Programs & Examples On #Multiple sites

What is __declspec and when do I need to use it?

The canonical examples are __declspec(dllimport) and __declspec(dllexport), which instruct the linker to import and export (respectively) a symbol from or to a DLL.

// header
__declspec(dllimport) void foo();

// code - this calls foo() somewhere in a DLL

(__declspec(..) just wraps up Microsoft's specific stuff - to achieve compatibility, one would usually wrap it away with macros)

get list of packages installed in Anaconda

To check if a specific package is installed:

conda list html5lib

which outputs something like this if installed:

# packages in environment at C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
html5lib                  1.0.1                    py37_0

or something like this if not installed:

# packages in environment at C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel

you don't need to type the exact package name. Partial matches are supported:

conda list html

This outputs all installed packages containing 'html':

# packages in environment at C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
html5lib                  1.0.1                    py37_0
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp    1.0.2                      py_0
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3                      py_0

How to force a hover state with jQuery?

I think the best solution I have come across is on this stackoverflow. This short jQuery code allows all your hover effects to show on click or touch..
No need to add anything within the function.

$('body').on('touchstart', function() {});

Hope this helps.

How to produce an csv output file from stored procedure in SQL Server

I have tried this and it is working fine for me:

sqlcmd -S servername -E -s~ -W -k1 -Q  "sql query here" > "\\file_path\file_name.csv"

How is a CSS "display: table-column" supposed to work?

The CSS table model is based on the HTML table model

A table is divided into ROWS, and each row contains one or more cells. Cells are children of ROWS, they are NEVER children of columns.

"display: table-column" does NOT provide a mechanism for making columnar layouts (e.g. newspaper pages with multiple columns, where content can flow from one column to the next).

Rather, "table-column" ONLY sets attributes that apply to corresponding cells within the rows of a table. E.g. "The background color of the first cell in each row is green" can be described.

The table itself is always structured the same way it is in HTML.

In HTML (observe that "td"s are inside "tr"s, NOT inside "col"s):

<table ..>
  <col .. />
  <col .. />
  <tr ..>
    <td ..></td>
    <td ..></td>
  <tr ..>
    <td ..></td>
    <td ..></td>

Corresponding HTML using CSS table properties (Note that the "column" divs do not contain any contents -- the standard does not allow for contents directly in columns):

.mytable {_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
.myrow {_x000D_
  display: table-row;_x000D_
.mycell {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
.column1 {_x000D_
  display: table-column;_x000D_
  background-color: green;_x000D_
.column2 {_x000D_
  display: table-column;_x000D_
<div class="mytable">_x000D_
  <div class="column1"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="column2"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="myrow">_x000D_
    <div class="mycell">contents of first cell in row 1</div>_x000D_
    <div class="mycell">contents of second cell in row 1</div>_x000D_
  <div class="myrow">_x000D_
    <div class="mycell">contents of first cell in row 2</div>_x000D_
    <div class="mycell">contents of second cell in row 2</div>_x000D_

OPTIONAL: both "rows" and "columns" can be styled by assigning multiple classes to each row and cell as follows. This approach gives maximum flexibility in specifying various sets of cells, or individual cells, to be styled:

//Useful css declarations, depending on what you want to affect, include:_x000D_
/* all cells (that have "class=mycell") */_x000D_
.mycell {_x000D_
/* class row1, wherever it is used */_x000D_
.row1 {_x000D_
/* all the cells of row1 (if you've put "class=mycell" on each cell) */_x000D_
.row1 .mycell {_x000D_
/* cell1 of row1 */_x000D_
.row1 .cell1 {_x000D_
/* cell1 of all rows */_x000D_
.cell1 {_x000D_
/* row1 inside class mytable (so can have different tables with different styles) */_x000D_
.mytable .row1 {_x000D_
/* all the cells of row1 of a mytable */_x000D_
.mytable .row1 .mycell {_x000D_
/* cell1 of row1 of a mytable */_x000D_
.mytable .row1 .cell1 {_x000D_
/* cell1 of all rows of a mytable */_x000D_
.mytable .cell1 {_x000D_
<div class="mytable">_x000D_
  <div class="column1"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="column2"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="myrow row1">_x000D_
    <div class="mycell cell1">contents of first cell in row 1</div>_x000D_
    <div class="mycell cell2">contents of second cell in row 1</div>_x000D_
  <div class="myrow row2">_x000D_
    <div class="mycell cell1">contents of first cell in row 2</div>_x000D_
    <div class="mycell cell2">contents of second cell in row 2</div>_x000D_

In today's flexible designs, which use <div> for multiple purposes, it is wise to put some class on each div, to help refer to it. Here, what used to be <tr> in HTML became class myrow, and <td> became class mycell. This convention is what makes the above CSS selectors useful.

PERFORMANCE NOTE: putting class names on each cell, and using the above multi-class selectors, is better performance than using selectors ending with *, such as .row1 * or even .row1 > *. The reason is that selectors are matched last first, so when matching elements are being sought, .row1 * first does *, which matches all elements, and then checks all the ancestors of each element, to find if any ancestor has class row1. This might be slow in a complex document on a slow device. .row1 > * is better, because only the immediate parent is examined. But it is much better still to immediately eliminate most elements, via .row1 .cell1. (.row1 > .cell1 is an even tighter spec, but it is the first step of the search that makes the biggest difference, so it usually isn't worth the clutter, and the extra thought process as to whether it will always be a direct child, of adding the child selector >.)

The key point to take away re performance is that the last item in a selector should be as specific as possible, and should never be *.

How to destroy a DOM element with jQuery?

Not sure if it's just me, but using .remove() doesn't seem to work if you are selecting by an id.

Ex: $("#my-element").remove();

I had to use the element's class instead, or nothing happened.

Ex: $(".my-element").remove();

Convert form data to JavaScript object with jQuery

What's wrong with:

var data = {};
$(".form-selector").serializeArray().map(function(x){data[] = x.value;}); 

How do I ignore an error on 'git pull' about my local changes would be overwritten by merge?

Error "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge" comes because you have some changes in the local repo that have NOT been commited yet, so before pulling from remote repo just commit the changes in local repo.

Lets say your remote repo has some branch xyz and you want that remote repo xyz branch to be merged into (copied to) local repo xyz branch then,

git checkout xyz                  //check out to the respective branch in local repo
git commit -m "commiting message" //commit changes if any, in local repo branch xyz
git pull                          //it pulls remote xyz branch into local xyz branch

Reset auto increment counter in postgres

To reset the auto increment you have to get your sequence name by using following query.


SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence(‘tablename’, ‘ columnname‘);


SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('demo', 'autoid');

The query will return the sequence name of autoid as "Demo_autoid_seq" Then use the following query to reset the autoid




ALTER SEQUENCE "Demo_autoid_seq" RESTART WITH 1453;

How to correctly set the ORACLE_HOME variable on Ubuntu 9.x?

This is the right way to clear this error.

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 sqlplus / as sysdba

How do I get ASP.NET Web API to return JSON instead of XML using Chrome?

From MSDN Building a Single Page Application with ASP.NET and AngularJS (about 41 mins in).

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // ... possible routing etc.

        // Setup to return json and camelcase it!
        var formatter = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
        formatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver =
            new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();

It should be current, I tried it and it worked.

Filter data.frame rows by a logical condition

This worked like magic for me.

celltype_hesc_bool = expr['cell_type'] == 'hesc'

expr_celltype_hesc = expr[celltype_hesc]

Check this blog post

Print a div content using Jquery

I tried all the non-plugin approaches here, but all caused blank pages to print after the content, or had other problems. Here's my solution:


<div id="page-content">        
    <div id="printme">Content To Print</div>
    <div>Don't print this.</div>
<div id="hidden-print-div"></div>


    $(document).ready(function () {


    #hidden-print-div {
        display: none;

    @media print {
        #hidden-print-div {
            display: block;

        #page-content {
            display: none;

How to use LocalBroadcastManager?

I'd rather like to answer comprehensively.

  1. LocalbroadcastManager included in android 3.0 and above so you have to use support library v4 for early releases. see instructions here

  2. Create a broadcast receiver:

    private BroadcastReceiver onNotice= new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            // intent can contain anydata
            Log.d("sohail","onReceive called");
            tv.setText("Broadcast received !");
  3. Register your receiver in onResume of activity like:

    protected void onResume() {
            IntentFilter iff= new IntentFilter(MyIntentService.ACTION);
            LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(onNotice, iff);
    //MyIntentService.ACTION is just a public static string defined in MyIntentService.
  4. unRegister receiver in onPause:

    protected void onPause() {
  5. Now whenever a localbroadcast is sent from applications' activity or service, onReceive of onNotice will be called :).

Edit: You can read complete tutorial here LocalBroadcastManager: Intra application message passing

Manually Triggering Form Validation using jQuery

Html Code:

<form class="validateDontSubmit">
<button style="dislay:none">submit</button>
<button class="outside"></button>

javascript( using Jquery):

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).on('submit','.validateDontSubmit',function (e) {
    //prevent the form from doing a submit
    return false;

// using button outside trigger click
    $('.outside').click(function() {
        $('.validateDontSubmit button').trigger('click');

Hope this will help you

Rendering raw html with reactjs

I have used this in quick and dirty situations:

// react render method:

render() {
    return (
        { this.props.textOrHtml.indexOf('</') !== -1
            ? (
                <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: this.props.textOrHtml.replace(/(<? *script)/gi, 'illegalscript')}} >
            : this.props.textOrHtml


What is the "double tilde" (~~) operator in JavaScript?

That ~~ is a double NOT bitwise operator.

It is used as a faster substitute for Math.floor() for positive numbers. It does not return the same result as Math.floor() for negative numbers, as it just chops off the part after the decimal (see other answers for examples of this).

Why does one use dependency injection?

I think a lot of times people get confused about the difference between dependency injection and a dependency injection framework (or a container as it is often called).

Dependency injection is a very simple concept. Instead of this code:

public class A {
  private B b;

  public A() {
    this.b = new B(); // A *depends on* B

  public void DoSomeStuff() {
    // Do something with B here

public static void Main(string[] args) {
  A a = new A();

you write code like this:

public class A {
  private B b;

  public A(B b) { // A now takes its dependencies as arguments
    this.b = b; // look ma, no "new"!

  public void DoSomeStuff() {
    // Do something with B here

public static void Main(string[] args) {
  B b = new B(); // B is constructed here instead
  A a = new A(b);

And that's it. Seriously. This gives you a ton of advantages. Two important ones are the ability to control functionality from a central place (the Main() function) instead of spreading it throughout your program, and the ability to more easily test each class in isolation (because you can pass mocks or other faked objects into its constructor instead of a real value).

The drawback, of course, is that you now have one mega-function that knows about all the classes used by your program. That's what DI frameworks can help with. But if you're having trouble understanding why this approach is valuable, I'd recommend starting with manual dependency injection first, so you can better appreciate what the various frameworks out there can do for you.

Is there a way to check if a file is in use?

Just use the exception as intended. Accept that the file is in use and try again, repeatedly until your action is completed. This is also the most efficient because you do not waste any cycles checking the state before acting.

Use the function below, for example

TimeoutFileAction(() => { System.IO.File.etc...; return null; } );

Reusable method that times out after 2 seconds

private T TimeoutFileAction<T>(Func<T> func)
    var started = DateTime.UtcNow;
    while ((DateTime.UtcNow - started).TotalMilliseconds < 2000)
            return func();                    
        catch (System.IO.IOException exception)
            //ignore, or log somewhere if you want to
    return default(T);

How do I base64 encode a string efficiently using Excel VBA?

You can use the MSXML Base64 encoding functionality as described at

Function EncodeBase64(text As String) As String
  Dim arrData() As Byte
  arrData = StrConv(text, vbFromUnicode)      

  Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
  Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

  Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument 
  Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64")

  objNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
  objNode.nodeTypedValue = arrData
  EncodeBase64 = objNode.Text 

  Set objNode = Nothing
  Set objXML = Nothing
End Function

Pass array to where in Codeigniter Active Record

Generates a WHERE field IN (‘item’, ‘item’) SQL query joined with AND if appropriate,

ex :  $this->db->where_in('id', array('1','2','3'));

Generates a WHERE field IN (‘item’, ‘item’) SQL query joined with OR if appropriate

ex :  $this->db->where_in('id', array('1','2','3'));

How to add an item to a drop down list in ASP.NET?

Try following code;

DropDownList1.Items.Add(new ListItem(txt_box1.Text));

PHP - regex to allow letters and numbers only

try this way .eregi("[^A-Za-z0-9.]", $value)

How can I copy a Python string?

I'm just starting some string manipulations and found this question. I was probably trying to do something like the OP, "usual me". The previous answers did not clear up my confusion, but after thinking a little about it I finally "got it".

As long as a, b, c, d, and e have the same value, they reference to the same place. Memory is saved. As soon as the variable start to have different values, they get start to have different references. My learning experience came from this code:

import copy
a = 'hello'
b = str(a)
c = a[:]
d = a + ''
e = copy.copy(a)

print map( id, [ a,b,c,d,e ] )

print a, b, c, d, e

e = a + 'something'
a = 'goodbye'
print map( id, [ a,b,c,d,e ] )
print a, b, c, d, e

The printed output is:

[4538504992, 4538504992, 4538504992, 4538504992, 4538504992]

hello hello hello hello hello

[6113502048, 4538504992, 4538504992, 4538504992, 5570935808]

goodbye hello hello hello hello something

Writing File to Temp Folder


The path specified by the TMP environment variable. The path specified by the TEMP environment variable. The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable. The Windows directory.

How to add image to canvas

In my case, I was mistaken the function parameters, which are:

context.drawImage(image, left, top);
context.drawImage(image, left, top, width, height);

If you expect them to be

context.drawImage(image, width, height);

you will place the image just outside the canvas with the same effects as described in the question.

Extracting columns from text file with different delimiters in Linux

If the command should work with both tabs and spaces as the delimiter I would use awk:

awk '{print $100,$101,$102,$103,$104,$105}' myfile > outfile

As long as you just need to specify 5 fields it is imo ok to just type them, for longer ranges you can use a for loop:

awk '{for(i=100;i<=105;i++)print $i}' myfile > outfile

If you want to use cut, you need to use the -f option:

cut -f100-105 myfile > outfile

If the field delimiter is different from TAB you need to specify it using -d:

cut -d' ' -f100-105 myfile > outfile

Check the man page for more info on the cut command.

How to overload functions in javascript?

