Programs & Examples On #Maven release plugin

The Apache Maven Release Plugin is used to create releases with Maven. The release plugin will automatically create tags in the VCS etc.

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

Just deleting repository folder in .m2 folder resolved the same issue.

How do I change the default application icon in Java? url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("com/xyz/resources/camera.png");

May or may not require a '/' at the front of the path.

Disable beep of Linux Bash on Windows 10

To disable the beeps when ssh-ing in a remote machine, simply create the same ~/.inputrc and ~/.vimrc files on the remote machine to stop ssh itself from beeping.

See the answer from @Nemo for the contents of each file.

How should I deal with "package 'xxx' is not available (for R version x.y.z)" warning?

I found a slight variation on #6 package is out of date from the excellent solution by @Richie Cotton.

Sometimes the package maintainer may show R version gaps that it does not support. In that case, you have at least two options: 1) upgrade your R version to the next one the target package already supports, 2) install the most recent version from the older ones available that would work with your R version.

A concrete example: the latest CRAN version of package rattle for data mining, 5.3.0, does not support R version 3.4 because it had a big update between package versions 5.2.0 (R >= 2.13.0) and 5.3.0 (R >=3.5).

In a case like this, the alternative to upgrading the R installation is the solution already mentioned. Install the package devtools if you don't have it (it includes package remotes) and then install the specific version that will work in your current R. You can look up that information on the CRAN page for the specific package archives.

install_version("rattle", version = "5.2.0", repos = "")

NuGet: 'X' already has a dependency defined for 'Y'

I was getting the issue 'Newtonsoft.Json' already has a dependency defined for 'Microsoft.CSharp' on the TeamCity build server. I changed the "Update Mode" of the Nuget Installer build step from solution file to packages.config and NuGet.exe to the latest version (I had 3.5.0) and it worked !!

Jenkins could not run git

I got a very similar error when my Jenkins agent was running Java 11 instead of Java 8. It had nothing to do with configuring my git path! Downgrading the agent to Java 8 was the only solution I found.

jquery equivalent for JSON.stringify

There is no such functionality in jQuery. Use JSON.stringify or alternatively any jQuery plugin with similar functionality (e.g jquery-json).

What's the difference between django OneToOneField and ForeignKey?

OneToOneField: if second table is related with

table2_col1 = models.OneToOneField(table1,on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='table1_id')

table2 will contains only one record corresponding to table1's pk value, i.e table2_col1 will have unique value equal to pk of table

table2_col1 == models.ForeignKey(table1, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='table1_id')

table2 may contains more than one record corresponding to table1's pk value.

How do I remove a substring from the end of a string in Python?

Python >= 3.9:


Python < 3.9:

def remove_suffix(text, suffix):
    if text.endswith(suffix):
        text = text[:-len(suffix)]
    return text

remove_suffix('', '.com')

Business logic in MVC

It does not make sense to put your business layer in the Model for an MVC project.

Say that your boss decides to change the presentation layer to something else, you would be screwed! The business layer should be a separate assembly. A Model contains the data that comes from the business layer that passes to the view to display. Then on post for example, the model binds to a Person class that resides in the business layer and calls PersonBusiness.SavePerson(p); where p is the Person class. Here's what I do (BusinessError class is missing but would go in the BusinessLayer too):enter image description here

Can you Run Xcode in Linux?

It was weird that no one suggested KVM.

It is gonna provide you almost native performance and it is built-in Linux. Go and check it out.

you will feel like u are using mac only and then install Xcode there u may even choose to directly boot into the OSX GUI instead of Linux one on startup

global variable for all controller and views

Okay, I'm going to completely ignore the ridiculous amount of over engineering and assumptions that the other answers are rife with, and go with the simple option.

If you're okay for there to be a single database call during each request, then the method is simple, alarmingly so:

class BaseController extends \Controller

    protected $site_settings;

    public function __construct() 
        // Fetch the Site Settings object
        $this->site_settings = Setting::all();
        View::share('site_settings', $this->site_settings);


Now providing that all of your controllers extend this BaseController, they can just do $this->site_settings.

If you wish to limit the amount of queries across multiple requests, you could use a caching solution as previously provided, but based on your question, the simple answer is a class property.

How do I invoke a Java method when given the method name as a string?


To invoke a method, without Arguments:

public static void callMethodByName(Object object, String methodName) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {

To invoke a method, with Arguments:

    public static void callMethodByName(Object object, String methodName, int i, String s) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
        object.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, int.class, String.class).invoke(object, i, s);

Use the above methods as below:

package practice;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

public class MethodInvoke {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, IOException {
        String methodName1 = "methodA";
        String methodName2 = "methodB";
        MethodInvoke object = new MethodInvoke();
        callMethodByName(object, methodName1);
        callMethodByName(object, methodName2, 1, "Test");

    public static void callMethodByName(Object object, String methodName) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {

    public static void callMethodByName(Object object, String methodName, int i, String s) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
        object.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, int.class, String.class).invoke(object, i, s);

    void methodA() {
        System.out.println("Method A");

    void methodB(int i, String s) {
        System.out.println("Method B: "+"\n\tParam1 - "+i+"\n\tParam 2 - "+s);


Method A  
Method B:  
	Param1 - 1  
	Param 2 - Test

DateTime "null" value

For normal DateTimes, if you don't initialize them at all then they will match DateTime.MinValue, because it is a value type rather than a reference type.

You can also use a nullable DateTime, like this:

DateTime? MyNullableDate;

Or the longer form:

Nullable<DateTime> MyNullableDate;

And, finally, there's a built in way to reference the default of any type. This returns null for reference types, but for our DateTime example it will return the same as DateTime.MinValue:


or, in more recent versions of C#,


What is the difference between i++ and ++i?

If you have:

int i = 10;
int x = ++i;

then x will be 11.

But if you have:

int i = 10;
int x = i++;

then x will be 10.

Note as Eric points out, the increment occurs at the same time in both cases, but it's what value is given as the result that differs (thanks Eric!).

Generally, I like to use ++i unless there's a good reason not to. For example, when writing a loop, I like to use:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

Or, if I just need to increment a variable, I like to use:


Normally, one way or the other doesn't have much significance and comes down to coding style, but if you are using the operators inside other assignments (like in my original examples), it's important to be aware of potential side effects.

How to compare two vectors for equality element by element in C++?

Your code (vector1 == vector2) is correct C++ syntax. There is an == operator for vectors.

If you want to compare short vector with a portion of a longer vector, you can use theequal() operator for vectors. (documentation here)

Here's an example:

using namespace std;

if( equal(vector1.begin(), vector1.end(), vector2.begin()) )

Can "git pull --all" update all my local branches?

I use the sync subcommand of hub to automate this. I have alias git=hub in my .bash_profile, so the command I type is:

git sync

This updates all local branches that have a matching upstream branch. From the man page:

  • If the local branch is outdated, fast-forward it;
  • If the local branch contains unpushed work, warn about it;
  • If the branch seems merged and its upstream branch was deleted, delete it.

It also handles stashing/unstashing uncommitted changes on the current branch.

I used to use a similar tool called git-up, but it's no longer maintained, and git sync does almost exactly the same thing.

What is the opposite of :hover (on mouse leave)?

Just add a transition to the element you are messing with. Be aware that there could be some effects when the page loads. Like if you made a border radius change, you will see it when the dom loads.

.element {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  transition: all ease-in-out 0.5s;_x000D_
 .element:hover {_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
    transition: all ease-in-out 0.5s;_x000D_

All shards failed

first thing first, all shards failed exception is not as dramatic as it sounds, it means shards were failed while serving a request(query or index), and there could be multiple reasons for it like

  1. Shards are actually in non-recoverable state, if your cluster and index state are in Yellow and RED, then it is one of the reason.
  2. Due to some shard recovery happening in background, shards didn't respond.
  3. Due to bad syntax of your query, ES responds in all shards failed.

In order to fix the issue, you need to filter it in one of the above category and based on that appropriate fix is required.

The one mentioned in the question, is clearly in the first bucket as cluster health is RED, means one or more primary shards are missing, and my this SO answer will help you fix RED cluster issue, which will fix the all shards exception in this case.

Python: How exactly can you take a string, split it, reverse it and join it back together again?

Do you mean like this?

import string

deleter=string.maketrans('()[]','    ')
# a b c  d
# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
# ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']
print(' '.join(reversed(astr.translate(deleter).split())))
# d c b a

Test if characters are in a string

You want grepl:

> chars <- "test"
> value <- "es"
> grepl(value, chars)
[1] TRUE
> chars <- "test"
> value <- "et"
> grepl(value, chars)

What is the Swift equivalent of isEqualToString in Objective-C?

In Swift, the == operator is equivalent to Objective C's isEqual: method (it calls the isEqual method instead of just comparing pointers, and there's a new === method for testing that the pointers are the same), so you can just write this as:

if username == "" || password == ""
    println("Sign in failed. Empty character")

The cause of "bad magic number" error when loading a workspace and how to avoid it?

If you are working with devtools try to save the files with:

devtools::use_data(x, internal = TRUE)

Then, delete all files saved previously.

From doc:

internal If FALSE, saves each object in individual .rda files in the data directory. These are available whenever the package is loaded. If TRUE, stores all objects in a single R/sysdata.rda file. These objects are only available within the package.

Error inflating class

I have fixed this problem by modifying app build.gradle file.

For Gradle Plugin 2.0+

 android {  
   defaultConfig {  
     vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true  

For Gradle Plugin 1.5

 android {  
   defaultConfig {  

     generatedDensities = []  

  aaptOptions {  
    additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors"  

"Could not find Developer Disk Image"

To run the project to latest devices from the older versions of Xcode, follow the following steps :

Go To Finder -> Applications -> Right Click on latest Xcode version -> select show package content -> Developer -> Platforms -> iPhoneOS.platform -> DeviceSupport -> Copy the latest version folder and paste at the same location of your old Xcode i.e in the DeviceSupport folder of your old Xcode.

Then Restart Xcode.enter image description here

scp from Linux to Windows

Open bash window. Preferably git bash. write

scp username@remote_ip:/directory_of_file/filename 'windows_location_you_want_to_store_the_file'


Suppose your username is jewel

your IP is

your remote file location is /usr/local/forme

your filename is

and you want to store in your windows PC's D drive forme folder then the command will be

scp [email protected]:/usr/local/forme/ 'D:/forme'

**Keep the local file directory inside single quote.

How do I mock a REST template exchange?

I used to get such an error. I found a more reliable solution. I have mentioned the import statements too which have worked for me. The below piece of code perfectly mocks restemplate.

import org.mockito.Matchers;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;

    HttpHeaders headers = new Headers();
    ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = new ResponseEntity<>("dummyString", headers, HttpStatus.OK);
    when( Matchers.anyString(), 
            Matchers.<HttpEntity<?>> any(), 
            Matchers.<Class<String>> any())).thenReturn(responseEntity);

How to format a date using ng-model?

In Angular2+ for anyone interested:

<input type="text" placeholder="My Date" [ngModel]="myDate | date: 'longDate'">

with type of filters in DatePipe Angular.

How do I create executable Java program?

Take a look at WinRun4J. It's windows only but that's because unix has executable scripts that look (to the user) like bins. You can also easily modify WinRun4J to compile on unix.

It does require a config file, but again, recompile it with hard-coded options and it works like a config-less exe.

Get Absolute Position of element within the window in wpf

Hm. You have to specify window you clicked in Mouse.GetPosition(IInputElement relativeTo) Following code works well for me

protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        Point p = e.GetPosition(this);

I suspect that you need to refer to the window not from it own class but from other point of the application. In this case Application.Current.MainWindow will help you.

How can two strings be concatenated?


is the way to go. As the previous posters pointed out, paste can do two things:

concatenate values into one "string", e.g.

> paste("Hello", "world", sep=" ")
[1] "Hello world"

where the argument sep specifies the character(s) to be used between the arguments to concatenate, or collapse character vectors

> x <- c("Hello", "World")
> x
[1] "Hello" "World"
> paste(x, collapse="--")
[1] "Hello--World"

where the argument collapse specifies the character(s) to be used between the elements of the vector to be collapsed.

