Programs & Examples On #Multiviews

How Can I Remove “public/index.php” in the URL Generated Laravel?

I tried this on Laravel 4.2

Rename the server.php in the your Laravel root folder to index.php and copy the .htaccess file from /public directory to your Laravel root folder.

I hope it works

Apache 2.4 - Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

Solved this by adding following

RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200 [OR]
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
 RewriteRule ^ - [L]

Laravel blank white screen

In my case , I have installed laravel many times, and I am sure that the folder write permission has been correctly given.

Like most of the answers above :

sudo chmod 777 -R storage bootstrap

The mistake is that my nginx configuration comes from the official documentation.

I only modified the domain name after copying ,then I got a blank page. I tried restarting nginx and php-fpm,but not work for me.

Finally, I added this line configuration to solve the problem.

location ~ \.php$ {

    # same as documentation ...

    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

I hope I can help others.

Apache 2.4.6 on Ubuntu Server: Client denied by server configuration (PHP FPM) [While loading PHP file]

And I simply got this error because I used a totally different DocumentRoot directory.

My main DocumentRoot was the default /var/www/html and on the VirtualHost I used /sites/

I have created a link on /var/www/html/ (to /sites/ DocumentRoot was set to /var/www/html/

It worked like a charm.

Apache2: 'AH01630: client denied by server configuration'

One obscure (having just dealt with it), yet possible, cause of this is an internal mod_rewrite rule, in the main config file (not .htaccess) that writes to a path which exists at the root of the server file system. Say you have a /media directory in your site, and you rewrite something like this:

RewriteRule /some_image.png /media/some_other_location.png

If you have a /media directory at the root of your server, the rewrite will be attempted to that (resulting in the access denied error) rather than the one in your site directory, since the file system root is checked first by mod_rewrite, for the existence of the first directory in the path, before your site directory.

Error message "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server"

Try this and don't add anything Order allow,deny and others:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .py 
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    Require all granted
    Allow from all


sudo a2enmod cgi
sudo service apache2 restart

WAMP Server ERROR "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server."

To solve this, I opened httpd.conf and changed the following line:

Allow from


Allow from ::1

Apache won't follow symlinks (403 Forbidden)

There is another way that symbolic links may fail you, as I discovered in my situation. If you have an SELinux system as the server and the symbolic links point to an NFS-mounted folder (other file systems may yield similar symptoms), httpd may see the wrong contexts and refuse to serve the contents of the target folders.

In my case the SELinux context of /var/www/html (which you can obtain with ls -Z) is unconfined_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0. The symbolic links in /var/www/html will have the same context, but their target's context, being an NFS-mounted folder, are system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0.

The solution is to add fscontext=unconfined_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 to the mount options (e.g. # mount -t nfs -o v3,fscontext=unconfined_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 <IP address>:/<server path> /<mount point>). rootcontext is irrelevant and defcontext is rejected by NFS. I did not try context by itself.

How to debug an apache virtual host configuration?

I found my own mistake, I did not add log file name: ErrorLog /var/log/apache2
And this path: Directory "/usr/share/doc/" Did not contain website sources.

After I changed these two, all worked. Interestingly, apache did not issue any errors, just did not open my website silently on my Mac OS Sierra.

How to use .htaccess in WAMP Server?

Click on Wamp icon and open Apache/httpd.conf and search "#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/". Remove # as below and save it

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

and restart all service.

PHP using Gettext inside <<<EOF string

As far as I can see, you just added heredoc by mistake
No need to use ugly heredoc syntax here.
Just remove it and everything will work:

<p><?= _("World"); ?></p>

See line breaks and carriage returns in editor

You can view break lines using gedit editor.

First, if you don't have installed:

sudo apt-get install gedit

Now, install gedit plugins:

sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins

and select Draw Spaces plugin, enter on Preferences, and chose Draw new lines

enter image description here

enter image description here

Using VSCode you can install Line endings extension.

Sublime Text 3 has a plugin called RawLineEdit that will display line endings and allow the insertion of arbitrary line-ending type

shift + ctrl + p and start type the name of the plugin, and toggle to show line ending.

Play an audio file using jQuery when a button is clicked

JSFiddle Demonstration

This is what I use with JQuery:

$('.button').on('click', function () { 
    var obj = document.createElement("audio");
        obj.src = "linktoyourfile.wav";; 

Get div tag scroll position using JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function scollPos() {
            var div = document.getElementById("myDiv").scrollTop;
            document.getElementById("pos").innerHTML = div;
    <form id="form1">
    <div id="pos">
    <div id="myDiv" style="overflow: auto; height: 200px; width: 200px;" onscroll="scollPos();">
        Place some large content here

Display HTML snippets in HTML

I assume:

  • you want to write 100% valid HTML5
  • you want to place the code snippet (almost) literal in the HTML
    • especially < should not need escaping

All your options are in this tree:

  • with HTML syntax
    • there are five kinds of elements
    • those called "normal elements" (like <p>)
      • can't have a literal <
      • it would be considered the start of the next tag or comment
    • void elements
      • they have no content
      • you could put your HTML in a data attribute (but this is true for all elements)
      • that would need JavaScript to move the data elsewhere
      • in double-quoted attributes, " and &thing; need escaping: &quot; and &amp;thing; respectively
    • raw text elements
      • <script> and <style> only
      • they are never rendered visible
      • but embedding your text in Javascript might be feasable
      • Javascript allows for multi-line strings with backticks
      • it could then be inserted dynamically
      • a literal </script is not allowed anywhere in <script>
    • escapable raw text elements
      • <textarea> and <title> only
      • <textarea> is a good candidate to wrap code in
      • it is totally legal to write </html> in there
      • not legal is the substring </textarea for obvious reasons
        • escape this special case with &lt;/textarea or similar
      • &thing; needs escaping: &amp;thing;
    • foreign elements
      • elements from MathML and SVG namespaces
      • at least SVG allows embedding of HTML again...
      • and CDATA is allowed there, so it seems to have potential
  • with XML syntax


Note: > never needs escaping. Not even in normal elements.

How to get JSON response from http.Get

The ideal way is not to use ioutil.ReadAll, but rather use a decoder on the reader directly. Here's a nice function that gets a url and decodes its response onto a target structure.

var myClient = &http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}

func getJson(url string, target interface{}) error {
    r, err := myClient.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer r.Body.Close()

    return json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(target)

Example use:

type Foo struct {
    Bar string

func main() {
    foo1 := new(Foo) // or &Foo{}
    getJson("", foo1)

    // alternately:

    foo2 := Foo{}
    getJson("", &foo2)

You should not be using the default *http.Client structure in production as this answer originally demonstrated! (Which is what http.Get/etc call to). The reason is that the default client has no timeout set; if the remote server is unresponsive, you're going to have a bad day.

how to call a method in another Activity from Activity

The startActivityForResult pattern is much better suited for what you're trying to achieve :

Try below code

public class MainActivity extends Activity {  

    Button button1;  
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
        button1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {  
            public void onClick(View arg0) {  
                Intent intent=new Intent(MainActivity.this,SecondActivity.class);  
                startActivityForResult(intent, 2);// Activity is started with requestCode 2  
 // Call Back method  to get the Message form other Activity  
       protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)  
                 super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);  
                  // check if the request code is same as what is passed  here it is 2  
                          //do the things u wanted 



public class SecondActivity extends Activity {  

    Button button1;  
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  

            button1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {  
                public void onClick(View arg0) {  
                    String message="hello ";  
                    Intent intent=new Intent();  
                    finish();//finishing activity  


Let me know if it helped...

Simple PowerShell LastWriteTime compare


ls | % {(get-date) - $_.LastWriteTime }

It can work to retrieve the diff. You can replace ls with a single file.

grep from tar.gz without extracting [faster one]

If you have zgrep you can use

zgrep -a string file.tar.gz

What is the function of FormulaR1C1?

FormulaR1C1 has the same behavior as Formula, only using R1C1 style annotation, instead of A1 annotation. In A1 annotation you would use:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A5").Formula = "=A4+A10"

In R1C1 you would use:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A5").FormulaR1C1 = "=R4C1+R10C1"

It doesn't act upon row 1 column 1, it acts upon the targeted cell or range. Column 1 is the same as column A, so R4C1 is the same as A4, R5C2 is B5, and so forth.

The command does not change names, the targeted cell changes. For your R2C3 (also known as C2) example :

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C2").FormulaR1C1 = "=your formula here"

How to Install pip for python 3.7 on Ubuntu 18?

pip3 not pip. You can create an alias like you did with python3 if you like.

Multiple contexts with the same path error running web service in Eclipse using Tomcat

On a related note, if you have copied a project or in anycase, have the same context path for 2 'active' projects, you have to change the context path of one of them, then clean the tomcat server settings, then republish the servers

see this in-more detailed answer

Output a NULL cell value in Excel

I've been frustrated by this problem as well. Find/Replace can be helpful though, because if you don't put anything in the "replace" field it will replace with an -actual- NULL. So the steps would be something along the lines of:

1: Place some unique string in your formula in place of the NULL output (i like to use a password-like string)

2: Run your formula

3: Open Find/Replace, and fill in the unique string as the search value. Leave "replace with" blank

4: Replace All

Obviously, this has limitations. It only works when the context allows you to do a find/replace, so for more dynamic formulas this won't help much. But, I figured I'd put it up here anyway.

String comparison in bash. [[: not found

If you know you're on bash, and still get this error, make sure you write the if with spaces.

[[1==1]] # This outputs error

[[ 1==1 ]] # OK

Detect if checkbox is checked or unchecked in Angular.js ng-change event

You could just use the bound ng-model (answers[item.questID]) value itself in your ng-change method to detect if it has been checked or not.


<input type="checkbox" ng-model="answers[item.questID]" 
     ng-change="stateChanged(item.questID)" /> <!-- Pass the specific id -->


$scope.stateChanged = function (qId) {
   if($scope.answers[qId]){ //If it is checked

How can I see what has changed in a file before committing to git?

You're looking for

git diff --staged

Depending on your exact situation, there are three useful ways to use git diff:

  1. Show differences between index and working tree; that is, changes you haven't staged to commit:
git diff [filename]
  1. Show differences between current commit and index; that is, what you're about to commit (--staged does exactly the same thing, use what you like):
git diff --cached [filename]
  1. Show differences between current commit and working tree:
git diff HEAD [filename]

git diff works recursively on directories, and if no paths are given, it shows all changes.

Definition of a Balanced Tree

There are several ways to define "Balanced". The main goal is to keep the depths of all nodes to be O(log(n)).

It appears to me that the balance condition you were talking about is for AVL tree.
Here is the formal definition of AVL tree's balance condition:

For any node in AVL, the height of its left subtree differs by at most 1 from the height of its right subtree.

Next question, what is "height"?

The "height" of a node in a binary tree is the length of the longest path from that node to a leaf.

There is one weird but common case:

People define the height of an empty tree to be (-1).

For example, root's left child is null:

              A  (Height = 2)
           /     \
(height =-1)       B (Height = 1) <-- Unbalanced because 1-(-1)=2 >1
                     C (Height = 0)

Two more examples to determine:

Yes, A Balanced Tree Example:

        A (h=3)
     /     \
 B(h=1)     C (h=2)        
/          /   \
D (h=0)  E(h=0)  F (h=1)
              G (h=0)

No, Not A Balanced Tree Example:

        A (h=3)
     /     \
 B(h=0)     C (h=2)        <-- Unbalanced: 2-0 =2 > 1
           /   \
        E(h=1)  F (h=0)
        /     \
      H (h=0)   G (h=0)      

Git's famous "ERROR: Permission to .git denied to user"

I find the solution is the same as @spyar provide which is the Keychain Access app stored the old username.

There are 2 solutions for this situation:

  1. Delete the info in Keychain Access by
    • Open Keychain Access app
    • Search for github
    • Delete corresponding credentials


  1. If you use want to use ssh key. You just change your Repo url from https


[email protected]:username/repo.git

Hope this helps.

Print all day-dates between two dates

import datetime

begin =, 8, 15)
end =, 9, 15)

next_day = begin
while True:
    if next_day > end:
    print next_day
    next_day += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

Is it possible to set ENV variables for rails development environment in my code?

Never hardcode sensitive information (account credentials, passwords, etc.). Instead, create a file to store that information as environment variables (key/value pairs), and exclude that file from your source code management system. For example, in terms of Git (source code management system), exclude that file by adding it to .gitignore:

-bash> echo '/config/app_environment_variables.rb' >> .gitignore 


ENV['HTTP_USER'] = 'devuser'
ENV['HTTP_PASS'] = 'devpass'

As well, add the following lines to /config/environment.rb, between the require line, and the Application.initialize line:

# Load the app's custom environment variables here, so that they are loaded before environments/*.rb
app_environment_variables = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'app_environment_variables.rb')
load(app_environment_variables) if File.exists?(app_environment_variables)

That's it!

As the comment above says, by doing this you will be loading your environment variables before environments/*.rb, which means that you will be able to refer to your variables inside those files (e.g. environments/production.rb). This is a great advantage over putting your environment variables file inside /config/initializers/.

Inside app_environment_variables.rb there's no need to distinguish environments as far as development or production because you will never commit this file into your source code management system, hence it is for the development context by default. But if you need to set something special for the test environment (or for occasions when you test production mode locally), just add a conditional block below all the other variables:

if Rails.env.test?
  ENV['HTTP_USER'] = 'testuser'
  ENV['HTTP_PASS'] = 'testpass'

if Rails.env.production?
  ENV['HTTP_USER'] = 'produser'
  ENV['HTTP_PASS'] = 'prodpass'

Whenever you update app_environment_variables.rb, restart the app server. Assuming you are using the likes of Apache/Passenger or rails server:

-bash> touch tmp/restart.txt

In your code, refer to the environment variables as follows:

def authenticate
  authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |username, password|
    username == ENV['HTTP_USER'] && password == ENV['HTTP_PASS']

Note that inside app_environment_variables.rb you must specify booleans and numbers as strings (e.g. ENV['SEND_MAIL'] = 'false' not just false, and ENV['TIMEOUT'] = '30' not just 30), otherwise you will get the errors can't convert false into String and can't convert Fixnum into String, respectively.

