Programs & Examples On #Maxreceivedmessagesize

WCF error - There was no endpoint listening at

I had the same issue. For me I noticed that the https is using another Certificate which was invalid in terms of expiration date. Not sure why it happened. I changed the Https port number and a new self signed cert. WCFtestClinet could connect to the server via HTTPS!

Content Type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service

I too had the same error in trace logs. My newly created function in API was throwing the same error but to my surprise, the old functions were performing good. The issue was - My contract data members had few variables of type object. soap-xml was not able to handle it well, however, I can see that array of object types (object[]) were getting passed without any issues. Only a simple object type was not getting parsed by soap. This could be one more reason why the services throw the above error.

maxReceivedMessageSize and maxBufferSize in app.config

If you are using a custom binding, you can set the values like this:

    <binding name="x">
        <httpsTransport maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" />

how to increase MaxReceivedMessageSize when calling a WCF from C#

Change the customBinding in the web.config to use larger defaults. I picked 2MB as it is a reasonable size. Of course setting it to 2GB (as your code suggests) will work but it does leave you more vulnerable to attacks. Pick a size that is larger than your largest request but isn't overly large.

Check this : Using Large Message Requests in Silverlight with WCF

       <behavior name="TestLargeWCF.Web.MyServiceBehavior">
         <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
         <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"/>
       <binding name="customBinding0">
         <binaryMessageEncoding />
         <!-- Start change -->
         <httpTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2097152"
         <!-- Stop change -->
   <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>
     <service behaviorConfiguration="Web.MyServiceBehavior" name="TestLargeWCF.Web.MyService">
       <endpoint address=""
       <endpoint address="mex"

WCF service maxReceivedMessageSize basicHttpBinding issue

Removing the name from your binding will make it apply to all endpoints, and should produce the desired results. As so:

  <service name="Service.IService">
    <clear />
    <endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="Service.IService" />
    <binding maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
      <readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="2147483647"
        maxArrayLength="16348" maxBytesPerRead="4096" maxNameTableCharCount="16384" />
    <binding maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" />

Also note that I removed the bindingConfiguration attribute from the endpoint node. Otherwise you would get an exception.

This same solution was found here : Problem with large requests in WCF

This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol

I've had this same error and the problem was serialization. I managed to find the real problem using Service Trace Viewer and solved it easy. Maybe this will help someone.

The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded

For me, the settings in web.config / app.config were ignored. I ended up creating my binding manually, which solved the issue for me:

var httpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding()
    MaxBufferPoolSize = Int32.MaxValue,
    MaxBufferSize = Int32.MaxValue,
    MaxReceivedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue,
    ReaderQuotas = new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas()
        MaxArrayLength = 200000000,
        MaxDepth = 32,
        MaxStringContentLength = 200000000

WCF Service Client: The content type text/html; charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding

I had a similar issue. I resolved it by changing




and also changed my URL to use https:// instead of http://.

Also in <endpoint> node, change




This worked.

WCF change endpoint address at runtime


    <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" 
    name="LisansSoap" />


 Lisans.LisansSoapClient test = new LisansSoapClient("LisansSoap",


The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm' The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM'

Visual Studio 2005

  1. Create a new console application project in Visual Studio
  2. Add a "Web Reference" to the Lists.asmx web service.
    • Your URL will probably look like: http://servername/sites/SiteCollection/SubSite/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx
    • I named my web reference: ListsWebService
  3. Write the code in program.cs (I have an Issues list here)

Here is the code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;

namespace WebServicesConsoleApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
                ListsWebService.Lists listsWebSvc = new WebServicesConsoleApp.ListsWebService.Lists();
                listsWebSvc.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
                listsWebSvc.Url = "http://servername/sites/SiteCollection/SubSite/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx";
                XmlNode node = listsWebSvc.GetList("Issues");
            catch (Exception ex)

Visual Studio 2008

  1. Create a new console application project in Visual Studio
  2. Right click on References and Add Service Reference
  3. Put in the URL to the Lists.asmx service on your server
    • Ex: http://servername/sites/SiteCollection/SubSite/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx
  4. Click Go
  5. Click OK
  6. Make the following code changes:

Change your app.config file from:

<security mode="None">
    <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None"
        realm="" />
    <message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" />


<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
  <transport clientCredentialType="Ntlm"/>

Change your program.cs file and add the following code to your Main function:

ListsSoapClient client = new ListsSoapClient();
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
XmlElement listCollection = client.GetListCollection();

Add the using statements:

using [your app name].ServiceReference1;
using System.Xml;


WCF Service , how to increase the timeout?

The best way is to change any setting you want in your code.

Check out the below example:

using(WCFServiceClient client = new WCFServiceClient ())
    client.Endpoint.Binding.SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 30);

WCF gives an unsecured or incorrectly secured fault error

In my case, it was a setting on the IIS application pool.

Select the application pool --> Advanced Settings --> Set 'Enable 32 Bit Applications' to True.

Then recycle the application pool.

WCFTestClient The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'

Here's what I had to do to get this working. This means:

  1. Custom UserNamePasswordValidator (no need for a Windows account, SQLServer or ActiveDirectory -- your UserNamePasswordValidator could have username & password hardcoded, or read it from a text file, MySQL or whatever).
  2. https
  3. IIS7
  4. .net 4.0

My site is managed through DotNetPanel. It has 3 security options for virtual directories:

  1. Allow Anonymous Access
  2. Enable Basic Authentication
  3. Enable Integrated Windows Authentication

Only "Allow Anonymous Access" is needed (although, that, by itself wasn't enough).


proxy.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel =  System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;

Didn't make a difference in my case.

However, using this binding worked:

      <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
        <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />
        <message clientCredentialType="UserName" />

WCF timeout exception detailed investigation

I'm having a very similar problem. In the past, this has been related to serialization problems. If you are still having this problem, can you verify that you can correctly serialize the objects you are returning. Specifically, if you are using Linq-To-Sql objects that have relationships, there are known serialization problems if you put a back reference on a child object to the parent object and mark that back reference as a DataMember.

You can verify serialization by writing a console app that serializes and deserializes your objects using the DataContractSerializer on the server side and whatever serialization methods your client uses. For example, in our current application, we have both WPF and Compact Framework clients. I wrote a console app to verify that I can serialize using a DataContractSerializer and deserialize using an XmlDesserializer. You might try that.

Also, if you are returning Linq-To-Sql objects that have child collections, you might try to ensure that you have eagerly loaded them on the server side. Sometimes, because of lazy loading, the objects being returned are not populated and may cause the behavior you are seeing where the request is sent to the service method multiple times.

If you have solved this problem, I'd love to hear how because I'm stuck with it too. I have verified that my issue is not serialization so I'm at a loss.

UPDATE: I'm not sure if it will help you any but the Service Trace Viewer Tool just solved my problem after 5 days of very similar experience to yours. By setting up tracing and then looking at the raw XML, I found the exceptions that were causing my serialization problems. It was related to Linq-to-SQL objects that occasionally had more child objects than could be successfully serialized. Adding the following to your web.config file should enable tracing:

    <add name="sharedListener"
         initializeData="c:\Temp\servicetrace.svclog" />
    <source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Verbose, ActivityTracing" >
        <add name="sharedListener" />
    <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging" switchValue="Verbose">
        <add name="sharedListener" />

The resulting file can be opened with the Service Trace Viewer Tool or just in IE to examine the results.

WCF - How to Increase Message Size Quota

I solve the problem follows

    <binding name="ECMSBindingConfig" closeTimeout="00:10:00" openTimeout="00:10:00"
      sendTimeout="00:10:00" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxBufferSize="2147483647"
      maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" portSharingEnabled="true">
      <readerQuotas maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647"
          maxStringContentLength="2147483647" maxDepth="2147483647"
          maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" />
      <security mode="None" />
    <behavior name="ECMSServiceBehavior">
      <dataContractSerializer ignoreExtensionDataObject="true" maxItemsInObjectGraph="2147483647" />
      <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
      <serviceTimeouts transactionTimeout="00:10:00" />
      <serviceThrottling maxConcurrentCalls="200" maxConcurrentSessions="100"
        maxConcurrentInstances="100" />

How to fix "could not find a base address that matches schema http"... in WCF

Only the first base address in the list will be taken over (coming from IIS). You can't have multiple base addresses per scheme prior to .NET4.

Large WCF web service request failing with (400) HTTP Bad Request

Try setting maxReceivedMessageSize on the server too, e.g. to 4MB:

    <binding name="MyService.MyServiceBinding" 

The main reason the default (65535 I believe) is so low is to reduce the risk of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. You need to set it bigger than the maximum request size on the server, and the maximum response size on the client. If you're in an Intranet environment, the risk of DoS attacks is probably low, so it's probably safe to use a value much higher than you expect to need.

By the way a couple of tips for troubleshooting problems connecting to WCF services:

  • Enable tracing on the server as described in this MSDN article.

  • Use an HTTP debugging tool such as Fiddler on the client to inspect the HTTP traffic.

WCF Error - Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'UserService.UserService'

Change the web.config of WCF service as "endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding"..." (previously binding="wsHttpBinding")After build the app, in "ServiceReferences.ClientConfig" ""configuration> has the value. Then it will work fine.

https with WCF error: "Could not find base address that matches scheme https"

In my case i am setting security mode to "TransportCredentialOnly" instead of "Transport" in binding. Changing it resolved the issue

    <binding name="webHttpSecure">
      <security mode="Transport">
        <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" ></transport>

AngularJS routing without the hash '#'

If you enabled html5mode as others have said, and create an .htaccess file with the following contents (adjust for your needs):

RewriteEngine   On
RewriteBase     /
RewriteCond     %{REQUEST_URI} !^(/index\.php|/img|/js|/css|/robots\.txt|/favicon\.ico)
RewriteCond     %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond     %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule     ./index.html [L]

Users will be directed to the your app when they enter a proper route, and your app will read the route and bring them to the correct "page" within it.

EDIT: Just make sure not to have any file or directory names conflict with your routes.

Calling Javascript function from server side

You can call the function from code behind like this :


protected void MyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myScript", "AnotherFunction();", true);


<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>My Page</title>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function Test() {
    function AnotherFunction()
        alert("This is another function");
<form id="form2" runat="server">
            <asp:RadioButtonList ID="SearchCategory" runat="server" onchange="Test()"  RepeatDirection="Horizontal"  BorderStyle="Solid">
    <tr id="ButtonRow"style="display:none">
            <asp:Button ID="MyButton" runat="server" Text="Click Here" OnClick="MyButton_Click" />

Right way to reverse a pandas DataFrame?

One way to do this if dealing with sorted range index is:

data = data.sort_index(ascending=False)

This approach has the benefits of (1) being a single line, (2) not requiring a utility function, and most importantly (3) not actually changing any of the data in the dataframe.

Caveat: this works by sorting the index in descending order and so may not always be appropriate or generalize for any given Dataframe.

How to convert an NSString into an NSNumber

Use an NSNumberFormatter:

NSNumberFormatter *f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
f.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
NSNumber *myNumber = [f numberFromString:@"42"];

If the string is not a valid number, then myNumber will be nil. If it is a valid number, then you now have all of the NSNumber goodness to figure out what kind of number it actually is.

Retrofit 2 - URL Query Parameter

If you specify @GET("foobar?a=5"), then any @Query("b") must be appended using &, producing something like foobar?a=5&b=7.

If you specify @GET("foobar"), then the first @Query must be appended using ?, producing something like foobar?b=7.

That's how Retrofit works.

When you specify @GET("foobar?"), Retrofit thinks you already gave some query parameter, and appends more query parameters using &.

Remove the ?, and you will get the desired result.

What are all codecs and formats supported by FFmpeg?

Codecs proper:

ffmpeg -codecs


ffmpeg -formats

100% Min Height CSS layout

I agree with Levik as the parent container is set to 100% if you have sidebars and want them to fill the space to meet up with the footer you cannot set them to 100% because they will be 100 percent of the parent height as well which means that the footer ends up getting pushed down when using the clear function.

Think of it this way if your header is say 50px height and your footer is 50px height and the content is just autofitted to the remaining space say 100px for example and the page container is 100% of this value its height will be 200px. Then when you set the sidebar height to 100% it is then 200px even though it is supposed to fit snug in between the header and footer. Instead it ends up being 50px + 200px + 50px so the page is now 300px because the sidebars are set to the same height as the page container. There will be a big white space in the contents of the page.

I am using internet Explorer 9 and this is what I am getting as the effect when using this 100% method. I havent tried it in other browsers and I assume that it may work in some of the other options. but it will not be universal.

Creating pdf files at runtime in c#

How about iTextSharp?

iText is a PDF (among others) generation library that is also ported (and kept in sync) to C#.

Uninstall old versions of Ruby gems

bundler clean

Stopped the message showing for me, as a last step after I tried all of the above.

String parsing in Java with delimiter tab "\t" using split

Well nobody answered - which is in part the fault of the question : the input string contains eleven fields (this much can be inferred) but how many tabs ? Most possibly exactly 10. Then the answer is

String s = "\t2\t\t4\t5\t6\t\t8\t\t10\t";
String[] fields = s.split("\t", -1);  // in your case s.split("\t", 11) might also do
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
    if ("".equals(fields[i])) fields[i] = null;
// [null, 2, null, 4, 5, 6, null, 8, null, 10, null]
// with s.split("\t") : [null, 2, null, 4, 5, 6, null, 8, null, 10]

If the fields happen to contain tabs this won't work as expected, of course.
The -1 means : apply the pattern as many times as needed - so trailing fields (the 11th) will be preserved (as empty strings ("") if absent, which need to be turned to null explicitly).

If on the other hand there are no tabs for the missing fields - so "5\t6" is a valid input string containing the fields 5,6 only - there is no way to get the fields[] via split.

How can I align two divs horizontally?

Add a class to each of the divs:

.source, .destination {_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    width: 48%;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
.source {_x000D_
    margin-right: 4%;_x000D_
<div class="source">_x000D_
    <span>source list</span>_x000D_
    <select size="10">_x000D_
        <option />_x000D_
        <option />_x000D_
        <option />_x000D_
<div class="destination">_x000D_
    <span>destination list</span>_x000D_
    <select size="10">_x000D_
        <option />_x000D_
        <option />_x000D_
        <option />_x000D_

That's a generic percentages solution - using pixel-based widths is usually much more reliable. You'll probably want to change the various margin/padding sizes too.

You can also optionally wrap the HTML in a container div, and use this CSS:

.container {
  overflow: hidden;

This will ensure subsequent content does not wrap around the floated elements.

How to convert a Java 8 Stream to an Array?