You can even combine both:

> paste(x, "and some more", sep="|-|", collapse="--")
[1] "Hello|-|and some more--World|-|and some more"

Hope this helps.

Redirect on select option in select box

Because the first option is already selected, the change event is never fired. Add an empty value as the first one and check for empty in the location assignment.

Here's an example:

<select onchange="this.options[this.selectedIndex].value && (window.location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">_x000D_
  <option value="">Select...</option>_x000D_
  <option value="">Google</option>_x000D_
  <option value="">Yahoo</option>_x000D_

How to play or open *.mp3 or *.wav sound file in c++ program?

SFML does not have mp3 support as another has suggested. What I always do is use Audacity and make all my music into ogg, and leave all my sound effects as wav.

Loading and playing a wav is simple (crude example):

#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
sf::SoundBuffer buffer;
if (!buffer.loadFromFile("sound.wav")){
    return -1;
sf::Sound sound;

Streaming an ogg music file is also simple:

#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
sf::Music music;
if (!music.openFromFile("music.ogg"))
    return -1; // error;

Inner text shadow with CSS

I've seen many of the proposed solutions, but none were quite what I was hoping.

Here's my best hack at this, where the color is transparent, the background and the top text-shadow are the same color with varying opacities, simulating the mask, and the second text-shadow is a darker, more saturated version of the color you actually want (pretty easy to do with HSLA).

enter image description here

(btw, text and styling based upon a dupe thread's OP)

How can I generate an HTML report for Junit results?

You can easily do this via ant. Here is a build.xml file for doing this

 <project name="genTestReport" default="gen" basedir=".">
                Generate the HTML report from JUnit XML files

        <target name="gen">
                <property name="genReportDir" location="${basedir}/unitTestReports"/>
                <delete dir="${genReportDir}"/>
                <mkdir dir="${genReportDir}"/>
                <junitreport todir="${basedir}/unitTestReports">
                        <fileset dir="${basedir}">
                                <include name="**/TEST-*.xml"/>
                        <report format="frames" todir="${genReportDir}/html"/>

This will find files with the format TEST-*.xml and generate reports into a folder named unitTestReports.

To run this (assuming the above file is called buildTestReports.xml) run the following command in the terminal:

ant -buildfile buildTestReports.xml

Sending email with PHP from an SMTP server

Here is a way to do it with PHP PEAR

// Pear Mail Library
require_once "Mail.php";

$from = '<[email protected]>'; //change this to your email address
$to = '<[email protected]>'; // change to address
$subject = 'Insert subject here'; // subject of mail
$body = "Hello world! this is the content of the email"; //content of mail

$headers = array(
    'From' => $from,
    'To' => $to,
    'Subject' => $subject

$smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array(
        'host' => 'ssl://',
        'port' => '465',
        'auth' => true,
        'username' => '[email protected]', //your gmail account
        'password' => 'snip' // your password

// Send the mail
$mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);

//check mail sent or not
if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
    echo '<p>'.$mail->getMessage().'</p>';
} else {
    echo '<p>Message successfully sent!</p>';

If you use Gmail SMTP remember to enable SMTP in your Gmail account, under settings

EDIT: If you can't find Mail.php on debian/ubuntu you can install php-pear with

sudo apt install php-pear

Then install the mail extention:

sudo pear install mail
sudo pear install Net_SMTP
sudo pear install Auth_SASL
sudo pear install mail_mime

Then you should be able to load it by simply require_once "Mail.php" else it is located here: /usr/share/php/Mail.php

How do I declare an array of undefined or no initial size?

Modern C, aka C99, has variable length arrays, VLA. Unfortunately, not all compilers support this but if yours does this would be an alternative.

Left-pad printf with spaces

If you want exactly 40 spaces before the string then you should just do:

printf("                                        %s\n", myStr );

If that is too dirty, you can do (but it will be slower than manually typing the 40 spaces): printf("%40s%s", "", myStr );

If you want the string to be lined up at column 40 (that is, have up to 39 spaces proceeding it such that the right most character is in column 40) then do this: printf("%40s", myStr);

You can also put "up to" 40 spaces AfTER the string by doing: printf("%-40s", myStr);

Finding all cycles in a directed graph

To clarify:

  1. Strongly Connected Components will find all subgraphs that have at least one cycle in them, not all possible cycles in the graph. e.g. if you take all strongly connected components and collapse/group/merge each one of them into one node (i.e. a node per component), you'll get a tree with no cycles (a DAG actually). Each component (which is basically a subgraph with at least one cycle in it) can contain many more possible cycles internally, so SCC will NOT find all possible cycles, it will find all possible groups that have at least one cycle, and if you group them, then the graph will not have cycles.

  2. to find all simple cycles in a graph, as others mentioned, Johnson's algorithm is a candidate.

How to use a calculated column to calculate another column in the same view

In Sql Server

You can do this using cross apply

  c.calccolumn1 As calccolumn1,
  c.calccolumn1 / ColumnC As calccolumn2
from t42
cross apply (select (ColumnA + ColumnB) as calccolumn1) as c

Printing with "\t" (tabs) does not result in aligned columns

In continuation of the comments by Péter and duncan, I normally use a quick padding method, something like -

public String rpad(String inStr, int finalLength)
    return (inStr + "                          " // typically a sufficient length spaces string.
        ).substring(0, finalLength);

similarly you can have a lpad() as well

Redirect from an HTML page

You should use JavaScript. Place the following code in your head tags:

<script type="text/javascript">

Download multiple files with a single action

To solve this, I created a JS library to stream multiple files directly into a zip on the client-side. The main unique feature is that it has no size limits from memory (everything is streamed) nor zip format (it uses zip64 if the contents are more than 4GB).

Since it doesn't do compression, it is also very performant.

Find "downzip" it on npm or github!

Any free WPF themes?

We use the Assergs Application Framework themes:

They have a nice office look and feel to it :)

How to create a .NET DateTime from ISO 8601 format

DateTime.ParseExact(...) allows you to tell the parser what each character represents.

IF-THEN-ELSE statements in postgresql

case when field1>0 then field2/field1 else 0 end as field3

LINQ query to find if items in a list are contained in another list

List<string> l = new List<string> { "", "" };
List<string> l2 = new List<string> { "[email protected]", "[email protected]" };
List<string> myboblist= (l2.Where (i=>i.Contains("bob")).ToList<string>());
foreach (var bob in myboblist)

Add / remove input field dynamically with jQuery

Jquery Code

$(document).ready(function() {
    var max_fields      = 10; //maximum input boxes allowed
    var wrapper         = $(".input_fields_wrap"); //Fields wrapper
    var add_button      = $(".add_field_button"); //Add button ID

    var x = 1; //initlal text box count
    $(add_button).click(function(e){ //on add input button click
        if(x < max_fields){ //max input box allowed
            x++; //text box increment
            $(wrapper).append('<div><input type="text" name="mytext[]"/><a href="#" class="remove_field">Remove</a></div>'); //add input box

    $(wrapper).on("click",".remove_field", function(e){ //user click on remove text
        e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('div').remove(); x--;


<div class="input_fields_wrap">
    <button class="add_field_button">Add More Fields</button>
    <div><input type="text" name="mytext[]"></div>

How to display default text "--Select Team --" in combo box on pageload in WPF?

Only set the IsEditable attribute to true

<ComboBox Name="comboBox1"            
          Text="--Select Team--"
          IsEditable="true"  <---- that's all!

What is the size of ActionBar in pixels?

One of the Honeycomb samples refers to ?android:attr/actionBarSize

What is the most efficient string concatenation method in python?

I ran into a situation where I needed to have an appendable string of unknown size. These are the benchmark results (python 2.7.3):

$ python -m timeit -s 's=""' 's+="a"'
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.176 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 's=[]' 's.append("a")'
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.196 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 's=""' 's="".join((s,"a"))'
100000 loops, best of 3: 16.9 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s 's=""' 's="%s%s"%(s,"a")'
100000 loops, best of 3: 19.4 usec per loop

This seems to show that '+=' is the fastest. The results from the skymind link are a bit out of date.

(I realize that the second example is not complete, the final list would need to be joined. This does show, however, that simply preparing the list takes longer than the string concat.)

React-Router: No Not Found Route?

I just had a quick look at your example, but if i understood it the right way you're trying to add 404 routes to dynamic segments. I had the same issue a couple of days ago, found #458 and #1103 and ended up with a hand made check within the render function:

if (!place) return <NotFound />;

hope that helps!

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/juli/logging/LogFactory

I found the solution here:

  1. In Eclipse, Open the "Server" tab.
  2. Double click on the "Tomcat6" entry to see the configuration.
  3. Then click on the "Open launch configuration" link in the "General information" block.
  4. In the dialog, select the "Classpath" tab.
  5. Click the "Add external jar" button.
  6. Select the file "/usr/share/tomcat6/bin/tomcat-juli.jar"
  7. Close the dialog.
  8. Start tomcat 6 from Eclipse.

Hopefully posting it here will help some poor soul.

jQuery checkbox change and click event

Well .. just for the sake of saving a headache (its past midnight here), I could come up with:

$('#checkbox1').click(function() {
  if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
    var ans = confirm("Are you sure?");

Hope it helps

Changing SQL Server collation to case insensitive from case sensitive?

You basically need to run the installation again to rebuild the master database with the new collation. You cannot change the entire server's collation any other way.


Update: if you want to change the collation of a database, you can get the current collation using this snippet of T-SQL:

SELECT name, collation_name 
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = 'test2'   -- put your database name here

This will yield a value something like:


The _CI means "case insensitive" - if you want case-sensitive, use _CS in its place:


So your T-SQL command would be:

ALTER DATABASE test2 -- put your database name here
   COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS   -- replace with whatever collation you need

You can get a list of all available collations on the server using:

SELECT * FROM ::fn_helpcollations()

You can see the server's current collation using:


Remove or adapt border of frame of legend using matplotlib

When plotting a plot using matplotlib:

How to remove the box of the legend?


How to change the color of the border of the legend box?

leg = plt.legend()

How to remove only the border of the box of the legend?

leg = plt.legend()

Exiting out of a FOR loop in a batch file?

Based on Tim's second edit and this page you could do this:

@echo off
if "%1"=="loop" (
  for /l %%f in (1,1,1000000) do (
    echo %%f
    if exist %%f exit
  goto :eof
cmd /v:on /q /d /c "%0 loop"
echo done

This page suggests a way to use a goto inside a loop, it seems it does work, but it takes some time in a large loop. So internally it finishes the loop before the goto is executed.

How to run binary file in Linux

your compilation option -c makes your compiling just compilation and assembly, but no link.

What is the best method of handling currency/money?

Here's a fine, simple approach that leverages composed_of (part of ActiveRecord, using the ValueObject pattern) and the Money gem

You'll need

  • The Money gem (version 4.1.0)
  • A model, for example Product
  • An integer column in your model (and database), for example :price

Write this in your product.rb file:

class Product > ActiveRecord::Base

  composed_of :price,
              :class_name => 'Money',
              :mapping => %w(price cents),
              :converter => { |value| }
  # ...

What you'll get:

  • Without any extra changes, all of your forms will show dollars and cents, but the internal representation is still just cents. The forms will accept values like "$12,034.95" and convert it for you. There's no need to add extra handlers or attributes to your model, or helpers in your view.
  • product.price = "$12.00" automatically converts to the Money class
  • product.price.to_s displays a decimal formatted number ("1234.00")
  • product.price.format displays a properly formatted string for the currency
  • If you need to send cents (to a payment gateway that wants pennies), product.price.cents.to_s
  • Currency conversion for free

No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/WEB-INF/pages/apiForm.jsp]

you will get a No mapping found for HTTP request with URI error

if you scanned the wrong package

e.g your controller is in but you mistakenly put

<context:component-scan base-package="my.package.efg*" />



which in the sense, your controller doesn't get scanned into the web application context, when request comes in not just url, but the entire class is not found!