Storing and sharing sensitive information

The final knot to tie is: how to share this sensitive information with your clients and/or partners? For the purpose of business continuity (i.e. when you get hit by a falling star, how will your clients and/or partners resume full operations of the site?), your clients and/or partners need to know all the credentials required by your app. Emailing/Skyping these things around is insecure and leads to disarray. Storing it in shared Google Docs is not bad (if everyone uses https), but an app dedicated to storing and sharing small titbits like passwords would be ideal.

How to set environment variables on Heroku

If you have a single environment on Heroku:

-bash> heroku config:add HTTP_USER='herouser'
-bash> heroku config:add HTTP_USER='heropass'

If you have multiple environments on Heroku:

-bash> heroku config:add HTTP_USER='staguser' --remote staging
-bash> heroku config:add HTTP_PASS='stagpass' --remote staging

-bash> heroku config:add HTTP_USER='produser' --remote production
-bash> heroku config:add HTTP_PASS='prodpass' --remote production

Foreman and .env

Many developers use Foreman (installed with the Heroku Toolbelt) to run their apps locally (as opposed to using the likes of Apache/Passenger or rails server). Foreman and Heroku use Procfile for declaring what commands are run by your application, so the transition from local dev to Heroku is seamless in that regard. I use Foreman and Heroku in every Rails project, so this convenience is great. But here's the thing.. Foreman loads environment variables stored in /.env via dotenv but unfortunately dotenv essentially only parses the file for key=value pairs; those pairs don't become variables right there and then, so you can't refer to already set variables (to keep things DRY), nor can you do "Ruby" in there (as noted above with the conditionals), which you can do in /config/app_environment_variables.rb. For instance, in terms of keeping things DRY I sometimes do stuff like this:

ENV['SUPPORT_EMAIL']='Company Support <[email protected]>'

Hence, I use Foreman to run my apps locally, but I don't use its .env file for loading environment variables; rather I use Foreman in conjunction with the /config/app_environment_variables.rb approach described above.

Why would we call cin.clear() and cin.ignore() after reading input?

Why do we use:

1) cin.ignore

2) cin.clear



1) To ignore (extract and discard) values that we don't want on the stream

2) To clear the internal state of stream. After using cin.clear internal state is set again back to goodbit, which means that there are no 'errors'.

Long version:

If something is put on 'stream' (cin) then it must be taken from there. By 'taken' we mean 'used', 'removed', 'extracted' from stream. Stream has a flow. The data is flowing on cin like water on stream. You simply cannot stop the flow of water ;)

Look at the example:

string name; //line 1
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<<endl;//line 2
cin >> name;//line 3
int age;//line 4
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;//line 5
cin >> age;//line 6

What happens if the user answers: "Arkadiusz Wlodarczyk" for first question?

Run the program to see for yourself.

You will see on console "Arkadiusz" but program won't ask you for 'age'. It will just finish immediately right after printing "Arkadiusz".

And "Wlodarczyk" is not shown. It seems like if it was gone (?)*

What happened? ;-)

Because there is a space between "Arkadiusz" and "Wlodarczyk".

"space" character between the name and surname is a sign for computer that there are two variables waiting to be extracted on 'input' stream.

The computer thinks that you are tying to send to input more than one variable. That "space" sign is a sign for him to interpret it that way.

So computer assigns "Arkadiusz" to 'name' (2) and because you put more than one string on stream (input) computer will try to assign value "Wlodarczyk" to variable 'age' (!). The user won't have a chance to put anything on the 'cin' in line 6 because that instruction was already executed(!). Why? Because there was still something left on stream. And as I said earlier stream is in a flow so everything must be removed from it as soon as possible. And the possibility came when computer saw instruction cin >> age;

Computer doesn't know that you created a variable that stores age of somebody (line 4). 'age' is merely a label. For computer 'age' could be as well called: 'afsfasgfsagasggas' and it would be the same. For him it's just a variable that he will try to assign "Wlodarczyk" to because you ordered/instructed computer to do so in line (6).

It's wrong to do so, but hey it's you who did it! It's your fault! Well, maybe user, but still...

All right all right. But how to fix it?!

Let's try to play with that example a bit before we fix it properly to learn a few more interesting things :-)

I prefer to make an approach where we understand things. Fixing something without knowledge how we did it doesn't give satisfaction, don't you think? :)

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<<endl;
cin >> name;
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << cin.rdstate(); //new line is here :-)

After invoking above code you will notice that the state of your stream (cin) is equal to 4 (line 7). Which means its internal state is no longer equal to goodbit. Something is messed up. It's pretty obvious, isn't it? You tried to assign string type value ("Wlodarczyk") to int type variable 'age'. Types doesn't match. It's time to inform that something is wrong. And computer does it by changing internal state of stream. It's like: "You f**** up man, fix me please. I inform you 'kindly' ;-)"

You simply cannot use 'cin' (stream) anymore. It's stuck. Like if you had put big wood logs on water stream. You must fix it before you can use it. Data (water) cannot be obtained from that stream(cin) anymore because log of wood (internal state) doesn't allow you to do so.

Oh so if there is an obstacle (wood logs) we can just remove it using tools that is made to do so?


internal state of cin set to 4 is like an alarm that is howling and making noise.

cin.clear clears the state back to normal (goodbit). It's like if you had come and silenced the alarm. You just put it off. You know something happened so you say: "It's OK to stop making noise, I know something is wrong already, shut up (clear)".

All right let's do so! Let's use cin.clear().

Invoke below code using "Arkadiusz Wlodarczyk" as first input:

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<<endl;
cin >> name;
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << cin.rdstate() << endl; 
cin.clear(); //new line is here :-)
cout << cin.rdstate()<< endl;  //new line is here :-)

We can surely see after executing above code that the state is equal to goodbit.

Great so the problem is solved?

Invoke below code using "Arkadiusz Wlodarczyk" as first input:

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<<endl;
cin >> name;
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << cin.rdstate() << endl;; 
cout << cin.rdstate() << endl; 
cin >> age;//new line is here :-)

Even tho the state is set to goodbit after line 9 the user is not asked for "age". The program stops.


Oh man... You've just put off alarm, what about the wood log inside a water?* Go back to text where we talked about "Wlodarczyk" how it supposedly was gone.

You need to remove "Wlodarczyk" that piece of wood from stream. Turning off alarms doesn't solve the problem at all. You've just silenced it and you think the problem is gone? ;)

So it's time for another tool:

cin.ignore can be compared to a special truck with ropes that comes and removes the wood logs that got the stream stuck. It clears the problem the user of your program created.

So could we use it even before making the alarm goes off?


string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
cin >> name;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" << endl;
cin >> age;

The "Wlodarczyk" is gonna be removed before making the noise in line 7.

What is 10000 and '\n'?

It says remove 10000 characters (just in case) until '\n' is met (ENTER). BTW It can be done better using numeric_limits but it's not the topic of this answer.

So the main cause of problem is gone before noise was made...

Why do we need 'clear' then?

What if someone had asked for 'give me your age' question in line 6 for example: "twenty years old" instead of writing 20?

Types doesn't match again. Computer tries to assign string to int. And alarm starts. You don't have a chance to even react on situation like that. cin.ignore won't help you in case like that.

So we must use clear in case like that:

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
cin >> name;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" << endl;
cin >> age;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow

But should you clear the state 'just in case'?

Of course not.

If something goes wrong (cin >> age;) instruction is gonna inform you about it by returning false.

So we can use conditional statement to check if the user put wrong type on the stream

int age;
if (cin >> age) //it's gonna return false if types doesn't match
    cout << "You put integer";
    cout << "You bad boy! it was supposed to be int";

All right so we can fix our initial problem like for example that:

string name;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
cin >> name;
cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow

int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" << endl;
if (cin >> age)
  cout << "Your age is equal to:" << endl;
 cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); //time to remove "Wlodarczyk" the wood log and make the stream flow
 cout << "Give me your age name as string I dare you";
 cin >> age;

Of course this can be improved by for example doing what you did in question using loop while.


You might be wondering. What about if I wanted to get name and surname in the same line from the user? Is it even possible using cin if cin interprets each value separated by "space" as different variable?

Sure, you can do it two ways:


string name, surname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
cin >> name;
cin >> surname;

cout << "Hello, " << name << " " << surname << endl;

2) or by using getline function.

getline(cin, nameOfStringVariable);

and that's how to do it:

string nameAndSurname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
getline(cin, nameAndSurname);

cout << "Hello, " << nameAndSurname << endl;

The second option might backfire you in case you use it after you use 'cin' before the getline.

Let's check it out:


int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << "Your age is" << age << endl;

string nameAndSurname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
getline(cin, nameAndSurname);

cout << "Hello, " << nameAndSurname << endl;

If you put "20" as age you won't be asked for nameAndSurname.

But if you do it that way:


string nameAndSurname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
getline(cin, nameAndSurname);

cout << "Hello, " << nameAndSurname << endl;
int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cout << "Your age is" << age << endll

everything is fine.


Every time you put something on input (stream) you leave at the end white character which is ENTER ('\n') You have to somehow enter values to console. So it must happen if the data comes from user.

b) cin characteristics is that it ignores whitespace, so when you are reading in information from cin, the newline character '\n' doesn't matter. It gets ignored.

a) getline function gets the entire line up to the newline character ('\n'), and when the newline char is the first thing the getline function gets '\n', and that's all to get. You extract newline character that was left on stream by user who put "20" on stream in line 3.

So in order to fix it is to always invoke cin.ignore(); each time you use cin to get any value if you are ever going to use getline() inside your program.

So the proper code would be:

int age;
cout << "Give me your age:" <<endl;
cin >> age;
cin.ignore(); // it ignores just enter without arguments being sent. it's same as cin.ignore(1, '\n') 
cout << "Your age is" << age << endl;

string nameAndSurname;
cout << "Give me your name and surname:"<< endl;
getline(cin, nameAndSurname);

cout << "Hello, " << nameAndSurname << endl;

I hope streams are more clear to you know.

Hah silence me please! :-)

How to check whether a string contains a substring in Ruby

You can use the include? method:

my_string = "abcdefg"
if my_string.include? "cde"
   puts "String includes 'cde'"

Warning as error - How to get rid of these

View -> Error list -> Right click on specific Error/Warning.

You can change Severity as You want.

WebDriver - wait for element using Java

We're having a lot of race conditions with elementToBeClickable. See Something along these lines worked reasonably well even if a little brute force

                    Matchers.containsString("is not clickable at point")
            () -> {
                return true;

How to put attributes via XElement

Add XAttribute in the constructor of the XElement, like

new XElement("Conn", new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text));

You can also add multiple attributes or elements via the constructor

new XElement("Conn", new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text), new XAttribute("Database", combobox2.Text));

or you can use the Add-Method of the XElement to add attributes

XElement element = new XElement("Conn");
XAttribute attribute = new XAttribute("Server", comboBox1.Text);

Writing your own square root function

There is an algorithm that I studied in school that you can use to compute exact square roots (or of arbitrarily large precision if the root is an irrational number). It is definitely slower than Newton's algorithms but it is exact. Lets say you want to compute the square root of 531.3025

First thing is you divide your number starting from the decimal point into groups of 2 digits:
1) Find the closest square root for first group that is smaller or equal to the actual square root of first group: sqrt({5}) >= 2. This square root is the first digit of your final answer. Lets denote the digits we have already found of our final square root as B. So at the moment B = 2.
2) Next compute the difference between {5} and B^2: 5 - 4 = 1.
3) For all subsequent 2 digit groups do the following:
Multiply the remainder by 100, then add it to the second group: 100 + 31 = 131.
Find X - next digit of your root, such that 131 >=((B*20) + X)*X. X = 3. 43 * 3 = 129 < 131. Now B = 23. Also because you have no more 2-digit groups to the left of decimal points, you have found all integer digits of your final root.
4)Repeat the same for {30} and {25}. So you have:
{30} : 131 - 129 = 2. 2 * 100 + 30 = 230 >= (23*2*10 + X) * X -> X = 0 -> B = 23.0
{25} : 230 - 0 = 230. 230 * 100 + 25 = 23025. 23025 >= (230 * 2 * 10 + X) * X -> X = 5 -> B = 23.05
Final result = 23.05.
The algorithm looks complicated this way but it is much simpler if you do it on paper using the same notation you use for "long division" you have studied in school, except that you don't do division but instead compute the square root.

Rename multiple files in a folder, add a prefix (Windows)

Based on @ofer.sheffer answer, this is the CMD variant for adding an affix (this is not the question, but this page is still the #1 google result if you search affix). It is a bit different because of the extension.

for %a in (*.*) do ren "%~a" "%~na-affix%~xa"

You can change the "-affix" part.

The Web Application Project [...] is configured to use IIS. The Web server [...] could not be found.

This happens with me when I tried to open a project from the .csproj file, but I get over it by opening the project from VS:

File> Open> Web Site

and select the directory which include my project.

How to kill zombie process

I tried

kill -9 $(ps -A -ostat,ppid | grep -e '[zZ]'| awk '{ print $2 }')

and it works for me.

Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP

I have used this:

echo "<pre>".json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)."</pre>";

Or use php headers as below:

header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');

Multiple conditions with CASE statements

Another way based on amadan:

    SELECT * FROM [Purchasing].[Vendor] WHERE  

      ( (@url IS null OR @url = '' OR @url = 'ALL') and   PurchasingWebServiceURL LIKE '%')

       ( @url = 'blank' and  PurchasingWebServiceURL = '')
        (@url = 'fail' and  PurchasingWebServiceURL NOT LIKE '%treyresearch%')
    or( (@url not in ('fail','blank','','ALL') and @url is not null and 
          PurchasingWebServiceUrl Like '%'+@ur+'%') 

Match whitespace but not newlines

Use a double-negative:


That is, not-not-whitespace (the capital S complements) or not-carriage-return or not-newline. Distributing the outer not (i.e., the complementing ^ in the character class) with De Morgan's law, this is equivalent to “whitespace but not carriage return or newline.” Including both \r and \n in the pattern correctly handles all of Unix (LF), classic Mac OS (CR), and DOS-ish (CR LF) newline conventions.

