Programs & Examples On #Lisp in a box

How to search through all Git and Mercurial commits in the repository for a certain string?

Don't know about git, but in Mercurial I'd just pipe the output of hg log to some sed/perl/whatever script to search for whatever it is you're looking for. You can customize the output of hg log using a template or a style to make it easier to search on, if you wish.

This will include all named branches in the repo. Mercurial does not have something like dangling blobs afaik.

How to print a number with commas as thousands separators in JavaScript

if you are dealing with currency values and formatting a lot then it might be worth to add tiny accounting.js which handles lot of edge cases and localization:

// Default usage:
accounting.formatMoney(12345678); // $12,345,678.00

// European formatting (custom symbol and separators), could also use options object as second param:
accounting.formatMoney(4999.99, "€", 2, ".", ","); // €4.999,99

// Negative values are formatted nicely, too:
accounting.formatMoney(-500000, "£ ", 0); // £ -500,000

// Simple `format` string allows control of symbol position [%v = value, %s = symbol]:
accounting.formatMoney(5318008, { symbol: "GBP",  format: "%v %s" }); // 5,318,008.00 GBP

How to use \n new line in VB msgbox() ...?

msgbox "This is the first line" & vbcrlf & "and this is the second line"

or in .NET msgbox "This is the first line" & Environment.NewLine & "and this is the second line"

Setting multiple attributes for an element at once with JavaScript

you can simply add a method (setAttributes, with "s" at the end) to "Element" prototype like:

Element.prototype.setAttributes = function(obj){
  for(var prop in obj) {
    this.setAttribute(prop, obj[prop])

you can define it in one line:

Element.prototype.setAttributes = function(obj){ for(var prop in obj) this.setAttribute(prop, obj[prop]) }

and you can call it normally as you call the other methods. The attributes are given as an object:

elem.setAttributes({"src": "", "height": "100%", "width": "100%"})

you can add an if statement to throw an error if the given argument is not an object.

Ajax call Into MVC Controller- Url Issue

A good way to do it without getting the view involved may be:

    type: "POST",
    url: '/Controller/Search',
    data: { queryString: searchVal },
    success: function (data) {
      alert("here" + data.d.toString());

This will try to POST to the URL:

"http://domain/Controller/Search (which is the correct URL for the action you want to use)"

Import Excel Data into PostgreSQL 9.3

You can also use psql console to execute \copy without need to send file to Postgresql server machine. The command is the same:

\copy mytable [ ( column_list ) ] FROM '/path/to/csv/file' WITH CSV HEADER

How to change credentials for SVN repository in Eclipse?

In windows :

  1. Open run type %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth\svn.simple
  2. This will open svn.simple folder
  3. you will find a file e.g. Big Alpha Numeric file
  4. Delete that file.
  5. Restart eclipse.
  6. Try to edit file from project and commit it
  7. you can see dialog asking userName password

It worked for me.... ;)

What is a Question Mark "?" and Colon ":" Operator Used for?



answer = a > b ? x : y;

answer=4 since the condition is false it takes y value.

A question mark (?)
. The value to use if the condition is true

A colon (:)
. The value to use if the condition is false

What is the convention for word separator in Java package names?

All three are not the conventions.

Use com.stackoverflow.mypackage.

The package names do not follow camel casing or underscores or hyphens package naming convention.

Also, Google Java Style Guide specifies exactly the same (i.e. com.stackoverflow.mypackage) convention:

5.2.1 Package names

Package names are all lowercase, with consecutive words simply concatenated together (no underscores). For example, com.example.deepspace, not com.example.deepSpace or com.example.deep_space.

Google Java Style Guide: 5.2 Rules by identifier type: 5.2.1 Package names.

Empty or Null value display in SSRS text boxes

While probably not any better than your solution, you could adjust your T-SQL to return the same result using COALESCE:

SELECT MyField = COALESCE(table.MyField, " NA")

The reasoning for the extra space before the NA is to allow sorting to place the NA results at the top. Since your data may vary, that may not be a great option.

Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony 2

I had the same problem and I just tried using the following as a workaround. Seems to work so far. You can even create a dummy template that just contains references to all those static assets.

{% stylesheets
%}{% endstylesheets %}

Notice the omission of any output which means nothing shows up on the template. When I run assetic:dump the files are copied over to the desired location and the css includes work as expected.

ImageView rounded corners

its simple as possible by using this util method

 * param@ imageView is your image you want to bordered it
public static Bitmap generateBorders(ImageView imageView){
    Bitmap mbitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) imageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap();
    Bitmap imageRounded = Bitmap.createBitmap(mbitmap.getWidth(), mbitmap.getHeight(), mbitmap.getConfig());
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(imageRounded);
    Paint mpaint = new Paint();
    mpaint.setShader(new BitmapShader(mbitmap, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP));
    canvas.drawRoundRect((new RectF(0, 0, mbitmap.getWidth(), mbitmap.getHeight())), 100, 100, mpaint);// Round Image Corner 100 100 100 100
    return imageRounded;

then set your image view bitmap with returned value have fun

Get filename from input [type='file'] using jQuery

This was a very important issue for me in order for my site to be multilingual. So here is my conclusion tested in Firefox and Chrome.

jQuery trigger comes in handy.

So this hides the standard boring type=file labels. You can place any label you want and format anyway. I customized a script from The script allows multiple file uploads with thumbnail preview and uses PHP and MySQL.

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" name='imageform' role="form"    ="imageform" method="post" action="upload_ajax.php">
    <div class="form-group">
        <div id="select_file">Select a file</div>
        <input class='file' type="file" style="display: none " class="form-control" name="images_up" id="images_up" placeholder="Please choose your image">
        <div id="my_file"></div>
        <span class="help-block"></span>
    <div id="loader" style="display: none;">
        Please wait image uploading to server....
    <input type="submit" value="Upload" name="image_upload" id="image_upload" class="btn"/>

$('#select_file').click(function() {
    $('#images_up').change(function() {
        var filename = $('#images_up').val();
        if (filename.substring(3,11) == 'fakepath') {
            filename = filename.substring(12);
        } // Remove c:\fake at beginning from localhost chrome

Reading inputStream using BufferedReader.readLine() is too slow

I have a longer test to try. This takes an average of 160 ns to read each line as add it to a List (Which is likely to be what you intended as dropping the newlines is not very useful.

public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    final int runs = 5 * 1000 * 1000;

    final ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(0);
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            try {
                Socket serverConn = ss.accept();
                String line = "Hello World!\n";
                BufferedWriter br = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(serverConn.getOutputStream()));
                for (int count = 0; count < runs; count++)
            } catch (IOException e) {

    Socket conn = new Socket("localhost", ss.getLocalPort());

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
    String line;

    List<String> responseData = new ArrayList<String>();
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
    long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
    System.out.println("Average time to read a line was " + time / runs + " ns.");


Average time to read a line was 158 ns.

If you want to build a StringBuilder, keeping newlines I would suggets the following approach.

Reader r = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream());
String line;

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char[] chars = new char[4*1024];
int len;
while((len =>=0) {
    sb.append(chars, 0, len);

Still prints

Average time to read a line was 159 ns.

In both cases, the speed is limited by the sender not the receiver. By optimising the sender, I got this timing down to 105 ns per line.

Difference between thread's context class loader and normal classloader

Each class will use its own classloader to load other classes. So if ClassA.class references ClassB.class then ClassB needs to be on the classpath of the classloader of ClassA, or its parents.

The thread context classloader is the current classloader for the current thread. An object can be created from a class in ClassLoaderC and then passed to a thread owned by ClassLoaderD. In this case the object needs to use Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() directly if it wants to load resources that are not available on its own classloader.

How do I find all files containing specific text on Linux?

If your grep doesn't support recursive search, you can combine find with xargs:

find / -type f | xargs grep 'text-to-find-here'

I find this easier to remember than the format for find -exec.

This will output the filename and the content of the matched line, e.g.


Optional flags you may want to add to grep:

  • -i - case insensitive search
  • -l - only output the filename where the match was found
  • -h - only output the line which matched (not the filename)

How to add external fonts to android application

You can use the custom TextView for whole app with custom font here is an example for that

public class MyTextView extends TextView {

   Typeface normalTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(), Constants.FONT_REGULAR);
   Typeface boldTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(),  Constants.FONT_BOLD);

   public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
       super(context, attrs, defStyle);

   public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
       super(context, attrs);

   public MyTextView(Context context) {

   public void setTypeface(Typeface tf, int style) {
       if (style == Typeface.BOLD) {
           super.setTypeface(boldTypeface/*, -1*/);
       } else {
           super.setTypeface(normalTypeface/*, -1*/);

How to check if mysql database exists


Remove last character from C++ string

For a non-mutating version:

st = myString.substr(0, myString.size()-1);

How to find all trigger associated with a table with SQL Server?

select * from information_schema.TRIGGERS;

How to test Spring Data repositories?

With Spring Boot + Spring Data it has become quite easy:

public class MyRepositoryTest {

    MyRepository subject;

    public void myTest() throws Exception { MyEntity());

The solution by @heez brings up the full context, this only bring up what is needed for JPA+Transaction to work. Note that the solution above will bring up a in memory test database given that one can be found on the classpath.

Query to convert from datetime to date mysql

Either Cybernate or OMG Ponies solution will work. The fundamental problem is that the DATE_FORMAT() function returns a string, not a date. When you wrote

(Select Date_Format(orders.date_purchased,'%m/%d/%Y')) As Date 

I think you were essentially asking MySQL to try to format the values in date_purchased according to that format string, and instead of calling that column date_purchased, call it "Date". But that column would no longer contain a date, it would contain a string. (Because Date_Format() returns a string, not a date.)

I don't think that's what you wanted to do, but that's what you were doing.

Don't confuse how a value looks with what the value is.

How Can I Set the Default Value of a Timestamp Column to the Current Timestamp with Laravel Migrations?

I use the following customization in Laravel to:

  1. Default created_at to the current timestamp
  2. Update the timestamp when the record is updated

First, I'll create a file, helpers.php, in the root of Laravel and insert the following:


if (!function_exists('database_driver')) {
    function database_driver(): string
        $connection = config('database.default');
        return config('database.connections.' . $connection . '.driver');

if (!function_exists('is_database_driver')) {
    function is_database_driver(string $driver): bool
        return $driver === database_driver();

In composer.json, I'll insert the following into autoload. This allows composer to auto-discover helpers.php.

    "autoload": {
        "files": [

I use the following in my Laravel models.

        if (is_database_driver('sqlite')) {
        } else {
                ->default(DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'));

This allows my team to continue using sqlite for unit tests. ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is a MySQL shortcut and is not available in sqlite.

Can Python test the membership of multiple values in a list?

This does what you want, and will work in nearly all cases:

>>> all(x in ['b', 'a', 'foo', 'bar'] for x in ['a', 'b'])

The expression 'a','b' in ['b', 'a', 'foo', 'bar'] doesn't work as expected because Python interprets it as a tuple:

>>> 'a', 'b'
('a', 'b')
>>> 'a', 5 + 2
('a', 7)
>>> 'a', 'x' in 'xerxes'
('a', True)

Other Options

There are other ways to execute this test, but they won't work for as many different kinds of inputs. As Kabie points out, you can solve this problem using sets...

>>> set(['a', 'b']).issubset(set(['a', 'b', 'foo', 'bar']))
>>> {'a', 'b'} <= {'a', 'b', 'foo', 'bar'}


>>> {'a', ['b']} <= {'a', ['b'], 'foo', 'bar'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Sets can only be created with hashable elements. But the generator expression all(x in container for x in items) can handle almost any container type. The only requirement is that container be re-iterable (i.e. not a generator). items can be any iterable at all.

>>> container = [['b'], 'a', 'foo', 'bar']
>>> items = (i for i in ('a', ['b']))
>>> all(x in [['b'], 'a', 'foo', 'bar'] for x in items)

Speed Tests

In many cases, the subset test will be faster than all, but the difference isn't shocking -- except when the question is irrelevant because sets aren't an option. Converting lists to sets just for the purpose of a test like this won't always be worth the trouble. And converting generators to sets can sometimes be incredibly wasteful, slowing programs down by many orders of magnitude.

Here are a few benchmarks for illustration. The biggest difference comes when both container and items are relatively small. In that case, the subset approach is about an order of magnitude faster:

>>> smallset = set(range(10))
>>> smallsubset = set(range(5))
>>> %timeit smallset >= smallsubset
110 ns ± 0.702 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)
>>> %timeit all(x in smallset for x in smallsubset)
951 ns ± 11.5 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

This looks like a big difference. But as long as container is a set, all is still perfectly usable at vastly larger scales:

>>> bigset = set(range(100000))
>>> bigsubset = set(range(50000))
>>> %timeit bigset >= bigsubset
1.14 ms ± 13.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
>>> %timeit all(x in bigset for x in bigsubset)
5.96 ms ± 37 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Using subset testing is still faster, but only by about 5x at this scale. The speed boost is due to Python's fast c-backed implementation of set, but the fundamental algorithm is the same in both cases.

