Programs & Examples On #Np complete

NP-Complete refers to the hardest known problems within the complexity class NP. The "Traveling salesman problem" is one of the most widely known NP-Complete problems.

What is an NP-complete in computer science?

We need to separate algorithms and problems. We write algorithms to solve problems, and they scale in a certain way. Although this is a simplification, let's label an algorithm with a 'P' if the scaling is good enough, and 'NP' if it isn't.

It's helpful to know things about the problems we're trying to solve, rather than the algorithms we use to solve them. So we'll say that all the problems which have a well-scaling algorithm are "in P". And the ones which have a poor-scaling algorithm are "in NP".

That means that lots of simple problems are "in NP" too, because we can write bad algorithms to solve easy problems. It would be good to know which problems in NP are the really tricky ones, but we don't just want to say "it's the ones we haven't found a good algorithm for". After all, I could come up with a problem (call it X) that I think needs a super-amazing algorithm. I tell the world that the best algorithm I could come up with to solve X scales badly, and so I think that X is a really tough problem. But tomorrow, maybe somebody cleverer than me invents an algorithm which solves X and is in P. So this isn't a very good definition of hard problems.

All the same, there are lots of problems in NP that nobody knows a good algorithm for. So if I could prove that X is a certain sort of problem: one where a good algorithm to solve X could also be used, in some roundabout way, to give a good algorithm for every other problem in NP. Well now people might be a bit more convinced that X is a genuinely tricky problem. And in this case we call X NP-Complete.

What are the differences between NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard?

The easiest way to explain P v. NP and such without getting into technicalities is to compare "word problems" with "multiple choice problems".

When you are trying to solve a "word problem" you have to find the solution from scratch. When you are trying to solve a "multiple choice problems" you have a choice: either solve it as you would a "word problem", or try to plug in each of the answers given to you, and pick the candidate answer that fits.

It often happens that a "multiple choice problem" is much easier than the corresponding "word problem": substituting the candidate answers and checking whether they fit may require significantly less effort than finding the right answer from scratch.

Now, if we would agree the effort that takes polynomial time "easy" then the class P would consist of "easy word problems", and the class NP would consist of "easy multiple choice problems".

The essence of P v. NP is the question: "Are there any easy multiple choice problems that are not easy as word problems"? That is, are there problems for which it's easy to verify the validity of a given answer but finding that answer from scratch is difficult?

Now that we understand intuitively what NP is, we have to challenge our intuition. It turns out that there are "multiple choice problems" that, in some sense, are hardest of them all: if one would find a solution to one of those "hardest of them all" problems one would be able to find a solution to ALL NP problems! When Cook discovered this 40 years ago it came as a complete surprise. These "hardest of them all" problems are known as NP-hard. If you find a "word problem solution" to one of them you would automatically find a "word problem solution" to each and every "easy multiple choice problem"!

Finally, NP-complete problems are those that are simultaneously NP and NP-hard. Following our analogy, they are simultaneously "easy as multiple choice problems" and "the hardest of them all as word problems".

What's "P=NP?", and why is it such a famous question?

  1. A yes-or-no problem is in P (Polynomial time) if the answer can be computed in polynomial time.
  2. A yes-or-no problem is in NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial time) if a yes answer can be verified in polynomial time.

Intuitively, we can see that if a problem is in P, then it is in NP. Given a potential answer for a problem in P, we can verify the answer by simply recalculating the answer.

Less obvious, and much more difficult to answer, is whether all problems in NP are in P. Does the fact that we can verify an answer in polynomial time mean that we can compute that answer in polynomial time?

There are a large number of important problems that are known to be NP-complete (basically, if any these problems are proven to be in P, then all NP problems are proven to be in P). If P = NP, then all of these problems will be proven to have an efficient (polynomial time) solution.

Most scientists believe that P!=NP. However, no proof has yet been established for either P = NP or P!=NP. If anyone provides a proof for either conjecture, they will win US $1 million.

Android studio logcat nothing to show

Check if you have hided it...If it is hiding problems the go through given image to display it or ALT + 6enter image description here

How to remove pip package after deleting it manually

I'm sure there's a better way to achieve this and I would like to read about it, but a workaround I can think of is this:

  1. Install the package on a different machine.
  2. Copy the rm'ed directory to the original machine (ssh, ftp, whatever).
  3. pip uninstall the package (should work again then).

But, yes, I'd also love to hear about a decent solution for this situation.

font-weight is not working properly?

Most browsers don't fully support the numerical values for font-weight. Here's a good article about the problem, and even tough it's a little old, it does seem to be correct.

If you need something bolder then you might want to try using a different font that's bolder than your existing one. Naturally, you could probably adjust the font size for a similar effect.

Python 'list indices must be integers, not tuple"

The problem is that [...] in python has two distinct meanings

  1. expr [ index ] means accessing an element of a list
  2. [ expr1, expr2, expr3 ] means building a list of three elements from three expressions

In your code you forgot the comma between the expressions for the items in the outer list:

[ [a, b, c] [d, e, f] [g, h, i] ]

therefore Python interpreted the start of second element as an index to be applied to the first and this is what the error message is saying.

The correct syntax for what you're looking for is

[ [a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i] ]

how to include js file in php?

Its more likely that the path to file.js from the page is what is wrong. as long as when you view the page, and view-source you see the tag, its working, now its time to debug whether or not your path is too relative, maybe you need a / in front of it.

Is there a way to create multiline comments in Python?

There is no such feature as a multi-line comment. # is the only way to comment a single line of code. Many of you answered ''' a comment ''' this as their solution.

It seems to work, but internally ''' in Python takes the lines enclosed as a regular strings which the interpreter does not ignores like comment using #.

Check the official documentation here

How to make a <svg> element expand or contract to its parent container?

What's worked for me recently is to remove all height="" and width="" attributes from the <svg> tag and all child tags. Then you can use scaling using a percentage of the parent container's height or width.


<svg width="3212" height="3212" viewBox="0 0 3212 3212" fill="none" xmlns="">
   circle cx="1606" cy="1606" r="1387" stroke="black" stroke-width="438"/>


<svg viewBox="0 0 3212 3212" fill="none" xmlns="">
   circle cx="1606" cy="1606" r="1387" stroke="black" stroke-width="438"/>

"’" showing on page instead of " ' "

In DBeaver (or other editors) the script file you're working can prompt to save as UTF8 and that will change the char:






Simplest way to throw an error/exception with a custom message in Swift 2?

@nick-keets's solution is most elegant, but it did break down for me in test target with the following compile time error:

Redundant conformance of 'String' to protocol 'Error'

Here's another approach:

struct RuntimeError: Error {
    let message: String

    init(_ message: String) {
        self.message = message

    public var localizedDescription: String {
        return message

And to use:

throw RuntimeError("Error message.")

Sending POST data without form

You could use AJAX to send a POST request if you don't want forms.

Using jquery $.post method it is pretty simple:

$.post('/foo.php', { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }, function(result) {
    alert('successfully posted key1=value1&key2=value2 to foo.php');

How to parse JSON in Scala using standard Scala classes?

This is the way I do the pattern match:

val result = JSON.parseFull(jsonStr)
result match {
  // Matches if jsonStr is valid JSON and represents a Map of Strings to Any
  case Some(map: Map[String, Any]) => println(map)
  case None => println("Parsing failed")
  case other => println("Unknown data structure: " + other)

How to replace space with comma using sed?

If you want the output on terminal then,

$sed 's/ /,/g' filename.txt

But if you want to edit the file itself i.e. if you want to replace space with the comma in the file then,

$sed -i 's/ /,/g' filename.txt

Copy table from one database to another

If migrating constantly between two databases, then insert into an already existing table structure is a possibility. If so, then:

Use the following syntax:

insert into DESTINATION_DB.dbo.destination_table
select *
  from SOURCE_DB.dbo.source_table
[where x ...]

If migrating a LOT of tables (or tables with foreign keys constraints) I'd recommend:

  • Generating Scripts with the Advanced option / Types of data to script : Data only OR
  • Resort using a third party tool.

Hope it helps!

Which characters need to be escaped when using Bash?

To save someone else from having to RTFM... in bash:

Enclosing characters in double quotes preserves the literal value of all characters within the quotes, with the exception of $, `, \, and, when history expansion is enabled, !. if you escape those (and the quote itself, of course) you're probably okay.

If you take a more conservative 'when in doubt, escape it' approach, it should be possible to avoid getting instead characters with special meaning by not escaping identifier characters (i.e. ASCII letters, numbers, or '_'). It's very unlikely these would ever (i.e. in some weird POSIX-ish shell) have special meaning and thus need to be escaped.

How many files can I put in a directory?

Not an answer, but just some suggestions.

Select a more suitable FS (file system). Since from a historic point of view, all your issues were wise enough, to be once central to FSs evolving over decades. I mean more modern FS better support your issues. First make a comparison decision table based on your ultimate purpose from FS list.

I think its time to shift your paradigms. So I personally suggest using a distributed system aware FS, which means no limits at all regarding size, number of files and etc. Otherwise you will sooner or later challenged by new unanticipated problems.

I'm not sure to work, but if you don't mention some experimentation, give AUFS over your current file system a try. I guess it has facilities to mimic multiple folders as a single virtual folder.

To overcome hardware limits you can use RAID-0.

operator << must take exactly one argument

The problem is that you define it inside the class, which

a) means the second argument is implicit (this) and

b) it will not do what you want it do, namely extend std::ostream.

You have to define it as a free function:

class A { /* ... */ };
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const A& a);

Permission is only granted to system app

Preferences --> EditorEditor --> Inspections --> Android Lint --> uncheck item Using System app permissio

Where am I? - Get country

I used GEOIP db and created a function. You can consume this link directly


you can download autoload.php and .mmdb file from

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
//$ip_address = '';

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GeoIp2\Database\Reader;

// This creates the Reader object, which should be reused across
// lookups.
$reader = new Reader('/var/www/html/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb');

// Replace "city" with the appropriate method for your database, e.g.,
// "country".
$record = $reader->city($ip_address);

//print($record->country->isoCode . "\n"); // 'US'
//print($record->country->name . "\n"); // 'United States'
$rows['country'][] = $record->country->name;
$rows['isoCode'][] = $record->country->isoCode;
$rows['names'][] = $record->country->names;
print json_encode($rows);
//print($record->country->names['zh-CN'] . "\n"); // '??'
//print($record->mostSpecificSubdivision->name . "\n"); // 'Minnesota'
//print($record->mostSpecificSubdivision->isoCode . "\n"); // 'MN'
//print($record->city->name . "\n"); // 'Minneapolis'
//print($record->postal->code . "\n"); // '55455'
//print($record->location->latitude . "\n"); // 44.9733
//print($record->location->longitude . "\n"); // -93.2323

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' in python and CSV

You are opening the csv file in binary mode, it should be 'w'

import csv

# open csv file in write mode with utf-8 encoding
with open('output.csv','w',encoding='utf-8',newline='')as w:
    fieldnames = ["SNo", "States", "Dist", "Population"]
    writer = csv.DictWriter(w, fieldnames=fieldnames)
    # write list of dicts
    writer.writerows(list_of_dicts) #writerow(dict) if write one row at time

Joining Multiple Tables - Oracle

You are doing a cartesian join. This means that if you wouldn't have even have the single where clause, the number of results you get would be book_customer size times books size times book_order size times publisher size.

In order words, the result set gets blown up because you didn't add meaningful join clauses. Your correct query should look something like this:

SELECT bc.firstname, bc.lastname, b.title, TO_CHAR(bo.orderdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY') "Order Date", p.publishername
FROM book_customer bc, books b, book_order bo, publisher p
WHERE bc.book_id = b.book_id
AND bo.book_id = b.book_id
AND publishername = 'PRINTING IS US';

Note: usually it is adviced to not use the implicit joins like in this query, but use the INNER JOIN syntax. I am assuming however, that this syntax is used in your study material so I've left it in.

calling parent class method from child class object in java

NOTE calling parent method via super will only work on parent class, If your parent is interface, and wants to call the default methods then need to add interfaceName before super like IfscName.super.method();

interface Vehicle {
    //Non abstract method
    public default void printVehicleTypeName() { //default keyword can be used only in interface.

class FordFigo extends FordImpl implements Vehicle, Ford {
    public void printVehicleTypeName() { 

Interface name is needed because same default methods can be available in multiple interface name that this class extends. So explicit call to a method is required.

python-dev installation error: ImportError: No module named apt_pkg

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04, and upgraded to Python 3.7. Here is the error that I had when trying to add a PPA

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test                                           
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 11, in <module>
    from softwareproperties.SoftwareProperties import SoftwareProperties, shortcut_handler
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/", line 27, in <module>
    import apt_pkg
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'apt_pkg'

I was able to fix this error by making symbolic link with my initial python 3.4 by creating the following symbolic link

sudo ln -s

React Router v4 - How to get current route?

