal italic, bold, and extra-bold fonts in the font family Open Sans:

    <link rel="stylesheet"_x000D_
      body {_x000D_
        font-family: 'Open Sans', serif;_x000D_
        font-size: 48px;_x000D_
  <body>    _x000D_
    <div style="font-weight:400">Didn't work with all the fonts</div>_x000D_
   <div style="font-weight:600">Didn't work with all the fonts</div>_x000D_
   <div style="font-weight:800">Didn't work with all the fonts</div>_x000D_


(Quora warning, please remove if not allowed.)


Tested working in Firefox 66.0.3 on Mac and Firefox 36.0.1 in Windows.

Non-Google fonts

Other fonts must be uploaded to the server, style and weight specified by their individual names.

System fonts

Assume nothing, font-wise, about what device is visiting your website or what fonts are installed on its OS.

(You may use the fall-backs of serif and sans-serif, but you will get the font mapped to these by the individual web browser version used, within the fonts available in the OS version it's running under, and not what you designed.)

Testing should be done with the font temporarily uninstalled from your system, to be sure that your design is in effect.

What's the difference between returning value or Promise.resolve from then()

You already got a good formal answer. I figured I should add a short one.

The following things are identical with Promises/A+ promises:

  • Calling Promise.resolve (In your Angular case that's $q.when)
  • Calling the promise constructor and resolving in its resolver. In your case that's new $q.
  • Returning a value from a then callback.
  • Calling Promise.all on an array with a value and then extract that value.

So the following are all identical for a promise or plain value X:

new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolve(x); });
Promise.resolve().then(function(){ return x; });
Promise.all([x]).then(function(arr){ return arr[0]; });

And it's no surprise, the promises specification is based on the Promise Resolution Procedure which enables easy interoperation between libraries (like $q and native promises) and makes your life overall easier. Whenever a promise resolution might occur a resolution occurs creating overall consistency.

Add two textbox values and display the sum in a third textbox automatically

Since eval("3+2")=5 ,you can use it as following :


By that, you don't need parseInt

What does -XX:MaxPermSize do?

The permanent space is where the classes, methods, internalized strings, and similar objects used by the VM are stored and never deallocated (hence the name).

This Oracle article succinctly presents the working and parameterization of the HotSpot GC and advises you to augment this space if you load many classes (this is typically the case for application servers and some IDE like Eclipse) :

The permanent generation does not have a noticeable impact on garbage collector performance for most applications. However, some applications dynamically generate and load many classes; for example, some implementations of JavaServer Pages (JSP) pages. These applications may need a larger permanent generation to hold the additional classes. If so, the maximum permanent generation size can be increased with the command-line option -XX:MaxPermSize=.

Note that this other Oracle documentation lists the other HotSpot arguments.

Update : Starting with Java 8, both the permgen space and this setting are gone. The memory model used for loaded classes and methods is different and isn't limited (with default settings). You should not see this error any more.

How to set timeout on python's socket recv method?

The timeout that you are looking for is the connection socket's timeout not the primary socket's, if you implement the server side. In other words, there is another timeout for the connection socket object, which is the output of socket.accept() method. Therefore:

connection, client_address = sock.accept()
connection.settimeout(5)    # This is the one that affects recv() method.
connection.gettimeout()     # This should result 5
sock.gettimeout()           # This outputs None when not set previously, if I remember correctly.

If you implement the client side, it would be simple.


Load JSON text into class object in c#

I recommend you to use JSON.NET. it is an open source library to serialize and deserialize your c# objects into json and Json objects into .net objects ...

Serialization Example:

Product product = new Product();
product.Name = "Apple";
product.Expiry = new DateTime(2008, 12, 28);
product.Price = 3.99M;
product.Sizes = new string[] { "Small", "Medium", "Large" };

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(product);
//  "Name": "Apple",
//  "Expiry": new Date(1230422400000),
//  "Price": 3.99,
//  "Sizes": [
//    "Small",
//    "Medium",
//    "Large"
//  ]

Product deserializedProduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Product>(json);

Performance Comparison To Other JSON serializiation Techniques enter image description here

ActionBarCompat: java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat

para resolver o meu problema, eu apenas adicionei na minha MainActivity ("Theme = To solve my problem, I just added it in my MainActivity ("Theme =" @ style / MyTheme "") where MyTheme is the name of my theme

[Activity(Label = "Name Label", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon", LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTop, Theme = "@style/MyTheme")]

How to check if another instance of the application is running

You can try this

Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("processname");
foreach (Process p in processes)
    IntPtr pFoundWindow = p.MainWindowHandle;
    // Do something with the handle...

Passing capturing lambda as function pointer

Lambda expressions, even captured ones, can be handled as a function pointer (pointer to member function).

It is tricky because an lambda expression is not a simple function. It is actually an object with an operator().

When you are creative, you can use this! Think of an "function" class in style of std::function. If you save the object you also can use the function pointer.

To use the function pointer, you can use the following:

int first = 5;
auto lambda = [=](int x, int z) {
    return x + z + first;
int(decltype(lambda)::*ptr)(int, int)const = &decltype(lambda)::operator();
std::cout << "test = " << (lambda.*ptr)(2, 3) << std::endl;

To build a class that can start working like a "std::function", first you need a class/struct than can store object and function pointer. Also you need an operator() to execute it:

// OT => Object Type
// RT => Return Type
// A ... => Arguments
template<typename OT, typename RT, typename ... A>
struct lambda_expression {
    OT _object;

    lambda_expression(const OT & object)
        : _object(object), _function(&decltype(_object)::operator()) {}

    RT operator() (A ... args) const {
        return (_object.*_function)(args...);

With this you can now run captured, non-captured lambdas, just like you are using the original:

auto capture_lambda() {
    int first = 5;
    auto lambda = [=](int x, int z) {
        return x + z + first;
    return lambda_expression<decltype(lambda), int, int, int>(lambda);

auto noncapture_lambda() {
    auto lambda = [](int x, int z) {
        return x + z;
    return lambda_expression<decltype(lambda), int, int, int>(lambda);

void refcapture_lambda() {
    int test;
    auto lambda = [&](int x, int z) {
        test = x + z;
    lambda_expression<decltype(lambda), void, int, int>f(lambda);
    f(2, 3);

    std::cout << "test value = " << test << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    auto f_capture = capture_lambda();
    auto f_noncapture = noncapture_lambda();

    std::cout << "main test = " << f_capture(2, 3) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "main test = " << f_noncapture(2, 3) << std::endl;


    return 0;

This code works with VS2015

Update 04.07.17:

template <typename CT, typename ... A> struct function
: public function<decltype(&CT::operator())(A...)> {};

template <typename C> struct function<C> {
    C mObject;

    function(const C & obj)
        : mObject(obj) {}

    template<typename... Args> typename 
    std::result_of<C(Args...)>::type operator()(Args... a) {
        return this->mObject.operator()(a...);

    template<typename... Args> typename 
    std::result_of<const C(Args...)>::type operator()(Args... a) const {
        return this->mObject.operator()(a...);

namespace make {
    template<typename C> auto function(const C & obj) {
        return ::function<C>(obj);

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
   auto func = make::function([](int y, int x) { return x*y; });
   std::cout << func(2, 4) << std::endl;
   return 0;

HTML5 required attribute seems not working

Make sure that novalidate attribute is not set to your form tag

Angular - Set headers for every request

Create a custom Http class by extending the Angular 2 Http Provider and simply override the constructor and request method in you custom Http class. The example below adds Authorization header in every http request.

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http, XHRBackend, RequestOptions, Request, RequestOptionsArgs, Response, Headers} from '@angular/http';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';

export class HttpService extends Http {

  constructor (backend: XHRBackend, options: RequestOptions) {
    let token = localStorage.getItem('auth_token'); // your custom token getter function here
    options.headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`);
    super(backend, options);

  request(url: string|Request, options?: RequestOptionsArgs): Observable<Response> {
    let token = localStorage.getItem('auth_token');
    if (typeof url === 'string') { // meaning we have to add the token to the options, not in url
      if (!options) {
        // let's make option object
        options = {headers: new Headers()};
      options.headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`);
    } else {
    // we have to add the token to the url object
      url.headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`);
    return super.request(url, options).catch(this.catchAuthError(this));

  private catchAuthError (self: HttpService) {
    // we have to pass HttpService's own instance here as `self`
    return (res: Response) => {
      if (res.status === 401 || res.status === 403) {
        // if not authenticated
      return Observable.throw(res);

Then configure your main app.module.ts to provide the XHRBackend as the ConnectionBackend provider and the RequestOptions to your custom Http class:

import { HttpModule, RequestOptions, XHRBackend } from '@angular/http';
import { HttpService } from './services/http.service';
  imports: [..],
  providers: [
      provide: HttpService,
      useFactory: (backend: XHRBackend, options: RequestOptions) => {
        return new HttpService(backend, options);
      deps: [XHRBackend, RequestOptions]
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]

After that, you can now use your custom http provider in your services. For example:

import { Injectable }     from '@angular/core';
import {HttpService} from './http.service';

class UserService {
  constructor (private http: HttpService) {}

  // token will added automatically to get request header
  getUser (id: number) {
    return this.http.get(`/users/${id}`).map((res) => {
      return res.json();
    } );

Here's a comprehensive guide -

npm start error with create-react-app

I solve this issue by running following command

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

hope it helps

Html5 Placeholders with .NET MVC 3 Razor EditorFor extension?

I've wrote such a simple class:

public static class WatermarkExtension
    public static MvcHtmlString WatermarkFor<TModel, TValue>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html, Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression)
        var watermark = ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression(expression, html.ViewData).Watermark;
        var htmlEncoded = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(watermark);
        return new MvcHtmlString(htmlEncoded);

The usage as such:

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.AddressSuffix, new {placeholder = Html.WatermarkFor(model => model.AddressSuffix)})

And property in a viewmodel:

[Display(ResourceType = typeof (Resources), Name = "AddressSuffixLabel", Prompt = "AddressSuffixPlaceholder")]
public string AddressSuffix
    get { return _album.AddressSuffix; }
    set { _album.AddressSuffix = value; }

Notice Prompt parameter. In this case I use strings from resources for localization but you can use just strings, just avoid ResourceType parameter.

Can I have H2 autocreate a schema in an in-memory database?

If you are using Spring Framework with application.yml and having trouble to make the test find the SQL file on the INIT property, you can use the classpath: notation.

For example, if you have a init.sql SQL file on the src/test/resources, just use:

url=jdbc:h2:~/test;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:init.sql';DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;

How to find the highest value of a column in a data frame in R?

To get the max of any column you want something like:

max(ozone$Ozone, na.rm = TRUE)

To get the max of all columns, you want:

apply(ozone, 2, function(x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE))

And to sort:


Or to sort the other direction:


What is the difference between printf() and puts() in C?

the printf() function is used to print both strings and variables to the screen while the puts() function only permits you to print a string only to your screen.

How to get a DOM Element from a JQuery Selector

I needed to get the element as a string.


Which will give you something like:

<input type="text" id="bob" value="hello world" /> a string rather than a DOM element.

Fastest way to tell if two files have the same contents in Unix/Linux?

