Programs & Examples On #Navigationitem

iPhone Navigation Bar Title text color

I do believe proper way to set the colour of UINavigationBar is:

NSDictionary *attributes=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[UIColor redColor],UITextAttributeTextColor, nil];
self.titleTextAttributes = attributes;

Code above is written is subclass on UINavigationBar, obviously works without subclassing as well.

Deserialize JSON to Array or List with HTTPClient .ReadAsAsync using .NET 4.0 Task pattern

The return type depends on the server, sometimes the response is indeed a JSON array but sent as text/plain

Setting the accept headers in the request should get the correct type:

client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); 

which can then be serialized to a JSON list or array. Thanks for the comment from @svick which made me curious that it should work.

The Exception I got without configuring the accept headers was System.Net.Http.UnsupportedMediaTypeException.

Following code is cleaner and should work (untested, but works in my case):

    var client = new HttpClient();
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
    var response = await client.GetAsync("");
    var model = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<Job>>();

Nested Git repositories?

Just for completeness:

There is another solution, I would recommend: subtree merging.

In contrast to submodules, it's easier to maintain. You would create each repository the normal way. While in your main repository, you want to merge the master (or any other branch) of another repository in a directory of your main directory.

$ git remote add -f OtherRepository /path/to/that/repo
$ git merge -s ours --no-commit OtherRepository/master
$ git read-tree --prefix=AnyDirectoryToPutItIn/ -u OtherRepository/master
$ git commit -m "Merge OtherRepository project as our subdirectory"`

Then, in order to pull the other repository into your directory (to update it), use the subtree merge strategy:

$ git pull -s subtree OtherRepository master

I'm using this method for years now, it works :-)

More about this way including comparing it with sub modules may be found in this git howto doc.

Java SSL: how to disable hostname verification

In case you're using apache's http-client 4:

SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslConnectionSocketFactory = 
    new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext,
             new String[] { "TLSv1.2" }, null, new HostnameVerifier() {
                    public boolean verify(String arg0, SSLSession arg1) {
                            return true;

How to deal with missing src/test/java source folder in Android/Maven project?

I realise this annoying thing too since latest m2e-android plugin upgrade (version 0.4.2), it happens in both new project creation and existing project import (if you don't use src/test/java).

It looks like m2e-android (or perhaps m2e) now always trying to add src/test/java as a source folder, regardless of whether it is actually existed in your project directory, in the .classpath file:

<classpathentry kind="src" output="bin/classes" path="src/test/java">
    <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>

As it is already added in the project metadata file, so if you trying to add the source folder via Eclipse, Eclipse will complain that the classpathentry is already exist:

enter image description here

There are several ways to fix it, the easiest is manually create src/test/java directory in the file system, then refresh your project by press F5 and run Maven -> Update Project (Right click project, choose Maven -> Update Project...), this should fix the missing required source folder: 'src/test/java' error.

How do I return multiple values from a function?

I vote for the dictionary.

I find that if I make a function that returns anything more than 2-3 variables I'll fold them up in a dictionary. Otherwise I tend to forget the order and content of what I'm returning.

Also, introducing a 'special' structure makes your code more difficult to follow. (Someone else will have to search through the code to find out what it is)

If your concerned about type look up, use descriptive dictionary keys, for example, 'x-values list'.

def g(x):
  y0 = x + 1
  y1 = x * 3
  y2 = y0 ** y3
  return {'y0':y0, 'y1':y1 ,'y2':y2 }

Escaping special characters in Java Regular Expressions

The only way the regex matcher knows you are looking for a digit and not the letter d is to escape the letter (\d). To type the regex escape character in java, you need to escape it (so \ becomes \\). So, there's no way around typing double backslashes for special regex chars.

How to add trendline in python matplotlib dot (scatter) graphs?

as explained here

With help from numpy one can calculate for example a linear fitting.

# plot the data itself

# calc the trendline
z = numpy.polyfit(x, y, 1)
p = numpy.poly1d(z)
# the line equation:
print "y=%.6fx+(%.6f)"%(z[0],z[1])

Android Gradle plugin 0.7.0: "duplicate files during packaging of APK"

  packagingOptions {
    exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES.txt'
    exclude 'META-INF/dependencies.txt'
    exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'
    exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'
    exclude 'META-INF/license.txt'
    exclude 'META-INF/LGPL2.1'
    exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt'
    exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'
    exclude 'META-INF/notice.txt'

Android view layout_width - how to change programmatically?

Or simply:

view.getLayoutParams().width = 400;

Can I add a custom attribute to an HTML tag?

You can amend your !DOCTYPE declaration (i.e. DTD) to allow it, so that the [XML] document will still be valid:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

#IMPLIED means it is an optional attribute, or you could use #REQUIRED, etc.

More information is in DTD - Attributes.

hash keys / values as array

var a = {"apples": 3, "oranges": 4, "bananas": 42};    

var array_keys = new Array();
var array_values = new Array();

for (var key in a) {


Using C# to check if string contains a string in string array

Simple solution, not required linq any

String.Join(",", array).Contains(Value+",");

jQuery: How can I show an image popup onclick of the thumbnail?

I like prettyPhoto

prettyPhoto is a jQuery lightbox clone. Not only does it support images, it also support for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and ajax. It’s a full blown media lightbox

c++ array - expression must have a constant value

No it doesn't need to be constant, the reason why his code above is wrong is because he needs to include a variable name before the declaration.

int row = 8;
int col= 8;
int x[row][col];

In Xcode that will compile and run without any issues, in M$ C++ compiler in .NET it won't compile, it will complain that you cannot use a non const literal to initialize array, the size needs to be known at compile time

What are the differences between LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, and AbsoluteLayout?

LinearLayout means you can align views one by one (vertically/ horizontally).

RelativeLayout means based on relation of views from its parents and other views.

ConstraintLayout is similar to a RelativeLayout in that it uses relations to position and size widgets, but has additional flexibility and is easier to use in the Layout Editor.

WebView to load html, static or dynamic pages.

FrameLayout to load child one above another, like cards inside a frame, we can place one above another or anywhere inside the frame.

deprecated - AbsoluteLayout means you have to give exact position where the view should be.

For more information, please check this address

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ldap_connect()

  • [Your Drive]:\xampp\php\php.ini: In this file uncomment the following line:


  • Move the file: libsasl.dll, from [Your Drive]:\xampp\php to [Your Drive]:\xampp\apache\bin Restart Apache. You can now use functions of the LDAP Module!

How can I capture the result of var_dump to a string?

I really like var_dump()'s verbose output and wasn't satisfied with var_export()'s or print_r()'s output because it didn't give as much information (e.g. data type missing, length missing).

To write secure and predictable code, sometimes it's useful to differentiate between an empty string and a null. Or between a 1 and a true. Or between a null and a false. So I want my data type in the output.

Although helpful, I didn't find a clean and simple solution in the existing responses to convert the colored output of var_dump() to a human-readable output into a string without the html tags and including all the details from var_dump().

Note that if you have a colored var_dump(), it means that you have Xdebug installed which overrides php's default var_dump() to add html colors.

For that reason, I created this slight variation giving exactly what I need:

function dbg_var_dump($var)
        $result = ob_get_clean();
        return strip_tags(strtr($result, ['=&gt;' => '=>']));

Returns the below nice string:

array (size=6)
  'functioncall' => string 'add-time-property' (length=17)
  'listingid' => string '57' (length=2)
  'weekday' => string '0' (length=1)
  'starttime' => string '00:00' (length=5)
  'endtime' => string '00:00' (length=5)
  'price' => string '' (length=0)

Hope it helps someone.

Function names in C++: Capitalize or not?

Personally, I prefer thisStyle to ThisStyle for functions. This is really for personal taste, probably Java-influenced, but I quite like functions and classes to look different.

If I had to argue for it, though, I'd say that the distinction is slightly more than just aesthetic. It saves a tiny bit of thought when you come across function-style construction of a temporary. Against that, you can argue that it doesn't actually matter whether Foo(1,2,3) is a function call or not - if it is a constructor, then it acts exactly like a function returning a Foo by value anyway.

The convention also avoids the function-with-same-name-as-a-class-is-not-an-error fiasco that C++ inherits because C has a separate tag namespace:

#include <iostream>

struct Bar {
    int a;
    Bar() : a(0) {}
    Bar(int a) : a(a) {}

struct Foo {
    Bar b;

int Bar() {
    return 23;

int main() {
    Foo f;
    f.b = Bar();
    // outputs 23
    std::cout << f.b.a << "\n";
    // This line doesn't compile. The function has hidden the class.
    // Bar b;

Bar is, after all, both a noun and a verb, so could reasonably be defined as a class in one place and a function in another. Obviously there are better ways to avoid the clash, such as proper use of namespaces. So as I say, really it's just because I prefer the look of functions with lower-case initials rather than because it's actually necessary to distinguish them from from classes.

VSCode regex find & replace submatch math?

For beginners, the accepted answer is correct, but a little terse if you're not that familiar with either VSC or Regex.

So, in case this is your first contact with either:

To find and modify text,

  1. In the "Find" step, you can use regex with "capturing groups," e.g. I want to find (group1) and (group2), using parentheses. This would find the same text as I want to find group1 and group2, but with the difference that you can then reference group1 and group2 in the next step:

  2. In the "Replace" step, you can refer to the capturing groups via $1, $2 etc, so you could change the sentence to I found $1 and $2 having a picnic, which would output I found group1 and group2 having a picnic.


  • Instead of just a string, anything inside or outside the () can be a regular expression.

  • $0 refers to the whole match

Android layout replacing a view with another view on run time

You could replace any view at any time.

int optionId = someExpression ? R.layout.option1 : R.layout.option2;

View C = findViewById(;
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) C.getParent();
int index = parent.indexOfChild(C);
C = getLayoutInflater().inflate(optionId, parent, false);
parent.addView(C, index);

If you don't want to replace already existing View, but choose between option1/option2 at initialization time, then you could do this easier: set android:id for parent layout and then:

ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
View C = getLayoutInflater().inflate(optionId, parent, false);
parent.addView(C, index);

You will have to set "index" to proper value depending on views structure. You could also use a ViewStub: add your C view as ViewStub and then:

ViewStub C = (ViewStub) findViewById(;

That way you won't have to worry about above "index" value if you will want to restructure your XML layout.

Difference in boto3 between resource, client, and session?

I'll try and explain it as simple as possible. So there is no guarantee of the accuracy of the actual terms.

Session is where to initiate the connectivity to AWS services. E.g. following is default session that uses the default credential profile(e.g. ~/.aws/credentials, or assume your EC2 using IAM instance profile )

sqs = boto3.client('sqs')
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')

Because default session is limit to the profile or instance profile used, sometimes you need to use the custom session to override the default session configuration (e.g. region_name, endpoint_url, etc. ) e.g.

# custom resource session must use boto3.Session to do the override
my_west_session = boto3.Session(region_name = 'us-west-2')
my_east_session = boto3.Session(region_name = 'us-east-1')
backup_s3 = my_west_session.resource('s3')
video_s3 = my_east_session.resource('s3')

# you have two choices of create custom client session. 
backup_s3c = my_west_session.client('s3')
video_s3c = boto3.client("s3", region_name = 'us-east-1')

Resource : This is the high-level service class recommended to be used. This allows you to tied particular AWS resources and passes it along, so you just use this abstraction than worry which target services are pointed to. As you notice from the session part, if you have a custom session, you just pass this abstract object than worrying about all custom regions,etc to pass along. Following is a complicated example E.g.

import boto3 
my_west_session = boto3.Session(region_name = 'us-west-2')
my_east_session = boto3.Session(region_name = 'us-east-1')
backup_s3 = my_west_session.resource("s3")
video_s3 = my_east_session.resource("s3")
backup_bucket = backup_s3.Bucket('backupbucket') 
video_bucket = video_s3.Bucket('videobucket')

# just pass the instantiated bucket object
def list_bucket_contents(bucket):
   for object in bucket.objects.all():


Client is a low level class object. For each client call, you need to explicitly specify the targeting resources, the designated service target name must be pass long. You will lose the abstraction ability.