You can create a custom collector that convert a stream to array.

public static <T> Collector<T, ?, T[]> toArray( IntFunction<T[]> converter )
    return Collectors.collectingAndThen( 
                  list ->list.toArray( converter.apply( list.size() ) ) );

and a quick use

List<String> input = Arrays.asList( ..... );

String[] result =
         .collect( CustomCollectors.**toArray**( String[]::new ) );

Solr vs. ElasticSearch

Add an nested document in solr very complex and nested data search also very complex. but Elastic Search easy to add nested document and search

Fragment transaction animation: slide in and slide out


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
        android:toYDelta="100%p" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">
        android:toYDelta="0%p" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="">

direction = down

                    .setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_out_down, R.anim.slide_in_down)
                    .replace(, new CardFrontFragment())

direction = up

                    .setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_up, R.anim.slide_out_up)
                    .replace(, new CardFrontFragment())

Typescript: difference between String and string

For quick readers:

Don’t ever use the types Number, String, Boolean, Symbol, or Object These types refer to non-primitive boxed objects that are almost never used appropriately in JavaScript code.


postgresql sequence nextval in schema

The quoting rules are painful. I think you want:

SELECT nextval('foo."SQ_ID"');

to prevent case-folding of SQ_ID.

Cast received object to a List<object> or IEnumerable<object>

You can't cast an IEnumerable<T> to a List<T>.

But you can accomplish this using LINQ:

var result = ((IEnumerable)myObject).Cast<object>().ToList();

CardView background color always white

If you want to change the card background color, use:


like this:



Edit: As pointed by @imposible, you need to include


in your root XML tag in order to make this snippet function

SQL Select between dates

SQLLite requires dates to be in YYYY-MM-DD format. Since the data in your database and the string in your query isn't in that format, it is probably treating your "dates" as strings.

Start and stop a timer PHP

Use the microtime function. The documentation includes example code.

curl -GET and -X GET

-X [your method]
X lets you override the default 'Get'

** corrected lowercase x to uppercase X

Can someone explain mappedBy in JPA and Hibernate?

mappedby speaks for itself, it tells hibernate not to map this field. it's already mapped by this field [name="field"].
field is in the other entity (name of the variable in the class not the table in the database)..

If you don't do that, hibernate will map this two relation as it's not the same relation

so we need to tell hibernate to do the mapping in one side only and co-ordinate between them.

VBA Count cells in column containing specified value

This isn't exactly what you are looking for but here is how I've approached this problem in the past;

You can enter a formula like;


...into a cell. This will count the Number of cells between A1 and A10 that contain the text "Green". You can then select this cell value in a VBA Macro and assign it to a variable as normal.

How to embed fonts in CSS?

Try this link1,link2

@font-face {
        font-family: 'RieslingRegular';
        src: url('fonts/riesling.eot');
        src: local('Riesling Regular'), local('Riesling'), url('fonts/riesling.ttf')                       format('truetype');

How to convert a String into an ArrayList?

In Java 9, using List#of, which is an Immutable List Static Factory Methods, become more simpler.

 String s = "a,b,c,d,e,.........";
 List<String> lst = List.of(s.split(","));

Image comparison - fast algorithm

I believe that dropping the size of the image down to an almost icon size, say 48x48, then converting to greyscale, then taking the difference between pixels, or Delta, should work well. Because we're comparing the change in pixel color, rather than the actual pixel color, it won't matter if the image is slightly lighter or darker. Large changes will matter since pixels getting too light/dark will be lost. You can apply this across one row, or as many as you like to increase the accuracy. At most you'd have 47x47=2,209 subtractions to make in order to form a comparable Key.

git pull displays "fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/xxxx" and hangs up

To pull a remote branch locally, I do the following:

git checkout -b branchname // creates a local branch with the same name and checks out on it

git pull origin branchname // pulls the remote one onto your local one

The only time I did this and it didn't work, I deleted the repo, cloned it again and repeated the above 2 steps; it worked.

Simplest way to merge ES6 Maps/Sets?

Based off of Asaf Katz's answer, here's a typescript version:

export function union<T> (...iterables: Array<Set<T>>): Set<T> {
  const set = new Set<T>()
  iterables.forEach(iterable => {
    iterable.forEach(item => set.add(item))
  return set

HTML5 Canvas Rotate Image

The other solution works great for square images. Here is a solution that will work for an image of any dimension. The canvas will always fit the image rather than the other solution which may cause portions of the image to be cropped off.

var canvas;

var angleInDegrees=0;

var image=document.createElement("img");


    angleInDegrees+=90 % 360;

    if(angleInDegrees == 0)
        angleInDegrees = 270;
        angleInDegrees-=90 % 360;

function drawRotated(degrees){
    if(canvas) document.body.removeChild(canvas);

    canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");"20%";

    if(degrees == 90 || degrees == 270) {
        canvas.width = image.height;
        canvas.height = image.width;
    } else {
        canvas.width = image.width;
        canvas.height = image.height;

    if(degrees == 90 || degrees == 270) {
    } else {


regular expression: match any word until first space

for the entire line


HTML email with Javascript

What you are trying to achieve should be done in the web browser because javascript simply doesn't work with html email design. The various email clients that are out there e.g. gmail, outlook, yahoo strip scripts put of the code for security reasons.

It is best to just use HTML and CSS to style your emails. Maybe you could have a call to action (cta) in your html email that sends the user to a web page with your expanding and collapsing content feature.

'Syntax Error: invalid syntax' for no apparent reason

I encountered a similar problem, with a syntax error that I knew should not be a syntax error. In my case it turned out that a Python 2 interpreter was trying to run Python 3 code, or vice versa; I think that my shell had a PYTHONPATH with a mixture of Python 2 and Python 3.

SQL Server® 2016, 2017 and 2019 Express full download

Scott Hanselman put together a great summary page with all of the various SQL downloads here

For offline installers, see this answer

How can I get npm start at a different directory?

Per this npm issue list, one work around could be done through npm config

name: 'foo'
config: { path: "baz" },
scripts: { start: "node ./$npm_package_config_path" }

Under windows, the scripts could be { start: "node ./%npm_package_config_path%" }

Then run the command line as below

npm start --foo:path=myapp

Twitter Bootstrap Multilevel Dropdown Menu

I was able to fix the sub-menu's always pinning to the top of the parent menu from Andres's answer with the following addition:

.dropdown-menu li {
    position: relative;

I also add an icon "icon-chevron-right" on items which contain menu sub-menus, and change the icon from black to white on hover (to compliment the text changing to white and look better with the selected blue background).

Here is the full less/css change (replace the above with this):

.dropdown-menu li {
    position: relative;

    [class^="icon-"] {
        float: right;

    &:hover {
        // Switch to white icons on hover
        [class^="icon-"] {
            background-image: url("../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png");

Download the Android SDK components for offline install

I know this topic is a bit old, but after struggling and waiting a lot to download, Ive changed my DNS settings to use google's one ( and and it worked!!

My connection is 30mbps from Brazil (Virtua), using isp's provider I was getting 80KB/s and after changing to google dns, I got 2MB/s average.

laravel Unable to prepare route ... for serialization. Uses Closure

This is definitely a bug.Laravel offers predefined code in routes/api.php

Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) { 
     return $request->user(); 

which is unabled to be processed by:

php artisan route:cache

This definitely should be fixed by Laravel team.(check the link),

simply if you want to fix it you should replace routes\api.php code with some thing like :

Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', 'UserController@AuthRouteAPI');

and in UserController put this method:

 public function AuthRouteAPI(Request $request){
    return $request->user();

html5 localStorage error with Safari: "QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: DOM Exception 22: An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota."

It seems that Safari 11 changes the behavior, and now local storage works in a private browser window. Hooray!

Our web app that used to fail in Safari private browsing now works flawlessly. It always worked fine in Chrome's private browsing mode, which has always allowed writing to local storage.

This is documented in Apple's Safari Technology Preview release notes - and the WebKit release notes - for release 29, which was in May 2017.


  • Fixed QuotaExceededError when saving to localStorage in private browsing mode or WebDriver sessions - r215315

Location of sqlite database on the device

If your application creates a database, this database is by default saved in the directory DATA/data/APP_NAME/databases/FILENAME.

The parts of the above directory are constructed based on the following rules. DATA is the path which the Environment.getDataDirectory() method returns. APP_NAME is your application name. FILENAME is the name you specify in your application code for the database.

UILabel - auto-size label to fit text?

Use [label sizeToFit]; to adjust the text in UILabel

Insert new column into table in sqlite?

SQLite has limited ALTER TABLE support that you can use to add a column to the end of a table or to change the name of a table.

If you want to make more complex changes in the structure of a table, you will have to recreate the table. You can save existing data to a temporary table, drop the old table, create the new table, then copy the data back in from the temporary table.

For example, suppose you have a table named "t1" with columns names "a" and "c" and that you want to insert column "b" from this table. The following steps illustrate how this could be done:

INSERT INTO t1_backup SELECT a,c FROM t1;
CREATE TABLE t1(a,b, c);
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a,c FROM t1_backup;
DROP TABLE t1_backup;

Now you are ready to insert your new data like so:

UPDATE t1 SET b='blah' WHERE a='key'

Simple way to encode a string according to a password?

Python has no built-in encryption schemes, no. You also should take encrypted data storage serious; trivial encryption schemes that one developer understands to be insecure and a toy scheme may well be mistaken for a secure scheme by a less experienced developer. If you encrypt, encrypt properly.

You don’t need to do much work to implement a proper encryption scheme however. First of all, don’t re-invent the cryptography wheel, use a trusted cryptography library to handle this for you. For Python 3, that trusted library is cryptography.

I also recommend that encryption and decryption applies to bytes; encode text messages to bytes first; stringvalue.encode() encodes to UTF8, easily reverted again using bytesvalue.decode().

Last but not least, when encrypting and decrypting, we talk about keys, not passwords. A key should not be human memorable, it is something you store in a secret location but machine readable, whereas a password often can be human-readable and memorised. You can derive a key from a password, with a little care.

But for a web application or process running in a cluster without human attention to keep running it, you want to use a key. Passwords are for when only an end-user needs access to the specific information. Even then, you usually secure the application with a password, then exchange encrypted information using a key, perhaps one attached to the user account.

Symmetric key encryption

Fernet – AES CBC + HMAC, strongly recommended

The cryptography library includes the Fernet recipe, a best-practices recipe for using cryptography. Fernet is an open standard, with ready implementations in a wide range of programming languages and it packages AES CBC encryption for you with version information, a timestamp and an HMAC signature to prevent message tampering.

Fernet makes it very easy to encrypt and decrypt messages and keep you secure. It is the ideal method for encrypting data with a secret.

I recommend you use Fernet.generate_key() to generate a secure key. You can use a password too (next section), but a full 32-byte secret key (16 bytes to encrypt with, plus another 16 for the signature) is going to be more secure than most passwords you could think of.

The key that Fernet generates is a bytes object with URL and file safe base64 characters, so printable:

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

key = Fernet.generate_key()  # store in a secure location
print("Key:", key.decode())

To encrypt or decrypt messages, create a Fernet() instance with the given key, and call the Fernet.encrypt() or Fernet.decrypt(), both the plaintext message to encrypt and the encrypted token are bytes objects.

encrypt() and decrypt() functions would look like:

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

def encrypt(message: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes:
    return Fernet(key).encrypt(message)

def decrypt(token: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes:
    return Fernet(key).decrypt(token)


>>> key = Fernet.generate_key()
>>> print(key.decode())
>>> message = 'John Doe'
>>> encrypt(message.encode(), key)
>>> token = _
>>> decrypt(token, key).decode()
'John Doe'

Fernet with password – key derived from password, weakens the security somewhat

You can use a password instead of a secret key, provided you use a strong key derivation method. You do then have to include the salt and the HMAC iteration count in the message, so the encrypted value is not Fernet-compatible anymore without first separating salt, count and Fernet token:

import secrets
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode as b64e, urlsafe_b64decode as b64d

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC

backend = default_backend()
iterations = 100_000

def _derive_key(password: bytes, salt: bytes, iterations: int = iterations) -> bytes:
    """Derive a secret key from a given password and salt"""
    kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(
        algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), length=32, salt=salt,
        iterations=iterations, backend=backend)
    return b64e(kdf.derive(password))

def password_encrypt(message: bytes, password: str, iterations: int = iterations) -> bytes:
    salt = secrets.token_bytes(16)
    key = _derive_key(password.encode(), salt, iterations)
    return b64e(
        b'%b%b%b' % (
            iterations.to_bytes(4, 'big'),

def password_decrypt(token: bytes, password: str) -> bytes:
    decoded = b64d(token)
    salt, iter, token = decoded[:16], decoded[16:20], b64e(decoded[20:])
    iterations = int.from_bytes(iter, 'big')
    key = _derive_key(password.encode(), salt, iterations)
    return Fernet(key).decrypt(token)


>>> message = 'John Doe'
>>> password = 'mypass'
>>> password_encrypt(message.encode(), password)
>>> token = _
>>> password_decrypt(token, password).decode()
'John Doe'

Including the salt in the output makes it possible to use a random salt value, which in turn ensures the encrypted output is guaranteed to be fully random regardless of password reuse or message repetition. Including the iteration count ensures that you can adjust for CPU performance increases over time without losing the ability to decrypt older messages.

A password alone can be as safe as a Fernet 32-byte random key, provided you generate a properly random password from a similar size pool. 32 bytes gives you 256 ^ 32 number of keys, so if you use an alphabet of 74 characters (26 upper, 26 lower, 10 digits and 12 possible symbols), then your password should be at least math.ceil(math.log(256 ** 32, 74)) == 42 characters long. However, a well-selected larger number of HMAC iterations can mitigate the lack of entropy somewhat as this makes it much more expensive for an attacker to brute force their way in.

Just know that choosing a shorter but still reasonably secure password won’t cripple this scheme, it just reduces the number of possible values a brute-force attacker would have to search through; make sure to pick a strong enough password for your security requirements.



An alternative is not to encrypt. Don't be tempted to just use a low-security cipher, or a home-spun implementation of, say Vignere. There is no security in these approaches, but may give an inexperienced developer that is given the task to maintain your code in future the illusion of security, which is worse than no security at all.

If all you need is obscurity, just base64 the data; for URL-safe requirements, the base64.urlsafe_b64encode() function is fine. Don't use a password here, just encode and you are done. At most, add some compression (like zlib):

import zlib
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode as b64e, urlsafe_b64decode as b64d

def obscure(data: bytes) -> bytes:
    return b64e(zlib.compress(data, 9))

def unobscure(obscured: bytes) -> bytes:
    return zlib.decompress(b64d(obscured))

This turns b'Hello world!' into b'eNrzSM3JyVcozy_KSVEEAB0JBF4='.

