Programs & Examples On #Multipartform data

multipart/form-data is a content type used to send forms to web services, including file uploads.

How to send a "multipart/form-data" with requests in python?

To clarify examples given above,

"You need to use the files parameter to send a multipart form POST request even when you do not need to upload any files."


won't work, unfortunately.

You will need to put some dummy values in, e.g.

files={"foo": "bar"}

I came up against this when trying to upload files to Bitbucket's REST API and had to write this abomination to avoid the dreaded "Unsupported Media Type" error:

url = ""
payload = {'branch': 'master', 
           'content': 'text that will appear in my file',
           'message': 'uploading directly from python'}
files = {"foo": "bar"}
response = requests.put(url, data=payload, files=files)


How to set up a Web API controller for multipart/form-data

I normally use the HttpPostedFileBase parameter only in Mvc Controllers. When dealing with ApiControllers try checking the HttpContext.Current.Request.Files property for incoming files instead:

public string UploadFile()
    var file = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count > 0 ?
        HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0] : null;

    if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
        var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

        var path = Path.Combine(


    return file != null ? "/uploads/" + file.FileName : null;

Upload a file to Amazon S3 with NodeJS

var express = require('express')

app = module.exports = express();
var secureServer = require('http').createServer(app);

var aws = require('aws-sdk')
var multer = require('multer')
var multerS3 = require('multer-s3')

    region: 'us-east-1'
    s3 = new aws.S3();

   var upload = multer({
   storage: multerS3({
    s3: s3,
    dirname: "uploads",
    bucket: "Your bucket name",
    key: function (req, file, cb) {
        cb(null, "uploads/profile_images/u_" + + ".jpg"); //use for unique file keys
   });'/upload', upload.single('photos'), function(req, res, next) {

 console.log('Successfully uploaded ', req.file)

 res.send('Successfully uploaded ' + req.file.length + ' files!')


Send multipart/form-data files with angular using $http

Take a look at the FormData object:

this.uploadFileToUrl = function(file, uploadUrl){
        var fd = new FormData();
        fd.append('file', file);
        $, fd, {
            transformRequest: angular.identity,
            headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}

Post multipart request with Android SDK

Here is a Simple approach if you are using the AOSP library Volley.

Extend the class Request<T> as follows-

public class MultipartRequest extends Request<String> {
    private static final String FILE_PART_NAME = "file";
    private final Response.Listener<String> mListener;
    private final Map<String, File> mFilePart;
    private final Map<String, String> mStringPart;
    MultipartEntityBuilder entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
    HttpEntity httpentity;

    public MultipartRequest(String url, Response.ErrorListener errorListener,
                            Response.Listener<String> listener, Map<String, File> file,
                            Map<String, String> mStringPart) {
        super(Method.POST, url, errorListener);
        mListener = listener;
        mFilePart = file;
        this.mStringPart = mStringPart;

    public void addStringBody(String param, String value) {
        mStringPart.put(param, value);

    private void buildMultipartEntity() {
        for (Map.Entry<String, File> entry : mFilePart.entrySet()) {
            // entity.addPart(entry.getKey(), new FileBody(entry.getValue(), ContentType.create("image/jpeg"), entry.getKey()));
            try {
                entity.addBinaryBody(entry.getKey(), Utils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(entry.getValue())), ContentType.create("image/jpeg"), entry.getKey() + ".JPG");
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mStringPart.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getKey() != null && entry.getValue() != null) {
                entity.addTextBody(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    public String getBodyContentType() {
        return httpentity.getContentType().getValue();

    public byte[] getBody() throws AuthFailureError {
        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            httpentity =;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            VolleyLog.e("IOException writing to ByteArrayOutputStream");
        return bos.toByteArray();

    protected Response<String> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {
        Log.d("Response", new String(;
        return Response.success(new String(, getCacheEntry());

    protected void deliverResponse(String response) {

You can create and add a request like-

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("name", name.getText().toString());
        params.put("email", email.getText().toString());
        params.put("user_id", appPreferences.getInt( Utils.PROPERTY_USER_ID, -1) + "");
        params.put("password", password.getText().toString());
        params.put("imageName", pictureName);
        Map<String, File> files = new HashMap<>();
        files.put("photo", new File(Utils.LOCAL_RESOURCE_PATH + pictureName));
        MultipartRequest multipartRequest = new MultipartRequest(Utils.BASE_URL + "editprofile/" + appPreferences.getInt(Utils.PROPERTY_USER_ID, -1), new Response.ErrorListener() {
            public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                Log.d("Error: ", error.toString());
        }, new Response.Listener<String>() {
            public void onResponse(String jsonResponse) {
                JSONObject response = null;
                try {
                    Log.d("jsonResponse: ", jsonResponse);
                    response = new JSONObject(jsonResponse);

                } catch (JSONException e) {
                try {
                    if (response != null && response.has("statusmessage") && response.getBoolean("statusmessage")) {

                } catch (JSONException e) {

        }, files, params);
        RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);

Tool for sending multipart/form-data request

The usual error is one tries to put Content-Type: {multipart/form-data} into the header of the post request. That will fail, it is best to let Postman do it for you. For example:

Suggestion To Load Via Postman Body Part

Fails If In Header Common Error

Works should remove content type from the Header

How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery?


function submitForm() {
    var data1 = new FormData($('input[name^="file"]'));
    $.each($('input[name^="file"]')[0].files, function(i, file) {
        data1.append(i, file);

        url: "<?php echo base_url() ?>employee/dashboard2/test2",
        type: "POST",
        data: data1,
        enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
        processData: false, // tell jQuery not to process the data
        contentType: false // tell jQuery not to set contentType
    }).done(function(data) {
        console.log("PHP Output:");
    return false;


public function upload_file() {
    foreach($_FILES as $key) {
        $name = time().$key['name'];
        $path = 'upload/'.$name;
        @move_uploaded_file($key['tmp_name'], $path);

Sending multipart/formdata with jQuery.ajax

Devin Venable's answer was close to what I wanted, but I wanted one that would work on multiple forms, and use the action already specified in the form so that each file would go to the right place.

I also wanted to use jQuery's on() method so I could avoid using .ready().

That got me to this: (replace formSelector with your jQuery selector)

$(document).on('submit', formSelecter, function( e ) {
    $.ajax( {
        url: $(this).attr('action'),
        type: 'POST',
        data: new FormData( this ),
        processData: false,
        contentType: false
    }).done(function( data ) {
        //do stuff with the data you got back.


Posting raw image data as multipart/form-data in curl

In case anyone had the same problem: check this as @PravinS suggested. I used the exact same code as shown there and it worked for me perfectly.

This is the relevant part of the server code that helped:

if (isset($_POST['btnUpload']))
$url = "URL_PATH of upload.php"; // e.g. http://localhost/myuploader/upload.php // request URL
$filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$filedata = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$filesize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
if ($filedata != '')
    $headers = array("Content-Type:multipart/form-data"); // cURL headers for file uploading
    $postfields = array("filedata" => "@$filedata", "filename" => $filename);
    $ch = curl_init();
    $options = array(
        CURLOPT_URL => $url,
        CURLOPT_HEADER => true,
        CURLOPT_POST => 1,
        CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers,
        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $postfields,
        CURLOPT_INFILESIZE => $filesize,
    ); // cURL options
    curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
        $info = curl_getinfo($ch);
        if ($info['http_code'] == 200)
            $errmsg = "File uploaded successfully";
        $errmsg = curl_error($ch);
    $errmsg = "Please select the file";

html form should look something like:

<form action="uploadpost.php" method="post" name="frmUpload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <td align="center">:</td>
  <td><input name="file" type="file" id="file"/></td>
  <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
  <td><input name="btnUpload" type="submit" value="Upload" /></td>

File upload along with other object in Jersey restful web service

The request type is multipart/form-data and what you are sending is essentially form fields that go out as bytes with content boundaries separating different form fields.To send an object representation as form field (string), you can send a serialized form from the client that you can then deserialize on the server.

After all no programming environment object is actually ever traveling on the wire. The programming environment on both side are just doing automatic serialization and deserialization that you can also do. That is the cleanest and programming environment quirks free way to do it.

As an example, here is a javascript client posting to a Jersey example service,


    let data = new FormData();
    let account = {
        "name": "test account",
        "location": "Bangalore"

    data.append('file', this.file);
    data.append("accountKey", "44c85e59-afed-4fb2-884d-b3d85b051c44");
    data.append("device", "test001");
    data.append("account", JSON.stringify(account));
    let url = "http://localhost:9090/sensordb/test/file/multipart/upload";

    let config = {
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
    }, data, config).then(function(data){

Here the client is sending a file, 2 form fields (strings) and an account object that has been stringified for transport. here is how the form fields look on the wire,

enter image description here

On the server, you can just deserialize the form fields the way you see fit. To finish this trivial example,

public Response uploadMultiPart(@Context ContainerRequestContext requestContext,
        @FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,
        @FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition cdh,
        @FormDataParam("accountKey") String accountKey,
        @FormDataParam("account") String json)  {

    try {
        Account account = Account.deserialize(json);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return Response.ok().build();

Sending Multipart File as POST parameters with RestTemplate requests

I had to do the same thing that @Luxspes did above..and I am using Spring 4.2.6. Spent quite some time figuring why is ByteArrayResource getting transferred from client to server, but the server is not recognizing it.

ByteArrayResource contentsAsResource = new ByteArrayResource(byteArr){
            public String getFilename(){
                return filename;

Convert JS Object to form data

You can simply use:

formData.append('item', JSON.stringify(item));

How to upload file to server with HTTP POST multipart/form-data?

I know this is and old thread, but I was fighting with this and I would like to share my solution.

This solution works with HttpClient and MultipartFormDataContent, from System.Net.Http. You can release it with .NET Core 1.0 or higher, or .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.

As a quick summary, it's an asynchronous method that receives as parameters the URL in which you want to perform the POST, a key/value collection for sending strings, and a key/value collection for sending files.

private static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post(string url, NameValueCollection strings, NameValueCollection files)
    var formContent = new MultipartFormDataContent(/* If you need a boundary, you can define it here */);

    // Strings
    foreach (string key in strings.Keys)
        string inputName = key;
        string content = strings[key];

        formContent.Add(new StringContent(content), inputName);

    // Files
    foreach (string key in files.Keys)
        string inputName = key;
        string fullPathToFile = files[key];

        FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(fullPathToFile);
        var streamContent = new StreamContent(fileStream);
        var fileContent = new ByteArrayContent(streamContent.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result);
        formContent.Add(fileContent, inputName, Path.GetFileName(fullPathToFile));

    var myHttpClient = new HttpClient();
    var response = await myHttpClient.PostAsync(url, formContent);
    //string stringContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); // If you need to read the content

    return response;

You can prepare your POST like this (you can add so many strings and files as you need):

string url = @""

NameValueCollection strings = new NameValueCollection();
strings.Add("stringInputName1", "The content for input 1");
strings.Add("stringInputNameN", "The content for input N");

NameValueCollection files = new NameValueCollection();
files.Add("fileInputName1", @"FullPathToFile1"); // Path + filename
files.Add("fileInputNameN", @"FullPathToFileN");

And finally, call the method like this:

var result = Post(url, strings, files).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

If you want, you can check your status code, and show the reason as below:

if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
    // Logic if all was OK
    // You can show a message like this:
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Error. StatusCode: {0} | ReasonPhrase: {1}", result.StatusCode, result.ReasonPhrase));

And if someone need it, here I let a small example of how to receive store a file with PHP (at the other side of our .Net app):


if (isset($_FILES['fileInputName1']) && $_FILES['fileInputName1']['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
  $fileTmpPath = $_FILES['fileInputName1']['tmp_name'];
  $fileName = $_FILES['fileInputName1']['name'];

  move_uploaded_file($fileTmpPath, '/the/final/path/you/want/' . $fileName);

I hope you find it useful, I am attentive to your questions.

C# HttpClient 4.5 multipart/form-data upload

It works more or less like this (example using an image/jpg file):

async public Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadImage(string url, byte[] ImageData)
    var requestContent = new MultipartFormDataContent(); 
    //    here you can specify boundary if you need---^
    var imageContent = new ByteArrayContent(ImageData);
    imageContent.Headers.ContentType = 

    requestContent.Add(imageContent, "image", "image.jpg");

    return await client.PostAsync(url, requestContent);

(You can requestContent.Add() whatever you want, take a look at the HttpContent descendant to see available types to pass in)

When completed, you'll find the response content inside HttpResponseMessage.Content that you can consume with HttpContent.ReadAs*Async.

Send FormData with other field in AngularJS

You're sending JSON-formatted data to a server which isn't expecting that format. You already provided the format that the server needs, so you'll need to format it yourself which is pretty simple.

var data = '"title='+title+'" "text='+text+'" "file='+file+'"';
$, data)

How do I set multipart in axios with react?

Here's how I do file upload in react using axios

import React from 'react'
import axios, { post } from 'axios';

class SimpleReactFileUpload extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state ={
    this.onFormSubmit = this.onFormSubmit.bind(this)
    this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this)
    this.fileUpload = this.fileUpload.bind(this)

    e.preventDefault() // Stop form submit

  onChange(e) {

    const url = '';
    const formData = new FormData();
    const config = {
        headers: {
            'content-type': 'multipart/form-data'
    return  post(url, formData,config)

  render() {
    return (
      <form onSubmit={this.onFormSubmit}>
        <h1>File Upload</h1>
        <input type="file" onChange={this.onChange} />
        <button type="submit">Upload</button>

export default SimpleReactFileUpload


Example of multipart/form-data

EDIT: I am maintaining a similar, but more in-depth answer at:

To see exactly what is happening, use nc -l or an ECHO server and an user agent like a browser or cURL.

Save the form to an .html file:

<form action="http://localhost:8000" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <p><input type="text" name="text" value="text default">
  <p><input type="file" name="file1">
  <p><input type="file" name="file2">
  <p><button type="submit">Submit</button>

Create files to upload:

echo 'Content of a.txt.' > a.txt
echo '<!DOCTYPE html><title>Content of a.html.</title>' > a.html


nc -l localhost 8000

Open the HTML on your browser, select the files and click on submit and check the terminal.

nc prints the request received. Firefox sent:

Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: __atuvc=34%7C7; permanent=0; _gitlab_session=226ad8a0be43681acf38c2fab9497240; __profilin=p%3Dt; request_method=GET
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------9051914041544843365972754266
Content-Length: 554

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text"

text default
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="a.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain

Content of a.txt.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file2"; filename="a.html"
Content-Type: text/html

<!DOCTYPE html><title>Content of a.html.</title>


Aternativelly, cURL should send the same POST request as your a browser form:

nc -l localhost 8000
curl -F "text=default" -F "[email protected]" -F "[email protected]" localhost:8000

You can do multiple tests with:

while true; do printf '' | nc -l localhost 8000; done

What does enctype='multipart/form-data' mean?

The enctype attribute specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server.

The enctype attribute can be used only if method="post".

No characters are encoded. This value is required when you are using forms that have a file upload control

From W3Schools

Multipart forms from C# client

Building on dnolans example, this is the version I could actually get to work (there were some errors with the boundary, encoding wasn't set) :-)

To send the data:

HttpWebRequest oRequest = null;
oRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("");
oRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + PostData.boundary;
oRequest.Method = "POST";
PostData pData = new PostData();
Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
Stream oStream = null;

/* ... set the parameters, read files, etc. IE:
   pData.Params.Add(new PostDataParam("email", "[email protected]", PostDataParamType.Field));
   pData.Params.Add(new PostDataParam("fileupload", "filename.txt", "filecontents" PostDataParamType.File));

byte[] buffer = encoding.GetBytes(pData.GetPostData());

oRequest.ContentLength = buffer.Length;

oStream = oRequest.GetRequestStream();
oStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

HttpWebResponse oResponse = (HttpWebResponse)oRequest.GetResponse();

The PostData class should look like:

public class PostData
    // Change this if you need to, not necessary
    public static string boundary = "AaB03x";

    private List<PostDataParam> m_Params;

    public List<PostDataParam> Params
        get { return m_Params; }
        set { m_Params = value; }

    public PostData()
        m_Params = new List<PostDataParam>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the parameters array formatted for multi-part/form data
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public string GetPostData()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (PostDataParam p in m_Params)
            sb.AppendLine("--" + boundary);

            if (p.Type == PostDataParamType.File)
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content-Disposition: file; name=\"{0}\"; filename=\"{1}\"", p.Name, p.FileName));
                sb.AppendLine("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"", p.Name));

        sb.AppendLine("--" + boundary + "--");

        return sb.ToString();

public enum PostDataParamType

public class PostDataParam
    public PostDataParam(string name, string value, PostDataParamType type)
        Name = name;
        Value = value;
        Type = type;

    public PostDataParam(string name, string filename, string value, PostDataParamType type)
        Name = name;
        Value = value;
        FileName = filename;
        Type = type;

    public string Name;
    public string FileName;
    public string Value;
    public PostDataParamType Type;

Angularjs how to upload multipart form data and a file?