For example, if you only deal with the default session, this looks similar to boto3.resource.

import boto3 
s3 = boto3.client('s3')

def list_bucket_contents(bucket_name):
   for object in s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket_name) :


However, if you want to list objects from a bucket in different regions, you need to specify the explicit bucket parameter required for the client.

import boto3 
backup_s3 = my_west_session.client('s3',region_name = 'us-west-2')
video_s3 = my_east_session.client('s3',region_name = 'us-east-1')

# you must pass boto3.Session.client and the bucket name 
def list_bucket_contents(s3session, bucket_name):
   response = s3session.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket_name)
   if 'Contents' in response:
     for obj in response['Contents']:

list_bucket_contents(backup_s3, 'backupbucket')
list_bucket_contents(video_s3 , 'videobucket') 

Laravel: How do I parse this json data in view blade?

The catch all for me is taking an object, encoding it, and then passing the string into a javascript script tag. To do this you have to do some replacements.

First replace every \ with a double slash \\ and then every quote" with a \".

$payload = json_encode($payload);
$payload = preg_replace("_\\\_", "\\\\\\", $payload);
$payload = preg_replace("/\"/", "\\\"", $payload);
return View::make('pages.javascript')
  ->with('payload', $payload)

Then in the blade template

  window.__payload = JSON.parse("{!!$payload!!}");

This basically allows you to take an object on the php side, and then have an object on the javascript side.

How to replace text of a cell based on condition in excel

You can use the IF statement in a new cell to replace text, such as:

=IF(A4="C", "Other", A4)

This will check and see if cell value A4 is "C", and if it is, it replaces it with the text "Other"; otherwise, it uses the contents of cell A4.


Assuming that the Employee_Count values are in B1-B10, you can use this:

=IF(B1=LARGE($B$1:$B$10, 10), "Other", B1)

This function doesn't even require the data to be sorted; the LARGE function will find the 10th largest number in the series, and then the rest of the formula will compare against that.

How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python?

While the original enum proposal, PEP 354, was rejected years ago, it keeps coming back up. Some kind of enum was intended to be added to 3.2, but it got pushed back to 3.3 and then forgotten. And now there's a PEP 435 intended for inclusion in Python 3.4. The reference implementation of PEP 435 is flufl.enum.

As of April 2013, there seems to be a general consensus that something should be added to the standard library in 3.4—as long as people can agree on what that "something" should be. That's the hard part. See the threads starting here and here, and a half dozen other threads in the early months of 2013.

Meanwhile, every time this comes up, a slew of new designs and implementations appear on PyPI, ActiveState, etc., so if you don't like the FLUFL design, try a PyPI search.

How to delete a file via PHP?

The following should help

  • realpath — Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
  • is_writable — Tells whether the filename is writable
  • unlink — Deletes a file

Run your filepath through realpath, then check if the returned path is writable and if so, unlink it.

How can I enable auto complete support in Notepad++?

Don't forget to add your libraries & check your versions. Good information is in Using Notepad Plus Plus as a script editor.

How to add items to array in nodejs

var array = [];

//length array now = 0
array[array.length] = 'hello';
//length array now = 1
//            0
//array = ['hello'];//length = 1

Dynamically load JS inside JS

My guess is that in your DOM-only solution you did something like:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = something;
//do stuff with the script

First of all, that won't work because the script is not added to the document tree, so it won't be loaded. Furthermore, even when you do, execution of javascript continues while the other script is loading, so its content will not be available to you until that script is fully loaded.

You can listen to the script's load event, and do things with the results as you would. So:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = function () {
    //do stuff with the script
script.src = something;

document.head.appendChild(script); //or something of the likes

How to have an auto incrementing version number (Visual Studio)?

You could try using UpdateVersion by Matt Griffith. It's quite old now, but works well. To use it, you simply need to setup a pre-build event which points at your AssemblyInfo.cs file, and the application will update the version numbers accordingly, as per the command line arguments.

As the application is open-source, I've also created a version to increment the version number using the format (Major version).(Minor version).([year][dayofyear]).(increment). I've put the code for my modified version of the UpdateVersion application on GitHub:

Using a dispatch_once singleton model in Swift

I would suggest an enum, as you would use in Java, e.g.

enum SharedTPScopeManager: TPScopeManager {
    case Singleton

How to delete file from public folder in laravel 5.1

public function destroy($id) {
    $news = News::findOrFail($id);
    $image_path = app_path("images/news/".$news->photo);

        File::delete( $image_path);
    return redirect('admin/dashboard')->with('message','??? ??????? ???  ??');

How to query all the GraphQL type fields without writing a long query?

I faced this same issue when I needed to load location data that I had serialized into the database from the google places API. Generally I would want the whole thing so it works with maps but I didn't want to have to specify all of the fields every time.

I was working in Ruby so I can't give you the PHP implementation but the principle should be the same.

I defined a custom scalar type called JSON which just returns a literal JSON object.

The ruby implementation was like so (using graphql-ruby)

module Graph
  module Types
    JsonType = GraphQL::ScalarType.define do
      name "JSON"
      coerce_input -> (x) { x }
      coerce_result -> (x) { x }

Then I used it for our objects like so

field :location, Types::JsonType

I would use this very sparingly though, using it only where you know you always need the whole JSON object (as I did in my case). Otherwise it is defeating the object of GraphQL more generally speaking.

How to make space between LinearLayout children?

If your layout contain labels o some container for text. You can add at the end of each text "\n" to split a line and make space between elements.

video?.text="Video NR1: ${obj.Titulo} \n" 

Angular.js: How does $eval work and why is it different from vanilla eval?

From the test,

it('should allow passing locals to the expression', inject(function($rootScope) {
  expect($rootScope.$eval('a+1', {a: 2})).toBe(3);

  $rootScope.$eval(function(scope, locals) {
    scope.c = locals.b + 4;
  }, {b: 3});

We also can pass locals for evaluation expression.

REST API Best practice: How to accept list of parameter values as input

The standard way to pass a list of values as URL parameters is to repeat them:

Most server code will interpret this as a list of values, although many have single value simplifications so you may have to go looking.

Delimited values are also okay.

If you are needing to send JSON to the server, I don't like seeing it in in the URL (which is a different format). In particular, URLs have a size limitation (in practice if not in theory).

The way I have seen some do a complicated query RESTfully is in two steps:

  1. POST your query requirements, receiving back an ID (essentially creating a search criteria resource)
  2. GET the search, referencing the above ID
  3. optionally DELETE the query requirements if needed, but note that they requirements are available for reuse.

Getting the current Fragment instance in the viewpager

FragmentStatePagerAdapter has public method with the name instantiateItem that return your fragment based on specified parameter values, this method has two parameters ViewGroup (ViewPager) and position.

public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position);

Used this method to get specified position's fragment,

Fragment fragment = (Fragment) adaper.instantiateItem(mViewPager, position);

What is mutex and semaphore in Java ? What is the main difference?

Mutex is binary semaphore. It must be initialized with 1, so that the First Come First Serve principle is met. This brings us to the other special property of each mutex: the one who did down, must be the one who does up. Ergo we have obtained mutual exclusion over some resource.

Now you could see that a mutex is a special case of general semaphore.

How to set cursor to input box in Javascript?

One of the things that can bite you is if you are using .onmousedown as your user interaction; when you do that, and then an attempt is immediately made to select a field, it won't happen, because the mouse is being held down on something else. So change to .onmouseup and viola, now focus() works, because the mouse is in an un-clicked state when the attempt to change focus is made.

Understanding dispatch_async

Swift version

This is the Swift version of David's Objective-C answer. You use the global queue to run things in the background and the main queue to update the UI. .background).async {
    // Background Thread
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // Run UI Updates

RichTextBox (WPF) does not have string property "Text"

RichTextBox rtf = new RichTextBox();
System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(yourText));

rtf.Selection.Load(stream, DataFormats.Rtf);


rtf.Selection.Text = yourText; Need Text Box to Only Accept Numbers

You can do this with the use of Ascii integers. Put this code in the Textbox's Keypress event. e.KeyChar represents the key that's pressed. And the the built-in function Asc() converts it into its Ascii integer.

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress

    '97 - 122 = Ascii codes for simple letters
    '65 - 90  = Ascii codes for capital letters
    '48 - 57  = Ascii codes for numbers

    If Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 8 Then
        If Asc(e.KeyChar) < 48 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) > 57 Then
            e.Handled = True
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Streaming via RTSP or RTP in HTML5

Technically 'Yes'

(but not really...)

HTML 5's <video> tag is protocol agnostic—it does not care. You place the protocol in the src attribute as part of the URL. E.g.:

<video src="rtp://">
    Your browser does not support the VIDEO tag and/or RTP streams.

or maybe

<video src="">
    Your browser does not support the VIDEO tag and/or RTP streams.

That said, the implementation of the <video> tag is browser specific. Since it is early days for HTML 5, I expect frequently changing support (or lack of support).

From the W3C's HTML5 spec (The video element):

User agents may support any video and audio codecs and container formats

Creating a file only if it doesn't exist in Node.js

This method is no longer recommended. fs.exists is deprecated. See comments.

Here are some options:

1) Have 2 "fs" calls. The first one is the "fs.exists" call, and the second is "fs.write / read, etc"

//checks if the file exists. 
//If it does, it just calls back.
//If it doesn't, then the file is created.
function checkForFile(fileName,callback)
    fs.exists(fileName, function (exists) {
            fs.writeFile(fileName, {flag: 'wx'}, function (err, data) 

function writeToFile()
       //It is now safe to write/read to file.dat
       fs.readFile("file.dat", function (err,data) 
          //do stuff

2) Or Create an empty file first:

--- Sync:

//If you want to force the file to be empty then you want to use the 'w' flag:

var fd = fs.openSync(filepath, 'w');

//That will truncate the file if it exists and create it if it doesn't.

//Wrap it in an fs.closeSync call if you don't need the file descriptor it returns.

fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(filepath, 'w'));

--- ASync:

var fs = require("fs");, "wx", function (err, fd) {
    // handle error
    fs.close(fd, function (err) {
        // handle error

3) Or use "touch":

MySQL my.ini location

Start MySQL Workbench, then Server -> Options File and look at bottom of the window; it will say something like "Configuration File: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini"

(And note the subtle difference between "ProgramData" and "Program Files" - easy to gloss over if you're looking for a quick answer.)

Set iframe content height to auto resize dynamically

Simple solution:

<iframe onload=" + 'px';" ...></iframe>

This works when the iframe and parent window are in the same domain. It does not work when the two are in different domains.

How to markdown nested list items in Bitbucket?

This worked for me in Bitbucket Cloud.

Entering this:

* item a
* item b
** item b1
** item b2
* item3

I've got this:

enter image description here

Visual Studio Code: How to show line endings

There's an extension that shows line endings. You can configure the color used, the characters that represent CRLF and LF and a boolean that turns it on and off.

Name: Line endings 
Id: jhartell.vscode-line-endings 
Description: Display line ending characters in vscode 
Version: 0.1.0 
Publisher: Johnny Härtell 

VS Marketplace Link

Define make variable at rule execution time

Another possibility is to use separate lines to set up Make variables when a rule fires.

For example, here is a makefile with two rules. If a rule fires, it creates a temp dir and sets TMP to the temp dir name.

PHONY = ruleA ruleB display

all: ruleA

ruleA: TMP = $(shell mktemp -d testruleA_XXXX)
ruleA: display

ruleB: TMP = $(shell mktemp -d testruleB_XXXX)
ruleB: display

    echo ${TMP}

Running the code produces the expected result:

$ ls
$ make ruleB
echo testruleB_Y4Ow
$ ls
Makefile  testruleB_Y4Ow

How to downgrade php from 5.5 to 5.3

I did this in my local environment. Wasn't difficult but obviously it was done in "unsupported" way.

To do the downgrade you need just to download php 5.3 from (zip archive), than go to xampp folder and copy subfolder "php" to e.g. php5.5 (just for backup). Than remove content of the folder php and unzip content of zip archive downloaded from The next step is to adjust configuration (php.ini) - you can refer to your backed-up version from php 5.5. After that just run xampp control utility - everything should work (at least worked in my local environment). I didn't found any problem with such installation, although I didn't tested this too intensively.

Can I have multiple primary keys in a single table?

Some people use the term "primary key" to mean exactly an integer column that gets its values generated by some automatic mechanism. For example AUTO_INCREMENT in MySQL or IDENTITY in Microsoft SQL Server. Are you using primary key in this sense?

