Programs & Examples On #Mpmediapickercontroller

PL/SQL print out ref cursor returned by a stored procedure

Note: This code is untested

Define a record for your refCursor return type, call it rec. For example:

TYPE MyRec IS RECORD (col1 VARCHAR2(10), col2 VARCHAR2(20), ...);  --define the record
rec MyRec;        -- instantiate the record

Once you have the refcursor returned from your procedure, you can add the following code where your comments are now:

  FETCH refCursor INTO rec;

openCV video saving in python

As an example :

fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG')
out_corner = cv2.VideoWriter('img_corner_1.avi',fourcc, 20.0, (640, 480))

At that place, have to define X,Y as width and height

But, when you create an image (a blank image for instance) you have to define Y,X as height and width :

    img_corner = np.zeros((480, 640, 3), np.uint8)

How to print a string at a fixed width?

I found ljust() and rjust() very useful to print a string at a fixed width or fill out a Python string with spaces.

An example


# expected output  

For your case, you case use fstring to print

for prefix in unique:
    if prefix != "":
        print(f"value  {prefix.ljust(3)} - num of occurrences = {string.count(str(prefix))}")

Expected Output

value  a   - num of occurrences = 1
value  ab  - num of occurrences = 1
value  abc - num of occurrences = 1
value  b   - num of occurrences = 1
value  bc  - num of occurrences = 1
value  bcd - num of occurrences = 1
value  c   - num of occurrences = 1
value  cd  - num of occurrences = 1
value  d   - num of occurrences = 1

You can change 3 to the highest length of your permutation string.

GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'

Assuming those methods are in one of the libs it looks like an ordering problem.

When linking libraries into an executable they are done in the order they are declared.
Also the linker will only take the methods/functions required to resolve currently outstanding dependencies. If a subsequent library then uses methods/functions that were not originally required by the objects you will have missing dependencies.

How it works:

  • Take all the object files and combine them into an executable
  • Resolve any dependencies among object files.
  • For-each library in order:
    • Check unresolved dependencies and see if the lib resolves them.
    • If so load required part into the executable.


Objects requires:

  • Open
  • Close
  • BatchRead
  • BatchWrite

Lib 1 provides:

  • Open
  • Close
  • read
  • write

Lib 2 provides

  • BatchRead (but uses lib1:read)
  • BatchWrite (but uses lib1:write)

If linked like this:

gcc -o plop plop.o -l1 -l2

Then the linker will fail to resolve the read and write symbols.

But if I link the application like this:

gcc -o plop plop.o -l2 -l1

Then it will link correctly. As l2 resolves the BatchRead and BatchWrite dependencies but also adds two new ones (read and write). When we link with l1 next all four dependencies are resolved.

Add 'x' number of hours to date

Um... your minutes should be corrected... 'i' is for minutes. Not months. :) (I had the same problem for something too.

$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$new_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+3 hours', $now)); // $now + 3 hours

How do I set the driver's python version in spark?

I was running it in IPython (as described in this link by Jacek Wasilewski ) and was getting this exception; Added PYSPARK_PYTHON to the IPython kernel file and used jupyter notebook to run, and started working.

vi  ~/.ipython/kernels/pyspark/kernel.json

 "display_name": "pySpark (Spark 1.4.0)",
 "language": "python",
 "argv": [

 "env": {
  "SPARK_HOME": "/usr/local/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/",
  "PYTHONPATH": "/usr/local/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/python/:/usr/local/spark-1
  "PYTHONSTARTUP": "/usr/local/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/python/pyspark/
  "PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS": "--master spark:// pyspark-shell",
   "PYSPARK_PYTHON": "python2"

Remove Object from Array using JavaScript

This Concepts using Kendo Grid

var grid = $("#addNewAllergies").data("kendoGrid");

var selectedItem = SelectedCheckBoxList;

for (var i = 0; i < selectedItem.length; i++) {
        selectedItem.length= 0;

How to get certain commit from GitHub project

First, clone the repository using git, e.g. with:

git clone git://

That downloads the complete history of the repository, so you can switch to any version. Next, change into the newly cloned repository:

cd facebook-ios-sdk

... and use git checkout <COMMIT> to change to the right commit:

git checkout 91f25642453

That will give you a warning, since you're no longer on a branch, and have switched directly to a particular version. (This is known as "detached HEAD" state.) Since it sounds as if you only want to use this SDK, rather than actively develop it, this isn't something you need to worry about, unless you're interested in finding out more about how git works.

Merge two (or more) lists into one, in C# .NET

Assuming you want a list containing all of the products for the specified category-Ids, you can treat your query as a projection followed by a flattening operation. There's a LINQ operator that does that: SelectMany.

// implicitly List<Product>
var products = new[] { CategoryId1, CategoryId2, CategoryId3 }
                     .SelectMany(id => GetAllProducts(id))

In C# 4, you can shorten the SelectMany to: .SelectMany(GetAllProducts)

If you already have lists representing the products for each Id, then what you need is a concatenation, as others point out.

Convert List<T> to ObservableCollection<T> in WP7

Extension method from this answer IList<T> to ObservableCollection<T> works pretty well

public static ObservableCollection<T> ToObservableCollection<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable) {
  var col = new ObservableCollection<T>();
  foreach ( var cur in enumerable ) {
  return col;

How to initialize var?

Well, I think you can assign it to a new object. Something like:

var v = new object();

Have a reloadData for a UITableView animate when changing

All of these answers assume that you are using a UITableView with only 1 section.

To accurately handle situations where you have more than 1 section use:

NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, myTableView.numberOfSections);
NSIndexSet *indexSet = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:range];
[myTableView reloadSections:indexSet withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];

(Note: you should make sure that you have more than 0 sections!)

Another thing to note is that you may run into a NSInternalInconsistencyException if you attempt to simultaneously update your data source with this code. If this is the case, you can use logic similar to this:

int sectionNumber = 0; //Note that your section may be different

int nextIndex = [currentItems count]; //starting index of newly added items

[myTableView beginUpdates];

for (NSObject *item in itemsToAdd) {
    //Add the item to the data source
    [currentItems addObject:item];

    //Add the item to the table view
    NSIndexPath *path = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:nextIndex++ inSection:sectionNumber];
    [myTableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:path] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];

[myTableView endUpdates];

How do I solve the "server DNS address could not be found" error on Windows 10?

There might be a problem with your DNS servers of the ISP. A computer by default uses the ISP's DNS servers. You can manually configure your DNS servers. It is free and usually better than your ISP.

  1. Go to Control Panel ? Network and Internet ? Network and Sharing Centre
  2. Click on Change Adapter settings.
  3. Right click on your connection icon (Wireless Network Connection or Local Area Connection) and select properties.
  4. Select Internet protocol version 4.
  5. Click on "Use the following DNS server address" and type either of the two DNS given below.

Google Public DNS

Preferred DNS server :
Alternate DNS server :


Preferred DNS server :
Alternate DNS server :

Get JSON data from external URL and display it in a div as plain text

You can use $.ajax call to get the value and then put it in the div you want to. One thing you must know is you cannot receive JSON Data. You have to use JSONP.

Code would be like this:

function CallURL()  {
        url: '',
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "jsonp",
        async: false,
        success: function(msg)  {
        error: function()  {

function JsonpCallback(json)  {
    document.getElementById('summary').innerHTML = json.result;

Why does dividing two int not yield the right value when assigned to double?

For the same reasons above, you'll have to convert one of 'a' or 'b' to a double type. Another way of doing it is to use:

double c = (a+0.0)/b;

The numerator is (implicitly) converted to a double because we have added a double to it, namely 0.0.

How to dynamically insert a <script> tag via jQuery after page load?

This answer is technically similar or equal to what jcoffland answered. I just added a query to detect if a script is already present or not. I need this because I work in an intranet website with a couple of modules, of which some are sharing scripts or bring their own, but these scripts do not need to be loaded everytime again. I am using this snippet since more than a year in production environment, it works like a charme. Commenting to myself: Yes I know, it would be more correct to ask if a function exists... :-)

if (!$('head > script[src="js/jquery.searchable.min.js"]').length) {
    $('head').append($('<script />').attr('src','js/jquery.searchable.min.js'));

JPA 2.0, Criteria API, Subqueries, In Expressions

Below is the pseudo-code for using sub-query using Criteria API.

CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Object> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery();
Root<EMPLOYEE> from = criteriaQuery.from(EMPLOYEE.class);
Path<Object> path = from.get("compare_field"); // field to map with sub-query
CriteriaQuery<Object> select =;

Subquery<PROJECT> subquery = criteriaQuery.subquery(PROJECT.class);
Root fromProject = subquery.from(PROJECT.class);"requiredColumnName")); // field to map with main-query


TypedQuery<Object> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(select);
List<Object> resultList = typedQuery.getResultList();

Also it definitely needs some modification as I have tried to map it according to your query. Here is a link which explains concept nicely.

AngularJS does not send hidden field value

I've found a nice solution written by Mike on sapiensworks. It is as simple as using a directive that watches for changes on your model:

.directive('ngUpdateHidden',function() {
    return function(scope, el, attr) {
        var model = attr['ngModel'];
        scope.$watch(model, function(nv) {

and then bind your input:

<input type="hidden" name="item.Name" ng-model="item.Name" ng-update-hidden />

But the solution provided by tymeJV could be better as input hidden doesn't fire change event in javascript as yycorman told on this post, so when changing the value through a jQuery plugin will still work.

Edit I've changed the directive to apply the a new value back to the model when change event is triggered, so it will work as an input text.

.directive('ngUpdateHidden', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'AE', //attribute or element
        scope: {},
        replace: true,
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function ($scope, elem, attr, ngModel) {
            $scope.$watch(ngModel, function (nv) {
            elem.change(function () { //bind the change event to hidden input
                $scope.$apply(function () {
                    ngModel.$setViewValue(  elem.val());

so when you trigger $("#yourInputHidden").trigger('change') event with jQuery, it will update the binded model as well.

Best way to store password in database

As a key-hardened salted hash, using a secure algorithm such as sha-512.

Simplest JQuery validation rules example

The input in the markup is missing "type", the input (text I assume) has the attribute name="name" and ID="cname", the provided code by Ayo calls the input named "cname"* where it should be "name".

Handling Enter Key in Vue.js

This event works to me:


RE error: illegal byte sequence on Mac OS X

Does anyone know how to get sed to print the position of the illegal byte sequence? Or does anyone know what the illegal byte sequence is?

$ uname -a
Darwin Adams-iMac 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Tue Aug 20 16:57:14 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.271.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

I got part of the way to answering the above just by using tr.

I have a .csv file that is a credit card statement and I am trying to import it into Gnucash. I am based in Switzerland so I have to deal with words like Zürich. Suspecting Gnucash does not like " " in numeric fields, I decide to simply replace all

; ;



Here goes:

$ head -3 Auswertungen.csv | tail -1 | sed -e 's/; ;/;;/g'
sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence

I used od to shed some light: Note the 374 halfway down this od -c output

$ head -3 Auswertungen.csv | tail -1 | od -c
0000000    1   6   8   7       9   6   1   9       7   1   2   2   ;   5
0000020    4   6   8       8   7   X   X       X   X   X   X       2   6
0000040    6   0   ;   M   Y       N   A   M   E       I   S   X   ;   1
0000060    4   .   0   2   .   2   0   1   9   ;   9   5   5   2       -
0000100        M   i   t   a   r   b   e   i   t   e   r   r   e   s   t
0000120                Z 374   r   i   c   h                            
0000140    C   H   E   ;   R   e   s   t   a   u   r   a   n   t   s   ,
0000160        B   a   r   s   ;   6   .   2   0   ;   C   H   F   ;    
0000200    ;   C   H   F   ;   6   .   2   0   ;       ;   1   5   .   0
0000220    2   .   2   0   1   9  \n                                    

Then I thought I might try to persuade tr to substitute 374 for whatever the correct byte code is. So first I tried something simple, which didn't work, but had the side effect of showing me where the troublesome byte was:

$ head -3 Auswertungen.csv | tail -1 | tr . .  ; echo
tr: Illegal byte sequence
1687 9619 7122;5468 87XX XXXX 2660;MY NAME ISX;14.02.2019;9552 - Mitarbeiterrest   Z

You can see tr bails at the 374 character.

Using perl seems to avoid this problem

$ head -3 Auswertungen.csv | tail -1 | perl -pne 's/; ;/;;/g'
1687 9619 7122;5468 87XX XXXX 2660;ADAM NEALIS;14.02.2019;9552 - Mitarbeiterrest   Z?rich       CHE;Restaurants, Bars;6.20;CHF;;CHF;6.20;;15.02.2019

Convert a file path to Uri in Android

Normal answer for this question if you really want to get something like content//media/external/video/media/18576 (e.g. for your video mp4 absolute path) and not just file///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/20141219_133139.mp4:

          new String[] { file.getAbsolutePath() }, null,
          new MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener() {
      public void onScanCompleted(String path, Uri uri) {
          Log.i("onScanCompleted", uri.getPath());

Accepted answer is wrong (cause it will not return content//media/external/video/media/*)

Uri.fromFile(file).toString() only returns something like file///storage/emulated/0/* which is a simple absolute path of a file on the sdcard but with file// prefix (scheme)

You can also get content uri using MediaStore database of Android

TEST (what returns Uri.fromFile and what returns MediaScannerConnection):

File videoFile = new File("/storage/emulated/0/video.mp4");

Log.i(TAG, Uri.fromFile(videoFile).toString());

MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(this, new String[] { videoFile.getAbsolutePath() }, null,
        (path, uri) -> Log.i(TAG, uri.toString()));


I/Test: file:///storage/emulated/0/video.mp4

I/Test: content://media/external/video/media/268927

How do I improve ASP.NET MVC application performance?