Doing some testing with a Raspberry Pi 3B+ (I'm using an overlay file system, and need to sync periodically), I ran a comparison of my own for diff -q and cmp -s; note that this is a log from inside /dev/shm, so disk access speeds are a non-issue:

[root@mypi shm]# dd if=/dev/urandom of=test.file bs=1M count=100 ; time diff -q test.file test.copy && echo diff true || echo diff false ; time cmp -s test.file test.copy && echo cmp true || echo cmp false ; cp -a test.file test.copy ; time diff -q test.file test.copy && echo diff true || echo diff false; time cmp -s test.file test.copy && echo cmp true || echo cmp false
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 6.2564 s, 16.8 MB/s
Files test.file and test.copy differ

real    0m0.008s
user    0m0.008s
sys     0m0.000s
diff false

real    0m0.009s
user    0m0.007s
sys     0m0.001s
cmp false
cp: overwrite âtest.copyâ? y

real    0m0.966s
user    0m0.447s
sys     0m0.518s
diff true

real    0m0.785s
user    0m0.211s
sys     0m0.573s
cmp true
[root@mypi shm]# pico /root/rwbscripts/utils/

I ran it a couple of times. cmp -s consistently had slightly shorter times on the test box I was using. So if you want to use cmp -s to do things between two files....

identical (){
  echo "$1" and "$2" are the same.
  echo This is a function, you can put whatever you want in here.
different () {
  echo "$1" and "$2" are different.
  echo This is a function, you can put whatever you want in here, too.
cmp -s "$FILEA" "$FILEB" && identical "$FILEA" "$FILEB" || different "$FILEA" "$FILEB"

A default document is not configured for the requested URL, and directory browsing is not enabled on the server

The answer marked will help you eliminate the error but it will not get MVC working. The answer to the problem is to add this line to the web.config file in system.webServer:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />

How to get json key and value in javascript?

A simple approach instead of using JSON.parse

 success: function(response){
     var resdata = response;

Detect if page has finished loading

Is this what you had in mind?

$("document").ready( function() {
    // do your stuff

The system cannot find the file specified. in Visual Studio

The code should be :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout << "Hello World";
    return 0;

Or maybe :

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello World";
    return 0;

Just a quick note: I have deleted the system command, because I heard it's not a good practice to use it. (but of course, you can add it for this kind of program)

Fixed positioning in Mobile Safari

This may interest you. It's Apple Dev support page.

Read the point "4. Modify code that relies on CSS fixed positioning" and you will find out that there is very good reason why Apple made the conscious decision to handle fixed position as static.

SQL Inner Join On Null Values

This article has a good discussion on this issue. You can use

                       SELECT y.QID);

Unable to allocate array with shape and data type

I had this same problem on Window's and came across this solution. So if someone comes across this problem in Windows the solution for me was to increase the pagefile size, as it was a Memory overcommitment problem for me too.

Windows 8

  1. On the Keyboard Press the WindowsKey + X then click System in the popup menu
  2. Tap or click Advanced system settings. You might be asked for an admin password or to confirm your choice
  3. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, tap or click Settings.
  4. Tap or click the Advanced tab, and then, under Virtual memory, tap or click Change
  5. Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.
  6. Under Drive [Volume Label], tap or click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change
  7. Tap or click Custom size, enter a new size in megabytes in the initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB) box, tap or click Set, and then tap or click OK
  8. Reboot your system

Windows 10

  1. Press the Windows key
  2. Type SystemPropertiesAdvanced
  3. Click Run as administrator
  4. Under Performance, click Settings
  5. Select the Advanced tab
  6. Select Change...
  7. Uncheck Automatically managing paging file size for all drives
  8. Then select Custom size and fill in the appropriate size
  9. Press Set then press OK then exit from the Virtual Memory, Performance Options, and System Properties Dialog
  10. Reboot your system

Note: I did not have the enough memory on my system for the ~282GB in this example but for my particular case this worked.


From here the suggested recommendations for page file size:

There is a formula for calculating the correct pagefile size. Initial size is one and a half (1.5) x the amount of total system memory. Maximum size is three (3) x the initial size. So let's say you have 4 GB (1 GB = 1,024 MB x 4 = 4,096 MB) of memory. The initial size would be 1.5 x 4,096 = 6,144 MB and the maximum size would be 3 x 6,144 = 18,432 MB.

Some things to keep in mind from here:

However, this does not take into consideration other important factors and system settings that may be unique to your computer. Again, let Windows choose what to use instead of relying on some arbitrary formula that worked on a different computer.


Increasing page file size may help prevent instabilities and crashing in Windows. However, a hard drive read/write times are much slower than what they would be if the data were in your computer memory. Having a larger page file is going to add extra work for your hard drive, causing everything else to run slower. Page file size should only be increased when encountering out-of-memory errors, and only as a temporary fix. A better solution is to adding more memory to the computer.

Where can I download IntelliJ IDEA Color Schemes?

I like ZenBurn theme, I think it is very mild and appealing for the eye. I had here my own theme's settings JAR file, but I stopped updating it. I still think that theme is very good so I updated this post to a suitable theme with similar colors which is already available on @Yarg's web site screenshot

Link towards the theme

FirstOrDefault: Default value other than null

General case, not just for value types:

static class ExtensionsThatWillAppearOnEverything
    public static T IfDefaultGiveMe<T>(this T value, T alternate)
        if (value.Equals(default(T))) return alternate;
        return value;

var result = query.FirstOrDefault().IfDefaultGiveMe(otherDefaultValue);

Again, this can't really tell if there was anything in your sequence, or if the first value was the default.

If you care about this, you could do something like

static class ExtensionsThatWillAppearOnIEnumerables
    public static T FirstOr<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, T alternate)
        foreach(T t in source)
            return t;
        return alternate;

and use as

var result = query.FirstOr(otherDefaultValue);

although as Mr. Steak points out this could be done just as well by .DefaultIfEmpty(...).First().

SASS and @font-face

I’ve been struggling with this for a while now. Dycey’s solution is correct in that specifying the src multiple times outputs the same thing in your css file. However, this seems to break in OSX Firefox 23 (probably other versions too, but I don’t have time to test).

The cross-browser @font-face solution from Font Squirrel looks like this:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'fontname';
    src: url('fontname.eot');
    src: url('fontname.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
         url('fontname.woff') format('woff'),
         url('fontname.ttf') format('truetype'),
         url('fontname.svg#fontname') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

To produce the src property with the comma-separated values, you need to write all of the values on one line, since line-breaks are not supported in Sass. To produce the above declaration, you would write the following Sass:

  font-family: 'fontname'
  src: url('fontname.eot')
  src: url('fontname.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fontname.woff') format('woff'), url('fontname.ttf') format('truetype'), url('fontname.svg#fontname') format('svg')
  font-weight: normal
  font-style: normal

I think it seems silly to write out the path a bunch of times, and I don’t like overly long lines in my code, so I worked around it by writing this mixin:

=font-face($family, $path, $svg, $weight: normal, $style: normal)
    font-family: $family
    src: url('#{$path}.eot')
    src: url('#{$path}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('#{$path}.woff') format('woff'), url('#{$path}.ttf') format('truetype'), url('#{$path}.svg##{$svg}') format('svg')
    font-weight: $weight
    font-style: $style

Usage: For example, I can use the previous mixin to setup up the Frutiger Light font like this:

+font-face('frutigerlight', '../fonts/frutilig-webfont', 'frutigerlight')

MVVM: Tutorial from start to finish?

I have written an application using WPF, Prism and MVVM to simulate hiring a cab, you can read about it on my blog, download the source here and play with it.

Convert XML String to Object

I have gone through all the answers as at this date (2020-07-24), and there has to be a simpler more familiar way to solve this problem, which is the following.

Two scenarios... One is if the XML string is well-formed, i.e. it begins with something like <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> or its likes, before encountering the root element, which is <msg> in the question. The other is if it is NOT well-formed, i.e. just the root element (e.g. <msg> in the question) and its child nodes only.

Firstly, just a simple class that contains the properties that match, in case-insensitive names, the child nodes of the root node in the XML. So, from the question, it would be something like...

public class TheModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Action { get; set; }

The following is the rest of the code...

// These are the key using statements to add.
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Xml;

bool isWellFormed = false;
string xml =  = @"

var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
if (isWellFormed)
    /* i.e. removing the first node, which is the declaration part. 
    Also, if there are other unwanted parts in the XML, 
    write another similar code to locate the nodes 
    and remove them to only leave the desired root node 
    (and its child nodes).*/

var serializedXmlNode = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(
var theDesiredObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TheModel>(serializedXmlNode);

Export to csv in jQuery

By using just jQuery, you cannot avoid a server call.

However, to achieve this result, I'm using Downloadify, which lets me save files without having to make another server call. Doing this reduces server load and makes a good user experience.

To get a proper CSV you just have to take out all the unnecessary tags and put a ',' between the data.

malloc an array of struct pointers

IMHO, this looks better:

Chess *array = malloc(size * sizeof(Chess)); // array of pointers of size `size`

for ( int i =0; i < SOME_VALUE; ++i )
    array[i] = (Chess) malloc(sizeof(Chess));

Corrupt jar file

It can be a typo int the MANIFEST.MF too, p.ex. Build-Date with two :

  Build-Date:: 2017-03-13 16:07:12

Automatically deleting related rows in Laravel (Eloquent ORM)

Or you can do this if you wanted, just another option:

try {

    $photos = Photo::where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->delete(); // Delete all photos for user
    $user = Geofence::where('id', '=', $user_id)->delete(); // Delete users


}catch(\Laravel\Database\Exception $e) {

Note if you are not using the default laravel db connection then you need to do the following:


Eclipse 3.5 Unable to install plugins

i fought with eclipse 3.5.0 (galileo) for days, i had to use this version because I am doing blackberry development and eclipse comes bundle with blackberry specifics so i need to use the package they bundled, which was not 3.5.0 (not the 3.5.1) , BUT SirFabel saved the day, thanks to all who contributed to this post

I used 3.5.0 and did "Set the following system property in you eclipse.ini file: -Dorg.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.excludeContributors=org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient For more details on this:… - Configure only the HTTP and HTTPS proxies. Not SOCKS!! "

and I am able to get through my companies proxy!!!!

Change "on" color of a Switch

To change Switch style without using style.xml or Java code, you can customize switch into layout XML :

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

It's attribute android:thumbTint and android:trackTint that allowed you to customize color

This is the visual result for this XML :

enter image description here

How do I install Composer on a shared hosting?

It depends on the host, but you probably simply can't (you can't on my shared host on Rackspace Cloud Sites - I asked them).

What you can do is set up an environment on your dev machine that roughly matches your shared host, and do all of your management through the command line locally. Then when everything is set (you've pulled in all the dependencies, updated, managed with git, etc.) you can "push" that to your shared host over (s)FTP.

Reverse / invert a dictionary mapping

Python 3+:

inv_map = {v: k for k, v in my_map.items()}

Python 2:

inv_map = {v: k for k, v in my_map.iteritems()}

CSS Box Shadow - Top and Bottom Only

So this is my first answer here, and because I needed something similar I did with pseudo elements for 2 inner shadows, and an extra DIV for an upper outer shadow. Don't know if this is the best solutions but maybe it will help someone.


