Programs & Examples On #Menustrip

How do I make a WinForms app go Full Screen

You need to set your window to be topmost.

error: package does not exist

I had similar issues when migrating to androidx.

If by adding the below two lines to did not solve the issue


Then try

  1. With Android Studio 3.2 and higher, you can migrate an existing project to AndroidX by selecting Refactor > Migrate to AndroidX from the menu bar (

If you still run into issues with migration then manually try to replace the libraries which are causing the issue.

For example

If you have an issue with change it to androidx.annotation.NonNull as indicated in the below class mappings table.

Class Mappings

Maven Artifact Mappings

How to use double or single brackets, parentheses, curly braces

The difference between test, [ and [[ is explained in great details in the BashFAQ.

To cut a long story short: test implements the old, portable syntax of the command. In almost all shells (the oldest Bourne shells are the exception), [ is a synonym for test (but requires a final argument of ]). Although all modern shells have built-in implementations of [, there usually still is an external executable of that name, e.g. /bin/[.

[[ is a new improved version of it, which is a keyword, not a program. This has beneficial effects on the ease of use, as shown below. [[ is understood by KornShell and BASH (e.g. 2.03), but not by the older POSIX or BourneShell.

And the conclusion:

When should the new test command [[ be used, and when the old one [? If portability to the BourneShell is a concern, the old syntax should be used. If on the other hand the script requires BASH or KornShell, the new syntax is much more flexible.

Python Pandas - Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] 1

I also faced the same issue. It happened to me after I upgraded my numpy library. It was resolved in my case by upgrading my pandas library as well after upgrading my numpy library using the below command:

pip install --upgrade pandas

How to set seekbar min and max value

Set seekbar max and min value

seekbar have method that setmax(int position) and setProgress(int position)


SELECT data from another schema in oracle

Does the user that you are using to connect to the database (user A in this example) have SELECT access on the objects in the PCT schema? Assuming that A does not have this access, you would get the "table or view does not exist" error.

Most likely, you need your DBA to grant user A access to whatever tables in the PCT schema that you need. Something like

GRANT SELECT ON pct.pi_int
   TO a;

Once that is done, you should be able to refer to the objects in the PCT schema using the syntax pct.pi_int as you demonstrated initially in your question. The bracket syntax approach will not work.

Use component from another module

Note that in order to create a so called "feature module", you need to import CommonModule inside it. So, your module initialization code will look like this:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';

import { TaskCardComponent } from './task-card/task-card.component';
import { MdCardModule } from '@angular2-material/card';

  imports: [
  declarations: [
  exports: [
export class TaskModule { }

More information available here:

Validating Phone Numbers Using Javascript

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../Homepage-30-06-2016/Css.css" >

<script type="text/javascript">

        function isChar(evt) {
            evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event;
            var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
            if (charCode > 47 && charCode < 58) {

                document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = "*Please Enter Your Name Only";
                document.getElementById("fullname").style.borderColor = 'red';
                return false;
            else {
                document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = "";
                document.getElementById("fullname").style.borderColor = '';

                return true;


        <h1 style="margin-left:20px;"Registration Form>Registration Form</h1><hr/>

           Name: <input id="fullname" type="text" placeholder="Full Name*"
                 name="fullname" onKeyPress="return isChar(event)" onChange="return isChar(event);"/><label id="error"></label><br /><br />

<button type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" onClick="return valid(event)" class="btn btn-link text-uppercase"> Submit now</button>

Capturing console output from a .NET application (C#)

I've added a number of helper methods to the O2 Platform (Open Source project) which allow you easily script an interaction with another process via the console output and input (see

Also useful for you might be the API that allows the viewing of the console output of the current process (in an existing control or popup window). See this blog post for more details: (this blog also contains details of how to consume the console output of new processes)

How to get a JavaScript object's class?

Javascript is a class-less languages: there are no classes that defines the behaviour of a class statically as in Java. JavaScript uses prototypes instead of classes for defining object properties, including methods, and inheritance. It is possible to simulate many class-based features with prototypes in JavaScript.

Sending email with gmail smtp with codeigniter email library

Perhaps your hosting server and email server are located at same place and you don't need to go for smtp authentication. Just keep every thing default like:

$config = array(        
    'protocol' => '',
    'smtp_host' => '',
    'smtp_port' => '',
    'smtp_user' => '[email protected]',
    'smtp_pass' => '**********'


$config['protocol'] = '';
$config['smtp_host'] = '';
$config['smtp_port'] = ;
$config['smtp_user'] = '[email protected]';
$config['smtp_pass'] = 'password';

it works for me.

How to obtain the query string from the current URL with JavaScript?

This will add a global function to access to the queryString variables as a map.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add function for 'window.location.query( [queryString] )' which returns an object
// of querystring keys and their values. An optional string parameter can be used as
// an alternative to ''.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add function for 'window.location.query.makeString( object, [addQuestionMark] )'
// which returns a queryString from an object. An optional boolean parameter can be
// used to toggle a leading question mark.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!window.location.query) {
    window.location.query = function (source) {
        var map = {};
        source = source ||;

        if ("" != source) {
            var groups = source, i;

            if (groups.indexOf("?") == 0) {
                groups = groups.substr(1);

            groups = groups.split("&");

            for (i in groups) {
                source = groups[i].split("=",
                    // For: xxx=, Prevents: [xxx, ""], Forces: [xxx]
                    (groups[i].slice(-1) !== "=") + 1

                // Key
                i = decodeURIComponent(source[0]);

                // Value
                source = source[1];
                source = typeof source === "undefined"
                    ? source
                    : decodeURIComponent(source);

                // Save Duplicate Key
                if (i in map) {
                    if ([i]) !== "[object Array]") {
                        map[i] = [map[i]];


                // Save New Key
                else {
                    map[i] = source;

        return map;

    window.location.query.makeString = function (source, addQuestionMark) {
        var str = "", i, ii, key;

        if (typeof source == "boolean") {
            addQuestionMark = source;
            source = undefined;

        if (source == undefined) {
            str =;
        else {
            for (i in source) {
                key = "&" + encodeURIComponent(i);

                if ([i]) !== "[object Array]") {
                    str += key + addUndefindedValue(source[i]);
                else {
                    for (ii = 0; ii < source[i].length; ii++) {
                        str += key + addUndefindedValue(source[i][ii]);

        return (addQuestionMark === false ? "" : "?") + str.substr(1);

    function addUndefindedValue(source) {
        return typeof source === "undefined"
            ? ""
            : "=" + encodeURIComponent(source);


Could not resolve in Android Studio new project

well got this answer from another site and don't want to take any credit for this but this solution works like butter.

Go to File\Settings\Gradle. Deselect the "Offline work" box. Now you can connect and download any necessary or missing dependencies.

Is there a CSS selector for the first direct child only?

Found this question searching on Google. This will return the first child of a element with class container, regardless as to what type the child is.

.container > *:first-child

How to delete a file from SD card?

private boolean deleteFromExternalStorage(File file) {
                        String fileName = "/Music/";
                        String myPath= Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + fileName;

                        file = new File(myPath);
                        System.out.println("fullPath - " + myPath);
                            if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {
                                System.out.println(" Test - ");
                                return false; // File exists
                            System.out.println(" Test2 - ");
                            return true; // File not exists

Angularjs $http.get().then and binding to a list

$http methods return a promise, which can't be iterated, so you have to attach the results to the scope variable through the callbacks:

$scope.documents = [];
$http.get('/Documents/DocumentsList/' + caseId)
  .then(function(result) {
    $scope.documents =;

Now, since this defines the documents variable only after the results are fetched, you need to initialise the documents variable on scope beforehand: $scope.documents = []. Otherwise, your ng-repeat will choke.

This way, ng-repeat will first return an empty list, because documents array is empty at first, but as soon as results are received, ng-repeat will run again because the `documents``have changed in the success callback.

Also, you might want to alter you ng-repeat expression to:

<li ng-repeat="document in documents" ng-class="IsFiltered(document.Filtered)">

because if your DisplayDocuments() function is making a call to the server, than this call will be executed many times over, due to the $digest cycles.

jquery - is not a function error

I solved it by renaming my function.


function editForm(value)


function editTheForm(value)

Works perfectly.

"RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" Why?

The answer with for is correct, but if you really want to use functional style avoiding for statement - you can use the following instead of your expression:

Array.from(Array(1000000), () => Math.random());

The Array.from() method creates a new Array instance from an array-like or iterable object. The second argument of this method is a map function to call on every element of the array.

Following the same idea you can rewrite it using ES2015 Spread operator:

[...Array(1000000)].map(() => Math.random())

In both examples you can get an index of the iteration if you need, for example:

[...Array(1000000)].map((_, i) => i + Math.random())

Where is `%p` useful with printf?

x is used to print t pointer argument in hexadecimal.

A typical address when printed using %x would look like bfffc6e4 and the sane address printed using %p would be 0xbfffc6e4

c# why can't a nullable int be assigned null as a value

What Harry S says is exactly right, but

int? accom = (accomStr == "noval" ? null : (int?)Convert.ToInt32(accomStr));

would also do the trick. (We Resharper users can always spot each other in crowds...)

React hooks useState Array

use state is not always needed you can just simply do this

let paymentList = [
    {"id":249,"txnid":"2","fname":"Rigoberto"}, {"id":249,"txnid":"33","fname":"manuel"},]

then use your data in a map loop like this in my case it was just a table and im sure many of you are looking for the same. here is how you use it.

<div className="card-body">
            <div className="table-responsive">
                <table className="table table-striped">
                            <th>Transaction ID</th>
                  , key) => (
                                <tr key={key}>

How to unstash only certain files?

If you git stash pop (with no conflicts) it will remove the stash after it is applied. But if you git stash apply it will apply the patch without removing it from the stash list. Then you can revert the unwanted changes with git checkout -- files...

Send POST data using XMLHttpRequest

There's some duplicates that touch on this, and nobody really expounds on it. I'll borrow the accepted answer example to illustrate'POST', url, true);

I oversimplified this (I use http.onload(function() {}) instead of that answer's older methodology) for the sake of illustration. If you use this as-is, you'll find your server is probably interpreting the POST body as a string and not actual key=value parameters (i.e. PHP won't show any $_POST variables). You must pass the form header in to get that, and do that before http.send()

http.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

If you're using JSON and not URL-encoded data, pass application/json instead

Powershell: Get FQDN Hostname

To get FQDN of local computer:




To get FQDN of Remote computer:



For better formatted value use:

  • For remote machines make sure host is reachable.

How can git be installed on CENTOS 5.5?

Just updating this for 2017 and later, as CentOS 5 has reached EOL and the URL for EPEL has changed:

sudo rpm -Uvh
sudo yum install git

This gets you git

How can I quickly sum all numbers in a file?