If your items are already stored in a list for other reasons, then you'll have to convert them to a set before using the subset test approach. Then the speedup drops to about 2.5x:

>>> %timeit bigset >= set(bigsubseq)
2.1 ms ± 49.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

And if your container is a sequence, and needs to be converted first, then the speedup is even smaller:

>>> %timeit set(bigseq) >= set(bigsubseq)
4.36 ms ± 31.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

The only time we get disastrously slow results is when we leave container as a sequence:

>>> %timeit all(x in bigseq for x in bigsubseq)
184 ms ± 994 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

And of course, we'll only do that if we must. If all the items in bigseq are hashable, then we'll do this instead:

>>> %timeit bigset = set(bigseq); all(x in bigset for x in bigsubseq)
7.24 ms ± 78 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

That's just 1.66x faster than the alternative (set(bigseq) >= set(bigsubseq), timed above at 4.36).

So subset testing is generally faster, but not by an incredible margin. On the other hand, let's look at when all is faster. What if items is ten-million values long, and is likely to have values that aren't in container?

>>> %timeit hugeiter = (x * 10 for bss in [bigsubseq] * 2000 for x in bss); set(bigset) >= set(hugeiter)
13.1 s ± 167 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
>>> %timeit hugeiter = (x * 10 for bss in [bigsubseq] * 2000 for x in bss); all(x in bigset for x in hugeiter)
2.33 ms ± 65.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Converting the generator into a set turns out to be incredibly wasteful in this case. The set constructor has to consume the entire generator. But the short-circuiting behavior of all ensures that only a small portion of the generator needs to be consumed, so it's faster than a subset test by four orders of magnitude.

This is an extreme example, admittedly. But as it shows, you can't assume that one approach or the other will be faster in all cases.

The Upshot

Most of the time, converting container to a set is worth it, at least if all its elements are hashable. That's because in for sets is O(1), while in for sequences is O(n).

On the other hand, using subset testing is probably only worth it sometimes. Definitely do it if your test items are already stored in a set. Otherwise, all is only a little slower, and doesn't require any additional storage. It can also be used with large generators of items, and sometimes provides a massive speedup in that case.

How to support UTF-8 encoding in Eclipse

You can set a default encoding-set whenever you run eclipse.exe.

  1. Open eclipse.ini in your eclipse home directory Or STS.ini in case of STS(Spring Tool Suite)
  2. put the line below at the end of the file


excel vba getting the row,cell value from selection.address

Is this what you are looking for ?

Sub getRowCol()

    Range("A1").Select ' example

    Dim col, row
    col = Split(Selection.Address, "$")(1)
    row = Split(Selection.Address, "$")(2)

    MsgBox "Column is : " & col
    MsgBox "Row is : " & row

End Sub

VBA: How to display an error message just like the standard error message which has a "Debug" button?

For Me I just wanted to see the error in my VBA application so in the function I created the below code..

Function Database_FileRpt
On Error GoTo CleanFail
' Create_DailyReport_Action and code



MsgBox "********************" _

& vbCrLf & "Err.Number: " & Err.Number _

& vbCrLf & "Err.Description: " & Err.Description _

& vbCrLf & "Err.Source: " & Err.Source _

& vbCrLf & "********************" _

& vbCrLf & "...Exiting VBA Function: Database_FileRpt" _

& vbCrLf & "...Excel VBA Program Reset." _

, , "VBA Error Exception Raised!"


 ' Note that the next line will reset the error object to 0, the variables 
above are used to remember the values
' so that the same error can be re-raised


' *************************************

Resume CleanExit


'cleanup code , if any, goes here. runs regardless of error state.

Exit Function  ' SUB  or Function    

End Function  ' end of Database_FileRpt

' ------------------

HQL "is null" And "!= null" on an Oracle column

No. See also this link Handle conditional null in HQL for tips and tricks on how to handle comparisons with both null and non-null values.

Time calculation in php (add 10 hours)?

You can simply make use of the DateTime class , OOP Style.

$date = new DateTime('1:00:00');
$date->add(new DateInterval('PT10H'));
echo $date->format('H:i:s a'); //"prints" 11:00:00 a.m

Which UUID version to use?

That's a very general question. One answer is: "it depends what kind of UUID you wish to generate". But a better one is this: "Well, before I answer, can you tell us why you need to code up your own UUID generation algorithm instead of calling the UUID generation functionality that most modern operating systems provide?"

Doing that is easier and safer, and since you probably don't need to generate your own, why bother coding up an implementation? In that case, the answer becomes use whatever your O/S, programming language or framework provides. For example, in Windows, there is CoCreateGuid or UuidCreate or one of the various wrappers available from the numerous frameworks in use. In Linux there is uuid_generate.

If you, for some reason, absolutely need to generate your own, then at least have the good sense to stay away from generating v1 and v2 UUIDs. It's tricky to get those right. Stick, instead, to v3, v4 or v5 UUIDs.

Update: In a comment, you mention that you are using Python and link to this. Looking through the interface provided, the easiest option for you would be to generate a v4 UUID (that is, one created from random data) by calling uuid.uuid4().

If you have some data that you need to (or can) hash to generate a UUID from, then you can use either v3 (which relies on MD5) or v5 (which relies on SHA1). Generating a v3 or v5 UUID is simple: first pick the UUID type you want to generate (you should probably choose v5) and then pick the appropriate namespace and call the function with the data you want to use to generate the UUID from. For example, if you are hashing a URL you would use NAMESPACE_URL:

uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, '')

Please note that this UUID will be different than the v5 UUID for the same URL, which is generated like this:

uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, '')

A nice property of v3 and v5 URLs is that they should be interoperable between implementations. In other words, if two different systems are using an implementation that complies with RFC4122, they will (or at least should) both generate the same UUID if all other things are equal (i.e. generating the same version UUID, with the same namespace and the same data). This property can be very helpful in some situations (especially in content-addressible storage scenarios), but perhaps not in your particular case.

How to use operator '-replace' in PowerShell to replace strings of texts with special characters and replace successfully

In your example, you prepended your source string with AccountKey= but not your target string.

$c = $c -replace 'AccountKey=eKkij32jGEIYIEqAR5RjkKgf4OTiMO6SAyF68HsR/Zd/KXoKvSdjlUiiWyVV2+OUFOrVsd7jrzhldJPmfBBpQA==','AccountKey=DdOegAhDmLdsou6Ms6nPtP37bdw6EcXucuT47lf9kfClA6PjGTe3CfN+WVBJNWzqcQpWtZf10tgFhKrnN48lXA=='

By not including that in the target string, the resulting string will remove AccountKey= instead of replacing it. You correctly do this with the AccountName= example, which seems to support this conclusion since it is not giving you any problems. If you really mean to have that prepended, then this may resolve your issue.

how to access master page control from content page

If you are trying to access an html element: this is an HTML Anchor...

My nav bar has items that are not list items (<li>) but rather html anchors (<a>)

See below: (This is the site master)

<nav class="mdl-navigation">
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="" runat="server" id="liHome">Home</a>
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="" runat="server" id="liDashboard">Dashboard</a>

Now in your code behind for another page, for mine, it's the login page...

On PageLoad() define this:

HtmlAnchor lblMasterStatus = (HtmlAnchor)Master.FindControl("liHome");
lblMasterStatus.Visible =false;

HtmlAnchor lblMasterStatus1 = (HtmlAnchor)Master.FindControl("liDashboard");
lblMasterStatus1.Visible = false;

Now we have accessed the site masters controls, and have made them invisible on the login page.

HTML img tag: title attribute vs. alt attribute?

They are used for different things. The alt attribute is used instead of the image. If the image can't be shown, and in screen readers.

The title attribute is shown along with the image, typically as a hover tooltip.

One should not be used "instead" of the other. Each should be used properly, to do the things they were designed to do.

What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application

I'll throw my hat into the ring just to talk about securing passwords in general on Android. On Android, the device binary should be considered compromised - this is the same for any end application which is in direct user control. Conceptually, a hacker could use the necessary access to the binary to decompile it and root out your encrypted passwords and etc.

As such there's two suggestions I'd like to throw out there if security is a major concern for you:

1) Don't store the actual password. Store a granted access token and use the access token and the signature of the phone to authenticate the session server-side. The benefit to this is that you can make the token have a limited duration, you're not compromising the original password and you have a good signature that you can use to correlate to traffic later (to for instance check for intrusion attempts and invalidate the token rendering it useless).

2) Utilize 2 factor authentication. This may be more annoying and intrusive but for some compliance situations unavoidable.

New xampp security concept: Access Forbidden Error 403 - Windows 7 - phpMyAdmin

All you have to do is to edit the httpd-xampp.conf

from Require local to Require all granted in the LocationMatch tag.

That's it!

Remove duplicate rows in MySQL

I like to be a bit more specific as to which records I delete so here is my solution:

from jobs c1
where not c1.location = 'Paris'
and  c1.site_id > 64218
and exists 
select * from jobs c2 
where c2.site_id = c1.site_id
and =
and   c2.location = c1.location
and   c2.title = c1.title
and   c2.site_id > 63412
and   c2.site_id < 64219

Set a div width, align div center and text align left

Set auto margins on the inner div:

<div id="header" style="width:864px;">
    <div id="centered" style="margin: 0 auto; width:855px;"></div>

Alternatively, text align center the parent, and force text align left on the inner div:

<div id="header" style="width:864px;text-align: center;">
    <div id="centered" style="text-align: left; width:855px;"></div>

wait process until all subprocess finish?

A Popen object has a .wait() method exactly defined for this: to wait for the completion of a given subprocess (and, besides, for retuning its exit status).

If you use this method, you'll prevent that the process zombies are lying around for too long.

(Alternatively, you can use or subprocess.check_call() for calling and waiting. If you don't need IO with the process, that might be enough. But probably this is not an option, because your if the two subprocesses seem to be supposed to run in parallel, which they won't with (check_)call().)

If you have several subprocesses to wait for, you can do

exit_codes = [p.wait() for p in p1, p2]

which returns as soon as all subprocesses have finished. You then have a list of return codes which you maybe can evaluate.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method on a null object reference

Your app is crashing at:

welcomePlayer.setText("Welcome Back, " + String.valueOf(mPlayer.getName(this)) + " !");

because mPlayer=null.

You forgot to initialize Player mPlayer in your PlayGame Activity.

mPlayer = new Player(context,"");

Convert and format a Date in JSP

Date td = new Date();
String b = new String("");
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY/MM/dd");
b = format.format(td);

Python Requests - No connection adapters

One more reason, maybe your url include some hiden characters, such as '\n'.

If you define your url like below, this exception will raise:

url = '''

because there are '\n' hide in the string. The url in fact become:


phpMyAdmin says no privilege to create database, despite logged in as root user

login in the terminal as a root and execute this command:


Type n in order to not change root password and hit enter, then type y to remove anonymous users and hit enter. Type n if you want to disallow root login remotely and hit enter. Now type y to remove test tables and databases and hit enter, then type y again and hit enter.

and you are good to go :)

Disable a Button

Disable a button on Swift 3:

yourButton.isEnabled = false

Google reCAPTCHA: How to get user response and validate in the server side?

Hi curious you can validate your google recaptcha at client side also 100% work for me to verify your google recaptcha just see below code
This code at the html body:

 <div class="g-recaptcha" id="rcaptcha" style="margin-left: 90px;" data-sitekey="my_key"></div>
 <span id="captcha" style="margin-left:100px;color:red" />

This code put at head section on call get_action(this) method form button:

function get_action(form) {

var v = grecaptcha.getResponse();
if(v.length == 0)
    document.getElementById('captcha').innerHTML="You can't leave Captcha Code empty";
    return false;
 if(v.length != 0)
    document.getElementById('captcha').innerHTML="Captcha completed";
    return true; 

How to specify HTTP error code?

I'd like to centralize the creation of the error response in this way:

app.get('/test', function(req, res){
  throw {status: 500, message: 'detailed message'};

app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
  res.status(err.status || 500).json({status: err.status, message: err.message})

So I have always the same error output format.

PS: of course you could create an object to extend the standard error like this:

const AppError = require('./lib/app-error');
app.get('/test', function(req, res){
  throw new AppError('Detail Message', 500)

'use strict';

module.exports = function AppError(message, httpStatus) {
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); =;
  this.message = message;
  this.status = httpStatus;

require('util').inherits(module.exports, Error);

How do you write to a folder on an SD card in Android?

Found the answer here -

It says,


* Method to check if user has permissions to write on external storage or not


public static boolean canWriteOnExternalStorage() {
   // get the state of your external storage
   String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState();
   if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(state)) {
    // if storage is mounted return true
      Log.v("sTag", "Yes, can write to external storage.");
      return true;
   return false;

and then let’s use this code to actually write to the external storage:

// get the path to sdcard
File sdcard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
// to this path add a new directory path
File dir = new File(sdcard.getAbsolutePath() + "/your-dir-name/");
// create this directory if not already created
// create the file in which we will write the contents
File file = new File(dir, "My-File-Name.txt");
FileOutputStream os = outStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
String data = "This is the content of my file";

And this is it. If now you visit your /sdcard/your-dir-name/ folder you will see a file named - My-File-Name.txt with the content as specified in the code.

PS:- You need the following permission -

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

What is the best data type to use for money in C#?


The Decimal value type represents decimal numbers ranging from positive 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 to negative 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335. The Decimal value type is appropriate for financial calculations requiring large numbers of significant integral and fractional digits and no round-off errors. The Decimal type does not eliminate the need for rounding. Rather, it minimizes errors due to rounding.

I'd like to point to this excellent answer by zneak on why double shouldn't be used.