Integrity only

If all you need is a way to make sure that the data can be trusted to be unaltered after having been sent to an untrusted client and received back, then you want to sign the data, you can use the hmac library for this with SHA1 (still considered secure for HMAC signing) or better:

import hmac
import hashlib

def sign(data: bytes, key: bytes, algorithm=hashlib.sha256) -> bytes:
    assert len(key) >= algorithm().digest_size, (
        "Key must be at least as long as the digest size of the "
        "hashing algorithm"
    return, data, algorithm).digest()

def verify(signature: bytes, data: bytes, key: bytes, algorithm=hashlib.sha256) -> bytes:
    expected = sign(data, key, algorithm)
    return hmac.compare_digest(expected, signature)

Use this to sign data, then attach the signature with the data and send that to the client. When you receive the data back, split data and signature and verify. I've set the default algorithm to SHA256, so you'll need a 32-byte key:

key = secrets.token_bytes(32)

You may want to look at the itsdangerous library, which packages this all up with serialisation and de-serialisation in various formats.

Using AES-GCM encryption to provide encryption and integrity

Fernet builds on AEC-CBC with a HMAC signature to ensure integrity of the encrypted data; a malicious attacker can't feed your system nonsense data to keep your service busy running in circles with bad input, because the ciphertext is signed.

The Galois / Counter mode block cipher produces ciphertext and a tag to serve the same purpose, so can be used to serve the same purposes. The downside is that unlike Fernet there is no easy-to-use one-size-fits-all recipe to reuse on other platforms. AES-GCM also doesn't use padding, so this encryption ciphertext matches the length of the input message (whereas Fernet / AES-CBC encrypts messages to blocks of fixed length, obscuring the message length somewhat).

AES256-GCM takes the usual 32 byte secret as a key:

key = secrets.token_bytes(32)

then use

import binascii, time
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode as b64e, urlsafe_b64decode as b64d

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidTag

backend = default_backend()

def aes_gcm_encrypt(message: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes:
    current_time = int(time.time()).to_bytes(8, 'big')
    algorithm = algorithms.AES(key)
    iv = secrets.token_bytes(algorithm.block_size // 8)
    cipher = Cipher(algorithm, modes.GCM(iv), backend=backend)
    encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
    ciphertext = encryptor.update(message) + encryptor.finalize()        
    return b64e(current_time + iv + ciphertext + encryptor.tag)

def aes_gcm_decrypt(token: bytes, key: bytes, ttl=None) -> bytes:
    algorithm = algorithms.AES(key)
        data = b64d(token)
    except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
        raise InvalidToken
    timestamp, iv, tag = data[:8], data[8:algorithm.block_size // 8 + 8], data[-16:]
    if ttl is not None:
        current_time = int(time.time())
        time_encrypted, = int.from_bytes(data[:8], 'big')
        if time_encrypted + ttl < current_time or current_time + 60 < time_encrypted:
            # too old or created well before our current time + 1 h to account for clock skew
            raise InvalidToken
    cipher = Cipher(algorithm, modes.GCM(iv, tag), backend=backend)
    decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
    ciphertext = data[8 + len(iv):-16]
    return decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()

I've included a timestamp to support the same time-to-live use-cases that Fernet supports.

Other approaches on this page, in Python 3

AES CFB - like CBC but without the need to pad

This is the approach that All ?? V????y follows, albeit incorrectly. This is the cryptography version, but note that I include the IV in the ciphertext, it should not be stored as a global (reusing an IV weakens the security of the key, and storing it as a module global means it'll be re-generated the next Python invocation, rendering all ciphertext undecryptable):

import secrets
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode as b64e, urlsafe_b64decode as b64d

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

backend = default_backend()

def aes_cfb_encrypt(message, key):
    algorithm = algorithms.AES(key)
    iv = secrets.token_bytes(algorithm.block_size // 8)
    cipher = Cipher(algorithm, modes.CFB(iv), backend=backend)
    encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
    ciphertext = encryptor.update(message) + encryptor.finalize()
    return b64e(iv + ciphertext)

def aes_cfb_decrypt(ciphertext, key):
    iv_ciphertext = b64d(ciphertext)
    algorithm = algorithms.AES(key)
    size = algorithm.block_size // 8
    iv, encrypted = iv_ciphertext[:size], iv_ciphertext[size:]
    cipher = Cipher(algorithm, modes.CFB(iv), backend=backend)
    decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
    return decryptor.update(encrypted) + decryptor.finalize()

This lacks the added armoring of an HMAC signature and there is no timestamp; you’d have to add those yourself.

The above also illustrates how easy it is to combine basic cryptography building blocks incorrectly; All ?? V????y‘s incorrect handling of the IV value can lead to a data breach or all encrypted messages being unreadable because the IV is lost. Using Fernet instead protects you from such mistakes.

AES ECB – not secure

If you previously implemented AES ECB encryption and need to still support this in Python 3, you can do so still with cryptography too. The same caveats apply, ECB is not secure enough for real-life applications. Re-implementing that answer for Python 3, adding automatic handling of padding:

from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode as b64e, urlsafe_b64decode as b64d

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import padding
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

backend = default_backend()

def aes_ecb_encrypt(message, key):
    cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.ECB(), backend=backend)
    encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
    padder = padding.PKCS7(cipher.algorithm.block_size).padder()
    padded = padder.update(msg_text.encode()) + padder.finalize()
    return b64e(encryptor.update(padded) + encryptor.finalize())

def aes_ecb_decrypt(ciphertext, key):
    cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.ECB(), backend=backend)
    decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
    unpadder = padding.PKCS7(cipher.algorithm.block_size).unpadder()
    padded = decryptor.update(b64d(ciphertext)) + decryptor.finalize()
    return unpadder.update(padded) + unpadder.finalize()

Again, this lacks the HMAC signature, and you shouldn’t use ECB anyway. The above is there merely to illustrate that cryptography can handle the common cryptographic building blocks, even the ones you shouldn’t actually use.

How do you change the colour of each category within a highcharts column chart?

You can also set the color individually for each point/bar if you change the data array to be configuration objects instead of numbers.

data: [
      {y: 34.4, color: 'red'},     // this point is red
      21.8,                        // default blue
      {y: 20.1, color: '#aaff99'}, // this will be greenish
      20]                          // default blue

Example on jsfiddle

enter image description here

How do I serialize a Python dictionary into a string, and then back to a dictionary?

If you are trying to only serialize then pprint may also be a good option. It requires the object to be serialized and a file stream.

Here's some code:

from pprint import pprint
my_dict = {1:'a',2:'b'}
with open('test_results.txt','wb') as f:

I am not sure if we can deserialize easily. I was using json to serialize and deserialze earlier which works correctly in most cases.

f.write(json.dumps(my_dict, sort_keys = True, indent = 2, ensure_ascii=True))

However, in one particular case, there were some errors writing non-unicode data to json.

how to pass parameter from @Url.Action to controller function

@Url.Action("Survey", "Applications", new { applicationid = @Model.ApplicationID }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme)

How to insert a file in MySQL database?

File size by MySQL type:

  • TINYBLOB 255 bytes = 0.000255 Mb
  • BLOB 65535 bytes = 0.0655 Mb
  • MEDIUMBLOB 16777215 bytes = 16.78 Mb
  • LONGBLOB 4294967295 bytes = 4294.97 Mb = 4.295 Gb

How to tell if a connection is dead in python

Short answer:

use a non-blocking recv(), or a blocking recv() / select() with a very short timeout.

Long answer:

The way to handle socket connections is to read or write as you need to, and be prepared to handle connection errors.

TCP distinguishes between 3 forms of "dropping" a connection: timeout, reset, close.

Of these, the timeout can not really be detected, TCP might only tell you the time has not expired yet. But even if it told you that, the time might still expire right after.

Also remember that using shutdown() either you or your peer (the other end of the connection) may close only the incoming byte stream, and keep the outgoing byte stream running, or close the outgoing stream and keep the incoming one running.

So strictly speaking, you want to check if the read stream is closed, or if the write stream is closed, or if both are closed.

Even if the connection was "dropped", you should still be able to read any data that is still in the network buffer. Only after the buffer is empty will you receive a disconnect from recv().

Checking if the connection was dropped is like asking "what will I receive after reading all data that is currently buffered ?" To find that out, you just have to read all data that is currently bufferred.

I can see how "reading all buffered data", to get to the end of it, might be a problem for some people, that still think of recv() as a blocking function. With a blocking recv(), "checking" for a read when the buffer is already empty will block, which defeats the purpose of "checking".

In my opinion any function that is documented to potentially block the entire process indefinitely is a design flaw, but I guess it is still there for historical reasons, from when using a socket just like a regular file descriptor was a cool idea.

What you can do is:

  • set the socket to non-blocking mode, but than you get a system-depended error to indicate the receive buffer is empty, or the send buffer is full
  • stick to blocking mode but set a very short socket timeout. This will allow you to "ping" or "check" the socket with recv(), pretty much what you want to do
  • use select() call or asyncore module with a very short timeout. Error reporting is still system-specific.

For the write part of the problem, keeping the read buffers empty pretty much covers it. You will discover a connection "dropped" after a non-blocking read attempt, and you may choose to stop sending anything after a read returns a closed channel.

I guess the only way to be sure your sent data has reached the other end (and is not still in the send buffer) is either:

  • receive a proper response on the same socket for the exact message that you sent. Basically you are using the higher level protocol to provide confirmation.
  • perform a successful shutdow() and close() on the socket

The python socket howto says send() will return 0 bytes written if channel is closed. You may use a non-blocking or a timeout socket.send() and if it returns 0 you can no longer send data on that socket. But if it returns non-zero, you have already sent something, good luck with that :)

Also here I have not considered OOB (out-of-band) socket data here as a means to approach your problem, but I think OOB was not what you meant.

Convert txt to csv python script

I suposse this is the output you need:



It can be done with this changes to your code:

import csv
import itertools

with open('log.txt', 'r') as in_file:
    lines =
    stripped = [line.replace(","," ").split() for line in lines]
    grouped = itertools.izip(*[stripped]*1)
    with open('log.csv', 'w') as out_file:
        writer = csv.writer(out_file)
        writer.writerow(('title', 'intro', 'tagline'))
        for group in grouped:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib

In my case,

I have set @executable_path/Frameworks

But I have to also set "Framework search paths"


change as recursive

Which works for me.

Disable validation of HTML5 form elements

I just wanted to add that using the novalidate attribute in your form will only prevent the browser from sending the form. The browser still evaluates the data and adds the :valid and :invalid pseudo classes.

I found this out because the valid and invalid pseudo classes are part of the HTML5 boilerplate stylesheet which I have been using. I just removed the entries in the CSS file that related to the pseudo classes. If anyone finds another solution please let me know.

How do I search for a pattern within a text file using Python combining regex & string/file operations and store instances of the pattern?

import re
pattern = re.compile("<(\d{4,5})>")

for i, line in enumerate(open('test.txt')):
    for match in re.finditer(pattern, line):
        print 'Found on line %s: %s' % (i+1,

A couple of notes about the regex:

  • You don't need the ? at the end and the outer (...) if you don't want to match the number with the angle brackets, but only want the number itself
  • It matches either 4 or 5 digits between the angle brackets

Update: It's important to understand that the match and capture in a regex can be quite different. The regex in my snippet above matches the pattern with angle brackets, but I ask to capture only the internal number, without the angle brackets.

More about regex in python can be found here : Regular Expression HOWTO

Show message box in case of exception

There are many ways, for example:

Method one:

public string test()
string ErrMsg = string.Empty;
        int num = int.Parse("gagw");
    catch (Exception ex)
        ErrMsg = ex.Message;
return ErrMsg

Method two:

public void test(ref string ErrMsg )

    ErrMsg = string.Empty;
            int num = int.Parse("gagw");
        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrMsg = ex.Message;

Rearrange columns using cut

Using sed

Use sed with basic regular expression's nested subexpressions to capture and reorder the column content. This approach is best suited when there are a limited number of cuts to reorder columns, as in this case.

The basic idea is to surround interesting portions of the search pattern with \( and \), which can be played back in the replacement pattern with \# where # represents the sequential position of the subexpression in the search pattern.

For example:

$ echo "foo bar" | sed "s/\(foo\) \(bar\)/\2 \1/"


bar foo

Text outside a subexpression is scanned but not retained for playback in the replacement string.

Although the question did not discuss fixed width columns, we will discuss here as this is a worthy measure of any solution posed. For simplicity let's assume the file is space delimited although the solution can be extended for other delimiters.

Collapsing Spaces

To illustrate the simplest usage, let's assume that multiple spaces can be collapsed into single spaces, and the the second column values are terminated with EOL (and not space padded).


bash-3.2$ cat f
Column1    Column2
str1       1
str2       2
str3       3
bash-3.2$ od -a f
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   1  sp  sp  sp  sp   C   o   l   u   m
0000020    n   2  nl   s   t   r   1  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   1  nl
0000040    s   t   r   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   2  nl   s   t   r
0000060    3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   3  nl 


bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)[ ]*\([^ ]*\)[ ]*/\2 \1/" f
Column2 Column1
1 str1
2 str2
3 str3
bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)[ ]*\([^ ]*\)[ ]*/\2 \1/" f | od -a
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   2  sp   C   o   l   u   m   n   1  nl
0000020    1  sp   s   t   r   1  nl   2  sp   s   t   r   2  nl   3  sp
0000040    s   t   r   3  nl

Preserving Column Widths

Let's now extend the method to a file with constant width columns, while allowing columns to be of differing widths.


bash-3.2$ cat f2
Column1    Column2
str1       1
str2       2
str3       3
bash-3.2$ od -a f2
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   1  sp  sp  sp  sp   C   o   l   u   m
0000020    n   2  nl   s   t   r   1  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   1  sp
0000040   sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   s   t   r   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp
0000060   sp   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   s   t   r   3  sp  sp  sp
0000100   sp  sp  sp  sp   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl


bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\)/\3\4 \1\2/" f2
Column2 Column1
1       str1      
2       str2      
3       str3      
bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\)/\3\4 \1\2/" f2 | od -a
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   2  sp   C   o   l   u   m   n   1  sp
0000020   sp  sp  nl   1  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   s   t   r   1  sp
0000040   sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   s   t
0000060    r   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp
0000100   sp   s   t   r   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl 

Lastly although the question's example does not have strings of unequal length, this sed expression support this case.


bash-3.2$ cat f3
Column1    Column2
str1       1      
string2    2      
str3       3      


bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\)/\3\4 \1\2/" f3
Column2 Column1   
1       str1      
2       string2   
3       str3    
bash-3.2$ sed "s/\([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\([ ]*\)/\3\4 \1\2/" f3 | od -a
0000000    C   o   l   u   m   n   2  sp   C   o   l   u   m   n   1  sp
0000020   sp  sp  nl   1  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   s   t   r   1  sp
0000040   sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl   2  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp   s   t
0000060    r   i   n   g   2  sp  sp  sp  nl   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp
0000100   sp   s   t   r   3  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  sp  nl 

Comparison to other methods of column reordering under shell

  • Surprisingly for a file manipulation tool, awk is not well-suited for cutting from a field to end of record. In sed this can be accomplished using regular expressions, e.g. \(xxx.*$\) where xxx is the expression to match the column.