Here is a solution using history Read more

import { createBrowserHistory } from "history";

const history = createBrowserHistory()

inside Router


What can cause intermittent ORA-12519 (TNS: no appropriate handler found) errors

I also had the same problem, I searched for the answers many places. I got many similar answers to change the number of process/service handlers. But I thought, what if I forgot to reset it back?

Then I tried using Thread.sleep() method after each of my connection.close();.

I don't know how, but it's working at least for me.

If any one wants to try it out and figure out how it's working then please go ahead. I would also like to know it as I am a beginner in programming world.

How do I find numeric columns in Pandas?

Simple one-line answer to create a new dataframe with only numeric columns:


If you want the names of numeric columns:


Complete code:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': range(7, 10),
                   'B': np.random.rand(3),
                   'C': ['foo','bar','baz'],
                   'D': ['who','what','when']})
#    A         B    C     D
# 0  7  0.704021  foo   who
# 1  8  0.264025  bar  what
# 2  9  0.230671  baz  when

df_numerics_only = df.select_dtypes(include=np.number)
#    A         B
# 0  7  0.704021
# 1  8  0.264025
# 2  9  0.230671

colnames_numerics_only = df.select_dtypes(include=np.number).columns.tolist()
# ['A', 'B']

read file in classpath

Change . to / as the path separator and use getResourceAsStream:

reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(


reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

Note the leading slash when using Class.getResourceAsStream() vs ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream. getSystemResourceAsStream uses the system classloader which isn't what you want.

I suspect that using slashes instead of dots would work for ClassPathResource too.

ArrayList insertion and retrieval order

If you always add to the end, then each element will be added to the end and stay that way until you change it.

If you always insert at the start, then each element will appear in the reverse order you added them.

If you insert them in the middle, the order will be something else.

Facebook database design?

Its a type of graph database:

Its not related to Relational databases.

Google for graph databases.

C# int to enum conversion

if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(foo), value))
   return (Foo)Enum.Parse(typeof(foo), value);

Hope this helps

Edit This answer got down voted as value in my example is a string, where as the question asked for an int. My applogies; the following should be a bit clearer :-)

Type fooType = typeof(foo);

if (Enum.IsDefined(fooType , value.ToString()))
   return (Foo)Enum.Parse(fooType , value.ToString());

Replacing backslashes with forward slashes with str_replace() in php

you have to place double-backslash

$str = str_replace('\\', '/', $str);

SASS :not selector

I tried re-creating this, and .someclass.notip was being generated for me but .someclass:not(.notip) was not, for as long as I did not have the @mixin tip() defined. Once I had that, it all worked.

$dropdown-width: 100px;
$comp-tip: true;

@mixin tip($pos:right) {


@mixin dropdown-pos($pos:right) {
  &:not(.notip) {
    @if $comp-tip == true{
      @if $pos == right {
        top:$dropdown-width * -0.6;
        background-color: #f00;
        @include tip($pos:$pos);
  &.notip {
    @if $pos == right {
      top: 0;
      left:$dropdown-width * 0.8;
      background-color: #00f;

.someclass { @include dropdown-pos(); }

EDIT: is a good place to debug your SASS because it gives you error messages. Undefined mixin 'tip'. it what I get when I remove @mixin tip($pos:right) { }

List comprehension with if statement

list comprehension formula:

[<value_when_condition_true> if <condition> else <value_when_condition_false> for value in list_name]

thus you can do it like this:

[y for y in a if y not in b]

Only for demonstration purpose : [y if y not in b else False for y in a ]

Run Excel Macro from Outside Excel Using VBScript From Command Line

I tried to adapt @Siddhart's code to a relative path to run my open_form macro, but it didn't seem to work. Here was my first attempt. My working solution is below.

Option Explicit

Dim xlApp, xlBook
dim fso
dim curDir
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
curDir = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")
set fso = nothing

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'~~> Change Path here
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(curDir & "Excels\CLIENTES.xlsb", 0, true)
xlApp.Run "open_form"

Set xlBook = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing

WScript.Echo "Finished."


I have actually worked it out, just in case someone wants to run a userform "alike" a stand alone application:

Issues I was facing:

1 - I did not want to use the Workbook_Open Event as the excel is locked in read only. 2 - The batch command is limited that the fact that (to my knowledge) it cannot call the macro.

I first wrote a macro to launch my userform while hiding the application:

Sub open_form()
 Application.Visible = False
 frmAddClient.Show vbModeless
End Sub

I then created a vbs to launch this macro (doing it with a relative path has been tricky):

dim fso
dim curDir
dim WinScriptHost
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
curDir = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")
set fso = nothing

Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.application")
xlObj.Workbooks.Open curDir & "\Excels\CLIENTES.xlsb"
xlObj.Run "open_form"

And I finally did a batch file to execute the VBS...

@echo off
pushd %~dp0
cscript Add_Client.vbs

Note that I have also included the "Set back to visible" in my Userform_QueryClose:

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
    Application.Visible = True
End Sub

Anyway, thanks for your help, and I hope this will help if someone needs it

Why do we have to override the equals() method in Java?

Object.equals() method checks only reference of object not primitive data type or Object value (Wrapper class object of primitive data, simple primitive data type (byte, short, int, long etc.)). So that we must override equals() method when we compare object based on primitive data type.

Does hosts file exist on the iPhone? How to change it?

Not programming related, but I'll answer anyway. It's in /etc/hosts.

You can change it with a simple text editor such as nano.

(Obviously you would need a jailbroken iphone for this)

How to sync with a remote Git repository?

You need to add the original repository (the one that you forked) as a remote.

git remote add github (clone url for the orignal repository)

Then you need to bring in the changes to your local repository

git fetch github

Now you will have all the branches of the original repository in your local one. For example, the master branch will be github/master. With these branches you can do what you will. Merge them into your branches etc

How can I change the image displayed in a UIImageView programmatically?

Example in Swift:

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet var myUIImageView: UIImageView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

    @IBAction func myAction(sender: UIButton) {
        let newImg: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "profile-picture-name")
        self.myUIImageView.image = newImg

    @IBAction func myAction2(sender: UIButton) {
        self.myUIImageView.image = nil
        self.myUIImageView.image = UIImage(data: NSData(contentsOfURL: NSURL(string: "http://url/image.png")!)!)


ALTER TABLE, set null in not null column, PostgreSQL 9.1

Execute the command in this format


for setting the column to not null.

How do you copy the contents of an array to a std::vector in C++ without looping?

Since I can only edit my own answer, I'm going to make a composite answer from the other answers to my question. Thanks to all of you who answered.

Using std::copy, this still iterates in the background, but you don't have to type out the code.

int foo(int* data, int size)
   static std::vector<int> my_data; //normally a class variable
   std::copy(data, data + size, std::back_inserter(my_data));
   return 0;

Using regular memcpy. This is probably best used for basic data types (i.e. int) but not for more complex arrays of structs or classes.

vector<int> x(size);
memcpy(&x[0], source, size*sizeof(int));

How to resolve the error on 'react-native start'

It is due to mismatched blacklist file configuration.

To resolve that,

  1. We have to move to the project folder.

  2. Open \node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js

  3. Replace the following.


var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

phpMyAdmin - Error > Incorrect format parameter?

None of these answers worked for me. I had to use the command line:

mysql -u root db_name < db_dump.sql
SET NAMES 'utf8';
SOURCE db_dump.sql;


How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?

The function you are looking for is often called the "sideways sum" or "population count" of a binary number. Knuth discusses it in pre-Fascicle 1A, pp11-12 (although there was a brief reference in Volume 2, 4.6.3-(7).)

The locus classicus is Peter Wegner's article "A Technique for Counting Ones in a Binary Computer", from the Communications of the ACM, Volume 3 (1960) Number 5, page 322. He gives two different algorithms there, one optimized for numbers expected to be "sparse" (i.e., have a small number of ones) and one for the opposite case.

Create a dictionary with list comprehension

In Python 2.7, it goes like:

>>> list1, list2 = ['a', 'b', 'c'], [1,2,3]
>>> dict( zip( list1, list2))
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}

Zip them!

How to pass props to {this.props.children}

I think a render prop is the appropriate way to handle this scenario

You let the Parent provide the necessary props used in child component, by refactoring the Parent code to look to something like this:

const Parent = ({children}) => {
  const doSomething(value) => {}

  return children({ doSomething })

Then in the child Component you can access the function provided by the parent this way:

class Child extends React {

  onClick() => { this.props.doSomething }

  render() { 
    return (<div onClick={this.onClick}></div>);


Now the fianl stucture will look like this:

  {(doSomething) =>
     <Child value="1" doSomething={doSomething}>
     <Child value="2" doSomething={doSomething}>
    <Fragment />

How to copy marked text in notepad++

I had the same problem. You can list the regex matches in a new tab, every match in new line in PSPad Editor, which is very similar as Notepad++.

Hit Ctrl + F to search, check the regexp opion, put the regexp and click on List.

Tree data structure in C#

If you would like to write your own, you can start with this six-part document detailing effective usage of C# 2.0 data structures and how to go about analyzing your implementation of data structures in C#. Each article has examples and an installer with samples you can follow along with.

“An Extensive Examination of Data Structures Using C# 2.0” by Scott Mitchell

Is there a cross-browser onload event when clicking the back button?

Some modern browsers (Firefox, Safari, and Opera, but not Chrome) support the special "back/forward" cache (I'll call it bfcache, which is a term invented by Mozilla), involved when the user navigates Back. Unlike the regular (HTTP) cache, it captures the complete state of the page (including the state of JS, DOM). This allows it to re-load the page quicker and exactly as the user left it.

The load event is not supposed to fire when the page is loaded from this bfcache. For example, if you created your UI in the "load" handler, and the "load" event was fired once on the initial load, and the second time when the page was re-loaded from the bfcache, the page would end up with duplicate UI elements.

This is also why adding the "unload" handler stops the page from being stored in the bfcache (thus making it slower to navigate back to) -- the unload handler could perform clean-up tasks, which could leave the page in unworkable state.

For pages that need to know when they're being navigated away/back to, Firefox 1.5+ and the version of Safari with the fix for bug 28758 support special events called "pageshow" and "pagehide".


MySQL SELECT query string matching


SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE '%Bob Smith%';


select count(*)
from rearp.customers c
where  LIKE '%Bob smith.8%';

select count will just query (totals)

C will link the db.table to the names row you need this to index

LIKE should be obvs

8 will call all references in DB 8 or less (not really needed but i like neatness)

How to access the php.ini from my CPanel?

Cpanel 60.0.26 (Latest Version) Php.ini moved under Software > Select PHP Version > Switch to Php Options > Change Value > save.

overlay two images in android to set an imageview

You can use the code below to solve the problem or download demo here

Create two functions to handle each.

First, the canvas is drawn and the images are drawn on top of each other from point (0,0)

On button click

public void buttonMerge(View view) {

        Bitmap bigImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.img1);
        Bitmap smallImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.img2);
        Bitmap mergedImages = createSingleImageFromMultipleImages(bigImage, smallImage);


Function to create an overlay.

private Bitmap createSingleImageFromMultipleImages(Bitmap firstImage, Bitmap secondImage){

    Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(firstImage.getWidth(), firstImage.getHeight(), firstImage.getConfig());
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(result);
    canvas.drawBitmap(firstImage, 0f, 0f, null);
    canvas.drawBitmap(secondImage, 10, 10, null);
    return result;

Read more

How to add icons to React Native app

You'll need different sized icons for iOS and Android, like Rockvic said. In addition, I recommend this site for generating different sized icons if anybody is interested. You don't need to download anything and it works perfectly.

Hope it helps.

Should I write script in the body or the head of the html?