In addition to all the great information on optimising your application on the server side I'd say you should take a look at YSlow. It's a superb resource for improving site performance on the client side.

This applies to all sites, not just ASP.NET MVC.

Does `anaconda` create a separate PYTHONPATH variable for each new environment?

No, the only thing that needs to be modified for an Anaconda environment is the PATH (so that it gets the right Python from the environment bin/ directory, or Scripts\ on Windows).

The way Anaconda environments work is that they hard link everything that is installed into the environment. For all intents and purposes, this means that each environment is a completely separate installation of Python and all the packages. By using hard links, this is done efficiently. Thus, there's no need to mess with PYTHONPATH because the Python binary in the environment already searches the site-packages in the environment, and the lib of the environment, and so on.

PHP Date Time Current Time Add Minutes

echo $date = date('H:i:s', strtotime('13:00:00 + 30 minutes') );

13:00:00 - any inputted time

30 minutes - any interval you wish (20 hours, 10 minutes, 1 seconds etc...)

converting numbers in to words C#

public static string NumberToWords(int number)
    if (number == 0)
        return "zero";

    if (number < 0)
        return "minus " + NumberToWords(Math.Abs(number));

    string words = "";

    if ((number / 1000000) > 0)
        words += NumberToWords(number / 1000000) + " million ";
        number %= 1000000;

    if ((number / 1000) > 0)
        words += NumberToWords(number / 1000) + " thousand ";
        number %= 1000;

    if ((number / 100) > 0)
        words += NumberToWords(number / 100) + " hundred ";
        number %= 100;

    if (number > 0)
        if (words != "")
            words += "and ";

        var unitsMap = new[] { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" };
        var tensMap = new[] { "zero", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" };

        if (number < 20)
            words += unitsMap[number];
            words += tensMap[number / 10];
            if ((number % 10) > 0)
                words += "-" + unitsMap[number % 10];

    return words;

Hadoop/Hive : Loading data from .csv on a local machine

You may try this, Following are few examples on how files are generated. Tool --

  1. Select a CSV file using Browse and set hadoop root directory ex: /user/bigdataproject/

  2. Tool Generates Hadoop script with all csv files and following is a sample of generated Hadoop script to insert csv into Hadoop

    #!/bin/bash -v
    hadoop fs -put ./AllstarFull.csv /user/bigdataproject/AllstarFull.csv hive -f ./AllstarFull.hive

    hadoop fs -put ./Appearances.csv /user/bigdataproject/Appearances.csv hive -f ./Appearances.hive

    hadoop fs -put ./AwardsManagers.csv /user/bigdataproject/AwardsManagers.csv hive -f ./AwardsManagers.hive

  3. Sample of generated Hive scripts

    USE lahman;
    CREATE TABLE AllstarFull (playerID string,yearID string,gameNum string,gameID string,teamID string,lgID string,GP string,startingPos string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
    LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/bigdataproject/AllstarFull.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE AllstarFull;
    SELECT * FROM AllstarFull;

Thanks Vijay

jQuery delete all table rows except first

$('#table tr').slice(1).remove();

I remember coming across that 'slice' is faster than all other approaches, so just putting it here.

How to add items to array in nodejs

var array = [];

//length array now = 0
array[array.length] = 'hello';
//length array now = 1
//            0
//array = ['hello'];//length = 1

Get values from label using jQuery

I am changing your id to current-month (having no space)


No module named _sqlite3

You need to install pysqlite in your python environment:

    $ pip install pysqlite

What does request.getParameter return?

Both if (one.length() > 0) {} and if (!"".equals(one)) {} will check against an empty foo parameter, and an empty parameter is what you'd get if the the form is submitted with no value in the foo text field.

If there's any chance you can use the Expression Language to handle the parameter, you could access it with empty in an expression.

<c:if test='${not empty}'>
    This page code gets rendered.

CSS to make table 100% of max-width

max-width is definitely not well supported. If you're going to use it, use it in a media query in your style tag. ios, android, and windows phone default mail all support them. (gmail and outlook mobile don't)

Look at the starbucks example at the bottom

how to run python files in windows command prompt?

You have to install Python and add it to PATH on Windows. After that you can try:

python `C:/pathToFolder/`

or go to the files directory and execute:


How can I get the "network" time, (from the "Automatic" setting called "Use network-provided values"), NOT the time on the phone?

This seemed to work for me:

LocationManager locMan = (LocationManager) activity.getSystemService(activity.LOCATION_SERVICE);
long networkTS = locMan.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER).getTime();

Working on Android 2.2 API (Level 8)

How do I install Python libraries in wheel format?

Once you have a library downloaded you can execute this from the MS-DOS command box:

python install

The is located inside every library main folder.

Find the most common element in a list

Building on Luiz's answer, but satisfying the "in case of draws the item with the lowest index should be returned" condition:

from statistics import mode, StatisticsError

def most_common(l):
        return mode(l)
    except StatisticsError as e:
        # will only return the first element if no unique mode found
        if 'no unique mode' in e.args[0]:
            return l[0]
        # this is for "StatisticsError: no mode for empty data"
        # after calling mode([])


>>> most_common(['a', 'b', 'b'])
>>> most_common([1, 2])
>>> most_common([])
StatisticsError: no mode for empty data

Scanner is never closed

I am assuming you are using java 7, thus you get a compiler warning, when you don't close the resource you should close your scanner usually in a finally block.

Scanner scanner = null;
try {
    scanner = new Scanner(;
    //rest of the code
finally {

Or even better: use the new Try with resource statement:

try(Scanner scanner = new Scanner({
    //rest of your code

how to instanceof List<MyType>?

If this can't be wrapped with generics (@Martijn's answer) it's better to pass it without casting to avoid redundant list iteration (checking the first element's type guarantees nothing). We can cast each element in the piece of code where we iterate the list.

Object attVal = jsonMap.get("attName");
List<Object> ls = new ArrayList<>();
if (attVal instanceof List) {
    ls.addAll((List) attVal);
} else {

// far, far away ;)
for (Object item : ls) {
    if (item instanceof String) {
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Wrong class ("+item .getClass()+") of "+item );

How to uninstall Eclipse?

Look for an installation subdirectory, likely named eclipse. Under that subdirectory, if you see files like eclipse.ini, icon.xpm and subdirectories like plugins and dropins, remove the subdirectory parent (the one named eclipse).

That will remove your installation except for anything you've set up yourself (like workspaces, projects, etc.).

Hope this helps.

Does Git Add have a verbose switch

I was debugging an issue with git and needed some very verbose output to figure out what was going wrong. I ended up setting the GIT_TRACE environment variable:

export GIT_TRACE=1
git add *.txt

You can also use these on the same line:

GIT_TRACE=1 git add *.txt


14:06:05.508517 git.c:415               trace: built-in: git add test.txt test2.txt
14:06:05.544890 git.c:415               trace: built-in: git config --get oh-my-zsh.hide-dirty

What's the best way to cancel event propagation between nested ng-click calls?

<div ng-click="methodName(event)"></div>

IN controller use

$scope.methodName = function(event) { 

htaccess remove index.php from url

This will work, use the following code in .htaccess file RewriteEngine On

# Send would-be 404 requests to Craft
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(favicon\.ico|apple-touch-icon.*\.png)$ [NC]
RewriteRule (.+) index.php?p=$1 [QSA,L]

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method

I was getting same error because of configuration issue in intellij. As shown in screenshot. Main and test module was pointing to two different JDK. (Press F12 on the intellij project to open module settings)

Also all my dto's were using @lombok.Builder which I changed it to @Data.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Use of *args and **kwargs

The names *args and **kwargs or **kw are purely by convention. It makes it easier for us to read each other's code

One place it is handy is when using the struct module

struct.unpack() returns a tuple whereas struct.pack() uses a variable number of arguments. When manipulating data it is convenient to be able to pass a tuple to struck.pack() eg.

tuple_of_data = struct.unpack(format_str, data)
... manipulate the data
new_data = struct.pack(format_str, *tuple_of_data)

without this ability you would be forced to write

new_data = struct.pack(format_str, tuple_of_data[0], tuple_of_data[1], tuple_of_data[2],...)

which also means the if the format_str changes and the size of the tuple changes, I'll have to go back and edit that really long line

How to convert dd/mm/yyyy string into JavaScript Date object?

MM/DD/YYYY format

If you have the MM/DD/YYYY format which is default for JavaScript, you can simply pass your string to Date(string) constructor. It will parse it for you.

var dateString = "10/23/2015"; // Oct 23_x000D_
var dateObject = new Date(dateString);_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = dateObject.toString();

DD/MM/YYYY format - manually

If you work with this format, then you can split the date in order to get day, month and year separately and then use it in another constructor - Date(year, month, day):

var dateString = "23/10/2015"; // Oct 23_x000D_
var dateParts = dateString.split("/");_x000D_
// month is 0-based, that's why we need dataParts[1] - 1_x000D_
var dateObject = new Date(+dateParts[2], dateParts[1] - 1, +dateParts[0]); _x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = dateObject.toString();

For more information, you can read article about Date at Mozilla Developer Network.

DD/MM/YYYY - using moment.js library

Alternatively, you can use moment.js library, which is probably the most popular library to parse and operate with date and time in JavaScript:

var dateString = "23/10/2015"; // Oct 23_x000D_
var dateMomentObject = moment(dateString, "DD/MM/YYYY"); // 1st argument - string, 2nd argument - format_x000D_
var dateObject = dateMomentObject.toDate(); // convert moment.js object to Date object_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = dateObject.toString();
<script src=""></script>

In all three examples dateObject variable contains an object of type Date, which represents a moment in time and can be further converted to any string format.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=

If earlier working project crashing suddenly with mentioned error you can try following solution.

  • Delete the bin folder of respective web/service project.
  • Build

This worked for me.

Adjust width and height of iframe to fit with content in it

After I have tried everything on the earth, this really works for me.


<style type="text/css">
html, body{
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function autoResize(iframe) {

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" border="0" scrolling="auto" onload="autoResize(this);"></iframe>

How can I color dots in a xy scatterplot according to column value?

I see there is a VBA solution and a non-VBA solution, which both are really good. I wanted to propose my Javascript solution.

There is an Excel add-in called Funfun that allows you to use javascript, HTML and css in Excel. It has an online editor with an embedded spreadsheet where you can build your chart.

I have written this code for you with Chart.js:

To create this chart, I entered my data on the spreadsheet and read it with a json file, it is the short file.

I make sure to put it in the right format, in script.js, so I can add it to my chart:

var data = [];
var color = [];
var label = [];

for (var i = 1; i < $; i++)
    data.push([$[i][1], $[i][2]]);

I then create the scatter chart with each dot having his designated color and position:

 var dataset = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {   
      data: [{
        x: data[i][0],
        y: data[i][1] 
      pointBackgroundColor: color[i],
      pointStyle: "cercle",
      radius: 6  

After I've created my scatter chart I can upload it in Excel by pasting the URL in the funfun Excel add-in. Here is how it looks like with my example:


Once this is done You can change the color or the position of a dot instantly, in Excel, by changing the values in the spreadsheet.

If you want to add extra dots in the charts you just need to modify the radius of data in the short json file.

Hope this Javascript solution helps !

Disclosure : I’m a developer of funfun

Android Studio rendering problems

  1. Open AndroidManifest.xml
  2. Change:


    to something like:

  3. Hit "refresh" button in the "Previev" tab.

how to display toolbox on the left side of window of Visual Studio Express for windows phone 7 development?

In Visual Studio Express 2013 for web it's hidden away in View > Other Windows > Toolbox.

Ruby get object keys as array

An alternative way if you need something more (besides using the keys method):

hash = {"apple" => "fruit", "carrot" => "vegetable"}
array = hash.collect {|key,value| key }

obviously you would only do that if you want to manipulate the array while retrieving it..

How to convert unsigned long to string

const int n = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%lu", ulong_value);
assert(n > 0);
char buf[n+1];
int c = snprintf(buf, n+1, "%lu", ulong_value);
assert(buf[n] == '\0');
assert(c == n);

How does the getView() method work when creating your own custom adapter?

You can also find useful information about getView at the Adapter interface in file. It says;

 * Get a View that displays the data at the specified position in the data set. You can either
 * create a View manually or inflate it from an XML layout file. When the View is inflated, the
 * parent View (GridView, ListView...) will apply default layout parameters unless you use
 * {@link android.view.LayoutInflater#inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)}
 * to specify a root view and to prevent attachment to the root.
 * @param position The position of the item within the adapter's data set of the item whose view
 *        we want.
 * @param convertView The old view to reuse, if possible. Note: You should check that this view
 *        is non-null and of an appropriate type before using. If it is not possible to convert
 *        this view to display the correct data, this method can create a new view.
 *        Heterogeneous lists can specify their number of view types, so that this View is
 *        always of the right type (see {@link #getViewTypeCount()} and
 *        {@link #getItemViewType(int)}).
 * @param parent The parent that this view will eventually be attached to
 * @return A View corresponding to the data at the specified position.
View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent);

How can bcrypt have built-in salts?

To make things even more clearer,

Registeration/Login direction ->

The password + salt is encrypted with a key generated from the: cost, salt and the password. we call that encrypted value the cipher text. then we attach the salt to this value and encoding it using base64. attaching the cost to it and this is the produced string from bcrypt:


This value is stored eventually.

What the attacker would need to do in order to find the password ? (other direction <- )

In case the attacker got control over the DB, the attacker will decode easily the base64 value, and then he will be able to see the salt. the salt is not secret. though it is random. Then he will need to decrypt the cipher text.

What is more important : There is no hashing in this process, rather CPU expensive encryption - decryption. thus rainbow tables are less relevant here.