Show whitespace characters in Visual Studio Code

*** Update August 2020 Release *** see

"editor.renderWhitespace": "trailing" // option being added

Add a new option ('trailing') to editor.renderWhitespace that renders only 
trailing whitespace (including lines with only whitespace).

*** Update February 2020 Release *** see

In v1.43 the default value will be changed to selection from none as it was in v1.42.

"editor.renderWhitespace": "selection"  // default in v1.43

Update for v1.37: adding the option to render whitespace within selected text only. See v1.37 release notes, render whitespace.

The editor.renderWhitespace setting now supports a selection option. With this option set, whitespace will be shown only on selected text:

"editor.renderWhitespace": "selection"


"workbench.colorCustomizations": {    
  "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#fbff00"

demo of whitespace render in selection

Example of AES using Crypto++

Official document of Crypto++ AES is a good start. And from my archive, a basic implementation of AES is as follows:

Please refer here with more explanation, I recommend you first understand the algorithm and then try to understand each line step by step.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "modes.h"
#include "aes.h"
#include "filters.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    //Key and IV setup
    //AES encryption uses a secret key of a variable length (128-bit, 196-bit or 256-   
    //bit). This key is secretly exchanged between two parties before communication   
    //begins. DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH= 16 bytes
    CryptoPP::byte key[ CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH ], iv[ CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE ];
    memset( key, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH );
    memset( iv, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE );

    // String and Sink setup
    std::string plaintext = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide...";
    std::string ciphertext;
    std::string decryptedtext;

    // Dump Plain Text
    std::cout << "Plain Text (" << plaintext.size() << " bytes)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << plaintext;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Create Cipher Text
    CryptoPP::AES::Encryption aesEncryption(key, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
    CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption cbcEncryption( aesEncryption, iv );

    CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfEncryptor(cbcEncryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( ciphertext ) );
    stfEncryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( plaintext.c_str() ), plaintext.length() );

    // Dump Cipher Text
    std::cout << "Cipher Text (" << ciphertext.size() << " bytes)" << std::endl;

    for( int i = 0; i < ciphertext.size(); i++ ) {

        std::cout << "0x" << std::hex << (0xFF & static_cast<CryptoPP::byte>(ciphertext[i])) << " ";

    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Decrypt
    CryptoPP::AES::Decryption aesDecryption(key, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
    CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption cbcDecryption( aesDecryption, iv );

    CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( decryptedtext ) );
    stfDecryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( ciphertext.c_str() ), ciphertext.size() );

    // Dump Decrypted Text
    std::cout << "Decrypted Text: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << decryptedtext;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;

For installation details :

sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libcrypto++-doc libcrypto++-utils

Declare a Range relative to the Active Cell with VBA

Like this:

Dim rng as Range
Set rng = ActiveCell.Resize(numRows, numCols)

then read the contents of that range to an array:

Dim arr As Variant
arr = rng.Value
'arr is now a two-dimensional array of size (numRows, numCols)

or, select the range (I don't think that's what you really want, but you ask for this in the question).


How to check if any value is NaN in a Pandas DataFrame

Depending on the type of data you're dealing with, you could also just get the value counts of each column while performing your EDA by setting dropna to False.

for col in df:
   print df[col].value_counts(dropna=False)

Works well for categorical variables, not so much when you have many unique values.

HTML5 phone number validation with pattern

How about this? /(7|8|9)\d{9}/

It starts by either looking for 7 or 8 or 9, and then followed by 9 digits.

Convert ndarray from float64 to integer

There's also a really useful discussion about converting the array in place, In-place type conversion of a NumPy array. If you're concerned about copying your array (which is whatastype() does) definitely check out the link.

Android Studio AVD - Emulator: Process finished with exit code 1

This works to me:

click in Sdk manager in SDK Tools and: enter image description here

Unistal and install the Android Emulator: enter image description here

Hope to help!

Slide div left/right using jQuery

$('#hello').hide('slide', {direction: 'left'}, 1000); requires the jQuery-ui library. See

How to allocate aligned memory only using the standard library?

The first thing that popped into my head when reading this question was to define an aligned struct, instantiate it, and then point to it.

Is there a fundamental reason I'm missing since no one else suggested this?

As a sidenote, since I used an array of char (assuming the system's char is 8 bits (i.e. 1 byte)), I don't see the need for the __attribute__((packed)) necessarily (correct me if I'm wrong), but I put it in anyway.

This works on two systems I tried it on, but it's possible that there is a compiler optimization that I'm unaware of giving me false positives vis-a-vis the efficacy of the code. I used gcc 4.9.2 on OSX and gcc 5.2.1 on Ubuntu.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main ()

   void *mem;

   void *ptr;

   // answer a) here
   struct __attribute__((packed)) s_CozyMem {
       char acSpace[16];

   mem = malloc(sizeof(struct s_CozyMem));
   ptr = mem;

   // memset_16aligned(ptr, 0, 1024);

   // Check if it's aligned
   if(((unsigned long)ptr & 15) == 0) printf("Aligned to 16 bytes.\n");
   else printf("Rubbish.\n");

   // answer b) here

   return 1;

How to use MapView in android using google map V2?

I created dummy sample for Google Maps v2 Android with Kotlin and AndroidX

You can find complete project here: github-link


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

val position = LatLng(-33.920455, 18.466941)

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    with(mapView) {
        // Initialise the MapView
        // Set the map ready callback to receive the GoogleMap object

private fun setMapLocation(map : GoogleMap) {
    with(map) {
        moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(position, 13f))
        mapType = GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL
        setOnMapClickListener {
            Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Clicked on map", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

override fun onResume() {

override fun onPause() {

override fun onDestroy() {

override fun onLowMemory() {


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
      xmlns:tools="" package="com.murgupluoglu.googlemap">

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

            android:value="API_KEY_HERE" />
    <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



How do I create documentation with Pydoc?

Another thing that people may find useful...make sure to leave off ".py" from your module name. For example, if you are trying to generate documentation for 'original' in '':

yourcode_dir$ pydoc -w
no Python documentation found for ''

yourcode_dir$ pydoc -w original
wrote original.html

Android Studio how to run gradle sync manually?

Shortcut (Ubuntu, Windows):

Ctrl + F5

Will sync the project with Gradle files.

How to compare two dates in Objective-C

Here's the function from Naveed Rafi's answer converted to Swift if anyone else is looking for it:

func isSameDate(#date1: NSDate, date2: NSDate) -> Bool {
    let calendar = NSCalendar()
    let date1comp = calendar.components(.YearCalendarUnit | .MonthCalendarUnit | .DayCalendarUnit, fromDate: date1)
    let date2comp = calendar.components(.YearCalendarUnit | .MonthCalendarUnit | .DayCalendarUnit, fromDate: date2)
    return (date1comp.year == date2comp.year) && (date1comp.month == date2comp.month) && ( ==

Convert UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 with no BOM in Python

In Python 3 it's quite easy: read the file and rewrite it with utf-8 encoding:

s = open(bom_file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8-sig').read()
open(bom_file, mode='w', encoding='utf-8').write(s)

Capture Signature using HTML5 and iPad

A canvas element with some JavaScript would work great.

In fact, Signature Pad (a jQuery plugin) already has this implemented.

Play audio as microphone input

Just as there are printer drivers that do not connect to a printer at all but rather write to a PDF file, analogously there are virtual audio drivers available that do not connect to a physical microphone at all but can pipe input from other sources such as files or other programs.

I hope I'm not breaking any rules by recommending free/donation software, but VB-Audio Virtual Cable should let you create a pair of virtual input and output audio devices. Then you could play an MP3 into the virtual output device and then set the virtual input device as your "microphone". In theory I think that should work.

If all else fails, you could always roll your own virtual audio driver. Microsoft provides some sample code but unfortunately it is not applicable to the older Windows XP audio model. There is probably sample code available for XP too.

SQL, How to Concatenate results?

This one automatically excludes the trailing comma, unlike most of the other answers.


SELECT @csv = COALESCE(@csv + ',', '') + ModuleValue
FROM Table_X
WHERE ModuleID = @ModuleID

(If the ModuleValue column isn't already a string type then you might need to cast it to a VARCHAR.)

How to download videos from youtube on java?

Ref :Youtube Video Download (Android/Java)

Edit 3

You can use the Lib :

Ex :

String youtubeLink = "";

new YouTubeExtractor(this) {
public void onExtractionComplete(SparseArray<YtFile> ytFiles, VideoMeta vMeta) {
    if (ytFiles != null) {
        int itag = 22;
    String downloadUrl = ytFiles.get(itag).getUrl();
}.extract(youtubeLink, true, true);

They decipherSignature using :

private boolean decipherSignature(final SparseArray<String> encSignatures) throws IOException {
    // Assume the functions don't change that much
    if (decipherFunctionName == null || decipherFunctions == null) {
        String decipherFunctUrl = "" + decipherJsFileName;

        BufferedReader reader = null;
        String javascriptFile;
        URL url = new URL(decipherFunctUrl);
        HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
        try {
            reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream()));
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
            String line;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                sb.append(" ");
            javascriptFile = sb.toString();
        } finally {
            if (reader != null)

        if (LOGGING)
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Decipher FunctURL: " + decipherFunctUrl);
        Matcher mat = patSignatureDecFunction.matcher(javascriptFile);
        if (mat.find()) {
            decipherFunctionName =;
            if (LOGGING)
                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Decipher Functname: " + decipherFunctionName);

            Pattern patMainVariable = Pattern.compile("(var |\\s|,|;)" + decipherFunctionName.replace("$", "\\$") +

            String mainDecipherFunct;

            mat = patMainVariable.matcher(javascriptFile);
            if (mat.find()) {
                mainDecipherFunct = "var " + decipherFunctionName +;
            } else {
                Pattern patMainFunction = Pattern.compile("function " + decipherFunctionName.replace("$", "\\$") +
                mat = patMainFunction.matcher(javascriptFile);
                if (!mat.find())
                    return false;
                mainDecipherFunct = "function " + decipherFunctionName +;

            int startIndex = mat.end();

            for (int braces = 1, i = startIndex; i < javascriptFile.length(); i++) {
                if (braces == 0 && startIndex + 5 < i) {
                    mainDecipherFunct += javascriptFile.substring(startIndex, i) + ";";
                if (javascriptFile.charAt(i) == '{')
                else if (javascriptFile.charAt(i) == '}')
            decipherFunctions = mainDecipherFunct;
            // Search the main function for extra functions and variables
            // needed for deciphering
            // Search for variables
            mat = patVariableFunction.matcher(mainDecipherFunct);
            while (mat.find()) {
                String variableDef = "var " + + "={";
                if (decipherFunctions.contains(variableDef)) {
                startIndex = javascriptFile.indexOf(variableDef) + variableDef.length();
                for (int braces = 1, i = startIndex; i < javascriptFile.length(); i++) {
                    if (braces == 0) {
                        decipherFunctions += variableDef + javascriptFile.substring(startIndex, i) + ";";
                    if (javascriptFile.charAt(i) == '{')
                    else if (javascriptFile.charAt(i) == '}')
            // Search for functions
            mat = patFunction.matcher(mainDecipherFunct);
            while (mat.find()) {
                String functionDef = "function " + + "(";
                if (decipherFunctions.contains(functionDef)) {
                startIndex = javascriptFile.indexOf(functionDef) + functionDef.length();
                for (int braces = 0, i = startIndex; i < javascriptFile.length(); i++) {
                    if (braces == 0 && startIndex + 5 < i) {
                        decipherFunctions += functionDef + javascriptFile.substring(startIndex, i) + ";";
                    if (javascriptFile.charAt(i) == '{')
                    else if (javascriptFile.charAt(i) == '}')

            if (LOGGING)
                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Decipher Function: " + decipherFunctions);
            if (CACHING) {
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
    return true;

Now with use of this library High Quality Videos Lossing Audio so i use the MediaMuxer for Murging Audio and Video for Final Output

Edit 1

Why the previous answer not worked

 Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("sig=(.*?)[&]");
        Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(url);
        String sig = null;
        if (m2.find()) {
            sig =;

As of November 2016, this is a little rough around the edges, but displays the basic principle. The url_encoded_fmt_stream_map today does not have a space after the colon (better make this optional) and "sig" has been changed to "signature"

and while i am debuging the code i found the new keyword its signature&s in many video's URL

here edited answer

private static final HashMap<String, Meta> typeMap = new HashMap<String, Meta>();

initTypeMap(); call first

class Meta {
    public String num;
    public String type;
    public String ext;

    Meta(String num, String ext, String type) {
        this.num = num;
        this.ext = ext;
        this.type = type;

class Video {
    public String ext = "";
    public String type = "";
    public String url = "";

    Video(String ext, String type, String url) {
        this.ext = ext;
        this.type = type;
        this.url = url;

public ArrayList<Video> getStreamingUrisFromYouTubePage(String ytUrl)
        throws IOException {
    if (ytUrl == null) {
        return null;

    // Remove any query params in query string after the watch?v=<vid> in
    // e.g.
    int andIdx = ytUrl.indexOf('&');
    if (andIdx >= 0) {
        ytUrl = ytUrl.substring(0, andIdx);

    // Get the HTML response
    /* String userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:8.0.1)";*/
   /* HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpGet request = new HttpGet(ytUrl);
    HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);*/
    String html = "";
    HttpsURLConnection c = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(ytUrl).openConnection();
    InputStream in = c.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
    String line = null;
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        str.append(line.replace("\\u0026", "&"));
    html = str.toString();