  • Using paste and cut subshells gets tricky when implementing inside shell scripts. Code that works from the commandline fails to parse when brought inside a shell script. At least this was my experience (which drove me to this approach).

Android, Java: HTTP POST Request

You can reuse the implementation I added to ACRA:

(See the doPost(Map, Url) method, working over http and https even with self signed certs)

LINQ Aggregate algorithm explained

The easiest-to-understand definition of Aggregate is that it performs an operation on each element of the list taking into account the operations that have gone before. That is to say it performs the action on the first and second element and carries the result forward. Then it operates on the previous result and the third element and carries forward. etc.

Example 1. Summing numbers

var nums = new[]{1,2,3,4};
var sum = nums.Aggregate( (a,b) => a + b);
Console.WriteLine(sum); // output: 10 (1+2+3+4)

This adds 1 and 2 to make 3. Then adds 3 (result of previous) and 3 (next element in sequence) to make 6. Then adds 6 and 4 to make 10.

Example 2. create a csv from an array of strings

var chars = new []{"a","b","c", "d"};
var csv = chars.Aggregate( (a,b) => a + ',' + b);
Console.WriteLine(csv); // Output a,b,c,d

This works in much the same way. Concatenate a a comma and b to make a,b. Then concatenates a,b with a comma and c to make a,b,c. and so on.

Example 3. Multiplying numbers using a seed

For completeness, there is an overload of Aggregate which takes a seed value.

var multipliers = new []{10,20,30,40};
var multiplied = multipliers.Aggregate(5, (a,b) => a * b);
Console.WriteLine(multiplied); //Output 1200000 ((((5*10)*20)*30)*40)

Much like the above examples, this starts with a value of 5 and multiplies it by the first element of the sequence 10 giving a result of 50. This result is carried forward and multiplied by the next number in the sequence 20 to give a result of 1000. This continues through the remaining 2 element of the sequence.

Live examples:


Example 2, above, uses string concatenation to create a list of values separated by a comma. This is a simplistic way to explain the use of Aggregate which was the intention of this answer. However, if using this technique to actually create a large amount of comma separated data, it would be more appropriate to use a StringBuilder, and this is entirely compatible with Aggregate using the seeded overload to initiate the StringBuilder.

var chars = new []{"a","b","c", "d"};
var csv = chars.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (a,b) => {
    return a;

Updated example:

Unable to find velocity template resources

you can try to add these code:

VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
String vmPath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("${your dir}");
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty("file.resource.loader.path", vmPath+"//");

I do this, and pass!

Eclipse/Maven error: "No compiler is provided in this environment"

Go to Window ? Preferences ? Java ? Installed JREs.

And see if there is an entry pointing to your JDK path, and if not, click on Edit button and put the path you configured your JAVA_HOME environment.

assignment operator overloading in c++

it's right way to use operator overloading now you get your object by reference avoiding value copying.

Best way to convert string to bytes in Python 3?

The absolutely best way is neither of the 2, but the 3rd. The first parameter to encode defaults to 'utf-8' ever since Python 3.0. Thus the best way is

b = mystring.encode()

This will also be faster, because the default argument results not in the string "utf-8" in the C code, but NULL, which is much faster to check!

Here be some timings:

In [1]: %timeit -r 10 'abc'.encode('utf-8')
The slowest run took 38.07 times longer than the fastest. 
This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000000 loops, best of 10: 183 ns per loop

In [2]: %timeit -r 10 'abc'.encode()
The slowest run took 27.34 times longer than the fastest. 
This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000000 loops, best of 10: 137 ns per loop

Despite the warning the times were very stable after repeated runs - the deviation was just ~2 per cent.

Using encode() without an argument is not Python 2 compatible, as in Python 2 the default character encoding is ASCII.

>>> 'äöä'.encode()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

C#: Assign same value to multiple variables in single statement

It is simple.

int num1,num2;
num1 = num2 = 5;

How to post data to specific URL using WebClient in C#

I just found the solution and yea it was easier than I thought :)

so here is the solution:

string URI = "";
string myParameters = "param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3";

using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
    wc.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    string HtmlResult = wc.UploadString(URI, myParameters);

it works like charm :)

How do I create a transparent Activity on Android?

I wanted to add to this a little bit as I am a new Android developer as well. The accepted answer is great, but I did run into some trouble. I wasn't sure how to add in the color to the colors.xml file. Here is how it should be done:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <color name="class_zero_background">#7f040000</color>
     <color name="transparent">#00000000</color>

In my original colors.xml file I had the tag "drawable":

<drawable name="class_zero_background">#7f040000</drawable>

And so I did that for the color as well, but I didn't understand that the "@color/" reference meant look for the tag "color" in the XML. I thought that I should mention this as well to help anyone else out.

What do I use on linux to make a python program executable

Just put this in the first line of your script :

#!/usr/bin/env python

Make the file executable with

chmod +x

Execute with


Python naming conventions for modules

I know my solution is not very popular from the pythonic point of view, but I prefer to use the Java approach of one module->one class, with the module named as the class. I do understand the reason behind the python style, but I am not too fond of having a very large file containing a lot of classes. I find it difficult to browse, despite folding.

Another reason is version control: having a large file means that your commits tend to concentrate on that file. This can potentially lead to a higher quantity of conflicts to be resolved. You also loose the additional log information that your commit modifies specific files (therefore involving specific classes). Instead you see a modification to the module file, with only the commit comment to understand what modification has been done.

Summing up, if you prefer the python philosophy, go for the suggestions of the other posts. If you instead prefer the java-like philosophy, create a containing class Nib.

How to check if a variable is an integer or a string?

Depending on your definition of shortly, you could use one of the following options:

Reorder HTML table rows using drag-and-drop

Building upon the fiddle from @tim, this version tightens the scope and formatting, and converts bind() -> on(). It's designed to bind on a dedicated td as the handle instead of the entire row. In my use case, I have input fields so the "drag anywhere on the row" approach felt confusing.

Tested working on desktop. Only partial success with mobile touch. Can't get it to run correctly on SO's runnable snippet for some reason...

let ns = {
  drag: (e) => {
    let el = $(,
      d = $('body'),
      tr = el.closest('tr'),
      sy = e.pageY,
      drag = false,
      index = tr.index();


    function move(e) {
      if (!drag && Math.abs(e.pageY - sy) < 10)
      drag = true;
      tr.siblings().each(function() {
        let s = $(this),
          i = s.index(),
          y = s.offset().top;
        if (e.pageY >= y && e.pageY < y + s.outerHeight()) {
          i < tr.index() ? s.insertAfter(tr) : s.insertBefore(tr);
          return false;

    function up(e) {
      if (drag && index !== tr.index())
        drag = false;'mousemove', move).off('mouseup', up);
      //'touchmove', move).off('touchend', up); //failed attempt at touch compatibility
    d.on('mousemove', move).on('mouseup', up);
    //d.on('touchmove', move).on('touchend', up);

$(document).ready(() => {
  $('body').on('mousedown touchstart', '.drag', ns.drag);
.grab {
  cursor: grab;
  user-select: none

tr.grabbed {
  box-shadow: 4px 1px 5px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

tr.grabbed:active {
  user-input: none;

tr.grabbed:active * {
  user-input: none;
  cursor: grabbing !important;
<script src=""></script>
      <th>Drag the rows below...</th>
      <td class='grab'>&vellip;</td>
      <td><input type="text" value="Row 1" /></td>
      <td class='grab'>&vellip;</td>
      <td><input type="text" value="Row 2" /></td>
      <td class='grab'>&vellip;</td>
      <td><input type="text" value="Row 3" /></td>

Pyspark: Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number

In my case it was because I wrote SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY=10 instead of SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY=10g in

How to pass form input value to php function

you must have read about function call . here i give you example of it.

 funtion pr($n)
echo $n;
<form action="<?php $f=$_POST['input'];pr($f);?>" method="POST">
<input name=input type=text></input>

How to add calendar events in Android?

you have to add flag:


or you will cause error with:

startActivity() from outside of an Activity context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK

How to use both onclick and target="_blank"

you can use

        <p><a href="/link/to/url" target="_blank"><button id="btn_id">Present Name </button></a></p>

Using BufferedReader.readLine() in a while loop properly

You can use a structure like the following:

 while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {

There can be only one auto column

My MySQL says "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key" So when I added primary key as below it started working:

   accepted_terms BIT(1) NOT NULL,
   accepted_privacy BIT(1) NOT NULL,
   primary key (id)

Set time to 00:00:00

Another simple way,

final Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
        today.setTime(new Date());

MySql : Grant read only options?

Note for MySQL 8 it's different

You need to do it in two steps:

CREATE USER 'readonly_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_strong_password';
GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'readonly_user'@'localhost';
flush privileges;

How to read multiple text files into a single RDD?

There is a straight forward clean solution available. Use the wholeTextFiles() method. This will take a directory and forms a key value pair. The returned RDD will be a pair RDD. Find below the description from Spark docs:

SparkContext.wholeTextFiles lets you read a directory containing multiple small text files, and returns each of them as (filename, content) pairs. This is in contrast with textFile, which would return one record per line in each file

How can I beautify JSON programmatically?

Programmatic formatting solution:

The JSON.stringify method supported by many modern browsers (including IE8) can output a beautified JSON string:

JSON.stringify(jsObj, null, "\t"); // stringify with tabs inserted at each level
JSON.stringify(jsObj, null, 4);    // stringify with 4 spaces at each level

This method is also included with json2.js, for supporting older browsers.

Manual formatting solution

If you don't need to do it programmatically, Try JSON Lint. Not only will it prettify your JSON, it will validate it at the same time.

Check if an element has event listener on it. No jQuery

Nowadays (2016) in Chrome Dev Tools console, you can quickly execute this function below to show all event listeners that have been attached to an element.


Get table name by constraint name

SELECT constraint_name, constraint_type, column_name
from user_constraints natural join user_cons_columns
where table_name = "my_table_name";

will give you what you need

Syntax for if/else condition in SCSS mixin

You can assign default parameter values inline when you first create the mixin:

@mixin clearfix($width: 'auto') {

  @if $width == 'auto' {

    // if width is not passed, or empty do this

  } @else {

    display: inline-block;
    width: $width;


READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for Android

You have to ask for the permission at run time:

        && ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},

And in the callback below you can access the storage without a problem.

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(final int requestCode, @NonNull final String[] permissions, @NonNull final int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_PERMISSION) {
        if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // Permission granted.
        } else {
            // User refused to grant permission.

How can I put strings in an array, split by new line?

David: Great direction, but you missed \r. this worked for me:

$array = preg_split("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", $string);

What's the difference between identifying and non-identifying relationships?

Let's say we have those tables:



relationship between those two tables will identifiying relationship. Because, comments only can be belong to its owner, not other users. for example. Each user has own comment, and when user is deleted, this user's comments also should be deleted.

I can’t find the Android keytool

keytool comes with the Java SDK. You should find it in the directory that contains javac, etc.

Why I can't access remote Jupyter Notebook server?

Have you configured the file to allow external connections?

By default, Jupyter Notebook only accepts connections from localhost (eg, from the same computer that its running on). By modifying the NotebookApp.allow_origin option from the default ' ' to '*', you allow Jupyter to be accessed externally.

c.NotebookApp.allow_origin = '*' #allow all origins

You'll also need to change the IPs that the notebook will listen on:

c.NotebookApp.ip = '' # listen on all IPs

Also see the details in a subsequent answer in this thread.

Documentation on the Jupyter Notebook config file.

Remove a symlink to a directory

Assuming it actually is a symlink,

$ rm -d symlink

It should figure it out, but since it can't we enable the latent code that was intended for another case that no longer exists but happens to do the right thing here.

How do a send an HTTPS request through a proxy in Java?

HTTPS proxy doesn't make sense because you can't terminate your HTTP connection at the proxy for security reasons. With your trust policy, it might work if the proxy server has a HTTPS port. Your error is caused by connecting to HTTP proxy port with HTTPS.

You can connect through a proxy using SSL tunneling (many people call that proxy) using proxy CONNECT command. However, Java doesn't support newer version of proxy tunneling. In that case, you need to handle the tunneling yourself. You can find sample code here,

EDIT: If you want defeat all the security measures in JSSE, you still need your own TrustManager. Something like this,

 public SSLTunnelSocketFactory(String proxyhost, String proxyport){
      tunnelHost = proxyhost;
      tunnelPort = Integer.parseInt(proxyport);
      dfactory = (SSLSocketFactory)sslContext.getSocketFactory();


 connection.setSSLSocketFactory( new SSLTunnelSocketFactory( proxyHost, proxyPort ) );
 connection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier( new HostnameVerifier()
    public boolean verify( String arg0, SSLSession arg1 )
        return true;
 }  );

EDIT 2: I just tried my program I wrote a few years ago using SSLTunnelSocketFactory and it doesn't work either. Apparently, Sun introduced a new bug sometime in Java 5. See this bug report,

The good news is that the SSL tunneling bug is fixed so you can just use the default factory. I just tried with a proxy and everything works as expected. See my code,

public class SSLContextTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", "");
        System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "8888");

        try {

            SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");

            // set up a TrustManager that trusts everything
            sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {
                public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                    System.out.println("getAcceptedIssuers =============");
                    return null;

                public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs,
                        String authType) {
                    System.out.println("checkClientTrusted =============");

                public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs,
                        String authType) {
                    System.out.println("checkServerTrusted =============");
            } }, new SecureRandom());


                    .setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
                        public boolean verify(String arg0, SSLSession arg1) {
                            System.out.println("hostnameVerifier =============");
                            return true;

            URL url = new URL("");
            URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
            BufferedReader reader = 
                new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
            String line;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

This is what I get when I run the program,

checkServerTrusted =============
hostnameVerifier =============
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">

As you can see, both SSLContext and hostnameVerifier are getting called. HostnameVerifier is only involved when the hostname doesn't match the cert. I used "" to trigger this.

async for loop in node.js

Node.js introduced async await in 7.6 so this makes Javascript more beautiful.

var results = [];
var config = JSON.parse(queries);
for (var key in config) {
  var query = config[key].query;
  results.push(await search(query));
res.writeHead( ... );

For this to work search fucntion has to return a promise or it has to be async function

If it is not returning a Promise you can help it to return a Promise

function asyncSearch(query) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

Then replace this line await search(query); by await asyncSearch(query);

Read from file or stdin

You can just read from stdin unless the user supply a filename ?