How to render a DateTime object in a Twig template

You can use date filter:

{{ game.gameDate|date("m/d/Y") }}

how to check if List<T> element contains an item with a Particular Property Value

If you have a list and you want to know where within the list an element exists that matches a given criteria, you can use the FindIndex instance method. Such as

int index = list.FindIndex(f => f.Bar == 17);

Where f => f.Bar == 17 is a predicate with the matching criteria.

In your case you might write

int index = pricePublicList.FindIndex(item => item.Size == 200);
if (index >= 0) 
    // element exists, do what you need

How to solve "Fatal error: Class 'MySQLi' not found"?

You can check if the mysqli libraries are present by executing this code:

if (!function_exists('mysqli_init') && !extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
    echo 'We don\'t have mysqli!!!';
} else {
    echo 'Phew we have it!';

jQuery - Getting form values for ajax POST

you can use val function to collect data from inputs:


Python: Get HTTP headers from urllib2.urlopen call?

urllib2.urlopen does an HTTP GET (or POST if you supply a data argument), not an HTTP HEAD (if it did the latter, you couldn't do readlines or other accesses to the page body, of course).

show validation error messages on submit in angularjs

Since I'm using Bootstrap 3, I use a directive: (see plunkr)

    var ValidSubmit = ['$parse', function ($parse) {
        return {
            compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
                return {
                    post: function postLink(scope, element, iAttrs, controller) {
                        var form = element.controller('form');
                        form.$submitted = false;
                        var fn = $parse(iAttrs.validSubmit);
                        element.on('submit', function(event) {
                            scope.$apply(function() {
                                form.$submitted = true;
                                if(form.$valid) {
                                    fn(scope, {$event:event});
                        scope.$watch(function() { return form.$valid}, function(isValid) {
                            if(form.$submitted == false) return;
                            if(isValid) {
                            } else {

    app.directive('validSubmit', ValidSubmit);

and then in my HTML:

<form class="form-horizontal" role="form" name="form" novalidate valid-submit="connect()">
  <div class="form-group">
    <div class="input-group col col-sm-11 col-sm-offset-1">
      <span class="input-group-addon input-large"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></i></span>
      <input class="input-large form-control" type="email" id="email" placeholder="Email" name="email" ng-model="email" required="required">
    <p class="col-sm-offset-3 help-block error" ng-show="form.$submitted &&$error.required">please enter your email</p>
    <p class="col-sm-offset-3 help-block error" ng-show="form.$submitted &&$">please enter a valid email</p>


In my latest project, I use Ionic so I have the following, which automatically puts .valid or .invalid on the input-item's:

.directive('input', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
  function findParent(element, selector) {
    selector = selector || 'item';
    var parent = element.parent();
    while (parent && parent.length) {
      parent = angular.element(parent);
      if (parent.hasClass(selector)) {
      parent = parent && parent.parent && parent.parent();
    return parent;

  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    require: ['?^ngModel', '^form'],
    priority: 1,
    link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) {
      var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0];
      var form = ctrls[1];

      if (!ngModelCtrl || form.$name !== 'form' || attrs.type === 'radio' || attrs.type === 'checkbox') {

      function setValidClass() {
        var parent = findParent(element);
        if (parent && parent.toggleClass) {
          parent.toggleClass('valid', ngModelCtrl.$valid && (ngModelCtrl.$dirty || form.$submitted));
          parent.toggleClass('invalid', ngModelCtrl.$invalid && (ngModelCtrl.$dirty || form.$submitted));

      scope.$watch(function () {
        return form.$submitted;
      }, function (b, a) {

      var before = void 0;
      var update = function () {
        before = element.val().trim();
        .on('focus', function (e) {
          if (ngModelCtrl.$pristine) {

        .on('blur', function (e) {
          if (ngModelCtrl.$dirty) {
        }).on('change', function (e) {
          if (form.$submitted || element.hasClass('$blurred')) {
        }).on('paste', function (e) {
          if (form.$submitted || element.hasClass('$blurred')) {


and then in the HTML:

    <form name='form' novalidate="novalidate" ng-submit="auth.signin(form, vm)">
          <label class="item item-input item-floating-label">
            <span class="input-label">Email</span>
            <input type="email" placeholder="Email" ng-model="" autofocus="true" required
          <button ng-if="!posting" type="submit" class="item button-block item-balanced item-icon-right  call-to-action">Login<i class="icon ion-chevron-right"></i>

and in the controller:

  self.signin = function (form, data) {
    if (!form.$valid) return;


so, now, in the CSS, you can do stuff like:

    float: right;
    font-family: "Ionicons";
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    text-transform: none;
    text-rendering: auto;
    line-height: 1;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
    color: #66cc33;
    margin-right: 8px;
    font-size: 24px;
    content: "\f122";

    float: right;
    font-family: "Ionicons";
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    text-transform: none;
    text-rendering: auto;
    line-height: 1;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
    color: #ef4e3a;
    margin-right: 8px;
    font-size: 24px;
    content: "\f12a";

    border-left: solid 2px #ef4e3a !important;
    border-right: solid 2px #ef4e3a !important;


How to use order by with union all in sql?

            SELECT * FROM TABLE_A 
            UNION ALL 
            SELECT * FROM TABLE_B
        ) dum
-- ORDER BY .....

but if you want to have all records from Table_A on the top of the result list, the you can add user define value which you can use for ordering,

            SELECT *, 1 sortby FROM TABLE_A 
            UNION ALL 
            SELECT *, 2 sortby FROM TABLE_B
        ) dum
ORDER   BY sortby 

How to use componentWillMount() in React Hooks?

useComponentWillMount hook

export const useComponentWillMount = (func) => {
    const willMount = useRef(true)

    if (willMount.current) func()

    willMount.current = false

// or
export const useComponentWillMount = (func) => {
    useMemo(func, [])


In class components componentWillMount is considered legacy (source 1, source2). However, this shouldn't apply to functional components and a hook based solution. Class component componentWillMount is deprecated since it might run more than once, and there is an alternative - using the constructor. Those considerations aren't relevant for a functional component.

My experience is that such a hook could be a saver when timing/sequence is critical. I'm interested to know what is your use case - comments are welcome.

useComponentDidMount hook

Alternatively, use componentDidMount hook.

const useComponentDidMount = func => useEffect(func, []);

It will run only once, after component has mounted(initial render to the dom).


const Component = (props) => {
  useComponentWillMount(() => console.log("Runs only once before component mounts"));
  useComponentDidMount(() => console.log("Runs only once after component mounts"));

  return (

Full Demo

Column order manipulation using col-lg-push and col-lg-pull in Twitter Bootstrap 3

Misconception Common misconception with column ordering is that, I should (or could) do the pushing and pulling on mobile devices, and that the desktop views should render in the natural order of the markup. This is wrong.

Reality Bootstrap is a mobile first framework. This means that the order of the columns in your HTML markup should represent the order in which you want them displayed on mobile devices. This mean that the pushing and pulling is done on the larger desktop views. not on mobile devices view..

Brandon Schmalz - Full Stack Web Developer Have a look at full description here

Passing arguments to an interactive program non-interactively

For more complex tasks there is expect ( ). It basically simulates a user, you can code a script how to react to specific program outputs and related stuff.

This also works in cases like ssh that prohibits piping passwords to it.

How to replace <span style="font-weight: bold;">foo</span> by <strong>foo</strong> using PHP and regex?

$text='<span style="font-weight: bold;">Foo</span>';
$text=preg_replace( '/<span style="font-weight: bold;">(.*?)<\/span>/', '<strong>$1</strong>',$text);

Note: only work for your example.

Getting results between two dates in PostgreSQL

Assuming you want all "overlapping" time periods, i.e. all that have at least one day in common.

Try to envision time periods on a straight time line and move them around before your eyes and you will see the necessary conditions.

FROM   tbl
WHERE  start_date <= '2012-04-12'::date
AND    end_date   >= '2012-01-01'::date;

This is sometimes faster for me than OVERLAPS - which is the other good way to do it (as @Marco already provided).

Note the subtle difference (per documentation):

OVERLAPS automatically takes the earlier value of the pair as the start. Each time period is considered to represent the half-open interval start <= time < end, unless start and end are equal in which case it represents that single time instant. This means for instance that two time periods with only an endpoint in common do not overlap.

Bold emphasis mine.


For big tables the right index can help performance (a lot).

CREATE INDEX tbl_date_inverse_idx ON tbl(start_date, end_date DESC);

Possibly with another (leading) index column if you have additional selective conditions.

Note the inverse order of the two columns. Detailed explanation:

LINQ Joining in C# with multiple conditions

If you need not equal object condition use cross join sequences:

var query = from obj1 in set1
from obj2 in set2
where obj1.key1 == obj2.key2 && obj1.key3.contains(obj2.key5) [...conditions...]

Python UTC datetime object's ISO format doesn't include Z (Zulu or Zero offset)

In Python >= 3.2 you can simply use this:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timezone

How to tell if a string contains a certain character in JavaScript?

ES6 contains inbuilt method (includes) in String's prototype, which can be used to check if string contains another string or not.

var str = 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.';_x000D_
console.log(str.includes('To be')); 

Following polyfill can be used to add this method in non-supported browsers. (Source)

if (!String.prototype.includes) {_x000D_
  String.prototype.includes = function(search, start) {_x000D_
    'use strict';_x000D_
    if (typeof start !== 'number') {_x000D_
      start = 0;_x000D_
    if (start + search.length > this.length) {_x000D_
      return false;_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1;_x000D_

PostgreSQL: Resetting password of PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Assuming you're the administrator of the machine, Ubuntu has granted you the right to sudo to run any command as any user.
Also assuming you did not restrict the rights in the pg_hba.conf file (in the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main directory), it should contain this line as the first rule:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket  
local   all             postgres                                peer

(About the file location: 9.1 is the major postgres version and main the name of your "cluster". It will differ if using a newer version of postgres or non-default names. Use the pg_lsclusters command to obtain this information for your version/system).

Anyway, if the pg_hba.conf file does not have that line, edit the file, add it, and reload the service with sudo service postgresql reload.

Then you should be able to log in with psql as the postgres superuser with this shell command:

sudo -u postgres psql

Once inside psql, issue the SQL command:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newpassword';

In this command, postgres is the name of a superuser. If the user whose password is forgotten was ritesh, the command would be:

ALTER USER ritesh PASSWORD 'newpassword';

References: PostgreSQL 9.1.13 Documentation, Chapter 19. Client Authentication

Keep in mind that you need to type postgres with a single S at the end

If leaving the password in clear text in the history of commands or the server log is a problem, psql provides an interactive meta-command to avoid that, as an alternative to ALTER USER ... PASSWORD:

\password username

It asks for the password with a double blind input, then hashes it according to the password_encryption setting and issue the ALTER USER command to the server with the hashed version of the password, instead of the clear text version.

Resetting Select2 value in dropdown with reset button

If you have a populated select widget, for example:

    <option value="1">one</option>
    <option value="2" selected="selected">two</option>
    <option value="3">three</option>

you will want to convince select2 to restore the originally selected value on reset, similar to how a native form works. To achieve this, first reset the native form and then update select2:

$('button[type="reset"]').click(function(event) {
    // Make sure we reset the native form first
    // And then update select2 to match
    $('#d').select2('val', $('#d').find(':selected').val());

cannot connect to pc-name\SQLEXPRESS

Use (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB as the server name

Why is this printing 'None' in the output?

Because there are two print statements. First is inside function and second is outside function. When function not return any thing that time it return None value.

Use return statement at end of function to return value.


Return None value.

>>> def test1():
...    print "In function."
>>> a = test1()
In function.
>>> print a
>>> print test1()
In function.
>>> test1()
In function.

Use return statement

>>> def test():
...   return "ACV"
>>> print test()
>>> a = test()
>>> print a

Eloquent Collection: Counting and Detect Empty

When using ->get() you cannot simply use any of the below:

if (empty($result)) { }
if (!$result) { }
if ($result) { }

Because if you dd($result); you'll notice an instance of Illuminate\Support\Collection is always returned, even when there are no results. Essentially what you're checking is $a = new stdClass; if ($a) { ... } which will always return true.