In shell using awk, I have used below script to do so:



for i in $( awk '{ print $1; }' <myfile> )
 total=$(echo $total+$i | bc )
echo "scale=2; $total " | bc

How to dynamic new Anonymous Class?

Anonymous types are just regular types that are implicitly declared. They have little to do with dynamic.

Now, if you were to use an ExpandoObject and reference it through a dynamic variable, you could add or remove fields on the fly.


Sure you can: just cast it to IDictionary<string, object>. Then you can use the indexer.

You use the same casting technique to iterate over the fields:

dynamic employee = new ExpandoObject();
employee.Name = "John Smith";
employee.Age = 33;

foreach (var property in (IDictionary<string, object>)employee)
    Console.WriteLine(property.Key + ": " + property.Value);
// This code example produces the following output:
// Name: John Smith
// Age: 33

The above code and more can be found by clicking on that link.

How to find the duration of difference between two dates in java?

try the following

        Date dt2 = new DateAndTime().getCurrentDateTime();

        long diff = dt2.getTime() - dt1.getTime();
        long diffSeconds = diff / 1000 % 60;
        long diffMinutes = diff / (60 * 1000) % 60;
        long diffHours = diff / (60 * 60 * 1000);
        int diffInDays = (int) ((dt2.getTime() - dt1.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));

        if (diffInDays > 1) {
            System.err.println("Difference in number of days (2) : " + diffInDays);
            return false;
        } else if (diffHours > 24) {

            return false;
        } else if ((diffHours == 24) && (diffMinutes >= 1)) {
            return false;
        return true;

How to sort an ArrayList?

In JAVA 8 its much easy now.

List<String> alphaNumbers = Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three", "four");
List<String> alphaNumbersUpperCase =
System.out.println(alphaNumbersUpperCase); // [FOUR, ONE, THREE, TWO]

-- For reverse use this


What is the difference between "JPG" / "JPEG" / "PNG" / "BMP" / "GIF" / "TIFF" Image?

Since others have covered the differences, I'll hit the uses.

TIFF is usually used by scanners. It makes huge files and is not really used in applications.

BMP is uncompressed and also makes huge files. It is also not really used in applications.

GIF used to be all over the web but has fallen out of favor since it only supports a limited number of colors and is patented.

JPG/JPEG is mainly used for anything that is photo quality, though not for text. The lossy compression used tends to mar sharp lines.

PNG isn't as small as JPEG but is lossless so it's good for images with sharp lines. It's in common use on the web now.

Personally, I usually use PNG everywhere I can. It's a good compromise between JPG and GIF.

How can I use async/await at the top level?

You can now use top level await in Node v13.3.0

import axios from "axios";

const { data } = await axios.get("");

run it with --harmony-top-level-await flag

node --harmony-top-level-await index.js

How do you easily horizontally center a <div> using CSS?

Please use the below code and your div will be in the center.

.class-name {
    margin:0 auto;

Cloning specific branch

You can use the following flags --single-branch && --depth to download the specific branch and to limit the amount of history which will be downloaded.

You will clone the repo from a certain point in time and only for the given branch

git clone -b <branch> --single-branch <url> --depth <number of commits>


Clone only the history leading to the tip of a single branch, either specified by the --branch option or the primary branch remote’s HEAD points at.

Further fetches into the resulting repository will only update the remote-tracking branch for the branch this option was used for the initial cloning. If the HEAD at the remote did not point at any branch when --single-branch clone was made, no remote-tracking branch is created.


Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits

Bin size in Matplotlib (Histogram)

Actually, it's quite easy: instead of the number of bins you can give a list with the bin boundaries. They can be unequally distributed, too:

plt.hist(data, bins=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100])

If you just want them equally distributed, you can simply use range:

plt.hist(data, bins=range(min(data), max(data) + binwidth, binwidth))

Added to original answer

The above line works for data filled with integers only. As macrocosme points out, for floats you can use:

import numpy as np
plt.hist(data, bins=np.arange(min(data), max(data) + binwidth, binwidth))

back button callback in navigationController in iOS

If you can't use "viewWillDisappear" or similar method, try to subclass UINavigationController. This is the header class:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class MyViewController;

@interface CCNavigationController : UINavigationController

@property (nonatomic, strong) MyViewController *viewController;


Implementation class:

#import "CCNavigationController.h"
#import "MyViewController.h"

@implementation CCNavigationController {

- (UIViewController *)popViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)animated {
    @"This is the moment for you to do whatever you want"
    [self.viewController doCustomMethod];
    return [super popViewControllerAnimated:animated];


In the other hand, you need to link this viewController to your custom NavigationController, so, in your viewDidLoad method for your regular viewController do this:

@implementation MyViewController {
    - (void)viewDidLoad
        [super viewDidLoad];
        ((CCNavigationController*)self.navigationController).viewController = self;

Passing enum or object through an intent (the best solution)

Most of the answers that are using Parcelable concept here are in Java code. It is easier to do it in Kotlin.

Just annotate your enum class with @Parcelize and implement Parcelable interface.

enum class ViewTypes : Parcelable {

Scala: write string to file in one statement

You can easily use Apache File Utils. Look at function writeStringToFile. We use this library in our projects.

WCF timeout exception detailed investigation

Looks like this exception message is quite generic and can be received due to a variety of reasons. We ran into this while deploying the client on Windows 8.1 machines. Our WCF client runs inside of a windows service and continuously polls the WCF service. The windows service runs under a non-admin user. The issue was fixed by setting the clientCredentialType to "Windows" in the WCF configuration to allow the authentication to pass-through, as in the following:

      <security mode="None">
        <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" proxyCredentialType="None"
          realm="" />
        <message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" />

Finding out the name of the original repository you cloned from in Git

In the repository root, the .git/config file holds all information about remote repositories and branches. In your example, you should look for something like:

[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    url = server:gitRepo.git

Also, the Git command git remote -v shows the remote repository name and URL. The "origin" remote repository usually corresponds to the original repository, from which the local copy was cloned.

What is the best way to compare 2 folder trees on windows?

You can use git for exactly this purpose. Basically, you create a git repository in folder A (the repo is in A/.git), then copy A/.git to B/.git, then change to B folder and compare simply by running git diff. And the --exclude functionality can be achieved with .gitignore.

So, sticking to your example (but using bash shell on Linux):

# Create a Git repo in current_vss
pushd current_vss
printf ".svn\n*.vspscc\n*.scc" >> .gitignore
git init && git add . && git commit -m 'initial'

# Copy the repo to current_svn and compare
cp -r current_vss/.git* current_svn/
pushd current_svn
git diff

WCF on IIS8; *.svc handler mapping doesn't work

More specifically:

  1. Run Server Manager (on task bar and start menu)
  2. Choose the server to administer (probably local server)
  3. Scroll down to "Roles and Features" section.
  4. Choose "Add Role or Feature" from Tasks drop down
  5. On "Add Role or Feature Wizard" dialog, click down to "Features" in list of pages on the left.
  6. Expand ".Net 3.5" or ".Net 4.5", depending on what you have installed. (you can go back up to "roles" screen to add if you don't have.
  7. Under "WCF Services", check the box for "HTTP-Activation". You can also add non-http types if you know you need them (tcp, named pipes, etc).
  8. Click "Install" Button.

Regex - how to match everything except a particular pattern

Match against the pattern and use the host language to invert the boolean result of the match. This will be much more legible and maintainable.

org.json.simple cannot be resolved

Try importing this in build.gradle dependencies

compile group: 'com.googlecode.json-simple', name: 'json-simple', version: '1.1'

Is mongodb running?

this should work fine...

pgrep mongod

Change onClick attribute with javascript

You are not actually changing the function.

onClick is assigned to a function (Which is a reference to something, a function pointer in this case). The values passed to it don't matter and cannot be utilised in any manner.

Another problem is your variable color seems out of nowhere.

Ideally, inside the function you should put this logic and let it figure out what to write. (on/off etc etc)

How can I slice an ArrayList out of an ArrayList in Java?

Although this post is very old. In case if somebody is looking for this..

Guava facilitates partitioning the List into sublists of a specified size

List<Integer> intList = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    List<List<Integer>> subSets = Lists.partition(intList, 3);

What is the argument for printf that formats a long?

It depends, if you are referring to unsigned long the formatting character is "%lu". If you're referring to signed long the formatting character is "%ld".

How to convert a unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) to Ruby DateTime?

Time Zone Handling

I just want to clarify, even though this has been commented so future people don't miss this very important distinction.

DateTime.strptime("1318996912",'%s') # => Wed, 19 Oct 2011 04:01:52 +0000

displays a return value in UTC and requires the seconds to be a String and outputs a UTC Time object, whereas # => 2011-10-19 00:01:52 -0400

displays a return value in the LOCAL time zone, normally requires a FixNum argument, but the Time object itself is still in UTC even though the display is not.

So even though I passed the same integer to both methods, I seemingly two different results because of how the class' #to_s method works. However, as @Eero had to remind me twice of: == DateTime.strptime("1318996912",'%s') # => true

An equality comparison between the two return values still returns true. Again, this is because the values are basically the same (although different classes, the #== method takes care of this for you), but the #to_s method prints drastically different strings. Although, if we look at the strings, we can see they are indeed the same time, just printed in different time zones.

Method Argument Clarification

The docs also say "If a numeric argument is given, the result is in local time." which makes sense, but was a little confusing to me because they don't give any examples of non-integer arguments in the docs. So, for some non-integer argument examples:"1318996912")
TypeError: can't convert String into an exact number

you can't use a String argument, but you can use a Time argument into and it will return the result in the time zone of the argument:,11,1,15,25,0, "+09:00"))
=> 2007-11-01 15:25:00 +0900


After a discussion with @AdamEberlin on his answer, I decided to publish slightly changed benchmarks to make everything as equal as possible. Also, I never want to have to build these again so this is as good a place as any to save them. ~ 2.8x faster

09:10:58-watsw018:~$ ruby -v
ruby 2.3.7p456 (2018-03-28 revision 63024) [universal.x86_64-darwin18]
09:11:00-watsw018:~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'benchmark'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'date'
=> true
irb(main):004:0* format = '%s'
=> "%s"
irb(main):005:0> times = ['1318996912', '1318496913']
=> ["1318996912", "1318496913"]
irb(main):006:0> int_times =
=> [1318996912, 1318496913]
irb(main):008:0* datetime_from_strptime = DateTime.strptime(times.first, format)
=> #<DateTime: 2011-10-19T04:01:52+00:00 ((2455854j,14512s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
irb(main):009:0> datetime_from_time =
=> #<DateTime: 2011-10-19T00:01:52-04:00 ((2455854j,14512s,0n),-14400s,2299161j)>
irb(main):011:0* datetime_from_strptime === datetime_from_time
=> true
irb(main):013:0* Benchmark.measure do
irb(main):014:1*   100_000.times {
irb(main):015:2*     times.each do |i|
irb(main):016:3*       DateTime.strptime(i, format)
irb(main):017:3>     end
irb(main):018:2>   }
irb(main):019:1> end
=> #<Benchmark::Tms:0x00007fbdc18f0d28 @label="", @real=0.8680500000045868, @cstime=0.0, @cutime=0.0, @stime=0.009999999999999998, @utime=0.86, @total=0.87>
irb(main):021:0* Benchmark.measure do
irb(main):022:1*   100_000.times {
irb(main):023:2*     int_times.each do |i|
irb(main):025:3>     end
irb(main):026:2>   }
irb(main):027:1> end
=> #<Benchmark::Tms:0x00007fbdc3108be0 @label="", @real=0.33059399999910966, @cstime=0.0, @cutime=0.0, @stime=0.0, @utime=0.32000000000000006, @total=0.32000000000000006>

****edited to not be completely and totally incorrect in every way****

****added benchmarks****

How to disable spring security for particular url

When using permitAll it means every authenticated user, however you disabled anonymous access so that won't work.