If not, treat the special "filename" - as meaning "read from stdin". The user would have to start the program like cat file | myprogram - if he wants to pipe data to it, and myprogam file if he wants it to read from a file.

int main(int argc,char *argv[] ) {
  FILE *input;
  if(argc != 2) {
     return 1;
   if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-")) {
     input = stdin;
    } else {
      input = fopen(argv[1],"rb");
      //check for errors

If you're on *nix, you can check whether stdin is a fifo:

 struct stat st_info;
 if(fstat(0,&st_info) != 0)
  if(S_ISFIFO(st_info.st_mode)) {
     //stdin is a pipe

Though that won't handle the user doing myprogram <file

You can also check if stdin is a terminal/console

if(isatty(0)) {
  //stdin is a terminal

Increase distance between text and title on the y-axis

From ggplot2 2.0.0 you can use the margin = argument of element_text() to change the distance between the axis title and the numbers. Set the values of the margin on top, right, bottom, and left side of the element.

ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) + geom_point()+
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(t = 0, r = 20, b = 0, l = 0)))

margin can also be used for other element_text elements (see ?theme), such as axis.text.x, axis.text.y and title.


in order to set the margin for axis titles when the axis has a different position (e.g., with scale_x_...(position = "top"), you'll need a different theme setting - e.g. See

Trying to get the average of a count resultset

You just can put your query as a subquery:

SELECT avg(count)
    SELECT COUNT (*) AS Count
      FROM Table T
     WHERE T.Update_time =
               (SELECT MAX (B.Update_time )
                  FROM Table B
                 WHERE (B.Id = T.Id))
    GROUP BY T.Grouping
    ) as counts

Edit: I think this should be the same:

SELECT count(*) / count(distinct T.Grouping)
  FROM Table T
 WHERE T.Update_time =
           (SELECT MAX (B.Update_time)
              FROM Table B
             WHERE (B.Id = T.Id))

Spring RequestMapping for controllers that produce and consume JSON

You can use the @RestController instead of @Controller annotation.

How can I combine two commits into one commit?

Lazy simple version for forgetfuls like me:

git rebase -i HEAD~3 or however many commits instead of 3.

Turn this

pick YourCommitMessageWhatever
pick YouGetThePoint
pick IdkManItsACommitMessage

into this

pick YourCommitMessageWhatever
s YouGetThePoint
s IdkManItsACommitMessage

and do some action where you hit esc then enter to save the changes. [1]

When the next screen comes up, get rid of those garbage # lines [2] and create a new commit message or something, and do the same escape enter action. [1]

Wowee, you have fewer commits. Or you just broke everything.

[1] - or whatever works with your git configuration. This is just a sequence that's efficient given my setup.

[2] - you'll see some stuff like # this is your n'th commit a few times, with your original commits right below these message. You want to remove these lines, and create a commit message to reflect the intentions of the n commits that you're combining into 1.

How to add Options Menu to Fragment in Android

If all of the above does not work, you need to debug and make sure function onCreateOptionsMenu has been called (by placing debug or write log...)

If it's not run, maybe your Android theme is not supporting the action bar. Open AndroidManifest.xml and set the value for android:theme with theme support action bar:


How to make the corners of a button round?

Create a xml file in drawable folder like below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="rectangle" android:padding="10dp">
    <!-- you can use any color you want I used here gray color-->
    <solid android:color="#ABABAB"/> 
    <corners android:radius="10dp"/>

Apply this as background to button you want make corners round.

Or you can use separate radius for every corner like below


Difference between a SOAP message and a WSDL?

We need to define what is a web service before telling what are the difference between the SOAP and WSDL where the two (SOAP and WSDL) are components of a web service

Most applications are developed to interact with users, the user enters or searches for data through an interface and the application then responds to the user's input.

A Web service does more or less the same thing except that a Web service application communicates only from machine to machine or application to application. There is often no direct user interaction.

A Web service basically is a collection of open protocols that is used to exchange data between applications. The use of open protocols enables Web services to be platform independent. Software that are written in different programming languages and that run on different platforms can use Web services to exchange data over computer networks such as the Internet. In other words, Windows applications can talk to PHP, Java and Perl applications and many others, which in normal circumstances would not be possible.

How Do Web Services Work?

Because different applications are written in different programming languages, they often cannot communicate with each other. A Web service enables this communication by using a combination of open protocols and standards, chiefly XML, SOAP and WSDL. A Web service uses XML to tag data, SOAP to transfer a message and finally WSDL to describe the availability of services. Let's take a look at these three main components of a Web service application.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

The Simple Object Access Protocol or SOAP is a protocol for sending and receiving messages between applications without confronting interoperability issues (interoperability meaning the platform that a Web service is running on becomes irrelevant). Another protocol that has a similar function is HTTP. It is used to access Web pages or to surf the Net. HTTP ensures that you do not have to worry about what kind of Web server -- whether Apache or IIS or any other -- serves you the pages you are viewing or whether the pages you view were created in ASP.NET or HTML.

Because SOAP is used both for requesting and responding, its contents vary slightly depending on its purpose.

Below is an example of a SOAP request and response message

SOAP Request:

POST /InStock HTTP/1.1 
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 
Content-Length: nnn 
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<soap:Body xmlns:m=""> 
    <m:BookName>The Fleamarket</m:BookName> 

SOAP Response:

POST /InStock HTTP/1.1 
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 
Content-Length: nnn 
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<soap:Body xmlns:m=""> 
    <m: Price>10.95</m: Price> 

Although both messages look the same, they carry out different methods. For instance looking at the above examples you can see that the requesting message uses the GetBookPrice method to get the book price. The response is carried out by the GetBookPriceResponse method, which is going to be the message that you as the "requestor" will see. You can also see that the messages are composed using XML.

Web Services Description Language or WSDL

WSDL is a document that describes a Web service and also tells you how to access and use its methods.

WSDL takes care of how do you know what methods are available in a Web service that you stumble across on the Internet.

Take a look at a sample WSDL file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<definitions  name ="DayOfWeek"  
  <message name="DayOfWeekInput"> 
    <part name="date" type="xsd:date"/> 
  <message name="DayOfWeekResponse"> 
    <part name="dayOfWeek" type="xsd:string"/> 
  <portType name="DayOfWeekPortType"> 
    <operation name="GetDayOfWeek"> 
      <input message="tns:DayOfWeekInput"/> 
      <output message="tns:DayOfWeekResponse"/> 
  <binding name="DayOfWeekBinding" type="tns:DayOfWeekPortType"> 
    <soap:binding style="document"  
    <operation name="GetDayOfWeek"> 
      <soap:operation soapAction="getdayofweek"/> 
        <soap:body use="encoded"  
        <soap:body use="encoded"  
  <service name="DayOfWeekService" > 
      Returns the day-of-week name for a given date 
    <port name="DayOfWeekPort" binding="tns:DayOfWeekBinding"> 
      <soap:address location="http://localhost:8090/dayofweek/DayOfWeek"/> 

The main things to remember about a WSDL file are that it provides you with:

  • A description of a Web service

  • The methods a Web service uses and the parameters that it takes

  • A way to locate Web services

  • Reading values from DataTable

    For VB.Net is

            Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + "database path")
            Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
            Dim dt As New DataTable
            Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
            cmd.Connection = con
            cmd.CommandText = sql
            da.SelectCommand = cmd
            For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count
                someVar = dt.Rows(i)("fieldName")

    How to properly export an ES6 class in Node 4?

    With ECMAScript 2015 you can export and import multiple classes like this

    class Person
            this.type = "Person";
    class Animal{
            this.type = "Animal";
    module.exports = {

    then where you use them:

    const { Animal, Person } = require("classes");
    const animal = new Animal();
    const person = new Person();

    In case of name collisions, or you prefer other names you can rename them like this:

    const { Animal : OtherAnimal, Person : OtherPerson} = require("./classes");
    const animal = new OtherAnimal();
    const person = new OtherPerson();

    Android Studio - mergeDebugResources exception

    It happens to me only when modifying the XML files on the project. If you rebuild the entire project before running (Build > Rebuild Project) it doesn't show up anymore.

    CSS flexbox not working in IE10

    As Ennui mentioned, IE 10 supports the -ms prefixed version of Flexbox (IE 11 supports it unprefixed). The errors I can see in your code are:

    • You should have display: -ms-flexbox instead of display: -ms-flex
    • I think you should specify all 3 flex values, like flex: 0 1 auto to avoid ambiguity

    So the final updated code is...

    .flexbox form {
        display: -webkit-flex;
        display: -moz-flex;
        display: -ms-flexbox;
        display: -o-flex;
        display: flex;
        /* Direction defaults to 'row', so not really necessary to specify */
        -webkit-flex-direction: row;
        -moz-flex-direction: row;
        -ms-flex-direction: row;
        -o-flex-direction: row;
        flex-direction: row;
    .flexbox form input[type=submit] {
        width: 31px;
    .flexbox form input[type=text] {
        width: auto;
        /* Flex should have 3 values which is shorthand for 
           <flex-grow> <flex-shrink> <flex-basis> */
        -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;
        -moz-flex: 1 1 auto;
        -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
        -o-flex: 1 1 auto;
        flex: 1 1 auto;
        /* I don't think you need 'display: flex' on child elements * /
        display: -webkit-flex;
        display: -moz-flex;
        display: -ms-flex;
        display: -o-flex;
        display: flex;

    What does /p mean in set /p?

    For future reference, you can get help for any command by using the /? switch, which should explain what switches do what.

    According to the set /? screen, the format for set /p is SET /P variable=[promptString] which would indicate that the p in /p is "prompt." It just prints in your example because <nul passes in a nul character which immediately ends the prompt so it just acts like it's printing. It's still technically prompting for input, it's just immediately receiving it.

    /L in for /L generates a List of numbers.

    From ping /?:

    Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]
                [-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]]
                [-w timeout] [-R] [-S srcaddr] [-4] [-6] target_name
        -t             Ping the specified host until stopped.
                       To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break;
                       To stop - type Control-C.
        -a             Resolve addresses to hostnames.
        -n count       Number of echo requests to send.
        -l size        Send buffer size.
        -f             Set Don't Fragment flag in packet (IPv4-only).
        -i TTL         Time To Live.
        -v TOS         Type Of Service (IPv4-only. This setting has been deprecated
                       and has no effect on the type of service field in the IP Header).
        -r count       Record route for count hops (IPv4-only).
        -s count       Timestamp for count hops (IPv4-only).
        -j host-list   Loose source route along host-list (IPv4-only).
        -k host-list   Strict source route along host-list (IPv4-only).
        -w timeout     Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply.
        -R             Use routing header to test reverse route also (IPv6-only).
        -S srcaddr     Source address to use.
        -4             Force using IPv4.
        -6             Force using IPv6.

    What is difference between 'git reset --hard HEAD~1' and 'git reset --soft HEAD~1'?

    git reset does know five "modes": soft, mixed, hard, merge and keep. I will start with the first three, since these are the modes you'll usually encounter. After that you'll find a nice little a bonus, so stay tuned.


    When using git reset --soft HEAD~1 you will remove the last commit from the current branch, but the file changes will stay in your working tree. Also the changes will stay on your index, so following with a git commit will create a commit with the exact same changes as the commit you "removed" before.


    This is the default mode and quite similar to soft. When "removing" a commit with git reset HEAD~1 you will still keep the changes in your working tree but not on the index; so if you want to "redo" the commit, you will have to add the changes (git add) before commiting.


    When using git reset --hard HEAD~1 you will lose all uncommited changes in addition to the changes introduced in the last commit. The changes won't stay in your working tree so doing a git status command will tell you that you don't have any changes in your repository.

    Tread carefully with this one. If you accidentally remove uncommited changes which were never tracked by git (speak: committed or at least added to the index), you have no way of getting them back using git.



    git reset --keep HEAD~1 is an interesting and useful one. It only resets the files which are different between the current HEAD and the given commit. It aborts the reset if one or more of these files has uncommited changes. It basically acts as a safer version of hard.

    You can read more about that in the git reset documentation.

    When doing git reset to remove a commit the commit isn't really lost, there just is no reference pointing to it or any of it's children. You can still recover a commit which was "deleted" with git reset by finding it's SHA-1 key, for example with a command such as git reflog.

    Overlay with spinner

    Here is an Pure CSS endless spinner. Position absolute, to place the buttons on top of each other.

    button {
                position: absolute;
                width: 150px;
                font-size: 120%;
                padding: 5px;
                background: #B52519;
                color: #EAEAEA;
                border: none;
                margin: 50px;
                border-radius: 5px;
                display: flex;
                align-content: center;
                justify-content: center;
                transition: all 0.5s;
                cursor: pointer;
            #orderButton:hover {
                color: #c8c8c8;
            #orderLoading {
                animation: rotation 1s infinite linear;
                height: 20px;
                width: 20px;
                display: flex;
                justify-content: center;
                align-items: center;
                border-radius: 100%;
                border: 2px solid;
                border-style: outset;
                color: #fff;
            @keyframes rotation {
                from {
                    transform: rotate(0deg);
                to {
                    transform: rotate(360deg);
    <button><div id="orderLoading"></div></button>
    <button id="orderButton" onclick=" 'hidden';">Order!</button>

    Bootstrap4 adding scrollbar to div

    Use the overflow-y: scroll property on the element that contains the elements.

    The overflow-y property specifies whether to clip the content, add a scroll bar, or display overflow content of a block-level element, when it overflows at the top and bottom edges.

    Sometimes it is interesting to place a height for the element next to the overflow-y property, as in the example below:

    <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" style="height: 250px; overflow-y: scroll;">
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link active" href="#">Active</a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link disabled" href="#">Disabled</a>

    How can I convert a series of images to a PDF from the command line on linux?

    Using imagemagick, you can try:

    convert page.png page.pdf

    Or for multiple images:

    convert page*.png mydoc.pdf

    What is the best way to return different types of ResponseEntity in Spring MVC or Spring-Boot

    For exceptional cases, I will recommend you to adopt RFC-7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs standard in your application.

    Zalando's Problems for Spring provides a good integration with Spring Boot, you can integrate it easily with your existing Spring Boot based application. Just like what JHipster did.

    After adopting RFC-7087 in your application, just throw Exception in your controller method, and you will get a detailed and standard error response like:

        "type": "",
        "title": "Request parameter is malformed.",
        "status": 400
        "detail": "Validation error, value of xxx should be a positive number.",
        "instance": "/account/12345/msgs/abc",

    insert data from one table to another in mysql

    If there is a primary key like "id" you have to exclude it for example my php table has: id, col2,col3,col4 columns. id is primary key so if I run this code:

    INSERT INTO php  (SELECT * FROM php);

    I probably get this error:

    #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

    So here is the solution, I excluded "id" key:

    INSERT INTO php ( col2,col3,col4)  (SELECT col2,col3,col4 FROM php2);

    So my new php table has all php2 table rows anymore.

