Programs & Examples On #Modeling

Modeling is the constructing and manipulating abstract (mathematical and/or graphical) representations of economic, engineering, manufacturing, social, and other types of situations and natural phenomenon, simulated with the help of a computer system.

What's the best UML diagramming tool?

+1 for TopCoder UML Tool after I had tried most of other free tools.
My reasons are:

1) The tool can save UML diagrams in the human-readable format XMI, so the file can be fed to the version control system easily.

2) Support of Undo/Redo (this is the reason I've discharged ArgoUML).

3) The diagram is kept in one single file, and not linked tightly with "workspace" or "project".

StarUML is also good, though is old. Unfortunatley it is not developed/maintained any longer.

What are some great online database modeling tools?

I've used DBDesigner before. It is an open source tool. You might check that out. Not sure if it fits your needs.

Best of luck!

What is the difference between attribute and property?

In Python...

class X( object ):
    def __init__( self ):
    def getAttr( self ):
        return self.attribute
    def setAttr( self, value ):
        self.attribute= value
    property_name= property( getAttr, setAttr )

A property is a single attribute-like name that wraps a collection of setter, getter (and deleter) functions.

An attribute is usually a single object within another object.

Having said that, however, Python gives you methods like __getattr__ which allow you extend the definition of "attribute".

Bottom Line - they're almost synonymous. Python makes a technical distinction in how they're implemented.

What's the difference between Thread start() and Runnable run()

Thread.start() code registers the Thread with scheduler and the scheduler calls the run() method. Also, Thread is class while Runnable is an interface.

UITableView example for Swift

In Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.4.1

  1. Add UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate delegated to your class.

  2. Create table view variable and array.

  3. In viewDidLoad create table view.

  4. Call table view delegates

  5. Call table view delegate functions based on your requirement.

import UIKit
// 1
class yourViewController: UIViewController , UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate { 

// 2
var yourTableView:UITableView = UITableView()
let myArray = ["row 1", "row 2", "row 3", "row 4"]

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // 3
    yourTableView.frame = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: view.frame.width-20, height: view.frame.height-200)

    // 4
    yourTableView.dataSource = self
    yourTableView.delegate = self


// 5
// MARK - UITableView Delegates
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

    return myArray.count

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

var cell : UITableViewCell? = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell")
    if cell == nil {
        cell = UITableViewCell(style: UITableViewCellStyle.default, reuseIdentifier: "cell")
    if self. myArray.count > 0 {
        cell?.textLabel!.text = self. myArray[indexPath.row]
    cell?.textLabel?.numberOfLines = 0

    return cell!

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {

    return 50.0

If you are using storyboard, no need for Step 3.

But you need to create IBOutlet for your table view before Step 4.

How to suppress scientific notation when printing float values?

In addition to SG's answer, you can also use the Decimal module:

from decimal import Decimal
x = str(Decimal(1) / Decimal(10000))

# x is a string '0.0001'

How do I check whether input string contains any spaces?

If you will use Regex, it already has a predefined character class "\S" for any non-whitespace character.


tells you if this is a string of at least one character where all characters are non-whitespace

How can I enable cURL for an installed Ubuntu LAMP stack?

For those who are trying to install php-curl on PHP 7, it will result in an error. Actually if you are installing php-curl in PHP 7, the package name should be;

sudo apt-get install php-curl

Not php5-curl or php7-curl, just php-curl.

Use of String.Format in JavaScript?

Here is an solution that allows both prototype and function options.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add prototype for 'String.format' which is c# equivalent
// String.format("{0} i{2}a night{1}", "This", "mare", "s ");
// "{0} i{2}a night{1}".format("This", "mare", "s ");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

    String.format = function(){
        for (var i = 0, args = arguments; i < args.length - 1; i++)
            args[0] = args[0].replace("{" + i + "}", args[i + 1]);
        return args[0];
if(!String.prototype.format && String.format)
    String.prototype.format = function(){
        var args =;
        return String.format.apply(this, args.reverse())


Dynamically load a function from a DLL

This is not exactly a hot topic, but I have a factory class that allows a dll to create an instance and return it as a DLL. It is what I came looking for but couldn't find exactly.

It is called like,

IHTTP_Server *server = SN::SN_Factory<IHTTP_Server>::CreateObject();
IHTTP_Server *server2 =

where IHTTP_Server is the pure virtual interface for a class created either in another DLL, or the same one.

DEFINE_INTERFACE is used to give a class id an interface. Place inside interface;

An interface class looks like,

class IMyInterface

    virtual ~IMyInterface() {};

    virtual void MyMethod1() = 0;

The header file is like this


#pragma once

The libraries are listed in this macro definition. One line per library/executable. It would be cool if we could call into another executable.

#define SN_APPLY_LIBRARIES(L, A)                          \
    L(A, sn, "sn.dll")                                    \
    L(A, http_server_lib, "http_server_lib.dll")          \
    L(A, http_server, "")

Then for each dll/exe you define a macro and list its implementations. Def means that it is the default implementation for the interface. If it is not the default, you give a name for the interface used to identify it. Ie, special, and the name will be IHTTP_Server_special_entry.

#define SN_APPLY_ENTRYPOINTS_sn(M)                                     \
    M(IHTTP_Handler, SNI::SNI_HTTP_Handler, sn, def)                   \
    M(IHTTP_Handler, SNI::SNI_HTTP_Handler, sn, special)

#define SN_APPLY_ENTRYPOINTS_http_server_lib(M)                        \
    M(IHTTP_Server, HTTP::server::server, http_server_lib, def)

#define SN_APPLY_ENTRYPOINTS_http_server(M)

With the libraries all setup, the header file uses the macro definitions to define the needful.

#define APPLY_ENTRY(A, N, L) \

    public: \
        static const long Id = SN::I##_def_entry; \

namespace SN
    #define DEFINE_LIBRARY_ENUM(A, N, L) \

This creates an enum for the libraries.

    enum LibraryValues

    #define DEFINE_ENTRY_ENUM(I, C, L, D) \

This creates an enum for interface implementations.

    enum EntryValues

    long CallEntryPoint(long id, long interfaceId);

This defines the factory class. Not much to it here.

    template <class I>
    class SN_Factory

        static I *CreateObject(long id = I::Id )
            return (I *)CallEntryPoint(id, I::Id);


Then the CPP is,

#include "sn_factory.h"

#include <windows.h>

Create the external entry point. You can check that it exists using depends.exe.

extern "C"
    __declspec(dllexport) long entrypoint(long id)
        #define CREATE_OBJECT(I, C, L, D) \
            case SN::I##_##D##_entry: return (int) new C();

        switch (id)
        case -1:
            return 0;

The macros set up all the data needed.

namespace SN
    bool loaded = false;

    char * libraryPathArray[SN::LastLibrary];
    #define DEFINE_LIBRARY_PATH(A, N, L) \
        libraryPathArray[N##_library] = L;

    static void LoadLibraryPaths()

    typedef long(*f_entrypoint)(long id);

    f_entrypoint libraryFunctionArray[LastLibrary - 1];
    void InitlibraryFunctionArray()
        for (long j = 0; j < LastLibrary; j++)
            libraryFunctionArray[j] = 0;

        #define DEFAULT_LIBRARY_ENTRY(A, N, L) \
            libraryFunctionArray[N##_library] = &entrypoint;


    enum SN::LibraryValues libraryForEntryPointArray[SN::LastEntry];
            libraryForEntryPointArray[I##_##D##_entry] = L##_library;
    void LoadLibraryForEntryPointArray()

    enum SN::EntryValues defaultEntryArray[SN::LastEntry];
        #define DEFINE_ENTRY_DEFAULT(I, C, L, D) \
            defaultEntryArray[I##_##D##_entry] = I##_def_entry;

    void LoadDefaultEntries()

    void Initialize()
        if (!loaded)
            loaded = true;

    long CallEntryPoint(long id, long interfaceId)

        // assert(defaultEntryArray[id] == interfaceId, "Request to create an object for the wrong interface.")
        enum SN::LibraryValues l = libraryForEntryPointArray[id];

        f_entrypoint f = libraryFunctionArray[l];
        if (!f)
            HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibraryA(libraryPathArray[l]);

            if (!hGetProcIDDLL) {
                return NULL;

            // resolve function address here
            f = (f_entrypoint)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "entrypoint");
            if (!f) {
                return NULL;
            libraryFunctionArray[l] = f;
        return f(id);

Each library includes this "cpp" with a stub cpp for each library/executable. Any specific compiled header stuff.

#include "sn_pch.h"

Setup this library.

    L(A, sn, "sn.dll")

An include for the main cpp. I guess this cpp could be a .h. But there are different ways you could do this. This approach worked for me.

#include "../inc/sn_factory.cpp"

Console.log(); How to & Debugging javascript

console.log() just takes whatever you pass to it and writes it to a console's log window. If you pass in an array, you'll be able to inspect the array's contents. Pass in an object, you can examine the object's attributes/methods. pass in a string, it'll log the string. Basically it's "document.write" but can intelligently take apart its arguments and write them out elsewhere.

It's useful to outputting occasional debugging information, but not particularly useful if you have a massive amount of debugging output.

To watch as a script's executing, you'd use a debugger instead, which allows you step through the code line-by-line. console.log's used when you need to display what some variable's contents were for later inspection, but do not want to interrupt execution.

Simulate Keypress With jQuery

I believe this is what you're looking for:

var press = jQuery.Event("keypress");
press.ctrlKey = false;
press.which = 40;

From here.

The view or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations

I got this error because I renamed my View (and POST action).

Finally I found that I forgot to rename BOTH GET and POST actions to new name.

Solution : Rename both GET and POST actions to match the View name.

When to use the !important property in CSS

Using !important is generally not a good idea in the code itself, but it can be useful in various overrides.

I use Firefox and a dotjs plugin which essentially can run your own custom JS or CSS code on specified websites automatically.

Here's the code for it I use on Twitter that makes the tweet input field always stay on my screen no matter how far I scroll, and for the hyperlinks to always remain the same color.

a, a * {
  color: rgb(34, 136, 85) !important;  

.count-inner {
 color: white !important;   

.timeline-tweet-box {
 z-index: 99 !important;
position: fixed !important;
left: 5% !important;   

Since, thankfully, Twitter developers don't use !important properties much, I can use it to guarantee that the specified styles will be definitely overridden, because without !important they were not overridden sometimes. It really came in handy for me there.

Styles.Render in MVC4

A bit late to the party. But it seems like no one has mentioned
bundling & minification of StyleBundle, so..


calls in Application_Start():


which in turn calls

public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
    bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(

RegisterBundles() effectively combines & minifies bootstrap.css & Site.css
into a single file,

<link href="/Content/css?v=omEnf6XKhDfHpwdllcEwzSIFQajQQLOQweh_aX9VVWY1" rel="stylesheet">


  <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.6.1" />

only when debug is set to false in Web.config.
Otherwise bootstrap.css & Site.css will be served individually.
Not bundled, nor minified:

<link href="/Content/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet">

redistributable offline .NET Framework 3.5 installer for Windows 8

Try this command:

Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:I:\Sources\sxs /LimitAccess

I: partition of your Windows DVD.

How can I check file size in Python?

You can use the stat() method from the os module. You can provide it with a path in the form of a string, bytes or even a PathLike object. It works with file descriptors as well.

import os

res = os.stat(filename)

res.st_size # this variable contains the size of the file in bytes

How to Determine the Screen Height and Width in Flutter

We have noticed that using the MediaQuery class can be a bit cumbersome, and it’s also missing a couple of key pieces of information.

Here We have a small Screen helper class, that we use across all our new projects:

class Screen {
  static double get _ppi => (Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS)? 150 : 96;
  static bool isLandscape(BuildContext c) => MediaQuery.of(c).orientation == Orientation.landscape;
  static Size size(BuildContext c) => MediaQuery.of(c).size;
  static double width(BuildContext c) => size(c).width;
  static double height(BuildContext c) => size(c).height;
  static double diagonal(BuildContext c) {
    Size s = size(c);
    return sqrt((s.width * s.width) + (s.height * s.height));
  static Size inches(BuildContext c) {
    Size pxSize = size(c);
    return Size(pxSize.width / _ppi, pxSize.height/ _ppi);
  static double widthInches(BuildContext c) => inches(c).width;
  static double heightInches(BuildContext c) => inches(c).height;
  static double diagonalInches(BuildContext c) => diagonal(c) / _ppi;

To use

bool isLandscape = Screen.isLandscape(context)
bool isLargePhone = Screen.diagonal(context) > 720;
bool isTablet = Screen.diagonalInches(context) >= 7;
bool isNarrow = Screen.widthInches(context) < 3.5;

To More, See:

CSS selector (id contains part of text)

<div id='element_123_wrapper_text'>My sample DIV</div>

The Operator ^ - Match elements that starts with given value

div[id^="element_123"] {


The Operator $ - Match elements that ends with given value

div[id$="wrapper_text"] {


The Operator * - Match elements that have an attribute containing a given value

div[id*="wrapper_text"] {


cout is not a member of std

I had a similar issue and it turned out that i had to add an extra entry in cmake to include the files.

Since i was also using the zmq library I had to add this to the included libraries as well.

Align inline-block DIVs to top of container element

You need to add a vertical-align property to your two child div's.

If .small is always shorter, you need only apply the property to .small. However, if either could be tallest then you should apply the property to both .small and .big.

    border: 1px black solid;
    width: 320px;
    height: 120px;    

    display: inline-block;
    width: 40%;
    height: 30%;
    border: 1px black solid;
    background: aliceblue; 
    vertical-align: top;   

.big {
    display: inline-block;
    border: 1px black solid;
    width: 40%;
    height: 50%;
    background: beige; 
    vertical-align: top;   

Vertical align affects inline or table-cell box's, and there are a large nubmer of different values for this property. Please see for more details.

How do I get class name in PHP?

namespace CMS;
class Model {
  const _class = __CLASS__;

echo Model::_class; // will return 'CMS\Model'

for older than PHP 5.5

How to replace string in Groovy

You need to escape the backslash \:

println yourString.replace("\\", "/")

How do I execute a string containing Python code in Python?

As the others mentioned, it's "exec" ..

but, in case your code contains variables, you can use "global" to access it, also to prevent the compiler to raise the following error:

NameError: name 'p_variable' is not defined

exec('p_variable = [1,2,3,4]')
global p_variable

Python SQLite: database is locked

Turned out the problem happened because the path to the db file was actually a samba mounted dir. I moved it and that started working.