If so, the answer depends on the brand of database you're using. In MySQL, you can't do this, you get an error:

mysql> create table foo (
  id int primary key auto_increment, 
  id2 int auto_increment
ERROR 1075 (42000): Incorrect table definition; 
there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key

In some other brands of database, you are able to define more than one auto-generating column in a table.

Pointer to 2D arrays in C

Ok, this is actually four different question. I'll address them one by one:

are both equals for the compiler? (speed, perf...)

Yes. The pointer dereferenciation and decay from type int (*)[100][280] to int (*)[280] is always a noop to your CPU. I wouldn't put it past a bad compiler to generate bogus code anyways, but a good optimizing compiler should compile both examples to the exact same code.

is one of these solutions eating more memory than the other?

As a corollary to my first answer, no.

what is the more frequently used by developers?

Definitely the variant without the extra (*pointer) dereferenciation. For C programmers it is second nature to assume that any pointer may actually be a pointer to the first element of an array.

what is the best way, the 1st or the 2nd?

That depends on what you optimize for:

  • Idiomatic code uses variant 1. The declaration is missing the outer dimension, but all uses are exactly as a C programmer expects them to be.

  • If you want to make it explicit that you are pointing to an array, you can use variant 2. However, many seasoned C programmers will think that there's a third dimension hidden behind the innermost *. Having no array dimension there will feel weird to most programmers.

how to get vlc logs?

I found the following command to run from command line:

vlc.exe --extraintf=http:logger --verbose=2 --file-logging --logfile=vlc-log.txt

In Visual Studio C++, what are the memory allocation representations?

There's actually quite a bit of useful information added to debug allocations. This table is more complete:

Address  Offset After HeapAlloc() After malloc() During free() After HeapFree() Comments
0x00320FD8  -40    0x01090009    0x01090009     0x01090009    0x0109005A     Win32 heap info
0x00320FDC  -36    0x01090009    0x00180700     0x01090009    0x00180400     Win32 heap info
0x00320FE0  -32    0xBAADF00D    0x00320798     0xDDDDDDDD    0x00320448     Ptr to next CRT heap block (allocated earlier in time)
0x00320FE4  -28    0xBAADF00D    0x00000000     0xDDDDDDDD    0x00320448     Ptr to prev CRT heap block (allocated later in time)
0x00320FE8  -24    0xBAADF00D    0x00000000     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Filename of malloc() call
0x00320FEC  -20    0xBAADF00D    0x00000000     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Line number of malloc() call
0x00320FF0  -16    0xBAADF00D    0x00000008     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Number of bytes to malloc()
0x00320FF4  -12    0xBAADF00D    0x00000001     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Type (0=Freed, 1=Normal, 2=CRT use, etc)
0x00320FF8  -8     0xBAADF00D    0x00000031     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Request #, increases from 0
0x00320FFC  -4     0xBAADF00D    0xFDFDFDFD     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     No mans land
0x00321000  +0     0xBAADF00D    0xCDCDCDCD     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     The 8 bytes you wanted
0x00321004  +4     0xBAADF00D    0xCDCDCDCD     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     The 8 bytes you wanted
0x00321008  +8     0xBAADF00D    0xFDFDFDFD     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     No mans land
0x0032100C  +12    0xBAADF00D    0xBAADF00D     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap allocations are rounded up to 16 bytes
0x00321010  +16    0xABABABAB    0xABABABAB     0xABABABAB    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
0x00321014  +20    0xABABABAB    0xABABABAB     0xABABABAB    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
0x00321018  +24    0x00000010    0x00000010     0x00000010    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
0x0032101C  +28    0x00000000    0x00000000     0x00000000    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
0x00321020  +32    0x00090051    0x00090051     0x00090051    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
0x00321024  +36    0xFEEE0400    0xFEEE0400     0xFEEE0400    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
0x00321028  +40    0x00320400    0x00320400     0x00320400    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
0x0032102C  +44    0x00320400    0x00320400     0x00320400    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping

HTML radio buttons allowing multiple selections

All radio buttons must have the same name attribute added.

How to increase code font size in IntelliJ?

For newest version of IntelliJ, i think option has changed a bit.


enter image description here

My current version of IntelliJ:

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.5 (Community Edition)
Build #IC-173.4674.33, built on March 6, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1024-b15 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o

Hope this will help.

Get contentEditable caret index position

function getCaretPosition() {
    var x = 0;
    var y = 0;
    var sel = window.getSelection();
    if(sel.rangeCount) {
        var range = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange();
        if(range.getClientRects()) {
        var rect = range.getClientRects()[0];
        if(rect) {
            y =;
            x = rect.left;
    return {
        x: x,
        y: y

C# Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

The problem is where you are executing:

rankings[kvp.Key] = rankings[kvp.Key] + 4;

You cannot modify the collection you are iterating through in a foreach loop. A foreach loop requires the loop to be immutable during iteration.

Instead, use a standard 'for' loop or create a new loop that is a copy and iterate through that while updating your original.

How to parse float with two decimal places in javascript?

If you need performance (like in games):

Math.round(number * 100) / 100

It's about 100 times as fast as parseFloat(number.toFixed(2))

require(vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream

I had this path in my machine:


Then I ran composer install or/and composer update and it returned this error:

ErrorException ZipArchive::extractTo...

That error is because your path is too much long, I changed to:


and worked!

How do I use arrays in cURL POST requests

You are just creating your array incorrectly. You could use http_build_query:

$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

So, the entire code that you could use would be:

//extract data from the post

//set POST variables
$url = '';
$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(

//url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;

//close connection

How to check if a string contains only numbers?

You may just remove all spaces and leverage LINQ All:

Determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition.

Use it as shown below:

Dim number As String = "077 234 211"
If number.Replace(" ", "").All(AddressOf Char.IsDigit) Then
    Console.WriteLine("The string is all numeric (spaces ignored)!")
    Console.WriteLine("The string contains a char that is not numeric and space!")
End If

To only check if a string consists of only digits use:

If number.All(AddressOf Char.IsDigit) Then

Error in finding last used cell in Excel with VBA

I would add to the answer given by Siddarth Rout to say that the CountA call can be skipped by having Find return a Range object, instead of a row number, and then test the returned Range object to see if it is Nothing (blank worksheet).

Also, I would have my version of any LastRow procedure return a zero for a blank worksheet, then I can know it is blank.

How to copy Outlook mail message into excel using VBA or Macros

Since you have not mentioned what needs to be copied, I have left that section empty in the code below.

Also you don't need to move the email to the folder first and then run the macro in that folder. You can run the macro on the incoming mail and then move it to the folder at the same time.

This will get you started. I have commented the code so that you will not face any problem understanding it.

First paste the below mentioned code in the outlook module.


  1. Click on Tools~~>Rules and Alerts
  2. Click on "New Rule"
  3. Click on "start from a blank rule"
  4. Select "Check messages When they arrive"
  5. Under conditions, click on "with specific words in the subject"
  6. Click on "specific words" under rules description.
  7. Type the word that you want to check in the dialog box that pops up and click on "add".
  8. Click "Ok" and click next
  9. Select "move it to specified folder" and also select "run a script" in the same box
  10. In the box below, specify the specific folder and also the script (the macro that you have in module) to run.
  11. Click on finish and you are done.

When the new email arrives not only will the email move to the folder that you specify but data from it will be exported to Excel as well.


Const xlUp As Long = -4162

Sub ExportToExcel(MyMail As MailItem)
    Dim strID As String, olNS As Outlook.Namespace
    Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim strFileName As String

    '~~> Excel Variables
    Dim oXLApp As Object, oXLwb As Object, oXLws As Object
    Dim lRow As Long

    strID = MyMail.EntryID
    Set olNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set olMail = olNS.GetItemFromID(strID)

    '~~> Establish an EXCEL application object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set oXLApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")

    '~~> If not found then create new instance
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Set oXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0

    '~~> Show Excel
    oXLApp.Visible = True

    '~~> Open the relevant file
    Set oXLwb = oXLApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Sample.xls")

    '~~> Set the relevant output sheet. Change as applicable
    Set oXLws = oXLwb.Sheets("Sheet1")

    lRow = oXLws.Range("A" & oXLApp.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1

    '~~> Write to outlook
    With oXLws
        '~~> Code here to output data from email to Excel File
        '~~> For example
        .Range("A" & lRow).Value = olMail.Subject
        .Range("B" & lRow).Value = olMail.SenderName
    End With

    '~~> Close and Clean up Excel
    oXLwb.Close (True)
    Set oXLws = Nothing
    Set oXLwb = Nothing
    Set oXLApp = Nothing

    Set olMail = Nothing
    Set olNS = Nothing
End Sub


To extract the contents from your email body, you can split it using SPLIT() and then parsing out the relevant information from it. See this example

Dim MyAr() As String

MyAr = Split(olMail.body, vbCrLf)

For i = LBound(MyAr) To UBound(MyAr)
    '~~> This will give you the contents of your email
    '~~> on separate lines
    Debug.Print MyAr(i)
Next i

How can I list the scheduled jobs running in my database?

Because the SCHEDULER_ADMIN role is a powerful role allowing a grantee to execute code as any user, you should consider granting individual Scheduler system privileges instead. Object and system privileges are granted using regular SQL grant syntax. An example is if the database administrator issues the following statement:


After this statement is executed, scott can create jobs, schedules, or programs in his schema.

copied from

AngularJS - Find Element with attribute

Rather than querying the DOM for elements (which isn't very angular see "Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?) you should perform your DOM manipulation within your directive. The element is available to you in your link function.

So in your myDirective

return {
    link: function (scope, element, attr) {
        element.html('Hello world');

If you must perform the query outside of the directive then it would be possible to use querySelectorAll in modern browers


however you would need to use jquery to support IE8 and backwards


or write your own method as demonstrated here Get elements by attribute when querySelectorAll is not available without using libraries?

AccessDenied for ListObjects for S3 bucket when permissions are s3:*

If you wanted to copy all s3 bucket objects using the command "aws s3 cp s3://bucket-name/data/all-data/ . --recursive" as you mentioned, here is a safe and minimal policy to do that:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": [
          "Condition": {
              "StringLike": {
                  "s3:prefix": "data/all-data/*"
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": [

The first statement in this policy allows for listing objects inside a specific bucket's sub directory. The resource needs to be the arn of the S3 bucket, and to limit listing to only a sub-directory in that bucket you can edit the "s3:prefix" value.

The second statement in this policy allows for getting objects inside of the bucket at a specific sub-directory. This means that anything inside the "s3://bucket-name/data/all-data/" path you will be able to copy. Be aware that this doesn't allow you to copy from parent paths such as "s3://bucket-name/data/".

This solution is specific to limiting use for AWS CLI commands; if you need to limit S3 access through the AWS console or API, then more policies will be needed. I suggest taking a look here:

A similar issue to this can be found here which led me to the solution I am giving.

Hope this helps!

How to check if text fields are empty on form submit using jQuery?

you should try with jquery validate plugin :

          required:"Email is required",
          email:"Please type a valid email"

Query comparing dates in SQL

You put <= and it will catch the given date too. You can replace it with < only.

Converting String to Int using try/except in Python

Firstly, try / except are not functions, but statements.

To convert a string (or any other type that can be converted) to an integer in Python, simply call the int() built-in function. int() will raise a ValueError if it fails and you should catch this specifically:

In Python 2.x:

>>> for value in '12345', 67890, 3.14, 42L, 0b010101, 0xFE, 'Not convertible':
...     try:
...         print '%s as an int is %d' % (str(value), int(value))
...     except ValueError as ex:
...         print '"%s" cannot be converted to an int: %s' % (value, ex)
12345 as an int is 12345
67890 as an int is 67890
3.14 as an int is 3
42 as an int is 42
21 as an int is 21
254 as an int is 254
"Not convertible" cannot be converted to an int: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Not convertible'

In Python 3.x

the syntax has changed slightly:

>>> for value in '12345', 67890, 3.14, 42, 0b010101, 0xFE, 'Not convertible':
...     try:
...         print('%s as an int is %d' % (str(value), int(value)))
...     except ValueError as ex:
...         print('"%s" cannot be converted to an int: %s' % (value, ex))
12345 as an int is 12345
67890 as an int is 67890
3.14 as an int is 3
42 as an int is 42
21 as an int is 21
254 as an int is 254
"Not convertible" cannot be converted to an int: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Not convertible'

The most efficient way to implement an integer based power function pow(int, int)

int pow( int base, int exponent)

{   // Does not work for negative exponents. (But that would be leaving the range of int) 
    if (exponent == 0) return 1;  // base case;
    int temp = pow(base, exponent/2);
    if (exponent % 2 == 0)
        return temp * temp; 
        return (base * temp * temp);

How exactly does <script defer="defer"> work?