To determine if there are any results you can do any of the following:

if ($result->first()) { } 
if (!$result->isEmpty()) { }
if ($result->count()) { }
if (count($result)) { }

You could also use ->first() instead of ->get() on the query builder which will return an instance of the first found model, or null otherwise. This is useful if you need or are expecting only one result from the database.

$result = Model::where(...)->first();
if ($result) { ... }

Notes / References

Bonus Information

The Collection and the Query Builder differences can be a bit confusing to newcomers of Laravel because the method names are often the same between the two. For that reason it can be confusing to know what one you’re working on. The Query Builder essentially builds a query until you call a method where it will execute the query and hit the database (e.g. when you call certain methods like ->all() ->first() ->lists() and others). Those methods also exist on the Collection object, which can get returned from the Query Builder if there are multiple results. If you're not sure what class you're actually working with, try doing var_dump(User::all()) and experimenting to see what classes it's actually returning (with help of get_class(...)). I highly recommend you check out the source code for the Collection class, it's pretty simple. Then check out the Query Builder and see the similarities in function names and find out when it actually hits the database.

SQL Server insert if not exists best practice

Normalizing your operational tables as suggested by Transact Charlie, is a good idea, and will save many headaches and problems over time - but there are such things as interface tables, which support integration with external systems, and reporting tables, which support things like analytical processing; and those types of tables should not necessarily be normalized - in fact, very often it is much, much more convenient and performant for them to not be.

In this case, I think Transact Charlie's proposal for your operational tables is a good one.

But I would add an index (not necessarily unique) to CompetitorName in the Competitors table to support efficient joins on CompetitorName for the purposes of integration (loading of data from external sources), and I would put an interface table into the mix: CompetitionResults.

CompetitionResults should contain whatever data your competition results have in it. The point of an interface table like this one is to make it as quick and easy as possible to truncate and reload it from an Excel sheet or a CSV file, or whatever form you have that data in.

That interface table should not be considered part of the normalized set of operational tables. Then you can join with CompetitionResults as suggested by Richard, to insert records into Competitors that don't already exist, and update the ones that do (for example if you actually have more information about competitors, like their phone number or email address).

One thing I would note - in reality, Competitor Name, it seems to me, is very unlikely to be unique in your data. In 200,000 competitors, you may very well have 2 or more David Smiths, for example. So I would recommend that you collect more information from competitors, such as their phone number or an email address, or something which is more likely to be unique.

Your operational table, Competitors, should just have one column for each data item that contributes to a composite natural key; for example it should have one column for a primary email address. But the interface table should have a slot for old and new values for a primary email address, so that the old value can be use to look up the record in Competitors and update that part of it to the new value.

So CompetitionResults should have some "old" and "new" fields - oldEmail, newEmail, oldPhone, newPhone, etc. That way you can form a composite key, in Competitors, from CompetitorName, Email, and Phone.

Then when you have some competition results, you can truncate and reload your CompetitionResults table from your excel sheet or whatever you have, and run a single, efficient insert to insert all the new competitors into the Competitors table, and single, efficient update to update all the information about the existing competitors from the CompetitionResults. And you can do a single insert to insert new rows into the CompetitionCompetitors table. These things can be done in a ProcessCompetitionResults stored procedure, which could be executed after loading the CompetitionResults table.

That's a sort of rudimentary description of what I've seen done over and over in the real world with Oracle Applications, SAP, PeopleSoft, and a laundry list of other enterprise software suites.

One last comment I'd make is one I've made before on SO: If you create a foreign key that insures that a Competitor exists in the Competitors table before you can add a row with that Competitor in it to CompetitionCompetitors, make sure that foreign key is set to cascade updates and deletes. That way if you need to delete a competitor, you can do it and all the rows associated with that competitor will get automatically deleted. Otherwise, by default, the foreign key will require you to delete all the related rows out of CompetitionCompetitors before it will let you delete a Competitor.

(Some people think non-cascading foreign keys are a good safety precaution, but my experience is that they're just a freaking pain in the butt that are more often than not simply a result of an oversight and they create a bunch of make work for DBA's. Dealing with people accidentally deleting stuff is why you have things like "are you sure" dialogs and various types of regular backups and redundant data sources. It's far, far more common to actually want to delete a competitor, whose data is all messed up for example, than it is to accidentally delete one and then go "Oh no! I didn't mean to do that! And now I don't have their competition results! Aaaahh!" The latter is certainly common enough, so, you do need to be prepared for it, but the former is far more common, so the easiest and best way to prepare for the former, imo, is to just make foreign keys cascade updates and deletes.)

What is the difference between jQuery: text() and html() ?

The different is .html() evaluate as a html, .text() avaluate as a text.
Consider a block of html

<div id="mydiv">
<div class="mydiv">
    This is a div container
      <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
    a text after ul


var out1 = $('#mydiv').html();
var out2 = $('#mydiv').text();
console.log(out1) // This output all the html tag
console.log(out2) // This is output just the text 'This is a div container Link 1 Link 2 a text after ul'

The illustration is from this link

find difference between two text files with one item per line

grep -Fxvf file1 file2

What the flags mean:

-F, --fixed-strings
              Interpret PATTERN as a list of fixed strings, separated by newlines, any of which is to be matched.    
-x, --line-regexp
              Select only those matches that exactly match the whole line.
-v, --invert-match
              Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.
-f FILE, --file=FILE
              Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line.  The empty file contains zero patterns, and therefore matches nothing.

Firefox and SSL: sec_error_unknown_issuer

June 2014:

This is the configuration I used and it working fine after banging my head on the wall for some days. I use Express 3.4 (I think is the same for Express 4.0)

var privateKey  = fs.readFileSync('helpers/sslcert/key.pem', 'utf8');
var certificate = fs.readFileSync('helpers/sslcert/csr.pem', 'utf8');

files = ["COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt",

ca = (function() {
  var _i, _len, _results;

  _results = [];
  for (_i = 0, _len = files.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
    file = files[_i];
    _results.push(fs.readFileSync("helpers/sslcert/" + file));
  return _results;

var credentials = {ca:ca, key: privateKey, cert: certificate};

// process.env.PORT : Heroku Config environment
var port = process.env.PORT || 4000;

var app = express();
var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port, function() {
        console.log('Express HTTP server listening on port ' + server.address().port);
https.createServer(credentials, app).listen(3000, function() {
        console.log('Express HTTPS server listening on port ' + server.address().port);

// redirect all http requests to https
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  if(! {
    return res.redirect(['', req.url].join(''));

Then I redirected the 80 and 443 ports:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4000
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3000

As you can see after checking my certifications I have 4 [0,1,2,3]:

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts | grep "^ "

ubuntu@ip-172-31-5-134:~$ openssl s_client -connect -showcerts | grep "^ "
depth=3 C = SE, O = AddTrust AB, OU = AddTrust External TTP Network, CN = AddTrust External CA Root
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
verify return:0
 0 s:/OU=Domain Control Validated/OU=PositiveSSL/
   i:/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
 1 s:/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
   i:/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
 2 s:/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
   i:/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust External TTP Network/CN=AddTrust External CA Root
 3 s:/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust External TTP Network/CN=AddTrust External CA Root
   i:/C=SE/O=AddTrust AB/OU=AddTrust External TTP Network/CN=AddTrust External CA Root
    Protocol  : TLSv1.1
    Cipher    : AES256-SHA
    Session-ID: 8FDEAEE92ED20742.....3E7D80F93226142DD
    Master-Key: C9E4AB966E41A85EEB7....4D73C67088E1503C52A9353C8584E94
    Key-Arg   : None
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    SRP username: None
    TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 300 (seconds)
    TLS session ticket:
    0000 - 7c c8 36 80 95 4d 4c 47-d8 e3 ca 2e 70 a5 8f ac   |.6..MLG....p...
    0010 - 90 bd 4a 26 ef f7 d6 bc-4a b3 dd 8f f6 13 53 e9   ..J&..........S.
    0020 - f7 49 c6 48 44 26 8d ab-a8 72 29 c8 15 73 f5 79   .I.HD&.......s.y
    0030 - ca 79 6a ed f6 b1 7f 8a-d2 68 0a 52 03 c5 84 32   .yj........R...2
    0040 - be c5 c8 12 d8 f4 36 fa-28 4f 0e 00 eb d1 04 ce   ........(.......
    0050 - a7 2b d2 73 df a1 8b 83-23 a6 f7 ef 6e 9e c4 4c   .+.s...........L
    0060 - 50 22 60 e8 93 cc d8 ee-42 22 56 a7 10 7b db 1e   P"`.....B.V..{..
    0070 - 0a ad 4a 91 a4 68 7a b0-9e 34 01 ec b8 7b b2 2f   ..J......4...{./
    0080 - e8 33 f5 a9 48 11 36 f8-69 a6 7a a6 22 52 b1 da   .3..H...i....R..
    0090 - 51 18 ed c4 d9 3d c4 cc-5b d7 ff 92 4e 91 02 9e   .....=......N...
    Start Time: 140...549
    Timeout   : 300 (sec)
    Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)

Good luck! PD: if u want more answers please check:

How do I control how Emacs makes backup files?

If you've ever been saved by an Emacs backup file, you probably want more of them, not less of them. It is annoying that they go in the same directory as the file you're editing, but that is easy to change. You can make all backup files go into a directory by putting something like the following in your .emacs.

(setq backup-directory-alist `(("." . "~/.saves")))

There are a number of arcane details associated with how Emacs might create your backup files. Should it rename the original and write out the edited buffer? What if the original is linked? In general, the safest but slowest bet is to always make backups by copying.

(setq backup-by-copying t)

If that's too slow for some reason you might also have a look at backup-by-copying-when-linked.

Since your backups are all in their own place now, you might want more of them, rather than less of them. Have a look at the Emacs documentation for these variables (with C-h v).

(setq delete-old-versions t
  kept-new-versions 6
  kept-old-versions 2
  version-control t)

Finally, if you absolutely must have no backup files:

(setq make-backup-files nil)

It makes me sick to think of it though.

Return value in SQL Server stored procedure

@EmailAddress varchar(200),
@NickName varchar(100),
@Password varchar(150),
@Sex varchar(50),
@Age int,
@EmailUpdates int,
@UserId int OUTPUT
SET @AA=(SELECT COUNT(UserId) FROM RegUsers WHERE EmailAddress = @EmailAddress)

IF @AA> 0
        SET @UserId = 0
        INSERT INTO RegUsers (EmailAddress,NickName,PassWord,Sex,Age,EmailUpdates) VALUES (@EmailAddress,@NickName,@Password,@Sex,@Age,@EmailUpdates)


Why does Lua have no "continue" statement?

The way that the language manages lexical scope creates issues with including both goto and continue. For example,

local a=0
    if f() then
        a=1 --change outer a
    local a=f() -- inner a
until a==0 -- test inner a

The declaration of local a inside the loop body masks the outer variable named a, and the scope of that local extends across the condition of the until statement so the condition is testing the innermost a.

If continue existed, it would have to be restricted semantically to be only valid after all of the variables used in the condition have come into scope. This is a difficult condition to document to the user and enforce in the compiler. Various proposals around this issue have been discussed, including the simple answer of disallowing continue with the repeat ... until style of loop. So far, none have had a sufficiently compelling use case to get them included in the language.

The work around is generally to invert the condition that would cause a continue to be executed, and collect the rest of the loop body under that condition. So, the following loop

-- not valid Lua 5.1 (or 5.2)
for k,v in pairs(t) do
  if isstring(k) then continue end
  -- do something to t[k] when k is not a string

could be written

-- valid Lua 5.1 (or 5.2)
for k,v in pairs(t) do
  if not isstring(k) then 
    -- do something to t[k] when k is not a string

It is clear enough, and usually not a burden unless you have a series of elaborate culls that control the loop operation.

Go / golang time.Now().UnixNano() convert to milliseconds?

Simple-read but precise solution would be:

func nowAsUnixMilliseconds(){
    return time.Now().Round(time.Millisecond).UnixNano() / 1e6

This function:

  1. Correctly rounds the value to the nearest millisecond (compare with integer division: it just discards decimal part of the resulting value);
  2. Does not dive into Go-specifics of time.Duration coercion — since it uses a numerical constant that represents absolute millisecond/nanosecond divider.