Head, or before closure of body tag. When DOM loads JS is then executed, that is exactly what jQuery document.ready does.

Xcode stuck on Indexing

For XCode 9.3 indexing issue - Uninstall the XCode and instal again from zero. Works for me.

How to disable gradle 'offline mode' in android studio?

@mikepenz has the right one.

You could just hit SHIFT+COMMAND+A (if you're using OSX and 1.4 android studio) and enter OFFLINE in the search box.

Then you'll see what mike have shown you.

Just deselect offline.

How to import an existing X.509 certificate and private key in Java keystore to use in SSL?

And one more:


# We have:
# 1) $KEY : Secret key in PEM format ("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----") 
# 2) $LEAFCERT : Certificate for secret key obtained from some
#    certification outfit, also in PEM format ("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----")   
# 3) $CHAINCERT : Intermediate certificate linking $LEAFCERT to a trusted
#    Self-Signed Root CA Certificate 
# We want to create a fresh Java "keystore" $TARGET_KEYSTORE with the
# password $TARGET_STOREPW, to be used by Tomcat for HTTPS Connector.
# The keystore must contain: $KEY, $LEAFCERT, $CHAINCERT
# The Self-Signed Root CA Certificate is obtained by Tomcat from the
# JDK's truststore in /etc/pki/java/cacerts

# The non-APR HTTPS connector (APR uses OpenSSL-like configuration, much
# easier than this) in server.xml looks like this 
# (See:
#  <Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol"
#                SSLEnabled="true"
#                maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
#                clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
#                keystoreFile="/etc/tomcat6/etl-web.keystore.jks"
#                keystorePass="changeit" />

# Let's roll:    




# ----
# Create PKCS#12 file to import using keytool later
# ----

# From
# The PKCS#12 or PFX format is a binary format for storing the server certificate,
# any intermediate certificates, and the private key in one encryptable file. PFX
# files usually have extensions such as .pfx and .p12. PFX files are typically used 
# on Windows machines to import and export certificates and private keys.

TMPPW=$$ # Some random password


if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
  echo "Creation of temporary PKCS12 file failed -- exiting" >&2; exit 1


if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
  echo "Creation of temporary transit file failed -- exiting" >&2; exit 1


openssl pkcs12 -export -passout "pass:$TMPPW" -in "$TRANSITFILE" -name etl-web > "$PKCS12FILE"

/bin/rm "$TRANSITFILE"

# Print out result for fun! Bug in doc (I think): "-pass " arg does not work, need "-passin"

openssl pkcs12 -passin "pass:$TMPPW" -passout "pass:$TMPPW" -in "$PKCS12FILE" -info

# ----
# Import contents of PKCS12FILE into a Java keystore. WTF, Sun, what were you thinking?
# ----

if [[ -f "$TARGET_KEYSTORE" ]]; then
  /bin/rm "$TARGET_KEYSTORE"

keytool -importkeystore \
   -deststorepass  "$TARGET_STOREPW" \
   -destkeypass    "$TARGET_STOREPW" \
   -destkeystore   "$TARGET_KEYSTORE" \
   -srckeystore    "$PKCS12FILE" \
   -srcstoretype  PKCS12 \
   -srcstorepass  "$TMPPW" \
   -alias foo-the-server

/bin/rm "$PKCS12FILE"

# ----
# Import the chain certificate. This works empirically, it is not at all clear from the doc whether this is correct
# ----

echo "Importing chain"


keytool -import $TT -storepass "$TARGET_STOREPW" -file "$CHAINCERT" -keystore "$TARGET_KEYSTORE" -alias chain

# ----
# Print contents
# ----

echo "Listing result"

keytool -list -storepass "$TARGET_STOREPW" -keystore "$TARGET_KEYSTORE"

Convert textbox text to integer

Suggest do this in your code-behind before sending down to SQL Server.

 int userVal = int.Parse(txtboxname.Text);

Perhaps try to parse and optionally let the user know.

int? userVal;
if (int.TryParse(txtboxname.Text, out userVal) 
{ MessageBox.Show("Hey, we need an int over here.");   }

The exception you note means that you're not including the value in the call to the stored proc. Try setting a debugger breakpoint in your code at the time you call down into the code that builds the call to SQL Server.

Ensure you're actually attaching the parameter to the SqlCommand.

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@ParamName", SqlDbType.Int);
    cmd.Parameters["@ParamName"].Value = newName;        
    string someReturn = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar();        

Perhaps fire up SQL Profiler on your database to inspect the SQL statement being sent/executed.

offsetting an html anchor to adjust for fixed header

This takes many elements from previous answers and combines into a tiny (194 bytes minified) anonymous jQuery function. Adjust fixedElementHeight for the height of your menu or blocking element.

    (function($, window) {
        var adjustAnchor = function() {

            var $anchor = $(':target'),
                    fixedElementHeight = 100;

            if ($anchor.length > 0) {

                $('html, body')
                        scrollTop: $anchor.offset().top - fixedElementHeight
                    }, 200);



        $(window).on('hashchange load', function() {

    })(jQuery, window);

If you don't like the animation, replace

$('html, body')
         scrollTop: $anchor.offset().top - fixedElementHeight
     }, 200);


window.scrollTo(0, $anchor.offset().top - fixedElementHeight);

Uglified version:

 !function(o,n){var t=function(){var n=o(":target"),t=100;n.length>0&&o("html, body").stop().animate({scrollTop:n.offset().top-t},200)};o(n).on("hashchange load",function(){t()})}(jQuery,window);

How do I pass a unique_ptr argument to a constructor or a function?

Edit: This answer is wrong, even though, strictly speaking, the code works. I'm only leaving it here because the discussion under it is too useful. This other answer is the best answer given at the time I last edited this: How do I pass a unique_ptr argument to a constructor or a function?

The basic idea of ::std::move is that people who are passing you the unique_ptr should be using it to express the knowledge that they know the unique_ptr they're passing in will lose ownership.

This means you should be using an rvalue reference to a unique_ptr in your methods, not a unique_ptr itself. This won't work anyway because passing in a plain old unique_ptr would require making a copy, and that's explicitly forbidden in the interface for unique_ptr. Interestingly enough, using a named rvalue reference turns it back into an lvalue again, so you need to use ::std::move inside your methods as well.

This means your two methods should look like this:

Base(Base::UPtr &&n) : next(::std::move(n)) {} // Spaces for readability

void setNext(Base::UPtr &&n) { next = ::std::move(n); }

Then people using the methods would do this:

Base::UPtr objptr{ new Base; }
Base::UPtr objptr2{ new Base; }
Base fred(::std::move(objptr)); // objptr now loses ownership
fred.setNext(::std::move(objptr2)); // objptr2 now loses ownership

As you see, the ::std::move expresses that the pointer is going to lose ownership at the point where it's most relevant and helpful to know. If this happened invisibly, it would be very confusing for people using your class to have objptr suddenly lose ownership for no readily apparent reason.

How do I make a dictionary with multiple keys to one value?

Your example creates multiple key: value pairs if using fromkeys. If you don't want this, you can use one key and create an alias for the key. For example if you are using a register map, your key can be the register address and the alias can be register name. That way you can perform read/write operations on the correct register.

>>> mydict = {}
>>> mydict[(1,2)] = [30, 20]
>>> alias1 = (1,2)
>>> print mydict[alias1]
[30, 20]
>>> mydict[(1,3)] = [30, 30]
>>> print mydict
{(1, 2): [30, 20], (1, 3): [30, 30]}
>>> alias1 in mydict

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

I use NUnit and in my project directory I have a copy of my App.Config that I change some configuration (example I redirect to a test database...). You need to have it in the same directory of the tested project and you will be fine.

Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary, especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch

I had the same issue when I was using GIT bash to merge master branch in to my feature branch. I followed the following steps to overcome this.

  1. press 'i' (To insert a merge message)
  2. write your merge message
  3. press esc button (To go back)
  4. write ':wq' (write & quit)
  5. then press enter

git pull error :error: remote ref is at but expected

Use the below two commands one by one.

git gc --prune=now

git remote prune origin

This will resolve your issue.

Module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'

This issue might be helpful for you, it explains how to achieve TPUStrategy, a popular functionality of tf.contrib in TF<2.0.

So, in TF 1.X you could do the following:

resolver = tf.contrib.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver('grpc://' + os.environ['COLAB_TPU_ADDR'])
strategy = tf.contrib.distribute.TPUStrategy(resolver)

And in TF>2.0, where tf.contrib is deprecated, you achieve the same by:

tf.config.experimental_connect_to_host('grpc://' + os.environ['COLAB_TPU_ADDR'])
resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver('grpc://' + os.environ['COLAB_TPU_ADDR'])
strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.TPUStrategy(resolver) 


check the curl_error after the curl_getinfo to find out the hidden errors.

    echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch);

getActivity() returns null in Fragment function

PJL is right. I have used his suggestion and this is what i have done:

  1. defined global variables for fragment:

    private final Object attachingActivityLock = new Object();

    private boolean syncVariable = false;

  2. implemented

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
  synchronized (attachingActivityLock) {
      syncVariable = true;

3 . I wrapped up my function, where I need to call getActivity(), in thread, because if it would run on main thread, i would block the thread with the step 4. and onAttach() would never be called.

    Thread processImage = new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {

4 . in my function where I need to call getActivity(), I use this (before the call getActivity())

    synchronized (attachingActivityLock) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

If you have some UI updates, remember to run them on UI thread. I need to update ImgeView so I did: Runnable() {

    public void run() {

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR

There are some problems with your header() calls, one of which might be causing problems

  • You should put an exit() after each of the header("Location: calls otherwise code execution will continue
  • You should have a space after the : so it reads "Location: http://foo"
  • It's not valid to use a relative URL in a Location header, you should form an absolute URL like

Using GCC to produce readable assembly?

I haven't given a shot to gcc, but in case of g++. The command below works for me. -g for debug build and -Wa,-adhln is passed to assembler for listing with source code

g++ -g -Wa,-adhln src.cpp

PowerShell: Format-Table without headers

The -HideTableHeaders parameter unfortunately still causes the empty lines to be printed (and table headers appearently are still considered for column width). The only way I know that could reliably work here would be to format the output yourself:

| % { '{0,10} {1,20} {2,20}' -f $_.Operation,$_.AttributeName,$_.AttributeValue }

What does cmd /C mean?

/C Carries out the command specified by the string and then terminates.

You can get all the cmd command line switches by typing cmd /?.

Compiler error "archive for required library could not be read" - Spring Tool Suite

In my case I tried all the tips suggested but the error remained. I solved changing with a more recent version and writing that in the pom.xml. After this everything is now ok.

SQL 'LIKE' query using '%' where the search criteria contains '%'

The easiest solution is to dispense with "like" altogether:

Select * 
from table
where charindex(search_criteria, name) > 0

I prefer charindex over like. Historically, it had better performance, but I'm not sure if it makes much of difference now.

how to make password textbox value visible when hover an icon

a rapid response not tested on several brosers, works on gg chrome / win

-> On focus event -> show/hide password

<input type="password" name="password">

script jQuery

// show on focus
$('input[type="password"]').on('focusin', function(){

    $(this).attr('type', 'text');

// hide on focus Out
$('input[type="password"]').on('focusout', function(){

    $(this).attr('type', 'password');


How can I dynamically switch web service addresses in .NET without a recompile?

I've struggled with this issue for a few days and finally the light bulb clicked. The KEY to being able to change the URL of a webservice at runtime is overriding the constructor, which I did with a partial class declaration. The above, setting the URL behavior to Dynamic must also be done.

This basically creates a web-service wrapper where if you have to reload web service at some point, via add service reference, you don't loose your work. The Microsoft help for Partial classes specially states that part of the reason for this construct is to create web service wrappers.

// Web Service Wrapper to override constructor to use custom ConfigSection 
// app.config values for URL/User/Pass
namespace myprogram.webservice
    public partial class MyWebService
        public MyWebService(string szURL)
            this.Url = szURL;
            if ((this.IsLocalFileSystemWebService(this.Url) == true))
                this.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                this.useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly = false;
                this.useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly = true;

What is the difference between Digest and Basic Authentication?

Let us see the difference between the two HTTP authentication using Wireshark (Tool to analyse packets sent or received) .