What you want is to ignore certain URLs for this override the configure method that takes WebSecurity object and ignore the pattern.

public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {

And remove that line from the HttpSecurity part. This will tell Spring Security to ignore this URL and don't apply any filters to them.

How to add time to DateTime in SQL

Or try an alternate method using Time datatype:


SELECT @MyDay+@MyTime

How do I read / convert an InputStream into a String in Java?

I ran some timing tests because time matters, always.

I attempted to get the response into a String 3 different ways. (shown below)
I left out try/catch blocks for the sake readability.

To give context, this is the preceding code for all 3 approaches:

   String response;
   String url = "";
   GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url);
   int status = client.executeMethod(method);


 response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();


InputStream resp = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
InputStreamReader is=new InputStreamReader(resp);
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(is);
String read = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while((read = br.readLine()) != null) {
response = sb.toString();


InputStream iStream  = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
IOUtils.copy(iStream, writer, "UTF-8");
response = writer.toString();

So, after running 500 tests on each approach with the same request/response data, here are the numbers. Once again, these are my findings and your findings may not be exactly the same, but I wrote this to give some indication to others of the efficiency differences of these approaches.

Approach #1
Approach #3 - 2.6% slower than #1
Approach #2 - 4.3% slower than #1

Any of these approaches is an appropriate solution for grabbing a response and creating a String from it.

Get the client's IP address in

Version 0.7.7 of Socket.IO now claims to return the client's IP address. I've had success with:

var socket = io.listen(server);
socket.on('connection', function (client) {
  var ip_address = client.connection.remoteAddress;

Adding to an ArrayList Java

Instantiate a new ArrayList:

List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();

Iterate over your data structure (with a for loop, for instance, more details on your code would help.) and for each element (yourElement):


Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime

Rather than changing the connection string, you can use the IsValidDateTime property of the MySqlDateTime object to help you determine if you can cast the object as a DateTime.

I had a scenario where I was trying to load data from an "UpdateTime" column that was only explicitly set when there was an update to the row (as opposed to the InsertedTime which was always set). For this case, I used the MySqlDataReader.GetMySqlDateTime method like so:

using (MySqlDataReader reader = await MySqlHelper.ExecuteReaderAsync(...))
    if (await reader.ReadAsync())
        DateTime? updateTime = reader.GetMySqlDateTime("UpdateTime").IsValidDateTime ? (DateTime?)reader["UpdateTime"] : null;

Row count on the Filtered data

I know this an old thread, but I found out using the Subtotal method in VBA also accurately renders a count of the rows. The formula I found is in this article, and looks like this:

Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(2, .Range("A2:A" & .Rows(.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row))

I tested it and it came out accurately every time, rendering the correct number of visible rows in column A.

Hopefully this will help some other wayfarer of the 'Net like me.

Android Writing Logs to text File

Use slf4android lib.
It's simple implementation of slf4j api using android java.util.logging.*.


  • logging to file out of the box
  • logging to any other destination by LoggerConfiguration.configuration().addHandlerToLogger
  • shake your device to send logs with screenshot via email
  • really small, it tooks only ~55kB

slf4android is maintained mainly by @miensol.

Read more about slf4android on our blog:

How do I get an element to scroll into view, using jQuery?

Simplest solution I have seen

var offset = $("#target-element").offset();
$('html, body').animate({
    scrollLeft: offset.left
}, 1000);

Tutorial Here

Get checkbox values using checkbox name using jquery

$("input[name='bla[]']").each( function () {

How to convert Integer to int?

As already written elsewhere:

  • For Java 1.5 and later you don't need to do (almost) anything, it's done by the compiler.
  • For Java 1.4 and before, use Integer.intValue() to convert from Integer to int.

BUT as you wrote, an Integer can be null, so it's wise to check that before trying to convert to int (or risk getting a NullPointerException).

pstmt.setInt(1, (tempID != null ? tempID : 0));  // Java 1.5 or later


pstmt.setInt(1, (tempID != null ? tempID.intValue() : 0));  // any version, no autoboxing  

* using a default of zero, could also do nothing, show a warning or ...

I mostly prefer not using autoboxing (second sample line) so it's clear what I want to do.

How to delete or change directory of a cloned git repository on a local computer

You can just delete that directory that you cloned the repo into, and re-clone it wherever you'd like.

Download a div in a HTML page as pdf using javascript

You can do it using jsPDF


<div id="content">
     <h3>Hello, this is a H3 tag</h3>

    <p>A paragraph</p>
<div id="editor"></div>
<button id="cmd">generate PDF</button>


var doc = new jsPDF();
var specialElementHandlers = {
    '#editor': function (element, renderer) {
        return true;

$('#cmd').click(function () {
    doc.fromHTML($('#content').html(), 15, 15, {
        'width': 170,
            'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers

Implementing a Custom Error page on an ASP.Net website

Is it a spelling error in your closing tag ie:

</CustomErrors> instead of </CustomError>?

How to run server written in js with Node.js

Nodejs is a scripting language (like Python or Ruby, and unlike PHP or C++). To run your code, you need to enter a command in the terminal / shell / command prompt. Look for an application shortcut in your operating system by one of those names.

The command to run in the terminal will be

node server.js

But you will first need to browse in the terminal to the same folder as the file server.js. The syntax for using the terminal varies by operating system, look for its documentation.

Could not load file or assembly '***.dll' or one of its dependencies

or one of its dependencies

That's the usual problem, you cannot see a missing unmanaged DLL with Fuslogvw.exe. Best thing to do is to run SysInternals' ProcMon utility. You'll see it searching for the DLL and not find it. Profile mode in Dependency Walker can show it too.

Format Date time in AngularJS

Here are a few popular examples:

<div>{{myDate | date:'M/d/yyyy'}}</div> 7/4/2014

<div>{{myDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}</div> 2014-07-04

<div>{{myDate | date:'M/d/yyyy HH:mm:ss'}}</div> 7/4/2014 12:01:59

Hide Signs that Meteor.js was Used

A Meteor app does not, by default, add any X-Powered-By headers to HTTP responses, as you might find in various PHP apps. The headers look like:

$ curl -I  HTTP/1.1 200 OK content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 23:12:25 GMT connection: keep-alive 

However, this doesn't mask that Meteor was used. Viewing the source of a Meteor app will look very distinctive.

<script type="text/javascript"> __meteor_runtime_config__ = {"meteorRelease":"","ROOT_URL":"","serverId":"62a4cf6a-3b28-f7b1-418f-3ddf038f84af","DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL":"ddp+sockjs://ddp--****"}; </script> 

If you're trying to avoid people being able to tell you are using Meteor even by viewing source, I don't think that's possible.

How get sound input from microphone in python, and process it on the fly?

...and when I got one how to process it (do I need to use Fourier Transform like it was instructed in the above post)?

If you want a "tap" then I think you are interested in amplitude more than frequency. So Fourier transforms probably aren't useful for your particular goal. You probably want to make a running measurement of the short-term (say 10 ms) amplitude of the input, and detect when it suddenly increases by a certain delta. You would need to tune the parameters of:

  • what is the "short-term" amplitude measurement
  • what is the delta increase you look for
  • how quickly the delta change must occur

Although I said you're not interested in frequency, you might want to do some filtering first, to filter out especially low and high frequency components. That might help you avoid some "false positives". You could do that with an FIR or IIR digital filter; Fourier isn't necessary.

Calling javascript function in iframe

objectframe.contentWindow.Reset() you need reference to the top level element in the frame first.

Load different application.yml in SpringBoot Test

If you need to have production application.yml completely replaced then put its test version to the same path but in test environment (usually it is src/test/resources/)

But if you need to override or add some properties then you have few options.

Option 1: put test application.yml in src/test/resources/config/ directory as @TheKojuEffect suggests in his answer.

Option 2: use profile-specific properties: create say application-test.yml in your src/test/resources/ folder and:

  • add @ActiveProfiles annotation to your test classes:

    @SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class)
    public class MyIntTest {
  • or alternatively set property value in @SpringBootTest annotation:

            properties = [""],
            classes = Application.class,
    public class MyIntTest {

This works not only with @SpringBootTest but with @JsonTest, @JdbcTests, @DataJpaTest and other slice test annotations as well.

And you can set as many profiles as you want (,hsqldb) - see farther details in documentation on Profiles.

How to change SmartGit's licensing option after 30 days of commercial use on ubuntu?

on Mac:

  • First goto ~/Library/Preferences/SmartGit/19.1
  • Second goto preferences.yml file and just comment listx line
  • Third open smart git

no target device found android studio 2.1.1

  1. If suppose the android device is not getting connected by android studio then download "PDANet+"(for all android devices).

  2. Or also you can do these following steps:

    • Go to Run tab on toolbar of android studio.
    • Then click on edit configuration
    • In General tab there will "Deployment Target Option" click on "Target" and choose "Open select deployment target dialog" and uncheck the checkbox from below.
    • And at last click OK. Finish.

CSS: how to position element in lower right?

