Programs & Examples On #Memoryanalyzer

How can I analyze a heap dump in IntelliJ? (memory leak)

The best thing out there is Memory Analyzer (MAT), IntelliJ does not have any bundled heap dump analyzer.

How to remove close button on the jQuery UI dialog?

I think this is better.

open: function(event, ui) {

Disable text input history

<input type="text" autocomplete="off"/>

Should work. Alternatively, use:

<form autocomplete="off" … >

for the entire form (see this related question).

trigger click event from angularjs directive

This is how I was able to trigger a button click when the page loads.

<li ng-repeat="a in array">
  <a class="button" id="btn" ng-click="function(a)" index="$index" on-load-clicker>

A simple directive that takes the index from the ng-repeat and uses a condition to call the first button in the index and click it when the page loads.

        .directive('onLoadClicker', function ($timeout) {
            return {
                restrict: 'A',
                scope: {
                    index: '=index'
                link: function($scope, iElm) {
                    if ($scope.index == 0) {
                        $timeout(function() {


                        }, 0);

This was the only way I was able to even trigger an auto click programmatically in the first place. angular.element(document.querySelector('#btn')).click(); Did not work from the controller so making this simple directive seems most effective if you are trying to run a click on page load and you can specify which button to click by passing in the index. I got help through this stack-overflow answer from another post reference: onLoadClicker Directive.

error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 while installing eventlet

Your install is failing because you don't have the python development headers installed. You can do this through apt on ubuntu/debian with:

sudo apt-get install python-dev 

for python3 use:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev

For eventlet you might also need the libevent libraries installed so if you get an error talking about that you can install libevent with:

sudo apt-get install libevent-dev

New to MongoDB Can not run command mongo

Check that path to database data files exists ;) :

Sun Nov 06 18:48:37 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 10296 dbpath (/data/db) does not exist, terminating

Why do I get an UnsupportedOperationException when trying to remove an element from a List?

Arrays.asList() returns a list that doesn't allow operations affecting its size (note that this is not the same as "unmodifiable").

You could do new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(split)); to create a real copy, but seeing what you are trying to do, here is an additional suggestion (you have a O(n^2) algorithm right below that).

You want to remove list.size() - count (lets call this k) random elements from the list. Just pick as many random elements and swap them to the end k positions of the list, then delete that whole range (e.g. using subList() and clear() on that). That would turn it to a lean and mean O(n) algorithm (O(k) is more precise).

Update: As noted below, this algorithm only makes sense if the elements are unordered, e.g. if the List represents a Bag. If, on the other hand, the List has a meaningful order, this algorithm would not preserve it (polygenelubricants' algorithm instead would).

Update 2: So in retrospect, a better (linear, maintaining order, but with O(n) random numbers) algorithm would be something like this:

LinkedList<String> elements = ...; //to avoid the slow ArrayList.remove()
int k = elements.size() - count; //elements to select/delete
int remaining = elements.size(); //elements remaining to be iterated
for (Iterator i = elements.iterator(); k > 0 && i.hasNext(); remaining--) {;
  if (random.nextInt(remaining) < k) {
     //or (random.nextDouble() < (double)k/remaining)

Loading PictureBox Image from resource file with path (Part 3)

It depends on your file path. For me, the current directory was [project]\bin\Debug, so I had to move to the parent folder twice.

Image image = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Pictures\"+text+".png");
this.pictureBox1.Image = image;

To find your current directory, you can make a dummy label called label2 and write this:

this.label2.Text = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

How to loop through an array containing objects and access their properties

Some use cases of looping through an array in the functional programming way in JavaScript:

1. Just loop through an array

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

myArray.forEach((element, index, array) => {
    console.log(element.x); // 100, 200, 300
    console.log(index); // 0, 1, 2
    console.log(array); // same myArray object 3 times

Note: Array.prototype.forEach() is not a functional way strictly speaking, as the function it takes as the input parameter is not supposed to return a value, which thus cannot be regarded as a pure function.

2. Check if any of the elements in an array pass a test

const people = [
    {name: 'John', age: 23}, 
    {name: 'Andrew', age: 3}, 
    {name: 'Peter', age: 8}, 
    {name: 'Hanna', age: 14}, 
    {name: 'Adam', age: 37}];

const anyAdult = people.some(person => person.age >= 18);
console.log(anyAdult); // true

3. Transform to a new array

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const newArray= => element.x);
console.log(newArray); // [100, 200, 300]

Note: The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.

4. Sum up a particular property, and calculate its average

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const sum = => element.x).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
console.log(sum); // 600 = 0 + 100 + 200 + 300

const average = sum / myArray.length;
console.log(average); // 200

5. Create a new array based on the original but without modifying it

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const newArray= => {
    return {
        x: element.x * 2

console.log(myArray); // [100, 200, 300]
console.log(newArray); // [200, 400, 600]

6. Count the number of each category

const people = [
    {name: 'John', group: 'A'}, 
    {name: 'Andrew', group: 'C'}, 
    {name: 'Peter', group: 'A'}, 
    {name: 'James', group: 'B'}, 
    {name: 'Hanna', group: 'A'}, 
    {name: 'Adam', group: 'B'}];

const groupInfo = people.reduce((groups, person) => {
    const {A = 0, B = 0, C = 0} = groups;
    if ( === 'A') {
        return {...groups, A: A + 1};
    } else if ( === 'B') {
        return {...groups, B: B + 1};
    } else {
        return {...groups, C: C + 1};
}, {});

console.log(groupInfo); // {A: 3, C: 1, B: 2}

7. Retrieve a subset of an array based on particular criteria

const myArray = [{x:100}, {x:200}, {x:300}];

const newArray = myArray.filter(element => element.x > 250);
console.log(newArray); // [{x:300}] 

Note: The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

8. Sort an array

const people = [
  { name: "John", age: 21 },
  { name: "Peter", age: 31 },
  { name: "Andrew", age: 29 },
  { name: "Thomas", age: 25 }

let sortByAge = people.sort(function (p1, p2) {
  return p1.age - p2.age;


enter image description here

9. Find an element in an array

const people = [ {name: "john", age:23},
                {name: "john", age:43},
                {name: "jim", age:101},
                {name: "bob", age:67} ];

const john = people.find(person => === 'john');

enter image description here

The Array.prototype.find() method returns the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function.


How to create hyperlink to call phone number on mobile devices?

Dashes (-) have no significance other than making the number more readable, so you might as well include them.

Since we never know where our website visitors are coming from, we need to make phone numbers callable from anywhere in the world. For this reason the + sign is always necessary. The + sign is automatically converted by your mobile carrier to your international dialing prefix, also known as "exit code". This code varies by region, country, and sometimes a single country can use multiple codes, depending on the carrier. Fortunately, when it is a local call, dialing it with the international format will still work.

Using your example number, when calling from China, people would need to dial:


And from Russia, they would dial


The + sign solves this issue by allowing you to omit the international dialing prefix.

After the international dialing prefix comes the country code(pdf), followed by the geographic code (area code), finally the local phone number.

Therefore either of the last two of your examples would work, but my recommendation is to use this format for readability:

<a href="tel:+1-555-555-1212">+1-555-555-1212</a>

Note: For numbers that contain a trunk prefix different from the country code (e.g. if you write it locally with brackets around a 0), you need to omit it because the number must be in international format.

Least common multiple for 3 or more numbers

We have working implementation of Least Common Multiple on Calculla which works for any number of inputs also displaying the steps.

What we do is:

0: Assume we got inputs[] array, filled with integers. So, for example:
   inputsArray = [6, 15, 25, ...]
   lcm = 1

1: Find minimal prime factor for each input.
   Minimal means for 6 it's 2, for 25 it's 5, for 34 it's 17
   minFactorsArray = []

2: Find lowest from minFactors:
   minFactor = MIN(minFactorsArray)

3: lcm *= minFactor

4: Iterate minFactorsArray and if the factor for given input equals minFactor, then divide the input by it:
  for (inIdx in minFactorsArray)
    if minFactorsArray[inIdx] == minFactor
      inputsArray[inIdx] \= minFactor

5: repeat steps 1-4 until there is nothing to factorize anymore. 
   So, until inputsArray contains only 1-s.

And that's it - you got your lcm.

How to use the IEqualityComparer

IEquatable<T> can be a much easier way to do this with modern frameworks.

You get a nice simple bool Equals(T other) function and there's no messing around with casting or creating a separate class.

public class Person : IEquatable<Person>
    public Person(string name, string hometown)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Hometown = hometown;

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Hometown { get; set; }

    // can't get much simpler than this!
    public bool Equals(Person other)
        return this.Name == other.Name && this.Hometown == other.Hometown;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Name.GetHashCode();  // see other links for hashcode guidance 

Note you DO have to implement GetHashCode if using this in a dictionary or with something like Distinct.

PS. I don't think any custom Equals methods work with entity framework directly on the database side (I think you know this because you do AsEnumerable) but this is a much simpler method to do a simple Equals for the general case.

If things don't seem to be working (such as duplicate key errors when doing ToDictionary) put a breakpoint inside Equals to make sure it's being hit and make sure you have GetHashCode defined (with override keyword).

What's the main difference between int.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32

Convert.ToInt32 allows null value, it doesn't throw any errors Int.parse does not allow null value, it throws an ArgumentNullException error.

Making Python loggers output all messages to stdout in addition to log file

I simplified my source code (whose original version is OOP and uses a configuration file), to give you an alternative solution to @EliasStrehle's one, without using the dictConfig (thus easiest to integrate with existing source code):

import logging
import sys

def create_stream_handler(stream, formatter, level, message_filter=None):
    handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=stream)
    if message_filter:
    return handler

def configure_logger(logger: logging.Logger, enable_console: bool = True, enable_file: bool = True):
    if not logger.handlers:
        if enable_console:
            message_format: str = '{asctime:20} {name:16} {levelname:8} {message}'
            date_format: str = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
            level: int = logging.DEBUG
            formatter = logging.Formatter(message_format, date_format, '{')

            # Configures error output (from Warning levels).
            error_output_handler = create_stream_handler(sys.stderr, formatter,
                                                         max(level, logging.WARNING))

            # Configures standard output (from configured Level, if lower than Warning,
            #  and excluding everything from Warning and higher).
            if level < logging.WARNING:
                standard_output_filter = lambda record: record.levelno < logging.WARNING
                standard_output_handler = create_stream_handler(sys.stdout, formatter, level,

        if enable_file:
            message_format: str = '{asctime:20} {name:16} {levelname:8} {message}'
            date_format: str = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
            level: int = logging.DEBUG
            output_file: str = '/tmp/so_test.log'

            handler = logging.FileHandler(output_file)
            formatter = logging.Formatter(message_format, date_format, '{')

This is a very simple way to test it:

logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger('MyLogger')
configure_logger(logger, True, True)
logger.debug('Debug message ...')'Info message ...')
logger.warning('Warning ...')
logger.error('Error ...')
logger.fatal('Fatal message ...')

How to recursively find and list the latest modified files in a directory with subdirectories and times

Quick Bash function:

# findLatestModifiedFiles(directory, [max=10, [format="%Td %Tb %TY, %TT"]])
function findLatestModifiedFiles() {
    local d="${1:-.}"
    local m="${2:-10}"
    local f="${3:-%Td %Tb %TY, %TT}"

    find "$d" -type f -printf "%T@ :$f %p\n" | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head -n"$m"

Find the latest modified file in a directory:

findLatestModifiedFiles "/home/jason/" 1

You can also specify your own date/time format as the third argument.

Converting String to Cstring in C++

string name;
char *c_string;

getline(cin, name);

c_string = new char[name.length()];

for (int index = 0; index < name.length(); index++){
    c_string[index] = name[index];
c_string[name.length()] = '\0';//add the null terminator at the end of
                              // the char array

I know this is not the predefined method but thought it may be useful to someone nevertheless.