1. Http Basic Authentication


As soon as the client types in the correct username:password,as requested by the Web-server, the Web-Server checks in the Database if the credentials are correct and gives the access to the resource .

Here is how the packets are sent and received :

enter image description here In the first packet the Client fill the credentials using the POST method at the resource - lab/webapp/basicauth .In return the server replies back with http response code 200 ok ,i.e, the username:password were correct .

Detail of HTTP packet

Now , In the Authorization header it shows that it is Basic Authorization followed by some random string .This String is the encoded (Base64) version of the credentials admin:aadd (including colon ) .

2 . Http Digest Authentication(rfc 2069)

So far we have seen that the Basic Authentication sends username:password in plaintext over the network .But the Digest Auth sends a HASH of the Password using Hash algorithm.

Here are packets showing the requests made by the client and response from the server .


As soon as the client types the credentials requested by the server , the Password is converted to a response using an algorithm and then is sent to the server , If the server Database has same response as given by the client the server gives the access to the resource , otherwise a 401 error .

Detailed digest auth packet In the above Authorization , the response string is calculated using the values of Username,Realm,Password,http-method,URI and Nonce as shown in the image :

Response algorithm (colons are included)

Hence , we can see that the Digest Authentication is more Secure as it involve Hashing (MD5 encryption) , So the packet sniffer tools cannot sniff the Password although in Basic Auth the exact Password was shown on Wireshark.


Mecki's answer is absolutly perfect, but it's worth adding that FreeBSD also supports SO_REUSEPORT_LB, which mimics Linux' SO_REUSEPORT behaviour - it balances the load; see setsockopt(2)

Form Validation With Bootstrap (jQuery)

I had your code setup on jsFiddle to try diagnose the problem.

However, I don't seem to encounter your issue. Could you take a look and let us know?


<div class="hero-unit">
 <h1>Contact Form</h1> 
<form method="POST" action="contact-form-submission.php" class="form-horizontal" id="contact-form">
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="name">Name</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Your name">
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="email">Email Address</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input type="text" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Your email address">
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="subject">Subject</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <select id="subject" name="subject">
                <option value="na" selected="">Choose One:</option>
                <option value="service">Feedback</option>
                <option value="suggestions">Suggestion</option>
                <option value="support">Question</option>
                <option value="other">Other</option>
    <div class="control-group">
        <label class="control-label" for="message">Message</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <textarea name="message" id="message" rows="8" class="span5" placeholder="The message you want to send to us."></textarea>
    <div class="form-actions">
        <input type="hidden" name="save" value="contact">
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Submit Message</button>
        <button type="reset" class="btn">Cancel</button>


$(document).ready(function () {

    rules: {
        name: {
            minlength: 2,
            required: true
        email: {
            required: true,
            email: true
        message: {
            minlength: 2,
            required: true
    highlight: function (element) {
    success: function (element) {

Test process.env with Jest

In ./package.json:

"jest": {
  "setupFiles": [

In ./jest/setEnvVars.js:

process.env.SOME_VAR = 'value';

Random word generator- Python

There are a number of dictionary files available online - if you're on linux, a lot of (all?) distros come with an /etc/dictionaries-common/words file, which you can easily parse (words = open('/etc/dictionaries-common/words').readlines(), eg) for use.

How to fade changing background image

Someone pointed me to this thread because I had this same issue but it didn't work for me. After hours of searching I found a solution using this -

It has a few other options other than fade too.

Can I delete a git commit but keep the changes?

2020 Simple way :

git reset <commit_hash>

(The commit hash of the last commit you want to keep).

If the commit was pushed, you can then do :

git push -f

You will keep the now uncommitted changes locally

Eclipse - Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

After placing the jar file in desired location, you need to add the jar file by right click on

Project --> properties --> Java Build Path --> Libraries --> Add Jar.

Format bytes to kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes

function changeType($size, $type, $end){
    $arr = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
    $tSayi = array_search($type, $arr);
    $eSayi = array_search($end, $arr);
    $pow = $eSayi - $tSayi;
    return $size * pow(1024 * $pow) . ' ' . $end;

echo changeType(500, 'B', 'KB');

Can a table row expand and close?

To answer your question, no. That would be possible with div though. THe only question is would cause a hazzle if the functionality were done with div rather than tables.

Adding multiple class using ng-class

Your example works for conditioned classes (the class name will show if the expressionDataX is true):

<div ng-class="{class1: expressionData1, class2: expressionData2}"></div>

You can also add multiple classes, supplied by the user of the element:

<div ng-class="[class1, class2]"></div>


<div class="foo bar" class1="foo" class2="bar"></div>

SQL Server: Filter output of sp_who2

One way is to create a temp table:

CREATE TABLE #sp_who2 
   SPID INT,  
   Status VARCHAR(1000) NULL,  
   Login SYSNAME NULL,  
   HostName SYSNAME NULL,  
   Command VARCHAR(1000) NULL,  
   CPUTime INT NULL,  
   DiskIO INT NULL,  
   LastBatch VARCHAR(1000) NULL,  
   ProgramName VARCHAR(1000) NULL,  

INSERT INTO #sp_who2
EXEC sp_who2

FROM #sp_who2
WHERE Login = 'bla'

DROP TABLE #sp_who2

jQuery how to find an element based on a data-attribute value?

I improved upon psycho brm's filterByData extension to jQuery.

Where the former extension searched on a key-value pair, with this extension you can additionally search for the presence of a data attribute, irrespective of its value.

(function ($) {

    $.fn.filterByData = function (prop, val) {
        var $self = this;
        if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
            return $self.filter(
                function () { return typeof $(this).data(prop) !== 'undefined'; }
        return $self.filter(
            function () { return $(this).data(prop) == val; }



$('<b>').data('x', 1).filterByData('x', 1).length    // output: 1
$('<b>').data('x', 1).filterByData('x').length       // output: 1

// test data_x000D_
function extractData() {_x000D_
  log('data-prop=val ...... ' + $('div').filterByData('prop', 'val').length);_x000D_
  log('data-prop .......... ' + $('div').filterByData('prop').length);_x000D_
  log('data-random ........ ' + $('div').filterByData('random').length);_x000D_
  log('data-test .......... ' + $('div').filterByData('test').length);_x000D_
  log('data-test=anyval ... ' + $('div').filterByData('test', 'anyval').length);_x000D_
$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('#b5').data('test', 'anyval');_x000D_
// the actual extension_x000D_
(function($) {_x000D_
  $.fn.filterByData = function(prop, val) {_x000D_
    var $self = this;_x000D_
    if (typeof val === 'undefined') {_x000D_
      return $self.filter(_x000D_
        function() {_x000D_
          return typeof $(this).data(prop) !== 'undefined';_x000D_
    return $self.filter(_x000D_
      function() {_x000D_
        return $(this).data(prop) == val;_x000D_
//just to quickly log_x000D_
function log(txt) {_x000D_
  if (window.console && console.log) {_x000D_
    //} else {_x000D_
    //  alert('You need a console to check the results');_x000D_
  $("#result").append(txt + "<br />");_x000D_
#bPratik {_x000D_
  font-family: monospace;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="bPratik">_x000D_
  <div id="b1" data-prop="val">Data added inline :: data-prop="val"</div>_x000D_
  <div id="b2" data-prop="val">Data added inline :: data-prop="val"</div>_x000D_
  <div id="b3" data-prop="diffval">Data added inline :: data-prop="diffval"</div>_x000D_
  <div id="b4" data-test="val">Data added inline :: data-test="val"</div>_x000D_
  <div id="b5">Data will be added via jQuery</div>_x000D_
  <div id="result"></div>_x000D_
  <hr />_x000D_
  <button onclick="extractData()">Reveal</button>_x000D_

Or the fiddle:

Switch between two frames in tkinter

Here is another simple answer, but without using classes.

from tkinter import *

def raise_frame(frame):

root = Tk()

f1 = Frame(root)
f2 = Frame(root)
f3 = Frame(root)
f4 = Frame(root)

for frame in (f1, f2, f3, f4):
    frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news')

Button(f1, text='Go to frame 2', command=lambda:raise_frame(f2)).pack()
Label(f1, text='FRAME 1').pack()

Label(f2, text='FRAME 2').pack()
Button(f2, text='Go to frame 3', command=lambda:raise_frame(f3)).pack()

Label(f3, text='FRAME 3').pack(side='left')
Button(f3, text='Go to frame 4', command=lambda:raise_frame(f4)).pack(side='left')

Label(f4, text='FRAME 4').pack()
Button(f4, text='Goto to frame 1', command=lambda:raise_frame(f1)).pack()


Handling NULL values in Hive

To check for the NULL data for column1 and consider your datatype of it is String, you could use below command :

select * from tbl_name where column1 is null or column1 <> '';

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=

You have upgraded to Razor 3. Remember that VS 12 (until update 4) doesn't support it. Install The Razor 3 from nuget or downgrade it through these step

How to return multiple values in one column (T-SQL)?

DECLARE @Str varchar(500)

SELECT @Str=COALESCE(@Str,'') + CAST(ID as varchar(10)) + ','
FROM dbo.fcUser


How to connect android wifi to adhoc wifi?

If you have a Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter as one of the available network adapters, you may do the following:

  • Run Windows Command Processor (cmd) as Administrator
  • Type: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=NAME key=PASSWORD
  • Then: netsh wlan start hostednetwork
  • Open "Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections"
  • Right-click on your active network adapter (the one that you use to connect on the internet) and then click Properties
  • Then open Sharing tab
  • Check "Allow other network users to connect..." and select your WiFi Miniport Adapter
  • Once finished, type: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

That's it!

Source: How to connect android phone to an ad-hoc network without softwares.

How do I set hostname in docker-compose?

This seems to work correctly. If I put your config into a file:

$ cat > compose.yml <<EOF
  image: phensley/docker-dns
  hostname: affy
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock

And then bring things up:

$ docker-compose -f compose.yml up
Creating tmp_dns_1...
Attaching to tmp_dns_1
dns_1 | 2015-04-28T17:47:45.423387 [dockerdns] table.add tmp_dns_1.docker ->

And then check the hostname inside the container, everything seems to be fine:

$ docker exec -it stack_dns_1 hostname

Appending output of a Batch file To log file

It's also possible to use java Foo | tee -a some.log. it just prints to stdout as well. Like:

user at Computer in ~
$ echo "hi" | tee -a foo.txt

user at Computer in ~
$ echo "hello" | tee -a foo.txt

user at Computer in ~
$ cat foo.txt

Linux configure/make, --prefix?

Do configure --help and see what other options are available.

It is very common to provide different options to override different locations. By standard, --prefix overrides all of them, so you need to override config location after specifying the prefix. This course of actions usually works for every automake-based project.

The worse case scenario is when you need to modify the configure script, or even worse, generated makefiles and config.h headers. But yeah, for Xfce you can try something like this:

./configure --prefix=/home/me/somefolder/mybuild/output/target --sysconfdir=/etc 

I believe that should do it.

How do I mock a static method that returns void with PowerMock?

You can stub a static void method like this:

PowerMockito.doNothing().when(StaticResource.class, "getResource", anyString());

Although I'm not sure why you would bother, because when you call mockStatic(StaticResource.class) all static methods in StaticResource are by default stubbed

More useful, you can capture the value passed to StaticResource.getResource() like this:

ArgumentCaptor<String> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
               StaticResource.class, "getResource", captor.capture());

Then you can evaluate the String that was passed to StaticResource.getResource like this:

String resourceName = captor.getValue();

How to display line numbers in 'less' (GNU)

You could filter the file through cat -n before piping to less:

cat -n file.txt | less

Or, if your version of less supports it, the -N option:

less -N file.txt

Sort dataGridView columns in C# ? (Windows Form)


failed to find target with hash string 'android-22'

Open file and change the line with target=android-22 to the desired value.
For example:


How to get Java Decompiler / JD / JD-Eclipse running in Eclipse Helios

Its should work for all version of eclipse even in Spring tool suit(STS). Here is the steps

Go to the URl Follow The link to download or click the bellow link to direct download Click Here to download

Download JD-Eclipse. Download and unzip the JD-Eclipse Update Site,

Launch Eclipse,

Click on "Help > Install New Software...",

Click on button "Add..." to add an new repository,

Enter "JD-Eclipse Update Site" and select the local site directory,

enter image description here

Select extracted folder and give any name. I have given JDA. and click ok.

enter image description here

Check "Java Decompiler Eclipse Plug-in",

enter image description here

Next, next, next... and restart Eclipse.