No need to take my word for it:

#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use 5.005;  # for qr//

my $ws_not_crlf = qr/[^\S\r\n]/;

for (' ', '\f', '\t', '\r', '\n') {
  my $qq = qq["$_"];
  printf "%-4s => %s\n", $qq,
    (eval $qq) =~ $ws_not_crlf ? "match" : "no match";


" "  => match
"\f" => match
"\t" => match
"\r" => no match
"\n" => no match

Note the exclusion of vertical tab, but this is addressed in v5.18.

Before objecting too harshly, the Perl documentation uses the same technique. A footnote in the “Whitespace” section of perlrecharclass reads

Prior to Perl v5.18, \s did not match the vertical tab. [^\S\cK] (obscurely) matches what \s traditionally did.

The same section of perlrecharclass also suggests other approaches that won’t offend language teachers’ opposition to double-negatives.

Outside locale and Unicode rules or when the /a switch is in effect, “\s matches [\t\n\f\r ] and, starting in Perl v5.18, the vertical tab, \cK.” Discard \r and \n to leave /[\t\f\cK ]/ for matching whitespace but not newline.

If your text is Unicode, use code similar to the sub below to construct a pattern from the table in the aforementioned documentation section.

sub ws_not_nl {
  local($_) = <<'EOTable';
0x0009        CHARACTER TABULATION   h s
0x000a              LINE FEED (LF)    vs
0x000b             LINE TABULATION    vs  [1]
0x000c              FORM FEED (FF)    vs
0x000d        CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)    vs
0x0020                       SPACE   h s
0x0085             NEXT LINE (NEL)    vs  [2]
0x00a0              NO-BREAK SPACE   h s  [2]
0x1680            OGHAM SPACE MARK   h s
0x2000                     EN QUAD   h s
0x2001                     EM QUAD   h s
0x2002                    EN SPACE   h s
0x2003                    EM SPACE   h s
0x2004          THREE-PER-EM SPACE   h s
0x2005           FOUR-PER-EM SPACE   h s
0x2006            SIX-PER-EM SPACE   h s
0x2007                FIGURE SPACE   h s
0x2008           PUNCTUATION SPACE   h s
0x2009                  THIN SPACE   h s
0x200a                  HAIR SPACE   h s
0x2028              LINE SEPARATOR    vs
0x2029         PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR    vs
0x202f       NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE   h s
0x3000           IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE   h s

  my $class;
  while (/^0x([0-9a-f]{4})\s+([A-Z\s]+)/mg) {
    my($hex,$name) = ($1,$2);
    next if $name =~ /\b(?:CR|NL|NEL|SEPARATOR)\b/;
    $class .= "\\N{U+$hex}";


Other Applications

The double-negative trick is also handy for matching alphabetic characters too. Remember that \w matches “word characters,” alphabetic characters and digits and underscore. We ugly-Americans sometimes want to write it as, say,

if (/[A-Za-z]+/) { ... }

but a double-negative character-class can respect the locale:

if (/[^\W\d_]+/) { ... }

Expressing “a word character but not digit or underscore” this way is a bit opaque. A POSIX character-class communicates the intent more directly

if (/[[:alpha:]]+/) { ... }

or with a Unicode property as szbalint suggested

if (/\p{Letter}+/) { ... }

How to change the color of header bar and address bar in newest Chrome version on Lollipop?

For example, to set the background to your favorite/Branding color

Add Below Meta property to your HTML code in HEAD Section

  <meta name="theme-color" content="Your Hexadecimal Code">


  <meta name="theme-color" content="#444444">

In Below Image, I just mentioned How Chrome taken your theme-color Property

enter image description here

Firefox OS, Safari, Internet Explorer and Opera Coast allow you to define colors for elements of the browser, and even the platform using meta tags.

<!-- Windows Phone -->
<meta name="msapplication-navbutton-color" content="#4285f4">
<!-- iOS Safari -->
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">

Safari specific styling

From the guidelinesDocuments Here

Hiding Safari User Interface Components

Set the apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag to yes to turn on standalone mode. For example, the following HTML displays web content using standalone mode.

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">

Changing the Status Bar Appearance

You can change the appearance of the default status bar to either black or black-translucent. With black-translucent, the status bar floats on top of the full screen content, rather than pushing it down. This gives the layout more height, but obstructs the top. Here’s the code required:

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">

For more on status bar appearance, see apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style.

For Example:

Screenshot using black-translucent

Screenshot using black-translucent

Screenshot using black

Screenshot using black

Spring Could not Resolve placeholder

For properties that need to be managed outside of the WAR:

<context:property-placeholder location="file:///C:/application.yml"/>

For example if inside application.yml are name and id

Then you can create bean in runtime inside xml spring

<bean id="id1" class="my.class.Item">
    <property name="name" value="${name}"/>
    <property name="id" value="${id}"/>

How do I set default value of select box in angularjs

It doesn't set the default value because your model isn't bound to the id or name properties, it's bound to each version object. Try setting the versionID to one of the objects and it should work, ie $scope.item.versionID = $scope.versions[2];

If you want to set by the id property then you need to add the select as syntax:

ng-options=" as for version in versions"

proper way to logout from a session in PHP

From the session_destroy() page in the PHP manual:

// Initialize the session.
// If you are using session_name("something"), don't forget it now!

// Unset all of the session variables.
$_SESSION = array();

// If it's desired to kill the session, also delete the session cookie.
// Note: This will destroy the session, and not just the session data!
if (ini_get("session.use_cookies")) {
    $params = session_get_cookie_params();
    setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000,
        $params["path"], $params["domain"],
        $params["secure"], $params["httponly"]

// Finally, destroy the session.

Disable cache for some images

I've used this to solve my similar problem ... displaying an image counter (from an external provider). It did not refresh always correctly. And after a random parameter was added, all works fine :)

I've appended a date string to ensure refresh at least every minute.

sample code (PHP):

$output .= "<img src=\"".date(ymdHi)."\" alt=\"\" style=\"border:none;\">";

That results in a src link like:

How can I stop a While loop?

def determine_period(universe_array):
    while period<12:
        tmp=apply_rules(tmp)#aplly_rules is a another function
        if numpy.array_equal(tmp,universe_array) is True:

    return period

Why doesn't Python have a sign function?

Yes a correct sign() function should be at least in the math module - as it is in numpy. Because one frequently needs it for math oriented code.

But math.copysign() is also useful independently.

cmp() and obj.__cmp__() ... have generally high importance independently. Not just for math oriented code. Consider comparing/sorting tuples, date objects, ...

The dev arguments at regarding the omission of math.sign() are odd, because:

  • There is no separate -NaN
  • sign(nan) == nan without worry (like exp(nan) )
  • sign(-0.0) == sign(0.0) == 0 without worry
  • sign(-inf) == -1 without worry

-- as it is in numpy

Notepad++ cached files location

I have discovered that NotePad++ now also creates a subfolder at the file location, called nppBackup. So if your file lived in a folder called c:/thisfolder have a look to see if there's a folder called c:/thisfolder/nppBackup.

Occasionally I couldn't find the backup in AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup, but I found it in nppBackup.

how to add a day to a date using jquery datepicker

This answer really helped me get started (noob) - but I encountered some weird behavior when I set a start date of 12/31/2014 and added +1 to default the end date. Instead of giving me an end date of 01/01/2015 I was getting 02/01/2015 (!!!). This version parses the components of the start date to avoid these end of year oddities.

 $( "#date_start" ).datepicker({

   minDate: 0,
   dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",

   onSelect: function(selected) {
         $("#date_end").datepicker("option","minDate", selected); //  mindate on the End datepicker cannot be less than start date already selected.
         var date = $(this).datepicker('getDate');
         var tempStartDate = new Date(date);
         var default_end = new Date(tempStartDate.getFullYear(), tempStartDate.getMonth(), tempStartDate.getDate()+1); //this parses date to overcome new year date weirdness
         $('#date_end').datepicker('setDate', default_end); // Set as default                           


 $( "#date_end" ).datepicker({

   minDate: 0,
   dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy",

   onSelect: function(selected) {
     $("#date_start").datepicker("option","maxDate", selected); //  maxdate on the Start datepicker cannot be more than end date selected.



Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)

You may want to double check the authorized_keys file permissions:

$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Newer SSH server versions are very picky on this respect.

difference between iframe, embed and object elements


The iframe element represents a nested browsing context. HTML 5 standard - "The <iframe> element"

Primarily used to include resources from other domains or subdomains but can be used to include content from the same domain as well. The <iframe>'s strength is that the embedded code is 'live' and can communicate with the parent document.


Standardised in HTML 5, before that it was a non standard tag, which admittedly was implemented by all major browsers. Behaviour prior to HTML 5 can vary ...

The embed element provides an integration point for an external (typically non-HTML) application or interactive content. (HTML 5 standard - "The <embed> element")

Used to embed content for browser plugins. Exceptions to this is SVG and HTML that are handled differently according to the standard.

The details of what can and can not be done with the embedded content is up to the browser plugin in question. But for SVG you can access the embedded SVG document from the parent with something like:

svg = document.getElementById("parent_id").getSVGDocument();

From inside an embedded SVG or HTML document you can reach the parent with:

parent = window.parent.document;

For embedded HTML there is no way to get at the embedded document from the parent (that I have found).


The <object> element can represent an external resource, which, depending on the type of the resource, will either be treated as an image, as a nested browsing context, or as an external resource to be processed by a plugin. (HTML 5 standard - "The <object> element")


Unless you are embedding SVG or something static you are probably best of using <iframe>. To include SVG use <embed> (if I remember correctly <object> won't let you script†). Honestly I don't know why you would use <object> unless for older browsers or flash (that I don't work with).

† As pointed out in the comments below; scripts in <object> will run but the parent and child contexts can't communicate directly. With <embed> you can get the context of the child from the parent and vice versa. This means they you can use scripts in the parent to manipulate the child etc. That part is not possible with <object> or <iframe> where you would have to set up some other mechanism instead, such as the JavaScript postMessage API.

Run JavaScript when an element loses focus

You want to use the onblur event.

<input type="text" name="name" value="value" onblur="alert(1);"/>

jQuery animate scroll

You can animate the scrolltop of the page with jQuery.

$('html, body').animate({
    scrollTop: $(".middle").offset().top
 }, 2000);

See this site:

Delete certain lines in a txt file via a batch file

If you have perl installed, then perl -i -n -e"print unless m{(ERROR|REFERENCE)}" should do the trick.

Hash table in JavaScript

The Javascript interpreter natively stores objects in a hash table. If you're worried about contamination from the prototype chain, you can always do something like this:

// Simple ECMA5 hash table
Hash = function(oSource){
  for(sKey in oSource) if(, sKey)) this[sKey] = oSource[sKey];
Hash.prototype = Object.create(null);

var oHash = new Hash({foo: 'bar'}); === 'bar'; // true
oHash['foo'] === 'bar'; // true
oHash['meow'] = 'another prop'; // true
oHash.hasOwnProperty === undefined; // true
Object.keys(oHash); // ['foo', 'meow']
oHash instanceof Hash; // true

(413) Request Entity Too Large | uploadReadAheadSize

My problem has gone after I added this:


Python [Errno 98] Address already in use

First of all find the python process ID using this command

ps -fA | grep python

You will get a pid number by naming of your python process on second column

Then kill the process using this command

kill -9 pid

Make an Android button change background on click through XML

public void methodOnClick(View view){



i recommend use button inside LinearLayout for adjust to size of Linear.

Auto expand a textarea using jQuery

Let's say you're trying to accomplish this using Knockout... here's how:

In page:

<textarea data-bind="event: { keyup: $root.GrowTextArea }"></textarea>

In view model:

self.GrowTextArea = function (data, event) {
    $('#' +;

This should work even if you have multiple textareas created by a Knockout foreach like I do.

PowerShell and the -contains operator

-Contains is actually a collection operator. It is true if the collection contains the object. It is not limited to strings.

-match and -imatch are regular expression string matchers, and set automatic variables to use with captures.

-like, -ilike are SQL-like matchers.

Removing a model in rails (reverse of "rails g model Title...")

  1. To remove migration (if you already migrated the migration)

    rake db:migrate:down VERSION="20130417185845" #Your migration version
  2. To remove Model

    rails d model name  #name => Your model name

vertical-align image in div

you don't need define positioning when you need vertical align center for inline and block elements you can take mentioned below idea:-

inline-elements :- <img style="vertical-align:middle" ...>
                   <span style="display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle"> foo<br>bar </span>  

block-elements :- <td style="vertical-align:middle"> ... </td>
                  <div style="display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle"> ... </div>

see the demo:-

CodeIgniter: Load controller within controller

With the following code you can load the controller classes and execute the methods.

This code was written for codeigniter 2.1

First add a new file MY_Loader.php in your application/core directory. Add the following code to your newly created MY_Loader.php file:

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

// written by AJ  [email protected]

class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader 
    protected $_my_controller_paths     = array();  

    protected $_my_controllers          = array();

    public function __construct()

        $this->_my_controller_paths = array(APPPATH);

    public function controller($controller, $name = '', $db_conn = FALSE)
        if (is_array($controller))
            foreach ($controller as $babe)

        if ($controller == '')

        $path = '';

        // Is the controller in a sub-folder? If so, parse out the filename and path.
        if (($last_slash = strrpos($controller, '/')) !== FALSE)
            // The path is in front of the last slash
            $path = substr($controller, 0, $last_slash + 1);

            // And the controller name behind it
            $controller = substr($controller, $last_slash + 1);

        if ($name == '')
            $name = $controller;

        if (in_array($name, $this->_my_controllers, TRUE))

        $CI =& get_instance();
        if (isset($CI->$name))
            show_error('The controller name you are loading is the name of a resource that is already being used: '.$name);

        $controller = strtolower($controller);

        foreach ($this->_my_controller_paths as $mod_path)
            if ( ! file_exists($mod_path.'controllers/'.$path.$controller.'.php'))

            if ($db_conn !== FALSE AND ! class_exists('CI_DB'))
                if ($db_conn === TRUE)
                    $db_conn = '';

                $CI->load->database($db_conn, FALSE, TRUE);

            if ( ! class_exists('CI_Controller'))
                load_class('Controller', 'core');


            $controller = ucfirst($controller);

            $CI->$name = new $controller();

            $this->_my_controllers[] = $name;

        // couldn't find the controller
        show_error('Unable to locate the controller you have specified: '.$controller);


Now you can load all the controllers in your application/controllers directory. for example:

load the controller class Invoice and execute the function test()



or when the class is within a dir



It just works the same like loading a model

Submit form without reloading page

I guess this is what you need. Try this .