This is pretty must just a copy of that projects demo page and shows uploading a single file on form submit with upload progress.

(function (angular) {
'use strict';

angular.module('uploadModule', [])
    .controller('uploadCtrl', [
        function ($scope, $upload) {
            $scope.model = {};
            $scope.selectedFile = [];
            $scope.uploadProgress = 0;

            $scope.uploadFile = function () {
                var file = $scope.selectedFile[0];
                $scope.upload = $upload.upload({
                    url: 'api/upload',
                    method: 'POST',
                    data: angular.toJson($scope.model),
                    file: file
                }).progress(function (evt) {
                    $scope.uploadProgress = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /, 10);
                }).success(function (data) {
                    //do something

            $scope.onFileSelect = function ($files) {
                $scope.uploadProgress = 0;
                $scope.selectedFile = $files;
    .directive('progressBar', [
        function () {
            return {
                link: function ($scope, el, attrs) {
                    $scope.$watch(attrs.progressBar, function (newValue) {
                        el.css('width', newValue.toString() + '%');


<form ng-submit="uploadFile()">
   <div class="row">
         <div class="col-md-12">
                  <input type="text" ng-model="model.fileDescription" />
                  <input type="number" ng-model="model.rating" />
                  <input type="checkbox" ng-model="model.isAGoodFile" />
                  <input type="file" ng-file-select="onFileSelect($files)">
                  <div class="progress" style="margin-top: 20px;">
                    <div class="progress-bar" progress-bar="uploadProgress" role="progressbar">
                      <span ng-bind="uploadProgress"></span>

                  <button button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-lg">
                    <i class="fa fa-cloud-upload"></i>
                    <span>Upload File</span>

EDIT: Added passing a model up to the server in the file post.

The form data in the input elements would be sent in the data property of the post and be available as normal form values.

Can I append an array to 'formdata' in javascript?

var formData = new FormData;
var alphaArray = ['A', 'B', 'C','D','E'];
for (var i = 0; i < alphaArray.length; i++) {
    formData.append('listOfAlphabet', alphaArray [i]);

And In your request you will get array of alphabets.

Uploading file using POST request in Node.js

Looks like you're already using request module.

in this case all you need to post multipart/form-data is to use its form feature:

var req =, function (err, resp, body) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    console.log('URL: ' + body);
var form = req.form();
form.append('file', '<FILE_DATA>', {
  filename: 'myfile.txt',
  contentType: 'text/plain'

but if you want to post some existing file from your file system, then you may simply pass it as a readable stream:

form.append('file', fs.createReadStream(filepath));

request will extract all related metadata by itself.

For more information on posting multipart/form-data see node-form-data module, which is internally used by request.

What does yield mean in PHP?

This function is using yield:

function a($items) {
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        yield $item + 1;

It is almost the same as this one without:

function b($items) {
    $result = [];
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $result[] = $item + 1;
    return $result;

The only one difference is that a() returns a generator and b() just a simple array. You can iterate on both.

Also, the first one does not allocate a full array and is therefore less memory-demanding.

Viewing full output of PS command

If none of the solutions above work, the output of ps isn't your problem. Maybe you need to set putty to wrap long lines?

Otherwise, we need more information.

Checking whether a string starts with XXXX

RanRag has already answered it for your specific question.

However, more generally, what you are doing with

if [[ "$string" =~ ^hello ]]

is a regex match. To do the same in Python, you would do:

import re
if re.match(r'^hello', somestring):
    # do stuff

Obviously, in this case, somestring.startswith('hello') is better.

VBA Count cells in column containing specified value

If you're looking to match non-blank values or empty cells and having difficulty with wildcard character, I found the solution below from here.

Dim n as Integer
n = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count

Is it correct to use alt tag for an anchor link?

I used title and it worked!

The title attribute gives the title of the link. With one exception, it is purely advisory. The value is text. The exception is for style sheet links, where the title attribute defines alternative style sheet sets.

<a class="navbar-brand" href="" title="sito dell'Istituto Ancel Keys">A.K.</a>

How to switch to new window in Selenium for Python?

window_handles should give you the references to all open windows.

this is what the docu has to say about switching windows.

Get individual query parameters from Uri

In a single line of code:

string xyz = Uri.UnescapeDataString(HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.QueryString.ToString()).Get("XYZ"));

Byte and char conversion in Java

A character in Java is a Unicode code-unit which is treated as an unsigned number. So if you perform c = (char)b the value you get is 2^16 - 56 or 65536 - 56.

Or more precisely, the byte is first converted to a signed integer with the value 0xFFFFFFC8 using sign extension in a widening conversion. This in turn is then narrowed down to 0xFFC8 when casting to a char, which translates to the positive number 65480.

From the language specification:

5.1.4. Widening and Narrowing Primitive Conversion

First, the byte is converted to an int via widening primitive conversion (§5.1.2), and then the resulting int is converted to a char by narrowing primitive conversion (§5.1.3).

To get the right point use char c = (char) (b & 0xFF) which first converts the byte value of b to the positive integer 200 by using a mask, zeroing the top 24 bits after conversion: 0xFFFFFFC8 becomes 0x000000C8 or the positive number 200 in decimals.

Above is a direct explanation of what happens during conversion between the byte, int and char primitive types.

If you want to encode/decode characters from bytes, use Charset, CharsetEncoder, CharsetDecoder or one of the convenience methods such as new String(byte[] bytes, Charset charset) or String#toBytes(Charset charset). You can get the character set (such as UTF-8 or Windows-1252) from StandardCharsets.

How to print binary number via printf

printf() doesn't directly support that. Instead you have to make your own function.

Something like:

while (n) {
    if (n & 1)

    n >>= 1;

Func vs. Action vs. Predicate

Action is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, but does not return anything.

Func is a delegate (pointer) to a method, that takes zero, one or more input parameters, and returns a value (or reference).

Predicate is a special kind of Func often used for comparisons.

Though widely used with Linq, Action and Func are concepts logically independent of Linq. C++ already contained the basic concept in form of typed function pointers.

Here is a small example for Action and Func without using Linq:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Action<int> myAction = new Action<int>(DoSomething);
        myAction(123);           // Prints out "123"
                                 // can be also called as myAction.Invoke(123);

        Func<int, double> myFunc = new Func<int, double>(CalculateSomething);
        Console.WriteLine(myFunc(5));   // Prints out "2.5"

    static void DoSomething(int i)

    static double CalculateSomething(int i)
        return (double)i/2;

Eclipse IDE for Java - Full Dark Theme

Update August 2016:

Tejas Padliya adds in the comments:

Dark theme works well with Eclipse 4.5 onward with Windows 10.
No more black text on black background

Update June 2014:

As mentioned din "Dark Theme, Top Eclipse Luna Feature #5", Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) has a dark theme included in it (see informatik01's comment):

When Eclipse 3.0 shipped in 2004 it brought a new look to the workbench. Now, 10 years later, an entirely new Dark Theme is launching.

The theme extends to more than just the Widgets. Syntax highlighting has also been improved to take advantage of the new look.

The What's new page mentions:

A new dark window theme has been introduced. This popular community theme demonstrates the power of the underlying Eclipse 4 styling engine.
You can enable it from the General > Appearance preference page.
Plug-ins can contribute extensions to this theme to style their own specific views and editors to match the window theme.

Update April 2013:

It seems the solution below don't work well with Eclipse Juno 4.2 and Windows 8, according to Lennart in the comments.

One solution which (mostly) work is the Eclipse Chrome Theme (compatible Juno 4.2 and even Kepler 4.3), from the GitHub project eclipse-themes, by Jeeeyul Lee.

This post mentions:

The first is to change the appearance of what is inside the editor windows.
That can be done with the Eclipse Colour Theme plugin ( My favourite editor theme is Vibrant Ink with the Monaco font. They explain how to install their themes very well (, although you get a fine set of dark themes with the default plugin install and may not need to come back to their website for any more. Get the plugin here.

The second stage is darkening the chrome of the UI, which is all the widgets and menus and everything outside of the child window canvases.
This plugin gives you a GUI editor for the chrome colour scheme:
If you want a dark one, go ahead and click away until eclipse is dark.

Once you are done, some GUI surface area will show through the system theme as mentioned at the top of this post.
Rather than using that editor, you could install the pre-baked Dark Juno theme instead.
The install is manual.
Start by downloading it from here:
It has to be copied into your eclipse dropins folder. This lives next to the eclipse executable, not in your workspace or someplace like that. In my case the command to do the copy was:

cp ./plugins/com.github.eclipsecolortheme.themes_1.0.0.201207121019.jar /usr/lib/eclipse/dropins/

You could be running eclipse from any directory though, so which eclipse will tell you where it should go.
Restart eclipse and you should find a Dark Juno option under Preferences::General::Appearance. It is a nice neutral grey with some gradients and is a very good option.


Update December 2012 (20 months later):

The blog post "Jin Mingjian: Eclipse Darker Theme" mentions this GitHub repo "eclipse themes - darker":

enter image description here

The big fun is that, the codes are minimized by using Eclipse4 platform technologies like dependency injection.
It proves that again, the concise codes and advanced features could be achieved by contributing or extending with the external form(like library, framework).
New language is not necessary just for this kind of purpose.

Update July 2012 (15 months later):

I have seen one! (Ie, a fully dark theme for Eclipse), as reported by Lars Vogel in "Eclipse 4 is beautiful – Create your own Eclipse 4 theme":

Eclipse fully dark theme

If you want to play with it, you only need to write a plug-in, create a CSS file and use the org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme extension point to point to your file.
If you export your plug-in, place it in the “dropins” folder of your Eclipse installation and your styling is available.

pixeldude mentions in the comments having publish "Dark Juno" on GitHub!

Komododave mentions that you don't always need a plugin: see "Ubuntu + Eclipse 4.2 - Dark theme - How to darken sidebar backgrounds?" for an example, based on gtkrc resource.

Original answer: March 2011

Note that a full dark theme will be possible with e4.
(see dynamic css with e4 or A week at e4 – Themeing in e4):

dark theme extension

full dark theme

In the meantime, only for editors though (which isn't what you want but still merit to be mentioned):

"Fresh up your Eclipse with super-awesome color themes!"

themes for editors

What is the difference between . (dot) and $ (dollar sign)?

I think a short example of where you would use . and not $ would help clarify things.

double x = x * 2
triple x = x * 3
times6 = double . triple

:i times6
times6 :: Num c => c -> c

Note that times6 is a function that is created from function composition.

Working with TIFFs (import, export) in Python using numpy

You can also use pytiff of which I'm the author.

    import pytiff

    with pytiff.Tiff("filename.tif") as handle:
        part = handle[100:200, 200:400]

    # multipage tif
    with pytiff.Tiff("multipage.tif") as handle:
        for page in handle:
            part = page[100:200, 200:400]

It's a fairly small module and may not have as many features as other modules, but it supports tiled tiffs and bigtiff, so you can read parts of large images.

Unix - copy contents of one directory to another

To make an exact copy, permissions, ownership, and all use "-a" with "cp". "-r" will copy the contents of the files but not necessarily keep other things the same.

cp -av Source/* Dest/

(make sure Dest/ exists first)

If you want to repeatedly update from one to the other or make sure you also copy all dotfiles, rsync is a great help:

rsync -av --delete Source/ Dest/

This is also "recoverable" in that you can restart it if you abort it while copying. I like "-v" because it lets you watch what is going on but you can omit it.

Django ManyToMany filter()

Just restating what Tomasz said.

There are many examples of FOO__in=... style filters in the many-to-many and many-to-one tests. Here is syntax for your specific problem:

users_in_1zone = User.objects.filter(zones__id=<id1>)
# same thing but using in
users_in_1zone = User.objects.filter(zones__in=[<id1>])

# filtering on a few zones, by id
users_in_zones = User.objects.filter(zones__in=[<id1>, <id2>, <id3>])
# and by zone object (object gets converted to pk under the covers)
users_in_zones = User.objects.filter(zones__in=[zone1, zone2, zone3])

The double underscore (__) syntax is used all over the place when working with querysets.

Best way to reverse a string

Here a solution that properly reverses the string "Les Mise\u0301rables" as "selbare\u0301siM seL". This should render just like selbarésiM seL, not selbar´esiM seL (note the position of the accent), as would the result of most implementations based on code units (Array.Reverse, etc) or even code points (reversing with special care for surrogate pairs).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;

public static class Test
    private static IEnumerable<string> GraphemeClusters(this string s) {
        var enumerator = StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator(s);
        while(enumerator.MoveNext()) {
            yield return (string)enumerator.Current;
    private static string ReverseGraphemeClusters(this string s) {
        return string.Join("", s.GraphemeClusters().Reverse().ToArray());

    public static void Main()
        var s = "Les Mise\u0301rables";
        var r = s.ReverseGraphemeClusters();

(And live running example here:

It simply uses the .NET API for grapheme cluster iteration, which has been there since ever, but a bit "hidden" from view, it seems.

How can I convert a std::string to int?

If you wot hard code :)

bool strCanBeInt(std::string string){
    for (char n : string) {
        if (n != '0' && n != '1' && n != '2' && n != '3' && n != '4' && n != '5'
            && n != '6' && n != '7' && n != '8' && n != '9') {
            return false;
    return true;

int strToInt(std::string string) {
    int integer = 0;
    int numInt;
    for (char n : string) {
        if(n == '0') numInt = 0;
        if(n == '1') numInt = 1;
        if(n == '2') numInt = 2;
        if(n == '3') numInt = 3;
        if(n == '4') numInt = 4;
        if(n == '5') numInt = 5;
        if(n == '6') numInt = 6;
        if(n == '7') numInt = 7;
        if(n == '8') numInt = 8;
        if(n == '9') numInt = 9;
        if (integer){
            integer *= 10;
        integer += numInt;
    return integer;

What is the difference between Numpy's array() and asarray() functions?

The definition of asarray is:

def asarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):
    return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)

So it is like array, except it has fewer options, and copy=False. array has copy=True by default.

The main difference is that array (by default) will make a copy of the object, while asarray will not unless necessary.

How to test enum types?

I agree with aberrant80.

For enums, I test them only when they actually have methods in them. If it's a pure value-only enum like your example, I'd say don't bother.

But since you're keen on testing it, going with your second option is much better than the first. The problem with the first is that if you use an IDE, any renaming on the enums would also rename the ones in your test class.

I would expand on it by adding that unit testings an Enum can be very useful. If you work in a large code base, build time starts to mount up and a unit test can be a faster way to verify functionality (tests only build their dependencies). Another really big advantage is that other developers cannot change the functionality of your code unintentionally (a huge problem with very large teams).

And with all Test Driven Development, tests around an Enums Methods reduce the number of bugs in your code base.

Simple Example

public enum Multiplier {

    private final double multiplier;

    Multiplier(double multiplier) {
        this.multiplier = multiplier;

    Double applyMultiplier(Double value) {
        return multiplier * value;


public class MultiplierTest {

    public void should() {
        assertThat(Multiplier.DOUBLE.applyMultiplier(1.0), is(2.0));
        assertThat(Multiplier.TRIPLE.applyMultiplier(1.0), is(3.0));

IE8 css selector

OK so, it isn't css hack, but out of frustration for not being able to find ways to target ie8 from css, and due to policy of not having ie specific css files, I had to do following, which I assume someone else might find useful:

if (jQuery.browser.version==8.0) {

Count number of cells with any value (string or number) in a column in Google Docs Spreadsheet

An additional trick beside using =COUNTIF(...) and =COUNTA(...) is:


That will count all the empty cells.