I like to add sub functions within a parent function to achieve the ability to differentiate between argument groups for the same functionality.

var doSomething = function() {
    var foo;
    var bar;

doSomething.withArgSet1 = function(arg0, arg1) {
    var obj = new doSomething();
    // do something the first way
    return obj;

doSomething.withArgSet2 = function(arg2, arg3) {
    var obj = new doSomething();
    // do something the second way
    return obj;

"Unorderable types: int() < str()"

Just a side note, in Python 2.0 you could compare anything to anything (int to string). As this wasn't explicit, it was changed in 3.0, which is a good thing as you are not running into the trouble of comparing senseless values with each other or when you forget to convert a type.

use Lodash to sort array of object by value

You can use lodash sortBy (

Your code could be like:

const myArray = [  
      "name":"Anakin Skywalker",
      "name":"Luke Skywalker",

const myOrderedArray = _.sortBy(myArray, o =>

How to find if a given key exists in a C++ std::map

You can use .find():

map<string,string>::iterator i = m.find("f");

if (i == m.end()) { /* Not found */ }
else { /* Found, i->first is f, i->second is ++-- */ }

UICollectionView - dynamic cell height?

We can maintain dynamic height for collection view cell without xib(only using storyboard).

- (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView
  sizeForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

        NSAttributedString* labelString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Your long string goes here" attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:17.0]}];
        CGRect cellRect = [labelString boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(cellWidth, MAXFLOAT) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:nil];

        return CGSizeMake(cellWidth, cellRect.size.height);

Make sure that numberOfLines in IB should be 0.

How do I convert a Swift Array to a String?


func textField(textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersInRange range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
    if textField == phoneField
        let newString = NSString(string: textField.text!).replacingCharacters(in: range, with: string)
        let components = newString.components(separatedBy: NSCharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted)

        let decimalString = NSString(string: components.joined(separator: ""))
        let length = decimalString.length
        let hasLeadingOne = length > 0 && decimalString.character(at: 0) == (1 as unichar)

        if length == 0 || (length > 10 && !hasLeadingOne) || length > 11
            let newLength = NSString(string: textField.text!).length + (string as NSString).length - range.length as Int

            return (newLength > 10) ? false : true
        var index = 0 as Int
        let formattedString = NSMutableString()

        if hasLeadingOne
            formattedString.append("1 ")
            index += 1
        if (length - index) > 3
            let areaCode = decimalString.substring(with: NSMakeRange(index, 3))
            formattedString.appendFormat("(%@)", areaCode)
            index += 3
        if length - index > 3
            let prefix = decimalString.substring(with: NSMakeRange(index, 3))
            formattedString.appendFormat("%@-", prefix)
            index += 3

        let remainder = decimalString.substring(from: index)
        textField.text = formattedString as String
        return false
        return true

Python: how can I check whether an object is of type

In Python 3.5, isinstance(x, date) works to me:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> x = date(2012, 9, 1)
>>> type(x)
<class ''>
>>> isinstance(x, date)
>>> type(x) is date

Select multiple rows with the same value(s)

The problem is GROUP BY - if you group results by Locus, you only get one result per locus.


SELECT * FROM Genes WHERE Locus = '3' AND Chromosome = '10';

If you prefer using HAVING syntax, then GROUP BY id or something that is not repeating in the result set.

Align HTML input fields by :

Working JS Fiddle


      <label>Name:</label><input type="text">
      <label>Email Address:</label><input type = "text">
      <label>Description of the input value:</label><input type="text">


    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    clear: left;
    width: 250px;
    text-align: right;
input {
  display: inline-block;
  float: left;

URL for public Amazon S3 bucket

The URL structure you're referring to is called the REST endpoint, as opposed to the Web Site Endpoint.

Note: Since this answer was originally written, S3 has rolled out dualstack support on REST endpoints, using new hostnames, while leaving the existing hostnames in place. This is now integrated into the information provided, below.

If your bucket is really in the us-east-1 region of AWS -- which the S3 documentation formerly referred to as the "US Standard" region, but was subsequently officially renamed to the "U.S. East (N. Virginia) Region" -- then is not the correct form for that endpoint, even though it looks like it should be. The correct format for that region is either or

The format you're using is applicable to all the other S3 regions, but not US Standard US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1].

S3 now also has dual-stack endpoint hostnames for the REST endpoints, and unlike the original endpoint hostnames, the names of these have a consistent format across regions, for example These endpoints support both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity and DNS resolution, but are otherwise functionally equivalent to the existing REST endpoints.

If your permissions and configuration are set up such that the web site endpoint works, then the REST endpoint should work, too.

However... the two endpoints do not offer the same functionality.

Roughly speaking, the REST endpoint is better-suited for machine access and the web site endpoint is better suited for human access, since the web site endpoint offers friendly error messages, index documents, and redirects, while the REST endpoint doesn't. On the other hand, the REST endpoint offers HTTPS and support for signed URLs, while the web site endpoint doesn't.

Choose the correct type of endpoint (REST or web site) for your application:

¹ has been referred to as the "Northern Virginia endpoint," in contrast to the "Global endpoint" It was unofficially possible to get read-after-write consistency on new objects in this region if the "s3-external-1" hostname was used, because this would send you to a subset of possible physical endpoints that could provide that functionality. This behavior is now officially supported on this endpoint, so this is probably the better choice in many applications. Previously, s3-external-2 had been referred to as the "Pacific Northwest endpoint" for US-Standard, though it is now a CNAME in DNS for s3-external-1 so s3-external-2 appears to have no purpose except backwards-compatibility.

How can I pass arguments to a batch file?

Paired arguments

If you prefer passing the arguments in a key-value pair you can use something like this:

@echo off

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

:::::  asigning arguments as a key-value pairs:::::::::::::
set counter=0
for %%# in (%*) do (    
    set /a counter=counter+1
    set /a even=counter%%2
    if !even! == 0 (
        echo setting !prev! to %%#
        set "!prev!=%%~#"
    set "prev=%%~#"

:: showing the assignments
echo %one% %two% %three% %four% %five%


And an example :

c:>argumentsDemo.bat one 1 "two" 2 three 3 four 4 "five" 5
1 2 3 4 5

Predefined variables

You can also set some environment variables in advance. It can be done by setting them in the console or setting them from my computer:

@echo off

if defined variable1 (
    echo %variable1%

if defined variable2 (
    echo %variable2%

and calling it like:

c:\>set variable1=1

c:\>set variable2=2


File with listed values

You can also point to a file where the needed values are preset. If this is the script:

@echo off

set "VALUES_FILE=E:\scripts\values.txt"

for /f "usebackq eol=: tokens=* delims=" %%# in ("%VALUES_FILE%") do set "%%#"

echo %key1% %key2% %some_other_key%


and values file is this:

:::: use EOL=: in the FOR loop to use it as a comment



:::: do not left spaces arround the =
:::: or at the begining of the line

some_other_key=something else


the output of calling it will be:

value1 value2 something else

Of course you can combine all approaches. Check also arguments syntax , shift

Specifying maxlength for multiline textbox

Use a regular expression validator instead. This will work on the client side using JavaScript, but also when JavaScript is disabled (as the length check will be performed on the server as well).

The following example checks that the entered value is between 0 and 100 characters long:

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator runat="server" ID="valInput"
    ErrorMessage="Please enter a maximum of 100 characters"

There are of course more complex regexs you can use to better suit your purposes.

How to select a value in dropdown javascript?

I realize that this is an old question, but I'll post the solution for my use case, in case others run into the same situation I did when implementing James Hill's answer (above).

I found this question while trying to solve the same issue. James' answer got me 90% there. However, for my use case, selecting the item from the dropdown also triggered an action on the page from dropdown's onchange event. James' code as written did not trigger this event (at least in Firefox, which I was testing in). As a result, I made the following minor change:

function setSelectedValue(object, value) {
    for (var i = 0; i < object.options.length; i++) {
        if (object.options[i].text === value) {
            object.options[i].selected = true;

    // Throw exception if option `value` not found.
    var tag = object.nodeName;
    var str = "Option '" + value + "' not found";

    if ( != '') {
        str = str + " in //" + object.nodeName.toLowerCase()
              + "[@id='" + + "']."

    else if ( != '') {
        str = str + " in //" + object.nodeName.toLowerCase()
              + "[@name='" + + "']."

    else {
        str += "."

    throw str;

Note the object.onchange() call, which I added to the original solution. This calls the handler to make certain that the action on the page occurs.


Added code to throw an exception if option value is not found; this is needed for my use case.

Node Multer unexpected field

The <NAME> you use in multer's upload.single(<NAME>) function must be the same as the one you use in <input type="file" name="<NAME>" ...>.

So you need to change

var type = upload.single('file')


var type = upload.single('recfile')

in you app.js

Hope this helps.

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1600' doesn't match value '1700' in CppFile1.obj

You are trying to link objects compiled by different versions of the compiler. That's not supported in modern versions of VS, at least not if you are using the C++ standard library. Different versions of the standard library are binary incompatible and so you need all the inputs to the linker to be compiled with the same version. Make sure you re-compile all the objects that are to be linked.

The compiler error names the objects involved so the information the the question already has the answer you are looking for. Specifically it seems that the static library that you are linking needs to be re-compiled.

So the solution is to recompile Projectname1.lib with VS2012.

What is callback in Android?

CallBack Interface are used for Fragment to Fragment communication in android.

Refer here for your understanding.

how to File.listFiles in alphabetical order?

I think the previous answer is the best way to do it here is another simple way. just to print the sorted results.

 String path="/tmp";
 String[] dirListing = null;
 File dir = new File(path);
 dirListing = dir.list();

Django: Get list of model fields?

def __iter__(self):
    field_names = [ for f in self._meta.fields]
    for field_name in field_names:
        value = getattr(self, field_name, None)
        yield (field_name, value)

This worked for me in django==1.11.8

How to print / echo environment variables?

To bring the existing answers together with an important clarification:

As stated, the problem with NAME=sam echo "$NAME" is that $NAME gets expanded by the current shell before assignment NAME=sam takes effect.

Solutions that preserve the original semantics (of the (ineffective) solution attempt NAME=sam echo "$NAME"):

Use either eval[1] (as in the question itself), or printenv (as added by Aaron McDaid to heemayl's answer), or bash -c (from Ljm Dullaart's answer), in descending order of efficiency:

NAME=sam eval 'echo "$NAME"'  # use `eval` only if you fully control the command string
NAME=sam printenv NAME
NAME=sam bash -c 'echo "$NAME"'

printenv is not a POSIX utility, but it is available on both Linux and macOS/BSD.

What this style of invocation (<var>=<name> cmd ...) does is to define NAME:

  • as an environment variable
  • that is only defined for the command being invoked.

In other words: NAME only exists for the command being invoked, and has no effect on the current shell (if no variable named NAME existed before, there will be none after; a preexisting NAME variable remains unchanged).

POSIX defines the rules for this kind of invocation in its Command Search and Execution chapter.

The following solutions work very differently (from heemayl's answer):

NAME=sam; echo "$NAME"
NAME=sam && echo "$NAME"

While they produce the same output, they instead define:

  • a shell variable NAME (only) rather than an environment variable
    • if echo were a command that relied on environment variable NAME, it wouldn't be defined (or potentially defined differently from earlier).
  • that lives on after the command.

Note that every environment variable is also exposed as a shell variable, but the inverse is not true: shell variables are only visible to the current shell and its subshells, but not to child processes, such as external utilities and (non-sourced) scripts (unless they're marked as environment variables with export or declare -x).

[1] Technically, bash is in violation of POSIX here (as is zsh): Since eval is a special shell built-in, the preceding NAME=sam assignment should cause the the variable $NAME to remain in scope after the command finishes, but that's not what happens.
However, when you run bash in POSIX compatibility mode, it is compliant.
dash and ksh are always compliant.
The exact rules are complicated, and some aspects are left up to the implementations to decide; again, see Command Search and Execution.
Also, the usual disclaimer applies: Use eval only on input you fully control or implicitly trust.

How do you get the footer to stay at the bottom of a Web page?

REACT-friendly solution - (no spacer div required)

Chris Coyier (the venerable CSS-Tricks website) has kept his page on the Sticky-Footer up-to-date, with at least FIVE methods now for creating a sticky footer, including using FlexBox and CSS-Grid.

Why is this important? Because, for me, the earlier/older methods I used for years did not work with React - I had to use Chris' flexbox solution - which was easy and worked.

Below is his CSS-Tricks flexbox Sticky Footer - just look at the code below, it cannot possibly be simpler.

(The (below) StackSnippet example does not perfectly render the bottom of the example. The footer is shown extending past the bottom of the screen, which does not happen in real life.)

html,body{height: 100%;}
body     {display:flex; flex-direction:column;}
.content {flex: 1 0 auto;} /* flex: grow / shrink / flex-basis; */
.footer  {flex-shrink: 0;}

/* ---- BELOW IS ONLY for demo ---- */
.footer{background: palegreen;}
  <div class="content">Page Content - height expands to fill space</div>
  <footer class="footer">Footer Content</footer>

Chris also demonstrates this CSS-Grid solution for those who prefer grid.


CSS-Tricks - A Complete Guide to Flexbox

In Jenkins, how to checkout a project into a specific directory (using GIT)

I agree with @Lukasz Rzanek that we can use git plugin

But, I use option: checkout to a sub-direction what is enable as follow:
In Source Code Management, tick Git
click add button, choose checkout to a sub-directory

enter image description here


I am trying to contribute with another solution for the single insertion problem with the pre-9.5 versions of PostgreSQL. The idea is simply to try to perform first the insertion, and in case the record is already present, to update it:

do $$
  insert into testtable(id, somedata) values(2,'Joe');
exception when unique_violation then
  update testtable set somedata = 'Joe' where id = 2;
end $$;

Note that this solution can be applied only if there are no deletions of rows of the table.

I do not know about the efficiency of this solution, but it seems to me reasonable enough.

Finding second occurrence of a substring in a string in Java

Use overloaded version of indexOf(), which takes the starting index (fromIndex) as 2nd parameter:

str.indexOf("is", str.indexOf("is") + 1);

"Invalid form control" only in Google Chrome

It will show that message if you have code like this:

  <div style="display: none;">
    <input name="test" type="text" required/>

  <input type="submit"/>

solution to this problem will depend on how the site should work

for example if you don't want the form to submit unless this field is required you should disable the submit button

so the js code to show the div should enable the submit button as well

you can hide the button too (should be disabled and hidden because if it's hidden but not disabled the user can submit the form with others way like press enter in any other field but if the button is disabled this won't happen

if you want the form to submit if the div is hidden you should disable any required input inside it and enable the inputs while you are showing the div

if someone need the codes to do so you should tell me exactly what you need

How to create jar file with package structure?

Step 1: Go to directory where the classes are kept using command prompt (or Linux shell prompt)
Like for Project.