<form action="" method="get">
                <input name="search" type="text">
                <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="return updateTable();">

and your javascript code is the same

function updateTable()
        var photoViewer = document.getElementById('photoViewer');
        var photo = document.getElementById('photo1').href;
        var numOfPics = 5;
        var columns = 3; 
        var rows = Math.ceil(numOfPics/columns);
        var content="";
        var count=0;

        content = "<table class='photoViewer' id='photoViewer'>";
            for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
                content +="<tr>";
                for (c = 0; c < columns; c++) {
                    if(count == numOfPics)break; // here is check if number of cells equal Number of Pictures to stop
                        content +="<td><a href='"+photo+"' id='photo1'><img class='photo' src='"+photo+"' alt='Photo'></a><p>City View</p></td>";
                content +="</tr>";
        content += "</table>";

        photoViewer.innerHTML = content; 

lvalue required as left operand of assignment error when using C++

When you have an assignment operator in a statement, the LHS of the operator must be something the language calls an lvalue. If the LHS of the operator does not evaluate to an lvalue, the value from the RHS cannot be assigned to the LHS.

You cannot use:

10 = 20;

since 10 does not evaluate to an lvalue.

You can use:

int i;
i = 20;

since i does evaluate to an lvalue.

You cannot use:

int i;
i + 1 = 20;

since i + 1 does not evaluate to an lvalue.

In your case, p + 1 does not evaluate to an lavalue. Hence, you cannot use

p + 1 = p;

What is compiler, linker, loader?

  • Compiler : Which convert Human understandable format into machine understandable format
  • Linker : Which convert machine understandable format into Operating system understandable format
  • Loader : is entity which actually load and runs the program into RAM

Linker & Interpreter are mutually exclusive Interpreter getting code line by line and execute line by line.

Return list from async/await method

Instead of doing all these, one can simply use ".Result" to get the result from a particular task.

eg: List list = GetListAsync().Result;

Which as per the definition => Gets the result value of this Task < TResult >

What is difference between XML Schema and DTD?

DTD is pretty much deprecated because it is limited in its usefulness as a schema language, doesn't support namespace, and does not support data type. In addition, DTD's syntax is quite complicated, making it difficult to understand and maintain..

Ignore case in Python strings

Your question implies that you don't need Unicode. Try the following code snippet; if it works for you, you're done:

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Aug 22 2008, 02:34:17)
[GCC 4.3.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import locale
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_COLLATE, "en_US")
>>> sorted("ABCabc", key=locale.strxfrm)
['a', 'A', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C']
>>> sorted("ABCabc", cmp=locale.strcoll)
['a', 'A', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C']

Clarification: in case it is not obvious at first sight, locale.strcoll seems to be the function you need, avoiding the str.lower or locale.strxfrm "duplicate" strings.

Open application after clicking on Notification

Thanks to above posts, here's the main lines - distilled from the longer code answers - that are necessary to connect a notification with click listener set to open some app Activity.

private Notification getNotification(String messageText) {

    Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder(this);
    // ...

    Intent appActivityIntent = new Intent(this, SomeAppActivity.class);

    PendingIntent contentAppActivityIntent =
                            this,  // calling from Activity



Regex to extract substring, returning 2 results for some reason

match returns an array.

The default string representation of an array in JavaScript is the elements of the array separated by commas. In this case the desired result is in the second element of the array:

var tesst = "afskfsd33j"
var test = tesst.match(/a(.*)j/);
alert (test[1]);

Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title'


    android:targetSdkVersion="11" />


Project Properties -> Project Build Target = 11 or above

These 2 things fixed the problem for me!

Are table names in MySQL case sensitive?

Table names in MySQL are file system entries, so they are case insensitive if the underlying file system is.

What are the differences between json and simplejson Python modules?

I've been benchmarking json, simplejson and cjson.

  • cjson is fastest
  • simplejson is almost on par with cjson
  • json is about 10x slower than simplejson

$ python 
   Encoding Tests
Encoding: 100000 x {'m': 'asdsasdqwqw', 't': 3}
[      json] 1.12385 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.011239ms
[simplejson] 0.44356 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.004436ms
[     cjson] 0.09593 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.000959ms

Encoding: 10000 x {'m': [['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19], ['0', 1, '2', 3, '4', 5, '6', 7, '8', 9, '10', 11, '12', 13, '14', 15, '16', 17, '18', 19]], 't': 3}
[      json] 7.76628 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.776628ms
[simplejson] 0.51179 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.051179ms
[     cjson] 0.44362 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.044362ms

   Decoding Tests
Decoding: 100000 x {"m": "asdsasdqwqw", "t": 3}
[      json] 3.32861 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.033286ms
[simplejson] 0.37164 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.003716ms
[     cjson] 0.03893 seconds for 100000 runs. avg: 0.000389ms

Decoding: 10000 x {"m": [["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19], ["0", 1, "2", 3, "4", 5, "6", 7, "8", 9, "10", 11, "12", 13, "14", 15, "16", 17, "18", 19]], "t": 3}
[      json] 37.26270 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 3.726270ms
[simplejson] 0.56643 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.056643ms
[     cjson] 0.33007 seconds for 10000 runs. avg: 0.033007ms

How to increase application heap size in Eclipse?

In the run configuration you want to customize (just click on it) open the tab Arguments and add -Xmx2048min the VM arguments section. You might want to set the -Xms as well (small heap size).

How to properly add 1 month from now to current date in moment.js

You could try

moment().add(1, 'M').subtract(1, 'day').format('DD-MM-YYYY')

Filtering a list of strings based on contents

# To support matches from the beginning, not any matches:

items = ['a', 'ab', 'abc', 'bac']
prefix = 'ab'

filter(lambda x: x.startswith(prefix), items)

" app-release.apk" how to change this default generated apk name

Yes we can change that but with some more attention


Now add this in your build.gradle in your project while make sure you have checked the build variant of your project like release or Debug so here I have set my build variant as release but you may select as Debug as well.

    buildTypes {
            release {
                minifyEnabled false
                proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
                signingConfig getSigningConfig()
                applicationVariants.all { variant ->
                    variant.outputs.each { output ->
                        def date = new Date();
                        def formattedDate = date.format('yyyyMMddHHmmss')
                        output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent,
                      "-release", "-" + formattedDate)
    //for Debug use output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent,
   //                   "-debug", "-" + formattedDate)

You may Do it With different Approach Like this

 defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.myapp.status"
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
        setProperty("archivesBaseName", "COMU-$versionName")

Using Set property method in build.gradle and Don't forget to sync the gradle before running the projects Hope It will solve your problem :)

A New approach to handle this added recently by google update You may now rename your build according to flavor or Variant output //Below source is from developer android documentation For more details follow the above documentation link
Using the Variant API to manipulate variant outputs is broken with the new plugin. It still works for simple tasks, such as changing the APK name during build time, as shown below:

// If you use each() to iterate through the variant objects,
// you need to start using all(). That's because each() iterates
// through only the objects that already exist during configuration time—
// but those object don't exist at configuration time with the new model.
// However, all() adapts to the new model by picking up object as they are
// added during execution.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    variant.outputs.all {
        outputFileName = "${}-${variant.versionName}.apk"

Renaming .aab bundle This is nicely answered by David Medenjak

tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
    if ("bundle")) {
        def renameTaskName = "rename${}Aab"
        def flavor ="bundle".length()).uncapitalize()
        tasks.create(renameTaskName, Copy) {
            def path = "${buildDir}/outputs/bundle/${flavor}/"
            include "app.aab"
            destinationDir file("${buildDir}/outputs/renamedBundle/")
            rename "app.aab", "${flavor}.aab"

//@credit to David Medenjak for this block of code

Is there need of above code

What I have observed in the latest version of the android studio 3.3.1

The rename of .aab bundle is done by the previous code there don't require any task rename at all.

Hope it will help you guys. :)

Junit test case for database insert method with DAO and web service

This is one sample dao test using junit in spring project.

import java.util.List;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.springframework.test.context.transaction.TransactionConfiguration;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

public class MemberDaoTest
    private MemberDao memberDao;

    public void testFindById()
        Member member = memberDao.findById(0l);

        Assert.assertEquals("John Smith", member.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals("[email protected]", member.getEmail());
        Assert.assertEquals("2125551212", member.getPhoneNumber());

    public void testFindByEmail()
        Member member = memberDao.findByEmail("[email protected]");

        Assert.assertEquals("John Smith", member.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals("[email protected]", member.getEmail());
        Assert.assertEquals("2125551212", member.getPhoneNumber());

    public void testRegister()
        Member member = new Member();
        member.setEmail("[email protected]");
        member.setName("Jane Doe");

        Long id = member.getId();

        Assert.assertEquals(2, memberDao.findAllOrderedByName().size());
        Member newMember = memberDao.findById(id);

        Assert.assertEquals("Jane Doe", newMember.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals("[email protected]", newMember.getEmail());
        Assert.assertEquals("2125552121", newMember.getPhoneNumber());

    public void testFindAllOrderedByName()
        Member member = new Member();
        member.setEmail("[email protected]");
        member.setName("Jane Doe");

        List<Member> members = memberDao.findAllOrderedByName();
        Assert.assertEquals(2, members.size());
        Member newMember = members.get(0);

        Assert.assertEquals("Jane Doe", newMember.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals("[email protected]", newMember.getEmail());
        Assert.assertEquals("2125552121", newMember.getPhoneNumber());

Easy way to convert Iterable to Collection

With Guava you can use Lists.newArrayList(Iterable) or Sets.newHashSet(Iterable), among other similar methods. This will of course copy all the elements in to memory. If that isn't acceptable, I think your code that works with these ought to take Iterable rather than Collection. Guava also happens to provide convenient methods for doing things you can do on a Collection using an Iterable (such as Iterables.isEmpty(Iterable) or Iterables.contains(Iterable, Object)), but the performance implications are more obvious.

Laravel redirect back to original destination after login

return Redirect::intended('/');

this will redirect you to default page of your project i.e. start page.

What is the behavior difference between return-path, reply-to and from?

Another way to think about Return-Path vs Reply-To is to compare it to snail mail.

When you send an envelope in the mail, you specify a return address. If the recipient does not exist or refuses your mail, the postmaster returns the envelope back to the return address. For email, the return address is the Return-Path.

Inside of the envelope might be a letter and inside of the letter it may direct the recipient to "Send correspondence to example address". For email, the example address is the Reply-To.

In essence, a Postage Return Address is comparable to SMTP's Return-Path header and SMTP's Reply-To header is similar to the replying instructions contained in a letter.

Non-alphanumeric list order from os.listdir()

I found "sort" does not always do what I expected. eg, I have a directory as below, and the "sort" give me a very strange result:

>>> os.listdir(pathon)
['2', '3', '4', '5', '403', '404', '407', '408', '410', '411', '412', '413', '414', '415', '416', '472']
>>> sorted([ f for f in os.listdir(pathon)])
['2', '3', '4', '403', '404', '407', '408', '410', '411', '412', '413', '414', '415', '416', '472', '5']

It seems it compares the first character first, if that is the biggest, it would be the last one.

Execute the setInterval function without delay the first time

Here's a simple version for novices without all the messing around. It just declares the function, calls it, then starts the interval. That's it.

//Declare your function here_x000D_
function My_Function(){_x000D_
}    _x000D_
//Call the function first_x000D_
//Set the interval_x000D_
var interval = window.setInterval( My_Function, 500 );

Alternative for PHP_excel

I wrote a very simple class for exporting to "Excel XML" aka SpreadsheetML. It's not quite as convenient for the end user as XSLX (depending on file extension and Excel version, they may get a warning message), but it's a lot easier to work with than XLS or XLSX.

This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services (via Bazaar)

I have found a nice solution which let you test your app in the emulator and also doesn't require you to revert to the older version of the library. See an answer to Stack Overflow question Running Google Maps v2 on the Android emulator.

LINQ orderby on date field in descending order

env.OrderByDescending(x => x.ReportDate)

Converting float to char*

char buffer[64];
int ret = snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%f", myFloat);

if (ret < 0) {
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
if (ret >= sizeof buffer) {
    /* Result was truncated - resize the buffer and retry.

That will store the string representation of myFloat in myCharPointer. Make sure that the string is large enough to hold it, though.

snprintf is a better option than sprintf as it guarantees it will never write past the size of the buffer you supply in argument 2.

how to query for a list<String> in jdbctemplate

You can't use placeholders for column names, table names, data type names, or basically anything that isn't data.

DateTime.TryParse issue with dates of yyyy-dd-MM format

Try using safe TryParseExact method

DateTime temp;
string   date = "2011-29-01 12:00 am";

DateTime.TryParseExact(date, "yyyy-dd-MM hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out temp);

Javascript require() function giving ReferenceError: require is not defined

RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.

IE 6+ .......... compatible ?
Firefox 2+ ..... compatible ?
Safari 3.2+ .... compatible ?
Chrome 3+ ...... compatible ?
Opera 10+ ...... compatible ?

Add this to your project:

and take a look at this

How do you do relative time in Rails?

What about


Or something else you were shooting for?

"ImportError: no module named 'requests'" after installing with pip

Run in command prompt.

pip list

Check what version you have installed on your system if you have an old version.

Try to uninstall the package...

pip uninstall requests

Try after to install it:

pip install requests

You can also test if pip does not do the job.

easy_install requests

How do I resolve this "ORA-01109: database not open" error?

please run this script


Material UI and Grid system

From the description of material design specs:

Grid Lists are an alternative to standard list views. Grid lists are distinct from grids used for layouts and other visual presentations.

If you are looking for a much lightweight Grid component library, I'm using React-Flexbox-Grid, the implementation of flexboxgrid.css in React.

On top of that, React-Flexbox-Grid played nicely with both material-ui, and react-toolbox (the alternative material design implementation).