This is useful for:

  • empty cells that doesn't contain data
  • formula that return blank or null
  • survey with missing answer fields which can be used for diff criterias

error 1265. Data truncated for column when trying to load data from txt file

I had same problem. I wanted to edit ENUM values in table structure. Problem was because of rows that was saved before and new ENUM values doesn't contain saved values.

Solution was updating old saved rows in MySql table.

python pip on Windows - command 'cl.exe' failed

This is easily the simplest solution. For those who don't know how to do this:

  1. Install the C++ compiler

  2. Go to the installation folder (In my case it is): C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools

  3. Open Visual C++ 2015 x86 x64 Cross Build Tools Command Prompt

  4. Type: pip install package_name

Python - List of unique dictionaries

In case the dictionaries are only uniquely identified by all items (ID is not available) you can use the answer using JSON. The following is an alternative that does not use JSON, and will work as long as all dictionary values are immutable

[dict(s) for s in set(frozenset(d.items()) for d in L)]

adding and removing classes in angularJs using ng-click

for Reactive forms -

HTML file

<div class="col-sm-2">_x000D_
  <button type="button"  [class]= "btn_class"  id="b1" (click)="changeMe()">{{ btn_label }}</button>_x000D_

TS file

changeMe() {_x000D_
  switch (this.btn_label) {_x000D_
    case 'Yes ': this.btn_label = 'Custom' ;_x000D_
    this.btn_class = 'btn btn-danger btn-lg btn-block';_x000D_
    case 'Custom': this.btn_label = ' No ' ;_x000D_
    this.btn_class = 'btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block';_x000D_
    case ' No ': this.btn_label = 'Yes ';_x000D_
      this.btn_class = 'btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block';_x000D_

Apache won't follow symlinks (403 Forbidden)

The 403 error may also be caused by an encrypted file system, e.g. a symlink to an encrypted home folder.

If your symlink points into the encrypted folder, the apache user (e.g. www-data) cannot access the contents, even if apache and file/folder permissions are set correctly. Access of the www-data user can be tested with such a call:

sudo -u www-data ls -l /var/www/html/<your symlink>/

There are workarounds/solutions to this, e.g. adding the www-data user to your private group (exposes the encrypted data to the web user) or by setting up an unencrypted rsynced folder (probably rather secure). I for myself will probably go for an rsync solution during development.

A convenient tool for my purposes is lsyncd. This allows me to work directly in my encrypted home folder and being able to see changes almost instantly in the apache web page. The synchronization is triggered by changes in the file system, calling an rsync. As I'm only working on rather small web pages and scripts, the syncing is very fast. I decided to use a short delay of 1 second before the rsync is started, even though it is possible to set a delay of 0 seconds.

Installing lsyncd (in Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install lsyncd

Starting the background service:

lsyncd -delay 1 -rsync /home/<me>/<work folder>/ /var/www/html/<web folder>/

Alter column, add default constraint

Try this

alter table TableName 
 add constraint df_ConstraintNAme 
 default getutcdate() for [Date]


create table bla (id int)

alter table bla add constraint dt_bla default 1 for id

insert bla default values

select * from bla

also make sure you name the default will be a pain in the neck to drop it later because it will have one of those crazy system generated names...see also How To Name Default Constraints And How To Drop Default Constraint Without A Name In SQL Server

How to get the server path to the web directory in Symfony2 from inside the controller?

There's actually no direct way to get path to webdir in Symfony2 as the framework is completely independent of the webdir.

You can use getRootDir() on instance of kernel class, just as you write. If you consider renaming /web dir in future, you should make it configurable. For example AsseticBundle has such an option in its DI configuration (see here and here).

How to check if a row exists in MySQL? (i.e. check if an email exists in MySQL)

There are multiple ways to check if a value exists in the database. Let me demonstrate how this can be done properly with PDO and mysqli.


PDO is the simpler option. To find out whether a value exists in the database you can use prepared statement and fetchColumn(). There is no need to fetch any data so we will only fetch 1 if the value exists.


// Connection code. 
$options = [
$pdo = new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=test;charset=utf8mb4', 'testuser', 'password', $options);

// Prepared statement
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM tblUser WHERE email=?');
$exists = $stmt->fetchColumn(); // either 1 or null

if ($exists) {
    echo 'Email exists in the database.';
} else {
    // email doesn't exist yet

For more examples see: How to check if email exists in the database?


As always mysqli is a little more cumbersome and more restricted, but we can follow a similar approach with prepared statement.


// Connection code
$mysqli = new \mysqli('localhost', 'testuser', 'password', 'test');

// Prepared statement
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('SELECT 1 FROM tblUser WHERE email=?');
$stmt->bind_param('s', $_POST['email']);
$exists = (bool) $stmt->get_result()->fetch_row(); // Get the first row from result and cast to boolean

if ($exists) {
    echo 'Email exists in the database.';
} else {
    // email doesn't exist yet

Instead of casting the result row(which might not even exist) to boolean, you can also fetch COUNT(1) and read the first item from the first row using fetch_row()[0]

For more examples see: How to check whether a value exists in a database using mysqli prepared statements

Minor remarks

  • If someone suggests you to use mysqli_num_rows(), don't listen to them. This is a very bad approach and could lead to performance issues if misused.
  • Don't use real_escape_string(). This is not meant to be used as a protection against SQL injection. If you use prepared statements correctly you don't need to worry about any escaping.
  • If you want to check if a row exists in the database before you try to insert a new one, then it is better not to use this approach. It is better to create a unique key in the database and let it throw an exception if a duplicate value exists.

Accessing an SQLite Database in Swift

I've created an elegant SQLite library written completely in Swift called SwiftData.

Some of its feature are:

  • Bind objects conveniently to the string of SQL
  • Support for transactions and savepoints
  • Inline error handling
  • Completely thread safe by default

It provides an easy way to execute 'changes' (e.g. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.):

if let err = SD.executeChange("INSERT INTO Cities (Name, Population, IsWarm, FoundedIn) VALUES ('Toronto', 2615060, 0, '1793-08-27')") {
    //there was an error during the insert, handle it here
} else {
    //no error, the row was inserted successfully

and 'queries' (e.g. SELECT):

let (resultSet, err) = SD.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Cities")
if err != nil {
    //there was an error during the query, handle it here
} else {
    for row in resultSet {
        if let name = row["Name"].asString() {
            println("The City name is: \(name)")
        if let population = row["Population"].asInt() {
            println("The population is: \(population)")
        if let isWarm = row["IsWarm"].asBool() {
            if isWarm {
                println("The city is warm")
            } else {
                println("The city is cold")
        if let foundedIn = row["FoundedIn"].asDate() {
            println("The city was founded in: \(foundedIn)")

Along with many more features!

You can check it out here

Routing with multiple Get methods in ASP.NET Web API

After reading lots of answers finally I figured out.

First, I added 3 different routes into WebApiConfig.cs

public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
    // Web API configuration and services

    // Web API routes

        name: "ApiById",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
        defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional },
        constraints: new { id = @"^[0-9]+$" }

        name: "ApiByName",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{name}",
        defaults: null,
        constraints: new { name = @"^[a-z]+$" }

        name: "ApiByAction",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}",
        defaults: new { action = "Get" }

Then, removed ActionName, Route, etc.. from the controller functions. So basically this is my controller;

// GET: api/Countries/5
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetCountries(int id)
    Countries countries = await db.Countries.FindAsync(id);
    if (countries == null)
        return NotFound();

    return Ok(countries);

// GET: api/Countries/tur
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetCountriesByName(string name)
    var countries = await db.Countries

    if (countries == null)
        return NotFound();

    return Ok(countries);

Now I am able to run with following url samples(with name and with id);



ASP.Net MVC Redirect To A Different View

The simplest way is use return View.

return View("ViewName");

Remember, the physical name of the "ViewName" should be something like ViewName.cshtml in your project, if your are using MVC C# / .NET.

Set View Width Programmatically

hsThumbList.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(100, 400));

How do I show/hide a UIBarButtonItem?

In case the UIBarButtonItem has an image instead of the text in it you can do this to hide it: navigationBar.topItem.rightBarButtonItem.customView.alpha = 0.0;

Using Node.JS, how do I read a JSON file into (server) memory?

using node-fs-extra (async await)

const readJsonFile = async () => {
  try {
    const myJsonObject = await fs.readJson('./my_json_file.json');
  } catch (err) {

readJsonFile() // prints your json object

How to select lines between two marker patterns which may occur multiple times with awk/sed

From the previous response's links, the one that did it for me, running ksh on Solaris, was this:

sed '1,/firstmatch/d;/secondmatch/,$d'
  • 1,/firstmatch/d: from line 1 until the first time you find firstmatch, delete.
  • /secondmatch/,$d: from the first occurrance of secondmatch until the end of file, delete.
  • Semicolon separates the two commands, which are executed in sequence.

Iterate keys in a C++ map

When no explicit begin and end is needed, ie for range-looping, the loop over keys (first example) or values (second example) can be obtained with

#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>

map<Key, Value> m;

for (auto k : boost::adaptors::keys(m))
  cout << k << endl;

for (auto v : boost::adaptors::values(m))
  cout << v << endl;

EventListener Enter Key

Here is a version of the currently accepted answer (from @Trevor) with key instead of keyCode:

document.querySelector('#txtSearch').addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {
    if (e.key === 'Enter') {
      // code for enter

Android: How to programmatically access the device serial number shown in the AVD manager (API Version 8)

Up to Android 7.1 (SDK 25)

Until Android 7.1 you will get it with:


From Android 8 (SDK 26)

On Android 8 (SDK 26) and above, this field will return UNKNOWN and must be accessed with:


which requires the dangerous permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE.

From Android Q (SDK 29)

Since Android Q using Build.getSerial() gets a bit more complicated by requiring:

android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE (which can only be acquired by system apps), or for the calling package to be the device or profile owner and have the READ_PHONE_STATE permission. This means most apps won't be able to uses this feature. See the Android Q announcement from Google.

See Android SDK reference

Best Practice for Unique Device Identifier

If you just require a unique identifier, it's best to avoid using hardware identifiers as Google continuously tries to make it harder to access them for privacy reasons. You could just generate a UUID.randomUUID().toString(); and save it the first time it needs to be accessed in e.g. shared preferences. Alternatively you could use ANDROID_ID which is a 8 byte long hex string unique to the device, user and (only Android 8+) app installation. For more info on that topic, see Best practices for unique identifiers.

How do I look inside a Python object?

Try ppretty

from ppretty import ppretty

class A(object):
    s = 5

    def __init__(self):
        self._p = 8

    def foo(self):
        return range(10)

print ppretty(A(), indent='    ', depth=2, width=30, seq_length=6,
              show_protected=True, show_private=False, show_static=True,
              show_properties=True, show_address=True)


__main__.A at 0x1debd68L (
    _p = 8, 
    foo = [0, 1, 2, ..., 7, 8, 9], 
    s = 5

Save file Javascript with file name

Replace your "Save" button with an anchor link and set the new download attribute dynamically. Works in Chrome and Firefox:

var d = "ha";
$(this).attr("href", "").attr("download", "file-" + d + ".png");

Here's a working example with the name set as the current date:

Here a compatibility table for downloadattribute:

How to prevent long words from breaking my div?

Do you mean that, in browsers that support it, word-wrap: break-word does not work ?

If included in the body definition of the stylesheet, it should works throughout the entire document.

If overflow is not a good solution, only a custom javascript could artificially break up long word.

Note: there is also this <wbr> Word Break tag. This gives the browser a spot where it can split the line up. Unfortunately, the <wbr> tag doesn't work in all browsers, only Firefox and Internet Explorer (and Opera with a CSS trick).

Codeigniter $this->db->get(), how do I return values for a specific row?

Incase you are dynamically getting your data e.g When you need data based on the user logged in by their id use consider the following code example for a No Active Record:

 $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM my_users_table WHERE id = ?', $this->session->userdata('id'));

 return $query->row_array();

This will return a specific row based on your the set session data of user.

PHP, getting variable from another php-file

using include 'page1.php' in second page is one option but it can generate warnings and errors of undefined variables.
Three methods by which you can use variables of one php file in another php file:

  • use session to pass variable from one page to another
    first you have to start the session in both the files using php command

    then in first file consider you have one variable

    now assign value of $x to a session variable using this:
    now getting value in any another php file:
    $y=$_SESSION['var'];//$y is any declared variable

  • using get method and getting variables on clicking a link

    <a href="page2.php?variable1=value1&variable2=value2">clickme</a>
    getting values in page2.php file by $_GET function:
    $x=$_GET['variable1'];//value1 be stored in $x
    $y=$_GET['variable2'];//vale2 be stored in $y

  • if you want to pass variable value using button then u can use it by following method:

    <input type="submit" name='btn1' value='.$x.'/>
    in second php

Real time data graphing on a line chart with html5

In order to complete this thread, I would suggest you to look into:


This is a library that helps with tons of javascript visualizations. However the learning curve is quite steep.


A library that makes it easy to create some d3.js visualizations (with limitations, of course).

Why is volatile needed in C?

volatile tells the compiler that your variable may be changed by other means, than the code that is accessing it. e.g., it may be a I/O-mapped memory location. If this is not specified in such cases, some variable accesses can be optimised, e.g., its contents can be held in a register, and the memory location not read back in again.

Using Helvetica Neue in a Website

Assuming you have referenced and correctly integrated your font to your site (presumably using an @font-face kit) it should be alright to just reference yours the way you do. Presumably it is like this so they have fall backs incase some browsers do not render the fonts correctly

Call JavaScript function on DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged Event:

Or you can do it like as well:

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl" runat="server"  AutoPostBack="true" onchange="javascript:CalcTotalAmt();" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddl_SelectedIndexChanged"></asp:DropDownList>

How to increase font size in a plot in R?

I came across this when I wanted to make the axis labels smaller, but leave everything else the same size. The command that worked for me, was to put:


Before the plot command. Just remember to put:


After the plot to make sure that the fonts go back to the default size.

Using Regular Expressions to Extract a Value in Java

Allain basically has the java code, so you can use that. However, his expression only matches if your numbers are only preceded by a stream of word characters.


should be able to find the first string of digits. You don't need to specify what's before it, if you're sure that it's going to be the first string of digits. Likewise, there is no use to specify what's after it, unless you want that. If you just want the number, and are sure that it will be the first string of one or more digits then that's all you need.

If you expect it to be offset by spaces, it will make it even more distinct to specify


might be better.

If you need all three parts, this will do:


EDIT The Expressions given by Allain and Jack suggest that you need to specify some subset of non-digits in order to capture digits. If you tell the regex engine you're looking for \d then it's going to ignore everything before the digits. If J or A's expression fits your pattern, then the whole match equals the input string. And there's no reason to specify it. It probably slows a clean match down, if it isn't totally ignored.

SQL ON DELETE CASCADE, Which Way Does the Deletion Occur?

Cascade will work when you delete something on table Courses. Any record on table BookCourses that has reference to table Courses will be deleted automatically.

But when you try to delete on table BookCourses only the table itself is affected and not on the Courses

follow-up question: why do you have CourseID on table Category?

Maybe you should restructure your schema into this,

CREATE TABLE Categories 

  CatCode CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
  CourseNum CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
  CourseSec CHAR(1) NOT NULL,

REFERENCES Categories(Code)

How do I exclude Weekend days in a SQL Server query?

The answer depends on your server's week-start set up, so it's either

SELECT [date_created] FROM table WHERE DATEPART(w,[date_created]) NOT IN (7,1)

if Sunday is the first day of the week for your server


SELECT [date_created] FROM table WHERE DATEPART(w,[date_created]) NOT IN (6,7)

if Monday is the first day of the week for your server

Comment if you've got any questions :-)

Android Studio build fails with "Task '' not found in root project 'MyProject'."

I got this problem because it could not find the Android SDK path. I was missing a file with it or an ANDROID_HOME environment variable with it.

HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java

The class can help; in the documentation of URL you find

Note, the URI class does perform escaping of its component fields in certain circumstances. The recommended way to manage the encoding and decoding of URLs is to use an URI

Use one of the constructors with more than one argument, like:

URI uri = new URI(
    "/booksearch/first book.pdf",
URL url = uri.toURL();
//or String request = uri.toString();

(the single-argument constructor of URI does NOT escape illegal characters)

Only illegal characters get escaped by above code - it does NOT escape non-ASCII characters (see fatih's comment).
The toASCIIString method can be used to get a String only with US-ASCII characters:

URI uri = new URI(
String request = uri.toASCIIString();

For an URL with a query likeão Paulo, use the 5-parameter version of the constructor:

URI uri = new URI(
        "weather=São Paulo",
String request = uri.toASCIIString();

How to return a file (FileContentResult) in ASP.NET WebAPI

I am not exactly sure which part to blame, but here's why MemoryStream doesn't work for you:

As you write to MemoryStream, it increments it's Position property. The constructor of StreamContent takes into account the stream's current Position. So if you write to the stream, then pass it to StreamContent, the response will start from the nothingness at the end of the stream.

There's two ways to properly fix this:

1) construct content, write to stream

public HttpResponseMessage Test()
    var stream = new MemoryStream();
    var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
    response.Content = new StreamContent(stream);
    // ...
    // stream.Write(...);
    // ...
    return response;

2) write to stream, reset position, construct content

public HttpResponseMessage Test()
    var stream = new MemoryStream();
    // ...
    // stream.Write(...);
    // ...
    stream.Position = 0;

    var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
    response.Content = new StreamContent(stream);
    return response;

2) looks a little better if you have a fresh Stream, 1) is simpler if your stream does not start at 0

What is Type-safe?

To get a better understanding do watch the below video which demonstrates code in type safe language (C#) and NOT type safe language ( javascript).

Now for the long text.

Type safety means preventing type errors. Type error occurs when data type of one type is assigned to other type UNKNOWINGLY and we get undesirable results.

For instance JavaScript is a NOT a type safe language. In the below code “num” is a numeric variable and “str” is string. Javascript allows me to do “num + str” , now GUESS will it do arithmetic or concatenation .

Now for the below code the results are “55” but the important point is the confusion created what kind of operation it will do.

This is happening because javascript is not a type safe language. Its allowing to set one type of data to the other type without restrictions.

var num = 5; // numeric
var str = "5"; // string
var z = num + str; // arthimetic or concat ????
alert(z); // displays  “55”

C# is a type safe language. It does not allow one data type to be assigned to other data type. The below code does not allow “+” operator on different data types.

enter image description here

Detecting Browser Autofill

For google chrome autocomplete, this worked for me:

if ($("#textbox").is(":-webkit-autofill")) 
    // the value in the input field of the form was filled in with google chrome autocomplete

What's the actual use of 'fail' in JUnit test case?

Let's say you are writing a test case for a negative flow where the code being tested should raise an exception.

   fail(); // FAIL when no exception is thrown
} catch (BizException e) {
   assert(e.errorCode == THE_ERROR_CODE_U_R_LOOKING_FOR)

How to use zIndex in react-native

Use elevation instead of zIndex for android devices

elevatedElement: {
  zIndex: 3, // works on ios
  elevation: 3, // works on android

This worked fine for me!

Border in shape xml

It looks like you forgot the prefix on the color attribute. Try

 <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#ff00ffff"/>

How can I determine installed SQL Server instances and their versions?

If your within SSMS you might find it easier to use:

SELECT @@Version

Encode html entities in javascript

htmlentities() converts HTML Entities

So we build a constant that will contain our html tags we want to convert.

const htmlEntities = [ 

We build a function that will convert all corresponding html characters to string : Html ==> String

 function htmlentities (s){
    var reg; 
    for (v in htmlEntities) {
      reg = new RegExp(htmlEntities[v].regex, 'g');
      s = s.replace(reg, htmlEntities[v].entity);
    return s;

To decode, we build a reverse function that will convert all string to their equivalent html . String ==> html

 function  html_entities_decode (s){
    var reg; 
    for (v in htmlEntities) {
      reg = new RegExp(htmlEntities[v].entity, 'g');
      s = s.replace(reg, htmlEntities[v].regex);
    return s;

After, We can encode all others special characters (é è ...) with encodeURIComponent()

Use Case

 var s  = '<div> God bless you guy   </div> '
 var h = encodeURIComponent(htmlentities(s));         /** To encode */
 h =  html_entities_decode(decodeURIComponent(h));     /** To decode */

How to override the properties of a CSS class using another CSS class

Just use !important it will help to override

background:none !important;

Although it is said to be a bad practice, !important can be useful for utility classes, you just need to use it responsibly, check this: When Using important is the right choice

How to resolve "Error: bad index – Fatal: index file corrupt" when using Git

You may have accidentally corrupted the .git/index file with a sed on your project root (refactoring perhaps?) with something like:


to avoid this in the future, just ignore binary files with your grep/sed:

sed -ri -e "s/$SEACHPATTERN/$REPLACEMENTTEXT/g" $(grep -Elr --binary-files=without-match "$SEARCHPATERN" "$PROJECTROOT")

How can I get the request URL from a Java Filter?

Building on another answer on this page,

public static String getCurrentUrlFromRequest(ServletRequest request)
   if (! (request instanceof HttpServletRequest))
       return null;

   return getCurrentUrlFromRequest((HttpServletRequest)request);

public static String getCurrentUrlFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request)
    StringBuffer requestURL = request.getRequestURL();
    String queryString = request.getQueryString();

    if (queryString == null)
        return requestURL.toString();

    return requestURL.append('?').append(queryString).toString();

initializing a Guava ImmutableMap

Notice that your error message only contains five K, V pairs, 10 arguments total. This is by design; the ImmutableMap class provides six different of() methods, accepting between zero and five key-value pairings. There is not an of(...) overload accepting a varags parameter because K and V can be different types.

You want an ImmutableMap.Builder:

ImmutableMap<String,String> myMap = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
    .put("key1", "value1") 
    .put("key2", "value2") 
    .put("key3", "value3") 
    .put("key4", "value4") 
    .put("key5", "value5") 
    .put("key6", "value6") 
    .put("key7", "value7") 
    .put("key8", "value8") 
    .put("key9", "value9")

Converting a column within pandas dataframe from int to string

Warning: Both solutions given ( astype() and apply() ) do not preserve NULL values in either the nan or the None form.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame([None,'string',np.nan,42], index=[0,1,2,3], columns=['A'])

df1 = df['A'].astype(str)
df2 =  df['A'].apply(str)

print df.isnull()
print df1.isnull()
print df2.isnull()

I believe this is fixed by the implementation of to_string()

Expected initializer before function name

You are missing a semicolon at the end of your 'struct' definition.



needs to be


Close iOS Keyboard by touching anywhere using Swift

Here is how to dismiss the keyboard by tapping anywhere else, in 2 lines using Swift 5.

(I hate to add another answer, but since this is the top result on Google I will to help rookies like me.)

In your ViewController.swift, find the viewDidLoad() function.

Add these 2 lines:

let tap: UIGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self.view, action: #selector(UIView.endEditing))

How can I print out C++ map values?

Since C++17 you can use range-based for loops together with structured bindings for iterating over your map. This improves readability, as you reduce the amount of needed first and second members in your code:

std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, std::string>> myMap;
myMap["x"] = { "a", "b" };
myMap["y"] = { "c", "d" };

for (const auto &[k, v] : myMap)
    std::cout << "m[" << k << "] = (" << v.first << ", " << v.second << ") " << std::endl;


m[x] = (a, b)
m[y] = (c, d)

Code on Coliru

How can I generate random alphanumeric strings?

If your values are not completely random, but in fact may depend on something - you may compute an md5 or sha1 hash of that 'somwthing' and then truncate it to whatever length you want.

Also you may generate and truncate a guid.

Calculating width from percent to pixel then minus by pixel in LESS CSS

Or, you could use the margin attribute like this:

    margin-left: 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;

Select multiple elements from a list

mylist[c(5,7,9)] should do it.

You want the sublists returned as sublists of the result list; you don't use [[]] (or rather, the function is [[) for that -- as Dason mentions in comments, [[ grabs the element.

How can I run another application within a panel of my C# program?

I don't know if this is still the recommended thing to use but the "Object Linking and Embedding" framework allows you to embed certain objects/controls directly into your application. This will probably only work for certain applications, I'm not sure if Notepad is one of them. For really simple things like notepad, you'll probably have an easier time just working with the text box controls provided by whatever medium you're using (e.g. WinForms).

Here's a link to OLE info to get started:

ReactJS lifecycle method inside a function Component

You can make your own "lifecycle methods" using hooks for maximum nostalgia.

Utility functions:

import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";

export const useComponentDidMount = handler => {
  return useEffect(() => {
    return handler();
  }, []);

export const useComponentDidUpdate = (handler, deps) => {
  const isInitialMount = useRef(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isInitialMount.current) {
      isInitialMount.current = false;


    return handler();
  }, deps);


import { useComponentDidMount, useComponentDidUpdate } from "./utils";

export const MyComponent = ({ myProp }) => {
  useComponentDidMount(() => {
    console.log("Component did mount!");

  useComponentDidUpdate(() => {
    console.log("Component did update!");

  useComponentDidUpdate(() => {
    console.log("myProp did update!");
  }, [myProp]);

Get loop counter/index using for…of syntax in JavaScript

As others have said, you shouldn't be using to iterate over an array.

for ( var i = 0, len = myArray.length; i < len; i++ ) { ... }

If you want cleaner syntax, you could use forEach:

myArray.forEach( function ( val, i ) { ... } );

If you want to use this method, make sure that you include the ES5 shim to add support for older browsers.

Getting time elapsed in Objective-C

use the timeIntervalSince1970 function of the NSDate class like below:

double start = [startDate timeIntervalSince1970];
double end = [endDate timeIntervalSince1970];
double difference = end - start;

basically, this is what i use to compare the difference in seconds between 2 different dates. also check this link here

How can I submit form on button click when using preventDefault()?

Change the submit button to a normal button and handle submitting in its onClick event.

As far as I know, there is no way to tell if the form was submitted by Enter Key or the submit button.

How to reverse an std::string?


string reversed(temp.rbegin(), temp.rend());

EDIT: Elaborating as requested.

string::rbegin() and string::rend(), which stand for "reverse begin" and "reverse end" respectively, return reverse iterators into the string. These are objects supporting the standard iterator interface (operator* to dereference to an element, i.e. a character of the string, and operator++ to advance to the "next" element), such that rbegin() points to the last character of the string, rend() points to the first one, and advancing the iterator moves it to the previous character (this is what makes it a reverse iterator).

Finally, the constructor we are passing these iterators into is a string constructor of the form:

template <typename Iterator>
string(Iterator first, Iterator last);

which accepts a pair of iterators of any type denoting a range of characters, and initializes the string to that range of characters.

Why should I use core.autocrlf=true in Git?

Update 2:

Xcode 9 appears to have a "feature" where it will ignore the file's current line endings, and instead just use your default line-ending setting when inserting lines into a file, resulting in files with mixed line endings.

I'm pretty sure this bug didn't exist in Xcode 7; not sure about Xcode 8. The good news is that it appears to be fixed in Xcode 10.

For the time it existed, this bug caused a small amount of hilarity in the codebase I refer to in the question (which to this day uses autocrlf=false), and led to many "EOL" commit messages and eventually to my writing a git pre-commit hook to check for/prevent introducing mixed line endings.


Note: As noted by VonC, starting from Git 2.8, merge markers will not introduce Unix-style line-endings to a Windows-style file.


One little hiccup that I've noticed with this setup is that when there are merge conflicts, the lines git adds to mark up the differences do not have Windows line-endings, even when the rest of the file does, and you can end up with a file with mixed line endings, e.g.:

// Some code<CR><LF>
<<<<<<< Updated upstream<LF>
// Change A<CR><LF>
// Change B<CR><LF>
>>>>>>> Stashed changes<LF>
// More code<CR><LF>

This doesn't cause us any problems (I imagine any tool that can handle both types of line-endings will also deal sensible with mixed line-endings--certainly all the ones we use do), but it's something to be aware of.

The other thing* we've found, is that when using git diff to view changes to a file that has Windows line-endings, lines that have been added display their carriage returns, thus:

    // Not changed

+   // New line added in^M
    // Not changed
    // Not changed

* It doesn't really merit the term: "issue".

How can I tell jackson to ignore a property for which I don't have control over the source code?

If you want to ALWAYS exclude certain properties for any class, you could use setMixInResolver method:

    @JsonIgnoreProperties({"id", "index", "version"})
    abstract class MixIn {

    mapper.setMixInResolver(new ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver(){
        public Class<?> findMixInClassFor(Class<?> cls) {
            return MixIn.class;  

        public ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver copy() {
            return this;

Show git diff on file in staging area

You can also use git diff HEAD file to show the diff for a specific file.

See the EXAMPLE section under git-diff(1)

How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal

My version is I think a little more understandable because my C# knowledge is not so high. I'm using this algorithm: (The Example 2)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

static class Tool
    public static string DecToHex(int x)
        string result = "";

        while (x != 0)
            if ((x % 16) < 10)
                result = x % 16 + result;
                string temp = "";

                switch (x % 16)
                    case 10: temp = "A"; break;
                    case 11: temp = "B"; break;
                    case 12: temp = "C"; break;
                    case 13: temp = "D"; break;
                    case 14: temp = "E"; break;
                    case 15: temp = "F"; break;

                result = temp + result;

            x /= 16;

        return result;

    public static int HexToDec(string x)
        int result = 0;
        int count = x.Length - 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
            int temp = 0;
            switch (x[i])
                case 'A': temp = 10; break;
                case 'B': temp = 11; break;
                case 'C': temp = 12; break;
                case 'D': temp = 13; break;
                case 'E': temp = 14; break;
                case 'F': temp = 15; break;
                default: temp = -48 + (int)x[i]; break; // -48 because of ASCII

            result += temp * (int)(Math.Pow(16, count));

        return result;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.Write("Enter Decimal value: ");
        int decNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.WriteLine("Dec {0} is hex {1}", decNum, Tool.DecToHex(decNum));

        Console.Write("\nEnter Hexadecimal value: ");
        string hexNum = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

        Console.WriteLine("Hex {0} is dec {1}", hexNum, Tool.HexToDec(hexNum));


Get min and max value in PHP Array

$Location_Category_array = array(5,50,7,6,1,7,7,30,50,50,50,40,50,9,9,11,2,2,2,2,2,11,21,21,1,12,1,5);

$count=array_count_values($Location_Category_array);//Counts the values in the array, returns associatve array
        $maxsize = 0;
        $maxvalue = 0;
        foreach($count as $a=>$y){
            echo "<br/>".$a."=".$y;
                $maxvalue = $y;
                    $maxsize = $a;

    echo "<br/>max = ".$maxsize;

Put a Delay in Javascript

Use a AJAX function which will call a php page synchronously and then in that page you can put the php usleep() function which will act as a delay.

function delay(t){

var xmlhttp;

if (window.XMLHttpRequest)

{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari

xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();



{// code for IE6, IE5

xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");


//This will call the page named delay.php and the response will be sent to a division with ID as "response"




Function in JavaScript that can be called only once

Replace it with a reusable NOOP (no operation) function.

// this function does nothing
function noop() {};

function foo() {
    foo = noop; // swap the functions

    // do your thing

function bar() {
    bar = noop; // swap the functions

    // do your thing

Shortcut for creating single item list in C#

var list = new List<string>(1) { "hello" };

Very similar to what others have posted, except that it makes sure to only allocate space for the single item initially.

Of course, if you know you'll be adding a bunch of stuff later it may not be a good idea, but still worth mentioning once.

Reference an Element in a List of Tuples

All of the other answers here are correct but do not explain why what you were trying was wrong. When you do myList[i[0]] you are telling Python that i is a tuple and you want the value or the first element of tuple i as the index for myList.

In the majority of programming languages when you need to access a nested data type (such as arrays, lists, or tuples), you append the brackets to get to the innermost item. The first bracket gives you the location of the tuple in your list. The second bracket gives you the location of the item in the tuple.

This is a quick rudimentary example that I came up with:

info = [ ( 1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6) ]

info[0][0] == 1
info[0][1] == 2
info[1][0] == 3
info[1][1] == 4
info[2][0] == 5
info[2][1] == 6

Create a list with initial capacity in Python

Short version: use

pre_allocated_list = [None] * size

to preallocate a list (that is, to be able to address 'size' elements of the list instead of gradually forming the list by appending). This operation is very fast, even on big lists. Allocating new objects that will be later assigned to list elements will take much longer and will be the bottleneck in your program, performance-wise.