Spring @Transactional - isolation, propagation

Enough explanation about each parameter is given by other answers; However you asked for a real world example, here is the one that clarifies the purpose of different propagation options:

Suppose you're in charge of implementing a signup service in which a confirmation e-mail is sent to the user. You come up with two service objects, one for enrolling the user and one for sending e-mails, which the latter is called inside the first one. For example something like this:

/* Sign Up service */
class SignUpService{
 void SignUp(User user){

/* E-Mail Service */
class EmailService{
 void sendMail(User user){
     ... // Trying to send the e-mail
  }catch( Exception)

You may have noticed that the second service is of propagation type REQUIRES_NEW and moreover chances are it throws an exception (SMTP server down ,invalid e-mail or other reasons).You probably don't want the whole process to roll-back, like removing the user information from database or other things; therefore you call the second service in a separate transaction.

Back to our example, this time you are concerned about the database security, so you define your DAO classes this way:

/* User DAO */
class UserDAO{
 // some CRUD methods

Meaning that whenever a DAO object, and hence a potential access to db, is created, we need to reassure that the call was made from inside one of our services, implying that a live transaction should exist; otherwise an exception occurs.Therefore the propagation is of type MANDATORY.

Get current time in hours and minutes

date +%H:%M

Would be easier, I think :). If you really wanted to chop off the seconds, you could have done

date | sed 's/.* \([0-9]*:[0-9]*\):[0-9]*.*/\1/'

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent

When you override OnCreateView in your RouteSearchFragment class, do you have the

if(view != null) {
    return view; 

code segment?

If so, removing the return statement should solve your problem.

You can keep the code and return the view if you don't want to regenerate view data, and onDestroyView() method you remove this view from its parent like so:

    public void onDestroyView() {
        if (view != null) {
            ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) view.getParent();
            if (parent != null) {

Convert DataSet to List

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = obj.getXmlData();// get the multiple table in dataset.

                Employee objEmp = new Employee ();// create the object of class Employee 
                List<Employee > empList = new List<Employee >();
                int table = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables.Count);// count the number of table in dataset
                for (int i = 1; i < table; i++)// set the table value in list one by one
                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[i].Rows)
                        empList.Add(new Employee { Title1 = Convert.ToString(dr["Title"]), Hosting1 = Convert.ToString(dr["Hosting"]), Startdate1 = Convert.ToString(dr["Startdate"]), ExpDate1 = Convert.ToString(dr["ExpDate"]) });
                dataGridView1.DataSource = empList;

enter image description here

How does the class_weight parameter in scikit-learn work?

The first answer is good for understanding how it works. But I wanted to understand how I should be using it in practice.


  • for moderately imbalanced data WITHOUT noise, there is not much of a difference in applying class weights
  • for moderately imbalanced data WITH noise and strongly imbalanced, it is better to apply class weights
  • param class_weight="balanced" works decent in the absence of you wanting to optimize manually
  • with class_weight="balanced" you capture more true events (higher TRUE recall) but also you are more likely to get false alerts (lower TRUE precision)
    • as a result, the total % TRUE might be higher than actual because of all the false positives
    • AUC might misguide you here if the false alarms are an issue
  • no need to change decision threshold to the imbalance %, even for strong imbalance, ok to keep 0.5 (or somewhere around that depending on what you need)


The result might differ when using RF or GBM. sklearn does not have class_weight="balanced" for GBM but lightgbm has LGBMClassifier(is_unbalance=False)


# scikit-learn==0.21.3
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, classification_report
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# case: moderate imbalance
X, y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=50*15, n_features=5, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, random_state=1, weights=[0.8]) #,flip_y=0.1,class_sep=0.5)
np.mean(y) # 0.2

LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.184
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # 0.184 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:0.5,1:0.5}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.184 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:2,1:8}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.296 => seems to make things worse?
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.292 => seems to make things worse?

roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.83
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:2,1:8}).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.86 => about the same
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.86 => about the same

# case: strong imbalance
X, y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=50*15, n_features=5, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, random_state=1, weights=[0.95])
np.mean(y) # 0.06

LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.02
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # 0.02 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:0.5,1:0.5}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.02 => same as first
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:1,1:20}).fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.25 => huh??
LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X).mean() # 0.22 => huh??
(LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).mean() # same as last

roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.64
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight={0:1,1:20}).fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.84 => much better
roc_auc_score(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X)) # 0.85 => similar to manual
roc_auc_score(y,(LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict_proba(X)[:,1]>0.5).astype(int)) # same as last

pd.crosstab(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9).fit(X,y).predict(X),margins=True,normalize='index') # few prediced TRUE with only 28% TRUE recall and 86% TRUE precision so 6%*28%~=2%

pd.crosstab(y,LogisticRegression(C=1e9,class_weight="balanced").fit(X,y).predict(X),margins=True,normalize='index') # 88% TRUE recall but also lot of false positives with only 23% TRUE precision, making total predicted % TRUE > actual % TRUE

SQL How to correctly set a date variable value and use it?

Your syntax is fine, it will return rows where LastAdDate lies within the last 6 months;

select cast('01-jan-1970' as datetime) as LastAdDate into #PubAdvTransData 
    union select GETDATE()
    union select NULL
    union select '01-feb-2010'

DECLARE @sp_Date DATETIME = DateAdd(m, -6, GETDATE())

SELECT * FROM #PubAdvTransData pat
     WHERE (pat.LastAdDate > @sp_Date)

>2010-02-01 00:00:00.000
>2010-04-29 21:12:29.920

Are you sure LastAdDate is of type DATETIME?

Dynamic Web Module 3.0 -- 3.1

Open Eclipse project properties, in Project Facets unselect "Dynamic Web Module",... Click OK Maven -> Update project

NSURLErrorDomain error codes description

I received the error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1011 when using Parse, and providing the wrong clientKey. As soon as I corrected that, it began working.

Where are static variables stored in C and C++?

in the "global and static" area :)

There are several memory areas in C++:

  • heap
  • free store
  • stack
  • global & static
  • const

See here for a detailed answer to your question:

The following summarizes a C++ program's major distinct memory areas. Note that some of the names (e.g., "heap") do not appear as such in the draft [standard].

     Memory Area     Characteristics and Object Lifetimes
     --------------  ------------------------------------------------

     Const Data      The const data area stores string literals and
                     other data whose values are known at compile
                     time.  No objects of class type can exist in
                     this area.  All data in this area is available
                     during the entire lifetime of the program.

                     Further, all of this data is read-only, and the
                     results of trying to modify it are undefined.
                     This is in part because even the underlying
                     storage format is subject to arbitrary
                     optimization by the implementation.  For
                     example, a particular compiler may store string
                     literals in overlapping objects if it wants to.

     Stack           The stack stores automatic variables. Typically
                     allocation is much faster than for dynamic
                     storage (heap or free store) because a memory
                     allocation involves only pointer increment
                     rather than more complex management.  Objects
                     are constructed immediately after memory is
                     allocated and destroyed immediately before
                     memory is deallocated, so there is no
                     opportunity for programmers to directly
                     manipulate allocated but uninitialized stack
                     space (barring willful tampering using explicit
                     dtors and placement new).

     Free Store      The free store is one of the two dynamic memory
                     areas, allocated/freed by new/delete.  Object
                     lifetime can be less than the time the storage
                     is allocated; that is, free store objects can
                     have memory allocated without being immediately
                     initialized, and can be destroyed without the
                     memory being immediately deallocated.  During
                     the period when the storage is allocated but
                     outside the object's lifetime, the storage may
                     be accessed and manipulated through a void* but
                     none of the proto-object's nonstatic members or
                     member functions may be accessed, have their
                     addresses taken, or be otherwise manipulated.

     Heap            The heap is the other dynamic memory area,
                     allocated/freed by malloc/free and their
                     variants.  Note that while the default global
                     new and delete might be implemented in terms of
                     malloc and free by a particular compiler, the
                     heap is not the same as free store and memory
                     allocated in one area cannot be safely
                     deallocated in the other. Memory allocated from
                     the heap can be used for objects of class type
                     by placement-new construction and explicit
                     destruction.  If so used, the notes about free
                     store object lifetime apply similarly here.

     Global/Static   Global or static variables and objects have
                     their storage allocated at program startup, but
                     may not be initialized until after the program
                     has begun executing.  For instance, a static
                     variable in a function is initialized only the
                     first time program execution passes through its
                     definition.  The order of initialization of
                     global variables across translation units is not
                     defined, and special care is needed to manage
                     dependencies between global objects (including
                     class statics).  As always, uninitialized proto-
                     objects' storage may be accessed and manipulated
                     through a void* but no nonstatic members or
                     member functions may be used or referenced
                     outside the object's actual lifetime.

Beginner Python: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute


class Bike(object):
    def __init__(self, name, weight, cost): = name
        self.weight = weight
        self.cost = cost

bikes = {
    # Bike designed for children"
    "Trike": Bike("Trike", 20, 100),      # <--
    # Bike designed for everyone"
    "Kruzer": Bike("Kruzer", 50, 165),    # <--

# Markup of 20% on all sales
margin = .2
# Revenue minus cost after sale
for bike in bikes.values():
    profit = bike.cost * margin



The difference is that in your bikes dictionary, you're initializing the values as lists [...]. Instead, it looks like the rest of your code wants Bike instances. So create Bike instances: Bike(...).

As for your error

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'cost'

this will occur when you try to call .cost on a list object. Pretty straightforward, but we can figure out what happened by looking at where you call .cost -- in this line:

profit = bike.cost * margin

This indicates that at least one bike (that is, a member of bikes.values() is a list). If you look at where you defined bikes you can see that the values were, in fact, lists. So this error makes sense.

But since your class has a cost attribute, it looked like you were trying to use Bike instances as values, so I made that little change:

[...] -> Bike(...)

and you're all set.

How to set max_connections in MySQL Programmatically

How to change max_connections

You can change max_connections while MySQL is running via SET:

mysql> SET GLOBAL max_connections = 5000;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "max_connections";
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 5000  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


timeout related

I had never seen your error message before, so I googled. probably, you are using Connector/Net. Connector/Net Manual says there is max connection pool size. (default is 100) see table 22.21.

I suggest that you increase this value to 100k or disable connection pooling Pooling=false


he has two questions.

Q1 - what happens if I disable pooling Slow down making DB connection. connection pooling is a mechanism that use already made DB connection. cost of Making new connection is high.

Q2 - Can the value of pooling be increased or the maximum is 100?

you can increase but I'm sure what is MAX value, maybe max_connections in my.cnf

My suggestion is that do not turn off Pooling, increase value by 100 until there is no connection error.

If you have Stress Test tool like JMeter you can test youself.

Use own username/password with git and bitbucket


git remote -v

and check whether your origin's URL has your co-worker's username hardcoded in there. If so, substitute it with your own:

git remote set-url origin <url-with-your-username>

creating a table in ionic

enter image description here

.html file

<div class='summary_row'>
      <div  class='summarycell'>Header 1</div>
      <div  class='summarycell'>Header 2</div>
      <div  class='summarycell'>Header 3</div>
      <div  class='summarycell'>Header 4</div>
      <div  class='summarycell'>Header 5</div>
      <div  class='summarycell'>Header 6</div>
      <div  class='summarycell'>Header 7</div>

    <div  class='summary_row'>
      <div  class='summarycell'>
      <div  class='summarycell'>
        <div  class='summarycell'>

      <div  class='summarycell'>
      <div  class='summarycell'>
        <div  class='summarycell'>
          <div  class='summarycell'>

.scss file

    display: flex;_x000D_
    flex-wrap: wrap;_x000D_
    width: max-content;_x000D_
.row:first-child .summarycell{_x000D_
    font-weight: bold;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    overflow: auto;_x000D_
    word-wrap: break-word;_x000D_
    width: 27vw;_x000D_
    border: 1px solid #b3b3b3;_x000D_
    padding: 10px;_x000D_
    text-align: right;_x000D_
    text-align: left;_x000D_

Format cell color based on value in another sheet and cell

You can also do this with named ranges so you don't have to copy the cells from Sheet1 to Sheet2:

  1. Define a named range, say Sheet1Vals for the column that has the values on which you want to base your condition. You can define a new named range by using the Insert\Name\Define... menu item. Type in your name, then use the cell browser in the Refers to box to select the cells you want in the range. If the range will change over time (add or remove rows) you can use this formula instead of selecting the cells explicitly:


    Add a -1 before the last ) if the column has a header row.