    // Parse the HTML response and extract the streaming URIs
    if (html.contains("verify-age-thumb")) {
        Log.e("Downloader", "YouTube is asking for age verification. We can't handle that sorry.");
        return null;

    if (html.contains("das_captcha")) {
        Log.e("Downloader", "Captcha found, please try with different IP address.");
        return null;

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("stream_map\":\"(.*?)?\"");
    // Pattern p = Pattern.compile("/stream_map=(.[^&]*?)\"/");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(html);
    List<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>();
    while (m.find()) {

    if (matches.size() != 1) {
        Log.e("Downloader", "Found zero or too many stream maps.");
        return null;

    String urls[] = matches.get(0).split(",");
    HashMap<String, String> foundArray = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (String ppUrl : urls) {
        String url = URLDecoder.decode(ppUrl, "UTF-8");
        Log.e("URL","URL : "+url);

        Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("itag=([0-9]+?)[&]");
        Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(url);
        String itag = null;
        if (m1.find()) {
            itag =;

        Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("signature=(.*?)[&]");
        Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(url);
        String sig = null;
        if (m2.find()) {
            sig =;
        } else {
            Pattern p23 = Pattern.compile("signature&s=(.*?)[&]");
            Matcher m23 = p23.matcher(url);
            if (m23.find()) {
                sig =;

        Pattern p3 = Pattern.compile("url=(.*?)[&]");
        Matcher m3 = p3.matcher(ppUrl);
        String um = null;
        if (m3.find()) {
            um =;

        if (itag != null && sig != null && um != null) {
            Log.e("foundArray","Adding Value");
            foundArray.put(itag, URLDecoder.decode(um, "UTF-8") + "&"
                    + "signature=" + sig);
    Log.e("foundArray","Size : "+foundArray.size());
    if (foundArray.size() == 0) {
        Log.e("Downloader", "Couldn't find any URLs and corresponding signatures");
        return null;

    ArrayList<Video> videos = new ArrayList<Video>();

    for (String format : typeMap.keySet()) {
        Meta meta = typeMap.get(format);

        if (foundArray.containsKey(format)) {
            Video newVideo = new Video(meta.ext, meta.type,
            Log.d("Downloader", "YouTube Video streaming details: ext:" + newVideo.ext
                    + ", type:" + newVideo.type + ", url:" + newVideo.url);

    return videos;

private class YouTubePageStreamUriGetter extends AsyncTask<String, String, ArrayList<Video>> {
    ProgressDialog progressDialog;

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        progressDialog =, "",
                "Connecting to YouTube...", true);

    protected ArrayList<Video> doInBackground(String... params) {
        ArrayList<Video> fVideos = new ArrayList<>();
        String url = params[0];
        try {
            ArrayList<Video> videos = getStreamingUrisFromYouTubePage(url);
            /*                Log.e("Downloader","Size of Video : "+videos.size());*/
            if (videos != null && !videos.isEmpty()) {
                for (Video video : videos)
                    Log.e("Downloader", "ext : " + video.ext);
                    if (video.ext.toLowerCase().contains("mp4") || video.ext.toLowerCase().contains("3gp") || video.ext.toLowerCase().contains("flv") || video.ext.toLowerCase().contains("webm")) {
                        ext = video.ext.toLowerCase();
                        fVideos.add(new Video(video.ext,video.type,video.url));

                return fVideos;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e("Downloader", "Couldn't get YouTube streaming URL", e);
        Log.e("Downloader", "Couldn't get stream URI for " + url);
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<Video> streamingUrl) {
        if (streamingUrl != null) {
            if (!streamingUrl.isEmpty()) {
                //Log.e("Steaming Url", "Value : " + streamingUrl);

                for (int i = 0; i < streamingUrl.size(); i++) {
                    Video fX = streamingUrl.get(i);
                    Log.e("Founded Video", "URL : " + fX.url);
                    Log.e("Founded Video", "TYPE : " + fX.type);
                    Log.e("Founded Video", "EXT : " + fX.ext);
                //new ProgressBack().execute(new String[]{streamingUrl, filename + "." + ext});
public void initTypeMap()
    typeMap.put("13", new Meta("13", "3GP", "Low Quality - 176x144"));
    typeMap.put("17", new Meta("17", "3GP", "Medium Quality - 176x144"));
    typeMap.put("36", new Meta("36", "3GP", "High Quality - 320x240"));
    typeMap.put("5", new Meta("5", "FLV", "Low Quality - 400x226"));
    typeMap.put("6", new Meta("6", "FLV", "Medium Quality - 640x360"));
    typeMap.put("34", new Meta("34", "FLV", "Medium Quality - 640x360"));
    typeMap.put("35", new Meta("35", "FLV", "High Quality - 854x480"));
    typeMap.put("43", new Meta("43", "WEBM", "Low Quality - 640x360"));
    typeMap.put("44", new Meta("44", "WEBM", "Medium Quality - 854x480"));
    typeMap.put("45", new Meta("45", "WEBM", "High Quality - 1280x720"));
    typeMap.put("18", new Meta("18", "MP4", "Medium Quality - 480x360"));
    typeMap.put("22", new Meta("22", "MP4", "High Quality - 1280x720"));
    typeMap.put("37", new Meta("37", "MP4", "High Quality - 1920x1080"));
    typeMap.put("33", new Meta("38", "MP4", "High Quality - 4096x230"));

Edit 2:

Some time This Code Not worked proper

Same-origin policy

problem of Same-origin policy. Essentially, you cannot download this file from because they are different domains. A workaround of this problem is [CORS][1]. 

Ref :

url_encoded_fmt_stream_map // traditional: contains video and audio stream
adaptive_fmts              // DASH: contains video or audio stream

Each of these is a comma separated array of what I would call "stream objects". Each "stream object" will contain values like this

url  // direct HTTP link to a video
itag // code specifying the quality
s    // signature, security measure to counter downloading

Each URL will be encoded so you will need to decode them. Now the tricky part.

YouTube has at least 3 security levels for their videos

unsecured // as expected, you can download these with just the unencoded URL
s         // see below
RTMPE     // uses "rtmpe://" protocol, no known method for these

The RTMPE videos are typically used on official full length movies, and are protected with SWF Verification Type 2. This has been around since 2011 and has yet to be reverse engineered.

The type "s" videos are the most difficult that can actually be downloaded. You will typcially see these on VEVO videos and the like. They start with a signature such as

AA5D05FA7771AD4868BA4C977C3DEAAC620DE020E.0F421820F42978A1F8EAFCDAC4EF507DB5 Then the signature is scrambled with a function like this

function mo(a) {
  a = a.split("");
  a =, 1);
  a =, 32);
  a = lo.IC(a, 1);
  a = lo.wS(a, 77);
  a = lo.IC(a, 3);
  a = lo.wS(a, 77);
  a = lo.IC(a, 3);
  a = lo.wS(a, 44);
  return a.join("")

This function is dynamic, it typically changes every day. To make it more difficult the function is hosted at a URL such as

this introduces the problem of Same-origin policy. Essentially, you cannot download this file from because they are different domains. A workaround of this problem is CORS. With CORS, could add this header


and it would allow the JavaScript to download from Of course they do not do this. A workaround for this workaround is to use a CORS proxy. This is a proxy that responds with the following header to all requests

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

So, now that you have proxied your JS file, and used the function to scramble the signature, you can use that in the querystring to download a video.

Responsive background image in div full width

Here is one way of getting the design that you want.

Start with the following HTML:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12">
            <div class="nav">nav area</div>
            <div class="bg-image">
                <img src="">
                 <h1>This is centered text.</h1>
            <div class="main">main area</div>

Note that the background image is now part of the regular flow of the document.

Apply the following CSS:

.bg-image {
    position: relative;
.bg-image img {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 1200px; /* corresponds to max height of 450px */
    margin: 0 auto;
.bg-image h1 {
    position: absolute;
    text-align: center;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    color: white;
.nav, .main {
    background-color: #f6f6f6;
    text-align: center;

How This Works

The image is set an regular flow content with a width of 100%, so it will adjust itself responsively to the width of the parent container. However, you want the height to be no more than 450px, which corresponds to the image width of 1200px, so set the maximum width of the image to 1200px. You can keep the image centered by using display: block and margin: 0 auto.

The text is painted over the image by using absolute positioning. In the simplest case, I stretch the h1 element to be the full width of the parent and use text-align: center to center the text. Use the top or bottom offsets to place the text where it is needed.

If your banner images are going to vary in aspect ratio, you will need to adjust the maximum width value for .bg-image img dynamically using jQuery/Javascript, but otherwise, this approach has a lot to offer.

See demo at:

Select distinct using linq

myList.GroupBy(test =>
      .Select(grp => grp.First());

Edit: as getting this IEnumerable<> into a List<> seems to be a mystery to many people, you can simply write:

var result = myList.GroupBy(test =>
                   .Select(grp => grp.First())

But one is often better off working with the IEnumerable rather than IList as the Linq above is lazily evaluated: it doesn't actually do all of the work until the enumerable is iterated. When you call ToList it actually walks the entire enumerable forcing all of the work to be done up front. (And may take a little while if your enumerable is infinitely long.)

The flipside to this advice is that each time you enumerate such an IEnumerable the work to evaluate it has to be done afresh. So you need to decide for each case whether it is better to work with the lazily evaluated IEnumerable or to realize it into a List, Set, Dictionary or whatnot.

How to do a regular expression replace in MySQL?

I think there is an easy way to achieve this and It's working fine for me.

To SELECT rows using REGEX

SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE `column_name_to_find` REGEXP 'string-to-find'

To UPDATE rows using REGEX

UPDATE `table_name` SET column_name_to_find=REGEXP_REPLACE(column_name_to_find, 'string-to-find', 'string-to-replace') WHERE column_name_to_find REGEXP 'string-to-find'

REGEXP Reference:

Parsing JSON giving "unexpected token o" error

I had the same problem when I submitted data using jQuery AJAX:

      //server response's data is JSON
      //I use jQuery's parseJSON method 
      $.parseJSON(data);//it's ERROR

If the response is JSON, and you use this method, the data you get is a JavaScript object, but if you use dataType:"text", data is a JSON string. Then the use of $.parseJSON is okay.

UILabel text margin

I didn't find the suggestion to use UIButton in the answers above. So I will try to prove that this is a good choice.

button.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 8, bottom: 0, right: 8)

In my situation using UIButton was the best solution because:

  • I had a simple single-line text
  • I didn't want to use UIView as a container for UILabel (i.e. I wanted to simplify math calculations for Autolayout in my cell)
  • I didn't want to use NSParagraphStyle (because tailIndent works incorrect with Autolayout – width of UILabel is smaller than expected)
  • I didn't want to use UITextView (because of possible side effects)
  • I didn't want to subclass UILabel (less code fewer bugs)

That's why using the contentEdgeInsets from UIButton in my situation became the easiest way to add text margins.

Hope this will help someone.

Starting ssh-agent on Windows 10 fails: "unable to start ssh-agent service, error :1058"

I get the same error in Cygwin. I had to install the openssh package in Cygwin Setup.

(The strange thing was that all ssh-* commands were valid, (bash could execute as program) but the openssh package wasn't installed.)

how to implement login auth in node.js

To add to Farid's pseudo-answer,

Consider using Passport.js over everyauth.

The answers to this question provide some insight to the differences.

There are plenty of benefits to offloading your user authentication to Google, Facebook or another website. If your application's requirements are such that you could use Passport as your sole authentication provider or alongside traditional login, it can make the experience easier for your users.

fatal error: iostream.h no such file or directory

Using standard C++ calling (note that you should use namespace std for cout or add using namespace std;)

#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout<<"Hello World!\n";
    return 0;

How can I show an element that has display: none in a CSS rule?

I can see that you want to write you own short javascript for this, but have you considered to use Frameworks for HTML manipulation instead? jQuery is my prefered tool for such a task, eventhough its an overkill for your current question as it has SO many extra functionalities.

Have a look at jQuery here

I get conflicting provisioning settings error when I try to archive to submit an iOS app

For those coming from Ionic or Cordova, you can try the following:

Open the file yourproject/platforms/ios/cordova/build-release.xcconfig and change from this:

CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Distribution
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*] = iPhone Distribution

into this:

CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Developer
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*] = iPhone Developer

and try to run the ios cordova build ios --release again to compile a release build.


Increase JVM max heap size for Eclipse

It is possible to increase heap size allocated by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) by using command line options.

-Xms<size>        set initial Java heap size
-Xmx<size>        set maximum Java heap size
-Xss<size>        set java thread stack size

If you are using the tomcat server, you can change the heap size by going to Eclipse/Run/Run Configuration and select Apache Tomcat/your_server_name/Arguments and under VM arguments section use the following:

-Xms256m -Xmx512M

If you are not using any server, you can type the following on the command line before you run your code:

java -Xms64m -Xmx256m HelloWorld

More information on increasing the heap size can be found here

Git Extensions: Win32 error 487: Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win32 error 0

Very simple verison of the rebase solution:

Go to the folder where git is installed, such as:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin

By holding shift and right clicking in the folder, you should be able to open a command prompt as administrator from there (thanks to for that comment),

Then run:

rebase.exe -b 0x50000000 msys-1.0.dll

This fixed it for me when the restart approach didn't work.

Hope it helps.