Long version:

I think that initialization time should be taken into account.

Since in Python everything is a reference, it doesn't matter whether you set each element into None or some string - either way it's only a reference. Though it will take longer if you want to create a new object for each element to reference.

For Python 3.2:

import time
import copy

def print_timing (func):
  def wrapper (*arg):
    t1 = time.time()
    res = func (*arg)
    t2 = time.time ()
    print ("{} took {} ms".format (func.__name__, (t2 - t1) * 1000.0))
    return res

  return wrapper

def prealloc_array (size, init = None, cp = True, cpmethod = copy.deepcopy, cpargs = (), use_num = False):
  result = [None] * size
  if init is not None:
    if cp:
      for i in range (size):
          result[i] = init
      if use_num:
        for i in range (size):
            result[i] = cpmethod (i)
        for i in range (size):
            result[i] = cpmethod (cpargs)
  return result

def prealloc_array_by_appending (size):
  result = []
  for i in range (size):
    result.append (None)
  return result

def prealloc_array_by_extending (size):
  result = []
  none_list = [None]
  for i in range (size):
    result.extend (none_list)
  return result

def main ():
  n = 1000000
  x = prealloc_array_by_appending(n)
  y = prealloc_array_by_extending(n)
  a = prealloc_array(n, None)
  b = prealloc_array(n, "content", True)
  c = prealloc_array(n, "content", False, "some object {}".format, ("blah"), False)
  d = prealloc_array(n, "content", False, "some object {}".format, None, True)
  e = prealloc_array(n, "content", False, copy.deepcopy, "a", False)
  f = prealloc_array(n, "content", False, copy.deepcopy, (), False)
  g = prealloc_array(n, "content", False, copy.deepcopy, [], False)

  print ("x[5] = {}".format (x[5]))
  print ("y[5] = {}".format (y[5]))
  print ("a[5] = {}".format (a[5]))
  print ("b[5] = {}".format (b[5]))
  print ("c[5] = {}".format (c[5]))
  print ("d[5] = {}".format (d[5]))
  print ("e[5] = {}".format (e[5]))
  print ("f[5] = {}".format (f[5]))
  print ("g[5] = {}".format (g[5]))

if __name__ == '__main__':


prealloc_array_by_appending took 118.00003051757812 ms
prealloc_array_by_extending took 102.99992561340332 ms
prealloc_array took 3.000020980834961 ms
prealloc_array took 49.00002479553223 ms
prealloc_array took 316.9999122619629 ms
prealloc_array took 473.00004959106445 ms
prealloc_array took 1677.9999732971191 ms
prealloc_array took 2729.999780654907 ms
prealloc_array took 3001.999855041504 ms
x[5] = None
y[5] = None
a[5] = None
b[5] = content
c[5] = some object blah
d[5] = some object 5
e[5] = a
f[5] = []
g[5] = ()

As you can see, just making a big list of references to the same None object takes very little time.

Prepending or extending takes longer (I didn't average anything, but after running this a few times I can tell you that extending and appending take roughly the same time).

Allocating new object for each element - that is what takes the most time. And S.Lott's answer does that - formats a new string every time. Which is not strictly required - if you want to preallocate some space, just make a list of None, then assign data to list elements at will. Either way it takes more time to generate data than to append/extend a list, whether you generate it while creating the list, or after that. But if you want a sparsely-populated list, then starting with a list of None is definitely faster.

How can I loop through a List<T> and grab each item?


foreach (var money in myMoney) {
    Console.WriteLine("Amount is {0} and type is {1}", money.amount, money.type);


Alternatively, because it is a List<T>.. which implements an indexer method [], you can use a normal for loop as well.. although its less readble (IMO):

for (var i = 0; i < myMoney.Count; i++) {
    Console.WriteLine("Amount is {0} and type is {1}", myMoney[i].amount, myMoney[i].type);

How can I add an empty directory to a Git repository?

Just add empty (with no content) .gitignore file in the empty directory you want to track.

E.g. if you want to track empty dir /project/content/posts then create new empty file /project/content/posts/.gitignore

Note: .gitkeep is not part of official git:

enter image description here

How to fix getImageData() error The canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data?

My problem was so messed up I just base64 encoded the image to ensure there couldn't be any CORS issues

Paste MS Excel data to SQL Server

Can't you use VBA code to do the copy from excel and paste into SSMS operations?

How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle?

Here is my solution for mac users I think it work for window also:

First go to your Android Studio toolbar

Build > Make Project (while you guys are online let it to download the files) and then

Build > Compile Module "your app name is shown here" (still online let the files are
download and finish) and then

Run your app that is done it will launch your emulator and configure it then run it!

That is it!!! Happy Coding guys!!!!!!!

Set output of a command as a variable (with pipes)

The lack of a Linux-like backtick/backquote facility is a major annoyance of the pre-PowerShell world. Using backquotes via for-loops is not at all cosy. So we need kinda of setvar myvar cmd-line command.

In my %path% I have a dir with a number of bins and batches to cope with those Win shortcomings.

One batch I wrote is:

:: setvar varname cmd
:: Set VARNAME to the output of CMD
:: Triple escape pipes, eg:
:: setvar x  dir c:\ ^^^| sort 
:: -----------------------------

@echo off

:: Get command from argument 
for /F "tokens=1,*" %%a in ("%*") do set cmd=%%b

:: Get output and set var
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`%cmd%`) do (
     set %1=%%a

:: Show results 
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
echo %1=!%1! 

So in your case, you would type:

> setvar text echo Hello

The script informs you of the results, which means you can:

> echo text var is now %text%
text var is now Hello 

You can use whatever command:

> setvar text FIND "Jones" names.txt

What if the command you want to pipe to some variable contains itself a pipe?
Triple escape it, ^^^|:

> setvar text dir c:\ ^^^| find "Win"

How to see which flags -march=native will activate?

I'm going to throw my two cents into this question and suggest a slightly more verbose extension of elias's answer. As of gcc 4.6, running of gcc -march=native -v -E - < /dev/null emits an increasing amount of spam in the form of superfluous -mno-* flags. The following will strip these:

gcc -march=native -v -E - < /dev/null 2>&1 | grep cc1 | perl -pe 's/ -mno-\S+//g; s/^.* - //g;'

However, I have only verified the correctness of this on two different CPUs (an Intel Core2 and AMD Phenom), so I suggest also running the following script to be sure that all of these -mno-* flags can be safely stripped.

2021 EDIT: There are indeed machines where -march=native uses a particular -march value, but must disable some implied ISAs (Instruction Set Architecture) with -mno-*.



# Optionally supply path to gcc as first argument
if (($#)); then

    "${gcc_cmd}" -march=native -mtune=native -v -E - < /dev/null 2>&1 |
    grep cc1 |
    perl -pe 's/^.* - //g;'
without_mno=$(echo "${with_mno}" | perl -pe 's/ -mno-\S+//g;')

"${gcc_cmd}" ${with_mno}    -dM -E - < /dev/null > /tmp/gcctest.a.$$
"${gcc_cmd}" ${without_mno} -dM -E - < /dev/null > /tmp/gcctest.b.$$

if diff -u /tmp/gcctest.{a,b}.$$; then
    echo "Safe to strip -mno-* options."
    echo "WARNING! Some -mno-* options are needed!"
    exit 1

rm /tmp/gcctest.{a,b}.$$

I haven't found a difference between gcc -march=native -v -E - < /dev/null and gcc -march=native -### -E - < /dev/null other than some parameters being quoted -- and parameters that contain no special characters, so I'm not sure under what circumstances this makes any real difference.

Finally, note that --march=native was introduced in gcc 4.2, prior to which it is just an unrecognized argument.

Angular2 dynamic change CSS property

Angular 6 + Alyle UI

With Alyle UI you can change the styles dynamically

Here a demo stackblitz

  declarations: [
  imports: [
        name: 'myTheme',
        primary: {
          default: '#00bcd4'
        accent: {
          default: '#ff4081'
        scheme: 'myCustomScheme', // myCustomScheme from colorSchemes
        lightGreen: '#8bc34a',
        colorSchemes: {
          light: {
            myColor: 'teal',
          dark: {
            myColor: '#FF923D'
          myCustomScheme: {
            background: {
              primary: '#dde4e6',
            text: {
              default: '#fff'
            myColor: '#C362FF'
    LyCommonModule, // for bg, color, raised and others
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


<div [className]="classes.card">dynamic style</div>
<p color="myColor">myColor</p>
<p bg="myColor">myColor</p>

For change Style

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { LyTheme } from '@alyle/ui';

@Component({ ... })
export class AppComponent  {
  classes = {
    card: this.theme.setStyle(
      'card', // key
      () => (
        // style
        `background-color: ${this.theme.palette.myColor};` +
        `position: relative;` +
        `margin: 1em;` +
        `text-align: center;`
    public theme: LyTheme
  ) { }

  changeScheme() {
    const scheme = this.theme.palette.scheme === 'light' ?
    'dark' : this.theme.palette.scheme === 'dark' ?
    'myCustomScheme' : 'light';

Github Repository

Location Services not working in iOS 8

For those using Xamarin, I had to add the key NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription to the info.plist manually since it was not available in the dropdowns in either Xamarin 5.5.3 Build 6 or XCode 6.1 - only NSLocationUsageDescription was in the list, and that caused the CLLocationManager to continue to fail silently.

What is WEB-INF used for in a Java EE web application?

The Servlet 2.4 specification says this about WEB-INF (page 70):

A special directory exists within the application hierarchy named WEB-INF. This directory contains all things related to the application that aren’t in the document root of the application. The WEB-INF node is not part of the public document tree of the application. No file contained in the WEB-INF directory may be served directly to a client by the container. However, the contents of the WEB-INF directory are visible to servlet code using the getResource and getResourceAsStream method calls on the ServletContext, and may be exposed using the RequestDispatcher calls.

This means that WEB-INF resources are accessible to the resource loader of your Web-Application and not directly visible for the public.

This is why a lot of projects put their resources like JSP files, JARs/libraries and their own class files or property files or any other sensitive information in the WEB-INF folder. Otherwise they would be accessible by using a simple static URL (usefull to load CSS or Javascript for instance).

Your JSP files can be anywhere though from a technical perspective. For instance in Spring you can configure them to be in WEB-INF explicitly:

<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver"
    p:suffix=".jsp" >

The WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib folders mentioned in Wikipedia's WAR files article are examples of folders required by the Servlet specification at runtime.

It is important to make the difference between the structure of a project and the structure of the resulting WAR file.

The structure of the project will in some cases partially reflect the structure of the WAR file (for static resources such as JSP files or HTML and JavaScript files, but this is not always the case.

The transition from the project structure into the resulting WAR file is done by a build process.

While you are usually free to design your own build process, nowadays most people will use a standardized approach such as Apache Maven. Among other things Maven defines defaults for which resources in the project structure map to what resources in the resulting artifact (the resulting artifact is the WAR file in this case). In some cases the mapping consists of a plain copy process in other cases the mapping process includes a transformation, such as filtering or compiling and others.

One example: The WEB-INF/classes folder will later contain all compiled java classes and resources (src/main/java and src/main/resources) that need to be loaded by the Classloader to start the application.

Another example: The WEB-INF/lib folder will later contain all jar files needed by the application. In a maven project the dependencies are managed for you and maven automatically copies the needed jar files to the WEB-INF/lib folder for you. That explains why you don't have a lib folder in a maven project.

Multiple conditions with CASE statements

It's not a cut and paste. The CASE expression must return a value, and you are returning a string containing SQL (which is technically a value but of a wrong type). This is what you wanted to write, I think:

SELECT * FROM [Purchasing].[Vendor] WHERE  
  WHEN @url IS null OR @url = '' OR @url = 'ALL'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL LIKE '%'
  WHEN @url = 'blank'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL = ''
  WHEN @url = 'fail'
    THEN PurchasingWebServiceURL NOT LIKE '%treyresearch%'
  ELSE PurchasingWebServiceURL = '%' + @url + '%' 

I also suspect that this might not work in some dialects, but can't test now (Oracle, I'm looking at you), due to not having booleans.

However, since @url is not dependent on the table values, why not make three different queries, and choose which to evaluate based on your parameter?

Razor-based view doesn't see referenced assemblies

None of the above worked for me either;

  • Dlls were set to Copy Local
  • Adding namespaces to both web.configs did nothing
  • Adding assembly references to system.web\compilation\assemblies also did not help (although I have not removed these references, so it may be that they are needed too)

But I finally found something that worked for me:

It was because I had my Build Output going to bin\Debug\ for Debug configuration and bin\Release\ for Release configuations. As soon as I changed the Build Configuation to "bin\" for All configuations (as per image below) then everything started working as it should!!!

Build Configuration

I have no idea why separating out your builds into Release and Debug folders should cause Razor syntax to break, but it seems to be because something couldn't find the assemblies. For me the projects that were having the razor syntax issues are actually my 'razor library' projects. They are set as Application Projects however I use them as class libraries with RazorGenerator to compile my views. When I actually tried to run one of these projects directly it caused the following Configuration error:

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Helpers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

This lead me to trying to change the Build Output, as I notice that for all web projects the Build Output seems to always be directly to the bin folder, unlike the default for class libraries, which have both release and debug folders.

Twitter Bootstrap button click to toggle expand/collapse text section above button

Based on the doc

<div class="row">
    <div class="span4 collapse-group">
        <p class="collapse">Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui. </p>
        <p><a class="btn" href="#">View details &raquo;</a></p>
$('.row .btn').on('click', function(e) {
    var $this = $(this);
    var $collapse = $this.closest('.collapse-group').find('.collapse');

Working demo.

How to check a string against null in java?

Sure it works. You're missing out a vital part of the code. You just need to do like this:

boolean isNull = false;
try {
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
    isNull = true;


How to specify 64 bit integers in c

Append ll suffix to hex digits for 64-bit (long long int), or ull suffix for unsigned 64-bit (unsigned long long)

VB.NET - Remove a characters from a String

The string class's Replace method can also be used to remove multiple characters from a string:

Dim newstring As String
newstring = oldstring.Replace(",", "").Replace(";", "")

Show space, tab, CRLF characters in editor of Visual Studio

The shortcut didn't work for me in Visual Studio 2015, also it was not in the edit menu.

Download and install the Productivity Power Tools for VS2015 and than you can find these options in the edit > advanced menu.

Is it possible to delete an object's property in PHP?

This also works specially if you are looping over an object.



Newer versions of PHP throw fatal error Fatal error: Cannot use object of type Object as array as mentioned by @CXJ . In that case you can use brackets instead


Fastest Way of Inserting in Entity Framework

I agree with Adam Rackis. SqlBulkCopy is the fastest way of transferring bulk records from one data source to another. I used this to copy 20K records and it took less than 3 seconds. Have a look at the example below.

public static void InsertIntoMembers(DataTable dataTable)
    using (var connection = new SqlConnection(@"data source=;persist security info=True;user id=;password=;initial catalog=;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework"))
        SqlTransaction transaction = null;
            transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();
            using (var sqlBulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection, SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock, transaction))
                sqlBulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "Members";
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Firstname", "Firstname");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Lastname", "Lastname");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("DOB", "DOB");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Gender", "Gender");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Email", "Email");

                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Address1", "Address1");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Address2", "Address2");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Address3", "Address3");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Address4", "Address4");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Postcode", "Postcode");

                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("MobileNumber", "MobileNumber");
                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TelephoneNumber", "TelephoneNumber");

                sqlBulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("Deleted", "Deleted");

        catch (Exception)


Ruby value of a hash key?

As an addition to e.g. @Intrepidd s answer, in certain situations you want to use fetch instead of []. For fetch not to throw an exception when the key is not found, pass it a default value.

puts "ok" if hash.fetch('key', nil) == 'X'

Reference: .

Differences Between vbLf, vbCrLf & vbCr Constants

 Constant   Value               Description
 vbCr       Chr(13)             Carriage return
 vbCrLf     Chr(13) & Chr(10)   Carriage return–linefeed combination
 vbLf       Chr(10)             Line feed
  • vbCr : - return to line beginning
    Represents a carriage-return character for print and display functions.