<div class="shadow-block">
    <div class="shadow"></div>
    <div class="overlay">
        <div class="overlay-inner">
            content here


.overlay {
    background: #f7f7f4;
    height: 185px;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%; 

.overlay:before {
    border-radius: 50% 50% 50% 50%;
    box-shadow: 0 0 50px 2px rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.6);
    content: " ";
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 80%;

.overlay:after {
    border-radius: 50% 50% 50% 50%;
    box-shadow: 0 0 70px 5px rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.5);
    content: "-";
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: -65px;
    left: -50%;
    right: -50%;
    width: 80%;

.shadow {
    position: relative;
    margin: 0 0 -22px 0;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 50px 3px rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.6);
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 50px 3px rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.6);
    border-radius: 50%;

Remove numbers from string sql server

Remove everything after first digit (was adequate for my use case): LEFT(field,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',field+'0')-1)

Remove trailing digits: LEFT(field,len(field)+1-PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',reverse('0'+field))

How to go back last page

To go back without refreshing the page, We can do in html like below javascript:history.back()

<a class="btn btn-danger" href="javascript:history.back()">Go Back</a>

Get exit code for command in bash/ksh


safeRunCommand() {

   if [ $? != 0 ]; then
      printf "Error when executing command: '$1'"
      exit $ERROR_CODE

caching JavaScript files

or in the .htaccess file

AddOutputFilter DEFLATE css js
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A2592000

Remove a JSON attribute

The selected answer would work for as long as you know the key itself that you want to delete but if it should be truly dynamic you would need to use the [] notation instead of the dot notation.

For example:

var keyToDelete = "key1";
var myObj = {"test": {"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}}

//that will not work.
delete myObj.test.keyToDelete 

instead you would need to use:

delete myObj.test[keyToDelete];

Substitute the dot notation with [] notation for those values that you want evaluated before being deleted.

A simple explanation of Naive Bayes Classification

Naive Bayes: Naive Bayes comes under supervising machine learning which used to make classifications of data sets. It is used to predict things based on its prior knowledge and independence assumptions.

They call it naive because it’s assumptions (it assumes that all of the features in the dataset are equally important and independent) are really optimistic and rarely true in most real-world applications.

It is classification algorithm which makes the decision for the unknown data set. It is based on Bayes Theorem which describe the probability of an event based on its prior knowledge.

Below diagram shows how naive Bayes works

enter image description here

Formula to predict NB:

enter image description here

How to use Naive Bayes Algorithm ?

Let's take an example of how N.B woks

Step 1: First we find out Likelihood of table which shows the probability of yes or no in below diagram. Step 2: Find the posterior probability of each class.

enter image description here

Problem: Find out the possibility of whether the player plays in Rainy condition?

P(Yes|Rainy) = P(Rainy|Yes) * P(Yes) / P(Rainy)

P(Rainy|Yes) = 2/9 = 0.222
P(Yes) = 9/14 = 0.64
P(Rainy) = 5/14 = 0.36

Now, P(Yes|Rainy) = 0.222*0.64/0.36 = 0.39 which is lower probability which means chances of the match played is low.

For more reference refer these blog.

Refer GitHub Repository Naive-Bayes-Examples

How to make a countdown timer in Android?

Using Kotlin:

var timer = object: CountDownTimer(30000, 1000) {
        override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long) {
            tvTimer.setText("seconds remaining: " + millisUntilFinished / 1000)

        override fun onFinish() {

How to select rows from a DataFrame based on column values

In newer versions of Pandas, inspired by the documentation (Viewing data):

df[df["colume_name"] == some_value] #Scalar, True/False..

df[df["colume_name"] == "some_value"] #String

Combine multiple conditions by putting the clause in parentheses, (), and combining them with & and | (and/or). Like this:

df[(df["colume_name"] == "some_value1") & (pd[pd["colume_name"] == "some_value2"])]

Other filters

pandas.notna(df["colume_name"]) == True # Not NaN
df['colume_name'].str.contains("text") # Search for "text"
df['colume_name'].str.lower().str.contains("text") # Search for "text", after converting  to lowercase

How to deal with persistent storage (e.g. databases) in Docker

Docker 1.9.0 and above

Use volume API

docker volume create --name hello
docker run -d -v hello:/container/path/for/volume container_image my_command

This means that the data-only container pattern must be abandoned in favour of the new volumes.

Actually the volume API is only a better way to achieve what was the data-container pattern.

If you create a container with a -v volume_name:/container/fs/path Docker will automatically create a named volume for you that can:

  1. Be listed through the docker volume ls
  2. Be identified through the docker volume inspect volume_name
  3. Backed up as a normal directory
  4. Backed up as before through a --volumes-from connection

The new volume API adds a useful command that lets you identify dangling volumes:

docker volume ls -f dangling=true

And then remove it through its name:

docker volume rm <volume name>

As @mpugach underlines in the comments, you can get rid of all the dangling volumes with a nice one-liner:

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q)
# Or using 1.13.x
docker volume prune

Docker 1.8.x and below

The approach that seems to work best for production is to use a data only container.

The data only container is run on a barebones image and actually does nothing except exposing a data volume.

Then you can run any other container to have access to the data container volumes:

docker run --volumes-from data-container some-other-container command-to-execute
  • Here you can get a good picture of how to arrange the different containers.
  • Here there is a good insight on how volumes work.

In this blog post there is a good description of the so-called container as volume pattern which clarifies the main point of having data only containers.

Docker documentation has now the DEFINITIVE description of the container as volume/s pattern.

Following is the backup/restore procedure for Docker 1.8.x and below.


sudo docker run --rm --volumes-from DATA -v $(pwd):/backup busybox tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /data
  • --rm: remove the container when it exits
  • --volumes-from DATA: attach to the volumes shared by the DATA container
  • -v $(pwd):/backup: bind mount the current directory into the container; to write the tar file to
  • busybox: a small simpler image - good for quick maintenance
  • tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /data: creates an uncompressed tar file of all the files in the /data directory


# Create a new data container
$ sudo docker run -v /data -name DATA2 busybox true
# untar the backup files into the new container?s data volume
$ sudo docker run --rm --volumes-from DATA2 -v $(pwd):/backup busybox tar xvf /backup/backup.tar
# Compare to the original container
$ sudo docker run --rm --volumes-from DATA -v `pwd`:/backup busybox ls /data

Here is a nice article from the excellent Brian Goff explaining why it is good to use the same image for a container and a data container.

Show/Hide Multiple Divs with Jquery

simple but stupid approach:



as for better one - add common class to all div's, and use some attribute in buttons with id of target divs

Max length for client ip address

If you are just storing it for reference, you can store it as a string, but if you want to do a lookup, for example, to see if the IP address is in some table, you need a "canonical representation." Converting the entire thing to a (large) number is the right thing to do. IPv4 addresses can be stored as a long int (32 bits) but you need a 128 bit number to store an IPv6 address.

For example, all these strings are really the same IP address:,, ::1, 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1

loading json data from local file into React JS

My JSON file name: terrifcalculatordata.json

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Vigo",
      "picture": "./static/images/vigo.png",
      "charges": "PKR 100 per excess km"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Mercedes",
      "picture": "./static/images/Marcedes.jpg",
      "charges": "PKR 200 per excess km"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Lexus",
        "picture": "./static/images/Lexus.jpg",
        "charges": "PKR 150 per excess km"

First , import on top:

import calculatorData from "../static/data/terrifcalculatordata.json";

then after return:

  {, index) => {
        return (
            <div key={index}>

Change value of variable with dplyr

We can use replace to change the values in 'mpg' to NA that corresponds to cyl==4.

mtcars %>%
     mutate(mpg=replace(mpg, cyl==4, NA)) %>%

How to set Angular 4 background image?

You can use ngStyle to set background for a div

<div [ngStyle]="{background-image: 'url(./images/' + trls.img + ')'}"></div>

or you can also use built in background style:

<div [style.background-image]="'url(/images/' + trls.img + ')'"></div>

kill -3 to get java thread dump

  1. Find the process id [PS ID]
  2. Execute jcmd [PS ID] Thread.print

Comparing two byte arrays in .NET

You can use Enumerable.SequenceEqual method.

using System;
using System.Linq;
var a1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3};
var a2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3};
var a3 = new int[] { 1, 2, 4};
var x = a1.SequenceEqual(a2); // true
var y = a1.SequenceEqual(a3); // false

If you can't use .NET 3.5 for some reason, your method is OK.
Compiler\run-time environment will optimize your loop so you don't need to worry about performance.

Is there a simple way to increment a datetime object one month in Python?

Check out from dateutil.relativedelta import * for adding a specific amount of time to a date, you can continue to use timedelta for the simple stuff i.e.

use_date = use_date + datetime.timedelta(minutes=+10)
use_date = use_date + datetime.timedelta(hours=+1)
use_date = use_date + datetime.timedelta(days=+1)
use_date = use_date + datetime.timedelta(weeks=+1)

or you can start using relativedelta

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1)

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(years=+1)

for the last day of next month:

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1)
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(day=31)

Right now this will provide 29/02/2016

for the penultimate day of next month:

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1)
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(day=31)
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(days=-1)

last Friday of the next month:

use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1, day=31, weekday=FR(-1))

2nd Tuesday of next month:

new_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=+1, day=1, weekday=TU(2))

As @mrroot5 points out dateutil's rrule functions can be applied, giving you an extra bang for your buck, if you require date occurences.
for example:
Calculating the last day of the month for 9 months from the last day of last month.
Then, calculate the 2nd Tuesday for each of those months.

from dateutil.relativedelta import *
from dateutil.rrule import *
from datetime import datetime
use_date = datetime(2020,11,21)

#Calculate the last day of last month
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(months=-1)
use_date = use_date+relativedelta(day=31)

#Generate a list of the last day for 9 months from the calculated date
x = list(rrule(freq=MONTHLY, count=9, dtstart=use_date, bymonthday=(-1,)))
print("Last day")
for ld in x:

#Generate a list of the 2nd Tuesday in each of the next 9 months from the calculated date
print("\n2nd Tuesday")
x = list(rrule(freq=MONTHLY, count=9, dtstart=use_date, byweekday=TU(2)))
for tuesday in x:

Last day
2020-10-31 00:00:00
2020-11-30 00:00:00
2020-12-31 00:00:00
2021-01-31 00:00:00
2021-02-28 00:00:00
2021-03-31 00:00:00
2021-04-30 00:00:00
2021-05-31 00:00:00
2021-06-30 00:00:00

2nd Tuesday
2020-11-10 00:00:00
2020-12-08 00:00:00
2021-01-12 00:00:00
2021-02-09 00:00:00
2021-03-09 00:00:00
2021-04-13 00:00:00
2021-05-11 00:00:00
2021-06-08 00:00:00
2021-07-13 00:00:00

This is by no means an exhaustive list of what is available. Documentation is available here:

How to add key,value pair to dictionary?

To insert/append to a dictionary

{"0": {"travelkey":"value", "travelkey2":"value"},"1":{"travelkey":"value","travelkey2":"value"}} 

travel_dict={} #initialize dicitionary 
travel_key=0 #initialize counter

if travel_key not in travel_dict: #for avoiding keyerror 0
    travel_dict[travel_key] = {}
travel_temp={val['key']:'no flexible'}  
travel_dict[travel_key].update(travel_temp) # Updates if val['key'] exists, else adds val['key']

Objective C - Assign, Copy, Retain

  1. assign

    • assign is a default property attribute
    • assign is a property attribute tells the compiler how to synthesize the property’s setter implementation
  2. copy:

    • copy is required when the object is mutable
    • copy returns an object which you must explicitly release (e.g., in dealloc) in non-garbage collected environments
    • you need to release the object when finished with it because you are retaining the copy
  3. retain:

    • specifies the new value should be sent “-retain” on assignment and the old value sent “-release”
    • if you write retain it will auto work like strong
    • Methods like “alloc” include an implicit “retain”

What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors?