    Google OAuth 2 authorization - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

    The trick is to input the right redirect url at the point of creating the ID. I found that updating the redirect url once the ID has been created via an 'Edit' just doesn't get the job done. What also worked for me is duplicating the entire 'vendor' folder and copying it to the same location where the 'oauth' file is (just until you successfully generate the token and then you can delete the duplicate 'vendor' folder). This is because trying to point to the vendor folder via '../vendor/autoload' didn't work for me.

    So, delete your existing troublesome Client OAuth ID and try this approach, it will work.

    How do I check that a Java String is not all whitespaces?

    I would use the Apache Commons Lang library. It has a class called StringUtils that is useful for all sorts of String operations. For checking if a String is not all whitespaces, you can use the following:

    StringUtils.isBlank(<your string>)

    Here is the reference: StringUtils.isBlank

    How to pass arguments and redirect stdin from a file to program run in gdb?

    If you want to have bare run command in gdb to execute your program with redirections and arguments, you can use set args:

    % gdb ./a.out
    (gdb) set args arg1 arg2 <file
    (gdb) run

    I was unable to achieve the same behaviour with --args parameter, gdb fiercely escapes the redirections, i.e.

    % gdb --args echo 1 2 "<file"
    (gdb) show args
    Argument list to give program being debugged when it is started is "1 2 \<file".
    (gdb) run
    1 2 <file

    This one actually redirects the input of gdb itself, not what we really want here

    % gdb --args echo 1 2 <file
    zsh: no such file or directory: file

    Better way to shuffle two numpy arrays in unison

    There is a well-known function that can handle this:

    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    X, _, Y, _ = train_test_split(X,Y, test_size=0.0)

    Just setting test_size to 0 will avoid splitting and give you shuffled data. Though it is usually used to split train and test data, it does shuffle them too.
    From documentation

    Split arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets

    Quick utility that wraps input validation and next(ShuffleSplit().split(X, y)) and application to input data into a single call for splitting (and optionally subsampling) data in a oneliner.

    PHPMailer: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host

    $mail->SMTPDebug = 2; // to see exactly what's the issue

    In my case this helped:

    $mail->SMTPSecure = false;
    $mail->SMTPAutoTLS = false;

    Fail during installation of Pillow (Python module) in Linux

    brew install zlib

    on OS X doesn't work anymore and instead prompts to install lzlib. Installing that doesn't help.

    Instead you install XCode Command line tools and that should install zlib

    xcode-select --install

    How to load image to WPF in runtime?

    Make sure that your sas.png is marked as Build Action: Content and Copy To Output Directory: Copy Always in its Visual Studio Properties...

    I think the C# source code goes like this...

    Image image = new Image();
    image.Source = (new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFromString("pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png") as ImageSource;

    and XAML should be

    <Image Height="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="12,12,0,0" 
           Name="image1" Stretch="Fill" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
           Width="350" />  


    Dynamically I think XAML would provide best way to load Images ...

    <Image Source="{Binding Converter={StaticResource MyImageSourceConverter}}"

    where image.DataContext is string path.

    MyImage.DataContext = "pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png";
    public class MyImageSourceConverter : IValueConverter
        public object Convert(object value_, Type targetType_, 
        object parameter_, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture_)
            return (new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFromString (value.ToString());
        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, 
        object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
              throw new NotImplementedException();

    Now as you set a different data context, Image would be automatically loaded at runtime.

    How to call a MySQL stored procedure from within PHP code?

    I now found solution by using mysqli instead of mysql.

    // enable error reporting
    //connect to database
    $connection = mysqli_connect("hostname", "user", "password", "db", "port");
    //run the store proc
    $result = mysqli_query($connection, "CALL StoreProcName");
    //loop the result set
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){     
      echo $row[0] . " - " . + $row[1]; 

    I found that many people seem to have a problem with using mysql_connect, mysql_query and mysql_fetch_array.

    How to concatenate and minify multiple CSS and JavaScript files with Grunt.js (0.3.x)

    concat.js is being included in the concat task's source files public/js/*.js. You could have a task that removes concat.js (if the file exists) before concatenating again, pass an array to explicitly define which files you want to concatenate and their order, or change the structure of your project.

    If doing the latter, you could put all your sources under ./src and your built files under ./dest

    +-- css
    ¦   +-- 1.css
    ¦   +-- 2.css
    ¦   +-- 3.css
    +-- js
        +-- 1.js
        +-- 2.js
        +-- 3.js

    Then set up your concat task

    concat: {
      js: {
        src: 'src/js/*.js',
        dest: 'dest/js/concat.js'
      css: {
        src: 'src/css/*.css',
        dest: 'dest/css/concat.css'

    Your min task

    min: {
      js: {
        src: 'dest/js/concat.js',
        dest: 'dest/js/concat.min.js'

    The build-in min task uses UglifyJS, so you need a replacement. I found grunt-css to be pretty good. After installing it, load it into your grunt file


    And then set it up

    cssmin: {
        src: 'dest/css/concat.css',
        dest: 'dest/css/concat.min.css'

    Notice that the usage is similar to the built-in min.

    Change your default task to

    grunt.registerTask('default', 'concat min cssmin');

    Now, running grunt will produce the results you want.

    +-- css
    ¦   +-- concat.css
    ¦   +-- concat.min.css
    +-- js
        +-- concat.js
        +-- concat.min.js

    HTML5 video (mp4 and ogv) problems in Safari and Firefox - but Chrome is all good

    Just remove the inner quotes - they confuse Firefox. You can just use "video/ogg; codecs=theora,vorbis".

    Also, that markup works in my Minefiled 3.7a5pre, so if your ogv file doesn't play, it may be a bogus file. How did you create it? You might want to register a bug with Firefox.

    node.js string.replace doesn't work?

    According to the Javascript standard, String.replace isn't supposed to modify the string itself. It just returns the modified string. You can refer to the Mozilla Developer Network documentation for more info.

    You can always just set the string to the modified value:

    variableABC = variableABC.replace('B', 'D')

    Edit: The code given above is to only replace the first occurrence.

    To replace all occurrences, you could do:

     variableABC = variableABC.replace(/B/g, "D");  

    To replace all occurrences and ignore casing

     variableABC = variableABC.replace(/B/gi, "D");  

    Bootstrap 4 align navbar items to the right

    I'm new to stack overflow and new to front end development. This is what worked for me. So I did not want list items to be displayed.

    .hidden {_x000D_
      } _x000D_
    <nav class="navbar navbar-toggleable-md navbar-light bg-faded fixed-top">_x000D_
      <button class="navbar-toggler navbar-toggler-right" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">_x000D_
        <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>_x000D_
      <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">NavBar</a>_x000D_
      <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">_x000D_
        <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">_x000D_
          <li class="nav-item active hidden">_x000D_
            <a class="nav-link" href="#">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a>_x000D_
          <li class="nav-item hidden">_x000D_
            <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>_x000D_
          <li class="nav-item hidden">_x000D_
            <a class="nav-link disabled" href="#">Disabled</a>_x000D_
        <form class="form-inline my-2 my-lg-0">_x000D_
          <button class="btn btn-outline-success my-2 my-sm-0" type="submit" id="loginButton"><a href="#">Log In</a></button>_x000D_
          <button class="btn btn-outline-success my-2 my-sm-0" type="submit"><a href="#">Register</a></button>_x000D_

    Better/Faster to Loop through set or list?

    I the list is vary large looping two time over it will take a lot of time and more in the second time you are looping a set not a list and as we know iterating over a set is slower than list.

    i think you need the power of generator and set.

    def first_test():
        def loop_one_time(my_list):
            # create a set to keep the items.
            iterated_items = set()
            # as we know iterating over list is faster then list.
            for value in my_list: 
                # as we know checking if element exist in set is very fast not
                # metter the size of the set.
                if value not in iterated_items:  
                    iterated_items.add(value) # add this item to list
                    yield value
        mylist = [3,1,5,2,4,4,1,4,2,5,1,3]
        for v in loop_one_time(mylist):pass
    def second_test():
        mylist = [3,1,5,2,4,4,1,4,2,5,1,3]
        s = set(mylist)
        for v in s:pass
    import timeit
    print(timeit.timeit('first_test()', setup='from __main__ import first_test', number=10000))
    print(timeit.timeit('second_test()', setup='from __main__ import second_test', number=10000))

    out put:


    Note: this technique order is guaranteed

    In Visual Studio C++, what are the memory allocation representations?

    There's actually quite a bit of useful information added to debug allocations. This table is more complete:

    Address  Offset After HeapAlloc() After malloc() During free() After HeapFree() Comments
    0x00320FD8  -40    0x01090009    0x01090009     0x01090009    0x0109005A     Win32 heap info
    0x00320FDC  -36    0x01090009    0x00180700     0x01090009    0x00180400     Win32 heap info
    0x00320FE0  -32    0xBAADF00D    0x00320798     0xDDDDDDDD    0x00320448     Ptr to next CRT heap block (allocated earlier in time)
    0x00320FE4  -28    0xBAADF00D    0x00000000     0xDDDDDDDD    0x00320448     Ptr to prev CRT heap block (allocated later in time)
    0x00320FE8  -24    0xBAADF00D    0x00000000     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Filename of malloc() call
    0x00320FEC  -20    0xBAADF00D    0x00000000     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Line number of malloc() call
    0x00320FF0  -16    0xBAADF00D    0x00000008     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Number of bytes to malloc()
    0x00320FF4  -12    0xBAADF00D    0x00000001     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Type (0=Freed, 1=Normal, 2=CRT use, etc)
    0x00320FF8  -8     0xBAADF00D    0x00000031     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Request #, increases from 0
    0x00320FFC  -4     0xBAADF00D    0xFDFDFDFD     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     No mans land
    0x00321000  +0     0xBAADF00D    0xCDCDCDCD     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     The 8 bytes you wanted
    0x00321004  +4     0xBAADF00D    0xCDCDCDCD     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     The 8 bytes you wanted
    0x00321008  +8     0xBAADF00D    0xFDFDFDFD     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     No mans land
    0x0032100C  +12    0xBAADF00D    0xBAADF00D     0xDDDDDDDD    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap allocations are rounded up to 16 bytes
    0x00321010  +16    0xABABABAB    0xABABABAB     0xABABABAB    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
    0x00321014  +20    0xABABABAB    0xABABABAB     0xABABABAB    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
    0x00321018  +24    0x00000010    0x00000010     0x00000010    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
    0x0032101C  +28    0x00000000    0x00000000     0x00000000    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
    0x00321020  +32    0x00090051    0x00090051     0x00090051    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
    0x00321024  +36    0xFEEE0400    0xFEEE0400     0xFEEE0400    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
    0x00321028  +40    0x00320400    0x00320400     0x00320400    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping
    0x0032102C  +44    0x00320400    0x00320400     0x00320400    0xFEEEFEEE     Win32 heap bookkeeping

    Normalizing a list of numbers in Python

    For ones who wanna use scikit-learn, you can use

    from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
    x = [1,2,3,4]
    normalize([x]) # array([[0.18257419, 0.36514837, 0.54772256, 0.73029674]])
    normalize([x], norm="l1") # array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]])
    normalize([x], norm="max") # array([[0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1.]])

    How to rollback or commit a transaction in SQL Server

    The good news is a transaction in SQL Server can span multiple batches (each exec is treated as a separate batch.)

    You can wrap your EXEC statements in a BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT but you'll need to go a step further and rollback if any errors occur.

    Ideally you'd want something like this:

            exec( @sqlHeader)
        IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0

    The BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT I believe you are already familiar with. The BEGIN TRY and BEGIN CATCH blocks are basically there to catch and handle any errors that occur. If any of your EXEC statements raise an error, the code execution will jump to the CATCH block.

    Your existing SQL building code should be outside the transaction (above) as you always want to keep your transactions as short as possible.

    How can I pass a reference to a function, with parameters?

    You can also overload the Function prototype:

    // partially applies the specified arguments to a function, returning a new function
    Function.prototype.curry = function( ) {
        var func = this;
        var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
        var appliedArgs = arguments, 0 );
        return function( ) {
            var leftoverArgs = arguments, 0 );
            return func.apply( this, appliedArgs.concat( leftoverArgs ) );
    // can do other fancy things:
    // flips the first two arguments of a function
    Function.prototype.flip = function( ) {
        var func = this;
        return function( ) {
            var first = arguments[0];
            var second = arguments[1];
            var rest = arguments, 2 );
            var newArgs = [second, first].concat( rest );
            return func.apply( this, newArgs );
    var foo = function( a, b, c, d ) { console.log( a, b, c, d ); }
    var iAmA = foo.curry( "I", "am", "a" );
    iAmA( "Donkey" );
    -> I am a Donkey
    var bah = foo.flip( );
    bah( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
    -> 2 1 3 4

    How to convert (transliterate) a string from utf8 to ASCII (single byte) in c#?

    If you want 8 bit representation of characters that used in many encoding, this may help you.

    You must change variable targetEncoding to whatever encoding you want.

    Encoding targetEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(874); // Your target encoding
    Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
    var stringBytes = utf8.GetBytes(Name);
    var stringTargetBytes = Encoding.Convert(utf8, targetEncoding, stringBytes);
    var ascii8BitRepresentAsCsString = Encoding.GetEncoding("Latin1").GetString(stringTargetBytes);

    center MessageBox in parent form

    Surely using your own panel or form would be by far the simplest approach if a little more heavy on the background (designer) code. It gives all the control in terms of centring and manipulation without writing all that custom code.

    Python: how can I check whether an object is of type

    If your existing code is already relying on from datetime import datetime, you can also simply also import date

    from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
    print isinstance(, date)

    Generating random, unique values C#

    You might try shuffling an array of possible ints if your range is only 0 through 9. This adds the benefit of avoiding any conflicts in the number generation.

    var nums = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToArray();
    var rnd = new Random();
    // Shuffle the array
    for (int i = 0;i < nums.Length;++i)
        int randomIndex = rnd.Next(nums.Length);
        int temp = nums[randomIndex];
        nums[randomIndex] = nums[i];
        nums[i] = temp;
    // Now your array is randomized and you can simply print them in order
    for (int i = 0;i < nums.Length;++i)

    How can I know if Object is String type object?

    Its possible you don't need to know depending on what you are doing with it.

    String myString = object.toString();

    or if object can be null

    String myString = String.valueOf(object);

    C++ Calling a function from another class

    in A you have used a definition of B which is not given until then , that's why the compiler is giving error .

    How can I create a product key for my C# application?

    I'm going to piggyback a bit on @frankodwyer's great answer and dig a little deeper into online-based licensing. I'm the founder of Keygen, a licensing REST API built for developers.