What is the "realm" in basic authentication

From RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0) and RFC 2617 (HTTP Authentication referenced by HTTP/1.1)

The realm attribute (case-insensitive) is required for all authentication schemes which issue a challenge. The realm value (case-sensitive), in combination with the canonical root URL of the server being accessed, defines the protection space. These realms allow the protected resources on a server to be partitioned into a set of protection spaces, each with its own authentication scheme and/or authorization database. The realm value is a string, generally assigned by the origin server, which may have additional semantics specific to the authentication scheme.

In short, pages in the same realm should share credentials. If your credentials work for a page with the realm "My Realm", it should be assumed that the same username and password combination should work for another page with the same realm.

Read SQL Table into C# DataTable

Centerlized Model: You can use it from any where!

You just need to call Below Format From your function to this class

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[1];
string Query = "Describe Query Information/either sp, text or TableDirect";
DbConnectionHelper dbh = new DbConnectionHelper ();
ds = dbh. DBConnection("Here you use your Table Name", p , string Query, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

That's it. it's perfect method.

public class DbConnectionHelper {
   public DataSet DBConnection(string TableName, SqlParameter[] p, string Query, CommandType cmdText) {
    string connString = @ "your connection string here";
    //Object Declaration
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
    SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter();
    try {
     //Get Connection string and Make Connection
     con.ConnectionString = connString; //Get the Connection String
     if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) {
      con.Open(); //Connection Open
     if (cmdText == CommandType.StoredProcedure) //Type : Stored Procedure
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
      if (p.Length > 0) // If Any parameter is there means, we need to add.
       for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++) {
     if (cmdText == CommandType.Text) // Type : Text
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
     if (cmdText == CommandType.TableDirect) //Type: Table Direct
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
     cmd.Connection = con; //Get Connection in Command
     sda.SelectCommand = cmd; // Select Command From Command to SqlDataAdaptor
     sda.Fill(ds, TableName); // Execute Query and Get Result into DataSet
     con.Close(); //Connection Close
    } catch (Exception ex) {

     throw ex; //Here you need to handle Exception
    return ds;

Sort columns of a dataframe by column name

So to have a specific column come first, then the rest alphabetically, I'd propose this solution:

test[, c("myFirstColumn", sort(setdiff(names(test), "myFirstColumn")))]

Is it possible to break a long line to multiple lines in Python?

DB related code looks easier on the eyes in multiple lines, enclosed by a pair of triple quotes:

         FROM some_tbl"""

than the following one giant long line:

SQL = "SELECT id, fld_1, fld_2, fld_3, .................................... FROM some_tbl"

How to create a Rectangle object in Java using g.fillRect method

Try this:

public void paint (Graphics g) {    
    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos,yPos,width,height);
    g.fillRect(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());  


// With explicit casting
public void paint (Graphics g) {    
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, width, height);

MatPlotLib: Multiple datasets on the same scatter plot

I came across this question as I had exact same problem. Although accepted answer works good but with matplotlib version 2.1.0, it is pretty straight forward to have two scatter plots in one plot without using a reference to Axes

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.scatter(x,y, c='b', marker='x', label='1')
plt.scatter(x, y, c='r', marker='s', label='-1')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

ASP.NET Identity reset password

I think Microsoft guide for ASP.NET Identity is a good start.


If you do not use AccountController and wan't to reset your password, use Request.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();. If you dont have the same OwinContext you need to create a new DataProtectorTokenProvider like the one OwinContext uses. By default look at App_Start -> IdentityConfig.cs. Should look something like new DataProtectorTokenProvider<ApplicationUser>(dataProtectionProvider.Create("ASP.NET Identity"));.

Could be created like this:

Without Owin:

public IHttpActionResult TestReset()
    var db = new ApplicationDbContext();
    var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(db));
    var provider = new DpapiDataProtectionProvider("SampleAppName");
    manager.UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<ApplicationUser>(

    var email = "[email protected]";

    var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = email, Email = email };

    var identityUser = manager.FindByEmail(email);

    if (identityUser == null)
        identityUser = manager.FindByEmail(email);

    var token = manager.GeneratePasswordResetToken(identityUser.Id);
    return Ok(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(token));

public IHttpActionResult TestReset(string token)
    var db = new ApplicationDbContext();
    var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(db));
    var provider = new DpapiDataProtectionProvider("SampleAppName");
    manager.UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<ApplicationUser>(
    var email = "[email protected]";
    var identityUser = manager.FindByEmail(email);
    var valid = Task.Run(() => manager.UserTokenProvider.ValidateAsync("ResetPassword", token, manager, identityUser)).Result;
    var result = manager.ResetPassword(identityUser.Id, token, "TestingTest1!");
    return Ok(result);

With Owin:

public IHttpActionResult TestResetWithOwin()
    var manager = Request.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();

    var email = "[email protected]";

    var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = email, Email = email };

    var identityUser = manager.FindByEmail(email);

    if (identityUser == null)
        identityUser = manager.FindByEmail(email);

    var token = manager.GeneratePasswordResetToken(identityUser.Id);
    return Ok(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(token));

public IHttpActionResult TestResetWithOwin(string token)
    var manager = Request.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();

    var email = "[email protected]";
    var identityUser = manager.FindByEmail(email);
    var valid = Task.Run(() => manager.UserTokenProvider.ValidateAsync("ResetPassword", token, manager, identityUser)).Result;
    var result = manager.ResetPassword(identityUser.Id, token, "TestingTest1!");
    return Ok(result);

The DpapiDataProtectionProvider and DataProtectorTokenProvider needs to be created with the same name for a password reset to work. Using Owin for creating the password reset token and then creating a new DpapiDataProtectionProvider with another name won't work.

Code that I use for ASP.NET Identity:


<add key="AllowedHosts" value="," />


public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetResetPasswordToken([FromUri]string email)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return BadRequest(ModelState);

    var user = await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(email);
    if (user == null)
        Logger.Warn("Password reset token requested for non existing email");
        // Don't reveal that the user does not exist
        return NoContent();

    //Prevent Host Header Attack -> Password Reset Poisoning. 
    //If the IIS has a binding to accept connections on 80/443 the host parameter can be changed.
    if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowedHosts"].Split(',').Contains(Request.RequestUri.Host)) {
            Logger.Warn($"Non allowed host detected for password reset {Request.RequestUri.Scheme}://{Request.Headers.Host}");
            return BadRequest();

    Logger.Info("Creating password reset token for user id {0}", user.Id);

    var host = $"{Request.RequestUri.Scheme}://{Request.Headers.Host}";
    var token = await UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id);
    var callbackUrl = $"{host}/resetPassword/{HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(user.Email)}/{HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(token)}";

    var subject = "Client - Password reset.";
    var body = "<html><body>" +
               "<h2>Password reset</h2>" +
               $"<p>Hi {user.FullName}, <a href=\"{callbackUrl}\"> please click this link to reset your password </a></p>" +

    var message = new IdentityMessage
        Body = body,
        Destination = user.Email,
        Subject = subject

    await UserManager.EmailService.SendAsync(message);

    return NoContent();

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ResetPasswordAsync(ResetPasswordRequestModel model)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return NoContent();

    var user = await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email);
    if (user == null)
        Logger.Warn("Reset password request for non existing email");
        return NoContent();

    if (!await UserManager.UserTokenProvider.ValidateAsync("ResetPassword", model.Token, UserManager, user))
        Logger.Warn("Reset password requested with wrong token");
        return NoContent();

    var result = await UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user.Id, model.Token, model.NewPassword);

    if (result.Succeeded)
        Logger.Info("Creating password reset token for user id {0}", user.Id);

        const string subject = "Client - Password reset success.";
        var body = "<html><body>" +
                   "<h1>Your password for Client was reset</h1>" +
                   $"<p>Hi {user.FullName}!</p>" +
                   "<p>Your password for Client was reset. Please inform us if you did not request this change.</p>" +

        var message = new IdentityMessage
            Body = body,
            Destination = user.Email,
            Subject = subject

        await UserManager.EmailService.SendAsync(message);

    return NoContent();

public class ResetPasswordRequestModel
    [Display(Name = "Token")]
    public string Token { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Email")]
    public string Email { get; set; }

    [StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = "The {0} must be at least {2} characters long.", MinimumLength = 10)]
    [Display(Name = "New password")]
    public string NewPassword { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Confirm new password")]
    [Compare("NewPassword", ErrorMessage = "The new password and confirmation password do not match.")]
    public string ConfirmPassword { get; set; }

How to efficiently check if variable is Array or Object (in NodeJS & V8)?

underscore.js is using the following

toString = Object.prototype.toString;

_.isArray = nativeIsArray || function(obj) {
    return == '[object Array]';

_.isObject = function(obj) {
    return obj === Object(obj);

_.isFunction = function(obj) {
    return == '[object Function]';

Most efficient way to append arrays in C#?

using this we can add two array with out any loop.

I believe if you have 2 arrays of the same type that you want to combine into one of array, there's a very simple way to do that.

Here's the code:

String[] TextFils = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.txt");
String[] ExcelFils = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.xls");
String[] finalArray = TextFils.Concat(ExcelFils).ToArray();


String[] Fils = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.txt");
String[] ExcelFils = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.xls");
Fils = Fils.Concat(ExcelFils).ToArray();

How can I read comma separated values from a text file in Java?

To split your String by comma(,) use str.split(",") and for tab use str.split("\\t")

    try {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                               new FileReader("G:\\RoutePPAdvant2.txt"));
        String str;

        while ((str = in.readLine())!= null) {
            String[] ar=str.split(",");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("File Read Error");

How does one reorder columns in a data frame?

data.table::setcolorder(table, c("Out", "in", "files"))

Propagation Delay vs Transmission delay

Obviously , packet length * propagation delay = trasmission delay is wrong.

Let us assume that you have a packet which has 4 bits 1010.You have to send it from A to B.

For this scenario,Transmission delay is the time taken by the sender to place the packet on the link(Transmission medium).Because the bits(1010) has to be converted in to signals.So it takes some time.Note that here only the packet is placed.It is not moving to receiver.

Propagation delay is the time taken by a bit(Mostly MSB ,Here 1) to reach from sender(A) to receiver(B).

How to clear form after submit in Angular 2?

Here's how I do it Angular 8:

Get a local reference of your form:

<form name="myForm" #myForm="ngForm"></form>
@ViewChild('myForm', {static: false}) myForm: NgForm;

And whenever you need to reset the form, call resetForm method:


You will need FormsModule from @angular/forms for it to work. Be sure to add it to your module imports.

How to animate GIFs in HTML document?

I just ran into this... my gif didn't run on the server that I was testing on, but when I published the code it ran on my desktop just fine...

Alter user defined type in SQL Server

Simple DROP TYPE first then CREATE TYPE again with corrections/alterations?

There is a simple test to see if it is defined before you drop it ... much like a table, proc or function -- if I wasn't at work I would look what that is?

(I only skimmed above too ... if I read it wrong I apologise in advance! ;)

Can't drop table: A foreign key constraint fails

This probably has the same table to other schema the reason why you're getting that error.

You need to drop first the child row then the parent row.

Regex to validate date format dd/mm/yyyy


this regex will validate dates in format:

12-30-2016 (mm-dd-yyyy) or 12-3-2016 (mm-d-yyyy) or 1-3-2016 (m-d-yyyy) or 1-30-2016 (m-dd-yyyy)

How do you pass a function as a parameter in C?