Compiling an application for use in highly radioactive environments

This answer assumes you are concerned with having a system that works correctly, over and above having a system that is minimum cost or fast; most people playing with radioactive things value correctness / safety over speed / cost

Several people have suggested hardware changes you can make (fine - there's lots of good stuff here in answers already and I don't intend repeating all of it), and others have suggested redundancy (great in principle), but I don't think anyone has suggested how that redundancy might work in practice. How do you fail over? How do you know when something has 'gone wrong'? Many technologies work on the basis everything will work, and failure is thus a tricky thing to deal with. However, some distributed computing technologies designed for scale expect failure (after all with enough scale, failure of one node of many is inevitable with any MTBF for a single node); you can harness this for your environment.

Here are some ideas:

  • Ensure that your entire hardware is replicated n times (where n is greater than 2, and preferably odd), and that each hardware element can communicate with each other hardware element. Ethernet is one obvious way to do that, but there are many other far simpler routes that would give better protection (e.g. CAN). Minimise common components (even power supplies). This may mean sampling ADC inputs in multiple places for instance.

  • Ensure your application state is in a single place, e.g. in a finite state machine. This can be entirely RAM based, though does not preclude stable storage. It will thus be stored in several place.

  • Adopt a quorum protocol for changes of state. See RAFT for example. As you are working in C++, there are well known libraries for this. Changes to the FSM would only get made when a majority of nodes agree. Use a known good library for the protocol stack and the quorum protocol rather than rolling one yourself, or all your good work on redundancy will be wasted when the quorum protocol hangs up.

  • Ensure you checksum (e.g. CRC/SHA) your FSM, and store the CRC/SHA in the FSM itself (as well as transmitting in the message, and checksumming the messages themselves). Get the nodes to check their FSM regularly against these checksum, checksum incoming messages, and check their checksum matches the checksum of the quorum.

  • Build as many other internal checks into your system as possible, making nodes that detect their own failure reboot (this is better than carrying on half working provided you have enough nodes). Attempt to let them cleanly remove themselves from the quorum during rebooting in case they don't come up again. On reboot have them checksum the software image (and anything else they load) and do a full RAM test before reintroducing themselves to the quorum.

  • Use hardware to support you, but do so carefully. You can get ECC RAM, for instance, and regularly read/write through it to correct ECC errors (and panic if the error is uncorrectable). However (from memory) static RAM is far more tolerant of ionizing radiation than DRAM is in the first place, so it may be better to use static DRAM instead. See the first point under 'things I would not do' as well.

Let's say you have an 1% chance of failure of any given node within one day, and let's pretend you can make failures entirely independent. With 5 nodes, you'll need three to fail within one day, which is a .00001% chance. With more, well, you get the idea.

Things I would not do:

  • Underestimate the value of not having the problem to start off with. Unless weight is a concern, a large block of metal around your device is going to be a far cheaper and more reliable solution than a team of programmers can come up with. Ditto optical coupling of inputs of EMI is an issue, etc. Whatever, attempt when sourcing your components to source those rated best against ionizing radiation.

  • Roll your own algorithms. People have done this stuff before. Use their work. Fault tolerance and distributed algorithms are hard. Use other people's work where possible.

  • Use complicated compiler settings in the naive hope you detect more failures. If you are lucky, you may detect more failures. More likely, you will use a code-path within the compiler which has been less tested, particularly if you rolled it yourself.

  • Use techniques which are untested in your environment. Most people writing high availability software have to simulate failure modes to check their HA works correctly, and miss many failure modes as a result. You are in the 'fortunate' position of having frequent failures on demand. So test each technique, and ensure its application actual improves MTBF by an amount that exceeds the complexity to introduce it (with complexity comes bugs). Especially apply this to my advice re quorum algorithms etc.

MongoDb shuts down with Code 100

Please take following steps:

  1. As other friends mentioned, you should make a directory first for your database data to be stored. This folder could be something like:


  2. From command line navigate to where you have installed mongodb and where mongod.exe resides. In my case the full path is:

    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin

  3. From here run mongod.exe and pass it the path to the folder you created in step one using the flag --dbpath as follows:

    mongod.exe --dbpath "C:\mongo-data"

Please Note: If you are on windows it is necessary to use double-quotes ("") in the above to run properly.

In this way you will get something like the following:

2017-06-14T12:45:59.892+0430 I NETWORK  [thread1] waiting for connections on port 27017

If you use single quotes (' ') on windows, you will get:

2017-06-14T01:13:45.965-0700 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] shutting down with code:100

Hope it helps to resolve the issue.

How to kill a child process by the parent process?

Try something like this:

#include <signal.h>

pid_t child_pid = -1 ; //Global

void kill_child(int sig)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    signal(SIGALRM,(void (*)(int))kill_child);
    child_pid = fork();
    if (child_pid > 0) {
         * Do parent's tasks here.
    else if (child_pid == 0){
         * Do child's tasks here.

Why is "1000000000000000 in range(1000000000000001)" so fast in Python 3?

Try x-1 in (i for i in range(x)) for large x values, which uses a generator comprehension to avoid invoking the range.__contains__ optimisation.

How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL server?

A recursive CTE solution was suggested, but no code was provided. The code below is an example of a recursive CTE. Note that although the results match the question, the data doesn't quite match the given description, as I assume that you really want to be doing this on groups of rows, not all rows in the table. Changing it to match all rows in the table is left as an exercise for the reader.

;WITH basetable AS (
        CAST(name AS VARCHAR(MAX)) name, 
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition BY id ORDER BY seq) rw, 
        COUNT(*) OVER (Partition BY id) recs 
        (1, 'Johnny', 1),
        (1, 'M', 2), 
        (2, 'Bill', 1),
        (2, 'S.', 4),
        (2, 'Preston', 5),
        (2, 'Esq.', 6),
        (3, 'Ted', 1),
        (3, 'Theodore', 2),
        (3, 'Logan', 3),
        (4, 'Peter', 1),
        (4, 'Paul', 2),
        (4, 'Mary', 3)
    ) g (id, name, seq)
    SELECT recs, id, name, rw
    FROM basetable
    WHERE rw = 1


    SELECT b.recs, r.ID, +', '+ name, + 1
    FROM basetable b
    INNER JOIN rCTE r ON = AND = + 1
WHERE recs = rw AND ID=4

HTML5 Form Input Pattern Currency Format

Use this pattern "^\d*(\.\d{2}$)?"

Creating a script for a Telnet session?

I like the example given by Active State using python. Here is the full link. I added the simple log in part from the link but you can get the gist of what you could do.

import telnetlib

uid = 'uid'
pwd = 'yourpassword'

tn = telnetlib.Telnet(prdLogBox)
tn.read_until("login: ")
tn.write(uid + "\n")
tn.write(pwd + "\n")

Regular expression for not allowing spaces in the input field

This will help to find the spaces in the beginning, middle and ending:

var regexp = /\s/g

What version of Python is on my Mac?

Use the which command. It will show you the path

which python

How to pipe list of files returned by find command to cat to view all the files

There are a few ways to pass the list of files returned by the find command to the cat command, though technically not all use piping, and none actually pipe directly to cat.

  1. The simplest is to use backticks (`):

    cat `find [whatever]`

    This takes the output of find and effectively places it on the command line of cat. This doesn't work well if find has too much output (more than can fit on a command-line) or if the output has special characters (like spaces).

  2. In some shells, including bash, one can use $() instead of backticks :

    cat $(find [whatever])

    This is less portable, but is nestable. Aside from that, it has pretty much the same caveats as backticks.

  3. Because running other commands on what was found is a common use for find, find has an -exec action which executes a command for each file it finds:

    find [whatever] -exec cat {} \;

    The {} is a placeholder for the filename, and the \; marks the end of the command (It's possible to have other actions after -exec.)

    This will run cat once for every single file rather than running a single instance of cat passing it multiple filenames which can be inefficient and might not have the behavior you want for some commands (though it's fine for cat). The syntax is also a awkward to type -- you need to escape the semicolon because semicolon is special to the shell!

  4. Some versions of find (most notably the GNU version) let you replace ; with + to use -exec's append mode to run fewer instances of cat:

    find [whatever] -exec cat {} +

    This will pass multiple filenames to each invocation of cat, which can be more efficient.

    Note that this is not guaranteed to use a single invocation, however. If the command line would be too long then the arguments are spread across multiple invocations of cat. For cat this is probably not a big deal, but for some other commands this may change the behavior in undesirable ways. On Linux systems, the command line length limit is quite large, so splitting into multiple invocations is quite rare compared to some other OSes.

  5. The classic/portable approach is to use xargs:

    find [whatever] | xargs cat

    xargs runs the command specified (cat, in this case), and adds arguments based on what it reads from stdin. Just like -exec with +, this will break up the command-line if necessary. That is, if find produces too much output, it'll run cat multiple times. As mentioned in the section about -exec earlier, there are some commands where this splitting may result in different behavior. Note that using xargs like this has issues with spaces in filenames, as xargs just uses whitespace as a delimiter.

  6. The most robust, portable, and efficient method also uses xargs:

    find [whatever] -print0 | xargs -0 cat

    The -print0 flag tells find to use \0 (null character) delimiters between filenames, and the -0 flag tells xargs to expect these \0 delimiters. This has pretty much identical behavior to the -exec...+ approach, though is more portable (but unfortunately more verbose).

Windows Task Scheduler doesn't start batch file task

This is a pretty old thread but the problem is still the same -

I tried multiple things, none of them worked -

  1. Added a Start In Path (without quotes)
  2. Removed the complete path of the batch file in the Program/Script field etc
  3. Added C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe to the Program and added /c myscript.bat to the arguments field.

This is what worked for me -

Program/Script Field - cmd

Add Arguments - /c myscript.bat

Start In : Path to myscript.bat

What is a callback URL in relation to an API?

If you use the callback URL, then the API can connect to the callback URL and send or receive some data. That means API can connect to you later (after API call).



  1. YOU send data using request to API
  2. API sends data using second request to YOU

Exact definition should be in API documentation.

Post-increment and pre-increment within a 'for' loop produce same output

There is a difference if:

int main()
  for(int i(0); i<2; printf("i = post increment in loop %d\n", i++))
    cout << "inside post incement = " << i << endl;

  for(int i(0); i<2; printf("i = pre increment in loop %d\n",++i))
    cout << "inside pre incement = " << i << endl;

  return 0;

The result:

inside post incement = 0

i = post increment in loop 0

inside post incement = 1

i = post increment in loop 1

The second for loop:

inside pre incement = 0

i = pre increment in loop 1

inside pre incement = 1

i = pre increment in loop 2

Bootstrap dropdown menu not working (not dropping down when clicked)

i faced the same problem , the solution worked for me , hope it will work for you too.

<script src="content/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="content/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function () {

Please include the "jquery.min.js" file before "bootstrap.min.js" file, if you shuffle the order it will not work.

Simple post to Web Api

It's been quite sometime since I asked this question. Now I understand it more clearly, I'm going to put a more complete answer to help others.

In Web API, it's very simple to remember how parameter binding is happening.

  • if you POST simple types, Web API tries to bind it from the URL
  • if you POST complex type, Web API tries to bind it from the body of the request (this uses a media-type formatter).

  • If you want to bind a complex type from the URL, you'll use [FromUri] in your action parameter. The limitation of this is down to how long your data going to be and if it exceeds the url character limit.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromUri] ViewModel data) { ... }

  • If you want to bind a simple type from the request body, you'll use [FromBody] in your action parameter.

    public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name) { ... }

as a side note, say you are making a PUT request (just a string) to update something. If you decide not to append it to the URL and pass as a complex type with just one property in the model, then the data parameter in jQuery ajax will look something like below. The object you pass to data parameter has only one property with empty property name.

var myName = 'ABC';
$.ajax({url:.., data: {'': myName}});

and your web api action will look something like below.

public IHttpActionResult Put([FromBody] string name){ ... }

This page explains it all.

CSS transition fade on hover

I recommend you to use an unordered list for your image gallery.

You should use my code unless you want the image to gain instantly 50% opacity after you hover out. You will have a smoother transition.

#photos li {
    opacity: .5;
    transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -moz-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -webkit-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;
    -o-transition: opacity .5s ease-out;

#photos li:hover {
    opacity: 1;

How to search a list of tuples in Python

Your tuples are basically key-value pairs--a python dict--so:

l = [(1,"juca"),(22,"james"),(53,"xuxa"),(44,"delicia")]
val = dict(l)[53]

Edit -- aha, you say you want the index value of (53, "xuxa"). If this is really what you want, you'll have to iterate through the original list, or perhaps make a more complicated dictionary:

d = dict((n,i) for (i,n) in enumerate(e[0] for e in l))
idx = d[53]

How to compile Tensorflow with SSE4.2 and AVX instructions?

To compile TensorFlow with SSE4.2 and AVX, you can use directly

bazel build --config=mkl --config="opt" --copt="-march=broadwell" --copt="-O3" //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package


How to get the size of a JavaScript object?

Building upon the already compact solution from @Dan, here's a self-contained function version of it. Variable names are reduced to single letters for those who just want it to be as compact as possible at the expense of context.

const ns = {};
ns.sizeof = function(v) {
  let f = ns.sizeof, //this needs to match the name of the function itself, since is defunct
    o = {
      "undefined": () => 0,
      "boolean": () => 4,
      "number": () => 8,
      "string": i => 2 * i.length,
      "object": i => !i ? 0 : Object
        .reduce((t, k) => f(k) + f(i[k]) + t, 0)
  return o[typeof v](v);

ns.bool = true;
ns.num = 1;
ns.string = "Hello";
ns.obj = {
  first_name: 'Brendan',
  last_name: 'Eich',
  born: new Date(1961, 6, 4),
  contributions: ['Netscape', 'JavaScript', 'Brave', 'BAT'],
  politically_safe: false


Pythonic way to find maximum value and its index in a list?

I would suggest a very simple way:

import numpy as np
l = [10, 22, 8, 8, 11]

Hope it helps.