    Since you mentioned wanting 2 "types" of licenses for your application, i.e. a "full version" and a "trial version", we can simplify that and use a feature license model where you license specific features of your application (in this case, there's a "full" feature-set and a "trial" feature-set).

    To start off, we could create 2 license types (called policies in Keygen) and whenever a user registers an account you can generate a "trial" license for them to start out (the "trial" license implements our "trial" feature policy), which you can use to do various checks within the app e.g. can user use Trial-Feature-A and Trial-Feature-B.

    And building on that, whenever a user purchases your app (whether you're using PayPal, Stripe, etc.), you can generate a license implementing the "full" feature policy and associate it with the user's account. Now within your app you can check if the user has a "full" license that can do Pro-Feature-X and Pro-Feature-Y (by doing something like user.HasLicenseFor(FEATURE_POLICY_ID)).

    I mentioned allowing your users to create user accounts—what do I mean by that? I've gone into this in detail in a couple other answers, but a quick rundown as to why I think this is a superior way to authenticate and identify your users:

    1. User accounts let you associate multiple licenses and multiple machines to a single user, giving you insight into your customer's behavior and to prompt them for "in-app purchases" i.e. purchasing your "full" version (kind of like mobile apps).
    2. We shouldn't require our customers to input long license keys, which are both tedious to input and hard to keep track of i.e. they get lost easily. (Try searching "lost license key" on Twitter!)
    3. Customers are accustomed to using an email/password; I think we should do what people are used to doing so that we can provide a good user experience (UX).

    Of course, if you don't want to handle user accounts and you want your users to input license keys, that's completely fine (and Keygen supports doing that as well). I'm just offering another way to go about handling that aspect of licensing and hopefully provide a nice UX for your customers.

    Finally since you also mentioned that you want to update these licenses annually, you can set a duration on your policies so that "full" licenses will expire after a year and "trial" licenses last say 2 weeks, requiring that your users purchase a new license after expiration.

    I could dig in more, getting into associating machines with users and things like that, but I thought I'd try to keep this answer short and focus on simply licensing features to your users.

    Checkout multiple git repos into same Jenkins workspace

    I used the Multiple SCMs Plugin in conjunction with the Git Plugin successfully with Jenkins.

    #1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

    If anyone is having issues with INNODB / Utf-8 trying to put an UNIQUE index on a VARCHAR(256) field, switch it to VARCHAR(255). It seems 255 is the limitation.

    php static function

    Calling non-static methods statically generates an E_STRICT level warning.

    Is embedding background image data into CSS as Base64 good or bad practice?

    You can encode it in PHP :)

    <img src="data:image/gif;base64,<?php echo base64_encode(file_get_contents("feed-icon.gif")); ?>">
    Or display in our dynamic CSS.php file:
    background: url("data:image/gif;base64,<?php echo base64_encode(file_get_contents("feed-icon.gif")); ?>");
    1 That’s sort of a “quick-n-dirty” technique but it works. Here is another encoding method using fopen() instead of file_get_contents():
    <?php // convert image to dataURL
    $img_source = "feed-icon.gif"; // image path/name
    $img_binary = fread(fopen($img_source, "r"), filesize($img_source));
    $img_string = base64_encode($img_binary);


    How do I check if a string is unicode or ascii?


    import six
    if isinstance(obj, six.text_type)

    inside the six library it is represented as:

    if PY3:
        string_types = str,
        string_types = basestring,

    history.replaceState() example?

    Here is a minimal, contrived example.

    console.log( window.location.href );  // whatever your current location href is
    window.history.replaceState( {} , 'foo', '/foo' );
    console.log( window.location.href );  // oh, hey, it replaced the path with /foo

    There is more to replaceState() but I don't know what exactly it is that you want to do with it.

    Count specific character occurrences in a string

    I found the best answer :P :

    String.ToString.Count - String.ToString.Replace("e", "").Count
    String.ToString.Count - String.ToString.Replace("t", "").Count

    How to use jQuery to show/hide divs based on radio button selection?

    The simple jquery source for the same -

    $("input:radio[name='group1']").click(function() {      
        $('#' + $("input:radio[name='group1']:checked").val()).show();

    In order to make it little more appropriate just add checked to first option --

    <div><label><input type="radio" name="group1" value="opt1" checked>opt1</label></div>  

    remove .desc class from styling and modify divs like --

    <div id="opt1" class="desc">lorem ipsum dolor</div>
    <div id="opt2" class="desc" style="display: none;">consectetur adipisicing</div>
    <div id="opt3" class="desc" style="display: none;">sed do eiusmod tempor</div>

    it will really look good any-ways.

    create a text file using javascript

    From a web page this cannot work since IE restricts the use of that object.

    Check if a string is a valid date using DateTime.TryParse

    Use DateTime.TryParseExact() if you want to match against a specific date format

     string format = "ddd dd MMM h:mm tt yyyy";
    DateTime dateTime;
    if (DateTime.TryParseExact(dateString, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
        DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime))
        Console.WriteLine("Not a date");

    Division of integers in Java

    In Java
    Integer/Integer = Integer
    Integer/Double = Double//Either of numerator or denominator must be floating point number
    1/10 = 0
    1.0/10 = 0.1
    1/10.0 = 0.1

    Just type cast either of them.

    Set field value with reflection

    You can try this:

    //Your class instance
    Publication publication = new Publication();
    //Get class with full path(with package name)
    Class<?> c = Class.forName("com.example.publication.models.Publication");
    //Get method
    Method  method = c.getDeclaredMethod ("setTitle", String.class);
    //set value
    method.invoke (publication,  "Value to want to set here...");

    Iterate through dictionary values?

    Create the opposite dictionary:

    PIX1 = {}
    for key in PIX0.keys():
        PIX1[PIX0.get(key)] = key

    Then run the same code on this dictionary instead (using PIX1 instead of PIX0).

    BTW, I'm not sure about Python 3, but in Python 2 you need to use raw_input instead of input.

    How to enable assembly bind failure logging (Fusion) in .NET

    The Fusion Log Settings Viewer changer script is bar none the best way to do this.

    In ASP.NET, it has been tricky at times to get this to work correctly. This script works great and was listed on Scott Hanselman's Power Tool list as well. I've personally used it for years and its never let me down.

    Using onBackPressed() in Android Fragments

    Use this:

    public void onBackPressed() {
        int fragments = getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount();
        if (fragments == 1) {

    How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java

    For those saying that the answer of @kuester2000 does not work, please be aware that HTTP requests, first try to find the host IP with a DNS request and then makes the actual HTTP request to the server, so you may also need to set a timeout for the DNS request.

    If your code worked without the timeout for the DNS request it's because you are able to reach a DNS server or you are hitting the Android DNS cache. By the way you can clear this cache by restarting the device.

    This code extends the original answer to include a manual DNS lookup with a custom timeout:

    //Our objective
    String sURL = "";
    int DNSTimeout = 1000;
    int HTTPTimeout = 2000;
    //Get the IP of the Host
    URL url= null;
    try {
         url = ResolveHostIP(sURL,DNSTimeout);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        //the DNS lookup timed out or failed.
    //Build the request parameters
    HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
    HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, HTTPTimeout);
    HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, HTTPTimeout);
    DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(params);
    HttpResponse httpResponse;
    String text;
    try {
        //Execute the request (here it blocks the execution until finished or a timeout)
        httpResponse = client.execute(new HttpGet(url.toString()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        //If you hit this probably the connection timed out
    //If you get here everything went OK so check response code, body or whatever

    Used method:

    //Run the DNS lookup manually to be able to time it out.
    public static URL ResolveHostIP (String sURL, int timeout) throws MalformedURLException {
        URL url= new URL(sURL);
        //Resolve the host IP on a new thread
        DNSResolver dnsRes = new DNSResolver(url.getHost());
        Thread t = new Thread(dnsRes);
        //Join the thread for some time
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            Log.d("DEBUG", "DNS lookup interrupted");
            return null;
        //get the IP of the host
        InetAddress inetAddr = dnsRes.get();
        if(inetAddr==null) {
            Log.d("DEBUG", "DNS timed out.");
            return null;
        //rebuild the URL with the IP and return it
        Log.d("DEBUG", "DNS solved.");
        return new URL(url.getProtocol(),inetAddr.getHostAddress(),url.getPort(),url.getFile());

    This class is from this blog post. Go and check the remarks if you will use it.

    public static class DNSResolver implements Runnable {
        private String domain;
        private InetAddress inetAddr;
        public DNSResolver(String domain) {
            this.domain = domain;
        public void run() {
            try {
                InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(domain);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        public synchronized void set(InetAddress inetAddr) {
            this.inetAddr = inetAddr;
        public synchronized InetAddress get() {
            return inetAddr;

    How to I say Is Not Null in VBA

    you can do like follows. Remember, IsNull is a function which returns TRUE if the parameter passed to it is null, and false otherwise.

    Not IsNull(Fields!W_O_Count.Value)

    Add ripple effect to my button with button background color?

    In addition to Jigar Patel's solution, add this to the ripple.xml to avoid transparent background of buttons.

        android:drawable="@color/your-color" />

    Complete xml :

    <ripple xmlns:android=""
        <item android:id="@android:id/mask">
            <shape android:shape="rectangle">
                <solid android:color="@color/your-color" />
            android:drawable="@color/your-color" />

    Use this ripple.xml as background in your button :


    concatenate variables

    If you need to concatenate paths with quotes, you can use = to replace quotes in a variable. This does not require you to know if the path already contains quotes or not. If there are no quotes, nothing is changed.

    @echo off
    rem Paths to combine
    set DIRECTORY="C:\Directory with spaces"
    set FILENAME="sub directory\filename.txt"
    rem Combine two paths
    echo %COMBINED%
    rem This is just to illustrate how the = operator works

    Does Index of Array Exist

    It sounds very much like you're using an array to store different fields. This is definitely a code smell. I'd avoid using arrays as much as possible as they're generally not suitable (or needed) in high-level code.

    Switching to a simple Dictionary may be a workable option in the short term. As would using a big property bag class. There are lots of options. The problem you have now is just a symptom of bad design, you should look at fixing the underlying problem rather than just patching the bad design so it kinda, sorta mostly works, for now.

    Is div inside list allowed?

    Yes it is valid according to xhtml1-strict.dtd. The following XHTML passes the validation:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

    How to read the Stock CPU Usage data

    As other answers have pointed, on UNIX systems the numbers represent CPU load averages over 1/5/15 minute periods. But on Linux (and consequently Android), what it represents is something different.

    After a kernel patch dating back to 1993 (a great in-depth article on the subject), in Linux the load average numbers no longer strictly represent the CPU load: as the calculation accounts not only for CPU bound processes, but also for processes in uninterruptible wait state - the original goal was to account for I/O bound processes this way, to represent more of a "system load" than just CPU load. The issue is that since 1993 the usage of uninterruptible state has grown in Linux kernel, and it no longer typically represents an I/O bound process. The problem is further exacerbated by some Linux devs using uninterruptible waits as an easy wait to avoid accommodating signals in their implementations. As a result, in Linux (and Android) we can see skewed high load average numbers that do not objectively represent the real load. There are Android user reports about unreasonable high load averages contrasting low CPU utilization. For example, my old Android phone (with 2 CPU cores) normally shown average load of ~12 even when the system and CPUs were idle. Hence, average load numbers in Linux (Android) does not turn out to be a reliable performance metric.

    Eclipse and Windows newlines

    In addition to the Eclipse solutions and the tool mentioned in another answer, consider flip. It can 'flip' either way between normal and Windows linebreaks, and does nice things like preserve the file's timestamp and other stats.

    You can use it like this to solve your problem:

    find . -type f -not -path './.git/*' -exec flip -u {} \;

    (I put in a clause to ignore your .git directory, in case you use git, but since flip ignores binary files by default, you mightn't need this.)

    JavaScript implementation of Gzip

    You can use a 1 pixel per 1 pixel Java applet embedded in the page and use that for compression.

    It's not JavaScript and the clients will need a Java runtime but it will do what you need.

    Dynamic SQL results into temp table in SQL Stored procedure

    Not sure if I understand well, but maybe you could form the CREATE statement inside a string, then execute that String? That way you could add as many columns as you want.

    What is the proper #include for the function 'sleep()'?

    sleep is a non-standard function.

    • On UNIX, you shall include <unistd.h>.
    • On MS-Windows, Sleep is rather from <windows.h>.

    In every case, check the documentation.

    How to disable back swipe gesture in UINavigationController on iOS 7


    If you want to manage swipe back feature for specific navigation controllers, consider using SwipeBack.

    With this, you can set navigationController.swipeBackEnabled = NO.

    For example:

    #import <SwipeBack/SwipeBack.h>
    - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
        navigationController.swipeBackEnabled = NO;

    It can be installed via CocoaPods.

    pod 'SwipeBack', '~> 1.0'

    I appologize for lack of explanation.

    Css pseudo classes input:not(disabled)not:[type="submit"]:focus

    Instead of:

    input:not(disabled)not:[type="submit"]:focus {}


    input:not([disabled]):not([type="submit"]):focus {}

    disabled is an attribute so it needs the brackets, and you seem to have mixed up/missing colons and parentheses on the :not() selector.


    One thing to note: I may be wrong, but I don't think disabled inputs can normally receive focus, so that part may be redundant.

    Alternatively, use :enabled

    input:enabled:not([type="submit"]):focus { /* styles here */ }

    Again, I can't think of a case where disabled input can receive focus, so it seems unnecessary.

    TSQL - Cast string to integer or return default value

    I would rather create a function like TryParse or use T-SQL TRY-CATCH block to get what you wanted.

    ISNUMERIC doesn't always work as intended. The code given before will fail if you do:

    SET @text = '$'

    $ sign can be converted to money datatype, so ISNUMERIC() returns true in that case. It will do the same for '-' (minus), ',' (comma) and '.' characters.

    Tomcat 8 Maven Plugin for Java 8

    Almost 2 years later....
    This github project readme has a some clarity of configuration of the maven plugin and it seems, according to this apache github project, the plugin itself will materialise soon enough.

    How can I add an image file into json object?

    You will need to read the bytes from that File into a byte[] and put that object into your JSONObject.

    You should also have a look at the following posts :

    Hope this helps.

    How do you resize a form to fit its content automatically?

    From MSDN:

    To maximize productivity, the Windows Forms Designer shadows the AutoSize property for the Form class. At design time, the form behaves as though the AutoSize property is set to false, regardless of its actual setting. At runtime, no special accommodation is made, and the AutoSize property is applied as specified by the property setting.

    How can I exclude one word with grep?

    The -v option will show you all the lines that don't match the pattern.

    grep -v ^unwanted_word

    Use jQuery to change value of a label

    Validation (HTML5): Attribute 'name' is not a valid attribute of element 'label'.