Go directory bin using command:

cd C:/workspace/MyProj/bin

Step 2: Use below command to generate jar file.

jar cvf helloworld.jar com\test\hello\Hello.class  com\test\orld\HelloWorld.class

Using the above command the classes will be placed in a jar in a directory structure.

How do I create a folder in a GitHub repository?

I don't know whenever I use "/" in repository name it is replaced by "-" maybe github changed method of creating folders.

So I'm going to tell you what I did to create a empty folder and to add files.

  1. Click on New
  2. enter your folder name and nothing else
  3. Click on "Add a README file"
  4. Click "Create Repository"
  5. Now clone the folder you created.
  6. Add files or folders in the local repo
  7. Commit changes.
  8. And there you go.

How to save username and password with Mercurial?

A simple hack is to add username and password to the push url in your project's .hg/hgrc file:

default = http://username:[email protected]/myproject

(Note that in this way you store the password in plain text)

If you're working on several projects under the same domain, you might want to add a rewrite rule in your ~/.hgrc file, to avoid repeating this for all projects:

http.// = http://username:[email protected]

Again, since the password is stored in plain text, I usually store just my username.

If you're working under Gnome, I explain how to integrate Mercurial and the Gnome Keyring here:

Smooth scrolling when clicking an anchor link

I did this for both "/xxxxx#asdf" and "#asdf" href anchors

$("a[href*=#]").on('click', function(event){
    var href = $(this).attr("href");
    if ( /(#.*)/.test(href) ){
      var hash = href.match(/(#.*)/)[0];
      var path = href.match(/([^#]*)/)[0];

      if (window.location.pathname == path || path.length == 0){
        $('html,body').animate({scrollTop:$(this.hash).offset().top}, 1000);
        window.location.hash = hash;

Error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version

Use ` backticks for MYSQL reserved words...

table name "table" is reserved word for MYSQL...

so your query should be as follows...

$sql="INSERT INTO `table` (`username`, `password`)

SQL Server equivalent of MySQL's NOW()?


is the direct equivalent, but you should always use UTC datetimes


whether your app operates across timezones or not - otherwise you run the risk of screwing up date math at the spring/fall transitions

Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:crashlyticsStoreDeobsDebug' if I enable the proguard

For some of you skipping library will works

project(":libABC") {
    apply plugin: 'org.sonarqube'
    sonarqube {
        skipProject = true

Add newly created specific folder to .gitignore in Git

It's /public_html/stats/*.

$ ~/myrepo> ls public_html/stats/
bar baz foo
$ ~/myrepo> cat .gitignore 
$ ~/myrepo> git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#   .gitignore
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
$ ~/myrepo>

How to set input type date's default value to today?

Like any HTML input field, the browser will leave it empty unless a default value is specified with the value attribute.

Unfortunately HTML5 doesn't provide a way of specifying 'today' in the value attribute (that I can see), only a RFC3339 valid date like 2011-09-29.

TL;DR Use YYYY-MM-DD date format or it won't display

Removing trailing newline character from fgets() input

If using getline is an option - Not neglecting its security issues and if you wish to brace pointers - you can avoid string functions as the getline returns the number of characters. Something like below

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    char *fname, *lname;
    size_t size = 32, nchar; // Max size of strings and number of characters read
    fname = malloc(size * sizeof *fname);
    lname = malloc(size * sizeof *lname);
    if (NULL == fname || NULL == lname)
        printf("Error in memory allocation.");
    printf("Enter first name ");
    nchar = getline(&fname, &size, stdin);
    if (nchar == -1) // getline return -1 on failure to read a line.
        printf("Line couldn't be read..");
        // This if block could be repeated for next getline too
    printf("Number of characters read :%zu\n", nchar);
    fname[nchar - 1] = '\0';
    printf("Enter last name ");
    nchar = getline(&lname, &size, stdin);
    printf("Number of characters read :%zu\n", nchar);
    lname[nchar - 1] = '\0';
    printf("Name entered %s %s\n", fname, lname);
    return 0;

Note: The [ security issues ] with getline shouldn't be neglected though.

PHP form send email to multiple recipients

If i understood correct try this one

$headers = "Bcc: [email protected]";


$headers = "Cc: [email protected]";

React.js create loop through Array

In CurrentGame component you need to change initial state because you are trying use loop for participants but this property is undefined that's why you get error.,

getInitialState: function(){
    return {
       data: {
          participants: [] 

also, as player in .map is Object you should get properties from it {
   return <li key={player.championId}>{player.summonerName}</li>
   // -------------------^^^^^^^^^^^---------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


how to check if a form is valid programmatically using jQuery Validation Plugin

2015 answer: we have this out of the box on modern browsers, just use the HTML5 CheckValidity API from jQuery. I've also made a jquery-html5-validity module to do this:

npm install jquery-html5-validity


var $ = require('jquery')

then you can run:



Saving to CSV in Excel loses regional date format

Although keeping this in mind

In the end I decided to use the format YYYYMMDD in all CSV files, which doesn't convert to date in Excel, but can be read by all our applications correctly.

Batch script to find and replace a string in text file without creating an extra output file for storing the modified file

@echo off 
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    set "search=%1"
    set "replace=%2"

    set "textFile=Input.txt"

    for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "%textFile%" ^& break ^> "%textFile%" ') do (
        set "line=%%i"
        setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
        >>"%textFile%" echo(!line:%search%=%replace%!

for /f will read all the data (generated by the type comamnd) before starting to process it. In the subprocess started to execute the type, we include a redirection overwritting the file (so it is emptied). Once the do clause starts to execute (the content of the file is in memory to be processed) the output is appended to the file.

Counting null and non-null values in a single query

In my case I wanted the "null distribution" amongst multiple columns:

GROUP BY 1, 2, 3,...
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3,...

As per the '...' it is easily extendable to more columns, as many as needed

How to access the elements of a 2D array?

If you have




Will work fine. It points to the second column, second row just like you wanted.

I'm not sure what you did wrong.

To multiply the cells in the third column you can just do

c = [a[2][i] * b[2][i] for i in range(len(a[2]))] 

Which will work for any number of rows.

Edit: The first number is the column, the second number is the row, with your current layout. They are both numbered from zero. If you want to switch the order you can do

a = zip(*a)

or you can create it that way:

a=[[1, 2, 3], [1, 1, 1]]

How to set True as default value for BooleanField on Django?

If you're just using a vanilla form (not a ModelForm), you can set a Field initial value ( ) like

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    my_field = forms.BooleanField(initial=True)

If you're using a ModelForm, you can set a default value on the model field ( ), which will apply to the resulting ModelForm, like

class MyModel(models.Model):
    my_field = models.BooleanField(default=True)

Finally, if you want to dynamically choose at runtime whether or not your field will be selected by default, you can use the initial parameter to the form when you initialize it:

form = MyForm(initial={'my_field':True})

Sorting dictionary keys in python

[v[0] for v in sorted(foo.items(), key=lambda(k,v): (v,k))]

How to use filter, map, and reduce in Python 3

You can read about the changes in What's New In Python 3.0. You should read it thoroughly when you move from 2.x to 3.x since a lot has been changed.

The whole answer here are quotes from the documentation.

Views And Iterators Instead Of Lists

Some well-known APIs no longer return lists:

  • [...]
  • map() and filter() return iterators. If you really need a list, a quick fix is e.g. list(map(...)), but a better fix is often to use a list comprehension (especially when the original code uses lambda), or rewriting the code so it doesn’t need a list at all. Particularly tricky is map() invoked for the side effects of the function; the correct transformation is to use a regular for loop (since creating a list would just be wasteful).
  • [...]


  • [...]
  • Removed reduce(). Use functools.reduce() if you really need it; however, 99 percent of the time an explicit for loop is more readable.
  • [...]

Iterate through object properties

You basically want to loop through each property in the object.


var Dictionary = {
  If: {
    you: {
      can: '',
      make: ''
    sense: ''
  of: {
    the: {
      sentence: {
        it: '',
        worked: ''

function Iterate(obj) {
  for (prop in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && isNaN(prop)) {
      console.log(prop + ': ' + obj[prop]);

jQuery select option elements by value

You can use .val() to select the value, like the following:

function select_option(i) {
    $("#span_id select").val(i);

Here is a jsfiddle:

How to iterate using ngFor loop Map containing key as string and values as map iteration

The below code useful to display in the map insertion order.

    <li *ngFor="let recipient of map | keyvalue: asIsOrder">
        {{recipient.key}} --> {{recipient.value}}

.ts file add the below code.

asIsOrder(a, b) {
    return 1;

What is the --save option for npm install?

As of npm 5, it is more favorable to use --save-prod (or -P) than --save but doing the same thing, as is stated in npm install. So far, --save still works if provided.

Jquery assiging class to th in a table

You had thead in your selector, but there is no thead in your table. Also you had your selectors backwards. As you mentioned above, you wanted to be adding the tr class to the th, not vice-versa (although your comment seems to contradict what you wrote up above).

$('tr th').each(function(index){     if($('tr td').eq(index).attr('class') != ''){         // get the class of the td         var tdClass = $('tr td').eq(index).attr('class');         // add it to this th         $(this).addClass(tdClass );     } }); 


Changing CSS for last <li>

One alternative for IE7+ and other browsers may be to use :first-child instead, and invert your styles.

For example, if you're setting the margin on each li:

ul li {
  margin-bottom: 1em;
ul li:last-child {
  margin-bottom: 0;

You could replace it with this:

ul li {
  margin-top: 1em;
ul li:first-child {
  margin-top: 0;

This will work well for some other cases like borders.

According to sitepoint, :first-child buggy, but only to the extent that it will select some root elements (the doctype or html), and may not change styles if other elements are inserted.

What's the difference between the 'ref' and 'out' keywords?

I am going to try my hand at an explanation:

I think we understand how the value types work right? Value types are (int, long, struct etc.). When you send them in to a function without a ref command it COPIES the data. Anything you do to that data in the function only affects the copy, not the original. The ref command sends the ACTUAL data and any changes will affect the data outside the function.

Ok on to the confusing part, reference types:

Lets create a reference type:

List<string> someobject = new List<string>()

When you new up someobject, two parts are created:

  1. The block of memory that holds data for someobject.
  2. A reference (pointer) to that block of data.

Now when you send in someobject into a method without ref it COPIES the reference pointer, NOT the data. So you now have this:

(outside method) reference1 => someobject
(inside method)  reference2 => someobject

Two references pointing to the same object. If you modify a property on someobject using reference2 it will affect the same data pointed to by reference1.

 (inside method)  reference2.Add("SomeString");
 (outside method) reference1[0] == "SomeString"   //this is true

If you null out reference2 or point it to new data it will not affect reference1 nor the data reference1 points to.

(inside method) reference2 = new List<string>();
(outside method) reference1 != null; reference1[0] == "SomeString" //this is true

The references are now pointing like this:
reference2 => new List<string>()
reference1 => someobject

Now what happens when you send someobject by ref to a method? The actual reference to someobject gets sent to the method. So you now have only one reference to the data:

(outside method) reference1 => someobject;
(inside method)  reference1 => someobject;

But what does this mean? It acts exactly the same as sending someobject not by ref except for two main thing:

1) When you null out the reference inside the method it will null the one outside the method.

 (inside method)  reference1 = null;
 (outside method) reference1 == null;  //true

2) You can now point the reference to a completely different data location and the reference outside the function will now point to the new data location.

 (inside method)  reference1 = new List<string>();
 (outside method) reference1.Count == 0; //this is true

How to import large sql file in phpmyadmin

I dont understand why nobody mention the easiest way....just split the large file with and after just execute vie mySQL admin the seperated generated files starting from the one with Structure

How do I use the lines of a file as arguments of a command?

If you want to do this in a robust way that works for every possible command line argument (values with spaces, values with newlines, values with literal quote characters, non-printable values, values with glob characters, etc), it gets a bit more interesting.

To write to a file, given an array of arguments:

printf '%s\0' "${arguments[@]}" >file

...replace with "argument one", "argument two", etc. as appropriate.

To read from that file and use its contents (in bash, ksh93, or another recent shell with arrays):

declare -a args=()
while IFS='' read -r -d '' item; do
  args+=( "$item" )
done <file
run_your_command "${args[@]}"

To read from that file and use its contents (in a shell without arrays; note that this will overwrite your local command-line argument list, and is thus best done inside of a function, such that you're overwriting the function's arguments and not the global list):

set --
while IFS='' read -r -d '' item; do
  set -- "$@" "$item"
done <file
run_your_command "$@"

Note that -d (allowing a different end-of-line delimiter to be used) is a non-POSIX extension, and a shell without arrays may also not support it. Should that be the case, you may need to use a non-shell language to transform the NUL-delimited content into an eval-safe form:

quoted_list() {
  ## Works with either Python 2.x or 3.x
  python -c '
import sys, pipes, shlex
quote = pipes.quote if hasattr(pipes, "quote") else shlex.quote
print(" ".join([quote(s) for s in"\0")][:-1]))

eval "set -- $(quoted_list <file)"
run_your_command "$@"

Xcode 9 Swift Language Version (SWIFT_VERSION)

For Objective C Projects created using Xcode 8 and now opening in Xcode 9, it is showing the same error as mentioned in the question.

To fix that, Press the + button in Build Settings and select Add User-Defined Setting as shown in the image below

build setting

Then in the new row created add SWIFT_VERSION as key and 3.2 as value like below.

enter image description here

It will fix the error for objective c projects.

AngularJS accessing DOM elements inside directive template

You could write a directive for this, which simply assigns the (jqLite) element to the scope using an attribute-given name.

Here is the directive:

app.directive("ngScopeElement", function () {
  var directiveDefinitionObject = {

    restrict: "A",

    compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
      return {
          pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) {
            scope[iAttrs.ngScopeElement] = iElement;

  return directiveDefinitionObject;


app.directive("myDirective", function() {
    return {
        template: '<div><ul ng-scope-element="list"><li ng-repeat="item in items"></ul></div>',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            scope.list[0] // scope.list is the jqlite element, 
                          // scope.list[0] is the native dom element

Some remarks:

  • Due to the compile and link order for nested directives you can only access scope.list from myDirectives postLink-Function, which you are very likely using anyway
  • ngScopeElement uses a preLink-function, so that directives nested within the element having ng-scope-element can already access scope.list
  • not sure how this behaves performance-wise

Runtime vs. Compile time

Hmm, ok well, runtime is used to describe something that occurs when a program is running.

Compile time is used to describe something that occurs when a program is being built (usually, by a compiler).

IIS sc-win32-status codes

Here's the list of all Win32 error codes. You can use this page to lookup the error code mentioned in IIS logs:

You can also use command line utility net to find information about a Win32 error code. The syntax would be:
net helpmsg Win32_Status_Code

Math constant PI value in C

The closest thing C does to "computing p" in a way that's directly visible to applications is acos(-1) or similar. This is almost always done with polynomial/rational approximations for the function being computed (either in C, or by the FPU microcode).