How to Call Controller Actions using JQuery in ASP.NET MVC

We can call Controller method using Javascript / Jquery very easily as follows:

Suppose following is the Controller method to be called returning an array of some class objects. Let the class is 'A'

public JsonResult SubMenu_Click(string param1, string param2)

       A[] arr = null;
           Get Result and fill arr.

        catch { }

        return Json(arr , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


Following is the complex type (class)

 public class A

  public string property1 {get ; set ;}

  public string property2 {get ; set ;}


Now it was turn to call above controller method by JQUERY. Following is the Jquery function to call the controller method.

function callControllerMethod(value1 , value2) {
    var strMethodUrl = '@Url.Action("SubMenu_Click", "Home")?param1=value1 &param2=value2'
    $.getJSON(strMethodUrl, receieveResponse);

function receieveResponse(response) {

    if (response != null) {
        for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {

In the above Jquery function 'callControllerMethod' we develop controller method url and put that in a variable named 'strMehodUrl' and call getJSON method of Jquery API.

receieveResponse is the callback function receiving the response or return value of the controllers method.

Here we made use of JSON , since we can't make use of the C# class object

directly into the javascript function , so we converted the result (arr) in controller method into JSON object as follows:

Json(arr , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

and returned that Json object.

Now in callback function of the Javascript / JQuery we can make use of this resultant JSON object and work accordingly to show response data on UI.

For more detaill click here

window.print() not working in IE

I was told to do document.close after document.write, I dont see how or why but this caused my script to wait until I closed the print dialog before it ran my window.close.

var printContent = document.getElementbyId('wrapper').innerHTML;
var disp_setting="toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,menubar=no, scrollbars=no,width=600, height=825, left=100, top=25"
var printWindow ="","",disp_setting);


What is a lambda expression in C++11?

Well, one practical use I've found out is reducing boiler plate code. For example:

void process_z_vec(vector<int>& vec)
  auto print_2d = [](const vector<int>& board, int bsize)
    for(int i = 0; i<bsize; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<bsize; j++)
        cout << board[bsize*i+j] << " ";
      cout << "\n";
  // Do sth with the vec.
  // Do sth else with the vec.

Without lambda, you may need to do something for different bsize cases. Of course you could create a function but what if you want to limit the usage within the scope of the soul user function? the nature of lambda fulfills this requirement and I use it for that case.

What is a classpath and how do I set it?

Static member of a class can be called directly without creating object instance. Since the main method is static Java virtual Machine can call it without creating any instance of a class which contains the main method, which is start point of program.

C Macro definition to determine big endian or little endian machine?

Whilst there is no portable #define or something to rely upon, platforms do provide standard functions for converting to and from your 'host' endian.

Generally, you do storage - to disk, or network - using 'network endian', which is BIG endian, and local computation using host endian (which on x86 is LITTLE endian). You use htons() and ntohs() and friends to convert between the two.

Difference between SET autocommit=1 and START TRANSACTION in mysql (Have I missed something?)

The correct way to use LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES with transactional tables, such as InnoDB tables, is to begin a transaction with SET autocommit = 0 (not START TRANSACTION) followed by LOCK TABLES, and to not call UNLOCK TABLES until you commit the transaction explicitly. For example, if you need to write to table t1 and read from table t2, you can do this:

SET autocommit=0;
LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE, t2 READ, ...;... do something with tables t1 and t2 here ...

How to remove Firefox's dotted outline on BUTTONS as well as links?

You can try button::-moz-focus-inner {border: 0px solid transparent;} in your CSS.

Wait until a process ends

You could use wait for exit or you can catch the HasExited property and update your UI to keep the user "informed" (expectation management):

System.Diagnostics.Process process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("cmd.exe");
while (!process.HasExited)
    //update UI

Is there any simple way to convert .xls file to .csv file? (Excel)

I need to do the same thing. I ended up with something similar to Kman

       static void ExcelToCSVCoversion(string sourceFile,  string targetFile)
        Application rawData = new Application();

            Workbook workbook = rawData.Workbooks.Open(sourceFile);
            Worksheet ws = (Worksheet) workbook.Sheets[1];
            ws.SaveAs(targetFile, XlFileFormat.xlCSV);

            rawData.DisplayAlerts = false;

        Console.WriteLine($"The excel file {sourceFile} has been converted into {targetFile} (CSV format).");

If there are multiple sheets this is lost in the conversion but you could loop over the number of sheets and save each one as csv.

Collision resolution in Java HashMap

When you insert the pair (10, 17) and then (10, 20), there is technically no collision involved. You are just replacing the old value with the new value for a given key 10 (since in both cases, 10 is equal to 10 and also the hash code for 10 is always 10).

Collision happens when multiple keys hash to the same bucket. In that case, you need to make sure that you can distinguish between those keys. Chaining collision resolution is one of those techniques which is used for this.

As an example, let's suppose that two strings "abra ka dabra" and "wave my wand" yield hash codes 100 and 200 respectively. Assuming the total array size is 10, both of them end up in the same bucket (100 % 10 and 200 % 10). Chaining ensures that whenever you do map.get( "abra ka dabra" );, you end up with the correct value associated with the key. In the case of hash map in Java, this is done by using the equals method.

SSL certificate rejected trying to access GitHub over HTTPS behind firewall

I needed the certificates just for Cygwin and git so I did what @esquifit posted. However, I had to run step 5 manually, c_rehash was not available on my system. I followed this guide: Installing CA Certificates into the OpenSSL framework instead.

why does DateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") give me dd-MM-yyyy?

Pass CultureInfo.InvariantCulture as the second parameter of DateTime, it will return the string as what you want, even a very special format:

DateTime.Now.ToString("dd|MM|yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

will return: 28|02|2014

set div height using jquery (stretch div height)

I think will work.


How do I fix an "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required." error in Visual C# 2010 Express?

Background: Visual Studio 2012 Pro installed by Administrator account. As "Joe User" (member of Win 7 Users group, but NOT Adminstrators) I got the error message. On reading this forum I concluded this is a generic error message. Steps to fix: As an adminstrator, open HK_CLASSES_ROOT. Open context menu on the Licenses subkey Select Permissions... Set Full Control for all users.

Now log on as "Joe" again. Voila!

Next, as Administrator change the permission on HKCR/Licenses back to read only for Users.

Two hints for developers. If you can develop and run an application as an ordinary user, then presumably your poor clients don't need admin rights to run it either.

Don't leak security information in "helpful" error messages. Microsloth are probably following their own advise and giving a vague and unhelpful error message here.

I have no idea why changing the permission to FC then back again to the original setting worked. I can only assume the Visual Studio writes something to that key the first time it runs.

Angular2 - Focusing a textbox on component load

Also, it can be done dynamically like so...

<input [id]="" [type]="input.type" [autofocus]="input.autofocus" />

Where input is

const input = {
  id: "my-input",
  type: "text",
  autofocus: true

Artificially create a connection timeout error

I had issues along the same lines you do. In order to test the software behavior, I just unplugged the network cable at the appropriate time. I had to set a break-point right before I wanted to unplug the cable.

If I were doing it again, I'd put a switch (a normally closed momentary push button one) in a network cable.

If the physical disconnect causes a different behavior, you could connect your computer to a cheap hub and put the switch I mentioned above between your hub and the main network.

-- EDIT -- In many cases you'll need the network connection working until you get to a certain point in your program, THEN you'll want to disconnect using one of the many suggestions offered.

Download and save PDF file with Python requests module

Please note I'm a beginner. If My solution is wrong, please feel free to correct and/or let me know. I may learn something new too.

My solution:

Change the downloadPath accordingly to where you want your file to be saved. Feel free to use the absolute path too for your usage.

Save the below as

Usage: python url-of-the-file-to-download new-file-name.extension

Remember to add an extension!

Example usage: python google.html

import requests
import sys
import os

def downloadFile(url, fileName):
    with open(fileName, "wb") as file:
        response = requests.get(url)

scriptPath = sys.path[0]
downloadPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, '../Downloads/')
url = sys.argv[1]
fileName = sys.argv[2]      
print('path of the script: ' + scriptPath)
print('downloading file to: ' + downloadPath)
downloadFile(url, downloadPath + fileName)
print('file downloaded...')
print('exiting program...')

How to open the command prompt and insert commands using Java?

String[] command = {"cmd.exe" , "/c", "start" , "cmd.exe" , "/k" , "\" dir && ipconfig 
\"" };
ProcessBuilder probuilder = new ProcessBuilder( command ); File("D:\\Folder1"));
Process process = probuilder.start();

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined

You code looks like automatically generated from other code - you should check that html elements with id=i1 and i2 and name=username and password exists before processing them.

How do I programmatically determine operating system in Java?

As indicated in other answers, System.getProperty provides the raw data. However, the Apache Commons Lang component provides a wrapper for java.lang.System with handy properties like SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS, much like the aforementioned Swingx OS util.

How to output git log with the first line only?

You can define a global alias so you can invoke a short log in a more comfortable way:

git config --global alias.slog "log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit"

Then you can call it using git slog (it even works with autocompletion if you have it enabled).

How to get a Char from an ASCII Character Code in c#

It is important to notice that in C# the char type is stored as Unicode UTF-16.

From ASCII equivalent integer to char

char c = (char)88;


char c = Convert.ToChar(88)

From char to ASCII equivalent integer

int asciiCode = (int)'A';

The literal must be ASCII equivalent. For example:

string str = "X?????????";

will print


Extended ASCII ranges from 0 to 255.

From default UTF-16 literal to char

Using the Symbol

char c = 'X';

Using the Unicode code

char c = '\u0058';

Using the Hexadecimal

char c = '\x0058';

What is the use of ObservableCollection in .net?

From Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework

The ObservableCollection<T> class is very useful in that it has the ability to inform external objects when its contents have changed in some way (as you might guess, working with ReadOnlyObservableCollection<T> is very similar, but read-only in nature). In many ways, working with the ObservableCollection<T> is identical to working with List<T>, given that both of these classes implement the same core interfaces. What makes the ObservableCollection<T> class unique is that this class supports an event named CollectionChanged. This event will fire whenever a new item is inserted, a current item is removed (or relocated), or if the entire collection is modified. Like any event, CollectionChanged is defined in terms of a delegate, which in this case is NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler. This delegate can call any method that takes an object as the first parameter, and a NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs as the second. Consider the following Main() method, which populates an observable collection containing Person objects and wires up the CollectionChanged event:

class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
     // Make a collection to observe and add a few Person objects.
     ObservableCollection<Person> people = new ObservableCollection<Person>()
        new Person{ FirstName = "Peter", LastName = "Murphy", Age = 52 },
        new Person{ FirstName = "Kevin", LastName = "Key", Age = 48 },
     // Wire up the CollectionChanged event.
     people.CollectionChanged += people_CollectionChanged;
     // Now add a new item.
     people.Add(new Person("Fred", "Smith", 32));

     // Remove an item.

   static void people_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
       // What was the action that caused the event?
        Console.WriteLine("Action for this event: {0}", e.Action);

        // They removed something. 
        if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove)
            Console.WriteLine("Here are the OLD items:");
            foreach (Person p in e.OldItems)

        // They added something. 
        if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
            // Now show the NEW items that were inserted.
            Console.WriteLine("Here are the NEW items:");
            foreach (Person p in e.NewItems)

The incoming NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs parameter defines two important properties, OldItems and NewItems, which will give you a list of items that were currently in the collection before the event fired, and the new items that were involved in the change. However, you will want to examine these lists only under the correct circumstances. Recall that the CollectionChanged event can fire when items are added, removed, relocated, or reset. To discover which of these actions triggered the event, you can use the Action property of NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs. The Action property can be tested against any of the following members of the NotifyCollectionChangedAction enumeration:

public enum NotifyCollectionChangedAction
Add = 0,
Remove = 1,
Replace = 2,
Move = 3,
Reset = 4,

Members of System.Collections.ObjectModel

Generating a unique machine id

You should look into using the MAC address on the network card (if it exists). Those are usually unique but can be fabricated. I've used software that generates its license file based on your network adapter MAC address, so it's considered a fairly reliable way to distinguish between computers.

Python "SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file"

For me the problem had caused due to "’" that symbol in the quotes. As i had copied the code from a pdf file it caused that error. I just replaced "’" by this "'".

How to use a RELATIVE path with AuthUserFile in htaccess?

you may put your Auth settings into a Environment. Like:

SetEnvIf HTTP_HOST testsite.local APPLICATION_ENV=development
  Allow from all
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "My Testseite - Login" 
  AuthUserFile /Users/tho/htdocs/wgh_staging/.htpasswd
  Require user username

The Auth is working, but I couldn't get my environment really running.

Shortcut for changing font size

Ctrl + MouseWheel on active editor.

Difference between static class and singleton pattern?

The true answer is by Jon Skeet, on another forum here.

A singleton allows access to a single created instance - that instance (or rather, a reference to that instance) can be passed as a parameter to other methods, and treated as a normal object.

A static class allows only static methods.

jQuery checkbox onChange

There is no need to use :checkbox, also replace #activelist with #inactivelist:

$('#inactivelist').change(function () {

How to pass data between fragments

That depends on how the fragment is structured. If you can have some of the methods on the Fragment Class B static and also the target TextView object static, you can call the method directly on Fragment Class A. This is better than a listener as the method is performed instantaneously, and we don't need to have an additional task that performs listening throughout the activity. See example below:

Fragment_class_B.setmyText(String yourstring);

On Fragment B you can have the method defined as:

public static void setmyText(final String string) {

Just don't forget to have myTextView set as static on Fragment B, and properly import the Fragment B class on Fragment A.

Just did the procedure on my project recently and it worked. Hope that helped.

Git resolve conflict using --ours/--theirs for all files

git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U | xargs git checkout --theirs

Seems to do the job. Note that you have to be cd'ed to the root directory of the git repo to achieve this.

UITextField border color

Import QuartzCore framework in you class:

#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>

and for changing the border color use the following code snippet (I'm setting it to redColor),

    textField.layer.borderColor=[[UIColor redColor]CGColor];
    textField.layer.borderWidth= 1.0f;

For reverting back to the original layout just set border color to clear color,

    serverField.layer.borderColor=[[UIColor clearColor]CGColor];

in swift code

    textField.layer.borderWidth = 1
    textField.layer.borderColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor

How to use paginator from material angular?

After spending few hours on this i think this is best way to apply pagination. And more importantly it works. This is my paginator code <mat-paginator #paginatoR [length]="length" [pageSize]="pageSize" [pageSizeOptions]="pageSizeOptions">

Inside my component @ViewChild(MatPaginator) paginator: MatPaginator; to view child and finally you have to bind paginator to table dataSource and this is how it is done ngAfterViewInit() {this.dataSource.paginator = this.paginator;} Easy right? if it works for you then mark this as answer.

presentViewController and displaying navigation bar

I use this code. It's working fine in iOS 8.