Lets say your HTML looks something like this:

<div class="box">
    <!-- stuff -->
    <p class="bet_time">Bet 5 days ago</p>

Then, with CSS, you can make that text appear in the bottom right like so:

.box {
.bet_time {

The way this works is that absolutely positioned elements are always positioned with respect to the first relatively positioned parent element, or the window. Because we set the box's position to relative, .bet_time positions its right edge to the right edge of .box and its bottom edge to the bottom edge of .box

How to send email by using javascript or jquery

You can send Email by Jquery just follow these steps 

include this link : <script src=""></script>
after that use this code :

$( document ).ready(function() {
Host : "",
Username : "username",
Password : "password",
To : '[email protected]',
From : "[email protected]",
Subject : "This is the subject",
Body : "And this is the body"}).then( message => alert(message));});

mysql SELECT IF statement with OR

Presumably this would work:

IF(compliment = 'set' OR compliment = 'Y' OR compliment = 1, 'Y', 'N') AS customer_compliment

Error :Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

As hinted at by this post Error in chrome: Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers just add the additional header to your web.config like so...

    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept" />

How to check if a Ruby object is a Boolean

Simplest way I can think of:

# checking whether foo is a boolean
!!foo == foo

Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection

After searching an testing alot of solution for prevent sqlmap from sql injection, in case of legacy system which cant apply prepared statments every where.

java-security-cross-site-scripting-xss-and-sql-injection topic WAS THE SOLUTION

i tried @Richard s solution but did not work in my case. i used a filter

The goal of this filter is to wrapper the request into an own-coded wrapper MyHttpRequestWrapper which transforms:

the HTTP parameters with special characters (<, >, ‘, …) into HTML codes via the org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(…) method. Note: There is similar classe in Apache Commons : org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(…) the SQL injection characters (‘, “, …) via the Apache Commons classe org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(…)



package com.huo.filter;


import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletReponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

public class RequestWrappingFilter implements Filter{

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletReponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException{
        chain.doFilter(new MyHttpRequestWrapper(req), res);

    public void init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException{

    public void destroy() throws ServletException{

package com.huo.filter;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;

public class MyHttpRequestWrapper extends HttpServletRequestWrapper{
    private Map<String, String[]> escapedParametersValuesMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();

    public MyHttpRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest req){

    public String getParameter(String name){
        String[] escapedParameterValues = escapedParametersValuesMap.get(name);
        String escapedParameterValue = null; 
            escapedParameterValue = escapedParameterValues[0];
            String parameterValue = super.getParameter(name);

            // HTML transformation characters
            escapedParameterValue = org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(parameterValue);

            // SQL injection characters
            escapedParameterValue = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(escapedParameterValue);

            escapedParametersValuesMap.put(name, new String[]{escapedParameterValue});

        return escapedParameterValue;

    public String[] getParameterValues(String name){
        String[] escapedParameterValues = escapedParametersValuesMap.get(name);
            String[] parametersValues = super.getParameterValues(name);
            escapedParameterValue = new String[parametersValues.length];

            for(int i=0; i<parametersValues.length; i++){
                String parameterValue = parametersValues[i];
                String escapedParameterValue = parameterValue;

                // HTML transformation characters
                escapedParameterValue = org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(parameterValue);

                // SQL injection characters
                escapedParameterValue = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(escapedParameterValue);

                escapedParameterValues[i] = escapedParameterValue;

            escapedParametersValuesMap.put(name, escapedParameterValues);

        return escapedParameterValues;

Multi-character constant warnings

This warning is useful for programmers that would mistakenly write 'test' where they should have written "test".

This happen much more often than programmers that do actually want multi-char int constants.

React Router Pass Param to Component

I used this to access the ID in my component:

<Route path="/details/:id" component={DetailsPage}/>

And in the detail component:

export default class DetailsPage extends Component {
  render() {

This will render any ID inside an h2, hope that helps someone.

vuejs update parent data from child component

It is also possible to pass props as Object or Array. In this case data will be two-way binded:

(This is noted at the end of topic: )

Vue.component('child', {_x000D_
  template: '#child',_x000D_
  props: {post: Object},_x000D_
  methods: {_x000D_
    updateValue: function () {_x000D_
new Vue({_x000D_
  el: '#app',_x000D_
  data: {_x000D_
    post: {msg: 'hello'},_x000D_
    changed: false_x000D_
  methods: {_x000D_
    saveChanges() {_x000D_
        this.changed = true;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="app">_x000D_
  <p>Parent value: {{post.msg}}</p>_x000D_
  <p v-if="changed == true">Parent msg: Data been changed - received signal from child!</p>_x000D_
  <child :post="post" v-on:changed="saveChanges"></child>_x000D_
<template id="child">_x000D_
   <input type="text" v-model="post.msg" v-on:input="updateValue()">_x000D_

Overwriting my local branch with remote branch

git reset --hard

This is to revert all your local changes to the origin head

A better way to check if a path exists or not in PowerShell

The alias solution you posted is clever, but I would argue against its use in scripts, for the same reason I don't like using any aliases in scripts; it tends to harm readability.

If this is something you want to add to your profile so you can type out quick commands or use it as a shell, then I could see that making sense.

You might consider piping instead:

if ($path | Test-Path) { ... }
if (-not ($path | Test-Path)) { ... }
if (!($path | Test-Path)) { ... }

Alternatively, for the negative approach, if appropriate for your code, you can make it a positive check then use else for the negative:

if (Test-Path $path) {
    throw "File already exists."
} else {
   # The thing you really wanted to do.


Access requires parentheses in the FROM clause for queries which include more than one join. Try it this way ...

    INNER JOIN tbl_netpay
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_netpay.emp_id)
    INNER JOIN tbl_gross
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_gross.emp_ID)
    INNER JOIN tbl_tax
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_tax.emp_ID;

If possible, use the Access query designer to set up your joins. The designer will add parentheses as required to keep the db engine happy.

How to pass an object into a state using UI-router?

Actually you can do this.

$state.go("state-name", {param-name: param-value}, {location: false, inherit: false});

This is the official documentation about options in state.go

Everything is described there and as you can see this is the way to be done.

Converting a JS object to an array using jQuery

x = [];
for( var i in myObj ) {
    x[i] = myObj[i];

Bootstrap 4 - Glyphicons migration?

Go to

download and include in your code

<link href="bootstrap4-glyphicons/css/bootstrap-glyphicons.css" rel="stylesheet">

AngularJS $http, CORS and http authentication

No you don't have to put credentials, You have to put headers on client side eg:

        url: 'url of service',
        method: "POST",
        data: {test :  name },
        withCredentials: true,
        headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

And and on server side you have to put headers to this is example for nodejs:

 * On all requests add headers
app.all('*', function(req, res,next) {

     * Response settings
     * @type {Object}
    var responseSettings = {
        "AccessControlAllowOrigin": req.headers.origin,
        "AccessControlAllowHeaders": "Content-Type,X-CSRF-Token, X-Requested-With, Accept, Accept-Version, Content-Length, Content-MD5,  Date, X-Api-Version, X-File-Name",
        "AccessControlAllowMethods": "POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS",
        "AccessControlAllowCredentials": true

     * Headers
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", responseSettings.AccessControlAllowCredentials);
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin",  responseSettings.AccessControlAllowOrigin);
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", (req.headers['access-control-request-headers']) ? req.headers['access-control-request-headers'] : "x-requested-with");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", (req.headers['access-control-request-method']) ? req.headers['access-control-request-method'] : responseSettings.AccessControlAllowMethods);

    if ('OPTIONS' == req.method) {
    else {


How to get form input array into PHP array

I know its a bit late now, but you could do something such as this:

function AddToArray ($post_information) {
    //Create the return array
    $return = array();
    //Iterate through the array passed
    foreach ($post_information as $key => $value) {
        //Append the key and value to the array, e.g.
            //$_POST['keys'] = "values" would be in the array as "keys"=>"values"
        $return[$key] = $value;
    //Return the created array
    return $return;

The test with:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

This for me produced:

array (size=1)
  0 => 
    array (size=5)
      'stake' => string '0' (length=1)
      'odds' => string '' (length=0)
      'ew' => string 'false' (length=5)
      'ew_deduction' => string '' (length=0)
      'submit' => string 'Open' (length=4)

Accessing JSON elements

Here's an alternative solution using requests:

import requests
wjdata = requests.get('url').json()
print wjdata['data']['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']

Postgres user does not exist?

psql -U postgres

Worked fine for me in case of db name: postgres & username: postgres. So you do not need to write sudo.

And in the case other db, you may try

psql -U yourdb postgres

As it is given in Postgres help:


Replace all whitespace with a line break/paragraph mark to make a word list

You can also do it with xargs:

cat old | xargs -n1 > new


xargs -n1 < old > new

Comma separated results in SQL

For Sql Server 2017 and later you can use the new STRING_AGG function

The following example replaces null values with 'N/A' and returns the names separated by commas in a single result cell.

SELECT STRING_AGG ( ISNULL(FirstName,'N/A'), ',') AS csv 
FROM Person.Person;

Here is the result set.


Perhaps a more common use case is to group together and then aggregate, just like you would with SUM, COUNT or AVG.

SELECT a.articleId, title, STRING_AGG (tag, ',') AS tags 
FROM dbo.Article AS a       
LEFT JOIN dbo.ArticleTag AS t 
    ON a.ArticleId = t.ArticleId 
GROUP BY a.articleId, title;

What is the difference between a Shared Project and a Class Library in Visual Studio 2015?

From the book VS 2015 succintly

Shared Projects allows sharing code, assets, and resources across multiple project types. More specifically, the following project types can reference and consume shared projects:

  • Console, Windows Forms, and Windows Presentation Foundation.
  • Windows Store 8.1 apps and Windows Phone 8.1 apps.
  • Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 Silverlight apps.
  • Portable Class Libraries.

Note:- Both shared projects and portable class libraries (PCL) allow sharing code, XAML resources, and assets, but of course there are some differences that might be summarized as follows.

  • A shared project does not produce a reusable assembly, so it can only be consumed from within the solution.
  • A shared project has support for platform-specific code, because it supports environment variables such as WINDOWS_PHONE_APP and WINDOWS_APP that you can use to detect which platform your code is running on.
  • Finally, shared projects cannot have dependencies on third-party libraries.
  • By comparison, a PCL produces a reusable .dll library and can have dependencies on third-party libraries, but it does not support platform environment variables

Why and when to use angular.copy? (Deep Copy)

I would say angular.copy(source); in your situation is unnecessary if later on you do not use is it without a destination angular.copy(source, [destination]);.

If a destination is provided, all of its elements (for arrays) or properties (for objects) are deleted and then all elements/properties from the source are copied to it.

How to put an image in div with CSS?

you can do this:

<div class="picture1">&nbsp;</div>

and put this into your css file:

div.picture1 {
   width:100px; /*width of your image*/
   height:100px; /*height of your image*/
   margin:0; /* If you want no margin */
   padding:0; /*if your want to padding */

otherwise, just use them as plain

How to write :hover condition for a:before and a:after?