  • vbCrLf : - similar to pressing Enter
    Represents a carriage-return character combined with a linefeed character for print and display functions.

  • vbLf : - go to next line
    Represents a linefeed character for print and display functions.

Read More from Constants Class

Converting string into datetime

Use the third party dateutil library:

from dateutil import parser
parser.parse("Aug 28 1999 12:00AM")  # datetime.datetime(1999, 8, 28, 0, 0)

It can handle most date formats, including the one you need to parse. It's more convenient than strptime as it can guess the correct format most of the time.

It's very useful for writing tests, where readability is more important than performance.

You can install it with:

pip install python-dateutil

How do I enable NuGet Package Restore in Visual Studio?

As already mentioned by Mike, there is no option 'Enable NuGet Package Restore' in VS2015. You'll have to invoke the restore process manually. A nice way - without messing with files and directories - is using the NuGet Package Management Console: Click into the 'Quick start' field (usually in the upper right corner), enter console, open the management console, and enter command:

Update-Package –reinstall

This will re-install all packages of all projects in your solution. To specify a single project, enter:

Update-Package –reinstall -ProjectName MyProject

Of course this is only necessary when the Restore button - sometimes offered by VS2015 - is not available. More useful update commands are listed and explained here:

Get array elements from index to end

The [:-1] removes the last element. Instead of




You can read up on Python slicing notation here: Explain Python's slice notation

NumPy slicing is an extension of that. The NumPy tutorial has some coverage: Indexing, Slicing and Iterating.

How to view the dependency tree of a given npm module?

Here is the unpowerful official command:

npm view <PACKAGE> dependencies

It prints only the direct dependencies, not the whole tree.

How to output HTML from JSP <%! ... %> block?

too late to answer it but this help others

     public void printChild(Categories cat, HttpServletResponse res ){
          if(cat.getCategoriesSet().size() >0){
              res.getWriter().write("") ; 
       }catch(Exception exp){



Import Google Play Services library in Android Studio

I solved the problem by installing the google play services package in sdk manager.

After it, create a new application & in the build.gradle add this

compile ''

Like this

dependencies {
    compile ''
    compile ''

Omitting all xsi and xsd namespaces when serializing an object in .NET?

After reading Microsoft's documentation and several solutions online, I have discovered the solution to this problem. It works with both the built-in XmlSerializer and custom XML serialization via IXmlSerialiazble.

To wit, I'll use the same MyTypeWithNamespaces XML sample that's been used in the answers to this question so far.

[XmlRoot("MyTypeWithNamespaces", Namespace="urn:Abracadabra", IsNullable=false)]
public class MyTypeWithNamespaces
    // As noted below, per Microsoft's documentation, if the class exposes a public
    // member of type XmlSerializerNamespaces decorated with the 
    // XmlNamespacesDeclarationAttribute, then the XmlSerializer will utilize those
    // namespaces during serialization.
    public MyTypeWithNamespaces( )
        this._namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new XmlQualifiedName[] {
            // Don't do this!! Microsoft's documentation explicitly says it's not supported.
            // It doesn't throw any exceptions, but in my testing, it didn't always work.

            // new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, string.Empty),  // And don't do this:
            // new XmlQualifiedName("", "")

            // DO THIS:
            new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, "urn:Abracadabra") // Default Namespace
            // Add any other namespaces, with prefixes, here.

    // If you have other constructors, make sure to call the default constructor.
    public MyTypeWithNamespaces(string label, int epoch) : this( )
        this._label = label;
        this._epoch = epoch;

    // An element with a declared namespace different than the namespace
    // of the enclosing type.
    public string Label
        get { return this._label; }
        set { this._label = value; }
    private string _label;

    // An element whose tag will be the same name as the property name.
    // Also, this element will inherit the namespace of the enclosing type.
    public int Epoch
        get { return this._epoch; }
        set { this._epoch = value; }
    private int _epoch;

    // Per Microsoft's documentation, you can add some public member that
    // returns a XmlSerializerNamespaces object. They use a public field,
    // but that's sloppy. So I'll use a private backed-field with a public
    // getter property. Also, per the documentation, for this to work with
    // the XmlSerializer, decorate it with the XmlNamespaceDeclarations
    // attribute.
    public XmlSerializerNamespaces Namespaces
        get { return this._namespaces; }
    private XmlSerializerNamespaces _namespaces;

That's all to this class. Now, some objected to having an XmlSerializerNamespaces object somewhere within their classes; but as you can see, I neatly tucked it away in the default constructor and exposed a public property to return the namespaces.

Now, when it comes time to serialize the class, you would use the following code:

MyTypeWithNamespaces myType = new MyTypeWithNamespaces("myLabel", 42);

   OK, I just figured I could do this to make the code shorter, so I commented out the
   below and replaced it with what follows:

// You have to use this constructor in order for the root element to have the right namespaces.
// If you need to do custom serialization of inner objects, you can use a shortened constructor.
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces), new XmlAttributeOverrides(),
    new Type[]{}, new XmlRootAttribute("MyTypeWithNamespaces"), "urn:Abracadabra");

XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces),
    new XmlRootAttribute("MyTypeWithNamespaces") { Namespace="urn:Abracadabra" });

// I'll use a MemoryStream as my backing store.
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

// This is extra! If you want to change the settings for the XmlSerializer, you have to create
// a separate XmlWriterSettings object and use the XmlTextWriter.Create(...) factory method.
// So, in this case, I want to omit the XML declaration.
XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings();
xws.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
xws.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; // This is probably the default
// You could use the XmlWriterSetting to set indenting and new line options, but the
// XmlTextWriter class has a much easier method to accomplish that.

// The factory method returns a XmlWriter, not a XmlTextWriter, so cast it.
XmlTextWriter xtw = (XmlTextWriter)XmlTextWriter.Create(ms, xws);
// Then we can set our indenting options (this is, of course, optional).
xtw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

// Now serialize our object.
xs.Serialize(xtw, myType, myType.Namespaces);

Once you have done this, you should get the following output:

    <Label xmlns="urn:Whoohoo">myLabel</Label>

I have successfully used this method in a recent project with a deep hierachy of classes that are serialized to XML for web service calls. Microsoft's documentation is not very clear about what to do with the publicly accesible XmlSerializerNamespaces member once you've created it, and so many think it's useless. But by following their documentation and using it in the manner shown above, you can customize how the XmlSerializer generates XML for your classes without resorting to unsupported behavior or "rolling your own" serialization by implementing IXmlSerializable.

It is my hope that this answer will put to rest, once and for all, how to get rid of the standard xsi and xsd namespaces generated by the XmlSerializer.

UPDATE: I just want to make sure I answered the OP's question about removing all namespaces. My code above will work for this; let me show you how. Now, in the example above, you really can't get rid of all namespaces (because there are two namespaces in use). Somewhere in your XML document, you're going to need to have something like xmlns="urn:Abracadabra" xmlns:w="urn:Whoohoo. If the class in the example is part of a larger document, then somewhere above a namespace must be declared for either one of (or both) Abracadbra and Whoohoo. If not, then the element in one or both of the namespaces must be decorated with a prefix of some sort (you can't have two default namespaces, right?). So, for this example, Abracadabra is the defalt namespace. I could inside my MyTypeWithNamespaces class add a namespace prefix for the Whoohoo namespace like so:

public MyTypeWithNamespaces
    this._namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new XmlQualifiedName[] {
        new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, "urn:Abracadabra"), // Default Namespace
        new XmlQualifiedName("w", "urn:Whoohoo")

Now, in my class definition, I indicated that the <Label/> element is in the namespace "urn:Whoohoo", so I don't need to do anything further. When I now serialize the class using my above serialization code unchanged, this is the output:

<MyTypeWithNamespaces xmlns:w="urn:Whoohoo">

Because <Label> is in a different namespace from the rest of the document, it must, in someway, be "decorated" with a namespace. Notice that there are still no xsi and xsd namespaces.

Set a persistent environment variable from cmd.exe

An example with VBScript (.vbs)

Sub sety(wsh, action, typey, vary, value)
  Dim wu
  Set wu = wsh.Environment(typey)
  wui = wu.Item(vary)
  Select Case action
    Case "ls"
      WScript.Echo wui
    Case "del"
      On Error Resume Next
      On Error Goto 0
    Case "set"
      wu.Item(vary) = value
    Case "add"
      If wui = "" Then
        wu.Item(vary) = value
      ElseIf InStr(UCase(";" & wui & ";"), UCase(";" & value & ";")) = 0 Then
        wu.Item(vary) = value & ";" & wui
      End If
    Case Else
      WScript.Echo "Bad action"
  End Select
End Sub

Dim wsh, args
Set wsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set args = WScript.Arguments
Select Case WScript.Arguments.Length
  Case 3
    value = ""
  Case 4
    value = args(3)
  Case Else
    WScript.Echo "Arguments - 0: ls,del,set,add; 1: user,system, 2: variable; 3: value"
    value = "```"
End Select
If Not value = "```" Then
  ' 0: ls,del,set,add; 1: user,system, 2: variable; 3: value
  sety wsh, args(0), args(1), UCase(args(2)), value
End If

How to compare two Dates without the time portion?

public static Date getZeroTimeDate(Date fecha) {
    Date res = fecha;
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

    calendar.setTime( fecha );
    calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
    calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

    res = calendar.getTime();

    return res;

Date currentDate = getZeroTimeDate(new Date());// get current date   

this is the simplest way to solve this problem.

How to create relationships in MySQL

Adding onto the comment by ehogue, you should make the size of the keys on both tables match. Rather than

customer_id INT( 4 ) NOT NULL ,

make it

customer_id INT( 10 ) NOT NULL ,

and make sure your int column in the customers table is int(10) also.

How do you set your pythonpath in an already-created virtualenv?

You can create a .pth file that contains the directory to search for, and place it in the {venv-root}/lib/{python-version}/site-packages directory. E.g.:

cd $(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")
echo /some/library/path > some-library.pth

The effect is the same as adding /some/library/path to sys.path, and remain local to the virtualenv setup.

List all the files and folders in a Directory with PHP recursive function

@A-312's solution may cause memory problems as it may create a huge array if /xampp/htdocs/WORK contains a lot of files and folders.

If you have PHP 7 then you can use Generators and optimize PHP's memory like this:

function getDirContents($dir) {
    $files = scandir($dir);
    foreach($files as $key => $value){

        $path = realpath($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$value);
        if(!is_dir($path)) {
            yield $path;

        } else if($value != "." && $value != "..") {
           yield from getDirContents($path);
           yield $path;

foreach(getDirContents('/xampp/htdocs/WORK') as $value) {
    echo $value."\n";

yield from

How to set button click effect in Android?

Use RippleDrawable for Material Design state pressed/clicked effect.

In order to achieve this, create ripple item as an .xml under /drawable folder and use it in android:background for any views.

  • Effect for icon pressed/clicked, use circular ripple effect, for example:

    <ripple xmlns:android="" android:color="@android:color/darker_gray" />

  • Effect for view clicked with rectangle boundary, we can add ripple over the existing drawable like bellow:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ripple xmlns:android="" android:color="#000000"> <item android:drawable="@drawable/your_background_drawable"/> </ripple>

Responsive Image full screen and centered - maintain aspect ratio, not exceed window

After a lot of trial and error I found this solved my problems. This is used to display photos on TVs via a browser.

  • It Keeps the photos aspect ratio
  • Scales in vertical and horizontal
  • Centers vertically and horizontal
  • The only thing to watch for are really wide images. They do stretch to fill, but not by much, standard camera photos are not altered.

    Give it a try :)

*only tested in chrome so far


<div class="frame">
  <img src="image.jpg"/>


.frame {
  border: 1px solid red;

  min-height: 98%;
  max-height: 98%;
  min-width: 99%;
  max-width: 99%;

  text-align: center;
  margin: auto;
  position: absolute;
img {
  border: 1px solid blue;

  min-height: 98%;
  max-width: 99%;
  max-height: 98%;

  width: auto;
  height: auto;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  margin: auto;

Checking for the correct number of arguments

You can check the total number of arguments which are passed in command line with "$#" Say for Example my shell script name is

sh hello-world
# I am passing hello-world as argument in command line which will b considered as 1 argument 
if [ $# -eq 1 ] 
    echo $1
    echo "invalid argument please pass only one argument "

Output will be hello-world

How to find length of a string array?

String car [];

is a reference to an array of String-s. You can't see a length because there is no array there!

Where does the slf4j log file get saved?

The log file is not visible because the slf4j configuration file location needs to passed to the java run command using the following arguments .(e.g.)


or this:


Transposing a 1D NumPy array

Use two bracket pairs instead of one. This creates a 2D array, which can be transposed, unlike the 1D array you create if you use one bracket pair.

import numpy as np    
a = np.array([[5, 4]])

More thorough example:

>>> a = [3,6,9]
>>> b = np.array(a)
>>> b.T
array([3, 6, 9])         #Here it didn't transpose because 'a' is 1 dimensional
>>> b = np.array([a])
>>> b.T
array([[3],              #Here it did transpose because a is 2 dimensional

Use numpy's shape method to see what is going on here:

>>> b = np.array([10,20,30])
>>> b.shape
>>> b = np.array([[10,20,30]])
>>> b.shape
(1, 3)

Finding multiple occurrences of a string within a string in Python

This version should be linear in length of the string, and should be fine as long as the sequences aren't too repetitive (in which case you can replace the recursion with a while loop).

def find_all(st, substr, start_pos=0, accum=[]):
    ix = st.find(substr, start_pos)
    if ix == -1:
        return accum
    return find_all(st, substr, start_pos=ix + 1, accum=accum + [ix])

bstpierre's list comprehension is a good solution for short sequences, but looks to have quadratic complexity and never finished on a long text I was using.

findall_lc = lambda txt, substr: [n for n in xrange(len(txt))
                                   if txt.find(substr, n) == n]

For a random string of non-trivial length, the two functions give the same result:

import random, string; random.seed(0)
s = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(100000)])

>>> find_all(s, 'th') == findall_lc(s, 'th')
>>> findall_lc(s, 'th')[:4]
[564, 818, 1872, 2470]

But the quadratic version is about 300 times slower

%timeit find_all(s, 'th')
1000 loops, best of 3: 282 µs per loop

%timeit findall_lc(s, 'th')    
10 loops, best of 3: 92.3 ms per loop

How to make all controls resize accordingly proportionally when window is maximized?

In WPF there are certain 'container' controls that automatically resize their contents and there are some that don't.

Here are some that do not resize their contents (I'm guessing that you are using one or more of these):


Here are some that do resize their contents:


Therefore, it is almost always preferable to use a Grid instead of a StackPanel unless you do not want automatic resizing to occur. Please note that it is still possible for a Grid to not size its inner controls... it all depends on your Grid.RowDefinition and Grid.ColumnDefinition settings:

        <RowDefinition Height="100" /> <!--<<< Exact Height... won't resize -->
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <!--<<< Will resize to the size of contents -->
        <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <!--<<< Will resize taking all remaining space -->

You can find out more about the Grid control from the Grid Class page on MSDN. You can also find out more about these container controls from the WPF Container Controls Overview page on MSDN.

Further resizing can be achieved using the FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignment and FrameworkElement.VerticalAlignment properties. The default value of these properties is Stretch which will stretch elements to fit the size of their containing controls. However, when they are set to any other value, the elements will not stretch.


In response to the questions in your comment:

Use the Grid.RowDefinition and Grid.ColumnDefinition settings to organise a basic structure first... it is common to add Grid controls into the cells of outer Grid controls if need be. You can also use the Grid.ColumnSpan and Grid.RowSpan properties to enable controls to span multiple columns and/or rows of a Grid.

It is most common to have at least one row/column with a Height/Width of "*" which will fill all remaining space, but you can have two or more with this setting, in which case the remaining space will be split between the two (or more) rows/columns. 'Auto' is a good setting to use for the rows/columns that are not set to '"*"', but it really depends on how you want the layout to be.

There is no Auto setting that you can use on the controls in the cells, but this is just as well, because we want the Grid to size the controls for us... therefore, we don't want to set the Height or Width of these controls at all.

The point that I made about the FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignment and FrameworkElement.VerticalAlignment properties was just to let you know of their existence... as their default value is already Stretch, you don't generally need to set them explicitly.