  2. Define a named range, say Sheet2Vals for the column that has the values you want to conditionally format.

  3. Use the Conditional Formatting dialog to create your conditions. Specify Formula Is in the dropdown, then put this for the formula:

    =INDEX(Sheet1Vals, MATCH([FirstCellInRange],Sheet2Vals))=[Condition]

    where [FirstCellInRange] is the address of the cell you want to format and [Condition] is the value your checking.

For example, if my conditions in Sheet1 have the values of 1, 2 and 3 and the column I'm formatting is column B in Sheet2 then my conditional formats would be something like:

=INDEX(Sheet1Vals, MATCH(B1,Sheet2Vals))=1
=INDEX(Sheet1Vals, MATCH(B1,Sheet2Vals))=2
=INDEX(Sheet1Vals, MATCH(B1,Sheet2Vals))=3

You can then use the format painter to copy these formats to the rest of the cells.

creating batch script to unzip a file without additional zip tools

Here's my overview about built-in zi/unzip (compress/decompress) capabilities in windows - How can I compress (/ zip ) and uncompress (/ unzip ) files and folders with batch file without using any external tools?

To unzip file you can use this script :

zipjs.bat unzip -source C:\myDir\ -destination C:\MyDir -keep yes -force no

How to cast DATETIME as a DATE in mysql?

Use DATE() function:

select * from follow_queue group by DATE(follow_date)

Difference between `constexpr` and `const`

A const int var can be dynamically set to a value at runtime and once it is set to that value, it can no longer be changed.

A constexpr int var cannot be dynamically set at runtime, but rather, at compile time. And once it is set to that value, it can no longer be changed.

Here is a solid example:

int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
    const int p = argc; 
    // p = 69; // cannot change p because it is a const
    // constexpr int q = argc; // cannot be, bcoz argc cannot be computed at compile time 
    constexpr int r = 2^3; // this works!
    // r = 42; // same as const too, it cannot be changed

The snippet above compiles fine and I have commented out those that cause it to error.

The key notions here to take note of, are the notions of compile time and run time. New innovations have been introduced into C++ intended to as much as possible ** know ** certain things at compilation time to improve performance at runtime.

Any attempt of explanation which does not involve the two key notions above, is hallucination.

filename and line number of Python script

Just to contribute,

there is a linecache module in python, here is two links that can help.

linecache module documentation
linecache source code

In a sense, you can "dump" a whole file into its cache , and read it with linecache.cache data from class.

import linecache as allLines
## have in mind that fileName in linecache behaves as any other open statement, you will need a path to a file if file is not in the same directory as script
linesList = allLines.updatechache( fileName ,None)
for i,x in enumerate(lineslist): print(i,x) #prints the line number and content
#or for more info
#or you need a specific line
specLine = allLines.getline(fileName,numbOfLine)
#returns a textual line from that number of line

For additional info, for error handling, you can simply use

from sys import exc_info
     raise YourError # or some other error
except Exception:
     print(exc_info() )

Get escaped URL parameter

If you don't know what the URL parameters will be and want to get an object with the keys and values that are in the parameters, you can use this:

function getParameters() {
  var searchString =,
      params = searchString.split("&"),
      hash = {};

  if (searchString == "") return {};
  for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
    var val = params[i].split("=");
    hash[unescape(val[0])] = unescape(val[1]);
  return hash;

Calling getParameters() with a url like /posts?date=9/10/11&author=nilbus would return:

  date:   '9/10/11',
  author: 'nilbus'

I won't include the code here since it's even farther away from the question, but posted a library that allows manipulation of the parameters in the URL too:

How to convert list of key-value tuples into dictionary?

This gives me the same error as trying to split the list up and zip it. ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1916; 2 is required

THAT is your actual question.

The answer is that the elements of your list are not what you think they are. If you type myList[0] you will find that the first element of your list is not a two-tuple, e.g. ('A', 1), but rather a 1916-length iterable.

Once you actually have a list in the form you stated in your original question (myList = [('A',1),('B',2),...]), all you need to do is dict(myList).

How to check encoding of a CSV file

Use chardet (documentation is short and easy to read).

Install python, then pip install chardet, at last use the command line command.

I tested under GB2312 and it's pretty accurate. (Make sure you have at least a few characters, sample with only 1 character may fail easily).

file is not reliable as you can see.

enter image description here

Unable to resolve host "<insert URL here>" No address associated with hostname

My bet is that you forgot to give your app the permission to use the internet. Try adding this to your android manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

Using setattr() in python

Setattr: We use setattr to add an attribute to our class instance. We pass the class instance, the attribute name, and the value. and with getattr we retrive these values

For example

Employee = type("Employee", (object,), dict())

employee = Employee()

# Set salary to 1000
setattr(employee,"salary", 1000 )

# Get the Salary
value = getattr(employee, "salary")


How can I get the current contents of an element in webdriver

In Java its Webelement.getText() . Not sure about python.

Polymorphism: Why use "List list = new ArrayList" instead of "ArrayList list = new ArrayList"?

In general you want to program against an interface. This allows you to exchange the implementation at any time. This is very useful especially when you get passed an implementation you don't know.

However, there are certain situations where you prefer to use the concrete implementation. For example when serialize in GWT.

How to get the public IP address of a user in C#

My version handles both ASP.NET or LAN IPs:

 * Get visitor's ip address.
public static string GetVisitorIp() {
    string ip = null;
    if (HttpContext.Current != null) { // ASP.NET
        ip = string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])
            ? HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress
            : HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) || ip.Trim() == "::1") { // still can't decide or is LAN
        var lan = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(r => r.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork);
        ip = lan == null ? string.Empty : lan.ToString();
    return ip;

Convert True/False value read from file to boolean

You can use dict to convert string to boolean. Change this line flag = bool(reader[0]) to:

flag = {'True': True, 'False': False}.get(reader[0], False) # default is False

PostgreSQL - query from bash script as database user 'postgres'

if you are planning to run it from a separate sql file. here is a good example (taken from a great page to learn how to bash with postgresql

set -e
set -u
if [ $# != 2 ]; then
   echo "please enter a db host and a table suffix"
   exit 1

export DBHOST=$1
export TSUFF=$2
psql \
  -X \
  -U user \
  -h $DBHOST \
  -f /path/to/sql/file.sql \
  --echo-all \
  --set AUTOCOMMIT=off \
  --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
  --set TSUFF=$TSUFF \
  --set QTSTUFF=\'$TSUFF\' \

   psql_exit_status = $?

   if [ $psql_exit_status != 0 ]; then
     echo "psql failed while trying to run this sql script" 1>&2
     exit $psql_exit_status

   echo "sql script successful"
exit 0

How to update record using Entity Framework Core?

According to Microsoft docs:

the read-first approach requires an extra database read, and can result in more complex code for handling concurrency conflict

However, you should know that using Update method on DbContext will mark all the fields as modified and will include all of them in the query. If you want to update a subset of fields you should use the Attach method and then mark the desired field as modified manually.

context.Entry(person).Property(p => p.Name).IsModified = true;

Gson: Directly convert String to JsonObject (no POJO)

JsonObject complaint = new JsonObject();
complaint.addProperty("key", "value");

Convert char to int in C#

This converts to an integer and handles unicode


You can read more here.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver in Eclipse

This needs to be used as of 2020


Why do we have to normalize the input for an artificial neural network?

Looking at the neural network from the outside, it is just a function that takes some arguments and produces a result. As with all functions, it has a domain (i.e. a set of legal arguments). You have to normalize the values that you want to pass to the neural net in order to make sure it is in the domain. As with all functions, if the arguments are not in the domain, the result is not guaranteed to be appropriate.

The exact behavior of the neural net on arguments outside of the domain depends on the implementation of the neural net. But overall, the result is useless if the arguments are not within the domain.

Is it possible to ignore one single specific line with Pylint?

I believe you're looking for...

import config.logging_settings  # @UnusedImport

Note the double space before the comment to avoid hitting other formatting warnings.

Also, depending on your IDE (if you're using one), there's probably an option to add the correct ignore rule (e.g., in Eclipse, pressing Ctrl + 1, while the cursor is over the warning, will auto-suggest @UnusedImport).

"cannot be used as a function error"

You can't pass a function as a parameter. Simply remove it from estimatedPopulation() and replace it with 'float growthRate'. use this in your calculation instead of calling the function:

int estimatedPopulation (int currentPopulation, float growthRate)
    return (currentPopulation + currentPopulation * growthRate / 100);

and call it as:

int foo = estimatedPopulation (currentPopulation, growthRate (birthRate, deathRate));

highlight the navigation menu for the current page

It seems to me that you need current code as this ".menu-current css", I am asking the same code that works like a charm, You could try something like this might still be some configuration

a:link, a:active {
    color: blue;
    text-decoration: none;

a:visited {
    color: darkblue;
    text-decoration: none;

a:hover {
    color: blue;
    text-decoration: underline;

div.menuv {
    float: left;
    width: 10em;
    padding: 1em;
    font-size: small;

div.menuv ul, div.menuv li, div.menuv .menuv-current li {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style: none;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    font-weight: normal;

div.menuv ul ul {
    padding-left: 12px;

div.menuv a:link, div.menuv a:visited, div.menuv a:active, div.menuv a:hover {
    display: block;
    text-decoration: none;
    padding: 2px 2px 2px 3px;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #999999;

div.menuv a:hover, div.menuv .menuv-current li a:hover {
    padding: 2px 0px 2px 1px;
    border-left: 2px solid green;
    border-right: 2px solid green;

div.menuv .menuv-current {
    font-weight: bold;

div.menuv .menuv-current a:hover {
    padding: 2px 2px 2px 3px;
    border-left: none;
    border-right: none;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #999999;
    color: darkblue;

Centering text in a table in Twitter Bootstrap

I had the same problem and a better way to solve it without using !important was defining the following in my CSS:

table th.text-center, table td.text-center { 
    text-align: center;

That way the specifity of the text-center class works correctly in tables.

How to set default value for HTML select?

Simplay you can place HTML select attribute to option a like shown below

Define the attributes like selected="selected"

   <option selected="selected">a</option>

How to empty the content of a div

If by saying without destroying it, you mean to a keep a reference to the children, you can do:

var oldChildren = [];

while(element.hasChildNodes()) {

Regarding the original tagging (html css) of your question:

You cannot remove content with CSS. You could only hide it. E.g. you can hide all children of a certain node with:

#someID > * {
    display: none;

This doesn't work in IE6 though (but you could use #someID *).

How to implement a custom AlertDialog View

AlertDialog.setView(View view) does add the given view to the FrameLayout. The following is a snippet of Android source code from AlertController.setupView() which finally handles this (mView is the view given to AlertDialog.setView method).

FrameLayout custom = (FrameLayout) mWindow.findViewById(**custom**);
custom.addView(**mView**, new LayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, FILL_PARENT));

MVC ajax json post to controller action method

Below is how I got this working.

The Key point was: I needed to use the ViewModel associated with the view in order for the runtime to be able to resolve the object in the request.

[I know that that there is a way to bind an object other than the default ViewModel object but ended up simply populating the necessary properties for my needs as I could not get it to work]

  public ActionResult GetDataForInvoiceNumber(MyViewModel myViewModel)  
     var invoiceNumberQueryResult = _viewModelBuilder.HydrateMyViewModelGivenInvoiceDetail(myViewModel.InvoiceNumber, myViewModel.SelectedCompanyCode);
     return Json(invoiceNumberQueryResult, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);

The JQuery script used to call this action method:

var requestData = {
         InvoiceNumber: $.trim(this.value),
         SelectedCompanyCode: $.trim($('#SelectedCompanyCode').val())

         url: '/en/myController/GetDataForInvoiceNumber',
         type: 'POST',
         data: JSON.stringify(requestData),
         dataType: 'json',
         contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
         error: function (xhr) {
            alert('Error: ' + xhr.statusText);
         success: function (result) {
         async: true,
         processData: false

Get the current file name in gulp.src()

For my case gulp-ignore was perfect. As option you may pass a function there:

function condition(file) {
 // do whatever with file.path
 // return boolean true if needed to exclude file 

And the task would look like this:

var gulpIgnore = require('gulp-ignore');

gulp.task('task', function() {

Exchange Powershell - How to invoke Exchange 2010 module from inside script?

import-module Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010aTry with some implementation like:

$exchangeser = "MTLServer01"
$session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionURI http://${exchangeserver}/powershell/ -Authentication kerberos
import-PSSession $session 


add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010

How to apply CSS to iframe?