Pass address of a function as parameter to another function as shown below

#include <stdio.h>

void print();
void execute(void());

int main()
    execute(print); // sends address of print
    return 0;

void print()

void execute(void f()) // receive address of print

Also we can pass function as parameter using function pointer

#include <stdio.h>

void print();
void execute(void (*f)());

int main()
    execute(&print); // sends address of print
    return 0;

void print()

void execute(void (*f)()) // receive address of print

Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

It is not exactly for Xcode5 but this question links people who want to check where are provisioning profiles:
Following documentation

  1. Choose Xcode > Preferences.
  2. Click Accounts at the top of the window.
  3. Select the team you want to view, and click View Details. enter image description here In the dialog that appears, view your signing identities and provisioning profiles. If a Create button appears next to a certificate, it hasn’t been created yet. If a Download button appears next to a provisioning profile, it’s not on your Mac. enter image description here

Ten you can start context menu on each profile and click "Show in Finder" or "Move to Trash".

Storing query results into a variable and modifying it inside a Stored Procedure

Yup, this is possible of course. Here are several examples.

-- one way to do this
DECLARE @Cnt int

SELECT @Cnt = COUNT(SomeColumn)
FROM TableName
GROUP BY SomeColumn

-- another way to do the same thing
DECLARE @StreetName nvarchar(100)
SET @StreetName = (SELECT Street_Name from Streets where Street_ID = 123)

-- Assign values to several variables at once
DECLARE @val1 nvarchar(20)
DECLARE @val2 int
DECLARE @val3 datetime
DECLARE @val4 uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @val5 double

SELECT @val1 = TextColumn,
@val2 = IntColumn,
@val3 = DateColumn,
@val4 = GuidColumn,
@val5 = DoubleColumn
FROM SomeTable

using c# .net libraries to check for IMAP messages from gmail servers

There is no .NET framework support for IMAP. You'll need to use some 3rd party component.

Try Mail.dll email component, it's very affordable and easy to use, it also supports SSL:

using(Imap imap = new Imap())
    imap.Login("user", "password");

    List<long> uids = imap.Search(Flag.Unseen);
    foreach (long uid in uids)
        string eml = imap.GetMessageByUID(uid);
        IMail message = new MailBuilder()


Please note that this is a commercial product I've created.

You can download it here:

WPF Check box: Check changed handling

A simple and proper way I've found to Handle Checked/Unchecked events using MVVM pattern is the Following, with Caliburn.Micro :

 <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsCheckedBooleanProperty}" Content="{DynamicResource DisplayContent}" cal:Message.Attach="[Event Checked] = [Action CheckBoxClicked()]; [Event Unchecked] = [Action CheckBoxClicked()]" />

And implement a Method CheckBoxClicked() in the ViewModel, to do stuff you want.

Remove trailing newline from the elements of a string list

my_list = ['this\n', 'is\n', 'a\n', 'list\n', 'of\n', 'words\n']
print([l.strip() for l in my_list])


['this', 'is', 'a', 'list', 'of', 'words']

What is a Data Transfer Object (DTO)?

A Data Transfer Object is an object that is used to encapsulate data, and send it from one subsystem of an application to another.

DTOs are most commonly used by the Services layer in an N-Tier application to transfer data between itself and the UI layer. The main benefit here is that it reduces the amount of data that needs to be sent across the wire in distributed applications. They also make great models in the MVC pattern.

Another use for DTOs can be to encapsulate parameters for method calls. This can be useful if a method takes more than 4 or 5 parameters.

When using the DTO pattern, you would also make use of DTO assemblers. The assemblers are used to create DTOs from Domain Objects, and vice versa.

The conversion from Domain Object to DTO and back again can be a costly process. If you're not creating a distributed application, you probably won't see any great benefits from the pattern, as Martin Fowler explains here

Python extract pattern matches

You want a capture group.

p = re.compile("name (.*) is valid", re.flags) # parentheses for capture groups
print p.match(s).groups() # This gives you a tuple of your matches.

How to Lock Android App's Orientation to Portrait in Phones and Landscape in Tablets?

You just have to define the property below inside the activity element in your AndroidManifest.xml file. It will restrict your orientation to portrait.



            android:screenOrientation="portrait" >

if you want this to apply to the whole app define the property below inside the application tag like so:


Additionaly, as per Eduard Luca's comment below, you can also use screenOrientation="sensorPortrait" if you want to enable rotation by 180 degrees.

How to access the value of a promise?

When a promise is resolved/rejected, it will call its success/error handler:

var promiseB = promiseA.then(function(result) {
   // do something with result

The then method also returns a promise: promiseB, which will be resolved/rejected depending on the return value from the success/error handler from promiseA.

There are three possible values that promiseA's success/error handlers can return that will affect promiseB's outcome:

1. Return nothing --> PromiseB is resolved immediately, 
   and undefined is passed to the success handler of promiseB
2. Return a value --> PromiseB is resolved immediately,
   and the value is passed to the success handler of promiseB
3. Return a promise --> When resolved, promiseB will be resolved. 
   When rejected, promiseB will be rejected. The value passed to
   the promiseB's then handler will be the result of the promise

Armed with this understanding, you can make sense of the following:

promiseB = promiseA.then(function(result) {
  return result + 1;

The then call returns promiseB immediately. When promiseA is resolved, it will pass the result to promiseA's success handler. Since the return value is promiseA's result + 1, the success handler is returning a value (option 2 above), so promiseB will resolve immediately, and promiseB's success handler will be passed promiseA's result + 1.

How to float a div over Google Maps?

Try this:

   #wrapper { position: relative; }
   #over_map { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; z-index: 99; }

<div id="wrapper">
   <div id="google_map">


   <div id="over_map">


The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved.

Go to > Right CLick on your project folder > Build Path > Configure Build Path > Libraries Tab > remove project and external dependencies > apply & close

Now, Gradle refresh your project.

Fastest way to reset every value of std::vector<int> to 0

I had the same question but about rather short vector<bool> (afaik the standard allows to implement it internally differently than just a continuous array of boolean elements). Hence I repeated the slightly modified tests by Fabio Fracassi. The results are as follows (times, in seconds):

            -O0       -O3
         --------  --------
memset     0.666     1.045
fill      19.357     1.066
iterator  67.368     1.043
assign    17.975     0.530
for i     22.610     1.004

So apparently for these sizes, vector<bool>::assign() is faster. The code used for tests:

#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>

#define TEST_METHOD 5
const size_t TEST_ITERATIONS = 34359738;
const size_t TEST_ARRAY_SIZE = 200;

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    std::vector<int> v(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE, 0);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < TEST_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
#if TEST_METHOD == 1
        memset(&v[0], false, v.size() * sizeof v[0]);
#elif TEST_METHOD == 2
        std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), false);
   #elif TEST_METHOD == 3
        for (std::vector<int>::iterator it=v.begin(), end=v.end(); it!=end; ++it) {
            *it = 0;
   #elif TEST_METHOD == 4
   #elif TEST_METHOD == 5
      for (size_t i = 0; i < TEST_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
          v[i] = false;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

I used GCC 7.2.0 compiler on Ubuntu 17.10. The command line for compiling:

g++ -std=c++11 -O0 main.cpp
g++ -std=c++11 -O3 main.cpp

Node.js create folder or use existing

You can use this:

    fs.mkdirSync("directory", 0766, function(err){
            // echo the result back
            response.send("ERROR! Can't make the directory! \n");

How to use setInterval and clearInterval?

Side note – if you want to use separate functions to set & clear interval, the interval variable have to be accessible for all of them, in 'relative global', or 'one level up' scope:

var interval = null;    

function startStuff(func, time) {
    interval = setInterval(func, time);

function stopStuff() {

Find where java class is loaded from

This is what we use:

public static String getClassResource(Class<?> klass) {
  return klass.getClassLoader().getResource(
     klass.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class").toString();

This will work depending on the ClassLoader implementation: getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation()

Where in an Eclipse workspace is the list of projects stored?

You can also have several workspaces - so you can connect to one and have set "A" of projects - and then connect to a different set when ever you like.

HTML entity for the middle dot

This can be done easily using &middot;. You can color or size the dot according to the tags you wrap it with. For example, try and run this

<h2> I &middot; love &middot; Coding </h2>

sed whole word search and replace

On Mac OS X, neither of these regex syntaxes work inside sed for matching whole words

  • \bmyWord\b
  • \<myWord\>

Hear me now and believe me later, this ugly syntax is what you need to use:

  • /[[:<:]]myWord[[:>:]]/

So, for example, to replace mint with minty for whole words only:

  • sed "s/[[:<:]]mint[[:>:]]/minty/g"

Source: re_format man page

CKEditor instance already exists

For ajax requests,

 for(k in CKEDITOR.instances){
    var instance = CKEDITOR.instances[k];

this snipped removes all instances from document. Then creates new instances.

Check for file exists or not in sql server?

Try the following code to verify whether the file exist. You can create a user function and use it in your stored procedure. modify it as you need:


 DECLARE @fileFullPath NVARCHAR(100)

 SELECT @Filename = N'LogiSetup.log'
 SELECT @fileFullPath = N'C:\LogiSetup.log'

create table #dir

(output varchar(2000))

SELECT @cmd = 'dir ' + @fileFullPath     

insert into #dir    

exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

--Select * from #dir

-- This is risky, as the fle path itself might contain the filename
if exists (Select * from #dir where output like '%'+ @Filename +'%')

              Print 'File found'    
              --Add code you want to run if file exists    
              Print 'No File Found'    
              --Add code you want to run if file does not exists    

drop table #dir

Is there a Java equivalent or methodology for the typedef keyword in C++?

You could use an Enum, although that's semantically a bit different than a typedef in that it only allows a restricted set of values. Another possible solution is a named wrapper class, e.g.

public class Apple {
      public Apple(Integer i){this.i=i; }

but that seems way more clunky, especially given that it's not clear from the code that the class has no other function than as an alias.

What does axis in pandas mean?

I'm a newbie to pandas. But this is how I understand axis in pandas:

Axis Constant Varying Direction

0 Column Row Downwards |

1 Row Column Towards Right -->

So to compute mean of a column, that particular column should be constant but the rows under that can change (varying) so it is axis=0.

Similarly, to compute mean of a row, that particular row is constant but it can traverse through different columns (varying), axis=1.

Can a variable number of arguments be passed to a function?

If I may, Skurmedel's code is for python 2; to adapt it to python 3, change iteritems to items and add parenthesis to print. That could prevent beginners like me to bump into: AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems' and search elsewhere (e.g. Error “ 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems' ” when trying to use NetworkX's write_shp()) why this is happening.

def myfunc(**kwargs):
for k,v in kwargs.items():
   print("%s = %s" % (k, v))

myfunc(abc=123, efh=456)
# abc = 123
# efh = 456


def myfunc2(*args, **kwargs):
   for a in args:
   for k,v in kwargs.items():
       print("%s = %s" % (k, v))

myfunc2(1, 2, 3, banan=123)
# 1
# 2
# 3
# banan = 123

How to get the <td> in HTML tables to fit content, and let a specific <td> fill in the rest

Define width of .absorbing-column

Set table-layout to auto and define an extreme width on .absorbing-column.

Here I have set the width to 100% because it ensures that this column will take the maximum amount of space allowed, while the columns with no defined width will reduce to fit their content and no further.

This is one of the quirky benefits of how tables behave. The table-layout: auto algorithm is mathematically forgiving.

You may even choose to define a min-width on all td elements to prevent them from becoming too narrow and the table will behave nicely.

table {_x000D_
    table-layout: auto;_x000D_
    border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
table td {_x000D_
    border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
table .absorbing-column {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
      <th>Column A</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column B</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column C</th>_x000D_
      <th class="absorbing-column">Column D</th>_x000D_
      <td>Data A.1 lorem</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data B.1 ip</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data C.1 sum l</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data D.1</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data A.2 ipsum</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data B.2 lorem</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data C.2 some data</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data D.2 a long line of text that is long</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data A.3</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data B.3</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data C.3</td>_x000D_
      <td>Data D.3</td>_x000D_

Mean per group in a data.frame

This type of operation is exactly what aggregate was designed for:

d <- read.table(text=
'Name     Month  Rate1     Rate2
Aira       1      12        23
Aira       2      18        73
Aira       3      19        45
Ben        1      53        19
Ben        2      22        87
Ben        3      19        45
Cat        1      22        87
Cat        2      67        43
Cat        3      45        32', header=TRUE)

aggregate(d[, 3:4], list(d$Name), mean)

  Group.1    Rate1    Rate2
1    Aira 16.33333 47.00000
2     Ben 31.33333 50.33333
3     Cat 44.66667 54.00000

Here we aggregate columns 3 and 4 of data.frame d, grouping by d$Name, and applying the mean function.