In simple terms, a stack trace is a list of the method calls that the application was in the middle of when an Exception was thrown.

Simple Example

With the example given in the question, we can determine exactly where the exception was thrown in the application. Let's have a look at the stack trace:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.example.myproject.Book.getTitle(
        at com.example.myproject.Author.getBookTitles(
        at com.example.myproject.Bootstrap.main(

This is a very simple stack trace. If we start at the beginning of the list of "at ...", we can tell where our error happened. What we're looking for is the topmost method call that is part of our application. In this case, it's:

at com.example.myproject.Book.getTitle(

To debug this, we can open up and look at line 16, which is:

15   public String getTitle() {
16      System.out.println(title.toString());
17      return title;
18   }

This would indicate that something (probably title) is null in the above code.

Example with a chain of exceptions

Sometimes applications will catch an Exception and re-throw it as the cause of another Exception. This typically looks like:

34   public void getBookIds(int id) {
35      try {
36         book.getId(id);    // this method it throws a NullPointerException on line 22
37      } catch (NullPointerException e) {
38         throw new IllegalStateException("A book has a null property", e)
39      }
40   }

This might give you a stack trace that looks like:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: A book has a null property
        at com.example.myproject.Author.getBookIds(
        at com.example.myproject.Bootstrap.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.example.myproject.Book.getId(
        at com.example.myproject.Author.getBookIds(
        ... 1 more

What's different about this one is the "Caused by". Sometimes exceptions will have multiple "Caused by" sections. For these, you typically want to find the "root cause", which will be one of the lowest "Caused by" sections in the stack trace. In our case, it's:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException <-- root cause
        at com.example.myproject.Book.getId( <-- important line

Again, with this exception we'd want to look at line 22 of to see what might cause the NullPointerException here.

More daunting example with library code

Usually stack traces are much more complex than the two examples above. Here's an example (it's a long one, but demonstrates several levels of chained exceptions):

javax.servlet.ServletException: Something bad happened
    at com.example.myproject.OpenSessionInViewFilter.doFilter(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
    at com.example.myproject.ExceptionHandlerFilter.doFilter(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
    at com.example.myproject.OutputBufferFilter.doFilter(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.content(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(
    at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$
Caused by: com.example.myproject.MyProjectServletException
    at com.example.myproject.MyServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
    at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
    at com.example.myproject.OpenSessionInViewFilter.doFilter(
    ... 27 more
Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not insert: [com.example.myproject.MyEntity]
    at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert(
    at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert(
    at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.insert(
    at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.insert(
    at org.hibernate.action.EntityIdentityInsertAction.execute(
    at org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.execute(
    at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.performSaveOrReplicate(
    at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.performSave(
    at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedId(
    at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId(
    at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId(
    at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.entityIsTransient(
    at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveEventListener.performSaveOrUpdate(
    at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.onSaveOrUpdate(
    at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.fireSave(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor5.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.hibernate.context.ThreadLocalSessionContext$TransactionProtectionWrapper.invoke(
    at $ Source)
    at <-- relevant call (see notes below)
    at com.example.myproject.MyServlet.doPost(
    ... 32 more
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Violation of unique constraint MY_ENTITY_UK_1: duplicate value(s) for column(s) MY_COLUMN in statement [...]
    at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.throwError(Unknown Source)
    at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
    at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
    ... 54 more

In this example, there's a lot more. What we're mostly concerned about is looking for methods that are from our code, which would be anything in the com.example.myproject package. From the second example (above), we'd first want to look down for the root cause, which is:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException

However, all the method calls under that are library code. So we'll move up to the "Caused by" above it, and look for the first method call originating from our code, which is:


Like in previous examples, we should look at on line 59, because that's where this error originated (this one's a bit obvious what went wrong, since the SQLException states the error, but the debugging procedure is what we're after).

Compare given date with today

You can use the DateTime class:

$past   = new DateTime("2010-01-01 00:00:00");
$now    = new DateTime();
$future = new DateTime("2021-01-01 00:00:00");

Comparison operators work*:

var_dump($past   < $now);         // bool(true)
var_dump($future < $now);         // bool(false)

var_dump($now == $past);          // bool(false)
var_dump($now == new DateTime()); // bool(true)
var_dump($now == $future);        // bool(false)

var_dump($past   > $now);         // bool(false)
var_dump($future > $now);         // bool(true)

It is also possible to grab the timestamp values from DateTime objects and compare them:

var_dump($past  ->getTimestamp());                        // int(1262286000)
var_dump($now   ->getTimestamp());                        // int(1431686228)
var_dump($future->getTimestamp());                        // int(1577818800)
var_dump($past  ->getTimestamp() < $now->getTimestamp()); // bool(true)
var_dump($future->getTimestamp() > $now->getTimestamp()); // bool(true)

* Note that === returns false when comparing two different DateTime objects even when they represent the same date.

CSS3 Rotate Animation

I have a rotating image using the same thing as you:

.knoop1 img{
    margin:0 auto;

    -webkit-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    -moz-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    -o-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    transition-duration: 0.8s;

    -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform;
    -moz-transition-property: -moz-transform;
    -o-transition-property: -o-transform;
     transition-property: transform;


.knoop1:hover img{

How to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on a machine without installed MS Office?

Look for GSpread.NET. You can work with Google Spreadsheets by using API from Microsoft Excel. You don't need to rewrite old code with the new Google API usage. Just add a few row:

Set objExcel = CreateObject("GSpreadCOM.Application");

app.MailLogon(Name, ClientIdAndSecret, ScriptId);

It's an OpenSource project and it doesn't require Office to be installed.

The documentation available over here

Access to Image from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy

You're running into a CORS error.

Trying to access your file using the local file system doesn't work in your case.

Origin is null because it's your local file system. Could you possibly host this png file?


Host these files to an AWS S3 bucket instead. Then you can use the http protocol rather than the file protocol. OR setup some http server on your local system and use http to your localhost to serve the files from if you want to keep everything local.

More Reading:

How CORS Works

Primefaces valueChangeListener or <p:ajax listener not firing for p:selectOneMenu

If you want to use valueChangeListener, you need to submit the form every time a new option is chosen. Something like this:

<p:selectOneMenu value="#{mymb.employee}" onchange="submit()"
                 valueChangeListener="#{mymb.handleChange}" >
    <f:selectItems value="#{mymb.employeesList}" var="emp"
                   itemLabel="#{emp.employeeName}" itemValue="#{emp.employeeID}" />

public void handleChange(ValueChangeEvent event){  
    System.out.println("New value: " + event.getNewValue());

Or else, if you want to use <p:ajax>, it should look like this:

<p:selectOneMenu value="#{mymb.employee}" >
    <p:ajax listener="#{mymb.handleChange}" />
    <f:selectItems value="#{mymb.employeesList}" var="emp"
                   itemLabel="#{emp.employeeName}" itemValue="#{emp.employeeID}" />

private String employeeID;

public void handleChange(){  
    System.out.println("New value: " + employee);

One thing to note is that in your example code, I saw that the value attribute of your <p:selectOneMenu> is #{mymb.employeesList} which is the same as the value of <f:selectItems>. The value of your <p:selectOneMenu> should be similar to my examples above which point to a single employee, not a list of employees.

Getting value of select (dropdown) before change

keep the currently selected drop down value with chosen jquery in a global variable before writing the drop down 'on change' action function. If you want to set previous value in the function you can use the global variable.

//global variable
var previousValue=$("#dropDownList").val();
$("#dropDownList").change(function () {
BootstrapDialog.confirm(' Are you sure you want to continue?',
  function (result) {
  if (result) {
     return true;
  } else {
     return false;

What is a blob URL and why it is used?

What is blob url? Why it is used?

BLOB is just byte sequence. Browser recognize it as byte stream. It is used to get byte stream from source.

A Blob object represents a file-like object of immutable, raw data. Blobs represent data that isn't necessarily in a JavaScript-native format. The File interface is based on Blob, inheriting blob functionality and expanding it to support files on the user's system.

Can i make my own blob url on a server?

Yes you can there are serveral ways to do so for example try


What should be in my .gitignore for an Android Studio project?

As of Android Studio 0.8.4 .gitignore file is generated automatically when starting new project. By default it contains:


I agree with this statement, however I modify this file to change /build to build/ (This will include /build and /app/build) So I don't end up with all the files in app/build in my repository.

Note also that if you import a project from Eclipse, the .gitignore won't be copied, or "automagically" created for you.

.htaccess mod_rewrite - how to exclude directory from rewrite rule

add a condition to check for the admin directory, something like:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?(admin|user)/
RewriteRule ^([^/] )/([^/] )\.html$ index.php?lang=$1&mod=$2 [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?(admin|user)/
RewriteRule ^([^/] )/$ index.php?lang=$1&mod=home [L]

How to test if a double is an integer

Here's a solution:

float var = Your_Value;
if ((var - Math.floor(var)) == 0.0f)
    // var is an integer, so do stuff

How to add two strings as if they were numbers?

If you want to perform operation with numbers as strings (as in the case where numbers are bigger than 64bits can hold) you can use the big-integer library.

const bigInt = require('big-integer')
bigInt("999").add("1").toString() // output: "1000"

Android: Background Image Size (in Pixel) which Support All Devices

The following are the best dimensions for the app to run in all devices. For understanding multiple supporting screens you have to read

xxxhdpi: 1280x1920 px
xxhdpi: 960x1600 px
xhdpi: 640x960 px
hdpi: 480x800 px
mdpi: 320x480 px
ldpi: 240x320 px

Get last 30 day records from today date in SQL Server

Below query is appropriate for the last 30 days records

Here, I have used a review table and review_date is a column from the review table

SELECT * FROM reviews WHERE DATE(review_date) >= DATE(NOW()) - INTERVAL 30 DAY

How to return value from Action()?

You can also take advantage of the fact that a lambda or anonymous method can close over variables in its enclosing scope.

MyType result;

SimpleUsing.DoUsing(db => 
  result = db.SomeQuery(); //whatever returns the MyType result

//do something with result

HTML5 image icon to input placeholder

  1. You can set it as background-image and use text-indent or a padding to shift the text to the right.
  2. You can break it up into two elements.

Honestly, I would avoid usage of HTML5/CSS3 without a good fallback. There are just too many people using old browsers that don't support all the new fancy stuff. It will take a while before we can drop the fallback, unfortunately :(

The first method I mentioned is the safest and easiest. Both ways requires Javascript to hide the icon.


input#search {
    background-image: url(bg.jpg);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    text-indent: 20px;


<input type="text" id="search" name="search" onchange="hideIcon(this);" value="search" />


function hideIcon(self) { = 'none';

September 25h, 2013

I can't believe I said "Both ways requires JavaScript to hide the icon.", because this is not entirely true.

The most common timing to hide placeholder text is on change, as suggested in this answer. For icons however it's okay to hide them on focus which can be done in CSS with the active pseudo-class.

#search:active { background-image: none; }

Heck, using CSS3 you can make it fade away!