Try to use .card-listing:hover::after hover and after using :: it wil work

Parse JSON in JavaScript?

I thought JSON.parse(myObject) would work. But depending on the browsers, it might be worth using eval('('+myObject+')'). The only issue I can recommend watching out for is the multi-level list in JSON.

How to get a parent element to appear above child

Fortunately a solution exists. You must add a wrapper for parent and change z-index of this wrapper for example 10, and set z-index for child to -1:

.parent {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    width: 750px;_x000D_
    height: 7150px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
    z-index: initial;_x000D_
.child {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    background-color: blue;_x000D_
    z-index: -1;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    background: green;_x000D_
    z-index: 10;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
    <div class="parent">parent parent_x000D_
        <div class="child">child child child</div>_x000D_

PowerShell: Format-Table without headers

The -HideTableHeaders parameter unfortunately still causes the empty lines to be printed (and table headers appearently are still considered for column width). The only way I know that could reliably work here would be to format the output yourself:

| % { '{0,10} {1,20} {2,20}' -f $_.Operation,$_.AttributeName,$_.AttributeValue }

jQuery add blank option to top of list and make selected to existing dropdown

Solution native Javascript :

document.getElementById("theSelectId").insertBefore(new Option('', ''), document.getElementById("theSelectId").firstChild);

example :

How to create JSON Object using String?

In contrast to what the accepted answer proposes, the documentation says that for JSONArray() you must use put(value) no add(value).

(Android API 19-27. Kotlin 1.2.50)

how can I enable PHP Extension intl?

Simply copy all icu****.dll files from








intl extension will start working!!!

intellij idea - Error: java: invalid source release 1.9

Gradle I had the same issue and changing all the settings given in the earlier solutions made no difference. Than I went to the build.gradle and found this line and deleted it.

sourceCompatibility = '11'

and it worked! :)

How to update Python?

I have always just installed the new version on top and never had any issues. Do make sure that your path is updated to point to the new version though.

Rename a column in MySQL

In mysql your query should be like

ALTER TABLE table_name change column_1 column_2 Data_Type;

you have written the query in Oracle.

Which Eclipse version should I use for an Android app?

**June 2012 **

Google Recommends Eclipse Helios, Eclipse Classic or Eclipse RCP. For details, read the below post.


Look under ADT 18.0.0 (April 2012).

Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 18.0.0.

Look under Installing the ADT Plugin.

If you need to install or update Eclipse, you can download it from The "Eclipse Classic" version is recommended. Otherwise, a Java or RCP version of Eclipse is recommended.

April 2014 Updated

Eclipse Indigo (Version 3.7.2) or higher is required. I'll suggest you to use Eclipse Kepler.

ADT 22.6.0 (March 2014)

Java Timestamp - How can I create a Timestamp with the date 23/09/2007?

What do you mean timestamp? If you mean milliseconds since the Unix epoch:

GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(2007, 9 - 1, 23);
long millis = cal.getTimeInMillis();

If you want an actual java.sql.Timestamp object:

Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(millis);

How to know if .keyup() is a character key (jQuery)

This helped for me:

$("#input").keyup(function(event) {
        //use keyup instead keypress because:
        //- keypress will not work on backspace and delete
        //- keypress is called before the character is added to the textfield (at least in google chrome) 
        var searchText = $.trim($("#input").val());

        var c= String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
        var isWordCharacter = c.match(/\w/);
        var isBackspaceOrDelete = (event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 46);

        // trigger only on word characters, backspace or delete and an entry size of at least 3 characters
        if((isWordCharacter || isBackspaceOrDelete) && searchText.length > 2)
        { ...

Find text string using jQuery?

this function should work. basically does a recursive lookup till we get a distinct list of leaf nodes.

function distinctNodes(search, element) {
    var d, e, ef;
    e = [];
    ef = [];

    if (element) {
        d = $(":contains(\""+ search + "\"):not(script)", element);
    else {
            d = $(":contains(\""+ search + "\"):not(script)");

    if (d.length == 1) {
    else {
        d.each(function () {
            var i, r = distinctNodes(search, this);
            if (r.length === 0) {
            else {
                for (i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) {
    $.each(e, function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < ef.length; ++i) {
            if (this === ef[i]) return;
    return ef;

How to pass parameter to click event in Jquery

As DOC says, you can pass data to the handler as next:

// say your selector and click handler looks something like this...
$("some selector").on('click',{param1: "Hello", param2: "World"}, cool_function);

// in your function, just grab the event object and go crazy...
function cool_function(event){

    // access element's id where click occur
    alert( ); 

This compilation unit is not on the build path of a Java project

For those who still have problems after attempting the suggestions above: I solved the issue by updating the maven project.

Fuzzy matching using T-SQL

You can use the SOUNDEX and related DIFFERENCE function in SQL Server to find similar names. The reference on MSDN is here.

Checkboxes in web pages – how to make them bigger?

Here's a trick that works in most recent browsers (IE9+) as a CSS only solution that can be improved with javascript to support IE8 and below.

  <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxID" name="checkboxName" value="whatever" />
  <label for="checkboxID"> </label>

Style the label with what you want the checkbox to look like

  position: absolute fixed;
  margin-right: 2000px;
  right: 100%;
#checkboxID + label
  /* unchecked state */
#checkboxID:checked + label
  /* checked state */

For javascript, you'll be able to add classes to the label to show the state. Also, it would be wise to use the following function:

$('label[for]').live('click', function(e){
  $('#' + $(this).attr('for') ).click();
  return false;

EDIT to modify #checkboxID styles

How can I get the CheckBoxList selected values, what I have doesn't seem to work C#.NET/VisualWebPart

check boxlist selected values with seperator

 string items = string.Empty;
        foreach (ListItem i in CheckBoxList1.Items)
            if (i.Selected == true)
                items += i.Text + ",";
        Response.Write("selected items"+ items);

How to check if MySQL returns null/empty?

Also, don't forget the === operator when you're working with numbers that could mean null or 0 or return some form of false or null that isn't what you're looking for.

How to include clean target in Makefile?

In makefile language $@ means "name of the target", so rm -f $@ translates to rm -f clean.

You need to specify to rm what exactly you want to delete, like rm -f *.o code1 code2

How can I get query parameters from a URL in Vue.js?

You can get By Using this function.


Difference between jQuery’s .hide() and setting CSS to display: none

Looking at the jQuery code, this is what happens:

hide: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
    if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
        return this.animate( genFx("hide", 3), speed, easing, callback);

    } else {
        for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) {
            var display = jQuery.css( this[i], "display" );

            if ( display !== "none" ) {
       this[i], "olddisplay", display );

        // Set the display of the elements in a second loop
        // to avoid the constant reflow
        for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
            this[i].style.display = "none";

        return this;

Get random integer in range (x, y]?

Just add one to the result. That turns [0, 10) into (0,10] (for integers). [0, 10) is just a more confusing way to say [0, 9], and (0,10] is [1,10] (for integers).

Typescript Date Type?

Every class or interface can be used as a type in TypeScript.

 const date = new Date();

will already know about the date type definition as Date is an internal TypeScript object referenced by the DateConstructor interface.

And for the constructor you used, it is defined as:

interface DateConstructor {
    new(): Date;

To make it more explicit, you can use:

 const date: Date = new Date();

You might be missing the type definitions though, the Date is coming for my example from the ES6 lib, and in my tsconfig.json I have defined:

"compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES6",
    "lib": [

You might adapt these settings to target your wanted version of JavaScript.

The Date is by the way an Interface from lib.es6.d.ts:

/** Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times. */
interface Date {
    /** Returns a string representation of a date. The format of the string depends on the locale. */
    toString(): string;
    /** Returns a date as a string value. */
    toDateString(): string;
    /** Returns a time as a string value. */
    toTimeString(): string;
    /** Returns a value as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
    toLocaleString(): string;
    /** Returns a date as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
    toLocaleDateString(): string;
    /** Returns a time as a string value appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
    toLocaleTimeString(): string;
    /** Returns the stored time value in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. */
    valueOf(): number;
    /** Gets the time value in milliseconds. */
    getTime(): number;
    /** Gets the year, using local time. */
    getFullYear(): number;
    /** Gets the year using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCFullYear(): number;
    /** Gets the month, using local time. */
    getMonth(): number;
    /** Gets the month of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCMonth(): number;
    /** Gets the day-of-the-month, using local time. */
    getDate(): number;
    /** Gets the day-of-the-month, using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCDate(): number;
    /** Gets the day of the week, using local time. */
    getDay(): number;
    /** Gets the day of the week using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCDay(): number;
    /** Gets the hours in a date, using local time. */
    getHours(): number;
    /** Gets the hours value in a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCHours(): number;
    /** Gets the minutes of a Date object, using local time. */
    getMinutes(): number;
    /** Gets the minutes of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCMinutes(): number;
    /** Gets the seconds of a Date object, using local time. */
    getSeconds(): number;
    /** Gets the seconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCSeconds(): number;
    /** Gets the milliseconds of a Date, using local time. */
    getMilliseconds(): number;
    /** Gets the milliseconds of a Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getUTCMilliseconds(): number;
    /** Gets the difference in minutes between the time on the local computer and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    getTimezoneOffset(): number;
      * Sets the date and time value in the Date object.
      * @param time A numeric value representing the number of elapsed milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 GMT.
    setTime(time: number): number;
      * Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
    setMilliseconds(ms: number): number;
      * Sets the milliseconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the millisecond value.
    setUTCMilliseconds(ms: number): number;

      * Sets the seconds value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setSeconds(sec: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the seconds value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setUTCSeconds(sec: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the minutes value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setMinutes(min: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the minutes value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setUTCMinutes(min: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the hour value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param hours A numeric value equal to the hours value.
      * @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setHours(hours: number, min?: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the hours value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param hours A numeric value equal to the hours value.
      * @param min A numeric value equal to the minutes value.
      * @param sec A numeric value equal to the seconds value.
      * @param ms A numeric value equal to the milliseconds value.
    setUTCHours(hours: number, min?: number, sec?: number, ms?: number): number;
      * Sets the numeric day-of-the-month value of the Date object using local time.
      * @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
    setDate(date: number): number;
      * Sets the numeric day of the month in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
    setUTCDate(date: number): number;
      * Sets the month value in the Date object using local time.
      * @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
      * @param date A numeric value representing the day of the month. If this value is not supplied, the value from a call to the getDate method is used.
    setMonth(month: number, date?: number): number;
      * Sets the month value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively.
      * @param date A numeric value representing the day of the month. If it is not supplied, the value from a call to the getUTCDate method is used.
    setUTCMonth(month: number, date?: number): number;
      * Sets the year of the Date object using local time.
      * @param year A numeric value for the year.
      * @param month A zero-based numeric value for the month (0 for January, 11 for December). Must be specified if numDate is specified.
      * @param date A numeric value equal for the day of the month.
    setFullYear(year: number, month?: number, date?: number): number;
      * Sets the year value in the Date object using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
      * @param year A numeric value equal to the year.
      * @param month A numeric value equal to the month. The value for January is 0, and other month values follow consecutively. Must be supplied if numDate is supplied.
      * @param date A numeric value equal to the day of the month.
    setUTCFullYear(year: number, month?: number, date?: number): number;
    /** Returns a date converted to a string using Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). */
    toUTCString(): string;
    /** Returns a date as a string value in ISO format. */
    toISOString(): string;
    /** Used by the JSON.stringify method to enable the transformation of an object's data for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serialization. */
    toJSON(key?: any): string;

How to rename files and folder in Amazon S3?