P.S. I've run benchmarks with constant and composite dividers, they showed almost no difference, so feel free to use more readable or more language-strict solution.

How to open html file?

you can use 'urllib' in python3 same as with few changes.


import urllib

page = urllib.request.urlopen("/path/").read()

Qt c++ aggregate 'std::stringstream ss' has incomplete type and cannot be defined

Like it's written up there, you forget to type #include <sstream>

#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

QString Stats_Manager::convertInt(int num)
   stringstream ss;
   ss << num;
   return ss.str();

You can also use some other ways to convert int to string, like

char numstr[21]; // enough to hold all numbers up to 64-bits
sprintf(numstr, "%d", age);
result = name + numstr;

check this!

Android: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: start Intent

You have to add android:exported="true" in the manifest file in the activity you are trying to start.

From the android:exported documentation:

Whether or not the activity can be launched by components of other applications — "true" if it can be, and "false" if not. If "false", the activity can be launched only by components of the same application or applications with the same user ID.

The default value depends on whether the activity contains intent filters. The absence of any filters means that the activity can be invoked only by specifying its exact class name. This implies that the activity is intended only for application-internal use (since others would not know the class name). So in this case, the default value is "false". On the other hand, the presence of at least one filter implies that the activity is intended for external use, so the default value is "true".

This attribute is not the only way to limit an activity's exposure to other applications. You can also use a permission to limit the external entities that can invoke the activity (see the permission attribute).

putting a php variable in a HTML form value

You can do it like this,

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name;?>" />

But seen as you've taken it straight from user input, you want to sanitize it first so that nothing nasty is put into the output of your page.

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name);?>" />

Regex: Remove lines containing "help", etc

Another way to do this in Notepad++ is all in the Find/Replace dialog and with regex:

  • Ctrl + h to bring up the find replace dialog.

  • In the Find what: text box include your regex: .*help.*\r?\n (where the \r is optional in case the file doesn't have Windows line endings).

  • Leave the Replace with: text box empty.

  • Make sure the Regular expression radio button in the Search Mode area is selected. Then click Replace All and voila! All lines containing your search term help have been removed.

How-To Line Replace in N++

element with the max height from a set of elements

function startListHeight($tag) {_x000D_
    function setHeight(s) {_x000D_
        var max = 0;_x000D_
        s.each(function() {_x000D_
            var h = $(this).height();_x000D_
            max = Math.max(max, h);_x000D_
    $(window).on('ready load resize', setHeight($tag));_x000D_
jQuery(function($) {_x000D_
    $('#list-lines').each(function() {_x000D_
        startListHeight($('li', this));_x000D_
#list-lines {_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
#list-lines li {_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
    width: 33.3334%;_x000D_
    list-style-type: none;_x000D_
#list-lines li img {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    height: auto;_x000D_
#list-lines::after {_x000D_
    content: "";_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    clear: both;_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<ul id="list-lines">_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_
        <br /> Line 1_x000D_
        <br /> Line 2_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_
        <br /> Line 1_x000D_
        <br /> Line 2_x000D_
        <br /> Line 3_x000D_
        <br /> Line 4_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_
        <br /> Line 1_x000D_
        <img src="" alt="" />_x000D_
        <br /> Line 1_x000D_
        <br /> Line 2_x000D_

Execute JavaScript code stored as a string

Not sure if this is cheating or not:

window.say = function(a) { alert(a); };

var a = "say('hello')";

var p = /^([^(]*)\('([^']*)'\).*$/;                 // ["say('hello')","say","hello"]

var fn = window[p.exec(a)[1]];                      // get function reference by name

if( typeof(fn) === "function") 
    fn.apply(null, [p.exec(a)[2]]);                 // call it with params

Remove file from SVN repository without deleting local copy

Rename your file, commit the changes including the "deleted" file, and don't include the new (renamed) file.

Rename your file back.

How to send PUT, DELETE HTTP request in HttpURLConnection?

I agree with @adietisheim and the rest of people that suggest HttpClient.

I spent time trying to make a simple call to rest service with HttpURLConnection and it hadn't convinced me and after that I tried with HttpClient and it was really more easy, understandable and nice.

An example of code to make a put http call is as follows:

DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();

HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(URI);

StringEntity input = new StringEntity(XML);

HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(putRequest);

Xcode variables

Here's a list of the environment variables. I think you might want CURRENT_VARIANT. See also BUILD_VARIANTS.

Preventing an image from being draggable or selectable without using JS

I've been forgetting to share my solution, I couldn't find a way to do this without using JS. There are some corner cases where @Jeffery A Wooden's suggested CSS just wont cover.

This is what I apply to all of my UI containers, no need to apply to each element since it recuses on all the child elements.


.unselectable {
    /* For Opera and <= IE9, we need to add unselectable="on" attribute onto each element */
    /* Check this site for more details: */
    -moz-user-select: none; /* These user-select properties are inheritable, used to prevent text selection */
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -ms-user-select: none; /* From IE10 only */
    user-select: none; /* Not valid CSS yet, as of July 2012 */

    -webkit-user-drag: none; /* Prevents dragging of images/divs etc */
    user-drag: none;


var makeUnselectable = function( $target ) {
        .addClass( 'unselectable' ) // All these attributes are inheritable
        .attr( 'unselectable', 'on' ) // For IE9 - This property is not inherited, needs to be placed onto everything
        .attr( 'draggable', 'false' ) // For moz and webkit, although Firefox 16 ignores this when -moz-user-select: none; is set, it's like these properties are mutually exclusive, seems to be a bug.
        .on( 'dragstart', function() { return false; } );  // Needed since Firefox 16 seems to ingore the 'draggable' attribute we just applied above when '-moz-user-select: none' is applied to the CSS 

    $target // Apply non-inheritable properties to the child elements
        .find( '*' )
        .attr( 'draggable', 'false' )
        .attr( 'unselectable', 'on' ); 

This was way more complicated than it needed to be.

What does cv::normalize(_src, dst, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);

When the normType is NORM_MINMAX, cv::normalize normalizes _src in such a way that the min value of dst is alpha and max value of dst is beta. cv::normalize does its magic using only scales and shifts (i.e. adding constants and multiplying by constants).

CV_8UC1 says how many channels dst has.

The documentation here is pretty clear:

How to increment datetime by custom months in python without using library

A solution without the use of calendar:

def add_month_year(date, years=0, months=0):
    year, month = date.year + years, date.month + months + 1
    dyear, month = divmod(month - 1, 12)
    rdate = + dyear, month + 1, 1) - datetime.timedelta(1)
    return rdate.replace(day = min(,

What is Mocking?

There are plenty of answers on SO and good posts on the web about mocking. One place that you might want to start looking is the post by Martin Fowler Mocks Aren't Stubs where he discusses a lot of the ideas of mocking.

In one paragraph - Mocking is one particlar technique to allow testing of a unit of code with out being reliant upon dependencies. In general, what differentiates mocking from other methods is that mock objects used to replace code dependencies will allow expectations to be set - a mock object will know how it is meant to be called by your code and how to respond.

Your original question mentioned TypeMock, so I've left my answer to that below:

TypeMock is the name of a commercial mocking framework.

It offers all the features of the free mocking frameworks like RhinoMocks and Moq, plus some more powerful options.

Whether or not you need TypeMock is highly debatable - you can do most mocking you would ever want with free mocking libraries, and many argue that the abilities offered by TypeMock will often lead you away from well encapsulated design.

As another answer stated 'TypeMocking' is not actually a defined concept, but could be taken to mean the type of mocking that TypeMock offers, using the CLR profiler to intercept .Net calls at runtime, giving much greater ability to fake objects (not requirements such as needing interfaces or virtual methods).

How to serialize object to CSV file?

It would be interesting to have a csv serializer as it would take up the minimal space compared to other serializing method.

The closest support for java object to csv is stringutils provided by spring utils project

arrayToCommaDelimitedString(Object[] arr) but it is far from being a serializer.

Here is a simple utility which uses reflection to serialize value objects

public class CSVWriter
private static String produceCsvData(Object[] data) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException
        return "";

    Class classType = data[0].getClass();
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    Method[] methods = classType.getDeclaredMethods();

    for(Method m : methods)
            else if(m.getName().startsWith("is"))


    for(Object d : data)
        for(Method m : methods)
                if(m.getName().startsWith("get") || m.getName().startsWith("is"))
    return builder.toString();

public static boolean generateCSV(File csvFileName,Object[] data)
    FileWriter fw = null;
        fw = new FileWriter(csvFileName);
    catch(Exception e)
        System.out.println("Error while generating csv from data. Error message : " + e.getMessage());
        return false;
            catch(Exception e)
    return true;


Here is an example value object

public class Product {
private String name;
private double price;
private int identifier;
private boolean isVatApplicable;
public Product(String name, double price, int identifier,
        boolean isVatApplicable) {
    super(); = name;
    this.price = price;
    this.identifier = identifier;
    this.isVatApplicable = isVatApplicable;
public String getName() {
    return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public double getPrice() {
    return price;
public void setPrice(long price) {
    this.price = price;
public int getIdentifier() {
    return identifier;
public void setIdentifier(int identifier) {
    this.identifier = identifier;
public boolean isVatApplicable() {
    return isVatApplicable;
public void setVatApplicable(boolean isVatApplicable) {
    this.isVatApplicable = isVatApplicable;


and the code to run the util

public class TestCSV 
public static void main(String... a)
    Product[] list = new Product[5];
    list[0] = new Product("dvd", 24.99, 967, true);
    list[1] = new Product("pen", 4.99, 162, false);
    list[2] = new Product("ipad", 624.99, 234, true);
    list[3] = new Product("crayons", 4.99,127, false);
    list[4] = new Product("laptop", 1444.99, 997, true);
    CSVWriter.generateCSV(new File("C:\\products.csv"),list);



Name    VatApplicable   Price   Identifier
dvd     true            24.99   967
pen     false           4.99    162
ipad    true            624.99  234
crayons false           4.99    127
laptop  true            1444.99 997

How do I fix an "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required." error in Visual C# 2010 Express?

Installing SQL server data tools for visual studio 2010 did it for me! SSDT has an VS2010 IDE along with it, which overwrites the required registry entries. You can find SSDT here.

Excel Create Collapsible Indented Row Hierarchies

Create a Pivot Table. It has these features and many more.

If you are dead-set on doing this yourself then you could add shapes to the worksheet and use VBA to hide and unhide rows and columns on clicking the shapes.

Problems with installation of Google App Engine SDK for php in OS X

It's likely that the download was corrupted if you are getting an error with the disk image. Go back to the downloads page at and look at the SHA1 checksum. Then, go to your Terminal app on your mac and run the following:

openssl sha1 [put the full path to the file here without brackets] 

For example:

openssl sha1 /Users/me/Desktop/myFile.dmg 

If you get a different value than the one on the Downloads page, you know your file is not properly downloaded and you should try again.

OR is not supported with CASE Statement in SQL Server

  WHEN ebv.db_no = 22978 OR 
       ebv.db_no = 23218 OR
       ebv.db_no = 23219
  THEN 'WECS 9500' 
  ELSE 'WECS 9520' 
END as wecs_system 

Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery

Clearing forms is a bit tricky and not as simple as it looks.

Suggest you use the jQuery form plugin and use its clearForm or resetForm functionality. It takes care of most of the corner cases.

How to get the current branch name in Git?

Use git branch --contains HEAD | tail -1 | xargs it also works for "detached HEAD" state.

Angular expression if array contains

You shouldn't overload the templates with complex logic, it's a bad practice. Remember to always keep it simple!

The better approach would be to extract this logic into reusable function on your $rootScope:

.run(function ($rootScope) {
  $rootScope.inArray = function (item, array) {
    return (-1 !== array.indexOf(item));

Then, use it in your template:

<li ng-class="{approved: inArray(jobSet, selectedForApproval)}"></li>

I think everyone will agree that this example is much more readable and maintainable.

The most efficient way to remove first N elements in a list?