However, an interesting issue is that computing the trigonometric functions (sin, cos, and tan) requires reduction of their argument modulo 2p. Since 2p is not a diadic rational (and not even rational), it cannot be represented in any floating point type, and thus using any approximation of the value will result in catastrophic error accumulation for large arguments (e.g. if x is 1e12, and 2*M_PI differs from 2p by e, then fmod(x,2*M_PI) differs from the correct value of 2p by up to 1e12*e/p times the correct value of x mod 2p. That is to say, it's completely meaningless.

A correct implementation of C's standard math library simply has a gigantic very-high-precision representation of p hard coded in its source to deal with the issue of correct argument reduction (and uses some fancy tricks to make it not-quite-so-gigantic). This is how most/all C versions of the sin/cos/tan functions work. However, certain implementations (like glibc) are known to use assembly implementations on some cpus (like x86) and don't perform correct argument reduction, leading to completely nonsensical outputs. (Incidentally, the incorrect asm usually runs about the same speed as the correct C code for small arguments.)

How can I get terminal output in python?

>>> import subprocess
>>> cmd = [ 'echo', 'arg1', 'arg2' ]
>>> output = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[0]
>>> print output
arg1 arg2


There is a bug in using of the subprocess.PIPE. For the huge output use this:

import subprocess
import tempfile

with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tempf:
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['echo', 'a', 'b'], stdout=tempf)

Decode Base64 data in Java

Here's my own implementation, if it could be useful to someone :

public class Base64Coder {

    // The line separator string of the operating system.
    private static final String systemLineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");

    // Mapping table from 6-bit nibbles to Base64 characters.
    private static final char[] map1 = new char[64];
       static {
          int i=0;
          for (char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) map1[i++] = c;
          for (char c='a'; c<='z'; c++) map1[i++] = c;
          for (char c='0'; c<='9'; c++) map1[i++] = c;
          map1[i++] = '+'; map1[i++] = '/'; }

    // Mapping table from Base64 characters to 6-bit nibbles.
    private static final byte[] map2 = new byte[128];
       static {
          for (int i=0; i<map2.length; i++) map2[i] = -1;
          for (int i=0; i<64; i++) map2[map1[i]] = (byte)i; }

    * Encodes a string into Base64 format.
    * No blanks or line breaks are inserted.
    * @param s  A String to be encoded.
    * @return   A String containing the Base64 encoded data.
    public static String encodeString (String s) {
       return new String(encode(s.getBytes())); }

    * Encodes a byte array into Base 64 format and breaks the output into lines of 76 characters.
    * This method is compatible with <code>sun.misc.BASE64Encoder.encodeBuffer(byte[])</code>.
    * @param in  An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.
    * @return    A String containing the Base64 encoded data, broken into lines.
    public static String encodeLines (byte[] in) {
       return encodeLines(in, 0, in.length, 76, systemLineSeparator); }

    * Encodes a byte array into Base 64 format and breaks the output into lines.
    * @param in            An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.
    * @param iOff          Offset of the first byte in <code>in</code> to be processed.
    * @param iLen          Number of bytes to be processed in <code>in</code>, starting at <code>iOff</code>.
    * @param lineLen       Line length for the output data. Should be a multiple of 4.
    * @param lineSeparator The line separator to be used to separate the output lines.
    * @return              A String containing the Base64 encoded data, broken into lines.
    public static String encodeLines (byte[] in, int iOff, int iLen, int lineLen, String lineSeparator) {
       int blockLen = (lineLen*3) / 4;
       if (blockLen <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
       int lines = (iLen+blockLen-1) / blockLen;
       int bufLen = ((iLen+2)/3)*4 + lines*lineSeparator.length();
       StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(bufLen);
       int ip = 0;
       while (ip < iLen) {
          int l = Math.min(iLen-ip, blockLen);
          buf.append (encode(in, iOff+ip, l));
          buf.append (lineSeparator);
          ip += l; }
       return buf.toString(); }

    * Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
    * No blanks or line breaks are inserted in the output.
    * @param in  An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.
    * @return    A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.
    public static char[] encode (byte[] in) {
       return encode(in, 0, in.length); }

    * Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
    * No blanks or line breaks are inserted in the output.
    * @param in    An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.
    * @param iLen  Number of bytes to process in <code>in</code>.
    * @return      A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.
    public static char[] encode (byte[] in, int iLen) {
       return encode(in, 0, iLen); }

    * Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
    * No blanks or line breaks are inserted in the output.
    * @param in    An array containing the data bytes to be encoded.
    * @param iOff  Offset of the first byte in <code>in</code> to be processed.
    * @param iLen  Number of bytes to process in <code>in</code>, starting at <code>iOff</code>.
    * @return      A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.
    public static char[] encode (byte[] in, int iOff, int iLen) {
       int oDataLen = (iLen*4+2)/3;       // output length without padding
       int oLen = ((iLen+2)/3)*4;         // output length including padding
       char[] out = new char[oLen];
       int ip = iOff;
       int iEnd = iOff + iLen;
       int op = 0;
       while (ip < iEnd) {
          int i0 = in[ip++] & 0xff;
          int i1 = ip < iEnd ? in[ip++] & 0xff : 0;
          int i2 = ip < iEnd ? in[ip++] & 0xff : 0;
          int o0 = i0 >>> 2;
          int o1 = ((i0 &   3) << 4) | (i1 >>> 4);
          int o2 = ((i1 & 0xf) << 2) | (i2 >>> 6);
          int o3 = i2 & 0x3F;
          out[op++] = map1[o0];
          out[op++] = map1[o1];
          out[op] = op < oDataLen ? map1[o2] : '='; op++;
          out[op] = op < oDataLen ? map1[o3] : '='; op++; }
       return out; }

    * Decodes a string from Base64 format.
    * No blanks or line breaks are allowed within the Base64 encoded input data.
    * @param s  A Base64 String to be decoded.
    * @return   A String containing the decoded data.
    * @throws   IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.
    public static String decodeString (String s) {
       return new String(decode(s)); }

    * Decodes a byte array from Base64 format and ignores line separators, tabs and blanks.
    * CR, LF, Tab and Space characters are ignored in the input data.
    * This method is compatible with <code>sun.misc.BASE64Decoder.decodeBuffer(String)</code>.
    * @param s  A Base64 String to be decoded.
    * @return   An array containing the decoded data bytes.
    * @throws   IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.
    public static byte[] decodeLines (String s) {
       char[] buf = new char[s.length()];
       int p = 0;
       for (int ip = 0; ip < s.length(); ip++) {
          char c = s.charAt(ip);
          if (c != ' ' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')
             buf[p++] = c; }
       return decode(buf, 0, p); }

    * Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
    * No blanks or line breaks are allowed within the Base64 encoded input data.
    * @param s  A Base64 String to be decoded.
    * @return   An array containing the decoded data bytes.
    * @throws   IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.
    public static byte[] decode (String s) {
       return decode(s.toCharArray()); }

    * Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
    * No blanks or line breaks are allowed within the Base64 encoded input data.
    * @param in  A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.
    * @return    An array containing the decoded data bytes.
    * @throws    IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.
    public static byte[] decode (char[] in) {
       return decode(in, 0, in.length); }

    * Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
    * No blanks or line breaks are allowed within the Base64 encoded input data.
    * @param in    A character array containing the Base64 encoded data.
    * @param iOff  Offset of the first character in <code>in</code> to be processed.
    * @param iLen  Number of characters to process in <code>in</code>, starting at <code>iOff</code>.
    * @return      An array containing the decoded data bytes.
    * @throws      IllegalArgumentException If the input is not valid Base64 encoded data.
    public static byte[] decode (char[] in, int iOff, int iLen) {
       if (iLen%4 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Length of Base64 encoded input string is not a multiple of 4.");
       while (iLen > 0 && in[iOff+iLen-1] == '=') iLen--;
       int oLen = (iLen*3) / 4;
       byte[] out = new byte[oLen];
       int ip = iOff;
       int iEnd = iOff + iLen;
       int op = 0;
       while (ip < iEnd) {
          int i0 = in[ip++];
          int i1 = in[ip++];
          int i2 = ip < iEnd ? in[ip++] : 'A';
          int i3 = ip < iEnd ? in[ip++] : 'A';
          if (i0 > 127 || i1 > 127 || i2 > 127 || i3 > 127)
             throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illegal character in Base64 encoded data.");
          int b0 = map2[i0];
          int b1 = map2[i1];
          int b2 = map2[i2];
          int b3 = map2[i3];
          if (b0 < 0 || b1 < 0 || b2 < 0 || b3 < 0)
             throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illegal character in Base64 encoded data.");
          int o0 = ( b0       <<2) | (b1>>>4);
          int o1 = ((b1 & 0xf)<<4) | (b2>>>2);
          int o2 = ((b2 &   3)<<6) |  b3;
          out[op++] = (byte)o0;
          if (op<oLen) out[op++] = (byte)o1;
          if (op<oLen) out[op++] = (byte)o2; }
       return out; }

    // Dummy constructor.
    private Base64Coder() {}

Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource

I got around this by upgrading both the version of Angular that I was using (from v8 -> v9) and the version of TypeScript (from 3.5.3 -> latest).

Is it possible to sort a ES6 map object?

The idea is to extract the keys of your map into an array. Sort this array. Then iterate over this sorted array, get its value pair from the unsorted map and put them into a new map. The new map will be in sorted order. The code below is it's implementation:

var unsortedMap = new Map();
unsortedMap.set('2-1', 'foo');
unsortedMap.set('0-1', 'bar');

// Initialize your keys array
var keys = [];
// Initialize your sorted maps object
var sortedMap = new Map();

// Put keys in Array
unsortedMap.forEach(function callback(value, key, map) {

// Sort keys array and go through them to put in and put them in sorted map
keys.sort().map(function(key) {
    sortedMap.set(key, unsortedMap.get(key));

// View your sorted map

Resize image in PHP

I would suggest an easy way:

function resize($file, $width, $height) {
    switch(pathinfo($file)['extension']) {
        case "png": return imagepng(imagescale(imagecreatefrompng($file), $width, $height), $file);
        case "gif": return imagegif(imagescale(imagecreatefromgif($file), $width, $height), $file);
        default : return imagejpeg(imagescale(imagecreatefromjpeg($file), $width, $height), $file);

gcc/g++: "No such file or directory"

Your compiler just tried to compile the file named Upon hitting line number line, the compiler finds:

#include "bar"


#include <bar>

The compiler then tries to find that file. For this, it uses a set of directories to look into, but within this set, there is no file bar. For an explanation of the difference between the versions of the include statement look here.

How to tell the compiler where to find it

g++ has an option -I. It lets you add include search paths to the command line. Imagine that your file bar is in a folder named frobnicate, relative to (assume you are compiling from the directory where is located):

g++ -Ifrobnicate

You can add more include-paths; each you give is relative to the current directory. Microsoft's compiler has a correlating option /I that works in the same way, or in Visual Studio, the folders can be set in the Property Pages of the Project, under Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories.

Now imagine you have multiple version of bar in different folders, given:

// A/bar
std::string which() { return "A/bar"; }

// B/bar
std::string which() { return "B/bar"; }

// C/bar
std::string which() { return "C/bar"; }

#include "bar"
#include <iostream>

int main () {
    std::cout << which() << std::endl;

The priority with #include "bar" is leftmost:

$ g++ -IA -IB -IC
$ ./a.out

As you see, when the compiler started looking through A/, B/ and C/, it stopped at the first or leftmost hit.

This is true of both forms, include <> and incude "".

Difference between #include <bar> and #include "bar"

Usually, the #include <xxx> makes it look into system folders first, the #include "xxx" makes it look into the current or custom folders first.


Imagine you have the following files in your project folder:



#include "list"

For this, your compiler will #include the file list in your project folder, because it currently compiles and there is that file list in the current folder.

But with

#include <list>

and then g++, your compiler will look into the system folders first, and because <list> is a standard header, it will #include the file named list that comes with your C++ platform as part of the standard library.

This is all a bit simplified, but should give you the basic idea.

Details on <>/""-priorities and -I

According to the gcc-documentation, the priority for include <> is, on a "normal Unix system", as follows:


For C++ programs, it will also look in /usr/include/c++/version, first. In the above, target is the canonical name of the system GCC was configured to compile code for; [...].

The documentation also states:

You can add to this list with the -Idir command line option. All the directories named by -I are searched, in left-to-right order, before the default directories. The only exception is when dir is already searched by default. In this case, the option is ignored and the search order for system directories remains unchanged.

To continue our #include<list> / #include"list" example (same code):

g++ -I.


int main () { std::list<int> l; }

and indeed, the -I. prioritizes the folder . over the system includes and we get a compiler error.

How do I check if an object has a key in JavaScript?

Try the JavaScript in operator.

if ('key' in myObj)

And the inverse.

if (!('key' in myObj))

Be careful! The in operator matches all object keys, including those in the object's prototype chain.

Use myObj.hasOwnProperty('key') to check an object's own keys and will only return true if key is available on myObj directly:


Unless you have a specific reason to use the in operator, using myObj.hasOwnProperty('key') produces the result most code is looking for.

Split string into array of character strings

Maybe you can use a for loop that goes through the String content and extract characters by characters using the charAt method.

Combined with an ArrayList<String> for example you can get your array of individual characters.

Unexpected token }

Try running the entire script through jslint. This may help point you at the cause of the error.

Edit Ok, it's not quite the syntax of the script that's the problem. At least not in a way that jslint can detect.

Having played with your live code at, it looks like there are syntax errors in the generated code that your script puts into an onclick attribute in the DOM. Most browsers don't do a very good job of reporting errors in JavaScript run via such things (what is the file and line number of a piece of script in the onclick attribute of a dynamically inserted element?). This is probably why you get a confusing error message in Chrome. The FireFox error message is different, and also doesn't have a useful line number, although FireBug does show the code which causes the problem.

This snippet of code is taken from your edit function which is in the inline script block of your HTML:

var sub = document.getElementById('submit');
sub.setAttribute("onclick", "save(\""+file+"\", document.getElementById('name').value, document.getElementById('text').value");

Note that this sets the onclick attribute of an element to invalid JavaScript code:

<input type="submit" id="submit" onclick="save("data/wasup.htm", document.getElementById('name').value, document.getElementById('text').value">

The JS is:

save("data/wasup.htm", document.getElementById('name').value, document.getElementById('text').value

Note the missing close paren to finish the call to save.

As an aside, inserting onclick attributes is not a very modern or clean way of adding event handlers in JavaScript. Why are you not using the DOM's addEventListener to simply hook up a function to the element? If you were using something like jQuery, this would be simpler still.