November 5th, 2013

Of course, there's the CSS3 ::before pseudo-elements too. Beware of browser support though!

            Chrome  Firefox     IE      Opera   Safari
:before     (yes)   1.0         8.0     4       4.0
::before    (yes)   1.5         9.0     7       4.0

How to use Jackson to deserialise an array of objects

First create an instance of ObjectReader which is thread-safe.

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectReader objectReader = objectMapper.reader().forType(new TypeReference<List<MyClass>>(){});

Then use it :

List<MyClass> result = objectReader.readValue(inputStream);

How to return a part of an array in Ruby?

If you want to split/cut the array on an index i,

arr = arr.drop(i)

> arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
 => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 
> arr.drop(2)
 => [3, 4, 5] 

Pandas percentage of total with groupby

One-line solution:

    df.groupby('state').agg(state_total=('sales', 'sum')),
).eval('sales / state_total')

This returns a Series of per-office ratios -- can be used on it's own or assigned to the original Dataframe.

How to set a hidden value in Razor

How about like this

public static MvcHtmlString HiddenFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, object value, object htmlAttributes)
        return HiddenFor(htmlHelper, expression, value, HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes));

    public static MvcHtmlString HiddenFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, object value, IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes)
        return htmlHelper.Hidden(ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression), value, htmlAttributes);

Use it like this

 @Html.HiddenFor(customerId => reviewModel.CustomerId, Site.LoggedInCustomerId, null)

Hex transparency in colors

I built this small helper method for an android app, may come of use:

 * @param originalColor color, without alpha
 * @param alpha         from 0.0 to 1.0
 * @return
public static String addAlpha(String originalColor, double alpha) {
    long alphaFixed = Math.round(alpha * 255);
    String alphaHex = Long.toHexString(alphaFixed);
    if (alphaHex.length() == 1) {
        alphaHex = "0" + alphaHex;
    originalColor = originalColor.replace("#", "#" + alphaHex);

    return originalColor;

How to modify list entries during for loop?

The answer given by Jemshit Iskenderov and Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams is really good. It can be further illustrated with this example: imagine that

a) A list with two vectors is given to you;

b) you would like to traverse the list and reverse the order of each one of the arrays

Let's say you have

v = np.array([1, 2,3,4])
b = np.array([3,4,6])

for i in [v, b]:
    i = i[::-1]   # this command does not reverse the string


You will get

[array([1, 2, 3, 4]), array([3, 4, 6])]

On the other hand, if you do

v = np.array([1, 2,3,4])
b = np.array([3,4,6])

for i in [v, b]:
   i[:] = i[::-1]   # this command reverses the string


The result is

[array([4, 3, 2, 1]), array([6, 4, 3])]

How to do join on multiple criteria, returning all combinations of both criteria

SELECT  aa.*,
FROM    table1 aa
        INNER JOIN table2 bb
            ON aa.tableseat = bb.tableseat AND
                aa.weddingtable = bb.weddingtable
        INNER JOIN
            SELECT  a.tableSeat
            FROM    table1 a
                    INNER JOIN table2 b
                        ON a.tableseat = b.tableseat AND
                            a.weddingtable = b.weddingtable
            WHERE b.meal IN ('chicken', 'steak')
            GROUP by a.tableSeat
            HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT b.Meal) = 2
        ) c ON aa.tableseat = c.tableSeat

How exactly to use Notification.Builder

Notification Builder is strictly for Android API Level 11 and above (Android 3.0 and up).

Hence, if you are not targeting Honeycomb tablets, you should not be using the Notification Builder but rather follow older notification creation methods like the following example.

Getting error: Peer authentication failed for user "postgres", when trying to get pgsql working with rails

You need just set METHOD to trust.

#TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
local    all             all                                     trust

And reload postgres server.

# service postgresql-9.5 reload

Changes in pg_hba.conf dont require RESTART postgres server. just RELOAD.

What is the difference between the remap, noremap, nnoremap and vnoremap mapping commands in Vim?

remap is an option that makes mappings work recursively. By default it is on and I'd recommend you leave it that way. The rest are mapping commands, described below:

:map and :noremap are recursive and non-recursive versions of the various mapping commands. For example, if we run:

:map j gg           (moves cursor to first line)
:map Q j            (moves cursor to first line)
:noremap W j        (moves cursor down one line)


  • j will be mapped to gg.
  • Q will also be mapped to gg, because j will be expanded for the recursive mapping.
  • W will be mapped to j (and not to gg) because j will not be expanded for the non-recursive mapping.

Now remember that Vim is a modal editor. It has a normal mode, visual mode and other modes.

For each of these sets of mappings, there is a mapping that works in normal, visual, select and operator modes (:map and :noremap), one that works in normal mode (:nmap and :nnoremap), one in visual mode (:vmap and :vnoremap) and so on.

For more guidance on this, see:

:help :map
:help :noremap
:help recursive_mapping
:help :map-modes

The Response content must be a string or object implementing __toString(), "boolean" given after move to psql


Just returning response()->json($promotion) won't solve the issue in this question. $promotion is an Eloquent object, which Laravel will automatically json_encode for the response. The json encoding is failing because of the img property, which is a PHP stream resource, and cannot be encoded.


Whatever you return from your controller, Laravel is going to attempt to convert to a string. When you return an object, the object's __toString() magic method will be invoked to make the conversion.

Therefore, when you just return $promotion from your controller action, Laravel is going to call __toString() on it to convert it to a string to display.

On the Model, __toString() calls toJson(), which returns the result of json_encode. Therefore, json_encode is returning false, meaning it is running into an error.

Your dd shows that your img attribute is a stream resource. json_encode cannot encode a resource, so this is probably causing the failure. You should add your img attribute to the $hidden property to remove it from the json_encode.

class Promotion extends Model
    protected $hidden = ['img'];

    // rest of class

Delete the first three rows of a dataframe in pandas

You can use python slicing, but note it's not in-place.

In [15]: import pandas as pd
In [16]: import numpy as np
In [17]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((5,2)))
In [18]: df
          0         1
0  0.294077  0.229471
1  0.949007  0.790340
2  0.039961  0.720277
3  0.401468  0.803777
4  0.539951  0.763267

In [19]: df[3:]
          0         1
3  0.401468  0.803777
4  0.539951  0.763267

Why ModelState.IsValid always return false in mvc

Please post your Model Class.

To check the errors in your ModelState use the following code:

var errors = ModelState
    .Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0)
    .Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value.Errors })

OR: You can also use

var errors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors);

Place a break point at the above line and see what are the errors in your ModelState.

docker : invalid reference format

I was executing the whole command in one line, as it was mentioned as such

$ docker run --name testproject-agent \
-e TP_AGENT_ALIAS="My First Agent" \

But its supposed to be a multiline command, and I copied the command line by line and pressed enter after every line and bam! it worked.

Sometimes when you copy off of the web, the new-line character gets omitted, hence my suggestion to try manually introducing the new line.

Parse v. TryParse

Parse throws an exception if it cannot parse the value, whereas TryParse returns a bool indicating whether it succeeded.

TryParse does not just try/catch internally - the whole point of it is that it is implemented without exceptions so that it is fast. In fact the way it is most likely implemented is that internally the Parse method will call TryParse and then throw an exception if it returns false.

In a nutshell, use Parse if you are sure the value will be valid; otherwise use TryParse.

How to fix Uncaught InvalidValueError: setPosition: not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: in property lat: not a number?

I had the same problem, and resolved it. In my case it was error due to the non-proper format. Please check the first and last coordinates array in geometry coordinates they must be same then and only then it will work. Hope it may help you!

When correctly use Task.Run and when just async-await

One issue with your ContentLoader is that internally it operates sequentially. A better pattern is to parallelize the work and then sychronize at the end, so we get

public class PageViewModel : IHandle<SomeMessage>

   public async void Handle(SomeMessage message)

      // makes UI very laggy, but still not dead
      await this.contentLoader.LoadContentAsync(); 


public class ContentLoader 
    public async Task LoadContentAsync()
        var tasks = new List<Task>();

        await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);

Obviously, this doesn't work if any of the tasks require data from other earlier tasks, but should give you better overall throughput for most scenarios.

Changing variable names with Python for loops

Definitely should use a dict using the "group" + str(i) key as described in the accepted solution but I wanted to share a solution using exec. Its a way to parse strings into commands & execute them dynamically. It would allow to create these scalar variable names as per your requirement instead of using a dict. This might help in regards what not to do, and just because you can doesn't mean you should. Its a good solution only if using scalar variables is a hard requirement:

l = locals()
for i in xrange(3):
    exec("group" + str(i) + "= self.getGroup(selected, header + i)")

Another example where this could work using a Django model example. The exec alternative solution is commented out and the better way of handling such a case using the dict attribute makes more sense:

Class A(models.Model):


    def __getitem__(self, item):  # a.__getitem__('id')
        #exec("attrb = self." + item)
        #return attrb
        return self.__dict__[item]

It might make more sense to extend from a dictionary in the first place to get setattr and getattr functions.

A situation which involves parsing, for example generating & executing python commands dynamically, exec is what you want :) More on exec here.

CodeIgniter 404 Page Not Found, but why?

we have to give the controller name in lower cases in server side

$this->class = strtolower(__CLASS__);

How to install MinGW-w64 and MSYS2?

Unfortunately, the MinGW-w64 installer you used sometimes has this issue. I myself am not sure about why this happens (I think it has something to do with Sourceforge URL redirection or whatever that the installer currently can't handle properly enough).

Anyways, if you're already planning on using MSYS2, there's no need for that installer.

  1. Download MSYS2 from this page (choose 32 or 64-bit according to what version of Windows you are going to use it on, not what kind of executables you want to build, both versions can build both 32 and 64-bit binaries).

  2. After the install completes, click on the newly created "MSYS2 Shell" option under either MSYS2 64-bit or MSYS2 32-bit in the Start menu. Update MSYS2 according to the wiki (although I just do a pacman -Syu, ignore all errors and close the window and open a new one, this is not recommended and you should do what the wiki page says).

  3. Install a toolchain

    a) for 32-bit:

    pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc

    b) for 64-bit:

    pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
  4. install any libraries/tools you may need. You can search the repositories by doing

    pacman -Ss name_of_something_i_want_to_install


    pacman -Ss gsl

    and install using

    pacman -S package_name_of_something_i_want_to_install


    pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gsl

    and from then on the GSL library is automatically found by your MinGW-w64 64-bit compiler!

  5. Open a MinGW-w64 shell:

    a) To build 32-bit things, open the "MinGW-w64 32-bit Shell"

    b) To build 64-bit things, open the "MinGW-w64 64-bit Shell"

  6. Verify that the compiler is working by doing

    gcc -v

If you want to use the toolchains (with installed libraries) outside of the MSYS2 environment, all you need to do is add <MSYS2 root>/mingw32/bin or <MSYS2 root>/mingw64/bin to your PATH.

MySQL Workbench Edit Table Data is read only

I was getting the read-only problem even when I was selecting the primary key. I eventually figured out it was a casing problem. Apparently the PK column must be cased the same as defined in the table. using: workbench 6.3 on windows


SELECT leadid,firstname,lastname,datecreated FROM lead;

Allowed edit

SELECT LeadID,firstname,lastname,datecreated FROM lead;

The split() method in Java does not work on a dot (.)