Difference between View and Request scope in managed beans

A @ViewScoped bean lives exactly as long as a JSF view. It usually starts with a fresh new GET request, or with a navigation action, and will then live as long as the enduser submits any POST form in the view to an action method which returns null or void (and thus navigates back to the same view). Once you refresh the page, or return a non-null string (even an empty string!) navigation outcome, then the view scope will end.

A @RequestScoped bean lives exactly as long a HTTP request. It will thus be garbaged by end of every request and recreated on every new request, hereby losing all changed properties.

A @ViewScoped bean is thus particularly more useful in rich Ajax-enabled views which needs to remember the (changed) view state across Ajax requests. A @RequestScoped one would be recreated on every Ajax request and thus fail to remember all changed view state. Note that a @ViewScoped bean does not share any data among different browser tabs/windows in the same session like as a @SessionScoped bean. Every view has its own unique @ViewScoped bean.

See also:

How to check if Location Services are enabled?

On Android 8.1 or lower the user can enable "Battery saving" mode from
Settings > Location > Mode > Battery Saving.
This mode only uses WiFi, Bluetooth or mobile data instead of GPS to determine the user location.

That's why you have to check if the network provider is enabled and locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER) is not enough.

If you are using androidx this code will check which SDK version you are running and call the corresponding provider:

public boolean isLocationEnabled(Context context) {
    LocationManager manager = (LocationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
    return manager != null ? LocationManagerCompat.isLocationEnabled(manager) : false;

Make a link use POST instead of GET

This is an old question, but none of the answers satisfy the request in-full. So I'm adding another answer.

The requested code, as I understand, should make only one change to the way normal hyperlinks work: the POST method should be used instead of GET. The immediate implications would be:

  1. When the link is clicked we should reload the tab to the url of the href
  2. As the method is POST, we should have no query string in the URL of the target page we load
  3. That page should receive the data in parameters (names and value) by POST

I am using jquery here, but this could be done with native apis (harder and longer of course).

    <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        $(document).ready(function() {

            $("").click(function(e) {
                var href = this.href;
                var parts = href.split('?');
                var url = parts[0];
                var params = parts[1].split('&');
                var pp, inputs = '';
                for(var i = 0, n = params.length; i < n; i++) {
                    pp = params[i].split('=');
                    inputs += '<input type="hidden" name="' + pp[0] + '" value="' + pp[1] + '" />';
                $("body").append('<form action="'+url+'" method="post" id="poster">'+inputs+'</form>');
    <a class="post" href="reflector.php?color=blue&weight=340&model=x-12&price=14.800">Post it!</a><br/>
    <a href="reflector.php?color=blue&weight=340&model=x-12&price=14.800">Normal link</a>

And to see the result, save the following as reflector.php in the same directory you have the above saved.

<?php print_r($_GET); ?>

<?php print_r($_POST); ?>

How to convert byte array to string

Assuming that you are using UTF-8 encoding:

string convert = "This is the string to be converted";

// From string to byte array
byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(convert);

// From byte array to string
string s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

How to get an input text value in JavaScript


The AWS Access Key Id does not exist in our records

This could happen because there's an issue with your AWS Secret Access Key. After messing around with AWS Amplify, I ran into this issue. The quickest way is to create a new pair of AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key and run aws configure again. I works for me. I hope this helps.

Calling jQuery method from onClick attribute in HTML

I don't think there's any reason to add this function to JQuery's namespace. Why not just define the method by itself:

function showMessage(msg) {

<input type="button" value="ahaha" onclick="showMessage('msg');" />

UPDATE: With a small change to how your method is defined I can get it to work:

 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
 <script language="javascript">
    // define the function within the global scope
    $.fn.MessageBox = function(msg) {

    // or, if you want to encapsulate variables within the plugin
    (function($) {
        $.fn.MessageBoxScoped = function(msg) {
    })(jQuery); //<-- make sure you pass jQuery into the $ parameter
 <div class="Title">Welcome!</div>
 <input type="button" value="ahaha" id="test" onClick="$(this).MessageBox('msg');" />

updating table rows in postgres using subquery

You're after the UPDATE FROM syntax.

  table T1  
  column1 = T2.column1 
  table T2 
  INNER JOIN table T3 USING (column2) 
  T1.column2 = T2.column2;


Importing CSV File to Google Maps

none of that needed.... just go to:

now and load your csv file as-is. extra columns and all. it will slice and dice and use just the log & lat columns and plot it for you on google maps.

How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager

May be very late. This is working for me. I slightly updated the code from @Gobar and @kris Solutions. We have to update the code in our PagerAdapter.

setPrimaryItem is called every time when a tab is visible and returns its position. If the position are same means we are unmoved. If position changed and current position is not our clicked tab set as -1.

private int mCurrentPosition = -1;

public void setPrimaryItem(@NotNull ViewGroup container, int position, @NotNull Object object) {
    // This is what calls setMenuVisibility() on the fragments
    super.setPrimaryItem(container, position, object);
    if (position == mCurrentPosition) {
    if (object instanceof YourFragment) {
        YourFragment fragment = (YourFragment) object;
        if (fragment.isResumed()) {
            mCurrentPosition = position;
            fragment.doYourWork();//Update your function
    } else {
        mCurrentPosition = -1;

Save a list to a .txt file

You can use inbuilt library pickle

This library allows you to save any object in python to a file

This library will maintain the format as well

import pickle
with open('/content/list_1.txt', 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(list_1, fp)

you can also read the list back as an object using same library

with open ('/content/list_1.txt', 'rb') as fp:
    list_1 = pickle.load(fp)

reference : Writing a list to a file with Python

ReCaptcha API v2 Styling

I use below trick to make it responsive and remove borders. this tricks maybe hide recaptcha message/error.

This style is for rtl lang but you can change it easy.

.g-recaptcha {
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    background: #f9f9f9;
    overflow: hidden;

.g-recaptcha > * {
    float: right;
    right: 0;
    margin: -2px -2px -10px;/*remove borders*/ 

    display: block;
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    background-color: #f9f9f9;
    clear: both;
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="Your Api Key"></div>
<script src=''></script>

recaptcha no captcha reponsive style trick

how to fix java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException

for ( int i=0 ; i<=list.size() ; i++){

By executing this for loop , the loop will execute with a thrown exception as IndexOutOfBoundException cause, suppose list size is 10 , so when index i will get to 10 i.e when i=10 the exception will be thrown cause index=size, i.e. i=size and as known that Java considers index starting from 0,1,2...etc the expression which Java agrees upon is index < size. So the solution for such exception is to make the statement in loop as i<list.size()

for ( int i=0 ; i<list.size() ; i++){

How to delete an object by id with entity framework

dwkd's answer mostly worked for me in Entity Framework core, except when I saw this exception:

InvalidOperationException: The instance of entity type 'Customer' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'Id'} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values.

To avoid the exception, I updated the code:

Customer customer = context.Customers.Local.First(c => c.Id == id);
if (customer == null) {
    customer = new Customer () { Id = id };

Change the value in app.config file dynamically

 XmlReaderSettings _configsettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
 _configsettings.IgnoreComments = true;

 XmlReader _configreader = XmlReader.Create(ConfigFilePath, _configsettings);
 XmlDocument doc_config = new XmlDocument();

 foreach (XmlNode RootName in doc_config.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
     if (RootName.LocalName == "appSettings")
         if (RootName.HasChildNodes)
             foreach (XmlNode _child in RootName.ChildNodes)
                 if (_child.Attributes["key"].Value == "HostName")
                     if (_child.Attributes["value"].Value == "false")
                         _child.Attributes["value"].Value = "true";

Xcode error - Thread 1: signal SIGABRT

You are trying to load a XIB named DetailViewController, but no such XIB exists or it's not member of your current target.

How to kill all processes with a given partial name?

You can use the following command to

kill -9 $(ps aux | grep 'process' | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2}')

How to deal with persistent storage (e.g. databases) in Docker

Docker 1.9.0 and above

Use volume API

docker volume create --name hello
docker run -d -v hello:/container/path/for/volume container_image my_command

This means that the data-only container pattern must be abandoned in favour of the new volumes.

Actually the volume API is only a better way to achieve what was the data-container pattern.

If you create a container with a -v volume_name:/container/fs/path Docker will automatically create a named volume for you that can:

  1. Be listed through the docker volume ls
  2. Be identified through the docker volume inspect volume_name
  3. Backed up as a normal directory
  4. Backed up as before through a --volumes-from connection

The new volume API adds a useful command that lets you identify dangling volumes:

docker volume ls -f dangling=true

And then remove it through its name:

docker volume rm <volume name>

As @mpugach underlines in the comments, you can get rid of all the dangling volumes with a nice one-liner:

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -f dangling=true -q)
# Or using 1.13.x
docker volume prune

Docker 1.8.x and below

The approach that seems to work best for production is to use a data only container.

The data only container is run on a barebones image and actually does nothing except exposing a data volume.

Then you can run any other container to have access to the data container volumes:

docker run --volumes-from data-container some-other-container command-to-execute
  • Here you can get a good picture of how to arrange the different containers.
  • Here there is a good insight on how volumes work.

In this blog post there is a good description of the so-called container as volume pattern which clarifies the main point of having data only containers.

Docker documentation has now the DEFINITIVE description of the container as volume/s pattern.

Following is the backup/restore procedure for Docker 1.8.x and below.


sudo docker run --rm --volumes-from DATA -v $(pwd):/backup busybox tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /data
  • --rm: remove the container when it exits
  • --volumes-from DATA: attach to the volumes shared by the DATA container
  • -v $(pwd):/backup: bind mount the current directory into the container; to write the tar file to
  • busybox: a small simpler image - good for quick maintenance
  • tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /data: creates an uncompressed tar file of all the files in the /data directory


# Create a new data container
$ sudo docker run -v /data -name DATA2 busybox true
# untar the backup files into the new container?s data volume
$ sudo docker run --rm --volumes-from DATA2 -v $(pwd):/backup busybox tar xvf /backup/backup.tar
# Compare to the original container
$ sudo docker run --rm --volumes-from DATA -v `pwd`:/backup busybox ls /data

Here is a nice article from the excellent Brian Goff explaining why it is good to use the same image for a container and a data container.

Purpose of Unions in C and C++

For one more example of the actual use of unions, the CORBA framework serializes objects using the tagged union approach. All user-defined classes are members of one (huge) union, and an integer identifier tells the demarshaller how to interpret the union.

Boto3 Error: botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials

If you are looking for an alternative way, try adding your credentials using AmazonCLI

from the terminal type:-

aws configure

then fill in your keys and region.

Print in Landscape format

you cannot set this in javascript, you have to do this with html/css:

<style type="text/css" media="print">
  @page { size: landscape; }

EDIT: See this Question and the accepted answer for more information on browser support: Is @Page { size:landscape} obsolete?

Restricting JTextField input to Integers

I can't believe I haven't found this simple solution anywhere on stack overflow yet, it is by far the most useful. Changing the Document or DocumentFilter does not work for JFormattedTextField. Peter Tseng's answer comes very close.

NumberFormat longFormat = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();

NumberFormatter numberFormatter = new NumberFormatter(longFormat);
numberFormatter.setValueClass(Long.class); //optional, ensures you will always get a long value
numberFormatter.setAllowsInvalid(false); //this is the key!!
numberFormatter.setMinimum(0l); //Optional

JFormattedTextField field = new JFormattedTextField(numberFormatter);

Building a complete online payment gateway like Paypal

What you're talking about is becoming a payment service provider. I have been there and done that. It was a lot easier about 10 years ago than it is now, but if you have a phenomenal amount of time, money and patience available, it is still possible.

You will need to contact an acquiring bank. You didnt say what region of the world you are in, but by this I dont mean a local bank branch. Each major bank will generally have a separate card acquiring arm. So here in the UK we have (eg) Natwest bank, which uses Streamline (or Worldpay) as its acquiring arm. In total even though we have scores of major banks, they all end up using one of five or so card acquirers.

Happily, all UK card acquirers use a standard protocol for communication of authorisation requests, and end of day settlement. You will find minor quirks where some acquiring banks support some features and have slightly different syntax, but the differences are fairly minor. The UK standards are published by the Association for Payment Clearing Services (APACS) (which is now known as the UKPA). The standards are still commonly referred to as APACS 30 (authorization) and APACS 29 (settlement), but are now formally known as APACS 70 (books 1 through 7).

Although the APACS standard is widely supported across the UK (Amex and Discover accept messages in this format too) it is not used in other countries - each country has it's own - for example: Carte Bancaire in France, CartaSi in Italy, Sistema 4B in Spain, Dankort in Denmark etc. An effort is under way to unify the protocols across Europe - see

Communicating with the acquiring bank can be done a number of ways. Again though, it will depend on your region. In the UK (and most of Europe) we have one communications gateway that provides connectivity to all the major acquirers, they are called TNS and there are dozens of ways of communicating through them to the acquiring bank, from dialup 9600 baud modems, ISDN, HTTPS, VPN or dedicated line. Ultimately the authorisation request will be converted to X25 protocol, which is the protocol used by these acquiring banks when communicating with each other.

In summary then: it all depends on your region.

  • Contact a major bank and try to get through to their card acquiring arm.
  • Explain that you're setting up as a payment service provider, and request details on comms format for authorization requests and end of day settlement files
  • Set up a test merchant account and develop auth/settlement software and go through the accreditation process. Most acquirers help you through this process for free, but when you want to register as an accredited PSP some will request a fee.
  • you will need to comply with some regulations too, for example you may need to register as a payment institution

Once you are registered and accredited you'll then be able to accept customers and set up merchant accounts on behalf of the bank/s you're accredited against (bearing in mind that each acquirer will generally support multiple banks). Rinse and repeat with other acquirers as you see necessary.