The Margin property is generally just used to space your controls out evenly... if you drag and drop controls from the Visual Studio Toolbox, VS will set the Margin property to place your control exactly where you dropped it but generally, this is not what we want as it will mess with the auto sizing of controls. If you do this, then just delete or edit the Margin property to suit your needs.

NLTK and Stopwords Fail #lookuperror

import nltk

Click on download button when gui prompted. It worked for me.('stopwords') doesn't work for me)

jQuery append() vs appendChild()

appendChild is a pure javascript method where as append is a jQuery method.

How do I parse JSON in Android?

I've coded up a simple example for you and annotated the source. The example shows how to grab live json and parse into a JSONObject for detail extraction:

    // Create a new HTTP Client
    DefaultHttpClient defaultClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    // Setup the get request
    HttpGet httpGetRequest = new HttpGet("http://example.json");

    // Execute the request in the client
    HttpResponse httpResponse = defaultClient.execute(httpGetRequest);
    // Grab the response
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"));
    String json = reader.readLine();

    // Instantiate a JSON object from the request response
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);

} catch(Exception e){
    // In your production code handle any errors and catch the individual exceptions

Once you have your JSONObject refer to the SDK for details on how to extract the data you require.

Why an abstract class implementing an interface can miss the declaration/implementation of one of the interface's methods?

Perfectly fine.
You can't instantiate abstract classes.. but abstract classes can be used to house common implementations for m1() and m3().
So if m2() implementation is different for each implementation but m1 and m3 are not. You could create different concrete IAnything implementations with just the different m2 implementation and derive from AbstractThing -- honoring the DRY principle. Validating if the interface is completely implemented for an abstract class is futile..

Update: Interestingly, I find that C# enforces this as a compile error. You are forced to copy the method signatures and prefix them with 'abstract public' in the abstract base class in this scenario.. (something new everyday:)

Java String to SHA1

As mentioned before use apache commons codec. It's recommended by Spring guys as well (see DigestUtils in Spring doc). E.g.:


Definitely wouldn't use the top rated answer here.

System.Security.SecurityException when writing to Event Log

I had this issue when running an app within VS. All I had to do was run the program as Administrator once, then I could run from within VS.

To run as Administrator, just navigate to your debug folder in windows explorer. Right-click on the program and choose Run as administrator.

Calculate RSA key fingerprint

If your SSH agent is running, it is

ssh-add -l

to list RSA fingerprints of all identities, or -L for listing public keys.

If your agent is not running, try:

ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add; ssh-add -l'

And for your public keys:

ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add; ssh-add -L'

If you get the message: 'The agent has no identities.', then you have to generate your RSA key by ssh-keygen first.

JavaScript: How to find out if the user browser is Chrome?

Works for me on Chrome on Mac. Seems to be or simpler or more reliable (in case userAgent string tested) than all above.

        var isChrome = false;
        if ( && !window.opr){
            isChrome = true;

Enter export password to generate a P12 certificate

I know this thread has been idle for a while, but I just wanted to add my two cents to supplement jariq's comment...

Per manual, you don't necessary want to use -password option.

Let's say mykey.key has a password and your want to protect iphone-dev.p12 with another password, this is what you'd use:

pkcs12 -export -inkey mykey.key -in developer_identity.pem -out iphone_dev.p12 -passin pass:password_for_mykey -passout pass:password_for_iphone_dev

Have fun scripting!!

n-grams in python, four, five, six grams?

Using only nltk tools

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.util import ngrams

def get_ngrams(text, n ):
    n_grams = ngrams(word_tokenize(text), n)
    return [ ' '.join(grams) for grams in n_grams]

Example output

get_ngrams('This is the simplest text i could think of', 3 )

['This is the', 'is the simplest', 'the simplest text', 'simplest text i', 'text i could', 'i could think', 'could think of']

In order to keep the ngrams in array format just remove ' '.join

Foreign key referencing a 2 columns primary key in SQL Server

The Content table likely to have multiple duplicate Application values that can't be mapped to Libraries. Is it possible to drop the Application column from the Libraries Primary Key Index and add it as a Unique Key Index instead?

Where can I find a list of escape characters required for my JSON ajax return type?

Right away, I can tell that at least the double quotes in the HTML tags are gonna be a problem. Those are probably all you'll need to escape for it to be valid JSON; just replace




As for outputting user-input text, you do need to make sure you run it through HttpUtility.HtmlEncode() to avoid XSS attacks and to make sure that it doesn't screw up the formatting of your page.

What is the most efficient string concatenation method in python?

''.join(sequenceofstrings) is what usually works best -- simplest and fastest.

Checkout Jenkins Pipeline Git SCM with credentials?

For what it's worth adding to the discussion... what I did that ended up helping me... Since the pipeline is run within a workspace within a docker image that is cleaned up each time it runs. I grabbed the credentials needed to perform necessary operations on the repo within my pipeline and stored them in a .netrc file. this allowed me to authorize the git repo operations successfully.

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '<credentials-id>', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME')]) {
    sh '''
        printf "machine\nlogin $GIT_USERNAME\n password $GIT_PASSWORD" >> ~/.netrc
        // continue script as necessary working with git repo...

C compile error: Id returned 1 exit status

My solution is to try to open another file that you can successfully run that you do at another PC, open that file and run it, after that copy that file and make a new file. Try to run it.

How do I call one constructor from another in Java?

Using this keyword we can call one constructor in another constructor within same class.

Example :-

 public class Example {
      private String name;
      public Example() {

      public Example(String name) {
 = name;


MySQL Error #1133 - Can't find any matching row in the user table

If you're using PHPMyAdmin you have to be logged in as root to be able to change root password. in user put root than leave password blank than change your password.

How to create exe of a console application

The following steps are necessary to create .exe i.e. executable files which are as 1) Open visual studio framework 2) Then, create a new project or application 3) Build or execute your application by pressing F5

What does the Ellipsis object do?

Summing up what others have said, as of Python 3, Ellipsis is essentially another singleton constant similar to None, but without a particular intended use. Existing uses include:

  • In slice syntax to represent the full slice in remaining dimensions
  • In type hinting to indicate only part of a type(Callable[..., int] or Tuple[str, ...])
  • In type stub files to indicate there is a default value without specifying it

Possible uses could include:

  • As a default value for places where None is a valid option
  • As the content for a function you haven't implemented yet

Unit Testing C Code

One unit testing framework in C is Check; a list of unit testing frameworks in C can be found here and is reproduced below. Depending on how many standard library functions your runtime has, you may or not be able to use one of those.


AceUnit (Advanced C and Embedded Unit) bills itself as a comfortable C code unit test framework. It tries to mimick JUnit 4.x and includes reflection-like capabilities. AceUnit can be used in resource constraint environments, e.g. embedded software development, and importantly it runs fine in environments where you cannot include a single standard header file and cannot invoke a single standard C function from the ANSI / ISO C libraries. It also has a Windows port. It does not use forks to trap signals, although the authors have expressed interest in adding such a feature. See the AceUnit homepage.

GNU Autounit

Much along the same lines as Check, including forking to run unit tests in a separate address space (in fact, the original author of Check borrowed the idea from GNU Autounit). GNU Autounit uses GLib extensively, which means that linking and such need special options, but this may not be a big problem to you, especially if you are already using GTK or GLib. See the GNU Autounit homepage.


Also uses GLib, but does not fork to protect the address space of unit tests.


Standard C, with plans for a Win32 GUI implementation. Does not currently fork or otherwise protect the address space of unit tests. In early development. See the CUnit homepage.


A simple framework with just one .c and one .h file that you drop into your source tree. See the CuTest homepage.


The premier unit testing framework for C++; you can also use it to test C code. It is stable, actively developed, and has a GUI interface. The primary reasons not to use CppUnit for C are first that it is quite big, and second you have to write your tests in C++, which means you need a C++ compiler. If these don’t sound like concerns, it is definitely worth considering, along with other C++ unit testing frameworks. See the CppUnit homepage.


embUnit (Embedded Unit) is another unit test framework for embedded systems. This one appears to be superseded by AceUnit. Embedded Unit homepage.


A minimal set of macros and that’s it! The point is to show how easy it is to unit test your code. See the MinUnit homepage.

CUnit for Mr. Ando

A CUnit implementation that is fairly new, and apparently still in early development. See the CUnit for Mr. Ando homepage.

This list was last updated in March 2008.

More frameworks:


CMocka is a test framework for C with support for mock objects. It's easy to use and setup.

See the CMocka homepage.


Criterion is a cross-platform C unit testing framework supporting automatic test registration, parameterized tests, theories, and that can output to multiple formats, including TAP and JUnit XML. Each test is run in its own process, so signals and crashes can be reported or tested if needed.

See the Criterion homepage for more information.


HWUT is a general Unit Test tool with great support for C. It can help to create Makefiles, generate massive test cases coded in minimal 'iteration tables', walk along state machines, generate C-stubs and more. The general approach is pretty unique: Verdicts are based on 'good stdout/bad stdout'. The comparison function, though, is flexible. Thus, any type of script may be used for checking. It may be applied to any language that can produce standard output.

See the HWUT homepage.


A modern, portable, cross-language unit testing and mocking framework for C and C++. It offers an optional BDD notation, a mocking library, the ability to run it in a single process (to make debugging easier). A test runner which discover automatically the test functions is available. But you can create your own programmatically.

All those features (and more) are explained in the CGreen manual.

Wikipedia gives a detailed list of C unit testing frameworks under List of unit testing frameworks: C

It is more efficient to use if-return-return or if-else-return?

Since the return statement terminates the execution of the current function, the two forms are equivalent (although the second one is arguably more readable than the first).

The efficiency of both forms is comparable, the underlying machine code has to perform a jump if the if condition is false anyway.

Note that Python supports a syntax that allows you to use only one return statement in your case:

return A+1 if A > B else A-1

How to register ASP.NET 2.0 to web server(IIS7)?

Open Control Panel - Programs - Turn Windows Features on or off expand - Internet Information Services expand - World Wide Web Services expand - Application development Features check - ASP.Net

Its advisable you check other feature to avoid future problem that might not give direct error messages Please don't forget to mark this question as answered if it solves your problem for the purpose of others

XPath: difference between dot and text()

enter image description here The XPath text() function locates elements within a text node while dot (.) locate elements inside or outside a text node. In the image description screenshot, the XPath text() function will only locate Success in DOM Example 2. It will not find success in DOM Example 1 because it's located between the tags.

In addition, the text() function will not find success in DOM Example 3 because success does not have a direct relationship to the element . Here's a video demo explaining the difference between text() and dot (.)

Python equivalent of a given wget command

easy as py:

class Downloder():
    def download_manager(self, url, destination='Files/DownloderApp/', try_number="10", time_out="60"):
        #threading.Thread(target=self._wget_dl, args=(url, destination, try_number, time_out, log_file)).start()
        if self._wget_dl(url, destination, try_number, time_out, log_file) == 0:
            return True
            return False

    def _wget_dl(self,url, destination, try_number, time_out):
        import subprocess
        command=["wget", "-c", "-P", destination, "-t", try_number, "-T", time_out , url]
        except Exception as e:
        #if download_state==0 => successfull download
        return download_state

Search for "does-not-contain" on a DataFrame in pandas

You can use Apply and Lambda to select rows where a column contains any thing in a list. For your scenario :

df[df["col"].apply(lambda x:x not in [word1,word2,word3])]

SVN how to resolve new tree conflicts when file is added on two branches

I just managed to wedge myself pretty thoroughly trying to follow user619330's advice above. The situation was: (1): I had added some files while working on my initial branch, branch1; (2) I created a new branch, branch2 for further development, branching it off from the trunk and then merging in my changes from branch1 (3) A co-worker had copied my mods from branch1 to his own branch, added further mods, and then merged back to the trunk; (4) I now wanted to merge the latest changes from trunk into my current working branch, branch2. This is with svn 1.6.17.

The merge had tree conflicts with the new files, and I wanted the new version from the trunk where they differed, so from a clean copy of branch2, I did an svn delete of the conflicting files, committed these branch2 changes (thus creating a temporary version of branch2 without the files in question), and then did my merge from the trunk. I did this because I wanted the history to match the trunk version so that I wouldn't have more problems later when trying to merge back to trunk. Merge went fine, I got the trunk version of the files, svn st shows all ok, and then I hit more tree conflicts while trying to commit the changes, between the delete I had done earlier and the add from the merge. Did an svn resolve of the conflicts in favor of my working copy (which now had the trunk version of the files), and got it to commit. All should be good, right?

Well, no. An update of another copy of branch2 resulted in the old version of the files (pre-trunk merge). So now I have two different working copies of branch2, supposedly updated to the same version, with two different versions of the files, and both insisting that they are fully up to date! Checking out a clean copy of branch2 resulted in the old (pre-trunk) version of the files. I manually update these to the trunk version and commit the changes, go back to my first working copy (from which I had submitted the trunk changes originally), try to update it, and now get a checksum error on the files in question. Blow the directory in question away, get a new version via update, and finally I have what should be a good version of branch2 with the trunk changes. I hope. Caveat developer.

Difference between 2 dates in SQLite

Both answers provide solutions a bit more complex, as they need to be. Say the payment was created on January 6, 2013. And we want to know the difference between this date and today.

sqlite> SELECT julianday() - julianday('2013-01-06');

The difference is 34 days. We can use julianday('now') for better clarity. In other words, we do not need to put date() or datetime() functions as parameters to julianday() function.

What does it mean to bind a multicast (UDP) socket?

Correction for What does it mean to bind a multicast (udp) socket? as long as it partially true at the following quote:

The "bind" operation is basically saying, "use this local UDP port for sending and receiving data. In other words, it allocates that UDP port for exclusive use for your application

There is one exception. Multiple applications can share the same port for listening (usually it has practical value for multicast datagrams), if the SO_REUSEADDR option applied. For example

int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); // create UDP socket somehow
int set_option_on = 1;
// it is important to do "reuse address" before bind, not after
int res = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*) &set_option_on, 
res = bind(sock, src_addr, len);

If several processes did such "reuse binding", then every UDP datagram received on that shared port will be delivered to each of the processes (providing natural joint with multicasts traffic).

Here are further details regarding what happens in a few cases:

  1. attempt of any bind ("exclusive" or "reuse") to free port will be successful

  2. attempt to "exclusive binding" will fail if the port is already "reuse-binded"

  3. attempt to "reuse binding" will fail if some process keeps "exclusive binding"

How to get a file directory path from file path?

You could try something like this using approach for How to find the last field using 'cut':


  • rev reverses /home/user/mydir/file_name.c to be c.eman_elif/ridym/resu/emoh/
  • cut uses dot (ie /) as the delimiter, and chooses the first field, which is c.eman_elif
  • lastly, we reverse it again to get file_name.c
$ VAR="/home/user/mydir/file_name.c"
$ echo $VAR | rev | cut -f1 -d"/" | rev

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

The following steps are to reset the password for a user in case you forgot, this would also solve your mentioned error.

First, stop your MySQL:

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

Now start up MySQL in safe mode and skip the privileges table:

sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

Login with root:

mysql -uroot

And assign the DB that needs to be used:

use mysql;

Now all you have to do is reset your root password of the MySQL user and restart the MySQL service:

update user set password=PASSWORD("YOURPASSWORDHERE") where User='root';

flush privileges;

quit and restart MySQL:


sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start Now your root password should be working with the one you just set, check it with:

mysql -u root -p

What is the maximum number of edges in a directed graph with n nodes?

Can also be thought of as the number of ways of choosing pairs of nodes n choose 2 = n(n-1)/2. True if only any pair can have only one edge. Multiply by 2 otherwise

How can I see function arguments in IPython Notebook Server 3?

Shift-Tab works for me to view the dcoumentation

Text in a flex container doesn't wrap in IE11

I had the same issue and the point is that the element was not adapting its width to the container.

Instead of using width:100%, be consistent (don't mix the floating model and the flex model) and use flex by adding this:

.child { align-self: stretch; }


.parent { align-items: stretch; }

This worked for me.

Can I use a :before or :after pseudo-element on an input field?