The real answer is: Because you cannot trust defer.

In concept, defer and async differ as follows:

async allows the script to be downloaded in the background without blocking. Then, the moment it finishes downloading, rendering is blocked and that script executes. Render resumes when the script has executed.

defer does the same thing, except claims to guarantee that scripts execute in the order they were specified on the page, and that they will be executed after the document has finished parsing. So, some scripts may finish downloading then sit and wait for scripts that downloaded later but appeared before them.

Unfortunately, due to what is really a standards cat fight, defer's definition varies spec to spec, and even in the most recent specs doesn't offer a useful guarantee. As answers here and this issue demonstrate, browsers implement defer differently:

  • In certain situations some browsers have a bug that causes defer scripts to run out of order.
  • Some browsers delay the DOMContentLoaded event until after the defer scripts have loaded, and some don't.
  • Some browsers obey defer on <script> elements with inline code and without a src attribute, and some ignore it.

Fortunately the spec does at least specify that async overrides defer. So you can treat all scripts as async and get a wide swath of browser support like so:

<script defer async src="..."></script>

98% of browsers in use worldwide and 99% in the US will avoid blocking with this approach.

(If you need to wait until the document has finished parsing, listen to the event DOMContentLoaded event or use jQuery's handy .ready() function. You'd want to do this anyway to fall back gracefully on browsers that don't implement defer at all.)

sqlplus statement from command line

I assume this is *nix?

Use "here document":

sqlplus -s user/pass <<+EOF
select 1 from dual;

EDIT: I should have tried your second example. It works, too (even in Windows, sans ticks):

$ echo 'select 1 from dual;'|sqlplus -s user/pw



Ruby 'require' error: cannot load such file

What about including the current directory in the search path?

ruby -I. main.rb

How to open the Chrome Developer Tools in a new window?

enter image description here

  1. click on three dots in the top right ->
  2. click on "Undock into separate window" icon

Use CSS to make a span not clickable

CSS is used for applying styling i.e. the visual aspects of an interface.

That clicking an anchor element causes an action to be performed is a behavioural aspect of an interface, not a stylistic aspect.

You cannot achieve what you want using only CSS.

JavaScript is used for applying behaviours to an interface. You can use JavaScript to modify the behaviour of a link.

Using NSPredicate to filter an NSArray based on NSDictionary keys

It should work - as long as the data variable is actually an array containing a dictionary with the key SPORT

NSArray *data = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"foo" forKey:@"BAR"]];    
NSArray *filtered = [data filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(BAR == %@)", @"foo"]];

Filtered in this case contains the dictionary.

(the %@ does not have to be quoted, this is done when NSPredicate creates the object.)

Upload files with FTP using PowerShell

I recently wrote for powershell several functions for communicating with FTP, see The second function below, you can send a whole local folder to FTP. In the module are even functions for removing / adding / reading folders and files recursively.

#Add-FtpFile -ftpFilePath "" -localFile "C:\temp\file.txt" -userName "User" -password "pw"
function Add-FtpFile($ftpFilePath, $localFile, $username, $password) {
    $ftprequest = New-FtpRequest -sourceUri $ftpFilePath -method ([System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::UploadFile) -username $username -password $password
    Write-Host "$($ftpRequest.Method) for '$($ftpRequest.RequestUri)' complete'"
    $content = $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($localFile)
    $ftprequest.ContentLength = $content.Length
    $requestStream = $ftprequest.GetRequestStream()
    $requestStream.Write($content, 0, $content.Length)

#Add-FtpFolderWithFiles -sourceFolder "C:\temp\" -destinationFolder "" -userName "User" -password "pw"
function Add-FtpFolderWithFiles($sourceFolder, $destinationFolder, $userName, $password) {
    Add-FtpDirectory $destinationFolder $userName $password
    $files = Get-ChildItem $sourceFolder -File
    foreach($file in $files) {
        $uploadUrl ="$destinationFolder/$($file.Name)"
        Add-FtpFile -ftpFilePath $uploadUrl -localFile $file.FullName -username $userName -password $password

#Add-FtpFolderWithFilesRecursive -sourceFolder "C:\temp\" -destinationFolder "" -userName "User" -password "pw"
function Add-FtpFolderWithFilesRecursive($sourceFolder, $destinationFolder, $userName, $password) {
    Add-FtpFolderWithFiles -sourceFolder $sourceFolder -destinationFolder $destinationFolder -userName $userName -password $password
    $subDirectories = Get-ChildItem $sourceFolder -Directory
    $fromUri = new-object System.Uri($sourceFolder)
    foreach($subDirectory in $subDirectories) {
        $toUri  = new-object System.Uri($subDirectory.FullName)
        $relativeUrl = $fromUri.MakeRelativeUri($toUri)
        $relativePath = [System.Uri]::UnescapeDataString($relativeUrl.ToString())
        $lastFolder = $relativePath.Substring($relativePath.LastIndexOf("/")+1)
        Add-FtpFolderWithFilesRecursive -sourceFolder $subDirectory.FullName -destinationFolder "$destinationFolder/$lastFolder" -userName $userName -password $password

Round up to Second Decimal Place in Python

Here's a simple way to do it that I don't see in the other answers.

To round up to the second decimal place:

>>> n = 0.022499999999999999
>>> -(-n//.01) * .01

Other value:

>>> n = 0.1111111111111000
>>> -(-n//.01) * .01

With floats there's the occasional value with some minute imprecision, which can be corrected for if you're displaying the values for instance:

>>> n = 10.1111111111111000
>>> -(-n//0.01) * 0.01
>>> f"{-(-n//0.01) * 0.01:.2f}"

A simple roundup function with a parameter to specify precision:

>>> roundup = lambda n, p: -(-n//10**-p) * 10**-p
>>> # Or if you want to ensure truncation using the f-string method:
>>> roundup = lambda n, p: float(f"{-(-n//10**-p) * 10**-p:.{p}f}")
>>> roundup(0.111111111, 2)
>>> roundup(0.111111111, 3)

How to store and retrieve a dictionary with redis

If you want to store a python dict in redis, it is better to store it as json string.

import redis

r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
mydict = { 'var1' : 5, 'var2' : 9, 'var3': [1, 5, 9] }
rval = json.dumps(mydict)
r.set('key1', rval)

While retrieving de-serialize it using json.loads

data = r.get('key1')
result = json.loads(data)
arr = result['var3']

What about types (eg.bytes) that are not serialized by json functions ?

You can write encoder/decoder functions for types that cannot be serialized by json functions. eg. writing base64/ascii encoder/decoder function for byte array.

How and when to use ‘async’ and ‘await’

Below is code which reads excel file by opening dialog and then uses async and wait to run asynchronous the code which reads one by one line from excel and binds to grid

namespace EmailBillingRates
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            lblProcessing.Text = "";

        private async void btnReadExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string filename = OpenFileDialog();

            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename);
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[1];
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range xlRange = xlWorksheet.UsedRange;
                Task<int> longRunningTask = BindGrid(xlRange);
                int result = await longRunningTask;

            catch (Exception ex)
               // GC.Collect();

                //rule of thumb for releasing com objects:  
                //  never use two dots, all COM objects must be referenced and released individually  
                //  ex: [somthing].[something].[something] is bad  

                //release com objects to fully kill excel process from running in the background  

                //close and release  

                //quit and release  


        private void btnSendEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private string OpenFileDialog()
            string filename = "";
            OpenFileDialog fdlg = new OpenFileDialog();
            fdlg.Title = "Excel File Dialog";
            fdlg.InitialDirectory = @"c:\";
            fdlg.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            fdlg.FilterIndex = 2;
            fdlg.RestoreDirectory = true;
            if (fdlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                filename = fdlg.FileName;
            return filename;

        private async Task<int> BindGrid(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range xlRange)
            lblProcessing.Text = "Processing File.. Please wait";
            int rowCount = xlRange.Rows.Count;
            int colCount = xlRange.Columns.Count;

            // dt.Column = colCount;  
            dataGridView1.ColumnCount = colCount;
            dataGridView1.RowCount = rowCount;

            for (int i = 1; i <= rowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= colCount; j++)
                    //write the value to the Grid  
                    if (xlRange.Cells[i, j] != null && xlRange.Cells[i, j].Value2 != null)
                         await Task.Delay(1);
                         dataGridView1.Rows[i - 1].Cells[j - 1].Value =  xlRange.Cells[i, j].Value2.ToString();

            lblProcessing.Text = "";
            return 0;

    internal class async

Peak memory usage of a linux/unix process

/usr/bin/time maybe does what you want, actually. Something like.

 /usr/bin/time --format='(%Xtext+%Ddata %Mmax)'

See time(1) for details...

Centering a div block without the width

By default, div elements are displayed as block elements, so they have 100% width, making centering them meaningless. As suggested by Arief, you must specify a width and you can then use auto when specifying margin in order to center a div.

Alternatively, you could also force display: inline, but then you'd have something that pretty much behaves like a span instead of a div, so that doesn't make a lot of sense.

How to get function parameter names/values dynamically?

i would likke to suggest solution which supports arrow functions like i used this article for basic regular expression and and added arrow functions support

(arg1,arg2) => {}


arg => {}

function getArgs(func) {
  if(func.length === 0){
      return []

  let string = func.toString();

  let args;
  // First match everything inside the function argument parens. like `function (arg1,arg2) {}` or `async function(arg1,arg2) {}

  args = string.match(/(?:async|function)\s*.*?\(([^)]*)\)/)?.[1] ||
      // arrow functions with multiple arguments  like `(arg1,arg2) => {}`
         string.match(/^\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*=>/)?.[1] ||
      // arrow functions with single argument without parens like `arg => {}`

  // Split the arguments string into an array comma delimited.
  return args.split(',').map(function(arg) {
    // Ensure no inline comments are parsed and trim the whitespace.
    return arg.replace(/\/\*.*\*\//, '').trim();
  }).filter(function(arg) {
    // Ensure no undefined values are added.
    return arg;

OS X Sprite Kit Game Optimal Default Window Size

You should target the smallest, not the largest, supported pixel resolution by the devices your app can run on.

Say if there's an actual Mac computer that can run OS X 10.9 and has a native screen resolution of only 1280x720 then that's the resolution you should focus on. Any higher and your game won't correctly run on this device and you could as well remove that device from your supported devices list.

You can rely on upscaling to match larger screen sizes, but you can't rely on downscaling to preserve possibly important image details such as text or smaller game objects.

The next most important step is to pick a fitting aspect ratio, be it 4:3 or 16:9 or 16:10, that ideally is the native aspect ratio on most of the supported devices. Make sure your game only scales to fit on devices with a different aspect ratio.

You could scale to fill but then you must ensure that on all devices the cropped areas will not negatively impact gameplay or the use of the app in general (ie text or buttons outside the visible screen area). This will be harder to test as you'd actually have to have one of those devices or create a custom build that crops the view accordingly.

Alternatively you can design multiple versions of your game for specific and very common screen resolutions to provide the best game experience from 13" through 27" displays. Optimized designs for iMac (desktop) and a Macbook (notebook) devices make the most sense, it'll be harder to justify making optimized versions for 13" and 15" plus 21" and 27" screens.

But of course this depends a lot on the game. For example a tile-based world game could simply provide a larger viewing area onto the world on larger screen resolutions rather than scaling the view up. Provided that this does not alter gameplay, like giving the player an unfair advantage (specifically in multiplayer).

You should provide @2x images for the Retina Macbook Pro and future Retina Macs.

Recursively looping through an object to build a property list

This version is packed in a function that accepts a custom delimiter, filter, and returns a flat dictionary:

function flatten(source, delimiter, filter) {
  var result = {}
  ;(function flat(obj, stack) {
    Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(k) {
      var s = stack.concat([k])
      var v = obj[k]
      if (filter && filter(k, v)) return
      if (typeof v === 'object') flat(v, s)
      else result[s.join(delimiter)] = v
  })(source, [])
  return result
var obj = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    c: 2
// <- Object {a: 1, b.c: 2}
flatten(obj, '/')
// <- Object {a: 1, b/c: 2}
flatten(obj, '/', function(k, v) { return k.startsWith('a') })
// <- Object {b/c: 2}

Hook up Raspberry Pi via Ethernet to laptop without router?