Beyond that you have lots of other issues, mainly dealing with PCI-DSS. Thats a whole other topic and there are already some q&a's on this site regarding that. Like I say, its a phenomenal undertaking - most likely a multi-year project even for a reasonably sized team, but its certainly possible.

How do you use the Immediate Window in Visual Studio?

The Immediate window is used to debug and evaluate expressions, execute statements, print variable values, and so forth. It allows you to enter expressions to be evaluated or executed by the development language during debugging.

To display Immediate Window, choose Debug >Windows >Immediate or press Ctrl-Alt-I

enter image description here

Here is an example with Immediate Window:

int Sum(int x, int y) { return (x + y);}
void main(){
int a, b, c;
a = 5;
b = 7;
c = Sum(a, b);
char temp = getchar();}

add breakpoint

enter image description here

call commands

enter image description here

How can I render inline JavaScript with Jade / Pug?


//- Workaround
<script nonce="some-nonce">console.log("test");</script>

Find methods calls in Eclipse project

Select mymethod() and press ctrl+alt+h.

To see some detailed Information about any method you can use this by selecting that particular Object or method and right click. you can see the "OpenCallHierarchy" (Ctrl+Alt+H). Like that many tools are there to make your work Easier like "Quick Outline" (Ctrl+O) to view the Datatypes and methods declared in a particular .java file.

To know more about this, refer this eclipse Reference

Escape curly brace '{' in String.Format

Use double braces {{ or }} so your code becomes:

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("public {0} {1} {{ get; private set; }}", 
prop.Type, prop.Name));

// For prop.Type of "Foo" and prop.Name of "Bar", the result would be:
// public Foo Bar { get; private set; }

PHP - syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING

When you're working with strings in PHP you'll need to pay special attention to the formation, using " or '

$string = 'Hello, world!';
$string = "Hello, world!";

Both of these are valid, the following is not:

$string = "Hello, world';

You must also note that ' inside of a literal started with " will not end the string, and vice versa. So when you have a string which contains ', it is generally best practice to use double quotation marks.

$string = "It's ok here";

Escaping the string is also an option

$string = 'It\'s ok here too';

More information on this can be found within the documentation

How to get current SIM card number in Android?

Update: This answer is no longer available as Whatsapp had stopped exposing the phone number as account name, kindly disregard this answer.


Its been almost 6 months and I believe I should update this with an alternative solution you might want to consider.

As of today, you can rely on another big application Whatsapp, using AccountManager. Millions of devices have this application installed and if you can't get the phone number via TelephonyManager, you may give this a shot.


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />


AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(this);
Account[] accounts = am.getAccounts();

ArrayList<String> googleAccounts = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Account ac : accounts) {
    String acname =;
    String actype = ac.type;
    // Take your time to look at all available accounts
    System.out.println("Accounts : " + acname + ", " + actype);

Check actype for whatsapp account

    String phoneNumber =;

Of course you may not get it if user did not install Whatsapp, but its worth to try anyway. And remember you should always ask user for confirmation.

java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer

The column in the database is probably a DECIMAL. You should process it as a BigInteger, not an Integer, otherwise you are losing digits. Or else change the column to int.

How to list all installed packages and their versions in Python?

To run this in later versions of pip (tested on pip==10.0.1) use the following:

from pip._internal.operations.freeze import freeze
for requirement in freeze(local_only=True):

Eloquent ORM laravel 5 Get Array of ids

You can use all() method instead of toArray() method (see more: laravel documentation):

test::where('id' ,'>' ,0)->pluck('id')->all(); //returns array

If you need a string, you can use without toArray() attachment:

test::where('id' ,'>' ,0)->pluck('id'); //returns string

int array to string

I like using StringBuilder with Aggregate(). The "trick" is that Append() returns the StringBuilder instance itself:

var sb = arr.Aggregate( new StringBuilder(), ( s, i ) => s.Append( i ) );
var result = sb.ToString();     

Throwing exceptions in a PHP Try Catch block

To rethrow do

 throw $e;

not the message.

Login with facebook android sdk app crash API 4

The official answer from Facebook (


The facebook android sdk no longer supports android 1.5 and 1.6. Please upgrade to the next api version.

Good luck with your implementation.

Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length?

Yes, this is something that you should worry about. Check the length of your objects with nrow(). R can auto-replicate objects so that they're the same length if they differ, which means you might be performing operations on mismatched data.

In this case you have an obvious flaw in that your subtracting aggregated data from raw data. These will definitely be of different lengths. I suggest that you merge them as time series (using the dates), then locf(), then do your subtraction. Otherwise merge them by truncating the original dates to the same interval as the aggregated series. Just be very careful that you don't drop observations.

Lastly, as some general advice as you get started: look at the result of your computations to see if they make sense. You might even pull them into a spreadsheet and replicate the results.

How to convert float number to Binary?

void transfer(double x) {
unsigned long long* p = (unsigned long long*)&x;
for (int i = sizeof(unsigned long long) * 8 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {cout<< ((*p) >>i & 1);}}

How to increase the clickable area of a <a> tag button?

You might try using display: block or display: inline-block. A nice tutorial can be found here:

Background color not showing in print preview

That CSS property is all you need it works for me...When previewing in Chrome you have the option to see it BW and Color(Color: Options- Color or Black and white) so if you don't have that option, then I suggest to grab this Chrome extension and make your life easier:

The site you added on fiddle needs this in your media print css (you have it just need to add it...

media print CSS in the body:

@media print {
body {-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;}

UPDATE OK so your issue is has a media print css as well as you remove that and that should give you need to either do your own or stick with bootstraps print css.

When I click print on this I see color....

Random number in range [min - max] using PHP


Docs for PHP's rand function are here:

Use the srand() function to set the random number generator's seed value.

"Unable to get the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction Class" error

I was just having this issue with my own program. I turned out that the value I was searching for was not in my reference table. I fixed my reference table, and then the error went away.

return in for loop or outside loop

Now someone told me that this is not very good programming because I use the return statement inside a loop and this would cause garbage collection to malfunction.

That's a bunch of rubbish. Everything inside the method would be cleaned up unless there were other references to it in the class or elsewhere (a reason why encapsulation is important). As a rule of thumb, it's generally better to use one return statement simply because it is easier to figure out where the method will exit.

Personally, I would write:

Boolean retVal = false;
for(int i=0; i<array.length; ++i){
    if(array[i]==valueToFind) {
        retVal = true;
        break; //Break immediately helps if you are looking through a big array
return retVal;

Setting the character encoding in form submit for Internet Explorer

I am pretty sure it won't be possible with older versions of IE. Before the accept-charset attribute was devised, there was no way for form elements to specify which character encoding they accepted, and the best that browsers could do is assume the encoding of the page the form is in will do.

It is a bit sad that you need to know which encoding was used -- nowadays we would expect our web frameworks to take care of such details invisibly and expose the text data to the application as Unicode strings, already decoded...


You could have used DISTINCT or just remove the PARTITION BY portions and use GROUP BY:

       ,TotalICount = SUM(ICount) OVER ()    
       ,Percentage = SUM(ICount) OVER ()*1.0 / SUM(ICount) 
FROM Table 
WHERE DateId  = 20130618

Not sure why you are dividing the total by the count per BrandID, if that's a mistake and you want percent of total then reverse those bits above to:

           ,TotalICount = SUM(ICount) OVER ()    
           ,Percentage = SUM(ICount)*1.0 / SUM(ICount) OVER () 
    FROM Table 
    WHERE DateId  = 20130618
    GROUP BY BrandID

Get last n lines of a file, similar to tail

The code I ended up using. I think this is the best so far:

def tail(f, n, offset=None):
    """Reads a n lines from f with an offset of offset lines.  The return
    value is a tuple in the form ``(lines, has_more)`` where `has_more` is
    an indicator that is `True` if there are more lines in the file.
    avg_line_length = 74
    to_read = n + (offset or 0)

    while 1:
   * to_read), 2)
        except IOError:
            # woops.  apparently file is smaller than what we want
            # to step back, go to the beginning instead
        pos = f.tell()
        lines =
        if len(lines) >= to_read or pos == 0:
            return lines[-to_read:offset and -offset or None], \
                   len(lines) > to_read or pos > 0
        avg_line_length *= 1.3

Java OCR implementation

We have tested a few OCR engines with Java like Tesseract,Asprise, Abbyy etc. In our analysis, Abbyy gave the best results.

Delete duplicate elements from an array

As elements are yet ordered, you don't have to build a map, there's a fast solution :

var newarr = [arr[0]];
for (var i=1; i<arr.length; i++) {
   if (arr[i]!=arr[i-1]) newarr.push(arr[i]);

If your array weren't sorted, you would use a map :

var newarr = (function(arr){
  var m = {}, newarr = []
  for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
    var v = arr[i];
    if (!m[v]) {
  return newarr;

Note that this is, by far, much faster than the accepted answer.

Count number of tables in Oracle

Please find below - its the simplest one I use :

select owner, count(*) from dba_tables group by owner;

What does .pack() do?

The pack method sizes the frame so that all its contents are at or above their preferred sizes. An alternative to pack is to establish a frame size explicitly by calling setSize or setBounds (which also sets the frame location). In general, using pack is preferable to calling setSize, since pack leaves the frame layout manager in charge of the frame size, and layout managers are good at adjusting to platform dependencies and other factors that affect component size.

From Java tutorial

You should also refer to Javadocs any time you need additional information on any Java API

.NET HttpClient. How to POST string value?

There is an article about your question on's website. I hope it can help you.

How to call an api with asp net

Here is a small part from the POST section of the article

The following code sends a POST request that contains a Product instance in JSON format:

var gizmo = new Product() { Name = "Gizmo", Price = 100, Category = "Widget" };
response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/products", gizmo);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    // Get the URI of the created resource.
    Uri gizmoUrl = response.Headers.Location;

eval command in Bash and its typical uses

The eval statement tells the shell to take eval’s arguments as command and run them through the command-line. It is useful in a situation like below:

In your script if you are defining a command into a variable and later on you want to use that command then you should use eval:

/home/user1 > a="ls | more"
/home/user1 > $a
bash: command not found: ls | more
/home/user1 > # Above command didn't work as ls tried to list file with name pipe (|) and more. But these files are not there
/home/user1 > eval $a
/home/user1 >

How to align an image dead center with bootstrap

You should use

<div class="row fluid-img">
  <img class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12" src="src.png">

.fluid-img {
    margin: 60px auto;

@media( min-width: 768px ){
        .fluid-img {
            max-width: 768px;
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
        .fluid-img {
            padding-left: 0;
            padding-right: 0;

Center an element with "absolute" position and undefined width in CSS?

A simple approach that worked for me to horizontally center a block of unknown width:

<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="block"></div>

#wrapper {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    text-align: center;

#block {
    display: inline-block;

A text-align property may be added to the #block ruleset to align its content independently of the alignment of the block.

This worked on recent versions of Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari.

Can the "IN" operator use LIKE-wildcards (%) in Oracle?

Not 100% what you were looking for, but kind of an inside-out way of doing it:

SQL> CREATE TABLE mytable (id NUMBER, status VARCHAR2(50));

Table created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (1,'Finished except pouring water on witch');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (2,'Finished except clicking ruby-slipper heels');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (3,'You shall (not?) pass');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (4,'Done');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (5,'Done with it.');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (6,'In Progress');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (7,'In progress, OK?');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (8,'In Progress Check Back In Three Days'' Time');

1 row created.

  2  FROM   mytable m
  3  WHERE  +1 NOT IN (INSTR(m.status,'Done')
  4            ,       INSTR(m.status,'Finished except')
  5            ,       INSTR(m.status,'In Progress'));

        ID STATUS
---------- --------------------------------------------------
         3 You shall (not?) pass
         7 In progress, OK?


Bootstrap button - remove outline on Chrome OS X

With scss:

$btn-focus-box-shadow: none!important;

Dynamically add properties to a existing object

It's not possible with a "normal" object, but you can do it with an ExpandoObject and the dynamic keyword:

dynamic person = new ExpandoObject();
person.FirstName = "Sam";
person.LastName = "Lewis";
person.Age = 42;
person.Foo = "Bar";

If you try to assign a property that doesn't exist, it is added to the object. If you try to read a property that doesn't exist, it will raise an exception. So it's roughly the same behavior as a dictionary (and ExpandoObject actually implements IDictionary<string, object>)

How to do a timer in Angular 5

This may be overkill for what you're looking for, but there is an npm package called marky that you can use to do this. It gives you a couple of extra features beyond just starting and stopping a timer. You just need to install it via npm and then import the dependency anywhere you'd like to use it. Here is a link to the npm package:

An example of use after installing via npm would be as follows:

import * as _M from 'marky';

 selector: 'app-test',
 templateUrl: './test.component.html',
 styleUrls: ['./test.component.scss']

export class TestComponent implements OnInit {
 Marky = _M;

constructor() {}

ngOnInit() {}

startTimer(key: string) {

stopTimer(key: string) {

key is simply a string which you are establishing to identify that particular measurement of time. You can have multiple measures which you can go back and reference your timer stats using the keys you create.

Display only date and no time

Include Data Annotations like DisplayFormat and ApplyFormatInEditMode to have the desired output.

[Display(Name = "Bill Date")] [DataType(DataType.Date)] [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)] public DateTime BillDate { get; set; }

Now your Bill date will show like.

enter image description here

How to prevent page from reloading after form submit - JQuery

The <button> element, when placed in a form, will submit the form automatically unless otherwise specified. You can use the following 2 strategies:

  1. Use <button type="button"> to override default submission behavior
  2. Use event.preventDefault() in the onSubmit event to prevent form submission

Solution 1:

  • Advantage: simple change to markup
  • Disadvantage: subverts default form behavior, especially when JS is disabled. What if the user wants to hit "enter" to submit?