    How to add spacing between columns?

    To obtain a particular width of spacing between columns, we have to set up padding in the standard Bootstrap's layout.

    @import url('');_x000D_
    /* Check breakpoint at */_x000D_
    @media (min-width: 992px) { _x000D_
      .space-100-px > .row > .col-md-6:first-child {_x000D_
        padding: 0 50px 0 0; /* The first half of 100px */_x000D_
      .space-100-px > .row > .col-md-6:last-child {_x000D_
        padding: 0 0 0 50px; /* The second half of 100px */_x000D_
    /* The result will be easier to see. */ _x000D_
    .space-100-px img {_x000D_
      width: 100%;_x000D_
      height: auto;_x000D_
    <div class="container-fluid space-100-px">_x000D_
      <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-6">_x000D_
          <img src="" alt="Left">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-6">_x000D_
          <img src="" alt="Right">_x000D_

    How to get Device Information in Android

    You can use the Build Class to get the device information.

    For example:

    String myDeviceModel = android.os.Build.MODEL;

    javascript regular expression to check for IP addresses

    If you want something more readable than regex for ipv4 in modern browsers you can go with

    function checkIsIPV4(entry) {
      var blocks = entry.split(".");
      if(blocks.length === 4) {
        return blocks.every(function(block) {
          return parseInt(block,10) >=0 && parseInt(block,10) <= 255;
      return false;

    Returning a value from callback function in Node.js

    Its undefined because, console.log(response) runs before doCall(urlToCall); is finished. You have to pass in a callback function aswell, that runs when your request is done.

    First, your function. Pass it a callback:

    function doCall(urlToCall, callback) {
        urllib.request(urlToCall, { wd: 'nodejs' }, function (err, data, response) {                              
            var statusCode = response.statusCode;
            finalData = getResponseJson(statusCode, data.toString());
            return callback(finalData);


    var urlToCall = "http://myUrlToCall";
    doCall(urlToCall, function(response){
        // Here you have access to your variable

    @Rodrigo, posted a good resource in the comments. Read about callbacks in node and how they work. Remember, it is asynchronous code.

    Content Type text/xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service

    For anyone who lands here by searching:

    content type 'application/json; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8

    or some subset of that error:

    A similar error was caused in my case by building and running a service without proper attributes. I got this error message when I tried to update the service reference in my client application. It was resolved when I correctly applied [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes to my custom classes.

    This would most likely be applicable if your service was set up and working and then it broke after you edited it.

    printf %f with only 2 numbers after the decimal point?

    You can try printf("%.2f", [double]);

    Unclosed Character Literal error

    Character only takes one value dude! like: char y = 'h'; and maybe you typed like char y = 'hello'; or smthg. good luck. for the question asked above the answer is pretty simple u have to use DOUBLE QUOTES to give a string value. easy enough;)

    How can I import data into mysql database via mysql workbench?

    1. Open Connetion
    2. Select "Administration" tab
    3. Click on Data import

    Upload sql file

    enter image description here

    Make sure to select your database in this award winning GUI:

    enter image description here

    jQuery DataTables Getting selected row values

    More a comment than an answer - but I cannot add comments yet: Thanks for your help, the count was the easy part. Just for others that might come here. I hope that it will save you some time.

    It took me a while to get the attributes from the rows and to understand how to access them from the data() Object (that the data() is an Array and the Attributes can be read by adding them with a dot and not with brackets:

    $('#button').click( function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < table.rows('.selected').data().length; i++) { 
           console.log( table.rows('.selected').data()[i].attributeNameFromYourself);
    } );

    (by the way: I get the data for my table using AJAX and JSON)

    How to fire a change event on a HTMLSelectElement if the new value is the same as the old?

    Try this. Just add an empty option. This will solve your problem.

    <select onchange="jsFunction()">
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>
        <option value="3">3</option>

    adding line break

    C# 6+

    In addition, since c#6 you can also use a static using statement for System.Environment.

    So instead of Environment.NewLine, you can just write NewLine.

    Concise and much easier on the eye, particularly when there are multiple instances ...

    using static System.Environment;
    FirmNames = "";
    foreach (var item in FirmNameList)
        if (FirmNames != "")
           FirmNames += ", " + NewLine;
        FirmNames += item;

    UEFA/FIFA scores API

    You can find stats-dot-com - personally I think their are better than opta. ESPN seems don't provide data in full and do not provide live data feeds (unfortunatelly).

    We've been seeking for official data feed providing for our fantasy games ( and still staying with stats-com mainly (used opta, datafactory as well)

    How can I debug javascript on Android?

    I use Weinre, part of Apache Cordova.

    With Weinre, I get Google Chrome's debug console in my desktop browser, and can connect Android to that debug console, and debug HTML and CSS. I can execute Javascript commands in the console, and they affect the Web page in the Android browser. Log messages from Android appear in the desktop debug console.

    However I think it's not possible to view or step through the actual Javascript code. So I combine Weinre with log messages.

    (I don't know much about JConsole but it seems to me that HTML and CSS inspection isn't possible with JConsole, only Javascript commands and logging (?).)

    Express-js wildcard routing to cover everything under and including a path

    For those who are learning node/express (just like me): do not use wildcard routing if possible!

    I also wanted to implement the routing for GET /users/:id/whatever using wildcard routing. This is how I got here.

    More info:

    JPG vs. JPEG image formats

    No difference at all.

    I personally prefer having 3 letters extensions, but you might prefer having the full name.
    It's pure aestetics (personal taste), nothing else.
    The format doesn't change.

    You can rename the jpeg files into jpg (or vice versa) an nothing changes: they will open in your picture viewer.

    By opening both a JPG and a JPEG file with an hex editor, you will notice that they share the very same heading information.

    How to check Spark Version

    According to the Cloudera documentation - What's New in CDH 5.7.0 it includes Spark 1.6.0.

    What is a Subclass

    A subclass is something that extends the functionality of your existing class. I.e.

    Superclass - describes the catagory of objects:

    public abstract class Fruit {
        public abstract Color color;

    Subclass1 - describes attributes of the individual Fruit objects:

    public class Apple extends Fruit {
        Color color = red;

    Subclass2 - describes attributes of the individual Fruit objects:

    public class Banana extends Fruit {
        Color color = yellow;

    The 'abstract' keyword in the superclass means that the class will only define the mandatory information that each subclass must have i.e. A piece of fruit must have a color so it is defines in the super class and all subclasses must 'inherit' that attribute and define the value that describes the specific object.

    Does that make sense?

    JavaScript module pattern with example

    I would really recommend anyone entering this subject to read Addy Osmani's free book:

    "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns".

    This book helped me out immensely when I was starting into writing more maintainable JavaScript and I still use it as a reference. Have a look at his different module pattern implementations, he explains them really well.

    How do you extract a JAR in a UNIX filesystem with a single command and specify its target directory using the JAR command?

    If this is a personal script, rather than one you're planning on distributing, it might be simpler to write a shell function for this:

    function warextract { jar xf $1 $2 && mv $2 $3 }

    which you could then call from python like so:

    warextract /home/foo/bar/Portal.ear Binaries.war /home/foo/bar/baz/

    If you really feel like it, you could use sed to parse out the filename from the path, so that you'd be able to call it with

    warextract /home/foo/bar/Portal.ear /home/foo/bar/baz/Binaries.war

    I'll leave that as an excercise to the reader, though.

    Of course, since this will extract the .war out into the current directory first, and then move it, it has the possibility of overwriting something with the same name where you are.

    Changing directory, extracting it, and cd-ing back is a bit cleaner, but I find myself using little one-line shell functions like this all the time when I want to reduce code clutter.

    How can I get all sequences in an Oracle database?

    You may not have permission to dba_sequences. So you can always just do:

    select * from user_sequences;

    Use child_process.execSync but keep output in console

    You can pass the parent´s stdio to the child process if that´s what you want:

        'rsync -avAXz --info=progress2 "/src" "/dest"',
        {stdio: 'inherit'}

    Explicitly set column value to null SQL Developer

    Use Shift+Del.

    More info: Shift+Del combination key set a field to null when you filled a field by a value and you changed your decision and you want to make it null. It is useful and I amazed from the other answers that give strange solutions.

    HTTP GET request in JavaScript?

    The best way is to use AJAX ( you can find a simple tutorial on this page Tizag). The reason is that any other technique you may use requires more code, it is not guaranteed to work cross browser without rework and requires you use more client memory by opening hidden pages inside frames passing urls parsing their data and closing them. AJAX is the way to go in this situation. That my two years of javascript heavy development speaking.

    Disable scrolling in webview?

    Set a listener on your WebView:

    webView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
                public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                    return(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE));

    What is the height of iPhone's onscreen keyboard?

    The keyboard height depends on the model, the QuickType bar, user settings... The best approach is calculate dinamically:

    Swift 3.0

        var heightKeyboard : CGFloat?
        override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
                NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.keyboardShown(notification:)), name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardDidShow, object: nil)
        func keyboardShown(notification: NSNotification) {
               if let infoKey  = notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey],
                   let rawFrame = (infoKey as AnyObject).cgRectValue {
                   let keyboardFrame = view.convert(rawFrame, from: nil)
                   self.heightKeyboard = keyboardFrame.size.height
                   // Now is stored in your heightKeyboard variable

    The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication

    As a matter of fact, if unsuccessful after following suggestions by marc_s, please keep in mind that a <security> element in server binding configuration (or lack thereof) in web.config on the server may cause this exception. For instance the server is expecting Message-level security and client is configured to None (or, if the server is not part of an Active Directory domain but the remote client host is).

    Tip: In such cases the client app will most likely invoke the web service fine when executed directly on the server machine under administrative account in RDP session.

    Any implementation of Ordered Set in Java?

    Try using java.util.TreeSet that implements SortedSet.

    To quote the doc:

    "The elements are ordered using their natural ordering, or by a Comparator provided at set creation time, depending on which constructor is used"

    Note that add, remove and contains has a time cost log(n).

    If you want to access the content of the set as an Array, you can convert it doing:

    YourType[] array = someSet.toArray(new YourType[yourSet.size()]); 

    This array will be sorted with the same criteria as the TreeSet (natural or by a comparator), and in many cases this will have a advantage instead of doing a Arrays.sort()

    Is it possible to run a .NET 4.5 app on XP?

    I hesitate to post this answer, it is actually technically possible but it doesn't work that well in practice. The version numbers of the CLR and the core framework assemblies were not changed in 4.5. You still target v4.0.30319 of the CLR and the framework assembly version numbers are still The only thing that's distinctive about the assembly manifest when you look at it with a disassembler like ildasm.exe is the presence of a [TargetFramework] attribute that says that 4.5 is needed, that would have to be altered. Not actually that easy, it is emitted by the compiler.

    The biggest difference is not that visible, Microsoft made a long-overdue change in the executable header of the assemblies. Which specifies what version of Windows the executable is compatible with. XP belongs to a previous generation of Windows, started with Windows 2000. Their major version number is 5. Vista was the start of the current generation, major version number 6.

    .NET compilers have always specified the minimum version number to be 4.00, the version of Windows NT and Windows 9x. You can see this by running dumpbin.exe /headers on the assembly. Sample output looks like this:

                 10B magic # (PE32)
                4.00 operating system version
                0.00 image version
                4.00 subsystem version              // <=== here!!
                   0 Win32 version

    What's new in .NET 4.5 is that the compilers change that subsystem version to 6.00. A change that was over-due in large part because Windows pays attention to that number, beyond just checking if it is small enough. It also turns on appcompat features since it assumes that the program was written to work on old versions of Windows. These features cause trouble, particularly the way Windows lies about the size of a window in Aero is troublesome. It stops lying about the fat borders of an Aero window when it can see that the program was designed to run on a Windows version that has Aero.

    You can alter that version number and set it back to 4.00 by running Editbin.exe on your assemblies with the /subsystem option. This answer shows a sample postbuild event.

    That's however about where the good news ends, a significant problem is that .NET 4.5 isn't very compatible with .NET 4.0. By far the biggest hang-up is that classes were moved from one assembly to another. Most notably, that happened for the [Extension] attribute. Previously in System.Core.dll, it got moved to Mscorlib.dll in .NET 4.5. That's a kaboom on XP if you declare your own extension methods, your program says to look in Mscorlib for the attribute, enabled by a [TypeForwardedTo] attribute in the .NET 4.5 version of the System.Core reference assembly. But it isn't there when you run your program on .NET 4.0

    And of course there's nothing that helps you stop using classes and methods that are only available on .NET 4.5. When you do, your program will fail with a TypeLoadException or MissingMethodException when run on 4.0

    Just target 4.0 and all of these problems disappear. Or break that logjam and stop supporting XP, a business decision that programmers cannot often make but can certainly encourage by pointing out the hassles that it is causing. There is of course a non-zero cost to having to support ancient operating systems, just the testing effort is substantial. A cost that isn't often recognized by management, Windows compatibility is legendary, unless it is pointed out to them. Forward that cost to the client and they tend to make the right decision a lot quicker :) But we can't help you with that.

    Regex: Check if string contains at least one digit

    In perl:

    if($testString =~ /\d/) 
        print "This string contains at least one digit"

    where \d matches to a digit.

    How to know Laravel version and where is it defined?

    CASE - 1

    Run this command in your project..

    php artisan --version  

    You will get version of laravel installed in your system like this..

    enter image description here

    CASE - 2

    Also you can check laravel version in the composer.json file in root directory.

    enter image description here

    Android: How can I validate EditText input?

    Why don't you use TextWatcher ?

    Since you have a number of EditText boxes to be validated, I think the following shall suit you :

    1. Your activity implements android.text.TextWatcher interface
    2. You add TextChanged listeners to you EditText boxes
    1. Of the overridden methods, you could use the afterTextChanged(Editable s) method as follows
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        // validation code goes here

    The Editable s doesn't really help to find which EditText box's text is being changed. But you could directly check the contents of the EditText boxes like

    String txt1String = txt1.getText().toString();
    // Validate txt1String

    in the same method. I hope I'm clear and if I am, it helps! :)

    EDIT: For a cleaner approach refer to Christopher Perry's answer below.

    Jupyter notebook not running code. Stuck on In [*]

    updating ipykernel did it for me. it seems arch linux's ipykernel package had been outdated for some time

    just do pip install --upgrade ipykernel

    reference here: github solution

    Are parameters in strings.xml possible?

    Yes, just format your strings in the standard String.format() way.

    See the method Context.getString(int, Object...) and the Android or Java Formatter documentation.

    In your case, the string definition would be:

    <string name="timeFormat">%1$d minutes ago</string>

    Return index of highest value in an array

    My solution is:

    $maxs = array_keys($array, max($array))

    this way you can retrieve every key related to a given max value.

    If you are interested only in one key among all simply use $maxs[0]