MyProfileEditViewController *myprofileEdit=[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"myprofileeditSid"];
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:myprofileEdit];
[self presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion:^{}];

Tricks to manage the available memory in an R session


for (i in 1:10) 
    gc(reset = T)

from time to time also helps R to free unused but still not released memory.

Add quotation at the start and end of each line in Notepad++

  • One simple way is replace \n(newline) with ","(double-quote comma double-quote) after this append double-quote in the start and end of file.


  • Replcae \n with ","

  • Now append "(double-quote) at the start and end


If your text contains blank lines in between you can use regular expression \n+ instead of \n




  • Replcae \n+ with "," (in regex mode)

  • Now append "(double-quote) at the start and end


C char* to int conversion

Use atoi() from <stdlib.h>

Or, write your own atoi() function which will convert char* to int

int a2i(const char *s)
  int sign=1;
  if(*s == '-'){
    sign = -1;
  int num=0;
  return num*sign;

What can MATLAB do that R cannot do?

I have used both R and MATLAB to solve problems and construct models related to Environmental Engineering and there is a lot of overlap between the two systems. In my opinion, the advantages of MATLAB lie in specialized domain-specific applications. Some examples are:

  • Functions such as streamline that aid in fluid dynamics investigations.

  • Toolboxes such as the image processing toolset. I have not found a R package that provides an equivalent implementation of tools like the watershed algorithm.

In my opinion MATLAB provides far better interactive graphics capabilities. However, I think R produces better static print-quality graphics, depending on the application. MATLAB's symbolic math toolbox is also better integrated and more capable than R equivalents such as Ryacas or rSymPy. The existence of the MATLAB compiler also allows systems based on MATLAB code to be deployed independently of the MATLAB environment-- although it's availability will depend on how much money you have to throw around.

Another thing I should note is that the MATLAB debugger is one of the best I have worked with.

The principle advantage I see with R is the openness of the system and the ease with which it can be extended. This has resulted in an incredible diversity of packages on CRAN. I know Mathworks also maintains a repository of user-contributed toolboxes and I can't make a fair comparison as I have not used it that much.

The openness of R also extends to linking in compiled code. A while back I had a model written in Fortran and I was trying to decide between using R or MATLAB as a front-end to help prepare input and process results. I spent an hour reading about the MEX interface to compiled code. When I found that I would have to write and maintain a separate Fortran routine that did some intricate pointer juggling in order to manage the interface, I shelved MATLAB.

The R interface consists of calling .Fortran( [subroutine name], [argument list]) and is simply quicker and cleaner.

Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java?

I think Jon Skeet has the correct answer. I'd just like to add that you can access shadowed variables from superclasses of superclasses by casting this:

interface I { int x = 0; }
class T1 implements I { int x = 1; }
class T2 extends T1 { int x = 2; }
class T3 extends T2 {
        int x = 3;
        void test() {
                System.out.println("x=\t\t"          + x);
                System.out.println("super.x=\t\t"    + super.x);
                System.out.println("((T2)this).x=\t" + ((T2)this).x);
                System.out.println("((T1)this).x=\t" + ((T1)this).x);
                System.out.println("((I)this).x=\t"  + ((I)this).x);

class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                new T3().test();

which produces the output:

x=              3
super.x=        2
((T2)this).x=   2
((T1)this).x=   1
((I)this).x=    0

(example from the JLS)

However, this doesn't work for method calls because method calls are determined based on the runtime type of the object.

Initializing C dynamic arrays

p = {1,2,3} is wrong.

You can never use this:

int * p;
p = {1,2,3};

loop is right

int *p,i;
p = malloc(3*sizeof(int));
for(i = 0; i<3; ++i)
    p[i] = i;

Calculate Age in MySQL (InnoDb)

select *,year(curdate())-year(dob) - (right(curdate(),5) < right(dob,5)) as age from your_table

in this way you consider even month and day of birth in order to have a more accurate age calculation.

How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?

I came across this post looking for a "shaking" implementation. millenomi's answer worked well for me, although i was looking for something that required a bit more "shaking action" to trigger. I've replaced to Boolean value with an int shakeCount. I also reimplemented the L0AccelerationIsShaking() method in Objective-C. You can tweak the ammount of shaking required by tweaking the ammount added to shakeCount. I'm not sure i've found the optimal values yet, but it seems to be working well so far. Hope this helps someone:

- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration {
    if (self.lastAcceleration) {
        if ([self AccelerationIsShakingLast:self.lastAcceleration current:acceleration threshold:0.7] && shakeCount >= 9) {
            //Shaking here, DO stuff.
            shakeCount = 0;
        } else if ([self AccelerationIsShakingLast:self.lastAcceleration current:acceleration threshold:0.7]) {
            shakeCount = shakeCount + 5;
        }else if (![self AccelerationIsShakingLast:self.lastAcceleration current:acceleration threshold:0.2]) {
            if (shakeCount > 0) {
    self.lastAcceleration = acceleration;

- (BOOL) AccelerationIsShakingLast:(UIAcceleration *)last current:(UIAcceleration *)current threshold:(double)threshold {
    deltaX = fabs(last.x - current.x),
    deltaY = fabs(last.y - current.y),
    deltaZ = fabs(last.z - current.z);

    (deltaX > threshold && deltaY > threshold) ||
    (deltaX > threshold && deltaZ > threshold) ||
    (deltaY > threshold && deltaZ > threshold);

PS: I've set the update interval to 1/15th of a second.

[[UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer] setUpdateInterval:(1.0 / 15)];

Get User Selected Range

This depends on what you mean by "get the range of selection". If you mean getting the range address (like "A1:B1") then use the Address property of Selection object - as Michael stated Selection object is much like a Range object, so most properties and methods works on it.

Sub test()
    Dim myString As String
    myString = Selection.Address
End Sub

How to get Tensorflow tensor dimensions (shape) as int values?

Another way to solve this is like this:


This will return the int value of the Dimension object.

What is jQuery Unobtrusive Validation?

jQuery Validation Unobtrusive Native is a collection of ASP.Net MVC HTML helper extensions. These make use of jQuery Validation's native support for validation driven by HTML 5 data attributes. Microsoft shipped jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js back with MVC 3. It provided a way to apply data model validations to the client side using a combination of jQuery Validation and HTML 5 data attributes (that's the "unobtrusive" part).

calling java methods in javascript code

When it is on server side, use web services - maybe RESTful with JSON.

  • create a web service (for example with Tomcat)
  • call its URL from JavaScript (for example with JQuery or dojo)

When Java code is in applet you can use JavaScript bridge. The bridge between the Java and JavaScript programming languages, known informally as LiveConnect, is implemented in Java plugin. Formerly Mozilla-specific LiveConnect functionality, such as the ability to call static Java methods, instantiate new Java objects and reference third-party packages from JavaScript, is now available in all browsers.

Below is example from documentation. Look at methodReturningString.

Java code:

public class MethodInvocation extends Applet {
    public void noArgMethod() { ... }
    public void someMethod(String arg) { ... }
    public void someMethod(int arg) { ... }
    public int  methodReturningInt() { return 5; }
    public String methodReturningString() { return "Hello"; }
    public OtherClass methodReturningObject() { return new OtherClass(); }

public class OtherClass {
    public void anotherMethod();

Web page and JavaScript code:

<applet id="app"
        code="MethodInvocation" ...>
<script language="javascript">
    var five = app.methodReturningInt();
    var hello = app.methodReturningString();

How do I retrieve my MySQL username and password?

Although a strict, logical, computer science'ish interpretation of the op's question would be to require both "How do I retrieve my MySQL username" and "password" - I thought It might be useful to someone to also address the OR interpretation. In other words ...

1) How do I retrieve my MySQL username?


2) password

This latter condition seems to have been amply addressed already so I won't bother with it. The following is a solution for the case "How do i retreive my MySQL username" alone. HIH.

To find your mysql username run the following commands from the mysql shell ...

SELECT User FROM mysql.user;

it will print a table of all mysql users.

Byte[] to ASCII


How to access Session variables and set them in javascript?

If you want read Session value in javascript.This code help for you.

<script type='text/javascript'> var userID='@Session["userID"]'; </script>

How to use the ProGuard in Android Studio?

The other answers here are great references on using proguard. However, I haven't seen an issue discussed that I ran into that was a mind bender. After you generate a signed release .apk, it's put in the /release folder in your app but my app had an apk that wasn't in the /release folder. Hence, I spent hours decompiling the wrong apk wondering why my proguard changes were having no affect. Hope this helps someone!

Integer to IP Address - C

This is what I would do if passed a string buffer to fill and I knew the buffer was big enough (ie at least 16 characters long):

sprintf(buffer, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
  (ip >> 24) & 0xFF,
  (ip >> 16) & 0xFF,
  (ip >>  8) & 0xFF,
  (ip      ) & 0xFF);

This would be slightly faster than creating a byte array first, and I think it is more readable. I would normally use snprintf, but IP addresses can't be more than 16 characters long including the terminating null.

Alternatively if I was asked for a function returning a char*:

char* IPAddressToString(int ip)
  char[] result = new char[16];

  sprintf(result, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
    (ip >> 24) & 0xFF,
    (ip >> 16) & 0xFF,
    (ip >>  8) & 0xFF,
    (ip      ) & 0xFF);

  return result;

git clone from another directory

In case you have space in your path, wrap it in double quotes:

$ git clone "//serverName/New Folder/Target" f1/

Using a Python subprocess call to invoke a Python script

First, check if is executable and starts with something along the lines of #!/usr/bin/python. If this is done, then you can use'./').

Or as another answer points out, you could do['python', '']).

How to target only IE (any version) within a stylesheet?

Here's a collection of media queries that will allow you to do that for any version of Internet Explorer (from IE6 to IE11+), Firefox, Chrome & Safari (EDIT: also added Opera).

IE 6

* html .ie6 { property: value; }


.ie6 { _property: value; }

IE 7

*+html .ie7 { property: value; }


*:first-child+html .ie7 { property: value; }

IE 6 and 7

@media screen\9 { 
    .ie67 {
        property: value; 


.ie67 { *property: value; }


.ie67 { #property: value; }

IE 6, 7 and 8

@media \0screen\,screen\9 {
    .ie678 {
        property: value;

IE 8

html>/**/body .ie8 { property: value; }


@media \0screen {
    .ie8 {
        property: value;

IE 8 Standards Mode

.ie8 { property /*\**/: value\9 }

IE 8,9 and 10

@media screen\0 {
    .ie8910 {
        property: value;

IE 9 only

@media screen and (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution: .001dpcm) { 
    // IE9 CSS
        property: value;

IE 9 and above

@media screen and (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution: +72dpi) {
    // IE9+ CSS
    .ie9up { 
        property: value; 

IE 9 and 10

@media screen and (min-width:0\0) {
    .ie910 {
        property: value\9;
    } /* backslash-9 removes ie11+ & old Safari 4 */

IE 10 only

_:-ms-lang(x), .ie10 { property: value\9; }

IE 10 and above

_:-ms-lang(x), .ie10up { property: value; }


@media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
    .ie10up {

IE 11 (and above..)

_:-ms-fullscreen, :root .ie11up { property: value; }

Firefox (any version)

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
    .ff {
        color: red;

Firefox (Quantum Only / Stylo)

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
    @supports (animation: calc(0s)) {
        /* Stylo */
        .ffStylo {
            property: value;

Firefox Legacy (pre-Stylo)

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
    @supports not (animation: calc(0s)) {
        /* Gecko */
        .ffGecko {
            property: value;

Webkit (Chrome & Safari, any version)

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { 
    property: value;

Google Chrome (29+)

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) {
    .chrome {
        property: value;

Safari (7.1+)

_::-webkit-full-page-media, _:future, :root .safari_only {
    property: value;

Safari (from 6.1 to 10.0)

@media screen and (min-color-index:0) and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { 
    @media {
        .safari6 { 

Safari (10.1+)

@media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { 
    @media {
        .safari10 { 

Opera (12+)

@media (min-resolution: .001dpcm) {
    _:-o-prefocus, .selector {
        .opera12 {

Opera (11 and lower)

@media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:10000), not all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
    .opera11 {

For further info or additional media queries, visit the web site and/or check out this blog post that I wrote on this topic.

How can I plot separate Pandas DataFrames as subplots?

How to create multiple plots from a dictionary of dataframes with long (tidy) data

  • Assumptions

    • There is a dictionary of multiple dataframes of tidy data
      • Created by reading in from files
      • Created by separating a single dataframe into multiple dataframes
    • The categories, cat, may be overlapping, but all dataframes may not contain all values of cat
    • hue='cat'
  • Because dataframes are being iterated through, there's not guarantee that colors will be mapped the same for each plot

    • A custom color map needs to be created from the unique 'cat' values for all the dataframes
    • Since the colors will be the same, place one legend to the side of the plots, instead of a legend in every plot

Imports and synthetic data

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np  # used for random data
import random  # used for random data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch  # for custom legend
import seaborn as sns
import math import ceil  # determine correct number of subplot

# synthetic data
df_dict = dict()
for i in range(1, 7):
    data_length = 100
    data = {'cat': [random.choice(['A', 'B', 'C']) for _ in range(data_length)],
            'x': np.random.rand(data_length),
            'y': np.random.rand(data_length)}
    df_dict[i] = pd.DataFrame(data)

# display(df_dict[1].head())

  cat         x         y
0   A  0.417022  0.326645
1   C  0.720324  0.527058
2   A  0.000114  0.885942
3   B  0.302333  0.357270
4   A  0.146756  0.908535

Create color mappings and plot

# create color mapping based on all unique values of cat
unique_cat = {cat for v in df_dict.values() for cat in}  # get unique cats
colors = sns.color_palette('husl', n_colors=len(unique_cat))  # get a number of colors
cmap = dict(zip(unique_cat, colors))  # zip values to colors

# iterate through dictionary and plot
col_nums = 3  # how many plots per row
row_nums = math.ceil(len(df_dict) / col_nums)  # how many rows of plots
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))  # change the figure size as needed
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(df_dict.items(), 1):
    plt.subplot(row_nums, col_nums, i)  # create subplots
    p = sns.scatterplot(data=v, x='x', y='y', hue='cat', palette=cmap)
    p.legend_.remove()  # remove the individual plot legends
    plt.title(f'DataFrame: {k}')

# create legend from cmap
patches = [Patch(color=v, label=k) for k, v in cmap.items()]
# place legend outside of plot; change the right bbox value to move the legend up or down
plt.legend(handles=patches, bbox_to_anchor=(1.06, 1.2), loc='center left', borderaxespad=0)

enter image description here

How to uncommit my last commit in Git

Be careful with that.