It works fine. Did you read the documentation? The string is converted to a regular expression.

. is the special character matching all input characters.

As with any regular expression special character, you escape with a \. You need an additional \ for the Java string escape.

Batch file: Find if substring is in string (not in a file)

The solutions that search a file for a substring can also search a string, eg. find or findstr.
In your case, the easy solution would be to pipe a string into the command instead of supplying a filename eg.

case-sensitive string:
echo "abcdefg" | find "bcd"

ignore case of string:
echo "abcdefg" | find /I "bcd"

IF no match found, you will get a blank line response on CMD and %ERRORLEVEL% set to 1

how to fire event on file select

vanilla js using es6

document.querySelector('input[name="file"]').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
 const file =[0];
  // todo: use file pointer

How can I color Python logging output?

There are tons of responses. But none is talking about decorators. So here's mine.

Because it is a lot more simple.

There's no need to import anything, nor to write any subclass:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging

NO_COLOR = "\33[m"
    map("\33[%dm".__mod__, range(31, 38))

logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# the decorator to apply on the logger methods info, warn, ...
def add_color(logger_method, color):
  def wrapper(message, *args, **kwargs):
    return logger_method(
      # the coloring is applied here.
      *args, **kwargs
  return wrapper

for level, color in zip((
  "info", "warn", "error", "debug"), (
  setattr(logger, level, add_color(getattr(logger, level), color))

# this is displayed in red.
logger.error("Launching %s." % __file__)

This set the errors in red, debug messages in blue, and so on. Like asked in the question.

We could even adapt the wrapper to take a color argument to dynamicaly set the message's color using logger.debug("message", color=GREY)

EDIT: So here's the adapted decorator to set colors at runtime:

def add_color(logger_method, _color):
  def wrapper(message, *args, **kwargs):
    color = kwargs.pop("color", _color)
    if isinstance(color, int):
      color = "\33[%dm" % color
    return logger_method(
      # the coloring is applied here.
      *args, **kwargs
  return wrapper

# blah blah, apply the decorator...

# this is displayed in red.
logger.error("Launching %s." % __file__)
# this is displayed in blue
logger.error("Launching %s." % __file__, color=34)
# and this, in grey
logger.error("Launching %s." % __file__, color=GREY)

How do I change the language of moment.js?

You need moment.lang (WARNING: lang() is deprecated since moment 2.8.0, use locale() instead):


As of v2.8.1, moment.locale('de') sets the localization, but does not return a moment. Some examples:

var march = moment('2017-03')
console.log(march.format('MMMM')) // 'March'

moment.locale('de') // returns the new locale, in this case 'de'
console.log(march.format('MMMM')) // 'March' still, since the instance was before the locale was set

var deMarch = moment('2017-03')
console.log(deMarch.format('MMMM')) // 'März'

// You can, however, change just the locale of a specific moment
console.log(march.format('MMMM')) // 'Marzo'

In summation, calling locale on the global moment sets the locale for all future moment instances, but does not return an instance of moment. Calling locale on an instance, sets it for that instance AND returns that instance.

Also, as Shiv said in the comments, make sure you use "moment-with-locales.min.js" and not "moment.min.js", otherwise it won't work.

Integer to IP Address - C

#include "stdio.h"

void print_ip(int ip) {
   unsigned char bytes[4];
   int i;
   for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
      bytes[i] = (ip >> i*8) & 0xFF;
   printf("%d.%d.%d.%d\n", bytes[3], bytes[2], bytes[1], bytes[0]);

int main() {
   int ip = 0xDEADBEEF;

Is it bad to have my virtualenv directory inside my git repository?

I think is that the best is to install the virtual environment in a path inside the repository folder, maybe is better inclusive to use a subdirectory dedicated to the environment (I have deleted accidentally my entire project when force installing a virtual environment in the repository root folder, good that I had the project saved in its latest version in Github).

Either the automated installer, or the documentation should indicate the virtualenv path as a relative path, this way you won't run into problems when sharing the project with other people. About the packages, the packages used should be saved by pip freeze -r requirements.txt.

Passing command line arguments to R CMD BATCH

After trying the options described here, I found this post from Forester in r-bloggers . I think it is a clean option to consider.

I put his code here:

From command line

$ R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore '--args a=1 b=c(2,5,6)' test.R test.out &


##First read in the arguments listed at the command line

##args is now a list of character vectors
## First check to see if arguments are passed.
## Then cycle through each element of the list and evaluate the expressions.
    print("No arguments supplied.")
    ##supply default values
    a = 1
    b = c(1,1,1)
    for(i in 1:length(args)){


In test.out

> print(a*2)
[1] 2
> print(b*3)
[1]  6 15 18

Thanks to Forester!

Counting unique / distinct values by group in a data frame

my.1 <- table(myvec)

my.1[my.1 != 0] <- 1


How do I use PHP to get the current year?

My super lazy version of showing a copyright line, that automatically stays updated:

&copy; <?php 
$copyYear = 2008; 
$curYear = date('Y'); 
echo $copyYear . (($copyYear != $curYear) ? '-' . $curYear : '');
?> Me, Inc.

This year (2008), it will say:

© 2008 Me, Inc.

Next year, it will say:

© 2008-2009 Me, Inc.

and forever stay updated with the current year.

Or (PHP 5.3.0+) a compact way to do it using an anonymous function so you don't have variables leaking out and don't repeat code/constants:

<?php call_user_func(function($y){$c=date('Y');echo $y.(($y!=$c)?'-'.$c:'');}, 2008); ?> 
Me, Inc.

How to sort mongodb with pymongo

TLDR: Aggregation pipeline is faster as compared to conventional .find().sort().

Now moving to the real explanation. There are two ways to perform sorting operations in MongoDB:

  1. Using .find() and .sort().
  2. Or using the aggregation pipeline.

As suggested by many .find().sort() is the simplest way to perform the sorting.

.sort([("field1",pymongo.ASCENDING), ("field2",pymongo.DESCENDING)])

However, this is a slow process compared to the aggregation pipeline.

Coming to the aggregation pipeline method. The steps to implement simple aggregation pipeline intended for sorting are:

  1. $match (optional step)
  2. $sort

NOTE: In my experience, the aggregation pipeline works a bit faster than the .find().sort() method.

Here's an example of the aggregation pipeline.

    "$match": {
        # your query - optional step
    "$sort": {
        "field_1": pymongo.ASCENDING,
        "field_2": pymongo.DESCENDING,

Try this method yourself, compare the speed and let me know about this in the comments.

Edit: Do not forget to use allowDiskUse=True while sorting on multiple fields otherwise it will throw an error.

Dynamically Dimensioning A VBA Array?

You can use a dynamic array when you don't know the number of values it will contain until run-time:

Dim Zombies() As Integer
ReDim Zombies(NumberOfZombies)

Or you could do everything with one statement if you're creating an array that's local to a procedure:

ReDim Zombies(NumberOfZombies) As Integer

Fixed-size arrays require the number of elements contained to be known at compile-time. This is why you can't use a variable to set the size of the array—by definition, the values of a variable are variable and only known at run-time.

You could use a constant if you knew the value of the variable was not going to change:

Const NumberOfZombies = 2000

but there's no way to cast between constants and variables. They have distinctly different meanings.

What is object serialization?

My Two cents from my own blog:

Here is a detailed explanation of the Serialization: (my own blog)


Serialization is the process of persisting the state of an object. It is represented and stored in the form of a sequence of bytes. This can be stored in a file. The process to read the state of the object from the file and restoring it is called deserialization.

What is the need of Serialization?

In modern day architecture, there is always a need to store object state and then retrieve it. For example in Hibernate, to store a object we should make the class Serializable. What it does, is that once the object state is saved in the form of bytes it can be transferred to another system which can then read from the state and retrieve the class. The object state can come from a database or a different jvm or from a separate component. With the help of Serialization we can retrieve the Object state.

Code Example and explanation:

First let's have a look at the Item Class:

public class Item implements Serializable{

    *  This is the Serializable class
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 475918891428093041L;
    private Long itemId;
    private String itemName;
    private transient Double itemCostPrice;
    public Item(Long itemId, String itemName, Double itemCostPrice) {
        this.itemId = itemId;
        this.itemName = itemName;
        this.itemCostPrice = itemCostPrice;

      public Long getItemId() {
          return itemId;

      public String toString() {
          return "Item [itemId=" + itemId + ", itemName=" + itemName + ", itemCostPrice=" + itemCostPrice + "]";

       public void setItemId(Long itemId) {
           this.itemId = itemId;

       public String getItemName() {
           return itemName;
       public void setItemName(String itemName) {
            this.itemName = itemName;

       public Double getItemCostPrice() {
            return itemCostPrice;

        public void setItemCostPrice(Double itemCostPrice) {
             this.itemCostPrice = itemCostPrice;

In the above code it can be seen that Item class implements Serializable.

This is the interface that enables a class to be serializable.

Now we can see a variable called serialVersionUID is initialized to Long variable. This number is calculated by the compiler based on the state of the class and the class attributes. This is the number that will help the jvm identify the state of an object when it reads the state of the object from file.

For that we can have a look at the official Oracle Documentation:

The serialization runtime associates with each serializable class a version number, called a serialVersionUID, which is used during deserialization to verify that the sender and receiver of a serialized object have loaded classes for that object that are compatible with respect to serialization. If the receiver has loaded a class for the object that has a different serialVersionUID than that of the corresponding sender's class, then deserialization will result in an InvalidClassException. A serializable class can declare its own serialVersionUID explicitly by declaring a field named "serialVersionUID" that must be static, final, and of type long: ANY-ACCESS-MODIFIER static final long serialVersionUID = 42L; If a serializable class does not explicitly declare a serialVersionUID, then the serialization runtime will calculate a default serialVersionUID value for that class based on various aspects of the class, as described in the Java(TM) Object Serialization Specification. However, it is strongly recommended that all serializable classes explicitly declare serialVersionUID values, since the default serialVersionUID computation is highly sensitive to class details that may vary depending on compiler implementations, and can thus result in unexpected InvalidClassExceptions during deserialization. Therefore, to guarantee a consistent serialVersionUID value across different java compiler implementations, a serializable class must declare an explicit serialVersionUID value. It is also strongly advised that explicit serialVersionUID declarations use the private modifier where possible, since such declarations apply only to the immediately declaring class--serialVersionUID fields are not useful as inherited members.

If you have noticed there is another keyword we have used which is transient.

If a field is not serializable, it must be marked transient. Here we marked the itemCostPrice as transient and don't want it to be written in a file

Now let's have a look on how to write the state of an object in the file and then read it from there.

public class SerializationExample {

    public static void main(String[] args){

    public static void serialize(){

         Item item = new Item(1L,"Pen", 12.55);
         System.out.println("Before Serialization" + item);

         FileOutputStream fileOut;
         try {
             fileOut = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/item.ser");
             ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);
             System.out.println("Serialized data is saved in /tmp/item.ser");
           } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

           } catch (IOException e) {


    public static void deserialize(){
        Item item;

        try {
                FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("/tmp/item.ser");
                ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn);
                item = (Item) in.readObject();
                System.out.println("Serialized data is read from /tmp/item.ser");
                System.out.println("After Deserialization" + item);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

In the above we can see an example of serialization and deserialization of an object.

For that we used two classes. For serializing the object we have used ObjectOutputStream. We have used the method writeObject to write the object in the file.