If its a SOAP 1.1 service then you will also need to include a SOAPAction HTTP header field:

Oracle: how to INSERT if a row doesn't exist

you can use this syntax:

INSERT INTO table_name ( name, age )
select  'jonny', 18 from dual
where not exists(select 1 from table_name where name = 'jonny');

if its open an pop for asking as "enter substitution variable" then use this before the above queries:

set define off;
INSERT INTO table_name ( name, age )
select  'jonny', 18 from dual
where not exists(select 1 from table_name where name = 'jonny');

Java output formatting for Strings

System.out.println(String.format("%-20s= %s" , "label", "content" ));
  • Where %s is a placeholder for you string.
  • The '-' makes the result left-justified.
  • 20 is the width of the first string

The output looks like this:

label               = content

As a reference I recommend Javadoc on formatter syntax

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages

The extreme and simple cases:

  • A compiler will produce a binary executable in the target machine's native executable format. This binary file contains all required resources except for system libraries; it's ready to run with no further preparation and processing and it runs like lightning because the code is the native code for the CPU on the target machine.

  • An interpreter will present the user with a prompt in a loop where he can enter statements or code, and upon hitting RUN or the equivalent the interpreter will examine, scan, parse and interpretatively execute each line until the program runs to a stopping point or an error. Because each line is treated on its own and the interpreter doesn't "learn" anything from having seen the line before, the effort of converting human-readable language to machine instructions is incurred every time for every line, so it's dog slow. On the bright side, the user can inspect and otherwise interact with his program in all kinds of ways: Changing variables, changing code, running in trace or debug modes... whatever.

With those out of the way, let me explain that life ain't so simple any more. For instance,

  • Many interpreters will pre-compile the code they're given so the translation step doesn't have to be repeated again and again.
  • Some compilers compile not to CPU-specific machine instructions but to bytecode, a kind of artificial machine code for a ficticious machine. This makes the compiled program a bit more portable, but requires a bytecode interpreter on every target system.
  • The bytecode interpreters (I'm looking at Java here) recently tend to re-compile the bytecode they get for the CPU of the target section just before execution (called JIT). To save time, this is often only done for code that runs often (hotspots).
  • Some systems that look and act like interpreters (Clojure, for instance) compile any code they get, immediately, but allow interactive access to the program's environment. That's basically the convenience of interpreters with the speed of binary compilation.
  • Some compilers don't really compile, they just pre-digest and compress code. I heard a while back that's how Perl works. So sometimes the compiler is just doing a bit of the work and most of it is still interpretation.

In the end, these days, interpreting vs. compiling is a trade-off, with time spent (once) compiling often being rewarded by better runtime performance, but an interpretative environment giving more opportunities for interaction. Compiling vs. interpreting is mostly a matter of how the work of "understanding" the program is divided up between different processes, and the line is a bit blurry these days as languages and products try to offer the best of both worlds.

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string while inserting datetime

I'm Tried this and it's working with me :

SELECT CONVERT(date, yourDate ,104)

How to use NSURLConnection to connect with SSL for an untrusted cert?

You can use this Code

-(void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge
     if ([[challenge protectionSpace] authenticationMethod] == NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust)
         [[challenge sender] useCredential:[NSURLCredential credentialForTrust:[[challenge protectionSpace] serverTrust]] forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];

Use -connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge: instead of these Deprecated Methods


-(BOOL)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace:(NSURLProtectionSpace *)protectionSpace  
-(void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge 
-(void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didCancelAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge

Get a random item from a JavaScript array

// 1. Random shuffle items
items.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})

// 2. Get first item
var item = items[0]


var item = items.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random()})[0];

Get latitude and longitude automatically using php, API

//add urlencode to your address
$address = urlencode("technopark, Trivandrun, kerala,India");
$region = "IND";
$json = file_get_contents("$address&sensor=false&region=$region");

echo $json;

$decoded = json_decode($json);


Jquery- Get the value of first td in table

This should work:

   var value=$(this).closest('tr').children('td:first').text();


  • .closest('tr') gets the nearest ancestor that is a <tr> element (so in this case the row where the <a> element is in).
  • .children('td:first') gets all the children of this element, but with the :first selector we reduce it to the first <td> element.
  • .text() gets the text inside the element

As you can see from the other answers, there is more than only one way to do this.

ANTLR: Is there a simple example?

At you'll find an ANTLR java library with some useful helper classes and a few complete examples. It's ready to be used with maven and if you like eclipse and maven.

is a simple Expression language that can do multiply and add operations. has the corresponding unit tests for it. is an IRI parser that has been split into the three parts:

  1. parser grammar
  2. lexer grammar
  3. imported LexBasic grammar has the unit tests for it.

Personally I found this the most tricky part to get right. See

contains three more examples that have been created for a performance issue of ANTLR4 in an earlier version. In the meantime this issues has been fixed as the testcase shows.

WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! when trying to SSH into Amazon EC2 Instance

I also got the same issue, but I fix it by changing my key file permission to 600.

sudo chmod 600 /path/to/my/key.pem

Link :

How do I finish the merge after resolving my merge conflicts?

Steps to resolve conflict:

  1. First 'checkout' to your branch in which you want to merge from the other branch(BRANCH_NAME_TO_BE_MERGED)

"git checkout "MAIN_BRANCH"
  1. Then merge it with "MAIN_BRANCH" by using command:

"git merge origin/BRANCH_NAME_TO_BE_MERGED"

Auto-merging src/
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/
Auto-merging src/services/docker/
Auto-merging src/
Auto-merging src/
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/
Auto-merging src/
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/
Auto-merging file3
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file3
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Now you can see it is showing "CONFLICT (content)", to those file which is having "CONFLICT", see your code and resolve them

  1. run "git status" => It will show you what are the files that you need to add (which you have resolved):

 Unmerged paths:
      (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)

        both modified:   file3
        both modified:   src/
        both modified:   src/
        both modified:   src/utils/
  1. Once you have resolved all conflict, add each file one by one by using below git command

git add file3
git add src/
git add src/
git add src/utils/
  1. "git commit" (add some message when you are going to commit, if not then it will open vi or vim editor where you need to press "esc:q!" then press "enter")
  2. run again "git status"

 On branch MAIN_BRANCH
  Your branch is ahead of 'origin/MAIN_BRANCH' by 10 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

7."git push"

How to download Javadoc to read offline?

update 2019-09-29: Java version 11

The technique below does not now work with Java 11, and probably higher versions: there is no way of ignoring multiple "broken links" (i.e. to other classes, other APIs). Solution: keep your javadoc executable file (or javadoc.exe) from Java version 8

There are good reasons for making your own local javadocs, and it's not particularly difficult!

First you need the source. At the time of writing the Java 8 JDK comes with a zip file called Sometimes, for unexplained reasons, Oracle don't always include the source. So for some older versions (and who knows about the future) you have to get hold of the Java source in another way. It's worth also being aware that, in the past, Oracle have sometimes included the source with the Linux version of the JDK, but not with the Windows one.

I just unzipped this file... the top directories are "com", "java", "javax", "launcher" and "org". Directory launcher contains no files to document.

You can generate the javadocs very very simply from any or all of these by CD'ing at the command prompt/terminal to the directory ...\src. Then go

javadoc -d docs -Xmaxwarns 10 -Xmaxerrs 10 -Xdoclint:none -sourcepath . -subpackages java:javax:org:com

NB note that there is a "." after -sourcepath

Simple as that. Generating your own javadocs also has 2 huge advantages

  1. you know they are precisely the right javadocs for the JDK (or any exernal jar file) you are using on your system
  2. once you get into the habit, reconstituting your Javadocs is not a tiresome challenge (i.e. where to go looking for them). For example I just unzipped a couple of source jars whose packages are closely coupled, so their sources were in effect "merged" & then made a single Javadoc from them...

NB Swing is semi-officially DEAD. We should all be switching to JavaFX, which is helpfully bundled with Java 8 JDK, but in its own source file,

Unzipped, this reveals 3 "root" packages: com, javafx and netscape (wha'?). These should be manually moved over the to appropriate places under the unzipped src directory (including the JavaFX com.sun packages under the Java com.sun strcture). Compiling all these Javadoc files took my machine a non-negligible time. I'd expect to see all the JavaFX source classes in with all the other source classes some time soon.

BTW, the same thinking applies to documenting any and all Java jars (with source) which you use. However, all versions of most jars will be found with their documentation available for download at Maven Central

PS afterthought:
using Eclipse and the "Gradle STS" plugin: the "New Gradle STS Project" wizard will create a file containing the line

include plugin: 'eclipse'

This magically downloads the source jar with the executable jar (under GRADLE_HOME) when you go

./gradlew build

[addendum 2020-01-13: if you have chosen not to include the Eclipse plugin in your build.gradle, it would appear that you can go (with the selection on your project in the Project Explorer) Right-click Gradle --> Refresh Gradle Project to get Eclipse to download the source files.]

... giving you an extra degree of certainty that you have got the right src and therefore the right javadoc for the dependency in question.

Error : No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon')

if cordova app copy a valid png file to


and then run

ionic resources --icon

clear cache of browser by command line

Here is how to clear all trash & caches (without other private data in browsers) by a command line. This is a command line batch script that takes care of all trash (as of April 2014):

erase "%TEMP%\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%TEMP%\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

erase "%TMP%\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%TMP%\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

erase "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TEMP\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\TEMP\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

erase "%SystemRoot%\TEMP\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%SystemRoot%\TEMP\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

@rem Clear IE cache -  (Deletes Temporary Internet Files Only)
RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8
erase "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Tempor~1\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Tempor~1\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

@rem Clear Google Chrome cache
erase "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"

@rem Clear Firefox cache
erase "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.*" /f /s /q
for /D %%i in ("%LOCALAPPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*") do RD /S /Q "%%i"


I am pretty sure it will run for some time when you first run it :) Enjoy!

Doctrine and LIKE query

you can also do it like that :

$ver = $em->getRepository('GedDocumentBundle:version')->search($val);

$tail = sizeof($ver);

Recover from git reset --hard?

I just did git reset --hard and lost all my uncommitted changes. Luckily, I use an editor (IntelliJ) and I was able to recover the changes from the Local History. Eclipse should allow you to do the same.

JavaScript - Get Portion of URL Path

If you have an abstract URL string (not from the current window.location), you can use this trick:

let yourUrlString = "";

let parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = yourUrlString;

parser.protocol; // => "http:"
parser.hostname; // => ""
parser.port;     // => "3000"
parser.pathname; // => "/pathname/";   // => "?search=test"
parser.hash;     // => "#hash";     // => ""

Thanks to jlong

jQuery date formatting

Here's a really basic function I just made that doesn't require any external plugins:

$.date = function(dateObject) {
    var d = new Date(dateObject);
    var day = d.getDate();
    var month = d.getMonth() + 1;
    var year = d.getFullYear();
    if (day < 10) {
        day = "0" + day;
    if (month < 10) {
        month = "0" + month;
    var date = day + "/" + month + "/" + year;

    return date;





How to disable right-click context-menu in JavaScript

You can't rely on context menus because the user can deactivate it. Most websites want to use the feature to annoy the visitor.

Put byte array to JSON and vice versa

If your byte array may contain runs of ASCII characters that you'd like to be able to see, you might prefer BAIS (Byte Array In String) format instead of Base64. The nice thing about BAIS is that if all the bytes happen to be ASCII, they are converted 1-to-1 to a string (e.g. byte array {65,66,67} becomes simply "ABC") Also, BAIS often gives you a smaller file size than Base64 (this isn't guaranteed).

After converting the byte array to a BAIS string, write it to JSON like you would any other string.

Here is a Java class (ported from the original C#) that converts byte arrays to string and back.