You can use list slicing to archive your goal:

n = 5
mylist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
newlist = mylist[n:]
print newlist


[6, 7, 8, 9]

Or del if you only want to use one list:

n = 5
mylist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
del mylist[:n]
print mylist


[6, 7, 8, 9]

Google Geocoding API - REQUEST_DENIED

It's suck Google don't let you that your service is not enabled by this account. Try to enable it first. Go here and create a new project with place service activated this may solve your problem.

Sending an Intent to browser to open specific URL

In some cases URL may start with "www". In this case you will get an exception:

android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent

The URL must always start with "http://" or "https://" so I use this snipped of code:

if (!url.startsWith("https://") && !url.startsWith("http://")){
    url = "http://" + url;
Intent openUrlIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));

Text file with 0D 0D 0A line breaks

Netscape ANSI encoded files use 0D 0D 0A for their line breaks.

Changing the background color of a drop down list transparent in html

You can actualy fake the transparency of option DOMElements with the following CSS:


option { 
    /* Whatever color  you want */
    background-color: #82caff;

See Demo

The option tag does not support rgba colors yet.

Getting the current date in SQL Server?

As you are using SQL Server 2008, go with Martin's answer.

If you find yourself needing to do it in SQL Server 2005 where you don't have access to the Date column type, I'd use:



VBA: activating/selecting a worksheet/row/cell

This is just a sample code, but it may help you get on your way:

Public Sub testIt()
End Sub

I am assuming that you can open the book (called Workbook2 in the example).

I think (but I'm not sure) you can squash all this in a single line of code:


This way you won't need to activate the workbook (or sheet or cell)... Obviously, the book has to be open.

Format datetime in mvc 4

Thanks Darin, For me, to be able to post to the create method, It only worked after I modified the BindModel code to :

public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
    var displayFormat = bindingContext.ModelMetadata.DisplayFormatString;
    var value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayFormat) && value != null)
        DateTime date;
        displayFormat = displayFormat.Replace("{0:", string.Empty).Replace("}", string.Empty);
        // use the format specified in the DisplayFormat attribute to parse the date
         if (DateTime.TryParse(value.AttemptedValue, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-GB"), DateTimeStyles.None, out date))
            return date;
                string.Format("{0} is an invalid date format", value.AttemptedValue)

    return base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);

Hope this could help someone else...

What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none?

There are a lot of detailed answers here, but I thought I should add this to address accessibility since there are implications.

display: none; and visibility: hidden; may not be read by all screen reader software. Keep in mind what visually-impaired users will experience.

The question also asks about synonyms. text-indent: -9999px; is one other that is roughly equivalent. The important difference with text-indent is that it will often be read by screen readers. It can be a bit of a bad experience as users can still tab to the link.

For accessibility, what I see used today is a combination of styles to hide an element while being visible to screen readers.

  clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
  clip-path: inset(50%);
  height: 1px;
  width: 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 0;
  position: absolute;

A great practice is to create a "Skip to content" link to the anchor of the main body of content. Visually-impaired users probably don't want to listen to your full navigation tree on every single page. Make the link visually hidden. Users can just hit tab to access the link.

For more on accessibility and hidden content, see:

Opening a SQL Server .bak file (Not restoring!)

The only workable solution is to restore the .bak file. The contents and the structure of those files are not documented and therefore, there's really no way (other than an awful hack) to get this to work - definitely not worth your time and the effort!

The only tool I'm aware of that can make sense of .bak files without restoring them is Red-Gate SQL Compare Professional (and the accompanying SQL Data Compare) which allow you to compare your database structure against the contents of a .bak file. Red-Gate tools are absolutely marvelous - highly recommended and well worth every penny they cost!

And I just checked their web site - it does seem that you can indeed restore a single table from out of a .bak file with SQL Compare Pro ! :-)

How to select the comparison of two columns as one column in Oracle

If you want to consider null values equality too, try the following

select column1, column2, 
      when column1 is NULL and column2 is NULL then 'true'  
      when column1=column2 then 'true' 
      else 'false' 
from table;

"The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted" when connecting DB in VM Role from Azure website

If You are trying to access it through Data Connections in Visual Studio 2015, and getting the above Error, Then Go to Advanced and set TrustServerCertificate=True for error to go away.

Python: Converting string into decimal number

If you are converting price (in string) to decimal price then....

from decimal import Decimal

price = "14000,45"
price_in_decimal = Decimal(price.replace(',','.'))

No need for the replace if your strings already use dots as a decimal separator

How to pass a view's onClick event to its parent on Android?

I think you need to use one of those methods in order to be able to intercept the event before it gets sent to the appropriate components:

Activity.dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - This allows your Activity to intercept all touch events before they are dispatched to the window.

ViewGroup.onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - This allows a ViewGroup to watch events as they are dispatched to child Views.

ViewParent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean) - Call this upon a parent View to indicate that it should not intercept touch events with onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent).

More information here.

Hope that helps.

Extracting an attribute value with beautifulsoup

you can also use this :

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv

url = ""
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.text

soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")
get_details = soup.find_all("input", attrs={"name":"stainfo"})

for val in get_details:
    get_val = val["value"]

Adding a column to an existing table in a Rails migration

You can also do this .. rails g migration add_column_to_users email:string

then rake db:migrate also add :email attribute in your user controller ;

for more detail check out

Using setTimeout to delay timing of jQuery actions

This is how I solved the problem The menu closes a few seconds after mouse out (that if hover didn't fire),

//Set timer switch

    $(".navbar-nav li a").click(function(event) {
        if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('dropdown'))
           if($setM_swith==1) {
        }, 3000);
    $(".navbar-collapse").mouseover(function() {

How to get line count of a large file cheaply in Python?

def line_count(path):
    count = 0
    with open(path) as lines:
        for count, l in enumerate(lines, start=1):
    return count

Select all where [first letter starts with B]

SELECT author FROM lyrics WHERE author LIKE 'B%';

Make sure you have an index on author, though!

Using LIKE operator with stored procedure parameters

I was working on same. Check below statement. Worked for me!!

SELECT * FROM [Schema].[Table] WHERE [Column] LIKE '%' + @Parameter + '%'

Excel VBA Password via Hex Editor

New version, now you also have the GC= try to replace both DPB and GC with those

DPB="DBD9775A4B774B77B4894C77DFE8FE6D2CCEB951E8045C2AB7CA507D8F3AC7E3A7F59012A2" GC="BAB816BBF4BCF4BCF4"

password will be "test"

Finish an activity from another activity

See my answer to Stack Overflow question Finish All previous activities.

What you need is to add the Intent.FLAG_CLEAR_TOP. This flag makes sure that all activities above the targeted activity in the stack are finished and that one is shown.

Another thing that you need is the SINGLE_TOP flag. With this one you prevent Android from creating a new activity if there is one already created in the stack.

Just be wary that if the activity was already created, the intent with these flags will be delivered in the method called onNewIntent(intent) (you need to overload it to handle it) in the target activity.

Then in onNewIntent you have a method called restart or something that will call finish() and launch a new intent toward itself, or have a repopulate() method that will set the new data. I prefer the second approach, it is less expensive and you can always extract the onCreate logic into a separate method that you can call for populate.

Split list into smaller lists (split in half)

def splitter(A):
    B = A[0:len(A)//2]
    C = A[len(A)//2:]

 return (B,C)

I tested, and the double slash is required to force int division in python 3. My original post was correct, although wysiwyg broke in Opera, for some reason.

Dynamically generating a QR code with PHP

I have been using google qrcode api for sometime, but I didn't quite like this because it requires me to be on the Internet to access the generated image.

I did a little comand-line research and found out that linux has a command line tool qrencode for generating qr-codes.

I wrote this little script. And the good part is that the generated image is less than 1KB in size. Well the supplied data is simply a url.

$url = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://" : "http://").$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/profile.php?id='.$_GET['pid'];
$img = shell_exec('qrencode --output=- -m=1 '.escapeshellarg($url));

$imgData = "data:image/png;base64,".base64_encode($img);

Then in the html I load the image:

<img class="emrQRCode" src="<?=$imgData ?>" />

You just need to have installed it. [most imaging apps on linux would have installed it under the hood without you realizing.

how to concat two columns into one with the existing column name in mysql?

Remove the * from your query and use individual column names, like this:


Using * means, in your results you want all the columns of the table. In your case * will also include FIRSTNAME. You are then concatenating some columns and using alias of FIRSTNAME. This creates 2 columns with same name.

Push to GitHub without a password using ssh-key

In case you are indeed using the SSH URL, but still are asked for username and password when git pushing:

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:<Username>/<Project>.git

You should try troubleshooting with:

ssh -vT [email protected]

Below is a piece of sample output:

debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/id_dsa
debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/id_ecdsa
debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/id_ed25519
debug1: No more authentication methods to try.
Permission denied (publickey).

I actually have already added the public key to GitHub before, and I also have the private key locally. However, my private key is of a different name called /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/github_rsa.

According to the sample output, Git is trying /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/id_rsa, which I don't have. Therefore, I could simply copy github_rsa to id_rsa in the same directory.

cp /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/github_rsa /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/id_rsa

Now when I run ssh -vT [email protected] again, I have:

debug1: Trying private key: /c/Users/Yuci/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
Hi <my username>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

And now I can push to GitHub without being asked for username and password :-)

Finding square root without using sqrt function?

if you need to find square root without using sqrt(),use root=pow(x,0.5).

Where x is value whose square root you need to find.

How to set a variable inside a loop for /F

There are two methods to setting and using variables within for loops and parentheses scope.

  1. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion see setlocal /? for help. This only works on XP/2000 or newer versions of Windows. then use !variable! instead of %variable% inside the loop...

  2. Create a batch function using batch goto labels :Label.


    for /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('type %FileName%') do call :Foo %%a
    goto End
    set z=%1
    echo %z%
    echo %1
    goto :eof

    Batch functions are very useful mechanism.

How to echo shell commands as they are executed

You can also toggle this for select lines in your script by wrapping them in set -x and set +x, for example,

if [[ ! -e $OUT_FILE ]];
   echo "grabbing $URL"
   set -x
   curl --fail --noproxy $SERV -s -S $URL -o $OUT_FILE
   set +x

compare differences between two tables in mysql

I found another solution in this link

SELECT MIN (tbl_name) AS tbl_name, PK, column_list
  SELECT ' source_table ' as tbl_name, S.PK, S.column_list
  FROM source_table AS S
  SELECT 'destination_table' as tbl_name, D.PK, D.column_list
  FROM destination_table AS D 
)  AS alias_table
GROUP BY PK, column_list

SVN checkout the contents of a folder, not the folder itself

Provide the directory on the command line:

svn checkout file:///home/landonwinters/svn/waterproject/trunk public_html

WCF named pipe minimal example

Check out my highly simplified Echo example: It is designed to use basic HTTP communication, but it can easily be modified to use named pipes by editing the app.config files for the client and server. Make the following changes:

Edit the server's app.config file, removing or commenting out the http baseAddress entry and adding a new baseAddress entry for the named pipe (called net.pipe). Also, if you don't intend on using HTTP for a communication protocol, make sure the serviceMetadata and serviceDebug is either commented out or deleted:

            <service name="">
                        <add baseAddress="net.pipe://localhost/EchoService"/>

Edit the client's app.config file so that the basicHttpBinding is either commented out or deleted and a netNamedPipeBinding entry is added. You will also need to change the endpoint entry to use the pipe:

                <binding name="NetNamedPipeBinding_IEchoService"/>
            <endpoint address              = "net.pipe://localhost/EchoService"
                      binding              = "netNamedPipeBinding"
                      bindingConfiguration = "NetNamedPipeBinding_IEchoService"
                      contract             = "EchoServiceReference.IEchoService"
                      name                 = "NetNamedPipeBinding_IEchoService"/>

The above example will only run with named pipes, but nothing is stopping you from using multiple protocols to run your service. AFAIK, you should be able to have a server run a service using both named pipes and HTTP (as well as other protocols).

Also, the binding in the client's app.config file is highly simplified. There are many different parameters you can adjust, aside from just specifying the baseAddress...