Or, using a formula interface:

aggregate(. ~ Name, d[-2], mean)

How to debug "ImagePullBackOff"?

On GKE, if the pod is dead, it's best to check for the events. It will show in more detail what the error is about.

In my case, I had :

Failed to pull image "":
 rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error pulling image configuration: unknown blob

It turned out the image was damaged somehow. After repushing it and deploying with the new hash, it worked again.

ssl_error_rx_record_too_long and Apache SSL

I had a messed up virtual host config. Remember you need one virtual host without SSL for port 80, and another one with SSL for port 443. You cannot have both in one virtual host, as the webmin-generated config tried to do.

How to pass "Null" (a real surname!) to a SOAP web service in ActionScript 3

It's a kludge, but assuming there's a minimum length for SEARCHSTRING, for example 2 characters, substring the SEARCHSTRING parameter at the second character and pass it as two parameters instead: SEARCHSTRING1 ("Nu") and SEARCHSTRING2 ("ll"). Concatenate them back together when executing the query to the database.

How do I execute code AFTER a form has loaded?

You could also try putting your code in the Activated event of the form, if you want it to occur, just when the form is activated. You would need to put in a boolean "has executed" check though if it is only supposed to run on the first activation.

Why does pycharm propose to change method to static

This error message just helped me a bunch, as I hadn't realized that I'd accidentally written my function using my testing example player


instead of the correct way


How can I search for a multiline pattern in a file?

With silver searcher:

ag 'abc.*(\n|.)*efg'

Speed optimizations of silver searcher could possibly shine here.

Load text file as strings using numpy.loadtxt()

Is it essential that you need a NumPy array? Otherwise you could speed things up by loading the data as a nested list.

def load(fname):
    ''' Load the file using std open'''
    f = open(fname,'r')

    data = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        data.append(line.replace('\n','').split(' '))


    return data

For a text file with 4000x4000 words this is about 10 times faster than loadtxt.

SQL SELECT from multiple tables

SELECT pid, cid, pname, name1, name2 
FROM customer1 c1, product p 
WHERE p.cid=c1.cid 
UNION SELECT pid, cid, pname, name1, name2 
FROM customer2 c2, product p 
WHERE p.cid=c2.cid;

Cannot find Microsoft.Office.Interop Visual Studio

With Visual Studio 2015 I have activated it with the following steps.

  1. Programs and Features --> Select Visual Studio > Change
  2. Choose Modify
  3. Windows and Webdevelopment --> Tick "Microsoft Office Developer Tools"
  4. Start Update

It should work now.

How do I copy a folder from remote to local using scp?

Better to first compress catalog on remote server:

tar czfP backup.tar.gz /path/to/catalog

Secondly, download from remote:

scp [email protected]:/path/to/backup.tar.gz .

At the end, extract the files:

tar -xzvf backup.tar.gz

how to release localhost from Error: listen EADDRINUSE

When you get an error Error: listen EADDRINUSE,

Try running the following shell commands:

netstat -a -o | grep 8080
taskkill /F /PID 6204

I greped for 8080, because I know my server is running on port 8080. (static tells me when I start it: 'serving "." at'.) You might have to search for a different port.

How do you run a SQL Server query from PowerShell?

This function will return the results of a query as an array of powershell objects so you can use them in filters and access columns easily:

function sql($sqlText, $database = "master", $server = ".")
    $connection = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection("Data Source=$server;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=$database");
    $cmd = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlText, $connection);

    $reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader()

    $results = @()
    while ($reader.Read())
        $row = @{}
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $reader.FieldCount; $i++)
            $row[$reader.GetName($i)] = $reader.GetValue($i)
        $results += new-object psobject -property $row            


Pandas join issue: columns overlap but no suffix specified

Mainly join is used exclusively to join based on the index,not on the attribute names,so change the attributes names in two different dataframes,then try to join,they will be joined,else this error is raised

.gitignore all the .DS_Store files in every folder and subfolder

I think the problem you're having is that in some earlier commit, you've accidentally added .DS_Store files to the repository. Of course, once a file is tracked in your repository, it will continue to be tracked even if it matches an entry in an applicable .gitignore file.

You have to manually remove the .DS_Store files that were added to your repository. You can use

git rm --cached .DS_Store

Once removed, git should ignore it. You should only need the following line in your root .gitignore file: .DS_Store. Don't forget the period!

git rm --cached .DS_Store

removes only .DS_Store from the current directory. You can use

find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm --ignore-unmatch

to remove all .DS_Stores from the repository.

Felt tip: Since you probably never want to include .DS_Store files, make a global rule. First, make a global .gitignore file somewhere, e.g.

echo .DS_Store >> ~/.gitignore_global

Now tell git to use it for all repositories:

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

This page helped me answer your question.

How to switch to new window in Selenium for Python?

We can handle the different windows by moving between named windows using the “switchTo” method:


<a href="somewhere.html" target="windowName">Click here to open a new window</a>

Alternatively, you can pass a “window handle” to the “switchTo().window()” method. Knowing this, it’s possible to iterate over every open window like so:

for handle in driver.window_handles:

Mercurial: how to amend the last commit?

You have 3 options to edit commits in Mercurial:

  1. hg strip --keep --rev -1 undo the last (1) commit(s), so you can do it again (see this answer for more information).

  2. Using the MQ extension, which is shipped with Mercurial

  3. Even if it isn't shipped with Mercurial, the Histedit extension is worth mentioning

You can also have a look on the Editing History page of the Mercurial wiki.

In short, editing history is really hard and discouraged. And if you've already pushed your changes, there's barely nothing you can do, except if you have total control of all the other clones.

I'm not really familiar with the git commit --amend command, but AFAIK, Histedit is what seems to be the closest approach, but sadly it isn't shipped with Mercurial. MQ is really complicated to use, but you can do nearly anything with it.

Quick Way to Implement Dictionary in C

GLib and gnulib

These are your likely best bets if you don't have more specific requirements, since they are widely available, portable and likely efficient.

See also: Are there any open source C libraries with common data structures?

file_put_contents(meta/services.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied

some times SELINUX caused this problem; you can disable selinux with this command.

sudo setenforce 0

What is Java Servlet?

A servlet is simply a class which responds to a particular type of network request - most commonly an HTTP request. Basically servlets are usually used to implement web applications - but there are also various frameworks which operate on top of servlets (e.g. Struts) to give a higher-level abstraction than the "here's an HTTP request, write to this HTTP response" level which servlets provide.

Servlets run in a servlet container which handles the networking side (e.g. parsing an HTTP request, connection handling etc). One of the best-known open source servlet containers is Tomcat.

How to check which version of Keras is installed?

You can write:

import keras

How to remove the left part of a string?

Why not using regex with escape? ^ matches the initial part of a line and re.MULTILINE matches on each line. re.escape ensures that the matching is exact.

>>> print(re.sub('^' + re.escape('path='), repl='', string='path=c:\path\nd:\path2', flags=re.MULTILINE))

What does [object Object] mean? (JavaScript)

As @Matt answered the reason of [object object], I will expand on how to inspect the value of the object. There are three options on top of my mind:

  • JSON.stringify(JSONobject)
  • console.log(JSONobject)
  • or iterate over the object

Basic example.

var jsonObj={
    property1 : "one",
    property2 : "two",
    property3 : "three",
    property4 : "fourth",

var strBuilder = [];
for(key in jsonObj) {
  if (jsonObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    strBuilder.push("Key is " + key + ", value is " + jsonObj[key] + "\n");

// or console.log(strBuilder.join(""))

Where is the kibana error log? Is there a kibana error log?

It seems that you need to pass a flag "-l, --log-file"

Usage: kibana [options]

Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch.


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -e, --elasticsearch <uri>  Elasticsearch instance
    -c, --config <path>        Path to the config file
    -p, --port <port>          The port to bind to
    -q, --quiet                Turns off logging
    -H, --host <host>          The host to bind to
    -l, --log-file <path>      The file to log to
    --plugins <path>           Path to scan for plugins

If you use the init script to run as a service, maybe you will need to customize it.

How to convert php array to utf8?

You can use something like this:

$array, function (&$value)
 $value = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

Check/Uncheck checkbox with JavaScript

I would like to note, that setting the 'checked' attribute to a non-empty string leads to a checked box.

So if you set the 'checked' attribute to "false", the checkbox will be checked. I had to set the value to the empty string, null or the boolean value false in order to make sure the checkbox was not checked.

Parse JSON String to JSON Object in C#.NET

use new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<object>(jsonString)

You need System.Web.Extensions dll and import the following namespace.

Namespace: System.Web.Script.Serialization

for more info MSDN

How to redirect to Login page when Session is expired in Java web application?

When the use logs in, put its username in the session:

`session.setAttribute("USER", username);`

At the beginning of each page you can do this:

String username = (String)session.getAttribute("USER");
// if session is expired, forward it to login page
<jsp:forward page="Login.jsp" />
<% { } %>

How do I make an HTML text box show a hint when empty?

if ($(this).attr('class')=='hint') 

  if($(this).val() == '')

<input type="text" value="" title="Default Watermark Text">

How to capture a list of specific type with mockito

List<String> mockedList = mock(List.class);

List<String> l = new ArrayList();


ArgumentCaptor<List> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(List.class);


List<String> capturedArgument = argumentCaptor.<List<String>>getValue();

assertThat(capturedArgument, hasItem("someElement"));

Eclipse : Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.

If you need to debug an application working on Tomcat, make sure that your Tomcat-folder/bin/startup.bat (if using windows) contains the following lines:

set JPDA_TRANSPORT="dt_socket"

call "%EXECUTABLE%" jpda start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%

JavaScript: Parsing a string Boolean value?

It depends how you wish the function to work.

If all you wish to do is test for the word 'true' inside the string, and define any string (or nonstring) that doesn't have it as false, the easiest way is probably this:

function parseBoolean(str) {
  return /true/i.test(str);

If you wish to assure that the entire string is the word true you could do this:

function parseBoolean(str) {
  return /^true$/i.test(str);

Get a Div Value in JQuery

You could also use innerhtml to get the value within the tag....

How to mount a host directory in a Docker container

As of Docker 18-CE, you can use docker run -v /src/path:/container/path to do 2-way binding of a host folder.

There is a major catch here though if you're working with Windows 10/WSL and have Docker-CE for Windows as your host and then docker-ce client tools in WSL. WSL knows about the entire / filesystem while your Windows host only knows about your drives. Inside WSL, you can use /mnt/c/projectpath, but if you try to docker run -v ${PWD}:/projectpath, you will find in the host that /projectpath/ is empty because on the host /mnt means nothing.

If you work from /c/projectpath though and THEN do docker run -v ${PWD}:/projectpath and you WILL find that in the container, /projectpath will reflect /c/projectpath in realtime. There are no errors or any other ways to detect this issue other than seeing empty mounts inside your guest.

You must also be sure to "share the drive" in the Docker for Windows settings.

Match linebreaks - \n or \r\n?

This only applies to question 1.

I have an app that runs on Windows and uses a multi-line MFC editor box.
The editor box expects CRLF linebreaks, but I need to parse the text enterred
with some really big/nasty regexs'.

I didn't want to be stressing about this while writing the regex, so
I ended up normalizing back and forth between the parser and editor so that
the regexs' just use \n. I also trap paste operations and convert them for the boxes.