Insert extra type attribute to your button markup:

<button id="button" type="button" value="send" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

Solution 2:

  • Advantage: form will work even when JS is disabled, and respects standard form UI/UX such that at least one button is used for submission

Prevent default form submission when button is clicked. Note that this is not the ideal solution because you should be in fact listening to the submit event, not the button click event:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to click event on the submit button
  $('#button').click(function (e) {


    var name = $("#name").val();
    var email = $("#email").val();

    $.post("process.php", {
      name: name,
      email: email
    }).complete(function() {

Better variant:

In this improvement, we listen to the submit event emitted from the <form> element:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to submit event on the <form> itself!
  $('#main').submit(function (e) {


    var name = $("#name").val();
    var email = $("#email").val();

    $.post("process.php", {
      name: name,
      email: email
    }).complete(function() {

Even better variant: use .serialize() to serialize your form, but remember to add name attributes to your input:

The name attribute is required for .serialize() to work, as per jQuery's documentation:

For a form element's value to be included in the serialized string, the element must have a name attribute.

<input type="text" id="name" name="name" class="form-control mb-2 mr-sm-2 mb-sm-0" id="inlineFormInput" placeholder="Jane Doe">
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" class="form-control" id="inlineFormInputGroup" placeholder="[email protected]">

And then in your JS:

$(document).ready(function () {
  // Listen to submit event on the <form> itself!
  $('#main').submit(function (e) {

    // Prevent form submission which refreshes page

    // Serialize data
    var formData = $(this).serialize();

    // Make AJAX request
    $.post("process.php", formData).complete(function() {

Merging two CSV files using Python

You need to store all of the extra rows in the files in your dictionary, not just one of them:

dict1 = {row[0]: row[1:] for row in r}
dict2 = {row[0]: row[1:] for row in r}

Then, since the values in the dictionaries are lists, you need to just concatenate the lists together:

w.writerows([[key] + dict1.get(key, []) + dict2.get(key, []) for key in keys])

Disable scrolling in an iPhone web application?

Change to the touchstart event instead of touchmove. Under One Finger Events it says that no events are sent during a pan, so touchmove may be too late.

I added the listener to document, not body.


document.ontouchstart = function(e){ 

node.js + mysql connection pooling

You should avoid using pool.getConnection() if you can. If you call pool.getConnection(), you must call connection.release() when you are done using the connection. Otherwise, your application will get stuck waiting forever for connections to be returned to the pool once you hit the connection limit.

For simple queries, you can use pool.query(). This shorthand will automatically call connection.release() for you—even in error conditions.

function doSomething(cb) {
  pool.query('SELECT 2*2 "value"', (ex, rows) => {
    if (ex) {
    } else {
      cb(null, rows[0].value);

However, in some cases you must use pool.getConnection(). These cases include:

  • Making multiple queries within a transaction.
  • Sharing data objects such as temporary tables between subsequent queries.

If you must use pool.getConnection(), ensure you call connection.release() using a pattern similar to below:

function doSomething(cb) {
  pool.getConnection((ex, connection) => {
    if (ex) {
    } else {
      // Ensure that any call to cb releases the connection
      // by wrapping it.
      cb = (cb => {
        return function () {
          cb.apply(this, arguments);
      connection.beginTransaction(ex => {
        if (ex) {
        } else {
          connection.query('INSERT INTO table1 ("value") VALUES (\'my value\');', ex => {
            if (ex) {
            } else {
              connection.query('INSERT INTO table2 ("value") VALUES (\'my other value\')', ex => {
                if (ex) {
                } else {
                  connection.commit(ex => {

I personally prefer to use Promises and the useAsync() pattern. This pattern combined with async/await makes it a lot harder to accidentally forget to release() the connection because it turns your lexical scoping into an automatic call to .release():

async function usePooledConnectionAsync(actionAsync) {
  const connection = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    pool.getConnection((ex, connection) => {
      if (ex) {
      } else {
  try {
    return await actionAsync(connection);
  } finally {

async function doSomethingElse() {
  // Usage example:
  const result = await usePooledConnectionAsync(async connection => {
    const rows = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      connection.query('SELECT 2*4 "value"', (ex, rows) => {
        if (ex) {
        } else {
    return rows[0].value;

How to install mysql-connector via pip

To install the official MySQL Connector for Python, please use the name mysql-connector-python:

pip install mysql-connector-python

Some further discussion, when we pip search for mysql-connector at this time (Nov, 2018), the most related results shown as follow:

$ pip search mysql-connector | grep ^mysql-connector
mysql-connector (2.1.6)                  - MySQL driver written in Python
mysql-connector-python (8.0.13)          - MySQL driver written in Python
mysql-connector-repackaged (0.3.1)       - MySQL driver written in Python
mysql-connector-async-dd (2.0.2)         - mysql async connection
mysql-connector-python-rf (2.2.2)        - MySQL driver written in Python
mysql-connector-python-dd (2.0.2)        - MySQL driver written in Python
  • mysql-connector (2.1.6) is provided on PyPI when MySQL didn't provide their official pip install on PyPI at beginning (which was inconvenient). But it is a fork, and is stopped updating, so

    pip install mysql-connector

    will install this obsolete version.

  • And now mysql-connector-python (8.0.13) on PyPI is the official package maintained by MySQL, so this is the one we should install.

Not able to pip install pickle in python 3.6

I had a similar error & this is what I found.

My environment details were as below: steps followed at my end

c:\>pip --version
pip 20.0.2 from c:\python37_64\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.7)

C:\>python --version
Python 3.7.6

As per the documentation, apparently, python 3.7 already has the pickle package. So it does not require any additional download. I checked with the following command to make sure & it worked.

Python 3.7.6 (tags/v3.7.6:43364a7ae0, Dec 19 2019, 00:42:30) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pickle

So, pip install pickle not required for python v3.7 for sure

Printing Mongo query output to a file while in the mongo shell

We can do it this way -

mongo db_name --quiet --eval 'DBQuery.shellBatchSize = 2000; db.users.find({}).limit(2000).toArray()' > users.json

The shellBatchSize argument is used to determine how many rows is the mongo client allowed to print. Its default value is 20.

How to remove the character at a given index from a string in C?

A convenient, simple and fast way to get rid of \0 is to copy the string without the last char (\0) with the help of strncpy instead of strcpy:


What are some examples of commonly used practices for naming git branches?

Here are some branch naming conventions that I use and the reasons for them

Branch naming conventions

  1. Use grouping tokens (words) at the beginning of your branch names.
  2. Define and use short lead tokens to differentiate branches in a way that is meaningful to your workflow.
  3. Use slashes to separate parts of your branch names.
  4. Do not use bare numbers as leading parts.
  5. Avoid long descriptive names for long-lived branches.

Group tokens

Use "grouping" tokens in front of your branch names.


The groups can be named whatever you like to match your workflow. I like to use short nouns for mine. Read on for more clarity.

Short well-defined tokens

Choose short tokens so they do not add too much noise to every one of your branch names. I use these:

wip       Works in progress; stuff I know won't be finished soon
feat      Feature I'm adding or expanding
bug       Bug fix or experiment
junk      Throwaway branch created to experiment

Each of these tokens can be used to tell you to which part of your workflow each branch belongs.

It sounds like you have multiple branches for different cycles of a change. I do not know what your cycles are, but let's assume they are 'new', 'testing' and 'verified'. You can name your branches with abbreviated versions of these tags, always spelled the same way, to both group them and to remind you which stage you're in.


You can quickly tell which branches have reached each different stage, and you can group them together easily using Git's pattern matching options.

$ git branch --list "test/*"

$ git branch --list "*/foo"

$ gitk --branches="*/foo"

Use slashes to separate parts

You may use most any delimiter you like in branch names, but I find slashes to be the most flexible. You might prefer to use dashes or dots. But slashes let you do some branch renaming when pushing or fetching to/from a remote.

$ git push origin 'refs/heads/feature/*:refs/heads/phord/feat/*'
$ git push origin 'refs/heads/bug/*:refs/heads/review/bugfix/*'

For me, slashes also work better for tab expansion (command completion) in my shell. The way I have it configured I can search for branches with different sub-parts by typing the first characters of the part and pressing the TAB key. Zsh then gives me a list of branches which match the part of the token I have typed. This works for preceding tokens as well as embedded ones.

$ git checkout new<TAB>
Menu:  new/frabnotz   new/foo   new/bar

$ git checkout foo<TAB>
Menu:  new/foo   test/foo   ver/foo

(Zshell is very configurable about command completion and I could also configure it to handle dashes, underscores or dots the same way. But I choose not to.)

It also lets you search for branches in many git commands, like this:

git branch --list "feature/*"
git log --graph --oneline --decorate --branches="feature/*" 
gitk --branches="feature/*" 

Caveat: As Slipp points out in the comments, slashes can cause problems. Because branches are implemented as paths, you cannot have a branch named "foo" and another branch named "foo/bar". This can be confusing for new users.

Do not use bare numbers

Do not use use bare numbers (or hex numbers) as part of your branch naming scheme. Inside tab-expansion of a reference name, git may decide that a number is part of a sha-1 instead of a branch name. For example, my issue tracker names bugs with decimal numbers. I name my related branches CRnnnnn rather than just nnnnn to avoid confusion.

$ git checkout CR15032<TAB>
Menu:   fix/CR15032    test/CR15032

If I tried to expand just 15032, git would be unsure whether I wanted to search SHA-1's or branch names, and my choices would be somewhat limited.

Avoid long descriptive names

Long branch names can be very helpful when you are looking at a list of branches. But it can get in the way when looking at decorated one-line logs as the branch names can eat up most of the single line and abbreviate the visible part of the log.

On the other hand long branch names can be more helpful in "merge commits" if you do not habitually rewrite them by hand. The default merge commit message is Merge branch 'branch-name'. You may find it more helpful to have merge messages show up as Merge branch 'fix/CR15032/crash-when-unformatted-disk-inserted' instead of just Merge branch 'fix/CR15032'.

Error: No module named psycopg2.extensions

try this:
sudo pip install -i psycopg2==2.7b2
.. this is especially helpful if you're running into egg error

on aws ec2 instances if you run into gcc error; try this
1. sudo yum install gcc python-setuptools python-devel postgresql-devel
2. sudo su -
3. sudo pip install psycopg2

Push items into mongo array via mongoose

First I tried this code

const peopleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  friends: [
      firstName: String,
      lastName: String,
const People = mongoose.model("person", peopleSchema);
const first = new Note({
  name: "Yash Salvi",
  notes: [
      firstName: "Johnny",
      lastName: "Johnson",
const friendNew = {
  firstName: "Alice",
  lastName: "Parker",
  { name: "Yash Salvi" },
  { $push: { friends: friendNew } },
  function (error, success) {
    if (error) {
    } else {

But I noticed that only first friend (i.e. Johhny Johnson) gets saved and the objective to push array element in existing array of "friends" doesn't seem to work as when I run the code , in database in only shows "First friend" and "friends" array has only one element ! So the simple solution is written below

const peopleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  friends: [
      firstName: String,
      lastName: String,
const People = mongoose.model("person", peopleSchema);
const first = new Note({
  name: "Yash Salvi",
  notes: [
      firstName: "Johnny",
      lastName: "Johnson",
const friendNew = {
  firstName: "Alice",
  lastName: "Parker",
  { name: "Yash Salvi" },
  { $push: { friends: friendNew } },
  { upsert: true }

Adding "{ upsert: true }" solved problem in my case and once code is saved and I run it , I see that "friends" array now has 2 elements ! The upsert = true option creates the object if it doesn't exist. default is set to false.

if it doesn't work use below snippet

  { name: "Yash Salvi" },
  { $push: { friends: friendNew } },

PostgreSQL return result set as JSON array?

Also if you want selected field from table and aggregated then as array .

SELECT json_agg(json_build_object('data_a',a,
))  from t;

The result will come .


Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why are Java generics not implicitly polymorphic?

Further to the answer by Jon Skeet, which uses this example code:

// Illegal code - because otherwise life would be Bad
List<Dog> dogs = new ArrayList<Dog>(); // ArrayList implements List
List<Animal> animals = dogs; // Awooga awooga
animals.add(new Cat());
Dog dog = dogs.get(0); // This should be safe, right?

At the deepest level, the problem here is that dogs and animals share a reference. That means that one way to make this work would be to copy the entire list, which would break reference equality:

// This code is fine
List<Dog> dogs = new ArrayList<Dog>();
dogs.add(new Dog());
List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<>(dogs); // Copy list
animals.add(new Cat());
Dog dog = dogs.get(0);   // This is fine now, because it does not return the Cat

After calling List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<>(dogs);, you cannot subsequently directly assign animals to either dogs or cats:

// These are both illegal
dogs = animals;
cats = animals;

therefore you can't put the wrong subtype of Animal into the list, because there is no wrong subtype -- any object of subtype ? extends Animal can be added to animals.

Obviously, this changes the semantics, since the lists animals and dogs are no longer shared, so adding to one list does not add to the other (which is exactly what you want, to avoid the problem that a Cat could be added to a list that is only supposed to contain Dog objects). Also, copying the entire list can be inefficient. However, this does solve the type equivalence problem, by breaking reference equality.

How to change the name of an iOS app?

For changing application name only (that will display along with app icon) in xcode 4 or later:

Click on your project file icon from Groups & Files panel, choose Target -> Build Settings -> Packaging -> Product Name. Click on the row, a pop-up will come, type your new app name here.

For changing Project name only (that will display along with project icon) in xcode 4 or later:

Click on your project file icon from Groups & Files panel, choose Project(above targets) from right pane, just see at the far right pane(it will be visible only if you have enabled "Hide or show utilities").Look for project name.Edit it to new name you want to give your project.