Common elements in two lists

public static <T> List<T> getCommonElements(
            java.util.Collection<T> a,
            java.util.Collection<T> b
            ) {
        if(a==null && b==null) return new ArrayList<>();
        if(a!=null && a.size()==0) return new ArrayList<>(b);           
        if(b!=null && b.size()==0) return new ArrayList<>(a);
        Set<T> set= a instanceof HashSet?(HashSet<T>)a:new HashSet<>(a);

For better time performance, please use HashSet (O(1) look up) instead of List(O(n) look ups)

Time complexity- O(b) Space Complexity- O(a)

WAMP Server ERROR "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server."

None of the above answers worked for me, or where unsafe (as some pointed out, using Allow from all can make your files and data accessible to the outside world).

Open the c:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin.conf file and change

Allow from


Allow from  ::1


  • On most computer systems, localhost resolves to the IP address, which is the most commonly used IPv4 loopback address, and to the IPv6 loopback address ::1 (source:
  • The resolution of the name localhost into one or more IP addresses is configured by the following lines in the operating system's hosts file:    localhost
    ::1          localhost
  • to see your hosts file, go to c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS

  • notice the above lines are commented out with the note: # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

On my machine, on Win7, I also noticed the following:

  • localhost\phpmyadmin did not work on Chrome, but worked on IE11
  •\phpmyadmin worked on Chrome

How to increase request timeout in IIS?

I know the question was about ASP but maybe somebody will find this answer helpful.

If you have a server behind the IIS 7.5 (e.g. Tomcat). In my case I have a server farm with Tomcat server configured. In such case you can change the timeout using the IIS Manager:

  • go to Server Farms -> {Server Name} -> Proxy
  • change the value in the Time-out entry box
  • click Apply (top-right corner)

or you can change it in the cofig file:

  • open %WinDir%\System32\Inetsrv\Config\applicationHost.config
  • adjust the server webFarm configuration to be similar to the following


<webFarm name="${SERVER_NAME}" enabled="true"> 
  <server address="${SERVER_ADDRESS}" enabled="true">
    <applicationRequestRouting httpPort="${SERVER_PORT}" />
    <protocol timeout="${TIME}" />

The ${TIME} is in HH:mm:ss format (so if you want to set it to 90 seconds then put there 00:01:30)

In case of Tomcat (and probably other servlet containers) you have to remember to change the timeout in the %TOMCAT_DIR%\conf\server.xml (just search for connectionTimeout attribute in Connector tag, and remember that it is specified in milliseconds)

PHP CSV string to array

You should use fgetcsv. Since you cannot import a file as a stream because the csv is a variable, then you should spoof the string as a file by using php://temp or php://memory first:

$fp = fopen("php://temp", 'r+');
fputs($fp, $csvText);

Then you will have no problem using fgetcsv:

$csv = [];
while ( ($data = fgetcsv($fp) ) !== FALSE ) {
    $csv[] = $data;

$data will be an array of a single csv line (which may include line breaks or commas, etc), as it should be.

Caveat: The memory limit of php://temp can be controlled by appending /maxmemory:NN, where NN is the maximum amount of data to keep in memory before using a temporary file, in bytes. (the default is 2 MB)

How do I find the length (or dimensions, size) of a numpy matrix in python?

matrix.size according to the numpy docs returns the Number of elements in the array. Hope that helps.

how can I set visible back to true in jquery

Use style="display:none" in your dropdown list tag and in jquery use the following to display and hide.

$("#yourdropdownid").css('display', 'inline');


$("#yourdropdownid").css('display', 'none');

C++ variable has initializer but incomplete type?

You cannot define a variable of an incomplete type. You need to bring the whole definition of Cat into scope before you can create the local variable in main. I recommend that you move the definition of the type Cat to a header and include it from the translation unit that has main.

google-services.json for different productFlavors

You have many flavor, so it mean you will have many difference package id, right? So, just go to the page where you setup/generate your json file and config for each package name. All of it will add to json file.

I'm verry lazy to post picture now, but basically:

  • go to
  • select platform
  • select your app
  • IMPORTANT: type your flavor package name to field "android package name"
  • ... continue to get your configuration file. Download it!

When config the file, you can see that google show you the Server API Key + Sender ID. And it is same for all package (flavors)

At the end, you just need only one json file for all flavors.

One more question here that you have to test when you register to get Registration Token, check if is difference for each flavor. I don't touch on it but it think it should be difference. Too late now and i so sleepy :) Hope it help!

Getting number of elements in an iterator in Python

So, for those who would like to know the summary of that discussion. The final top scores for counting a 50 million-lengthed generator expression using:

  • len(list(gen)),
  • len([_ for _ in gen]),
  • sum(1 for _ in gen),
  • ilen(gen) (from more_itertool),
  • reduce(lambda c, i: c + 1, gen, 0),

sorted by performance of execution (including memory consumption), will make you surprised:


1: 0.492 KiB

gen = (i for i in data*1000); t0 = monotonic(); len(list(gen))

('list, sec', 1.9684218849870376)

2: 0.867 KiB

gen = (i for i in data*1000); t0 = monotonic(); len([i for i in gen])

('list_compr, sec', 2.5885991149989422)

3: 0.859 KiB

gen = (i for i in data*1000); t0 = monotonic(); sum(1 for i in gen); t1 = monotonic()

('sum, sec', 3.441088170016883)

4: more_itertools/ 1.266 KiB

d = deque(enumerate(iterable, 1), maxlen=1) 0.875 KiB
gen = (i for i in data*1000); t0 = monotonic(); ilen(gen)

('ilen, sec', 9.812256851990242)

5: 0.859 KiB

gen = (i for i in data*1000); t0 = monotonic(); reduce(lambda counter, i: counter + 1, gen, 0)

('reduce, sec', 13.436614598002052) ```

So, len(list(gen)) is the most frequent and less memory consumable

What is thread safe or non-thread safe in PHP?

For me, I always choose non-thread safe version because I always use nginx, or run PHP from the command line.

The non-thread safe version should be used if you install PHP as a CGI binary, command line interface or other environment where only a single thread is used.

A thread-safe version should be used if you install PHP as an Apache module in a worker MPM (multi-processing model) or other environment where multiple PHP threads run concurrently.

How to format a phone number with jQuery

An alternative solution:

function numberWithSpaces(value, pattern) {_x000D_
  var i = 0,_x000D_
    phone = value.toString();_x000D_
  return pattern.replace(/#/g, _ => phone[i++]);_x000D_
console.log(numberWithSpaces('2124771000', '###-###-####'));

Access parent URL from iframe

var url = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? document.referrer: document.location;

I found that the above example suggested previously worked when the script was being executed in an iframe however it did not retrieve the url when the script was executed outside of an iframe, a slight adjustment was required:

var url = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? document.referrer: document.location.href;

How to delete a file or folder?

For deleting files:

os.unlink(path, *, dir_fd=None)


os.remove(path, *, dir_fd=None)

Both functions are semantically same. This functions removes (deletes) the file path. If path is not a file and it is directory, then exception is raised.

For deleting folders:

shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None)


os.rmdir(path, *, dir_fd=None)

In order to remove whole directory trees, shutil.rmtree() can be used. os.rmdir only works when the directory is empty and exists.

For deleting folders recursively towards parent:


It remove every empty parent directory with self until parent which has some content

ex. os.removedirs('abc/xyz/pqr') will remove the directories by order 'abc/xyz/pqr', 'abc/xyz' and 'abc' if they are empty.

For more info check official doc: os.unlink , os.remove, os.rmdir , shutil.rmtree, os.removedirs

How to save python screen output to a text file

We can simply pass the output of python inbuilt print function to a file after opening the file with the append option by using just two lines of code:

with open('filename.txt', 'a') as file:
    print('\nThis printed data will store in a file', file=file)

Hope this may resolve the issue...

Note: this code works with python3 however, python2 is not being supported currently.

Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

I assume a single row for each flight? If so:


I assume what I said, as your way of doing things can overbook a flight, as it will insert a new row when there are 10 tickets max and you are booking 20.

Angular IE Caching issue for $http

Try this, it worked for me in a similar case:-

$http.get("your api url", {
headers: {
    'If-Modified-Since': '0',
    "Pragma": "no-cache",
    "Expires": -1,
    "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"

throwing an exception in objective-c/cocoa

@throw([NSException exceptionWith…])

Xcode recognizes @throw statements as function exit points, like return statements. Using the @throw syntax avoids erroneous "Control may reach end of non-void function" warnings that you may get from [NSException raise:…].

Also, @throw can be used to throw objects that are not of class NSException.

How do I resolve a TesseractNotFoundError?

Just run these command if you are using linux,

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
sudo apt install libtesseract-dev

then run this,

python -m pip install tesseract tesseract-ocr pytesseract

Does the 'mutable' keyword have any purpose other than allowing the variable to be modified by a const function?

It's useful in situations where you have hidden internal state such as a cache. For example:

class HashTable
    string lookup(string key) const
        if(key == lastKey)
            return lastValue;

        string value = lookupInternal(key);

        lastKey = key;
        lastValue = value;

        return value;

    mutable string lastKey, lastValue;

And then you can have a const HashTable object still use its lookup() method, which modifies the internal cache.

Python JSON dump / append to .txt with each variable on new line

To avoid confusion, paraphrasing both question and answer. I am assuming that user who posted this question wanted to save dictionary type object in JSON file format but when the user used json.dump, this method dumped all its content in one line. Instead, he wanted to record each dictionary entry on a new line. To achieve this use:

with g as outfile:
  json.dump(hostDict, outfile,indent=2)

Using indent = 2 helped me to dump each dictionary entry on a new line. Thank you @agf. Rewriting this answer to avoid confusion.

How to make a <button> in Bootstrap look like a normal link in nav-tabs?

In bootstrap 3, this works well for me:

.btn-link.btn-anchor {
    outline: none !important;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    vertical-align: baseline;

Used like:

<button type="button" class="btn-link btn-anchor">My Button</button>


Cannot read property 'push' of undefined when combining arrays

In most cases you have to initialize the array,

let list: number[] = [];

How do I get the first element from an IEnumerable<T> in .net?

FirstOrDefault ?

Elem e = enumerable.FirstOrDefault();
//do something with e

How do I make a JAR from a .java file?

This can be done without terminal, directly from IDE. Netbeans, for example.

  1. Create a separate project with packages (Create Project - Java - Java Class Library).
  2. Put your .java classes there.
  3. Build this project.
  4. Go to your project folder and find build and dist folders there.
  5. Find .jar file in your dist folder.
  6. Get your other project and add this .jar file to project libraries.
  7. You can now reference classes from this library and its methods directly from code, if import is automatically done for you.

How do you use "git --bare init" repository?

I'm adding this answer because after arriving here (with the same question), none of the answers really describe all the required steps needed to go from nothing to a fully usable remote (bare) repo.

Note: this example uses local paths for the location of the bare repo, but other git protocols (like SSH indicated by the OP) should work just fine.

I've tried to add some notes along the way for those less familiar with git.

1. Initialise the bare repo...

> git init --bare /path/to/bare/repo.git
Initialised empty Git repository in /path/to/bare/repo.git/

This creates a folder (repo.git) and populates it with git files representing a git repo. As it stands, this repo is useless - it has no commits and more importantly, no branches. Although you can clone this repo, you cannot pull from it.

Next, we need to create a working folder. There are a couple of ways of doing this, depending upon whether you have existing files.

2a. Create a new working folder (no existing files) by cloning the empty repo

git clone /path/to/bare/repo.git /path/to/work
Cloning into '/path/to/work'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.

This command will only work if /path/to/work does not exist or is an empty folder. Take note of the warning - at this stage, you still don't have anything useful. If you cd /path/to/work and run git status, you'll get something like:

On branch master

Initial commit

nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)

but this is a lie. You are not really on branch master (because git branch returns nothing) and so far, there are no commits.

Next, copy/move/create some files in the working folder, add them to git and create the first commit.

> cd /path/to/work
> echo 123 > afile.txt
> git add .
> git config --local adelphus
> git config --local [email protected]
> git commit -m "added afile"
[master (root-commit) 614ab02] added afile
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 afile.txt

The git config commands are only needed if you haven't already told git who you are. Note that if you now run git branch, you'll now see the master branch listed. Now run git status:

On branch master
Your branch is based on 'origin/master', but the upstream is gone.
  (use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup)

nothing to commit, working directory clean

This is also misleading - upstream has not "gone", it just hasn't been created yet and git branch --unset-upstream will not help. But that's OK, now that we have our first commit, we can push and master will be created on the bare repo.

> git push origin master
Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 207 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To /path/to/bare/repo.git
 * [new branch]      master -> master

At this point, we have a fully functional bare repo which can be cloned elsewhere on a master branch as well as a local working copy which can pull and push.

> git pull
Already up-to-date.
> git push origin master
Everything up-to-date

2b. Create a working folder from existing files If you already have a folder with files in it (so you cannot clone into it), you can initialise a new git repo, add a first commit and then link it to the bare repo afterwards.

> cd /path/to/work_with_stuff
> git init 
Initialised empty Git repository in /path/to/work_with_stuff
> git add .
# add git config stuff if needed
> git commit -m "added stuff"

[master (root-commit) 614ab02] added stuff
 20 files changed, 1431 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 stuff.txt

At this point we have our first commit and a local master branch which we need to turn into a remote-tracked upstream branch.

> git remote add origin /path/to/bare/repo.git
> git push -u origin master
Counting objects: 31, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done.
Writing objects: 100% (31/31), 43.23 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 31 (delta 11), reused 0 (delta 0)
To /path/to/bare/repo.git
 * [new branch]      master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

Note the -u flag on git push to set the (new) tracked upstream branch. Just as before, we now have a fully functional bare repo which can be cloned elsewhere on a master branch as well as a local working copy which can pull and push.

All this may seem obvious to some, but git confuses me at the best of times (it's error and status messages really need some rework) - hopefully, this will help others.

How to use Java property files?

in my opinion other ways are deprecated when we can do it very simple as below:

public class SomeClass{

    private Environment env;

    public void readProperty() {


it is so simple but i think that's the best way!! Enjoy

What is an example of the Liskov Substitution Principle?