This does not take much time.
This is what I use.

 boost::regex  CRLFCRtoLF (
     " \\r\\n | \\r(?!\\n) "
     , MODx);

 boost::regex  CRLFCRtoCRLF (
     " \\r\\n?+ | \\n "
     , MODx);

 // Convert (All style) linebreaks to linefeeds 
 // ---------------------------------------
 void ReplaceCRLFCRtoLF( string& strSrc, string& strDest )
    strDest  = boost::regex_replace ( strSrc, CRLFCRtoLF, "\\n" );

 // Convert linefeeds to linebreaks (Windows) 
 // ---------------------------------------
 void ReplaceCRLFCRtoCRLF( string& strSrc, string& strDest )
    strDest  = boost::regex_replace ( strSrc, CRLFCRtoCRLF, "\\r\\n" );

How to download file in swift?

You can also use a third party library that makes life easy, like Just


More awesome Swift stuff here

Job for mysqld.service failed See "systemctl status mysqld.service"

Had the same problem. Solved as given below. Use command :

sudo tail -f /var/log/messages|grep -i mysql

to check if SELinux policy is causing the issue. If so, first check if SELinux policy is enabled using command #sestatus. If it shows enabled, then disable it. To disable:

  1. # vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
  2. change 'SELINUX=enforcing' to 'SELINUX=disabled'
  3. restart linux
  4. check with sestatus and it should show "disabled"

Uninstall and reinstall mysql. It should be working.

How to resolve Error listenerStart when deploying web-app in Tomcat 5.5?

I found that following these instructions helped with finding what the problem was. For me, that was the killer, not knowing what was broken.

Quoting from the link

In Tomcat 6 or above, the default logger is the”java.util.logging” logger and not Log4J. So if you are trying to add a “” file – this will NOT work. The Java utils logger looks for a file called “” as stated here:

So to get to the debugging details create a “” file under your”/WEB-INF/classes” folder of your WAR and you’re all set.

And now when you restart your Tomcat, you will see all of your debugging in it’s full glory!!!

Sample file:

org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].level = INFO
org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

Cannot stop or restart a docker container

Worth knowing:

If you are running an ENTRYPOINT script ... the script will work with the shebang

#!/bin/bash -x

But will stop the container from stopping with

#!/bin/bash -xe

How do I get the current year using SQL on Oracle?

Using to_char:

select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY') from dual;

In your example you can use something like:

BETWEEN trunc(sysdate, 'YEAR') 
    AND add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'YEAR'), 12)-1/24/60/60;

The comparison values are exactly what you request:

select trunc(sysdate, 'YEAR') begin_year
     , add_months(trunc(sysdate, 'YEAR'), 12)-1/24/60/60 last_second_year
from dual;

----------- ----------------
01/01/2009  31/12/2009

Initialize/reset struct to zero/null

Define a const static instance of the struct with the initial values and then simply assign this value to your variable whenever you want to reset it.

For example:

static const struct x EmptyStruct;

Here I am relying on static initialization to set my initial values, but you could use a struct initializer if you want different initial values.

Then, each time round the loop you can write:

myStructVariable = EmptyStruct;

How to sum digits of an integer in java?

This should be working fine for any number of digits and it will return individual digit's sum

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("enter a string");
    String numbers = input.nextLine();  //String would be 55
    int sum = 0;
    for (char c : numbers.toCharArray()) {
        sum += c - '0';
    System.out.println(sum); //the answer is 10

python paramiko ssh

There is something wrong with the accepted answer, it sometimes (randomly) brings a clipped response from server. I do not know why, I did not investigate the faulty cause of the accepted answer because this code worked perfectly for me:

import paramiko

ip='server ip'

cmd='some useful command' 



stdin,stdout,stderr=ssh.exec_command('some really useful command')

How to Find App Pool Recycles in Event Log

IIS version 8.5 +

To enable Event Tracing for Windows for your website/application

  1. Go to Logging and ensure either ETW event only or Both log file and ETW event selected.

enter image description here

  1. Enable the desired Recycle logs in the Advanced Settings for the Application Pool:

enter image description here

  1. Go to the default Custom View: WebServer filters IIS logs:

Custom Views > ServerRoles > Web Server

enter image description here

  1. ... or System logs:

Windows Logs > System

Count number of rows by group using dplyr

I think what you are looking for is as follows.

cars_by_cylinders_gears <- mtcars %>%
  group_by(cyl, gear) %>%
  summarise(count = n())

This is using the dplyr package. This is essentially the longhand version of the count () solution provided by docendo discimus.

Mixed mode assembly is built against version ‘v2.0.50727' of the runtime

Please add attribute useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true" in your applications app.config file.

Old Value

    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"/>

New Value

  <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"/>

It will solve your problem.

Get the week start date and week end date from week number

Week Start & End Date From Date For Power BI Dax Formula

WeekStartDate = [DateColumn] - (WEEKDAY([DateColumn])-1)
WeekEndDate = [DateColumn] + (7-WEEKDAY([DateColumn]))

Simple regular expression for a decimal with a precision of 2

Chrome 56 is not accepting this kind of patterns (Chrome 56 is accpeting 11.11. an additional .) with type number, use type as text as progress.

How to manually trigger validation with jQuery validate?

There is a good way if you use validate() with parameters on a form and want to validate one field of your form manually afterwards:

var validationManager = $('.myForm').validate(myParameters);

Documentation: Validator.element()

Loop backwards using indices in Python?

for var in range(10,-1,-1) works

What's the difference between getRequestURI and getPathInfo methods in HttpServletRequest?

I will put a small comparison table here (just to have it somewhere):

Servlet is mapped as /test%3F/* and the application is deployed under /app.


Method              URL-Decoded Result           
getContextPath()        no      /app
getLocalName()                  30thh.loc
getLocalPort()                  8480
getMethod()                     GET
getPathInfo()           yes     /a?+b
getProtocol()                   HTTP/1.1
getQueryString()        no      p+1=c+d&p+2=e+f
getRequestedSessionId() no      S%3F+ID
getRequestURI()         no      /app/test%3F/a%3F+b;jsessionid=S+ID
getRequestURL()         no      http://30thh.loc:8480/app/test%3F/a%3F+b;jsessionid=S+ID
getScheme()                     http
getServerName()                 30thh.loc
getServerPort()                 8480
getServletPath()        yes     /test?
getParameterNames()     yes     [p 2, p 1]
getParameter("p 1")     yes     c d

In the example above the server is running on the localhost:8480 and the name 30thh.loc was put into OS hosts file.


  • "+" is handled as space only in the query string

  • Anchor "#a" is not transferred to the server. Only the browser can work with it.

  • If the url-pattern in the servlet mapping does not end with * (for example /test or *.jsp), getPathInfo() returns null.

If Spring MVC is used

  • Method getPathInfo() returns null.

  • Method getServletPath() returns the part between the context path and the session ID. In the example above the value would be /test?/a?+b

  • Be careful with URL encoded parts of @RequestMapping and @RequestParam in Spring. It is buggy (current version 3.2.4) and is usually not working as expected.

Basic Python client socket example

It looks like your client is trying to connect to a non-existent server. In a shell window, run:

$ nc -l 5000

before running your Python code. It will act as a server listening on port 5000 for you to connect to. Then you can play with typing into your Python window and seeing it appear in the other terminal and vice versa.

App.Config Transformation for projects which are not Web Projects in Visual Studio?

If you use a TFS online(Cloud version) and you want to transform the App.Config in a project, you can do the following without installing any extra tools. From VS => Unload the project => Edit project file => Go to the bottom of the file and add the following:

<UsingTask TaskName="TransformXml" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition="Exists('App.$(Configuration).config')">
<TransformXml Source="App.config" Transform="App.$(Configuration).config" Destination="$(OutDir)\$(AssemblyName).dll.config" />

AssemblyFile and Destination works for local use and TFS online(Cloud) server.

jQuery ui dialog change title after load-callback

An enhancement of the hacky idea by Nick Craver to put custom HTML in a jquery dialog title:

var newtitle= '<b>HTML TITLE</b>';

A Simple AJAX with JSP example

I have used jQuery AJAX to make AJAX requests.

Check the following code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#call').click(function ()
                    type: "post",
                    url: "testme", //this is my servlet
                    data: "input=" +$('#ip').val()+"&output="+$('#op').val(),
                    success: function(msg){      

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>JSP Page</title>
    input:<input id="ip" type="text" name="" value="" /><br></br>
    output:<input id="op" type="text" name="" value="" /><br></br>
    <input type="button" value="Call Servlet" name="Call Servlet" id="call"/>
    <div id="output"></div>

Windows batch file file download from a URL

With PowerShell 2.0 (Windows 7 preinstalled) you can use:

(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', '')

Starting with PowerShell 3.0 (Windows 8 preinstalled) you can use Invoke-WebRequest:

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile

From a batch file they are called:

powershell -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', '')"
powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile"

(PowerShell 2.0 is available for installation on XP, 3.0 for Windows 7)

SQL Server stored procedure creating temp table and inserting value

A SELECT INTO statement creates the table for you. There is no need for the CREATE TABLE statement before hand.

What is happening is that you create #ivmy_cash_temp1 in your CREATE statement, then the DB tries to create it for you when you do a SELECT INTO. This causes an error as it is trying to create a table that you have already created.

Either eliminate the CREATE TABLE statement or alter your query that fills it to use INSERT INTO SELECT format.

If you need a unique ID added to your new row then it's best to use SELECT INTO... since IDENTITY() only works with this syntax.

A formula to copy the values from a formula to another column

For such you must rely on VBA. You can't do it just with Excel functions.

Converting binary to decimal integer output

Binary to Decimal

int(binaryString, 2)

Decimal to Binary

format(decimal ,"b")

Visual Studio: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file

I solved it with the following:

Go to View-> Property Pages -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input

Under additional dependencies add the thelibrary.lib. Don't use any quotations.

%Like% Query in spring JpaRepository

For your case, you can directly use JPA methods. That code is like bellow :

Containing: select ... like %:place%

List<Registration> findByPlaceContainingIgnoreCase(String place);

here, IgnoreCase will help you to search item with ignoring the case.

Using @Query in JPQL :

@Query("Select registration from Registration registration where LIKE  %?1%")
List<Registration> findByPlaceContainingIgnoreCase(String place);

Here are some related methods:

  1. Like findByPlaceLike

    … where like ?1

  2. StartingWith findByPlaceStartingWith

    … where like ?1 (parameter bound with appended %)

  3. EndingWith findByPlaceEndingWith

    … where like ?1 (parameter bound with prepended %)

  4. Containing findByPlaceContaining

    … where like ?1 (parameter bound wrapped in %)

More info, view this link , this link and this

Hope this will help you :)

How to get Android application id?

Android App ES File Explorer shows the Android package name in the User Apps section which is useful for Bitwarden. Bitwarden refers to this as "android application package ID (or package name)".

Git blame -- prior commits?

Building on DavidN's answer and I want to follow renamed file:

LINE=8 FILE=Info.plist; for commit in $(git log --format='%h%%' --name-only --follow -- $FILE | xargs echo | perl -pe 's/\%\s/,/g'); do hash=$(echo $commit | cut -f1 -d ','); fileMayRenamed=$(echo $commit | cut -f2 -d ','); git blame -n -L$LINE,+1 $hash -- $fileMayRenamed; done | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D'

ref: nicely display file rename history in git log

How to read/write arbitrary bits in C/C++

You have to do a shift and mask (AND) operation. Let b be any byte and p be the index (>= 0) of the bit from which you want to take n bits (>= 1).

First you have to shift right b by p times:

x = b >> p;

Second you have to mask the result with n ones:

mask = (1 << n) - 1;
y = x & mask;

You can put everything in a macro:

#define TAKE_N_BITS_FROM(b, p, n) ((b) >> (p)) & ((1 << (n)) - 1)

How to set the margin or padding as percentage of height of parent container?