But you can use the rebase command

git rebase -i HEAD~2

A vi will open and all you have to do is delete the line with the commit. Also can read instructions that were shown in proper edition @ vi. A couple of things can be performed on this mode.

Append String in Swift

Add this extension somewhere:

extension String {
    mutating func addString(str: String) {
        self = self + str

Then you can call it like:

var str1 = "hi"
var str2 = " my name is"
println(str1) //hi my name is

A lot of good Swift extensions like this are in my repo here, check them out:

Insert ellipsis (...) into HTML tag if content too wide

I'd done something similar for a client recently. Here's a version of what I did for them (example tested in all latest browser versions on Win Vista). Not perfect all around the board, but could be tweaked pretty easily.



        <script src=""></script>
            google.load("jquery", "1.2.6");
            google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
                $('.longtext').each(function() {
                    if ($(this).attr('scrollWidth') > $(this).width()) {
                        $more = $('<b class="more">&hellip;</b>');

                        // add it to the dom first, so it will have dimensions

                        // now set the position
                            top: '-' + $(this).height() + 'px',
                            left: ($(this).attr('offsetWidth') - $more.attr('offsetWidth')) + 'px'

            .longtext {
                height: 20px;
                width: 300px;
                overflow: hidden;
                white-space: nowrap;
                border: 1px solid #f00;

            .more {
                z-index: 10;
                position: relative;
                display: block;
                background-color: #fff;
                width: 18px;
                padding: 0 2px;
        <p class="longtext">This is some really long text.  This is some really long text.  This is some really long text.  This is some really long text.</p>

How can I make git accept a self signed certificate?

My answer may be late but it worked for me. It may help somebody.

I tried above mentioned steps and that didn't solved the issue.

try thisgit config --global http.sslVerify false

What is the purpose of meshgrid in Python / NumPy?

Basic Idea

Given possible x values, xs, (think of them as the tick-marks on the x-axis of a plot) and possible y values, ys, meshgrid generates the corresponding set of (x, y) grid points---analogous to set((x, y) for x in xs for y in yx). For example, if xs=[1,2,3] and ys=[4,5,6], we'd get the set of coordinates {(1,4), (2,4), (3,4), (1,5), (2,5), (3,5), (1,6), (2,6), (3,6)}.

Form of the Return Value

However, the representation that meshgrid returns is different from the above expression in two ways:

First, meshgrid lays out the grid points in a 2d array: rows correspond to different y-values, columns correspond to different x-values---as in list(list((x, y) for x in xs) for y in ys), which would give the following array:

   [[(1,4), (2,4), (3,4)],
    [(1,5), (2,5), (3,5)],
    [(1,6), (2,6), (3,6)]]

Second, meshgrid returns the x and y coordinates separately (i.e. in two different numpy 2d arrays):

   xcoords, ycoords = (
       array([[1, 2, 3],
              [1, 2, 3],
              [1, 2, 3]]),
       array([[4, 4, 4],
              [5, 5, 5],
              [6, 6, 6]]))
   # same thing using np.meshgrid:
   xcoords, ycoords = np.meshgrid([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
   # same thing without meshgrid:
   xcoords = np.array([xs] * len(ys)
   ycoords = np.array([ys] * len(xs)).T

Note, np.meshgrid can also generate grids for higher dimensions. Given xs, ys, and zs, you'd get back xcoords, ycoords, zcoords as 3d arrays. meshgrid also supports reverse ordering of the dimensions as well as sparse representation of the result.


Why would we want this form of output?

Apply a function at every point on a grid: One motivation is that binary operators like (+, -, *, /, **) are overloaded for numpy arrays as elementwise operations. This means that if I have a function def f(x, y): return (x - y) ** 2 that works on two scalars, I can also apply it on two numpy arrays to get an array of elementwise results: e.g. f(xcoords, ycoords) or f(*np.meshgrid(xs, ys)) gives the following on the above example:

array([[ 9,  4,  1],
       [16,  9,  4],
       [25, 16,  9]])

Higher dimensional outer product: I'm not sure how efficient this is, but you can get high-dimensional outer products this way:[1,2,3], [1,2], [1,2,3,4]), axis=0).

Contour plots in matplotlib: I came across meshgrid when investigating drawing contour plots with matplotlib for plotting decision boundaries. For this, you generate a grid with meshgrid, evaluate the function at each grid point (e.g. as shown above), and then pass the xcoords, ycoords, and computed f-values (i.e. zcoords) into the contourf function.

How to compare two List<String> to each other?

You can check in all the below ways for a List

List<string> FilteredList = new List<string>();
//Comparing the two lists and gettings common elements.
FilteredList = a1.Intersect(a2, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Why are primes important in cryptography?

One more resource for you. Security Now! episode 30(~30 minute podcast, link is to the transcript) talks about cryptography issues, and explains why primes are important.

getting "No column was specified for column 2 of 'd'" in sql server cte?


I tried to rewrite your query, but even yours will work once you associate aliases to the aggregate columns in the query that defines 'd'.

I think you are looking for the following:

First one:

               month(bookingdate) as duration, 
               count(*) as totalbookings 
           group by month(bookingdate)
    ) AS c 
    inner join 
               sum(totalitems) 'bkdqty'
               [DrySoftBranch].[dbo].[mnthItemWiseTotalQty] ('1') AS BkdQty
           group by duration
    ) AS d 
    on c.duration = d.duration

Second one:

               month(bookingdate) as duration, 
               count(*) as totalbookings 
           group by month(bookingdate)
    ) AS c 
    inner join 
               month(clothdeliverydate) 'clothdeliverydatemonth', 
               SUM(CONVERT(INT, deliveredqty)) 'bkdqty'
               month(clothdeliverydate) is not null
               group by month(clothdeliverydate)
    ) AS d 
    on c.duration = d.duration

Using NSPredicate to filter an NSArray based on NSDictionary keys

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// clang -framework Foundation Siegfried.m 
main() {
    NSArray *arr = @[
        @{@"1" : @"Fafner"},
        @{@"1" : @"Fasolt"}
    NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
        @"SELF['1'] CONTAINS 'e'"];
    NSArray *res = [arr filteredArrayUsingPredicate:p];
    NSLog(@"Siegfried %@", res);
    return 0;

Android SDK location should not contain whitespace, as this cause problems with NDK tools

As the warning message states, the SDK location should not contain whitespace.

Your SDK is at C:\Users\Giacomo B\AppData\Local\Android\sdk. There is a whitespace character in Giacomo B.

The easiest solution is to move the SDK somewhere else, where there is no space or other whitespace character in the path, such as C:\Android\sdk. You can point both Android Studio installations to the new location.

Force overwrite of local file with what's in origin repo?

Simplest version, assuming you're working on the same branch that the file you want is on:

git checkout path/to/file.

I do this so often that I've got an alias set to gc='git checkout'.

ruby 1.9: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

This seems to work:

def sanitize_utf8(string)
  return nil if string.nil?
  return string if string.valid_encoding? { |c| c.valid_encoding? }.join

What is difference between MVC, MVP & MVVM design pattern in terms of coding c#



Presenter will be present in between Model and view.Presenter will fetch data from Model and will do manipulations for data as view wants and give it to view and view is responsible only for rendering.


1)We can't use presenter for multiple modules because data is being modified in presenter as desired by one view class.

3)Breaking Clean architecture because data flow should be only outwards but here data is coming back from presenter to View.



Here we have Controller in between view and model.Here data request will be done from controller to view but data will be sent back to view in form of interface but not with controller.So,here controller won't get bloated up because of many transactions.


Data Manipulation should be done by View as it wants and this will be extra work on UI thread which may effect UI rendering if data processing is more.


After announcing Architectural components,we got access to ViewModel which provided us biggest advantage i.e it's lifecycle aware.So,it won't notify data if view is not available.It is a clean architecture because flow is only in forward mode and data will be notified automatically by LiveData. So,it is Android's recommended architecture.

Even MVVM has a disadvantage. Since it is a lifecycle aware some concepts like alarm or reminder should come outside app.So,in this scenario we can't use MVVM.

Efficiently replace all accented characters in a string?

I made a Prototype Version of this:

String.prototype.strip = function() {
  var translate_re = /[Ă¶Ă¤Ă¼Ă–Ă„ĂœĂŸ ]/g;
  var translate = {
    "ä":"a", "ö":"o", "Ă¼":"u",
    "Ă„":"A", "Ă–":"O", "Ăœ":"U",
    " ":"_", "ĂŸ":"ss"   // probably more to come
    return (this.replace(translate_re, function(match){
        return translate[match];})

Use like:

var teststring = 'ä ö Ă¼ Ă„ Ă– Ăœ ĂŸ';

This will will change the String to a_o_u_A_O_U_ss

What is the actual use of Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver") while connecting to a database?

From the Java JDBC tutorial:

In previous versions of JDBC, to obtain a connection, you first had to initialize your JDBC driver by calling the method Class.forName. Any JDBC 4.0 drivers that are found in your class path are automatically loaded. (However, you must manually load any drivers prior to JDBC 4.0 with the method Class.forName.)

So, if you're using the Oracle 11g (11.1) driver with Java 1.6, you don't need to call Class.forName. Otherwise, you need to call it to initialise the driver.

Redirect to Action by parameter mvc

This should work!

public ActionResult RedirectToImages(int id)
    return RedirectToAction("Index", "ProductImageManeger", new  { id = id });

public ViewResult Index(int id)
    return View(_db.ProductImages.Where(rs => rs.ProductId == id).ToList());

Notice that you don't have to pass the name of view if you are returning the same view as implemented by the action.

Your view should inherit the model as this:

@model <Your class name>

You can then access your model in view as:


wampserver doesn't go green - stays orange

After trying all the other solutions posted here (Skype, updates to C++ Redistributable), I found that another process was using port 80. The culprit was Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). You can stop the service from the command line on Windows 7/Vista:

net stop was /y

Or set the service to not start automatically by going to Services: click Start, click Control Panel, click Performance and Maintenance, click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Services. There, locate "WAS Service" and "World Wide Web Publication Service" and set them to manual or deactivate them completely.

Then restart the WAMP server.

More info:

Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type

As Artem Bilan said, this problem occures because MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter supports response with application/json content-type only. If you can't change server code, but can change client code(I had such case), you can change content-type header with interceptor:

restTemplate.getInterceptors().add((request, body, execution) -> {
            ClientHttpResponse response = execution.execute(request,body);
            return response;

How to add double quotes to a string that is inside a variable?

If you want to add double quotes to a string that contains dynamic values also. For the same in place of CodeId[i] and CodeName[i] you can put your dynamic values.

data = "Test ID=" + "\"" + CodeId[i] + "\"" + " Name=" + "\"" + CodeName[i] + "\"" + " Type=\"Test\";

Creating temporary files in bash

You might want to look at mktemp

The mktemp utility takes the given filename template and overwrites a portion of it to create a unique filename. The template may be any filename with some number of 'Xs' appended to it, for example /tmp/tfile.XXXXXXXXXX. The trailing 'Xs' are replaced with a combination of the current process number and random letters.

For more details: man mktemp

How to concatenate a std::string and an int?

This problem can be done in many ways. I will show it in two ways:

  1. Convert the number to string using to_string(i).

  2. Using string streams.


    #include <string>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
        string name = "John";
        int age = 21;
        string answer1 = "";
        // Method 1). string s1 = to_string(age).
        string s1=to_string(age); // Know the integer get converted into string
        // where as we know that concatenation can easily be done using '+' in C++
        answer1 = name + s1;
        cout << answer1 << endl;
        // Method 2). Using string streams
        ostringstream s2;
        s2 << age;
        string s3 = s2.str(); // The str() function will convert a number into a string
        string answer2 = "";  // For concatenation of strings.
        answer2 = name + s3;
        cout << answer2 << endl;
        return 0;

Iteration ng-repeat only X times in AngularJs

Answer given by @mpm is not working it gives the error

Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: {0}, Duplicate key: {1}

To avoid this along with

ng-repeat="t in getTimes(4)"


track by $index

like this

<div ng-repeat="t in getTimes(4) track by $index">TEXT</div>

error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)

I think this is the problem

A little background

Traceview is a graphical viewer for execution logs that you create by using the Debug class to log tracing information in your code. Traceview can help you debug your application and profile its performance. Enabling it creates a .trace file in the sdcard root folder which can then be extracted by ADB and processed by traceview bat file for processing. It also can get added by the DDMS.

It is a system used internally by the logger. In general unless you are using traceview to extract the trace file this error shouldnt bother you. You should look at error/logs directly related to your application

How do I enable it:

There are two ways to generate trace logs:

  1. Include the Debug class in your code and call its methods such as startMethodTracing() and stopMethodTracing(), to start and stop logging of trace information to disk. This option is very precise because you can specify exactly where to start and stop logging trace data in your code.

  2. Use the method profiling feature of DDMS to generate trace logs. This option is less precise because you do not modify code, but rather specify when to start and stop logging with DDMS. Although you have less control on exactly where logging starts and stops, this option is useful if you don't have access to the application's code, or if you do not need precise log timing.

But the following restrictions exist for the above

If you are using the Debug class, your application must have permission to write to external storage (WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE).

If you are using DDMS: Android 2.1 and earlier devices must have an SD card present and your application must have permission to write to the SD card. Android 2.2 and later devices do not need an SD card. The trace log files are streamed directly to your development machine.

So in essence the traceFile access requires two things

1.) Permission to write a trace log file i.e. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for good measure

2.) An emulator with an SDCard attached with sufficient space. The doc doesnt say if this is only for DDMS but also for debug, so I am assuming this is also true for debugging via the application.

What do I do with this error:

Now the error is essentially a fall out of either not having the sdcard path to create a tracefile or not having permission to access it. This is an old thread, but the dev behind the bounty, check if are meeting the two prerequisites. You can then go search for the .trace file in the sdcard folder in your emulator. If it exists it shouldn't be giving you this problem, if it doesnt try creating it by adding the startMethodTracing to your app.
I'm not sure why it automatically looks for this file when the logger kicks in. I think when an error/log event occurs , the logger internally tries to write to trace file and does not find it, in which case it throws the error.Having scoured through the docs, I don't find too many references to why this is automatically on. But in general this doesn't affect you directly, you should check direct application logs/errors. Also as an aside Android 2.2 and later devices do not need an SD card for DDMS trace logging. The trace log files are streamed directly to your development machine.