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

public class ByteArrayInString
  // Encodes a byte array to a string with BAIS encoding, which 
  // preserves runs of ASCII characters unchanged.
  // For simplicity, this method's base-64 encoding always encodes groups of 
  // three bytes if possible (as four characters). This decision may 
  // unfortunately cut off the beginning of some ASCII runs.
  public static String convert(byte[] bytes) { return convert(bytes, true); }
  public static String convert(byte[] bytes, boolean allowControlChars)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int i = 0;
    int b;
    while (i < bytes.length)
      b = get(bytes,i++);
      if (isAscii(b, allowControlChars))
      else {
        // Do binary encoding in groups of 3 bytes
        for (;; b = get(bytes,i++)) {
          int accum = b;
          if (i < bytes.length) {
            b = get(bytes,i++);
            accum = (accum << 8) | b;
            if (i < bytes.length) {
              b = get(bytes,i++);
              accum = (accum << 8) | b;
              sb.append(encodeBase64Digit(accum >> 18));
              sb.append(encodeBase64Digit(accum >> 12));
              sb.append(encodeBase64Digit(accum >> 6));
              if (i >= bytes.length)
            } else {
              sb.append(encodeBase64Digit(accum >> 10));
              sb.append(encodeBase64Digit(accum >> 4));
              sb.append(encodeBase64Digit(accum << 2));
          } else {
            sb.append(encodeBase64Digit(accum >> 2));
            sb.append(encodeBase64Digit(accum << 4));
          if (isAscii(get(bytes,i), allowControlChars) &&
            (i+1 >= bytes.length || isAscii(get(bytes,i), allowControlChars)) &&
            (i+2 >= bytes.length || isAscii(get(bytes,i), allowControlChars))) {
            sb.append('!'); // return to ASCII mode
    return sb.toString();

  // Decodes a BAIS string back to a byte array.
  public static byte[] convert(String s)
    byte[] b;
    try {
      b = s.getBytes("UTF8");
    } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) { 
      throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
    for (int i = 0; i < b.length - 1; ++i) {
      if (b[i] == '\b') {
        int iOut = i++;

        for (;;) {
          int cur;
          if (i >= b.length || ((cur = get(b, i)) < 63 || cur > 126))
            throw new RuntimeException("String cannot be interpreted as a BAIS array");
          int digit = (cur - 64) & 63;
          int zeros = 16 - 6; // number of 0 bits on right side of accum
          int accum = digit << zeros;

          while (++i < b.length)
            if ((cur = get(b, i)) < 63 || cur > 126)
            digit = (cur - 64) & 63;
            zeros -= 6;
            accum |= digit << zeros;
            if (zeros <= 8)
              b[iOut++] = (byte)(accum >> 8);
              accum <<= 8;
              zeros += 8;

          if ((accum & 0xFF00) != 0 || (i < b.length && b[i] != '!'))
            throw new RuntimeException("String cannot be interpreted as BAIS array");

          // Start taking bytes verbatim
          while (i < b.length && b[i] != '\b')
            b[iOut++] = b[i++];
          if (i >= b.length)
            return Arrays.copyOfRange(b, 0, iOut);
    return b;

  static int get(byte[] bytes, int i) { return ((int)bytes[i]) & 0xFF; }

  public static int decodeBase64Digit(char digit)
    { return digit >= 63 && digit <= 126 ? (digit - 64) & 63 : -1; }
  public static char encodeBase64Digit(int digit)
    { return (char)((digit + 1 & 63) + 63); }
  static boolean isAscii(int b, boolean allowControlChars)
    { return b < 127 && (b >= 32 || (allowControlChars && b != '\b')); }

See also: C# unit tests.

How to remove all the occurrences of a char in c++ string

#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
std::string str = "YourString";
char chars[] = {'Y', 'S'};
str.erase (std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), chars[i]), str.end());

Will remove capital Y and S from str, leaving "ourtring".

Note that remove is an algorithm and needs the header <algorithm> included.

CLEAR SCREEN - Oracle SQL Developer shortcut?

SQL>Clear Screen (It is used the Clear The Screen FUlly in SQL Plus Window)

How to make JQuery-AJAX request synchronous

I added dataType as json and made the response as json:


echo json_encode(array('success'=>$res)); //send the response as json **use this instead of echo $res in your php file**


  var ajaxSubmit = function(formE1) {

        var password = $.trim($('#employee_password').val());    
            type: "POST",
            async: "false",
            url: "checkpass.php",
            data: "password="+password,
            dataType:'json',  //added this so the response is in json
            success: function(result) {
                var arr=result.success;
                if(arr == "Successful")
                {    return true;
                {    return false;

  return false

Why is “while ( !feof (file) )” always wrong?

feof() indicates if one has tried to read past the end of file. That means it has little predictive effect: if it is true, you are sure that the next input operation will fail (you aren't sure the previous one failed BTW), but if it is false, you aren't sure the next input operation will succeed. More over, input operations may fail for other reasons than the end of file (a format error for formatted input, a pure IO failure -- disk failure, network timeout -- for all input kinds), so even if you could be predictive about the end of file (and anybody who has tried to implement Ada one, which is predictive, will tell you it can complex if you need to skip spaces, and that it has undesirable effects on interactive devices -- sometimes forcing the input of the next line before starting the handling of the previous one), you would have to be able to handle a failure.

So the correct idiom in C is to loop with the IO operation success as loop condition, and then test the cause of the failure. For instance:

while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {
    /* note that fgets don't strip the terminating \n, checking its
       presence allow to handle lines longer that sizeof(line), not showed here */
if (ferror(file)) {
   /* IO failure */
} else if (feof(file)) {
   /* format error (not possible with fgets, but would be with fscanf) or end of file */
} else {
   /* format error (not possible with fgets, but would be with fscanf) */

What in layman's terms is a Recursive Function using PHP

This is a very simple example of factorial with Recursion:

Factorials are a very easy maths concept. They are written like 5! and this means 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1. So 6! is 720 and 4! is 24.

function factorial($number) { 

    if ($number < 2) { 
        return 1; 
    } else { 
        return ($number * factorial($number-1)); 

hope this is usefull for you. :)

Correct way to set Bearer token with CURL

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "your api goes here",
"Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJMiIsInNjb3BlcyI6W119.K3lW1STQhMdxfAxn00E4WWFA3uN3iIA"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$data = json_decode($response, true);

echo $data;


How do I POST XML data with curl

It is simpler to use a file (req.xml in my case) with content you want to send -- like this:

curl -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d @req.xml -X POST http://localhost/asdf

You should consider using type 'application/xml', too (differences explained here)

Alternatively, without needing making curl actually read the file, you can use cat to spit the file into the stdout and make curl to read from stdout like this:

cat req.xml | curl -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d @- -X POST http://localhost/asdf

Both examples should produce identical service output.

In SQL, how can you "group by" in ranges?

In postgres (where || is the string concatenation operator):

select (score/10)*10 || '-' || (score/10)*10+9 as scorerange, count(*)
from scores
group by score/10
order by 1


 scorerange | count 
 0-9        |    11
 10-19      |    14
 20-29      |     3
 30-39      |     2

Javascript array value is undefined ... how do I test for that

This code works very well

function isUndefined(array, index) {
    return ((String(array[index]) == "undefined") ? "Yes" : "No");

Should I use px or rem value units in my CSS?

josh3736's answer is a good one, but to provide a counterpoint 3 years later:

I recommend using rem units for fonts, if only because it makes it easier for you, the developer, to change sizes. It's true that users very rarely change the default font size in their browsers, and that modern browser zoom will scale up px units. But what if your boss comes to you and says "don't enlarge the images or icons, but make all the fonts bigger". It's much easier to just change the root font size and let all the other fonts scale relative to that, then to change px sizes in dozens or hundreds of css rules.

I think it still makes sense to use px units for some images, or for certain layout elements that should always be the same size regardless of the scale of the design. may have said that only 75% of browsers when josh3736 posted his answer in 2012, but as of March 27 they claim 93.78% support. Only IE8 doesn't support it among the browsers they track.

How to cherry pick a range of commits and merge into another branch?

Are you sure you don't want to actually merge the branches? If the working branch has some recent commits you don't want, you can just create a new branch with a HEAD at the point you want.

Now, if you really do want to cherry-pick a range of commits, for whatever reason, an elegant way to do this is to just pull of a patchset and apply it to your new integration branch:

git format-patch A..B
git checkout integration
git am *.patch

This is essentially what git-rebase is doing anyway, but without the need to play games. You can add --3way to git-am if you need to merge. Make sure there are no other *.patch files already in the directory where you do this, if you follow the instructions verbatim...

-didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not being called

This was probably only in my case, but I had reloaded some files from a backup and things were not working, including this. After doing a full clean (Product > Clean or Shift + Command + K) it worked. Probably something got messed up in a precompiled header. Chances are that's not the problem for you, but it's worth a shot.

How to configure welcome file list in web.xml

I saw a nice solution in this stackoverflow link that may help the readers of the defulat servlet handling issue by using the empty string URL pattern "" :



    <url-pattern></url-pattern> <!-- Yes, empty string! -->

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?

In the following link you can find useful info about recording with AVAudioRecording. In this link in the first part "USing Audio" there is an anchor named “Recording with the AVAudioRecorder Class.” that leads you to the example.

AudioVideo Conceptual MultimediaPG

How to stop event propagation with inline onclick attribute?

I had the same issue - js error box in IE - this works fine in all browsers as far as I can see (event.cancelBubble=true does the job in IE)


img tag displays wrong orientation

I found part of the solution. Images now have metadata that specify the orientation of the photo. There is a new CSS spec for image-orientation.

Just add this to your CSS:

img {
    image-orientation: from-image;

According to the spec as of Jan 25 2016, Firefox and iOS Safari (behind a prefix) are the only browsers that support this. I'm seeing issues with Safari and Chrome still. However, mobile Safari seems to natively support orientation without the CSS tag.

I suppose we'll have to wait and see if browsers wills start supporting image-orientation.

Debugging iframes with Chrome developer tools

In the Developer Tools in Chrome, there is a bar along the top, called the Execution Context Selector (h/t felipe-sabino), just under the Elements, Network, Sources... tabs, that changes depending on the context of the current tab. When in the Console tab there is a dropdown in that bar that allows you to select the frame context in which the Console will operate. Select your frame in this drop down and you will find yourself in the appropriate frame context. :D

Chrome v59 Chrome version 59

Chrome v33 Chrome version 33

Chrome v32 & lower Chrome pre-version 32

Convert hexadecimal string (hex) to a binary string


Parse hex(String) to integer with base 16 then convert it to Binary String using toBinaryString(int) method


int num = (Integer.parseInt("A2B", 16));

Will Print


Max Hex vakue Handled by int is FFFFFFF

i.e. if FFFFFFF0 is passed ti will give error

Preloading CSS Images

try with this:

var c=new Image("Path to the background image");
   //render the form

With this code you preload the background image and render the form when it's loaded

How can I slice an ArrayList out of an ArrayList in Java?

If there is no existing method then I guess you can iterate from 0 to input.size()/2, taking each consecutive element and appending it to a new ArrayList.

EDIT: Actually, I think you can take that List and use it to instantiate a new ArrayList using one of the ArrayList constructors.

Div 100% height works on Firefox but not in IE

I don't think IE supports the use of auto for setting height / width, so you could try giving this a numeric value (like Jarett suggests).

Also, it doesn't look like you are clearing your floats properly. Try adding this to your CSS for #container:

#container {
    /* for IE */

How to prepare a Unity project for git?

Since Unity 4.3 you also have to enable External option from preferences, so full setup process looks like:

  1. Enable External option in Unity ? Preferences ? Packages ? Repository
  2. Switch to Hidden Meta Files in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Version Control Mode
  3. Switch to Force Text in Editor ? Project Settings ? Editor ? Asset Serialization Mode
  4. Save scene and project from File menu

Note that the only folders you need to keep under source control are Assets and ProjectSettigns.

More information about keeping Unity Project under source control you can find in this post.

Line break (like <br>) using only css

You can use ::after to create a 0px-height block after the <h4>, which effectively moves anything after the <h4> to the next line:

h4 {_x000D_
  display: inline;_x000D_
h4::after {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
    Text, text, text, text, text. <h4>Sub header</h4>_x000D_
    Text, text, text, text, text._x000D_

querySelector, wildcard element match?

Set the tagName as an explicit attribute:

for(var i=0,els=document.querySelectorAll('*'); i<els.length;
          els[i].setAttribute('tagName',els[i++].tagName) );

I needed this myself, for an XML Document, with Nested Tags ending in _Sequence. See JaredMcAteer answer for more details.


I didn't say it would be pretty :) PS: I would recommend to use tag_name over tagName, so you do not run into interferences when reading 'computer generated', implicit DOM attributes.

Are there constants in JavaScript?

"use strict";

var constants = Object.freeze({
    "p": 3.141592653589793 ,
    "e": 2.718281828459045 ,
    "i": Math.sqrt(-1)

constants.p;        // -> 3.141592653589793
constants.p = 3;    // -> TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'p' …
constants.p;        // -> 3.141592653589793

delete constants.p; // -> TypeError: Unable to delete property.
constants.p;        // -> 3.141592653589793

See Object.freeze. You can use const if you want to make the constants reference read-only as well.

How do I search for names with apostrophe in SQL Server?

Brackets are used around identifiers, so your code will look for the field %'% in the Header table. You want to use a string insteaed. To put an apostrophe in a string literal you use double apostrophes.

FROM Header WHERE userID LIKE '%''%'

Bash script - variable content as a command to run

Your are probably looking for eval $var.

How to align input forms in HTML

The accepted answer (setting an explicit width in pixels) makes it hard to make changes, and breaks when your users use a different font size. Using CSS tables, on the other hand, works great:

form  { display: table;      }_x000D_
p     { display: table-row;  }_x000D_
label { display: table-cell; }_x000D_
input { display: table-cell; }
    <label for="a">Short label:</label>_x000D_
    <input id="a" type="text">_x000D_
    <label for="b">Very very very long label:</label>_x000D_
    <input id="b" type="text">_x000D_

Here's a JSFiddle:

And if you need the labels right-aligned, just add text-align: right to the labels:

EDIT: One more quick note: CSS tables also let you play with columns: for example, if you want to make the input fields take as much space as possible, you can add the following in your form

<div style="display: table-column;"></div>
<div style="display: table-column; width:100%;"></div>

you may want to add white-space: nowrap to the labels in that case.

Oracle SQL Developer and PostgreSQL

I managed to connect to postgres with SQL Developer. I downloaded postgres jdbc driver and saved it in a folder. I run SQL Developer -> Tools -> Preferences -> Search -> JDBC I defined postgres jdbc driver for the Database and Data Modeler (optional).

This is the trick. When creating new connection define Hostname like localhost/crm? where crm is the database name. Test the connection, works fine.

Is there a way to only install the mysql client (Linux)?

Maybe try this:

yum -y groupinstall "MYSQL Database Client"

Text file in VBA: Open/Find Replace/SaveAs/Close File

Just add this line

sFileName = "C:\someotherfilelocation"

right before this line

Open sFileName For Output As iFileNum

The idea is to open and write to a different file than the one you read earlier (C:\filelocation).