.map() a Javascript ES6 Map?

You can map() arrays, but there is no such operation for Maps. The solution from Dr. Axel Rauschmayer:

  • Convert the map into an array of [key,value] pairs.
  • Map or filter the array.
  • Convert the result back to a map.


let map0 = new Map([
  [1, "a"],
  [2, "b"],
  [3, "c"]

const map1 = new Map(
  .map(([k, v]) => [k * 2, '_' + v])

resulted in

{2 => '_a', 4 => '_b', 6 => '_c'}

How to get the concrete class name as a string?

you can also create a dict with the classes themselves as keys, not necessarily the classnames

    int:lambda x: x*2,
    str:lambda s:'(*(%s)*)'%s

def transform (param):
    print typefunc[type(param)](param)

transform (1)
>>> 2
transform ("hi")
>>> (*(hi)*)

here typefunc is a dict that maps a function for each type. transform gets that function and applies it to the parameter.

of course, it would be much better to use 'real' OOP

How to pass List<String> in post method using Spring MVC?

I had the same use case, You can change your method defination in the following way :

@RequestMapping(value = "/saveFruits", method = RequestMethod.POST, 
    consumes = "application/json")
public ResultObject saveFruits(@RequestBody Map<String,List<String>> fruits) {

The only problem is it accepts any key in place of "fruits" but You can easily get rid of a wrapper if it is not big functionality.

How to add a new project to Github using VS Code

Install git on your PC and setup configuration values in either Command Prompt (cmd) or VS Code terminal (Ctrl + `)

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global [email protected]

Setup editor

Windows eg.:

git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -nosession"

Linux / Mac eg.:

git config --global core.editor vim

Check git settings which displays configuration details

git config --list

Login to github and create a remote repository. Copy the URL of this repository

Navigate to your project directory and execute the below commands

git init                                                           // start tracking current directory
git add -A                                                         // add all files in current directory to staging area, making them available for commit
git commit -m "commit message"                                     // commit your changes
git remote add origin    // add remote repository URL which contains the required details
git pull origin master                                             // always pull from remote before pushing
git push -u origin master                                          // publish changes to your remote repository

Disable password authentication for SSH

I followed these steps (for Mac).

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config change

#ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
#PasswordAuthentication yes


ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no

Now generate the RSA key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

(For me an RSA key worked. A DSA key did not work.)

A private key will be generated in ~/.ssh/id_rsa along with ~/.ssh/ (public key).

Now move to the .ssh folder: cd ~/.ssh

Enter rm -rf authorized_keys (sometimes multiple keys lead to an error).

Enter vi authorized_keys

Enter :wq to save this empty file

Enter cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Restart the SSH:

sudo launchctl stop com.openssh.sshd
sudo launchctl start com.openssh.sshd

How to Set Variables in a Laravel Blade Template

It is discouraged to do in a view so there is no blade tag for it. If you do want to do this in your blade view, you can either just open a php tag as you wrote it or register a new blade tag. Just an example:

 * <code>
 * {? $old_section = "whatever" ?}
 * </code>
Blade::extend(function($value) {
    return preg_replace('/\{\?(.+)\?\}/', '<?php ${1} ?>', $value);

Cast Int to enum in Java

enum MyEnum {
    private final int value;
    private MyEnum(int val) {this.value = value;}
    private static final MyEnum[] values = MyEnum.values();//cache for optimization
    public static final getMyEnum(int value) { 
        try {
            return values[value];//OOB might get triggered
        } catch (ArrayOutOfBoundsException e) {
        } finally {
            return myDefaultEnumValue;

grep without showing path/file:line

No need to find. If you are just looking for a pattern within a specific directory, this should suffice:

grep -hn FOO /your/path/*.bar

Where -h is the parameter to hide the filename, as from man grep:

-h, --no-filename

Suppress the prefixing of file names on output. This is the default when there is only one file (or only standard input) to search.

Note that you were using

-H, --with-filename

Print the file name for each match. This is the default when there is more than one file to search.

How to embed a SWF file in an HTML page?

Use the <embed> element:

<embed src="file.swf" width="854" height="480"></embed>

CSS transition fade in

OK, first of all I'm not sure how it works when you create a div using (document.createElement('div')), so I might be wrong now, but wouldn't it be possible to use the :target pseudo class selector for this?

If you look at the code below, you can se I've used a link to target the div, but in your case it might be possible to target #new from the script instead and that way make the div fade in without user interaction, or am I thinking wrong?

Here's the code for my example:


<a href="#new">Click</a> 
<div id="new">
    Fade in ... 


#new {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    opacity: 0;    

#new:target {
    -webkit-transition: opacity 2.0s ease-in;
       -moz-transition: opacity 2.0s ease-in;
         -o-transition: opacity 2.0s ease-in;
                                  opacity: 1;

... and here's a jsFiddle

How can I remove all files in my git repo and update/push from my local git repo?

First, remove all files from your Git repository using: git rm -r *

After that you should commit: using git commit -m "your comment"

After that you push using: git push (that's update the origin repository)

To verify your status using: git status

After that you can copy all your local files in the local Git folder, and you add them to the Git repository using: git add -A

You commit (git commit -m "your comment" and you push (git push)

Finding what methods a Python object has

For many objects, you can use this code, replacing 'object' with the object you're interested in:

object_methods = [method_name for method_name in dir(object)
                  if callable(getattr(object, method_name))]

I discovered it at (now archived). Hopefully, that should provide some further detail!

If you get an AttributeError, you can use this instead:

getattr( is intolerant of pandas style python3.6 abstract virtual sub-classes. This code does the same as above and ignores exceptions.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[10, 20, 30], [100, 200, 300]],
                  columns=['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
def get_methods(object, spacing=20):
  methodList = []
  for method_name in dir(object):
        if callable(getattr(object, method_name)):
  processFunc = (lambda s: ' '.join(s.split())) or (lambda s: s)
  for method in methodList:
        print(str(method.ljust(spacing)) + ' ' +
              processFunc(str(getattr(object, method).__doc__)[0:90]))
        print(method.ljust(spacing) + ' ' + ' getattr() failed')


How to affect other elements when one element is hovered

If the cube is directly inside the container:

#container:hover > #cube { background-color: yellow; }

If cube is next to (after containers closing tag) the container:

#container:hover + #cube { background-color: yellow; }

If the cube is somewhere inside the container:

#container:hover #cube { background-color: yellow; }

If the cube is a sibling of the container:

#container:hover ~ #cube { background-color: yellow; }

Check if argparse optional argument is set or not

In order to address @kcpr's comment on the (currently accepted) answer by @Honza Osobne

Unfortunately it doesn't work then the argument got it's default value defined.

one can first check if the argument was provided by comparing it with the Namespace object and providing the default=argparse.SUPPRESS option (see @hpaulj's and @Erasmus Cedernaes answers and this python3 doc) and if it hasn't been provided, then set it to a default value.

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--infile', default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
args = parser.parse_args()
if 'infile' in args: 
    # the argument is in the namespace, it's been provided by the user
    # set it to what has been provided
    theinfile = args.infile
    print('argument \'--infile\' was given, set to {}'.format(theinfile))
    # the argument isn't in the namespace
    # set it to a default value
    theinfile = 'your_default.txt'
    print('argument \'--infile\' was not given, set to default {}'.format(theinfile))


$ python3
argument '--infile' was not given, set to default your_default.txt

$ python3 --infile user_file.txt
argument '--infile' was given, set to user_file.txt

printf and long double

In addition to the wrong modifier, which port of gcc to Windows? mingw uses the Microsoft C library and I seem to remember that this library has no support for 80bits long double (microsoft C compiler use 64 bits long double for various reasons).

Lists in ConfigParser

If you want to literally pass in a list then you can use:


For example configuration:


The code is:

import ConfigParser
import ast

my_list = ast.literal_eval(config.get("section", "option"))



How do I install chkconfig on Ubuntu?

But how do I run this? I tried typing: sudo chkconfig.install which doesn't work.

I'm not sure where you got this package or what it contains; A url of download would be helpful. Without being able to look at the contents of chkconfig.install; I'm surprised to find a unix tool like chkconfig to be bundled in a zip archive, maybe it is still yet to be uncompressed, a tar.gz? but maybe it is a shell script?

I should suggest editing it and seeing what you are executing.

sh chkconfig.install or ./chkconfig.install ; which might work....but my suggestion would be to learn to use update-rc.d as the other answers have suggested but do not speak directly to the question...which is pretty hard to answer without being able to look at the data yourself.

MVC 4 @Scripts "does not exist"

I solve this problem in MvcMusicStore by add this part of code in _Layout.cshtml

@if (IsSectionDefined("scripts")) 
       @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

and remove this code from Edit.cshtml

 @section Scripts {

Run the program inshallah will work with you.

How to debug a Flask app

Install python-dotenv in your virtual environment.

Create a .flaskenv in your project root. By project root, I mean the folder which has your file

Inside this file write the following:


Now issue the following command:

flask run

What does "export default" do in JSX?

export default is used to export a single class, function or primitive from a script file.

The export can also be written as

export default class HelloWorld extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <p>Hello, world!</p>;

You could also write this as a function component like

export default const HelloWorld = () => (<p>Hello, world!</p>);

This is used to import this function in another script file

import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld';

You don't necessarily import it as HelloWorld you can give it any name as it's a default export

A little about export

As the name says, it's used to export functions, objects, classes or expressions from script files or modules


export function cube(x) {
  return x * x * x;
export const foo = Math.PI + Math.SQRT2;

This can be imported and used as


import { cube, foo } from 'Utilities';
console.log(cube(3)); // 27
console.log(foo);    // 4.555806215962888


import * as utilities from 'Utilities';
console.log(utilities.cube(3)); // 27
console.log(;    // 4.555806215962888

When export default is used, this is much simpler. Script files just exports one thing. cube.js

export default function cube(x) {
  return x * x * x;

and used as App.js

import Cube from 'cube';
console.log(Cube(3)); // 27

How to hide the border for specified rows of a table?

You can simply add these lines of codes here to hide a row,

Either you can write border:0 or border-style:hidden; border: none or it will happen the same thing

<style type="text/css">_x000D_
              table, th, td {_x000D_
               border: 1px solid;_x000D_
              tr.hide_all > td, td.hide_all{_x000D_
                 border: 0;_x000D_
      <tr class= hide_all>_x000D_

running these lines of codes can solve the problem easily

TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict', when dict used as a key for another dict

From the error, I infer that referenceElement is a dictionary (see repro below). A dictionary cannot be hashed and therefore cannot be used as a key to another dictionary (or itself for that matter!).

>>> d1, d2 = {}, {}
>>> d1[d2] = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

You probably meant either for element in referenceElement.keys() or for element in json['referenceElement'].keys(). With more context on what types json and referenceElement are and what they contain, we will be able to better help you if neither solution works.

AngularJS - get element attributes values

Since you are sending the target element to your function, you could do this to get the id:

function doStuff(item){
    var id = item.attributes['data-id'].value; // 345

How to export and import a .sql file from command line with options?

Dump an entire database to a file:

mysqldump -u USERNAME -p password DATABASENAME > FILENAME.sql

How to make div's percentage width relative to parent div and not viewport

Specifying a non-static position, e.g., position: absolute/relative on a node means that it will be used as the reference for absolutely positioned elements within it


We can change the positioning context — which element the absolutely positioned element is positioned relative to. This is done by setting positioning on one of the element's ancestors.

#outer {_x000D_
  min-width: 2000px; _x000D_
  min-height: 1000px; _x000D_
  background: #3e3e3e; _x000D_
#inner {_x000D_
  left: 1%; _x000D_
  top: 45px; _x000D_
  width: 50%; _x000D_
  height: auto; _x000D_
  position: absolute; _x000D_
  z-index: 1;_x000D_
#inner-inner {_x000D_
  background: #efffef;_x000D_
  position: absolute; _x000D_
  height: 400px; _x000D_
  right: 0px; _x000D_
  left: 0px;_x000D_
<div id="outer">_x000D_
  <div id="inner">_x000D_
    <div id="inner-inner"></div>_x000D_

C# '@' before a String

As a side note, you also should keep in mind that "escaping" means "using the back-slash as an indicator for special characters". You can put an end of line in a string doing that, for instance:

String foo = "Hello\


Parse strings to double with comma and point

You can check if the string contains a decimal point using

string s="";

        if (s.Contains(','))
        //treat as double how you wish

and then treat that as a decimal, otherwise just pass the non-double value along.

Add element to a list In Scala

Since you want to append elements to existing list, you can use var List[Int] and then keep on adding elements to the same list. Note -> You have to make sure that you insert an element into existing list as follows:-

var l: List[int] = List() // creates an empty list

l = 3 :: l // adds 3 to the head of the list

l = 4 :: l // makes int 4 as the head of the list

// Now when you will print l, you will see two elements in the list ( 4, 3)

'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Start->All Programs->Git->Git Bash

Takes you directly to the Git Shell.

Check number of arguments passed to a Bash script

In case you want to be on the safe side, I recommend to use getopts.

Here is a small example:

    while getopts "x:c" opt; do
      case $opt in
          echo "-$opt was triggered, deploy to ci account" >&2
              echo "-$opt was triggered, Parameter: $OPTARG" >&2 
              echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 
              exit 1
              echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 
              exit 1

see more details here for example

Java reverse an int value without using array

while (input != 0) {
  reversedNum = reversedNum * 10 + input % 10;
  input = input / 10;

let a number be 168,
+ input % 10 returns last digit as reminder i.e. 8 but next time it should return 6,hence number must be reduced to 16 from 168, as divide 168 by 10 that results to 16 instead of 16.8 as variable input is supposed to be integer type in the above program.

startActivityForResult() from a Fragment and finishing child Activity, doesn't call onActivityResult() in Fragment

Kevin's answer works but It makes it hard to play with the data using that solution.

Best solution is don't start startActivityForResult() on activity level.

in your case don't call getActivity().startActivityForResult(i, 1);

Instead, just use startActivityForResult() and it will work perfectly fine! :)

Convert List into Comma-Separated String

You can separate list entities by a comma like this:

//phones is a list of PhoneModel
var phoneNumbers = phones.Select(m => m.PhoneNumber)    
                    .Aggregate(new StringBuilder(),
                        (current, next) => current.Append(next).Append(" , ")).ToString();

// Remove the trailing comma and space
if (phoneNumbers.Length > 1)
    phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers.Remove(phoneNumbers.Length - 2, 2);

disabling spring security in spring boot app

Use @profile("whatever-name-profile-to-activate-if-needed") on your security configuration class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter


security.basic.enable: false

NB. I need to debug to know why why exclude auto configuration did not work for me. But the profile is sot so bad as you can still re-activate it via configuration properties if needed

Tensorflow: how to save/restore a model?