Additional information on Traceview:

Copying Trace Files to a Host Machine

After your application has run and the system has created your trace files .trace on a device or emulator, you must copy those files to your development computer. You can use adb pull to copy the files. Here's an example that shows how to copy an example file, calc.trace, from the default location on the emulator to the /tmp directory on the emulator host machine:

adb pull /sdcard/calc.trace /tmp Viewing Trace Files in Traceview To run Traceview and view the trace files, enter traceview . For example, to run Traceview on the example files copied in the previous section, use:

traceview /tmp/calc Note: If you are trying to view the trace logs of an application that is built with ProGuard enabled (release mode build), some method and member names might be obfuscated. You can use the Proguard mapping.txt file to figure out the original unobfuscated names. For more information on this file, see the Proguard documentation.

I think any other answer regarding positioning of oncreate statements or removing uses-sdk are not related, but this is Android and I could be wrong. Would be useful to redirect this question to an android engineer or post it as a bug

More in the docs

What is the difference between a web API and a web service?

The basic difference between Web Services and Web APIs

Web Service:

1) It is a SOAP-based service and returns data as XML.

2) It only supports the HTTP protocol.

3) It is not open source but can be used by any client that understands XML.

5) It requires a SOAP protocol to receive and send data over the network, so it is not a light-weight architecture.

Web API:

1) A Web API is an HTTP based service and returns JSON or XML data by default.

2) It supports the HTTP protocol.

3) It can be hosted within an application or IIS.

4) It is open source and it can be used by any client that understands JSON or XML.

5) It has light-weight architecture and good for devices which have limited bandwidth, like mobile devices.

SQL Query to add a new column after an existing column in SQL Server 2005

First add the new column to the old table through SSMStudio. Go to the database >> table >> columns. Right click on columns and choose new column. Follow the wizard. Then create the new table with the columns ordered as desired as follows:

select * into my_new_table from (
select old_col1, my_new_col, old_col2, old_col3
from my_old_table 
) as A

Then rename the tables as desired through SSMStudio. Go to the database >> table >> choose rename.

Formatting doubles for output in C#

Another method, starting with the method:

double i = (10 * 0.69);
Console.Write(ToStringFull(i));       // Output 6.89999999999999946709294817
Console.Write(ToStringFull(-6.9)      // Output -6.90000000000000035527136788
Console.Write(ToStringFull(i - 6.9)); // Output -0.00000000000000088817841970012523233890533

A Drop-In Function...

public static string ToStringFull(double value)
    if (value == 0.0) return "0.0";
    if (double.IsNaN(value)) return "NaN";
    if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(value)) return "-Inf";
    if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(value)) return "+Inf";

    long bits = BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(value);
    BigInteger mantissa = (bits & 0xfffffffffffffL) | 0x10000000000000L;
    int exp = (int)((bits >> 52) & 0x7ffL) - 1023;
    string sign = (value < 0) ? "-" : "";

    if (54 > exp)
        double offset = (exp / 3.321928094887362358); //...or =Math.Log10(Math.Abs(value))
        BigInteger temp = mantissa * BigInteger.Pow(10, 26 - (int)offset) >> (52 - exp);
        string numberText = temp.ToString();
        int digitsNeeded = (int)((numberText[0] - '5') / 10.0 - offset);
        if (exp < 0)
            return sign + "0." + new string('0', digitsNeeded) + numberText;
            return sign + numberText.Insert(1 - digitsNeeded, ".");
    return sign + (mantissa >> (52 - exp)).ToString();

How it works

To solve this problem I used the BigInteger tools. Large values are simple as they just require left shifting the mantissa by the exponent. For small values we cannot just directly right shift as that would lose the precision bits. We must first give it some extra size by multiplying it by a 10^n and then do the right shifts. After that, we move over the decimal n places to the left. More text/code here.

How can I capture the right-click event in JavaScript?

Use the oncontextmenu event.

Here's an example:

<div oncontextmenu="javascript:alert('success!');return false;">
    Lorem Ipsum

And using event listeners (credit to rampion from a comment in 2011):

el.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(ev) {
    return false;
}, false);

Don't forget to return false, otherwise the standard context menu will still pop up.

If you are going to use a function you've written rather than javascript:alert("Success!"), remember to return false in BOTH the function AND the oncontextmenu attribute.

decimal vs double! - Which one should I use and when?

Definitely use integer types for your money computations.
This cannot be emphasized enough since at first glance it might seem that a floating point type is adequate.

Here an example in python code:

>>> amount = float(100.00) # one hundred dollars
>>> print amount
>>> new_amount = amount + 1
>>> print new_amount
>>> print new_amount - amount
>>> 1.0

looks pretty normal.

Now try this again with 10^20 Zimbabwe dollars:

>>> amount = float(1e20)
>>> print amount
>>> new_amount = amount + 1
>>> print new_amount
>>> print new_amount-amount

As you can see, the dollar disappeared.

If you use the integer type, it works fine:

>>> amount = int(1e20)
>>> print amount
>>> new_amount = amount + 1
>>> print new_amount
>>> print new_amount - amount

How to save .xlsx data to file as a blob

I've found a solution worked for me:

const handleDownload = async () => {
   const req = await axios({
     method: "get",
     url: `/companies/${}/data`,
     responseType: "blob",
   var blob = new Blob([], {
     type: req.headers["content-type"],
   const link = document.createElement("a");
   link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = `report_${new Date().getTime()}.xlsx`;;

I just point a responseType: "blob"

How to store date/time and timestamps in UTC time zone with JPA and Hibernate

With Spring Boot JPA, use the below code in your file and obviously you can modify timezone to your choice = UTC

Then in your Entity class file,

private LocalDateTime created;

How do I change the font color in an html table?

Something like this, if want to go old-school.

<font color="blue">Sustaining : $60.00 USD - yearly</font>

Though a more modern approach would be to use a css style:

<td style="color:#0000ff">Sustaining : $60.00 USD - yearly</td>

There are of course even more general ways to do it.

How do I send a file as an email attachment using Linux command line?

I used

echo "Start of Body" && uuencode log.cfg readme.txt | mail -s "subject" "[email protected]" 

and this worked well for me....

Getting the parent div of element

This might help you.

ParentID = pDoc.offsetParent;

What's the correct way to communicate between controllers in AngularJS?

I've actually started using Postal.js as a message bus between controllers.

There are lots of benefits to it as a message bus such as AMQP style bindings, the way postal can integrate w/ iFrames and web sockets, and many more things.

I used a decorator to get Postal set up on $scope.$bus...

.config(function ($provide) {
    $provide.decorator('$rootScope', ['$delegate', function ($delegate) {
        Object.defineProperty($delegate.constructor.prototype, '$bus', {
            get: function() {
                var self = this;

                return {
                    subscribe: function() {
                        var sub = postal.subscribe.apply(postal, arguments);

                        function() {
                    publish: postal.publish
            enumerable: false

        return $delegate;

Here's a link to a blog post on the topic...

Default property value in React component using TypeScript

With Typescript 3.0 there is a new solution to this issue:

export interface Props {
    name: string;

export class Greet extends React.Component<Props> {
    render() {
        const { name } = this.props;
        return <div>Hello ${name.toUpperCase()}!</div>;
    static defaultProps = { name: "world"};

// Type-checks! No type assertions needed!
let el = <Greet />

Note that for this to work you need a newer version of @types/react than 16.4.6. It works with 16.4.11.

php multidimensional array get values

For people who searched for php multidimensional array get values and actually want to solve problem comes from getting one column value from a 2 dimensinal array (like me!), here's a much elegant way than using foreach, which is array_column

For example, if I only want to get hotel_name from the below array, and form to another array:

$hotels = [
        'hotel_name' => 'Hotel A',
        'info' => 'Hotel A Info',
        'hotel_name' => 'Hotel B',
        'info' => 'Hotel B Info',

I can do this using array_column:

$hotel_name = array_column($hotels, 'hotel_name');

print_r($hotel_name); // Which will give me ['Hotel A', 'Hotel B']

For the actual answer for this question, it can also be beautified by array_column and call_user_func_array('array_merge', $twoDimensionalArray);

Let's make the data in PHP:

$hotels = [
        'hotel_name' => 'Hotel A',
        'info' => 'Hotel A Info',
        'rooms' => [
                'room_name' => 'Luxury Room',
                'bed' => 2,
                'boards' => [
                    'board_id' => 1,
                    'price' => 200
                'room_name' => 'Non Luxy Room',
                'bed' => 4,
                'boards' => [
                    'board_id' => 2,
                    'price' => 150
        'hotel_name' => 'Hotel B',
        'info' => 'Hotel B Info',
        'rooms' => [
                'room_name' => 'Luxury Room',
                'bed' => 2,
                'boards' => [
                    'board_id' => 3,
                    'price' => 900
                'room_name' => 'Non Luxy Room',
                'bed' => 4,
                'boards' => [
                    'board_id' => 4,
                    'price' => 300

And here's the calculation:

$rooms = array_column($hotels, 'rooms');
$rooms = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $rooms);
$boards = array_column($rooms, 'boards');

foreach($boards as $board){
    $board_id = $board['board_id'];
    $price = $board['price'];
    echo "Board ID is: ".$board_id." and price is: ".$price . "<br/>";

Which will give you the following result:

Board ID is: 1 and price is: 200
Board ID is: 2 and price is: 150
Board ID is: 3 and price is: 900
Board ID is: 4 and price is: 300

Can a java file have more than one class?

Yes, it can. However, there can only be one public class per .java file, as public classes must have the same name as the source file.

Combine multiple results in a subquery into a single comma-separated value

1. Create the UDF:

    @FK_ID INT -- The foreign key from TableA which is used 
               -- to fetch corresponding records
DECLARE @SomeColumnList VARCHAR(8000);

SELECT @SomeColumnList =
    COALESCE(@SomeColumnList + ', ', '') + CAST(SomeColumn AS varchar(20)) 

    SELECT @SomeColumnList

2. Use in subquery:

SELECT ID, Name, dbo.CombineValues(FK_ID) FROM TableA

3. If you are using stored procedure you can do like this:

 @FK_ID int
DECLARE @SomeColumnList VARCHAR(800)
SELECT @SomeColumnList =
    COALESCE(@SomeColumnList + ', ', '') + CAST(SomeColumn AS varchar(20)) 

Select *, @SomeColumnList as SelectedIds
        FK_ID = @FK_ID 

How to calculate rolling / moving average using NumPy / SciPy?

for i in range(len(Data)):
    Data[i, 1] = Data[i-lookback:i, 0].sum() / lookback

Try this piece of code. I think it's simpler and does the job. lookback is the window of the moving average.

In the Data[i-lookback:i, 0].sum() I have put 0 to refer to the first column of the dataset but you can put any column you like in case you have more than one column.

How to print an exception in Python 3?

I'm guessing that you need to assign the Exception to a variable. As shown in the Python 3 tutorial:

def fails():
    x = 1 / 0

except Exception as ex:

To give a brief explanation, as is a pseudo-assignment keyword used in certain compound statements to assign or alias the preceding statement to a variable.

In this case, as assigns the caught exception to a variable allowing for information about the exception to stored and used later, instead of needing to be dealt with immediately. (This is discussed in detail in the Python 3 Language Reference: The try Statement.)

The other compound statement using as is the with statement:

def opening(filename):
    f = open(filename)
        yield f

with opening(filename) as f:
    # data from f...

Here, with statements are used to wrap the execution of a block with methods defined by context managers. This functions like an extended try...except...finally statement in a neat generator package, and the as statement assigns the generator-produced result from the context manager to a variable for extended use. (This is discussed in detail in the Python 3 Language Reference: The with Statement.)

Finally, as can be used when importing modules, to alias a module to a different (usually shorter) name:

import as fbb

This is discussed in detail in the Python 3 Language Reference: The import Statement.

Save range to variable

... And the answer is:

Set SrcRange = Sheets("Src").Range("A2:A9")
SrcRange.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Dest").Range("A2")

The Set makes all the difference. Then it works like a charm.

what does -zxvf mean in tar -zxvf <filename>?

Instead of wading through the description of all the options, you can jump to 3.4.3 Short Options Cross Reference under the info tar command.

x means --extract. v means --verbose. f means --file. z means --gzip. You can combine one-letter arguments together, and f takes an argument, the filename. There is something you have to watch out for:

Short options' letters may be clumped together, but you are not required to do this (as compared to old options; see below). When short options are clumped as a set, use one (single) dash for them all, e.g., ''tar' -cvf'. Only the last option in such a set is allowed to have an argument(1).

This old way of writing 'tar' options can surprise even experienced users. For example, the two commands:

 tar cfz archive.tar.gz file
 tar -cfz archive.tar.gz file

are quite different. The first example uses 'archive.tar.gz' as the value for option 'f' and recognizes the option 'z'. The second example, however, uses 'z' as the value for option 'f' -- probably not what was intended.

jQuery add class .active on menu

No other "addClass" methods worked for me when adding a class to an 'a' element on menu except this one:

$(function () {
        var url = window.location.pathname,
    urlRegExp = new RegExp(url.replace(/\/$/, '') + "$");  
        $('a').each(function () {
                            if (urlRegExp.test(this.href.replace(/\/$/, ''))) {

This took me four hours to find it.

Adding a rule in iptables in debian to open a new port

(I presume that you've concluded that it's an iptables problem by dropping the firewall completely (iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT; iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT; iptables -F) and confirmed that you can connect to the MySQL server from your Windows box?)

Some previous rule in the INPUT table is probably rejecting or dropping the packet. You can get around that by inserting the new rule at the top, although you might want to review your existing rules to see whether that's sensible:

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT

Note that iptables-save won't save the new rule persistently (i.e. across reboots) - you'll need to figure out something else for that. My usual route is to store the iptables-save output in a file (/etc/network/iptables.rules or similar) and then load then with a pre-up statement in /etc/network/interfaces).

HTTP POST with Json on Body - Flutter/Dart

This would also work :

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

  sendRequest() async {

    Map data = {
       'apikey': '12345678901234567890'

    var url = '';, body: data)
        .then((response) {
      print("Response status: ${response.statusCode}");
      print("Response body: ${response.body}");

"The system cannot find the file specified" when running C++ program

Encountered the same issue, after downloading a project, in debug mode. Searched for hours without any luck. Following resolved my problem;

Project Properties -> Linker -> Output file -> $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)

It was previously pointing to a folder that MSVS wasn't running from whilst debugging mode.

EDIT: soon as I posted this I came across: unable to start "program.exe" the system cannot find the file specified vs2008 which explains the same thing.