Let me try, consider an interface:

interface Planet{

This is implemented by class:

class Earth implements Planet {
    public $radius;
    public function construct($radius) {
        $this->radius = $radius;

You will use Earth as:

$planet = new Earth(6371);
$calc = new SurfaceAreaCalculator($planet);

Now consider one more class which extends Earth:

class LiveablePlanet extends Earth{
   public function color(){

Now according to LSP, you should be able to use LiveablePlanet in place of Earth and it should not break your system. Like:

$planet = new LiveablePlanet(6371);  // Earlier we were using Earth here
$calc = new SurfaceAreaCalculator($planet);

Examples taken from here

How to change status bar color in Flutter?

I solved it by change the whole background color like following:

In the main screen:

return Scaffold(


  body: SafeArea(


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in

Missing ; after var_dump($row)

SQL 'like' vs '=' performance

It's a measureable difference.

Run the following:

Create Table #TempTester (id int, col1 varchar(20), value varchar(20))

INSERT INTO #TempTester (id, col1, value)
(1, 'this is #1', 'abcdefghij')

INSERT INTO #TempTester (id, col1, value)
(2, 'this is #2', 'foob'),
(3, 'this is #3', 'abdefghic'),
(4, 'this is #4', 'other'),
(5, 'this is #5', 'zyx'),
(6, 'this is #6', 'zyx'),
(7, 'this is #7', 'zyx'),
(8, 'this is #8', 'klm'),
(9, 'this is #9', 'klm'),
(10, 'this is #10', 'zyx')
GO 10000


CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ixTesting ON #TempTester(value)




SELECT * FROM #TempTester WHERE value LIKE 'abc%'

SELECT * FROM #TempTester WHERE value = 'abcdefghij'

The resulting execution plan shows you that the cost of the first operation, the LIKE comparison, is about 10 times more expensive than the = comparison.

If you can use an = comparison, please do so.

'node' is not recognized as an internal or an external command, operable program or batch file while using phonegap/cordova

If you install Node using the windows installer, there is nothing you have to do. It adds path to node and npm.

You can also use Windows setx command for changing system environment variables. No reboot is required. Just logout/login. Or just open a new cmd window, if you want to see the changing there.

setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\nodejs"

How to get json response using in c#?

Some APIs want you to supply the appropriate "Accept" header in the request to get the wanted response type.

For example if an API can return data in XML and JSON and you want the JSON result, you would need to set the HttpWebRequest.Accept property to "application/json".

HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUri);
httpWebRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
httpWebRequest.Accept = "application/json";

internet explorer 10 - how to apply grayscale filter?

IE10 does not support DX filters as IE9 and earlier have done, nor does it support a prefixed version of the greyscale filter.

However, you can use an SVG overlay in IE10 to accomplish the greyscaling. Example:

img.grayscale:hover {
    filter: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=\'\'><filter id=\'grayscale\'><feColorMatrix type=\'matrix\' values=\'1 0 0 0 0, 0 1 0 0 0, 0 0 1 0 0, 0 0 0 1 0\'/></filter></svg>#grayscale");

svg {


Simplified JSFiddle:

More about the IE10 SVG filter effects:

Assigning strings to arrays of characters

I know that this has already been answered, but I wanted to share an answer that I gave to someone who asked a very similar question on a C/C++ Facebook group.

Arrays don't have assignment operator functions*. This means that you cannot simply assign a char array to a string literal. Why? Because the array itself doesn't have any assignment operator. (*It's a const pointer which can't be changed.)

arrays are simply an area of contiguous allocated memory and the name of the array is actually a pointer to the first element of the array. (Quote from

To copy a string literal (such as "Hello world" or "abcd") to your char array, you must manually copy all char elements of the string literal onto the array.

char s[100]; This will initialize an empty array of length 100.

Now to copy your string literal onto this array, use strcpy

strcpy(s, "abcd"); This will copy the contents from the string literal "abcd" and copy it to the s[100] array.

Here's a great example of what it's doing:

int i = 0; //start at 0
do {
    s[i] = ("Hello World")[i]; //assign s[i] to the string literal index i
} while(s[i++]); //continue the loop until the last char is null

You should obviously use strcpy instead of this custom string literal copier, but it's a good example that explains how strcpy fundamentally works.

Hope this helps!

Efficient evaluation of a function at every cell of a NumPy array

A similar question is: Mapping a NumPy array in place. If you can find a ufunc for your f(), then you should use the out parameter.

How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android?

Try calling setWillNotDraw(false) from surfaceCreated:

public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d(TAG,"Surface not created");

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    canvas.drawRect(area, rectanglePaint);
    Log.w(this.getClass().getName(), "On Draw Called");

and calling invalidate from onTouchEvent:

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

    return true;

How do I create a right click context menu in Java Swing?

This question is a bit old - as are the answers (and the tutorial as well)

The current api for setting a popupMenu in Swing is


This way it will be shown automagically, both for mouse and keyboard triggers (the latter depends on LAF). Plus, it supports re-using the same popup across a container's children. To enable that feature:


How can I make Bootstrap columns all the same height?

I use this super easy solution with clearfix, which doesn't have any side effects.

Here is an example on AngularJS:

<div ng-repeat-start="item in list">
    <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"></div>
<div ng-repeat-end>
    <div ng-if="$index % 3 == 2" class="clearfix visible-lg"></div>
    <div ng-if="$index % 2 == 1" class="clearfix visible-md"></div>

And one more example on PHP:

<?php foreach ($list as $i => $item): ?>
    <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"></div>
    <div class="clearfix visible-md"></div>
    <?php if ($i % 2 === 1): ?>
        <div class="clearfix visible-lg"></div>
    <?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Python: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

I had this error because I was providing a string of arguments to instead of an array of arguments. To prevent this, use shlex.split:

import shlex, subprocess
command_line = "ls -a"
args = shlex.split(command_line)
p = subprocess.Popen(args)

Messagebox with input field

You can do it by making form and displaying it using ShowDialogBox....

Form.ShowDialog Method - Shows the form as a modal dialog box.


public void ShowMyDialogBox()
   Form2 testDialog = new Form2();

   // Show testDialog as a modal dialog and determine if DialogResult = OK.
   if (testDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
      // Read the contents of testDialog's TextBox.
      this.txtResult.Text = testDialog.TextBox1.Text;
      this.txtResult.Text = "Cancelled";

Difference between Java SE/EE/ME?

If I were you I would install the Java SE SDK. Once it is installed make sure you have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set and add the %JAVA_HOME%\bin dir to your path.

HTTP Request in Kotlin

For Android, Volley is a good place to get started. For all platforms, you might also want to check out ktor client or http4k which are both good libraries.

However, you can also use standard Java libraries like which is part of the Java SDK:

fun sendGet() {
    val url = URL("")

    with(url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection) {
        requestMethod = "GET"  // optional default is GET

        println("\nSent 'GET' request to URL : $url; Response Code : $responseCode")

        inputStream.bufferedReader().use {
            it.lines().forEach { line ->

Or simpler:


How can I add the new "Floating Action Button" between two widgets/layouts

Keep it Simple Adding Floating Action Button using TextView by giving rounded xml background. - Add compile to gradle file

  • Use CoordinatorLayout as root view.
  • Before Ending the CoordinatorLayout introduce a textView.
  • Inside Drawable draw a circle.

Circle Xml is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Layout xml is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






                android:text="Ritesh Kumar Singh"






                android:text="[email protected]"









Click here to se how it Will look like

jQuery Validation plugin: validate check box

You had several issues with your code.

1) Missing a closing brace, }, within your rules.

2) In this case, there is no reason to use a function for the required rule. By default, the plugin can handle checkbox and radio inputs just fine, so using true is enough. However, this will simply do the same logic as in your original function and verify that at least one is checked.

3) If you also want only a maximum of two to be checked, then you'll need to apply the maxlength rule.

4) The messages option was missing the rule specification. It will work, but the one custom message would apply to all rules on the same field.

5) If a name attribute contains brackets, you must enclose it within quotes.


$(document).ready(function () {

    $('#formid').validate({ // initialize the plugin
        rules: {
            'test[]': {
                required: true,
                maxlength: 2
        messages: {
            'test[]': {
                required: "You must check at least 1 box",
                maxlength: "Check no more than {0} boxes"


How to get distinct results in hibernate with joins and row-based limiting (paging)?

The solution:


works very well.

git status (nothing to commit, working directory clean), however with changes commited

Small hint which other people didn't talk about: git doesn't record changes if you add empty folders in your project folder. That's it, I was adding empty folders with random names to check wether it was recording changes, it wasn't. But it started to do it as soon as I began adding files in them. Cheers.

What's the difference between identifying and non-identifying relationships?

The identifing relaionship means the child entity is totally depend on the existance of the parent entity. Example account table person table and personaccount.The person account table is identified by the existance of account and person table only.

The non identifing relationship means the child table does not identified by the existance of the parent table example there is table as accounttype and account.accounttype table is not identified with the existance of account table.

CSS3 transition events

In Opera 12 when you bind using the plain JavaScript, 'oTransitionEnd' will work:

document.addEventListener("oTransitionEnd", function(){
    alert("Transition Ended");

however if you bind through jQuery, you need to use 'otransitionend'

$(document).bind("otransitionend", function(){
    alert("Transition Ended");

In case you are using Modernizr or bootstrap-transition.js you can simply do a change:

var transEndEventNames = {
    'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
    'MozTransition'    : 'transitionend',
    'OTransition'      : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
    'msTransition'     : 'MSTransitionEnd',
    'transition'       : 'transitionend'
transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed('transition') ];

You can find some info here as well

file_get_contents behind a proxy?

There's a similar post here: which explains how to do it.

function file_get_contents_proxy($url,$proxy){

    // Create context stream
    $context_array = array('http'=>array('proxy'=>$proxy,'request_fulluri'=>true));
    $context = stream_context_create($context_array);

    // Use context stream with file_get_contents
    $data = file_get_contents($url,false,$context);

    // Return data via proxy
    return $data;


File count from a folder

The slickest method woud be to use LINQ:

var fileCount = (from file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"H:\iPod_Control\Music", "*.mp3", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                        select file).Count();

Count number of columns in a table row


cells is not a property of a table, rows are. Cells is a property of a row though

How can I check if string contains characters & whitespace, not just whitespace?

Simplest answer if your browser supports the trim() function

if (myString && !myString.trim()) {
    //First condition to check if string is not empty
    //Second condition checks if string contains just whitespace

Push items into mongo array via mongoose

An easy way to do that is to use the following:

var John = people.findOne({name: "John"});
John.friends.push({firstName: "Harry", lastName: "Potter"});;

Android get current Locale, not default

I´ve used this:

String currentLanguage = Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage();
if (currentLanguage.toLowerCase().contains("en")) {
   //do something

How to redirect from one URL to another URL?

If you want to redirect, just use window.location. Like so:

window.location = ""

Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema

I guess your webpack version is 2.2.1. I think you should be using this Migration Guide -->

Also, You can use this example of TypeSCript + Webpack 2.

How do I check if an object has a specific property in JavaScript?

You can use the in operator to check if the property exists on an object:

x = {'key': 1};
alert("key" in x);

You can also loop through all the properties of the object using a for - in loop, and then check for the specific property:

for (prop in x) {
    if (prop == "key") {
        //Do something

You must consider if this object property is enumerable or not, because non-enumerable properties will not show up in a for-in loop. Also, if the enumerable property is shadowing a non-enumerable property of the prototype, it will not show up in Internet Explorer 8 and earlier.

If you’d like a list of all instance properties, whether enumerable or not, you can use


This will return an array of names of all properties that exist on an object.

Finally, you can use the typeof operator to directly check the data type of the object property:

if (typeof x.key == "undefined") {

If the property does not exist on the object, it will return the string undefined. Else it will return the appropriate property type. However, note that this is not always a valid way of checking if an object has a property or not, because you could have a property that is set to undefined, in which case, using typeof x.key would still return true (even though the key is still in the object).

Update: You can check if a property exists by comparing to the undefined javascript property

if (x.key === undefined) {

This should work unless key was specifically set to undefined on the x object

Why does git say "Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files"?

Theres a simple solution to it. But for that you will first need to learn the following


To remove conficts, you can use

git mergetool

The above command basically opens local file, mixed file, remote file (3 files in total), for each conflicted file. The local & remote files are just for your reference, and using them you can choose what to include (or not) in the mixed file. And just save and quit the file.

How do I import material design library to Android Studio?

First, add the Material Design dependency.

implementation '<version>'

To get the latest material design library version. check the official website github repository.

Current version is 1.2.0.

So, you have to add,

implementation ''

Then, you need to change the app theme to material theme by adding,

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

in your style.xml. Dont forget to set the same theme in your application theme in your manifest file.

What are all the escape characters?

Java Escape Sequences:

\u{0000-FFFF}  /* Unicode [Basic Multilingual Plane only, see below] hex value 
                  does not handle unicode values higher than 0xFFFF (65535),
                  the high surrogate has to be separate: \uD852\uDF62
                  Four hex characters only (no variable width) */
\b             /* \u0008: backspace (BS) */
\t             /* \u0009: horizontal tab (HT) */
\n             /* \u000a: linefeed (LF) */
\f             /* \u000c: form feed (FF) */
\r             /* \u000d: carriage return (CR) */
\"             /* \u0022: double quote (") */
\'             /* \u0027: single quote (') */
\\             /* \u005c: backslash (\) */
\{0-377}       /* \u0000 to \u00ff: from octal value 
                  1 to 3 octal digits (variable width) */

The Basic Multilingual Plane is the unicode values from 0x0000 - 0xFFFF (0 - 65535). Additional planes can only be specified in Java by multiple characters: the egyptian heiroglyph A054 (laying down dude) is U+1303F / &#77887; and would have to be broken into "\uD80C\uDC3F" (UTF-16) for Java strings. Some other languages support higher planes with "\U0001303F".