According to a note in the CSS 2.1 spec, the specification “does not fully define the interaction of :before and :after with replaced elements (such as IMG in HTML). This will be defined in more detail in a future specification.” Although input is not really a replaced element any more, the basic situation has not changed: the effect of :before and :after on it in unspecified and generally has no effect.

The solution is to find a different approach to the problem you are trying to address this way. Putting generated content into a text input control would be very misleading: to the user, it would appear to be part of the initial value in the control, but it cannot be modified – so it would appear to be something forced at the start of the control, but yet it would not be submitted as part of form data.

How to find difference between two columns data?

There are many ways of doing this (and I encourage you to look them up as they will be more efficient generally) but the simplest way of doing this is to use a non-set operation to define the value of the third column:

    ,(t1.present - t1.previous) as difference

Note, this style of selection is considered bad practice because it requires the query plan to reselect the value of the first two columns to logically determine the third (a violation of set theory that SQL is based on). Though it is more complicated, if you plan on using this to evaluate more than the values you listed in your example, I would investigate using an APPLY clause.

Preserve line breaks in angularjs

With CSS this can be achieve easily.

<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<span style="white-space:pre-wrap;"> {{item.description}}</span>

Or a CSS class can be created for this purpose and can be used from external CSS file

git: How to diff changed files versus previous versions after a pull?

If you do a straight git pull then you will either be 'fast-forwarded' or merge an unknown number of commits from the remote repository. This happens as one action though, so the last commit that you were at immediately before the pull will be the last entry in the reflog and can be accessed as HEAD@{1}. This means that you can do:

git diff HEAD@{1}

However, I would strongly recommend that if this is something you find yourself doing a lot then you should consider just doing a git fetch and examining the fetched branch before manually merging or rebasing onto it. E.g. if you're on master and were going to pull in origin/master:

git fetch

git log HEAD..origin/master

 # looks good, lets merge

git merge origin/master

Table row and column number in jQuery

Can you output that data in the cells as you are creating the table?

so your table would look like this:

    <tr><td data-row='1' data-column='1'>value</td>
      <td data-row='1' data-column='2'>value</td>
      <td data-row='1' data-column='3'>value</td></tr>


then it would be a simple matter

$("td").click(function(event) {
   var row = $(this).attr("data-row");
   var col = $(this).attr("data-col");

"Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist" error connecting to SQL Server from PHP

Try changing server name to "localhost"

pymssql.connect(server="localhost", user="myusername", password="mypwd", database="temp",port="1433")

ERROR! MySQL manager or server PID file could not be found! QNAP


If you're using MySQL Workbench, the mysql.server stop/restart/start will not work.

You will need to login into the workbench and then click "shutdown server". See image attached.

Calculate days between two Dates in Java 8

If the goal is just to get the difference in days and since the above answers mention about delegate methods would like to point out that once can also simply use -

public long daysInBetween(java.time.LocalDate startDate, java.time.LocalDate endDate) {
  // Check for null values here

  return endDate.toEpochDay() - startDate.toEpochDay();

JSON datetime between Python and JavaScript

For the Python to JavaScript date conversion, the date object needs to be in specific ISO format, i.e. ISO format or UNIX number. If the ISO format lacks some info, then you can convert to the Unix number with Date.parse first. Moreover, Date.parse works with React as well while new Date might trigger an exception.

In case you have a DateTime object without milliseconds, the following needs to be considered. :

  var unixDate = Date.parse('2016-01-08T19:00:00') 
  var desiredDate = new Date(unixDate).toLocaleDateString();

The example date could equally be a variable in the object after an API call.

For options to display the date in the desired format (e.g. to display long weekdays) check out the MDN doc.

Can I save input from form to .txt in HTML, using JAVASCRIPT/jQuery, and then use it?

You can use localStorage to save the data for later use, but you can not save to a file using JavaScript (in the browser).

To be comprehensive: You can not store something into a file using JavaScript in the Browser, but using HTML5, you can read files.

Installing NumPy via Anaconda in Windows

The above answers seem to resolve the issue. If it doesn't, then you may also try to update conda using the following command.

conda update conda

And then try to install numpy using

conda install numpy

How to remove default chrome style for select Input?

In your CSS add this:

input {-webkit-appearance: none; box-shadow: none !important; }
:-webkit-autofill { color: #fff !important; }

Only for Chrome! :)

jquery select option click handler

you can attach a focus event to select

$('#select_id').focus(function() {
    console.log('Handler for .focus() called.');

Gulp command not found after install

Turns out that npm was installed in the wrong directory so I had to change the “npm config prefix” by running this code:

npm config set prefix /usr/local

Then I reinstalled gulp globally (with the -g param) and it worked properly.

This article is where I found the solution:

How can I detect if this dictionary key exists in C#?

What is the type of c.PhysicalAddresses? If it's Dictionary<TKey,TValue>, then you can use the ContainsKey method.

"Sub or Function not defined" when trying to run a VBA script in Outlook

I solved the problem by following the instructions on more closely. There, it is stated that one must create the new macro by selecting Developer -> Macros, typing a new macro name, and clicking "Create". Creating the macro in this way, I was able to run it (see message box below).

enter image description here

Favicon not showing up in Google Chrome

Upload your favicon.ico to the root directory of your website and that should work with Chrome. Some browsers disregard the meta tag and just use /favicon.ico

Go figure?.....

Remove spacing between table cells and rows

Used font-size:0 in parent TD which has the image.

How do I convert special UTF-8 chars to their iso-8859-1 equivalent using javascript?

Internally, Javascript strings are all Unicode (actually UCS-2, a subset of UTF-16).

If you're retrieving the JSON files separately via AJAX, then you only need to make sure that the JSON files are served with the correct Content-Type and charset: Content-Type: application/json; charset="utf-8"). If you do that, jQuery should already have interpreted them properly by the time you access the deserialized objects.

Could you post an example of the code you’re using to retrieve the JSON objects?

How to write a comment in a Razor view?

Note that in general, IDE's like Visual Studio will markup a comment in the context of the current language, by selecting the text you wish to turn into a comment, and then using the Ctrl+K Ctrl+C shortcut, or if you are using Resharper / Intelli-J style shortcuts, then Ctrl+/.

Server side Comments:

Razor .cshtml

Like so:

@* Comment goes here *@

For those looking for the older .aspx view (and Asp.Net WebForms) server side comment syntax:

<%-- Comment goes here --%>

Client Side Comments

HTML Comment

<!-- Comment goes here -->

Javascript Comment

// One line Comment goes Here
/* Multiline comment
   goes here */

As OP mentions, although not displayed on the browser, client side comments will still be generated for the page / script file on the server and downloaded by the page over HTTP, which unless removed (e.g. minification), will waste I/O, and, since the comment can be viewed by the user by viewing the page source or intercepting the traffic with the browser's Dev Tools or a tool like Fiddler or Wireshark, can also pose a security risk, hence the preference to use server side comments on server generated code (like MVC views or .aspx pages).

Java substring: 'string index out of range'

You really need to check if the string's length is greater to or equal to 38.

How do I explicitly specify a Model's table-name mapping in Rails?

class Countries < ActiveRecord::Base
    self.table_name = "cc"

In Rails 3.x this is the way to specify the table name.

How to make graphics with transparent background in R using ggplot2?

As for someone don't like gray background like academic editor, try this:

p <- p + theme_bw()

Enable UTF-8 encoding for JavaScript

I too had this issue, I would copy the whole piece of code and put in Notepad, before pasting in Notepad, make sure you save the file type as ALL files and save the doc as utf-8 format. then you can paste your code and run, It should work. ?????? obiviously means unreadable characters.

How do I create a MessageBox in C#?

I got the same error 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable', even if using:

MessageBox.Show("Hello, World!");

I guess my initial attempts with invalid syntax caused some kind of bug and I ended up fixing it by adding a space between "MessageBox.Show" and the brackets ():

MessageBox.Show ("Hello, World!");

Now using the original syntax without the extra space works again:

MessageBox.Show("Hello, World!");

Apache Maven install "'mvn' not recognized as an internal or external command" after setting OS environmental variables?

A temporary work around would be to set the path from the terminal itself. Worked for me after that. Running as administrator also works. Both M2 and M2_HOME are already set as system variables in my case.

Can you put two conditions in an xslt test attribute?


Like xsl:if instructions, xsl:when elements can have more elaborate contents between their start- and end-tags—for example, literal result elements, xsl:element elements, or even xsl:if and xsl:choose elements—to add to the result tree. Their test expressions can also use all the tricks and operators that the xsl:if element's test attribute can use, such as and, or, and function calls, to build more complex boolean expressions.

Convert datetime value into string

This is super old, but I figured I'd add my 2c. DATE_FORMAT does indeed return a string, but I was looking for the CAST function, in the situation that I already had a datetime string in the database and needed to pattern match against it:

In this case, you'd use:

CAST(date_value AS char)

This answers a slightly different question, but the question title seems ambiguous enough that this might help someone searching.

Disable a Button

The boolean value for NO in Swift is false.

button.isEnabled = false

should do it.

Here is the Swift documentation for UIControl's isEnabled property.

Best way to get user GPS location in background in Android

Grant required permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION after start service

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentSender;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationListener;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.Log;


import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * Created by Ketan Ramani on 05/11/18.

public class BackgroundLocationUpdateService extends Service implements GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener, LocationListener {

    /* Declare in manifest
    <service android:name=".BackgroundLocationUpdateService"/>

    private final String TAG = "BackgroundLocationUpdateService";
    private final String TAG_LOCATION = "TAG_LOCATION";
    private Context context;
    private boolean stopService = false;

    /* For Google Fused API */
    protected GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;
    protected LocationSettingsRequest mLocationSettingsRequest;
    private String latitude = "0.0", longitude = "0.0";
    private FusedLocationProviderClient mFusedLocationClient;
    private SettingsClient mSettingsClient;
    private LocationCallback mLocationCallback;
    private LocationRequest mLocationRequest;
    private Location mCurrentLocation;
    /* For Google Fused API */

    public void onCreate() {
        context = this;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        final Handler handler = new Handler();
        final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                    if (!stopService) {
                        //Perform your task here

                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
                    if (!stopService) {
                        handler.postDelayed(this, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10));
        handler.postDelayed(runnable, 2000);


        return START_STICKY;

    public void onDestroy() {
        Log.e(TAG, "Service Stopped");
        stopService = true;
        if (mFusedLocationClient != null) {
            Log.e(TAG_LOCATION, "Location Update Callback Removed");

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    private void StartForeground() {
        Intent intent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
        PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0 /* Request code */, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);

        String CHANNEL_ID = "channel_location";
        String CHANNEL_NAME = "channel_location";

        NotificationCompat.Builder builder = null;
        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_ID, CHANNEL_NAME, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT);
            builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext(), CHANNEL_ID);
        } else {
            builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext(), CHANNEL_ID);

        builder.setContentTitle("Your title");
        builder.setContentText("You are now online");
        Uri notificationSound = RingtoneManager.getActualDefaultRingtoneUri(this, RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION);
        Notification notification =;
        startForeground(101, notification);

    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
        Log.e(TAG_LOCATION, "Location Changed Latitude : " + location.getLatitude() + "\tLongitude : " + location.getLongitude());

        latitude = String.valueOf(location.getLatitude());
        longitude = String.valueOf(location.getLongitude());

        if (latitude.equalsIgnoreCase("0.0") && longitude.equalsIgnoreCase("0.0")) {
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG_LOCATION, "Latitude : " + location.getLatitude() + "\tLongitude : " + location.getLongitude());

    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {


    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {


    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {


    public void onConnected(@Nullable Bundle bundle) {
        mLocationRequest = new LocationRequest();
        mLocationRequest.setInterval(10 * 1000);
        mLocationRequest.setFastestInterval(5 * 1000);

        LocationSettingsRequest.Builder builder = new LocationSettingsRequest.Builder();
        mLocationSettingsRequest =;

                .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<LocationSettingsResponse>() {
                    public void onSuccess(LocationSettingsResponse locationSettingsResponse) {
                        Log.e(TAG_LOCATION, "GPS Success");
                }).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
            public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) {
                int statusCode = ((ApiException) e).getStatusCode();
                switch (statusCode) {
                    case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.RESOLUTION_REQUIRED:
                        try {
                            int REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS = 214;
                            ResolvableApiException rae = (ResolvableApiException) e;
                            rae.startResolutionForResult((AppCompatActivity) context, REQUEST_CHECK_SETTINGS);
                        } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException sie) {
                            Log.e(TAG_LOCATION, "Unable to execute request.");
                    case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.SETTINGS_CHANGE_UNAVAILABLE:
                        Log.e(TAG_LOCATION, "Location settings are inadequate, and cannot be fixed here. Fix in Settings.");
        }).addOnCanceledListener(new OnCanceledListener() {
            public void onCanceled() {
                Log.e(TAG_LOCATION, "checkLocationSettings -> onCanceled");

    public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) {

    public void onConnectionFailed(@NonNull ConnectionResult connectionResult) {

    protected synchronized void buildGoogleApiClient() {
        mFusedLocationClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(context);
        mSettingsClient = LocationServices.getSettingsClient(context);

        mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context)


        mLocationCallback = new LocationCallback() {
            public void onLocationResult(LocationResult locationResult) {
                Log.e(TAG_LOCATION, "Location Received");
                mCurrentLocation = locationResult.getLastLocation();

    private void connectGoogleClient() {
        GoogleApiAvailability googleAPI = GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance();
        int resultCode = googleAPI.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(context);
        if (resultCode == ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {

    private void requestLocationUpdate() {
        mFusedLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates(mLocationRequest, mLocationCallback, Looper.myLooper());

In Activity

Start Service : startService(new Intent(this, BackgroundLocationUpdateService.class));

Stop Service : stopService(new Intent(this, BackgroundLocationUpdateService.class));

In Fragment

Start Service : getActivity().startService(new Intent(getActivity().getBaseContext(), BackgroundLocationUpdateService.class));

Stop Service : getActivity().stopService(new Intent(getActivity(), BackgroundLocationUpdateService.class));

Changing the Git remote 'push to' default

To change which upstream remote is "wired" to your branch, use the git branch command with the upstream configuration flag.

Ensure the remote exists first:

git remote -vv

Set the preferred remote for the current (checked out) branch:

git branch --set-upstream-to <remote-name>

Validate the branch is setup with the correct upstream remote:

git branch -vv

Intersect Two Lists in C#

From performance point of view if two lists contain number of elements that differ significantly, you can try such approach (using conditional operator ?:):

1.First you need to declare a converter:

Converter<string, int> del = delegate(string s) { return Int32.Parse(s); };

2.Then you use a conditional operator:

var r = data1.Count > data2.Count ?
 data2.ConvertAll<int>(del).Intersect(data1) :
 data1.Select(v => v.ToString()).Intersect(data2).ToList<string>().ConvertAll<int>(del);

You convert elements of shorter list to match the type of longer list. Imagine an execution speed if your first set contains 1000 elements and second only 10 (or opposite as it doesn't matter) ;-)

As you want to have a result as List, in a last line you convert the result (only result) back to int.

Convert JavaScript string in dot notation into an object reference

A little more involved example with recursion.

function recompose(obj,string){
    var parts = string.split('.');
    var newObj = obj[parts[0]];
        var newString = parts.join('.');
        return recompose(newObj,newString);
    return newObj;

var obj = { a: { b: '1', c: '2', d:{a:{b:'blah'}}}};

alert(recompose(obj,'a.d.a.b')); //blah

Create pandas Dataframe by appending one row at a time

Instead of a list of dictionaries as in ShikharDua's answer, we can also represent our table as a dictionary of lists, where each list stores one column in row-order, given we know our columns beforehand. At the end we construct our DataFrame once.

For c columns and n rows, this uses 1 dictionary and c lists, versus 1 list and n dictionaries. The list of dictionaries method has each dictionary storing all keys and requires creating a new dictionary for every row. Here we only append to lists, which is constant time and theoretically very fast.

# current data
data = {"Animal":["cow", "horse"], "Color":["blue", "red"]}

# adding a new row (be careful to ensure every column gets another value)

# at the end, construct our DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
#   Animal  Color
# 0    cow   blue
# 1  horse    red
# 2  mouse  black

Connect to SQL Server Database from PowerShell

Assuming you can use integrated security, you can remove the user id and pass:

$SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $SQLDBName; Integrated Security = True;"