For Deserializing we have used ObjectInputStream which reads from the object from the file. It uses readObject to read the object data from the file.

The output of the above code would be like:

Before SerializationItem [itemId=1, itemName=Pen, itemCostPrice=12.55]
Serialized data is saved in /tmp/item.ser
After DeserializationItem [itemId=1, itemName=Pen, itemCostPrice=null]

Notice that itemCostPrice from deserialized object is null as it was not written.

We have already discussed the basics of Java Serialization in part I of this article.

Now let's discuss it deeply and how it works.

First let's start with the serialversionuid.

The serialVersionUID is used as a version control in a Serializable class.

If you do not explicitly declare a serialVersionUID, JVM will do it for you automatically, based on various properties of the Serializable class.

Java's Algorithm of Calculating serialversionuid (Read more details here)

  1. The class name.
    1. The class modifiers written as a 32-bit integer.
    2. The name of each interface sorted by name.
    3. For each field of the class sorted by field name (except private static and private transient fields: The name of the field. The modifiers of the field written as a 32-bit integer. The descriptor of the field.
    4. If a class initializer exists, write out the following: The name of the method, .
    5. The modifier of the method, java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC, written as a 32-bit integer.
    6. The descriptor of the method, ()V.
    7. For each non-private constructor sorted by method name and signature: The name of the method, . The modifiers of the method written as a 32-bit integer. The descriptor of the method.
    8. For each non-private method sorted by method name and signature: The name of the method. The modifiers of the method written as a 32-bit integer. The descriptor of the method.
    9. The SHA-1 algorithm is executed on the stream of bytes produced by DataOutputStream and produces five 32-bit values sha[0..4]. The hash value is assembled from the first and second 32-bit values of the SHA-1 message digest. If the result of the message digest, the five 32-bit words H0 H1 H2 H3 H4, is in an array of five int values named sha, the hash value would be computed as follows:
    long hash = ((sha[0] >>> 24) & 0xFF) |
>            ((sha[0] >>> 16) & 0xFF) << 8 |
>            ((sha[0] >>> 8) & 0xFF) << 16 |
>            ((sha[0] >>> 0) & 0xFF) << 24 |
>            ((sha[1] >>> 24) & 0xFF) << 32 |
>            ((sha[1] >>> 16) & 0xFF) << 40 |
>            ((sha[1] >>> 8) & 0xFF) << 48 |
>        ((sha[1] >>> 0) & 0xFF) << 56;

Java's serialization algorithm

The algorithm to serialize an object is described as below:
1. It writes out the metadata of the class associated with an instance.
2. It recursively writes out the description of the superclass until it finds java.lang.object.
3. Once it finishes writing the metadata information, it then starts with the actual data associated with the instance. But this time, it starts from the topmost superclass.
4. It recursively writes the data associated with the instance, starting from the least superclass to the most-derived class.

Things To Keep In Mind:

  1. Static fields in a class cannot be serialized.

    public class A implements Serializable{
         String s;
         static String staticString = "I won't be serializable";
  2. If the serialversionuid is different in the read class it will throw a InvalidClassException exception.

  3. If a class implements serializable then all its sub classes will also be serializable.

    public class A implements Serializable {....};
    public class B extends A{...} //also Serializable
  4. If a class has a reference of another class, all the references must be Serializable otherwise serialization process will not be performed. In such case, NotSerializableException is thrown at runtime.


public class B{
     String s,
     A a; // class A needs to be serializable i.e. it must implement Serializable

Difference between two dates in years, months, days in JavaScript

For quick and easy use I wrote this function some time ago. It returns the diff between two dates in a nice format. Feel free to use it (tested on webkit).

 * Function to print date diffs.
 * @param {Date} fromDate: The valid start date
 * @param {Date} toDate: The end date. Can be null (if so the function uses "now").
 * @param {Number} levels: The number of details you want to get out (1="in 2 Months",2="in 2 Months, 20 Days",...)
 * @param {Boolean} prefix: adds "in" or "ago" to the return string
 * @return {String} Diffrence between the two dates.
function getNiceTime(fromDate, toDate, levels, prefix){
    var lang = {
            "date.past": "{0} ago",
            "date.future": "in {0}",
            "": "now",
            "date.year": "{0} year",
            "date.years": "{0} years",
            "date.years.prefixed": "{0} years",
            "date.month": "{0} month",
            "date.months": "{0} months",
            "date.months.prefixed": "{0} months",
            "": "{0} day",
            "date.days": "{0} days",
            "date.days.prefixed": "{0} days",
            "date.hour": "{0} hour",
            "date.hours": "{0} hours",
            "date.hours.prefixed": "{0} hours",
            "date.minute": "{0} minute",
            "date.minutes": "{0} minutes",
            "date.minutes.prefixed": "{0} minutes",
            "date.second": "{0} second",
            "date.seconds": "{0} seconds",
            "date.seconds.prefixed": "{0} seconds",
        langFn = function(id,params){
            var returnValue = lang[id] || "";
                for(var i=0;i<params.length;i++){
                    returnValue = returnValue.replace("{"+i+"}",params[i]);
            return returnValue;
        toDate = toDate ? toDate : new Date(),
        diff = fromDate - toDate,
        past = diff < 0 ? true : false,
        diff = diff < 0 ? diff * -1 : diff,
        date = new Date(new Date(1970,0,1,0).getTime()+diff),
        returnString = '',
        count = 0,
        years = (date.getFullYear() - 1970);
    if(years > 0){
        var langSingle = "date.year" + (prefix ? "" : ""),
            langMultiple = "date.years" + (prefix ? ".prefixed" : "");
        returnString += (count > 0 ?  ', ' : '') + (years > 1 ? langFn(langMultiple,[years]) : langFn(langSingle,[years]));
        count ++;
    var months = date.getMonth();
    if(count < levels && months > 0){
        var langSingle = "date.month" + (prefix ? "" : ""),
            langMultiple = "date.months" + (prefix ? ".prefixed" : "");
        returnString += (count > 0 ?  ', ' : '') + (months > 1 ? langFn(langMultiple,[months]) : langFn(langSingle,[months]));
        count ++;
    } else {
        if(count > 0)
            count = 99;
    var days = date.getDate() - 1;
    if(count < levels && days > 0){
        var langSingle = "" + (prefix ? "" : ""),
            langMultiple = "date.days" + (prefix ? ".prefixed" : "");
        returnString += (count > 0 ?  ', ' : '') + (days > 1 ? langFn(langMultiple,[days]) : langFn(langSingle,[days]));
        count ++;
    } else {
        if(count > 0)
            count = 99;
    var hours = date.getHours();
    if(count < levels && hours > 0){
        var langSingle = "date.hour" + (prefix ? "" : ""),
            langMultiple = "date.hours" + (prefix ? ".prefixed" : "");
        returnString += (count > 0 ?  ', ' : '') + (hours > 1 ? langFn(langMultiple,[hours]) : langFn(langSingle,[hours]));
        count ++;
    } else {
        if(count > 0)
            count = 99;
    var minutes = date.getMinutes();
    if(count < levels && minutes > 0){
        var langSingle = "date.minute" + (prefix ? "" : ""),
            langMultiple = "date.minutes" + (prefix ? ".prefixed" : "");
        returnString += (count > 0 ?  ', ' : '') + (minutes > 1 ? langFn(langMultiple,[minutes]) : langFn(langSingle,[minutes]));
        count ++;
    } else {
        if(count > 0)
            count = 99;
    var seconds = date.getSeconds();
    if(count < levels && seconds > 0){
        var langSingle = "date.second" + (prefix ? "" : ""),
            langMultiple = "date.seconds" + (prefix ? ".prefixed" : "");
        returnString += (count > 0 ?  ', ' : '') + (seconds > 1 ? langFn(langMultiple,[seconds]) : langFn(langSingle,[seconds]));
        count ++;
    } else {
        if(count > 0)
            count = 99;
        if(returnString == ""){
            returnString = langFn("");
        } else if(past)
            returnString = langFn("date.past",[returnString]);
            returnString = langFn("date.future",[returnString]);
    return returnString;

Powershell remoting with ip-address as target

On your machine* run 'Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "$ipaddress"

*Machine from where you are running PSSession

Make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?

To avoid remembering what you need to do each time you get the message:

Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1)
for details.

You can use the following script which sets origin as upstream for the current branch you are in.

In my case I almost never set something else than origin as the default upstream. Also I almost always keep the same branch name for local and remote branch. So the following fits me:

# scriptname: git-branch-set-originupstream
current_branch="$(git branch | grep -oP '(?<=^\* )(.*)$')"
git branch -u "$upstream"

Python convert tuple to string

This works:

''.join(('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'g', 'x', 'r', 'e'))

It will produce:


You can also use a delimiter like a comma to produce:


By using:

','.join(('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'g', 'x', 'r', 'e'))

Ant: How to execute a command for each file in directory?

An approach without ant-contrib is suggested by Tassilo Horn (the original target is here)

Basicly, as there is no extension of <java> (yet?) in the same way that <apply> extends <exec>, he suggests to use <apply> (which can of course also run a java programm in a command line)

Here some examples:

  <apply executable="java"> 
    <arg value="-cp"/> 
    <arg pathref="classpath"/> 
    <arg value="-f"/> 
    <arg line="-o ${output.dir}"/> 

    <fileset dir="${input.dir}" includes="*.txt"/> 

Is it possible to modify a string of char in C?

The memory for a & b is not allocated by you. The compiler is free to choose a read-only memory location to store the characters. So if you try to change it may result in seg fault. So I suggest you to create a character array yourself. Something like: char a[10]; strcpy(a, "Hello");

What is the best way to remove the first element from an array?

Keep an index of the first "live" element of the array. Removing (pretending to remove) the first element then becomes an O(1) time complexity operation.

How to create an empty file at the command line in Windows?

echo "" > filename

I believe this works on Windows/DOS, but my last hands-on experience with either is quite a while ago. I do know for a fact that it works on basically any POSIX compliant OS.

How to use nanosleep() in C? What are `tim.tv_sec` and `tim.tv_nsec`?

Half a second is 500,000,000 nanoseconds, so your code should read:

tim.tv_sec  = 0;
tim.tv_nsec = 500000000L;

As things stand, you code is sleeping for 1.0000005s (1s + 500ns).

What is the best way to add a value to an array in state

onChange() {_x000D_
     const { arr } = this.state;_x000D_
     let tempArr = [...arr];_x000D_
       arr: tempArr_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Check if record exists from controller in Rails

ActiveRecord#where will return an ActiveRecord::Relation object (which will never be nil). Try using .empty? on the relation to test if it will return any records.

Change select box option background color

I don't know if you've considered it or not but if your application is based on coloring various groupings of items you should probably use the <optgroup> tag coupled with a class for further referencing. For example:

    <optgroup label="Numbers" class="green">
        <option value="1">One</option>
        <option value="2">Two</option>
        <option value="3">Three</option>

    <optgroup label="Letters" class="blue">
        <option value="a">A</option>
        <option value="b">B</option>
        <option value="c">C</option>

and then in the head of your document write the css like this:

<style type="text/css">
    .green option{

    .blue option{

Fastest way to convert Image to Byte array

The fastest way i could find out is this :

var myArray = (byte[]) new ImageConverter().ConvertTo(InputImg, typeof(byte[]));

Hope to be useful

How to create full path with node's fs.mkdirSync?