You could use a cross-over ethernet cable -

Assuming your RPi is a DCHP Client, then best to run a simple DHCP server on your notebook to assign the RPi an IP address.

Expression must be a modifiable lvalue

The assignment operator has lower precedence than &&, so your condition is equivalent to:

if ((match == 0 && k) = m)

But the left-hand side of this is an rvalue, namely the boolean resulting from the evaluation of the sub­expression match == 0 && k, so you cannot assign to it.

By contrast, comparison has higher precedence, so match == 0 && k == m is equivalent to:

if ((match == 0) && (k == m))

opening a window form from another form programmatically

To open from with button click please add the following code in the button event handler

var m = new Form1();

Here Form1 is the name of the form which you want to open.

Also to close the current form, you may use


IsNumeric function in c#

I usually handle things like this with an extension method. Here is one way implemented in a console app:

namespace ConsoleApplication10
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)


        private static void CheckIfNumeric(string input)
            if (input.IsNumeric())
                Console.WriteLine(input + " is numeric.");
                Console.WriteLine(input + " is NOT numeric.");

    public static class StringExtensions
        public static bool IsNumeric(this string input)
            return Regex.IsMatch(input, @"^\d+$");


A is NOT numeric.

22 is numeric.

Potato is NOT numeric.

Q is NOT numeric.

A&^*^ is NOT numeric.

Note, here are a few other ways to check for numbers using RegEx.

How to read a value from the Windows registry


This gives the value if it exists, and returns an error code ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if the key doesn't exist.

(I can't tell if my link is working or not, but if you just google for "RegQueryValueEx" the first hit is the msdn documentation.)

C#: how to get first char of a string?

In C# 8 you can use ranges.

myString[0..Math.Min(myString.Length, 1)]

Add a ? after myString to handle null strings.

Sublime Text 2 - Show file navigation in sidebar

I added the Context Menu item for Folders to open in Sublime Text. In windows, you can right click on any Folder and open the structure in Sublime. You could also create a service (?) for Mac OS - I'm just not familiar with the process.

The following could be saved to a File (OpenFolderWithSublime.reg) to merge to the registry. Be Sure to modify the directory structure to appropriately point to your Sublime installation. Alternatively, you can use REGEDIT and browse to HKCR\Folder\shell and create the values manually.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Open with Sublime Text]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Open with Sublime Text\command]
@="C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 2\\sublime_text \"%1\""

Reading in double values with scanf in c

Use this line of code when scanning the second value: scanf(" %lf", &b); also replace all %ld with %lf.

It's a problem related with input stream buffer. You can also use fflush(stdin); after the first scanning to clear the input buffer and then the second scanf will work as expected. An alternate way is place a getch(); or getchar(); function after the first scanf line.

How to call a parent method from child class in javascript?

While you can call the parent method by the prototype of the parent, you will need to pass the current child instance for using call, apply, or bind method. The bind method will create a new function so I doesn't recommend that if you care for performance except it only called once.

As an alternative you can replace the child method and put the parent method on the instance while calling the original child method.

function proxy(context, parent){
  var proto = parent.prototype;
  var list = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto);
  for(var i=0; i < list.length; i++){
    var key = list[i];

    // Create only when child have similar method name
    if(context[key] !== proto[key]){
      let currentMethod = context[key];
      let parentMethod = proto[key];
      context[key] = function(){
        context.super = parentMethod;
        return currentMethod.apply(context, arguments);

// ========= The usage would be like this ==========

class Parent {
  first = "Home";

    console.log('Parent created');

    return this.first + ", Parent "+arg;

class Child extends Parent{
    proxy(this, Parent);
    console.log('Child created');

  // Comment this to call method from parent only
    return super.add(arg) + ", Child "+arg;

var family = new Child();

How can I suppress column header output for a single SQL statement?

You can fake it like this:

-- with column headings 
select column1, column2 from some_table;

-- without column headings
select column1 as '', column2 as '' from some_table;

How to find and restore a deleted file in a Git repository

In our case we accidentally deleted files in a commit and some commits later we realized our mistake and wanted to get back all the files that were deleted, but not those that were modified.

Based on Charles Bailey's excellent answer, here is my one-liner:

git co $(git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- <file_path>)~1 -- $(git diff --name-status $(git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- <file_path>)~1 head | grep '^D' | cut -f 2)

Excel 2013 VBA Clear All Filters macro

This will clear only if you have filter and does not cause any error when there arent any filter. If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then ActiveSheet.Columns("A").AutoFilter

Pass a data.frame column name to a function

Personally I think that passing the column as a string is pretty ugly. I like to do something like:

get.max <- function(column,data=NULL){
    column<-eval(substitute(column),data, parent.frame())

which will yield:

> get.max(mpg,mtcars)
[1] 33.9
> get.max(c(1,2,3,4,5))
[1] 5

Notice how the specification of a data.frame is optional. you can even work with functions of your columns:

> get.max(1/mpg,mtcars)
[1] 0.09615385

Why should C++ programmers minimize use of 'new'?

I think the poster meant to say You do not have to allocate everything on theheap rather than the the stack.

Basically objects are allocated on the stack (if the object size allows, of course) because of the cheap cost of stack-allocation, rather than heap-based allocation which involves quite some work by the allocator, and adds verbosity because then you have to manage data allocated on the heap.

"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time" using WebClient

I know this ticket is old, but I just ran into this issue and I thought I would post what was happening to me and how I resolved it:

In my service I was calling there was a call to another web service. Like a goof, I forgot to make sure that the DNS settings were correct when I published the web service, thus my web service, when published, was trying to call from api.myproductionserver.local, rather than It was the backend web service that was causing the timeout.

Anyways, I thought I would pass this along.

How to stop java process gracefully?

Thanks for you answers. Shutdown hooks seams like something that would work in my case. But I also bumped into the thing called Monitoring and Management beans:
That gives some nice possibilities, for remote monitoring, and manipulation of the java process. (Was introduced in Java 5)

How to use \n new line in VB msgbox() ...?

msgbox("your text here" & Environment.NewLine & "more text") is the easist way. no point in making your code harder or more ocmplicated than you need it to be...

Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP

Simple way for php>5.4: like in Facebook graph

$Data = array('a' => 'apple', 'b' => 'banana', 'c' => 'catnip');
$json= json_encode($Data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
header('Content-Type: application/json');

Result in browser

    "a": "apple",
    "b": "banana",
    "c": "catnip"

CSS '>' selector; what is it?

It means parent/child



that's saying that body is a child of html

Check out: Selectors

nodemon command is not recognized in terminal for node js server

Since node prefix is not in the PATH ENV variable , any of the globally installed modules are not getting recognized. Please try this. Open cmd prompt npm config get prefix append the resulting path to PATH env variable. Now you should be able to run nodemon from any location. try this link and follow it.fixing npm permissions

How do you Encrypt and Decrypt a PHP String?


PHP 7 ready version. It uses openssl_encrypt function from PHP OpenSSL Library.

class Openssl_EncryptDecrypt {
    function encrypt ($pure_string, $encryption_key) {
        $cipher     = 'AES-256-CBC';
        $options    = OPENSSL_RAW_DATA;
        $hash_algo  = 'sha256';
        $sha2len    = 32;
        $ivlen = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
        $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($ivlen);
        $ciphertext_raw = openssl_encrypt($pure_string, $cipher, $encryption_key, $options, $iv);
        $hmac = hash_hmac($hash_algo, $ciphertext_raw, $encryption_key, true);
        return $iv.$hmac.$ciphertext_raw;
    function decrypt ($encrypted_string, $encryption_key) {
        $cipher     = 'AES-256-CBC';
        $options    = OPENSSL_RAW_DATA;
        $hash_algo  = 'sha256';
        $sha2len    = 32;
        $ivlen = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
        $iv = substr($encrypted_string, 0, $ivlen);
        $hmac = substr($encrypted_string, $ivlen, $sha2len);
        $ciphertext_raw = substr($encrypted_string, $ivlen+$sha2len);
        $original_plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext_raw, $cipher, $encryption_key, $options, $iv);
        $calcmac = hash_hmac($hash_algo, $ciphertext_raw, $encryption_key, true);
        if(function_exists('hash_equals')) {
            if (hash_equals($hmac, $calcmac)) return $original_plaintext;
        } else {
            if ($this->hash_equals_custom($hmac, $calcmac)) return $original_plaintext;
     * (Optional)
     * hash_equals() function polyfilling.
     * PHP 5.6+ timing attack safe comparison
    function hash_equals_custom($knownString, $userString) {
        if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
            $kLen = mb_strlen($knownString, '8bit');
            $uLen = mb_strlen($userString, '8bit');
        } else {
            $kLen = strlen($knownString);
            $uLen = strlen($userString);
        if ($kLen !== $uLen) {
            return false;
        $result = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $kLen; $i++) {
            $result |= (ord($knownString[$i]) ^ ord($userString[$i]));
        return 0 === $result;

define('ENCRYPTION_KEY', '__^%&Q@$&*!@#$%^&*^__');
$string = "This is the original string!";

$OpensslEncryption = new Openssl_EncryptDecrypt;
$encrypted = $OpensslEncryption->encrypt($string, ENCRYPTION_KEY);
$decrypted = $OpensslEncryption->decrypt($encrypted, ENCRYPTION_KEY);

Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog

Looking at your code what you need to do is add the functionality to close the window and update the page. In your "Yes" function you should write:

        buttons: {
            "Ja": function() {
                $(a). // code to remove the table row
            "Nej": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }

The code to remove the table row isn't fun to write so I'll let you deal with the nitty gritty details, but basically, you need to tell the dialog what to do after you post it. It may be a smart dialog but it needs some kind of direction.

How to get all of the IDs with jQuery?

The best way I can think of to answer this is to make a custom jquery plugin to do this:

jQuery.fn.getIdArray = function() {
  var ret = [];
  $('[id]', this).each(function() {
  return ret;

Then do something like

var array = $("#mydiv").getIdArray();

anaconda - path environment variable in windows

Provide the Directory/Folder path where python.exe is available in Anaconda folder like


This should must work.

Extract file basename without path and extension in bash

A combination of basename and cut works fine, even in case of double ending like .tar.gz:

fbname=$(basename "$fullfile" | cut -d. -f1)

Would be interesting if this solution needs less arithmetic power than Bash Parameter Expansion.

Convert a positive number to negative in C#

Note to everyone who responded with

- Math.Abs(myInteger)


0 - Math.Abs(myInteger)


Math.Abs(myInteger) * -1

as a way to keep negative numbers negative and turn positive ones negative.

This approach has a single flaw. It doesn't work for all integers. The range of Int32 type is from "-231" to "231 - 1." It means there's one more "negative" number. Consequently, Math.Abs(int.MinValue) throws an OverflowException.

The correct way is to use conditional statements:

int neg = n < 0 ? n : -n;

This approach works for "all" integers.

How to strip all non-alphabetic characters from string in SQL Server?

Though post is a bit old, I would like to say the following. Issue I had with above solution is that it does not filter out characters like ç, ë, ï, etc. I adapted a function as follows (I only used an 80 varchar string to save memory):

create FUNCTION dbo.udf_Cleanchars (@InputString varchar(80)) 
RETURNS varchar(80) 

declare @return varchar(80) , @length int , @counter int , @cur_char char(1) 
SET @return = '' 
SET @length = 0 
SET @counter = 1 
SET @length = LEN(@InputString) 
IF @length > 0 
BEGIN WHILE @counter <= @length 

BEGIN SET @cur_char = SUBSTRING(@InputString, @counter, 1) IF ((ascii(@cur_char) in (32,44,46)) or (ascii(@cur_char) between 48 and 57) or (ascii(@cur_char) between 65 and 90) or (ascii(@cur_char) between 97 and 122))
BEGIN SET @return = @return + @cur_char END 
SET @counter = @counter + 1 

RETURN @return END

How to execute a function when page has fully loaded?