How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks?

using List Comprehensions of python

[range(t,t+10) for t in range(1,1000,10)]

[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
 [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20],
 [21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30],....
 ....[981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987, 988, 989, 990],
 [991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000]]

visit this link to know about List Comprehensions

How to reverse an animation on mouse out after hover

I think that if you have a to, you must use a from. I would think of something like :

@keyframe in {
    from: transform: rotate(0deg);
    to: transform: rotate(360deg);

@keyframe out {
    from: transform: rotate(360deg);
    to: transform: rotate(0deg);

Of course must have checked it already, but I found strange that you only use the transform property since CSS3 is not fully implemented everywhere. Maybe it would work better with the following considerations :

  • Chrome uses @-webkit-keyframes, no particuliar version needed
  • Safari uses @-webkit-keyframes since version 5+
  • Firefox uses @keyframes since version 16 (v5-15 used @-moz-keyframes)
  • Opera uses @-webkit-keyframes version 15-22 (only v12 used @-o-keyframes)
  • Internet Explorer uses @keyframes since version 10+


I came up with that fiddle :

Using minimal code. Is it approaching what you were expecting ?

sub and gsub function?

That won't work if the string contains more than one match... try this:

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ gsub("/", "_") ; system( "echo "  $0) }'

or better (if the echo isn't a placeholder for something else):

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ gsub("/", "_") ; print $0 }'

In your case you want to make a copy of the value before changing it:

echo "/x/y/z/x" | awk '{ c=$0; gsub("/", "_", c) ; system( "echo " $0 " " c )}'

Laravel Eloquent: How to get only certain columns from joined tables

Using Model:


Using Query Builder:


Delete all but the most recent X files in bash

If the filenames don't have spaces, this will work:

ls -C1 -t| awk 'NR>5'|xargs rm

If the filenames do have spaces, something like

ls -C1 -t | awk 'NR>5' | sed -e "s/^/rm '/" -e "s/$/'/" | sh

Basic logic:

  • get a listing of the files in time order, one column
  • get all but the first 5 (n=5 for this example)
  • first version: send those to rm
  • second version: gen a script that will remove them properly

Auto insert date and time in form input field?

Im not do not know all of the technical language but I could not find the answer anywhere so I came up with this and it worked... Good Luck!

$time = date("Y/m/d h:i:s");

$sql = "INSERT INTO *yourtablenamehere* ('dt')  VALUES ('$time')";

How to call external JavaScript function in HTML

In Layman terms, you need to include external js file in your HTML file & thereafter you could directly call your JS method written in an external js file from HTML page. Follow the code snippet for insight:-


<script type="text/javascript" src="external.js"></script>
<input type="button" onclick="letMeCallYou()" value="run external javascript">


function letMeCallYou()
    alert("Bazinga!!!  you called letMeCallYou")

Result : enter image description here

How to set iPhone UIView z index?

If you are using cocos2d, you may see an issue with [parentView bringSubviewToFront:view], at least it was not working for me. Instead of bringing the view I wanted to the front, I send the other views back and that did the trick.

[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] view] sendSubviewToBack:((UIButton *) button)]; 

Javascript Get Element by Id and set the value


<div id="This-is-the-real-id"></div>


function setText(id,newvalue) {
  var s= document.getElementById(id);
  s.innerHTML = newvalue;
window.onload=function() { // or window.addEventListener("load",function() {
  setText("This-is-the-real-id","Hello there");

will do what you want


<input id="This-is-the-real-id" type="text" value="">


function setValue(id,newvalue) {
  var s= document.getElementById(id);
  s.value = newvalue;
window.onload=function() {
  setValue("This-is-the-real-id","Hello there");

will do what you want

function setContent(id, newvalue) {_x000D_
  var s = document.getElementById(id);_x000D_
  if (s.tagName.toUpperCase()==="INPUT") s.value = newvalue;_x000D_
  else s.innerHTML = newvalue;_x000D_
window.addEventListener("load", function() {_x000D_
  setContent("This-is-the-real-id-div", "Hello there");_x000D_
  setContent("This-is-the-real-id-input", "Hello there");_x000D_
<div id="This-is-the-real-id-div"></div>_x000D_
<input id="This-is-the-real-id-input" type="text" value="">

Best XML parser for Java

In addition to SAX and DOM there is STaX parsing available using XMLStreamReader which is an xml pull parser.

Batch command date and time in file name

You should search; you can simply replace all spaces with zero set hr=%hr: =0%jeb Oct 11 '11 at 14:16

So I did:

set hr=%time:~0,2%
set hr=%hr: =0%

Then use %hr% inside whatever string you are formatting to always get a two-digit hour.

(Jeb's comment under the most popular answer worked the best for me and is the simplest. I repost it here to make it more obvious for future users.)

Bundle ID Suffix? What is it?

If you don't have a company, leave your name, it doesn't matter as long as both bundle id in info.plist file and the one you've submitted in iTunes Connect match.

In Bundle ID Suffix you should write full name of bundle ID.


Bundle ID suffix = thebestapp (NOT CORRECT!!!!)

Bundle ID suffix = com.awesomeapps.thebestapp (CORRECT!!)

The reason for this is explained in the Developer Portal:

The App ID string contains two parts separated by a period (.) — an App ID Prefix (your Team ID by default, e.g. ABCDE12345), and an App ID Suffix (a Bundle ID search string, e.g. com.mycompany.appname). [emphasis added]

So in this case the suffix is the full string com.awesomeapps.thebestapp.

How to convert interface{} to string?

You need to add type assertion .(string). It is necessary because the map is of type map[string]interface{}:

host := arguments["<host>"].(string) + ":" + arguments["<port>"].(string)

Latest version of Docopt returns Opts object that has methods for conversion:

host, err := arguments.String("<host>")
port, err := arguments.String("<port>")
host_port := host + ":" + port

How do I uninstall a package installed using npm link?

The package can be uninstalled using the same uninstall or rm command that can be used for removing installed packages. The only thing to keep in mind is that the link needs to be uninstalled globally - the --global flag needs to be provided.

In order to uninstall the globally linked foo package, the following command can be used (using sudo if necessary, depending on your setup and permissions)

sudo npm rm --global foo

This will uninstall the package.

To check whether a package is installed, the npm ls command can be used:

npm ls --global foo

Imply bit with constant 1 or 0 in SQL Server

cast (
    when FC.CourseId is not null then 1 else 0
as bit)

The CAST spec is "CAST (expression AS type)". The CASE is an expression in this context.

If you have multiple such expressions, I'd declare bit vars @true and @false and use them. Or use UDFs if you really wanted...

DECLARE @True bit, @False bit;
SELECT @True = 1, @False = 0;  --can be combined with declare in SQL 2008

    case when FC.CourseId is not null then @True ELSE @False END AS ...

Can I store images in MySQL

Yes, you can store images in the database, but it's not advisable in my opinion, and it's not general practice.

A general practice is to store images in directories on the file system and store references to the images in the database. e.g. path to the image,the image name, etc.. Or alternatively, you may even store images on a content delivery network (CDN) or numerous hosts across some great expanse of physical territory, and store references to access those resources in the database.

Images can get quite large, greater than 1MB. And so storing images in a database can potentially put unnecessary load on your database and the network between your database and your web server if they're on different hosts.

I've worked at startups, mid-size companies and large technology companies with 400K+ employees. In my 13 years of professional experience, I've never seen anyone store images in a database. I say this to support the statement it is an uncommon practice.

You don't have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/2.3.0 directory

Ubuntu 20.04:

Option 1 - set up a gem installation directory for your user account

For bash (for zsh, we would use .zshrc of course)

echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Option 2 - use snap

Uninstall the apt-version (ruby-full) and reinstall it with snap

sudo apt-get remove ruby
sudo snap install ruby --classic

Matrix multiplication in OpenCV

You say that the matrices are the same dimensions, and yet you are trying to perform matrix multiplication on them. Multiplication of matrices with the same dimension is only possible if they are square. In your case, you get an assertion error, because the dimensions are not square. You have to be careful when multiplying matrices, as there are two possible meanings of multiply.

Matrix multiplication is where two matrices are multiplied directly. This operation multiplies matrix A of size [a x b] with matrix B of size [b x c] to produce matrix C of size [a x c]. In OpenCV it is achieved using the simple * operator:

C = A * B

Element-wise multiplication is where each pixel in the output matrix is formed by multiplying that pixel in matrix A by its corresponding entry in matrix B. The input matrices should be the same size, and the output will be the same size as well. This is achieved using the mul() function:

output = A.mul(B);

MD5 is 128 bits but why is it 32 characters?

Those are hexidecimal digits, not characters. One digit = 4 bits.

Using CSS to affect div style inside iframe

Yes, it's possible although cumbersome. You would need to print/echo the HTML of the page into the body of your page then apply a CSS rule change function. Using the same examples given above, you would essentially be using a parsing method of finding the divs in the page, and then applying the CSS to it and then reprinting/echoing it out to the end user. I don't need this so I don't want to code that function into every item in the CSS of another webpage just to aphtply.


Removing fields from struct or hiding them in JSON Response

I also faced this problem, at first I just wanted to specialize the responses in my http handler. My first approach was creating a package that copies the information of a struct to another struct and then marshal that second struct. I did that package using reflection, so, never liked that approach and also I wasn't dynamically.

So I decided to modify the encoding/json package to do this. The functions Marshal, MarshalIndent and (Encoder) Encode additionally receives a

type F map[string]F

I wanted to simulate a JSON of the fields that are needed to marshal, so it only marshals the fields that are in the map.

package main

import (


type SearchResult struct {
    Date        string      `json:"date"`
    IdCompany   int         `json:"idCompany"`
    Company     string      `json:"company"`
    IdIndustry  interface{} `json:"idIndustry"`
    Industry    string      `json:"industry"`
    IdContinent interface{} `json:"idContinent"`
    Continent   string      `json:"continent"`
    IdCountry   interface{} `json:"idCountry"`
    Country     string      `json:"country"`
    IdState     interface{} `json:"idState"`
    State       string      `json:"state"`
    IdCity      interface{} `json:"idCity"`
    City        string      `json:"city"`
} //SearchResult

type SearchResults struct {
    NumberResults int            `json:"numberResults"`
    Results       []SearchResult `json:"results"`
} //type SearchResults
func main() {
    msg := SearchResults{
        NumberResults: 2,
        Results: []SearchResult{
                Date:        "12-12-12",
                IdCompany:   1,
                Company:     "alfa",
                IdIndustry:  1,
                Industry:    "IT",
                IdContinent: 1,
                Continent:   "america",
                IdCountry:   1,
                Country:     "México",
                IdState:     1,
                State:       "CDMX",
                IdCity:      1,
                City:        "Atz",
                Date:        "12-12-12",
                IdCompany:   2,
                Company:     "beta",
                IdIndustry:  1,
                Industry:    "IT",
                IdContinent: 1,
                Continent:   "america",
                IdCountry:   2,
                Country:     "USA",
                IdState:     2,
                State:       "TX",
                IdCity:      2,
                City:        "XYZ",
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

        err := jsont.NewEncoder(w).Encode(msg, jsont.F{
            "numberResults": nil,
            "results": jsont.F{
                "date":       nil,
                "idCompany":  nil,
                "idIndustry": nil,
                "country":    nil,
        if err != nil {

    http.ListenAndServe(":3009", nil)

Testing whether a value is odd or even

Different way:

var isEven = function(number) {
  // Your code goes here!
  if (((number/2) - Math.floor(number/2)) === 0) {return true;} else {return false;};


Resetting Select2 value in dropdown with reset button

The best way of doing it is:

$('#e1.select2-offscreen').empty(); //#e1 : select 2 ID
$('#e1').append(new Option()); // to add the placeholder and the allow clear

The differences between initialize, define, declare a variable

For C, at least, per C11 6.7.5:

A declaration specifies the interpretation and attributes of a set of identifiers. A definition of an identifier is a declaration for that identifier that:

  • for an object, causes storage to be reserved for that object;

  • for a function, includes the function body;

  • for an enumeration constant, is the (only) declaration of the identifier;

  • for a typedef name, is the first (or only) declaration of the identifier.

Per C11

An initializer specifies the initial value stored in an object ... if an object that has automatic storage is not initialized explicitly, its value is indeterminate.

So, broadly speaking, a declaration introduces an identifier and provides information about it. For a variable, a definition is a declaration which allocates storage for that variable.

Initialization is the specification of the initial value to be stored in an object, which is not necessarily the same as the first time you explicitly assign a value to it. A variable has a value when you define it, whether or not you explicitly give it a value. If you don't explicitly give it a value, and the variable has automatic storage, it will have an initial value, but that value will be indeterminate. If it has static storage, it will be initialized implicitly depending on the type (e.g. pointer types get initialized to null pointers, arithmetic types get initialized to zero, and so on).

So, if you define an automatic variable without specifying an initial value for it, such as:

int myfunc(void) {
    int myvar;

You are defining it (and therefore also declaring it, since definitions are declarations), but not initializing it. Therefore, definition does not equal declaration plus initialization.

Create an ArrayList of unique values

Use Set

      Set<String> list = new HashSet<>();
      while (s.hasNext()){

How can I exclude $(this) from a jQuery selector?

You can also use the jQuery .siblings() method:


<div class="content">
  <a href="#">A</a>
  <a href="#">B</a>
  <a href="#">C</a>


$(".content").on('click', 'a', function(e) {

Working demo:

Proper usage of .net MVC Html.CheckBoxFor

None of the above answers worked for me when binding back on POST, until I added the following in CSHTML

<div class="checkbox c-checkbox">
        <input type="checkbox" id="xPrinting" name="xPrinting" value="true"  @Html.Raw( Model.xPrinting ? "checked" : "")>
        <span class=""></span>Printing

// POST: Index

public ActionResult Index([Bind(Include = "dateInHands,dateFrom,dateTo,pgStatus,gpStatus,vwStatus,freeSearch,xPrinting,xEmbroidery,xPersonalization,sortOrder,radioOperator")] ProductionDashboardViewModel model)

When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached?

Memcached client library was just recently released as stable. It is being used by digg ( was developed for digg by Andrei Zmievski, now no longer with digg) and implements much more of the memcached protocol than the older memcache client. The most important features that memcached has are:

  1. Cas tokens. This made my life much easier and is an easy preventive system for stale data. Whenever you pull something from the cache, you can receive with it a cas token (a double number). You can than use that token to save your updated object. If no one else updated the value while your thread was running, the swap will succeed. Otherwise a newer cas token was created and you are forced to reload the data and save it again with the new token.
  2. Read through callbacks are the best thing since sliced bread. It has simplified much of my code.
  3. getDelayed() is a nice feature that can reduce the time your script has to wait for the results to come back from the server.
  4. While the memcached server is supposed to be very stable, it is not the fastest. You can use binary protocol instead of ASCII with the newer client.
  5. Whenever you save complex data into memcached the client used to always do serialization of the value (which is slow), but now with memcached client you have the option of using igbinary. So far I haven't had the chance to test how much of a performance gain this can be.