I found another solution to put the style in the main html like this

<style id="iframestyle">
    html {
        color: white;
        background: black;
    html {
        color: initial;
        background: initial;
    iframe {
        border: none;

and then in iframe do this (see the js onload)

<iframe  onload="iframe.document.head.appendChild(ifstyle)" name="log" src="/upgrading.log"></iframe>

and in js

    ifstyle = document.getElementById('iframestyle')
    iframe = top.frames["log"];

It may not be the best solution, and it certainly can be improved, but it is another option if you want to keep a "style" tag in parent window

Combine two ActiveRecord::Relation objects

This is how I've "handled" it if you use pluck to get an identifier for each of the records, join the arrays together and then finally do a query for those joined ids:

  transaction_ids = @club.type_a_trans.pluck(:id) + @club.type_b_transactions.pluck(:id) + @club.type_c_transactions.pluck(:id)
  @transactions = Transaction.where(id: transaction_ids).limit(100)

Can a Byte[] Array be written to a file in C#?

Based on the first sentence of the question: "I'm trying to write out a Byte[] array representing a complete file to a file."

The path of least resistance would be:

File.WriteAllBytes(string path, byte[] bytes)

Documented here:

System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes - MSDN

How to add a new object (key-value pair) to an array in javascript?

If you're doing jQuery, and you've got a serializeArray thing going on concerning your form data, such as :

var postData = $('#yourform').serializeArray();

// postData (array with objects) : 
// [{name: "firstname", value: "John"}, {name: "lastname", value: "Doe"}, etc]

...and you need to add a key/value to this array with the same structure, for instance when posting to a PHP ajax request then this :

postData.push({"name": "phone", "value": "1234-123456"});


// postData : 
// [{name: "firstname", value: "John"}, {name: "lastname", value: "Doe"}, {"name":"phone","value":"1234-123456"}]

jQuery: value.attr is not a function

You can also use jQuery('.class-name').attr("href"), in my case it works better.

Here more information: "jQuery(...)" instead of "$(...)"

Finding element's position relative to the document

You can get top and left without traversing DOM like this:

function getCoords(elem) { // crossbrowser version
    var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();

    var body = document.body;
    var docEl = document.documentElement;

    var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || docEl.scrollTop || body.scrollTop;
    var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || docEl.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft;

    var clientTop = docEl.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;
    var clientLeft = docEl.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;

    var top  = +  scrollTop - clientTop;
    var left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;

    return { top: Math.round(top), left: Math.round(left) };

Using braces with dynamic variable names in PHP

Wrap them in {}:

${"file" . $i} = file($filelist[$i]);

Working Example

Using ${} is a way to create dynamic variables, simple example:

${'a' . 'b'} = 'hello there';
echo $ab; // hello there

How to define multiple CSS attributes in jQuery?

Try this


Use async await with

A solution using modern-async's map():

import { map } from 'modern-async'

const result = await map(myArray, async (v) => {

The advantage of using that library is that you can control the concurrency using mapLimit() or mapSeries().

Echo a blank (empty) line to the console from a Windows batch file

There is often the tip to use 'echo.'

But that is slow, and it could fail with an error message, as cmd.exe will search first for a file named 'echo' (without extension) and only when the file doesn't exists it outputs an empty line.

You could use echo(. This is approximately 20 times faster, and it works always. The only drawback could be that it looks odd.

More about the different ECHO:/\ variants is at DOS tips: ECHO. FAILS to give text or blank line.

Read Content from Files which are inside Zip file

Sample code you can use to let Tika take care of container files for you.

Form what I can tell, the accepted solution will not work for cases where there are nested zip files. Tika, however will take care of such situations as well.

return string with first match Regex

I'd go with:

r ="\d+", ch)
result = return if r else "" only looks for the first match in the string anyway, so I think it makes your intent slightly more clear than using findall.

Document directory path of Xcode Device Simulator

I recommend a nice utility app called SimPholders that makes it easy to find the files and folders while developing your iOS app. It has a new version to work with the new simulators called SimPholders2. It can be found at

Hash string in c#

I think what you're looking for is not hashing but encryption. With hashing, you will not be able to retrieve the original filename from the "hash" variable. With encryption you can, and it is secure.

See AES in ASP.NET with VB.NET for more information about encryption in .NET.

Load jQuery with Javascript and use jQuery

The reason you are getting this error is that JavaScript is not waiting for the script to be loaded, so when you run


there is not guarantee that the script is ready (and never will be).

This is not the most elegant solution but its workable. Essentially you can check every 1 second for the jQuery object ad run a function when its loaded with your code in it. I would add a timeout (say clearTimeout after its been run 20 times) as well to stop the check from occurring indefinitely.

var jQueryIsReady = function(){
    //Your JQuery code here

var checkJquery = function(){
    if(typeof jQuery === "undefined"){
        return false;
var interval = setInterval(checkJquery,1000);

jQuery Toggle Text?

        toggleText: function (a, b){
            var isClicked = false;
            var that = this;
                if (isClicked) { that.text(a); isClicked = false; }
                else { that.text(b); isClicked = true; }
            return this;

$('#someElement').toggleText("hello", "goodbye");

Extension for JQuery that only does toggling of text.


CSS Calc Viewport Units Workaround?

<div>It's working fine.....</div>

     height: calc(100vh - 8vw);
    background: #000;
    color: red;

Check here this css code right now support All browser without Opera

just check this


see Live preview by jsfiddle

See Live preview by

Adding text to a cell in Excel using VBA

You need to use Range and Value functions.
Range would be the cell where you want the text you want
Value would be the text that you want in that Cell

Range("A1").Value="whatever text"

How to Add Date Picker To VBA UserForm

You could try the "Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control". To use it, in the Toolbox, you right-click and choose "Additional Controls...". Then you check "Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0" and OK. You will have a new control in the Toolbox to do what you need.

I just found some printscreen of this on : Forget the procedures, just check the printscreens.

jquery-ui-dialog - How to hook into dialog close event

I have found it!

You can catch the close event using the following code:

 $('div#popup_content').on('dialogclose', function(event) {

Obviously I can replace the alert with whatever I need to do.
Edit: As of Jquery 1.7, the bind() has become on()

Sorting options elements alphabetically using jQuery


<select id="list">
    <option value="op3">option 3</option>
    <option value="op1">option 1</option>
    <option value="op2">option 2</option>


var options = $("#list option");                    // Collect options         
options.detach().sort(function(a,b) {               // Detach from select, then Sort
    var at = $(a).text();
    var bt = $(b).text();         
    return (at > bt)?1:((at < bt)?-1:0);            // Tell the sort function how to order
options.appendTo("#list");                          // Re-attach to select

I used tracevipin's solution, which worked fantastically. I provide a slightly modified version here for anyone like me who likes to find easily readable code, and compress it after it's understood. I've also used .detach instead of .remove to preserve any bindings on the option DOM elements.

Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?

Just make a good application and code a simple protection system. It doesn't matter what protection you choose, it will be reversed... So don't waste too much time/money.

Error in <my code> : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

I had this issue was trying to remove a ui element inside an event reactive:

myReactives <- eventReactive(input$execute, {
    ... # Some other long running function here
    removeUI(selector = "#placeholder2")

I was getting this error, but not on the removeUI element line, it was in the next observer after for some reason. Taking the removeUI method out of the eventReactive and placing it somewhere else removed this error for me.

How to create Gmail filter searching for text only at start of subject line?

The only option I have found to do this is find some exact wording and put that under the "Has the words" option. Its not the best option, but it works.

AWK to print field $2 first, then field $1

Maybe your file contains CRLF terminator. Every lines followed by \r\n.

awk recognizes the $2 actually $2\r. The \r means goto the start of the line.

{print $2\r$1} will print $2 first, then return to the head, then print $1. So the field 2 is overlaid by the field 1.

Laravel 5.2 - Use a String as a Custom Primary Key for Eloquent Table becomes 0

keep using the id


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class UserVerification extends Model
    protected $table = 'user_verification';
    protected $fillable =   [
    //$timestamps = false;
    protected $primaryKey = 'verification_token';

and get the email :

$usr = User::find($id);
$token = $usr->verification_token;
$email = UserVerification::find($token);

How do I download a binary file over HTTP?

Expanding on Dejw's answer (edit2):,'w'){ |f|
  uri = URI.parse(url)
  Net::HTTP.start(,uri.port){ |http| 
    http.request_get(uri.path){ |res| 
      res.read_body{ |seg|
        f << seg
#hack -- adjust to suit:
        sleep 0.005 

where filename and url are strings.

The sleep command is a hack that can dramatically reduce CPU usage when the network is the limiting factor. Net::HTTP doesn't wait for the buffer (16kB in v1.9.2) to fill before yielding, so the CPU busies itself moving small chunks around. Sleeping for a moment gives the buffer a chance to fill between writes, and CPU usage is comparable to a curl solution, 4-5x difference in my application. A more robust solution might examine progress of f.pos and adjust the timeout to target, say, 95% of the buffer size -- in fact that's how I got the 0.005 number in my example.

Sorry, but I don't know a more elegant way of having Ruby wait for the buffer to fill.


This is a version that automatically adjusts itself to keep the buffer just at or below capacity. It's an inelegant solution, but it seems to be just as fast, and to use as little CPU time, as it's calling out to curl.

It works in three stages. A brief learning period with a deliberately long sleep time establishes the size of a full buffer. The drop period reduces the sleep time quickly with each iteration, by multiplying it by a larger factor, until it finds an under-filled buffer. Then, during the normal period, it adjusts up and down by a smaller factor.

My Ruby's a little rusty, so I'm sure this can be improved upon. First of all, there's no error handling. Also, maybe it could be separated into an object, away from the downloading itself, so that you'd just call autosleep.sleep(f.pos) in your loop? Even better, Net::HTTP could be changed to wait for a full buffer before yielding :-)

def http_to_file(filename,url,opt={})
  opt = {
    :init_pause => 0.1,    #start by waiting this long each time
                           # it's deliberately long so we can see 
                           # what a full buffer looks like
    :learn_period => 0.3,  #keep the initial pause for at least this many seconds
    :drop => 1.5,          #fast reducing factor to find roughly optimized pause time
    :adjust => 1.05        #during the normal period, adjust up or down by this factor
  pause = opt[:init_pause]
  learn = 1 + (opt[:learn_period]/pause).to_i
  drop_period = true
  delta = 0
  max_delta = 0
  last_pos = 0,'w'){ |f|
    uri = URI.parse(url)
    Net::HTTP.start(,uri.port){ |http|
      http.request_get(uri.path){ |res|
        res.read_body{ |seg|
          f << seg
          delta = f.pos - last_pos
          last_pos += delta
          if delta > max_delta then max_delta = delta end
          if learn <= 0 then
            learn -= 1
          elsif delta == max_delta then
            if drop_period then
              pause /= opt[:drop_factor]
              pause /= opt[:adjust]
          elsif delta < max_delta then
            drop_period = false
            pause *= opt[:adjust]

How to set at runtime?


I used System.setProperty("" , "true"); and it works from JAVA, but it doesn't work on JBOSS AS7.

Here is my work around solution,

Add the below line to the end of the file ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/standalone.conf.bat (just after :JAVA_OPTS_SET )


Note: restart JBoss server

What is the C++ function to raise a number to a power?

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

double raiseToPow(double ,int) //raiseToPow variable of type double which takes arguments (double, int)

void main()
    double x; //initializing the variable x and i 
    int i;
    cout<<"please enter the number"; 
    cout<<"plese enter the integer power that you want this number raised to";
    cout<<x<<"raise to power"<<i<<"is equal to"<<raiseToPow(x,i);

//definition of the function raiseToPower

double raiseToPow(double x, int power)
    double result;
    int i;
    result =1.0;
    for (i=1, i<=power;i++)
        result = result*x;

Eclipse Problems View not showing Errors anymore

Try following:

  1. Open Problems window (Windows -> Show View -> Problems)

  2. Right click on the error and then Quick Fix

This procedure helped me solve the same problem.