2019 update: This is was the answer that worked for me. As I needed multiple ajax requests to fire and return data first to count the list items.

       alert("Everything is ready now!");

Entity Framework code-first: migration fails with update-database, forces unneccessary(?) add-migration

In answer to your general question of

So I am curious: What did I do to disorientate migrations? And what can I do to get it working with just one initial migration?

I've just had the same error message as you after I merged several branches and the migrations got confused about the current state of the database. Worst of all, this was only happening on the client's server, not on our development systems.

In trying to work out what was happening there, I came across this superb Microsoft guide:

Microsoft's guide to Code First Migrations in Team Environments

Whilst that guide was written to explain migrations in teams, it also gives the best explanation I've found of how the migrations work internally, which may well lead to an explanation for the behaviour your seeing. It's very worth putting an hour aside to read all of that for anyone who works with EF6 or below.

For anyone brought to this question by that error message after merging migrations, the trick of generating a blank migration with the current state of the database solved things for me, but do be very sure to have read the whole guide to know if that solution is appropriate in your case.

How to make war file in Eclipse

File -> Export -> Web -> WAR file

OR in Kepler follow as shown below :

enter image description here

Android Studio: Default project directory

Top of The Android Studio Title bar its shows the complete file path or LocationLook this image

Height of an HTML select box (dropdown)

This is not a perfect solution but it sort of does work.

In the select tag, include the following attributes where 'n' is the number of dropdown rows that would be visible.

<select size="1" position="absolute" onclick="size=(size!=1)?n:1;" ...>

There are three problems with this solution. 1) There is a quick flash of all the elements shown during the first mouse click. 2) The position is set to 'absolute' 3) Even if there are less than 'n' items the dropdown box will still be for the size of 'n' items.

Best way to list files in Java, sorted by Date Modified?

What's about similar approach, but without boxing to the Long objects:

File[] files = directory.listFiles();

Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator<File>() {
    public int compare(File f1, File f2) {
        return, f2.lastModified());

How to create a user in Django?

Bulk user creation with set_password

I you are creating several test users, bulk_create is much faster, but we can't use create_user with it.

set_password is another way to generate the hashed passwords:

def users_iterator():
    for i in range(nusers):
        is_superuser = (i == 0)
        user = User(
            first_name='First' + str(i),
            last_name='Last' + str(i),
            username='user' + str(i),
        yield user

class Command(BaseCommand):
    def handle(self, **options):

Question specific about password hashing: How to use Bcrypt to encrypt passwords in Django

Tested in Django 1.9.

Check existence of directory and create if doesn't exist

I had an issue with R 2.15.3 whereby while trying to create a tree structure recursively on a shared network drive I would get a permission error.

To get around this oddity I manually create the structure;

mkdirs <- function(fp) {
    if(!file.exists(fp)) {


update one table with data from another

Use the following block of query to update Table1 with Table2 based on ID:

UPDATE Table1, Table2 
SET Table1.DataColumn= Table2.DataColumn
where Table1.ID= Table2.ID;

This is the easiest and fastest way to tackle this problem.

CodeIgniter - File upload required validation

you can use call back function, like this

  $this->form_validation->set_rules('userfile', 'Document', 'callback_file_selected_test');

    if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
           // success       

function file_selected_test(){

    $this->form_validation->set_message('file_selected_test', 'Please select file.');
    if (empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
            return false;
            return true;

Slide right to left?

If your div is absolutely positioned and you know the width, you can just use:

left: 0;
width: 200px;


Which will slide it off screen.

Alternatively, you could wrap it a container div

width: 200px;
overflow: hidden;

top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 200px;

<div id="myContainer">

<div id="myDiv">Wheee!</div>



WPF Application that only has a tray icon

I recently had this same problem. Unfortunately, NotifyIcon is only a Windows.Forms control at the moment, if you want to use it you are going to have to include that part of the framework. I guess that depends how much of a WPF purist you are.

If you want a quick and easy way of getting started check out this WPF NotifyIcon control on the Code Project which does not rely on the WinForms NotifyIcon at all. A more recent version seems to be available on the author's website and as a NuGet package. This seems like the best and cleanest way to me so far.

  • Rich ToolTips rather than text
  • WPF context menus and popups
  • Command support and routed events
  • Flexible data binding
  • Rich balloon messages rather than the default messages provides by the OS

Check it out. It comes with an amazing sample app too, very easy to use, and you can have great looking Windows Live Messenger style WPF popups, tooltips, and context menus. Perfect for displaying an RSS feed, I am using it for a similar purpose.

Get IPv4 addresses from Dns.GetHostEntry()

Have you looked at all the addresses in the return, discard the ones of family InterNetworkV6 and retain only the IPv4 ones?

How to wrap async function calls into a sync function in Node.js or Javascript?

You shouldn't be looking at what happens around the call that creates the fiber but rather at what happens inside the fiber. Once you are inside the fiber you can program in sync style. For example:

function f1() {
    console.log('wait... ' + new Date);
    console.log('ok... ' + new Date);   

function f2() {

Fiber(function() {

Inside the fiber you call f1, f2 and sleep as if they were sync.

In a typical web application, you will create the Fiber in your HTTP request dispatcher. Once you've done that you can write all your request handling logic in sync style, even if it calls async functions (fs, databases, etc.).

Git commit with no commit message

Note: starting git1.8.3.2 (July 2013), the following command (mentioned above by Jeremy W Sherman) won't open an editor anymore:

git commit --allow-empty-message -m ''

See commit 25206778aac776fc6cc4887653fdae476c7a9b5a:

If an empty message is specified with the option -m of git commit then the editor is started.
That's unexpected and unnecessary.
Instead of using the length of the message string for checking if the user specified one, directly remember if the option -m was given.

git 2.9 (June 2016) improves the empty message behavior:

See commit 178e814 (06 Apr 2016) by Adam Dinwoodie (me-and).
See commit 27014cb (07 Apr 2016) by Jeff King (peff).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 0709261, 22 Apr 2016)

commit: do not ignore an empty message given by -m ''

  • "git commit --amend -m '' --allow-empty-message", even though it looks strange, is a valid request to amend the commit to have no message at all.
    Due to the misdetection of the presence of -m on the command line, we ended up keeping the log messsage from the original commit.
  • "git commit -m "$msg" -F file" should be rejected whether $msg is an empty string or not, but due to the same bug, was not rejected when $msg is empty.
  • "git -c template=file -m "$msg"" should ignore the template even when $msg is empty, but it didn't and instead used the contents from the template file.

How to Set JPanel's Width and Height?

Board.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(x, y));
//Main.add(Board, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Main.add(Board, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Main.setLocations(x, y);

What does it mean when MySQL is in the state "Sending data"?

In this state:

The thread is reading and processing rows for a SELECT statement, and sending data to the client.

Because operations occurring during this this state tend to perform large amounts of disk access (reads).

That's why it takes more time to complete and so is the longest-running state over the lifetime of a given query.

Get current value selected in dropdown using jQuery

This is actually more efficient and has better readability in my opinion if you want to access your select with this or another variable


In fact if I remember correctly phpStorm will attempt to auto correct the other method.

ansible : how to pass multiple commands

Shell works for me.

Simply to say, Shell is the same as you run a shell script.


  1. Make sure use | when running multiple cmds.
  2. Shell won't return errors if the last cmd is success (just like normal shell)
  3. Control it with exit 0/1 if you want to stop ansible when error occurs.

The following example shows an error in shell, but it's success at the end of the execution.

- name: test shell with an error
become: no
shell: |
  rm -f /test1  # This should be an error.
  echo "test2"
  echo "test1"
  echo "test3" # success

This example shows stopinng shell with exit 1 error.

- name: test shell with exit 1
become: no
shell: |
  rm -f /test1  # This should be an error.
  echo "test2"
  exit 1        # this stops ansible due to returning an error
  echo "test1"
  echo "test3" # success


Set custom HTML5 required field validation message

Try this:

$(function() {
    var elements = document.getElementsByName("topicName");
    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        elements[i].oninvalid = function(e) {
  "Please enter Room Topic Title");

I tested this in Chrome and FF and it worked in both browsers.

Converting String to "Character" array in Java

If you don't want to rely on third party API's, here is a working code for JDK7 or below. I am not instantiating temporary Character Objects as done by other solutions above. foreach loops are more readable, see yourself :)

public static Character[] convertStringToCharacterArray(String str) {
    if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    char[] c = str.toCharArray();
    final int len = c.length;
    int counter = 0;
    final Character[] result = new Character[len];
    while (len > counter) {
        for (char ch : c) {
            result[counter++] = ch;
    return result;

Generate Row Serial Numbers in SQL Query

ALTER function dbo.FN_ReturnNumberRows(@Start int, @End int) returns @Numbers table (Number int) as
    insert into @Numbers
    select n = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY n)+@Start-1 from (
    select top (@End-@Start+1) 1 as n from information_schema.columns as A
        cross join information_schema.columns as B
        cross join information_schema.columns as C
        cross join information_schema.columns as D
        cross join information_schema.columns as E) X

select * from dbo.FN_ReturnNumberRows(10,9999)

Copy files from one directory into an existing directory

Assuming t1 is the folder with files in it, and t2 is the empty directory. What you want is something like this:

sudo cp -R t1/* t2/

Bear in mind, for the first example, t1 and t2 have to be the full paths, or relative paths (based on where you are). If you want, you can navigate to the empty folder (t2) and do this:

sudo cp -R t1/* ./

Or you can navigate to the folder with files (t1) and do this:

sudo cp -R ./* t2/

Note: The * sign (or wildcard) stands for all files and folders. The -R flag means recursively (everything inside everything).

how to set default method argument values?

If your arguments are the same type you could use varargs:

public int something(int... args) {
    int a = 0;
    int b = 0;
    if (args.length > 0) {
      a = args[0];
    if (args.length > 1) {
      b = args[1];
    return a + b

but this way you lose the semantics of the individual arguments, or

have a method overloaded which relays the call to the parametered version

public int something() {
  return something(1, 2);

or if the method is part of some kind of initialization procedure, you could use the builder pattern instead:

class FoodBuilder {
   int saltAmount;
   int meatAmount;
   FoodBuilder setSaltAmount(int saltAmount) {
       this.saltAmount = saltAmount;
       return this;
   FoodBuilder setMeatAmount(int meatAmount) {
       this.meatAmount = meatAmount;
       return this;
   Food build() {
       return new Food(saltAmount, meatAmount);

Food f = new FoodBuilder().setSaltAmount(10).build();
Food f2 = new FoodBuilder().setSaltAmount(10).setMeatAmount(5).build();

Then work with the Food object

int doSomething(Food f) {
    return f.getSaltAmount() + f.getMeatAmount();

The builder pattern allows you to add/remove parameters later on and you don't need to create new overloaded methods for them.

PHP max_input_vars

Have just attempted this fix with 5.3.3 and there's no change. Googling around I found this web page detailing other settings which need changing if your server uses the Suhosin patch which Apache under Debian does.

The site explains:

So, if you want to increase this number to, say, 3000 from the default number which is 1000, you have to put in your php.ini these lines:

max_input_vars = 3000 = 3000 suhosin.request.max_vars = 3000

I tested it (added settings to php.ini both in /etc/php5/apache2 and /etc/php5/cli, and restarted Apache successfully) but still no max_input_vars variable in phpinfo.

A few sites point to PHP 5.3.9 as the first PHP version in which this change will take, so my fault for not RTM properly in the first place, although I'm interested to see people reporting it working in version above 5.3.3 but below 5.3.9.

MVC Razor Radio Button

I wanted to share one way to do the radio button (and entire HTML form) without using the @Html.RadioButtonFor helper, although I think @Html.RadioButtonFor is probably the better and newer way (for one thing, it's strongly typed, so is closely linked to theModelProperty). Nevertheless, here's an old-fashioned, different way you can do it:

    <form asp-action="myActionMethod" method="post">
        <h3>Do you like pizza?</h3>
        <div class="checkbox">
                <input asp-for="likesPizza"/> Yes

This code can go in a myView.cshtml file, and also uses classes to get the radio-button (checkbox) formatting.

How to Get JSON Array Within JSON Object?