An answer to a slightly different question: You can use vh units to pad elements to the center of the viewport:

.centerme {
    margin-top: 50vh;
    background: red;

<div class="centerme">middle</div>

Getting the exception value in Python

If you don't know the type/origin of the error, you can try:

import sys
    print('Error: {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[0]))

But be aware, you'll get pep8 warning:

[W] PEP 8 (E722): do not use bare except

Find a string between 2 known values

To get Single/Multiple values without regular expression

// For Single
var value = inputString.Split("<tag1>", '</tag1>')[1];

// For Multiple
var values = inputString.Split("<tag1>", '</tag1>').Where((_, index) => index % 2 != 0);

Creating a search form in PHP to search a database?

You're getting errors 'table liam does not exist' because the table's name is Liam which is not the same as liam. MySQL table names are case sensitive.

"Cannot allocate an object of abstract type" error

You must have some virtual function declared in one of the parent classes and never implemented in any of the child classes. Make sure that all virtual functions are implemented somewhere in the inheritence chain. If a class's definition includes a pure virtual function that is never implemented, an instance of that class cannot ever be constructed.

How to declare an array inside MS SQL Server Stored Procedure?

You could declare a table variable (Declaring a variable of type table):

declare @MonthsSale table(monthnr int)
insert into @MonthsSale (monthnr) values (1)
insert into @MonthsSale (monthnr) values (2)

You can add extra columns as you like:

declare @MonthsSale table(monthnr int, totalsales tinyint)

You can update the table variable like any other table:

update m
set m.TotalSales = sum(s.SalesValue)
from @MonthsSale m
left join Sales s on month(s.SalesDt) = m.MonthNr

How do I get the current date in Cocoa

Here's another way:

NSDate *now = [NSDate date];

//maybe not 100% approved, but it works in English.  You could localize if necessary
NSDate *midnight = [NSDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString:@"midnight tomorrow"]; 

//num of seconds between mid and now
NSTimeInterval timeInt = [midnight timeIntervalSinceDate:now];
int hours = (int) timeInt/3600;
int minutes = ((int) timeInt % 3600) / 60;
int seconds = (int) timeInt % 60;

You lose subsecond precision with the cast of the NSTimeInterval to an int, but that shouldn't matter.

Decode HTML entities in Python string?

I had a similar encoding issue. I used the normalize() method. I was getting a Unicode error using the pandas .to_html() method when exporting my data frame to an .html file in another directory. I ended up doing this and it worked...

    import unicodedata 

The dataframe object can be whatever you like, let's call it table...

    table = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','Team','OVR / POT'])
    table.index+= 1

encode table data so that we can export it to out .html file in templates folder(this can be whatever location you wish :))

     #this is where the magic happens

export normalized string to html file

    file = open("templates/home.html","w") 



Reference: unicodedata documentation

Reading large text files with streams in C#

If you read the performance and benchmark stats on this website, you'll see that the fastest way to read (because reading, writing, and processing are all different) a text file is the following snippet of code:

using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(fileName))
    string s = String.Empty;
    while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
        //do your stuff here

All up about 9 different methods were bench marked, but that one seem to come out ahead the majority of the time, even out performing the buffered reader as other readers have mentioned.

how to access iFrame parent page using jquery?

You can access elements of parent window from within an iframe by using window.parent like this:

// using jquery    

Which is the same as:

// pure javascript

And if you have more than one nested iframes and you want to access the topmost iframe, then you can use like this:

// using jquery$("#element_id");

Which is the same as:

// pure javascript"element_id");

How to rename a component in Angular CLI?

see angular-rename


npm install -g angular-rename


$ ./angular-rename OldComponentName NewComponentName

What is <=> (the 'Spaceship' Operator) in PHP 7?

Its a new operator for combined comparison. Similar to strcmp() or version_compare() in behavior, but it can be used on all generic PHP values with the same semantics as <, <=, ==, >=, >. It returns 0 if both operands are equal, 1 if the left is greater, and -1 if the right is greater. It uses exactly the same comparison rules as used by our existing comparison operators: <, <=, ==, >= and >.

click here to know more

How to get the current date/time in Java

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

public class DateDemo {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      Date dNow = new Date( );
      SimpleDateFormat ft = 
      new SimpleDateFormat ("E yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz");
      System.out.println("Current Date: " + ft.format(dNow));

you can use date for fet current data. so using SimpleDateFormat get format

Convert from ASCII string encoded in Hex to plain ASCII?

No need to import any library:

>>> bytearray.fromhex("7061756c").decode()

JavaScript - Hide a Div at startup (load)

This method I've used a lot, not sure if it is a very good way but it works fine for my needs.

    <script language="JavaScript">
    function setVisibility(id, visibility) {
    document.getElementById(id).style.display = visibility;
    <div id="HiddenStuff1" style="display:none">
    <div id="HiddenStuff2" style="display:none">
    <div id="HiddenStuff3" style="display:none">
    <input id="YOUR ID" title="HIDDEN STUFF 1" type=button name=type value='HIDDEN STUFF 1' onclick="setVisibility('HiddenStuff1', 'inline');setVisibility('HiddenStuff2', 'none');setVisibility('HiddenStuff3', 'none');";>
    <input id="YOUR ID" title="HIDDEN STUFF 2" type=button name=type value='HIDDEN STUFF 2' onclick="setVisibility('HiddenStuff1', 'none');setVisibility('HiddenStuff2', 'inline');setVisibility('HiddenStuff3', 'none');";>
    <input id="YOUR ID" title="HIDDEN STUFF 3" type=button name=type value='HIDDEN STUFF 3' onclick="setVisibility('HiddenStuff1', 'none');setVisibility('HiddenStuff2', 'none');setVisibility('HiddenStuff3', 'inline');";>

Pass parameter to controller from @Html.ActionLink MVC 4

You are using a wrong overload of the Html.ActionLink helper. What you think is routeValues is actually htmlAttributes! Just look at the generated HTML, you will see that this anchor's href property doesn't look as you expect it to look.

Here's what you are using:

    "Reply",                                                  // linkText
    "BlogReplyCommentAdd",                                    // actionName
    "Blog",                                                   // routeValues
    new {                                                     // htmlAttributes
        blogPostId = blogPostId, 
        replyblogPostmodel = Model, 
        captchaValid = Model.AddNewComment.DisplayCaptcha 

and here's what you should use:

    "Reply",                                                  // linkText
    "BlogReplyCommentAdd",                                    // actionName
    "Blog",                                                   // controllerName
    new {                                                     // routeValues
        blogPostId = blogPostId, 
        replyblogPostmodel = Model, 
        captchaValid = Model.AddNewComment.DisplayCaptcha 
    null                                                      // htmlAttributes

Also there's another very serious issue with your code. The following routeValue:

replyblogPostmodel = Model

You cannot possibly pass complex objects like this in an ActionLink. So get rid of it and also remove the BlogPostModel parameter from your controller action. You should use the blogPostId parameter to retrieve the model from wherever this model is persisted, or if you prefer from wherever you retrieved the model in the GET action:

public ActionResult BlogReplyCommentAdd(int blogPostId, bool captchaValid)
    BlogPostModel model = repository.Get(blogPostId);

As far as your initial problem is concerned with the wrong overload I would recommend you writing your helpers using named parameters:

    linkText: "Reply",
    actionName: "BlogReplyCommentAdd",
    controllerName: "Blog",
    routeValues: new {
        blogPostId = blogPostId, 
        captchaValid = Model.AddNewComment.DisplayCaptcha
    htmlAttributes: null

Now not only that your code is more readable but you will never have confusion between the gazillions of overloads that Microsoft made for those helpers.

Array of strings in groovy

If you really want to create an array rather than a list use either

String[] names = ["lucas", "Fred", "Mary"]


def names = ["lucas", "Fred", "Mary"].toArray()

Cannot Resolve Collation Conflict

The thing about collations is that although the database has its own collation, every table, and every column can have its own collation. If not specified it takes the default of its parent object, but can be different.

When you change collation of the database, it will be the new default for all new tables and columns, but it doesn't change the collation of existing objects inside the database. You have to go and change manually the collation of every table and column.

Luckily there are scripts available on the internet that can do the job. I am not going to recommend any as I haven't tried them but here are few links:

Update Collation of all fields in database on the fly

If you need to have different collation on two objects or can't change collations - you can still JOIN between them using COLLATE command, and choosing the collation you want for join.

SELECT * FROM A JOIN B ON A.Text = B.Text COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS 

or using default database collation:


Maximum value of maxRequestLength?

2,147,483,647 bytes, since the value is a signed integer (Int32). That's probably more than you'll need.

Maven compile with multiple src directories

Used the build-helper-maven-plugin from the post - and update src/main/generated. And mvn clean compile works on my ../common/src/main/java, or on ../common, so kept the latter. Then yes, confirming that IntelliJ IDEA (ver 10.5.2) level of the compilation failed as David Phillips mentioned. The issue was that IDEA did not add another source root to the project. Adding it manually solved the issue. It's not nice as editing anything in the project should come from maven and not from direct editing of IDEA's project options. Yet I will be able to live with it until they support build-helper-maven-plugin directly such that it will auto add the sources.

Then needed another workaround to make this work though. Since each time IDEA re-imported maven settings after a pom change me newly added source was kept on module, yet it lost it's Source Folders selections and was useless. So for IDEA - need to set these once:

  • Select - Project Settings / Maven / Importing / keep source and test folders on reimport.
  • Add - Project Structure / Project Settings / Modules / {Module} / Sources / Add Content Root.

Now keeping those folders on import is not the best practice in the world either, ..., but giving it a try.

JSP : JSTL's <c:out> tag

As said Will Wagner, in old version of jsp you should always use c:out to output dynamic text.

Moreover, using this syntax:

<c:out value="${}">No name</c:out>

you can display the text "No name" when name is null.

Push method in React Hooks (useState)?

To expand a little further, here are some common examples. Starting with:

const [theArray, setTheArray] = useState(initialArray);
const [theObject, setTheObject] = useState(initialObject);

Push element at end of array

setTheArray(prevArray => [...prevArray, newValue])

Push/update element at end of object

setTheObject(prevState => ({ ...prevState, currentOrNewKey: newValue}));

Push/update element at end of array of objects

setTheArray(prevState => [...prevState, {currentOrNewKey: newValue}]);

Push element at end of object of arrays

let specificArrayInObject = theObject.array.slice();
const newObj = { ...theObject, []: specificArrayInObject };

Here are some working examples too.

Open text file and program shortcut in a Windows batch file

In some cases, when opening a LNK file it is expecting the end of the application run.

In such cases it is better to use the following syntax (so you do not have to wait the end of the application):

START /B /I "MyTitleApp" "myshortcut.lnk"

To open a TXT file can be in the way already indicated (because notepad.exxe not interrupt the execution of the start command)

START notepad "myfile.txt"

Error: Node Sass version 5.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0

This error occurs when versions of NodeJS and Node Sass are not matched.

you can resolve your issue by doing as below:

- Step 1: Remove Nodejs from your computer

- Step 2: Reinstall Nodejs version 14.15.1.

- Step 3: Uninstall Node sass by run the command npm uninstall node-sass

- Step 4: Reinstall Node sass version 4.14.1 by run the command npm install [email protected]

After all steps, you can run command ng serve -o to run your application.

Node sass version 5.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0.

Regex using javascript to return just numbers

The answers given don't actually match your question, which implied a trailing number. Also, remember that you're getting a string back; if you actually need a number, cast the result:

item=item.replace('^.*\D(\d*)$', '$1');
if (!/^\d+$/.test(item)) throw 'parse error: number not found';

If you're dealing with numeric item ids on a web page, your code could also usefully accept an Element, extracting the number from its id (or its first parent with an id); if you've an Event handy, you can likely get the Element from that, too.