My environment: Python 3.6, Tensorflow 1.3.0

Though there have been many solutions, most of them is based on tf.train.Saver. When we load a .ckpt saved by Saver, we have to either redefine the tensorflow network or use some weird and hard-remembered name, e.g. 'placehold_0:0','dense/Adam/Weight:0'. Here I recommend to use tf.saved_model, one simplest example given below, your can learn more from Serving a TensorFlow Model:

Save the model:

import tensorflow as tf

# define the tensorflow network and do some trains
x = tf.placeholder("float", name="x")
w = tf.Variable(2.0, name="w")
b = tf.Variable(0.0, name="bias")

h = tf.multiply(x, w)
y = tf.add(h, b, name="y")
sess = tf.Session()

# save the model
export_path =  './savedmodel'
builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder(export_path)

tensor_info_x = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(x)
tensor_info_y = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(y)

prediction_signature = (
      inputs={'x_input': tensor_info_x},
      outputs={'y_output': tensor_info_y},

  sess, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING],

Load the model:

import tensorflow as tf
signature_key = tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY
input_key = 'x_input'
output_key = 'y_output'

export_path =  './savedmodel'
meta_graph_def = tf.saved_model.loader.load(
signature = meta_graph_def.signature_def

x_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].inputs[input_key].name
y_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].outputs[output_key].name

x = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(x_tensor_name)
y = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(y_tensor_name)

y_out =, {x: 3.0}) drops 113 error: Could not find specified service

In my case I was launching a WKWebView and displaying a website. Then (within 25 seconds) I deallocated the WKWebView. But 25-60 seconds after launching the WKWebView I received this "113" error message. I assume the system was trying to signal something to the WKWebView and couldn't find it because it was deallocated.

The fix was simply to leave the WKWebView allocated.

Twitter Bootstrap carousel different height images cause bouncing arrows

Try with this jQuery code that normalize Bootstrap carousel slide heights

function carouselNormalization() {
  var items = $('#carousel-example-generic .item'), //grab all slides
    heights = [], //create empty array to store height values
    tallest; //create variable to make note of the tallest slide

  if (items.length) {
    function normalizeHeights() {
      items.each(function() { //add heights to array
      tallest = Math.max.apply(null, heights); //cache largest value
      items.each(function() {
        $(this).css('min-height', tallest + 'px');

    $(window).on('resize orientationchange', function() {
      tallest = 0, heights.length = 0; //reset vars
      items.each(function() {
        $(this).css('min-height', '0'); //reset min-height
      normalizeHeights(); //run it again 

 * Wait until all the assets have been loaded so a maximum height 
 * can be calculated correctly.
window.onload = function() {

get value from DataTable

It looks like you have accidentally declared DataType as an array rather than as a string.

Change line 3 to:

Dim DataType As String = myTableData.Rows(i).Item(1)

That should work.

Pure CSS collapse/expand div

You just need to iterate the anchors in the two links.

<a href="#hide2" class="hide" id="hide2">+</a>
<a href="#show2" class="show" id="show2">-</a>

See this jsfiddle

I also added some margin to the FAQ call to improve the format.

Html5 Full screen video

Here is a very simple way (3 lines of code) using the Fullscreen API and RequestFullscreen method that I used, which is compatible across all popular browsers:

var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];_x000D_
var fullscreen = elem.webkitRequestFullscreen || elem.mozRequestFullScreen || elem.msRequestFullscreen;_x000D_; // bind the 'this' from the video object and instantiate the correct fullscreen method.

For browser compatibility: MDN & Can I use

iOS Simulator to test website on Mac

I use this site mostly

Its good one

Still its better preferred to test on real device..

Hope this info helps you..

How to specify preference of library path?

If one is used to work with DLL in Windows and would like to skip .so version numbers in linux/QT, adding CONFIG += plugin will take version numbers out. To use absolute path to .so, giving it to linker works fine, as Mr. Klatchko mentioned.

How to enable CORS on Firefox?

just type in your browser CORS add in firefox Then download this and install on browser finally you found top right side one Core spell to toggle that green for enable and red for not enable

is there something like isset of php in javascript/jQuery?

Here :)

function isSet(iVal){
 return (iVal!=="" && iVal!=null && iVal!==undefined && typeof(iVal) != "undefined") ? 1 : 0;
} // Returns 1 if set, 0 false

iOS: Convert UTC NSDate to local Timezone

The easiest method I've found is this:

NSDate *someDateInUTC = …;
NSTimeInterval timeZoneSeconds = [[NSTimeZone localTimeZone] secondsFromGMT];
NSDate *dateInLocalTimezone = [someDateInUTC dateByAddingTimeInterval:timeZoneSeconds];

How do I import a .bak file into Microsoft SQL Server 2012?

.bak is a backup file generated in SQL Server.

Backup files importing means restoring a database, you can restore on a database created in SQL Server 2012 but the backup file should be from SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 database.

You restore database by using following command...

RESTORE DATABASE YourDB FROM DISK = 'D:BackUpYourBaackUpFile.bak' WITH Recovery

You want to learn about how to restore .bak file follow the below link:

Alter column in SQL Server

Try this one.

ALTER TABLE tb_TableName

ALTER TABLE tb_TableName

Query to list all stored procedures

This is gonna show all the stored procedures and the code:

select As [Schema], AS [Stored Procedure], code.definition AS [Code] from sys.objects as obj
    join sys.sql_modules as code on code.object_id = obj.object_id
    join sys.schemas as sch on sch.schema_id = obj.schema_id
    where obj.type = 'P'

The static keyword and its various uses in C++

I'm not a C programmer so I can't give you information on the uses of static in a C program properly, but when it comes to Object Oriented programming static basically declares a variable, or a function or a class to be the same throughout the life of the program. Take for example.

class A
    void somePublicMethod();
    void somePrivateMethod();

When you instantiate this class in your Main you do something like this.

int main()
   A a1;
   //do something on a1
   A a2;
   //do something on a2

These two class instances are completely different from each other and operate independently from one another. But if you were to recreate the class A like this.

class A
    void somePublicMethod();
    static int x;
    void somePrivateMethod();

Lets go back to the main again.

int main()
   A a1;
   a1.x = 1;
   //do something on a1
   A a2;
   //do something on a2

Then a1 and a2 would share the same copy of int x whereby any operations on x in a1 would directly influence the operations of x in a2. So if I was to do this

int main()
   A a1;
   a1.x = 1;
   //do something on a1
   cout << a1.x << endl; //this would be 1
   A a2;
   cout << a2.x << endl; //this would be 2 
   //do something on a2

Both instances of the class A share static variables and functions. Hope this answers your question. My limited knowledge of C allows me to say that defining a function or variable as static means it is only visible to the file that the function or variable is defined as static in. But this would be better answered by a C guy and not me. C++ allows both C and C++ ways of declaring your variables as static because its completely backwards compatible with C.

How to use auto-layout to move other views when a view is hidden?

What I ended up doing was creating 2 xibs. One with the left view and one without it. I registered both in the controller and then decided which to use during cellForRowAtIndexPath.

They use the same UITableViewCell class. The downside is that there is some duplication of the content between the xibs, but these cells are pretty basic. The upside is that I don't have a bunch of code to manually manage removing view, updating constraints, etc.

In general, this is probably a better solution since they are technically different layouts and therefore should have different xibs.

[self.table registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:@"TrackCell" bundle:nil] forCellReuseIdentifier:@"TrackCell"];
[self.table registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:@"TrackCellNoImage" bundle:nil] forCellReuseIdentifier:@"TrackCellNoImage"];

TrackCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:(appDelegate.showImages ? @"TrackCell" : @"TrackCellNoImage") forIndexPath:indexPath];

Reading in double values with scanf in c

As far as i know %d means decadic which is number without decimal point. if you want to load double value, use %lf conversion (long float). for printf your values are wrong for same reason, %d is used only for integer (and possibly chars if you know what you are doing) numbers.


double a,b;
printf("--------\n"); //seperate lines
printf("%lf %lf",a,b);

How to get multiple selected values of select box in php?

Use the following program for select the multiple values from select box.


print <<<_HTML_
                <form method="post" action="value.php">
                        <select name="flower[ ]" multiple>
                                <option value="flower">FLOWER</option>
                                <option value="rose">ROSE</option>
                                <option value="lilly">LILLY</option>
                                <option value="jasmine">JASMINE</option>
                                <option value="lotus">LOTUS</option>
                                <option value="tulips">TULIPS</option>
                        <input type="submit" name="submit" value=Submit>



foreach ($_POST['flower'] as $names)
        print "You are selected $names<br/>";


java.sql.SQLException Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0)

You will get this error when you call any of the setXxx() methods on PreparedStatement, while the SQL query string does not have any placeholders ? for this.

For example this is wrong:

String sql = "INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (val1, val2, val3)";
// ...

preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
preparedStatement.setString(1, val1); // Fail.
preparedStatement.setString(2, val2);
preparedStatement.setString(3, val3);

You need to fix the SQL query string accordingly to specify the placeholders.

String sql = "INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
// ...

preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
preparedStatement.setString(1, val1);
preparedStatement.setString(2, val2);
preparedStatement.setString(3, val3);

Note the parameter index starts with 1 and that you do not need to quote those placeholders like so:

String sql = "INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3) VALUES ('?', '?', '?')";

Otherwise you will still get the same exception, because the SQL parser will then interpret them as the actual string values and thus can't find the placeholders anymore.

See also:

How to define constants in Visual C# like #define in C?

Check How to: Define Constants in C# on MSDN:

In C# the #define preprocessor directive cannot be used to define constants in the way that is typically used in C and C++.

How enable auto-format code for Intellij IDEA?

Well that's not possible, but in intellij 13, how about adding a mouse gesture, something like single left mouse click to reformat the code? Or if you don't use the mouse much then add a very simple keyboard hotkey that you use all the time (possibly the "enter"? not sure if intellij would be happy with that to be honest)

Number of visitors on a specific page

Go to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages and put your URI into the search box.enter image description here

Div with horizontal scrolling only

try this:


<div class="container">
  <div class="item">1</div>
  <div class="item">2</div>
  <div class="item">3</div>
  <div class="item">4</div>
  <div class="item">5</div>


.container {
  width: 200px;
  height: 100px;
  display: flex;
  overflow-x: auto;

.item {
  width: 100px;
  flex-shrink: 0;
  height: 100px;

The white-space: nowrap; property dont let you wrap text. Just see here for an example:

Running sites on "localhost" is extremely slow

If your using .Net then turning off debug in your Web.Config is going to improve performance no end.

<compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="false" batch="false" targetFramework="4.0">

Command line for looking at specific port

In RHEL 7, I use this command to filter several ports in LISTEN State:

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN | egrep '(8080 |8082 |8083 | etc )'

in iPhone App How to detect the screen resolution of the device

CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];

That will give you the entire screen's resolution in points, so it would most typically be 320x480 for iPhones. Even though the iPhone4 has a much larger screen size iOS still gives back 320x480 instead of 640x960. This is mostly because of older applications breaking.

CGFloat screenScale = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];

This will give you the scale of the screen. For all devices that do not have Retina Displays this will return a 1.0f, while Retina Display devices will give a 2.0f and the iPhone 6 Plus (Retina HD) will give a 3.0f.

Now if you want to get the pixel width & height of the iOS device screen you just need to do one simple thing.

CGSize screenSize = CGSizeMake(screenBounds.size.width * screenScale, screenBounds.size.height * screenScale);

By multiplying by the screen's scale you get the actual pixel resolution.

A good read on the difference between points and pixels in iOS can be read here.

EDIT: (Version for Swift)

let screenBounds = UIScreen.main.bounds
let screenScale = UIScreen.main.scale
let screenSize = CGSize(width: screenBounds.size.width * screenScale, height: screenBounds.size.height * screenScale)

How do I use arrays in cURL POST requests

You are just creating your array incorrectly. You could use http_build_query:

$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

So, the entire code that you could use would be:

//extract data from the post

//set POST variables
$url = '';
$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(

//url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;

//close connection

Using Excel OleDb to get sheet names IN SHEET ORDER

This worked for me. Stolen from here: How do you get the name of the first page of an excel workbook?

object opt = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
Excel.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook workbook = app.Workbooks.Open(WorkBookToOpen,
                                         opt, opt, opt, opt, opt, opt, opt,
                                         opt, opt, opt, opt, opt, opt, opt);
Excel.Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[1] as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet;
string firstSheetName = worksheet.Name;

What does "javascript:void(0)" mean?

A link must have an href target to be specified to enable it to be a usable display object.

Most browsers will not parse advanced JavaScript in the href of an <a> element, for example:

<a href="javascript:var el = document.getElementById('foo');">Get element</a>

Because the href tag in most browsers does not allow whitespace or will convert whitespace to %20 (the HEX code for space), the JavaScript interpreter will run into multiple errors.

So if you want to use an <a> element's href to execute inline JavaScript, you must specify a valid value for href first that isn't too complex (doesn't contain whitespace), and then provide the JavaScript in an event attribute tag like onClick, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, etc.

The typical answer is to do something like this:

<a href="#" onclick="var el = document.getElementById('foo');">Get element</a>

This works fine but it makes the page scroll to the top because the # in the href tells the browser to do this.

Placing a # in the <a> element's href specifies the root anchor, which is by default the top of the page, but you can specify a different location by specifying the name attribute inside an <a> element.

<a name="middleOfPage"></a>

You can then change your <a> element's href to jump to middleOfPage and execute the JavaScript in the onClick event:

<a href="#middleOfPage" onclick="var el = document.getElementById('foo');">Get element</a>

There will be many times where you do not want that link jumping around, so you can do two things:

<a href="#thisLinkName" name="thisLinkCame" onclick="var elem = document.getElementById('foo');">Get element</a>

Now it will go nowhere when clicked, but it could cause the page to re-centre itself from its current viewport.

The best way to use in-line javascript using an <a> element's href, but without having to do any of the above is JavaScript:void(0);:

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="var el = document.getElementById('foo');">Get element</a>

This tells the browser no to go anywhere, but instead execute the JavaScript:void(0); function in the href because it contains no whitespace, and will not be parsed as a URL. It will instead be run by the compiler.

void is a keyword which, when supplied with a parameter of 0 returns undefined, which does not use any more resources to handle a return value that would occur without specifying the 0 (it is more memory-management/performance friendly).

The next thing that happens is the onClick gets executed. The page does not move, nothing happens display-wise.

Error: «Could not load type MvcApplication»

I ran into this very problem and I see there all kinds of answers but nothing has been accepted. I after a little bit discovered that simply building the website before trying to run solved my problem.

Control flow in T-SQL SP using IF..ELSE IF - are there other ways?