Regular Expression to match string starting with a specific word

If you wish to match only lines beginning with stop use


If you wish to match lines beginning with the word stop followed by a space


Or, if you wish to match lines beginning with the word stop but followed by either a space or any other non word character you can use (your regex flavor permitting)


On the other hand, what follows matches a word at the beginning of a string on most regex flavors (in these flavors \w matches the opposite of \W)


If your flavor does not have the \w shortcut, you can use


Be wary that this second idiom will only match letters and numbers, no symbol whatsoever.

Check your regex flavor manual to know what shortcuts are allowed and what exactly do they match (and how do they deal with Unicode.)

Converting Pandas dataframe into Spark dataframe error

You need to make sure your pandas dataframe columns are appropriate for the type spark is inferring. If your pandas dataframe lists something like:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 5062 entries, 0 to 5061
Data columns (total 51 columns):
SomeCol                    5062 non-null object
Col2                       5062 non-null object

And you're getting that error try:

df[['SomeCol', 'Col2']] = df[['SomeCol', 'Col2']].astype(str)

Now, make sure .astype(str) is actually the type you want those columns to be. Basically, when the underlying Java code tries to infer the type from an object in python it uses some observations and makes a guess, if that guess doesn't apply to all the data in the column(s) it's trying to convert from pandas to spark it will fail.

Controlling Maven final name of jar artifact

I am using the following


This way you can define each value individually or pragmatically from Jenkins of some other system.

mvn package -DbaseVersion=1 -monthlyVersion=2 -instanceVersion=3

This will place a folder target\{}\projectName-1.2.3.jar

A better way to save time might be


Like the same except I use on variable.

  mvn package -DbaseVersion=0.3.4

This will place a folder target\{}\projectName-1.2.3.jar

you can also use outputDirectory inside of configuration to specify a location you may want the package to be located.

Is it possible to delete an object's property in PHP?

This code is working fine for me in a loop

$remove = array(

foreach($remove as $key){

Get DateTime.Now with milliseconds precision

If you still want a date instead of a string like the other answers, just add this extension method.

public static DateTime ToMillisecondPrecision(this DateTime d) {
    return new DateTime(d.Year, d.Month, d.Day, d.Hour, d.Minute,
                        d.Second, d.Millisecond, d.Kind);

Spring Could not Resolve placeholder

in my case, the war file generated didn't pick up the properties file so had to clean install again in IntelliJ editor.

What is the string concatenation operator in Oracle?

There's also concat, but it doesn't get used much

select concat('a','b') from dual;

Maven Install on Mac OS X

To install Maven on OS X, go to the Apache Maven website and download the binary zip file.

You can then shift the apache-maven-3.0.5 folder in your Downloads folder to wherever you want to keep Maven; however as the rest of the process involves the command line, I recommend you do everything from there.

At the command line, you would run something like:

mv ~/Downloads/apache-maven-3.0.5 ~/Development/

This is just my personal preference - to have a "Development" directory in my home directory. You can choose something else if you wish.

Next, edit ~/.profile in the editor of your choice, and add the following:

export M2_HOME="/Users/johndoe/Development/apache-maven-3.0.5"
export PATH=${PATH}:${M2_HOME}/bin

The first line is important to Maven (and must be a full explcit path); the second line is important to the shell, in order to run the "mvn" binary. If you have a variation of that second line already in .profile, then simply add ${M2_HOME}/bin to the end of it.

Now open a second terminal window and run

mvn -version

which should give output like...

Apache Maven 3.0.5 (r01de14724cdef164cd33c7c8c2fe155faf9602da; 2013-02-19 13:51:28+0000)
Maven home: /Users/johndoe/Development/apache-maven-3.0.5
Java version: 1.7.0_40, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_40.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.9", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

Couple of things to note:

  1. If you've installed the Oracle JDK 1.7, then you may find Maven reports JDK 1.6 in the above output. To solve this, add the following to your ~/.profile:

    export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

  2. As some have pointed out, Maven has historically been supplied either with OS X itself, or with the optional Command Line Tools for XCode. This may cease to be the case for future versions of OS X, and in fact OS X Mavericks does not include Maven. Personal opinion: This could be because they are still in beta, or it could be that Apple have taken a look at the latest Thoughtworks Technology Radar, and spotted that Maven has been moved to "Hold".

How to create dynamic href in react render function?

Use string concatenation:

href={'/posts/' +}

The JSX syntax allows either to use strings or expressions ({...}) as values. You cannot mix both. Inside an expression you can, as the name suggests, use any JavaScript expression to compute the value.

Using Javascript: How to create a 'Go Back' link that takes the user to a link if there's no history for the tab or window?

simply use cookies to store your visited page list.

and apply some if else.

EDIT: also use ServerVariables HTTP_REFERER.

Trying to load local JSON file to show data in a html page using JQuery

The d3.js visualization examples I've been replicating on my local machine.. which import .JSON data.. all work fine on Mozilla Firefox browser; and on Chrome I get the cross-origins restrictions error. It's a weird thing how there's no issue with importing a local javascript file, but try loading a JSON and the browser gets nervous. There should at least be some setting to let the user over-ride it, the way pop-ups are blocked but I get to see an indication and a choice to unblock them.. no reason to be so Orwellian about the matter. Users shouldn't be treated as too naive to know what's best for them.

So I suggest using Firefox browser if you're working locally. And I hope people don't freak out over this and start bombing Mozilla to enforce cross-origin restrictions for local files.

Python print statement “Syntax Error: invalid syntax”

In Python 3, print is a function, you need to call it like print("hello world").

How to create dispatch queue in Swift 3

Compiled in XCode 8, Swift 3

 @IBAction func tap(_ sender: AnyObject) {

    let thisEmail = ""
    let thisPassword = "myPassword" .background).async {

        // Validate user input

        let result = self.validate(thisEmail, password: thisPassword)

        // Go back to the main thread to update the UI
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            if !result



Generating unique random numbers (integers) between 0 and 'x'

Here's a simple, one-line solution:

var limit = 10;
var amount = 3;

randoSequence(1, limit).slice(0, amount);

It uses to generate a randomly shuffled array of integers from 1 through 10 and then cuts off everything after the third integer. If you want to use this answer, toss this within the head tag of your HTML document:

<script src=""></script>

How do you count the lines of code in a Visual Studio solution?

In Visual Studio 2019, from the top menu you need to select:

'Analyze' -> 'Calculate Code Metrics' -> 'For Solution'

This works in both Visual Studio 2019 Professional and Enterprise.

Get current time in hours and minutes

Could also potentially use this script to use the system time in a variable

now=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y_%M:%S")

Which outputs as


Is it possible to decrypt SHA1

SHA1 is a cryptographic hash function, so the intention of the design was to avoid what you are trying to do.

However, breaking a SHA1 hash is technically possible. You can do so by just trying to guess what was hashed. This brute-force approach is of course not efficient, but that's pretty much the only way.

So to answer your question: yes, it is possible, but you need significant computing power. Some researchers estimate that it costs $70k - $120k.

As far as we can tell today, there is also no other way but to guess the hashed input. This is because operations such as mod eliminate information from your input. Suppose you calculate mod 5 and you get 0. What was the input? Was it 0, 5 or 500? You see, you can't really 'go back' in this case.

Download File to server from URL

prodigitalson's answer didn't work for me. I got missing fopen in CURLOPT_FILE more details.

This worked for me, including local urls:

function downloadUrlToFile($url, $outFileName)
    if(is_file($url)) {
        copy($url, $outFileName); 
    } else {
        $options = array(
          CURLOPT_FILE    => fopen($outFileName, 'w'),
          CURLOPT_TIMEOUT =>  28800, // set this to 8 hours so we dont timeout on big files
          CURLOPT_URL     => $url

        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);

How can I access "static" class variables within class methods in Python?

class Foo(object):
     bar = 1
     def bah(self):

f = Foo() 

How can I convert String to Int?

While I agree on using the TryParse method, a lot of people dislike the use of out parameter (myself included). With tuple support having been added to C#, an alternative is to create an extension method that will limit the number of times you use out to a single instance:

public static class StringExtensions
    public static (int result, bool canParse) TryParse(this string s)
        int res;
        var valid = int.TryParse(s, out res);
        return (result: res, canParse: valid);

(Source: C# how to convert a string to int)

Create a data.frame with m columns and 2 rows

Does m really need to be a data.frame() or will a matrix() suffice?

m <- matrix(0, ncol = 30, nrow = 2)

You can wrap a data.frame() around that if you need to:

m <- data.frame(m)

or all in one line: m <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 30, nrow = 2))

Testing Private method using mockito

I was able to test a private method inside using mockito using reflection. Here is the example, tried to name it such that it makes sense

//Service containing the mock method is injected with mockObjects

private ServiceContainingPrivateMethod serviceContainingPrivateMethod;

//Using reflection to change accessibility of the private method

Class<?>[] params = new Class<?>[]{PrivateMethodParameterOne.class, PrivateMethodParameterTwo.class};
    Method m = serviceContainingPrivateMethod .getClass().getDeclaredMethod("privateMethod", params);
    //making private method accessible
    assertNotNull(m.invoke(serviceContainingPrivateMethod, privateMethodParameterOne, privateMethodParameterTwo).equals(null));

Syntax for async arrow function

This the simplest way to assign an async arrow function expression to a named variable:

const foo = async () => {
  // do something

(Note that this is not strictly equivalent to async function foo() { }. Besides the differences between the function keyword and an arrow expression, the function in this answer is not "hoisted to the top".)

How to force 'cp' to overwrite directory instead of creating another one inside?

If you want to ensure bar/ ends up identical to foo/, use rsync instead:

rsync -a --delete foo/ bar/

If just a few things have changed, this will execute much faster than removing and re-copying the whole directory.

  • -a is 'archive mode', which copies faithfully files in foo/ to bar/
  • --delete removes extra files not in foo/ from bar/ as well, ensuring bar/ ends up identical
  • If you want to see what it's doing, add -vh for verbose and human-readable
  • Note: the slash after foo is required, otherwise rsync will copy foo/ to bar/foo/ rather than overwriting bar/ itself.
    • (Slashes after directories in rsync are confusing; if you're interested, here's the scoop. They tell rsync to refer to the contents of the directory, rather than the directory itself. So to overwrite from the contents of foo/ onto the contents of bar/, we use a slash on both. It's confusing because it won't work as expected with a slash on neither, though; rsync sneakily always interprets the destination path as though it has a slash, even though it honors an absence of a slash on the source path. So we need a slash on the source path to make it match the auto-added slash on the destination path, if we want to copy the contents of foo/ into bar/, rather than the directory foo/ itself landing into bar/ as bar/foo.)

rsync is very powerful and useful, if you're curious look around for what else it can do (such as copying over ssh).

How to get current working directory in Java?

File currentDirectory = new File(new File(".").getAbsolutePath());

Prints something like:


Note that File.getCanonicalPath() throws a checked IOException but it will remove things like ../../../

ggplot with 2 y axes on each side and different scales

We definitely could build a plot with dual Y-axises using base R funtion plot.

# pseudo dataset
df <- data.frame(x = seq(1, 1000, 1), y1 =, 1000, replace=T), y2 = sample(50, 1000, replace = T))

# plot first plot 
with(df, plot(y1 ~ x, col = "red"))

# set new plot
par(new = T) 

# plot second plot, but without axis
with(df, plot(y2 ~ x, type = "l", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = ""))

# define y-axis and put y-labs
with(df, mtext("y2", side = 4))

Update multiple columns in SQL

Try this:

UPDATE table1 
SET a = t2.a, b = t2.b, .......
FROM table2 t2

That should work in most SQL dialects, excluding Oracle.

And yes - it's a lot of typing - it's the way SQL does this.

How to compare arrays in C#?

The Equals method does a reference comparison - if the arrays are different objects, this will indeed return false.

To check if the arrays contain identical values (and in the same order), you will need to iterate over them and test equality on each.

What is the "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" HTTP header?

Short answer: it's closely related to the Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests response header, indicating that the browser supports it (and in fact prefers it).

It took me 30mins of Googling, but I finally found it buried in the W3 spec.