If you want to get fancy and show a real "Save As" dialog box, you could do this instead:

sFileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename()

R: "Unary operator error" from multiline ggplot2 command

This is a well-known nuisance when posting multiline commands in R. (You can get different behavior when you source() a script to when you copy-and-paste the lines, both with multiline and comments)

Rule: always put the dangling '+' at the end of a line so R knows the command is unfinished:

ggplot(...) + geom_whatever1(...) +
  geom_whatever2(...) +
  stat_whatever3(...) +
  geom_title(...) + scale_y_log10(...)

Don't put the dangling '+' at the start of the line, since that tickles the error:

Error in "+ geom_whatever2(...) invalid argument to unary operator"

And obviously don't put dangling '+' at both end and start since that's a syntax error.

So, learn a habit of being consistent: always put '+' at end-of-line.

cf. answer to "Split code over multiple lines in an R script"

OnChange event using React JS for drop down

Thank you Felix Kling, but his answer need a little change:

var MySelect = React.createClass({
 getInitialState: function() {
     return {
         value: 'select'
 change: function(event){
 render: function(){
           <select id="lang" onChange={this.change.bind(this)} value={this.state.value}>
              <option value="select">Select</option>
              <option value="Java">Java</option>
              <option value="C++">C++</option>
React.render(<MySelect />, document.body); 

How to execute .sql file using powershell?

Here is a function that I have in my PowerShell profile for loading SQL snapins:

function Load-SQL-Server-Snap-Ins

        if (!(Test-Path $sqlpsreg -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"))
            throw "SQL Server Powershell is not installed yet (part of SQLServer installation)."

        $item = Get-ItemProperty $sqlpsreg
        $sqlpsPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($item.Path)

        $assemblyList = @(
            "Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo ",

        foreach ($assembly in $assemblyList)
            $assembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName($assembly) 
            if ($assembly -eq $null)
                { Write-Host "`t`t($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Could not load $assembly" }

        Set-Variable -scope Global -name SqlServerMaximumChildItems -Value 0
        Set-Variable -scope Global -name SqlServerConnectionTimeout -Value 30
        Set-Variable -scope Global -name SqlServerIncludeSystemObjects -Value $false
        Set-Variable -scope Global -name SqlServerMaximumTabCompletion -Value 1000


         if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name SqlServerProviderSnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) 
            cd $sqlpsPath

            Add-PsSnapin SqlServerProviderSnapin100 -ErrorAction Stop
            Add-PsSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100 -ErrorAction Stop
            Update-TypeData -PrependPath SQLProvider.Types.ps1xml
            Update-FormatData -PrependPath SQLProvider.Format.ps1xml

        Write-Host "`t`t$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): $_" 


How to match any non white space character except a particular one?

This worked for me using sed [Edit: comment below points out sed doesn't support \s]

[^ ]




# Delete everything except space and 'g'
echo "ghai ghai" | sed "s/[^\sg]//g"

echo "ghai ghai" | sed "s/[^ g]//g"
g g

Conditional Logic on Pandas DataFrame

In [34]: import pandas as pd

In [35]: import numpy as np

In [36]:  df = pd.DataFrame([1,2,3,4], columns=["data"])

In [37]: df
0     1
1     2
2     3
3     4

In [38]: df["desired_output"] = np.where(df["data"] <2.5, "False", "True")

In [39]: df
   data desired_output
0     1          False
1     2          False
2     3           True
3     4           True

Where to put default parameter value in C++?

One more point I haven't found anyone mentioned:

If you have virtual method, each declaration can have its own default value!

It depends on the interface you are calling which value will be used.

Example on ideone

struct iface
    virtual void test(int a = 0) { std::cout << a; }

struct impl : public iface
    virtual void test(int a = 5) override { std::cout << a; }

int main()
    impl d;
    iface* a = &d;

It prints 50

I strongly discourage you to use it like this

Change Timezone in Lumen or Laravel 5

In my case (reading a date from a MySQL db in a Lumen 5.1 project) the only solution that worked is using Carbon to set timezone of variables:

    $carbonDate = new Carbon($dateFromDBInUTC);
    $carbonDate->timezone = 'America/New_York';
    return $carbonDate->toDayDateTimeString(); // or $carbonDate->toDateTimeString() for ISO format

Using DB_TIMEZONE=-05:00 in the .env file almost worked but does not handle DST changes.

Using the APP_TIMEZONE=America/New_York in the .env file had no effect on a timezone value retrieved in a Lumen 5.1 webapp from a MySQL database, but it works in Lavarel 5.1.

Also Lumen didn't read at all the [lumen_project]/config/app.php file that I created (it didn't complain when I put a syntax error there).

Using date_default_timezone_set didn't work either.

How to set the DefaultRoute to another Route in React Router

The preferred method is to use the react router IndexRoutes component

You use it like this (taken from the react router docs linked above):

<Route path="/" component={App}>
    <IndexRedirect to="/welcome" />
    <Route path="welcome" component={Welcome} />
    <Route path="about" component={About} />

How to extract an assembly from the GAC?

Open the Command Prompt and Type :

cd  c:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL 

xcopy . C:\GacDump /s /y

This should give the dump of the entire GAC


Escaping ampersand character in SQL string

straight from oracle sql fundamentals book

select 'Coda & Sid' from dual;

how would one escape it without setting define.

C# generic list <T> how to get the type of T?

Given an object which I suspect to be some kind of IList<>, how can I determine of what it's an IList<>?

Here's the gutsy solution. It assumes you have the actual object to test (rather than a Type).

public static Type ListOfWhat(Object list)
    return ListOfWhat2((dynamic)list);

private static Type ListOfWhat2<T>(IList<T> list)
    return typeof(T);

Example usage:

object value = new ObservableCollection<DateTime>();



VBA equivalent to Excel's mod function

But if you just want to tell the difference between an odd iteration and an even iteration, this works just fine:

If i Mod 2 > 0 then 'this is an odd 
   'Do Something
Else 'it is even
   'Do Something Else
End If

Label python data points on plot

How about print (x, y) at once.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

A = -0.75, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0
B = 0.73, 0.97, 1.0, 0.97, 0.88, 0.73, 0.54

for xy in zip(A, B):                                       # <--
    ax.annotate('(%s, %s)' % xy, xy=xy, textcoords='data') # <--


enter image description here

How to validate GUID is a GUID

When I'm just testing a string to see if it is a GUID, I don't really want to create a Guid object that I don't need. So...

public static class GuidEx
    public static bool IsGuid(string value)
        Guid x;
        return Guid.TryParse(value, out x);

And here's how you use it:

string testMe = "not a guid";
if (GuidEx.IsGuid(testMe))

Setting up foreign keys in phpMyAdmin?

This is a summary of a Wikipedia article. It specifies the different types of relationships you can stipulate in PHPmyadmin. I am putting it here because it is relevant to @Nathan's comment on setting the foreign keys options for "on update/delete" but is too large for a comment - hope it helps.


Whenever rows in the master (referenced) table are deleted (resp. updated), the respective rows of the child (referencing) table with a matching foreign key column will get deleted (resp. updated) as well. This is called a cascade delete (resp. update[2]).


A value cannot be updated or deleted when a row exists in a foreign key table that references the value in the referenced table. Similarly, a row cannot be deleted as long as there is a reference to it from a foreign key table.


NO ACTION and RESTRICT are very much alike. The main difference between NO ACTION and RESTRICT is that with NO ACTION the referential integrity check is done after trying to alter the table. RESTRICT does the check before trying to execute the UPDATE or DELETE statement. Both referential actions act the same if the referential integrity check fails: the UPDATE or DELETE statement will result in an error.


The foreign key values in the referencing row are set to NULL when the referenced row is updated or deleted. This is only possible if the respective columns in the referencing table are nullable. Due to the semantics of NULL, a referencing row with NULLs in the foreign key columns does not require a referenced row.


Similar to SET NULL, the foreign key values in the referencing row are set to the column default when the referenced row is updated or deleted.

Adding onClick event dynamically using jQuery

Try below approach,

$('#bfCaptchaEntry').on('click', myfunction);

or in case jQuery is not an absolute necessaity then try below,

document.getElementById('bfCaptchaEntry').onclick = myfunction;

However the above method has few drawbacks as it set onclick as a property rather than being registered as handler...

Read more on this post

How to convert a string to character array in c (or) how to extract a single char form string?

In C, there's no (real, distinct type of) strings. Every C "string" is an array of chars, zero terminated.

Therefore, to extract a character c at index i from string your_string, just use

char c = your_string[i];

Index is base 0 (first character is your_string[0], second is your_string[1]...).

How do I put hint in a asp:textbox

Just write like this:

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" placeholder="hi test"></asp:TextBox>

Using getResources() in non-activity class

You will have to pass a context object to it. Either this if you have a reference to the class in an activty, or getApplicationContext()

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        RegularClass regularClass = new RegularClass(this);

Then you can use it in the constructor (or set it to an instance variable):

public class RegularClass(){
    private Context context;

    public RegularClass(Context current){
        this.context = current;

    public findResource(){

Where the constructor accepts Context as a parameter

Return background color of selected cell

Maybe you can use this properties:

ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex - one of 56 preset colors


ActiveCell.Interior.Color - RGB color, used like that:

ActiveCell.Interior.Color = RGB(255,255,255)

Android Studio and cannot resolve symbol


I have already had the following dependency in my build.gradle

implementation ''

I have tried all of the following,

  • Invalidate Caches/Restart
  • Sync project with gradle files
  • Clean project
  • Rebuild project
  • gradlew clean

But, none of them worked for me.


Finally, I solved it by deleting "/.idea/libraries", and then synced with gradle and built again.

Using GPU from a docker container?

We just released an experimental GitHub repository which should ease the process of using NVIDIA GPUs inside Docker containers.

onKeyDown event not working on divs in React

You need to write it this way

    style={{ position: "absolute" }}

If onKeyPressed is not bound to this, then try to rewrite it using arrow function or bind it in the component constructor.

Need to list all triggers in SQL Server database with table name and table's schema

You can also get the body of triggers as following:

SELECT      o.[name],
FROM        sys.objects AS o
INNER JOIN  sys.syscomments AS c
ON      o.object_id =
WHERE   o.[type] = 'TR'

Is try-catch like error handling possible in ASP Classic?

Been a while since I was in ASP land, but iirc there's a couple of ways:

try catch finally can be reasonably simulated in VBS (good article here here) and there's an event called class_terminate you can watch and catch exceptions globally in. Then there's the possibility of changing your scripting language...

Remove HTML Tags from an NSString on the iPhone

Take a look at NSXMLParser. It's a SAX-style parser. You should be able to use it to detect tags or other unwanted elements in the XML document and ignore them, capturing only pure text.

Sort array of objects by object fields

You can use this function (works in PHP Version >= 5.3):

function sortArrayByKey(&$array,$key,$string = false,$asc = true){
        usort($array,function ($a, $b) use(&$key,&$asc)
            if($asc)    return strcmp(strtolower($a{$key}), strtolower($b{$key}));
            else        return strcmp(strtolower($b{$key}), strtolower($a{$key}));
        usort($array,function ($a, $b) use(&$key,&$asc)
            if($a[$key] == $b{$key}){return 0;}
            if($asc) return ($a{$key} < $b{$key}) ? -1 : 1;
            else     return ($a{$key} > $b{$key}) ? -1 : 1;



sortArrayByKey($yourArray,"name",true); //String sort (ascending order)
sortArrayByKey($yourArray,"name",true,false); //String sort (descending order)
sortArrayByKey($yourArray,"id"); //number sort (ascending order)
sortArrayByKey($yourArray,"count",false,false); //number sort (descending order)

Delete multiple objects in django

You can delete any QuerySet you'd like. For example, to delete all blog posts with some Post model


and to delete any Post with a future publication date


You do, however, need to come up with a way to narrow down your QuerySet. If you just want a view to delete a particular object, look into the delete generic view.


Sorry for the misunderstanding. I think the answer is somewhere between. To implement your own, combine ModelForms and generic views. Otherwise, look into 3rd party apps that provide similar functionality. In a related question, the recommendation was django-filter.

Where is Android Studio layout preview?

If you see a message at the bottom saying something like, "Android Framework detected. Click to configure", DO IT.

After doing this, my Text and Design bottom-tabs appeared.

Python can't find module in the same folder

I ran into this issue. I had three folders in the same directory so I had to specify which folder. Ex: from Folder import script

Get current date/time in seconds

You can met another way to get time in seconds/milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970:

var milliseconds = +new Date;        
var seconds = milliseconds / 1000;

But be careful with such approach, cause it might be tricky to read and understand it.

How to use java.Set

It's difficult to answer this question with the information given. Nothing looks particularly wrong with how you are using HashSet.

Well, I'll hazard a guess that it's not a compilation issue and, when you say "getting errors," you mean "not getting the behavior [you] want."

I'll also go out on a limb and suggest that maybe your Block's equals an hashCode methods are not properly overridden.

How to convert LINQ query result to List?

List<course> = (from c in obj.tbCourses
                new course(c)).toList();

You can convert the entity object to a list directly on the call. There are methods to converting it to different data struct (list, array, dictionary, lookup, or string)

How to iterate for loop in reverse order in swift?