Nope IF is the way to go, what is the problem you have with using it?

BTW your example won't ever get to the third block of code as it and the second block are exactly alike.

Reading multiple Scanner inputs

If every input asks the same question, you should use a for loop and an array of inputs:

Scanner dd = new Scanner(;
int[] vars = new int[3];

for(int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
  System.out.println("Enter next var: ");
  vars[i] = dd.nextInt();

Or as Chip suggested, you can parse the input from one line:

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int[] vars = new int[3];

System.out.println("Enter "+vars.length+" vars: ");
for(int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++)
  vars[i] = in.nextInt();

You were on the right track, and what you did works. This is just a nicer and more flexible way of doing things.

Border around tr element doesn't show?

Add this to the stylesheet:

table {
  border-collapse: collapse;


The reason why it behaves this way is actually described pretty well in the specification:

There are two distinct models for setting borders on table cells in CSS. One is most suitable for so-called separated borders around individual cells, the other is suitable for borders that are continuous from one end of the table to the other.

... and later, for collapse setting:

In the collapsing border model, it is possible to specify borders that surround all or part of a cell, row, row group, column, and column group.

Interview question: Check if one string is a rotation of other string

Reverse one of the strings. Take the FFT of both (treating them as simple sequences of integers). Multiply the results together point-wise. Transform back using inverse FFT. The result will have a single peak if the strings are rotations of each other -- the position of the peak will indicate by how much they are rotated with respect to each other.

Remove leading and trailing spaces?

Should be noted that strip() method would trim any leading and trailing whitespace characters from the string (if there is no passed-in argument). If you want to trim space character(s), while keeping the others (like newline), this answer might be helpful:

sample = '  some string\n'
sample_modified = sample.strip(' ')

print(sample_modified)  # will print 'some string\n'

strip([chars]): You can pass in optional characters to strip([chars]) method. Python will look for occurrences of these characters and trim the given string accordingly.

How to use Bootstrap 4 in ASP.NET Core

We use bootstrap 4 in core but reference the libraries from "npm" using the "Package Installer" extension and found this to be better than Nuget for Javascript/CSS libraries.

We then use the "Bundler & Minifier" extension to copy the relevant files for distribution (from the npm node_modules folder, which sits outside the project) into wwwroot as we like for development/deployment.

Creating files and directories via Python

import os

path = chap_name

if not os.path.exists(path):

filename = img_alt + '.jpg'
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'wb') as temp_file:

Key point is to use os.makedirs in place of os.mkdir. It is recursive, i.e. it generates all intermediate directories. See

Open the file in binary mode as you are storing binary (jpeg) data.

In response to Edit 2, if img_alt sometimes has '/' in it:

img_alt = os.path.basename(img_alt)

How to get the integer value of day of week

If you want to set first day of the week to Monday with integer value 1 and Sunday with integer value 7

int day = ((int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == 0) ? 7 : (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek;

The APK file does not exist on disk

Solved this issue by updating the Android SDK-Build Tools.

ADB - Android - Getting the name of the current activity

You can try this command,

adb shell dumpsys activity recents

There you can find current activity name in activity stack.

To get most recent activity name:

adb shell dumpsys activity recents | find "Recent #0"

What's the CMake syntax to set and use variables?

When writing CMake scripts there is a lot you need to know about the syntax and how to use variables in CMake.

The Syntax

Strings using set():

  • set(MyString "Some Text")
  • set(MyStringWithVar "Some other Text: ${MyString}")
  • set(MyStringWithQuot "Some quote: \"${MyStringWithVar}\"")

Or with string():

  • string(APPEND MyStringWithContent " ${MyString}")

Lists using set():

  • set(MyList "a" "b" "c")
  • set(MyList ${MyList} "d")

Or better with list():

  • list(APPEND MyList "a" "b" "c")
  • list(APPEND MyList "d")

Lists of File Names:

  • set(MySourcesList "" "File with")
  • list(APPEND MySourcesList "" "File with")
  • add_excutable(MyExeTarget ${MySourcesList})

The Documentation

The Scope or "What value does my variable have?"

First there are the "Normal Variables" and things you need to know about their scope:

  • Normal variables are visible to the CMakeLists.txt they are set in and everything called from there (add_subdirectory(), include(), macro() and function()).
  • The add_subdirectory() and function() commands are special, because they open-up their own scope.
    • Meaning variables set(...) there are only visible there and they make a copy of all normal variables of the scope level they are called from (called parent scope).
    • So if you are in a sub-directory or a function you can modify an already existing variable in the parent scope with set(... PARENT_SCOPE)
    • You can make use of this e.g. in functions by passing the variable name as a function parameter. An example would be function(xyz _resultVar) is setting set(${_resultVar} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
  • On the other hand everything you set in include() or macro() scripts will modify variables directly in the scope of where they are called from.

Second there is the "Global Variables Cache". Things you need to know about the Cache:

  • If no normal variable with the given name is defined in the current scope, CMake will look for a matching Cache entry.
  • Cache values are stored in the CMakeCache.txt file in your binary output directory.
  • The values in the Cache can be modified in CMake's GUI application before they are generated. Therefore they - in comparison to normal variables - have a type and a docstring. I normally don't use the GUI so I use set(... CACHE INTERNAL "") to set my global and persistant values.

    Please note that the INTERNAL cache variable type does imply FORCE

  • In a CMake script you can only change existing Cache entries if you use the set(... CACHE ... FORCE) syntax. This behavior is made use of e.g. by CMake itself, because it normally does not force Cache entries itself and therefore you can pre-define it with another value.

  • You can use the command line to set entries in the Cache with the syntax cmake -D var:type=value, just cmake -D var=value or with cmake -C CMakeInitialCache.cmake.
  • You can unset entries in the Cache with unset(... CACHE).

The Cache is global and you can set them virtually anywhere in your CMake scripts. But I would recommend you think twice about where to use Cache variables (they are global and they are persistant). I normally prefer the set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ...) and set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY ...) syntax to define my own non-persistant global variables.

Variable Pitfalls and "How to debug variable changes?"

To avoid pitfalls you should know the following about variables:

  • Local variables do hide cached variables if both have the same name
  • The find_... commands - if successful - do write their results as cached variables "so that no call will search again"
  • Lists in CMake are just strings with semicolons delimiters and therefore the quotation-marks are important
    • set(MyVar a b c) is "a;b;c" and set(MyVar "a b c") is "a b c"
    • The recommendation is that you always use quotation marks with the one exception when you want to give a list as list
    • Generally prefer the list() command for handling lists
  • The whole scope issue described above. Especially it's recommended to use functions() instead of macros() because you don't want your local variables to show up in the parent scope.
  • A lot of variables used by CMake are set with the project() and enable_language() calls. So it could get important to set some variables before those commands are used.
  • Environment variables may differ from where CMake generated the make environment and when the the make files are put to use.
    • A change in an environment variable does not re-trigger the generation process.
    • Especially a generated IDE environment may differ from your command line, so it's recommended to transfer your environment variables into something that is cached.

Sometimes only debugging variables helps. The following may help you:

  • Simply use old printf debugging style by using the message() command. There also some ready to use modules shipped with CMake itself: CMakePrintHelpers.cmake, CMakePrintSystemInformation.cmake
  • Look into CMakeCache.txt file in your binary output directory. This file is even generated if the actual generation of your make environment fails.
  • Use variable_watch() to see where your variables are read/written/removed.
  • Look into the directory properties CACHE_VARIABLES and VARIABLES
  • Call cmake --trace ... to see the CMake's complete parsing process. That's sort of the last reserve, because it generates a lot of output.

Special Syntax

  • Environment Variables
    • You can can read $ENV{...} and write set(ENV{...} ...) environment variables
  • Generator Expressions
    • Generator expressions $<...> are only evaluated when CMake's generator writes the make environment (it comparison to normal variables that are replaced "in-place" by the parser)
    • Very handy e.g. in compiler/linker command lines and in multi-configuration environments
  • References
    • With ${${...}} you can give variable names in a variable and reference its content.
    • Often used when giving a variable name as function/macro parameter.
  • Constant Values (see if() command)
    • With if(MyVariable) you can directly check a variable for true/false (no need here for the enclosing ${...})
    • True if the constant is 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a non-zero number.
    • False if the constant is 0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND, the empty string, or ends in the suffix -NOTFOUND.
    • This syntax is often use for something like if(MSVC), but it can be confusing for someone who does not know this syntax shortcut.
  • Recursive substitutions
    • You can construct variable names using variables. After CMake has substituted the variables, it will check again if the result is a variable itself. This is very powerful feature used in CMake itself e.g. as sort of a template set(CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER ...)
    • But be aware this can give you a headache in if() commands. Here is an example where CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID is "MSVC" and MSVC is "1":
      • if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") is true, because it evaluates to if("1" STREQUAL "1")
      • if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "MSVC") is false, because it evaluates to if("MSVC" STREQUAL "1")
      • So the best solution here would be - see above - to directly check for if(MSVC)
    • The good news is that this was fixed in CMake 3.1 with the introduction of policy CMP0054. I would recommend to always set cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW) to "only interpret if() arguments as variables or keywords when unquoted."
  • The option() command
    • Mainly just cached strings that only can be ON or OFF and they allow some special handling like e.g. dependencies
    • But be aware, don't mistake the option with the set command. The value given to option is really only the "initial value" (transferred once to the cache during the first configuration step) and is afterwards meant to be changed by the user through CMake's GUI.


How can I make the computer beep in C#?

You can also use the relatively unused:


Documentation for this sounds is available in

How to add an extra column to a NumPy array

Use numpy.append:

>>> a = np.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,4]])
>>> a
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [2, 3, 4]])

>>> z = np.zeros((2,1), dtype=int64)
>>> z

>>> np.append(a, z, axis=1)
array([[1, 2, 3, 0],
       [2, 3, 4, 0]])

ExecutorService that interrupts tasks after a timeout

check if this works for you,

    public <T,S,K,V> ResponseObject<Collection<ResponseObject<T>>> runOnScheduler(ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor,
      int parallelismLevel, TimeUnit timeUnit, int timeToCompleteEachTask, Collection<S> collection,
      Map<K,V> context, Task<T,S,K,V> someTask){
      return ResponseObject.<Collection<ResponseObject<T>>>builder().errorCode("500").errorMessage("threadPoolExecutor can not be null").build();
      return ResponseObject.<Collection<ResponseObject<T>>>builder().errorCode("500").errorMessage("Task can not be null").build();
      return ResponseObject.<Collection<ResponseObject<T>>>builder().errorCode("500").errorMessage("input collection can not be empty").build();

    LinkedBlockingQueue<Callable<T>> callableLinkedBlockingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(collection.size());
    collection.forEach(value -> {
      callableLinkedBlockingQueue.offer(()->someTask.perform(value,context)); //pass some values in callable. which can be anything.
    LinkedBlockingQueue<Future<T>> futures = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();

    int count = 0;

    while(count<parallelismLevel && count < callableLinkedBlockingQueue.size()){
      Future<T> f = threadPoolExecutor.submit(callableLinkedBlockingQueue.poll());

    Collection<ResponseObject<T>> responseCollection = new ArrayList<>();

      Future<T> future = futures.poll();
      ResponseObject<T> responseObject = null;
        try {
          T response = future.get(timeToCompleteEachTask, timeUnit);
          responseObject = ResponseObject.<T>builder().data(response).build();
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
        } finally {
          if (Objects.nonNull(responseObject)) {
          futures.remove(future);//remove this
          Callable<T> callable = getRemainingCallables(callableLinkedBlockingQueue);
            Future<T> f = threadPoolExecutor.submit(callable);

    return ResponseObject.<Collection<ResponseObject<T>>>builder().data(responseCollection).build();

  private <T> Callable<T> getRemainingCallables(LinkedBlockingQueue<Callable<T>> callableLinkedBlockingQueue){
      return callableLinkedBlockingQueue.poll();
    return null;

you can restrict the no of thread uses from scheduler as well as put timeout on the task.

How to add a new audio (not mixing) into a video using ffmpeg?

If you are using an old version of FFMPEG and you cant upgrade you can do the following:


Notice that I used -vcodec

What are the benefits to marking a field as `readonly` in C#?

The readonly keyword is used to declare a member variable a constant, but allows the value to be calculated at runtime. This differs from a constant declared with the const modifier, which must have its value set at compile time. Using readonly you can set the value of the field either in the declaration, or in the constructor of the object that the field is a member of.

Also use it if you don't want to have to recompile external DLLs that reference the constant (since it gets replaced at compile time).

What are projection and selection?

Projection: what ever typed in select clause i.e, 'column list' or '*' or 'expressions' that becomes under projection.

*selection:*what type of conditions we are applying on that columns i.e, getting the records that comes under selection.

For example:

  SELECT empno,ename,dno,job from Emp 
     WHERE job='CLERK'; 

in the above query the columns "empno,ename,dno,job" those comes under projection, "where job='clerk'" comes under selection

How large is a DWORD with 32- and 64-bit code?

Actually, on 32-bit computers a word is 32-bit, but the DWORD type is a leftover from the good old days of 16-bit.

In order to make it easier to port programs to the newer system, Microsoft has decided all the old types will not change size.

You can find the official list here:

All the platform-dependent types that changed with the transition from 32-bit to 64-bit end with _PTR (DWORD_PTR will be 32-bit on 32-bit Windows and 64-bit on 64-bit Windows).

Best way to test for a variable's existence in PHP; isset() is clearly broken

According to the PHP Manual for the empty() function, "Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty. A variable is considered empty IF IT DOES NOT EXIST or if its value equals FALSE. empty() does not generate a warning if the variable does not exist." (My emphasis.) That means the empty() function should qualify as the "best way to test a variable's existence in PHP", per the title Question.

However, this is not good enough, because the empty() function can be fooled by a variable that does exist and is set to NULL.

I'm interrupting my earlier answer to present something better, because it is less cumbersome than my original answer (which follows this interruption, for comparing).

  function undef($dnc) //do not care what we receive
  { $inf=ob_get_contents();             //get the content of the buffer
    ob_end_clean();                     //stop buffering outputs, and empty the buffer
    if($inf>"")                         //if test associated with the call to this function had an output
    { if(false!==strpos($inf, "Undef"); //if the word "Undefined" was part of the output
        return true;                    //tested variable is undefined
    return false;                       //tested variable is not undefined

Two simple lines of code can use the above function to reveal if a variable is undefined:

  ob_start();                           //pass all output messages (including errors) to a buffer
  if(undef($testvar===null))            //in this case the variable being tested is $testvar

You can follow those two lines with anything appropriate, such as this example:

    echo("variable is undefined");
    echo("variable exists, holding some value");

I wanted to put the call to ob_start() and the ($testvar===null) inside the function, and simply pass the variable to the function, but it doesn't work. Even if you try to use "pass by reference" of the variable to the function, the variable BECOMES defined, and then the function can never detect that it previously had been undefined. What is presented here is a compromise between what I wanted to do, and what actually works.