All of this points were enough for me to switch to the newest client, and can tell you that it works like a charm. There is that external dependency on the libmemcached library, but have managed to install it nonetheless on Ubuntu and Mac OSX, so no problems there so far.

If you decide to update to the newer library, I suggest you update to the latest server version as well as it has some nice features as well. You will need to install libevent for it to compile, but on Ubuntu it wasn't much trouble.

I haven't seen any frameworks pick up the new memcached client thus far (although I don't keep track of them), but I presume Zend will get on board shortly.


Zend Framework 2 has an adapter for Memcached which can be found here

Using an array as needles in strpos

$Words = array("hello","there","world");
$c = 0;

    $message = 'Hi hello';
     foreach ($Words as $word):
        $trial = stripos($message,$word);
        if($trial != true){
            echo 'Word '.$c.' didnt match <br> <br>';
            echo 'Word '.$c.' matched <br> <br>';

I used this kind of code to check for hello, It also Has a numbering feature. You can use this if you want to do content moderation practices in websites that need the user to type

How do I disable a Pylint warning?

Python syntax does permit more than one statement on a line, separated by semicolon (;). However, limiting each line to one statement makes it easier for a human to follow a program's logic when reading through it.

So, another way of solving this issue, is to understand why the lint message is there and not put more than one statement on a line.

Yes, you may find it easier to write multiple statements per line, however, Pylint is for every other reader of your code not just you.

Java unsupported major minor version 52.0

I assumed openjdk8 would work with tomcat8 but I had to remove it and keep openjdk7 only, this fixed the issue in my case. I really don't know why or if there is something else I could have done.

How to center a "position: absolute" element

If you have set a width you may use:

position: absolute;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
left: 0;
right: 0;
text-align: center;

postgresql port confusion 5433 or 5432?

/etc/services is only advisory, it's a listing of well-known ports. It doesn't mean that anything is actually running on that port or that the named service will run on that port.

In PostgreSQL's case it's typical to use port 5432 if it is available. If it isn't, most installers will choose the next free port, usually 5433.

You can see what is actually running using the netstat tool (available on OS X, Windows, and Linux, with command line syntax varying across all three).

This is further complicated on Mac OS X systems by the horrible mess of different PostgreSQL packages - Apple's ancient version of PostgreSQL built in to the OS,, Homebrew, Macports, the EnterpriseDB installer, etc etc.

What ends up happening is that the user installs Pg and starts a server from one packaging, but uses the psql and libpq client from a different packaging. Typically this occurs when they're running or homebrew Pg and connecting with the psql that shipped with the OS. Not only do these sometimes have different default ports, but the Pg that shipped with Mac OS X has a different default unix socket path, so even if the server is running on the same port it won't be listening to the same unix socket.

Most Mac users work around this by just using tcp/ip with psql -h localhost. You can also specify a port if required, eg psql -h localhost -p 5433. You might have multiple PostgreSQL instances running so make sure you're connecting to the right one by using select version() and SHOW data_directory;.

You can also specify a unix socket directory; check the unix_socket_directories setting of the PostgreSQL instance you wish to connect to and specify that with psql -h, e.g.psql -h /tmp.

A cleaner solution is to correct your system PATH so that the psql and libpq associated with the PostgreSQL you are actually running is what's found first on the PATH. The details of that depend on your Mac OS X version and which Pg packages you have installed. I don't use Mac and can't offer much more detail on that side without spending more time than is currently available.

How can I pass an argument to a PowerShell script?

Let PowerShell analyze and decide the data type. It internally uses a 'Variant' for this.

And generally it does a good job...

$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application
if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
    $iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + $x

Or if you need to pass multiple parameters:

param($x1, $x2)
$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application
if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
    $iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + $x1
    $iTunes.<AnyProperty>  = $x2

Rails: call another controller action from a controller

You can use url_for to get the URL for a controller and action and then use redirect_to to go to that URL.

redirect_to url_for(:controller => :controller_name, :action => :action_name)

How to make div background color transparent in CSS


To set background color:

/* Hexadecimal value with color and 100% transparency*/
background-color: #11ffee00;  /* Fully transparent */

/* Special keyword values */
background-color: transparent;

/* HSL value with color and 100% transparency*/
background-color: hsla(50, 33%, 25%, 1.00);  /* 100% transparent */

/* RGB value with color and 100% transparency*/
background-color: rgba(117, 190, 218, 1.0);  /* 100% transparent */

A long bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE

Firstly, the below method doesn't compile as it is missing the return type and it should be Long.MAX_VALUE in place of Long.Max_value.

public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(long value) {
      return value > Long.Max_value;

The above method can never return true as you are comparing a long value with Long.MAX_VALUE , see the method signature you can pass only long there.Any long can be as big as the Long.MAX_VALUE, it can't be bigger than that.

You can try something like this with BigInteger class :

public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(BigInteger l){
    return l.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE))==1?true:false;

The below code will return true :

BigInteger big3 = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).
System.out.println(isBiggerThanMaxLong(big3)); // prints true

node.js Error: connect ECONNREFUSED; response from server

Please use [::1] instead of localhost, and make sure that the port is correct, and put the port inside the link.

const request = require('request');

   let json = {
        "id": id,
        "filename": filename
    let options = {
        uri: "http://[::1]:8000" + constants.PATH_TO_API,
        // port:443,
        method: 'POST',
        json: json
    request(options, function (error, response, body) {
        if (error) {
            console.error("httpRequests : error " + error);
        if (response) {
            let statusCode = response.status_code;
            if (callback) {

Display/Print one column from a DataFrame of Series in Pandas

By using to_string



Laravel Eloquent "WHERE NOT IN"

Its simply means that you have an array of values and you want record except that values/records.

you can simply pass a array into whereNotIn() laravel function.

With query builder

$users = DB::table('applications')
                    ->whereNotIn('id', [1,3,5]) 
                    ->get(); //will return without applications which contain this id's

With eloquent.

$result = ModelClassName::select('your_column_name')->whereNotIn('your_column_name', ['satatus1', 'satatus2']); //return without application which contain this status.

How can I Insert data into SQL Server using VBNet

It means that the number of values specified in your VALUES clause on the INSERT statement is not equal to the total number of columns in the table. You must specify the columnname if you only try to insert on selected columns.

Another one, since you are using ADO.Net , always parameterized your query to avoid SQL Injection. What you are doing right now is you are defeating the use of sqlCommand.


Dim query as String = String.Empty
query &= "INSERT INTO student (colName, colID, colPhone, "
query &= "                     colBranch, colCourse, coldblFee)  "
query &= "VALUES (@colName,@colID, @colPhone, @colBranch,@colCourse, @coldblFee)"

Using conn as New SqlConnection("connectionStringHere")
    Using comm As New SqlCommand()
        With comm
            .Connection = conn
            .CommandType = CommandType.Text
            .CommandText = query
            .Parameters.AddWithValue("@colName", strName)
            .Parameters.AddWithValue("@colID", strId)
            .Parameters.AddWithValue("@colPhone", strPhone)
            .Parameters.AddWithValue("@colBranch", strBranch)
            .Parameters.AddWithValue("@colCourse", strCourse)
            .Parameters.AddWithValue("@coldblFee", dblFee)
        End With
        Catch(ex as SqlException)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), "Error Message")
        End Try
    End Using
End USing 

PS: Please change the column names specified in the query to the original column found in your table.

Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?

.NET Reactor


Jared pointed out that de4dot claims to be able to decompile it.

.NET Reactor provides complete protection for your sensitive intellectual property by converting your .NET assemblies into unmanaged processes which cannot be understood as CIL, and which no existing tool can decompile. Hackers have no access to any intelligible form of your source.

Powerful and flexible, the .NET Reactor licensing features allow you to enforce your license conditions and protect your revenue stream by using hardware and software locks. The license manager can build trial or permanent licenses, in a matter of seconds. A fully documented software development kit (SDK), complete with examples, allows you to call the licensing system directly from your code, allowing you to create custom extensions to the licensing system.

Java ArrayList of Arrays?

As already answered, you can create an ArrayList of String Arrays as @Péter Török written;

    //Declaration of an ArrayList of String Arrays
    ArrayList<String[]> listOfArrayList = new ArrayList<String[]>();

When assigning different String Arrays to this ArrayList, each String Array's length will be different.

In the following example, 4 different Array of String added, their lengths are varying.

String Array #1: len: 3
String Array #2: len: 1
String Array #3: len: 4
String Array #4: len: 2

The Demonstration code is as below;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class TestMultiArray {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Declaration of an ArrayList of String Arrays
        ArrayList<String[]> listOfArrayList = new ArrayList<String[]>();

        //Assignment of 4 different String Arrays with different lengths
        listOfArrayList.add( new String[]{"line1: test String 1","line1: test String 2","line1: test String 3"}  );
        listOfArrayList.add( new String[]{"line2: test String 1"}  );
        listOfArrayList.add( new String[]{"line3: test String 1","line3: test String 2","line3: test String 3", "line3: test String 4"}  );
        listOfArrayList.add( new String[]{"line4: test String 1","line4: test String 2"}  );

        // Printing out the ArrayList Contents of String Arrays
        // '$' is used to indicate the String elements of String Arrays
        for( int i = 0; i < listOfArrayList.size(); i++ ) {
            for( int j = 0; j < listOfArrayList.get(i).length; j++ )
                System.out.printf(" $ " + listOfArrayList.get(i)[j]);



And the output is as follows;

 $ line1: test String 1 $ line1: test String 2 $ line1: test String 3
 $ line2: test String 1
 $ line3: test String 1 $ line3: test String 2 $ line3: test String 3 $ line3: test String 4
 $ line4: test String 1 $ line4: test String 2

Also notify that you can initialize a new Array of Sting as below;

new String[]{ str1, str2, str3,... }; // Assuming str's are String objects

So this is same with;

String[] newStringArray = { str1, str2, str3 }; // Assuming str's are String objects

I've written this demonstration just to show that no theArrayList object, all the elements are references to different instantiations of String Arrays, thus the length of each String Arrays are not have to be the same, neither it is important.

One last note: It will be best practice to use the ArrayList within a List interface, instead of which that you've used in your question.

It will be better to use the List interface as below;

    //Declaration of an ArrayList of String Arrays
    List<String[]> listOfArrayList = new ArrayList<String[]>();

When maven says "resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of MyRepo has elapsed", where is that interval specified?

If you use Nexus as a proxy repo, it has "Not Found Cache TTL" setting with default value 1440 minutes (or 24 hours). Lowering this value may help (Repositories > Configuration > Expiration Settings).

See documentation for more info.

convert UIImage to NSData

Create the reference of image....

UIImage *rainyImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"rainy.jpg"];

displaying image in image view... imagedisplay is reference of imageview:

imagedisplay.image = rainyImage;

convert it into NSData by passing UIImage reference and provide compression quality in float values:

NSData *imgData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(rainyImage, 0.9);

How to copy and paste worksheets between Excel workbooks?

You could do something with APIs.

Private Const SW_SHOW = 5
Private Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _
(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long

Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindow Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long

Function FindWindowPartialX(ByVal Title As String) As Long
    Dim hWndThis As Long
    hWndThis = FindWindow(vbNullString, vbNullString)
    While hWndThis
        Dim sTitle As String, sClass As String
        sTitle = Space$(255)
        sTitle = Left$(sTitle, GetWindowText(hWndThis, sTitle, Len(sTitle)))
        sClass = Space$(255)
        sClass = Left$(sClass, GetClassName(hWndThis, sClass, Len(sClass)))
        If InStr(sTitle, Title) > 0 Then
            FindWindowPartialX = hWndThis
            Exit Function
        End If
        hWndThis = GetWindow(hWndThis, GW_HWNDNEXT)
End Function

Sub CopySheet()
Dim objXL As Excel.Application

' A suitable portion of the window title such as file name '
WinHandle = FindWindowPartialX("LTD.xls")

ShowWindow WinHandle, SW_SHOW

Set objXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")


End Sub

How do I make this executable via double click?

You can just tell Finder to open the .sh file in Terminal:

  1. Select the file
  2. Get Info (cmd-i) on it
  3. In the "Open with" section, choose "Other…" in the popup menu
  4. Choose Terminal as the application

This will have the exact same effect as renaming it to .command except… you don't have to rename it :)

mongodb how to get max value from collections

you can use group and max:

        $group: {
            _id: null,
            maxQuantity: {$max: "$age"}

How to deploy a React App on Apache web server

As well described in React's official docs, If you use routers that use the HTML5 pushState history API under the hood, you just need to below content to .htaccess file in public directory of your react-app.

Options -MultiViews
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.html [QSA,L]

And if using relative path update the package.json like this:

"homepage": ".",

Note: If you are using react-router@^4, you can root <Link> using the basename prop on any <Router>.

import React from 'react';
import BrowserRouter as Router from 'react-router-dom';
<Router basename="/calendar"/>
<Link to="/today"/>

String Pattern Matching In Java

You can use the Pattern class for this. If you want to match only word characters inside the {} then you can use the following regex. \w is a shorthand for [a-zA-Z0-9_]. If you are ok with _ then use \w or else use [a-zA-Z0-9].

String URL = "https://localhost:8080/sbs/01.00/sip/dreamworks/v/01.00/cui/print/$fwVer/{$fwVer}/$lang/en/$model/{$model}/$region/us/$imageBg/{$imageBg}/$imageH/{$imageH}/$imageSz/{$imageSz}/$imageW/{$imageW}/movie/Kung_Fu_Panda_two/categories/3D_Pix/item/{item}/_back/2?$uniqueID={$uniqueID}";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("/\\{\\w+\\}/");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(URL);
if (matcher.find()) {
    System.out.println(; //prints /{item}/
} else {
    System.out.println("Match not found");

Failed to resolve:

Just add below code and update all firebase versions that will work

 implementation ''