Delete your app from simulator/device, clean and run.Changes should reflect.

That's it

Using Pipes within ngModel on INPUT Elements in Angular

you must use [ngModel] instead of two way model binding with [(ngModel)]. then use manual change event with (ngModelChange). this is public rule for all two way input in components.

because pipe on event emitter is wrong.

Passing arguments to C# generic new() of templated type

I found that I was getting an error "cannot provide arguments when creating an instance of type parameter T" so I needed to do this:

var x = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), args) as T;

Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched

What worked for me was enabling the checkbox "Use Host GPU" when creating or editing the AVD (Android Virtual Device). This checkbox was not enabled by default.

How to lose margin/padding in UITextView?

Building off some of the good answers already given, here is a purely Storyboard / Interface Builder-based solution that works in iOS 7.0+

Set the UITextView's User Defined Runtime Attributes for the following keys:


Interface Builder

Collapse all methods in Visual Studio Code

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+1 and then Ctrl+K, Ctrl+2 will do close to what you want.

The first command collapses level 1 (usually classes), and the second command collapses level 2 (usually methods).

You might even find it useful to skip the first command.

Reading a simple text file

To read the file saved in assets folder

public static String readFromFile(Context context, String file) {
        try {
            InputStream is = context.getAssets().open(file);
            int size = is.available();
            byte buffer[] = new byte[size];
            return new String(buffer);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "" ;

Cannot bulk load because the file could not be opened. Operating System Error Code 3

It's probably a permissions issue but you need to make sure to try these steps to troubleshoot:

  • Put the file on a local drive and see if the job works (you don't necessarily need RDP access if you can map a drive letter on your local workstation to a directory on the database server)
  • Put the file on a remote directory that doesn't require username and password (allows Everyone to read) and use the UNC path (\server\directory\file.csv)
  • Configure the SQL job to run as your own username
  • Configure the SQL job to run as sa and add the net use and net use /delete commands before and after

Remember to undo any changes (especially running as sa). If nothing else works, you can try to change the bulk load into a scheduled task, running on the database server or another server that has bcp installed.

Passing environment-dependent variables in webpack

I prefer using .env file for different environment.

  1. Use to copy to .env into root folder
  2. Use to copy to .env

and in code


require('dotenv').config(); const API = process.env.API ## which will store the value from .env file

Compilation error - missing zlib.h

I also had the same problem. Then I installed the zlib, still the problem remained the same. Then I added the following lines in my .bashrc and it worked. You should replace the path with your zlib installation path. (I didn't have root privileges).

export PATH =$PATH:$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/lib/
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/lib/
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/include/
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/include/
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/Softwares/library/Zlib/zlib-1.2.11/lib/pkgconfig

Loading all images using imread from a given folder

If all images are of the same format:

import cv2
import glob

images = [cv2.imread(file) for file in glob.glob('path/to/files/*.jpg')]

For reading images of different formats:

import cv2
import glob

imdir = 'path/to/files/'
ext = ['png', 'jpg', 'gif']    # Add image formats here

files = []
[files.extend(glob.glob(imdir + '*.' + e)) for e in ext]

images = [cv2.imread(file) for file in files]

static linking only some libraries

gcc -lsome_dynamic_lib code.c some_static_lib.a

Append text using StreamWriter

Also look at log4net, which makes logging to 1 or more event stores — whether it's the console, the Windows event log, a text file, a network pipe, a SQL database, etc. — pretty trivial. You can even filter stuff in its configuration, for instance, so that only log records of a particular severity (say ERROR or FATAL) from a single component or assembly are directed to a particular event store.

how can I login anonymously with ftp (/usr/bin/ftp)?

As others point out, the user name is usually anonymous, and the password is usually your e-mail address, but this is not universally true, and has been found not to work for certain anonymous FTP sites. For example, at least some cPanel sites seem to deviate from the norm, and if given the traditional user name without domain, one of various errors may result:

If the server uses Pure-FTP as the FTP server:

421 Can't change directory to /var/ftp/ error message.

If the server uses ProFTP as the FTP server:

530 Login Authentication Failed error message.

When one of the aforementioned errors occurs when attempting anonymous access, try including a domain with the username. For example, where is the domain used in your e-mail address:

User name: [email protected]

In the specific case of a cPanel site, the password value is unimportant, and may be left blank, but there is no harm in providing a "traditional" anonymous password formatted as an e-mail address.

For reference, this answer is based on content found on a Anonymous FTP page. At the time of this writing, it stated:

When users log in to FTP anonymously, they must format usernames as [email protected], where represents the user's domain name. This requirement directs your server to the correct public_ftp directory.

target input by type and name (selector)

input[type='checkbox', name='ProductCode']

That's the CSS way and I'm almost sure it will work in jQuery.

How to iterate object in JavaScript?

var dictionary = {
        "data":[{"id":"0","name":"ABC"}, {"id":"1","name":"DEF"}],
        "images": [ {"id":"0","name":"PQR"},"id":"1","name":"xyz"}]

for (var key in dictionary) {
    var getKey = dictionary[key];
    getKey.forEach(function(item) {
        console.log( + ' ' +;

'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'

1) You can set root password by invoking MySQL console. It is located in

C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.53\bin by default.

Get to the directory and type MySQL. then set the password as follows..

    > SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost = PASSWORD('new-password');

2) You can configure wamp's phpmyadmin application for root user by editing


Note :- if you are using xampp then , file will be located at


It looks like this:

        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = 'localhost';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'YOURPASSWORD';
        $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;

The error "Access denied for user 'root@localhost' (using password:NO)" will be resolved when you set $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] to false

If you priviously changed the password for 'root@localhost', then you have to do 2 things to solve the error "Access denided for user 'root@localhost'":

  1. if ['password'] have a empty quotes like ' ' then put your password between quotes.
  2. change the (using password:NO) to (using password:YES)

This will resolve the error.

Note: phpmyadmin is a separate tool which comes with wamp. It just provide a interface to MySQL. if you change my sql root's password, then you should change the phpmyadmin configurations. Usually phpmyadmin is configured to root user.

Remove last character from C++ string

str.erase( str.end()-1 )

Reference: std::string::erase() prototype 2

no c++11 or c++0x needed.

How do I install an R package from source?

A supplementarily handy (but trivial) tip for installing older version of packages from source.

First, if you call "install.packages", it always installs the latest package from repo. If you want to install the older version of packages, say for compatibility, you can call install.packages("url_to_source", repo=NULL, type="source"). For example:

install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")

Without manually downloading packages to the local disk and switching to the command line or installing from local disk, I found it is very convenient and simplify the call (one-step).

Plus: you can use this trick with devtools library's dev_mode, in order to manage different versions of packages:

Reference: doc devtools

What is the standard exception to throw in Java for not supported/implemented operations?

Differentiate between the two cases you named:

How can I verify if a Windows Service is running

Here you get all available services and their status in your local machine.

ServiceController[] services = ServiceController.GetServices();
foreach(ServiceController service in services)
    Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceName+"=="+ service.Status);

You can Compare your service with property inside loop and you get status of your service. For details go with the also

error C2065: 'cout' : undeclared identifier

Are you sure it's compiling as C++? Check your file name (it should end in .cpp). Check your project settings.

There's simply nothing wrong with your program, and cout is in namespace std. Your installation of VS 2010 Beta 2 is defective, and I don't think it's just your installation.

I don't think VS 2010 is ready for C++ yet. The standard "Hello, World" program didn't work on Beta 1. I just tried creating a test Win32 console application, and the generated test.cpp file didn't have a main() function.

I've got a really, really bad feeling about VS 2010.

Android how to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()


Gives you the full path the SDCard. You can then do normal File I/O operations using standard Java.

Here's a simple example for writing a file:

String baseDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
String fileName = "myFile.txt";

// Not sure if the / is on the path or not
File f = new File(baseDir + File.separator + fileName);


Oops - you wanted an example for reading ...

String baseDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
String fileName = "myFile.txt";

// Not sure if the / is on the path or not
File f = new File(baseDir + File.Separator + fileName);
FileInputStream fiStream = new FileInputStream(f);

byte[] bytes;

// You might not get the whole file, lookup File I/O examples for Java; 

javac : command not found

I use Fedora (currently 31)

Even with JDK's installed, I still need to specify JAVAC_HOME in the .bashrc, especially since I have 4 Java versions using sudo alternatives --configure java to switch between them.

To find java location of java selected in alternatives

readlink -f $(which java)

In my case: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_241-amd64/jre/bin/java

So I set following in .bashrc to:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_241-amd64/jre/bin/java

export JAVAC_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_241-amd64/bin/javac

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_241-amd64/jre/bin

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_241-amd64/bin/

Now javac –version gives: javac 1.8.0_241

This is useful for those who want to use Oracle's version. Just remember to change your .bashrc again if you make a change with java alternatives.

Getter and Setter of Model object in Angular 4

The way you declare the date property as an input looks incorrect but its hard to say if it's the only problem without seeing all your code. Rather than using @Input('date') declare the date property like so: private _date: string;. Also, make sure you are instantiating the model with the new keyword. Lastly, access the property using regular dot notation.

Check your work against this example from :

let passcode = "secret passcode";

class Employee {
    private _fullName: string;

    get fullName(): string {
        return this._fullName;

    set fullName(newName: string) {
        if (passcode && passcode == "secret passcode") {
            this._fullName = newName;
        else {
            console.log("Error: Unauthorized update of employee!");

let employee = new Employee();
employee.fullName = "Bob Smith";
if (employee.fullName) {

And here is a plunker demonstrating what it sounds like you're trying to do:

How to change a dataframe column from String type to Double type in PySpark?

Preserve the name of the column and avoid extra column addition by using the same name as input column:

changedTypedf = joindf.withColumn("show", joindf["show"].cast(DoubleType()))

Defining TypeScript callback type

I came across the same error when trying to add the callback to an event listener. Strangely, setting the callback type to EventListener solved it. It looks more elegant than defining a whole function signature as a type, but I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do this.

class driving {
    // the answer from this post - this works
    // private callback: () => void; 

    // this also works!
    private callback:EventListener;

        this.callback = () => this.startJump();
        window.addEventListener("keydown", this.callback);

    startJump():void {
        window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.callback);

How to determine if one array contains all elements of another array

Perhaps this is easier to read:

a2.all? { |e| a1.include?(e) }

You can also use array intersection:

(a1 & a2).size == a1.size

Note that size is used here just for speed, you can also do (slower):

(a1 & a2) == a1

But I guess the first is more readable. These 3 are plain ruby (not rails).

Undefined reference to pow( ) in C, despite including math.h

You need to link with the math library:

gcc -o sphere sphere.c -lm

The error you are seeing: error: ld returned 1 exit status is from the linker ld (part of gcc that combines the object files) because it is unable to find where the function pow is defined.

Including math.h brings in the declaration of the various functions and not their definition. The def is present in the math library libm.a. You need to link your program with this library so that the calls to functions like pow() are resolved.

How to add border around linear layout except at the bottom?

Kenny is right, just want to clear some things out.

  1. Create the file border.xml and put it in the folder res/drawable/
  2. add the code

    <shape xmlns:android=""> 
       <stroke android:width="4dp" android:color="#FF00FF00" /> 
       <solid android:color="#ffffff" /> 
       <padding android:left="7dp" android:top="7dp" 
            android:right="7dp" android:bottom="0dp" /> 
       <corners android:radius="4dp" /> 
  3. set back ground like android:background="@drawable/border" wherever you want the border

Mine first didn't work cause i put the border.xml in the wrong folder!

Will the IE9 WebBrowser Control Support all of IE9's features, including SVG?

The IE9 "version" of the WebBrowser control, like the IE8 version, is actually several browsers in one. Unlike the IE8 version, you do have a little more control over the rendering mode inside the page by changing the doctype. Of course, to change the browser mode you have to set your registry like the earlier answer. Here is a reg file fragment for FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Here is the complete set of codes:

  • 9999 (0x270F) - Internet Explorer 9. Webpages are displayed in IE9 Standards mode, regardless of the !DOCTYPE directive.
  • 9000 (0x2328) - Internet Explorer 9. Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE9 mode.
  • 8888 (0x22B8) -Webpages are displayed in IE8 Standards mode, regardless of the !DOCTYPE directive.
  • 8000 (0x1F40) - Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE8 mode.
  • 7000 (0x1B58) - Webpages containing standards-based !DOCTYPE directives are displayed in IE7 Standards mode.

The full docs:

Regex match everything after question mark?

With the positive lookbehind technique:


(We're searching for a text preceded by a question mark here)

Input: derpderp?mystring blahbeh
Output: mystring blahbeh


Basically the ?<= is a group construct, that requires the escaped question-mark, before any match can be made.

They perform really well, but not all implementations support them.

Border length smaller than div width?

You can use a linear gradient:

div {_x000D_
    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000 1px, rgba(255,255,255,0) 1px), linear-gradient(to left, #000 0.1rem, rgba(255,255,255,0) 1px);_x000D_
 background-position: bottom;_x000D_
 background-size: 100% 25px;_x000D_
 background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000;_x000D_
    border-top: 1px solid red;_x000D_

How to add color to Github's file

Unfortunately, this is currently not possible.

The GitHub Markdown documentation has no mention of 'color', 'css', 'html', or 'style'.

While some Markdown processors (e.g. the one used in Ghost) allow for HTML, such as <span style="color:orange;">Word up</span>, GitHub's discards any HTML.

If it's imperative that you use color in your readme, your could simply refer users to a README.html. The trade-off for this, of course, is accessibility.

How can I set focus on an element in an HTML form using JavaScript?

For what it's worth, you can use the autofocus attribute on HTML5 compatible browsers. Works even on IE as of version 10.