Load HTML File Contents to Div [without the use of iframes]

Wow, from all the framework-promotional answers you'd think this was something JavaScript made incredibly difficult. It isn't really.

var xhr= new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'x.html', true);
xhr.onreadystatechange= function() {
    if (this.readyState!==4) return;
    if (this.status!==200) return; // or whatever error handling you want
    document.getElementById('y').innerHTML= this.responseText;

If you need IE<8 compatibility, do this first to bring those browsers up to speed:

if (!window.XMLHttpRequest && 'ActiveXObject' in window) {
    window.XMLHttpRequest= function() {
        return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHttp');

Note that loading content into the page with scripts will make that content invisible to clients without JavaScript available, such as search engines. Use with care, and consider server-side includes if all you want is to put data in a common shared file.

Oracle listener not running and won't start

I solved it by updating listener.ora file inside oracle directory oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\network\ADMIN.

Why did it happen to me was because I changed my system name but inside listener.ora there was old name for HOST.

This might be one of the reasons... for those who still face such issue might think of this possibility as well.

Qt: resizing a QLabel containing a QPixmap while keeping its aspect ratio

The Qt documentations has an Image Viewer example which demonstrates handling resizing images inside a QLabel. The basic idea is to use QScrollArea as a container for the QLabel and if needed use label.setScaledContents(bool) and scrollarea.setWidgetResizable(bool) to fill available space and/or ensure QLabel inside is resizable. Additionally, to resize QLabel while honoring aspect ratio use:

label.setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(width, height, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation));

The width and height can be set based on scrollarea.width() and scrollarea.height(). In this way there is no need to subclass QLabel.

Return empty cell from formula in Excel

If the goal is to be able to display a cell as empty when it in fact has the value zero, then instead of using a formula that results in a blank or empty cell (since there's no empty() function) instead,

  • where you want a blank cell, return a 0 instead of "" and THEN

  • set the number format for the cells like so, where you will have to come up with what you want for positive and negative numbers (the first two items separated by semi-colons). In my case, the numbers I had were 0, 1, 2... and I wanted 0 to show up empty. (I never did figure out what the text parameter was used for, but it seemed to be required).


Execute raw SQL using Doctrine 2

I had the same problem. You want to look the connection object supplied by the entity manager:

$conn = $em->getConnection();

You can then query/execute directly against it:

$statement = $conn->query('select foo from bar');
$num_rows_effected = $conn->exec('update bar set foo=1');

See the docs for the connection object at

Sorting object property by values

many similar and useful functions:

function sortobj(obj)
    var keys=Object.keys(obj);
    var kva=,i)
        return [k,obj[k]];
        if(a[1]>b[1]) return -1;if(a[1]<b[1]) return 1;
        return 0
    var o={}
    kva.forEach(function(a){ o[a[0]]=a[1]})
    return o;

function sortobjkey(obj,key)
    var keys=Object.keys(obj);
    var kva=,i)
        return [k,obj[k]];
        k=key;      if(a[1][k]>b[1][k]) return -1;if(a[1][k]<b[1][k]) return 1;
        return 0
    var o={}
    kva.forEach(function(a){ o[a[0]]=a[1]})
    return o;

Python Request Post with param data

Set data to this:

data ={"eventType":"AAS_PORTAL_START","data":{"uid":"hfe3hf45huf33545","aid":"1","vid":"1"}}

"Permission Denied" trying to run Python on Windows 10

This appears to be a limitation in git-bash. The recommendation to use winpty python.exe worked for me. See Python not working in the command line of git bash for additional information.

A button to start php script, how?

Having 2 files like you suggested would be the easiest solution.

For instance:

2 files solution:


(.. your html ..)
<form action="script.php" method="get">
  <input type="submit" value="Run me now!">


  echo "Hello world!"; // Your code here

Single file solution:


  if (!empty($_GET['act'])) {
    echo "Hello world!"; //Your code here
  } else {
(.. your html ..)
<form action="index.php" method="get">
  <input type="hidden" name="act" value="run">
  <input type="submit" value="Run me now!">

How can my iphone app detect its own version number?

You can use the infoDictionary which gets the version details from info.plist of you app. This code works for swift 3. Just call this method and display the version in any preferred UI element.


func getVersion() -> String {
    let dictionary = Bundle.main.infoDictionary!
    let version = dictionary["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as! String
    let build = dictionary["CFBundleVersion"] as! String
    return "v\(version).\(build)"

how to specify local modules as npm package dependencies

If it's acceptible to simply publish your modules preinstalled in node_modules alongside your other files, you can do it like this:

// ./node_modules/foo/package.json

// ./package.json
"dependencies": {

// ./app.js
var foo = require('foo');

You may also want to store your module on git and tell your parent package.json to install the dependency from git:

How to check Spark Version

Addition to @Binary Nerd

If you are using Spark, use the following to get the Spark version:

spark-submit --version


Login to the Cloudera Manager and goto Hosts page then run inspect hosts in cluster

laravel Unable to prepare route ... for serialization. Uses Closure

check that your web.php file has this extension

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

my problem gone fixed by this way.

Adding click event listener to elements with the same class

You have to use querySelectorAll as you need to select all elements with the said class, again since querySelectorAll is an array you need to iterate it and add the event handlers

var deleteLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.delete');
for (var i = 0; i < deleteLinks.length; i++) {
    deleteLinks[i].addEventListener('click', function (event) {

        var choice = confirm("sure u want to delete?");
        if (choice) {
            return true;

reading external sql script in python

according me, it is not possible


  1. import .sql file on mysql server

  2. after

    import mysql.connector
    import pandas as pd

    and then you use .sql file by convert to dataframe

Download JSON object as a file from browser

I recently had to create a button that would download a json file of all values of a large form. I needed this to work with IE/Edge/Chrome. This is what I did:

function download(text, name, type)
        var file = new Blob([text], {type: type});
        var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode;
        if (isIE)
            window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, name);
            var a = document.createElement('a');
            a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file);
   = name;

download(jsonData, 'Form_Data_.json','application/json');

There was one issue with filename and extension in edge but at the time of writing this seemed to be a bug with Edge that is due to be fixed.

Hope this helps someone

Reading a JSP variable from JavaScript




or full example

<script language="javascript"> 

function access(){ 
  <% String str="Hello World"; %>
   var s="<%=str%>"; 


<body onload="access()"> 


Note: sanitize the input before rendering it, it may open whole lot of XSS possibilities

How to get ID of clicked element with jQuery

First off you can't have just a number for your id unless you are using the HTML5 DOCTYPE. Secondly, you need to either remove the # in each id or replace it with this:


Show Youtube video source into HTML5 video tag?

I have created a realtively small (4.89 KB) javascript library for this exact functionality.

Found on my GitHub here:

It's as simple as:

<video data-yt2html5=""></video>

<script src="[email protected]/dist/YouTubeToHtml5.js"></script>
<script>new YouTubeToHtml5();</script>

Working example here:

What the library does is extract the video ID from the data attribute and makes a request to the It decodes the response which includes streaming information we can use to add a source to the <video> tag.

How to pass command-line arguments to a PowerShell ps1 file

You could declare your parameters in the file, like param:


And then call the PowerShell file like so .\temp.ps1 para1 para2....para10, etc.

How to get value of a div using javascript

DIVs do not have a value property.

Technically, according to the DTDs, they shouldn't have a value attribute either, but generally you'll want to use .getAttribute() in this case:

function overlay()
    var cookieValue = document.getElementById('demo').getAttribute('value');

Global npm install location on windows?

According to:

  • Local install (default): puts stuff in ./node_modules of the current package root.
  • Global install (with -g): puts stuff in /usr/local or wherever node is installed.
  • Install it locally if you're going to require() it.
  • Install it globally if you're going to run it on the command line. -> If you need both, then install it in both places, or use npm link.

prefix Configuration

The prefix config defaults to the location where node is installed. On most systems, this is /usr/local. On windows, this is the exact location of the node.exe binary.

The docs might be a little outdated, but they explain why global installs can end up in different directories:

(dev) go|c:\srv> npm config ls -l | grep prefix
; prefix = "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs" (overridden)
prefix = "C:\\Users\\bjorn\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm"

Based on the other answers, it may seem like the override is now the default location on Windows, and that I may have installed my office version prior to this override being implemented.

This also suggests a solution for getting all team members to have globals stored in the same absolute path relative to their PC, i.e. (run as Administrator):

mkdir %PROGRAMDATA%\npm
npm config set prefix %PROGRAMDATA%\npm

open a new cmd.exe window and reinstall all global packages.

Explanation (by lineno.):

  1. Create a folder in a sensible location to hold the globals (Microsoft is adamant that you shouldn't write to ProgramFiles, so %PROGRAMDATA% seems like the next logical place.
  2. The directory needs to be on the path, so use setx .. /M to set the system path (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). This is what requires you to run this in a shell with administrator permissions.
  3. Tell npm to use this new path. (Note: folder isn't visible in %PATH% in this shell, so you must open a new window).

Calculate percentage Javascript

function calculate() {_x000D_
    // amount_x000D_
        var salary = parseInt($('#salary').val());_x000D_
    // percent    _x000D_
        var incentive_rate = parseInt($('#incentive_rate').val());_x000D_
        var perc = "";_x000D_
        if (isNaN(salary) || isNaN(incentive_rate)) {_x000D_
            perc = " ";_x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
            perc =  (incentive_rate/100) * salary;_x000D_
        } $('#total_income').val(perc);_x000D_

Import a custom class in Java

First off, avoid using the default package.

Second of all, you don't need to import the class; it's in the same package.


This could also be a solution:

SET @row_number = 0;

    (@row_number:=@row_number + 1) AS num, firstName, lastName

1067 error on attempt to start MySQL

in my case innodb_data_home_dir was no longer correct because I had shuffled some drive letters around when I added a new drive to my system

What is the difference between RTP or RTSP in a streaming server?

AFAIK, RTSP does not transmit streams at all, it is just an out-of-band control protocol with functions like PLAY and STOP.

Raw UDP or RTP over UDP are transmission protocols for streams just like raw TCP or HTTP over TCP.

To be able to stream a certain program over the given transmission protocol, an encapsulation method has to be defined for your container format. For example TS container can be transmitted over UDP but Matroska can not.

Pretty much everything can be transported through TCP though.

(The fact that which codec do you use also matters indirectly as it restricts the container formats you can use.)

Pressed <button> selector

You could use :focus which will remain the style as long as the user doesn't click elsewhere.

button:active {
    border: 2px solid green;

button:focus {
    border: 2px solid red;

Insert into C# with SQLCommand

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) 
    using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) 
        command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO klant(klant_id,naam,voornaam) VALUES(@param1,@param2,@param3)";  

        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param1", klantId));  
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param2", klantNaam));  
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param3", klantVoornaam));  


Javascript split regex question

try this instead


Check if Internet Connection Exists with jQuery?

Sending XHR requests is bad because it could fail if that particular server is down. Instead, use googles API library to load their cached version(s) of jQuery.

You can use googles API to perform a callback after loading jQuery, and this will check if jQuery was loaded successfully. Something like the code below should work:

<script type="text/javascript">

    // Call this function when the page has been loaded
    function test_connection() {
            //jQuery WAS loaded.
        } else {
            //jQuery failed to load.  Grab the local copy.

The google API documentation can be found here.