The confusion comes because the header in the spec was HTTPS: 1, and this is how Chromium implemented it, but after this broke lots of websites that were poorly coded (particularly WordPress and WooCommerce) the Chromium team apologized:

"I apologize for the breakage; I apparently underestimated the impact based on the feedback during dev and beta."
— Mike West, in Chrome Issue 501842

Their fix was to rename it to Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1, and the spec has since been updated to match.

Anyway, here is the explanation from the W3 spec (as it appeared at the time)...

The HTTPS HTTP request header field sends a signal to the server expressing the client’s preference for an encrypted and authenticated response, and that it can successfully handle the upgrade-insecure-requests directive in order to make that preference as seamless as possible to provide.


When a server encounters this preference in an HTTP request’s headers, it SHOULD redirect the user to a potentially secure representation of the resource being requested.

When a server encounters this preference in an HTTPS request’s headers, it SHOULD include a Strict-Transport-Security header in the response if the request’s host is HSTS-safe or conditionally HSTS-safe [RFC6797].

How do I disable and re-enable a button in with javascript?

you can try with

document.getElementById('btn').disabled = !this.checked"

<input type="submit" name="btn"  id="btn" value="submit" disabled/>_x000D_
<input type="checkbox"  onchange="document.getElementById('btn').disabled = !this.checked"/>

Can I use wget to check , but not download

You can use the following option to check for the files:

wget --delete-after URL

Ruby on Rails generates model field:type - what are the options for field:type?

There are lots of data types you can mention while creating model, some examples are:

:primary_key, :string, :text, :integer, :float, :decimal, :datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date, :binary, :boolean, :references



How to include js and CSS in JSP with spring MVC

you need declare resources in dispatcher servelet file.below is two declarations

<mvc:annotation-driven />
<mvc:resources location="/resources/" mapping="/resources/**" />

Android: show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText

Tried many but this is what worked for me (kotlin):

        val dialog = builder.create()
        dialog.setOnShowListener {
            val s = ContextCompat.getSystemService(requireContext(),
            s?.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, 0)

        dialog.setOnDismissListener {
            val s = ContextCompat.getSystemService(requireContext(),
            s?.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY, 0)

How to apply bold text style for an entire row using Apache POI?

This work for me

I set style's font before and make rowheader normally then i set in loop for the style with font bolded on each cell of rowhead. Et voilà first row is bolded.

HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("FirstSheet");
HSSFRow rowhead = sheet.createRow(0); 
HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle();
HSSFFont font = wb.createFont();
for(int j = 0; j<=3; j++)

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?

This answer is more like an addition and a slight modification to the answers above.

In some versions of Visual Studio (and possibly other compilers) there is a bug that is really annoying and doesn't make sense. So if you declare/define your swap function like this:

friend void swap(A& first, A& second) {

    std::swap(first.size, second.size);
    std::swap(first.arr, second.arr);


... the compiler will yell at you when you call the swap function:

enter image description here

This has something to do with a friend function being called and this object being passed as a parameter.

A way around this is to not use friend keyword and redefine the swap function:

void swap(A& other) {

    std::swap(size, other.size);
    std::swap(arr, other.arr);


This time, you can just call swap and pass in other, thus making the compiler happy:

enter image description here

After all, you don't need to use a friend function to swap 2 objects. It makes just as much sense to make swap a member function that has one other object as a parameter.

You already have access to this object, so passing it in as a parameter is technically redundant.

What does "Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" really mean?

Note that IETF RFC4627 has been superseded by IETF RFC7158. In section [8.1] it retracts the text cited by @Drew earlier by saying:

Implementations MUST NOT add a byte order mark to the beginning of a JSON text.

'^M' character at end of lines

od -a $file is useful to explore those types of question on Linux (similar to dumphex in the above).

Sort Dictionary by keys

Swift 2.0

Updated version of Ivica M's answer:

let wordDict = [
     "A" : [1, 2],
     "Z" : [3, 4],
     "D" : [5, 6]

let sortedDict = wordDict.sort { $0.0 < $1.0 }
print("\(sortedDict)") // 

Swift 3

wordDict.sorted(by: { $0.0 < $1.0 })


Don't be surprised that the resulting type is an array rather than a dictionary. Dictionaries cannot be sorted! The resulting data-type is a sorted array, just like in @Ivica's answer.

Align button to the right

try to put your script and link on the head like this:

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-rwoIResjU2yc3z8GV/NPeZWAv56rSmLldC3R/AZzGRnGxQQKnKkoFVhFQhNUwEyJ" crossorigin="anonymous">
     <script src="" integrity="sha384-vBWWzlZJ8ea9aCX4pEW3rVHjgjt7zpkNpZk+02D9phzyeVkE+jo0ieGizqPLForn" crossorigin="anonymous"> 
     <div class="row">
        <h3 class="one">Text</h3>
        <button class="btn btn-secondary pull-right">Button</button>

Can anyone recommend a simple Java web-app framework?

(Updated for Spring 3.0)

I go with Spring MVC as well.

You need to download Spring from here

To configure your web-app to use Spring add the following servlet to your web.xml



You then need to create your Spring config file /WEB-INF/spring-dispatcher-servlet.xml

Your first version of this file can be as simple as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
   xmlns:mvc="" xmlns:context=""

   <context:component-scan base-package="" />    
   <mvc:annotation-driven />


Spring will then automatically detect classes annotated with @Controller

A simple controller is then:


import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

public class PersonController {

    Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String setupForm(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("person", new Person());
        return "details.jsp";

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String processForm(@ModelAttribute("person") Person person) {;;;
        return "success.jsp";

And the details.jsp

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="form"%>
<form:form commandName="person">
        <td><form:input path="id" /></td>
        <td><form:input path="name" /></td>
        <td><form:input path="surname" /></td>
        <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Save Changes" /></td>

This is just the tip of the iceberg with regards to what Spring can do...

Hope this helps.

jQuery validation: change default error message

To remove all default error messages use

$.validator.messages.required = "";

How to get a List<string> collection of values from app.config in WPF?

In App.config:

<add key="YOURKEY" value="a,b,c"/>

In C#:

string[] InFormOfStringArray = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["YOURKEY"].Split(',').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
List<string> list = new List<string>(InFormOfStringArray);

How to convert enum names to string in c

A function like that without validating the enum is a trifle dangerous. I suggest using a switch statement. Another advantage is that this can be used for enums that have defined values, for example for flags where the values are 1,2,4,8,16 etc.

Also put all your enum strings together in one array:-

static const char * allEnums[] = {
    /* etc */

define the indices in a header file:-

#define ID_undefined       0
#define ID_fruit_apple     1
#define ID_fruit_orange    2
/* etc */

Doing this makes it easier to produce different versions, for example if you want to make international versions of your program with other languages.

Using a macro, also in the header file:-

#define CASE(type,val) case val: index = ID_##type##_##val; break;

Make a function with a switch statement, this should return a const char * because the strings static consts:-

const char * FruitString(enum fruit e){

    unsigned int index;

        CASE(fruit, apple)
        CASE(fruit, orange)
        CASE(fruit, banana)
        /* etc */
        default: index = ID_undefined;
    return allEnums[index];

If programming with Windows then the ID_ values can be resource values.

(If using C++ then all the functions can have the same name.

string EnumToString(fruit e);


How to launch an Activity from another Application in Android

Edit depending on comment

In some versions - as suggested in comments - the exception thrown may be different.

Thus the solution below is slightly modified

Intent launchIntent = null;
   launchIntent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("applicationId");
} catch (Exception ignored) {}

if(launchIntent == null){
    startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setData(Uri.parse("" + "applicationId")));
} else {

Original Answer

Although answered well, there is a pretty simple implementation that handles if the app is not installed. I do it like this

} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
    startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setData(Uri.parse("" + "applicationId")));

Replace "applicationId" with the package that you want to open such as, etc.

How do you represent a JSON array of strings?

String strJson="{\"Employee\":

This is an example of a JSON string with Employee as object, then multiple strings and values in an array as a reference to @cregox...

A bit complicated but can explain a lot in a single JSON string.

What does "@" mean in Windows batch scripts

In batch file:

1 @echo off(solo)=>output nothing enter image description here

2 echo off(solo)=> the “echo off” shows in the command line

enter image description here

3 echo off(then echo something) => enter image description here

4 @echo off(then echo something)=> enter image description here

See, echo off(solo), means no output in the command line, but itself shows; @echo off(solo), means no output in the command line, neither itself;

How to get the Parent's parent directory in Powershell?

Split-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -Parent

Pretty git branch graphs

I wrote a web tool for converting git logs into pretty SVG graphs: Bit-Booster - Offline Commit Graph Drawing Tool

Upload output from git log --pretty='%h|%p|%d' directly into the tool and then click on the "download graph.svg" link.

The tool is pure-client-side, and so none of your Git data is shared with my server. You can also save the HTML + JS locally and run it using "file:///" URL's. Verified on Chrome 48 and Firefox 43 on Ubuntu 12.04.

It generates HTML that can be posted directly into any page (including the blogspot blogging engine!). Take a look at some of the blog posts here:

Here's a screenshot of a sample HTML file generated by the tool: (the tool)

How to get subarray from array?

Take a look at Array.slice(begin, end)

const ar  = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// slice from 1..3 - add 1 as the end index is not included

const ar2 = ar.slice(1, 3 + 1);


What are public, private and protected in object oriented programming?

A public item is one that is accessible from any other class. You just have to know what object it is and you can use a dot operator to access it. Protected means that a class and its subclasses have access to the variable, but not any other classes, they need to use a getter/setter to do anything with the variable. A private means that only that class has direct access to the variable, everything else needs a method/function to access or change that data. Hope this helps.

What are the rules for JavaScript's automatic semicolon insertion (ASI)?

The most contextual description of JavaScript's Automatic Semicolon Insertion I have found comes from a book about Crafting Interpreters.

JavaScript’s “automatic semicolon insertion” rule is the odd one. Where other languages assume most newlines are meaningful and only a few should be ignored in multi-line statements, JS assumes the opposite. It treats all of your newlines as meaningless whitespace unless it encounters a parse error. If it does, it goes back and tries turning the previous newline into a semicolon to get something grammatically valid.

He goes on to describe it as you would code smell.

This design note would turn into a design diatribe if I went into complete detail about how that even works, much less all the various ways that that is a bad idea. It’s a mess. JavaScript is the only language I know where many style guides demand explicit semicolons after every statement even though the language theoretically lets you elide them.

How do I clear all options in a dropdown box?

This is a bit modern and pure JavaScript

document.querySelectorAll('#selectId option').forEach(option => option.remove())

Get counts of all tables in a schema

This should do it:

    v_count integer;

    for r in (select table_name, owner from all_tables
              where owner = 'SCHEMA_NAME') 
        execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || r.table_name 
            into v_count;
        VALUES (r.table_name,r.owner,v_count,SYSDATE);
    end loop;


I removed various bugs from your code.

Note: For the benefit of other readers, Oracle does not provide a table called STATS_TABLE, you would need to create it.

Python: most idiomatic way to convert None to empty string?

We can always avoid type casting in scenarios explained below.

customer = "John"
name = str(customer)
if name is None
   print "Name is blank"
   print "Customer name : " + name

In the example above in case variable customer's value is None the it further gets casting while getting assigned to 'name'. The comparison in 'if' clause will always fail.

customer = "John" # even though its None still it will work properly.
name = customer
if name is None
   print "Name is blank"
   print "Customer name : " + str(name)

Above example will work properly. Such scenarios are very common when values are being fetched from URL, JSON or XML or even values need further type casting for any manipulation.

Read a variable in bash with a default value


read -p "Please enter IN_PATH [$IN_PATH_DEFAULT]: " IN_PATH

read -p "Please enter OUT_PATH [$OUT_PATH_DEFAULT]: " OUT_PATH

echo "Input: $IN_PATH Output: $OUT_PATH"

Sample run:

Please enter IN_PATH [/tmp/input.txt]: 
Please enter OUT_PATH [/tmp/output.txt]: ~/out.txt
Input: /tmp/input.txt Output: ~/out.txt