<input name="myinput" value="whatever" autofocus />

'git status' shows changed files, but 'git diff' doesn't

I had this same problem described in the following way: If I typed

$ git diff

Git simply returned to the prompt with no error.

If I typed

$ git diff <filename>

Git simply returned to the prompt with no error.

Finally, by reading around I noticed that git diff actually calls the mingw64\bin\diff.exe to do the work.

Here's the deal. I'm running Windows and had installed another Bash utility and it changed my path so it no longer pointed to my mingw64\bin directory.

So if you type:

git diff

and it just returns to the prompt you may have this problem.

The actual diff.exe which is run by git is located in your mingw64\bin directory

Finally, to fix this, I actually copied my mingw64\bin directory to the location Git was looking for it in. I tried it and it still didn't work.

Then, I closed my Git Bash window and opened it again went to my same repository that was failing and now it works.

SQL Server 2008 - Help writing simple INSERT Trigger

cmsjr had the right solution. I just wanted to point out a couple of things for your future trigger development. If you are using the values statement in an insert in a trigger, there is a stong possibility that you are doing the wrong thing. Triggers fire once for each batch of records inserted, deleted, or updated. So if ten records were inserted in one batch, then the trigger fires once. If you are refering to the data in the inserted or deleted and using variables and the values clause then you are only going to get the data for one of those records. This causes data integrity problems. You can fix this by using a set-based insert as cmsjr shows above or by using a cursor. Don't ever choose the cursor path. A cursor in a trigger is a problem waiting to happen as they are slow and may well lock up your table for hours. I removed a cursor from a trigger once and improved an import process from 40 minutes to 45 seconds.

You may think nobody is ever going to add multiple records, but it happens more frequently than most non-database people realize. Don't write a trigger that will not work under all the possible insert, update, delete conditions. Nobody is going to use the one record at a time method when they have to import 1,000,000 sales target records from a new customer or update all the prices by 10% or delete all the records from a vendor whose products you don't sell anymore.

Why Response.Redirect causes System.Threading.ThreadAbortException?

I had that problem too.

Try using Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect

Worked for me.

How to calculate mean, median, mode and range from a set of numbers

Yes, there does seem to be 3rd libraries (none in Java Math). Two that have come up are:

but, it is actually not that difficult to write your own methods to calculate mean, median, mode and range.


public static double mean(double[] m) {
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
        sum += m[i];
    return sum / m.length;


// the array double[] m MUST BE SORTED
public static double median(double[] m) {
    int middle = m.length/2;
    if (m.length%2 == 1) {
        return m[middle];
    } else {
        return (m[middle-1] + m[middle]) / 2.0;


public static int mode(int a[]) {
    int maxValue, maxCount;

    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
        int count = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < a.length; ++j) {
            if (a[j] == a[i]) ++count;
        if (count > maxCount) {
            maxCount = count;
            maxValue = a[i];

    return maxValue;


As has been pointed out by Neelesh Salpe, the above does not cater for multi-modal collections. We can fix this quite easily:

public static List<Integer> mode(final int[] numbers) {
    final List<Integer> modes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    final Map<Integer, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    int max = -1;

    for (final int n : numbers) {
        int count = 0;

        if (countMap.containsKey(n)) {
            count = countMap.get(n) + 1;
        } else {
            count = 1;

        countMap.put(n, count);

        if (count > max) {
            max = count;

    for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> tuple : countMap.entrySet()) {
        if (tuple.getValue() == max) {

    return modes;


If you are using Java 8 or higher, you can also determine the modes like this:

public static List<Integer> getModes(final List<Integer> numbers) {
    final Map<Integer, Long> countFrequencies =
            .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));

    final long maxFrequency = countFrequencies.values().stream()
            .mapToLong(count -> count)

    return countFrequencies.entrySet().stream()
            .filter(tuple -> tuple.getValue() == maxFrequency)

How do detect Android Tablets in general. Useragent?

Try OpenDDR, it is free unlike most other solutions mentioned.

How to discover number of *logical* cores on Mac OS X?

system_profiler SPHardwareDataType shows I have 1 processor and 4 cores.

[~] system_profiler SPHardwareDataType

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier: MacBookPro9,1
      Processor Name: Intel Core i7
      Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz
      Number of Processors: 1
      Total Number of Cores: 4



However, sysctl disagrees:

[~] sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu
[~] sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu

But sysctl appears correct, as when I run a program that should take up all CPU slots, I see this program taking close to 800% of CPU time (in top):

4306  top          5.6   
4304  java         745.7 
4296  locationd    0.0  

How do I convert special UTF-8 chars to their iso-8859-1 equivalent using javascript?

you should add this line above your page

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

Get Value of Radio button group

Your quotes only need to surround the value part of the attribute-equals selector, [attr='val'], like this:

$('a#check_var').click(function() {
  alert($("input:radio[name='r']:checked").val()+ ' '+

You can see the working version here.

IOS - How to segue programmatically using swift

This worked for me.

First of all give the view controller in your storyboard a Storyboard ID inside the identity inspector. Then use the following example code (ensuring the class, storyboard name and story board ID match those that you are using):

let viewController:
UIViewController = UIStoryboard(
    name: "Main", bundle: nil
).instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewController") as UIViewController
// .instantiatViewControllerWithIdentifier() returns AnyObject!
// this must be downcast to utilize it

self.presentViewController(viewController, animated: false, completion: nil)

For more details see best wishes

Null check in an enhanced for loop

You could potentially write a helper method which returned an empty sequence if you passed in null:

public static <T> Iterable<T> emptyIfNull(Iterable<T> iterable) {
    return iterable == null ? Collections.<T>emptyList() : iterable;

Then use:

for (Object object : emptyIfNull(someList)) {

I don't think I'd actually do that though - I'd usually use your second form. In particular, the "or throw ex" is important - if it really shouldn't be null, you should definitely throw an exception. You know that something has gone wrong, but you don't know the extent of the damage. Abort early.

how to get file path from sd card in android

There are different Names of SD-Cards.

This Code check every possible Name (I don't guarantee that these are all names but the most are included)

It prefers the main storage.

 private String SDPath() {
    String sdcardpath = "";

    if (new File("/data/sdext4/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext4/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext4/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext3/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext3/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext3/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext2/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext2/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext2/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext1/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext1/";
    if (new File("/data/sdext/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/data/sdext/";


    if (new File("mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard/external_sd/";
    if (new File("mnt/extsdcard/").exists() && new File("mnt/extsdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/extsdcard/";
    if (new File("mnt/external_sd/").exists() && new File("mnt/external_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/external_sd/";
    if (new File("mnt/emmc/").exists() && new File("mnt/emmc/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/emmc/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard0/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard0/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard0/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("mnt/sdcard/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard/";

    if (new File("/storage/removable/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("/storage/removable/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/removable/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("/storage/external_SD/").exists() && new File("/storage/external_SD/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/external_SD/";
    if (new File("/storage/ext_sd/").exists() && new File("/storage/ext_sd/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/ext_sd/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard1/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard1/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard0/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard0/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard0/";
    if (new File("/storage/sdcard/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard/").canRead()){
        sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard/";
    if (sdcardpath.contentEquals("")){
        sdcardpath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();

    Log.v("SDFinder","Path: " + sdcardpath);
    return sdcardpath;

How do I unlock a SQLite database?

An old question, with a lot of answers, here's the steps I've recently followed reading the answers above, but in my case the problem was due to cifs resource sharing. This case is not reported previously, so hope it helps someone.

  • Check no connections are left open in your java code.
  • Check no other processes are using your SQLite db file with lsof.
  • Check the user owner of your running jvm process has r/w permissions over the file.
  • Try to force the lock mode on the connection opening with

    final SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig();
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, config.toProperties());

If your using your SQLite db file over a NFS shared folder, check this point of the SQLite faq, and review your mounting configuration options to make sure your avoiding locks, as described here:

//myserver /mymount cifs username=*****,password=*****,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,file,nolock,file_mode=0700,dir_mode=0700,uid=0500,gid=0500 0 0

make: Nothing to be done for `all'

Make is behaving correctly. hello already exists and is not older than the .c files, and therefore there is no more work to be done. There are four scenarios in which make will need to (re)build:

  • If you modify one of your .c files, then it will be newer than hello, and then it will have to rebuild when you run make.
  • If you delete hello, then it will obviously have to rebuild it
  • You can force make to rebuild everything with the -B option. make -B all
  • make clean all will delete hello and require a rebuild. (I suggest you look at @Mat's comment about rm -f *.o hello

Unique device identification

I have following idea how you can deal with such Access Device ID (ADID):


  • prepare web-page where trusted user e.g. Manager can login from device - that page should show button "Give access to this device"
  • when user press button, page send request to server to generate ADID
  • server gen ADID, store it on whitelist and return to page
  • then page store it in device localstorage
  • trusted user now logout.

Use device

  • Then other user e.g. Employee using same device go to and page send to server request for statistics including parameter ADID (previous stored in localstorage)
  • server checks if the ADID is on the whitelist, and if yes then return data

In this approach, as long user use same browser and don't make device reset, the device has access to data. If someone made device-reset then again trusted user need to login and gen ADID.

You can even create some ADID management system for trusted user where on generate ADID he can also input device serial-number and in future in case of device reset he can find this device and regenerate ADID for it (which not increase whitelist size) and he can also drop some ADID from whitelist for devices which he will not longer give access to server data.

In case when sytem use many domains/subdomains te manager after login should see many "Give access from domain to this device" buttons - each button will redirect device do proper domain, gent ADID and redirect back.


Simpler approach based on links:

  • Manager login to system using any device and generate ONE-TIME USE LINK (which works e.g. 24h).
  • Then manager send this link to employee (or someone else; e.g. by email) which put that link into device and server returns ADID to device which store it in Local Storage. After that link above stops working - so only the system and device know ADID
  • Then employee using this device can read data from because it has ADID which is on servers whitelist

How to listen for 'props' changes

For me this is a polite solution to get one specific prop(s) changes and create logic with it

I would use props and variables computed properties to create logic after to receive the changes

export default {
name: 'getObjectDetail',
filters: {},
components: {},
props: {
  objectDetail: { // <--- we could access to this value with this.objectDetail
    type: Object,
    required: true
computed: {
  _objectDetail: {
    let value = false
    // ...
    // if || do || while -- whatever logic
    // insert validation logic with this.objectDetail (prop value)
    value = true
    // ...
    return value 

So, we could use _objectDetail on html render

  {{ _objectDetail }}

or in some method:

literallySomeMethod: function() {
   if (this._objectDetail) {

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I was facing the same issue. Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator. It resolved my issue.

Enter image description here

Jackson Vs. Gson

Gson 1.6 now includes a low-level streaming API and a new parser which is actually faster than Jackson.

How to use sed to extract substring

You should not parse XML using tools like sed, or awk. It's error-prone.

If input changes, and before name parameter you will get new-line character instead of space it will fail some day producing unexpected results.

If you are really sure, that your input will be always formated this way, you can use cut. It's faster than sed and awk:

cut -d'"' -f2 < input.txt

It will be better to first parse it, and extract only parameter name attribute:

xpath -q -e //@name input.txt | cut -d'"' -f2

To learn more about xpath, see this tutorial:

Convert a Python int into a big-endian string of bytes

The shortest way, I think, is the following:

import struct
val = 0x11223344
val = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack(">I", val))[0]
print "%08x" % val

This converts an integer to a byte-swapped integer.

The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection

Open your as Source Code and at bottom just before </dict> add following code,

 <!--By Passing-->
    <!--End Passing-->

And finally change with your base Url. Thanks.

How do you remove the title text from the Android ActionBar?

ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();

Pandas DataFrame to List of Dictionaries

As an extension to John Galt's answer -

For the following DataFrame,

   customer  item1   item2   item3
0         1  apple    milk  tomato
1         2  water  orange  potato
2         3  juice   mango   chips

If you want to get a list of dictionaries including the index values, you can do something like,


Which outputs a dictionary of dictionaries where keys of the parent dictionary are index values. In this particular case,

{0: {'customer': 1, 'item1': 'apple', 'item2': 'milk', 'item3': 'tomato'},
 1: {'customer': 2, 'item1': 'water', 'item2': 'orange', 'item3': 'potato'},
 2: {'customer': 3, 'item1': 'juice', 'item2': 'mango', 'item3': 'chips'}}

How to make a ssh connection with python?

Twisted has SSH support :

The twisted.conch package adds SSH support to Twisted. This chapter shows how you can use the modules in twisted.conch to build SSH servers and clients.

Setting Up a Custom SSH Server

The command line is an incredibly efficient interface for certain tasks. System administrators love the ability to manage applications by typing commands without having to click through a graphical user interface. An SSH shell is even better, as it’s accessible from anywhere on the Internet.

You can use twisted.conch to create an SSH server that provides access to a custom shell with commands you define. This shell will even support some extra features like command history, so that you can scroll through the commands you’ve already typed.

How Do I Do That? Write a subclass of twisted.conch.recvline.HistoricRecvLine that implements your shell protocol. HistoricRecvLine is similar to twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver , but with higher-level features for controlling the terminal.

Write a subclass of twisted.conch.recvline.HistoricRecvLine that implements your shell protocol. HistoricRecvLine is similar to twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver, but with higher-level features for controlling the terminal.

To make your shell available through SSH, you need to implement a few different classes that twisted.conch needs to build an SSH server. First, you need the twisted.cred authentication classes: a portal, credentials checkers, and a realm that returns avatars. Use twisted.conch.avatar.ConchUser as the base class for your avatar. Your avatar class should also implement twisted.conch.interfaces.ISession , which includes an openShell method in which you create a Protocol to manage the user’s interactive session. Finally, create a twisted.conch.ssh.factory.SSHFactory object and set its portal attribute to an instance of your portal.