To rename a folder (which is technically a set of objects with a common prefix as key) you can use the aws cli move command with --recursive option.

aws s3 mv s3://bucket/old_folder s3://bucket/new_folder --recursive

Android failed to load JS bundle

An update

Now on windows no need to run react-native start. The packager will run automatically.

Why do we need boxing and unboxing in C#?

When a method only takes a reference type as a parameter (say a generic method constrained to be a class via the new constraint), you will not be able to pass a reference type to it and have to box it.

This is also true for any methods that take object as a parameter - this will have to be a reference type.

How to export non-exportable private key from store

i wanted to mention Jailbreak specifically (GitHub):


Jailbreak is a tool for exporting certificates marked as non-exportable from the Windows certificate store. This can help when you need to extract certificates for backup or testing. You must have full access to the private key on the filesystem in order for jailbreak to work.

Prerequisites: Win32

Compare two dates in Java

The easiest way to compare two dates is converting them to numeric value (like unix timestamp).

You can use Date.getTime() method that return the unix time.

Date questionDate = question.getStartDate();
Date today = new Date();
if((today.getTime() == questionDate.getTime())) {
    System.out.println("Both are equals");

Sort an array in Java

Here is how to use this in your program:

public static void main(String args[])
    int [] array = new int[10];

    array[0] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[1] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[2] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[3] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[4] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[5] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[6] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[7] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[8] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));
    array[9] = ((int)(Math.random()*100+1));


    System.out.println(array[0] +" " + array[1] +" " + array[2] +" " + array[3]
    +" " + array[4] +" " + array[5]+" " + array[6]+" " + array[7]+" " 
    + array[8]+" " + array[9] );        


How to add 20 minutes to a current date?

Use .getMinutes() to get the current minutes, then add 20 and use .setMinutes() to update the date object.

var twentyMinutesLater = new Date();
twentyMinutesLater.setMinutes(twentyMinutesLater.getMinutes() + 20);

Bootstrap radio button "checked" flag

In case you want to use bootstrap radio to check one of them depends on the result of your checked var in the .ts file.


<h1>Radio Group #1</h1>
<div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle" data-toggle="buttons" >
   <label [ngClass]="checked ? 'active' : ''" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
     <input name="radio" id="radio1" value="option1" type="radio"> TRUE
   <label [ngClass]="!checked ? 'active' : ''" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
     <input name="radio" id="radio2" value="option2" type="radio"> FALSE

component.ts file

  selector: '',
  templateUrl: './.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./.component.css']
export class radioComponent implements OnInit {
  checked = true;

Scroll to element on click in Angular 4

I have done something like what you're asking just by using jQuery to find the element (such as document.getElementById(...)) and using the .focus() call.

Send HTML in email via PHP

You need to code your html using absolute path for images. By Absolute path means you have to upload the images in a server and in the src attribute of images you have to give the direct path like this <img src="">.

Below is the PHP code for your refference :- Its taken from

// multiple recipients
$to  = '[email protected]' . ', '; // note the comma
$to .= '[email protected]';

// subject
$subject = 'Birthday Reminders for August';

// message
$message = '
  <p>Here are the birthdays upcoming in August!</p>

// To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n";

// Additional headers
$headers .= 'To: Mary <[email protected]>, Kelly <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From: Birthday Reminder <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";

// Mail it
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

CSS transition fade on hover

This will do the trick


  transition: opacity .2s ease-out;
  -moz-transition: opacity .2s ease-out;
  -webkit-transition: opacity .2s ease-out;
  -o-transition: opacity .2s ease-out;

How to load specific image from assets with Swift

You can easily pick image from asset without UIImage(named: "green-square-Retina").

Instead use the image object directly from bundle.
Start typing the image name and you will get suggestions with actual image from bundle. It is advisable practice and less prone to error.

See this Stackoverflow answer for reference.

How to stop PHP code execution?

Please see the following information from user Pekka ?

According to the manual, destructors are executed even if the script gets terminated using die() or exit():

The destructor will be called even if script execution is stopped using exit(). Calling exit() in a destructor will prevent the remaining shutdown routines from executing.
According to this PHP: destructor vs register_shutdown_function, the destructor does not get executed when PHP's execution time limit is reached (Confirmed on Apache 2, PHP 5.2 on Windows 7).

The destructor also does not get executed when the script terminates because the memory limit was reached. (Just tested)

The destructor does get executed on fatal errors (Just tested) Update: The OP can't confirm this - there seem to be fatal errors where things are different

It does not get executed on parse errors (because the whole script won't be interpreted)

The destructor will certainly not be executed if the server process crashes or some other exception out of PHP's control occurs.

Referenced in this question Are there any instances when the destructor in PHP is NOT called?

Can I nest a <button> element inside an <a> using HTML5?

You can add a class to the button and put some script redirecting it.

I do it this way:

<button class='buttonClass'>button name</button>

window.location.href = "";

How to multiply individual elements of a list with a number?

If you use numpy.multiply

S = [22, 33, 45.6, 21.6, 51.8]
P = 2.45
multiply(S, P)

It gives you as a result

array([53.9 , 80.85, 111.72, 52.92, 126.91])

What is define([ , function ]) in JavaScript?

That's probably a requireJS module definition

Check here for more details

RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.

Inner join vs Where

The performance should be identical, but I would suggest using the join-version due to improved clarity when it comes to outer joins.

Also unintentional cartesian products can be avoided using the join-version.

A third effect is an easier to read SQL with a simpler WHERE-condition.

Mocking python function based on input arguments

If side_effect_func is a function then whatever that function returns is what calls to the mock return. The side_effect_func function is called with the same arguments as the mock. This allows you to vary the return value of the call dynamically, based on the input:

>>> def side_effect_func(value):
...     return value + 1
>>> m = MagicMock(side_effect=side_effect_func)
>>> m(1)
>>> m(2)
>>> m.mock_calls
[call(1), call(2)]

how to list all sub directories in a directory

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TRIAL
    public class Class1
        static void Main(string[] args)
           string[] fileArray = Directory.GetDirectories("YOUR PATH");
           for (int i = 0; i < fileArray.Length; i++)


Divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, % operators

Here it is in Python with, basically, string comparisons and a state machine.

def divide_by_3(input):
  to_do = {}
  enque_index = 0
  zero_to_9 = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
  leave_over = 0
  for left_over in (0, 1, 2):
    for digit in zero_to_9:
      # left_over, digit => enque, leave_over
      to_do[(left_over, digit)] = (zero_to_9[enque_index], leave_over)
      if leave_over == 0:
        leave_over = 1
      elif leave_over == 1:
        leave_over = 2
      elif leave_over == 2 and enque_index != 9:
        leave_over = 0
        enque_index = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)[enque_index]
  answer_q = []
  left_over = 0
  digits = list(str(input))
  if digits[0] == "-":
  digits = digits[1:]
  for digit in digits:
    enque, left_over = to_do[(left_over, int(digit))]
    if enque or len(answer_q):
  answer = 0
  if len(answer_q):
    answer = int("".join([str(a) for a in answer_q]))
  return answer

How to calculate cumulative normal distribution?

Adapted from here

from math import *
def erfcc(x):
    """Complementary error function."""
    z = abs(x)
    t = 1. / (1. + 0.5*z)
    r = t * exp(-z*z-1.26551223+t*(1.00002368+t*(.37409196+
    if (x >= 0.):
        return r
        return 2. - r

def ncdf(x):
    return 1. - 0.5*erfcc(x/(2**0.5))

Pick images of root folder from sub-folder

../ takes you one folder up the directory tree. Then, select the appropriate folder and its contents.


How to display activity indicator in middle of the iphone screen?

Try this way

UIActivityIndicatorView *activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc]initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray];
    activityIndicator.frame = CGRectMake(10.0, 0.0, 40.0, 40.0); =;
    [super_view addSubview: activityIndicator];

[activityIndicator startAnimating];

Check if something is (not) in a list in Python

The bug is probably somewhere else in your code, because it should work fine:

>>> 3 not in [2, 3, 4]
>>> 3 not in [4, 5, 6]

Or with tuples:

>>> (2, 3) not in [(2, 3), (5, 6), (9, 1)]
>>> (2, 3) not in [(2, 7), (7, 3), "hi"]

What are the rules for calling the superclass constructor?

The only way to pass values to a parent constructor is through an initialization list. The initilization list is implemented with a : and then a list of classes and the values to be passed to that classes constructor.

Class2::Class2(string id) : Class1(id) {

Also remember that if you have a constructor that takes no parameters on the parent class, it will be called automatically prior to the child constructor executing.

forEach() in React JSX does not output any HTML

You need to pass an array of element to jsx. The problem is that forEach does not return anything (i.e it returns undefined). So it's better to use map because map returns an array:

class QuestionSet extends Component {
    <div className="container">
       {, i) => {     
           // Return the element. Also pass key     
           return (<Answer key={answer} answer={answer} />) 

export default QuestionSet;

How to cast or convert an unsigned int to int in C?

If you have a variable unsigned int x;, you can convert it to an int using (int)x.

I am getting an "Invalid Host header" message when connecting to webpack-dev-server remotely

The more secure option would be to add allowedHosts to your Webpack config like this:

module.exports = {
devServer: {
 allowedHosts: [

The array contains all allowed host, you can also specify subdomians. check out more here

How to call a Web Service Method?

The current way to do this is by using the "Add Service Reference" command. If you specify "TestUploaderWebService" as the service reference name, that will generate the type TestUploaderWebService.Service1. That class will have a method named GetFileListOnWebServer, which will return an array of strings (you can change that to be a list of strings if you like). You would use it like this:

string[] files = null;
TestUploaderWebService.Service1 proxy = null;
bool success = false;
    proxy = new TestUploaderWebService.Service1();
    files = proxy.GetFileListOnWebServer();
    success = true;
    if (!success)

P.S. Tell your instructor to look at "Microsoft: ASMX Web Services are a “Legacy Technology”", and ask why he's teaching out of date technology.