You can consider using the C-Style while loop instead. This works just fine in Swift 3:

var i = 5 
while i > 0 { 
    i -= 1

Huge performance difference when using group by vs distinct

The two queries express the same question. Apparently the query optimizer chooses two different execution plans. My guess would be that the distinct approach is executed like:

  • Copy all business_key values to a temporary table
  • Sort the temporary table
  • Scan the temporary table, returning each item that is different from the one before it

The group by could be executed like:

  • Scan the full table, storing each value of business key in a hashtable
  • Return the keys of the hashtable

The first method optimizes for memory usage: it would still perform reasonably well when part of the temporary table has to be swapped out. The second method optimizes for speed, but potentially requires a large amount of memory if there are a lot of different keys.

Since you either have enough memory or few different keys, the second method outperforms the first. It's not unusual to see performance differences of 10x or even 100x between two execution plans.

PHP Session data not being saved

Just wanted to add a little note that this can also occur if you accidentally miss the session_start() statement on your pages.

Given an RGB value, how do I create a tint (or shade)?

I'm currently experimenting with canvas and pixels... I'm finding this logic works out for me better.

  1. Use this to calculate the grey-ness ( luma ? )
  2. but with both the existing value and the new 'tint' value
  3. calculate the difference ( I found I did not need to multiply )
  4. add to offset the 'tint' value

    var grey =  (r + g + b) / 3;    
    var grey2 = (new_r + new_g + new_b) / 3;
    var dr =  grey - grey2 * 1;    
    var dg =  grey - grey2 * 1    
    var db =  grey - grey2 * 1;  
    tint_r = new_r + dr;    
    tint_g = new_g + dg;   
    tint_b = new_b _ db;

or something like that...

How to silence output in a Bash script?

If it outputs to stderr as well you'll want to silence that. You can do that by redirecting file descriptor 2:

# Send stdout to out.log, stderr to err.log
myprogram > out.log 2> err.log

# Send both stdout and stderr to out.log
myprogram &> out.log      # New bash syntax
myprogram > out.log 2>&1  # Older sh syntax

# Log output, hide errors.
myprogram > out.log 2> /dev/null

How to make button fill table cell

For starters:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td align='center'><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

Note, if the width of the input button is 100%, you wont need the attribute "align='center'" anymore.

This would be the optimal solution:

<p align='center'>
<table width='100%'>
<td><form><input type=submit value="click me" style="width:100%"></form></td>

XAMPP - MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

This means that you already have a MySQL database running at port 3306.

In the XAMPP control panel, press the 'Config' button and after that press 'my.ini'. After this, Ctrl-F and search for '3306'. Replace any '3306' that you find with a different port number of your choice (you could choose 3307 or 3308 - I chose 2811 and it worked).

After you have replaced every location where '3306' is written, save the file and press 'Start' on the control panel again.

How do I print my Java object without getting "SomeType@2f92e0f4"?

I think apache provides a better util class which provides a function to get the string


How to format a UTC date as a `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss` string using NodeJS?

Here's a lightweight library simple-date-format I've written, works both on node.js and in the browser


  • Install with NPM
npm install @riversun/simple-date-format


  • Load directly(for browser),
<script src=""></script>

Load Library

  • ES6
import SimpleDateFormat from "@riversun/simple-date-format";
  • CommonJS (node.js)
const SimpleDateFormat = require('@riversun/simple-date-format');


const date = new Date('2018/07/17 12:08:56');
const sdf = new SimpleDateFormat();
console.log(sdf.formatWith("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", date));//to be "2018-07-17T12:08:56+09:00"

Run on Pen


const date = new Date('2018/07/17 12:08:56');
const sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX");
console.log(sdf.format(date));//to be "2018-07-17T12:08:56+09:00"

Patterns for formatting

C - reading command line parameters

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int i, parameter = 0;
  if (argc >= 2) {
    /* there is 1 parameter (or more) in the command line used */
    /* argv[0] may point to the program name */
    /* argv[1] points to the 1st parameter */
    /* argv[argc] is NULL */
    parameter = atoi(argv[1]); /* better to use strtol */
    if (parameter > 0) {
      for (i = 0; i < parameter; i++) printf("%d ", i);
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "Please use a positive integer.\n");
  return 0;

How to split a dataframe string column into two columns?

df[['fips', 'row']] = df['row'].str.split(' ', n=1, expand=True)

Difference between "and" and && in Ruby?

and has lower precedence, mostly we use it as a control-flow modifier such as if:

next if widget = widgets.pop


widget = widgets.pop and next

For or:

raise "Not ready!" unless ready_to_rock?


ready_to_rock? or raise "Not ready!"

I prefer to use if but not and, because if is more intelligible, so I just ignore and and or.

Refer to "Using “and” and “or” in Ruby" for more information.

How can I limit possible inputs in a HTML5 "number" element?

More relevant attributes to use would be min and max.

How to replace deprecated

Insted of


You can use



You need to replace it as WHERE clockDate = { fn CURRENT_DATE() } AND userName = 'test'. Please remove extra ")" from { fn CURRENT_DATE() })

How do you UDP multicast in Python?

Multicast sender that broadcasts to a multicast group:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket
import struct

def main():
  MCAST_GRP = ''
  MCAST_PORT = 5007
  sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
  sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 32)
  sock.sendto('Hello World!', (MCAST_GRP, MCAST_PORT))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Multicast receiver that reads from a multicast group and prints hex data to the console:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket
import binascii

def main():
  MCAST_GRP = '' 
  MCAST_PORT = 5007
  sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
  except AttributeError:
  sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 32) 
  sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, 1)

  sock.bind((MCAST_GRP, MCAST_PORT))
  host = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
  sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(host))
  sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, 
                   socket.inet_aton(MCAST_GRP) + socket.inet_aton(host))

  while 1:
      data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
    except socket.error, e:
      print 'Expection'
      hexdata = binascii.hexlify(data)
      print 'Data = %s' % hexdata

if __name__ == '__main__':

How do we check if a pointer is NULL pointer?

Well, this question was asked and answered way back in 2011, but there is nullptrin C++11. That's all I'm using currently.

You can read more from Stack Overflow and also from this article.

Error 405 (Method Not Allowed) Laravel 5

If you're using the resource routes, then in the HTML body of the form, you can use method_field helper like this:

  {{ csrf_field() }}
  {{ method_field('PUT') }}
  <!-- ... -->

It will create hidden form input with method type, that is correctly interpereted by Laravel 5.5+.

Since Laravel 5.6 you can use following Blade directives in the templates:

  <!-- ... -->

Hope this might help someone in the future.

java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset

Please make sur that res.getInt(1) is not null. If it can be null, use Integer count = null; and not int count =0;

Integer count = null;
    if (rs! = null) (
                    while ( ()) (
                        count = rs.getInt (1);

How to know if a Fragment is Visible?

You can override setMenuVisibility like this:

public void setMenuVisibility(final boolean visible) {
   if (visible) {
      //Do your stuff here


Generate .pem file used to set up Apple Push Notifications

There's much simpler solution today — pem. This tool makes life much easier.

For example, to generate or renew your push notification certificate just enter:

fastlane pem 

and it's done in under a minute. In case you need a sandbox certificate, enter:

fastlane pem --development

And that's pretty it.

Kill all processes for a given user

On Debian LINUX, I use: ps -o pid= -u username | xargs sudo kill -9.

With -o pid= the ps header is supressed, and the output is only the pid list. As far as I know, Debian shell is POSIX compliant.

How do I get rid of the "cannot empty the clipboard" error?

Are you running Skype? This has been the best solution I have found to get rid of the "cannot empty the clipboard error" in Excel 2007 & 2010. Delete the Skype add-on in IE and/or Firefox and good-bye annoying error!

In reply to rjacobs7 post on February 28, 2011

Cannot clear clipboard error - Windows 7, Excel 2010 - This error occurs nearly every time a drag and drop of cell contents is attempted. I've had this same error over the past 10 years on older computers and older versions of Windows and Office. It has now reoccurred with a new laptop running Windows 7 64 bit and Office 2010. The issue can be replicated only if a browser - IE or Firefox - is open at the same time that Excel is open. Having Word and/or Outlook open at the same time will not cause the problem to occur unless a browser is also open. This error is extremely irritating and no solutions from Microsoft or other posts on this issue resolve it.

I have a solution - at least for me! Delete the Skype add-in in IE and Firefox and the "cannot clear clipboard" error after a drag and drop goes away when IE and/or Firefox are running. Apparently some sort of memory-management issue with Skype, Office and the browsers.

Printing result of mysql query from variable

well you are returning an array of items from the database. so you need something like this.

   $dave= mysql_query("SELECT order_date, no_of_items, shipping_charge, 
    SUM(total_order_amount) as test FROM `orders` 
    WHERE DATE(`order_date`) = DATE(NOW()) GROUP BY DATE(`order_date`)") 
    or  die(mysql_error());

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dave)) {
echo $row['order_date'];
echo $row['no_of_items'];
echo $row['shipping_charge'];
echo $row['test '];

How can I check the size of a file in a Windows batch script?

Another example

  FOR %I in (file1.txt) do @ECHO %~zI

How to filter array in subdocument with MongoDB

Above solution works best if multiple matching sub documents are required. $elemMatch also comes in very use if single matching sub document is required as output

db.test.find({list: {$elemMatch: {a: 1}}}, {'list.$': 1})


  "_id": ObjectId("..."),
  "list": [{a: 1}]

Enable/Disable Anchor Tags using AngularJS


The OP has made this comment on another answer:

We can have ngDisabled for buttons or input tags; by using CSS we can make the button to look like anchor tag but that doesn't help much! I was more keen on looking how it can be done using directive approach or angular way of doing it?

You can use a variable inside the scope of your controller to disable the links/buttons according to the last button/link that you've clicked on by using ng-click to set the variable at the correct value and ng-disabled to disable the button when needed according to the value in the variable.

I've updated your Plunker to give you an idea.

But basically, it's something like this:

       <button ng-click="create()" ng-disabled="state === 'edit'">CREATE</button><br/>
       <button ng-click="edit()" ng-disabled="state === 'create'">EDIT</button><br/>
       <button href="" ng-click="delete()" ng-disabled="state === 'create' || state === 'edit'">DELETE</button>

How to do HTTP authentication in android?

Manual method works well with import android.util.Base64, but be sure to set Base64.NO_WRAP on calling encode:

String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(Base64.encode("user:pass".getBytes(),Base64.NO_WRAP ));
connection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuth);

Android Stop Emulator from Command Line

Why not just do

adb reboot bootloader

Browser detection

I would not advise hacking browser-specific things manually with JS. Either use a javascript library like "prototype" or "jquery", which will handle all the specific issues transparently.

Or use these libs to determine the browser type if you really must.

Also see Browser & version in prototype library?

Javascript Date: next month

try this:

var a = screen.Data.getFullYear();
var m = screen.Data.getMonth();
var d = screen.Data.getDate();

m = m + 1;
screen.Data = new Date(a, m, d);

if (screen.Data.getDate() != d)
screen.Data = new Date(a, m + 1, 0);

Simulation of CONNECT BY PRIOR of Oracle in SQL Server

@Alex Martelli's answer is great! But it work only for one element at time (WHERE name = 'Joan') If you take out the WHERE clause, the query will return all the root rows together...

I changed a little bit for my situation, so it can show the entire tree for a table.

table definition:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[mar_categories] ( 
    [category]  int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [name]      varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    [level]     int NOT NULL,
    [action]    int NOT NULL,
    [parent]    int NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [XPK_mar_categories] PRIMARY KEY([category])

(level is literally the level of a category 0: root, 1: first level after root, ...)

and the query:

WITH n(category, name, level, parent, concatenador) AS 
    SELECT category, name, level, parent, '('+CONVERT(VARCHAR (MAX), category)+' - '+CONVERT(VARCHAR (MAX), level)+')' as concatenador
    FROM mar_categories
    WHERE parent is null
        UNION ALL
    SELECT m.category,, m.level, m.parent, n.concatenador+' * ('+CONVERT (VARCHAR (MAX), case when ISNULL(m.parent, 0) = 0 then 0 else m.category END)+' - '+CONVERT(VARCHAR (MAX), m.level)+')' as concatenador
    FROM mar_categories as m, n
    WHERE n.category = m.parent
SELECT distinct * FROM n ORDER BY concatenador asc

(You don't need to concatenate the level field, I did just to make more readable)

the answer for this query should be something like:

sql return

I hope it helps someone!

now, I'm wondering how to do this on MySQL... ^^

App.Config change value

AppSettings.Set does not persist the changes to your configuration file. It just changes it in memory. If you put a breakpoint on System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Set("lang", lang);, and add a watch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[0] you will see it change from "English" to "Russian" when that line of code runs.

The following code (used in a console application) will persist the change.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        UpdateSetting("lang", "Russian");

    private static void UpdateSetting(string key, string value)
        Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
        configuration.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;


From this post:

One major point to note with the above is that if you are running this from the debugger (within Visual Studio) then the app.config file will be overwritten each time you build. The best way to test this is to build your application and then navigate to the output directory and launch your executable from there. Within the output directory you will also find a file named YourApplicationName.exe.config which is your configuration file. Open this in Notepad to see that the changes have in fact been saved.

missing FROM-clause entry for table

Because that gtab82 table isn't in your FROM or JOIN clause. You refer gtab82 table in these cases: gtab82.memno and gtab82.memacid