Example 10-1 demonstrates a custom SSH server that authenticates users by their username and password. It gives each user a shell that provides several commands.

Example 10-1.

from twisted.cred import portal, checkers, credentials
from twisted.conch import error, avatar, recvline, interfaces as conchinterfaces
from twisted.conch.ssh import factory, userauth, connection, keys, session, common from twisted.conch.insults import insults from twisted.application import service, internet
from zope.interface import implements
import os

class SSHDemoProtocol(recvline.HistoricRecvLine):
    def __init__(self, user):
        self.user = user

    def connectionMade(self) : 
        self.terminal.write("Welcome to my test SSH server.")

    def showPrompt(self): 
        self.terminal.write("$ ")

    def getCommandFunc(self, cmd):
        return getattr(self, ‘do_’ + cmd, None)

    def lineReceived(self, line):
        line = line.strip()
        if line: 
            cmdAndArgs = line.split()
            cmd = cmdAndArgs[0]
            args = cmdAndArgs[1:]
            func = self.getCommandFunc(cmd)
            if func: 
               except Exception, e: 
                   self.terminal.write("Error: %s" % e)
               self.terminal.write("No such command.")

    def do_help(self, cmd=”):
        "Get help on a command. Usage: help command"
        if cmd: 
            func = self.getCommandFunc(cmd)
            if func:

        publicMethods = filter(
            lambda funcname: funcname.startswith(‘do_’), dir(self)) 
        commands = [cmd.replace(‘do_’, ”, 1) for cmd in publicMethods] 
        self.terminal.write("Commands: " + " ".join(commands))

    def do_echo(self, *args):
        "Echo a string. Usage: echo my line of text"
        self.terminal.write(" ".join(args)) 

    def do_whoami(self):
        "Prints your user name. Usage: whoami"

    def do_quit(self):
        "Ends your session. Usage: quit" 
        self.terminal.write("Thanks for playing!")

    def do_clear(self):
        "Clears the screen. Usage: clear" 

class SSHDemoAvatar(avatar.ConchUser): 

    def __init__(self, username): 
        self.username = username 

    def openShell(self, protocol): 
        serverProtocol = insults.ServerProtocol(SSHDemoProtocol, self)

    def getPty(self, terminal, windowSize, attrs):
        return None

    def execCommand(self, protocol, cmd): 
        raise NotImplementedError

    def closed(self):

class SSHDemoRealm:

    def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
        if conchinterfaces.IConchUser in interfaces:
            return interfaces[0], SSHDemoAvatar(avatarId), lambda: None
            raise Exception, "No supported interfaces found."

def getRSAKeys():
    if not (os.path.exists(‘public.key’) and os.path.exists(‘private.key’)):
        # generate a RSA keypair
        print "Generating RSA keypair…" 
        from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA 
        KEY_LENGTH = 1024
        rsaKey = RSA.generate(KEY_LENGTH, common.entropy.get_bytes)
        publicKeyString = keys.makePublicKeyString(rsaKey) 
        privateKeyString = keys.makePrivateKeyString(rsaKey)
        # save keys for next time
        file(‘public.key’, ‘w+b’).write(publicKeyString)
        file(‘private.key’, ‘w+b’).write(privateKeyString)
        print "done."
        publicKeyString = file(‘public.key’).read()
        privateKeyString = file(‘private.key’).read() 
    return publicKeyString, privateKeyString

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sshFactory = factory.SSHFactory() 
    sshFactory.portal = portal.Portal(SSHDemoRealm())
    users = {‘admin’: ‘aaa’, ‘guest’: ‘bbb’}

    pubKeyString, privKeyString =
    sshFactory.publicKeys = {
        ‘ssh-rsa’: keys.getPublicKeyString(data=pubKeyString)}
    sshFactory.privateKeys = {
        ‘ssh-rsa’: keys.getPrivateKeyObject(data=privKeyString)}

    from twisted.internet import reactor 
    reactor.listenTCP(2222, sshFactory)

{mospagebreak title=Setting Up a Custom SSH Server continued} will run an SSH server on port 2222. Connect to this server with an SSH client using the username admin and password aaa, and try typing some commands:

$ ssh admin@localhost -p 2222 
admin@localhost’s password: aaa

>>> Welcome to my test SSH server.  
Commands: clear echo help quit whoami
$ whoami
$ help echo
Echo a string. Usage: echo my line of text
$ echo hello SSH world!
hello SSH world!
$ quit

Connection to localhost closed.

Writing to an Excel spreadsheet

I surveyed a few Excel modules for Python, and found openpyxl to be the best.

The free book Automate the Boring Stuff with Python has a chapter on openpyxl with more details or you can check the Read the Docs site. You won't need Office or Excel installed in order to use openpyxl.

Your program would look something like this:

import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')
sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')

stimulusTimes = [1, 2, 3]
reactionTimes = [2.3, 5.1, 7.0]

for i in range(len(stimulusTimes)):
    sheet['A' + str(i + 6)].value = stimulusTimes[i]
    sheet['B' + str(i + 6)].value = reactionTimes[i]'example.xlsx')

hide div tag on mobile view only?

Set the display property to none as the default, then use a media query to apply the desired styles to the div when the browser reaches a certain width. Replace 768px in the media query with whatever the minimum px value is where your div should be visible.

#title_message {
    display: none;

@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    #title_message {
        clear: both;
        display: block;
        float: left;
        margin: 10px auto 5px 20px;
        width: 28%;

How to implement an android:background that doesn't stretch?

I had the same problem: you should only use a 9-patch image (.9.png) instead of your original picture.


SQL Server ORDER BY date and nulls last

order by -cast([Next_Contact_Date] as bigint) desc

Express-js can't GET my static files, why?

default.css should be available at http://localhost:3001/default.css

The styles in app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/styles')); just tells express to look in the styles directory for a static file to serve. It doesn't (confusingly) then form part of the path it is available on.

Jquery Button Click Event via ajax

This is where jQuery really shines for ASP.Net developers. Lets say you have this ASP button:

When that renders, you can look at the source of the page and the id on it won't be btnAwesome, but $ctr001_btnAwesome or something like that. This makes it a pain in the butt to find in javascript. Enter jQuery.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("input[id$='btnAwesome']").click(function() {
    // Do client side button click stuff here.

The id$= is doing a regex match for an id ENDING with btnAwesome.


Did you want the ajax call being called from the button click event on the client side? What did you want to call? There are a lot of really good articles on using jQuery to make ajax calls to ASP.Net code behind methods.

The gist of it is you create a static method marked with the WebMethod attribute. You then can make a call to it using jQuery by using $.ajax.

  type: "POST",
  url: "PageName.aspx/MethodName",
  data: "{}",
  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(msg) {
    // Do something interesting here.

I learned my WebMethod stuff from:

A lot of really good ASP.Net/jQuery stuff there. Make sure you read up about why you have to use msg.d in the return on .Net 3.5 (maybe since 3.0) stuff.

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration (JBossas 7 EAR archetype)

A good workaround to remind you that m2e could be better configured, without the project inheriting a false positive error marker, is to just downgrade those errors to warnings:

Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Errors/Warnings -> Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration = Warning

data.table vs dplyr: can one do something well the other can't or does poorly?

Here's my attempt at a comprehensive answer from the dplyr perspective, following the broad outline of Arun's answer (but somewhat rearranged based on differing priorities).


There is some subjectivity to syntax, but I stand by my statement that the concision of data.table makes it harder to learn and harder to read. This is partly because dplyr is solving a much easier problem!

One really important thing that dplyr does for you is that it constrains your options. I claim that most single table problems can be solved with just five key verbs filter, select, mutate, arrange and summarise, along with a "by group" adverb. That constraint is a big help when you're learning data manipulation, because it helps order your thinking about the problem. In dplyr, each of these verbs is mapped to a single function. Each function does one job, and is easy to understand in isolation.

You create complexity by piping these simple operations together with %>%. Here's an example from one of the posts Arun linked to:

diamonds %>%
  filter(cut != "Fair") %>%
  group_by(cut) %>%
    AvgPrice = mean(price),
    MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
    Count = n()
  ) %>%

Even if you've never seen dplyr before (or even R!), you can still get the gist of what's happening because the functions are all English verbs. The disadvantage of English verbs is that they require more typing than [, but I think that can be largely mitigated by better autocomplete.

Here's the equivalent data.table code:

diamondsDT <- data.table(diamonds)
  cut != "Fair", 
  .(AvgPrice = mean(price),
    MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
    Count = .N
  by = cut

It's harder to follow this code unless you're already familiar with data.table. (I also couldn't figure out how to indent the repeated [ in a way that looks good to my eye). Personally, when I look at code I wrote 6 months ago, it's like looking at a code written by a stranger, so I've come to prefer straightforward, if verbose, code.

Two other minor factors that I think slightly decrease readability:

  • Since almost every data table operation uses [ you need additional context to figure out what's happening. For example, is x[y] joining two data tables or extracting columns from a data frame? This is only a small issue, because in well-written code the variable names should suggest what's happening.

  • I like that group_by() is a separate operation in dplyr. It fundamentally changes the computation so I think should be obvious when skimming the code, and it's easier to spot group_by() than the by argument to [.data.table.

I also like that the the pipe isn't just limited to just one package. You can start by tidying your data with tidyr, and finish up with a plot in ggvis. And you're not limited to the packages that I write - anyone can write a function that forms a seamless part of a data manipulation pipe. In fact, I rather prefer the previous data.table code rewritten with %>%:

diamonds %>% 
  data.table() %>% 
  .[cut != "Fair", 
    .(AvgPrice = mean(price),
      MedianPrice = as.numeric(median(price)),
      Count = .N
    by = cut
  ] %>% 

And the idea of piping with %>% is not limited to just data frames and is easily generalised to other contexts: interactive web graphics, web scraping, gists, run-time contracts, ...)

Memory and performance

I've lumped these together, because, to me, they're not that important. Most R users work with well under 1 million rows of data, and dplyr is sufficiently fast enough for that size of data that you're not aware of processing time. We optimise dplyr for expressiveness on medium data; feel free to use data.table for raw speed on bigger data.

The flexibility of dplyr also means that you can easily tweak performance characteristics using the same syntax. If the performance of dplyr with the data frame backend is not good enough for you, you can use the data.table backend (albeit with a somewhat restricted set of functionality). If the data you're working with doesn't fit in memory, then you can use a database backend.

All that said, dplyr performance will get better in the long-term. We'll definitely implement some of the great ideas of data.table like radix ordering and using the same index for joins & filters. We're also working on parallelisation so we can take advantage of multiple cores.


A few things that we're planning to work on in 2015:

  • the readr package, to make it easy to get files off disk and in to memory, analogous to fread().

  • More flexible joins, including support for non-equi-joins.

  • More flexible grouping like bootstrap samples, rollups and more

I'm also investing time into improving R's database connectors, the ability to talk to web apis, and making it easier to scrape html pages.

How to get a value from a Pandas DataFrame and not the index and object type


This returns the first element in the Index/Series returned from that selection. In this case, the value is always the first element.


Or you can run a loc() and access the first element that way. This was shorter and is the way I have implemented it in the past.

How do I set <table> border width with CSS?

Doing borders on tables with css is a bit more complicated (but not as much, see this jsfiddle as example):

table {_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
table td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_

Fit cell width to content



will solve your problem.

Printing the correct number of decimal points with cout

You were nearly there, need to use std::fixed as well, refer

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    float testme[] = { 0.12345, 1.2345, 12.345, 123.45, 1234.5, 12345 };

    std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed;

    for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
        std::cout << testme[i] << std::endl;

    return 0;



Running command line silently with VbScript and getting output?

I have taken this and various other comments and created a bit more advanced function for running an application and getting the output.

Example to Call Function: Will output the DIR list of C:\ for Directories only. The output will be returned to the variable CommandResults as well as remain in C:\OUTPUT.TXT.

CommandResults = vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput("CMD.EXE /C DIR C:\ /AD",1,1,"C:\OUTPUT.TXT",0,1)


Function vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput (Command, Wait, Show, OutToFile, DeleteOutput, NoQuotes)
'Run Command similar to the command prompt, for Wait use 1 or 0. Output returned and
'stored in a file.
'Command = The command line instruction you wish to run.
'Wait = 1/0; 1 will wait for the command to finish before continuing.
'Show = 1/0; 1 will show for the command window.
'OutToFile = The file you wish to have the output recorded to.
'DeleteOutput = 1/0; 1 deletes the output file. Output is still returned to variable.
'NoQuotes = 1/0; 1 will skip wrapping the command with quotes, some commands wont work
'                if you wrap them in quotes.
  On Error Resume Next
  'On Error Goto 0
    Set f_objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Set f_objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
        If OutToFile = "" Then OutToFile = "TEMP.TXT"
        tCommand = Command
        If Left(Command,1)<>"""" And NoQuotes <> 1 Then tCommand = """" & Command & """"
        tOutToFile = OutToFile
        If Left(OutToFile,1)<>"""" Then tOutToFile = """" & OutToFile & """"
        If Wait = 1 Then tWait = True
        If Wait <> 1 Then tWait = False
        If Show = 1 Then tShow = 1
        If Show <> 1 Then tShow = 0
        f_objShell.Run tCommand & ">" & tOutToFile, tShow, tWait
        Set f_objFile = f_objFso.OpenTextFile(OutToFile, 1)
          tMyOutput = f_objFile.ReadAll
          Set f_objFile = Nothing
        If DeleteOutput = 1 Then
          Set f_objFile = f_objFso.GetFile(OutToFile)
            Set f_objFile = Nothing
          End If
        vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput = tMyOutput
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput = "<0>"
        On Error Goto 0
      Set f_objFile = Nothing
      Set f_objShell = Nothing
  End Function