CURL to pass SSL certifcate and password

Addition to previous answer make sure that your curl installation supports https.
You can use curl --version to get information about supported protocols.

If your curl supports https follow the previous answer.

curl --cert certificate_path:password

If it does not support https, you need to install a cURL version that supports https.

pull out p-values and r-squared from a linear regression

For the final p-value displayed at the end of summary(), the function uses pf() to calculate from the summary(fit)$fstatistic values.

fstat <- summary(fit)$fstatistic
pf(fstat[1], fstat[2], fstat[3], lower.tail=FALSE)

Source: [1], [2]

Getting ssh to execute a command in the background on target machine

I think you'll have to combine a couple of these answers to get what you want. If you use nohup in conjunction with the semicolon, and wrap the whole thing in quotes, then you get:

ssh user@target "cd /some/directory; nohup myprogram > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null"

which seems to work for me. With nohup, you don't need to append the & to the command to be run. Also, if you don't need to read any of the output of the command, you can use

ssh user@target "cd /some/directory; nohup myprogram > /dev/null 2>&1"

to redirect all output to /dev/null.

Fitting a density curve to a histogram in R

Such thing is easy with ggplot2

dataset <- data.frame(X = c(rep(65, times=5), rep(25, times=5), 
                            rep(35, times=10), rep(45, times=4)))
ggplot(dataset, aes(x = X)) + 
  geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..)) + 

or to mimic the result from Dirk's solution

ggplot(dataset, aes(x = X)) + 
  geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), binwidth = 5) + 

Are there any free Xml Diff/Merge tools available?

Pretty Diff tool was created with XML in mind. Just ensure you click the option for "markup".

Creating a dictionary from a CSV file

If you are OK with using the numpy package, then you can do something like the following:

import numpy as np

lines = np.genfromtxt("coors.csv", delimiter=",", dtype=None)
my_dict = dict()
for i in range(len(lines)):
   my_dict[lines[i][0]] = lines[i][1]

Repeat each row of data.frame the number of times specified in a column

Use expandRows() from the splitstackshape package:

expandRows(df, "freq")

Simple syntax, very fast, works on data.frame or data.table.


    var1 var2
1      a    d
2      b    e
2.1    b    e
3      c    f
3.1    c    f
3.2    c    f

How to run bootRun with spring profile via gradle task

For those folks using Spring Boot 2.0+, you can use the following to setup a task that will run the app with a given set of profiles.

task bootRunDev(type:, dependsOn: 'build') {
    group = 'Application'

    doFirst() {
        main = bootJar.mainClassName
        classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
        systemProperty '', 'dev'

Then you can simply run ./gradlew bootRunDev or similar from your IDE.

How do I style (css) radio buttons and labels?

For any CSS3-enabled browser you can use an adjacent sibling selector for styling your labels

input:checked + label {
    color: white;

MDN's browser compatibility table says essentially all of the current, popular browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari), on both desktop and mobile, are compatible.

RegisterStartupScript from code behind not working when Update Panel is used

You need to use ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript for Ajax.

protected void ButtonPP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {     if (radioBtnACO.SelectedIndex < 0)     {         string csname1 = "PopupScript";          var cstext1 = new StringBuilder();         cstext1.Append("alert('Please Select Criteria!')");          ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), csname1,             cstext1.ToString(), true);     } } 

How to solve java.lang.OutOfMemoryError trouble in Android

Few hints to handle such error/exception for Android Apps:

  1. Activities & Application have methods like:

    • onLowMemory
    • onTrimMemory Handle these methods to watch on memory usage.
  2. tag in Manifest can have attribute 'largeHeap' set to TRUE, which requests more heap for App sandbox.

  3. Managing in-memory caching & disk caching:

    • Images and other data could have been cached in-memory while app running, (locally in activities/fragment and globally); should be managed or removed.
  4. Use of WeakReference, SoftReference of Java instance creation , specifically to files.

  5. If so many images, use proper library/data structure which can manage memory, use samling of images loaded, handle disk-caching.

  6. Handle OutOfMemory exception

  7. Follow best practices for coding

    • Leaking of memory (Don't hold everything with strong reference)
  8. Minimize activity stack e.g. number of activities in stack (Don't hold everything on context/activty)

    • Context makes sense, those data/instances not required out of scope (activity and fragments), hold them into appropriate context instead global reference-holding.
  9. Minimize the use of statics, many more singletons.

  10. Take care of OS basic memory fundametals

    • Memory fragmentation issues
  11. Involk GC.Collect() manually sometimes when you are sure that in-memory caching no more needed.

Change all files and folders permissions of a directory to 644/755

Easiest for me to remember is two operations:

chmod -R 644 dirName
chmod -R +X dirName

The +X only affects directories.

ERROR 403 in loading resources like CSS and JS in my index.php

You need to change permissions on the folder bootstrap/css. Your super user may be able to access it but it doesn't mean apache or nginx have access to it, that's why you still need to change the permissions.

Tip: I usually make the apache/nginx's user group owner of that kind of folders and give 775 permission to it.

Can't push to the heroku

You could also select webpack build manually from the UI enter image description here

bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked

In Bootstrap 4 they use box-shadow: 0 0 0 0px rgba(0,123,255,0); on :focus, si i solved my problem with,,
.btn:focus {
    outline: 0;
    outline-color: transparent;
    outline-width: 0;
    outline-style: none;
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 rgba(0,123,255,0);

Correct way to select from two tables in SQL Server with no common field to join on

A suggestion - when using cross join please take care of the duplicate scenarios. For example in your case:

  • Table 1 may have >1 columns as part of primary keys(say table1_id, id2, id3, table2_id)
  • Table 2 may have >1 columns as part of primary keys(say table2_id, id3, id4)

since there are common keys between these two tables (i.e. foreign keys in one/other) - we will end up with duplicate results. hence using the following form is good:

WITH data_mined_table (col1, col2, col3, etc....) AS
SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2, col3, blabla
FROM table_1 (NOLOCK), table_2(NOLOCK))
SELECT * from data_mined WHERE data_mined_table.col1 = :my_param_value

Entity Framework Provider type could not be loaded?

I solved this by adding an using stament on top of my DBContext class, like so:

using SqlProviderServices= System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices;

What is the difference between the GNU Makefile variable assignments =, ?=, := and +=?

In the above answers, it is important to understand what is meant by "values are expanded at declaration/use time". Giving a value like *.c does not entail any expansion. It is only when this string is used by a command that it will maybe trigger some globbing. Similarly, a value like $(wildcard *.c) or $(shell ls *.c) does not entail any expansion and is completely evaluated at definition time even if we used := in the variable definition.

Try the following Makefile in directory where you have some C files:

VAR1 = *.c
VAR2 := *.c
VAR3 = $(wildcard *.c)
VAR4 := $(wildcard *.c)
VAR5 = $(shell ls *.c)
VAR6 := $(shell ls *.c)

all :
    touch foo.c
    @echo "now VAR1 = \"$(VAR1)\"" ; ls $(VAR1)
    @echo "now VAR2 = \"$(VAR2)\"" ; ls $(VAR2)
    @echo "now VAR3 = \"$(VAR3)\"" ; ls $(VAR3)
    @echo "now VAR4 = \"$(VAR4)\"" ; ls $(VAR4)
    @echo "now VAR5 = \"$(VAR5)\"" ; ls $(VAR5)
    @echo "now VAR6 = \"$(VAR6)\"" ; ls $(VAR6)
    rm -v foo.c

Running make will trigger a rule that creates an extra (empty) C file, called foo.c but none of the 6 variables has foo.c in its value.

How can I scale an entire web page with CSS?

With this code 1em or 100% will equal to 1% of the body height = ((window.innerHeight/100)*6.25)+"%"

Java NIO: What does IOException: Broken pipe mean?

You should assume the socket was closed on the other end. Wrap your code with a try catch block for IOException.

You can use isConnected() to determine if the SocketChannel is connected or not, but that might change before your write() invocation finishes. Try calling it in your catch block to see if in fact this is why you are getting the IOException.

How do I get the type of a variable?

The main difference between C++ and Javascript is that C++ is a static-typed language, wile javascript is dynamic.

In dynamic typed languages a variable can contain whatever thing, and its type is given by the value it holds, moment by moment. In static typed languages the type of a variable is declared, and cannot change.

There can be dynamic dispatch and object composition and subtyping (inheritance and virtual functions) as well as static-dispatch and supertyping (via template CRTP), but in any case the type of the variable must be known to the compiler.

If you are in the position to don't know what it is or could be, it is because you designed something as the language has a dynamic type-system.

If that's the case you had better to re-think your design, since it is going into a land not natural for the language you are using (most like going in a motorway with a caterpillar, or in the water with a car)

How to add a new audio (not mixing) into a video using ffmpeg?

Replace audio

diagram of audio stream replacement

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.wav -map 0:v -map 1:a -c:v copy -shortest output.mp4
  • The -map option allows you to manually select streams / tracks. See FFmpeg Wiki: Map for more info.
  • This example uses -c:v copy to stream copy (mux) the video. No re-encoding of the video occurs. Quality is preserved and the process is fast.
    • If your input audio format is compatible with the output format then change -c:v copy to -c copy to stream copy both the video and audio.
    • If you want to re-encode video and audio then remove -c:v copy / -c copy.
  • The -shortest option will make the output the same duration as the shortest input.

Add audio

diagram of audio stream addition

ffmpeg -i video.mkv -i audio.mp3 -map 0 -map 1:a -c:v copy -shortest output.mkv
  • The -map option allows you to manually select streams / tracks. See FFmpeg Wiki: Map for more info.
  • This example uses -c:v copy to stream copy (mux) the video. No re-encoding of the video occurs. Quality is preserved and the process is fast.
    • If your input audio format is compatible with the output format then change -c:v copy to -c copy to stream copy both the video and audio.
    • If you want to re-encode video and audio then remove -c:v copy / -c copy.
  • The -shortest option will make the output the same duration as the shortest input.

Mixing/combining two audio inputs into one

diagram of audio downmix

Use video from video.mkv. Mix audio from video.mkv and audio.m4a using the amerge filter:

ffmpeg -i video.mkv -i audio.m4a -filter_complex "[0:a][1:a]amerge=inputs=2[a]" -map 0:v -map "[a]" -c:v copy -ac 2 -shortest output.mkv

See FFmpeg Wiki: Audio Channels for more info.

Generate silent audio

You can use the anullsrc filter to make a silent audio stream. The filter allows you to choose the desired channel layout (mono, stereo, 5.1, etc) and the sample rate.