Solved, use array list of string to get name from Ingredients. Use below code:

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonStr);

//extracting data array from json string
JSONArray ja_data = jsonObj.getJSONArray("data");
int length = ja_data.length();

//loop to get all json objects from data json array
for(int i=0; i<length; i++){
    JSONObject jObj = ja_data.getJSONObject(i);
    Toast.makeText(this, jObj.getString("Name"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    // getting inner array Ingredients
    JSONArray ja = jObj.getJSONArray("Ingredients");
    int len = ja.length();
    ArrayList<String> Ingredients_names = new ArrayList<>();
    for(int j=0; j<len; j++){
        JSONObject json = ja.getJSONObject(j);

M_PI works with math.h but not with cmath in Visual Studio

With CMake it would just be


in CMakeLists.txt.

What's the difference between 'int?' and 'int' in C#?

int belongs to System.ValueType and cannot have null as a value. When dealing with databases or other types where the elements can have a null value, it might be useful to check if the element is null. That is when int? comes into play. int? is a nullable type which can have values ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483648 and null.


Get an image extension from an uploaded file in Laravel

Do something like this:


    $path = Storage::putFileAs(
            '/', $video, $filename

How to Git stash pop specific stash in 1.8.3?

First check the list:-

git stash list

copy the index you wanted to pop from the stash list

git stash pop stash@{index_number}


git stash pop stash@{1}

JavaScript replace \n with <br />

Handles either type of line break

str.replace(new RegExp('\r?\n','g'), '<br />');

How to send an email using PHP?

Sent the Email with this script

<h2>Test Mail</h2>

if (!isset($_POST["submit"]))
  <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>">
  From: <input type="text" name="from"><br>
  Subject: <input type="text" name="subject"><br>
  Message: <textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="message"></textarea><br>
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Click To send mail">



  if (isset($_POST["from"]))
    $from = $_POST["from"]; // sender
    $subject = $_POST["subject"];
    $message = $_POST["message"];

    $message = wordwrap($message, 70);

    mail("[email protected]",$subject,$message,"From: $from\n");
    echo "Thank you for sending an email";

Once you press the Send email button, the email will be sent to [email protected]

Remove icon/logo from action bar on android

getActionBar().setIcon(new ColorDrawable(getResources().getColor(android.R.color.transparent)));

Can a table row expand and close?

It depends on your mark-up, but it can certainly be made to work, I used the following:


  function() {
  $('td p').slideUp();
    $('td h2').click(


      <th>Which Doctor</th>
      <th>Significant companion</th>
      <td><h2>William Hartnell</h2></td>
      <td><h2>First</h2><p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p></td>
      <td><h2>Susan Foreman</h2><p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p></td>
      <td><h2>Patrick Troughton</h2></td>
      <td><h2>Second</h2><p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p></td>
      <td><h2>Jamie MacCrimmon</h2><p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p></td>
      <td><h2>Jon Pertwee</h2></td>
      <td><h2>Third</h2><p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p></td>
      <td><h2>Jo Grant</h2><p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p></td>

The way I approached it is to collapse specific elements within the cells of the row, so that, in my case, the row would slideUp() as the paragraphs were hidden, and still leave an element, h2 to click on in order to re-show the content. If the row collapsed entirely there'd be no easily obvious way to bring it back.

Demo at JS Bin

As @Peter Ajtai noted, in the comments, the above approach focuses on only one cell (though deliberately). To expand all the child p elements this would work:

  function() {
  $('td p').slideUp();
    $('td h2').click(

Demo at JS Bin

How to get first character of string?

Try this as well:

x.substr(0, 1);

Get current folder path

for .NET CORE use System.AppContext.BaseDirectory

(as a replacement for AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory)

How can I tell AngularJS to "refresh"



remember to inject $route to your controller.

Android: Align button to bottom-right of screen using FrameLayout?

Two ways to do this:

1) Using a Frame Layout


2) Using a Relative Layout


Creating a BLOB from a Base64 string in JavaScript

For all browser support, especially on Android, perhaps you can add this:

    blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type : contentType});
    // TypeError old Google Chrome and Firefox
    window.BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder ||
                         window.WebKitBlobBuilder ||
                         window.MozBlobBuilder ||
    if( == 'TypeError' && window.BlobBuilder){
        var bb = new BlobBuilder();
        blob = bb.getBlob(contentType);
    else if( == "InvalidStateError"){
        // InvalidStateError (tested on FF13 WinXP)
        blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type : contentType});
        // We're screwed, blob constructor unsupported entirely

Getting content/message from HttpResponseMessage

I think the easiest approach is just to change the last line to

txtBlock.Text = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //right!

This way you don't need to introduce any stream readers and you don't need any extension methods.

What is the garbage collector in Java?

Automatic garbage collection is the process of looking at heap memory, identifying which objects are in use and which are not, and deleting the unused objects. An in use object, or a referenced object, means that some part of your program still maintains a pointer to that object. An unused object, or unreferenced object, is no longer referenced by any part of your program. So the memory used by an unreferenced object can be reclaimed.

In a programming language like C, allocating and deallocating memory is a manual process. In Java, process of deallocating memory is handled automatically by the garbage collector. Please check the link for a better understanding.

How to refresh page on back button click?

Ahem u_u

As i've stated the back button is for every one of us a pain in some place... that said...

As long as you load the page normally it makes a lot of trouble... for a standard "site" it will not change that much... however i think you can make something like this

The user access everytime to your page .php that choose what to load. You can try to work a little with cache (to not cache page) and maybe expire date.

But the long term solution will be put a code on "onload" event to fetch the data trought Ajax, this way you can (with Javascript) run the code you want, and example refresh the page.

How do you declare string constants in C?

The main disadvantage of the #define method is that the string is duplicated each time it is used, so you can end up with lots of copies of it in the executable, making it bigger.

Java - Opposite of .contains (does not contain)


if (inventory.contains("bread") && !inventory.contains("water"))


if (inventory.contains("bread")) {
    if (!inventory.contains("water")) {
        // do something here

How to convert between bytes and strings in Python 3?

This is a Python 101 type question,

It's a simple question but one where the answer is not so simple.

In python3, a "bytes" object represents a sequence of bytes, a "string" object represents a sequence of unicode code points.

To convert between from "bytes" to "string" and from "string" back to "bytes" you use the bytes.decode and string.encode functions. These functions take two parameters, an encoding and an error handling policy.

Sadly there are an awful lot of cases where sequences of bytes are used to represent text, but it is not necessarily well-defined what encoding is being used. Take for example filenames on unix-like systems, as far as the kernel is concerned they are a sequence of bytes with a handful of special values, on most modern distros most filenames will be UTF-8 but there is no gaurantee that all filenames will be.

If you want to write robust software then you need to think carefully about those parameters. You need to think carefully about what encoding the bytes are supposed to be in and how you will handle the case where they turn out not to be a valid sequence of bytes for the encoding you thought they should be in. Python defaults to UTF-8 and erroring out on any byte sequence that is not valid UTF-8.


Python uses "repr" as a fallback conversion to string. repr attempts to produce python code that will recreate the object. In the case of a bytes object this means among other things escaping bytes outside the printable ascii range.

Check if date is in the past Javascript

$('#datepicker').datepicker().change(evt => {_x000D_
  var selectedDate = $('#datepicker').datepicker('getDate');_x000D_
  var now = new Date();_x000D_
  if (selectedDate < now) {_x000D_
    console.log("Selected date is in the past");_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    console.log("Selected date is NOT in the past");_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="text" id="datepicker" name="event_date" class="datepicker">

Can we define min-margin and max-margin, max-padding and min-padding in css?

I was faced with the same problem today. Apparently the solution is as simple as using :

padding: calc(*put fixed pixels here*px + *put your required %age here*%) 

Note that you do have to decrement the required %age a little to account for fixed pixels.

jQuery $.ajax(), pass success data into separate function

Works fine for me:

<script src="/jquery.js"></script>
var callback = function(data, textStatus, xhr)
    alert(data + "\t" + textStatus);

var test = function(str, cb) {
    var data = 'Input values';
        type: 'post',
        url: '',
        data: data,
        success: cb
test('Hello, world', callback);

Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

* Answer may only be applicable to MacOS *

When trying to import a .sql file into a docker container, I encountered the error message:

Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

Then while trying some of the other suggestions, I received the below error on my MacOS (osx)

sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence

Finally, the following command from this resource resolved my "Access Denied" issue.

LC_ALL=C sed -i old 's/\DEFINER\=`[^`]*`@`[^`]*`//g' fileName.sql

So I could import into the docker database with:

docker exec -i dockerContainerName mysql -uuser -ppassword table < importFile.sql

Hope this helps! :)

Must issue a STARTTLS command first

Try this code :

Properties props = new Properties();
                        props.put("", "");
                        props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
                        props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");
                        props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
                        props.put("mail.smtp.prot", "465");

                        Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props,
                                new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
                            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {

                                return new PasswordAuthentication("PUT THE MAIL SENDER HERE !", "PUT THE PASSWORD OF THE MAIL SENDER HERE !");
                        try {
                            Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
                            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress("PUT THE MAIL SENDER HERE !"));
                            message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse("PUT THE MAIL RECEIVER HERE !"));
                            message.setSubject("MAIL SUBJECT !");
                            message.setText("MAIL BODY !");

                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e);

You have to less secure the security of the mail sender. if the problem persist I think It can be caused by the antivirus, try to disable it ..

HTML Best Practices: Should I use &rsquo; or the special keyboard shortcut?

With &rsquo; you know for certain that the output will be correct, no matter what.

I wish &apos; would output the proper apostrophe and not the typewriter apostrophe.

Adding class to element using Angular JS

For Angular 7 users:

Here I show you that you can activate or deactivate a simple class attribute named "blurred" with just a boolean. Therefore u need to use [ngClass].

TS class

blurredStatus = true


<div class="inner-wrapper" [ngClass]="{'blurred':blurredStatus}"></div>

Position: absolute and parent height?

This is a late answer, but by looking at the source code, I noticed that when the video is fullscreen, the "mejs-container-fullscreen" class is added to the "mejs-container" element. It is thus possible to change the styling based on this class.

.mejs-container.mejs-container-fullscreen {
    // This rule applies only to the container when in fullscreen
    padding-top: 57%;

Also, if you wish to make your MediaElement video fluid using CSS, below is a great trick by Chris Coyier:

Just add this to your CSS:

.mejs-container {
    width: 100% !important;
    height: auto !important;
    padding-top: 57%;
.mejs-overlay, .mejs-poster {
    width: 100% !important;
    height: 100% !important;
.mejs-mediaelement video {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
    width: 100% !important;
    height: 100% !important;

I hope it helps.

How to run a C# application at Windows startup?

public class StartUpManager
    public static void AddApplicationToCurrentUserStartup()
        using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true))
            key.SetValue("My ApplicationStartUpDemo", "\"" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + "\"");

    public static void AddApplicationToAllUserStartup()
        using (RegistryKey key =     Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true))
            key.SetValue("My ApplicationStartUpDemo", "\"" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + "\"");

    public static void RemoveApplicationFromCurrentUserStartup()
         using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true))
             key.DeleteValue("My ApplicationStartUpDemo", false);

    public static void RemoveApplicationFromAllUserStartup()
        using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true))
            key.DeleteValue("My ApplicationStartUpDemo", false);

    public static bool IsUserAdministrator()
        //bool value to hold our return value
        bool isAdmin;
            //get the currently logged in user
            WindowsIdentity user = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
            WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal(user);
            isAdmin = principal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator);
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
            isAdmin = false;
        catch (Exception ex)
            isAdmin = false;
        return isAdmin;

you can check whole article here

Turning off auto indent when pasting text into vim

This issue has already been answered, but I though I could also add my own solution:

If you simply want to disable auto-indent system wise, for every file type (basically, disable the auto-indent feature completely), you can do the following:

  1. Backup the indent.vim file:
    sudo mv /usr/share/vim/vim81/indent.vim /usr/share/vim/vim81/indent.vim.orig
  2. Create a new empty indent.vim file:
    sudo touch /usr/share/vim/vim81/indent.vim

Xcode Debugger: view value of variable

Also you can:

  1. Set a breakpoint to pause the execution.
  2. The object must be inside the execution scope
  3. Move the mouse pointer over the object or variable
  4. A yellow tooltip will appear
  5. Move the mouse over the tooltip
  6. Click over the two little arrows pointing up and down
  7. A context menu will pop up
  8. Select "Print Description", it will execute a [object description]
  9. The description will appear in the console's output

IMHO a little bit hidden and cumbersome...