How to load up CSS files using Javascript?

Element.insertAdjacentHTML has very good browser support, and can add a stylesheet in one line.

    "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"path/to/style.css\" />");

vue.js 'document.getElementById' shorthand

You can use the directive v-el to save an element and then use it later.

<div v-el:my-div></div>
<!-- this.$els.myDiv --->

Edit: This is deprecated in Vue 2, see ??? answer

Vector of structs initialization

After looking on the accepted answer I realized that if know size of required vector then we have to use a loop to initialize every element

But I found new to do this using default_structure_element like following...

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;

typedef struct subject {
  string name;
  int marks;
  int credits;

int main(){
  subject default_subject;"NONE";
  default_subject.marks = 0;
  default_subject.credits = 0;

  vector <subject> sub(10,default_subject);         // default_subject to initialize

  //to check is it initialised
  for(ll i=0;i<sub.size();i++) {
    cout << sub[i].name << " " << sub[i].marks << " " << sub[i].credits << endl;

Then I think its good to way to initialize a vector of the struct, isn't it?

Replace specific text with a redacted version using Python

You can do it using named-entity recognition (NER). It's fairly simple and there are out-of-the-shelf tools out there to do it, such as spaCy.

NER is an NLP task where a neural network (or other method) is trained to detect certain entities, such as names, places, dates and organizations.


Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!
I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.


NER with spacy

Just be aware that this is not 100%!

Here are a little snippet for you to try out:

import spacy

phrases = ['Sponge Bob went to South beach, he payed a ticket of $200!', 'I know, Michael is a good person, he goes to McDonalds, but donates to charity at St. Louis street.']
nlp = spacy.load('en')
for phrase in phrases:
   doc = nlp(phrase)
   replaced = ""
   for token in doc:
      if token in doc.ents:
         replaced+="XXXX "
         replaced+=token.text+" "

Read more here:

You could, instead of replacing with XXXX, replace based on the entity type, like:

if ent.label_ == "PERSON":
   replaced += "<PERSON> "


import re, random

personames = ["Jack", "Mike", "Bob", "Dylan"]

phrase = re.replace("<PERSON>", random.choice(personames), phrase)

Get Path from another app (WhatsApp)

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { /* * Your OnCreate */ Intent intent = getIntent(); String action = intent.getAction(); String type = intent.getType();

if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(action) && type != null) {viewhekper(intent);//Handle text being sent}

Html: Difference between cell spacing and cell padding

Cell spacing and margin is the space between cells.

Cell padding is space inside cells, between the cell border (even if invisible) and the cell content, such as text.

How to filter a dictionary according to an arbitrary condition function?

points_small = dict(filter(lambda (a,(b,c)): b<5 and c < 5, points.items()))

AngularJS does not send hidden field value

Below Code will work for this IFF it in the same order as its mentionened make sure you order is type then name, ng-model ng-init, value. thats It.

Laravel 5.2 - Use a String as a Custom Primary Key for Eloquent Table becomes 0

keep using the id


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class UserVerification extends Model
    protected $table = 'user_verification';
    protected $fillable =   [
    //$timestamps = false;
    protected $primaryKey = 'verification_token';

and get the email :

$usr = User::find($id);
$token = $usr->verification_token;
$email = UserVerification::find($token);

How to increase the distance between table columns in HTML?

There isn't any need for fake <td>s. Make use of border-spacing instead. Apply it like this:


    <td>First Column</td>
    <td>Second Column</td>
    <td>Third Column</td>


table {
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 50px 0;

td {
  padding: 10px 0;

See it in action.

Convert nullable bool? to bool

Something like:

if (bn.HasValue)
  b = bn.Value

How to compare if two structs, slices or maps are equal?

reflect.DeepEqual is often incorrectly used to compare two like structs, as in your question.

cmp.Equal is a better tool for comparing structs.

To see why reflection is ill-advised, let's look at the documentation:

Struct values are deeply equal if their corresponding fields, both exported and unexported, are deeply equal.


numbers, bools, strings, and channels - are deeply equal if they are equal using Go's == operator.

If we compare two time.Time values of the same UTC time, t1 == t2 will be false if their metadata timezone is different.

go-cmp looks for the Equal() method and uses that to correctly compare times.


m1 := map[string]int{
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
m2 := map[string]int{
    "a": 1,
    "b": 2,
fmt.Println(cmp.Equal(m1, m2)) // will result in true

How can I make space between two buttons in same div?

you should use bootstrap v.4

<div class="form-group row">
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="button" class="btn form-control" id="btn1">
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="button" class="btn form-control" id="btn2">

Windows Bat file optional argument parsing

Once I had written a program that handle the short (-h), long (--help) and non-option arguments in batch file. This techniques includes:

  • non-option arguments followed by a option arguments.

  • shift operator for those options that have no argument like '--help'.

  • two time shift operator for those options that require an argument.

  • loop through a label for processing all command line arguments.

  • Exit script and stop processing for those options that no need to require further action like '--help'.

  • Wrote help functions for user guidiness

Here is my code.

set BOARD=
set LIB_INSTALL=true
set PREFIX=lib
set PROGRAM=install_boards

 set result=false
 if "%1" == "-h" set result=true
 if "%1" == "--help" set result=true
 if "%result%" == "true" (
 goto :usage
 if "%1" == "-b" set result=true
 if "%1" == "--board" set result=true
 if "%result%" == "true" (
 goto :board_list
 if "%1" == "-n" set result=true
 if "%1" == "--no-lib" set result=true
 if "%result%" == "true" (
 set LIB_INSTALL=false
 shift & goto :initial
 if "%1" == "-c" set result=true
 if "%1" == "--cflag" set result=true
 if "%result%" == "true" (
 set CFLAGS=%2
 if not defined CFLAGS (
 echo %PROGRAM%: option requires an argument -- 'c'
 goto :try_usage
 shift & shift & goto :initial
 if "%1" == "-p" set result=true
 if "%1" == "--prefix" set result=true
 if "%result%" == "true" (
 set PREFIX=%2
 if not defined PREFIX (
 echo %PROGRAM%: option requires an argument -- 'p'
 goto :try_usage
 shift & shift & goto :initial

:: handle non-option arguments
set BOARD=%1

goto :eof

:: Help section

echo Install BOARD to WORKSPACE location.
echo WORKSPACE directory doesn't already exist!
echo Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
echo   -h, --help                   display this help and exit
echo   -b, --boards                 inquire about available CS3 boards
echo   -c, --cflag=CFLAGS           making the CS3 BOARD libraries for CFLAGS
echo   -p. --prefix=PREFIX          install CS3 BOARD libraries in PREFIX
echo                                [lib]
echo   -n, --no-lib                 don't install CS3 BOARD libraries by default
goto :eof

echo Try '%PROGRAM% --help' for more information
goto :eof

How to use npm with node.exe?

I just installed Node.js for the first time and it includes NPM, which can be ran from the Windows cmd. However, make sure that you run it as an administrator. Right click on cmd and choose "run as administrator". This allowed me to call npm commands.

How to install OpenJDK 11 on Windows?

  1. Extract the zip file into a folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\ and it will create a jdk-11 folder (where the bin folder is a direct sub-folder). You may need Administrator privileges to extract the zip file to this location.

  2. Set a PATH:

    • Select Control Panel and then System.
    • Click Advanced and then Environment Variables.
    • Add the location of the bin folder of the JDK installation to the PATH variable in System Variables.
    • The following is a typical value for the PATH variable: C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin"
  3. Set JAVA_HOME:

    • Under System Variables, click New.
    • Enter the variable name as JAVA_HOME.
    • Enter the variable value as the installation path of the JDK (without the bin sub-folder).
    • Click OK.
    • Click Apply Changes.
  4. Configure the JDK in your IDE (e.g. IntelliJ or Eclipse).

You are set.

To see if it worked, open up the Command Prompt and type java -version and see if it prints your newly installed JDK.

If you want to uninstall - just undo the above steps.

Note: You can also point JAVA_HOME to the folder of your JDK installations and then set the PATH variable to %JAVA_HOME%\bin. So when you want to change the JDK you change only the JAVA_HOME variable and leave PATH as it is.

How can I write to the console in PHP?

Though this is an old question, I've been looking for this. Here's my compilation of some solutions answered here and some other ideas found elsewhere to get a one-size-fits-all solution.


    // Post to browser console
    function console($data, $is_error = false, $file = false, $ln = false) {
        if(!function_exists('console_wer')) {
            function console_wer($data, $is_error = false, $bctr, $file, $ln) {
                echo '<div display="none">'.'<script type="text/javascript">'.(($is_error!==false) ? 'if(typeof phperr_to_cns === \'undefined\') { var phperr_to_cns = 1; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { setTimeout(function(){ alert("Alert. see console."); }, 4000); });  }' : '').'"PHP '.(($is_error) ? 'error' : 'log').' from "+window.atob("'.base64_encode((($file===false) ? $bctr['file'] : $file)).'")'.((($ln!==false && $file!==false) || $bctr!==false) ? '+" on line '.(($ln===false) ? $bctr['line'] : $ln).' :"' : '+" :"').'); console.'.(($is_error) ? 'error' : 'log').'('.((is_array($data)) ? 'JSON.parse(window.atob("'.base64_encode(json_encode($data)).'"))' : '"'.$data.'"').'); console.groupEnd();</script></div>'; return true;
        return @console_wer($data, $is_error, (($file===false && $ln===false) ? array_shift(debug_backtrace()) : false), $file, $ln);
    //PHP Exceptions handler
    function exceptions_to_console($svr, $str, $file, $ln) {
        if(!function_exists('severity_tag')) {
            function severity_tag($svr) {
                $names = [];
                $consts = array_flip(array_slice(get_defined_constants(true)['Core'], 0, 15, true));
                foreach ($consts as $code => $name) {
                    if ($svr & $code) $names []= $name;
                return join(' | ', $names);
        if (error_reporting() == 0) {
            return false;
        if(error_reporting() & $svr) {
            console(severity_tag($svr).' : '.$str, true, $file, $ln);

    // Divert php error traffic
    ini_set("display_errors", "1");


Usage is simple. Include first function for posting to console manually. Use second function for diverting php exception handling. Following test should give an idea.

    // Test 1 - Auto - Handle php error and report error with severity info
    $a[1] = 'jfksjfks';
    try {
          $b = $a[0];
    } catch (Exception $e) {
          echo "jsdlkjflsjfkjl";

    // Test 2 - Manual - Without explicitly providing file name and line no.
          console(array(1 => "Hi", array("hellow")), false);
    // Test 3 - Manual - Explicitly providing file name and line no.
          console(array(1 => "Error", array($some_result)), true, 'my file', 2);
    // Test 4 - Manual - Explicitly providing file name only.
          console(array(1 => "Error", array($some_result)), true, 'my file');


  • The function console($data, $is_error, $file, $fn) takes string or array as first argument and posts it on console using js inserts.

  • Second argument is a flag to differentiate normal logs against errors. For errors, we're adding event listeners to inform us through alerts if any errors were thrown, also highlighting in console. This flag is defaulted to false.

  • Third and fourth arguments are explicit declarations of file and line numbers, which is optional. If absent, they're defaulted to using the predefined php function debug_backtrace() to fetch them for us.

  • Next function exceptions_to_console($svr, $str, $file, $ln) has four arguments in the order called by php default exception handler. Here, the first argument is severity, which we further crosscheck with predefined constants using function severity_tag($code) to provide more info on error.


  • Above code uses JS functions and methods that are not available in older browsers. For compatibility with older versions, it needs replacements.

  • Above code is for testing environments, where you alone have access to the site. Do not use this in live (production) websites.


  • First function console() threw some notices, so I've wrapped them within another function and called it using error control operator '@'. This can be avoided if you didn't mind the notices.

  • Last but not least, alerts popping up can be annoying while coding. For this I'm using this beep (found in solution : instead of popup alerts. It's pretty cool and possibilities are endless, you can play your favorite tunes and make coding less stressful.

How to install pip for Python 3 on Mac OS X?

pip is installed automatically with python2 using brew:

  1. brew install python3
  2. pip3 --version

How to force R to use a specified factor level as reference in a regression?

You can also manually tag the column with a contrasts attribute, which seems to be respected by the regression functions:

contrasts(df$factorcol) <- contr.treatment(levels(df$factorcol),
   base=which(levels(df$factorcol) == 'RefLevel'))

How to access SVG elements with Javascript

In case you use jQuery you need to wait for $(window).load, because the embedded SVG document might not be yet loaded at $(document).ready

$(window).load(function () {

    //alert("Document loaded, including graphics and embedded documents (like SVG)");
    var a = document.getElementById("alphasvg");

    //get the inner DOM of alpha.svg
    var svgDoc = a.contentDocument;

    //get the inner element by id
    var delta = svgDoc.getElementById("delta");
    delta.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){ alert('hello world!')}, false);

Tuning nginx worker_process to obtain 100k hits per min

Config file:

worker_processes  4;  # 2 * Number of CPUs

events {
    worker_connections  19000;  # It's the key to high performance - have a lot of connections available

worker_rlimit_nofile    20000;  # Each connection needs a filehandle (or 2 if you are proxying)

# Total amount of users you can serve = worker_processes * worker_connections

more info: Optimizing nginx for high traffic loads

How to auto adjust table td width from the content

Use this style attribute for no word wrapping:

white-space: nowrap;

How can I get the IP address from NIC in Python?

Since most of the answers use ifconfig to extract the IPv4 from the eth0 interface, which is deprecated in favor of ip addr, the following code could be used instead:

import os

ipv4 = os.popen('ip addr show eth0 | grep "\<inet\>" | awk \'{ print $2 }\' | awk -F "/" \'{ print $1 }\'').read().strip()
ipv6 = os.popen('ip addr show eth0 | grep "\<inet6\>" | awk \'{ print $2 }\' | awk -F "/" \'{ print $1 }\'').read().strip()


Alternatively, you can shift part of the parsing task to the python interpreter by using split() instead of grep and awk, as @serg points out in the comment:

import os

ipv4 = os.popen('ip addr show eth0').read().split("inet ")[1].split("/")[0]
ipv6 = os.popen('ip addr show eth0').read().split("inet6 ")[1].split("/")[0]

But in this case you have to check the bounds of the array returned by each split() call.