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -f lavfi -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=44100 \
-c:v copy -shortest output.mp4

Also see

How do I install chkconfig on Ubuntu?

alias chkconfig=sysv-rc-conf
chkconfig --list


sysv-rc-conf command line usage:  

        sysv-rc-conf --list [service name]
        sysv-rc-conf [--level <runlevels>] <service name> <on|off>

Importing Excel spreadsheet data into another Excel spreadsheet containing VBA

Data can be pulled into an excel from another excel through Workbook method or External reference or through Data Import facility.

If you want to read or even if you want to update another excel workbook, these methods can be used. We may not depend only on VBA for this.

For more info on these techniques, please click here to refer the article

What's the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies in npm package.json file?

When trying to distribute an npm package you should avoid using dependencies. Instead you need to consider adding it into peerDependencies or remove it from dependencies.

CSS disable hover effect

To disable the hover effect, I've got two suggestions:

  • if your hover effect is triggered by JavaScript, just use $.unbind('hover');
  • if your hover style is triggered by class, then just use $.removeClass('hoverCssClass');

Using CSS !important to override CSS will make your CSS very unclean thus that method is not recommended. You can always duplicate a CSS style with different class name to keep the same styling.

Returning string from C function

Easier still: return a pointer to a string that's been malloc'd with strdup.

#include <ncurses.h>

char * getStr(int length)
    char word[length];

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        word[i] = getch();

    word[i] = '\0';
    return strdup(&word[0]);

int main()
    char wordd[10];
    *wordd = getStr(10);
    printw("The string is:\n");
    return 0;

Data at the root level is invalid

For the record:

"Data at the root level is invalid" means that you have attempted to parse something that is not an XML document. It doesn't even start to look like an XML document. It usually means just what you found: you're parsing something like the string "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\officelist.xml".

Taking pictures with camera on Android programmatically

Intent takePhoto = new Intent("");
startActivityForResult(takePhoto, CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST)

and set CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST= 1 or 0

Setting table row height

try setting the attribute for td so:

.topic td{ height: 14px };

What is the difference between `` and `Enum.toString()`?

Use toString when you need to display the name to the user.

Use name when you need the name for your program itself, e.g. to identify and differentiate between different enum values.

CSS overflow-x: visible; and overflow-y: hidden; causing scrollbar issue

I originally found a CSS way to bypass this when using the Cycle jQuery plugin. Cycle uses JavaScript to set my slide to overflow: hidden, so when setting my pictures to width: 100% the pictures would look vertically cut, and so I forced them to be visible with !important and to avoid showing the slide animation out of the box I set overflow: hidden to the container div of the slide. Hope it works for you.

UPDATE - New Solution:

Original problem -> (Even if I use overflow-y: visible it becomes "auto" and actually "scroll".)

#content {
    height: 100px;
    width: 200px;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    overflow-y: visible;

The new solution -> (I found a workaround using a wrapper div to apply overflow-x and overflow-y to different DOM elements as James Khoury advised on the problem of combining visible and hidden to a single DOM element.)

#wrapper {
    height: 100px;
    overflow-y: visible;
#content {
    width: 200px;
    overflow-x: hidden;

Python: download a file from an FTP server

urllib2.urlopen handles ftp links.

When should I use File.separator and when File.pathSeparator? class contains four static separator variables. For better understanding, Let's understand with the help of some code

  1. separator: Platform dependent default name-separator character as String. For windows, it’s ‘\’ and for unix it’s ‘/’
  2. separatorChar: Same as separator but it’s char
  3. pathSeparator: Platform dependent variable for path-separator. For example PATH or CLASSPATH variable list of paths separated by ‘:’ in Unix systems and ‘;’ in Windows system
  4. pathSeparatorChar: Same as pathSeparator but it’s char

Note that all of these are final variables and system dependent.

Here is the java program to print these separator variables.


public class FileSeparator {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("File.separator = "+File.separator);
        System.out.println("File.separatorChar = "+File.separatorChar);
        System.out.println("File.pathSeparator = "+File.pathSeparator);
        System.out.println("File.pathSeparatorChar = "+File.pathSeparatorChar);


Output of above program on Unix system:

File.separator = /
File.separatorChar = /
File.pathSeparator = :
File.pathSeparatorChar = :

Output of the program on Windows system:

File.separator = \
File.separatorChar = \
File.pathSeparator = ;
File.pathSeparatorChar = ;

To make our program platform independent, we should always use these separators to create file path or read any system variables like PATH, CLASSPATH.

Here is the code snippet showing how to use separators correctly.

//no platform independence, good for Unix systems
File fileUnsafe = new File("tmp/abc.txt");
//platform independent and safe to use across Unix and Windows
File fileSafe = new File("tmp"+File.separator+"abc.txt");

Xcode - iPhone - profile doesn't match any valid certificate-/private-key pair in the default keychain

To generate a certificate on the Apple provisioning profile website, firstly you have to generate keys on your mac, then upload the public key. Apple will generate your certificates with this key. When you download your certificates, tu be able to use them you need to have the private key.

The error "XCode could not find a valid private-key/certificate pair for this profile in your keychain." means you don't have the private key.

Maybe because your Mac was reinstalled, maybe because this key was generated on another Mac. So to be able to use your certificates, you need to find this key and install it on the keychain.

If you can not find it you can generate new keys restart this process on the provisioning profile website and get new certificates you will able to use.

How to develop Android app completely using python?

To answer your first question: yes it is feasible to develop an android application in pure python, in order to achieve this I suggest you use BeeWare, which is just a suite of python tools, that work together very well and they enable you to develop platform native applications in python.

checkout this video by the creator of BeeWare that perfectly explains and demonstrates it's application

How it works

Android's preferred language of implementation is Java - so if you want to write an Android application in Python, you need to have a way to run your Python code on a Java Virtual Machine. This is what VOC does. VOC is a transpiler - it takes Python source code, compiles it to CPython Bytecode, and then transpiles that bytecode into Java-compatible bytecode. The end result is that your Python source code files are compiled directly to a Java .class file, which can be packaged into an Android application.

VOC also allows you to access native Java objects as if they were Python objects, implement Java interfaces with Python classes, and subclass Java classes with Python classes. Using this, you can write an Android application directly against the native Android APIs.

Once you've written your native Android application, you can use Briefcase to package your Python code as an Android application.

Briefcase is a tool for converting a Python project into a standalone native application. You can package projects for:

  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • iPhone/iPad
  • Android
  • AppleTV
  • tvOS.

You can check This native Android Tic Tac Toe app written in Python, using the BeeWare suite. on GitHub

in addition to the BeeWare tools, you'll need to have a JDK and Android SDK installed to test run your application.

and to answer your second question: a good environment can be anything you are comfortable with be it a text editor and a command line, or an IDE, if you're looking for a good python IDE I would suggest you try Pycharm, it has a community edition which is free, and it has a similar environment as android studio, due to to the fact that were made by the same company.

I hope this has been helpful

How to remove an iOS app from the App Store

Since itunesconnect has been changed i am updating with the new steps here.

You have to follow through these steps

  1. Login to itunesconnect
  2. Choose your app in My Apps section
  3. Under Appstore tab choose "Pricing and Availability"
  4. Under Availability section click edit will open a popup listing the territories
  5. Uncheck all the territories and click Done

enter image description here

enter image description here

Android "gps requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" error, even though my manifest file contains this

My simple solution is this

if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) ==
        PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED &&
        ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) ==
        PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
} else {
    Toast.makeText(this, R.string.error_permission_map, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

or you can open permission dialog in else like this

} else {
   ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[] {
      Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION }, 

How to convert an integer to a character array using C

The easy way is by using sprintf. I know others have suggested itoa, but a) it isn't part of the standard library, and b) sprintf gives you formatting options that itoa doesn't.

macOS on VMware doesn't recognize iOS device

Do what is suggested in the answer, but make sure you also click inside the VM so that OSX has the focus before you plug in the phone. In my case, I had to do that to make it work.

Can anyone explain me StandardScaler?

This is useful when you want to compare data that correspond to different units. In that case, you want to remove the units. To do that in a consistent way of all the data, you transform the data in a way that the variance is unitary and that the mean of the series is 0.

Getting Unexpected Token Export

I got the unexpected token export error also when I was trying to import a local javascript module in my project. I solved it by declaring a type as a module when adding a script tag in my index.html file.

<script src = "./path/to/the/module/" type = "module"></script>

How to set proper codeigniter base url?

Base URL should be absolute, including the protocol:

$config['base_url'] = "";

If using the URL helper, then base_url() will output the above string.

Passing arguments to base_url() or site_url() will result in the following (assuming $config['index_page'] = "index.php";:

echo base_url('assets/stylesheet.css'); //
echo site_url('mycontroller/mymethod'); //

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?

Here is a shorter, cleaner way to get the IP address:

function get_ip_address(){
        if (array_key_exists($key, $_SERVER) === true){
            foreach (explode(',', $_SERVER[$key]) as $ip){
                $ip = trim($ip); // just to be safe

                if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) !== false){
                    return $ip;

Your code seems to be pretty complete already, I cannot see any possible bugs in it (aside from the usual IP caveats), I would change the validate_ip() function to rely on the filter extension though:

public function validate_ip($ip)
        return false;

    self::$ip = sprintf('%u', ip2long($ip)); // you seem to want this

    return true;

Also your HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR snippet can be simplified from this:

// check for IPs passing through proxies
    // check if multiple ips exist in var
    if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], ',') !== false)
        $iplist = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);
        foreach ($iplist as $ip)
            if ($this->validate_ip($ip))
                return $ip;
        if ($this->validate_ip($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
            return $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];

To this:

// check for IPs passing through proxies
    $iplist = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);
    foreach ($iplist as $ip)
        if ($this->validate_ip($ip))
            return $ip;

You may also want to validate IPv6 addresses.

How to display both icon and title of action inside ActionBar?

Follow these steps:

  1. Add the Action Bar instance in the Java Code final ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
  2. Enable the Home Display Option actionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false);
  3. Add the following code in the respective activity's manifest file android:logo=@drawable/logo and android:label="@string/actionbar_text"

I think this will help you

How to Select a substring in Oracle SQL up to a specific character?

This can be done using REGEXP_SUBSTR easily.

Please use


where STRING_EXAMPLE is your string.


from dual

It will solve your problem.

Detect URLs in text with JavaScript

There is existing npm package: url-regex, just install it with yarn add url-regex or npm install url-regex and use as following:

const urlRegex = require('url-regex');

const replaced = 'Find me at and also at or at'
  .replace(urlRegex({strict: false}), function(url) {
     return '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a>';