Copy all the lines to clipboard

I have created a function to perform this action, place it on your ~/.vimrc.

fun! CopyBufferToClipboard()
nnoremap <Leader>y :call CopyBufferToClipboard()<CR>
command! -nargs=0 CopyFile :call CopyBufferToClipboard()

OBS: If you are using neovim you also need some clipboard manager like xclip. for more information type in neovim :h checkhealth

It is also important to mention that not always a simple y will copy to the clipboard, in order to make every copy feed + wich is "Clipboard Register" try to set: :set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus. For mor information see: :h unnamed.

Here more information on vim wikia.

ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred

I was getting the same error while connecting my "hr" user of ORCLPDB which is a pluggable database.

First, get hostname and port number by typing a command lsnrctl status on windows command prompt. In my case, it was with port number as 1521

Second, enter the below command with your hostname and port number:

sqlplus username/password@HostName:Port Number/PluggableDatabaseName.

For example:

sqlplus hr/[email protected]:1521/ORCLPDB.

How to set the image from drawable dynamically in android?

See below code this is working for me

                "imagename", "drawable", "com.package.application"));

How do you use variables in a simple PostgreSQL script?

Here's an example of using a variable in plpgsql:

create table test (id int);
insert into test values (1);
insert into test values (2);
insert into test values (3);

create function test_fn() returns int as $$
    declare val int := 2;
        return (SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = val);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT * FROM test_fn();

Have a look at the plpgsql docs for more information.

PHP Unset Array value effect on other indexes

This might be a little bit out of context but in unsetting values from a global array, apply the answer by Michael Berkowski above but in use with $GLOBALS instead of the the global value you declared with global $variable_name. So it will be something like:


Instead of:

global $variable_name; unset($variable_name['array_key']);

NB: This works only if you're using global variables.

How does Content Security Policy (CSP) work?

Apache 2 mod_headers

You could also enable Apache 2 mod_headers. On Fedora it's already enabled by default. If you use Ubuntu/Debian, enable it like this:

# First enable headers module for Apache 2,
# and then restart the Apache2 service
a2enmod headers
apache2 -k graceful

On Ubuntu/Debian you can configure headers in the file /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf

# Setting this header will prevent MSIE from interpreting files as something
# else than declared by the content type in the HTTP headers.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
#Header set X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"

# Setting this header will prevent other sites from embedding pages from this
# site as frames. This defends against clickjacking attacks.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
Header always set X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin"
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
Header always set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
Header always set X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies "master-only"
Header always set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header always set Pragma "no-cache"
Header always set Expires "-1"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "default-src 'none';"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "script-src 'self';"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "style-src 'self';"

Note: This is the bottom part of the file. Only the last three entries are CSP settings.

The first parameter is the directive, the second is the sources to be white-listed. I've added Google analytics and an adserver, which you might have. Furthermore, I found that if you have aliases, e.g, and configured in Apache 2 you should add them to the white-list as well.

Inline code is considered harmful, and you should avoid it. Copy all the JavaScript code and CSS to separate files and add them to the white-list.

While you're at it you could take a look at the other header settings and install mod_security

Further reading:

List all indexes on ElasticSearch server?

If you have curl installed on your system, then try this simple command : curl -XGET xx.xx.xx.xx:9200/_cat/indices?v

The above-mentioned command gives you result in this format : result to fetch all indices

Export data to Excel file with ASP.NET MVC 4 C# is rendering into view

  using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream())
    SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(mem, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook);

    // Add a WorkbookPart to the document.
    WorkbookPart workbookpart = spreadsheetDocument.AddWorkbookPart();
    workbookpart.Workbook = new Workbook();

    // Add a WorksheetPart to the WorkbookPart.
    WorksheetPart worksheetPart = workbookpart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();
    worksheetPart.Worksheet = new Worksheet(new SheetData());

    // Add Sheets to the Workbook.
    Sheets sheets = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.Workbook.AppendChild<Sheets>(new Sheets());

    SheetData sheetData = worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>();

    // Add a row to the cell table.
    Row row;
    row = new Row() { RowIndex = 1 };

    // In the new row, find the column location to insert a cell in A1.  
    Cell refCell = null;
    foreach (Cell cell in row.Elements<Cell>())
      if (string.Compare(cell.CellReference.Value, "A1", true) > 0)
        refCell = cell;

    // Add the cell to the cell table at A1.
    Cell newCell = new Cell() { CellReference = "A1" };
    row.InsertBefore(newCell, refCell);

    // Set the cell value to be a numeric value of 100.
    newCell.CellValue = new CellValue("100");
    newCell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.Number);

    // Append a new worksheet and associate it with the workbook.
    Sheet sheet = new Sheet()
      Id = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart),
      SheetId = 1,
      Name = "mySheet"



    return File(mem.ToArray(), System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, "text.xlsx");

How to get a path to a resource in a Java JAR file

When in a jar file, the resource is located absolutely in the package hierarchy (not file system hierarchy). So if you have class com.example.Sweet loading a resource named "./default.conf" then the resource's name is specified as "/com/example/default.conf".

But if it's in a jar then it's not a File ...

Onclick on bootstrap button

Just like any other click event, you can use jQuery to register an element, set an id to the element and listen to events like so:

$('#myButton').on('click', function(event) {
  event.preventDefault(); // To prevent following the link (optional)

You can also use inline javascript in the onclick attribute:

<a ... onclick="myFunc();">..</a>

"&" meaning after variable type

It means you're passing the variable by reference.

In fact, in a declaration of a type, it means reference, just like:

int x = 42;
int& y = x;

declares a reference to x, called y.

difference between iframe, embed and object elements

Another reason to use object over iframe is that object sub resources (when an <object> performs HTTP requests) are considered as passive/display in terms of Mixed content, which means it's more secure when you must have Mixed content.

Mixed content means that when you have https but your resource is from http.


How to redirect user's browser URL to a different page in Nodejs?

OP: "I would love if there were a way to do it where I didn't have to know the host address..."

response.writeHead(301, {
  Location: "http" + (request.socket.encrypted ? "s" : "") + "://" + + newRoom

How to upgrade Angular CLI to the latest version

In addition to @ShinDarth answer.

I did what he said but my package did not updated the angular version, and I know that this post is about angular-cli, but i think that this can help too.

  • so after doing what @ShinDarth said above, to fix my angular version I had to create a new project with -ng new projectname that generated a package.
  • copy the new package, then paste the new package on all projects packages needing update (remember to add the dependencies you had and change the name on first line) or you can just change the versions manualy without copy and paste.
  • then run -npm install.

Now my ng serve is working again, maybe there is a better way to do all that, if someone know, please share, because this is a pain to do with all projects that need update.

RuntimeError: module compiled against API version a but this version of numpy is 9

This works for me:

My pip is not work after upgrade, so the first thing I need to do is to fix it with

sudo gedit /usr/bin/pip

Change the line

from pip import main


from pip._internal import main


 sudo pip install -U numpy

./configure : /bin/sh^M : bad interpreter

When you write your script on windows environment and you want to run it on unix environnement you need to be careful about the encodage :

dos2unix $filePath

css transition opacity fade background

Please note that the problem is not white color. It is because it is being transparent.

When an element is made transparent, all of its child element's opacity; alpha filter in IE 6 7 etc, is changed to the new value.

So you cannot say that it is white!

You can place an element above it, and change that element's transparency to 1 while changing the image's transparency to .2 or what so ever you want to.

Select something that has more/less than x character

If you are using SQL Server, Use the LEN (Length) function:

SELECT EmployeeName FROM EmployeeTable WHERE LEN(EmployeeName) > 4

MSDN for it states:

Returns the number of characters of the specified string expression,
excluding trailing blanks.

Here's the link to the MSDN

For oracle/plsql you can use Length(), mysql also uses Length.

Here is the Oracle documentation:

And here is the mySQL Documentation of Length(string):

For PostgreSQL, you can use length(string) or char_length(string). Here is the PostgreSQL documentation:

Alert after page load

Another option is to use the defer attribute on the script, but it's only appropriate for external scripts with a src attribute:

<script src = "exampleJsFile.js" defer> </script>

Vuejs: v-model array in multiple input

You're thinking too DOM, it's a hard as hell habit to break. Vue recommends you approach it data first.

It's kind of hard to tell in your exact situation but I'd probably use a v-for and make an array of finds to push to as I need more.

Here's how I'd set up my instance:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    finds: []
  methods: {
    addFind: function () {
      this.finds.push({ value: '' });

And here's how I'd set up my template:

<div id="app">
  <div v-for="(find, index) in finds">
    <input v-model="find.value" :key="index">
  <button @click="addFind">
    New Find

Although, I'd try to use something besides an index for the key.

Here's a demo of the above:

What is difference between sjlj vs dwarf vs seh?

There's a short overview at MinGW-w64 Wiki:

Why doesn't mingw-w64 gcc support Dwarf-2 Exception Handling?

The Dwarf-2 EH implementation for Windows is not designed at all to work under 64-bit Windows applications. In win32 mode, the exception unwind handler cannot propagate through non-dw2 aware code, this means that any exception going through any non-dw2 aware "foreign frames" code will fail, including Windows system DLLs and DLLs built with Visual Studio. Dwarf-2 unwinding code in gcc inspects the x86 unwinding assembly and is unable to proceed without other dwarf-2 unwind information.

The SetJump LongJump method of exception handling works for most cases on both win32 and win64, except for general protection faults. Structured exception handling support in gcc is being developed to overcome the weaknesses of dw2 and sjlj. On win64, the unwind-information are placed in xdata-section and there is the .pdata (function descriptor table) instead of the stack. For win32, the chain of handlers are on stack and need to be saved/restored by real executed code.

GCC GNU about Exception Handling:

GCC supports two methods for exception handling (EH):

  • DWARF-2 (DW2) EH, which requires the use of DWARF-2 (or DWARF-3) debugging information. DW-2 EH can cause executables to be slightly bloated because large call stack unwinding tables have to be included in th executables.
  • A method based on setjmp/longjmp (SJLJ). SJLJ-based EH is much slower than DW2 EH (penalising even normal execution when no exceptions are thrown), but can work across code that has not been compiled with GCC or that does not have call-stack unwinding information.


Structured Exception Handling (SEH)

Windows uses its own exception handling mechanism known as Structured Exception Handling (SEH). [...] Unfortunately, GCC does not support SEH yet. [...]

See also:

How to wait for 2 seconds?

Try this example:

exec DBMS_LOCK.sleep(5);

This is the whole script:


exec DBMS_LOCK.sleep(5);


Uninstall all installed gems, in OSX?

I did that not too long ago (same poster-child RVM switcher situation):

gem list | cut -d" " -f1 | sudo xargs gem uninstall -Iax

Takes the list of all gems (incl. version stuff), cuts it to keep only the gem name, then uninstalls all versions of such gems.

The sudo is only useful if you had gems installed system-wide, and should not be included unless necessary.

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version CXXABI_1.3.8' not found

In my case it was gcc 6 the one missing

sudo apt-get install gcc-6 g++-6 -y 


sudo apt-get install gcc-7 g++-7 -y

How to create localhost database using mysql?

See here for starting the service and here for how to make it permanent. In short to test it, open a "DOS" terminal with administrator privileges and write:

shell> "C:\Program Files\MySQL\[YOUR MYSQL VERSION PATH]\bin\mysqld"

Convert Iterable to Stream using Java 8 JDK

If you happen to use Vavr(formerly known as Javaslang), this can be as easy as:

Iterable i = //...

Scroll to a specific Element Using html

Yes, you may use an anchor by specifying the id attribute of an element and then linking to it with a hash.

For example (taken from the W3 specification):

You may read more about this in <A href="#section2">Section Two</A>.
...later in the document
<H2 id="section2">Section Two</H2>
...later in the document
<P>Please refer to <A href="#section2">Section Two</A> above
for more details.

how to show only even or odd rows in sql server 2008?

  SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY sal DESC) row_number, sr,sal FROM empsal) a WHERE (row_number%2) = 1


      SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY sal DESC) row_number, sr,sal FROM   empsal) a WHERE (row_number%2) = 0

Why does npm install say I have unmet dependencies?

This solved it for me:

  1. Correct the version numbers in package.json, according to the errors;
  2. Remove node_modules (rm -rf node_modules);
  3. Rerun npm install.

Repeat these steps until there are no more errors.