Another version using regex:

import os
import re

ipv4 ='(?<=inet )(.*)(?=\/)', re.M), os.popen('ip addr show eth0').read()).groups()[0]
ipv6 ='(?<=inet6 )(.*)(?=\/)', re.M), os.popen('ip addr show eth0').read()).groups()[0]

Downloading video from YouTube

To all interested:

The "Coding for fun" book's chapter 4 "InnerTube: Download, Convert, and Sync YouTube Videos" deals with the topic. The code and discussion are at

[PLEASE BEWARE] While the overall concepts are valid some years after the publication, non-documented details of the youtube internals the project relies on can have changed (see the comment at the bottom of the page behind the second link).

Using only CSS, show div on hover over <a>

The + allow 'select' only first not nested element , the > select nested elements only - the better is to use ~ which allow to select arbitrary element which is child of parent hovered element. Using opacity/width and transition you can provide smooth appear

div { transition: all 1s }_x000D_
.ccc, .ggg { opacity: 0; color: red}_x000D_
.ccc { height: 0 }_x000D_
.aaa:hover ~ .bbb .ccc { opacity: 1; height: 34px }_x000D_
.aaa:hover ~ .eee .fff .ggg { opacity: 1 }
<div class="aaa">Hover me... to see<br><br> </div>_x000D_
<div class='bbb'>BBBBB_x000D_
  <div class='ccc'>CCCCC_x000D_
    <div class='ddd'>DDDDD</div>_x000D_
<div class='eee'>EEEEE_x000D_
  <div class='fff'>FFFFF_x000D_
    <div class='ggg'>GGGGG</div>_x000D_
    <div class='hhh'>HHHHH</div>_x000D_

How do files get into the External Dependencies in Visual Studio C++?

The External Dependencies folder is populated by IntelliSense: the contents of the folder do not affect the build at all (you can in fact disable the folder in the UI).

You need to actually include the header (using a #include directive) to use it. Depending on what that header is, you may also need to add its containing folder to the "Additional Include Directories" property and you may need to add additional libraries and library folders to the linker options; you can set all of these in the project properties (right click the project, select Properties). You should compare the properties with those of the project that does build to determine what you need to add.

How do I get the name of a Ruby class?

In my case when I use something like I got something like Module1::class_name. But if we only want class_name, use


CSS to set A4 paper size seems to solve all my needs.

Paper CSS for happy printing

Front-end printing solution - previewable and live-reloadable!

How do I prevent DIV tag starting a new line?

div is a block element, which always takes up its own line.

use the span tag instead

How To Get Selected Value From UIPickerView

This is my answer

- (IBAction)Result:(id)sender 
   self.statusLabel.text = DataSource[[pickerViewTool selectedRowInComponent:0]];


How to convert java.sql.timestamp to LocalDate (java8) java.time?

The accepted answer is not ideal, so I decided to add my 2 cents


is a bad solution in general, I'm not even sure why they added this method to the JDK as it makes things really confusing by doing an implicit conversion using the system timezone. Usually when using only java8 date classes the programmer is forced to specify a timezone which is a good thing.

The good solution is


Where zoneId is the timezone you want to use which is typically either ZoneId.systemDefault() if you want to use your system timezone or some hardcoded timezone like ZoneOffset.UTC

The general approach should be

  1. Break free to the new java8 date classes using a class that is directly related, e.g. in our case java.time.Instant is directly related to java.sql.Timestamp, i.e. no timezone conversions are needed between them.
  2. Use the well-designed methods in this java8 class to do the right thing. In our case atZone(zoneId) made it explicit that we are doing a conversion and using a particular timezone for it.

How to get a list of MySQL views?

Here's a way to find all the views in every database on your instance:

FROM information_schema.tables 

How can I color dots in a xy scatterplot according to column value?

I answered a very similar question:

You simply need to iterate over the series' .Points collection, and then you can assign the points' .Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB value based on whatever criteria you need.


The code below will color the chart per the screenshot. This only assumes three colors are used. You can add additional case statements for other color values, and update the assignment of myColor to the appropriate RGB values for each.


Option Explicit
Sub ColorScatterPoints()
    Dim cht As Chart
    Dim srs As Series
    Dim pt As Point
    Dim p As Long
    Dim Vals$, lTrim#, rTrim#
    Dim valRange As Range, cl As Range
    Dim myColor As Long

    Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
    Set srs = cht.SeriesCollection(1)

   '## Get the series Y-Values range address:
    lTrim = InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",", InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",") - 1, vbBinaryCompare) + 1
    rTrim = InStrRev(srs.Formula, ",")
    Vals = Mid(srs.Formula, lTrim, rTrim - lTrim)
    Set valRange = Range(Vals)

    For p = 1 To srs.Points.Count
        Set pt = srs.Points(p)
        Set cl = valRange(p).Offset(0, 1) '## assume color is in the next column.

        With pt.Format.Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            '.Solid  'I commented this out, but you can un-comment and it should still work
            '## Assign Long color value based on the cell value
            '## Add additional cases as needed.
            Select Case LCase(cl)
                Case "red"
                    myColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                Case "orange"
                    myColor = RGB(255, 192, 0)
                Case "green"
                    myColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
            End Select

            .ForeColor.RGB = myColor

        End With

End Sub

Android emulator failed to allocate memory 8

In my case, the solution was to change not only config.ini but also hardware.ini for the specific skin from hw.ramSize=1024 to hw.ramSize=1024MB.

To find the hardware.ini file:

  1. Open the config.ini and locate skin.path.
  2. Then navigate to the folder where the android sdk is located.
  3. Open the path, like this: android-sdk\platforms\android-15\skins\WXGA720.
  4. Inside this folder you will locate the hardware.ini.
  5. Change hw.ramSize=1024 to hw.ramSize=1024MB.

How can I output the value of an enum class in C++11

Following worked for me in C++11:

template <typename Enum>
constexpr typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<Enum>::value,
                                  typename std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>::type
to_integral(Enum const& value) {
    return static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<Enum>::type>(value);

New Array from Index Range Swift

Array functional way:

   array.enumerated().filter { $0.offset < limit }.map { $0.element }


 array.enumerated().filter { $0.offset >= minLimit && $0.offset < maxLimit }.map { $0.element }

The advantage of this method is such implementation is safe.

How to show/hide JPanels in a JFrame?

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.

 * Created on May 5, 2011, 6:31:16 AM
package Test;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

 * @author Sameera
public class Style2 extends javax.swing.JFrame {

    /** Creates new form Style1 */
    public Style2() {

    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
     * initialize the form.
     * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
     * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">
    private void initComponents() {

        jPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
        cmd_SH = new javax.swing.JButton();
        pnl_2 = new javax.swing.JPanel();


        jPanel1.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createLineBorder(new java.awt.Color(0, 0, 0)));

        cmd_SH.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {

        javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel1Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jPanel1);
            .addGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, jPanel1Layout.createSequentialGroup()
                .addContainerGap(558, Short.MAX_VALUE)
            .addGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, jPanel1Layout.createSequentialGroup()
                .addContainerGap(236, Short.MAX_VALUE)

        pnl_2.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createLineBorder(new java.awt.Color(0, 0, 0)));

        javax.swing.GroupLayout pnl_2Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(pnl_2);
            .addGap(0, 621, Short.MAX_VALUE)
            .addGap(0, 270, Short.MAX_VALUE)

        javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
                    .addComponent(jPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
                    .addComponent(pnl_2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
                .addComponent(jPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                .addComponent(pnl_2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                .addContainerGap(17, Short.MAX_VALUE))

    }// </editor-fold>

    private void cmd_SHActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                       

        if (evt.getActionCommand().equals("Hide")) {
            this.setSize(643, 294);

        if (evt.getActionCommand().equals("Show")) {
            this.setSize(643, 583);

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                new Style1().setVisible(true);

    // Variables declaration - do not modify
    private javax.swing.JButton cmd_SH;
    private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel1;
    private javax.swing.JPanel pnl_2;
    // End of variables declaration

How do I add an integer value with javascript (jquery) to a value that's returning a string?

var month = new Date().getMonth();
var newmon = month + 1;
$('#month').html((newmon < 10 ? '0' : '') + newmon );

I simply fixed your month issue, getMonth array start from 0 to 11.

How to parse XML using shellscript?

Try sgrep. It's not clear exactly what you are trying to do, but I surely would not attempt writing an XML parser in bash.

How to convert a table to a data frame

Short answer: using, as @Victor Van Hee suggested.

Long answer: may not work on contingency tables generated by table() function, even if is.matrix(your_table) returns TRUE. It will still melt you table into the factor1 factor2 factori counts format.


> freq_t = table(cyl = mtcars$cyl, gear = mtcars$gear)

> freq_t
cyl  3  4  5
  4  1  8  2
  6  2  4  1
  8 12  0  2

> is.matrix(freq_t)
[1] TRUE

  cyl gear Freq
1   4    3    1
2   6    3    2
3   8    3   12
4   4    4    8
5   6    4    4
6   8    4    0
7   4    5    2
8   6    5    1
9   8    5    2
   3 4 5
4  1 8 2
6  2 4 1
8 12 0 2

How do I generate a random number between two variables that I have stored?

Really fast, really easy:

srand(time(NULL)); // Seed the time
int finalNum = rand()%(max-min+1)+min; // Generate the number, assign to variable.

And that is it. However, this is biased towards the lower end, but if you are using C++ TR1/C++11 you can do it using the random header to avoid that bias like so:

#include <random>

std::mt19937 rng(seed);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> gen(min, max); // uniform, unbiased

int r = gen(rng);

But you can also remove the bias in normal C++ like this:

int rangeRandomAlg2 (int min, int max){
    int n = max - min + 1;
    int remainder = RAND_MAX % n;
    int x;
        x = rand();
    }while (x >= RAND_MAX - remainder);
    return min + x % n;

and that was gotten from this post.

shorthand c++ if else statement

The basic syntax for using ternary operator is like this:

(condition) ? (if_true) : (if_false)

For you case it is like this:

number < 0 ? bigInt.sign = 0 : bigInt.sign = 1;

How to dynamically load a Python class

If you don't want to roll your own, there is a function available in the pydoc module that does exactly this:

from pydoc import locate
my_class = locate('my_package.my_module.MyClass')

The advantage of this approach over the others listed here is that locate will find any python object at the provided dotted path, not just an object directly within a module. e.g. my_package.my_module.MyClass.attr.

If you're curious what their recipe is, here's the function:

def locate(path, forceload=0):
    """Locate an object by name or dotted path, importing as necessary."""
    parts = [part for part in split(path, '.') if part]
    module, n = None, 0
    while n < len(parts):
        nextmodule = safeimport(join(parts[:n+1], '.'), forceload)
        if nextmodule: module, n = nextmodule, n + 1
        else: break
    if module:
        object = module
        object = __builtin__
    for part in parts[n:]:
            object = getattr(object, part)
        except AttributeError:
            return None
    return object

It relies on pydoc.safeimport function. Here are the docs for that:

"""Import a module; handle errors; return None if the module isn't found.

If the module *is* found but an exception occurs, it's wrapped in an
ErrorDuringImport exception and reraised.  Unlike __import__, if a
package path is specified, the module at the end of the path is returned,
not the package at the beginning.  If the optional 'forceload' argument
is 1, we reload the module from disk (unless it's a dynamic extension)."""

Matching exact string with JavaScript

Here's what is (IMO) by far the best solution in one line, per modern javascript standards:

const str1 = 'abc';
const str2 = 'abc';
return (str1 === str2); // true

const str1 = 'abcd';
const str2 = 'abc';
return (str1 === str2); // false

const str1 = 'abc';
const str2 = 'abcd';
return (str1 === str2); // false

how to convert long date value to mm/dd/yyyy format

Try this example

 String[] formats = new String[] {
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm",
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ",
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ",
 for (String format : formats) {
   SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.US);
   System.err.format("%30s %s\n", format, sdf.format(new Date(0)));
   System.err.format("%30s %s\n", format, sdf.format(new Date(0)));

and read this

Pass Method as Parameter using C#

If you want the ability to change which method is called at run time I would recommend using a delegate:

It will allow you to create an object to store the method to call and you can pass that to your other methods when it's needed.

Removing spaces from a variable input using PowerShell 4.0

You can use:

$answer.replace(' ' , '')


$answer -replace " ", ""

if you want to remove all whitespace you can use:

$answer -replace "\s", ""

Using the "animated circle" in an ImageView while loading stuff

Simply put this block of xml in your activity layout file:

    android:gravity="center" >

        android:indeterminate="true" />

And when you finish loading, call this one line:


The result (and it spins too):

enter image description here

How to call a RESTful web service from Android?

Recently discovered that a third party library - Square Retrofit can do the job very well.

Defining REST endpoint

public interface GitHubService {
   List<Repo> listRepos(@Path("user") String user,Callback<List<User>> cb);

Getting the concrete service

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
GitHubService service = restAdapter.create(GitHubService.class);

Calling the REST endpoint

List<Repo> repos = service.listRepos("octocat",new Callback<List<User>>() { 
    public void failure(final RetrofitError error) {
        android.util.Log.i("example", "Error, body: " + error.getBody().toString());
    public void success(List<User> users, Response response) {
        // Do something with the List of Users object returned
        // you may populate your adapter here

The library handles the json serialization and deserailization for you. You may customize the serialization and deserialization too.

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
    .registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateTypeAdapter())

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
    .setConverter(new GsonConverter(gson))

Structs data type in php?

It seems that the struct datatype is commonly used in SOAP:


array(52) {
  [0] =>
  string(43) "struct Bank {\n string Code;\n string Name;\n}"

This is not a native PHP datatype!

It seems that the properties of the struct type referred to in SOAP can be accessed as a simple PHP stdClass object:

$some_struct = $client->SomeMethod();
echo 'Name: ' . $some_struct->Name;

In jQuery how can I set "top,left" properties of an element with position values relative to the parent and not the document?

To set the position relative to the parent you need to set the position:relative of parent and position:absolute of the element

$("#mydiv").parent().css({position: 'relative'});
$("#mydiv").css({top: 200, left: 200, position:'absolute'});

This works because position: absolute; positions relatively to the closest positioned parent (i.e., the closest parent with any position property other than the default static).

How do I do a Date comparison in Javascript?

if (date1.getTime() > date2.getTime()) {
    alert("The first date is after the second date!");

Reference to Date object

The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library - STS

I have solved it using "force update", pressing Alt+F5 as it is mentioned in the following link.

C# Public Enums in Classes

Just declare it outside class definition.

If your namespace's name is X, you will be able to access the enum's values by X.card_suit

If you have not defined a namespace for this enum, just call them by card_suit.Clubs etc.