Too many answers, but here's a solution without recursion that works by splitting the path and then left-to-right building it back up again

function mkdirRecursiveSync(path) {
    let paths = path.split(path.delimiter);
    let fullPath = '';
    paths.forEach((path) => {

        if (fullPath === '') {
            fullPath = path;
        } else {
            fullPath = fullPath + '/' + path;

        if (!fs.existsSync(fullPath)) {

For those concerned about windows vs Linux compatibility, simply replace the forward slash with double backslash '\' in both occurrence above but TBH we are talking about node fs not windows command line and the former is pretty forgiving and the above code will simply work on Windows and is more a complete solution cross platform.

Httpd returning 503 Service Unavailable with mod_proxy for Tomcat 8

Resolve issue Immediate, It's related to internal security

We, working for enterprise linux RedHat, found httpd server don't allow proxy to run, neither localhost or, nor any other external domain.

As investigate in server log found

[error] (13)Permission denied: proxy: AJP: attempt to connect to
   10.x.x.x:8069 ( failed

Audit log found similar port issue

type=AVC msg=audit(1265039669.305:14): avc:  denied  { name_connect } for  pid=4343 comm="httpd" dest=8069 
scontext=system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket

Due to internal default security of linux, this cause, now to fix (temporary)

 /usr/sbin/setsebool httpd_can_network_connect 1

Resolve Permanent Issue

/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

How can I reset eclipse to default settings?

All the setting are stored in .metadata file in your workspace delete this and you are good to go

How to access iOS simulator camera

Simulator doesn't have a Camera. If you want to access a camera you need a device. You can't test camera on simulator. You can only check the photo and video gallery.

How to have a a razor action link open in a new tab?

Looks like you are confusing Html.ActionLink() for Url.Action(). Url.Action has no parameters to set the Target, because it only returns a URL.

Based on your current code, the anchor should probably look like:

<a href="@Url.Action("RunReport", "Performance", new { reportView = Model.ReportView.ToString() })" 
   class="button Secondary">

Sending email with gmail smtp with codeigniter email library

send html email via codeiginater


    $config['mailtype'] = "html";
    $this->email->from('[email protected]', 'Website');
    $list = array('[email protected]', '[email protected]');
    $data = array();
    $htmlMessage = $this->parser->parse('messages/email', $data, true);
    $this->email->subject('This is an email test');

    if ($this->email->send()) {
        echo 'Your email was sent, thanks chamil.';
    } else {

What is <=> (the 'Spaceship' Operator) in PHP 7?

Its a new operator for combined comparison. Similar to strcmp() or version_compare() in behavior, but it can be used on all generic PHP values with the same semantics as <, <=, ==, >=, >. It returns 0 if both operands are equal, 1 if the left is greater, and -1 if the right is greater. It uses exactly the same comparison rules as used by our existing comparison operators: <, <=, ==, >= and >.

click here to know more

Check if enum exists in Java

If I need to do this, I sometimes build a Set<String> of the names, or even my own Map<String,MyEnum> - then you can just check that.

A couple of points worth noting:

  • Populate any such static collection in a static initializer. Don't use a variable initializer and then rely on it having been executed when the enum constructor runs - it won't have been! (The enum constructors are the first things to be executed, before the static initializer.)
  • Try to avoid using values() frequently - it has to create and populate a new array each time. To iterate over all elements, use EnumSet.allOf which is much more efficient for enums without a large number of elements.

Sample code:

import java.util.*;

enum SampleEnum {

    private static final Map<String, SampleEnum> nameToValueMap =
        new HashMap<String, SampleEnum>();

    static {
        for (SampleEnum value : EnumSet.allOf(SampleEnum.class)) {
            nameToValueMap.put(, value);

    public static SampleEnum forName(String name) {
        return nameToValueMap.get(name);

public class Test {
    public static void main(String [] args)
        throws Exception { // Just for simplicity!

Of course, if you only have a few names this is probably overkill - an O(n) solution often wins over an O(1) solution when n is small enough. Here's another approach:

import java.util.*;

enum SampleEnum {

    // We know we'll never mutate this, so we can keep
    // a local copy.
    private static final SampleEnum[] copyOfValues = values();

    public static SampleEnum forName(String name) {
        for (SampleEnum value : copyOfValues) {
            if ( {
                return value;
        return null;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String [] args)
        throws Exception { // Just for simplicity!

parse html string with jquery

One thing to note - as I had exactly this problem today, depending on your HTML jQuery may or may not parse it that well. jQuery wouldn't parse my HTML into a correct DOM - on smaller XML compliant files it worked fine, but the HTML I had (that would render in a page) wouldn't parse when passed back to an Ajax callback.

In the end I simply searched manually in the string for the tag I wanted, not ideal but did work.

What is "pom" packaging in maven?

“pom” packaging is nothing but the container, which contains other packages/modules like jar, war, and ear.

if you perform any operation on outer package/container like mvn clean compile install. then inner packages/modules also get clean compile install.

no need to perform a separate operation for each package/module.

Python Script execute commands in Terminal

You should also look into commands.getstatusoutput

This returns a tuple of length 2.. The first is the return integer ( 0 - when the commands is successful ) second is the whole output as will be shown in the terminal.

For ls

    import commands
    print s
    >> (0, 'file_1\nfile_2\nfile_3')
    >> ['file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3']

JPanel setBackground(Color.BLACK) does nothing

You have to call the super.paintComponent(); as well, to allow the Java API draw the original background. The super refers to the original JPanel code.

public void paintComponent(Graphics g){

    g.fillOval(player.getxCenter(), player.getyCenter(), player.getRadius(), player.getRadius());

Which Java library provides base64 encoding/decoding?

Within Apache Commons, commons-codec-1.7.jar contains a Base64 class which can be used to encode.

Via Maven:


Direct Download

How to make sure docker's time syncs with that of the host?

For me, restarting Docker Desktop did not help. Shutting down Win10 and start it again, it did help.

Undefined Symbols error when integrating Apptentive iOS SDK via Cocoapods

We have found that adding the Apptentive cocoa pod to an existing Xcode project may potentially not include some of our required frameworks.

Check your linker flags:

Target > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags 

You should see -lApptentiveConnect listed as a linker flag:

... -ObjC -lApptentiveConnect ... 

You should also see our required Frameworks listed:

  • Accelerate
  • CoreData
  • CoreText
  • CoreGraphics
  • CoreTelephony
  • Foundation
  • QuartzCore
  • StoreKit
  • SystemConfiguration
  • UIKit

    -ObjC -lApptentiveConnect -framework Accelerate -framework CoreData -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreText -framework Foundation -framework QuartzCore -framework SystemConfiguration -framework UIKit -framework CoreTelephony -framework StoreKit  

add elements to object array

You can't. However, you can replace the array with a new one which contains the extra element.

But it is easier and gives better performance to use an List<T> (uses interface IList) for this. List<T> does not resize the array every time you add an item - instead it doubles it when needed.


class Student
    IList<Subject> subjects = new List<Subject>();

class Subject
    string Name;
    string referenceBook;

Now you can say:

someStudent.subjects.Add(new Subject());

Python - Count elements in list

Len won't yield the total number of objects in a nested list (including multidimensional lists). If you have numpy, use size(). Otherwise use list comprehensions within recursion.

Hidden Features of C#?

When debugging, you can type $exception in the Watch\QuickWatch\Immediate window and get all the info on the exception of the current frame. This is very useful if you've got 1st chance exceptions turned on!

How to add an element to a list?

import json

myDict = {'dict': [{'a': 'none', 'b': 'none', 'c': 'none'}]}
test = json.dumps(myDict)

{"dict": [{"a": "none", "b": "none", "c": "none"}]}

myDict['dict'].append(({'a': 'aaaa', 'b': 'aaaa', 'c': 'aaaa'}))
test = json.dumps(myDict)

{"dict": [{"a": "none", "b": "none", "c": "none"}, {"a": "aaaa", "b": "aaaa", "c": "aaaa"}]}

How to get the name of the current method from code

Well System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name is not a very good choice 'cause it will just display the method name without additional information.

Like for string MyMethod(string str) the above property will return just MyMethod which is hardly adequate.

It is better to use System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString() which will return the entire method signature...

Can you write nested functions in JavaScript?

Functions are first class objects that can be:

  • Defined within your function
  • Created just like any other variable or object at any point in your function
  • Returned from your function (which may seem obvious after the two above, but still)

To build on the example given by Kenny:

   function a(x) {
      var w = function b(y) {
        return x + y;
      return w;

   var returnedFunction = a(3);

Would alert you with 5.

CORS jQuery AJAX request

It's easy, you should set server http response header first. The problem is not with your front-end javascript code. You need to return this header:



Access-Control-Allow-Origin:your domain

In Apache config files, the code is like this:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

In nodejs,the code is like this:


Scrollview can host only one direct child

Wrap all the children inside of another LinearLayout with wrap_content for both the width and the height as well as the vertical orientation.

How to correctly dismiss a DialogFragment?

I gave an upvote to Terel's answer. I just wanted to post this for any Kotlin users:

supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(TAG_DIALOG)?.let {
    (it as DialogFragment).dismiss()

Phone: numeric keyboard for text input

I think type="number" is the best for semantic web page. If you just want to change the keyboard, you can use type="number" or type="tel". In both cases, iPhone doesn't restrict user input. User can still type in (or paste in) any characters he/she wants. The only change is the keyboard shown to the user. If you want any restriction beyond this, you need to use JavaScript.

An implementation of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in C#

Math.NET's Iridium library provides a fast, regularly updated collection of math-related functions, including the FFT. It's licensed under the LGPL so you are free to use it in commercial products.

ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token) using cElementTree

This code snippet worked for me. I have an issue with the parsing batch of XML files. I had to encode them to 'iso-8859-5'

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.parse(filename, parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding = 'iso-8859-5'))

Undefined Reference to

I had this issue when I forgot to add the new .h/.c file I created to the meson recipe so this is just a friendly reminder.

Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found, on the build server. What's your solution?

  • After installation of MSBuild tools from Microsoft, define the MSBuild path in the environment variable, so that it can be run from any path.
  • Edit the .csproj file in any notepad editor such as notepad++, and comment the
  • Check for the following elements, -->
    • Make sure you use import only once, choose whichever works.
    • Make sure you have the following folder exists on the drive, "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0" or whichever version is referenced by MSBuild target at "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets"
    • From the command prompt, run the following command, to check

C:>msbuild "C:\\DotnetCi.sln" /p:Configuration=Release /p:UseWPP_CopyWebApplication=true /p:PipelineDependsOnBuild=false

Send XML data to webservice using php curl

After Struggling a bit with Arzoo International flight API, I've finally found the solution and the code simply works absolutely great with me. Here are the complete working code:

//Store your XML Request in a variable
    $input_xml = '<AvailRequest>
            <Clientpassword>*Your API Password</Clientpassword>

Now I've made a little changes in the above curl_setopt declaration as follows:

    $url = "";

        //setting the curl parameters.
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
// Following line is compulsary to add as it is:
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
                    "xmlRequest=" . $input_xml);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 300);
        $data = curl_exec($ch);

        //convert the XML result into array
        $array_data = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($data)), true);


That's it the code works absolutely fine for me. I really appreciate @hakre & @Lucas For their wonderful support.