The preceding implies that there is another way to always avoid running into the "Undefined variable" error message. (The assumption here is, preventing such a message is why you want to test to see if a variable is undefined.)

   function inst(&$v) { return; }  //receive any variable passed by reference; instantiates the undefined

Just call that function before doing something to your $testvar:

   inst($testvar);                //The function doesn't affect any value of any already-existing variable

The newly-instantiated variable's value is set to null, of course!

(Interruption ends)

So, after some studying and experimenting, here is something guaranteed to work:

 function myHndlr($en, $es, $ef, $el)
 { global $er;
   $er = (substr($es, 0, 18) == "Undefined variable");

 $er = false;
 { set_error_handler("myHndlr");
   ($testvar === null);
 if($er)  // will be 1 (true) if the tested variable was not defined.
 { ; //do whatever you think is appropriate to the undefined variable

The explanation: A variable $er is initialized to a default value of "no error". A "handler function" is defined. If the $testvar (the variable we want to know whether or not is undefined) passes the preliminary empty() function test, then we do the more thorough test. We call the set_error_handler() function to use the previously-defined handler function. Then we do a simple identity-comparison involving $testvar, WHICH IF UNDEFINED WILL TRIGGER AN ERROR. The handler function captures the error and specifically tests to see if the reason for the error is the fact that the variable is undefined. The result is placed in the error-information variable $er, which we can later test to do whatever we want as a result of knowing for sure whether or not $testvar was defined. Because we only need the handler function for this limited purpose, we restore the original error-handling function. The "myHndlr" function only needs to be declared once; the other code can be copied to whatever places are appropriate, for $testvar or any other variable we want to test this way.

SQL Server: UPDATE a table by using ORDER BY


Following solution could have problems with clustered indexes involved as mentioned here. Thanks to Martin for pointing this out.

The answer is kept to educate those (like me) who don't know all side-effects or ins and outs of SQL Server.

Expanding on the answer gaven by Quassnoi in your link, following works


INSERT INTO @Test VALUES (1, 'A', 1)
INSERT INTO @Test VALUES (2, 'B', 2)
INSERT INTO @Test VALUES (1, 'E', 5)
INSERT INTO @Test VALUES (3, 'C', 3)
INSERT INTO @Test VALUES (2, 'D', 4)

SET @Number = 0

;WITH q AS (
    SELECT  TOP 1000000 *
    FROM    @Test
SET     @Number = Number = @Number + 1

Change the background color in a twitter bootstrap modal?

If you want to change the background color of the backdrop for a specific modal, you can access the backdrop element in this way:


Then you can change any css property via .css jquery function. In particular, with background:


Note that $('#myModal') has to be initialized, otherwise $backdrop is going to be null. Same applies to bs.modal data element.

How to generate a Makefile with source in sub-directories using just one makefile

Here is my solution, inspired from Beta's answer. It's simpler than the other proposed solutions

I have a project with several C files, stored in many subdirectories. For example:


Here is my Makefile (in the src/ directory):

# make       -> compile the shared library ""
# make clean -> remove the library file and all object files (.o)
# make all   -> clean and compile
SRC     = lib.c   \
          aa/a1.c \
          aa/a2.c \
          bb/b1.c \
# compilation options
CFLAGS  = -O2 -g -W -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -Wbad-function-cast -fPIC
# linking options
LDFLAGS = -shared -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME)

# how to compile individual object files
OBJS    = $(SRC:.c=.o)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

.PHONY: all clean

# library compilation
    $(CC) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(SONAME)

# cleaning rule
    rm -f $(OBJS) $(SONAME) *~

# additional rule
all: clean lib

This example works fine for a shared library, and it should be very easy to adapt for any compilation process.

Adding image inside table cell in HTML

You have a TH floating at the top of your table which isn't within a TR. Fix that.

With regards to your image problem you;re referencing the image absolutely from your computer's hard drive. Don't do that.

You also have a closing tag which shouldn't be there.

It should be:

<img src="h.gif" alt="" border="3" height="100" width="100" />

Also this:

<table border = 5 bordercolor = red align = center>

Your colspans are also messed up. You only seem to have three columns but have colspans of 14 and 4 in your code.

Should be:

<table border="5" bordercolor="red" align="center">

Also you have no DOCTYPE declared. You should at least add:

<!DOCTYPE html> 

How do you build a Singleton in Dart?

Singleton that can't change the object after the instantiation

class User {
  final int age;
  final String name;
  static User _instance;
  static User getInstance({name, age}) {
     if(_instance == null) {
       _instance = User(name: name, age: age);
       return _instance;
    return _instance;

  print(User.getInstance(name: "baidu", age: 24).age); //24
  print(User.getInstance(name: "baidu 2").name); // is not changed //baidu

  print(User.getInstance()); // {name: "baidu": age 24}

Indentation Error in Python

It happened to me also, but I got the problem solved. I was using an indentation of 5 spaces, but when I pressed tab, it used to put a four space indent. So I think you should just use one thing; i.e. either tab button to add indent or spaces. And an ideal indentation is one of 4 spaces. I found IntelliJ to be very useful for these sort of things.

R: "Unary operator error" from multiline ggplot2 command

This is a well-known nuisance when posting multiline commands in R. (You can get different behavior when you source() a script to when you copy-and-paste the lines, both with multiline and comments)

Rule: always put the dangling '+' at the end of a line so R knows the command is unfinished:

ggplot(...) + geom_whatever1(...) +
  geom_whatever2(...) +
  stat_whatever3(...) +
  geom_title(...) + scale_y_log10(...)

Don't put the dangling '+' at the start of the line, since that tickles the error:

Error in "+ geom_whatever2(...) invalid argument to unary operator"

And obviously don't put dangling '+' at both end and start since that's a syntax error.

So, learn a habit of being consistent: always put '+' at end-of-line.

cf. answer to "Split code over multiple lines in an R script"

How to split strings into text and number?

I'm always the one to bring up findall() =)

>>> strings = ['foofo21', 'bar432', 'foobar12345']
>>> [re.findall(r'(\w+?)(\d+)', s)[0] for s in strings]
[('foofo', '21'), ('bar', '432'), ('foobar', '12345')]

Note that I'm using a simpler (less to type) regex than most of the previous answers.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method

If anyone is looking for a VB.Net answer (as I was initially), here it is:

Public Function IsSatisfied() As Expression(Of Func(Of Charity, String, String, Boolean))

Return Function(charity, name, referenceNumber) (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) Or
                                                         charity.registeredName.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower()) Or
                                                         charity.alias.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower()) Or
                                                         charity.charityId.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower())) And
                                                    (String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNumber) Or
End Function

Meaning of $? (dollar question mark) in shell scripts

This is the exit status of the last executed command.

For example the command true always returns a status of 0 and false always returns a status of 1:

echo $? # echoes 0
echo $? # echoes 1

From the manual: (acessible by calling man bash in your shell)

$?       Expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.

By convention an exit status of 0 means success, and non-zero return status means failure. Learn more about exit statuses on wikipedia.

There are other special variables like this, as you can see on this online manual:

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver

None of the above helped for me.

I am using Kubernetes on Google Cloud with tesla k-80 gpu.

Follow along this guide to ensure you installed everything correctly:

I was missing few important things:

  1. Installing NVIDIA GPU device drivers On your NODES. To do this use:

For COS node:

kubectl apply -f

For UBUNTU node:

kubectl apply -f

Make sure an update was rolled to your nodes. Restart them if upgrades are off.

  1. I use this image nvidia/cuda:10.1-base-ubuntu16.04 in my docker

  2. You have to set gpu limit! This is the only way the node driver can communicate with the pod. In your yaml configuration add this under your container:

      limits: 1

How to control the line spacing in UILabel

SWIFT 3 useful extension for set space between lines more easily :)

extension UILabel
    func setLineHeight(lineHeight: CGFloat)
        let text = self.text
        if let text = text 

            let attributeString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)
            let style = NSMutableParagraphStyle()

           style.lineSpacing = lineHeight
                                        value: style,
                                        range: NSMakeRange(0, text.characters.count))

           self.attributedText = attributeString

Android webview & localStorage

The following was missing:


How to drop rows from pandas data frame that contains a particular string in a particular column?

if you do not want to delete all NaN, use

df[~df.C.str.contains("XYZ") == True]

Match groups in Python

You could create a little class that returns the boolean result of calling match, and retains the matched groups for subsequent retrieval:

import re

class REMatcher(object):
    def __init__(self, matchstring):
        self.matchstring = matchstring

    def match(self,regexp):
        self.rematch = re.match(regexp, self.matchstring)
        return bool(self.rematch)

    def group(self,i):

for statement in ("I love Mary", 
                  "Ich liebe Margot", 
                  "Je t'aime Marie", 
                  "Te amo Maria"):

    m = REMatcher(statement)

    if m.match(r"I love (\w+)"): 
        print "He loves", 

    elif m.match(r"Ich liebe (\w+)"):
        print "Er liebt", 

    elif m.match(r"Je t'aime (\w+)"):
        print "Il aime", 

        print "???"

Update for Python 3 print as a function, and Python 3.8 assignment expressions - no need for a REMatcher class now:

import re

for statement in ("I love Mary",
                  "Ich liebe Margot",
                  "Je t'aime Marie",
                  "Te amo Maria"):

    if m := re.match(r"I love (\w+)", statement):
        print("He loves",

    elif m := re.match(r"Ich liebe (\w+)", statement):
        print("Er liebt",

    elif m := re.match(r"Je t'aime (\w+)", statement):
        print("Il aime",


How to check for DLL dependency?

Please refer SysInternal toolkit from Microsoft from below link,

Goto the download folder, Open "Procexp64.exe" as admin privilege. Open Find Menu-> "Find Handle or DLL" option or Ctrl+F shortcut way.

enter image description here

GnuPG: "decryption failed: secret key not available" error from gpg on Windows

One more cause for the "secret key not available" message: GPG version mismatch.

Practical example: I had been using GPG v1.4. Switching packaging systems, the MacPorts supplied gpg was removed, and revealed another gpg binary in the path, this one version 2.0. For decryption, it was unable to locate the secret key and gave this very error. For encryption, it complained about an unusable public key. However, gpg -k and -K both listed valid keys, which was the cause of major confusion.

How do I set the request timeout for one controller action in an mvc application

You can set this programmatically in the controller:-

HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 300;

Sets the timeout to 5 minutes instead of the default 110 seconds (what an odd default?)

Hibernate table not mapped error in HQL query

This answer comes late but summarizes the concept involved in the "table not mapped" exception(in order to help those who come across this problem since its very common for hibernate newbies). This error can appear due to many reasons but the target is to address the most common one that is faced by a number of novice hibernate developers to save them hours of research. I am using my own example for a simple demonstration below.

The exception:

org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: subscriber is not mapped [ from subscriber]

In simple words, this very usual exception only tells that the query is wrong in the below code.

Session session = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
List<Subscriber> personsList = session.createQuery(" from subscriber").list();

This is how my POJO class is declared:

@Table(name = "subscriber")
public class Subscriber

But the query syntax "from subscriber" is correct and the table subscriber exists. Which brings me to a key point:

  • It is an HQL query not SQL.

and how its explained here

HQL works with persistent objects and their properties not with the database tables and columns.

Since the above query is an HQL one, the subscriber is supposed to be an entity name not a table name. Since I have my table subscriber mapped with the entity Subscriber. My problem solves if I change the code to this:

Session session = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
List<Subscriber> personsList = session.createQuery(" from Subscriber").list();

Just to keep you from getting confused. Please note that HQL is case sensitive in a number of cases. Otherwise it would have worked in my case.

Keywords like SELECT , FROM and WHERE etc. are not case sensitive but properties like table and column names are case sensitive in HQL.

To further understand how hibernate mapping works, please read this

Differences between Emacs and Vim

There is a lot of thing that have been said about both editors, but I just have my 5 pence to add. Both editors are wonderful and you cannot go wrong with either of them.

I am a vi/vim user for about 15 years now. I've tried converting to emacs several times but every time was rather discovering that vim actually can do the missing thing out of the box without the need to write a lisp extension or install something.

For me the main difference in the editors that vim makes you use the environment/OS, while emacs tries to encapsulate it or replace it. For instance you can add a date in you text by :r!date in vim, or calendar with :r!cal 1 2014, or even replace the contents of you buffer with the hex version of the contents. Eg. :%!xxd, edit hex and then get back with :%!xxd -r, and many more other uses, like builtin grep, sed, etc.

Another example is use with jq and gron. Eg. paste json blob to the editor and then run for tranformation:

:r!curl -s http://interesting/api/v1/get/stuff
:%!gron | grep 'interesting' | gron -u



Each of the piped commands above can be run separately via :%!<command>, where % means all document, but can also be run on selection, selected lines, etc. Here gron output can be used as jq path.

You also get the EX batch editing functionality, eg. Replacing certain words, reformatting the code, converting dos->unix newline characters, run a macro on say 100 files at a time. It is easily done with ex. I am not sure if emacs has something similar.

In other words IMHO vim goes closer to the unix philosophy. It generally simpler and smaller, but if you know your OS and your tools, you wont likely need more than it(VIM) has to offer. I never do.

Besides vi is defacto standard on any unix/linux system, why learn to use 2 tools that do the same thing. Of course some systems offer mg or something similar, but definitely not all of them. Unix + Vi < 3.

Well, just my 5 pence.

How to choose between Hudson and Jenkins?

Use Jenkins.

Jenkins is the recent fork by the core developers of Hudson. To understand why, you need to know the history of the project. It was originally open source and supported by Sun. Like much of what Sun did, it was fairly open, but there was a bit of benign neglect. The source, trackers, website, etc. were hosted by Sun on their relatively closed platform.

Then Oracle bought Sun. For various reasons Oracle has not been shy about leveraging what it perceives as its assets. Those include some control over the logistic platform of Hudson, and particularly control over the Hudson name. Many users and contributors weren't comfortable with that and decided to leave.

So it comes down to what Hudson vs Jenkins offers. Both Oracle's Hudson and Jenkins have the code. Hudson has Oracle and Sonatype's corporate support and the brand. Jenkins has most of the core developers, the community, and (so far) much more actual work.

Read that post I linked up top, then read the rest of these in chronological order. For balance you can read the Hudson/Oracle take on it. It's pretty clear to me who is playing defensive and who has real intentions for the project.

Rounding to 2 decimal places in SQL

you may try the TO_CHAR function to convert the result




Hope it helps