JavaScript/jQuery to download file via POST with JSON data

letronje's solution only works for very simple pages. document.body.innerHTML += takes the HTML text of the body, appends the iframe HTML, and sets the innerHTML of the page to that string. This will wipe out any event bindings your page has, amongst other things. Create an element and use appendChild instead.

$.post('/create_binary_file.php', postData, function(retData) {
  var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
  iframe.setAttribute("src", retData.url);
  iframe.setAttribute("style", "display: none");

Or using jQuery

$.post('/create_binary_file.php', postData, function(retData) {
  $("body").append("<iframe src='" + retData.url+ "' style='display: none;' ></iframe>");

What this actually does: perform a post to /create_binary_file.php with the data in the variable postData; if that post completes successfully, add a new iframe to the body of the page. The assumption is that the response from /create_binary_file.php will include a value 'url', which is the URL that the generated PDF/XLS/etc file can be downloaded from. Adding an iframe to the page that references that URL will result in the browser promoting the user to download the file, assuming that the web server has the appropriate mime type configuration.

Android, getting resource ID from string?

I did like this, it is working for me:

         getIdentifier("drawable/apple", null, context.getPackageName()));

How to include js file in another js file?

You need to write a document.write object:

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="file.js" ></script>');

and place it in your main javascript file

AWS S3: The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint

None of the above answers fixed my issue.

The above answers are probably more likely the cause of your problem but my issue was that I was using the wrong bucket name. It was a valid bucket name, it just wasn't my bucket.

The bucket I was pointing to was in a different region that my lambda function so check your bucket name!

how to delete all cookies of my website in php

I know this question is old, but this is a much easier alternative:


But be careful! It will erase ALL headers, including Cookies, Session, etc., as explained in the docs.

How to bind event listener for rendered elements in Angular 2?

@HostListener('window:click', ['$event']) onClick(event){ }

check this below link to detect CapsLock on click, keyup and keydown on current window. No need to add any event in html doc

Detect and warn users about caps lock is on

Sorting std::map using value

I like the the answer from Oli (flipping a map), but seems it has a problem: the container map does not allow two elements with the same key.

A solution is to make dst the type multimap. Another one is to dump src into a vector and sort the vector. The former requires minor modifications to Oli's answer, and the latter can be implemented using STL copy concisely

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  map<int, int> m;
  m[11] = 1;
  m[22] = 2;
  m[33] = 3;

  vector<pair<int, int> > v;
       back_inserter<vector<pair<int, int> > >(v));

  for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
    cout << v[i].first << " , " << v[i].second << "\n";

  return 0;

How to nicely format floating numbers to string without unnecessary decimal 0's

Here's another answer that has an option to append decimal ONLY IF decimal was not zero.

     * Example: (isDecimalRequired = true)
     * d = 12345
     * returns 12,345.00
     * d = 12345.12345
     * returns 12,345.12
     * ==================================================
     * Example: (isDecimalRequired = false)
     * d = 12345
     * returns 12,345 (notice that there's no decimal since it's zero)
     * d = 12345.12345
     * returns 12,345.12
     * @param d float to format
     * @param zeroCount number decimal places
     * @param isDecimalRequired true if it will put decimal even zero,
     * false will remove the last decimal(s) if zero.
    fun formatDecimal(d: Float? = 0f, zeroCount: Int, isDecimalRequired: Boolean = true): String {
        val zeros = StringBuilder()

        for (i in 0 until zeroCount) {

        var pattern = "#,##0"

        if (zeros.isNotEmpty()) {
            pattern += ".$zeros"

        val numberFormat = DecimalFormat(pattern)

        var formattedNumber = if (d != null) numberFormat.format(d) else "0"

        if (!isDecimalRequired) {
            for (i in formattedNumber.length downTo formattedNumber.length - zeroCount) {
                val number = formattedNumber[i - 1]

                if (number == '0' || number == '.') {
                    formattedNumber = formattedNumber.substring(0, formattedNumber.length - 1)
                } else {

        return formattedNumber

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string in SQL SERVER 2008

Seems like last_accessed_on, is a date time, and you are converting '23-07-2014 09:37:00' to a varchar. This would not work, and give you conversion errors. Try

last_accessed_on= convert(datetime,'23-07-2014 09:37:00', 103)  

I think you can avoid the cast though, and update with '23-07-2014 09:37:00'. It should work given that the format is correct.

Your query is not going to work because in last_accessed_on (which is DateTime2 type), you are trying to pass a Varchar value.

You query would be

UPDATE  student_queues SET  Deleted=0 ,  last_accessed_by='raja', last_accessed_on=convert(datetime,'23-07-2014 09:37:00', 103)  
 WHERE std_id IN ('2144-384-11564') AND reject_details='REJECT'

Java: notify() vs. notifyAll() all over again

Here is an example. Run it. Then change one of the notifyAll() to notify() and see what happens.

ProducerConsumerExample class

public class ProducerConsumerExample {

    private static boolean Even = true;
    private static boolean Odd = false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dropbox dropbox = new Dropbox();
        (new Thread(new Consumer(Even, dropbox))).start();
        (new Thread(new Consumer(Odd, dropbox))).start();
        (new Thread(new Producer(dropbox))).start();

Dropbox class

public class Dropbox {

    private int number;
    private boolean empty = true;
    private boolean evenNumber = false;

    public synchronized int take(final boolean even) {
        while (empty || evenNumber != even) {
            try {
                System.out.format("%s is waiting ... %n", even ? "Even" : "Odd");
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
        System.out.format("%s took %d.%n", even ? "Even" : "Odd", number);
        empty = true;

        return number;

    public synchronized void put(int number) {
        while (!empty) {
            try {
                System.out.println("Producer is waiting ...");
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
        this.number = number;
        evenNumber = number % 2 == 0;
        System.out.format("Producer put %d.%n", number);
        empty = false;

Consumer class

import java.util.Random;

public class Consumer implements Runnable {

    private final Dropbox dropbox;
    private final boolean even;

    public Consumer(boolean even, Dropbox dropbox) {
        this.even = even;
        this.dropbox = dropbox;

    public void run() {
        Random random = new Random();
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { }

Producer class

import java.util.Random;

public class Producer implements Runnable {

    private Dropbox dropbox;

    public Producer(Dropbox dropbox) {
        this.dropbox = dropbox;

    public void run() {
        Random random = new Random();
        while (true) {
            int number = random.nextInt(10);
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) { }

How can I create an array with key value pairs?

My PHP is a little rusty, but I believe you're looking for indexed assignment. Simply use:

$catList[$row["datasource_id"]] = $row["title"];

In PHP arrays are actually maps, where the keys can be either integers or strings. Check out PHP: Arrays - Manual for more information.

Converting an integer to a hexadecimal string in Ruby

You can give to_s a base other than 10:

10.to_s(16)  #=> "a"

Note that in ruby 2.4 FixNum and BigNum were unified in the Integer class. If you are using an older ruby check the documentation of FixNum#to_s and BigNum#to_s

How to set the custom border color of UIView programmatically?

You can write an extension to use it with all the UIViews eg. UIButton, UILabel, UIImageView etc. You can customise my following method as per your requirement, but I think it will work well for you.

extension UIView{

    func setBorder(radius:CGFloat, color:UIColor = UIColor.clearColor()) -> UIView{
        var roundView:UIView = self
        roundView.layer.cornerRadius = CGFloat(radius)
        roundView.layer.borderWidth = 1
        roundView.layer.borderColor = color.CGColor
        roundView.clipsToBounds = true
        return roundView


btnLogin.setBorder(7, color: UIColor.lightGrayColor())

Upgrading Node.js to latest version

sudo npm install n -g sudo n 0.12.2


sudo npm install -g n sudo n latest


sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n sudo n latest

These work well. But for UX term terminal node -v did not show latest version so I have closed and reopened new terminal. I found v10.1.0, output of node-v after installation by sudo n latest

When to favor ng-if vs. ng-show/ng-hide?

If you use ng-show or ng-hide the content (eg. thumbnails from server) will be loaded irrespective of the value of expression but will be displayed based on the value of the expression.

If you use ng-if the content will be loaded only if the expression of the ng-if evaluates to truthy.

Using ng-if is a good idea in a situation where you are going to load data or images from the server and show those only depending on users interaction. This way your page load will not be blocked by unnecessary nw intensive tasks.

How to execute raw SQL in Flask-SQLAlchemy app

SQL Alchemy session objects have their own execute method:

result = db.session.execute('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column = :val', {'val': 5})

All your application queries should be going through a session object, whether they're raw SQL or not. This ensures that the queries are properly managed by a transaction, which allows multiple queries in the same request to be committed or rolled back as a single unit. Going outside the transaction using the engine or the connection puts you at much greater risk of subtle, possibly hard to detect bugs that can leave you with corrupted data. Each request should be associated with only one transaction, and using db.session will ensure this is the case for your application.

Also take note that execute is designed for parameterized queries. Use parameters, like :val in the example, for any inputs to the query to protect yourself from SQL injection attacks. You can provide the value for these parameters by passing a dict as the second argument, where each key is the name of the parameter as it appears in the query. The exact syntax of the parameter itself may be different depending on your database, but all of the major relational databases support them in some form.

Assuming it's a SELECT query, this will return an iterable of RowProxy objects.

You can access individual columns with a variety of techniques:

for r in result:
    print(r[0]) # Access by positional index
    print(r['my_column']) # Access by column name as a string
    r_dict = dict(r.items()) # convert to dict keyed by column names

Personally, I prefer to convert the results into namedtuples:

from collections import namedtuple

Record = namedtuple('Record', result.keys())
records = [Record(*r) for r in result.fetchall()]
for r in records:

If you're not using the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension, you can still easily use a session:

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('my connection string')
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))

s = Session()
result = s.execute('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column = :val', {'val': 5})

JavaScript Array to Set

Just pass the array to the Set constructor. The Set constructor accepts an iterable parameter. The Array object implements the iterable protocol, so its a valid parameter.

var arr = [55, 44, 65];_x000D_
var set = new Set(arr);_x000D_
console.log(set.size === arr.length);_x000D_

See here

How do I use the new computeIfAbsent function?

Another example. When building a complex map of maps, the computeIfAbsent() method is a replacement for map's get() method. Through chaining of computeIfAbsent() calls together, missing containers are constructed on-the-fly by provided lambda expressions:

  // Stores regional movie ratings
  Map<String, Map<Integer, Set<String>>> regionalMovieRatings = new TreeMap<>();

  // This will throw NullPointerException!
  regionalMovieRatings.get("New York").get(5).add("Boyhood");

  // This will work
    .computeIfAbsent("New York", region -> new TreeMap<>())
    .computeIfAbsent(5, rating -> new TreeSet<>())

How to change title of Activity in Android?

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    this.setTitle("Title name");

How to use MySQLdb with Python and Django in OSX 10.6?

I made the upgrade to OSX Mavericks and Pycharm 3 and start to get this error, i used pip and easy install and got the error:

command'/usr/bin/clang' failed with exit status 1.

So i need to update to Xcode 5 and tried again to install using pip.

pip install mysql-python

That fix all the problems.

Integrate ZXing in Android Studio

From version 4.x, only Android SDK 24+ is supported by default, and androidx is required.

Add the following to your build.gradle file:

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:4.1.0'
    implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2'

android {
    buildToolsVersion '28.0.3' // Older versions may give compile errors

Older SDK versions

For Android SDK versions < 24, you can downgrade zxing:core to 3.3.0 or earlier for Android 14+ support:

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation('com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:4.1.0') { transitive = false }
    implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2'
    implementation ''

android {
    buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'

You'll also need this in your Android manifest:

<uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary="" />

Source :

How do you simulate Mouse Click in C#?

they are some needs i can't see to dome thing like Keith or Marcos Placona did instead of just doing

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WFsimulateMouseClick
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            button1_Click(button1, new MouseEventArgs(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left, 1, 1, 1, 1));

            //by the way
            // and
            //button1_Click(button1, new EventArgs());
            // are the same

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)