HTML - Change\Update page contents without refreshing\reloading the page

You've got the right idea, so here's how to go ahead: the onclick handlers run on the client side, in the browser, so you cannot call a PHP function directly. Instead, you need to add a JavaScript function that (as you mentioned) uses AJAX to call a PHP script and retrieve the data. Using jQuery, you can do something like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function recp(id) {
  $('#myStyle').load('data.php?id=' + id);

<a href="#" onClick="recp('1')" > One   </a>
<a href="#" onClick="recp('2')" > Two   </a>
<a href="#" onClick="recp('3')" > Three </a>

<div id='myStyle'>

Then you put your PHP code into a separate file: (I've called it data.php in the above example)

  require ('myConnect.php');     
  $id = $_GET['id'];
  $results = mysql_query("SELECT para FROM content WHERE  para_ID='$id'");   
  if( mysql_num_rows($results) > 0 )
   $row = mysql_fetch_array( $results );
   echo $row['para'];

Using ping in c#

private void button26_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo proc = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
    proc.FileName = @"C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe";
    proc.Arguments = "/c ping -t " + tx1.Text + " ";

private void button27_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo proc = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
    proc.FileName = @"C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe";
    proc.Arguments = "/c ping  " + tx2.Text + " ";

Segmentation fault on large array sizes

You're probably just getting a stack overflow here. The array is too big to fit in your program's stack address space.

If you allocate the array on the heap you should be fine, assuming your machine has enough memory.

int* array = new int[1000000];

But remember that this will require you to delete[] the array. A better solution would be to use std::vector<int> and resize it to 1000000 elements.

Calling dynamic function with dynamic number of parameters

Now I'm using this:

Dialoglar.Confirm = function (_title, _question, callback_OK) {
    var confirmArguments = arguments;
        title: "<b>" + _title + "</b>",
        message: _question,
        buttons: {
            success: {
                label: "OK",
                className: "btn-success",
                callback: function () {
                    if (typeof(callback_OK) == "function") {                            callback_OK.apply(this,, 3));
            danger: {
                label: "Cancel",
                className: "btn-danger",
                callback: function () {

What's the best practice using a settings file in Python?

You can have a regular Python module, say, like this:

truck = dict(
    color = 'blue',
    brand = 'ford',
city = 'new york'
cabriolet = dict(
    color = 'black',
    engine = dict(
        cylinders = 8,
        placement = 'mid',
    doors = 2,

and use it like this:

import config

How to wait in bash for several subprocesses to finish and return exit code !=0 when any subprocess ends with code !=0?

Exactly for this purpose I wrote a bash function called :for.

Note: :for not only preserves and returns the exit code of the failing function, but also terminates all parallel running instance. Which might not be needed in this case.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Wait for pids to terminate. If one pid exits with
# a non zero exit code, send the TERM signal to all
# processes and retain that exit code
# usage:
# :wait 123 32
function :wait(){
    local pids=("$@")
    [ ${#pids} -eq 0 ] && return $?

    trap 'kill -INT "${pids[@]}" &>/dev/null || true; trap - INT' INT
    trap 'kill -TERM "${pids[@]}" &>/dev/null || true; trap - RETURN TERM' RETURN TERM

    for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do
        wait "${pid}" || return $?

    trap - INT RETURN TERM

# Run a function in parallel for each argument.
# Stop all instances if one exits with a non zero
# exit code
# usage:
# :for func 1 2 3
# env:
# FOR_PARALLEL: Max functions running in parallel
function :for(){
    local f="${1}" && shift

    local i=0
    local pids=()
    for arg in "$@"; do
        ( ${f} "${arg}" ) &
        if [ ! -z ${FOR_PARALLEL+x} ]; then
            (( i=(i+1)%${FOR_PARALLEL} ))
            if (( i==0 )) ;then
                :wait "${pids[@]}" || return $?
    done && [ ${#pids} -eq 0 ] || :wait "${pids[@]}" || return $?


#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

# import :for from gist:
# if you don't like curl imports, source the actual file here.
source <(curl -Ls

msg="You should see this three times"

  i="${1}" && shift

  echo "${msg}"

  sleep 1
  if   [ "$i" == "1" ]; then sleep 1
  elif [ "$i" == "2" ]; then false
  elif [ "$i" == "3" ]; then
    sleep 3
    echo "You should never see this"
} && :for : 1 2 3 || exit $?

echo "You should never see this"
$ ./; echo $?
You should see this three times
You should see this three times
You should see this three times


How do I request and receive user input in a .bat and use it to run a certain program?

If the input is, say, N, your IF lines evaluate like this:

If N=="y" goto yes 
If N=="n" goto no

That is, you are comparing N with "y", then "n" etc. including "N". You are never going to get a match unless the user somehow decides to input "N" or "y" (i.e. either of the four characters, but enclosed in double quotes).

So you need either to remove " from around y, n, Y and N or put them around %INPUT% in your conditional statements. I would recommend the latter, because that way you would be escaping at least some of the characters that have special meaning in batch scripts (if the user managed to type them in). So, this is what you should get:

If "%INPUT%"=="y" goto yes 
If "%INPUT%"=="n" goto no
If "%INPUT%"=="Y" goto yes
If "%INPUT%"=="N" goto no

By the way, you could reduce the number of conditions by applying the /I switch to the IF statement, like this:

If /I "%INPUT%"=="y" goto yes 
If /I "%INPUT%"=="n" goto no

The /I switch makes the comparisons case-insensitive, and so you don't need separate checks for different-case strings.

One other issue is that, after the development mode command is executed, there's no jumping over the other command, and so, if the user agrees to run Java in the development mode, he'll get it run both in the development mode and the non-development mode. So maybe you need to add something like this to your script:

java -jar lib/RSBot-4030.jar -dev
echo Starting RSbot in developer mode
goto cont
java -jar lib/RSBot-4030.jar
echo Starting RSbot in regular mode

Finally, to address the issue of processing incorrect input, you could simply add another (unconditional) goto command just after the conditional statements, just before the yes label, namely goto Ask, to return to the beginning of your script where the prompt is displayed and the input is requested, or you could also add another ECHO command before the jump, explaining that the input was incorrect, something like this:

@echo off
echo Would you like to use developer mode?(Y/N)
set INPUT=
set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
If /I "%INPUT%"=="y" goto yes 
If /I "%INPUT%"=="n" goto no
echo Incorrect input & goto Ask

Note: Some of the issues mentioned here have also been addressed by @xmjx in their answer, which I fully acknowledge.

Basic Authentication Using JavaScript

EncodedParams variable is redefined as params variable will not work. You need to have same predefined call to variable, otherwise it looks possible with a little more work. Cheers! json is not used to its full capabilities in php there are better ways to call json which I don't recall at the moment.

Set a border around a StackPanel.

What about this one :

<DockPanel Margin="8">
    <Border CornerRadius="6" BorderBrush="Gray" Background="LightGray" BorderThickness="2" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <TextBlock FontSize="14" Padding="0 0 8 0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">Search:</TextBlock>
            <TextBox x:Name="txtSearchTerm" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
            <Image Source="lock.png" Width="32" Height="32" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />            
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Height="25" />

Run an Ansible task only when the variable contains a specific string

From Ansible 2.5

when: variable1 is search("value")

Excel to CSV with UTF8 encoding

Easy way to do it: download open office (here), load the spreadsheet and open the excel file (.xls or .xlsx). Then just save it as a text CSV file and a window opens asking to keep the current format or to save as a .ODF format. select "keep the current format" and in the new window select the option that works better for you, according with the language that your file is been written on. For Spanish language select Western Europe (Windows-1252/ WinLatin 1) and the file works just fine. If you select Unicode (UTF-8), it is not going to work with the spanish characters.

How to call Oracle MD5 hash function?

I would do:

select DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH(rawtohex('foo') ,2) from dual;



Import/Index a JSON file into Elasticsearch

I wrote some code to expose the Elasticsearch API via a Filesystem API.

It is good idea for clear export/import of data for example.

I created prototype elasticdriver. It is based on FUSE


How can I install MacVim on OS X?

That Macvim is obsolete. Use instead

See the FAQ ( for how to install the mvim script for launching from the command line

changing textbox border colour using javascript

Use CSS styles with CSS Classes instead


.error {
  border:2px solid red;

Now in Javascript

document.getElementById("fName").className = document.getElementById("fName").className + " error";  // this adds the error class

document.getElementById("fName").className = document.getElementById("fName").className.replace(" error", ""); // this removes the error class

The main reason I mention this is suppose you want to change the color of the errored element's border. If you choose your way you will may need to modify many places in code. If you choose my way you can simply edit the style sheet.

C++ inheritance - inaccessible base?

You have to do this:

class Bar : public Foo
    // ...

The default inheritance type of a class in C++ is private, so any public and protected members from the base class are limited to private. struct inheritance on the other hand is public by default.

What is a method group in C#?

A method group is the name for a set of methods (that might be just one) - i.e. in theory the ToString method may have multiple overloads (plus any extension methods): ToString(), ToString(string format), etc - hence ToString by itself is a "method group".

It can usually convert a method group to a (typed) delegate by using overload resolution - but not to a string etc; it doesn't make sense.

Once you add parentheses, again; overload resolution kicks in and you have unambiguously identified a method call.

Android: TextView: Remove spacing and padding on top and bottom

I remove the spacing in my custom view -- NoPaddingTextView.

enter image description here

package com.linsh.nopaddingtextview;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.widget.TextView;

 * Created by Senh Linsh on 17/3/27.

public class NoPaddingTextView extends TextView {

    private int mAdditionalPadding;

    public NoPaddingTextView(Context context) {

    public NoPaddingTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    private void init() {

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        int yOff = -mAdditionalPadding / 6;
        canvas.translate(0, yOff);

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {

        int mode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
        if (mode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
            int measureHeight = measureHeight(getText().toString(), widthMeasureSpec);

            int height = measureHeight - mAdditionalPadding;
            height += getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
            heightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
        super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

    private int measureHeight(String text, int widthMeasureSpec) {
        float textSize = getTextSize();

        TextView textView = new TextView(getContext());
        textView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, textSize);
        textView.measure(widthMeasureSpec, 0);
        return textView.getMeasuredHeight();

    private int getAdditionalPadding() {
        float textSize = getTextSize();

        TextView textView = new TextView(getContext());
        textView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, textSize);
        textView.measure(0, 0);
        int measuredHeight = textView.getMeasuredHeight();
        if (measuredHeight - textSize > 0) {
            mAdditionalPadding = (int) (measuredHeight - textSize);
            Log.v("NoPaddingTextView", "onMeasure: height=" + measuredHeight + " textSize=" + textSize + " mAdditionalPadding=" + mAdditionalPadding);
        return mAdditionalPadding;

Detecting iOS orientation change instantly

For my case handling UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification was not good solution as it is called more frequent and UIDeviceOrientation is not always equal to UIInterfaceOrientation because of (FaceDown, FaceUp).

I handle it using UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientationNotification:

//To add the notification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didChangeOrientation:)

//to remove the
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]removeObserver:self name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object:nil];


- (void)didChangeOrientation:(NSNotification *)notification
    UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation;

    if (UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape(orientation)) {
    else {

Does "\d" in regex mean a digit?

In Python-style regex, \d matches any individual digit. If you're seeing something that doesn't seem to do that, please provide the full regex you're using, as opposed to just describing that one particular symbol.

>>> import re
>>> re.match(r'\d', '3')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x02155B80>
>>> re.match(r'\d', '2')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x02155BB8>
>>> re.match(r'\d', '1')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x02155B80>

Error: Argument is not a function, got undefined

There appear to be many working solutions suggesting the error has many actual causes.

In my case I hadn't declared the controller in app/index.html:

<scipt src="src/controllers/controller-name.controller.js"></script>

Error gone.

Representing EOF in C code?

EOF is not a character (in most modern operating systems). It is simply a condition that applies to a file stream when the end of the stream is reached. The confusion arises because a user may signal EOF for console input by typing a special character (e.g Control-D in Unix, Linux, et al), but this character is not seen by the running program, it is caught by the operating system which in turn signals EOF to the process.

Note: in some very old operating systems EOF was a character, e.g. Control-Z in CP/M, but this was a crude hack to avoid the overhead of maintaining actual file lengths in file system directories.